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Ethical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

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Falun Gong was banned by Chinese government according to applicable laws in July 1999 but gained some supports in several western countries and regions. Apart from political elements, the incomprehension on Falun Gong is an important reason why they support the much controversial organization. In order to help the public to have a comprehensive understanding on Falun Gong, and for the reference of people interested in and research institutes studying Falun Gong, we provide the general introduction on Falun Gong, its relationship with religion, as well as its opinions on families, on homosexuality and on mix-blood, demonstrating from different aspects the conflicts and the clash between the teachings of Falun Gong and ethics and moralities advocated in modern society

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Chapter 1 Falun Gong and its Origins

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

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Page 3: Ethical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Before December 1994, Li Hongzhi had established his reputation asa qigong master with healing powers. The fees Li Hongzhi charged for hishealing sessions ranged between scores and hundreds of Renminbi. Tick-ets to his training courses sold for RMB 30 to 50. At that time, Falun Gongpractitioners were ordinary qigong enthusiasts.

Treating diseases with his qigong brought huge profits to Li Hongzhi,but his credibility was soon challenged.

Li Hongzhi was forced to refund a treatment fee of RMB 30 at the1993 Qigong Expo in Beijing, at the insistence of Expo staff, when hefailed to cure a particular case.

Another loss of credibility occurred at one of Li Hongzhi's trainingcourses in Liaoning province in August 1994, when Falun Gong adherentLi Shulin suffered a cerebral thrombosis. The qi that Li Hongzhi sent outfailed to revive Li Shulin; he died a few days later.

Li Hongzhi thus transmogrified from qigong master to "greatest Bud-dha of the universe." compiled by the FalunGong organization states: "At age 8, Li Hongzhi learned the essence ofBuddhism and attained the supernatural powers of telekinesis, the abilityto mend things, controlled thinking and the ability to become invisible. Heunderstands the truth of the universe has insights into life and can seeboth the past and future."

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Each Falun Gong practitioner was required to buy and make twice daily obeisance

to the above "Fa Photo" of Li Hongzhi, in which he wears a costumier-obtained robe

and stands on what are actually paper-cuts of lotus leaves against a "Buddhist Light"


Falun Gong thus evolved from to " " (great law) wherein,as explained by Li Hongzhi in his preface to : "The BuddhaFa is most profound; among all the theories in the world, it is the mostintricate and extraordinary science...The Buddha Fa enables humankindto understand the immeasurable and boundless world. Throughout theages, only the Buddha Fa has been able to perfectly provide a clear expo-sition of humanity, every dimension of material existence, life, and theentire universe."

After publication of his book Li Hongzhi stopped teaching qigong andgiving mass personal healings. He focused his energies instead on lecturetours, which enabled him to expound his theory to a wider audience. LiHongzhi thus elevated Falun Gong's purpose from within the temporalsphere of physical health to a means of escape from earthly woes to eter-nal life on another plane thereafter 要 as a Buddha, Dao or God. LiHongzhi guaranteed Falun Gong practitioners immortality in 10 years.Shortly before the 2002 "deadline," however, he informed his followersthat enlightenment was still a decade away.

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Li Hongzhi illegally published 21 books in the vein which"give guidance to practitioners in their cultivation of vital energy" prior toJuly 1999, when the Chinese government banned Falun Gong. The bulkof Li Hongzhi's adherents bought all 21 of his books, along with their mea-gerly revised editions. The Falun Gong merchandising business also con-tinued to flourish on sales of Li Hongzhi photos and cushions.

Police investigated, from 1992 to the end of 1999, the illegal publica-tion under the name of Falun Dafa Research Society of 10.57 millionFalun Gong books, 5 million of the organization's audio and video prod-ucts and 1.29 million pictures. Sales of Falun Gong merchandise werefound to have grossed RMB 1.61 billion and generated illegal profits ofmore than RMB 41 million.

Craig S. Smith's article(Wall Street Journal, November 1, 1999) discloses Li Hongzhi's

purchase, for several hundred thousand dollars, of a home in New Jersey,near Princeton University, within one year of arrival in the US. Also that LiHongzhi earned $10,000 or more in one lecture during his tour of 1994.

It was at this point, however, that potential profits began being super-seded by grave events.

The main causes of death were:

※ Huang Haoxiang, a retired worker from Shanghai and hyperten-sion sufferer, refused to see a doctor or take medicine after May 1998,when he took up Falun Gong. It was untreated hypertension that led toHuang's death, from a cerebral hemorrhage, in June 1999.

This obdurate refusal to seek medical advice originated in LiHongzhi's contention that: "Taking medicine while practicing Falun Gong

① CCTV, (May 31, 2001)

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indicates a lack of faith in Falun Gong's power to cure illness. If you trulybelieve, why take medicine?"

※ In January 1998, Wang Chengxiang, a 66-year-old retired workerfrom Heilongjiang province, jumped six floors to his death in the belief thathe would fly straight to heaven.

Li Hongzhi once said: "If you can let go of life and death, you're aGod; if you can't let go of life and death, you're a human."

※ In February 1998, Falun Gong practitioner Wu Deqiao from Wu-jiang city , Jiangsu province stabbed his wife to death, utterly convincedshe had become a demon when she criticized his obsession with the cult.

Li Hongzhi said: "You cannot practice when distracted by devils," and"the wretched demons just deserve to be killed."

Beijing TV aired a report on May 24, 1998 on the severe psychopath-ic disorders suffered by Falun Gong practitioners. It prompted a furioussiege on the TV station by thousands of Falun Gong practitioners.

Shortly after, Li Hongzhi published his tract, , inwhich he called on Falun Gong practitioners to emulate their fellows inBeijing.

Falun Gong, at Li Hongzhi's command, gathered together the morethan 300 adherents that surrounded and attacked Party and governmentalorganizations, and other public institutions, notably thePress Office. These acts seriously threatened social stability and legal or-der.

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Ten thousand Falun Gong followers illegally demonstrate on April 25, 1999,

surrounding the Chinese central government compound of Zhongnanhai.

Falun Gong adherents besiege the Henan Provincial Government office building in

mid-July 1999.

Falun Gong followers lay siege to the Hubei Provincial Government office buildings

in 1999, at a crucial point in the province's flood relief measures.

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The July 22 demonstration outside the Guizhou Provincial Government office

building in 1999.

The Chinese government later made successful use of the mass me-dia to convince two million or more followers to give up Falun Gong. Thiswas achieved through portrayals of the early history of Li Hongzhi andFalun Gong, and reports on the deaths of 1,400 or more devotees. Thecampaign also included insider accounts of the organization by those whohad managed to escape its clutches, as well as warnings from experts. LiHongzhi's core members in China, namely, Li Chang, Wang Zhiwen andJi Liewu, meanwhile, were sued and convicted for causing mass deathsby their violation of China's laws prohibiting cults.

On January 23, 2001, seven Falun Gong practitioners, five of themwomen including a 12-year-old girl, set fire to themselves on Tian'anmenSquare. One woman died on the spot. A month later, her 12-year-olddaughter also died from her horrific burns. Li Hongzhi had shortly beforethis act warned practitioners that time was tight, and that they shouldrapidly cast aside the temporal world and "towards the final Consumma-tion."

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On June 23, 2002, the Sino I satellite transmitter of scores of TVchannels was attacked by Falun Gong signals from Taiwan province. Thisonslaught on civil satellites that included Sino I, Asia Pacific Sat VI andAsia 3S, when 252 attacks occurred over a period of 160 hours, lasteduntil August 7, 2007.

The Chinese American man who attempted to destroy a communica-tion cable in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province claimed in court that his activi-ties could not be deemed as violations of law as long as they successfullydisseminated "Dafa."

Li Hongzhi said at the: "Dafa disciples should now focus on just three

things: clarifying the facts; sending out righteous thoughts...; the third iscultivating yourselves and studying the Fa well."

"Clarifying the facts" encompasses "discovering" and "circulating" thefacts. One instance of the latter took the form of an article in the FalunGong paper, Epoch Times, in March 2006. It told of a concentration camp

Young, pretty Chen Guo, student

at the Central Conservatory of Music,

before her self-immolation

And after

Burns covered 80 percent of Chen Guo's body

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in Shenyang, Northeastern China where the article alleged, more than6,000 Falun Gong practitioners were held. After periodically harvestingtheir vital organs for commercial purposes, a full two thirds were regularlycremated there. Local media, however, proved this story to be an un-founded. The findings of an investigative report by the US embassy in Bei-jing and consulate in Shenyang, published by the US Department of Statealso refuted the existence of any such camp. This is an example of theessential Falun Gong concept of "speaking the truth," whereby hearsayevidence of large scale persecution of Falun Gong members is dissemi-nated in China in order to win sympathy.

The rumor about the Sujiatun crematory was eventually quashed. Butthe organization continued to fabricate similarly damning stories. A subse-quent article spoke of cases in other areas of China of "live harvesting oforgans from Falun Gong practitioners." Two Canadians, David Kilgour andDavid Matas, who had never been to China, published on July 6, 2006 aterrifying "Case Study Report" on the harvesting and sale of vital organs.But in January 2007 the pair stated in an amended "Report" that the evi-

The Sujiatun Thrombosis Treatment

Center of Integrated Chinese and Western

Medicine in Liaoning province.

The so-called crematory mentioned

by Falun Gong media.

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Chapter 1 Falun Gong and its Origins

dence upon which that of July 6, 2006 had been based was little morethan speculation. Also that it was unclear and riddled with inconsistencies,to the extent that it failed to support the allegation.

This is a further example of the Falun Gong concept of "clarifying thefacts," whereby the organization fabricates and spreads tales of unspeak-able persecution suffered by followers of Falun Gong in China.

"Sending forth righteous thoughts" is a kind of curse, whose use isstrictly defined by Li Hongzhi. In practice, it is the constant public voicingof condemnation of any organization or individual that criticizes the organi-zation. Li Hongzhi has also been known to circulate grim accounts of thedeaths of Falun Gong criticizers consequential to "sending forth righteousthoughts" or of answering for what they have done to Falun Gong.

Foremost to those who still believe in Falun Gong, however, is theirstudy and sustained wholehearted belief and trust in the organization, aswell as wholesale rejection of negative media reports that inhibit the "prac-tice of no other manner of cultivation" as defined by Li Hongzhi. FalunGong devotees genuinely believe that straying from the organization'sstricture means ruination along with the rest of humankind. Minghui net,the main channel of communication for Falun Gong in China, does nothave much new content in its website, the most updated news is that thepromised time for Consummation will be postponed for another ten years.

An unimaginable change has occurred out of China in Falun Gongtaboos. Believers now feature largely in cultural events such as art exhibi-tions, choral and dance concerts, as well as in movies and on TV. Allthese cultural pursuits, however, fuse into the ultimate intention of gener-ating a more positive, mainstream "Dafa" PR image. Falun Gong's NewTang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) has since 2004 constituted the main culturalmedium through which to disseminate Dafa, not least by means of its an-nual New Year spectacular.

The Falun Gong-organized "human rights torch relay," signifying dis-approval of the Beijing Olympic Games, occurred in August 2007. Theevent, and its complete absence of foreign state government support, was

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barely mentioned in the western mainstream media. Another example ofattempted Falun Gong-style veto is that of the New Year 119th Rose FloatParade of 2008, sponsored by the US city of Pasadena. On this occasionFalun Gong tried every means possible to ban the float celebrating the2008 Beijing Olympic Games, but the American sponsors were immov-able.

That Falun Gong is intent upon keeping tabs on its government, NGOand individual critics until it amasses evidence enough to cause trouble isevident in the Falun Gong claim on March 5, 2008; that it was investigat-ing Chairman of the IOC Jacques Rogge with a view to prosecution. Hewould thus be punished for his instrumental role in the Beijing OlympicGames, and avowed opposition to politicizing them.

The original intention of qigong was to synchronize mental and physi-cal activity through breath control, thereby maintaining a healthy physiqueand high spirits.

Originally a master-disciple discipline enacted in small groups, thesnowballing popularity of qigong among the broad masses during the late1980s and early 1990s culminated in establishment of a special qigong re-search organization. Members of the organization made profits by teach-ing qigong, and some even broke away from the qigong mainstream toform their own schools to reduce the number of their competitors. Leadersof these "splinter" schools often assumed mystical, guru-style personas,claiming the power to heal diseases as serious as cancer without eventouching a victim. These spiritual healing powers were demonstrated, fora hefty fee, at various mass rallies. Qigong training courses, which mainlycomprised school leaders sending out healing, spiritually reviving qi to themultitude of disciples in attendance, were another money spinner.

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Chapter 2 Conflicts between Falun Gong

Teachings and Western Moral & Ethic Principles

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US Whittier Daily News reported on December 29, 2007 that Bin Li, alocal Falun Gong practitioner who was asking the Covina City Council topass a resolution condemning the Chinese government's persecution ofher group. Enthusiasm for the resolution faded quickly after CouncilmanWalter Allen quoted passages from the group's founder Li Hongzhi thatcondemned marriage and reproduction between races. After hearingthose ideas, council members hastily voted the resolution down.①

Here is a typical case where the Falun Gong experienced a backdrop due to its teachings violating western moral principles.

Falun Gong originated from China and has been spread to manycountries. Its founder Li Hongzhi has made many remarks totally incom-patible with western public moral and ethic principles.

2.1 Remarks of Li Hongzhi on Homosexuality

Below are the statements by Li Hongzhi on homosexuality:"People's moral standards have been perverted, they've gone

through a change...All kinds of other messed-up things have come about,like homosexuality, free love, taking drugs, and all that."②

"When I talked about homosexuality while giving classes in the West,I said, 'These wanton sexual practices in the West have gotten almost asbad as incest.' Someone then brought up that 'homosexuality is legallyprotected by the state.'...I told them [the students in the West], 'To be per-fectly frank, your government may approve of it, but your Lord does not!'Each time mankind has reached this point, it has in fact been in grave

① Whittier Daily News, (December 29, 2007)② Li Hongzhi,

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

danger and out of control. Now that it has become what it has, if it goesfurther, what will it be like next?"①

"Repulsive homosexual behavior meanwhile bespeaks of a filthy, de-viant state of mind that lacks rationality."②

"If you look at today's society you can see that drug use, drug traffick-ing, drug making, sex changes, homosexuality, sexual freedom, organizedcrime, etc., emerge in an endless stream."③

"Sexual freedom, which has mixed the human races and muddled hu-man ethics, is absolutely forbidden by gods...You are committing a sin ifyou have sexual activity with someone who isn't your husband or yourwife...organized crime, homosexuality, and the worship of violence whatwe've mentioned are only phenomena."④

Here below is a verbatim record of Li's replies to his followers' ques-tions when he held a Fa-teaching conference in Europe (Frankfort) onMay 30 to 31, 1998.

Can homosexuals who don't give up their behavior...?You mean, "Can he cultivate if he doesn't give up his part-

ner in this behavior?"I can tell you that I mentioned something yesterday: I said that gods

no longer regard people as human. Even though you're still upholding reli-gions, Jesus no longer looks after you. He didn't acknowledge religion inthe first place 要 he only acknowledged human hearts that could becomegood again. Why doesn't he look after people anymore? Because peoplenowadays can't be called human. That's truly how it is. Never in historyhas society been in as big a mess as today. Yesterday I mentioned thingslike organized crime, drug addiction, perversion, sexual liberation, promis-cuity, incest, and the shift in human values, as well as homosexuality...Think about it, everyone: Humans are created by gods. A man is given a

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, (April 6, 1997)④ Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)

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wife. That was stipulated by gods. People now want to find a partner ofthe same sex. Gods think that people do that because they no longerhave human values. You are wantonly indulging your thoughts. Yourthoughts, like the ones I just mentioned, are not actually you. The mentali-ty that makes you homosexual was driven by postnatally-formed badthings. But you yourself were numbed by them and went along with themand wallowed in the mud. You need to find yourself again and stop doingthose filthy things. Gods view them as filthy. No matter whether a govern-ment permits it, the law of your government is not the truth of the uni-verse. That's because the law of a government is made by humans, andwhen humans make laws, they have the intention to rule and punish oth-ers, or they make laws against their conscience in order to protect thingsand gain power or votes. So they are not made with good intentions...Gods would never permit a cultivator to do that kind of thing, nor wouldthey permit everyday people to.

Can homosexuals practice Dafa?Yes, but they have to correct this bad behavior, live nobly

and upright like a human being, find themselves, and break out of thatdark state of mind.

Here below is a verbatim record of Li's replies to his followers' ques-tions when he held a Fa-teaching conference in Swiss (Geneva) onSeptember 4 to 5, 1998.①

Why is homosexuality considered immoral?Think about it, everyone: Is homosexuality human behav-

ior? Heaven created man and woman. What was the purpose? To procre-ate future generations. A man being with a man, or a woman with a wom-an 要 it doesn't take much thought to know whether that's right or wrong.When minor things are done incorrectly, a person is said to be wrong.When major things are done incorrectly, it's a case of people no longerhaving the moral code of human beings, and then they are unworthy ofbeing human.

① Li Hongzhi, (September 4 to 5, 1998)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Why is it that homosexuals are considered bad people?Let me tell you, if I weren't teaching this Fa today, gods' first

target of annihilation would be homosexuals. It's not me who would de-stroy them, but gods. You know that homosexuals have found legitimacyin that homosexuality was around back in the culture of ancient Greece.Yes, there was a similar phenomenon in ancient Greek culture. And doyou know why ancient Greek culture is no more? Why are the ancientGreeks gone? Because they had degenerated to that extent, and so theywere destroyed.

When gods created man they prescribed standards for human be-havior and living. When human beings overstep those boundaries, theyare no longer called human beings, though they still assume the outer ap-pearance of a human. So gods can't tolerate their existence and will de-stroy them. Do you know why wars, epidemics, and natural andman-made disasters happen in this world? They're precisely because hu-man beings have karma, and those events exist to remove it. No matterhow wonderful a time period may be in the future, there will still be wars,epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters on earth. They are a wayof eliminating karma for people. Some people who have sinned can havetheir karma eliminated through the death of the physical body and suffer-ing, and then they'll be free of that karma when they reincarnate. Theirlives don't really die and they reincarnate again. But the karma that somepeople have accrued is too much, in which case the fundamental ele-ments of their existence will be implicated and destroyed. Homosexualsnot only violate the standards that gods set for mankind, but also damagehuman society's moral code. In particular, the impression it gives childrenwill turn future societies into something demonic. That's the issue. Thatkind of destruction, however, isn't just about disappearing after they're an-nihilated. That person is annihilated layer after layer at a rate that seemspretty rapid to us, but in fact it's extremely slow in that time field. Over andover again, one is annihilated in an extremely painful way. It's terriblyfrightening. A person should live in an upright manner, living honorably like

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a human being. He shouldn't indulge his demon-nature and do whateverhe likes.

2.2 Li Hongzhi's Racial Discrimination Remarks

The word "mix-blood" refers to a person who was born by a couplecoming from two different races. As the world is being globalized rapidly,the earth has evolved into a small village where the social intercourse isno longer constrained to a single region. This creates more opportunitiesfor cross-race marriages and consequently there is a growing number ofmixblood. The mixbloods have already developed into a social force thatcould influence political, cultural and social development in today's world.

Li Hongzhi holds that the offspring of cross-race marriage or the "hy-brid" is a rootless and aberrant race which marks the extreme moralitycorruption of human beings in the world today. He says the half-breed"mongrel" is a plot of aliens. He further explains that the half-breed is aplot of aliens aiming at sabotaging the link between human being and par-adise. "The aliens mix up different human races and keep them awayfrom gods," Li said in Switzerland. He also enumerated 10 kinds of "evils":the half-breed, gays and lesbians, computer users, tradition disrupters,democracy adherents as well as "science worshipers," etc.

Below are statements by Li Hongzhi on the mixblood at differenttimes, exposing his obvious racial discrimination tendency.

"As far as humans go, people of mixed race no longer have corre-sponding human races in heaven. If they're cultivators, their outward ap-pearances are no longer important and it all depends on the person's Pri-mordial Spirit ( ). If his Primordial Spirit is of the white race, he'swhite; if his Primordial Spirit is of the yellow race, he's yellow; if his Pri-

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mordial Spirit is of the black race, he's black. It's a different matter if hepractices cultivation."①

"In the reincarnation process it is the main soul that reincarnates,whereas what has mixed blood is the flesh body. Different gods createdtheir own different peoples, and in history those gods have all along beentaking care of the people they themselves created. White people are whitepeople, black people are black people, and people of the yellow race arepeople of the yellow race. Any ethnicity in the world is a race that corre-sponds with the heavens. After mixing blood people no longer have theircorrespondence to the gods in the heavens. And then it is possible thatnone of the gods that created humans will take care of them. Then withregard to these people, they are very pitiable. Some people might be won-dering what to do, then. I'll tell you, don't be anxious. I am talking aboutthe situation at the human being's surface. Since humans' main soulshaven't mixed, if people want to cultivate I can enable you to cultivate. Ifyou can cultivate to the last step you can Consummate all the same, andthere won't be any distinction. Cultivation won't be an issue."②

"After races are mixed up, you will find one's child born to be an infantof mixed blood. However, there is a partition in the middle of this child'slife. If it is separated, he will be physically and intellectually incomplete ora person with an incomplete body. Modern science also knows that it isgetting worse one generation after another. It would be like this. Ofcourse, if such a person wants to practice cultivation, I can help, and I cantake care of it. It cannot be done to a non-practitioner."③

"All interracial children were born in the Dharma-ending period④. Peo-ple are not to be blamed for it, because everyone is drifting in the tide, andnobody knows the truth. This is the way they have come through. If youwant to practice cultivation, I can help. As for which paradise you will go

① Li Hongzhi, (March 22, 1997)② Li Hongzhi, (October 12, 1996)③ Li Hongzhi, (1996)④ Notes: the declining period

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to, we will need to look at your situation. I will assimilate more of whichev-er portion that is better preserved. Anyway, you should concentrate onyour cultivation and should not concern yourself with these things. Thereis nothing to be afraid of now that you have attained the Fa. I did not men-tion such things when I was teaching the Fa in the past. However, such amatter will be told to man sooner or later."①

" (Alien beings) want to steal it. They saturate all domains of hu-mankind with science to make human beings firmly believe in science andrely on it. When human beings' thoughts and way of existence are com-pletely assimilated to theirs, they just have to replace people's souls andhumans will become them, and they will eventually replace the humanrace...this science was set up by aliens. Their purpose was to unify hu-man beings and simplify their thoughts to the point of being as uniform asmachines. And they unified knowledge to make it easy for them to later oncontrol and replace human beings. Furthermore, they've chosen a few na-tionalities as the vanguards of their future, total control of humankind.Japan is the vanguard that drives technology. The United States is thevanguard in breaking away from all ancient cultures on earth. The culturesof even the most ancient and closed-off nations haven't been able to es-cape. The whole world is being impacted by America's modern culture.England was the vanguard in the manufacture of machinery during theearly stages, and Spain was the vanguard for mixing the human races.The way alien beings get human beings to shake free of the gods is to mixthe races, causing human beings to become rootless people, just like theplant hybrids people make nowadays. South Americans, Central Ameri-cans, Mexicans and some people in South East Asia要 all of these raceshave been mixed. None of this can evade the gods' eyes. Alien beingshave made rather extensive preparations for overtaking human beings."②

"At present, the cultures of humankind are in a muddle 要 they aremessy combinations of all sorts, and human races are becoming more

① Li Hongzhi, (1996)② Li Hongzhi, (September 4 to 5, 1998)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

and more mixed. These have indeed driven humankind to slide to a verydangerous stage 要 this is certain. As I said, catastrophes happen be-cause humankind is depraved."①

2.3 Li Hongzhi's Idea on Aliens

Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong says that the future of humanbeing is dark as the aliens from other planets will, by means of introducingmodern sciences and technologies to human being, control human beingand then eventually replace human being.

