DATA DOSEN SEBAGAI PENYAJI SAMPAI JULI TAHUN 2019 No. Prodi Nama Dosen Kegiatan Peran Serta Tingkat 1 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful Konferensi "Creative and Innovative Education in the Industry 4.0: The Current Trends" PENYAJI Internasional 2 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful Kuliah Tamu "Meningkatkan Minat Penelitian Mahasiswa dalam Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0" PENYAJI Nasional 3 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful National Seminar of Applied Linguistics "Creative and Critical Thinking in Language Education, Literature and Translation" PENYAJI Nasional 4 S1 PG PAUD Wardah Suweleh Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika 2019 PENYAJI Nasional 5 S1 PG PAUD Wardah Suweleh Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini PENYAJI Nasional 6 S1 Manajemen Dr. MOCHAMAD MOCHKLAS, S.Si.MM. 3rd MALAYSIA - BRUNEI FORUM 2018 PENYAJI Internasional 7 S1 Manajemen Dr. MOCHAMAD MOCHKLAS, S.Si.MM. PUBLIC LECTURE PENYAJI Internasional 8 S1 Akuntansi Fitri Nuraini Konferensi Regional Akuntansi (KRA) V PENYAJI Nasional 9 D3 Keperawatan Dede Nasrullah International Conference on Enviroment and Technology PENYAJI Internasional 10 S1 Keperawatan Asri, S.Kep.,Ns.,MNS THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE PENYAJI Internasional 11 S1 Keperawatan Asri, S.Kep.,Ns.,MNS International Conference on Healthcare Technology PENYAJI Internasional 12 S1 Keperawatan Yuanita Wulandari The 7th International Nursing Conference PENYAJI Internasional 13 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper 2018 PENYAJI Nasional 14 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Sosialisasi Melawan Narkoba PENYAJI Nasional 15 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Seminar Nasional PENYAJI Nasional

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No. Prodi Nama Dosen Kegiatan Peran Serta Tingkat

1 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful

Konferensi "Creative and Innovative Education in the Industry 4.0: The Current Trends" PENYAJI Internasional

2 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful

Kuliah Tamu "Meningkatkan Minat Penelitian Mahasiswa dalam Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0" PENYAJI Nasional

3 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jepri Ali Saiful

National Seminar of Applied Linguistics "Creative and Critical Thinking in Language Education, Literature and Translation" PENYAJI Nasional

4 S1 PG PAUD Wardah Suweleh Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika 2019 PENYAJI Nasional

5 S1 PG PAUD Wardah Suweleh Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini PENYAJI Nasional

6 S1 Manajemen


7 S1 Manajemen


8 S1 Akuntansi Fitri Nuraini Konferensi Regional Akuntansi (KRA) V PENYAJI Nasional

9 D3 Keperawatan Dede Nasrullah International Conference on Enviroment and Technology PENYAJI Internasional


11 S1 Keperawatan Asri, S.Kep.,Ns.,MNS International Conference on Healthcare Technology PENYAJI Internasional

12 S1 Keperawatan Yuanita Wulandari The 7th International Nursing Conference PENYAJI Internasional

13 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper 2018 PENYAJI Nasional

14 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Sosialisasi Melawan Narkoba PENYAJI Nasional

15 S1 Ilmu Hukum Anang Dony Irawan Seminar Nasional PENYAJI Nasional

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16 S1 Ilmu Hukum

Satria Unggul Wicaksana Prakasa

3Rd Annual Conference 2018: Narrating Human Rights; Issue of Migration, Discrimination, and Protection of Human Rights in Southeast Asia PENYAJI Internasional

17 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi

Workshop Laman Simlitabmas Angkatan I bagi Operator Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah VII PENYAJI Nasional

18 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi Pelatihan Pengelolaan Kekayaan Intelektual PENYAJI Nasional

19 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi

Workshop Laman Simlitabmas Angkatan III bagi Operator Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah VII PENYAJI Nasional

