Dossier documentaire N°1 Supply Chain Management Une liste bibliographique de documents et d’articles scientifiques Dossier Documentaire Dans ce numéro Gestion des flux Indicateurs de performance Optimisation de la SC Outils de la chaine logistique Green supply chain N° 01

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Dossier documentaire N°1

Supply Chain


Supply Chain Management Une liste bibliographique de documents et d’articles scientifiques

Dossier Documentaire

Dans ce numéro Gestion des flux

Indicateurs de performance

Optimisation de la SC

Outils de la chaine logistique

Green supply chain

N° 01

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Supply Chain


2 Supply Chain Council

3 Fender, Michel ; Pimor,Yves . (2013). Logistique et supply chain (6ème éd.). Paris :Dunod.

4 Baglin, Gérard ; Bruel, Olivier ; Kerbache, Laoucine....(2013). Management industriel et logistique : concevoir et piloter la supply chainParis : Economica.

Supply chain management N° 01 - 2016

Dossier documentaire Définition :

« Le dossier documentaire est un

produit documentaire constitué

d'un ensemble de documents de

sources diverses, choisis et réunis sur une question donnée, et

organisé de façon à faciliter l'accès

à l'information rassemblée…»1

1 ADBS : L'association des professionnels

de l'information et de la documentation


Numéro élaboré par : Chafik SOUIBA (EMINES) Zakaria CHAHYD (LC) Conception et mise en page : Zakaria CHAHYD

Contact Learning Center Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Lot 660 Hay Moulay Rachid BENGUERIR-Maroc Tél : +212 5 25 07 28 96 Email: [email protected]

La Supply chain (SC) est souvent définit comme « la suite des étapes de production et distribution d’un produit depuis les fournisseurs des fournisseurs du producteur jusqu’aux clients de ses clients »2.

Dans cette définition, le plus important comme le rapportent Fender Michel et Pimor Yves dans leur livre Logistique et supply chain, est « l’approche globale (end to end) qui lie l’ensemble des acteurs de la source vers le consommateur final » 3

Le concept de supply chain se réfère donc à «la gestion des flux physiques depuis les approvisionnements en matières premières jusqu’à la mise à disposition des produits finis aux clients sur le lieu d’achat ou de consommation » 4

L’objectif principal du supply chain management (SCM) est d’optimiser la gestion (méthodes et outils) des flux physiques, financiers et d’information entre le fournisseur et le client tout au long de ce processus qui intègre l’approvisionnement, la production, la distribution et le marché.

De ce fait, la SCM est considérée comme un atout stratégique et un outil de performance indispensable pour toute firme qui vise à améliorer ses services, réduire les coûts et créer de la valeur.



La gestion stratégique de

la supply chain ne consiste pas à introduire des innovations pour le simple fait d’innover. Il

s’agit de créer une configuration de supply

chain qui fera progresser vos objectifs stratégiques.

COHEN, Shoshanah ; ROUSSEL,Joseph. Avantage supply chain : les 5 leviers pour faire de votre supply chain un atout compétitif (2005).Paris : Ed. d’Organisation

Gestion des flux Indicateurs de

performance Optimisation des


Green supply chain

Outils de la chaine logistique

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Supply Chain


Comment maîtriser sa productivité industrielle ?

Auteur : Hugues Molet

Éditeur les Presses de l'école des mines

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782911762086

Cote 658.5/MOL

L'auto qui n'existait pas :

management des projets et

transformation de l'entreprise

Auteur : Christophe Midler

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100582990

Cote : 658.575/MID

Contemporary logistics

Auteur : Paul Regis Murphy

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781292021690

Cote : 658.5/MUR

L'essentiel du management


Auteur : Michel Nakhla.

Éditeur : Paris : "L'Usine nouvelle"

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100530151

Cote : 658.5/NAK

Gestion des flux


…Après une période d'ambitions démesurées quant à la

capacité de certains outils à résoudre les problèmes

industriels complexes, nous sommes parvenus aujourd'hui à

une situation plus raisonnable où il apparaît clairement que

l'efficacité industrielle ne peut résulter que d'un compromis

délicat entre approches formalisées, organisation adéquate,

systèmes d'évaluation et organisations sociales cohérentes.

A travers une présentation de l'ensemble de ces outils,

Hugues Molet montre, avec de nombreux exemples

concrets, que le parcours vers l'efficacité est semé de deux

sortes d'embûches : celles qui tiennent aux caractéristiques

propres de ces outils mais surtout celles inhérentes à la

capacité des entreprises à opérer les mutations nécessaires

pour assurer cette cohérence entre l'organisation et les

structures, les nouveaux rôles des acteurs, et les conditions

requises par l'implantation de ces nouvelles innovations


Essentials of logistics and management

Auteur : Philippe Wieser

Éditeur EPFL press

Langue Anglais

ISBN : 9782940222674

Cote 658.5/WIE

This book provides a broad spectrum of the knowledge

required for the logistician and for his or her contribution to the

growth of a company. The book is built on a conceptual

framework in which all the stakes and themes of logistics are

analyzed according to a systematic approach. Indeed, many

elements are critical to the successful logistical strategy:

customer relation management, interactive information

support, production optimization and process development,

vision, strategy and operations management, and human

resources and resource allocation. Growing out of a

successful course given by the International Institute for the

Management of Logistics (IML) of the Swiss Federal Institute

of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, the purpose of the book

is to present a methodology allowing the reader to apply the

critical factors embedded in the design of strategy. The book

combines concepts with practical examples .


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Supply Chain


Gestion de la production et des


Auteur : Vincent Giard

Éditeur Économica

Langue Français

ISBN : 9781292021690

Cote 650/GIA

Gestion de la production :

comprendre les logiques de

gestion industrielle pour agir

Auteur : François Blondel

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100514021

Cote : 658.5/BLO

Gestion de production

Auteur : Alain Courtois

Éditeur : éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708136489

Cote : 658.5/COU

La gestion de production

Auteur : Jean Bénassy

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866016975

Cote : 658.5/BEN

Gestion des flux


Cet ouvrage constitue un état de l'art sur les techniques

utilisables pour mieux gérer la production et les flux, ce qui

constitue actuellement un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises.

Cette troisième édition est accompagnée d'un CD-ROM qui

comporte une version électronique de l'ouvrage permettant

une navigation hypertextuelle, illustrant par des animations

certaines difficultés rencontrées et permettant l'usage de

logiciels mettant en œuvre les principales techniques

introduites. Gestion de la production et des flux est destiné

aux étudiants de cursus de gestion universitaires ou

consulaires, à ceux de cursus d'ingénieurs et aux

professionnels de la gestion de production et de la chaîne


La production par les flux : configurer les

processus industriels autour des besoins


Auteur : Hevé Grua

Éditeur Dunod

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782100037841

Cote 658.51/GRU

Sous la pression des nouveaux mots d'ordre que sont le

'service client' et la production en flux tirés, de nombreuses

mutations dans l'organisation de la production sont en cours

dans l'industrie. L'objet de cet ouvrage est d'offrir une

méthodologie pour conduire de telles évolutions sur la durée,

selon quatre grands axes : la simplification des flux de

fabrication, la maîtrise des processus, l'environnement de

travail et le système de motivation et le pilotage du progrès.


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Supply Chain


L'ingénierie système d'une ligne de


Auteur : Association française d'ingénierie système

Éditeur Cépaduès éd.

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782364931220

Cote 658.5/ASS

Ingénierie et gestion de la

logistique inverse : vers des

réseaux durables

Auteur : Diane Riopel

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782746225893

Cote : 658.5/RIO

Introduction to logistics systems management

Auteur : Gianpaolo Ghiani

Éditeur : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781119943389

Cote : 658.5/GHI


Auteur : Joël Sohier

Éditeur : Vuibert

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782311010510

Cote : 658.5/SOH

Gestion des flux


Autour d’une synthèse de l’état de l’art, cet ouvrage,

rassemble des retours d'expérience d'industriels mettant en

œuvre des Lignes de Produits très diverses en termes de

type de marché, de nombre d'applications, de nombre de

variabilités … Il se présente comme un complément aux

manuels d'Ingénierie Système existants dont il adopte

l'organisation en processus. Il propose :

- des définitions et des exemples : de Lignes de Produits, d’organisations en Lignes de Produits, de l’Ingénierie d'une Ligne de Produits,

- des processus, depuis l'analyse du besoin jusqu'au retrait de service,

- des méthodes d'Ingénierie Système, notamment l'Ingénierie Système d'une Ligne de Produits basée sur les Modèles,

- des organisations : développement en silo, développement en plate-forme,

- des stratégies de mise en place et des processus de gouvernance

Logistique : production, distribution, soutien

Auteur Yves Pimpr

Éditeur "L'Usine nouvelle"

Langue Français

ISBN 9782100516070

Cote 658.5/PIM

Logistique & supply chain

Auteur Michel Fender

Éditeur "L'Usine nouvelle"

Langue Français

ISBN 9782100577347

Cote 658.5/FEN

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Supply Chain


The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course : Operations


Auteur : Linda L. Brennan

Éditeur : McGraw-Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780071743839

Cote : 658.5/BRE

Une nouvelle gestion


Auteur : Hugues Molet,

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866016487

Cote: 658.5/MOL

Operations management:

processes and supply chains

Auteur : Lee J. Krajewski

Éditeur : Pearson education

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780273766834

Cote : 658.5/KRA

La logistique globale : enjeux, principes,


Auteur : Philippe-Pierre Dornier

Éditeur : éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708125377

Cote : 658.5/DOR

Logistique globale

Auteur : André Marchal

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782729828240

Cote : 658.5/MAR

Logistique interne :

entreposage et manutention

Auteur : Lionel Amodeo

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782729824891

Cote : 658.5/AMO

Gestion des flux Ordonnancement de la


Auteur : François Roubellat,

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782746201842

Cote : 658.5/ROU

Ordonnancement et gestion

de production : manuel pratique

Auteur : Pierre Lamy

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866011062

Cote: 658.5/LAM

Organisation et gestion de la production : cours avec

exercices corrigés

Auteur : Georges Javel

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100547111

Cote : 658.5/JAV

Management des opérations : principes et


Auteur : Larry P. Ritzman

Éditeur : Pearson

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782744074523

Cote : 6658.5/RIT

Management industriel et logistique : concevoir et piloter la supply chain

Auteur : Gérard Baglin

Éditeur : Économica

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782717866179

Cote : 658.5/BAG

The management of business logistics

Auteur : John J. Coyle

Éditeur : West Pub. Co.

