Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη Πρακτικά των συζητήσεων Verbatim report of proceedings Compte rendu in extenso des débats Resoconto integrale delle discussioni Debašu stenogramma Posėdžio stenograma Az ülések szó szerinti jegyzőkönyve Rapporti Verbatim Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen Pełne sprawozdanie z obrad Relato integral dos debates Doslovný zápis z rokovania Dobesedni zapisi razprav Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset Fullständigt förhandlingsreferat Edición provisional - Prozatímní vydání - Foreløbig udgave - Vorläufige Ausgabe - Esialgne versioon - Προσωρινή έκδοση - Provisional edition - Edition provisoire - Edizione provvisoria - Pagaidu versija - Negalutinė redakcija - Ideiglenes kiadás - Edizzjoni proviżorja Voorlopige uitgave - Wydanie tymczasowe - Edição provisória - Predbežné vydanie - Začasna verzija - Väliaikainen versio - Preliminär utgåva 2004-2009 MIERCOLES - STŘEDA - ONSDAG - MITTWOCH - KOLMAPÄEV - ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ - WEDNESDAY - MERCREDI - MERCOLEDI’ - TREŠDIENA TRECIADIENIS - SZERDA - ERBGHA - WOENSDAG - ŚRODA - QUARTA-FEIRA - STREDA - SREDA - ESKIVIIKKO - ONSDAG

European Parliament · Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη

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Page 1: European Parliament · Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη

Actas literales de los debatesDoslovný záznam ze zasedání

Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferatAusführliche Sitzungsberichte

Istungi stenogrammΠλήρη Πρακτικά των συζητήσεων

Verbatim report of proceedingsCompte rendu in extenso des débats

Resoconto integrale delle discussioniDebašu stenogramma

Posėdžio stenogramaAz ülések szó szerinti jegyzőkönyveRapporti VerbatimVolledig verslag van de vergaderingenPełne sprawozdanie z obradRelato integral dos debatesDoslovný zápis z rokovaniaDobesedni zapisi razpravSanatarkat istuntoselostuksetFullständigt förhandlingsreferat

Edición provisional - Prozatímní vydání - Foreløbig udgave - Vorläufige Ausgabe - Esialgne versioon - Προσωρινή έκδοση - Provisional edition - Edition provisoire - Edizione provvisoria - Pagaidu versija - Negalutinė redakcija - Ideiglenes kiadás - Edizzjoni proviżorja Voorlopige uitgave - Wydanie tymczasowe - Edição provisória - Predbežné vydanie - Začasna verzija - Väliaikainen versio - Preliminär utgåva

2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 9


Page 2: European Parliament · Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη
Page 3: European Parliament · Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη


1 - Apertura de la sesión .............................................52 - Proyecto de presupuesto general 2006 (Sección III) -

Proyecto de presupuesto general 2006 (Otrassecciones) .............................................................5

3 - Turno de votaciones.............................................313.1 - Gases fluorados de efecto invernadero...............313.2 - Emisiones procedentes de los sistemas de aire

acondicionado en vehículos de motor...................313.3 - Emisiones sonoras en el entorno debidas a las

máquinas de uso al aire libre................................313.4 - Redes transeuropeas de transporte y energía ......313.5 - Aditivos alimentarios........................................313.6 - Lucha contra la delincuencia organizada ...........313.7 - Estrategia de lucha contra una pandemia de gripe313.8 - Patente para las invenciones biotecnológicas .....313.9 - Enfoque comunitario de la gestión de las

migraciones económicas......................................314 - Explicaciones de voto ..........................................315 - Correcciones de voto: véase el Acta .....................416 - Bienvenida ..........................................................417 - Aprobación del Acta de la sesión anterior: véase el

Acta ....................................................................428 - Preparación del próximo Consejo Europeo informal

...........................................................................429 - Turno de preguntas (preguntas al Consejo) ...........6510 - Composición del Parlamento: véase el Acta .......8211 - Afganistán .........................................................8212 - Situación en Azerbaiyán en vísperas de las

elecciones ...........................................................9013 - El proceso de Barcelona renovado......................9614 - Orden del día de la próxima sesión: véase el Acta

......................................................................... 10615 - Cierre de la sesión ........................................... 106


1 - Zahájení zasedání .................................................. 52 - Návrh souhrnného rozpočtu na rok 2006 (Oddíl III) -

Návrh souhrnného rozpočtu na rok 2006 (ostatníoddíly) .................................................................. 5

3 - Hlasování............................................................ 313.1 - Fluorované skleníkové plyny ............................ 313.2 - Emise z klimatizačních systémů motorových

vozidel................................................................ 313.3 - Emise hluku zařízení, která jsou určena k pouití ve

venkovním prostoru ............................................ 313.4 - Pomoc Společenství v oblasti transevropských

dopravních a energetických sítí ........................... 313.5 - Přídatné látky pro pouití v potravinách ............ 313.6 - Boj proti organizované trestné činnosti ............. 313.7 - Strategie boje proti pandemii chřipky................ 313.8 - Patent na biotechnologické vynálezy................. 313.9 - Přístup Společenství k řízení ekonomické migrace

........................................................................... 314 - Vysvětlení hlasování ........................................... 315 - Opravy hlasování: viz zápis ................................. 416 - Přivítání .............................................................. 417 - Schválení zápisu z předchozího zasedání: viz zápis428 - Příprava přítího neformálního zasedání Evropské

rady .................................................................... 429 - Doba vyhrazená pro otázky (otázky na Radu) ...... 6510 - Sloení Parlamentu: viz zápis ............................ 8211 - Afghánistán....................................................... 8212 - Situace v Ázerbájdánu před volbami ................ 9013 - Revidovaný barcelonský proces ......................... 9614 - Pořad jednání přítího zasedání: viz zápis ........ 10615 - Konec zasedání ............................................... 106

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1 - Åbning af mødet....................................................52 - Forslag til det almindelige budget 2006 (sektion III) -

Forslag til det almindelige budget 2006 - (øvrigesektioner) ..............................................................5

3 - Afstemningstid ....................................................313.1 - Fluorholdige drivhusgasser ...............................313.2 - Emissioner fra luftkonditioneringsanlæg i

motorkøretøjer ....................................................313.3 - Støjemission fra maskiner til udendørs brug ......313.4 - Transeuropæiske transport- og energinet ...........313.5 - Tilsætningsstoffer til fødevarer .........................313.6 - Bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet .............313.7 - Strategi mod influenzapandemi .........................313.8 - Patenter på bioteknologiske opfindelser.............313.9 - EU-metode til at styre økonomisk migration......314 - Stemmeforklaringer .............................................315 - Stemmerettelser: se protokollen ...........................416 - Velkomstord........................................................417 - Godkendelse af protokollen fra det foregående møde:

se protokollen......................................................428 - Forberedelse af Det Europæiske Råds næste

uformelle møde ...................................................429 - Spørgetid (spørgsmål til Rådet)............................6510 - Parlamentets sammensætning: se protokollen .....8211 - Afghanistan .......................................................8212 - Situationen i Aserbajdsjan umiddelbart før valgene

...........................................................................9013 - Barcelona-processen ..........................................9614 - Dagsorden for næste møde: se protokollen ....... 10615 - Hævelse af mødet ............................................ 106


1 - Eröffnung der Sitzung ........................................... 52 - Entwurf des Gesamthaushaltsplans 2006 (Einzelplan

III) Entwurf des Gesamthaushaltsplans 2006(andere Einzelpläne) ............................................. 5

3 - Abstimmungsstunde............................................ 313.1 - Fluorierte Treibhausgase................................... 313.2 - Emissionen aus Kfz-Klimaanlagen ................... 313.3 - Geräuschemissionen von zur Verwendung im

Freien vorgesehenen Geräten und Maschinen ...... 313.4 - Gemeinschaftszuschüsse für transeuropäische

Netze im Bereich Transport und Energie ............. 313.5 - Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe................................... 313.6 - Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität....... 313.7 - Strategie gegen Grippepandemie....................... 313.8 - Patent für biotechnologische Erfindungen ......... 313.9 - Verwaltung der Wirtschaftsmigration................ 314 - Stimmerklärungen ............................................... 315 - Berichtigungen des Stimmverhaltens: siehe Protokoll

........................................................................... 416 - Begrüßung .......................................................... 417 - Genehmigung des Protokolls der vorangegangenen

Sitzung: siehe Protokoll....................................... 428 - Vorbereitung der nächsten informellen Sitzung des

Europäischen Rates............................................. 429 - Fragestunde (Anfragen an den Rat)...................... 6510 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments: siehe Protokoll

........................................................................... 8211 - Afghanistan....................................................... 8212 - Lage in Aserbaidschan vor den Wahlen ............. 9013 - Der Barcelona-Prozess....................................... 9614 - Tagesordnung der nächsten Sitzung: siehe Protokoll

......................................................................... 10615 - Schluss der Sitzung ......................................... 106

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1 - Istungi algus ..........................................................52 - 2006. eelarveaasta üldeelarve projekt (III jagu) -

2006. eelarveaasta üldeelarve projekt (muud jaod) .53 - Hääletused...........................................................313.1 - Fluoritud kasvuhoonegaasid..............................313.2 - Mootorsõidukite kliimaseadmetest pärit

heitkogused.........................................................313.3 - Välitingimustes kasutatavate seadmete müra .....313.4 - Ühenduse rahaline abi üleeuroopaliste transpordi-

ja energiavõrkude valdkonnas..............................313.5 - Toiduainetes kasutatavad lisaaineid...................313.6 - Võitlus organiseeritud kuritegevusega ...............313.7 - Gripi pandeemia vastase võitluse strateegia .......313.8 - Biotehnoloogia alaste leiutiste patent.................313.9 - Ühenduse lähenemisviis majandusmigratsiooni

juhtimisele ..........................................................314 - Hääletuse kohta selgituste andmine......................315 - Hääletuse parandused (vaata protokolli) ...............416 - Tervitus...............................................................417 - Eelmise istungi protokolli kinnitamine (vaata

protokolli) ...........................................................428 - Ettevalmistused eelseisvaks Euroopa Ülemkogu

mitteametlikuks kohtumiseks...............................429 - Infotund (küsimused nõukogule)..........................6510 - Parlamendi koosseis (vaata protokolli) ...............8211 - Afganistan .........................................................8212 - Olukord Aserbaidaanis valimiste eelõhtul.........9013 - Läbivaadatud Barcelona protsess........................9614 - Järgmise istungi päevakord (vaata protokolli)... 10615 - Istungi lõpp ..................................................... 106


1 - Έναρξη της συνεδρίασης ....................................... 52 - Σχέδιο γενικού προϋπολογισµού 2006 (Τµήµα ΙΙΙ) -Σχέδιο γενικού προϋπολογισµού 2006 (Άλλατµήµατα)............................................................... 5

3 - Ώρα των ψηφοφοριών ......................................... 313.1 - Φθοριούχα αέρια θερµοκηπίου ......................... 313.2 - Εκποµπές από τα συστήµατα κλιµατισµού των

µηχανοκίνητων οχηµάτων ................................... 313.3 - Εκποµπή θορύβου στο περιβάλλον από εξοπλισµόπρος χρήση σε εξωτερικούς χώρους .................... 31

3.4 - Κοινοτική ενίσχυση στον τοµέα των διευρωπαϊκώνδικτύων µεταφορών και ενέργειας ....................... 31

3.5 - Πρόσθετα τροφίµων ......................................... 313.6 - Καταπολέµηση του οργανωµένου εγκλήµατος .. 313.7 - Στρατηγική καταπολέµησης της πανδηµίας τηςγρίππης ............................................................... 31

3.8 - ∆ίπλωµα ευρεσιτεχνίας για τις βιοτεχνολογικέςεφευρέσεις .......................................................... 31

3.9 - Κοινοτική προσέγγιση της διαχείρισης τωνοικονοµικών µεταναστεύσεων............................. 31

4 - Αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου .......................................... 315 - ∆ιορθώσεις ψήφου: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά....... 416 - Καλωσόρισµα ..................................................... 417 - Έγκριση των συνοπτικών πρακτικών τηςπροηγούµενης συνεδρίασης: βλ. ΣυνοπτικάΠρακτικά ............................................................ 42

8 - Προετοιµασία του επόµενου ανεπίσηµουΕυρωπαϊκού Συµβουλίου .................................... 42

9 - Ώρα των Ερωτήσεων (ερωτήσεις προς το Συµβούλιο)........................................................................... 65

10 - Σύνθεση του Κοινοβουλίου: βλ. ΣυνοπτικάΠρακτικά ............................................................ 82

11 - Αφγανιστάν....................................................... 8212 - Η κατάσταση στο Αζερµπαϊτζάν την παραµονή τωνεκλογών.............................................................. 90

13 - Η αναθεωρηµένη διαδικασία της Βαρκελώνης ... 9614 - Ηµερήσια διάταξη της επόµενης συνεδρίασης: βλ.Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά ......................................... 106

15 - Λήξη της συνεδρίασης..................................... 106

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1 - Opening of the sitting ............................................52 - Draft general budget for 2006 (Section III) - Draft

general budget for 2006 (Other sections)................53 - Voting time .........................................................313.1 - Fluorinated greenhouse gases............................313.2 - Emissions from motor vehicle air-conditioning

systems ...............................................................313.3 - Noise emissions................................................313.4 - Trans-European transport networks and energy .313.5 - Food additives ..................................................313.6 - Fight against organised crime............................313.7 - Strategy against an influenza pandemic .............313.8 - Patents for biotechnological inventions .............313.9 - Economic migration..........................................314 - Explanations of vote ............................................315 - Corrections to votes: see Minutes.........................416 - Welcome.............................................................417 - Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes

...........................................................................428 - Preparation for the next informal European Council

...........................................................................429 - Council Question Time........................................6510 - Membership of Parliament: see Minutes.............8211 - Afghanistan .......................................................8212 - Situation in Azerbaijan before the elections........9013 - The Barcelona Process revisited.........................9614 - Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes ................ 10615 - Closure of sitting ............................................. 106


1 - Ouverture de la séance........................................... 52 - Projet de budget général 2006 (section III) - Projet de

budget général 2006 (autres sections) .................... 53 - Heure des votes ................................................... 313.1 - Gaz à effet de serre fluorés ............................... 313.2 - Emissions provenant des systèmes de climatisation

des véhicules à moteur ........................................ 313.3 - Emissions sonores des matériels destinés à être

utilisés à l'extérieur des bâtiments........................ 313.4 - Concours financier communautaire dans le

domaine des réseaux transeuropéens de transport etd'énergie ............................................................. 31

3.5 - Additifs employés dans les denrées alimentaires 313.6 - Lutte contre la criminalité organisée.................. 313.7 - Stratégie de lutte contre une pandémie de grippe313.8 - Brevet pour les inventions biotechnologiques.... 313.9 - Approche communautaire de la gestion des

migrations économiques...................................... 314 - Explications de vote ............................................ 315 - Corrections de vote: voir procès-verbal ................ 416 - Souhaits de bienvenue ......................................... 417 - Approbation du procès-verbal de la séance

précédente: voir procès-verbal............................. 428 - Préparation du prochain Conseil européen informel

........................................................................... 429 - Heure des questions (questions au Conseil).......... 6510 - Composition du Parlement: voir procès-verbal ... 8211 - Afghanistan....................................................... 8212 - Situation en Azerbaïdjan à la veille des élections 9013 - Le processus de Barcelone revisité..................... 9614 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine séance: voir procès-

verbal ............................................................... 10615 - Levée de la séance........................................... 106

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1 - Apertura della seduta .............................................52 - Progetto di bilancio generale 2006 (sezione III)

Progetto di bilancio generale 2006 (altre sezioni) ...53 - Turno di votazioni ...............................................313.1 - Gas fluorurati ad effetto serra............................313.2 - Emissioni provenienti da sistemi di climatizzazione

dei veicoli a motore .............................................313.3 - Emissioni sonore dei materiali destinati ad essere

utilizzati all'esterno degli edifici ..........................313.4 - Contributo finanziario della Comunità nel settore

delle reti transeuropee dei trasporti e dell'energia .313.5 - Additivi utilizzati nei prodotti alimentari ...........313.6 - Lotta contro la criminalità organizzata...............313.7 - Strategia contro una pandemia di influenza .......313.8 - Protezione giuridica delle invenzioni

biotecnologiche...................................................313.9 - Approccio comunitario della gestione delle

migrazioni economiche .......................................314 - Dichiarazioni di voto ...........................................315 - Correzioni di voto: vedasi processo verbale..........416 - Benvenuto ...........................................................417 - Approvazione del processo verbale della seduta

precedente: vedasi processo verbale.....................428 - Preparazione del prossimo Consiglio europeo

informale ............................................................429 - Tempo delle interrogazioni (interrogazioni al

Consiglio) ...........................................................6510 - Composizione del Parlamento: vedasi processo

verbale ................................................................8211 - Afghanistan .......................................................8212 - Situazione in Azerbaigian alla vigilia delle elezioni

...........................................................................9013 - Il processo di Barcellona rivisitato .....................9614 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi

processo verbale................................................ 10615 - Chiusura della seduta ....................................... 106


1 - Sēdes atklāana ..................................................... 52 - 2006. gada vispārējā budeta projekts (III iedaļa).

2006. gada vispārējā budeta projekts (citas iedaļas)53 - Balsoanas laiks .................................................. 313.1 - Fluorētās siltumnīcefekta gāzes......................... 313.2 - Emisijas no kondicionēanas sistēmām, kas

uzstādītas mehāniskajos transportlīdzekļos .......... 313.3 - Trokņu emisija no iekārtām, kas paredzētas

izmantoanai ārpus telpām .................................. 313.4 - Kopienas finansiālais atbalsts Eiropas transporta

tīklu un enerģētikas jomā .................................... 313.5 - Piedevas, ko lieto pārtikas produktos................. 313.6 - Cīņa pret organizēto noziedzību........................ 313.7 - Stratēģija cīņai pret gripas pandēmiju................ 313.8 - Patents uz biotehnoloģiskajiem izgudrojumiem. 313.9 - Kopienas pieeja ekonomiskās migrācijas

pārvaldībai.......................................................... 314 - Balsojumu skaidrojumi........................................ 315 - Balsojumu labojumi (sk. protokolu) ..................... 416 - Apsveikana........................................................ 417 - Iepriekējās sēdes protokola apstiprināana (sk.

protokolu) ........................................................... 428 - Nākoās neformālās Eiropadomes sagatavoana... 429 - Jautājumu laiks (jautājumi Padomei).................... 6510 - Parlamenta sastāvs (sk. protokolu) ..................... 8211 - Afganistāna....................................................... 8212 - Stāvoklis Azerbaidānā pirms vēlēanām........... 9013 - Atskats uz Barselonas procesu ........................... 9614 - Nākamās sēdes darba kārtība (sk. protokolu).... 10615 - Sēdes slēgana................................................. 106

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1 - Plenarinio posėdio atidarymas..............................52 - 2006 m. bendrojo biudeto projektas (III skirsnis) -

2006 m. bendrojo biudeto projektas (kiti skirsniai)53 - Balsavimui skirtas laikas......................................313.1 - Fluorintos iltnamio efektą sukeliančios dujos ...313.2 - Dujos, imetamos i motorinių transporto

priemonių oro kondicionavimo sistemų ...............313.3 - Lauko sąlygomis naudojamos įrangos skleidiamas

triukmas ............................................................313.4 - Bendrijos finansinės paramos suteikimas

transeuropiniams transporto ir energetikos tinklams...........................................................................31

3.5 - Maisto priedai...................................................313.6 - Kova su organizuotu nusikalstamumu ...............313.7 - Kovos su visuotine gripo epidemija strategija ....313.8 - Biotechnologinių iradimų patentavimas ...........313.9 - Bendrijos poiūris į ekonominės migracijos

valdymą ..............................................................314 - Paaikinimai dėl balsavimo..................................315 - Balsavimo pataisymai (r. protokolą) ...................416 - Pasveikinimo odiai ...........................................417 - Ankstesnio posėdio protokolų tvirtinimas (r.

protokolą) ...........................................................428 - Ruoimasis būsimam neformaliam Europos Vadovų

Tarybos susitikimui .............................................429 - Klausimų valanda (klausimai Tarybai) .................6510 - Parlamento sudėtis (r. protokolą) ......................8211 - Afganistanas......................................................8212 - Padėtis Azerbaidane prie rinkimus ..................90Padėtis Azerbaidane prie rinkimus .........................90Padėtis Azerbaidane prie rinkimus .........................9013 - Patikslintas Barselonos procesas ........................9614 - Kito posėdio darbotvarkė (r. protokolą)......... 10615 - Posėdio pabaiga ............................................. 106


1 - Az ülés megnyitása ............................................... 52 - A 2006-os általános költségvetési tervezet (III.

szakasz) - A 2006-os általános költségvetési tervezet(egyéb szakaszok) ................................................. 5

3 - Szavazások órája ................................................. 313.1 - Üvegházhatást okozó fluortartalmú gázok......... 313.2 - A gépjárművek klímaberendezéseiből származó

kibocsátások ....................................................... 313.3 - A kültéri használatra tervezett berendezések

zajkibocsátására vonatkozó tagállami jogszabályokközelítése............................................................ 31

3.4 - Közösségi pénzügyi segítségnyújtás atranszeurópai közlekedési és energiahálózatokterületén.............................................................. 31

3.5 - Az élelmiszerekben felhasználandóédesítőszerekben lévő adalékanyagok .................. 31

3.6 - A szervezett bűnözés elleni küzdelem ............... 313.7 - Az influenzajárvány elleni küzdelem stratégiája 313.8 - Biotechnólógiai találmányok szabadalma.......... 313.9 - A gazdasági migráció kezelésének közösségi

megközelítése ..................................................... 314 - A szavazáshoz fűzött indokolások........................ 315 - A szavazatok helyesbítései: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet. 416 - Köszöntések........................................................ 417 - Az előző ülés jegyzőkönyvének elfogadása: lásd a

jegyzőkönyvet..................................................... 428 - A következő informális Európai Tanács előkészítése

........................................................................... 429 - Kérdések órája (a Tanácshoz intézett kérdések).... 6510 - A Parlament tagjai: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet ........... 8211 - Afganisztán ....................................................... 8212 - Azerbajdzsáni helyzet a választások elõtt ........... 9013 - A barcelonai folyamat felülvizsgálata ................ 9614 - A következő ülés napirendje: lásd a jegyzőkönyvet

......................................................................... 10615 - Az ülés berekesztése........................................ 106

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1 - Ftuħ tas-seduta ......................................................52 - Abbozz tal-baġit generali 2006 (Sezzjoni III) -

Abbozz tal-baġit generali 2006 (sezzjonijiet oħra)..53 - Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet ...........................................313.1 - Gassijiet serra fluworinati .................................313.2 - Emissjonijiet minn sistemi ta' kondizzjonament ta'

l-arja f'vetturi bil-mutur .......................................313.3 - Emissjonijiet akustiċi minn materjal għal użu barra

l-bini ...................................................................313.4 - Għajnuna finanzjarja tal-Komunità fil-qasam tan-

netwerks transewropej tat-trasport u ta' l-enerġija.313.5 - Addittivi għal użu f'prodotti ta' l-ikel.................313.6 - Il-ġlieda kontra l-kriminalità organizzata...........313.7 - Strateġija ta' azzjoni kontra l-epidemija ta´ l-

influenza .............................................................313.8 - Brevett għall-invenzjonijiet bioteknoloġiċi ........313.9 - Posizzjoni komunitarja dwar il-gestjoni

ta´migrazzjoni ekonomika ...................................314 - Spjegazzjonijiet tal-votazzjoni .............................315 - Korrezzjonijiet tal-votazzjoni: ara l-Minuti...........416 - Merħba................................................................417 - Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel: ara l-

Minuti.................................................................428 - Preparazzjoni għall-Kunsill Ewropew informali li

jmiss ...................................................................429 - Ħin tal-mistoqsijiet (mistoqsijiet għall-Kunsill) ....6510 - Kompożizzjoni tal-Parlament: ara l-Minuti.........8211 - Afganistan .........................................................8212 - Sitwazzjoni fl-Azerbajġan lejliet l-elezzjonijiet ..9013 - Reviżjoni tal-proċess ta' Barċellona....................9614 - Aġenda tas-seduta li jmiss: ara l-Minuti ........... 10615 - Għeluq tas-seduta ............................................ 106


1 - Opening van de vergadering .................................. 52 - Ontwerp van algemene begroting 2006 (Afdeling III)

- Ontwerp van algemene begroting 2006 (overigeafdelingen)............................................................ 5

3 - Stemmingen ........................................................ 313.1 - Gefluoreerde broeikasgassen ............................ 313.2 - Emissies van airco-systemen in motorvoertuigen313.3 - Geluidsemissie in het milieu door materieel voor

gebruik buitenshuis - Wijziging........................... 313.4 - Financiële bijstand van de Gemeenschap voor

transeuropese vervoers- en energienetwerken ...... 313.5 - Additieven in levensmiddelen........................... 313.6 - Bestrijding van georganiseerde criminaliteit...... 313.7 - Strategie tegen een grieppandemie .................... 313.8 - Octrooien op biotechnologische uitvindingen.... 313.9 - EU-aanpak van het beheer van economische

migratiestromen .................................................. 314 - Stemverklaringen ................................................ 315 - Rectificaties stemgedrag: zie notulen ................... 416 - Welkomstwoord.................................................. 417 - Goedkeuring van de notulen van de vorige

vergadering: zie notulen ...................................... 428 - Voorbereiding van de volgende informele Europese

Raad ................................................................... 429 - Vragenuur (vragen aan de Raad).......................... 6510 - Samenstelling Parlement: zie notulen................. 8211 - Afghanistan....................................................... 8212 - Situatie in Azerbeidjan aan de vooravond van de

verkiezingen ....................................................... 9013 - Terugblik op het proces van Barcelona .............. 9614 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering: zie notulen

......................................................................... 10615 - Sluiting van de vergadering ............................. 106

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1 - Otwarcie posiedzenia.............................................52 - Projekt budżetu ogólnego na rok 2006 (sekcja III) -

Projekt budżetu ogólnego na rok 2006 (inne sekcje)53 - Głosowanie .........................................................313.1 - Fluorowane gazy cieplarniane...........................313.2 - Emisje pochodzące z systemów klimatyzacji

pojazdów silnikowych .........................................313.3 - Emisje hałasu do środowiska przez urządzenia

używane na zewnątrz pomieszczeń ......................313.4 - Pomoc finansowa Wspólnoty w zakresie

transeuropejskich sieci transportowych ienergetycznych ...................................................31

3.5 - Dodatki do produktów spożywczych .................313.6 - Zwalczanie przestępczości zorganizowanej .......313.7 - Strategia walki z pandemią grypy......................313.8 - Patenty na wynalazki biotechnologiczne............313.9 - Wspólnotowe podejście wobec zarządzania

migracją ekonomiczną.........................................314 - Wyjaśnienia dotyczące sposobu głosowania.........315 - Korekty do głosowania (patrz: protokół) ..............416 - Powitanie ............................................................417 - Zatwierdzenie protokołu z poprzedniego posiedzenia:

patrz protokół ......................................................428 - Przygotowanie nadchodzącej niefomalnej Rady

Europejskiej ........................................................429 - Czas na zapytania (zapytania do Rady).................6510 - Skład Parlamentu: patrz protokół .......................8211 - Afganistan .........................................................8212 - Sytuacja w Azerbejdżanie w przeddzień wyborów

...........................................................................9013 - Rewizja procesu barcelońskiego.........................9614 - Porządek dzienny następnego posiedzenia: patrz

protokół ............................................................ 10615 - Zamknięcie posiedzenia................................... 106


1 - Abertura da sessão................................................. 52 - Projecto de Orçamento Geral para 2006 (secção III) -

Projecto de Orçamento Geral para 2006 (outrassecções) ................................................................ 5

3 - Período de votação .............................................. 313.1 - Gases fluorados com efeito de estufa................. 313.2 - Emissões provenientes dos sistemas de

climatização dos veículos a motor ....................... 313.3 - Emissões sonoras dos materiais destinados a ser

utilizados no exterior dos edifícios....................... 313.4 - Participação financeira comunitária no domínio das

redes transeuropeias de transporte e de energia .... 313.5 - Aditivos nos géneros alimentícios ..................... 313.6 - Luta contra a criminalidade organizada ............. 313.7 - Estratégia contra uma pandemia de gripe .......... 313.8 - Patentes das invenções biotecnológicas ............. 313.9 - Abordagem comunitária da gestão da migração

económica .......................................................... 314 - Declarações de voto............................................. 315 - Correcções de voto: ver acta ................................ 416 - Boas-vindas ........................................................ 417 - Aprovação da acta da sessão anterior: ver Acta .... 428 - Preparação do próximo Conselho Europeu informal

........................................................................... 429 - Período de perguntas (perguntas ao Conselho) ..... 6510 - Composição do Parlamento: ver Acta ................ 8211 - Afeganistão....................................................... 8212 - Situação no Azerbaijão na véspera das eleições.. 9013 - O Processo de Barcelona revisitado ................... 9614 - Ordem do dia da próxima sessão: ver Acta....... 10615 - Encerramento da sessão................................... 106

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1 - Otvorenie rokovania ..............................................52 - Návrh veobecného rozpočtu na rok 2006 (oddiel III)

- Návrh veobecného rozpočtu na rok 2006 (inéoddiely).................................................................5

3 - Hlasovanie ..........................................................313.1 - Fluórované skleníkové plyny.............................313.2 - Emisie z klimatizačných systémov v motorových

vozidlách ............................................................313.3 - Emisie hluku pochádzajúce zo zariadení

pouívaných vo voľnom priestranstve..................313.4 - Finančná pomoc Spoločenstva v oblasti

transeurópskych dopravných a energetických sietí313.5 - Potravinárske prísady........................................313.6 - Boj proti organizovanému zločinu.....................313.7 - Stratégia boja proti chrípkovej pandémii ...........313.8 - Patenty na biotechnologické vynálezy ...............313.9 - Ekonomická migrácia .......................................31Ekonomická migrácia ...............................................314 - Vysvetlenia hlasovania ........................................315 - Opravy výsledkov hlasovania: pozri zápisnicu .....416 - Privítanie.............................................................417 - Schválenie zápisnice z predchádzajúceho rokovania:

pozri zápisnicu ....................................................428 - Príprava nasledujúceho neformálneho stretnutia

Európskej rady ....................................................429 - Hodina otázok (otázky pre Radu).........................6510 - Zloenie Parlamentu: pozri zápisnicu .................8211 - Afganistan .........................................................8212 - Situácia v Azerbajdane pred voľbami ...............9013 - Revidovaný barcelonský proces .........................9614 - Program rokovania na nasledujúci deň: pozri

zápisnicu........................................................... 10615 - Skončenie rokovania........................................ 106


1 - Otvoritev seje ........................................................ 52 - Predlog splonega proračuna 2006 (oddelek III) -

Predlog splonega proračuna 2006 (drugi oddelki). 53 - Čas glasovanja .................................................... 313.1 - Fluorirani toplogredni plini............................... 313.2 - Emisije iz klimatskih naprav v motornih vozilih 313.3 - Priblievanje zakonodaj drav članic v zvezi z

emisijo hrupa v okolje, ki ga povzroča oprema, ki seuporablja na prostem........................................... 31

3.4 - Finančni prispevek Skupnosti na področjuvseevropskega prometnega in energetskega omreja........................................................................... 31

3.5 - Aditivi za ivila ................................................ 313.6 - Boj proti organiziranemu kriminalu .................. 313.7 - Strategija proti pandemiji gripe......................... 313.8 - Patentiranje biotehnolokih izumov................... 313.9 - Ekonomske migracije ....................................... 314 - Obrazloitev glasovanja ...................................... 315 - Popravki glasovanja: glej zapisnik ....................... 416 - Dobrodolica....................................................... 417 - Sprejetje zapisnika predhodne seje: glej zapisnik . 428 - Priprave prihodnjega neformalnega Evropskega sveta

........................................................................... 429 - Čas za vpraanja (vpraanja Svetu) ...................... 6510 - Sestava Parlamenta: glej zapisnik ...................... 8211 - Afganistan......................................................... 8212 - Razmere v Azerbajdanu pred volitvami............ 9013 - Ponovna ocena barcelonskega procesa ............... 9614 - Dnevni red naslednje seje: glej zapisnik ........... 10615 - Zaključek seje ................................................. 106

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1 - Istunnon avaaminen...............................................52 - Esitys yleiseksi talousarvioksi 2006 (Pääluokka III) -

Esitys yleiseksi talousarvioksi 2006 (muut pääluokat).............................................................................5

3 - Äänestykset .........................................................313.1 - Fluoratut kasvihuonekaasut...............................313.2 - Moottoriajoneuvojen ilmastointijärjestelmien

päästöt ................................................................313.3 - Ulkona käytettävien laitteiden melupäästöt

ympäristöön ........................................................313.4 - Yhteisön rahoitustuen myöntäminen Euroopan

laajuisia liikenne- ja energiaverkkoja varten.........313.5 - Elintarvikkeiden lisäaineet ................................313.6 - Järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden torjunta................313.7 - Influenssapandemian torjuntastrategia...............313.8 - Bioteknologisten keksintöjen patentoiminen......313.9 - Taloudellisista syistä tapahtuva maahanmuutto..314 - Äänestysselityksel ...............................................315 - Äänestymiskäyttäytymistä koskevat ilmoitukset: ks.

pöytäkirja............................................................416 - Tervetulotoivotukset ............................................417 - Edellisen istunnon pöytäkirjan hyväksyminen: ks.

pöytäkirja............................................................428 - Seuraavan Eurooppa-neuvoston epävirallisen

kokouksen valmistelu ..........................................429 - Kyselytunti (neuvostolle esitettävät kysymykset)..6510 - Parlamentin kokoonpano: ks. pöytäkirja .............8211 - Afganistan .........................................................8212 - Azerbaidanin tilanne vaalien edellä ..................9013 - Paluu Barcelonan prosessiin...............................9614 - Seuraavan istunnon esityslista: ks. pöytäkirja ... 10615 - Istunnon päättäminen....................................... 106


1 - Öppnande av sammanträdet................................... 52 - Förslag till allmän budget 2006 (avsnitt III) - Förslag

till allmän budget 2006 (övriga avsnitt) ................. 53 - Omröstning ......................................................... 313.1 - Fluorerade växthusgaser ................................... 313.2 - Utsläpp från luftkonditioneringssystem i

motorfordon........................................................ 313.3 - Buller i miljön .................................................. 313.4 - Gemenskapens finansiella stöd på området för

transeuropeiska transport- och energinät .............. 313.5 - Tillsatser i livsmedel......................................... 313.6 - Kamp mot den organiserade brottsligheten........ 313.7 - Strategi mot en influensapandemi ..................... 313.8 - Patent på biotekniska uppfinningar ................... 313.9 - Ekonomisk migration ....................................... 314 - Röstförklaringar .................................................. 315 - Rättelser till avgivna röster: se protokollet ........... 416 - Välkomsthälsning................................................ 417 - Justering av protokollet från föregående

sammanträde: se protokollet ................................ 428 - Förberedelser inför Europeiska rådets nästa

informella möte................................................... 429 - Frågestund (frågor till rådet) ................................ 6510 - Parlamentets sammansättning: se protokollet ..... 8211 - Afghanistan....................................................... 8212 - Situationen i Azerbajdzjan efter valen................ 9013 - Den omgestaltade Barcelonaprocessen............... 9614 - Föredragningslista för nästa sammanträde: se

protokollet ........................................................ 10615 - Avslutande av sammanträdet ........................... 106

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STŘEDA, 26. ŘÍJNA 2005






















1 - Apertura de la sesión


(Se abre la sesión a las 9.05 horas)


2 - Proyecto de presupuesto general 2006(Sección III) - Proyecto de presupuestogeneral 2006 (Otras secciones)


El Presidente. Empezamos nuestro orden del día conel debate conjunto sobre el procedimiento presupuestariopara el ejercicio 2006. Examinamos

- el informe del señor Giovanni Pittella, en nombre de laComisión de Presupuestos, sobre el proyecto depresupuesto general de la Unión Europea para elejercicio 2006 (Sección III, Comisión) [C6-0299/2005 -2005/2001(BUD)] (A6-0309/2005) y

- el informe del señor Valdis Dombrovskis, en nombrede la Comisión de Presupuestos, sobre el proyecto depresupuesto general de la Unión Europea para elejercicio 2006 (Sección I, Parlamento Europeo; SecciónII, Consejo; Sección IV, Tribunal de Justicia; Sección V,Tribunal de Cuentas; Sección VI, Comité Económico ySocial; Sección VII, Comité de las Regiones; SecciónVIII (A), Defensor del Pueblo Europeo; Sección VIII(B), Controlador Europeo de Protección de Datos) [C6-0300/2005 - 2005/2002(BUD)] (A6-0307/2005).


