第二十一卷第一期 通訊2019 03 理事長的話 .................................................................................................................................. 1 榮譽榜 .......................................................................................................................................... 2 會務公告 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 活動花絮 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 學術活動訊息 .............................................................................................................................. 7 期刊徵稿 .................................................................................................................................... 19 專書介紹 .................................................................................................................................... 23 新會員名錄 ................................................................................................................................ 24 台灣語言學學會 理事長:300 新竹市光復路二段 101 清華大學語言學研究所 蔡維天教授 E-mail: [email protected] 副理事長: 300 新竹市南大路 521 清華大學臺灣語言研究與教學研究所 葉美利教授 E-mail: [email protected] 秘書長:701 台南市大學路 1 成功大學外國語文學系 李惠琦教授 E-mail: [email protected] 址:台北市11529 南港中央研究院語言學研究所 E-mail: [email protected] 傳真:(02) 2652-5022 址:http://linguist.tw 台灣語言學討論區(投稿):[email protected] 台灣語言學討論區(訂閱或退訂):http://list.net.nthu.edu.tw/ 臉書:https://www.facebook.com/Linguistic-Society-of-Taiwan-台灣語言學學會-765554106826522/

通訊 2019linguist.tw/media/files/201903LST_Newsletter21_1.pdf其二,不過12 月1 日會員大會卻因人數不足而流會,因此學會依法於2018 年12 月21 日在臺科大國際大樓二樓重新召開大會,議決年度預算等重要提案,並舉行歲末聯歡及詩詞吟唱演示,獲得會員們的鼎力支持,衝過人數門檻,得以

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  • 第二十一卷第一期 通訊 2019 年 03 月

    本 期 目 錄

    理事長的話 .................................................................................................................................. 1

    榮譽榜 .......................................................................................................................................... 2

    會務公告 ...................................................................................................................................... 3

    活動花絮 ...................................................................................................................................... 5

    學術活動訊息 .............................................................................................................................. 7

    期刊徵稿 .................................................................................................................................... 19

    專書介紹 .................................................................................................................................... 23

    新會員名錄 ................................................................................................................................ 24


    理事長:300 新竹市光復路二段 101 號 清華大學語言學研究所 蔡維天教授 E-mail: [email protected] 副理事長:300 新竹市南大路 521 號 清華大學臺灣語言研究與教學研究所 葉美利教授 E-mail: [email protected] 秘書長:701 台南市大學路 1 號 成功大學外國語文學系 李惠琦教授 E-mail: [email protected] 會 址:台北市 11529 南港中央研究院語言學研究所 E-mail: [email protected] 傳真:(02) 2652-5022 網 址:http://linguist.tw 台灣語言學討論區(投稿):[email protected] 台灣語言學討論區(訂閱或退訂):http://list.net.nthu.edu.tw/ 臉書:https://www.facebook.com/Linguistic-Society-of-Taiwan-台灣語言學學會-765554106826522/

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://lst.ling.nthu.edu.tw/mailto:[email protected]://list.net.nthu.edu.tw/https://www.facebook.com/Linguistic-Society-of-Taiwan-%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E8%AA%9E%E8%A8%80%E5%AD%B8%E5%AD%B8%E6%9C%83-765554106826522/

  • 1

    理事長的話 很快一年又過去了,首先要感謝學會理監事、團隊幹部及助理們長期以來的



    報告幾個重點: 其一,此次在聯合大學舉辦的 2018 年 NCL 會議圓滿落幕,同學們都表現得很好,老師們的評論也都很精彩,腦神經語言學的論壇及曾志朗院士終身成就獎

    的演講更是精彩,引人入勝。 其二,不過 12 月 1 日會員大會卻因人數不足而流會,因此學會依法於 2018年 12 月 21 日在臺科大國際大樓二樓重新召開大會,議決年度預算等重要提案,並舉行歲末聯歡及詩詞吟唱演示,獲得會員們的鼎力支持,衝過人數門檻,得以


