Engleza –elemente de baza A. Timpurile 1. Prezentul simplu : Structura : -afirmativ : S + vb(iar la a 3 sg. “ – s” sau “–es” Consoana + s Voc +”y” + s “e” + s voc “o” + es cons + y + es(“y” se transforma in “i” x, ss, ch,sh, + es -interogativ : Do sau Does(3 sg) + S + vb ? -negativ : S + do sau does+ not +vb Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune general valabila( He loves football) b) Indica o actiune ce se repeat in mod systematic ca urmare a unei reguli sau obicei(I go to school every day ; I usually make up at 7) c) Indica adevaruri stiintifice( the Sun rises from the East) 2. Prezentul continuu Structura : - afirm : S + am ,are ,is + vb + ing - interog : am, are, is + S + vb + ing - neg : S + am, are, is, + not +vb + ing Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune care are loc in momentul vorbirii(now, right now, at the moment)- my mother is cooking now.

Engleza-Elemente de Baza

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Engleza –elemente de baza

A. Timpurile

1. Prezentul simplu :

Structura : -afirmativ : S + vb(iar la a 3 sg. “ –s” sau “–es” Consoana + s Voc +”y” + s “e” + s voc “o” + es cons + y + es(“y” se transforma in “i” x, ss, ch,sh, + es

-interogativ : Do sau Does(3 sg) + S + vb ?-negativ : S + do sau does+ not +vb

Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune general valabila( He loves football)b) Indica o actiune ce se repeat in mod systematic ca urmare a unei reguli

sau obicei(I go to school every day ; I usually make up at 7)c) Indica adevaruri stiintifice( the Sun rises from the East)

2. Prezentul continuu

Structura : - afirm : S + am ,are ,is + vb + ing- interog : am, are, is + S + vb + ing- neg : S + am, are, is, + not +vb + ing

Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune care are loc in momentul vorbirii(now, right now, at

the moment)- my mother is cooking now.b) Indica o exceptie de la o regula sau obicei- I usually go to school by

bus, but today I’m going by carc) Always, never folosite ca un repros – you are never coming on timed) Cu valoare de viitor apropiat cand actiunea este sigura- I’m going

abroad next week.

Atentie !!! verbele “to be”, “to understand”, “ to seem”, “to start”, to finish”, “to end”, “to love”, “to want”, “to wish”, to smell”, “to see” se folosesc doar la aspect simplu

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3. Trecut simplu

Structura : - afirmativ : S + vb la a 3 sau -ed- interogativ : Did + S + vb la prima forma ?- negative : S + did + not + vb la prima forma

Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune trecuta terminata – last(year, month, week, summer)b) Yesterdayc) Two days ago d) S + used to + vb

4. Trecutul continuu

Strunctra :- afirm : S + was/were + vb + ing- interog : Was/were + S + vb + ing- neg : S + was/were + not + vb +ing

Se foloseste : a) Indica o actiune in plina desfasurare la un anumit moment din trecut ce

trebuie precizat (when I came home,my brother was sleeping)b) Exceptie de la o regula sau obicei din trecut( I used to wake up at 7,

but that day I was waking up at 9.)c) O actiune viitoare fata de un moment trecut( he didn’t go to that party

because he was waking up early the next day)d) Always/ never cu rol iritativ(you were never doing what you had to do.

5. Prezentul perfect simplu

Structura : -afirm : S + have/has + vb la 3 sau –ed- interog : have/has + s + vb 3sau –ed- neg : S +have /has + not +vb 3 sau –ed

Se foloseste :a) Se foloseste cu rmatoarele conjunctii :

1) Always :I have always liked football.2) Never : I have never drunk whisky3) For(durata) : They have lived here for 10 years.4) Since(momentul) : They have lived here since 1996.5) Recently/lately : I haven’t seen him lately/recently.6) Just : he has just come home7) Already : they have already done their homework8) Yet : They haven’t come yet9) So far (pana acum) : I haven’t visited paris so far10) How long : how long have you studied English?11) This(week, year,month) : I have traveled a lot this year

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12) For a long tine : we haven’t seen him for a long tine.

b) indica o actiune ce a avut loc deja dar al carei efect inca il mai c) resimtim(i have lost my keys.-dar nu le am gasit inca)o actiune inceputa dar nefinalizata/neincheiata inca(actiune incomplete)-I have read this book –dar nu am terminat-o incad) actiune plasata intr-o peroada de timp ce nu s-a incheiat(this year,month,week,morning,today)-I have visited many countries this yeare) indica o actiune care tocmia a avut loc,s-a intamplat(I have just come home)f) indica actiune realizate de personae inca in viata(I have written many books)

6. Prezentul perfect continuu

Structura : -afirm : S + have/has + been +vb + ing- interog : have/has + S +been + vb +ing- neg : S + have/has + not + been + vb + ing

Se foloseste : a. Indica o actiune ce a inceput in trecut si care continua inca.Este

obligatoriu sa precizam de cat timp dureaza actiunea. I have been reading for 2 hours. We have been living here since 1990.

