Deepak Intro

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  • 8/17/2019 Deepak Intro



    In current scenario educational sector effecting more on the society and economic development

    of a country. Educational sector is helpful in providing knowledge and developing skills amonghuman beings. This study is basically conducted for analyzing effect of various service qualities

    in private schools in Gwalior region. Today’s parents are more concern about their children to

     provide best possible education. They usually concern on three bigger factors that are is as

    social! economic and cultural. "ew decades ago private sector in education evolved as a core

    source of imparting knowledge at each and every level. In recent year! private education sector 

    increased their substantial fund by collecting fee from a small percentage to a full fee e#traction.

    In addition! private sector provides education to school children and has evolved as a key sector 

    for share holder to invest. This research is conducted for analyzing of better motivation that is

    helpful to take decisions for parents in terms of e#ploring the strength and weakness of private

    schools. Today private schools have some specific factors to provide better education to the

    children! some specific factors are like $ocial %ackground&$tatus! Income 'evel! $chool

    $yllabus! $chool Environment&"acilities! $chool (erformances! 'ocation! Teacher )uality and


    (rivate schools provide low cost tuition fees! that is why most of the children can easily afford

     private school education because of its low fees! good infrastructure! good quality education!

    skills development! private schools also offer free cost of lunch and sometimes free teaching

    material. Today low class children also can take admission in private schools because of its low

    cost facilities that are affordable by every income level class.

    In private schools admission process are very easy for the children. "aculties are well educated

    and helpful at every time. (arents prefer private schools because they want discipline and general

    etiquettes! quality education among their children. + new law evolved by the government that is

    ,,T- cameras in all private schools to observe all the activities of children as well as its

    faculties member for better transparency in education systems. $ecurity guard is also there for 

     providing better security to all children in private schools. Infrastructure is well designed

    according to children needs such as classrooms! playground! mess! computer lab! chemistry lab!

    library.(rivate schools education improves learning outcomes and long term and short term success

    more than government schools in developing countries. %etter transportation facility also

     provided by private schools! most of the private schools provide air condition bus and well

    organized seats in bus. (rivate schools provide equal education to every child ! they do not

  • 8/17/2019 Deepak Intro


    differentiate between boy and girl and it have generally more qualified teachers to give quality

    education to children.

    (rivate schools provide faculty development provide time to time so that they can get better 

    training of their respective subects and teaching traits. /ost of the parents prefer private schools because it provides scholarship as well to lower income level families. (arents do not feel burden

    during pay the fees of their children. Today’s private schools are most successful because they

     pay attention on computerization of study! proector facility0 email ids of children are created to

    give them homework electronically. It focuses on proper attire and discipline among the children.

    Those parents who are in working can be depend on private schools these days because it

     provides day boarding facility! in this facility children spend their whole day in school with

    good environment and do their homework in school.

    Those children are good in sports activities can be participating in various indoor and outdoor 

    tournaments by private schools. The paper begins with a discussion of the literature! outlining the

    service quality of private schools