decoding life 2

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  • Learning The Fundamentals of The Universal Language

    All around you, every single day, the Universe or God is sending you messages. For many centuries and in many doctrines, the recognition of signs was not only perceived but embraced. Unfortunately as we have grown more civilized and technological we have lost touch with much of this understanding. This course will of course train you to recapture the ability to recognize, understand and act on the many signs you receive that actively guide you along the course of your destiny.

    What are these messages for? They bring you important messages about your current circumstance as well as a foreshadowing of future events and they act as a barometer of where you are in the present moment in relation to your destiny.

    Some messages we receive are intended to convey immediate messages. They arent always about something monumental or inevitably catastrophic but they are meant to assist you in the moment. In order to completely understand how the messaging system works, you have to know the two edges of the sword. In mystical tradi-tions the dagger or sword often symbolized the will, that cutting force we use to forge our way forward, cutting through obstacles to get where we need to be. As you know, many blades have two edges. The Universal lan-guage can be thought of in the same way. On one edge you have the external synchronicity that comes to you from the higher intelligence. On the other edge you have the internal guidance system we call intuition. When you combine these two vastly powerful systems together they forge a blade of intention that comes to a very fo-cused point, capable of penetrating any obstacle and leading you in a much more gainful way towards the work you have to complete here.

    Intuition and synchronicity are often confused or lumped together and I think this is a mistake that comes from a lack of understanding. The reason they work in similar ways is that inside of each on of us is a perfect expres-sion of the entire Universe. This is how we can access things in our dreams we may have never seen before in waking life. The axiom I was taught is, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. What happens in the outer world and the in-ner world are very much the same. It is error when we think of ourselves outside of our environment. When we do so, we come to conclusions like:

    Bad things are happening to me

    I have to stay in control.

    So once we begin to reconnect to the world around us as an extension of ourselves we begin to realize the magnitude of the ow. That there are many different connections occuring every second, like threads woven in a spider web or a giant tapestry.

    The greatest secret of decoding lifes secret messages is that the Universe or God communicates to us most often in metaphors. The use of metaphors allows us free will as we can simply choose to ignore the messages if we wish to. Metaphors also allow the conveyance of many levels of meaning in simple gestures or events. Sometimes these messages will have a tinge of humor and Ive found on many occassions an almost slapstick tone to messages. It can actually become quite hilarious when you begin to see that your creator has a deep sense of humor.

    In order to gain a preliminary understanding of this language, it is important to learn also that this language has millions of dialects because the language is highly personal and so differs slightly from person to person de-pending on your belief systems and life events and symbology that is personal to you.

  • Your Beginning List Of Metaphors

    In the pages that follow, Id like you to take some time to relax, be quiet and still and let your mind wander. There are no right or wrong answers here, so dont judge anything you write down. This is sort of like a free association game. For each term listed below write down the associated symbols that come to your mind. Also write down a memory you have relating to each.















  • Good Luck

    Bad Luck



    As an extension of this exercise, make a list of all of your favorite things. Think back to childhood. What was your favorite color, animal, song? Make a list of everything you have ever loved and what memories you have attached to them.

    Now do this also for your close friends and family.

  • The 11:11 Beacon System

    Many people have had the 11:11 experience or a derivation of it like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc. This is when you repeatedly see the same triple or quadruple digits on clocks and other places.

    Lets take a look at 11:11 specically. Ill explain the symbology of the number.

    11:11 is two 11s seperated by a colon. In ancient traditions there were two pillars in the temple, typically they would be one white and one black. These pillars served as a portal between worlds and gave access to the spiritual realm. The fact that 11:11 is two sets of pillars divided by a colon implies the portal is open for 2 way communication through the veil. 1 is the number of beginnings. It typically represents the will, intention. It is the number of urgency. When you see the number one frequently and can mean that you are about to begin a new project or adventure and you are meant to pursue it. Anytime we see a num-ber repeated 3 or 4 times it is considered a master number and that means we need to pay particular attention as this energy is magnied.