20 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi Workshop Manajemen Kinerja Penelitian Bagi LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Kopertis Wilayah VII PENYAJI Nasional

21 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi

Workshop Laman Simlitabmas Angkatan II bagi Operator Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah VII PENYAJI Nasional

22 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi

Seminar Kekayaan Intelektual yang dilaksanakan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo PENYAJI Nasional

23 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi Workshop Strategi Pengingkatan Tata Kelola LPPM Perguruan Tinggi di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wilayah VII Angkatan II PENYAJI Nasional

24 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi Workshop Strategi Pengingkatan Tata Kelola LPPM Perguruan Tinggi di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wilayah VII Angkatan I PENYAJI Nasional

25 D3 Teknik Komputer Aswin Rosadi Workshop Strategi Pengingkatan Tata Kelola LPPM Perguruan Tinggi di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wilayah VII Angkatan III PENYAJI Nasional

26 S1 Teknik Perkapalan Mochamad Zaed Yuliadi Seminar Nasional FT UMS PENYAJI Nasional

27 S1 Teknik Perkapalan Mochamad Zaed Yuliadi The 5th Asian Welding Technology and Its Application Forum PENYAJI Internasional

28 S1 Teknik Perkapalan Mochamad Zaed Yuliadi The 6th Asian Welding Federation Seminar PENYAJI Internasional

29 S2 Pendidikan Islam Muhammad Arfan Mu ammar

The 3rd Annual Conference of Islamic Economic Law and Islamic Education Pascarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya PENYAJI Internasional

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30 S2 Pendidikan Islam

Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi Workshop Tantangan & Prospek Kurikulum PGMI Masa Depan PENYAJI Nasional

31 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Membangun Sistem Peradilan yang Menjamin Hak Perempuan untuk Mendapat Akses Keadilan di Australian Government & AIPJ dan MAPPI UI PENYAJI Nasional

32 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Pengembangan Sertifikasi Hakim Ekonomi Syariah/Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah di Diklat Litbang MA PENYAJI Nasional

33 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Seminar Nasional tentang Mengawal Mahkamah Syariah dan Hukum Islam di Aceh pada Kegubernuran Aceh/PPHIMM PENYAJI Nasional

34 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Reconstruction on Sharia Sciences in FacingContemporary Law Problematics di IAIN Batusangkar PENYAJI Nasional

35 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Dinamika Keberadaan Peraturan Perundang-undangan Hukum Islam di IAIN Batusangkar PENYAJI Nasional

36 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Reconstruction on Sharia Sciences in Facing Contemporary Law Problematics di IAIN Batusangkar PENYAJI Nasional

37 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Seminar on Sharia Law and Muslim Societies di Fakultas Syariah IAIN Surakarta PENYAJI Nasional

38 S2 Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Dr. Amran Suadi, MM.

Islamic Courts and Justice Reform in Indonesia : Challenges and Opportunities PENYAJI Nasional

39 S1 PG SD Badruli Martati Workhop Penyusunan proposal penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk) guru sekolah dasar PENYAJI Nasional

40 S1 PG SD Badruli Martati Workshop Penulisan Kreatif Cerita Anak Berbasis Multikulturalisme PENYAJI Nasional

41 S1 PG SD Badruli Martati

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HISTORY EDUCATION BANDUNG, 13th NOVEMBER 2018 History and Humanity: Learning on 21st Century PENYAJI Internasional

42 S1 PG SD Badruli Martati Seminar Hasil Kegiatan Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Mono Tahun PENYAJI Nasional

43 S1 PG SD Fitroh Setyo Putro Pribowo Lokakarya " Pendampingan dan Tekhnik Memfasilitasi Pelatih " PENYAJI Nasional

44 S1 PG SD Kunti Dian Ayu Afiani Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dosen FKIP UM Surabaya oleh LP4 PENYAJI Nasional

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45 S1 PG SD Lilik Binti Mirnawati

Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa XII "Peranan Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Literasi Peradaban" PENYAJI Internasional

