UBND THANH PHO DA NANG CQNG ROA XA - HO CHU NGHIA VItT NAM So Kt HOACH VA flAU TI! DOc tOp - To. do - Honh phfic s6:2g99 /SKHDT-KTDN Di2N - ling, ngay 29 thing 12 nam 2015 Vie ding be danh 5111 an keu goi dim N theo hinh thirc dOi the cling tu (PPP) Kinh - Cling thong tin en dr thuOc UBND thanh phepa Nang; - Cong thong e tin din 'dusk Trung tam Xac lien Dau tu Da Nang; - Ck bao: Dau flu, Du tu, FM Nang, Cong an thanh ph6 Da Nang. Thuc ,hren icitn chi dao dui Chit ' tich UBND thanh ph6 Da Nang tai G ing van so 9361/UBND-QLDTu ngay 17/11/2015 ve viec clang tai danh nnic cac du an keu gei dau tu theo hinh thirc doi tic cling tu (clinh kem) ,, So Ke hoach va Dau tu kinh gni Quy" ca quan nOi dung th6ng tin ck du an de QuSt co quan he trq cling be, clang tai (phy lyc dinh hem). So Ke hoach va Deu Ut rh mong Milan ducic ST quan tam, ph6i hap cast Quj , ca quan.4- Nei nhfin: - Nhu nen; - UBND thenh ?he (de b/e); - Van phong (de pile' hgp); - Lam: VT, KTDN (Doan Trang).

CV 2899-29-12-2015 vv Dang tai Danh muc PPP 2899-29-12-20… · chi ti6t thi hanh mat s6 dieu ciia Luat Dau thau va Iva ch9n nha dam tu; ... Ban tieng Anh Publication of ... bang

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s6:2g99 /SKHDT-KTDN Di2N-ling, ngay 29 thing 12 nam 2015

Vie ding be danh 5111 an keu goi dim N theo hinh thirc dOi the cling tu



- Cling thong tin en dr thuOc UBND thanh phepa Nang; - Cong thongetin din 'dusk Trung tam Xac lien Dau tu Da Nang; - Ck bao: Dau flu, Du tu, FM Nang, Cong an thanh ph6 Da Nang.

Thuc ,hren icitn chi dao dui Chit' tich UBND thanh ph6 Da Nang tai G ing van so 9361/UBND-QLDTu ngay 17/11/2015 ve viec clang tai danh nnic cac du an keu gei dau tu theo hinh thirc doi tic cling tu (clinh kem),, So Ke hoach va Dau tu kinh gni Quy" ca quan nOi dung th6ng tin ck du an de QuSt co quan he trq cling be, clang tai (phy lyc dinh hem).

So Ke hoach va Deu Ut rh mong Milan ducic ST quan tam, ph6i hap cast Quj, ca quan.4-

Nei nhfin: - Nhu nen; - UBND thenh ?he (de b/e); - Van phong (de pile' hgp); - Lam: VT, KTDN (Doan Trang).

Nei dung ding bM ding tai Danh awe die dig an keu goi du fir theo hinh thirc di tic cling fir

(Dinh kern Cling van so 2899/SKHDT-KTDN ngay 29/12/2015 cart Sá Ké hoach ya D4u tw

thank phl Da fang)

Ban tieng Viet

Cling IA, clang tai Danh Inge cac dtr keu g9i &Au tit: then hinh Mite dot tac cling fir

Ten ca quan/dcm vi clang ItY &Ong 1)6 danh nivc cItt an: SO K.6 hoach va Dau tu

Da chi: Tang 5-6, Trung tam Hanh chinh, 24 Tran Phü, thanh ph 6 Da Nang

Dien thoai: 0511.3822759

Nai dung &Ong b6 danh mvc dv an:

Can cif cac guy dinh:

- Luat Du thau s6 43/2013/QH13 ngay 26/11/2013 dm Qutic hei;

- Nghi dinh s6 15/2015/ND-CP ngay 14/02/2015 dm Chinh pha v dau tu theo hinh thirc daitac ding tu;

- Nghi dinh sap 30/2015/ND-CP ngay 17/3/2015 elm Chinh pha quy dinh chi ti6t thi hanh mat s6 dieu ciia Luat Dau thau va Iva ch9n nha dam tu;

- Cong van s6 9361/UBND-QLDTu ngay 17/11/2015 caa UBND thanh pho DA Nang thong nhat danh mic the dv an keu g9i dâu tu theo hinh thfrc dôi tac ding tu.

