VOLUME 31 NUMBER 22 MAY 28 - JUNE 3 , 2010 www.el-observador.com PAG.16 PAG.19 Waka Waka Free Soccer Activities in San Jose

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Waka WakaFree Soccer Activities in San Jose

Page 2: el observador may 28th

Proposición 13Se Refiere A Los Limites En

La Evaluación Del Impuesto ALa Propiedad(ES)

La ley actual comprende quelos edificios antiguos y que hansido fortalecidos contra terremo-tos estan excentos de impuestospor las evaluaciones que se efec-tuen en el futuro. Los edificiosque no han tenido o no han sidofortalecidos su reevaluación ex-pira después de 15 años.

La proposición 13 no per-mite una nueva evaluación ymantiene una excención indefi-nida.

Si la propsición 13 es apro-bada, las propiedades no podránser evaluadas nuevamente por losasesores fiscales.

Opinión de MIV:La Cámara de Comercio de

California y el Asamblesita RaoyAshburn(Bekersfield) Republi-cano, argumentan que la proposi-ción 13 no es clara(crea duda), enla aplicación de la ley vigente;permite excención fiscal paratodos los edificios construidos yadaptados para terremotos.

Se considera un mal mo-

mento para ofrecer excencionesde impuestos a la propiedad (es)cuando nuestros servicios o pro-gramas básicos (estampillas decomida, medi-cal, discapacidad,etc), estan en riesgo.

Recomendación a Votar: NOProposición 14Aumentar El Derecho De

Participación En Elecciones Pri-marias

Todos los candidatos estaránjuntos en la votación primaria"los dos mejores" que obtenganmás votos avanzarán a la eleccióngeneral.

Los partidos políticos no po-drán presentar otro candidato enlas elecciones primarias para apo-yar u oponerse.

Opinión de MIV:El año pasado los demócra-

tas aprobaron un aumento de im-puestos con el acuerdo delSenador Abel Maldonado (Repu-blicano de San Luis Obispo).Maldonado y el Gobernador Ar-nold Schwarzenegger (Republi-canos) consideran que losconservadores y liberales domi-nan las elecciones primarias, poreso Maldonado y el Gobernador

sugieren modificar la proposición14 ya que dispondrá de más can-didatos moderados.

La proposición 14 no per-mite la inscripción para la vota-ción en la elección general deotros miembros solo permitirá alos dos mejores electos.

Recomendación a Votar: NOProposición 15:Ley de Elecciones Equitati-

vas en CaliforniaCada candidato obtendrá la

misma cantidad si demuestra elapoyo suficiente y no podrán ele-var ni gastar más dinero del quese les asigne.

El fondo de la campaña pú-blica estará compuesto por con-tribuciones voluntarias y unacuota de $350.00 dls anuales paragrupos de presión, cabildeo deempresas y empleadores de cabil-deros. La Secretaria del Estado deCalifornia reunirá 1.7 millones dedolares como fondos para loscandidatos del 2014 y 2018. ElSecretario de Estado tendrá quecolectar firmas de 7,500 votantesregistrados con una cuota de $5dls.; estas cuotas (de $5 dls) de-beran ser depositadas en el Fondo

de Elecciones y se estima que as-cenderan a más de 6 millones dedolares cada 4 años.

La proposición 15 elimina ycrea el poder de financiar campa-ñas públicas electorales.

Opinión de MIV:La Proposición 15 puede

abrir muchas puertas a candidatoslocales con buenas ideas peropocos recursos.

A los Condados y Munici-piales se les prohibe derogar(anu-lar), la legislación existente y nose les permite adoptar leyes deigualdad o equidad electoral.

La Proposición 15 podríahacer más accesible a las comu-nidades minoritarias.

Como resultado los candida-tos obtienen más tiempo paraconcentrarse en los temas que serelacionan con la sociedad y nopierden su tiempo en la recauda-ción de fondos.

Recomendación a Votar: SIProposición 16Servicio de Electricidad Pú-

blicoSi es aprobada la proposición

16, los gobiernos locales puedenelegir un proveedor de energía al-ternativa y los servicios públicosmunicipales necesitarían permiso

para ampliar o buscar nuevas al-ternativas y territorios.

La Compañía de Gas y Elec-tricidad (PG&E) son los queestán promoviendo la proposi-ción 16 con la justificación deproteger a los contribuyentes yevitarles perdidas en los serviciospúblicos (mercado de energía vo-látil).

Opinión de MIV:La compañía PG&E (De Gas

y Electricidad) ha gastado 28.5millones de dolares, como me-dida de buen gobierno; pero losgrupos ecologistas y municipalesargumentan que lo han hechopara evitar competencia y mante-ner su cuota en el mercado, ade-más evita que empresasalternativas compitan y ofrezcansus servicios (de energía verde).

Proposición 17Cargos Adicionales para el

Seguro del AutomóvilSi la proposición 17 es apro-

bada permitirá que los conducto-res que en cinco años no hayaninterrumpido su cobertura pormás de 90 días, obtengan un des-cuento en su cobertura original ocuando cambie de aseguradora.Si esto no sucediera en el recordde las personas, habrán recargos

adicionales.Opinión de MIV:Los defensores del consumi-

dor sostienen que castigará injus-tamente a los conductores quetengan dificultades para pagar unseguro en forma continua. Orga-nizaciones sociales defensorastambién opinan que la poblaciónserá afectada y castigará a los ac-tuales y posibles conductores porlo que mencionamos algunos:Personas de bajos ingresos, per-sonas inmigrantes que han tenidosituaciones jurídicas, personasque no han tenido automóvil enlos últimos 5 años, personas de latercera edad, estudiantes y laspersonas que por primera vez uti-lizan un automóvil.

La compañía aseguradoraMercury comenzó a financiar afinales de Abril la campaña parala aprobación de la proposición17 el cual comprende el 98%equivalente a 5.250 millones dedólares como aportación a dichacampaña.

Recomendación a Votar: NOLa información ha sido pro-

porcionado por MIV(MovilizeImmigrant vote). Δ

|2| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Elecciones

Análisis de las Proposiciones en la balota de las Elecciones del 8 de junio

Aaron Resendez, San Jose CityCouncil District 5 candidate, helda press conference condemning the

negative campaign ethics and slanderous mail-ers that were sent during the campaign on Fri-day, May 21, 2010.

After the press conference had ended, Dis-trict 5 Chief of Staff Ryan Ford approached Re-sendez and accused him of acting unethically

because Resendez's campaign piece impliedCouncilmember Campos had endorsed Re-sendez.

The disrespectful and intimidating way inwhich Ford accused Resendez prompted anopen letter to the community and Councilmem-ber Campos demanding a public apology. Re-sendez states he has a video showing theconfrontation.

Resendez Demands Public Apology

Page 3: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |3|Opinion


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A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area.

P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 9510999 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

By Hilbert Morales - El Observador

EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of theHispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the

capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may betransmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying

recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic ormechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers.

Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are notnecessarily the opinions of the publishers.


On Tuesday, May 26, 2010SCVWD Board Chair RichardSantos presided over a meeting

where an action was taken to protect em-ployees from Arizona Laws SB 1070 andHB 2162. The objective was to ensure thatSCVWD employees did not travel to Ari-zona unless on official district business.Employees were not to be subjected to theapplication by local authorities of ArizonaLaws SB1070 and HB2162. The resolutionalso dictated that the SCVWD Board of Di-rectors send a letter to Congress and thePresident of the U.S. requesting that workbegin immediately on immigration issuesand the reformation of Federal immigrationlaws. In addition, the SCVWD CEO was in-structed to order all departments to prohibitthe use of District funds for travel to Ari-zona unless critical to the District’s mission.

During this hearing many impassionedspeakers questioned how this action is rele-vant to the water district. The answer issimple: we value our staff and diverse work-force. As it stands today, if the district wereto send employees to Arizona on officialbusiness, they could be subjected to unfairtreatment as a result of this legislation. Wedo have an interest in how our employeesare treated—in fact; we have a responsibil-ity to protect our employees from unjusttreatment purely based on their appearance.

Josue Garcia addressed the standingroom only audience saying, “If I had tochoose again the tone of my skin, I wouldchoose the same skin tone.” While he spokethere were catcalls and derisive statementssuch as “Send all Mexicans back to Mex-ico”. Later, Josue related how his I.D. waschecked in the first class section of hisflight. No other passenger’s I.D waschecked. Was profiling involved? Withouta doubt: Josue is not on that ‘No Fly” list.

It was noted that when Anglo speakersaddressed the SCVWD Board, those Lati-nos in the audience remained quiet and re-spectful. When a Latino addressed theSCVWD Board, certain members of the au-dience used abusive language and made cat-calls.

Teresa and Benjamin Hernandes weretaking an after dinner stroll in their City ofSanta Clara neighborhood. They were ver-bally abused by an Anglo man who told

them to “go back to Mexico”. Both Teresaand Benjamin were born in California.Teresa is an accomplished teacher who wasawarded the “Portraits of Success” recogni-tion by the Hispanic Development Corpo-ration just this past September, 2009. BothTeresa and Benjamin were glad that on thatparticular night they were not accompaniedby their two children who decided to stayhome to do their homework. Teresa placeda cell-phone call to the police who appearedin a few minutes. The Anglo man fled afterthreatening them with bodily harm. A policereport was filed. This was an appropriatenon-violent, non-abusive response. Cesar E.Chavez, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Ma-hatma Gandhi would have approved.

The issue is that the Arizona legislativeaction has emboldened certain prejudicedindividuals to now express their thoughts inpublic meetings. Some of the Latinos areconcerned about the level of tensions expe-rienced in certain settings. We all havehuman rights and responsibilities. We needto learn to live together with respect andconsideration for each other. The Christianmaxim applicable here is “to love yourneighbor as yourself.”

All this emotional energy would be bet-ter directed at those moguls of the financialindustry who devised those derivatives thatalmost destroyed our economy. Also, someof this energy needs to be directed at thosecaptains of industry who bid on and areawarded contracts and then outsource jobsoff-shore. Over 400,000 jobs in this areahave been displaced to off-shore sites wherelabor costs are cheaper. Let’s direct some ofthat energy towards these two groups whosegreed is destroying the American consumereconomy.

Meanwhile, why can’t we learn to livetogether? If you are willing to think and ob-serve, you will note that not too many indi-viduals of Mexican heritage are our policymakers or captains of industry. So let’s di-rect some of our distress to those who arethe cause. Mexicans cannot be the scape-goats for the current lack of jobs and thestate of the local economy. Let’s learn to re-spect and know each other. And let’s lobbyour Congress and the President to get onwith the formulation of that comprehensiveimmigration law that is so necessary. Δ

"Prejudices Are Expressedas Water Board OpposesSB 1070".By Osvaldo Castillo

El Observador

Many of us will be partying longand hard this upcoming three-dayweekend. The carne asada, hot

dogs and burgers will be on the grill, and the beerwill be kept cold in an icebox.

However, Memorial Day is not only an ex-cuse to party, it is an opportunity to give thanksto those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so whatwe can enjoy our way of life and privileges herein the United States.

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed onMay 5, 1868 by General John Logan, nationalcommander of the Grand Army of the Republic,and was first observed on the 30th of May 1868,when flowers were placed on the graves of Unionand Confederate soldiers at Arlington NationalCemetery.