Surabaya, 15 Juli 2019


Dr. dr. Sukadiono, MM

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The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya hereby

acknowledges the participation of


in the 3 rd Malaysia-Brunei Forum

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

7 — 8 November 2018

Associate Professor Dr. Hanafi Hussin Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Malaya

rri F 2018

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LEARNING Badruli Martati12, Maruf Akbar3, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri4

1 Lecturer, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Indonesia 2 Dr candidate, Graduate School, Elementary Education Department,

Jakarta State University, Indonesia 3Prof, Graduate School, Elementary Education Department, Jakarta State

University, Indonesia 4Prof, Graduate School, Elementary Education Department, Jakarta State

University, Indonesia

[email protected]

Individual association in social life is a social attitude, which must be based on moral values

prevailing in the community. The occurrence of bullying shows the failure of moral values

education goals. Bullying is an inappropriate social attitude. Then, the SCL is used, namely

VCT as a process of providing experiences in learning to invite students to reflect on life and

actions. In contrast to the expository, the teacher is the owner and source of knowledge. The

aim of the study was to determine differences in social attitudes between students. The

results on social attitudes of students who study with VCT are better social attitudes than

students who learn using Expository. This means that the research hypothesis is that there

are differences in the effect of VCT and Expository on tested social attitudes. In conclusion,

the VCT used in learning PPKn is in line with the SCL.

Key words: social attitudes, primary schools, VCT, expository, PPKn

1. Introduction

Humans are individual and social

beings. Individual interaction in social

life is a social attitude, which must be

based on moral values that apply in

society. Understanding individual moral

values can be obtained through

education and experience, which is

beneficial in the development of the

human soul. The development of the

human soul requires education, where

the essence is guidance to students to

grow up according to the moral values

prevailing in society. For example:

polite to parents, mutual cooperation,

helping each other, mutual cooperation

and others [1]. In line with these

educational goals, some schools have

planted moral values namely

religious values, justice, gender,

tolerance, etc. [2], pray and short surah

in order to build characters [3]

The incident of bullying has an

impact on legal cases occurring in

Sleman [4], South Jakarta [5] conducted

by elementary school students, which is

very apprehensive because it shows the

failure of moral value education in these

children. Bullying which is done by

children is allegedly due to imitating

peers, the influence of social media and

especially family factors [6]. The

question is why they have to deal with

legal problems, even though they should

be able to play and learn happily.

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Bullying is done elementary

school students are likely due to low

self-concept (negative). Sarbin stated

that self-concept is an organizational

quality that contains individual

characteristics of oneself [7]. According

to Lecky, the consistency of self-concept

is indispensable as the main motivator of

all behaviors. [8] Self-concept carries a

major influence in human life, because

by using self-concept individuals can

understand themselves positively,

understand their strengths and

weaknesses, have the ability to achieve

goals life, in the language of religion is

said to be grateful for what it has and

always have hope to improve life to be


Moral value education is needed

so that students know, understand, and

internalize themselves. According to

Rosevelt if schools only teach

knowledge without morals, it is

tantamount to preparing potential threats

to society [9]. Dewantara stated that

important character education is taught

[10]. Schools are obliged to carry out

education of values, morals, character,

affective, morality so that positive

characters emerge [11].

For this reason, it is necessary to

conduct a learning process that is able to

foster awareness or internalization of

values in students. The approach that is

considered appropriate is student

centered learning (SCL) is an approach

that provides flexibility to students in

developing all the potential they have

optimally. Students actively and

interactively are packaged in

collaborative and cooperative learning


Literature Review

Attitudes occur in social

interactions carried out by individuals.

Bonner states the relationship between

two or more people that influence each

other, change or improve behavior [13]

Interaction begins in the family in

forming habituation, continued in school

by adjusting to prevailing conditions and

rules [14] In social interactions when

negotiating, individuals using language

symbols, but facial expressions or body

movements also act as meaningful

symbols [15].

So attitude shows individual

behavior. According to Ajzen is a

disposition to respond positively, neutral

or negative to objects, people,

institutions, or events. Characteristics of

attitude attributes are evaluative in the

form of pros and cons, fun, unpleasant.

