Pagina 1 di 36 Michele FORNARO CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Ottobre 2018 Il sottoscritto Michele FORNARO, consapevole delle sanzioni penali nel caso di dichiarazioni non veritiere e falsità negli atti, richiamate dall’art. 76 D.P.R. 445 del 28.12.2000, di chiara la veridicità di quanto segue nelle 36 pagine di questo curriculum. Michele FORNARO Iscrizione Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della Provincia di Pisa: n. 4652 Sito internet: www.polyedra.org Ottobre 2018 Michele Fornaro

CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM - Polyedrapolyedra.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CV-Fornaro-Michele.pdf · Impruneta (Fi), 17 ottobre 2013. XVII Congress of the Italian Society of

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Ottobre 2018

Il sottoscritto Michele FORNARO, consapevole delle sanzioni penali nel caso di dichiarazioni non veritiere e falsità negli atti, richiamate dall’art. 76 D.P.R. 445 del 28.12.2000, dichiara la veridicità di quanto segue nelle 36 pagine di questo curriculum.


Iscrizione Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della Provincia di Pisa: n. 4652

Sito internet: www.polyedra.org

Ottobre 2018

Michele Fornaro

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1.1 Formazione di base

2003 - Abilitazione all'esercizio della Professione Medica (Italia) in data 31/07/2003. 2002 - Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia: 21/10/2002. Università di Genova. Titolo Tesi:” Retinopatia degenerativa primaria e retinopatie iatrogene: un’ipotesi dopaminergica e prospettive terapeutiche con dopamino-agonisti.” 1996 – Diploma di Maturità Scientifica, liceo Scientifico Statale "Ulisse Dini", Pisa.

1.2 Formazione specialistica

2008 - Specializzazione in Psichiatria: 14/11/2008. Università di Genova. Titolo Tesi:” Dal DSM-IV-TR al DSM-5: rivisitazione della dimensione affettiva in senso neo-Kraepeliniano.”

1.3 Esperienze formativo-didattiche in centri nazionali e internazionali di alta formazione

USA: 2014 (novembre) – 2016 (ottobre): Adjunct Associate Research Scientist: Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Vice Chair for Education, Residency Training Director: Prof. Maria Oquendo (President Elect of the American Psychiatric Association – APA). 2014 (luglio-agosto) - Student, Summer Session for Public Health Studies at Harvard T.H. Chan (formerly known as the “Harvard School of Public Health”); Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. 2011(dicembre) - 2012 (febbraio): Three-month Visiting Scholar presso l’International Mood Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, “VA Hospital”, University of California San Diego, (UCSD), La Jolla, San Diego, CA, USA. Prof. John Kelsoe. 2007 (febbraio) - 2008 (febbraio): One-year Research Fellowship presso il Depression and Clinical Research Program (DCRP) del Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. Associate Professor: Prof. Maurizio Fava.


2008 (maggio) – 2011 (marzo): PhD: Dottorato di Ricerca triennale in “Neuroscienze Applicate” (XXIII ciclo) presso l’Università di Genova. Tesi: “Comorbidita’ lifetime tra Distrubi dello Spettro dell’Umore di tipo Bipolare e Disturbi della Condotta Alimentare in 148 pazienti di sesso femminile.”

2008 (maggio) – 2011 (ottobre): Attività pluriennale di Ricerca Clinico-Epidemiologica sui Disturbi Bipolari svolta pressoché continuativamente dal maggio 2008 a ottobre 2011 quale Medico volontario presso gli ambulatori della Clinica Psichiatrica dell’Università di Pisa sotto la supervisione del Prof. Giulio Perugi. 2010 (maggio, settembre, novembre) - Corsi ufficiali SPSS Italia

® SRS1, SRS2, SRS3 per la Ricerca Biomedica.

2011 (ottobre) – 2015 (settembre): Ricercatore Universitario per il settore scientifico-disciplinare MED/25 Psichiatria presso l’Università di Catania, con regolare svolgimento di attività didattica (incluso relatore per Tesi di Laurea) presso il Dipartimento di Processi Formativi – Scienze della Formazione (corso di “Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche”, insegnamento di “Psicopatologia dell’Infanzia e Adolescenza”). 2017: dal 2017 a tutt’oggi - Ricercatore Universitario RTDa per il settore scientifico-disciplinare MED/25 Psichiatria presso l’Università Federico II di Napoli, con regolare svolgimento di attività didattica (incluso relatore per Tesi di Laurea e valutatore esami di profitto) nonché attività di assistenza clinica e di reparto.

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1.4 Affiliazioni a Società Scientifiche e Associazioni


1) International Review of Psychosis and Bipolarity (IRPB) dal 2015

2) American Psychopathological Association (APPA) dal 2015 [Giornale ufficiale: Comprehensive Psychiatry]

3) American Psychiatric Association (APA) dal 2015 [Giornale Ufficiale: American Journal of Psychiatry].

4) International Society of Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) dal 2013 [Giornale ufficiale: Bipolar Disorders]

5) European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) dal 2012 [Giornale ufficiale: European Neuropsychopharmacology]

6) International Society for Affective Disorders” (ISAD) dal 2012 [Rivista ufficiale: Journal of Affective Disorders]

7) European Psychiatric Association” (EPA) dal 2012 [Rivista ufficiale: European Psychiatry]


8) AIDDEP - Associazione Italiana per i Disturbi Depressivi (Prof. Maina, Brambilla, Altamura, Fagiolini, de Bartolomeis) dal 2018 http://www.aiddep.com/

9) Polyedra Research Group (Italy) dal 2015 [Socio Fondatore, Dr. Alessandro Valchera]

10) Società Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) dal 2013 [Giornale ufficiale: Journal of Psychopathology]

11) Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia (SINPF) dal 2008 [Rivista ufficiale: Facts News & Views]

1.5 Premi e riconoscimenti nazionali e internazionali

General Member of the American Psychiatric Association, APA, dal 30 Aprile 2018. United States permanent resident status (“Green card”) per meriti scientifici (categoria E16: “alien of extraordinary abilities”) – maggio 2016. Vincitore primo premio poster Società Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) 2012. “Disturbo bipolare e malattie disreattive: una relazione complessa”. Vincitore primo premio poster session al "Second Mediterranean Advanced Course of Psychopharmacotherapeutics – Anxiety and Mood Disorders 2011” patrocinato dall’European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). “Electroretinographic (ERG) assessment in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients receiving duloxetine: might differences between responders and non-responders indicate a differential biological background?” Vincitore secondo premio poster Società Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) 2011. "Impulsività e Disturbi d’Ansia: uno studio caso-controllo”.

1.6 Partecipazione come uditore in occasione dei seguenti corsi nazionali o internazionali

accreditati ECM

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“Il trattamento del Disturbo Bipolare: dalla sperimentazione clinica al letto del paziente” Giulio Perugi. Casa di cura “Ville di Nozzano”, Lucca, 16-17 ottobre 2018. “Meet the Expert: An update on bipolar disorder – Tavola rotonda sul disturbo bipolare” (Prof. Roger McIntyre), Impruneta (Fi), 17 ottobre 2013. XVII Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI) Psichiatria clinica: Rigore e creatività, Roma, 13-16 Febbraio 2013. “New directions in psychiatry – A forum for European young psychiatrists”, Sorrento, Na, 23-25 Maggio 2012 (Scientific board: Dr. A Fiorillo et al.). “School on research methodology in psychiatry” – A practical course on research skill in mental health for young psychiatrists. Sessanio, Aquila, 12-15 aprile 2012 (Scientific board: N. Sartorious, A. Fiorillo et al.). MED PSY FORUM, Second Course (Servier/Stroder Europa), patrocinato ECNP, Cascais, Portogallo, 26-29 ottobre 2011 [VINCITORE DEL PRIMO PREMIO POSTER DISCUSSO ORALMENTE IN LINGUA INGLESE]. Nuove frontiere nel trattamento della Depressione (Stroeder), Torino, 21 giugno 2011. Giornate Psichiatriche Pisane 2011 – “Genoma – Esposoma. Interazioni Gene X Ambiente. Dalla Ricerca di Nuovi Fenotipi alla Pratica Clinica”, Sezione VII “Prospettive di Ricerca in Italia” – “Impulsività nei disturbi d’ansia: il ruolo del temperamento e degli stress”, Pisa, 16-17 giugno 2011. Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Program Workshop on Bipolar Disorder. “AMPLIFY” (Bristol Myers Squibb), Prof. Vieta. Barcellona, Spagna, 14-15 Giugno 2011. INNOPSY 2011: 4

th International Forum INNOVATION in Psychiatry – “New Clinical and Bio-Pathogenic Models in

Psychopathology. Implications for treatment”, Milano, 9-11 Maggio 2011. The 11

th International Review of Bipolar Disorders (IRBD) 2011. Roma, 4-6 Aprile 2011.

Modulo 3 CORSO BMS “OMNIA” – “La Comunicazione Scientifica Oggi” – “Lettura critica dei risultati degli studi clinici”, Roma 7-8 marzo 2011. XI Congresso della Societa’ Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) “Vulnerabilita’, esordi ed interventi precoci” Roma, 15-19 febbraio 2011. “Enable Faculty Master Class” Bristol Myers Squibb, Parigi, 28-29 Gennaio 2011 “Discinesie Tardive: prevenire, riconoscerle e curarle” Chiesi Farmaceutica, Roma, 15-16 dicembre 2010. Corso SPSS Italia, SRS3, “Analisi Statistica per la Ricerca Scientifica”, Roma 8-10 novembre 2010 Psicom Academy, “Psichiatri tra comunicazione ed aggiornamento” - Lundbeck 27 ottobre 2010, Roma. “Agomelatina – Innovazione nel Trattamento della Depressione Maggiore” Corso Servier tenutosi a Pisa, in data 5 ottobre 2010. Modulo 2 CORSO BMS “OMNIA” - La Comunicazione Scientifica Oggi” – “Comunicazione delle esperienze cliniche: presentazione efficace dei dati”, Roma 11 ottobre 2010; “Comunicazione delle esperienze cliniche: questions & answers”, Roma 12 ottobre 2010.

“Bipolar Disorder: Improving Diagnosis, Guidance and Education” – BRIGE, Sanofi Aventis, Montecatini Terme (PT), 1 Ottobre 2010. XVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Psicofarmacologia (SINPF) “Dall’epigenetica alle basi di neurobiologia sperimentale e clinica”, Cagliari 22-25 settembre 2010.

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Corso SPSS Italia SRS2, “Analisi diagnostica ed esplorativa. Inferenza e test statistici”. Roma 13-16 settembre 2010. “Regional Neuroscience Congress on Mood and Anxiety” – “Depression, Anxiety, Physical Symptoms, and Functional Impairment: Where They’re Linked to Each Other” Vienna, Austria, 18-19 Giugno 2010 (Prof. S. Kasper, KJ Bär, T. Schläpfer, K. Demyttenaere, E. Constant). Corso SPSS Italia SRS1 “Accesso, preparazione e gestione dei dati. Creazione di report tabellari e grafici”, Roma 3-7 Maggio 2010. “Inclusione sociale dei pazienti con psicosi”, Janssen, Genova, 28-30 aprile 2010 (Segreteria Scientifica: M. Maj, G. Perugi, F. Gabrielli, C. Vampini, L. Pani, A Koukopoulos). “Diagnosi e terapia del disturbo bipolar dalla parte della clinica” (Astrazeneca) Centro Congressi Angelicum – Roma 25-27 marzo 2010 (Prof. H. Akiskal, GB. Cassano, F. Centorrino, A Erfurth, G. Faedda, P, A. Fagiolini, G. Fazzari, S. Frangou, N. Ghaemi, P. Girardi, J.F. Goldberg, F.K. Goodwin, E. Hantouche, A. Koukopoulos, L. Pani, Z. Rihmer, G. Serra, L. Tondo). IMPACT “Laying the foundations for recovery in mental illness” (BMS), Parigi 19-21 Marzo 2010 (Prof. N. Sartorious, P. Gorwood, G. Perugi, A. Fagiolini, P. Sourey). Depression Master Class Event (GSK): “Depressione e dimensioni psicopatologiche nei disturbi dell’Umore”, Napoli 17-18 marzo 2010 (Prof. Biggio, Monteleone, Maj, Altamura, Aguglia, Canonico, Fratta). Modulo 1 CORSO BMS “OMNIA” – “La Comunicazione Scientifica Oggi - La valutazione efficace dei trial clinici: lettura critica di articoli peer reviewed”, Roma 8 marzo 2010; “La valutazione efficace dei trials clinici: poster presentation”, Roma 9 marzo 2010. “XIV Congresso SOPSI – No Health without Mental Health”. Roma, 16-20 Febbraio 2010. “Salute Mentale e Benessere Fisico– Prof. F. Bogetto, P. Rocca, U. Albert, P.L. Canonico, C.A. Altamura, V. Villari, V. Salvi. “, Torino, 13 Novembre 2009. “Analisi Statistica dei Dati con SPSS”, Seminario organizzato da SPSS Italia

®, Milano 10 novembre 2009.

“Zone d’Ombra in Psichiatria 2” Viareggio, 6 novembre 2009 – Prof. M. Di Fiorino, G. Perugi, L. Pani, A. de Bartolomeis, S. Pallanti, I. Maremmani, E. Marchi, A. Fagiolini, F. Lazzerini, F.P. Marchetti, A. Petracca, C. Toni.

“Schizofrenia e Disturbo Bipolare: nuove opportunita' di trattamento nella gestione dell'episodio acuto" Genova, 28 ottobre 2009. “Nuove opportunità nella gestione della schizofrenia e del disturbo bipolare”, Assago (Mi) – Prof. Altamura, 18 settembre 2009. “L’intervento di riabilitazione in psichiatria. Bulimia”, presso la C.T. “Tobino” di Viareggio (Lu) – Prof. M. Di Fiorino, 10 settembre 2009. “Attacchi di Panico-L’Amore molesto e lo stalking”, presso il Centro di Igiene Mentale di Pietrasanta (Lu) – Prof. M. Di Fiorino, 16 luglio 2009. “Transessualismo in Psichiatria” Incontro clinico, Ospedale Versilia, Viareggio (Lu) – Prof. M. Di Fiorino, 27 giugno 2009.

"L'evoluzione della nosografia e la complessità della psicopatologia: dalla diagnosi al trattamento" Frascati (Roma) by InnovaPharma 25-26 giugno 2009. “Casi Clinici di Depressione – Dalla Gestione Pratica Quotidiana ai Risultati della Ricerca” Pisa – Hotel Green Park, 12 marzo-04 giugno 2009.

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“Young Psychiatrists Project 2009” – “Educational and training program for Italian young psychiatrists on the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia” by Astrazeneca, Madrid, Spagna, 25-29 Maggio 2009. Giornata di Studi “Attualità in Psichiatria, il Contributo dei Giovani Ricercatori”, Seconda Edizione, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Prof. Scarone, 22 aprile 2009. “Treatments in Psychiatry: a New Update” WPA (World Psychiatric Association) Congress 2009, Firenze, 1-4 Aprile 2009. “XIII Congresso SOPSI – “Psichiatria e Cybertherapy”. Roma, 10-14 Febbraio 2009. “I Confini e le Comorbidita’ del Disturbo Bipolare” Catania, 29-31 gennaio 2009.

