VOLUME 31 NUMBER 5 JAN 29 - FEB 4 , 2010 www.el-observador.com AMÉRICA ESPERA UN MILAGRO Assessor Hires "True Automation" TESTIMONIO DE RESCATISTA QUE REGRESARÁ A HAITÍ

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"True Automation"



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Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Un presidente de unacorporación tec-nológica y un con-

serje tienen algo en común en elValle del Silicio: Son inmi-grantes que contribuyen a laeconomía de California.

Un reciente reporte publi-cado recientemente detalla lasvaliosas contribuciones de losinmigrantes en la región deSanta Clara.

El reporte titulado "Perspectivas Futuras: Contribuciónde Inmigrantes al Estado Do-rado" muestra amplias estadísti-cas asi como información localde seis regiones claves comoFresno, San Diego, San José,Área de la Bahía, Inland Empirey el Condado de Orange.

En este reporte se muestrala contribución de impuestos delos inmigrantes, tipos de empre-sarios y número de nuevosvotantes.

En una conferencia deprensa presentada en las afuerasdel municipio de San José, elConcejal Kansen Shu, el Presi-

dente de la Corporación RaziMohiudin, la Directora dePolítica DE SEIU 1877, SylviaRuiz, Directora Ejecutiva de laComunidad Africana, MannaTeaclemariam, David Zhang,Administrador de de New TanDynasty Television. y el Direc-tor Asociado de La Red de Ser-vicios y Educación ParaInmigrantes, Richard Hobbs re-marcaron la importancia de lacontribución, liderazgo y diver-sidad.

El reporte indica que losgastos de los inmigrantes máslas contribuciones de impuestosayudan a la economía de Cali-fornia.

El estudio también indicaque los inmigrantes proveen liderazgo y trabajo para las indus-trias crecientes en California.

Según una encuesta deAmerican Community Surveymás de un cuarto de los resi-dentes de California son inmi-grantes un promedio más quecualquier otro estado en Califor-nia. Más de 9 millones de inmi-grantes residentes sonciudadanos.

"Siempre hay una sensaciónde que los inmigrantes son unacarga en lugar de contribución",dijo Razi Mohiudin, Co-fun-dador de Speed Iron.

En el Área de la Bahía, el 30por ciento de los residentes enSan Francisco, Alameda, ContraCosta y San Mateo son inmi-grantes, en comparación con el27 por ciento de todo el estado.Aproximadamente un tercio deesta población es de ascendencialatina, pero en el Área de laBahía se diferencia de otras re-giones en su mayoría lapoblación es de orgien asiático.“Más de la mitad de los inmi-grantes de la región son de ori-

gen asiático”, dijo ConcejalKansen Chu.

Al igual que el resto de California, cerca de la mitad de losniños en el Área de la Bahíatienen al menos un padre inmi-grante.

La mano de obra de un in-migrante es una parte importanteen los servicios de ali-mentación, mantenimiento,limpieza y otras industrias,según Sylvia Ruiz, represen-tantes de los trabajadores unidosen un sindicato.

Tres cuartas partes de loscocineros de la región son inmi-grantes, como lo son el 58 porciento de los chefs y cocinerosde la cabeza, y el 68 por cientode los lavavajillas. De los traba-jadores nacidos en el extranjeroconstituyen el 84 por ciento delas criadas y los limpiadores decasa, y más del 90 por ciento delos sastres del Área de la Bahía,modistos y operadores demáquinas de coser.

Alrededor del 62 por cientode los inmigrantes mayores de16 años participan en la fuerzade trabajo-la misma tasa que losno inmigrantes, según el in-forme. Los inmigrantes consti-tuyen más de un tercio de lafuerza laboral de la región yaportan alrededor del 22 porciento del producto interno brutodel Área de la Bahía.

Debido a que los númerosse basan en datos del censo, nohay distinción entre inmigranteslegales e ilegales.El informe in-cluye a ambos.

En general, los inmigrantestienden a participar fuertementeen la fuerza de trabajo, y tienenmayores tasas de propiedad dela vivienda. Δ

|2| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com


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EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve theinformational needs of the Hispanic community inthe San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on

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(408) 938-1700www.el-observador.comA weekly newspaper serving Latinos in

the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109

99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

By Hilbert Morales - El Observador

A NeglectedPriorityLet's go back to the Presidential election 2008

where Barack Obama, candidate, eloquentlytold the people that he would, as a first pri-

ority, address "the people's business." Their concerns,then as now were the lack of jobs and the failure of theAmerican economy to continue to provide opportunityand access to the American Dream. What made Americathe most powerful nation in the world was its economyand its open access to success if one's work was merito-rious.

If one considers the American Consumer Economyas it used to be, there was a time when each of us, re-gardless of ethnicity, social station, or political persua-sion could aspire to beingupwardly mobile. We could con-sider becoming well educated be-yond high school; of owning avehicle and a home. It was possi-ble for any of us to achieve thosegoals through our own honestlabor. Too many of us who hadmiddle class incomes have re-cently joined the ranks of the poorbecause our jobs have been out-sourced to locations where thelabor costs are lower. Too manyof us were injured seriously bythe greed and avarice of the majorfinancial giants who were notmonitored nor regulated. Thesewere the firms that caused the cli-mate of distrust resulting from the excessive valuationof financial instruments called "derivatives." Yet to savethe global financial system, American leaders authorizeda massive bailout, which seems to be successful forthose who are wealthy, have influence and privilege. Butnot for the rest of us who cannot find employment noraspire to being re-educated and re-trained. And for thoseof us living on fixed retirement incomes, our annuitieshave decreased in value resulting in loss of retirementincome. This process has impacted millions of us.

President Obama has three years to prepare for the'Presidential Election 2012'. In fact, there is still time tonot lose additional 2010 mid-term elections. What willraise his administration's approval rating is a focus onthe neglected priorities which impact too many Ameri-cans today. Can the Senate, House and White Housepush measures to change things for the people experi-encing personal financial crisis?

Yes, of course. What is recommended is that therules of purchase contracts be changed throughout thefinancial system. For example, if one purchases a vehi-cle or a home or runs up a student loan which becomesdue, all these contractual obligations need to have a de-fault clause which permits the individual to retain ben-eficial use of the vehicle or home just by payment ofinterest due on the principal sum balance. This wouldeliminate repossession of vehicles and foreclosure ofhomes per the current purchase contract system, whichassumes that employment of the purchaser, is ensuredand constant. In addition, those having student loanscould work off those student loans by accepting posi-

tions in underserved areas and/orpayment of just the interest duewhen underemployed or unem-ployed.

In addition, the Small Busi-ness Administration needs toback up many more unsecuredloans to small businesses, espe-cially those located in areas ex-periencing very highunemployment rates. It is thesmall business entrepreneurswho create jobs, train and em-ploy local residents. The "Micro-Loan Concept" of economicdevelopment used by the WorldBank must be applied to the cur-rent domestic unemployment cri-

sis. It is the small businesses that will resurrect the

American Consumer Economy. Their money trickles up.Well-financed corporations are applying their capital to-wards robotics and automation with the outcome thatproduction is rising while unemployment continues torise. No nationally syndicated economist has com-mented on this trend which indicates that "bailout fund-ing" of major corporations will do very little to diminishthe unemployment statistics. Legislation must be passedto ensure that some manufacturing capacity of all essen-tial goods is retained within this nation.

So the Democratic Party, Congress and the WhiteHouse can still retain their current majority levels ofelected officials if the business of the people is ad-dressed. This is the major 'neglected priority' that mustbe addressed immediately if Obama is to become a two-term president.

Este mes, cuando el Congreso empieza a reconciliar dos diferentetipos de Propuestas de Reforma de Salud en la Cámara de Repre-sentantes y en el Senado, es apropiado estudiar la perspectiva de

la importancia de este momento. Sería poco decir que el camino hacia la Re-forma de Salud ha sido largo y difícil

Una significativa Reforma de Salud debe proporcionar cuidado de saludde fácil acceso, costeable, y de alta calidad. La aprobación de la Reforma escrítica para la salud de la nación y para millones de personas de bajos recursoseconómicos con enfermedades crónicas. Es la meta de millones de personascon enfermedades crónicas que vienen al Capitolio cada año, y la meta de losmillones de quienes no pueden venir, quienes comparten sus historias de luchacon la burocracia en las Compañías de Seguros, personas que por problemasde salud, llegan a la ruina económica, a la ruina por problemas de salud, yaún a la muerte, en un averiado sistema de salud que no funciona. La Reformade Salud es la meta de los funcionarios locales de Condado que luchan paraentregar los servicios de salud que sus comunidades necesitan, en la medidaque nuestro sistema de salud , está bajo la presión de quienes no tienen segurode salud o solo tienen un seguro con cobertura parcial. Estas voces no son laminoría del país: esas voces vienen del corazón de nuestra nación y represen-tan la realidad de nuestro averiado sistema de salud.

H.R. 3962 permite a las empresas pequeñas el acceso por primera vez, apólizas de seguro que antes eran accesibles solo a empresas grandes, medianteel mecanismo de la Bolsa en Seguro de Salud (Health Insurance Exchange).El mecanismo proporciona exenciones sustanciales en impuestos a empresaspequeñas que proporcionen seguro de salud a sus empleados. Además, laBolsa en Seguro de Salud proporciona acceso a subsidios para familias coningresos anuales de hasta cuatro veces el ingreso definido como la "linea depobreza" ($14,000/ anuales), para que puedan comprar el tipo de seguro desalud de su preferencia. H.R. 3962 expande MEDICAID para las familiasmás pobres en nuestras comunidades, familias con un ingreso de $22,000/an-uales, en una manera tal que no aumenta el costo fiscal al estado donde vivela familia. De hecho, durante los primeros tres años, la expansión es financiadapor el gobierno federal y despues de este plazo, los gobiernos estatales solodeben cubrir el 10% de la expansión en la cobertura.