    持協助,在極短的時間重起爐灶,算是對學會成員有了交代,也為 2019 新的一年注入士氣和活力。 其三,2018 年初本會與台灣語文學會合辦之"反思「推動英語為第二官方語」座談會"系列已圓滿結束,獲得相當不錯的反響。何萬順教授出人出錢出力,居功厥偉,在此鄭重表達感謝之意。 其四,2019 年會員大會暨 LST 二十周年慶將由師大英語系承辦,也藉這個機會向主辦人陳純音教授致上謝忱。 其五,2019 年 NCL 將由交大外文系承辦,自此也向主辦人劉辰生教授表達誠摯謝意。 最後祝大家新年新氣象,有個豐盛的豬年,維天 2019 年 2 月 18 日

  • 2

    榮譽榜 2018 終身成就獎

    曾志朗 教授

    2018 特殊貢獻獎

    謝舒凱 教授

    2018 年度最佳博碩士論文獎得獎名單 年度最佳博士論文獎


    博士論文佳作獎 姓名:鄭偉成

    論文題目:漢語句法-言談介面研究 系所:國立清華大學語言學研究所


    姓名:陳彥叡 論文題目:漢語疑問詞「怎麼」之左緣結構分析 系所:國立清華大學台灣語言研究與教學所

    獎勵: 1.年度最佳論文獎:獎狀、次年免繳會費之優惠(或從終身會費減免等額費用)、限額國際會議發表論文補助。 2.年度論文佳作獎:獎狀

  • 3

    會務公告 常年會費繳交提醒

    親愛的會員,您好! 台灣語言學學會是前輩學者篳路藍縷辛苦創立的優質學術團體,學會的每



    學會需要您的支持,即日起開始繳交 2019 年度會費。本會個人會員常年會費為 1,500 元;學生會員常年會費為 500 元。

    繳交學會 2019 年度會費請擇一使用下列方式:

    (1) 郵局劃撥

    帳戶:台灣語言學學會 帳號:19441335 請填寫地址、電話,並於通訊欄註明款項用途、是否需要紙本收據,

    以便開立及寄送收據,如有抬頭及統編需求,請註明於通訊欄。 (2) 信用卡繳費

    請至本會網站「表單下載」(http://linguist.tw/zh-tw/downloads)下載信用卡繳費單後,填妥傳真至學會傳真電話 02-2652-5022。

    (3) 現場繳交 請至學會會址或於學會辦理之活動現場繳交。


  • 4

    2019 台灣語言學學會學生會員發表研究成果經費補助申請

    申請審核事項說明: 申請者必須為台灣語言學學會認可之學生會員。 申請補助所出席之語言學相關會議舉行會期須在 2018 年 5 月 1 日到 2019年 4 月 30 日之間。 申請者除了填寫上述表格並附學生證正反掃描外,須檢附該會議議程、論

    文接受發表之證明函、註冊費收據及發表論文全文(含摘要)等,所有檔案請以數位檔案於 2019 年 4 月 30 日前傳至 [email protected]。 學會將就所檢附資料進行審核項目及費用,上述資料若未齊全或逾期申請

    者,恕難受理。 通過補助者名單將於 5 月初,於學會網站上公佈並通知後續相關事宜。 人力不足,所有審核資料恕不退還,敬請見諒。 表格下載處:http://linguist.tw/zh-tw/downloads/forms 台灣語言學學會 啟

    mailto:[email protected]://linguist.tw/zh-tw/downloads/forms

  • 5


    第十九屆全國語言學論文研討會 暨

    台灣語言學學會第十屆第二次會員大會 日期:2018 年 11 月 30 日(星期五)~12 月 1 日(星期六)

    地點:國立聯合大學電機資訊學院演講廳、B3-201 室

  • 6

    台灣語言學學會第十屆第二次會員大會 日期:2018 年 12 月 21 日(星期五)

    地點:國立臺灣科技大學國際大樓二樓 IB202 室

  • 7

    學術活動訊息 演講通告


    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 3 月28 日(四) 14:00

    Peggy Pik Ki Mok(莫碧琪教授)

