ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018 Sustainability Report

ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

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Page 1: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Laporan Berkelanjutan

2018Sustainability Report

Page 2: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) semakin memantapkan diri dalam memasuki layanan berstandar kelas dunia. Untuk itu, bandara-bandara yang dikelola Perseroan tak hanya dituntut untuk mengutamakan keamanan dan kenyamanan penumpang, namun juga didorong agar memiliki sistem pengelolaan lingkungan yang baik. Dengan penerapan sistem tersebut, maka bandara yang ada diarahkan menuju praktik pengelolaan yang ramah bagi lingkungan atau tidak membahayakan lingkungan sekitarnya (eco friendly).

Sejalan dengan spirit itu, maka Perseroan mengembangkan konsep eco green airport di sejumlah bandara yang dikelolanya, seperti Bandar Udara I Gusti Ngurah Putra Rai (Bali), Bandar Udara Juanda (Surabaya), Bandara Sepinggan (Balikpapan), dan Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani (Semarang). Selain mengurangi emisi karbondioksida (CO2) dari sektor penerbangan yang berkontribusi 2 persen terhadap perubahan iklim –seperti arahan Kementerian Perhubungan, konsep tersebut juga mempromosikan keberlanjutan, sekaligus mengurangi dampak lingkungan dalam pengelolaan bandara, sesuai panduan Airport Council International (ACI) Asia Pacific.

2018Eco Friendly, Eco Green Airport

Penjelasan Tema

Eco Friendly, Eco Green Airport

Theme Definition

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has more confidence in entering the world-class standard services. Therefore, the airports managed by the Company are not only required to prioritize passenger safety and comfort, but are also encouraged to have a good environmental management system. With the implementation of such system, the existing airports are directed towards implementing the eco-friendly management practices.

In line with that spirit, the Company develops the concept of eco green airport in a number of the managed airports, such as I Gusti Ngurah Putra Rai Airport (Bali), Juanda Airport (Surabaya), Sepinggan Airport (Balikpapan), and Ahmad Yani Airport (Semarang). In addition to reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the aviation sector which contributes 2 percent to climate change – as directed by the Ministry of Transportation, this concept also promotes sustainability, while reducing the environmental impact in airport management according to the guidelines of Airport Council International (ACI) Asia - Pacific.

Page 3: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


2 Penjelasan TemaTheme Definition

4 Ikhtisar Kinerja 20182018 Performance Overview

5 Laporan DireksiBoard of Directors’ Report

12 Tentang Laporan IniAbout This Report

26 Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

94 Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang BaikGood Corporate Governance

119 Kinerja Ekonomi/Economic Performance:• Kian Kokoh Menyatukan Negeri/• Getting More Powerful to Unite the Nation• Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung (PKBL)• Indirect Economic Impact

148 Kinerja Lingkungan/Environmental Performance:• Mewujudkan Bandara Ramah Lingkungan• Realizing The Eco-Friendly Airports

168 Kinerja Sosial/Social Performance:• Maju Dan Berkembang Dengan Sumber

Daya Manusia Terbaik• Getting Advanced and Developed with the

Best Human Resources• Mewujudkan Layanan Terbaik Bagi

Konsumen• Realizing the Best Services for Consumers

206 Penjaminan Pihak Eksternal Standard GRI Index

208 Indeks Isi GRI Standards Content Index GRI Standards

213 Indeks POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017Index of POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017

216 Tautan Materialitas dengan SDGs Sustainable Development Goals/SDG’s

220 Lembar Umpan BalikFeedback Sheet

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility

Teknologi Informasi


2018 Annual Report

Information Technology

Page 4: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number



Kinerja EkonomiEconomic Performance

Kinerja LingkunganEnvironmental Performance

Kinerja SosialSocial Performance


SatuanUnit 2018 2017



Pendapatan Revenue

Triliun Rupiah Trillion Rupiah

8,5 7,19 18,06

Beban usaha Business Expenses

Triliun RupiahTrillion Rupiah

5,82 5,27 10,44

Laba tahun berjalan Current Income

Triliun RupiahTrillion Rupiah

2,01 1,42 41,55

Pajak penghasilan Income Tax

Miliar RupiahTrillion Rupiah

689,02 369,14 86,66

Penyaluran dana PKBL PKBL Fund Disbursement

Miliar RupiahTrillion Rupiah

64,38 58,38 10,28

Pembayaran dividen Payment of Dividends

Miliar RupiahTrillion Rupiah

283,72 140,00 102,66


SatuanUnit 2018 2017



Penggunaan listrik oleh tenant Electricity Usage

Kwh 76.644.660 75.928.649 0,94

Penggunaan BBM* Fuel Consumption*

Liter 100.305 106.918 (6,19)

Penggunaan air Water Usage

Meter kubik 7.262.393 6.297.035 15,33

Dana pelestarian lingkungan Environmental Preservation Fund

Juta Rupiah 725,38 528,82 37,17

*Data Kantor Pusat AP1*Data from AP1 Head Office


SatuanUnit 2018 2017



Jumlah pegawai Number of Employees


3.374 3.350 0,07

Biaya pelatihan pegawai Employee Training Cost

Miliar RupiahBillion Rupiah

40,68 39,01 4,28

Angka kecelakaan kerja Work Accident Rate





Tingkat penyelesaian pengaduan Settlement of Complaint


100 100 -

4PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity


Page 5: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Faik FahmiDirektur Utama

President Directors

Meningkatnya pendapatan Perusahaan membuat kontribusi kepada negara berupa pajak penghasilan juga meningkat. Jika pada tahun 2017, beban pajak penghasilan badan yang dibayarkan Perusahaan tercatat sebesar Rp369,14 miliar, maka pada tahun 2018 naik 86,66% menjadi Rp689,02 miliar. Dengan demikian, laba tahun berjalan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 adalah sebesar Rp2,01 triliun, naik 41,55%, dibanding tahun 2017 yang tercatat sebesar Rp1,42 triliun. Dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp1,57 triliun, maka perolehan laba tahun berjalan ini mencapai 127,98%.

The increase in the Company's revenue contributed to the country in the form of the increasing income tax. In 2017, the income tax expense paid by the Company was IDR 369.14 billion, while in 2018, it increased by 86.66% to IDR 689.02 billion. Thus, the current year's profit of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 was Rp2.01 trillion, increased by 41.55%, compared to 2017 which was recorded at Rp1.42 trillion. Compared to the 2018 RKAP of Rp1.57 trillion, the current year's profit reached the realization of 127.98%.

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri


2018 Sustainability Report

Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

Page 6: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Para pemangku kepentingan yang terhormat,

Segala puji dan syukur marilah kita panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Sebab, hanya atas kehendak-Nya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dapat melalui tahun 2018 dengan membukukan kinerja yang sangat baik. Pencapaian tersebut sangat membanggakan karena dengan pengelolaan yang baik, Perseroan mampu meneruskan trend positif dari tahun ke tahun. Melalui Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Tahun 2018 inilah, kami menyampaikan pencapaian tersebut.

Laporan ini merupakan kelima yang diterbitkan oleh Perseroan. Walau terbit terpisah dengan Laporan Tahunan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Tahun 2018, namun keduanya merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling melengkapi. Pada penerbitan kali ini, selain merujuk pada Standar GRI (GRI Standards) yang mulai berlaku pada 1 Juli 2018, kami juga menjadikan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017 tentang Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik sebagai rujukan. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen menjalankan tanggung jawabnya sebagai emiten sesuai isi peraturan tersebut yang sejalan dengan semangat keberlanjutan yang tengah dikembangkan oleh Perseroan.

Penerbitan Laporan ini sekaligus merupakan pertanggungjawaban kepada segenap pemangku kepentingan tentang pengelolaan kinerja ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial selama tahun 2018. Selain itu, penerbitan ini sekaligus merupakan komitmen Perseroan dalam menjalankan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan seperti diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

Tinjauan Ekonomi Global dan Nasional

Perekonomian global pada tahun 2018 belum menunjukkan perbaikan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi global tahun 2018 sebesar 3,7%, sama dengan tahun 2017. Berbeda dengan perekonomian global yang stagnan, Indonesia berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2018. Badan Pusat Statistik menyatakan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,17%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2017, yang tercatat sebesar 5,07%. Pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,17% tak jauh berbeda dengan prediksi IMF, yakni 5,1%

Angka tersebut memang masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018 sebesar 5,4%. Namun demikian, pencapaian Indonesia tersebut patut disambut

The Honorable the stakeholders,

All praise and thanks be to the One True Almighty God by His blessings PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) could go through 2018 with a very good performance. The achievement was very encouraging because with good management, the Company was able to continue the positive trend from year to year. Through this 2018 Sustainability Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), we will convey the achievement.

This report is the fifth report published by the Company. Although it is published separately from the Annual Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018, both are complementary. In this publication, in addition to referring to the GRI Standards which started to apply on July 1, 2018, we also referred to the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017 concerning Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Services Institutions (FIs), Issuer Companies and Public Companies. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) commits to carry out its responsibilities as an issuer in accordance with the contents of the regulation in line with the spirit of sustainability that is being developed by the Company.

The issuance of this report is at the same time an accountability to all stakeholders regarding the management of economic, environmental and social performance in 2018. In addition, this publication is also a commitment of the Company in carrying out the Social and Environmental Responsibilities as stipulated in Law No.40 of 2007 concerning Limited liability Company.

The Global and National Economic Analysis

The global economy in 2018 has not shown improvement compared to the previous year. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates 2018 global economic growth of 3.7%, as same as in 2017. In contrast to the stagnant global economy, Indonesia managed to record economic growth in 2018. The Central Bureau of Statistics stated an economic growth of 5.17% , higher than in 2017 which was recorded at 5.07%. The economic growth of 5.17% is not much different from the IMF prediction, which is 5.1%.

This figure is still below the target set by the government in the 2018 State Budget (APBN) of 5.4%. However, the achievement of Indonesian economy should be welcomed. This growth shows that the Indonesian economy is still

6PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity


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gembira. Pertumbuhan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ekonomi Indonesia tetap menggeliat, bahkan angka tersebut merupakan pencapaian tertinggi sejak tahun 2014. Sempat turun dari 5,01% pada tahun 2014 menjadi 4,88% pada tahun 2015, setelah itu tren kenaikan terus terlihat, dan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2018.

Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, minat masyarakat untuk menggunakan moda pesawat juga terus meningkat. Hal itu ditandai dengan meningkatnya pesawat yang datang dan berangkat dari bandara-bandara di Indonesia. Menurut data Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan RI, selama tahun 2018 sebanyak 277.010 pesawat datang, dan 276.923 pesawat berangkat. Angka ini naik dibanding tahun 2017, dengan 245.893 pesawat datang, dan 250.190 pesawat berangkat.

Pesawat merupakan salah satu moda alternatif yang menghubungkan berbagai kota di Indonesia. Selain pesawat, pemerintah telah menyiapkan interkoneksi antardaerah dengan moda yang lain untuk jarak tempuh yang lebih pendek, seperti bus dan kereta api. Dengan adanya berbagai alternatif tersebut, konsumen bisa memilih moda sesuai kebutuhannya. Komitmen pemerintah terhadap perbaikan intermodalitas dan aksesbilitas angkutan umum perkotaan yang berkelanjutan dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2015-2019.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mendukung penuh kebijakan interkoneksi yang dicanangkan pemerintah. Dukungan itu diwujudkan dengan menyiapkan moda interkoneksi dari dan menuju bandara yang dikelola Perusahaan. Untuk menuju Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta di Kulon Progo, Perusahaan menyiapkan moda kereta api, dan moda angkutan darat lain berupa bus dan taksi. Sedangkan interkoneksi untuk Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang telah tersedia armada koridor berupa bus.

Kinerja Ekonomi

Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, kinerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 mencatatkan peningkatan kinerja dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Jumlah pendapatan usaha tercatat sebesar Rp8,52 triliun, naik 18,50% dibanding pendapatan usaha tahun 2017, yang tercatat sebesar Rp7,19 triliun. Dibandingkan dengan RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp8,56 triliun, pendapatan tersebut tercapai 99,53%.

Sementara itu, total beban usaha pada tahun 2018 mencapai Rp5,82 triliun, naik 10,44% dibanding tahun 2017 dengan total beban sebesar Rp5,27 triliun. Realisasi total beban usaha dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp6,19

developing, even this is the highest achievement since 2014. It has dropped from 5.01% in 2014 to 4.88% in 2015, after which the increasing trend continued and reached its peak in 2018.

In line with the national economic growth, people's interest in using airplane continued to increase. This was marked by the increase in the arrival and departure schedules in airports in Indonesia. According to the data from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, there were 277,010 arrival schedules, and 276,923 departure schedules in 2018. This figure increased from the one in 2017, with 245,893 arrival schedules, and 250,190 departure schedules.

Airplane is one alternative mode that connects various cities in Indonesia. In addition to airplane, the government has prepared interconnections between regions with other modes for shorter distances, such as buses and trains. With the existence of various alternatives, consumers can choose modes according to their needs. Government commits to improve intermodality and accessibility of sustainable urban public transport in the 2015-2019 Indonesia's National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) fully supports the interconnection policy issued by the government. This support was realized by preparing interconnection modes from and to the airports managed by the Company. The Company prepares train and other land transportation modes in the form of buses and taxicabs for consumers to get to Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo. Whereas, the interconnection to the Ahmad Yani International Airport in Semarang is provided with buses.

Economic Performance

In line with the increasing economic growth of Indonesia, the performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 recorded an increase in performance compared to the previous year. The total operating revenue was recorded at Rp.8.52 trillion, increased by 18.50% compared to the operating revenue in 2017, which was recorded at Rp7.19 trillion. Compared to the 2018 RKAP of IDR 8.56 trillion, this revenue reached the realization of 99.53%.

Meanwhile, the total operating expenses in 2018 reached IDR 5.82 trillion, increased by 10.44% compared to 2017 with a total expenses of IDR 5.27 trillion. The total realization of operating expenses compared to the 2018 RKAP of Rp6.19

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri


2018 Sustainability Report

Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

Page 8: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

triliun adalah 94,02%. Dengan komposisi seperti itu, maka terjadi peningkatan laba usaha sebesar 48,22%, yakni dari Rp1,97 triliun pada tahun 2017 menjadi Rp2,92 triliun pada tahun 2018. Dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp2,37 triliun, realisasi laba usaha mencapai 123,21%.

Meningkatnya pendapatan Perusahaan membuat kontribusi kepada negara berupa pajak penghasilan juga meningkat. Jika pada tahun 2017, beban pajak penghasilan badan yang dibayarkan Perusahaan tercatat sebesar Rp369,14 miliar, maka pada tahun 2018 naik 86,66% menjadi Rp689,02 miliar. Dengan demikian, laba tahun berjalan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 adalah sebesar Rp2,01 triliun, naik 41,55%, dibanding tahun 2017 yang tercatat sebesar Rp1,42 triliun. Dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp1,57 triliun, maka perolehan laba tahun berjalan ini mencapai 127,98%.

Kinerja Lingkungan

PT Angkasa Pura I menyadari bahwa perubahan iklim merupakan isu global yang menuntut kepedulian bersama warga dunia. Hal itu, antara lain, ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Paris atau Paris Agreement. Ini adalah perjanjian dalam Konvensi Kerangka Kerja Perubahan Iklim Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa atau United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mengenai mitigasi emisi gas rumah kaca, adaptasi, dan keuangan. Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang menandatangani Perjanian Paris, yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Dr. Siti Nurbaya mewakili Presiden RI.

Perseroan sebagai salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) berkomitmen untuk ikut membangun kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap Perjanjian Paris. Untuk itu, dalam menjalankan operasional perusahaan, Perseroan berupaya untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Untuk mewujudkan komitmen itu, seluruh jaringan kantor PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki kebijakan untuk menerapkan praktik operasional yang ramah lingkungan. Kebijakan itu sejalan dengan komitmen Perseroan untuk mewujudkan eco green airport sebagai salah satu strategi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Langkah nyata kebijakan pro-lingkungan yang lain adalah PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menerapkan standarisasi internasional ISO 14001: 2014/SNI 19 – 14001:2005 tentang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan di bandara-bandara yang dikelola oleh Perusahaan. Selain itu, insan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk menerapkan kegiatan pro-lingkungan dalam opeasional keseharian. Dalam hal ini, kami berpegang pada prinsip 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Untuk itu, serangkaian kegiatan kami terus lakukan,

trillion was 94.02%. With such composition, there was an increase in the operating income of 48.22%, from Rp1.97 trillion in 2017 to IDR2.92 trillion in 2018. Compared to the 2018 RKAP of IDR2.37 trillion, the realization of operating income reached the realization of 123.21%

The increase in the Company's revenue contributed to the country in the form of the increasing income tax. In 2017, the income tax expense paid by the Company was IDR 369.14 billion, while in 2018, it increased by 86.66% to IDR 689.02 billion. Thus, the current year's profit of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 was Rp2.01 trillion, increased by 41.55%, compared to 2017 which was recorded at Rp1.42 trillion. Compared to the 2018 RKAP of Rp1.57 trillion, the current year's profit reached the realization of 127.98%.

Environmental Performance

PT Angkasa Pura I realizes that climate change is a global issue that demands concern from the citizens of the world. This, among other things, is indicated by the signing of the Paris Agreement. This is an agreements in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regarding mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation and finance. Indonesia is one of the countries that signed the Paris Agreement, which was signed by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Siti Nurbaya, on the behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Company as one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) commits to contribute to encouraging environmental awareness as a kind of support for the Paris Agreement. Therefore, in carrying out the company's operations, the Company strives to minimize negative impacts on the environment. To realize this commitment, all of the PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) office network has a policy to implement environmentally friendly operational practices. The policy is in line with the Company's commitment to realize the eco green airport as one of the strategies of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Another measure taken in the pro-environment policy by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was applying the international standard ISO 14001: 2014/SNI 19–14001: 2005 concerning Environmental Management Systems at airports managed by the Company. In addition, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) employees strive hard to implement pro-environment activities in their daily operations. In this case, we adhere to the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Therefore, we continue to conduct some activities, such as environmental campaigns, environmental monitoring, waste management,

8PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity


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seperti kampanye lingkungan, monitoring lingkungan, manajemen limbah, manajemen habitat, dan lain-lain.

Sejalan dengan komitmen mewujudkan eco green airport, Perseroan juga terus berupaya untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi lingkungan sebagai pengakuan atas operasional sehari-hari. Sertifikat lingkungan yang sudah, sedang dan akan dijalankan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I adalah airport carbon accreditation, sertifikat green building dan ISO 14001: 2015.

Kinerja Sosial

Pencapaian kinerja positif PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tak lepas dari dukungan dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan, baik internal maupun eksternal. Pemangku kepentingan internal di antaranya adalah karyawan dengan berbagai divisi, sedangkan pemangku kepentingan eksternal antara lain pelanggan, vendor/pemasok, konsultan, asosiasi pengusaha, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan beroperasi.

Bagi Perseroan, karyawan merupakan aset terpenting karena mereka adalah penggerak dan pelaksana operasional sehari-hari. Dengan posisi seperti itu, karyawan memiliki peran yang sangat besar dalam mewujudkan Perseroan sebagai pengelola bandara standar kelas dunia. Untuk itu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sangat memperhatikan kualitas dan kapasitas karyawan sehingga mereka bisa bekerja secara paripurna.

Dalam upaya membentuk karyawan berkualitas dan mumpuni, selama tahun 2018, Perseroan telah menyelenggarakan berbagai program diklat, seperti public course, diklat teknis, mandatory regulasi, dan teknis bidang, dengan total peserta sebanyak 6.143 peserta di berbagai level jabatan, naik dibandingkan dengan tahun

habitat management, and others.

In line with the commitment to realize the eco green airport, the Company also continues to strive to obtain environmental certification in recognition of its daily operations. The environmental certificates have been being carried out by PT Angkasa Pura I are airport carbon accreditation, green building certificates and ISO 14001: 2015.

Social Performance

The positive performance achievement of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is inseparable from the support from various stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders include employees in various divisions, while external stakeholders include customers, vendors/suppliers, consultants, business associations, non-governmental organizations, and the surrounding communities.

For the Company, employees are the most important asset because they are the executors of daily operations. With such a position, employees play a great role in realizing the Company as a world-class standard airport management. Therefore, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has a great concern about the quality and capacity of employees so that they can work wholeheartedly.

As an effort to establish qualified and qualified employees, in 2018, the Company has organized various training programs, such as public courses, technical training, mandatory regulations, and technical fields, with a total of 6,143 participants at various levels, increased from 2017 with 3,799 participants. The cost allocated for the

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri


2018 Sustainability Report

Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

Page 10: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

2017 dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 3.799 peserta. Dana untuk penyelenggaraan pengembangan kompetensi tersebut sebesar Rp40,68 miliar, naik 4,29% dibanding tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat sebesar Rp39,01 miliar.

Selain karyawan, masyarakat merupakan pemangku kepentingan yang tak kalah penting bagi Perseroan. Untuk itu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berupaya seoptimal mungkin agar kehadirannya membawa manfaat sebesar-besarnya bagi masyarakat. Manfaat itu, antara lain, diwujudkan Perseroan melalui berbagai program yang dikemas dalam Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Dari tahun ke tahun, dana program ini terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2018, Perseroan mengucurkan dana sebesar Rp64,38 miliar, naik 10,28% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, yakni sebesar Rp58,38 miliar.

Untuk pelanggan atau penumpang sebagai pemangku kepentingan eksternal utama, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan sehingga mereka mendapatkan kepuasan maksimal. Kami sangat bersyukur bahwa hasil survei Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) tahun 2018 yang dilakukan di 13 bandar udara di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) semua menunjukkan peningkatan skor. Peningkatan nilai juga ditunjukkan dalam pengukuran tingkat kualitas pelayanan 8 bandara yang dilakukan oleh Airport Council International (ACI), lembaga independen internasional yang bergerak di bidang kebandarudaraan.

implementation of competency development was Rp40.68 billion, increased by 4.29% compared to the previous year which was recorded at Rp39.01 billion.

In addition to employees, the community is a stakeholder that is also important for the Company. Therefore, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) works as optimally as possible, so that its presence provides maximum benefits to the community. These benefits, among others, were realized by the Company through various programs that were packaged in the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL). From year to year, the program's fund is always increasing. In 2018, the Company disbursed funds amounted to Rp64.38 billion, increased by 10.28% compared to the previous year, which was amounted to Rp.58.38 billion.

For customers or passengers as the primary external stakeholders, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) also continues to strive to improve its service quality, so that they can get maximum satisfaction. We are very grateful that the results of the 2018 Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) survey conducted in 13 airports in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) all showed an increase in scores. The increase in scores was also shown in the measurement of the quality level of 8 airport services carried out by Airport Council International (ACI), an international independent institution engaged in airport business.

10PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity


Page 11: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Salam keberlanjutan Salute to Sustainability,

Jakarta, April 2019Jakarta, April 2019

Atas Nama Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

On the behalf of the Board of DirectorsPT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Faik FahmiDirektur Utama

President Director

Apresiasi Kami

Keberhasilan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) melalui tahun 2018 dengan membukukan kinerja positif merupakan hasil kerja dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Untuk itu, mewakili Direksi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kepada Dewan Komisaris, pemegang saham, konsumen/pelanggan, pemasok, maupun masyarakat. Ungkapan serupa kami sampaikan kepada seluruh karyawan yang telah bekerja keras, penuh dedikasi dan loyalitas sehingga Perseroan bisa mewujudkan target-target yang telah ditetapkan.

Sejalan dengan tantangan dan persaingan yang kian ketat di masa-masa mendatang, kami berharap agar dukungan dan kerja sama tersebut terus diberikan kepada PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Bagi Perseroan, dukungan dan kerja sama tersebut merupakan modal penting untuk terus maju, berkembang dan berkelanjutan. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberikan kemudahan dan mengabulkan harapan kita semua.

Our Appreciation

The success of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) throughout 2018 with positive performance is the result of work and support from various stakeholders. Therefore, on behalf of the Board of Directors, we express our highest gratitude and appreciation to the Board of Commissioners, shareholders, customers, suppliers and the community. Similar expressions to all employees who have worked hard, have been being fully dedicated and loyal, so that the Company can realize the targets.

In line with the challenges and increasingly tight competition in the future, we hope that this support and cooperation will continue to be provided to PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). For the Company, such support and cooperation is an important capital to continue to progress, develop and be sustainable. May God Almighty give easiness and realize our hopes.

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri


2018 Sustainability Report

Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

Page 12: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number



About This Report

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Laporan keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Tahun 2018 merupakan Laporan Keberlanjutan ke-5 yang diterbitkan terpisah dengan Laporan Tahunan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Laporan sebelumnya terbit pada April 2018. Sebagai korporasi yang berorientasi pada keberlanjutan, kami berkomitmen untuk menerbitkan Laporan serupa setiap tahun, bersamaan dengan Laporan Tahunan, dengan periode pelaporan per Januari-31 Desember. Walau diterbitkan terpisah, namun kedua Laporan merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling melengkapi. Pengungkapan 102-50, 102-51, 102-52

Kami menerbitkan Laporan ini sebagai salah satu upaya menjalankan prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik, yakni Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, Responsibilitas, Independensi, dan Fairness (Kewajaran). Selain itu, penerbitan Laporan ini juga merupakan pertanggungjawaban Perusahaan kepada segenap pemangku kepentingan. Selain kinerja ekonomi, melalui Laporan ini, Perusahaan juga menyampaikan kinerja sosial dan lingkungan, seperti diamanatkan Undang-Undang No.40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perusahaan Terbatas. Pasal 66 ayat 2c , undang-undang ini mengatur tentang kewajiban Perusahaan menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) dalam Laporan Tahunan.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan, menurut Pasal 1 Undang-Undang No.40 Tahun 2007, adalah “Komitmen Perseroan untuk berperan serta dalam pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi Perseroan sendiri, komunitas setempat, maupun masyarakat pada umumnya.”

Seperti penerbitan tahun sebelummya, penerbitan Laporan ini merujuk pada Standar GRI (GRI Standards) yang resmi diberlakukan per 1 Juli 2018. Standar GRI adalah rujukan yang dikeluarkan oleh Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSBB) –lembaga yang dibentuk oleh Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) untuk menangani pengembangan standar laporan keberlanjutan. Seusai dengan pilihan yang disediakan dalam Standar GRI, yakni Pilihan Inti dan Pilihan Komprehensif, “Laporan ini telah disiapkan sesuai dengan Standar GRI: Pilihan Inti (Core).” 102-54

Kami berusaha untuk menyampaikan semua informasi tentang Topik Material seperti yang ditentukan dalam Standar GRI. Semua informasi yang terpenuhi dalam Laporan ini ditandai dengan pencantuman angka pengungkapan Standar GRI di belakang pernyataan yang relevan. Data lengkap kecocokan informasi Perusahaan dengan Indeks Standar GRI disajikan di bagian belakang Laporan ini, dimulai pada halaman 208. 102-55

The Sustainability Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Year 2018 is the 5th Sustainability Report published separately from the Annual Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The previous report was published in April 2018. As a sustainability-oriented corporation, we are committed to publishing the similar Report every year, together with the Annual Report, with reporting periods from January to December 31. Despite separate publication, both reports constitute a single unit that complement each other. Disclosure 102-50, 102-51, 102-52

We publish this Report in an attempt to implement the principles of Good Corporate Governance, namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness. Moreover, the publication of this Report also constitutes the Company’s accountability to all stakeholders. In addition to economic performance, through this Report, the Company also describes social and environmental performance, as mandated by Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. Article 66 paragraph 2c thereof sets out companies’ obligation to provide reports on the execution of Social and Environmental Responsibility in an Annual Report.

Social and Environmental Responsibilities according to Article 1 of Law No.40 of 2007, is “Company’s commitment to participate in sustainable economic development to improve beneficial quality of life and environment, for the Company itself, local community, and general public.”

Similar to the publication of the previous year, this Report publication refers to GRI Standards that have begun coming into force per July 1, 2018. These GRI standards are a reference issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSBB) - an institution established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to address development of sustainability report standards. Consistent with the choices provided in the GRI Standards, i.e. the Core Choice and the Comprehensive Choice, “This report has been prepared in compliance with the GRI Standards: Core Choice.” 102-54

We attempt to present all information about Material Topics as specified in the GRI Standards. All information met in this Report is indicated by writing down the GRI Standard disclosure number after the relevant statement. Complete data on concordance between information about the Company and the GRI Standard Index are presented at the back of this Report, starting on page 208. 102-55



Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 15: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

GRI merekomendasikan penggunaan external assurance oleh pihak ketiga yang independen untuk memastikan kualitas dan kehandalan informasi yang disampaikan dalam laporan ini. Untuk itu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah melakukan external assurance oleh pihak ketiga yang independen atas informasi dan data yang disajikan dalam Laporan ini. Hasil external assurance disajikan pada halaman 208-209. 102-56

Data keuangan dalam Laporan ini menggunakan nominasi Rupiah, kecuali diindikasikan lain. Seluruh data keuangan yang kami sampaikan sudah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk keperluan Laporan Tahunan Perseroan. Laporan dibuat dalam dua bahasa, yakni Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Data kuantitatif dalam Laporan ini disajikan dengan menggunakan prinsip daya banding (comparability), minimal dalam dua tahun berturut-turut. Dengan demikian, pengguna Laporan dapat melakukan analisis tren ihwal kinerja Perseroan.

Dalam Laporan ini terdapat beberapa penyajian kembali informasi yang sifatnya memperbaiki laporan sebelumnya. Sebagai penanda, penyajian kembali informasi tersebut diberi tanda dan keterangan: *disajikan kembali. 102-48

Kami berharap Laporan ini bisa menjadi rujukan bagi segenap pemangku kepentingan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kinerja keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) selama tahun 2018. Selain edisi cetak, Laporan yang sama dapat diakses dan diunduh melalui situs Perusahaan https://www.ap1.co.id/

Untuk terwujudnya komunikasi dua arah, Perusahaan menyediakan Lembaran Umpan Balik di bagian akhir Laporan ini. Dengan lembaran tersebut, diharapkan pembaca dan pengguna Laporan ini dapat memberikan usulan, umpan balik, opini dan sebagainya, yang sangat berguna bagi peningkatan kualitas pelaporan di masa depan

Identifikasi Batasan dan Topik Material

Sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan Laporan Tahunan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) 2018, beberapa bagian dalam Laporan ini merujuk pada Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian 2018. Dalam menyusun laporan keuangan, Perusahaan melakukan konsolidasi terhadap laporan keuangan seluruh anak perusahaan yaitu PT Angkasa Pura Logistik, PT Angkasa Pura Properti, PT Angkasa Pura Suport, PT Angkasa Pura Hotel dan PT Angkasa Pura Retail. 102-45

Penentuan isi Laporan ini didasarkan pada 4 (empat) prinsip sesuai dengan panduan GRI, yaitu:

GRI recommends using external assurance by an independent third party to ensure the quality and reliability of the information presented in this report. Therefore, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has performed external assurance by an independent third party on the information and data presented in this Report. The result of external assurance is presented on page 208-209. 102-56

Financial data in this Report uses Rupiah nomination, unless indicated otherwise. All financial data that we present has been audited by a Public Accounting Firm for the purpose of Company Annual Report. The report is made in two languages, which are Bahasa Indonesia and English. Quantitative data in this Report is presented using the principle of comparability, minimal in two consecutive years. Therefore, Report users can perform trend analysis on the Company’s performance.

In this publication, there are several restatements of information intended to improve the previous report. To indicate them, the restatement of the information is marked and described as: *Restated. 102-48

We do hope that this Report can be used as a reference for all stakeholders to examine the execution of sustainability performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) throughout 2018. In addition to the print edition, the same Report can also be accessed and downloaded via the Company’s website athttps://www.ap1.co.id/

To realize two-way communication, the Company provides a Feedback Sheet at the end of this Report. Using this Feedback Sheet, it is expected that readers and users of this Report can offer suggestions, feedback, opinions, and so on, which will be very useful for improving reporting quality in the future.

Identification of Limitations and Material Topics

As an integral part of the Annual Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Year 2018, several parts of this Report were written based on the Consolidated Financial Statements Year 2018. In the preparation of the financial statements, the Company consolidated financial statements of all its subsidiaries, namely PT Angkasa Pura Logistik, PT Angkasa Pura Properti, PT Angkasa Pura Suport, PT Angkasa Pura Hotel and PT Angkasa Pura Retail. 102-45

The content of the sustainability report was determined based on 4 (four) principles consistent with GRI Guide, which are:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 16: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

1. Stakeholders inclusiveness (pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan), yaitu melibatkan Pemangku Kepentingan dalam penentuan aspek material yang diungkapkan dalam Laporan ini;

2. Materiality (materialitas), diterapkan dalam Laporan ini dengan memilih konten Laporan yang bersifat aspekaspek yang material, yang diperlukan oleh Pemangku Kepentingan;

3. Sustainability context (konteks keberlanjutan) yang merupakan aspek-aspek yang

terkait dengan konteks keberlanjutan, yang relevan bagi pembuat Laporan dalam membuat keputusan; dan

4. Completeness (kelengkapan), yaitu Laporan ini dibuat dengan ruang lingkup yang jelas untuk periode Laporan 2018 serta didukung dengan data yang lengkap.

Adapun tahapan dalam menentukan isi laporan adalah sebagai berikut: 102-46• Tahap pertama adalah melakukan proses identifikasi

aspek-aspek keberlanjutan dan identifikasi topik penting yang akan diungkapkan. Proses identifikasi ini didasarkan pada prinsip konteks keberlanjutan dan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan. Setiap aspek yang material ditentukan batasan ruang lingkupnya (boundary).

• Tahap kedua adalah penentuan prioritas atas aspek-aspek keberlanjutan yang material dan akan dilaporkan berdasarkan identifikasi pada tahap pertama. Tahap prioritasisasi didasarkan pada prinsip materialitas dan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

• Tahap ketiga adalah melakukan validasi aspek material. Prinsip yang melandasi tahap validasi adalah kelengkapan dan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

• Tahap keempat adalah melakukan tinjauan ulang terhadap laporan keberlanjutan pada saat akan melakukan pelaporan keberlanjutan tahun yang akan datang. Kajian tersebut akan bermanfaat dalam melakukan tahapan identifikasi pada siklus pelaporan berikutnya.

Keempat tahap dalam menetapkan konten Laporan digambarkan dalam Bagan Alur Proses Penentapan Konten Laporan berikut ini.

1. Stakeholders inclusiveness, which is involving Stakeholders in the detemrination of material aspects disclosed in this Report;

2. Materiality is implemented in this Report by selecting Report contents which has material aspects, which are required by Stakeholders;

3. Sustainability context which is aspects related to sustainable context, which is relevant to Report maker in decision making; and

4. Completeness, which is this Report is made with a clear scope for 2018 Report period and supported by complete data.

The following are stages to determine the content of the report: 102-46• The first stage is to identify the aspects of sustainability

and important topics to be disclosed. This process of identification is based on the principles of sustainability context and stakeholder engagement. The limitation of the scope (boundary) is determined for each material aspect.

• The second stage is to determine material sustainability aspects in order of priority to be later reported based on the results of identification undertaken in the first stage. The stage of prioritization is based on the principles of materiality and stakeholder engagement.

• The third stage is to do validation of the material aspects. The principles underlying the validation stage are completeness and stakeholder engagement.

• The fourth stage is to review the sustainability report while preparing a sustainability report for the upcoming year. The review will be useful for the execution of the stage of identification in the next reporting cycle.

The four stages in determining the content of the Report is described in the following Flowchart of Report Content Determination Process.



Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 17: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Selanjutnya, konten Laporan diulas demi memenuhi 6 (enam) prinsip kualitas yang direkomendasikan oleh GRI, meliputi:1. Akurasi Informasi yang disajikan harus akurat dan detail

sehingga dapat digunakan oleh para Pemangku Kepentingan untuk menilai kinerja Perseroan.

2. Keseimbangan Kinerja organisasi yang disajikan harus memuat

aspek positif maupun negatif sehingga dapat dinilai secara rasional dan menyeluruh.

3. Kejelasan Informasi yang disajikan harus mudah dipahami dan

terbuka bagi para Pemangku Kepentingan untuk diakses.

4. Daya Banding Informasi yang disajikan harus konsisten dan dapat

digunakan oleh Pemangku Kepentingan untuk menilai perubahan kinerja yang terjadi pada Perseroan dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dapat dengan menyertakan data dan informasi untuk beberapa tahun sebelum periode pelaporan yang digunakan.

5. Keandalan Laporan harus memuat dan menggunakan informasi

serta proses yang digunakan dalam menyiapkan laporan, yang dapat diperiksa dan mencerminkan kualitas dan materialitas dari informasi yang disajikan.

6. Ketepatan Waktu Laporan harus diterbitkan secara rutin sehingga

pemangku kepentingan dapat mengambil keputusan secara tepat waktu berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia.

Then, the content of the Report is reviewed to meet 6 (six) principles of quality recommended by GRI, including:

1. Accuracy The information presented must be accurate and

detailed so that it can be used by the Stakeholders to assess the performance of the Company.

2. Balance The organizational performance presented must

contain positive and negative aspects to allow rational and comprehensive assessment.

3. Clarity The information presented must be easy to understand

and open for the Stakeholders to access.

4. Comparability The information presented must be consistent and can

be used by the Stakeholders to assess any performance change which happens in the Company in certain period, could be by including data and information for several years before the reporting period which is being used.

5. Reliability The report must contain and use information and

process which are used in preparing report, which can be examined and reflect the quality and materiality of the presented information.

6. Timeliness The report must be published regularly so that the

stakeholders can make decision on time based on available information.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 18: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Topik Material dan Pengaruhnya Bagi Pemangku Kepentingan 102-47

Batasan pelaporan ini adalah penyampaian informasi material yang diperoleh dari Kantor Pusat Angkasa Pura di Jakarta, yang meliputi Pusat Manajemen dan Departemen Operasi, dan beserta 13 bandara yang dikelola Perusahaan. Laporan ini tidak menyertakan informasi material dari entitas anak, pemasok, maupun entitas lain di luar Perusahaan.

Topik material dalam Laporan ini, seperti disebutkan dalam Standar GRI, adalah topik-topik yang telah prioritaskan organisasi untuk dicantumkan dalam laporan. Dimensi yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas, antara lain, adalah dampak bagi ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Dampak dalam Laporan ini termasuk di dalamnya yang bernilai positif. Penetapan aspek material dan boundary didasarkan pada isu-isu yang berpengaruh signifikan bagi Perseroan, serta seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan.

Untuk mendapatkan Topik Material, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah melakukan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pada 27 Desember 2018 di kantor Perseroan, yang dengan menyelenggarakan Uji Materialitas dengan melakukan survei kepada pemangku kepentingan internal maupun eksternal. Pemangku kepentingan internal adalah pegawai Perseroan lintas divisi, sedangkan pemangku kepentingan eksternal terdiri dari beragam latar belakang, seperti konsumen/pelanggan, pemasok/rekanan, media massa, dan sebagainya.

Dalam survei tersebut, responden diminta mengisi dan menilai 26 calon Topik Material yang telah disepakati dalam FGD dengan skala 1-5 berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya. Skor 1 adalah Sangat Tidak Penting, dan skor 5 Sangat Penting. Total ada 262 responden dari internal dan eksternal yang mengembalikan lembar Uji Material. Berdasarkan survei tersebut telah didapat 18 Topik Material Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) 2018. Topik Material adalah topik-topik yang mendapat nilai atau skor minimal 4 dari responden. Adapun Topik Material terpilih adalah sebagai berikut:

Kinerja Ekonomi:1. Kinerja Ekonomi2. Keberadaan Pasar3. Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung4. Antikorupsi5. Perilaku Anti-Persaingan

Kinerja Lingkungan:6. Energi7. Air8. Emisi9. Kepatuhan Lingkungan

Material Topics and Their Effect on Stakeholders 102-47, 103-1

This report is limited to delivery of material information obtained from the Head Office of Angkasa Pura in Jakarta, which includes the Management Center and the Operations Department, and 13 airports managed by the Company. This Report does not include material information from subsidiaries, vendors, and other entities other than the Company.

The material topics in this Report, as mentioned in the GRI Standards, are topics which have been prioritized by the organization to be included in the report. The dimensions used to determine the priorities include economy, environment and social impacts. The impacts in this Report include positive impacts. The determination of material aspects and boundaries is based on issues which significantly affect the Company, as well as all Stakeholders.

To get Material Topics, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has performed Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 27 December 2018 in the Company office, by holding Materiality Test by performing survey on internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders are Company employees from various divisions, while the external stakeholders come from varying backgrounds, such as consumer/customer, vendor/partner, mass media, etc.

In the survey, the respondents are requested to fill and assess 26 potential Material Topics which have been agreed on in FGD on a scale of 1-5 based on the level of importance. Score 1 is Very Unimportant and score 5 is Very Important. In total, there were 262 internal and external respondents who return the Material Test sheets. Based on the survey, 18 Material Topics of the Sustainability Report of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Year 2018 are found. Material Topics are topics which are scored at least 4 by the respondents. The selected Material Topics are below:

Economic Performance1. Economic Performance2. Market Presence3. Indirect Economic Impacts4. Anti-corruption5. Anti-competition Behaviors

Environmental Performance:6. Energy7. Water8. Emission9. Environmental Compliance



Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Kinerja Sosial10. Kepegawaian11 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja12. Pelatihan dan Pendidikan13. Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan Setara14. Non Diskriminasi15. Masyarakat Lokal16. Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Pelanggan17. Pemasaran dan Pelabelan18. Kepatuhan Sosial Ekonomi

Social Performance10. Employment11 Occupational Health and Safety12. Training and Education13. Diversity and Equal Opportunity 14. Non Discrimination15. Local Community16. Customer Health and Safety17. Marketing and Labeling 18. Social Economic Compliance

Topik MaterialMaterial Topic


Kenapa Topik Ini MaterialWhy the Topic is Material



Number of Disclosure

Boundary (Batasan dampak)

Impact Boundary (102-46)

Di dalamInside


Di luar OutsidePT AP I


Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikanDirect economic value which is produced and distributed

Menggambarkan pencapaian dan kinerja Perseroan selama tahun pelaporanDescribing the Company’s achievement and performance throughout the reporting year

201-1, 201-3, 201-4

Keberadaan PasarMarket Presence

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan terhadap pemberian upah karyawan yang kompetitif, di atas upah minimum kabupaten/kota dimana Perseroan beroperasiDescribing the Company’s commitment to competitive employee remuneration, above the minimum wages of regencies/cities where the Company operates


Dampak Ekonomi Tidak LangsungIndirect Economic Impact

Menggambarkan manfaat atas keberadaan Perseroan bagi masyarakatDescribing benefit of the presence of the Company for the community

203-1, 203-2


Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan untuk menyelenggarakan operasional perusahaan secara bersih, jujur dan transparan Describing the Company’s commitment to run clean, honest and transparent company operation

205-2, 205-3

Daftar Topik Material Tahun 2018 dan Batasan TopikList of Material Topics in 2018 and Topic Boundary


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Topik MaterialMaterial Topic


Kenapa Topik Ini MaterialWhy the Topic is Material



Number of Disclosure

Boundary (Batasan dampak)

Impact Boundary (102-46)

Di dalamInside


Di luar OutsidePT AP I

Perilaku Anti-PersainganAnti-competition behavior

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan untuk bersaing secara sehat, menghindari praktik bisnis yang tidak terpujiDescribing the Company’s commitment to compete healthily, avoiding improper business practices



Kepegawaian Employment Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan tentang pentingnya pengelolaan pegawai/SDM Describing the Company’s commitment to the importance of employee/HR management

401-1, 401-2, 401-3

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Occupational Health and Safety

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam menyediakan tempat kerja yang aman dan nyaman Describing the Company’s commitment to provide safe and comfortable workplace

403-1, 403-2, 403-4

Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Training and Education

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi karyawan Describing the Company’s commitment to efforts to improve employee competency

404-1, 404-2, 404-3

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan Setara Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam menghargai keberagaman dan kesetaraan untuk maju dan berkembang Describing the Company’s commitment to appreciate the diversity and equality to move forward and grow

405-1, 405-2

Non-Diskriminasi Non-discrimination

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam menghargai kesamaan antar-sesama Describing the Company’s commitment to appreciate equality among peers


Masyarakat Lokal Local Community

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan terhadap pentingnya keterlibatan masyarakat lokal, termasuk menyediakan saluran pengaduan bagi masyarakat Describing the Company’s commitment to the importance of engaging local community, including providing complaint channel for the public

413-1, 413-2

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Pelanggan Customer Health and Safety

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik sehingga pelanggan bisa memanfaatkan produk Perseroan secara aman, nyaman. Describing the Company’s commitment to provide the best services so that customers can use the Company’s produces safely, comfortably.

416-1, 416-2

Pemasaran dan Pelabelan Marketing and Labeling

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam menyampaikan informasi yang akurat dan komuniasi pemasaran yang adil dan bertanggungjawab kepada pelanggan/konsumen Describing the Company’s commitment to give accurate information and fair and responsible marketing communication to customers/consumers

417-1, 417-2,417-3

Pemasaran dan Pelabelan Marketing and Labeling

Menggambarkan komitmen Perseroan dalam menyampaikan informasi yang akurat dan komuniasi pemasaran yang adil dan bertanggungjawab kepada pelanggan/konsumen Describing the Company’s commitment to give accurate information and fair and responsible marketing communication to customers/consumers

417-1, 417-2,417-3


Energi Energy

Menggambarkan kepedulian Perseroan terhadap pengelolaan energi yang ketersediannya kian terbatas Describing the Company’s attention to the management of energy which has increasngly limited availability

302-1, 302-3, 302-4

Air Water

Menggambarkan kepedulian Perseroan terhadap pengelolaan sumber daya air yang ketersediannya kian terbatas Describing the Company’s attention to the management water resources which has increasingly limited availability

303-1, 303-3

Emisi Emission

Menggambarkan kepedulian Perseroan terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca yang berdampak besar pada perubahan iklim Describing the Company’s attention to the greenhouse gas emission which has major impact on climate change

305-1, 305-2,305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7

Kepatuhan Lingkungan Environmental Compliance

Menggambarkan komitmen terhadap berbagai peraturan lingkungan sehingga operasional Perseroan tidak berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan Describing commitment to various environmental regulations so that the Company’s operation doesn’t negatively impact the environment




Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 21: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Dengan diperolehnya Topik Material yang baru tersebut di atas, maka terdapat perubahan yang signifikan dalam Topik Material dan Batasan Topik dibanding Laporan tahun sebelumnya. Pada Laporan tahun 2017, Topik Material dan boundary-nya adalah sebagai berikut: 102-49

Dillihat keseluruhan isi topik material yang menonjol adalah:

By obtaining the new Material Topics above, there are significant changes in the Material Topics and Topic Boundary compared with the Report of the previous year. In the Report Year 2017, the Material Topics and boundary were the following:

Overall, the prominen material topic contents were:

Umpan Balik

Untuk terwujudnya komunikasi dua arah, kami menyediakan Lembar Umpan Balik di bagian akhir Laporan ini. Kepada para pemangku kepentingan Perseroan, kami mengundang Anda untuk menyampaikan saran, masukan dan pertanyaan atas data dan informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan ini sehingga kami dapat meningkatkan kualitas laporan dan kinerja keberlanjutan kami di masa mendatang.


To realize two-way communication, we provide a Feedback Sheet at the end of this Report. The Company stakeholders are invited to offer suggestions, feedback, opinions and questions on the data and information presented in this report, so that we’ll be able to improve the quality of the report and our sustianable performance in the future.

Tinggi Kinerja ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal

» Dampak ekonomi tak langsung • Produk dan JasaSedang

K3 Ketenagakerjaan

√ Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Anti Korupsi

High Economic Performance Local Community

» Indirect economic impacts • Products and ServicesModerate

OHS ■ Employment

√ Training and Education Anti Corruption


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Akses Informasi Atas Laporan Keberlanjutan

Laporan ini ditujukan kepada seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan sebagai salah satu landasan melakukan penilaian atas kinerja Perusahaan. Dengan demikian, para Pemangku Kepentingan dapat melakukan evaluasi mengenai sejauh mana Perusahaan berperan serta dalam menjalankan kewajibannya bagi keberlanjutan di bidang lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial terkait praktik bisnisnya. Perusahaan memberikan akses informasi seluas-luasnya bagi seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan, dan investor serta siapa saja mengenai Laporan Keberlanjutan ini dengan menghubungi: 102-53

Kantor Pusat PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Corporate Secretary Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Faks : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] : www.ap1.co.id Twitter : @AP_airports Instagram : @AP_airportsFacebook : Angkasa Pura Airports


Pemangku kepentingan adalah kelompok atau individu yang memiliki dampak secara langsung atau pengaruh yang besar terhadap kegiatan bisnis PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Dengan posisi yang begitu strategis, maka Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk membangun hubungan yang harmonis dengan segenap pemangku kepentingan, dan berupaya melibatkan mereka sesuai dengan kompetensi masing-masing.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) melakukan identifikasi pemangku kepentingan dengan merujuk pada AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard versi tahun 2015, yang membagi ke dalam 5 atribut sebagai berikut:1. Dependency (D) Jika Perusahaan memiliki ketergantungan pada

seseorang atau sebuah organisasi, atau sebaliknya.2. Responsibility (R) Jika Perusahaan memiliki tanggung jawab legal,

komersial atau etika terhadap seseorang atau sebuah organisasi.

Access to Information about the Sustainability Report

This report is intended for all Stakeholders as one of the bases for assessing the Company’s performance. Thus, Stakeholders can evaluate the extent to which the Company participates in carrying out its obligations for environmental, economic, and social sustainability relating to its business practices. The Company provides unrestricted access to information to all Stakeholders, and investors and anyone regarding this Sustainability Report by contacting: 102-53

Head OfficePT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Corporate Secretary Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Faks : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] : www.ap1.co.id Twitter : @AP_airports Instagram : @AP_airportsFacebook : Angkasa Pura Airports


Stakeholder is a group or individual who has direct and big influence towards PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) business activity. By the strategic position, the Company commits to build harmonious relationship with all stakeholders and attempts to involve them according to their respective competency.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) performs stakeholders indetification by referring to AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard version of 2015, which divides the following 5 atributes:1. Dependency (D) If the Company has dependency upon individual or an

organization, or vice versa. 2. Responsibility (R) If the Company has resposnibility of legal, commersial,

or ethics towards individual or an organization.



Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 23: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

3. Tension (T) Jika seseorang atau sebuah organisasi membutuhkan

perhatian Perusahaan terkait isu ekonomi, sosial atau lingkungan tertentu.

4. Influence (I) Jika seseorang atau sebuah organisasi memiliki

pengaruh terhadap Perusahaan atau strategi atau kebijakan pemangku kepentingan lain.

5. Diverse Perspective (DP) Jika seseorang atau sebuah organisasi memiliki

pandangan yang berbeda yang dapat mempengaruhi situasi dan mendorong adanya aksi yang tidak ada sebelumnya.

Setelah dilakukan pemetaan, pemangku kepentingan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut:

D =Dependency; R = Responsibility; T = Tension; I = Influence; DP = Diverse Perspective

Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan

List of Stakeholders 102-40

Basis Penetapan/Identifikasi

Identification Basic 102-42

Metode PelibatanInvolvement Method




Topik/Masalah yang MunculEmerged Topic/Issue



· D, R, T, I · Website dan frontline information

· Website and frontline information

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Informasi beragam produk dan jasa

· Layanan pengaduan/keluhan dan solusi

· Various information of product and service

· Complaint Service and Solution · Kunjungan

langsung· Direct Visit

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Layanan call center· Call center service

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Survei Kepuasan Nasabah

· Consumer Satisfaction Survey

· Setahun sekali· Once a year

· Mendapatkan kepuasan layanan· Receive service satisfaction

Pemegang Saham/PemerintahShareholders/Government

· D, R, I · Pelaporan Kinerja· RUPS· Performance Report · RUPS

· Setiap kuartal· Dua kali setahun· Quarterly· Twice a year

· Kinerja keuangan· Kinerja non-keuangan· Kinerja sepanjang tahun tentang

tata kelola, kinerja keuangan, non-keuangan, dan lain-lain

· Financial Performance· Non-financial performance · Performance throughout the year

about governance, financial and non-financial performance, etc.


· D, R, T, I, DP · Rapat dengar pendapat

· Rapat koordinasi· Hearings· Coordination


· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Pengurusan izin usaha dan regulasi

· Koordinasi terkait tata kelola bandara, dan lain-lain

· Arrangement of business permit and regulation

· Coordination relating to airport governance, etc.

Otoritas Jasa KeuanganFinancial Service Authority

· D, R, T, I, DP · Pelaporan pelaksanaan Kepatuhan dan notifikasi pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

· Obedience reporting and notification to Financial Service Authority (OJK)

· Setiap saat· Any time

· Informasi tentang kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku

· Information about obedience to the applicable regulation

3. Tension (T) If individual or an organization needs the Company

attention relating to particular economic, social, or environment issue.

4. Influence (I) If individual or an organization has influence to the

Company or strategy or other stakeholders policy.

5. Diverse Perspective (DP) If individual or an organization has different perspective

which may influence situation and encourage an unexistent action before to happen.

After mapping, stakeholders of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are as follows:

D =Dependency; R = Responsibility; T = Tension; I = Influence; DP = Diverse Perspective


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan

List of Stakeholders 102-40

Basis Penetapan/Identifikasi

Identification Basic 102-42

Metode PelibatanInvolvement Method




Topik/Masalah yang MunculEmerged Topic/Issue



· D, R, T, I, DP · Letter of credit· Perjanjian Akad

kredit· Letter of credit· Credit Agreement

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Tata cara, syarat dan ketentuan pinjam-meminjamt

· Metode dan pembayaran pinjaman/kredit

· Sanksi apabila terjadi wanprestasi

· Governance, requirement, and term of lending and borrowing

· Method and payment of debt/credit

· Sanction if default happen


· D,R, T, I · Media Internal· Media sosial· Internal Media· Social Media

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Sosialisasi kebijakan dan strategi yang berkaitan dengan kepegawaian

· Kesetaraan kesempatan kerja dan jenjang karir

· Pengembangan karir, pelatihan dan lain-lain

· Jaminan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja

· Socialization of policy and strategy relating to employement

· Equality of employement opportunity and career path

· Career development , training, etc.

· Health and safety insurance


· D, R, T · Kontrak kerja· Employement


· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Proses pengadaan yang obyektif· Kerjasama saling

menguntungkan, transparan dan adil

· Penjelasan lingkup pekerjaan· Ketentuan tentang penagihan

biaya pekerjaan· Objective procurement process · Mutually beneficial , transparant,

and fair cooperation · Working scope explanation · Provision about working fee



· D, R, T, I, DP · Kerjasama strategis untuk menjalankan program-program Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan, baik di bidang ekonomi, sosial maupun Lingkungan

· Pertemuan dengan Ormas, Organisasi Sosial, Masyarakat Sekitar dan Kampus

· Strategic cooperation to perform programs of Company’s Social Responsibility either in economy, social, or environment

· Meeting with community organization, social organization, local community, and Campus

· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Sosialisasi program PKBL/CSR· Pelaksanaan program PKBL/

CSR· Cara mengoptimalkan

pencapaian program PKBL.CSR· Informasi tentang kegiatan

perusahaan· Socialization of PKBL/CSR

program· Implementation of PKBL/CSR

program· How to optimize achievement of

PKBL.CSR program· Information about company’s




Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 25: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan

List of Stakeholders 102-40

Basis Penetapan/Identifikasi

Identification Basic 102-42

Metode PelibatanInvolvement Method




Topik/Masalah yang MunculEmerged Topic/Issue



· T, I, DP · Press release· Press conference· Media gathering· Site Visit· Kunjungan ke

kantor media· Press release· Press conference· Media gathering· Site Visit· Visit to media’s


· Sesuai kebutuhan· According to the


· Kinerja keuangan· Kinerja non-keuangan· Dampak dan kinerja kegiatan

sosial dan lingkungan perusahaan

· Informasi tentang kegiatan perusahaan

· Informasi terbaru terkait usaha dan produk yang perlu diketahui publik

· Financial performance · Non-financial performance · Effect and performance of

company’s social activity · Information about company’s

activity · Newest Information relating to

business and product that need to be known publicly.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 26: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile

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Nama 102-1 PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Bidang Usaha 102-2 1. Pelayanan Jasa Kebandarudaraan 2. Pelayanan Jasa Terkait Bandara

Produk Jasa 102-2 1. PJP4U (Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara) 2. PJP2U (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara) 3. Garbarata (Aviobridge) 4. Counter Check-in 5. Baggage Handling System/(BHS)/Hold Baggage Screening (HBS)6. Konsesi Atas Jasa Penggunaan Fasilitas Bandar Udara

Layanan Jasa 102-2 1. Aeronautika Non ATS 2. Non Aeronautika

Status Perusahaan 102-5 Badan Usaha Milik Negara

Kepemilikan 102-5 100% dimiliki oleh Negara Republik Indonesia

Tanggal Pendirian 15 November 1962

Dasar Hukum Pendirian PP Nomor 5 tahun 1992

Modal Dasar Rp12.

Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh Rp6.414.412.000.000.

Kode Obligasi APAI

Data Jaringan Kantor 102-4 1 Kantor Pusat13 Bandara yang dikelola3 Kantor Proyek 5 Entitas Anak

Jumlah Karyawan 102-8 3.374 orang

Alamat Kantor Pusat 102-3 Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Faks : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] Website : www.ap1.co.id

Layanan Informasi Corporate Secretary Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Faks : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] : www.ap1.co.idTwitter : @AP_airports Instagram: @AP_airportsFacebook : Angkasa Pura Airports Youtube : www.youtube.com/angkasapuraairports

Contact Center Bandara 172Tel: 172Email : [email protected] : @angkasapura172Facebook : Angkasa Pura 172

Entitas Anak PT Angkasa Pura Hotel PT Angkasa Pura Logistik PT Angkasa Pura Properti PT Angkasa Pura Retail PT Angkasa Pura Suport


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), yang selanjutnya disebut dengan Perseroan/Perusahaan atau kami, merupakan pelopor pengusahaan kebandarudaraan secara komersial di Indonesia. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berawal dari Perusahaan Negara (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran, yang dibentuk pada tanggal 20 Februari 1962 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 33 Tahun 1962. Tugas pokoknya adalah mengelola dan mengusahakan Bandar Udara Kemayoran Jakarta, yang merupakan bandar udara internasional pertama di Indonesia.

Setelah melalui masa transisi selama dua tahun, terhitung sejak 20 Februari 1964, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran resmi mengambil alih secara penuh aset dan operasional Bandar Udara Kemayoran Jakarta dari Pemerintah. Tanggal 20 Februari 1964 itulah yang kemudian ditetapkan sebagai hari jadi Perseroan.

Dalam perkembangannya, untuk lebih memperluas cakupan kerja mengelola bandar udara lain di wilayah Indonesia, berdasarkan PP Nomor 21 tahun 1965, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran berubah nama menjadi Perusahaan Negara (PN) Angkasa Pura sejak tanggal 17 Mei 1965. Perubahan ini bertujuan untuk lebih membuka

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), henceforth the Company, is the pioneer of commercial airport management in Indonesia. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was initially Perusahaan Negara (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran, established on 20 February 1962, based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 33 year 1962. Its main duties are to manage and run Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta, which was the first international airport in Indonesia.

After a transition period of more than two years, started from February 20, 1964, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran officially took over the assets and operations of Jakarta Kemayoran Airport from the Government. It was February 20, 1964, which was later determined as the anniversary of the Company.

Along with developments, in order to expand the scope of work in managing other airports in Indonesia, according to Government Regulation No. 21 year 1965, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran changed its name to Perusahaan Negara/State-Owned Enterprise (PN) Angkasa Pura in May 17, 1965. This change was intended to open up more opportunities for PN


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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peluang bagi PN Angkasa Pura dalam melakukan pengelolaan bandar udara lain di wilayah Indonesia. Secara bertahap, PN Angkasa Pura telah mengelola Bandar Udara Ngurah Rai – Bali, Halim Perdanakusuma – Jakarta, Polonia – Medan, Juanda – Surabaya, Sepinggan – Balikpapan, dan Sultan Hasanuddin – Ujung Pandang.

Kemudian, berdasarkan PP Nomor 37 Tahun 1974, status badan hukum Perseroan diubah menjadi Perusahaan Umum (Perum). Secara umum, seluruh perubahan tersebut ditujukan untuk lebih memperluas cakupan kerja pengelolaan bandar udara di Indonesia. Di tahun 1985, Bandar Udara Internasional Kemayoran dinyatakan berhenti beroperasi. Seluruh kegiatan operasional dialihkan ke Bandar Udara Soekarno Hatta yang pada kala itu bernama Bandar Udara Cengkareng (CGK).

Berdasarkan PP Nomor 25 tahun 1987, Perum Angkasa Pura berubah nama sejak tanggal 19 Mei 1987 menjadi Perum Angkasa Pura I bersamaan dengan dibentuknya Perum Angkasa Pura II yang khusus bertugas mengelola Bandar Udara Soekarno-Hatta dan Halim Perdanakusuma.

Pada tahun 1992, berdasarkan PP Nomor 5 Tahun 1992, bentuk Perusahaan Umum (Perum) diubah menjadi Perusahaan Terbatas (PT) yang sahamnya dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Negara Republik Indonesia sehingga namanya menjadi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dengan Akta Notaris Muhani Salim, SH tanggal 3 Januari 1993 dan telah memperoleh persetujuan Menteri Kehakiman dengan keputusan Nomor: C2-470.HT.01.01 Tahun 1993 tanggal 24 April 1993, serta diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 52 tanggal 29 Juni 1993 dengan Tambahan Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor: 2914/1993. Selepas itu hingga tahun 2018, Perseroan tidak pernah melakukan pergantian nama dan tetap menggunakan nama PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Sejalan dengan pengoperasian sejumlah bandara baru, seperti Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang, dan Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta, Kulon Progo, Kementerian Perhubungan sebagai pemegang otoritas transportasi telah menyediakan intekoneksi transportasi umum dari dan ke bandara. Untuk layanan interkoneksi bandara di Semarang telah tersedia Armada Koridor berupa bus, sedangkan interkoneksi di Yogyakarta tersedia kereta api, bus, dan taksi. G4-DMA

Alternatif Transportasi Umum Keluar-Masuk Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang.

Angkasa Pura in conducting other airports management in the Indonesian territory. Gradually, PN Angkasa Pura has been managing some airports such as I Gusti Ngurah Rai (Bali), Halim Perdanakusuma (Jakarta), Polonia (Medan), Juanda (Surabaya), Sepinggan (Balikpapan), and Sultan Hasanuddin (Ujung Pandang, Makassar).

Later on, based on Government Regulation Number 37 year 1974, the legal status of the Company was turned into a Public Company. In general, all of the changes involved are aimed at widening the scope of airport management in Indonesia. In 1985, Kemayoran International Airport seized to operate. All operational activities were moved to Soekarno- Hatta Airport, which was known as Cengkareng Airport (CGK).

Based on Government Regulation Number 25 year 1986, Perum Angkasa Pura changed its name on 19 May 1986 into Perum Angkasa Pura I, in line with the establishment of Perum Angkasa Pura II, which was given a special assignment to run Soekarno- Hatta and Halim Perdanakusuma airports.

In 1992, according to Government Regulation Number 5 Year 1992, Public Company (Perum) may be changed into Limited Liability Company (PT) which its share is fully owned by the Republic of Indonesia; hence the name becomes PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) with Notarial Deed of Muhani Salim, SH dated January 3, 1993 and has obtained permission from Minsitry of Justice with the decree Number: C2-470.HT.01.01 Year 1993 dated April 24, 1993, and announced in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 dated June 29, 1993 with Additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 2914/1993. Afterwards until 2018, the Company did not change its name and still use PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) name.

In line with other several new airports operation, such as International Airport of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang, and International Airport of Yogyakarta, Kulon Progo, Ministry of Transportation as the holder of transportation authority has provided public transportation interconnection from and to airport. For airport interconnection service in Semarang, provided Corridor Transportation in form of bus, while interconnection in Yogyakarta provided train, bus, and taxi. G4-DMA

Alternative of Public Transportation for In and Out from Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang International Airport.


