DRILLING #8 Subjec t : Science Name : Chapte r : Final exam Class/ absent : Grade : 7, Junior High School Signatur e : Pay attention to the statement below! Ahmad memiliki sebuah eksperiment. Tujuan dari eksperiment yang Ia lakukan adalah mengetahui pengaruh kadar detergen dalam air terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan cupang. Ahmad mencoba dengan beberapa perlakuan dengan jumlah kadar detergen 0% sampai 70%. Setelah eksperiment dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa semakin tinggi kadar detergen maka kelangsungan hidup ikan cupang semakin terganggung yang berakibat pada lemas sampai kematiannya ikan Cupang. 1. Berikut merupakan variable bebas, variable tidak bebas/terikat, variable control dari eksperiment tersebut adalah…. a. Kadar detergen, kondisi ikan cupang, eksperiment tanpa kadar detergen b. kondisi ikan cupang, kadar detergen, eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 40% c. Kadar detergen, kondisi ikan cupang, eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 70% d. kondisi ikan cupang, kadar detergen, eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 0% 2. pay attention to the statements below! 1) State/ask the problem 2) Collecting and analyzing the data 3) Testing hypothesis by doing experiment 4) Construct hypothesis 5) State conclusion of the experiments Here the step of scientific methods consecutively is…. (state:menentukan,ask:menanyakan,p roblem:masalah,collect:mengumpulka n,analyze:menganalisa,data:data,testi ng:menguji,doing:melakukan,construc t:menyusun,conclusion:kesimpulan) a. 3-1-4-5-2 b. 1-4-3-2-5 c. 1-4-2-3-5 d. 3-1-4-2-5 For question number 3-4, study the following figure 3. The place to put the slide object is shown in number…. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 12 1

Drilling #8 Final Exam biologi grade 7th

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DRILLING #8Subject : Science Name : Chapter : Final exam Class/absent : Grade : 7, Junior High School Signature :

Pay attention to the statement below!

Ahmad memiliki sebuah eksperiment. Tujuan dari eksperiment yang Ia lakukan adalah mengetahui pengaruh kadar detergen dalam air terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan cupang. Ahmad mencoba dengan beberapa perlakuan dengan jumlah kadar detergen 0% sampai 70%. Setelah eksperiment dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa semakin tinggi kadar detergen maka kelangsungan hidup ikan cupang semakin terganggung yang berakibat pada lemas sampai kematiannya ikan Cupang.1. Berikut merupakan variable bebas,

variable tidak bebas/terikat, variable control dari eksperiment tersebut adalah….a. Kadar detergen, kondisi ikan cupang,

eksperiment tanpa kadar detergenb. kondisi ikan cupang, kadar detergen,

eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 40%

c. Kadar detergen, kondisi ikan cupang, eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 70%

d. kondisi ikan cupang, kadar detergen, eksperiment dengan kadar detergen 0%

2. pay attention to the statements below!1) State/ask the problem2) Collecting and analyzing the data3) Testing hypothesis by doing

experiment 4) Construct hypothesis 5) State conclusion of the experiments Here the step of scientific methods consecutively is….(state:menentukan,ask:menanyakan,problem:masalah,collect:mengumpulkan,analyze:menganalisa,data:data,testing:menguji,d

oing:melakukan,construct:menyusun,conclusion:kesimpulan)a. 3-1-4-5-2b. 1-4-3-2-5c. 1-4-2-3-5d. 3-1-4-2-5

For question number 3-4, study the following figure

3. The place to put the slide object is shown in number….(place:tempat,put:meletakkan,object:obyek,shown:ditunjukkan)a. 1b. 3c. 4d. 7

4. The regulating hole which can be adjusted, to control the light intensity is shown in number…(regulating:mengatur,hole:lingkaran,which:yang_mana,adjusted:disesuaikan,light:cahay,intensity:intensitas)a. 2b. 7c. 11d. 12

5. A specimen under a microscope is considered having a 40x magnification, its means that….(specimen:benda/obyek,under:dibawah,having/








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has:memiliki,magnification:perbesaran,means:berarti,lens:lensa)a. The ocular lens has a 40x

magnificationb. The objective lens has a 40x

magnificationc. The objective lens has a 40x

magnification and the ocular lens has a 40x magnification

d. The objectives lens has a 4x magnification and the ocular lens has a 10x magnification

