..... 1 ..... ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$ dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017 dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo (‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$) OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo `m ~±Ho$Mr 68 dr dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^m e{Zdma {X. 19 Am°JñQ> 2017 amoOr Xwnmar 3.00 dmOVm àmoJ«o{gìh EÁ`wHo$eZ gmogm`Q>rMo g^mJ¥h, ‘m°S>Z© H$m°boO Am°’$ B§{O{ZA[a¨JMo eoOmar, {edmOrZJa, nwUo 411 005 `oWo Imbrb {df`m§Mm {dMma H$ê$Z {ZU©` KoÊ`mgmR>r hmoUma Amho. gXa g^og AmnU CnpñWV ahmdo, Aer {dZ§Vr Amho. g^onwT>rb {df` 1. ‘mJrb dfu {X. 27 OyZ, 2016 amoOr Pmboë`m 67 ì`m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oÀ`m H$m‘H$mOmMo d¥Îm dmMyZ H$m`‘ H$aUo. 2. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo gmXa Ho$bobm {X. 31-3-2017 AIoaÀ`m dfm©Mm Ahdmb, Vmio~§X d Z’$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ ‘§Oya H$ê$Z Z’$m dmQ>Ur H$aUo Am{U d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$m§À`m AhdmbmMr Zm|X KoUo. 3. gZ 2017-18 `m dfm©gmR>r ‘o. ‘wHw§$X E‘. {MVio A±S> H§$nZr, ‘o. Eg. S>r. ‘oS>XH$a A±S> H§$nZr, ‘o. eem§H$ nËH$s A±S> Agmo. `m§Mr g§`wº$nUo d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$ åhUyZ Zo‘UyH$ H$aUo d Ë`m§Mm ‘ohoZVmZm R>a{dUoMm A{YH$ma g§MmbH$ ‘§S>img XoUo. 4. gZ 2017-18 À`m dm{f©H$ A§XmOnÌH$mg ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo. 5. ~±Ho$À`m g§MmbH$m§Zm d Ë`m§À`m Hw$Qw>§{~`m§Zm Ahdmb dfm©V {Xboë`m H$Om©Mr ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> H$mo.Am°n. A°ŠQ> 2002 H$b‘ 39 (3) Zwgma ‘m{hVr KoUo. 6. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo ~±Ho$À`m Cn{dYr (Bye-Laws) ‘Ü`o gwM{dboë`m XwéñVrg g§‘Vr XoUo. 7. d¡Ym{ZH$ boIm n[ajH$m§Zr à‘m{UV Ho$ë`mZwgma AZwËnm{XV H$O©ImË`m§Mr Zmdo ~mH$s dgwbrMm h¸$ A~m{YV R>odyZ {Zb}{IV H$aÊ`mg ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo. 8. OZVm A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., dmB© `m ~±Ho$Mo Amnë`m ~±Ho$V {dbrZrH$aU H$aUo~m~VÀ`m àñVmdmg ‘mÝ`Vo~m~V. 9. Y‘m©Xm`/gmd©O{ZH$ H$maUmgmR>r A§eXmZ {ZYrVyZ XoUJr XoUo~m~VMo àñVmdmg ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo. 10. gXa dfm©V gd©gmYmaU g^oV J¡ahOa Agboë`m g^mgXm§À`m aOobm ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo. 11. ‘m. AÜ`jm§Mo AZwkoZo Am`Ë`m doiMo {df`. O`§V H$mH$VH$a {R>H$mU : nwUo à^mar ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar {XZm§H$ : 21 Owb¡ 2017 (‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imÀ`m Amkodê$Z) (’$ŠV g^mgXm§gmR>r) gyMZm … 1. g^oÀ`m {Z`mo{OV doionmgyZ AYm© Vmgmn`ªV åhUOo 3.30 dmOon`ªV JUnyVu Z Pmë`mg g^m ñW{JV Ho$br OmB©b d ñW{JV Pmbobr g^m Ë`mM {R>H$mUr Ë`mM {Xder 3.40 dmOVm KoÊ`mV `oB©b. Ë`m g^og JUnyVuMr d doJù`m gyMZoMr Amdí`H$Vm Zmhr. 2. gZ 2016-17 Mm Vmio~§X d Z’$mVmoQ>m nÌH$, Cn{dYr XwéñVr Vnerb ~±Ho$À`m do~gmB©Q> www.janatabankpune.com da à{gÕ H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho. 3. dm{f©H$ AhdmbmMr àV ~±Ho$À`m emIm§‘Ü`o {X. 4 Am°JñQ> 2017 nmgyZ CnbãY amhrb. 4. g^oV hmoUmè`m H$m‘H$mOm~m~V gyMZo‘Ü`o {ZX}{eboë`m ~m~tg§~§Yr Oê$a H$mJXnÌo goH«o$Q>[a`b {d^mJ, ‘w»`H$Moar‘Ü`o {X. 7 Am°JñQ> 2017 nmgyZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ`m doioV nmhÊ`mg {‘iVrb. 5. g^oÀ`m doir {df`n{ÌHo$Vrb ~m~tg§~§Yr {dMmamd`mMr ‘m{hVr {X. 14 Am°JñQ> 2017 n`ªV H$m`m©b`rZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ`m doioV goH«o$Q>arAb {d^mJmH$S>o àíZê$nmZo boIr H$i{dë`mg Ë`mà‘mUo ‘m{hVr V`ma R>odUo gmoB©ñH$a hmoB©b. 6. ^mJ à‘mUnÌmVrb Zmd, nÎmm AWdm dmagXma ~Xb Agë`mg VgoM bm^m§e Amnë`m ~MV ImË`mV O‘m H$aUo AWdm AÝ` ~±Ho$À`m ImË`mV O‘m H$aÊ`mg§~§YrMo nÌ ~±Ho$À`m eoAg© {d^mJ, ^maV ^dZ, 1360 ewH«$dma noR>, nwUo 411 002 `oWo nmR>dmdo. Ë`mZwgma `mo½` Zm|X H$aUo eŠ` hmoB©b d bm^m§emMr a¸$‘ O‘m H$aVm `oB©b. 7. Amnbr emIm d ImVo H«$. Amnbo g^mgXËd Agboë`m emIog `mnydu H$i{dbm Zgë`mg Ëd[aV H$idmdm åhUOo Amnbm bm^m§e Amnë`m ImË`mV O‘m H$aVm `oB©b. 8. ~±Ho$À`m nmoQ>{Z`‘ H«$. 48 (iii) AÝd`o Á`m g^mgXm§Zr 31 ‘mM© 2013 dfm©gmR>rMm bm^m§e ñdrH$mabm Zgob Ë`m§Zr {X. 30-11-2017 nydu Z Zoë`mg Ë`m§À`m bm^m§emMr a¸$‘ amIrd {ZYr‘Ü`o O‘m H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. Á`m g^mgXm§Zm bm^m§e nÌHo$ {‘imbr ZgVrb Ë`m§Zr Ë`m~m~V H¥$n`m Á`m emIoVyZ g^mgXËdmgmR>r AO© Ho$bm Amho Ë`m emIoH$S>o g§nH©$ H$amdm. 9. eoAa gQ>u{’$Ho$Q> {‘imbr Zgë`mg Vr Amnbo g^mgXËd Agboë`m emIoVyZ KoD$Z OmdrV.

dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm - Janata Bank...2017/08/04  · JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNE (Multi State Scheduled Bank) The 68th Annual General Meeting of Janata Sahakari Bank

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    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm

    OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo(‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$)

    OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo `m ~±Ho$Mr 68 dr dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^m e{Zdma {X. 19 Am°JñQ> 2017 amoOr Xwnmar 3.00 dmOVm àmoJ«o{gìh EÁ`wHo$eZ gmogm`Q>rMo g^mJ¥h, ‘m°S>Z© H$m°boO Am°’$ B§{O{ZA[a¨JMo eoOmar, {edmOrZJa, nwUo 411 005 `oWo Imbrb {df`m§Mm {dMma H$ê$Z {ZU©` KoÊ`mgmR>r hmoUma Amho. gXa g^og AmnU CnpñWV ahmdo, Aer {dZ§Vr Amho.

    g^onwT>rb {df`1. ‘mJrb dfu {X. 27 OyZ, 2016 amoOr Pmboë`m 67 ì`m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oÀ`m H$m‘H$mOmMo d¥Îm dmMyZ H$m`‘ H$aUo.2. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo gmXa Ho$bobm {X. 31-3-2017 AIoaÀ`m dfm©Mm Ahdmb, Vmio~§X d Z’$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ ‘§Oya H$ê$Z Z’$m dmQ>Ur

    H$aUo Am{U d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$m§À`m AhdmbmMr Zm|X KoUo.3. gZ 2017-18 `m dfm©gmR>r ‘o. ‘wHw§$X E‘. {MVio A±S> H§$nZr, ‘o. Eg. S>r. ‘oS>XH$a A±S> H§$nZr, ‘o. eem§H$ nËH$s A±S> Agmo. `m§Mr

    g§`wº$nUo d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$ åhUyZ Zo‘UyH$ H$aUo d Ë`m§Mm ‘ohoZVmZm R>a{dUoMm A{YH$ma g§MmbH$ ‘§S>img XoUo.4. gZ 2017-18 À`m dm{f©H$ A§XmOnÌH$mg ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo.5. ~±Ho$À`m g§MmbH$m§Zm d Ë`m§À`m Hw$Qw>§{~`m§Zm Ahdmb dfm©V {Xboë`m H$Om©Mr ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> H$mo.Am°n. A°ŠQ> 2002 H$b‘ 39 (3) Zwgma ‘m{hVr KoUo.6. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo ~±Ho$À`m Cn{dYr (Bye-Laws) ‘Ü`o gwM{dboë`m XwéñVrg g§‘Vr XoUo.7. d¡Ym{ZH$ boIm n[ajH$m§Zr à‘m{UV Ho$ë`mZwgma AZwËnm{XV H$O©ImË`m§Mr Zmdo ~mH$s dgwbrMm h¸$ A~m{YV R>odyZ {Zb}{IV H$aÊ`mg

    ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo.8. OZVm A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., dmB© `m ~±Ho$Mo Amnë`m ~±Ho$V {dbrZrH$aU H$aUo~m~VÀ`m àñVmdmg ‘mÝ`Vo~m~V.9. Y‘m©Xm`/gmd©O{ZH$ H$maUmgmR>r A§eXmZ {ZYrVyZ XoUJr XoUo~m~VMo àñVmdmg ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo.10. gXa dfm©V gd©gmYmaU g^oV J¡ahOa Agboë`m g^mgXm§À`m aOobm ‘mÝ`Vm XoUo.

    11. ‘m. AÜ`jm§Mo AZwkoZo Am`Ë`m doiMo {df`.

    O`§V H$mH$VH$a{R>H$mU : nwUo à^mar ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar{XZm§H$ : 21 Owb¡ 2017 (‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imÀ`m Amkodê$Z)

    (’$ŠV g^mgXm§gmR>r)

    gyMZm …1. g^oÀ`m {Z`mo{OV doionmgyZ AYm© Vmgmn`ªV åhUOo 3.30 dmOon`ªV JUnyVu Z Pmë`mg g^m ñW{JV Ho$br OmB©b d ñW{JV Pmbobr g^m Ë`mM {R>H$mUr Ë`mM {Xder

    3.40 dmOVm KoÊ`mV `oB©b. Ë`m g^og JUnyVuMr d doJù`m gyMZoMr Amdí`H$Vm Zmhr.2. gZ 2016-17 Mm Vmio~§X d Z’$mVmoQ>m nÌH$, Cn{dYr XwéñVr Vnerb ~±Ho$À`m do~gmB©Q> www.janatabankpune.com da à{gÕ H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho.3. dm{f©H$ AhdmbmMr àV ~±Ho$À`m emIm§‘Ü`o {X. 4 Am°JñQ> 2017 nmgyZ CnbãY amhrb.4. g^oV hmoUmè`m H$m‘H$mOm~m~V gyMZo‘Ü`o {ZX}{eboë`m ~m~tg§~§Yr Oê$a H$mJXnÌo goH«o$Q>[a`b {d^mJ, ‘w»`H$Moar‘Ü`o {X. 7 Am°JñQ> 2017 nmgyZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ`m

    doioV nmhÊ`mg {‘iVrb.5. g^oÀ`m doir {df`n{ÌHo$Vrb ~m~tg§~§Yr {dMmamd`mMr ‘m{hVr {X. 14 Am°JñQ> 2017 n`ªV H$m`m©b`rZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ`m doioV goH«o$Q>arAb {d^mJmH$S>o àíZê$nmZo

    boIr H$i{dë`mg Ë`mà‘mUo ‘m{hVr V`ma R>odUo gmoB©ñH$a hmoB©b.6. ̂ mJ à‘mUnÌmVrb Zmd, nÎmm AWdm dmagXma ~Xb Agë`mg VgoM bm^m§e Amnë`m ~MV ImË`mV O‘m H$aUo AWdm AÝ` ~±Ho$À`m ImË`mV O‘m H$aÊ`mg§~§YrMo nÌ ~±Ho$À`m

    eoAg© {d^mJ, ^maV ^dZ, 1360 ewH«$dma noR>, nwUo 411 002 òWo nmR>dmdo. Ë`mZwgma `mo½` Zm|X H$aUo eŠ` hmoB©b d bm^m§emMr a¸$‘ O‘m H$aVm òB©b.7. Amnbr emIm d ImVo H«$. Amnbo g^mgXËd Agboë`m emIog `mnydu H$i{dbm Zgë`mg Ëd[aV H$idmdm åhUOo Amnbm bm^m§e Amnë`m ImË`mV O‘m H$aVm

    `oB©b.8. ~±Ho$À`m nmoQ>{Z`‘ H«$. 48 (iii) AÝd`o Á`m g^mgXm§Zr 31 ‘mM© 2013 dfm©gmR>rMm bm^m§e ñdrH$mabm Zgob Ë`m§Zr {X. 30-11-2017 nydu Z Zoë`mg Ë`m§À`m

    bm^m§emMr a¸$‘ amIrd {ZYr‘Ü`o O‘m H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. Á`m g^mgXm§Zm bm^m§e nÌHo$ {‘imbr ZgVrb Ë`m§Zr Ë`m~m~V H¥$n`m Á`m emIoVyZ g^mgXËdmgmR>r AO© Ho$bm Amho Ë`m emIoH$S>o g§nH©$ H$amdm.

    9. eoAa gQ>u{’$Ho$Q> {‘imbr Zgë`mg Vr Amnbo g^mgXËd Agboë`m emIoVyZ KoD$Z OmdrV.

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    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Annual General Meeting Notice

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNE(Multi State Scheduled Bank)

    The 68th Annual General Meeting of Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune will be held on Saturday, 19th August 2017 at 3.00 pm at Progressive Education Society Sabhagruh, Near Modern College of Engineering , Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005 to transact the following business concerning the Bank. Members are requested to attend the meeting.Agenda of the meeting :1) To approve and confirm the minutes of 67th Annual General Meeting which was held on 27th June 2016.2) To consider and approve the Annual accounts, presented by the board of directors which consist of the Profit and Loss

    account, the Balance Sheet, Report of the Statutory Auditors as well as to appropriate Net Profit and declare dividend as recomanaded by the Board of Directors for the year ended March 31, 2017.

    3) To appoint Statutory Auditors for the financial year 2017-2018 and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration. The Board of Directors recommends M/s. Mukund M Chitale & Co., M/s. S.D.Medadkar & Co., M/s. Shashank Patki & Associates, Chartered Accountants; for appointment Statutory Auditors jointly.