“Zone d’Ombra in Psichiatria” Viareggio 6 novembre 2008 – Prof. M. Di Fiorino, G. Perugi, L. Pani, A. de Bartolomeis, S. Pallanti, I. Maremmani, E. Marchi, A. Fagiolini, F. Lazzerini, F.P. Marchetti, A. Petracca, C. Toni. “XVI Congresso WPA” (World Psychiatric Association), Praga, Repubblica Ceca, 20-25/09/2008. “Bristol-Myers Squibb CN138-502 first meeting point”, Varsavia, Polonia, 11-12/09/2008. “Empowering change in severe mental illness”, Brussels, Belgio, 13-15/06/2008.

“Approccio Multimediale per il Recupero dell’Intera Persona”, conferenza internazionale tenutasi a Napoli, 10-11/06/2008. “Winning the Publications Game in Bipolar Disorder”, Roma, 06/06/2008. “Our Voice in Action: Advancing Science, Care and the Profession” American Psychiatric Association (APA) 161


Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 3-8/05/2008. “La condizione depressiva”, Firenze, 18-19/04/2008. “Disturbo Bipolare e ADHD: sottotipo, complicanza e comorbidità”, Formazione Continua della Regione Toscana, Calambrone (Pisa), 11-12/04/2008. “Il Disturbo Bipolare e la sua Terapia”, Scuole d’Eccellenza, Milano 3-5 Aprile 2008. “XII Congresso della Società Italiana di Psicopatologia” (SOPSI), Roma 19-23/02/2008. “Addressing Patient Needs: Access, Parity and Humane Care”: American Psychiatric Association (APA) 160

th Annual

Meeting, San Diego, CA, 19-24/05/2007. “Il trattamento della depressione nell’anziano” Rapallo, Genova, 15/11/2006. “Disturbi dell’Umore in Adolescenza”, Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua. Lerici (SP) 21/10/2006. “Metamorfosi nella Psichiatria Contemporanea. Competenze, esperienze, tendenze” XLIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP), Montesilvano d’Abruzzo, 15-20/10/2006. “Schizofrenia: nuovi orientamenti per migliorare la qualità di vita”, Corso per giovani psichiatri organizzato dalla SIPB, Castellamare di Stabbia (Na), 5-6/10/2006. “Le basi della ricerca clinica: norme e metodi” (corso base) – Spinetta Marengo, Alessandria, 27/09/2006.

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“International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) 2006 Conference in Edinburgh” - Scotland of the 2nd

biennial conference – 2-4/08/2006. Congresso “Attualità e Prospettive nel trattamento della Depressione” – Montecatini Terme (Pistoia), 7-8/07/2006. Convegno "Trattamento della Depressione in comorbidità" - Genova, 10/06/2006. “XV Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia. - La Neuropsicofarmacologia e le scienze mediche: continuità tra biologia e terapia" Genova 6-9/06/2006. “Seminario teorico-pratico per medici di medicina generale”, Rapallo, Genova, 15/05/2006. “XI Congresso della Società Italiana di Psicopatologia” (SOPSI), Roma 21-25/02/2006. “X Congresso della Società Italiana di Psicopatologia” (SOPSI), Roma 22-26/02/2005. Riunione di aggiornamento" dello studio studio clinico "Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research Study: The EU-Finder Study. A 6-month, Pan-European, prospective, observational study to describe factors which influence Quality of Life outcomes in patients with depressive disorder" - Roma 21/06/2005. Corso di formazione “Sperimentazioni cliniche controllate: chiavi di volta dell'analisi statistica" – Spinetta Marengo (Al), 07/06/2005. "I Disturbi d'Ansia in Pronto Soccorso" - Genova, 20/05/2005.

"Farmacocinetica e farmacodianmica degli psicofarmaci nell'anziano: implicazioni cliniche" - Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia SINPF, Catania 10-11/03/2005

“II corso inter-disciplinare di Aggiornamento in adolescentologia” 4-5/03/2005, Badia Benedettina della Castagna, Genova

"Start-up meeting" relativo allo studio clinico "Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research Study: The EU-Finder Study. A 6-month, Pan-European, prospective, observational study to describe factors which influence Quality of Life outcomes in patients with depressive disorder" - Milano 02/12/2004. "I Disturbi d'Ansia nella pratica clinica: decorso, comorbidità, vecchie e nuove prospettive terapeutiche" - Spettro Ossessivo Compulsivo (corsivo) - Genova, 01/10/2004. "Dagli aspetti diagnostici alla gestione terapeutica dei disturbi psichici in Medicina Generale" - Genova 28/09/2004.

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Esperienze lavorative come medico in ambienti stranieri di lingua inglese: Tanzania, 15-30 agosto 2005; Messico, 15-30 marzo 2006; Stati Uniti d’America: più periodi.


2017-2018: UNINA: Insegnamento di Psicofarmacologia clinica presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Psichiatria.

2017-2018: UNINA: Insegnamento di Psichiatria presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, V anno, II semestre.

2017-2018: UNINA: Corso di Laurea in “Tecniche di Fisiopatologia”, insegnamento di Psichiatria.

2017-2018: UNINA: Corso di Laurea in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie (Scienze mediche interdisciplinari) – Insegnamento di Psichiatria - II anno, II semestre.

2017-2018; 2016-2017: UNINA: Corso di “Psicopatologia alimentare" - CdS in Dietistica.

2017-2018: UNINA: Master Universitario di II Livello in Psicodiagnostica Clinica e Peritale, sede di Napoli, patrocinato dal Consorzio Universitario Humanitas, Roma (Presidente, Dr.ssa Carmela Di Agresti), anno accademico 2017/2018. Lezione tenuta nelle date 23 e 24 Febbraio 2018 (referente, Dr.ssa Diana Galletta) https://www.consorziohumanitas.com/psicodiagnostica-clinica-e-peritale-accreditato-inps/ M-PSI/08 – Psicodiagnostica 1 cfu – 10 ore. 2011-2012; 2012-2013: UNICT: Attività didattica (incluso relatore per Tesi di Laurea) presso il Dipartimento di Processi Formativi – Scienze della Formazione (corso di “Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche”, insegnamento di “Psicopatologia dell’Infanzia e Adolescenza”).

3.2 Relatore (e/o moderatore) in lingua inglese presso i seguenti congressi internazionali

Relatore e moderatore 20th CONFERENCE OF BRIDGING EASTERN AND WESTERN PSYCHIATRY, Tallinn (Estonia), 10-14 Maggio 2018, Prof. Mario Di Fiorino & Prof. Maria Luisa Figueira. Relatore e moderatore 19th CONFERENCE OF BRIDGING EASTERN AND WESTERN PSYCHIATRY, Riga (Latvia), May 11-14, 2017. Prof. Mario Di Fiorino & Prof. Maris Taube. “BIT' 1st World Congress of (NeuroTalk 2010)” – Theme: “From Nervous Functions to Treatment” – invited speaker at Track 5-6: Depression – “Psychosis as a Bridge Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Spectrum Conditions”, Singapore, 25-28 Giugno 2010. “Electroretinographic (ERG) assessment in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients receiving duloxetine: might differences between responders and non-responders indicate a differential biological background?” MED PSY FORUM, Second Course (Servier/Stroder Europa), Cascais, Portogallo, 26-29 Ottobre 2011. PRIMO PREMIO MIGLIOR GIOVANE RICERCATORE EUROPEO SOTTO I 35 ANNI. “A Multi-Centre, Phase IV, Randomised Flexible-Dose Study of Seroquel XR Monotherapy Versus Lithium Monotherapy in the Manteinance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder (X-TEND)” Advisory Board (Prof. Nicol Ferrier (UK), Prof. Eduard Vieta (ES), Michele Fornaro (Italy), Jill Thompson (AZ Medical Affairs – UK), Teresa Diez (AZ Medical Affairs – Spain), Graziella Trespi (AZ Medical Affairs – Italy), Fan Zhang (AZ European Medical Affairs Director, Neuroscience), Ilse Heymans (AZ PA European Medical Affairs). Meeting point, Parigi (Francia), 5 Giugno 2009.

3.3 Relatore presso i seguenti congressi e simposi nazionali accreditati ECM

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“Issues on the diagnosis and etiopathogenesis of mood disorders - reconsidering DSM-5” nell’ambito del congresso “Giornate della follia – Disturbi di Personalità e disturbi emotivi: quale relazione?” Società scientifica Polyedra (Dr. Valchera, Dr. Tomasetti e Dr. De Berardis). 28-29 settembre 2018, Teramo. Nota: presentazione effettuata in lingua italiana nonostante slide kit in inglese. “Applicazioni cliniche del litio a rilascio prolungato”, ASL Ospedale Versilia, Viareggio (Lucca), 11 Novembre 2017, Prof. Mario Di Fiorino. “Sonno e sogni: Diagnosi differenziale in Neurologia e Psichiatria”, per Polyedra, Ascoli Piceno, 22 settembre 2017. “La Psicofarmacologia della Coscienza”, per Polyedra, 18 Marzo 2017, San Benedetto del Tronto. “Antipsicotici e disturbo bipolare: nuove evidenze scientifiche” – “"emerging role" dell'efficacia nella gestione delle caratteristiche miste associate a mania e depressione acutA bipolare, o DEPRESSIONE MAGGIORE ACUTA”, Ascoli Piceno, 16 dicembre 2016, per gruppo Polyedra (relazione effettuata via Skype da Pisa). “Resistenza alla gestione farmacologica della depressione bipolare resistente: Refrattarietà vs. tolleranza a litio in pazienti precedentemente responsivi. Inquadramento clinico, cenni neurobiologici, e prospettive terapeutiche.” – Evento: “Unveiling the dark side of the mood: nuove prospettive diagnostiche e terapeutiche per il trattamento dei disturbi depressivi”. Giulianova (Teramo), 6 Ottobre 2016. "Temperamenti affettivi in psichiatria: inquadramento storico e clinico contemporaneo", Ascoli Piceno, 17 giugno 2016 per gruppo Polyedra. “Resistenze farmacologiche nel Disturbo Bipolare”, Ascoli, 18 dicembre 2015 (effettuata via Skype da) Maitland, Orlando, Florida, USA. “Diagnosi differenziale tra disturbo Borderline e bipolare: similitudini e differenze”, Ascoli, 27 novembre 2015 (videoconferenza Skype effettuata da NYC). “La polifarmacoterapia nel disturbo bipolare”, Ascoli Piceno, 19 dicembre 2014 (videoconferenza Skype effettuata da NYC). “I Disturbi del Pensiero” - “Disturbi psicotici acuti e transitori quali espressione di una forma atipica di Disturbi Bipolari: da Kleist agli stati misti del DSM-V”, Ascoli Piceno, 20 giugno 2014. “Gestione manifestazioni psicotiche associate a disturbi bipolari - focus su gli antipsicotici atipici”, Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia (SINPF), Torino 3-6 giugno 2014. Co-relatori: Marco Vaggi, Carlo Ignazio Cattaneo, Raffaella Ada Colombo. Relatore presso il XVIIIesimo congresso nazionale SOPSI (“Società Italiana di Psicopatologia), Torino 12-15 febbraio 2014, – Simposio dal titolo:” Hic sunt leones: clinica ed evoluzione nelle età della vita della resistenza al trattamento farmacologico in psichiatria.” Moderatori Prof. G. Muscettola e Prof. A. de Bartolomeis. Relazione dal titolo:” La farmacoresistenza nella Depressione Maggiore e nella acuzie depressiva del Bipolare: focus sugli stati misti sotto-soglia ed evoluzione nelle età della vita.”. Co-relatori: Prof. F. Iasevoli, Prof. G. Martinotti, Prof. D. De Berardis. “Gli stabilizzatori dell’Umore: la classe senza prefisso”, Ascoli Piceno, 20 dicembre 2013. Societa’ Scientifica Polyedra (Dr. Alessandro Valchera). “Progetto DIALOGOS: tavole rotonde” – Docente per Lundbeck (Asenapina/Sycrest e Disturbo Bipolare), Genova, 04/07/2012. “Dolore e Sindrome Depressiva. Dalle Nuove Evidenze Scientifiche alla Pratica Clinica” (Sigma-Tau). Lecce, 14-15 Maggio 2011.

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Corso Enable (Bristol Myers Squibb) - “Come evitare l’eccessiva sedazione per ottimizzare gli esiti del trattamento del disturbo bipolare”, La Spezia il 24 marzo 2011. “Seminari Clinici di Psichiatria” (Astrazeneca) - Università di Genova, Genova, 24 novembre 2010, co-relatori Prof. F. Gabrielli, L. Ferrannini, K. Fontoulakis, G. Perugi. “Agomelatina – Innovazione nel trattamento della depressione maggiore” (Servier). Genova 28 ottobre 2010, co-relatori, Prof. Popoli, Prof. L. Ferrannini, Dr. M. Vaggi. “Depressione e Dimensioni Psicopatologiche nei Disturbi dell’Umore”, Genova, 5 giugno 2010, co-relatori M. Vaggi, L. Ferrannini. “Disturbo Bipolare e Depressione Resistente” (Astrazeneca). Genova, 17 dicembre 2009, co-relatori, Prof. G. Perugi, F. Gabrielli, L. Ferrannini, G. Masi, G. Maina, V. Villari, M. Vaggi. “Gestione dell’Ansia nella Moderna Pratica Clinica” (Pfizer). Milano, 23-24 novembre 2009, co-relatori, Prof. A.C. Altamura, G. Perini, G. Maina, M. Biondi, P. Fornaro, G. Biggio, B. Dell’Osso, U. Albert. “Coesistenza di Ansia e Depressione in Medicina Generale: difficolta’ della diagnosi e della corretta terapia farmacologica” (co-relatori: P. Iozzia, G. Valiakas, R. Radmann) – Corso E.C.M. (GSK) per medici di medicina generale. Genova, 6 Giugno 2009. “Continuum Ansia e Depressione”. Presentazione casi clinici. (Boehringer-Ingelheim). Camogli (Genova), 17-18 aprile 2009 (co-relatori: G. Biggio, G. Cerveri, C. Mencacci, G.R. Perna, R.L. Picci, V. Rosso, R. Torta, M. Vaggi). “Bipolar Disorder: Improving diagnosis, guidance and education” Presentazione di casi clinici (Sanofi). Genova, 04-03-2009 (co-relatori: C. Vampini, M. Vaggi, G. Perugi, A. Tortorella). “Catatonia e Disturbo Bipolare” Clinica Universitaria di Genova, Ospedale San Martino, Genova 18-12-2008 (co-relatore: G. Perugi). “Duloxetina e Bupropione in Medicina Generale” Aggiornamento ECM per Medici di Medicina Generale. Centro Ricerca G. De Lisio (Coordinatore Scientifico, Prof. G. Perugi), Pisa 15-12-2008. “Bupropione Cloridrato. Impiego antidepressivo” (Sigma-Tau), presso il Dipartimento di Salute Mentale USL 5 di Sarzana, Primario Dr. Agrimi. 30-10-2008. “XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP) 2006”. Palacongressi d’Abruzzo, Montesilvano (Pescara) 15-20 ottobre 2006. (simposio dal titolo “L’identità dello Psichiatra: le opinioni degli specializzandi in Psichiatria italiani” – abstract book pp.247.