Mvc tieu: Da nil cac nha &Au tu quan tam nghien ciru va dau tu dtr an.

Danh mac cac du an keu g9i dau tu theo hinh thirc dti tac cong tu caa thanh phi> Da Nang: Xem chi tik t4i file dinh kern.

Lien he: Phang Kinh t6 DM ngoai, SO K hoach râ Du tu thanh phe DA Nang; Dia chi: Tang 5, Trung tam Hanh chinh, 24 Tran Phu, Da Nang; Dien thoai: 0511.3822759 (gap C. Thu Hang hoac C. Doan Trang)

Ban tieng Anh

Publication of public-private partnership project

Authorized state agency: Danang Department of Planning and Investment

Address: 5th and 6th floor, Administrative Center of Danang city, 24 Tran Phu street, Danang city

Tel: 0511.3822759

Content to be publicized:

1. Legal background:

- Procurement Law No. 43/2013/QH13 dated 26 November 2013 by the National Assembly;

Decree No. 15/2015/ND-CP dated 14 February 2015 by the Government on public-private partnership investment form;

Decree No. 30/2015ND-CP dated 17 March 2015 by the Government proposing guidelines for some articles on investor selection of the law on bidding;

- Document No. 9361/UBND-QLDTu dated 17 November 2015 by the People's Committee of Danang city approving the list of public-private partnership projects.

Objective: Calling for investors' interest to conduct pre-feasibility/feasibility studies and invest to implement.

Project list to call for investment under public-private partnership form: Files attached below.

Contact details: Foreign Economic Relations Division, Danang Department of Planning and Investment; Address. 5'h floor, Administrative Center of Danang city, 24 Tran Phu street, Danang city; Tel: 0511.3822759 (Ms. Thu Hong or Ms. Doan Trang)

Danh myc cfic dy in ken g9i dfitt to theo hinh that dal the cOng tn. (PPP)

STT Ten die au Dan vi de xuat

Tang mire 1. dau fir (dy

kien) Quy m8 du ttr

Ilia that hop

thing Ghi cha


XU 19 nu& thai trong Khu Cong nghiep lloa Khanh

Ban quart 19 cac Khu cang nghiep va Cilia


500 ty ding

- Thay the he thing thu gom nuot thai ter ong be tong ly tarn

r sang ong HDPE co chieu diti 7.825,86m; - Nang cap Tram xis 19 nude thai thp trung voi tong suAt 50.000m3/ngAy.clem

BOT hoc O&M

- Da di Nghien cau teen lcha thi do CDIA thyc Men. - UBND TV dA de xuAt BO KHDT dim vao dy an vao danh myc the di; an PPP lien phong (tong van se 6726/UBND-QLDTu ngAy 25/8/2015) - Dang keu ggi hei trg Nghien thru lcha thi cho dy an.

2 Xtly dyng Nhe may nutrc I-16a


COng ty Cap - nucle DA Nang

2.385 ty (tong

ray dying Nth may nuerc Hem Lien vai tong suAt 120.000 mi., tn , . ,

gay dem va Tuyen Ong ntrac the, cung cap nuerc sach cho ngutri dan thanh phe


- Da 0 Nghien cau tien kith thi do Ca quan Hgp the pude te NhAt Ban @ICA) ha try thyc hien.

3 Tuyen dtrang Tryc I Tay Bat

So Giao tilting Van tai

37/ 01, e 2 °n-

- Viec du tu xay ching tuyen dating nay se dau noi va hoin chinh he' thang giao thang trong lchu vyc theo quy hoach da dugc phe duyet.


A - UBND TP cO C6ng van so 5999/UBND-QLDTu ngay 31/7/2015 v/v thyc hien dy an theo hinh thac BT Hcip dOng PPP dy kien: BT - SO GTVT clang xay dtmg De xuat chi het cho dy an.

4 Dutmg va cau qua sang Ca


SO. Giao thong Van tai 207 ty deing

- Vic dau M. xay dtmg tuyen dating nay nham myc dich niei tiep tuyen durerng Nguyen Tri

- UBND TV co Cong van so 9516/UBND-OLE/Tu ngity 21/10/2015 ye thing 9 chit

;calls .