Below are several dialogues between Li and a US Time Magazine re-porter when Li was interviewed in May, 1999.②

Why does chaos reign now?Of course there is not just one reason. The biggest cause of soci-

ety's change today is that people no longer believe in orthodox religion.They go to church, but they no longer believe in God. They feel free to doanything. The second reason is that since the beginning of this century,aliens have begun to invade the human mind and its ideology and culture.

Where do they come from?The aliens come from other planets. The names that I use for

these planets are different. Some are from dimensions that human beingshave not yet discovered. The key is how they have corrupted mankind.Everyone knows that from the beginning until now, there has never been adevelopment of culture like today. Although it has been several thousandyears, it has never been like now. The aliens have introduced modern ma-chinery like computers and airplanes. They started by teaching mankindabout modern science, so people believe more and more science, andspiritually, they are controlled. Everyone thinks that scientists invent ontheir own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. Interms of culture and spirit, they already control man. Mankind cannot live

① Li Hongzhi, (March 29 to 30, 1998)② Time Magazine, http://www.time.com/time/asia/asia/magazine/1999/990510/interview1.html

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without science. The ultimate purpose is to replace humans. If cloning hu-man beings succeeds, the aliens can officially replace humans. Why doesa corpse lie dead, even though it is the same as a living body? The differ-ence is the soul, which is the life of the body. If people reproduce a humanperson, the gods in heaven will not give its body a human soul. The alienswill take that opportunity to replace the human soul and by doing so theywill enter earth and become earthlings. When such people grow up, theywill help replace humans with aliens. They will produce more and moreclones. There will no longer be humans reproduced by humans. They willact like humans, but they will introduce legislation to stop human repro-duction.

Are you a human being?You can think of me as a human being.

Are you from earth?I don't wish to talk about myself at a higher level. People wouldn't

understand it.What are the aliens after?

The aliens use many methods to keep people from freeing them-selves from manipulation. They make earthlings have wars and conflicts,and develop weapons using science, which makes mankind more depen-dent on advanced science and technology. In this way, the aliens will beable to introduce their stuff and make the preparations for replacing hu-man beings. The military industry leads other industries such as comput-ers and electronics.

But what is the alien purpose?The human body is the most perfect in the universe. It is the most

perfect form. The aliens want the human body.What do aliens look like?

Some look similar to human beings. U.S. technology has alreadydetected some aliens. The difference between aliens can be quite enor-mous.

Can you describe it?

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You don't want to have that kind of thought in your mind.Describe them anyway.

One type looks like a human, but has a nose that is made of bone.Others look like ghosts. At first they thought that I was trying to help them.Now they know that I am sweeping them away.

How do you see the future?Future human society is quite terrifying. If aliens are not to replace

human beings, society will destroy itself on its own. Industry is creating in-visible air pollution. The micro-particles in the air harm human beings. Theabnormality in the climate today is caused by that [pollution], and it cannotbe remedied by humans alone. The drinking water is polluted. No matterhow we try to purify it, it cannot return to its original purity. Modern sciencecannot determine the extent of the damage. The food we eat is the prod-uct of fertilized soil. The meat we eat is affected. I can foresee a futurewhen human limbs become deformed, the body's joints won't move andinternal organs will become dysfunctional. Modern science hasn't realizedthis yet. At the beginning you asked why I did such things. I only tell practi-tioners, but not the public because they cannot comprehend it. I am tryingto save those people who can return to a high level and to a high morallevel. Modern science does not understand this, so governments can donothing. The only person in the entire world who knows this is myselfalone. I am not against the public knowing, but I am teaching practitioners.Even though the public knows, it cannot do anything about it. People can'tfree themselves from science and from their concepts. I am not againstscience. I am only telling mankind the truth. I drive a car. I also live in theenvironment. Don't believe that I am against science. But I know thatmodern science is destroying mankind. Aliens have already constructed alayer of cells in human beings. The development of computers dictatesthis layer of body cells to control human culture and spirituality and in theend to replace human beings.

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2.4 How Does Li Hongzhi Treat the Disabled

The disabled is a weak social group which need special care fromfamilies, communities as well as government. And the welfare of the dis-abled reflects the degree of social civilization.

"Spurred on by hordes of demons, they stop at no evil. Moral valuesand standards are sliding downward as fast as could be...Men sport longhair while women cut theirs short 要 a reflection of women bull and menbear, an inversion of women and men. Works of art are devoid of moralnorms and seek to liberate human nature, making for one giant showingof the demonic...And as for music, you see that 'disco' and 'rock-and-roll'stuff, with people climbing onstage in elegant halls and blaring that noise.With a little hype from radio and television, blind or handicapped singerswith hoarse voices and those with repulsive looks become stars."①

"Why do people suffer? While living in this world people create kar-ma. Some people's karma is great, some people's is small. Some peoplewill be in pain before they die. With suffering they can pay off much of thekarma created in one lifetime, and in the next life they will lead a good life."If "they don't want to be in pain, they don't want to pay it off. Thus whenthey are born into their next lives they may come with sick bodies, or evenbe handicapped or have a short life."②

① Li Hongzhi,

② Li Hongzhi, (October 12, 1996)

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Li Hongzhi prevents his disciples from caring the disabled or partici-pating in activities intended for the well-being of the disabled.

In 1997, Mr. Li taught Fa in Zhengzhou of Henan province, one fol-lower asked him, "How should we take care of the disabled?" He an-swered definitely, "Why are you asking me about things of ordinary peo-ple? Would you also ask me how to take care of your parents, or how tolook after your kids? These are all things of ordinary people. I'm teachingthe Fa and things of cultivating to high levels. That said, if disabled peoplehave it too easy, then they can't repay karma. In the next life they mightbe disabled again."①

Another disciple asked in 2003, "There is this lady in New Jersey whocame from Mainland China. All four of her limbs were amputated threeyears ago due to a bacterial infection. But her mind is still sharp. A Dafadisciple lives downhill from her house. How should this Dafa disciple helpher?"

Mr. Li answered, "Dafa disciples, the most important thing that youneed to do today is to clarify the facts and save sentient beings. Youshould find out if she's been poisoned or not, and if she has you should goand talk to her. If she hasn't been poisoned, then you should go do what-ever you're supposed to do. The government does provide care for handi-capped people, after all, so you shouldn't think about it too much. If you'retoo attached to these things, then I can tell you, you can forget about culti-vation."②

2.5 How Does Li Hongzhi Treat War

and Natural Disaster

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (February 15, 2003)

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"What happened to the temperament of the three million (Editor'snote: the number should be 300,000) Chinese people who died in the ex-tremely cruel Nanjing massacre? You ask me? Do you know what hap-pened? Let me tell you, but some people just don't believe what I havesaid. Three million people (Editor's note: the number should be 300,000)don't count anything. Just consider how many people died of the twoatomic bombs? How many people died of war in the history? How manydied in World War Ⅱ ? How many were slaughtered by Hitler? To tell youthe true, I can say in a word that all these were brought about by thechange of celestial phenomena, by celestial phenomena change of theentire universe.'' ①

"When mankind reaches a certain point in time, its karma is enor-mous, and it is beyond redemption. Enormous karma such as that issomething man can never pay off. He accumulates, over the course ofmany lifetimes, karma so massive that it is impossible to pay off, and thusthese people are destined to be destroyed. What is meant by 'be de-stroyed'? Small disasters take place and destroy people. War is the mostexpedient way, and that's why history is what it is."②

"Do you know why wars, epidemics, and natural and man-made dis-asters happen in this world? They're precisely because human beingshave karma, and those events exist to remove it. No matter how wonder-ful a time period may be in the future, there will still be wars, epidemics,and natural and man-made disasters on earth. They are a way of eliminat-ing karma for people."③

① Edited according to the recorded materials on Li Hongzhi teaching the Fa② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, (September 4 to 5, 1998)

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"Due to karma resulting from past wrongdoing, one has illnesses ortribulations...We human beings have developed to this extent today, andalmost everyone has karma built upon karma 要 everyone's body has apretty big amount of karma...If human beings don't do something about it,Heaven will. When mankind has met with catastrophe it's always been un-der this kind of circumstance."①

"The universe has a law. What's it called? It's called 'no loss, no gain.'To gain, one has to lose. So if you want to eliminate karma for man, peo-ple will have to bear the karma. If you don't help them pay off their karmathey will accumulate more and more of it. If the karma becomes enor-mous, it's called 'evil beyond forgiveness.' Annihilation is what comes afterthe state of evil beyond forgiveness is reached. The person's existencewill be annihilated and not allowed to continue要 it will be completely anni-hilated...What happens when people on a large scale have accumulatedkarma? Earthquakes, fires, floods, and even plagues and wars."②

"I can tell you, all of the natural and man-made disasters that havebeen happening in Mainland China are already warnings for the sins thebeings there have committed against Dafa. If they don't come to realize it,then the real catastrophe(s) will begin. All the evil people who have sinnedagainst Dafa, specifically those who are no longer useful in the evilso-called 'test' of Dafa disciples, have already begun to meet with retribu-tion for their evil. From now on this will happen on a large scale."③

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)③ Li Hongzhi, (June 23, 2001)

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2.6 How Does Li Hongzhi Treat Charities

The cause of charity is centered on Help, Give and Love values,therefore constitutes an important element of human civilization. Thecharitarians give a hand to people in trouble and give help to people inneed and release aids to people in expectation. Their love and good actpromote the humanism, help shape a good social climate of mutual re-spect, mutual love and help-each-other, and help lift the social moralitylevel.

In February, 2005, Falun Gong held an international conference inthe Western U.S.. When talking about the massive tsunami just happenedin the Indian Ocean, he said, "Problems arise when mankind's karmareaches an enormous amount...When people grow bad they just weedthem out. The tsunami's occurrence at this time was a warning to people要 three hundred thousand people were gone within a matter of seconds.Back when the big Tangshan Earthquake struck China, didn't hundreds ofthousands perish in a flash?"①

"Birth, old age, illness, and death exist as such for ordinary people.Due to karma resulting from past wrongdoing, one has illnesses or tribula-tions; suffering is repaying a karmic debt, and thus nobody can casuallychange this. Changing it means that one would not have to repay the debtafter being in debt, and this cannot be done at will. Doing otherwise is thesame as committing a bad deed."②

"In reality, what human society takes to be truths are, from the per-

① Li Hongzhi, (February 26,2005)

② Li Hongzhi,

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spective of the cosmos, inversions of truth; when humans go throughhardship and suffer it is so that they may pay off karma and thereby havehappiness in the future...Going through hardship and suffering is an out-standing opportunity to remove karma, be cleansed of sin, purify the body,elevate your plane of thought, and rise in level 要 it's an extraordinarilygood thing."①

"After a certain time passes a large catastrophe occurs, and aftersome time a small catastrophe takes place. In a small catastrophe peopleare wiped out on a local scale; when a certain area has turned very bad itis destroyed. There are earthquakes, the submerging of continentalplates, the spreading of sandstorms, or famines and wars. A small catas-trophe is localized, while a large catastrophe affects most all of mankind.A large catastrophe occurs only after the passage of many years. Theshifts that take place on Earth, like the movement of objects, follow certainpatterns."②

"As far as earthquake is concerned, it was, like Middle East War,9.11 Event and tsunami, arranged by the old forces. We come to under-stand, from the frequently occurring disasters in recent years, that thesearrangements by the old forces are, on one hand, to destruct the peopleand region of great evil, and on the other hand, more importantly to testhow much human nature remains in the Falun Gong followers, whetherthey have been interfered and if they are up to the so-called criterion. Aslong as we learn more Falun Gong teachings and see through what have

① Li Hongzhi, (October 8, 2005)② Li Hongzhi,

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happened with the Law-guiding eyes, we will understand everything andkeep pace with the correcting progress,"① said in an article

on May 29, 2008 published on Minghui which alwaysguides Falun Gong members how to practice.

Once a follower asked, "It shouldn't be a problem for someone whocultivates Falun Dafa to donate blood, should it?" Mr. Li answered, "Ofcourse, we aren't saying that you cannot donate blood. But after all, yourblood is just too precious to be injected into other people. However, itseems that these things seldom happen to our Falun Dafa students anddisciples. I can't be absolute on the matter."②

① Minghui, http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/5/29/179334.html② Li Hongzhi,

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3.1 Is Falun Gong a Religion?

Falun Gong was defined as a cult and banned by Chinese govern-ment, for it's what the international community calls "extreme cult" and"destructive cult" or the cult. Because the activities of Falun Gong are ex-treme and destructive, it no longer falls into the category of belief and itfollowers should be punished for breaking the law and for committingcrimes. Chinese legislature has made clear legal definition on cult, whichserves as strict and solid legal foundation for the government to handle allthe issues concerning Falun Gong.

Some question its nature of cult and their questioning is based on theassumption that Falun Gong is a religion. In

, the US government always mentions Falun Gongas a "religious group" and criticizes Chinese government for categorizing itas a cult.

As for the relationship between Falun Gong and religion, the leader ofFalun Gong, the religious community, the political community and the aca-demic community have different opinions.

3.2 Li Hongzhi's View on Religion

"Falun Dafa is not a religion, but future generations will regard it asone. It is taught to human beings for the purpose of cultivation practice,rather than to establish a religion."①

"Religions have religious forms, while what we're transmitting here is

① Li Hongzhi, (September 7, 1996)

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the cultivation part of our discipline. We don't worry about religious formsunless you're a specialized Falun Dafa disciple. So anyway, we're not partof Buddhism in the Age of the Law's End."①

"The Law in Buddhism is only a small part of the Buddha Law. Thereare a lot of other profound Great Law practices, and every level has a dif-ferent Law...Our Falun Dafa is also one of the 84,000 disciplines, but it'snever been related to Buddhism, from the original Buddhism right on up tothe one in the Age of the Law's End. And it doesn't have anything to dowith today's religions."②

"As to religions, I have talked about this subject many times. I don'tobject to your practicing any religion. Ours is not an institutional religion,so don't regard us as such."③

The following are remarks made by Li Hongzhi in several interviewswith journalists from May to July, 1999.④

The first thing I would like to say is that Falun Gong is nota religion. They (the practitioners) are all ordinary people in the society,they have jobs or businesses, and some of them are students. The onlydifference is that they do their morning exercises in the way the FalunGong teaches. They work as usual as others. The practitioners neitherhave any administration office, nor need to pay. In this sense, they are notorganized. They do Falun Gong practice totally out of their own will. So wecan say it just is a mass practice.

You know the Christianity also teaches people to be goodpeople and so does the communist party. Now please tell me, how differ-ent is Falun Gong?

Christianity is a religion, but we are common people whogo to work after practicing Falun Gong in the morning.

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, (May 23, 1999)④ Hardkingdom.com,

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They (the practitioners) do not have a temple; they do not have anyoffice. They phone each other at home if having something to discuss,that's it. So how could they get involved in any religion? They do not havetenet, they do not have any creeds, do they? Sakyamuni Buddha intro-duced over one hundred commandments which his followers have toabide by. To stay at my temple, you have to obey my rules. But the FalunGong practitioners do not have any rules to abide by. They do not haveany religious ritual to follow, do they? Talking about rituals, we all knowthat the Buddhist ritual stipulate how to worship Buddha, how to do otherthings. But we do not have any ritual to follow. So how could we get in-volved in any religion? I just give people one book to read, and now theyare all reading it; I also teach people some practicing acts, and they are alltrying to do them well. Actually, only in the morning do our people gathertogether practicing Falun Gong. They all go to work after practice. So howcould we get involved in any religion? We absolutely have nothing to dowith religion.

I have read your book . You claim in a para-graph that at present, you are the only one who is preaching the uprightFofa. You mean to say that your doctrines are much better than that inother religions, don't you?

To say so, I mean we are not a religious group. And that'swhat I want to clarify at the beginning.

Actually, Falun Gong is just a practice of a mass charac-ter.

When I show this (Falun Gong) to and pass it on to morepeople, it has no difference with such things as the common Qigong, theTai Chi and the morning exercise popular in the Western countries. Peo-ple do morning exercise of Falun Gong for one or half an hour, and thengo to work. They are all ordinary members in the society, not organized as

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a religion.①

"Every Falun Gong practitioner is a member of society, and each hashis own job or career. It's only that they go to the park to do Falun Gongexercises for half an hour or an hour every morning, and then they go towork. We don't have various provisions that people have to follow, as reli-gions do, nor do we have any temples, churches, or religious rituals. Peo-ple can come to learn or leave as they please, and we have no member-ship rosters. How is it a religion?"②

"Falun Gong is nothing more than a mass practice. It is not an orga-nized activity."③

"No matter how large the cosmos is, it's still not as large as I am."④

"(Perhaps) when the cosmos is no more, only I am there."⑤

"No matter how big the Dafa is, I am not in it. But your lives are allwithin its range."⑥

"The moment I would say to a dimension that something be formed, itwould immediately take form. And any object could be created at themere thought of it要 trace a finger in the air and it would form."⑦

"Buddha Amitabha had two million Fashen. There are so many of myFashen that they cannot be calculated by numbers, and they are numer-ous."⑧

"Whether we're talking about inside China or abroad, I'm the only one

① Hardkingdom.com,② Li Hongzhi, (June 2, 1999)③ Li Hongzhi, (July 22, 1999)④ Li Hongzhi, (March, 2002)⑤ Li Hongzhi, (March, 2002)⑥ Li Hongzhi, (July 26,

1998)⑦ Li Hongzhi,⑧ Li Hongzhi, (1996)

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① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,④ Li Hongzhi,⑤ Li Hongzhi,⑥ Li Hongzhi, (1996)⑦ Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)

who's really transmitting a practice that takes you to higher levels."①

"Right now I'm the only person in the world who is publicly spreadinga true teaching. I have done something that's never been done by anyonebefore, and I've made this available to everyone during the Age of theLaw's End."②

"Falun Dafa has for the first time throughout the ages provided thenature of the universe 要 the Buddha Fa 要 to human beings; thisamounts to providing them a ladder to ascend to heaven."③

"Right now the dimension where we human beings exist and a lot ofother dimensions are in great danger. And the same goes for other di-mensions at this level. If you practice Falun Gong, you can escape."③

"I've unveiled a mystery of the ages, the secret of secrets that abso-lutely couldn't be told, I've revealed the inside story of all the different culti-vation ways in history...If I can't save you nobody can."⑤

"I have done something nobody did in the past, and I have opened abig door. I have done something even greater. That is, I have made publicall the principles of cultivation practice as well as the elements for com-pleting cultivation. In addition, I have talked about it very systematically.This is why the gods at very high levels have said, 'You have left man aladder to heaven要 .'"⑥

"No religion or cultivation method is able to save you to a place that iseven higher than its own gods. Our Dafa can save all sentient beings.How high a person cultivates is up to the person himself. That's becauseDafa is the Fa of the cosmos and has created living environments for allbeings in the cosmos. It can bring you back to the original position."⑦

"Are you a human being?" asked Mr. Dowell, the reporter of Time

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Magazine during his interview with Li Hongzhi on May 10, 1999. Li replied:"You can think of me as a human being."