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Sementara itu, untuk mendukung layanan interkoneksi dari dan menuju Bandara Udara Internasional Yogyakarta, operator transportasi darat yang siap beroperasi antara lain Perum Damri, PT Keren Transindo Sejahtera (SatelQu), operator taksi Primkopau II, dan Organda DIY (2 perusahaan). Selain itu, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) juga menyiapkan rute kereta api menuju Stasiun Wojo di Purworejo untuk menunjang mobilitas menuju YIA.

Perum Damri menyiapkan 12 unit armadanya dan akan melayani empat trayek pada tahap awal, yaitu YIA - Yogyakarta (Kantor Damri Cabang Yogyakarta), YIA - Stasiun Wojo, YIA - Magelang (Candi Borobudur) dan YIA - Kebumen via Purworejo (Hotel Patra) pulang dan pergi. Sedangkan SatelQu menyediakan 9 unit bus yang akan melayani tiga rute, yaitu Banjarnegara - Wonosobo - Purworejo - YIA - Bandara Adisutjipto, Cilacap - YIA - Bandara Adisutjipto, dan Purwokerto - YIA - Bandara Adisutjipto pulang dan pergi.

Sementara bagi calon penumpang pesawat udara yang ingin menggunakan moda transportasi kereta api, KAI menyiapkan enam rute perjalanan. KAI juga menyiapkan satu rangkaian kereta yang akan melayani perjalanan dari Stasiun Maguwo yang berada di Bandara Adisutjioto, Stasiun Tugu, kemudian menuju Stasiun Wojo sebanyak 4 kali perjalanan pulang pergi dan 2 lainnya akan dilayani dengan KA Solo Ekspres relasi Solobalapan - Kutoarjo. Dari Stasiun Wojo, penumpang dapat melanjutkan perjalanan menuju YIA menggunakan shutlle bus (Damri) yang tersedia, dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 10 menit.

Dengan adanya dukungan dan pilihan berbagai moda angkutan darat ini dapat memudahkan calon penumpang serta memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman selama perjalanan dari dan menuju YIA.

Meanwhile, in order to support interconnection service from and to Yogyakarta International Airport, land transportation operator which ready to operate is Perum Damri, PT Keren Transindo Sejahtera (SatelQu), taxi operator Primkopau II, and Organda DIY (2 companies). Besides, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) also provides train route to Wojo Station in Purworejo to support mobility to YIA.

Perum Damri prepares 12 units transportation and will serve 4 initial routes, namely YIA - Yogyakarta (Damri Office Branch Yogyakarta), YIA – Wojo Station, YIA - Magelang (Borobudur Temple) and YIA - Kebumen via Purworejo (Hotel Patra) round-trip. Meanwhile, SatelQu provides 9 units of buses for 3 routes, namely Banjarnegara - Wonosobo - Purworejo - YIA – Adisutjipto Airport, Cilacap - YIA – Adisutjipto Airport, and Purwokerto - YIA – Adisutjipto Airport round-trip.

For the flight passangers who want to use train transportation, KAI provides six trip routes. KAI provides one train from Maguwo Station in Adisutjipto Airport, Tugu Station, and then go to Wojo Station for 4 times round-trip and other 2 trips will be handled with KA Solo Ekspress for Solobalapan – Kutoarjo route. From Wojo Station, the passengers can continue their trip to YIA by using the available shuttle bus (Damri) with 10 minutes travelling time.

By the support and option of various land transportations, it may facilitate the passengers and give them security and convenience from and to YIA.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Land Transportation Land Transportation


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Jadwal Kereta Api

Armada & Jadwal Satelqu


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Visi dan Misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mempunyai arti dan peranan penting dalam membantu manajemen untuk mempertajam bisnis inti (core business) maupun untuk

mengidentifikasikan apa sebenarnya kompetensi inti (core competence) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dewasa ini dan apa yang akan dikembangkan di masa mendatang.

The Vision and Mission of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are meaningful and play important roles in helping the management to sharpen its core business and identify the true core competence of PT

Angkasa Pura I (Persero) today and the one that needs to develop for the future.

"Menjadi salah satu dari sepuluh perusahaan pengelola bandar udara terbaik di Asia."

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) bertekad melakukan transformasi secara menyeluruh dan bertahap selama lima tahun yang telah dituangkan dalam Roadmap 2013-2017, yaitu Percepatan Pertumbuhan Bisnis (2013), Optimalisasi Potensi Bisnis Secara Penuh (2014), Perusahaan Berkinerja Tinggi (High Performance Organization) (2015), Perusahaan Kompetitif di Asia (2016), dan salah satu dari 10 Perusahaan Pengelola Bandara Terbaik di Asia (2017).

"Becoming the top ten airport management company in Asia."

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) strives to perform overall transform in a five-year stage that has been outlined in the Roadmap 2013-2017, which includes Business Growth Acceleration (2013), Overall Business Potential Optimization (2014), High Performance Organization (2015), Competitive Company in Asia (2016), and Top Ten Airport Management Company in Asia (2017).





MissionMisi adalah tujuan jangka panjang perusahaan yang menjadi landasan didirikannya perusahaan yang hendaknya mencakup produk/jasa yang diusahakan, sasaran pasar yang dituju dan upaya untuk meningkatkan kemanfaatan kepada semua pihak terkait (stakeholders). Adapun misi Perusahaan adalah:1. Meningkatkan nilai pemangku

kepentingan; 2. Menjadi mitra pemerintah

dan pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi;

It is the long-term goal of the company that underlies its very establishment covering the products/services it provides, the markets it aims, and the measures to increase the benefit for all stakeholders. The Company’s missions are:

1. Improving values for stakeholders;

2. Becoming a government partner in boosting economic growth;


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Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

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3. Mengusahakan jasa kebandarudaraan melalui pelayanan prima yang memenuhi standar keamanan, keselamatan, dan kenyamanan;

4. Meningkatkan daya saing Perusahaan melalui kreatifitas dan inovasi; dan

5. Memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap lingkungan hidup.

Visi dan Misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tersebut telah ditetapkan dalam dokumen Rencana Jangka Pajang Perusahaan (RJPP) 2014-2018 dan telah disetujui oleh Direksi beserta Dewan Komisaris PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), untuk senantiasa melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencapai yang terbaik.

3. Providing quality airport services that ensure security, safety, and comfort;

4. Improving the Company’s competitive edge with creativity and innovation;

5. Contributing positively to the environment.

The Vision and Mission of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) have been stipulated in the Company’s Long Term Plan (RJPP) document for 2014-2018, and has been approved by the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissaries of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), that is to strive for the best to get the utmost outcome


The review process of the Vision and Mission listed in the 2019-2023 Long-Term Company Plan (RJPP) is carried out intensively with the Board of Directors through a series of coordination and meetings to formulate a Vision and Mission that reflects the Company's future goals and spirit, "Connecting The World Beyond Airport Operator With Indonesian Experience", which means that the Company as one of the airport management companies in Indonesia will continue to develop into a connector to the World that is more than just an airport operator with service excellence featuring typical Indonesian hospitality.

The Company's Vision and Mission listed in the 2019-2023 Long-Term Company Plan which have been approved by the Board of Directors will be discussed through a series of meetings with the Board of Commissioners and finalized by the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners on October 29, 2019, in Yogyakarta.

The 2019-2023 Long-Term Company Plan has been submitted to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises on October 31, 2019 to obtain approval from the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. KEP-102/MBU/2002 dated June 4, 2002 concerning Preparation of Long-Term Plans of the State-Owned Enterprises. Through the formulated vision, the Company aims to be able to encourage Indonesia's economic growth and achieve profitability above the global average by building connectivity and optimizing the growth of air transport traffic through adequate capacity and prioritizing customer comfort.


Proses review Visi dan Misi yang tercantum dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang (RJPP) Perseroan Tahun 2019-2023 dilakukan secara intensif dengan Direksi melalui serangkaian koordinasi dan rapat untuk dapat merumuskan Visi dan Misi yang mencerminkan tujuan dan semangat Perseroan di masa mendatang yaitu, “Connecting The World Beyond Airport Operator With Indonesian Experience” yang memiliki arti bahwa Perseroan sebagai salah satu perusahaan pengelola Bandar Udara di Indonesia akan terus berkembang menjadi penghubung Dunia yang lebih dari sekedar operator bandar udara dengan keunggulan layanan yang menampilkan keramah-tamahan khas Indonesia.

Visi dan Misi RJPP Perseroan Tahun 2019-2023 yang telah disetujui oleh Direksi untuk kemudian dibahas melalui serangkaian rapat dengan Dewan Komisaris dan finalisasi oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris pada 26 Oktober 2019 di Yogyakarta.

RJPP Perseroan tahun 2019-2023 telah diserahkan ke Kementerian BUMN tanggal 31 Oktober 2019 untuk mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri BUMN sesuai dengan ketentuan dari Keputusan Menteri BUMN No. KEP-102/MBU/2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002 tentang Penyusunan Rencana Jangka Panjang BUMN. Melalui Visi yang telah dirumuskan tersebut, Perseroan memiliki tujuan untuk dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dan mencapai profitabilitas di atas rata-rata global dengan membangun konektifitas dan mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan trafik angkutan udara melalui kapasitas yang memadai serta mengutamakan kenyamanan pelanggan.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tata Nilai Perusahaan 102-16

Untuk merealisasikan visi dan misi, misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah menyusun dan menerapkan Nilai Perusahaan (Corporate Values) yaitu “SATU” untuk mengingatkan dan memberikan inspirasi kepada semua insan misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) untuk senantiasa melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencapai yang terbaik.

1. Sinergi Definisi Nilai Budaya: Cara insan misi PT Angkasa

Pura I (Persero) menghargai keragaman dan keunikan setiap elemen untuk memberi nilai tambah bagi perusahaan, pembangunan ekonomi, dan lingkungan dimana pun insan misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berada.

2. Adaptif Definisi Nilai Budaya: Daya, semangat dan hasrat

insan misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)yang pantang menyerah, proaktif merespon perubahan dan kaya akan inovasi.

3. Terpercaya Definisi Nilai Budaya: Karakter insan misi PT Angkasa

Pura I (Persero) yang senantiasa selaras antara kata dengan perbuatan, jujur dalam menjalankan tugas serta kewajiban, dan dapat diandalkan.

4. Unggul Definisi Nilai Budaya: Komitmen insan misi PT

Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memberikan layanan prima dengan profesional dan bertanggung jawab untuk memuaskan pelanggan secara berkelanjutan.

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah menyetujui dan menetapkan Visi, Misi dan Nilai Budaya Perusahaan guna menghadapi dinamika bisnis jasa kebandarudaraan di dalam dan luar negeri.

Motto Perusahaan

“Bangga Melayani Bangsa”“Proud to Serve The Nation”

Tata Nilai Perusahaan 102-16

In order to realize its vision and mission, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has outlined and set Corporate Values of “SATU”, which is to remind and inspire all personnel of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to always strive for the best and get the utmost result.

1. Sinergis (Synergistic) Definition of Cultural Value: The way personnel of

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) respect diversity and uniqueness of each element that adds value to the company, economic development, and environment wherever personnel of PT Angkasa Pura I is stationed.

2. Adaptif (Adaptive) Definition of Cultural Value: The power, will, and desire of

personnel of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to never give up, and always be proactive in responding to changes and innovative.

3. Terpercaya (Trustworthy) Definition of Cultural Value: The character of personnel

of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) who always lives up to his/her words, honest in carrying out his/her duties and responsibilities, and are reliable.

4. Unggul (Unparalleled) Definition of Cultural Value: The commitment of

personnel of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to provide prime services professionally and responsibly to ensure sustainable customer satisfaction.

The Board of Directors and Commissioners has agreed upon and implement the Vision, Mission, and Corporate Culture of the Company to face the dynamics of airport service business both domestically and globally.

Company Motto

merupakan singkatan dari/ stands for:



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4. Reasonable Cost


5. Sound Organization

3. Environment

2. Revenue Enhancement

1. Service Excellence

Service Excellence1. Peningkatan CSI.2. Peremajaan alat-alat produksi.3. Pelaksanaan pembangunan Bandar Udara

DPS,BPN,T2 SUB.4. Pemenuhan jumlah SDM dan fasilitas produksi.

Revenue Enhancement1. Optimalisasi sistem kerjasama dengan mitra/

konsesioner.2. Peningkatan pendapatan Aeronautika dan Non

Aeronautika.3. Pembentukan anak perusahaan.

Reasonable Cost1. Efektifitas penggunaan anggaran.2. Menjaga keseimbangan peningkatan pendapatan

terhadap peningkatan biaya.

Environment1. Penyaluran program kemitraan.2. Pemberian dana program bina lingkungan.3. Penerapan Eco Green Airport.4. Dampak sosial dan ekonomi serta penyerapan

tenaga kerja lokal.

Sound Organization1. Restrukturisasi organisasi.2. Workshop budaya baru perusahaan.3. Pencanangan Center For Excelent.4. Management training melalui strategic patnership.5. Penetapan Master Plan IT.6. Reaktivasi training untuk berbagai level.

Service Excellence1. Improving CSI.2. Renewing production instrument.3. Developing DPS, BPN, T2 SUB airports.

4. Fulfilling required human resources and production facilities.

Revenue Enhancement1. Optimizing cooperation system with partners/

concessionaires. 2. Increasing Aeronautics and Non-Aeronautics

revenues.3. Establishing subsidiaries.

Reasonable Cost1. Using budget effectively.2. Maintaining the balance of income and increased


Environment1. Distributing partnership programs.2. Allocating environmental protection fund. 3. Implementing the Eco Green Airport.4. Contributing economically and socially by recruiting

local employees.

Sound Organization1. Restructuring the organization.2. Holding workshops on new corporate culture.3. planning a Center for Excellence.4. Managing training via strategic partnership.5. Implementing IT Master Plan.6. Reactivating training for all employment levels.



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tulisan “Angkasa Pura” tampil dengan segar berdampingan dengan kata “Airports” untuk memperjelas bisnis yang digeluti perusahaan. Warna hijau bermakna bisnis yang membumi, berakar, tumbuh dan lestari yang dipadu dengan warna biru yang melambangkan langit atau angkasa. Dua warna yang berbeda dipadu secara harmonis untuk memberi pesan tentang cita-cita yang setinggi langit dan harus dimintai dengan sinergi konsep dan kerja yang membumi, berakar, tumbuh dan lestari.

Simbol dan unsur “give and take” menyiratkan bahwa: suatu perolehan adalah merupakan konsekuensi logis dan memberi: yang merupakan dasar prinsip kemuliaan pelayanan dan profesionalisme dalam kebersamaan “together stronger”.

Simbol juga menyiratkan “senyuman” yang melambangkan keramahan pelayanan yang manusiawi yang merupakan kebanggaan perusahaan.

Simbol dua unsur yang “inter-locking” mencerminkan safety and security concept yang merupakan faktor terpenting dalam Airport Business.

Penerapan simbol dengan sudut aerodinamis yang naik ke kanan mencerminkan tekad dan semangat transformasi yang progresif diupayakan demi kemajuan perusahaan.

The line “Angkasa Pura” is freshly displayed along with the word “Airports” to highlight the business it is in. The color green represents a business that is down to earth, well-rooted, growing, and sustainable. It is integrated with the color blue that symbolizes the sky or space. These two different colors are harmoniously combined to convey an important message of sky high aspiration achieved via the synergy concept and work that is down to earth, well-rooted, growing, and sustainable.

The symbol and element of “give and take” implies that: an achievement is a logical consequence, and that contributing: is the underlying principle of service nobility and professionalism in the phrase “stronger together”.

The symbol also signals “smile” that epitomizes humane service the Company prides itself on.

The symbol for these two “inter-locking” elements reflects the concept of safety and security, which are the most important factors in the Airport Business.

The symbol with its aerodynamics angle rising up to the right represents the willingness and spirit of progressive transformation for the Company’s growth.



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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 39: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

BIDANG USAHA 102-2 Kegiatan Usaha Menurut Anggaran Dasar

Tujuan dan lapangan usaha dari Perseroan adalah untuk melaksanakan dan menunjang kebijakan dan program pemerintah di bidang ekonomi dan pembangunan serta untuk memupuk keuntungan bagi Perseroan dengan menyelenggarakan usaha jasa kebandarudaraan dalam arti seluas-luasnya dan usaha-usaha lainnya yang mempunyai hubungan dengan usaha tersebut.

Kegiatan Usaha yang Dijalankan

Kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan adalah Jasa Pelayanan Kebandarudaraan yang meliputi:1. Aeronautika Non ATS (Kebandaraan)

a. Penyediaan, pengusahaan dan pengembangan fasilitas untuk kegiatan pelayanan pendaratan, lepas landas, parkir dan penyimpanan pesawat udara.

b. Penyediaan fasilitas Counter Check-in, Garbarata (Aviobridge), Baggage Handling System (BHS)/ Hold Baggage Screening (HBS).

c. Penyediaan, pengusahaan dan pengembangan fasilitas terminal untuk pelayanan angkutan penumpang, kargo dan pos.

2. Non Aeronautika (Non Bandara)a. Penyediaan lahan untuk pembangunan, lapangan

dan kawasan industri serta gedung/bangunan yang berhubungan dengan kelancaran angkutan udara.

b. Penyediaan, pengusahaan dan pengembangan fasilitas elektronika, listrik, air dan instalasi limbah buangan.

c. Penyediaan jasa konsultansi, pendidikan dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan kebandarudaraan.

d. Usaha-usaha lain yang dapat menunjang tercapainya tujuan Perseroan.

Perseroan dapat pula mendirikan/menjalankan perusahaan lainnya yang mempunyai hubungan dengan usaha tersebut di atas baik sendiri-sendiri maupun bersama dengan badan lain sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 77 Tahun 2012 Tentang Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI), Jasa Pelayanan Penerbangan tidak dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sejak tanggal 16 Januari 2013 pukul 22.00 WIB (berdasarkan Nota Kesepahaman

BUSINESS FIELD 102-2 Business Activities According to the Articles of Association

The purpose and business field of the Company is to implement and support government policies and programs in the fields of economy and development and to foster profits for the Company by conducting airport service businesses in the broadest sense and other businesses that have a relationship with the business.

Business Activities Run

The business activities carried out are Airport Service Services which include:1. Non-ATS Aeronautics (Airport)

a. Provision, operation and development of facilities for landing service activities, take-off, parking and aircraft storage.

b. Provision of Counter Check-in facilities, Garbarata (Aviobridge), Baggage Handling System (BHS) / Hold Baggage Screening (HBS).

c. Provision, operation and development of terminal facilities for passenger, cargo and postal transportation services.

2. Non Aeronautics (Non-Airport)a. Provision of land for development, fields and

industrial estates as well as buildings / buildings related to the smooth operation of air transportation.

b. Provision, operation and development of electronic facilities, electricity, water and waste disposal installations.

c. Provision of consultancy, education and training services related to airports.

d. Other businesses that can support the achievement of the Company's objectives.

The Company can also establish / run other companies that have relations with the aforementioned business either individually or jointly with other entities insofar as they do not conflict with the applicable laws and regulations in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Based on Government Regulation Number 77 of 2012 concerning General Companies of Indonesian Aviation Navigation Service Providers (LPPNPI), Aviation Service Services are not managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) from January 16, 2013 at 22:00 WIB (based on Memorandum of Understanding number HK.201 / 1/10 / DRJU-2013; KEP.15


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 40: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

nomor HK.201/1/10/DRJU-2013;KEP.15/OM.02.03/2013; MOU.04.07.01/00/02/2013/001;032/DU/II/2013 tanggal 12 Februari 2013).


Produk jasa PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut.1. PJP4U (Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan

Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara) Produk Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Pesawat Udara

ini adalah kegiatan pelayanan jasa pendaratan yang diberikan terhadap pesawat udara yang mendarat di bandar udara. Produk Pelayanan Jasa Penempatan Pesawat Udara adalah pelayanan jasa yang diberikan untuk penempatan pesawat udara di tempat terbuka di bandar udara. Produk Pelayanan Jasa Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara yaitu pelayanan jasa yang diberikan terhadap pesawat udara di dalam hanggar.

2. PJP2U (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara) Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara

adalah pelayanan jasa yang diberikan kepada setiap penumpang di terminal keberangkatan atau kedatangan bandar udara yang diusahakan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

3. Garbarata (Aviobridge) Pelayanan Jasa Pemakaian Garbarata (Aviobridge)

adalah pelayanan jasa pemakaian garbarata (aviobridge) yang diberikan kepada setiap badan usaha angkutan udara/perusahaan angkutan udara/operator pesawat udara pada saat keberangkatan atau kedatangan penumpang.

4. Counter Check-In Pelayanan Jasa Pemakaian Counter Check-In adalah

pelayanan jasa yang diberikan kepada perusahaan angkutan udara atau operator pesawat udara sehubungan pemakaian fasilitas bandar udara.

5. Baggage Handling System (BHS)/Hold Baggage Screening (HBS)

Pelayanan jasa yang diberikan kepada perusahaan angkutan udara atau operator pesawat udara sehubungan pemakaian fasilitas Baggage Handling System yaitu suatu sistem conveyor yang digunakan untuk mengangkut bagasi penumpang setelah proses pemeriksaan dan check-in bagi penumpang keberangkatan, selanjutnya bagasi tersebut dibawa ke area penumpukan siap angkut (baggage make up area) untuk diangkut ke pesawat udara, begitu juga sebaliknya bagi penumpang kedatangan dibawa kearea pengambilan bagasi (baggage claim). Sedangkanpelayanan jasa yang diberikan kepada perusahaan angkutan udara atau operator pesawat udara sehubungan pemakaian fasilitas Hold Baggage Screening yaitu suatu sistem pemeriksaan bagasi dengan mesin x-ray yang terintegrasi langsung

/ OM.02.03 / 2013; MOU.04.07.01 / 00/02/2013/001; 032 / DU / II / 2013 dated 12 February 2013).


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) service products can be described as follows.1. PJP4U (Landing Services, Plane Placement and Storage) This Aircraft Landing Services product is an activity

of landing services provided to aircraft that land at airports. Aircraft Placement Service Products are services provided for the placement of aircraft in open spaces at airports. Aircraft Storage Services Products, namely services provided to aircraft in the hangar.

2. PJP2U (Aircraft Passenger Services) Aircraft Passenger Services are services provided to

each passenger at the airport departure or arrival terminal that is managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

3. Garbarata (Aviobridge) Usage Services Garbarata (Aviobridge) is a service that

uses garbarata (aviobridge) that is given to every air transport company / air transport company / aircraft operator on the departure or arrival of passengers.

4. Counter Check-In Counter Check-In Service Services are services provided

to air transport companies or aircraft operators in connection with the use of airport facilities.

5. Baggage Handling System (BHS) / Hold Baggage Screening (HBS)

Services provided to air transport companies or aircraft operators in connection with the use of Baggage Handling System facilities, namely a conveyor system that is used to transport passenger baggage after the inspection and check-in process for departure passengers, then the baggage is brought to the baggage storage area. make up area) to be transported to an airplane, and vice versa for arrival passengers to be taken to the baggage claim area. While service services provided to air transport companies or aircraft operators in connection with the use of Hold Baggage Screening facilities, namely a baggage inspection system with


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 41: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

dengan BHS dan secara otomatis dapat mengetahui status keamanan bagasi untuk disalurkan sesuai hasil pemeriksaan, pemilahan (sortir) dan tujuan bagasi untuk diangkut ke pesawat udara bagi penumpang keberangkatan.

6. Konsesi Atas Jasa Penggunaan Fasilitas Bandar Udara Konsesi adalah jasa yang diberikan atas hak

penggunaan fasilitas bandar udara kepada pihak ketiga terkait kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan di bandar udara. Konsesi ini dikenakan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang berusaha di bandar udara seperti usaha Ekspedisi Muatan Pesawat Udara (EMPU), Regulated Agent (RA), Ground Handling, dan In-flight Catering.


Segmentasi pasar PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terbagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu segmen produk jasa yang diberikan kepada perusahaan (Badan Usaha Angkutan Udara dan Mitra Usaha) dan segmen produk jasa yang diberikan langsung kepada konsumen (penumpang pesawat udara dan pengantar/penjemput).


Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2018, Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebanyak 13 (tiga belas) bandara dan 5 (lima) Entitas Anak serta 3 (tiga) Proyek yang terletak di kota-kota besar di sebagian wilayah barat, tengah, dan timur Indonesia, yaitu:

Tabel Jaringan Kantor Tahun selama 5 tahun terakhirTable of Office Network over the Last 5 Years

Jenis Kantor / Type of Office 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Kantor Pusat / Head Office 1 1 1 1 1

Kantor Cabang/Bandar Udara yang dikelola / Branch Office/Airport 13 13 13 13 13

TOTAL 14 14 14 14 14

Tabel Jaringan Kantor Per Wilayah Tahun 2018Table of Office Network per Area in 2018

Wilayah / AreaJenis Kantor / Type of Office

Kantor Pusat / Head Office

Kantor Cabang / Branch Office

Proyek / Project

Kantor Pusat - Jakarta Head Office – Jakarta 1  -   - I Gusti Ngurah Rai - DenpasarI Gusti Ngurah Rai – Denpasar  - 1  -Juanda - SurabayaJuanda – Surabaya



Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan - BalikpapanSultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan – Balikpapan



Sultan Hasanuddin - MakassarSultan Hasanuddin – Makassar



Adisutjipto - YogyakartaAdisutjipto – Yogyakarta



an x-ray machine that is integrated directly with BHS and can automatically find out the security status of the baggage to be distributed according to inspection results, sorting (sorting ) and baggage destination to be transported to the aircraft for departure passengers.

6. Concession for Airport Facilities Use Services Concession is a service provided for the right to use

airport facilities to third parties related to business activities carried out at airports. This concession is imposed on companies operating at airports such as the Aircraft Cargo Expedition (EMPU) business, Regulated Agent (RA), Ground Handling, and In-flight Catering.


The market segmentation of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is divided into 2 types, namely the service product segment provided to the company (Air Transport Business Entity and Business Partner) and service product segments provided directly to consumers (airplane passengers and delivery / pick-up).


Until the end of 2018, the airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are 13 (thirteen) airports and 5 (five) Subsidiaries and 3 (three) Projects located in major cities in parts of the west, central , and eastern Indonesia, namely:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta

Untuk menunjang pertumbuhan trafik pesawat udara yang beroperasi di Bandar Udara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), Bandar Udara Adisutjipto sebagai salah satu pintu gerbang D.I. Yogyakarta dirasa sudah tidak dapat menampung pertumbuhan jumlah penumpang. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya suatu proyek pembangunan Bandara baru yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dalam bentuk penambahan kapasitas dan fasilitas Bandara, dalam hal ini adalah pembuatan fasilitas Bandar Udara sisi Airside. • Master Plan Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta didesain

sebagai sebuah bandara berkelas internasional. Berdasarkan best practice internasional, pentahapan pembangunan direncanakan mampu memenuhi demand dalam tiga pentahapan sebagaimana disajikan pada berikut:

Yogyakarta International Airport

To support the growth of airplane traffic operating at airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), Adisutjipto Airport as one of the gates of D.I. Yogyakarta is considered unable to accommodate the growing number of passengers. For this reason, a new airport development project is needed that aims to improve service in the form of additional airport capacity and facilities, in this case the manufacture of airport facilities on the Airside side.

• Master Plan

Yogyakarta International Airport is designed as an international class airport. Based on international best practices, the phasing of development is planned to be able to meet the demand in three phases as presented in the following:

Wilayah / AreaJenis Kantor / Type of Office

Kantor Pusat / Head Office

Kantor Cabang / Branch Office

Proyek / Project

Syamsudin Noor - BanjarmasinSyamsudin Noor – Banjarmasin



Jenderal Ahmad Yani - SemarangJenderal Ahmad Yani – Semarang



Sam Ratulangi - ManadoSam Ratulangi – Manado



Adi Soemarmo - SurakartaAdi Soemarmo – Surakarta



Internasional Lombok – Lombok TengahLombok International Airport – Lombok Tengah



Pattimura - AmbonPattimura – Ambon



El Tari - KupangEl Tari – Kupang



Frans Kaisiepo - BiakFrans Kaisiepo – Biak



Proyek – Pengembangan Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani, SemarangProject – Development of Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport, Semarang

- -

1Proyek – Pengembangan Bandar Udara Internasional YogyakartaProject – Development of New Yogyakarta International Airport

- -1

Proyek - Pengembangan Bandar Udara Internasional Syamsudin Noor, BanjarmasinProject – Development of Syamsudin Noor International Airport, Banjarmasin

- -


TOTAL 1 13 3




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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 43: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Tahap / Phase 1 Tahap / Phase 2 Tahap / Phase 32019 - 2026 2027 - 2036 2037 - 2046

Rencana Jangka Waktu PentahapanPeriodic Phasing Plan

Rencana Jangka Waktu Pentahapan

• Perencanaan Bandara yang Memperhitungkan Gempa, Likuifaksi dan Tsunami:

a. Perbaikan tanah dengan menggunakan Dynamic Compaction (DC) dan Rapid Impuls Compaction (RIC).

Kondisi tanah eksisting yang memiliki karakteristik berupa pasir berpotensi mengalama likuifaksi apabila terjadi gempa. Salah satu metoda perbaikan yang dipertimbangkan untuk memitigasi potensi likuifaksi pada proyek ini adalah Dynamic Compaction. Dynamic Compaction adalah proses perbaikan tanah dengan menjatuhkan beban dengan berat dari ketinggian tertentu kepada tanah asli untuk memperbaikinya dengan cara memampatkannya.

b. Mitigasi Kawasan yang Berpotensi Tsunami Beberapa usulan mitigasi terhadap kemungkinan

bencana tsunami adalah: - Kawasan di antara bandara dan pantai

dilakukan reboisasi dengan hutan pantai seperti cemara udang dan tanaman lain (disarankan dari jenis yang akarnya dalam) untuk meningkatkan friksi.

- Elevasi runway (landas pacu) dibuat cukup tinggi sehingga aman terhadap tsunami kala ulang tertentu (misalnya 100 atau 200 tahun).

- Sistem peringatan dini harus diterapkan dalam manajemen operasi bandar udara agar mampu mengurangi korban jiwa manusia saat terjadi bencana tsunami.

- Penyediaan escape building pada bangunan terminal, khususnya lantai paling atas, untuk dapat menampung orang-orang yang saat itu beraktivitas di bandara termasuk penumpang, karyawan, pengunjung dan pelaku kegiatan lain. Bangunan escape building harus tahan gempa dan tahan tsunami.

- Bangunan pelindung kawasan bandara khususnya di sisi laut, untuk menahan tsunami pada tinggi tertentu.

Phasing Time Plan

• Airport Planning that considers Earthquakes, Liquidations and Tsunamis:

a. Land improvement using Dynamic Compaction (DC) and Rapid Impulse Compaction (RIC).

The existing soil condition which has the characteristics of sand has the potential to experience liquefaction when an earthquake occurs. One of the improvement methods considered to mitigate the potential for liquefaction in this project is Dynamic Compaction. Dynamic Compaction is the process of repairing the ground by dropping a weight from a certain height to the original soil to fix it by compressing it.

b. Mitigation of Potential Tsunami Areas Several mitigation proposals for the possibility of a

tsunami disaster are: - The area between the airport and the beach is

reforested with coastal forests such as cypress shrimp and other plants (recommended from the type of root) to increase friction.

- The runway elevation is made high enough so that it is safe against certain tsunami return times (e.g. 100 or 200 years).

- An early warning system must be applied in airport operations management to be able to reduce human casualties during a tsunami disaster.

- Provision of escape building in terminal buildings, especially the top floor, to be able to accommodate people who are currently active at the airport including passengers, employees, visitors and other activities. Escape building must be earthquake resistant and tsunami resistant.

- The protective building of the airport area, especially on the sea side, to withstand tsunamis at certain heights.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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c. Bandara menjadi Shelter Evakuasi Bencana Untuk mengurangi dampak tsunami terhadap

manusia di kawasan bandara dilakukan langkah-langkah: - Bangunan terminal dan fasilitas lain

diletakkan sejauh mungkin dari pantai dengan menggunakan slope maksimal yang diperbolehkan.

- Desain bangunan terminal yang mampu mengurangi dampak tsunami dengan memberi lantai 2 (dua) yang lebih luas dan lantai bawah dengan banyak bukaan. Lantai 1 (dasar) gedung terminal beserta fasiltas yang ada dipersiapkan dapat dihancurkan tsunami dengan meminimalkan korban jiwa, dan lantai di atasnya dijadikan tempat evakuasi penumpang dan public.

- Meletakkan kegiatan orang lebih banyak di lantai atas, dan utilitas di lantai bawah.

- Ketinggian lantai 1 (ground floor) yang lebih tinggi jaraknya, yaitu berada di elevasi +9,0 m dengan Magnitude Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo adalah 8,5.

- Menyiapkan early warning system, yaitu dengan menentukan Spesifikasi Bangunan Airport Operation Center (AOC) yang memiliki instrumen yang dapat terintegrasi dengan sistem peringatan dini BMKG, sirine untuk peringatan dini tsunami serta memiliki lokasi untuk penempatan instrument receiver peringatan dini tsunami dari BMKG.

- Menyiapkan sistem evakuasi dan manajemen bencana sebagai bagian dari manajemen bandara. Dalam hal ini bandara dapat digunakan sebagai Tempat Evakuasi Sementara (TES) serta menyiapkan petunjuk jalur evakuasi tsunami.

c. Airport becomes a Disaster Evacuation Shelter To reduce the impact of the tsunami on humans in

the airport area, steps are taken:

- Terminal buildings and other facilities are placed as far as possible from the coast using the maximum slope allowed.

- The design of the terminal building could be able to reduce the impact of the tsunami by giving the 2nd floor a wider and lower floor with many openings. The first floor of the terminal building and the facilities that are available are prepared to be destroyed by a tsunami by minimizing casualties, and the floor above is used as an evacuation place for passengers and the public.

- Put more people's activities upstairs, and utilities downstairs.

- The height of the first floor (ground floor) is higher in distance, which is at an elevation of +9.0 m with Magnitude of Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo International Airport is 8.5.

- Prepare an early-warning system, namely by determining the Airport Operation Center (AOC) Building Specifications that have instruments that can be integrated with the BMKG early-warning system, sirens for tsunami early warning and have locations for placement of BMKG tsunami early warning instrument instruments.

- Prepare a system of evacuation and disaster management as part of airport management. In this case the airport can be used as a Temporary Evacuation Place (TES) and prepare tsunami evacuation route instructions.


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Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 45: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Tata Naskah Dinas Elektronik (TNDE) yang dikembangkan oleh Arsip Nasional Indonesia (ANRI) merupakan aplikasi Document Management System (DMS) atau pengelolaan naskah dinas secara elektronik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk kemudahan proses pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Perseroan.

Latar belakang: Dalam rangka mendukung pemerintahan yang baik (Good Governance) dan Reformasi Birokrasi untuk mempercepat penyelesaian surat dinas di lingkungan AP I, perlu diterapkannya Sistem Tata Naskah Dinas Elektronik guna mewujudkan tata persuratan yang cepat, efektif dan efisien.

Tujuan: Terlaksananya Standar Persuratan Elektronik di lingkungan AP I dalam mendukung kelancaran penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang transparan, akuntabel, efektif dan efisien.

Manfaat : 1. Hemat Ruang Peyimpanan Dokumen Dengan menggunakan penyimpanan digital, maka

ruangan penyimpanan hard File Dokumen dapat diminimalisirkan dengan drastis – PAPERLESS.

2. Kemudahan dan Kecepatan dalam Pencarian dan Distribusi Dokumen

Dengan menggunakan aplikasi DMS/TNDE, pencarian dokumen dapat dilakukan dengan sangat cepat dengan menggunakan kata kunci/keyword.

3. Document Sharing Dokumen dapat diakses secara bersamaan, tanpa

duplikat dokumen.4. History Document Dengan melihat menu history document maka rekam

disposisi atau catatan pada dokumen dapat dilihat kembali.

5. Document Anywhere Documen dapat diakses dan ditindaklanjuti

dimanapun kita berada, selama ada koneksi internet.6. Workflow Dengan workflow, Otomatisasi Proses Bisnis

Perusahaan seperti disposisi, approval yang biasanya dilakukan secara konvensional dapat dilakukan secara elektronik.


The Electronic Service Script System (TNDE) developed by the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia is an application of Document Management System (DMS) or electronic script management by utilizing information and communication technology to facilitate decision-making processes designed to meet the needs of the Company.

Background: In order to support Good Governance and Bureaucratic Reform to accelerate the completion of official letters in the AP I environment, it is necessary to implement the Electronic Service Script System to realize the fast, effective and efficient correspondence.

Objective: To implement the Electronic Correspondence Standards in the AP I environment in supporting the smooth implementation of governance that is transparent, accountable, effective and efficient.

Benefits: 1. Saving the Document Storage Space By using digital storage, the storage space for Document

hard files can be significantly minimized - PAPERLESS.

2. Ease and Speed in Document Search and Distribution

By using the DMS/TNDE application, searching documents can be done shortly by using keywords.

3. Document Sharing Documents can be accessed simultaneously, without

duplicating the original documents.4. Document History By looking at the document history menu, the recorded

disposition or note on the document can be seen in the future.

5. Document Anywhere Documents can be accessed and processed anywhere,

as long as getting connected to the internet.6. Workflow With workflow, The Automation of Corporate Business

Processes such as dispositions, approvals will not be done conventionally but electronically.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 46: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Perseroan telah mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen maupun pengguna jasa yang diberi nama “Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps”. Aplikasi ini sudah tersedia di Apple App Store dan Google Play yang bertujuan meningkatkan Customer Experience melalui personalisasi layanan (Personalized Service) sebagai langkah awal dari implementasi Smart Airport. Dalam penerapan Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps, ICT bekerjasama dengan Corporate Secretary. Adapun fitur yang dimiliki Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps meliputi:• Flight Information• Info Wisata• Info Hotel• Info Transportasi• Menu Shop & Dine• Menu Airport Parking• Menu Airport News• Contact Us


In order to provide ease for both customers and service users, the Company has developed an application named "Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps" This application is available on Apple App Store and Google Play and it is aimed at improving Customer Experience via Personalized Service as an initial step toward the implementation of Smart Airport concept. Implementation of Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps involves the cooperation of ICT and the Corporate Secretary. Meanwhile, the features Angkasa Pura Airport Mobile Apps has include:

• Flight Information• Tourism Information• Hotel Information• Transportation Information• Shop & Dine Menu• Airport Parking Menu• Airport News Menu• Contact Us


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 47: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Dengan mengusung semangat melayani, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terus berupaya untuk menjadikan bandaranya nyaman bagi semua pengguna. Pelayanan terbaik terus diberikan untuk semua pengguna jasa tanpa ada perbedaan. Perseroan memberikan fasilitas dan pelayanan khusus untuk pengguna jasa berkebutuhan khusus (kaum disabilitas dan penumpang usia lanjut/senior citizen) selama berada di Bandar Udara. Hal ini sesuai dengan moto Perseroan yaitu Airport for everyone.

Fasilitas tambahan berupa ruangan khusus, pelayanan khusus dan petugas khusus dengan kompetensi dan hospitality disiapkan untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pengguna jasa yang berada di bandara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sejak penumpang turun di drop zone sampai dengan hendak memasuki pesawat udara.


By carrying the spirit of serving, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) keep trying to make the airport convenient for all users. The best services continue to be provided for all service users without any difference. Airport for everyone becomes the motto of providing services where service users with special needs (disabled and senior citizens) are provided with special facilities and services while at the airport. It is suited to the motto of the Company, Airport for Everyone.

Additional facilities in the form of special rooms, special services and special officers with competence and hospitality are prepared to provide the best service for service users who are at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) airport since passengers descend in the drop zone to enter the aircraft.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 48: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Kualitas layanan yang menjadi fokus dalam menerima, membantu, dan menghibur pengguna jasa bandara menunjukkan arah dalam mengelola dan memberikan layanan. Karena salah satu ciri bandara kelas dunia yaitu memiliki fasilitas dan layanan yang baik, kedekatan dan menghibur serta memberikan berbagai layanan tambahan kepada penumpang. Dalam proses pemberian layanan kepada pengguna jasa, yang menjadi andalan utama adalah kehadiran Duta Bandara (Airport Ambassador).

Duta Bandara merupakan pemudi-pemudi bertalenta yang direkrut dan dinobatkan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menjadi duta dalam merepresentasikan dan mempromosikan pelayanan bandar udara dan pariwisata serta memberikan bantuan layanan dan edukasi regulasi kepada penumpang di terminal bandar udara guna menciptakan kenyamanan dan passenger experience at the airport. Hingga saat ini terdapat 30 (tiga puluh) Duta Bandara yang tersebar di 13 (tiga belas) Bandar Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh para Duta Bandara antara lain sebagai berikut:• Promosi produk layanan di bandara;• Pelayanan duta bandara di tourist information counter;

• Pelayanan mobile service duta bandara di terminal keberangkatan;

• Pendampingan dan pelayanan dalam event resmi, penyambutan tamu pejabat, top management internal dan tamu eksternal dalam kunjungan kerja; dan

• Pembuatan laporan.


Quality of service that is focused on receiving, helping and entertaining airport service users shows the direction in managing and delivering services. Because one feature of a world-class airport that has good facilities and services, proximity and entertaining as well as providing additional services to passengers. In the process of providing services to service users, the mainstay is the presence of Ambassador Airport (Airport Ambassador).

Airport Ambassadors are talented young people recruited and appointed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to represent the Company and promote its airport services and tourism and also provide services and education on regulations for passengers in its airports in order to ensure comfort and create passenger experience at the airport. Currently, there are 30 (thirty) Airport Ambassadors assigned in 13 (thirteen) airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The activities carried out by Airport Ambassadors are as follow:

• Promoting service products in the airport:;• Providing airport ambassador service at the tourist

information counter;• Providing airport ambassador mobile service in the

departure terminal;• Providing service and accompaniment for official

events, welcoming official guests, internal and external top management in their work visit; and

• Making reports.


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Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 49: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Dalam mewujudkan salah satu misi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) “menjadi mitra pemerintah dan pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi”, upaya nyata telah dilakukan dengan berpartisipasi dan berkolaborasi bersama Kementerian Pariwisata dalam mendukung program pemerintah mendatangkan 20 (dua puluh) juta wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia. Bandara sebagai gerbang utama nusantara menjadi cerminan kondisi suatu wilayah yang keberadaannya diharapkan mampu memberikan kesan pertama yang cukup baik. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berinisiatif dengan mengambil peran penting dalam mendukung pemerintah untuk memajukan pariwisata daerah dengan menyediakan Tourist Information Center di 13 (tiga belas) bandara yang dikelola. Dengan dilengkapi informasi yang lengkap, desain ruangan yang nyaman dan personil yang memiliki hospitality tinggi keberadaan Tourist Information Center dirasakan sangat bermanfaat bagi para tamu wisatawan terutama wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke wilayah Indonesia.


In realizing one of the missions of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) "being a partner of the government and driving economic growth", real efforts have been made by participating and collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism in support of government programs to bring 20 (twenty) million foreign tourists to Indonesia. Airport as the main gate of the archipelago reflects the condition of a region whose existence is expected to give a good first impression. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) took the initiative by taking an important role in supporting the government to promote regional tourism by providing Tourist Information Center in 13 (thirteen) managed airports. Equipped with complete information, the design of a comfortable room and personnel who have high hospitality of the existence of Tourist Information Center is felt very useful for tourists, especially foreign tourists who visit the territory of Indonesia.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 50: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC) merupakan pusat komando dan kontrol operasional Bandar udara yang memiliki tujuan antara lain:

• Sebagai peningkatan kinerja operasional, service level dan key performance index bandar udara sehingga terjadi optimalisasi penggunaan airport resources;

• Sebagai pusat komunikasi dan koordinasi antar stakeholder bandar udara untuk pencapaian On Time Performance (OTP) Airlines sebagai salah satu wujud implementasi Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM); dan

• Untuk mengukur tingkat kualitas dan pelayanan secara real time.


The Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC) is the center of operational command and control of theairport with the following purposes:

• Improving operational performance, service level, and key performance index of the airport as to optimize the use of airport resources;

• Serving as communication and coordination center for stakeholders in order to attain On Time Performance (OTP) Airlines as an implementation of the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM);

• Measuring service level and quality in realtime.


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Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 51: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Smart Lane merupakan perangkat modular dan fleksibel yang didisain untuk dapat melakukan pelayanan Screening Check Point (SCP) dengan memberikan beberapa manfaat, antara sebagai berikut:• Meningkatkan efisiensi operasional;• Mengurangi waktu tunggu antrian dengan automatic

tray;• Meningkatkan keamanan, dan layanan publik secara

keseluruhan; • Secara signifikan mengurangi tingkat pengawasan

personil pemeriksaan keamanan; • Dirancang secara ergonomis untuk digunakan oleh

personil keamanan dan publik; • Dapat memberikan dashboard statistik utilisasi

perangkat X-Ray; dan• Dapat diintegrasikan dengan berbagai produk X-Ray



Smart Lane is a modular and flexible instrument designed to provide service at the Screening Check Point (SCP) with the following advantages:

• Improving operational efficiency;• Reducing queuing time with automatic tray;

• Improving security and overall public service;

• Significantly reducing monitoring of security checking personnel;

• Ergonomically designed to be used by security personnel and the public;

• Can provide a statistical dashboard for X-Ray device utilization; and

• Able to be Integrated with a wide range of renown X-Ray products.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 52: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Faik Fahmi

Vice President Internal Audit


Operational AuditSenior Manager

Technical and Information Technology AuditSenior Manager

Finance Audit Senior Manager

Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice PresidentAirport Operation

Haruman Sulaksono

Dony Subardono Subakir

Airport Facilities& Maintenance

Vice PresidentCorporate Secretary

Handy Heryudhitiawan

Stakeholder Relation &Board of Director Secretary

Senior Manager

Commercial AuditSenior Manager

Corporate CommunicationSenior Manager

Project Management Airport DevelopmentAirport


Airport Engineering

Human Capital & General Services Audit

Senior Manager

Project Management Airport Tourism &

Project Airport Digital

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Airport SecurityProtection

Senior Manager

Safety Management

SystemSenior Manager

Airport Economics& Statistics

Senior Manager

CivilAir Side

Senior Manager

MechanicalSenior Manager


Senior Manager

Retail, Food & Beverage Marketing

Senior Manager


Management & Hospitality

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentAeronautical


Vice PresidentNon Aeronautical


Vice PresidentAirport Services


Cargo and Aeronautical

Business SupportSenior Manager

Airport Property & Advertising

MarketingSenior Manager

Services Planning& Design

Senior Manager

Services Monitoring &

Assurance Senior Manager

Business Planning &

DevelopmentSenior Manager

Vice PresidentBusiness

Development & International Relation

Subsidiary Companies

Senior Manager

Affiliate & New Portfolio

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentBusiness Portfolio

ICT Planning & Govemance

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentInformationTechnology


Senior Manager

Business Application

Senior Manager

ICT Services Senior Manager

Airport Technology &

NetworkSenior Manager

Cost AccountingSenior Manager

Vice PresidentAccounting

Tax ManagementSenior Manager

Finance Accounting

Senior Manager

TreasurySenior Manager

Vice PresidentFinance

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Material Procurement

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentProcurement

Vice President Compliance &

Risk Management

Widya Wiedagdo

Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum

Finance and Information

Technology Director

Adi Nugroho

Direktur KeuanganFinance Director


Direktur Pengembangan Usaha

Business Development Director

Sardjono Jhonny Tjitrokusu-mo

Direktur Pemasarandan Pelayanan

Marketing and Service Director

Devy W.A. Suradji

Direktur TeknikTechnical Director

Lukman F. Laisa

Direktur OperasiOperation Director

Wendo Asrul Rose

Vice President Corporate Planning &


Ramdan Pradarma

Vice PresidentLegal

I Wayan Sutawijaya

Business LegalSenior Manager

Legal AffairsSenior Manager

RegulationSenior Manager

Corporate PlanningSenior Manager

Corporate Performance & Change Management Senior


ComplianceSenior Manager

Risk ManagementSenior Manager

Procurement Planning &

AdministrationSenior Manager

Services Procurement

Senior Manager


Senior Manager

Vice PresidentHuman Capital

Career Management & Human Capital Services Senior


Compensation & Industrial

Relation Senior Manager

Training DesignSenior Manager

Vice President Training &


People Development

Senior Manager

Training Management

Senior Manager

Office Services Senior Manager

Vice President General Services

Asset Management

Senior Manager

Office Facilities Operation & Maintenance

Senior Manager

Corporate Social Responsibility

Cooperation Senior Manager

Vice PresidentCorporate Social


Corporate Social ResponsibilityEnvironment

Senior Manager

Budget Management

Senior Manager

Business Research

Senior Manager

International Relations &

Strategic Partnership

Senior Manager

Airport OperationLand Side &

TerminalSenior Manager

Airport SecurityScreening

Senior Manager

OccupationalSafety Health

Senior Manager

Airport Planningand Design

Senior Manager

Non Terminal& Landscape

Senior Manager

Airport Rescue& Fire FightingSenior Manager

Airport SecurityQuality Control

Senior Manarolger


Senior Manager

Airport Environment

Senior Manager

Terminal BuildingSenior Manager

ElectricalSenior Manager


Vice President Vice President Vice PresidentAirport Security Airport Safety Connectivity


Widodo Dwi Tedjowati Didik SuryantoR. Sujiastono

Sulkan Ahmad Syaugi Shahab

Yudhapara Sugarda

Ristiyanto Eko Wibowo

Ani Kristiyanti Hendra Setiawan Sulistyowati Dewi Eppy DhaniantoWibowo

R.M. Doddy Hapsoro

Djoko Wahyono Imron Qodari Umar Supriyadi Nur Sapto Winoto

Di 2018 telah terdapat perubahan Struktur Organisasi Perseroan, sesuai dengan Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor: KEP.101/OM.01.01/2018 tanggal 08 Juni 2018. Adapun Struktur Organisasi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sampai dengan saat ini adalah sebagai berikut:

In accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Number: KEP.101/OM.01.01/2018 dated June 08, 2018, there are some changes made in the Organizational Structure of the Company in 2018. The Organizational Structure of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) till recently is as follow:



Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 53: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Faik Fahmi

Vice President Internal Audit


Operational AuditSenior Manager

Technical and Information Technology AuditSenior Manager

Finance Audit Senior Manager

Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice PresidentAirport Operation

Haruman Sulaksono

Dony Subardono Subakir

Airport Facilities& Maintenance

Vice PresidentCorporate Secretary

Handy Heryudhitiawan

Stakeholder Relation &Board of Director Secretary

Senior Manager

Commercial AuditSenior Manager

Corporate CommunicationSenior Manager

Project Management Airport DevelopmentAirport


Airport Engineering

Human Capital & General Services Audit

Senior Manager

Project Management Airport Tourism &

Project Airport Digital

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Airport SecurityProtection

Senior Manager

Safety Management

SystemSenior Manager

Airport Economics& Statistics

Senior Manager

CivilAir Side

Senior Manager

MechanicalSenior Manager


Senior Manager

Retail, Food & Beverage Marketing

Senior Manager


Management & Hospitality

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentAeronautical


Vice PresidentNon Aeronautical


Vice PresidentAirport Services


Cargo and Aeronautical

Business SupportSenior Manager

Airport Property & Advertising

MarketingSenior Manager

Services Planning& Design

Senior Manager

Services Monitoring &

Assurance Senior Manager

Business Planning &

DevelopmentSenior Manager

Vice PresidentBusiness

Development & International Relation

Subsidiary Companies

Senior Manager

Affiliate & New Portfolio

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentBusiness Portfolio

ICT Planning & Govemance

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentInformationTechnology


Senior Manager

Business Application

Senior Manager

ICT Services Senior Manager

Airport Technology &

NetworkSenior Manager

Cost AccountingSenior Manager

Vice PresidentAccounting

Tax ManagementSenior Manager

Finance Accounting

Senior Manager

TreasurySenior Manager

Vice PresidentFinance

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Airport OperationAir Side

Senior Manager

Material Procurement

Senior Manager

Vice PresidentProcurement

Vice President Compliance &

Risk Management

Widya Wiedagdo

Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum

Finance and Information

Technology Director

Adi Nugroho

Direktur KeuanganFinance Director


Direktur Pengembangan Usaha

Business Development Director

Sardjono Jhonny Tjitrokusu-mo

Direktur Pemasarandan Pelayanan

Marketing and Service Director

Devy W.A. Suradji

Direktur TeknikTechnical Director

Lukman F. Laisa

Direktur OperasiOperation Director

Wendo Asrul Rose

Vice President Corporate Planning &


Ramdan Pradarma

Vice PresidentLegal

I Wayan Sutawijaya

Business LegalSenior Manager

Legal AffairsSenior Manager

RegulationSenior Manager

Corporate PlanningSenior Manager

Corporate Performance & Change Management Senior


ComplianceSenior Manager

Risk ManagementSenior Manager

Procurement Planning &

AdministrationSenior Manager

Services Procurement

Senior Manager


Senior Manager

Vice PresidentHuman Capital

Career Management & Human Capital Services Senior


Compensation & Industrial

Relation Senior Manager

Training DesignSenior Manager

Vice President Training &


People Development

Senior Manager

Training Management

Senior Manager

Office Services Senior Manager

Vice President General Services

Asset Management

Senior Manager

Office Facilities Operation & Maintenance

Senior Manager

Corporate Social Responsibility

Cooperation Senior Manager

Vice PresidentCorporate Social


Corporate Social ResponsibilityEnvironment

Senior Manager

Budget Management

Senior Manager

Business Research

Senior Manager

International Relations &

Strategic Partnership

Senior Manager

Airport OperationLand Side &

TerminalSenior Manager

Airport SecurityScreening

Senior Manager

OccupationalSafety Health

Senior Manager

Airport Planningand Design

Senior Manager

Non Terminal& Landscape

Senior Manager

Airport Rescue& Fire FightingSenior Manager

Airport SecurityQuality Control

Senior Manarolger


Senior Manager

Airport Environment

Senior Manager

Terminal BuildingSenior Manager

ElectricalSenior Manager


Vice President Vice President Vice PresidentAirport Security Airport Safety Connectivity


Widodo Dwi Tedjowati Didik SuryantoR. Sujiastono

Sulkan Ahmad Syaugi Shahab

Yudhapara Sugarda

Ristiyanto Eko Wibowo

Ani Kristiyanti Hendra Setiawan Sulistyowati Dewi Eppy DhaniantoWibowo

R.M. Doddy Hapsoro

Djoko Wahyono Imron Qodari Umar Supriyadi Nur Sapto Winoto


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 54: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2018, Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebanyak 13 bandara, 3 Kantor Proyek dan 5 Perusahaan Anak yang terletak di kota-kota besar wilayah tengah dan timur Indonesia, yaitu:


As of December 31, 2018, there are 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), 3 Project Offices and 5 Subsidiaries located in major cities in the central and eastern regions of Indonesia, namely:

Bandar Udara / Airports

Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai-Bali I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport-Bali Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda-Surabaya Juanda International Airport -Surabaya Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin-Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport - Makassar Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan-Balikpapan Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport -Balikpapan Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo-Biak Frans Kaisiepo International Airport -Biak Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi-Manado Sam Ratulangi International Airport -Manado Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor-Banjarmasin Syamsudin Noor Airport -Banjarmasin Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani-Semarang Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport -Semarang Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto-Yogyakarta Adisutjipto International Airport -Yogyakarta Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo-Surakarta Adi Soemarmo International Airport -Surakarta Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok-Lombok Tengah Lombok International Airport -Lombok Tengah Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura-Ambon Pattimura International Airport -Ambon Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari-KupangEl Tari International Airport -Kupang

Entitas Anak / Subsidiaries

PT Angkasa Pura LogistikPT Angkasa Pura PropertiPT Angkasa Pura SuportPT Angkasa Pura HotelPT Angkasa Pura Retail

Kantor Proyek / Project Offices

1. Proyek Pembangunan Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta1. Construction Project of Yogyakarta International Airport- Yogyakarta2. Proyek Pengembangan Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani – Semarang2. Development Project of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport - Semarang 3. Proyek Pengembangan Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor – Banjarmasin3. Development Project of Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 55: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

*) merupakan domisili kantor cabang pergudangan di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, sedangkan untuk jumlah kantor tempat PT Gapura Angkasa beroperasi ada di 59 bandara (30 kantor cabang dan 29 kantor perwakilan) yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

*) is the domicile of the warehousing branch office at Soekarno Hatta Airport, while for the number of offices where PT Gapura Angkasa operates there are 59 airports (30 branch offices and 29 representative offices) that are spread throughout Indonesia.

Entitas Anak Subsidiary Entities

Entitas Asosiasi Entitas Asosiasi


Bidang UsahaBusiness fields

Kepemilikan Saham


Tahun PendirianYear of

EstablishmentStatus Operasi

Operation Status

Jumlah Aset(Rp miliar)

Total assets(Rp billion)


PT Angkasa Pura Logistik Freight Forwarding 98,00% 2012 Beroperasi 250,85 Jakarta

PT Angkasa Pura Hotel Hotel 99,99% 2012 Beroperasi 708,03 Jakarta

PT Angkasa Pura Properti Properti 99,96% 2012 Beroperasi 331,87 Jakarta

PT Angkasa Pura Suport Jasa 99,81% 2012 Beroperasi 810,80 Jakarta

PT Angkasa Pura Retail Trading 97,50% 2014 Beroperasi 73,26 Jakarta


Bidang UsahaBusiness fields

Kepemilikan Saham


Tahun Pendirian

Year of Establishment

Status OperasiOperation Status

Jumlah Aset(Rp miliar)

Total assets(Rp billion)


PT Gapura Angkasa Ground Handling 10% 1998 Beroperasi 21.504 Cengkareng*

PT Jasa Marga Bali Tol

Jalan Tol 8%` 2011 Beroperasi 1.900 Bali



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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98,00% 99,96% 99,99% 99,81%








Sampai dengan tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tidak memiliki Entitas Induk, Perusahaan joint venture, Kantor Perwakilan, dan Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

As of 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) does not have a Parent Entity, joint venture company, Representative Office and Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).



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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 57: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Pemegang SahamShareholder

Jumlah Saham Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh

Number of Shares Issued and Fully Paid-Up

Kepemilikan Saham


Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Government of the Republic of Indonesia

6,414,412,000 100% Rp6,414,412,000,000






SatuanUnit of Measurement 2018 2017

Total KaryawanNumber of Employees

Orang Person 3.350 3.025

Total BandaraNumber of Airports

Unit bandaraAirport 13 13

Total PendapatanTotal Revenues

Ribuan rupiahThousand Rupiahs 7.194.347.534

Total LiabilitasTotal Liabilities

Ribuan rupiahThousand Rupiahs 11.650.348.788 11.669.449.094

Total EkuitasTotal Equity

Ribuan rupiahThousand Rupiahs 13.401.461.042 11.997496.860

Total Produksi Aeronatika Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat UdaraTotal Aeronautical Production of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Keeping Service Delivery

Ribuan rupiahThousand Rupiahs 28.098.099 27.956.662

Total Produksi Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat UdaraTotal Passenger Service Charge Production

Pax/ Pax 40.078.358 37.971.175*

Jumlah Produk Jasa yang TersediaNumber of Service Products Available

Unit/JenisUnit/ Type

- 2 jenis jasa pelayanan kebandarudaraan

2 Types of Airport Services

- 6 jenis produk jasa airport

6 Types of Airport Service Products

- 2 jenis jasa pelayanan kebandarudaraan

2 Types of Airport Services

- 6 jenis produk jasa airport

6 Types of Airport Service Products

Pemegang Saham Terbesar Majority Shareholder


Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (100%)Government of the Republic of Indonesia (100%)

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (100%)Government of the Republic of Indonesia (100%)

*disajikan ulang/restated



2018 2017


Karyawan tetapPermanent employee

479 2895 494 2856


3.374 3.350

KP: Kantor Pusat / KD: Kantor di DaerahKP: Head Office / KD: Branch Office


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Per 31 Desember 2018, jumlah Human Capital Perseroan adalah sebanyak 3.374 karyawan, bertambah 24 orang atau 0,07% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2017 yang tercatat sebanyak 3.350 karyawan. Karyawan di Perseroan sangat beragam: jenis kelamin, agama, suku/ras, kelompok usia, pendangan politik, dan lain-lain. Keragaman tersebut tidak menjadi faktor pembeda, sebaliknya menjadi faktor pemersatu. Keberagaman juga tidak membuat perbedaan bagi karyawan untuk meraih peluang untuk maju dan berkembang karena Perseroan memperlakukan semua karyawan setara. 103-2, 103-3, 405-1

Data karyawan dalam laporan ini diperoleh dari Human Capital Group PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), yang merupakan data gabungan dari sumber daya manusia di 13 bandara yang dikelola Perusahaan. Data diperoleh dari sumber resmi sehingga penyampaian dalam laporan tidak menggunakan asumsi apapun. Data karyawan meliputi komposisi berdasarkan level karyawan, tingkat pendidikan, status kepegawaian, status dan wilayah kerja, lokasi kerja, rentang usia, dan masa kerja. Pada tahun pelaporan, Perusahaan tidak membagi komposisi karyawan berdasarkan kontrak kerja, yaitu karyawan purna waktu dan paruh waktu.

Uraian tentang profil karyawan selengkapnya disajikan dalam tabel berikut: 405-1

As of December 31, 2018, the number of the Company's Human Capital was 3,374 employees, an increase of 24 people or 0.07% compared to 2017 which recorded 3,350 employees. Employees in the Company are very diverse: gender, religion, ethnicity / race, age group, political education, and others. This diversity is not a differentiating factor, on the contrary it becomes a unifying factor. Diversity also does not make a difference for employees to seize opportunities to progress and develop because the Company treats all employees equally. 103-2, 103-3, 405-1

The data of employees in this report is obtained from the Human Capital Group of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), which is a joint data from the human resource in 13 airports managed by the Company. The data is obtained from official sources that the submission in the report does not use any assumptions. The data of employees includes the composition based on the level of employee, level of education, employment status, work status and work area, work location, age range, and work period. In the reporting year, the Company does not divide the composition of employees based on the work contract, that is the full-time and the part-time employees.