5. Trecut perfect simplu

Structura : - afirm : S + had + vb 3 sau –ed - interog : had + S + vb 3 sau-ed - neg : S + had + not + vb 3 sau –ed

Se foloseste : Indica o anterioritate fata de un moment trecut.a) After + perfect simplu ---- trecut simplu After I had finished my homework, I went to bed.b) He had just finished his lunch when I entered the house.c) By (pana cand)- By the time he come back, I had already fallen asleep.d) He had lived in paris for 10 years and then he moved in Buchareste) Before + trecut simplu-------- pat perfect simplu Before I went to bed, I had finished mi homework.f) No sooner + had + S _vb 3 sau –ed……..than + trecut simplu No sooner had I arrived at home than the phone rangg) Hardly +had + S + vb3 sau –ed…..when + trecut simplu

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7. Trecutul perfect continuu

Structura : - afim : S + had + been + vb +ing -int : had + S + been+ vb + ing -neg : S + had + not + been+ vb + ing

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune ce a inceput inainte de un moment trecut si

continua si in acel moment trecut(momentul trebuie precizat.) Ex : When you came home, I had been reading for 2 hours.

8. Viitorul simplu

Structura : - afirm : S + will/shall + vb la prima forma - interog : Will/shall + S + vb la prima forma - neg : S + will/shall + not + vb

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune viitoare : tomorrow, next…, in 2050

Alte modalitati de exprimare a viitorului : I. Prezentul simplu – The train leaves the station at 5.30

II. Present continuu---viitorul apropiat (aranjament fixat) – I’m leaving the country in 2 days.

III. To be going to/ to be about to = a urma sa, a avea de gand sa – I’m going to celebrate my birthday party

9. Viitorul continuu Structura : - afirm : S + will + be + vb = ing

- interog : Will + S + be + vb + ing - neg : S + will + not + be + vb + ing

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment viitor precizat. (at

this time tomorrow, next week, next Sunday, tomorrow at 2.pm) Ex. We’ll be visiting the British Museum this time nest Sunday.

Important!!! Dupa “if” si “when” nu folosim viitorul (in conditionale sau temporale). Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare folosim prezentul simplu.

Ex. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk

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10. Viitorul perfect simplu

Structura : - afir : S +will + have + vb 3 /-ed - interog : will + S + have + vb3 /-ed - neg : S + will + not + have + vb 3/-ed

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune viitoare fata de present, dar anterioara (trecuta) fata de un moment viitor precizat. Ex. By tomorrow morning, I ‘ll have finished the homework. At this time tomorrow I’ll have left the town for 2 hours.

11. Viitorul Perfect continuu

Structura : - afirm : S +will + have + been + vb + ing - interog : Will + S + have + been + vb + ing - neg : S + will + not + have + been +vb + ing

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune viitoare fata de present si care incepe inainte de un moment viitor precizat si continua si in acel moment viitor. Ex. In 2010 I ‘ll have been working here for 10 years This time tomorrow , we’ll have been flying to paris for 2 hours.

12. Viitor simplu in trecut

Structura : - afirm : S + would + vb la prima forma - interog : Would + S + vb la prima forma - neg : S + would +not + vb la prima forma

Se foloseste : Indica o actiune viitoare dupa un verb la trecut. Ex. She said that she would come tomorrow. In subordinate conditionale de tip II se traduce in romana prin conditional present(as, ar )

Alta precizare : viitorul continuu in trecut se formeaza : S + would + be + vb + ing

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13. Viitorul perfect in trecut

Structura : - afirm: S + would + have + vb 3 /-ed

Se foloseste : a. Ea spune ca pana la sfarsitul lui august se va fi mutat in londra.