3.4 Relatore per le seguenti Tesi di Specializzazione in Psichiatria, Università Federico II di Napoli

“Prevalence, incidence and clinical correlates of antidepressant-emergent manic switch in bipolar depression: a meta-analytic study” Canditato, Dr.ssa Annalisa Anastasia (discussa in data 28 luglio 2017).

3.5 Abilitazioni scientifiche nazionali

Abilitazione scientifica nazionale a Professore Associato per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (SSD) MED/50 Scienze Delle Professioni Sanitarie e Delle Tecnologie Mediche Applicate (06/N1) valida dal 15/10/2018 al 15/10/2024. Abilitazione scientifica nazionale a Professore Associato per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (SSD) MED/25 Psichiatria (06/D5) valida dal 24/07/2018 al 24/07/2024.

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4.1 Editorial/Academic/Reviewer Board delle seguenti riviste scientifiche peer-reviewed

Academic Editor for PLOS ONE since year 2018 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/static/editorial-board . Guest Editor for PLOS ONE (handling the submission entitled:” PONE-D-17-21783R1 - Atopic diseases/diathesis and subsequent ischemic stroke among patients with bipolar disorder: a nationwide longitudinal study” Associate Editor for the Journal of “Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry“ http://www.psyter.org/inglese/centro.php?ID=6 Associate Editor for Frontiers in Psychiatry (Mood and Anxiety Disorders specialty section) https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/283822/editorial Guest Editor for: International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Special Issue "Antipsychotic Drugs" [2015/2016]. IF=2.8 -(http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/) Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (Bentham – Editorial board member since 2014) http://benthamopen.com/cpemh/home Medicine – Gruppo Editoriale Wolters-Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2014 IF=5.723) (Academic Editor) http://journals.lww.com/md-journal/pages/default.aspx Research and Advances in Psychiatry – Gruppo Editoriale CIC (Reviewing Editor 2014-present)http://www.rapjournal.eu/

4.2 Reviewer per le seguenti riviste scientifiche (proof disponibili a richiesta)

1) Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2) Annals of General Psychiatry 3) Appetite 4) Asian Journal of Psychiatry 5) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (ANZJP) 6) Bipolar Disorders 7) BMC Medical Research Methodology 8) BMC Medicine 9) BMC Psychiatry 10) BMJ Case Reports 11) BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 12) BMJ Open (http://bmjopen.bmj.com/) 13) British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science 14) British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 15) Clinical Practice, Epidemiology and Mental Health 16) CNS Spectrums 17) Comprehensive Psychiatry 18) Current Pharmaceutical Design 19) Current Psychiatry Reviews 20) Current Psychopharmacology 21) European Journal of Neurology 22) European Journal of Psychological Assessment 23) Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (PHA) 24) Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 25) Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 26) Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 27) Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 28) Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 29) Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics

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30) Frontiers Aging Neuroscience 31) Frontiers in Psychiatry 32) Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 33) General Hospital Psychiatry 34) Global Journal of Health Science 35) International Clinical Psychopharmacology 36) International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports 37) International Review of Psychiatry 38) Journal of Affective Disorders (JAD) 39) Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD) 40) Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 41) Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology 42) Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene (http://www.jpmh.org/index.php/jpmh) 43) Journal of Psychiatric Research 44) Journal of Psychopharmacology 45) Medicine 46) Neurocase 47) Neurochemistry & Neuropharmacology (OMICS Group) 48) Neuropsychiatry 49) OMICS Publishing Group/Clinical 50) Pharmacological Reports 51) PLOS ONE 52) Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 53) Psychiatry Investigation 54) Psychiatry Journal 55) Psychiatry Research 56) Psychopathology 57) Psychopharmacology 58) Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 59) Rivista di Psichiatria (http://www.rivistadipsichiatria.it/) 60) SM Journal of Depression Research and Treatment (http://smjournals.com/index.php/depression) 61) The American Journal of Psychiatry 62) The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 63) The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 64) The Journal of Pain 65) The Journal of Psychiatry Research 66) The Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 67) The Open Conference Proceedings Journal

4.3 Lavori rivisti in qualità di “Invited Reviewer” per le suddette riviste ad oggi (attestati e proof di revisione disponibili a richiesta)


1) “The Role of Lifetime Anxiety History in the Course of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders” for Psychiatry Research.

2) “Efficacy, moderators, and cost-effectiveness of a transdiagnostic individual participant tailored internet- and mobile-based guided treatment for major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

3) “Association of genetic polymorphisms with aggressive and suicidal behavior” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.” for

Frontiers in Psychiatry.

4) “Effectiveness of trauma-focused psychological therapies for treating post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in women following childbirth - a systematic review” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

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5) °Impaired cognitive control in trait anxiety based on clinical and nonclinical individuals” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

6) “Atopic diseases/diathesis and subsequent ischemic stroke among patients with bipolar disorder: a

nationwide longitudinal study” for PLOS ONE.

7) “Differential impact of child sexual abuse and family history of suicidal behavior in the conformation of a high-risk suicide phenotype” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

8) “Structural brain connectomic validation of traditional Chinese medicine-based subtypes of major depressive

disorder: A diffusion tensor imaging study” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

9) “Relationship among anxiety, depression, social, and self-efficacy in night-shift nurses” for Medicine.

10) “Free will experience in obsessive compulsive disorder” for Psychopathology.

11) “Association between depression and smoking: a global perspective from 48 low- and middle-income countries” for the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

12) “Recent advances towards the diagnosis and treatment of depression” for Current Pharmaceutical Design.

13) “Current and emerging pharmacotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder across the lifespan” for Expert

Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

14) “Minocycline as adjunct therapy for a male patient with deficit schizophrenia: a case report” for BMC Psychiatry.

15) “FKBP5 polymorphisms and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis negative feedback in major depression and

obsessive-compulsive disorder” for the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

16) “Chronic Affective Instability: Bipolar, Borderline or Both?” for Bipolar Disorders.

17) “SLC1A1 gene and Obsessive-compulsive disorder: risk, symptom dimensions and treatment response” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

18) “Differences between chronic and non-chronic depression: Systematic review and implications for

treatment” for the Journal of Depression and Anxiety.

19) “White matter microstructural changes and episodic memory disturbances in late-onset bipolar disorder” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

20) “Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials of New Generation Antidepressants and Antipsychotics Identified in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI): A Literature and Telephone Interview Study” for BMC Medical Research Methodology.

21) “Characteristics of Help-seeking Behavior among Bipolar Disorder Patients: A Study in Hunan, China” for Medicine.

22) “Drug Safety Evaluation of Aripiprazole for Bipolar Disorder” for Expert Opinion on Drug Safety.

23) “The Effectiveness of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in the Emotions of Pregnant Women in Makkah, Saudi

Arabia” for Clinical Practice Epidemiology and Mental Health.

24) “The Impact of Pediatric Epilepsy on Children and Families: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

25) “Tinnitus: The sound of stress” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

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26) “A randomized controlled trial of a mitochondrial therapeutic target for bipolar depression: Mitochondrial agents, N-acetylcysteine, and placebo.” for BMC Medicine.

27) “Trends and spatial patterns of suicide among adolescent in Ecuador, 1997-2016” for Clinical Practice and

Epidemiology in Mental Health.

28) “A Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder precipitated by Military Service” for Asean Journal of Psychiatry.

29) “Psychotropic Medication of Acute Episodes of Mood Disorders Current Prescription Attitude in Two Psychiatric Wards in Cagliari” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

30) “NICE guideline on drug treatments for ADHD: a critical look” For BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.

31) “Different Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines and CRP in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive

Disorder” for Medicine.


33) “Differences in Cognitive Profile between Clients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with or without Autism

Spectrum Disorder” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

34) “Varied Risk of Psychiatric Disorders in Patients Using Cyproheptadine - A Nationwide Cohort Study” for the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.

35) “Immigrants Psychopathology: Emerging Phenomena and Adaptation of Mental Health Care Setting by Native

Language” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

36) “Assessing Learning Needs and Career Attitudes of Italian Psychiatry Residents: Results from a National Survey” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

37) “Preclinical discovery of lamotrigine as a mood stabilizer used to treat mania and depression” Expert Opinion

on Drug Discovery.

38) “Anxiety and Depression among Caregivers of Haemodialysis Patients at Indonesia’s National Referral Teaching Hospital a Cross-Sectional Study at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

39) “Differences in multihormonal responses to the dopamine agonist apomorphine between unipolar and

bipolar depressed patients” for the Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2017

40) “What is the share of psychic complaints in the occurrence of iatrogeny among polypathological patients, in primary care?” for PLOS ONE.

41) “Zinc-L-carnosine complex (polaprezinc) for the treatment of binge eating - three case reports” for the

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.

42) “Bupropion maintenance treatment in refractory bipolar depression A case report” for the Journal of Clinical Practice, Epidemiology and Mental Health.

43) “Commentary A neural basis for the acquired capacity for suicide by Gopikrishna Deshpande, Madhura Baxi,

Tracy Witte and Jennifer L. Robinson” for the Journal of Frontiers in Psychiatry.

44) “Cytokine alterations and cognitive impairment in major depressive disorder: from putative mechanisms to novel treatment targets” for Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry.

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45) “Depressive symptoms and the role of affective temperament in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - a comparison with bipolar disorder” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

46) “Panic Disorder and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Overview” for International Review of Psychiatry.

47) “Commonalities in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have a neurodevelopmental origin as expressed in

retinal response in childhood.” for The American Journal of Psychiatry.

48) “Rethinking a Negative Event: The Influence of Verbal versus Imagery-Based Processing on Affective Impact of Aversive Autobiographical Memory Recall” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

49) “Gender Differences in the Peripheral Immune System in the Face of Depression” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

50) “Olfactory Functioning and Depression: A Systematic Review” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

51) “Education and cognition of major depressive disorder in a Chinese population” for Medicine.

52) “Polypharmacy in Bipolar Disorder: A Cohort Study of Demographic and Clinical Associations” for the Journal

of Affective Disorders.

53) “Association between Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection and obsessive-compulsive disorder in children - systematic-review and meta-analysis” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

54) “The effects of Radix Polygalae on conditioned fear memory consolidation, extinction, reinstatement and

renewal” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

55) “Comparison of saffron and fluvoxamine in the treatment of mild to moderate obsessive – compulsive disorder: A double blind, randomized clinical trial” Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics.

56) “Determinants and geographical variation in the distribution of depression in the Southern cone of Latin

America: a population-based survey in four cities in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

57) “Remission and reappearance of tardive dyskinesia with clozapine: a case report” for Medicine.

58) °Efficacy of escitalopram alone in the treatment of major depressive disorder----a pooled analysis of 4

Chinese clinical trials° for Medicine.

59) “Is aggression a missed bipolar diagnostic feature in mixed depression” for Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.

60) “Hypertensive Bipolar - Chronic Lithium Toxicity in Patients Taking ACE Inhibitor” for BMJ Case Reports. 61) “Comparing the screening property of the shortened versions of the Hypomania Checklist-32 (HCL-32) in

Korean patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

62) “Agomelatine for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

63) “The preclinical discovery and development of brexpiprazole for the treatment of major depressive disorder” for Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery.

64) “Prevalence and Predictive Physical Symptoms for Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Neurology

Outpatient Clinic- a cross-sectional study” for BMJ Open.

65) “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors improve social perception in patients with major depressive disorders” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

66) “Efficacy of antidepressants: bias in clinical trials and related issues” for Expert Review of Clinical


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67) “Parsing cyclothymic disorder and other specified bipolar spectrum disorders in youth” for Bipolar Disorders.

68) “Mood instability is a precursor of relationship and marital difficulties” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

69) “Biological Mechanisms of Cancer-Induced Depression” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

70) “Investigation of the Occurrence and Influence Factors of Ovarian Cancer-related Depression, Anxiety” for Medicine.

71) “Neuropsychological Performance in Alcohol Dependent Patients - A One-Year Longitudinal Study” for

Psychiatry Investigation.


73) “Influence of Severe Carotid Stenosis on Cognition, Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life” for Clinical

Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

74) “A comprehensive review on ACDC stimulation targeting the Anterior Cingulate by Double Cone Coil rTMS” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

75) “Classification of Suicide Attempt with Systemic Multiple Psychiatric Scales using a Machine Learning

Algorithm” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

76) “Impact of Depression on Health-Related Quality of Life in Hospitalized General Medical Patients” for Psychiatry Research.

77) “Longer-term Tolerability and Effectiveness of Open Lurasidone in Patients with Treatment-resistant Bipolar

Disorder” for the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.


79) “Factorial structure and familial aggregation of the Hypomania Checklist-32 (HCL-32): Results of the NIMH

Family Study of Affective Spectrum Disorder” for Bipolar Disorders.

80) “Active Aging and Elderly’s Quality of Life: comparing the impact on literature of projects funded by European Union and USA” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology and Mental Health.

81) “Factors associated with postpartum depression in women from low socioeconomic level in Argentina: A

hierarchical model approach” for the Journal of Affective Disorders. 82) “Domestic violence as a risk factor for postpartum depression among Ethiopian women: facility based study”

for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

83) “The pattern of pharmacological treatment of bipolar patients discharged from psychiatric units in Poland” for Pharmacological Reports.

84) “Efficacy, acceptability, and safety of adjunctive aripiprazole in treatment-resistant depression: a meta-

analysis of randomized controlled trials” for Medicine.

85) “Relationship between sedentary behavior and depression: a mediation analysis of influential factors across the lifespan among 42,469 people in low- and middle-income countries” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.


CARE IN CHILE” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

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87) “Catecholaminergic Activity and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Patients with Drug-Naive Major Depressive Disorder” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.


88) “Reward Learning, Cognition, and Symptomatology in Psychosis” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

89) “Borderline Personality: A Mnemonic for DSM-5 Criteria with Corresponding Interventions” for La Prensa Médica.

90) “Physical health of patients with personality disorders” for SciTechnol.

91) “Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation as an adjunct therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder - a

randomized controlled study” for the Journal of Psychiatry Research.

92) “Endophenotypes for schizophrenia and mood disorders: implications from genetic, biochemical, cognitive, behavioral and neuroimaging studies” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

93) “Suicide in the early stages of schizophrenia” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

94) “Prevalence of comorbid bipolar and substance use disorders in epidemiological surveys, 1990-2015 -

Systematic review and meta-analysis” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

95) “Efficacy of ziprasidone augmentation of escitalopram on cognitive symptoms of major depressive disorder” for the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

96) “Sleep disturbances as a risk factor for suicidal behavior among people with mental illness - a large cohort

analysis” for the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

97) “Suicide in the early stage of psychosis” for Frontiers Psychiatry.

