Date: 2.3.2010-5.3.2010 Prepared by: Physics Department

Date: 2.3.2010-5.3.2010 Prepared by: Physics Department

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Date: 2.3.2010-5.3.2010 Prepared by: Physics Department. 《 光 》 336 4277. 「光」如何為日常生活帶來尖端科技?. 《 光和聲 》 336 9024. 這書採用漫畫的形式來帶出光與聲音的科學反應過程。. Color and Light 535 COT. The book is designed as a web page. It makes reading more simple and interesting, which is just like browsing a website. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Date: 2.3.2010-5.3.2010

Prepared by: Physics Department

《《光光》》 336 4277336 4277


《《光和聲光和聲》》 336 9024336 9024


Color and LightColor and Light 535535 COT COT

The book is designed as a web page. It makes reading more simple and interesting, which is just like browsing a website.

《《熱熱》》 335 5003335 5003Heat FundamentalsHeat Fundamentals


《《科學科學 DIY ─ Popcorn DIY ─ Popcorn 大爆炸大爆炸》》 333 4446333 4446


《《溫度,決定一切溫度,決定一切》》 335.3 9467335.3 9467 A Matter of Degrees A Matter of Degrees


Teaching the Fun of Physics 530.07 VANTeaching the Fun of Physics 530.07 VAN

The book provides 101 activities to make learning Physics easy and enjoyable. Moreover, you can enhance your English at the same time.

The Visual Dictionary of PhysicsThe Visual Dictionary of Physics 530.022 CHA 530.022 CHA

This book explores the theories and experiments involved in all areas of physics through outstanding color photographs and graphic illustrations.

《《人情物理楊振寧》人情物理楊振寧》 330.92 4458330.92 4458

楊振寧教授為舉世知名的物理學家。 1956 年與李政道教授提出「宇稱不守恒」定律,翌年兩人同獲諾貝爾物理學獎。他的成長經過和人生哲學是怎樣的?這一切如何影響他日後科學研究的工作?

《《胡桃裡的宇宙》胡桃裡的宇宙》 339.1 339.1 00520052

The Universe in a NutshellThe Universe in a Nutshell物理學中殿堂級的鉅著,物理學家霍金以最簡單的語言來解釋宇宙學最先進的進展。