    (Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, the Chinese University of Hong Kong)

    The acquisition of Xiamen tone sandhi

    HC3 R104 (人社三館)


    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 3 月29 日(五) 12:30

    Peggy Pik Ki Mok(莫碧琪教授)

    (Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, the Chinese University of Hong Kong)

    Production of rhotics by Mandarin-English bilingual speakers



    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 4 月8 日(一) 12:00-13:30

    錢昱夫博士 復旦大學中國語言


    Processing tone sandhi words during spoken word recognition: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, and Shanghai Wu




  • 8


    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 4 月16 日(二) 10:00

    Barbara Meisterernst(國立清華大學)

    The Negative Cycle in Chinese: From Synthetic to Analytic and back to Synthetic Negation?





    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 4 月25 日(四) 12:30-14:00

    黃舒屏助理教授 國立中山大學外文

    The Evaluative Functions of Metaphors: Corpus and Experimental Explorations 隱喻的評價功能:語




    大同大學應用外語學系 (台灣語文學會 台灣語言學大師講座)

    日期 演講者 講題 地點

    2019 年 5 月10 日(五) 13:30-14:45


    How grammar and discourse co-evolve in (some) Formosan languages

    大同大學 尚志教育研究

    館(白宮)3樓音樂廳 台北市中山北


    2019 年 5 月10 日(五) 15:15-16:30

    黃美金教授 我的南島之旅—語


    備註:13:00~13:30 報到;16:30~17:50 大師學思歷程綜合座談。

  • 9



    一、會議日期:108 年 04 月 19 日(星期五) 二、報名截止:108 年 03 月 26 日(星期二) 三、會議地點:中央研究院人文館三樓第二會議室 四、會議網址:http://ilasalf-2.ling.sinica.edu.tw/

    2019 年第 17 屆國際暨第 37 屆全國聲韻學學術研討會

    一、會議日期:108 年 05 月 04~05 日(星期六~日) 二、會議地點:國立中央大學文學院大講堂、文學院會議室(地址:桃園市

    中壢區中大路 300 號) 三、會議聯繫信箱:[email protected]


    一、會議日期:108 年 05 月 17~18 日(星期五~六) 二、會議地點:東海大學 三、會議網址:https://etra.thu.edu.tw


    一、會議日期:108 年 05 月 24~26 日(星期五~日) 二、會議地點:華東師範大學(中國上海) 三、會議聯繫信箱:[email protected]


    一、會議日期:108 年 05 月 25 日(星期六) 二、會議地點:國立交通大學圖書館地下一樓國際會議廳 A 廳 三、會議網址:https://lingstudent.wixsite.com/website 四、會議聯繫信箱:[email protected]

    http://ilasalf-2.ling.sinica.edu.tw/https://etra.thu.edu.tw/mailto:[email protected]://lingstudent.wixsite.com/website

  • 10

    第 29 屆國際東南亞語言學會議 (SEALS29)

    一、會議日期:108 年 05 月 27~29 日(星期一~三) 二、會議地點:東京兩國 KFC Halls and Rooms 三、會議網址:https://sealsxxix.wixsite.com/seals29 四、會議聯繫信箱:[email protected]


    2019 年第二屆國際與社會科學學院研究生跨領域論壇 一、會議日期:108 年 06 月 01 日(星期六) 二、會議地點:國立臺灣師範大學國際與社會科學學院

    The 12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian

    Linguistics (TEAL-12) 一、會議日期:108 年 06 月 09~10 日(星期日~一) 二、會議地點:澳門大學 三、會議網址:https://fah.um.edu.mo/teal-12/

    International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and

    Multilingual Education (IConMAME 2019) 一、會議日期:108 年 06 月 22~24 日(星期六~一) 二、早鳥報名截止:108 年 05 月 01 日 三、會議地點:香港教育大學 四、會議網址:http://www.eduhk.hk/lml/iconmame/


    一、會議日期:108 年 07 月 26~27 日(星期五~六) 二、會議地點:香港教育大學大埔校園 三、會議網址:https://www.eduhk.hk/tcsl


