ȴΗȿΩɇΗ ȵΠΙȴΟɇȵΩɁ DoP: 0107 ɶια ɇύσʏɻʅα χɻʅιʃής αɶʃύʌωσɻς FIS VL (Χɻʅιʃό αɶʃύʌιο ɶια χʌήσɻ σɸ σʃʐʌόɷɸʅα) EL 1. Μοʆαɷιʃός ʃωɷιʃός ʏαʐʏοʋοίɻσɻς ʏοʐ ʏύʋοʐ ʏοʐ ʋʌοϊόʆʏος: DoP: 0107 2. Πʌοβʄɸʋόʅɸʆɻ;-ɸςͿ χʌήσɻ;-ɸις): ȵʃ ʏωʆ ʐσʏέʌωʆ σʏɸʌέωση σɸ ʌηɶʅαʏωʅέʆο ή ʅη ʌηɶʅαʏωʅέʆο σʃʐʌόɷɸʅα, ɷɸίʏɸ ʏο ʋʌοσάʌʏηʅα, ɸιɷιʃά ʏα ʋαʌαʌʏήʅαʏα B 1 - B 8 3. Καʏασʃɸʐασʏής: fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Klaus-Fischer-Straße 1, 72178 Waldachtal, ȳɸʌʅαʆία 4. ȵʇοʐσιοɷοʏɻʅέʆος αʆʏιʋʌόσωʋος: -- 5. ɇύσʏɻʅα/σʐσʏήʅαʏα AVCP (αʇιοʄόɶɻσɻ ʃαι ɸʋαʄήθɸʐσɻ ʏɻς σʏαθɸʌόʏɻʏας ʏɻς ɸʋίɷοσɻς): 1 6. ȵʐʌωʋαϊʃό έɶɶʌαφο αʇιοʄόɶɻσɻς: ETAG 001; 2013-04 ȵʐʌωʋαϊʃή ʏɸχʆιʃή αʇιοʄόɶɻσɻ: ETA-10/0352; 2017-08-10 Οʌɶαʆισʅός ʏɸχʆιʃής αʇιοʄόɶɻσɻς: DIBt Κοιʆοʋοιɻʅέʆος(-οι) οʌɶαʆισʅός(-οι): 1343 MPA Darmstadt 7. ȴɻʄωθɸίσα(-ɸς) ɸʋίɷοσɻ(-ɸις): ɀηχαʆιʃή αʆʏισʏαση ʃαι σʏαθɸʌόʏηʏα (BWR 1), Ασφάʄɸια σʏη χʌήση (BWR 4) Χαʌαʃʏηʌισʏιʃές ʏιʅές ʐʋό σʏαʏιʃή ʃαι ηʅισʏαʏιʃή ɸʆέʌɶɸια, ʅɸʏαʏόʋιση: ɷɸίʏɸ ʏο ʋαʌάʌʏηʅα, σʐɶʃɸʃʌιʅέʆα ʏο ʋαʌάʌʏηʅα C 1 - C 6 Ασφάʄɸια σɸ ʋɸʌίʋʏωση φωʏιάς (BWR 2) Αʆʏίɷʌαση σɸ φωʏιά : Ɉο Αɶʃύʌιο ʃαʄύʋʏɸι ʏις αʋαιʏήσɸις ʏης Ⱦαʏηɶοʌίας A 1 Αʆʏίσʏαση σʏη φωʏιά: ɀȾȵ 8. Καʏάʄʄɻʄɻ ʏɸχʆιʃή ʏɸʃʅɻʌίωσɻ ʃαι/ή ɸιɷιʃή ʏɸχʆιʃή ʏɸʃʅɻʌίωσɻ: --- Η ɸʋίɷοσɻ ʏοʐ ʋʌοϊόʆʏος ʋοʐ ʏαʐʏοʋοιɸίʏαι αʆωʏέʌω ɸίʆαι σύʅφωʆɻ ʅɸ ʏɻ ;ʏιςͿ ɷɻʄωθɸίσα; -ɸςͿ ɸʋίɷοσɻ;-ɸιςͿ. Αʐʏή ɻ ɷήʄωσɻ ɸʋιɷόσɸωʆ ɸʃɷίɷɸʏαι σύʅφωʆα ʅɸ ʏοʆ Καʆοʆισʅό ;ȵȵͿ Αʌ. ϯϬ5/ϮϬϭϭ ʅɸ αʋοʃʄɸισʏιʃή ɸʐθύʆɻ ʏοʐ ʃαʏασʃɸʐασʏή ʋοʐ ʋʌοσɷιοʌίɺɸʏαι ʋαʌαʋάʆω. ɉʋοɶʌαφή ɶια ʄοɶαʌιασʅό ʃαι ɸʇ οʆόʅαʏος ʏοʐ ʃαʏασʃɸʐασʏή αʋό: Andreas Bucher, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Hengesbach, Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Tumlingen, 2017-08-17 - Αʐʏή ɻ ȴήʄωσɻ Αʋόɷοσɻς ʅɸʏαφʌάσʏɻʃɸ σɸ ɷιάφοʌɸς ɶʄώσσɸς. σɸ ʋɸʌίʋʏωσɻ ʋοʐ ʐʋάʌχɸι αʅφιβοʄία ɶια ʏɻ ʅɸʏάφʌασɻ ɻ αɶɶʄιʃή έʃɷοσɻ θα ʐʋɸʌισχύɸι ʋάʆʏα. - Ɉο ʋαʌάʌʏɻʅα ʋɸʌιʄαʅβάʆɸι ʋʌοαιʌɸʏιʃές ʃαι σʐʅʋʄɻʌωʅαʏιʃές ʋʄɻʌοφοʌίɸς σʏα αɶɶʄιʃά. Αʐʏές ʇɸʋɸʌʆούʆ ʏις ʋʌοβʄɸʋόʅɸʆɸς αʋό ʏο ʆόʅο ;ɶʄώσσα οʐɷέʏɸʌɻͿ .