Phucmg n6i dai di I-16a Qtity thy& Dv an Dau ur ca set ha tang in tien den &Ming yen hien Luting Sa, to thanh toe chinh ciaa thAnh oho theo hu6ng Deng - Tay, thac day talk Men ha tang do thi va phia Deng Nam caa thinh ph6.


truanggau tu xay dung cong trinh cau va Huang qua song CO CO theo hinh thac BT. - St GTVT dang xay dvng Da xuat chi fiat cho dv an.

5 Nha may cap nu& h6 Hem


Ban quan iy Khu ding ngha cao

i 54 bj d8ng

Xay chmg nha may ntrac veri ding suet 10.000m3/ngay.dem, din ti bao ca

ch khoang 10.000m2 nhiun dam p nude be An mIng cho Khu

cong nghe cao Da Nang va viVig phv can.


Dang kelt goi he. trg Nghien can Icha thi va Dau tu thisc

Man dv an

6 Xav M .' lii • 12 - Cang Lien


St Giao thong Van tai

4.000 ty Ming

Xay ding can tau cong-ten-na 30.000 DWT dai 250m, sau 9m; xay chrng dm tau hang h6a 10.000 DWT, dal 320m, sau 7.5m

O&M hoc BOT

- Thu Mang Chinh phi 66 Quyet eh s6 63/QD-TTg ngay 29/4/2014 v/v ban hanh Danh mac dtr an keu ggi dau tu nu& ngoai tai narn 2020, tong do, dv an Xay chmg Cang Lien Chieu gage keu ggi dau ta theo hinh thirc PPP. - BO Giao thong. Van tai c6 Thong bao so 442/TB- BGTVT ngAy 9/5/2014 v/v Kat luan cart BO truang Giao thong Van tai ti buoi lAm viec vai lanh dao thanh ph6 DA Nang v/v giao UBND 11P nghien cau keu ggi xa hOi hoa de dau tir du An. - Dang [hire hian khan sat, lap bao dm nghien cau tien

!Ma thi cho dv an, dOng 'Choi keit gyi he trg Nghien dm kha thi va Du tu thvc hien dv an.

7 Khu Cong vea'n in ph

A 4 mm SO 2

Ser Thongz va tin

Truyen thong

2.828 tt thing

Xfiy dvng the hs tAng co ban cho Khu Cling vien plan mem


- Florin thanh ding tacTap dv Si dau tu, thi tuyen kien tnic, thief kA quy hoach chi tiet ti Te 1/500, dinh vi cOrn moc ranh gieri sir dung dat, dieu chinh quy hooch tong mat bang. - Thu tuerng Chinh phit co Quyet dinh s6 63/QD-TTg ngay 29/4/2014, trong dd, dv an Khu Cong vien phan mm sO 2 dirge keu g9i dau tu theo hinh thirc PPP. - Cac nha dau tcr tiem nang quan tam, den tim hien ve co hi du tu Mut , Cong ty TNHH MTV HANEL, Tap doan Jacob Inc., (Hoa Ky), Tap doan SAVVY (Hoa Ky), met so con ty ViOt Nam.

Du tu xay dvirg cho Dau moiAgia snc,

gia cam, nong sari

SO Cone thuang- 668 tY clang

Hinh &kit lchu vim kinh doanh tap trung san pham gia sic, gia cam, Ming san tren dia ban thanh phe Da Nang; giai quyet tinh trang mat $t ty, khong dam bao ve, sinh tha y trong lchu vim giat mo; x6a be vie'c kinh doanh, Sn chuyen san yham dOng vat tfii khu virc giet me.

BOT Hang keu goi he tr9 Nghien ciru kha thi va Diu tu thvc hien dv an.

9 Quart 19 chat thai ran thanh pha Da Nang

Cong ty Moi truemg Da thi

DA Nang

2.200 ts, dong

Xey dung Nha may xir 19 the thai sir dung Cong nghe &I rac, phat dien. Nha may ding mat xir 19 1500 tan/ngay, dap img nhu eau xir 19 the Ichi bai rac Khanh San vuvt khe nimg chen gip.

BOT Da c6 Nghien eau kha thi dtr an

10 Xfr 19 phan

a bun b phat

Cong ty Mai ma:mg DO till

Da Nang 134 tt ding

Xay ching nha may xir 19 o5 acing suet 500 m3/ngay, sir clung &Ong


- Da ea Phtrcmg an kinh &milli (bito cao nghien dm tien 'chi' thi) do IFC ha trq thvc hien - Dang keu pi h6 tv xay dung Phtrang an giao clich (nghien dm kha thi) cho dtr an.

nghe Icy khi va thiet bi lam kho bim as !chi. San pham clau ra dm dcr an la thin kh8 dirge ch8n lap, sir thing lam phan ban hoac &it, tqo ra tro xi o5 the clime sir dvng de sari xuat vat lieu xay Ong va khi metan, duqc sa dung de son xuat dien slit lice (neu xi: 19 them phan rite Wu ca).

