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  • 8/18/2019 daftar pertanyaan jifess


    1. Kenapa RSI RFS gak ditampilkan2. Bagaimana Evaluasi LPR dgn RSI RFS

     There is one diseasespe!i"! patient rated out!ome measure validated #or use in $RS. %sing the S&'T1( )2*22+ in a group o# 1(( patients, the mean s!ores de!lined steadil- #rom 1.1 )S/ *.0 at onset o#

    illness+ to 1.1 )S/*.0+ at da- , *. )S/*.0+ at da- and #alling to *.3 )S/*.+ 4- da- 1

    In terms o# spe!i"! s-mptoms, a re!ent surve- 4ased stud- in Fran!e , the most !ommon presentingsigns and s-mptoms 5ere moderateto severe nasal o4stru!tion )6*.7+, pain on sinus palpitation)(.67+, #a!ial pain ).07+, rhinorrhoea )*.7+, and heada!he )(.(7+.

    S-mptoms 5ere indi!ated as having a moderate to ver- signi"!ant e8e!t on 9ualit- o# li#e areasin!luding a!tivities o# dail- living )1.(7 o# patients+, leisure )(.17+, and pro#essional:s!hool a!tivities )03.27+.

    SNOT-16, a disease-specific QOL instrument, for use in acute rhinosinusitis, measure the impact of the illness on physical and psychosocial functioning and general well being

    !t consist of 16 "uestions with # $ % point scale measure, has been &alidated by 'arbutt et all, by its reliability,

    concurrent &alidity, and responsi&eness in primary care settings There was a statistically significant decrease inscores with time The effect si(es at days %, ), and 1# were 1*+, %* and # respecti&ely, indicating a highly

    responsi&e instrument

    .ndrew et all reported that SNOT 16 has good internal consistency and high sensiti&ity