The first state to officially recognize the hol-iday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was rec-ognized by all of the northern states. The Southrefused to acknowledge the day, honoring theirdead on separate days until after World War I,when the holiday changed from honoring justthose who died fighting in the Civil War to hon-

oring Americans who died fighting in any war. Many people observe this holiday by visiting

cemeteries and memorials. A national moment ofremembrance takes place at 3 p.m. local time.Another tradition is to fly the flag of the UnitedStates at half-staff from dawn until noon localtime. Volunteers often place American flags oneach gravesite at national cemeteries.

Traditional observance of Memorial Day hasdiminished over the years. Many Americansnowadays have forgotten the meaning and tradi-tions of Memorial Day. At many cemeteries, thegraves of the fallen are increasingly ignored, neg-lected. Most people no longer remember theproper flag etiquette for the day. While there aretowns and cities that still hold Memorial Day pa-rades, many have not held a parade in decades.Some people think the day is for honoring anyand all dead, and not just those fallen in serviceto our country.

Though many of us may not agree with therole our country has played in the world this pastdecade, many of us know or are related to some-one who has recently served the nation.

So enjoy this extended weekend with yourfriends and family. And if you run into someonein uniform, shake their hand and say Thank You.

In Memoriam

Page 4: el observador may 28th

SAN JOSE: If youare planning to hitthe road for a late

spring or early summer get-away, be sure that everyone inthe car wears their seat belt onevery trip, day and night. Law

enforcement throughout thestate, including San Jose Po-lice Department will be look-ing for unbelted drivers andpassengers as part of the 2010Click It or Ticket mobiliza-tion, until June 6. This year,fines and fees have increasedfrom $132 to $142 for firsttime adult seat belt violations.For children under 16, the fineis now $445 for a first time of-fense.

Keep your friends andfamily safe by buckling up nomatter where you are going,said Police Chief Davis. Wewill be looking for motoriststhroughout the area who arenot buckling up, day andnight. Its not just about avoid-ing a ticket; its about keepingthe ones you care about alive.

Seat belt violators will re-ceive citations, not warnings.The Click It or Ticket cam-paign relies on heavy enforce-ment and public education asa means to help save lives onCalifornia's roadways.

Wearing a seat belt is justsimply the easiest and most ef-fective thing you can do on theroad to protect yourself andyour family, said ChristopherJ. Murphy, Director of the Cal-

ifornia Office of TrafficSafety. That means bucklingup day and night, on everytrip.

More than 600 permanentClick It or Ticket highwaysigns, which have been upsince 2005, will be updated toreflect the new Minimum$142 in the coming months.

Currently California has aseat belt usage rate of 95.3percent, but that still meansover half a million people arenot buckling up. Properly re-strained drivers, passengersand children have a 50 percentbetter chance of surviving acrash than unbelted occupants.Those ejected from vehicles incrashes or roll-overs are up to35 times more likely to diethan restrained occupants.

More than 150 local lawenforcement agenciesstatewide and the CHP will beparticipating in this year’sClick It or Ticket mobiliza-tion. Funding to support Cali-fornia's Click It or Ticketcampaign was provided by agrant from the California Of-fice of Traffic Safety throughthe National Highway TrafficSafety Administration. Δ

|4| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community

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JUNE 8, 2010 Seat Belt Ticket Increases to $142

Page 5: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |5|

By Richard N. Waldman, MDPresident, The American Congress of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists

Skin cancer accounts for roughly halfof all reported cancer cases in theUS. Non-melanoma skin cancers,

such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cellcarcinoma, are the most common forms of skincancer, while melanoma is the most serioustype. Though skin cancer can be dangerous oreven deadly, it can often be prevented or suc-cessfully treated if detected in time.

Anyone can develop skin cancer, regardlessof race or skin tone. Most skin cancers arecaused by too much exposure to UV rays, theinvisible radiation given off by the sun or by theartificial light in tanning beds and sunlamps.UV exposure is also a main cause of skin wrin-kling and discoloration.

Just a few serious sunburns over the courseof your lifetime can significantly raise yourchances of developing skin cancer in the future.You may also be at increased risk if you havemany moles, irregular moles, or large moles;fair skin that freckles and burns easily; or havepreviously had skin cancer.

Remember the following tips to protectyourself from UV rays:

* Avoid sun exposure between 10 AM and4 PM, when UV rays are most intense. If youare outside during those hours, make an effortto stay in the shade.

* Do not use tanning beds or sunlamps.

* Cover as much of your skin as possible* with protective clothing such as a long-

sleeved shirt and long pants or skirts.

* Put on a hat that has a brim at least 2 to 3inches wide. If you choose a straw hat, it shouldbe tightly woven.

* Apply at least a palmful of sunscreen thatis SPF-15 or higher about 20 to 30 minutes be-fore you go outside, even on hazy or overcastdays. Reapply every two hours if you are swim-ming or sweating. Use a lip balm with SPF pro-tection, too.

* Wear wrap-around sunglasses that absorbat least 99% of UV rays to protect your eyes.

* Perform regular skin checks. Being famil-iar with your skin will make it easier to detectchanges. Have your partner, a friend, or relativehelp check hard-to-see areas such as your backand scalp, or ask your doctor to check your skinat your visits. Be sure to inspect your palms,fingernails, and feet-about half of skin cancersin darker-skinned people are found in theseareas.

* Contact your doctor if you notice that abirthmark or mole changes in symmetry (onehalf starts to look different than the other); de-velops ragged or blurred borders; has differentshades of browns and blacks; has patches ofred, white, or blue or is not the same color allover; or grows larger than a pencil eraser.

For more information on skin cancer and sun safety,visit the American Cancer Society website at

www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/ped_7.asp. _

Sun Safety Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer


Page 6: el observador may 28th

|6| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

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REDWOOD CITY, CA - Una fuerte alianza se ha desarro-llado entre dos distritos escolares locales para salvar el pro-grama de música instrumental de 5to. a 8avo. grados en las

17 escuelas primarias y secundarias públicas de Redwood City. Padresde familia, administradores, staff, maestros y estudiantes en el DistritoEscolar de Sequoia Union y del Distrito Escolar de Redwood City sehan unido para recaudar $100,000 para asegurarse que todos los estu-diantes sigan teniendo acceso al aprendizaje de un instrumento musi-cal.

La campaña empezó cuando se anunciaron en febrero recortes pre-supuestales masivos a la educación con su consecuencia obvia: reduc-ción y eliminación de programas y posiciones. Cerca de 100 personas,bajo el liderazgo de la Fundación para la Educación de Redwood City(RCEF), llenaron el salón de música de la Kennedy Middle School paraconstruir un plan de acción para rescatar el programa de música instru-mental.

El primero de los eventos organizados por la comunidad para re-caudar $100,00, será un concierto musical "Groovin in the Grove" el29 de mayo en Sequoia High School, 1201 Brewster St. en RedwoodCity. Este festival musical durará todo el día. De 1:00 a 4:30 tendremosbandas locales, grupos musicales de High School y otros grupos musi-cales. El concierto de noche comenzará a las 6:30 dentro del teatro.Grupos populares de la zona como Sequoia High School Combo, Wo-odside High School Jazz Combo, Corazón al Sur, Cascada de Flores,San Francisco Bay Jazz Ensemble y Bing and the Bingtones tocarándurante el festival. Los boletos pueden ser comprados enwww.rcef.org/groovin. Todos los músicos nos están donando su tiempoy talento, así que todas las ganancias de la venta de boletos se utilizaránpara rescatar el programa de música.

Este verano, tendremos un segundo evento para apoyar las clasesde música instrumental en las escuelas. El Departamento de Parques,Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios de Redwood City colaborará conla Fundación para la Educación de Redwood City (RCEF) para organi-zar este 4 de julio, un mini maratón familiar de 5 km, "Fun Run," quetomará lugar en el centro de Redwood City antes de su legendario des-file. El director del maratón Fun Run, Tommy Vargas dijo: "Nuestrameta es al menos duplicar el número de participantes y recaudar$20,000 para la campaña que rescatará la música en las escuelas "SaveOur School Music." Para mayor información ir a : www.rcef.org/fun-run

Unidos para salvar la música en

Redwood City


Page 7: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |7|

San Jose LibraryBranches CloseEarly for In-Service

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Allbranches of the San José Pub-lic Library system-excludingthe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Library-will close at 1 p.m. on

Thursday, June 24 allowingstaff to attend an afternoon in-service training

While branches are closedfor in-service, King Librarywill continue to provide bothwalk-in and remote referenceassistance. For more informa-

tion on available options, clickon "Ask a Librarian" from thelibrary home page: www.sjli-brary.org. All online servicesincluding the library catalog,databases, eBooks, and per-sonal account access will alsobe available.

Periodic scheduling ofStaff In-Service days enable allstaff to participate in trainingnecessary to respond to chang-ing customer needs. Regularlyscheduled hours will resumeFriday, June 25 with librarybranches opening at 10 a.m. Δ

Modified Library Hours

South Bay Preparatory(SBP) CharterSchool has just re-

ceived a big boost in its fight tostay alive and bring project-based and personalized learningto Santa Clara County. The non-profit public school, hailed as acritically needed educational al-ternative, announced that it hastaken significant steps to bridgeits short-term fiscal challenge,including raising funds in excessof $22,000 with another $44,000potentially on the way.

This is important progress,according to SBP school offi-cials, who say that more fundingis needed to keep the one-year-old school afloat until next yearwhen it can implement its plansfor growing the school. Likemany start-up schools, as it pre-pares for the 2010-11 schoolyear, SBP finds itself with an op-erating deficit that puts theyoung school and its innovationsin jeopardy. SBP needs to secure

solid financial footing by the endof this school year to satisfy itsown, and County Office of Ed-ucation, requirements for fiscalviability. SBP's supporters haveuntil June 15 to do significantfund-raising or the school willhave to close.

SBP's project-based learn-ing model differentiates it frommost other public schools in theValley. Through project-basedlearning, students build their ac-ademic skills while engaging inreal-world projects throughdoing research and calculations,working in groups when neces-sary, and presenting their find-ings in the same way that theywould in the workplace. Aca-demics requirements are tied toState Standards, but work is de-signed to be relevant to the stu-dents and the world. Supportersconsider the model particularlyfitting for the entrepreneurialSilicon Valley region.

SBP has already overcome

significant hurdles in its quest tobring its model to local middleand high school students.Founders of the school workedfor five years to win SBP's char-ter and open the school. In addi-tion to launching a fundraisingcampaign within the last month,over the school year SBP hasstrengthened the school by relo-cating to a well-suited facility,retooling its educational pro-gramming, hiring key staff, andbringing in a charter school ex-pert who is volunteering his timeto ensure that the school is posi-tioned for success. The school iscurrently in the process of apply-ing for accreditation from theWestern Association of Schoolsand Colleges.

To make a donation or pledge t oSouth B ay P rep, go t o w ww.south-bayprep.org, or send a check to 1608 W.Campbell A ve #220, C ampbell, C A95008. F or mor e informa tion onfundraising, email SBP a t fundr [email protected]. ∆


School fights to keep doors open

5 de Junio - 6:00 pm Iglesia Sobre la Roca, 500 Sands Dr. San Jose, CA 95125

Page 8: el observador may 28th

|8| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community

Durante las festividades de fin de año, protéjase contra la gripe y déle

a su familia el Regalo de la Salud.