Nuestra propuesta de Reforma de Salud (H.R. 3962) termina con la prác-tica utilizada por las compañías aseguradoras, de poner un límite a los gastosanuales y a los gastos durante la vida de una persona. En dos años, las lla-madas condiciones pre-existentes no podrán ser usadas por la compañías comoexcusa para negar la cobertura del seguro. Las compañías tendrán que reportary justificar sus aumentos en las primas de seguro, y también deberán gastaral menos 85% de lo que reciben por primas de seguro de sus clientes, en elcuidado a los pacientes, en vez de gastar ese dinero en costos administrativos.Ahora , cuando el Congreso llama a sus miembros a decidir la fase final de laReforma de Salud, yo invito a todos aquellos interesados en conocer más ac-erca de la propuesta de Reforma de Salud, a visitar mi Website, el Websitede la vocero (Speaker) de la Cámara de Representantes y el Website delComité en Energía y Comercio. Allí pueden leer el contenido de nuestra Propuesta, los resúmenes y hojas de datos, lo mismo que los efectos de la Prop-uesta sobre los diferentes grupos, para educarse sobre su contenido.

Significativa Reforma de

SaludRep Michael Honda (CA-15)

If one considers the Amer-ican Consumer Economy as itused to be, there was a timewhen each of us, regardless ofethnicity, social station, orpolitical persuasion could as-pire to being upwardly mo-bile. We could considerbecoming well educated be-yond high school; of owninga vehicle and a home.

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|4| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

PAULISTA (QUANTO DURA O AMOR?)A vibrant, exuberant tale that takes us for a bumpy and thrilling ride, Paulista is about being young and living in the city--weaving together the stories of the residents of Avenida Paulista.

THIRD WORLD (TERCER MUNDO)Juan, Amaya and Richi are all searching for answers to life in Latin America when they receive word of an eclipse that coincides with the ancient Mayan calendar of 2012. Third World weaves together a tale of magical amulets and UFOs with a search for love and hope for a better future.

For a full line up of films go to:

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Santa Clara County, CA.

On Tuesday, January 26, 2010, theCounty of Santa Clara officiallylaunched the webcasting technol-

ogy that allows residents to watch live meetingsof the Board of Supervisors online. In the fu-ture, archived videos will also be available. Thefirst Board Meeting to be streamed online washeld at 9:30 AM on January 26, 2010, and at11:15 AM, viewers can tune in to the 2010 Stateof the County address.

"Transparent decision-making by electedofficials is important in establishing publictrust," said Santa Clara County Board of Super-visors President Ken Yeager, who championedthe program. "Webcasting makes Board Meet-ings more open and accessible to residents."

Beginning Tuesday, the public will be ableto access the video webcasting of the BoardMeetings at: www.sccgov.org/boardwebcast. Acalendar of the Board Meetings can be foundon the County's Web portal: www.sccgov.org,under "CONNECT WITH YOUR ELECTEDOFFICIALS."

"Online webcasting will help us engage the

public on the important business of theCounty," said Supervisor Dave Cortese, VicePresident of the Board of Supervisors. "Con-stituents will have the option of tuning in to getimmediate information while decisions arebeing made or viewing archives later at theirconvenience."

Filming of the meetings will be conductedby CreaTV and live streaming on the Web willbe provided by Granicus, Inc.

County of Santa Clara to launches webcastingtechnology

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Residentes de California, si tienen alguna dif icultad Visual, Auditiva, Hablando, Memorizando o de Movilidad: ¡Sus teléfonos

les esperan SIN COSTO a ustedes!

Llame al 1-800-949-5650, o pida un a solicitud delos siguientes centro de servicios

Pídale a su médico o a cualquier profesional de la salud autorizado que complete y f irme su solicitud

Envíe su solicitud completada:Por Correo: CTAP P.O. Box 30310, Stockton, CA 95213Por Fax: 1-800-889-3974En persona en un centro de servicio: 1970 Broadway, Suite 650, Oakland, CA 94612


No hay ningún costo, obligación o requerimiento de edad o ingresos para este programa obligatorio por orden del estado.

Para más información de DDTP y CTAP, incluyendo CapTel y otros equipos prueba




Es posible que el teléfono sea algo muyaceptado en la vida del siglo XXI, perono para aproximadamente tres mil-

lones de californianos. La mayoría de nosotros dapor hecho el uso del teléfono. Pero si usted tienedificultades para oír, ver, hablar, trasladarse omemorizar, lo que parece ser una simple llamadatelefónica puede ser un desafío – impidiendo la co-municación con la familia, los amigos y otros.

La misma tecnología de telecomunicacionesque impulsa una continua innovación ha producidouna gran cantidad de teléfonos y dispositivos es-pecializados para que las personas con discapaci-dades puedan comunicarse con la familia y losamigos. El Programa de Telecomunicaciones paraSordos y Discapacitados (DDTP, por sus siglas eninglés) provee estos teléfonos gratuitamente paralos californianos que cumplen los requisitos.

El DDTP distribuye equipos y servicios detelecomunicaciones que mejoran la comunicaciónpara todos los californianos. Siendo un programade la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California(CPUC, por sus siglas en inglés), el DDTP proveea los californianos un equipo de teléfonos especial-izados y servicios de retransmisión a través delPrograma de Acceso Telefónico de California(CTAP, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Servicio deRetransmisión de California (CRS, por sus siglasen inglés), respectivamente. El CTAP provee telé-fonos especializados que amplifican el sonido,ajustan el tono, se encienden cuando reciben lla-madas, exhiben la conversación telefónica enforma de texto, tienen botones grandes connúmeros en relieve, son portátiles o tienen botonesde teléfono de marcado rápido que incorporan fo-tografías. El CTAP ofrece aproximadamente 60tipos de teléfonos y dispositivos especializados,

para que todos los californianos puedan comuni-carse a su manera.

El CRS provee Operadores de Retransmisióny Ayudantes de Comunicación especialmente ca-pacitados para retransmitir conversaciones tele-fónicas entre personas sordas, con pérdida auditivao con discapacidades del habla y las personas conlas cuales desean comunicarse por teléfono. ElCRS, el teléfono con subtítulos y los servicios deretransmisión de voz a voz (Speech-to-Speech) seofrecen en inglés y español.

Los residentes de California tienen derecho arecibir un equipo especializado si tienen un servi-cio telefónico y están certificados por un médicou otorrinolaringólogo autorizado. No hay costo,obligación, requisitos de edad o de ingresos.

Una vez que una persona cumple los requisi-tos para recibir un teléfono especializado, puedenllamar al 1-800-806-1191 ó ir a uno de los Centrosde Servicios del CTAP en California para determi-nar el dispositivo más apropiado para sus requisi-tos. El personal del CTAP demostrará lasfunciones de los teléfonos, recomendará el telé-fono que se adecue mejor a las necesidades delcliente y proveerá capacitación sobre cómo utilizary personalizar el teléfono.

El DDTP es financiado por un pequeño re-cargo que aparece en las facturas telefónicas de loshabitantes de California. El dinero que se recolectapaga tanto el CTAP como el CRS. Este recargoaparece en las facturas telefónicas con el nombrede “Servicio de Retransmisión y Fondo de Dispos-itivos de Comunicaciones de California” (CARelay Service and Communication Devices Fund).Para obtener más información o descargar una so-licitud, visite www.ddtp.org o llame al 1-800-806-1191.

The “Soles4Souls” Shoe Donation program sponsored by the Santa Clara County BlackFirefighters Association is an ongoing shoe donation drive that distributes shoes to peo-ple in need worldwide on an ongoing basis. Because of the recent tragic events in Haiti,

they are having a donation deadline of January 31. All people in the communities of Santa ClaraCounty are encouraged to donate their “gently worn” men’s, women’s and children’s shoes.

All San Jose Fire Stations are designated as drop off locations as well as all Sports Chaletsshoe outlets.


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|6| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com


Clean, Safe Creeks and Natural Flood Protection PlanIndependent Monitoring Committee

Robert Baldini James Foran Nancy Hobbs William Taylor Terry Trumbull

Teresa Alvarado Lonnie Gross Jane Kennedy Mark Lazzarini Susanne Wilson

Los miembros del IMC toman muy en serio esta tarea asignada por los votantes. El IMC se reúne semestralmente como comité en pleno y depende de cinco sub-comités de trabajo a fin de vigilar el progreso del plan, atender cualquier preocupación y evaluar todas las actividades de cada uno de los resultados, incluyendo los desafíos financieros proyectados para el futuro.

Tengo el placer de informar que todas las actividades contempladas dentro del plan y programadas a realizarse en un periodo de 15 años se han estado cumpliendo a tiempo. Para mayor información sobre nuestras actividades en su área o para obtener una copia del informe anual, por favor comuníquese con Karna DuQuite al (408) 265-2607, ext. 2944 o visite www.valleywater.org. Quisiera extender una invitación a los miembros del público para que asistan a nuestra próxima reunión, la cual tendrá lugar el 6 de mayo de 2010.


David Ginsborg, Presidente Comité Independiente de Monitoreo (IMC):


12 de enero de 2010

Estimados residentes del Condado de Santa Clara:

Este año marca la conclusión del octavo año del Plan para Arroyos Limpios y Seguros y de Protección Natural Contra Inundaciones, el cual tiene una duración de quince años y constituye una iniciativa sometida a votación que recibió un sólido apoyo por parte de los electores del Condado de Santa Clara en noviembre de 2000. Con el fin de alcanzar los principales cuatro objetivos del plan, el electorado convino en pagar un impuesto anual de $39.