1 1 Cang vien Van

hOa rich sir Ngit Hanh San

Sir Van luth Tile, thao va:

Du lich

*, 2.000 . '


Xey dung Kim Cling vien van hog, lich sir, tarn linh kat hap vai clIch vv, thucmg mai. Hinh thimh diem tham quan du licit, dich vv, vui chai giai yi, phat huy gia tri van had truyen thong tang nghe da non nth; cac gia h v i an ha, 11th nth sir van c8 elm clanh thang NO Hanh Scm. Dap ling nhu eau soli chai, nghi ngai ctla ngueri den thanh pita va kith du lich trong va ngoai nuac. - Dien tich sir chmg &it cho dv an


- UBND T1' a c6 Quyet clinh sa 4064/QD-UBND ngay 01/6/2009 v/v phe duyet do an quy hortch chi fiat. - Dang keu gqi ha trq Nghien ciru kha thi va Dau tu thve hien dv an.

la 92,46 ha tai P. Iloa Hai, quan NO Hart Son.

12 Ham k5" thuat Su Thong tin 90,3 ty Trong pharn vi dv an, ham ky - Nha dau tu quan tam nhu

di cap truyen thong

ve Truyen thong

dens thuat doe cac tuyen &rang de lap Tat ngfim the throng day, cap vigil thong, truyen hinh va cap truyen den tin hiau khac se duce )(ay d;mg.


Tap dean Greely (Canada) ye Ging ty Gtek. - Dang keu goi he try

Nghien ciru kha thi NA deu lir thuc hen du an.

13 Diem du hch Dinh deo Hai


SO Van luea, •

50 tY tong

- Xay.d‘mg diem du lich phuc Ai nhu cau ngern earth, mua earn vi giai tri cho nguei dam dia phucmg va du khach; to diem "then, deng lye phat trien du lich cho thinh

A pho. - Dian tich Sir dung dat cho du an la 6.100 m2 tai phirdng Boa Hie!? BA; quan Lien Chien, thanh ph8 Da Nang.


- UBND TP da c6 Quyet dinh se 3094/QD-UBND ngay 15/5/2014 v/v phe cluyat Tong mat bang quy hofich chi tiet 1/500 - Dang keu goi hil trq Nghien dm Icha thi va Diu ttr thuc hian dg an.

The thao va Du hch

14 He thong thu phi dau 88 xe

tit ging

SO Thonyin ve Truyen

thong 23 tY ding

Du an se trien khai thi dieni thu phi don a xe tg (tang tfil met so khu Arc trung tam cila thanh phe Da Nang trong nam 2016 va mer reng ra roan dia ban thanh phe trong die narn tiep theo.


Dang keu goi h8 trcr Nghien min kha thi va dau hr [hue hian du an.


Nha hat Idn a phe

S6 Van ho a, The a thao v.

Du lich

150 ty deng

- Xay dunk ke hoach bieu dien nsha thuat, to chirc hoac phoi help to chirc cac hoat ging bleu din ngha thuat dm don vi va dm cfic doin nghe tbuat !Tong mak va nude ngoki den bieu din tai Nha hat - r.hai thac ngha thuat truyen thong dia dia phuang, khong

- UBND TP da cei Quyet dinh se 2398/OD-UBND ngay 17/04/2014 ye viac phe duyat ficy a ranh &di six dung dat - Dang keu gqi h8 trq Nghien ciru kha thi ve Du tu thuc hian du an.

rigirrig nang cao chat hang cac the Mai ca, nub, nhac dap ling nhu eau thuang thirc nghe thuat cita khan gia - T6 chat cac hogt dung phgc vg the ngay 16, ngay tet, de hOi thi. boat Ong dich vg nha nghi VA the hortt dOng dich vg khac trong phalli vi khu vie giao cho Nha hat quan 19 - Quy mo: 3000-5000 ghe, miring throng Ion, khu Icy thuat hatch chinh, san khan ngoai treri bai d6 xe, gong vien cay xanh, cac khu

trg _phg



Dg an du hr xay dgng Trung tam

chan doan y khoa

So Y VA 400 t5, &mg

Tang ctremg ling clung the 10/ thuat y ta chuyen sau, img dung &Ong nghe cao, gem phan ha trg hieu qua trong c8ng tac kham chaa benh, dieu tri va phat hien senn cat van de' sere khOe cho ngtrgi clan Da Nang

BTL Dang keu gpi 116 trg Nghien dm kha thi va Dan tu thug hien dir an.