Giovanni Pittella (PSE), relatore. Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, in questa lunga procedura che ci haportato al voto in prima lettura, spesso sono risuonatenella mia mente due domande. La prima: Che cos'è ilbilancio? Un freddo esercizio contabile o un preminente

atto politico? La seconda: Le scelte che noi decidiamo,anzi che "codecidiamo", rappresentano davvero unapriorità per i nostri cittadini e spetta proprio a noi ilcompito di finanziare queste priorità o sarebbe più giustoche le finanziassero i bilanci nazionali o quelli regionali?

Credo che queste due domande riferibili sia al bilancioannuale, sia alle prospettive finanziarie, precedanol'analisi delle linee e delle categorie di spesa. Esserappresentano i nodi di fondo di un dibattito che deveuscire dalle secche del tecnicismo, perché è un dibattitotutto politico. Se l'Unione europea deve svolgere taluneazioni e non altre, non è tema che può stare sotto tracciaalimentando una stantia evacua dialettica tra rigoristi elassisti.

E' tema centrale dell'agenda politica europea ed io sonostupito lo dico ai rappresentanti del Consiglio che nelVertice dei capi di Stato e di governo di domani non visia posto per tali questioni. Come si può scriverel'agenda sociale dell'Unione senza raccordarla anche allescelte del bilancio annuale e poliennale? E' un misteroche io mi auguro trovi una risposta nell'interventoodierno del Presidente Blair.

La questione delle risorse finanziarie per assolvere ainostri compiti è questione dirimente. E' arrivato ilmomento di affrontare tale questione con coraggio. Iltema è: ci sono responsabilità che chiamano in causa illivello sovranazionale? C'è un valore aggiunto europeorispetto alla spesa pubblica nazionale? Quali sono questepolitiche e questi programmi e qual è il loro postonell'ambito del bilancio europeo?.

Faccio alcuni esempi; il primo: la politica di coesione, èuna politica necessaria e chi la deve fare?. Non vi èdubbio che squilibri sociali ed economici e territorialicaratterizzino ancora l'Unione. E' essenziale pertantopromuovere uno sviluppo economico, affrontando lecarenze strutturali, stimolando la crescita sostenibile,puntando in maniera significativa al rilanciodell'occupazione e della competitività. Tale politica vafatta a livello europeo perché è solo a questo livello che

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può essere efficace sotto il profilo dei costi, dellarazionalizzazione e dell'uniformità delle procedure, dellacondivisione delle risorse, della programmazione degliobiettivi, dello scambio delle buone pratiche.

Secondo esempio: la ricerca. E' necessario fare politichedi ricerca a livello europeo? O meglio, oltre ai singoliStati e agli attori privati, ci deve essere anche unimpegno diretto a livello europeo nella ricerca? Ildifferenziale di competitività che in questi anni ha resopiù debole il nostro continente rispetto alle economieemergenti o a quelle consolidate è sotto gli occhi di tutti.Possiamo colmare questo divario solo con misureprotettive o serve invece potenziare gli sforzi europeinella ricerca creando centri di eccellenza, portandovalore aggiunto all'industria, alle piccole e medieimprese, promuovendo la cooperazione tra operatoripubblici e privati, soprattutto per quanto riguarda leinfrastrutture di ricerca e i partenariati pubblici-privati,diffondendo la conoscenza, mettendo in rete i nostriricercatori che operano in tutto il mondo?

L'Unione europea forma e questo voi lo sapete piùdottori nelle discipline scientifiche e in ingegneria degliStati Uniti, ma molti decidono di emigrare ointraprendono carriere di tipo diverso. Attualmente, visono circa 85-90 mila ricercatori europei che lavoranonel settore della ricerca scientifica negli Stati Uniti. Unaumento degli investimenti a livello europeo puòcontribuire senza dubbio alla riduzione di questoproblema. A tal riguardo, il raffronto dei dati a livellointernazionale indicano che l'Unione europea devepercorrere ancora una lunga strada per raggiungere i suoiprincipali concorrenti.

Nel 2001 l'Unione europea ha speso l'1,9 per cento delPIL per la ricerca mentre il Giappone vi ha destinato il3,1 per cento e gli Stati Uniti il 2,8 per cento. Ilprogramma cardine di questi nostri interventi, comesappiamo, è il Sesto programma quadro e attualmente èin dirittura d'arrivo il Settimo programma quadro.Possiamo lasciare questi strumenti senza risorsefinanziarie adeguate?

Terzo esempio: istruzione, formazione, cultura epolitiche giovanili. Ha ragione il presidente Blair,quando ricorda, come ha fatto nel suo appassionato eapprezzato discorso inaugurale della Presidenzabritannica proprio in quest'Aula, che dobbiamomodernizzare il nostro modello sociale, ridurredrasticamente la drammatica cifra di 20 milioni didisoccupati, elevando gli indici di produttività, formandopiù lavoratori in materie scientifiche, agendoprioritariamente sul capitale umano. Tuttavia la suaposizione rischierebbe di perdere efficacia se non fosseaccompagnata da decisioni coerenti sul piano dei mezzifinanziari.

Abbiamo fatto delle scelte precise:, aumentando gliimporti per i programmi rivolti ai giovani: forse nonc'era mai stato prima di questo bilancio un aumento cosìrilevante che ha riguardato i tre programmi fondamentaliper i giovani: Socrates, Leonardo e Gioventù. Dobbiamo

lanciare un forte messaggio ai giovani europei, ed esserecoerenti col patto per i giovani,che proprio i governihanno lanciato alcuni mesi fa, e avviare nuove azionipilota, come l'Erasmus per i giovani imprenditori el'Erasmus per gli studenti delle scuole medie-superiori(dai sedici ai diciotto anni).

Infine le azioni esterne. In questi anni si è assistito aduna situazione paradossale: Da una parte, è statogiustamente chiesto all'Unione europea, di svolgere unruolo più unitario e incisivo nel mondo e, dall'altra parte,si è al contempo preteso che sulla politica estera,soprattutto da parte degli Stati membri, si mantenesse ilpotere di veto e un ammontare finanziario del tuttoinadeguato.

E' più legittimo, quindi, che i cittadini europei lamentinola sostanziale ininfluenza dell'Unione nel più vastoconsesso della comunità internazionale. Oggi è previstoche il bilancio comunitario, con appena cinque miliardidi euro, più o meno, si faccia carico della ricostruzionein Iraq, della ricostruzione in Afghanistan,dell'emergenza Tsunami, degli aiuti umanitari, delrafforzamento della democrazia, della difesa dei dirittiumani nella aree di crisi, della lotta alla povertà e allamiseria, dei programmi di cooperazione delMediterraneo e con i Balcani, di altre decine e decine diiniziative importanti. E infine viene ora giustamenteannunciata la necessità di elargire il nostro contributoper la ricostruzione del Pakistan, per l'emergenza dopo ilterremoto. Viene poi annunciato anche un intervento piùcorposo per aiutare il processo di pace in Medio Oriente.

Tutto ciò determina un'insopportabile forbice tra questedichiarazioni politiche, questi impegni, questi doveri oserei dire e la dotazione finanziaria della rubrica 4che è di appena cinque miliardi di euro. Questa forbice,questa contraddizione, concorre a dipingere noi tutti Parlamento europeo, Commissione, Consiglio europeo agli occhi dei nostri concittadini come i classici principisenza scettro. Ecco, io penso che queste siano anche lequestioni che concernono il nostro bilancio.

Ritengo che la strategia adottata dalla commissionebilanci sia ispirata ai seguenti principi: mantenere unacoerenza con gli approcci degli anni precedenti; lasciareaperte tutte le opzioni strategiche possibili per ilParlamento, al fine di prendere la decisione finale nellaconciliazione di novembre, senza denunciare in questomomento l'accordo interistituzionale, ma utilizzando almassimo lo strumento di flessibilità per difendere tutte lenostre priorità; garantire un adeguato livello generale dipagamenti; assicurare un adeguato livello generale dipagamenti dei Fondi strutturali; dare il massimosostegno al raggiungimento degli obiettivi di Lisbona,attraverso un aumento delle risorse a favore delle piccolee medie imprese, della ricerca, dell'ambiente esoprattutto delle politiche rivolte ai giovani; accrescerel'impegno finanziario della rubrica 4, cioè le azioniesterne, dove il massimale non consente al contempo difinanziare le emergenze che di anno in anno si sommanoalle precedenti Afghanistan, Iraq, Tsunami e letradizionali priorità del Parlamento. Vi risparmio le

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cifre, che voi conoscete bene almeno quanto me, e vadoalla conclusione politica.

Cari rappresentanti del Consiglio, gentile Commissario,onorevoli colleghi, questa è la nostra posizione. E' unaposizione forte e ragionevole, per un bilancio ambiziosoma non pretenzioso, una posizione a alla quale siamogiunti grazie al contributo responsabile di tutti i gruppipolitici e desidero ringraziare tutti i coordinatori deigruppi della commissione bilanci e tutti i colleghi chehanno contribuito al nostro lavoro e hanno permesso diesaminare gli oltre 900 emendamenti e che sinora hannogarantito alla nostra piattaforma una larghissimoconsenso. Ringrazio la signora Commissario per lacooperazione instaurata, che è venuta via viarafforzandosi ed è diventata preziosa, sino a delineareposizioni di ampissima convergenza. Ringrazio ilMinistro Lewis, rappresentante del Consiglio: loringrazio oggi, per la cortesia squisita con cui haimpostato il suo dialogo con il Parlamento; domanivorrei ringraziarlo per le risposte positive che ilConsiglio, mi auguro, ci darà in sede di conciliazione.

Un pensiero grato va anche al presidente Lewandowski eallo staff e alla segreteria che mi assistito, in particolarmodo alla mia impareggiabile assistente perdonatequesta annotazione di carattere personale ma è sincera edovuta nel durissimo lavoro di questi mesi e, che sonocerto, continuerà a farlo.

Il mio messaggio conclusivo è ancora una volta diretto alConsiglio. Spesso noi diciamo: "tra prima e secondalettura ci sarà un terribile braccio di ferro tra Parlamentoe Consiglio". Ma è proprio così? chiedo al Consiglio.E' inevitabile che scorra il sangue nei saloni dorati delloCharlemagne? Dobbiamo per forza venire con la pistoladell'articolo 272 nascosta nella tasca? E' così difficilecomprendere che in gioco non c'è una somma di bizzarrerivendicazioni corporative ma più semplicemente edrammaticamente vi è il destino e il futuro dell'Europa,delle nostre istituzioni, del rapporto fiduciario tra noi e inostri concittadini, rapporto profondamente usurato maancora recuperabile e rilanciabile?

Il presente bilancio è un bilancio ponte verso la nuovafase di programmazione. Esso interviene in una faseterribile della vita e della storia dell'Unione. Anche a lei,Ministro Louis, ai suoi rappresentanti che sono presentiqui, anche al presidente Blair, pur fedeli alla tradizionebritannica che da Churchill in poi vi ha visto più partnerche parte dell'Unità europea, non può sfuggire che visono sfide che nessuno da solo può combattere e questesfide, dalla coesione alla competitività, alle azioniesterne, possono essere affrontate dall'Unione soltanto seessa dispone dei i mezzi finanziari adeguati.

I nuovi scenari del pianeta, nemmeno prevedibili quandonel 1999 furono decise le attuali prospettive finanziarie,ci pongono domande urgenti a cui noi dobbiamo dareuna risposta adeguata. Io penso che ben pochi cittadinichiedano meno Europa, molti domandano più Europa. Ilmio auspicio è che la seconda metà della Presidenzabritannica, possa regalarci due risultati brillanti e

decisivi per risalire la china. Insieme possiamo varare unbuon bilancio per il 2006, insieme possiamo varare entrola fine dell'anno le nuove Prospettive finanziarie,aprendo una nuova stagione di fiducia nel progettoeuropeo.


El Presidente. Señor Pittella, gracias por susexplicaciones y el estricto uso de su tiempo. La ventajade la Unión Europea es que podemos estar seguros deque por los salones del edificio Charlemagne correrácualquier cosa, menos la sangre. Gracias por su imagen,que nos recuerda la realidad presente.


Valdis Dombrovskis (PPE-DE), referents. Prieksēdētāja kungs! Godātie kolēģi! Rīt EiropasParlaments balsos par Eiropas Savienības 2006. gadabudetu. ī balsojuma nozīme būs lielāka nekā tikaigadskārtējā ES finanu sadalījuma noteikana.2006. gads ir pēdējais esoās finanu perspektīvas gads.Tāpēc 2006. gada budets kalpos arī kā atskaites punkts,lemjot par nākamo finanu perspektīvu 2007.2013. gadam.

Kas attiecas uz ES citu institūciju 2006. gada budetu,galvenās prioritātes ir ES paplaināanās un efektīva unmaksimāli lietderīga ES budeta līdzekļu izlietoana.Pirmā prioritāte ir saistīta ar 2004. gada ESpaplaināanās raunda sekmīgu pabeiganu, pilnvērtīgiintegrējot jauno ES dalībvalstu pārstāvjus ESinstitūcijās, kā arī sagatavoanās nākamajam ESpaplaināanās raundam, uzņemot Bulgāriju unRumāniju. Nav pieņemama situācija, ka kop ESpaplaināanās jau ir pagājis vairāk nekā gads, bet vēlaizvien daudzas jaunajām dalībvalstīm paredzētās tatavietas ir vakantas. Viena no problēmām, kas ajā sakarājāuzsver, ir pārmērīgi birokratizētās un lēnās darbāpieņemanas procedūras. Lai nodroinātu sekmīgunākamo ES paplaināanās raundu, tiek piedāvātsatbalstīt visas citu institūciju pieprasītās arpaplaināanos saistītās tata vietas, kā arī citus ar ESpaplaināanos saistītos papildu izdevumus. Otraprioritāte ir efektīva un maksimāli lietderīga ES budetalīdzekļu izlietoana. ī prioritāte aptver tādus jautājumuskā ES institūciju tēriņu koncentrēana to pamatdarbuveikanai, jaunu budeta pieprasījumu un tata vietuatbalstīana tikai pēc resursu un tatu pārdales iespējuizvērtēanas esoā budeta ietvaros, jaunu iniciatīvuatbalstīana tikai pēc to ietekmes uz budetaizvērtēanas, starpinstitūciju sadarbība budeta līdzekļutaupīgas un efektīvas izlietoanas nolūkos. Budetadisciplīna un racionāla ES nodokļu maksātāju līdzekļuizmantoana ir principi, kurus atbalsta abas budetalēmējiestādes - Eiropas Parlaments un ES Padome. ESPadome piedāvā par 15 miljoniem eiro samazināt cituinstitūciju administratīvos izdevumus, salīdzinot arinstitūciju sākotnējiem pieprasījumiem. Tomēr jāatzīmē,ka daudzos gadījumos samazinājums ir veiktsnepārdomāti, īpai neiedziļinoties institūciju darbaspecifikā un problēmās. Pēc rūpīgas citu institūcijubudeta pieprasījumu izpētes tiek piedāvāts atjaunot daļuno ES Padomes veiktajiem budeta samazinājumiem kopumā par 7,5 miljoniem eiro. Kas attiecas uz Eiropas

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Parlamenta budetu, pirmkārt, vēlos uzsvērt jautājumupar kopējo izdevumu līmeni. Pēc plaām diskusijāmBudeta komitejā, ņemot vērā iepriekējā gada pieredziar uzpūstām budeta pozīcijām un sekojou EiropasParlamenta budeta izdevumu neizpildi, tiek piedāvātssamazināt Eiropas Parlamenta budeta izdevumus par20 miljoniem eiro, salīdzinot ar administrācijaspieprasījumu. Uzskatu, ka Eiropas Parlamenta budets irjāveido, balstoties uz pamatotām vajadzībām pēc torūpīgas izvērtēanas. Griestu 20% no kopējiemadministratīvajiem izdevumiem sasniegana navpamērķis.

Protams, vēl aizvien ir aktuāls jautājums par tiem vairāknekā 200 miljoniem eiro gadā, kas tiek papildus iztērēti,nodroinot Eiropas Parlamenta sēdes Strasbūrā. Galvenāproblēma ir divu Eiropas Parlamenta ēku paralēlauzturēana Briselē un Strasbūrā. Jāatzīmē, ka isjautājums ir ES Padomes kompetencē.

Liela vērība Eiropas Parlamenta 2006. gada budetā irpievērsta informācijas un komunikācijas politikai nodroināt informācijas pieejamību un EiropasParlamenta darba labāku izskaidroanu ES pilsoņiem.Īpai jāuzsver Eiropas Parlamenta pārstāvniecība ESdalībvalstu lomā ajā sakarā. Vairāki pasākumi jau irveikti. Var pieminēt kaut vai jaunās Eiropas Parlamentamājas lapas atklāanu, kurā daudz lielāks uzsvars tieklikts uz aktuālu informāciju par Eiropas Parlamentadarbu visās Eiropas Savienības oficiālajās valodās.2006. gadā tiek piedāvāts pilnveidot Eiropas Parlamentaapmeklētāju programmu, kā arī izveidot speciāluinformācijas un komunikācijas rezervi.

Nobeigumā es vēlos atgriezties pie jautājuma, kuruuzsvēru jau runas sākumā. Ņemot vērā to, ka 2006. gadsir pēdējais esoās finanu perspektīvas gads, ir svarīgi,lai kopējais 2006. gada budeta saistību un arīmaksājumu apropriāciju apjoms atbilst tām saistībām,kādas Eiropas Savienība ir uzņēmusies, tai skaitā ESpaplaināanās sakarā. Es pilnībā piekrītu kolēģaGiovanni Pitella teiktajam, ka 2006. gadā irnepiecieams nodroināt pietiekou maksājumuapropriāciju apjomu, tai skaitā struktūrfondiem. Navpieņemam tāda ES Padomes nostāja, kāda tā bijaattiecībā uz ES 2005. gada budetu, mākslīgi bloķējotmaksājumu apropriāciju apjomu. Tagad ES Padomesnostājas nepamatotība jau ir kļuvusi acīm redzama.Eiropas Komisija gatavo 2005. gada budetagrozījumus, paredzot lielāku maksājumu apropriācijuapjomu struktūrfondiem. Ja ES Padome arī ES2006. gada budetā centīsies mākslīgi bloķēt maksājumuapropriāciju apjomu, tas liecinās par ES Padomesnevēlēanos pilnā mērā finansēt tās saistības, ko ES iruzņēmusies esoās finanu perspektīvas ietvaros.Jāatzīmē, ka tiei āda rīcība, tuku solījumu dāļāanabez reāliem darbiem, vairo iedzīvotāju atsveinātību unskepsi par ES.

Un nobeigumā es gribēju vēl pievērst speciāli komisāresGribauskaites uzmanību Eiropas Komisijas sagatavotābudeta latvieu tulkojuma zemajai kvalitātei.Piemēram, budeta pozīcijas 02030202 un 02030203,

kurās ir runa par medikamentu reti sastopamu slimībuārstēanai. Komisijas tulkojumā latvieu valodā ir runapar bāreņu ārstniecības līdzekļiem un zālēm bāreņiem.Tā ka es aicinu komisāres kundzi nebrīnīties. Viņasaņems Latvijas bāreņu pieprasījumus finansēt viņumedikamentus, jo tiei tas ir rakstīts Eiropas Komisijassagatavotajā tulkojumā. Paldies par uzmanību!


El Presidente. Muchas gracias, señor Dombrovskis.Procuraremos entre todos mejorar nuestrosprocedimientos de comunicación plurilingüe.


Dalia Grybauskaitė, Komisijos narė. A labai dėkojuu tai, kaip Parlamentas įvertina pasiruoimą 2006 metųbiudeto priėmimui, kaip G. Pittella įvertina mūsųdidėjantį supratimą ir Komisijos bei Parlamentobendradarbiavimą ir kaip vyksta visos diskusijos beipasiruoimas priimti biudetą. Norėdama ivengti suvertimu susijusių problemų, a kalbėsiu anglikai.


To avoid interpreting problems, I would like to give mymore technical presentation in English. Mr Pitella has setus a fine example with his presentation.

I shall go through the various headings. On agriculturalexpenditure, under heading 1a, the Commission will, ina weeks time, present its new estimates in accordancewith the new market tendencies which, according to ourinformation, will mean a reduction in the estimates thatthe Commission proposed for agricultural expenditure.

As regards the second heading structural actions thePDB proposed by the Commission was presented andestablished on the basis of observed trends and ourrevised estimates, which do not exactly correspond withthose of the Member States. The Commission willsubmit an amending letter at the beginning ofNovember, bearing in mind that we will be receiving thefinal data from the Member States at the end of thismonth, so we will be coming to you in the first weeks ofNovember with the final level, which will have to bedetermined in trialogue in November.

On internal policies, Parliament has tabled a lot ofamendments, mainly on co-decided programmes. So, asusual, the Commission confirms that it will support anyproposals in the co-decided envelope, if this is agreedbetween two budgetary authorities.

External action is the most difficult heading for all of us,especially because it entails pressure as regards the useof the Flexibility Instrument. Next year we will needexpenditure at least for the tsunami and for sugar reform,and it is becoming clear that two further items ofexpenditure will be needed: support for Gaza and theearthquake in Pakistan. This defines and distinguishesclearly how we should reflect or understand theFlexibility Instruments usage in future, and I would liketo re-confirm what I said recently in COBU: theCommission and its Legal Service understand that, for

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2006, up to EUR 493 million are available under theFlexibility Instrument.

On administrative expenditure and posts, I welcome thereinstatement of all the PDB requests we presented. Ialso welcome the reaction from Council and Parliamentto our message sent in September about recruitment, andI would like to correct a point in Mr Dombrovskispresentation. All 1480 posts for new Member Stateshave been filled as at present. There are no vacant postsleft. We are doing our best.

So, if EUR 16 million is to be reserved in the wayproposed today, subject to very demanding conditions,which cannot be met promptly next year, we will beconfronted with recruitment problems in respect of abouthalf of the new posts proposed, some 200 to 300 posts.Nonetheless, the Commission will take the opportunityto comment on the amendments as a whole, especiallythose to be tabled and which are indeed of greatimportance to Parliament in our letter onimplementability. I will send this to you in advance ofthe second reading.

We would like to wish the rapporteur and Parliament avery constructive debate and successful vote tomorrow.The Commission will be on your side, helping to reach adeal for 2006 in November or, at the latest, in December.


Pasqualina Napoletano (PSE), relatrice per pareredella commissione per gli affari esteri. SignorPresidente, onorevoli colleghi, nella mia veste disostituto della relatrice, onorevole De Keyser, desiderosottolineare tre punti sollevati dalla commissione per gliaffari esteri.

Il primo punto concerne l'Iniziativa europea per i dirittidell'uomo e della democrazia, per la quale nonaccettiamo il taglio del 25 percento proposto dallaCommissione e chiediamo di ripristinare almeno ilbilancio 2005.

Il secondo punto riguarda l'aiuto alla ricostruzione inIraq. Noi vorremmo che i fondi comunitari fossero spesiin modo trasparente, affidandoli alle agenzie delleNazioni Unite operanti in Iraq.

Chiediamo infine al Consiglio maggiore chiarezzaall'atto di riferire circa l'uso dei fondi a favore deiRappresentanti speciali dell'Unione. In attesa dispiegazioni da parte del Consiglio, la commissione pergli affari esteri ha proposto un taglio di un milione emezzo di euro agli stanziamenti di pagamento iscrittisulla linea di bilancio in questione.


Nirj Deva (PPE-DE), draftsman of the opinion of theCommittee on Development. Mr President, I want tocongratulate Mr Pittella, the rapporteur, on havingproduced an excellent budget statement, and theCommissioner.

Mr Pittella has very kindly accepted about 80% of theCommittee on Developments amendments to thebudget. We all know that this budget is very stretched.Mr Pittella has himself explained how external actionshave been very difficult: Afghanistan, Iraq, the tsunami,Gaza, and the earthquake.

The earthquake represents a challenge. Three millionpeople are stranded on mountainsides freezing to death.They have no tents, food or water. Logistically it isimpossible to supply them with food, water and heat,etc. We do not know how much it is going to cost thisyear. The response to the tsunami was magnificent Iwas caught up in the middle of it. USD 5.3 billion wasraised globally, of which the European Union committedEUR 160 million and then further sums under theflexibility instrument.

However, I am conscious that the UK Presidency is veryconcerned about the earthquake and Pakistan. To feedand look after three million people over the winter willbe difficult. Do we adopt a family and ask the Pakistanipeople in Karachi, Lahore or Rawalpindi to look afterthese people over the six-month period and help themwith coupons, ration cards and provide them with foodso that we do not allow them to starve and die onmountain tops? I do not know.

I am also very grateful that much of what the Committeeon Development has asked for has been given. I onlyregret that the handwashing programme which wetalked about in my committee was not accepted by thebudget rapporteur. I would like that to be noted.


David Martin (PSE), Draftsman of the opinion of theCommittee on International Trade. Mr President, Ithink we are all agreed that trade can do more fordevelopment than all the aid and debt relief we give. Inother words, Hong Kong in December can be moreimportant for development than the Gleneagles summitin the summer was. However, there is more to trade thansimple liberalisation: we have to give developingcountries assistance in getting their goods to the marketand we have to give them assistance in terms of meetingour technical and health standards.

That is why the Committee on International Trade isproposing a new budget line called 'aid for trade'. It isnot that we do not already have trade assistance in ourbudget, but at the moment it is spread over two hundreddifferent budget lines. The Trade Committee would likethis to be unified into one single budget line. We wouldlike a clear budget line so that aid for trade is moreeasily mobilised, more visible and more accessible to thedeveloping countries.


Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE), Draftsman ofthe opinion of the Committee on Budgetary Control. Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissionervery much indeed for coming today. I would also like tostart by thanking the rapporteur of the Committee onBudgets for coming to a couple of meetings of the

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Committee on Budgetary Control and listening to theconcerns and queries of the Committee. It is a veryhealthy process for us all to be involved in.

The process by which the Budgetary Control Committeeoperates is as follows: we go through our dischargereports and look at conclusions and points that we haveraised with which the House has concurred and whichthe Commission has not completely implemented, andthen draw up amendments to try to ensureimplementation in the future.

We also look at the OLAF budget in great detail becauseit is one of the areas where we have many concerns andwill have many concerns in the future. This year, OLAFasked for a great deal more staff, in fact 25 new staff andan increase in its budget of 10 %, which our committee,the committee that should be the most proactive andsupportive of OLAF (as I believe it probably is), wasconcerned that this level of new staff was not actuallyrequired. One of the amendments in the budget this yearhas details on that. We are seeking a satisfactoryexplanation, which I am not sure we have properlyreceived.

We also called on the European Court of Justice and theEuropean Court of Auditors to amend their respectiveadministrative decisions by 1 November of this year insuch a way as to rule out the private use of official cars,and there are amendments in the budget for that.

Finally, and completely off track and on a personal note,there is an amendment signed by all Members across thisHouse to allow funding of Europe-wide events toencourage the social inclusion of young people andmentally disabled people through sporting activities,which I hope the rapporteur will pick up.


Catherine Guy-Quint (PSE), rapporteur pour avis dela commission des affaires économiques et monétaires. Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, au nomde la commission des affaires économiques etmonétaires, je voudrais préciser nos prioritésbudgétaires.

Tout d'abord, il nous faut des ressources appropriéespour garantir des analyses économiques de qualité etcohérentes, permettant d'établir des perspectiveséconomiques fiables pour l'Union. Vous savez notreattachement au programme PRINCE "'Euro, unemonnaie pour l'Europe" car, nous le savons aussi, unedeuxième vague d'euros va arriver et il faut donccontinuer à soutenir l'intérêt des citoyens dansl'ensemble de nos pays.