    The code 11:11 was revealed to me to mean, 1 God, 1 World, 1 Me, 1 Choice. It is a moment of destiny where a decision is to be made that affects the course of your life and is inspired by God.

    The 11:11 is a beacon, often appearing multiple times and often over the course of a span of time. This span is an event horizon and seeing the beacon means you are on your path and taking steps that are pivotal to your purpose.

  • The Importance of Keeping a Dream and Synchronicity Journal




  • DreamandSynchronicityJournal

    Date Time







  • Clearing Away The Old Vibrations(Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness)

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Have you ever heard that? The fourteenth edition of Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, attributes it as an old Hebrew proverb used in the late 2nd century by Rabbi Phinehas ben-Yair. So often we hear these proverbs and never stop to consider their meaning. Having studied comparative religion for several decades, Ive found many commonalities in every doctrine. One recurrent theme Ive noticed is a need for purication and discernment.

    Why is it that we are instructed to purify ourselves? Certainly on the physical level this encourages better health, but what does it do for us mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

    When we have an impure mind, cluttered with ominous news stories, the provocation of sex, money and power from the multitude of advertising and television programming broadcasts or simply the looming pressures and demands of the fast paced life of the 21st century, how can we stay centered and focused on a higher level of integrity and a greater degree of fulllment? Psychologists have demonstrably shown that the human mind suffers from a problem called attention inertia. We have difculty shifting gears when we attempt to focus or multitask. The area of the frontal lobes of the brain, called the dorso-ventral prefrontal cortex, are responsible for performing these tasks. In an age when multi-tasking is the order of the day, the idea of occupying our minds with one thought at a time may seem extravagant but is well worth considering. Our ability to give undivided attention to the positive aspects of our lives can certainly contribute to a greater sense of well being, a deepening of the meaningful relationships we have and an overall more effective strategy towards success in all aspects of our lives. I am often reminded of the clich where we have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other when I consider the division of thought. It is this division of thinking that often leads us to make poor choices.

    If cluttered thinking isnt enough of a problem, lets take a look at how the same tactic confounds our emotional well-being. It is very common to hear talk of emotional baggage. This is the equivalent of not taking out the garbage on an emotional level. While the detrimental effects of this should be clearly obvious, the trend of dragging our emotional past into our decision-making and our relationships should not be underestimated. How often do we begin new relationships on the wrong foot by bringing along the old fears, pain and despair we never had the good sense to let go of? When we fail to purify our emotions we punish ourselves and others to repeat the same old patterns of failure that have already robbed us of the fruits of past relationships. We limit our choices and opportunities to those that dont trip our radar of impending doom. This creates a cage around us emotionally that prevents us from fully engaging in the emotional richness that life has to offer.

    Spiritually, we all live in a constant struggle between light and dark as a result of living in a dualistic reality. This lters down into our thoughts, emotions and actions and can be thought of as the root of all we experience. In most doctrines we are told to purify ourselves before we approach divinity. This opens the lines of communication between ourselves and God or the Universe and prevents us from getting communications from the wrong sources. When we indulge in negative activities we muddy the waters and open ourselves to more negative inuences. By doing so, we often nd ourselves compromising our values and taking actions that do not honor our spirits. In many doctrines we are urged to test spiritual communications by applying dogmatic yardsticks or guideposts. Sadly, this is something I feel is often overlooked in modern times. We dont nd it unreasonable to check references in our hiring, dating or purchasing decisions, so it isnt a huge leap to do so when we consider the sources of our spiritual nourishment.

  • Implementing purication techniques on all levels of awareness need not be difcult or complicated. Borrowing from several doctrines, Ill give you some practical ways to do so:

    Soak in a warm bath with sea salt and/or herbs suited for purication Burn frankincense, myrrh or other incenses considered to be sacred Immerse yourself in a smoke bath of herbs considered sacred such as sage, sweet grass and copal (This process is called smudging in native American cultures.) Performing mitzvot or any act of human kindness Deep stomach breathing can be extremely purifying and assist in purging negative thoughts and emotions. Confession of your transgressions. Certainly the Christian faith has largely esteemed the value and necessity of confessing your sins and asking forgiveness. In Islam, it is said, Indeed Allah loves those who continually seek repentance and those who purify themselves. [Surah al-Baqarah (2):222] Forgiving others would seem to benet the forgiven however it is truly empowering because it releases the anger and sadness you are holding inside of yourself. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light Commit to positive thinking

    Choose the method or methods you feel aligned with and be sure to do them. I feel condent youll noticepositive effects in your life.

