Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia Scuola dell’Infanzia Comunale Educational Management Childhood Service Municipal Childhood School The municipal childhood schools Aim The childhood schools of the Municipality of Florence place the child and his rights of a person and citizen at the center of any organization - teaching action. The aim pursued by the childhood school of the municipality are: The consolidation of identity The development of independence The acquisition of competence The development of a sense of citizenship Educative Quality The educative quality is a measure of the teaching action, towards which the municipal childhood schools are inclined and are realized through: the sharing with the families of the educative programs equality of the educative opportunities the safeguarding of the principles of cultural pluralism the development of continual educative paths, vertical with nests and primary school, and horizontal with families and the territory Plan of the Educational Proposal (P.O.F.) Each school develops a Plan of Educational Proposal which explains the cultural identity and pr0gram of the school. The P.O.F. illustrates the choice and program activities of each school. For the presentation of the P.O.F and successive verification two meetings are provided for with the families, at the beginning and end of the scholastic year respectively, the date of which would be possible to see at the “Education” portal of the Civic Net of the Municipality of Florence. Expansion of the Training Proposal to events such as foreign languages, music and psychometric are also expected. Organization The sections of the municipal childhood schools are heterogeneous for ages; which means they are formed by more or less equal groups, of boys and girls of 3, 4 and 5 years. The relational competence between the children of deferent ages is this way stimulated and facilitates understanding by imitation. Sections can however, plan activities for groups of children of equal ages according to the principle of “open sections", which enables each child to perceive the school as a unique "educative community". Each section envisages the presence of two teachers who alternate within the school hours and who, at certain moments of the day or in other laboratory occasions, work jointly. Scholastic timetable The normal scholastic timetable is from 8,30 to 16,30. It is possible to request, for specific and real necessities, entry in advance ( 7,30-7,40 or 8,00- 8,10) which means early exit (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the principle of the continuity and not discretionary, for the best scholastic organization. Such requests have a yearly validity and can be satisfied only within a minimum number of requests , as indicated in the registration Circular. The School Childhood Service nevertheless, reserves the right to suspend the chosen option, if the continuity criterion is not respected. It is possible to take advantage of the teaching of the catholic religion or, participate in didactic educational activities. Services Many services and opportunities for the kids and their parents: the extension of the scholastic timetable (advance and deferred) foreign language laboratory music laboratory psychometric laboratory refectory service transport service (where provided for as indicated in the registrations circular) Typical day 7,30-8,30: Timetable activity for children registered in advance 8,30 – 9,00: Entry and reception of each child in the section of membership 9,00 – 12,00: Routine activity, circle or square (experience of socialization and conversation in the group), tutorial activities and laboratories. 12,00 Exit of registered children at reduced timetable 12,00 – 13,00: Personal hygiene and lunch.

Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia Scuola dell ...educazione.comune.firenze.it/export/sites/educazione/materiali/3-6/... · (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the

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Page 1: Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia Scuola dell ...educazione.comune.firenze.it/export/sites/educazione/materiali/3-6/... · (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the

Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia

Scuola dell’Infanzia Comunale Educational Management Childhood Service Municipal Childhood School

The municipal childhood schools

Aim The childhood schools of the Municipality of Florence place the child and his rights of a person and citizen at the center of any organization - teaching action. The aim pursued by the childhood school of the municipality are:

• The consolidation of identity

• The development of independence • The acquisition of competence

• The development of a sense of citizenship Educative Quality The educative quality is a measure of the teaching action, towards which the municipal childhood schools are inclined and are realized through:

• the sharing with the families of the educative programs

• equality of the educative opportunities

• the safeguarding of the principles of cultural pluralism

• the development of continual educative paths, vertical with nests and primary school, and horizontal with families and the territory

Plan of the Educational Proposal (P.O.F.) Each school develops a Plan of Educational Proposal which explains the cultural identity and pr0gram of the school. The P.O.F. illustrates the choice and program activities of each school. For the presentation of the P.O.F and successive verification two meetings are provided for with the families, at the beginning and end of the scholastic year respectively, the date of which would be possible to see at the “Education” portal of the Civic Net of the Municipality of Florence. Expansion of the Training Proposal to events such as foreign languages, music and psychometric are also expected. Organization The sections of the municipal childhood schools are heterogeneous for ages; which means they are formed by more or less equal groups, of boys and girls of 3, 4 and 5 years. The relational competence between the

children of deferent ages is this way stimulated and facilitates understanding by imitation. Sections can however, plan activities for groups of children of equal ages according to the principle of “open sections", which enables each child to perceive the school as a unique "educative community". Each section envisages the presence of two teachers who alternate within the school hours and who, at certain moments of the day or in other laboratory occasions, work jointly. Scholastic timetable The normal scholastic timetable is from 8,30 to 16,30. It is possible to request, for specific and real necessities, entry in advance ( 7,30-7,40 or 8,00-8,10) which means early exit (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the principle of the continuity and not discretionary, for the best scholastic organization. Such requests have a yearly validity and can be satisfied only within a minimum number of requests , as indicated in the registration Circular. The School Childhood Service nevertheless, reserves the right to suspend the chosen option, if the continuity criterion is not respected. It is possible to take advantage of the teaching of the catholic religion or, participate in didactic educational activities. Services Many services and opportunities for the kids and their parents:

• the extension of the scholastic timetable (advance and deferred)

• foreign language laboratory

• music laboratory

• psychometric laboratory • refectory service

• transport service (where provided for as indicated in the registrations circular)

Typical day 7,30-8,30: Timetable activity for children registered in advance 8,30 – 9,00: Entry and reception of each child in the section of membership 9,00 – 12,00: Routine activity, circle or square (experience of socialization and conversation in the group), tutorial activities and laboratories. 12,00 Exit of registered children at reduced timetable 12,00 – 13,00: Personal hygiene and lunch.