A complete description of employee profiles is presented in the following table



Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Level Organisasi Employee Composition Table by Organization Level

(dalam satuan orang) (in person denomination)

Kelas JabatanPosition Class

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

MaleWanitaFemale Total

1 2 0 2 14 2 3

2 8 1 9 7 1 8

3 37 4 41 40 4 44

4 7 0 7 8 0 8

5 55 9 64 55 7 62

6 124 19 143 120 17 137

7 13 6 19 11 7 18

8 307 65 372 293 60 353



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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 59: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Kelas JabatanPosition Class

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

MaleWanitaFemale Total

9 53 14 67 71 16 87

10 47 58 105 37 52 89

11 560 268 828 573 258 831

12 487 151 638 480 144 624

13 373 116 489 354 87 441

14 141 42 183 146 42 188

15 314 79 393 353 91 444

PKWT 12 2 14 11 2 13

Total 2,540 834 3,374 2,573 790 3,350


Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan Employee Composition Table by Education Level

(dalam satuan orang)(in person denomination)


Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

Male WanitaFemale Total

S2 / Post-Graduate (Magister) 70 33 103 68 31 99

Sarjana / Undergraduate (Bachelor) 708 362 1,070 638 312 950

D1 - D4 / Associate’s Degree 530 188 718 501 154 655

SD – SMA / Elementary – High School 1,232 251 1483 1355 291 1,646

Total 2,540 834 3,374 2,562 788 3,350


Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian Table of Employee Composition Based on Employee Status

(dalam satuan orang)(in person denomination)

Status KepegawaianEmployee Status

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

Male WanitaFemale Total

Pegawai Perusahaan Company employees 2,270 740 3,010 2155 663 2,818

PNS Diperbantukan Seconded Civil Servants 44 1 45 51 2 53

ABRI Ditugaskan Assigned Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces

6 0 6 8 - 8

Honorer Honorary 12 2 14 11 2 13

Calon Pegawai Prospective Employee 208 91 299 337 121 458

Total 2,540 834 3,374 2,562 788 3,350


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Lokasi Kerja Table of Employee Composition Based on Job Location

(dalam satuan orang)(in person denomination)

Lokasi KerjaJob Location

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

MaleWanitaFemale Total

Kantor Pusat 322 157 479 315 165 480

Kantor di Daerah/Wilayah 2218 677 2.895 2.247 623 2.870

Adi Soemarmo - Surakarta 80 31 111 86 26 112

Adi Sutjipto - Yogyakarta 122 50 172 130 45 175

Ahmad Yani - Semarang 121 57 178 107 45 152

DAPENRA 2 2 4 4 2 6

El Tari - Kupang 93 18 111 89 17 106

Frans Kaisiepo - Biak 61 10 71 71 15 86

I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Bali 474 135 609 476 131 607

Indonesia Airport Slot Management 3 1 4 0 0 0

Internasional Lombok - Praya 150 39 189 148 37 185

Juanda - Surabaya 294 104 398 295 103 398

Kantor Pusat - Jakarta 293 170 463 288 157 445

Ngurah Rai Commercial SBU 23 0 29 25 7 32

Pattimura - Ambon 96 13 109 99 12 111

Proyek Pembangunan Internasional - Yogyakarta 20 5 25 14 4 18

Proyek Pengembangan Ahmad Yani - Semarang 17 2 19 18 1 19

Proyek Pengembangan Syamsudin Noor - Banjarmasin 18 0 18 15 0 15

PT Angkasa Pura Hotel 3 3 6 3 2 5

PT Angkasa Pura II 1 0 1 1 0 1

PT Angkasa Pura Logistik 8 2 10 13 0 13

PT Angkasa Pura Properti 2 1 3 2 1 3

PT Angkasa Pura Retail 1 3 4 2 3 5

PT Angkasa Pura Support 2 0 2 2 0 2

Sam Ratulangi - Manado 128 34 162 125 35 160

Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan - Balikpapan 215 57 272 229 57 286

Sultan Hasanuddin - Makassar 191 56 247 203 54 257

Syamsudin Noor - Banjarmasin 115 35 150 117 34 151

YAKKAP I 7 0 7 0 0 0

TOTAL 2.540 834 3.374 2.562 788 3.350


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Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 61: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Rentang UsiaTable of Employee Composition Based on Range of Age

(dalam satuan orang)(in person denomination)

Rentan UsiaRange of Age

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

Male WanitaFemale Total

>56 1 1 2 5 1 6

51-56 332 52 384 366 61 427

46-50 244 62 306 243 52 295

41-45 296 88 384 274 90 364

36-40 280 100 380 294 94 388

31-35 470 114 584 423 104 527

26-30 552 267 819 558 236 794

21-25 354 142 496 381 140 521

<20 11 8 19 18 10 28

Total 2,540 834 3,374 2,562 788 3,350


Tabel Komposisi Karyawan Berdasarkan Masa KerjaTable of Employee Composition Based on Work Period

(dalam satuan orang)(in person denomination)

Rentan UsiaWork Period

Tahun / Year 2018

Tahun / Year2017


WanitaFemale Total Pria

Male WanitaFemale Total

>30 24 6 30 31 12 43

26-30 261 33 294 252 32 284

21-25 399 134 533 314 70 384

16-20 176 26 202 310 100 410

11-15 566 176 747 302 115 417

6-10 435 105 540 367 53 420

0-5 122 906 1028 986 406 1,392

Total 1,983 1,386 3,369 2,562 788 3,350


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Selain karyawan, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga memiliki keberagaman di badan tata kelola organisasi, yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, sebagai berikut:

In addition to the employees, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) also has diversity in the board of organizational governance, namely the Board of Commissioners and Directors, as follows:




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


Andi Widjajanto*

Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

47 Tahun47 Years Old


- Sarjana bidang Hubungan Internasional, FISIP.

- School of Oriental dan African Studies.

- London School of Economics.

- Industrial College of Armed Forces National Defense University.

- S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

- Bachelor in International Relations, Social Sciences.

- School of Oriental and African Studies.

- London School of Economics

- Industrial College of Armed Forces National Defense University

- S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

- Penasihat Senior Program Pertahanan dan Keamanan PACIVIS, Pusat Studi Masyarakat Sipil Global, Universitas Indonesia (Mei 2007).

- Direktur Pascasarjana Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Indonesia (Januari 2008 – Oktober 2010).

- Direktur Institut Pertahanan Ekonomi Pertahanan dan Keamanan (Agustus 2008 – Agustus 2010).

- Kepala Bagian Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Indonesia (Oktober 2010 – Juli 2012).

- Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Hubungan Internasional, Ahli bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan Nasional.

- Direktur Pusat Penelitian Hubungan Internasional Universitas Indonesia (Desember 2012 - Maret 2014).

- Sekretaris Kabinet pada Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia (November 2014 - Agustus 2015).

Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, HubunganInternasional, Ahli bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan NasionalSocial and Political Sciences, International Relations, National Defense and Security

Tabel Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris Table of the Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners


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Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


- Senior Advisor for the Defense and Security Program of PACIVIS, Center for Global Civil Society Studies, University of Indonesia (May 2007);

- Director of the Graduate School of International Relations, University of Indonesia (January 2008 - October 2010);

- Director of the Defense and Security Economic Defense Institute (August 2008 - August 2010).

- Head of the Division of Postgraduate Programs in the Department of International Relations, University of Indonesia (October 2010 - July 2012).

- Social and Political Sciences, International Relations, National Defense and Security Experts- Director of the University of Indonesia's International Relations Research Center (December 2012 - March 2014);

- Cabinet Secretary at the Republic of Indonesia Cabinet Secretariat (November 2014 - August 2015).

Djoko Sasono**

Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

55 Tahun55 Years Old


- Sarjana bidang Teknik Planologi.

- Master bidang Transportation Planning and Engineering.

- Doctor bidang Transportation Planning and Policy (Urban Engineering).

- Bachelor of Planology Engineering.

- Master in Transportation Planning and Engineering.

- Doctor in Transportation Planning and Policy (Urban Engineering).

Direktur Perencanaan Tata Ruang dan Lingkungan, Kedeputian Bidang Perencanaan dan Pemrograman, BAPEL (2005).Director of Spatial and Environmental Planning, Deputy of Planning and Programming, BAPEL (2005).

- Wakil Deputi Bidang Perencanaan dan Pemrograman Badan Pelaksanan BRR NAD-NIAS (2005-2006).Deputy for Planning and Programming of the BRR NAD-NIAS Implementation Agency (2005-2006).

- Wakil Deputi Bidang Pembangunan Infrastruktur II (2006).Deputy for Infrastructure Development II (2006).

- Wakil Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Lingkungan dan Pemeliharaan (2006-2007).Deputy for Environmental and Maintenance Infrastructure (2006-2007).

- Wakil Deputi Bidang Perumahan dan Pemukiman BAPEL BRR NAD-NIAS (2007-2008).Deputy for Housing and Settlements of BAPEL BRR NAD-NIAS (2007-2008).

Teknik dan Transportasi.Engineering, Transportation.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

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Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


- Kepala Pusat Data dan Informasi ( 2009-2012).Head of Data and Information Center (2009-2012).

- Direktur Bina Sistem Transportasi Perkotaan (2012-2015).Director of Development of Urban Transportation Systems (2012-2015).

- Direktur Jenderal   Perhubungan Darat (2015).General Directore of Land Transportation (2015).

- Staf Ahli Bidang Logistik, Multimoda dan Keselamatan Perhubungan (2016).Expert Staff in Logistics, Multimodal and Transportation Safety (2016).

- Kepala Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan (2017-2018).Head of the Transportation HR Development Agency (2017-2018).

Boy Syahril Qamar*

Komisaris IndependenIndependentCommissioner

63 Tahun63 years old


- Lulusan Akademi TNI Angkatan Udara dan

- Sarjana Ekonomi.- Graduated from

Indonesian Air Force Academy and

- Bachelor of Economics

- Komandan SESKOAU (2010),- IRJENAU (2011),- WAKASAU (2013)- Kasum TNI (2013-1 April

2014).- SESKOAU Commander in 2010,- IRJENAU in 2011,- WAKASAU 2013,- Kasum TNI from 2013 to

April 1, 2014.

Ekonomi, HumanCapital dan HukumEconomics, Human Capital and Law

Tri Budi Satriyo**


57 Tahun57 Years Old


- Sarjana bidang Administrasi Negara.

- Master bidang Manajemen.

- Bachelor in State Administration

- Master of Management.

Panglima Kosekhanudnas ICommander of National Air Defense Sector Command I



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Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


Anandy Wati Komisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

59 Tahun59 Years Old


- Sarjana di bidang Ekonomi Pembangunan.

- Master of Public Management.

- Bachelor in Development Economics.

- Master of Public Management

- Direktur Pelaksanaan Anggaran Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan (2009).

- Direktur Sistem Manajemen Investasi Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan (2010).

- Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan (2013).

- Director of Budget Implementation of the Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance in 2009.

- Director of the Investment Management System of the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Budget in 2010.

- Secretary of the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Budget in 2013.

Komersial dan Pengembangan Usaha Commercial and Business Development

Suprasetyo KomisarisCommissioner

60 Tahun60 Years Old


Sarjana Teknik bidang Teknik Kimia.Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

- Kasi Operasi Terminal, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Agustus 1992 – Juli 1994).

Head of Terminal Operations, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (August 1992 - July 1994).

- Kasi PKPPK, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Juli 1994 – Maret 1999).

Head of Flight Accident Aid and Fire Extinguisher, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (July 1994 - March 1999).

TeknikKebandarudaraanAirport Engineering


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


- Kasubdit Standarisasi Kespen, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Maret 1999 – Januari 2012).

Head of Sub Directorate of Standardization of Flight Safety, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (March 1999 - January 2012).

- Kasubdit Pengamanan Pelayanan Darurat, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Januari 2012 - Mei 2007).

Head of Sub Directorate of Emergency Service Security, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (January 2012 - May 2007).

- Atase Perhubungan KBRI di Washington DC (Mei 2007 – Juni 2011).

Transportation Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC (May 2007 - June 2011).

- Kasubdit Kendali Mutu Keamanan Penerbangan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Juni 2011 - Desember 2012).

Head of Sub Directorate of Aviation Security Quality Control, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (June 2011 - December 2012).


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 67: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


- Kasubdit Pelayanan Darurat Direktorat Keamanan Penerbangan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Desember 2012 – April 2013).

Head of Sub Directorate of Emergency Services at the Directorate of Aviation Security, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (December 2012 - April 2013).

- Kepala Bandara Kelas Utama Hang Nadim Batam, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (April 2013 – Desember 2014).

Head of the Batam First Class Hang Nadim Airport, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (April 2013 - December 2014).

- Kepala Kantor Otoritas Bandara Wilayah I Kelas Utama Soekarno-Hatta, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, Kementerian Perhubungan (Desember 2014 – Januari 2015).

Head of Soekarno-Hatta First Class Region I Airport Authority Office, Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (December 2014 - January 2015).

- Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan RI (Januari 2015 – Februari 2017).

Director General of Air Transportation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (January 2015 - February 2017).

Harry Z. Soeratin***


55 Tahun55 Years Old


- Sarjana Ekonomi di bidang Akuntansi.

- Magister Manajemen bidang Akuntansi.

- Program Ph.D di Fakultas Business and Commerce.

- Program Doktoral (DMB).

- Bachelor of Economics in Accounting.

- Master of Management in Accounting.

- Ph.D Program in the Business and Commerce faculty.

- Doctoral Program (DMB)

- Anggota Dewan Komisaris PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2008-2013).

- Ketua Komite Audit PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2010-2013).

- Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Sosial RI (2016-2017).

- Member of the Board of Commissioners of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2008-2013).

- Chairperson of the Audit Committee of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2010-2013).

- Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (2016-2017).

Teknik KebandarudaraanAirport Engineering


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 68: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork Experience


Selby Nugraha Rachman*


49 Tahun49 Years Old


- Sarjana Ekonomi.- Magister Jurusan

Hukum.- Bachelor of Economics.- Master of Law.

- Direktur PT Execujet Indonesia (2011-Juni 2015).

- Direktur PT Ferco Seating System Indonesia (2014-sekarang).

- Direktur Tekhnologi dan Informasi Experd Human Resources Consultant (2010-sekarang).

- Direktur Decorus Contract (1994-sekarang).

- Director of PT Execujet Indonesia in 2011-June 2015.

- Currently, he still serves as the Director of PT Ferco Seating System Indonesia since 2014.

- Director of Information Technology and Information of Experd Human Resources Consultants since 2010 and

- Director of Decorus Contract since 1994.

Teknik KebandarudaraanAirport Engineering

Ali Mochthar Ngabalin**


50 Tahun50 Years Old


- Sarjana Komunikasi. - Master Jurusan

Komunikasi.- Doktor Jurusan

Managemen SDM. - Bachelor of

Communicaton.- Master of

Communication Sciences.

- Doctor of Human Capital Management.

Anggota Komisi I DPR RI (2004-2009).Member of the Commission of the House of Representatives for the 2004-2009 period.

Ilmu KomunikasiCommunication Studies

Keterangan:*Berhenti menjabat sejak tanggal 19 Juli 2018.**Mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 19 Juli 2018.***Mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 16 Januari 2018.

Information:*Quit the position since July 19, 2018.**Start the position since July 19, 2018.***Start the position since January 16, 2018.


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 69: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Tabel Keberagaman Komposisi DireksiTable of Composition Diversity of the Board of Directors




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork experience


Faik Fahmi Direktur UtamaPresident Director

51 PriaMale

Sarjana Ekonomi Bachelor of Economy

- Direktur Utama Garuda Orient Holiday Japan, Ltd (Januari 2010 - April 2012).

- Direktur Layanan/Executive Vice President (EVP) of Service PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (April 2012-Desember 2014).

- Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Usaha PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (Januari 2015-11 September 2016).

- Direktur Pelabuhan PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) (12 September 2016-21 Desember 2016).

- Direktur Utama PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) (21 Desember 2016-22 Desember 2017).

- President Director of Garuda Orient Holiday Japan, Ltd (January 2010 - April 2012).

- Director of Service/Executive Vice President (EVP) of Service of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (April 2012-December 2014).

- Commercial and Business Development Director of PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (January 2015-11 September 2016).

- Port Director of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) (12 September 2016-21 December 2016).

- President Director of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) (21 December 2016-22 December 2017).


Wendo Asrul Rose

Direktur OperasiOperation Director

48 PriaMale

Sarjana TeknikBachelor of Engineering

- Kepala Dinas Mekanikal dan Teknik Air (2003-2004).

- Asisten Deputi Direktur (2004-2009).

- Deputi Direktur Teknik Pengawasan (2009-2011).

- Pimpinan Proyek Pengembangan Bandar Udara Internasional Sepinggan (2011-2013).

- General Manager Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikapapan (2013-2015).

- Head of Water Mechanical and Technical Office (2003-2004).

- Assistant Deputy of Director (2004-2009).

- Deputy of Supervisory Technical Director (2009-2011).

- Head of Sepinggan Airport Development Project (2011-2013).

- General Manager of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport, Sepinggan Balikapapan (2013-2015).

Teknik Mesin dan OperasionalKebandarudaraanMachine Engineering and Airport Operational.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 70: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork experience


Novrihandri Direktur KeuanganFinance Director

47 PriaMale

- Sarjana Ekonomi dari Jurusan Akuntansi

- Program Pascasarjana

- Bachelor of Economy from Accounting Major

- Post-Graduate Program

- Internal Auditor Director PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2005-2007).

- Assistant Deputy – Director Marketing PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2007-2011),

- General, HR and Finance Director PT Angkasa Pura Suport (2012-2015).

- Business Development Group Head PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2013-2014).

- Finance and ICT Director PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2015-2017).

- Finance and Procurement (2017-2018)

- Internal Auditor Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2005-2007).

- Assistant Deputy – Director Marketing of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2007-2011),

- General, HR and Finance Director PT Angkasa Pura Support (2012-2015).

- Business Development Group Head of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2013-2014).

- Finance and ICT Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (2015-2017).

- Finance and Procurement (2017-2018)

Akuntansi, Finance dan TeknologiInformasiAccounting, Finance and Information Technology

Adi Nugroho Direktur SDM dan UmumHuman Capital and General Affairs Director

49 PriaMale

- Sajana pada Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

- Magister pada Jurusan Marketing

- Doktor pada Jurusan Service Management

- Bachelor in Human Capital Major

- Master in Marketing Major

- Doctor in Service Management Major

- Manager Komersial dan Pengembangan Usaha (2008-2012),

- Deputi Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Usaha Wilayah II (2012-2013),

- Business Development Group Head (2013) dan

- Project Portfolio Analyst (2013-2015).

- Manager Commercial and Business Development (2008-2012),

- Commercial and Business Development Region II Deputy Director (2012-2013),

- Business Development Group Head (2013) and

- Project Portfolio Analyst (2013-2015).

Human capitalHuman capital


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 71: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork experience


Polana Banguningsih*

Direktur TeknikTechnical Director

57 WanitaFemale

- Sarjana Teknik

- Program Pasca Sarjana bidang Transportasi

- Bachelor of Engineering

- Post Graduate Program of Transportation Field

- Kasi Mutu Konstruksi Sipil Ditjen Hubud (1992–2002).

- Pemimpin Proyek PFBUJ (2002).

- Kasi Keterpaduan Program Bandara (2002–2005).

- Kasubdit Program Bandara (2005–2007).

- Kasubdit Prasarana Bandara (2008).

- Dirjen Hubud (2018).- Head of Civil Construction Quality

Department of Air Transportation Directorate General (1992–2002).

- Project Leader of PFBUJ (2002).- Head of Airport Integration

Program Department (2002–2005).

- Kasubdit of Airport Program (2005–2007).

- Kasubdit of Airport Infrastructure (2008).

- Air Transportation Directorate General (2018).

Bidang TeknikTechnical Field

Lukman F. Laisa**

Direktur TeknikTechnical Director

50 PriaMale

Sarjana Teknik SipilBachelor of Civil Engineering

- Kepala Seksi Pekerjaan Sipil Proyek Konstruksi Bandar Udara Padang Baru (2002-2005).

- Kepala Satker Bandar Udara Hasanuddin – Makassar (2007-2009).

- Kepala Seksi Program dan Standarisasi Prasarana Bandar Udara, Direktorat Bandar Udara (2009-2013).

- Kepala Bidang Pelayanan dan Pengoperasian Bandara Kantor Otoritas Wil. III Surabaya (2013-2014).

- Kepala Bagian Perencanaan Setditjen Perhubungan Udara (2014-2015).

- Kepala Kantor Unit Penyelenggara Bandar Udara Kelas I Wamena (2015).

- Direktur Teknik LPPNPI/Airnav Indonesia (2015-2017).

- Kasubdit Kerjasama Angkutan Udara, Direktorat Angkutan Udara (2017-2018).

- Direktur Teknik PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (5 Maret 2018 – sekarang).

- Head of Padang Baru Airport Construction Project Civil Work Department (2002-2005).

- Head of Hasanuddin Airport – Makassar Working Unit (2007-2009).

- Head of Program and Standardization of Airport Infrastructure, Airport Directorate (2009-2013).

- Head of Service and Operation of Surabaya Region III Airport Operation Authority Office (2013-2014).

- Head of Air Transportation Secretariat Directorate General Planning Department (2014-2015).

- Head of Class I Wamena Airport Management Unit Office (2015).

- Technical Director of LPPNPI/Airnav Indonesia (2015-2017).

- Kasubdit of Air Transportation Cooperation, Air Transportation Directorate (2017-2018).

- Technical Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (5 March 2018 – present).

Teknik Sipil dan Manajemen ProyekCivil Engineering and Project Management


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 72: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number




Jenis KelaminGender


Pengalaman kerjaWork experience


Devy Suradji Direktur Pemasaran dan PelayananMarketing and Services Director

48 WanitaFemale

- Sarjana bidang Perikanan

- Master Environmental Health Management New

- Bachelor in Fishery field

- Master Environmental Health Management New

- General Manager Competency Management PT Surveyor Indonesia sejak (1996–2004),

- Managing Director Indonesia Friday Concepts Sdn. Bhd. (2005–2007),

- Chief Consultant di Tricon Group Indonesia (2007–2009)

- Marketing and Communication Director WWF Indonesia (2009–2017),

- Staf Khusus Menteri BUMN (2017),

- Komisaris PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (2017).

- General Manager Competency Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia since (1996–2004),

- Managing Director of Indonesia Friday Concepts Sdn. Bhd. (2005–2007),

- Chief Consultant at Tricon Group Indonesia (2007–2009)

- Marketing and Communication Director of WWF Indonesia (2009–2017),

- Special Staff of Minister of SOE (2017),

- Commissioner of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (2017).

Marketing & ServicesMarketing & Services

Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo

Direktur Pengembangan UsahaBusiness Development Director

47 PriaMale

Lulusan Australian Aviation CollegeAustralian Aviation College Graduate

- Pilot Di Merpati Airlines Sejak (1991-2004),

- Silk Air Singapore Airlines (2004-2006),

- Qatar Airways (2006-2008).- Etihad Airways (2008-2010),- Direktur Utama PT Merpati

Nusantara Airlines (2010-2012),- Founder/Owner Leste Aviation

(2013),- Founder PT MBN (2007-2017),- Direktur Operasional West Java

International Airport (2015),- Chairman West Java Enterprises

Partnership (WEP) (2016-2017).- Pilot at Merpati Airlines Since

(1991-2004),- Silk Air Singapore Airlines (2004-

2006),- Qatar Airways (2006-2008).- Etihad Airways (2008-2010),- President Director of PT Merpati

Nusantara Airlines (2010-2012),- Founder/Owner of Leste Aviation

(2013),- Founder of PT MBN (2007-2017),- Operational Director of West Java

International Airport (2015),- Chairman of West Java

Enterprises Partnership (WEP) (2016-2017).

Bidang Niaga (Perdagangan), dan Pengembangan UsahaTrading, and Business Development Field

Keterangan:*Berhenti menjabat sejak tanggal 14 Februari 2018.**Mulai menjabat sejak tanggal 5 Maret 2018.

Description:*Resigned from office effective since 14 February 2018.**Assume office effective since 5 March 2018.


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 73: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Tabel Keanekaragaman Badan Tata Kelola dan Karyawan Tahun 2018 405-1Management and Employee Body Diversity Table 2018 405-1


Badan Tata Kelola (Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi)Governance Agency (Board of Commissioners and


2018 2017 2018 2017

Jenis Kelamin Gender


% JumlahTotal

% JumlahTotal

% JumlahTotal



11 84,62 10 76,92 2.540 75,28 2.562 76,48


2 15,38 3 23,08 834 24,72 788 23,52


13 100 13 100 3.374 100 3.350 100

Kelompok UsiaAge Group


% JumlahTotal

% JumlahTotal

% JumlahTotal


Di bawah 30 tahunUnder 30 years old

- 0 - 0 386 11,44 433 12,92

30-50 tahun30-50 years old

7 53,85 9 69,23 1.654 49,02 1.574 46,99

Di atas 50 tahunAbove 50 years

6 46,15 4 30,77 1.334 39,54 1.343 40,09


13 100 13 100 3.374 100 3.350 100


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 74: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Sebagai wujud kebebasan berserikat, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki 2 organisasi serikat pekerja, yaitu Serikat Pekerja Angkasa Pura I (SP) dan Asosiasi Karyawan Angkasa PuraI (AKA). Baik dari SP maupun AKA mewakili kepentingan karyawan dalam ketenagakerjaan, termasuk perundingan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dengan pihak manajemen. Saat ini, PKB yang berlaku adalah PKB Periode 2017-2019 dengan Nomor: SP.106/HK.06/2017/DU, SP.AP.I.01/PKB/VII/2017, dan 60/DPP-AKA/VII/2017. Seluruh karyawan atau 100% karyawan telah menandatangani dan dilindungi oleh PKB.


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menggandeng sejumlah pemasok untuk mendukung operasional usaha, baik pemasok barang maupun jasa. Dalam menggandeng pemasok, Perusahaan berupaya semaksimal mungkin mencari mitra lokal yang lokasinya dekat dengan kantor operasional. Selain akan memberdayakan pemasok lokal, sekaligus menggerakan roda ekonomi setempat, Perusahaan akan bisa mendapat harga yang lebih terjangkau karena lokasi pemasok secara geografis lebih dekat.

Dalam laporan ini, pemasok lokal adalah mereka yang berada dalam satu provinsi dengan operasional Perusahaan. Jika pemasok tersebut sudah di luar provinsi atau lintas provinsi, kami memasukkan dalam kategori pemasok nasional. Selanjutnya, jika pemasok tersebut berada di luar Indonesia karena barang-barang atau jasa yang dibutuhkan hanya tersedia di sana, kami memasukkannya dalam kategori pemasok luar negeri. Pada tahun 2018, jumlah pemasok barang dan jasa yang bekerjasama dengan Perusahaan sebanyak 8.862 pemasok, bertambah 1.547 pemasok atau 21,15% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, yang berjumlah 7.315 pemasok.

Salah satu pemasok yang digandeng Perusahaan adalah PT Angkasa Pura Suport untuk penyediaan jasa satuan pengamanan, driver, cleaning service, dan office boy. Dalam menjalin kerjasama dengan pemasok, Perusahaan melakukan seleksi dengan menggunakan sejumlah kriteria, yakni sebagai berikut:1. Mampu menyediakan pekerja dengan kualifikasi

sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diminta oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. Pekerja yang dipekerjakan wajib memiliki ikatan kerja secara tertulis dengan perusahaan penyedia jasa tersebut, sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.


As a realization of freedom of association, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has 2 labor union organizations, namely Serikat Pekerja Angkasa Pura I (SP / Angkasa Pura 1 Labor Union) and Asosiasi Karyawan Angkasa PuraI (AKA / Employee Association of Angkasa Pura I).). Both SP and AKA represent employees in the employment affairs, including negotiations on Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) with company’s management. The currently applied CLA is CLA 2017-2019 period Number: SP.106/HK.06/2017/DU, SP.AP.I.01/PKB/VII/2017, and 60/DPP-AKA/VII/2017. All employees or 100% employees have signed this, and they are protected by CLA.


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has joined hands with some suppliers to support its business operational, both suppliers of goods and service. In joining hands with suppliers, Company has attempted to optimally look for local partners located nearby the operational office. In addition to empower those local suppliers, it will propel the local economic wheels at the same time. The Company will be able to gain more affordable price as the supplier location is closer.

In this report, local suppliers are those who are located in the same province with the Company’s operational office. If the suppliers are settled outside the province or inter-provincial, we will categorize them into national supplier category. Next, if the suppliers are from outside Indonesia for the necessary goods and services are only available there thus we will categorize them as foreign suppliers. In 2018, total suppliers of goods and services cooperate with the Company were 8,862, increased 1,547 or 21.15% compared to the previous year which totaled 7,315 of suppliers.

One of the suppliers partnered by the Company is PT Angkasa Pura Suport to provide security services, drivers, cleaning service, and office boy services. In establishing cooperation with suppliers, the Company makes selections using a number of criteria, namely as follows:

1. Able to provide workers with qualifications in accordance with the requirements requested by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. Employees who are employed must have written work ties with the service provider company, in accordance with applicable regulations.


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 75: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

3. Menjamin bahwa pekerja yang dipekerjakan di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tidak akan menimbulkan permasalahan ketenagakerjaan dalam bentuk apapun dengan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan dari perusahaan penyedia jasa tersebut.

4. Perusahaan penyedia jasa wajib mengganti seluruh kerugian yang timbul atas segala tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) baik secara moril maupun materiil.

5. Bersedia mengganti pekerja yang melakukan pelanggaran disiplin berat/tindakan pidana sesuai ketetuan yang berlaku.

6. Melakukan evaluasi kinerja bersama antara pihak penyedia jasa dengan Unit Teknis.

7. Apabila terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja oleh Penyedia Jasa, maka Penyedia Jasa wajib memberikan pesangon sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.


Selama periode pelaporan, tidak terdapat perubahan pada organisasi, namun terdapat perubahan pada rantai pasokan, yakni bertambahnya/berkurangnya pemasok barang dan jasa. Jika pada tahun 2017, terdapat pemasok barang dan jasa sebanyak 7.315 pemasok yang telah diverfiikasi, maka pada tahun 2018 menjadi sebanyak 8.862 pemasok, atau bertambah 1.547 pemasok atau 21,15%.


Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) senantiasa mematuhi ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku dalam operasionalisasi bandar udara. Ketentuan tersebut, antara lain, berupa sertifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga/badan/otoritas yang berwenang, seperti ISO 14001: 2004/SNI 19 – 14001:2005 tentang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan, dan ISO 9001: 2015 tentang Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Quality Management System).

Komitmen Perusahaan menerapkan dan mengikuti standar yang berlaku dalam pengelolaan bandara telah mendapat pengakuan dari sejumlah pihak berupa penghargaan sebagai berikut:

3. Ensure that workers employed at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) will not cause employment problems in any form with PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as evidenced by a statement from the service provider company.

4. The service provider company is obliged to replace all losses incurred for all actions taken by workers which cause losses to PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) both morally and materially.

5. Willing to replace workers who commit gross disciplinary violations / criminal acts in accordance with applicable regulations.

6. Conduct joint performance evaluations between service providers and the Technical Unit.

7. In the event of termination of employment by the Service Provider, the Service Provider must provide severance pay in accordance with applicable regulations.


During the reporting period, there is no change made and/or occurred to the organization. However, there is a change in the supply chain, i.e. increase/reduction of suppliers of goods and services. If in 2017 there were 7,315 suppliers of goods and services that have been verified, so there were 8,862 suppliers, increased 1,547 or 21.15% in 2018.


In carrying out business activities, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) always complies with the provisions and regulations that apply in the operationalization of airports. These provisions, among others, are in the form of certification issued by authorized institutions / agencies / authorities, such as ISO 14001: 2004 / SNI 19-14001: 2005 concerning Environmental Management Systems, and ISO 9001: 2015 concerning Quality Management Systems. .

The Company's commitment to implement and follow the applicable standards in airport management has received recognition from a number of parties in the form of awards as follows:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 76: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Kategori Kesehatan / Health CategoryAcara/Event: CSR Award 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Sindo Media

Silver Award The Best State-Owned Enterprise Inhoue Magazine / Silver Award The Best State-Owned Enterprise Inhoue Magazine

Acara/Event: Indonesia Inhouse Magazine Award (InMA) 2018Penyelenggara/Organizer: Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS)

25 Januari/ January 2018 7 Februari/ February 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Bandara Terbaik di Asia-Pasifik dengan kategori jumlah penumpang 15-25 juta orang per tahun /I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali best in the Asia-Pacific with a passenger category of 15-25 million people per year.

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Peringkat 1 Bandara Terbaik di Dunia kategori bandara dengan jumlah penumpang 15-25 juta orang per tahun /I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali Ranked 1 Best Airport in the World airport category with 15-25 million passengers per year

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Peringkat Kedua Bandara Terbaik di Asia-Pasifik dengan jumlah penumpang di atas 2 juta orang per tahun /I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali Ranked Second Best Airport in Asia-Pacific with a passenger number of over 2 million people per year

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan Peringkat Kedua Bandara Terbaik di Dunia kategori bandara dengan jumlah penumpang 5-15 juta orang per tahun /Sultan Aji Muhammad International Airport Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan Ranking of the Two Best Airports in the World is an airport category with 5-15 million passengers per year

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

07 Maret/ March 2018

07 Maret/ March 2018 07 Maret/ March 2018 07 Maret/ March 2018



Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 77: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya Peringkat Ketiga Bandara Terbaik di Dunia kategori bandara dengan jumlah penumpang 15-25 juta orang per tahun /Juanda International Airport Surabaya Third Rank Best Airport in the World is an airport category with 15-25 million passengers per year

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

07 Maret/ March 2018

Best Partnership Program & Community Delevopment kategori Transportation & Warehousing / Best Partnership Program & Community Delevopment with category Transportation & Warehousing

Acara/Event: Apresiasi Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan Indonesia Penyelenggara/Organizer: Warta Ekonomi

30 April/ April 2018

Predikat Silver Winner The Most Promising Company in Tactical Marketing / Silver Winner Predicate The Most Promising Company in Tactical Marketing

Acara/Event: BUMN Marketeers Awards 2018 Penyelenggara/Organizer: Forum Humas BUMN, Markplus Inc, Indonesia Marketing Association, dan The Jakarta CMO Club

Predikat Silver Winner The Most Promising Company in Strategic Marketing / Silver Winner Predicate The Most Promising Company in Strategic Marketing

Acara/Event: BUMN Marketeers Awards 2018 Penyelenggara/Organizer: Forum Humas BUMN, Markplus Inc, Indonesia Marketing Association, dan The Jakarta CMO Club

02 Mei/ May 2018

02 Mei/ May 2018

Special Mention in Marketing Innovationdiberikan kepada Devy Suradji (Marketing & Services Director) / Special Mention in Marketing Innovation was awarded Devy Suradji (Marketing & Services Director)

Acara/Event: BUMN Marketeers Awards 2018 Penyelenggara/Organizer: Forum Humas BUMN, Markplus Inc, Indonesia Marketing Association, dan The Jakarta CMO Club

02 Mei/ May 2018

Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2018 / Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2018

Acara/Event: HR Asia Indonesia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2018 Penyelenggara/Organizer: Majalah HR Asia & Business Media International

04 Mei/ May 2018


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 78: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Perusahaan BUMN Non TBK Terbaik Sektor Transportasi / The Best BUMN Non TBK Company on Transportation Sector

Acara/Event: Human Capital Award 2018Penyelenggara/Organizer: Majalah Economic Review

30 Mei/ May 2018

The Most Excellent Airport in Safety and Service / The Most Excellent Airport in Safety and Service

Acara/Event: Bisnis Indonesia Award (BIA) Penyelenggara/Organizer: Harian Bisnis Indonesia

07 Mei/ May 2018

Penghargaan Zero Accident / Zero Accident Award

Acara/Event: Penghargaan KetenagakerjaanPenyelenggara/Organizer: Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI

30 Juli/ July 2018

Predikat Silver Winner kategori Best Contact Center Operations / Silver Winner Predicate with category Best Contact Center Operations

Acara/Event: The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2018 Penyelenggara/Organizer: Indonesia Contact Center Association (ICCA)

03 Agustus/ August 2018

Transformasi Organisasi Terbaik II / Best Organizational Transformation II

Acara/Event: Anugerah BUMN 2018Penyelenggara/Organizer: Majalah BUMN Track

09 Agustus/ August 2018

Bandar I Gusti Ngurah Rai – Bali Peringkat Silver Program Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS di Tempat Kerja / Silver Ranking of HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in Workplace was awarded to I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali

Acara/Event: Penghargaan KetenagakerjaanPenyelenggara/Organizer: Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI

09 Agustus/ August 2018


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 79: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Best Employee Engagement Award 2018 / Best Employee Engagement Award 2018

Acara/Event: The Customer Experience (CX) Asia Excellence Awards 2018Penyelenggara/Organizer: International Quality & Productivity Center (IQPC)

13 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Penghargaan Prima Utama untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018 / Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali

Acara/Event: Penghargaan Kementerian Perhubungan RIPenyelenggara/Organizer: Kementerian Perhubungan RI

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan penghargaan Prima Utama untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018 / Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan International Airport

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura Ambon Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Pattimura International Airport Ambon

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari KupangPenghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to El Tari International Airport - Kupang

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018








Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 80: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Surakarta Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di Lingkungan Perhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Adi Soemarmo International Airport Surakarta

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di LingkunganPerhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makasar

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di LingkunganPerhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di LingkunganPerhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Airport

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 81: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaesiepo Biak Penghargaan Prima Madya untuk Pelayanan Prima Unit Pelayanan Publik di LingkunganPerhubungan 2018/ Prima Utama Award of Premium Service for Public Service unit on Transportation Enviroment 2018 was awarded to Frans Kaesiepo International Airport Biak

Acara/Event: ASQ Awards 2017Penyelenggara/Organizer: Airports Council International

17 September/ September 2018

SOE with Best Support for IMF - WB Annual Meeting 2018", untuk Kategori "BUMN Popular di Sektor Transportasi" & "Top 5 Popular SOE in Transportation Sector / SOE with Best Support for IMF - WB Annual Meeting 2018", for "BUMN Popular di Sektor Transportasi" category & "Top 5 Popular SOE in Transportation Sector

Acara/Event: Apresiasi Indonesia untuk BUMN 2018Penyelenggara/Organizer: Warta Ekonomi

23 November/ November 2018


Scanned by CamScanner

1. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifiakasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:10 Agustus 2016 – 30 September 2021

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Lombok International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:10 August 2016 – 30 September 2021

2. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari Kupang

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:27 November 2015 – 30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:El Tari International Airport - Kupang

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:27 November 2015 – 30 July 2020


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 82: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

3. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:1 Oktober 2015- 30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:1 October 2015- 30 July 2020

4. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:6 November 2015 – 30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Adisutjipto International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:6 November 2015 – 30 July 2020

5. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:4 Desember 2015 – 7 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:4 December 2015 – 7 July 2020

6. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:30 Desember 2015 – 30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Juanda International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:30 December 2015 – 30 July 2020


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 83: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

7. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:18 Desember 2015 –30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Sam Ratulangi International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:18 December 2015 – 30 July 2020

8. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:30 Desember 2015 – 30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:30 December 2015 – 30 July 2020


Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:22 Oktober 2015 –30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Pattimura International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:22 October 2015 –30 July 2020

10. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:31 Agustus 2015 –30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Syamsudin Noor Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:31 August 2015 –30 July 2020


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 84: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

11. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:5 Oktober 2015 –30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Adi Soemarmo International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:5 October 2015 – 30 July 2020

12. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:23 November 2015 –2 September 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:23 November 2015 – 2 September 2020

13. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikasi Badan Usaha Bandar Udara (BUBU)

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaesiepo Biak

Lembaga Pemberi:Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:4 Maret 2016 –30 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certification of Airport Business Entity (Badan Usaha Bandar Udara/BUBU)

Receiving Unit:Frans Kaesiepo Biak International Airport

Awarding Entity:Directorate General of Transportation Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Certificate

Effective Date:4 March 2016 –30 July 2020

14. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 14001: 20014 /SNI 19 – 14001:2005

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai

Lembaga Pemberi:Sucofindo International Certification Services

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Pengelolaan Bandara

Sector Code: 31

Tanggal Berlaku:18 November 2015 – 14 September 2018

Certification Name:ISO 14001: 20014 /SNI 19 – 14001:2005

Receiver:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali

Awarding Entity:Sucofindo International Certification Services

The Scope of Certification:Airport Management Services

Sector Code: 31 Floor

Effective Date:18 November 2015 – 14 September 2018


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 85: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

15. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:18 April 2016 - 17 April 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:14 July 2017 - 17 April 2019

16. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:18 Juli 2017 - 17 Juli 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:18 July 2017 - 17 July 2020

17. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda – Surabaya

Lembaga Pemberi:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:1 November 2018 - 31 Oktober 2021

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Juanda International Airport

Awarding Entity:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:1 November 2018 - 31 October 2021

18. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda – Surabaya

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (DAkkS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:8 Desember 2017 - 7 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Juanda International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (DAkkS)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:8 December 2017 - 7 December 2020


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 86: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

19. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin – Makassar

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:25 Juni 2016 - 24 Juni 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:25 June2016 - 24 June 2019

20. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin – Makassar

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:14 Desember 2017 - 13 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:14 December 2017 - 13 December 2020

21. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan – Balikpapan

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:20 Mei 2016 - 19 Mei 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of System (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:20 May 2016 - 19 May 2019

22. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan – Balikpapan

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:10 November 2017 - 9 November 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:10 November 2017 - 9 November 2020


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 87: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

23. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto – Yogyakarta

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:17 Januari 2018 - 16 Januari 2021

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Adisutjipto International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:17 January 2018 - 16 January 2021

24. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto – Yogyakarta

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan, dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:22 Oktober 2017 - 21 Oktober 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Adisutjipto International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:22 October 2017 - 21 October 2020

25. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo – Surakarta

Lembaga Pemberi:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U) & Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara (PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:30 November 2017 - 29 November 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Adi Soemarmo International Airport

Awarding Entity:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U) & Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:30 November 2017 - 29 November 2020

26. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani – Semarang

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U) & Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara (PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:12 Desember 2017 - 11 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U) & Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:12 December 2017 - 11 December 2020


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 88: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

27. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor – Banjarmasin

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:15 Oktober 2016 - 14 Oktober 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Syamsudin Noor International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:15 October 2016 - 14 October 2019

28. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor – Banjarmasin

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:29 Desember 2017 - 28 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Syamsudin Noor International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:29 December 2017 - 28 December 2020

29. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi – Manado

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (DAkkS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan & Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)/Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara (PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:23 Juni 2016 - 22 Juni 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Sam Ratulangi International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (DAkkS)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U) & Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:23 June 2016 - 22 June 2019

30. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok – Praya

Lembaga Pemberi:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:7 Desember 2016 - 6 Desember 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Lombok International Airport

Awarding Entity:Lloyd’s Register (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:7 December 2016 - 6 December 2019


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Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 89: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

31. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok – Praya

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:22 November 2017 - 21 November 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Lombok International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (DAkkS)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:22 November 2017 - 21 November 2020

32. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura – Ambon

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:5 Desember 2016 - 4 Desember 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Pattimura International Airport

Awarding Entity:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:5 December 2016 - 4 December 2019

33. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura – Ambon

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:20 Desember 2017 - 19 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Pattimura International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:20 December 2017 - 19 December 2020

34. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari – Kupang

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:6 Desember 2018 - 5 Desember 2021

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:El Tari International Airport

Awarding Entity:Tuv Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:6 December 2018 - 5 December 2021


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 90: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Scanned by CamScanner

Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari – Kupang

Lembaga Pemberi:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara (PJP4U)

Tanggal Berlaku:27 Desember 2017 - 26 Desember 2020

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:El Tari International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Provision of Aircraft Landing, Parking, and Hanggar Services (PJP4U)

Effective Date:27 December 2017 - 26 December 2020

36. Nama Sertifikasi:ISO 9001:2015

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo – Biak

Lembaga Pemberi:United Registrar of Systems (URS)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Tanggal Berlaku:5 Desember 2016 - 4 Desember 2019

Certification Name:ISO 9001:2015

Receiver:Pattimura International Airport

Awarding Entity:TUV Rheinland (KAN)

The Scope of Certification:Airport Passenger Services (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara/PJP2U)

Effective Date:5 December 2016 - 4 December 2019

37. Nama Sertifikasi:OHSAS 18001:2007

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai – Bali

Lembaga Pemberi:Sucofindo International Certification Services Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Kebandarudaraan

Tanggal Berlaku:02 Januari 2018 – 01 Januari 2021

Certification Name:OHSAS 18001:2007

Receiving Unit:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport

Awarding Entity:Sucofindo International Certification Services

The Scope of Certification:Aviation Services

Effective Date:20 January 2018 – 01 January 2021

38. Nama Sertifikasi:OHSAS 18001:2007

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan - Balikpapan

Lembaga Pemberi:Sucofindo International Certification Services Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Kebandarudaraan

Tanggal Berlaku:02 Januari 2018 – 01 Januari 2021

Certification Name:OHSAS 18001:2007

Receiving Unit:Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport

Awarding Entity:Sucofindo International Certification Services

The Scope of Certification:Aviation Services

Effective Date:02 January 2018 – 01 January 2021


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 91: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

39. Nama Sertifikasi:OHSAS 18001:2007

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo – Surakarta

Lembaga Pemberi:Sucofindo International Certification Services Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Kebandarudaraan

Tanggal Berlaku:02 Januari 2018 – 01 Januari 2021

Certification Name:OHSAS 18001:2007

Receiving Unit:Adi Soemarmo International Airport

Awarding Entity:Sucofindo International Certification Services

The Scope of Certification:Aviation Services

Effective Date:02 January 2018 – 01 January 2021

40. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Bendera Emas

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Lembaga Pemberi:Kementerian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pengelola Bandara

Tanggal Berlaku:14 Juli 2017-14 Juli 2020

Certification Name:Certificate of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) Bendera Emas

Receiving Unit:Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Awarding Entity:Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Operator

Effective Date:14 July 2017 – 14 July 2020

41. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dengan Bendera Emas Unit

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai – Bali

Lembaga Pemberi:Kementerian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Kebandarudaraan

Tanggal Berlaku:30 Juli 2018- 30 Juli 2021

Certification Name:Certificate of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) with Bendera Emas

Receiving Unit:I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport

Awarding Entity:Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Aviation Services

Effective Date:30 July 2018 – 30 July 2021


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 92: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Dalam menjalankan operasional usaha, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menghadapi sejumlah risiko. Risiko-risiko pada Perusahaan, baik dalam operasional sehari-hari maupun dalam pengembangan bisnis, dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor internal maupun eksternal. Untuk itu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengembangkan suatu kerangka pengelolaan risiko perusahaan yang menyeluruh, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), guna meminimalkan potensi kerugian dan mengoptimalkan profitabilitas, menciptakan nilai Perseroan dan meningkatkan kepercayaan pemangku kepentingan, mendorong standar praktik terbaik tata kelola Perusahaan, serta menjadikan budaya risiko sebagai bagian dari Budaya Perseroan.

Kebijakan dan strategi penerapan Manajemen Risiko Perseroan di tingkat korporasi dilaksanakan oleh Risk Management Committee, yang terdiri atas Board of Directors serta didukung oleh jajaran pejabat satu tingkat di bawah Direksi sebagai anggota.


In carrying out business operations, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) faces a number of risks. Risks to the Company, both in daily operations and in business development, are influenced by various internal and external factors. To that end, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) develops a comprehensive corporate risk management framework, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), to minimize potential losses and optimize profitability, create Company value and increase stakeholder confidence, encourage best practice standards of corporate governance , and make the culture of risk a part of the Corporate Culture.

The policies and strategies for implementing Risk Management at the corporate level are carried out by the Risk Management Committee, which consists of the Board of Directors and is supported by a level of officials below the Board of Directors as members.

42. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dengan Bendera Emas Unit

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan - Balikpapan

Lembaga Pemberi:Kementerian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Pengelola Bandar Udara

Tanggal Berlaku:30 Juli 2018- 30 Juli 2021

Certification Name:Certificate of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) with Bendera Emas

Receiving Unit:Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport

Awarding Entity:Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Airport Operator

Effective Date:30 July 2018 – 30 July 2021

43. Nama Sertifikasi:Sertifikat Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dengan Bendera Emas Unit

Unit Penerima:Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo – Surakarta

Lembaga Pemberi:Kementerian Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia Ruang

Lingkup Sertifikasi:Jasa Kebandarudaraan

Tanggal Berlaku:30 Juli 2018- 30 Juli 2021

Certification Name:Certificate of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) with Bendera Emas

Receiving Unit:Adi Soemarmo International Airport

Awarding Entity:Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia

The Scope of Certification:Aviation Services

Effective Date:30 July 2018 – 30 July 2021


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report


Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas


Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 93: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Secara umum, fungsi Manajemen Risiko Kantor Pusat bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan dan melakukan tindak lanjut terhadap laporan manajemen risiko, melakukan pemantauan profil risiko Perseroan termasuk rencana penanganannya, memberikan rekomendasi kepada Risk Management Committee, mengevaluasi kebijakan strategis, memantau pelaksanaan manajemen risiko, serta bersama-sama dengan pengelola risiko di lingkungan Kantor Pusat untuk melaksanakan proses Manajemen Risiko.

Pada tingkat Kantor Cabang juga terdapat fungsi Manajemen Risiko yang bersama-sama dengan Pemilik Risiko (Risk Owner) Kantor Cabang melaksanakan proses Manajemen Risiko dengan tahapan melaksanakan identifikasi, evaluasi, analisis, menentukan penanganan risiko serta melakukan monitoring terhadap risiko-risiko yang telah teridentifikasi.

Kebijakan dan pengelolaan risiko senantiasa diarahkan oleh Dewan Komisaris yang memiliki organ penunjang diantaranya Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCG. Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCG merupakan organ pendukung yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris terkait permasalahan kebijakan Direksi yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan risiko (risk management) dan kemungkinan terjadinya risiko usaha, serta pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik (GCG).


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Kebandarudaraan dan Pelayanan Jasa Terkait Bandara masuk dalam asosiasi sebagai berikut:

No. Nama asosiasi Association name

Status Keanggotaan Membership Status

1 Airport Council International Anggota Member

2 Indonesia National Air Carrier Association Anggota Member

3 Kamar Dagang dan Industri Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Anggota Member

In general, the Head Office's Risk Management function is responsible for developing and following up on risk management reports, monitoring the Company's risk profile including its handling plan, providing recommendations to the Risk Management Committee, evaluating strategic policies, monitoring the implementation of risk management, and together with risk managers in the Head Office environment to carry out the Risk Management process.

At the Branch Office level there is also a Risk Management function that together with the Risk Owner of the Branch Office carries out the Risk Management process with the stages of identifying, evaluating, analyzing, determining risk handling and monitoring risks identified.

Policies and risk management are always directed by the Board of Commissioners who have supporting organs including the Business Risk Committee and GCG. The Business Risk Committee and GCG are supporting organs that are intended to assist the Board of Commissioners regarding the Board of Directors' policy issues relating to risk management and the possibility of business risks, as well as good corporate management (GCG).


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as a company engaged in Airport Services and Airport Related Services is included in the association as follows:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Good Corporate Governance


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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 96: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Keberhasilan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) melewati tahun 2018 dengan membukukan kinerja positif tak lepas dari keberhasilan Perusahaan menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG) di semua lini. Perusahaan bersungguh-sungguh dalam menerapkan tata kelola yang baik karena meyakini bahwa GCG tak sekadar pelengkap melainkan pondasi bagi Perusahaan dalam mewujudkan kemajuan. Dengan penerapan serupa itu, maka kepercayaan dari para pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan akan semakin meningkat, yang pada gilirannya akan menaikkan citra Perusahaan.

Tata kelola perusahaan yang baik diterapkan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) di setiap aspek dan semua jajaran perusahaan. Perusahaan mengimplementasikan tata kelola dengan selalu berpatokan pada prinsip-prinsip GCG, yakni transparansi, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, kemandirian dan kewajaran. Pada penerapannya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah membuat komitmen yang telah disepakati oleh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh karyawan untuk menerapkan GCG guna menjamin dicapainya pertumbuhan Perseroan yang berkelanjutan.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has successfully gone through the year 2018 by documenting positive performance which cannot be separated from the success of the Company in implementing Good Corporate Governance/GCG) in each and every line of the company. The Company has tried earnestly in applying the good corporate governance for they believe that GCG is not merely a complementary, instead it is a foundation for the Company in manifesting improvement. By implementing such corporate governance thus will increase the trust of the shareholders and stakeholders, which in turn will promote the image of the Company.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has practiced a good corporate governance in every aspect and rank in the organization. The company has implemented corporate governance based on the principles of GCG, i.e. transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness. In its application, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) have made a commitment agreed by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all of the employees in implementing GCG to ensure the attainment of sustainable growth of the Company.


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Penerapan GCG di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengacu kepada beberapa ketentuan yang belaku, yaitu:1. Undang-Undang No. 19 tahun 2003 tentang BUMN.2. Undang-Undang No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang

Perseroan Terbatas.3. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 45

tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 12 tahun 1998 tentang Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero).

4. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik pada BUMN dan perubahannya Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-09/MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juli 2012.

5. Keputusan Sekretaris Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN.

6. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.

7. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 31/POJK.04/2015 tentang Keterbukaan atas Informasi atau Fakta Material oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.

8. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 21/POJK.04/2015 tentang Penerapan Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka.

9. Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka.

To implement GCG, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) complies with a number of applicable laws and regulations, namely:1. Law No. 19 of 2003 concerning SOEs. 2. Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability

Companies.3. Regulation of the Government of the Republic of

Indonesia No. 45 of 2001 concerning the Amendment to the Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998 concerning Public Companies.

4. Regulation of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1, 2011 concerning Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs and the Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-09/MBU/2012 dated July 6, 2012.

5. Decree of the Secretary of the SOE Ministry No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6, 2012 concerning Indicators/Parameters for Assessing and Evaluating the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs.

6. OJK’s Regulation No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning the Website of an Issuer or Public Company.

7. OJK’s Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 concerning Transparency of Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies.

8. OJK’s Regulation No. 21/POJK.04/2015 concerning Implementation of Guidelines for the Governance of a Public Company.

9. OJK’s Circular No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 concerning Governance of a Public Company.

Selain itu, penerapan GCG juga mengacu pada praktik-praktik bisnis terbaik yang meliputi antara lain:1. Pedoman GCG Indonesia yang dikembangkan oleh

Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG). 2. Prinsip-prinsip Corporate Governance untuk Stated

Owned Company yang dikembangkan oleh Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

3. ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.

Moreover, GCG is also implemented in compliance with the best business practices, which among others include:1. The Indonesian GCG Guidelines developed by the

National Committee on Governance Policies (KNKG).2. Corporate governance principles for state-owned

companies developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

3. ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Internalisasi dari berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan dan pedoman tersebut ke dalam kebijakan internal Perseroan merupakan komitmen dari Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi beserta seluruh human capital Perseroan. Komitmen terhadap penerapan GCG tersebut ditunjukkan sebagai berikut:

Internalization of various laws and regulations and guidelines in the Company's internal policies is a commitment from the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors along with all of the Company's human capital. The commitment to the implementation of GCG is shown as follows:


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Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UU PT), Organ Perseroan terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Sistem kepengurusan menganut sistem dua badan (two tier system), yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, yang memiliki wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang jelas sesuai fungsinya masing-masing sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Struktur Organ Perusahaan

Sejalan dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas No. 40 tahun 2007, maka struktur GCG PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan dilakukan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan sehingga prinsip-prinsip GCG menjadi acuan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Dalam melaksanakan kepengurusan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), Direksi didukung oleh struktur manajemen yang efektif. Adapun dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, Dewan Komisaris didukung oleh organ penunjang seperti Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit dan Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCG.

Di Perseroan, Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCC merupakan komite yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengambil keputusan tentang topik-topik ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial.

Structure of the Company’s Organs

Consistent with the provisions set out in the Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, the GCG structure of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) consists of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors. Corporate governance is implemented systematically and continuously, thus GCG principles serve as guidelines for the daily operations of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

In undertaking the management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), the Board of Directors is supported by an effective management structure. Meanwhile, in the execution of the supervisory function, the Board of Commissioners is supported by supporting organs such as the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee, and the GCG and Business Risk Committee.

In the Company, the Business Risk Committee and the GCC are committees responsible for making decisions on economic, environmental and social topics.

Based on Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company, Company’s organs consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors. The system of management adopted is the two-tier system, i.e. the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, which have clear authority and responsibilities based on their respective functions as specified in the articles of association, and laws and regulations. Both of Boards have the responsibility in maintaining the sustainability of Company’s long-term business. Therefore, Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors need to have the same perceptions of Company’s vision, mission, and values.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Struktur Organ Perseroan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut.

Rapat Umum Pemegang SahamGeneral Meeting of Stakeholders

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

Organ Pendukung:• Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris• Komite Audit• Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCG

Supporting Organs:• Secretary of the Board of

Commissioners• Audit Committee• Business Risk and GCG Committee

• Komite Manajemen Risiko• Sekretaris Perusahaan• Internal Audit• Jajaran Manajemen

• Risk Management Committee• Corporate Secretary• Internal Audit• Management Ranks

DireksiBoard of Directors

The structure of the organs of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is illustrated below.

Infrastruktur Corporate Governance

Dalam pelaksanaannya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki berbagai kebijakan/pedoman dalam menjalankan fungsi dan tugasnya yang disebut dengan infrastruktur Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Tujuan membangun infrastruktur GCG adalah sebagai berikut.• Melengkapi kebijakan pendukung dalam penerapan

GCG.• Menjadi pedoman bagi Perseroan dalam menjalankan

aktivitas sehari-hari sesuai dengan budaya (corporate culture) yang diharapkan.

• Merupakan bentuk komitmen tertulis bagi seluruh jajaran dan tingkatan organisasi Perseroan dalam rangka meningkatkan disiplin dan tanggung jawab organ perusahaan dalam rangka menjaga kepentingan stakeholders sesuai dengan tanggung jawab masing-masing.

Infrastruktur GCG yang telah dimiliki oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) antara lain:1. Pedoman Corporate Governance (Code of Corporate

Governance);2. Pedoman Etika Perusahaan (Code of Conduct);3. Board Manual;4. Piagam Komite Audit;5. Piagam Internal Audit;6. Perjanjian Kerja Bersama 2017-2019;7. Pedoman Pengendalian Gratifikasi; 8. Pedoman Whistleblowing system;9. Pedoman Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara

Negara (LHKPN);10. Kebijakan-kebijakan Perseroan dan Standard

Operating Procedure (SOP).

Corporate Governance Infrastructure

In its implementation, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has various policies / guidelines in carrying out its functions and duties, which is called the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) infrastructure. The objectives of building GCG infrastructure are as follows.• Completing supporting policies in implementing GCG.

• Become a guideline for the Company in carrying out daily activities in accordance with the expected corporate culture.

• It is a form of written commitment for all levels and levels of the Company's organization in order to improve the discipline and responsibility of company organs in order to safeguard the interests of stakeholders in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

The GCG infrastructure owned by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) includes:1. Guidelines for Corporate Governance (Code of Corporate

Governance);2. Code of Conduct;3. Board Manual;4. Charter of the Audit Committee;5. Internal Audit Charter;6. 2017-2019 Collective Labor Agreement;7. Guidelines for Gratification Control;8. Whistleblowing system guidelines;9. Guidelines for State Operator Assets Report (LHKPN);

10. Company policies and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).


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Pedoman dan kebijakan tersebut telah disosialisasikan kepada seluruh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan human capital Perseroan, serta telah menjadi landasan kegiatan operasional Perseroan. Perseroan senantiasa melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi penerapannya secara kontinyu.


Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) adalah Organ Perseroan yang mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris dalam batas yang ditentukan dalam Undang-undang dan/atau Anggaran Dasar. RUPS memiliki wewenang mengangkat dan memberhentikan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengesahkan perubahan Anggaran Dasar, memberikan persetujuan atas Laporan Tahunan, menetapkan alokasi penggunaan laba, menunjuk akuntan publik, serta menetapkan jumlah dan jenis kompensasi dan fasilitas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

Pelaksanaan RUPS melalui proses pengumuman dan pemanggilan RUPS yang dilakukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Bahan informasi yang diperlukan terkait pelaksanaan RUPS disampaikan bersamaan dengan pemanggilan RUPS. Namun, jika hal tersebut belum tersedia pada saat pemanggilan RUPS, maka bahan informasi tersebut akan disampaikan pada saat RUPS diselenggarakan.

RUPS terdiri dari RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa. RUPS Tahunan dilakukan Perseroan setiap tahun, yang meliputi RUPS Tahunan tentang Laporan Tahunan Perseroan dan RUPS Tahunan tentang Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RUPS RKAP), sedangan RUPS Luar Biasa dapat diadakan setiap waktu berdasarkan kebutuhan untuk kepentingan Perseroan. Pelaksanaan RUPS didahului dengan pemanggilan RUPS yang dilakukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.

Pada tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyelenggarakan dua kali RUPS Tahunan. Masing-masing adalah RUPS Tahunan tentang Pengesahakan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2018 pada Senin, 10 Januari 2018, bertempat di Ruang Rapat Lantai 9, Kementerian BUMN, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13, Jakarta Pusat; sedangkan RUPS Tahunan tentang Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2017 dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Tahun Buku 2017 diadakan pada 24 April 2018 di Kantor Kementerian BUMN Ruang Rapat Lt. 13, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13, Jakarta Pusat.


General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is a Company Organ that has authority not given to the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners within the limits specified in the Law and / or Articles of Association. GMS has the authority to appoint and dismiss the Board of Commissioners and Directors, evaluate the performance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors, approve amendments to the Articles of Association, approve the Annual Report, determine allocation of profit, appoint public accountants, and determine the amount and type of compensation and facilities of the Board of Commissioners and Directors .

The implementation of the GMS through the process of announcing and calling the GMS conducted in accordance with applicable regulations. Material information needed related to the implementation of the GMS is delivered together with the summons of the GMS. However, if this is not available at the time of calling the GMS, the information material will be delivered at the time the GMS is held.

The GMS consists of the Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS. The Annual GMS is carried out by the Company every year, which includes the Annual GMS on the Company's Annual Report and Annual GMS on Corporate Work Plans and Budgets (RKAP GMS), while the Extraordinary GMS can be held at any time based on the needs of the Company. The implementation of the GMS is preceded by the calling of the GMS conducted in accordance with applicable regulations.

In 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) held two Annual GMS. Annual GMS concerning Approval of the Company’s Work Plan and Budget Year 2018 was held on Monday, 10 January 2018, take place in the Meeting Room of the Ministry of SEOs, 9th floor, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13, Jakarta Pusat; meanwhile, Annual GMS concerning the Approval of the 2017 Fiscal Year Report and the Financial Statement of Fiscal Year 2017 was held on 24 April 2018 in the Meeting Room of the Ministry of SEOs Office, 13th floor, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13, Jakarta Pusat.

The guidelines and policies have been socialized to the entire Board of Commissioners, Directors and the Company's human capital, and have become the foundation of the Company's operational activities. The Company continuously monitors and evaluates its implementation continuously.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Hasil RUPSResults of the GMS

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) tentang Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2018 telah dilaksanakan pada 10 Januari 2018 di Kantor Kementerian BUMN Ruang Rapat Lt. 9, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13 Jakarta Pusat.General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) on the Company’s Working Budget Plan (RKAP) of 2018 has been performed on January 10 2018 in the Office of the Ministry of SOE Meeting Room Lt. 9, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13 Central Jakarta.

Undangan RUPS tentang Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2018 telah disampaikan pada Pemegang Saham melalui surat No. AP.I.95/KU.01.03/2018 tanggal 8 Januari 2019.The GMS invitation on the Company’s Working Budget Plan (RKAP) of 2018 has been submitted to the Shareholders by letter No. AP.I.95/KU.01.03/2018 on January 8 2019.

Hasil keputusan RUPS disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham melalui situs www.fis.bumn.go.id pada tanggal 1 Februari 2018. Risalah RUPS juga telah dimuat di website Perseroan (www.ap1.co.id).The result of the RUPS decision is submitted to shareholders through the website www.fis.bumn.go.id on February 1, 2018. Minutes of the GMS as well has been published on the Company’s website (www.ap1.co.id).

Tabel Pelaksanaan RUPS RKAP Tahun 2018Table of Implementation of GMS RKAP 2018

Tabel Pelaksanaan RUPS Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2017Table of the Execution of GMS on the Agreement of Annual Report an Ratification of Financial Statement of the Company of Fiscal Year 2017



Hasil RUPSResults of the GMS

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) tentang Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2017 telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 April 2018 di Kantor Kementerian BUMN Ruang Rapat Lt. 13, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13 Jakarta Pusat. General Meeting Shareholder (GMS) on the Company’s Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) Year 2017 has been held on April 24, 2018 in the Office of the Ministry of SOEs Meeting Room Lt. 13, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13 Central Jakarta.

Undangan RUPS tentang Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2017 telah disampaikan kepada para Pemegang Saham melalui surat No. AP.I.2495/KU.01.03/2018 pada tanggal 20 April 2018.GMS Invitation on on the Company’s Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) Year 2017 has been submitted to the Shareholders by mail No. AP.I.2495/KU.01.03/2018 dated April 20, 2018.

Hasil keputusan RUPS disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham melalui situs www.fis.bumn.go.id pada tanggal 15 Februari 2018. Risalah RUPS juga telah dimuat di website Perseroan (www.ap1.co.id).The result of the GMS decision is submitted to shareholders through the website www.fis.bumn.go.id on February 1, 2018. Minutes of the GMS as well has been published on the Company’s website (www.ap1.co.id).