    4) To approve Annual Budget for the financial year 2017-18.5) To take note of the loans sanctioned in the financial year 2016-17 to Directors of the Bank & their relatives as per the

    Sec.39(3) of the Multi-state Co-op.Act,2002.6) To approve amendments to the existing bye-laws of the Bank as recommended by the Board of Directors.7) To write off keeping the right of recovery intact of bad and doubtful loan accounts certified by the Statutory Auditors.8) To consider & approve the proposal of Merger of Janata Urban Co-op.Bank Ltd., Wai with our bank.9) To approve the proposal of distribution of Donations out of Charitable fund of the bank, to Charitable/Social institutions.10) To grant leave of absence to the Members of the Bank who are not present in the Annual General Meeting.11) Any other subject, by the permission of Hon.Chairman.

    Jayant Kakatkar Chief Executive Officer (Officiating)Date : 21th July, 2017 (By the order of Board of Directors)

    (Only for Members)

    Note :1) If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting (i.e.up to 3.30 pm), the quorum is not formed, the meeting shall stand

    adjourned & this adjourned meeting shall be held at 3.40 pm. on the same day & venue. The adjourned meeting will not require any separate notice or quorum.

    2) The Annual Report consisting of Profit and Loss accounts, Balance Sheet & the amendments to the bye-laws is displayed on Bank’s website www.janatabankpune.com

    3) The copy of the Annual Report (Ahwal) will be made available in the Bank’s branches from 4th August,2017.4) If any member desires to see documents in connection with the agenda of this Annual General Meeting, they may approach to the

    Secretarial Dept.(HO) from 7th August, 2017.5) If any member desires to have information in connection with any item of agenda, he/she is requested to address a letter to the Secretarial

    Dept. (HO) so as to reach not later than 14th August,2017, so that the required information may be made available at the Annual General Meeting.

    6) Please inform any change in name, address and or nomination and also about details of Bank A/C to enable to credit dividend, to Banks share Dept. Bharat Bhavan, 1360, Shukrawar Peth, Pune - 411 002.

    7) If you have not intimated to credit your dividend to respective branch & bank account, Please inform the same to your branch through which you become a member.

    8) Those members who will not collect their dividend for the year ended 31st March,2013 on or before 30th November 2017, such dividend will be transfered to Statutory Reserve of the Bank as per Bye-Law No.48 (iii). Those members who have not received the dividend warrants are requested to collect the same from the original Branch from which the membership application form is submitted.

    9) For non-receipt of Share Certificate, Members may enquire at the branch from which the share application is submitted.

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    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i (2012-2017)

    ‘m. lr. g§O` ‘wHw§$X boboCnmÜ`j

    ‘m. lr. AaqdX Ho$ed IiXH$aAÜ`j


    ‘m. lr. OJXre bú‘Uamd H$X‘

    ‘m. lr. ‘h|Ð ‘hmXod ndma

    ‘m. lr. am‘Xmg {dR>mo~m qeXo

    ‘m. lr. {H$emoa H$m§MZbmb ehm

    ‘m. lr. gwZrb Jw§S>mon§V ‘wVm{bH$

    ‘m. S>m°. gm¡. ‘Ywam ‘wHo$e H$g~oH$a

    ‘m. lr. AVwb dg§V ~oS>oH$a

    ‘m. lr. {dO` nwéfmoÎm‘ ^mdo (VÁk g§MmbH$)

    ‘m. lr. ‘YwgwXZ nX²‘mH$a hS>uH$a (godH$ à{V{ZYr {X. 24-7-2016 n`ªV)

    ({X. 23 Owb¡, 2017 n`ªV)

    g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i (2017-2022)

    ‘m. lr. OJXre bú‘Uamd H$X‘CnmÜ`j

    ‘m. lr. g§O` ‘wHw§$X boboAÜ`j


    ‘m. lr. à^mH$a qÌ~H$ nam§Ono

    ‘m. grE. lr. ‘mohZ e§H$a ’$S>Ho$‘m. A°S>. gm¡. Jm¡ar àgmX Hw§$^moOH$a

    ‘m. lr. AaqdX Ho$ed IiXH$a (VÁk g§MmbH$)

    ‘m. lr. {dO` nwéfmoÎm‘ ^mdo (VÁk g§MmbH$)

    ({X. 24 Owb¡, 2017 nmgyZ)

    ‘m. grE. lr. gwYra amOmam‘ n§{S>V‘m. lr. ‘h|Ð ‘hmXod ndma

    ‘m. lr. am‘Xmg {dR>mo~m qeXo

    ‘m. lr. {H$emoa H$m§MZbmb ehm

    ‘m. lr. gwZrb Jw§S>mon§V ‘wVm{bH

    ‘m. lr. bú‘U A§~wgm ndma

    ‘m. lr. {~ê$ amUy Imo‘Uo

    ‘m. S>m°. gm¡. ‘Ywam ‘wHo$e H$g~oH$a

    ‘m. lr. {dÚmZ§X e§H$a XodYa

    ‘m. lr. A{‘V à{dU qeXo

    ‘m. A°S>. gm¡. AbH$m {dO` noQ>H$a

    ‘m. grE. lr. ‘mYd am‘H¥$îU ‘mQ>o

    H$m`©nmbH$ (EXECUTIVES)

    lr. O`§V ‘Zmoha Ho$VH$a (31.08.2016 n`ªV)à^mar ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar

    gh‘hmì`dñWmnH$lr. A^` eaX ~mnQ>lr. OJXre nwéfmoÎm‘ H$í`nlr. {Xbrn Jwê$^r‘ Hw$bH$Uu

    Cn‘hmì`dñWmnH$lr. lram‘ {dîUw AmnQ>olr. ‘wHw§$X Jmonmi Hw$bH$Uulr. YZ§O` ‘YwH$a Xoenm§S>olr. AmZ§X dg§V gmohmoZr

    Cn‘hmì`dñWmnH$lr. gw{Zb ‘Zmoha H$m‘Vlr. M§ÐeoIa gXmZ§X gmR>olr. `ed§V Zmam`U T>dirH$a

    ghmæ`H$ ‘hmì`dñWmnH$lr. Am{ef lrYa Hw$dioH$alr. a‘mH$m§V à^mH$a ~wdmlr. YZ§O` ‘moaoída {MniyUH$alr. g{MZ em§Vmam‘ VmåhUH$alr. AO` {gÕoída Hw$bH$Uu

    lr. amO|Ð {dZm`H$ dV©H$lr. {dZ` {dO` XwZmIolr. AVwb à^mH$a jragmJalr. amOrd ^mbM§Ð ~d}lr. g§Vmof {dÇ>b {hado (g{Md, g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i)

    lr. YZ§O` AmZ§X ghó~wÕolr. M§ÐeoIa àëhmX à^wUolr. {OV|Ð à^mH$a amdoVH$alr. lrYa JmoqdX åhgH$a

    d¡Ym{ZH$ boImnarjH$

    ‘o. {H$V©Zo A±S> n§{S>V EbEbnr ‘o. Eg. S>r. ‘oS>XH$a A±S> H§$nZr ‘o. eem§H$ nËH$s A±S> Agmo{gEQ>g

    lr. O`§V H$m{eZmW H$mH$VH$a (02.09.2016 nmgyZ)

    à^mar ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar

    ‘m. grE. lr. gwYra amOmam‘ n§{S>V‘m. lr. bú‘U A§~wgm ndma

    ‘m. gm¡. ^m½`lr gwaoe {MVio ({X.10-09-2014 n`ªV)

    ‘m. lr. {~ê$ amUy Imo‘Uo

  • ..... 4 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    The Board of Directors is - as every year - pleased to present to the shareholders the report on the financial performance of the bank during the year 2016-17, the bank’s 68 the year.The World Economy:Developments in the world on economic, political and social levels have a direct and indirect impact on India’s economy. The world witnessed many important developments in the year 2016-17. Among them are continued stagnation of China’s economy; exit of United Kindgom from the European Union - Brexit; US Federal Bank’s indication about a possible rise in the interest rates; Donald Trump’s election to the office of President of the United States, the world’s only superpower, his bold announcements that shook the world; the decision of the OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) to cut exploration of crude oil and the consequent rise in oil prices and the issue of refugees in the wake of conflict between Syria and Iraq. If we look at these issues in the overall perspective, we have to conclude that the year 2016 was not a very encouraging one. The world economy is closely linked with crude oil prices. The steep fall in oil prices in the year 2015 was a major cause of worry across economies. India, which is the world’s largest oil importer, of course benefitted significantly from the price fall. However, the OPEC reacted by deciding in December 2016 to cut down crude production by 12 lakh barrels per day to 3.25 crore barrels per day, leading to an upward correction in global crude prices thanks to the restricted output. We can not rule out some further disruptive developments in the coming days in the global oil sector.Indian Economy:The year 2016 came with a new hope for the Indian economy as the entire country received satisfactory rainfall after a gap of four years. This led to a jump in the stock market indices and a feeling of enthusiasm in the agriculture sector. Although the global economy did not demonstrate any promise the economists projected a strong 7 per cent growth for the Indian economy.The United Kingdom held a referendum on whether its people wanted the country to continue to be a member of the European

    68 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmbg§MmbH$ ‘§S>i Ahdmb (Directors Report 2016-2017)

    g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m dVrZo gZ 2016-17 `m 68 ì`m Am{W©H$ dfm©Vrb Am{W©H$ H$m_{JarMm Ahdmb Amnë`m g_moa R>odVmZm à{Vdfu à_mUoM `m dfu{h {deof AmZ§X hmoV Amho.

    OmJ{VH$ AW©ì`dñWm :- OJmÀ`m nmR>rda KS>Umè`m Am{W©H$, gm_m{OH$ d amOH$s` KS>m_moS>rMo nS>gmX ̂ maVr` AW©ì`dñWoda H$iV ZH$iV nS>V AgVmV. gZ 2016-17 `m ZwH$Ë`mM g§nboë`m Am{W©H$ dfm©V OmJ{VH$ nmVirda AZoH$ _hËdnyU© KS>m_moS>r KS>ë`m. Ë`m_Yrb R>iH$ KS>m_moS>r Aem - MrZÀ`m KmoS>Xm¡S>rbm _mJrb dfm©à_mUoM `§Xmhr bmJbobm bJm_, `wamo{n`Z Xoem§À`m g_whmVyZ (`wamo{n`Z `w{Z`Z = EU) `wZm`Q>oS> qH$JS>_ - "`wHo$' Zo ~mhoa nS>Ê`mMm KoVbobm {ZU©` åhUOoM ~«op½PQ>, A_o[aHo$Mr _Ü`dVu ~±H$ "\o$S>ab [aPd©'Zo ZOrH$À`m H$mimV ì`mOXa dmT>r~m~V {Xbobo g§Ho$V, OJmVrb EH$_od _hmgÎmm åhUyZ AmoiIë`m OmUmè`m A_o[aHo$À`m AÜ`jnXr S>moZmëS> Q´>ån `m§Mr Pmbobr {ZdS>, AÜ`jnXmMr gwÌo ñdrH$maë`m Z§Va Ë`m§Zr KoVbobo H$mhr YmS>gr {ZU©` Ë`mMm OJ^amVrb Xoem§Zr KoVbobm YgH$m, Vob CËnmXH$ Xoem§Mr g§KQ>Zm "AmonoH$' Zo à{V{XZ H$ÀÀ`m VobmMo CËnmXZ H$_r H$aÊ`mg àma§^ Ho$ë`mZo OmJ{VH$ ~mOmamV H$ÀÀ`m VobmÀ`m dmTy> bmJboë`m qH$_Vr Am{U {gar`m d BamH$ _Ü`o Mmby Agboë`m Yw_ûÀMH«$s_wio {Z_m©U Pmbobm {Zdm©{gVm§Mm àý. `m gdmªMm EH${ÌV {dMma Ho$bm Va 2016 ho df© OmJ{VH$ AW©ì`dñWogmR>r \$mago CËgmhdY©H$ ZìhVo.

    OmJ{VH$ AW©ì`dñWm hr H$ÀÀ`m VobmÀ`m qH$_Vrer OmoS>br Jobr Amho. H$ÀÀ`m VobmÀ`m qH$_Vr _mJrb dfm©V (2015) PnmQ>çmZo Imbr Amë`m Ë`m_wio gdmªÀ`m qMVoV AmUIr ^a nS>br. OJmVrb gdm©V _moR>m Vob Am`mVXma Xoe AgUmè`m ^maVmbm Ë`mMm Mm§JbmM \$m`Xm Pmbm. "AmonoH$'Zo AmR> dfm©V àW_M {S>g|~a 16 _Ü`o VobmMo CËnmXZ H$_r H$aÊ`mMm {ZU©` KoVbm. OmZodmar nmgyZ à{V{XZ 12 bmI ~°abZo CËnmXZ H$_r H$éZ Vo 3.25 H$moQ>r ~°ab n`ªV Imbr AmUbo. Ë`m_wio _mJUrÀ`m VwbZoV nwadR>m H$_r Pmë`mZo VobmÀ`m qH$_Vr dmTy> bmJë`m AmhoV. Vob ~mOmambm _wimnmgyZ hmXa{dUmè`m KQ>Zm AmJm_r H$mimV KS>Ê`mMr eŠ`Vm ZmH$maVm `oV Zmhr.

    ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm VrZ Mma dfm©À`m à{VjoZ§Va 2016 `m dfm©V g§nyU© XoemV gd©Xÿa Mm§Jbm nmD$g Pmë`mZo ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWoMr MmHo$ doJmZo {\$aÊ`mMr eŠ`Vm {Z_m©U Pmbr. `m_wio eoAa ~mOmamMm {ZX}em§H$ C§Mmdbm. H¥$frjoÌmV CËgmhmMo dmVmdaU {Z_m©U Pmbo. `§Xm ^aKmog nrH$ `oB©b d H¥$frjoÌmÀ`m {dH$mgXambm JVr {_iob Ago ^m{H$V dV©{dÊ`mV Ambo. OmJ{VH$ ~mOmamV \$mago CËgmhr dmVmdaU ZìhVo Var XoIrb ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm 7 Q>Š`mnojm OmñV doJmZo {dH${gV hmoB©b Aer eŠ`Vm AW©Vkm§Zr ì`º$ Ho$br.