  • 11


    2019 TAIPEI TECH International Conference on Applied Linguistics

    Theme Trends and Issues: Language, Culture, Translation and Bilingual Education

    Call for Papers Conference Dates: October 31- November 1, 2019

    Conference Host: Department of English, TAIPEI TECH Conference Venue: GIS TAIPEI TECH Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan

    Keynote Speakers:

    Martha Bigelow Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

    University of Minnesota, USA Minako O’Hagan

    Associate Professor, School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics The University of Auckland, New Zealand

    Conference Description:

    The 2019 Taipei Tech International Conference on Applied Linguistics (APLX 2019), to be hosted by the Department of English at National Taipei University of Technology on October 31- November 1, 2019, will bring together researchers interested in linguistics, language teaching, discourse, SLA, translation and interpretation, bilingual education, cultural studies, and other related fields to report new research findings and exchange innovative ideas. The biennial conference has attracted applied linguists from around the world since 2006. This year, we continue this tradition, hoping to attract a greater number of international researchers and encourage productive exchanges and fruitful interactions among participants.

    Conference Themes:

    1. Applied Linguistics: pragmatics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, phraseology, language and culture, language and technology, language assessment, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication, gender studies, and other relevant topics

  • 12

    2. Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice: L2 acquisition/SLA, content-based instruction, multi-/cross-cultural issues in English education, technology and English education, and other relevant topics

    3. ESP Research and Teaching: technical writing, corpus resources, English for vocational education/business/tourism/science/medicine/technology/management, innovations in ESP curriculum design, international/inter-cultural communication, trends and challenges in English for specific purposes

    4. Translation Studies: theory and practice of translation and interpretation, translation and interpretation teaching, audiovisual translation, game localization, translation and technology, news translation.

    5. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: English medium instruction (EMI), Content and language integrated learning (CLIL), bilingual language acquisition, bilingual teacher development

    6. Themes otherwise proposed are welcome. Languages: The official languages of the conference are English and Mandarin Chinese. Proposals can be written in either English or Chinese, and each paper should be presented in the language in which it is submitted. Important Dates:

    1. Abstract Due: May 15, 2019 Submit your abstract for a paper in 200-300 words, together with the completed Author’s Information Form, in one Word file by May 15, 2019 to [email protected]. Please indicate “2019 TAIPEI TECH Conference Abstract” as “Subject” in your email.

    2. Acceptance Notification: before June 15, 2019 3. Full Paper Due: Please send your full paper prepared in the APA style on

    WORD to [email protected] by September 15, 2019, and please indicate “2019 TAIPEI TECH Conference Full Paper” as “Subject” in your email.

    4. Contact: Department of English, TAIPEI TECH Email: [email protected]

    5. For more information, please visit: aplx2019.wordpress.com

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://aplx2019.wordpress.com/

  • 13


    The Sixth Young Scholars’ Symposium on Taiwan Languages 一、 主辦單位:台灣語文學會、國立彰化師範大學台灣文學所 二、 會議日期:2019 年 11 月 2 日(星期六) 三、 會議地點:國立彰化師範大學台灣文學所 四、 會議主題

    (一) 會議主題:跨領域的台灣語言及其教學研究 (二) 會議子題:

    台灣語言的跨領域/新興子題研究 台灣語言詞典/語料庫研究 台灣語言的歷時/共時比較研究 本土語文課綱教學研究 本土語文語言教學/教學語言的規畫與落實 其他與臺灣本土語文相關之研究課題

    五、 投稿資格限定:研究生或取得碩、博士學位五年內之青年學者 六、 摘要截稿日期:2019 年 4 月 30 日 七、 錄取結果公告:2019 年 6 月 20 日 八、 全文截稿時間:2019 年 9 月 20 日 九、 投稿方式:下載並填寫「發表人資料表及論文摘要表」,填寫後擲交 Word