"Now the religions that were created in this century, or not just thiscentury, a lot of new religions around the world were created in the pastfew centuries, most of them are fake."①

"The current religions...are no longer capable of saving people...notcultivation...This Fa is immense, but even so, you're still mixing things intoit. Even mixing in low-level things is unacceptable, and doing so will messup the body you cultivate with and everything you've developed by cultivat-ing, and you won't be able to return home. You would be sabotaging yourown path of advancement."②

"Religions can no longer save people today. Many people in themhave become politicians. "③

"In today's human society, no religion can enable people's minds andhumanity's moral standards to re-ascend. Those involved with religionknow this too, yet there is nothing at all they can do about it...At present,none of the upright religions have gods overseeing them anymore, andthe people in those religions are fighting for money, profit, and status."④

"You've seen the effect religion has on society when human moralityis on the wane. Not only can it not save people, but it also corrupts peo-ple's righteous faith."⑤

"I recognize that religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Catholi-cism, also Judaism and some other religions in history were upright. Butin this present historical period where the human mindset is modernized intoday's society, people are no longer able to use their original human na-

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)③ Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)④ Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)⑤ Li Hongzhi, (May 18, 2003)

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ture and ancient mindset to understand those religions...Since you can nolonger understand them, you cannot be saved by them and they don't lookafter you." "I tell you this because I fear that you may be hampered bythose religions, which can't save you."①

"Many of the world's true religions can no longer save people...Origi-nal religions can no longer save people, having entered the Age of Law'sEnd. "②

"Buddhism's Law doesn't cover the entire Buddha Law 要 it's just atiny little part of Buddha Law."③

"Buddhism's teachings are the smallest and weakest part of BuddhaFa."④

"Buddhism cannot represent the entire Buddha Fa...It is the mightyBuddha Fa that creates Buddhas, and not Buddha Sakyamuni that creat-ed the Buddha Fa. Buddha Sakyamuni enlightened to the Buddha Fa, en-lightening up to the level of his Attainment Status...How different is mod-ern Buddhism from Brahmanism in its later period?"⑤

"An alms bowl was used in the past, but now they (the monks) use aninverted bell 要 they go begging with an inverted bell. And they don't at allwant the food you give them要 they want money."⑥

"The Daoist school practices solitary cultivation; the Daoist religionshould not exist."⑦

"It's just that it is completely in the midst of kalpa's end and the Dhar-ma ending period, and people today now understand the doctrines incor-rectly. It's just that I don't see any Asians in Jesus' Heavenly Kingdom.Back in the times of Jesus and Jehovah, they didn't allow their religion tobe spread to the East."⑧

① Li Hongzhi, (March 29, 1998)② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,④ Li Hongzhi,⑤ Li Hongzhi,⑥ Li Hongzhi, (March 23, 1997)⑦ Li Hongzhi,⑧ Li Hongzhi, (January 4, 1995)

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"Christianity takes the cross as the symbol of God, the sign of theheavenly kingdom, and the symbol of Christ. That's the biggest disrespectto gods...The cross is placed on graves, it truly represents death 要 not agod...Christianity has used the image of Jesus suffering on the cross asits symbol. That is something gods cannot tolerate要 they absolutely can'ttolerate it!"①

"In fact, no one knows that even though many people talk about be-lieving in Buddhas or believing in gods, the truth is, if you aren't someonefrom that particular god's world he won't save you whatsoever. I oncemade a statement that whether it's Christianity or Catholicism, in their par-adises there are no Eastern people. This is an absolute truth which mandoesn't understand. Yet Western religions went to the East with the Cru-sades, and the way they spread wasn't good to begin with, since both Je-sus and Yahweh prohibited their disciples from spreading the teachingseastward. It was to prevent the mixing of human races, but they didn't un-derstand this. I once said that Jesus has many venerable images but thatyou don't use them. Yet you do use the image of him being crucified onthe cross as the symbol. Doesn't that make it seem as if people want tohave Jesus crucified on the cross forever?"②

"A Christian's religious practice will be in vain. She's just like an ev-eryday person,...will still reincarnate in the realm of ordinary people."③

"It was the same with religions in the old days. Buddhas didn't recog-nize religions. Religions were names crafted by ordinary people."④

"When spreading Dafa you should no longer mention at all what youlearned previously, you should make a clean break with it...Don't read thebooks of other religions and Qigong."⑤

① Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)② Li Hongzhi, (February 21, 1999)③ Li Hongzhi, (August 22, 1998)④ Li Hongzhi, (August 22, 1998)⑤ Li Hongzhi,

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"A lot of practitioners who learn one practice today, then go and learnsome other one tomorrow, and they turn their own bodies into a big mess,which makes success just impossible."①

"This Fa is immense, but even so, you're still mixing things into it.Even mixing in low-level things is unacceptable, and doing so will mess upthe body you cultivate with and everything you've developed by cultivating,and you won't be able to return home. You would be sabotaging your ownpath of advancement."②

"I tell you this because I fear that you may be hampered by those reli-gions, which can't save you."③

Mr. Li wrote a "lection" titled

in February, 2007. He said, "Among them are so-called 'gods' whocontrol the major religions of man...have not allowed people with religiousaffiliations to come to know Dafa...At present they are doing all they can toprevent religious believers from learning the facts, causing the billions ofpeople with religious affiliations to miss this chance that they have waitedmillennia for, and putting the sentient beings in danger of being weededout; and they have even been directly interfering with Fa-rectification.Thus, if the world's people are to be saved, it has become an absolute ne-cessity for Dafa disciples to completely disintegrate the old forces and allof the meddling, vile deities in the Three Realms that are hampering sen-tient beings' salvation and learning of the facts. No matter what outwardappearance their existence may assume, whether they assume a form ornot, what level they may be, or whose appearance they may take on,completely disintegrate and eliminate them all...especially when it comes

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)③ Li Hongzhi, (March 29, 1998)

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to those meddling gods that control religions and are hostile towardsFa-rectification and Dafa disciples' saving of sentient beings: disintegratethem completely."

Keeping in mind the words by Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong,no one will be surprised at the following occurrence.

In April 2002, Zhuang Shiping and other 53 CPPCC members fromHong Kong submitted a jointly signed statement to the Fifth Meeting ofNinth CPPCC National Conference. The joint statement, titled

, pointed out thatsince Falun Gong is not a religion, it has nothing to do with religious free-dom to disclose and denounce Falun Gong. In China, the cult nature ofFalun Gong has already been understood. Even Li Hongzhi, the founderof Falun Gong admits that Falun Gong is not a religious organization. Itdoesn't agree with facts if one puts Falun Gong as a religion. In fact,Falun Gong has nothing to do with religion. So foreign Falun Gong follow-ers, who think the ban of Falun Gong an interference with religious free-dom, should stop making any wrong comments.

"From now on, when somebody says Falun Gong is a religion, just letit go. If they want to learn more you can tell them how Falun Gong is not areligion; and if they don't want to learn more, you don't need to talk aboutwhether it's a religion. If somebody wants to call it a religion, so be it,since in society the term 'religion' doesn't have any bad connotations...How much ordinary people can understand it...In fact, I told you long agothat ordinary people would call us a religion. I discussed that before whenI was teaching the Fa."①

"Let me mention something while we're on this topic. In the future, ifsomeone asks whether we are a religion, don't offer an explanation, don'ttry to explain that anymore to the average person. Whatever the personthinks we are is up to him. You're clear on this, right?...So in Western so-

① Li Hongzhi, (April 12, 2004)

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ciety, if the average person comments on whether you are a religion, youneedn't reply, and you don't need to take it that seriously. If a government,social organization, administrative department, congressional representa-tive, etc. says that you're a religion, you no longer need to tell them thatwe're not. If legal issues are involved, you can handle things as a religionand go by the related legal provisions. So under these circumstances youcan say it is a religion, especially when it involves legal matters. Are youall clear on this?"①

3.3 Religious Circles Boycott Falun Gong,

Calling It a Cult

Falun Gong first appeared in 1992 under the cover of Buddhism.While taking advantage of Buddhism, Falun Gong distorted and desecrat-ed Buddhism wantonly, and drawn attention and aroused strong indigna-tion in China Buddhist circle.

In 1994, Mr. Chen Xingqiao, a lay Buddhist, deputy secretary-generalof the Buddhist Association in Harbin at that time, went to Harbin IceHockey Gym to listen to Li Hongzhi's Fa teaching. Li Hongzhi claimedFalun Gong to be at the highest level of Buddhism, implying that Li him-self was at a level higher than Sakyamuni, other sages and men of virtue.Yet Mr. Chen found that Li Hongzhi didn't know Buddhism at all. In fact, Lieven made mistakes on the elementary knowledge of Buddhism. Havingread Li Hongzhi's books and studied Falun Gong, Chen Xingqiao wrote anarticle in 1996.Chen pointed out that from the traditional Buddhist point of view, FalunGong was an evil cult, and the book and others were all

① Li Hongzhi, (February 25, 2006)

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books of heresy. In June 1998, a bookwritten by Chen Xingqiao was published. The book pointed out

sharply that Falun Gong was full of fallacies and self-contradictions. LiHongzhi debased and denounced the existing religions and Qigong with-out restraint. Li Hongzhi deliberately exaggerated some limitations of sci-ence and certain crises of modern society just for the purpose of foolingand bewitching people. If we do nothing about Falun Gong, it would surelyendanger our life in four aspects. First it would deter the healthy develop-ment of the science and Qigong. Second it would disturb the solidarity andstability of religion circles of China. Third it would negatively influence Chi-na's reforms and opening-up to outside world and communications withforeign countries. Fourth it would prevent people from having normal workand life.

In 1996, the publication Taizhou Buddhist Monthly sponsored byTaizhou Buddhist Association of Zhejiang province, took the lead in criti-cizing Falun Gong by publishing several authored articles against FalunGong. The authors and titles of these articles are as follows:

Zhijue: ;Liu Jihan:

;Zhang Bingquan:

;Lu Shouzhong: ;Jin Gangjian: ;Wu Xin: ;Wang Wenhui: ;How Did the Falun Fly over on to Lei Feng's Head (written by an au-

thor from Buddhist Academy of the Tianning Temple, Changzhou); etc.①

After 1997, other publications such Shanghai Buddhist Bimonthly andGuangdong Buddhist Bimonthly also published articles criticizing Falun

① Xinhua,(September 12, 2006)

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Gong. The Shanghai Buddhist circle collected articles criticizing FalunGong and introducing positively the Qigong of Buddhism. These articleswere compiled into a book named

which circulated within Buddhist circle.In January 1988, Buddhist Association of China held a seminar con-

cerning Falun Gong. The attendees declared unanimously that FalunGong is not Buddhism, nor is it a religion or real Qigong. Falun Gong is anarrant heresy which is opposite to Buddhism.

On August 1, 1999, Mr. Zhao Puchu, former president of BuddhistAssociation of China, said the Buddhist Association of China had longbeen aware of the cult nature of Falun Gong because Falun Gong had al-ways pirated Buddhist terms and put on masks of Buddhism to deceivesociety and bewitch the people. As far as Buddhism was concerned,Falun Gong was none other but a cult, a kind of devil.

On August 2, 1998, vice-president of Buddhist Association of ChinaJamyang Losangjigme Tubdainqoigyi Nyima said the word "Falun" was aspecial term of Buddhism. Li Hongzhi deceived many people because hehad adopted the special term of Buddhism as the name of his fallacies.Some people mistook that Falun Gong was something of Buddhism na-ture. Actually, the so-called Falun Gong was just one kind of heresy andnot a religion at all, not mention Buddhism. Li Hongzhi claimed himself tobe "the greatest Buddha" who was even greater than Sakyamuni. And herepeatedly debased and desecrated Lord Buddha and Buddhism. Allthese have proved that he does not believe in Buddhism and that theso-called "Falun Dafa" is not part of Buddhism. In the Buddhist circles,people paid great attention to practicing medicine to cure the sickness. InChinese history, many people of the Buddhist circle were doctors with su-perb medical skill. Many medical academies were set up in Tibetan Bud-dhist monasteries. Yet Li Hongzhi did not allow Falun Gong practitionersto take medicine, this sufficiently proved Falun Gong not to be Buddhism.

In August 2000, Master Sheng Hui, vice president of Buddhist Asso-ciation of China visited the United States. He told reporters at Los Angeles

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that Falun Gong just pirated terms of Buddhism, such as Falun, DharmaBody (Fashen) etc. But in fact, Li Hongzhi and his followers did not under-stand the doctrines of Buddhism. Li Hongzhi claimed Falun Gong to bethe most profound level of Buddhism, a level even higher than SakyamuniBuddha. He cheated people by saying that only Falun Gong could relievepeople's souls of purgatory (Duren). While other major religions such asChristianity, Buddhism could not do so. In this sense Li Hongzhi was reallyconducting anti-religion activities under the camouflage of religion. ShengHui also revealed to reporters that, Li Hongzhi did not acknowledge (FalunGong) was Qigong, as a result, the Chinese Qigong Association had Li'sname removed from the registers. Li Hongzhi did not acknowledge FalunGong was a religion either. He mentally controlled his disciples, advocatedcult worship, publicized the idea of "destruction of the world" and set upmysterious organizations. All in all, Falun Gong was totally an evil cult.①

Buddhist Association of China issuedon March 3, 2001 as following:

"Li Hongzhi is the bad sort who stole our Buddhist wheel as a cult titleand abused holy birthday of Lord Buddha as that of the common herd aswell as taking Buddhist terms for his evil sayings. It is Falun Gong, whichcheat innocent people. People will be frightened once Falun Gong istalked about. As Falun Dafa does so many evils to society, we Buddhistfeel shameful with his sayings on Buddhism. It is a huge humiliation forBuddhism in its long history and a big evilness could not be born by Bud-dha Dharma in thousands of aeons. In an auspicious time of family re-unions at the eve of Spring Festival, poisoned and bewitched by LiHongzhi's heresy of 'Consummation,' the crazy followers of Falun Gongwent to Tian'anmen Square to burn themselves for death. Desperate cryof the naive girl distressed us in depth of our hearts. So tragic an event inhuman world made people startling as well. The ferocious feature of theevil cult was completely unmasked in front of blood and fire. Why could

① People's Daily,(August 30, 2000)

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the 'Consummation' become Li Hongzhi's excuse to murder innocent life?Why was Dharma wheel with no guilty reduced to be Falun Gong's toolcontrolling the people mentally?

"Li Hongzhi and his cult Falun Gong did what they were particularlygood at to belittle, blaspheme and humiliate at Buddhism as well as otherreligions. He declared in crazy that 'religions in nowadays, like Buddhismand Protestantism as well as Catholics etc., could not convert people asthey are something in vulgar', 'Presently, in the whole world only I myselfam teaching the right things', and 'I could convert all human beings into abright light world, as I am a savior to be more higher than Sakyamuni orLaoTzi or Jesus Christ.' What a shame! In the wrath of God and anger ofhuman, Li Hongzhi should be punished for his evil blasphemes.

"Since years before, fourfold assembly of Buddhists have kept alerton the cult Falun Gong. They have indignantly denounced Li Hongzhi'scrimes without stops. Rev. Zhao Puchu, the late President of BuddhistAssociation of China, stressed as early as five years ago that Falun Gongwas a cult. Banning only was not enough, theories of right faith shouldbe used to effectively suppress false sayings of cult. With our fights likeocean's roar or lion's roar or vajra's anger, all Buddhist temples, monksand nuns should be raised to fulfill last wishes of Rev. Zhao and throwthemselves into struggles with the evil cult Falun Gong. All Buddhist tem-ples, monks and nuns should take opportunities of lecturing on Dharma tomake Buddhist disciples clear about the differences between religionswith right faith and the cult. Let people know about the evil cult FalunGong's harm to country and people as well as religious beliefs. With Bud-dhist traditions of fights with cult, we refute the evil cult Falun Gong's falsesayings. With spreading of Buddhism with right faith, let our faith resumeto be holy and pure and the Dharma wheel to be brilliant more."①


① Xinhua, (March 16, 2001)

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On May 19, 2000, United International World Buddhism AssociationHeadquarters held a World Forum on Buddhism, Buddhist Studies andBuddha Dharma Uprightness in Taiwan. More than 2,000 Buddhistsranked Living Buddha, dignitary and lay Buddhist from 28 countries includ-ing USA, Canada, France, Japan, Thailand and Nepal took part in theforum. The participants had made a review and appraisal of Li Hongzhiand other disputed individuals. The Forum determined through voting thatLi Hongzhi, Qinghai and Song Qili were preachers of cult, indicating that LiHongzhi and other Falun Gong members had garbled Buddha Dharma,and that their so-called universal Buddha Dharma was utterly self-fabricated heresy. The attendees stated that the so-called universal Bud-dha Dharma advocated by Li Hongzhi was utterly against the Tripitakadoctrine of Buddha since it was nothing but fabricated heresies used tobewitch the ordinary people. They out and out are all cults.①

On February 15, 2001, Thailand Buddhist organizations including theApplied International Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, Da GuangBuddhist Community, Tong De Buddhist Community, etc., issued a jointstatement. It read that, "Falun Gong (followers) and Li Hongzhi have atlast revealed their true colors of maniacs. We Buddhists should alwaysstand aloof from worldly strife. But Li Hongzhi has been acting wildly andaudaciously. He juggles his birthday and says he was born on the sameday with Sakyamuni Buddha and bewitches people by claiming himself tobe the rebirth of Buddha. Li Hongzhi also pirates terms of Buddhism andTaoism to confuse and poison people's minds. What Li Hongzhi commitsis none other but treason and heresy. Li Hongzhi repeatedly offends thedignity of Buddha, desecrates sanctity of Buddhism, cheats people andbrings harm to the society. The likes of us certainly could not tolerate hiscrimes and state our stern condemnation." The statement called for peo-ple from all circles to see through the true colors of Falun Gong and not tobe deceived by Li Hongzhi.②

① China News, (May 19, 2000)② China News, (February 16, 2001)

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In March 2001, the Singapore Buddhist Federation declared solemnlythat Falun Gong has absolutely nothing to do with Buddhism althoughFalun Dafa Association adopted terms of Buddhism in its registered nameand the symbol of Buddhism Falun (or Wheel of Law) . Falun Gong is nota religion, nor does it carry forward Buddhism. So it has nothing to do withBuddhism.①

In April 2006, the 23rd Conference of the World Fellowship of Bud-dhists (WFB) held in Taiwan passed "Ten declarations" which clearly in-cluded the following "Stick to the upright Religions. Oppose Falun Gongwhich damages Buddhism by pirating the term Falun (Wheel of Law)."The Conference also called on Buddhists around the world to "face up toand denounce the cult Falun Gong jointly."②

On May 10, 2006, the International Day of Vesak World BuddhistConference (UNDV) held in Thailand reiterated in the joint communique:"The Conference confirms that Falun Gong contradicts the basic doctrineof Buddhism."③

On July 22, 1999, after the Chinese government banned Falun Gongaccording to law, comment poured in from around the religious circles.

Jin Luxian, honorary chairman of the China Patriotic Catholic Associ-ation and diocesan of Catholic Diocese of Shanghai, says Falun Dafa is acult. It is not a normal religion, nor is it a legal organization.④

Shen Derong, chairman of the Shanghai Christian Three-Self Patriot-ic Movement Committee, holds that Falun Gong is a cult and Li Hongzhi is

① China News,(March 9, 2001)

② Xinhua, (January 19, 2007)③ China News,

(April 18, 2008)④ China News,

(August 3, 1999)

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a plagiarizer. He steals ideas from other religions and then changed theirforms to cook up Falun Gong fallacies. So Falun Gong is a monster nei-ther party nor religion.

Cao Shengjie, former president of the Shanghai Municipal Adminis-trative Commission of Protestant Church, maintains that Falun Gong isnot only an illegal organization, but also an illegal organization of a cult na-ture...Li Hongzhi preaches "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" inwords, but what he has done is completely on the opposite. This showsthat he purposely cheats innocent people to work for him. Li Hongzhi andother cult leaders poison people's souls with a set of absurd, superstitiousideas, bringing decadence, depression or death to people, or smashingtheir families into pieces. Religions advocate religious beliefs, but religionsdo not reject rational thinking. Yet Li Hongzhi on the contrary, taking ad-vantage of people's ignorance, does everything possible to control his dis-ciple's minds, demand them blindly obey his orders and drive people to dobad things.①

In August 2000, Fu Tieshan, president of the China Patriotic CatholicAssociation headed the Chinese religious leader delegation to attend the"Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious Leaders" held at the UNHeadquarters. He pointed out in his speech: "With the trend of economicglobalization, the multiculturalism is developing. There also appear someevil cults which, under the cloak of religion, intend to accumulate wealthand hoodwink the people. The Falun Gong in China, the Aum SupremeTruth in Japan and the Branch Davidians in USA, etc., are all examples ofsuch cults. Since these cults poison the souls and kill the lives of innocentpeople, we religious people should be highly on guard against these cults,help people see through the evil nature of these cults."

In March 2003, a "Religion against Cult" campaign was launched inthe religious circles of China. Leading figures of the religious circles stated

① China News,(August 7, 1999)

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clearly their stands one after another.①

Min Zhiting, president of the China Taoist Association, says the reli-gion's attitude towards human being and life differs radically from that ofthe cult. The Taoism believes one should try to do charity to the societybecause it is right to respect life and cherish the virtue. But Falun Gonghas hoodwinked and instigated people to commit suicide to obtain "Con-summation." And that's absolutely committing crimes.

Han Shenggui, vice president of the China Islamic Association, be-lieves that Falun Gong is an arrant cult because what Falun Gong hasdone is opposite to the religion's fundamental aim of putting people first,respecting human rights and loving all lives. The Islamism maintains "pa-triotism is part of our religion," and instructs and encourages Muslimsworking hard to construct our country, develop the economy, promote ed-ucation, and enrich people's lives. It would be totally inconceivable thatthere exists a religion like Falun Gong in the world because Falun Gongconducts mental control, instigates people to give up normal life and sabo-tages orders of the society.

Ma Yinglin, secretary-general of the Chinese Catholic Bishops Col-lege, points out that the Catholicism does not deny or negate people'spresent lives, nor does it encourage people to escape from reality. TheCatholicism instructs people based on the present life, "pray and come torealize the truth frequently," and commit themselves to real life with an ac-tive and optimistic attitude. Li Hongzhi's "Doomsday theory" is nothing but"a curse" to disrupt people's minds, a lash to drive his followers. Hisheresy can not save people of the world, even less can it save the cult'sdestiny of being trampled and spurned by people.

Deng Fucun, vice president of the Three-Self Patriotic MovementCommittee of Protestant Churches of China, says a Christian priest fromUnited States has a deep analysis of the Falun Gong fallacies with a re-sult that Li Hongzhi has pirated many doctrine terms from other religions.

① People's Daily, (March 17,2001)

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Li himself is actually like a condor who has planted beautiful peacock'sfeathers onto its own body; once the condor trembles a bit, its ugly bodywill certainly be exposed to public.

Ding Guangxun, honorary president of the Chinese ChristianThree-Self Patriotic Movement Committee, and honorary president of theChina Christian Council, points out that there are many elements such ascompassion, beauty and love in the human nature. These elements havebeen passed on continuously from generation to generation. But FalunGong, poisoning people's minds and cruelly killing people's lives, hascompletely lost humanity. If the whole society had been deceived by FalunGong, the world would have fallen back for over hundreds of thousandsyears. And no one would know where to get the human developmentstarted.

From June to August, 2007, the monthly magazineattached to South Korea Christian published consecutively three

articles disclosing and denouncing Falun Gong. The magazine has recog-nized Falun Gong as a cult and called for people to condemn Falun Gongand not to be hoodwinked by the cult. The articles pointed out: "FalunGong is a cult because it deifies one person (Li Hongzhi) and claims hisfollowers can also become immortals. This beyond-styled belief hassparked off disputes in the society...Falun Gong advertises that peoplewho practice Falun Gong may become immortals and obtain the power tocure disease without taking any medicine. Falun Gong also deliberatelydeifies and 'alienates' Li Hongzhi, wantonly spreads his fallacies, andcause evil consequences to society. In this sense, Falun Gong is anon-belief cult much more vicious than any other social crimes." Inter-viewed by reporters of the , Li Dafu, president of the maga-zine spoke with indignation: "We published a special addition in June thisyear, because we have made deep investigations and interviews. And wehave already seen through the true color of Falun Gong and determinedto carry the struggle against the cult to the end. Our purposes are to wakeup the common people to denounce Falun Gong and ensure social stabili-

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ty and the quiet life of our people."①

3.4 Expert and Scholar's Point of View on Falun Gong

Margaret Thaler Singer, former president of American PsychologicalAssociation (APS), psychology professor at the University of California,Berkeley, and author of , who has devoted her lifetimeto researching cult issues and has been publicly accepted as "the mostimportant author on cult research in the world." She holds that FalunGong meets the criteria of being a cult, and Falun Gong is not an issue ofreligious freedom.

She said, "I think that Falun Gong surely meet the criteria of being acult by American or world standards. The leader has people instead of,you know, worshiping God or abstract principles, they worship him. Theybelieve he is the all powerful person. And they've drop centuries of religionin China to follow this man. So that he is a self-appointed person whosays, as cult leaders do all around the world, 'Follow me, I know the oneway. Follow me, give up everything. Come with me.' Then he gives suchcontrol over them. They stop thinking for themselves.