    `wamo{n`Z `w{Z`Z _YyZ `wHo$ Zo ~mhoa nS>mdo H$s Zmhr `mg§~§Yr `wHo$ _Ü`o OZVoMm

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    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Union. The outcome was momentous as the majority vote in favour of exit from the EU (Brexit) caused a turmoil across stock markets across the world. Share prices of companies operating in sectors such as Information Technology, services and engineering fell sharply and the world economy came under a shadow of uncertainty. The year 2016-17 was a disappointing year for the banking sector - the backbone of Indian economy. There was a marked rise in the non-performing assets (NPAs) of Indian banks thanks to mounting overdue loans. The Reserve Bank of India made elaborate efforts to help banks come out of the NPA problems but the situation seems to be far from improving. India’s banks are now in the vicious circle of NPAs restricting their growth. Dr Urjit Patel took over the reins of Reserve Bank of India as its Governor from the outgoing Governor Dr Raghuram Rajan. Dr Rajan had directed all banks to clean their balance sheets by 31 March 2017 - an approach which Dr Patel carried forward. Despite the steps taken by the Reserve Bank the long wait of banks to identify sound lending opportunities continues as there is very poor demand for credit. On the other hand there was no hope of the NPA problem getting better anytime soon and the banks had to adopt the approach of extreme caution when lending to new clients. Overall, the banking scenario in the country was not very encouraging. On the 8th of November 2016, Honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi made the historic announcement of demonetising currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denomination and declaring these notes as not a legal tender. Bank employees in the entire country worked day and night to implement the decision of demonetisation and rolling into circulation the new currency notes. They deserve to be congratulated. The Central Government is in advanced stape of implementing Goods And Service Tax (GST) “One Nation One Tax” which is stated to be a major reform in the financial sector. The likely date

    Sr. No. Particulars 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2017

    1. ^mJ ^m§S>db Share Capital 161.41 182.26 207.39

    2. R>odr Deposits 7069.97 7678.33 8472.36

    3. H$O} Loans and Advances 4751.27 5126.72 5691.07

    4. Jw§VdUyH$ Investments 2284.36 2582.23 2768.46

    5. EHy$U ì`dgm` Total Business 11821.24 12805.05 14163.43

    6. à{V godH$ ì`dgm` Per Employee Business 11.58 12.34 11.16

    7. IoiVo ^m§S>db Working Funds 7799.69 8526.64 9337.69

    8. n[aMmbrV Z\$m Operating Profit *125.04 *130.57 *134.25

    9. VaVyXr Provisions 78.53 39.91 105.22

    10. {Zìdi Z\$m Net Profit 64.61 64.97 36.11

    11. T>mo~i AZwwËnm[XV H$O} Gross NPAs 2.68% 4.54% 8.99%

    12. {Zìdi AZwwËnm[XV H$O} Net NPAs 0.95% 2.26% 4.89%

    13. ^m§S>db n`m©áVm CRAR 11.64% 13.90% 12.97%

    ì`mdgm`rH$ _mnX§S>mVrb H$m_{Jardarb VwbZmË_H$ Ñï>rjon - (AmH$S>o H$moQ>rV) Key Performance Indicators - (Figures in Crores)

    H$m¡b AmO_mdÊ`mV Ambm. {deof åhUOo `oWrb OZVoZo `wamo{n`Z `w{Z`Z _YyZ `wHo$ Zo ~mhoa nS>mdo Agm H$m¡b {Xbm `m_wio `wamongh OJ^amVrb eoAa ~mOmamV àM§S> CbWmnmbW Pmbr ^maVmVrb _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H§$nÝ`m, godm d A{^`m§{ÌH$s H§$nÝ`m§À`m eoAa _Ü`o _moR>r nS>PS> Pmbr. OJ^amV qMVoMo dmVmdaU ngabo `mMm {dnarV n[aUm_ ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWoda Pmbm.

    ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWoMm H$Um AgUmè`m ~±qH$J joÌmgmR>r 2016-2017 ho df© {ZamemOZH$ Jobo. ~wS>rV H$Om©Mo à_mU dmT>V Mmbë`mZo ~±H$m§Mo EZnrE Mr Q>¸o$dmar Mm§JbrM \w$Jbr. `mVyZ ~±H$m§Zm ~mhoa H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r H|$Ðr` nmVirda VgoM [aPd© ~±Ho$Zo ~aoM à`ËZ Ho$bo _mÌ `mVyZ gwQ>Ê`mMr eŠ`Vm {Xgbr Zmhr, `m_wio ~±qH$J joÌ EH$m Xþï>MH«$mV AS>Hy$Z nS>bo. `mVyZ ghH$mar ~±H$m XoIrb dmMë`m ZmhrV. VéU d YmS>gr {ZU©` KoUmao [aPd© ~±Ho$Mo JìhZ©a lr. aKwam_ amOZ `m§Mm 2016 _Ü`o JìhZ©a nXmMm H$m`©H$mb g§në`m_wio Ë`m§Mr OmJm lr. D${O©V nQ>ob `m§Zr KoVbr. lr aKwam_ amOZ `m§Zr gd© ~±H$mZm 31 _mM© 2017 n`©ÝV Vmio~§XmVyZ "EZnrE'bm hÔnma H$aÊ`mMo AmXoe {Xbobo hmoVo. Zd{Zdm©{MV JìhZ©a lr. D${O©V nQ>ob `m§Zr lr. amOZ `m§Mo AmXoembm XþOmoam {Xbm.

    [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo AZwHy$b nmdbo CMbyZhr H$Om©bm CR>md Zgë`mZo ~±H$m§Zm Mm§Jbo H$O©Xma {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r IynM àVrjm H$amdr bmJbr. ~wS>rV H$Om©À`m \$Q>Š`mVyZ ~±H$m gmdaÊ`mMr {MÝho {XgV Zgë`mZo ZdrZ H$O© {dVaU H$aVmZm ~±H$m§Zm IynM gmdY n{dÌm ¿`mdm bmJbm. EHy$U H$m` Va ~±qH$J {dœmV \$maer CËgmhdY©H$ n[apñWVr {XgyZ Ambr Zmhr.

    _m. n§VàYmZ lr. Za|Ð _moXr `m§Zr Zmoìh|~a _Ü`o XoemÀ`m B{VhmgmV Zm|X{dbm OmUmam ZmoQ>m~§Xr ({ZübZrH$aU) Mm {ZU©` Omhra Ho$bm. ^maVr` MbZmMm _w»` KQ>H$ AgUmè`m nmMeo d hOmamÀ`m ZmoQ>m§Mr H$m`Xoera _mÝ`Vm aÔ H$aÊ`mV Ambr. 50 {Xdg XoemVrb gd© ~±H$m§_Yrb H$_©Mmar dJm©Zo AhmoamÌ H$m_ H$ê$Z hm ZmoQ>m~§XrÀ`m {ZU©`mMr àË`j A§_b~OmdUr Ho$br Ë`m ~Ôb gdmªMo A{^Z§XZ H$am`bm hdo.

    H|$Ð gaH$maÀ`m dVrZo Xoe^amV dñVy d godm H$a (GST) åhUOoM EH$ Xoe EH$ H$a `mMr Xoeì`mnr A§‘b~OmdUr 1 Owb¡ 2017 nmgyZ H$aÊ`mV Ambr. Am{W©H$

    * Includes Provisions, Tax etc.

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    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    of Implementation is July 1st,2017.The estimate of growth rate for Indian economy during 2016-17 was pegged between 7.5 - 7.7 percent before the demonetisation decision. However, as the decision severely hit businesses such as automobiles, real estate, agriculture, hospitality, entertainment, small traders and other professionals, the growth rate at the end of the year came down to 7.1 percent. Despite this Indian economy was the world’s fastest growing economy in the year 2016. The Government made another historic decision to merge the associate banks of State Bank of India with the parent State Bank, creating a banking major that will hopefully be able to compete with global banking corporations. The capital assets of the merged entity will be Rs 37 lakh crore whereas the number of its branches will be 22,500 and the number of its customers will be larger than 500 million. The decision of merger of all State Bank arms certainly will go a long way in the history of the country’s banking sector.Important events in the field of urban co-operative banks during 2016-17:The year 2016-17 was full of challenges for the country’s co-operative banking sector. Biggest among them was to help customers in the time of demonetisation, as the supply of new currency from the Reserve Bank was tardy and the banks could not dispense the amounts to the customers they wanted to withdraw. The co-operative banks in the country had to unite to fight the step-motherly treatment the Reserve Bank and nationalised commercial banks were meeting out to them. The co-operative banks collected sums of money they couldn’t deploy as loans. All co-operative banks had to bear the heat of NPAs in the year gone by but the balance sheets of most banks reflected the havoc created by the spurt in the NPAs. The picture will be better in the coming (current) year.

    The historic decision of demonetisation:The decision to demonetise currency notes of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 hit the day to day working of banks. The customers rushed to banks with these notes leading to a rise in their CASA (Current and Savings Accounts) deposits. This was a burden on the banks as they are liable to pay interest on these deposits. There was reduction in the cost of deposits for the banks but not being able to lend and earn interest created a problem. Demonetisation had an impact on small traders, professionals, small entrepreneurs, vegetable vendors, hoteliers, cinema houses and many other businesses. Subdued atmosphere in the market meant that loans were less in demand and the credit to deposit ratio (CD Ratio) of the banks turned unfavourable. The interest which the banks earn on the loans they give is the most important source of their income. Demonetisation also had an adverse effect on the quality of advances of banks. The sharp rise in the overdue loans is a major obstacle in the banks’ progress. As the banks were tied down to handling the receipt of demonetised notes and issue of new currency, the functions such as loan recovery, NPA management or fee based income took a back seat for almost two months. The government conceded in its annual economic survey that the country’s growth rate was lower than estimated in 2016-17, due mainly to developments on the global level as well as within the country including demonetisation. The growth rate was 7.1 percent - lowest in the last three years. Banking sector was among the worst hit by demonetisaiton and the banks may take a long time to get over it and return to normalcy.

    Shareholders and Share Capital: The bank enrolled 4050 new shareholders during the year 2016-

    joÌmVrb hr gdmªV ‘moR>r H$a gwYmaUm åhUmdr bmJob.

    ^maVmMm 2016-17 `m Am{W©H$ dfm©Mm {dH$mgXa 7.5 Zo 7.7 Q>¸o$ amhrb Agm A§XmO ZmoQ>m~§XrÀ`m {ZU©`mnydu KoÊ`mV Ambm hmoVm _mÌ ZmoQ>m~§XrMm _moR>m XUH$m dmhZ CÚmoJ, ~m§YH$m_ ì`dgm`, eoVr, CnhmaJ¥ho, {MÌnQ>J¥ho, {H$amUm XþH$mZXma d gd© àH$maÀ`m N>moQ>çm ì`mdgm{`H$m§Zm ~gbm `mMm n[aUm_ {dH$mgXa KQ>Ê`mV Pmbm. dfm© AIoa XoemMm {dH$mgXa 7.1 Q>¸²$`m§da Kgabm. Ago AgyZ XoIrb 2016 _Ü`o ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm OmJ{VH$ nmVirdarb gdm©{YH$ doJmZo {dH${gV hmoUmar AW©ì`dñWm R>abr.

    ^maVr` ñQ>oQ> ~±Ho$À`m (SBI) nmM gh`moJ ~±H$m§Mo ñQ>oQ> ~±Ho$V {d{bZrH$aU H$aÊ`mÀ`m Eo{Vhm{gH$ {ZU©`mda H|$Ðr` _§{Ì_§S>imZo {e¸$m_moV©~ Ho$bo Ë`m_wio AmJm_rH$mimV SBI OmJ{VH$ nmVirdarb ~±H$m§er ñnYm© H$ê$ eHo$b. XoemÀ`m ~±qH$J B{VhmgmVrb hm _hËdmMm {ZU©` åhUmdm bmJob.

    2016 _Ü`o OmJ{VH$ VgoM Xoem§VJ©V AW©ì`dñWoV ~aoM MT>CVma Pmbo Var XoIrb ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm d¥ÕrH$So> dmQ>Mmb H$aVmZm {XgV hmoVr. AmJm_r H$mimV OrEgQ>r À`m A§_b~OmdUrg àma§^ Pmë`mZ§Va hm d¥ÕrXa dmT>ob Aer eŠ`Vm Amho.

    ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$mg§X^m©V ‘hËdmÀ`m KQ>Zm 2016-17 :-Xoem§VJ©V ghH$mar ~±qH$J {dœmgmR>r ho df© AmìhmZmË_H$ am{hbo. ZmoQ>m~§XrÀ`m H$mimV J«mhH$m§Zm Vm|S> XoÊ`mg ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm Amnbr ~arM eº$s nUmbm bmdmdr bmJbr. [aPìh© ~±Ho$H$Sy>Z Zì`m ZmoQ>m§Mm ì`dpñWV nwadR>m hmoV ZìhVm Ë`m_wio J«mhH$m§Zm Ano{jV AgUmar a¸$_ XoUo eŠ` hmoV ZìhVo. ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm [aPìh© ~±H$ d amï´>r`rH¥$V ~±H$m§H$Sy>Z {_iUmè`m gmnËZ dmJUwH$s {damoYmV amÁ`mVrb gd©M ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zr EH$Ì `oD$Z AmdmO CR>{dbm. ghH$mar ~±H$m§_Ü`o _moR>çm à_mUmV R>odr O_m Pmë`m _mÌ Ë`m à_mUmV H$Om©Mo {dVaU Z Pmë`mZo ~±H$m§da ì`mOmMm A{V[aº$ ~moOm nS>bm.

    ""EZnrE''Mr XmhH$Vm gd©M ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm gaË`m dfm©V OmUdbr. H$mhr ~±H$m§Zr {Z`moOZ~Õ H$m_ H$ê$Z "EZnrE'da {Z`§ÌU R>odÊ`mV `e {_i{dbo _mÌ ~hþVm§e ~±H$m§À`m Vmio~§Xmda "EZnrE' dmT>rMm {dnarV n[aUm_ {XgyZ Ambm. H$Om©bm nm{hOo Vgm CR>md Zgë`mZo Mm§Jbo H$O©Xma {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm IwnM n[al_ ¿`mdo bmJbo. AmJm_r dfm©V ho {MÌ ~Xbob Aer Amem H$amd`mg haH$V Zmhr.

    {ZübZrH$aUmMm Eo{Vhm{gH$ {ZU©` - ZmoQ>m ~§XrÀ`m ̀ m {ZU©`mMm n[aUm_ ~±H$m§À`m X¡Z{XZ ì`dhmamda Pmbm. {S>g|~a 2016 n`ªV J«mhH$m§Zr Amnë`m ImË`mV n¡em§Mm ^aUm Ho$ë`mZo R>odt_Ü`o _moR>çm à_mUmda dmT> Pmbr. ̀ m_wio (CA SA ) R>odr dmT>ë`m _mÌ ̀ m R>odrda ì`mO Úmdo bmJUma Agë`mZo ~±H$m§nwT>o g_ñ`m C^r am{hbr. R>odtÀ`m {H$_Vr H$_r Pmë`m. `m CbQ> ZmoQ>m ~§Xr_wio N>moQ>o ì`mnmar, ì`mdgm{`H$, bKw CÚmoOH$, ^mOr {dH«o$Vo, Cnhma J¥ho, {MÌnQ> J¥ho `m§Mm ì`dgm` AS>MUrV Ambm. ~mOma W§S>mdbm Ë`m_wio H$O© {dVaU amoS>mdbo ~±H$m§À`m grS>r aoemo da Ë`mMm {dnarV n[aUm_ Pmbm. H$Om©darb ì`mO ho ~±H$m§Mo à_wI CËnÞ AgVo Ë`m CËnÞmbm _moR>m \$Q>H$m ~gbm. ZmoQ>m~§XrMm \$Q>H$m H$Om©À`m JwUdÎmoda Pmbm. W{H$V H$Om©V dmT> Pmbr hr ~m~ ~±Ho$À`m {dH$mgmÀ`m Ñï>rZo KmVH$M åhUmdr bmJob. W{H$V H$Om©V _w»`V… N>moQ>r H$O©, H° e H«o$S>rQ> d _wXVrÀ`m H$Om©Mo à_mU A{YH$ Agë`mMo {XgyZ `oVo. ZmoQ>m~§XrÀ`m H$mimV ~±H$mMo gd© bj ho n¡go XoUo KoUo `mda H|${ÐV Pmë`mZo W{H$V H$Om©Mr dgwbr, "EZnrE'Mo ì`dñWmnZ. ewëH$ AmYm[aV ì`dgm`mH$So> Xþb©j Pmbo.

    OmJ{VH$ nmVirdarb MT>CVma VgoM Xoem§VJ©V KS>m_moS>r ~amo~aM ZmoQ>m~§Xr_wio XoemÀ`m AW©ì`dñWoVMm d¥ÕrXa Anojonojm H$_r Pmë`mMr H$~wbr Am{W©H$ nmhUr AhdmbmÛmao XoÊ`mV Ambr. d¥ÕrXa 7.1 Q>¸²$`m§da Kgabm AgyZ _mJrb 3 dfm©Vrb hm ZrMm§H$s d¥ÕrXa åhUmdm bmJob. ZmoQ>m~§XrMm gdm©{YH$ \$Q>H$m hm ~±qH$J `§ÌUobm ~gbm `m Y¸²$`mVyZ ~±H$m§Zm gmdê$Z nwÝhm gwairV ì`dhma H$aÊ`mgmR>r àVrjm H$amdr bmJUma Amho.