Al protegerse contra la gripe en estas festividades de fin de año, usted no solo reduce su riesgo personal de contagiarse dela gripe porcina o H1N1. Con ello también le da a su familia el regalo de la salud, porque cuando usted recibe la vacuna,también protege a sus seres queridos.

Cuando usted recibe la vacuna, contribuye a levantar una barrera protectora para todos los que conviven o trabajan conusted, o incluso ocupan el asiento vecino en un avión.

Desde el pasado mes de abril, según informes del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés),10,000 estadounidenses han fallecido a causa de la gripe porcina. Y otras 213,000 personas se han tenido que hospitalizara causa de la afección.

"Es importante entender que la vacuna no es solo para usted; es beneficiosa también para aquellos que están a su alrede-dor," dice Alan Janssen, del CDC.

Los expertos en el área de la salud lo llaman "efecto de protección capular" ("cocooning effect"), porque cuando una per-sona recibe la vacuna contra la gripe –estacional o H1N1— construye una barrera de inmunidad que protege a todos aque-llos con los que interactúa, especialmente los más cercanos. De esa forma, usted no los expone al virus con su presencia,porque usted ya se ha inmunizado.

La situación opuesta también tiene lugar. Si usted resulta infectado, les puede pasar el virus a sus seres queridos.

Esto es especialmente importante para los padres de recién nacidos, que tienen poca inmunidad, o carecen totalmente a lagripe durante los primeros 12 meses de vida. Además, los bebés menores de seis meses todavía no pueden ser vacuna-dos. Así que para asegurar una protección apropiada para el bebé, todos los que residen en la misma vivienda (los que for-man su círculo de protección) deben vacunarse contra la gripe, de modo que no puedan transmitirle el virus al bebé.

La misma precaución deben seguir los que tienen contacto frecuente con familiares ancianos cuyo sistema inmunológico esdébil, afirma Janssen, del CDC.

Aunque los estudios indican que la vacuna contra el H1N1 es efectiva en un 97 por ciento, las personas de edad avanzadapueden beneficiarse con la protección adicional de tener a todos sus familiares vacunados.

Según Janssen, el resultado, de erigir un círculo protector en torno nuestro y la familia es que podremos impedir la disper-sión posterior de la gripe porcina. "Estamos tratando –por medio de la vacunación-- de reducir el número de personas quepuedan ser afectadas por la gripe," señaló Janssen. "De este modo se logra prevenir que afecte a la comunidad."

El Regalo de la Salud cuenta con el apoyo y patrocinio de The California Endowment y California Community Foundation.


Un proyecto de ley que permitirá losconsumidores a reducir su huellade carbono y eliminar las toneladas

de despilfarro fue aprobado por el último co-mité del Senado y ahora se presentará antes detodos los miembros del Senado para una vota-ción.

Con una votación de 6-4, el Comité deAsignaciones del Senado aprobó legislaciónpresentado por el Senador Leland Yee (D-SanFrancisco/San Mateo) que requeriría las com-pañías telefónicas y los fabricantes de las guíastelefónicas a permitir los clientes decidir si yano quieren recibir las guías telefónicas.

Si se aprueba por la legislatura y el Gober-nador lo firma a ley, el SB 920 permitiría a losclientes decidir a ya no recibir todas las guíastelefónicas para siempre con solo llamar a unnúmero de teléfono gratuito o visitar a una pá-gina de Internet. Se requeriría poner un avisoen frente de la guía.

Yee dijo que la gente está creyendo más ymás que las guías telefónicas provienen de unaera antes del Internet y otros medios de obtenernúmeros de teléfono. En un momento cuandolos californianos están buscando formas de re-ducir nuestra huella de carbono, deberíamosdarles la opción, especialmente cuando muypocos clientes todavía utilizan los directorios.

Gina Papan, Concejal Municipal de la ciu-dad de Millbrae, dijo que este proyecto de leysimplemente tiene sentido. Papan animó a Yee

a presentar el proyecto de ley. También co-mentó que la cantidad de despilfarro que se ge-nera cada año por las guías teléfono no usadases una tragedia. La mayoría de la gente se leolvida que no quiere o no utiliza su guía telefó-nica hasta que ya es demasiado tarde y lleganen la puerta de su casa. El SB 920 reduciránuestra huella de carbono y ahorrará los escasosrecursos locales.

Se distribuyen más de 78 millones de guíastelefónicas anualmente a empresas de y consu-midores de teléfono residencial en California.A menudo los consumidores reciben múltiplescopias de los mismos datos de empresas queestán compitiendo. La producción y distribu-ción de estos directorios causa un daño enormeal medio ambiente y cuesta más para los clien-tes.

Según el Product Stewardship Institute, lasguías teléfono representan mucha tonelaje deresiduos (660.000 toneladas por año). Actual-mente, los gobiernos locales tienen que pagarpara reciclar o disponer de las guías telefónicas.Algunas áreas no tienen oportunidades limita-das o ausente para reciclar. Según un informede la Agencia de la Protección Medio ambientalde los Estados Unidos, no producir una guía te-lefónica reduce el efecto de los gases de inver-nadero por aproximadamente tres veces tantocomo reciclar (relativa al vertido).

La legislación será considerada por el Se-nado en pleno la próxima semana. Δ

Comité aprueba proyecto de ley que reducirá las guías telefónicas no deseadas

Page 9: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |9|

1 Confi abilidad basada en longevidad: registros de camionetas de tamaño completo de 1981 a julio de 2009. 2 Pagos mensuales de $13.89 por cada $1,000 que fi nancies. Ejemplo de pago inicial: 17%. Algunos clientes no califi carán. No disponible con otras ofertas. Recibe entrega antes de 6/30/10. 3 Ahorros comparan 0% APR a una tasa promedio nacional de préstamos bancarios de Bankrate, Inc. 4 Basado en est. EPA: Malibu del 2010 con motor de 4 cilindros, 2.4L. y transmisión automática de 6 velocidades, 33 vs. Accord comparable, 31 y Camry comparable, 32. 5 Pagos mensuales de $16.67 por cada $1,000 que fi nancies. Ejemplo promedio de pago inicial: 11%. Algunos clientes no califi carán. No disponible con otras ofertas. Detalles en tu concesionario. Recibe entrega antes de 6/30/10. 6 Traverse tiene un est. EPA de 17 MPG en ciudad, 24 en carretera (FWD), 16 en ciudad, 23 en carretera (AWD); Honda Pilot tiene un est. EPA de 17 MPG en ciudad, 23 en carretera (2WD), 16 en ciudad, 22 en carretera (4WD). 7 Llama al 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) o visita onstar/espanol para detalles y limitaciones del sistema. Servicios varían por modelos y condiciones.El sello de “Mejor Compra” es una marca registrada de Consumers Digest Communications, LLC., usado bajo licencia. ©2010 OnStar. Todos los derechos reservados. ©2010 General Motors.

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Page 10: el observador may 28th

|10| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Community

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Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Leyendas del fútbol mexicano Manuel Negrete, Alberto García Aspe y Luis Ro-berto Alves conocido como “Zague” hicieron una visita relámpago en la ciudad

de San José.Estas figuras deportivas se mantienen contentos y entu-

siasmados por el mundial número 18 en la historia del fút-bol además esperan con ansias el encuentro entre Méxicoy Sudáfrica.

“Estamos muy contentos de estar aquí y promover lasana diversión. El fútbol al igual que otro deporte sonesenciales en nuestra comunidad”, dijo Manuel Negrete,mundialista que arrancó gritos de gol y esperanza en el

mundial del 86.Por su parte Alberto García Aspe dijo que

México tendrá un duro equipo que enfrentar yconfía en la decisión que Javier Aguirre –

entrenador del seleccionado- tome paraeste mundial 2010.

“La fórmula es una buena defensa,buenos y rápidos volantes”, agregaAspe.

Por cierto estas glorias del fútbolmexicano afirman que su equipohará historia. La selección en losdiez Mundiales que ha jugado haquedado en la undécima plazacomo mejor clasificación y ahoraesperan que esto sea mejor.

¿Será España, Brasil, Inglate-rra o Alemania un fuerte rival a Mé-

xico? . “El seleccionado nos tienemuy buenas sorpresas y por su puesto

“Ya todos bailanal ritmo delWaka Waka”

Page 11: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |11|Community

*Puedes optar por pagar tu prima en cuotas por un cargo mensual de servicio de $1. Ahorros anuales promedio por casa basados en un estudio en California realizado a asegurados nuevos en el 2009 quienes reportaron haber ahorrado al cambiarse a State Farm. Las pólizas, formularios y notificaciones de State Farm están escritas en inglés. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL.

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esperamos ganar”, indicó Negrete. El Observador también les preguntó sobre la recuperación de Cabañas

y bajo su experiencia profesional de cómo lo ven. Luis Alberto Alves co-nocido como “Zague” dijo que era bastante dificil recuperarse de un in-cidente como este. Sin embargo ven con buenos ojos su recuperación.

Negrete, Aspe y Zague trabajan en una intensa gira que trae la fiebredel fútbol. Ellos están convocando a sus seguidores a participar en “His-torias de Aficionados con Carácter” organizado por la compañía Tecate.También tienen mucho trabajo que hacer. Una vez iniciado el Mundial deFútbol en Sudafrica estarán trabajando como comentaristas y esto graciasa la experiencia en la cancha y en la tv en una serie de mundiales.

Manuel Negrete es recordado por el gol anotado en el partido de oc-tavos de final entre México y Bulgaria disputado el 15 de junio en el Es-tadio Azteca de México, D. F., donde gracias a un pase de Javier Aguirrerealizó una media tijera desde fuera del área que acabó en gol en el minuto34.

Alberto García Aspe se desempeñaba como mediocampista. Disputóun total de 104 partidos internacionales y marcó 20 goles, pese a no serdelantero. Su potente disparo de pierna zurda, fue detonante de su impe-cable carrera futbolística y pieza clave para que fuera el capitán nacionaldurante la Copa del Mundo de Francia 1998.

Luis Roberto Alves Dos Santos Gavranic es un ex- futbolista mexi-cano-brasileño conocido popularmente como "Zague". “Zague” es famosopor anotar siete goles en un partido de la selección mexicana ante Marti-nica, en la Copa de Oro de la Concacaf en 1993s. Δ

Page 12: el observador may 28th

|12| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com News in Photo

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The San José/Evergreen CommunityCollege District (SJECCD) Board ofTrustees is pleased to announce that

Dr. Rita Cepeda will become the sixth perma-nent chancellor of the San José/Evergreen Com-munity College District on July 15, 2010.

Cepeda's selection follows a national searchfor a permanent chancellor to replace RosaPérez, who will retire on June 30, 2010. Pérezhas been on medical leave since November2009. Δ

El distrito escolar de Franklin-McKinley, la escuela secundaria deYerba Buena y el Departamento de

la Policía de San José unen esfuerzos y orga-nizan la clínica de fútbol gratuito este próximo29 de Mayo. Esta clínica está dirigida a niños yjóvenes adolescentes.

La cita es en el J.W. Fair Middle School lo-

calizado en la 1702 de la avenida McLaughlinentre 9am a 12:00.