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780314778758

Cote : 658.7/COY

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Supply Chain


Production and operations analysis

Auteur : Steven Nahmias

Éditeur : McGraw-Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780077159009

Cote : 658.5/NAH

L'Usine intégrée

Auteur : Jean-Charles Pomerol

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866011130

Cote: 658.5/POM

Service management

Auteur : James A. Fitzsimmons

Éditeur : Mcgraw Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781259010651

Cote : 658.5/FIT

L'Usine intégrée par


Auteur : Jean Bénassy

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866010690

Cote: 658.5/BEN

La prestation logistique : origines, enjeux et


Auteur : François Fulconis

Éditeur : Éd. EMS

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782847691412

Cote : 658.5/FUL

Toyota production system: an integrated approach to

just in time

Auteur : Yasuhiro Monden

Éditeur : CRC Press

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781439820971

Cote : 658.5/MON

Gestion des flux Pratique du supply chain


Auteur : Michel Fender

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100707843

Cote : 658/FEN

Supply chain logistics


Auteur : Donald J. Bowersox

Éditeur : McGraw-Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780071326216

Cote : 658.5 /BOW

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Supply Chain


Flow Management to Optimize Retail Profits at Theme Parks

Abstract: In many theme parks, stores are located within major attractions

to sell related merchandise. Sales at such stores form a significant portion

of theme park profits. Typically, store sales depend upon

visitor flows through the attraction, customer satisfaction with the

attraction, and the merchandise at the store. In addition, such stores

constitute a unique retail environment, as visitor flows to attractions can

be managed and stores are not competitors, but belong to the same

parent company. This provides the opportunity to increase store sales by

interfacing park operations, which manages visitor flows by setting

schedules and capacity of attractions, with the store-level merchandising

process, which determines which and how much product to order.

Motivated by a study at Universal Hollywood (USH), we develop

a flow management model to link park operations with store-level

merchandising. This model sets the capacities and schedules of the major

attractions to increase visitor flows to high-profit retail areas subject to

visitor satisfaction, capacity, scheduling, and flow-balance constraints. In

addition, this model serves as an important tool to generate and evaluate

various strategies aimed at increasing theme park profitability at USH.

URL: http://goo.gl/322hxd

Optimal Deal Flow Management for Direct Real Estate Investments.

Abstract: The article proposes an innovative practical solution to a

problem confronting direct real estate investments that is deeply rooted

to the question of what to buy and when to sell in order to maximize profit

while minimizing risk. Topics cited include the role of the estimation of

profitability, the basic tenet of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and how

this approach resorts to intuitive and transparent metrics like present

value and expected loss.

URL: http://goo.gl/tsJ34Q

Articles scientifiques

Flow Management in Flexible Manufacturing Cells with Pipeline Operations.

Abstract: The problem of flow management for a class

of flexible manufacturing cells is considered. The cell is designed for

cyclic production of one product. This product is characterized by a

sequence of operations of given length and each requiring a set of

resources; the problem is therefore to allocate such resources and

scheduling the operations in order to maximize the throughput. A

general model is proposed and several special cases are discussed,

corresponding to either polynomial or NP-complete problems. The

cases analyzed differ from each other in the number of operating

machines and in the number of product units present at the same time

in the cell. The solution to the polynomial problems is given in terms

of shortest path on particular networks.

URL : http://goo.gl/yECFeh

Global Flow Management: A Synthesis of Concepts and Approaches

Abstract: Due to globalization of trade, academicians in Scientific

Research Management field are logically interested

in global flow management, and it is clear that there is a great

diversity of approaches across disciplines and the objects related.

The concepts such as industry, global value chains, distribution

channels, global channels and international supply chains are often

used by researchers. If there are similarities between these concepts,

then the differences cannot be hidden. The purpose of this paper is to

provide a synthesis of these concepts and provide a framework for

the use of each.

URL : http://goo.gl/0NBJyK

Gestion des flux

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Material flow management in cellular configurations for small-lot, circuit card assembly

Abstract: This paper addresses questions which arise in analysing the

practices that might be effective in managing material flow in cellular

systems that assemble circuit cards, including the potential effect of cell

design, the role of buffers, the relative effects of traditional management

policies, and the influence of material handling equipment.

The paper provides a structured method for analyzing

circuit card assembly systems and suggests guidelines expected to be

useful in actual systems.

URL : http://goo.gl/fQDjRZ

Strategic Information Management under Leakage in a Supply Chain

Abstract: The importance of material flow management for a profit-

maximizing firm has been well articulated in the supply chain literature.

We demonstrate in our analytical model that a firm must also actively

manage information flows within the supply chain, which translates to

controlling what it knows, as well as what its competitors and suppliers


In our model of horizontal competition between an informed and an

uninformed firm with a common upstream supplier, material

and information flows intersect through leakage of demand (order)

information to unintended recipients.

As a result, the informed firm's drive to control information flows within

the supply chain can trigger operational losses through material flow

distortion. These losses can be so severe that the firm may prefer not to

acquire information even when it is costless to do so.

Our results underscore the importance of strategic

information management--actively managing the supply chain's

information flows, and making trade-offs with material flows where

appropriate, to maximize profits.

URL : http://goo.gl/cA58yw

Articles scientifiques

Interprofessional team dynamics and information flow management in emergency departments

Abstract: Aim In Emergency Departments, fragmentation and

breakdown in information exchange can be important factors leading

to adverse events.

This article aims to consider the critical aspects of collaborative

teamwork in Emergency Departments that may have an impact on the

information flow. Background On the basis of Distributed Cognition

Theory, we have assumed that cognitive outcomes in critical-care

settings are not confined to the thoughts of isolated individuals;

rather, they are better understood as properties of a distributed

cognitive system across the minds of the clinical team members and

across the technological artefacts design We report on an exploratory

ethnographic study of two Emergency Departments.

Methods Data were collected over a period of four months in 2008 via

observation and interviews.

The results highlight a specific distribution of cognitive work between

physicians and nurses. The nurse's roles as information highlighter,

memory keeper and process organizer helped to ensure

the information flow and to overcome some of the problems identified

with the computer-assisted communication process. Such

distribution of cognitive work improved care quality, but it crossed

established professional boundaries.

As cross-boundary distribution of cognitive work in Emergency

Departments can be perceived as role substitution, building an

interprofessional working system is needed to avoid information

breakdown in fast-moving contexts. To realize an interprofessional

working system, practice-based training is required, aimed at

developing a deep understanding of team cognition.

URL : http://goo.gl/yQc0Ia

Gestion des flux

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Diagnostiquer la performance industrielle

Auteur : Yves Beunon

Éditeur : Gereso éd.

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782915530858

Cote : 658.503 6/BEU

La Dynamique qualité

Auteur : James Teboul

Éditeur : les éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9782708112278

Cote : 658.562/TEB

Éco-conception : indicateurs, méthodes,


Auteur : Philippe Schiesser

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100533787

Cote : 658.575 2/SCH

Indicateurs de performance

Un indicateur de performance sert à évaluer la performance des activités de l’entreprise par rapport

aux objectifs fixés. Il porte sur trois notions fondamentales : coûts – qualité - temps.

Réunis, ces indicateurs constituent le tableau de bord de gestion de l'entreprise. Ils permettent aux

décideurs d’avoir accès à des données quantifiées qui mesurent l’efficacité d’un processus ou d’un

système en relation avec les objectifs définis dans le cadre stratégique de l’entreprise.

L‘efficacité de la gestion d’une chaine logistique repose essentiellement sur l’’évaluation des

performances (mesurables) qualitativement et quantitativement.