DEWAN KOMISARISDewan Komisaris adalah Organ Perseroan yang bertugas untuk melakukan pengawasan secara umum dan/atau khusus sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar, memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi, serta memastikan bahwa Perseroan melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab kepada Pemegang Saham dalam hal mengawasi kebijakan Direksi terhadap operasional Perseroan secara umum yang mengacu kepada rencana bisnis yang telah disetujui Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham, serta memastikan kepatuhan terhadap seluruh peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris harus memiliki integritas yang tinggi, pengetahuan, kemampuan dan komitmen untuk menyediakan waktu dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Dengan demikian, peran Dewan Komisaris sangat strategis. Oleh karena itu, komposisi Dewan Komisaris Perseroan harus memungkinkan pengambil keputusan yang efektif, tepat dan cepat. Selain itu,

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSThe Board of Commissioners is an organ of the Company which is responsible for supervising publicly and/or specifically in accordance with the Articles of Association, advising the Board of Directors, and ensuring that the Company is implementing the GCG principles. The Board of Commissioners is responsible to the Shareholders in terms of overseeing the Directors' policy towards the Company's general operations which refers to the business plan approved by the Board of Commissioners and shareholders, and ensures compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Each member of the Board of Commissioners must have high integrity, knowledge, ability and commitment to make time in carrying out its duties. Thus, the role of the Board of Commissioners is very strategic. Therefore, the composition of the Board of Commissioners of the Company should enable effective, prompt and prompt decision makers. In addition, the Board of Commissioners is also required to


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Dewan Komisaris juga dituntut untuk dapat bertindak secara independen, dalam arti tidak mempunyai benturan kepentingan (conflict of interest) yang dapat menganggu kemampuannya untuk melaksanakan tugas secara mandiri dan kritis, baik dalam hubungan satu sama lain maupun hubungan terhadap Direksi.


Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan. Berdasarkan Board Manual, kriteria anggota Dewan Komisaris meliputi:

a. Kriteria formal, yaitu:- Cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum.- Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit, tidak pernah

menjadi anggota Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu Perusahaan dinyatakan pailit, dan tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara dalam jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatannya.

- Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga sedarah atau hubungan karena perkawinan sampai dengan derajat ketiga, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke samping atau hubungan semenda (menantu atau ipar) dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan/atau anggota Direksi lain.

- Tidak memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai anggota Direksi pada BUMN, BUMD, BUMS, dan jabatan lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, pengurus partai politik dan/atau calon/anggota legislatif dan/atau calon/anggota Kepala Daerah/Wakil Kepala Daerah, serta jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan.

- Memiliki komitmen untuk menyediakan waktu yang memadai dalam rangka menjalankan fungsinya.

b. Kriteria material, yaitu:- Memiliki integritas, yaitu tidak pernah secara

langsung maupun tidak langsung terlibat dalam perbuatan rekayasa dan praktik-praktik menyimpang, cedera janji, serta perbuatan lain yang merugikan Perusahaan di mana yang bersangkutan bekerja atau pernah bekerja.

- Memahami masalah-masalah manajemen Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan salah satu fungsi manajemen.

- Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai di bidang usaha Perusahaan.

act independently, in the sense that there is no conflict of interest which may interfere with its ability to perform its duties independently and critically, whether in relation to each other or to the Board of Directors.

CRITERIA OF THE MEMBERS OF BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERSAll members of the Board of Commissioners have met the specified criteria. According to the Board Manual, the criteria for members of the Board of Commissioners include the followings:a. Formal Criteria, as follows:

- Capable of doing legal actions.- as never been declared bankrupt, has never been

a member of the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners found guilty of causing a company to be declared bankrupt, and has never been punished for committing a crime that harms the state finance within 5 (five) years before the appointment.

- Not having a family relationship or blood relationship by marriage up to the third degree, either by a straight line or a side line or a familial descent (son/daughter or brother/sister in law) with members of the Board of Commissioners and/or other members of the Board of Directors.

- Not holding double positions as a member of the Board of Directors to State-Owned Enterprises, Local-Government-Owned Enterprises, Private Enterprises, and other positions in accordance with the provisions of legislation, political party leaders and/or candidates/legislative members and/or candidates/members of Head/Vice Head of Region, other positions that may create a conflict of interest.

- Have a commitment to provide adequate time in order to carry out its functions.

b. Material Criteria:- Having integrity, which is never directly or indirectly

involved in misconduct of engineering and practices, promises injuries, and other acts that harm the company in which the employee is working or has worked;

- Understand the Company's management issues relate to one of the management functions;

- Having sufficient knowledge in the Company's business field.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 104: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah memenuhi kriteria dan ketentuan yang dipersyaratkan dalam uji kepatutan dan kelayakan (fit and proper test) berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas, Anggaran Dasar, peraturan terkait Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik, serta peraturan dan ketentuan lain yang terkait, termasuk ketentuan tentang Komisaris Independen. Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris memiliki integritas, kompetensi, dan reputasi yang memadai.

Komposisi dan dasar pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut.

All members of the PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Board of Commissioners have met the criteria and conditions required in the fit and proper test based on the Limited Liability Company Law, Articles of Association, regulations related to good corporate governance, and regulations and other related provisions, including provisions regarding Independent Commissioners. All members of the Board of Commissioners have adequate integrity, competence and reputation.

The composition and the basis for the appointment of the Board of Commissioners are as follows.

Tabel Komposisi Dewan Komisaris per 31 Desember 2018Table of Composition of the Board of Commissioners as of December 31, 2018

Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki organ pendukung berupa Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit serta Komite Risiko Usaha and GCG. Keberadaan organ pendukung tersebut sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER-09/MBU/2012 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik pada BUMN dan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER-12/MBU/2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris per 31 Desember 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

Supporting Organ of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners in Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has supporting organ that constitutes Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, Audit Committee, and Business Risk and GCG Committee. The presence of those supporting organs are in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-09/MBU/2012 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governanace in the SEOs and the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-12/MBU/2012 concerning the Supporting Organ of the Board of Commissioners /Board of Supervisors of State-Owned Enterprise (SEO). Supporting Organ of the Board of Commissioners per 31 December 2018 are as follows:




Dasar PengangkatanAppointment Basics

Tanggal EfektifEffective date

Djoko Sasono Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Kementerian BUMNMinistry of

StateOwned Enterprises

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK.210/MBU/07/2018 tanggal 19 Juli 2018.Decree of the Minister of SOE Number: SK-210MBU/07/2018 dated July 19, 2018.

19 Juli 2018July 19, 2018

Tri Budi Satriyo KomisarisCommissioner

Kementerian BUMNMinistry of

StateOwned Enterprises

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK.210/MBU/07/2018 tanggal 19 Juli 2018.Decree of the Minister of SOE Number: SK-210MBU/07/2018 dated July 19, 2018.

19 Juli 2018July 19, 2018

Anandy Wati Komisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Kementerian BUMNMinistry of

StateOwned Enterprises

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK.210/MBU/07/2018 tanggal 19 Juli 2018.Decree of the Minister of SOE Number: SK-210MBU/07/2018 dated July 19, 2018.

19 Juli 2018July 19, 2018

Suprasetyo KomisarisCommissioner

Kementerian BUMNMinistry of

StateOwned Enterprises

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK.65/MBU/4/2017 tanggal 4 April 2017.Decree of the SOE Minister Number: SK-65/MBU/4/2017dated April 4, 2017 and Number: SK-106/MBU/6/2017dated June 6, 2017.

4 April 2017April 4, 2017

Ali Mochthar Ngabalin


Kementerian BUMNMinistry of

StateOwned Enterprises

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK.210/MBU/07/2018 tanggal 19 Juli 2018.Decree of the Minister of SOE Number: SK-210MBU/07/2018 dated July 19, 2018.

19 Juli 2018July 19, 2018

Harry Z. Soeratin KomisarisCommissioner

Kementerian BUMNMinistry of BUMN

Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor SK-17/MBU/01/2018 tanggal 16 Januari 2018.Decree of the Minister of SOE Number: SK-17/MBU/01/2018dated January 16, 2018.

16 Januari 2018January 16, 2018


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Nama Name

Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisSecretary of the Board of Commissioners

M. Rosyid Ariansyah

Nama Name




Anandy Wati Ketua Chairman

Komisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Bidang Komersial dan Pengembangan UsahaCommercial Aspect and Business Development

Harry Z. Soeratin Wakil Ketua IVice Chairman I


Teknik KebandarudaraanAirport Engineering

Djoko Sasono Wakil Ketua IIVice Chairman II


Teknik, Transportasi.Transportation Engineering

Syaiful AnggotaMember

Pihak IndependenIndependent Party

Akuntansi, AuditAccounting, Audit

Agus Waluyo AnggotaMember

Pihak IndependenIndependent Party

Akuntansi, AuditAccounting, Audit

2. Komite Audit 2. Audit Committee

3. Komite Risiko Usaha dan GCG 3. GCG and Business Risk Committee

Nama Name




Suprasetyo Ketua Chairman

Komisaris UtamaPresident of Commissioner

Teknik KebandarudaraanAirport Engineering

Ali Mochtar Ngabalin Wakil Ketua IVice Chairman I


Ilmu KomunikasiCommunication Science

Tri Budi Satriyo Wakil Ketua IIVice Chairman II


Manajemen, SDMManagement, HRD

Wawan Zulmawan AnggotaMember

Pihak IndependenIndependent Party

Hukum, Manajemen, Risk ManagementLaw, Management, Risk Management

Ganesha Dian Farisi AnggotaMember

Pihak IndependenIndependent Party

Ekonomi dan Risk ManagementEconomy and Risk Management

DIREKSIDireksi adalah Organ Perseroan yang berwenang dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan, sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan serta mewakili Perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar Pengadilan sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Direksi wajib mencurahkan tenaga, pikiran, perhatian dan pengabdiannya secara penuh pada tugas, kewajiban dan pencapaian tujuan Perseroan.

Anggota Direksi harus mematuhi Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta wajib melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme, efisiensi, transparansi, kemandirian, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban serta kewajaran. Setiap anggota Direksi wajib melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dengan itikad baik, penuh tanggung jawab, dan kehati-hatian, dengan mengindahkan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe Board of Directors is the Company's Organs that are authorized and fully responsible for the Company’s management for the benefit of the Company, in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Company and to represent the Company, both inside and outside the court in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association. In performing its duties, the Board of Directors shall devote full power, thought, attention and dedication to the tasks, obligations and achievements of the Company's objectives.

Members of the Board of Directors shall comply with the Company’s Articles of Association and the laws and regulations and shall implement the principles of professionalism, efficiency, transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility and fairness. Each member of the Board of Directors shall perform duties and responsibilities in good faith, full responsibility and prudence, in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

1. Secretary of the Board of Commissioners 1. Sekretariat Dewan Komisaris


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Kriteria Direksi dan Penilaian Kemampuan dan KepatutanSeluruh anggota Direksi telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan. Berdasarkan Board Manual, kriteria anggota Direksi meliputi:a. Kriteria formal, yaitu:

- Cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum.- Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit oleh pengadilan.- Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi atau

Dewan Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu Perusahaan dinyatakan pailit dan tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara dalam jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatannya.

- Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga sedarah atau hubungan karena perkawinan sampai dengan derajat ketiga, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke samping atau hubungan semenda (menantu atau ipar) dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan/atau anggota Direksi lain.

- Tidak memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai anggota Direksi pada BUMN, BUMD, BUMS, dan jabatan lain sebagai pejabat dalam jabatan struktural dan fungsional pada instansi/lembaga pemerintah pusat dan/atau daerah, serta jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan Perusahaan dan/atau yang bertentangan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

b. Kriteria material, yaitu:- Memiliki integritas dan moral, bahwasanya yang

bersangkutan berperilaku baik, yaitu tidak pernah terlibat dalam perbuatan rekayasa dan praktik-praktik menyimpang, cedera janji, serta perbuatan lain yang dapat dikategorikan memberikan keuntungan pribadi dan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan prinsip-prinsip pengurusan Perusahaan yang sehat.

- Memiliki kompetensi teknis/keahlian, bahwasanya yang bersangkutan memiliki pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keahlian yang memadai di bidang usaha Perusahaan, memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pengelolaan strategis dalam rangka pengembangan Perusahaan, memahami masalah-masalah manajemen Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan salah satu fungsi manajemen, serta memiliki dedikasi dan menyediakan waktu sepenuhnya untuk melakukan tugasnya.

- Memiliki psikologis yang baik, bahwasanya yang bersangkutan memiliki tingkat intelegensia dan tingkat emosional yang memadai untuk melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai anggota Direksi Perusahaan.

Criteria Of The Board Of Directors

All members of the Board of Directors have met the specified criteria. Based on the Board Manual, the criteria for members of the Board of Directors include:a. Formal criteria, such as:

- Capable of doing legal actions.- Have never been declared bankrupt by the court.- Have never been a member of the Board of Directors

or the Board of Commissioners who was found guilty of causing a company declared bankrupt and never punished for committing a crime that harms the state's finances within 5 (five) years before his or her appointment.

- Not having blood relationship or relationship by marriage up to the third degree, both according to the straight line and the side line or in in-law family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners and/ or other members of the Board of Directors.

- Not holding multiple positions as a member of the Board of Directors in State-Owned Enterprises, Regional-Owned Enterprises, Private-Owned Enterprises and other positions as officials in structural and functional positions at central and/or local government institutions and other positions that may generate a conflict of interest directly or indirectly to the Company and/ or other position that are contradict to the prevailing laws and regulations.

b. Material criteria, such as:- Have integrity and morals, that the people

concerned behave well, that are never involved in the act of manipulation and deviant practices, breaking promises and other acts that can be categorized as providing personal benefits and violating the provisions related to the principles of management of the healthy Company.

- Have technical competences/expertises, that the people concerned have adequate knowledge, experience and expertise in the Company's business field, have the ability to undertake strategic management in the framework of the Company's development, understand the Company's management issues related to one of the management functions and have dedication and provide full time to do their job.

- Have good psychological, that the people concerned have the adequate level of intelligence and emotional to perform their duties as members of the Board of Directors of the Company.


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Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 107: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Seluruh anggota Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah memenuhi kriteria dan ketentuan yang dipersyaratkan dalam uji kepatutan dan kelayakan (fit and proper test) berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas, Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, peraturan terkait Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik, serta peraturan dan ketentuan lain yang terkait. Seluruh anggota Direksi memiliki integritas, kompetensi, dan reputasi yang memadai.

Susunan Direksi per 31 Desember 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

All members of the Board of Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) have met the criteria and conditions required in the fit and proper test based on the Limited Liability Company Law, the Company's Articles of Association, regulations relating to good corporate governance, and other relevant regulations and provisions. All members of the Board of Directors have adequate integrity, competence and reputation.




Dasar PengangkatanAppointment Basis

Tanggal EfektifEffective Date

Faik Fahmi Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-289/MBU/12/2017 tanggal 22 Desember 2017.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number SK-289/MBU/12/2017 dated December 22, 2017.

22 Desember 2017December 22, 2017

Wendo Asrul Rose Direktur OperasiOperation Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-22/MBU/11/2015 tanggal 9 November 2015.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: SK-22/MBU/11/2015 dated November 9, 2015.

9 November 2015November 9, 2015

Novrihandri Direktur KeuanganFinance Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-22/MBU/11/2015 tanggal 9 November 2015.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: SK-22/MBU/11/2015 dated November 9, 2015.

9 November 2015November 9, 2015

Adi Nugroho Direktur SDM dan UmumHuman Capital and General Affair Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-22/MBU/11/2015 tanggal 9 November 2015.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: SK-22/MBU/11/2015 dated November 9, 2015.

9 November 2015November 9, 2015

Lukman F. Laisa Direktur TeknikTechnical Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-53/MBU/03/2018 tanggal 5 Maret 2018.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: SK-53/MBU/03/2018 dated March 5, 2018.

5 Maret 2018March 5, 2018

Devy Suradji Direktur Pemasaran dan PelayananMarketing and Services Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-289/MBU/12/2017 tanggal 22 Desember 2017.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number SK-289/MBU/12/2017 dated December 22, 2017.

22 Desember 2017December 22, 2017

Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo

Direktur Pengembangan UsahaBusiness Development Director

Kementerian BUMNThe Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor SK-155/MBU/08/2017 tanggal 11 Agustus 2017.Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: SK-155/MBU/08/2017 dated August 11, 2017.

11 Agustus 2017August 11, 2017

Organ Pendukung Direksi

Direksi Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki organ pendukung berupa Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Komite Manajemen Risiko. Keberadaan organ pendukung tersebut sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER-09/MBU/2012 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik pada BUMN. Organ Pendukung Direksi per 31 Desember 2018 adalah sebagai berikut.

Supporting Organ of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has supporting organs in the forms of a Corporate Secretary and Risk Management Committee. The existence of these supporting organs is in accordance with the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation Number: PER-09/MBU/2012 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. The Board of Directors Supporting Organs as of 31 December 2018 are as follows.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 108: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

1. Sekretariat Perusahaan

2. Komite Manajemen Risiko

3. Internal Audit

1. Corporate Secretary

2. Risk Management Committee

3. Internal Audit

Nama Jabatan

Handy Heryudhitiawan Sekretaris Perusahaan

Nama Jabatan

Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Ketua

Vice President Compliance & Risk Management Sekretaris

1. Para Direktur yang ditunjuk2. Pejabat satu tingkat di bawah Direksi di lingkungan kantor pusat Anggota

Nama Jabatan

Israwadi Vice President Internal Audit


Perseroan memiliki Pedoman Etika Perusahaan (Code of Conduct) yang diatur dalam Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor: KEP.43/OM.04/2014 tentang Pedoman Prilaku (Code of Conduct) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Pedoman Prilaku Perseroan merupakan kumpulan komitmen yang terdiri dari etika usaha dan etika kerja yang disusun untuk mempengaruhi, membentuk, mengatur dan melakukan kesesuaian perilaku sehingga tercapai hasil yang konsisten yang sesuai dengan Budaya Perseroan dalam mencapai Visi dan Misi.

Pedoman tersebut menjadi panduan yang berlaku bagi setiap insan Perseroan pada setiap level organisasi yang diharapkan akan memberikan kejelasan tindakan yang harus dilakukan dan ditaati sesuai dengan nilai-nilai korporasi yang telah dibangun.

Pedoman Etika Perusahaan berisi Pedoman Etika Kerja dan Pedoman Etika Usaha. Pedoman Etika Kerja memuat etika dan perilaku Komisaris, Direksi, dan pegawai; keselamatan, kesehatan serta lingkungan kerja; hak kekayaan intelektual; sistem teknologi informasi dan komunikasi; penyimpanan dokumen; pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan; pengamanan aktiva Perusahaan; kerahasiaan informasi; reputasi dan citra Perusahaan; benturan kepentingan; suap dan KKN; donasi, jamuan dan hadiah; biaya perjalanan dinas; dan kontribusi aktivitas politik. Sedangkan Pedoman Etika Usaha memuat kepatuhan terhadap hukum, peraturan dan kebijakan; hubungan Perusahaan dengan pelanggan, pemerintah, mitra kerja, pemasok, kreditur/investor, dan Anak Perusahaan/perusahaan patungan/perusahaan afiliasi; dan tanggung jawab sosial kepada masyarakat.


The Company has a Code of Conduct which is regulated in the Decree of the Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Number: KEP.43 / OM.04 / 2014 concerning PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Code of Conduct. The Company's Code of Conduct is a collection of commitments consisting of business ethics and work ethics that are structured to influence, shape, regulate and conduct behavior suitability so that consistent results are achieved in accordance with the Company's Culture in achieving Vision and Mission.

The guideline is a guideline that applies to every person of the Company at every level of the organization who is expected to provide clarity of actions to be taken and adhered to in accordance with the corporate values that have been built.

The Company Ethics Guidelines contain the Code of Work Ethics and the Code of Business Ethics. The Code of Ethics contains the ethics and behavior of Commissioners, Directors and employees; safety, health and work environment; intellectual property rights; information and communication technology system; document storage; financial recording and reporting; safeguarding Company assets; confidentiality of information; Company's reputation and image; conflict of interest; bribery and KKN; donations, meals and gifts; official travel expenses; and the contribution of political activity. While the Code of Business Ethics contains compliance with laws, regulations and policies; Company relations with customers, government, work partners, suppliers, creditors / investors, and Subsidiaries / joint ventures / affiliated companies; and social responsibility to the community.


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Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Code of conduct berlaku bagi seluruh insan Perseroan, yaitu Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan seluruh Karyawan. Seluruh insan Perseroan mempunyai kesadaran untuk menjalankan etika yang baik akan meningkatkan dan memperkuat reputasi Perseroan.

Upaya Penerapan dan Penegakan Kode Etik

Setiap insan Perseroan berkewajiban untuk melaporkan kecurigaan maupun pelanggaran terhadap Code of Conduct kepada Direksi/Dewan Komisaris/pimpinan unit kerja yang membidangi masalah personalia. Perusahaan juga memiliki Badan Pertimbangan Kepegawaian (BPK) dan Panitia Pembinaan dan Pemeriksaan Pelanggaran Disiplin Pegawai (P4DP) yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap pelanggaran disiplin human capital Perusahaan.

Perseroan melindungi dan menjamin kerahasiaan pelapor. Setiap pelanggaran atas Code of Conduct akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku dan pengenaan sanksi tersebut tidak bersifat diskriminatif. Proses pengenaan sanksi dilakukan melalui proses yang obyektif, independen dan berjenjang. Jenis sanksi yang dikenakan disesuaikan dengan tingkat kesalahan yang dilakukan.

Jenis Sanksi Pelanggaran Kode Etik

Adapan jenis sanksi atas pelanggaran Kode Etik pada PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut.

Tabel Jenis Sanksi Pelanggaran Kode EtikTable of Code of Ethics Sanction Type

Tingkat SanksiLevel of Sanction

Jenis SanksiType of Sanction

Disiplin RinganMild Discipline

• Peringatan/teguran lisan.• Peringatan/teguran tertulis.• Pernyataan tidak puas tertulis.• Penundaan kenaikan gaji berkala.• Oral warning/notice.• Written warning/notice.• Written dissatisfied statement.• Suspension of periodic salary adjustment.

Disiplin SedangModerate Discipline

• Penurunan gaji sebesar satu kali kenaikan gaji berkala untuk paling lama 1 (satu) tahun.• Penurunan pangkat pada pangkat yang setingkat lebih rendah untuk paling lama 1 (satu) tahun.• Penurunan kelas jabatan pada kelas jabatan setingkat lebih rendah untuk paling lama 1 (satu) tahun• Salary reduction for one time period of salary adjustment for 1 (one) year at most.• Demotion to one rank lower for 1 (one) year at most.• Position class demotion to one position class lower for 1 (one) year at most.

Disiplin BeratSevere Discipline

• Pembebasan dari jabatan struktural dan tidak ditempatkan di jabatan strukturan lainnya.• Penurunan pangkat pada pangkat 2 (dua) tingkat lebih rendah atau lebih.• Penurunan kelas jabatan pada kelas jabatan 2 (dua) tingkat atau lebih.• Pemberhentian dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri sebagai Pegawai.• Pemberhentian tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai.• Exemption from structural position and not placed in another structural position.• Demotion to 2 (two) ranks lower or more.• Position class demotion to 2 (two) position class lower or more.• Honorable termination not as his/her request as an employee.• Dishonorable termination as an employee.

The code of conduct applies to all employees of the Company, namely the Board of Commissioners, Directors and all employees. All of the Company's employees have an awareness to carry out good ethics that will enhance and strengthen the Company's reputation.

Efforts to Implement and Enforce the Code of Ethics

Every member of the Company is obliged to report suspicions and violations of the Code of Conduct to the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners / work unit leaders in charge of personnel issues. The company also has a Personnel Consideration Agency (BPK) and an Employee Discipline Abuse Inspection and Inspection Committee (P4DP) which serves to conduct an examination of violations of the Company's human capital discipline.

The Company protects and guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter. Any violation of the Code of Conduct will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable regulations and the imposition of such sanctions is not discriminatory. The process of imposing sanctions is carried out through an objective, independent and tiered process. The type of sanction imposed is adjusted to the level of error committed.

Types of Sanctions for Violating the Code of Ethics

The types of sanctions for violating the Code of Ethics at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are as follows.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Pelanggaran Dan Sanksi Yang DiberikanSelama tahun 2018 terdapat 7 (tujuh) pelanggaran atas kode etik. Adapun sanksi yang diberikan berdasarkan tingkatan sanksi adalah sebagai berikut.



Disiplin RinganLight Discipline


Disiplin SedangModerate discipline


Disiplin BeratHeavy Discipline


Number of Code of Conduct ViolationsBy 2017, the number of violations of the code of conduct are 7 (eleven) code of conduct violations. The sanctions given based on the level of sanctions are as follows.

Whistleblowing System PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah berkomitmen untuk membangun Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) yang berfungsi sebagai sarana dalam pencegahan, pengungkapan pelanggaran atau kecurangan dalam Perusahaan, yang telah dituangkan pada Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor: KEP.192/PG.01/2016 tentang Pedoman Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) yang telah diperbaharui dengan Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor: KEP.69/PG.01/2018 tentang Pedoman Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Whistleblowing SystemPT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) had committed to establish a Whistleblowing System that functioned as a means of preventing, disclosing violations or fraud in the Company, which had been stated in the Decree of the Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Number: KEP.192/PG.01/2016 concerning Guidelines for the Whistleblowing System which had been updated with the Decree of the Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Number: KEP.69/PG.01/2018 concerning the Guidelines for the PT Angkasa Whistleblowing System Pura I (Persero).

Sosialisasi Whistleblowing System

Sosialisasi WBS melalui program pengendalian gratifikasi dilakukan dengan melaksanakan beberapa program pengendalian gratifikasi. Pada tahun 2018 dilakukan melalui pembuatan video infografis Sistem Pelaporan Dugaan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) guna menumbuhkan awareness kepada pihak internal maupun eksternal terkait Sistem Pelaporan Dugaan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) dan untuk mencegah adanya tindak kecurangan dalam Perusahaan.

Sosialisasi untuk pelanggaran dari eksternal dilakukan melalui website Perseroan. Sedangkan untuk pelanggaran kepegawaian sosialisais dilakukan bersama dengan sosialisasi code of conduct Perseroan.

Lingkup Pengaduan

Lingkup pengaduan yang akan ditindaklanjuti oleh Tim Pengelola Whistle Blowing System merupakan tindakan yang dapat merugikan Perusahaan, yaitu sebagai berikut:• Penyalahgunaan fasilitas Perusahaan.• Pengancaman.• Penyelewengan uang Perusahaan.

Whistleblowing System Socialization

The WBS socialization through the gratification control program is carried out by implementing several gratification control programs. In 2018, it was carried out by making infographic videos of the Whistleblowing System to raise awareness for internal and external parties related to the Whistleblowing System and to prevent fraud in the Company.

The socialization for external violations was carried out through the Company's website. For socialization staff violations, they were carried out together with the socialization of the Company's code of conduct.

Violations That Can Be Reported

Types of complaints which will be followed up by Whistleblowing System management team is an action that can harm company such as:1. Missuse of company facilities.2. Threatening.3. Missappropriation of company money.


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Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

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• Penyalahgunaan jabatan untuk kepentingan pribadi atau golongan atau kepentingan lain di luar Perusahaan.

• Penggelapan aset Perusahaan.• Penerimaan, pemberian dan permintaan gratifikasi.• Pelanggaran etika dan perbuatan asusila.• Pembocoran rahasia Perusahaan.• Pemerasan.• Pencurian.• Penipuan.• Kecurangan.• Pelanggaran disiplin.• Benturan kepentingan.• Korupsi.• Kolusi.• Nepotisme.

Perlindungan Bagi Whistleblower

Atas setiap pelaporan yang diterima, Perseroan melindungi dan menjamin kerahasiaan pelapor.

Bagan Alur Penyampaian Pelaporan Pelanggaran

Untuk mekanisme penanganan pelaporan atas pelanggaran kepegawaian PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut:

4. Abuse of office for personal or group interest or other interests outside the company.

5. Embezzlement of company assets.6. Reception, grant and request of gratification.7. Ethics violations and sexual misconduct.8. Leaking company’s confidental information.9. Extortion.10. Thievery.11. Scam.12. Fraudulunce.13. Disciplinary violation.14. Conflict of interest.15. Corruption.16. Collusion.17. Nepotism.

Whistleblower Protection

For each report received, the Company protects and guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter.

The Chart of Submission of Reports of Violations

The mechanism for handling reporting of staff violations of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is as follows:



JIKA TERLAPOR ADALAH PEGAWAI ORGANIK• Melaksanakan pemeriksaan dan memutuskan

sanksi seduai ketentuan.• Menyampaikan laporan hasil pemeriksaan

kepada Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum untuk diteruskan kepada Direktur Utama.

IF THE REPORTED PARTY IS AN ORGANIC EMPLOYEE• Conduct examination and decide sanctions in

accordance with the provisions.• Submit reports on results of inspection to the

Director of Human Resources and General to be forwarded to the President Director.


ketentuan.• Jika terlapor adalah PKWT. PKWT, Gugus

Tugas:proses sesuai kontrak.• Jika terlapor adalah Outsourcing diteruskan

kepada Perusahaan Penyedia Jasa.

IF REPORTS ARE PKWT, PKWTT, TASK GUGS, OUTSOURCING• Conducting inspection in accordance with

the provisions.• If reported is PKWT. PKWT, Task Force:

contractual process.• If reported is Outsourcing forwarded to the

Service Provider Company.

JIKA TERLAPOR ADALAH DIREKSI ATAU DEWAN KOMISARIS• Melaksanakan pemeriksaan sesuai ketentuan.











Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Pihak yang Mengelola Pengaduan Whistleblowing System

Untuk menangani pelaporan dugaan pelanggaran, Direksi membentuk organisasi Tim Pengelola Whistleblowing Sistem, dengan susunan sebagai berikut:

Parties Handling Whistleblowing System Reports

To handle the reporting of alleged violations, the Board of Directors establishes the Whistleblowing System Management Team organization, with the following structure:

Laporan Whistle Blowing System 2018

Selama tahun 2018, tidak terdapat pengaduan terkait whistleblowing system di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Report of Whistleblowing System 2018

In 2018, there were no complaints regarding the whistleblowing system in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

No. Susunan Anggota Kedudukan Dalam Tim



Dewan Komisaris Pengawas

Direksi Penanggung Jawab



Vice President Compliance and Risk Management Ketua

Compliance Senior Manager Wakil Ketua

Compliance Officer Administrator


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa tantangan yang dihadapi Perusahaan semakin kompleks. Untuk itu, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan organ-organ di bawahnya terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya dengan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan, seperti seminar, workshop dan sebagainya. Kegiatan selengkapnya selama 2018 yang diikuti oleh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan organ pendukung adalah sebagai berikut:

Pengembangan Kompetensi Dewan Komisaris



Materi PengembanganKompetensi /Pelatihan

Competency DevelopmentMaterial /Training

Waktu dan TempatPelaksanaan

Time and Placeof Implementation


Suprasetyo Komisaris Aviation Week Network – Aerospace and Defense Merger and Acquisition Conference

Beverly Hills, 7 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Courtesy Call dan Factory Visit, Trex Aviation System Inc

San Diago, 8 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Courtesy Call dan Benchmark, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Washington DC, 13 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Ali Mochtar Ngabalin Komisaris Aviation Week Network – Aerospace and Defense Merger and Acquisition Conference

Beverly Hills, 7 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Courtesy Call dan Factory Visit, Trex Aviation System Inc

San Diago, 8 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Courtesy Call dan Benchmark, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Washington DC, 13 November 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) realizes that the challenges faced by the Company are increasingly complex. For this reason, the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and their organs continue to strive to improve their competencies by participating in various activities, such as seminars, workshops and so on. The complete activities during 2018 which were attended by the Board of Commissioners, Directors and their supporting organs are as follows:

Competency Development for the Board of Commissioners


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Pengembangan Kompetensi Direksi



Materi PengembanganKompetensi /Pelatihan

Competency DevelopmentMaterial /Training

Waktu dan TempatPelaksanaan

Time and Placeof Implementation


Faik Fahmi Direktur Utama Leadership Forum (Cultivating Corporate Culture to Reduce Fraud)

Jakarta,16 Maret 2018

ACFE Indonesia Chapter

Sharing Session Pemanfaatan Peluang Pemasaran Produk-Produk BUMN Sharing Session on the Utilization of Marketing Opportunities for SOEs Products

Jakarta, 16 Mei 2018

Kementrian BUMN

Future Ready Airport Conference di Singapore

Singapore,23-25 Juli 2018


Seminar Nasional Kebangkitan BUMN Sektor Perubungan di Financial ClubNational Seminar on the Rise of SOEs in the Transportation Sector at the Financial Club

Jakarta,28 Agustus 2018

Pusat Studi BUMN

Infrastructure Confrence “New Paradigm In Infrastructure Financing”

Tanjung Benoa,9 Oktober 2018

Kementerian Keuangan – Kementerian BUMN - Bank Indonesia – OJK

Wendo Asrul Rose Direktur Operasi ACI-DNA Assistance Programme “Airport Emergency Planning Seminar” Dan Kegiatan Airport Safety Audit

USA, 11 - 13 April 2018 ACI

Novrihandri Direktur Keuangan Seminar Nasional Internal Audit (SNIA) Tahun 2018

Yogyakarta, 17 - 19 April 2018


The Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA) Indonesia 2018 National Conference

Bali, 28 - 29 Agustus 2018


Seminar Kongres XIII dan Hut Ke 61 IAI Jakarta, 11 - 12 Desember 2018

Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia

Adi Nugroho Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum

AMPAP Elective Course - Airport SMS Implementation

Afrika Selatan, 26 Februari - 2 Maret 2018


IATA Global Training Partner Conference Dan Kegiatan Kordinasi Kerjasama Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Dengan Cranfield University

Turki 16 - 18 April, Inggris 20 - 21 April



ACI Europe World General Assembly Congress & Exhibition Dan Ampap Graduation Ceremony

Belgia, 18 - 20 Juni 2018


Devy Suradji Direktur Pemasaran dan Pelayanan

… … …

Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo

Direktur Pengembangan Usaha

Workshop Expand Leadership Program For Bod/Boc

Bali, 8 - 9 Maret 2018 CLDI

Pengembangan Kompetensi Organ di Bawah Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi



Materi PengembanganKompetensi /Pelatihan

Competency DevelopmentMaterial /Training

Waktu dan TempatPelaksanaan

Time and Placeof Implementation


Syaiful Anggota The Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA) Indonesia 2018 National Conference

Bali, 28 - 29 Agustus 2018 IIA INDONESIA

Agus Waluyo Anggota The Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA) Indonesia 2018 National Conference

Bali, 28 - 29 Agustus 2018 IIA INDONESIA

Competency Development for the Board of Directors


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Materi PengembanganKompetensi /Pelatihan

Competency DevelopmentMaterial /Training

Waktu dan TempatPelaksanaan

Time and Placeof Implementation


Wawan Zulmawan

Anggota Seminar Risk Management Maturityand Its Relation to Organization Performance

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2018 PPM

Training ISO 31000 ERM Fundamental Singapura, 22 - 25 Oktober 2018

CRMS Indonesia

Ganesha Dian Farisi

Anggota Seminar Risk Management Maturityand Its Relation to Organization Performance

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2018 PPM

Training ISO 31000 ERM Fundamental Singapura, 22 - 25 Oktober 2018

CRMS Indonesia



Materi PengembanganKompetensi /Pelatihan

Competency DevelopmentMaterial /Training

Waktu dan TempatPelaksanaan

Time and Placeof Implementation


Israwadi Program Optimizing The Future Role Of Corporate Secretary

Jakarta, 26 - 27 Maret 2018 Pertamina Training & Consulting (Ptc)

Gede Eka Sandi Asmadi Workshop Manajemen Arsip Dan E-Filling Yogyakarta, 3 - 5 April 2018 Solusindo

Indriasari Novanti Professional Secretary Development Program Tahun 2018

Jakarta, 3,4,10 dan 11 Agustus 2018

Lutan Edukasi

Tety Haryani Professional Secretary Development Program Tahun 2018

Jakarta, 3,4,10 dan 11 Agustus 2018

Lutan Edukasi

Yeni Mujiatin Workshop Public Relations Tanpa Batas Telling The Story, Building Hope, Sharing Hope And Creating Streght

Madiun, 29 - 30 November 2018 FH BUMN


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Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Perekonomian global pada tahun 2018 belum menunjukkan perbaikan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi global tahun 2018 sebesar 3,7%, sama dengan tahun 2017. Berbeda dengan perekonomian global yang stagnan, Indonesia berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2018. Badan Pusat Statistik menyatakan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,17%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2017, yang tercatat sebesar 5,07%. Pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,17% tak jauh berbeda dengan prediksi IMF, yakni 5,1%

Angka tersebut memang masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018 sebesar 5,4%. Namun demikian, pencapaian Indonesia tersebut patut disambut gembira. Pertumbuhan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ekonomi Indonesia tetap menggeliat, bahkan angka tersebut merupakan pencapaian tertinggi sejak tahun 2014. Sempat turun dari 5,01% pada tahun 2014 menjadi 4,88% pada tahun 2015, setelah itu tren kenaikan terus terlihat, dan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2018.

Asumsi Dasar Ekonomi Makro APBN 2018

Sumber: Informasi APBN 2018, Ditjen Anggaran, Kemenkeu

Sumber: BPS

Dari sisi produksi, pertumbuhan Lapangan Usaha Transportasi dan Pergudangan tahun 2018 tumbuh 7,01%, melambat dibanding tahun sebelumnya dengan pertumbuhan sebesar 8,49%. Turunnya laju pertumbuhan tersebut berpengaruh pada sumbangan Lapangan Usaha Transportasi dan Pergudangan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, yakni 0,34% pada tahun 2017 menjadi 0,29% pada tahun 2018.

The global economy in 2018 has not shown improvement compared to the previous year. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated global economic growth in 2018 as much as 3.7%, the same as in 2017. In contrast to the stagnant global economy, Indonesia managed to record economic growth in 2018. The Central Bureau of Statistics stated economic growth of 5.17% , higher than in 2017, which was recorded at 5.07%. Economic growth of 5.17% was not much different from IMF prediction, which was 5.1%

Indeed, this figure was still below the target set by the government in the 2018 State Budget (APBN) of 5.4%. However, Indonesia's achievement should be welcomed. This growth showed that the economy in Indonesia was still growing, even this figure was the highest achievement since 2014. It had dropped from 5.01% in 2014 to 4.88% in 2015, after which the upward trend continued to be seen, reaching its peak in the year 2018.

Basic Macroeconomic Assumptions of the 2018 State Budget

In terms of production, the growth of Transportation and Warehousing Business Sector in 2018 grew by 7.01%, slowing compared to the previous year with a growth of 8.49%. The decline in the growth rate had an effect on the contribution of Transportation and Warehousing Business Sector to national economic growth, which was 0.34% in 2017 to 0.29% in 2018.

Source: Information in the 2018 State Budget, Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance


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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Tinjauan Industri Penerbangan

Berbeda dengan tahun 2017 yang disebut sebagai tahun teraman dalam sejarah penerbangan komersial karena tidak ada pesawat jet komersial yang jatuh, kondisi tahun 2018 terjadi sebaliknya. Menurut Jaringan Keselamatan Penerbangan (Aviation Safety Network/ASN), sepanjang tahun 2018, terjadi peningkatan tajam angka kematian terkait kecelakaan pesawat dibanding tahun 2017.

Pada periode pelaporan, kecelakaan pesawat telah menewaskan 556 orang. Kecelakaan sipil terburuk terjadi pada Oktober 2018 saat pesawat Lion Air JT 610 registrasi PK-LQP jatuh di Indonesia, menewaskan 189 orang. Terhadap kecelakaan pesawat di Indonesia, otoritas berwenang di Indonesia, termasuk Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT), telah melakukan investigasi untuk menyibak penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan tersebut.

Walaupun terjadi sejumlah kecelakaan pesawat selama tahun 2018, namun minat masyarakat untuk menggunakan pesawat tetap tinggi. Hal itu tidak terlepas dari keunggulan moda transportasi udara ini, yakni waktu tempuh yang cukup singkat untuk jarak yang jauh. Di samping itu, wilayah Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan, membuat moda transportasi udara menjadi sarana penting dalam menunjang mobilitas penduduk antar-pulau.

Masih tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap moda pesawat udara, antara lain, ditandai dengan meningkatnya pesawat yang datanga dan berangkat dari bandara-bandara di Indonesia. Data Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara,

The Overview of Aviation Industry

In contrast to 2017 which was called the safest year in the history of commercial aviation because there were no commercial jet planes that have crashed, the conditions in 2018 were the opposite. According to the Aviation Safety Network (ASN), throughout 2018, there was a sharp increase in mortality rates related to aircraft accidents compared to 2017.

In the reporting period, plane crashes had killed 556 people. The worst civilian accident occurred in October 2018 when the Lion Air JT 610 aircraft with registration number PK-LQP crashed in Indonesia, killing 189 people. Regarding aircraft accidents in Indonesia, the authorities in Indonesia, including the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), have carried out an investigation to uncover the cause of the accident.

Despite a number of aircraft accidents during 2018, the public's interest in using the aircraft remained high. This was inseparable from the advantages of this air transportation mode, which having a fairly short travel time for long distances. In addition, the territory of Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country, makes air transportation mode an important means of supporting inter-island population mobility.

The continued high public interest in air trasportation mode, among others, was marked by the increase in aircraft arrival and departure from airports in Indonesia. Data from the Directorate General of Air Transportation, Ministry of


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 120: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Kementerian Perhubungan RI, menyebutkan bahwa selama tahun 2018 sebanyak 277.010 pesawat datang, dan 276.923 pesawat berangkat. Angka ini naik dibanding tahun 2017, dengan 245.893 pesawat datang, dan 250.190 pesawat berangkat. 103-2

Kinerja Ekonomi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) 103-3

Kinerja ekonomi merupakan salah satu topik yang material bagi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) karena digunakan sebagai landasan untuk melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan usaha. Direktur Keuangan bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi dan mengelola kegiatan operasional dalam rangka menghasilkan kinerja ekonomi yang sehat. Pengelolaan ini dipantau dan diawasi oleh seorang Dewan Komisaris. Kinerja ekonomi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) disusun berdasarkan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yaitu PSAK dan IFRS, serta Peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia seperti POJK, BAPEPAM, dan IDX. Pada tahun 2018, Kinerja Keuangan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja dengan mendapat opini wajar dalam semua hal yang material.

Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, kinerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 mencatatkan peningkatan kinerja dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Jumlah pendapatan usaha tercatat sebesar Rp8,52 triliun, naik 18,50% dibanding pendapatan usaha tahun 2017, yang tercatat sebesar Rp7,19 triliun. Dibandingkan dengan RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp8,70 triliun, pendapatan tersebut tercapai 97,93%.

Sementara itu, total beban usaha pada tahun 2018 mencapai Rp5,82 triliun, naik 10,44% dibanding tahun 2017 dengan total beban sebesar Rp5,27 triliun. Realisasi total beban usaha dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp6,62 triliun adalah 87,92%. Dengan komposisi seperti itu, maka terjadi peningkatan laba usaha sebesar 48,22%, yakni dari Rp1,97 triliun pada tahun 2017 menjadi Rp 2,92 triliun pada tahun 2018. Dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp2,08 triliun, realisasi laba usaha mencapai 140,38%.

Meningkatnya pendapatan Perusahaan membuat kontribusi kepada negara berupa pajak penghasilan juga meningkat. Jika pada tahun 2017, beban pajak penghasilan badan yang dibayarkan Perusahaan tercatat sebesar Rp369,14 miliar, maka pada tahun 2018 naik 86,66% menjadi Rp689,02 miliar. Dengan demikian, laba tahun berjalan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 adalah

Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, stated that during 2018 there were 277,010 aircraft arrivals, and 276,923 aircraft departures. This figure was up compared to 2017, with 245,893 aircraft arrivals, and 250,190 departures. 103-2

Economic Performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) 103-3

Economic performance is one of the material topics for PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) because it is used as a basis for carrying out all business activities. The Director of Finance is responsible for overseeing and managing operational activities in order to produce a sound economic performance. This management is monitored and supervised by a member of the Board of Commissioners. The economic performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was prepared based on Financial Accounting Standards namely PSAK (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), as well as applicable regulations in Indonesia such as POJK (Financial Services Authority Regulation), BAPEPAM (Capital Market Supervisory Agency), and IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange). In 2018, the financial performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was audited by the Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja Public Accounting Firm by gaining fair opinion in all material matters.

In line with the increasing economic growth of Indonesia, the performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 recorded an increase in performance compared to the previous year. The total operating income was recorded at IDR 8.52 trillion, up 18.50% compared to operating income in 2017, which was recorded at IDR 7.19 trillion. Compared to the 2018 Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of IDR 8.70 trillion, the income was reached 97.93%.

Meanwhile, the total operating expenses in 2018 reached IDR 5.82 trillion, up 10.44% compared to 2017 with a total expenses of IDR 5.27 trillion. The total realization of operating expenses compared to the 2018 Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of IDR 6.62 trillion was 87.92%. With such composition, there was an operating profit increase of 48.22%, from IDR 1.97 trillion in 2017 to IDR 2.92 trillion in 2018. Compared to the 2018 Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of IDR 2.08 trillion, the realization of operating profit reached 140.38%.

The increase in the Company's income made contributions to the country in the form of income tax also increased. If the corporate tax expense paid by the Company in 2017 was IDR 369.14 billion, then it increased by 86.66% to IDR 689.02 billion in 2018. Thus, the current year's profit of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 was IDR 2.01 trillion, up 41.55%, compared to 2017 which was recorded at IDR 1.42 trillion.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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sebesar Rp2,01 triliun, naik 41,55%, dibanding tahun 2017 yang tercatat sebesar Rp1,42 triliun. Dibanding RKAP 2018 sebesar Rp1,57 triliun, maka perolehan laba tahun berjalan ini mencapai 128,03%.

Pencapaian kinerja pada tahun 2018 tersebut di atas merupakan hasil kerja keras seluruh insan Perseroan, dan tidak ada bantuan finansial yang diterima dari pemerintah. 103-3, 201-4

Nilai Ekonomi yang Dihasilkan dan Didistribusikan

Sejalan dengan ekonomi Indonesia yang sedang menggeliat, pencapaian kinerja ekonomi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) bersama entitas anak selama kurun waktu 2018 mengalami kenaikan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini tercermin dari nilai ekonomi ditahan yang naik signifikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena nilai ekonomi yang dhasilkan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai ekonomi yang didistribusikan. Uraian pencapaian kinerja ekonomi lebih lengkap disajikan secara lengkap dalam Laporan Tahunan, yang diterbitkan terpisah dengan Laporan ini.

Nilai ekonomi yang dihasilkan selama tahun 2018 tercatat sebesar Rp8,91 triliun, naik 18,8% dibanding tahun 2017 dengan nilai ekonomi yang dihasilkan sebesar Rp7,50 triliun. Sementara itu, nilai ekonomi yang didistribusikan selama tahun 2018 juga mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, dari semula Rp6,27 triliun pada tahun 2017 menjadi Rp7,25 triliun pada tahun 2018. Meningkatnya nilai ekonomi yang didistribusikan dan bertambahnya pendapatan, secara tidak langsung juga dinikmati masyarakat sebagai pemangku kepentingan. Melalui penyisihan dana operasional maupun laba yang diperoleh, Perusahaan dapat menjalankan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL), serta melaksanakan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau CSR.

Adapun rincian terkait nilai ekonomi yang dihasilkan dan di distribusikan diuraikan pada tabel sebagai berikut: 103-3, 201-1

Compared to the 2018 Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of Rp1.57 trillion, the current year's profit reached 128.03%.

The aforementioned achievement of the performance in 2018 was the result of hard work done by all the Company's employees, and there was no financial assistance received from the government. 103-3, 201-4

Economic Value Generated and Distributed

In line with Indonesia's growing economy, the achievement of the economic performance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) and its subsidiaries during the 2018 period has increased compared to the previous year. This was reflected in the retained economic value which increased significantly. This was because the economic value generated was far higher than the economic value distributed. A more complete description of economic performance achievements is presented in full in the Annual Report, which is published separately from this Report.

The economic value generated during 2018 was recorded at IDR 8.91 trillion, up 18.8% compared to 2017 with the economic value generated as much as IDR 7.50 trillion. Meanwhile, the economic value distributed during 2018 also increased compared to the previous year, from IDR 6.27 trillion in 2017 to IDR 7.25 trillion in 2018. Increased economic value distributed and increased income, indirectly enjoyed by the public as stakeholders as well. Through the allowance of operational fund and profit earned, the Company can run the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL), and carry out corporate social responsibility or CSR activities.

The details related to economic value generated and distributed are described in the table as follows: 103-3, 201-1


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

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Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tabel Nilai Ekonomi

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah/in Thousand Rupiahs)

KeteranganDescription 2018 2017*

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Dihasilkan/Direct Economic Value Generated

Pendapatan usahaOperating income

8.521.087.310 7.194.347.534

Penghasilan lain-lainOther incomes

219.204.309 48.872.595

Penghasilan keuanganFinancial income

168.849.128 253.144.578

Bagian laba entitas asosiasiPart of association entity profit

2.552.006 228.467

Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang DihasilkanTotal Amount of Direct Economic Value Generated

8.911.692.753 7.496.593.174

Nilai Ekonomi yang Didistribusikan/Economic Value Distributed

Beban operasional bandaraAirport operating expenses

( (2.528.911.022)

Beban pegawaiEmployee expenses

(1.553.875.958) (1.301.466.536)

Beban umum dan administrasiGeneral and administrative expenses

(1.020.434.219) (1.301.384.420)

Beban pemasaranMarketing expenses

(36.335.286) (75.155.175)

Beban lain-lainOther expenses

(60.850.370) (61.810.882)

Beban keuanganFinancial expenses

(265.134.161) (334.861.609)

Beban pajak finalFinal tax expenses

(128.127.639) (103.506.155)

Beban pajak penghasilan badan, bersihCorporate income tax expense, net

(689.015.898) (369.144.323)

Pembayaran DividenDividend payment

(283.716.000) (140.000.000)

PKBL Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL)

(64.383.586) (58.380.387)

Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi yang DidistribusikanTotal Amount of Economic Value Distributed

(7.253.874.180) (6.274.620.509)

Nilai Ekonomi yang DitahanRetained Economic Value

1.657.818.573 1.221.972.665

*disajikan kembali/restated

Upah Karyawan Baru Dibanding UMK

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen untuk mentaati Undang-undang RI No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, termasuk dalam memberikan upah bagi karyawan baru. Dalam hal ini, Perseroan memberikan upah minimal sama, bahkan di atas Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP). Kebijakan ini diambil dengan harapan agar karyawan baru tersebut dapat tercukupi kebutuhan hidupnya. 103-2

Dalam membayarkan upah bagi karyawan baru, Perseroan tidak membedakan berdasarkan jenis kelamin (gender) sehingga upah karyawan pria dan wanita adalah sama. Upah karyawan baru PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengikuti standar UMP daerah/wilayah dimana Perseroan beroperasi. Dengan demikian, upah karyawan baru akan berbeda-beda, tergantung wilayah kerja karyawan

New Employee Wages Compared to the Regency/City Minimum Wage (UMK)

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is committed to comply with the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, including in providing wages for new employees. In this case, the Company provides the same minimum wage, even above the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP). This policy is taken with the hope that the life necessities of the new employee can be fulfilled. 103-2

In paying wages for new employees, the Company does not differentiate them based on the gender, so that the wages of male and female employees are the same. The wages of new employees of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) follow the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) standards of the regions where the Company operates. Thus, the wages of new employees will vary depending on the work area of

Table of Economic Values


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tersebut. Rasio terendah antara upah karyawan baru dengan UMK adalah 1 : 1,25 yaitu di wilayah Surabaya, Jawa Timur, sedangkan rasio tertinggi upah karyawan baru dengan UMK adalah 1 : 2,89 yakni di wilayah Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. 103-3, 202-1

Imbalan Pasca Kerja

Terhadap karyawan pensiun, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menggunakan berbagai skema pensiun diimana Perusahaan memiliki program imbalan pasti dan iuran pasti. Program iuran pasti adalah program imbalan pasca kerja yang mewajibkan Perseroan membayar sejumlah iuran tertentu kepada entitas terpisah. Sedangkan program imbalan pasti adalah program pensiun yang bukan merupakan program iuran pasti. Program imbalan pasti adalah program pensiun yang menentukan jumlah imbalan pasca kerja yang akan diterima seorang karyawan pada saat pensiun, biasanya berdasarkan pada satu atau lebih faktor seperti usia, masa kerja, dan kompensasi.

Sesuai dengan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan Nomor 13/2003 tanggal 25 Maret 2003, Perseroan diwajibkan memberikan manfaat pasca kerja kepada seluruh karyawan tetapnya. Manfaat yang meliputi uang pemutusan hubungan kerja, penghargaan masa kerja, serta kompensasi tersebut diberikan apabila karyawan mengakhiri masa kerjanya baik karena pensiun maupun meninggal dunia.

Perseroan mempunyai dua program untuk memenuhi liabilitas di atas, yaitu: (1) Program Dana Pensiun Manfaat Pasti, dan (2) Program Tunjangan Hari Tua (THT). Selain itu Perseroan memberikan Tunjangan kepada pegawai yang telah memenuhi persyaratan ketentuan yaitu Tunjangan Perumahan, Penghargaan Pengabdian dan Jaminan Kesehatan kepada pensiunan. 103-2

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memperhatikan pekerja yang memasuki masa pensiun dengan memberikan beberapa jenis kesejahteraan, seperti manfaat pensiun, manfaat tunjangan hari tua, pemeliharaan kesehatan pensiun, dan manfaat jaminan hari tua. Perseroan wajib menanggung dan membukukan kekurangan biaya apabila manfaat yang diberikan kedua program tersebut tidak mencukupi melalui pembentukan penyisihan. Penyisihan tersebut telah dibebankan pada periode berjalan.

Jumlah kontribusi untuk Program Dana Pensiun Manfaat Pasti (PPMP) terdiri dari kontribusi karyawan dan Perseroan yang masing-masing dihitung sebesar 5% dan 27,64% dari penghasilan dasar pensiun. Sedangkan jumlah kontribusi untuk Program Pensiun Iuran Pasti (PPIP) terdiri dari kontribusi karyawan dan Perseroan yang masing masing dihitung sebesar 5% dan maksimal 25% dari paket gaji peserta. 103-2

the employee. The lowest ratio between the wages of new employees and the Regency/City Minimum Wage (UMK) was 1: 1.25, namely in the Surabaya region, East Java, while the highest ratio of wages for new employees with the Regency/City Minimum Wage (UMK) was 1: 2.89, namely in the Kupang region, East Nusa Tenggara. 103-3, 202-1

Post-employment benefits

For retired employees, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) uses a variety of retirement schemes where the Company has a defined benefit and defined contribution programs. The defined contribution program is a post-employment benefit program that requires the Company to pay a certain contribution to separate entities. Whereas the defined benefit program is a retirement plan that is not a defined contribution program. the defined benefit plan is a retirement plan that determines the amount of post-employment benefits an employee will receive at retirement, usually based on one or more factors such as age, years of service, and compensation.

In accordance with Labor Law Number 13/2003 dated March 25, 2003, the Company is required to provide post-employment benefits to all of its permanent employees. Benefits that include money for termination of employment, work period appreciation, and compensation are given if the employee ends his/her employment period because of retirement or death.

The Company has two programs to fulfill the above liabilities, namely: (1) Defined Benefit Pension Fund Program, and (2) Old Age Benefit Program (THT). In addition, the Company provides Allowances to employees who have fulfilled the requirements, namely Housing Allowance, Service Award and Health Insurance to retirees. 103-2

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) pays attention at retiring workers by providing several types of welfare, such as pension benefits, old age benefits, post-employment health care, and old-age insurance benefits. The company is obliged to bear and record the shortage of costs if the benefits provided by the two programs are insufficient through the provision of allowances. The allowance has been charged to the current period.

The amount of contribution for the Defined Benefit Pension Fund Program (PPMP) consists of contributions from employees and the Company, each of which is calculated at 5% and 27.64% of the basic pension income. While the amount of contributions for The Defined Contribution Pension Program (PPIP) consists of contributions from employees and the Company, each of which is calculated at 5% and a maximum of 25% of the participant's salary package. 103-2


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 124: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Sedangkan program THT menyediakan manfaat pembayaran sekaligus dengan ketentuan nilai iuran adalah sebesar 5% (beban pegawai perseroan), 3% (beban pegawai diperbantukan), 1% (beban pegawai ditugaskan) dari nilai Penghasilan Dasar Tunjangan Hari Tua (PhDTHT) dan iuran perseroan yang telah mendapat persetujuan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) yang dibayarkan secara sekaligus pada awal tahun berjalan. 103-2

Perusahaan juga memberikan imbalan pasca kerja lainnya, seperti tanda penghargaan dan cuti jangka panjang. Imbalan berupa uang penghargaan diberikan apabila karyawan bekerja hingga mencapai usia pensiun.

Perusahaan menunjuk PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria (KIS), aktuaris independen, untuk melakukan perhitungan aktuarial liabilitas imbalan kerja karyawan yang terdiri dari program tunjangan hari tua, tunjangan perumahan, penghargaan pengabdian, kesehatan pensiun dan dana pensiun.

Liabilitas imbalan kerja karyawan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 dan 2017 dihitung dengan menggunakan metode projected-unit-credit oleh aktuaris independen, berdasarkan laporannya masing-masing pada tanggal 7 Januari 2019 dan 2 Februari 2018.

Rincian terkait kesejahteraan yang disediakan Angkasa Pura bagi karyawan yang telah memasuki masa pensiun per 31 Desember 2018 dan 31 Desember 2017 diuraikan dalam tabel-tabel berikut: 103-3, 201-3

Tabel Liabilitas Manfaat Pasca-Kerja Karyawan

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

KeteranganDescription 2018 2017

Tunjangan hari tua (Yakkap) Old-Age Benefit (Yakkap)

55.048.016 200.657.269

Tunjangan PerumahanHousing Allowances

20.713.486 13.079.459

Penghargaan PengabdianService Award

12.667.287 13.004.383

Kesehatan PensiunPos-employment health care

- 47.965.739

Dana pensiunPension fund

252.845.361 265.546.625

Entitas anakSubsidiary

16.168.841 8.990.955

JumlahTotal amount

357.442.991 549.244.430

Tunjangan Hari Tua (YAKKAP I)Tunjangan hari tua diberikan kepada karyawan yang diberhentikan dan janda/duda dari karyawan yang meninggal dunia. Program tunjangan hari tua ini dikelola oleh Yayasan Kesejahteraan karyawan Angkasa Pura I (YAKKAP I).

As for the THT (Old-Age Benefit) program, it provides payment benefits at the same time with the terms of the contribution fee of 5% (Company employee expense), 3% (seconded employee expense), 1% (assigned employee expense) of the Basic Income of Old-Age Benefit (PhDTHT) and corporate contributions that have been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) paid in full at the beginning of the current year. 103-2

The company also provides other post-employment benefits, such as awards and long-term leave. Benefits in the form of appreciation money are given if employees work until reaching retirement age.

The company appointed PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria (KIS), an independent actuary, to perform an actuarial calculation of employee benefit liabilities consisting of old-age benefits, housing allowances, service awards, post-employment health care and pension funds.

The employee benefit liabilities as of December 31, 2018 and 2017 were calculated using the projected-unit-credit method by independent actuary, based on their respective reports on January 7, 2019 and February 2, 2018.

Details regarding the welfare benefits provided by Angkasa Pura for employees who have retired as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are described in the following table: 103-3, 201-3

Table of Post-Employment Benefit Liabilities

Old-Age Benefit (YAKKAP I)Old-age benefits are given to employees who are dismissed and widows/widowers of employees who die. This old-age benefit program is managed by the Angkasa Pura I Employee Welfare Foundation (Yayasan Kesejahteraan karyawan Angkasa Pura I/YAKKAP I).


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Asumsi utama yang digunakan oleh aktuaris untuk menghitung dana pensiun dan program manfaat jangka panjang lainnya adalah sebagai berikut:


2018 2017

Tingkat diskontoDiscount rate

8,60% 7,20%

Kenaikan PhDTHTThe increase of Basic Income of Old-Age Benefit (PhDTHT)

3% 3%

Usia pensiun normalNormal retirement age

56 56

Tingkat mortalita Mortality rate

1 % TMI III 2011 1 % TMI III 2011

Tingkat pengunduran diriRate of resignation

0,7 % pada usia 20 tahun sampai dengan 45 tahun dan 0,1% pada usia 46 tahun sampai dengan 55 tahun0.7 % at the age of 20 years old to 45 years old and 0.1% at the age of 46 years old to 55 years old

Proyeksi liabilitas manfaat pasca kerja tahun 2018 dan 2017 dihitung oleh aktuaris independen tanggal 7 Januari 2019

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Liabilitas (aset) awal periodeLiabilities (assets) at the beginning of the period

200.657.268 67.816.516

Beban pada periode berjalanExpenses in the current period

39.529.506 185.716.892

Iuran yang dibayarkan ke aset program/pembayaran manfaatContributions paid to program assets/benefit payments

(206.583.073) (98.509.492)

Keuntungan (kerugian) kewajiban aktuaria yang diakui sebagai Pendapatan komprehensif lainProfit (loss) of actuarial liabilities recognized as other comprehensive income

88.651.717 45.633.353

Nilai liabilitas entitas anakLiability value of subsidiaries


Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiAdjustments to obligations that have not been realized

- -

Nilai liabilitas bersih Net liability value

(55.048.016) 200.657.269

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan keuangan ditentukan sebagai berikut:

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Nilai kini liabilitas yang didanai Present value of funded liabilities

463.299.359 523.984.744

Nilai wajar aset programFair value of program assets

518.347.376 323.327.475

Nilai liabilitas entitas anakLiability value of subsidiaries

- -

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiAdjustments to obligations that have not been realized

- -

Nilai liabilitas bersihNet liability value

(55.048.016) 200.657.269

The main assumptions used by actuary to calculate pension funds and other long-term benefit programs are as follows:

The projections of post-employment benefit liabilities in 2018 and 2017 were calculated by independent actuary dated January 7, 2019

The amount recognized in the financial statement was determined as follows:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 126: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain ditentukan sebagai berikut:

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

KeteranganDescription 2018 2017

Biaya jasa kiniCurrent service fees

35.946.947 43.114.474

Biaya bungaInterest fee

35.672.734 30.678.805

Dampak perubahan manfaatImpact of changes in benefits

- 136.044.936

Ekspektasi hasil aset programExpectation of the results of program assets

(32.090.176) (24.121.323)

Beban tahun berjalanCurrent year’s expenses

39.529.506 185.716.892

Pendapatan komprehensif LainOther comprehensive income

Awal periode:The beginning of the period:

(72.441.298) (118.074.651)

Tahun berjalan:Current year:

Laba (rugi) pada kewajibanProfit (loss) on liabilities

81.321.437 (39.213.789)

Laba (rugi) pada aset programProfit (loss) on program assets

7.330.281 (6.419.564)

Pendapatan komprehensif lain akhir periodeOther comprehensive income at the end of the period

161.093.016 72.441.298

b. Tunjangan Perumahan

Liabilitas manfaat pasca kerja untuk tunjangan perumahan dihitung oleh aktuaris independen PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 dan 2017 berdasarkan laporan Nomor 015/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 tanggal 7 Januari 2019 dengan proyeksi perhitungan sampai dengan posisi 31 Desember 2019.

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan posisi keuangan ditentukan sebagai berikut.

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Liabilitas (aset) diakui awal periodeLiabilities (assets) recognized at the beginning of the period

13.079.459 17.129.678

Beban periode berjalanCurrent period expenses

11.116.633 2.811.694

Iuran yang dibayar ke aset programContributions paid to program assets

(8.266.850) (7.818.500)

Pendapatan komprehensif lainOther comprehensive income

4.784.245 956.587

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiAdjustments to obligations that have not been realized

- -

Liabilitas (aset) akhir periodeLiabilities (assets) at the end of the period

20.713.486 13.079.459

*disajikan kembali/ restated

The amount recognized in the statement of profit-loss and other comprehensive incomes was determined as follows:

b. Housing Allowance

Post-employment benefit liabilities for housing allowances were calculated by independent actuary, PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria, for the year ended on December 31, 2018 and 2017 based on report Number 015/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 dated January 7, 2019 with calculation projection until December 31, 2019.