Como parte del plan implementado por el Distrito de Aguas del Valle de Santa Clara (Santa Clara Valley Water District), los electores autorizaron la formación de un Comité Independiente de Monitoreo (IMC) con el objetivo de monitorear el progreso del plan y cerciorarse de que los resultados del plan sean satisfechos de una manera eficiente en función de costos. De conformidad con este objetivo, el IMC evalúa cuidadosamente el progreso de las promesas expresadas y publica un informe anual de vigilancia, el cual está disponible por internet o bajo solicitud previa. El informe anual de vigilancia detalla el progreso alcanzado en cada uno de los principales cuatro resultados que fueron prometidos al electorado en 2000.

Los hogares, escuelas, negocios y redes de transporte están protegidos de las inundaciones. Se han planificado nueve proyectos de protección contra inundaciones a fin de dar protección a aproximadamente 16,000 hogares, negocios y escuelas. El Distrito de Aguas también elimina el sedimento de los arroyos a fin de conservar la capacidad de flujo necesaria para que las aguas resultantes de una inundación sean transportadas con seguridad a las bahías de San Francisco y Monterey.

Agua limpia y segura en nuestros arroyos y bahíasEl Distrito de Aguas está implementando proyectos para mejorar la calidad del agua en nuestros arroyos y bahías, así como para eliminar la basura y el grafiti de los corredores de nuestros arroyos.

Protección, mejoramiento o restitución de ecosistemas saludables en los arroyos y bahías Se están llevando a cabo iniciativas orientadas a mejorar la salud de los arroyos y del hábitat que los rodea. Estas actividades no se limitan tan sólo a los bancos de las vías fluviales a fin de que reflejen las condiciones de toda la cuenca, incluyendo la salud de las aves, animales y peces silvestres.

Senderos, parques y espacios abiertos a lo largo de las vías fluvialesEl Distrito de Aguas está trabajando en la creación de senderos y espacios abiertos dentro de las cuencas, corredores de los arroyos y diques de protección contra inundaciones de los alrededores a fin de que la comunidad pueda visitarlos y disfrutarlos.







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Page 7: eo jan28th

www.el-observador.com | JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 |7|

Visita 2010CENSUS.GOV


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Page 8: eo jan28th

|8| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

By Hilbert MoralesEl Observador

The Milpitas Chamber of Com-merce, Hispanic Chamber ofCommerce SV and business spon-

sor Allied Waste Services joined together topresent a very interesting "Milpitas BusinessForum" last Wednesday, January 20, 2010.President Jeanne Serpa introduced RussellHancock, President & CEO of Joint VentureSilicon Valley Network, whose presentationcovered a very important current topic:Whither California?

What is going on with our state? How didwe get into such a mess? What is the fastestpath to reform? Why are many calling for aconstitutional convention? And would itwork? Dr. Hancock presented both analyticaland public policy experience to his position,which he has held since 2003 and which callsfor having a Constitutional Convention to re-place the current state constitution, which isvery cumbersome. He compared the Ameri-can Constitution (three pages) with Califor-nia's (thousands of pages--one of the mostcumbersome of all 50 states). He advocated

discarding the current constitution and begin-ning with a new one.

Educated at Harvard in the field of gov-ernment, he also holds a Ph.D. in political sci-ence from Stanford University, where hepublished in the fields of industrial policy andregional planning. At present, Dr. Hancock isalso a Lecturer at Stanford University in thePublic Policy Program and teaches coursesabout California state government and poli-tics. He is the Associate Director of Stanford'sProgram on Regions of Innovation and Entre-preneurship (SPRIE). To learn more about hissupport for a proposed "California Constitu-tional Convention," go to web site "Repair-California.org" and "CaliforniaForward.org".

The Hispanic community must becomefamiliar with the several methods being pro-posed to deal the inability of the Governorand the State Assembly to deal with the busi-ness of the people. They must curb expendi-tures in order to have a balanced budget,which does not exceed tax revenues realized.Should a California Constitutional Conven-tion be held, the Hispanic leadership must bepresent to represent its community and busi-ness interests.

Russlynn H. Ali, assistant secretary ofcivil rights at the U.S. Department ofEducation, will deliver the keynote ad-

dress at the Charter School Summit at the SantaClara County Office of Education on January 30.

Also featured at the summit will be CaliforniaSuperintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Con-nell, California Secretary of Education Glen W.Thomas, California Director of Charter SchoolsCarol Barkley, and John E. Deasy, deputy directorof education for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foun-

dation.The rapid growth of charter schools in Santa

Clara County, and concerns about effects on neigh-borhood public schools, led to the call for the sum-mit by Anna Song, president of the Santa ClaraCounty Board of Education, and Board MemberJoseph Di Salvo. The summit is being facilitated bythe COE Charter Schools Department.

Ali is U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan'sprimary adviser on civil rights and responsible forenforcing U.S. civil rights laws as they pertain toeducation. Previously she was a vice president ofthe Education Trust in Washington, D.C., and thefounding executive director of the Education Trust-West in Oakland.

The identified objectives of the summit are to:• Ease tensions between charters and local

school districts • Increase awareness of charter activity in Santa

Clara County • Increase collaboration among districts, the

County Office of Education and charters to bestmeet student needs

• Promote an environment where the processfor charter applications, approvals, and denials hasclearly defined and communicated accountabilitystandards.

Milpitas Business Forum:Replace Calif's Constitution

Russlynn Ali to Speak atCharter School Summit

Page 9: eo jan28th

www.el-observador.com | JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 |9|

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Page 10: eo jan28th

|10| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

By Cinthia Rodriguez - El Observador

The Captain Jason M. Dahl ElementarySchool was one of the first five ele-mentary schools in the Franklin

McKinley School District to receive their book-case full of books for the kindergarten classes onJanuary 22, 2009 in the school's cafeteria.

The bookcase was presented on behalf of theApplied Materials Foundation and the literacynonprofit Bring me a Book (BMAB). The non-profit received a $25,000 grant from AppliedMaterial Foundation that helped the school dis-trict. BMAB provides a First Teachers literacytraining workshop for parents, teachers and care-givers. To date, BMAB has served over 450,000

children and families in 1,700 sites.The ceremony launched the expansion of the

San Jose Elementary School Library Initiative,which was first launched in 2005. After the rib-bon cutting, the ceremony really began. JohnPorter, Superintendent, Franklin McKinleySchool District, read a book to students. MarkWalker, Executive Director, the Applied Materi-

als Foundation, read "Caps for Sale," to a classof kindergartners before wheeling off the book-case to their class. Each student helped out bycarrying a book as the teacher pushed the cart.

Five other schools in the Franklin McKinleySchool District will be receiving similar instala-tions, which include a bookcase and 30 new,hardcover, multicultural books.

Elementary school receives books

By Osvaldo CastilloEl Observador

The recession has had its effect on millions of peoplethroughout the country. Some have lost their jobs; othershave had to take pay cuts. It seems that everyone knows

someone who has been affected by the recession.So what is there to do? Sit around the house and hope the recession

ends soon? Compete with thousands of people for a single job?On Saturday, January 23, Jim Beall, Assembly member for the 24th

District, hosted an employer panel titled"Retooling for Tomorrow," at the Cam-den Community Center in San Jose toaddress this issue.

"People are struggling in thiseconomy and looking for ways toget back to work," Beall said.

"If you are not working, it isimportant to invest in yourselfand get ready for the future."

An economic strategist,a temporary employmentagencies representative,and health specialistjoined Beall on thepanel.

Jeff Ruster,Deputy Director forthe City of SanJose's Office of

Economic Development, said that there is currently 98,000 thousand peo-ple in Santa Clara County who are unemployed.

"These people have lost their jobs in areas such as the print media andtransportation," Ruster said. "That's why reinvention is important in SantaClara County. That's why it is important to have a solid foundation in skillssuch as math, reading and computers."

The areas where Ruster believes people will be able to get jobs in aresoftware programming, project management and healthcare.

Kris Stadelman, Director of the North Valley Workforce Board, wasalso at the event to remind those in attendance to update their skill sets.

"Today it is not about what degree you have, but what set of skillsyou have," Stadelman said. "Having a certain degree from twenty yearsago will not get you the jobs you want because technology and other in-dustries constantly change. Employers today are also looking for peoplewho have expertise in more than one area."

Stadelman also recommended joining social Web sites such asLinkedIn and Facebook in order to get more exposure.

"Employers today are saying that these social Web sites are a muchfaster and more successful way to recruit people for jobs," Stadelman said.

But what if someone needs a job now in order to pay bills? There are several job agencies that will assist individuals in finding

work while they reinvent themselves. These agencies include work2fu-ture and Manpower.

"Companies today are more focused on their bottom-line. That'swhere agencies like Manpower come in," said Twila Harrison, ProjectManager at Manpower. "We are here to help those who could use somehelp during these difficult times."

Assemblyman Beall suggested several Web sites that can guide indi-viduals to the help they need.

For more information visit www.asm.ca.gov/beall.

Reinvention During the Recession

Page 11: eo jan28th

www.el-observador.com | JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 |11|

By Hilbert Morales - El Observador

The County of Santa Clara's Assessor, LarryStone, this past week announced that 'TrueAutomation,’ a Hispanic owned and oper-

ated high tech company was awarded a two year $6million contract to further automate its operations. Os-valdo Morales, president & CEO of True Automation,briefly described how his firm focused its development,which began in 1997, on the automation. The softwaredeals with the property assessment, appraisal, and man-agement system (PAAMS) project to be installed.

A joint vision has been developed which involvesthe adaptability, quality, and efficiency that improvesproductivity while reducing costs. The managementsystem provides secure, reliable, prompt and accuraterecords on each property parcel. It manages an increas-ing workload without increased staffing. And this com-puterized property appraisal, assessment, andmanagement system established the Assessor's rollswith the accuracy required and the compliance withCalifornia State standards.