Indicateurs de performance

Auteur : Alain Courtois

Éditeur Hermès science publications

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782746202450

Cote 658.5/COU

La problématique des indicateurs de performance correspond

à une préoccupation durable des entreprises. Ce phénomène

est attesté par l'exemple de la toute nouvelle version 2000 des

normes ISO 9000 concernant la qualité. Un des traits

fondamentaux de cette évolution concerne la notion

d'amélioration basée sur des indicateurs, au-delà de la vue

plus ancienne qui formalisait, avant tout, l'existant et son



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Measuring performance for business results

Auteur : Mohamed Zairi

Éditeur Springer

Langue Français

ISBN : 9789401045681

Cote 658.562/ZAI

Qualité de la mesure en production

Auteur : Daniel Duret

Éditeur : Eyrolles Éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212541403

Cote : 658.562/DUR

Qualité et environnement : vers un système de management intégré

Auteur : Bernard Froman

Éditeur : AFNOR

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782124650323

Cote : 658.56 /FRO

Réussir l'audit qualité

Auteur : Henri Mitonneau

Éditeur : Afnor

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782124671212

Cote : 658.5/MIT

Indicateurs de performance


Financial measures have traditionally been the cornerstone

of the performance measurement system. In recent years,

there has been a shift from treating financial figures as the

foundation for performance measurement to treating them as

one among a broader set of potential financial measures.

Changes in cost structures and the manufacturing and

competitive environment have been responsible for the

change of emphasis. In today's worldwide competitive

environment companies are competing in terms of product

quality, delivery, reliability, after-sales service and customer

satisfaction. None of these variables are measured by

traditional financial measures, despite the fact that they

represent the major goals of world-class manufacturing

companies. By focusing mainly on financial variables there is

a danger that the performance reporting system will motivate

managers to focus exclusively on cost reduction and short-


La performance économique en


Auteur : Pôle productique Rhône-Alpes Université d'été

Éditeur Hermès

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782866015664

Cote 658.515/JAC

Après un cadrage méthodologique d'ensemble, cet ouvrage

présente de nouveaux outils de gestion de l'entreprise : la

valeur ajoutée directe (VAD), la comptabilité à base d'activités

(ABC), le coût objectif (target costing) et l'amélioration

continue des coûts (kaizen costing). Il se conclut par la

présentation critique des outils utilisés pour le choix

d'investissement et d'un modèle du processus d'innovation,

seul garant de la performance à long terme de l'entreprise.

Ont participé à la rédaction de cet ouvrage : Denis Babusiaux,

Pierre-Laurent Bescos, Paul-Louis Brodier, Philippe Chollet,

Armand Hatchuel, Michel Hollard, Alain d'Iribarne, Jacques-

Henri Jacot, Claude Marty, Pierre Mévellec, Jean-Pierre

Micaelli, Jacques Perrin, Jean-Luc Perrin.


term profitability and ignore many of the critical factors that determine long-term business success.

The key to success, in today's global economy, is total customer satisfaction. To achieve this,

companies must develop performance measures that drive employees to control processes that

satisfy customer expectations. In particular, performance measures should provide process-level

information that motivates employees to achieve the responsiveness and flexibility that companies

require to compete on a global basis.

customer satisfaction. None of these variables are measured by traditional financial measures,

despite the fact that they represent the major goals of world-class manufacturing companies. By

focusing mainly on financial variables there is a danger that the performance reporting system will

motivate managers to focus exclusively on cost reduction and short-

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Réussir l'audit des processus : un nouveau

référentiel pour une nouvelle vision de l'audit

Auteur : Henri Mitonneau

Éditeur : AFNOR

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782124630264

Cote : 658.562/MIT

S'auditer pour progresser

Auteur : Serge Bellut

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708136489

Cote : 658.5/COU

Talent Toyota : les hommes au cœur de la


Auteur : Jeffrey K. Liker

Éditeur : Pearson-Village mondial

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782744063190

Cote : 658.515/LIK

Indicateurs de performance


La conviction développée dans cet ouvrage est claire : la

Fonction Achats n'est plus une « fonction support » qui a un

simple rôle d'exécution, et la question n'est pas de savoir si

sa « financiarisation » est une cause ou une conséquence,

mais de l'établir comme un fait. La Fonction Achats doit

désormais devenir un « business partner » et contribuer

significativement à la formulation de la stratégie et à la

création de valeur de l'entreprise. Pour y parvenir, les

dirigeants et les managers de la Fonction Achats doivent

aborder et gérer des problématiques complexes en réponse

aux enjeux stratégiques, économiques et humains qui

s'imposent à eux. Pour s'orienter vers la création de valeur,

la Fonction Achats doit donc : Intégrer les préoccupations

financières et les risques à sa stratégie (phase stratégique).

Élaborer le dispositif économique et opérationnel des achats

(phase opérationnelle). Anticiper, mesurer et piloter sa

mlklkml performance financière (phase de déploiement). Cet ouvrage est à destination des Directeurs et

Managers Achats, des Directeurs Financiers et des Directions Générales, tous soucieux

d'optimiser la coopération entre services et d'utiliser la Fonction Achats comme un réel levier de

performance et de création de valeur. Il a pour objectif d'apporter au lecteur les éclairages et les

méthodes à mettre en œuvre pour opérer la mutation attendue par les Directions Générales, et de

définir la feuille de route pour mener au succès.


customer satisfaction. None of these variables are measured by traditional financial measures,

despite the fact that they represent the major goals of world-class manufacturing companies. By

focusing mainly on financial variables there is a danger that the performance reporting system will

motivate managers to focus exclusively on cost reduction and short-

Performance et création de valeur de la fonction achats :

maîtrise des risques et pilotage financier

Auteur : Éric Salviac

Éditeur Maxima-L. Du Mesnil

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782840016984

Cote 658.720 944/SAL

Vade-mecum assurance qualité

Auteur Christian Hersan

Éditeur Tec et doc

Langue Français

ISBN 9782852066984

Cote 658.5 /HER

Vade-mecum de l'auditeur qualité

Auteur Stéphane Mathieu

Éditeur AFNOR

Langue Français

ISBN 9782122155110

Cote 658.562/MAT

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2004 surgery supply chain performance indicators

Abstract: The article reports on 2004 Performance Indicators Study on

Healthcare Surgery Supply Chain issued by the Association for

Healthcare Resources & Materials Management. The study was presented

at the organization's 42nd Annual Conference & Exhibition in Nashville,

Tennessee. Instead of one study as in previous

years, performance indicators were divided into two distinct studies this

time. "Supply Cost Management Indicators," which was rolled out in 2003

and "Supply Chain Operational Indicators," which was introduced at the

2003 annual conference both have been included in the new study.

URL: http://goo.gl/OnDgRw

Supply chain model: operational and financial performance

Abstract: This work is aimed at making an inquiry

into supply chain management practices in Indian industries and it also

makes an analysis of supply chain performance measurement.

The supply chain performance has been measured by identified variables

in four major elements of supply chain, which are: supply, internal

operations, distribution, and customer service. A

regression model between the factor variables, extracted from the

measurement variables under the above listed four main elements

of supply chain, which are indicators

of supply chainpractice performance and financial performance indicator

s (capital utilization and profitability) have been developed. [ABSTRACT


URL: http://goo.gl/xZeCnS

Articles scientifiques

A decomposition approach for the performance analysis of a serial multi-echelon supply chain.

Abstract: Over the last decade, supply chain coordination has

attracted much attention in the context of industrial logistics systems,

because of the role played in production support logistics.

There is a growing interest in the analysis and measurement of

performances, because performance analysis allows us to build

supporting decision tools for the design, planning and management

of the supply chain.

This paper presents an analytical approach for performance analysis

based on a decomposition principle.

The approach is applied to a serial supply chain that consists of two

levels of suppliers, a production plant and a distribution center, and

operates as a pull system. This configuration is typical for bulk

materials such as grain.

The method allows us to approximately calculate performance

indicators (such as customer satisfaction and inventory levels) taking

into account all the interactions between the different echelons of

the supply chain. The accuracy of the approximations is confirmed by

the results obtained via a simulation model.

Numerical analysis allows us to outline interesting and non-intuitive

behaviour of the performance indicators for different stages of

the supply chain.

URL: http://goo.gl/FFHVU6

Indicateurs de performance

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The effect of ISO 9000 implementation on flow management.

Abstract: This study proposes an innovative flow management system

that includes product (product and logistics) and process (human,

information and decision) flow management. We identify three levels

of ISO 9000 implementation (basic, advanced and supportive) as

enablers, and operational performance as the outcome. The model was

tested using the data-set collected from 133 ISO 9001 certified

manufacturing companies in Australia. The results show that

advanced implementation is positively related to both product and

process flow management; supportive implementation is only positively

related to process flow management while basic implementation has no

significant effect on either product or process flow management. The

results also show that both product and process flow management are

positively related to operational performance. This study provides

managerial guidelines for companies that wish to improve their

innovation capabilities through ISO 9000 implementation and flow


It also contributes to the ISO 9000 and flow management literature. [

URL: http://goo.gl/yxBMJQ

Set-up reduction and inventory turnover rate

Abstract: This paper contains an analysis of the impact of set-

up time reduction and lot sizing decisions on the inventory turnover rate.