Las técnicas deportivas están a cargo delequipo de fútbol de Yerba Buena. Los asistentesrecibirán balones y otros regalos sorpresa. Nose necesita incribirse, tan solo presentarse yjugar. Δ

El pasado jueves 20 de mayo 32 estu-diantes se graduaron del ColegioComunitario de San José. La cere-

monia contó con la presencia de el distinguido

Dr. George Castro y Carmen Castellanos querepresentó a la Fundación Castellanos. La ce-remonia tuvo lugar en la Plaza de la HerenciaMexicana. ¡ Felicidades por este gran logro! Δ

The Santa Clara Valley WaterDistrict Board of Directorstook an action to ensure that

district employees are not subjected to un-fair treatment due to Arizona's immigra-tion-related laws SB 1070 and HB 2162.

"We passed a resolution prohibitingdistrict funds to be used for employeetravel to Arizona, unless critical to the mis-sion of the district," stated Richard SantosDistrict 3 and 2010 Board Chair. TheSanta Clara Valley Water District urges theU.S. Congress and the president to addressoutstanding immigration issues. Δ

Los Centros de Ayuda al Contribu-yente del IRS en Oakland, SanFrancisco, San José y Walnut Creek

seguirán ayudando a los contribuyentes a so-lucionar sus asuntos tributarios. El Personaldel IRS estará disponible para ayudar conacuerdos de pagos, información sobre audito-rías, la preparación de sus declaraciones de im-puestos y cualquier otro asunto tributario el 5de junio. (Oakland: 1301 Clay Street, SanFrancisco: 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Jose: 55S. Market St. y Walnut Creek: 185 LennonLn.) Δ

Dr. Rita Cepeda is theNew Chancellor ofSJECCD

Promoción 2010

Clínica de fútbol en San José

SCVWD took action on Arizona immigration law Centros de Ayuda al Contribuyente

Page 13: el observador may 28th

Por Mario Jiménez CastilloEl Observador

ARIESPodrás comenzar a reconstruir tu mundo fi-

nanciero, lograrás saldar deudas y ganarás másdinero. Retrasa por un tiempo ese viaje que de-seas hacer, no es el momento.

TAUROUn nuevo conocido acudirá en tu ayuda a

principios del mes. Incidentes con familiares yamigos se resolverán de la mejor manera. El di-nero comenzará a fluir gradualmente.

GEMINISExisten amores y relaciones inconvenientes

y en este mes debes decidirte a cambiar de rumboo seguir soñado con que el olmo se llene deperas. Tu prioridad eres "tú".

CANCERUn interesante movimiento planetario trae

para ti una oportunidad laboral magnífica.Se pronostican viajes y novedades que ali-

viarán el estrés sufrido en días anteriores.

LEOMuy pronto Júpiter el planeta de la buena

suerte, comenzará a navegar por tu casa novena,trayéndote éxito y sobre todo recuperarás todo loque creías haber perdido.

VIRGOAunque tus rivales creen intrigas en tu con-

tra, serás siempre tú quien tenga la última palabray quién resulte victorioso. Vienen noticias alen-tadoras del exterior.

LIBRALa paciencia y la perseverancia serán tus me-

jores armas para vencer los desafíos que juniotrae consigo. Después de un par de meses turbu-lentos ahora la calma retorna.

ESCORPIONLas cuestiones sentimentales lucirán muy

bien durante todo el mes. En el trabajo habrá ten-sión y te exigirán que rindas más de lo usual. Teharán un obsequio fuera de lo común.

SAGITARIOTu prioridad será por supuesto el amor, pero

no dejes que te confundan ni perdones lo imper-donable. Es probable que un nuevo idilio tengalugar alrededor del día 17.

CAPRICORNIOPermite que tus seres queridos se equivoquen

y tropiecen, solamente así aprenderán las leccio-nes de la vida. Te recuperarás de un padecimientoo enfermedad.

ACUARIOPor fin comenzarás a recibir buenas noticias,

especialmente en cuanto a dinero se refiere. Tubuena suerte se centrará en un nuevo trabajo ovocación. Te esperan días felices.

PISCISDebes ser consciente de las decisiones que

debes tomar, no juegues con fuego ni muchomenos te dejes llevar por lo que dicen otros, por-que se te puede escapar un tesoro de las manos.

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |13|

A San Jose Downtown Association Production | Supported in part by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San Jose

FREE Thursday Concerts5:30 - 9:15 p.m.

Plaza de Cesar ChavezDowntown San Jose

June 3

Cold War KidsOpener

Jesse Malin &St. Marks Social

June 3June 10June 17June 24

July 1July 8

July 15July 22July 29

Aug 5Aug 12Aug 19Aug 26

Cold War Kids – Channel 92.3 (Alternative Rock)

Lenny Williams with Prince Damons – KBLX 102.9 FM (R&B)

Skatalites – MOViN 997 (Ska/Reggae)

BoDeans – KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop)

The English Beat – [email protected] (Ska/New Wave)

Tonic and Green River Ordinance – MIX 106.5 (Rock/Pop)

Don Carlos – LIVE 105 (Reggae)

The Gaslight Anthem – Channel 92.3 (Alternative Rock)

Pete Escovedo Orchestra – (Latin/Jazz)

Foreverland – 98.1 KISS FM (Michael Jackson Tribute Band)

Eek-A-Mouse – LIVE 105 (Reggae)

Y&T – 98.5 KFOX (Classic Rock)

Pato Banton – [email protected] (Reggae)

Visit Fahrenheit’s Restaurant and Lounge in the Park Serving creative sangria cocktails and award winning cuisine


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Angel Sr. & Martha Rios Y Familias

Aarón & Elia López Y Familia

Johnny & Domenica Coronado y Familia

Juan & Lucha Barragán Y Familia

Miguel & Olga Oseguera y Familia

Santiago & Olivia Rodriguez y Familia

Jesús & Sabina Soto y Familia

Pompeyo & Rafaela Cervantes y Familia

Eliseo & Naomi López y Familia

Dario & María Sáenz y Familia

Rubén & Rosa Solorio y Familia

José & María Elena Servin y Familia

Oscar & Gladys León Y Familia

Santos & Gloria Reyes Y Familia

Jesús & Rosita Arenas y Familia

Arnulfo & María Ledesma Y Familia

Pablo & Alicia Castro Y Familia

Alonso & Patricia Rivera y Familia

Jesús & Liliana Rivera Y Familia

Eugenio & Dominga Ramirez Y Familia

Jesús & Minerva Cardenas y Familia

Sergio & Teresa López y Familia

Ivan & Silvia Quiroz y Familia












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Page 14: el observador may 28th

Noche Eclectica 2When: June 5Where: MACLA in San JoseInfo: [email protected]

Alejandro SanzWhen: July 18Where: HP Pavilion in San JoseInfo: hppsj.com

The Tech Museum presents"Genghis Kahn: The Exhibition"When: Through AugustWhere: The Tech Museum in San Jose

Info: www.thetech.org

FUGA! 10 Años de Musica y Re-sistenciaWhen: Friday, May 28 from 8:30 p.m.- 11:30 p.m.Where: The New ParishInfo: www.myspace.com/fuguista

21st Annual Coco LocoWhen: Friday, May 28, 2010 at 9:00p.m.Where: Club Avalon in Santa ClaraInfo: www.nightclubavalon.com

Flight for LifeWhen: Sunday, June 6Where: Reid Hillview Airport in SanJoseInfo: (408) 629-9670

Azucar Presents...Alexa WeberMorales & QuartetWhen: Sunday, June 6 from 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.Where: Azucar Latin Bistro & MojitoBar & Lounge in San JoseInfo: http://www.azucarsj.com

Dine Downtown San JoseWhen: June 2 - 12 Where: Over 30 Restaurants inDowntown San JoseInfo: (408) 279-1775, or visitwww.sjdowntown.comMusic in the Park:

Cold War KidsWhen: June 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 9p.m.Where: Cesar Chavez Park in Down-town San JoseInfo: (408) 279-1775, or checkwww.sjdowntown.com

Downtown Farmers' Market atSan Pedro SquareWhen: Each Friday, June 4 - June 25,from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.Where: San Pedro SquareInfo: (408) 279-1775 or visitwww.sjdowntown.com

AZTEC DANCE!When: Every Tuesday From 7 p.m. to9 p.m.Where: MACLA Theater 510 South 1stStreet, San JoseInfo: (408) 998-2783 orwww.maclaarte.org

Starlight CinemasWhen: Each Wednesday, June 9 - 23Where: San Pedro Square in San JoseInfo: 408) 279-1775 or visit www.sj-downtown.com

Stern Grove FestivalWhen: June 20 through August 22Where: Sigmund Stern Grove, locatedat 19th Avenue and Sloat Boulevardin San FranciscoInfo: www.sterngrove.org or call(415) 252-6252

Music in the Park: Lenny WilliamsWhen: June 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 9p.m.Where: Cesar Chavez Park in Down-town San JoseInfo: (408) 279-1775, or checkwww.sjdowntown.com

SAVE THE DATEThe Opera of San JoseWhen: September 11, - May 8, 2011Where: California Theatre in San JoseInfo: 408-437-4450

Music in the Park: SkatalitesWhen: June 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 9p.m.?Where: Cesar Chavez Park in Down-town San JoseInfo: (408) 279-1775, or checkwww.sjdowntown.com

ShortLivedWhen: Friday and Saturday night at8:00 p.m., April 2 - June 26Where: Off-Market Theater Complexin San FranciscoInfo: www.pianofight.com

Connoisseurs' MarketplaceWhen: July 17-18, from 10 a.m. - 6

p.m.Where: Santa Cruz Ave between ElCamino Real and Johnson St, MenloParkInfo: 650-964-3395 or www.mira-marevents.com

earth•boundWhen: Until June 13Where: City Windows Gallery nearCity Hall in San JoseInfo: [email protected]

CITY SOLOWhen: June 6, 13 and 20 at 7:00 p.mWhere: Off-Market Theater, 965 Mis-sion St, San FranciscoInfo: http://www.brownpapertick-ets.com/event/108064

31st Annual DeAnza Film FestivalWhen: Friday, June 4 at 7:30 p.m.Where: DeAnza College Visual andPerforming Arts Center (OrangeBuilding)Don Baldomero murió virgenDías: 29 de mayoLugar: Universidad Nacional Hispana14271 Story Rd. San Jose, CaInformes [email protected] ovisite www.teatronahual.org

Ferias de salud Evaluaciones gratuitasA cargo de farmacias CVSDías: 5 y 6 de junioLugares: 821 The Alameda 1097 Leigh Ave.1285 Lincoln Ave.Hora: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Taller de Arte en CestaDía : Sábado 12 de junioHora: 1:00 a 4:00 pmLugar: 2200 Broadway, Redwood CitySótano del History Museum Cost: $6 y $9

Arte de Osvaldo TorresDía: 6 de junio al 4 de JulioLugar: Pueblo Nuevo Gallery1828 San Pablo Ave. #12do piso BerkeleyAbierto los domingos de 12 a 6pmPor cita al (510) 452 7363

Celebración de Peace Corps BonVoyageDía: 7 de junioHora: 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.Biblioteca de Redwood City1044 Middlefield RoadInfo: (510) 452-8442

FlamencoManuela CarrascoDía 15 de junioHora: 8:00 y 10:00 pmLugar: Zellerbach HallBerkeley, CaCosto: $30 y $99Informes: (510) 444-2820

Manuel AgujetasDía: 19 de juniHora: 8:00 y 10:00 pmLugar: Julio Morgan Theater

2640 College Ave.Berkeley, CA 94704Costo: $26 y 51Info: 510-444-2820

Done SangreLlame al 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) Visite redcrossblood.org

SalinasDía: martes 1 de junioHora: 1:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.Lugar: Recreation Center320 Lincoln Ave., Salinas.