Enfin, nous tenons beaucoup à aider les PME enpromouvant un environnement financier viable pour lesplus petites structures ainsi que les instruments definancement éthique. Quant à l'appui au programmeFiscalis, qui vise à améliorer le fonctionnement dessystèmes de fiscalité indirecte du marché intérieur, nousformons les fonctionnaires nationaux nécessaires car il

est, pour nous, un gage d'avenir, de sécurité et deprospérité pour l'Union.


Jamila Madeira (PSE), relatora de parecer daComissão do Emprego e dos Assuntos Sociais. SenhorPresidente, caros Deputados, quero, antes de mais,agradecer ao colega Pittella o excelente trabalho que temrealizado no decorrer de todo este processo orçamental2006.

A Comissão do Emprego, da qual fui autora do parecer,congratula-se com o reconhecimento e a aceitação porparte da Comissão dos Orçamentos da necessidade deaumentar determinadas rubricas, ou mesmo repor osmontantes previstos no PDB, nomeadamente no que dizrespeito ao Fundo Social Europeu, ao programaEQUAL, ao EURES, às acções de combate e deprevenção da exclusão social e ao programa Leonardo.

No entanto, houve solicitações nossas que ficaram pelocaminho e, entre elas, algumas que nos são muito caras epara as quais gostaria de vos sensibilizar.Nomeadamente, para a necessidade de reforçar asdotações do programa Europass, veículo promotor datransparência das qualificações e que é essencial para aconsecução dos objectivos de Lisboa e que foiapresentado no âmbito de um pacote com o programaLeonardo e que, no entanto, não foi levado em linha deconta.

Chamo igualmente a vossa atenção para a situação emque se encontra a agência de Bilbao que, sem qualquerajustamento orçamental desde 2004, nem em termos deinflação, nem em termos de adequação a necessidadescolocadas pelo alargamento, se vê na iminência de nãoter as condições mínimas para continuar a funcionar.

Por isso gostaria de, ainda e numa última palavra,reconhecer o esforço feito pelo colega Pittella da formacomo acarinhou o Ano Europeu da Mobilidade dosTrabalhadores, dada a sua impossibilidade de serabarcado como um projecto-piloto tê-lo incluído comoum evento especial anual, dada a sua relevância eobjectivamente a sua eficácia de acordo com osobjectivos da competitividade da economia europeia.


Bogusław Liberadzki (PSE), autor projektu opiniiKomisji Transportu i Turystyki. PaniePrzewodniczący! Komisja Transportu i Turystykirozpatrywała ten budżet w kontekście istniejących jużoszczędności przy kończącej się perspektywiebudżetowej. W związku z tym wyrażamy protestprzeciwko propozycji redukcji nakładów na siecitranseuropejskie o proponowane 120 milionów euro.Wyrażamy przekonanie, że transeuropejskie sieci sąpodstawowym instrumentem realizacji wizji spójnejEuropy, a także wizji rozwoju regionalnego.

Nie zgadzamy się także z poprawkami Radyzmniejszającymi wydatki na funkcjonowanie instytucjinadzorujących bezpieczeństwo transportu. Wszczególności nie zgadzamy się z ograniczeniem

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wydatków w zakresie ochrony wód morskich przedzanieczyszczeniami.

Mając na uwadze te dwa podstawowe obszary,chcielibyśmy bardzo jasno podkreślić, iż obywatele igospodarka Unii Europejskiej są zainteresowanisprawnym transportem. Chciałbym poprosić wszystkiegrupy polityczne, także koleżanki i kolegów posłów, owsparcie. Wyrazy uznania kieruję do pana Pittelli jakoposła, który wniósł bardzo duży wkład w kształt tegoprojektu budżetu.


Constanze Angela Krehl (PSE), Verfasserin derStellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses fürregionale Entwicklung. Herr Präsident, FrauKommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! DerAusschuss für regionale Entwicklung ist in seinerStellungnahme zum Haushalt den Vorschlägen derKommission gefolgt und hat den Haushaltsvorentwurfwieder eingesetzt. Das betrifft insbesondere dieZahlungen. Dem Bedarf der Mitgliedstaaten wurdedurch den Berichterstatter insofern Rechnung getragen,als die Zahlungen nochmals um 40 % erhöht wurden.Damit richte ich zwei Bitten an die Mitgliedstaaten,nämlich dieses Geld einerseits auch tatsächlich fach- undsachgerecht auszugeben und bei der Debatte über dieFinanzielle Vorausschau für 2007-2013 dem andererseitsRechnung zu tragen und künftig ein entsprechendesBudget für die Kohäsionspolitik zur Verfügung zustellen.

Das Haus möchte ich bitten, zwei weitere Vorschlägedes Regionalausschusses zu unterstützen, nämlich einProjekt zur europaweiten Vernetzung von KMU sowieeine Studie anzuregen, die den Bedarf der neuenMitgliedstaaten, insbesondere hinsichtlich derRekonstruktion von Plattenbausiedlungen betrifft. Überdieses Problem haben wir hier im Haus sehr oftgesprochen, ohne genau zu wissen, vor welchenHerausforderungen diese Mitgliedstaaten dabei eigent-lich stehen.


Κατερίνα Μπατζελή (PSE), Εισηγήτρια τηςγνωµοδότησης της Επιτροπής Γεωργίας. ΚύριεΠρόεδρε, θα ήθελα και εγώ να ευχαριστήσω τονεισηγητή, κ. Pittella, ο οποίος έθεσε και το πολιτικόόραµα αυτού του προϋπολογισµού, αλλά και το τεχνικό,το οποίο είναι άµεσο και λειτουργικό.

Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η αξιοπιστία του ΕυρωπαϊκούΚοινοβουλίου θα κριθεί και από αυτόν τονπροϋπολογισµό. Μέχρι τώρα, η Επίτροπος µας είπε ότιοι γεωργικές δαπάνες θα βελτιωθούν ή θαπροσδιορισθούν µε βάση µία διορθωτική επιστολή.Θεωρώ ότι δεν είναι θέµα αξιοπιστίας, όταν συζητούµεαυτό το θέµα των γεωργικών δαπανών ενός µεγάλουτµήµατος, να το συζητούµε κάτω από την επήρεια µιαςδιορθωτικής επιστολής. ∆εν θα είναι όµως αξιόπιστοούτε το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο εάν ψηφίσει στηντροπολογία της Επιτροπής Προϋπολογισµών, βάσει τηςοποίας οι κοινοτικές επιδοτήσεις εντάσσονται στοαποθεµατικό, δηλαδή παγώνουν. Σε µία περίοδο που

έχει έλθει η αναθεώρηση της ΚΟΑ καπνού και έχειψηφισθεί από όλες τις κυβερνήσεις των κρατών µελών.

Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω την Επιτροπή, γιατί στο νέοσχέδιο προϋπολογισµού, δεν έχει εντάξει και τον καπνό,όπως έχει γίνει µε όλα τα προϊόντα, που έχει εντάξει στιςυποδιαιρέσεις στην κατηγορία 1;

Σχετικά µε την ισότητα των φύλων, θα πρέπει ναυποστηριχθεί η τροπολογία που έχει ήδη υιοθετηθεί απότην Επιτροπή Προϋπολογισµών, σχετικά µε τηνενίσχυση του προγράµµατος ∆ΑΦΝΗ, καθώς και τωνπρογραµµάτων σχετικά µε την επιδότηση καιεπιχορήγηση των γυναικείων οργανώσεων και ιδιαίτερατου ευρωπαϊκού λόµπι γυναικών.

(Ο Πρόεδρος διακόπτει την οµιλήτρια)


Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE), draftsman of the opinion ofthe Committee on Fisheries. Mr President, I speak as areplacement for Mr Mulder, who drafted the opinion ofthe Committee on Fisheries.

Our committee has more confidence in the figuresadvanced by the Commission in the PDB than in theCouncil's estimates. Accordingly, we propose restorationof the Commission's figures. These are already cautiousones and there are a number of priorities for us. Theyinclude supporting the newer Member States in makingadjustments to their fisheries sector, investment inenvironmentally friendly fishing methods, adequatefunding for the development of regional advisorycouncils, economic aid to assist those whose livelihoodis affected by reductions in fishing effort, moreconsistent allocation of appropriations for research,greater account of the needs of remote regions and betterimplementation of control instruments so as to ensurerespect for both substantive and financial rules. We lookto all the appropriate institutions for their endorsementof this approach.




Gérard Deprez (ALDE), rapporteur pour avis de lacommission des libertés civiles, de la justice et desaffaires intérieures. Monsieur le Président, Madame laCommissaire, chers collègues, les amendements adoptéspar la commission des libertés civiles, de la justice et desaffaires intérieures au projet de budget 2006 étaientcentrés, fondamentalement, autour de trois objectifs:lutte contre le terrorisme, contrôle des frontièresextérieures de l'Union, protection des donnéespersonnelles des citoyens.

D'une manière générale et je voudrais exprimer ici mesremerciements à notre rapporteur général et à mescollègues de la commission des budgets , cesamendements ont été retenus par ladite commission etseront, je l'espère, adoptés demain par la plénière.

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Plus précisément, en matière de lutte contre leterrorisme, nous proposons un renforcement sensible desmoyens opérationnels d'Eurojust, en même temps quenous augmentons de près de 30% les crédits du projetpilote, qui a été voulu par notre Parlement afin de mieuxcoordonner les moyens de prévenir et d'affronter lamenace terroriste.

Nous soutenons, par ailleurs, les moyens demandés parla Commission pour disposer d'une véritable capacité degestion de crise et nous proposons d'étendre à l'aidejudiciaire les crédits destinés à venir en aide auxvictimes d'actes terroristes.

En matière de contrôle des frontières extérieures, nousproposons un renforcement sensible des moyensconsacrés à la nouvelle agence Frontex et nousrétablissons les crédits de paiement prévus initialementdans l'APB en faveur du système d'informationSchengen et du système d'information sur les visas,lesquels crédits de paiement avaient été, assezstupidement d'ailleurs, réduits par le Conseil.

En matière de protection des données, nous maintenonsen réserve une partie des crédits demandés par laCommission pour les droits des passagers en vue decontraindre la Commission à respecter les engagementsqu'elle a pris devant le Parlement à propos de lamodification du système de transmission des donnéesdes passagers aériens aux autorités américaines.

Par ailleurs et enfin, dans la proposition de résolution,nous insistons sur la nécessité de mettre en oeuvre unmécanisme de protection des données personnelles dansle troisième pilier.


Alexander Stubb (PPE-DE), draftsman of the opinionof the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. MrPresident, I wish to begin by congratulating my friend,Mr Pittella, for a job well done. I should like to makethree points.

The first is that the Committee on Constitutional Affairsmade five proposals: we wanted more money for theJean Monnet Chairs, more money for culturalorganisations, more money for organisations advancingthe idea of Europe, more money for European think-tanks and more money to debate the future of theEuropean Union. What happened? We got nothing! Thefive proposals were all rejected. I am sure Mr Heaton-Harris is really happy about it, but I hate to tell him thatI am very happy with his proposal, because he gave a lotof money to the PRINCE programme. We asked forEUR 9 million and we were given commitments of overEUR 4 million. That is a great thing, and, therefore, I ampleased about the changes the Committee on BudgetaryControl made.

My second point was more of a question: what do weneed the money for? We all know that the French andthe Dutch rejected the Constitution in referenda, and thatwe need to start debating the future of the Union. That is

in all our interests. The Constitution is not dead, it willcontinue to live on and we need to restart the debate onit. For that we need money.

My third and final point is also a question: can we buythe debate with money? The answer, of course, is no.However, I think, personally and as a member of theCommittee on Constitutional Affairs, that it is veryimportant to get that debate going, and the fact that theCommission has put down a plan B sorry, a plan D and is receiving over EUR 4 million in commitmentsfrom the Committee on Budgets is a good thing, and alsogood for the future of the Union.


Κατερίνα Μπατζελή (PSE), Εισηγήτρια τηςγνωµοδότησης της Επιτροπής ∆ικαιωµάτων τωνΓυναικών και Ισότητας των Φύλων. Κύριε Πρόεδρε,σχετικά µε την κοινοτική πολιτική για την ισότητα τωνφύλων, θα ήθελα, κατ' αρχάς, να ευχαριστήσω τον κ.Pittella, που έκανε αποδεκτές τις τροπολογίες όσοναφορά την ένταξη της ισότητας σε όλα τα κεφάλαια περίκοινωνικής πολιτικής. Θα ήθελα επίσης να υποστηριχθείη τροπολογία που έχει ήδη υιοθετηθεί και από τονπροϋπολογισµό, γιά την ενίσχυση της χρηµατοδότησηςτου προγράµµατος ∆ΑΦΝΗ ΙΙ, πρόγραµµα το οποίοσκοπεύει στην αντιµετώπιση των φαινοµένων βίας ειςβάρος παιδιών και γυναικών.

Επί πλέον, θεωρώ σηµαντικό να υποστηριχθούν οιτροπολογίες της Επιτροπής Γυναικών σχετικά µε τηµεγαλύτερη χρηµατοδότηση των γυναικείωνοργανώσεων και ιδιαίτερα του ευρωπαϊκού λόµπιγυναικών. Και αυτό, διότι η δράση των οργανώσεωναυτών είναι ουσιώδης για την προώθηση της ισότηταςτων φύλων στην κοινωνική, οικονοµική και πολιτικήζωή, καθώς και για την επίτευξη των στόχων τηςΛισαβόνας για µια καλύτερη και δυνατότερη συµµετοχήτων γυναικών στην αγορά εργασίας.


Laima Liucija Andrikienė, PPE-DE frakcijos vardu. Pirmiausia noriu pasveikinti praneėją Giovanni Pittellasu puikiu praneimu ir padėkoti jam u konstruktyvųbendradarbiavimą pirmojo biudeto skaitymo EuroposParlamente metu. Esu patenkinta, kad Biudeto komitetemums pavyko priimti sprendimus dėl svarbiausiųprioritetų: Europos Sąjungos konkurencingumo irsanglaudos geresnio finansavimo, paramos smulkiam irvidutiniam verslui, kitoms Lisabonos strategijosįgyvendinimo priemonėms, piliečių saugumo gerinimui,pastarosios Europos Sąjungos plėtros įtvirtinimui irEuropos Sąjungos, kaip pasaulinio partnerio, vaidmensdidinimui. iems prioritetams turėtų būti sutelktos mūsųpastangos 2006 metais. Jei Taryba pritars EuroposParlamento pasiūlymui dėl lankstumo instrumento, mesturėsime pakankamai lėų Irako ir Afganistanoatstatymui finansuoti ir būtinai pagalbai vykdytiatstatymo darbus po cunamio keliose Azijos alyse.2006 metai yra iskirtiniai metai biudeto poiūriu. Taipaskutinieji io finansinio laikotarpio metai, ir Tarybojenepavyko pasiekti konsensuso dėl naujos finansinėsperspektyvos. Kadangi pasirengimai naujai EuroposSąjungos plėtros bangai turi vykti, a manau, kad

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Tarybos elgesys yra neatsakingas, nes diskutuojama apieplėtrą nesutarus dėl jos finansavimo. Todėl EuroposParlamentas yra priverstas svarstyti labai skirtingasalternatyvas, įskaitant ir blogiausią scenarijų. Tikiuosi,kad rytoj Europos Parlamentas parems svarbiausiusBiudeto komiteto pasiūlymus ir mes būsim geraipasirengę antrajam taikinamajam posėdiui su Taryba,kuris vyks lapkričio mėnesį.


Catherine Guy-Quint, au nom du groupe PSE. Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire,permettez-moi une remarque préliminaire. Il me sembleque nous devrions changer ces procédures dites de débatbudgétaire, parce que limiter l'intervention de chaquecommission à une minute est surréaliste. Il faudraitvraiment élaborer une nouvelle procédure!


Je voudrais vous dire que nos rapporteurs et l'ensembledes acteurs de la commission des budgets ont eu,s'agissant de ce budget, une attitude stratégique. D'unepart, l'Union a des besoins, et ils sont nombreux:politiques traditionnelles, politique de l'agriculture,politique des fonds structurels. Ils sont nombreux etcoûtent certes cher. Mais il ne faut pas oublier que lesbesoins nouveaux de l'Union n'arrêtent pas de croître:sur le plan de l'emploi, du développement durable, toutce que la politique de Lisbonne implique pour larecherche, les réseaux, l'information des citoyens, laformation, la sécurité dans tous les sens du terme, lasécurité contre le terrorisme, la sécurité aux frontières etla sécurité, par exemple, dans le contexte actuel de lagrippe aviaire.

D'autre part, l'Union a aussi des devoirs, par exemple enmatière d'aide aux plus démunis et à ceux qui attendentl'adhésion à l'Union européenne, sans oublier l'aide àd'autres pays et, là, le bilan ne cesse de s'alourdir:victimes de catastrophes naturelles, que ce soient letsunami, les typhons ou le tremblement de terre auPakistan, ou les pays qui ont connu des conflits - lesBalkans, l'Afghanistan, l'Irak, Gaza -, la réforme dusucre.

La charge sur le budget européen ne cesse d'augmenteralors même que nous avons un problème de recettes.Nous sommes face à une mission impossible, doncabsurde. Cela ne peut pas durer. D'où notre stratégiebudgétaire, qui a été d'effectuer des dépensesimportantes, pas du tout excessives. Or, nous n'avonsmême pas pu effectuer toutes ces dépenses. Nous nousheurtons donc à de grandes difficultés.

Force m'est toutefois de reconnaître que notre relationavec la Commission s'améliore: c'est ainsi qu'il mesemble que nous avons, cette année, encore fait desprogrès dans notre manière de travailler pour, justement,mieux exécuter le budget. Cela devra continuer!

En ce qui concerne les projets pilotes, il nous faudrarenforcer notre action, au niveau des actions

préparatoires aussi. Notre action devra porter non passeulement sur les projets pilotes qui nous tiennent le plusà cur, mais aussi sur tous les projets pilotes: parexemple, les PME, l'aide à la jeunesse, en particulierdans le cadre d'Erasmus, ou l'aide aux pays les pluspauvres, en faveur de la vaccination dans l'ensemble dumonde.

Enfin et surtout, nous devons continuer à diffuser plusd'informations autour de nous. Mais le problème, c'estque, malgré un budget très raisonnable, qui demande115 milliards de crédits de paiement, ce qui correspond à1,04% de notre PIB, nous nous trouverons face à unConseil imperturbable, stoïque, qui ne pense qu'à unechose: ne touche pas à mes budgets nationaux!

Je demande au Conseil de mieux coopérer avec nous.Nous sommes conscients de l'existence de difficultésinternes, mais il faut aussi que vous sachiez que l'Europene pourra aller de l'avant sans de véritables ressourcesnouvelles. Dans le cadre de notre budget, nous n'avonsrien utilisé de plus que nos droits, dans le cadre desperspectives financières actuelles, qui nous permettentd'appeler à la flexibilité d'une façon large. C'est ce quenous avons fait, parce que cet appel à la flexibilité estindispensable, pour mener les politiques a minima quedemande l'Union européenne, si nous voulons vraimentavoir un avenir commun. Enfin, nous voulons que vousentendiez que le Parlement ne peut continuer à fairel'impossible: faire plus avec moins.


Anne E. Jensen (ALDE). Hr. formand, frukommissær, det forslag til budget for 2006, som nuforeligger efter afstemningen i Budgetudvalget, synesjeg har en god balance, og jeg håber, at vi underafstemningen i morgen kan holde fælles fodslag, ikkebare om de overordnede linjer, men også om detaljerne idet kompromis, der er blevet etableret mellem et bredtflertal her i Budgetudvalget.

Jeg vil også udtrykke en stor tak til Giovanni Pittella forhans store indsats for at etablere et forlig, for hanslydhørhed og for hans store tålmodighed. GiovanniPittella har sat ungdoms- og uddannelsesprogrammernesom sin store prioritet, og det, synes jeg, er et smukttræk. Med meget små midler opnår vi meget storeresultater ved netop at satse der.

Der skal også lyde en tak til Valdis Dombrovskis forhans arbejde med de andre institutioner.

De punkter i forliget, vi i ALDE-Gruppen særligt vilfremhæve, er øgede bevillinger til Lissabon-processen,især til forskning og til programmet for udvikling afkreditgivning til de små virksomheder i de nyemedlemslande. Vi vil også meget gerne fremhæve, at vihar satset på mere realistiske bevillinger tiludenrigsområdet, hvor finansministrene åbenbart mener,at det er de fattige lande, der skal lide afsavn, for at vikan finansiere genopbygningen efter tsunamien, og atdet er de fattige lande, der skal finansiere erstatningernefor sukkerreformen til de lande, der mister deres kvoter.

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22 26-10-2005

Det er jo helt uantageligt, og derfor er det rigtigt at gøre,som vi vil gøre, nemlig bruge fleksibilitetsinstrumentet.

Når det gælder strukturfondene, skal der jo væretilstrækkeligt med betalingsbevillinger, og vi kan se overde senere år, at det går bedre med at gennemføreprojekterne. I to år har betalingsbevillingerne påbudgettet faktisk været for små, og det er det, vi retter oppå.

Under budgetposten "Pilotprojekter og forberedendeaktioner", som er en lille post, er der jo gerne flereønsker, end der er midler til, og jeg er glad for, at det erlykkedes at få afsat midler til et pilotprojekt om sikrerastepladser langs de europæiske motorveje, så vi kangøre en aktiv indsats mod overfald på langturschaufførerog sikre større tryghed. En lille ting, men meget vigtig.

På Parlamentets budget vil vi bakke op om det forlig, derindebærer, at vi afsætter reserver til informations-politikken, herunder et web-tv, at vi afsætter reserver tilat fortsætte købet af bygninger, så vi sparer husleje ifremtiden. Vi har været tøvende over for at gå under de20%, men vi bakker op om forliget. Det er vigtigt, at viikke afsætter større reserver på budgettet endnødvendigt.

Det samlede budget, vi har nu, er større end Rådets bud,men ikke større end vi kan forsvare. Det er tydeligt, atdenne budgetforhandling er præget af den manglendeaftale om de finansielle overslag 2007-2013. Fra mingruppe skal der således lyde en klar opbakning til detudspil, der ligger her. Det er realistiske og nødvendigebevillinger.


Helga Trüpel, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin Grybauskaitė, HerrMinister Lewis! Sie haben es hier heute wieder miteinem selbstbewussten Parlament zu tun, das deutlichmacht, dass die europäischen Aufgaben gewachsen sindund wir deswegen auch mehr Mittel brauchen, umdiesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. DerHaushaltsentwurf der Kommission ist mit 1,02 %vorsichtig bemessen. Die Kürzungen, die der Ratvorgeschlagen hat, sind aus unserer Sicht wirklichunakzeptabel. Wir müssen den Mut finden, ganzbestimmte Aufgaben zu finanzieren, wenn wir denHerausforderungen der Zukunft gerecht werden wollen.

Ich bedanke mich sehr bei dem Berichterstatter, HerrnPittella. Wir haben uns in wesentlichen Punktenaufeinander zu bewegt. Trotzdem möchte ich aus Sichtmeiner Fraktion auf einige Punkte eingehen, bei denenes unserer Auffassung nach zu Veränderungen kommenmuss. Wir sind der Meinung, dass wir dieAgrarexportsubventionen, wie wir sie jetzt noch haben,nicht aufrechterhalten können. Wenn z.B. im SenegalGemüse, das aus Europa kommt, billiger ist als dorterzeugtes, ist das ein unhaltbarer Zustand. Wir alsEuropäische Union produzieren damit Fluchtursachen,und das ist eine Politik, die wir so nicht weiterführendürfen.

Wir müssen ebenfalls die Tabaksubventionen redu-zieren. Dort können wir Gelder freisetzen, um sie inanderen Bereichen zu investieren, vor allem in dieForschungspolitik und auch bei Bildung, Kultur undJugend. Ich unterstütze den Ansatz von Herrn Pittella,dass wir hier mehr Geld ausgeben müssen, damitStudenten die Möglichkeit haben, sich mehr in Europazu bewegen. Gerade mit einem deutlichen Kulturangeboterreichen wir die Menschen vor Ort. Dabei sollten wirzumindest wieder auf die Zahlen des Jahres 2004kommen.

Außerdem müssen wir mehr Geld für erneuerbareEnergien ausgeben, wenn wir wirklich eine Strategieweg vom Öl wollen, um den Klimaherausforderungenangemessen begegnen zu können. Wir müssen das ausökologischen Gründen tun, aber auch aus wirtschafts-politischen Gründen. Eine solche Strategie mussBestandteil der Strategie von Lissabon sein, weil wirgerade mit Umweltschutztechnologien auf demWeltmarkt eine Chance haben. Daran müssen wir alsEuropäer ein besonderes Interesse haben und denEhrgeiz besitzen, hier voranzukommen.

Zur Außenpolitik: Der Rat hat in seinen Sonntagsredenimmer wieder verkündet, dass wir mehr tun müssen: imIrak, in Afghanistan, für die Tsunami-Opfer. In derTagespolitik kürzt er dann die Ausgaben. Das istunverantwortlich, weil es die Glaubwürdigkeit derEuropäischen Union untergräbt. Die Ziele, die 2000verkündet worden sind, z.B. die Armut verstärkt zubekämpfen, können mit dem Haushaltsansatz, den wirjetzt haben, nicht realisiert werden. Wie einige Kollegenvor mir möchte ich dem Rat nochmals sehr ausdrücklichsagen: Wir müssen die Flexibilität diese 493 Millionen voll ausnutzen, um im nächsten Jahr als EuropäischeUnion in der Welt gut dazustehen und um dieVersprechen, die wir in den verschiedensten Teilen derWelt gemacht haben, auch wirklich einlösen zu können.Deswegen unsere dringende Bitte an den Rat, hier nichtrigide zu sein, sondern sich zu bewegen und zusammenmit der Kommission wirklich zu einem guten und derZukunft verpflichteten Haushalt der Europäischen Unionzu kommen.


Esko Seppänen, GUE/NGL-ryhmän puolesta. Arvoisapuhemies, yleisesti voidaan sanoa, että EU:nbudjettitaloudessa eletään yltäkylläisessä maailmassa.Euroopan parlamentin omassa budjetissa on vuosikaudetollut 10 prosenttia ilmaa. Niinpä parlamentinpuhemiehistöllä on ollut suuria vaikeuksia saadakäytetyksi se 20 prosenttia unionin hallintomenoista,jonka muut toimielimet antavat parlamentin käyttöönrahan käyttötarkoituksia kyselemättä. Kaikkipuhemiehistömme nopeasti keksimät rahan uudetkäyttötarkoitukset eivät ole hyväksyttäviä.

Erityisen tiukkaa linjaa talousarvion valmistelussa onnoudatettu pääluokassa IV, jonka menokattoa parla-mentti haluaa kohottaa joustavuusvälineenmaksimaalisella käytöllä. Komission esittämät vuoden2005 talousarvion toimeenpanoluvut osoittavat, että

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tässä pääluokassa on ja on pitkään ollut paljon ilmaa taisitten komissio ei pane toimeen parlamentinbudjettitahtoa.

Suurin kummallisuus liittyy rakennerahastojenmaksatusten budjetointiin. Neuvosto on omassatalousarvioesityksessään leikannut jäsenvaltioidenesittämistä maksatustarpeista 8 miljardia euroa. Samatministerit, jotka ovat lähettäneet maansa nimissäkomissiolle maansa arvion rakennetoimienmaksatukseen tarvittavista rahoista, ovat neuvostossakarsineet näitä itse ilmoittamiaan tarpeita viidenneksellä.Parlamentti on tullut jäsenvaltioita vastaan ottamallatalousarviossa huomioon 40 prosenttia siitärakennetoimien rahoituksen vajeesta, jonka jäsenvaltiotovat ilmaisseet komissiolle.

Ryhmäni puolesta totean, että ensi vuoden talousarvio eivastaa meidän priorisoimiamme tavoitteita unioninsosiaalisen ulottuvuuden kehittämisestä.


Dariusz Maciej Grabowski, w imieniu grupyIND/DEM. Panie Przewodniczący! Jestem pełenuznania za wykonaną pracę dla pana Pittelli i dlaKomisji Budżetowej.

Wyzwania, przed którymi stoi Unia Europejska to: popierwsze spadające tempo wzrostu gospodarczego, podrugie pogarszająca się konkurencyjnośćprzedsiębiorstw unijnych, po trzecie bezrobocie ipowiększające się rozwarstwienie na biednych ibogatych, po czwarte brak woli i pomysłuzdynamizowania gospodarczego krajów nowo-przyjętych, a w konsekwencji utrwalenie zacofania izależności gospodarczej krajów postkomunistycznych ipo piąte, forsowanie przez przywódców Unii pomysłuprzyłączenia Turcji, odrzucanego przez większośćobywateli, przy jednoczesnym braku woli, wizji iprogramu przyłączenia Ukrainy.

Budżet na rok 2006 żadnej z wymienionych kwestii niepróbuje rozwiązać, przeciwnie stanowi kontynuacjęstrategii z lat poprzednich, co oznacza, że prowadzi dodalszego spowolnienia wzrostu, utrwalenia negatywnychzjawisk społecznych i gospodarczych. Strukturawydatków budżetu jest bez mała identyczna ze strukturąlat poprzednich, co przesądza, że wielkie kwotywydatkowane zostaną na działy o niskiej efektywnościekonomicznej, a jednocześnie zabraknie środków nabadania i rozwój finansowania wielkich projektówinfrastrukturalnych, pomoc dla regionów i państwzacofanych.

Rozmiary budżetu na rok 2006 i jego struktura nieodpowiadają wyzwaniom wynikającym z rozszerzeniaUnii o 10 krajów nowoprzyjętych. Co więcej, projektbudżetu nie uwzględnia w dostatecznym stopniu faktuprzyłączenia Bułgarii i Rumunii, co gorsze, budżet narok 2006 zawiera listę wydatków zbędnych nawszelkiego rodzaju doradztwo, promocje, a takżezwiększone nakłady na administrację i biurokrację.

Sumując, uznajemy budżet na rok 2006 za zły isprzeczny z założeniami ideowymi zjednoczonejEuropy, takimi jak szybki rozwój gospodarczy, pokójspołeczny, solidarność z regionami i państwamizacofanymi.


Wojciech Roszkowski, w imieniu grupy UEN. PaniePrzewodniczący! Dziękuję i gratuluję obu panomsprawozdawcom za ich ogromną pracę włożoną wopracowanie sprawozdań budżetowych, jak i ogromnejilości poprawek. Po raz kolejny Parlament stoi przedtrudnym zadaniem przyjęcia projektu budżetu, któryspełniałby nasze oczekiwania, a jednocześnie byłbymożliwy do uzgodnienia z Radą. Przewidując kłopoty zRadą, Komisja zwiększyła w projekcie na 2006 rokzobowiązania zaledwie o 4%, a płatności o 5,9%. Amimo to Rada dokonała poważnych cięć, ograniczającostatecznie projekt budżetu z 1,02% do 1,01% dochodunarodowego brutto.

Sytuacja, w której Rada stale tnie wydatki Unii, stanowizagrożenie dla zasad spójności i solidarności, leżących upodstaw filozofii integracji europejskiej. Nie muszęchyba dodawać, jak bardzo niepokoi to nowe PaństwaCzłonkowskie, w tym Polskę. Takie działania stanowiątakże zagrożenie dla realizacji choćby w minimalnymstopniu zasad Strategii Lizbońskiej, którą równie żywozainteresowane są nowe Państwa Członkowskie.

Polska delegacja w grupie Unii na rzecz EuropyNarodów (UEN) świętuje właśnie zwycięstwo wwyborach parlamentarnych i prezydenckich w Polsce. Wkomentarzach, które czytamy w prasie wielu krajówUnii, niesłusznie podkreśla się antyunijne nastawieniePrawa i Sprawiedliwości oraz prezydenta elekta LechaKaczyńskiego. Niektórzy posuwają się nawet doopisywania wyimaginowanych zagrożeń, jakie tewybory przyniosą Polsce i Unii Europejskiej. Chciałbymz tego miejsca z całą mocą podkreślić, że są tozagrożenia zmyślone. Jesteśmy zwolennikami Unii, choćkrytykujemy ją za deficyt spójności i solidarności.