An analytical expression of the turnover rate is derived, including work-

in-process as well as finished goods inventory. The turnover rate is

analysed when set-up time is changed. Different decision rules for lot

sizing are considered. They are classified according to how the lot sizes

should be adjusted to set-up changes. Three general cases can be

distinguished. This paper gives insights into the relationships among lot

sizes, inventory turnover rate, set-up time and set-up cost. It also

contributes to the understanding of the importance of adjusting lot sizes

when reducing set-ups.

URL: http://goo.gl/3Wyi03

Articles scientifiques

Strategic Study on Enhancement of Supply Chain Performance

Abstract: Present research study is focused on supply chains in

foundry industry in India. Survey is conducted for 56 foundries in India

and found that foundries are operating at 68% of the installed

capacities and rest 32% is lost in the co-ordination between

the supply chain partners either external or internal to the


A strategical analysis of supply chain performance measurement

KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) is being carried out and constraint

KPI's in the supply chain are identified. At the

end supply chain performance by eliminating these constraint KPI's

is being measured and found that supply chain performance has been

enhanced by 7.86%. In this research work , SCOR

(Supply Chain Operations Reference) model is used for KPI selection,

AHP is utilized for decomposition of the goal, GP equations are

formulated for finding the optimum performance levels and TOC tool

is used for constraint identification.

URL: http://goo.gl/DzhWG2

Actions speak louder than benchmarking

Abstract: The article reports on the calculation of supply chain

performance indicators.

URL: http://goo.gl/9xZ0Ct

Corporations Launch First-Of-A-Kind Testing Of New Labor & Human Rights Supply Chain Performance Indicators

Abstract: Nine companies this month launched a process to test

newly-developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess

reputational risks and operational shortcomings associated

with labor and human rights factors in corporate supply chains.

Collectively, these companies source goods from 1,755 factories that

employ around 1.8 million workers in 62 countries.

URL : http://goo.gl/k3p2T6

Indicateurs de performance

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1CNRTL : Centre National des Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales : http://www.cnrtl.fr

Nouvelle approche de la

production : optimisation et maîtrise des processus

de production par la méthode MIP ; le livre MIP

Auteur : Robert Galva

Éditeur : Maxima

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782840011002

Cote : 658.5/GAL

Operations management: decision making in the

operations function

Auteur : Roger G Schroeder

Éditeur : McGraw-Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780070556126

Cote : 658.503 6/SCH

Optimisez votre plate-forme logistique

Auteur : Michel Roux

Éditeur : éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708131330

Cote : 658.7/ROU

Optimisation et supply chain

L’Optimisation est définit de manière générale comme étant le fait de « donner à quelque chose les

meilleures conditions d'utilisation, de fonctionnement, de rendement, notamment en économie » 1

L’optimisation de la supply chain consiste à mettre en œuvre des solutions adaptées pour améliorer

les performances du processus de gestion de la chaine logistique et assurer un rendement optimal du

système mis en place.

Concurrent engineering : la

maîtrise des coûts, des délais et de la


Auteur : Patrick Jagou

Éditeur Hermès

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782866013691

Cote 658.5/JAG

La maîtrise du temps (et donc des coûts, délais, qualité)

passe par l'implantation du Concurrent Engineering dans

l'entreprise. Comment le Concurrent Engineering s'intègre-t-il

à l'organisation déjà en place dans l'entreprise ? Comment le

mettre en œuvre ? Quelle est la vraie place des hommes dans

cette nouvelle structure ? Quel système d'information

technique mettre à leur disposition ? Dans quelle mesure le

Concurrent Engineering peut-il être associé à CALS ? Autant

de questions auxquelles répond cet ouvrage.


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La personnalisation de masse : comment le

système industriel peut individualiser son offre au

moindre coût

Auteur : François Ambada

Éditeur : l'Harmattan

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782343051789

Cote : 658.51/AMB

Quality costing : third edition

Auteur : Barrie Dale

Éditeur : Gower

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780566082603

Cote : 658.562/DAL

Restoring our competitive edge : competing through


Auteur : Robert H. Hayes

Éditeur : New York : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 0471051594

Cote : 658.5/HAY

Optimisation des coûts Optimisation et supply chain


This book represents a departure from existing textbooks.

Rather than covering methodology, the book introduces

decision support systems through real world applications,

and uses spreadsheets to model and solve problems. It uses

management science techniques (statistics, simulation,

probabilistic modeling and optimization), but only as tools to

facilitate problem solving. The book embraces George

Dantzig's dictum as its premise: "The final test of any theory

is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it." The

book is used in the core MBA program at MIT's Sloan School

of Management for the class titled: "Data, Models and

Decisions". It is used in over ten universities in both core and

elective classes, including Stanford University, Chicago's

graduate school of Business, Babson College, among

several others. The book contains many real business cases

from the authors' consulting experience

Data, models, and decisions: the

fundamentals of management science

Auteur : Dimitris Bertsimas

Éditeur Dynamic Ideas

Langue Anglais

ISBN : 9780975914601

Cote 658.5/BER

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Cost Reduction Still Reigns In Supply Chain Circles

Abstract: The article discusses issues related to the electronics

manufacturing industry. It highlights several critical factors in the

industry including cost reduction, partnership, and inventory

optimization as well as global support and supply chain visibility. Connie

Wan, the vice president global procurement and Asia supply chain for

electronics manufacturing services provider SMTC, discusses the

company's dependence on its top-tier distributors

URL: http://goo.gl/fmF4nb

Cost-Driven Pricing: An Innovative Approach for Managing Supply Chain Costs

Abstract: Competing successfully on a worldwide basis demands new

and innovative ways to identify and reduce supply chain costs. Buyers

and sellers who view each other as strategically important must consider

non-traditional pricing practices in their pursuit of competitive market

advantages. This discussion presents cost-driven pricing as

an innovative approach for managing the costs of selected items over the

life of a purchase contract. Without creative cost management

approaches and techniques, supply-chain members risk losing ground to

those companies that truly understand how to cooperate to succeed.

This article discusses when to apply cost versus price analytic

techniques, develops the concept of cost-driven-pricing and contracting,

presents a best-practice example that illustrates the cost-driven pricing

concept, and identifies the potential risks that must be managed

within cost-driven agreements. INSET: Applying Learning Improvements

to Cost-Driven Pricing Contracts.

URL: http://goo.gl/Ble2Go

Articles scientifiques

How to Control Runaway Freight Costs

Abstract: The article offers helpful tips on things to be considered for

controlling supply chain freight costs in the logistics sector.

Topics covered include improving or re-designing packaging design,

maximizing weight or volume load, dimensional weight pricing (DIM)

and centralizing transportation procurement through an enterprise-

wide network. Also mentioned are mode shifting strategies, using the

transportation management system (TMS) and evaluating shipper

commitment and price range.

URL: http://goo.gl/ZgsrJY

Lasso runaway technology and supply chain costs

Abstract: The article discusses the process of supply chain value

analysis which was created by the Health System Executive team at

Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. A policy and procedures were

developed to support the philosophy of supply chain value analysis.

There are stages in developing and implementing a value analysis

process. The director of value analysis conducts a financial analysis

on a new technology or product which is reviewed by the New and

Existing Technology Committee.

URL: http://goo.gl/6HhJ1T

Optimisation et supply chain

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Minimisation of supply chain cost with embedded risk using computational intelligence approaches

Abstract: Global supply chains are vulnerable towards different types

of risks and are dynamically expanding with the increase in

globalisation. Costsare associated with every risk factor that causes

disturbances in the allocation of certain goods at the required place and

time, and with the required quality and quantity.

In this paper, we consider a multi-echelon global supply chain model,

where raw material suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and markets

are located in different countries.

The paper first identifies all types of operational risk factors, their

expected value and probability of occurrence, and associated

additional cost. Based on initial information for the risk factors, optimal

decisions regarding the inter-echelon quantity flow in

the supply chain are made for a single planning horizon. Then, with the

change in the expected value of the risk factors, the intra-echelon shift of

flow is determined in order to minimise the total cost and risk factors.

Considering the complexity involved with the problem,

various computational intelligence techniques such as genetic

algorithms, particle swarm optimisation and artificial bee colony are

applied in the solution evaluation phase.

The results obtained using the developed model illustrate that the ability

to react to changes in risk factors offers potential solutions to

robust supply chain design.

URL: http://goo.gl/JAz3Kz

Optimization of total inventory cost and order fill rate in a supply chain using PSO

Abstract: his paper proposes a method to optimize both

the total cost and order fill rates in a supply chain using the particle

swarm optimization (PSO) method. This method automatically adjusts the

initial inventory levels of all tiers involved in a supply chain by

considering information quality level (IQL), which is determined by the


Articles scientifiques

availability of lead time history data. Analyses of variance are used to

examine if there are any effects of IQL on the total cost and order fill

rates. The results show that the proposed method finds better

solutions which provide a lower inventory level while maintaining

higher order fill rates than when PSO is not applied

URL: http://goo.gl/Pb6Q7x

Optimisation et supply chain

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Management, la démarche lean :

méthode, exemples, simulations

Auteur : Emmanuelle Frantin

Éditeur : Ellipses

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782729872557

Cote : 658.510 1/FRA

50 exercices en transport et logistique : études de

cas, exercices et QCM ; se préparer pour réussir

Cote : 658.575/MID

Auteur : Jean-Claude Sevin,

Éditeur : Celse

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782850093630

Cote : 658.5/SEV

Les Achats, un outil de management

Auteur : Philippe Cloüet

Éditeur : éd. d' Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708111028

Cote : 658.72/CLO

L’amélioration participative des


Auteur : Didier Noyé

Éditeur : Insep consulting éd.