"I just have not seen that Falun Gong is a religious freedom issue. Ithink it was the guy who was very clever, very bright, very manipulative.He set himself up to sell enough tapes, books and writings, and he gothimself overheard in the US, where he is away from the Chinese govern-ment and from people that is manipulating over there. He is living up herein New York somewhere. That looks very suspicious. But you see, I thinkthe average reader here in the United States of the news papers or thewatchers of TV think that it is religious persecution. I've read and I'm beingon the programs in Europe with two Chinese scholars who live here in the

① Global Times, (June 12, 2007)

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US, who read in Chinese and English both, what the Falun Gong peopleputting on. They read the Chinese press and the translations. I don't see itas a religious freedom issue at all. But you see, as long as the Americanpublic doesn't understand the real details of Falun Gong, they will thinkthat it is if here in the United States someone was picking on, a regularbaddish church in downtown Auckland, a regular catholic church in SanFrancisco...that it makes Falun Gong visible as these years, one more ofthem, thousands of cults."①

According to Daniel Marchiaz, director of US multi-media companyRocky Canyon, he used to be a member of a US cult organization andtherefore knows cult very well. He compares Falun Gong with US cult andconcludes that the two share many things in common and the only differ-ence is that "Falun Gong might go even farther than US cult organiza-tions." Marchiaz is also a priest and he believes that cult and religion is notthe same thing. That Chinese government banned Falun Gong does notmean there's no religious freedom in this country.②

When interviewing Li Zhaoxing, Ambassador of the People's Republicof China to the United States, Paul Crouch, a famous figure in US reli-gious community and the president of US Christian Trinity BroadcastingNetwork (TBN), told Li that he approved the opinion of categorizing FalunGong as a cult. Crouch said he made tentative studies on Falun Gong,and it seemed that what Li Hongzhi advocates have nothing in commonwith the teachings of the Bible in respecting the government and in ob-serving the laws. Then he also read the relevant text from the Bible toAmbassador Li, making it clear his disapproval of any cult.③

On May 24, 2006, American's The Pitt News published an articlewritten by Konrad Klinkner. It said that Falun

Gong is a loopy cult. Beneath that surface, the Falun Gong is really more

① Xinhua, (July 5,2006)

② People's Daily, (July 24, 2000)③ China News, (January 31, 2000)

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like the Chinese counterpart to Scientology, and the quotes and writings ofthe Falun Gong's leader, Li Hongzhi, are very cockamamie. After suchglances at its leadership's own ramblings, the Falun Gong comes off moreas a dingbat cult rather than a simple system of Tai-Chi-esque breathingexercises.①

Samual Luo from San Francisco, US, is an expert studying FalunGong issues (both his parents are Falun Gong members; he madein-depth research on Falun Gong and launched a website focusing on re-vealing the truth and criticizing Falun Gong, www.exposingthefalungong.org). On November 1, 2006, KPFA Radio in Berkeley, California USA in-terviewed Samuel Luo, who held that, politically, obviously it's a pretty re-actionary politically. It is well funded and has a lot of media outlets. FalunGong has many of the characteristics of a cult: having a strong leader, acharismatic leader and it's hard to leave. Li Hongzhi is like a dictator inthat group. On February 15, 2003, Mr. Li said to his followers: "Rememberthese words from the master. However I handle something is righteous,and those who doubt this are always wrong. The reason is that is thechoice of the cosmos, the choice of the future." He is worshiped by his fol-lowers as the God. People think that Falun Gong is small, but the FalunGong is not small. It's powerful, because they have a lot of money, itseems. And they have lawyers that are working for free for them. Andthey have been using that advantage to suppress their critics' freespeech.②

Professor Bergin, head of the Russian National Research Institute ofReligious Relation and Law, said that Falun Gong's attitude toward theChinese government and other religious groups, its imputation and impacton traditional religious values, as well as what Falun Gong had doneagainst himself, made him firmly believe that Falun Gong was an extremecult organization. ③

① The Pitt News, (May 24, 2006)② U.S. KPFA Radio, http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=16929③ Xinhua, (May 12, 2008)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Professor Alexander Dvorkin, president of the Russian Association ofReligious and Cultic Studies Centers, says: "Falun Gong now is a world-wide cult group under the leadership of Li Hongzhi, headquartered in NewYork. It is not important where the Falun Gong practitioners live, for in-stance in China, France, the United States or other countries. As far asthe Falun Gong practitioners are concerned, they do not belong to anycountry, they all belong to Falun Gong group. First of all, they have at-tached themselves psychologically to Falun Gong group, they regard LiHongzhi as their president or emperor and act entirely in accordance withLi's will. For them, all Li Hongzhi's instructions are compulsive and obliga-tory, which must be executed in time, and without any hesitation."①

Professor Hobson, who engaged in physics teaching and research inUniversity of Arkansas, U.S.A, points out in his book

, that the word "superstition" is normally defined as anideality professed by a group of followers irrationally and excessively be-ing faithful to their leader. Professor Hobson says, obviously Falun Gongis such a superstition under Li Hongzhi's supreme and exclusive leader-ship. Li portrays himself as a god, and he puts his followers under controlby his "Fashen (Body of Law)" or by getting his follower into "Falun(Wheel of Law)." This tight personal control may be dangerous to FalunGong followers. In a word, we can accurately conclude that "Falun Gongis a cult of pseudoscience and superstition, posing potential threats to so-ciety." It is very strange that so many people believe in Li's nonsense inour scientific times. This contradiction, if it continues, will cause seriousconsequence in the new century. ②

3.5 Legal Status of Falun Gong Groups

① Kaiwind, (May 13,2008)

② CCTV, (July 31, 2001)

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In August 1993, Falun Gong was formally registered as a subsidiarycommittee attached to the China Qigong Scientific Research Association(CQSRA). On December 12, 1996, CQSRA declared to refuse FalunGong's registration. In November 1997, the Association reiterated that itsdecision of refusing Falun Gong's registration remained valid.

On July 22, 1999, the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs declared theFalun Dafa Society and other Falun Gong organizations under its controlare illegal, and place them under ban.

In Malaysia, the "Falun Dafa Research Centre Berhad (FDRCB)" reg-istered as a foundation of a charity nature (a guarantee limited company).

The "Friends of Falun Gong USA" was registered as a non-profit or-ganization in New York.

On August 27, 2004, the "Japan Falun Dafa Association" was regis-tered in Tokyo as "a specified non-profit organization (NPO)." Its founda-tion purpose reads: "It aims to enhance physical and mental health, andcultivate noble virtue by extensively spreading Qigong. It will never get in-volved in any political gatherings or religious activities."①

In Ukraine, the "Falun Dafa Association" was registered as a culturalgroup.②

3.6 Falun Gong Becomes a Political Tool Increasingly

① Minghui, https://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/8/28/82768.html② Xinhua, (January 9, 2007)

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On December 16, 2004, the Tanzanian Guardian reported, the Tan-zanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation issued ajoint declaration denouncing the misleading news spread by Falun Gongorganization who claimed that a lawsuit had been filed against a Chinesegovernment official. The declaration said the Tanzanian governmentwould not allow small groups of people, like the Falun Gong cult to spoilthe long standing friendship and brotherhood between the Chinese peopleand the Tanzania people.①

On December 7, 2005, the Supreme Court of Quebec of Canadajudged against the Falun Gong group in the case of Falun Gong Versusthe Chinese Press Eastern Inc. The verdict read: "Falun Gong is a contro-versial movement, which does not accept any criticism." And "Li Hongzhirejects science as dangerous and misguiding. He promises the practition-ers supernatural power, or gives each of them a wheel in their abdomento purify them, keep them healthy for good, restore their youth, and evenobtain the capability of viewing other spaces."②

On November 1, 2006, when attending a program "Guns and Butter"on KPFA in Berkeley of California, U.S., China commentator David Ewingsaid, "Falun Gong seems to be emerging as the largest anti-communismgroup in the world now."③

On December 18, 2006, in Ukraine, the intermediate court of Dne-propetrovsk made a verdict that Falun Gong failed in accusation againstthe Anti-Cult Association. The Dnepropetrovsk court said in the ruling that"the Falun Gong League," which was registered in 2002 as a culturalgroup, had been engaged in political activities against Ukraine's friend 要China. Falun Gong had exerted negative impact on Ukraine's relationshipwith China.④

① Official website of Embassy of PRC in Japan,(January 14, 2005)

② People's Daily,(April 3, 2006)

③ KPFA Radio, http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=16929④ Xinhua, (January 9, 2007)

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On February 7,2007, the Supreme Court of San Francisco, California,ruled that excluding Falun Gong practitioners from the Chinese New YearParade sponsored by the state government was not a discrimination a-gainst them. It was the second time since 2006 that the Falun Gong prac-titioners were rejected of marching in the parade. The court's verdict wasmade on the ground that the practitioners violated the principle of no politi-cal activities at such an event, and they had circulated anti-China leafletsin the parade at earlier times.①

In July, 2007, the Falun Gong group filed a suit against the Depart-ment of Justice of Moldova, to the Appeal Court of Moldova, accusing theDepartment of violating Modovan Law on Social Organization for rejectingFalun Gong's registration application. The court turned down the suit.②

In the second half of Year 2007, the Falun Gong group tried severaltimes to obstruct the Beijing 2008 Olympics float from taking part in the119th Pasadena Rose Parade, California, but failed. Pasadena Mayor BillBogaard, who supported the Olympics float, had read to the city council aletter from C.L. Keedy, president of the Rose Parade organizing commit-tee, which declared political neutrality of the parade. According to a reportin Whittier Daily News on November 11, 2007, a "Human Rights TorchRelay" organized by the Falun Gong group touring in some places of theworld, was exactly an activity against Beijing Olympics. ③

On November 22, 2007, the Christmas Parade Organizing Commit-tee of Auckland, New Zealand officially announced that the Falun Gonggroup would not be allowed to participate in the event held in this city onNovember 25, because it could not offer to the committee a guarantee ofnot engaging in political propaganda in the Christmas Parade. The FalunGong group had been banned from the parade for seven consecutiveyears. Because in a previous parade Falun Gong distributed images of

① Kaiwind, (December 31, 2007)② Kaiwind, (December 31, 2007)③ Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/ckxx/qst/index.htm

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① China News,(November 23, 2007)

② TVNZ, (February 10, 2008)③ Kaiwind, (January

10, 2008)

torture clearly inappropriate and unsuitable for a family occasion.①

On February 10, 2008, Falun Gong was prevented from taking part inthe festivities for the Year of the Rat held in Willington, New Zealand forthe second year runnings because they are deemed to be a political or-ganisation. On November 2, 2007, the Willington municipality banned thegroup from the Christmas street parade, on ground that the Falun Gonggroup was a political organization, and could not participate in the event. ②

On January 7, 2008, Los Angeles Times publishedIt says that

others say that though Falun Gong practitioners call themselves a reli-gious group, their main message has been political 要 and some believethat politics,not culture,dominates in the Chinese New Year Spectacular.③

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Chapter 4 How Falun Gong Treat Family

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Harmonious and happy families serve as footstones for social stabili-ty and are sought after by everyone. Famous German poet Goethe says:"He is the happiest, be the king or peasant, who finds peace in his home."But home is more than merely a warm word, it's also a place we shall ful-fill our duties and responsibilities. Accordingly, with legal regulations andmoral restrictions, people manage to create their harmonious and happyfamilies. Falun Gong, which seems to advocate "Truthfulness, Compas-sion and Tolerance," however, actually despises and destroys families,causing numerous tragedies of broken-up families and deaths, makingtens of thousands of families live in miseries and suffer infinite traumasthat will never heal up.

Li Chunxiang, a practitioner in Tianjin, devoted herself to cultivatingBuddhahood and Consummation, ignoring her husband and children, tak-ing her families as totally strangers. In the end, she got nothing but a bro-ken marriage and family.

Tian Jianguo, an employee of Nanyang Grain Supply Co. Ltd. inHenan province, and his wife, Wang Peng, started to practice Falun Gongin 1997 and soon became obsessed. Although they were fellow practition-ers, yet they hated each other and believed that the other remained at alower level and was the obstacle for he or she to improve and go up, end-ing up with a divorce.①

On January 23, 2001, seven practitioners from Kaifeng city, Henanprovince, went to Beijing and burned themselves. Among them, two fami-lies, namely, the family of Hao Huijun (including the daughter Chen Guo),and the family of Liu Chunling (including the daughter Liu Siying), bothfamilies' members were practitioners; they affected each other and be-came so obsessed that they joined hands in taking the tragic road ofself-immolation and self-destruction.②

① People's Daily, (April 6, 2001)② People's Daily,

(January 31, 2001)

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Wang Xidong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Dandong city, Liaoningprovince, jumped out of a vehicle and died on August 21, 1999. He wasthe only child and the wedding ceremony was one month away with wed-ding apartment well decorated and full of all living necessities, and all therelatives and friends got the invitation for the wedding. But in the end, hefollowed the way directed by Li Hongzhi and died, causing quite a big blowand a lot of miseries for his families.①

Wu Qihua from Tongshi city , Hainan province , started to practiceFalun Gong with her husband in 1996. Shortly after that, they wanted their8-year-old and 6-year-old daughters to join them in practicing. Since theyrefused to do so, the mother tried every means to persuade and evenforce them to do it. In order to reach "Consummation," she took the twokids to distribute leaflets on the street and led them onto a wrong road.②

Zhang Jian, an engineer working at a communication station of FujianRefining and Chemical Co., Ltd. was obsessed with Falun Gong and com-mitted suicide by jumping out of a building in February 1999. Losing theironly son, the 60-year-old parents had no one to take care of them andcould do nothing by crying all day long.③

It's obvious that one in a family becomes Falun Gong practitioner willdo great damages to the entire family. Then, what's the fundamental rea-son making Falun Gong practitioners destroy their families?

These tragedies are closely related to the opinions of Li Hongzhi, theleader of Falun Gong, his teachings in different places, his works including

, as well as the influence of Falun Gong media organs suchas Minghui.

How does Li Hongzhi induce practitioners to despise and then de-stroy families?

① People's Daily, (April 5, 2001)② China News, (April 17, 2001)③ People's Daily,

(July 19, 2001)

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4.1 Li Hongzhi Induces Practitioners to Despise

and to Be Away from Families

For a long period, in order to control the practitioners and recruitmore followers, Li Hongzhi and Minghui advocated a lot of opinions andviews in family and household life against traditional virtues and values,which have profound impact on practitioners, making them behavestrangely and handle family issues against common sense and socialstandards, causing great damages to both their own families and to theentire society.

The views that Li Hongzhi induces practitioners to despise and to beaway from families can be summarized into five aspects:

"Earth is but the garbage dump of the universe...The human beingsin the universe who are bad fall downwards, falling to the very center ofthe universe要 Earth."①

"In particular, the moral values of the human society are now declin-ing very badly...society as a whole is declining...If you...return to this origi-nal realm of human society, you will find even from not too high a levelthat today's people and the human society rather frightening! It is truly ter-rifying!"②

"In this enormous universe, Earth looks just like an apple 要 an applewhich has become rotten inside and out. Just like every individual human

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)

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being, every particle inside of this apple is rotten. Then shouldn't this ap-ple be destroyed, thrown away, or disposed of?...Now there's a rotten ap-ple with worms all over it in your spotless room 要 why would you leave itthere? If you insisted on leaving it there, wouldn't you be doing a badthing? The same goes for this universe. The Earth has already becomelike that. Why not destroy it? If a god didn't destroy it, wouldn't he be doinga bad thing?"①

Families are cells of the society, and happy families serve as thefoundation for the construction of a harmonious society, while a flourishingsociety ensures the peace of families. But according to Li Hongzhi, theearth is the garbage dump, human society suffers ten sins and is a rottenapple, facing numerous catastrophes as well as the fate of exterminationand elimination. According to this logic, the families of garbage dump willalso face extermination and elimination. Therefore, Dafa disciples won'tmanage to maintain their families and treasure their relatives like normalpeople do; instead, some chose to give up families and to commit suicidein order to reach Consummation, leaving their families in endless pains.

He Qun, a Falun Gong practitioner in Jiangsu province, neglected hisfamily for the sake of returning to "paradise" and of "getting away from allthe sufferings." He was arrested for engaging in such illegal activities asprinting leaflets publicizing Falun Gong. And inside the detention house,he defied the law with a fast. At the news, his parents, wife and daughterwent to wise him. His mother even knelt down in front of him, crying andbegging him to think about the aged parents and the young kid, but still,he showed no mercy to them...It's true that he gave up families and affec-tions, yet after he was sentenced to a seven-year imprisonment, his par-ents took over the burden of life and the debts of the family for him, aswell as the blow and pains caused by the leaving of their daughter-in-lawand grand-daughter. The family that used to be so happy fell apart be-cause of this. (Please refer to Case 1)

Xu Huijun, a resident of Qiqihar city in Heilongjiang province, used to

① Li Hongzhi, (March, 1999)

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be a happy housewife. But since she started to practice Falun Gong in1998, her character became strange and families were nothing to her. OnMay 31, 1999, in order to get away from the so-called "catastrophe," sheleft her family behind and jumped out of the building. Another family wasdestroyed.①

"But as a cultivator you can't confuse yourself with an everyday per-son. To put it a bit seriously, you're no longer human...humans have vari-ous emotions and desires, and live for emotion . During the courseof cultivation you are gradually taking these things more lightly and gradu-ally letting go of them until you completely discard them."②

"The truth is, you're no longer one of the ordinary human beings, andyou couldn't even go back anymore, you really can't. The difference be-tween you and ordinary people has grown downright large."③

"After all, the Dafa disciples are on a journey to divinity...That is theGod arranges for you, and you are on the way to immortal."④

"We don't seek the things ordinary people want, but what we gain iswhat ordinary people can't, even if they want to."⑤

Since emotion is what ordinary human beings other than cultivatorswant, and since "cultivators" are no longer "ordinary human beings" andwhat "cultivators" seek after is those things "ordinary people" want butcannot get, then as cultivators superior to "ordinary human beings," facingthe attractive paradise, how can they not look down upon "ordinary humanbeings" to be eliminated and how can they be willing to stay with the fami-lies in this garbage dump world?

Xiaomei used to be a good wife; but since she became a Falun Gongpractitioner in 1999 for the purpose of beautifying herself, she followed

① People's Daily, (April 5, 2001)② Li Hongzhi, (March 23, 1997)③ Li Hongzhi, (April 12, 2004)④ Li Hongzhi, (August 4, 2007)⑤ Li Hongzhi,

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strictly the teachings of Li Hongzhi and became so obsessed that sheeven believed in the teaching of Li Hongzhi insisting that "cultivators areno longer ordinary human being." She dumped the true love in the worldand got rid of her excellent husband as a piece of garbage. She ended upwith a divorce, and a happy family that so many people envied broke up.(Please refer to Case 2)

Liang Zhaofeng, an employee of Transportation Department, Guang-dong Shaoguan Iron and Steel Group, started to practice Falun Gongsince July 1997. After that, she changed a lot and obsessed the "practic-ing" so much that she no longer cared about either her husband or herson by discarding them as "ordinary human beings." Even when her hus-band had a car accident and her mother died of illness, she paid no atten-tion to them at all; the family that used to be happy became miserable.Liang used to suffer intermittent headache, but after she became a practi-tioner, she refused to go to hospital for any medical care, holding that theillness was caused by the karma she committed during her previous lifeand that medical care was useless. At about 9:00 am on July 23, 1999,she committed suicide by taking pesticide.①

"In this life you are my family member, but in the next life who knowswho we will be related to. Just in this lifetime is our relationship predes-tined. It's just like staying at an inn: you lodge there briefly for a night andthen part ways the next day. Who could possibly take someone else'splace?"②

"Who are your real relatives?...From one life to another, how many

① People's Daily,July 19, 2001)

② Li Hongzhi, (February26, 2005)

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parents, wives, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers have you had ineach lifetime?...you are even unable to count them...Which ones are real?...Your real parents are in the place where the universe created you. Thatis where your parents are...Therefore, your real parents are right nowwatching you over there, hoping that you will return; but instead of return-ing, you get lost here and still feel that your relatives are all here."①

According to Mr. Li, our real parents are in the universe, while "ourrelatives on the human world" just lodge here briefly and, through the cy-cle of death and rebirth, they're your relatives during this life but you haveno idea who'll be your relatives in your next life. In this case, the cultiva-tors will neither take care of their parents nor care for any relationships.They don't have to fulfill their family duties or to have any affection to theirrelatives, and the only thing they do is to practice so as to return to theparadise earlier, for that's their real home where they can find their realparents and other relatives.

After Liang Xuelin retired from Huitong County Film Corporation inHunan province , she began to ignore her bed-ridden husband sufferingcerebral haemorrhage as well as two minor sons after her practicing FalunGong. She believed that she had passed the test of affection. But what didshe get in return? Her husband died of acute cerebral haemorrhage afterfalling from the bed on June 14, 2002; both of her sons took drug, the el-der one was arrested and served his term of imprisonment as a result ofengaging in a robbery in order to get some money for drug, and theyounger one was sent to the detention center. (Please refer to Case 3)

On February 16, 2001, Tan Yihui, a practitioner from Changde city,Hunan province, burned himself with gas at the crossing of south Wan-shou road, Haidian district, Beijing. Wu Sixi, his mother, cried in anger:"The evil Falun Gong killed my son; Li Hongzhi, give back my son. I curseyou, Li Hongzhi! Listen to me, all you practitioners, don't trust the non-sense of Li Hongzhi any more. If you insist on doing this, you'll be totallyruined, your families will be ruined, more mothers will cry in pains just like

① Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)

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"In Buddhism it's believed that being human is suffering hardship 要as long as you're a human being you have to suffer."②

"Buddhas in the heavens have no hardship. All they have are pleas-ant things, joyful things, and they can have whatever they wish要 the ulti-mate life of leisure."③

"If you succeed in cultivating into a great god or a great Buddha...youwill be able to hold the earth in your palm with no effort at all."④

"Human cells will be gradually replaced by the high-energy matter...this person's body will no longer degenerate."⑤

If people in this world have to suffer a lot and have to live in pains,while to be Buddha in the heaven will live forever and can have whateverthey wish, then who's willing to support their families or to be ordinary hu-man beings?

After he retired due to illness from Changsha Logo Band Factory,Guo Jianrui ran a small bookstore. He had a caring wife Ye Sijing, who didmost works of shop-keeping, stocking, and household chores since Guowas sick. Although the income was not high, yet they lived a happy life to-gether. Ye Sijing started to practice Falun Gong in 1997 and spent lessand less time in the bookshop. She would leave home for one week, adozen of days, and then had no time for the bookshop at all, let alone

① People's Daily,(July 19, 2001)

② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,④ Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)⑤ Li Hongzhi,

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stocking books for the shop. It seemed that she was a totally different per-son. As for practicing Falun Gong, Guo had always been against it and hetalked to his wife: "Li Hongzhi wants people to get away from the societyand from the family so as to reach 'Consummation.' But what's so goodabout 'Consummation'? Without family and relatives, why would you want'Consummation' for?" But Ye Sijing insisted that what Falun Gong teachesis Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, that to practice Falun Gongwill lead her to reach "Consummation" and to "go to the paradise." Whathurt Guo Jianrui the most was that, with the influence of his wife, their filialson started to practice Falun Gong too.