    Now why is this important in a course on decoding lifes secret messages?

    Two reasons:

    1. You want to be sure that the messages you get are coming from a positive source. We dont have to debate the reality of good and evil here, but even if its purifying yourself from ego based thinking and getting to the direct source of higher wisdom, it makes sense to do the things that help insure that right?

    2. By commting yourself to routine purication practices you will nd your mood improving and when you have a lighter attitude, synchronicity shows up much more frequently.

    Bottom line is DO IT!

  • Media Abstinance and Getting Grounded

    Being in the ow requires that you do more than hole up in a cave. Yes, the ow is out there, all around you and it really manifests itself in centers of activity, whether it is natural activity in a wooded area or a seaside, or in a human populated area like a shopping mall or the interstate. We are not doing anything at all to escape the realities of this world nor do we want to bury our head in the sand.

    With that said, it is vitally important that you wean yourself off of the radio and telivision, yes even the comput-er for awhile. The reason is that these media outlets are shaping your perception of the world and I dont partic-ularly believe they are doing it for the betterment of mankind! I have not watched television for over 6 months as I write this and I have to tell you that as much as I see people despondent about the economy, the war and other events going on, I feel absolutely fantastic! You know why this is? Im not allowing the media to shove the streaming heaps of negativity into my brain.

    You absolutely must do this for at least an entire week. Unplug the television, the radio and any news on the computer. Unplug from media take on the world completely. Get outside, spend some quiet time, enjoy the com-pany of friends and family and allow life to show its true face to you.

    When you stop the endless bombardment and quiet your surrounding the magic of synchronicity will begin to happen.

    During this time it is a very good practice to get outside at least 3 times a day. Go out early in the morning and watch the sun coming up. Then go out again at noon time when the sun is at its brightest. Finally go out at night and look at the stars and the moon. The ow happens in cycles and by getting into the natual ebb and ow of each day, you will begin to tap into the underlying fabric of reality. Be watchful and observant. Listen to the wind and the birds. Feel the warmth of the sun. Smell the fragrance of freshly cut grass or blooming owers. You want to allow yourself to become more aware.

    Now for the getting grounded part. Ive already shared some of the practices you can use to purify yourself. Ill share with you two more exercises you can add to your meditation practice.

    The rst is a simple grounding process. Get comfortable, dim the lights and take a few slow deep breaths. Imag-ine yourself drawing bright white light down from the Universe, through the top of your head. Feel the warm and radiant glow of this light as it penetrates down through your head, your neck, your chest, your torso, your legs and then let it keep going. As it keeps going, feel it tunnel down to the very center of the earth. Feel this for awhile. If youve had any anger, sorrow or fear during the day, allow these feelings to ow down the beam of white light to the molten lava in the core of the earth. When youre ready, slowly bring yourself back out of this state.

    The next exercise will help you remove more serious blockages in your emotional self. This one is called un-knotting the sheet. Imagine yourself with a sheet running all the way from head to toe inside of you. In this sheet there are knots. Look for the knots, as they may be at any place along the length of the sheet. When you nd one, mentally untie the knot. Keep working through the knots until you have none left. When you complete this process your sheet should be loose and free...blowing in the wind.

  • Assignments This Week

    1. No TV, Radio, preferably no computer (especially news related).2. Fill out your personal symbology worksheet.3. Begin getting outside 3 times daily.4. Use at least one purication technique and begin implementing it into your weekly routine. (Daily if you want)

    Next Week:

    Next week well be studying the following,

    Power animals. Seeing the signicance of animals and their meaning. Discovering your personal power animals.