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782914006057

Cote : 658.562/NOY

Outils de la chaine logistique


La première partie du livre décrit les comportements et le

changement culturel à opérer, pour tout type d'organisation.

Elle présente un mode de pensée LEAN, ciblé sur

l'élimination systématique du gaspillage et l'acquisition de

savoir-être individuels et collectifs et le respect des

personnes. La deuxième partie est consacrée aux outils

fondamentaux et aux modes de management permettant de

structurer l'amélioration continue. La troisième partie, plus

particulièrement ciblée sur l'industrie manufacturière,

présente les outils d'optimisation des flux de production et

d'information à mettre en œuvre pour maîtriser la qualité au

quotidien, pour améliorer la performance et la fiabilité des

équipements et pour réduire les délais de traitement et

d'acheminement. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à

l'extension de la démarche LEAN aux services supports et

plus généralement au secteur tertiaire (présentation

pédagogique et pratique des outils et méthodes et avec de

nombreux exemples et simulations)

La boîte à outils du responsable R&D

Auteur : Fabrice Devaux

Éditeur Dunod

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782100531967

Cote 658.57/DEV

Métier essentiel de l'entreprise, la R (également désignée par

bureau d'études, direction technique, ingénierie, laboratoire ou

centre de recherches), doit développer des connaissances

techniques spécifiques et les articuler pour proposer un

nouveau produit ou un nouveau service. Face à cette

responsabilité, le responsable R utilise des outils multiples,

regroupés ici en 5 dossiers transversaux et 3 dossiers

spécifiques (recherche, projets et produits). Les outils des 5

premiers dossiers s'appliquent à l'ensemble des activités de R

: fixer une direction, protéger les inventions, financer et

évaluer, gérer les ressources humaines de R, stimuler la

créativité. Les 3 dossiers suivant rassemblent : des outils pour

les activités scientifiques, des outils qui intéresseront les

laboratoires et des outils spécifiques au développement

industriel de produits ou de services. Ces 55 outils ,

indispensables à la réussite des activité de R, sont traités de

façon visuelle sur deux ou quatre pages, incluant le résumé en

français et en anglais, des conseils méthodologiques, les

avantages et les précautions à prendre.


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Développer un nouveau produit : méthodes et outils

Auteur : David Gotteland

Éditeur Pearson

Langue Français

ISBN : 9782744071218

Cote 658.575/GOT

Améliorer la productivité : déploiement industriel du

tolérancement inertiel

Auteur : Maurice Pillet

Éditeur : Éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212547542

Cote : 658.562/PIL

Artificialisme : introduction à une théorie

de la conception

Auteur : Jean-Pierre Micaëlli

Éditeur : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes

Langue :Français

ISBN : 9782880745400

Cote : 658.503 8/MIC

La boîte à outils de l'acheteur

Auteur : Stéphane Canonne

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100587629

Cote : 658.720 944/CAN

Outils de la chaine logistique


Le développement de nouveaux produits est une activité

centrale pour la survie de l'entreprise. Pourtant, la plupart de

ces innovations échouent, et si le nombre de lancements ne

cesse de croître, le taux d'échec suit la même courbe.

Comprendre les raisons de ces échecs et de ces succès

permet de mieux garantir la performance commerciale et

financière d'une innovation produit. Cet ouvrage complet,

pluridisciplinaire et opérationnel présente l'ensemble des

problématiques et des outils du lancement d'un nouveau

produit : L'intégralité du processus de lancement de produit

est détaillée en six étapes faisant chacune l'objet d'un

chapitre : la découverte et la sélection des idées nouvelles,

l'élaboration de différents concepts, la sélection des concepts

les plus performants, la matérialisation d'un concept en

différents prototypes et en un produit fini, la mise en œuvre

de marchés tests, et, finalement, le lancement du produit.

A little guide for the use of managers

Auteur : Cécile Roche

Éditeur l'Harmattan

Langue Anglais

ISBN : 9782343059181

Cote 658.510 11/ROC

Résumé “Lean? Just common sense! Besides long ago it is used

without using the word. " "Lean is doing more with less. It's

more stress for everyone. " In a world in permanent crisis,

where change is the norm, Lean becomes fashionable. It's

quite fun for an approach that has over sixty years ... But it's

also an opportunity to hear a lot of misconceptions about it....

This book, with simple concepts and illustrated with many

examples, analyzes the main misconceptions about Lean,

taking each time the views of managers and operational

concerned. It illuminates the point of view of different experts

on the subject, by showing the complementarities of these

approaches. This is a simple and comprehensive guide to

understand Lean as an approach, beyond the use of the most

popular, (or more mysterious) tools, decked out not always

well-understood acronyms (5S, VSM, Kaizen...).

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Competing through supply chain management

Auteur : David F Ross

Éditeur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781441947277

Cote : 658.72/ROS

Designing and managing

the supply chain

Auteur : Hugues Molet,

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866016487

Cote: 658.5/MOL

Fonction achats et

approvisionnements en PME : guide pratique

Auteur : Hélène Person

Éditeur : Maxima

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782840015291

Cote : 658.720 944/PER

Outils de la chaine logistique The complete business

process handbook

Auteur : Mark Von Rosing

Éditeur : Elsevier

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780127999593

Cote : 658.5/ROS

Distribution resource


Auteur : André J. Martin

Éditeur : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780471132226

Cote : 658.788/MAR

Generative emergence : a new discipline of organizational,

entrepreneurial, and social innovation

Auteur : Benyamin Lichtenstein

Éditeur : Oxford University Press

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780199933594

Cote : 658.514/LIC

Faire bien à tous les coups : l’approche Deming

Auteur : Frank Price

Éditeur : AFNOR

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782124704118

Cote : 658.56/PRI

Les fiches outils du lean six sigma

Auteur : Romain Hennion

Éditeur : Eyrolles

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212563726

Cote : 658.5/HEN

Gestion des approvisionnements et des

stocks dans la chaîne logistique

Auteur : Gilles Lasnier

Éditeur : Lavoisier-Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782746246928

Cote : 658.72/LAS

Gestion et management des achats

Auteur : Thierry Monteil Éditeur : Vuibert

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782311620504

Cote : 658.72/MON

Le guide de la TPM : total productive maintenance

Auteur : Jean Bufferne

Éditeur : Éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212551884

Cote : 658.5/BUF

Le guide qualité de résolution de problème : le

secret de l'efficacité japonaise

Auteur : Katsuya Hosotani

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100033317

Cote : 658.5/HOS

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Integrated product, process and enterprise design

Auteur : Ben Wang

Éd iteur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781461379324

Cote : 658.575/WAN

Introduction à la conception innovante

Auteur : Marine Agogué

Éditeur : Presses des Mines

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782911256998

Cote : 658.575/AGO

Just-in-time scheduling : models and algorithms for

computer and manufacturing systems

Auteur : Marine Agogué

Éditeur : Presses des Mines

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782911256998

Cote : 658.575/AGO

Outils de la chaine logistique Lean management : outils,

méthodes, retours d'expériences …

Auteur : Christian Hohmann

Éditeur : Eyrolles

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212553819

Cote : 658.510 11/HOH

La logistique : recherches et mise en œuvre

Auteur : Pascal Lièvre Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866015572

Cote : 658.5/LIE

Logistique en Europe : une nouvelle stratégie-client

Auteur : Claude Fiore

Éditeur : les Ed. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708111868

Cote : 658.500 94/FIO

Logistique et les nouvelles technologies de

l'information et de la communication

Auteur : Slimane Allab

Éditeur : Économica

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782717840483

Cote : 658.51/ALL

Machine scheduling problems

Auteur : A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan

Éditeur : Martinus Nijhoff

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9789024718481

Cote : 658.51/KAN

Méthodes et organisations pour une meilleure


Auteur : François Monchy

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100579679

Cote : 658.51/MON

Maîtrise de la qualité totale : outils de la maîtrise

statistique des processus (MSP ou SPC)

Auteur : Elbekkaye Ziane

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866013622

Cote : 658.562 01/ZIA

La maîtrise statistique des procédés : objectif Six


Auteur : Gilles Lasnier

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782746229969

Cote : 658.562/LAS

Maîtrise statistique des procédés : principes et cas


Auteur : François Bergeret

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100559251

Cote : 658.5/BER

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Supply Chain


Management de la production : concepts,

méthodes, cas

Auteur : Anne Gratacap Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100525232

Cote : 658.5/GRA

Management des achats et de la supply chain

Auteur : David Doriol

Éditeur : Vuibert

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782311009149

Cote : 658.720 9/DOR

The management of quality and its control

Auteur : Charles Tapiero

Éditeur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781461358527

Cote : 658.568/TAP

Outils de la chaine logistique L’anglais du transport et de

la logistique

Auteur : Aude Anglade-Piroud,

Éditeur Groupe Studyrama

Langue Anglais & Français

ISBN : 9782759025374

Cote : 658.500 3/ANG

Manager avec les ERP : architecture orientée

services (SOA)