Ye Sijing did nothing all day long except for practicing and sleeping;their business declined quickly. To make things worse, the performance oftheir son at school became increasingly poor. One day, the son, whodidn't know anything better, put a kitchen knife close to his own neck andthreatened his father: "Leave me alone, or I'll kill myself." A family thatused to be so happy no longer exists because of Falun Gong.①

"We come here not to be human beings but to suffer and to eliminatekarma instead. Only through 'practicing,' suffering, and eliminating karmacan we resume our inborn nature, to return to our original true self, and togo back to our own heavenly paradises."②

"You are brought out of the ordinary human state, which is the mostmiserable, and taken to high levels so that you'll never suffer again and beliberated."③

"To save you to heavens away from the suffering of mankind, that istruly and fundamentally solving the issue of human suffering."④

① Guangming Daily,(April 5, 2001)

② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,④ Li Hongzhi, (1996)

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"Inborn quality is a condition from birth, Right enlightenment is thereason for a high-level person's wisdom. With Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance in the heart, there is Dao, Cultivating Falun Dafa can lead toConsummation."①

Most Falun Gong practitioners are weak in mind; so when they can'tfind any solutions to the difficulties and hardships they come across in life,they will turn to these points of view for comfort and consolation. Whenthey know that practicing Falun Dafa will help them to get away from theearth and from all the sufferings, this becomes the last straw for them be-fore being drowned. They will grasp it tightly no matter what, even if thismeans to give up affection, to abandon their families, and to break thelaws.

Li Guanglian, a teacher of a primary school in Yishui county, Shan-dong province, used to have a happy family. Both her husband and shehad good jobs, and they had a smart daughter. Li started to practice FalunGong in 1998, and since then, she believed firmly that to be an ordinaryhuman being was very painful and she determined to do whatever shecould to get away from this. Accordingly, she didn't treasure relatives anymore and took them as the obstacles on her way of practicing, believingthat families are garbages. In order to reach Consummation, she finallyleft home, abandoning her husband and daughter, saying that she would"give up everything for the sake of Falun Gong." She divorced her hus-band and her family became another victim of Falun Gong. (Please referto Case 4)

"Those who are attached to affection for family will definitely beburned, entangled, and tormented by it. Pulled by the threads of affectionand plagued by them throughout their lives, they will find it too late to re-gret at the end of their lives. "②

① Li Hongzhi, (February 18, 1993)② Li Hongzhi, (April 15, 1996)

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"If you don't sever emotion, you won't be able to cultivate."①

"Whether you can let go of ordinary human attachments is a fatal teston your way to becoming a truly extraordinary being."②

"Cultivate away fame, material interest, and emotion, Reach Con-summation, ascending the firmament"③

Since affection is the obstacle for cultivation and the only way toreach Consummation is to sever it and one will become Buddha afterreaching Consummation, being able to have access to the Pure Landwhere they can get whatever they wish, so the practitioners will no longertreasure the true love in this world, will try all the means to get away fromthe relatives, and some even hurt their relatives in order to pass the "testof affection." Some practitioners take their relatives as the demons ontheir way of cultivation and, in order to reach Consummation and to re-move the devils, they even killed their relatives.

The younger brother of Liu Changhong, a primary school teacher inDandong city, Liaoning province, had leukemia and the family was veryanxious. Liu soothed both her grandmother and parents, and took goodcare of her bed-ridden brother. When the doctor talked to them that theonly hope for the boy was marrow transplant, Liu Changhong didn't hesi-tate to offer hers. But everything changed after Liu started to practiceFalun Gong in 1998, for she determined to remove all the "attachments"as well as "fame, material interest, and emotion ." Because Li Hongzhiteaches that: "All your attachments, as long as you have them, all have tobe worn down in different settings...Cultivation is something you do right inthe thick of tribulations. They'll test whether you can sever your emotionsand desires, and they'll see if you can take them lightly. If you're attachedto those things you won't be able to finish your cultivation." Falun Gongturned a loving family cold-blooded and ruthless.④

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 22, 1995)③ Li Hongzhi, (April 21, 1996)④ Guangming Daily,

(April 5, 2001)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

In the article , FalunGong practitioner Liang Xiuyun recalled the sad memories that, when herhusband fell ill and nobody took care of their son, she still managed toprotest for Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong...The tearful policewoman said toher: "Your husband's getting worse because of you, so you have to wakeup to reality right now, or you'll never see him again." But still, she turneda deaf ear to these words and had but one thought: Discard fame, materi-al interests and emotions, you'll gain the Consummation in the heaven. Sowhen her shock-headed husband in sallow complexion went a long way tovisit her at the labour camp, she showed no compassion at all and eventook him as the "devil" interfering with her cultivation. (Please refer toCase 7)

"If you are free from this sentimentality, nobody can affect you. Aneveryday person's mind will be unable to sway you. What takes over in itsplace is benevolence, which is something more noble."①

"'If I really cultivate well in this regard , if I'm really not affected byemotion, I'll be just like a big rock.' No, it's not like that at all 要 cultivatorsare compassionate...when you truly have compassion toward sentient be-ings, then there won't be any more emotion to trouble you, and none ofyour family members that you have an issue of emotion with will again saythat you're heartless towards them."②

"Compassion is not emotion! Ordinary people have emotion. Only

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,

(February 15, 2003)

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when you have ascended and no longer have emotion can you trulyunderstand what compassion is... After a human being gets rid of emotion

, his compassion will come forth."①

So the practitioners won't feel guilty for giving up emotion and affec-tion, for they have sublimated to the benevolence as Enlightened Beings,and, instead of being selfish and ruthless, they think themselves as noblebeings. They usually say: "Your ordinary people only have low-level andselfish feelings, our cultivators have compassion toward sentient beingsand this is selfless." So practitioners believe that they hurt their familiesout of a nobler benevolence, for they don't be driven and restricted by thefeelings of ordinary people, for they want something nobler and to havecompassion toward sentient beings.

In the article, the victim Zhao Xiaoping believed that to give up af-

fection and attachments is something "noble and showing compassion to-ward sentient beings." (Please refer to Case 5)

Another example is Zhang Zhenyu, a practitioner in Shandongprovince, when his mother was at death's door, he was away from homemaking contributions to Dafa, leaving his mother unattended and not be-ing able to enjoy the filial piety of the son. Just as what Zhang Zhenyusaid after waking up from all these: "Falun Gong made me lose humannature and deprived me of the last chance to requite my mother." (Pleaserefer to Case 6)

"A portion of the lives that you harmed will become beings in theparadise you will have after you Consummate, so it will turn into a goodthing."②

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (September 4 to 5, 1998)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

"If some of us have done great things, or have done well in our culti-vation, these persons' parents might even benefit from the connection andbe saved and brought up...People say that when a person does cultiva-tion, his ancestors acquire virtue, and that if you succeed in cultivatingBuddhahood your parents will have acquired great virtue."①

"A practitioner will benefit the entire family."②

Since "the lives that you harmed will become beings in the paradiseyou will have after you Consummate," Dafa disciples hurting their relativesbecome good people helping others. In this way, Li Hongzhi covers up thetruth of harming relatives with "rewarding with blessing" so as to find a re-assuring excuse for those giving up emotion and hurting relatives. That'swhy the practitioners will always say: "We know that our families suffer alot because of us, we will reward them in future." They even believe in"saving people to reach Consummation" advocated by Li Hongzhi andkilled their relatives, believing that's the best way to reward them.

Zhang Zhenyu used to be a filial son. But after he became a FalunGong practitioner in 1995 in order to "cultivate heart and to be a betterperson", he didn't care about his parents any more. After Falun Gong wasbanned by Chinese government according to law in 1999, he went toBeijing with his wife twice for reaching Consummation , leaving theirfive-year-old son at home. His over 60-year-old father had to take care ofthe bed-ridden mother, the 80-year-old incompetent grandmother, as wellas the young boy; the father could hardly find enough time to take care ofthe old and the young, let alone to do harvest in the field. But at that time,Zhang Zhenyu totally believed what Li Hongzhi said: "When he succeedsin cultivation later on he'll get whatever he wants just by extending hishand, he'll have anything he wants, and he'll be able to do whatever hewants to," and that "after you succeed in cultivation, you can bring yourrelatives to the paradise you will have." In this way, they consolethemselves with the so-called "rewarding with blessing" advocated by

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,

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Falun Gong when they do harms to their relatives ruthlessly. But whatFalun Gong rewarded his family after Zhang Zhenyu made a lot ofcontributions to it was the sad parting with his mother forever. (Pleaserefer to Case 6)

On the afternoon of November 25, 2001, obsessed practitioner FuYibin killed both his father and wife brutally and injured his mother serious-ly at his house located on West street, Deshengmen, Xicheng district, Bei-jing. Fu Yibin said: "Why would I do it to them? I did this out of a filial piety,for I wanted to help them to get away from the sufferings and to bringthem to a higher and nobler place...From the perspective of (Falun) Dafa,I believed that this is the right path in the world. I did this from the per-spective of Dafa...I killed them, so that the entire family of mine will go tothe Pure Land, enjoying eternal happiness, after I reach Consummation."Fu Yibin was so perverse after he committed terrible crime that he evenregretted for not killing his mother and not bringing her to the "paradise,"blaming himself for not fulfilling his duties.①

"The wretched demons just deserve to be killed."②

"If the evil has already reached the point where it is unsavable andunkeepable, then various measures at different levels can be used to stopit and eradicate it...Completely eliminating the evil is for Fa-rectification,and not a matter of personal cultivation."③

Li Hongzhi announces that all interfering with the study of Fa aredemons; but in a family, the members not practicing Falun Gong must be

① Xinhua, (December 16, 2001)② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, January 1, 2001)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

demons preventing the cultivator from cultivation, for no ordinary personwill do nothing but let their relatives being obsessed by the cult. In thissense, the conflicts between cultivators and other family members notpracticing Falun Gong, the "ordinary human beings," is inevitable. Thepractitioners are busy with cultivation and have no time for household re-sponsibilities, which have been on the shoulders of those members notpracticing Falun Gong. Further, what the cultivators want are differentfrom those sought after by "ordinary human beings," for they want "to goup to the paradise and to gain Consummation," which is craved for but be-yond the reach of "ordinary human beings." Accordingly, in order to gainConsummation, the family members practicing Falun Gong ignore affec-tion and emotion, discard the love between husband and wife, living a dif-ferent life; some even commit suicide or kill others for the sake of Con-summation, bringing endless pains to other family members. No "ordi-nary" family members seeking happiness and loving life will tolerate heart-less practitioners; so in case they continuously pursue cultivation, the fam-ily conflicts will inevitably become intense, and the inevitable fate for thesefamilies is a broken marriage and a broken family. Even if they manage tobe together for certain reason, the family actually cease to exist except inname and there is no happiness for all family members. Just like this, withthe abetment of Li Hongzhi in the name of "removing the demons," someDafa disciples even killed other family members and destroyed many fam-ilies that used to be so happy.

At night on February 25, 1998, Wu Deqiao living in Jiangsu provincepracticed Falun Gong at home and his wife talked to him in the hope ofstopping him. Wu killed his wife with a kitchen knife.①

On April 22, 2002, in order to remove the demon, Guan Shuyun, anobsessed practitioner in Yichun city, Heilongjiang province, strangled herabout 9-year-old daughter Dai Nan before over 40 Falun Gong members.①

On February 20, 2001, Wei Zhihua, a Falun Gong practitioner from

① Kaiwind, (April 24,2008)

① Kaiwind, (April 24,2008)

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Longgang district, Shenzhen city of Guangdong province, realized the vi-cious nature of Falun Gong and swore "never to be Li Hongzhi's discipleagain." More than a dozen obsessed Falun Gong practitioners includingher husband thought she was a "devil" damaging reputation of the "Dafa."As a result, they bound her and covered her mouth and nose in coldblood. Wei Zhihua was suffocated to death.①

"If a large being is killed by someone, then that person's sins and kar-ma become enormous, especially when it's a human being who is killed.So when someone has generated such karma he has to pay it off...But asfor the very real, awful situation the beings are in, their painful enduring,and their material loss after they are killed, the cultivator will have to, inthe process of consummating everything of his own, save those beings orrepay them with blessings using the fruits of his cultivation. Then from thatperspective, the compensation the killed beings receive far exceeds whatthey would have received among humans. And this has thus settledmalevolent predestined relationships with benevolent solutions."②

"At the same time, a portion of the lives that you harmed will becomebeings in the paradise you will have after you Consummation, so it willturn into a good thing. If the to-be-harmed life knew, 'Oh, I'll go to a Bud-dha's paradise in the future,' it would stretch its neck out to let you kill it. Itwould happily, cheerfully let you kill it."③

"The Three Realms are the reverse of everything in the cosmos, sothe Fa's principles have also provided beings at this level with reversedprinciples suitable for the existence of everyday people."④

Although homicide is a crime in the world of human beings, yet ac-cording to Li Hongzhi, the truth in this world is opposite to that at a higher

① Xinhua, (September 25, 2001)② Li Hongzhi, (July 30, 2001)③ Li Hongzhi, (September 4 to 5, 1998)④ Li Hongzhi, (July 30, 2001)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

level, where this is not homicide but to save people, that is, the one beingkilled will be saved and brought up to the paradise to be immortal. Accord-ingly, when the practitioners kill their relatives, they don't think they'vedone something wrong and harmful, instead, they believe that they havetaken those killed to the paradise for ultimate happiness. At these opin-ions of Li Hongzhi, when some practitioners have practiced long enoughto reach certain level, they believe that they have the power to save othersthrough killing them, including their relatives, in order to save and bringthem to the paradise.

Late at night of February 3, 2002, Dong Li, a villager living in Xijie,Dapingfang town , Chaoyang county , Liaoning province killed his37-year-old wife Meng Xiurong and 14-year-old daughter Dong Yudanwho were soundly asleep brutally with an iron pickax. Dong Li said that the"Great Sacred King" Li Hongzhi told him that the sky would fall down andthe land would collapse beneath our feet, that those going up to the par-adise would be God and Buddha in the "World of Falun," that those failingto do so would transform into pigs and dogs. In order to practice "FalunDafa," a family that used to be so happy was totally ruined.①

4.2 Falun Gong on Parents, Spouse, and Children

With the inducement of Li Hongzhi on families and on destroyingfamilies, what do Falun Gong practitioners do in dealing with their familymembers?

"The body structure of humans was created by Gods."②

① China News,(March 19, 2002)

② Li Hongzhi, (March, 2002)

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"The one who gives birth to your Primordial Spirit is your real mother.In the course of samsara, you have had mothers who were human andnon-human, and there are too many of them to be numbered...Who isyour mother? Who is your son or daughter? No one knows it after onepasses away."①

"Who are your real relatives?...From one life to another, how manyparents, wives, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers have you had ineach lifetime?...You are even unable to count them...Which ones arereal?...Your real parents are in the place where the universe created you.That is where your parents are...Therefore, your real parents are right nowwatching you over there, hoping that you will return; but instead of return-ing, you get lost here and still feel that your relatives are all here."②

During his earlier lecture recorded with videotape, Li Hongzhi evensaid: "I'm the oldest being in the universe and I created all my fathers andmothers in different lives."

Everyone was given birth to by his or her parents, that's somethingeven a three-year-old child knows; but Li Hongzhi reversed the normalethics and moralities, announcing that "God created people," "soul pro-duces people," even that "Li Hongzhi himself created people," that yourmother giving birth to you in this world is not your real mother, and yourreal mother is the one giving birth to your soul. Li Hongzhi asked the prac-titioners to chop up any blood relationship in this world, to abandon all hu-man relations, to refuse to acknowledge their biological parents, let aloneother relatives. So the practitioners refuse to fulfill their household dutiesand ignore the sufferings of their relatives. In order to "protect Fa," to "goup to a higher level," and "to gain Consummation," some practitioners lefttheir unattended bed-ridden parents and babies crying piteously for food,some were indifferent to the parents kneeling down in front of them tryingin vain to talk them out of the cultivation, some even refused to shed atear when their parents passed away.

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)

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Former practitioner Liu Chang once told a journalist that she "camefrom the paradise" and showed no affection at all to her bed-ridden fathersuffering rectal cancer that she left at home unattended. Similarly, LiHongzhi didn't accept his own mother either and told his disciples: "Mymother is a demon to me." One year later, he said to his disciples: "I'm theBuddha several levels higher than my daughter, and tens of thousandslevels higher than Sakyamuni, my power is tens of thousands levels high-er than Sakyamuni; I'm XX Buddha and my mother is a demon to me." LiHongzhi hated his mother very much for her revealing the truth about hislies to others, saying: "Human beings are degenerating and there aredemons everywhere. These demons interfere with your cultivation and thewretched demons just deserve to be killed." As for Li Hongzhi, his motheris a demon that deserves to be killed; this shows clearly how disobedientand unfilial he has been. Furthermore, Li Hongzhi was born on July 7,1952, in order to cheat others into believing that he's been Sakyamuni re-born, he changed his birth date into May 13, 1951, but at that time, his fa-ther Li Dan just met his mother Lu Shuzhen and they hadn't got marriedyet. Li Hongzhi changed his birth date at will, this is the most disrespectifuland disobedient thing that one has ever done to the parents.

"People say that Buddhism is now a mess, and Confucianism's thingshave crept into Buddhism, like filial piety, affection between men andwomen, and so on 要 these things have crept into Buddhism. But thesethings don't belong in Buddhism."①

"I would say that this is your wishful thinking. You are unable to inter-fere with the lives of others, and neither can you control others' fates, in-cluding those of your wife, sons, daughters, parents, or brothers. Can youdecide those things?"②

"When you show filial piety to your parents, that too is because of, and your parents doting on you is also due to it's all human

① Li Hongzhi,

② Li Hongzhi,

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"Even praying to get rid of bad fortune and sickness for your family isan attachment of affection for your family."②

"You can't kowtow to deceased people, though. They are waiting foryou to save them, so what would you kowtow to them for."③

Filial piety is the top virtue and a traditional morality for Chinese peo-ple; it's also an important morality advocated by doctrines of different reli-gions in the world. In the teachings of Islamism, "filial piety" is the secondimportant only next to the worship of Allah. While Christianism holds thatsince it's impossible for God to take care of everyone, the role of motherhas been created. All peoples in the world are grateful to parents givingbirth to and raising them. "Mother's Day" was originated in the US. Evenanimals will repay their mothers when they grow up, for example, thegrown-up crow will feed their aged mothers and the baby sheep will kneeldown for the milk from their mothers. But Li Hongzhi is openly against theshowing of filial piety and respect to parents, announcing that it's wrong toseek medical care for relatives , propagating that to respect parents is"emotion of human being" and "attachment," which should be discarded.With his teachings, a lot of Falun Gong practitioners become cold-bloodedand selfish during the cultivation, even refusing to kowtow to show theirpiety when their parents pass away.

Zhang Zhenyu, a practitioner of Yancheng city, Shandong province,didn't care about the medical conditions of his critically ill mother and evenprevented other family members from sending his mother to hospital. Herefused to kowtow to show filial piety when his mother finally passedaway, not even shedding a tiny tear.

Minghui published on April 23, 2008, an articlerevealing the

① Li Hongzhi,② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

experience of the anonymous author in torturing his or her critically illmother. The author felt a violent antipathy to the mother, who hadn't de-voted wholeheartedly into the cultivation. Later on, the mother fell ill andwanted to see doctor, which was a taboo for Falun Gong practitioners.The author managed to put up with a compromising solution: "On the onehand, measures for ordinary human beings were used: to take her bloodpressure and blood sugar, to give her some medicines when it becameworse, and to ask for treatment advice from acquaintances working in fa-mous hospitals; on the other hand, the treatment measures for cultivatorswere used: to send Forth Righteous Thoughts, to listen to Fa, to recitepithy formula on Fa-rectification, and we cultivators will sit in a circle toread scripture." But, "thing became worse and worse and finally, shecouldn't even take in water. At this hopeless moment (according to the no-tion of ordinary human beings), Master enlightened us, and several ad-vanced practitioners also came for help. At the sight of my mother, theysaid what Master used to say: 'How can ordinary human beings be able tocure the illness of God?'" Then, the author "let go of the emotion for themother," and "read to mother repeatedly what Master said in

," "if you can't practice anymore, you shouldinsist on practicing;if you vomit after eating anything, you should insist oneating; if you feel dizzy and sick when you sit,you should insist on sitting."①

"Human beings are degenerating and there are demons everywhere.These demons interfere with your cultivation and the wretched demonsjust deserve to be killed."②

"If the evil has already reached the point where it is unsavable andunkeepable, then various measures at different levels can be used to stopit and eradicate it...Completely eliminating the evil is for Fa-rectification,and not a matter of personal cultivation."③

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/4/23/177044.html② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, (January 1, 2001)

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Accordingly, Falun Gong practitioners believe that those interferingwith the study of Fa are demons, including their parents, some even killtheir parents in order to "remove demons."

On August 23, 1996, Wang Xuezhong, a Falun Gong practitioner inJiahe county, Hunan province, said his father Wang Jirong was a demonand hacked him 17 times at head, neck, and chest, killing the old man onthe site.①

On the one hand, Li Hongzhi propagates that Dafa disciples shall cul-tivate, be abstinent, and give up normal sexual life with their spouses inorder to gain Consummation; but on the other hand, he proposes to pro-mote "Consummation" through "Male-Female Dual Cultivation."

"Cultivation will be fruitless if you don't get rid of emotion, desire, andall the feelings of ordinary human beings. Right in the midst of ordinarypeople you have to get rid of every bit of all those bad thoughts you have,and that's the only way you can improve and go up."②

"Those who are attached to lust are no different from wicked people.While reciting the scriptures, they even cast furtive glances; they are farfrom the Dao and are wicked, everyday people. "③

"What do the old forces and the old cosmos see as the gravest thing?Lust...In other words, these things are extremely serious to them. So theold forces and all of the gods in that cosmos will not defend anyone whoviolates the prohibition on this, anyone who doesn't do well in this regard;in fact they will push you downwards."④

① CCTV, (May 31, 2001)② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi, (April 15, 1996)④ Li Hongzhi, (February 25, 2006)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Desires are normal physical need of human beings, just like Menciussaid: "Appetites for food and sex are human nature," while the sexual lifeenjoyed by a husband and a wife serves as the foundation for a stableand happy marriage and a harmonious family. But, Li Hongzhi said it wasthe obstacle on the road of cultivation, the evil influence on Consumma-tion, that the attachment to desires will prevent you from progressing andfrom going up, to make things worse, you'll be got by the old forces andbe expelled by all the gods in the universe because of this. Accordingly, inorder to reach a higher level and to gain Consummation, Dafa disciplesshall give up desires as well as normal sexual life between husband andwife.