DoP: 0107 EL DoP: 0107 B 1 - B 8 fischerwerke GmbH & Co ......6. り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ό έááヾαφο α¨ιο゜όá。σ。ς: ETAG 001; 2013-04 り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ή 〃 χ`ι゛ή

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  • らΗぎΩぞΗ りΠΙらΟぞりΩげ

    DoP: 0107

    áια ぞύσ〃。´α χ。´ι゛ής αá゛ύヾωσ。ς FIS VL (Χ。´ι゛ό αá゛ύヾιο áια χヾήσ。 σ0 σ゛仝ヾό~0´α) – EL

    1. Μο`α~ι゛ός ゛ω~ι゛ός 〃α仝〃οヽοί。σ。ς 〃ο仝 〃ύヽο仝 〃ο仝 ヽヾοϊό`〃ος: DoP: 0107

    2. Πヾοβ゜0ヽό´0`。ふ-0ςぶ χヾήσ。ふ-0ις): り゛ 〃ω` 仝σ〃έヾω` σ〃0ヾέωση σ0 ヾηá´α〃ω´έ`ο ή ´η ヾηá´α〃ω´έ`ο σ゛仝ヾό~0´α, ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽヾοσάヾ〃η´α, 0ι~ι゛ά 〃α ヽαヾαヾ〃ή´α〃α B 1 - B 8

    3. Κα〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ής: fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Klaus-Fischer-Straße 1, 72178 Waldachtal, よ0ヾ´α`ία

    4. り¨ο仝σιο~ο〃。´έ`ος α`〃ιヽヾόσωヽος: --

    5. ぞύσ〃。´α/σ仝σ〃ή´α〃α AVCP (α¨ιο゜όá。σ。 ゛αι 0ヽα゜ήθ0仝σ。 〃。ς σ〃αθ0ヾό〃。〃ας 〃。ς 0ヽί~οσ。ς): 1

    6. り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ό έááヾαφο α¨ιο゜όá。σ。ς: ETAG 001; 2013-04

    り仝ヾωヽαϊ゛ή 〃0χ`ι゛ή α¨ιο゜όá。σ。: ETA-10/0352; 2017-08-10

    Οヾáα`ισ´ός 〃0χ`ι゛ής α¨ιο゜όá。σ。ς: DIBt

    Κοι`οヽοι。´έ`ος(-οι) οヾáα`ισ´ός(-οι): 1343 – MPA Darmstadt

    7. ら。゜ωθ0ίσα(-0ς) 0ヽί~οσ。(-0ις):

    ぐηχα`ι゛ή α`〃ισ〃αση ゛αι σ〃αθ0ヾό〃η〃α (BWR 1), Ασφά゜0ια σ〃η χヾήση (BWR 4)

    Χαヾα゛〃ηヾισ〃ι゛ές 〃ι´ές 仝ヽό σ〃α〃ι゛ή ゛αι η´ισ〃α〃ι゛ή 0`έヾá0ια, ´0〃α〃όヽιση: ~0ί〃0 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α, σ仝á゛0゛ヾι´έ`α 〃ο ヽαヾάヾ〃η´α C 1 - C 6

    Ασφά゜0ια σ0 ヽ0ヾίヽ〃ωση φω〃ιάς (BWR 2)