    ^mJYmaH$ d ^mJ ^m§S>db :-_mJrb Am{W©H$ dfm©À`m AIoarg AgUmè`m EHy$U a¸$_ é. 182.26 H$moQ>rMo

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    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    17 and its share capital rose to Rs 207.39 crore. The number of shareholders went up to 1,71,554. In absolute terms the rise is Rs 25.13 crore while in percentage term it is 13.79 percent. The bank ran a campaign during the year to collect from members the difference between their share capital and Rs 2000 which is the minimum amount a shareholder must contribute to the bank’s share capital. The number of such members was 2177. The bank intends to continue this drive in the current year too and requests co-operation from all who hold shares worth less than Rs.2000.

    Deposits: During the year there was a net addition of Rs 794.03 crore in the deposits which took the total deposits to Rs 8472.36 crore. This gives a growth rate of 10.34 percent which is marginally higher than the growth rate in the previous year. It is however important to note that the customers are turning to other investment channels such as Small Savings Scheme or Mutual Funds which offer better returns than bank deposits. The banks have therefore responded by concentrating on cost reduction rather than deposit mobilisation to restrict liquidity to match the low credit offtake. Your bank is no exception to this.

    D.I.C.G.C. The bank has paid the insurance premium in accordance with the provisions of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Act 1961 to insure the customers’ deposits.Increase in savings and current deposits ( Low Cost Deposits /CASA):The bank had seen a decline in its Low Cost Deposits (CASA) for two years before the previous year (2015-16). The bank could halt this decline in 2015-16 and the proportion of these deposits to total deposits at the end of 2015-16 was 18.13 percent. The CASA deposits of Rs 1394.28 crore at the end of 2015-16 increased (net) by Rs 129 crore totalling to Rs 1523.89 crore on the day prior to the day on which demonetisation was announced. The proportion of CASA deposits is 18.88 percent against 18.13 percent on 31 March 2016 (2015-16). The increase in CASA deposits in the year 2015-16 was Rs 100.21 crore whereas the increase in 2016-17 is Rs 383.91 crore. The statistics also shows that your bank benefited from the rise in CASA deposits after demonetisation as did other banks in the country.Figures in Rs./crore

    Deposit Category

    As of March 2016

    As of 8 November


    As of December


    As of March 2017

    Savings 1162.20 1306.81 1542.76 1487.23Current 232.08 217.08 296.05 290.96Low Cost (CASA) 1394.28 1523.89 1838.81 1778.19In the post demonetisation period, between 9 November 2016 and 31 December 2016, CASA deposits rose by Rs.314.92 crore. This was 21.76 percent of total deposits on 31 December 2016 as compared with 18.13 per cent on 31 March 2016 (2015-

    Am{U 1,67,505EdT>çm g^mgX g§IoÀ`m nmœ©^y_rda `m dfu ~±Ho$Mr àJVr C„oIZr` Amho. `m g§nyU© Am{W©H$ dfm©V 4050 ZdrZ g^mgX OZVm ~±H$ n[admamV g_m{dï> Pmbo _mM© 2017 AIoa hr a¸$_ é.207.39 H$moQ>r EdT>r Amho. a¸$_ {Zhm` ~±Ho$À`m ^mJ^m§S>db a¸$_oV é. 25.13 H$moQ>rMr {Zìdi dmT> Pmbr Amho. _mJrb dfuÀ`m VwbZoV hr d¥Õr 13.79 % AmT>iob. `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V ~±Ho$À`m dVrZo {H$_mZ g^mgXËd a¸$_ é. 2000/- nojm H$_r g^mgXËd a¸$_ AgUmè`m 2177 g^mgXm§H$So> g§nH©$ H$ê$Z Ë`m§MoH$Sy>Z Amdí`H$ ^mJ a¸$_ ^ê$Z KoVbr. Aem àH$maMm à`ËZ `mhr dfu H$aÊ`mMm ~±Ho$Mm _mZg Amho. gXa à`ËZmg AmnU gH$mamË_H$ à{VgmX Úmb `mMr ImÌr dmQ>Vo. `m Am{W©H$ dfm©AIoa ~±Ho$Mo EHy$U ^mJYmaH$ 171554 AgyZ a¸$_ é. 207.39 H$moQ>r BVHo$ ^mJ^m§S>db Amho.

    R>odr :-_mJrb Am{W©H$ df© 2015-16 AIoa AgUmè`m ~±Ho$À`m é. 7678.33 H$moQ>r R>odt_Ü`o `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V é. 794.03 H$moQ>tMr {Zìdi dmT> hmodyZ _mM© 2017 AIoa ~±Ho$À`m EHy$U R>odr `m é. 8472.36 H$moQ>r AmhoV. `mdfuMm R>odrMm d¥ÕrXa 10.34% am{hbm Amho. _mJrb Am{W©H$ dfm©nojm gXa d¥Õr XamV WmoS>r gwYmaUm Amho. _mÌ ~±H$m§Mo H$_r hmoV OmUmè`m R>od ì`mOXam_wio R>odrXma, J«mhH$m§Zr Ë`m§À`m H$S>rb R>odr `m ì`mOmÀ`m A{YH$ CËnZmgmR>r AÝ` n`m©` CXm.Aën ~MV `moOZm, å`wÀ`wAb \§$S²g B._Ü`o Jw§Vm{dë`mMo AmT>iVo. AWm©V ~±H$m§Zrhr EHy$UM H«o$S>rQ> Am°\$Q>oH$ _Yrb H$_r JVr _wio CnbãY amoI VabVoMm {dMma H$ê$Z R>odr g§H$bZmg H$_r àmYmÝ` XodyZ ì`mOXa H$_r H$ê$Z IMm©V ~MV H$aÊ`mMo YmoaU R>odbo. Amnbr ~±H$ XoIrb `mg AndmX Zmhr.

    D.I.C.G.C :-~±Ho$Zo {S>nm°{PQ> BÝewaÝg d H«o$S>rQ> J±a§Q>r H$m°nm}aoeZ H$m`Xm 1961 AÝd`o ^amdr bmJUmar R>odtÀ`m {d_m àr{_`_Mr Amdí`H$ Vr AÚ`mdV a¸$_ ^abr Amho.

    ~MV Am{U Mmby R>od d¥Õr (Low Cost Deposits /CASA) :-~±Ho$À`m _mM© 2013 AIoaÀ`m XmoZ dfmªnmgyZ "bmo H$m°ñQ>' (C ASA Deposits) R>odtMo à_mUmV KQ> hmoÊ`mMm AgUmam "Q´>|S>' _mJrb gZ 2015-16 dfu ho à_mU (18.13 % ) pñWa R>odÊ`mV ~±Ho$g `e {_imbo. _mM© 16 AIoa AgUmè`m é. 1394.28 H$moQ>rÀ`m bmo H$m°ñQ> (C ASA Deposits) R>odrV MbZ {ZübrH$aU nyd© åhUOo {X. 8 Zmoìh|~a 16 AIoan`ªV é. 1523.89 H$moQ>r Pmë`m åhUOo `mV {Zìdi é. 129 H$moQ>rZo dmT>ë`m (_mM© 16 À`m EHy$U R>odtÀ`m 18.13% À`m VwbZoV {X. 8 Zmoìh|~a AIoa ho C ASA à_mU 18.88 % Amho). _mJrb 15-16 `m g§nyU© Am{W©H$ dfm©V {h dmT> a¸$_ é. 100.21 H$moQ>r AgyZ `m Am{W©H$ dfm©Vrb dmT> é. 383.91 H$moQ>r Amho. ̀ m Am{W©H$ dfu {d{dY Am{U gmVË`nyU© CnH«$_/A{^`mZmÀ`m _mÜ`_mVyZ `m bmo H$m°ñQ> R>odt_Ü`o (C ASA Deposits) dmT> H$aÊ`mMo R>odbobo C{Ôï> {Z{üV `mo½` _mJm©da Am{U g\$b Pmbo Ago {Z{üV Z_yX H$aVm `oB©b.

    AWm©V {X. 8 Zmoìh|~a 16 _Ü`o ^maV gaH$maÀ`m MbZ {ZübZrH$aUmÀ`m Eo{Vhm{gH$ {ZU©`m_wio gd© ~±H$mÀ`m bmo H$m°ñQ> (C ASA Deposits) R>odt‘Ü`o Pmboë`m A^yVnyd© d¥ÕrMm AZw^d qH$dm n[aUm_ Amnë`m ~±Ho$ghr bm^bm Ago AmH$So>dmardê$Z ñnï> hmoVo.

    (AmH$So>dmar é.H$moQ>rV)

    R>od àH$ma _mM© 2016 AIoa

    {X.8 Zmoìh|~a 16 AIoa

    {S>g|~a 2016 AIoa

    _mM© 2017 AIoa

    ~MV R>od 1162.20 1306.81 1542.76 1487.23 Mmby R>od 232.08 217.08 296.05 290.96 bmo H$m°ñQ> (CA SA Deposits)

    1394.28 1523.89 1838.81 1778.19

    MbZ {ZübZrH$aUmÀ`m nümV 9 Zmoìh|~a 16 Vo _mho {S>g|~a 16 AIoa `m XmoZ _{hÝ`mnojm H$_r H$mbmdYrV bmo H$m°ñQ> (C ASA Deposits) R>odrVrb dmT> {h a¸$_

  • ..... 8 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    16). CASA deposits on 31 March 2017 (2016-17) were 20.98 percent of total deposits. The bank has set for itself an ambitious target of raising the proportion of CASA deposits to 25 per cent of total deposits in the current year (2017-18) and is working towards this target right since the beginning of the year. We trust that the 23 new branches we opened in the last year will be of help in achieving this target. The bank ran a home savings(Pigmy) deposits promotion campaign during year 2016-17. The number of accounts added in the year was 5906 and increase in deposits was Rs 4.57 crore. At the end of March 2017 there are 12317 accounts in this scheme with a deposit base of Rs 13.45 crore. The bank has 94 agents in the scheme at the end of 2016-17, including newly appointed ones. Customers as well as shareholders gave an enthusiastic support to this scheme.

    Advances: The bank’s advances increased by Rs 564.36 crore or 11 percent during the year. The bank, as it did last year, concentrated on quality of advances rather than only quantitative increase in advances in the year. This has brought limited yet qualitative increase in the bank’s advances. In keeping with the its strategy of operating as a ‘big bank of small people’ the bank concentrated on promotion of advances of below Rs 25 lakh, made to stable and profitable businesses. The increase in these advances during the year 2016-17 was Rs 48.13 crore or 9 percent of the overall increase of Rs 564 crore. These small advances amount to 19 percent of the total advances of the bank as of March 2017. In the current year too the bank has focused on lending sums of Rs 1 crore to Rs 3 crore to businesses which fall in the purview of the different schemes of the central and state governments such as Make in India, Start Up India, Skill Development, Self Employment and Priority for Small and Medium Enterprises. Considering the slowdown in hosing & real estate sector, the bank is extra careful in lending to the borrowers from this sector . The bank’s performance in these sectors is consistently satisfactory. The bank’s total advances as of March 2017 were Rs 5691.07 crore. The bank’s CD Ratio was 67.16 percent as compared with the CD Ratio of 66.07 percent in the previous year (2015-16).

    Overdue loans, NPAs recovery and control:The bank’s NPAs at the commencement of year 2016-17 was Rs 232.56 crore. The bank recovered overdue and irregular loans of Rs 47.12 crore of which Rs 1.57 crore were from the loans previously written off. The economic slowdown has meant a rise in overdues in the year under report in this background the bank’s gross NPAs as a proportion to the total advances is 8.99 percent and net NPAs are 4.89 percent of the total advances.

    Investments:Based on the projected decline in the rate of inflation, the bank decided its investment strategy and increased its investments in Statutory Liquidity Ratio investment category by Rs 186.23 crore bringing in an increase of Rs 32.52 crore. This increase is 7.21 per cent.

    é. 314.92 H$moQ>r Amho. _mM© 16 À`m EHy$U R>odtÀ`m VwbZoV 18.13% AgUmao C ASA à_mU ho _mho {S>g|~a 16 AIoa 21.76% EdT>o dmT>bo Am{U _mM© 2017 AIoa 20.98% Agë`mMo AmT>iVo. øm nwT>rb Am{W©H$ dfm©V ho C ASA R>odtMo à_mU 25% EdT>o dmT>{dÊ`mMo H$mhrgo AmìhmZmË_H$ C{Xï> {Z{üV Ho$bo Amho Am{U `m Am{W©H$ dfm©À`m àma§^mnmgyZ _mJrb dfu à_mUoM bú` H|${ÐV à`ËZ H$aÊ`mMo {Z`moOZ Ho$bo Amho. `mgmR>r _mJrb XmoZ dfm©V Zì`mZo CKS>boë`m 23 emIm {Z{üV nyaH$ R>aVrb Agm {dœmg Amho.

    gZ 2016-17 ̀ m H$mbmdYrV hmo_ goìht½O R>od (Pigmy) ̀ moOZoMm àMma d A{^`mZ am~{dÊ`mV Ambo. _mJrb dfuÀ`m (2015-16) VwbZoV `m àH$maÀ`m R>odt_Ü`o `m dfm©V Zì`mZo 5906 ImVr Am{U é.4.57 H$moQ>r a¸$_oMr {Zìdi dmT> hmodyZ _mM© 17 AIoa 12317 ImVr d a¸$_ é. 13.45 H$moQ>r R>odr AmhoV. `m R>odtÀ`m g§H$bZmgmR>r ~±Ho$V _mM© 2017 AIoa EHy$U 94 EO§Q> AgyZ `m dfu emIm§_Ü`o Zì`mZo d ZdrZ EO§Q> {Z`wº$s _m\©$V hr godm XoÊ`mV Ambr. `m CnH«$_mg ImVoXma Am{U g^mgXm§Zr CËñ\y$V© à{VgmX {Xbm.

    H$O} :-`m g§nyU© Am{W©H$ dfm©V ~±qH$J ì`dgm`mV H$O© dmT>r_Ü`o AmT>iyZ `oUmar Aën J{V_mZVm, EHy$UM _§Xr gÑe dmVmdaU Ë`m_wio ì`mdgm{`H$ AWdm CÚmoOH$, ì`mnmar dJm©Zo ì`mdgm{`H$ qH$dm ^m§S>dbr Jw§VdUwH$sVrb Ho$bobo {Z`§ÌU qH$dm H$mhrer MmbT>H$b B._wio `m dfu gd© ~±qH$J ì`dgm`mVrb Q´>|S>bm AZwgê$Z Amnë`mhr ~±Ho$À`m H$O© dmT>rV _mJrb 3-4 dfm©À`m VwbZoV `m dfu Q>¸o$dmar {Zhm` KQ> AmT>iyZ `oVo Amho. _mJrb dfuÀ`m VwbZoV ~±Ho$Mr H$O} hr a¸$_ {Zhm` é. 564.36 H$moQ>tMr dmT> Am{U Q>¸o$dmar {Zhm` Vr 11% Aer AmT>iyZ `oB©b. ~±Ho$Zo _mJrb dfuà_mUoM Am{U EHy$UM ~mOmamVrb AgUmar _§XrgÑe n[apñWVr `mMm {dMma H$ê$Z H$Om©Mr dmT> H$aVmZm Ho$di H$O© a¸$_oMr g§»`mË_H$ d¥ÕrMm {dMma Z H$aVm H$O© JwUdÎmm d¥Õrg A{YH$ _hËd XoÊ`mV Ambo. `m YmoaUmMmhr n[aUm_ `m Aën _mÌ gw{Z`§{ÌV H$O© dmT>rV {XgyZ `oV Amho.

