JUN 2017. GODINE E N G L E S K I J E Z I K Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo. Ne okrećite stranice dok to ne dozvoli dežurni nastavnik. Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljena upotreba rječnika i elektronskih uređaja. Odgovore treba pisati hemijskom olovkom. Odgovori napisani grafitnom olovkom neće biti priznati. Provjera razumijevanja slušanog teksta sastoji se od dva zadatka. Svaki tekst slušaćete dvaput. Imaćete dovoljno vremena da pročitate pitanja prije nego što čujete tekst kao i da provjerite svoje odgovore. Za vrijeme slušanja možete da zapisujete odgovore. Odgovore na pitanja višestrukog izbora treba pažljivo prepisati na List za odgovore. Odgovori na pitanja koji nijesu napisani na listu za odgovore neće se priznati. Kod pisanja sastava dozvoljeno je pisanje koncepta na listovima za koncept. Vodite računa o broju riječi, jezičkoj pravilnosti i čitljivosti teksta. Konačna verzija se čitko prepisuje na predviđeno mjesto u testu i ona će biti bodovana. Vrijeme rješavanja testa 120 minuta JUN 2017. GODINE

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Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo.

Ne okrećite stranice dok to ne dozvoli dežurni nastavnik.

Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljena upotreba rječnika i elektronskih uređaja.

Odgovore treba pisati hemijskom olovkom. Odgovori napisani grafitnom olovkom

neće biti priznati.

Provjera razumijevanja slušanog teksta sastoji se od dva zadatka. Svaki tekst

slušaćete dvaput. Imaćete dovoljno vremena da pročitate pitanja prije nego što

čujete tekst kao i da provjerite svoje odgovore. Za vrijeme slušanja možete da

zapisujete odgovore.

Odgovore na pitanja višestrukog izbora treba pažljivo prepisati na List za

odgovore. Odgovori na pitanja koji nijesu napisani na listu za odgovore neće se


Kod pisanja sastava dozvoljeno je pisanje koncepta na listovima za koncept. Vodite računa o broju riječi, jezičkoj pravilnosti i čitljivosti teksta. Konačna verzija se čitko prepisuje na predviđeno mjesto u testu i ona će biti bodovana.

Vrijeme rješavanja testa 120 minuta


Vrijeme rješavanja testa 120 minuta


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1.1 The BBC host Harriet Gilbert is presenting Tan Twan Eng, the author of a novel called The

Garden of Evening Mists.

For sentences 1–4, decide if each statement is true or false and put a tick (√) in the appropriate box.


1. The interview is taking place in Cape Town.

2. The novel The Garden of Evening Mists was translated into sixty languages.

3. Tan Twan Eng spends a lot of his time in Cape Town because it is a beautiful city.

4. The novels that he writes are all set in South Africa.

Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

Answer the question by filling in the blank.

5. How many copies of this book have been sold?




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1.2 You will hear a part of an interview with a famous director, James Cameron. After

“Titanic”, James Cameron turned to deep-sea exploration. On one occasion, he dived to Challenger Deep, the deepest spot on Earth.

For questions 1, 2 and 4, decide which statement is correct. Answer questions 3 and 5 by filling in the blanks.

1. After “Titanic”, James Cameron was a full-time explorer for

A. 10 years.

B. 20 years.

C. four decades.

2. Challenger Deep dive was filmed in

A. a dozen documentaries.

B. seven documentaries.

C. one documentary.

3. Cameron says that, regarding the complexity of preparations, divers can be compared to

……………………………………………… .

4. How deep was Cameron’s second-deepest dive?

A. 500 feet

B. 5 km

C. 5 miles

5. Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench is deeper than …………………………...........…………………… and

four Empire State buildings together.

Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

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16 bodova

2.1 Read the text. For questions 1-6 circle the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits

best according to the text. Write your answers to questions 7 and 8 in the space provided.


Owen awoke with a start and knew immediately that something had changed. The air in the Crystal Cave was electrified with some strange kind of excitement, and as he fully woke up, he started to be afraid. He sat up and looked around him, but everything seemed normal. His father’s magic potions bubbled away on the fire with their usual strong herbal smell. There were many books, herbs and stones with magic signs lying on the big oak table that was in the centre of the room. Owen jumped down from his hard bed that was cut into the wall of the cave, and as he did so his father turned to look at him.

“Come here, my son”, he said quietly.

