EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Blgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye Tc 0262 658 10 10 Fe 0262 658 10 00 .eku.com.tr [email protected]r

EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye

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Page 1: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye

EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye

Tc 0262 658 10 10 Fe 0262 658 10 00 www.eku.com.tr [email protected]

Page 2: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye



Since its foundation in 1962, EKU has gained considerable expertise in brake drum, brake disc, agriculture casting parts and railway disc production and combined this experience with the latest technology successfully.

High-tech production facilities and Total Quality Concept have established a well-recognized brand name ""EKU"" on the original equipment (OEM] and replacement markets in all over the world.

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EKU kuruldugu 1962 y1l1ndan gUnUmUze fren kampanas1, fren diski, demiryollan ve tanm arac;:lan icin ce$itli dOkUm parc;:alar1 Uretiminde edindigi tecrUbe birikimini bugUnkU modern teknoloji ile bulu$turmay1 ba$arm1$t1r.

ileri teknoloji kullanma becerisi ve Toplam Kalite Anlay1s1 ""EKU""yu dUnya otomotiv sektiirUnUn ana sanayinde, orijinal (OEM] ve yedek parca pazannda, aranan kaliteyi Ureten bir kurulu$ haline getirerek hakl1 bir Une kavu$turmw;;tur.

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Page 3: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye


C::evreye duyarl1l1k anlay1�1 ile etkin uretim yapan kurulu�; EKU.

.. '··-=-=-··



� PRODUCTION EKU's foundry casting capacity is 80.000 tonnes/year. The total manufacturing capacity is 1.250.000 pieces of brake drums, brake discs for heavy/mid-range commercial vehicles, railway discs, agricultural casting parts and various spheroidal and pig iron parts. EKU is also concerned about the environment meeting with the requirement of ISO 14001/2004.

�URETiM DokUmhanemiz y1ll1k 80.000 ton dokUm kapasitesine sahiptir. Otomotiv sektOrUnde ag1r ve orta Olr;:ekli ticari arar;:lar ic;:in y1lda 1.250.000 adet fren diski, fren kampanas1, h1zl1 tren diskinin yam s1ra muhtelif sfero ve pik dtikUm pan;:alaryalin Uretim tekni�i ile Uretilmektedir. Oretim ISO 14001 / 2004 $artlanna uygun olarak c;:evreye duyarl1l1k anlay1s1yla yap1lmaktad1r.

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GEORGE FISCHER l+GF+ of Switzerland] Full Automated Moulding Line & Sand Plant Flask Sizes, [700x700x200/300] Total Capacity, 80 moulds per hour

SAVELLI [Savelli SPA of Italy] Full Automated Moulding Line & Sand Plant Flask Sizes, [800x1400x200/350] Total Capacity: 100 moulds per hour, 2 drum / disc in each mould

GEORGE FISCHER Tam Otomatik Kal1plama Hatt, Derece Ol,;Uleri, [700x700x200/300] Toplam Kapasite, 80 komple kal1p/saat

SAVELLI Tam Otomatik Kal1plama Hatt, Derece bl,;Uleri, [800x1400x200/350] Toplam Kapasite, 1 DO komple kal,p/saat Her kal1pta 2 kampana/disk

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Page 4: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye

Son teknolojiyi kullanarak <;aga uygun Uretim yapan kurulu�; EKU.

�MACHINING SHOP OPERATIONS Machining Shop is planned to machine brake drums, brake discs and various castings. The machine park is listed below: 7unitsbrake drum machining lines: 15 CNC" 1 LABORATORYvertical lathes+ 10 CNC vertical machining � centers. 3 units brake disc machining lines: 6 CNC vertical lathes+ 3 CNC vertical machining centers. 1 unit brake disc machining line with automatic load/unload system: 2 CNC vertical lathes + 1 CNC vertical machining center. 1 unit outer surface machining line: 2 CNC vertical lathes. 1 unit balance measuring and balancing line: MessMatic balance measuring devic 3 axis CNC milling.

�TALA$LI iMALAT Talasl1 imalat btilUmU fren kampanas1, fren diski ve degisik dcikUm parcalann1n islenmesi icin tasarlanm1st1r. Talasl1 imalat bOlUmUmUzde yer alan makinelerimiz: 7 adet fren kampanas, isleme hatt1: 15 CNC dik torna tezgah1 + 10 CNC dik isleme merkezi 3 adet fren diski isleme hatt1: 6 CNC dik torna tezgah1+3 CNC dik isleme merkezi 1 adet otomatik yi.ikleme bo$altmalI fren diski i$leme hatt1: 2 CNC dik torna tezgah1+ 1 CNC dik i5leme merkezi 1 adet dis isleme hatt1: 2 CNC dik torna tezgah1 1 adet balans Olc;:meve giderme hatt1: Balans Oli;Um cihaz1 + 1 adet CNC freze tezgah1

• LECO CS230 Carbon - Sulfur Determinator • SONA ultrasound testing equipment • 2 units OBLF-1000 spectrometers • NIKON 500x optical metal microscope • CLEM EX microstructure analysis software • ATAS Adaptive Thermal Analysis System

and Software • TESKON 20 tonnes tensile strength.