Page 2: Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia Scuola dell ...educazione.comune.firenze.it/export/sites/educazione/materiali/3-6/... · (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the

13,00 – 14,00 : Rest and free game 14,00 – 16,00 : Continuation of the school activities as programmed. 16,00 – 16,30 : Exit 16,30 – 17,00 : Activity for children registered for deferred timetable Disabled Children The childhood school of the Municipality of Florence dedicates particular attention to the reception and inclusion of disabled children, in collaboration with the ASL of reference and other eventual competent and recognized territorial subjects. For each child/ disabled there is a provision for a teacher of support, who is part of the teaching team. Furthermore, he can be assigned a professional person for specialized educative assistance. All the subjects taking part in the education of the child contribute to the newsroom of the Individualized Educative Plan (P.E.I.), together with the parents or other subjects playing the role of parents. The staff of the childhood school The staff of the school is composed of:

• Teachers: two teachers per section (who alternate within the morning and afternoon time table, but who also have joint hours), teachers of support where disabled children are present and a teacher of the catholic religion.

• Non teaching staff (E.S.E.), with the function of monitoring, assistance, collaboration and taking care of the personal hygiene of the little boys and girls.

Pedagogical Coordination The childhood schools of the Municipality of Florence take advantage of the professional competence of a Pedagogical Coordinator, whose principal functions are:

• Convocate and preside over teaching colleagues;

• Monitoring of didactic educational activities;

• promoting the planning, documentation, experimentation and innovation;

• promoting and planning the training, and sustaining of professional values;

• taking care of internal and external relations

Registrations Registrations to the Municipal school of childhood – generally done in the month of February – regarding little boys/girls attaining the age of 3 in the year in course. It is possible to also register boys/girls who are attaining 3 years in the first 4 months of the following year. Registration can be effected at the Central Office – Via Nicolodi, 2- or on-line, at the site

http://educazione.comune.fi.it/index.html. On the same site are information on times and modality of the open day, besides registrations.

Municipal Childhood Schools

Quartiere 1

• Agnesi (*) via Maffia 21 tel.0552650665

• Mazzei (*) p.zza del Carmine 9 tel.055211116

• S.Ambrogio Via Carducci 8 tel.0552345655

• Innocenti (*) p.zza SS. Annunziata 12 tel.0552346483

• V.Veneto (*) via delle Casine 1 tel.0552340826

• V. Veneto (*) via S.Giuseppe 9 tel.0552340575

• Rucellai via Palazzuolo 35 tel.0552381941

• Rossini (*) via G.L. Spontini 89


• Lavagnini v/le S. Lavagnini 35 tel.055489967

Quartiere 2

• Capponi v/le Matteotti 22 tel.055574350

• A. del Sarto via S. Salvi 12 tel. 055669530

• Dionisi (*) via Digny 9 tel.055690887

• Pilati via Minghetti 2/a tel.055678831

Quartiere 3

• Villani (*) via Bocchi 13 tel.0556585375

• V. da Feltre via Chiantigiana 221 tel.055645706

• Stefani (*) via degli Stefani 1


• Fortini (*) via Fortini 20 tel.055685215

• Grifeo (*) via delle Lame 8 tel.0556530012

Quartiere 4

• Ambrosoli via di Mantignano 154 tel.0557877882 – 0557333224

• Bechi - via Pisana 771 tel.0557321997

• Pio Fedi via Pio Fedi 2 tel.055786852

• Locchi via del Saletto 18 tel.055783877

Page 3: Direzione Istruzione Servizi all’Infanzia Scuola dell ...educazione.comune.firenze.it/export/sites/educazione/materiali/3-6/... · (16,50-17,00), the attendance must respect the

• Niccolini (*) via di Scandicci 42


• Viani (*) via Torcicoda 42 tel. 0557330436

Quartiere 5

• Il Pesciolino (*) via del Pesciolino 1 tel. 0553436202

• Allori (*) via O.Vecchi 113 tel.055411849

• Amendola via dei Caboto 38 tel.055411016

• Cadorna - via del Pontormo 92 tel.055456321

• Villa Ramberg (*) via Vittorio Emanuele

259 tel. 0554221369

• Rodari v/le Corsica 2/A

tel.055350498 (*) The schools indicated with the asterisk are those where from the scholastic year 2015/2016 there would be the experimentation of the expansion training proposal, through the entrustment of part of the afternoon service to a competent external subject identified in accordance with the procedure of the tender. For information:

[email protected] tel.: (055-2625725)

[email protected] tel.: (055-2625601)

a cura del Coordinamento Pedagogico della

Scuola dell’Infanzia