98) “Medically Unexplained Somatic Symptoms and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

99) “Trajectories of body mass index change in first episode of mania: 3-year data from the Systematic

Treatment Optimization Program for Early Mania (STOP-EM)” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

100) “Current pharmacotherapy of depression – focused on multimodal/multifunctional antidepressants” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

101) “An evolutionary approach to mania by studying Sardinian immigrants to Argentina” for Revista Brasileira de

Psiquiatria. 102) “Comparison of the 32-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32), the 33-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-33) and

the Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ) for bipolar disorder.” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

103) “Metabolism of First Generation Antipsychotics: involvement of cytochrome p450 enzymes and relevance for drug-drug interactions: Review of articles” for Neurochemistry & Neuropharmacology (OMICS Group).

104) “Is there a relationship between Exercise and premenstrual syndrome?” for the Global Journal of Health Science.

105) “Tobacco use is associated with increased plasma BDNF levels in depressed patients” for Psychiatry Research.

106) “Mood instability is a symptom of major depression” for Frontiers in Psychiatry.

107) “A Naturalistic Comparison Study of Effectiveness of Intramuscular Olanzapine and Haloperidol in Acute Agitated Patients with Schizophrenia” for Neuropsychiatry.

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108) “The Relationship between Unawareness of Memory Impairment, Depression, and Dementia in Older Adults with Memory Impairment in Singapore” for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

109) “Pain and sleep disturbance in the general population - Primary data and meta-analysis from 240,820 people across 45 low- and middle-income countries” for the Journal of Pain.

110) “What is the Role of Conventional Antidepressants in the Treatment of Major Depressive Episodes with Mixed Features Specifier as Part of Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder?” for CNS Spectrums.

111) “Clozapine for the treatment of Obsessive and Compulsive Symptoms in comorbidity with Schizophrenia” for the Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology.

112) “Acute Pharmacological Treatment Strategies for Bipolar Depression” for Neuropsychiatry

113) “Differentiating bipolar type I and II depression from unipolar depression: The role of clinical features, current symptoms and a past hypomanic symptoms checklist” for Neuropsychiatry.

114) “Clinical versus DSM diagnosis of bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and their co-occurrence” for Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.

115) “Physical activity and anxiety in the general population: a global perspective from the World Health Survey” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

116) “Effects of Levomilnacipran ER on Noradrenergic Symptoms, Anxiety Symptoms, and Functional Impairment in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Post Hoc Analysis of 5 Clinical Trials” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

117) “Electroretinographic endophenotypes in medicated and non-medicated patients with major depression: tagging the developmental roots of major psychiatric disorders” for Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry.

118) “Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of psychological and medical treatments for binge-eating disorder (MetaBED): Study protocol" for BMJ Open”.

119) “The properties and utility of the CORE measure of melancholia” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

120) “A Meta-Analysis of Correlations between Depression and Personal Pronoun Use” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

121) “Hypomania Checklist-32 – Cross-validation of shorter versions screening for bipolar disorders in the PsyCoLaus study” for Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.

122) “Recommendations for the use of ICT in elderly populations with affective disorders” for Frontiers Aging Neuroscience.

123) “The epidemiology of back pain and its relationship with depression, psychosis, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and stress sensitivity: Data from 43 low- and middle-income countries” for the Journal of General Hospital Psychiatry.

124) “A Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label, 12-Month Extension Safety and Tolerability Trial of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in Adults with Binge Eating Disorder” for the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.

125) “Characteristics of patients with depression initiating and switching antidepressant treatment in a large cohort study” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

126) “Social phobia is associated with delayed onset of chickenpox, measles and mumps infections” for Frontiers in Psychiatry (section of Mood and Anxiety Disorders).

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127) “Sensation seeking moderates the association between parental rearing style and depressive or anxiety symptoms in adolescents: A national cross-sectional study” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

128) “Lifetime presence of psychotic symptoms in Bipolar Disorder is associated with less favorable socio-demographic and certain clinical features” for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.

129) “Impulsivity and its Relationship with Anxiety, Depression and Stress across Young, Middle-aged, and Older Adults” for Comprehensive Psychiatry.

130) “Acute mental discomfort associated with suicide behavior. Ascertaining the critical variables using artificial intelligence.” for Frontiers in Psychiatry (section of Mood and Anxiety Disorders).

131) “Dissecting the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale severity scale to understand the routes for symptomatic improvement in obsessive-compulsive disorder” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology.

132) “Systematic review of cognitive function in euthymic bipolar disorder and pre-surgical focal epilepsy arising from the temporal lobes” for Frontiers in Psychiatry (section of Mood and Anxiety Disorders).

133) “Clinical characteristics of Diabetes mellitus and suicide risk” for Frontiers in Psychiatry (section of Mood and Anxiety Disorders). 2015 134) “Intestinal obstruction in a mentally retarded patient due to pica” for Annals of General Psychiatry. 135) “Better sexual acceptability of agomelatine (25 and 50 mg) compared to escitalopram (20 mg) in healthy volunteers. A 9-week, placebo controlled study using the PRSexDQ scale” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology.

136) “Does Mood Disorder Questionnaire identify sub-threshold bipolarity? Evidence studying worsening of Quality of Life” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

137) “Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder” for the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

138) “Impulsivity Predicts the Onset of Hypomanic and Manic Episodes: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies Investigations” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

139) “The Use of Antidepressants in Bipolar Disorder Patients with Depression” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

140) “Pharmacokinetic evaluation of fluvoxamine for the treatment of anxiety disorders” for Expert Opinion for Drug Metabolism and Toxicology. 141) "The effect of the temperament on the treatment adherence of the bipolar disorder type I" for Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 142) “Comparison of efficacy, safety and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels with desvenlafaxine and fluoxetine treatment in patients of major depressive disorder” for the “Asian Journal of Psychiatry.

143) “Longitudinal neuropsychiatric predictors of death in Alzheimer’s disease” for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

144) “Therapists’ Opinions on Culture and Rehabilitation Services for Youth Experiencing Early Psychosis” for Psychiatry Journal.

145) “Comparison of Buprenorphine and Bupropion in the treatment of Methamphetamine dependency and Craving” for British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research.

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146) “Impulsivity Predicts the Onset of Hypomanic and Manic Episodes: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

147) “Prevalence, Attitude and Magnitude of Energy Drinks Among Health Science Students” for British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research.

148) “Overlooking the Peaks: Addressing the Misdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder” for Current Psychiatry Reviews.

149) “The Temporal Stability and Construct Validity of Measures Assessing Mania Symptoms and Risk: A Comparative Analysis” for the European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

150) “Agomelatine for Bipolar Depression: what do we know so far?” for Current Psychopharmacology.

151) “The burden of Depressive and Bipolar Disorders in Celiac Disease” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

152) “Integrated analysis of Alzheimer's Disease and Schizophrenia Dataset Revealed Different Expression Pattern in Learning and Memory” for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

153) “Prenatal smoking and postpartum depression: a meta-analysis” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

154) “Risk of Depressive Disorders Following Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Nationwide Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

155) “Swedish version of Mood Spectrum Self-Report questionnaire: Psychometric properties of lifetime and last-week version” for Clinical Practice, Epidemiology and Mental Health.

156) “The addictive model of self-harming (non-suicidal and suicidal) behavior” for Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2014 157) “Are 5-HT3 antagonists effective in obsessive-compulsive disorder?” for Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental. 158) “A Review of the Clinical Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of the Antidepressants Vilazodone Levomilnacipran, and Vortioxetine” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

159) “Case-finding and screening clinical utility of the patient health questionnaire (PHQ9 & PHQ2): for expression in primary care: a diagnostic meta-analysis of 40 studies” for the Journal of Affective Disorders

160) “Catatonia in a patient with bipolar disorder type I.” for General Hospital Psychiatry.

161) “Depression and cerebrovascular disease: could Vortioxetine represent a valid treatment option?” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

162) “Desvenlafaxine for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

163) “Emerging antidepressants to treat major depressive disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

164) “Neuroleptic malignant syndrome or catatonia? Trying to solve the catatonic dilemma” for Psychopharmacology.

165) “Prevention of Relapse & Recurrence of Bipolar Depression: A Study Protocol for a multi-site Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Substitution Trial” for OMICS Publishing Group/Clinical.

166) “Rapid cycling as a feature of bipolar disorder and comorbid migraine” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

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167) “Should Unexplained Painful Physical Symptoms be considered within the Spectrum of Depressive Symptoms?” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.

168) “Systematic review of efficacy and safety of levomilnacipran ER for the treatment of major depressive disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

169) “The efficacy and safety of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of dementia: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials” for Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

170) “The prevalence of pain in bipolar disorder: A systematic review and large scale meta-analysis” for Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.

171) “Sustained-release bupropion overdose: 1 a case report” for the International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports. 2013 172) “Agomelatine augmentation in obsessive compulsive disorder: a preliminary report” for the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 173) “Aripiprazole augmentation in clozapine-associated obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia” for Annals of General Psychiatry.

174) “Assessing personal financial management in patients with bipolar disorder and its relationship to impulsivity and response inhibition” for the Journal of Affective Disorders.

175) “Eating Disorders and Cyclothymic Temperament: A Cross-sectional Study on 107 Tunisian Students” for Appetite.

176) “Efficacy of augmentative asenapine in a recurrent manic catatonic patient with partial response to clozapine: a case-report” for International Clinical Psychopharmacology.

177) “Perfectionistic students: Contributing factors, impacts, and teacher strategies” for the British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioral Science.

178) “The impact of comorbid Body Dysmorphic Disorder on the response to sequential pharmacological trials for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” for Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2012 179) “Anti-Purkinje cell and natural autoantibodies in a group of psychiatric patients. Evidences for a correlation with the psychopathological status” for Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 180) “Combined treatments in obsessive-compulsive disorder: current knowledge and future prospects” for Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia (Italian Journal of Psychopathology).

181) “Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for treatment-resistant bipolar depression: a case report of acute and maintenance efficacy” for Neurocase.

182) “Depression in the elderly: pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments” for Rivista di Psichiatria.

183) “Exploring the superiority of escitalopram compared with other antidepressants in major depressive disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.

184) “Is there a role for agomelatine in the treatment of anxiety disorders?” for Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (PHA).

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185) “Tolerability and use in co-administration of pregabalin in affective patients: A 6-month prospective naturalistic study” for Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

186) “Utility of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire and Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale in the Evaluation of Eating Disorder Patients” for Psychiatry Research. 2011 187) “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) with Dual Functionality; Hybrid Anti-Autism Candidates” for The Open Conference Proceedings Journal.

188) “Bipolar disorder and premenstrual syndrome comorbidity: a systematic review” for Expert Reviews of Neurotherapeutics.

189) “Duloxetine in the treatment of depressed patients with Parkinson’s disease: safety and efficacy” for European Journal of Neurology.

190) “Practical Guidance for Prescribing Ziprasidone in Acute Manic or Mixed Episodes of Bipolar I disorder” for Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2009 191) “Attitudes toward and use of ecstasy in Medical University interns' based on HBM” for the Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene.

192) “Aripiprazole augmentation in 13 patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology.

4.4 Pubblicazioni indicizzate in PubMed

AUTORI VARI “Systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of the efficacy, safety and biological effects of psychostimulants and atomoxetine in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder” CNS Spectrums. De Berardis D.; Marini S.; Iasevoli F.; Mazza M.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Perna G.; Orsolini L.; Carano A.; Girinelli G.; Vellante F.; Matarazzo I.; Serroni N.; Cavuto M.; Martinotti G.; Brucchi M.; Di Giannantonio M. “Alexithymia and Breast Cancer Surgery - A Systematic Review” British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. De Berardis D.; Fornaro M.; Orsolini L.; Olivieri L.; Nappi F.; Rapini G.; Vellante F.; Napoletano C.; Serroni N.; Di Giannantonio M. “Clozapine-related Sudden Pericarditis in a Patient Taking Long Acting Aripiprazole and Valproate: A Case Report” Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2018;00(00):1-00. De Berardis D.; Fornaro M.; Valchera A.; Cavuto M.; Perna G.; Di Nicola M.; Serafini G.; Carano A.; Pompili M.; Vellante F.; Orsolini L.; Fiengo A.; Ventriglio A.; Yong-Ku K.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M.; Tomasetti C. “Eradicating suicide at its roots: preclinical bases and clinical evidence of the efficacy of ketamine in the treatment of suicidal behaviors” Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 23;19(10). pii: E2888. Fornaro M.; De Berardis D.; Anastasia A.; Novello S.; Fusco A.; Cattaneo C.I.; Solmi M.; Monaco F.; Veronese N.; Kim Y.-K.; de Bartolomeis A. “The Identification of Biomarkers Predicting Acute and Maintenance Lithium Treatment Response in Bipolar Disorder: A Plea for Further Research Attention.” Psychiatry Res. 2018 Aug 16;269:658-672. Carta MG, Paribello P, Anastasia A, De Berardis D, Nardi AE, Fornaro M. “Pharmacological management of depression in patients with multiple sclerosis” Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2018 Sep 12:1-8. Iasevoli F, Avagliano C, Altavilla B, Barone A, Ciccarelli M, D'Ambrosio L, Notar Francesco D, Razzino E, Fornaro M, de Bartolomeis A. “Evaluation of a few discrete clinical markers may predict categorization of actively symptomatic

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non‐acute schizophrenia patients as treatment resistant or responders: a study by ROC curve analysis and multivariate analyses” Psychiatry Res. 2018 Aug 31;269:481-493. De Berardis D.; Rapini G.; Olivieri L.; Di Nicola D.; Tomasetti C.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Di Fabio F.; Perna G.; Di Nicola M.; Serafini G.; Carano A.; Pompili M.; Vellante F.; Orsolini L.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M. “Safety of antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia: a focus on the adverse effects of clozapine” Therapeuthic Advances in Drug Safety. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2018 May;9(5):237-256. Shivappa, N; Hebert, J.R.; Veronese, N.; Caruso, M.G.; Notarnicola, M.; Maggi, S.; Stubbs, B.; Firth, J.; Fornaro, M.; Solmi M. “The Relationship Between the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®) and Incident Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Cohort Study” J Affect Disord. 2018 Aug 1;235:39-44. Fornaro M.; Grunebaum M.F.; Burke A.K.; Mann J.J.; Oquendo M. “Comparison of Familial and Non-Familial Suicidal Behaviors among people with major depressive disorder: testing the discriminative predicting role of high-yield clinical variables” J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Jul;102:118-122. Hana, K-M, Han; De Berardis, D.; Fornaro, M; Kim, Y-K. “Differentiating between bipolar and unipolar depression in functional and structural MRI studies” Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 28. Fornaro M.; Anastasia A.; Monaco F.; Novello S.; Fusco A.; Iasevoli F.; De Berardis D.; Veronese N.; Solmi M.; de Bartolomeis A. “Clinical and psychopathological features associated with treatment-emergent mania in bipolar-II depressed outpatients exposed to antidepressants” J Affect Disord. 2018 Jul;234:131-138. Fornaro M.; Anastasia A; Novello S.; Fusco A.; Solmi M.; Monaco F.; Veronese N.; De Berardis D.; de Bartolomeis A.

