Einstein: A Presentation

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  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    Albert Einstein Albert Einstein


  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation



    With Charlie Chaplin.With Charlie Chaplin.

    Wh en you sit wit ha nice girl for two h ours,

    it seems like two minutes.

    Wh en you sit on a h ot stove for two minutes,

    it seems like two h ours.

    T ha ts rel a tivity.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    T he oldest picture,T he oldest picture,

    at age 7.at age 7.

    I f I had only known, I woul d ha ve been a

    locksmit h .

    G r a vity c a nnot be h el d responsible for people

    f a

    lling in love.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    A t age 14.A t age 14.

    E d uc a tion is t ha t wh ich rem a ins w h en one ha s forgotten everyt h ing

    lea rne d in sc h ool.

    O nly two t h ings a reinfinite, t h e universea n d h um a n stupi d ity,

    a n d I a m not surea bout t h e former.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    High school diploma,in 1896 at age 17.5

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    Wedding with Mileva,in 1903 at age 24.

    A h un d re d times everyda y I remin d myself t ha t my inner a n d

    outer life, d epen d ont h e l a bours of ot h er

    men, living a n d d ead ,a n d t ha t I must exert

    myself in or d er to give

    in t h

    e sa

    me mea surea s I ha ve receive d .

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1905 at age 26.I n 1905 at age 26.

    I f my t h eory of rel a tivity

    is proven successful,

    G erm a ny will cl a im me a sa G erm a n, a n d Fr a ncewill d ecl a re t ha t I a m a

    citizen of t h

    e worl d .

    S h oul d my t h eory prove

    untrue, Fr a

    nce will sa yt ha t I a m a G erm a n,

    a n d G erm a ny will d ecl a re t ha t I a m a


  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    EINSTEINS M IRA CL E YEAREINSTEINS M IRA CL E YEARP ublishedP ublished WorksWorks inin 19051905 atat ageage 2626::

    1.1. T h e P h otoelectric Effect,T h e P h otoelectric Effect,use d Pl a ncks Qu a ntum Hypot h esis.use d Pl a ncks Qu a ntum Hypot h esis.

    2.2. Speci a l T h eory of Rel a tivity. Speci a l T h eory of Rel a tivity.

    3.3. How M a ss a n d Energy, were Equiv a lent. How M a ss a n d Energy, were Equiv a lent.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    T he first, from four pages of E instein sT he first, from four pages of E instein sGeneral T heory of R elativityGeneral T heory of R elativity

    sent for publication on March 1916 at age 37.sent for publication on March 1916 at age 37.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1921 at age 42, N obel P rize for his 1905 work I n 1921 at age 42, N obel P rize for his 1905 work on the P hotoelectric E ffect.on the P hotoelectric E ffect.

    Science wit

    hout religion is l


    religion wit h out science is blin d .

    T h ese t h oug h ts d i d not come in a ny verb a l formul a tion. I r a rely t h ink in wor d s a t a ll.

    A t h oug h t comes, a n d I ma y try to express it in wor d sa fterw


    d .

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1921I n 1921

    E a ch of us visits t ha t E a rt h

    involunt a rily a n d wit h out a n invit a tion. For me it isenoug h to won d er a t its


    T h ere a re two w a ys to live your life. O ne is a s t h oug h

    not h ing is a mir a cle. T h eot h er is a s t h oug h

    everyt h ing is a mir a cle.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    In 1927

    In 1927

    D o not worry a bout

    your d ifficulties inma t h em a tics, I a ssure

    you t ha t mine a re gre a ter.

    T h e most incompre h ensible t h ing a bout t h e worl d is t ha t

    it is a t a ll compre h ensible.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1928I n 1928

    I t woul d be possible to

    d escribe everyt h ing scientific a lly, but it

    woul d m a ke no sense;it woul d be wit h out me a ning, a s if you

    d escribe d a Beet h oven symp h ony a s a

    va ri a tion of w a ve pressure.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1929, withI n 1929, withMax P lanck, author of Max P lanck, author of

    Quantum Hypothesis.Quantum Hypothesis.

    O ne re a son w h yma t h em a tics enjoys

    speci a l esteem, a bove a ll ot h er sciences, is t ha t its

    l a ws a re a bsolutely

    cert a in a n d in d isput a ble,wh ile t h ose of ot h er

    sciences a re to someextent d eb a t a ble a n d in

    const a nt da nger of being overt h rown by newly

    d iscovere d f a cts.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1930 , withI n 1930 , withR abindranath T agore,R abindranath T agore,modern I ndia s poet,modern I ndia s poet,

    N obel Laureate forN obel Laureate for


    I ma gin a tion is moreimport a nt t ha n

    knowle d ge.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1931, withT homas Mann, germandemocrat and novelist,

    N obel Laureate forLiterature.

    I f you a re out tod escribe t h e trut h ,

    lea ve eleg a nce to t h et a ilor.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1932I n 1932

    Before G od we a re a ll equ a lly wise - equ a lly

    foolis h .

    T h e most be a utiful t h ing we c a n experience is t h e

    mysterious. I t is t h e source of a ll true a rt a n d


  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    B ecoming an A mericanB ecoming an A mericanCitizen in 1940 at age 61Citizen in 1940 at age 61

    with his secretary andwith his secretary andhis stepdaughter.his stepdaughter.

    Sometimes one p a ysmost for t h ings one

    gets for not h ing.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1942, withI n 1942, withR obbert OppenheimerR obbert Oppenheimer

    the main scientistthe main scientistin the creationin the creation

    of the atomic bomb.of the atomic bomb.

    I know not wit h wha t wea pons W orl d Wa r III

    will be foug h t,

    but W orl d Wa r IVwill be foug h t wit h sticks

    a n d stones.

  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    I n 1950I n 1950

    G re a t spirits ha ve a lwa ys foun d violent opposition from me d iocrities. T h el a tter c a nnot un d erst a n d it wh en a m a n d oes not

    t h oug h tlessly submit toh ere d it a ry preju d ices but

    h onestly a n d cour a geously uses h is


  • 8/14/2019 Einstein: A Presentation


    A lbert E insteinB orn 14 March 1879 Ulm, Wurttemberg Germany.

    Death 18 A pril 1955 at age 76 P rinceton,N ew Jersey, U SA .

    D ies of hearth failure.Einstein was cremated in Trenton, New Jersey.

    His ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place.