DAFTAR PUSTAKA Alamsjah MA, Tjahjaningsih W, Pratiwi AW. 2009. Pengaruh kombinasi pupuk NPK dan TSP terhadap pertumbuhan, kadar air dan klorofil-a Gracilaria verrucosa. J Ilm Per Kel.1(1): 103-116. Andrade LR, Farina M, Filho GMA. 2004. Effects of copper on Enteromorpha flexuosa (chlorophyta) in vitro. Ecotoxicol environ safety. 58(1): 117-125. Aslan ML. 1999. Rumput Laut. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. Ayeni OO, Ndakidemi PA, Snyman RG, Odendaal JP. 2010. Chemical, biological and physiological indicators of metal pollution in wetlands. Sci Res Essays. 5(15):1938-1949. Bertrand M, Poirier I. 2005. Photosynthetic organisms and excess of metals. Photosynthetica. 43(3):345-353. Bouzon ZL, Ferreira EC, Santos RD, Scherner F, Horta PA, Maraschin M, Schmidt EC. 2011. Influences of cadmium on fine structure and metabolism of Hypnea musciformis (rhodophyta, gigartinales) cultivated in vitro. Springer-Verlag. Brown MT, Newman JE. 2003. Physiological responses of Gracilariopsis longissima (S.G. Gmelin) Steentoft, L.M. Irvine and Farnham (Rhodophyceae) to sub-lethal copper concentrations. Aquat Toxicol. 64: 201-213. Campbell NA, Reece JB, Mitchell LG. 2002. Biologi. Ed ke-5 Jilid ke-1. Rahayu L et al., penerjemah; Amalia S, Lemeda S, Hilarius WH, editor. Jakarta: Erlangga. Terjemahan dari: Biology. Collen J, Pinto E, Pedersen M, Colepicolo P. 2003. Induction of oxidative stress in the red macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata by pollutant metals. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 45: 337-342. Connell DW. 2005. Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry. Edisi ke-2. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group. Contreras L, Mella D, Moenne A, Correa JA. 2009. Differential responses to copper-induced oxidative stress in the marine macroalgae Lessonia nigrescens and Scytosiphon lomentaria (phaeophyceae). Aquat Toxicol. 94: 94-102. Costanzo SD, O’Donohue MJ, Dennison WC. 2000. Gracilaria edulis (rhodophyta) as a biological indicator of pulsed nutrients in oligotrophic waters. J Phycol. 36: 680-685. Coutteau, P. 1996. Micro-algae. Di dalam: Lavens P, Sorgeloos P, editor. Manual on The Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 361. Rome. 295 hal.

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Alamsjah MA, Tjahjaningsih W, Pratiwi AW. 2009. Pengaruh kombinasi pupuk NPK dan TSP terhadap pertumbuhan, kadar air dan klorofil-a Gracilaria verrucosa. J Ilm Per Kel.1(1): 103-116.

Andrade LR, Farina M, Filho GMA. 2004. Effects of copper on Enteromorpha

flexuosa (chlorophyta) in vitro. Ecotoxicol environ safety. 58(1): 117-125. Aslan ML. 1999. Rumput Laut. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. Ayeni OO, Ndakidemi PA, Snyman RG, Odendaal JP. 2010. Chemical, biological

and physiological indicators of metal pollution in wetlands. Sci Res Essays. 5(15):1938-1949.

Bertrand M, Poirier I. 2005. Photosynthetic organisms and excess of metals.

Photosynthetica. 43(3):345-353. Bouzon ZL, Ferreira EC, Santos RD, Scherner F, Horta PA, Maraschin M,

Schmidt EC. 2011. Influences of cadmium on fine structure and metabolism of Hypnea musciformis (rhodophyta, gigartinales) cultivated in vitro. Springer-Verlag.

Brown MT, Newman JE. 2003. Physiological responses of Gracilariopsis

longissima (S.G. Gmelin) Steentoft, L.M. Irvine and Farnham (Rhodophyceae) to sub-lethal copper concentrations. Aquat Toxicol. 64: 201-213.

Campbell NA, Reece JB, Mitchell LG. 2002. Biologi. Ed ke-5 Jilid ke-1. Rahayu L

et al., penerjemah; Amalia S, Lemeda S, Hilarius WH, editor. Jakarta: Erlangga. Terjemahan dari: Biology.

Collen J, Pinto E, Pedersen M, Colepicolo P. 2003. Induction of oxidative stress

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