Owen crossed the cave to where his father was looking at the wild sea below, and stood quietly beside him.

“Is something wrong, Father?” he asked.

The famous wizard Merlin smiled at his son and said: “No, my boy, nothing is wrong, in fact I think everything is right at last.”

“How so?” asked the boy, confused.

Merlin was silent for a moment or two as he stared out of the Crystal Cave to the angry sea far below, and he turned once again to his son and whispered, with suppressed excitement, “He is here, Owen. The boy, he is here on Welsh soil at last.”

“Which boy, Father?” Owen asked quietly, although he already knew the answer.

“The BOY, the future king Arthur, of course”, his father repeated. “The last of the Welsh Pendragon kings is here on Welsh soil at last. Our exile is almost at an end; he had come to save us once and for all.”

Adapted from The Stone of Excalibur by Eunice Shaw

1. Where did Owen live?

A. in a cave

B. in a castle

C. in a forest

D. in a peasant’s hut

2. What did he start to feel when he woke up that morning?

A. angry

B. frightened

C. sad

D. safe


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3. Which of the following objects were not lying on his father’s table?

A. books

B. herbs

C. magic potions

D. stones

4. What was Owen’s bed like?

A. comfortable

B. unfomfortable

C. too soft

D. too small

5. What was the sea below like?

A. green

B. quiet

C. restless

D. warm

6. Where is this scene taking place?

A. in England

B. in Ireland

C. in Scotland

D. in Wales

Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

7. Who was Owen’s father?


8. How did Owen’s father feel that morning, and why?



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2.2 For sentences 1–7, decide if each statement is true or false and put a tick (√) in the

appropriate box. Write your answers to question 8 in the space provided.


1 Paradise, population one, one of the roughest roads in the US West. This 163km primitive dirt track winds through the largest wilderness area in the continental US, climbing over steep mountains and crossing snow-fed streams along the Montana and Idaho border.

2 Along with his dogs, 64 year-old Earl is the only permanent resident during summer. He is the National Forest's camp host, welcoming the hikers, hunters, fishermen and river rafters. While his primary responsibility is handing out permits to boaters on the Selway River, he also gives free advice on the must-see trails through the wilderness. And if you offer him a second cup of coffee, he'll entertain you with stories of windsurfing in Puerto Rico, kayaking in New Mexico or a few of his other varied adventures around the globe.

3 A retired industrial electrician, Earl has spent nearly three decades backpacking the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, often using Paradise as a launch point. On one of his summer trips, the couple who used to host the Paradise campground told Earl they weren't coming back. “I asked how to apply for the job, and here I am. It's a dream come true,” Earl said. Earl sees it as a way to live a portion of the year in the place he loves best.

4 In return for volunteering, the US Forest Service (USFS) provides Earl with a small food stipend, a work truck and an 80-year-old, one-room log cabin. Earl leaves his other home on the banks of the Mississippi River and heads for Paradise as soon as the snow melts from the Magruder Corridor, which could be as early as May but often isn't until mid-June. His wife joins him for a portion of the summer, but she prefers to stay closer to their kids and grandkids.

5 Once he arrives, Earl gets to work. He cuts grass around the campsites and clears the trails of fallen branches. And – perhaps most importantly – he greets visitors, introducing them to the opportunities and potential dangers in the surrounding woods. He showed us photos from past expeditions, including several of him standing atop knife-edge cliffs.

6 Each week, Earl drives 100km each way to the nearest USFS office to collect a small stack of paper tags that he ties to each boat going down the river. Earl also reports daily on the river's flow level. After the Grand Canyon, the Selway is the second-most difficult river permit to obtain. Only one party is allowed to launch each day with a maximum of 16 people per group – a system put in place to protect the wilderness' natural resources as

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well as its unique solitude.

7 During our three-day stay in Paradise we hiked, watched songbirds and caught snakes. Our son threw rocks in the river while we rested on sandy shores. But the highlight of the trip was chatting with Earl. His tales rivalled the scenery, bringing the wilderness and all of its human and animal characters to life. Next time we visit Paradise, I'll be sure to throw in more coffee and beer to share with Earl. The reward of his company is well worth the extra supplies.