She says that by the end of August she will have moved in London

b. In subordonatele conditionale de tip III ( se traduce in romaneste prin conditionalul trecut (as fi fost, ar fi facut)

If the weather had been good I would have gone on the trip.

B. Concordanta timpurilor

PrezentPrezentul perfectViitor

Orice timp

Timp trecut 1.trecutul perfect (pt a exprima o anterioritate)2.trcut simplu(exprima o sinultaneitate)3.viitor in trecut( posterioritate)

Viitor Present (pt simultaneitate)Viitor Present perfect (anterioriate)

C. Adjectivul

1. Adjectivele scurte (1-2 silabe)

Pozitiv : big, smart, tall,fat, happy, cleverComparativ : - de superioritate : Adj + er + than Bigger than, smarter, taller, fatter, happier, cleverer - de egalitate : as +adj + as

as big as , as taller as - de inferioritate : less + adj +than less big than

Superlativ : The + adj + est Happiest, biggest,tallest

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2. Adjectivele lungi(2 sau mai multe silabe)

Pozitiv : beautiful, wonderful, useful, hard-working Comparativ : -de superioritate : more + adj + than

-de egalitate : as + adj + as -de inferioritate : less+ adj + than

Superlativ : the + most + adj

3. Adjective cu grade de comparative neregulate Pozitiv. Comparativ. Superlativ.

1) Good(bun , a) better the best2) Bad/ill(rau) worse the worst3) Many(=subst num.) more the most4) much(subst nenum) more the most5) littlke(putin) less the least6) old(batran /vechi) older the oldest elder the eldest elder si the eldest se foloseste – grade de rudenie, adj + subst7) near( apropiat) nearer the nearest, the nest8) far(indepartat) farther(in spatiu) the farthest further(in timp) the furthest9) fore(inaintat) former the foremost, the first10) late(intarziat) later the latest, the last

Cand avem ami multe adjective ordinea plasarii lor inaintea substantivului este urmatoarea : marime, varsta, forma, culoare, origine, material, subst.

Many ( multi , multe ) + subst numarabileFew(putin, a) + substantive numarabile Ex. Many books few books Many people , few people

Much(mult,a) + sunstantive nenumarabileLittle(putin, a ) + substantive nenumarabile Ex. Much sugar, lttle milk, Much money, little progress

Este din ce in ce mai cald.—It is warmer and warmer.Este din ce in ce mai interesant.—it is more and more interesting

The movie was boring(cauza) , so I was bored(effect)

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D. Wish

1) Wish + past desire -------past perfect Mi-as dori sa fii trait in sec 19.----- I wish I had lived in the 19 th century Mi-as fi dorit sa fi trait….-----------I wished I had lived in the....

2) Wish + tresent desire ------- Simple past(were) Mi-as dori ca tu sa fii aici.--- I wish you were here. Ea si ar dori sa vina acum.--- she wish she came now

3) Wish + future desire -----would + vb Mi as dori sa devin faimos intr o zi. I wish I would become famous ore day.

Subjonctiv mod

1) prezentul subj ------ past tense(were) Mi-as dori sa fii aici.---I wish you were here.

2) Past subj------past perfect I wish you had been here.

As if, as though + subjonctivEven if chiar daca

E. Conditionalele(If clauses)

Sunt introduce de : if(daca), unless( daca nu ) + vb afirm Supposing that, providing that( presupunand ca ) In case (in cazul)

Tipul 1. P.S. P.P.

If + preze t ----------------------------------------------------future tense(Future prezent) Daca vei invata vei trece examenul. If you learn you will pass the exam.

Tipul 2.

If + past tense(were)------------------------------future in the past(would + vb)(pres conditional) Daca ai invata, ai trece examenul. If you learnt , you would pass the exam.

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Tipul 3.

If + past perfect -------- Future perfect in the past( would +have+ vb 3/-ed) Daca ai fi invatat, ai fi trecut examentul. If you had learnt ,you would have pasted the exam.

If it weren’t for your help , I wouldn’t succed.But for your help……

F. The passive voice(diateza pasiva)

Activ voice- diateza active Passive voice- diateza pasiva1. simple pres tense I eat a cake every day.

S + to be (pres) + vb 3/-edA cake is eaten by me

2. contin. Pres tense I’m eating a cake now.

S + ti be (pres) + being + vb 3/-edA cake is being eaten by me

3. S. past tenseI ate a cake yesterday.

S+ to be(past) +vb 3/-edA cake was eaten by me yesterday.