    檔及 PDF 檔各一份寄至 [email protected] (每人限制發表一篇)。 下載連結:https://reurl.cc/aLVml

    十、 會議收費方式: 1. 摘要通過始需繳交論文發表費(含會議註冊費),投稿階段無需繳交任

    何費用。 2. 台灣語文學會會員(繳交 2019 年會費者)免論文發表費及會議註冊費。 3. 論文發表費:學生 500 元;非學生 1000 元。摘要通過後需於指定日期前

    繳費,未繳納者視同放棄發表資格。 4. 繳費方式另行公告。

    十一、 聯絡方式: 1. 本次會議繳費事務由台灣語文學會秘書處全權處理,如有繳費疑問請洽:

    [email protected] 2. 繳費事務以外之其他會務問題,請洽:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]://reurl.cc/aLVmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Workshop on Verb classes in Formosan languages and beyond: Cross-linguistic, comparative and diachronic perspectives

    November 15-16, 2019 Academia Sinica

    Goal of the workshop: Different verb classifications have been proposed for the Formosan languages

    (among others Tsuchida 1976, Jeng 1981, Chen 1987, Y. Huang 1988, Zen 1989, L. Huang 2000, Zeitoun 2000, 2007, Wu 2006, Meili M. Yeh 2003, Teng 2008, W. Huang 2012, Maya Y. Yeh 2013, Zeitoun et al. 2015, Ross 2015, Peng 2016 among others). Teng (2008), Zeitoun (2007) and Zeitoun et al. (2015) have gone a step further and respectively shown that in Nanwang Puyuma, Mantauran Rukai and Tungho Saisiyat there is no evidence to distinguish a particular class of adjectives; despite their distinct morphological marking, dynamic and stative verbs can undergo quite the same morphosyntactic processes. Authors having adopted diverse perspectives (morphological, syntactic, semantic and cognitive) as well as various morphosyntactic tests to categorize verbs in Formosan languages, different results obtain.

    A workshop on verb classes took place in October 2003. Sixteen years later, our knowledge of Formosan languages has deepened and we can now undertake more in-depth cross-linguistic, comparative and diachronic studies. The goal of this workshop is to focus on verb classes from these three perspectives. Potential topics for presentations are:

    Verb classes and their properties Verb categorization and subcategorization The development or differentiation of verb classes from a diachronic

    perspective This workshop will be hosted by the Linguistic Structure and Typology

    Research Group of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. It will take place on November 15-16, 2019.

    Call for papers: Submissions are limited to one individual abstract per author. Abstracts should

    be single space, 12-point font and limited to two A4 (or US Letter) pages with 1-inch or 2.5-cm margins on all sides (including data, figures, and references). Abstracts should be submitted as pdf to [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]

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    October 1, 2018: First call for papers January 31, 2019 Second call for papers

    March 31, 2019 Abstract deadline April 15, 2019 Notification of acceptance October 25, 2019 Deadline for full paper

    Organizing committee:

    Stacy F. Teng (Academia Sinica) Elizabeth Zeitoun (Academia Sinica)

    Rik De Busser (National Cheng Chi University) Hsiu-chuan Liao (National Tsing Hua University)

    The 3rd International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (LPSS 2019)

    Date: 2019-11-21 (Thu) ~ 2019-11-22 (Fri) Venue: 2nd Conference Room (3F), Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan LPSS 2019 invites linguists, practitioners, engineers, and experts who are interested in issues related to speech communication, prospering in research studies and innovation of clinical, educational, and technological applications. We aims to publish a book based on papers presented at LPSS 2019 after the conference and hope to receive your precious results and insights that can contribute to the understanding and processing of human speech communication. We accept only full papers with a maximum length of 4 pages + 1 cover page in pdf format. No fixed paper format is required, but the cover page must include information about (1) Paper title, (2) Author names, (3) Author affiliation, (4) Author E-mail contacts, and (5) Abstract. Paper submission system will be open on January 15, 2019. https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lpss2019 We are looking for papers on the following topics: - Modeling of speech communication process: Theory and praxis - Computational view of discourse: Encoding and decoding - Human speech analysis: Form, unit, structure, composition