San JoseDía: Miércoles 2 de junioHora: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.City Hall, Rotunda200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose.

Los GatosAddison Penzak Jewish CommunityCenterViernes: 4 de junioHora: 12:00 a 6:00p,mLugar: Auditorium14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos.

Día de AcciónAyudemos a los niños a triunfarSea voluntario Día: Jueves 17 de junioLugar: Sobrato Center for Nonprofits -San JoseUnited Way Silicon Valley1400 Parkmoor Ave, Suite 250San Jose, CA 95126-3429Contactar Alisha Rodrigues(408) 345-4300

Copa EODías: Todos los domingosHora: 9:00 am a 12:00pmLugar: Escuela Randall3100 Edsel Dr.Milpitas, Ca

Clases de costuraUna alternativa para establecerun negocioDías: martes y miércolesHora: 5:00 pm a 8:00 pmLugar: CET701 Vine st. San Jose, CASalón 129Info: 408.287.7924

¿Necesita hacerse ciudadano?Le enseñan cómo llenar los documen-tosInfo: (408) 396-0017

Exhibición de Peter PanDía: Hasta el 27 de junioHora: 10am-6pm (excepto martes)Lugar: The Walt Disney Family Mu-seum, Theater Lobby104 Montgomery Street, The Presidioof San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA 94129Info: www.waltdisney.org o llame al415-345-6800

¿Necesita Comida?Informes: 1-800-984-3663SecondHarvestFood.org

|14| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Calendar

Page 15: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |15|Movies

Para cines y horarios: Consulte su periódico local o envíe mensaje de texto con la palabra PRINCE y su código postal al 43KIX (43549)DISCULPE, NO HAY BOLETOS.


Por Martín del Palacio

En el filme, que hasido dirigido porNéstor Miranda,

Ramón Rodríguez encarna aWill, un joven latino que vive

en Harlem, en la partenorte de Manhattan yque no habla español.Vive obsesionadocon las chicas, conlas que tienemucho éxito, y devez en cuandosus romances lometen en seriosproblemas.

Pero esosno son nadaen compara-ción conlos que lec a u s a r ála deci-

sión demudarse a una

casa grande en el mismovecindario junto a sus dos me-jores amigos, Ben (Rafael Sar-dina), un muchacho serio ytrabajador y Rick (StevenLeon), quien acaba de regresardel frente en Irak.

En un principio, la casa,que alquilan por 5000 dólaresal mes, parece la solución a losproblemas cotidianos que lescausa no tener un lugar propio

donde estar, pero cuando Willdescubre que sus expectativaspara conseguir un trabajo quele alcance para cubrir su parteestán muy lejos de la realidad,decide subalquilar su cuarto aunos turistas y mudarse alático.

Con la renta pagada y dó-lares extras en el bolsillo, sedeja llevar por la ambición yun sitio web que pone en el ci-berespacio hace el resto.

Cuando Ben regresa de unviaje de trabajo, se encuentracon que su casa se ha conver-tido en un albergue juvenil ile-gal que parece haberseconvertido en el último gritode la moda entre los miles deturistas que llegan todos losdías a la ciudad más impor-tante de Estados Unidos.

En el elenco de “HarlemHostel” también participanotros actores latinos como Ce-linez Bosque, Lloyd de Leon,Danny A. Gonzáles. ÁngeloLozada y el propio directorcon una participación a loHitchcock. El DVD tendrá unprecio de venta de $ 24.98

Dirigida por el ita-liano Marco Risi ycon guión de Ma-

nuel Valdivia, Manuel Ríos yCésar Vidal, La mano de Dios,presenta una biografía fide-digna del astro argentino y,dado que recorre toda su tra-yectoria desde su niñez hasta laedad adulta, ha sido interpre-tado por tres actores argenti-nos.

El Maradona adulto es en-carnado por Marco Leonardi,

actor conocido por películascomo Cinema Paradiso, El me-xicano, Como agua para cho-colate y Texas Rangers, entreotras.

El largometraje recoge es-cenas de sus primeros partidosen un potrero del barrio Fioritoy de sus días de gloria en elBoca Juniors, el F.C. Barce-lona, el Nápoles o el Sevilla,pero también mostrará con cru-deza el deterioro físico de unídolo caído y su gran voluntad

de salir adelante.Su vida sentimental tam-

bién es uno de los ejes funda-mentales del filme, desde surelación adolescente con Clau-dia, con la que se casó, tuvodos hijas y de la cual terminóseparándose, hasta su relacióncon la italiana Cristiana Sina-gra, con la que tuvo un hijo.

La cinta lleva el título quele valió a Maradona el segundogol marcado en un partido mí-tico, el que enfrentó la selec-

ción de Argentina contra Ingla-terra, en los cuartos de final dela Copa del Mundo de 1986. Elfutbolista se excusó entoncesdiciendo que fue la mano deDios y no la suya, la que intro-dujo el balón en la portería in-glesa.

La película es una copro-ducción hispano-italo-argentina, impulsada por laproductora española Globome-dia. Δ



Harlem Hostel: Comedia con Sabor Latino

La mano de Dios

Page 16: el observador may 28th

|16| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

Como siempre, el anunciosobre la canción oficial de laCopa Mundial de la FIFA se

esperó ansiosamente. Waka Waka (ThisTime for Africa) es el nombre del nuevohimno del fútbol, que refleja la vitalidady la energía del continente anfitrión me-diante sus sonidos y ritmos africanos.Las guitarras sudafricanas se mezclancon los ritmos afro-colombianos y lasoca, mientras que el coro conserva la si-militud con la popular canción cameru-nesa que se hizo célebre en lainterpretación de Golden Voices, entreotros.

Shakira actuará con el famoso gruposudafricano Freshlyground. "Es un honorque Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)haya sido elegida para ser parte de esteespectáculo y del legado de la CopaMundial de la FIFA 2010", dice Shakira."La Copa Mundial de la FIFA es una ex-plosión de júbilo que conecta a todos lospaíses, todos los pueblos, las religionese ideologías en torno a una sola pasión.Tiene el poder de unir e integrar, y de esose trata esta canción", concluyó.

Todos los ingresos provenientes delsingle, así como los del álbum oficial dela Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2010 "ListenUp", se donarán a la campaña oficial dela Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica2010, 20 centros para 2010, cuyo obje-

tivo es lograr un cambio social positivoa través del fútbol, construyendo 20 cen-tros a lo largo y ancho de África paraofrecer educación y servicios de salud,así como una formación futbolística.

FIFA y Sony Music han colaboradocon éxito en la realización del programamusical oficial desde 1994. La tradiciónde la canción oficial se remonta la CopaMundial de la FIFA 1966 en Inglaterra,con una composición acerca de la pri-mera mascota oficial "World Cup Willie"(un león). Desde entonces, el programamusical oficial y la mascota oficial sehan convertido en un elemento cada vezmás significativo de este torneo, al per-mitir que no sólo los aficionados al fút-bol puedan identificarse con elacontecimiento deportivo más grande desu género. Entre las canciones oficialesde los últimos mundiales se encuentran:"Un'estate italiana" (1990) interpretadapor Edoardo Bennato y Gianna Nannini,"Gloryland" (1994) por Daryl Hall con"Sounds of Blackness" y "La copa de lavida" (1998) por Ricky Martin. En 2002,la canción oficial fue "Boom" de Anas-tacia, mientras que el himno oficial fueinterpretado por Vangelis, en el que se in-trodujeron típicos elementos musicalescoreanos y japoneses. En 2006, la can-ción del cuarteto Il Divo "The Time ofOur Lives" fue todo un éxito. Δ

Waka Waka con Shakira FIFA and Sony have chosen Waka Waka

(This Time for Africa) as the official songof the 2010 FIFA World Cup(tm) in South

Africa. The song was written by Shakira, the world-famous singer from Latin America, who will performwith South African band Freshlyground.

Once again, the announcement of the officialFIFA World Cup song was keenly awaited. WakaWaka (This Time for Africa) is the name of the newfootball anthem, and with its rhythmical Africansounds, the song represents the vitality and energy ofthe host continent. South African guitars back up theAfro-Colombian rhythm and Soca beat. The chorusis similar to that of a popular Cameroon song madefamous by Golden Voices in particular.

FIFA and Sony Music have enjoyed a successfulpartnership in the official music program ever since1994. The tradition of an official song dates back tothe 1966 FIFA World Cup(tm) in England with a songfor the first Official Mascot, "World Cup Willie", whowas a lion. Ever since, the official music program andthe Official Mascot have become a more and moresignificant component of the event, providing an ex-cellent opportunity for more than just football fans toidentify with the world's biggest single-sport event.

Official songs at recent FIFA World Cup(tm)competitions have included Un'estate italiana by Ed-uardo Bennato and Gianna Nannini in 1990, Glory-land by Daryl Hall with Sounds of Blackness in 1994,and La Copa de la Vida by Ricky Martin in 1998. In2002, the official song was Boom by Anastacia, whileVangelis' vocal official anthem featured typical Ko-rean and Japanese sonic elements. In 2006, The Timeof Our Lives by the Il Divo quartet was a resoundingsuccess.

(Information from the FIFA website)

Shakira and Freshly-ground sing OfficialFIFA World Cup song

By Osvaldo CastilloEl Observador

In a world - were just about everyone isstressed out - and tired of the same dailyroutine - one man - has made it his mission

- to remind them - about the importance of – PAR-TYING!

Coming soon – to a comedy club near you –It’s Pablo-Francisco.

The “Movie Trailer Guy” is just one of manyimpressions to expect as Pablo Francisco makes hisreturn to the San Jose Improv this Labor Day week-end.

“San Jose has always been a great place to per-form because the people are great and always seemto enjoy themselves,” Francisco says. “There arealso some great places in downtown San Jose toparty after. I don’t know about that train you guyshave downtown though. I almost got hit by it afterpartying in San Jose some years ago.” Francisco

jokes.He was born in Tucson, Arizona and was intro-

duced to comedy by staying up late at night andwatching several comedians perform on shows suchas Saturday Night Live and The Tonight Show withJohnny Carson.

“I remembering watching these comedians andlaughing at their jokes but also being fascinated bythe fact that telling these jokes was actually theirjob,” Francisco says.

Francisco’s got his opportunity to perform andperfect his craft when a comedy club in Tucsonstarted having open mic nights.

“I was working at a Domino’s pizza at the time,which was actually the perfect job because it gaveme a chance to tell the customers jokes, whichwould then go into my comedy bit if they weregood ones,” Francisco says.

Francisco’ s influences range from Benny Hilland Richard Pryor, to Carlos Mencia, Dane Cookand George Lopez.

He describe his comedy as Saturday Night Livemeets In Living Color meets the Harlem Globetrot-ters and says he writes his jokes based on the oddand funny situations people find themselves in.

“I don’t throw anyone under the bus, I makefun of the situations they find themselves in. Unlessits some idiot like the Sham-Wow guy,” Franciscojokes.

Francisco is currently working on voiceoversin several movies and will soon have his own showon Comedy Central called “Who are you fooling,”

“The show is somewhat based on my comedybit so I pretty much go after people who get stuckin stupid situations,” Francisco says. “One of theskits we are working on is about Dog the BountyHunter. This guy goes around arresting people andyet he’s the one that ends up finding himself in jail.These are the sorts of skits we will be producing forthe show,” Francisco says.

