EBS 독독 + 독독 1. 독독

EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

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Page 1: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

EBS 독해+ 어법 1. 문학

Page 2: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

An automobile accident occurs. Witness

include a sidewalk spectator and a driver

who was passing by the scene. Here we

have two different points of view. Simi-

larly, in fiction writing, who tells the story

is a critical issue for an author to decide.




Page 3: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

The tone and feel of the story, and even

its meaning, can change radically depend-


on who is telling the story. The person is

telling the story from his or her own point

of view. This point of view from which the

people, events, and details of a story are

viewed, is important to consider when read-

ing a story.



Page 4: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

관점의 차이에 대해 생각해보자

Page 5: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

1. (A), (B), (C) 의 각 네모 안에 어법에 맞는 표현으로 적절한 것은 ?

If an author writes, “ The king died and

then the queen died,” there is (A)no/none

plot for a story. But by writing, “The king

died and then the queen died of grief,”

the writer has provided a plot line for a





Page 6: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

The plot draws the reader into the charac-

ters’ lives and (B) help/helps the reader

understand the choices that the charac-

ters make. A plot’s structure is the way (C)

which / in which the story elements are ar-


~ 을 끌다




Page 7: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

Writers vary structure depending on the

needs of the story. For example, in a mys-

tery, the author will withhold plot exposi-

tion until later in the story.

바꾸다 , 변경하다


공개 , 폭로

Page 8: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

2. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 다른 것은 ?

• A veteran novelist Park Kyung-ni passed

away at the age of 82 in May, 2008. Her

passing was a great shock to all of us. It

was also an enormous loss to the Korean

literary circle. Although it is hard to believe,

her 16 volume novel, Toji, took 25 years to

write and included 300 characters.

~ 이 죽다

엄청난 문학의

Page 9: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

• It depicted the turbulence at the turn of the

20th century when Korean were struggling

against Japanese imperialism. The novel was

recognized for its significant literary artistry

style, native folk language and diverse char-

acter portrayals. She contributed to the de-

velopment of Korean literature a lot. She will

be deeply missed.

~ 을 묘사하다




서술 공헌하다

인정 ,인지하다


Page 10: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

3. (A), (B), (C) 의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말 ?

It is important [that readers understand

how the poet puts new meanings into

words.] Their understanding is immeasur-

ably (A) increased/decreased if they are fa-

miliar with the many devices of poetry. The

simplest and also the most effective poetic

device is simile.

셀 수 없이


put A into B: A 를 B에 넣다

~ 와 친하다

Page 11: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different

We heighten our ordinary speech by the

continual use of such (B) competitions/com-

parisons as “fresh as a daisy,” “gay as a

lark,” “poor as a church mouse,” and “cool

as a cucumber.” These are all (C) regret-

table/recognizable similes; they typically use

the words, “as” or “like.”


Page 12: EBS 독해 + 어 법 1. 문학. An automobile accident occurs. Witness include a sidewalk spectator and a driver who was passing by the scene. Here we have two different