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    - Human speech processing: Detection, verification, recognition - Human speech understanding: Form and meaning - Speech assessment: Pathology, L1 and L2 acquisition - Speech data collection: Resource design and evaluation - Speech data annotation: Manual vs. automatic, degree of granularity Call for Proposals for Roundtable Discussion with our Invited Speakers LPSS 2019 also invites scholars who are interested in close contact with the invited speakers in face-to-face meetings, to submit a 2-page description of their research, clearly stating the issues and the relationship to the invited speakers’ research. We hope this arrangement can inspire different research directions and collaborations. If you intend to take part in this arrangement, please register first and submit a 2-page short statement of your research no later than October 15, 2019 to [email protected]. For more information, please visit http://lpss2019.ling.sinica.edu.tw/index.htm

    14th International Conference of General Linguistics (CILG2020) Date: 24-Jun-2020 - 26-Jun-2020 Location: Seville, Spain Contact Person: Fran Salguero Meeting Email: [email protected] Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2019 Meeting Description: We are honored to announce that the 14th International Conference of General Linguistics (CILG2020) will be held in Seville from June 24 to 26 2020. We kindly request contributions in three different formats, namely Workshop sessions, General sessions, and Poster sessions. There will be 12 Workshop sessions and 6 General sessions running in parallel. The topics of the workshops will depend on concrete proposals by workshop convenors. The Poster sessions will have two fixed slots in the program. In order to guarantee diversity, one person may be the first author (and thus, the presenter) of only one submission of any kind (workshop proposal, workshop paper,

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    general session paper, or poster). Nonetheless, one can co-author any number of additional, although playing a background role. The first call for the conference is a call-for-workshops. Once the list of accepted workshops is available, there will be a second call, aimed for submitting paper proposals for specific workshops, the general session, or the poster sessions. Call for Papers: First Call: Call for Workshops: The procedure of submitting a workshop abstract consists of several steps: 1. People interested in submitting a workshop proposal are encouraged to recruit

    potential participants (at least 6) and/or announce their proposals on the Linguist-List and elsewhere, in order to invite additional potential participants.

    2. Workshop convenors will then submit their proposal for being evaluated by the scientific committee of the CILG2020 ([email protected]).

    A workshop proposal must contain:

    - a description of the topic and research questions (max. 1000 words, including examples, excluding references).

    - five keywords - a (provisional) list of workshop participants (at least 6) and their abstracts (max.

    500 words per abstract, including examples, excluding references). The format of the workshops will be organized around 30 minute slots (20 min. presentation, 5 min. discussion, 5 min. room change). Workshops will contain 8 slots. Each workshop will comprise: 1. an introductory paper by the convenors, which summarizes previous

    research, specifies the approach(es) to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented.

    2. (at least) six papers 3. a slot for a final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological

    issues, and questions for future research. The deadline for submitting a workshop proposal is March 31 2019 at 23:59 GMT

    4. By April 30 2019 at the latest, convenors will be notified about the acceptance of their workshop. If a workshop proposal is accepted, workshop convenors will inform all workshop participants, and invite them to now submit their abstracts in Easychair before June 30 2019. When submitting an abstract in Easychair,

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    workshop participants should indicate the workshop it belongs to. Consider that other people will be allowed to submit paper proposals to the accepted workshop as part of the general call-for-papers (second call). If one of these “external” submissions scores above one of the papers originally included in the workshop proposal, the latter will be derived to the one of the general sessions, whereas the former will be accepted as part of the workshop. Likewise, if there are available slots in one workshop, one paper submitted to one of the general sessions will be relocated to that workshop provided that its topic matches the topic of the workshop.

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    期刊徵稿 Concentric: Studies in Linguistics Volume 46


    CONCENTRIC: STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS is a refereed, biannual journal, publishing research articles on all aspects of linguistic studies on the languages in the Asia-Pacific region. Review articles and book reviews with solid argumentation are also welcomed. It is currently published by the Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan with free access to the papers on https://www.editorialmanager.com/consl/Default.aspx. Starting from 2019 (Vol. 45), the journal cooperates with JOHN BENJAMINS PUBLISHING COMPANY and is now a partially open access journal.