Minghui published on June 4, 2008, an article, claiming in the name of a Dafa disciple that: "Fame, interest, emo-

tion, these are obstacles preventing you from improving your cultivation...You have to get rid of all the obstacles so as to find your way back to yourreal home as soon as possible. Therefore, when I let go of all the famesand interests, I resolutely cut off desires preventing cultivators from reach-ing Consummation."①

But as ordinary people with all kinds of feelings and desires, to askthem to stand the test is to strangle human nature, and how can anyonereally do this?

Minghui also published on April 3, 2008, an articlesaid: "Most of us practicing Dafa have got married,

but in the end, the married practitioners have to let go of these (emotions),and many people just can't do it and are so annoyed about this."②

On October 12, 2007, another articlepublished on Minghui, saying: "Since I

obtained Fa...I've grown up now and come across the issue of marriage...I've made up my mind not to get married...Some fellow practitioners saidon Minghui that to recite Fa would help to get rid of desires and lust. In

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/6/4/179611.html② Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/4/3/175680.html

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fact Master said Fa could get rid of all the attachments; not only desiresand lust, all human feelings can be got rid of by merging into Fa. I've al-ways paid special attention to all my thoughts and feelings; once I heardothers talking about these things in front of me, I know that I've got some-thing neglect and will send Forth Righteous Thoughts to snuff out the lustand the desires. I have to be strict with myself to stay away from all thetroubles."①

"In the community of cultivators, there is a cultivation practice calleddouble cultivation of a man and a woman...Double cultivation of a manand a woman is for collecting to supplement and vice versa withmutual complement for mutual cultivation, enabling the goal of balancing

and to be achieved...Because a human body inherently hasand , with the interactions of and , it can itself achieve a bal-ance of and ; it can thus give birth to many living beings."②

"We've discovered that nowadays a lot of men have female mastersouls, while a lot of women have male master souls. That fits exactly withthe celestial phenomenon in which the and are reversed, where

is prospering and is in decline, as Daoists put it. When conjoiningthe hands, the left hand is on top for males, while the right hand is on topfor females. Why is that? It's because the male body is one of pureand the female body is one of pure . In order to attain a balance ofand , males should suppress the and give play to the , whilefemales should suppress the and give play to the ."③

"Buddhas and Gods don't have ordinary human emotion, nor do theyhave an ordinary human way of thinking or the notions that are in ordinaryhumans' understandings of things."④

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/10/12/164293.html② Li Hongzhi,③ Li Hongzhi,④ Li Hongzhi, (March 23, 1997)

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Since Li Hongzhi hints that Male-Female Dual Cultivation will purifybody and improve cultivation, a lot of Falun Gong practitioners despisenormal husband-wife sexual life but craved for "Male-Female Dual Cultiva-tion" so as to promote Consummation. Male and female practitionerstherefore live together for the dual cultivation practice, which is againstethics and moralities, damages marriage, and even results in a brokenmarriage and family or other tragedies.

Practitioner Xiaomei used to be a decent and righteous woman with ahappy and harmonious family. But in order to gain Consummation, shepracticed Male-Female Dual Cultivation with her practitioner, cuttingthrough the bottom line of marriage moralities and ending up with a miser-able broken family. (Please refer to Case 2)

During the first half year in 2004, Li Mingying from Longjing city, Yan-bian, Jilin province, passed the test of emotion and affection and startedto practice Male-Female Dual Cultivation with her younger sister and sis-ter's husband. In order to remove the demon, two sisters killed Jin Tao,the husband of Li Mingying, with sticks. When Jin Tao's mother PengShouxian who was a practitioner too, visited her dying son and, at hearingthat they did this in order to remove the demon for him, she sat down onthe ground with them around Jin Tao, chanting scriptures till he died.①

In his , Li Hongzhi discussed the relationship betweenhusband and wife: "From a high-level perspective, everyday people areplaying with mud while in society without realizing that it is dirty. They areplaying with mud on earth." In other words, practitioners shouldn't havesex with their spouses who are ordinary human beings. Minghui holds thesame opinion, such as in , the authorsaid: "In case the senior practitioners get married with ordinary people orjunior practitioners, it's like God gets married with an ordinary human be-ing, will this happy in the heaven? You should think about it more rationally

① Kaiwind,(December 14, 2007)

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so as to better cultivate the Fa during the last stage of Fa-rectificationpractice."①

Accordingly, no practitioner wants to get married with ordinary people;those getting married with ordinary people will break up in the end or to al-low the family cease to exist except for in the name. A practitioner oncesaid in the article published on Minghui: "As for those attach-ing to emotion , have no pity on them even if they die a miserabledeath; ordinary people have so many karmas with them, just like thosegetting stuck in the mud."② As a result, Dafa disciples will usually end upwith following tragedies in their marriage:

Wang Junyuanused to have a happy family, both his wife and he were graduates of Uni-versity of Science and Technology of China. In 1995, Wang Junyuan wentto study in the US and, in order to be with him, his wife gave up her jobwith a good salary. The two were a happy couple at that time. But thenFalun Gong changed his wife and destroyed his family. After practicingFalun Gong, his wife didn't work hard, study, or care about the family asshe used to do. She even left the newborn at home and lived else wherealone, claiming that practicing "Falun Dafa" was the most important thingand the top priority in her life, that it would be her ultimate happiness if shecould obtain a true teaching this life. She refused to give up cultivation nomatter what. Just like that, a family that used to be so happy and harmo-nious was ruined by Falun Gong.③

An article published on Minghui,described: "I felt that I was the happiest person in the world after I got toknow him, a practitioner, for I got both Dafa and the one I loved. But heonce told me not to take it too seriously, that he didn't like the girls with my

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/2/20/149356.html② Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/3/21/151183.html③ People's Daily, (July 26, 2000)

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character, and that he was with me just because of cultivation."①

Another article published on Minghui, said: "A fellow practitioner..., about 29 years old...one day, some-

one introduced a woman from Northeast China to him. He told her thetruth and she could accept that; so he wanted her to practice Dafa andshowed her the books about Dafa...The two got married and, after mar-riage, he found out that she was so old and she used to be a prostitute.His mother gave her a treatment for a long time, and finally they had achild."②

To have sex with other men besides their husbands: According topublished

on Minghui: "There's a senior practitioner, when her husband was perse-cuted, a man...seduced and raped her. She got pregnant, then gave birthto a son and the two started to live together...Some senior practitionerstold her...to continue the dirty life, and the reason was that her familyshouldn't be allowed...to be against Dafa, and that sacrifice was neces-sary in order to 'protect Fa'. Another female fellow practitioner had alwaysbeing asked by men...to establish a relationship,...some senior practition-ers didn't do anything about it under the excuse that Fa shall not be affect-ed."③

Li Hongzhi denied any genetic relations between children and parentsin the first place: "You know that in this lifetime you are family, but did youknow that in your previous life you might not have been?...In this lifetime

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/3/7/150279.html② Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/4/14/152739.html③ Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/2/3/171675.html

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that person is your child, but whose child was he in his previous life?"①

"Who are your real relatives?...From one life to another, how manyparents, wives, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers have you had ineach lifetime?...You are even unable to count them...Which ones arereal?...Your real parents are in the place where the universe created you.That is where your parents are...Therefore, your real parents are right nowwatching you over there, hoping that you will return; but instead of return-ing, you get lost here and still feel that your relatives are all here."②

Li Hongzhi denies the consanguinity between children and parentsand advocates to take relationship more lightly; therefore, Dafa disciplesno longer love and care about their children, causing great damages tothe healthy growing up of these kids.

In March 1997, Li Xiuqin living at Lianzhuang town, Ninghe county,Tianjin, started to practice Falun Gong and gradually became obsessedwith it. All day long, the only thing in her mind was practicing and she didnothing else at home. Being affected by the theories of "removing karma"advocated by Li Hongzhi, Li Xiuqin refused to get injection or takemedicine when she fell ill. What's more, she didn't allow Liu Wenyong, herson, to go to hospital. In early 1999, Liu Wenyong had skin disease andhis father wanted to take him to hospital, Li Xiuqin stopped them by force.Li treated her son according to the usual practice of Falun Gong andmissed the best time for medical treatment. Shortly after that, the condi-tion of the boy became increasingly worse, with a large amount of redspots all over the body and some even started to rankle. The doctors atlocal hospital finally diagnosed it as dermal cancer. Liu Wenyong, whowas critically ill and cried all day long, said to his mother: "Mother, thinkabout it, how happy our family used to be. But look at it now, it's not myhome. Grandma cries all the time; Dad doesn't want to step out of thehouse and don't want to eat. I'm so worried about them and have to guardthe two of them closely...Sister and I have nothing decent to eat and to

① Li Hongzhi, (February 25, 2006)② Li Hongzhi, (May 2 to 3, 1999)

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wear, why is that? My dear mother, think about it, don't do this to us justbecause you practice Falun Gong!"①

Song Li, a farmer of Jiguanshan town , Fengcheng city , Liaoningprovince, practiced Falun Gong together with her husband. In order to getrid of the "fame, interest, emotion" of ordinary people, the couple lefthome in order to concentrate on cultivation, leaving behind a 72-year-oldmother and two children studying at primary school unattended. The oldand the young could do no farming work and had no income, having todepending on relatives for a life. The performance of the children atschool became increasingly poor.②

As for Li Hongzhi, family and school education were nothing for chil-dren. According to his theory of "karma," after a person was born, his orher entire life had been arranged and set in advance. Whether one will behappy or not is decided by the karma of his previous life, and educationwon't change his or her fate.

"As everything is pre-arranged, then why should you still educatethem?"③

"If he listens to you, you can offer him a kind word of advice whenhe's willing to listen. You're best off not saying anything when he's irritat-ed, as saying something then is just like saying nothing, and you mighteven get yourself all frustrated. It's not your fault if he can't be disciplinedat all."③

"If you can't teach him anymore, and he insists on doing something,there is nothing you can do. As long as he doesn't commit crimes, you re-ally can't do much."⑤

① Guangming Daily,(April 5, 2001)

② People's Daily,(April 6, 2001)

③ Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)④ Li Hongzhi, (May 30 to 31, 1998)⑤ Li Hongzhi, (May 23, 1999)

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① Li Hongzhi, (September 18, 1994)② Li Hongzhi, (September, 1994)③ Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/5/13/178321.html

As for the education of Falun Gong practitioners, Li Hongzhi actuallyhas evil intention and plans. He denies the function of education, trying toturn the children of all Falun Gong practitioners into new followers so as toenlarge the organization and to recruit more members.

"What do they (some children) come for? To obtain the Fa. Theyknew that the old Fa had degenerated, and they came to temper them-selves again. Don't consider them average people."①

"Many youngsters have a significant background要 they are all to at-tain this Fa."②

Being affected by these opinions and theories, many Dafa disciplesdidn't pay attention to the education of children, and some even forcedtheir children to learn Falun Dafa. A lot of practitioners sent their childrento learn Falun Gong theories at the so-called Minghui School, to sendForth Righteous Thoughts , clarify the truth, make all kinds of strangemovements. As for these things, there're plenty of examples on Minghui.

Minghui published an article on May 13, 2008,"I'm a young disciple from

mainland China as well as a freshman in high school...I read at least oneTeaching everyday and go to bed around midnight of 12 o'clock aftersending Forth Righteous Thoughts."③

A freshman in high school at his adolescence has to "send ForthRighteous Thoughts" at 12:00 at night everyday, this is totally against thegoal of modern education and will inevitably cause great physical andmental damages to the boy. UNESCO has pointed out clearly that, due tothe immature mental conditions of the youth, it's inappropriate to promotereligious education among the youth.

Being affected by the theories of Li Hongzhi including "removing kar-ma," "removing demons," and "saving people," some practitioners refuse

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to seek medical care for their children, some kill the children as "demons,"and some "go up to the paradise" to gain "Consummation" together withthe children.

According to published on Minghuion March 26, 2008: "I vomited and had diarrhea...what made me the mostuncomfortable is that Master helped me to purify my body, it's a goodthing...I could make it."① In this article, Long Fei fell ill and still believed thatit was because his Master was purifying the body, refusing to takemedicine or see doctor. That's how Falun Gong puts the lives of the youthat risk.

Ma Xiurong, a practitioner living in Nanguan district, Changchun city,Jilin province, forced the sick son to practice Falun Gong in order to treatthe illness and "get rid of the demons." Five months later, the 12-year-oldchild died miserably at home due to the lack of scientific medical care.②

Wang Jiuling, female, a resident of Zhaoyuan town, Daqing city, Hei-longjiang province, started to practice Falun Gong in 1997. In July 2000,Wang followed her husband to visit their relatives in Shandong province.At 12 am of July 28, Wang Jiuling jumped out the window of the apart-ment on the sixth floor, holding the 4-year-old boy in her arms. Wang diedon the way to the hospital at the age of 26 and the 4-year-old child diedlater at the hospital.③

① Minghui, http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/3/26/175178.html② People's Daily, (April 5, 2001)③ People's Daily,

(July 19, 2001)

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4.3 Experts and Scholars on Falun Gong

Destroying Families

After April 25, 1999, Li Hongzhi left mainland China for Sydney andheld a two-day meeting from May 2 to 3, during which he said: "In fact atkindergartens in some places, all the headmasters and teachers are prac-ticing Falun Gong, all the boys and girls are practicing it. As for children,they don't have any attachments and when they sit over there, alas, that'sso great, so pure, so amazing. This is a good thing, of course, to teach thechildren with the theories of Dafa, and this will benefit them for a lifetime."

What he said was true and, during a campaign against Falun Gong in1999, people found to their surprise that there was a study group teachingFalun Gong targeting at children and teenagers in Jinan city, Shandongprovince . A total of 19 kids were talked into this "Dharma Propagation"program, the youngest member was 4 to 5 years old, and the oldest was12. They got the younger ones with candy and biscuits and the biggerones with the lie of "becoming immortals and obtaining the truth." Thesekids were locked up in a secret room, watching the teachings of LiHongzhi on videotape, learning to read the books about Falun Gong, andeven reciting the reactionary poems in by Li Hongzhi! What ahorrible scene, this is more like a "concentration camp" destroying thesekids than a study group.

After 10-year-old Hu Zhenwei was saved and stepped out of thesmall room, she complained: "They told me to hold my breath during prac-ticing, but that made me feel suffocated and my heart ached." Being

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asked what they were doing in that small room, Wang Guangjun an-swered: "To sit in meditation and to pass all the tests." And a kid said: "Iused to be one of the top students in my class, but now I can only man-age to pass the exams."

What does this "study group" want to do? To compete with us for theyounger generation! We want to teach them to learn, love, and apply sci-ences. What does Falun Gong do? Just like what the founder of the "studygroup" said: "They're just kids, they'll believe in anything you tell them!"

That's so horrible; for the souls of children are blank papers, we won'tallow them to be polluted from the very beginning by those evil theories ofFalun Gong. But they just do this and we must take it seriously, for thefight for future successors is just around us.

I want to tell you a story, a true story that happened in a kindergartenin my neighborhood. A teacher there is a practitioner and she had hereyes on a girl. So she prevented the girl from coming out to play with oth-er kids and kept her inside to sit in meditation and practice. She alsotalked to the parents of the girl, proposing to be the godmother of the girl.The parents brought the girl back home and stayed away from the kinder-garten ever since.

We know that Li Hongzhi founded a lot of Minghui Schools in foreigncountries and we should make an intensive investigation on what theyteach children there.①

The home that Li Hongzhi describes is actually his unreal FalunWorld. Those practicing Dafa are no longer ordinary human beings, don'thave to be abided by the rules and laws for ordinary people, don't have tocare for the families that they used to have when they were ordinary peo-ple, by forgetting about everything, reading the books on Falun, obeyingthe order of Master, then they won't be disturbed by any "Buddha, Dao,God, Demon" and they will surely succeed. At that time, Master will bringyou back "home."②

① Kaiwind, (June 8, 2006)② Kaiwind, (June 24, 2006)

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Some qigong masters greatly exaggerate the functions of qigong andmislead the public on its effect. I believe that this will prevent the publicfrom having a correct understanding on qigong. They make qigong some-thing magic and this will do a great harm to the youth. For example, theysay to practice qigong will make you go up to the heaven and to the worldof Falun; at least, you'll get magic powers, etc. As for some teenagers andyoung people, since they're lack of experience, at hearing these ridiculertheories, they'll be easily confused and misled and will finally engage insomething ridiculous and stupid, and some will even go extremes by burn-ing themselves at Tian'anmen Square.

For self-burning, if lucky enough, it will endanger one's life, if not, itwill kill him or her. Boys and girls, think about it, as for that 12-year-oldgirl, her mother committed suicide, she had no idea how she could makeit by herself. She cried for her mother, but her mother would never comeover to her and care about her ever. As for that 19-year-old girl, so beauti-ful, with such a talent in music and such a promising future, but she in-tended to burn herself. Yes, she didn't die; but she couldn't play her fa-vorite lute anymore and she had no future as a promising musician. In thissense, all will feel so sorry for them.

As for the senior citizens participating in these ridiculous activities,people might say that you should be old enough to know things better. Butas for the young people, I feel it the duty of all scientists and educators todo something, otherwise, we won't live up to the expectation of theyounger generation. I am for the revelation on Falun Gong and want toappeal to the public to pay close attention to the exaggerated propagationof qigong. So I want to make this clear once again, I am against the youngpeople to practice qigong, for it will cause certain diseases.

According to the statistics released by an asylum in Beijing, amongthose suffering mental problems due to the practice of qigong, about 20%are Falun Gong practitioners, ranking the first. But the other 80% patientsused to practice various kinds of qigong, and even some "safe" qigong al-

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so cause problems. What is safe qigong? In the past, public health au-thority in China used to promote some qigong, one of which is InternalCultivation Practice invented by Liu Guizhen, who believed that qigong isgood to people's health and can serve as a method supporting medicalcare. It enjoyed extensive influence at the time. Moreover, the publichealth authority used to promote Guolin Qigong, which might help to treatcancers. Both of them are known as safe qigong; in spite of this, you canfind the practitioners of both in asylums. In this sense, "safe" qigong is notone hundred percent safe either.

Moreover, I want to make this clear to you, the life span of thefounders of above-mentioned two qigongs is no more than 60 and theyhaven't enjoyed the expected health and longevity; while the average lifespan of Chinese people now is 70. So those engaging in publicizing themystical power of qigong shall wake up a little at hearing what happenedto the two founders. Of course, we shouldn't deny the functions of twoqigong completely due to the short life span of their founders. For in asense, I agree that qigong has certain effect in maintaining health. But wemust see through the exaggerated advertisement on the functions ofqigong, which we shall not bear and allow. At least the two foundershaven't lived a long life themselves. I think we should let the public knowmore about these things and should introduce these cases to the youthproperly.①

The purpose of Falun Gong organization is not to help people to im-prove health but to manipulate the life of practitioners through theirso-called practicing routines, so that the practitioners will become increas-ingly indifferent and depressed, losing sense of responsibility both to thesociety and to family, ending up with morbid pertinacity or insanity.①

① Kaiwind,

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Li Hongzhi poisoned the soul of practitioners with his evil theories,lies and deceitful trick so as to brainwash them, to make them unable totell right from wrong, so that they will follow all his orders. What he hasdone not only does damages to the implementation of the strategy of re-viving the country with science and education, destroy the construction ofsocialist spiritual civilization, but also result in severe social consequencesand a series of family tragedies. More than 1,400 people died because ofpracticing Falun Gong, many more have been tortured by Falun Gong somuch that they lost their mind and ended up with a broken marriage andbroken family. While at the same time, Li Hongzhi and his followers madea fortune from practitioners and from different countries to support theirlavish lives.

What does Li Hongzhi mean by the term "attachment"? He said: "Thereason there are people, and that people can live in the world, is just forone word: ! Your happiness, anger, grief, and pleasure; what you liketo do or don't like to do; what you like to eat or don't like to eat; whicheverperson you like or don't like; feelings for family, feelings for friends, feel-ings of love, feelings for parents 要 everything of everything 要 everythingof human beings comes from this . Then it follows that can pro-duce every kind of attachment...Then when a person is actually cultivat-ing, he has to get rid of this attachment, to gradually wear it down. It'seven better if you can completely get rid of it, because it is a manifestationof your level. You should gradually come to take these things, things thatordinary people are attached to, more and more lightly." ② If one reallydoes what Li Hongzhi said, as a result for Falun Gong practitioners, they'lllose "the love of relatives, friendship, love, and love of parents," togetherwith all emotions, all the plans for getting a better life, giving up their re-sponsibilities for the family, the career, the society, and the country.

① People's Daily,(November 25, 1999)

② Li Hongzhi,

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They'll become heartless and ruthless, can't tell right from wrong andgood from bad, living a meaningless life; then are they still an ordinaryperson? For such a man is no good than a pig or dog.①

In May 2000, during the annual meeting of "Cult and Millennium" heldin Seattle by American Family Foundation, Pasty Rahn, a scholar fromUniversity of California, Los Angeles, delivered a speech stating thatFalun Gong did destroy families. In her 11-page report, Rahn pointed outthat some practitioners refused to seek medical care after falling ill anddied because of that. She said that Li Hongzhi claimed he could manageto make the practitioners reach a disease-free status and no practitionerwill fall ill ever since; in case practitioners do fall ill, Li Hongzhi will say thatthey are undergoing sufferings and this is to test whether they're loyal tothe Master. Rahn said that, with these theories, no practitioner will go tosee doctor or take medicine after falling ill and how can they not diebecause of that?②

Professor Margaret Thaler Singer also former chair of American Psy-chological Association as well as one of the world leading researchers oncult issues, said on Falun Gong destroying families:③

① Kaiwind,② People's Daily, (May 12, 2000)③ Xinhua, (July 6,


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"I began talking with cult members who had left cults and their fami-lies back in the very early 1960's. So then for forty years, I've been work-ing with people and their families captured by cults.

"To today, I'd been called by 75 mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters ofpeople who have got into Falun Gong. I have read all the literatures, I be-ing able to find, of translations of Li Hongzhi's stuff. I haven't talked withanyone that's left the cult. But the parents, what they described to me, firstof all, they are shocked, that someone from a Chinese family would breakaway from hundreds and hundreds years of family affiliation to go soagainst the grain of their cultural background. Then the second thing thatthese mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters have told me. [Only three of the75 family said,] when I asked them, is your brother or your father whoever[oh,] Chinese or honkies. Only three of them are honkies. 72 to all the 75were Chinese. The brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers told me the firstconcern was that the son or daughter had just disappeared, didn't talk tothem when they called on the phone, and didn't come home to visit, andwas really strange and pushing them off, which was so against Chinesetraditions.

"From my readings and from what these people have told me, LiHongzhi just took all the little excises, Tai Chi exercises and the breathing,and new sources sort of a front piece to lure people in. Then, he takesthem down to the garden paths reputed, to believing every thing he tellsthem and they can not differ from it.