    Α`〃ί~ヾαση σ0 φω〃ιά : だο Αá゛ύヾιο ゛α゜ύヽ〃0ι 〃ις αヽαι〃ήσ0ις 〃ης がα〃ηáοヾίας A 1 Α`〃ίσ〃αση σ〃η φω〃ιά: ぐがり

    8. Κα〃ά゜゜。゜。 〃0χ`ι゛ή 〃0゛´。ヾίωσ。 ゛αι/ή 0ι~ι゛ή 〃0χ`ι゛ή 〃0゛´。ヾίωσ。: ---

    Η 0ヽί~οσ。 〃ο仝 ヽヾοϊό`〃ος ヽο仝 〃α仝〃οヽοι0ί〃αι α`ω〃έヾω 0ί`αι σύ´φω`。 ´0 〃。 ふ〃ιςぶ ~。゜ωθ0ίσαふ-0ςぶ 0ヽί~οσ。ふ-0ιςぶ. Α仝〃ή 。 ~ή゜ωσ。 0ヽι~όσ0ω` 0゛~ί~0〃αι σύ´φω`α ´0 〃ο` Κα`ο`ισ´ό ふりりぶ Αヾ. ンヰ5/ヲヰヱヱ ´0 αヽο゛゜0ισ〃ι゛ή 0仝θύ`。 〃ο仝 ゛α〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ή ヽο仝 ヽヾοσ~ιοヾί、0〃αι ヽαヾαヽά`ω.

    ぢヽοáヾαφή áια ゜οáαヾιασ´ό ゛αι 0¨ ο`ό´α〃ος 〃ο仝 ゛α〃ασ゛0仝ασ〃ή αヽό:

    Andreas Bucher, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Hengesbach, Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.

    Tumlingen, 2017-08-17

    - Α仝〃ή 。 らή゜ωσ。 Αヽό~οσ。ς ´0〃αφヾάσ〃。゛0 σ0 ~ιάφοヾ0ς á゜ώσσ0ς. σ0 ヽ0ヾίヽ〃ωσ。 ヽο仝 仝ヽάヾχ0ι α´φιβο゜ία áια 〃。 ´0〃άφヾασ。 。 αáá゜ι゛ή έ゛~οσ。 θα 仝ヽ0ヾισχύ0ι ヽά`〃α.

    - だο ヽαヾάヾ〃。´α ヽ0ヾι゜α´βά`0ι ヽヾοαιヾ0〃ι゛ές ゛αι σ仝´ヽ゜。ヾω´α〃ι゛ές ヽ゜。ヾοφοヾί0ς σ〃α αáá゜ι゛ά. Α仝〃ές ¨0ヽ0ヾ`ού` 〃ις ヽヾοβ゜0ヽό´0`0ς αヽό 〃ο `ό´ο ふá゜ώσσα ο仝~έ〃0ヾ。ぶ .

  • Specific Part

    1 Technical description of the product

    The fischer injection system FIS VL is a bonded anchor consisting of a cartridge with injection mortar fischer FIS VL, FIS VL High Speed or FIS VL Low Speed and a steel element.

    The steel element is placed into a drilled hole filled with injection mortar and is anchored via the bond between metal part, injection mortar and concrete.

    The product description is given in Annex A.

    2 Specification of the intended use in accordance with the applicable European Assessment Document

    The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if the anchor is used in compliance with the specifications and conditions given in Annex B.

    The verifications and assessment methods on which this European Technical Assessment is based lead to the assumption of a working life of the anchor of at least 50 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

    3 Performance of the product and references to the methods used for its assessment

    3.1 Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1)

    Essential characteristic Performance

    Characteristic values for static and quasi-static action, displacements

    See Annex C 1 to C 6

    3.2 Safety in case of fire (BWR 2)

    Essential characteristic Performance

    Reaction to fire Anchorages satisfy requirements for Class A1

    Resistance to fire No performance assessed

    3.3 Hygiene, health and the environment (BWR 3) Regarding dangerous substances there may be requirements (e.g. transposed European

    legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions) applicable to the products falling within the scope of this European Technical Assessment. In order to meet the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

    3.4 Safety in use (BWR 4) The essential characteristics regarding Safety in use are included under the Basic Works Requirement Mechanical resistance and stability.

    Appendix 1 / 19

  • 4 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) system applied, with reference to its legal base

    In accordance with guideline for European technical approval ETAG 001, April 2013 used as European Assessment Document (EAD) according to Article 66 Paragraph 3 of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 the applicable European legal act is: [96/582/EC].

    The system to be applied is: 1

    Appendix 2 / 19

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