Czy więc integracji europejskiej zagraża jedna z wielu wEuropie partii krytycznych wobec niepokojącychpraktyk Unii, czy też raczej zwolennicy cięćbudżetowych? Stanowisko Komisji BudżetowejParlamentu i, mamy nadzieję, całego Parlamentu możewydawać się skromne, ale jesteśmy przekonani, że możeuratować choćby minimalny poziom wydatków, jakimożemy zaakceptować, byle nie było gorzej.


Sergej Kozlík (NI). Slová klasika hovoria nasledovné:Ťako riecť koho chcieť a na koho zabudnúť. Vsúvislosti so záplavou pozmeňujúcich návrhovnavyujúcich rozpočet táto téza platí dvojnásobne.Musím preto oceniť značné úsilie, s ktorým sa cteníspravodajcovia pán Pittella a Dombrovskis zrozpočtového výboru Európskeho parlamentu dokázalivyrovnať s doslova pandémiou pozmeňujúcich návrhovk rozpočtu Európskej únie na rok 2006. Napriek úsiliurozpočtového výboru dôsledne posúdiť kadúnovonavrhovanú poloku dosahuje navýenie výdavkov

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rozpočtu oproti návrhu Európskej rady sumu 4 miliárdeur, čo predstavuje takmer 4-percentný nárast výdavkov.

Uvedený posun a posilnenie rozpočtových zdrojovnepokladám za samoúčelné. Viae sa predovetkým naoblasť trukturálnych fondov, oblasť vedy, výskumu avzdelávania. Tieto sféry skutočne môu byť hybnousilou Európskej únie a prísun väčieho objemuprostriedkov a ich efektívne vyuitie môu byť prespomalenú európsku ekonomiku čosi ako Viagra.

Presadenie tohto navýenia si vak vyiada nemalé úsiliea jednotný postoj pri rokovaniach Parlamentu s Radou aKomisiou. Osobitne by som chcel zdôrazniť aj potrebuvyuitia politického vplyvu europoslancov vo svojichmaterských krajinách na pozitívne formovanie postojanárodných vlád v tej podobe rozpočtu, ako ju zajtraschváli Európsky parlament.


Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE). SeñorPresidente, señores diputados, agradezco la presencia dela señora Comisaria y lamento profundamente laausencia del Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, que haestado con nosotros en todo el procedimientopresupuestario y que, precisamente cuando tenemos eldebate de la primera lectura y tenemos que celebrar untrílogo, ha decidido ausentarse.

Asimismo, quiero agradecer la presencia y la laborrealizada por ambos ponentes. Espero que todavíapodamos consensuar en el día de hoy algunas de lasenmiendas y de los votos separados.

Es importante que hagamos una primera lecturahomogénea, porque tenemos que llegar a la conciliacióndel día 24 todos unidos y seguros del respaldo de losgrupos políticos y de los diputados de esta Cámara.

Este año nuestra posición negociadora está siendo muydura, debido a dos circunstancias excepcionales. Enprimer lugar, estamos en el final de la cuerda en lacategoría número 4 de acciones exteriores. Tresprioridades tan importantes como Iraq, Afganistán o eltsunami no existían en 1999, cuando arrancaron lasactuales perspectivas financieras; la categoría 4 haestado mal financiada desde el comienzo y nunca hemospodido hacer una presupuestación normal. Este año,desgraciadamente, tampoco.

En segundo lugar, no hay noticias de un desbloqueo enlas posiciones de los Estados miembros respecto a lasnuevas perspectivas financieras; nos arriesgamos a llegara 2006 sin un proyecto financiero viable. El ParlamentoEuropeo tiene que tomar precauciones, porque laaplicación del artículo 272 del Tratado es, por primeravez repito, por primera vez, una posibilidad real.

Por todo ello, presentamos un proyecto de presupuestosque no rompe con el techo de las perspectivasfinancieras, pero que sí se aproxima bastante. Ysolicitamos un incremento de pago y un uso de laflexibilidad muy por encima de lo que desea el Consejo.

Mi Grupo respalda a los señores Pittella y Dombrovskis,que han presentado un proyecto de presupuesto alParlamento Europeo muy valiente e innovador, y lespide que mantengan sus posiciones en la segunda lecturay en la conciliación.


Louis Grech (PSE). Mr President, I wish to thank MrPittella and Mr Dombrovskis for their very good work.

Mr Dombrovskis, as rapporteur for other institutions, hasincorporated most of our groups priorities into his finalresolution. One such priority was the retention ofParliaments budget at the 20% level of heading 5. Ifused effectively, this benchmark provides us with thestability and rigour necessary for any budget. Moreover,we have increased the reserve allocated to propertyinvestment and we reserve the right to utilise theEUR 20 million reduction in the contingency reserve asa capital injection for any eventual purchase of newparliamentary buildings. The policy on acquisition ofproperty was very successful and made much financialsense.

In contrast, the policy on communication andinformation was disappointing, since we have failed toconvince European citizens that the EuropeanParliament is representing their aspirations and theirinterests. In this years budget we have made availableenough funds to start implementing, hopefully, aneffective and citizen-friendly information strategy.

Naturally, more needs to be done to improve thestreamlining of an activity-based budget and to improvethe efficiency of our operations. If we had to evaluatecritically and objectively the impact of the raising thegame exercise, one has to acknowledge that a few ofthese objectives have actually been achieved.Realistically, however, there is no reason why, in thecoming year, the administration should not achieve mostof its stated targets. There is very little room forcomplacency. Bottlenecks should be eliminated and wehave to sharpen our focus on the core operations,ensuring a more efficient use of our resources andcutting down on waste and duplication. Propermanpower planning, including redeployment,recruitment harmonisation and training servicesimprovement should also be considered priorities in2006. We need to initiate a prioritised plan catering forour future needs, bearing in mind that, with effect from2009, we would have to budget over EUR 100 millionper annum resulting from the Members Statute.

These changes and reforms should improve the qualityand performance of our institutions. However, in thefinal analysis, one has to review this in terms of theimpact on the new citizens, offering them a product withadded value that meets their expectations and, in sodoing, strengthens the image and credibility of theEuropean Parliament and other institutions.


Silvana Koch-Mehrin (ALDE). Herr Präsident, FrauKommissarin, meine Damen und Herren! Geld ist ein

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Mittel, um auszudrücken, was uns wie viel wert ist.Wenn man sich aber den EU-Haushalt anschaut, ergibtsich ein erstaunliches Bild: Landwirtschaft ist uns etwasiebenmal so viel wert wie Forschung und Bildung. Dasist gleich doppelt falsch, denn die EU sollte das, was siepolitisch möchte, auch entsprechend im Haushaltuntermauern, und Europa sollte in die Zukunftinvestieren, statt veraltete Strukturen zu subventionieren.Es macht einen Unterschied, ob man beispielsweise inNanotechnologie investiert oder das Einkommen einesBauern garantiert ich weiß, die CSU lebt in einemanderen Zeitalter.

Deshalb ist es gut, dass die Ausgaben für die Lissabon-Agenda vom Europäischen Parlament erhöht und dieTabaksubventionen gekürzt wurden. In diese Richtungmüssen wir weiterarbeiten.


Gérard Onesta (Verts/ALE). Monsieur le Président,Madame la Commissaire, comme tous les collègues, jevais d'abord saluer le rapporteur, M. Pittella, qui a eu unlourd travail vis-à-vis de la Commission. Pour M.Dombrovskis, c'était peut-être encore plus compliqué,puisqu'il a eu un lourd travail à l'intérieur même duParlement, bras de fer toujours difficile entre lacommission des budgets et le Bureau, et je crois qu'ils'est parfaitement acquitté de cette tâche, même si ce futparfois difficile.

Cependant, puisque ma collègue, Mme Trüpel, a centréson propos sur le budget général, je voudrais centrer lemien sur le budget du Parlement pour prendre date,parce que, à mon avis, nous nous apprêtons à voter unedisposition qui est assez aberrante.

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le Parlementrenonce à la barre théorique de 20% des dépensesadministratives. Je ne suis pas fétichiste du chiffre, maisje vais quand même dire deux ou trois choses. D'abord,je ne veux pas laisser dire dans cet hémicycle, que leBureau bricolerait, dans l'urgence l'injection en find'année des capitaux que nous n'avons pas su utiliser.Non! Il s'agit bien d'une politique à long terme, en vertude laquelle notre Parlement a voulu systématiquementinjecter des capitaux pour acheter de l'immobilier. Cela apermis de faire économiser des centaines je dis biendes centaines de millions d'euros aux contribuables,parce que nous avons acheté nos bâtiments avant l'heureplutôt que de payer des intérêts absolument absurdes.

Dans sa résolution, notre Parlement dit que nousrenonçons à 20 millions d'euros. Par contre, au mêmemoment, on dit qu'on est prêt à les réclamer à nouveauau Conseil si on en a besoin pour l'immobilier. Je vaisquitter cette salle dans exactement quatre minutes pouraller négocier l'achat de nouveaux bâtiments pour leParlement. On sait donc déjà que nous allons avoirbesoin de cet argent-là!

Dès lors, j'imagine comme le Conseil va rire, quand ilverra voir arriver notre demande de budget rectificatif,par laquelle nous réclamons ce que nous lui rendons

aujourd'hui d'une manière un peu précipitée, pour donnerun signal extérieur. Donner un signal extérieur, c'est trèssympathique. Mais, vraiment, ces 20 millions nouspermettraient d'injecter des capitaux et de faire deséconomies substantielles. 20 millions d'euros répartisentre les citoyens européens j'ai calculé ce que celafaisait c'est quand même quatre centimes, que nousrendons à chaque citoyen. Je pense que chaque citoyensera très content de recevoir ces quatre centimes.Cependant, avec l'injection de ces 20 millions, nousaurions pu mener une autre politique. 20 millions, c'esttrop ou c'est trop peu. En l'occurrence, c'est surtout d'unerare incohérence.


Tobias Pflüger (GUE/NGL). Herr Präsident! Bei derFinanzierung von EU-Militäreinsätzen werden von Ratund Kommission ganz offiziell nicht kontrollierbareSchattenhaushalte gebildet. Es gibt den so genanntenAthener Mechanismus. Bei diesem Verfahren zahlen dieEU-Mitgliedstaaten für EU-Militäreinsätze in einenExtratopf, der explizit kein EU-Haushaltstitel ist. Damitist das EU-Parlament außen vor, und eine Kontrolle istfast unmöglich.

Auf meine Fragen im Ausschuss für auswärtigeAngelegenheiten und im Unterausschuss für Sicherheitund Verteidigung, wie viel Geld sich in diesem Topfbefindet, bekomme ich keine Antwort. Deshalb stelle ichdieselbe Frage noch einmal direkt hier an Rat undKommission. Dieses Verfahren wird derzeit für EUFORAlthea in Bosnien genutzt. In Zukunft soll esinsbesondere für so genannte Krisenreaktions-operationen, also Kriegseinsätze der EU, genutztwerden.

Die problematischen EU-Militär- und Polizeimissionenim Kongo und im Sudan werden offensichtlich über dasEntwicklungshilfebudget finanziert. So jedenfalls dieAussage von Kommissionsvertretern im AFET. Beidiesem Treffen wurde auch gesagt, dass der geltendeVertrag von Nizza einen eigenständigen EU-Militär-haushalt verbietet. Das ist gut so! Hören Sie auf mitIhren Finanztricksereien bei der Finanzierung von EU-Militäreinsätzen!



Jeffrey Titford (IND/DEM). Mr President, I find itvery difficult to take seriously a debate aboutvoluminous documents that only a real euro-nerd wouldbe able to read, let alone understand. Furthermore, whatis the point of a debate about a 2006 budget which we allknow will bear no relationship to the way the moneywill actually have been spent?

The European Court of Auditors has, for good reason,refused to sign off the EUs accounts for the last 10years and said, in its last report, that 95% of the EUsbudget was open to fraud. Yet every year this House justshrugs its shoulders, sighs and looks the other way. Thatis a shameful indictment of this institution anddemonstrates how pitifully useless it really is.

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Before we start debating ways to spend next yearsmoney, I believe we should sort out the mess that hasbeen left behind in previous years. Until the disgustingstate of the EUs finances has been sorted out, thisHouse has no business debating further expenditure. Icall upon you all, in good conscience, to reject the 2006budget.


Seán Ó Neachtain (UEN). Mr President, I should liketo take this opportunity to comment on two specificaspects of budgetary policy: the common agriculturalpolicy and the peace initiative. After what I have heardin this House this morning, I want to state a very basicfact: we cannot, in any way, go back on our word asregards the common agricultural policy, in relation to thebudget or to the WTO talks. We have signed off thecommon agricultural policy. We gave our word in Berlinin 2002 and we must keep our word. Our word should beour bond. To amend that in any way would mean to loseall credibility. That we cannot do in the context ofdevelopment in rural Europe, which is as important asdeveloping any other aspects of European policy.

I should like say, as did my colleague, the Irish Ministerfor Agriculture, Mrs Coughlan, and others, that we mustkeep the promise we made. Our promise on the CAPshould not be in any way reneged on until 2013, as wesaid in Berlin.

I should also like to comment on the Peace II initiative.As Members of this House will know, the Peace IIprogramme supports a range of political initiatives inNorthern Ireland and in the border county region ofIreland. That peace programme has been vitallyimportant to developments in my country. I want that tocontinue, along with the good work that this House and,indeed, the European Union have done for the peaceprogramme, into the next round of structural fundsbetween 2007 and 2013.

I thank the rapporteurs for their good work and hope thatthe continuation of the promises made will enhance theUnion and the programmes that it has initiated.


Jean-Claude Martinez (NI). Monsieur le Président,chers collègues, c'est le dernier budget des perspectives,toujours avec 111 milliards d'euros seulement,c'est-à-dire un montant dérisoire, qui ne correspond enrien à la multiplicité des missions - tout le monde l'a dit,Catherine Guy-Quint, Helga Trüpel - ,ce qui entraîne,évidemment, un gâchis d'énergie chez les coordinateurs,par exemple Salvador Garriga Polledo chez le présidentLewandowski et chez notre rapporteur général,Giovanni Pittella:


........ il nostro relatore generale, onorevole GiovanniPittella, che ha condotto il dibattito con raffinata abilità el'acuta sottigliezza italiana.


Dès lors, d'année en année, les problèmes restent lesmêmes: l'agriculture est sous-budgétisée; il y a toujours

une distorsion entre l'ambition du discours de Lisbonne(faire comme Kroutchev dans les années soixante)- l'économie de la connaissance - et le misérabilisme desmoyens. Ce qui fait que Giovanni passe les premièrespages de son rapport à souligner ce qu'il y a de dérisoiredans un budget de 700 millions d'euros pour lestransports et de 650 millions d'euros pour l'enseigne-ment. Et encore, on reste plus de deux milliards endessous des perspectives!

La cause, bien sûr, elle est politique, mais elle est surtoutidéologique: c'est la règle de l'équilibre à court terme, larègle, bêtement arithmétique, qui fait qu'on n'a pas lesmoyens de ses ambitions. Il faut aller non seulement àun équilibre de type Maastricht, mais aussi à unéquilibre à long terme dans le cycle économique, etmême à un équilibre social. D'où, évidemment, ladéception des populations. D'où, notamment, parmi900 amendements, mon amendement 146, signé parpresque tous les groupes, proposant une fête européennedes maires pour enraciner l'Europe dans la démocratielocale, une Europe à la base, un peu citoyenne, solidaire,ayant les pieds dans les villages et ses racines dans ladémocratie au quotidien.


Markus Ferber (PPE-DE). Herr Präsident, FrauKommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wennwir über den Haushalt 2006 auf europäischer Ebenereden, ist dies insofern spannend, als es der letzteHaushalt der laufenden Finanziellen Vorausschau ist.Wir sind damit, Herr Ratspräsident, auf dem Weg, dieGrundlagen dafür zu legen falls es keine FinanzielleVorausschau gibt , wie der Haushalt 2007 in seinenBasisdaten aussieht. Ich möchte das an dieser Stelle inErinnerung rufen, damit es nicht ganz aus den Augenverloren wird.

Wir werden hier im Europäischen Parlament auch einengewissen Umdenkprozess starten müssen. Ich bin derMeinung, dass wir nicht länger nur überall mehr fordernkönnen, sondern uns darauf konzentrieren müssen, waswirklich auf europäischer Ebene gemacht werden mussund wie viel Geld dafür zur Verfügung gestellt werdenkann. Liebe Frau Koch-Mehrin, zu den Rechnungen, dieSie angestellt haben, nämlich so viel für Forschung undso viel für Landwirtschaft: Nehmen Sie alle öffentlichenHaushalte, dann werden Sie sehen, wie verschwindendgering die Ausgaben für Landwirtschaft im Verhältniszu den Forschungsaufwendungen sind. Im Bundeshaus-halt wird für Forschung wesentlich mehr ausgegeben alsfür Landwirtschaft. Unterm Strich gleicht sich das allesaus. Wir sind nun einmal zuständig, und das muss hierim Haushalt auch dargestellt werden. Die Mitglied-staaten sind mehr für die Forschung zuständig, unddeshalb wird dies dort dargestellt. Diese Rechnungengehen so nicht auf.

Ich sage aber auch in aller Deutlichkeit: Wenn wir vonden Mitgliedstaaten verlangen, dass sie dieStabilitätskriterien einhalten, also sparen, dann dürfenwir hier nicht mit den Spendierhosen durch dieLandschaft laufen. Nicht jedes Problem in Europa muss

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durch eine europäische Haushaltszeile gelöst werden.Dieses Parlament wird sich daran gewöhnen müssen,auch in Zukunft Finanzierungsvorschläge zu machen,wie dies in nationalen Parlamenten selbstverständlichder Fall ist. Wenn das die Lektion des Haushaltes 2006ist, haben wir viel erreicht.


Neena Gill (PSE). Mr President, I also wish tocongratulate the rapporteur, Mr Pittella, on his excellentreport. It is a radical report, but one to be commendedfor the timely emphasis it places on achieving the Lisbongoals and the need to improve the structural funds andexternal actions.

I just want to make four points. Firstly, on informationand communication: it is quite clear we need greaterfocus and direction. Therefore, I welcomeCommissioner Wallströms initiative to regeneratecommunication tools through the use of plan D, butstress that this will only be a success if adequateresources are made available. Therefore, I call on theCouncil to do so.

Secondly, the biggest challenge for this years budgetand for future financing is in heading 4: Externalactions. Given the number of new regions where the EUhas had to intervene recently, combined with thefrequency and the destructive enormity of the naturaldisasters affecting largely poor countries and not leastthe recent earthquake in Pakistan and India, for which itis essential we increase resources next year, I believethere is a dire need for the Council and the Commissionto have a thorough rethink on how these new areas are tobe funded and, at the same time, how we are going tomeet our obligations in achieving the MillenniumDevelopment Goals. The situation as regards thisheading is further exacerbated by an unwillingness to bemore flexible vis-à-vis the sugar regime, where it is veryimportant for us to help poor farmers, but, at the sametime, it will add more pressure in heading 4.

Whilst on agriculture, this brings me to my third point. Iam extremely pleased that my amendment on reducingtobacco subsidies was adopted in the Committee onBudgets. This is a major step forward in finally puttingan end to a hypocrisy within the European Unionwhereby, on the one hand, we have been funding healthprogrammes warning of the ill effects of tobacco useand, on the other hand, subsidising tobacco production.This totally undermines the credibility of the EU and,adding insult to injury, a vast amount of the tobacco isburnt and destroyed because it is not good enough to beused. Therefore, I am calling on all colleagues to supportthis particular amendment.

Finally, on Parliaments budget, I must admit that I amsomewhat perplexed by our strategy or the lack of it as it really is a shame that ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE). Monsieur le Président,Madame la Commissaire, Monsieur le rapporteurgénéral, cher Giovanni, l'Europe vit actuellement unecrise institutionnelle majeure, qui se conjugue avec desproblèmes économiques qui sont souvent très importantsdans certains pays de l'Union et qui entraînent, commechacun sait, une carence des perspectives politiques.

Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, nos concitoyens ont besoinde retrouver foi en l'avenir, de retrouver confiance enl'Europe. Les Européens ont besoin de croire, et ontmême envie de croire, en de grands projets politiques,lesquels ne peuvent être mis en uvre si nous ne nousdonnons pas les moyens budgétaires suffisants etambitieux. Tous ici, ou presque, nous estimons que leprojet de budget proposé par le Conseil ne correspondpas au niveau de compétences que nos concitoyensveulent confier à l'Union européenne ni non plus auxmissions nouvelles que l'Union veut se donneraujourd'hui.

En ma qualité de rapporteur permanent pour les fondsstructurels au sein de la commission des budgets, jevoudrais souligner l'importance de ces fonds et lanécessité que nous les accentuions, non seulement pourdonner plus de lisibilité à notre action auprès de nosconcitoyens européens, mais aussi pour renforcer leséquilibres des territoires dans cette Europe de450 millions d'habitants.

Enfin, si je me réjouis que nous soulignons fortementnotre soutien à la recherche, au développement, à lajeunesse, je voudrais en revanche m'élever contre lechiffre, totalement insuffisant, de la rubrique Actionsextérieures: là est la clé de notre crédibilité en Europe,comme de la force du rêve européen!


Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL). A proposta doParlamento Europeu, apesar de melhorar a do Conselhoem termos de volume de pagamentos, não dá resposta àsnecessidades e aos desafios económicos, sociais eambientais de uma União Europeia alargada.

Recorde-se que se trata de uma proposta que fica aquémdo perspectivado no quadro financeiro para 2006, queera 1.08% do RNB. Tendo em conta que o compromissofinal ficará entre 1.04% e 1.01%, esperamos que oParlamento Europeu não esteja a colocar em causa a jáinsuficiente proposta que tinha apresentado para asperspectivas financeiras para 2007-2013.

Apesar da nossa crítica de fundo, apelamos à aprovaçãodas alterações que subscrevemos no sentido da criaçãode um projecto-piloto para acções no domínio do sectordo têxtil e do vestuário, com vista à criação futura de umprograma comunitário para o sector, tal como propostopelo Parlamento Europeu, à criação de planos derecuperação dos recursos haliêuticos, tendo em conta asconsequências socioeconómicas dos períodos de defeso,assim como à defesa do multilinguismo, nomeadamentenas assembleias parlamentares UE-ACP.


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Lars Wohlin (IND/DEM). Herr talman! Parlamentetsförslag till budget för år 2006 innebär en ökning till 1,04procent av medlemsländernas genomsnittligabruttonationalinkomst. Jag beklagar att parlamentetförsöker öka utgifterna på ett stort antal poster utan attföreslå motsvarande och tillräckliga besparingar påandra områden. Rådet, d.v.s. medlemsländernasregeringar, föreslår att utgifterna skall begränsas till 1,01procent av bruttonationalinkomsten för 2006. Jag stöderdet förslaget.

Det är de olika medlemsländerna som skall sättaramarna för utgifterna. Detta är en nivå sommedlemsländerna och nettobetalarna har velat acceptera.Min grundläggande inställning är att parlamentet skallha stort inflytande över prioriteringar inom dessa ramar,men det politiska ansvaret i de olika länderna över hurmycket skatter som skall tas in ligger på de nationellaregeringarna. Man skall inte hela tiden försöka tänjabudgeten i parlamentet - det är att gå för långt.Parlamentet skall begränsa sig till huvuduppgiften attprioritera inom de ramar som medlemsländerna sätterupp.


Hans-Peter Martin (NI). Herr Präsident! Wenn mandem Kollegen Ferber zuhört, dann bedauert man sehr,dass ihn noch nicht der Ruf nach Berlin ereilt hat, damiter für die Finanzen der Deutschen in Brüssel zuständigwird dann würde sich etwas ändern. Schlimm ist aberauch, dass Sie in Ihrer eigenen Fraktion in derMinderheit sind, und noch schlimmer ist, wenn man wie es gerade bei mir der Fall ist als ehemaligerSpitzenkandidat der Sozialdemokraten diesem Kollegenzuhört. Immer nur mehr, mehr, mehr! Nirgendwo dasBegreifen, dass sich die Zeiten geändert haben und dassweniger oft mehr sein könnte.

Dieses Haus, so wie es finanziert ist, lebt immer wiedervor, wie man verschwendet. Das Budget 2006 istinsgesamt doch wieder Ausdruck von Gier,Unverständnis und verpassten Chancen. Gier, des Mehrswegen, Unverständnis, weil man nicht einmal mit den90 Millionen, die vorhanden waren, etwas Vernünftigesgemacht hat. Das ist auch die verpasste Chance.

Wir sehen immer deutlicher, dass wir in Europawirkliche Alternativen brauchen. Wir braucheneuropäische, demokratische und auf Transparenzgerichtete Allianzen, die endlich Druck machen, damitsich das, was hier falsch läuft, zum Wohl der Bürgereuropaweit ändert.


Janusz Lewandowski (PPE-DE). PaniePrzewodniczący! Pierwsze czytanie budżetu UniiEuropejskiej na rok 2006 jest dowodem na to, żeParlament Europejski, będący symbolem różnorodności w którym jest miejsce również na głosy tak radykalne,jakie słyszeliśmy przed chwilą jest w stanie osiągaćkompromis w trudnych kwestiach budżetowych.

Na początku było ponad 900 poprawek, obecnie mamyuzgodnioną strategię, która powinna się potwierdzić w

jutrzejszym głosowaniu. Udało się to osiągnąć mimo, żerok 2006 jest trudny z punktu widzenia budżetu (zprzyczyn, o których mówiono), ma kumulacjęwydatków trudnych do przewidzenia na początkuobecnej perspektywy finansowej. Jest to ogromnazasługa sprawozdawców: pana Pittellego, panaDombrovskisa, koordynatorów dobrej woli gruppolitycznych, doradców tych grup oraz oczywiściesekretariatu z panią Marią Fialho na czele. Tak więcParlament Europejski ma stanowisko, zarówno wkwestii jednorocznego budżetu 2006, jak i w kwestiiperspektywy finansowej na lata 2007-2013. Nie możnatego niestety powiedzieć o stronie rządowej, o stronieRady. Oczekujemy stanowiska w perspektywiewieloletniej, oczekujemy także, że koncyliacje nie będądaremne w listopadzie co do budżetu na rok 2006.Potrzebny jest do tego jasny mandat strony rządowej,będzie to istotny test Prezydencji Brytyjskiej. Mandat nakoncyliację na rok 2006, to jest test, który będzie miałmiejsce w listopadzie tego roku.

Strategia została już zarysowana ze strony Parlamentu.Interesującą jej częścią jest to, że Parlament potwierdzaswoje prawo do udziału w 1/5 wydatków administra-cyjnych, ale zaczyna też szukania oszczędności odsamego siebie.

Szanujemy porozumienie interinstytucjonalne,wykorzystujemy jego moc i również instrumentelastyczności w tej interpretacji, jaką potwierdziła paniKomisarz Grybauskaitė. Wiemy, że zgoda zgoda, codo pieniędzy jest dobrą nowiną, na którą czekająobywatele Unii Europejskiej.


Μαριλίζα Ξενογιαννακοπούλου (PSE). ΚύριεΠρόεδρε, θέλω κατ' αρχάς και εγώ να συγχαρώ τονεισηγητή µας, τον Giovanni Pittella, για την εξαιρετικήκαι τολµηρή, θα έλεγα, δουλειά του.

Ο προϋπολογισµός του 2006 συζητείται εν µέσω µιαςσοβαρής κρίσης πολιτικού προσανατολισµού τηςΕυρωπαϊκής Ένωσης που αποτυπώθηκε στο αδιέξοδοσχετικά µε τις νέες δηµοσιονοµικές προοπτικές.

∆υστυχώς, το Συµβούλιο Υπουργών, και τώρα µε τοσχέδιο προϋπολογισµού, έδειξε για άλλη µια φοράµεγάλη πολιτική αδυναµία. Αναδεικνύεται πλέονσοβαρό ζήτηµα αξιοπιστίας, όταν τίθενται πολιτικέςπροτεραιότητες σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, και στη συνέχειαδεν εξασφαλίζεται η επαρκής χρηµατοδότησή τους.

Στους Υπουργούς Οικονοµικών επικράτησε ξανά ηλογιστική λογική. Την είδαµε µε τη γραµµική µείωσητων πιστώσεων χωρίς πολιτικό σκεπτικό και κριτήρια.∆υστυχώς, ένας ήταν ο στόχος: να µην ξεπεράσει τοσύνολο του προϋπολογισµού το 1,01%. ∆ραµατικάεγκλωβισµένο το Συµβούλιο αντιµετωπίζει τονπροϋπολογισµό ως τον ελάχιστο παρανοµαστήσυµβιβασµών και όχι ως µέσο ανάπτυξης, αναδιανοµής,αλληλεγγύης και εργαλείο υλοποίησης των ευρωπαϊκώνπολιτικών.

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Το ερώτηµα, λοιπόν, που τίθεται είναι πολιτικό. ΤοΣυµβούλιο, οι ευρωπαϊκές κυβερνήσεις λαµβάνουν ταµηνύµατα από τους λαούς µας, από τους πολίτες;Συνειδητοποιούν ότι µόνον µέσα από την ενίσχυση τωνπολιτικών που στοχεύουν στην ανάπτυξη, τηναπασχόληση, την αλληλεγγύη και τη συνοχή -ιδιαίτερατώρα µετά τη διεύρυνση- ότι µόνον µε αυτόν τον τρόποθα απαντήσουν στις ανάγκες της ευρωπαϊκής κοινωνίας;

Κύριε Πρόεδρε, εµείς, εδώ στο Κοινοβούλιο, θαψηφίσουµε τις τροπολογίες που ενισχύουν τον κοινοτικόπροϋπολογισµό και τις πολιτικές που έχει σήµεραανάγκη η Ευρώπη και οι λαοί της. Όµως αυτό δεν αρκεί.Σήµερα η Ευρώπη χρειάζεται µια νέα προοδευτικήστρατηγική και τον ανάλογο προϋπολογισµό για να τηνυλοποιήσει. Σήµερα η Ευρώπη πρέπει να ξεφύγει απότις συντηρητικές διαχειριστικές και νεοφιλελεύθερεςαντιλήψεις. Χρειάζεται να προβάλουµε ένα νέο σχέδιογια την Ευρώπη και να εκφράσουµε µια πραγµατικήπολιτική βούληση για να το υλοποιήσουµε.


Kyösti Tapio Virrankoski (ALDE). Arvoisapuhemies, haluan ensiksi onnitella yleisesittelijä Pittellaaja muiden toimielinten osalta esittelijänä toiminuttaDombrovskisia hyvistä mietinnöistä. Samoin kiitänbudjettivaliokunnan puheenjohtajaa Lewandovskia jakomission jäsen Grybauskaitėta hyvästä yhteistyöstä.

Valiokunnan talousarvioesityksestä kuvastuu voimakashalu parantaa EU:n työllisyyttä ja kilpailukykyä.Valiokunta lisäsi rakennepolitiikan rahoitusta3,7 miljardia euroa sekä tutkimus- ja tietoyhteiskunta-,koulutus- ja kulttuurivaroja yhteensä 243 miljoonaaeuroa. Tämä on johdonmukaista jatkoa parlamentinhyväksymille rahoituskehysten painopisteille.

Tämä talousarvio on viimeinen nykyistenrahoituskehysten aikana. Uudet kehykset ovat sopimatta,mistä muun muassa nykyinen puheenjohtajavaltio kantaasuuren vastuun. Uusien rahoitusnäkymienaikaansaaminen onkin lähiajan tärkein tavoite, muutenEU:n toiminta halvaantuu.


Ville Itälä (PPE-DE). Arvoisa puhemies, vuoden2006 talousarvio on tärkeä, sillä se on nykyistenrahoitusnäkymien viimeinen talousarvio. Tämätalousarvio muodostaa myös sillan seuraaviinrahoitusnäkymiin, joista tällä hetkellä ei ole vieläsopimusta. Parlamentti on toki hyväksynyt omanneuvotteluasemansa jo viime keväänä hyväksyessäänBögen ansiokkaan mietinnön.

Erityisen tärkeää on turvata rahoitus EU:n tulevaisuudenkannalta tärkeillä painopistealueilla, joita ovat unioninkilpailukyvyn parantaminen, panostaminentutkimukseen ja kehitykseen sekä kansalaistenturvallisuuden parantaminen. Investoimalla tutkimuk-seen ja kehitykseen investoimme samalla unionintulevaisuuteen.