The second category is the response of

attitudes related to evaluation and

feelings towards the object of attitude

[16]. Thus the education of moral

values, especially the dimensions of

social behavior need to be carried out in

schools through the learning process of

student centered learning.

Keller states that the mind

determines a person's attitude that

functions as a mental filter in gaining

life experience in the world. There is

other opinion that life through filters of

optimism (positive attitudes) and some

through pessimistic filters (negative

attitudes) [17]. A positive attitude can be

inculcated from character education, by

paying attention to the moral

development of elementary school

students. According to Santrock, moral

development involves changes in

thoughts, feelings, and behaviors about

true and false standards [18]. Social

attitudes (KI-2) in the 2013 curriculum

include: noble, healthy, independent,

democratic, responsible attitude. To

shape this social attitude requires time to

invest sufficient attitude in its planning,

implementation and evaluation.

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According to James, there are

two main components of self-concept:

"I" (self-objective) and "I" (subjective

self) . I am an individual self-concept,

covering physical understanding, wealth

and status, skills, psychological

characteristics: personality, beliefs and

values I can be an agent of change and

can control events in my own life [19]

Feist, Feis and Robert, self-concept

encompasses all aspects of a person

about his existence and an experience

felt in his consciousness [20] Gecas

states that self-concept is the product of

an individual's reflexive activities, by

placing himself or herself physically,

socially and spiritually or morally [21]

Learning moral values in schools

requires an approach that is appropriate

to the characteristics of students. In

general, the learning process needed is

student centered learning (SCL),

meaning a learning process that is able

to develop students' potential optimally.

Learning done in teacher centered

learning (TCL) is less suitable for moral

value education because values cannot

be taught but values can be invested, for

example through habituation, giving

examples and internalization. The result

of Sulthoni's research shows that the

cultivation of moral values can be done

through the provision of learning

facilities, prayer rooms, cleanliness

which binds all school organizers [22].

SCL in which students have the

flexibility to develop their full potential

(copyright, taste, and intention), explore

science through active, interactive,

collaborative, cooperative, contextual

and independent learning processes [23].

SCL is applied by giving children the

opportunity to explore in gaining

knowledge and learning experience. It

can stimulate the child's motoric

development, solve problems,

understand the concept of cause and

effect, dare to express opinions,

cooperate and help. [24]

Values Clarification Technique

(VCT). According to Simon, et al is the

influence of the individual assessment

process in decision making, which is

offered a reflection of his personal moral

dilemma by analyzing the points of

values. It is proven effectively treating

school dropouts teenagers [25]. A

stimulus in clarifying value through his

mind and behavior and thus has

encouraged him to think about values.

[26] Sanjaya stated as a learning

technique to help students find and

determine values that are considered

good in dealing with a problem through

the process of analyzing existing values

and embedded in students [27]. In

conclusion, VCT is the process of

providing experience in learning to

invite students to reflect on life and

actions by reflecting on their personal

behavior, ideas, feelings and values. A

stimulus in clarifying values through

students' thoughts and behavior that

encourages them to think about values.

So VCT is a student centered learning


Expository is a way of delivering

material carried out directly by the

teacher to students. The material has

been made, such as data or facts, certain

concepts that must be memorized so that

it does not require students to recount.

The principle: goal-oriented,

communication principle, preparation

principle, sustainable principle [28].

Dimyati and Mudjiono said as a strategy

to move knowledge, skills and values to

students [29]. The teacher is the owner

and source of knowledge, so the teacher

conducts lectures, presentations with

demonstrations and videos [30]. So

expository is a teacher centered learning


2. Methodology

The purpose of the study was to

determine differences in social attitudes

between students who study with Values

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Clarification Technique (VCT) and


Design research design treatment

by level 2x2. Consists of independent

variables VCT: (A1) and Expository

(A2). Moderator variables are self-

concept: high (B1) and low (B2).

Dependent variable social attitude (y).