CEO Morales and his associates presented a seriesof ‘milestones’ that define the work and services to beprovided. The kickoff of this project began Monday,January 25, 2010 with presentations to the Assessor'sstaff. These meetings established the trust and confi-dence needed for a successful collaborative coordina-tion of all required work. The first element beingaddressed is the software to implement residential mar-ket analysis and 'gap analysis' is to be completed byMarch 2010. Its product development begins in April2010 followed by supplemental system adjustments re-quired by Proposition 8 and Proposition 13. Seven otherpackaged elements of this automated program will beinstalled and adjusted so that the whole system goeslive in November 2011. In August 2012 this PAAMS isprojected to receive 'final acceptance' and certificationby the County Assessor's Office.

True Automation is a firm located in Plano, Texas.

It was founded in 1997 and today has 180 clients beingserviced by 100 employees with a customer satisfactionrate of 98%. It is rated as one of the top places to workin the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Its measured growth innew markets includes the states of Texas, Washington,Alaska, and now California. Those present (HilbertMorales, publisher and Ruben Garcia, financial plan-ner) who represented the local County of Santa ClaraHispanic business community are very pleased withthis development that demonstrates directly the sup-portive role of Hispanic high tech enterprises. It is pro-jected that with the appropriate promotion, this eventcould be used to inspire and encourage local Hispanicyouth to develop their intellectual and creative potentialthrough continued education and professional develop-ment.

The visionary and competent public servant respon-sible is County Assessor Larry Stone. Elected in 1994after serving as Mayor, Sunnyvale, CA, he systemati-cally reorganized the County Assessor's Office opera-tions. Various 'silos of information' existed and wereprotected by their stakeholders who were integratedover time into a more efficient, effective service. In theprocess many 'hard copy' property files were digitalizedso that an entire floor of file cabinets were no longerneeded. All of these efforts, costing an estimated$960,000 per floor were funded by the State of Califor-nia using performance agreements developed and ap-proved. Today, thanks to Larry Stone's business acumenand efforts, the Office of the County Assessor's opera-tions do not depend on allocations from the GeneralFund, but are 'paid' by the State of California for its taxcollection services. This will be the first County As-sessors Office to have the PAAMS system in place,which permits its work to be accomplished with no ad-ditional staffing. We predict that other County Asses-sor's will follow this example of government efficiencyand effectiveness. True Automation, with OsvaldoMorales’ guidance, will have a bright service businessfuture here in California.

Assessor Hires "True Automation"

Shown here from left to right are Hilbert Morales, Publisher, Osvaldo Morales, County Assessor Larry Stone,Manuel Araujo, and Ruben Garcia. This photo was taken by Rosario Vital, Editor, El Observador, following anorientation meeting about the Property Appraisal Assessment Management System (PAAMS) software programwhich True Automation will install during a two year $6 million process which began January 25, 2010 with acompletion date of August 2012.

Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

La reconstrucción de Haití tomará años. Afotunadamente todavía existenpersonas de buena voluntad. Cuando estas catastrófes ocurren losprimeros en llegar a estos lugares son los rescatistas. Los topos

mexicanos conocidos por prestar sus servicios a nivel internacional de maneravoluntaria se hicieron presente para ayudar a Haití.

EO entrevistó a Oscar Oliva, el jefe de la Brigada de Topos de Cancún quiendijo que una gran desolación y desesperanza se vive en este lugar.

"Hay tanta miseria, hay tanta destrucción hay niños huérfanos y mutiladosque necesitan de ayuda. Me tocó ver como perros se comían a los niños", explicóOliva.

El joven rescatista afirmó que de todos los sismos y desastres naturales quele ha tocado participar no había visto en su experiencia algo tan catastrófico comoel sismo e Haití.

"Estuve en el Tsunami de Indonesia, el sismo en Manzanillo, en el HuracánVilma en Cancún pero nada tan devastador como Haití".

Aún Oliva recuerda los rostros de dolor y sufrimiento que ha dejado en Haitíy aún recuerda a una persona que había perdido todo, casa, padres, hijos y cantabaporque estaba viva. "Es momento que la humanidad deje de pelear y no perderen tiempo en otras cosas. Tenemos que darnos la mano".

Oliva no ha descartado su deseo de regresar. Debido a un protocolo ellos nopueden permanecer más de 15 días en las zonas de desastre. Sin embargo ya estánpensando en ayudar a los víctimas en las inundaciones de Perú. Esta notable ybrillante labor humanitaria es digno de admirar. Olivo y su brigada son seres hu-manos como otros algunos desempleados, otro de profesión payaso, otro domadorde perros y él veterinario que se juntaron para ayudar a los necesitados.

"Esperamos en Dios que si en un mes damos el primero curso en Cancún detopos para prepararlos a servir a otros. Paisanos nos piden que formemos unabrigada de topos. Estoy listo para servir. Iremos a ayudarles y a transmitir estepequeno mensaje de preparación", dijo Oliva quien ya se encuentra en Cancún.

La Brigada de Rescate mexicana, cuyos miembros son conocidos como losTopos, se formó en los días posteriores al trágico terremoto de 1985 en Ciudadde México. El grupo es conocido por su capacidad para excavar túneles que ayu-dan a encontrar sobrevivientes. Ellos están planificando visitar San Francisco yentrenar a voluntarios para que estén listos en caso de un desastre. Las personasinteresadas pueden escribir a [email protected].

"Desesperanza y doloraún se vive en Haití"

Testimonio de un rescatista que piensaregresar a la zona desvastada

Page 12: eo jan28th

|12| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

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By Osvaldo CastilloEl Observador

Fiscally responsible, an advocate for students, aconsensus builder, effective communicator, anda fighter for increased public education funding

at state and federal level. These are just a few of the rec-ommendations made by teachers in the East Side UnifiedHigh School District in San Jose regarding the selectionof the district's new Superintendent.

"As teachers of East Side Union High School District,we are very invested in the district finding the best possi-ble leader, in an expeditious manner," said Marissa Han-son, President of the East Side Teachers Association(ESTA). "We understand the need for continuity, and weappreciate the job Dan Moser has taken on as interim su-perintendent. But we believe that the difficult decisionsfacing the district need leadership and accountability, thesooner the better.”

The list of five personal attributes and five areas ofexperience focuses on ability to solve financial problems,

along with integrity, leadership and success factors.Other qualifications that the teachers recommend in-

clude a consistent record of professional success, unim-peachable personal and professional integrity, provenexperience in managing and celebrating diversity, teach-ing experience, a proven ability to overcome fiscal chal-lenges.

In addition to outlining specific criteria, the teachersalso want to be involved in every stage of the selectionprocess - making recommendations for possible candi-dates, participating in the paper screening of applications,being included in the oral interviews, and having their as-sessments of the finalists included in the final selection.

The teachers will urge the East Side Unified HighDistrict board and administration to limit their search toCalifornia candidates, citing California's and the district'sunique financial issues and diverse demographics.

ESTA represents teachers and other education profes-sionals who are on the front line of creating successful ed-ucational experiences for the 25,000 high school studentsin the 18-school district.

Teachers Make Superintendent Recommendations

Page 13: eo jan28th

www.el-observador.com | JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 |13|









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Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Tal vez se preguntausted qué tan difí-cil será llenar las

solicitudes del censo. Lehacemos recordar que entrefebrero y marzo los cues-tionarios del censo se en-viarán por correo o seentregarán en persona a lascasas. Estemos dispuestos aparticipar y a ser contadospor multiples razones:

Cada año el gobiernofederal asigna más de $400mil millones de dólares a losestados y a las comunidades,basado en los datos propor-

cionados por el censo.Los datos del Censo se

utilizan para decidir dóndeubicar tiendas, escuelas, ho-pitales, nuevos proyectos devivienda y otras facilidadescomunitarias.

Tambien los datos delcenso determinan los distri-tos legislativos y congresion-ales tanto locales comoestatales.

¿Qué van a preguntar?En el cuestionario van a

venir 10 preguntas y tomapocos minutos en comple-tarlo. La persona indicadapara completar esta informa-ción tiene que ser aquella queha puesto su nombre en la

propiedad o aquella que pagala renta y los recibos salen asu nombre.

Las preguntas que se for-mulan son aquellas que si lacasa es alquilada o propia, ladirección de la residencia ylos nombres, sexos, edades yrazas de quienes viven en elhogar.

Las autoridades siemprerecuerdan que la Oficina delCenso no comparte informa-ción con tras agencias fed-erales y entidades policialesy del orden público.

¿Qué te va a preguntar el Censo?

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for 45 years. Preceded in death by par-ents Manuel and Dolores Madrid. Sur-vived by brother, Sonny Madrid, sistersGloria Flores, Irene Morales, Sylvia Ro-driguez, Eleanor Barraza, EvelynAguilar, many newphews and nieces.Memorial service Sun. 1/31 at 2PM,Rosary 5PM, Oak Hill Funeral Home,300 Curtner, San Jose. Funeral MassMon. Feb. 1 Sacred Heart Church, 325Willow, San Jose 11AM. Burial SantaClara Mission Cemetery, Santa Clara.Rudy Madrid's Funeral.

A CommunityMusician Forthe People

Page 14: eo jan28th

HAITI Fundraiser @ South First BilliardsWhen: January 29 at 9:00 PMWhere: South First Billiards in San Jose, Cost: $10.00 minimum donationInfo: www.myspace.com/theblankmanuscript

Sustainable Vegetable GardeningWhen: Wednesdays, February 10th - March 17th,

7:00 - 9:00pmWhere: Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Visitor &Education CenterInfo: (408) 298-7657 or visit www.grpg.org

San José: Paintings by Wayne JiangWhen: Until May 30, 2010Where: History Park in San Jose

Info: www.historysanjose.org or call 408 2872290.

AZTEC DANCE!When: Every Tuesday From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.Where: MACLA Theater 510 South 51h Street, SanJoseInfo: (408) 998-2783 or www.maclaarte.org

Taking FlightWhen: January 28- February 14, 2010Where: The Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater in SanJoseInfo: (408) 272-9926 or visitwww.teatrovision.orgGrowing from Seeds World Garden Work-shopWhen: February 6, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.Where: Erikson Adult Education Center located at4849 Pearl Avenue, San JoseInfo: [email protected].