Kuitenkaan ei tule täysin unohtaa muita unionin muitapolitiikkalohkoja. Maataloudessa tarvitaan tulevaisuu-

dessa rakennemuutos, mutta nämä muutokset täytyytehdä niin, että maataloutta voidaan jatkossakinharjoittaa koko unionin alueella, myös syrjäseuduilla.

Viime päivät ovat valitettavalla tavalla osoittaneet, ettäluonnonmullistukset yleistyvät. Tähän tulisi jatkossavarautua paremmin unionin talousarviossa siten, ettävoimme reagoida nopeasti niin unionin rajojen sisä- kuinulkopuolellakin.

Parlamentin oman talousarvion osalta on onniteltavaesittelijä Dombrovskisia siitä, että parlamentti näyttääesimerkkiä budjetoimalla todellisten tarpeiden mukaaneikä sen mukaan, miten paljon rahaa olisi mahdollisestivoitu käyttää kehittelemällä erilaisia enemmän javähemmän tarkoituksenmukaisia uusia hankkeita japrojekteja. On aivan kestämätön ajatus, että talousarviolaadittaisiin niin, että "herrasmiessopimuksen" mukainen20 prosenttia saataisiin joka vuosi kulutettua viimeistäsenttiä myöten. Vastuullinen, kansalaisten luottamustaherättävä parlamentti laatii talousarvionsa todellistenkulujen, ei prosenttien mukaan.


Jan Mulder (ALDE). Voorzitter, ik zou willenbeginnen met ook mijn teleurstelling uit te spreken overhet feit dat het Britse voorzitterschap schittert doorafwezigheid. Ik vraag mij af of de heer Louis zich ookeen dergelijke houding zou kunnen permitteren in hetBritse Lagerhuis.

Tweede punt, ook mijn complimenten aan de tweerapporteurs en ik zou in de ene minuut, die mij istoegewezen, vooral willen spreken over democratie. In2004 hebben wij een afspraak met de Raad gemaakt overde gemeenschappelijke buitenlandse en veiligheids-politiek. In die afspraak stond dat wij regelmatig ophoog niveau overleg zouden hebben over de inhoud vandie gemeenschappelijke buitenlandse en veiligheids-politiek. Aan die afspraak heeft de Raad zich nooitgehouden. Er heeft nooit overleg plaatsgevonden ophoog politiek niveau.

Nu vindt de Raad dat wij de gentlemen's agreementhebben verbroken, omdat wij een bepaald gedeelte vandat geld in de reserve hebben gezet; ik denk van niet. Ikdenk dat de Raad zelf de gentlemen's agreement heeftverbroken. De gentlemen's agreement gaat over deadministratieve uitgaven van zowel Parlement als Raad.Met de beste wil van de wereld kan ik de uitgaven vande gemeenschappelijke buitenlandse en veiligheids-politiek niet als administratieve uitgaven beschouwen;de democratie moet deze dan ook controleren.


László Surján (PPE-DE). Tisztelt Elnök Úr! Ebben aciklusban nagy célokat tűztünk magunk elé. Javulófoglalkoztatást, jobb közlekedést, tudás alapútársadalmat, erőteljes kohéziót, látható jelenlétünket avilágban. A jövő évi költségvetés tervezete nem segíti ecélok elérését, bár nagyra becsülöm, hogy a Tanács, hacsak egy kicsivel is, de föléje ment a bűnös-bűvös egyszázaléknak. A Költségvetési Bizottság a raportőrvezetésével ezért négy milliárddal növelné a jövő évi

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kifizetéseket, 3,7 milliárd euróval többet költhetnénk akohéziós politikára.

Javaslatunk elfogadása után még mindig jóval alattamaradunk az érvényes középtávú kerettervezetbenelőirányzottaknak. Ha a Tanács a második olvasatbannem támogatja ezt a csak jelkép értékű többletkiadást,akkor elismeri, hogy nem veszi komolyan a nemzetifejlesztési terveket, hogy az új tagállamok nem tanultakaz első évek hibáiból és még mindig többségben vannakazok a kormányok, amelyek saját problémáikat az Unióvisszafogásával vélik megoldhatónak. Alapos tévedés.Nem az Unióra fordított pénzek megkurtítása, haneméppen az Unió adta lehetőségek jobb kihasználásahozhatja lendületbe Európa gazdaságát. Nem akevesebb, hanem a több Európa a megoldás. Ezérttámogassák, kedves képviselőtársaim, az előttünk lévőjavaslatot!


Szabolcs Fazakas (PSE). Tisztelt Elnök Úr!Mindenek előtt én is gratulálni szeretnék GiovanniPittellának kiváló munkájához és nagyszerűjelentéséhez.

Magyarország és a többi újonnan csatlakozott országszempontjából nagy jelentőségű ez a mostani költség-vetés. Egyrészt azért, mert ez átmenetet jelent aremélhetőleg mielőbb elfogadásra kerülő, és az EurópaiParlament által kialakított keretekben meghatározandó2007-2013-as pénzügyi tervhez, másrészt azért, mertennek a költségvetésnek a megalkotásában már mindentagállam képviselője egyenlő tagként vett részt azelőkészületektől a kivitelezésig. Itt végre nemtalálkoztunk a tizenöt plusz tíz megkülönböztetéssel.Ennek a ténynek a jelentőségét a tegnapi viták fényébenazt hiszem, nem kell hangsúlyoznom.

Mind a 2006-os költségvetés, mind a 2007-2013-aspénzügyi perspektíva kialakításánál megmutatkozott aszoros együttműködés nemcsak a bizottsági üléseken,hanem az egyeztetés során is. Először mondhattuk eligazán, hogy a 25 tagállam egyenlő fél, nincs köztünkkülönbség. Ez rendkívül fontos, hiszen közös Európátcsak együtt építhetünk.

A 2006-os költségvetés főszámai Magyarország számáraadottak, azok már korábban meghatározásra kerültek akoppenhágai megállapodás révén. Ezen belül azonbanmódunkban állt azokon részben változtatni a módosítóindítványokon keresztül közös európai értékeink eléréseérdekében. Külön örömünkre szolgál, hogy közösmagyar javaslatra Szerbiának nagyobb keretet kívánunkbiztosítani, ezzel is megmutatva, hogy az EU nem csakfeltételeket teremt, hanem azok megvalósítását is méltánhonorálja.


Αντώνης Σαµαράς (PPE-DE). Κύριε Πρόεδρε,προχωρώ σε τρεις σύντοµε πολιτικές παρατηρήσεις.

Πρώτον, η διαγραφή του συνόλου των πιστώσεων απόέναν τοµέα όπως ο καπνός δεν αντανακλά την

ευαισθησία που παραδοσιακά έδειξε το Κοινοβούλιόµας απέναντι στις πιο αδύναµες οµάδες του πληθυσµού.

∆εύτερον, η στενότητα του προϋπολογισµού µε όριο1%, δεν µας επιτρέπει να ασκήσουµε πολιτική αντάξιατων φιλοδοξιών της Ευρώπης που θέλουµε. Μείζονεςκοινοτικοί στόχοι όπως η ανταγωνιστικότητα, ηοικονοµική συνοχή, η βιώσιµη ανάπτυξη, οιµικροµεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, η έρευνα και οι καινοτοµίες-ουσιαστικά, δηλαδή, όλοι οι στόχοι της Λισαβόνας-έγιναν θύµατα των οριζόντιων περικοπών τουπροϋπολογισµού από το Συµβούλιο. Μαζί όµωςπερικόπηκε και το κύρος των ίδιων των ηγετών τηςΕυρώπης, που έβαλαν ψηλά τον πήχυ των προσδοκιώνκαι ύστερα παραδόθηκαν άνευ όρων στη λογική τηςλιτότητας. Για την ακρίβεια όµως, στη λογική τηςµιζέριας, όχι της λιτότητας. ∆ιότι λιτότητα είναι ότανκόβεις από το περιττό, όταν κόβεις τη σπατάλη, ότανόµως κόβεις από την επένδυση στο µέλλον και τηνελπίδα, αυτό δεν λέγεται λιτότητα, λέγεται µιζέρια.

Τρίτον, φτάσαµε σήµερα να διαθέτουµε στοαποθεµατικό µας για έκτακτες ανάγκες µόνον 13εκατοµµύρια ευρώ. Πότε; Όταν γύρω µας η φύσηεκδικείται τον άνθρωπο, όταν η συχνότητα εµφάνισηςσεισµών και φονικών τυφώνων έγινε ο νέος παγκόσµιοςεφιάλτης. Εµείς δε, αντί να προωθούµε τηνανθρωπιστική αλληλεγγύη της Ευρώπης διεθνώς,δένουµε τα χέρια µας. Αντί να ηγούµαστε, γινόµαστεουραγοί.

Η αγγλική Προεδρία µπορεί να συµφωνήσει τελικά µετους Γάλλους µέχρι το τέλος του χρόνου. Με κάποιουςδε οδυνηρούς συµβιβασµούς, µπορεί ίσως να κλείσουνκαι οι δηµοσιονοµικές προοπτικές. Όµως η ιδέα τηςΕυρώπης θα έχει χρεοκοπήσει, καθώς, δυστυχώς κύριεΠρόεδρε, όλοι οι φιλόδοξοι στόχοι της Ευρώπης πουθέλουµε θα έχουν εγκαταλειφθεί.



Richard Seeber (PPE-DE), für den Verfasser derStellungnahme des mitberatenden Petitionsausschusses. Herr Präsident! Ich darf heute meinen KollegenSchwab vertreten, der so wie ich Mitglied imPetitionsausschuss ist, aber leider verhindert ist. Ichbeziehe mich auf den Haushaltsvoranschlag für denEuropäischen Bürgerbeauftragten, für den wir ja imPetitionsausschuss zuständig sind.

Seine Aufgaben sind von grundlegender Bedeutung, dader Bürgerbeauftragte mit den Bürgern derGemeinschaft kommuniziert und ihnen die Organe derGemeinschaft näher bringen soll. Er stellt sicher, dassdie Rechte und Pflichten unserer Mitbürger gewahrtbleiben, indem er die wachsende Zahl der Beschwerdenüber Missstände in der Verwaltung der Gemeinschaftprüft und gegebenenfalls Untersuchungen durchführt.Durch seine Arbeit trägt er dazu bei, die Transparenzund die Qualität der von der europäischen Verwaltungerbrachten Dienste zu verbessern. Deshalb ist es vongrundlegender Bedeutung, dass dem Europäischen

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Bürgerbeauftragten angemessene Mittel zugewiesenwerden, damit er seine Aufgaben so effizient wiemöglich wahrnehmen kann.

Der Petitionsausschuss hält den Anstieg der Mittel um3 % im Vergleich zum Haushaltsplan 2005 fürangemessen. Besonders angesichts der insgesamtzunehmenden Arbeitsbelastung durch einen Zuwachs anBeschwerden und Kommunikationstätigkeit ist derAnstieg der Mittel zu vertreten. Vor allem aber sindzusätzliche Mittel notwendig, um angemessene Vorbe-reitungen für die zu erwartende Erweiterung derGemeinschaft um Rumänien und Bulgarien zu treffen.Deshalb unterstützen wir auch die Forderung vonzusätzlichem Personal für die Erweiterung.

Die Haushaltslinie bietet aber auch den Petenten, alsoden Bürgern, die Möglichkeit, unter bestimmtenUmständen eine Teilerstattung bis zu 80 % ihrerReisekosten aus dem Haushalt des Parlaments bewilligtzu bekommen, wenn sie zuvor die Genehmigung desAusschussvorsitzenden eingeholt haben. Auch Tage-gelder für Hotelausgaben und andere Auslagen könnenerstattet werden.

Der Ausschuss hält es für notwendig, dieseVorkehrungen zu treffen, da sie sich bereits positiv aufdie Fähigkeiten des Ausschusses ausgewirkt haben,besser auf die Bedürfnisse der europäischen Bürgereinzugehen. Deshalb muss uns klar sein: Man kann nichtmehr Europa für weniger Geld haben!


Przewodniczący. Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek o godz. 11.30.

(Posiedzenie zostało zawieszone o godz. 11.05 iwznowione o godz. 12.05)


ΠΡΟΕ∆ΡΙΑ του κ. ΤΡΑΚΑΤΕΛΛΗΑντιπροέδρου


3 - Ώρα των ψηφοφοριών


Πρόεδρος. Η ηµερήσια διάταξη προβλέπει την Ώρατων Ψηφοφοριών.

(Αποτελέσµατα και λοιπές λεπτοµέρειες ψηφοφοριών: βλ.Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά)


3.1 - Fluorowane gazy cieplarniane


3.2 - Emisje pochodzące z systemówklimatyzacji pojazdów silnikowych


3.3 - Emisje hałasu do środowiska przezurządzenia używane na zewnątrzpomieszczeń


3.4 - Pomoc finansowa Wspólnoty wzakresie transeuropejskich siecitransportowych i energetycznych


3.5 - Dodatki do produktów spożywczych


3.6 - Zwalczanie przestępczościzorganizowanej


3.7 - Strategia walki z pandemią grypy


- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία επί της τροπολογίας 16:


Caroline Lucas (Verts/ALE). Mr President, I justwant to propose that we change the word mutation torecombination in the amendment. The PSE Group hasindicated that it would be in favour of this. This isessentially just a technical change, but, scientificallyspeaking, you cannot prevent mutation of H5N1, muchas we would like to and powerful though we might thinkwe are. We might, however, have a chance of preventingrecombination, so I would like to have the wordmutation changed please.


(Η προφορική τροπολογία κρατείται)


3.8 - Patenty na wynalazkibiotechnologiczne


3.9 - Wspólnotowe podejście wobeczarządzania migracją ekonomiczną


4 - Wyjaśnienia dotyczące sposobugłosowania


Σύσταση για τη δεύτερη ανάγνωση: Avril Doyl(A6-0301/2005)


Carlo Fatuzzo (PPE-DE). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, ho votato a favore della relazioneDoyle sulla riduzione delle emissioni nocivenell'ambiente ai fini della salvaguardia del clima. Maoggi, 26 ottobre 2005, il tempo a Strasburgo è splendido,primaverile, fa caldo, e ciò anche a Bergamo la miacittà così come Atene.

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Mi chiedo allora se dobbiamo davvero considerare ilcambiamento climatico come un fatto negativo, perché ame sembra invece molto gradevole. E soprattutto, se inCina si continua ad inquinare e quindi a influirenegativamente sul clima, non vogliamo fare nulla perevitare l'importazione di prodotti cinesi se fabbricati inmaniera non ecologica?


Richard Seeber (PPE-DE). Herr Präsident! Ichmöchte darauf hinweisen, dass ich bei dem BerichtDoyle der Berichterstatterin gefolgt bin und Artikel 175als richtige Rechtsgrundlage empfinde, weil Österreichund Dänemark bereits allgemeine Verbote derVerwendung dieser F-Gase erlassen haben und dieErfahrungen in beiden Ländern zeigen, dassgrundsätzlich technisch und ökonomisch verfügbareAlternativen zu diesen fluorierten Treibhausgasenexistieren und diese aus ökologischer Sicht wesentlichbesser abschneiden. Wenn wir in praktisch allen neuenKlimaanlagen weiterhin HFKW verwenden, ist eineweitere Zunahme dieser F-Gase zu befürchten, und wirmüssen bis 2010 mit einer Steigerung von 5 % rechnen.Das ist nicht vertretbar!


Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Voteifavoravelmente a recomendação para segunda leituraAvril Doyle relativa a "Emissões provenientes dossistemas de climatização dos veículos a motor", porque

1. Traduz o compromisso, assumido no Protocolo deQuioto, de reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito deestufa para a atmosfera;

2. São necessárias tecnologias amigas do ambiente paraevitar as alterações climáticas, e, consequentemente,impedir as cada vez mais frequentes catástrofes naturais.


Glyn Ford (PSE), in writing. I will be voting infavour of the report despite reservations. The legal baseis an important issue. The proposal for a split legal baseof Article 175 and Article 95 for Articles 7, 8 and 9seemed the best solution, rather than Article 175 on itsown, to maintain vital elements of a single marketapproach rather than renationalising the industry.

Arguments for allowing higher standards in thoseMember States that want them are seductive. But justhow far can we follow such a route without endangeringwider interests?

I welcome the moves to limit the further enlargement ofthe list of prohibited gases. Technically it is possible, butit may be expensive, both for the consumers and for theenvironment, with sharp rises in energy consumption ofup to 40%.

At this stage we should leave these further bans forassessment by the Commission as to the overall impactthey would have on the economy and environment.


Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE), par écrit. En ce quiconcerne le règlement, je me suis prononcée en faveurdu maintien dune double base légale. Je considère eneffet que ce texte poursuit simultanément des objectifsde protection de lenvironnement et dharmonisation desréglementations pour le bon fonctionnement du marchéintérieur. L'utilisation de la seule base de l'article 175aurait eu un impact négatif sur le fonctionnement dumarché intérieur, sans réel bien-fondé environnemental.

J'étais opposée à l'élargissement du champ desinterdictions de mise sur le marché, notamment en raisondes études dimpact réalisées par la Commission et delabsence de solutions alternatives à moyen terme.

En ce qui concerne la directive, j'étais opposée auxmodification des dates dapplication des interdictiondutilisation de gaz fluorés. En effet, les délais de miseen uvre de 2011 pour les nouveaux types de véhiculeset de 2017 pour tous les véhicules neufs sont nécessairescar le changement de fluide frigorigène implique nonseulement le développement de nouveaux types declimatisation mais aussi une modification structurelledes implantations des différents organes sous capot.


Linda McAvan (PSE), in writing. Labour MEPsstrongly support the Doyle report which seeks to containand ensure safe use and proper recovery of F-gaseswhich contribute to global warming. Cuts in F-gases willhelp Member States meet the requirements of the KyotoProtocol. However, we cannot support thoseamendments to the legislation which seek to imposebans on certain F-gases without a proper impactassessment. The legislation provides for a review clausein article 10 and this is the proper mechanism to dealwith any possible prohibitions.


Frédérique Ries (ALDE), par écrit. Les trois gazfluorés concernés ici, le HFC, le PFC et l'hexafluorurede soufre participent au phénomène de réchauffementclimatique. Il est donc important que l'Union européennes'attache à réduire leur utilisation, voire à l'interdire souscertaines conditions (alternatives efficaces, calendrierprécis).

J'ai voté le rapport Doyle pour 2 raisons:

Primo, les efforts déjà effectués par l'industrie. Les gazHFC aujourd'hui critiqués ont remplacé dans les années90 les gaz CFC destructeurs de la couche d'ozone. Cecipour dire que le principe de substitution de substancesdangereuses par d'autres plus sûres est déjà une réalité!

Deusio, l'utilisation de ces trois gaz dans desapplications aussi variées que les systèmes deréfrigération et de climatisation, les aérosolspharmaceutiques pour traiter l'asthme ou les agentsextincteurs d'incendie justifie une approche équilibréeentre bien-être des populations et protection du climat.

Enfin, je souhaite rappeler qu'on peut lutter efficacementcontre les gaz à effet de serre sans pour autant faire de

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l'affichage "purement juridique"! Raison pour laquellej'ai rejeté la simple base juridique "environnement" quin'aurait eu qu'un effet : faire éclater le marché unique en25 législations différentes.

Ce n'est pas une Europe tatillonne que nos entreprises,nos salariés, nos citoyens souhaitent!


Bogusław Sonik (PPE-DE), na piśmie. Tytuł:

- Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady ws.niektórych gazów cieplarnianych zawierających fluor.

-oraz projektu dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego iRady ws. emisji z niektórych systemów klima-tyzacyjnych w samochodach i nowelizującychDyrektywę Rady 70/156/EWG.

Wypowiedź Posła Bogusława Sonika podczas debaty wParlamencie Europejskim na Sesji Plenarnej wStrasburgu.

Szanowny Panie Przewodniczący, Rozporządzenie wsprawie F-gazów jest przykładem nadregulacji, którenie przystają do rzeczywistości. Po co wprowadzaćkolejne rozporządzenie w zakresie ochrony środowiska,skoro analizy statystyczne wykazują znikomąszkodliwość F-gazów, wręcz na granicy błędustatystycznego?

Mamy tu do czynienia z całkowitym brakiemzrównoważonego podejścia do rozwoju ochronyśrodowiska i przemysłu.

Alarmujący jest również fakt, iż przyjęcie pojedynczejpodstawy prawnej dla Rozporządzenia t.j art. 95 TWEmogłoby spowodować zakłócenia w funkcjonowaniuwspólnego rynku.

Polska i inne kraje członkowskie, które nie wprowadziłyrestrykcji odnośnie używania F-gazów, stanowczosprzeciwiają się takiej decyzji, postulując oparcierozporządzenia o dwie podstawy prawne ( tj. art. 95 i175 TWE). Miałoby to na celu wprowadzeniejednakowych w całej Unii Europejskiej wymagańdotyczących ograniczeń i zakazów wprowadzania najednolity rynek niektórych produktów zawierających F-gazy. Tym samym zasada wspólnego rynku niezostałaby naruszona.

Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż skutki ograniczania emisjigazów fluorowych odniosą niewspółmierne stratygospodarcze w większości nowych państwczłonkowskich w stosunku do uzyskanego efektuekologicznego.


Σύσταση για τη δεύτερη ανάγνωση: Avril Doyle(A6-0294/2005)


Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Estaspropostas visam dar continuidade à negociação em tornoda nova proposta da Comissão com o objectivo decontribuir de forma significativa para o cumprimento dameta da União Europeia no âmbito do Protocolo deQuioto, através da introdução de medidas de redução dasemissões com uma boa relação custo-eficácia, comorefere a relatora.

É certo que não bastam estas medidas, mas são umcontributo, designadamente a nova directiva e oregulamento que agora estão em negociação.

A eliminação dos modelos antigos será progressiva e osEstados-Membros poderão incentivar a instalação desistemas de ar condicionado contendo um gás eficaz eque possua um baixo potencial de aquecimento global,como, por exemplo, o CO2 como se defende numa daspropostas aprovadas no Parlamento Europeu e queapoiámos.

Esperamos que a Comissão e o Conselho a aceitem.


David Martin, David (PSE), in writing. I welcomethis Commission proposal aimed at reducing emissionsfrom motor vehicle air conditioning systems which arecovered by the Kyoto protocol. I am in favour of anaccelerated timetable for the imprementation of thisproposal overall but with a longer timetable for small-scale car produceres.


Έκθεση: Karl-Heinz Florenz (A6-0296/2005)


Carlo Fatuzzo (PPE-DE). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, ho votato a favore della relazionedell'onorevole Florenz, con il quale mi congratuloperché la sua relazione è intesa a ridurre le emissionisonore nocive per l'ambiente. Mi auguro che, grazie alsilenzio che ne deriverà, i governi saranno in grado disentire la voce dei pensionati che chiedono aumentipensionistici, visto che sinora sono rimasti inascoltati.


Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O relatório docolega Florenz vem permitir que a proposta da Comissãosobre as emissões sonoras para o ambiente dosequipamentos para utilização no exterior seja aprovada omais rapidamente possível.

Constatou-se que os conhecimentos técnicos disponíveishá cinco anos e os progressos entretanto realizadostrouxeram novos dados que permitirão uma novaalteração dos valores limite.

É fundamental ter em consideração as consequênciasque um atraso na alteração da legislação poderá trazer aomercado interno destes equipamentos. Não podemos

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pois permitir que os equipamentos sejam retirados domercado europeu.

Assim, os valores limite da fase que se inicia a 3 deJaneiro de 2006 para estes equipamentos deverãoassumir um carácter meramente indicativo.

A publicação da directiva antes do final do ano emJornal Oficial permitirá aos fabricantes afectados dedispor de segurança jurídica relativamente aos seusprodutos.

Votei assim, favoravelmente o relatório Florenz.


Έκθεση: Mario Mauro (A6-0283/2005)


Richard James Ashworth (PPE-DE), in writing. Iand my British Conservative colleagues are broadlysupportive of the TENs projects but have abstained onthe final vote because of our concerns that the increasedamounts being suggested are excessive and wouldbreach Member States' financial contributions of 1%GNI.


Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Orelatório debruça-se sobre o co-financiamentocomunitário a projectos de redes de transporte e energia,enquadrando-se nos objectivos da denominada"Estratégia de Lisboa", ou seja: a concretização domercado interno - dando prioridade ao seu alargamento aLeste, aos novos Estados-membros -, incentivando asprivatizações e a concorrência, tanto no domínio dostransportes como da energia.

Por exemplo, o relatório defende que se incentive asdenominadas parcerias público-privadas - instrumentoque tem servido para entregar ao capital privado ocontrolo de inúmeros serviços públicos -, "através degarantias jurídicas compatíveis com o direito daconcorrência e do mercado interno", ou seja, o primadoda concorrência capitalista ao nível da União Europeia, ea secundarização da denominada "coesão económica esocial".

Será positiva a proposta, inscrita no relatório, deaumentar o nível de co-financiamento comunitário aestes projectos, no entanto este não coloca a necessidadede se aumentar o pacote financeiro global para esteefeito, o que é contraditório, pois diminuirá assim onúmero de projectos que poderão ser financiados.


Sérgio Marques (PPE-DE), por escrito. Felicito ocolega Mario Mauro pelo importante e oportunorelatório produzido sobre a proposta de regulamento doParlamento Europeu e do Conselho que determina asregras gerais para a concessão de apoio financeirocomunitário no domínio das redes transeuropeias detransporte e de energia e que altera o Regulamento (CE)n.º 2236/95 do Conselho ao qual dou o meu apoio,nomeadamente no que se refere à constituição de

disposições que promovam os investimentos necessáriospara cumprir com os objectivos de Lisboa.

A Europa necessita investir nas infra-estruturas detransporte e de energia. Não obstante, será necessário terem consideração as Perspectivas Financeiras 2007-2013na definição das taxas máximas de financiamento destaproposta.


David Martin, David (PSE), in writing. Therecommendations contained in this report should give awelcome boost to trans european networks in the field ofenergy and transport. The proposal is for a 10% increasein the budget and allowing up to 50% of cross borderprojects to be financed through Community aid. Iwelcome this.


Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL), schriftelijk. Vandaag isopnieuw geprobeerd om misbruik te maken van geldenen regels die dienen voor de oplossing vanstaatsgrensoverschrijdende problemen. Trans EuropeseNetwerken waren bedoeld om tekortkomingen uit hetverleden ongedaan te maken. Staatsgrenzen bleken vaakeen hindernis voor aanleg en onderhoud van snelledoorgaande verbindingen over de lange afstand. Oudespoorlijnen en wegen waren voornamelijk gericht op hetbinnenland. Europese samenwerking kan een nuttigebijdrage leveren aan verbindingen tussen tweebuurstaten, of over het grondgebied van een derde landtussen twee landen die niet aan elkaar grenzen.

De oorspronkelijke medefinanciering van niet meer dan10% was alleen daarvoor bedoeld. Inmiddels gaat hetom bijdragen tot 30 of 50%, en volgens amendementenvan rapporteur Mauro ook om het overschrijden vannatuurlijke grenzen binnen één lidstaat. Waren dieamendementen bedoeld om in zijn land straks de helftvan een niet tegen aardbevingen bestendige autobrugnaar Sicilië te betalen ? Bij aanneming daarvan had ikmoeten tegenstemmen. Ik maak er bezwaar tegen dat deEU zich steeds meer gaat mengen in nationalebestuurlijke afwegingen en prestigeprojecten. Als voorde TEN's geld beschikbaar is kan dat beter wordeningezet voor staatsgrensoverschrijdendespoorverbindingen, vooral de eerder verwaarloosdeaansluitingen tussen het oosten en het westen.


Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. As RedesTranseuropeias são um instrumento muito importante nacriação e desenvolvimento dos sectores das infra-estruturas dos transportes, das telecomunicações e daenergia na Europa.A proposta da Comissão Europeia pretende rever asregras gerais para a concessão de apoio financeirocomunitário no domínio das redes transeuropeias detransporte e de energia no período 2007-2013.

Considero que, perante a lista de 30 projectosprioritários no domínio dos transportes devemos, deforma clara, estabelecer as regras de concessão de apoiofinanceiro para que estes projectos se possam

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desenvolver em coerência com as restantes políticascomunitárias, com critérios de eficácia e regras detransparência no domínio do financiamento dosprojectos.

Finalmente, é evidente para todos, como através desterelatório encontramos algumas medidas para arealização das disposições conducentes à promoção dosinvestimentos necessários para cumprir os objectivos deLisboa.

Votei, assim, favoravelmente o relatório do colegaMauro.


Έκθεση: Mojca Drčar Murko (A6-0191/2005)


Hélène Goudin, Nils Lundgren och Lars Wohlin(IND/DEM), skriftlig. Vi delar uppfattningen att enkontinuerlig översyn av gällande lagstiftning ärnödvändig. Frågan är dock på vilken politisk nivålagstiftningen skall stiftas. Vi är rent principiellt avuppfattningen att medlemsländernas respektivenationella livsmedelsmyndigheter i första hand skallavgöra vilka livsmedelstillsatser som skall tillåtas. Omlivsmedelsmyndigheten i ett land bedömer att vissaspecifika tillsatser skall vara tillåtna vid tillagning ochförsäljning av en maträtt, ser vi inget skäl för att ett EU-direktiv skall påverka denna bedömning.Livsmedelssäkerhet och folkhälsa är ytterst viktigafrågor. De bör därmed endast handhas av EU-myndigheter när det finns konkreta ochgränsöverskridande vinster med att så sker.

Det finns goda skäl att anta att detta betänkande, ochliknande lagstiftningsförslag, ytterligare kommer attförstärka EU-myndigheter såsom den Europeiskamyndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet (EFSA). Vi harröstat för de ändringsförslag som framhåller att detta ärett minimidirektiv, och som därmed tydliggör attnationell flexibilitet skall tillåtas. Vi har röstat emotbetänkandet i dess helhet. Vi hyser förtroende för attmedlemsstaternas nationella livsmedelsmyndigheter ärfullt kompetenta att handha denna betydelsefulla frågapå ett tillfredställande sätt. Vår hållning förutsätternaturligtvis att varor förses med ursprungslands-märkning. Detta för att konsumenterna skall hamöjlighet att göra ett aktivt och upplyst val.


Έκθεση: Bill Newton Dunn (A6-0277/2005)


Andreas Mölzer (NI). Herr Präsident! Es ist völligklar, dass wir uns seit dem 11. September 2001vorherrschend mit der Bekämpfung des Terrorismusbefassen und die Verbrechensbekämpfungvernachlässigt haben. Diese Fehlentwicklung ermög-lichte es kriminellen Organisationen, die vor allem ausdem nichteuropäischen Ausland kommen, sich verstärktauszubreiten und zu dezentralisieren.

Terroristische Aktivitäten werden nicht zuletzt durchkriminelle Aktivitäten finanziert. Folglich ist es

essenziell, unser Augenmerk wieder verstärkt auf denKampf gegen die Kriminalität und das organisierteVerbrechen zu richten. Wenig hilfreich wirkt es da,wenn die staatlichen Behörden einmal mit Kriminellenzusammenarbeiten, um diese dann wieder zubekämpfen. Dadurch laden wir geradewegs zu nochmehr Korruption und Misswirtschaft ein.

Es bedarf meines Erachtens gemeinsamerKommunikationsstrukturen der Polizei und Justiz,vermehrter Zusammenarbeit sowohl der einzelnenOrganisationen als auch der Staaten und einerVerbesserung des Zeugenschutzes, wobei wir auch denOpferschutz nicht vergessen dürfen.


Hélène Goudin, Nils Lundgren och Lars Wohlin(IND/DEM), skriftlig. Junilistan är för ett ökatsamarbete och informationsutbyte mellanmedlemsstaterna för att bekämpa organiseradgränsöverskridande brottslighet. Beslut om harmoni-sering av straff- och processrättsliga lagar bör dockfattas enbart med enhällighet av medlemsstaterna ochvara underställt de nationella parlamentens kontroll.Fastställande av vad som utgör brott, förmildrandeomständigheter liksom brotts straffvärde ska inte vara enfråga för Europaparlamentet.


Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito.

Consideramos uma prioridade o combate ao crimeorganizado, às suas inúmeras redes e tráficos, aobranqueamento de capitais, aos paraísos fiscais.