Xay dung Benh vien Rang Ham

Sr9 Y te 100 tY dog

Dap img nhu cu ngay cang cao kham chita berth ve rang ham mat cim ngueri dem tai thanh ph6 DA Nang va cac tinh/ thanh pho lan can.

BTL Dang keu ggi h6 fret Nghien dm kha thi va Dau tu thgc hien dg rin



Xay dung Benh vien Lao • ichoa va Ni


SO le' te 200 ty d6ng

La ea ser y M dau nganh vã bao ve vet cham s6c ngulii cao tuoi, (tang theri la tuylin cutii kham chila 1)nh.. phOng benh va phgo hi chirc na'ng cho ngueri cao tuoi.

BTL Dang keu ggi h6 trg Nghien dm kha thi va Dag fix thue hien dg an

19 Xay dung Ban quan 19 110 ty clang Xay dung Trung tarn Dao Lao c6 Dang keg got ho trg Nghien

Trung tarn Dao t6o thuOc

Khu cong nghe cao

kha nang &a tao, huan luyen vã phat triM nguon nhen bp cong BOT

cfru kha thi va Dau hr thpc hien du an

Khu cling Tighe cao, g6p phan cung (rug nghe cao Da nguon nhan hit phpc vµ Khu

Nang Gong nghe cao Da Nang.


List of PPP investment projects

No. Project name Proposing


Total investment capital in

VND (estimated)

Scope of investment

Contracting type



Industrial Waste Water

Treatment System in

Hoa Khanh Industrial


PMU of Industrial and

Processing Zones

500 billion

- Replace the existing concrete sewerage network by HDPE pipeline with total length of 7,825.86m. - Upgrade the centralized waste water treatment plant to capacity 50,000m3/day.

BOT or O&M

- Pre-FS has been prepared by CDIA - DPC has proposed MN to treat this project as a pilot PPP investment case (letter No.6726/UBND-QLDT dated 25/08/2015) - Under call for feasibility study preparation.


Hoa Lien water

treatment plant

DAWACO 2,385 billion

Construction of Hoa Lien water treatment plant with capacity of 120,000m3/day and construction of raw water pipeline.

BOT Pre-FS has been prepared by JICA.

3 North-West Axis Road

Department of Transportation

371 billion

Construction of this road will connect and complete the regional . transport network by road in accordance with the approved masterplan.


- DPC issued the letter No.5999/UBND-QLDT dated 31/7/2015 about implementation of this project in form of BT. - DOT is preparing detailed Proposal Documentations.

4 Road and

Bridge over Co Do River

Department of Transportation

207 billion

This road once completed will connect to Nguyen Tri Phuong Sir., running to Hoa Quy ward under PUP project, finishing at Truong Sa Sir., which creates

- DPC issued the letter No.9516/UBND-QLDT dated 21/10/2014 about agreement in principal on - implementation of this

the main East-West Axis to promote urban development towards South East of the city.

BT project in form of BT. - DOT is preparing detailed Proposal Documentations.


Boa Trung water

treatment plant

Hi-tech park PMU

54 billion

Construction of WTP with capacity of 10,000m3/day on a 10,000m2 area to provide water to Hi tech park and surrounding areas sustainably.

BOT Under call for FS preparation and investment

6 Lien Chien

Port Department of Transportation

4,000 billion

Construct container wharf 30,000 DWT, 250m long, Rm deep; construct cargo wharf of 10,000 DWT, 320m long, 7.5m deep.

akm or BOT

- The Prime Minister issued the Decision 63/QD-TTg dated 29/4/2014 about list of projects called for FDI to year 2020, in which this project is called for investment in form of PPP model. - MoT issued the letter No.442/TB-BGTVT dated 9/5/2014 about conclusion of Minister of MoT, accordingly, DPC is requested to promote socializing investment of this project. - Pm-feasibility study is being conducted. Under call for FS preparation and investment.