"I don't know how many months ago it was, that family started callingme, because they've seen me on television in the San Francisco area alot, talking about cults, about mind controlling, brain washing, variouskinds of scams and trickeries, because at that area I've been studying onhow people influence and trick one another. So, Chinese families got veryconcerned. Up to now, (there were) 75 different families, because Ihaven't seen them having called me before. They say no, this is our firstcall. It will be mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, who are telling me thatone member of their family has been recruited into Falun Gong. They are

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either on the western coast, very near San Francisco because we have avery large Chinese popular community there. Some of them have beencalling from up in the Boston area, because they got my phone numberfrom relatives in San Francisco. They have seen me on the TV, talkingabout how to help people get out the cults.

"What the parents and brothers and sisters of the Falung Gong mem-bers are concerned about is: first, their saying is so against thousands ofyears of Chinese tradition. To drop your family, to just don't be your fami-ly. Once he get with Falun Gong, they are gone, the young adult or theperson just abandons their family because the Falun Gong people replacetheir real family. Then secondly, these family members say, our brother,our sister doesn't talk with us any more. He lectures at us. He has memo-rized speeches of Li Hongzhi, that he just recites. If we visit him or if wecall him on the phone, he just recites. They say, we can't communicatewith our family members, he just lectures at us. Then, the third thing thatthey are very worrying about is that Li Hongzhi tells his followers to stoptaking medicine. Some of these family members have said that theirbrother or sister have some very chronic diseases like diabetes, where heshould be taken his insulin or other diseases were they should be takentheir medicine. They are very afraid that their relatives just get die, be-cause they've read and gained at the internet and see how many peoplehave died in China that being followers of Li Hongzhi. They are very con-cern, because these relatives say, I want to go to China, and be with theFalun Gong people in China. Their parents and brothers and sisters say tome 'we are very afraid that they will go and they will do some illegal in Chi-na and they will get put in jail and shot, who knows what.' They want toknow how to get their relatives out, with them along, about how to lurethem back out again, and so on. But we just don't have enough people.There are not too many of us that read all the stuff that's been translatedinto English what Li Hongzhi has said."

When asked about what kinds of harms have been done to thesemembers, Dr. Singer said:

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"They've been separated from their family. They have been told not totake their medicine. They used to be like you and I, regular people, whorationally thought about stuff. Once they get with Falun Gong, their familysays, they don't rationally reason any more. They just recite, learn phras-es. They have lost their ability to be independent reasoners. Some ofthese people, the relatives say, have lost their job skills, because they putso much time in with their for long Falun Gong friends."

To sum up, Falun Gong is a cult, for it divinize a man, propagatingthat his followers will also become God, and this kind of transcendent be-lief initiates a lot of controversies in the society. As for the practicing ofFalun Gong cult, we shouldn't sit doing nothing at all, for ignoring lives andguarding what they believe is true even at the price of destroying families,that's the nature of a cult.①

On November 1, 2006, during an interview by KPFA Radio in Berke-ley, California USA, Samuel Luo said: "Falun Gong actually demands theirfollowers to give up their love for their family. Now in themain text of the book, Mr. Li writes this 'Love between a man and woman,love for parents, feelings, friendship, doing things for friendship and every-thing else all related to this sentimentality. And if this sentimentality is notrelinquished, you will be unable to practise cultivation.' So, I think in follow-ing or should I've, say, brainwashed by this group, they have become adifferent person."②

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/kfzlk/gjfy/jwbd/200711/t71014.htm② KPFA Radio, http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=16929

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Professor Alexander Dvorkin told China Association for Cultic Stud-ies: "They would turn individuals into tools of cults, and destroy their fami-lies. Cults harm individuals, families, societies and countries like 'cancer-ous cells' in a healthy body. Cults make no contribution to the society. Butthey kept absorbing human resources and wealth from it. Like cancerouscells, they obtain nutrition from the healthy body of society until it collaps-es."①

Both Chinese and foreign scholars recognize the facts that FalunGong practitioners have done damages to their families, and that the rea-son why they did such a thing is because they are obsessed with FalunGong, which make it a cult in a real sense.

① Xinhua,(May 12, 2008)

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Appendix Individual Cases

I'm He Qun from Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province. When I woke upfrom the nightmare in May 2002, I found nothing could be reversed: Myhappy family was broken, I was thrown into the jail, and my old parentshad to pay the family debt after my wife and daughter left because of mymistake. All these happened just because I fell deeply into Falun Gong.

It was in 1997 that I was introduced to Falun Gong labelled with"Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." From then on, as asked by LiHongzhi to "read thoroughly and repeatedly" and "really do cultivation," Ispent lots of time reading his scriptures everyday. So my mind was con-trolled by these fallacies gradually. I refused to take medicine when I wasill because "Gong can eliminate viruses," and I treated my families care-lessly for Li Hongzhi said that "Ordinary people live for emotion , butas a cultivator, you can't confuse yourself with an ordinary person." Astime passed by, these false thoughts were intensified, and my view of lifeand the world changed totally. At that time, I believed that the ultimatemeaning of life was "to reach Consummation" or "to escape from theabyss of misery and return to Paradise."

"Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and "To be a good man"camouflaged Falun Gong. Swindled by its fallacies, I ignored my greedi-ness, and I couldn't see through the cult nature of Falun Gong. In 1999,when the government banned Falun Gong, I could not accept the fact thatFalun Gong was a cult. Meanwhile, Li Hongzhi published "the scriptures"continually overseas, saying that "the time of 'Consummation' was getting

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200802/t77751.htm

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immeasurably nearer, and those who wouldn't go out (against the govern-ment) would lose their chance and would be eliminated and destroyed."Terror-stricken and for the sake of my Consummation, I began to initiatemy illegal activities. Finally I was arrested for illegally printing a mass ofFalun Gong leaflets.

In the detention house, I still protested against the law by going on ahunger strike asked by Li Hongzhi. When my parents heard of this, theycame with my wife and child to persuade me. My mother knelt down intears, begging me to rethink about them and my little child. I was notmoved by her words at all, and on the contrary I blamed the policeman forarresting "the good man" and hurting my parents. At that time, I evencould not tell what is good and what is evil. So now, you can see to what adegree Falun Gong can poison one's mind and destroy his humanity.

In March 2001, I was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. It wassuch a heavy blow to my wife and daughter that they left me and my fami-ly. Then, my old parents had to carry the burdens of life and pay the debtsof the family.

While I am serving my sentence, my old parents do all they can topay the debt. At the weekends and in holiday vacations, when other fami-lies gather happily for celebration, my parents could do nothing but cry bit-terly at home. Whenever I think of this, my heart is filled with endless re-morse and agony. Li Hongzhi promises that the family of the Falun Gongpractitioners would "be rewarded," but I finally realize I have brought myfamily members nothing but sorrow and agony. I also find out that "to re-move Karma for others" means to purposely harm others, and that's LiHongzhi and his Falun Gong's vicious logic.

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Lin Yujie

Xiaomei is one of my students; she is elegant, pure and innocent. Aswe are of the same age and live in the same city, we become morefriends than teacher and student. However, since she started to practiceFalun Gong, she had become distant and numb, and eventually discardedher family like a paranoid. During those years, I was always concernedabout her whereabouts. One day I happened to see her, she held me inher arms and could not help crying bitterly. When she calmed down, shetold me her story of cultivation, which made me furious: Howconscienceless the cult Falun Gong has actually been! It shamelesslyadvocates the so-called "Male-Female Dual Cultivation" in the name ofgaining Consummation!

Here below is her account of her own experience.I got married in June 1996. Plain as I was, I was lucky to marry a

handsome and talented husband. Although he said he was attracted bymy unique feminine temperament, I still dreamed to be more beautiful sothat I would match him. This desire became even stronger when I grewfatter after giving birth to my daughter. Just at that time, I was introducedto Falun Gong and soon allured by the fabrication of Li Hongzhi in

, "After our Falun Dafa students cultivate a while the way they lookchanges a lot. Their skin becomes delicate and fair, it glows with health...This is all common...you truly do a dual practice of nature and longevityyou'll naturally get that, and I can guarantee you won't need to havefacials." I read this with ecstasy as if I've found treasure and then adheredto Falun Gong firmly.

After a period of cultivation, I felt my skin did become delicate, whichmade me more enchanted with Falun Gong. When I knew I could even

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200806/t80982.htm

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cultivate myself a fairy, I believed the luck had favored me again. I seizedthe opportunity with thankfulness and regarded the words of Mater as adecree.

The Master said in , "You are unable to practicecultivation if you don't abandon sentiment and desire or don't give up theordinary heart. Right in the midst of ordinary people you have to get rid ofevery bit of all those bad thoughts you have, and that's the only way youcan improve and go up. You can only be elevated and go to the Paradiseafter you abandon all affection and desire in the world." He also said in

, "If someone can break out of affection, thenthat person is divine." Those words were a head-on blow on me andplunged me into a tortuous dilemma: if I reject affections from myhusband, are we still the couple? If I don't, I cannot do real cultivation.

When I was hesitating, I read the words of the Master in, "The truth is, you're no

longer one of the ordinary human beings, and you couldn't even go backanymore, you really can't. The difference between you and ordinarypeople has grown downright large." In , the Master saidclearly about relation between husband and wife, "From a high-levelperspective, everyday people are playing with mud while in society withoutrealizing that it is dirty. They are playing with mud on earth." I suddenlyunderstood: I am not an ordinary person any more; I am a deity and howcan we deities play with ordinary people? Moreover, with the affection inmy heart, I can never cultivate myself! Since then, I restrained from myhusband adamantly. At first, my husband thought I was not feeling welland tried to refrain himself; later, when he found I was in high spirit anddid not seem to be uncomfortable, he tried to persuade me tenderly andpassionately. To tell the truth, lying in the arms of my husband was trulyan enjoyment for me, however, neither dare I enjoy this happiness nor canI tell him the truth, because when I started to practice Falun Gong in 1999,the government had already banned it. I suffered a lot mentally.

But the Master said in

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, "As a matter of fact, when you agonize over infringementsupon your reputation, self-interest, and feelings among everyday people, italready indicates that you cannot let go of ordinary human attachments.You must remember this: Cultivation itself is not painful 要 the key lies inyour inability to let go of ordinary human attachments. Only when you areabout to let go of your reputation,interests,and feelings will you feel pain...You don't let go of those filthy things that you cling to in this filthy world,and you even agonize over the most trivial losses." Reading this, I thoughtmy suffering originated from my attachment, so I did not care myhusband's feelings any more and separated with him decisively.

As a wife, rejecting my husband's familarity with me, I felt remorsefuland uneasy after all. My regret grew even stronger when I saw he wasworking hard for our family, and his blue eyes. On the other hand, as awoman, I also thirsted to nestle up his arms with soft smile and enjoy hiscare. However, Li Hongzhi's words "Cultivating the heart, severingdesires, discarding attachments," and "What do the old forces and the oldcosmos see as the gravest thing? Lust...In other words, these things areextremely serious to them. So the old forces and all of the gods in thatcosmos will not defend anyone who violates the prohibition on this,anyone who doesn't do well in this regard; in fact they will push youdownwards." And the collection of papers in Minghui

made me "enlightened" if I was still lingering overlust and desire, my cultivation would be hopeless, and I would even sinkinto hell. So I told myself I should give up the temptation of lust thoroughlyinstead of cooking up excuses. For fear that my husband was too tenderto resist, I decided to leave home and give up lust completely by hardcultivation.

Now, recalling this, I realize for cultivators like me the asceticism wasthe stupid persistence; for ordinary person like my husband, that is awreck to humanity. As Mencius put it, "Appetite for food and sex arehuman nature." Sexual desire is a natural demand of human beings.Nevertheless, Li Hongzhi declined it as the fetter to cultivation, the hamper

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to Consummation. How stupid I was to believe it firmly and fulfill itresolutely.

In fact, I was an apple of my parents' eye from childhood, and aftermarriage, was also coddled by husband; when I had to live all by myself, Ifelt totally at a loss for I even could not make myself a meal. Just then, Icame across a fellow practitioner, who helped me rent a room near his.Since we were both Falun Gong disciples, I was not so vigilant and I spentthe all the time with him except sleeping. I lived an appearing happy lifesince there was no need to vex about my husband's love; however, duringthe night I felt so lonely in my small room and missed my gentle husbandand lovely daughter extremely and dreamed about walking on the roadhome every night. Then I recalled the words of Li Hongzhi in

, "Those who are attached to affection for family will definitelybe burned, entangled, and tormented by it. Pulled by the threads ofaffection and plagued by them throughout their lives, they will find it toolate to regret at the end of their lives," and "If this sentimentality is notrelinquished, you will be unable to practice cultivation." Those wordsprevented me from going back home.

A few days later, our money was running out, so he suggested welive together to reduce the house rent charge. As Falun Gong disciples,being imbued with "Cultivate your heart and mind, let go of your desires,"we had no carnal thoughts and lived peacefully with a drape hangingbetween us. The following three months, we lived a difficult life.

Later, the fellow practitioner found a job in a restaurant to earn moneyand came back late every night. I had learned how to cook for thistemporary "home." The life was so rough that both of us almost gave upcultivation, but we had already sacrificed too much and there was noturning back. One day, the disciple said to me solemnly, "Let's beginmale-female dual cultivation, and that will shorten the time to reachConsummation." To convince me, he read me the words of "Male-FemaleDual Cultivation" in , "In the community of cultivators, there isa cultivation practice called double cultivation of a man and a woman...

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Double cultivation of a man and a woman is for collecting tosupplement and vice versa with mutual complement for mutualcultivation, enabling the goal of balancing and to be achieved...Because a human body inherently has and , with the interactionsof and , it can itself achieve a balance of and ; it can thusgive birth to many living beings," "We've discovered that nowadays a lot ofmen have female master souls, while a lot of women have male mastersouls. That fits exactly with the celestial phenomenon in which the and

are reversed, where is prospering and is in decline, asDaoists put it," and "When conjoining the hands, the left hand is on top formales, while the right hand is on top for females. Why is that? It'sbecause the male body is one of pure and the female body is one ofpure . In order to attain a balance of and , males shouldsuppress the and give play to the , while females should suppressthe and give play to the ."

He also said, "The deity has no concept and they are naked." I wasmuddled: it was for asceticism that I left my home, now how can I...? So Irejected him. However, he seemed to see me through and explained, "Weare the cultivated, not ordinary persons any more. The copulation of theordinary is dirty, but conjoin of us is divine and great; we do this forConsummation." He continued to tell me about Falun Gong disciples'group cultivation, and how they had been elevated quickly. Heencouraged me, "If we perform the dual cultivation, Consummation will beaccomplished soon." I had no other choice but to agree with him. When Islept with him, I felt uneasy for I didn't like him at all and he was as old asmy father. But for Consummation, I bore all these...Until my husbandcame to find me, I didn't feel any elevation of myself. On the contrary,facing my righteous husband, I felt ashamed and guilty.

My husband took me home with a strong hand. I felt too shamedwhen I saw he had already prepared me a good meal. But I was stillreluctant to give up the invaluable opportunity to become a deity. Untilgovernment instructors invited by my husband analyzed the fearful

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

consequence of practicing Falun Gong did I realize how stupid I was.After the nightmare, I still felt guilty. Whenever my husband tried to

show his affections to me, I thought I did not deserve it, for I was a stain toour chaste love and perfect marriage. After I calmed down, I chose todivorce, although it may not be the best choice, but by doing this, I canstill be a woman with the sense of shame.

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I'm Liang Xuelin, female, 60 years old, live on Dongmen street,Lincheng town , Huitong county , Hunan province , retired from HuitongCounty Film Corporation. In November 1998, I started to practice FalunGong for it would help me to get rid of illness and to be healthy as theyclaimed. In December 2000, I was sent to the labor camp for one year onthe charge of engaging in illegal activities and committing crimes in Bei-jing. On June 8, 2003, I engaged in illegal activities and committed crimesonce again but managed to run away and had stayed away from myhometown for more than one year, becoming a professional Falun Gongpractitioner. I was arrested on October 15, 2004 and was sentenced tofive-year imprisonment in March 2005. On April 11, 2008, I was releasedone year ahead of due term because of my peccavi.

The seven-year experience is a nightmare for me, for I have done alot of illegal and immoral things harmful to the country, to my family, andto me as well. I used to have a happy family, but now I've got nothing buta broken marriage and a broken family. And the root of all these is be-cause I believed in the evil theories of Li Hongzhi. Now I hate Li Hongzhiso much, I hate Falun Gong so much!要 Li Hongzhi says we should "sever emotions," so I gave up all true

love and emotions in human world in order to make my cultivation go upto a higher level.

In his , Li Hongzhi said: "People just live for emotion.The affection among family members, the love between a man and wom-an, love for parents, feelings, friendships, doing things for friendship'ssake要 no matter where you go you can't get out of emotion. You want todo something, you don't want to do something, you're happy, you're un-happy, you love something, you hate something 要 everything in society

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200807/t82221.htm

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comes completely from emotion. If you don't sever emotion, you won't beable to cultivate." In his , Li Hongzhisaid: "Those who are attached to affection for family will definitely beburned, entangled, and tormented by it. Pulled by the threads of affectionand plagued by them throughout their lives, they will find it too late to re-gret at the end of their lives."

These evil theories of Li Hongzhi made me give up all the good thingsin the world at that time, such as emotions, friendship, and love amongrelatives. I didn't fulfill my duty as a wife to take care of my critically ill hus-band when he was hospitalized, taking his diseases as the way to "re-move karma" instead. In the end, my husband was so weak that he fell tothe ground from the bed and then died of cerebral haemorrhage.

Before I started to practice Falun Gong, we used to be such a happycouple and live such a happy life. My husband was the chief of a bureauand we loved each other very much. We have two sons and everyone en-vied us. After I started to practice Falun Gong, during the first few years,my husband cared about me very much. He talked to me about the dan-ger of Falun Gong even if he was critically ill. But at that time, I just didn'twant to listen to him. In remembering his deep love, I regret so much rightnow and I will never forgive myself. In a report submitted to authority onSeptember 15, 2001, my husband wrote: "...I had cerebral haemorrhageand after I left hospital in 1999, I've got to take medicines and my healthstatus is very bad. Meanwhile, Liang Xuelin, my wife, suffers high bloodpressure too, making me very much depressed with a high mental pres-sure..." From this short paragraph, I can see that my husband suffered adeteriorating health and a painful life at the same time, but I can also seehis love and caring for me.

Li Hongzhi is such a devil asking me to "sever emotion" and to giveup all feelings and emotions in the world, that's why I left my sick husbandand our love behind to "propagate Dafa" day and night for Li Hongzhi, to"clarify truth" for Falun Gong. Now I want to tell the entire world: the theoryof "severing emotion" advocated by Li Hongzhi killed my husband and I

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want Li Hongzhi to pay for this!要 Li Hongzhi's evil theory of "Consummation" made me abandon my

happy life and two sons.In his , Li Hongzhi said: "The ultimate goal of cultivating

is to attain the Dao and reach spiritual Perfection...Although the part thatwe teach among ordinary people isn't a religion, the goal of cultivation isthe same: it is to achieve Unlocking, or Enlightenment, and to succeed incultivation and achieve Perfection. That's the goal."

In order to gain "Consummation," I went out to "propagate Dafa" ev-eryday, coming back home very late or staying outside all night some-times. In order to gain "Consummation," I devoted wholehearted to LiHongzhi and Falun Gong, while ignoring totally my two underage sons.For Li Hongzhi said that, when cultivators reached "Consummation," theirrelatives would also benefit from it.

In his , Li Hongzhi also said: "A large number of studentshave now achieved or are about to achieve Consummation. How solemn itis for a human being to achieve Consummation! Nothing in this worldcould be more wonderful, glorious, or magnificent."

Knowing that some of my fellow practitioners have gained "Consum-mation," but I didn't have any progress at all, I felt so anxious at that time.So I speeded up the pace of "cultivation" and "advanced cultivation." Inmy mind, I would like to pay any price in order to reach "Consummation"earlier, including my life. My fellow practitioners and I spend our own mon-ey to work for Falun Gong; without anyone looking after them, both of mysons stepped onto the road of breaking laws and committing crimes.

When my husband had cerebral haemorrhage in 1999, my elder sonwas 17 years old while the younger 7; when my husband died in 2002, theelder son was 20, still too young to know anything better; while theyounger one was only 10, a critical moment of growing both physically andmentally, requiring more cares from mother in life. But at that time, I wasfooled by Li Hongzhi, and the only thing in my mind was to gain "Consum-mation," discarding the emotions between husband and wife, between

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mother and son, as well as all other emotions and feelings in the world. Ican still recall that, before I started to practice Falun Gong cult, both myboys were so smart and lovely, both were top students in their classes.But since I became obsessed with Falun Gong and didn't fulfill my dutiesas a mother, being abetted by bad guys, my two boys started to takedrugs one after another. In short of money to get drug, my elder son en-gaged in a robbery and was sentenced to 17-year imprisonment and stillserves his term right now. My younger son was almost dead due to drugoverdose and was sent to the re-education station of juvenile delinquencyand is still there till this day.要 I want to tell the entire world: the evil theories of Li Hongzhi and his

Falun Gong destroyed my family and ruined my two promising sons.Li Hongzhi coerced and threatened me into this; I just couldn't get

away from it and got increasingly deeply involved. As early as in January2002, during my stay in the labor camp, through psychological therapyand teachings on the dangers of cult by teachers, I had an initial recogni-tion on the dangers of Falun Gong and promised that I would give uppracticing Falun Gong. But shortly after I was released and back home, LiHongzhi said: "Both the body and soul of those changing their mind will begone and be destroyed completely." Being threatened by Li Hongzhi,since both my family and I had already done so much for Dafa, it would besuch a waste if I stopped and ended up with "both body and soul beinggone and being destroyed completely." So I started to do those illegalthings together with my fellow practitioners once again, causing troubles inneighborhood areas and being caught several times. The authority had al-ways helped and educated me kindly and patiently, and I had wanted toget rid of Falun Gong for several times. But I was so afraid that Li Hongzhimight revenge on me. Li Hongzhi said that all causing troubles to Dafa are"demons." In his , Li Hongzhi said: "In the beginning stage Itook care of many demons like that...we have another ability that used tobe called the Great Soul-Catching Method, and that ability is even morepowerful. It can pull out a person's whole master soul, and instantly that

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person won't be able to move." At the thought of the miserable "ending," Iwas so afraid that both my families and I would get our souls removed byLi Hongzhi. I had no other choice but to continuously work for Li Hongzhi.

In June 2002, shortly after the funeral of my husband, I left home to"propagate Dafa" and to "clarify truth," starting to revenge on the societymadly. In order to work for Falun Gong, I'd been a professional practition-er for more than one year, living a miserable life without sufficient food,safe place to stay, and hiding all the time. What's more pathetic was that,even if I made a small amount of money by doing part-time jobs, the firstthing I thought was not to buy new clothes for the younger son, for I hadn'tbought anything for him for more than seven years, but to spend it on thematerials propagandizing Falun Gong. For more than seven years, beingcheated by the evil theories of Li Hongzhi on "going up to a higher leveland reaching Consummation by giving up all attachments of ordinary peo-ple," I'd always "sung the praises" and "clarified on the wrongs done to" LiHongzhi and Falun Gong organization at the risk of breaking Chineselaws. To work for Falun Gong, our practitioners got nothing in turn andhad to pay the bills by ourselves, some lost everything they had and evendied for Li Hongzhi.