4.Contin past tenseI was eating a cake when you came.

S + to be (past) + being + vb 3/-edA cake was being eaten by….

5.S future tenseI will eat a cake soon

S + to be(future) + vb 3/-edA cake will be eaten soon by me

6.Contin future tenseI will be eating a cake when you come

S + to be(future) + being + vb 3/-edA cake will be being eaten by me…

7.S pres perfectI have just eaten a cake.

S + to be (pres perf) + vb 3/-edA cake has just benn eaten by me.

8. Contin pres perfI have been eating a cake for 3 min.

S + to be (pres perf) + being + vb 3/-edA cake has been beign eaten by me

9.S past perfI had eaten a cake when you came.

S + had +been(past perf) +vb3/-edA cake had been eaten by me.

10.cont past perf.I had been eating a cake,…

S + had +been(past perf) +being+vb3/-edA cake had been being eaten when…

11. modals verbs : I must eat this cake.

S + modal + be vb 3/-edThis cake must be eaten by me

You should have eaten this cake. S + modal + have + been + vb 3/-edThis cake should have been eaten by you

G. Indirect speech(vorbirea indirecta)

Verbe declarative : to say, to tell, to ask, to annonce, to declare, to suggest, to inform, to invite

Direct speech Indirect speechPersoana I Persoana IIIPers II Pers I

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Pers III Pers III

S Pres t S past tenseC pres T C past tenseS past T S past perfectC past T C Past PerfectS past Perfect NeschimbatC past perfect NeschimbatS Future T S future in the pastC future T C future in the pastS present perfect S past perfect C pres perfect C past perfect

Today That dayYesterday The day beforeTomorrow The day after / the next dayHere ThereNow ThenAgo beforeThis/these That/those

Can CouldMay MightMust NeschimbatWould rather NeschimbatHad better neschimbat

Conditionala I Conditionala IIConditionala II NeschimbatConditionala III neschimbat

Adevaruri generale neschimbatImperativ infinitiv

Ex : ‘I go there today’she said----She said that she went there that day. ‘The Sun rises fron the east’the teacher said The teacher said that the Sun rises from the East. ‘Don’t come late’ my mother told me.---mt mother told me not to come late

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H. Pronumele

1) Pronumele personal

N. G. D. Ac.Sg.

I. I my+ subst/mine me meII. you your/yours you youIII. –he his/his him him - she her/hers her her - it its/its it it

Pl.I. we our/ours us usII. you your/yours you youIII. they their/theirs them them

2) Pronumele relative

N. who(persoana), which(lucruri), what(ce_G. whoseD./Ac. Whom That(care) pt persoane si lucruri

3) Pronumele nehotarat

A Every body Everyone everything Somebody Someone somethingB Anybody Anyone anythingC Nobody No one nothing

A - se foloseste pt persoane .propozitia este afirmativa si vb este afirmativEx. Everybody was present.

B - se foloseste pt persoane , propoz. Interrogative si negative cand vb e la negative.

Ex. Have you seen anyone ? I didn’t say anything. ; nobody said anythingC- se foloseste pt lucruri . propozitiile negative si vb afirm. Ex. I said nothing / nobody came here.

4) Pronumele demonstrativ

this + sg = acesta , aceastathese + pl = acestea , acestiathat + sg = acela , aceeathose + pl =acelea, aceia

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Alte pronume : the former(primul), the latter(al doilea), the other/others(altul, altii) the first, the last, the same (acelasi) one/ones(unii, unele)

5) Pronumele reflexive, de enfaza

sg. I. myself = eu insami, insumiII. yourselfIII. Himself, herself, itself

Pl.I. ourselvesII. yourselvesIII. Themselve

6) Pronumele reciproc(unul pe celalalt)

2 persoane : each othermai mult de 2 persoane : one another

7) Pronumele negative :

neither(dintre 2 persoane)none(dintre mai multe persoane)

J. Alte explicatii

In conditionale si temporale nu se foloseste viitorul!!!

As soon asAfter + Pres perf. --------------future simpleWhen Ex. Cand te voi intalni, iti voi spune secretul. When I meet you, l’ll tell you the secret.