    CONCENTRIC: STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS is indexed in Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI)-Level 1, Taiwan Citation Index-Humanities and Social Sciences, Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Modern Language Association (MLA) Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), EBSCOhost, Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC), and Airiti Library (AL).

    SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS 1. Manuscripts can only be submitted via the online submission system

    at https://www.editorialmanager.com/consl/Default.aspx. 2. Manuscripts should be written in English, typeset in 12-point Times New

    Roman, except for inset quotations and footnotes in single space. Papers are normally limited to 9,000 words, including a 250-word abstract. Authors who are not native speakers of English are urged to have their articles thoroughly proofread by a native speaker prior to submission. When accepted, the manuscript must conform to The Concentric Style Sheet.

    3. To facilitate the double-blind review process, all identifying features (e.g. author’s name or affiliation) should be removed from the text, title page or running heads. There should also be no hidden identification information that makes the author’s identity clear. Papers that have not had all such features removed will be returned without review for alteration and resubmission.

    4. The journal will not consider for publication papers being simultaneously submitted elsewhere.


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    5. It is the journal’s policy to require assignment of copyright from all authors. The author(s) will receive one copy of the journal (first named and corresponding authors) and the e-copy of the paper in its PDF version (each contributor of articles) upon publication.

    For further information, please visit our official website

    at http://www.concentric-linguistics.url.tw/ or John Benjamins’s website at https://benjamins.com/catalog/consl or contact the editors

    at [email protected] (Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, No. 162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Road, Taipei City 10610, Taiwan).


    《華岡英語期刊》為中國文化大學英文系出版發行之英語學術期刊,前身為 《華

    岡英語學報》,創刊於 1995 年 7 月,自民 99 年 7 月起改為現刊名; 曾於 2010 至 2012 年間改為半年刊,但自 2013 年 9 月恢復為一年一期。 本刊致力於提供學者們研究發表的園地,以促進學術交流,專門刊載文學、 英語教學、

    語言學、翻譯學及文化研究等領域的原創性學術研究論文,歡迎 國內外專家學

    者投稿。本刊收錄於臺灣人文學引文索引期刊(THCI)資料庫, 並列入 MLA International Bibliography。

    出刊日期:2019 年 7 月 投稿截止日期:2019 年 3 月 31 日


    1. 論文須以英文撰寫,文學領域之論文請參照 MLA 論文格式,語言及英語 教學領域論文請採用 APA 論文格式。

    2. 文稿長度以 20 頁或 7000 字上下為原則,含中英文摘要(各 250 字為限) 、3 至 6 個中英文關鍵詞。本刊將視來稿品質及原創性,對於長度限制採彈性 作法。

    3. 投稿者論文請以 Microsoft Word 繕打存檔,以電子郵件傳到本刊信箱 ([email protected]),並請務必上網填寫「投稿者基本資料及保證書」 表單 (網址:https://goo.gl/forms/yIOZW0GzKxXTxsqJ2)。倘若無法進入 上述表單,亦可至本刊網站下載電子檔(網址: https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/call-for-papers),填寫完成後,與論文檔案一併傳到本刊信箱。

    http://www.concentric-linguistics.url.tw/https://benjamins.com/catalog/conslmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://goo.gl/forms/yIOZW0GzKxXTxsqJ2https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/call-for-papers

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    4. 來稿將由本刊編委會先行初審,通過初審後,送交校外二位專家學者匿名審查。本刊經費來源困難,需向作者酌收外審委員審查費台

    幣 2000 元。 5. 凡刊載本刊之論文、圖像、書評等圖文,責任由作者自負。若含涉及智

    慧 產權之文本(如攝影、繪畫、劇照等),請作者自行事先取得原作者授權 或原出版者書面同意請尊重學術倫理,勿一稿兩投或多投、抄襲或剽竊。

    6. 本刊接受以碩博士論文部分章節為基礎,重新撰稿修改之稿件,但請作者 投稿時,一併說明文稿與碩博士論文之關聯性。

    7. 來稿若被接受刊登,作者需要簽署「華岡英語期刊著作授權同意書」(網 址: https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/copyright-agreements)。