Students study in experimental class

with VCT and control class using


Affordable population are

students in grade IV A and B elementary

school (Maryam Public Elementary

school) Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo

Regency, East Java, Indonesia.

Sampling which is used in this research

is Simple Random Sampling [31].

Data collection

Data on social attitudes of whole

VCT groups. It was obtained a range

between 74-97, obtained an average of

88 standard deviations of 6.96 while the

median (Me) of 89.5 and mode (Mo) 92.

The above data were analyzed

statistically, as follows:

Table 1. Frequency distribution of scores on

social attitudes of whole VCT learning


No interval absolut relative

Class frequency frequency (%)


1 74-77 2 9,09

2 78-81 2 9,09

3 83-85 3 13,64

4 86-89 4 18,18

5 90-93 6 27,27

6 94-97 5 22,73


22 100

Based on table 1 above there are 2

students or 9.09% who get a score of 74-

77, then 2 students or 9.09% who get a

score of 78-81, and 3 students or

13.64% who get a score of 82-85, then 4

students or 18.18% who scored 86-89,

then 6 students or 27.27% who got

grades 90-93 and 5 students or 22.73%

who got a score of 94-97. The data

histogram table 1, shown in Figure 1,

can be seen below.

Figure 1: Histogram of social attitudes

of whole VCT learning

Overall social attitude data for the

Expository group obtained from a range

of 75 to 94, it was obtained an average

of 84.5 standard deviations of 5.61 while

the median (Me) of 85.5 and mode (Mo)

79. The data above was analyzed

statistically. Data distribution is

included in the following table:

Table 2. Frequency distribution of scores on

social attitudes of whole VCT learning


No interval absolut relative

Class frequency frequency (%)


1 74-77 2 9,09

2 78-81 5 22,73

3 83-85 4 18,18

4 86-89 7 31,82

5 90-93 2 9,09

6 94-97 2 9,09


22 100

Based on table 2 above there are 2

students or 9.09% who get a score of 74-

77, then 5 students or 22.73% who get a

score of 78-81, and 4 students or

18.18% who get a score of 82-85, then 7

students or 31.82% who got a score of

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86-89, then 2 students or 9.09% who got

grades 90-93 and 2 students or 9.09%

who got a score of 94-97, Histogram

data table 4.3, shown in Figure 2, it can

be seen below.

Figure 2: Histogram of the social

attitude of the whole Expository group

Data analysis

Table 3. The result of normality test grup VCT


Lilifors hitung 0,0978

N sampel 22

Simpangan baku 6,96

Mean 88,00

Lilifors table 0,173


Cpnclusion normal distribution


Table 4. The result of normality test

ekspository group


Lilifors hitung 0,0978

N sampel 22

Simpangan baku 5,61

Mean 84,5

Lilifors table 0,173


Cpnclusion Normal Distribution


Table 5. The result of Tukey test


No Group Q Count Q Table Information

Compared 0,05


1 P1 to P2 4,0267 3,68 Significant


Based on the summary of the

results of calculation analysis (ANAVA)

at a significant level α = 0.05 obtained

Fo = 4.8242 and Ft = 4.08 thus Fo> Ft so

Ho was rejected. So it can be concluded

that overall there is a significant

difference in influence between VCT and

Expository to Social attitudes.

In other words, the social attitudes

of students who study with VCT (=

88.00 and s = 6.96) are better social

attitudes than students who learn using

Expository (= 84.50 and s = 5.61). This

means that the research hypothesis is that

there are differences in the effect of VCT

and Expository learning strategies on

tested social attitudes.