“Incidence, prevalence and clinical correlates of antidepressant-emergent mania in bipolar depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Bipolar Disord. 2018 Feb 14.

Orsolini, L.; Sarchione, F.; Vellante, F.; Fornaro, M.; Matarazzo, I.; Martinotti, G.; Valchera, A.; Di Nicola, M.; Carano, A.; Di Giannantonio, D.; Perna, G.; Olivieri, L.; De Berardis D. “Protein-C reactive as biomarker predictor of schizophrenia phases of illness? A systematic review” Curr Neuropharmacol. 2018;16(5):583-606.

Fornaro M.: Kardash L.; Novello S.: Fusco A.: Anastasia A.; De Berardis A.; Perna G.; Carta M.G. “Progress in bipolar disorder drug design toward the development of novel therapeutic targets: A clinician’s perspective” Expert Opin Drug Discov. 2018 Mar;13(3):221-228. LÓPEZ-MUÑOZ, M.; DE BERARDIS, D.; FORNARO, M.; VELLANTE, F.; DI GIANNANTONIO, M.; POVEDANO-MONTERO, F.J.; PÓVEDA FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN M.; RUBIO G.; ÁLAMO C. “A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production on Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs from Italy.” Riv Psichiatr 2017; 52(6): 236-246.

Fornaro M.; Iasevoli F.; Novello S.; Fusco A.; Anastasia A.; De Berardis D.; Valchera A.; de Bartolomeis A. “Predictors of hospitalization length of stay among re-admitted treatment-resistant bipolar disorder inpatients.” J Affect Disord. 2017 Dec 7;228:118-124.

Solmi, M.; Pigato G.; Roiter B.; Guaglianone A.; Martini L.; Fornaro M.; Monaco F.; Carvalho A.F.; Stubbs B.; Veronese N.; Correll C.U. “Prevalence of Catatonia and Its Moderators in Clinical Samples: Results from a Meta-analysis and Meta-regression Analysis” Schizophr Bull. 2017 Nov 13.

Chang HY, Tseng PT, Stubbs B, Chu CS, Li DJ, Fornaro M, Carvalho A, Solmi M, Veronese N, Vieta E, Chen TY, Chen YW, Lin PY, Chow PC “The efficacy and tolerability of paliperidone in mania of bipolar disorder: A preliminary meta-analysis.” Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2017 Oct;25(5):422-433. Cattaneo CI, Ressico F, Valsesia R, D'Innella P, Ballabio M, Fornaro M. “Sudden valproate-induced hyperammonemia managed with L-carnitine in a medically healthy bipolar patient: Essential review of the literature and case report.” Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Sep;96(39):e8117.

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De Berardis D.; Fornaro M; Orsolini L.; Valchera A.; Carano A.; Vellante F.; Perna G.P.; Serafini G.; Gonda X.; Pompili M.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M. “Alexithymia and Suicide Risk in Psychiatric Disorders: A Mini-Review” Front. Psychiatry 8:148. Veronese N, Koyanagi A, Stubbs B, Solmi M, Fornaro M, Fernandes BF, Muller C, Thompson T, Carvalho AF, Maggi S. “Aspirin and incident depressive symptoms: a longitudinal cohort study over eight years” International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2017 Aug 6. Solmi M.; Murru A.; Pacchiarotti I.; Undurraga J.; Veronese N.; Fornaro M.; Stubbs S., Monaco F.; Vieta E.; Seeman M.V.; Correll C.U.; Carvalho A.F. “Safety, tolerability, and risks associated with first- and second-generation antipsychotics: a state-of-the-art clinical review” Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2017 Jun 29;13:757-777. Vellante F.; Sarchione F.; Ebisch S.J.H.; Salone A.; Orsolini L.; Marini S.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Carano A.; Iasevoli F.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M.; De Berardis D.“Creativity and psychiatric illness: A functional perspective beyond chaos.” Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Jul 5. Fornaro M.; Solmi M.; Veronese N.; De Berardis D.; Buonaguro E.F.; Tomasetti C.; Perna G.; Preti A.; Carta M.G. “The burden of mood-disorder/cerebrovascular disease comorbidity: essential neurobiology, psychopharmacology and physical activity interventions”. International Review of Psychiatry

Li D.J. Li; Tseng P.T.; Stubbs B.; Chu C.S; Chang H.Y.; Vieta E.; Fornaro M.; Carvalho A.F.; Solmi M.; Veronese N.; Chen T.Y.; Chen Y.W.; Lin P.Y.; Chik-keung Chow P. “Efficacy, safety and tolerability of aripiprazole in bipolar disorder: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Jun 23. Stubbs B.; Vancampfort D.; Veronese N.; Thompson T.; Fornaro M.; Schofield P.; Solmi M.; Mugisha J.; Carvalho A.F.; Koyanagi A. “Depression and pain: primary data and meta-analysis among 237 952 people across 47 low- and middle-income countries” Psychol Med. 2017 Jun 22:1-12. Fornaro M.; De Berardis D.; Perna G.; Solmi M.; Veronese N.; Orsolini L.; Buonaguro E.F.; Iasevoli F.; Köhler C.A.; Carvalho A.; de Bartolomeis A. “Lurasidone in the treatment of bipolar depression: systematic review of systematic reviews.” Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:3084859. Correll C.U.; Solmi M.; Veronese N.; Bortolato B.; Rosson S.; Santonastaso P.; Thapa-Chhetri N.; Fornaro M.; Gallicchio D.; Collantoni E.; Pigato G.; Favaro A.; Monaco F.; Kohler C.; Vancampfort D.; Ward P.B.; Gaughran F.; Carvalho A.F.; Stubbs B. “Prevalence, incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease in patients with pooled and specific severe mental illness: a large-scale meta-analysis of 3,211,768 patients and 113,383,368 controls.” World Psychiatry 2017;16:163–180. Pereira L.P.; Kohler C.; Sousa R.T.; Solmi M.; de Freitas B.P.; Fornaro M.; Machado-Vieira R.; Miskowiak K.W.; Vieta E.; Veronese N.; Stubbs B.; Carvalho A.F. “The relationship between genetic risk variants with brain structure and function in bipolar disorder - A systematic review of genetic-neuroimaging studies” Neuroscience & Behavioral Reviews Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017 May 4;79:87-109. Fornaro M; Stubbs B.; De Berardis D.; Iasevoli F.; Solmi M.; Versonese N.; Carano A.; Perna G.; de Bartolomeis A. “Does the “Silver Bullet” Lose its Shine Over the Time? Assessment of Loss of Lithium Response in a Preliminary Sample of Bipolar Disorder Outpatients” Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, 2016, 12, 1-16. De Berardis D.; Fornaro M.; Orsolini L.; Iasevoli F.; Tomasetti C.; de Bartolomeis A.; Serroni A.; Valchera A.; Carano A.; Vellante F.; Marini S.; Piersanti M.; Perna G.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M. “The Role of Inhaled Loxapine in the Treatment of Acute Agitation in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders: A Clinical Review.” Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Feb 8;18(2). Veronese N.; Solmi M.; Maggi S.; Noale M.; Sergi G.; Manzato E.; Prina M.A.; Fornaro M.; Carvalho A.; Stubbs B. “Frailty and incident depression in community-dwelling older people - results from the ELSA study”. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

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Solmi M.; Veronese N.; Thapa N.; Facchini S., Stubbs B.; Fornaro M.; Carvalho A.; Correll C.U. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of minocycline in schizophrenia”. CNS Spectr. 2017 Feb 9:1-12. C. Tomasetti; F. Iasevoli; E.F. Buonaguro; D. De Berardis; M. Fornaro; Fiengo A.L.; G. Martinotti; L. Orsolini; A. Valchera; M. Di Giannantonio; A. de Bartolomeis “Treating the Synapse in Major Psychiatric Disorders: The Role of Postsynaptic Density Network in Dopamine-Glutamate Interplay and Psychopharmacologic Drugs Molecular Actions” Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jan 12;18(1). C. De Pasquale; M. Veroux; M. Fornaro; N. Sinagra; G. Basile; C. Gozzo; R. Santini; A. Costa; M.L. Pistorio “Psychological perspective of medication adherence in transplantation” World J Transplant. 2016 Dec 24;6(4):736-742. M. Fornaro; A.E. Nardi; D. De Debardis; M.G. Carta “Experimental drugs for bipolar psychosis” Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2016 Nov 1. L. Orsolini; C. Tomasetti; A. Valchera; F. Iasevoli; E.F. Buonaguro; M. Fornaro; A.L. Fiengo; G. Martinotti; F. Vellante; I. Matarazzo; R. Vecchiotti; G. Perna; Di Nicola M.; A. Carano; M. Di Giannantonio; A. de Bartolomeis “Current and future perspectives on the Major Depressive Disorder: Focus on the new multimodal antidepressant Vortioxetine” CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2016 Oct 25. D. De Berardis; M. Fornaro; L. Orsolini; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; A. de Bartolomeis; N. Serroni; I. De Lauretis; G. Girinelli; M. Mazza; A. Valchera; A. Carano; F. Vellante; I. Matarazzo; G. Perna; G. Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “Effect of agomelatine treatment on C-reactive protein levels in patients with major depressive disorder: an exploratory study in "real-world," everyday clinical practice.” CNS Spectr. 2016 Oct 5:1-6. L. Orsolini; A. Valchera; R. Vecchiotti; C. Tomasetti; F. Iasevoli; M. Fornaro; D. De Berardis; G. Perna; M. Pompili; C. Bellantuono “Suicide During Perinatal Period: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Clinical Correlates.” Front Psychiatry. 2016 Aug 12;7:138. M. Fornaro; M. Solmi; G. Perna; D. De Deberardis; N. Veronese; L. Orsolini; L. Ganança; Stubbs B. “Lisdexamfetamine in the treatment of moderate-to-severe binge eating disorder in adults: systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of publicly available placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials." Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jul 25;12:1827-36. S. Marini, D. De Berardis, F. Vellante, R. Santacroce, L. Orsolini, A. Valchera, G. Girinelli, A. Carano, M. Fornaro, F. Gambi, G. Martinotti and M. Di Giannantonio "Celecoxib adjunctive treatment to antipsychotics in schizophrenia: a review of randomized clinical add-on trials." Mediators Inflamm. 2016;2016:3476240. doi: 10.1155/2016/3476240. De Berardis D., Orsolini L., Iasevoli F., Prinzivalli E., de Bartolomeis A., Serroni N., Mazza M., Valchera A., Fornaro M., Vecchiotti R., Carano A., Sepede G., Vellante F., Matarazzo I., Pompili M., Perna G., Conti C., Segura-García C., Martinotti G., Di Giannantonio M. “The Novel Antipsychotic Cariprazine (RGH-188): State-of-the-Art in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders” Curr Pharm Des. 2016;22(33):5144-5162. L. Orsolini L; C. Tomasetti; A. Valchera; R. Vecchiotti; I. Matarazzo; F. Vellante; F. Iasevoli; E.F. Buonaguro; M. Fornaro; A. Fiengo; G. Martinotti; M. Mazza M; G. Perna; A. Carano; A. de Bartolomeis; M. Di Giannantonio; D. De Berardis “An update of safety of clinically used atypical antipsychotics.” Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2016 Jul 4:1-19.

M. Solmi M; N. Veronese; G. Sergi; C. Luchini; Favaro A.; P. Santonastaso; D. Vancampfort D; C.U. Correll; M. Ussher; N. Thapa-Chhetri; M. Fornaro; B. Stubbs “The association between smoking prevalence and eating disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Addiction. 2016 May 20. doi: 10.1111/add.13457. M. Fornaro; D. De Berardis; A.S. Koshy; G. Perna; A. Valchera; D. Vancampfort; B. Stubbs “Prevalence and clinical features associated to bipolar disorder polypharmacy: a systematic review” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Mar 31;12:719-35. G. Martinotti; L. Orsolini; M. Fornaro; R. Vecchiotti; D. De Berardis; F. Iasevoli; M. Torrens; M. Di Giannantonio “Aripiprazole for relapse prevention and craving in alcohol use disorder: current evidence and future perspectives” Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2016 Apr 21:1-10.

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Orsolini L, Tomasetti C, Valchera A, Iasevoli F, Bonaguro EF, Vellante F, Fornaro M, Fiengo A, Mazza M, Vecchiotti R, Perna G, de Bartolomeis A, Martinotti G, Di Giannantonio M, De Berardis D. “New advances in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: the multimodal antidepressant Vortioxetine” Expert Rev Neurother. 2016 Apr 6. B. Stubbs; D. Vancampfort; M. Fornaro; M. Solmi; S. Rosenbaum; P. Manu; F. Gaughran; M. De Hert “The prevalence and predictors of obstructive sleep apnea in major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. J Affect Disord. 2016 Mar 9; 197:259-267. M. Solmi; L. Zaninotto; T. Toffanin; N. Veronese; L. Kangguang; B. Stubbs; M. Fornaro; C.U. Correll “A comparative meta-analysis of TEMPS scores across mood disorder patients, their first-degree relatives, healthy controls, and other psychiatric disorders” J Affect Disord. 2016 Feb 12; 196:32-46. M. Fornaro; B. Stubbs; D. De Berardis; G. Perna; A. Valchera; N. Veronese; M. Solmi; L. Ganança “Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of acute bipolar depression with mixed features: a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of placebo-controlled clinical trials” Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016 Vol. 17(2). M. Fornaro; L. Orsolini; S. Marini; D. De Berardis; G. Perna; A. Valchera; L. Ganança; M. Solmi; N. Veronese; S. Stubbs “The prevalence and predictors of Bipolar and Borderline Personality disorders comorbidity: systematic review and meta-analysis” Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016, Vol. 195 pp 105-118. A. Salone; A. Di Giacinto; C. Lai; D. De Berardis; F. Iasevoli; M. Fornaro; L. De Risio; R. Santacroce; G. Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “The interface between neuroscience and neuro-psychoanalysis: focus on brain connectivity” Front. Hum. Neurosci., 2016 Vol. 10 pp.20. D. Caldirola, K.R. Schruers, A.E. Nardi, D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro, G. Perna “Is there cardiac risk in panic disorder? An updated systematic review” Journal of Affective Disorder, 2016, Vol. 194 pp 38-49. B. Stubbs, D. Vancampfort, M. Solmi, N. Veronese, M. Fornaro “How common is bipolar disorder in general primary care attendees? A systematic review and meta-analysis investigating prevalence determined according to structured clinical assessments” Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2016 Jan 12. S. Marini, F. Vellante, I. Matarazzo, D. De Berardis, N. Serroni, D. Gianfelice, L. Olivieri, F. Di Renzo, A. Di Marco, M. Fornaro, L. Orsolini, A. Valchera, F. Iasevoli, M. Mazza, G. Perna, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Inflammatory markers and suicidal attempts in depressed patients – A review” Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2016 Jan 4 D. De Berardis, L. Orsolini, N. Serroni, G. Girinelli, F. Iasevoli, C. Tomasetti, A. de Bartolomeis, M. Mazza, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, G. Perna, M. Piersanti, M. Di Nicola, M. Cavuto, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “A comprehensive review on the efficacy of S-Adenosyl-L-methionine in Major Depressive Disorder” CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2015 Aug 20. D. De Berardis, M. Brucchi, N. Serroni, G. Rapini, D. Campanella, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, F. Iasevoli, M. Mazza, G. Lucidi, G. Martinotti e M. Di Giannantonio “Sindrome di Cotard secondaria a un intervento di chirurgia al seno trattata con successo mediante augmentation con aripiprazolo dell'escitalopram: un caso clinico.” Riv Psichiatr. 2015 Mar-Apr;50(2):95-8. doi: 10.1708/1872.20458. D. De Berardis; N. Serroni; F. Iasevoli; M. Fornaro; F. Vellante; C. Tomasetti; A de Bartolomeis; A. Valchera; M. Mazza; D. Tempesta; M. Pompili; G. Sepede; L. Orsolini; G. Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “Targeting the noradrenergic system in posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review of prazosin trials” Current Drug Targets Curr Drug Targets. 2015 May 6. De Beradis D.; Serroni N.; Campanella D.; Marini S.; Rapini G.; Valchera A.; Iasevoli F.; Mazza M.; Fornaro M.; Perna G.; Di Iorio G.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M. “Alexithymia, suicide ideation, C-reactive protein and serum lipid levels among outpatients with generalized anxiety disorder” Arch Suicide Res. 2015 Apr 9. Fornaro M, De Berardis D, Mazza M, Pino M, Favaretto E, Bedani F, Wieser C, Indelicato L, Paternò VF, Lo Monaco F, Dugo F, Ventriglio A, Mungo S, Selle V, Valchera A, Elassy M, Martinotti G, de Bartolomeis A, Iasevoli F, Tomasetti C,