    ~±Ho$À`m ""N>moQ>çm bmoH$m§Mr _moR>r ~±H$'' ̀ m YmoaUmg AZwgê$ZM ̀ m dfu ~±Ho$Zo a¸$_ é. 25 bmI a¸$_ d Ë`mnojm N>moQ>çm a¸$_oÀ`m AË`§V Z\$mj_, H$O© ì`dgm`Ñï²>`m H$mhrem pñWa Aem Mm§Jë`m H$OmªMm àgma qH$dm dmT> H$aÊ`mMo R>a{dbo hmoVo Ë`m_wio `m dfuÀ`m é. 564.36 H$moQ>rÀ`m 9% åhUOoM {Zìdi é. 48.13 H$moQ>r dmT> hr `m N>moQ>çm a¸$_oÀ`m H$Om©VyZ Pmbobr AmT>iob. ~±Ho$À`m EHy$U H$Om©er `m N>moQ>çm H$OmªMo à_mU ho 19 % EdT>o Amho. AWm©V _mJrb dfu à_mUoM `mhr Am{W©H$ dfm©V `m N>moQ>çm a¸$_m§À`m H$Om©_Ü`o _moR>r dmT> Am{U Ë`mM~amo~a H|$Ð Am{U amÁ` gaH$ma `m§À`m {d{dY _oH$ BZ B§{S>`m, ñQ>mQ>© An B§{S>`m, H$m¡eë` {dH$mg, ñd`§amoOJma, bKw qH$dm _Ü`_ AmH$mamMo CÚmoOH$/ì`mdg{`H$ àmYmÝ` `m YmoaUmg AZwgê$Z é.1 Vo 3 H$moQ>r a¸o$_À`m H$O© àH$aUmZm A{YH$ _hËd XoÊ`mMo R>a{dbo Amho.Ka ~m§YUr joÌmV gmVË`mZo AgUmè`m _§Xr _wio ~±Ho$Zo J¥h H$O© dmT>rda VgoM ~m§YH$m_ ì`mdgm{`H$ H$O© nwadR>çmda {ZH$fmZwgma Am{U H$miOrnyd©H$ {Z`§ÌU R>odbo Amho. `m XmoÝhr H$O© àH$mamVrb ~±Ho$Mm AZw^d gmVË`nyU© Mm§Jbm Amho. _mM© 2017 AIoa ~±Ho$Mr H$O} hr a¸$_ é. 5691.07 H$moQ>r EdT>r Amho.Ahdmb dfm©Vrb EHy$UM H«o$S>rQ> Am°\$Q>oH$ _Yrb KQ> {dMmamV KoVm _mM© 16 AIoa AgUmam 66.70% EdT>m grS>r aoemo _mM© 17 AIoa 67.16% EdT>m am{hbm.

    WH$sV Am{U EZ.nr.E H$O© dgwbr Am{U {Z`§ÌU :-gZ 2016-17 Mo gwédmVrg AZwËnm{XV H$Om©Mr a¸$_ é. 232.56 H$moQ>r hmoVr, `oWo Zm|X KoÊ`mOmoJr ~m~ åhUOo `mdfu é. 47.12 H$moQ>rMr WH$sV d A{Z`{_V H$O} dgyb H$aÊ`mV Ambr H$s Á`m_Ü`o é. 1.57 H$moQ>rMr nydu {Zb}IrV Ho$boë`m H$OmªMm g_mdoe Amho. Am{W©H$ _§XrÀ`m à^mdmImbr _mJrb Am{W©H$ dfm©à_mUoM `mhr dfu ~±qH$J joÌmV gd©M ~±H$m§_Ü`o WH$sV d A{Z`{_V H$Om©Mo à_mU dmT>bobo {XgyZ `oVo. `m nmœ©^y_rda Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m AZwËnm{XV H$Om©Mo EHy$U H$Om©er à_mU 8.99 % d {Zìdi AZwËnm{XV H$Om©Mo à_mU 4.89 % EdT>o Amho.

    Jw§VdUyH$ :-~±Ho$Zo _hmJmB© XamÀ`m KgaUrÀ`m A§XmOmZwgma ~±Ho$Mo Jw§VdUwH$sMo YmoaU {Z{üV

  • ..... 9 .....

    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    The Reserve Bank of India, on the basis of the slide in the wholesale price index and consumer price index, reduced the Repo rate by .25 percent in June 2016 and by another .50 per cent in September 2016. This increased the yield on securities in which the bank had invested and the bank’s profit from trading in securities in the year under report was Rs 30.48 crore.

    Foreign Exchange business:Reserve Bank of India has issued a 3-year Authorised Dealer II license to our bank to offer foreign exchange services to resident and non-resident Indians. Despite the limited scope of the services the bank can offer, quite a few customers availed these services and the volume of foreign exchange transactions which the bank handled was more than Rs 3 crore during the year, resulting in a profit of Rs 1.95 lakh. The bank has qualified for the Authorised Dealer I licence as it fulfilled the 12 per cent capital adequacy norm at the end of 2015-16 and has applied for the Authorised Dealer I license during yer 2016-17.

    Appropriation of profit for the year 2016-17:

    Rs / croreSr No. Particulars Amount Rs./Cr

    1 Statutory Reserve 9.032 Contingency Fund 3.613 Education Fund 0.364 Dividend 9.155 Investment Fluctuapion Reserve 1.666 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 12.30

    Total 36.11

    Dividend:The Board of Directors recommends a dividend of 5 per cent for your approval, which will be paid pro rata.Merger of Choundeshwari Sahakari Bank Limited Ichalkaranji :9 branches and 1 extension counter of Choundeshwari Bank were formally merged with our bank with effect from 4/7/2016. Kolhapur and Gandhinagar (Kolhapur) branches, were merged with our existing branches and the Shahapur branch of that bank was merged with the Jawahar Nagar Branch as a measure of rationalization. The formal ceremony for the merger took place in the presence of Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil, Hon’ble Revenue Minister, Maharashtra and Guardian Minister for Kolhapur, Mr Subhash Deshmukh, Hon’ble Minister for Co-Operation, and Mr Sureshji Halwankar, member of legislative assembly from Ichalkaranji. Many key leaders from Western Maharashtra, businessmen, traders, citizens and well wishers and customers of Choundeshwari Bank attended the function in large number. The function was a testimony to the trust and love our bank enjoys in customers in Western Maharashtra. The progress of these branches, as reported in the previous report is indicative of how their merger with our bank is helping in increase in bank’s business.

    H$ê$Z Eg. Eb. Ama. d _wXV R>odrÀ`m Jw§VdUwH$sV é. 186.23 H$moQ>tMr dmT> Ho$br d n[aUm_ ñdê$n ì`mO CËnÞmV é. 32.52 H$moQ>r EdT>r dmT> Pmbr. Jw§VdUwH$sVrb hr dmT> 7.21% Amho.

    ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWoVrb hmobgob _hmJmB© {ZX}em§H$ d J«mhH$ _hmJmB© {ZX}em§H$ `m_Yrb KgaUrMm n[aUm_ åhUyZ [aPìh© ~±Ho$H$Sy>Z aonmo XamV _mho OyZ 2016 amoOr 0.25% d _mho gßQ>|~a 2016 bm 0.50% EdT>r H$nmV H$aÊ`mV Ambr. `m_wio ~±Ho$Zo Jw§VdUyH$ Ho$boë`m H$O©amo»`mÀ`m qH$_Vr_Ü`o dmT> Pmbr. `mMm Am{U `mo½` nÕVrZo Ho$boë`m Jw§VdUwH$sÀ`m {Z`moOZm_wio ~±Ho$bm H$O©amoIo ì`dhmamVyZ é. 30.48 H$moQ>tMm Z\$m Ahdmb dfm©V Pmbm Amho.

    {dXoe {d{Z‘` ì`dhma :-Amnë`m ~±Ho$g [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo 3 df© _wXVrMm {Zdmgr d A{Zdmgr ^maVr`m§Zm {dXoe {d{Z_`mMr gw{dYm XoÊ`mMm Authorised Dealer II XOm©Mm nadmZm {Xbobm Amho. ~±Ho$À`m ̀ m ì`mdhm[aH$ Ñï>`m H$mhrem _`m©{XV gw{dYoMm bm^ {d{dY J«mhH$m§Zr KoVbm AgyZ Ahdmb dfm©V {d{dY Xoem§À`m MbZ {d{Z_`mnmoQ>r a¸$_ é.3 H$moQ>r nojm OmñV a¸$_oMo ì`dhma Amnë`m ~±Ho$_m\©$V H$aÊ`mV Ambo AmhoV.Ë`mVyZ a¸$_ é. 1.95 bmI {Zìdi Z\$m Pmbm Amho. `m {dXoe {d{Z_`mMm Authorised Dealer I XOm©Mm nadmZm àmárgmR>r _hËdnyU© AgUmam 12% nojm ^m§S>db n`m©áVm {ZH$f ~±Ho$Zo _mM© 16 AIoa nyU© Ho$ë`mZo gZ 16-17 `m dfu [aPìh© ~±Ho$H$So> AO© gmXa Ho$bm Amho.

    Am{W©H$ df© 2016-2017 AIoa Pmboë`m Zâ`mMr {d^mJUr :-(a¸$‘ é. H$moQ>r ‘Ü`o)

    A.H«$. Vnerb a¸$_

    1 {dYr {dhrV J§JmOir 9.03

    2 AmH$pñ_H$ {ZYr 3.61

    3 e¡j{UH$ {ZYr 0.36

    4 bm^m§e 9.15

    5 Jw§VdUyH$ MT> CVma {ZYr 1.66

    6 g§e{`V d ~wSrV H$O© {ZdmaU {ZYr 12.30

    EHy$U 36.11

    bm^m§e :- g§MmbH$ _§S>imZo Ahdmb dfm©gmR>r 5% XamZo (pro-rata) bm^m§e XoÊ`mMr Ho$bobr {e\$mag Amnë`m _mÝ`VogmR>r R>odbr Amho.

    {d{bZrH$aU-Mm¢S>oœar ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.,BMbH$a§Or. `m ~±Ho$Mo Amnë`m ~±Ho$V {d{bZrH$aU :- _mJrb AhdmbmV Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma ~±Ho$Mr gd© gmYmaU g^m, [aPd© ~±H$ Am{U _m. H|$Ðr` {Z~§YH$ Zdr {X„r `m§Mo _mÝ`VoZ§Va _m. {Z~§YH$, _hmamï´> amÁ` `m§Zr Ë`m§Mo {X.01/06/2016 Mo {dbrZrH$aU AmXoemZwgma {X. 4 Owb¡ 2016 amoOr Mm¢So>œar ~±Ho$À`m _w»`H$m`m©b`mgh 9 emIm 1 {dñVmarV H$j Amnë`m ~±Ho$V {d{YdV {dbr{ZH¥$V Pmë`m. `m ~±Ho$À`m 9 emIm§n¡H$s H$moëhmnya Am{U Jm§YrZJa H$moëhmnya øm 2 emIm Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m ̀ m joÌmVrb emIm§À`m n[agamV Agë`mZo Ë`m Amnë`m {dÚ_mZ emIm§_Ü`o {dbrZ (Merge) Pmë`m Am{U Ë`m ~±Ho$Mr ehmnya emIm {h Ë`mM ~±Ho$À`m OdmhaZJa emIoÀ`m ZOrH$ Agë`mZo Vr OdmhaZJa emIoV {dbrZ Ho$br.

    `m {d{bZrH$aUmMm Am¡nMm[aH$ g_ma§^ _hmamï´> amÁ`mMo _hgyb _§Ìr Am{U H$moëhmnya {OëømMo nmbH$ _§Ìr _m. Zm_Xma lr. M§ÐH$m§VXmXm nmQ>rb Am{U ghH$ma _§Ìr _m. Zm_Xma lr. gw^mfOr Xoe_wI VgoM BMbH$a§Or ehamMo bmoH${à` Am_Xma _m. lr. gwaoeOr hmidUH$a `m§À`m à_wI CnpñWVrV g§nÞ Pmbm. `m g_ma§^mg n{ü_ _hmamï´>mVrb AZoH$ _mÝ`da ZoVo, CÚmoOH$, ì`mnmar, ZmJ[aH$, {hVqMVH$ VgoM Mm¢So>œar ~±Ho$Mo ImVoXma _moR>çm g§»`oZo CnpñWV hmoVo. `m gdmªÀ`m CnpñWVrZo n{ü_ _hmamï´>mVrb J«mhH$m§Mo ~±Ho$àVr AgUmao ào_ Am{U {dœmg ì`º$ Pmbm. `mM g_ma§^mV ghH$ma _§Ìr _m. Zm_Xma lr. gw^mfOr Xoe_wI `m§Zr Amnë`m ~±Ho$Mo g^mgXËd KoVbo. Owb¡ 16 nmgyZ `m {dbr{ZH¥$V emIm§Mr àJVr nmhVm, _mJrb

  • ..... 10 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Sr No.

    Name of the branch

    Deposits AdvancesTotal

    BusinessDeposits Advances

    Total Business

    On 2 July 2016 (Prior to merger)

    On 31 March 2017(end of 2016-17)

    1Ichalkaranji Main

    742.18 186.93 929.11 753.84 86.33 840.17

    2Jawahar Nagar, Ichalkaranji

    627.25 97.33 724.58 761.69 102.09 863.78

    3 Jaisingpur 128.94 28.78 157.72 532.13 47.19 579.32

    4 Sangli 68.27 38.31 106.58 559.55 154.94 714.49

    5 Gadhinglaj 19.11 1.23 20.34 1177.25 174.32 1351.57

    6 Karad 161.64 14.48 176.12 1022.71 143.99 1166.70

    Total 1747.39 367.06 2114.45 4807.17 708.86 5516.03

    (These figures do not include the business of Gandhi Nagar (Kolhapur) branch and Kolhapur branch)

    The above statistics shows that there is a net rise of Rs 34.02 crore in the combined business of these six branches.

    Expansion of area of operations:

    The bank’s area of operations was “entire state of Maharashtra and an area of 15 km around Khedabramha taluka of Gujarat State. During year 2016-17, Reserve Bank of India and the Central Registrar has revised this to “entire state of Maharashtra and entire state of Gujarat” as the bank’s area of operations vide letter dated 04/11/2016. This decision will undoubtedly help the bank increase its business as more diverse and attractive opportunities will be available to the bank. The bank will strive to expand its branch network in these areas after a careful study of select towns in the two states.

    New Branches Progress :

    Sr. No. Name of the branchDate of

    commencementDeposits Advances Total business

    1 Ahmednagar 25 May 2016 1700.10 370.34 2070.44

    2 Goregaon, Mumbai 25 May 2016 1233.66 82.79 1316.45

    3 Moshi, Pune 27 July 2016 495.59 271.43 767.02

    4 Pen, Raigad 19 August 2016 408.65 105.33 513.98

    5 Hadapsar, Pune 18 October 2016 870.20 90.79 960.99

    6 Kandivali, Mumbai 17 February 2017 514.79 6.03 520.82

    7Sus-Pashan Rd.,

    Pune6 March 2017 233.31 0.52 233.83

    Total 5456.30 927.23 6383.53

    dfu AhdmbmV Z_yX Ho$ë`mà_mUo `m {dbrZrH$aUmMm Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m ì`dgm` d¥ÕrgmR>r Mm§Jbm \$m`Xm hmoVmZm {XgV Amho.

    `m {dbr{ZH¥$V emIm§Mm VwbZmË_H$ àJVr Ahdmb nwT>rb à_mUo -

    (AmH$So>dmar bmImV)


    Zmd R>odr H$O©

    EHw$U ì`dgm`

    R>odr H$O© EHw$U


    {X. 2 Owb¡ 16 ({dbrZrH$aU nyd©) {X. 31 _mM© 2017 AIoa

    1BMbH$a§Or _w»` emIm

    742.18 186.93 929.11 753.84 86.33 840.17

    2Odmha ZJa, BMbH$a§Or

    627.25 97.33 724.58 761.69 102.09 863.78

    3 O`qgJnya 128.94 28.78 157.72 532.13 47.19 579.32

    4 gm§Jbr 68.27 38.31 106.58 559.55 154.94 714.49

    5 JS>qh½bO 19.11 1.23 20.34 1177.25 174.32 1351.57

    6 H$amS> 161.64 14.48 176.12 1022.71 143.99 1166.70

    EHy$U 1747.39 367.06 2114.45 4807.17 708.86 5516.03

    (`m AmH$So>dmar _Ü`o Jm§YrZJa H$moëhmnya Am{U H$moëhmnya `m emIm§À`m ì`dgm`mMm g_mdoe Zmhr.)