OPERA IN THE LIBRARYWhen: February 11 at 12:15 pmWhere: Central Berkeley Public Library, 5th Floor,2090 Kittredge StreetInfo: 510-981-6241 or www.berkeleyopera.org

Heart to Heart!When: Friday, February 12th, 3:30 to 5:00 pmWhere: Guadalupe Visitor & Education Center, 438Coleman Ave in San JoseInfo: www.grpg.org or call 408 298-7657.

Ragged Wing Ensemble presentThe World Premiere of HANDLESSWritten and directed by Amy SassWhen: Feb. 26 - March 27, 2010Where: Central Stage, 5221 Central Ave. (nearCostco)Richmond, CA 94804Info: 800/ 838 - 3006 or www.raggedwing.org

Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program When: February 20 - May 5, 2010Where: Mexican Heritage Plaza GaleriaRegular Exhibit Hours8:00 am - 5:00 pmMonday - Friday

CET Provides Legal Support for Elderly Citi-zenship ApplicantsWhen: February 6, at 1:00 pm. February 11, and18 at 5:30 pmWhere: 701 Vine St., San JoseInfo: (408) 534-5215

City Lights Theater Company of San JosePresents:Dead Man WalkingBy Tim Robbins (Based on the book Dead ManWalking by Sister Helen Prejean)In partnership with Notre Dame High SchoolWhen: January 21, 2010 - February 21, 2010Thursdays - Saturdays at 8 pmSunday evenings at 7:00 pm (Jan 31 & Feb 7)Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm (Feb 14 & 21)

Where: City Lights Theater Company529 South Second St.San Jose, CA 95112Info: (408) 295-4200 or visit us online atwww.cltc.org

"Fragmentos de Perú"Contemporary Art of Claudio Talavera-BallonWhen: February 8th through March 7th, 2010.Monday 12 - 8; Tuesday 10 - 8; Wednesday -Sat-urday, 10 -6; Sunday 1-5.Where: Berkeley Public Library's Central CatalogLobby.Info: 510-981-6100 or www.berkeleypublicli-brary.org.

Sustainable Vegetable GardeningWhen: Wednesdays, February 10th - March 17th,7:00 - 9:00pmWhere: Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Visitor &Education Center in San JoseInfo: (408) 298-7657 or visit www.grpg.org

Good Samaritan Hospital Stroke Rehabilita-tion FairWhen: March 4, from 2:00 pm- 4:30 pmWhere: 15891 Los Gatos-Almaden Road, LosGatosInfo: [email protected]

A Bit of Brazilian Music on FilmWhen: Sat, Jan 23, 7:30 pm: Favela on Blast by Le-andro HBL & Wesley PentzSun, Jan 24, 4:30 pm: Discovery of Brazil (Desco-brimento do Brasil) by Humberto MauroInfo: 415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org

Red Light WinterWhen: Jan 28 - Feb 20.Thurs-Sat 8pm; Sun 7pmWhere Next Stage, 1620 Gough Street (at Bush),San FranciscoInfo: CustomMade.org or call 1-800-838-3006

Need Food? Phone: 1-800-984-3663SecondHarvestFood.org

Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice AwardHonoring Pioneers of the Free Gaza MovementWhen: Saturday, January 30, 5:30 pmPotluck dinner at 6:30pmWhere: Hombe of Vic and Barby Ulmer13004 Paseo Presada (Corner of Paseo lado)Saratoga

Sepa qué hacer en caso de terremotos y desastresDías: 30 de enero (9:00am - 12:00pm.)y 6 de febrero (1pm-4.30pm)Informes: (650) 903-6145

Vacunación Gratuita Contra H1N1Sábado 30 de eneroHora: 10:00 am 4:pmLugar: Serramonte High School 699 Serramonte Blvd. Daly CityDomingo 31 de eneroHora: 10:00 am - 4:00 pmLugar: Ted Adcock Community Center535 Kelly Ave. Half Moon Bay

Taller de CiudadaníaDía: 4 de febreroHora: 5:30 pmLugar: 230 E. Dunne, Morgan HillCA 95037

Cocina Saludable Gratuita Demostración de cocina a cargo del Chef LaLa

GilroyDía: Sábado 6 de Febrero, 2010Hora: 9:30-10:00 AMLas Puertas y Exhibición se abrirán10:00-12:00 PMTiempo de Lectura del libro "Sopa de Zanahoria"Levántese y muévase con "Generations Commu-nity Wellness"Demostración de Cocina con Chef LaLaLugar: Centro de Multiusos de Gilroy High School750 West 10th Street, Gilroy, 95020

San JoseDía: Sábado 6 de FebreroHora: 2:00-2:30 PM

Las Puertas y Exhibición se abrirán2:30-4:30 PMLugar: Mexican Heritage Plaza Pavilion1700 Alum Rock Avenue, San Jose, 95116Tiempo de Lectura del libro "Sopa de Zanahoria"Levántese y muévase con "Generations Commu-nity Wellness"Demostración de Cocina con Chef LaLaEl libro "Yummy Para Tu Pancita" será regalado aquienes asistan al evento.Informes: Evelyn Romero (408)-260-3714

Done SangreDía: 9 de febreroHora: 1- 7pmLugar: Fellowship Hall, 5828 Santa Teresa Blvd.,San Jose.Día: Miércoles 10 de febreroHora: 1:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.Gymnasium, 3485 East Hills Dr., San Jose.Llame al (800-448-3543) o visite RedCross-Blood.org

Exhibición de BracerosLugar: Galeria del Mexican Heritage Plaza1700 Alum Rock, San Jose, CADías: 20 de febrero a 5 de mayoHora: 8:00 am - 5:00 pmLunes a Viernes

¿Compones temas musicales latinos?Participa en el concurso anual "peermusic" a cargode la fundación BMI.Participan : Jóvenes de 16 y 24 años(tienen que permanecer a una Escuela o Universi-dad)Fecha límite: 8 de febrero de 2010Informes: Porfirio PiñaDirector, peermusic Latin ScholarshipBMI Foundation, Inc.Los Angeles8730 Sunset Blvd.3rd Floor WestWest Hollywood, CA 90069-2211(310) 659-9109

Tutankhamun y la Edad de OroExhibición majestuosa en el Museo de YoungDías: Hasta marzo 2010Lugar: Museo de Young50 Hagiwara Tea Garden DriveJohn F. Kennedy Drive,Golden Gate ParkSan Francisco, CAInfo: (415) 750-3600www.tutsanfrancisco.org

¿Necesita Comida?Telefono: 1-800-984-3663SecondHarvestFood.org

Servicios de InmigraciónOrganización de San José que ayuda a inmi-grantesS.I.R.E.NLugar: 1425 Koll CircleSuite 109Teléfono: (408) 453-3003San Jose, CA 95112(Entre la 4ta. Y Gish)www.siren-bayarea.org

TOLTEKAYOTL: Raíces IndígenasExhibición a cargo del historiador Luis GovaDía: Martes a sábadoDe: 10 am a 4pmHasta enero de 2010Lugar: San Jose City College2100 Moorpark (esquina con Bascom)A espaldas de las canchas de Raquetball

Registre su CELULARPara recibir alertas en caso de emergenciaLa información se recibe en españolvisite www.alertscc.gov

Nuestra Escuelitawww.nuestraescuelita.orgAyuda a que sus hijos sigan desarrollando elEspañolLugar: 405 South 10th StreetSan José CA 95112

|14| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

PAULISTA (QUANTO DURA O AMOR?)A vibrant, exuberant tale that takes us for a bumpy and thrilling ride, Paulista is about being young and living in the city--weaving together the stories of the residents of Avenida Paulista.

THIRD WORLD (TERCER MUNDO)Juan, Amaya and Richi are all searching for answers to life in Latin America when they receive word of an eclipse that coincides with the ancient Mayan calendar of 2012. Third World weaves together a tale of magical amulets and UFOs with a search for love and hope for a better future.

For a full line up of films go to:

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CalendarC A L E N D A R I O

Page 15: eo jan28th

www.el-observador.com | JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 |15|

Por Mario Jiménez CastilloEl Observador

AriesBuenas noticias referente a dinero y trabajo

están por venir. Verás como todo toma un buenrumbo y te prepararás con las mejores energíaspara alcanzar esa meta a la que estás por llegar.Quieres y necesitas algo diferente que te haga re-cuperar la fe en el amor.

TauroPronto iniciarás una nueva etapa, vienen en

camino sorpresas y buenas noticias. Te llegaráuna cantidad de dinero inesperada y una granoportunidad laboral que no debes desperdiciar.Recibirás regalos inesperados. Es tiempo que re-torne la alegría a tu vida.

GéminisCualquier padecimiento de salud que te

afecte en este momento, se irá disipando con-forme transcurra el mes de febrero. Te encon-trarás con personas a las que dejaste de ver hacemucho tiempo y te darás cuenta de lo mucho quete aprecian los viejos amigos. Buenas noticias re-specto al trabajo.

CáncerAunque hayas enfrentado problemas en el

trabajo recientemente, la energía actual hará disi-par las enemistades y las malas vibras. Viene unaépoca muy agitada especialmente en cuanto arelaciones sentimentales se refiere. Tendrás queelegir entre la amistad dos personas

LeoVienen en camino oportunidades para que

sobresalgas en tu profesión, los primeros quincedías del mes podrás persuadir a los demás de loque sea. Conocerás a alguien que te atraerá de-masiado y aunque estés comprometido te serádifícil luchar en contra de la tentación

VirgoSi tu situación financiera ha pasado por mu-

chos altibajos, no te preocupes demasiado porqueuna racha de buena suerte se hará presente du-rante todo el mes y podrás ponerte al día en todo.Un amigo o familiar se convertirá en tu benefac-tor.