For more information on Pablo Francisco visitwww.pablofrancisco.com.

Lasting ImpressionEntertainment

Page 17: el observador may 28th


NO. 537025

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: NET ASSIST, 3511 Thomas Rd #6,Santa Clar a, C A 95054, S anta Clar a C o.Mark Skorupa, 130 E San Fernando ST #13,San Jose, CA 95112. This business is c on-ducted by an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 4/21/10. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Mark SkorupaMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 4/21/2010FICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAME STATEMENTNO. 537967

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: International Products MarketingCompany, TUK TUK, 10182 Imperial Ave.,Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Mon-tatip Chotiyanonta, 10182 Imperial Ave.,Cupertino, CA 95014, Jeffrey J McD owell,10182 Imperial Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014.This business is conducted by husband andwife, registrants began business under thefictitious business name or names list edhere in 5/09/2008. “I declare that all infor-mation in this sta tement is true and c or-rect.” ( A r egistrant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she kno ws to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Montatip ChotiyanontaMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/13/2010


NO. 537661

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Zumika, 4848 San Felipe Rd Ste. #150 #153, San Jose, CA 95135, Santa ClaraCo. Kristina Nguyen, 3398 Braden CT., SanJose, CA 95148. This business is conductedby an individual , r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon . “I de-clare that all information in this statementis true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de -clares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Kristina NguyenMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/06/2010


NO. 538040

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Deltabyte PC Services & Cyber Café,2239 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122, SantaClara C o. Crecenciano Durán, 486 C aleroAve, San Jose, CA 95123. This business isconducted by an individual, registrant hasnot yet begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Crecenciano DuránMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/14/2010


NO. 538243

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: WQC Trucking, 4090 B arrymoreDrive, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co.Alberto L uis A guilera, 4090 B arrymoreDrive, San Jose, CA 95117. This business isconducted b y an individual , r egistrantbegan business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in 5/18/10.“I declare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Alberto Luis AguileraMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/21/2010


NO. 538276

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: S crap Your P ants O ff, Lizabits ,16790 Magneson L oop, L os Ga tos, C A95032, S anta Clara Co. Autum Bay, Inc.,16790 Magneson L oop, L os Ga tos, C A95060. This business is conducted by a cor-poration, registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is true and cor-rect.” ( A r egistrant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she kno ws to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Autum Bay INCElizabeth SchafferMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/21/2010


NO. 538451

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: E-Finishing INC, 411 Nelo St., SantaClara, CA 95054, Santa Clara Co. E-FinishingINC., 411 Nelo St ., Santa Clara, CA 95054.This business is conducted by a corporation,registrant began business under the ficti-tious business name or names list ed herein 5/25/10. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

E-Finishing INCOthon EspinozaMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/27/2010


NO. 538457

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: World Class S occer Management,WCSM, 611 Arcadia Ter #304, Sunnyvale,CA 94085, , Santa Clara Co. Denis Sztokfisz,611 Ar cadia Ter. #304 Sunn yvale, C A94085, Rodrigo Januar y, 4745 B oywoodWay, D ublin, C A 94568. This business isconducted by a general partnership, regis-trant has not yet begun business under thefictitious business name or names list edhereon. “I declare that all information inthis statement is true and c orrect.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Denis SztokfiszMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/27/2010


NO. 110CV169217

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Tristan Adelaide Jae-woon Gorenshteyn,Edward Gorenshteyn. TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that petitionersTristen Adelaide Jae -woon Gorenshteyn,Edward Gorenshteyn, have filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk of thiscourt for a decr ee changing names as fol-lows: a. Tristen Adelaide Jae-woon Goren-shteyn, aka Tristen A delaide Jae -woonChang, aka Tristen Adelaide Chang to Tris-ten Jaewoon Ross Gorenshteyn b. EdwardGorenshteyn t o E dward Michael RossGorenshteyn, THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this ma tter appearbefore this court at the hearing indica tedbelow to show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should not begranted on 06/22/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A c opy of the O rder t o Sho wcause shall be published a t least onc e aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El

Observador, a newspaper of gener al circu-lation, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

April 14, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010



Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Hong-Yen Leonard. TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that petitionerHong-Yen Leonard, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Xuan Hong Le to Tiffany Le, THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested in this mat-ter appear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of names shouldnot be granted on 07/27/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. F irst Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order toShow cause shall be published at least oncea week for four suc cessive weeks prior tothe date set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of general cir-culation, prin ted in the c ounty of S antaClara.

May 11, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010


NO. 110CV172195

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Carolina Reyes Alonso. TO ALL INTER -ESTED PERSONS: The court finds that peti-tioner Carolina Reyes Alonzo, has filed apetition for Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decr ee changing namesas follows: a. Kevin Joshua Reyes to KevinJoshua Miguel Reyes, THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons in terested in this ma tterappear before this court at the hearing in-dicated below to show cause, if any, whythe petition for change of names shouldnot be granted on 08/03/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. F irst Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order toShow cause shall be published at least oncea week for four suc cessive weeks prior tothe date set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of general cir-culation, prin ted in the c ounty of S antaClara.

May 17, 2010Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010


NO. 110CV172610

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Francisco A R incon/Martha R icon. TOALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioners Francisco A Rincon/MarthaRincon, have filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this c ourt for a de -cree changing names as follows: a. Eric Her-nandez Rincon to Eric R incon Ochoa, THECOURT ORDERS that all persons in terestedin this matter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below to show cause,if an y, wh y the petition for change ofnames should not be gr anted on08/10/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: locatedat 191 N. F irst Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in E l Obser vador, anewspaper of general circulation, printedin the county of Santa Clara.

May 21, 2010Thomas W. CainJudge of the Superior CourtMay 28; June 04, 11, 18, 2010



The follo wing person(s) has/ha ve aban-doned the use of the fictitious businessname(s). The information given below is asit appeared on the fictitious business namestatement tha t w as filed at the C ountyClerk-Recorder’s office. Al Sanchez Income Tax & Immigration Serv-ices, 31 S. Jackson A ve., S an Jose , C A95116. F iled in S anta Clar a C ounty on06/23/05, under file no. 462052. Alma Juli-eta Arellano Sanchez, 31 S Jackson A ve.,San Jose, CA 95116. This business was con-ducted by an individual. I declare that allinformation in this sta tement is true andcorrect (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she kno ws to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Alma J. Mingus May 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 05/24/2010


NO. 538057

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Miner va Cafe, 415 Nor th May Ave#101, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, S anta ClaraCo. Incredible Taste of India Inc., 655 S FairOaks Ave., #M216, Sunnyvale, CA 94086.This business is conducted by a corporation,registrant has not yet began business underthe fictitious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all information inthis statement is true and c orrect.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Incredible Taste of India IncUma Konduru/CEOMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/17/2010


NO. 537126

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Silicon Valley Mortgage Group, 20Great Oaks Blvd., San Jose, CA 95119, Santa

Clara Co. Ben Fernandez, 6707 Elwood Rd.,San Jose, CA 95120. This business is c on-ducted by an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Ben FernandezMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 4/23/2010


NO. 537510

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Fausto Produce, 362 N 13th Street,San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. AuroraFausto, 362 N 13th Str eet, S an Jose , C A95112. This business is conducted by a gen-eral partnership registrants began businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed here in 10/14/2009. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Aurora FaustoMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/03/2010


NO. 537598

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: La B ella Salon, 478 E S anta ClaraSt., Suite 102, S an Jose, CA 95122, S antaClara Co. Tuyen Vo, 1194 Pipe Dream Ct.,San Jose, CA 95122. This business is c on-ducted by an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Tuyen VoMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 537542

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Blurr ed Line Phot ography, 200Winchester Cir cle #A325, L os Ga tos, C A95032, Santa Clara Co. Luis P Castillo, 200Winchester Cir cle #A325, L os Ga tos, C A95032, Royce Dove, 11455 Hamilton Way,San Jose, CA 95125. This business is c on-ducted by a general partnership, registrantsbegan business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names list ed her e in11/29/2008. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Luis P CastilloMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/04/2010


NO. 537212

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: La tino B eauty S alon, 344 WestMaude Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086, SantaClara Co. Latino’s Salon Inc., 3210 Myles Ct.,San Jose, CA 95117. This business is c on-

ducted by a corporation, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 4/27/2010. “I de -clare that all information in this statementis true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de -clares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Latino’s Salon IncDaniel J Cerrillo/PresidentMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 4/27/2010


NO. 538065

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: K.C. Transmission, 2015 MontereyRd., San Jose, CA 95111, S anta Clara Co.Keny Quiterio, 3188 Groth Ct., San Jose, CA95111, Claudia Quiterio, 3188 Groth Ct. SanJose, CA 95111. This business is conductedby husband and wife, registrants have notyet begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list ed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Keny QuiterioMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/17/2010


NO. 538067

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Kiss House of Beauty, 3160 Home-stead Rd., Apt 4, S anta Clara, CA 95051,Santa Clar a C o. Anna D raganova, 3160Homestead Rd. 4, S anta Clara, CA 95051.This business is conducted by an individual,registrant began business under the ficti-tious business name or names list ed herein 5/17/2010. “I declare that all informa-tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.”(A registrant who declares as true informa-tion which he or she kno ws to be false isguilty of a crime.)

Anna DraganovaMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/17/2010


NO. 537617

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Image Time, 58 Starr Way, Moun-tain View, CA 94040, S anta Clara Co. KenVanBree, 58 Starr Way, Mountain View, CA94040. This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant began business underthe fictitious business name or names listedhere in 5/09/2003. “I declare that all infor-mation in this sta tement is true and c or-rect.” ( A r egistrant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she kno ws to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Ken VanBreeMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 537619

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: eBuilts , e -Builts, 58 Starr Way,Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara Co.Imaging P erspective, LL C, 58 Starr Way,Mountain View, CA 94040. This business isconducted by a limited liability company,registrant began business under the ficti-

tious business name or names list ed herein 04/28/2010. “I declare that all informa-tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.”(A registrant who declares as true informa-tion which he or she kno ws to be false isguilty of a crime.)Imaging Perspective, LLCKen VanBree/Manager-OwnerMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 538035

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: RB Trucking, 644 Gr eenlake D r.,Sunnyvale, C A 94089, S anta Clar a C o.Rafael Bautista, 644 Greenlake Dr., Sunny-vale, CA 94089. This business is conductedby an individual , r egistrant has not y etbegun business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon . “I de-clare that all information in this statementis true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de -clares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Rafael BautistaMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/14/2010


NO. 537791

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Beaumaga, 1590 Berryessa Rd, SanJose, CA 95133, Santa Clara Co. Maher Ab-boud, 131 Santa Maria Ave #3, San Bruno,CA 94066. This business is conducted by anindividual, r egistrant has not y et begunbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon . “I declare that allinformation in this sta tement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she kno ws to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Maher AbboudMay 21, 28; June 04, 11, 2010This statement was filed with the Countyof Santa Clara on 5/20/2010


NO. 110CV172077

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: D eborah L oriau, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that petitioner,Deborah L oriau has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Deborah Loriau to Bree Loriau, THE COURTORDERS that all persons in terested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be gr anted on 07/13/2010 a t8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published a tleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the c ounty ofSanta Clara.