The amount recognized in the statement of financial position was determined as follows.


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Jumlah yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain ditentukan sebagai berikut:

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

KeteranganDescription 2018 2017

Biaya jasa kiniCurrent service fees

2.570.209 1.372.801

Beban bungaInterest expense

644.114 1.438.893

Dampak perubahan manfaatImpact of change in benefits


Beban tahun berjalanCurrent year’s expenses

11.116.633 2.811.694

Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain :Other Comprehensive Income :

Awal periodeThe beginning of the period

7.042.425 8.002.010

Tahun berjalan : Curreny year:

Laba (rugi) pada kewajiban Profit (loss) on liabilities

(4.784.244) (956.586)

Laba (rugi) pada aset Program Profit (loss) on program assets


Pendapatan komprehensif lain akhir periodeOther comprehensive income at the end of the period

2.261.179 7.045.424

c. Penghargaan Pengabdian

Liabilitas manfaat pasca kerja untuk penghargaan pengabdian dihitung oleh aktuaris independen PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 dan 2017 berdasarkan laporan No 14/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 tanggal 7 Januari 2019 dengan proyeksi perhitungan sampai dengan posisi 31 Desember 2019. Program ini dikelola sendiri oleh perseroan berdasarkan keputusan direksi dan perjanjian kerja bersama dengan asosiasi dan serikat pekerja perseroan.

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan posisi keuangan ditentukan sebagai berikut:

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

KeteranganDescription 2018 2017

Liabilitas (aset) diakui awal periodeLiability (asset) approved in beginning of the period

13.004.383 10.312.601

Beban periode berjalanCurrent period expense

1.889.419 1.983.020

Iuran yang dibayar ke aset programContribution paid to program assets

(953.186) (1.198.956)

Pendapatan komprehensif lainOther comprehensive income

(1.273.328) 1.097.718

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiThe obligation adjustments that have not been realized

- 810.000

Nilai liabilitas bersihNet Liability Value

12.667.287 13.004.383

The amount recognized in the statement of profit-loss and other comprehensive incomes was determined as follows:

c. Service Awards Penghargaan Pengabdian

Post-employment benefit liabilities for service award are calculated by independent actuary of PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria for the year ends on December 31st, 2018 and 2017 based on the report Number 14/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 dated January 7th, 2019 with calculation projection up to December 31st , 2019. This program is managed by the company based on the Director’s decision and the collective labor agreement with the company’s association and labor union.

The total amount approved in financial position report is determined as follow:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 128: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain ditentukan sebagai berikut.

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Biaya jasa kiniCurrent service cost

987.418 1.116.761

Beban bungaInterest expense

902.001 866.259

Beban tahun berjalan Current Expense

1.889.419 1.983.020

Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain:Another Comprehensive Income:

Awal periodeBeginning of the period

(1.048.757) 858.962

Tahun berjalan:Current year:

Laba (rugi) pada kewajiban Profit (loss) on liabilities

1.273.328 (1.907.718)

Laba (rugi) pada aset Program Profit (loss) on program assets

- -

Pendapatan komprehensif lain akhir periodeAnother comprehensive Income in the end of the period

224.571 (1.048.756)

d. Kesehatan Pensiun

Liabilitas manfaat pasca kerja untuk kesehatan pensiun dihitung oleh aktuaris independen PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 dan 2017 berdasarkan laporan No 013/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019. Tanggal 7 Januari 2019 dengan perhitungan proyeksi sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2019.

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan posisi keuangan ditentukan sebagai berikut.

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Nilai kini liabilitas yang didanai Current Value of funded liabilities

343.788.633 336.686.864

Nilai wajar aset programFair value of program assets

364.643.470 288.721.125

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiThe obligation adjustments that have not been realized

- -

Status pendanaanFunding Status

(20.854.837) 47.965.739

Kewajiban (aset) diakui pada awal periodeLiabilities (assets) approve the beginning of the period

47.965.739 32.614.017

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiThe obligation adjustments that have not been realized


Beban pada periode berjalanCurrent period expense

48.801.936 8.267.807

Iuran dibayar ke aset programContribution paid to program assets

47.965.937 -

Pendapatan Komprehensif LainAnother comprehensive income

69.656.576 7.083.915

Kewajiban (aset) akhir periodeLiabilities (assets) in the end of the period

(20.854.837) 47.965.739

The total amount approved in the report of profit and loss as well as comprehensive Income are as follow:

d. Pension Health

Post-employment benefit liabilities for service award are calculated by independent actuary of PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria for the year ends on December 31st, 2018 and 2017 based on the report Number 013/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019. On January 7th, 2019 with the projection calculation up to December 31st, 2019.

The total amount approved in financial position report are decided as follow


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Jumlah yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain ditentukan sebagai berikut.

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Biaya jasa kini Current service cost

3.469.420 4.284.224

Biaya bungaInterest expense

24.103.697 25.494.208

Dampak perubahan manfaatThe impact of benefit change

46.225.871 -

Ekspektasi hasil aset programThe result expectation of program assets

24.997.051 (21.510.625)

Beban tahun berjalan Current expense

48.801.936 8.267.807

Pendapatan Komprehensif LainAnother comprehensive income

Awal periodeBeginning of the period

(15.040.981) (7.957.066)

Tahun berjalan:Current year:

Laba (rugi) pada Kewajiban Profit (loss) on liabilities

66.215.318 (7.417.253)

Laba (rugi) pada aset Program Profit (loss) on program assets

3.441.258 333.338

Pendapatan komprehensif lain akhir periodeAnother comprehensive Income in the end of the period

54.615.595 (15.040.981)

e. Program Dana Pensiun

Manfaat pasca kerja untuk program pensiun dihitung oleh aktuaris independen PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 dan 2017 berdasarkan laporan No 012/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 Tanggal 7 Januari 2019 dengan proyeksi perhitungan sampai dengan posisi 31 Desember 2019

(Aset) liabilitas di laporan posisi keuangan :

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Nilai kini liabilitas imbalan pasti Curent Value of defined reward liabilities

1.054.974.611 977.143.078

Nilai wajar aset program pendanaanFair Value of Funding Program Assets

1.307.819.972 1.242.689.703

Status pendanaanFunding Status

252.845.361 265.546.625

Kewajiban program entitas anakThe obligation of child entity program

16.168.841 8.990.955

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiThe obligation adjustments that have not been realized

- -

Status Pendanaan Funding Status

252.845.361 274.537.580

Kewajiban (aset) diakui pada awal periodeLiabilities (Assets) approved in the beginning of the period

265.546.625 (44.350.061)

Penyesuaian atas kewajiban yang belum terealisasiThe adjustments of liabilities that have not been realized

- -

Kewajiban program entitas anakThe liabilities of child entity program

16.168.841 8.990.955

The total amount approved in the report of profit and loss as well as Comprehensive Income are decided as follow:

e. Pension Fund Program

Post-employee benefit of pension programs are calculated by independent actuary of PT Katsir Imam Sapto Sejahtera Aktuaria for the year ends on December 31st, 2018 and 2017 based on the report Number 012/KIS/LA/PS/01/2019 on January 7th, 2019 with the projection calculation up to December31st, 2019.

(Assets) liabilities in financial position report:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Beban periode berjalanCurrent expense

4.174.070 73.662.678

Iuran dibayar ke aset programContribution paid to program assets

(184.797.458) (18.105.913)

Pendapatan Komprehensif LainAnother comprehensive Income

167.922.124 254.339.921

Pendapatan Komprehensif LainLiabilities (asset)in the end of period

252.845.361 274.537.580

Jumlah yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain ditentukan sebagai berikut:

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


2018 2017

Biaya jasa kiniCurrent service expense

10.058.451 13.062.016

Biaya bungaInterest expense

85.369.830 85.796.767

Dampak perubahan manfaatThe impact of benefit change


Ekspektasi hasil aset programThe result expectation of program assets

(91.254.212) (93.296.348)

Beban tahun berjalanCurrent expense

4.174.070 73.662.678

Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain:Another Comprehensive Income:

Awal periodeBeginning of the period:

(225.059.882) 29.280.039

Tahun berjalan:Current year:

Laba (rugi) pada Kewajiban Profit (loss) on liabilities

(80.914.230) (130.674.620)

Laba (rugi) pada aset Program Profit (loss) on program assets

(87.007.895) (123.865.302)

Pendapatan komprehensif lain akhir periodeAnother Comprehensive Income in the end of the period

(392.982.007) (225.259.883)

Antikorupsi dan Gratifikasi

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mendukung penuh upaya pemerintah untuk memberantas korupsi, dan menyatakan korupsi sebagai musuh bersama. Salah satu jalan yang diambil Perseroan adalah mencegah terjadinya kecurangan (fraud). Dalam hal ini, Perseroan menerapkan Sistem Pengendalian Internal yang merupakan aspek penting dalam manajemen perusahaan yang sehat dan aman. Sistem Pengendalian Internal meliputi pengendalian keuangan dan operasional. Pengendalian keuangan merupakan upaya yang dilakukan agar investasi, alokasi biaya, dan perolehan laba berjalan sesuai dengan rencana Perseroan. Sedangkan pengendalian Operasional adalah proses penempatan agar kegiatan operasional dilaksanakan secara efektif dan efisien.

Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan Sistem Pengendalian Internal di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) meliputi pengawasan oleh manajemen dan kultur pengendalian, kegiatan dan pemisahan fungsi operasional, kegiatan pengendalian internal dan perbaikan kualitas audit.

The total amount approved in the report of profit and loss as well as Comprehensive Income are as follow:

Anti-corruption and Gratification

PT Angkasa Pura I fully support Gornment’s effort to eradicate corruption and stated that corruption is our enenmy. One of the ways taken by the company is to prevent the fraud. In this case, the Company implements an Internal Control System which is the important aspect in a safe and fair company maganement. The Internal Control System includes financial and operational control. The financial control is done so that the investment,cost allocation, and profitability operates in accordance with the Company’s plan. While Operational Control is the placement process so that the operational activity can be held effectively and efficiently.

The activities which done to improve the Internal Control System in PT Angkasa Pura I include supervision by the management and control culture, activity and separation of operational fuction, internal control activity and audit quality improvement.


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PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki Unit Audit Internal yang berfungsi membantu Direktur Utama dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan terhadap efektivitas sistem pengendalian internal dan pelaksanaan GCG di Perseroan. Unit Internal Audit bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Utama. 103-2

Di samping itu, Perseroan juga telah memiliki kebijakan pengendalian gratifikasi. Perseroan sangat menyadari bahwa gratifikasi sangat berpotensi menimbulkan fraud. Penanganan pengendalian gratifikasi dilakukan oleh Unit Pengendaian Gratifikasi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang bertugas menerima dan meneruskan pelaporan penerimaan dan pemberian gratifikasi kepada Komite Pemberantas Korupsi (KPK).

Berikut mekanisme penanganan pelaporan dan pengendalian gratifikasi di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero):

Adapun mekanisme penanganan pelaporan atas pelanggaran kepegawaian PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut:

PT Angkasa Pura I has an Internal Audi Unit which functions to assist the President Director in doing controlling functions toward the effectiveness of internal control system and the implementation of GCG in the company. The Audit Internal Unit is responsible directly to the President Director. 103-2

In addition, the Company also has gratification control policy. The company is very aware that gratification is potentially to cause fraud. The gratification Controling is done by Gratification Control Unit of PT Angkasa Pura I which has a job to receive and proceed the report of gratification’s receive and offer to Committee of Corruption Eradiction (KPK)

The following part is the reporting and handling gratification mechanism in PT Angkasa Pura I :

The mechanism of report handling on staff violation in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is as follow:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Sedangkan untuk mekanisme penanganan pelaporan pelanggaran dari eksternal adalah sebagai berikut.

Untuk mendukung terciptanya praktik usaha yang bersih dari korupsi, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terus melakukan sosialiasi terhadap insan Perseroan maupun pihak luar, seperti pemasok (vendor). Selain itu, Perseroan juga telah menyelenggarakan Workshop Tunas Integritas yang sampai dengan akhir tahun 2018 sudah terlaksana sebanyak 6 (enam) batch workshop Pembentukan Tunas Integritas dan Kolaborasi Tunas Integritas yang menghasilkan lebih dari 170 orang.103-3, 205-2

Komitmen Perseroan terhadap sikap dan kebijakan antikorupsi membawa hasil optimal, yakni Internal Audit tidak menemukan insiden korupsi yang terbukti di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) selama tahun 2018. Dengan demikian, tidak ada tindakan yang diambil berkaitan dengan masalah korupsi pada tahun pelaporan. 103-3, 205-3

Pengendalian Gratifikasi

Untuk mewujudkan komitmen PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dalam Program Pengendalian Gratifikasi (PPG) yang dimulai sejak penandatanganan komitmen antara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) pada tanggal 11 April 2014, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah membentuk Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi, baik di Kantor Pusat dan Kantor Cabang. Secara berkala, unit ini melakukan berbagai program pengendalian gratifikasi. Sesuai dengan Pedoman Pengendalian Gratifikasi, Compliance and Regulation Department sebagai Unit Pengendalian Gratifikasi (UPG), PT Angkasa Pura I, menerima dan meneruskan pelaporan penerimaan dan pemberian Gratifikasi kepada KPK. Adapun mekanisme penanganan pelaporan dan pengendalian gratifikasi PT Angkasa Pura I adalah sebagai berikut :

To support the realization of a fair business pratices from the corruption, PT Angkasa Pura I continues to do socialization to the company’s employee and the outside parties as well, such as suppliers (vendor). Beside that, the company also has held Integritas Tunas Workshop which has been held 6 (six) batches until the end of 2018. The collaboration with Tunas Integritas workshop has produced more than 170 people. 103-3, 205-2

The company’s commitment toward anticorruption policy and behaviour has lead into an optimal result, in which there is no corruption incident that happpen in PT Angkasa Pura I during 2018. Therefore, there is no action which is done related with the corruption issue in reporting year. 103-3, 205-3

Gratification Controlling

To realize the commitment of PT Angkasa Pura I in Gratification Controlling Program – which began since the commitment signing between PT Angkasa Pura I and the Commision of Eradiction Corruption (KPK) on April 11th 2014, PT Angkasa Pura I has formed a Gratification Control Unit, both at the Head Office and Branch Offices. Periodically, this unit conducts several gratification control programs.

In accordance with the guidelines of Gratification Control, Compliance and Regulation Department as a Gratificatin Control Uit (UPG), PT Angkasa Pura I, accepts and proceeds the report of gratification receiving and offering to KPK. The handling mechanism of gratification report and control in PT Angkasa Pura I is as follow:

While the mechanism for handling violation report from external is as follow:


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Sementara itu, dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan awareness dan mengoptimalkan penerapan pengendalian gratifikasi di seluruh Kantor Cabang, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sesuai dengan Keputusan Direksi Nomor: KEP.09/PG.02/2018 tentang Pedoman Pengendalian Gratifikasi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah menetapkan perwakilan Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi Kantor Cabang. Perwakilan Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi di Kantor Cabang bertugas sebagai perpanjangan tangan Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi Kantor Pusat dalam memastikan penerapan Program Pengendalian Gratifikasi.

Oleh karena begitu pentingnya pemahaman tentang gratifikasi, maka PT Angkasa Puri I (Persero) terus melakukan sosialisasi pengendalian gratifikasi, baik kepada calon pegawai sampai kepada pejabat. Program sosialisasi dilakukan melalui:

Memasukkan Program Pengendalian Gratifikasi dalam kurikulum pembelajaran Pegawai, Pejabat maupun sekretaris.

Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Tunas Integritas.Pelaksanaan kampanye dan sosialisasi Pengendalian Gratifikasi melalui Surat Edaran, standing banner, stiker, poster sampai penyelenggaraan kompetisi video pendek Angkasa Pura Berani Bersih.

Pendistribusian Pedomaan Pengendalian Gratifikasi ke seluruh Pegawai sampai Direksi.

In addition, to improve the awarness and optimize the gratification control implementation in every branch offices, PT Angkasa Pura I in accordance with Decree of Board of Directors Number: KEP.09/PG.02/2018 concerning Gratification Control Guidelines, PT Angkasa Pura I has decided the representative of the Branch Office Gratification Control Unit. The Representative of Gratification Control Unit in Branch Office has a duty as an extension of the Head Office Gratification Unit to ensure the implementation of Gratification Control Program.

Because of the importance of gratification comprehension, so PT Angkasa Pura I continues to conduct a socialization concerning the gratification control, neither for employee aplicants nor the government officials. The socialization program is conducted through the following points:

Incorporating Gratification Control Programs in Employee, Official and secretary learning curricula.

Implementation of Integrity Shootout Training.

Conducting campaigns and disseminating Gratification Control through Circular, standing banners, stickers, posters until the holding of a short video competition Angkasa Pura Berani Bersih.

Gratification Control Guidelines Distribution to all Employees to Directors.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Laporan Gratifikasi Tahun 2018

Sampai dengan bulan Desember 2018 terdapat 15 (lima belas) laporan penerimaan gratifikasi, dengan nilai setara uang sebesar Rp12.322.000 (Dua Belas Juta Tiga Ratus Dua Puluh Dua Ribu Rupiah)

Bersaing Sehat

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa persaingan dalam pelayanan jasa kebandarudaraan tak bisa dihindari. Untuk menghadapi persaingan tersebut, Perseroan telah menggariskan asas persaingan sehat, yakni PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) akan fokus pada upaya menciptakan layanan yang berkualitas dan profesional, tanpa mencari-cari kekurangan atau kelemahan kompetitor. Perseroan juga tidak menenggang adanya praktik-praktik kolusi dengan pesaing tertentu dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi efek kompetisi pasar. 103-2

Komitmen Perseroan untuk bersaing secara sehat membawa hasil dengan tidak adanya tindakan hukum atau sanksi dari Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) selama tahun pelaporan. Hal tersebut sekaligus membuktikan bahwa dalam menjalankan usaha, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) patuh terhadap asas bersaing bebas, anti-trust dan antimonopoli. 103-3, 206-1


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa kehadirannya di Indonesia tak sekadar mencari keuntungan. Lebih dari itu, ada kewajiban lain yang musti ditunaikan berupa Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan. Hal itu diatur dalam Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, yang di dalamnya, antara lain, mengatur tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan. Dalam hal ini, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan adalah komitmen Perseroan untuk berperan serta dalam pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi Perseroan sendiri, komunitas setempat, maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. 103-2

Tujuan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan adalah mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat bagi Perseroan, komunitas setempat, dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Dengan pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan, maka akan mendukung terjalinnya hubungan Perseroan yang serasi, seimbang, dan sesuai dengan lingkungan, nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat setempat.

Gratification Report in 2018

Up to December 2018 there are 15 (fifteen) gratification receipt reports, with the amount of money equals with Rp12.322.000 (Twelve Million Three Hundred Twenty Two Thousand Rupiah)

Fair Competition

PT Angkasa Pura I realizes that competition in airport services cannot be avoided. To deal with the competition , the Company has outlined the principle of fair competition, namely PT Angkasa Pura I will focus in creating professional and good quality services, without looking for the competitiors’ weakness. The company also does not tolerate collusion practices with the certain competitors in order to reduce the effect of market competition. 103-2

The Company’s comitment to compete fairly results in the absence of legal sanctions or actions from the Business Competition Supervisory Commision (KPPU) during the reporting year. It also proves that in conducting the business, PT Angkasa Pura I obey to free competition principle, and anti-trust. 103-3, 206-1


PT Angkasa Pura I realizes that its presence in Indonesia is not only for profit. Moreover, there are another obligations that have to fulfilled in form of social and environmental responsibilities. It is regulated in Republic Indonesia Law Number 40 year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company, in which, it also regulates about Social and Environmental Responsibility. In this case, the Social and Environmental Responsibility has been a commitment for the company to participate in sustainable economy development to improve the quality of life and the beneficial environment, neither for the company itself, local society nor the society in general. 103-2

The goal of Social and Environmental Responsibility is to realize sustainable economy development by improving the quality of life and the beneficial environment for the company, local society nor the society in general. By conducting the Social and Environmental Responsibility, so it will support a harmonious, balance of company relation with the envirocirnment, values, norms, and the culture of local society.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Sebagai salah satu BUMN, Perusahaan melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan dalam bentuk Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan, atau disingkat PKBL. Selain kebijakan yang mengatur Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga mengatur Kebijakan program CSR dengan Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor : KEP.238/KU.13/2018 tanggal 20 Desember 2018 Tentang Pedoman Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR) di Lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).


VISIMenjadi penyelenggara PKBL yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan usaha kecil menjadi usaha tangguh dan mandiri, serta mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

MISIa. Meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kecil agar menjadi

tangguh dan mandiri.b. Menciptakan sinergi pengembangan usaha melalui

pembentukan cluster.c. Meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan sosial masyarakat

di sekitar wilayah kerja Perseroan.


Organisasi pengelolaan dana Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan yang dilaksanakan telah ditetapkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor : KEP.146/OM.01.01/2012 tanggal 18 Desember 2012, yang telah diperbaharui dengan Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor : KEP.59/OM.01.01/2013 tanggal 19 Juni 2013.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi tersebut, organisasi pengelola dana Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) berubah dari unit PKBL menjadi unit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan berada dibawah Direktur Utama dimana dalam melaksanakan tugasnya bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Utama dan sesuai Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Nomor: KEP.101/OM.01.01/2018 Tanggal 8 Juni 2018. Berdasarkan keputusan Direksi tersebut, unit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) berada di bawah Direktur SDM & Umum. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya unit CSR bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur SDM & Umum

Untuk pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan dana Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) di Kantor Pusat berada dibawah tanggung jawab Vice President Corporate

As one of State-own Enterprises (BUMN), the company conducts Social and Environmental Responsibility in form of Parthership and Community Development Program, or shortened as PKBL. Beside the policies that regulates Parthership and Community Development Program, PT Angkasa Pura I also regulates the policy of CSR Programs with the Decree of PT Angkasa Pura I’s Board of Directors Number: KEP.238/KU.13/2018 dated December 20th, 2018 concerning Guidelines of Company Social Responsibility (CSR) in PT Angkasa Pura I’s area.


VISIONBeing an organizer for Community Development Program that is able to encourage the growth of small businesses to be strong and independent business, and is able to improve the welfare of the community.

MISSIONSa. To improve the ability of small businesses to be strong

and independent.b. To create the synergy of business development through

cluster formation.c. To improve the quality of the social environment of the

communities around the Company's work area


Organization for Partnership and Community Development funds management has been regulated under PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) BOD’s Decree Number: KEP.146/OM.01.01/2012 dated 18 December 2012 revised in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) BOD’s Decree Number: KEP.59/ OM.01.01/2013 dated 19 June 2013.

In accordance with BOD’s Decision, funds for Partnership and Community Development Program are no longer managed by PKBL unit but Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) unit under President Director where the responsibility will be under the President Director, and in accordance with PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) BOD’s Decree Number: KEP.101/OM.01.01/2018 dated 8 June 2018. In accordance with the BOD’s Decree, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) unit is under the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs. In implementing its duties, CSR unit will be supervised by the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs.

The implementation and management of Partnership and Community Development Program in Head Office is under the responsibility of Vice President Corporate


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 136: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Social Responsibility dan dalam pelaksanaannya dibantu langsung oleh Corporate Social Responsibility Cooperation Senior Manager dan Corporate Social Environment Senior Manager 103-2

Untuk Kantor Cabang yang masuk kategori Bandara besar, pengelolaan dana PKBL dilaksanakan oleh Corporate Social Responsibility Manager dibawah tangung jawab Shared Services Senior Manager, sedangkan untuk Kantor Cabang lainnya dilaksanakan oleh Shared Services and Corporate Social Responsibility dibawah tanggung jawab Sales & Shared Services Senior Manager. 103-2

Susunan Pengurus PKBL Angkasa Pura I

PROGRAM KEMITRAAN 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Program Kemitraan adalah program pemberdayaan dan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, melalui pemberian pinjaman kemitraan untuk modal kerja dan investasi. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kecil yang dijalankan oleh masyarakat, sehingga menjadi pengusaha yang tangguh dan mandiri. Setiap usaha kecil yang mengikuti Program Kemitraan ini diharapkan dapat berkembang dan menyerap tenaga kerja dari masyarakat lokal sehingga masyarakat disekitarnya mendapatkan penghasilan yang cukup. Dengan demikian akan menggerakkan roda perekonomian di masyarakat sehingga masyarakat yang tidak dapat bekerja di lingkungan bandar udara, tetap merasakan manfaat kehadiran bandar udara - bandar udara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Program Kemitraan yang diberikan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) bersifat non komersial. Mekanisme penyalurannya dilakukan berdasarkan evaluasi atas persyaratan dan angsuran yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan usaha, serta kebutuhan pembinaan yang diperlukan oleh para usaha kecil.

PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Partnership program involves community empowerment and economic development through partnership loan as working capital and investment. This program aims to improve capability of small enterprises run by the community as to create strong and independent entrepreneurs. Each small enterprise participating in this Partnership Program is expected to grow and open more job opportunities for local people and help them earn a living. Therefore, this program helps to support community-based economics, particularly for people who are unable to work around the airport to still benefit from the existence of the airports of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) provides noncommercial based Partnership Program. The delivery mechanism is based on an evaluation of the terms and installments adjusted to the ability of businesses, as well as coaching needs required by small businesses.

Social Responsibility assisted directly by Corporate Social Responsibility Cooperation Senior Manager and Corporate Social Environment Senior Manager 103-2

For Branch Offices under large Airport category, PKBL funding is managed by Corporate Social Responsibility Manager under the Shared Services Senior Manager, while in other Branch Offices, this duty is performed by Shared Services and Corporate Social Responsibility under the Sales & Shared Services Senior Manager. 103-2

The Organizaional Structure of PKBL in Angkasa Pura I


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Secara umum, realisasi penyaluran dana Program Kemitraan periode 2018 dinilai cukup efektif dan sampai pada sasaran. Besaran dana Program Kemitraan yang disalurkan selama periode tersebut dan RKA 2018 sebagai berikut :

Besaran Dana Program Kemitraan Tahun 2018

Tabel Besaran Dana Program Kemitraan

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)


Dana TersediaAvailable Fund

Dana DisalurkanDisbursed Fund

Efektifitas PenyaluranEffectiveness of Disbursement

2018 29.859.787 29.569.278.598 99,03%

2017 30.338.041 29.650.270 97,73%

2016 28.455.719 26.322.000 92,50%

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah menyalurkan pinjaman kemitraan sejak tahun 1992 yang pada waktu itu dikenal dengan Dana Pegel (Pengusaha Golongan Ekonomi Lemah), sampai dengan 31 Desember 2018 total pinjaman kemitraan yang telah direalisasikan adalah sebesar Rp 389.921.250 kepada 13.699 mitra binaan.

Selama periode 2018 PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) merealisasikan pinjaman kemitraan kepada 435  mitra binaan dengan nilai pinjaman sebesar Rp  26.517.500 untuk 8 sektor usaha yang telah ditentukan oleh Kementerian BUMN.

Jumlah Penyaluran Pinjaman Kemitraan Tahun 2018

Tabel Jumlah Penyaluran Pinjaman Kemitraan

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)



Akumulasi PenyaluranAccumulated Disbursement

Jumlah MitraPartners

Nilai (Rp)Value (Rp)

Jumlah MitraPartners

Nilai (Rp)Value (Rp)

2018 435 26.517.500 13.699 389.921.250

2017 560. 26.887.000 13.264 363.403.750

Sampai dengan Until 2016 12.704 336.516.750 12.704 336.516.750

Usaha Kecil yang menerima dana Program Kemitraan selanjutnya disebut Mitra Binaan yang dikelompokkan dalam 8 (delapan) sektor usaha, yaitu Industri, Perdagangan, Pertanian, Peternakan, Perkebunan, Perikanan, Jasa dan sektor Lainnya. Jumlah mitra binaan yang mendapat dana pinjaman dari program kemitraan sampai dengan 31 Desember 2018 adalah 13.699 mitra binaan yang tersebar di wilayah kerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Penyaluran dana pinjaman tersebut mencakup sektor usaha sebagai berikut:

From 1992 to 31 December 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has disbursed partnership loan funds, previously known as PEGEL (Low Economy Enterpreneur) funds, to 13,699 fostered partners with a total amount of Rp389.921.250.

During 2018 period, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) disbursed Rp26.517.500 partnership loan to 435 fostered partners from 8 (eight) business sectors determined by the Ministry of SOE.

The Amount of Partnership Loan Delivery 2018

Table of the Amount of Partnership Loan Disbursement

Small Enterprises receiving funds from Partnership Program are called Fostered Partners and categorized into 8 (eight) business sectors including Industry, Trading, Agriculture, Farming, Plantation, Fishery, Service, and Other Sectors. There are 13,699 fostered partners across all business areas of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) receiving funds from Partnership Program until 31 December 2018. The loan funds have been disbursed to several business sectors including:

In general, Partnership Program funds 2018 have been disbursed effectively and accurately. The amount of Partnership Program funds being disbursed is illustrated as follow:

The Amount of Partnership Program Fund 2018

Table of the Amount of Partnership Program Fund


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Penyaluran Pinjaman Kemitraan berdasarkan Sektor Usaha Sampai dengan 2018

Sektor Usaha Mitra Binaan

Partner Business Sector

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Realization at 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)


Industry3,224 91,422,262 117 7,362,500 3,341 98,784,762


Trade6,375 164,056,696 176 10,890,000 6,551 174,946,696


Agriculture147 13,570,866 8 490,000 155 14,060,866


Livestocks331 7,578,342 19 970,000 350 8,548,342


Plantation64 1,718,250 33 1,045,000 97 2,763,250


Fisheries130 3,243,500 6 390,000 136 3,633,500


Services2,819 77,875,833 75 5,320,000 2,894 83,195,833


Others174 3,938,000 1 50,000 175 3,988,000

Total Total 13,264 363,403,749 435 26,517,500 13,699 389,921,250

Berdasarkan penyebaran mitra binaan per wilayah, dana pinjaman yang disalurkan sampai dengan 31 Desember 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

Penyaluran Pinjaman Kemitraan berdasarkan Wilayah Sampai dengan 2018



Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Realization at 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta 417 23,443,000 - - 417 23,443,000

BaliBali 1,632 44,510,750 47 3,310,000 1,679 47,820,750

Jawa TimurEast Java 1,382 45,080,346 53 4,220,000 1,435 49,300,346

Sulawesi SelatanSouth Sulawesi 1,396 35,666,250 24 1,080,000 1,420 36,746,250

Kalimantan TimurEast Kalimantan 986 33,146,500 41 2,825,000 1,027 35,971,500

PapuaPapua 565 8,921,500 4 300,000 569 9,221,500

Sulawesi UtaraNorth Sulawesi 810 20,375,750 20 1,740,000 830 22,115,750

YogyakartaYogyakarta 1,059 37,484,950 51 3,110,000 1,110 40,594,950

Business Sector Based Partnership Loan Disbursement up to 2018

The following is loan Disbursement up to 31 December 2018 as per distribution of fostered partners in each area

Area Based Partnership Loan Disbursement up to 2018


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Realization at 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jumlah Mitra


Nilai Pinjaman (Rp)

Loan Value (Rp)

Jawa Tengah (Solo)Central Java (Solo) 722 20,012,250 25 1,675,000 747 21,687,250

Kalimantan SelatanSouth Kalimantan 1,218 26,045,250 68 2,380,000 1,286 28,425,250

Jawa Tengah (Semarang)Central Java (Semarang) 799 21,803,512 31 2,035,000 830 23,838,512

Nusa Tenggara BaratWest Nusa Tenggara 1,174 27,558,250 40 2,315,000 1,214 29,873,250

MalukuMaluku 198 3,180,500 13 372,500 211 3,553,000

Nusa Tenggara TimurEast Nusa Tenggara 906 16,174,942 18 1,155,000 924 17,329,942

Total 13,264 363,403,750 435 26,517,500 13,699 389,921,250

HIBAH PEMBINAAN 103-3, 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor: PER-03/MBU/12/2016 tanggal 16 Desember 2016 Perihal Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor: PER-09/MBU/07/2015 Tentang Program Kemitraan dan Program Bina Lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, bahwa program hibah pembinaan kembali diakui sebagai program kemitraan.

Pelatihan dan Pemagangan Mitra BinaanUntuk menjadikan usaha kecil menjadi tangguh dan mandiri maka dilakukan pembinaan kepada mitra binaan secara berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan. Pembinaan diberikan dalam bentuk hibah pendidikan, pelatihan, pemagangan, pemasaran, promosi dan hal lainnya yang menyangkut peningkatan produktivitas mitra binaan. Program pendidikan dan pelatihan yang diberikan kepada mitra binaan dilaksanakan bekerjasama baik dengan perguruan tinggi maupun lembaga lain yang memiliki kompetensi dalam hal mengembangkan ilmu kewirausahaan dan motivasi berwirausaha.

Beberapa program pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pemagangan bagi mitra binaan antara lain:a. Pelatihan yang diberikan antara lain Pelatihan

Perpajakan UMKM (BDJ), Indonesia Marketeers Festival – Markplus (BPN dan SRG), Gebyar UKM (DPS, JOG, UPG, SOC, BPN, dan SUB), Pelatihan Kewirausahaan (LOP, BDJ dan SRG), Pelatihan Manajemen (DPS dan JOG), Pelatihan Pemagangan dan Pendampingan MB (SUB), Workshop Mitra Binaan (UPG), danPelatihan Redesign Kemasan Produk (BPN).

b. Program pemagangan selama tahun 2018 sudah dilaksanakan oleh Mitra Binaan LOP ke BPN dan BDJ, pemagangan Mitra Binaan BDJ ke MDC, pemagangan Mitra Binaan AMQ ke BPN dan BDJ, pemagangan

COACHING GRANTS 103-3, 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of SOE Number: PER03/MBU/12/2016 dated 16 December 2016 on the Amendment of Minister of SOE Regulation Number: PER-09/MBU/07/2015 on SOE Partnership and Community Development Program stating that coaching grant program now belongs to partnership program.

Training and Internship for Fostered PartnerThe company conducts continuous and sustainable coaching for fostered partners to help them create strong and independent small enterprises. The coaching is provided in form of grants for education, training, internship, marketing, promotion, and other programs to improve productivity among fostered partners. To conduct education and training program for fostered partners, the company collaborates with universities and other institutions competent in developing entrepreneurship science and motivation.

Several education, training, and internship programs for partners include:a. The trainings provided included Training in MSME

Taxation (BDJ), Indonesia Marketeers Festival - Markplus (BPN and SRG), Gebyar UKM (DPS, JOG, UPG, SOC, BPN, and SUB), Entrepreneurship Training (LOP, BDJ and SRG), Management Training (DPS and JOG), MB (SUB) Internship Training and Mentoring, Fostered Partner Workshop (UPG), and Product Packaging Redesign Training (BPN).

b. The internship program during 2018 has been carried out by the Fostered Partners of LOP to BPN and BDJ, the internship of the Fostered Partners of BDJ to MDC, internship of the Fostered Partners of AMQ Partners to


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Mitra Binaan SRG ke KOE dan DPS, pemagangan Mitra Binaan SUB ke DPS, pemagangan Mitra Binaan SOC ke DPS, pemagangan Mitra Binaan UPG ke JOG, serta pemagangan Mitra Binaan MDC ke SUB dan SRG.

Melalui kegiatan ini mitra binaan dapat saling menukar pengalaman dalam menjalankan usahanya, menumbuhkan ide-ide baru untuk dikembangkan serta menambah pengetahuan yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan usaha mereka.

Promosi Bagi Mitra BinaanKegiatan promosi telah diberikan kepada Mitra Binaan dalam bentuk promosi melalui Buku Katalog dan keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan dalam Pameran baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Promosi melalui Buku Katalog sudah diberikan kepada Mitra Binaan SUB, UPG, SOC, BDJ, LOP, AMQ, dan KOE.

Promosi dalam bentuk Pameran antara lain oleh Mitra Binaan BPN dalam pameran Balikpapan Fair, UMKM Fair, IMF Expo, Indonesia Quality Expo, dan Semayang UMKM Fair, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan DPS dalam Pameran Buleleng Fair, IMF Expo, dan Palembang Expo, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan BDJ dalam Banjarbaru Fair 2018, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan JOG dalam Pameran Kegiatan BHUN, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan MDC di Pameran ITTAF Expo, dan Manado Fiesta, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan SRG dalam Pameran UMKM dan Bazar Sembako oleh Kementerian BUMN, Medan Inafact, dan Microfinance Expo, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan SUB dalam Pameran Batik Bordir dan Aksesoris 2018, dan Batik fashion fair, keikutsertaan Mitra Binaan UPG dalam Pameran ITT Expo 2018, keikutsertaan Pameran Batam Bagus Trade Expo oleh Mitra Binaan DPS, KOE, BPN, BDJ, dan SUB, keikutsertaan Pameran Borneo Fair oleh Mitra Binaan BPN, JOG, MDC, SOC, SRG, dan SUB, keikutsertaan Pameran ICW oleh Mitra Binaan JOG, dan SRG, keikutsertaan Pameran Jatim Fair oleh Mitra Binaan SUB, dan SOC, keikutsertaan Pameran NTB Expo oleh Mitra Binaan DPS, dan LOP, keikutsertaan Pameran Jogja Inafact oleh Mitra Binaan BPN dan MDC, keikutsertaan Bazaar HUT Periskapura oleh Mitra Binaan DPS, JOG, SRG, SUB, LOP, dan SOC.

Promosi pameran juga dilakukan sampai luar negeri dalam Pameran Indonesia Creative Product Festival Malaysia 2018 di Malaysia yang diikuti oleh Mitra Binaan SUB dan JOG serta Pameran 75th Intergift di Spanyol.

BPN and BDJ, internship of the Fostered Partners of SRG to KOE and DPS, internship of the Fostered Partners of SUB to DPS, internship of the Fostered Partners of SOC to DPS, internship of the Fostered Partners of UPG to JOG, and internship of the Fostered Partners of MDC to SUB and SRG.

These activities provide them opportunities to share experiences in running business, generates new ideas to develop, as well as adds more knowledge to improve their business.

Promotion for Fostered PartnersThere have been some promotional activities provided to Foster Partners in the form of promotions through Product Catalogs and the participation of the Fostered Partners in Exhibitions, both domestic and international exhibitions. The promotions through the Product Catalogs have been given to the Fostered Partners of SUB, UPG, SOC, BDJ, LOP, AMQ, and KOE.

The promotions in the form of exhibitions were provided to the Fostered Partners of BPN in Balikpapan Fair, UMKM Fair, IMF Expo, Indonesia Quality Expo, and Semayang UMKM Fair. In addition, the other promotions were the participation of the Fostered Partners of DPS in Buleleng Fair, IMF Expo, and Palembang Expo, the participation of the Fostered Partners BDJ in Banjarbaru Fair 2018, the participation of the Fostered Partners of JOG in BHUN Exhibitions, the participation of the Fostered Partners of MDC in the ITTAF Expo Exhibition, and Manado Fiesta, the participation of the Fostered Partners of SRG in UMKM Exhibitions and Basic Needs Bazaars by the Ministry of SOEs, Medan Inafact, and Microfinance Expo, the participation of the Fostered Partners of SUB in the 2018 Batik Embroidery and Accessories Exhibition, and Batik fashion fair, the participation of the Fostered Partners of UPG in the ITT Expo 2018, the participation of the the Fostered Partners of DPS, KOE, BPN, BDJ and SUB in Batam Bagus Trade Expo, the participation of the Fostered Partners of BPN, JOG, MDC, SOC, SRG and SUB in in the Borneo Fair, the participation of the Fostered Partners of JOG and SRG in the ICW Exhibition, the participation of the Fostered Partners of SUB and SOC in Jatim Fair, the participation of the Fostered Partners of DPS and LOP in NTB Expo, the participation of the Fostered Partners of BPN and MDC in Jogja Inafact Exhibition, the participation of the Fostered Partners of DPS, JOG, SRG, SUB, LOP, and SOC in HUT Periskapura Bazaar.

There were also promotional exhbitions organized in other countries in Indonesia Creative Product Exhibition Festival Malaysia 2018 in Malaysia, in which the Fostered Partners of SUB and JOG participated, and the 75th Intergift Exhibition in Spanyol.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Selain mengikuti kegiatan pameran-pameran, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga membantu promosi produk mitra binaan dengan membuka ruang pamer (display produk) di terminal bandara-bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Ruang pamer tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan promosi maupun eksebisi mitra binaan.

Penyaluran Hibah Pembinaan Mitra Binaan tahun 2017-2018

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

No Jenis PembinaanType of Coaching

Nilai (Rp)Value (Rp)

2018 2017

1 Pendidikan/Pelatihan Education/Training

749.062.600 868,685

2 Pemagangan Internship

134,804 1,740,377

3 Promosi, Pameran dan Pemasaran Lainnya Promotion, Exhibition, and Other Marketing

2.167.911.866 154,208

4 Penelitian dan Pengembangan Research and Development

- -

Jumlah Total 3.051.778.598 2,763,270

PROGRAM BINA LINGKUNGAN 103-3, 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Komitmen Perseroan dalam meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan sosial masyarakat terkait pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial adalah dengan pelaksanaan Program Bina Lingkungan, yakni program pemberdayaan kondisi sosial masyarakat dan peningkatan kualitas hidup. Pelaksanaan program ini meliputi pemberian bantuan yang terdiri atas 7 sektor yaitu:

1. Bantuan korban bencana alam;2. Bantuan pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan;3. Bantuan peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat;4. Bantuan pengembangan prasarana dan sarana umum;5. Bantuan sarana ibadah;6. Pelestarian alam;7. Bantuan sosial.

Pelaksanaan Program Bina Lingkungan telah dilaksanakan oleh Perseroan sejak tahun 1992. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam kurun waktu tersebut mencakup kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dikategorikan dalam program strategis dan program responsif. Secara garis besar, penyaluran dana Bina Lingkungan sampai dengan tahun 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

In addition to exhibitions, the company helps promoting partners’ products by providing showrooms (display for products) in airport terminals managed by the company. Showrooms are used for either promotional activities or exhibition for fostered partners

Distribution of Grant for Fostered Partners in 2017-2018

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 103-3, 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Company’s commitment in improving the quality of community’s social environment is manifested in the implementation of Community Development Program including community social empowerment and life quality improvement program. The implementation of this program, the company provides grants for the 7 sectors below, namely:

a. Assistance to victims of natural disasters;b. Education and/or training assistance;c. Community health improvement assistance;d. Public facility and infrastructure development assistance;e. Religious facilities assistance; f. Nature conservation; g. Social assistance

The company has implemented Community Development Program since 1992. During the time, the activities implemented cover those under the category of strategic and responsive programs. In general, the distribution of the Community Development Program funds up to 2018 is described as follow:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Penyaluran Dana Bina Lingkungan sampai dengan tahun 2018

(dalam Ribuan Rupiah in Thousand Rupiahs)

Jenis BantuanType of Assistance

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2017 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2017 (Rp)

Realisasi Tahun 2018 (Rp)Realization at 2018 (Rp)

Realisasi Akumulasi sampai dengan Tahun 2018 (Rp)

Accumulated Realization up to Year 2018 (Rp)

Bencana AlamNatural Disaster

6,507,289,102 1,332,113,188 7,839,402,290

Pendidikan dan PelatihanEducation and Training

37,297,643,183 9,955,873,245 47,253,516,428

Peningkatan KesehatanCommunity Health Improvement

21,766,253,413 3,852,485,037 25,618,738,450

Sarana UmumPublic Facilities

34,946,661,894 5,529,710,387 40,476,372,281

Sarana IbadahReligious Facilities

31,887,537,890 6,926,140,978 38,813,678,868

Pelestarian AlamNature Conservation

5,445,695,209 725,378,900 6,171,074,109

Bantuan SosialSocial Assistance

15,517,773,875 6,413,254,819 21,931,028,694

Hibah PembinaanCoaching Grants

2,338,069,183 -*) 2,338,069,183

BUMN PeduliBUMN Peduli

10,428,992,558 -**) 10,428,992,558


166,135,916,307 34,734,956,554 200,870,872,861

*) Hibah Pembinaan Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor: PER-03/MBU/12/2016 tanggal 16 Desember 2016 Perihal Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor: PER-09/MBU/07/2015 Tentang Program Kemitraan dan Program Bina Lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, bahwa program hibah pembinaan kembali diakui sebagai program kemitraan

**). BUMN PeduliBUMN peduli terakhir dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012. Angka kolom paling kanan merupakan akumulasi dari 2007-2012

*) Coaching GrantCoaching Grant In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs Number: PER-03/MBU/12/2016 dated 16 December 2016 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-09/MBU/07/2015 concerning the Partnership and Community Development Programs of the State-Owned Enterprises, that coaching grant program returns to be recognized as a partnership program

**). BUMN PeduliThe last BUMN Peduli was conducted in 2012. The rightmost column number is the accumulation from 2007-2012

DESA BINAAN 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Sampai akhir tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah mengembangkan desa binaan yaitu di Desa Bobung di Yogyakarta yang telah diresmikan oleh Kementerian BUMN. Sampai akhir tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah mengembangkan desa binaan yaitu Desa Bobung di Yogyakarta yang telah diresmikan oleh Kementerian BUMN. Di desa binaan, Perusahaan telah sepenuhnya (100%) melibatkan masyarakat lokal, termasuk dalam mengembangan potensi yang ada. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, pengembangan desa binaan tersebut tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif, sebaliknya membawa dampak positif berupa meningkatnya pendapatan warga dari rata-rata sebulan Rp 800 ribu menjadi Rp 2 juta.

FOSTERED VILLAGES 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2

Until the end of 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) had developed a built village in Bobung Village in Yogyakarta which had been inaugurated by the Ministry of BUMN. Until the end of 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has developed a built village, Bobung Village in Yogyakarta, which was inaugurated by the Ministry of BUMN. In the target villages, the Company has fully (100%) involved local communities, including developing existing potential. Based on the evaluations that have been made, the development of the target villages does not have a negative impact, on the contrary it has a positive impact in the form of increasing the income of residents from a monthly average of IDR 800 thousand to IDR 2 million.

the distribution of the Community Development Program funds up to 2018


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Dusun Bobung Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul

Dusun Bobung termasuk ke dalam wilayah Desa Putat, Kecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Saat ini, kawawsan tersebut dikembangkan oleh pemerintah setempat menjadi desa wisata karena memiliki potensi wisata yang bisa dijual kepada wisatawan, baik domestik maupun mancanegara.

Kekhasan yang dimiliki Dusun Bobung, yaitu hampir semua warganya bermata pencaharian pokok sebagai perajin topeng dan batik kayu, selain bertani dan beternak hewan. Itu sebabnya, pada tahun 2001, Pemda Kab. Gunungkidul mencanangkan dusun ini sebagai desa wisata kerajinan topeng dan batik kayu.

Dusun Bobung dipilih oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta sebagai Dusun Binaan, dikarenakan sebagai tindak lanjut pengembangan Program Cluster yang telah digaungkan oleh Kementerian BUMN dua tahun terakhir ini, dan dikaitkan dengan Program Membangun Desa yang dicanangkan Kementerian BUMN pada tahun 2012.

Saat ini pengrajin batik kayu tidak hanya terpusat di Dusun Bobung, tetapi juga berkembang di dusun sekitarnya, meliputi dusun Batur dan Gumawang. Dengan demikian, wilayah desa binaan saat ini menjadi Desa Putat dan sekitarnya.

Pada awalnya, pengelola Bandara Adisutjipto masuk ke Dusun Bobung melalui Program Kemitraan untuk mengembangkan usaha pengrajin batik kayu. Seiring dengan perkembangan, bantuan yang diberikan tidak hanya di wilayah Dudun Bobung, tapi juga dusun-dusun sekitarnya dalam bentuk Pinjaman Kemitraan, baik untuk pengrajin batik kayu maupun pengusaha lain, dan Bantuan Bina Lingkungan.

Sampai dengan tahun 2018, terdapat 87 Mitra Binaan dari Dusun Bobung dan sekitarnya yang telah mendapat pinjaman dan bantuan pembinaan, dimana 22 di antaranya merupakan mitra binaan lanjutan. Total pinjaman kemitraan yang telah disalurkan mencapai Rp3,47 miliar.

Sub-Village of Bobung, Subdistrict of Patuk, Gunungkidul Regency

Sub-village of Bobung belongs to Putat Village, Patuk Subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, currently developed by the local government into a tourist village because it has tourism potential that can be sold to tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.

The peculiarity of Bobung sub-village is that almost all its people are the main livelihood as mask craftsmen and wooden batik, in addition to farming and animal raising. Therefore, since 2001, the local government of Gunungkidul Regency proclaimed this village as a tourist village of mask crafts and wooden batik.

Bobung sub-village was chosen by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta as the Fostered sub-village, due to the follow up of the Cluster Program development which has been echoed by the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the last two years and linked with Village Development Program proclaimed by the Ministry of SOEs in 2012.

Currently, the wooden batik craftsmen are not only concentrated in Bobung Sub-Village, but also develop in the surrounding Sub-Villages, including Batur and Gumawang. Thus, the fostered village area currently under development is Putat Village and its surrounding area.

Initially, Angkasa Pura I Adisutjipto entered Bobung sub-village through Partnership Program to develop wooden batik craftsman business. Along with the development, the assistance is provided not only in the Bobung sub-village but also the surrounding villages in the form of Partnership Loans, both for wooden batik artisans and other businessmen, and Community Fostering Aid.

Up to 2018, there are 87 Fostered Partners from Bobung sub-village and the surrounding areas that have received loans and coaching assistance, where 20 of whom are the continued partners. Total disbursed partnership loans reached Rp3.56 billion.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tabel Penyaluran Program Kemitraan untuk Pengrajin Batik Kayu Desa Binaan Putat Patuk Gunung Kidul Tahun 2010-2018 Table of Distribution of the Partnership Program for Batik Wood Craftsmen in Putaan Village Patuk Gunung Kidul in 2010-2018

Penyaluran Program Kemitraan / Distribution of the Partnership ProgramDesa Binaan Putat Patuk Gunung Kidul / Putat Foster Village Patuk Gunung Kidul



Mitra BinaanDevelopment


Mitra Binaan LanjutanAdvanced Development

PartnersSektor Industri / Industrial Sector 2,685,000,000 69 19

Sektor Jasa / Service Sector 130,000,000 4 1

Sektor Perdagangan / Trade Sector 525,000,000 10 2

Sektor Perikanan / Fisheries Sector 25,000,000 1 0

Sektor Peternakan / Livestrock Sector 100,000,000 3 0

Total 3,465,000,000 87 22

Adapun bantuan Bina Lingkungan yang diberikan selama periode 2018 adalah sebesar Rp280.000.000. Dengan demikian sampai akhir tahun 2018, bantuan dana yang telah dikucurkan mencapai Rp.1.768.741.500.

Tabel Penyaluran Program Bina Lingkungan Desa Binaan Putat Patuk Gunung Kidul Tahun 2010 – 2018 Table of Distribution of Community Development Program in Putat Village, Patuk, Gunung Kidul in the Period of 2010 – 2018


No TahunYear



EducationSarana UmumPublic Facilities

Sarana IbadahReligious Facilities


Kelestarian AlamNature


1 2010 JumlahTotal 260,000,000 260,000,000


Pengadaan sarana belajar mengajar dan PAUDProcurment of teaching and learning facilities and Early Childhood Education and Development Institution (PAUD)

2 2011 JumlahTotal 75,000,000 75,000,000


Perbaikan jalan dan gapuraRoad and Entrance Gate Maintenance

3 2012 JumlahTotal 25,000,000 230,978,000 255,978,000


Perbaikan sarana ibadahRenovation of Religious Facilities

Balai pengobatan

4 2013 JumlahTotal 20,000,000 106,920,000 160,865,500


pengadaan sarana belajar mengajar dan PAUD

Pengadaan instalasi air bersihClean water installation

Pemberian 16.200 bibit kayu pule dan sengonProcurement of 16.200 seeds of blackboard and Albizia chinensis trees

5 2014 JumlahTotal 336,000,000 336,000,000

The assistance of Community Development provided during the 2018 period was used for Rp. 1.768.741.500. Up to 2018, the Community Development assistance that has been provided has reached Rp 280.000.000.


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Pembangunan Talud JalanConstruction of Embankment

6 2015 JumlahTotal 50,598,000


Pemberian bibit pule dan sengonProcurement of seeds of blackboard and Albizia chinensis trees

7 2016 JumlahTotal 280,000,000 20,000,000


Seperangkat Gamelan BobungA Set of Gamelan Bobung

Perbaikan Mushola Miftahul JannahRenovation of Miftahul Jannah Mosque

8 2017 JumlahTotal 50,300,000 50,300,000


Renovasi Masjid Ash-shobar dan Renovasi Masjid SulaimanRenovation of Ash-Shobar and Sulaiman Mosque

9 2018 JumlahTotal 280,000,000 280,000,000


Pengadaan alat penggergajian kayuProcurement of sawmills

TOTAL 300,000,000 984,945,500 95,300,000 230,978,000 157,518,000 1,768,741,500


Sampai dengan bulan Desember tahun 2018, dana CSR yang telah disalurkan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebesar Rp. 6,81 miliar. Dana tersebut disalurkan untuk beberapa kegiatan, antara lain:a. Kegiatan Mudik Bareng BUMN Tahun 2018 senilai Rp

1,89 miliar;b. Bantuan Bagi warga terdampak gunung agung senilai

Rp 204 juta;c. Bantuan bagi warga terdampak Gempa di Lombok

senilai Rp 67,5 juta;d. Pembangunan Balai Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di

Kulon Progo senilai Rp 551 juta;e. Bantuan pelatihan Bahasa Inggris senilai Rp 415,7

juta;f. Bantuan pelatihan peningkatan keterampilan /

keahlian senilai 205,7 juta;g. Program beasiswa di Kulon Progo senilai 110,8 juta;

h. Program tungku sehat hemat energi YLKI senilai 199,9 juta;

i. Relokasi makam Desa Jangkaran senilai Rp 150 juta;

j. Bantuan Trauma Healing bagi warga terdampak NYIA senilai Rp 7,3 juta;


As of December 2018, the CSR funds distributed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) amounted to Rp. 6.81 billion. The funds are channeled to several activities, including:

a. 2018 Joint BUMN Homecoming Activities worth Rp 1.89 billion;

b. Assistance For affected residents of Gunung Agung worth IDR 204 million;

c. Assistance to residents affected by the earthquake in Lombok worth Rp. 67.5 million;

d. Construction of the Community Empowerment Center in Kulon Progo worth Rp. 551 million;

e. English language training assistance worth Rp. 415.7 million;

f. Skills / skills improvement training assistance worth 205.7 million;

g. The scholarship program in Kulon Progo is worth 110.8 million;

h. YLKI's energy-efficient stove program is worth 199.9 million;

i. Relocation of the tomb of Jangkaran Village worth Rp 150 million;

j. Trauma Healing assistance for NYIA affected people worth Rp. 7.3 million;


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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k. Biaya pembangunan Homestay dan kelengkapan penunjangnya senilai Rp 1,7 miliar;

l. Biaya kegiatan ICW senilai Rp 16,05 juta;m. Bantuan partisipatif lainnya senilai Rp 1,2 miliar.


Selama tahun 2018, penghargaan yang diterima oleh unit CSR PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah BUMN CSR Award Provinsi Bali 2018 kategori Silver Award dari DPD RI Utusan Provinsi Bali.


Pelaksanaan program PKBL dan CSR tahun 2018 menggunakan 3 Beban yaitu Beban Program Kemitraan, Beban Bina Lingkungan dan Beban CSR. untuk beban program Kemitraan berasal dari dana revolving, sedangkan untuk beban Bina Lingkungan dan beban CSR di bebankan oleh Perusahaan. Berikut rincian alokasi beban-beban tersebut:

Uraian Description

Anggaran 2018 (Rp) Budget 2018 (Rp)

Beban Program Kemitraan Partnership Program Load


Beban Bina Lingkungan Environmental Development Expenses


Beban CSR CSR expenses


Total 82,749,965,745

k. The cost of building a Homestay and its supporting facilities is worth Rp 1.7 billion;

l. The cost of ICW activities is Rp. 16.05 million;m. Other participatory assistance worth Rp 1.2 billion.


During 2018, the award received by the CSR unit of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was the BUMN CSR Award in Bali Province in 2018 in the Silver Award category from the DPD RI Messenger of the Province of Bali.


The implementation of the PKBL program and CSR in 2018 uses 3 expenses, namely the Partnership Program Load, Community Development Expenses and CSR Expenses. for the Partnership program expenses come from revolving funds, while for Community Development expenses and CSR expenses are borne by the Company. The following are the details of the allocation of these expenses:


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 150: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Perubahan iklim merupakan isu global yang menuntut kepedulian bersama warga dunia. Hal itu, antara lain, ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Paris atau Paris Agreement. Ini adalah perjanjian dalam Konvensi Kerangka Kerja Perubahan Iklim Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa atau United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mengenai mitigasi emisi gas rumah kaca, adaptasi, dan keuangan.

Perjanjian tersebut dinegosiasikan oleh 195 (seratus sembilan puluh lima) perwakilan negara-negara pada Konferensi Perubahan Iklim PBB ke-21 di Paris, Prancis. Setelah proses negosiasi, persetujuan ini ditandatangani tepat pada peringatan Hari Bumi tanggal 22 April 2016 di New York, Amerika Serikat. Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang menandatangani Perjanian Paris, yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Dr. Siti Nurbaya mewakili Presiden RI.

Tujuan dibentuknya Perjanjian Paris tertuang dalam pasal 2, yaitu:

1. Menahan laju peningkatan temperatur global hingga di bawah 2 derajat Celcius dari angka sebelum masa Revolusi Industri, dan mencapai upaya dalam membatasi perubahan temperatur hingga setidaknya 1.5 derajat Celcius, karena memahami bahwa pembatasan ini akan secara signifikan mengurangi risiko dan dampak dari perubahan iklim.

2. Meningkatkan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi terhadap dampak dari perubahan iklim, meningkatkan ketahanan iklim, dan melaksanakan pembangunan yang bersifat rendah emisi gas rumah kaca tanpa mengancam produksi pangan.

3. Membuat aliran finansial yang konsisten demi tercapainya pembangunan yang bersifat rendah emisi gas rumah kaca dan tahan terhadap perubahan iklim.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebagai salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) berkomitmen untuk ikut membangun kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap Perjanjian Paris. Untuk itu, dalam menjalankan operasional perusahaan, Perseroan berupaya untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. 103-2

Untuk mewujudkan komitmen itu, seluruh jaringan kantor PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki kebijakan untuk menerapkan praktik operasional yang ramah lingkungan. Kebijakan itu sejalan dengan komitmen Perseroan untuk mewujudkan eco green airport sebagai salah satu strategi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Spirit yang sama berlaku bagi bandara-bandara yang sedang dan akan dibangun. Untuk pembangunan bandara baru.

Climate change is a global issue that demands concern from citizens around the world. This is indicated by the signing of the Paris Agreement. These are the agreement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regarding mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation, and finance.

The agreement was negotiated by 195 representative country at the 21st UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France. After the negotiation process, this agreement was signed right at the commemoration of Earth Day on April 22, 2016 in New York, United States. Indonesia is one of the countries that signed the Paris Agreement, which was carried out by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Siti Nurbaya that represent the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The purpose of the establishment of the Paris Agreement is contained in article 2, namely:

1. Resist the increase in global temperatures to below 2 degrees Celcius from the pre-Industrial Revolution level and achieve efforts on limit the temperature changes to at least 1.5 degrees Celcius, because these restrictions will significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.

2. Improve the ability to adapt from the effects of climate change, improve climate resilience, and implement development that is low of gas emissions in greenhouse without threatening food production

3. Creating a consistent financial flow to achieve development that is low of gas emissions in greenhouse and resistant to climate change

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as one of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) is committed to contribute to building concern for the Paris Agreement. For this reason, in carrying out the company’s operations, the company strives to minimize negative impacts on the environment.

To achieve that commitment, the entire PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) office network has a policy to implement environmentallu friendly operational practices. The policy is in line with the company’s commitment to achieve a green airport as one of the strategies of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The same spirit applies to airports that are currently and will be built.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 151: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Perseroan mengedepankan prinsip kehati-hatian, mematuhi peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, termasuk tentang Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL). 103-2

Langkah nyata kebijakan pro-lingkungan yang lain adalah PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menerapkan standarisasi internasional ISO 14001: 2014/SNI 19 – 14001:2005 tentang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan di bandara-bandara yang dikelola oleh Perusahaan. Selain itu, insan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk menerapkan kegiatan pro-lingkungan dalam opeasional keseharian. Dalam hal ini, kami berpegang pada prinsip 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). 103-2

Konsumsi Energi

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menggunakan energi listrik dari PT PLN (Persero) untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional sehari-hari. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memanfaatkan genset sebagai alternatif sumber energi apabila pasokan energil listrik dari PLN mati. 103-2

Kami menyadari bahwa ketersediaan pasokan listrik masih terbatas dan belum tersebar merata di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk itu, Perusahaan berupaya untuk melakukan langkah-langkah penghematan listrik. Antara lain, mematikan lampu dan piranti elektronik yang tidak digunakan, mengganti lampu dengan lampu hemat energi, memperpanyak panel kaca di perkantoran sehingga memungkinkan untuk memanfaatkan sinar matahari sebagai sumber cahaya pada siang hari, memperbanyak penggunaan panel surya untuk lampu penerangan, dan sebagainya. 103-3, 302-4

Walau sudah melakukan berbagai upaya penghematan, namun pada tahun pelaporan, Perusahaan belum bisa menyampaikan angka penggunaan energi listrik dan hasil dari penghematan karena datanya belum tersedia. Data penggunaan listrik oleh 13 bandara dan Kantor Pusat akan disampaikan pada tahun berikutnya. Adapun penggunaan listrik yang disajikan pada Laporan ini merujuk pada penggunaan listrik oleh tenant di 13 bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Konsumsi listrik tenant di seluruh bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) selama tahun 2018 adalah 76.644.660 Kwh, naik sebesar 716.032 Kwh atau 0,94% dibanding tahun 2017 dengan penggunaan listrik sebesar 75.928.649 KWh. Jika dibandingkan RKAP sebesar 79.994.304 Kwh, maka penggunaan listrik tersebut di bawah RKAP sebesar 3.349.645 Kwh, atau -4,19%. Data penggunaan energi listrik bersumber dari pencatatan dari PLN sebagai penyedia atau pemasok energi listrik sehingga angkanya dipastikan benar.

The company prioritizes the principle of prudence, complies with applicable laws and regulations, including about Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL).

Another concrete step in the pro-envorinment policy is PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) appling the international standrd ISO 14001:2014 / SNI 19—14001:2005 concerning Environmental Management Systems at airports managed by the company. In addition, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) employees strive as much as possible to implement pro-environment activities in daily operations. In this case, we adhere to the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)

Energy Consumption

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) uses electricity from PT PLN (Persero) to support daily operations. In addition, the company also uses generator sets as an alternative energy source if the supply of electricity from PLN is off.

We are aware that the availability of electricity supply is still limited and has not been spread evenly throughout Indonesia. For this reason, the company strives to carry out electricity saving measures. Among other things, turning off lights and electronic devices that are not used, replacing lamps with energy-saving lamps, increasing glass panels in offices so that it is possible to use sunlight as a light source during the day, increasing the use of solar panels for lighting, and so on.