6. Pay attention to the following figure.

Several kinds of instruments used in the laboratory such as; test tube, beaker glass, Erlenmeyer and pipette are shown in (several:beberapa,kind:jenis,instrument:alat,used:digunakan,such_as:seperti)a. a, j, k and mb. a, c, e and hc. a, d, e and hd. a, c, d and h

7. Living organisms need oxygen which is further used to produce energy. This part of the….process.(further;lebihlanjut,used;digunakan,produce;menghasilkan,part;bagian,digestive;pencernaan)a. Growingb. Moving c. Digestived. Breathing

8. Pay attention to the figure below

The buds of “4 o’clock” flower are blooming in the afternoon. These are characteristics of living organisms, which can be considered as….(buds;mahkota,blooming;mekar,considered as;dimaksudkan sebagai)a. Movement and irritabilityb. Growth and movementc. Irritability and breathed. Movement and reproduce

9. When the air is being cold, our body will excrete urine more than before. Although, when the air is being hot, we will excrete our sweat. These phenomena shown that living organisms having characteristics of….(air;udara,cold;dingin,excrete;mengeluarkan,urine;air_seni,although;sedangkan,hot;panas,sweat;keringat,phenomena;kejadian, having;mempunyai)a. Irritability and movementb. Excretion and irritabilityc. excretion and breathed. breathe and irritability

10. Classifying the living organisms is required to….(Purpose:tujuan,simplifly:menyederhanakan,planting:menanam,understand:mengetahui,particular:tertentu,give:memeberikan,scientific:ilmiah)a. Help someone when plantingb. Help someone to understand the

habitat of particular living organism c. Help someone to understand the

characteristic of a particular living organism

d. Help someone to give scientific name11. Protists and bacteria are grouped into

different domains because….(grouped:dikelompokkan,into:kedalam,different:berbeda,domain:kerajaan,made:terbuat,have:memiliki,envelope:selubung,lack:tidak_memiliki,decompose:mengurai)a. protists eat bacteria.

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b. bacteria are not made of cells.c. protists have a nuclear-envelope,

which bacterial cells lack.d. bacteria decompose protists.

12. Species that are in the same __________ are more closely related than species that are only in the same __________.(same:sama,closely:dekat,related:hubungan,than:daripada)a. phylum; classb. family; orderc. class; orderd. family; genus

13. The correct scientific name of orangutan is….(correct:benar,scientific:ilmiah)a. Pongo pygmaeusb. Pongo Pygmaeusc. Pongo pygmaeusd. pongo pigmaeus

14. The plants with scientific names Citrus lemon and Citrus maxima can be classified into one taxon which is….(classified:diklasifikasikan,into:kedalam)a. Familyb. Classc. Speciesd. Genus

15. Statements which show the variety of living organisms within one species, is….(Statement:pernyataan,cassava:ketela,potato:kentang,thick:tebal,thin:tipis,while:sementara,stem:batang,coconut:kelapa,mango:manga,segment:segmen)a. A cassava leaf is different to potato

leafb. A black cat with thick hair, a white cat

with thin hairc. A tiger body is big, while cat’s is

smalld. The stem of a coconut is segmented,

while the stem of a mango tree is not16. Pay attention to the following list.

(1. grasshopper) (4. spider)

(2.worm) (5. butterfly)

(3. milipede) (6. rice bug)

The group of animals with the closest genetic relationship is….(closest:paling_dekat,genetic:gen/kekerabatan,relationship:hubungan)a. 1, 4, and 5b. 1, 5, and 6c. 2, 3, and 4d. 2, 4, and 6

17. Pay attention to the following table.


Respiratory organ

Body cover

Body temp

Reproduction method

1lungs Feather Constant Laying


2 Gills Scales Changing Laying eggs

3Lungs Scaled

skinChanging Laying


4Lungs Hairy

skinConstant Giving


According to the table, the fish class and reptile class are shown in numbers….(method:cara,lung:paru2,gill:insang,feather:bulu,scale:sisik,hairy:berambut,constant:tetap,changing:berubah,laying egg:bertelur,giving birth:beranak)a. 1 and 2b. 2 and 3c. 3 and 4d. 1 and 4