May 14, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV171941

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Mehrdad Gholamalipour, TO ALL INTER-

ESTED PERSONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Mehrdad Gholamalipour has filed apetition for Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decr ee changing namesas follows: a. Mehrdad Gholamalipour toMehrdad Alipour, THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearing indica tedbelow to show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should not begranted on 07/27/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A c opy of the O rder t o Sho wcause shall be published a t least onc e aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El

Observador, a newspaper of gener al circu-lation, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 13, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172117

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Marissa Aillaud Manzanera, TO ALL IN-TERESTED PERSONS: The court finds thatpetitioner, Marissa Aillaud Manzanera, hasfiled a petition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Marissa Aillaud Man-zanera to Marissa Aillaud, THE COURT OR-DERS tha t all persons in terested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be gr anted on 08/03/2010 a t8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published a tleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the c ounty ofSanta Clara.

May 17, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV170732

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Juliocesar II Isaac Israel el Grande Pinto,TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourtfinds that petitioner, Juliocesar II Isaac Is-rael El Gande Pinto has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Juliocesar II Isaac Isr ael El Grande Pinto toAri Isaac Israel Avak Chutjian, THE COURTORDERS that all persons in terested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be gr anted on 07/13/2010 a t8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published a tleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the c ounty ofSanta Clara.

April 30, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV171449

Superior C ourt of C alifornia, C ounty ofSanta Clara-In the matter of the applicationof: Marlene G Lino, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petitioner, Mar-

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lene G Lino has filed a petition for Changeof Name with the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.PriscillaGuadalupe Lino to Priscilla Guadalupe Her-nandez Lino, THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should not begranted on 07/20/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 07, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172022

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Anwar Rasheed Al-Amin & Ngoc Anh ThiPhan, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Anwar RasheedAl-Amin & Ngoc Anh Thi Phan have filed apetition for Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decree changing names asfollows: a. Anwar Rasheed Al-Amin toAnwar Rasheed Al-Amin Estelle b. Ngoc AnhThi Phan to Anhthi Phan Estelle THE COURTORDERS that all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 07/27/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the county ofSanta Clara.

May 14, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172077

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Deborah Loriau, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petitioner, Deb-orah Loriau has filed a petition for Changeof Name with the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a. DeborahLoriau to Bree Loriau, THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any, why thepetition for change of names should not begranted on 07/13/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 14, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172351

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of: Pa-tricia Maya & Pedro Norberto, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court finds thatpetitioners, Patricia Maya & Pedro Norbertohave filed a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a. Juan DiegoNorberto to Juan Diego Norberto to JuanDiego Norberto Maya, THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any, why thepetition for change of names should not begranted on 08/03/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 20, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172022

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Anwar Rasheed Al-Amin & Ngoc Thi Phan,TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioners, Anwar Rasheed Al-Amin & Ngoc Anh Thi Phan have filed a pe-tition for Change of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changing names asfollows: a. Anwar RAsheed Al-Amin toAnwar Rasheed Al-min Estelle b. Ngoc AnhThi Phan to Anhthi Phan Estelle, THE COURTORDERS that all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 07/27/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First

Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the county ofSanta Clara.

May 14, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 108CV128929

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Daniel Ronald Brito, III, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that petitioner,Daniel Ronald Brito, III has filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk of thiscourt for a decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Daniel Ronal Brito, III to Daniel Ru-valcaba, THE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not be granted on08/03/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: locatedat 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation, printed inthe county of Santa Clara.

May 20, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 110CV172413

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Atousa Habibi, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petitioner,Atousa Habibi, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Solome Cyrus Langi Likio to Cyrus SolomoneHabibi-Likio, THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should not begranted on 08/03/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 20, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 21, 30; June 04, 11, 2010


NO. 537130

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: CABLEPE, HT EQUIPOS, 491 PapayaCt., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co.Candelaria Gomez, 491 Papaya Ct., San Jose,CA 95111, Julio Gomez, 491 Papaya Ct., SanJose, CA 95111, Sara Gomez, 491 PapayaCt., San Jose, CA 95111. This business isconducted by co-partners, registrantsbegan business under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in 04/23/2010.“I declare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Candelaria GomezMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/23/2010


NO. 537774

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Extreme Cleaning Service, SantaClara Co. Elizabeth Saenz, 3335 Mt. EverestDr., San Jose, CA 95127. This business isconducted by an individual registrant hasnot yet begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed hereon. “Ideclare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Elizabeth SaenzMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/10/2010


NO. 537792

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Grand Interiors, 7335 BollingerRoad, Ste D, Cupertino, CA 95014, SantaClara Co. Best Home Supply Corp., 7335Bollinger Road, Suite D, Cupertino, CA95014. This business is conducted by a cor-poration, registrant began business underthe fictitious business name or names listedhere in July 2005. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Best Home Supply Corp.Rex Liu/PresidentMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/10/2010


NO. 536993

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: La Bonita Flowers y Artesanias, LaPoblanita, 310 Willow St., San Jose, CA95110, Santa Clara Co. Ruperto BonifacioOropeza Flores, 1202 S Almaden Ave, SanJose, CA 95110. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Ruperto FloresMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/20/2010


NO. 537728

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: MTM Properties, 900 E HamiltonAve Suite 100, Campbell, CA 95008, SantaClara Co. Steven M DuBose, 1523 Boone Dr.,San Jose, CA 95118, Nancy N Nakano, 2549Cherry Ave., San Jose, CA 95125. This busi-ness is conducted by a general partnership,registrants began business under the ficti-tious business name or names listed here in7/18/2006. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Nancy N NakanoMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/07/2010


NO. 537610

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: AJR Watch Repair, 1535 LandessAve., Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co.Elizabeth Warren, 840 S Regatta Dr. Vallejo,CA 94591, John R Warren, 840 S Regatta Dr.,Vallejo, CA 94591. This business is con-ducted by husband and wife, registrantsbegan business under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in 1992. “I de-clare that all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Elizabeth WarrenMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 537830

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: DingDing.TV, 3777 Stevens CreekBlvd, Suite 455, Santa Clara, CA 95051,Santa Clara Co. Weiping Ding, 1163 LaRochelle Ter. #B Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Thisbusiness is conducted by an individual, reg-istrant began business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed here in05/01/2010. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Weiping DingMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/11/2010


NO. 537877

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Ding Ding TV, Ding Ding Radio, DingDing Media, Ding Ding Streaming, DingDing Advertising Agency, 3777 StevensCreek Blvd, Suite 455, Santa Clara, CA94089, Santa Clara Co. Weiping Ding, 1163La Rochelle Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94089,Wesley Zhang, 1163 La Rochelle Terrace,Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is con-ducted by a general partnership, registrantsbegan business under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in 05/01/2010.“I declare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Wesley ZhangMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/12/2010


NO. 537545

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: De Colores Children’s Center, 196Martinvale Ln., San Jose, CA 95119, SantaClara Co. Celia Villar, 1186 Sherman St., San

Jose, CA 95110. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant began businessunder the fictitious business name or nameslisted here in 1990. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Celia VillarMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/04/2010


NO. 537209

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle, 925 Blos-som Hill Road, Suite 1463, San Jose, CA95123, Santa Clara Co. MOMI-NO KI, INC.,114 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Ange-les, CA 90012. This business is conducted bya corporation, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)MOMI-NO KI INC.Naoki Shinozuka/PresidentMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/27/2010


NO. 537140

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: New Solar, 530 S 5th #4, San Jose,CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Slavko Micic, 530S 5th St., #4, San Jose, CA 95112. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual, regis-trant has not yet begun business under thefictitious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all information inthis statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Slavko MicicMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/23/2010


NO. 537923

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: LOTO-JA ICE CREAM, 74 South 24thSt, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co.Javier Lopez Torres, 70 South 24th St., SanJose, CA 95116. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Javier Lopez TorresMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/12/2010


NO. 537433

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: J & K Plating, LLC, 354 UmbargerRoad #11, Santa Clara Co. J & K Plating,LLC., 883 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA94109. This business is conducted by a lim-ited liability company, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

J & K Plating LLCMicahel LaptaloMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/30/2010


NO. 537826

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: FAR SISTERS BEAUTY CLINIC, 1740W. El Camino Real, Mountian View, CA94040, Santa Clara Co. Maria E Perez, 1725Butano Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual registrantbegan business under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in October 2000.“I declare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Maria E PerezMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/11/2010


NO. 537453

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Hawaiian Style Carpet Cleaning,

2336 Mashglen Ct., San Jose, CA 95133,Santa Clara Co. Eric Aguirre, 2336 MarsglenCt, San Jose, CA 95133. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 4/30/2010. “I de-clare that all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Eric AguirreMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/30/2010


NO. 537530

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Sobre La Roca Multiservicios, 4132Monterey Hwy., San Jose, CA 95111, SantaClara Co. Sheila Hawkins, 3899 SuncrestAv., San Jose, CA 95132, Celia Hernandez,676 Paseo Dr., Oakland, CA 94603. Thisbusiness is conducted by co-partners, reg-istrant began business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed here in April10, 2010. “I declare that all information inthis statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Sheila HawkinsMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/03/2010


NO. 110CV171144

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Roman Yuriovich Pylypenko, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court finds that peti-tioner Roman Yuriovich Pylypenko, has fileda petition for Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decree changing names asfollows: a. Roman Yuriovich Pylypenko toRoman Yuriovich Clark, THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any, why thepetition for change of names should not begranted on 07/20/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 05, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010


NO. 110CV171906

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Teho Kuo/Shu-Chen Wang/Heng Ming Kuo,TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioners Teho Kuo/Shu-ChenWang/Heng Ming Kuo, have filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk of thiscourt for a decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Heng Ming Kuo to Greg Kuo b. HsiaoChu Kuo to Betty Kuo, THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any, why thepetition for change of names should not begranted on 07/27/2010 at 8:45 am, Room107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circula-tion, printed in the county of Santa Clara.

May 13, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010


NO. 110CV171817

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of: LiYan Min, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner Li Yan Min, hasfiled a petition for Change of Name with theclerk of this court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Li Yan Min to AnnieMin, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in-terested in this matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not be granted on07/27/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: locatedat 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation, printed inthe county of Santa Clara.

May 12, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010


NO. 110CV171017

Superior Court of California, County of Santa

Clara-In the matter of the application of:Sadique M Rana, Taj Bibi, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court finds that peti-tioner Sadique M Rana, Taj Bibi, have fileda petition for Change of Name with the clerkof this court for a decree changing names asfollows: a. Rajiya to Rajiya Rana, THE COURTORDERS that all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 07/20/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the county ofSanta Clara.

May 04, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010


NO. 110CV171544

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Narinder Kamboj, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petitionerNarinder Kamboj, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Narinder Kamboj to Narrindaar S. Kaambojj,THE COURT ORDERS that all persons inter-ested in this matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on07/27/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: locatedat 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation, printed inthe county of Santa Clara.

May 10, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010


NO. 110CV171918

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the matter of the application of:Venkatesh Krishna, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petitioner,Venkatesh Krishna has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: a.Venkatesh Krishna to Venkatesh KrishnaMoudgalya, THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter appear beforethis court at the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not be granted on07/27/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: locatedat 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Acopy of the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador, anewspaper of general circulation, printed inthe county of Santa Clara.