No entanto acompanhamos as preocupações expressaspor deputados do nosso Grupo parlamentar que criticamaspectos contidos neste relatório, entre outros:

- A ampliação da definição de organização criminosa, noquadro da luta contra a criminalidade organizada, aassociações de pessoas que não visem a obtenção debenefícios materiais ou financeiros, ultrapassando o queé definido na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre ocrime organizado transnacional, que considera comocriminalidade organizada, as organizações que tenhamcomo objectivo o lucro material ou financeiro -excluindo desta forma, motivos políticos ou sociais;

- Amplia-se a possibilidade de incriminação de pessoasde uma forma que pode criar ambiguidades, ou seja,poderão ser incriminadas pessoas que efectivamente nãoestejam envolvidas em acções criminais;

- Escamoteiam-se as causas profundas do crimeorganizado e o muito que está por fazer para o combater,tendo em conta as actuais possibilidades e meios,defendendo-se a criação de uma "força policial da UniãoEuropeia"

Salientamos e lamentamos ainda a rejeição de propostasde alteração do nosso Grupo, nomeadamente a quevisava garantir o controlo parlamentar da actividade daEuropol.

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Carl Lang (NI), par écrit. L'Europe souhaitecombattre la grande criminalité organisée, dont lesramifications internationales sont au coeur de l'Europe.Très bien. Il est même grand temps de se préoccuper desdégâts que les criminels accords de Schengen ontprovoqués. Bien qu'opposé à la création d'une policeeuropéenne, véritable FBI européen, il est en effetnécessaire de renforcer la coopération entre les Etatsmembres et ce, dans le plein respect des souverainetésnationales, en matière de police, de justice et de luttecontre la criminalité organisée transfrontalière.

L'Europe n'a pas besoin de se doter d'énièmes comitésthéodules ayant pour vocation in fine de dessaisirtotalement les Etats-nations de leurs prérogativesrégaliennes : dire le droit et appliquer le droit.Aujourd'hui, l'essentiel des informations policièrestransitent et sont traitées par Interpol. La fixation de noseurocrates à y superposer une agence européennegénère, outre les coûts inhérents au fonctionnement detout organisme, de nombreuses complications,notamment dans la volonté absolue d'harmoniser lesdéfinitions des crimes et délits punissables ou encorel'échelle des peines et des sanctions.

Renonçons à la chimère de l'uniformisation etconcentrons enfin nos efforts sur une lutte cohérentecontre toutes formes de criminalité et ce, en commençantpar rétablir nos frontières nationales.


Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O crimeorganizado internacional assume proporções elevadas eregista um crescimento.

Qual a medida deste crescimento? Quais são os dadosreais?

Ninguém tem uma imagem clara de conjunto daverdadeira extensão do crime organizado. Esta situaçãoé absolutamente insustentável nos dias de hoje.

Como políticos responsáveis podemos tolerar estasituação? Não. É mais do que necessário reforçar a lutacontra a criminalidade internacional no territórioeuropeu. É essencial para o futuro próximo das nossassociedades.

O novo texto apresentado procura tornar mais eficaz aluta contra a criminalidade organizada. Estamos peranteum texto mais preciso e no qual é de salientar que sedefinem mais claramente as relações entre a Europol eInterpol.

Votei favoravelmente o relatório do colega Dunn, naexpectativa de que estas medidas que possam contribuirpara um combate implacável ao crime organizado.


Britta Thomsen (PSE), skriftlig. De danskesocialdemokrater i Europa-Parlamentet har i dag stemtfor Newton Dunns betænkning om bekæmpelse aforganiseret kriminalitet (A6-277/2005). Vi er dog

opmærksomme på, at forslaget vedrører et område, derer omfattet af EF-traktatens afsnit IV, og derfor ikkegælder for Danmark, jf. Protokollen om Danmarksstilling.


Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. Ηαπόφαση - πλαίσιο και (πολύ περισσότερο) η Έκθεσητης Επιτροπής Πολιτικών Ελευθεριών προτείνουν τηνυιοθέτηση κοινού ορισµού και κυρώσεων για τησυµµετοχή σε εγκληµατική οργάνωση, ενώ ιδιαίτερησηµασία δίνεται στην ευθύνη νοµικών προσώπων ανθεωρηθεί ότι έχουν ανάµειξη σε δραστηριότητες τουοργανωµένου εγκλήµατος.

Ωστόσο, η έννοµη τάξη κάθε κράτους µέλους έχειεπαρκές και αρκετά αυστηρό νοµικό οπλοστάσιο για τηνκαταπολέµηση του οργανωµένου εγκλήµατος, πουαποτελεί συστατικό στοιχείο του καπιταλιστικούσυστήµατος και αναπαράγεται από αυτό. Όπως συνέβηκαι µε τον ευρωτροµονόµο, τα νέα αυτά µέτρα πουκαταργούν βασικές αρχές του ποινικού δικαίου,υιοθετούνται για να µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούνενάντια στο λαϊκό κίνηµα και τα δηµοκρατικάδικαιώµατα, για να ισχυροποιηθούν κατασταλτικοίµηχανισµοί όπως η EUROPOL και η EUROJUST.Τρανή απόδειξη αποτελεί η πρόσφατηπροκατασκευασµένη σκευωρία ενάντια στον Πρόεδροτου Εργατικού Κόµµατος Ιρλανδίας Σιν Γκάρλαντ πουκινδυνεύει να παραδοθεί στις ΗΠΑ µε την κατηγορίατης "κοµµουνιστικής συνωµοσίας για την υπόσκαψη τουδολαρίου". Ήδη στην ολοµέλεια του Ευρωκοινοβουλίουακούστηκε προκλητική τοποθέτηση που παρουσιάζει τηδράση πολιτικής οργάνωσης(Σιν Φέιν) ως οργανωµένοέγκληµα.

Οι κοµµουνιστές ήταν και είναι πολέµιοι τουεγκλήµατος του κοινού ποινικού δικαίου που συνδέεταιπολλές φορές µε µηχανισµούς του αστικού κράτους. ∆εναποδεχόµαστε όµως µέτρα που µπορεί να αποτελέσουνπρόσχηµα για την ποινικοποίηση της πολιτικής δράσης.


Πρόταση ψηφίσµατος: Β6-0548/2005


Richard Seeber (PPE-DE). Herr Präsident! Ichmöchte darauf hinweisen, dass grundsätzlich durchausdie Mitgliedstaaten dafür zuständig sind, dienotwendigen Maßnahmen zu treffen, um dieseGrippepandemie, die an die Wand gemalt wird, zuverhindern. Aber es ist auch wichtig, dass dieKommission jetzt die koordinierende Rolle spielt.

Geht man nach den Warnungen derWeltgesundheitsorganisation und des EuropäischenZentrums für die Prävention und die Kontrolle vonKrankheiten, so nehmen diese den Ausbruch derGrippepandemie äußerst ernst. Jetzt sollten Notfallpläneerstellt werden, die notwendige Koordinierungeingeleitet und vor allem auch eine Panik in der breitenBevölkerung verhindert werden.

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Abschließend möchte ich mich noch bei denDolmetschern dafür bedanken, dass sie einen Teil ihrerMittagspause geopfert haben.


Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Aresolução que acabámos de aprovar é um elementopositivo para o combate a esta doença, sobretudo porqueaposta na prevenção, como temos defendido, dado que éassim que se pode evitar uma possível pandemia. Comoo texto refere, a aposta na informação é fundamentalpara evitar alarmismos, actuando de forma racional econcertada com as autoridades nacionais einternacionais.Daí as nossas propostas para que a Comissão Europeiaapoie financeiramente um sistema devigilância/monitorização da doença, a realização dediagnósticos laboratoriais, a investigação sobre a vacinaadequada, os encargos com a vacinação nos Estados-Membros, bem como o apoio financeiro e técnico apaíses terceiros, nomeadamente asiáticos, para assegurara prevenção e despistagem na origem.

No entanto, a verificar-se o eventual surgimento de umfoco da doença e a perda de rendimentos dos criadoresde aves durante o período de lançamento de uma novaexploração, é fundamental que também haja apoiocomunitário, como defendemos. É que se isso acontecerafectará também, de forma directa e indirecta, umnúmero significativo de agricultores e outrostrabalhadores envolvidos na actividade avícola e terá umforte impacto económico e social nos Estados-membros.

Importa pois, para além dos problemas de saúdehumana, ter em conta que os elevados custos podem serincomportáveis para alguns países, quer na UniãoEuropeia, quer na origem da doença - o sudoesteasiático.


Hélène Goudin, Nils Lundgren och Lars Wohlin(IND/DEM), skriftlig. Denna resolution behandlar enfråga som i högsta grad är gränsöverskridande. Det finnsdärmed goda skäl för EU-länderna att samordna deåtgärder som vidtas, och de politiska beslut som fattas.Vi har därmed valt att rösta ja till resolutionen i desshelhet. Vi vill dock understryka att isolerade åtgärder avEU är otillräckliga för att komma tillrätta med deutmaningar den globala influensapandemin innebär. Detär därför av yttersta betydelse att EU agerar i samarbetemed Världshälsoorganisationen WHO.

Vi ifrågasätter enskilda punkter i betänkandet, såsomnödvändigheten av att kommissionen skall utarbeta enomfattande kommunikationsstrategi tillsammans medEuropeiskt Centrum för förebyggande och kontroll avsjukdomar (ECDC). Vi förutsätter att EU-länderna ärfullt förmögna att klara av kommunikationen medmedborgarna på egen hand, utan bistånd av EU-organ.

Vi anser att internationellt erkända organisationer såsomWHO skall arbeta med globala världshälsofrågor. Fleraändringsförslag negligerar detta, och framhäver iställetEU:s internationella roll. Vi kritiserar det faktum att EU-

parlamentet på detta sätt utnyttjar en betydelsefullpolitisk fråga för att stärka EU och dess internationellapolitiska roll.


∆ιαµάντω Μανωλάκου (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. Ταπροτεινόµενα µέτρα για τα κράτη-µέλη, άλλα είναισωστά κι άλλα αποτελούν καθαρή προπαγάνδα, όπως ηπροµήθεια εµβολίων και φαρµάκων. Μάλιστα γίνεται µεαπροσχηµάτιστο τρόπο, καλώντας τις χώρες να "πάρουνθέση" πρώτες και να "κλείσουν" µεγάλες ποσότητες,δίνοντας κίνητρο να αυξήσουν οι βιοµηχανίες εµβολίωνκαι φαρµάκων την παραγωγή τους.

Αναµφίβολα χρειάζεται ευρύτερο σχέδιο, βασισµένοστην πρόληψη, µε ελέγχους στους εργαζόµενουςπτηνοτροφείων από γιατρούς εργασίας και µε παροχήολοκληρωµένης βοήθειας (τεχνικο-οικονοµικής,επιστηµονικής) κυρίως στις χώρες της Άπω Ανατολής,όπου ενδηµεί για 7 χρόνια η ασθένεια. Στόχος τοοριστικό ξεπέρασµα της ασθένειας στα εκτρεφόµεναπουλερικά και άγρια πτηνά, είδη που λειτουργούν σαν"αποθήκη" και τροφοδότη του παθογόνου παράγοντα.Αν δεν περιλαµβάνονται αυτές οι πλευρές, το πρόβληµαίσως επαναληφθεί µελλοντικά.

Επίσης, η νέα οδηγία της ΕΕ, αντί να θεσπίζειαυστηρότερα µέτρα από τα ισχύοντα σήµερα, γίνεταιπολύ χαλαρή σε ορισµένα θέµατα δίνοντας δυνατότηταστις µεγάλες πτηνοτροφικές επιχειρήσεις, να υπάρχουνπαρεκκλίσεις από τις απαγορεύσεις στο ενδοκοινοτικόεµπόριο πουλερικών, ακόµα και σε προσβεβληµένεςπεριοχές από γρίπη υψηλής παθογονικότητας.

Η πολιτική της ΕΕ, ακόµη και σε θέµατα πανδηµιών, τιςαξιοποιεί για την κερδοφορία του κεφαλαίου, γι' αυτόείναι "βλαβερή" για τα λαϊκά συµφέροντα. Λύση είναι η"καταπολέµηση" της ΕΕ του κεφαλαίου και τουπολέµου µέχρι την εξάλειψή της.


Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL), schriftelijk. Enkele jarengeleden dreigden twee grote dodelijke epidemieën, dievan de inmiddels uit de belangstelling verdwenengeheimzinnige ziekte SARS en een mogelijkecombinatie van vogelgriep met menselijke griep-varianten. Ik vond dat daarmee toen veel te afwachtendwerd omgegaan.

Het internationale reizigersverkeer vanuit ziektehaardenwerd niet of nauwelijks gecontroleerd, aan onderzoekover het ontstaan van nieuwe griepvarianten werdweinig aandacht besteed, preventieve inenting vanpluimvee bleef achterwege en de voorraden van vaccinvoor een massale inenting van mensen tegen reedsbekende griepvarianten waren volstrekt ontoereikend.

Voor die tekortkomingen heb ik eerder aandachtgevraagd in de parlementsvergaderingen op 7-4-2003 en13-5-2003 en in vragen aan de Europese Commissie in2003 en 2004. De Europese Unie en haar lidstaten warentoen nauwelijks voorbereid op een groot gevaar waarbijbinnen korte tijd miljoenen mensen zouden kunnensterven. Ook dreigde de noodzaak om door mensen

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gehouden vogels massaal te ruimen. Vandaag zijn dieproblemen nog steeds niet opgelost, maar de houdingvan dit parlement en van de Europese Commissie is welveranderd.

Diegenen die, zoals de UEN-fractie, vinden dat onnodigpaniek wordt veroorzaakt en dat vooral de jagers opvogels moeten worden beschermd vormen nog slechtseen kleine minderheid. Daarom stem ik voor dezeresolutie.


Frédérique Ries (ALDE), par écrit. La grippe aviaireest à notre porte (Croatie, Russie, Royaume-Uni,Allemagne).

Quel bilan tirer de quinze jours de 15 jours de gestion decrise?

On peut se réjouir que les Etats membres aient pris lesmesures d'urgence qui s'imposaient afin d'éviter lesrisques de contagion dans l'Union: embargo sur lesoiseaux sauvages, label "volailles du pays", abattagemassif de poulets, contingentement des espèces...

Pour autant, comment ne pas déplorer l'absence decoordination entre les 25 pays, chacun jouant sa partition"sanitaire", alors que c'est pour faire face à tous cesrisques de pandémie que l'Europe s'est dotée en 2003,suite à la crise du SRAS, d'un Centre européen pour laprévention et le contrôle des maladies.

Stockholm devrait être le centre de coordination et deveille sanitaire en Europe. Il n'en est rien!

Alors en attendant que les Etats membres daignentlaisser une chance à l'Europe de la santé, il estindispensable de nous préparer à la migration annuelledes oiseaux sauvages au printemps prochain.

Souhaitons que l'Europe mette à profit ces 6 mois pourdévelopper un vaccin et s'assurer que les conditionsfavorables à l'émergence de la grippe aviaire sur leterritoire de l'Union ne soient pas réunies!


Πρόταση ψηφίσµατος: RC-B6-0551/2005


James Hugh Allister (NI), in writing. In the votetoday on the Joint Resolutions on patents forbiotechnological inventions, I voted for thoseamendments making clear the need for a prohibition onthe patenting of all human body parts, tissues and cellsin their natural life state and their DNA sequences.There are no circumstances in which the human bodyand parts thereof should become a commercialcommodity. Moreover, believing strongly in theprotection of human life, including at its earliest stages, Iam opposed to both destructive processes and scientificengineering which tinkers with the marvellous creationwhich is the human body.


Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. É certo quea biotecnologia constitui uma das mais importantestecnologias para o futuro e deve ser apoiada por umquadro político adequado, sendo igualmente tidos emconta os aspectos éticos, ambientais e de saúde.

Ora, um dos problemas mais importantes nesta área é odas patentes. Pela nossa parte, consideramos que emcaso algum se deve patentear a vida humana, incluindo oADN humano. Por isso votámos contra todas aspropostas que abriam caminho à patenteabilidade degenes, de vida, e lamentamos que na resolução final,haja alguma confusão que pode indiciar essa abertura,mesmo que tenha sido para evitar outra proposta maisgrave.

A nossa posição é claramente de oposição relativamentea patentes que incluam a vida e o conhecimento queconsideramos um bem universal.

Uma outra área de discussão refere-se aos princípioséticos, sendo certo que não se deve impedir ainvestigação sobre células estaminais, embora sejamoscontra a clonagem humana como se refere na Resolução.

A nossa abstenção no final da Resolução tem a ver comos aspectos contraditórios que a mesma comporta, tendoem conta as nossas posições de princípio.


Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. Une fois de plus,devant cette assemblée, les pratiques de l'Officeeuropéen des Brevets sont soumises à débat. Il s'agissaitil y a quelques mois des logiciels et inventions mises enoeuvre par ordinateur. Aujourd'hui, de manière bien plusgrave, et qui touche au plus profond de nos principesmoraux et à l'essence de notre humanité, il s'agit detechnologie du vivant.

Certes, la législation européenne, son inadaptation, leflou juridique qu'elle permet, sont en partie responsablesde la situation actuelle, qui a permis l'octroi d'un brevetportant sur des cellules germinales humaines, ou derendre inopérante une opposition mise sur un brevetportant sur des cellules souches d'embryon. Cettelégislation doit être rapidement révisée.

Mais on ne peut exonérer totalement l'OEB dans cetteaffaire.

On ne le répètera jamais assez : le vivant n'est pasbrevetable, l'humain, en tout ou en partie, à quelquestade que ce soit de son développement, n'est pasbrevetable. Il est grand temps de le mettre noir sur blancdans un texte contraignant.


Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE), par écrit. Lesproblèmatiques liées à la génétique humaine ne doiventpas être abordées dans des termes émotionnels etréducteurs.

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L'Union Européenne ne peut se permettre de prendre deretard sur ses partenaires internationaux, et laisser ensuspens nombre d'interrogations.

Au regard des grands principes fondamentaux et desvaleurs universelles que nous défendons, il est essentield'exclure totalement les risques d'eugénisme ainsi que leclonage à but reproductif.

Mais il est tout autant important de définir ce qui estpossible et acceptable dans la recherche génétique,notamment dans le cadre du clonage thérapeutique et dela recherche sur les cellules souches visant à promouvoirla santé humaine.

Nous savons que le cadre défini pour la brevetabilité desinventions biotechnologiques est le socle essentiel pourdévelopper de nouvelles thérapies qui, pour denombreux malades, représentent une chance inespérée.


Frédérique Ries (ALDE), par écrit. J'ai voté contre larésolution et tous les amendements déposés par les Vertset le PPE.Ce texte est un alibi, une pièce supplémentaire dans unestratégie de longue haleine qui n'a d'autre but que demettre fin au financement européen de la recherche surles cellules souches embryonnaires.

3 attaques ciblées en moins de 9 mois.

Mars 2005: les mêmes initient une résolution sur untrafic d'ovules en Roumanie. Seule motivation: dénoncerle clonage, y compris thérapeutique, et exiger quel'Union coupe tous les fonds à cette recherche.

Octobre 2005: 73 députés, écrivent au Président de laCommission, au nom du Parlement! Pourquoi? Attaquerla liberté de la recherche en Europe, encore, au nom deleurs convictions que je respecte par ailleurs.

Nous sommes quelques uns à avoir initié une riposte àcette lettre, et 127 déjà à avoir précisé à MonsieurBarroso qu'il est impensable que nous excluions l'Europed'une partie cruciale de la recherche.

26 Octobre 2005, 3ème acte: mêmes initiateurs, cetterésolution en otage.

Une vote obscurantiste, 338 députés ont décidé de nelaisser aucune chance à la science. Un signal désastreuxde plus pour la recherche génomique et des millions depatients en Europe.


Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM), in writing. Mr.McCreevy made it clear last night when speaking on thissubject that he does not intend to respect the Directiveprohibiting any human cloning when he said that eventhough reproductive cloning was excluded under thedirective he left the door open for the possibility oftherapeutic cloning.

In doing this McCreevy is once again giving "the twofinger". This time to the Council of Minister and theBiopatents Directive.

"A. Council memorandum on the common position onthe Biopatnents Directive states, at point 35, that:'At (a) in paragraph 2, the Council replaced 'poceduresfor human reproductive cloning' with 'procedure for thecloning of human beings', since it thought the adjective'reproductive' could be too restrictive. It was understoodthat the words 'human being' referred to human beingfrom embryonic state'.

It would seem that Mr. McReevy is anticipating isignoring the EU's existing Directives and anticipatingthe now defunct Constitution.


Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE), in writing. This subjectarea is very complex technologically and morally, andwhile I have misgivings about some aspects of theresolution I believe that it does go some way to strikinga balance between the need for research which could behugely beneficial, and on the other hand the potentialdamage that this research could do to human life. Itherefore broadly support the compromise thatParliament has reached today, but this technology willneed to be kept under constant review.


Έκθεση: Ewa Klamt (A6-0286/2005)


Frank Vanhecke (NI). Voorzitter, het verslag Klamt,dat we zojuist jammer genoeg hebben goedgekeurd, kanmen eigenlijk nog het best omschrijven als een soortcatalogus van wereldvreemde voorstellen, als eenbeschrijving van ideologische linkse concepten die nietsmet de reële wereld te maken hebben.

Nog afgezien van een geforceerde bewieroking van dezogenaamde weldaden van de multiculturelemaatschappij en - tussen haakjes, ook wat dat betreft zietde realiteit er wel helemaal anders uit in onze steden enwijken die door de multiculturele maatschappij getroffenworden - verbaast mij in dit verslag vooral de stellingdat georganiseerde legale immigratie naar Europa zoukunnen bijdragen in de strijd tegen de enormeproblemen van asielbedrog, illegalen en mensenhandelwaar we mee geconfronteerd worden.

Welnu, het een heeft niets met het ander te maken, wanthet spreekt toch vanzelf dat de mensen en deberoepscategorieën die in aanmerking zouden kunnenkomen voor tijdelijke of permanente legale immigratieof voor werkvergunningen, niet dezelfde mensen zijn enniet dezelfde beroepscategorieën die ons met dieprobleemimmigratie overspoelen. Waarom zou trouwensde strijd tegen de illegale immigratie plots beter gaan,wanneer vandaag alleen een gebrek aan politieke wil eneen gebrek aan politieke moed die strijd bemoeilijken endaardoor niet de doortastende maatregelen genomenworden die in onze landen zo noodzakelijk zijn.


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Philip Claeys (NI). Voorzitter, ik heb tegen hetverslag Klamt gestemd, een verslag met een reeksvoorstellen die lijnrecht ingaan tegen de belangen vanonze eigen bevolking. Het begint erop te lijken dat hetEuropees Parlement gespecialiseerd is in het stemmenvan dergelijke teksten. Het is bijzonder kortzichtig omopnieuw onze toevlucht te nemen tot nieuweeconomische immigratie. We zouden moeten leren uit defouten van het verleden.

De integratiepolitiek zoals die tot nu toe is gevoerd in demeeste lidstaten, om niet te zeggen in alle lidstaten, isvoor het overgrote deel mislukt. Nieuwe vreemdelingenvan buiten Europa aantrekken zou het probleem dusalleen maar erger maken. Het wordt dus hoog tijd dat wedat vanuit deze ivoren toren eens gaan beseffen.


Romano Maria La Russa (UEN). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, esprimo intanto la mia solidarietàcon l'onorevole Klamt per il tentativo, peraltro vano,delle sinistre di stravolgere la relazione in sede dicommissione. Poiché è risaputo che le sanatorie nonconsentono di risolvere i problemi e non migliorano lecondizioni degli immigrati senza lavoro, concordo con larelatrice nel dire che la regolarizzazione di massa nonrappresenta né una misura contro l'immigrazioneclandestina, né un mezzo per reclutare migrantieconomici ma, anzi, alimenta emarginazione e fenomenidiffusi di delinquenza.

Benché l'ambiziosa proposta di creare un sistemaeuropeo di "carte verdi" sia condivisibile, una politicache rende più flessibili le modalità di ingresso perlavoratori stagionali o per quelli con un lavoro a tempodeterminato, genera una situazione catastrofica eingestibile. Affinché l'immigrazione rappresenti unfattore di prosperità e di sviluppo, piuttosto che diinstabilità, occorrono procedure e criteri rigorosi. Allapresenza di un garante e alla dimostrazione da parte delmigrante della capacità di provvedere al propriosostentamento, ritengo debbano accompagnarsi altregaranzie. Il posto di lavoro deve essere una conditio sinequa non per l'ammissione di un migrante. Non èaccettabile prevedere deroghe ed eccezioni.

Mi auguro che la Commissione presenti una propostacoerente e pragmatica con condizioni precise e nonarbitrarie. La migrazione economica rappresentaun'opportunità per un paese ma non può essere lapanacea di tutte le disfunzioni, dall'invecchiamento allamancanza di forza di lavoro. Ecco il motivo per il qualeil mio gruppo, Alleanza nazionale o il gruppo UEN, si èastenuto nella votazione su questa relazione.


Antoine Duquesne (ALDE), par écrit. Je me suisabstenu sur l'article 6 du rapport Klamt sur une approchecommunautaire de la gestion des migrationséconomiques parce que je considère que s'il est normald'accorder le droit de vote aux citoyens européens et noneuropéens lors des élections locales, il l'est beaucoupmoins de l'accorder aux citoyens non européens lors desélections européennes.

Lors des élections locales, tout citoyen habitant depuisun temps déterminé (par exemple 5 ans, comme enBelgique) doit pouvoir s'exprimer quant à ses conditionsde vie, l'aménagement de sa commune, l'éducation deses enfants, etc.

J'aimerais aussi que, toujours comme en Belgique, cedroit de vote soit accordé aux citoyens non européensdans la mesure où ceux-ci prennent un engagementsolennel de respecter le prescrit de la Constitution et deslois du pays qui les accueille.


Hélène Goudin, Nils Lundgren och Lars Wohlin(IND/DEM), skriftlig. Initiativbetänkandet utgör endel av upprättandet av en europeisk immigrationspolitikdär ett och samma förfarande ska gälla i samtligamedlemsstater.

Junilistan anser dock att medlemsstaterna själva ska varafria att avgöra hur deras politik avseende ekonomiskmigration ska utformas och att det inte bör vara en frågaför Europaparlamentet att föreskriva vilka regler somgäller på området. Vi menar att ekonomisk migrationinte måste ses som ett problem som kräverharmonisering på europeisk nivå - tvärtom bordemedlemsstaterna få hantera dessa frågor självständigt.En medlemsstat som till exempel vill tillåta generösaregler för ekonomisk migration bör få göra det i enlighetmed principen om institutionell konkurrens.


Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Orelatório integra pontos que valorizamos, nomeadamentequando solicita que sejam retomas todas as disposiçõesque integram a "Convenção internacional sobre aprotecção dos direitos de todos os trabalhadoresmigrantes e dos membros das suas famílias", adoptadapela Assembleia das Nações Unidas, em 1990, e que estaseja ratificada por todos os Estados-membros. Ouquando denuncia que as actuais políticas da UniãoEuropeia se tenham concentrado na vertente repressiva,entre outros aspectos que consideramos positivos.

No entanto, o relatório integra pontos contraditórios,enquadrando-se numa perspectiva de política demigração que visa acima de tudo a exploração dosrecursos humanos de países terceiros, nomeadamentedos seus trabalhadores mais qualificados. Insistindo nainclusão de clausulas respeitantes aos fluxos migratóriose à readmissão obrigatória - expulsão -, nos casos deimigração clandestina.

Por outro lado lamentamos a rejeição de propostas donosso Grupo que visavam, entre outros aspectos, arejeição dos "centros de detenção temporária" e daadopção de medidas privativas de liberdade para osimigrantes, a rejeição da criação de "centros de detençãotemporária" em países terceiros, ou ainda, a denúncia dofalhanço da política de "quotas", que se traduziram noagravamento da imigração ilegal e na precariedadelaboral destes trabalhadores.


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Carl Lang (NI), par écrit. Ce rapport qui se veut uneréponse au livre vert de la Commission européenne surles migrations économiques n'est qu'une longue litanied'aberrations dangereuses et suicidaires pour les nationset les peuples d'Europe. Les propositions les plusimmigrationistes et les plus tiers-mondistes s'yretrouvent pêle-mêle :

Reconnaissance du droit de vote aux élections locales eteuropéennes pour les immigrés extra européens,assouplissement des modalités d'entrée et de séjour pourles migrants économiques, approbation desrégularisations en masse comme moyen pouvant dégagerdes perspectives d'avenir pour les clandestins, lancementde campagnes de sensibilisation sur les impacts positifsdes politiques d'immigration et intégration dans lesprogrammes scolaires de l'histoire des migrations,réaffirmation du droit à un large regroupement familial,possibilité pour les travailleurs migrants économiques debénéficier des cotisations sociales du pays d'accueilaprès leur retour dans leur pays ou encore suppressiondes frais bancaires lors des transferts de fonds opérésdepuis les pays d'accueil vers leur pays d'origine par lestravailleurs migrants.

Enfin, cerise sur le gâteau, ce rapport refuse de donner lapriorité aux citoyens de l'Union européenne avant defaire appel aux ressortissants des pays tiers. C'est lasempiternelle ritournelle : préférence étrangère, oui !Préférence européenne non !


Fernand Le Rachinel, par écrit. Ce rapport sur lagestion des migrations économiques est un tissu demensonges, de contre-vérités et de parti pris idéologique.Il est tellement excessif dans sa rédaction qu'il dessertles immigrés eux-mêmes en voulant favorisersystématiquement une politique de submersion auniveau européen.

Aucun gouvernement national ne pourrait présenter untel catalogue de mesures sans être renvoyé à l'électionsuivante dans l'opposition.

Mme Klamt veut passer par la voie européenne enlaissant les peuples dans l'ignorance du forfait que l'oncommet dans leur dos.

Heureusement, le Conseil dans sa grande sagesse amaintenu le principe de l'unanimité pour toutes lesquestions qui touchent à l'immigration légale.

On ne prendra qu'un seul exemple pour montrerl'aberration de telles propositions : "l'immigrationéconomique peut contribuer à la gestion des fluxmigratoires...et elle a des effets positifs sur le marché dutravail".

C'est évidemment une contre-vérité : plus on accepted'immigrés légaux, plus l'immigration clandestineexplosera, espérant, comme en Espagne ou en Italie, êtreun jour prochain régularisée.

Le Parlement européen se ridiculiserait et sedéconsidèrerait à adopter un tel rapport qui, s'il étaitadopté conduirait à nos frontières des millions d'hommeset de femmes attirées par l'eldorado promis par nosapprentis sorciers.



Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE). Herr Präsident! Ichmöchte die Kommission zu einer Erklärung auffordern.Leider ist die Kommission nicht da. Ich würde Sie aberbitten, dass Ihre Dienststellen dies der Kommissionübermitteln und dass die Kommission das noch im Laufedieser Woche macht. Denn Kommissar McCreevy hat inder Debatte gestern Abend zur Frage der Patentierbarkeitvon menschlichen Klonen eine Aussage getroffen, diedurch die Rechtsetzung nicht abgedeckt ist. DieInterpretation der Kommission zu dieser Frage istschlicht falsch und steht im Widerspruch zurProtokollnotiz des Ministerrates, die der Ministerrat beider Verabschiedung der Richtlinie gegeben hat. Dortheißt es in Artikel 35 ganz klar, dass nicht nurreproduktives Klonen von der Patentierbarkeitausgeschlossen ist. Die Kommission als Hüterin derVerträge kann nicht in einer Rede des Kommissars eineInterpretation liefern, die durch die Richtlinie nichtabgedeckt ist, die falsch ist und die im Widerspruch zurProtokollnotiz des Rates steht.

Ich würde Sie also wirklich ganz dringend bitten, dassIhre Dienststellen die Kommission auffordern, dasrichtig zu stellen, sonst hat das wohl Konsequenzen. Ichbitte Sie also wirklich ich weiß, dass es auch vieleKollegen hier im Raum gibt, die das ähnlich sehen ,dass das geklärt wird, dass das dem Kabinett McCreevyübermittelt wird und dass Kommissar McCreevy das indieser Woche noch richtig stellt.


5 - ∆ιορθώσεις ψήφου: βλ. ΣυνοπτικάΠρακτικά


(Η συνεδρίαση διακόπτεται στις 1.45 µ.µ. καιεπαναλαµβάνεται στις 3 µ.µ.)