Attitudes obtained from

experience and education. Experience

can be obtained by students from the

family, school and community. In the

family is given habituation and examples

from parents. Like tidying the bed, if you

don't do the sanction, you don't get an

allowance. Si Fulan was punished for not

tidying it, from that experience he

always tidied up his bed. This is an

application of an attitude of

responsibility. Social attitudes occur if

individuals engage in social interaction,

in schools students interact with

teachers, friends, and administrative

personnel in an environment that is a

unity. [32] The attitude of students

participating in the work of mutual

cooperation clean up the classroom, is

the application of an environmentally

responsible attitude in the 2013

Curriculum. This attitude is a positive

response to something, and an evaluative

reaction to something that is favored

[33]. A psychological expression on

what is liked in social attitudes. Students

do this by evaluating based on

knowledge, understanding and ability to

internalize the value of responsibility to

themselves. [34]

Social attitudes can be cultivated

through learning [35]. In this study the

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social attitude that is inculcated to

students with noble, independent,

democratic, responsible character.

Forming this social attitude requires

planning, implementation and

evaluation. [36] In line with the role of

schools as a place of moral value

education through habituation,

exemplary and value internalization,

especially the planting of social attitudes

as an effort to shape positive character of

students, VCT learning research was

carried out in this elementary school.

VCT aims to build students' value

awareness by knowing, understanding

and internalizing them. [37] For example

bullying, in learning students are invited

to clarify the wrong values, where in the

end students do not bullying because

they are against moral values in society.

Bullying contradicts social attitudes,

namely democratic in 2013 Curriculum.

So it serves to help students in finding

and determining a good value. [38] It is a

directed stimulus and directed teaching

pattern and special teaching patterns

[39]. The principle that must be held

should continue to point to the

characteristics of the personality of the

Indonesian people and nation [40].

Values cannot be transmitted or taught,

but obtained from students' life

experiences. [41] Providing stimulus in

clarifying values through their thoughts

and behavior so as to encourage students

to think about values. [42] A process that

provides students with experience to

reflect on life and actions by reflecting

on personal behavior, ideas, feelings and

values. [43] VCT can be used to improve

teacher competencies in assessing

students' social attitudes [44]. VCT used

in learning PPKn is in line with the SCL

approach. Although obstacles can also be

obtained from within SCL learning, for

example there are still students who are

passive in learning. [45]

Expository where teachers deliver

learning material directly to students

with well-structured declarative

procedural and knowledge knowledge,

taught gradually, step by step. [49]

Submission of material verbally from the

teacher to students [50]. Learning moral

values conducted in schools is not

appropriate for moral value education

carried out in schools through PPKn

subjects. Therefore values cannot be

taught. For example, borrowing goods

must be the owner's permission, is the

application of a social attitude with a

noble character in the 2013 Curriculum.

If learning is done by lecture, then the

moral value is not necessarily

internalized in students. Unlike if

expository is applied to physics subjects,

it shows an increase in learning

outcomes. [51]

3. Conclusion

Attitudes are obtained from

experience and education. Experience

can be obtained by students from the

family, school and community. Attitudes

occur in social interactions carried out

by individuals. Interaction begins in the

family in forming habituation, continued

in school by making adjustments for

prevailing conditions and rules.

Social attitudes can be fostered

through learning, for example instilling

moral values in students with noble,

independent, democratic, responsible

character because values cannot be

transmitted or taught, they are obtained

from students' life experiences. Then it

is necessary to be given a stimulus in

learning to clarify values through their

thoughts and behavior so as to

encourage students to think about

values. For this reason the SCL

approach can be applied through VCT.

The results showed that the social

attitudes of students studying with VCT

(= 88.00 and s = 6.96) were better than

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their students' learning by using

Expository (= 84.50 and s = 5.61). This

means that the research hypothesis is

that there are differences in the effect of

VCT and Expository learning strategies

on tested social attitudes. Thus VCT is

appropriate for use in moral values

education in primary schools through

PPKn subjects.


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No: 0369,/4, UIM/Vlll/2C78

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Recognized for her./his active participation as


with a paper entitted:

Efrect of Taichi Gymnastic Towards Decrease in Btood Pressure ln Etderty Peopl,eWith Hypertension in El.derly Peopte lntegrated Service post (posyandu)

of RWo5 Sidomutyo, SidotopoWetan, Kenjeran Surabayatn

lnternotionol ConErence On Environment And Technologyby the theme The Chollenges of Environment qnd Technology in The lndustriol Revolution 4.0'

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