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Avvisati L, Tartaglione S, Perna G, Cattaneo CI, Consoli G, Romano A, Del Debbio A, Martino M, D׳Angelo E, De Pasquale C, Koshy AS, Angst J. “Factor structure and reliability of the Italian adaptation of the Hypomania Check List-32, second revision (HCL-32-R2)” J Affect Disord. 2015 Mar 10; 178:112-120. Fornaro M; Stubbs B. “A meta-analysis investigating the prevalence and moderators of migraines among people with Bipolar Disorder” J Affect Disord. 2015 Mar 9; 178:88-97. Fornaro M, Elassy M, Mounir M, Abd-Elmoneim N, Ashour H, Hamed R, Al-Shehri A, Bedir S, Rashed I, Amer N, Mohammed TA, De Berardis D, Mazza M, Pino M, Koshy AS, De Pasquale C, Okasha T, Angst J. “Factor structure and reliability of the Arabic adaptation of the Hypomania Check List-32, second revision (HCL-32-R2)” Compr Psychiatry. 2015 Mar 2. De Berardis D.; Conti C.; Iasevoli F.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Cavuto M.; Brucchi M.; Perna G.; Pompili M.; Modabbernia A.; Lucidi G.; Mazza M.; Martinotti G.; Di Giannantonio M. “Alexithymia and its relationships with acute phase proteins and cytokine release: An updated review” Journal of biological regulators & homeostatic agents Vol. 28, no. 4, 0-0 (2014). D. De Berardis; N. Serroni; D. Campanella: G. Rapini; L. Olivieri; B. Feliziani; A. Carano; A. Valchera; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; M. Mazza; M. Fornaro; G. Perna; M. Di Nicola; G. Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “Alexithymia, responsibility attitudes and suicide ideation among outpatients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: an exploratory study” Compr Psychiatry. 2015 Apr; 58:82-7. D. De Berardis; M. Fornaro; N. Serroni; D. Campanella; G. Rapini; L. Olivieri; V. Srinivasan; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; A. de Bartolomeis; A. Valchera; G. Perna; M. Mazza; M. Di Nicola; G. Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “Agomelatine beyond Borders: Current Evidences of Its Efficacy in Disorders Other than Major Depression” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 01/2015; 16(1):1111-1130. C. De Pasquale C., M. Veroux, L. Indelicato, N. Sinagra, A. Giaquinta, P. Veroux, M. Fornaro, M.L. Pistorio “Psychopathological aspects of kidney transplantation: Efficacy of a multidisciplinary team” World J Transplant. 2014 Dec 24;4(4):267-75. M. Fornaro; A. Escelsior; G. Rocchi: B. Conio: P. Maggioncalda; V. Marozzi; A. Presta; B. Sterlini; P. Contini; M. Amore; P. Fornaro; M. Martino “BDNF plasma levels variations in major depressed patients receiving duloxetine” Neurol Sci. 2014 Dec 11. D. Popovic; E. Vieta; M. Fornaro; G. Perugi “Cognitive tolerability following successful long term treatment of major depression and anxiety disorders with SSRi antidepressants” Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 173, 1 March 2015. M. Fornaro; D. De Berardis; C. De Pasquale; L. Indelicato; R. Pollice; A. Valchera; G. Perna; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; G. Martinotti; A.S. Koshy; O.B. Fasmer; K.J. Oedegaard “Prevalence and clinical features associated to bipolar disorder-migraine comorbidity: a systematic review.” Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Sep 28. C. De Pasquale; M.L. Pistorio ML; I. Lauretta; P. Fatuzzo; M. Fornaro; D. Conti; S. Di Nuovo; N. Sinagra; A. Giaquinta; D. Zerbo; M. Veroux “Somatopsychic correlates and quality of life of the dialyzed patient: a cross-sectional study.” Transplant Proc. 2014 Sep;46(7):2199-202.

M Guglielmotto, D. Monteleone, A. Piras, V. Valsecchi, M. Tropiano, S. Ariano, M. Fornaro, A. Vercelli, J. Puyal, O. Arancio, M. Tabaton, E. Tamagno “Aβ1-42 monomers or oligomers have different effects on autophagy and apoptosis. ”Autophagy. 2014 Aug 12;10(10). F. Petruccelli, P. Diotaiuti, V. Verrastro, I. Petruccelli, M. L. Carenti, D. De Berardis, F. Iasevoli, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio, L. Janiri “Obsessive-Compulsive Aspects and Pathological Gambling in an Italian Sample” Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:167438. D. De Berardis, D, Campanella, N. Serroni, G. Rapini, L. Olivieri, M. Fornaro, A. Valchera, F. Iasevoli, C. Napoletano, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Clozapine-Related Pericarditis During Titration Phase in a Patient With Resistant Schizophrenia and Concomitant Valproate Treatment: A Case Report.” Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 07/2014.

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C. De Pasquale, M.L. Pistorio, M. Veroux, A. Giaquinta, P. Veroux, M. Fornaro “Cognitive functioning and subjective quality of life in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients before and after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty: a preliminary report” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2014 Jun 11; 10:1039-44. M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, L. Cestari, C. Cordano, C. Ogliastro, C. Albano, D. De Berardis, M. Martino, A. Escelsior, G. Rocchi, P. Fornaro, C. De Pasquale “Electroretinographic modifications induced by agomelatine: a novel avenue to the understanding of the claimed antidepressant effect of the drug?” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2014 May 20; 10:907-14. D. De Berardis, N. Serroni. S. Marini, M. Fornaro, A. Valchera, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio, D. Kahn "Emerging mania following escitalopram withdrawal in a patient with unipolar depression managed with its reintroduction ." J Psychiatr Pract. 2014 May;20(3):228-31. M. Fornaro, M. Martino, C. Mattei, V., Prestia D., V. Vinciguerra, D. De Berardis, C. De Pasquale, F. Iasevoli, S. Mungo, P. Fornaro “Duloxetine-bupropion combination for treatment-resistant atypical depression: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial” Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 May 2. D. De Berardis, M. Brucchi, N. Serroni, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, M. Mazza, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Successful use of agomelatine in the treatment of major depression in a woman taking tamoxifen: a case report” Clin Neuropharmacol. 2014;37(1):31-3. D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro, N. Serroni, S. Marini, M. Piersanti, M. Cavuto, A. Valchera, M. Mazza, G. Girinelli, F. Iasevoli, G. Perna, M. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Treatment of Antipsychotic-Induced Hyperprolactinemia: An Update on the Role of Partial Agonists of D2 Dopaminergic Receptors" Recent Pat Endocr Metab Immune Drug Discov. 2014 Jan;8(1):30-7. D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro, N. Serroni, L. Olivieri, S. Marini, F.S. Moschetta, V.Srinivasan, M. Assetta, A. Valchera, A. Salone, G. Martinotti, M. Onofrj, M. Di Giannantonio “Agomelatine treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Parkinson's disease: a case series" J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Oct 1;25(4):343-5. C. De Pasquale, M. L. Pistorio, E. Tornatore, D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro “The relationship between drive to thinness, conscientiousness and bulimic traits during adolescence: a comparison between younger and older cases in 608 healthy volunteers” Annals of General Psychiatry Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2013 Oct 31;12(1):34. M. Fornaro, D. De Berardis, F. Iasevoli, M.L. Pistorio, E. D’Angelo, S. Mungo, M. Martino, A. Ventriglio, C.I. Cattaneo, E. Favaretto, A. Del Debbio, A. Romano, G. Ciampa, M. Elassy, G. Perugi, C. De Pasquale “Treatment adherence towards prescribed medications in bipolar-II acute depressed patients: Relationship with cyclothymic temperament and “therapeutic sensation seeking” in response towards subjective intolerance to pain” J Affect Disord. 2013 Jul 29. M. Fornaro, G. Rocchi, A. Escelsior, Paola Contini, Massimo Ghio, S. Colicchio, D. De Berardis, M. Amore, P. Fornaro, M. Martino “VEGF plasma level variations in duloxetine-treated patients with major depression” J Affect Disord. 2013 Jul 18. F. Iasevoli, A. Valchera, E. Di Giovambattista, M. Marconi, MP. Rapagnani, D. De Berardis, G. Martinotti, M. Fornaro, M. Mazza, C. Tomasetti, EF. Buonaguro, M. Di Giannantonio, G. Perugi, A. de Bartolomeis “Affective temperaments are associated with specific clusters of symptoms and psychopathology: A cross-sectional study on bipolar disorder inpatients in acute manic, mixed, or depressive relapse.” Journal of Affective Disorders J Affect Disord. 2013 Jul 12. D. De Berardis, S. Marini, M. Fornaro, V. Srinivasan, F. Iasevoli, C. Tomasetti, A. Valchera, G. Perna, M.A. Quera-Salva, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “The melatonergic system in mood and anxiety disorders and the role of agomelatine: implications for clinical practice.” Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Jun 13;14(6):12458-83. De Berardis, N. Serroni, S. Marini, G. Rapini, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, M. Mazza, F. Iasevoli, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio "Successful ziprasidone monotherapy in a case of delusional parasitosis: a one-year follow-up" Case Rep Psychiatry. 2013:913248.

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D. De Berardis, C. Conti, S. Marini, F. Ferri, F. Iasevoli, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, M. Cavuto, V. Srinivasan, G. Perna, A. Carano, M. Piersanti, G. Martinotti M. Di Giannantonio “Is there a role for agomelatine in the treatment of anxiety disorders? A review of published data” International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2013 Apr-Jun;26(2):299-304. D. D. De Berardis, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, N. Serroni, S. Marini, FS Moschetta, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Agomelatine reversal of escitalopram-induced apathy: A case report” Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Apr;67(3):190-1. M. Martino, G. Rocchi, A. Escelsior, P. Contini, S. Colicchio, D. De Berardis, M. Amore, P. Fornaro, M. Fornaro “NGF serum levels variations in major depressed patients receiving duloxetine” Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar 15. doi:pii: S0306-4530(13)00047-4. D. De Berardis, S. Marini, F. Iasevoli, C. Tomassetti, A. de Bartolomeis, M. Mazza, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, M. Cavuto, V. Srinivasan, G. Sepede, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio. “The role of intranasal oxytocin in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review” CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2013 Mar;12(2):252-64. M. Fornaro, M.J. McCarthy, D. De Berardis, C. De Pasquale, M. Tabaton, M. Martino, S. Colicchio, C.I. Cattaneo, E. D’Angelo, P. Fornaro “Adjunctive agomelatine therapy in the treatment of acute bipolar II depression: a preliminary open label study” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013; 9:243-51. M. Fornaro, A. Ventriglio, C. De Pasquale, M.L. Pistorio, D. De Berardis, C.I. Cattaneo, E. Favaretto, G. Martinotti, C. Tomasetti, M. Elassy, E. D’Angelo, S. Mungo, A. Del Debbio, A. Romano, G. Ciampa, S. Colicchio “Sensation seeking in major depressive patients: relationship to sub-threshold bipolarity and cyclothymic temperament” Journal of Affective Disorders J Affect Disord. 2013 Jun;148(2-3):375-83. D. De Berardis, S. Marini, A. Carano, A.P. Lang, M. Cavuto, M. Piersanti, M. Fornaro, G. Perna, A. Valchera, M. Mazza, F. Iasevoli, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Efficacy and Safety of Long Acting Injectable Atypical Antipsychotics: A Review.” Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print] M. Martino, G. Rocchi, A. Escelsior, M. Fornaro “Immunomodulation Mechanism of Antidepressants: Interactions between Serotonin/Norepinephrine Balance and Th1/Th2 Balance” Current Neuropharmacology Volume 10, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 97-123(27) [ahead of print]. M. Fornaro, G. Rocchi, A. Escelsior, P. Contini, M. Martino “Might different cytokine trends in depressed patients receiving duloxetine indicate differential biological backgrounds” J Affect Disord. 2012 Sep 13. pii: S0165-0327(12)00576-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2012.08.007. [Epub ahead of print] M. Fornaro, M. Martino, C. De Pasquale, D. Moussaoui “The argument of antidepressant drugs in the treatment of bipolar depression: mixed evidence or mixed states?” Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2012 Sep 4. [Epub ahead of print]

G. Perugi, M. Fornaro, I. Maremmani, P.L. Canonico, P. Carbonatto, C. Mencacci, G. Muscettola, L. Pani, R. Torta, C. Vampini, F. Parazzini, A. Dumitriu, J. Angst, on behalf of Come To Me Study Group "Discriminative Hypomania Checklist-32 Factors in Unipolar and Bipolar Major Depressive Patients" Psychopathology. 2012 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Guglielmotto M, Monteleone D, Boido M, Piras A, Giliberto L, Borghi R, Vercelli A, Fornaro M, Tabaton M, Tamagno E. “Aβ 1-42-mediated down-regulation of Uch-L1 is dependent on NF-κB activation and impaired BACE1 lysosomal degradation.” Aging Cell. 2012 Jun 23. doi: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2012.00854. x. [Epub ahead of print]

M. Fornaro, S. Fornaro “Comments on: Socio-economic factors and suicide rates in European Union countries’’ Leg Med (Tokyo). 2012 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. Piccini A, Borghi R, Guglielmotto M, Tamagno E, Cirmena G, Garuti A, Pollero V, Cammarata S, Fornaro M, Messa M, Colombo L, Salmona M, Perry G, Tabaton M “β-amyloid 1-42 induces physiological transcriptional regulation of bace1.” J Neurochem. 2012 Jun 18. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2012.07834. x. [Epub ahead of print] A. Del Carlo, M. Benvenuti, M Fornaro, C Toni, S Rizzato, AC Swann, L. Dell'Osso, G Perugi "Different measures of impulsivity in patients with anxiety disorders: A case control study" Psychiatry Res. 2012 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print].