    8. 刊載之文章不另支稿酬,作者可獲贈當期《華岡英語期刊》一冊,以及論 文之 PDF 檔。

    9. 書評長度最多 2 頁,評論之學術書籍必須為近五年內之出版品,須註明所 評書籍之基本出版資料及頁數。

    10. 其他投稿相關事宜,請詳閱本刊網站上之投稿須知(網址: https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/submissions)。

    聯絡方式 通訊地址:華岡英語期刊編輯委員會 中國文化大學英國語文學系

    11114 台北市陽明山華岡路 55 號 Email: [email protected] Tel: +886-2-2861-0511 ext. 23805

    Taiwan Journal of TESOL The Taiwan Journal of TESOL (TJTESOL) is an international journal dedicated to research on teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Jointly published by the Department of English at National Chengchi University (NCCU) and Crane Publishing, the journal publishes one volume per year, composed of a Spring and a Fall issue available as both print and online versions. TJTESOL welcomes contributions in all areas of TESOL. Specific attention is paid to the connection between theory and practice. Research articles and book reviews are welcome as well as proposals for special issues. Contributions may be submitted from all countries and are accepted all year round. Manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications cannot be accepted. The language of publication is English. The journal does not charge submission fees.

    https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/copyright-agreementshttps://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/submissionsmailto:[email protected]

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    Submissions should be limited to no more than 8,500 words. All submissions should be sent through the online submission system. Articles appearing in the Taiwan Journal of TESOL are indexed in:

    • Scopus • EBSCOhost • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) • MLA International Bibliography (EBSCOhost) • Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (Core) • Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences (TCI-HSS) (formerly:

    THCI) • Airiti Library

    For further information, please visit the website: www.tjtesol.org


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    《語言暨語言學系列 61:法佛朗語文本分析》

    作者:李壬癸 Size: 19cmx26cm xii+334pages English ISBN:978-986-05-8008-2 GPN:1010800260 出版日期:2019-01-31 法佛朗語是早已消失的臺灣中西部平埔族語言,屬於Babuza語的一種方言。


    已消失。 本書的導言是概要說明法佛朗語的背景、荷蘭傳教士所記錄的兩種語言資料:


    構詞及句法結構系統。 現存 19 種法佛朗語文本是了解各種西部平埔族語言唯一的原始語言資料。

    第 1 至第 14 文本都是基督教理,包括幾種禱告詞、十誡、基督教信仰、教理問答等,原件只有法佛朗語書面文字跟荷蘭文的對照,後來 William Campbell 又補上了英譯,方便研究之參考。可是第 15 至 19 文本都是長篇的講道,只有法佛朗語的書寫文字,並沒有任何譯文可供參考。小川尚義曾經寫下每個單詞的英譯,

    Peter Knecht 再把全部的譯文都寫出來,提供研究的極大便利。本書再把 19 種文本逐詞逐句分析。

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    新會員名錄 (107/09/27~108/02/15)


    姓名 現職

    高郁婷 國立高雄師範大學英語學系助理教授


    姓名 現職

    許嘉勇 國立清華大學臺灣語言研究與教學研究所博三

    沈佳莉 國立嘉義大學研究生畢業生


    姓名 現職

    李育憬 國立清華大學中文系碩士一年級

    連靖怡 國立中正大學語言所華語教學組二年級

    宋容羽 國立中正大學語言學研究所華語教學研究組碩士班

    李慶智 國立聯合大學客家語言與傳播研究所

    曾仕旻 高雄師範大學英文系語言組碩士班

    謝雅婷 國立師範大學英語系博士班二年級

    邱冠中 國立清華大學 104 級

    陳姿秀 國立高雄科技大學應用英語系應用語言學與英語教學碩士

    司馬智 台灣大學語言學研究所博士生

    李婉歆 國立臺灣師範大學英語所語言學組

    陸可承 清大語言所碩三