Auteur : Jean-Louis Lequeux,

Éditeur : Eyrolles

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782212540949

Cote : 658.503/LEQ

Mettre en oeuvre le Six sigma

Auteur : Caroline Fréchet

Éditeur : éd. d'Organisation

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782708121201

Cote : 658.562/FRE

Modeling the supply chain

Auteur : Jeremy F. Shapiro

Éditeur : Cengage Learning

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780495126119

Cote : 658.7/SHA


Auteur : Patrick Esquirol

Éditeur : Économica

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782717837988

Cote : 658.54/ESQ

Orlicky's : material requirements planning

Auteur : Carol. Ptak

Éditeur : McGraw-Hill

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780071755634

Cote : 658.7/PTA

Petit guide lean à l'usage des managers

Auteur : Cécile Roche

Éditeur : l'Harmattan

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782343017761

Cote : 658.510 11/ROC

Plant service tours oper manag

Auteur : Roger W. Schmenner

Éditeur : Macmillan Publishing Company

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780024073846

Cote : 658.5/SCH

Politique d'achat et gestion des approvisionnements

Auteur : Olivier Bruel

Éditeur : Paris : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100519705

Cote : 658.72/BRU

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Supply Chain


Outils de la chaine logistique Politique d'achat et gestion

des approvisionnements

Auteur : Olivier Bruel

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100590124

Cote : 658.72/BRU

Pratique de la gestion de stocks

Auteur : Pierre Zermati,

Éditeur : Dunod

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100491599

Cote : 658.72/ZER

Pratique du lean : réduire les pertes en conception,

production et industrialisation

Auteur : Éric Chassende-Baroz

Éditeur : "L'Usine nouvelle"

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782100531783

Cote : 658.515/CHA

Scheduling : theory, algorithms, and systems

Auteur : Michael L. Pinedo,

Éditeur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781461419860

Cote : 658.53/PIN

Principles of sequencing and scheduling

Auteur : Kenneth R. Baker

Éditeur : Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780470391655

Cote : 658.53/BAK

Pratique industrielle des plans d'expériences : la qualité à moindre coût ;

l'approche Taguchi

Auteur : Jacques Alexis

Éditeur : AFNOR

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782124650385

Cote : 658.56/ALE

Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and


Auteur : Sunil Chopra

Éditeur : Pearson Education

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780273765226

Cote : 658.7/CHO

Supply chain management and advanced planning

Auteur : Christoph Kilger

Éditeur : Springer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 978 3642553080

Cote : 658.5/KIL

Système lean : penser l'entreprise au plus juste

Auteur : James P. Womack

Éditeur : Pearson-Village mondial

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782744073915

Cote : 658.510 11/WOM

Systèmes de production : modélisation et performances

Auteur : Gilles Rodde

Éditeur : Hermès

Langue : Français

ISBN : 9782866012021

Cote : 658.5/ROD

When tradition turns into innovation

Auteur : Antonio Petruzzelli,

Éditeur : Chandos publishing

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9781843346647

Cote : 658.757/PET

Work methods and measurement for


Auteur : Leonard A. Doty,

Éditeur : Delmar Publishers

Langue : Anglais

ISBN : 9780827338302

Cote : 658.542/DOT

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Effect of information sharing in supply chains with flexibility

Abstract: Coordination plays a pivotal role in successful design and

implementation of supply chains, especially for those that are formed by

independent and autonomous companies. More specifically, information

sharing has widely been regarded as an essential tool to coordinate

supply chains activities in order to overcome supply chains dynamics.

A major contribution of this paper is to analyze the effects of negotiation-

based information sharing in a distributed make-to-order manufacturing

supply chain in a multi-period, multi-product types environment, which is

modelled as a multi-agent system. Information can only be exchanged

through negotiation in the agent-based framework with delivery quantity

and due date flexibility, which is significantly different from the past

reported literature that shared information is available anytime. Four

schemes, namely, stochastic model (STO), flexibility in delivery quantity

and due date without information sharing (FLEX_NI), flexibility in delivery

quantity and due date with partial information sharing (FLEX_PI),

and flexibility in delivery quantity and due date with full information

sharing (FLEX_FI), are considered.

Simulation results indicate that FLEX_PI in the system has comparable

performance in terms of total cost and fill rate against FLEX_FI, while both

systems outperform STO and FLEX_NI. Considering the associated costs

and limitations to achieve full information sharing,

partial information sharing may be more practical in real-life applications.

Nevertheless, the proposed agent-based framework with delivery quantity

and due date flexibility but without information sharing (i.e. FLEX_NI) is

not that worse as compared with the two schemes

of information sharing (FLEX_PI and FLEX_FI). Therefore, by taking the

difficulties of implementing information sharing into account, flexibility in

delivery quantity and due date that could be introduced may be a more

feasible solution.

URL: http://goo.gl/AqyoVI

Articles scientifiques

Development of Supply Chain Tools Using Genetic Algorithm and Comparison with Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithms

Abstract: Inventories, facilities and transportation are considered to

be the important tools of supply chain management. The efficiency of

any manufacturing unit can be increased if the above elements are

under proper control. In today's scenario, one of the significant fields

in supply chain management is inventory management.

To effectively manage inventory levels, it is essential to consider the

appropriate reorder points as well as the optimized ordering quantity

at that reorder point for the inventory items. In this paper, the

optimized ordering quantity and reorder points are obtained with the

aid of a proposed genetic algorithm.

This proposed system considers the raw material-wise holding cost

and shortage cost to find the minimized total cost. The ordering

quantity and reorder points that minimize the cost function are found

by using the demand rate as well as the associated solution demand

matrix. Further,

the robustness of the proposed technique is compared to that of the

other familiar optimization algorithms such as particle swarm

optimization and simulated annealing optimization techniques.

The results prove that the proposed methodology is more efficient as

compared to other optimization techniques.

URL: http://goo.gl/APMxGX

Outils de la chaine logistique

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New direction in quality engineering: supply chain quality modelling

Abstract: Applying quality engineering to the manufacturing supply

chain is an area that has not been fully explored. This paper highlights the

need for supply chain quality modelling tools to augment the vast array

of quality tools used to predict and improve quality within a single

corporate entity. The thesis of this paper is that network models are

necessary to plan and improve quality in manufacturing supply chains.

These models should augment, not replace, existing informational and

organizational approaches to managing quality in the supply chain.

Supply chain quality modelling is discussed in theoretical terms, and then

two simple examples are given: a discrete example regarding a module

required by an automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM); and a

continuous example regarding production of a mechanical pencil lead.

Future research topics in supply chain quality modelling are suggested

as multi-company adaptations of design of experiments, tolerance

analysis and allocation, performance analysis, and statistical process


URL: http://goo.gl/RRt1EF

Supply Chain Risk Assessment Tools and Techniques in the Automobile Industry: A Survey.

Abstract: The importance of managing risk beyond the boundaries of a

firm is widely recognized, and the new concept, Supply Chain Risk

Management (SCRM) has attracted the attention of practitioners and

academicians across the globe. Supply chain risk assessment is a critical

step in SCRM. Companies use different tools and techniques for risk

assessment in supply chain.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate SCRM practices and identify

the tools and techniques used by the Indian automobile companies.

A survey was carried out to address the above-mentioned research

questions. The results showed that SCM managers rely on still checklist,

likelihood/impact matrix and scenario analysis.

Supply chain risk assessment practices can be improved by using

techniques like Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), simulations and

others like HaZop. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

URL: http://goo.gl/v8jA4U

Articles scientifiques

Supply-chain networks: a complex adaptive systems perspective

Abstract: In this era, information technology is revolutionizing almost

every domain of technology and society, whereas the 'complexity

revolution' is occurring in science at a silent pace. In this paper, we

look at the impact of the two,

in the context of supply-chain networks. With the advent of

information technology, supply chains have acquired a complexity

almost equivalent to that of biological systems. However, one of the

major challenges that we are facing in supply-chain management is

the deployment of coordination strategies that lead to adaptive,

flexible and coherent collective behavior in supply chains.

The main hurdle has been the lack of the principles that govern

how supply chains with complex organizational structure and

function arise and develop, and what organizations and functionality

are attainable, given specific kinds of lower-level constituent entities.

The study of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), has been a research

effort attempting to find common characteristics and/or formal

distinctions among complex systems arising in diverse domains (like

biology, social systems, ecology and technology) that might lead to a

better understanding of how complexity occurs, whether it follows any

general scientific laws of nature, and how it might be related to

simplicity. In this paper, we argue that supply chains should be

treated as a CAS.

With this recognition, we propose how various concepts. tools and

techniques used in the study of CAS can be exploited to characterize

and model supply-chain networks. These tools and techniques are

based on the fields of nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics and

information theory.

URL: http://goo.gl/p0Q8bK

Outils de la chaine logistique

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The effect of human factors on the performance of a two level supply chain.

Abstract: Many studies have addressed the issue of coordination in

a supply chain. Coordinating mechanisms such as joint lot sizing models,

quantity discounts and delay in payments have been used to achieve

coordination in a supply chain.

An important omission in this literature is the role of human factors, in

particular inspection errors and learning, as a tool to improve

coordination in a supply chain.