Adapted from http://www.bbc.com


1. Paradise is a densely populated place.

2. Earl’s adventurous spirit took him to a number of foreign countries.

3. Earl’s backpacking trips frequently started in Paradise.

4. Were it not for the USFS provisions, Earl would look for an easier job.

5. Earl can’t wait for the snow to melt so that he can go to his favourite place.

6. Family ties keep Earl’s wife from joining him for the whole summer.

7. Earl’s duties at the camp are varied.

Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

8. Why does the author plan to bring more supplies next time?



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3.1 Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. There is

an example at the beginning.


Parents of tweens and teens spend about nine hours 0______D_____ day using screens,

according to a new report. The study surveyed 1,786 parents across 1___________ United

States. Many of the parents say they are concerned about their 2___________

relationships with technology. They worry that their children are spending too much time on

their screens and not getting enough physical exercise, and that they may become

3___________ to their phones. However, a majority of the parents surveyed also

4___________ themselves as modeling good behavior for their children.

The report comes from Common Sense, an organization that works to support the

5___________ of children in the digital age. The director of research, Michael Robb, thinks

it is “fair to say” that the adults seem to have their noses in their phones just as

6___________ as their teens, who range in age from 13 to 18 years old. While adults stare

at computers more often because of work, the report found that much of their time in front

of a screen was spent 7___________ other activities. About 48% of the parents who

8___________ in the study said they send texts while at work, 38% said they use social

media, and 33% watch TV shows. Other activities include playing video games and browsing

websites. “We’re not trying to make parents feel 9___________,” says Robb. “But we are

trying to make 10___________ more aware.”

Adapted from TFK


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Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

0. A in B on C off D per

1. A a B an C the D -

2. A child B children C children’s D childrens’

3. A addict B addicted C addiction D addicting

4. A see B look C stare D watch

5. A develop B develops C developed D development

6. A many B much C more D most

7. A at B in C of D on

8. A took after B took in C took off D took part

9. A error B faulty C guilty D mistake

10. A they B their C them D themselves

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3.2 Read the text and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.



Benoit Lecomte, 49, previously crossed the Atlantic in 73 days in 1998 and 0. plans (plan) to

average eight hours a day in a bid to raise awareness for environmental issues

A Texas man 1___________________________ (attempt) to become the first person

2___________________________ (swim) across the Pacific Ocean next year. Benoit Lecomte,

49, 3___________________________ (reveal) his intentions at the University of Texas last

Thursday. He says he will set off from Tokyo in April 2017 and arrive in San Francisco five to

six months later. He 4___________________________ (hope) the swim will raise awareness

of environmental issues.

It is the third time in under five years that Lecomte 5___________________________

(announce) his plans to swim the Pacific. He was originally due to begin the quest in May

2013. After that attempt failed, he announced that he 6___________________________

(begin) the swim in December 2015. This time he is confident his attempt will go ahead.

In 1998 Lecomte became the first person to swim the Atlantic Ocean,

7___________________________ (complete) the 3,700-mile swim in 73 days. When Lecomte

swam the Atlantic he 8___________________________ (follow) by a shark for five days. He

said he hopes to see sharks during his Pacific swim “because if we

9___________________________ (not see) them, it will say a lot about their state”.

This latest challenge means that Lecomte will need to swim 5,500 miles to make it to San

Francisco. He will swim for an average of eight hours a day, resting and eating on the

Discoverer. “The challenge is to keep your mind sane and to be focused. It’s mind over

matter,” he said. Currently, Lecomte 10___________________________ (train) on land to be

able to “disassociate” his mind from his body.

Adapted from The Guardian

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3.3 Transform the following sentences using the given words so that they have a

similar meaning.

1. I have no experience in running a company!


I ...............................................................................................about running a company!

2. I would appreciate it if you could show me your project later.


................................................................................................ your project later, please?

3. I’d prefer you not to discuss their break up.


I ...................................................................................................... about their break up.

4. This song makes me think about the restaurant where I first saw Rachel.


This song ....................................................................................... the restaurant where

I first saw Rachel.

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4.1 A relative/friend has just sent you a gift which you have always dreamed of receiving.

Write a thank-you email which expresses your gratitude for the gift. Explain why you like

the gift so much and what you intend to do with it.





















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4.2. Choose one of the following writing tasks and write 100-120 words.

What could be the benefits from taking a gap year between high school and

university? If you decided to have a gap year, how would you use it? What would

you do?

A wax museum will be opened in your town. Imagine you were the chairperson of a committee in charge of choosing a person from Montenegro – a scientist, an

athlete or an artist – whose wax figure will be displayed. Who would you choose and why? Use specific reasons.























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