6 - Bienvenida


El Presidente. Me complace saludar la presencia en latribuna oficial de una delegación del Verkhovne Rada, elParlamento de Ucrania.


Esta delegación, compuesta por nueve diputados, estápresidida por el señor Valeryi Pustovoytenko. Hanacudido a Estrasburgo para la octava reunión de la

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Comisión Parlamentaria de Cooperación entre la UniónEuropea y Ucrania que se va a celebrar hoy y mañana.

Les deseo, a ustedes y a toda la Comisión Parlamentariade Cooperación UE-Ucrania, una reunión muyfructífera.


7 - Aprobación del Acta de la sesiónanterior: véase el Acta


8 - Preparación del próximo ConsejoEuropeo informal


El Presidente. El punto siguiente del orden del día esel debate a partir de las declaraciones del Consejo y de laComisión sobre la preparación del próximo ConsejoEuropeo informal.

Para ello contamos con la presencia del Primer Ministrodel Reino Unido, señor Blair, a quien quiero agradecerespecialmente el esfuerzo que me consta ha tenido quehacer para estar hoy con nosotros. Creo que es muypositivo que, en la víspera de la reunión de HamptonCourt, el Parlamento pueda recibir directamente de laboca del Presidente del Consejo las explicacionesadecuadas sobre la razón de ser de esta reunión. Gracias,señor Blair. Tiene usted la palabra.



Tony Blair, President-in-Office of the Council. MrPresident, colleagues, it is a very great pleasure to bewith you this afternoon, here in the European Parliamentin Strasbourg. Let me add my words of welcome to ourcolleagues from Ukraine. If we should ever feel lackingin confidence about Europe and its values, then theinterest of people such as our Ukrainian friends shouldtell us that the values of Europe are strong and are muchenvied by so much of the rest of the world.


My purpose in coming here today is to report back onwhat we intend over these coming weeks to be the basisof the UK Presidency. I have with me DouglasAlexander, who is our Europe Minister, and after I haveleft he will stay to answer more questions especiallythe difficult questions!


However, I shall be here I am pleased to say for at leastan hour and a half to hear both your comments and toanswer some of those questions myself.

I would also like to explain at the very outset how wewant to take forward the Presidency over these comingweeks. On 23 June in Brussels, we set out an essentialvision of how we should combat the challenge of

globalisation. I think it is agreed generally in Europe thatwe need to get Europe moving and we need to get itmoving in the right direction. The question is how we dothat.

We now have an opportunity, both in the informalsummit, which is tomorrow, and then in the formalsummit in December, to set out that direction and put inplace the specific policies to match it. So, over these twosummits, our idea is first to agree on the right directionfor Europe economically, then, secondly, to set out somenew priority areas for European action and then, thirdly,on the basis and in the context of that, to get a budgetdeal in December at the formal Council.

I shall first of all come to the informal summit. This iswhat I want to come out of this informal summit. Thefirst thing is that I want to get that informal summit toagree effectively on the Commission paper presented byPresident Barroso and the European Commission. ThatCommission paper is an analysis of the challenge ofglobalisation and how we meet it, both as MemberStates and as the European Union.

I have to say that it is a stark analysis, but it is the rightanalysis. It shows just how great a competitive challengewe have from the emerging economies such as Chinaand India, never mind the United States and others. Itshows how important it is we deal with the almost 20million unemployed people in the European Union. Itshows how we must make our labour markets lessrestrictive, how we have to make sure, in the field ofresearch and development, innovation and other areas,that we catch up with the best practice in the world. Itshows how in areas like energy where after all we aregoing to be importing within the next few yearssomething like 90% of our oil and gas needs Europehas to up its game considerably, and it shows also theenormous demographic challenge that we will face, withfewer people of working age, more people in retirement,and more people therefore needing to work. As a result,issues such as work/life balance and how we allowpeople both to raise their families and to work in theworkplace are all the more crucial.

The first thing we want to do at the informal summit isto get that paper agreed and make that the basis for thediscussion we then have about Europe, its social modeland its economic future. However, we also want to addsome specific areas of future priorities for Europeanwork. I should like to mention some of those.

In respect of these areas of future work, we are also, asthe Presidency, publishing some papers today fromacademics within the European Union on certain aspectsof the challenge we face in each of those areas. Thosewill be published and available to Members ofParliament and people attending the summit tomorrow.But what are the new priority areas we should bethinking of?

First of all, there is research and development, andinnovation. We need to make sure that more of the

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European budget is spent on those priority areas,because those are the future areas for the Europeaneconomy.


We also need to coordinate better the way in which wework in these areas. We propose specifically a Europeanresearch council that is the equivalent of the AmericanNational Science Foundation, that will support thefunding of research and development projects and giveus the chance in Europe to be forming the world-beatingcompanies in the technologies of the future.

So, one major area for future priority work is researchand development. The second area is energy and energypolicy. I believe it is time to develop within Europe acommon European energy policy.


For far too long we have been in the situation where, in ahaphazard and random way, energy needs and energypriorities are simply determined by each countryaccording to its needs, but without any sense of thecollective power that we could have in Europe, if wewere prepared to pool our energy and our resources.That policy should focus not on new regulatory barriers,but rather on obtaining a genuinely open energy market.It should deal with, for example, a properly integratedEuropean Union grid. Already this is done on a bilateralbasis between countries. Think of how much greatereconomic power and competitiveness we could have, ifwe were prepared to make sure that it was integrated ona Europe-wide basis.

Secondly, we, like other major countries in the world,should be prepared to enter into dialogue at Europeanlevel with key suppliers of energy, to use our collectiveweight to make our voice heard. Thirdly, we need to bedeveloping clean technologies, energy efficiency andcoming to some common views at least about thepossibilities and perspectives on issues related to areassuch as nuclear power.

(Mixed reactions)

I thought certain things might get a mixed reception.


These are areas we need to work on in future.

The third area concerns universities. Let us be clearabout the situation in Europe today. Our universitysector is not competing in the way it needs to withAmerica. China and India are developing their universitysector in an extraordinary way. Looking not just at thespending of our tertiary education sector, but also wherewe are getting the value-added in the connectionbetween business and university, we do not haveanything like the same possibilities in Europe that theyhave in other parts of the world.

Our proposal is that we task the Commission specificallyto report back to the European Council next year on thechallenge facing European universities, how we competewith the United States, how we get more public-privatepartnership into sustaining them and more graduateschools linking business and the academic world acrossthe European Union.

There is a fourth area I would like to suggest for prioritywork, and that is how we control migration, but also useit to boost the effectiveness and competitiveness of theEuropean economy. We need both to make sure that wehave the proper controls on illegal immigration at thesame time as recognising that controlled migration canactually bring a benefit to our European economies.


One of the papers that we published today is a paperfrom a French academic, Patrick Weil, who has alsobeen an adviser to politicians in France, which points outhow, ironically, those countries that have opened theirlabour market to those from the accession countries theaccession ten have actually benefited economicallyfrom that opening up. We need to take those lessonsfurther.


The fifth area concerns the need to make far greaterprogress on what I might call the demographic orwork/life balance issues. Now here it is not appropriatefor the European Union to be engaged in substantialbouts of extra regulation and so on, but here is where theopen method of coordination could work properly, inthings like work/life balance, childcare and provision forpeople to be able to raise their family and work at thesame time, in how we get the best practice in pensionand social security systems across Europe. This wouldbe sensible if we are looking at how we can modernisethe European economy.

The final area of priority work concerns what was calledby the European Commission the globalisation fund. Ijust want to make one thing very clear about this idea.The important thing about the globalisation fund is thatit should not be a fund that protects companies that needto restructure, or failing companies, or one that bails outcompanies that cannot succeed. What it should do,however, is protect and help people in circumstanceswhere restructuring has made them redundant or leftthem facing difficulties within the labour market. Totake an example from the UK recently, where thousandsof people were made redundant at the Rover works: wedid not stop the restructuring, because, Im afraid, it waseconomically necessary, even though tragic for theindividuals involved. However, we provided real helpwith retraining, re-skilling and finding new jobs for theworkforce in order to protect not the job but theindividual. Such a fund, if it is done in the proper way,will help rather than hinder us in meeting the challengeof globalisation.

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What we want to propose at the informal Counciltomorrow is that we should agree the basic direction inthe Commission paper and then, in the six areas of workI have just outlined, that we should set out how we canmake progress in each of those areas in order to enhancethe competitiveness of the European Union and also itssocial solidarity in helping people adjust to the challengeof globalisation.

In addition, tomorrow, arising out of the special Councilthat we had on 13 July, we want to propose measures fora counter-terrorism strategy in order to get agreement tothose measures at the December Council. Those shouldfocus on things like the radicalisation of people insidethe European Union, the protection of our infrastructureand, in particular, how we exchange information andprotection more effectively, how we retain that, how weget cooperation between the different security and policeservices inside the European Union in order to protectour people better and, as the Home Secretary, CharlesClarke, said to you when he was here in the EuropeanParliament, we are happy to deal with this under the firstpillar, so that it can be part of the codecision-makingprocess.


If we can agree that tomorrow, then I believe that wehave the beginnings, at least, of the right context inwhich we can get a financing deal.

In addition to these other issues, there are outstandingdossiers, and let me just say a word about those now. Onthe working time directive, I hope we can reachagreement under the United Kingdom presidency wewill certainly try to do that. In respect of the servicesdirective, we know the position taken by the EuropeanParliament; I still, however, hope that it is possible to getpolitical agreement on the right way forward, because and I say this in all sincerity the services directive is anecessary part of completing the single market and it isimportant for Europe.


I decided to come to the European Parliament today andwas unable to attend the British Parliament this is asort of reminder, so thank you for that!

I would like specifically to say and this may get meinto further trouble to the President of theCommission, whom I congratulate on the work that hehas done over the past few months, that CommissionerVerheugens proposals on deregulation are an importantindicator that Europe is prepared to regulate where it isin the interests of its citizens, but prepared also toderegulate where it is necessary for our competitiveness.


This will be giving our Ukrainian colleagues anexcellent example of what a modern democracy is allabout!

When we come to the December Council, it is ourintention to do our level best to reach a financing deal. Iwant to make it quite clear and I know fromconversations I have had with Members from theaccession countries that for all of us the Europeanbudget is important. As we know in Britain, there aremajor issues that arise in connection with it. However,we should remember that is, we, the 15 Members ofthe European Union as was, some time ago that for theten accession countries, this is of fundamentalimportance to them. I acknowledge our responsibility, asthe Presidency, to do our level best to reach agreement. Ihope we can do that, whatever the particular level of thebudget may be.

I would also like to make one other point. If we are toget a budget agreement and I know that people want itin the European Parliament and they want it in theEuropean Council, too we will be in a better positionto do so if we have agreed an economic direction andnew priorities for work, and if those can then influencethe outcome of that budget debate. That budget debatehas to make a start in this financing deal, in reorderingthe priorities, and it has to be able through the reviewprocess to give us a forward perspective of a morerational way to spend the European budget in todaysworld.

If we want our economy to meet the future challenges, atsome point we have got to make sure that the budget isaligned with the economic priorities of our citizens andof our business and of our workforce.


Finally, on external relations, in respect of climatechange you will know that we had successfulagreements with China and India, as well as Russia, onthe issue of how to take forward a proper dialogue onclimate change. In particular, I would commend to youthe coal demonstration plant with near-zero emissionsthat we have agreed with China for Europe to build. Thatcould be an important signal for the future. I amperfectly happy, in response to questions, to say moreabout climate change in a moment.

In addition, we hope we can get agreement at theDecember Council on an Africa strategy. Europe can beproud of what we have done in respect of development,but the truth is we need to do more. We also,incidentally, for these reasons hope to secure asuccessful outcome to the WTO negotiations in HongKong.

On the question of defence, it is just worth pointing outthat, when we began the process of European defence,people were very sceptical. Today we have ninedifferent European missions around the worldundertaken by European forces and that shows that

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European defence can indeed work. Of course, we havehad the accession negotiations with Turkey and Croatiaopening. Our aim therefore is to get the following thingsdone: agreement on a new economic direction; newpriorities for European work in areas like research anddevelopment, energy, universities, migration,demography and so on; and a future financing deal thatis fair, begins to address those priorities and gives thefuture prospect of being able substantially to reorder theEuropean budget. We also want a set of conclusions inthe area of justice and home affairs that allows us tocombat terrorism and illegal immigration, whilst takingthe benefits of proper managed migration. We want totake forward our defence, particularly the commondefence policy, in areas like strategic airlift and air-to-airrefuelling.

We want to get clear conclusions in December on adevelopment strategy for Europe in respect of Africa andto make sure that we keep to a strong process of changein order to combat greenhouse gas emissions and theenvironmental challenge we face.

We came to the point a few months ago where, as aresult of the no votes in the referendums, there was asense that Europe was in paralysis. If we want to getEurope moving again and in the correct direction, thenwe have to agree both what that direction is and thespecific measures to get us there.

If we are able, in the course of these next few weeks, tooffer at least some explanation and answers to ourcitizens on how we meet the challenge of globalisation,how we provide greater security in an era of globalterrorism and mass migration, and how we can have aforeign policy that uses Europes collective weight forthe benefit of the citizens of Europe, then we will at leasthave made a start on putting Europe back together again,on the right track and moving forward.

No one Presidency can achieve all of that, but if we canachieve what we set out here, I think it will besignificant.

I came here today in order to report back both on whatwe had done and what we intend to do over the next fewweeks. I can tell you we intend to report back again andmake sure you are kept constantly in touch with thedeliberations within the Council.

If I may end on this point, it is important that we makesure that, in addressing these challenges, the EuropeanCommission, the European Parliament and the EuropeanCouncil work together and work together closely. That isour desire. As is obvious from the debates you have andthe debates we have with you, we are not always inagreement. But to return to the point I made at the verybeginning, it is also obvious from those up in the gallerywatching our proceedings that Europe has an immenseamount to be proud of and it is time we showed ourcitizens that the next fifty years can be as good as thelast.


José Manuel Barroso, président de la Commission. Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier ministre,Mesdames et Messieurs les députés, le sommet informelde Hampton Court sera, je l'espère, l'occasion d'unevéritable discussion sur les défis économiques et sociauxauxquels l'Europe est confrontée. J'espère que, ce seranon seulement un débat, mais aussi - comme vient de ledire le président du Conseil, M. Blair - l'occasion deprendre des décisions sur le chemin à suivre pour lefutur.

La semaine dernière, à Bruxelles, je vous ai présenté lesdécisions, prises le jour même par la Commission, àl'intention du sommet de Hampton Court. Je nereviendrai pas sur cette présentation. Je rappelleseulement qu'en plus d'un document sur les défiséconomiques et sociaux liés à la mondialisation, laCommission a aussi approuvé une initiative visant àrelancer les négociations sur les perspectives financièreset a contribué à un accord politique que nous pensonsnécessaire et urgent.

Je tiens à vous remercier pour le soutien apporté audocument préparé par la Commission et je veuxréaffirmer dans cet hémicycle, devant vous et devant lePremier ministre Blair, que nous voulons contribuer àtrouver une solution au problème du budget, car si nousvoulons vraiment montrer que l'Europe est en marche, ilnous faut une décision sur les perspectives financières.


En Europe, nous le savons, le niveau de prospérité, decohésion sociale, de protection de l'environnement et dequalité de la vie est historiquement élevé, encomparaison avec d'autres régions du monde. Mais il estaussi vrai qu'il y a un déficit de justice sociale. Il y amaintenant 19 millions de chômeurs dans les Étatsmembres de l'Union. L'écart entre riches et pauvres esttrop important.

Dans beaucoup de nos grandes villes, nous avons desproblèmes sérieux d'intégration qui demandent desmesures urgentes. La vérité est que cette situation risquede se détériorer face aux défis simultanés duvieillissement de la population et de la mondialisation.Certes, la mondialisation génère de grandesopportunités, mais aussi des menaces pour certainssecteurs de notre Europe.

Une chose est sûre: le statu quo n'est pas une option. Ilest urgent d'entreprendre des réformes et de moderniserl'Europe. Si nous voulons conserver nos valeurseuropéennes, nous devons moderniser nos politiques.C'est pourquoi nous proposons des réformesambitieuses, en insistant sur la nécessité d'éviter deuxdangers.

D'une part, le danger qui vient de ceux qui pensent quel'Europe est seulement ou principalement un marché. Ilsse trompent, car l'Europe élargie, l'Europe à vingt-cinq etplus dans le futur, doit s'appuyer sur une structure de

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cohésion sociale et de cohérence politique, à l'intérieurcomme vers l'extérieur, si nous voulons soutenir ceprojet. Nous ne devons jamais considérer que notregrand projet européen est définitivement acquis, maisnous devons lutter chaque jour pour le renforcer.

D'autre part, le danger qui vient de ceux qui pensent qu'ilest possible de faire de l'Europe une puissance en ayanten même temps 25 minimarchés de l'énergie,25 minimarchés des services. Si nous voulons faire del'Europe une véritable puissance, nous devons réaliserpleinement le marché intérieur. Il y va de notrecompétitivité dans le monde mondialisé.



I believe that the European Union has a central role toplay in pushing forward these ambitious reforms and themodernisation of our social systems. Success depends ongetting the right combination of action at European andnational levels. We need to make full use of all theinstruments at our disposal: legislation, as PrimeMinister Blair said, and we are pushing for betterregulation. There are cases where we need morelegislation and others where we need less bureaucracyand less legislation. We cannot deliver the futureEuropean Union budget without the instruments, alongwith multilateral surveillance, shared experience, and allthe mechanisms that we have at our disposal. TheCommissions executive powers, the right of initiative ofthe Commission, the effective use of competition rules:we have the instruments to complement and to add valueto not to replace what we do at national level.

At international level, too, Europe is the right level foraction. Let us be frank: even the biggest Member Statesin our Community do not have the leverage to manageglobalisation or to speak exactly on the same footingwith other global powers. We are a successful exampleof globalisation on a regional scale. Our deepintegration, our common policies and our shared valuesgive us an added strength that no individual MemberState can claim.

That is why, in order to tackle poverty around the world,to project European values worldwide and to negotiatein the interests of our Member States, it is better toreaffirm clearly that we need a strong Europeandimension. I state very clearly: we need now, more thanever, a strong European Union in this globalised world.

These instruments are mutually reinforcing; they dependon each other for success. In the paper that theCommission prepared for the informal summit, we putforward some lines of action. Let me underline some ofthose aspects.

First, the creation of the globalisation adjustment fund tocope with the consequences of globalisation on thosepeople who, for instance, are affected by restructuring.As Prime Minister Blair said and it is precisely theoriginal idea of the Commission as well the purpose of

this fund is not to protect firms that are not competitiveor not economically viable, but to help people. At thesame time as we are in favour of opening our economies,we should show that we also care about people. Peopleare not statistics. We have to have an active policy tomeet their concerns and aspirations.

I am very thankful to Prime Minister Blair for thesupport he has given to this fund.


We have also identified some areas where thepartnership between the Commission and the MemberStates can be further explored and strengthened areaswhich primarily fall within the Member States domain,but where the Commission can play a major role, eitheras an honest broker, a catalyst or as a focal point ofbenchmarking, of mutual surveillance, of collectiveaction. For instance, as the Prime Minster said, and aswe have said in our paper, we are in favour of a commonapproach at European level on energy. I will add just onemore to the very good examples he gave: the importantarea of bioenergy. I believe we can do much more in thatarea, bringing together the fields of environment,agriculture, research and the funds we already have atour disposal. So there is a possibility of work betweenthe European institutions and the Member States.

Another area is research and development, and we hopeto get the funding necessary for that to have some actionat European level because we need that dimension. Weneed to ask ourselves why the best minds in Europe, andalso in China, in India and in many parts of the world,go to study in the United States when we know that thebest universities were founded here. Universities are aEuropean creation, so why are they going elsewherewhen they could be here? We also need to complementaction at national level with a European action foruniversities, for research and for innovation.

Finally, the Commission is ready to present to theEuropean Council a roadmap setting out the path to amodern Europe capable of delivering economicprosperity and social justice.

So my message to the summit will be clear: if we wantto keep our European values, we must modernise ourpolicies, and it is better if we do that together. Weshould call for a personal commitment from allEuropean Union leaders. We, the European institutions Parliament, the Council and the Commission have todo it together. Also the Member States, regional andlocal authorities and the social partners we have towork for this change. I know change is never easy, butlet me tell you: inaction is much worse and much morecostly. If we do nothing it will be much more painfulthan if we change now with our values and with ourdetermination.


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I think that Hampton Court should also provide apositive message to our citizens on the role Europe canplay in the world in terms of security and the projectionof our values, be it in terms of development aid or themanagement of globalisation. It is important that we alsodefine this new role of Europe in the world.

I hope that our discussions tomorrow will allow aconsensus to emerge on the scale and urgency of thechallenges we face and the need to move ahead. I thinkthis consensus, this common vision, is necessary. Thisnew consensus is necessary to reconnect Europe with itscitizens and also to prepare the ground for furtherprogress in our European project.

This consensus and this sense of urgency are necessaryto reach agreement on the budget and the FinancialPerspective, hopefully, by the end of this year. I thankPrime Minister Blair for the renewed personalcommitment he gave to these goals here today. It isdifficult, but it is possible and it is necessary. The task ofresponsible politicians is to make possible what isnecessary. That is why we are now working very hard.We have been working very closely and very intensivelywith the UK Presidency. I want to thank Prime MinisterBlair and all his staff for the very competent work theyare doing and I want to reaffirm to you, the EuropeanParliament, and to Prime Minister Blair, that we will beworking hard to ensure the success, not only oftomorrows summit, but also of the December summit,so that we have Europe on the move again.



Hans-Gert Poettering, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion. Herr Präsident, Herr Präsident desEuropäischen Rates, Herr Kommissionspräsident, liebeKolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich sage ganz bewusst, HerrPräsident des Europäischen Rates und nicht HerrPremierminister. Das Amt des Premierministersvermittelt Ihnen den Vorsitz in der Europäischen Union,aber Sie haben nicht nur die britischen Interessen zuvertreten, sondern die europäischen Interesseninsgesamt, und daran werden wir Sie in den nächstenWochen und Monaten messen.


Diese Debatte findet zum richtigen Zeitpunkt amrichtigen Ort statt. Morgen werden Sie vornehm, wiesich das für Staats- und Regierungschefs gehört ineinem Schloss tagen. Ich hoffe, dass der Name HeinrichVIII. kein negatives Symbol ist und die Zukunft Europasnicht stört. Nur weiß ja jeder, Herr Präsident desEuropäischen Rates, dass Sie als Premierminister mitIhrer Partei nicht meiner, nicht unserer politischenFamilie angehören. Gleichwohl möchte ich eindeutigpositiv vermerken, dass Sie heute hier im EuropäischenParlament, in der europäischen Volksvertretung sind.Morgen findet dann die Tagung des Rates der Staats-und Regierungschefs statt. Das ist die richtigeReihenfolge: erst das Europäische Parlament in

Straßburg und dann Hampton Court Palace in der Nähevon London.


Wir wünschen Ihnen, Herr Präsident des EuropäischenRates, dass es Ihnen gelingt, zwischen den 25 Staats-und Regierungschefs wieder Vertrauen zu schaffen. IhreAnwesenheit hier und heute ist in der Tat ein Beitrag,Vertrauen zu schaffen, weil alle drei europäischenInstitutionen anwesend sind. Ich sage auch anerkennend,dass der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments morgenden ganzen Tag dabei ist. Das ist auch etwas Neues. Essollte für alle Zukunft selbstverständlich sein, dass derPräsident des Europäischen Parlaments an den gesamtenTagungen des Europäischen Rates teilnimmt. Wenn Siediese Tradition begründen können, werden Sie für dieeuropäische Demokratie etwas Gutes tun!

Wir wünschen Ihnen, dass es Ihnen gelingt, morgendeutlich zu machen: Wir wollen ein starkes Europa inder einen Welt! Das heißt, wir dürfen Europa von derWelt nicht abkoppeln, sondern dieses Europa mussmithelfen, die großen Probleme der Welt zu gestalten.Aber eines ist auch sicher: Ohne die Europäische Unionwerden wir keines der großen Probleme bewältigen.Europa ist zwar nicht die Lösung für alle großenProbleme, aber ohne das Zusammenwirken der Europäerin der Europäischen Union werden wir keines derProbleme lösen.

Die Globalisierung betrifft ja nicht nur die Wirtschaft,obwohl jeder darüber redet. Natürlich ist Globalisierungauch ein wirtschaftlicher Prozess, aber Globalisierungbedeutet im Kern, dass wir eine Welt sind. Und dasbedeutet eine geistige, eine moralische, eine kulturelle,eine politische und natürlich auch eine wirtschaftlicheHerausforderung. Globalisierung hat etwas sehrPositives, wenn man sie richtig gestaltet. UnsereGrundlage sind die Menschenrechte und die Würde desMenschen. Es darf in Zukunft nicht mehr so sein, dassLänder sei es nun Kuba oder die Volksrepublik China sagen: Wenn wir uns um die Menschenrechtekümmern, ist dies eine innere Angelegenheit. Nein!Globalisierung bedeutet: Menschenwürde für alleMenschen auf dieser Erde, ob sie nun Amerikaner,Europäer, Chinesen oder Kubaner sind. Menschenwürdegilt für alle, auch das gehört zur Globalisierung.


Alles hängt heute zusammen. Ich habe heute Morgenvon einem Kollegen gehört, die Zusammenarbeit mit derKommission, die ja sonst im Bereich der WTO sehrpositiv ist, könnte sich noch steigern, was die Präsenz inden Ausschüssen angeht. Ich kann das nicht beurteilen,aber es wurde mir so gesagt. Aber das, was in der WTOgeschieht, ist ja nicht nur ein wirtschaftlicher Vorgang!Ich möchte ein Beispiel nennen. Ich habe mehrere MaleMarokko besucht. Wenn Sie in marokkanischen Städtendurch die Straßen gehen, sehen Sie viele jungeMenschen, was ja sehr positiv ist. Aber wenn diesejungen Menschen in Marokko keine Chance haben,

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wenn wir unseren Markt nicht öffnen, auch fürAgrarprodukte das geht nicht von heute auf morgen,aber schrittweise , dann haben diese jungen Menschenin ihrer eigenen Heimat keine Chance, dann klopfen siean die Türen Europas, wie wir es in Ceuta und Melillasehen. Deswegen ist die Frage derWelthandelsvereinbarung nicht nur eine wirtschaftlicheFrage, sondern eine zutiefst menschliche Frage, und wirmüssen dabei auch unserer politischen und moralischenVerantwortung gerecht werden.

(Beifall, Zurufe)

Jetzt ist die Rede von einem Fonds. Da bittet unsereFraktion, noch einmal sehr sorgfältig hinzuschauen. Ichhabe vor vielen Jahren einmal im Regionalausschussgearbeitet. Damals fanden die Umstrukturierungen imStahlsektor statt. Europa hat bei den Umstrukturierungengeholfen. Nicht durch Erhaltungssubventionen, sonderndurch Bildungsmaßnahmen. Etwas Vergleichbares kannman sich natürlich auch für Industrien vorstellen, dieaufgrund des Prozesses der Liberalisierung undGlobalisierung in Schwierigkeiten kommen: nämlichdiese Mittel zu nutzen, um Umschulungsmaßnahmendurchzuführen. Dafür sind im EuropäischenRegionalfonds auch schon Mittel vorhanden; deswegenmeine Bitte, sich das noch einmal näher anzuschauen.

Wir brauchen sicher Flexibilität auf den Arbeitsmärkten.Wir brauchen Entbürokratisierung. Ich danke Ihnen,Herr Präsident der Kommission, dass Sie hier einenguten Vorschlag unterbreitet haben.


I ask you, Prime Minister not in your capacity asPrime Minister but as President-in-Office of theEuropean Council whatever you decide tomorrow, notto take any formal decisions. But, whatever you mightprepare to decide, in working groups for instance, youmust include the European Commission. We will notallow an intergovernmental process to decide the futureof Europe; we want the institutions of Europe to beinvolved in the whole process of the development ofEurope.


Meine Redezeit ist leider um. Sie sind ein guterKommunikator. Das weiß jeder. Wenn die Qualität derErgebnisse Ihrer Präsidentschaft am Ende des Jahres2005 der Qualität Ihrer Kommunikation gleichkommt,werden wir sehr zufrieden sein. Unsere endgültigeAntwort werden wir dann im Dezember oder im Januargeben. Viel Erfolg für Sie! Wenn Sie Erfolg haben, ist esunser gemeinsamer Erfolg.



Martin Schulz, im Namen der PSE-Fraktion. HerrPräsident, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! HerrRatspräsident, Sie haben in Ihren Ausführungen daraufhingewiesen, dass Sie morgen in Hampton Court auchüber die Terrorismusbekämpfung sprechen werden.

Deshalb will ich beginnen, indem ich eine Bemerkungzum 7. Juli mache.

Die Angriffe am 7. Juli in London waren Angriffe aufdie europäische Zivilgesellschaft. Sie waren keineAngriffe auf das britische Volk alleine das waren sieauch. Sie waren Angriffe auf uns alle. Deshalb war IhreReaktion nicht nur als britischer Premierminister,sondern auch als Ratspräsident eine Reaktion imNamen von uns allen. Die Art und Weise, wie dieLabour-Regierung reagiert hat, die angemesseneKombination aus Härte bei der öffentlichen Sicherheitund gleichzeitigem Dialog in der Bevölkerung war dierichtige Antwort. Das ist einer der Erfolge der britischenRatspräsidentschaft. Dafür will ich Ihnen danken!


Aber, Herr Ratspräsident, wenn Sie morgen über daseuropäische Sozialmodell diskutieren, dann diskutierenSie mit den Kolleginnen und Kollegen Staats- undRegierungschefs über ein Sozialmodell, das in Europaüber fünfzig Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkriegstufenweise entwickelt worden ist. Das Kernelementdieser Entwicklung bedeutete folgendes: Derökonomische und technische Fortschritt wurde zumersten Mal in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte konsequent anden sozialen Fortschritt gekoppelt. Jede ökonomischeund soziale Erweiterung ging mit mehr sozialen Rechtenund mehr sozialer Stabilität einher. Das ist dasErfolgsrezept des europäischen Sozialmodells.

Nun gibt es aber immer mehr so genannte Ökonomen,auch in den Regierungen, die uns seit Jahren erzählen,dass die Grundvoraussetzung für mehr ökonomischenund sozialen Fortschritt die Zerstörung des sozialenZusammenhalts sei, der Abbau von Löhnen, dieVerlängerung von Arbeitszeiten, weniger Arbeitnehmer-und Gewerkschaftsrechte. Dazu sagen wir nein. Daszerstört das europäische Sozialmodell. Das ist derMcCreevy-Kurs. Den schaffen Sie morgen bitte ab.


Sie haben Recht, Herr Präsident: Der europäischeBinnenmarkt und seine Entwicklung ist eine großeChance. Natürlich wollen wir die Freizügigkeit vonDienstleistungen, aber wir wollen nicht die Freizügigkeitvon Sozialdumping in Europa. Wenn dasHerkunftslandprinzip als Mittel benutzt werden soll, diesozialen Standards zu zerschlagen, dann ist das nicht dieDienstleistungsrichtlinie, die wir wollen.

(Lebhafter Beifall)

Der Markt produziert vieles, aber eines produziert ernicht: Solidarität. Die müssen wir schon selbst schaffen,und vor allen Dingen müssen die Staaten sie schaffen.Wir hier im Europäischen Parlament müssen unserenBeitrag dazu leisten.


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Das erwarten auch Ihre Wählerinnen und Wähler vonIhnen. Nun hat der Kollege Poettering ja über vielesgesprochen, wenig aber über den Gipfel, der morgenbevorsteht. Ich habe für diesen Gipfel eine Bitte an Sie,Herr Ratspräsident: Sorgen Sie doch dafür, dassFolgendes auf diesem Gipfel in den Mittelpunkt derPerspektive gestellt wird, die die Kommission uns alsVorlage für den Gipfel gegeben hat, nämlich dass dieGrundvoraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Wirtschaft inEuropa nicht die Zerstörung des gesellschaftlichenZusammenhalts ist, sondern dass die Grundvoraus-setzung für ein erfolgreiches Wirtschaften in Europa ist,dass Gewinne, die in Unternehmen gemacht werden, gutsind, weil Unternehmen dafür da sind, dass sie Gewinnemachen, dass aber diejenigen, die die Gewinneerwirtschaften, nämlich die Arbeitnehmerinnen undArbeitnehmer, von den Gewinnen profitieren und dasssie würdige Arbeitsplätze mit würdigen Einkommen,von denen sie ihre Familien ernähren können, behaltenkönnen. Wenn das das Ziel der Europäischen Union ist,dann, Herr Ratspräsident, haben Sie die Sozialde-mokraten an Ihrer LabourSite.