Pt apropiere sg : this(aceasta , acela) – book , boy, Pl : these)(acestea, acestia) – books, boys

Pt departare : sg : that(acel,acea)-book, boy Pl : those(acelea, aceia) – books, boys

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1 –the first 2 – the second3 - the third4 – the fourth5 – the fifth

8 –the eighth9 –the ninth10 –the tenth12 –the twelfth

20 – the twentieth21- the twenty-first

K. Verbele modale

1) Abilitatea fizica : pot sa fac ceva…

-se exprima la present : CAN, TO BE ABLE TO I can drive the car. , he is able to speak English very well. la trecut : COULD + vb1 , WAS/WERE ABLE TO I could speak when I was in Japan,but I wasn’t able to write it. la viitor : WILL BE ABLE TO I will be able to drive my car soon.

2) Permisiunea: am voie sa…

- se exprima la present : MAY + vb 1; CAN(adresare cuiva f apropiat)WOULD + vb ; COULD(f politicos); TO BE ALLOWED/ TO BE PERMITTED.

May I came in , teacher? She is allowed to go out.

la trecut : MIGHT + vb 1; COULD; WAS / WERE ALLOWED TO; WAS / WERE PERMITTED TO. She asked me if she might use the computer I was allowed to go to the party. la viitor : WILL BE ALLOWED TO; WILL BE PERMITTED TO. She will be allowed to go there if she finishes her work on time.

3) Obligatie : trebuie sa.. ; e necesar sa…

La prezent : MUST ; HAVE TO +vb(fortat sa faci ceva) ; SHOULD/ OUGHT + vb (ar trebui sa, arata obligatia morala), SHALL + vb (arata insistenta)

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You must go to school every day. You have to give up smoking. You shall come home before midnight

La trecut : MUST; HAD TO; SHOULD+ HAVE +vb ; OUGHT TO + HAVE + vb.

He told me thatI must go immediately. I had to live the country as soon as possible

La viitor : WILL HAVE TO + vb She will have to finish her project tomorrow.

4) Exprimarea unui sfat :

La present , trecut si viitor : SHOULD + vb(SHOULD + HAVE +vb 3/-ed; OUGHT TO +vb (trecut OUGHT TO HAVE +vb 3/-ed)

You should see this movie. You ought to see this movie He told me that I should see that movie He told me that I ought to have seen that movie You should have seen a doctor,

5) S + USED TO + INF (Numai past tense)-un obicei trecutEx. I used to play football when I was a schoolboy.

S + get/be +used to+ ing(toate timpurile)-a se deprinde , a se obisnui cu) Ex : I will get used to driving my car when my father buys me one.

To Dare = a indrazni a) vb notional + to + vb Does he dare to come? No, he doesn’t dare to come.

b)vb modal + vb Dare, he come? No, he darent’t.-

6) Exprimarea posibilitatii : e posibil sa… poate ca … Prezent si viitor : a)MAY(poate ca ), MAIGHT(s-ar putea), COULD(dif de nuanta; s-ar putea) He may be at home now. She maight be right. He could be the criminal.

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b) expresii : it’s possible possibly she is at home perhaps maybe trecut : a) MAY, MUGHT, COULD, +HAVE + vb3/-ed poate ca a venit. He may have come.

b) aceleasi expresii : it was possible that she….

7) Exprimarea probabilitatii: probabil= certitudine

Present si viitor : a) MUST+ vb She must be at home now. b) it’s probable, probably, it’s certain, it’s sure, it’s likely Trecut : a) MUST + HAVE + vb3/-ed He must have been at home b)aceleasi expresiii it’s probable, probably that he had some problems.

8) Exprimarea imposibilitatii Present si viitor : CAN’T(absolute imposibil), COULDN’T + vb Expresii : it’s imposible He can’t / couldn’t be at home now

Trecut : CAN’T/ COULDN ‘T + HAVE + vb3/-ed You couldn’t/ can’t have told this.

9) Lipsa necesitatii : nu e necesar, nu e nevoie

Present, viitor : expresii : DON’T / DOESN’T HAVE TO, DON’T /DOESN’T NEED TO , NEEDN’T + VB (nu e nevoi sa) Trecut : didn’t need to +vb/ didn’t have to +vb (nu a fost nevoie-actiune nerealizata) N-a fost nevoie sa fca totul singura , mama ma ajutat. I didn’t have/need to do it everuthing by myself my mother helped me.

b) I NEEDN’T + HAVE + vb3/-ed(n-ar fi trebuit , n-ar fi fost nevoie sa – dar actiunea a fost realizata) n- ar fi trebuit sa spal geamurile,uite ploua. I needn’t have cleaned the windows, because it rained.