compression and elongation testing equipment

• GF moulding sand testing equipment • Cutting, etching, bakelite mounting tools

for metallographic inspections

�LABORATUVAR • LECO CS230 karbon kUkUrt analiz cihaz1 • SONA test ultrasonik test cihaz1 • 2 adet OBLF-1000 spektrometre cihaz1 • NIKON 500x buyutmeli optik metal

mikroskobu • CLEM EX mikroyap1 analiz yaz1l1m1 • ATAS termal analiz yaz1l1m1 • 20 ton kapasiteli TES KON ,;ekme. basma

ve uzama test cihaz1 • GF kal1p kumu test ekipmanlan • Mikroyap1 analizinde kullanilacak kesme,

parlatma, soguk bakalit gibi numune haz1rlama ekipmanlan

• CEQ cihaz1

�PACKAGING Corrosion Protective Packaging is applied prior to shipment in accordance with the customer standards and specifications.

�AMBALAJLAMA MU5teri istekleri dogrultusunda sevkiyat tincesi y1kama, yaglama ve uygun olan mU5teri standardina gtire pa let ve paketlendirmeler ambalajlama btilUmUmUzde yap1lmaktad1r.

Page 5: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye

Musteri memnuniyetinin en iist diizeyde olmas1m saglayan kurulus: EKU.

� QUALITY ASSURANCE For our customers; to reach the highest level of customer satisfaction by delivering zero-defect products. For our quality assurance program; to maintain the continuity of an improved quality system, to commit the total quality standards on every stage of the production process and to show no compromise against quality standards. For our employees; to perform systematic training activities in order to accomplish the total quality system, environmental and labor health issues and to encourage all employees to participate in quality management system. For our suppliers; to asses quality performances to ensure that all purchased goods and services are on optimum quality with correct specifications. For environment; to reduce energy consumption and emission by improving the production processes efficiently, to use resources effectively, to commit environmental issues by providing clean environment to obey all environmental laws and regulations. For maximum efficiency; to consume all the sources for production processes efficiently. For sustaining competitiveness; to apply contemporary technologies for continuous improvement and development. For EKU; to continue technological investments to maintain leadership in domestic market and in foreign markets. For the nation; to increase the economical value for the national economy.

� KALiTE POLiTiKAMIZ MU$terilerimiz ic;:in; hatas1z UrUnler sunarak mUsteri memnuniyetinin en Ust dUzeyde olmas1n1 saglamak. Kalite geli$im program1m1z ic;:in; gelisen bir kalite yOnetim sisteminin sUrekliligini saglamak, Uretimin her asamasmda kalite anlay1s1n1 On planda tutmak ve kaliteden tidUn vermemek. Cal1$anlanm1z ic;:in; organizasyonun her kademesinde kalite, <;:evre ve isi;:i sagl1g1, is gUvenligi anlay1s1n1n benimsenmesi amac1yla egitim faaliyetlerinde bulunmak ve cal1sanlann kalite yOnetim sistemine kat1l1mlann1 saglamak. Tedarikc;:ilerimiz ic;:in; kalite performanslann1 degerlendirerek al1m yapt1g1 tUm mal ve hizmetlerin optimum kalitede ve Ozelliklerde olmas1n1 saglamak.

Cevre ic;:in; etkin bir sekilde Uretim sUreclerini gelistirerek enerji kullanimm1 ve emisyonu azaltmak, kaynaklar1m1z1 verimli kullanmak. temiz cal1sma sartlanni saglayarak i;:evre gereklerini kars1lamak, <;:evre yasa ve yOnetmeliklerine uymak. Verimlilik ic;:in; tUm Uretim kaynaklannin etkin bir sekilde kullan1mm1 saglamak. Rekabetci kalabilmek icin; cagda5 teknolojileri uygulayarak sUrekli iyilestirme ve gelisimi saglamak. EKU ic;:in; ii; pazardaki liderliginin dis pazarda da saglanmas1 yOnUnde gereken tUm teknolojik yat1nmlar1n sUrekliligini saglamak. Olkemiz ic;:in; ekonomideki katma deg er art15m1 saglamak.



ENIS01.001;1004'eg6n J4n•dm•llteml



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CERTIFICATE T!� lorlhem,nagenwint•ys�rn ICCOtdlng 10 EN ISO 14001 :200-4

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Committed to Total Quality Concept, Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification and sensitive approach to environmental issues; EKU has been certified with ISO 9001 ,2008, ISO/TS 16949 quality certificates by "Bureau Veritas 01·· and ISO 14001 ,2004, OHSAS 18001 ,2007 management system certificates by "TUY Thuringen".

Toplsm kalita anlay,,1m12, � ilgilendiran konulsra [sorunlara) olan hassas yakla.,m1m12 ve 1, Sagl1g1 ve Gllvenligine verdigimiz yiiksek tinem; "Bureau Ventas QI" tarafmdan verilen ISO 9001 =211118, ISO/TS 16949 kalite sartifikalan va ,Oy ThUringen" tarafindan varilen ISO 1o111111,211114 ve OHSAS 1aJ01,2007 yllnetim sertifikalan ile belgelendirilmistir.


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Page 6: EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. · EKU FREN KAM PANA VE DOKUM SAN. A.S. TOSB OtomotivYan Sanayi lhtisas Organize Sanayi Biilgesi 1. Cadde No,13 41420 Cay1rova-Kocaeli-Turkiye