LibraLos altibajos de salud que has padecido por

fin quedarán en el pasado. Vivirás algo especialeste mes, lo verás como una recompensa. Hay

algo que te disgusta en el trabajo, te recomiendola diplomacia por delante. En el amor eres cor-respondido.

EscorpiónEn estos días sentirás un poco de fatiga.

Debes ponerte al día con lo que tengas pendientepor hacer durante la semana. Obtendrás un sabioconsejo para aclarar una situación de pareja. Hayalguien que te quiere bien y te hará un gran favorsin que se lo pidas.

SagitarioDe este mes en adelante, te esperan muchos

compromisos y eventos sociales a los que nopuedes dejar de asistir. Tu salud y aparienciafísica deben convertirse en las prioridades de tuagenda diaria. En el trabajo te tocará lidiar congente de mentalidad obsoleta.

CapricornioNo te angusties demasiado por los problemas

de los demás, simplemente ayuda lo más quepuedas. Tendrás preocupaciones por dos miem-bros de tu familia, sin embargo, verás como

todos los asuntos se resuelven. Verás con alegríala resolución de algo legal.

AcuarioLo más importante que trae el mes de febrero

para ti, es recuperación económica. La cantidadque tanto necesitas pronto llegará a tus manos ylograrás saldar las deudas atrasadas. En loromántico sabes quién es la persona que en real-idad te conviene.

PiscisAunque enfrentes oposición a tus planes,

éstos saldrán siempre incluso mejor de lo que es-peras ya que la posición de los astros se encuen-tra a tu favor. Esta época te trae la culminaciónde un sueño largamente acariciado. Lograrás im-ponerte y serás reconocido.

Sugerencias y [email protected]

Horóscopo de Febrero

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Page 16: eo jan28th

|16| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com


San Mateo County Health System of-ficials are urging parents to get theirchildren vaccinated as soon as possi-

ble, given the likelihood that a third wave ofH1N1 flu cases is on the horizon. It is importantfor children under age 10 to get two doses ofH1N1 flu vaccine - at least three weeks apart -because two doses provide better protectionagainst the H1N1 virus for the less mature im-mune systems of younger children. But with therecent decline in H1N1 flu cases, many parentshave yet to get their children the second doseof H1N1 vaccine.

"I believe that a very high percent of chil-dren under age 10 who got a first dose of theH1N1 vaccine are either due or overdue fortheir second dose," said Dr. Scott Morrow,Health Officer for San Mateo County. "With athird wave of H1N1 flu likely to hit this year, Iurge parents to get their children vaccinated,and I also urge anyone who has not yet beenvaccinated to do so as soon as possible."

Pandemic flu outbreaks have historicallycome in waves. The first wave of H1N1 flu ill-ness hit in the spring of 2009, followed by asecond wave last fall. Now that the secondwave is declining and fewer people are getting

sick, many have lost interest in getting vacci-nated and are not taking this virus as seriouslyas they did in the past. But it is highly likelythat there will be a third wave of H1N1 flu thisyear, and that the virus will not disappear com-pletely.

Flu viruses are always unpredictable; andthis flu season is far from over. H1N1 virus isstill circulating and potentially dangerous.H1N1 flu is a vaccine-preventable disease;therefore, the County Health System is urgingthe public to get vaccinated now. A flu shot isstill the single best defense against the flu, andcan help reduce the spread throughout the com-munity. For individuals in high-risk groups, thevaccine prevents serious health complications,and in some cases, death. There have been 10H1N1-related deaths and 95 hospitalizations inthe County since the outbreak began last year.

Now that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine iswidely available, it is the perfect time for peo-ple to protect themselves, their families andtheir community by getting a flu shot. There aremany locations offering H1N1 vaccinationsthroughout the County, including doctor's of-fices, retail stores and pharmacies, and freeCounty public vaccination clinics. For a fulllist, visit www.smhealth.org/flu/vaccines

County Predicts Third Wave of H1N1 Flu; Urges Parents to Get Children Second Vaccine Dose


El esqueleto parece resistente y duradero poreso es difícil creer que el hueso es un tejidoviviente, que se forma y reforma constante-

mente durante el crecimiento, lesiones y otros factores.El hueso se moldea y fortalece constantemente segúnsea necesario.

Hasta alrededor de los 30 años de edad, factoresvariables favorecen la formación del hueso. Cuando elhueso se moldea, el calcio, el mineral principal almace-nado en el hueso, es extraído del flujo sanguíneo paraformar un hueso nuevo, razón por la cual ingerir calciodebidamente es importante. La vitamina D también de-sempeña una función importante para ayudar a que elcuerpo absorba el calcio.

Los cambios físicos y los cambios en la dieta y elestilo de vida que suceden con la edad pueden afectarla salud del esqueleto, haciendo más propensas las que-braduras. Por ejemplo, la falta de calcio y vitamina D,la inactividad y el uso de tabaco pueden afectar la den-sidad ósea.

Las articulaciones también se ven afectadas con laedad. El cartílago suave que cubre los extremos delhueso se hace más fino. La producción de sulfato deglucosamina, un componente natural producido por elcuerpo que ayuda a amortiguar el cartilago, también dis-minuye con la edad.

"Mantener los huesos saludables es importante para

todas las edades", comenta el doctor Luigi Gratton,M.D. "Pero, la cantidad adecuada de calcio y vitaminaD es importante durante toda la vida y muchos adultosno consumen suficientes nutrientes en forma regularpara cubrir las deficiencias".

La mejor opción para la gente joven es ingerir detres a cuatro porciones de productos lácteos al día du-rante el período de mayor desarrollo de los huesos. Elcalcio debe mantenerse alto durante la edad adulta, peromuchas personas no consumen lo suficiente. El suple-mentar con un producto como Herbalife Xtra-Cal(r) Ad-vanced, que proporciona calcio y 100% del valor diariode la vitamina D, cumple con esta deficiencia.

Las actividades como caminar o correr, además deejercicios para desarrollar la fuerza muscular, tambiénayudan a desarrollar y mantener los huesos saludables.Los músculos fuertes ayudan a absorber algunas de laspresiones que sufren las articulaciones a causa de lasactividades diarias.

Los productos como Herbalife(r) Joint Support Ad-vanced ayudan a complementar la producción naturalde glucosamina del cuerpo y a apoyar la salud de las ar-ticulaciones.

Estar activo, comer bien y tomar suplementoscuando se necesitan, le brindarán la mejor posibilidadde mantener la salud de su esqueleto.

Para mayor información, visitewww.Herbalife.com.

Mantener los huesos y lasarticulaciones saludables

Page 17: eo jan28th


NO. 533418

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: The F ontisGroup, 455 N S anta Cruz Ave., LosGatos, CA 95030, Santa Clara Co.Bryan Russell, 104 Anne Way, LosGatos, C A 95032, St eve Smith,17024 P ine A ve, L os Ga tos, C A95032, Tim Stone, 5128 Halifax Dr.,San Jose, CA 95130. This businessis conducted by a general partner-ship, registrant began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names list ed her e in1/15/2010. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Bryan RussellJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2010


NO. 533395

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: JDA Transporta-tion, 1584 Br anham Lane #197,San Jose, CA 95118, S anta ClaraCo. Johnny De Abreu, 1584 Bran-ham Lane #197, S an Jose , C A95118. This business is c onductedby an individual, registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list edhere in 07/01/2004. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Johnny De AbreuJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2010


NO. 533507

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: Edri Remolding,55 B oston Ave # 2, S an Jose , C A95128, Santa Clara Co. Rafael Es-calante-Segura, 55 B oston Av #2,San Jose, CA 95128. This businessis conducted by an individual, reg-istrant has not y et begun doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all informa tion inthis statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Rafael Escalante-SeguraJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/27/2010


NO. 533353

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: A vadium RealEstate Investment, Avadium Mort-gage, Avadium Mortgage Real Es-tate Investments, 1035 MinnesotaAve, San Jose, CA 95128, S antaClara Co. Luis Sanchez, 2637 Briar-wool Drive, San Jose, CA 95128.This business is c onducted by an

individual, registrant has not y etbegun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Luis SanchezJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/22/2010


NO. 533277The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: Vietrad Express,1625 S o. 7th St eet, S an Jose, C A95112, Santa Clara Co. Barry H Ly,177 Winged Foot Pl., San Ramon,CA 94583. This business is c on-ducted by an individual registranthas not yet begun doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Barry H LyJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/21/2010


NO. 531233

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: Car on Net, 1625So 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112,Santa Clar a C o. B arry H L y, 177Winged Foot Pl., San Ramon, CA94583. This business is c onductedby an individual registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list edhere in 10/01/2009. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Barry H LyJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/21/2010


NO. 533288

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: O & T, 1591 Bit-tern D r., Sunn yvale, C A 94087,Santa Clara Co. Tali Erez, 1591 Bit-tern D r., Sunn yvale, C A 94087,Osnat Finkelshtein, 1291 Heather-stone, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Thisbusiness is conducted by a generalpartnership r egistrants begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list edhere in 1/21/2010. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)

Osnat Finkelshtein/Tali ErezJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/21/2010


NO. 533166

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: ReelSpark, 5274Rio Gr ande D rive, S an Jose , C A95136, Santa Clara Co. Reel Spark,LLC, 5274 R io Gr ande D rive, S anJose, C A 95136. This business isconducted b y a limit ed liabilit ycompany registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in12/15/2009. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Reel Spark, LLCSanjay Vyas/General ManagerJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/19/2010


NO. 533499

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: B eacon Tech-nologies, 954 Hampsw ood Way,San Jose, CA 95120, S anta ClaraCo. MBL & S ons Inc ., 954Hampswood Way, S an Jose , C A95120. This business is c onductedby a corporation registrant has notyet begun doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames list ed her eon. “I declar ethat all information in this sta te-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declar es as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

MBL & Sons , INCBarbara Laubach/PresidentJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/27/2010