    Cnamoº$ àJVr Ahdmb nmhVm, {dbrZrH$aU nümV `m 6 emIm§À`m ì`dgm`mV `m 9 _{hÝ`mV a¸$_ é. 34.02 H$moQ>rMr {Zìdi dmT> Pmbobr AmT>iVo.

    ~±Ho$À`m H$m`©joÌmVrb dmT> :- Amnë`m ~±Ho$gmR>r H$m ©̀joÌ åhUyZ g§nyU© _hmamï>́ amÁ` Am{U JwOamV amÁ`mVrb IoS²~«åhm VmbwH$m d IoS²~«åhm VmbwŠ`mÀ`m ^modVmbMm 15 {H$._r.Mm n[aga {Z ẁº$ hmoVm. _mÌ gZ 2016-17 `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V Amnë`m ~±Ho$g _m.[aPd© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>̀ m Am{U _m. H|$Ðr` {Z~§YH$, Zdr {X„r `m§Zr g§nyU© _hmamï>́ amÁ` Am{U g§nyU© JwOamV amÁ` Ago H$m ©̀joÌ Ë`m§Mo {X. 04/11/2016 Mo _§Owar nÌmZo {Z ẁº$ H$ê$Z {Xbo Amho. Ë`mMm n[aUm_ ~±Ho$À`m ì`dgm`d¥ÕrgmR>r {Z{üVM Cn ẁº$ R>aob ømV g§e` Zmhr. øm {dñVmam_wio ì`dgm`mÀ`m {d{dY Am{U {dnwb g§Yr ~±Ho$g CnbãY hmoVrb.

    ~±Ho$Mm `m Am{W©H$ dfm©Vrb emIm {dñVma :- [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo dm{f©H$ ì`dgm` {Z`moOZ gZ 14-15 Am{U gZ 15-16 A§VJ©V Zì`mZo _§Oya Ho$boë`m 18 emIm Am{U 3 H|$Ðr` g§ñH$aU H|$Ðm n¡H$s _mJrb Am{W©H$ dfm©V Zì`mZo gwé H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m 10 emIm§_wio _mM© 2016 AIoa ~±Ho$À`m EHw$U 56 emIm + 1 {dñVm[aV H$j Agm {dñVma hmoVm.

    `m gZ 2016 -17 `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V Cnamoº$ {dbr{ZH¥$V ~±Ho$À`m 6 emIm gmoSy>Z Zì`mZo 7 emIm Am{U nwUo Am{U _w§~B© BWo àË`oH$s 1 Aer EHy$U 2 H|$Ðr` g§ñH$aU H|$Ð gwé H$aÊ`mV Ambr.

    `m 7 ZdrZ emIm§Mm Aën H$mbmdYrVrb _mM© 2017 AIoa àJVrMm Ahdmb nwT>rb à_mUo.(AmH$S>o bmImV)


    emIoMo Zm§d gwê$ Pmë`mMr VmarI

    R>odr H$O} EHy$U ì`dgm`

    1 Ah_XZJa 25 _o 2016 1700.10 370.34 2070.44

    2 JmoaoJmd, _w§~B© 25 _o 2016 1233.66 82.79 1316.45

    3 _moer, nwUo 27 Owb¡ 2016 495.59 271.43 767.02

    4 noU 19 Am°JñQ> 2016 408.65 105.33 513.98

    5 hS>nga, nwUo 18 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2016 870.20 90.79 960.99

    6 H$m§{Xdbr, _w§~B© 17 \o$~«wdmar 2017 514.79 6.03 520.82

    7 gwg nmfmU amoS>, nwUo 6 _mM© 2017 233.31 0.52 233.83

    EHy$U 5456.30 927.23 6383.53

  • ..... 11 .....

    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Business Plan 2017-18 (Rs./ Crore)Sr No Particulars Target 2016-17 Actual 2016-17 Target 2017-18

    1 Share Capital 210.00 207.39 220.00

    2 Reserves and Provisions 573.00 651.04 687.39

    3 Deposits 8500.00 8472.36 9200.00

    4 Investments 2900.00 2768.46 3218.00

    5 Advances 5800.00 5691.07 6100.00

    6 Working Funds 9750.00 9337.69 10784.00

    7 Total Income 1008.00 981.05 1023.33

    8 Net Profit 66.00 36.11 50.00

    Technology:In the present times banking sector has gone beyond the traditional functions of accepting deposits and giving loans but have followed the strategy of offering many technology based services which will benefit the customers. Importantly the number and scope of these technology based services is increasing day by day. Our bank has also offered many such technology based services for the benefit of its customers and adding to them continually . A comparative study of the bank’s customers’ profiles has shown that nearly 56 percent of them are below the age of 35 years. The bank has started many technology based services for these customers as well as other customers during the year under report. These include introduction of off-site ATMs at Shirwal, Cummins College, Karve Nagar and Ganga Ves, Kolhapur. The bank has already introduced JSB Easynet, its internet banking service which has been a big success in terms of customer response. The bank’s customers can do many online transaction using JSB Easynet, including shopping, ticket reservations, bill payments and funds transfers. The bank has entered into service tie-ups with online payment platforms such as PayU Money, SBI ePay and PayTM. Customers can use these services to make utility payments and do shopping. The bank has offered to its trader customers the facility of mobile point of sales (MPoS) devices so that they can accept payments by debit or credit cards from their customers. The bank is promoting this service to spread it to as many customers as possible. Our bank has established a state of art data centre which has received ISO 27001:2013 & ISO 9001:2008 certification and which the bank shares with other banks. Four new banks joined this sharing arrangement this year. The bank has offered a ‘missed call alert’ facility which enables its customers to know the balance in their account at any given point in time from anywhere. The bank has made available to customers RuPay ATM cum debit cards and has gone a step ahead to offer EMV chip based RuPay ATM cum debit cards.The bank has made available to all its customers the NUUP facility of NPCI. Customers who do not use smartphones can use *99#81 facility to make balance enquiry, transfer funds and read mini statement. Customers who want to avail of income tax relief in respect of TDS can now get print outs of Form 15-G and Form 15-H directly from the system in all branches of the bank.

    Zì`mZo gwé Pmboë`m `m 7 emIm§Zr EH$ÌrVnUo EHw$U a¸$_ é. 63.83 H$moQ>r én`m§Mm ì`dgm` Ho$bm. Ë`m_Ü`o é. 54.56 H$moQ>tÀ`m R>odr Va é. 9.27 H$moQ>tMm H$Om©Mm g_mdoe Amho.

    `m gd© emIm§À`m CXKmQ>Z g_ma§^mgmR>r CnpñWV amhÿZ, Amnë`m ew^hñVo emIm§Mo CXKmQ>Z Am{U emIog Amerdm©X, ew^oÀN>m XoÊ`mgmR>r AmdOy©Z CnpñWV amhUmè`m gd© _mÝ`dam§Mo Am{U {hVqMVH$m§Mo nwZ:Àe EH$Xm _Z:nyd©H$ Am^ma !

    [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo emIm gwé H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr {Xboë`m Am{U nwT>rb Am{W©H$ df© 2017-18 _Ü`o CKS>Ê`mV `oUmè`m emIm nwT>rbà_mUo -

    1) {~~dodmS>r, nwUo 2) Zèho- Am§~oJmd, nwUo 3) {dlm§VdmS>r, nwUo.

    `m gd© emIm `m nwT>rb Am{W©H$ dfm©V åhUOo {S>g|~a 2017 nydu CKS>Ê`mMo {Z`moOZ Ho$bo Amho.

    ì`dgm` {Z`moOZ 2017-2018 (AmH$S>o H$moQ>rV )A.


    Vnerb 2016-17

    Mo C{Ôï>

    31/03/2017 amoOr

    gmÜ` AmH$S>odmar


    2017-18 1 ^mJ ^m§S>db 210.00 207.39 220.002 amIrd {ZYr d VaVwXr 573.00 651.04 687.393 R>odr 8500.00 8472.36 9200.004 Jw§VdUyH$ 2900.00 2768.46 3218.005 H$O} 5800.00 5691.07 6100.006 IoiVo ^m§S>db 9750.00 9337.69 10784.007 EHy$U CËnÞ 1008.00 981.05 1023.338 {Zìdi Z\$m 66.00 36.11 50.00

    V§ÌkmZ :-gÜ`mÀ`m H$mimV R>odr ñdrH$maUo d H$O© dmQ>n H$aUo EdT>çm nwaVoM ~±qH$J _`m©{XV Z amhVm V§ÌkmZmda AmYm[aV {Za{Zamù`m godm J«mhH$m§Zm CnbãY H$ê$Z XoÊ`mMm ~±H$m à`ËZ H$aV AgVmV. Amnë`m ~±Ho$Zohr Aem AË`mYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmZo `wº$ AÚ`mdV godm J«mhH$m§Zm CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xboë`m AmhoV d Ë`mV gmVË`mZo dmT> hmoV Amho. ~±Ho$Vrb {dÚ_mZ ImVoXmam§Mm Vm¡b{ZH$ Aä`mg Ho$bm AgVm, ~±Ho$_Ü`o 56% J«mhH$ ho d` df} 35À`m AmVrb Agë`mMo AmT>iyZ Ambo Amho. `m VéU J«mhH$ dJm©gh EHy$U gd© J«mhH$m§gmR>r _mJrb Am{W©H$ dfm©à_mUoM `m dfm©V XoIrb AmnU H$mhr godm Zì`mZo gwé Ho$ë`m AmhoV. Ë`m_Ü`o {eadi d H${_Ýg H$m°boO -H$d}ZJa, J§Jmdog H$moëhmnya `oWo Am°\$gmB©Q> E.Q>r.E_. gwé H$aÊ`mV Ambobr AmhoV. JSB EasyNet hr n[anyU© B§Q>aZoQ> ~±qH$J godm J«mhH$m§Zm `mnyduM CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbobr AgyZ Ë`mg J«mhH$m§Mm CÎm_ à{VgmX bm^bobm Amho.

    `m gw{dYoÛmao J«mhH$ Am°ZbmB©Z ~wqH$J/em°qnJ H$ê$ eH$VmV VgoM doJdoJi`m àH$maMr no_|Q> H$ê$ eH$VmV CXm. E_.Eg.B©.~r. {~b no_|Q>, \§$S> Q´>mÝg\$a H$aUo B. Aem àH$mao no_|Q> H$aUo A{YH$ gmo`rMo ìhmdo åhUyZ ~±Ho$Zo PayU Money, SBI ePay d PayATM `m§Moer H$ama Ho$bm Amho. J«mhH$ `m gw{dYm§Mm dmna H$ê$Zhr Utility Bill Payment H$ê$ eH$VmV. ~±Ho$À`m ì`mdgm{`H$ ImVoXmam§Zm Ë`m§À`m J«mhH$m§H$Sy>Z Debit / Credit Card Ûmao a¸$_ pñdH$maÊ`mgmR>r _mo~mB©b nm°BªQ> Am°\$ gob (Mpos - Swipe Machine) gw{dYm CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbobr Amho. VgoM `m gw{dYoMm OmñVrV OmñV àgma H$aÊ`mMm ~±H$ à`ËZ H$aV Amho.

    Amnë`m ~±Ho$Mo ISO 27001:2013 d ISO 9001:2008 à_m{UV Am{U AÚ`mdV Ago So>Q>m g|Q>a BVa ~±H$m§er eoAa H$aV AgyZ Ë`m_Ü`o `mdfu Zì`mZo Mma ~±H$m gh^mJr Pmë`m AmhoV. ImVoXmam§Zm ñdV…À`m ImË`mMr {e„H$ H$Yrhr H$moR>ohr g_OÊ`mgmR>r {dZm_yë` Aer Missed Call Alert gw{dYm CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbr Amho. ~±Ho$Zo ImVoXmam§Zm Rupay A TM Cum Debit Card CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbobr AmhoV. `mnwT>rb ^mJ åhUOo E.Q>r.E_. Mm dmna A{YH$ gwa{jV H$aÊ`mgmR>r EMV

  • ..... 12 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    The customers have welcomed this facility wholeheartedly and are happy about it.

    Special services introduced during the year 2016-17 :1. Four departments in the bank’s head office - Accounts, Centralised Back Office Cell(CBOC), NSDL and Treasury - have received ISO 9001:2008 certification. This has helped to improve the quality of service to customers. 2. As a response to the appeal of financial inclusion from Hon’ble Prime Minister, the bank has introduced Business Correspondent (BCs) and Tab Banking to offer banking services to the people in unbanked area at their doorstep. The service was inaugurated by Hon’ble Maharashtra Minister Mr. Dilip Kamble. It is available at Latur and Pawas branches of the bank and has received encouraging response. The service will be made available from month of April 2017 in the rural areas of Gadhinglaj, Karad and Sangli.3. Pune Municipal Corporation has identified 19 branches of the bank in Pune city to collect property tax of the corporation. This marks a special recognition of the bank from the government as well as the citizens and the bank is making an effort to get similar facility to collect property taxes in cities such as Mumbai, Kolhapur, Aurangabad, Solapur, Nashik and Ahmednagar.

    Special services to be made available in year 2017-18:1. Using debit card at any ATM to transfer money to any bank account2. Janata Bank is at present available in BHIM app. Additonally we will offer facility to use the new Jet app3. Making payment by any card using Bharat QR code. 4. Use of Bharat Bill Payment facility through internet banking.

    5. Facility to deposit fees online through the bank’s branches.

    Audit : Audit and compliance of audit queries have become very important aspects for regulatory bodies. A separate audit department in the bank’s head office monitors the work of periodic inspection and compliance, rules, guidelines and regulatory requirements of different official bodies that regulate the functioning of banks. This department conducts continuous and time bound concurrent, credit, snap as well as systems audit of the bank’s branches and systems and expenditure audit of departments in head office. The bank’s statutory audit for the year 2016-17 has been done by M/S Shashank Patki & Associates, M/S Kirtane Pandit and M/S S. D. Medadkar & Associates. Reserve Bank of India conducted inspection of the bank for year 2015-16 in the month of August 2016. The bank has filed the compliances report on this inspection to Reserve Bank in time. Audit of the bank’s department offering depository services and life and general insurance is conducted by the respective regulators viz. SEBI and IRDA. The bank complies with the observations in these audits within the stipulated time limit.

    Chip-based Rupay ATM Cum Debit Card {dV[aV H$aÊ`mg gwédmV Ho$bobr Amho.

    NPCI _m\©$V gwé H$aÊ`mV Ambobr NUUP gw{dYm gd© J«mhH$m§Zm CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbobr Amho. ñ_mQ>© \$moZ dmnaV Zgbobo ImVoXma XoIrb *99#81 gw{dYoMm dmna H$ê$Z Balance Enquiry, Funds Transfer, Mini Statement `m gma»`m godm§Mm bm^ KoD$ eH$VmV. Q>r.S>r.Eg. ~m~V Amdí`H$ Ago \$m°_© 15-Or / 15-EM {gñQ>r_ _YyZ OZaoQ> H$ê$Z qàQ> AmCQ> XoÊ`mMr gmo` ~±Ho$À`m gd© emIm§_YyZ CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbobr Amho. `m gw{dYoMm AZoH$ J«mhH$m§Zr bm^ KoVbobm AgyZ Ë`m{df`r g_mYmZ ì`º$ Ho$bo Amho.