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D. De Berardis, S. Marini, M. Piersanti, M. Cavuto, G. Perna, A. Valchera, M. Mazza, M. Fornaro, F. Iasevoli, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “The Relationships between Cholesterol and Suicide: An Update” ISRN Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 23; 2012:387901. M. Fornaro, AG Maremmani, MG Colicchio, A. Romano, S. Fornaro, S. Rizzato, G. Ciampa, S. Colicchio, L. Dell’Osso “A case of severe oral self-injurious Tourette’s syndrome alleviated by pregabalin” General Hospital Psychiatry 2011 Nov 29.

M. Fornaro, E. Aguglia, L. Dell’Osso, G. Perugi “Could the underestimation of bipolarity obstruct the search for novel antidepressant drugs?” Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2011 Dec;12(18):2817-31. P. Medda, M. Fornaro, S. Fratta, A. Callari, V. Manzo, B. Ciaponi. G. Perugi “A case of deep venous thrombosis following protracted catatonic immobility recovered with electroconvulsive therapy: the relevance for an early intervention” General Hospital Psychiatry Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print].

M. Fornaro, M. Martino, B. Dalmasso, G. Rocchi, A. Escelsior, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “An open pilot study of zonisamide augmentation in major depressive patients not responding to a low dose trial with duloxetine: preliminary results on tolerability and clinical effects” Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Sep 19;10(1):23. [Epub ahead of print].

M. Guglielmotto, D. Monteleone, L. Giliberto, M. Fornaro, E. Tamagno, M. Tabaton “Amyloid Beta-42 activates the expression of BACE1 through the JNK pathway “J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print] M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, C. Ogliastro, C. Cordano, M. Martino, L. Cestari, A. Escelsior, G. Rocchi, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “Electroretinographic assessment in major depressed patients receiving duloxetine: might differences between responders and non-responders indicate a differential biological background?” J Affect Disord. 2011 Aug 3. *Epub ahead of print]. G. Perugi, A. Del Carlo, M. Benvenuti, M. Fornaro, C. Toni, K. Akiskal,

L. Dell’Osso, H. Akiskal “Impulsivity in anxiety

disorder patients: is it related to comorbid cyclothymia” J Affect Disord. 2011 Oct;133(3):600-6. Epub 2011 Jun 12. M. Fornaro, I. Maremmani, P. L. Canonico, P. Carbonatto, C. Mencacci, G. Muscettola, L. Pani, R. Torta, C. Vampini, F. Parazzini, A. Dumitriu, G. Perugi “Prevalence and diagnostic distribution of medically unexplained painful somatic symptoms across 571 major depressed outpatients” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2011; 7:217-21. Epub 2011 Apr 21. M. Fornaro, M. Martino, F. Battaglia, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “Increase in IL-6 levels among major depressed patients after a 6-week treatment with duloxetine 60 mg/day: a preliminary observation” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2011; 7:51-6. Epub 2011 Feb 10.

G. Perugi, M. Fornaro, H. Akiskal “Are atypical depression, borderline personality disorder and bipolar II disorder overlapping manifestations of a common cyclothymic diathesis?” World Psychiatry. 2011 Feb;10(1):45-51. M. Fornaro “Switching from serotonin reuptake inhibitors to agomelatine in patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: a three-month follow-up case series” Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Feb 28;10(1):5 M. Fornaro, D. Prestia, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “A systematic, updated review on the antidepressant agomelatine focusing on its melatonergic modulation” Curr Neuropharmacol. 2010 Sep;8(3):287-304 M. Fornaro “Catatonia: a narrative review” Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem. 2011 Feb 7. M. Fornaro, G. Ciampa, N. Mosti, A. Del Carlo, G. Ceraudo, S. Colicchio “A case of treatment resistant depression and alcohol abuse in a person with mental retardation: response to aripiprazole and fluvoxamine therapy upon consideration of a bipolar diathesis after repetitive failure to respond to multiple antidepressant trials” Case Report Med. 2010; 2010:801514. Epub 2011 Jan 17. G. Perugi, P.L. Canonico, P. Carbonato, C. Mencacci, G. Muscettola, L. Pani, R. Torta, C. Vampini, M. Fornaro, F. Parazzini, A. Dumitriu on behalf of Come To Me Study Group “Unexplained somatic symptoms during major

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depression: prevalence and clinical impact in a national sample of Italian outpatients” Psychopathology 2011 Jan 12;44(2):116-124.

M. Fornaro, M. Martino “Adding 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor type 3 antagonists may reduce drug-induced nausea in poor insight obsessive-compulsive patients taking off-label doses of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a 52-week follow-up case report” Annals of General Psychiatry. 2010 Dec 10;9(1):39.

M. Fornaro “Obsessive-compulsive disorder with bipolar diathesis following isotretinoin therapy remitting upon treatment with olanzapine and fluvoxamine” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2010 Oct 29; 6:719-22. M. Fornaro “Agomelatine in the treatment of panic disorder” Progress in Neuro psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2010 Oct 5. R. Borghi, A. Piccini, E. Barini, G. Cirmena, M. Guglielmotto, E. Tamagno, M. Fornaro, G. Perry, MA Smith, A. Garuti, M. Tabaton "Upregulation of Presenilin 1 in Brains of Sporadic, Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease” J Alzheimers Dis. 2010 Aug 30. M. Fornaro, M. Martino “Tinnitus psychopharmacology: A comprehensive review of its pathomechanisms and management” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2010 Jun 24; 6:209-18. M. Fornaro, G. Perugi “The impact of pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder among 92 bipolar patients” Eur Psychiatry. 2010 Jul 6. M. Fornaro, N. Iovieno, N. Clementi, M.

Boscaro, F.

Paggi, G. Balercia, M. Fava, G. Papakostas “Diagnosis of co-morbid

Axis-I psychiatric disorders among women with newly diagnosed, untreated endocrine disorders” World J Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Jun 22. M. Fornaro, P. Giosue’ “Current nosology of treatment resistant depression: a controversy resistant to revision” Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2010 May 4; 6:20-4. G. Perugi, C. Toni, I. Maremmani, G. Tusini, S. Ramacciotti, A. Madia, M. Fornaro, H.S. Akiskal “The influence of affective temperaments and psychopathological traits on the definition of bipolar disorder subtypes: a study on a Bipolar I Italian National sample”. J Affect Disord. 2010 Feb 1. M. Fornaro, N. Clementi, P. Fornaro “Medicine and psychiatry in Western culture: Ancient Greek myths and modern prejudices” Annals of General Psychiatry 2009, 8:21. S. Cammarata, R. Borghi, L. Giliberto, M. Pardini, V. Pollero, C. Novello, M. Fornaro, A. Vitali, L. Bracco, C. Caltagirone, P. Bossù, P. Odetti, M. Tabaton “Amyloid-beta<formula>_{42}</formula> Plasma Levels are Elevated in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.” J Alzheimers Dis. 2009;18(2):267-71. M. Fornaro, G. Perugi, F. Gabrielli, D. Prestia, C. Mattei, V. Vinciguerra, P. Fornaro “Lifetime co-morbidity with different subtypes of eating disorders in 148 females with bipolar disorders.” J Affect Disord. 2010 Feb;121(1-2):147-51. Epub 2009 Jun 26.

M. Fornaro, F. Gabrielli, C. Albano, S. Fornaro, S. Rizzato, C. Mattei, P. Solano, V. Vinciguerra, P. Fornaro “Obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders: a comprehensive survey”. Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2009 May 18;8(1):13. M. Fornaro, F. Gabrielli, C. Mattei, V. Vinciguerra, P. Fornaro “Aripiprazole augmentation in poor-insight obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report”. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2008, 7:26 A. Cupello, D. Audenino, S. Scarrone, M. Fornaro, E. Gatta, P. Fornaro, C. Albano “Epileptic Seizures but not pseudoseizures are Associated with Decreased Density of Serotonin Transporter in Blood Platelet Membranes”. Neurochem Res (2008) 33:2263-2268.

4.5 Pubblicazioni non indicizzate in PubMed

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De Berardis D.; Fornaro M.; Orsolini L.; Vellante F.; Carano A.; Valchera A.; Tomasetti C.; Martinotti G; Di Giannantonio M. “Second Generation Long-Acting Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: A Clinical Viewpoint” Bipolar Disorder: Open Access - De Berardis et al., Bipolar Disord 2018, 4:2 DOI: 10.4172/2472-1077.1000123. Orsolini L.; Iasevoli F..; Prinzivalli E.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Vecchiotti R.; Latini R.; Carano A.; Pompili M.; Perna G.; Vellante F.; Matarazzo I., Martinotti G.; de Bartolomeis A.; Di Giannantonio A.; De Berardis D. “Cariprazine (rGh-188): a new pharmacological target option for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression?” su Minerva Psichiatrica 2017, March, 58(1):17-25. D. De Berardis; N. Serroni; L. Gianfelice; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; A. de Bartolomeis; M. Mazza; A. Valchera; M. Fornaro; F. Di Fabio; P. Cavedini; G. Perna; M. Piersanti; M. Di Nicola; M. Odorisio; A. Carano; F. Vellante; I. Matarazzo; M. Di Giannantonio “May second generation long-acting injectable antipsychotics be prescribed as a first-line treatment of first episode in patients with schizophrenia? An overview.” 2015; 2(2):48-58. D. De Berardis; L. Orsolini; N. Serroni; Gabriella Girinelli; F. Iasevoli; C. Tomasetti; M. Mazza; A. Valchera; M. Fornaro; Giampaolo Perna; Monica Piersanti; Marco Di Nicola; Marilde Cavuto; Giovanni Martinotti; M. Di Giannantonio “The role of melatonin in mood disorders” ChronoPhysiology and Therapy 2015:5 65–75. A. Carano, D. De Berardis, M. Cavuto, C. Ortolani, G. Perna, A. Valchera, M. Mazza, M. Fornaro, F. Iasevoli, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio “Cotard’s Syndrome: Clinical Case Presentation and Literature Review” International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal 2(6): 348-355, 2014. D. De Berardis, C.M. Conti, S. Marini, N. Serroni, F.S. Moschetta, A. Carano, A. Valchera, F. Iasevoli, M. Fornaro, G. Perna, G. Di Iorio, G. Martinotti, C. Niolu, A. Siracusano, M. Di Giannantonio “C-reactive protein levels and its relationships with suicide risk and alexithymia among newly diagnosed, drug-naïve patients with non-affective psychosis” European Journal of Inflammation January 2013 vol. 11 no. 1 215-221 V Srinivasan, D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro, F. López-Muñoz, T. Partonen, R. Zakaria “Mood disorders, Sleep and Circadian rhythms” Research and Advances in Psychiatry 1 (1), 1-8. M. Fornaro, D. De Berardis, R. Pollice, C. De Pasquale “Celiac disease and ADHD: mini-review and critique.” Research and Advances in Psychiatry 1 (1), 1-6. S. Mungo & M. Fornaro “Adherence to Chronic Therapies in Psychiatry: From Treatment to Cure. The Relevance of Therapeutic Relationship.” J Psychol Psychother S3: 003. M. Fornaro “Beyond the monoamines to develop novel antidepressant drugs” - Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia/Italian Journal of Psychopathology – Journal of Psychopathology 2012; EPUB April 19, 2012 G. Perugi, M. Fornaro “Bipolar disorder treatment guidelines and their limits in every day clinical practice” - Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia/Italian Journal of Psychopathology – Volume 17, September 2011, Issue 3. M. Fornaro “Una review sistematica sull’agomelatina” – Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia - Vol. 15, Issue 3, settembre 2009. M. Fornaro, F. Gabrielli, E. Rasore, F. Pompei, P. Fornaro “Phenomenological, subjective experience and neurobiological aspects of delirium” – Minerva Psichiatrica Vol 48 – N.3 – Pag 365-372, settembre 2007. M. Fornaro, S. Venuti, F. Pompei, F. Gabrielli, P. Fornaro "Effetti indesiderati a carico dell'occhio e della funzione visiva dei farmaci antipsicotici" - Minerva Psichiatrica Vol 47 – N.2 Pag 129-142, giugno 2006. I. Calamia, F Sartore, F Massaro, S Venuti, M Fornaro, G Lusuardi, F Minuto, P. Fornaro, M. Giusti “Evaluation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and psychological tests in patients with major depression before and after reboxetine therapy” JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION 29 (4), 68. P. Fornaro, S. Venuti, M. Fornaro, F. Sartore, F. Gabrielli "Effetti oftalmologici indesiderati dei farmaci antidepressivi, ansiolitici e stabilizzatori del tono dell'umore" Minerva Psichiatr, 4:301-313, 2005.

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P. Fornaro, S. Venuti, M. Fornaro, S. Mungo, N. Fogato, F. Gabrielli "Disturbi dell'Umore, Disturbo Ossessivo-Compulsivo e Sindrome di Prader-Willi" - Ricerche in Psichiatria, Vol. II - N.2, maggio/agosto 2005 - CIC Edizioni Internazionali. (Autor. Tribunale di Roma n.519 del 15/12/2003). P. Fornaro, M. Fornaro, S. Venuti, S. Mungo, S. Giulianelli, F. Gabrielli "Psicofarmaci e stigmatizzazione del paziente psichiatrico" - Ricerche in Psichiatria, Vol II - N.1, - gennaio/aprile 2005 - CIC Edizioni Internazionali. (Autor. Tribunale di Roma n.519 del 15/12/2003).