Although they have made various savings efforts, in the reporting year, the Company has not been able to convey the figures on electricity use and the results of savings because the data is not yet available. Data on electricity usage by 13 airports and Head Office will be delivered the following year. The electricity usage presented in this report refers to electricity usage by tenants in 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Tenant electricity consumption in all airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) during 2018 was 76,644,660 Kwh, up by 716,032 Kwh or 0.94% compared to 2017 with electricity usage of 75,928,649 KWh. If compared to the RKAP of 79,994,304 Kwh, then the electricity usage below the RKAP is 3,349,645 Kwh, or -4.19%. Data on the use of electricity is sourced from recording from PLN as a provider or supplier of electrical energy so that the numbers are confirmed to be correct.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 152: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Rincian penggunaan listrik oleh tenant di 13 bandara yang dikelola Perusahaan selengkapnya disajikan dalam tabel berikut: 103-3, 302-1, 302-4

(dalam Kwh)

No. Nama BandaraAirport Des 2017 RKAP 2018 Des


PertumbuhanGrowth Performance

JumlahAmount % Jumlah

Amount %

1 2 3 4 5 (5-3) 5-3/3 (5-4) (5-4)/4

1 I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Denpasar 10.558.649 5.155.859 14.880.245 4.321.596 40,93% 9.724.386 188,61%

2 Juanda, Surabaya 8.517.833 7.700.986 9.935.343 1.417.510 16,64% 2.234.357 29,01%

3 Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar

3.984.380 3.726.848 3.660.950 (323.430) -8,12% (65.898) -1,77%

4 Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman, Balikpapan

3.504.384 2.450.294 4.815.327 1.310.943 37,4% 2.365.033 96,52%

5 Sam Ratulangi, Manado 1.578.257 2.109.868 1.423.997 (154.260) -9,77% (685.871) -32,51%

6 Frans Kaisiepo, Biak 04.816 305.632 293.281 (11.535) -3,78% (12.351) -4,04%

7 Syamsuddin Noor, Banjarmasin

1.244.063 1.087.677 1.420.592 176.529 14,19% 332.915 30,61%

8 Adisutjipto,Yogyakarta 1.954.851 1.848.416 2.135.831 180.980 9,26% 287.414 15,55%

9 Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Semarang 1.432.762 693.912 1.065.428 (367.334) -25,64% 371.516 53,54%

10 Adi Soemarmo, Solo 1.198.256 923.280 866.851 (331.405) -27,66% (56.429) -6,11%

11 Bandara Internasional Lombok

1.694.556 2.031.524 1.768.131 73.575 4,34% (263.393) -12,97%

12 Pattimura,Ambon 878.567 869.929 798.163 (80.404) -9,15% (71.766) -8,25%

13 El Tari, Kupang 758.507 750.720 892.426 133.919 17,66% 141.706 18,88%

Jumlah 5.794.088 40.100.123 52.675.053 6.880.965 15,03% 12.574.930 31,36%

Per 31 Desember 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) belum memiliki data lengkap tentang audit energi Kantor Pusat dan semua bandara yang dikelola. Sebab itu, pada tahun pelaporan, Perseroan belum bisa menyampaikan intensitas energi. Informasi intensitas energi akan disampaikan setelah dilakukan audit energi pada Laporan selanjutnya. 103-3, 302-3

Selain listrik, konsumsi energi lain yang dipakai Perseroan adalah bahan bakar minyak, terutama untuk kendaraan operasional dan operasional genset. Bahan bakar yang dipakai adalah bensin (Pertamax) dan solar untuk bahan bakar kendaraan operasional dan genset.

Sama seperti listrik, ketersediaan dan pasokan BBM juga sangat terbatas sehingga diperlukan efisiensi dalam penggunaannya. Antara lain, manajemen mengeluarkan Nota Dinas General Services Nomor DPS.1077/KP.08/2018-B Perihal Uji Coba Pelaksanaan FMS bahwa pengantaran dan penjemputan tujuan bandara hanya

Details of the full electricity usage are presented on the following table:

As of December 31, 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) did not have complete data on Head Office energy’s audits and all airports managed yet. Therefore, in the reporting year, the company has not been able to convey energy intensity. Information on energy intensity will be deliverd after an energy audit is carried out in the next report

In addition to electricity, other energy consumption used by the company is fuel oil, especially for generator and operational vehicles, the fuel used is gasoline (Pertamax) and diesel fuel for operational vehicles and generators.

Just like electricity, the availability and supply of fuel is also very limited so it requires efficiency in its use. Among other things, management issued a General Services Service Note Number DPS.1077 / KP.08 / 2018-B concerning Trial Implementation of FMS that airport destination delivery and pickup is only given to officials one level below the


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 153: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

diberikan kepada pejabat satu tingkat di bawah Direksi, menerapkan aplikasi Fleet Management System (FMS) dalam penggunaan operasional kantor yang merupakan sistem booking kendaraan terkontrol sebagai upaya untuk menghindari pemakaian BBM di luar kepentingan kantor, kebijakan mengurangi perjalanan dinas, mengganti rapat fisik dan bertatap muka dengan memanfaatkan piranti teknologi informasi telekonferensi, dan sebagainya. 103-3, 302-4

Pada tahun pelaporan, Perseroan baru bisa menyampaikan penggunaan BBM untuk Kantor Pusat, dan secara bertahap akan melengkapinya dengan data bandara-bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Dengan berbagai upaya penghematan tersebut, selama tahun 2018, jumlah penggunaan BBM di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah 100.305 liter, turun 6.613 liter atau 6,19% dibanding tahun 2017 dengan penggunaan BBM sebanyak 106.918 liter. Dasar penggunaan BBM pencatatan yang dikeluarkan oleh pengguna, seperti sopir dan bagian yang menangani operasional genset.103-3, 302-1, 302-4

Penggunaan Air

Selain energi, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga membutuhkan air untuk menunjang operasional kantor, antara lain, untuk keperluan domestik karyawan dan para pengguna bandara (kamar kecil, wudhu, dan lain-lain), menyiram tanaman, mengepel lantai perkantoran, dan sebagainya.

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air, Perusahaan menggunakan air dari PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum). Oleh karena bahan baku air PDAM juga semakin terbatas, maka langkah penghematan juga harus dilakukan. Dalam hal ini, efisiensi yang dilakukan Perseroan antara lain secara rutin dilakukan pengecekan instalasi air sehingga segera bisa dilakukan perbaikan jika ada kebocoran, dan memberikan himbauan untuk menggunakan air secara bijak (tidak boros). Sejalan dengan komitmen untuk menerapkan eco-airports, Perusahaan juga terus mengembangkan pemanfaatan air hujan maupun air laut yang diubah dengan teknologi reverse osmosis sehingga layak minum. 103-2

Walau sudah melakukan berbagai upaya penghematan, namun pada tahun pelaporan, Perusahaan belum bisa menyampaikan angka penggunaan air dan hasil dari penghematan karena datanya belum tersedia. Data penggunaan air oleh 13 bandara dan Kantor Pusat akan disampaikan pada tahun berikutnya. Adapun penggunaan air yang disajikan pada Laporan ini merujuk pada penggunaan air oleh tenant di 13 bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Board of Directors, appling the Fleet Management System (FMS) application in the use of office operations which is a controlled vehicle booking system as an effort to avoid the use of fuel outside the interests of the office, policies to reduce official travel, replace physical meetings and face to face by utilizing teleconferencing information technology tools, and so on.

In the reporting year, the company can only convey the use of fuel for the Head Office, and wil gradually complete it with data on airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). With these various savings measures, during 2018, the amount of fuel use at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was 100,305 liters, 6,613 liters or 6.19% decrease compared to 2017 with the use of fuel as much as 106,918 liters. Basic use of fuel recording issued by the user, such as the driver and the part that handles the operation of the generator.

Water Usage

In addition to energy, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) also needs water to support office operations, that is, for domestic needs of employees and aiport users (rest rooms, ablutions, ets.), watering plants, mopping office floors, and so on.

To fulfill water needs, the company uses water from PDAM (Regional Water Company). Because PDAM water raw materials are also increasingly limited, austerity measures must also be taken. In this case, the efficiency carried out by the company, that is, routinely checks water installations so that repairs can be made immediately if there is leak, and provides an appeal to use water wisely (not wasteful). In line with its commitment to implementing eco-airports, the company also continues to develop the use of rainwater and seawater that are converted into reverse osmosis technology so that it is suitable for drinking.

Even though they have made various savings efforts, in the reporting year, the Company has not been able to deliver water use figures and the results of savings because the data are not yet available. Water use data by 13 airports and Headquarters will be delivered the following year. The water usage presented in this report refers to the use of water by tenants in 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 154: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Penggunaan air total oleh tenant di 13 bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tahun 2018 adalah sebesar 7.262.393 meter kubik, naik 965.359 meter kubik atau 15,33% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, yang tercatat sebesar 6.297.035 meter kubik. Apabila dibandingkan dengan RKAP 2018 sebesar 7.039.315 meter kubik, maka penggunaan air tercatat 3,17% di atas RKAP atau ada kenaikan sebesar 223.078 meter kubik. Data penghitungan penggunaan air bersumber dari catatan meter air yang dikeluarkan oleh PDAM sehingga akurasinya terjaga.

Rincian penggunaan air oleh tenant di 13 bandara selama tahun 2018 selengkapnya disajikan dalam tabel berikut: 103-3, 303-1

(dalam meter kubik)

No. Nama BandaraAirport

Des 2017 RKAP 2018 Des 2018



Jumlah % Jumlah %

1 2 3 4 5 (5-3) 5-3/3 (5-4) (5-4)/4

1 I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Denpasar 152.635 118.625 135.196 (17.439) -11,43% 16.571 13,97%

2 Juanda, Surabaya 97.004 105.953 173.774 76.770 79,14% 67.821 64,01%

3 Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar

35.403 35.422 34.116 (1.287) -3,64% (1.306) -3,69%

4 Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman, Balikpapan

35.862 19.799 26.646 (9.216) -25,7% 6.847 34,58%

5 Sam Ratulangi, Manado 12.152 12.924 13.785 1.633 13,44% 861 6,66%

6 Frans Kaisiepo, Biak 910 840 770 (140) -15,38% (70) -8,33%

7 Syamsuddin Noor, Banjarmasin

14.014 12.031 15.005 991 7,07% 2.974 24,72%

8 Adi Sutjipto,Yogyakarta 22.923 19.454 26.884 3.961 17,28% 7.430 38,19%

9 Ahmad Yani, Semarang 7.369 2.858 8.437 1.068 14,49% 5.579 195,21%

10 Adi Soemarmo, Solo 36.329 9.942 9.551 (26.778) -73,71% (391) -3,93%

11 Bandara Internasional Lombok

10.591 9.976 12.202 1.611 15,21% 2.226 22,31%

12 Pattimura,Ambon 1.189 2.880 1.869 680 57,19% (1.011) -35,10%

13 El Tari, Kupang 17.910 12.347 9.627 (8.283) -46,25% (2.720) -22,03%

Jumlah 495.704 422.877 525.845 30.141 6,08% 102.968 24,35%

Untuk mengurangi penggunaan air, selain mengeluarkan imbauan penghematan, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga telah melakukan daur ulang air limbah sehingga hasilnya bisa dipakai kembali. Daur ulang antara lain dilakukan di Bandara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang dengan total volume hasil air daur ulang yang ditampung dalam Bak Penampungan sebesar 400 meter kubik per hari selama tahun 2018. 103-3, 303-3

With the various savings measures, in 2018, the total consolidated water use of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 was 7,262,393 cubic meter that is increased 965,359 cubic meters or 15.33% compared to the previous year, which was recorded at 6,297,035 cubic meter. When compared with the 2018 RKAP of 7,039,315 cubic meters, water use was recorded at 3.17% above the RKAP or there was an increase of 223,078 cubic meters. The increase in water use is due to increased traffic throughout 2018. The basis for calculating water use is a record of water meters issued by the PDAM so that its accuracy is maintained.

Details of the full water usage are presented on the following table:

To reduce water use, in addition to issuing a saving appeal, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has also recycled waste water so that the results can be reused. Recycling is done at the General Ahmad Yani International Airport in Semarang with a total colume of recycled water stored in a reservoir of 400 cubic meters per day during 2018.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 155: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Emisi gas rumah kaca merupakan salah satu masalah serius bagi warga dunia karena merupakan penyebab utama pemanasan global. Emisi tersebut banyak disumbang oleh penggunaan atau konsumsi bahan bakar berbahan fosil. Oleh karena ancaman pemanasan global semakin nyata, termasuk dampak negatif yang terjadi pada bumi, maka pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk mengambil peran guna menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Komitmen itu dikuatkan dengan terbitnya Peraturan Presiden No. 61 tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (RAN-GRK), yang merupakan dokumen kerja yang berisi upaya-upaya untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca di Indonesia. Peraturan Presiden ini telah diikuti dengan terbitnya Peraturan Presiden No. 71 tahun 2011 tentang Penyelenggaraan Inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) Nasional.

Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (RAN-GRK) adalah dokumen rencana kerja untuk pelaksanaan berbagai kegiatan yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca sesuai dengan target pembangunan nasional. Menurut Peraturan Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 2011 tentang RAN-GRK, tanggung jawab Kementerian Perhubungan dalam penurunan emisi GRK berada dalam kelompok bidang energi dan transportasi.

Salah satu polutan penyumbang emisi untuk transportasi udara adalah polutan yang dihasilkan dari mesin-mesin pesawat udara (exhaust gas polution). Walau hanya menyumbang sekitar 3% dari total emisi udara dunia, tapi dengan banyaknya pesawat udara komersial yang beroperasi dari hari kehari semakin meningkat, maka angka persentase emisi tersebut diprediksi akan meningkat. Secara global, pesawat udara menghasilkan 2% total produksi emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) per tahun, atau sebanyak 13 % dari emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan dari seluruh kendaraan dan diprediksi naik menjadi 3% sampai tahun 2050.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebagai salah satu korporasi yang bergerak di jasa layanan kebandarudaraan berkomitmen dan mendukung upaya pemerintah untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca, seperti diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 61 tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (RAN-GRK). 103-2

Pengukuran emisi gas rumah kaca sudah dilakukan oleh bandara/bandar udara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) pada tahun 2018. Pengukuran dilakukan untuk emisi gas rumah kaca cakupan 1 langsung maupun


Greenhouse gas emissions are a serious problem for citizens of the world because they are a major cause of global warming. These emissions are mostly contributed by the use or consumption of fossil fuels. Therefore, the threat of global warming is increasingly evident, including the negative impacts that occur on the earth, the Indonesian government is committed to taking a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This commitment was strengthened by the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 61 of 2011 concerning the National Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAN-GRK), which is a working document that contains efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia. This Presidential Regulation was followed by the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 71 of 2011 concerning the Implementation of the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory.

National Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAN-GRK) is a work plan document for implementing various activities that directly and indirectly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with national development targets. According to Presidential Regulation Number 61 of 2011 concerning RAN-GRK, the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation in reducing GHG emissions is within the energy and transportation sector.

One pollutant contributing to emissions for air transportation is pollutants produced from aircraft engines (exhaust gas pollution). Although it only accounts for around 3% of the world's total air emissions, with the increasing number of commercial airplanes operating from day to day, the percentage of these emissions is predicted to increase. Globally, airplanes produce 2% of the total production of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per year or as much as 13% of CO2 emissions produced from all vehicles and are predicted to rise to 3% until 2050.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as one of the corporations engaged in airport services is committed and supports the government's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 61 of 2011 concerning the National Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAN-GRK). 103-2

Measurements of greenhouse gas emissions have been carried out by airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018. Measurements were made for direct 1 coverage greenhouse gas emissions as well as indirect


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cakupan 2 tidak langsung. Sumber emisi gas rumah kaca cakupan 1 yang paling utama adalah pembakaran bahan bakar, sedangkan emisi gas rumah kaca cakupan 2 tidak langsung sumbernya antara lain penggunaan energi listrik. Walau demikian, karena pengukuran baru dilakukan pada tahun 2018, maka belum diketahui kenaikan atau penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Selain itu, juga belum diketahui intensitas gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan. Sebagai contoh, berikut disampaikan hasil pengukuran emisi gas rumah kaca bandara Pattimura tahun 2018: 103-3, 305-1, 305-2, 305-4

Tabel Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Bandara Pattimura, Ambon, Tahun 2018

Pengurangan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca

Untuk mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah melakukan upaya selama tahun 2018 sebagai berikut: 103-3, 305-51. Menerbitkan Instruksi Direksi nomor INST.DU.04/

HK.01.02/2018 Tentang Langkah – Langkah Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) di Bandar Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. Melakukan penggantian sistem penerangan dengan menggunakan Light Emitting Diode (LED)

3. Menggunakan solar cell untuk penerangan jalan4. Melakukan penghijauan lingkungan bandar udara5. Program hemat energi, misalnya mematikan lampu

dan peralatan lain apabila tidak diperlukan6. Program promosi lingkungan dalam rangka

penghematan energi, misalnya pemasangan signage, stiker, media elektronik dan lain-lain tentang penggunaan energi di bandara.

coverage 2. The most important source of greenhouse gas emissions coverage 1 is fuel combustion, while greenhouse gas emissions coverage 2 is not directly sourced, among others, the use of electricity. However, because new measurements were made in 2018, there is no known increase or decrease in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous year. In addition, it is also unknown the intensity of greenhouse gases produced. For example, the following is the result of measuring the greenhouse gas emissions of Pattimura airport in 2018:103-3, 305-1, 305-2, 305-4

Table of Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Pattimura Airport, Ambon, 2018

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

To reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has made efforts during 2018 as follows: 103-3, 305-51. Issuing Directors Instruction No. INST.DU.04 / HK.01.02

/ 2018 concerning Measures for Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Airport

2. Replacing the lighting system using Light Emitting Diode (LED)

3. Using a solar cell for street lighting4. Greening the airport environment5. Energy saving programs, for example, turning off lights

and other equipment if not needed6. Environmental promotion programs in order to save

energy, for example, the installation of signage, stickers, electronic media and others about energy use at airports.


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Emisi Zat Perusak Ozon

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mendukung penuh kebijakan pemerintah untuk memperketat penggunaan bahan perusak lapisan ozon (BPO). Zat ini biasa terdapat di mesin pendingin ruangan (AC), kulkas, dan tabung pemadam api. BPO adalah senyawa kimia yang berpotensi dapat bereaksi dengan molekul ozon di lapisan stratosfer. Ada 23 senyawa kimia yang dikategorikan sebagai BPO, yakni CC-l4, CH-3, CC-13, CH3BR, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115, CFC-13, CFC-111, CFC-217, CFC-216, CFC-215, CFC-214, CFC-213, CFC-212, CFC-211, Halon-1211, Halon-1301, Halon-2402, R-500, R-502. 103-2

Upaya yang dilakukan Perseroan untuk mengurangi emizi zat perusak ozon adalah menggunakan refrigeran ramah lingkungan untuk mesin pendingin udara dan kulkas, seperti R32 atau R-410A. Dengan mengurangi penggunaan bahan perusak ozon, maka Perseroan turut ambil bagian dalam gerakan Perlindungan Lapisan Ozon (PLO) sebagai salah satu bagian dari upaya perlindungan lingkungan secara menyeluruh, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. 103-3, 305-6

Pada tahun pelaporan, Perseroan tidak memproduksi, mengimpor atau mengekspor bahan perusak lapisan ozon jenis atau tipe apapun.

Emisi Udara

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa udara yang bersih dari polusi sangat penting bagi manusia, termasuk bagi seluruh konsumen perusahaan. Untuk itu, Perseroan melakukan berbagai upaya agar udara di lokasi operasional berada dalam kondisi baik sehingga aman bagi kesehatan. Upaya yang dilakukan, antara lain, dengan menanam pepohonan yang bermanfaat karena menyerap karbondioksida, mengganti bahan bakar mobil operasional yang lebih ramah lingkungan, rutin melakukan uji emisi kendaraan operasional, dan sebagainya. 103-2

Selain itu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) secara berkala melakukan pengukuran kualitas udara di area operasional perkantoran dan bandara. Pengukuran bekerja sama dengan pihak ketiga independen. Hasil pengukuran emisi udara selengkapnya selama tahun 2018 adalah sebagai berikut: 103-3, 305-7

Bandar Udara Pattimura Ambon

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 39.85 44.27 31.53 45.03 51.17 30.23 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 20.21 34.38 21.06 29.26 30.08 20.01 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 2000 2000 1000 6500 4500 1000 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 14.21 11.23 10.11 16.21 12.58 9.62 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Ozone depleting substances

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) fully supports the government's policy to tighten the use of ozone depleting substances (ODS). This substance is commonly found in air conditioners, refrigerators, and fire extinguishers. ODS is a chemical compound that has the potential to react with ozone molecules in the stratosphere. There are 23 chemical compounds categorized as ODS, namely CC-l4, CH-3, CC-13, CH3BR, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115, CFC-13, CFC- 111, CFC-217, CFC-216, CFC-215, CFC-214, CFC-213, CFC-212, CFC-211, Halon-1211, Halon-1301, Halon-2402, R-500, R-502. 103-2

The efforts made by the Company to reduce the nutrition of ozone-depleting substances are to use environmentally friendly refrigerants for air conditioning and refrigerator machines, such as R32 or R-410A. By reducing the use of ozone-depleting substances, the Company takes part in the Ozone Layer Protection (OLP) movement as one part of the overall environmental protection effort, as stated in Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. 103-3, 305-6

In the reporting year, the Company does not produce, import or export any type or type of ozone depleting substances.

Air Emissions

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) realizes that clean air from pollution is very important for humans, including for all corporate consumers. To that end, the Company makes various efforts so that the air in the operational location is in good condition so that it is safe for health. Efforts made, among others, by planting trees that are beneficial because they absorb carbon dioxide, replace fuel for operational cars that are more environmentally friendly, routinely carry out emissions tests on operational vehicles, and so on. 103-2

In addition, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) periodically conducts air quality measurements in the operational areas of offices and airports. Measurements work together with independent third parties. Complete results of measuring air emissions during 2018 are as follows: 103-3, 305-7

Pattimura Airport Ambon


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Bandar Udara Syamsuddin Noor Banjarmasin

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 28 29 35 36 33 38 43 33 41 34 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 27 28 34 35 28 42 48 42 36 45 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 2979 3093 3437 3780 3208 4010 3666 3208 3437 3780 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 82 78 86 93 83 72 79 78 80 83 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas Unit Sem 2Hasil

Bandar Udara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan-Balikpapan

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 35 38 34 34 35 39 35 32 31 34 37 27 36 30 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 38 35 31 32 33 37 33 28 25 29 35 29 33 19 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 3666 3895 3322 3208 3208 3551 3666 3093 2979 3208 3437 2749 3208 2749 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 112 120 111 88 98 96 96 74 69 72 82 70 77 60 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem 2Sem1No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Bandar Udara I Gusti Ngurah Rai (DPS) – Bali

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T1 T2 T3


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 7.22 164.90 12.80 22.50 16.00 19.30 9.58 219.60 7.22 54.70 9.69 7.22 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 50.60 31.30 47.70 27.30 20.90 52.20 40.20 27.00 32.20 36.50 52.00 42.90 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 2975 2975 1925 3150 1400 4025 2100 1400 2800 1575 2275 2275 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 28.4 25.8 23.3 51.7 46.5 103.4 15.5 41.3 32.3 24.6 122.7 98.2 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem 2Sem1No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Data untuk DPS Sem 2:


Bandar Udara Adisutjipto (JOG) - YogyakartaT1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 57.70 109.87 130.94 41.73 82.69 18.26 28 33 26 36 31 28 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 33.34 19.63 25.22 23.92 31.33 32.02 35 36 32 40 38 34 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 705.23 420.77 717.34 495.62 440.55 561.85 3093 3208 3093 3437 3437 3208 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 156.50 198.84 144.75 205.03 1096.71 190.09 157.55 82.55 151.59 205.64 116.53 102.61 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil


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Bandar Udara El Tari (KOE) – Kupang

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 30 32 31 26 26 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 43.00 34.00 12.00 18.00 22.00 29 40 28 32 32 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 3450.00 2300.00 <1150 <1150 <1150 2979 3322 2979 2749 3093 SNI 7119.10-2017

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 15.80 18.20 39.30 33.50 48.70 62 68 63 59 72 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Bandara Internasional Lombok (LOP) – Praya

T1 T2 T1 T2 T3


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 10,97 10,9615 13.2 12.5

SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 13,30 11,26 22.3 17.4 14.3 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 3791.00 2391,6 286 172 115SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 27,6 59,86 - - - SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Bandar Udara Sam Ratulangi – Manado

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 1.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 1.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 3480.00 6960.00 9280.00 8120.00 4640.00SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 33.00 166.00 33.00 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil

Bandar Udara Adi Soemarmo (SOC) - Surakarta

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 17.70 14.37 15.34<26 28 32.2

SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 19.17 15.62 16.71 13.5 22.9 55 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 2320.00 1160.00 1160.00 <114 1486 1829SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 109.17 60.30 91.22 71.5 148 83.2 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2Hasil

No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas Unit

Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani (SRG) - Semarang

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 0.20 0.14 10.70 0.15 10.45 0.39 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 4.65 3.50 4.30 0.49 1.60 1.72 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 6293.00 763.00 2096.00 229.00 0.00 2096.00SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 36.33 192.31 110.04 23.50 33.75 85.47 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2Hasil

No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas Unit


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

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Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya (SUB) - Surabaya

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 31.20 <0.4 <0.5 <0.6 <0.7 <0.8 <0.9 < 0.4 < 0.4 < 0.4 < 0.4 0.40 < 0.4 1.87 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 48.00 56.10 32.20 34.90 <16 47.70 <16 16 <56.1 <16 <16 <16 <16 <16 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150 <1150SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 0.047 0.029 0.015 0.024 0.009 0.027 0.015 0.054 0.069 0.023 0.002 0.025 0.021 0.051 SNI 7119.3-



Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas Unit

Bandar Udara Sultan Hasanuddin (UPG) - Makassar

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 12.80 < 7.22 35.20 278.20 58.10 189.30 <7.22 69.50 7.22 16.80 <7.22 <7.22 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 37.10 28.60 23.80 25.00 45.60 15.90 20.90 18.60 18.00 23.20 25.60 20.90 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ 2450.00 2100.00 1225.00 2450.00 1925.00 1925.00 3500 1750 2975 3150 5425 1750SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ 49.10 74.90 37.50 140.80 38.70 166.70 116.30 38.80 37.50 77.50 32.30 50.40 SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2Hasil

No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas Unit

Bandar Udara Frans Kaisiepo (BIK) – Biak

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4


Dioksida (SO2)

1 Jam 900 µg/Nm³ 2.38 4.30 0.16 4.10 2.11 2.55 2.93 2.73 SNI 7119.7-2017

2Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2)

1 Jam 400 µg/Nm³ 0.18 0.32 4.14 0.23 2.10 1.56 2.32 2.17 SNI 7119.2-2017


Monoksida (CO)

1 Jam 30000 µg/Nm³ - - - - - - - -SNI 7119.10-

2017/EI 36.087 (CO meter)

4 Debu (TSP) 1 Jam 90 µg/Nm³ - - - - - - - - SNI 7119.3-


MetodeSem1 Sem 2No. Parameter Waktu Pengukuran Ambang Batas UnitHasil


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PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa aktivitas kebandarudaraan menimbulkan kebisingan, baik yang disebabkan oleh mesin pesawat saat tinggal landas maupun mendarat maupun kebisingan akibat banyaknya pengumuman yang disiarkan di bandara. Kebisingan dirasakan oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar bandara, pekerja di bandara maupun penumpang. G4-DMA

Tingkat kebisingan perlu mendapat perhatian pengelola bandara seperti PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) karena sejumlah penelitian membuktikan bahwa kebisingan berdampak negatif bagi masyarakat di sekitar bandara. Keluhan yang muncul, antara lain, susah tidur, kurang pendengaran, atau terganggu kenyamanan kerja. 103-2

Merujuk pada Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor : KP 590 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pedoman Teknis Pembuatan Rencana Induk Bandar Udara, tingkat kebisingan di Bandar Udara dan sekitarnya ditentukan dengan indeks kebisingan Weighted Equivalent Continous Perceived Noise Level/WECPNL atau nilai ekuivalen tingkat kebisingan di suatu area yang dapat diterima terus-menerus selama suatu rentang waktu dengan pembobotan tertentu. Adapun penentuan Kawasan Kebisingan Bandar Udara dan tata guna tanahnya meliputi:

a. Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat I Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat I mempunyai nilai tingkat

kebisingan lebih besar atau sama dengan 70 WECPNL dan lebih kecil dari 75 WECPNL (70 < WECPNL < 75). Tanah dan ruang udara pada kawasan kebisingan tingkat I dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai jenis kegiatan dan atau bangunan, kecuali untuk jenis bangunan sekolah dan rumah sakit. Bangunan sekolah dan rumah sakit yang sudah ada dilengkapi pemasangan insulasi suara sesuai dengan prosedur yang standar sedemikian sehingga tingkat bising yang terjadi di dalam bangunan sesuai peraturan perundang - undangan yang berlaku.

b. Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat II Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat II mempunyai nilai

tingkat kebisingan lebih besar atau sama dengan 75 WECPNL sampai dengan lebih kecil 80 WECPNL (75 < WECPNL < 80). Tanah dan ruang udara pada kawasan kebisingan tingkat II dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai jenis kegiatan dan/atau bangunan kecuali untuk jenis kegiatan dan/atau bangunan sekolah, rumah sakit dan rumah tinggal. Bangunan sekolah, rumah sakit dan rumah tinggal yang sudah ada dilengkapi pemasangan insulasi suara sesuai dengan prosedur yang standar sedemikian sehingga tingkat bising yang terjadi di dalam bangunan sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.


PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) realized that airport activity caused noise, both caused by aircraft engines during takeoff and landing as well as noise due to the many announcements being broadcast at the airport. Noise is felt by people who live around the airport, workers at airports and passengers. G4-DMA

The noise level needs to get the attention of airport managers such as PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) because a number of studies have shown that noise has a negative impact on the people around the airport. Complaints that arise, among others, are insomnia, lack of hearing, or impaired work comfort. 103-2

Referring to the Director General of Civil Aviation Regulation Number KP 590 of 2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for Making an Airport Master Plan, the noise level at the Airport and its surroundings is determined by a Weighted Equivalent noise index Continuous Perceived Noise Level / WECPNL or equivalent noise level in an area can be received continuously for a certain weighted period of time. The determination of the Airport Noise Area and its land use include:

a. Level I Noise Area Level I Noise Area has a noise level greater than or

equal to 70 WECPNL and smaller than 75 WECPNL (70 <WECPNL <75). Land and air space in a level I noise area can be utilized for various types of activities and/or buildings, except for types of school and hospital buildings. Existing school and hospital buildings are equipped with sound insulation installations in accordance with standard procedures such that the noise levels that occur in buildings in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

b. Level II Noise Area Level II Noise Area has a noise level greater than or

equal to 75 WECPNL up to smaller 80 WECPNL (75 <WECPNL <80). Land and air space in a level II noise area can be utilized for various types of activities and/or buildings except for types of activities and/or school buildings, hospitals and residences. Existing school buildings, hospitals, and residences are equipped with sound insulation installations in accordance with standard procedures such that the noise levels that occur in the building are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

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Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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c. Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat III Kawasan Kebisingan Tingkat III mempunyai nilai

tingkat kebisingan lebih besar atau sama dengan 80 WECPNL (WECPNL > 80). Tanah dan ruang udara pada kawasan kebisingan tingkat III dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangun bangunan atau fasilitas bandar udara yang dilengkapi pemasangan insulasi suara sesuai dengan prosedur yang standar sedemikian sehingga tingkat bising yang terjadi di dalam bangunan sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Selain penggunaan di atas dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai jalur hijau atau sarana pengendalian lingkungan dan pertanian yang tidak mengundang burung.

Untuk mengetahui tingkat kebisingan di bandara dan wilayah di sekitarnya, Perseroan setiap 6 buan sekali (per semester) melakukan pengukuran tingkat kebisingan. Hasil pengukuran dioleh oleh pihak independen. Hasil pengukuran tingkat kebisingan sebagian besar masih di bawah baku mutu, meskipun sebagian di antaranya di atas baku mutu. Berikut sebagian contoh hasil pengukuran kebisingan tersebut: 103-3, G4-AO7

Tabel Hasil Pengukuran Tingkat Kebisingan Bandar Udara Ngurah Rai, Denpasar, Semester 2 Tahun 2018

c. Level III Noise Area Level III Noise Area has a noise level greater than or

equal to 80 WECPNL (WECPNL> 80). Land and air space in the level III noise area can be used to build buildings or airport facilities equipped with sound insulation installation in accordance with standard procedures such that the noise level that occurs in the building is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. In addition to the above use, it can be used as a green line or a means of controlling the environment and agriculture that does not invite birds.

To determine the noise level at the airport and the surrounding area, the Company every 6 months (per semester) conducts noise level measurements. The measurement results were obtained by an independent party. The results of noise level measurements are still largely below the quality standard, although some of them are above the quality standard. Here are some examples of the results of the noise measurements: 103-3, G4-AO7

Table of Noise Level Measurement Results of Ngurah Rai Airport, Denpasar, Semester 2 of 2018


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Tabel Hasil Pengukuran Tingkat Kebisingan BandarUdara Syamsudin Noor, Banjarmasi, Semester 2 Tahun 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen penuh agar tingkat kebisingan di bandara-bandara yang dikelolanya berada di bawah baku mutu, Untuk mengurangi tingkat kebisingan tersebut, Perusahaan telah melakukan sejumlah kebijakan sebagai berikut: 103-3 1. Green Belt: melakukan penanaman pohon di kawasan

sekitar bandara yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi kebisingan akibat aktivitas take off dan landing pesawat. telah dilakukan hampir di seluruh bandara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. Noise Abatement Operational Procedures : menghimbau kepada maskapai untuk memenuhi standar dan prosedur pada kegiatan take off dan landing pesawat sesuai ketentuan ICAO. Dengan mengikuti arah runway dan rute pada ketinggian yang telah ditentukan pada kegiatan take off dan landing.

3. Menyusun dokumen BKK (Batas Kebisingan Kawasan): dilakukan untuk menentukan batas maksimum kebisingan yang terpapar karena aktivitas bandar udara. Pada dokumen ini ditentukan fasilitas umum apa saja yang dapat dibangun di kawasan tersebut, seperti rumah sakit dan sekolah.

4. Monitoring/Melakukan pemantauan kebisingan selama 6 bulan sekali.

5. Melakukan perawatan rutin terhadap peralatan dan kendaraan operasional yang menimbulkan kebisingan

6. Pengadaan genset yang less noise7. Menerapkan silent airport, yakni mengubah pola

Table of Syamsudin Noor Airport Noise Level Measurement Results, Banjarmasi, Semester 2 of 2018

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is fully committed so that the noise level at managed airports is below the quality standard. To reduce the noise level, the Company has carried out a number of policies as follows: 103-3

1. Green Belt: planting trees in the area around the airport that serves to reduce noise due to aircraft take-off and landing activities. It has been carried out in almost all PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) airports

2. Noise Abatement Operational Procedures: appeal to airlines to meet standards and procedures for aircraft take-off and landing activities in accordance with ICAO provisions. By following the direction of the runway and the route at a height that has been determined in take-off and landing activities.

3. Arranging the BKK (Regional Noise Limit) document: carried out to determine the maximum limit of noise-exposed to airport activities. In this document what public facilities can be built in the area, such as hospitals and schools.

4. Monitoring / Conducting noise monitoring for 6 months.

5. Perform routine maintenance of equipment and operational vehicles that cause noise

6. Procurement of generator that is less 7. Implementing silent airport, namely changing the


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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announcement dari biasanya 7 jenis pengumuman dalam satu penerbangan menjadi hanya 3 pengumuman yang disiarkan, yakni boarding call, panggilan untuk penumpang yang belum masuk pesawat, dan pengumuman lain-lain. Kebijakan ini sekaligus mendidik penumpang agar membaca informasi yang tertera di Boarding Pass dan FIDS (Flight Information Display System) atau layar informasi penerbangan

Pengelolaan Limbah

Sejalan dengan meningkatnya jumlah penumpang pesawat, maka jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan juga terus bertambah. Dalam hal ini, limbah yang dihasilkan lebih banyak berupa limbah padat, yakni sampah. Untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan bandara, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyediakan tempat sampah dalam jumlah yang cukup sehingga meminimalkan pembuangan sampah sembarangan. Sampah-sampah dari bak/tempat sampah tersebut akan dikumpulkan, dan selanjutnya dibuang ke tempat pembuangan sampah akhir oleh pihak ketiga sebagai mitra Perusahaan.

Selama tahun 2018, volume sampah yang dihasilkan oleh 13 bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut:

No. Nama BandaraAirport Name

Volume Sampah (Ton)Waste Volume (Ton)

1 Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Denpasar (DPS) 3.267.000

2 Bandara Juanda, Surabaya (SUB) -

3 Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar (UPG) 2.189.000

4 Bandara Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Sepinggan, Balikpapan (BPN) 72.000

5 Bandara Sam Ratulangi, Manado (MDC) 692.077

6 Bandara Frans Kaisiepo, Biak (BIK) 1.772.580

7 Bandara Syamsuddin Noor, Banjarmasin (BDJ) 42.240

8 Bandara Adi Sutjipto, Yogyakarta (JOG) 11.079.000

9 Bandara Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Semarang (SRG) 126.106

10 Bandara Adi Soemarmo, Solo (SOC) 1.258.000

11 Bandara Internasional Lombok, Praya (LOP) 50.000

12 Bandara Pattimura, Ambon (AMQ) 163.708

13 Bandara El Tari, Kupang (KOE) 789.800

Sumber: Laporan RKL-RPL Kantor Cabang. Belum terdapat standard perhitungan jumlah sampah yang sama. Data volume sampah Bandara Juanda Surabaya tidak tersedia.

Pembiayaan Bidang Pelestarian Lingkungan

Sebagai korporasi yang berorientasi keberlanjutanya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen dan mendukung program pemerintah di bidang pelestarian alam. Langkah nyata yang dilakukan Perusahaan adalah melakukan

announcement pattern from usually 7 types of announcements in one flight to only 3 announcements broadcast, namely boarding calls, calls for passengers who have not entered the plane, and other announcements. This policy also educates passengers to read the information contained in the Boarding Pass and Flight Information Display System (FIDS) or flight information screens.

Waste Management

In line with the increase number of aircraft passengers, the total amount of the waste is also increasing. In this case, the waste produced is mostly solid waste. To maintain the cleanliness of the airport surroundings, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) provides trash bins in adequate number thus will minimize careless dumping. Garbage from those trash cans/bins are collected and then disposed to the final waste disposal done by the third party as the partner of the Company.

Throughout 2018, waste volume produced by 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are as follows:

Source: RKL-RPL Reports of Branch Offices. There is no counting standard for the same waste total amount yet. Data on waste volume of Juanda Airport, Surabaya is not available.

Financing the Conservation of the Environment

As a corporate that has sustainability as its orientation, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has committed and supports the government in the field of nature conservation. The real step has been carried out by the Company is by implementing


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penghijauan di area sekitar bandara dan di lingkungan masyarakat sekitar wilayah usaha. Selain itu, Perseroan juga berperan aktif dalam pelestarian alam di daerah-daerah penyangga lainnya, serta menjadi koordinator BUMN Peduli Penghijauan untuk Wilayah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.

Seperti disampaikan dalam pembahasan PKBL pada Laporan ini, hingga akhir tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah berpartisipasi dalam bidang pelestarian alam dengan nilai total mencapai Rp725.378.900. Program yang dilakukan pada tahun pelaporan, antara lain:

1. Penanaman terumbu karang di Desa Kalasey Manado dan Pulau Ora Ambon;

2. Normalisasi Sungai Suud Di desa Kalanganyar Sidoarjo

3. Bantuan 8000 pohon Bougenvile untuk Kecamatan Semarang Barat;

4. Bantuan Penanaman Bibit Mangrove untuk Institusi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masy Makassar

5. Bantuan untuk pelestarian alam lainnya.

Sertifikasi di Bidang Lingkungan

Sertifikasi bidang lingkungan terkait bandar udara sangat bermanfaat bagi keberlangsungan bandara ramah lingkungan sesuai dengan PP 40 tahun 2012. Kepemilikan sertifikasi lingkungan juga berdampak positif dalam membangun citra Perusahaan. Hingga akhir tahun 2018, beberapa sertifikasi yang sudah, sedang dan akan dijalankan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah sebagai berikut:

Nama SertifikasiCertification Name


Lokasi Bandar UdaraAirport Location

a. Airport Carbon Accreditation a. Airport Carbon Accreditation

Airport Carbon Accreditation adalah sertifikasi yang diberikan oleh Airport Council International kepada bandara yang telah melakukan perhitungan, dan melakukan upaya dalam menurunkan jumlah emisi dan karbon yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan operasional Bandar udara. Airport Carbon Accreditation is certification granted by the Airport Council International to airports that have implemented calculations and efforts in reducing the emission amount produced by Airport operational activities.

- Bandar Udara I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Denpasar Bali

- Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani-Semarang

- I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport - Denpasar, Bali

- Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport -Semarang

b. Sertifikasi Green Buildingb. Green Building Certification

Bangunan Bandara Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) diharapkan menjadi sebuah bangunan yang berkinerja hijau. Kinerja hijau ini mengikuti tolok ukur bangunan gedung hijau bernama Greenship. Kegiatan ini meliputi berbagai pekerjaan, antara lain, perencanaan, pembangunan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan, pengadaan serta kegiatan lain yang diperlukan. Keberhasilan dalam mengikuti tolok ukur ini disahkan dalam sertifikat Greenship yang diterbitkan oleh Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Bila bangunan gedung sudah besertifikat, maka pemilik memiliki legitimasi untuk menyebutnya sebagai Green Building. It is expected that the airport buildings owned by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) having green building performance. This green performance follows the benchmark of Greenship for green building. This activity includes various works, such as planning, developing, operating and maintaining, as well as procuring and performing other necessary activities. Successful attainment in following this benchmark is approved in the Greenship certificate published by Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). if a building has already obtained this certificate, thence the owner has the legitimacy to call it as a Green Building.

- Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani - Semarang Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta, Kulon Progo - DIY

- Bandar Udara I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Denpasar Bali

- Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport -Semarang Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo - DIY

- I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport - Denpasar, Bali

reforestation in the areas surround the airport and also the community surrounding the airport. Also, the Company actively participates in nature conservation efforts in other buffer areas, as well as plays role as the coordinator of BUMN Greening Care in East Nusa Tenggara Province.

As presented by the discussion on Community Development Program (PKBL) in this report, until the end of year 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has been participated in nature conservation efforts with its total value of IDR725,378,900. Programs have been implemented in this reporting year are, among others:

1. Mangrove planting activity of Mekar Tani group in Semarang;

2. Seed provision for GAPOKTANHKM in Lombok;

3. Reef transplantation in Liang Beach Ambon;

4. Establishment of fostered village Central Java Community (Paguyuban Warga Jawa Tengah) in Biak; and

5. Other nature conservation assistance.

Certification in Environmental Field

Certification in the environmental field is very useful for the sustainability of an environmentally friendly airport in accordance with PP 40 year 2012. By owning this environmental certification also has positive impact on building the image of the Company. Until the end of 2018, some of certifications that have been and being implemented by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are as follows:


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

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Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Nama SertifikasiCertification Name


Lokasi Bandar UdaraAirport Location

c. Pengembangan dan Sertifikasi ISO 14001:2015

c. Development and Certification of ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan sistem manajemen yang termasuk di dalamnya struktur organisasi, aktifitas perencanaan, tanggung jawab, praktek, prosedur-prosedur, proses dan sumber daya untuk pengembangan, penerapan, pencapaian, pengkajian dan pemeliharaan kebijaksanaan lingkungan.

Dengan Sistem Pengelolaan yang terintegrasi diharapkan bandara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dapat memenuhi kriteria Eco Airport.

ISO 14001 is part of a whole management system which includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, and resources for the development, implementation, achievement, assessment, and maintenance of environmental policies.

It is expected that with integrated Management System, the airports of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are able to meet the Eco Airport criteria.

- Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin - Makassar

- Bandara SAMS Sepinggan - Balikpapan

- Bandara Juanda - Surabaya- Sultan Hasanuddin Airport - Makassar - SAMS Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan - Juanda Airport - Surabaya

Kepatuhan Lingkungan

Sebagai korporasi yang beroritentasi pada keberlanjutan, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen untuk menyelenggarakan operasional jasa layanan kebandar-udaraan dengan mematuhi berbagai undang-undang dan peraturan tentang lingkungan hidup. Hal itu sejalan dengan semangat Perseroan untuk mewujudkan eco green airport. 103-2

Komitmen tersebut membawa hasil dengan tidak adanya denda/sanksi yang dijatuhkan kepada Perseroan karena ketidaktaatan atau pelanggaran terhadap aturan dan ketentuan tentang lingkungan hidup. 103-3, 307-1

Environmental Compliance

As a corporate that has sustainability as its orientation, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has committed to carry out the operations of airport services by complying with the environmental laws and regulations. This is in line with the spirit of the Company to achieve the eco green airport. 103-2

That commitment has resulted the absence of fines/sanctions imposed on to the Company due to noncompliance or violations of environmental regulations and provisions. 103-3, 307-1


Sejalan dengan visi “Menjadi salah satu dari sepuluh perusahaan pengelola bandar udara terbaik di Asia,” PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah memiliki Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Bandar Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Sistem dibangun berdasarkan SKEP Direksi (Persero) Nomor 32 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Bandar Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), yang pelaksanannya dikuatkan melalui Instruksi Direksi Nomor INST.DU.04/LB.02/2018 terkait Penggunaan Energi Bandar Udara, dan Instruksi Direksi Nomor INST.DU.18/LB.02/2018 terkait Pengelolaan Limbah Bandar Udara.

Berbagai kegiatan telah dilakukan Perseroan selama tahun 2018 untuk mewujudkan komitmennya terhadap konservasi lingkungan sesuai Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Bandar Udara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), antara lain: 103-3, 302-4, 305-4, 305-5


In accordance with the vision “to be one of Asia’s the best ten of airport management company”, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has its Environmental Management System for Airports of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). This system has been developed in compliance with SKEP of the Directors (Persero) Number 32 Year 2015 concerning Application Guidelines of Airport Environmental Management System in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), in which its implementation is strengthened by Instruction of the Directors Number INST.DU.04/LB.02/2018 regarding Airport Energy Use and Instruction of the Directors Number INST.DU.18/LB.02/2018 concerning Airport Waste Management.

Throughout 2018, the Company has carried out various activities in order to actualize its commitment to the environmental conservation in corresponding to the Airport Environmental Management System in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), among others: 103-3, 302-4, 305-4, 305-5


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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

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Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 170: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu aset penting bagi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Keberadaan mereka sangat menentukan bagi keberhasilan perusahaan dalam mencapai target-target yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). Untuk itu, yang diperlukan Perseroan adalah sumber daya manusia pilihan, yakni karyawan yang profesional, berkualitas, berdedikasi tinggi, dan mumpuni di bidangnya.

Untuk menghadirkan karyawan dengan karakteristik seperti itu, maka PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terus membekali karyawan dengan berbagai ketrampilan, baik soft skill maupun hard skill. Dengan pengambangan kompetensi seperti itu, maka karyawan akan menjadi faktor keunggulan kompetitif bagi Perseroan. Mereka akan terlatih untuk berpikir maju, melakukan perencanaan dengan teliti, serta menunaikan pekerjaaannya dengan penuh hati-hati dan bertanggungjawab.

Sebagai perusahaan yang bertanggungjawab, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berkomitmen untuk mematuhi semua aturan dan perundangan yang berlaku di bidang ketenagakerjaan. Komitmen itu, antara lain, diwujudkan dengan tidak mempekerjakan anak, tidak ada kerja paksa, memperlakukan semua secara setara tanpa membedakan gender, non-diskriminatif, memberikan reviu pekerjaan dan remunerasi secara adil, dan sebagainya. 103-2

Pengelolaan karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dijalankan oleh Human Capital Group yang dipimpin oleh Sdr. Djoko Wahyono sebagai Vice President Human Capital dan berada di bawah tanggung jawab Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum. Tanggung jawab utama Human Capital Group adalah melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan human capital di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).


Human Capital and General Affair Director

Adi Nugroho


Djoko Wahyono



Irvan Jihad



Doni Asriyadi




Human resources is one of essential assets for PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). their existence is highly detrimental for the company in successfully achieves the preset targets in Company’s Work Plan and Budget (RKAP). Therefore, the Company needs the best human resources, i.e. employees who are professional, qualified, high-dedicated, and expert in their field.

For bringing employees with those characteristics into the organization, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has kept on equipping its employees with various skills, both soft and hard skills. Through those competency developments thus the employees will be competitive advantage factor of the Company. They will be trained to always think forward, to carry out thorough planning, and to perform their works, carefully and responsibly.

As a responsible company, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has commitment to always comply with all regulations and laws concerning employment. This commitment, among others, is manifested by not hiring under-age labors, no forced labor, treating all equivalently with no gender discrimination, equal remuneration, and so on. 103-2

Employee management in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is operated by Human Capital Group headed by Djoko Wahyono as the Vice President Human Capital and under the responsibility of Human Capital and General Affair Director. The main responsibility of Human Capital Group is to perform human capital management activities of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).


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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 171: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

In order to attain the goals and targets for human capital development, management considers the need for establishing some policies used for implementing human capital development efforts. Those policies include:

a. Competence-based recruitment and selection;b. Competence- and performance-based personnel and

career development;c. Measurable performance assessment relating to KPI of

individuals, work unit, and corporate;d. Automation of personnel’ administrative functions;e. Performance-based reward;f. Termination of employees (normal retirement, retirement

preparation period, voluntary/ involuntary termination);g. Industrial relation harmonization;h. Revitalization of Company Culture and organization

improvement;i. Implementation of leadership role model.

The Company at all times conducts recruitment processes that promote transparency, fairness, and equality in consideration of the required competence and candidates’ competence by considering the availability of local/national work force.

The names of candidates meeting the administration requirements will be announced in the Company website and advertisement. As in the recruitment process, all human capitals of the Company have an opportunity to be promoted to the highest position and career possible according to their respective competence and skill. Every employee has an equal opportunity in developing their career to the highest level they can achieve.

The Company ensure equality in employee rights, among others are remuneration, training, and career development. The Company provides competence-based career development through the assessment of employee competence.

Employee Recruitment and Turnover

To meet the standard of positional structure in regard with the growth of the Company, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in 2018 carried out recruitment and selection processes to fill in the vacant positions. The recruitment process consisted of the followingstages: 103-2

a. Advertising job vacancies via website, national print media, and announcement board in the branch offices;

b. Administration screening;c. General ability test;d. Psychotest (paper and pencil test);e. Psychology Interview;f. Job interview with the management board;

Untuk mencapai sasaran dan target dalam pengembangan human capital, manajemen memandang perlu menetapkan beberapa kebijakan yang akan dipergunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengembangan human capital. Kebijakan tersebut meliputi:a. Rekrutmen dan seleksi berbasis kompetensi;b. Pengembangan personel dan karir berdasarkan

kompetensi dan kinerja;c. Penilaian kinerja secara terukur dan terkait antara

KPI individu, unit kerja dan korporat;d. Otomatisasi fungsi-fungsi administrasi personil;e. Reward berdasarkan kinerja;f. Pemberhentian karyawan (pensiun normal, MPP, atas

permintaan/tidak atas permintaan sendiri); g. Harmonisasi hubungan industrial;h. Revitalisasi Budaya Perusahaan dan penyempurnaan

organisasi;i. Penerapan role model kepemimpinan.

Perseroan senantiasa melakukan proses rekrutmen yang mengedepankan asas-asas keterbukaan, kewajaran dan kesetaraan berdasarkan kompetensi kebutuhan dan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh kandidat dengan memperhatikan ketersediaan tenaga kerja lokal/nasional.

Kandidat yang memenuhi standar administrasi dijaring melalui situs Perseroan serta iklan. Seperti dalam pelaksanaan rekrutmen, seluruh Human Capital Perseroan, berkesempatan untuk memperoleh jabatan dan karir tertinggi berdasarkan kompetensi dan skill yang dimiliki. Setiap karyawan memiliki kesempatan yang setara dalam mengembangkan karir hingga jabatan tertinggi berdasarkan kemampuannya.

Perseroan mengatur persamaan hak karyawan, antara lain, dalam hal sistem remunerasi, hak pelatihan dan pengembangan karir. Pengembangan karir yang dilakukan Perseroan, berbasis kompetensi dan diterapkan dengan melaksanakan asesmen kompetensi karyawan.

Rekrutmen dan Turnover Karyawan

Untuk memenuhi standar formasi jabatan seiring dengan pertumbuhan Perseroan, pada 2018, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah melaksanakan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi guna mengisi formasi karyawan. Proses rekrutmen karyawan yang dilakukan terdiri dari tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut: 103-2

a. Pengumuman melalui website, media cetak nasional dan papan pengumuman di kantor cabang;

b. Seleksi administrasi;c. Tes kemampuan umum;d. Psikotest (paper and pencil test);e. Wawancara psikolog;f. Wawancara oleh manajemen;


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 172: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

g. Tes Kesehatan yang meliputi cek laboratorium dan cek fisiK;

h. Pengumuman hasil akhir.

Gambar Skema Rekrutmen KaryawanFigure of Employee Recruitment Scheme


Seleksi AdministrasiAdministrative Selection

Tes Kemampuan Umum

General Capability Test1 2 3

456Wawancara oleh

ManagementInterview by Management

Wawancara (Psikologi)

Interview (Psychology)Psikotest (Paper and Pencil Test)

Tes Kesehatan1. Cek Laboratorium2. Cek FisikMedical check up1. Laboratory Check2. Physical Check

Hasil Ahkir

The final result7 8

Pada tahun 2018, Perusahaan merekrut 299 karyawan baru dengan komposisi sebagai berikut: 103-3, 401-1

Komposisi karyawan baru berdasarkan usia

Usia Age2018 2017

Jumlah Total % Jumlah Total %

>56 - - 0

51 - 56 - - 0

46 - 50 - - 0

41 - 45 - - 0

36 - 40 - 11 2.46%

31 - 35 7 16 3.57%

26 - 30 44 87 19.42%

21 - 25 236 306 68.30%

<20 12 28 6.25%

Jumlah Total 299 448 100%

Komposisi karyawan baru berdasarkan jenis kelamin

Jenis Kelamin Gender2018 2017

Jumlah Total % Jumlah Total %

Laki-laki 208 69.57% 331 73.88%

Perempuan 91 30.43% 117 26.12%

Jumlah Total 299 100 448 100

Komposisi karyawan baru berdasarkan wilayah kerja

Wilayah Kerja Working Area2018 2017

Jumlah Total % Jumlah Total %

Kantor Pusat Head Office 9 3.01% 28 6.25%

Kantor di Daerah/Wilayah Branch Office 290 96.99% 420 93.75%

Jumlah Total 299 100 448 100

g. Medical Check Up comprising laboratory and physical testing;

h. Final result announcement.

In 2018, the Company recruited 299 new employees with the following composition: 103-3, 401-1

Composition of new employees based on age

Composition of new employees based on gender

Composition of new employees based on working area


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 173: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Selain rekrutmen karyawan baru, sepanjang tahun 2018, ada sejumlah karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang keluar atau putus hubungan kerja. Penyebabnya ada beragam, yakni pensiun, meninggal, mengundurkan diri, dan lain-lain. Komposisi karyawan yang meninggalkan Perusahaan selama tahun 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

Komposisi turnover selama tahun 2018 selengkapnya disajikan dalam tabel berikut: 103-3, 401-1

Komposisi karyawan baru berdasarkan usia

Usia Age2018 2017


% JumlahTotal %

>56 - 0 - 0

51 - 56 - 0 - 0

46 - 50 - 0 - 0

41 - 45 - 0 - 0

36 - 40 - 0 11 2.46%

31 - 35 7 2.34% 16 3.57%

26 - 30 44 14.72% 87 19.42%

21 - 25 236 78.93% 306 68.30%

<20 12 4.01% 28 6.25%

Jumlah Total 299 100% 448 100%

Komposisi karyawan meninggalkan Perusahaan berdasarkan usia

Usia Age 2018 2017

>56 2 1.65% - 0

51 - 56 113 93.39% 180 86.54%

46 - 50 2 1.65% 3 1.44%

41 - 45 - 0 5 2.40%

36 - 40 2 1.65% 3 1.44%

31 - 35 - 0 7 3.37%

26 - 302 1.65% 6 2.88%

21 - 25 - 0 4 1.92%

<20 - 0 - 0

Jumlah Total 121 100 208 100

Komposisi karyawan meninggalkan Perusahaan berdasarkan jenis kelamin

Jenis Kelamin Gender2018 2017

Jumlah Total % Jumlah Total %

Laki-laki 102 84.30% 168 80.77%

Perempuan 19 15.70% 40 19.23%

Jumlah Total 121 100 208 100

In addition to recruitment of new employees, throughout 2018, there were a number of Angkasa Pura I (Persero) employees who quit or experienced the termination of employment or layoff. The reason can be varied, such as retirement, death, resignation, etc. The composition of employees who left the Company throughout 2018 are as follow:

Detailed composition of turnover throughout 2018 completely presented in the following table: 103-3, 401-1

Composition of new employees based on age

Composition of employees left the Company based on gender

Composition of employees left the Company based on age


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 174: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Komposisi karyawan meninggalkan Perusahaan berdasarkan wilayah kerja

Wilayah Kerja Working Area 2018 2017

Jumlah Total % Jumlah Total %

Kantor Pusat 23 19.01% 75 36.06%

Kantor di Daerah/Wilayah 98 80.99% 133 63.94%

Jumlah Total 121 100 208 100

Berdasarkan penambahan karyawan baru hasil rekrutmen dan berkurangnya karyawan yang meninggalkan Perusahaan diperoleh angka pergantian karyawan (turnover) pada tahun 2018 sebesar 5,29%, lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun 2017 sebesars 7,84%.

Tabel turnover tahun 2018 dan 2017

Keterangan Description 2018 2017

Jumlah Rekrutmen Total Recruitment 299 448

Jumlah Karyawan Keluar Total Offboarding Employees 121 208

Jumlah Karyawan pada Awal Tahun Total Employees at the Beginning of Year 3.350 3.025

Jumlah Karyawan pada Akhir Tahun Total Employees at the End of Year 3.374 3.350

Tingkat Turnover Turnover Rate 5,29% 7,53*

*disajikan kembali restated

Remunerasi Karyawan

Dalam menjalankan operasional sehari-hari, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memiliki pegawai tetap maupun honorer. Perbedaan status itu berdampak pada tunjangan atau kesejahteraan yang diperoleh. Jenis kesejahteraan yang diberikan kepada karyawan tetap adalah sebagai berikut: 103-3, 401-2



Penghasilan BulananMonthly Income

1. Gaji dasar, insentif prestasi, tunjangan kemahalan, tunjangan transport, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan mobilitas.

1. Basic salary, achievement incentive, cost of living adjustment allowance, transportation allowance, positional allowance, mobility allowance. 

Penghasilan TahunanAnnual Income

1. Bantuan sewa rumah, tunjangan cuti tahunan, tunjangan pendidikan anak sekolah, tunjangan hari raya, bonus, seragam dinas.

1. House rental allowance, annual leave pay, children education allowance, religious festivity allowance, bonus, work uniform.

Composition of employees left the Company based on working area

Based on the addition of a newly hired employee as recruitment result and the reduced employees who left the Company, hence it is obtained the employee turnover in 2018 was 5.29%, lower compared to the rate of 7.84% in 2017.

Table of turnover in 2018 and 2017

Employment Remuneration

In carrying out daily operations, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has both permanent and honorary employees. Differences in status influence allowances or remuneration obtained. The types of remuneration given to permanent employees are as follows: 103-3, 401-2


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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 175: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number



Pemeliharaan KesehatanHealth Allowance

Jaminan pemeliharaan kesehatan secara mandiri dari PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menggunakan Health card Admedika serta dimulainya keikutsertaan Pegawai pada program BPJS Kesehatan yang meliputi:1. Rawat jalan.2. Rawat inap.3. Pemeriksaan kehamilan dan persalinan.4. Penunjang diagnostic.5. Pelayanan khusus (alat bantu baca, tindakan lasik mata, pengobatan dan perawatan gigi, alat

bantu dengar, protese anggota gerak, protese mata).6. Gawat darurat.

Health allowance is provided independently by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) using Admedika Health cards and the start of Employee participation in health social security program (BPJS), which includes:1. Outpatient.2. Inpatient.3. Examination of pregnancy and childbirth.4. Diagnostic support.5. Special services (reading aids, eye LASIK actions, dental treatment and care, hearing aids, limb

prostheses, eye prostheses).6. Emergency.

Penghasilan Sesuai Kondisi dan Waktu TertentuConditional and Temporary Income

· Tunjangan perumahan, diberikan kepada karyawan yang berhenti karena pensiun dan karyawan yang telah bekerja secara terus menerus di perusahaan selama 15 tahun.

· Penghargaan pengabdian bagi karyawan yang telah bekerja secara terus menerus di Perseroan selama 25 tahun dan yang mengakhiri masa tugas atau diberhentikan dengan hormat karena batas usia pension.

· Bantuan uang makan, diberikan untuk setiap hari yang dibayarkan menurut daftar hadir karyawan.

· Bantuan untuk menunaikan ibadah keagamaan, diberikan kepada karyawan yang telah bekerja minimal 10 tahun yang memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan Perseroan.

· Tunjangan pelaksana tugas sementara, diberikan untuk pegawai yang ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana tugas sementara (PTS) dalam jabatan struktural atau fungsional sekurang-kurangnya 10 hari kerja secara terus menerus;

· Tunjangan PPh 21, diberikan sesuai dengan ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku.· Sumbangan kelahiran, diberikan bagi persalinan ke-1 dan ke-2.· Sumbangan kematian dan bencana alam.· Bantuan kepada karyawan yang mengalami musibah, diberikan untuk karyawan yang

mengalami musibah karena istri/suami, orang tua, mertua, anak atau karyawan yang bersangkutan meninggal dunia.

· Insentif kehadiran di hari raya, diberikan kepada karyawan yang bekerja pada saat hari raya keagamaan karyawan yang bersangkutan.

· Insentif pendidikan dan pelatihan.· Tunjangan telepon genggam, diberikan kepada pejabat struktural sebagai uang pengganti

pesawat telepon genggam yang besarannya diatur berdasarkan jabatan.· Tunjangan pulsa telepon genggam, diberikan kepada pejabat struktural yang besarannya diatur

berdasarkan jabatan. Selain kepada pejabat struktural, tunjangan pulsa telepon genggam juga diberikan kepada protokoler perusahaan.

· Tunjangan pulsa rumah, diberikan kepada pejabat struktural sebagai uang pengganti pulsa telepon rumah yang besarannya diatur berdasarkan jabatan.

· Tunjangan lisensi dan rating, diberikan kepada karyawan teknik dan operasional yang memiliki lisensi yang masih berlaku dan masa aktif bekerja sesuai dengan lisensi yang dimiliki.

· Premi lembur karyawan, diberikan kepada karyawan yang melaksanakan lembur yang besarannya diatur berdasarkan kelas per jam.

· Housing allowance is provided to the retired employees and employees with 15 consecutive years of service.

· Dedication award is given for employees with 25 consecutive years of service and employees honorably discharged due to age limit.

· Meal allowance is given daily and paid according to each employee attendance list.· Religious service allowance is provided to employees with at least 10 years of service who meet the

terms and conditions specified by the Company.· Acting allowance is given for employees serving as acting officials in structural or functional

positions for at least 10 working days consecutively.· Article 21 income tax allowance is given according to the effective taxation regulation;· Childbirth allowance is given for the first and second labor· Death and natural disaster compensation;· A compensation is given to employees who experience distaste due to the death of their spouses,

parents, parents-in-law, children or corresponding employees.· Religious festivity presence incentive is given to the employees who work during the religious

festival of the corresponding employees.· Education and training incentive.· Cell phone allowance, provided to structural officials as a reimbursement for cell phone purchase,

with the amount of which is regulated in accordance with the position.· Cell phone allowance, provided to structural officials, with the amount of which is regulated in

accordance with the position. Cell phone credit allowance is also provided to protocol offers.· Telephone allowance, provided to structural officials as a reimbursement for home phone bill, with

the amount of which is regulated in accordance with the position.· License and rating allowances are provided to the technical and operational employees who hold a

valid license and active periods of work in accordance with their licenses.· Overtime allowance, provided to employees working overtime, with the amount of which regulated

in accordance with employee salary class in hourly basis.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 176: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Sementara itu, kompensasi yang diberikan Perseroan terhadap Pegawai Honorer meliputi upah, tunjangan transport, tunjangan komunikasi (tidak diperoleh semua), dan kompensasi berupa uang makan.