In this paper, two coordination mechanisms found in the literature are

integrated into a model for a two-level supply chain in which the incoming

quality level of raw materials provided to a vendor by a set of suppliers is

not perfect. The model addresses supply chain coordination by

specifically investigating the role of different human factors on the total

cost of the supply chain. These factors are: (a) type I and type II

inspection errors; (b) learning in the production process; and (c) learning

in quality at the suppliers’ end.

Numerical examples are used to compare the costs of the three

extensions with the base model (with no defectives).

URL: http://goo.gl/g87LtQ

U.S. healthcare fix: leveraging the lessons from the food supply chain.


BACKGROUND: U.S. healthcare costs consistently outpace inflation,

causing growing problems of affordability. This trend cannot be sustained


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to use supply-chain tools for

macro-level examination of the U.S. healthcare as a business system and

identify options and best use practices.

METHOD: We compare the important and successful U.S. food industry to

the essential but problematic U.S. healthcare industry. Supply

chain strategies leading to food business operations success are

examined and healthcare applications suggested. We emphasize "total

cost of ownership" which includes all costs incurred by all stakeholders

of U.S healthcare, including maintenance and cleanup, not just the initial

Articles scientifiques

purchase price.

RESULTS: U.S. hospitals and clinics can use supply chain strategies

in a total cost of ownership framework to reduce healthcare costs

while maintaining patient care quality.

Supply chain strategies of resource pooling, mass customization,

centralized logistics, specialization, postponement and continuous

improvement that have been successfully used in the U.S.

food industry should be more widely applied to the U.S. healthcare

industry. New and growing areas of telemedicine and medical tourism

should be included in the supply chain analysis of U.S. healthcare.

Valid statistical analysis of results in all areas of U.S. healthcare is an

important part of the process.

CONCLUSIONS: U.S. healthcare industry problems are systematic

operational and supply chain problems rather than problems with

workforce or technology. Examination of the U.S. healthcare industry

through a supply chain framework should lead to significant

operational improvement in both prevention and treatment of acute

and chronic ailments.

A rational and unemotional reorganization of the U.S. healthcare

system operations, using supply chain strategies, should help reduce

healthcare costs while maintaining quality and increasing


URL: http://goo.gl/KVzjjj

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1 Observatoire de la Supply Chain. (2008). Livre blanc « Supply Chain verte : enjeux et maturité des entreprises »

Green supply chain

l’émergence du concept de la Green supply chain (chaîne logistique verte) qui est « une démarche

visant à minimiser l’empreinte écologique d’un produit, tout au long de son cycle de vie » 1.Elle

intègre le volet environnemental dans toutes les étapes de la supply chain management qui

incluent :

- Les approvisionnements

- La conception et le design

- Le sourcing de matières premières

- Les procédés de fabrication

- Le recyclage

L’adaptation aux changements climatique causés

par le réchauffement de la planète, constitue,

d’après de nombreux scientifiques et chercheurs,

le principal enjeu de ce siècle.

Ces changements auront des répercussions

négatives non seulement sur l’environnement

mais inéluctablement sur tous les autres aspects

économiques et sociaux.

La volonté de protéger et préserver

l’environnement remettent aujourd’hui en cause la

conception classique de la chaine logistique d’’où

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Adoption of green supply chain management practices and their impact on performance: an exploratory study of Indian manufacturing firms

Abstract: Research on green supply chain management (GSCM) or

sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) has attracted increased

attention in recent years. Although GSCM/SSCM has been studied for

developed and developing countries, there has been little information

about the adoption of GSCM/SSCM practices in India.

This article presents one of the earliest surveys on GSCM practices in

Indian manufacturing firms. The items for the survey were developed

based on the extant literature and feedback from corporates. Some of the

major findings of the survey are as follows.

We found that the state of adoption of GSCM practices by Indian firms was

still in its infancy, the awareness of environmental sustainability was quite

low among consumers, and the regulatory framework was also lacking in

terms of promoting environmental sustainability.

Results of data analysis showed that supplier collaboration for

environmental sustainability had a positive impact on environmentally

sustainable product design and logistics, which in turn was positively

related to competitiveness and economic performance of the firm. We

compared the results with the observations made by other researchers

for developed and developing countries and provided managerial

implications for the government and manufacturers as to what steps need

to be taken to generate awareness towards environmental sustainability

and facilitate the adoption of GSCM practices among Indian firms to a

greater extent. We conclude the paper by indicating directions for future

research on GSCM/SSCM.

URL: http://goo.gl/yifYCO

Articles scientifiques

A Framework for Research on Green Supply Chain Management

Abstract: The literature on sustainable/green supply chain

management (SSCM/GSCM) has been non-uniform in terms of

defining constructs, variables, and causal relationships among

constructs. This article reviews the impact of SSCM/GSCM on firm

performance with a view to identifying the most commonly used

practices and proposing new constructs, variables, and construct

relationships by drawing from the literature on SSCM/GSCM, reverse

logistics, closed-loop supply chains, and strategic management. This

article also builds a conceptual framework, grounded in theory,

linking GSCM practices with firm performance, and presents

propositions that may be tested in future studies on SSCM.

URL: http://goo.gl/ieV0GN

Drivers Affecting the Green Supply Chain Management Adaptation: A Review

Abstract: Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is now

considered as a main part of organizational strategies to become

environment-friendly and socially responsible, and to fulfill the

customer demand and meet government compliances. GSCM has

received attention not only from organizations but also from

academicians. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on

GSCM drivers/pressures and to find out the most effective drivers. The

review of GSCM drivers gives us 14 drivers that have significant

impact on implementation of GSCM practices in the organizations,

and the results indicate that regulations, customer pressure and

competition are the key drivers, while social responsibility, business

benefits and organizational factors are of intermediate importance.

URL: http://goo.gl/FIEJ0o

Green supply chain

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A decision-making model for Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green supply chain management

Abstract: In modern business environments, an effective supply chain

management (SCM) is crucial to business continuity. Competition

between supply chains (SC) has replaced the traditional competition

between companies. Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green (LARG) paradigms

are advocated as the foundation of a competitive SCM. To make

a supply chain more competitive, capable of responding to the demands

of customers with agility and capable of responding effectively to

unexpected disturbance, in conjugation with environmental

responsibilities and the necessity to eliminate processes that add no

value, companies must implement a set of LARG SCM practices and key

performance indicators (KPI) to measure their influence on the SC

performance. However, the selection of the best LARG SCM practices and

KPIs is a complex problem, involving dependencies and feedbacks. This

paper proposes an integrated LARG analytic network process (ANP)

model to support decision-making in choosing the most appropriate

practices and KPIs to be implemented by companies in an SC. To validate

the model in an exploratory approach, a case study in an

automaker supply chain is presented. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]

URL: http://goo.gl/cfepsG

A Green Supply Chain Design with Product Life Cycle Considerations

Abstract: Due to rising consciousness in recent decades about

environmental protection, many issues related to green supply chain

management have been discussed by businesses and governments at all

levels. Different from traditional supply chain management, green supply

chain management concerns itself with environmental impacts and

material utilization issues, which make the selection of

the supply chain actors a more complicated decision than usual.

However, the procedure of selecting the supply chain actors is strongly

guided by the product life cycle. This article emphasizes the importance

of taking into account the product life cycle in a green supply chain design

and suggests a way to do so.

URL: http://goo.gl/Q2NDa4

Articles scientifiques

A Comparative Study of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Indian, Japanese and Chinese Companies

Abstract: This paper aims to introduce and compare the

environmental issue, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and

its practice in large companies of India, Japan and China by examining

121 Indian organizations for their involvement in GSCM.

Along with this, performance improvement in terms of GSCM for

Indian companies relative to Japanese and Chinese companies is also

analyzed. The paper focuses on various GSCM factors like internal

environmental management, green purchasing, customer

cooperation with environmental considerations, eco design and

investment recovery, and company performance in terms of

environmental performance, operational performance, and financial


The comparative analysis reveals that Indian organizations fare quite

well in implementing GSCM. In segments like internal

environmental management and investment recovery,

Indian companies have made significant improvement. Further, Indian

organizations perform consistently well even at initial stages of GSCM


The analysis also reveals that GSCM efforts have resulted in

significant environmental and operational performance and moderate

financial performance for Indian organizations.

In short, India is doing better than China, and relative to Japanese

companies, Indian organizations are competing in some segments

while lagging behind in others

URL: http://goo.gl/xKCwXy

Green supply chain

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Green supply chain management in local and multinational high-tech companies located in Brazil

Abstract: The objective of this article is to analyse how green supply chain

management (GSCM) practices are being adopted by some high-tech

companies located in Brazil.