7 Soft-Tech Park No.2

Department of Information and Communications

2,828 billion

Construction of basic i infrastructure for the Soft Tech Park.

- Project investment preparation, architectural competition, detailed master planning at 1/500 scale; land marking project area, amendment of


project area have been completed. - The Prime Minister issued the Decision 63/QD-TTg dated 29/4/2014 about list of projects called for FDI investments to year 2020, in which this project is called for investment in form of PPP model. - Interested Investors: HANEL, Jacob Inc, SAVVY and some local companies

8 Poultry and agricultural

products market

Department of Industry and

Trade 668 billion

Create a trading place for poultry and agricultural products in Danang city; in order to eliminate the chaotic trading situation at slaughter-houses.

130T Under call for FS preparation and investment


Solid Waste Management

in Danang City

URENCO 2,200 billion

Construct a solid waste treatment plant using incineration technology for electricity generation, capacity: 1500 tons/day, meeting the demand once Khanh Son landfill becomes overloaded.

BOT FS has been prepared by RCA

10 Septic tank

sludge treatment

URENCO 134 billion

Construct a sludge treatment plant with a capacity of 500 m3/day, using anaerobic technology, sludge drying machines. Outputs of the project is dry sludge, which is buried used as fertilizer or


- Pre-FS has been supported/prepared by IFC - Under call for FS preparation and investment

burned into ash that can be used to produce building materials and methane, which is used to produce bio- electricity (if additional treatment on organic waste is processed).


Ngu Hanh Son Historical

and Cultural Park

Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

2,000 billion

- Construct a spiritual, cultural and historical park combined withcommercial services; create a tourist, entertainment attraction; promote the value of traditional stone village of Non Nuoc, cultural historical values of Ngu Hanh Son; meet the demand for entertainment of local people and visitors. - Landuse area: 92,46 ha in Hoa Hai ward, Ngu Hanh Son district.


- DPC issued the letter No.4064/QD- UBND dated 01/06/2009 about approval of the detailed masterplan. - Under call for FS preparation and investment

12 Telecommuni-

cation cable duct network

Department of Information and Communications

90.3 billion

Construct technical/utility duct and install cables along the roads as a part of the effort to underground cablings along key roads of the city.


- Interested investors: Greely (Canada) and Gtek - Under call for FS preparation and investment


Tourist Destination on

Hai Van Pass

Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

50 billion

- Construct a tourist destination for sight-seeing, shopping and entertainment for local people and visitors; create a signature and incentive for tourism development of the city. - Landuse area: 6.100 m2 in Hoa Hiep Bac ward, Lien Chieu


- DPC issued the letter No.3094/QD- UBND dated 15/05/2014 about approval of the detailed masterplan at 1/500 scale. - Under call for FS preparation and investment


14 Smart Parking


Department of Information and Communications

23 billion

The project will pilot investment on smart parking facility with fee collection in some city center areas in 2016 and expanding throughout the city in the following years.

BOT Under call for FS preparation and investment

15 The City Theatre

Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

. 150 billion

- Construct a theatre where art performance by domestic and international delegations can be organized. - Traditional art performance can be promoted and organized to meet the entertainment need of local people - Art performance, competitions during Tet holidays or other holidays can be organized; hotels and other services facilities within areas under administration of the theatre's authority. - Capacity: 3.000-5.000 seats, big hall, technical — admin area, outdoor stage, parking space, green space and other facilities.


- DPC issued the letter No.2398/QD- UBND dated 17/04/2014 about approval of land boundary area.

- Under call for FS preparation and investment

16 Medical

Diagnosis Center

Department of Health

400 billion

Promote and apply new and advanced technologies in medical diagnosis and treatment for the people in Da Nang City.

BTL Under call for FS preparation and investment

17 Hospital Department of 100 billion Meet the increasing demand for Under call for FS

(Odonto & Stomatology)

Health treatment of odonto & stomatology diseases of local people of Danang and from neighboring provinces and cities.


preparation and investment

18 Geriatric and

endocrinology hospital

Department of Health

200 billion

To be a leading medical facility in treating and nursing elderly people, including treatment and rehabilitation for elderly people.

BTL Under call for FS preparation and investment


Training Center as a

part of High- Tech Park in

Da Nang

Hi-tech park PMU

110 billion

Construct a training center that train and develop human resources for high-tech sectors, providing qualified human resources for the HT Park.

BOT Under call for FS preparation and investment