18. Pay attention to the moss life cycle below.

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Parts in figure which are indicated by P, Q, and R are….(moss:lumut,indicated:diindikasikan)a. Archegonium, protalium, mossesb. Antheridium, mosses, archegoniumc. Antheridium, protalium, archegoniumd. Archegonium, mosses, antheridium

19. Which of these is a correct representation of the hierarchy of level organization of live from least to most complex?(representation:gambaran,least:sederhana,most:paling,complex:komplek,stomach:perut,digestive:pencernaan,intestine:usus)a. stomach cell, digestive system,

large intestine, small intestine, intestinal tissue, organism

b. intestinal cell, digestive system, small intestine, large intestine, intestinal tissue, organism

c. intestinal cell, intestinal tissue, digestive system, organism

d. small intestine, large intestine, intestinal tissue, digestive system, organism

20. Study the following list of cell elements.1. nucleus 4.vacuole2. cytoplasm 5.cell membrane3. plastid 6.cell wall

The part of a cell which are found in plant cells are….(found:ditemukan,animal:hewan,cell_wall:dinding_sel,part:bagian,plant:tanaman)a. 1 and 2b. 2 and 5c. 3 and 6

d. 4 and 221. The main tissues composting a leaf are….

(composting:menyusun,leaf:daun,)a. Epidermis, stomata, and palisadeb. Meristem, palisade, and epidermisc. Palisade, epidermis, and spongy

mesophylld. Spongy mesophyll, stomata, and

epidermis22. The heart is the organ which pumps blood.

It is composed of several tissues, such as….(heart:jantung,pump:memompa,such_as:seperti,vessel:pembuluh,smooth:polos,striated:berlurik)a. Nervous tissues, muscle tissues, and

blood vesselsb. Muscle tissues, blood vessels, and

epidermisc. Blood vessels, smooth and striated

muscle tissuesd. Epithelium, skeletal tissues, and

nervous tissues23. The following is a list of organs in the

human body. 1. lungs 5. intestines2. esophagus 6. heart 3. stomach 7. liver4. kidney 8. colon

Organs which are considered digestive system are….(list:daftar,body:tubuh,stomach:perut,intestine:usus,heart:jantung,liver:hati,colon:usus_besar,considered:dimaksudkan)a. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6b. 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8c. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8d. 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8

To answer question number 24 to 26, study the following information.

In a 20 meter long and 10 meter wide rice field, there are rice plants, 10 frogs, 25 grasshopper, 5 rats, 2 snakes, 100 caterpillars, grass, and banana trees. (long:panjang,wide:lebar,rice_field:sawah,caterpillar:ulat,grass:rumput,banana:pisang)

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24. The numbers of populations in the rice field are….(number:jumlah)a. 5b. 6c. 7d. 8

25. The population density of the caterpillar is….(density:kepadatan)a. 100 caterpillars/20 meter squareb. 100 caterpillars/10 meter squarec. 100 caterpillars/30 meter squared. 100 caterpillars/200 meter square

26. The first level consumers in the rice field are….a. Caterpillarsb. Rats c. Caterpillars and ratsd. Caterpillars, rats and also


27. The correct statement about the ratio of population quantity that constructs a pyramid of food is….(correct:benar,statement:pernyataan,ratio:perbandinngan,quantity:jumlah,that:yang,construct:menyusun,less:lebih_sedikit,compared:dibandingkan,higher:lebih_tinggi)a. A producer is less in quantity

compared to the first consumerb. A producer is less in quantity

compared to the second consumerc. A first consumer is less in quantity

compared to the producerd. A second consumer is higher in

quantity compared to the first consumer

28. Pay attention to the following statements.1.) Endangered animal may be

conserve in a zoo2.) Endangered animals can be sold to

other countries3.) Endangered animal are kept by

people who loves domestic animal4.) Protected animals are sent back to

their original habitat

The correct action in order to protect highly endangered animal are shown in statements number….(conserve:dilestarikan,sold:jual,kept:dijaga,domestic:lokal,sent_back:dikembalikan)a. 1 and 2b. 1 and 4c. 2 and 3d. 3 and 4

29. The following statements that constitute as in-situ ecosystem conservation method is….(constitute:merupakan,rehabilitation:rehabilitasi)a. Kebun binatang gembira loka

Yogyakartab. Kebun raya bogorc. Orang Utan Rahabilitation in

Kalimantand. Rhinoceros sondaicus (badak

bercula satu) in ujung kulon30. This species Badak bercula dua is found

exclusively in a particular area or we can call it as endemic species.