4.6 Abstract e poster presentati a congressi nazionali e internazionali

“A comparative meta-analysis of TEMPS scores across mood disorder patients, their first-degree relatives, healthy

controls, and other psychiatric disorders” (presentato “come comunicazione orale” da parte del Dr. Marco Solmi in occasione de:” International Review of Psychosis & Bipolarity” (IRPB) tenutosi a Roma, dal 22 al 24 maggio 2016. P.35 “Aderenza al trattamento in pazienti bipolari tipo-II in fase acuta depressiva: correlati psicopatologici del temperamento ciclotimico e “therapeutic sensation seeking” in risposta alla incapacità di sopportazione del dolore soggettivo.” M. Fornaro, D. De Berardis, F. Iasevoli, M. L. Pistorio, E. D’Angelo, S. Mungo, M. Martino, A. Ventriglio, C.I. Cattaneo, E. Favaretto, A. Del Debbio, A. Romano. SOPSI 2014, TORINO, 12-15 Febbraio 2014. P104. “Efficacia e sicurezza dell’asenapina in pazienti con episodi maniacali e misti associati a disturbo bipolare I” D. De Berardis, N. Serroni, S. Marini, D. Campanella, G. Rapini, F. S. Moschetta, F. Iasevoli, M. Mazza, A. Valchera, M. Fornaro, M. Cavuto, A. Carano, G. Perna, G. Di Iorio, G. Martinotti, M. di Giannantonio. Presentato a Napoli in occasione dell’undicesimo congresso della Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica (SIPB), 19-21 Settembre 2013. F. Casalini, N. Mosti, S. Belletti, V. Mastria, S. Rizzato, A. Del Carlo, M. Fornaro, L. Dell’Osso, G. Perugi “Bipolar disorder and disreactive disorders: a complex relationship” International Clinical Psychopharmacology: December 2012 - Volume 28 - Issue - p e34 doi: 10.1097/01.yic.0000423296.62412.57 Presentato a “The 13th International Review of BIPOLAR DISORDERS (IRBD)” Ceraudo G., Rizzato S., Casalini F., Fornaro M., Del Carlo A., Toni C., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Comorbidità tra Disturbo da Deficit dell 'Attenzione e Iperattivita nell 'adulto e Distubo Bipolare - prevalenza e caratteristiche cliniche in uno studio preliminare”. Poster session, “New directions in psychiatry – A forum for European young psychiatrists” Sorrento, 23-25 Maggio 2012. Ceraudo G., Rizzato S., Casalini F., Fornaro M., Del Carlo A., Toni C., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Comorbidità tra Disturbo da Deficit dell 'Attenzione e Iperattivita nell 'adulto e Distubo Bipolare - prevalenza e caratteristiche cliniche in uno studio preliminare”. P19, SOPSI 2012, Roma, 14-18 Febbraio 2012. Del Carlo A., Benvenuti M., Rizzato S., Casalini F., Falaschi V., Fornaro M., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Impulsività e disturbo da panico: il ruolo della ciclotimia” P132, SOPSI 2012, Roma, 14-18 febbraio 2012. Del Carlo A., Dima F., Benvenuti M., Rizzato S., Casalini F., Falaschi V., Mosti N., Fornaro M., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Caratteristiche cliniche nel Disturbo Borderline: ruolo del trauma e dell’instabilità affettiva” P222, SOPSI 2012, Roma, 14-18 febbraio 2012. Del Carlo A., Dima F., Benvenuti M., Rizzato S., Casalini F., Ceraudo G., Fornaro M., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Disturbo Borderline e Spettro Bipolare: una ricerca epidemiologica” P28, SOPSI 2012, Roma, 14-18 febbraio 2012. Mosti N, Casalini F, Belletti S, Mastria V, Rizzato S, Del Carlo A, Fornaro M, Dell’Osso L, Perugi G. “Disturbo bipolare e malattie disreattive: una relazione complessa”. P45, SOPSI 2012, Roma 14-18 Febbraio 2012 [Vincitore primo premio poster SOPSI 2012]. M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, C. Ogliastro, C. Cordano, M. Martino, L. Cestari, A. Escelsior, G. Rocchi, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “Valutazione elettroretinografica (ERG) in pazienti con depressione maggiore in trattamento con duloxetina: differenza tra “responders” e “non-responders” quale possibile indice di un pattern biologico differenziale”. P142, SOPSI 2012, Roma, 14-18 Febbraio 2012.

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M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, C. Ogliastro, C. Cordano, M. Martino, L. Cestari, A. Escelsior, G. Rocchi, S. Colicchio, G. Perugi “Electroretinographic (ERG) assessment in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients receiving duloxetine: might differences between responders and non-responders indicate a differential biological background?” MED PSY FORUM, Second Course (Servier/Stroder Europa), Cascais, Portogallo, 26-29 Ottobre 2011. VINCITORE PRIMO PREMIO. Nota che in tale occasione congressuale è stato sia presentato il poster che fornita presentazione orale distintamente. M. Fornaro, A. Del Carlo, G. Perugi “A case of resistant depression and alcohol abuse in a person with mental retardation: response to aripiprazole and fluvoxamine therapy upon consideration of a bipolar diathesis”, Lundbeck Award, Napoli, 7-8 Settembre 2011. Del Carlo A., Benvenuti M., Rizzato S., Ceraudo G., Fornaro M., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Impulsività e Disturbi d’Ansia: il ruolo della ciclotimia” SOPSI 2011, Roma 15-19 febbraio 2011. P.128. Del Carlo A., Benvenuti M., Rizzato S., Ceraudo G., Fornaro M., Dell’Osso L., Perugi G. “Impulsività e Disturbi d’Ansia: uno studio caso-controllo” SOPSI 2011, Roma 15-19 febbraio 2011 [Vincitore secondo premio poster SOPSI 2011]. P.129. M. Fornaro, C. Mattei, P. Fornaro “Comorbidity between eating disorders and bipolar disorder: a longitudinal study” (WPA), Firenze, 1-9 Aprile 2009 (Poster P02.89 abstract book 232). M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, F. Battaglia, C. Mattei, C. Ogliastro, P. Fornaro “Zonisamide augmentation in poor- or non-responder patients treated with duloxetine for a major depressive episode” World Psychiatric Association (WPA), Firenze, 1-9 aprile 2009 (Poster P01.119 abstract book 185). M. Fornaro, F. Bandini, F. Battaglia, C. Mattei, C. Ogliastro, P. Fornaro “Augmentation of zonisamide in poor- or non-responder patients treated with duloxetine for single or recurrent unipolar major depressive episode” Societa’ Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) Roma 10-14 febbraio 2009 (Poster 129 - Abstract book pp.237). M. Fornaro, D. Prestia, V. Vinciguerra, C. Mattei, P. Fornaro “Are eating disorders more frequent among bipolar diagnosed? Does such a comorbidity influence bipolar illness outcome? An Italian longitudinal study” Societa’ Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) Roma 10-14 febbraio 2009 (Poster 41 - Abstract book pp.197). G. Ceraudo, D. Popovic, S. Rizzato, A. Maremmani, A. Romano, M. Benvenuti, M. Fornaro, C. Toni, G. Perugi "Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattivita' (ADHD) in eta' adulta: indagine su 25 pazienti con Disturbo da Uso di Sostanze" Societa’ Italiana di Psicopatologia (SOPSI) Roma 10-14 febbraio 2009 (Poster 252 - Abstract book pp. 294). E. Rasore, P. Cardinale, P. Fornaro, L. Adriano, M. Delle piane, M. Fornaro, F. Tombesi, F.Pompei “L’identità dello psichiatra: la storia di un percorso” XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP) 2006 Montesilvano (Pescara) 15-20 Ottobre 2006 (Abstract Book pp. 248). E. Rasore, M. Fornaro, F. Tombesi, L. Adriano, M. Delle piane, F. Pompei “L’identità dello psichiatra: le opinioni degli specializzandi in psichiatria italiani” XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP) 2006 Montesilvano (Pescara) 15-20 ottobre 2006 (Abstract Book pp. 247). E. Rasore, M. Fornaro, E. Fiscella, F.Pompei, P. Fornaro, P. Cardinale “L’identità dello psichiatra: i risultati di un’intervista guidata”. XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psichiatria (SIP) 2006 Montesilvano (Pescara) 15-20 ottobre 2006 (Abstract Book pp. 246). Calamia, F. Sartore, F. Massaro, S. Venuti, M. Fornaro, G. Lusuardi, F. Minuto, P. Fornaro, M. Giusti "Studio dell'Asse Ipotalamo-Ipofisi-Surrene nei pazienti con Depressione Maggiore prima e dopo trattamento con Reboxetina" - Poster presentato a: GEP 2006 - XXVI Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia - Pisa, 08-10 giugno 2006. M. Fornaro, F. Gabrielli, S. Mungo, F. Pompei, E. Rasore, P. Fornaro” Farmaci antipsicotici ed effetti oftalmologici indesiderati”. XV Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia, Genova 6-9 giugno 2006 (Abstract Book pp. 332-334).

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M. Fornaro, G. Corsini, P. Fornaro "L' impiego degli antipsicotici atipici nella terapia del Disturbo Ossessivo-Compulsivo” XV Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia, Genova 6-9 giugno 2006 (Abstract Book pp. 639-640). S. Mungo, M. Fornaro, P. Fornaro "Aspetti etologici e terapeutici della comorbilità tra Depressione e Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress" XV Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuropsicofarmacologia, Genova 6-9 giugno 2006 (Abstract Book, pp. 507-510). M. Perossini, M. Fornaro, S. Venuti, F. Gabrielli, P. Fornaro “Effetti collaterali oftalmologici dei farmaci antipsicotici” Abstract e poster del Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze organizzato in collaborazione con la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, 26-28/10/2003. S. Venuti, M. Fornaro, P. Capris, G. Corallo, F. Gabrielli, P. Fornaro “Antidepressivi e stabilizzatori del tono dell’umore: effetti a carico dell’occhio e della funzione visiva” Abstract e poster del Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze organizzato in collaborazione con la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, 26-28/10/2003.

4.7 Capitoli di libri, monografie ed altre pubblicazioni a diffusione nazionale o internazionale

P. Fornaro, S. Venuti, M. Fornaro "Considerazioni in tema di alcuni Disturbi d'Ansia nell' Infanzia e nell'Adolescenza" - II Corso Interdisciplinare di aggiornamento in adolescentologia" - Libro degli Atti - Istituto Giannina Gaslini Genova, 4-5 aprile 2005, pp. 40-49.

M. Fornaro, F. Pompei, S. Venuti, F. Gabrielli, P. Fornaro “Aspetti clinico-biologici della Demenza di Alzheimer ed effetti dei relativi trattamenti farmacologici". In: "L'Amministratore di sostegno nella realtà ospedaliera-Teoria e Pratica (a cura di F. Gabrielli e P. Cardinale) –G. Giappichelli Editore-Torino- pp.161-171, 2008.

M. Fornaro “Depressione Doppia” successiva ad abuso multiplo, protratto di sostanze: miglioramento clinico dopo trattamento con bupropione” - Buprofile. Casi clinici in psichiatria” n°1-2010 (per Sigma Tau Italia).

M. Fornaro “Miglioramento clinico con bupropione della Sindrome delle Gambe Senza Riposo indotto dal trattamento con mirtazapna e duloxetina in un paziente affetto da Depressione Maggiore” - Buprofile. Casi clinici in psichiatria” n°1-2010 (per Sigma Tau Italia). Fornaro M, McCarthy MJ, De Berardis D, De Pasquale C, Tabaton M, Martino M, Colicchio S, Cattaneo CI, D’Angelo E, Fornaro P. “Adjunctive agomelatine therapy in the treatment of acute bipolar II depression: a preliminary open label study.” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2013 Feb; 2013 (9): 243-251. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S41557. – Segnalato nella “Official Newsletter of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders” Volume 14, Issue 1. 2013. M. Fornaro “Valdoxan – agomelatina – nella PRATICA CLINICA”. CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Vol. XXVIII – N.1 (Suppl. I) January/March 2013 – Trimestrale – ISSN 0393-5264. (per Servier Italia). D. De Berardis, M. Fornaro, V. Srinivasan, S. Marini, N. Serroni, D. Campanella, G. Rapini, L. Olivieri, F. Iasevoli, A. Valchera, G. Perna, M.A. Quera-Salva, M. Mazza, M. Cavuto, I. Potena, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio (2014) Melatonergic Antidepressant Agomelatine in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders (Chapter 25) In: MELATONIN, ITS THERAPEUTIC VALUE AND NEUROPROTECTION Edited by:V Srinivasan, Samuel D Shillcutt, Sibel Suzen Uma Palanisamy. Taylor & Francis isbn:1482220091. M. Fornaro “Un caso di acoldipendenza in soggetto depresso bipolare tipo-II con storia di gambling patologico: follow-up a sei mesi dell’associazione nalmefene e carbamazepina” –(per Lundbeck Italia).

M. Fornaro - Edizione italiana dello “slide kit indicazione GAD x Xeristar® 30mg cps” per conto di Boerhinger Ingelheim

Italia. Brochure edita da “Diseases & Drugs” Anno 3, Suppl. al numero 5, settembre/ottobre 2008, pubblicazione bimestrale Edizioni InterAction Milano.

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D. De Berardis, N. Serroni, M. Cavuto, M. Fornaro, G. Martinotti, F. Saverio Moschetta, M. Di Giannantonio (2014) “The Role of Agomelatine in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders” (Chapter 21) In: Melatonin and Melatonergic Drugs in Clinical Practice, Edited by:V. Srinivasan, Amnon Brzezinski, Sukru Oter, Samuel D. Shillcutt. Springer isbn:978-81-322-0824-2. De Berardis D.; Orsolini L.; Iasevoli F.; Tomasetti C.; Mazza M.; Valchera A.; Fornaro M.; Perna GP; Piersanti M.; Di Marco N.; Martinotti G.; López-Muñoz F.; Di Giannantonio M Chapter “S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine for Major Depressive Disorder” in the book entitled:” Melatonin, Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy” edited by Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2803-5_49 Laura Orsolini, Federica Vellante, Alessandro Valchera, Michele Fornaro, Alessandro Carano, Maurizio Pompili, Giampaolo Perna, Gianluca Serafini, Marco Di Nicola, Giovanni Martinotti, Massimo Di Giannantonio, and Domenico De Berardis (2017) “Atypical Antipsychotics in Major Depressive Disorder”. In: Kim YK. (eds) Understanding Depression. Springer, Singapore. Chapter 18, pages 251-262.

4.8 Partecipazione a indagini multicentriche e altri incarichi scientifici

Partecipazione alle seguenti indagini multicentriche (svolgendo relativi training sul corretto utilizzo delle Rating Scales e dei questionari impiegati negli stessi studi nonché ottenendo certificazioni IRB e Good Clinical Practice): CN 138-502 ARIPIPRAZOLE: A NEW OPTION FOR BIPOLAR DISORDER - “Studio multicentrico Bristol-Myers Squibb CN138-502 su efficacia e tollerabilità dell’aggiunta di aripiprazolo in pazienti bipolari tipo I trattati con litio o valproato”; anno 2008-2010. Co-investigator. EU-Finder “Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research” (studio osservazionale su pazienti in trattamento per Episodio Depressivo Maggiore in atto); anno 2004-2005. Ely Lilly. Co-investigator.

Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della normativa europea in materia di privacy

Io sottoscritto Michele FORNARO, consapevole delle conseguenze penali derivanti da dichiarazioni false e mendaci, come disposto dall’art. 76 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000, attesto che tutto quanto riportato nel curriculum corrisponde a verità

Napoli, 22 ottobre 2018

Michele Fornaro