For so many years, Chinese government has never given it up on usFalun Gong practitioners who have done so many damages to this coun-try. Instead, the government takes care of us by adopting the policies of"educating, saving, and transforming." In October 2007, I was awardedthe honor of "Provincial Active Prisoners on Reform Program," which isthe highest and the best "spiritual award" for me since I took a wrong roadof Falun Gong a decade ago.

As for my family, my husband has gone forever, the elder son serveshis term of imprisonment, and the younger one is at the reeducation sta-tion. The more I think about these, the sadder I feel, and I cry a lot. Everytime I visit my two sons, I either cry with my elder son or with my youngerson. Getting back home, I'm the only one left and feel so lonely. I miss myhusband and my boys, at the thought of them; I just can't stop my tears

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from running down. At the thought of Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong, I'll grindmy teeth, and the only thing I want to do is to drink the blood of Li Hongzhiand eat his flesh!

Today, I condemn Li Hongzhi with my miserable experience. And Iwant to tell the world loudly: Li Hongzhi is a swindler, Falun Gong is a cult!

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I'm Li Guanglian, 38 years old, primary school teacher in Yishui coun-ty, Shandong province . I gave up Falun Gong six years ago, as for themiserable experience of practicing Falun Gong; I don't want to recall it allthese years. Finding so many practitioners without any knowledge aboutthe truth and sticking to the old road I was on in the past, however, I feeluneasy and decide not to sit there doing nothing at all. With the help ofKaiwind.com, I want to tell those still being obsessed by Falun Gong thelessons I had learned and the stories on how Falun Gong cult ruined myfamily so as to give a warning to all practitioners.

Before I started to practice Falun Gong, I used to have a happy fami-ly. Both my husband and I had a good job. Although the family incomewas not very high, yet we lived a happy life, with a hardworking and caringhusband and a lovely daughter, my family was in harmony, joy, and happi-ness.

Accordingly, after I gave birth to my daughter, I felt so carefree andstarted to gain weight.

But, everything changed gradually after I started to practice FalunGong, and I destroyed my family due to being obsessed with the cult.

Back in 1998, since I'd always wanted to be beautiful, I tried allmeans to lose weight, but the results were unsatisfactory. Just at thattime, one of my neighbors told me: "To practice Falun Gong can not onlyhelp you to lose weight, but also make you more beautiful and young for-ever." So I decided to give it a try and started to learn the exercises ofFalun Gong from several fellow practitioners. According to the rules ofFalun Gong, I got up early in the morning and stayed up late in theevening to practice for two hours everyday. Several months later, I really

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200802/t77309.htm

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lost some weight. Then my fellow practitioners told me that if I wanted tokeep it that way, I'd got to read by Master Li. So I started to"study Fa" besides doing exercises.

I read by Li Hongzhi and it said: "After our Falun Dafastudents cultivate a while the way they look changes a lot. Their skin be-comes delicate and fair, it glows with health, which is all common. You tru-ly do a dual practice of nature and longevity you'll naturally get that, and Ican guarantee you won't need to do facials." I wanted to be more beautifuland kept that way, so I started to grow admiration toward Li Hongzhi, for Ibelieved that Falun Gong he founded was just amazing. Gradually, I lostthe normal thinking pattern as an ordinary human being; as an intellectual,I didn't know that my losing weight was actually the result of physical exer-cises. Anyway, I started to believe in Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gongagainst all logical thinking.

Before I realized it, I've read most books of Li Hongzhi, ,,

, and , etc., finding that some of itstheories including "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," "not to par-ticipate in political affairs," "to look inward for the cause within when thingshappen" match with my own principles and life philosophy. I believed thatto practice Falun Gong could not only make me more beautiful but alsoimprove my character, and it was worth doing. From then on, I started togive top priority to the practicing of Falun Gong in my life, spending all myspare time in Fa study and in practicing. As a result, I didn't treat my stu-dents so seriously as I had been before, I was no longer be so patient withmy girl. At the sight of a toddler crying for mother, I would feel so uneasyand vexed.

At the same time, I gradually felt that I was not in line with the envi-ronment of "ordinary people." Whenever I saw my colleagues worked ac-tively and hard, I would discard them for "being involved in vanity fair" andfor being so vulgar. As for my husband, all he did was working, takingcare of daughter, doing household chores, so I felt he was so pathetic for

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being an "ordinary man." For Li Hongzhi once said that: "The human be-ings are those fall downwards from the universe, while the Earth is but thegarbage dump...the entire process of cultivation is to continuously get ridof the attachments of human beings." Later on, my family that used to beso warm to me gradually became an obstacle on my way of cultivation.One day, my daughter had a hyperpyrexia, in order to practice as usual, Idid nothing but to give her some medicine for adults. Two days later whenmy husband went back, our daughter became dazed. My husband was soangry that he criticized me: "The kid is so ill and how can you still study Faand practice it, are you the mother of this girl?" At these words, I arguedconfidently: "A practitioner will benefit the entire family, our girl will be justfine!" Ever since, our quarrels have never stopped and my husband pro-posed divorce several times out of anger.

Then the government announced that Falun Gong was banned as acult, and at that time, with the regulation of the law and the attitude of myfamilies, I should have wakened up. But I didn't see through the natureand danger of Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong, holding that the order ofbanning was unfair to both Master Li and Falun Gong. I thought to myself:how could it be wrong to "improve one's health" and to "be a better per-son"? As a result, I was on the illegal road and committed crimes. Beingencouraged by the lies of Li Hongzhi that "those practicing at home willget evil enlightenment," while "those stepping out of the home are great," Ihad been to Beijing for three times leaving my 2-year-old daughter athome.

Due to my performance, I was appointed as the Falun Gong coun-selor in my county. But it was a dilemma for me with the disciplinary re-striction of my school and the emotional attachment to my family. Afterseveral days of hesitation, I went back to work at school. Taking into con-sideration of the fact that my daughter was still very young, the schoolleaders let me submit a written promise on not practicing Falun Gong any-more in future. But I didn't change my mind to return the kindness ofschool leaders; on the contrary, I started to work for Falun Gong in secret.

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

Since then, when it was getting dark, I would go out to distributeFalun Gong materials and communicate with other fellow practitioners inthe name of taking the kid out to play around. I did all these very carefully,but still, my husband found about the truth. In order to stop me, he sentthe kid to his parents while he managed to go back home early everydayto keep me company. Being house arrested, I had another plan of doingall these at work. Finally, the school was going to send me to the StudyGroup, at the hearing of which, I ran away from home on that very nightand started my four-year journey of being a professional Falun Gongpractitioner.

In order to gain "Consummation" advocated by Falun Gong, I reallydid what Li Hongzhi taught us to do, "to bear what no ordinary human be-ing can bear." But in real life, what I really got is injuries and hurts insteadof so-called "Consummation."

When I was on the run, the only support I got was from the fellowpractitioners, and I was no longer a respectable teacher in both appear-ances and behaviors. Although I always comforted myself: "I'm the sacredDafa disciple," yet the real life full of hardships of living in the open hadturned me into a beggar. When life was hard, I couldn't stop missing mygirl. In order to have a look at her, I sneaked back home at night severaltimes, taking a look at her outside the window of her bedroom. One day atthe end of 2000, the only I wanted to do was to give her a hug and so Iopened the door and stole away the girl still soundly asleep. With heraround, I started to know what the word "hardship" really meant. Backthen, she had fresh fruits everyday at home; but during two months withme, I could hardly get enough food for her. I remember it clearly till nowthat she once took quiet a while eating half an apple picked up fromgarbage can and really enjoyed it very much, I felt so painful at the sight:my child, a princess loved by all in a family, now became a little beggarbecause of my practicing Falun Gong! I used to double on what benefitsFalun Gong really brought to me. But then I recalled what Li Hongzhi said:"Gong cultivation has a way, the heart is the path, Dafa has no bounds,

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hardship serves as the ferry."① So I didn't give it up. In a cold winter, Icouldn't afford a hotel room and had to take my daughter to a pile of cornstalk at night. Both of us were frozen. If it were not a kind old man whomanaged to warm us up, it's probable that we would end up like Liu Chun-ling and her daughter, reaching "Consummation" in the paradise createdby Li Hongzhi. But this didn't make me change my mind either

I stole my baby, which was the last straw breaking the back of my ex-hausted husband. At the news that he fell ill, I felt a little uneasy and wentback home at midnight with our daughter. At the sight of us, my weak hus-band knelt down in front of me, begging me to give up Falun Gong. But atthe thought of the teachings by Li Hongzhi that "you won't cultivate if youdon't give up emotions...to give up fame, interest, and emotion is the onlyway to reach Consummation and to go up to heaven," I told my husbandresolutely: "I'd rather lose everything than giving up Falun Gong."

Being homeless and wandering from place to place, home becamenothing for me, especially being controlled by the spirit advocated by LiHongzhi, I believed that: "Who are your real relatives? Nobody when youclose your eyes...How many parents have you had in so many lives? Noone is able to count them." Just like that, I have been full-time practition-ers for three years. At that time, I heard that, in order to take care of ouryoung daughter, my husband had to take the responsibilities as both amother and a father. Besides, he had to work to support the family and hisweight reduced quickly from 90kg to 65kg. As a wife, I didn't feel guilty forthat but complacent for being able to "pass the test of emotions." I evenshowed it off to others: "When I finally make it, my husband must be theone benefiting the most from it." Just like that, I deserted, dragged, andhurt my husband, who had to bear all the pressures. He was exhaustedand couldn't stand the torture brought by me, an obsessed Falun Gongpractitioner. Finally, on the third year I got away from home, he made uphis mind to give me up, to give up the wife that he used to love so much.So that's the benefit Li Hongzhi promised to his loyal followers, a broken

① Li Hongzhi,

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

marriage and a broken family.Many others "benefited" from my cultivation too, especially my par-

ents and parents-in-law, among which the one "benefiting" the most is mymother, who missed her only daughter so much that she had an acutecerebral haemorrhage and been bed-ridden ever since, being this close todeath at one time.

Such an experience of cultivation that I find unbearable to recall! Go-ing through all these, I conclude that what's behind the propagation of"one practitioner benefiting the entire family" advocated by Li Hongzhi isactually the real scenes of frightened and tortured families and even abroken marriage, a broken family.

Thank the Communist Party and the government for not giving me upso that I had a chance to start all over again and to have a new family. ButI have paid such a big price for the happy life today. Look what I have gotin return for what I have sacrificed so much! Brothers and sisters, if youare still obsessed with Falun Gong, wake up right now! What Li Hongzhisaid that "one practitioner will benefit the entire family" is a poisonoussword. Don't let it hurt our relatives again!

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My name is Zhao Xiaoping. I'm a farmer in Baixiang county, Xingtaicity , Hebei province . Now, when I recall the course of practicing FalunGong, I find my life during those three years miserable and tortuous.

Wishing to improve health and follow the good, I started to practiceFalun Gong in 1998. Soon after that, I was totally obsessed by theso-called "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" preached by LiHongzhi. And my thinking and doing changed radically. I hung theportraits of Li Hongzhi all over the walls, practiced Falun Gong all day longand stopped talking to others. At that time, I regarded Dafa study as thefirst priority in my life. Once I saw my family members workingindustriously, I became quite annoyed. I thought if we practiced FalunGong, we could go to "Paradise" and gain "Consummation" easily andthere was no need to work hard. I thought it was my "glorious"responsibility to persuade them into practicing Falun Gong and help themto get out of "the abyss of misery." At first, I tried to persuade my son toset an example for others. I went to his home everyday and asked him topractice Falun Gong with me. However, my daughter-in-law was stronglyagainst me, and she said I had already become insane because of FalunGong and she didn't want his husband to suffer the same. I was furious,and then I started a rumor in my village that my daughter-in-law was a"devil" that prevented my son from reaching Consummation. For this, mydaughter-in-law hated me intensely. Each time I went to my son's house,she would stand in the way with a kitchen knife in her hand threatening todie together with me if I dared to get in. When I found it's impossible topersuade my son, I began to instruct my sister who used to practice Falun

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200804/t79295.htm

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Gong. I went to her home at intervals and persuaded her into practicingFalun Gong again. Knowing this, my nephew drove me away from hishome, condemned me as "an evil spirit" and forbad me to go to his homeforever. After these failures, I was more assured with my responsibility to"save all sentient beings." Whenever I dropped around relatives andneighbors, I would instruct them to practice Falun Gong, while they wouldturn away from me as avoiding the plague. Finally , I was raging andfirmly believed in the words of Master Li Hongzhi: they are just ordinarypeople, the devils interfering with Fa-rectification. Only by cutting off myrelations with them and letting go of attachment could I "get into a higherlevel" and gain Consummation. As a result, I purposely disconnectedcommunications with all my children, relatives and neighbors and mademyself utterly isolated from the outside world.

Later on, with the help of government instructors, I gradually realizesmy absurdness. It is my perverse belief that made me isolated from mychildren; my selfishness made me loss all my relatives; and my striving forConsummation drove neighbors away from me. They are not devils; it isFalun Gong that made me a devil. To my gratitude, ever since I havestopped believing in Falun Gong, my relatives and friends come back tome and my life is full of laughter and happiness again.

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My name is Zhang Zhenyu and I live in Yangji town, Tancheng coun-ty, Shandong province. Seven years ago, as an obsessed Falun Gong fol-lower in pursuit of "going to Paradise and reach Consummation," I blindlydisregarded affections from my family, became inhuman and ignored so-cial ethics and laws. My inhumanity brought endless vexation and sadnessto my family; as a result, my mother left the world with eternal regret andpain.

Looking back, I felt as if I had lived in a dream; however, all that hap-pened remained so vivid.

In hopes of "cultivating mind and following the good," I began to prac-tice Falun Gong in 1995. The fabrication "to get into a high level" and "toreach Consummation" invented by Li Hongzhi dissolved my world-weari-ness and catered to my indolent attitude. At that time, I imagined howwonderful it would be if I could cultivate myself into a god or Buddha in mylife. So I was totally obsessed by Falun Gong and practiced it day andnight. During that period, I became indifferent to any other things, insolat-ed myself from the society (I disconnected communication with others,stopped reading other books and refused to watch television includingCCTV news programs), pursuing nothing except Consummation. I evenstopped doing chores or farming. I was intoxicated to believe "I am the on-ly sober person in the world" and plunged myself completely into an eviltrap set up by Li Hongzhi.

Before the"4窑25 Incident," I spared no efforts to spread the Fa in or-der to "acquire virtues" and "get into high level," and even persuaded mykind-hearted wife to believe it. When the government banned the cult in1999, I left my five-year-old son alone at home and went twice to Beijing

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/xs/200805/t80087.htm

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

with my wife to seek "Consummation." When asked by others why I didn'ttake my son with me, I told them absurdly "the child is too young to betaken into Paradise and I let him accompany the elderly." In fact, mymother then was confined to bed by serious illness; my 60-year-old fatherhad to attend not only to my mother, but also my 80-year-old grandmotherwho was almost incapable of taking care of herself. However, I burdenedhim more by leaving my little son to him. It is impossible for my aged fa-ther to look after them all, let along to cope with the Autumn Harvest. But Iwas deeply captivated by the lie "When he succeeds in cultivation in thefuture, he will get whatever he wants just by holding out his hands...he canbring his relatives to his own paradise as sentient beings." I disregardedmy family but comforted myself with so-called "Repaying with blessings inParadise." In order to reach Consummation and go to Paradise, I totallyignored my parents' sufferings.

Now, recollecting this, I, with the original aim to "cultivate mind andfollow the good," have actually gone to the opposite. Disregarding mymother's illness, I believed she needed to remove her Karma; neglectingmy father's hardship, I considered that to be his fate, he deserved it. Howselfish, brutal and inhuman I had been!

My parents loved me with their whole heart, brought me up throughall kinds of hardship and helped me to set up a happy family; but whenthey badly needed me, I offered nothing but harm to them inhumanlymany a time!

When my wife and I violated national law for distributing Falun Gongleaflets and had been taken into custody, my seriously-ill mother who washelped by the trembling hands of my aged father came to see me. Shetook my hands and said to me in tears, "My boy, come back home. We allneed you." I pushed away her hands and climbed up to the window, wait-ing for the appearance of "propitious clouds" and the moment to go toParadise.

I wrote a promise against my will to say I would stop practicing FalunGong when I heard about my mother was terminally ill.

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When I went back home, I felt dazed all day long, paying no attentionto my mother's illness for fear that I would be punished by Li Hongzhi. I re-membered he used to say: Those who betrayed Falun Dafa would "besent to hells; be tortured and disposed of physically and spiritually forgood"; he also emphasized many times that those who betrayed the maindeity were more guilty and whose original souls would be threw down tohell, then be put in a spittoon. The spittoon was full of phlegm of the sickand you would be there forever. The Master would keep you conscious,making you suffer the unbearable filthiness eternally.

Hoping to make up my mistakes, I together with my wife fled to Hebeiprovince in 2000, leaving my critically ill mother and my little son at homeagain. We rent a room there and engaged in Falun Gong activities heartand soul. Harboring the aspiration to gain Consummation sooner and in-cited by "no pains, no gains" boasted by Li Hongzhi, we handed outleaflets secretively and industriously. I totally forgot my pathetic mother. Ifnot my wife made a call home out of worrying; my family even couldn'tconnect me to inform me of my mother's death.

My mother left the world with deep regret; I, being intoxicated byFalun Gong, even shed no tiny tear for her, neither had I kowtowed in hermourning hall as others usually do. According Li Hongzhi, we cultivatedpeople were superior and how could we kowtow to those "ordinary peo-ple"? My mother was an "ordinary person," and she died because herlongevity ended. There was, of course, no need for me to feel sad! I wastruly fatuous and inhuman at that time!

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Ethnical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong

My name is Liang Xiuyun, 39 years old, and I used to be an employ-ee in the former Xinyu Company, Shiyan city of central China's Hubeiprovince . I had a happy family: My husband is a teacher in a key highschool, and my son is smart and lovely. In April 1997, I was attracted bythe dazzling lies, such as "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" and"To be a good man," which invented by Li Hongzhi. And I was stuck in themud of Falun Gong. Finally, the kindly help from the society influencedme, saved me, showed me the right way and gave me a brand new life.Whenever I look back at the past, my heart would be full of tangled feel-ings and the haunting remorse.

It was in 1997 that I first came into contact with Falun Gong. At thattime, I suffered from the protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc and agastric ulcer. I had to go to hospital frequently in poor health. Later, Iheard that Falun Gong could "cure the disease and strengthen the body,"could practice "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and could teachpeople how to "be a good man," so I took part in the Falun Gong practicegroup without any hesitation. At the beginning, I just practiced it on theplayground and read the books sometimes; by and by, I began to ex-change views with the elder practitioners and did more study on the Fa. Iwas not satisfied with just "studying the Fa" and "practicing Gong," so Istarted to "spread the Fa" and "report the situations." Finally I even be-came more "advanced" than some elder practitioners. Probably becausethe increase of the physical exercise and the regular daily life, I really feltbetter; but I thought I did benefit from Falun Gong, so I got more addictedto it; I even cut out all the connections with the society and didn't careabout my family. After the "4窑25 Incident," my husband stopped me frompracticing Falun Gong, but I didn't want to obey him. Even though he

① Kaiwind, http://www.kaiwind.com/kfzlk/shga/shzxs/xssf/200801/t75681.htm

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ripped all of my Falun Gong books, I'd already made up my mind to con-tinue. When the government banned Falun Gong according to law, I wasvery confused: it was right to be a good man, and the idea of "Truthful-ness, Compassion and Tolerance" was the traditional virtue in our culture,then, what's wrong with Falun Gong? Why must it be banned? When Iwas puzzled about these questions, the "scriptures" from Li Hongzhi cameout one by one, asking the Falun Gong disciples to go out "to rectify andprotect the Fa." I said to myself that it's a test of Falun Gong disciples'faith to the Fa. Li Hongzhi said: "The ones who study and practice secretlyare controlled by the Demon, and they will get the evil apprehension," "theones who come out to testify the Fa are great." In August 1999, instigatedby Li Hongzhi's scriptures, I gathered with others to appeal to the govern-ment and distributed leaflets everywhere. Finally, I was sentenced to laborrestriction (Reform through Labor) for one year on the charge of disruptingpublic order.

At first I was very stubborn in the prison, and I felt proud of my sacri-fice to the truth, because Li Hongzhi had said: "A great disciple would nev-er attach to anything that belongs to the ordinary people, even the life." Soit is not shameful to be jailed, and I felt very nice for being a great disciple.During this period, my husband could not withstand the huge mental pres-sure, so he fell ill several times. No one took care of him, so he was con-fined to bed in hospital all by himself. But he had to think about his son'smeal and his wife's situation... While, at that time, feeling unfair about theinjustice to Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong in the labour camp, I cried out andknocked against the iron gates. Under the mental control by Li Hongzhi, Ilost my humanity long before, finally I lost all my feelings. The letters frommy sick husband writing in the hospital didn't touch me. In fact I took hissincere persuasion as a test to me. The tearful policewoman said to me:"Your husband's getting worse because of you, so you have to wake up toreality right now, or you'll never see him again." I turned a deaf ear tothese words and I had but one thought: Discard fame, material interestsand emotions, you'll gain the Consummation in the heaven. Yes, the

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"Consummation" braced me to struggle with "the Demon," but my hus-band and my son were worried about me night and day; they thought Isuffered the tortures reported on the Minghui, so they often woke up fromthe nightmare that my hands were broken by tortures. Being a sick man,my husband struggled to visit me in Shayang. He was not familiar with theroads, so when he arrived, it was one o'clock in the midnight, and hemissed the shuttle to the Reform through Labor unit. To meet me sooner,he didn't rest in the hotel but walked to the labour camp. It took a wholenight for him to get there alone on a wild road without a single road lamp,dragging a huge bag and a sick body. It was five o'clock when he arrived.When the policewoman asked me to meet him, I found him wearing di-sheveled hair and his face was sallow, apparently he was totally exhaust-ed. He was sitting on the bed, holding his feet with his hands. The police-woman told me that his feet were full of blisters, and required me have agood look at them. But I refused. My husband held my hands at full tilt,tears in his eyes. He said: "Your hands are OK, the policewomen here arenot like what Minghui said, so I am relieved, I can have a sound sleepfrom now on噎" These words made the policewoman tearful, but none ofme, since I thought he was "the demon" that disturbed my practice. Thismade my husband very sad, he said I had changed from a reasonableand kind person into a dumb and unhumanized puppet.

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