NO. 533419

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: Passport Studio,1221 Story Road, Ste 100, San Jose,CA 95122, S anta Clara Co. HelenNguyen, 3158 B almoral D r., S anJose, C A 95132. This business isconducted by an individual r egis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 1/25/2010. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and c orrect.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she kno wsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Helen D NguyenJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2010


NO. 533405

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: F ast & E ficentHandyman Serv., 1085 S 6th Steeet#1, S an Jose , C A 95112, S antaClara Co. Sergio Gomez, 1085 S 6thStreet #1, San Jose, CA 95112. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual registrant began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names list ed her e in

1/25/2010. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Sergio GomezJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2010


NO. 533509

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: C ommunityCredit Counselors, 136 Race Street,San Jose, CA 95126, S anta ClaraCo. Miguel Rocha, 2187 B entleyRidge Dr., San Jose, CA 95138. Thisbusiness is conducted by an indi-vidual registrant has not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names list edhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this sta tement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true informa tion which he orshe knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Miguel RochaJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/27/2010


NO. 533378

The follo wing person(s) is(ar e)doing business as: ESSER Commu-nications, 1650 Canna Ln, San Jose,CA 95124, Santa Clara Co. DimitryTaich, 1650 Canna Ln., San Jose, CA95124, Vadim Shain, 10082Amador Oak Ct ., C upertino, C A95014. This business is c onductedby a gener al par tnership r egis-trants have not y et begun doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all informa tion inthis statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Vadim ShainJan. 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2010


NO. 110CV161808

Superior C ourt of C alifornia,County of Santa Clara-In the mat-ter of the application of: Neha Kr-ishanrao Mutta, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourtfinds that petitioner Neha Krishan-rao Mutta, has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis c ourt for a decr ee changingnames as follo ws: a. Neha Krish-nara Mutta t o Neha S ahai THECOURT ORDERS that all persons in-terested in this matter appear be-fore this c ourt a t the hearingindicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change ofnames should not be gr anted on03/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107:located at 191 N. F irst Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be publishedat least once a week for four suc-cessive weeks prior to the date setfor hearing on the petition in El Ob-

|17| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com


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Page 18: eo jan28th

servador, a newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in the county ofSanta Clara.

Jan. 21, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 29; Feb. 05, 12, 19, 2010


NO. 110CV161932

Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Robel RodriguezLopez, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:The court finds that petitioner RobelRodriguez Lopez, has filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Robel Ro-driguez Lopez to D’Angelo AndrewRobel Rodriguez THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 03/30/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy ofthe Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petitionin El Observador, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Jan. 27, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 29; Feb. 05, 12, 19, 2010


NO. 110CV161797

Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Devin Taylor, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioner Devin Taylor,has filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Devin Taylor, aka Devin C Taylor,aka Larry D Taylor, aka Lawrence DTaylor, aka Larry Devin Taylor toDevin Xavier Bené THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 03/30/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy ofthe Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petitionin El Observador, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Jan. 21, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 29; Feb. 05, 12, 19, 2010


NO. 532535The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Children’s Cottage,19342 Greenwood Dr, Cupertino, CA95014, Santa Clara Co. Jui-ChunHsu, 19342 Greenwood Dr., Cuper-tino, CA 95014. This business is con-ducted by an individual registrantbegan doing business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted here in 12/1/2009. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Jui-Chun HsuJan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/04/2010


NO. 533144The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Modern Lock and Key,Modern Lock and Security, WillowGlen Locksmith, Discount MobileLocksmiths, Darrin’s Mobile Lock &Key, AAA Discount Mobile Lock-smith, 1615 West Wood Drive, SanJose, CA 95125, Santa Clara Co.Darrin Edward Wicker, 1585 Hamil-ton Ave, San Jose, CA 95125. Thisbusiness is conducted by an individ-ual registrant has not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Darrin Edward WickerJan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/19/2010


NO. 533026The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Bellgrove Realty, Bell-grove Financing, Bellgrove Invest-ment, Dafully Realty, DafullyFinancing, Dafully Investment,18806 Bellgrove Circle, Saratoga, CA95070, Santa Clara Co. HwongHsiang Hseau, 18806 Bellgrove Cir-cle, Saratoga, CA 95070. This busi-ness is conducted by an individualregistrant has not yet begun doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Hwong Hsiang HseauJan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/14/2010


NO. 533055The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: O Salon and Spa, 19110Stevens Creek Blvd. Ste C, Cupertino,CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. RaymondHung, 4960 Owens Dr. Apt 737,Pleasanton, CA 94588, Ying BiWhiteside, 4960 Owens Dr. Apt 737,Pleasanton, CA 94588. This businessis conducted by a general partner-ship registrants have not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Raymond HungJan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/15/2010


NO. 533064The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Videcam Multimedia,3234 Segovia Ct., San Jose, CA95127, Santa Clara Co. Oscar E Lugo,3234 Segovia Ct., San Jose, CA95127. This business is conducted byan individual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in01/07/10. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

Oscar E LugoJan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/15/2010


NO. 110CV161530

Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Fernando GonzalezMora, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:The court finds that petitioner Fer-nando Gonzalez Mora, have filed apetition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a. Fer-nando - Gonzalez – Mora to Izzy –Fernando -Mora THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 03/23/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy ofthe Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petitionin El Observador, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Jan. 14, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 22, 29; Feb. 05, 12, 2010


NO. 531976The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Collins-Pratt Consulting,20 Descanso Drive, Unit 1438, SanJose, CA 95134, Santa Clara Co. TaraPratt, 20 Descanso Drive, Unit 1438,San Jose, CA 95134, Robert Collins,Jr., 300 Klein Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592.This business is conducted by a gen-eral partnership registrants have notyet begun doing business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Tara PrattJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/14/2009


NO. 532066The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Haury Properties, LLC,111 S Gordon Way, Los Altos, CA94022, Santa Clara Co. Haury Prop-erties, LLC., 111 S Gordon Way, LosAltos, CA 94022. This business isconducted by a limited liability com-pany registrants began doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in Janu-ary 2000. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Haury Properties, LLCThomas G Haury/Managing MemberJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/16/2009


NO. 532961The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Nor Cal Co Driwall, 1147Oakview Rd., San Jose, CA 95121,Santa Clara Co. Abel Chavez, 628Moraga, Livermore, CA 94550. Thisbusiness is conducted by an individ-ual registrant began doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed here in 12/31/2003.

“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)Abel ChavezJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/13/2010


NO. 532862The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: NHA Investments, Pres-tige Realty, 200 Serra Way, Ste 44,Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co.PRF Enterprise, 289 Long Valley Ct.,San Jose, CA 95138. This business isconducted by a corporation regis-trant has not yet begun doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)PRF EnterpriseDylan H NguyenJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/11/2010


NO. 532854The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: D & L Janitorial Services,2996 Knights Bridge, San Jose, CA95132, Santa Clara Co. AngelicaOrtiz, 2996 Knights Bridge, San Jose,CA 95132. This business is conductedby an individual registrant begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein 04/04/2001. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Angelica OrtizJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/11/2010


NO. 532855The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Montague Valero, 1298Montague Exp. Way, San Jose, CA95131, Santa Clara Co. Aadij Invest-ment Inc., 22092, San Fernando CT.,Cupertino, CA 95014. This businessis conducted by a corporation regis-trant began doing business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 08/02/2004. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)Aadij Investment IncJatin P Parikh/Officer V.P.Jan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/11/2010


NO. 532159The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Tire & Wheel Discounts,4238 Monterey Rd Suite B. San Jose,CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. KarimBeltran, 355 Wolfe Rd #416, Sunny-vale, CA 94085, Amy Beltran, 335Wolfe Rd #416, Sunnyvale, CA94085. This business is conducted bya general partnership registrantshave not yet begun doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Amy BeltranJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/18/2009


NO. 532744The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Arias Janitorial Service,2637 Puccini Ave, San Jose, CA95122, Santa Clara Co. Jorge Arias,2637 Puccini Ave, San Jose, CA95122. This business is conducted byan individual registrant began doingbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in01/07/2010. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Jorge AriasJan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 1/07/2010


NO. 110CV161082Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Jiewei Li, RuohongChen, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:The court finds that petitionersJiewei Li, Ruohong Chen, have fileda petition for Change of Name withthe clerk of this court for a decreechanging names as follows: a.Chenchen Li to Brenda Chenchen LiTHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on03/16/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107:located at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.

Jan. 8, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan.15, 22, 29; Feb. 05, 2010


NO. 109CV158978Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Alicia Nemitz & PeterAliifua, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petition-ers Alicia Nemitz & Peter Aliifua,have filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Mailee Keiasia Fulsom to MaileeKeiasia Aliifua THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 02/16/2010 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy ofthe Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petitionin El Observador, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Dec. 9, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan.15, 22, 29; Feb. 05, 2010


NO. 532538The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Laca Restaurant andBar, 1725 Rogers Ave #A, San Jose,

CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Van Lam,2191 Del Franco St #B, San Jose, CA95131. This business is conducted byan individual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Van LamJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 01/04/2010


NO. 532439The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: TChips, 873 MarantaAve, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, SantaClara Co. Shy-Horng Roger Wang,873 Maranta Ave, Sunnyvale, CA94087. This business is conducted byan individual registrant has not yetbegun doing business under the fic-titious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Shy-Horng Roger WangJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/30/2009


NO. 532690The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Lenix Consulting, 2127Santoro Lane, San Jose, CA 95124,Santa Clara Co. Marta Irene ArangoDonadio, 2127 Santoro Lane, SanJose, CA 95124. This business is con-ducted by an individual registranthas not yet begun doing businessunder the fictitious business nameor names listed hereon. “I declarethat all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (A regis-trant who declares as trueinformation which he or she knowsto be false is guilty of a crime.)