    Am{W©H$ df© 2016-17 _Ü ò CnbãY H$ê$Z XoÊ`mV Amboë`m {deof gw{dYm :-

    ~±Ho$À`m _w»` H$MoarVrb {hemo~ (A ccounts), g|Q´>bmB©O ~±H$ Am°{\$g gob (CBOC), EZ.Eg.S>r.Eb. (NSDL) d Jw§VdUwH$ (Treasury) `m {d^mJm§gmR>r ISO 9001:2008 _mZm§H$Z àmá Pmbo Amho. Ë`mMm Cn`moJ godm JwUdÎmm d¥Õr gmR>r Pmbobm {XgV Amho.

    Financial Inclusion A§VJ©V Am{U _m. n§VàYmZm§Zr AmdmhZ Ho$ë`mZwgma, ^maVmVrb ~±qH$J godonmgyZ d§{MV Agboë`m bmoH$m§Zm Ë`m§À`m {R>H$mUr OmdyZ Ë`m§Zm ~±qH$J godm CnbãY H$éZ XoÊ`mMm {deof à`ËZ ~±Ho$Zo ~r.gr. (Business Correspondent) _mÜ`_mVyZ Am{U TA B B ANKING gw{dYoÛmao CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbr Amho. `mMm ew^ma§^ _hmamï´>mMo _m. Zm_Xma lr. {Xbrn H$m§~io `m§À`m ew^hñVo Am{U ~±Ho$À`m bmVya Am{U nmdg emIoÀ`m _mÜ`_mVyZ gwé Ho$bm Amho. `m godog Ë`m {R>H$mUÀ`m J«m_ñWm§H$Sy>Z Iyn Mm§Jbm à{VgmX {_iV Amho. nwT>rb Am{W©H$ dfm©À`m gwadmVrg _mho E{àb 17 _Ü`o JS>qh½bO, H$amS> Am{U gm§Jbr `oWrb J«m_rU ^mJmV Aer gw{dYm CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xbr OmUma Amho.

    `m dfu ~±Ho$g Amnë`m nwUo ehamVrb 19 emIm§_m\©$V nwUo _hmZJa nm{bHo$Mm {_iH$V H$a g§H$bZ H$aÊ`mMr gwg§Yr {_imbr Amho. `m_wio ~±Ho$g bmoH$_mÝ`Vo ~amo~aM emgZ _mÝ`VoMrhr {deof AmoiI {_imbr AgyZ `m ~amo~aM Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m emIm AgUmè`m ~¥hÝ_w§~B©, H$moëhmnya, Am¡a§Jm~mX, gmobmnya, Zm{eH$, Ah_XZJa `mà_wI ehamVrb {_iH$V H$am§À`m g§H$bZmMr g§Yr {_imdr `mgmR>r ~±H$ à`ËZerb Amho.

    Am{W©H$ df© 2017-18 _Ü ò CnbãY H$ê$Z XoÊ`mV òUmè`m {deof gw{dYm :-

    1) So>{~Q> H$mS©>Ûmao H$moUË`mhr E.Q>r.E_. dê$Z H$moUË`mhr ~±Ho$À`m ImË`mV a¸$_ O_m H$aUogmR>rMr gw{dYm.

    2) UPI À`m ^r_ A°n _Ü`o OZVm ~±H$ Amho. Zì`mZo OoQ> ZmdmÀ`m A°nÛmao {deof gw{dYm XoV AmhmoV.

    3) ^maV Š`y Ama H$moS> Ûmao H$moUË`mhr H$mS©>Ûmao gd© no_|Q> H$aUo ~m~V

    4) B§Q>aZoQ>Ûmao ^maV {~b no_|Q> `m gw{dYoÛmao no_|Q> H$aUo ~m~V

    5) emIm§gmR>r Am°Z bmBZ \$s ^aÊ`mMr gw{dYm CnbãY H$éZ XoV AmhmoV.

    boImn[ajU :-boImn[ajU hm H$moUË`mhr ì`dgm`mMm _hËdnyU© Am{U {dÎmr` g§ñWmgmR>r A{d^mÁ` ^mJ Amho. àm_w»`mZo {d{dY {Z`§ÌH$ Am{U J«mhH$ `m§Mo ~±Ho$Mo boIm n[ajU Am{U Ë`mMr nyV©Vm ho _hËdmMo {ZH$f Pmbo AmhoV. [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m VgoM ~±Ho$Mo H$m_H$mO {Z`§{ÌV H$aUmao {d{dY {Z`§ÌH$ `m§Mo doimodoir bmJy hmoUmao {Z`_, _mJ©Xe©H$ VËdo, gyMZm `m§Mo nmbZ Am{U Ë`m§Mr A§_b~OmdUr `m~m~VMr H$mb~Õ VnmgUrMo H$m_H$mO ~±Ho$À`m _w»`H$MoarVrb ñdV§Ì boIm n[ajU {d^mJm _m\©$V Ho$bo OmVo. `m {d^mJm_m\©$V gd© emIm§Mo H$mb~Õ d gmVË`nyU© H§$H$a§Q>, H«o$S>rQ>, ñZ°n, ñQ>m°H$, {gñQ>r_ B. Am°{S>Q> Am{U _w»`H$MoarVrb AÝ` {d^mJm§Mo {gñQ>r_ d EŠñn|{S>Ma Am°{S>Q> ho {d^mJmVrb AZw^dr A{YH$m-`m§Ûmao H$ê$Z H$m_H$mOmVrb ÌyQ>r/{ZarjUo Am{U Ë`mMo nyV©Vm Ahdmb ho _m. g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m boImn[ajU g{_Vr g_moa doimodoir R>odÊ`mV `oVmV. ~±Ho$_Ü`o Am°{S>Q> ŠbmoOa Mr H$m`©nÕVr

  • ..... 13 .....

    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Anti- money laundering cell:The bank has set up a special anti- money laundering cell to effectively monitor and trace money laundering and financing of terrorist activities.

    Human Resource Development:The bank’s training centre is continuously engaged in upgrading and refreshing knowledge and skills of the employees. The bank has commissioned this year a video conference set up in its training centre that connects with the head office and all branches in audio-visual format. The training centre is headed by an officer with strong expertise and long experience in banking sector. Our bank, which understands co-operation in its true sense, offers training in this training center to not only our own staff but also to the staff of other urban co-operative banks in Maharashtra. The training centre organised 60 training programmes including 27 for our bank and 33 for other banks during the year under report. The training programmes benefited 2301 employees including 903 from our bank and 1398 from other banks. The bank deputed 17 of its senior officials for training in premier training institutions such as College of Agricultural Banking of Reserve Bank of India, Indian Banks Association, Nafcub, IDRBT and other institutions such as Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture and Assochem. The training centre, in its effort to extend the coverage of training, has initiated a system of online training and examinations. The employees receive online the study material about banking. The employees study the material for 15 days and appear for an on-line examination. The system is gaining wider acceptance among employees as 818 employees appearped the online examination in the year 2016-17.

    Industrial Relations:Employees are the backbone of any business organisation. The bank’s employees and the employees’ organisation have always demonstrated a positive attitude. Relations between employees and management were friendly and cordial during the year. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the employees and the employees’s organisation.

    Corporate Governance : The bank’s operations in the year under report are managed and controlled by the 13-member board of directors and an expert director. The directors follow meticulously the established principles of management and highest standards as apply to banking business and comply with the parameters, rules and directives set by the Reserve Bank of India. The bank has set up four committees of the board of directors as provided in the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 2002. They are; Audit and Recovery Committee, Advances and investments Committee, Staff Committee and Executive Committee. Reports about the functioning of these committees are presented to the board of directors from time to time for approval. These committees together held 48 meetings in the year under report whereas the board of directors met 18 times. All these meetings had the requisite quorum as per law and all the directors actively

    ApñVËdmV AgyZ Ë`m_wio ~±Ho$Mo H$m_H$mO A{YH$ H$miOrnyd©H$ hmoÊ`mg _XV hmoVo.

    gZ 2016-17 `m H$mbmdYrMo d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU _o. eem§H$ nËH$s A°ÝS> Agmo., _o. H$sV©Zo n§{S>V Am{U _o.Eg.S>r. _oS>XH$a A°ÝS> Agmo.`m§Mo Ûmao nyU© H$aÊ`mV Ambo Amho. VgoM `m Ahdmb dfm©V _mho Am°JñQ> 2016 _Ü`oM [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m `m§Mo H$Sy>Z gZ 15-16 `m H$mbmdYrgmR>r ~±Ho$Mr VnmgUr H$aÊ`mV Ambr AgyZ Ë`mdoir gmXa Ho$boë`m boImnarjUmMm nyV©Vm Ahdmb hm {Z`mo{OV doioV [aPìh© ~±Ho$g gmXa Ho$bm Amho. Ë`mM à_mUo ~±Ho$_m\©$V godm XoV Agboë`m Am`w{d©_m Am{U gd©gmYmaU {d_m `moOZmMo H$m_H$mO VgoM EZ.Eg.S>r.Eb `m {d^mJmMo Am°{S>Q> ho go~r Am{U Am`.Ama. S>r.E. `m g§~§{YV {Z`§ÌH$m_m\©$V H$aÊ`mV `oVo Am{U Ë`mMo nyV©Vm Ahdmb ~±H$ doioV gmXa H$arV AgVo.

    A°ÝQ>r ‘Zr bm°ÝS>atJ gob :-[aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>̀ mZo A°ÝQ>r _Zr bm°ÊS>[a¨J d H$m°å~°qQ>J \$m`ZmÝgtJ Q>oa[añQ> A°ŠQ>rpìhQ>rO ~m~V nm[aV Ho$boë`m _mJ©Xe©H$ VËdm§Mr n[aUm_H$maH$ A§_b~OmdUr H$aÊ`mgmR>r àm_w»`mZo A°ÝQ>r _Zr bm°ÝS>atJ gobMr ñWmnZm H$aÊ`mV Ambr Amho.

    ‘mZd g§gmYZ {dH$mg :-~±Ho$À`m godH$m§Mo kmZ d H$m¡eë` d¥qÕJV d AÚ`mdV R>odUogmR>r ~±Ho$Mo à{ejU H|$Ð Zoh_rM H$m`©aV Amho. à{ejU H|$Ðm_Ü`o AË`mYw{ZH$ àmoOoŠQ>agh WoQ> _w»` H$Moar d emIm§Zm ÑH$lmì` nÕVrZo OmoS>Umè`m pìhS>rAmo H$m°Ý\$apÝg§JMr `§ÌUm `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V H$m`m©pÝdV Ho$br Amho. ̀ m à{ejU H|$ÐmÀ`m à_wInXr ~±qH$J joÌmVrb AZw^dr d VÁk A{YH$mè`mMr Zo_UyH$ H$aÊ`mV Ambr Amho. `m à{ejU H|$ÐmÛmao Ho$di ~±Ho$À`mM godH$m§Zm Zmhr Va _hmamï´>mVrb AÝ` ZmJar ghH$mar ~±Ho$Vrb godH$m§Zm à{ejU {Xbo OmVo. Ahdmb dfm©V à{ejU H|$ÐmÛmao Amnë`m ~±Ho$gmR>r 27 d AÝ` ~±Ho$gmR>r 33 Ago EHy$U 60 à{ejU H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV H$aÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo. `m à{ejU H$m`©H«$_m§gmR>r AZwH«$_o 903 d 1398 godH$ EHw$U 2301 godH$ CnpñWV hmoVo. ~±Ho$À`m 17 d[að> d CƒñVar` A{YH$mè`mZm H$m°boO Am°\$ A°J«rH$ëMab ~±qH$J - [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m, B§{S>`Z ~±Šg Agmo{gEeZ, Z°\$H$~, Am`S>rAma~rQ>r, _amR>m Moå~a Am°\$ H$m°_g©, AgmoMo_ B. amï´>r` nmVirda H$m_ H$aUm-`m à_wI g§ñWm_Ü`o à{ejU XoÊ`mV Ambo. à{ejU H$m`©H«$_mMr ì`már dmT>{dUogmR>r à{ejU H|$ÐmÛmao Am°ZbmBZ à{ejU d narjm hr A{^Zd nÕVr gwé Ho$br Amho. `m_Ü`o àW_ godH$m§Zm Ë`m§Mo g§JUH$mda ~±qH$J {df`r dmMZ gm{hË` nmR>{dbo OmVo. Ë`mZ§Va 15 {Xdgm§Zr godH$m§Zm Ë`m§Mo emIoV g§JUH$mda Am°ZbmBZ narjm XoVm `oVo. Ahdmb dfm©V 818 godH$m§Zr `m Am°ZbmBZ narjoV gh^mJ KoVbm Amho.

    Am¡Úmo{JH$ g§~§Y :- H$moUË`mhr g§ñWoV H$_©Mmar hm Ë`m g§ñWoMm H$Um AgVmo. ~±Ho$À`m ì`dgm` d¥Õr_Ü`o gd© godH$m§Mm _hËdnyU© gh^mJ Am{U godH$m§Mr g§KQ>Zm `m§Mr H$m`_ gH$mamË_H$ ^y{_H$m am{hbr Amho. `m Ahdmb dfm©V godH$, godH$ g§KQ>Zm Am{U ì`dñWmnZ `m§À`mVrb g§~§Y ho gm¡Xmh©nyU© d ghH$m`m©Mo a{hbo. `m {Z{_ÎmmZo _r Am{U g§MmbH$ _§S>imVrb _mPo gd© ghH$mar ho ~±Ho$Mo gd© godH$ Am{U godH$ g§KQ>Zm `m§Mo Am^ma ì`º$ H$aVmo.

    H$m°nm}aoQ> JìhZ©Ýg :-Ahdmb dfm©V ~±Ho$À`m g§MmbH$ _§S>imVrb 13 g§MmbH$m§_m\©$V ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ Am{U {Z`§ÌUmMo H$m_H$mO Ho$bo OmV Amho. ho gd© g§MmbH$ ~±qH$J ì`dgm`mVrb àñWm{nV _mJ©Xe©H$ VËdo, H$V©ì`o Cƒ {ZVr{Z`_m§Mo nmbZ d {d{dY {Z`§ÌH$ Am{U [aPìh© ~±H$ `m§À`m doimodoir XoÊ`mV `oUmè`m {ZH$f, {ZX}e Am{U {Z`_mZwgma nyV©Vm Am{U ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbZ H$arV AmhoV. _ëQ>rñQ>oQ> H$m° Am°n gmogm`Q>r A°ŠQ> 2002 AÝd`o g§MmbH$m§À`m 1) boImn[ajU d dgwbr g{_Vr 2) H$O} d Jw§VdUyH$ g{_Vr 3) godH$ g{_Vr Am{U 4) H$m`©H$mar g{_Vr Aem 4 g{_Ë`m ñWm{nV Ho$ë`m AgyZ `m g{_Ë`m§V©JV hmoUm-`m H$m_H$mOmMo d¥Vm§V ho doimodoir g§MmbH$ _§S>imnwT>o R>odyZ Ë`mg _mÝ`Vm KoVbr OmVo. Ahdmb dfm©V ~±Ho$À`m Cnamoº$ {d{dY g{_Ë`m§À`m EHy$U 48 ñnoeb EpŠPŠ`w{Q>ìh H${_Q>r g^m Pmë`m AgyZ g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m EHy$U 18 g^m Pmë`m AmhoV. `m g^m§Zm H$m`ÚmZwgma Amdí`H$ Aem gd© g§MmbH$m§Mr CnpñWVr

  • ..... 14 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    participates in the business transacted in the meetings.

    Amendments to by-laws:The board of directors has submitted for approval of the meeting a resolution to amend the by-law regarding appointing new director/s to fill the vacancy/vacancies in the board of directors created for whatever reason.