Tingkat Retensi setelah Cuti Melahirkan 401-3

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memberikan hak cuti melahirkan kepada karyawan perempuan selama 3 (tiga) bulan. Kebijakan cuti diberikan agar karyawan tersebut bisa mempersiapkan kelahirannya dengan baik. Sementara itu, karyawan pria yang istrinya melahirkan mendapatkan hak cuti selama 3 hari. 103-2

Selama tahun 2018, karyawan perempuan yang mengajukan cuti melahirkan sebanyak 7 (7) orang. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 7 (7) orang (100%) kembali bekerja. Sedangkan karyawan pria yang cuti karena istrinya melahirkan ada sebanyak 9 orang, dan semua kembali bekerja di Perseroan. 103-3, 401-3

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)

Kebijakan terkait kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tercantum dalam Keputusan Direksi Nomor: KEP.08/KP.10.43/2018 tentang Manual Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Korporat PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 103-2, G4-DMA

Perusahaan memiliki komitmen terhadap keselamatan kerja dengan memastikan bahwa potensi bahaya dan risiko K3 dalam kegiatan Perseroan dikendalikan dengan tujuan untuk melindungi setiap orang, aset Perseroan dan lingkungan sekitar dari kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja. Perseroan merencanakan untuk melakukan pembinaan, penerapan, dan pemeliharaan K3 di lingkungan Perseroan secara berkesinambungan.

Untuk mewujudkan Kebijakan Keselamatan Kerja sebagaimana dimaksud, maka seluruh Jajaran Manajemen Perusahaan dan Pegawai berupaya untuk: a. Mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit

akibat kerja serta kerusakan peralatan, property dan lingkungan kerja.

b. Menciptakan lingkungan tempat kerja yang selamat, sehat, aman dan nyaman bagi pegawai, pelanggan, mitra kerja, mitra usaha maupun pihak lain yang berada di lingkungan Perusahaan untuk mendukung tercapainya Visi, Misi dan tujuan K3 Perusahaan;

c. Mematuhi seluruh peraturan perundangan dan persyaratan lainnya terkait K3 serta evaluasi terhadap kepatuhannya.

d. Secara berkesinambungan melakukan pembinaan,

Meanwhile, compensation is given by the Company to Honorary Employees includes wages, transportation allowances, communication allowances (not obtained all), and compensation in the form of meal allowances.

Retention Rate after Birth Leave 401-3

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) provides maternity leave rights to female employees for 3 (three) months. Leave policy is given so that the employee can prepare her birth well. Meanwhile, a male employee whose wife gives birth receives 3 days of leave rights. 103-2

During 2018, 7 (7) female employees applied for maternity leave. Of that number, 7 (7) people (100%) returned to work. Meanwhile, there were 9 male employees who were on leave because their wives gave birth, and all returned to work in the Company. 103-3, 401-3

Occupational Health and Safety (OSH)

Policies related to occupational health and safety of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) are listed in the Decree of Board of Directors Number: KEP.08/KP.10.43/2018 concerning the Corporate Occupational Safety and Health Management System Manual of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 103-2, G4-DMA

The Company has a commitment to work safety by ensuring that potential hazards and OSH risks in the Company's activities are controlled with the aim of protecting each person, the Company's assets and the surrounding environment from the possibility of workplace accidents and work-related diseases. The Company plans to carry out coaching, implementation and maintenance of OSH in the Company's environment continuously.

To realize the Work Safety Policy as intended, all the Company's Management and Employees strive to:

a. Prevent work accidents and work-related diseases and equipment damage, property and work environment.

b. Create a safe, healthy, and comfortable workplace environment for employees, customers, work partners, business partners and other parties within the Company to support the achievement of the Company's OSH Vision, Mission and objectives;

c. Comply with all laws and regulations and other requirements related to OSH and evaluation of compliance.

d. Continuously coach, implement, and maintain OSH in the Company's environment;


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penerapan, dan pemeliharaan K3 di lingkungan Perusahaan;

e. Memenuhi sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, peralatan laik operasi, metode kerja dan lingkungan kerja yang aman serta anggaran yang memadai guna mendukung terlaksananya program – program K3;

f. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan K3 guna terciptanya peningkatan K3 secara berkelanjutan dan kondisi K3 yang kondusif;

Kebijakan SMK3 PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dikomunikasikan kepada seluruh Pegawai dan stakeholder terkait agar dipatuhi serta ditinjau secara berkala oleh Direksi.

Program K3 Tahun 2018 103-2

No. Program KerjaWork Program



1. OSH Promotion :1. Bulan K3 Nasional;2. OSH Campaign.

1. Untuk meningkatkan citra Perusahaan 2. Membangun kesadaran akan

pentingya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di lingkungan kerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Telah dilaksanakan bulan Januari - Februari 2018 dengan puncak kegiatan di Semarang tanggal 28 Februari 2018, kegiatan terdiri dari : 1. Donor Darah tanggal 12 Februari 20182. Lomba Fotografi K3 tanggal 1 - 25 Februari 2018 3. Penyerahan Sertifikat SMK3 SRG & OHSAS 18001:2007

DPS, BPN, SOC4. Penandatanganan Komitmen K3 Direksi AP I dan Direksi

Anak Perusahaan 5. FGD “Wujudkan Bandara Berbudaya K3” tanggal 28

Februari 2018 di Semarang6. Distribusi OSH Handbook kepada pegawai internal AP1,

Anak Perusahaan dan Stakeholder7. Wawancara Direktur Utama PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

didampingi oleh Direktur Operasi oleh salah satu Majalah terkait Implementasi K3 di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) tanggal 18 Desember 2018

OSH Promotion:1. National OSH

Month;2. OSH Campaign.

1. To improve the Company's image 2. Building awareness of the importance of

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the work environment of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

It has been held in January - February 2018 with the peak of activities in Semarang on 28 February 2018, the activity consists of: 1. Blood Donation on 12 February 20182. OSH Photography Competition on 1 - 25 February 2018 3. Submission of SMK3 SRG & OSHAS 18001: 2007 DPS, BPN,

SOC Certificate4. Signing of OSH Commitment by Board of Directors AP I

and Directors of Subsidiaries 5. FGD "Realizing OSH Culture Airport" on 28 February 2018

in Semarang6. Distribution of OSH Handbook to AP1 internal employees,

Subsidiaries and Stakeholders7. Interview with the Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

accompanied by the Director of Operations by one of the Magazines related to OSH Implementation at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) on 18 December 2018

e. Fulfill competent human resources, operating feasibility equipment, work methods and a safe work environment and an adequate budget to support the implementation of OSH programs;

f. Evaluate the implementation of OSH in order to create a continuous increase in OSH and conducive OSH conditions;

The policy of PT Angkasa Pura I SMK3 (Persero) is communicated to all Employees and related stakeholders so that they are adhered to and reviewed regularly by the Board of Directors.

OSH Program 2018 103-2


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

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No. Program KerjaWork Program



2. Rapat Kerja OSH tahun 2018

1. Pembahasan capaian kinerja K3 di 13 (tiga belas) Bandara PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero);

2. Sinkronisasi program kerja strategis OSH kantor pusat dan kantor cabang sesuai Roadmap Direktorat Operasi tahun 2018 - 2020;

3. Penetapan tujuan, sasaran & program K3 korporat tahun 2018 - 2020

Kegiatan telah dilaksanakan di Hotel JS Luwansa Jakarta pada tanggal 09 - 11 Mei 2018 dengan peserta dari Kantor Pusat dan seluruh Kantor Cabang, dengan hasil sebagai berikut :

1. Telah ditetapkan Tujuan, Sasaran dan Program K3 Korporat Tahun 2018 - 2020 (disesuaikan dengan RJPP) untuk menjadi panduan dalam penyusunan program kerja bidang K3 di seluruh kantor cabang Bandara.

2. Diperlukan pembahasan lebih lanjut dan mendalam di Kantor Pusat terkait Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) dengan melibatkan unit terkait (Procurement dan unit teknis) agar CSMS dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kondisi di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

3. Mengimplementasikan ISO 45001:2018 dengan masa transisi 3 (tiga) tahun sejak tanggal penerbitan ISO 45001:2018 (12 Maret 2018) melalui tahapan interpretasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan, Gap Analysis, implementasi dan evaluasi.

4. Memastikan bahwa dalam setiap penyusunan Method of Working Plan (MOWP) harus mencantumkan persyaratan keselamatan penerbangan dan aspek K3 serta ditandatangani oleh pihak operator Bandara dan kontraktor pelaksana serta didistribusikan kepada seluruh pihak terkait.

5. Memastikan kepada unit teknis terkait penyediaan fasilitas proteksi bahaya kebakaran dan rambu-rambu K3 sudah tertampung pada kontrak pekerjaan pembangunan dan pengembangan bandara sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku

OSH Work Meeting in 2018

Discussion of the achievement of OSH performance in 13 (thirteen) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Airports;1. Synchronizing the head office and

branch office strategic OSH work programs according to the Operational Directorate Roadmap for 2018 - 2020;

2. Establishing corporate OSH goals, objectives & programs in 2018 - 2020

The activity was held at JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta on 9 - 11 May 2018 with participants from the Head Office and all Branch Offices, with the following results:

1. The objectives, targets and corporate health and safety programs for 2018-2020 (adjusted to RJPP) have been set as guidelines in the preparation of work programs in the OSH field at all airport branches.

2. Further and in-depth discussions are needed at the Head Office related to the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) by involving related units (Procurement and technical units) so that CSMS can be implemented in accordance with the conditions at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

3. Implementing ISO 45001:2018 with a transition period of 3 (three) years from the date of issuance of ISO 45001:2018 (12 March 2018) through stages of interpretation, socialization, training, Gap Analysis, implementation and evaluation.

4. Ensuring that in each preparation of the Method of Working Plan (MOWP) must include flight safety requirements and OSH aspects and be signed by the airport operators and implementing contractors and distributed to all relevant parties.

5. Ensuring that the technical units related to the provision of fire hazard protection facilities and K3 signs are accommodated in contracts for airport construction work and development in accordance with applicable regulations.

3. Audit Internal SMK3 Tahun 2017 Sesuai PP. 50 Tahun 2012

SMK3 Internal Audit of 2017 According to PP. 50 Year 2012

1. Mengetahui tingkat penerapan/ implementasi SMK3 di masing – masing kantor cabang;

2. Menentukan tingkat pemenuhan terhadap Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 50 tahun 2012 tentang SMK3.

Audit Internal SMK3 di 13 (tiga belas) kantor cabang Bandara dilaksanakan oleh masing – masing Kantor Cabang Bandara.

SMK3 Internal Audit of 2017 According to PP. 50 Year 2012

1. Knowing the level of SMK3 implementation in each branch office;

2. Determining the level of compliance with Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012 concerning SMK3.

SMK3 Internal Audit in 13 (thirteen) Airport branch offices is carried out by each Airport Branch Office.

4. Penandatanganan Komitmen K3 oleh Direksi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dan Direksi Anak PerusahaanSigning of OSH Commitment by Board of Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) and Subsidiaries

Sebagai wujud komitmen Top Management terhadap penerapan K3 di perusahaan As a form of Top Management's commitment to the implementation of OSH in the company.

Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Rapat Pimpinan tanggal 31 Juli 2018 di Hotel JW Marriot – Surabaya The activity was held at the Leadership Meeting on 31 July 2018 at JW Marriot Hotel – Surabaya.


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No. Program KerjaWork Program



5. Workshop OSH For Top ManagementOSH For Top Management Workshop

Peningkatan Kesadaran dan pemahaman kepada pejabat di lingkungan Kantor Pusat terkait Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3).Increasing Awareness and understanding to officials in the Head Office related to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).

Telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2018 dengan narasumber dari Dewan K3 Nasional Bapak Soehatman Ramli dan peserta terdiri dari seluruh Vice President, perwakilan Senior Manager PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) serta perwakilan Anak PerusahaanIt was held on 13 August 2018 with speakers from the National OSH Board Mr. Soehatman Ramli and the participants consisted of all Vice Presidents, Senior Representatives of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) and representatives of Subsidiaries.

6. Setting Up Penyusunan Dokumen SMK3 dan ISO 4500:2018 di Kantor Pusat PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)Setting Up of SMK3 and ISO 4500: 2018 Document Preparation at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Head Office

Dalam rangka standarisasi Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3) yang diterapkan di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).In the framework of standardization of OSH Management System (SMK3) applied at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Kegiatan Setting up Dokumen SMK3 dan ISO 4500:2018 (dibantu oleh Konsultan) dilaksanakan pada periode bulan Juli – Desember tahun 2018 dengan target penyusunan dokumen SMK3 berdasarkan peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku dan persyaratan K3 yang relevan. Tahapan-tahapan pekerjaan, antara lain :

1. Entry Meeting & Gap Analysis 2. SMK3 & ISO 45001:2018 Awareness 3. Introduction of OSHMS for Top Management4. Bimbingan Teknis HIRADC 5. Bimbingan Teknis Monitoring Implementasi SMK3 /

Audit SMK36. Penyusunan Dokumen SMK3 7. Monitoring implementasi SMK3

Activities for setting up the SMK3 and ISO 4500:2018 Documents (assisted by Consultants) will be conducted in the period July - December 2018 with the target of the preparation of the SMK3 document based on the applicable laws and regulations and relevant OSH requirements. The stages of work include:

1. Entry Meeting & Gap Analysis 2. SMK3 & ISO 45001:2018 Awareness 3. Introduction of OSHMS for Top Management4. HIRADC Technical Guidance 5. Technical Guidance for Monitoring SMK3

Implementation / Audit6. SMK3 Document Preparation 7. Monitoring SMK3 implementation

7. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3)

Untuk meningkatkan citra Perusahaan, maka dilaksanakan Sertifikasi SMK3 berdasarkan PP 50 Tahun 2012 di seluruh Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Hingga Tahun 2018, terdapat 13 (Tiga Belas) Bandara yang berhasil mendapatkan Sertifikat SMK3, yaitu sebagai berikut : SMK3

1) Bandara Internasional Ahmad Yani Semarang capaian 87.3% (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas.

2) Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali capaian 89.15% (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas.

3) Bandara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan capaian 89.15% (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

4) Bandara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo capaian 93.37% (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

5) Bandara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta capaian 92,16 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

6) Bandara Internasional El Tari Kupang capaian 90,36 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

7) Bandara Internasional Pattimura Ambon capaian 90,96 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

8) Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya capaian 92,77 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

9) Bandara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar capaian 92,16 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

10) Bandara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin capaian 90,96 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

11) Bandara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado capaian 90,96 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

12) Bandara Internasional Lombok capaian 89,75% (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

13) Bandara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo Biak capaian 89,15 % (Memuaskan) ■ Bendera Emas

OHSAS 18001:20071) Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali 2) Bandara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan 3) Bandara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

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No. Program KerjaWork Program



Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification

To improve the Company's image, the SMK3 Certification is based on PP 50 of 2012 in all airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Until 2018, there have been 13 (Thirteen) Airports that have managed to obtain a SMK3 Certificate, namely as follows: SMK31) Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang achieved

87.3% (Satisfactory) Gold Flag.2) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali achieved

89.15% (Satisfactory) Gold Flag.3) SAMS Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan

achieved 89.15% (Satisfactory) Gold Flag4) Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo achieved 93.37%

(Satisfactory) Gold Flag5) Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta achieved

92.16 % (Satisfactory) Gold Flag6) El Tari International Airport Kupang achieved 90.36 %

(Satisfactory) Gold Flag7) Pattimura International Airport Ambon achieved 90.96 %

(Satisfactory) Gold Flag8) Juanda International Airport Surabaya achieved 92.77 %

(Satisfactory) Gold Flag9) Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar

achieved 92.16 % (Satisfactory) Gold Flag10) Syamsudin Noor International Airport Banjarmasin

achieved 90.96 % (Satisfactory) Gold Flag11) Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado achieved

90.96 % (Satisfactory) Gold Flag12) Lombok International Airport achieved 89.75%

(Satisfactory) Gold Flag13) Frans Kaisiepo International Airport Biak achieved 89.15 %

(Satisfactory) Gold FlagOHSAS 18001:20071) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airpott Bali 2) SAMS Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan 3) Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo

8. Pengukuran kualitas lingkungan kerja & Health Risk AssessmentWork environment quality measurement & Health Risk Assessment

1. Untuk mengetahui kualitas lingkungan kerja yang meliputi faktor fisik, kimia, biologi, ergonomi dan psikologi dalam upaya pengendalian risko kesehatan kerja di area kerja.

2. Pemenuhan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pengukuran lingkungan kerja.

1. To determine the quality of the work environment which includes physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological factors in efforts to control occupational health risks in the work area.

2. Fulfillment of laws and regulations related to the measurement of the work environment.

Kantor Pusat dan seluruh kantor cabang telah melaksanakan pengukuran lingkungan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan persyaratan yang berlaku. Hasil dari pengukuran lingkungan kerja digunakan untuk menilai tingkat risiko kesehatan kerja dan melakukan upaya pengendalian risiko kesehatan kerja di area kerja (area perkantoran dan bandara) The Head Office and all branch offices have carried out measurements of the work environment in accordance with the laws and regulations and the applicable requirements. The results of the work environment measurement are used to assess the level of occupational health risks and make efforts to control occupational health risks in the work area (office and airport areas).

9 Pelatihan Ahli K3 Umum (Sertifikasi Kemenaker RI)General OSH Expert Training (Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Certification)

1. Meningkatkan citra positif perusahaan.

2. Meningkatkan kompetensi pegawai dalam bidang K3

3. Pemenuhan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku

1. Improving the positive image of the company.

2. Improving employee competency in the OSH field

3. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – April tahun 2018 di Jakarta, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

1. Batch 1 pada tanggal 26 Februari - 10 Maret 2018 di Jakarta, dengan jumlah peserta 15 orang dari kantor pusat dan kantor cabang bandara (public training);

2. Batch 2 pada tanggal 26 Maret - 10 April 2018 di Jakarta, dengan jumlah peserta 10 orang dari kantor pusat dan kantor cabang bandara (public training).

The training was held in February - April 2018 in Jakarta, with the following details:

1. Batch 1 on 26 February - 10 March 2018 in Jakarta, with 15 participants from the head office and airport branch offices (public training);

2. Batch 2 on 26 March - 10 April 2018 in Jakarta, with 10 participants from the head office and airport branch offices (public training).


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10 Pelatihan First Aider / P3KFirst Aider / P3K Training

1. Peningkatan pemahaman personil dalam melakukan tindakan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan (P3K) sehingga tingkat keparahan kecelakaan kerja yang menyebabkan penderita mengalami penurunan kualitas kerja untuk sementara waktu ataupun terjadinya cacat permanen dapat dikurangi;

2. Pemenuhan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja RI Nomor 15 Tahun 2008 tentang Pertolongan Pertama Pada kecelakaan di Tempat Kerja.

1. Increased understanding of personnel in carrying out First Aid in Accident (P3K) so that the severity of workplace accidents that cause patients to experience temporary deterioration in the quality of work or permanent disability can be reduced;

2. Fulfillment of Minister of Manpower Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2008 concerning First Aid in Accidents at Work.

Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 – 19 Oktober tahun 2018 di Jakarta diikuti oleh 22 (dua puluh dua) peserta dari Kantor Pusat dan Kantor Cabang, dengan materi pelatihan sebagai berikut :1. Peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan

Pertolongan Pertama Pada kecelakaan (P3K)2. Dasar - dasar Kesehatan Kerja3. Dasar - dasar Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan

(P3K)4. Anatomi dan Faal tubuh manusia5. Pedoman Penyediaan Fasilitas P3K6. Bahaya dan Penanganan terhadap sengatan panas,

keracunan, paparan bahan kimia, kejang.7. Gangguan lokal (luka, perdarahan, luka bakar, patah

tulang) dan tindakan pertolongannya.8. Gangguan peredaran darah dan tindakan

pertolongannya9. Resusitasi jantung paru10. Evakuasi korban (Prosedur dan Para pengangkutan

korban)11. P3K pada keadaan tertentu (P3K pada kecelakaan

diruang tertutup/terbatas dan P3K sengatan listrik)12. Gangguan Kesadaran dan pernafasan serta tindakan


The training was held on 17-19 October 2018 in Jakarta followed by 22 (twenty two) participants from the Head Office and Branch Offices, with the following training materials:1. Legislation relating to First Aid in Accident (P3K)2. Basics of Occupational Health3. Basics of First Aid in Accident (P3K)4. Anatomy and physiology of the human body5. Guidelines for Provision of First Aid Facilities6. Danger and handling of heatstroke, poisoning, exposure

to chemicals, seizures.7. Local disorders (wounds, bleeding, burns, broken bones)

and their relief measures.8. Circulatory disorders and relief measures9. Pulmonary heart resuscitation10. Evacuation of victims (Procedure and Transport of

victims)11. First aid in certain circumstances (first aid for an

accident in a closed/limited room and an electric shock first aid)

12. Awareness and respiratory disorders and relief measures

10. Pelatihan Auditor SMK3 (Sertifikasi Kemenaker RI) SMK3 Auditor Training (Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Certification)

1. Menjadi auditor internal SMK3 yang kompeten dan profesional yang mampu melaksanakan audit penerapan SMK3 di perusahaan

2. Peningkatan pengetahuan personil tentang teknis dalam melakukan Audit Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) sesuai PP 50 tahun 2012.

1. Becoming a competent and professional SMK3 internal auditor who can carry out an audit of the SMK3 implementation in the company

2. Increased knowledge of personnel on technical conduct of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) audit in accordance with PP 50 of 2012.

Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 s.d. 27 Juli 2018 di Jakarta, diikuti oleh 17 (Tujuh Belas) peserta dari Kantor Pusat dan Kantor Cabang, dengan materi sebagai berikut:

1. Pengenalan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)2. Peraturan Perundangan K33. Prinsip-Prinsip SMK34. Elemen-Elemen dan kriteria Audit SMK35. Mekanisme & Sistematika Pelaksanaan Audit SMK36. Tugas dan Fungsi Auditor SMK37. Wewenang, kewajiban dan jenjang karier Auditor

SMK38. Badan Audit SMK39. Instrumen Audit SMK310. Laporan Audit SMK311. Teknik Audit SMK3

The training was held from 24 to 27 July 2018 in Jakarta, followed by 17 (Seventeen) participants from the Head Office and Branch Offices, with the following material:

1. Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)2. OSH Regulations3. SMK3 Principles4. SMK3 Audit Elements and criteria5. Mechanism & Systematics of SMK3 Audit

Implementation6. Duties and Functions of SMK3 Auditors7. Authority, obligations and career path of SMK3

Auditors8. SMK3 Audit Board9. SMK3 Audit Instruments10. SMK3 Audit Report11. SMK3 Audit Engineering

Angka Kecelakaan Kerja

Sepanjang tahun 2018, tidak ada kecelakaan kerja di lingkungan kantor PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Keberhasilan itu patut disyukuri dan akan terus dipertahankan sehingga menjadi tradisi yang baik.

Work Accident Rate

In 2018, there were no work accidents in the PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) office. We were grateful with the success and will maintain it to be a good tradition. With the success of achieving zero accident in 2018, the Company has


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Dengan keberhasilan meraih zero accident pada tahun 2018, maka selama lima tahun terakhir, Perseroan telah berhasil mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. 103-3, 403-2

Tabel Jumlah Kecelakaan Kerja Pegawai PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Table Number of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Employee Accident














2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Panitia Pembina Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (P2K3).

Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas K3, 13 bandara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah memiliki Panitia Pembina Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (P2K3). Pembentukan P2K3 merupakan bentuk kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap Permenaker RI Nomor PER.04/MEN/1987 tentang Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja serta Tata Cara Penunjukan Ahli Keselamatan Kerja. P2K3 adalah badan pembantu di tempat kerja yang merupakan wadah kerjasama antara pengusaha dan pekerja untuk mengembangkan kerjasama saling pengertian dan partisipasi efektif dalam penerapan K3. Panitia ini bertugas memberikan saran dan pertimbangan, baik diminta maupun tidak, kepada pengusaha mengenai masalah K3 (berdasarkan pasal 4 (empat) Permenaker RI Nomor PER 04/MEN/1987). 103-2

Pasal 2 Permenaker tersebut menyatakan bahwa: tempat kerja dimana pengusaha/pengurus memperkerjakan 100 (seratus) orang atau lebih, atau tempat kerja dimana pengusaha/pengurus memperkerjakan kurang dari 100 (seratus) tenaga kerja namun menggunakan bahan, proses dan instalasi yang memiliki resiko besar akan terjadinya peledakan, kebakaran, keracunan dan penyinaran radioaktif pengusaha/pengurus wajib membentuk P2K3.

Adapun pasal 3  (tiga) menyebutkan bahwa  unsur keanggotaan P2K3 terdiri dari pengusaha dan pekerja yang susunannya terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris dan anggota serta sekretaris P2K3 ialah ahli keselamatan kerja dari perusahaan yang bersangkutan.

succeeded in preventing work accidents over the past five years. 103-3, 403-2

Supervisory Committee for Occupational Health and Safety (P2K3).

To improve the effectiveness of the HSSE or Health, Safety, Security and Environment, 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) already have a Supervisory Committee for Occupational Health and Safety (P2K3). The establishment of P2K3 is a form of the Company's compliance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER.04/MEN/1987 concerning the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Health and Safety and the Procedure for the Appointment of Occupational Safety Experts. P2K3 is a supporting body in the workplace which is a forum for cooperation between employers and workers to develop mutual understanding and effective participation in the implementation of OHS or Occupational Health and Safety. This committee is tasked to provide advices and considerations, whether requested or not, to employers regarding OHS issues (based on article 4 (four) of the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER 04/MEN/1987). 103-2

Article 2 of the Minister of Manpower Regulation states that: a workplace where the employer/management employs 100 (one hundred) or more people, or a workplace where the employer/management employs less than 100 (one hundred) workers but uses materials, processes and installations which have a high risk of the occurrence of blasting, fire, poisoning and radioactive irradiation, the employer/management must establish P2K3 (Supervisory Committee for Occupational Health and Safety).

Article 3 (three) states that the element of P2K3 (Supervisory Committee for Occupational Health and Safety) membership consists of employers and workers whose the structure consists of a chairperson, secretary and members as well as the P2K3 secretary is a occupational safety expert from the company concerned.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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The Function of P2K3 at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) includes:1. Collecting and processing the data on Occupational

Safety and Health (K3) in the workplace.

2. Helping in showing and explaining to each workforce about:• Various hazard factors in the workplace that can

cause OSH disturbances including fire and blasting hazards and how to deal with them.

• Factors that can affect work efficiency and productivity.

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the workforce concerned.

• The right and safe way and attitude in carrying out their work.

3. Helping Employer/Management in:• Determining corrective actions with the best

alternatives.• Developing a hazard control system for Occupational

Safety and Health.• Evaluating the causes of accidents, work-related

illnesses (PAK) and taking the necessary steps.

• Developing the counseling and research in the fields of occupational safety, workplace hygiene, occupational health and ergonomics.

• Carrying out monitoring on workforce nutrition and organizing food in the company.

• Checking the completeness of occupational safety equipment.

• Developing health care services for workforces.

• Developing Occupational Safety and Health laboratories, conducting laboratory inspections and carrying out interpretation of the results of inspections

• Organizing occupational safety, workplace hygiene and occupational health administration.

• Helping company leaders to formulate management policies and work guidelines in an effort to improve occupational safety, workplace hygiene, occupational health, ergonomics and workforce nutrition. (based on article 4 (four) of the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER.04/MEN/1987).

The total number of P2K3 administrator in 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was 429 people, with 194 employee representatives and 235 management representatives. Thus, all employees (100%) are represented in P2K3. Details of P2K3 administrator composition are presented in the following table: 103-3, 403-1

Fungsi P2K3 di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) antara lain :

1. Menghimpun dan mengolah data mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di tempat kerja.

2. Membantu menunjukkan dan menjelaskan kepada setiap tenaga kerja mengenai :• Berbagai faktor bahaya di tempat kerja yang

dapat menimbulkan gangguan K3 termasuk bahaya kebakaran dan peledakan serta cara menanggulanginya.

• Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi efisiensi dan produktivitas kerja.

• Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) bagi tenaga kerja yang bersangkutan.

• Cara dan sikap yang benar dan aman dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya.

3. Membantu Pengusaha/Pengurus dalam :• Menentukan tindakan koreksi dengan alternatif

terbaik.• Mengembangkan sistem pengendalian bahaya

terhadap Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.• Mengevaluasi penyebab timbulnya kecelakaan,

penyakit akibat kerja (PAK) serta mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan.

• Mengembangkan penyuluhan dan penelitian di bidang keselamatan kerja, higiene perusahaan, kesehatan kerja dan ergonomi.

• Melaksanakan pemantauan terhadap gizi kerja dan menyelenggarakan makanan di perusahaan.

• Memeriksa kelengkapan peralatan keselamatan kerja.

• Mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan tenaga kerja.

• Mengembangkan laboratorium Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, melakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium dan melaksanakan interpretasi hasil pemeriksaan.

• Menyelenggarakan administrasi keselamatan kerja, higiene perusahaan dan kesehatan kerja.

• Membantu pimpinan perusahaan menyusun kebijaksanaan manajemen dan pedoman kerja dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan keselamatan kerja, higiene perusahaan, kesehatan kerja, ergonomi dan gizi kerja. (berdasarkan pasal 4 (empat) Permenaker RI Nomor PER.04/MEN/1987).

Total kepengurusan P2K3 di 13 bandar udara yang dikelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) terdiri dari 429 orang, dengan perwakilan pegawai sebanyak 194 orang dan perwakilan manajemen sebanyak 235 orang. Dengan demikian, seluruh karyawan (100%) terwakili dalam P2K3. Rincian komposisi kepenguran P2K3 disajikan dalam tabel berikut: 103-3, 403-1


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Tabel Komposisi Pegawai dalam P2K3 Table of Employee Composition in P2K3 (Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health)

NO. BandaraAirport

SK DisnakerManpower Office Decree


Perwakilan Manajemen

Management Representative

Perwakilan Pegawai

Employee Representative



Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Energi Sumber Daya Mineral Provinsi Bali Nomor 128 Tahun 2018 Tanggal 02 Oktober 2018 tentang Pembentukan dan Susunan Keanggotaan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) pada PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai.Decree of the Head of Manpower, Energy and Mineral Resource Office of Bali Province Number 128 Year 2018 Dated October 2, 2018 concerning the Establishment and Membership Structure of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Branch Office.

18 53 71


Surat Keputusan Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Jawa Timur Nomor : 566/368/108.5-SDA/X/2018 tanggal 17 Oktober 2018 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kehehatan Kerja (P2K3) di PerusahaanDecree of the East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: 566/368/108.5SDA/X/2018 dated October 17, 2018 concerning Ratification of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3) in the Company

17 11 28


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Nomor : 006/P2K3/Disnakertrans/IV/2017 tanggal 27 April 2017 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Cab. Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar.Decree of the Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of South Sulawesi Province Number: 006/P2K3/Disnakertrans/IV/2017 dated April 27, 2017 concerning Ratification of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) Makassar’s Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Branch Office.

14 1 15


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kalimantan Timur Nomor: KEP 566/184/P2K3/PPK/DTKT tanggal 25 Januari 2017 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan – Balikpapan.Decree of the Head of the East Kalimantan Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: KEP 566/184/P2K3/PPK/DTKT dated January 25, 2017 concerning Ratification of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan.

36 0 36


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Prov. Kalimantan Selatan Nomor : 566/515/Was-NKT/2018 tanggal 07 November 2018 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)Decree of the Head of the Social and Manpower Office of South Kalimantan Province Number: 566/515/Was-NKT/2018 dated 7 November 2018 concerning Ratification of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

38 1 39


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Tabel Komposisi Pegawai dalam P2K3 Table of Employee Composition in P2K3 (Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health)

NO. BandaraAirport

SK DisnakerManpower Office Decree


Perwakilan Manajemen

Management Representative

Perwakilan Pegawai

Employee Representative



Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Nomor : 566/11315/P2K3/VIII/2018 tanggal 21 Agustus 2018 tentang Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PerusahaanDecree of the Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number: 566/11315/P2K3/VIII/2018 dated August 21, 2018 concerning the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health at the Company

10 19 29


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Jawa Tengah Nomor : 560/4427/P2K3/2017 tanggal 29 September 2017 Tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) di Perusahaan.Decree of the Head of the Central Java Province Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: 560/4427/P2K3/2017 dated September 29, 2017 concerning Ratification of the Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (P2K3) in the Company.

11 2 13


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Nomor: 560/257/05-NAKERTRANS/I/2018 tanggal 02 Januari 2018 Tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) PT Angkasa Pura (Persero) Bandar Udara Internasional LombokDecree of the Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province Number: 560/257/05-NAKERTRANS/I/2018 dated January 2, 2018 concerning Ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) Lombok International Airport

29 25 54


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Jawa Tengah Nomor: Kep.560/177/P2K3/X/2018 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo SurakartaDecree of the Head of the Central Java Province Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: Kep.560/177/P2K3/X/2018 concerning Ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) Adi Soemarmo Airport-Surakarta

15 17 32


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Maluku Nomor: 188.4/77/2018 tanggal 16 Juli 2018 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Perusahaan.Decree of the Head of the Maluku Province Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: 188.4/77/2018 dated July 16, 2018 concerning Ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee in the Company.

16 5 21


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Provinsi NTT Nomor: TKT.566/532/PHI-PK/IX/2018 Tentang Pengesahan Pembentukan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandar Udara El Tari Kupang.Decree of the Head of the East Nusa Tenggara Province Manpower and Transmigration Office Number: TKT.566/532/PHI-PK/IX/2018 concerning Ratification of the Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee (P2K3) for PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) El Tari Kupang Airport.

13 14 27


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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The Topic of OSH in the Collective Labor Agreement

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) realizes that occupational safety and health is a very important problem and needs to be a common concern, both by the management and employees. Therefore, this topic was agreed to be included in the Collective Labor Agreement. 103-2

Specifically, Occupational Safety and Health is discussed in Chapter VI, article 38, which contains, among others, the Company's obligation to provide safe workplaces, safe work equipment, personal protective equipment, and the arrangement of safe work systems and procedures in accordance with applicable standards to provide comfort, as well as maintain the health and safety of employees in carrying out their work activities. 103-3, 403-4

In addition, in Chapter IX on Employee Welfare there are also a number of matters relating to employee health, such as health care and maintenance, outpatient care, inpatient care, pregnancy and childbirth, special services, health checks, the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan), and so on. 103-3, 403-4

Tabel Komposisi Pegawai dalam P2K3 Table of Employee Composition in P2K3 (Supervisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health)

NO. BandaraAirport

SK DisnakerManpower Office Decree


Perwakilan Manajemen

Management Representative

Perwakilan Pegawai

Employee Representative



Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Nomor: 560/DTKT.V/P2K3/104/2013 tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) di kantor cabang PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandara Sam Ratulangi ManadoDecree of the Head of North Sulawesi Province Social and Manpower Office Number: 560/DTKT.V/P2K3/104/2013 concerning Ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee (P2K3) at PT Angkasa Pura I’s (Persero) Sam Ratulangi Airport Branch Office-Manado

11 26 37


Surat Keputusan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Biak Numfor Nomor: 564/170/P2K3/2017 Tentang Pengesahan Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Perusahaan PT Angkasa Pura I Biak Kabupaten Biak Numfor.Decree of the Head of the Biak Numfor Regency Manpower Office Number: 564/170/P2K3/2017 concerning Ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee at PT Angkasa Pura I’s Biak-Biak Numfor Regency.

7 20 27

TOTAL 235 194 429

Keterangan :- Manajemen : Jabatan struktural mulai dari Manager hingga General Manager- Untuk beberapa Bandara, perwakilan manajemen (Manager) merupakan representatif dari perwakilan pegawai di section/unit kerjanya

Notes :- Management: Structural positions ranging from Manager to General Manager- For some airports, the management (Manager) representative is the representative of employee representative in his/her work unit

Topik K3 dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyadari bahwa keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan masalah yang sangat penting dan perlu menjadi perhatian bersama, baik manajemen maupun karyawan. Oleh karena itu, topik ini disepakati untuk dimasukkan dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama. 103-2

Secara khusus, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dibahas dalam Bab VI, pasal 38, yang berisi antara lain kewajiban Perusahaan untuk menyediakan tempat kerja, peralatan kerja, alat pelindung diri, serta penyusunan sistem dan prosedur kerja yang aman sesuai dengan standar yang berlakui guna memberikan kenyamanan, menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan pegawai dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan. 103-3, 403-4

Selain itu, dalam Bab IX tentang Kesejahteraan Pegawai juga dibahas sejumlah hal yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan karyawan, seperti pelayanan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan, rawat jalan, rawat inap, kehamilan dan persalinan, pelayanan khusus, pemeriksaan kesehatan, BPJS Kesehatan, dan sebagainya. 103-3, 403-4


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

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Based on various trainings held by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) during 2018, the calculation of employee training hours by sex and position level are as follows: 103-3, 404-1

• Training based on sex in 2018

• Average training hours based on employee categories / levels in 2018

Program Pengembangan untuk Pekerja Sejalan dengan upaya untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni dan kapabel di bidangnya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) melakukan pengembangan karyawan melalui berbagai program pendidikan dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kebututuhan karyawan dan pengembangan bisnis Perseroan. Seluruh karyawan dalam level organisasi memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam pelaksanaan pengembangan karyawan. Program pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pun sangat beragam mengikuti kebutuhan unit-unit terkait di Perseroan. 103-2

Selama tahun 2018, Perseroan telah menyelenggarakan berbagai program diklat, seperti public course, diklat teknis, mandatory regulasi, dan teknis bidang, dengan total peserta sebanyak 6.143 peserta di berbagai level jabatan, naik dibandingkan dengan tahun 2017 dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 3.799 peserta. Adapun besaran biaya pengembangan kompetensi pegawai secara total dsajikan dalam tabel berikut: 103-3, 404-1

Uraian Description 2018 2017

Peningkatan Improvement


Peningkatan Improvement


Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Education and Training Rp40.681.955.928 Rp39.008.149.267 Rp1.673.806.661 4,29%

Berdasarkan berbagai pelatihan yang diselenggarakan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) selama tahun 2018, maka perhitungan jam pelatihan karyawan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan level jabatan adalah sebagai berikut: 103-3, 404-1

• Pelatihan berdasarkan jenis kelamin tahun 2018


Durasi (Jam)Duration (Hours)

Rata-rata Pelatihan pe Karyawan per TahunAverage Employee Training per Year

Laki laki Man

PerempuanWomen Total Laki laki


WomenPer karyawanPer employee

In-House Training 167.665 51.162 218.827

Jumlah total jam pelatihan yang diberikan kepada karyawan laki-laki

Jumlah total karyawan laki-laki

Jumlah total jam pelatihan yang diberikan kepada karyawan

perempuanJumlah total karyawan perempuan

Jumlah total jam pelatihan yang diberikan kepada

karyawanJumlah total karyawan

Pelatihan EksternalExternal Training

35.183 10.151 45.334

Jumlah 202.848 61.313 264.161 202.848------------ = 79,862.540

61.313--------- =73,52834

264.161 ------------ = 78,293.374

• Rata-rata jam pelatihan berdasarkan kategori/level karyawan tahun 2018


Durasi (Jam)Duration (Hours)

Rata-rata Pelatihan pe Karyawan per TahunAverage Employee Training per Year

Manajemen Staf Total Manajemen Staf Total

In-House Training 33.638 185.149 218.787 Jumlah total pelatihan yang

diberikan kepada manajemenJumlah total manajemen

Jumlah total pelatihan yang diberikan kepada staf

Jumlah total staf

Jumlah total pelatihan yang diberikan kepada manajemen

dan stafJumlah total manajemen

dan stafPelatihan Eksternal 7.826 37.508 45.334

Jumlah 41.464 222.657 264.121 41.464----------- = 63,11657

222.657----------- = 81,952.717

264.121----------- = 78,293.374

*Di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), level manajemen adalah karyawan dengan kelas jabatan 1-8, sedangkan level staf adalah karyawan dengan kelas jabatan 9-15* At PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), the management level is employees with position classes 1-8, while staff levels are 9-15 class staff

Development Program for Workers In line with efforts to create qualified and capable human resources in their fields, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) conducts employee development through various educational and training programs. Educational and training activities are carried out in accordance with the needs of employees and the Company's business development. All employees at the organizational level have equal opportunities in the implementation of employee development. The training programs conducted were very diverse following the needs of the related units in the Company. 103-2

During 2018, the Company has organized various educational and training programs, such as public courses, technical education and training, mandatory regulations, and technical skills, with a total of 6,143 participants at various positions, increasing compared to 2017 with 3,799 participants participating. The total amount of employee competency development costs is presented in the following table: 103-3, 404-1


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Berdasarkan tabel di atas, rata-rata jam pelatihan per karyawan per tahun selama tahun 2018 adalah 78,29 jam. Apabila jam pelatihan dibedakan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, diperoleh hasil rata-rata jam pelatihan per tahun untuk karyawan laki-laki adalah 79,86 jam, sedangkan untuk karyawan perempuan sebanyak 73,52 jam. Sementara itu, pembagian rata-rata jam pelatihan per tahun berdasarkan level jabatan tercatat bahwa jam pelatihan untuk level manajemen per tahun adalah 63,11 jam, sedangkan level staf sebanyak 81,95 jam.

Pelatihan Menjelang Pensiun

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) memberikan perhatian besar terhadap karyawan hendak memasuki masa pensiun (purna. Salah satunya diwujudkan dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada mereka melalui Program Pelatihan Pra Purna Bhakti. Pelatihan diselenggarakan dengan tujuan mempersiapkan masa pensiun karyawan dalam mengembangkan potensi diri dan mampu mengelola permasalahannya. Dengan bekal itu, diharapkan mereka siap secara mental dan spiritual dalam menghadapi serta menjalani masa pensiun dengan tetap nyaman, sehat, bugar dan produktif. 103-2

Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, pengetahuan dan wawasan yang diberikan meliputi hal-hal berikut ini:1. Spiritual Emotion Power2. Kiat Menghadapi Status Purnabakti3. Healty Secret4. Enterpreneurship5. Menciptakan Keluarga Harmonis Pasca Purnabakti6. Kunjungan Usaha7. Resolusi/Personal Action Plan (rencana aksi) bersama


Dengan demikian, diharapkan peserta yang mengikuti diklat ini akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman langsung yang dapat diterapkan dalam menjalani masa purnabakti. Selama tahun 2018, pelatihan Pra Purna Bakti dilakukan sebanyak 6 (enam) kali di 6 (enam) bandar udara berbeda dengan kurun waktu pelaksanaan pada bulan April hingga Oktober 2018, dengan total peserta sebanyak 150 peserta. Informasi mengenai pelaksanaan Pelatihan Pra Purna Bakti selama tahun 2018 adalah sebagai berikut: 103-3, 404-2

Tabel Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Pra Purna Bakti tahun 2017 Table of Pre-Retirement Training Implementation in 2017

No. Nama Pelatihan Name of the Training

Tempat PelaksanaanVenue

Tanggal Date

Jumlah Peserta


1. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXVII Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXVII Year 2018

Yogyakarta v23 - 27 April 2018April 23 – 27, 2018


2. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXVIII Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXVIII Year 2018

Lombok 9 - 13 Juli 2018July 9 – 13, 2018


Based on the table above, the average training hours per employee per year during 2018 is 78.29 hours. If the training hours are distinguished by sex, the results of the average training hours per year for male employees are 79.86 hours, while for female employees it is 73.52 hours. Meanwhile, the division of average training hours per year based on position level noted that the training hours for management level per year are 63.11 hours, while staff levels are 81.95 hours.

Pre-Retirement Training

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) pays a great attention to employees reaching their retirement (post-employment) age. Such care is realized by providing training to them through the Pre-Retirement Training Program. The training is held with the aim of preparing employee retirement age in developing their potential and managing their problems. With this provision, they are expected to be mentally and spiritually prepared in facing retirement age while living pleasantly, healthy, fit and productive.

In fulfilling those needs, the knowledges and insights provided include the following matters:1. Spiritual Emotion Power2. Ways to Deal with Retirement Status3. Healthy Secret4. Entrepreneurship5. Creating a Post-Retirement Harmonious Family6. Business Visits7. Resolution/Personal Action Plan (action plan) with


Thus, it is expected that participants participating in this training will get direct knowledge and experience that can be applied in facing the retirement period. During 2018, 6 (six) Pre-Retirement trainings were conducted in 6 (six) different airports from April to October 2018, with a total of 150 participants. Information about the implementation of the Pre-Retirement Training during 2018 is as follows: 103-3, 404-2


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After entering retirement period, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) employees receive welfare benefits as follows:1. Pension Benefits, through the Angkasa Pura I Pension

Fund (DAPENRA) and the Financial Institution of Pension Fund (DPLK) and Pension Insurance by the Workers’ Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan).

2. Old-Age Allowance Benefits, which the management is carried out by the Angkasa Pura I’s Employee Welfare Foundation (YAKKAP I).

3. Post-Employment Health Maintenance, which is carried out by YAKKAP I.

4. Old Age Insurance Benefits by the Workers’ Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan).

Employee Assessment

To find out the performance of employees, the Company implements a Performance Management System (PMS) based on the Board of Directors Decree Number KEP 70/OM.02.05/2013 dated July 1, 2013. Performance Management System (PMS) is an individual performance management system within a certain period of time as an effort to ensure that work units and individuals can collaborate optimally in achieving the Company's targets through employee performance planning, organization and evaluation. 103-2

The Performance Management System (PMS) is held every 6 (six) months or one time per semester. All employees (100%), both men and women receive the results of performance assessments. This assessment is useful for employee career development, such as determining promotion, rotation or transfer. 103-3, 404-3.

Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) treats employees equally without discriminating gender, ethnicity, religion, race, political views, and so on. Such equality also applies in terms of employee reviews, ratio of basic salary and remuneration. If there is a difference in remuneration, then the difference is likely based on the performance achievement of each employee. With such treatment, there were no discrimination incidents and remedial actions taken by the company during the reporting year. 103-2, 103-3, 405-2, 406-1

3. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXIX Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXIX Year 2018

Surabaya 30 Juli - 3 Agustus 2018July 30 – August 3, 2018


4. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXX Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXX Year 2018

Manado 27 - 31 Agustus 2018August 27 – 31, 2018


5. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXXI Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXXI Year 2018

Semarang 17 - 21 September 2018September 17 – 21, 2018


6. Pelatihan Pra Purnabakti Batch XXXII Tahun 2018Pre-Retirement Training Batch XXXII Year 2018

Balikpapan 1 - 5 Oktober 2018Oktober 1 – 5, 2018


Setelah memasuki masa pensiun, karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menerima kesejahteraan sebagai berikut:1. Manfaat Pensiun, melalui Dana Pensiun Angkasa

PuraI (DAPENRA) dan Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (DPLK) serta Jaminan Pensiun oleh BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

2. Manfaat Tunjangan Hari Tua, yang pengelolaanya dilakukan oleh Yayasan Kesejahteraan KaryawanAngkasa Pura I (YAKKAP I).

3. Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Pensiun, yang dilakukan oleh YAKKAP I.

4. Manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua oleh BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Penilaian terhadap Karyawan

Untuk mengetahui performa dan kinerja karyawan, Perseroan menerapkan Performance Management System (PMS) berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi No. KEP 70/OM. 02.05/2013 tanggal 1 Juli 2013. Performance Management System (PMS) adalah sistem pengelolaan kinerja individu dalam jangka waktu tertentu sebagai upaya memastikan agar unit kerja dan individu dapat bekerjasama secara optimal dalam pencapaian target Perseroan melalui perencanaan, pengorganisasian dan evaluasi kinerja karyawan. 103-2

Performance Management System (PMS) dilaksanakan setiap 6 (enam) bulan sekali atau per semester. Seluruh karyawan (100%) baik laki-laki maupun perempuan menerima hasil penilaian kinerja. Penilaian tersebut bermanfaat bagi pengembangan karir karyawan, seperti menentukan promosi, rotasi atau mutasi. 103-3, 404-3.

Non-Diskriminasi dan Kesempatan Setara

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menempatkan karyawan secara setara tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin, suku, agama, ras, pandangan politik, dan sebagainya. Persamaan atau kesetaraan tersebut berlaku pula dalam hal review karyawan, rasio gaji pokok dan remunerasi. Jika pun terjadi perbedaan remunerasi, maka perbedaan tersebut lebih didasari pada pencapaian kinerja masing-masing karyawan. Dengan perlakuan seperti itu, maka selama tahun pelaporan tidak ada insiden diskriminasi dan tindakan perbaikan yang diambil oleh perusahaan. 103-2, 103-3, 405-2, 406-1


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 192: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Konsumen mendapat tempat sangat penting bagi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Tanpa konsumen, yakni pengguna pesawat terbang, maka semua layanan dan operasional Perseroan menjadi tak punya arti. Oleh karena posisinya yang sangat penting tersebut, maka PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) berupaya untuk memberikan layanan prima bagi konsumen. Apabila upaya tersebut bisa diwujudkan, maka kepuasan konsumen pasti akan diraih, yang pada gilirannya akan menciptakan konsumen yang loyal.

Upaya memberikan pelayanan terbaik demi kepuasan konsumen semakin menemukan nilai penting di tengah era transparansi dan semakin meleknya orang terhadap berbagai informasi melalui gadget di tangan. Tuntutan pelayanan yang paripurna membuat Perseroan terdorong untuk terus melakukan perbaikan di segala lini, dan menghindari kesalahan sekecil apapun, yang bisa dengan segera tersebar luas dan merugikan citra Perusahaan. Dengan berbagai upaya yang kami lakukan tersebut di atas, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) optimistis bisa memenuhi harapan pelanggan.

Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa, kepuasan layanan kepada pelanggan atau konsumen merupakan prioritas bagi PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), bahkan sejak awal kami beroperasi. Hal itu sejalan dengan visi Perusahaan, yakni Menjadi salah satu dari sepuluh perusahaan pengelola bandar udara terbaik di Asia.

Profil dan Demografi Pelanggan

Jika dilihat dari persentase pengguna maskapai, segmentasi pangsa pasar pelanggan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) didominasi oleh penumpang Lion (27%) dan Garuda (18%) yang merupakan penumpang kelas ekonomi (99%), dengan proporsi penumpang pria sebanyak 55% dan wanita sebanyak 45%. Adapun tujuan perjalanan sebanyak 41% untuk keperluan keluarga dan 23% untuk perjalanan dinas.

Rata-rata usia penumpang yang melakukan perjalanan menggunakan transportasi udara berada dikisaran usia 20-30 tahun (41%) dengan rata-rata jumlah penghasilan sekitar 2,5-5 juta rupiah (36%), yang didominasi oleh penumpang yang bekerja sebagai pegawai swasta sebanyak 32%, PNS 16% dan wirausaha 13%, sehingga sebanyak 64% penumpang PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang melakukan kegiatan belanja di bandara.

Informasi profil dan demografi pelanggan (penumpang) menjadi penting untuk diketahui karena merupakan pengguna utama bandar udara. Pemahaman yang baik terhadap profil dan perilaku penumpang akan membantu PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dalam melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan pelayanan yang lebih efektif pada

Consumer is a very important aspect for PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Without consumers, namely aircraft users, then all services and operations of the Company become meaningless. Because of its very important position, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) strives to provide excellent services for consumers. If these efforts can be realized, customer satisfaction will definitely be achieved, which in turn will increase the number of loyal customers.

Efforts to provide the best service for customer satisfaction increasingly find important value in the midst of an era of transparency and the increasing literacy of people towards various information through gadgets. The full service demands made the Company compelled to continue making improvements on all fronts, and avoiding the slightest mistakes, which could immediately spread and harm the Company's image. With the various efforts we have done above, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is optimistic that it can meet customer expectations.

As a company engaged in services, service satisfaction to customers is a priority for PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), even from the beginning of our operation. This is in line with the Company's vision, which is to become one of the ten best airport management companies in Asia.

Customer Profile and Demographics

Based on the percentage of airline users, the customer market share segmentation of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was dominated by passengers of Lion (27%) and Garuda (18%) in economy class (99%), with the proportion of male and female passengers reached 55% and 45%, respectively. The purpose of the trip was 41% for family purposes and 23% for official travel.

The average age of passengers traveling by air transportation was 20-30 years old (41%) with an average income of around 2.5-5 million rupiahs (36%), which was dominated by passengers who work as private employees as many as 32%, government employees of 16% and entrepreneurs of 13%, so that as many as 64% of passengers of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) did shopping in the airport.

Information regarding customer (passenger) profile and demographics is important to understand because they are the main users of airports. A good understanding of the profile and behavior of the passengers will help PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to make improvements and upgrade


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segmen yang dilayani, sehingga dapat mendorong tumbuhnya pendapatan.

Profil dan Demografi Pelanggan Customers Profiles and Demography


Tujuan PerjalananDestination

Transportasi ke Bandar UdaraTransportation to The Airport

Pribadi / PrivateBus / BusTaxi Argo / MeteredSewa / RentKereta Api / TrainTaxi Online / Online TaxiLainnya / Others


<30 30-60 60-90 90-120 >120





Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (Menit)Arrival Prior to Take Off (Minute)

Dinas / ServiceKeluarga / FamilyBisnis / BusinessWisata/ RecreationSekolah / StudyLainnya / Others











Lainnya / Others



6% 6% 4%3% 3% 3% 3%

Pesawat / Aircraft Kelas / Class Bandar Udara Tujuan / Destination Airport

Lion AirGaruda IndonesiaWings AirSriwijaya Air

CitilinkBatik AirAir AsiaLainnya /Others

Ekonomi / EconomicBisnis / Business




1 2-5 5-10 10-20 >20




Penumpang BelanjaPassengers Shopping

Perjalanan Udara (Kali / Tahun)Air Travel (Times / Year)

Alasan Tidak BelanjaReasons for Not Shopping

Bekal / Bring Lunch Tidak Menarik / Not Interesting Tidak Tersedia / Unavailable Tidak Cukup Waktu / No Time Tidak Butuh / UnnecessaryLainnya / Others

Tidak Belanja / Not ShoppingBelanja / Shopping





12% 12%


















services more effectively in the segments served, so as to encourage revenue growth.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

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Keamanan dan Keselamatan Bagi Pelanggan

Keamanan dan keselamatan bagi pengguna bandara, terutama maskapai penerbangan yang terbang (take off) maupun mendarat (landing) merupakan salah satu fokus perhatian Perusahaan. Apalagi, menurut riset Boeing yang dipublikasikan pada Oktober 2018, yang di dalamnya terdapat data Fatal Accidents and Onboard Fatalities by Phase of Flight 2008-2017, yakni 63 persen kecelakaan terjadi saat proses lepas landas dan mendarat. Untuk menghindari terjadinya kecelakaan pada saat pesawat terbang atau mendarat, terutama karena faktor runway maupun faktor lainnya, Perusahaan secara berkala melakukan pengecekan terhadap seluruh fungsi kebandarudaraan (100%). 103-2

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) sebagai salah satu pengelola bandar udara di Indonesia telah membentuk Kebijakan Keselamatan Bandar Udara untuk diterapkan di seluruh bandar udara di bawah pengawasan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). Pembentukan dan persiapan kebijakan keselamatan bandar udara telah memenuhi peraturan-peraturan nasional dan standar-standar internasional. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memastikan kepada pengguna jasa bandar udara tentang penyediaan pelayanan keselamatan dengan kualitas tertinggi di setiap bandar udara. 103-2, G4-DMA

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menyatakan secara resmi Kebijakan Keselamatan Operasi Bandara Udara sebagai berikut : 103-3, 416-1a. Mengembangkan standar Keselamatan Bandar Udara

dan Manajemen yang sejalan dengan perkembangan industri perhubungan udara sesuai dengan standar dan rekomendasi ICAO.

b. Mendorong semua staf di bandar udara untuk menyadari akan tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas mereka sehubungan dengan segala kegiatan Keselamatan Bandar Udara dan bekerjasama penuh untuk hal terkait dengan keselamatan.

c. Memastikan seluruh Pejabat memiliki tugas untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan Keselamatan Bandar Udara agar sesuai dengan peraturan dan standar keselamatan yang berlaku.

d. Memastikan ketersediaan sumber daya yang terdidik dan terlatih untuk melaksanakan kebijakan dan strategi keselamatan.

e. Mempromosikan budaya keselamatan guna mendorong semua pihak yang terkait agar selalu memenuhi peraturan dan standar Keselamatan Bandar Udara dan juga menerapkannya ke dalam budaya perusahaan.

f. Mengawasi dan mengevaluasi secara konsisten seluruh kebijakan agar dapat diterapkan dan berkembang secara berkelanjutan.

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas manajemen mutu, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah melakukan program program berikut: 103-2

Security and Safety for the Customers

The security and safety for airport users, especially the take-off and landing airlines, is one of the focuses of the Company's attention. Moreover, according to the Boeing's research published in October 2018, which included the data of the Fatal Accidents and Onboard Fatalities by Phase of Flight 2008 - 2017, that 63 percent of accidents occurred during the process of takeoff and landing. To avoid accidents during the takeoff or landing, especially due to the runway factors or the others, the Company periodically checks all the airport functions (100%). 103-2

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as one of the management of airports in Indonesia had formed Airport Safety Policy to be implemented in all of the airports which were under the surveillance of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The formation and prepartion of airport safety policies had satisfied national and international standard regulations. This was to ensure to the user of the airport concerning the provision of safety services with the highest quality in each airport. 103-2, G4-DMA

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) officially declared the following Airport Operation Safety Policy : 103-3, 416-1

a. To develop the standard of Airport Safety and Management which was in line with the development of airport connectivity industry in accordance to the standard and recommendation of ICAO.

b. To encourage all staffs in the airport to realize about their responsibilities and accountabilities in connection to all activities of Airport Safety and to fully cooperate for matters concerning safety.

c. To ensure all Officials had a role to supervise all performance of Airport Safety in order to be in line to the prevailing regulations and safety standard.

d. To ensure the availability of educated and trained resources to carry out the safety policy and strategy.

e. To promote safety culture in order to encourage all related parties to always fulfill the requirement and standard of Airport Safety and to also implement them in the Company’s culture.

f. To supervise and evalute consistently all policies in order to be implemented and developed continuously.

To improve the quality of quality management, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has implemented the following programs: 103-2


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No. KegiatanAgenda



1. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu

Untuk memberikan jaminan mutu layanan, meningkatkan citra Perusahaan dan menjaga kepercayaan Pelanggan kepada Perusahaan.

Hingga Tahun 2018, 13 (Tiga Belas) Bandar Udara telah tersertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 Ruang Lingkup PJP2U (Pelayanan Jasa Penumpang Pesawat Udara), PJP4U (Pelayanan Jasa Pendaratan, Penempatan dan Penyimpanan Pesawat Udara) dan PJKP2U (Pelayanan Jasa Pos & Kargo Pesawat Udara), kecuali Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang dan Bandar Udara El Tari Kupang, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

PJP2U1) Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali (14 Juli

2017)2) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya (1 November

2018) 3) Bandar Udara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan (16

Desember 2017)4) Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar (21

Juli 2017)5) Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin (27 September

2017) 6) Bandar Udara Internasional Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang

(14 April 2017)7) Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (17

Januari 2018)8) Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok (6 Desember 2017)9) Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado (27 Juli

2017)10) Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo (20 Juni

2017)11) Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari Kupang (6 Desember

2018) 12) Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura Ambon (7 Desember

2017)13) Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo Biak (18 Desember


PJP4U1) Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali (18 Juli

2017)2) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya (8 Desember

2017) 3) Bandar Udara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan (10

November 2017) 4) Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar (14

Desember 2017)5) Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin (29 Desember

2017) 6) Bandar Udara Internasional Ahmad Yani Semarang (12

Desember 2017)7) Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (22

Oktober 2017)8) Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok (22 November 2017)9) Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado (28 Juli

2017)10) Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo (30

November 2017)11) Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari Kupang (27 Desember

2017) 12) Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura Ambon (20 Desember

2017)13) Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo Biak

PJKP2U1) Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali 2) Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya 3) Bandar Udara Internasional SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan 4) Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar 5) Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin 6) Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta 7) Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok 8) Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi Manado 9) Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo 10) Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo Biak 11) Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura Ambon


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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No. KegiatanAgenda



Certification of Quality Management System

To guarantee service quality, to improve the Company's image and to maintain customer trust in the Company.

Until 2018, 13 (Thirteen) Airports had been certified ISO 9001: 2015 in the Scope of Aircraft Passenger Services), Landing Services, Placement and Storage of Aircraft and Aircraft Post & Cargo Services, except Semarang Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport and El Tari Kupang Airport, with details as follows:

Passenger Service Charge1) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali (July 14, 2017)2) Juanda International Airport Surabaya (November 1, 2018)3) SAMS Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan (December

16, 2017)4) Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar (July 21,

2017)5) Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin (September 27, 2017)6) Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang (April 14,

2017)7) Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta (January 17, 2018)8) Lombok International Airport Praya (December 6, 2017)9) Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado (July 27, 2017)10) Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo (June 20, 2017)11) El Tari International Airport Kupang (December 6, 2018)12) Pattimura International Airport Ambon (December 7, 2017)13) Frans Kaisiepo International Airport Biak (December 18, 2017)

Aircraft Landing, Placement And Storage Services1) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali (July 18, 2017)2) Juanda International Airport Surabaya (December 8, 2017)3) SAMS Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan (November

10, 2017)4) Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar (December

14, 2017)5) Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin (December 29, 2017)6) Jenderal Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang

(December 12, 2017)7) Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta (October 22, 2017)8) Lombok International Airport Praya (November 22, 2017)9) Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado (July 28, 2017)10) Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo (November 30, 2017)11) El Tari International Airport Kupang (December 27, 2017)12) Pattimura International Airport Ambon (December 20, 2017)13) Frans Kaisiepo International Airport Biak

Aircraft Cargo And Postal Services1) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali2) Juanda International Airport Surabaya3) Sepinggan SAMS International Airport Balikpapan4) Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar5) Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin6) Adisucipto International Airport Yogyakarta7) Lombok International Airport Praya8) Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado9) Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo10) El Tari International Airport Kupang11) Pattimura International Airport Ambon

2. Audit Mutu Internal Internal Quality Audit

Memastikan Kantor Cabang telah menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan memastikan kesiapan Kantor Cabang sebelum Audit Sertifikasi atau Audit Surveillance oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi.To ensure that the Branch Offices had implemented a Quality Management System and to ensure the readiness of the Branch Office prior to the Certification Audit or Surveillance Audit by the Certification Body.

Seluruh Bandar Udara telah melaksanakan Audit Mutu Internal pada tahun 2018.All airports had carried out Internal Quality Audit in 2018.

3. Rapat Tinjauan ManajemenManagement Review Meeting

Memastikan isu-isu terkait Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 dibahas dan ditindaklanjuti sebelum pelaksanaan Audit Surveillance maupun Sertifikasi.To ensure issues related to the ISO 9001: 2015 regarding to Quality Management System that had been discussed and followed up before the Surveillance and Certification Audit.

Seluruh Bandar Udara telah melaksanakan Rapat Tinjauan Manajemen pada tahun 2018.The entire airports had conducted a Management Review Meeting in 2018.

4. Sosialisasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015Socialization of the ISO 9001: 2015 on Quality Management System

Meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di lingkungan kerja PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).To Increase awareness of the importance of implementing the ISO 9001: 2015 on Quality Management System in the work environment of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Seluruh Bandar Udara telah melaksanakan Sosialiasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 kepada pegawai operasional dan administrasi.All airports had carried out ISO 9001: 2015 on Quality Management System Dissemination to operational and administrative employees.


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 197: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

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5 Pelatihan Audit Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015ISO 9001: 2015 on Quality Management System Audit Training

Meningkatkan pemahaman Tim ISO terkait Prinsip-Prinsip Pelaksanaan Audit Mutu sebelum melaksanakan Audit Mutu Internal. To Increase the understanding of the ISO Team regarding the Principles for Implementing a Quality Audit before implementing Internal Quality Audit.