The research was conducted using the case study approach, focusing on

eight companies that are representative of this sector. The main results

are: (a) the most adopted GSCM practices in the studied high-tech

companies located in Brazil are internal environmental management,

investment recovery and reverse logistics and (b) Brazilian environmental

legislation and international policies are very important in driving the

adoption of GSCM practices. The internationalisation of companies was

also found to be a variable that interferes with the adoption of GSCM

practices. This is one of the first studies that examine the relationship

between GSCM and the internationalisation of companies located in


URL: http://goo.gl/gpu4sB

Green Supply Chain Management Initiatives by IT Companies in India

Abstract: Green Supply Chain Management (GrSCM), which integrates

environmental thinking right from conceptualization and management of

production, distribution and consumption to end-of-life management of

the product, has become a growing concern for Indian industries. One of

the most polluting industries, the Information Technology (IT) is

generating alarming magnitude of e-waste which involves social and

environmental hazards. This research paper uses the case study

approach to explore the green initiatives followed by the three major

Indian IT companies to manage their supply chain. The study summarizes

the steps taken by these companies with respect

to green manufacturing, green procurement, green packaging, recycling

and e-waste management, that have helped them to make

their supply chains more cost efficient as well as environment-friendly.

These green initiatives by the companies also distinguish them from their

competitors and help them to improve their brand image. The paper also

identifies some of the major challenges to the effective implementation of

rules by the government and desired outcome of the green initiatives.

URL: http://goo.gl/9xYXp0

Articles scientifiques

Designing the Green Supply Chain Performance Optimisation Model Abstract: There is a growing concern that business enterprises and

their supply chains focus on economic activities while ignoring their

impact on the environment.

An attempt is made here to develop a green supply chain to address

this concern. With the objectives of achieving economic growth and

environmental protection, the paper develops a green supply chain

performance measures and proposes a partner selection and flow

allocation decision making model.

An integrated methodology of structural equation modeling (SEM),

analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and multi objective linear

programming (MOLP), has been applied to the proposed model. To

assess green performance of a supply chain, a scale is developed that

includes qualitative as well as quantitative measures. Using the scale

and the survey data of 278 business organizations from Indian apparel

industry supply chain network, the SEM model is developed to

estimate the weights of the green constructs and their measures.

Based on the measures, relative scores of different supply chain

alternatives (i.e. suppliers, manufacturing plants, distribution and

logistics) are calculated by the AHP.

The weights estimated by the SEM approach are combined with AHP

relative scores to obtain weighted relative scores of different available

alternatives. These weighted relative scores are then used in MOLP

problem formulation for partner selection and flow allocation decision


To illustrate the use of the optimization model, real-time data from an

apparel manufacturer are presented.

URL: http://goo.gl/0lpjAh

Green supply chain

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Résumé Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises Management addresses prominent concepts and applications of AI technologies in the management of networked manufacturing enterprises. The aim of this book is to align latest practices, innovation and case studies with academic frameworks and theories, where AI techniques are used efficiently for networked manufacturing enterprises. More specifically, it includes the latest research results and projects at different levels addressing quick-response system, theoretical performance analysis, performance and capability demonstration. The role of emerging AI technologies in the modelling, evaluation and optimisation of networked enterprises' activities at different decision levels is also covered. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises Management is a valuable guide for postgraduates and researchers in industrial engineering, computer science, automation and operations research.

Supply chain simulation: a system dynamics approach for improving performance Auteur : CAMPUZANO Francisco

Éditeur : Springer Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9780857297198

Résumé Supply Chain Simulation allows readers to practice modeling and simulating a multi-level supply chain. The chapters are a combination of the practical and the theoretical, covering: knowledge of simulation methods and techniques, the conceptual framework of a typical supply chain, the main concepts of system dynamics, and a set of practice problems with their corresponding solutions. The problem set includes illustrations and graphs relating to the simulation results of the Vensim® program, the main code of which is also provided. The examples used are a valuable simulation tool that can be modified and extended according to user requirements. The objective of Supply Chain Simulation is to meet the demands of supply chain simulation or similar courses taught at the postgraduate level. The 'what if' analysis recreates different simulation scenarios to improve the decision-making process in terms of supply chain performance, making the book useful not only for postgraduate students, but also for industrial practitioners.

The Supply Chain Management Handbook: Everything You Need To Know About Supply Chain Management

Auteur : BURRIS Gerald Éditeur : Emereo Publishing Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9781489121424

Résumé This book is your ultimate Supply Chain Management resource. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, facts, quotes and much more. In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Supply Chain Management's whole picture right away. Get countless Supply Chain Management facts right at your fingertips with this essential resource. The Supply Chain Management Handbook is the single and largest Supply Chain Management reference book. This compendium of information is the authoritative source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs. It will be your go-to source for any Supply Chain Management questions. A mind-tickling encyclopedia on Supply Chain Management, a treat in its entirety and an oasis of learning about what you don't yet know...but are glad you found. The Supply Chain Management Handbook will answer all of your needs, and much more.

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Autres documents

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Auteur : FAHIMNIA Behnam Éditeur : Springer Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9783319171807

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Auteur : SARKIS Joseph Éditeur : Springer Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9781846282980

Résumé This book analyzes environmental supply chain management theory and practice, with contributions by a international experts. Coverage includes concepts and principles of green supply chain management; studies of practices and concerns in industries worldwide; tools for environmental supply chain design and development; and case studies of green supply chain practices. Professionals, policy makers, researchers and students will value this book for the insights it provides into a topic of growing concern

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Résumé This detailed resource provides a stage-by-stage production methodology within the life cycle of a product to ensure environmental compliance and economic goals. After covering basic concepts and background, Green Supply Chain Management: Product Life Cycle Approach discusses green engineering technologies, green value chain management, and green information management systems. The book delivers the knowledge to quantify the environmental impact on supply chains and identify opportunities for making improvements, leading to both green engineering and green management of a product.

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Auteur : AMIRVAGHEFI Seyed Mojtaba Éditeur : Wiley-ISTE Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9783659494963

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Environmental Management: Readings and Cases Auteur : RUSSOG Michael V.

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Supply Chain Management: Fundamentals, Strategy, Analytics & Planning for Supply Chain & Logistics Management

Auteur : ZIDAN Khalid Éditeur : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Langue : Anglais ISBN : 9781533457868

Résumé The difference in the modern era is not that supply chains have been invented but that they have become a much more complicated proposition, given the expansion of the international economy that’s been made possible by the rise of the internet and globalization. Whereas in the past businesses worked with mainly local or regional suppliers and factories, the door is now opened for a company in the United States to own a factory in India and a warehouse in Japan—all without having ever stepped foot outside their city. The customer end of the supply chain has been similarly opened up. Shopping on the internet allows anyone, anywhere to find and buy from your company—a double-edged sword that lets you expand your reach even as a small business but also increases the competition presented by other small businesses everywhere in the world.

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Documents papiers .

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S'auditer pour progresser Scheduling : theory, algorithms, and systems Service management Supply chain logistics management Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation Supply chain management and advanced planning : concepts, models, software, and case studies Système lean : penser l'entreprise au plus juste Systèmes de production : modélisation et performances Talent Toyota : les hommes au coeur de la réussite Toyota production system : an integrated approach to just-in-time, 4th edition Usine intégrée Vade-mecum assurance qualité Vade-mecum de l'auditeur qualité When tradition turns into innovation : how firms can create and appropriate value through tradition Work methods and measurement for management

Articles scientifiques . .

2004 surgery supply chain performance indicators. Actions speak louder than benchmarking Adoption of green supply chain management practices and their impact on performance: an exploratory study of Indian manufacturing firms. Comparative Study of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Indian, Japanese and Chinese Companies. Corporations Launch First-Of-A-Kind Testing Of New Labor & Human Rights Supply Chain Performance Indicators Cost Reduction Still Reigns In Supply Chain Circles. Cost-Driven Pricing: An Innovative Approach for Managing Supply Chain Costs. A decision-making model for Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green supply chain management. A decomposition approach for the performance analysis of a serial multi-echelon supply chain. Designing the Green Supply Chain Performance Optimisation Model Development of Supply Chain Tools Using Genetic Algorithm and Comparison with Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithms. Drivers Affecting the Green Supply Chain Management Adaptation: A Review. Effect of human factors on the performance of a two level supply chain. Effect of information sharing in supply chains with flexibility. Effect of ISO 9000 implementation on flow management. Flow Management in Flexible Manufacturing Cells with Pipeline Operations. Flow Management to Optimize Retail Profits at Theme Parks Framework for Research on Green Supply Chain Management. Global Flow Management: A Synthesis of Concepts and Approaches. Green Supply Chain Design with Product Life Cycle Considerations. Green supply chain management in local and multinational high-tech companies located in Brazil. Green Supply Chain Management Initiatives by IT Companies in India. How to Control Runaway Freight Costs. Interprofessional team dynamics and information flow management in emergency departments

































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Lasso runaway technology and supply chain costs. Material flow management in cellular configurations for small-lot, circuit card assembly. Minimisation of supply chain cost with embedded risk using computational intelligence approaches. New direction in quality engineering: supply chain quality modelling. Optimal Deal Flow Management for Direct Real Estate Investments. Optimization of total inventory cost and order fill rate in a supply chain using PSO Set-up reduction and inventory turnover rate. Strategic Information Management under Leakage in a Supply Chain. Strategic Study on Enhancement of Supply Chain Performance. SUPPLY CHAIN MODEL: OPERATIONAL AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. Supply Chain Risk Assessment Tools and Techniques in the Automobile Industry: A Survey. Supply-chain networks: a complex adaptive systems perspective. U.S. healthcare fix: leveraging the lessons from the food supply chain.


