    Social Responsibility:The bank extended financial assistance of Rs 27 lakh to 12 voluntary charitable organisations during the year 2016-17.

    Awards and honours:The bank was honoured during the year with multiple awards and honours in the year under report. The bank was the recipient of Banco Award for year 2016 (given to a bank in the “more than Rs 5000 crore deposits” category) as well as Best Technology Implementation award of NPCI which were received at the hands of computer scientist and the bank’s respectable customer Dr Vijay Bhatkar and Mr Chandrakant Dalvi IAS, the commissioner for co-operation, Maharashtra State. The bank also bagged the “Late Vasantdada Patil best urban co-operative bank award” for 2016 which was received at the hands of former Maharashtra Chief Minister Mr Prithviraj Chavan in the presence of Mr Girish Kuber, Editor of renowned Marathi daily Loksatta at a function in Mumbai. “Best Co-operative Bank” award in the Banking Financial Services and Insurance services category of awards instituted by ABP Majha also came to our bank. The bank is grateful to all the organisations which selected it for the different awards.

    Thanks At the outset our heartfelt thanks to all shareholders, depositors, borrowers, customers and well-wishers whose strong and meaningful support helped the bank achieve such spectacular progress in its business. We also thank the bank’s legal advisors, architects, panel valuers, contractors and chartered accountants who offered valuable guidance and co-operation from time to time. We thanks the bank’s statutory auditors M/S Shashank Patki & Associates, M/S Kirtane Pandit and M/S S. D. Medadkar & Associates and their staff. Also thanks to the local bodies such as Gram Panchayats, Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations who extended support and co-operation when the bank opened news branches in their jurisdiction. Our thanks are due to the Reserve Bank of India and its officials, officials in the office of the central registrar of co-operation as well as the state commissioner for co-operation and the registrar of co-operation, Maharashtra. Thanks also to the countless people and organisations who made valuable contribution to the bank’s success. The board of directors of the bank will remain indebted to all of them for ever.

    Aravind Keshav KhaladkarChairman

    hmoVr Am{U Ë`mV gd© g§MmbH$m§Mm gH«$s` gh^mJ hmoVm.

    nmoQ>{Z`‘mVrb àñVm{dV XwéñË`m :-_mZZr` g§MmbH$m§Mr H$moUË`mhr H$maUmZo OmJm [aº$ Pmë`mg Ë`m [aº$ OmJr Zì`mZo g§MmbH$mMr {Z ẁº$s H$aÊ`mgmR>r ~±Ho$À`m nmoQ>{Z`_mV XþéñVrMm àñVmd g§MmbH$ _§S>imZo dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g ôÀ`m _mÝ`VogmR>r R>odbm Amho,

    gm‘{OH$ CÎmaXm{`Ëd :- Ahdmb df© 2016-17 ̀ m H$mbmdYrV ~±Ho$À`m dVrZo nmÌ 12 Y_m©Xm` g§ñWmZm a¸$_ é. 27 bmI EdT>o AW© ghmæ` H$aÊ`mV Ambo.

    nwañH$ma d gÝ‘mZ :-à{Vdfu à_mUoM `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V XoIrb nwañH$ma àmárÀ`m ~m~VrV ~±Ho$g bjUr` `e bm^bo Amho.

    é. 5000 H$moQ>rnojm OmñV R>odr AgUmè`m ghH$mar ~±H$m§À`m loUr_Ü ò CËH¥$ð> H$m_{JargmR>r XoÊ`mV òUmam gZ 2016 gmR>rMm "~±H$mo nwañH$ma' d EZ.nr.gr.Am`.`m§Mo H$Sy>Z ""~oñQ> Q>oŠZm°bm°Or Båßbr_|Q>oeZ'' _hmamï´> ^yfU Am{U Amnë`m ~±Ho$Mo gÝ_mZZr` ImVoXma _m. lr. {dO` ^Q>H$a Am{U _m. ghH$ma Am ẁº$ lr. M§ÐH$m§V Xidr, Am`.E.Eg. `m§À`m eŵ hñVo àXmZ H$aÊ`mV Ambm. Ë`mM à_mUo {X _hmamï>́ ñQ>oQ> H$m°-Am°naoQ>rìh ~±Šg {b._w§~B© `m§MoH$Sy>Z 2016 gmR>rMm H¡$. nÙ ŷfU dg§VXmXm nmQ>rb CËH¥$ð> ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$ nwañH$ma X¡{ZH$ bmoH$gÎmmMo g§nmXH$ _m. lr. {Jare Hw$~oa Am{U _hmamï´> amÁ`mMo _mOr _w»`_§Ìr _m. n¥ÏdramOOr MìhmU ̀ m§À`m ew^hñVo _w§~B© ̀ oWo àXmZ H$aÊ`mV Ambm. VgoM E.~r.nr._mPm nwañH¥$V Am{U ~±qH$J {\$ZmpÝe`b gpìh©gog A°ÝS> BÝewaÝg A°dm°S©> A§VJ©V ""~oñQ> H$m°-Am°naoQ>rìh ~±H$'' åhUyZ nwañH$ma àmá Pmbm. nwañH$ma {dV[aV H$aUmè`m `m gd© g§ñWmMo _Z…nyd©H$ Am^ma.

    Am^ma :-gd©àW_ Á`m§À`m AW©nyU©, ^¸$_ Am{U {ZñdmWu nmqR>ã`m_wioM ~±Ho$g EdT>r ì`mdgm{`H$ àJVr H$aVm Ambr Vo AmnU gd© ^mJYmaH$, R>odrXma, H$O©Xma, J«mhH$ Am{U {hVqMVH$m§Mo _Z:nyd©H$ Am^ma ì`º$ H$aVmo. Ahdmb dfm©V ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbZ H$arV AgVmZm, ~±Ho$Mo AZoH$ {dYmZ g„mJma, Am{H©$Q>oŠQ>, n°Zb darb ìh°ë`yAa, H$m°ÝQ´>°ŠQ>a, MmQ>©S©> AH$mD$§Q> `m§Mo doimodoir ~hþ_mob ghH$m`© Am{U _mJ©Xe©Zm~Ôb Am^ma. ~±Ho$Mo d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU H$aUmao _o. eem§H$ nËH$s A°ÝS> Agmo., _o. H$sV©Zo n§{S>V Am{U _o.Eg.S>r. _oS>VH$a A°ÝS> Agmo.`m§Mo Am{U Ë`mÀ`m gd© ghH$m-`m§Mo Am^ma _mZVmo. VgoM `m Am{W©H$ dfm©V ZdrZ emIm gwé H$aVmZm ghH$m`© H$aUm-`m gd© J«m_n§Mm`Vr, ZJanm{bH$m Am{U _hmZJanm{bH$m d Ë`m§Mo A{YH$mar `m§Mo _Z:nyd©H$ Am^ma. ~±Ho$g doimodoir _mJ©Xe©Z,gyMZm Am{U ghH$m`© H$aUmar [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m Am{U VoWrb A{YH$mar, _m.H|$Ðr` {Z~§YH$ H$m`m©b` Am{U VoWrb A{YH$mar VgoM _m. ghH$ma Am`wº$ d {Z~§YH$ _hmamï´> amÁ` Am{U Ë`m§Mo gd© ghH$mar `m§Mo gd© g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m dVrZo _Z:nyd©H$ Am^ma. `m{edm` BVa AZoH$ ì`º$s Am{U g§ñWm `m§Zr doimodoir Ho$boë`m ~hþ_mob ghmH$m`m©~Ôb Am^ma. Cnamoº$

    gdmªMo ~±Ho$Mo gd© g§MmbH$ _§S>i gX¡d F$Ur Amho d amhrb.

    AaqdX Ho$ed IiXH$a AÜ`j

  • ..... 15 .....

    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    n[a{eï> - A

    ~±Ho$Mo Zm§d : OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.,nwUo (_ëQ>rñQ>oQ>> eoS>çþëS> ~±H$)_w»` H$m`m©b`mMm nÎmm : 1444, ewH«$dma noR>, Wmoabo ~mOramd añVm, nwUo 411002.Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ d {XZm§H$ : H«$.13184/1949 {XZm§H$ 18.10.1949[aPd© ~±Ho$Mm nadmZm H«$_m§H$ d {X. : `w~rS>r/E_EM/414 {X.17.11.1984_ëQ>rñQ>oQ> a{OñQ´>oeZ H«$_m§H$ : E_EggrEg/grAma/509/2012A{YH$ma joÌ : g§nyU© _hmamï´> amÁ` d JwOamV amÁ`_w»` H$m`m©b`mgh emIm{dñVma : 69 + 2 {dñVm[aV H$jg^mgXËd : {Z`{_V 171554 Zm__mÌ 11635

    ~±Ho$Mr Am{W©H$ pñWVr{XZm§H$ 31 _mM©, 2017 AIoa

    (g§»`m hOmam§V)dgyb ^mJ ^m§S>db : 2073958

    amIrd {ZYr : 6510413R>odr : ~MV 14872397 Mmby 2909593 _wXV 66248562 BVa 693107

    H$O© : gwa{jV 53897158 Agwa{jV 3013621

    Jw§VdUyH$ : {Oëhm _Ü`dVu ghH$mar ~±H$ 211503 _hmamï´> amÁ` ghH$mar ~±H$ 10464 BVa 34317578

    Z\$m : 51IoiVo ^m§S>db : 93376893 AJ«H«$_ joÌ Q>¸o$dmar : 41.10%Xw~©b KQ>H$ Q>¸o$dmar : 4.32%WH$~mH$s Q>¸o$dmar : 7.30%d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU dJ© : ‘A’godH$ g§»`m : A{YH$mar 461 BVa 808

  • ..... 16 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd.,Pune (Multi State Scheduled Bank) Balance Sheet as on 31st March,2017

    As on 31st March, 2016

    Rs. Ps.

    Capital & Liabilities^m§S>db d XoUo

    As on31st March,2017Rs. Ps.









    Notes on Accounts : Schedule QAs per our report attached

    For Shashank Patki & Associates

    Chartered AccountantsFRN - 122054W

    (Ruta Chitale)Partner

    M.No. 111703Statutory Auditors

    As per our report attachedFor Kirtane &

    Pandit LLP Chartered Accountants

    FRN - 105215W/W100057

    (Sandeep D. Welling)Partner

    M.No. 44576Statutory Auditors

    As per our report attachedFor S.D.Medadkar &

    CompanyChartered Accountants

    FRN - 106128W

    (S.V. Waikar)Partner

    M.No.40590Statutory Auditors

    A.S. KuvalekarDy. General Manager

    S.V. ApteDy. General Manager

    D. G. KulkarniJt. General Manager

    Place: Pune Date : 14/07/2017
















    1) Share Capital (^mJ ^m§S>db)

    (A) Authorised Share Capital/A{YH¥$V ^mJ^m§S>db

    (B) Subscribed & Paid up Share Capital

    dgyb Pmbobo ^mJ ^m§S>db

    2) Reserve Fund and Other Reserves

    {d{Y{d{hV J§JmOir d BVa {ZYr

    3) Principal/Subsidiary State Partnership Fund Account/

    ^mJ ^m§S>db/emgZmMr à_wI AWdm ghmæ`H$mar ^mJrXmar {ZYr

    4) Deposit and Other Accounts/R>odr d AÝ` ImVr

    5) Borrowings/H$O}

    6) Bills for collection being Bills Receivable

    (As per contra)/dgwbrgmR>r ñdrH$mabobr {~bo (Xw~oaOr)

    7) Securities sold under Repo A/c (As per contra) / aonmo A§VJ©V amoIo {dH«$s (Xw~oaOr)

    8) Branch Adjustment/emIm§VJ©V ImVr OwiUr

    9) Unapplied Interest

    (As per contra)/Z AmH$mabobo ì`mO (Xw~oaOr)

    10) Interest Payable/XoUo ì`mO

    11) Other Liabilities/BVa XoUr

    12) Profit & Loss Account/Z\$mVmoQ>m ImVo

    Total . . ./EHy$U . . .

















  • ..... 17 .....

    ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017

    Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd.,Pune (Multi State Scheduled Bank)

    As on 31st March, 2016

    Rs. Ps.

    Property & AssetsqOXJr d `oUo

    As on31st March,2017Rs. Ps.












    1) Cash/amoI 2) Balances with other Banks/BVa ~±H$m§Vrb R>odr3) Money at Call and Short Notice/_mJUr H$aVmM {_iUmè`m dm Aën Zmo[Q>erZo {_iUmè`m R>odr

    4) Investments/Jw§VdUyH$5) Investment out of the Principal/Subsidiary State Fund/emgZmÀ`m à_wI AWdm ghmæ`H$mar {ZYrVyZ Jw§VdUyH$6) Advances/H$O}7) Interest Receivable/`oUo ì`mO8) Bills Reveivables being Bills for Collection (As per contra)/ dgwbrgmR>r nmR>{dbobr {~bo (Xw~oaOr)9) Branch Adjustment/emIm§VJ©V ImVr OwiUr10) Securities sold under Repo A/c.(As per Contra)/ aonmo A§VJ©V H$O} (Xw~oaOr) A) Securities recov.under Repo/{gŠ`warQ>rO arH$ìha A§S>a aonmo B) Securities purchased under RBI Rev.Repo/ {gŠ`warQ>rO nM}ñS> A§S>a Ama.~r.Am`.arìhg© aonmo

    11) Premises/OmJm d B_maV12) A)Dead Stock, Furniture, Fixture, Fittings, Library, Vehicles, Deffered Revenue & Improvement to Premises/A) S>oS> ñQ>m°H$ \${Z©Ma,{\$ŠMa {\$qQ>J,dmhZ, bm`~«ar,S>r\$S>© aoìhoÝ`y Am{U OmJoMr gwYmaUm

    B) Capital Work in Progress/Mmby ^m§S>dbr IM©

    13) Other Assets/BVa `oUr14) Deferred Tax Asset/{S>\$S>© Q>°Šg A°goQ>15) Cost of acquisition of Merged Bank/ {d{bZrH¥$V ~±Ho$Mo IaoXr _yë`

    Total . . ./EHy$U . . .








    31 _mM©,2017 AIoaMm Vmio~§X

    J.L. Kadam S.R. Pandit M.M. Pawar B.R. Khomne

    S.G. Mutalik K.K. Shah R.V. Shinde L.A. Pawar

    A.V. Bedekar Sou.M.M.Kasabekar V.P. Bhave

    A.K. Khaladkar(Chairman)

    S.M. Lele(Vice-chairman)

    J.K. Kakatkar(C.E.O.)

    :: Directors ::












  • ..... 18 .....

    JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNEMulti State Scheduled Bank

    dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2016-2017


    2015 - 2016 Rs. Ps.


    2016 - 2017 Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps.

















    1) Interest on/ì`mO A) Deposit/R>odtdarb B) Borrowings/H$Om©darb C) Borrowings Under LTD/XrK© _wXVrÀ`m R>odr§darb

    2) Staff Cost/godH$m§Mo nJma, ^Îmo, àm°.\§$S> dJ©Ur, J«°À`wB©Q>r,gmZwJ«h AZwXmZ,àdmg IM© BË`mXr

    3) Directors Expenses/g§MmbH$ _§S>i IM© - Fees, Allowances/ewëH$ d ^Îmm - Meeting/Travelling Expenses/ g^m d àdmg IM©

    4) Rent,Rates,Light,Taxes & Insurance/ ^mS>o H$a-{Xdm~Îmr d {d_m5) Legal & Court Expenses/dH$sb d H$moQ>© ewëH$6) Audit Fees/Am°{S>Q> \$s7) Postage,Telephone & Telegraph/ Q>nmb,Vma,XyaÜdZr8) Depreciation/Kgmam i) On Fixed Assets/ñWmda d O§J_ _mb_Îmodarb ii) On Revalued Assets/nwZ_w©ë`m§{H$V _mb_Î