Seluruh Bandar Udara telah melaksanakan Pelatihan Audit Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015.The entire airports had conducted an ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Audit Training.

6. Setting up Dokumen untuk Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 PJKP2USetting up Documents for ISO 9001: 2015 Aircraft Cargo And Postal Services Quality Management System Certification

1. Mempersiapkan dokumen mutu (Pedoman Mutu, Prosedur Mutu dan Instruksi Kerja) untuk Sertifikasi SMM ISO 9001:2015 Ruang Lingkup PJKP2U;

2. Mempersiapkan persyaratan-persyaratan pendukung lainnya, seperti Isu-Isu Internal dan Eksternal, Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan, Profil Risiko dan Peluang;

1. To Prepare quality documents (Quality Guidelines, Quality Procedures and Work Instructions) for QMS Certification ISO 9001: 2015 Aircraft Cargo And Postal Services Scope;

2. To Prepare other supporting requirements, such as Internal and External Issues, Stakeholder Lists, Risk and Opportunities Profiles;

11 (sebelas) Bandar Udara, kecuali Bandar Udara Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang dan Bandar Udara El Tari Kupang, telah melaksanakan Setting Up Dokumen dan Audit Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 Ruang Lingkup PJKP2U.11 (eleven) Airports, except the Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang and El Tari Airport Kupang, had carried out Setting Up Documents and Quality Management System Certification Audit ISO 9001: 2015 Scope of Aircraft Cargo And Postal Services.

7. Sosialisasi pengelolaan dokumen berbasis web (E-QMS)Web-based document management (E-QMS) socialization

Meningkatkan pemahaman seluruh unit di Kantor Cabang terkait manfaat dan tujuan E-QMS.To Increase understanding of all units in the Branch Office regarding the benefits and objectives of the E-QMS.

Kantor cabang telah melaksanakan Sosialisasi Penggunaan E-QMS kepada seluruh unit kerja.The branch office had carried out socialization of the use of E-QMS to all work units.

Komitmen untuk memberlakukan kebijakan tersebut telah menuai hasil, yakni tidak adanya insiden ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berkaitan dengan keamanan dan keselamatan bagi pelanggan. Juga, tidak ada denda atau sanksi yang dijatuhkan kepada Perseroan berkaitan dengan masalah serupa. 103-3, 416-2

Pemasaran dan Informasi Produk

Aktivitas pemasaran PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dikelola oleh Direktorat Pemasaran dan Pelayanan melalui beberapa kegiatan, baik yang bersifat nasional maupun internasional. Strategi pemasaran dibedakan untuk tiap-tiap aspek yaitu product, price dan promotion. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja produk dan berbagai jenis layanan yang disediakan oleh Perseroan di tahun 2018 agar dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat, dilakukan strategi pemasaran produk dan layanannya sebagai berikut: 103-2

1. Insentif maskapai berupa pembebasan biaya pendaratan atau landing fee untuk rute atau penerbangan baru yang berlaku selama enam bulan.

2. Collaboration Destination Development (CDD), dilakukan di 10 kota, yakni Solo, Balikpapan, Biak, Ambon, Lombok, Surabaya, Makassar, Manado, Banjarmasin, dan Kupang. CDD merupakan forum Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan melibatkan seluruh stakeholder industri pariwisata daerah untuk bersama-sama mendorong pengembangan industri pariwisata daerah.

Commitment to implement such policy had reaped its result, which was there was no incident of non-compliance to regulations concerning security and safety for the customers. Also, there was no penalty or sanction imposed upon the Company in relation to similar matter. 103-3, 416-2

Product Marketing and Information

The marketing activity of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is managed by the Directorate of Marketing and Service through some activities, whether of national or international nature. Marketing strategy is differentiated for each aspect, namely product, price and promotion. To increase the performance of the product and various type of services provided by the Company in the year 2018 in order to be known by the people, the following marketing strategy of products and its services were implemented: 103-2

1. Airlines incentives in the form of landing charges or landing fee for new route or flight which should be valid for six months.

2. Collaboration Destination Development (CDD), conducted in 10 cities, namely Solo, Balikpapan, Biak, Ambon, Lombok, Surabaya, Makassar, Manado, Banjarmasin, and Kupang. CDD was a forum of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by involving all stakeholders of regional tourism industry to encourage the development of regional tourism industry.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 198: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

3. Integrated Marketing Campaign, antara lain, Perseroan ikut serta dalam IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting di Bali (Oktober 2018), International Council of Woman (ICW) General Assembly di Yogyakarta (September 2018), Torch Relay Asian Games 2018 di Yogyakarta-Solo-Semarang (Agustus 2018), Earth Day 2018 di Balikpapan (22 April 2018), dan Earth Hour 2018 di 13 bandara Angkasa Pura I (Maret 2018).

Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Direktorat Pemasaran dan Pelayanan berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan informasi secara jelas untuk setiap layanan dan senantiasa berpatokan pada kaidah atau panduan dalam komunikasi pemasaran.

Berkaitan dengan rencana penyesuaian tarif misalnya, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) senantiasa melakukan sosialisasi kepada pengguna jasa, meliputi monitoring bersama pengguna jasa, sosialisasi, serta bersurat resmi kepada pengguna jasa (Airlines, Penumpang yang diwakili oleh YLKI, Asosiasi Airlines Indonesia (INACA). 103-2

Sesuai dengan prinsip keterbukaan informasi, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) akan terbuka menyampaikan proses yang dijalani sehingga diperoleh angka tarif yang baru. Dalam hal ini, Perseroan telah melalui konsultasi dengan stakeholder dan perwakilan pengguna jasa bandara serta Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman. Apabila angka tarif sudah diperoleh, maka tarif baru tersebut harus disetujui melalui surat Menteri Perhubungan.

Komunikasi pemasaran yang dijalankan oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), dengan contoh pemberlakuan tarif baru kebandarudaraan, Direktorat Pemasaran dan Pelayanan berpedoman pada Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor: PM 36 Tahun 2014 tentang Tata Cara dan Prosedur Pengenaan Tarif Jasa Kebandarudaraan. Selain itu, Direktorat juga senantiasa mengikuti petunjuk dan arahan dari Direktur Pemasaran dan Pelayanan sebagai pejabat yang melaksanakan tugas memastikan ditetapkannya kebijakan dan strategi bidang pemasaran dan pelayanan yang efektif berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor KEP.101/OM 01.01/2018 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kantor Pusat PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 103-2

Sebagai korporasi yang bertanggungjawab, dalam menjalankan komunikasi pemasaran, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) menjunjung tinggi praktik yang adil dan bertanggungjawab dalam berbisnis dan berhubungan dengan konsumen. Pemasaran yang adil dan bertanggungjawab menuntut Perseroan untuk menghindari segala klaim yang menipu, tidak jujur dan diskriminatif. Selain itu, Perseroan juga tidak berniat untuk mengambil keuntungan dari kurangnya pengetahuan konsumen tentang layanan yang dimiliki PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 103-2

3. Integrated Marketing Campaign, among others, the Company participated in IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting in Bali (October 2018), International Council of Woman (ICW) General Assembly in Yogyakarta (September 2018), Torch Relay Asian Games 2018 in Yogyakarta-Solo-Semarang (August 2018), Earth Day 2018 in Balikpapan (April 22, 2018), and Earth Hour 2018 in 13 airports of Angkasa Pura I (March 2018).

In carrying out its duties, the Marketing and Service Directorate strives as much as possible to provide clear information for each service and always adheres to the rules or guidelines in marketing communications.

In connection with the tariff adjustment plan, for example, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) always conducts socialization to service users, including monitoring with service users, socialization, and official correspondence to service users (Airlines, Passengers represented by YLKI, Association of Indonesian Airlines (INACA) 103-2

In accordance with the principle of information disclosure, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) will be open to conveying the process undertaken so that new tariff figures are obtained. In this case, the Company has been through consultations with stakeholders and airport service user representatives and the Maritime Coordinating Ministry. If the tariff figures have been obtained, the new tariff must be approved through a letter from the Minister of Transportation.

Marketing communication carried out by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), with examples of the implementation of new airport tariffs, the Directorate of Marketing and Services is guided by the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 36 of 2014 concerning Procedures and Procedures for Imposing Airport Services. In addition, the Directorate also always follows the instructions and directives of the Director of Marketing and Services as officials who carry out the task of ensuring effective marketing and service policies and strategies based on Directors' Decree Number KEP.101 / OM 01.01 / 2018 concerning Office Organizations and Work Procedures PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Center. 103-2

As a responsible corporation, in carrying out marketing communications, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) upholds fair and responsible practices in doing business and dealing with consumers. Fair and responsible marketing requires the Company to avoid all claims that are deceptive, dishonest and discriminatory. In addition, the Company also does not intend to take advantage of the lack of consumer knowledge about the benefits of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 103-2


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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 199: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Kesungguhan Direktorat Pemasaran dalam melaksanakan tugas dengan mengikuti rambu-rambu atau koridor yang berlaku dalam penyampaian informasi produk/layanan dan pemasaran membawa hasil dengan tidak adanya insiden ketidakpatuhan terkait pemberian informasi layanan Perseroan maupun ketidakpatuhan terhadap komunikasi pemasaran. 103-3, 417-1, 417-2, 417-3

Pengukuran Kepuasan Pelanggan

Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan yang diberikan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) kepada pelanggan adalah menggali pendapat pelanggan melalui survei kepuasan pelanggan. Dari survei tersebut, Perusahaan akan bisa meningkatkan layanan jika ada yang dinilai kurang, atau mempertahankan dan terus meningkatkan jika hasilnya dinilai sudah baik dan memuaskan.

Salah satu metode pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan yaitu dengan survei Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Survei CSI maksudkan untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan yang meliputi penumpang, kru pesawat, station manager airline, mitra usaha konsesioner dan mitra usaha kargo. Survei ini dilakukan oleh lembaga independen nasional yaitu INACA (Indonesia National Air carrier Association). Nilai/skor dalam survei ini menggunakan ukuran skala likert, dengan nilai terendah adalah 1 dan tertinggi adalah 5. Hasil survei menunjukkan adanya peningkatan CSI di tahun 2018. Hasil pelaksanaan survei yang dilakukan di 13 (tiga belas) bandar udara di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) disajikan sebagai berikut. G4-DMA

No. LokasiLocation

Jumlah Duta Bandar Udara

Number of Airport Ambassadors

1.Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan – Balikpapan (BPN)Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport - Balikpapan (BPN)


2. Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Denpasar (DPS)I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport - Denpasar (DPS) 0

3. Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin – Makassar (UPG)Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport - Makassar (UPG) 2

4. Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi - Manado (MDC)Sam Ratulangi International Airport - Manado (MDC) 3

5. Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor – Banjarmasin (BDJ) Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin (BDJ) 2

6. Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari - Kupang (KOE)El Tari International Airport - Kupang (KOE) 0

7. Bandar Udara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo – Biak (BIK)Frans Kaisiepo International Airport - Biak (BIK) 1

8. Bandar Udara Internasional Ahmad Yani – Semarang (SRG) Ahmad Yani International Airport - Semarang (SRG) 2

9. Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok - Lombok Tengah (LOP)Lombok International Airport - Central Lombok (LOP) 3

The commitment of the Directorate of Marketing in performing its duties by following the prevailing signs or corridors in delivering information about product/services and marketing resulted in there was neither incident of non-compliance concerning the provision of the Company’s service information nor non-compliance toward marketing communication. 103-3, 417-1, 417-2, 417-3

Measurement of Customers’ Satisfaction

One of the means to understand the quality of the services provided by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to the customers was by extracting customers’ opinion through customers’ satisfaction survey. In the survey, the Company shall be able to improve the services if deemed lacking, or to maintain and keep on improving if the result was deemed already good and satisfying.

One of the method to measure customers’ satsifaction was through the survey of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The CSI survey was intended to measure customers’ satisfaction which included passengers, airlines crew, station manager airline, consessioner business partner and cargo business partner. This survey was carried out by a national independent body, INACA (Indonesia National Air carrier Association). The score in this survey used likert scale, with the lowest score was 1 and the highest was 5. The result of the survey showed an increase in CSI in the year 2018. The result of the survey carried out in 13 (thirteen) airports in the environment of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) were provided as follow. G4-DMA


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 200: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

No. LokasiLocation

Jumlah Duta Bandar Udara

Number of Airport Ambassadors

10. Bandar Udara Internasional Pattimura - Ambon (AMQ)Pattimura International Airport - Ambon (AMQ) 1

11. Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda - Surabaya (SUB)Juanda International Airport - Surabaya (SUB) 2

12. Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo - Surakarta (SOC)Adi Soemarmo International Airport - Surakarta (SOC) 1

13. Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto – Yogyakarta (JOG)Adisutjipto International Airport - Yogyakarta (JOG) 1

Pengukuran tingkat kualitas pelayanan bandar udara di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) juga dilakukan oleh lembaga independen internasional yang bergerak di bidang kebandarudaraan yaitu Airport Council International (ACI). Pengukuran Airport Service Quality oleh lembaga ACI dilakukan di 8 (delapan) bandara PT Angkasa Pura I yaitu Bandar Udara Juanda - Surabaya, Bandar Udara I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Denpasar, Bandar Udara Sultan Hasanuddin - Makassar, Bandar Udara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan - Balikpapan, Bandar Udara Sam Ratulangi - Manado, Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok - Lombok Tengah, Bandar Udara Adi Soemarmo - Surakarta, dan Bandar Udara El Tari - Kupang.

Aspek - aspek yang dinilai dalam survei ini terdiri dari 34 (tiga puluh empat) aspek meliputi akses dari dan ke bandar udara, fasilitas bandar udara, suasana, dan layanan petugas serta aspek-aspek lain terkait layanan kepada pengguna jasa. Standar pertanyaan dan metode survei yang digunakan di seluruh bandar udara di dunia (283 bandara) adalah sama. Nilai/skor dalam survei ini menggunakan ukuran skala likert terendah adalah 1 dan tertinggi adalah 5. Pada Tahun 2018 ini, bertambah 4 (empat) bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang ikut serta dalam survei Airport Service Quality (ASQ) yaitu Bandar Udara Sam Ratulangi – Manado, Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok - Lombok Tengah, Bandar Udara Adi Soemarmo – Surakarta, dan Bandar Udara El Tari – Kupang.

Hasil survei menunjukkan adanya peningkatan. Pelaksanaan survei dilakukan setiap bulan di 8 (delapan) bandar udara di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dengan hasil penilaian Survey Airport Service Quality tahun 2018 adalah sebagai berikut

The measurement of the services quality of airport in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was also conducted by an international independent assocation which engaged in airport field, namely Airport Council International (ACI). The measurement of Airport Service Quality by ACI Institution was carried out in 8 (eight) airports of PT Angkasa Pura I namely Juanda Airport - Surabaya, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport - Denpasar, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport - Makassar, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan, Sam Ratulangi Airport - Manado, Lombok International Airport - Central Lombok, Bandar Udara Adi Soemarmo - Surakarta, and El Tari Airport - Kupang.

Aspects being assessed in this survey consisted of 34 (thirty-four) aspects including access from and to the airport, facilities of the airport, atmosphere, and officers’ services as well as other aspects regarding services to users. The standard of questions and survey method used in all airports around the world (283 airports) were the same. The score in this survey used likert scale, the lowest was 1 and the highest was 5. In this year of 2018, there were 4 (four) additional airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) which participated in the survey of Airport Service Quality (ASQ) which were Sam Ratulangi Airport – Manado, Lombok International Airport - Central Lombok, Adi Soemarmo Airport – Surakarta, and El Tari Airport – Kupang.

The result of the survey showed an improvement. The performance of the survey was conducted every month in 8 (eight) airports in the environment of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) with the following assessment result of Survey Airport Service Quality in the year 2018


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Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 201: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

No. LokasiLocation



1. Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai - Denpasar (DPS)I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport - Denpasar (DPS) 4.92 4.98


Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan – Balikpapan (BPN)Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport - Balikpapan (BPN)

4.93 4.86

3. Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda - Surabaya (SUB)Juanda International Airport - Surabaya (SUB) 4.86 4.61

4. Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin – Makassar (UPG)Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport - Makassar (UPG) 4.62 4.60

5. Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi - Manado (MDC)Sam Ratulangi International Airport - Manado (MDC) 4.69 4.40

6. Bandar Udara Internasional Adisoemarmo - Surakarta (SOC)Adisoemarmo International Airport - Surakarta (SOC) 4.26 4.33

7. Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok - Lombok Tengah (LOP)Lombok International Airport - Central Lombok (LOP) 4.17 -

8. Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari - Kupang (KOE)El Tari International Airport - Kupang (KOE) 3.93 -

Contact Center Bandara 172

Sebagai upaya meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa bandar udara di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah dibentuk pusat layanan pelanggan single acces yang berfungsi menyediakan semua informasi dan menangani keluhan pengguna jasa atas pelayanan di 13 bandar udara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yaitu Contact Center Bandara 172. Contact Center Bandara 172 dapat diakses melalui berbagai chanel yaitu telepon dan media sosial : Telepon : 172Email : [email protected] : @angkasapura172Facebook : AngkasaPura 172

Contact Center Bandara 172 beroperasi selama 24 jam, menggunakan sistem dengan teknologi yang dapat memuat data cukup besar dan merekam semua aktivitas dan percakapan antara pelanggan dengan agen. Contact Center Bandara 172 memiliki jumlah sumber daya manusia sebanyak 25 orang yang telah dibekali dengan pengetahuan kebandarudaraan, bisnis proses di PT Angkasa Pura I, kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan dan dilengkapi dengan Standar Operation Procedure (SOP) serta Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Keseluruhan proses kerja di Contact Center Bandara 172 ada di dalam diagram alur di bawah ini :

Contact Center Bandara 172

As an attempt to improve the services to the users of airport services in the environment of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), a single access customer service center was formed which served in providing all information and handled users’ complaints on the services in 13 airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) which was Airport Contact Center 172. Airport Contact Center 172 was accessible through various channel, which were telephone and social media :

Telephone : 172Email : [email protected] : @angkasapura172Facebook : AngkasaPura 172

Airport Contact Center 172 operated for 24 hours, used system with a technology that was able to contain a large enough data and to record all activities and conversations between customers and agents. Airport Contact Center 172 had a total employee of 25 people trained with the knowledge concerning airport industry, business process in PT Angkasa Pura I, skill in communicating with customers and equipped with Standar Operation Procedure (SOP) as well as Service Level Agreement (SLA).

All of the working process in Airport Contact Center 172 can be seen in the following flowchart :


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 202: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Alur Pelayanan Feedback Melalui Dial 172Service Flow of Feedback through Dialing 172

Pengguna JasaService Users

Outbound CC172Outbound CC172

PIC Bandar Udara / ADM / CSSH

PIC Airport / ADM / CSSH

Unit Terkait / Mitra Kerja / Mitra UsahaRelated Unit/ Work

Partners / Businesses Partners

Inbound CC172Inbound CC172

Menerima eskalasi feedback dari

Inbound CC172Receiving feedback

escalation from Inbound CC172

Memiliki / tidak memiliki tindak lanjut

Having / Not having any follow up

Menerima, mengevaluasi dan menindaklanjuti

feedback Receiving, evaluating, and following up the


Proses tindak lanjut sesuai dengan

prosedur dari masing- masing instansi

Follow up process was in accordance

with each institution's procedure

Memberitahukan hasil tindak lanjut feedback kepada

PIC melalui lisan dan tertulis (berupa Nota

lisan dan tertulis (berupa Nota Dinas,

Berita Acara, dll) serta melampirkan foto sebagai bukti,

jika diperlukanInforming the result

of follow up feedback to PIC orally and

written (in the form of note, news, etc) and

attaching photo as the evidence if needed

Menerima, mengevaluasi dan menindaklanjuti

feedback Receiving, evaluating, and following up the


Memiliki / tidak memiliki tindak lanjut

Having / Not having any follow up

Berkordinasi dengan Unit Terkait / Mitra

Kerja / Mitra Kerja / Mitra Usaha

Coordinating with Related Unit/ Work Partner/ Business


Menyampaikan hasil tindak lanjut ke pengguna jasa

Informing follow up to service users

Mencatat dan meninyimpan aktifitas

yang dilakukan di Database

Taking a note and recording the activity

conducted in the database

Menerima panggilan dan Greetings

Receiving calls and Greetings

Menanyakan data pengguna jasa (nama

& nomor telepon)Asking the data of

service users (name and phone number)

Input data pengguna jasa di DatabaseInputting data of Service Users in


Menanyakan TujuanAsking purposes

Penomoran dan Identifikasi feedback

yang disampaikanNumbering and

Identifying feedback submitted

Dial 172Dial 172

Memberikan identitasProviding the identity

Menyampaikan tujuanMentioning the


Menerima Konfirmasi dari CC172

Receiving confirmation from CC172

Menerima hasil tindak Lanjut

Receiving the result of follow up

Melakukan proses eskalasi / tindak

lanjutPerforming escalation

process / follow up

Mencatat dan menyimpan aktivitas

yang dilakukan di Database

Taking a note and recording the activity

conducted in the database


Menerima hasil tindak lanjut PIC BANDAR

UDARA / ADM / CSSH Receiving the result of follow up from Airport


Tidak SesuaiNot


Mempunyai hasil tindak

lanjutHave follow-up


Membutuhkan proses tindak

lanjutNeed a follow up





Berkordinasi dengan PIC BANDAR UDARA

/ ADM / CSSH Coordinating with airport PIC/ADM/


Menerima hasil tindak lanjut dan

menginformasikan ke CC172 untuk disampaikan ke pengguna jasa

Receiving the result of follow up and

informing to CC172 to forward the

information to service users.




Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan


Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 203: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Tabel Sarana, Jumlah dan Penanggulangan Atas Pengaduan KonsumenTable of Facilities, Numbers and Prevention on Customers’ Complaints

No SaranaFacilities



1. TeleponTelephone


2. Face to Face 1. Customer Service2. Duta Bandara

13 Cabang Branches

3. Media Sosial1. Facebook2. Twitter3. Email4. LAPOR

Layanan Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Online Masyarakat

1. AngkasaPura 1722. @angkasapura1723. [email protected]. https://lapor.go.id/

1 set1 set1 set1 set

4. Comment cards Kotak Saran Suggestion Boxes 13 Cabang

5. Web base https://www.ap1.co.id/id 1 set

6. Mass Media Domestik / Internasional

7. Pelayanan KhususSpecial Services

Difabel Service - DPS, BPN

8. Survey 1. INACA2. ACI3. Skytrax

- 13 Cabang- SUB, DPS, UPG, BPN, SOC, MDC- DPS, SUB

Tingkat Penyelesaian Pengaduan yang DiterimaSepanjang tahun 2018, Perseroan mencatat 135.307 kasus pengaduan yang masuk melalui Email, Twitter, Facebook, Customer Service, Humas, Media selain 172, dan Kotak Saran, dan melalui telepon. Jumlah pengaduan yang masuk telah terselesaikan seluruhnya.

No. DeskripsiDescription

Jumlah Pengaduan Masuk

Number of Complaints

Jumlah Pengaduan SelesaiNumber of Resolved


Persentase PenyelesaianCompletion Percentage

1. Telepon 12,072 12,067 99.95%

2. Email 3,868 3,852 99.58%

3. Twitter 1,584 1,580 99.74%

4. Facebook 283 283 100%

5. Kotak Saran / Suggestion Boxes 24 24 100%

6. Customer Service 128,008 128,008 100%

7. Media Selain 172 / Media other than 172 64 63 98.43%

8. Humas / Public Relations 1,476 1,466 99.32%

Secara kualitatif, dampak positif dengan adanya Contact Center 172 adalah sebagai berikut:1. Pelanggan/pengguna jasa dimudahkan dalam

bertanya, menyampaikan saran dan keluhan terkait Pelayanan Bandara di 13 (tiga belas) Cabang Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. Manajemen PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengetahui penilaian penumpang/pelanggan terhadap layanan bandara (Airport Services) di 13 tiga belas) Cabang Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

3. Manajemen PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengetahui aspek mana yang penting (skala prioritas) untuk

Completion Level of Accepted Complaints

Throughout 2018, the Company recorded 135,307 complaints filed through Email, Twitter, Facebook, Customer Service, Public Relations, Media other than 172, and Suggestion Boxes, and complaints by telephone. The number of accepted complaints had been resolved entirely, and it can be seen in the following table.

Qualitatively, the positive impact of Contact Center 172 could be seen as follows:1. Customers / service users were facilitated to ask

questions and to submit suggestions and complaints related to Airport Services at 13 (thirteen) Airport Branches managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

2. The management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) knew the passenger / customer assessment of airport services at 13 (thirteen) Airport Branches managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

3. The management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) undsertood which aspects were important (priority


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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dilakukan perubahan/peningkatan di 13 (tiga belas) Cabang Bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

4. Manajemen PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengetahui persepsi dan prioritas penumpang yang berubah dari waktu ke waktu.

5. Manajemen PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) mengetahui posisi bandara dikelolanya dibandingkan dengan bandara lain di dunia.

6. Pengguna jasa berkebutuhan khusus terlayani sesuai kebutuhannya selama berada di area bandara yang di kelola PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Kepatuhan Sosial dan Ekonomi

Dalam menjalankan operasional sehari-hari, khususnya berkaitan dengan pengelolaan tenaga kerja, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) senantiasa tunduk dan patuh terhadap peraturan perundangan dan ketentuan lain yang berkaitan dengan masalah ketenagakerjaan. Komitmen itu diwujudkan dalam praktik sehari-hari sehingga pada tahun pelaporan tidak ada pengaduan yang diajukan, ditangani dan harus diselesaikan oleh Perseroan berkaitan dengan masalah ketenagakerjaan. 103-2

Komitmen Perseroan untuk mematuhi peraturan dan ketentuan tentang ketenagakerjaan juga diwujudkan dengan menghargai hak asasi manusia, antara lain, tidak mempekerjakan anak dan tidak ada kerja paksa. Semua karyawan yang bekerja di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) adalah orang dewasa dan bekerja sesuai dengan jam kerja yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Upaya Perseroan menghargai hak asasi manusia berbuah dengan tidak adanya pengaduan yang diajukan, ditangani dan harus diselesaikan oleh Perseroan berkaitan dengan masalah hak asasi manusia. 103-3, 419-1

scale) to make changes / improvements at 13 (thirteen) Airport Branches managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

4. The management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) knew the perceptions and priorities of passengers which changed from time to time

5. The management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) understood the position of the airport it managed compared to other airports in the world

6. Users of special needs services were served according to their needs in the airport area managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

Social and Economic Compliance

In performing daily operationals, especially those regarding employee management, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) always submitted and complied to the rules and regulations and other provisions related to employment matters. The commitment was realized in daily practices so that in the reporting year there was no complaints being filed, signed and had to be settled by the Company in relation to employment matters. 103-2

The Company’s commitment to comply with the regulations and provisions concerning employment was also realized by respecting human rights, among others, did not employ children and there was no forced labor. All employees who worked in PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) were adults and worked according to the working hours set by the government. The Company’s effort in respecting human rights resulted in there was complaint being filed, signed and had to be settled by the Company in relation to human rights matters. 103-3, 419-1


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PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 205: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Statement GRI Standards in Accordance Check

The National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) has conducted a GRI Standards in Accordance Check on PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Sustainability Report 2018 (“Report”). The check communicates the extent to which the GRI Standards has been applied in the Report. The check does not provide an opinion on the sustainability performance of the reporter or the quality of the information provided in the report.

We conclude that this report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards - Core option.

Jakarta, 2 August 2019

National Center for Sustainability Reporting

Dewi Fitriasari, Ph.D., CSRA, CMADirector

Laporan Kesesuaian dengan Standar GRI

National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) telah melakukan pengecekan Kesesuaian dengan Standar GRI atas Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) 2018 (“Laporan”). Pengecekan dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang sejauh mana Standar GRI telah diterapkan dalam Laporan tersebut. Pengecekan ini bukan merupakan opini atas kinerja keberlanjutan maupun kualitas informasi yang dimuat dalam Laporan tersebut.

Kami menyimpulkan bahwa Laporan ini telah disusun sesuai dengan Standar GRI - Opsi Core.

Jakarta, 2 Agustus 2019


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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PT. Moores Rowland Indonesia Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 26 – Jakarta Selatan 12120 - Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 720 2605 - Fax: +62 21 720 2606 - www.moores-rowland.com

Independent Assurance Statement

Report No. 0719/BD/0022/JK

To the management of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) We were engaged by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) (‘AP I’) to provide assurance in respect to its Sustainability Report 2018 (‘the Report’). The assurance engagement was carried out by our highly experienced assurance team whose diverse and complementary skills ensure a high level of competence in carrying out their duties. Independence We carried out all assurance undertakings with independence and autonomy having not been involved in the preparation of any key part of the Report. Nor did we provide any services to AP I during 2018 that could conflict with the independence of the assurance engagement. Assurance Standards Our work was carried out in accordance with ISAE3000 ‘Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information’ issued by the International Auditing and Accounting Standards Board. In addition, the work was also planned and carried out to conform to AA1000AS (2008) ‘AA1000 Assurance Standards (2008)’, issued by AccountAbility. Level of assurance and criteria used By designing our evidence-gathering procedures to obtain a limited level of assurance based on ISAE3000 and a moderate level of assurance engagement as set out in AA1000AS (2008) readers of the report can be confident that all risks or errors have been reduced to a very low level, although not necessarily to zero. Moreover, the Report was also evaluated in accordance with the criteria of AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (2018) of Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact. Scope of Assurance We provided a Type 2 assurance engagement under AA1000AS (2008) This involved: 1) assessment of AP I’s adherence to the AA1000

AccountAbility Principles (2018); and

2) assessment of the accuracy and quality of the

specified sustainability performance information contained within the Report, in relation to the agreed scope, which consisted of: Partnership and community stewardship program Occupational health and safety Customer health and safety Water management Human resources training and development.


AP I is responsible for the preparation of the Report and all information and claims therein, which include established sustainability management targets, performance management, data collection, etc. In performing this engagement, meanwhile, our responsibility to the management of AP I is solely for the purpose of verifying the statements it has made in relation to its sustainability performance, specifically as described in the agreed scope, and expressing our opinion on the conclusions reached. Methodology

In order to assess the veracity of certain assertions and specified data sets included within the report, as well as the systems and processes used to manage and report them, the following methods were employed during the engagement process: Review of report, internal policies, documentation,

management and information systems Interview of relevant staff involved in

sustainability-related management and reporting Following data trails to the initial aggregated

source, to check samples of data to a greater depth.

Limitations Our scope of work was limited to a review of the accuracy and reliability of specified data and interviews with data providers, persons in charge of data collection and processing, as well as persons in charge of sustainability performance-related information.


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Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 207: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

PT. Moores Rowland Indonesia Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 26 – Jakarta Selatan 12120 - Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 720 2605 - Fax: +62 21 720 2606 - www.moores-rowland.com

Conclusions Conclusions in regard to adherence to the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles of Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact include the following findings: Inclusivity

An assessment was made on whether AP I has included all key stakeholders in developing and achieving an accountable and strategic response to sustainability issues. Demonstration of AP I’s strong commitment to stakeholder inclusivity included the conduct of needs assessment surveys and materiality level survey of the key stakeholder groups. Thus our overall assessment was that AP I has set in place an effective system that enables key stakeholders to participate in the development of the organization's response in the context of sustainability. In order to maintain and strengthen the effectiveness of this inclusivity, however, we recommend that AP I carries out regular monitoring of its systems and procedures, plus implements improvements where necessary.

Materiality With stakeholders requiring material information on which to base their informed judgments, decisions and actions, an assessment was carried out to determine the extent to which AP I has included such information in the Report. AP I’s strong commitment to meet stakeholder needs in this field was evidenced by the provision of adequately reported and balanced information on key material issues. Nevertheless, as demands for information continue to increase, we recommend that AP I conducts materiality tests on a regular basis for inclusion in future reports.

Responsiveness It is increasingly important to respond in meeting stakeholder expectations and an assessment was carried out to determine the degree to which AP I demonstrates its accountability in this area.

AP I's allocation of resources to stakeholder engagement, the timeliness and accessibility of reported information, and the types of communication mechanisms regularly employed were all indicative of its responsiveness to key stakeholder concerns and expectations. As in other areas, however, vigilance is a key and we recommend that AP I conducts regular monitoring and improves stakeholder engagement procedures where necessary in future reports.

Impact An assessment was made on whether AP I has monitored, measured and is accountable for how its actions affect its broader ecosystems. AP I has integrated identified impacts into key management processes, for example, the materiality assessment process and organisational strategy, governance, goal-setting and operations.

In order to strengthen the effectiveness of assessment and disclosure of impacts, however, we recommend that AP I provides the necessary competencies and resources to measure, evaluate and manage the impacts and conducts regular monitoring of its systems and procedures, plus implements improvements where necessary.

Based on our limited assurance engagement, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe the data of the Report has been materially misstated. All key assurance findings are included herein, while detailed observations and follow-up recommendations have been submitted to AP I management in a separate report.

Jakarta, July 15, 2019

James Kallman Chief Executive Officer

Moores Rowland is an international organization specializing in audit, accounting, tax, legal and advisory services. Moores Rowland is a member of Praxity AISBL, the world's largest Alliance of independent and unaffiliated audit and consultancy companies. Praxity is served by Moores Rowland in Indonesia, one of the leading sustainability assurance providers.


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 208: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI






GRI 102:GeneralDisclosures 2016GRI 102:GeneralDisclosures 2016

102-1 Nama perusahaanCompany name 28

102-2 Kegiatan, Merek, produk, dan jasaActivities, brands, products and services 28

102-3 Lokasi kantor pusat Location of Head office 28

102-4 Lokasi operasi Location of operation 28, 41

102-5 Kepemilikan dan bentuk hukumOwnership and legal form 28

102-6 Pasar yang dilayaniMarkets served 41

102-7 Skala organisasi Scale of organization 57

102-8 Informasi mengenai karyawan Information about employees 28

102-9 Rantai pasokanSupply chain 74

102-10 Perubahan signifikan pada organisasi dan rantai pasokannyaSignificant changes in the organization and supply chain 75

102-11 Pendekatan atau prinsip pencegahanApproach or principle of Prevention 92

102-12 Inisiatif eksternalExternal initiative 75

102-13 Keanggotaan asosiasi Association membership 93


102-14 Pernyataan dari pembuat keputusan senior Statement from senior decision maker 5


102-16 Nilai, prinsip, standar, dan norma perilakuValues, principles, standards and norms of behavior 36, 108


102-18 Struktur tata kelolaGovernance structure 99


102-40 Daftar kelompok pemangku kepentinganList of stakeholder groups 23

102-41 Perjanjian perundingan kolektif Collective bargaining agreement 74

102-42 Mengidentifikasi dan memilih pemangku kepentingan Identification and selection of stakeholders 23

102-43 Pendekatan terhadap keterlibatan pemangku kepentinganApproach to stakeholder involvement 23

102-44 Topik utama dan masalah yang dikemukakan Main topics and issues raised 23


102-45 Entitas yang termasuk dalam laporan keuangan dikonsolidasiThe entities included in the financial statements are consolidated 15

102-46 Menetapkan isi laporan dan batasan topikEstablishment of report content and topic limitations 16

102-47 Daftar topik materialList of material topics 18, 20

102-48 Penyajian kembali informasiRestatement of information 15


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Company Profile


Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 209: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI




GRI 102:GeneralDisclosures 2016GRI 102:GeneralDisclosures 2016

102-49 Perubahan dalam pelaporan Changes in reporting 21

102-50 Periode pelaporanReporting period 14

102-51 Tanggal laporan terbaruDate of the latest report 14

102-52 Siklus pelaporanReporting cycle 14

102-53 Titik kontak untuk pertanyaan mengenai laporanContact point for questions regarding reports 22

102-54 Klaim bahwa pelaporan sesuai dengan Standar GRIClaims that reporting is in accordance with the GRI Standard 14

102-55 Indeks isi GRIGRI content index 14, 210

102-56 Assurance oleh pihak eksternalAssurance by external parties 15, 208




GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 19

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 120

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 120,121,124

GRI 201: KinerjaEkonomi 2016GRI 201: PerformanceEconomy 2016

201-1 Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikanDirect economic value generated and distributed 121

201-3Kewajiban program pensiun manfaat pasti dan program pensiun lainnyaObligations of defined benefit pension plans and other pension plans


201-4 Bantuan finansial yang diterima dari pemerintahFinancial assistance received from the government 121


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 19

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 122

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 123

GRI 202:KeberadaanPasar 2016GRI 202:ExistenceMarket 2016

202-1Rasio standar upah karyawan entry-level berdasarkan jenis kelamin terhadap upah minimum regionalThe ratio of the standard wage of entry-level employees by sex to regional minimum wages



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 134,136

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 136,139

GRI 203: DampakEkonomi TidakLangsung 2016GRI 203: ImpactEconomy No.Direct 2016

203-1 Investasi infrastruktur dan dukungan layananInfrastructure investment and service support 136,139

203-2 Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung yang signifikanSignificant indirect economic impacts 136,139


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI





GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 131

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 132

GRI 205:Antikorupsi 2016GRI 205:Anti-Corruption 2016

205-2Komunikasi dan pelatihan tentang kebijakan dan prosedur anti-korupsiCommunication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures


205-3 Insiden korupsi yang terbukti dan tindakan yang diambilProven corruption incidents and actions taken 132


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 134

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 134

GRI 206:Perilaku Anti-Persaingan 2016GRI 206:Anti-Competition Behavior 2016

206-1Langkah-langkah hukum untuk perilaku anti-persaingan, praktik anti-trust dan monopoliLegal measures for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust and monopoly practices




GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 150,151

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 152, 153

302-1 Konsumsi energi dalam organisasi Energy consumption in organizations 151,152, 153

302-3 Intensitas energiEnergy intensity 152

GRI 302: Energi 2016GRI 302: Energy 2016

302-4 Pengurangan konsumsi energiReducing energy consumption 151,152, 153


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 150,153

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 154

GRI 303: Air 2016GRI 303: Water 2016

303-1 Pengambilan air berdasarkan sumber Water withdrawal based on sources 154

303-3 Daur ulang dan penggunaan air kembaliRecycling and Reusing water 154


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 155, 157

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 156, 157


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Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI




GRI 305: Emisi2016GRI 305: Emissions2016

305-1 Emisi GRK (Cakupan 1) langsungDirect (Scope 1) GHG emissions 156

305-2 Emisienergi GRK (Cakupan 2) tidak langsungIndirect (Scope 2) GHG energy emissions 156

305-4 Intensitas emisi GRKOther indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 156

305-5 Pengurangan emisi GRKGHG emission reduction 156

305-6 Emisi zat perusak ozon (ODS)Ozone-depleting substance (ODS) emissions 157

305-7Nitrogen Oksida (NOX), sulfur oksida (SOX), dan emisi udara signifikan lainnyaNitrogen oxide (NOX), sulfur oxide (SOX), and other significant air emissions



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 166

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 166

GRI 307: Kepatuhan Lingkungan 2016GRI 307: Environmental Compliance 2016

307-1Ketidakpatuhan terhadap undang-undang dan peraturan tentang lingkungan hidupNon-compliance with environmental laws and regulations




GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 307: Envi-ronmental Com-pliance 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 171, 176

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 172, 173, 174, 176

GRI 401:Kepegawaian 2016GRI 401:2016 Staffing

401-1 Perekrutan karyawan baru dan pergantian karyawan Recruitment of new employees and employee turnover 172, 173


Tunjangan yang diberikan kepada karyawan purnawaktu yang tidak diberikan kepada karyawan sementara atau paruh waktuBenefits provided to full-time employees which are not provided to temporary or part-time employees


401-3 Cuti melahirkanMaternity leave 176


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 182, 186

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenAverage hours of training per year per employee 182, 183, 186


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

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Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI




GRI 403:Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja 2016GRI 403:Occupational Health and Safety 2016

403-1Perwakilan pekerja dalam komite resmi gabungan manajemenpekerja untuk kesehatan dan keselamatanProgram to improve employee skills and programs for transitional assistance



Jenis kecelakaan kerja dan tingkat kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja, hari kerja yang hilang, dan ketidakhadiran, serta jumlah kematian terkait pekerjaanPercentage of employees who receive regular reviews of career performance and development


403-4Topik kesehatan dan keselamatan dalam perjanjian resmi dengan serikat karyawanHealth and safety topics in official agreements with union employees



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 187, 188, 189

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 187, 188, 189

GRI 404:Pendidikan danPelatihan 2016GRI 404:Education and2016 training

404-1 Rata-rata jam pelatihan per tahun per karyawan Diversity of governance bodies and employees 187

404-2Program untuk meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan dan program bantuan peralihanRatio of basic salary and remuneration of women compared to men


404-3Persentase karyawan yang menerima tinjauan rutin terhadap kinerja dan pengembangan karierPercentage of employees who receive regular reviews of career performance and development



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 58,189

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 58,189

GRI 405:Keanekarag-amandan Kesem-patanSetara 2016GRI 405:Diversityand opportunityEquivalent of 2016

405-1 Keanekaragaman badan tata kelola dan karyawanDiversity of governance bodies and employees 58

405-2Rasio gaji pokok dan remunerasi perempuan dibandingkan laki-lakiRatio of basic salary and remuneration of women compared to men



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 189

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 189

GRI 406: Non-Diskriminasi2016GRI 406: Non-Discrimi-nation2016

406-1 Insiden diskriminasi dan tindakan perbaikan yang dilakukanDiscrimination incidents and corrective actions taken 189


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 136

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 136


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Indikator Standar GRIIndicators of GRI




GRI 413: Masyarakat Lokal 2016GRI 413: Local Communities 2016

413-1 Operasi dengan keterlibatan masyarakat lokalOperations with the involvement of local communities 136, 139

413-2Operasi yang secara aktual dan yang berpotensi memiliki dampak negatif signifikan terhadap masyarakat lokalActual operations that have the potential to have a significant negative impact on local communities

136, 139


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 194

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 194, 197

GRI 416:Kesehatan danKeselamatanPelanggan 2016GRI 416:Health andSafety2016 customers

416-1Penilaian dampak kesehatan dan keselamatan dari berbagai kategori produk dan jasaHealth and safety impact assessment from various categories of products and services


416-2Insiden ketidakpatuhan sehubungan dengan dampak kesehatan dan keselamatan dari produk dan jasaIncidents of non-compliance with regard to the health and safety impacts of products and services



GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 197,198

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 199

GRI 417:Pemasaran danPelabelan 2016GRI 417:Marketing and2016 labeling

417-1Persyaratan untuk pelabelan dan informasi produk dan jasaRequirements for labeling and information on products and services


417-2Insiden ketidakpatuhan terkait informasi dan pelabelan produk dan jasaNon-compliance incidents related to information and labeling of products and services


417-3 Insiden ketidakpatuhan terkait komunikasi pemasaranIncidents of non-compliance related to marketing communications 199


GRI 103:PendekatanManajemen 2016GRI 103:ApproachManagement 2016

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannyaExplanation of material topics and limitations 20

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennyaManagement approach and its components 204

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemenEvaluation of management approach 204

GRI 419:Kepatuhan Sosial Ekonomi 2016GRI 419:2016 Socio-Eco-nomic Compli-ance

419-1Ketidakpatuhan terhadap undang-undang dan peraturan di bidang sosial dan ekonomiNon-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic fields



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

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Praktik PelaporanReporting Practice


G4-DMA IntermodalitasInter-modality


AO7 KebisinganNoise


G4-DMA Keberlanjutan bisnis dan persiapan menghadapi kondisi daruratBusiness sustainability and preparation for emergencies


G4-DMA Kualitas layananService quality


G4-DMA Layanan dan fasilitas untuk orang berkebutuhan khususServices and facilities for people with special needs



No. DeskripsiDescription


1 Penjelasan Strategi Keberlanjutan Explanation of Sustainability Strategy


2 Ikhtisar Kinerja Aspek Keberlanjutan Overview of Sustainability Aspect Performance

a. Aspek Ekonomi Economic Aspects: 1) kuantitas produksi atau jasa yang dijual; 2) pendapatan atau penjualan; 3) laba atau rugi bersih; 4) produk ramah lingkungan; dan 5) pelibatan pihak lokal yang berkaitan dengan proses bisnis Keuangan Berkelanjutan.

a. Economic Aspects: 1) quantity of production or service sold;2) income or sales;3) net profit or loss;4) environmentally friendly products; and5) involvement of local parties related to the business process of Sustainable Finance.


b. Aspek Lingkungan Hidup: 1) penggunaan energi (antara lain listrik dan air); 2) pengurangan emisi yang dihasilkan (bagi LJK, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik yang proses bisnisnya berkaitan

langsung dengan Lingkungan Hidup); 3) pengurangan limbah dan efluen (limbah yang telah memasuki lingkungan) yang dihasilkan (bagi LJK, Emiten,

dan Perusahaan Publik yang proses bisnisnya berkaitan langsung dengan Lingkungan Hidup); atau 4) pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati (bagi LJK, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik yang proses bisnisnya berkaitan

langsung dengan Lingkungan Hidup). b. Environmental aspects:

1) energy use (including electricity and water);2) reduction of emissions produced (for LJK, Issuers, and Public Companies whose business processes are directly

related to the Environment); 3) the resulting reduction in waste and effluent (waste that has entered the environment) (for LJK, Issuers, and Public

Companies whose business processes are directly related to the Environment); or4) preservation of biodiversity (for LJK, Issuers, and Public Companies whose business processes are directly related to

the Environment).


c. Aspek Sosial: Uraian mengenai dampak positif dan negatif penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan (termasuk orang, daerah, dan dana).

c. Social Aspects: Description of the positive and negative impacts of implementing Sustainable Finance for the community and the environment (including people, regions and funds).


3 Profil Singkat Perusahaan Brief Profile of the Company:

a. visi, misi, dan nilai keberlanjutana. vision, mission, and value of sustainability


b. nama, alamat, nomor telepon, nomor faksimil, alamat surat elektronik (e-mail), dan situs/web, serta kantor cabang dan/atau kantor perwakilan

b. name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address, and website, as well as branch offices and/or repres entative offices



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c. skala usaha: 1) total aset atau kapitalisasi aset, dan total kewajiban (dalam jutaan rupiah); 2) jumlah karyawan yang dibagi menurut jenis kelamin, jabatan, usia, pendidikan, dan status ketenagakerjaan; 3) persentase kepemilikan saham (publik dan pemerintah); dan 4) wilayah operasional.

c. scale of enterprises: 1) total assets or asset capitalization, and total liabilities (in millions of rupiah);2) number of employees divided according to sex, position, age, education, and employment status;3) percentage of share ownership (public and government); and4) operational area.


d. penjelasan singkat mengenai produk, layanan, dan kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan; d. a brief description of the products, services, and business activities carried out;


e. keanggotaan pada asosiasi; e. membership in associations;


f. perubahan yang bersifat signifikan, antara lain terkait dengan penutupan atau pembukaan cabang, dan struktur kepemilikan.

f. significant changes, including those related to branch closure or opening, and ownership structure.


4 Penjelasan Direksi memuat:Explanation of Board of Directors contains:

a. Kebijakan untuk merespons tantangan dalam pemenuhan strategi keberlanjutan, paling sedikit meliputi: 1) penjelasan nilai keberlanjutan Perusahaan2) penjelasan respon Perusahaan terhadap isu terkait penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan;3) penjelasan komitmen pimpinan Perusahaan dalam pencapaian penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan; 4) pencapaian kinerja penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan; dan 5) tantangan pencapaian kinerja penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan.

a. Policies to respond to challenges in meeting sustainability strategies, which at least covering: 1) explanation of the value of the Company's sustainability2) an explanation of the Company's response to issues related to the implementation of Sustainable Finance;3) explanation of the commitment of the Company's leadership in achieving the implementation of Sustainable Finance;4) achievement of the performance in implementing Sustainable Finance; and5) challenges in achieving performance in implementing Sustainable Finance.


b. Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan: 1) pencapaian kinerja penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan (ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup) dibandingkan

dengan target; dan 2) penjelasan prestasi dan tantangan termasuk peristiwa penting selama periode pelaporan (bagi LJK yang

diwajibkan membuat Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan).b. Implementation of Sustainable Finance:

1) achievement of performance in implementing Sustainable Finance (economic, social and environmental) compared to the target; and

2) explanation of achievements and challenges including important events during the reporting period (for LJKs that are required to make a Sustainable Financial Action Plan).

c. Strategi pencapaian target: 1) pengelolaan risiko atas penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan terkait aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan

hidup; 2) pemanfaatan peluang dan prospek usaha; dan 3) penjelasan situasi eksternal ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup yang berpotensi mempengaruhi

keberlanjutan Perusahaanc. Target achievement strategy:

1) risk management for the implementation of Sustainable Finance related to economic, social and environmental aspects;

2) utilization of opportunities and business prospects; and3) explanation of external economic, social and environmental situations that have the potential to affect the Company's


5 Tata kelola keberlanjutan memuatSustainability governance contains

a. Uraian tugas Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, pegawai, pejabat dan/atau unit kerja yang menjadi penanggung jawab penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan

a. Description of the duties of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, employees, officials and/or work units who are responsible for implementing Sustainable Finance


b. Pengembangan kompetensi Direksi, anggota Dewan Komisaris, pegawai, pejabat dan/atau unit kerja yang menjadi penanggung jawab penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan.

b. Development of competencies of Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, employees, officials and/or work units who are responsible for implementing Sustainable Finance.


c. Penjelasan mengenai prosedur Perusahaan dalam mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau, dan mengendalikan risiko atas penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan terkait aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup, termasuk peran Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam mengelola, melakukan telaah berkala, dan meninjau efektivitas proses manajemen risiko Perusahaan.

c. A description of the Company's procedures for identifying, measuring, monitoring, and controlling the risks of implementing Sustainable Finance related to economic, social and environmental aspects, including the role of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in managing, conducting periodic reviews and reviewing the effectiveness of the Company's risk management process.


d. Penjelasan mengenai pemangku kepentingan yang meliputi: 1) keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan berdasarkan hasil penilaian (assessment) manajemen.2) pendekatan yang digunakan Perusahaan dalam melibatkan pemangku kepentingan dalam penerapan

Keuangan Berkelanjutan.d. Explanation regarding stakeholders, which includes:

1) stakeholder involvement based on management assessment results.2) the approach used by the Company in involving stakeholders in the implementation of Sustainable Finance.


e. Permasalahan yang dihadapi, perkembangan, dan pengaruh terhadap penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan. e. Problems faced, developments, and influence on the implementation of Sustainable Finance.



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas

Moving Together to Build Environmental Care

Customer Satisfaction as Priority

Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

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6 Kinerja keberlanjutan:Sustainability performance:

a. Penjelasan mengenai kegiatan membangun budaya keberlanjutan di Perusahaana. A description of activities to build a culture of sustainability in the Company

116,148, 168

b. Uraian mengenai kinerja ekonomi: 1) perbandingan target dan kinerja produksi, portofolio, target pembiayaan, atau investasi, pendapatan dan laba

rugi 2) perbandingan target dan kinerja portofolio, target pembiayaan, atau investasi pada instrumen keuangan atau

proyek yang sejalan dengan penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan.b. Description of economic performance:

1) comparison of target and production performance, portfolio, financing target, or investment, income and profit and loss

2) comparison of target and portfolio performance, financing targets, or investments in financial instruments or projects that are in line with the implementation of Sustainable Finance.


c. Kinerja sosial: 1) Komitmen Perusahaan untuk memberikan layanan atas produk dan/atau jasa yang setara kepada konsumen. 2) Ketenagakerjaan:

a) Kesetaraan kesempatan bekerja dan ada atau tidaknya tenaga kerja paksa dan tenaga kerja anak; b) Persentase remunerasi pegawai tetap di tingkat terendah terhadap upah minimum regional; c) Lingkungan bekerja yang layak dan aman; dan d) Pelatihan dan pengembangan kemampuan pegawai.

3) Masyarakat: a) informasi kegiatan atau wilayah operasional yang menghasilkan dampak positif dan dampak negatif terhadap

masyarakat, sekitar termasuk literasi dan inklusi keuangan; b) mekanisme pengaduan masyarakat serta jumlah pengaduan masyarakat yang diterima dan ditindaklanjuti;

dan c) TJSL yang dapat dikaitkan dengan dukungan pada tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan meliputi jenis dan

capaian kegiatan program pemberdayaan masyarakatc. Social performance:

1) The Company's commitment to provide services for products and/or services that are equivalent to consumers. 2) Employment:

a) Equality of employment opportunities and the presence or absence of forced labor and child labor;b) The percentage of remuneration from permanent employees at the lowest level against regional minimum wages;c) A decent and safe working environment; andd) Training and development of employee capabilities.

3) Community: a) information on activities or operational areas that produce positive and negative impacts on the community,

including financial literacy and inclusion;b) public complaints mechanism and number of public complaints received and acted upon; andc) TJSL that can be linked to support for the objectives of sustainable development including the types and

achievements of community empowerment program activities


d. Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup: 1) biaya lingkungan hidup yang dikeluarkan; 2) uraian mengenai penggunaan material yang ramah lingkungan, misalnya penggunaan jenis material daur

ulang; dan 3) uraian mengenai penggunaan energi, paling sedikit memuat:

a) jumlah dan intensitas energi yang digunakan; dan b) upaya dan pencapaian efisiensi energi yang dilakukan termasuk penggunaan sumber energi terbarukan;

e. Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup bagi Perusahaan yang proses bisnisnya berkaitan langsung dengan lingkungan hidup: 1) kinerja sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf d; 2) informasi kegiatan atau wilayah operasional yang menghasilkan dampak positif dan dampak negatif terhadap

lingkungan hidup sekitar, terutama upaya peningkatan daya dukung ekosistem; 3) keanekaragaman hayati, paling sedikit memuat:

a) dampak dari wilayah operasional yang dekat atau berada di daerah konservasi atau memiliki keanekaragaman hayati; dan

b) usaha konservasi keanekaragaman hayati yang dilakukan, mencakup perlindungan spesies flora atau fauna; 4) emisi, paling sedikit memuat:

a) jumlah dan intensitas emisi yang dihasilkan berdasarkan jenisnya; dan b) upaya dan pencapaian pengurangan emisi yang dilakukan;

5) limbah dan efluen, paling sedikit memuat: a) jumlah limbah dan efluen yang dihasilkan berdasarkan jenis; b) mekanisme pengelolaan limbah dan efluen; dan c) tumpahan yang terjadi (jika ada); dan

6) jumlah dan materi pengaduan lingkungan hidup yang diterima dan diselesaikan.


d. Environmental Performance: 1) environmental cost incurred; 2) a description of the use of environmentally friendly materials, for example the use of recycled material types; and3) description of energy use, which at least contains::

a) the amount and intensity of energy used; andb) efforts and achievement of energy efficiency carried out including the use of renewable energy sources;

e. Environmental Performance for Companies whose business processes are directly related to the environment: 1) performance as referred to in letter d; 2) information on activities or operational areas that produce positive impacts and negative impacts on the surrounding

environment, especially efforts to increase the carrying capacity of the ecosystem; 3) biodiversity, which at least contains:

a) the impact of operational areas that are near or in a conservation area or that have biodiversity; andb) biodiversity conservation efforts carried out, including the protection of flora or fauna species;

4) emissions, which at least contain: a) the amount and intensity of emissions produced based on the type; andb) efforts and achievement of emissions reductions carried out;

5) waste and effluent, which at least contains: a) amount of waste and effluent produced by type;b) the mechanism of waste and effluent management; andc) spills that occur (if any); and

6) the number and material of environmental complaints received and resolved.


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 217: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

f. Tanggung jawab pengembangan produk dan/atau jasa Keuangan Berkelanjutan: 1) inovasi dan pengembangan produk dan/atau jasa Keuangan Berkelanjutan; 2) jumlah dan persentase produk dan jasa yang sudah dievaluasi keamanannya bagi pelanggan; 3) dampak positif dan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari produk dan/atau jasa Keuangan Berkelanjutan dan

proses distribusi, serta mitigasi yang dilakukan untuk menanggulangi dampak negatif; 4) jumlah produk yang ditarik kembali dan alasannya; atau 5) survei kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk dan/atau jasa Keuangan Berkelanjutan.

f. Responsibility for developing Sustainable Financial products and/or services: 1) innovation and development of Sustainable Financial products and/or services;2) the number and percentage of products and services that have been evaluated for security for customers;3) positive impacts and negative impacts arising from Sustainable Financial products and/or services and distribution

processes, as well as mitigation carried out to mitigate negative impacts;4) the number of products being recalled and the reason; or5) customer satisfaction surveys for Sustainable Financial products and/or services.

42,161, 194,199

7 Verifikasi tertulis dari pihak independen, jika ada…Written verification from an independent party, if any …


Tautan Materialitas Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dalam Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/SDG’s)Materiality Link of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Sustainability Report in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Topik dalam Laporan IniTopics in this Report

GRI StandardsGRI Standards

Tidak ada kemiskinan dalambentuk apapun di seluruh penjuru duniaThere is no poverty of any kind in all corners of the world

Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikanDirect economic value generated and distributed

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung Indirect economic impact

Keberadaan pasarMarket presence

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan SetaraDiversity and Equal Opportunity

201-1, 201-2, 201-3

203-1, 203-2


405-2, 401-2

Mengakhiri kelaparan,mencapai ketahanan pangandan meningkatkan gizi, sertamendorong pertanian yangberkelanjutanTo end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, and encourage sustainable agriculture

Dampak Ekonomi Tidak LangsungIndirect Economic Impact

203-1, 203-2

Menjamin kehidupan yang sehat dan mendorong kesejahteraan bagi semua orang di segala usiaTo ensure a healthy life and promoting prosperity for all people of all ages

Air Water

Emisi Emission

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan KerjaOccupational Health and Safety

303-1, 303-3

305-1, 305-2,305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7


Menjamin pendidikan yanginklusif dan berkeadilan sertamendorong kesempatan belajar seumur hidup bagi semua orangTo ensure inclusive and equitable education and encourage lifelong learning opportunities for everyone

Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Training and Education

404-1, 404-2, 404-3

Menjamin kesetaraan genderserta memberdayakan ibu dan perempuanTo ensure gender equality and empower mothers and women

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan SetaraDiversity and Equal Opportunity

405-1, 405-2



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan


Moving Together to Build Environmental Care


Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 218: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

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Topik dalam Laporan IniTopics in this Report

GRI StandardsGRI Standards

Menjamin ketersediaan danpengelolaan air serta sanitasiyang berkelanjutan bagi semua orangTo ensure the availability and management of water and sustainable sanitation for everyone


303-1, 303-3

Menjamin akses energiyang terjangkau, terjamin,berkelanjutan dan modern bagi semua orangTo ensure access to energy that is affordable, guaranteed, sustainable and modern for everyone


302-1, 302-3, 302-4

Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terus-menerus, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan, serta kesempatan kerja penuh dan produktif dan pekerjaan yang layak bagi semua orangTo encourage continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, as well as full and productive employment opportunities and decent work for everyone

Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikanDirect economic value generated and distributed

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic impact

Keberadaan pasarMarket presence

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan SetaraDiversity and Equal Opportunity

Pelatihan dan PendidikanKaryawanEmployee Training and Education

Masyarakat lokalLocal communities

201-1, 201-3, 201-4

203-1, 203-2



404-1, 404-2, 404-3

413-1, 413-2

Membangun infrastruktur yang berketahanan, mendorong industrialisasi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan serta membinainovasiTo build resilient infrastructure, encourage inclusive and sustainable industrialization and develop innovation

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic impact

203-1, 203-2

Mengurangi kesenjangan di dalam dan antar NegaraTo reduce disparities in and between countries

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic impact


203-1, 203-2

401-1, 401-2, 401-3

Menjadikan kota dan pemukiman manusia inklusif, aman, berketahanan dan berkelanjutanTo make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic impact

203-1, 203-2

Menjamin pola produksi dankonsumsi yang berkelanjutanTo guarantee a pattern of sustainable production and consumption

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic impact

203-1, 203-2


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 219: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

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Topik dalam Laporan IniTopics in this Report

GRI StandardsGRI Standards

Mengambil tindakan segera untuk memerangi perubahan iklim dan dampaknyaTo take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects




Kepatuhan LingkunganEnvironmental Compliance

302-1, 302-3, 302-4

303-1, 303-3

305-1, 305-2,305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7


Melestarikan dan menggunakansamudera, lautan serta sumber daya laut secara berkelanjutan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutanTo preserve and sustainably use oceans, sea and marine resources for sustainable development


303-1, 303-3

Melindungi, memperbarui, serta mendorong penggunaan ekosistem daratan yang berkelanjutan, mengelola hutan secara berkelanjutan, memerangi penggurunan, menghentikan dan memulihkan degradasi tanah, serta menghentikan kerugian keanekaragaman hayatiTo protect, renew, and encourage the use of sustainable land ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, fight desertification, stop and restore land degradation, and stop loss of biodiversity

- -

Mendorong masyarakat yangdamai dan inklusif untukpembangunan berkelanjutan,menyediakan akses keadilan bagi semua orang, serta membangun institusi yang efektif, akuntabel, dan inklusif di seluruh tingkatanTo encourage a peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all people, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Anti korupsiAnti Corruption

Perilaku Anti-PersainganAnti-competitive behavior


Kepatuhan sosial ekonomiSocio-economic compliance

Kepatuhan lingkunganEnvironmental compliance

Masyarakat LokalLocal Community

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan PelangganCustomer Health and Safety

Pemasaran dan PelabelanMarketing and Labeling

205-1, 205-3





413-1, 413-2

416-1, 416-2

417-1, 417-2,417-3

Memperkuat perangkat-perangkat implementasi (means of implementation) dan merevitalisasi kemitraan global untuk pembangunanberkelanjutanTo strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development

Inisiatif EksternalExternal Initiative



Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan


Moving Together to Build Environmental Care


Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 220: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number


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Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 221: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Mohon pilih jawaban yang paling sesuai:Please choose the most suitable answer:

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5. Laporan ini meningkatkan kepercayaan Anda pada keberlanjutan Perseroan: This report increases your trust in the Company's sustainability: Sangat Tidak Setuju Tidak Setuju Netral Setuju Sangat Setuju Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Mohon berkenan mengisi:Please kindly fill in:1. Bagian laporan mana yang paling berguna bagi Anda: Which part of the report is most useful for you:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Bagian laporan mana yang kurang berguna bagi Anda: Which part of the report is less useful for you:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Bagian laporan mana yang paling menarik bagi Anda: Which part of the report is the most interesting for you:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Bagian laporan mana yang kurang menarik bagi Anda: Which part of the report is less interesting for you:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Mohon berikan saran/usul/komentar Anda atas laporan ini: Please provide your suggestions/comments on this report:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Mengoptimalkan Kinerja dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Pilihan Optimizing The Performance by Selected Human Resources

Bergerak Bersama Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan


Moving Together to Build Environmental Care


Terus Maju dan Berkembang Melayani Negeri Keep Moving Forward and Growing Bigger to Serve The Nation

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)2018 Sustainability Report

Page 222: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

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Head Office PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)Corporate Secretary Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Fax : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] : www.angkasapura1.co.id Twitter : @AP_airports Instagram: @AP_airportsFacebook : www.facebook.com/angkasapura.airports

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Kantor Pusat PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)Corporate Secretary Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610 Telp : 62-21 6541961 Faks : 62-21 6541513, 6541514 Email : [email protected] : www.angkasapura1.co.id Twitter : @AP_airports Instagram: @AP_airportsFacebook : www.facebook.com/angkasapura.airports


Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report

Profil Perusahaan

Tata Kelola, Etika dan Integritas

Company Profile

Governance, Ethics, and Integrity

Laporan Direksi Board of Directors’ Report

PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO)Laporan Berkelanjutan 2018

Page 223: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number
Page 224: ECO FRIENDLY ECO GREEN AIRPORT - ap1.co.id · *Data Kantor Pusat AP1 *Data from AP1 Head Office Uraian Description Satuan Unit 2018 2017 Pertumbuhan Growth (%) Jumlah pegawai Number

Laporan Berkelanjutan

2018Sustainability Report