May 13, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010



The following person(s) has/have aban-doned the use of the fictitious businessname(s). The information given below is asit appeared on the fictitious business namestatement that was filed at the CountyClerk-Recorder’s office. Star Mobile Detailing, 2634 Ophelia Ave,San Jose, CA 95122. Filed in Santa ClaraCounty on 6/06/08, under file no. 510518.Mario R Rivera, 2634 Ophelia Ave., San Jose,CA 95122. This business was conducted byan individual. I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct (A reg-istrant who declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Mario R RiveraMay 14, 21, 28; June 04, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 04/28/2010


NO. 537631

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Leo’s Jump House, 5642 BlossomGardens Cir., San Jose, CA 95123, SantaClara Co. Leandro González Peña, 5642Blossom Gardens Cir. San Jose, CA 95123,Imelda Perez de Gonzále z, 5642 BlossomGardens Cir. San Jose, CA 95123. This busi-ness is conducted by husband and wife, reg-istrants began business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list ed her e in05/06/2005. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she kno ws to be false is guilt yof a crime.)

Leandro González PeñaMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 536997

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Jumper Leo, 13569 Highwood Dr.,San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. AndresMarcia Palma, 13569 Highwood Dr., SanJose, CA 95127. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant began businessunder the fictitious business name or nameslisted here in 03/20/2010. “I declare thatall information in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Andres Marcia PalmaMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/20/2010


NO. 537505

The following person(s) is(are) doing busi-ness as: Trio Jalisco, 1493 Mt. Shasta Dr., SanJose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. SalvadorChavez, 1493 Mt Shasta Dr., San Jose, CA95127. This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Salvador ChavezMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/03/2010


NO. 536895

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Yoga Belly, 455 Castro Street, MountainView, CA 94041, Santa Clara Co. Aaron Good-now, 220 Waverly Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301,William Cristobal, 220 Waverly Street, PaloAlto, CA 94301. This business is conducted bya general partnership, registrant has not yetbegun business under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this sta tement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Aaron GoodnowMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/19/2010


NO. 537561

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Mon tes Cleaning S ervices, 4100 TheWoods Dr. #417., San Jose, CA 95136, SantaClara Co. Laureano Herrera, 4100 The WoodsDr. #417, San Jose, CA 95136, Joel Herr eraMontes, 4100 The Woods Dr. # 417, San Jose,CA 95136. This business is c onducted by ageneral partnership, registrants begun busi-ness under the fictitious business name ornames listed here in 04/27/10. “I declare thatall information in this sta tement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Joel Herrera MontesMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/04/2010


NO. 537024

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Infinity Life, 196 N 3rd St., San Jose, CA95110, Santa Clara Co. James M McD onald,97 Rankin Ave, San Jose, CA 95110. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual, registrantbegan business under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in 4/08. “I declarethat all information in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who declar es astrue information which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

James McDonaldMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/21/2010


NO. 537469

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Torres & Parra, 2150 Almaden Rd Spc 141,San Jose, CA 95125, Santa Clara Co. CristinaTorres Limas, 2150 Almaden Rd Spc 141, SanJose, CA 95125, Violeta Chebib, 5535 EaglesLane Apt 02, S an Jose, CA 95123. This busi-ness is conducted by a general partnership,registrants began business under the ficti-tious business name or names list ed here in03/23/2010. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.” (A reg-istrant who declar es as true informa tionwhich he or she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Cristina Torres Limas,

Violeta ChebibMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 4/30/2010


NO. 537592

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Handle with C are Moving, 1555 W. Mid-dlefield Rd #3, Mtn. View, Ca 94043, S antaClara Co. Michael Pounders, 1555 W Middle -field Rd #3 Mtn. View, CA 94043. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business under the ficti-tious business name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in this sta te -ment is true and c orrect.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Michael PoundersMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 537601

The following person(s) is(are) doing businessas: Eye City Optometry, 1350 Grant Rd. #17,Mountain View, CA 94040, S anta Clara Co.Oanh Nguy Kha, 34444 Torrey Pine Ln., UnionCity, CA 94587. This business is conducted byan individual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this sta tement is true and c or-rect.” ( A r egistrant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she knows to be falseis guilty of a crime.)

Oanh KhaMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 5/05/2010


NO. 110CV170630

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the ma tter of the applica tion of :Volodymyr D ubinsky, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The c ourt finds that petitionerVolodymyr Dubinsky, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of this c ourtfor a decree changing names as follo ws: a.Volodymyr Dubinsky to Vladimir Dubinsky,THE COURT ORDERS tha t all persons in ter-ested in this matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below to show cause,if any, why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 07/13/2010 at 8:45am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the O rder toShow cause shall be published a t least oncea week for four successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition in El Ob-servador, a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.

April 30, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010


NO. 110CV170743

Superior Court of California, County of SantaClara-In the ma tter of the applica tion of :Zhuang Chen, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:The court finds that petitioner Zhuang Chen, has filed a petition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this c ourt for a decr ee changingnames as follows: a. Zhuang Chen to Victor C.Liu, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in-terested in this ma tter appear befor e thiscourt at the hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on 07/13/2010at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, S an Jose , C A 95113. A c opy of theOrder to Show cause shall be published a tleast once a week for four suc cessive weeksprior to the date set for hearing on the peti-tion in El Observador, a newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in the c ounty of S antaClara.

April 30, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010



The following person(s) has/have abandonedthe use of the fictitious business name(s). Theinformation given below is as it appeared onthe fictitious business name sta tement thatwas filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Handle with Care Movers, 826 W. Dana StreetMtn. View, C A 94041 F iled in S anta Clar aCounty on 01/29/09, under file no. 519553.Jin Qiu Lei, 826 W Dana Street, Mtn View, CA94043. This business was conducted by anindividual. I declare that all information inthis statement is true and correct (A registrantwho declares as true information which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

Jin LeiMay 07, 14, 21, 28, 2010This statement was filed with the County ofSanta Clara on 05/05/2010

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3 | 18 |Legal Notices

Page 19: el observador may 28th

www.el-observador.com | MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 |19|Entertainment

Nueva York, NY.- AMFAR, la fun-dación dedicada a la investiga-ción del SIDA, rendirá un

homenaje al reconocido artista internacionalRicky Martin y al gran diseñador Jean PaulGaultier en una gala que se llevará a cabo el

próximo 3 de junio en la ciudad de NuevaYork.

Martin será honrado con el PremioamfAR de Inspiración, por sus iniciativas fi-lantrópicas realizadas a través de la fundaciónRicky Martin, organización sin fines de lucro

cuya misión es abogar por el bienestar de laniñez alrededor del mundo en áreas criticastales como la justicia social, la educación y lasalud, al igual que asistir aquellos países afec-tados por desastres naturales tal y como lo sonHaití y Chile. Δ

Honran a Ricky por buena gente

By Cinthia Rodriguez - El Observador

There will be a free soccer clinic forchildren and teens presented by theSan Jose Police Department (SJPD),

Franklin-McKinley School District and YerbaBuena High School this Saturday, May 29,from 9 am to 12 noon at J.W. Fair MiddleSchool.

The event is part of the Franklin-McKinleyChildren's Initiative in hopes of creating a safeand strong neighborhood within the projectarea. Over 30 police officers and detectives areinvolved in the project that began on February27 of this year.

The Yerba Buena High School soccer teamwill be hosting the activities. Free soccer ballswill be given out on a first come, first servebasis. The police department felt that soccer isan appropriate way of recognizing the efforts ofthe community members that live near andaround Santee Elementary and J.W. Fair MiddleSchool during the gang suppression project, ex-plained Captain JR Gamez, SJPD.

There were over 48 arrests made, sevenfelonious fugitives apprehended, eight gunsseized, and over 12 knives, switchblades, andpipes taken into custody. Over 40 probation/pa-role searches were completed, primarily on Var-rio Tamilee Gangsters who live in the area.

Members of the Traffic Unit were utilized toprovide safe passage for the students attendingschool in the project area.

The area was selected because of the highcrime levels. The police department workedwith the school districts and they couldn't havedone it without the community's help, theywanted to show their appreciation with the soc-cer event. Many of the children in the area areof Mexican descent, and they like soccer, butsome don't have the opportunity to join aleague, said Gamez. It's a chance for the chil-dren and teens to receive a ball, have fun andget ready for the World Cup.

No reservations are required, just show upat Fair Middle School, 1702 McLaughlin Ave,San Jose, CA 95122. Δ

Free Soccer Activities this Saturday

Captain JR Gamez

Page 20: el observador may 28th

Avanza con éxito la cuarta fecha deltorneo Copa El Observador 2010.El próximo evento a celebrarse se

llevará a cabo el próximo 6 de junio. Mientrastanto hay sorpresas en estas justas deportivas.

Halcones FC goleó a León GT FC por 5goles a 3. Luego Jaguares obtuvo una contun-dente victoria sobre Ramales superándolo por4 goles a 0.

De otro lado Chelsea ganó a Nueva ItaliaFC por 4 tantos a 2 y Tiburones rompió el em-pate al superar al Continental FC por 1 a 0. In-vitamos a que vea los videos, encuentros y

fotos a través de nuestro sitio web www.el-ob-servador.com Δ

|20| MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2010 | www.el-observador.com Sports

Miami, Florida,- Honor, valentía ysed de triunfo son emociones quecomparten el fútbol y la guerra,

pero eso no es todo, también comparten mu-chos de sus principios. Las formaciones futbo-lísticas son verdaderas maniobras de combate,los directores técnicos y los generales militaresdiseñan estrategias y tácticas muy similares, yel objetivo de ambos es vulnerar al adversario.

El documental Los generales del fútbol,que se estrena el domingo 6 de junio a las 9 PME/P en Discovery en Español, explora este de-porte como un juego de estrategias y tácticas, através de sus máximos y principales estrategas:los directores técnicos. Ellos, al igual que losgenerales de un ejército, preparan a sus hom-bres y planifican cada juego como si de una ba-talla se tratase.

El especial de una hora cuenta con la parti-cipación exclusiva de cuatro de los directorestécnicos más importantes de América Latina:Carlos Salvador Bilardo, de Argentina; Fran-cisco Maturana, de Colombia; Luiz Felipe Sco-lari, de Brasil; y Javier 'el Vasco" Aguirre, deMéxico. Todos ellos contarán y mostrarán suvisión, estilo de juego y tácticas, revelandohasta qué punto el fútbol se asemeja a la guerra.

A través de entrevistas inéditas e imágenes dearchivo, los televidentes conocerán cada detallede este deporte y podrán revivir algunos de susmomentos más memorables.

"En Discovery en Español estamos muy or-gullosos de ofrecerle, de manera exclusiva, anuestra audiencia los secretos de este selectogrupo de directores técnicos justo antes de quesus equipos se enfrenten a la gran batalla", ex-presó Rafael Rodríguez, productor supervisorde Discovery en Español.

La idea detrás del documental surge de lapresencia evidente del lenguaje bélico en el fút-bol. Se conoce que expertos militares estadou-nidenses le recomiendan a su ejército aplicar lastácticas del fútbol en el campo de batalla, y queel director técnico brasilero Luiz Felipe Scolaritiene como libro de cabecera "El Arte de laGuerra". Todo esto sumado, a la afirmación deque el fútbol es un deporte que se juega con lacabeza, llevó al equipo de producción a des-arrollar un documental que sorprenderá a todos.

Para conocer más sobre los programas deDiscovery en Español, juegos interactivos y lasnovedades del canal, visite www.discoverye-nespanol.com Δ

Técnicos de Fútbol revelan sus secretos

Vive la pasión del mundial