We can find this animal in the natural habitat in….island(found:ditemukan,exclusively:semata_mata,particular:tertentu,area:wilayah,call:menyebut,natural:alami)a. Sumatranb. Javac. Halmaherad. Sulawesi

31. In 2011, the population of the region was 7,200,000 people, and in 2012 it was 7,020,000 people. The death rate within the region is….(region:wilayah,death_rate:angka_kematian,within:dalam)

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a. 25b. 18c. 4d. 2.5

32. The correct statement below that cause of Overpopulation or population explosion exactly is….(correct:benar,cause:menyebabkan,explosion:ledakan,exactly:pasti)a. The criteria of natality considered

moderateb. There are a lot of people leaving a

country (emigration)c. High number of people that

entering a new place d. High of birth rate and immigration

which exceed the availability of natural resources

33. attention to the following graph of population growth.

the graph of population growth that may cause problems in the availability of food is….(availability:ketersediaan,growth:pertumbuhan,that:yang,cause:menyebabkan)a. Graph Ib. Graph IIc. Graph IIId. Graph IV

34. Pay attention to the following information….1. Liquid waste2. Food shortages3. Carbon dioxide4. Criminality5. Infection disease6. Trash

From the above information, which one which cause environmental damage are….(liquid:cair,waste:sampah_buangan,criminality:kriminalitas,infection:infeksi,disease:penyakit,trash:sampah)a. 1, 2 and 3b. 2, 3 and 4c. 2, 4 and 6d. 1, 3 and 6

35. A substance that considered as pollutant if….(if:jika,amount:jumlah,exceed:melebihi,level:tingkat,occur:terjadi,wrong:salah,place:tempat,time:waktu,above:diatas,right:benar)a. The amount of the substance

exceeds the normal levelb. The substance occurs in the wrong

placec. The substance occur at wrong timed. All of the above is right

36. The following are some incidents that may occur due to landslide.1. The land becomes infertile and dry.2. The fertile soil layers will be

eroded and carried away by the water.

3. When it rains, the soil cannot retain rainwater.

4. The infertile and dry soil cannot retain water when it’s raining again

5. In slope area, it may occur landslide

The sequence that occurs in a landslide caused by illegal logging is….(incidents:peristiwa,occur:terjadi,due_to:berkaitan_dengan,become:menjadi,infertile:tidak_subur,fertile:subur,layer:lapisan,eroded:tererosi,carried:terbawa,retain:menahan,again:lagi,slope:miring,occur:terjadi)a. 1-2-3-4-5b. 3-1-2-4-5c. 4-2-3-1-5d. 3-2-1-4-5

37. Substances that may cause air pollution are….

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(substances:zat,that:yang,cause:menyebabkan,dust:debu,ash:asap,exhaust:gas_buang,paper:kertas)a. Dust, ash and exhaust gasb. Carbon monoxide, microorganism

and Carbon dioxidec. Dust, water and pesticidesd. Carbon dioxide, paper, ash

38. The following are some disadvantages of Acid rain:1. It dissolves nutrients contained in

the soil and making soil infertility.2. It can kill plant3. It cause eye and skin cancer4. It can damage buildingThe correct statements that affected by acid rain are….(disadvantages:merugikan,dissolve:melarutkan,contained:terkandung,making:membuat,infertile:tidak_subur,damage:merusak)a. 1 and 2b. 2 and 4c. 1, 3 and 4d. 1, 2 and 4

39. Pay attention to following figure of human activities

1. industrial waste 2. oil spills

3.household waste 4.solid waste

5.industrial activity 6. pesticide

From the above figure, which are human activities that causing water pollution….(waste:limbah,spill:tumpahan,household:rumah_tangga,solid:padat,pesticide:pestisida)a. 1, 2, and 3b. 1, 2, 4, and 6c. 1, 2, 3 and 6d. 1, 2, 3 and 5

40. To prevent trash from polluting the environment, we need to do following efforts, except….(prevent:mencegah,trash:sampah,need_to:harus,effort:usaha,throwing:membuang,proper:semestinya,place:tempat,separating:memisahkan,planting:menanam,tree:pohon)a. Throwing trash into proper placesb. Separating organic and inorganic

trashc. Reusing, recycling and reducing

inorganic trashd. Planting trees and other plants