Marta I Arango D.Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 01/06/2010


NO. 532442The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: J.V. Cattle Co. 240 Gur-ries Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020, SantaClara Co. Joe G Vargas, 240 GurriesDr., Gilroy, CA 95020. This businessis conducted by an individual regis-trant has not yet begun doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Joe G VargasJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/30/2009


NO. 532440The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Perez Income Tax, 459S Capitol Ave #2, San Jose, CA 95127,Santa Clara Co. Guadalupe Perez,4249, Santa Susana Way, San Jose,CA 95111, Mayra L Perez, 4249 SantaSusana Way, San Jose, CA 95111.

This business is conducted by hus-band and wife registrants begandoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein 10/08/2004. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)

Guadalupe PerezJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/30/2009


NO. 532628The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: Debt Bills, DebtBills.com, Debt Bills Corporation,3411 Thomas Rd., Suite 1, SantaClara, CA 95054, Santa Clara Co.SMH Financial Group Inc., 189 SierraCt., Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Thisbusiness is conducted by a corpora-tion registrant has not yet begundoing business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)

SMH Financial Group Inc.Sayed Hashimi/CEOJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 01/05/2010


NO. 531929The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness as: MK Rentals & PropertyManagement, 543 River View Drive,San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co.Patricia Alton, 543 River View Drive,San Jose, CA 95111. This business isconducted by an individual regis-trant has not yet begun doing busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)

Patricia AltonJan. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 12/11/2010


NO. 109CV159532Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Jon-Paul Thompson,TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner Jon-PaulThompson has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Jon-PaulThompson to Jon-Paul Giannini THECOURT ORDERS that all persons in-terested in this matter appear beforethis court at the hearing indicatedbelow to show cause, if any, why thepetition for change of names shouldnot be granted on 02/23/2010 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Dec. 17, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010


NO. 110CV160745Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Yuan Chen, PengZhang, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petition-ers Yuan Chen, Peng Zhang, havefiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de -cree changing names as follows: a.Fengyuan Zhang to Sally FengyuanZhang THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on03/16/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107:located at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.

Jan. 5, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010


NO. 109CV160447Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Heidy Arroyo, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioner Heidy Arroyohas filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Shanty Patricia Garcia Arroyo toShanty Patricia Arroyo THE COURTORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicated belowto show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should notbe granted on 03/09/2010 at 8:45am, Room 107: located at 191 N.First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. Acopy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.

Dec. 29, 2009Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010


NO. 110CV160651Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: SeungmoonYoo/Jimin Im, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that peti-tioners Seungmoon Yoo/Jimin Imhave filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Seungmoon Yoo to Scott Seung-moon Yoo b. Jimin Im to Faith JiminYoo THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on03/09/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107:located at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95133. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.

Jan 04, 2010Mary Ann GrilliJudge of the Superior CourtJan. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010

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By Cinthia Rodriguez - El Observador

La Kalle, an Univision Radio station,presented Maria Jose and Tati, two ofthe most popular women in music at

the moment during the station's first private concertof the year on January 22, at Miami Beach Clubin downtown San Jose.

The Colombian recording artist Tati, took thestage to perform songs from her debut album, ElLatido de mi Corazon. Her time on the stage waslimited due to a minor sore throat that she madepublic to her fans, but she performed four songsand her hit “Amame.”

"I loved the environment," said Tati. "It wassuper cool."

After the quick performance, the pop star tookphotos with her fans.

"I will begin recording my next album," saidTati.

The next album is due sometime in the sum-mer of this year.

As photos were taken, others also waited forMexican singer, Maria Jose.

Before going on stage she also took photoswith selected fans.

"Thanks a lot for coming out," said MariaJose.

Jose has been on magazine covers and beganher career singing with the group Kabah. She per-formed the group's popular song "La Calle de lasSirenas," along with others.

Like many other celebrities, she remindedeveryone to have a good year and remember thosewho are suffering.

"I would like to dedicate this next song to thepeople in Haiti," said Maria Jose as she continuedwith her set.

Unlike pop star Tati, Jose signed autographs,took photos and even accepted a drink from thecrowd between songs.

"No soy una señora," from album Amante delo Ajeno, that was released last year was performedas a closing song.

Jose will kick off her tour on February 6 in SanFrancisco.

México, (Notimex)

La actriz y cantante mexicanaBibi Gaytán celebró 38 añosde vida con su posible re-

greso a la actuación en "Timbiriche, elmusical", junto al actor Jaime Camil, ycuyo estreno está previsto para abrilpróximo. Aunque el productor Alejan-dro Gou no ha confirmado el elenco delmontaje, trascendió que en la parte fe-menina tiene en mente que alguna de laex Timbiriche, Bibi Gaytán, Sasha oThalía lleve el protagónico. La obraescrita por Martha Carrillo, RenéFranco y Cristina García, se realizarábajo la dirección del argentino GustavoZajac. En el musical, se interpretarántemas como "Acelerar", "Tú y yosomos uno mismo", "Corro, vuelo, meacelero" y "Muriendo lento", entre otrosde la famosa banda de los años 90 .Silvia Gaytán Barragán, por su nombrede pila, nació el 27 de enero de 1972,en Tapachula, Chiapas, pero su familiase mudó a Villahermosa, Tabasco, porlo que ella se considera tabasqueña alhaber vivido su infancia y adolescenciaen esa localidad.

Por Martín del Palacio

Esta semana Río de Janeiro y BuenosAires están más cerca gracias al lan-zamiento de dos películas de acción.

Por un lado, llega a las estanterías "Once UponTime in Rio", título en inglés de "Era umavez...", uno de los más grandes éxitos del cinebrasileño de los últimos tiempos y segundapelícula del celebrado director Breno Silveira,el mismo que cuatro años atrás batió todos losrécords locales de recaudación con "2 Filhos deFrancisco". Aquella película fue la seleccionadapor Brasil para participar en el Oscar en el 2005y además fue la más taquillera en el gran paíssudamericano desde el estreno treinta añosantes de "Doña Flor y sus dos maridos". El otroestreno de Maya de la semana es "Sultanes delsur", una ambiciosa coproducción entre España,

México y Argentina que fue rodada en sumayor parte en Buenos Aires y cuyo director noes otro que Alejandro Lozano, quien cinco añosatrás concretó la divertida "Matando Cabos".En aquella película Lozano se basó en un guióndel argentino radicado en México Tony Dalton,también protagonista, quien fue a su vez elautor del guión de esta nueva propuesta. Elelenco de "Sultanes del sur" está encabezadopor el propio Dalton, la mexicana Ana de laReguera (la monjita de "Nacho Libre"), elcatalán Jordi Mollá ("Elizabeth: the GoldenAge") y el también mexicano Silverio Palacios.

"Sultanes del sur" está hablada en españolcon subtítulos en inglés y tiene un precio delista de $ 14.98. "Once Upon a Time in Rio"está hablada en portugués con subtítulos en in-glés y su precio de lista es de $ 14.98.

Latin pop stars visitdowntown San Jose

Regresa a Timbiriche


Maria José

Bibi Gaytán

Page 20: eo jan28th

|20| JAN 29 - FEB 4, 2010 | www.el-observador.com

Consulta Gratis

(408) 279-2730Capítulo 7 - Capítulo 13Se Habla Español

Somos una agencia de alivio de deudas. Ayudamos a la gente que tramite la bancarrota bajo el Código de la Bancarrota.

93 Devine St., Suite 100 • San Jose, CA 95110

Cabañas, delantero titular de la selec-ción paraguaya de fútbol y delequipo El America, recibió la

madrugada del lunes pasado un balazo en lacabeza en un confuso incidente registrado en unbar de la ciudad de México.

Se cree que fue lío de faldas que originó aque le metieran bala.

Salvador Cabañas se ha consolidado comoun delantero indispensable para La Albirrojaque marcha impresionante rumbo a la califi-cación para el mundial 2010 en Sudáfrica endonde seguramente estará Cabañas.

La balaLa decisión de los médicos del futbolista

Salvador Cabañas de dejar la bala dentro delcráneo no resulta riesgosa para la salud del ju-gador, siempre y cuando se hagan losseguimientos adecuados.

Una de las posibilidades por las que sellegó a esa resolución probablemente se debe aque por el impulso del proyectil éste se alojólejos de su entrada e intentar sacarlo dañaríamás al paciente, comentó Edna Sicajal Mene-ses, jefa del Servicio de Neurología de laUnidad Médica de Alta Especialidad "Mag-dalena de las Salinas".

En este sentido, para la neurocirujana esconveniente quitar únicamente lo que esté a sualcance, ya sea un coágulo, las esquirlas de labala que pudieron desprenderse después del im-

pacto o hasta la bala misma, ya que el cerebroes un órgano vital, muy delicado, que puededañarse si hay mucha manipulación en él.

Pero al tener dentro del cráneo un objetoque el organismo no identifica, puede tenerconsecuencias como abscesos, infecciones ohinchazones, por lo que es necesario que se lehagan tomografías habitualmente.

De esta manera, la especialista mencionóque al realizarle los estudios pertinentes sepodrá ver si el paciente está respondiendo pos-itivamente al procedimiento al que fuesometido.

Respecto al estado de sedación en el que seencuentra, indicó que esto consiste en inducir ala persona a un coma por medio de medicamen-tos, lo cual permite que el paciente esté tran-quilo y para que disminuya el edema cerebral.

Con este procedimiento también se puedenevitar crisis convulsivas y los doctores tendránmayor facilidad para manejar el órgano, asícomo el cerebro tendrá mejor proceso de oxi-genación, indicó.

Sobre la recuperación de Cabañas para re-gresar a las canchas, Sicajal Meneses cree queesto dependerá de los síntomas que presentedías después de su cirugía, ya que hay que ob-servar si hay alteraciones de funciones vitales,como el habla o el movimiento, lo cual es clavepara saber si se requiere un tratamiento médico,quirúrgico o físico. Δ (Notimex)