(Lebhafter Beifall)


Graham Watson, on behalf of the ALDE Group. MrBlair, when you outlined your vision for the UKPresidency back in June, you challenged Europesleadership to get its policies right for todays world: toreconnect Europe to its citizens, its citizens to thedemands of a global marketplace, and its politicians toEuropes priorities. Yet, six months on, as yourreception here has demonstrated, many cannot, or willnot, think beyond the terms of Liberal Europe versusSocial Europe.

Let me be clear. Over 90 % of the eurozones GDP isfrom countries whose social costs are too high. Thisposes a danger to our economic future. Yesterdayssolutions are no longer an option.

It is time to realise that globalisation is not for tomorrowbut today. It harbingers huge opportunities for wealthcreation and intercultural exchange, but also cross-border challenges like migration, climate change andinternationally organised crime. It challenges our socialwelfare state, and the German model, which seemed towork 20 years ago, no longer does. As my Germanfriends tell me, it is kaputt.

If the European Union is to prosper in a globalcommunity, we must combine reform of expensivesocial models with a new determination to build a singlemarket for goods, services, capital and labour. Withmore invested in research, innovation and education, thesingle market delivers the wealth which pays for oursocial policy. It is not an economic and social Shangri-La, sheltered from all the pressures of the world, but itcaters for a common response to a common challenge.

Let us go on to build the common policies in energy andhome affairs of which you speak. The United Kingdom

opposed these in the European Convention, and wewelcome your change of heart. Many on the Left,particularly in this Chamber, perceive reform of welfaresystems and market-opening as threats. But, as mycolleague Bernard Lehideux pointed out last week, a freemarket economy and social solidarity can go hand inhand. Indeed, if economic Liberalism is complementedby Social Liberalism, we can offer our citizens thesecurity, prosperity and opportunity they expect.

It is neither the American way nor the Gallic way. It is,perhaps, the Third Way, which Social Democrats seekbut have not found. Because, as Richard Crossmanwarned you years ago, the problem with too many on theLeft is not that they lack ideological maps for the newterritory they are crossing, it is that their leaders believethat experienced travellers no longer need such maps.

President-in-Office, I do not envy your task at HamptonCourt. But do not give up. The European Union is notonly capable of reform: it yearns for reform. What itneeds from the Presidency is leadership. Leadershipmust consist of more than the occasional good speech, asthe British Conservatives may soon come ruefully toreflect.

The time has come to lead from the front. The success orotherwise of the UK Presidency will only be fullyassessed in December. You must convince the doubtersthat under your leadership Europe can live up to the highexpectations you set for us.

That means high ideals. What are your ideals for Europe,Mr Blair? Abandoning ideology and trusting focusgroups to get a government re-elected is not leadership.It is followership. Ideology gives us the moral fibre totake difficult decisions at home and stand up to thugs onissues of human rights abroad, giving us a foreign policywe can be proud of, not ashamed of; making us proud tobe Europeans.

Your difficulty, I suspect, is that some Member Statesdoubt Britains solidarity. They see the UK like thatexplorer in the jungle who, when the band of explorersfroze at the sight of a tiger ready to pounce on them,slowly took off his jungle boots and slipped on a pair ofrunning shoes. To the colleague who whispered, youmust be mad, youll never outrun a tiger! he replied,my friends, its not the tiger I have to outrun.

If Britain were in the euro and fully in Schengen to showsolidarity, its authority and influence would be greater.



Monica Frassoni, a nome del gruppo Verts/ALE. Signor Presidente, lei ha confermato oggi la sua abilitàdi performer e incantatore, qualità che potrebbeinsegnare a qualcuno dei nostri amici, miei connazionali,in occasione di una delle sue numerose visite in Italia.

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Tuttavia, questa sua abilità non rimedia però al fatto cheil grande summit di rilancio della dimensione socialeeuropea pare oggi declassato a un'amichevolechiacchierata fra amici sugli argomenti più disparati, inparticolare sulla riforma economica e la competitività.Per contro, lei continua a non voler discutere dellapolitica comune dell'energia, già contenuta nellaCostituzione, politica che oggi sembra invece servire arilanciare il vecchio dibattito sul nucleare. Credo cheavrebbe potuto scegliere qualcosa di meglio peravvicinare l'Europa ai cittadini.


Let us be clear, if you drop the country of originbusiness, I think we can have a deal, or at least we canstart to discuss it and have a deal. If you want to do that,let us try to discuss it. If you do not want to drop it, Ithink it would be very difficult to find an agreement withthis Parliament. I believe that in any case, even if youare trying to get a political agreement in December, youmight have to wait a bit before claiming victory since wedo not vote until January.


Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Presidente Blair,non basta dire, che ci vuole più ricerca e piùinnovazione, ma bisogna a mio avviso stabilire su cosa ein quale direzione. Vorremmo davvero che lei, ci dicessequali proposte concrete sono possibili per valorizzare ilpotenziale di competitività europea in materia di energierinnovabili, tecnologie ambientali ed efficienzaenergetica. Altro che nucleare o protezione della grandeindustria chimica! Questo ci aiuterebbe ad avere unareale sinergia fra i benefici economici strategici e lesfide ambientali poste dalla globalizzazione.

Nel suo discorso e in quello della Commissione abbiamoriscontrato l'assenza di proposte chiare sulla dimensioneinternazionale della battaglia per il modello socialeeuropeo, ovvero una strategia per promuovere, a livelloglobale, quei valori di solidarietà, di democrazia, didiritti e della salute che a parole tutti vogliono difendere.

Presidente Blair, riteniamo che non ci siano piani D o Bche tengano: la vera, reale svolta per l'Europa sociale, eper l'Europa tout court, sarebbe veramente l'abbandonodell'idea nefasta che si possa rilanciare il progettoeuropeo tagliando il bilancio dell'Unione. E' su questopunto che noi vorremmo veramente che lei cambiasseidea.



Francis Wurtz, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Président du Conseil,Monsieur le Président de la Commission, le discours deM. Blair au mois de juin comportait au moinstrois constats indiscutables: celui, d'abord, de l'existenced'une grave crise de confiance entre nos concitoyens etles institutions européennes; celui, ensuite, de lanécessité de changer une conception de l'Europe qui aconduit à vingt millions de chômeurs et celui, enfin, del'utilité d'ouvrir un débat de fond sur ce que doit être le

modèle social européen aujourd'hui. Jusque-là, pas deproblème.

Sur ce dernier point, le modèle social, le Premierministre britannique semblait même avoir une référenceà proposer à toute l'Europe, celle qu'il incarne lui-mêmedans son propre pays. Le taux de chômage n'y a-t-il pasété ramené à 5% de la population active? Une telleréussite méritait qu'on l'examinât de plus près. Qu'a-t-ildonc de particulier, ce modèle Blair, puisque lespriorités de la Présidence britannique s'accordentparfaitement avec celles de toute l'Union? Quoi de plusblairiste, en effet, que le plan d'action de l'agenda deLisbonne, révisé en 2005?

Mais, justement, à la différence d'autres pays membres,au Royaume-Uni, la plupart de ces réformes ont déjà étépleinement accomplies, ou sont en passe de l'être. Il adonc semblé utile à mon groupe, avant le Sommetextraordinaire de Hampton Court, de connaîtrel'évaluation que font de cette expérience-pilote del'Europe libérale du XXIe siècle les premiers intéressés,les Britanniques eux-mêmes! Nous avons doncauditionné, la semaine dernière, deux jours durant, àLondres, les principaux syndicats, des mouvementsféministes, des élus travaillistes et des universitairesbritanniques. Le moins que l'on puisse dire est que ceque nous avons appris ne nous incline pas à penser quece type de modèle puisse permettre à l'Union dedépasser la désaffection des citoyens à l'égard del'Europe!

Ainsi, à propos de l'emploi. Nos interlocuteurs nous onténuméré les multiples artifices utilisés pour dégonfler lesstatistiques du chômage. Le pays compte ainsi plus dedeux millions de personnes, dites malades de longuedurée et autres, inaptes au travail, et, comme par hasard,dans une ville aisée du sud de l'Angleterre, seuls 2% despersonnes sont en incapacité de travail, tandis qu'ellessont au nombre de 32% dans le sud pauvre du Pays deGalles. La précarité, nous a-t-on dit également, esténorme, particulièrement pour les femmes, dont les troiscinquièmes travaillent à temps partiel, dans des emploissous-payés et sans perspective, tandis que les hommessubissent une durée du travail parmi les plus longuesd'Europe.

L'étendue de la pauvreté fut une autre dimension de lasituation mise en avant par nos amis britanniques. Outrenombre de chômeurs et les working poors, une retraitéesur quatre vit dans la pauvreté, dans l'ensemble du pays.Le taux de pauvreté infantile atteint même le chiffresidérant de 54% dans Londres intra muros!

Quant aux services publics, si personne n'a niél'augmentation des dépenses intervenues cestrois dernières années, on a - nous a-t-on dit, je cite -calqué les prestations et les méthodes du secteur publicsur celles du privé, avec pour souci la rentabilité. Ainsi,10 000 lits d'hôpital ont-ils été supprimés au cours de ceshuit dernières années. Dans notre société, les citoyenssont trop souvent livrés à eux-mêmes face aux forces dumarché, nous a dit un chercheur, résumant un sentiment

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général. Riez, Messieurs, riez, Mesdames, je parle de ceque les représentants des forces sociales britannniquesnous ont déclaré! Riez!

Un magnifique souffle d'humanité nous est, en revanche,venu de la rencontre avec les syndicalistes qui ontorganisé cet été, à British Airways, une grève desolidarité, illégale, avec les huit cents travailleurs ettravailleuses immigrés de la société sous-traitanteaméricaine Gate Gourmet, qui venaient d'être licenciésen bloc pour laisser la place à d'autres salariés, moinschers. Ensemble, ils ont riposté, et ils ont gagné, et, aveceux, la dignité.

Monsieur le Président, notre conviction est que la notionde modèle social européen est trop précieuse pour êtregalvaudée. Elle supporte mal les eaux glacées des lois dumarché. Quand cette évidence s'imposera, alors, maisalors seulement, l'Europe ira mieux.


Nigel Farage, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group. MrBlair, in your speech here in June I could scarcelybelieve what I was hearing. You said that the peoplewere blowing the trumpets around the city walls, thatunemployment was 20 million and that productivityrates were falling behind the US, and you pledged topeel back bureaucracy, which was music to euroscepticears.

Perhaps that is why you have chosen Hampton Court forthe summit tomorrow: Henry VIII was, after all, the firstEnglish eurosceptic. So what has happened since? Well,the Commission announced it was going to stop 68 newlaws, and then yesterday we were told that a further200 pieces of legislation would be repealed over thecourse of the next three years. So it all looks ratherencouraging. However, the truth is that it is all windowdressing; it is a game of smoke and mirrors and the cluewas Commissioner Verheugens comment that betterregulation is not deregulation. The EuropeanCommission will not give up its power; there will be noreal economic reforms.

Since 1497 the British Parliament has made 25 000 laws.Since you became the European Council President, nofewer than 2 500 legislative instruments have beenpassed. Unless you can find your way out of that maze atHampton Court tomorrow, this will be your legacy andproof that Europe is not working!

(Applause from the IND/DEM Group)


Brian Crowley, on behalf of the UEN Group. MrPresident, I would like to thank the Prime Minister formeeting with us again today. I would also like to thankthe President of the Commission for being with us.

Having listened to some of the contributions from boththe Prime Minister and some of my colleagues aspresidents of groups, the situation could be summed upin words such as meeting the challenge of globalisationand exploiting the opportunities that it brings. In

reality, when we look at what we have to deal with at theforthcoming European Council informal summit, thereshould be four guiding principles towards that:solidarity, generosity, responsibility and capacity.

The solidarity in question is to ensure that there isprotection not only of the social model, as we see it, withthe basic tenets of what that social model should contain,but also that there is solidarity with our fellow MemberStates and those who require the most income now andthe most transfer of wealth to assist them in theredevelopment and upgrading of their infrastructure,systems and markets.

There should be generosity, by the richer and largerMember States, towards the smaller States to ensure thatthey are protected and are given the opportunity toexploit these new advantages.

There should be capacity, to ensure that we can deliveron behalf of our citizens, because whatever ideology youspeak of, whatever -ism you want to put to it, the realtest of political work, the real test of new legislation, isabout improving peoples lives on a daily basis, makingsure that the lives of the ordinary man and woman on thestreet are better, that they have employment, socialsecurity, a proper health service and a proper educationservice. These are the real issues that should face us aswe go forward.

Finally, we should put the negotiations on the financialperspectives into a smaller context, because whateverthe percentages involved the responsibility, thecapacity, the generosity and the solidarity that I spoke ofare equally as important in that area.

But let us not overturn an agreement on the commonagricultural policy that was made in 2002. Let us ensurethat we do not drive against one section of society forthe so-called benefit of other sections of society.Farmers and agricultural workers have had a difficultenough time up to now.

I say to you, Mr Blair: Be strong, be firm, be true, butmost importantly of all, be not afraid. To paraphraseGeorge Bernard Shaw: some men see things as they areand wonder why; I dream things as they should be andsay, why not?


Roger Helmer (NI). Mr President, as the first BritishConservative to speak today, I should like to welcomethe Prime Minister to Strasbourg. It is good to see you,Sir.

Like your predecessors, John Major and MargaretThatcher, you came to power determined to set aside thelegacy of British ambivalence towards the EU. Yet, likethem, you soon came up against the hard knocks ofreality. Like them, you were forced to realise that theaspirations and ambitions of the EU are entirely contraryto British interests.

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You were welcomed in 1997 by European leaders, whobelieved that you were the man, finally, to bring Britaininto the heart of Europe. Yet you never dared to facedown the hostility of the British people towards the euroand now you never will.

Your offer of a referendum on the EU Constitutiontorpedoed the whole project; it led directly to the Frenchreferendum and to the No votes in France and Holland.

Last June you made a very successful speech in thisChamber, yet your Presidency has run into the sand. Youhave little or nothing to show for it. You are here tosurvey the shattered wreckage of your broken Europeandreams. Your own Labour MEPs have opposed yourmodernisation agenda at every turn, notably on theworking time directive. It may be New Labour inWestminster, but it is old Labour in Brussels.

So I should like to offer you a positive and constructivesuggestion: depending on the outcome of the currentConservative leadership contest, it seems very likely thatConservative MEPs will leave the Group of theEuropean Peoples Party, perhaps as early as Christmas.It is too leftist and federalist for most Conservatives. Foryour part, you must be sick to death of the old-fashionedSocialists of the PSE Group, so why not pull your troopsout from the PSE Group and apply to join the PPEGroup? I am sure that the PPE leader, Mr Poettering,will look very favourably on your application. After all,Mr Poettering is about as New Labour as they come!



Tony Blair, President-in-Office of the Council. Thankyou very much, Mr Helmer, for those constructivethoughts. If indeed you are the future of the UKConservative Party, we look forward to a long term inoffice!

(Laughter and applause)

Let me try and respond to the points that have beenmade, and, as Henry VIII said to his wives, I will notkeep you long!


If I can begin, first of all, by welcoming very much whatPresident Barroso said; obviously I agree strongly withit. The Presidency and the European Commission havebeen working carefully on the Commission paper that isthe subject of our meeting tomorrow. I shall try to dealwith some specific points and then come to one generalpoint.

In relation to what Mr Poettering was saying, I agreeentirely with the point on the WTO; it is very important,and everyone understands we cannot get immediatechange fundamentally to the common agriculturalpolicy, but it is important we get a forward perspectiveof change. In respect of the fund, I think we are in

agreement: if this fund is about helping people cope withthe consequences of globalisation, that is a good thing. Ifit is simply about propping up companies that havefailed, that is obviously not something we want to do.But it is very much the former and not the latter.

Secondly, in relation to what Mr Schulz was saying: firstof all, can I thank you very much for those words about7 July and the terrorist attacks in the UK. It means a lotto my country to have you say that; thank you.

In relation to the social model, I hope I can answer someof those points in a moment, but I would say again, rightat the outset, that we should never destroy socialsolidarity. What we should always do is make it relevantfor todays world. That is the purpose of what we aredoing.

In respect of the point that Mr Watson was making: Iagree that I do not think it is choice between a liberalisedEurope and a social Europe in that stark sense. I hopethat the Commission paper and the new areas of workthat we are proposing can get people out of feeling thatthey have to choose so starkly between the two.

Ms Frassoni, molte grazie that is about the limit I amafraid! You asked at an earlier meeting and again todayabout the areas in which we would cooperate in researchand development. I said to you then that biotechnologyis one very clear area. This is a major area for the wholedevelopment of healthcare and for business in the future.Europe should be a leader in biotechnology, and if weare not careful we are going to be overtaken even bycountries like India.

Environmental technology is another area. I want to giveone example that I think people would have been deeplysceptical about 20 or 30 years ago. It took someimagination from people at that time to put the conceptof Airbus together. Over these past few years, we havegone from a position where Boeing was literallycompletely dominant in the market to a situation whereAirbus today is a European venture of which we can beproud and which is competing with the very bestanywhere in the world.

Sometimes it helps if we pool together in Europe ourresearch, our development and our innovation acrossEurope in order to get the scale of challenge that weneed implemented. If we are able to do that, and if weare able to meet the scale of the challenge in the way Ihave suggested, I think, in other areas, too, we candevelop world-beating companies across Europe.

Mr Wurtz, I do not know who your interlocutors were inthe UK, but I will give you some new ones when youcome next time, if you do not mind! Let me just say toyou, in respect of unemployment, that we have twomillion more jobs in the UK. The New Deal for theUnemployed is the biggest programme of any country inEurope to tackle unemployment. We were thegovernment that introduced for the first time, in the teethof Conservative opposition, a statutory minimum wage.

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We have the working families tax credit and other helpfor the low paid. We have lifted 700 000 children out ofpoverty and two million pensioners out of acutehardship, and our public services have meant that wehave the best school results, and falling hospital waitinglists, for the first time in 20 years. That is a very goodsocial record.

However, I have to say to you that it has always been myexperience in politics that at a certain point there areparts of the Left that join forces with the Right to decrymodern progressive governments.

Mr Farage, you talked about Commissioner Verheugensagenda for getting rid of redundant legislation and, as faras I can make out, you actually applauded what he wasdoing but thought that he had used the wrongterminology. I do not really care what terminology heuses, but it is important, when the EuropeanCommission is getting rid of unnecessary regulation,that there is a place, as I said to you in our meetingearlier, both for better regulation and deregulation.Sometimes, Europe needs to regulate, and then it is thecorrect thing for Europe to do. But Europe should onlyregulate where it is necessary and Europe should notinterfere in areas where it is unnecessary. I think that isthe right position for us.

Mr Crowley, I heard what you said on the commonagricultural policy. Again, I understand. Of course weare not saying we can change the whole systemovernight; what we are saying is that we should in thefuture have a different perspective for reform.

I want to finish on this point: there is a responsibility onthe UK Presidency and the Council; there is aresponsibility, of course, on the European Commission.There is a responsibility also on this body, onParliament, and our common responsibility is this: at thepresent time, the real danger that we face in Europe isthat our citizens and our people are increasinglyperceiving globalisation as a threat. However,globalisation, if we are intelligent about how we handleits consequences, is not a threat: it is an opportunity forus.


Yes, it is true that, when you go to China and India, youare struck by the sheer size of the scaling-up of theirindustry and their business. Incidentally, it is no longertrue that China, India and other countries like them arecompeting on the low-value-added goods and services.They are now competing at the top end of the market aswell it is true. That does not just apply to China andIndia, incidentally. There are countries such as Vietnam,for example, that a few years ago people thought of in acompletely different context, but today it is an emergingeconomy. All of this is true. It poses a huge competitivechallenge, but it also poses a huge competitiveopportunity for us because those countries are going toneed financial services; those countries are going to need

technology; those countries are going to be importinggoods as well as exporting goods.

We have to have the confidence in the European Unionto overcome that competitive challenge. It is not aquestion of abandoning social solidarity. If we end uphaving the debate in those terms, it will lead absolutelynowhere. No one is going to believe that it is right forthe European Union to abandon its social dimension. Isupport the social dimension in Europe, but it has got tobe one that enhances our competitive challenge fortodays world. Why? Because, if our businesses are notsucceeding, if our workforce is not competitive, if we donot put people back into jobs, what is the socialdimension? It can only be a true social dimension if itenhances the prosperity, the living standards andeconomic future of our people. That is what this debateis about.

So, of course, in the modern world, with the singlemarket being completed, it is true that there will becompetitive challenges as our markets open up, but therewill also be opportunities. Yes, it is true in todays worldthat there will be delocalisation; that will happen.However, we can re-train, re-skill. We can give peoplesupport in finding new jobs. We can, for example inareas such as work/life balance and the social securitysystems, find new and better ways of supporting people.

This is not a process about abandoning the socialdimension of Europe; it is a process that is about change.And change, after all, is what the European Union hasalways been about. The European Union should be theinstitution, above all, that can be confident aboutchanging. It was change that led to the European Union.It was change that led Europe, in the wreckage of war, todecide that its future was going to be different to its past.Look what we have today: countries living and workingtogether in solidarity.


The answer to anybody British Euro-sceptic or Euro-sceptics from other countries is look at this Parliamenttoday, the different countries that are here, the accessioncountries freed from tyranny and dictatorship, here, aspart of this Parliament. Why should we not beconfident?

(Mr Matsakis held up a placard which read: Cyprus isstill a British colony)

Yes Sir, and your country is now in the European Unionthanks to the strength of Europe!

(Loud applause)

Of course, we can make this competitive challenge workfor us. We, in Europe, who have managed to overcomewar and disease, who have created 50 years of prosperity are we really incapable of modernising our socialmodel in the way that we want? Of course not! We cando it, and we can do it if we have confidence. We can do

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it if we are prepared to face up to challenges in arealistic way. And we can do it if we listen to ourpeople.

What our people are saying to us today is somethingvery simple about Europe. They are not saying whichis why I disagree with Euro-sceptics we do not wantEurope. They are saying let Europe answer theconcerns we have. We are worried about globalisation,we are worried about security and terrorism, we areworried about the threat to our environment. Let Europebe relevant on these issues. That is how we rebuildsupport for the European Union.

I said to you when I came to this Parliament back inJune that the first vote I ever had was in the referendumon Europe. I voted yes and I have never regretted it. Iam a pro-European, I have always been one and I willremain one. But it is the pro-Europeans that need to leadthe case for modernisation and change.


Do you believe that the Euro-sceptics want change?They would delight if Europe did not change since itwould allow them to replay what is essentially a narrownationalist argument within the frame of making Europemore effective.

(Loud applause)

That is why it is up to us to take these measures forward.

Tomorrow, we will have the informal summit. Let usagree the Commission paper. Then, let the action follow,not just from the Council and the Commission, but fromhere in this Parliament too. Let us act together and makea Europe relevant to its citizens a reality. We can do it.We can do it if we have the confidence, the belief inourselves and the courage to make the changes ourcitizens want. That is what I say and that is what weshall do.

(Loud and sustained applause)


Timothy Kirkhope (PPE-DE). Mr President, I amsorry that the Prime Minister has had to go. But,speaking, as I do, for the real and responsibleConservative delegation of MEPs who believe inconstructive engagement in this House and in Europe, Iwant to thank the Presidency for the Prime Ministersstatement. He gave us a shopping list in June, but he hasnot informed us today of the safe delivery of the itemson the list. Instead, he has produced another shoppinglist for us, merit worthy though it may be, and I want toknow and I am sure his minister will answer this when delivery will take place. A common energy policywas referred to by the Prime Minister. It seems to methat is a reversal of a previous position and I would likesome clarification on that.

When the Prime Minister was here previously, he statedin this Parliament: The people of Europe are speakingto us. They are posing the questions. They are wantingour leadership. It is time we gave it to them. I verymuch welcomed those comments but I am bound to saythat they seem to have failed their test. Indeed, thePrime Minister is reported to have said that his ownPresidency has stalled. Others across the politicalspectrum have lined up to express disappointment withthe lack of progress.

I welcome the agreement on proceeding with care inaccession negotiations with Turkey, and it is importantthat we send a signal to the people of that country, butthe rest of the agenda seems to be stuck in a rut. TheCouncil will discuss economic reform and the challengesthat the EU faces with globalisation tomorrow, butwhere are the concrete proposals from the Presidency?Where is the answer to the real challenge that Europefaces from India and China? Where is the leadership onthe Doha Round? The Prime Minister says that it isprogress on liberalising world trade that we need, but theprocess seems to be bogged down in a failure of politicalwill on the part of the EU.

Where is the leadership on the future financing of theEU? Surely, it must be understood that the UnitedKingdom and others have vital interests. Is thePrime Minister prepared to defend those? Could he orhis minister tell us what the position is? Does he agreewith the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Prescott, when hesaid that Britain was ready to do a deal with the Britishrebate without any fundamental reform of the CAP?Where is the leadership on the future of Europe? Wethought that, during the pause for reflection on theConstitution, we might have had some answers, but wehave not.

I said at the outset of the Presidency that it should bejudged not by rhetoric, but by results. There are twosummits to come on the Prime Ministers watch, so thereis time to make real progress between now and the end.We had hoped that the rhetoric of his speech in Junewould now be matched by some solid progress.Sweeping difficult problems under the carpet for futurepresidencies to grapple with is not the kind of leadershipwe have been led to expect from the Prime Minister.

Time is short, winter approaches. We wait for some realresults.



Harlem Désir (PSE). Monsieur le Président,Monsieur le Président de la Commission, Madame laVice-présidente, Monsieur le Président du Conseil, cherscollègues, beaucoup d'Européens sont inquiets nonseulement du cours suivi par la mondialisation, commel'a dit Tony Blair, mais aussi du cours suivi par lespolitiques européennes. Ils considèrent aujourd'hui quel'Europe ne les protège pas réellement contre les effetsles plus brutaux de la compétition internationale et que,

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parfois même, ces politiques portent atteinte à leursdroits sociaux.

Le sommet de Hampton Court doit répondre à cetteinquiétude; il doit adresser un signal clair de ladétermination des Européens à défendre leur modèlesocial et donc à cesser de l'opposer à la compétitivité.

Non, ce n'est pas le modèle social européen contrairement à ce qu'a prétendu le Premier ministre, il ya quatre mois à Bruxelles, devant ce Parlement qui estresponsable des vingt millions de chômeurs en Europe,c'est la faiblesse de la croissance dans les grands pays dela zone euro, l'absence de coordination des politiquesbudgétaires et monétaires, qui ne soutiennent pas lademande intérieure et l'investissement, ainsi quel'insuffisance des efforts pour la recherche et pourl'innovation. Sur ce dernier point, je vois que noussommes d'accord.

Mais je constate aussi que vous avez renoncé à cetterhétorique, qui était censée booster votre présidencemais qui l'a plutôt conduite au surplace, à un certainisolement et au risque de l'enlisement. Ce n'est pas, eneffet, en détruisant le modèle social que l'on restaurera lacompétitivité de nos économies et que l'on créera laconfiance dans l'Europe, mais en misant sur les atouts del'Europe, sur la qualité des infrastructures, y compris decommunication et d'énergie vous l'avez mentionné ,sur la qualification de la main-d'oeuvre, sur des centresde recherche et des universités mieux coordonnés, surune politique industrielle commune dans les secteursd'avenir.

C'est pourquoi notre préférence va plutôt aux politiquesmenées par les pays nordiques: plus d'investissementsdans la recherche, plus de droits à la formation tout aulong de la vie, le maintien d'un haut niveau de solidaritéet de redistribution, des services publics de qualité. Leursuccès montre qu'il y a, pour la compétitivité, une autrevoie que la destruction des systèmes de protectioncollective et la réduction du niveau de solidarité. Ilsmontrent que réforme n'est pas forcément synonyme derégression. La réforme et la modernisation des systèmessociaux ne seront acceptées et n'ont de sens du point devue des citoyens que si elles signifient de nouvellesprotections, de nouvelles chances, de nouvelles armesdonnées à chacun pour affronter la compétition, leschangements et la mondialisation.

Si les réformes et la modernisation veulent direalignement de nos systèmes sociaux et de nos économiessur les économies de marché les plus sauvages, on necontribuera ni à la confiance des citoyens, ni au soutiendes réformes. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel de lesnégocier avec les partenaires sociaux, de relancer ledialogue social, avec pour objectifs l'harmonisation desdroits vers le haut, le refus du dumping social entre Étatsmembres, et c'est pourquoi nous sommes pour unmarché intérieur des services, mais contre la directiveBolkenstein, qui ne vise pas tant à un marché intérieurdes services, qu'à l'affaiblissement du modèle social et àl'affaiblissement des services d'intérêt général.

Enfin, effectivement, il n'y aura pas d'Europe dynamiquesans perspectives financières ambitieuses. Passer unaccord au sein du Conseil sans plus tarder, c'est vital,notamment pour les États membres, et nous nousréjouissons de l'annonce d'un accord sur un certainnombre de directives adoptées par le Parlement enpremière lecture et aujourd'hui bloquées, la directive surle temps de travail - mais nous souhaitons que ce soitdans le sens du vote effectué au Parlement européen enpremière lecture, c'est-à-dire la suppression de l'opt-out vous nous direz ce qu'il en est , la directive sur letravail intérimaire, la révision de la directive sur lescomités d'entreprise européens, pour renforcer les droitsdes salariés face aux restructurations, et, enfin,l'élaboration d'une directive-cadre sur les servicesd'intérêt général. En ce qui concerne les mesures dedérégulation, ...

(Le Président retire la parole à l'orateur)




Silvana Koch-Mehrin (ALDE). Herr Präsident! ImJuni hat Tony Blair hier angekündigt, wie er sich denzukünftigen EU-Haushalt vorstellt: wenigerAgrarsubventionen und mehr Ausgaben für Forschungund Bildung. Ich danke ihm für diese Aussage. Obwohlsie Realitätssinn zeigt und den Bürgern aus dem Herzenspricht, ist sie mutig. Das zeigen die Reaktionen deranderen Regierungschefs. Aber ich bitte Sie, bleiben Siebei Ihrer Prioritätensetzung. Das ist wichtig für unsereZukunft, und denken Sie daran, wenn beispielsweiseGerhard Schröder Sie kritisiert: Er ist abgewählt, er hatkein Mandat mehr, für Deutschland zu sprechen.

Die Abgeordneten der ALDE haben Tony Blair heutemit Schildern und Plakaten begrüßt, auf denen steht:Make EU laws in public. Wir gehen damit auf eineandere Ankündigung von Tony Blair ein, nämlich dieRatssitzungen öffentlich zu machen. Auch hier bittenwir: Lassen Sie diese Ankündigung wahr werden, tunSie es! Wir warten darauf.



Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE). Mr President, MrPresident-in-Office of the Council, I regret that PrimeMinister Blair has seen fit to go and spin to journalistsrather than listen to this whole debate. When the PrimeMinister spoke to us in Brussels in June, he said that theUK Presidency wanted to resolve difficulties with theservices directive, the working time directive, and totake forward a budget deal. Today he said exactly thesame about these very difficult issues.

At this late stage in the UK Presidency, it seems anempty presidency. We have zero progress andcontinuing uncertainty. Still no budget for 2007 and it isnot only in the accession states that this is a majorconcern. The UK Government proposals would lose

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Scotland one billion pounds in structural funds and loseObjective 1 funding for Wales. We have uncertainty inour rural communities because the UK has suddenlywithdrawn support for the agricultural funding packageonly recently agreed. We have uncertainty, too, aboutwhat will take the place of the now dead Constitution.

Zero progress. What a contrast with the recentpresidencies of Ireland and of Luxembourg: small,successful, independent nations whose achievements intheir six months in office were immense and excellentexamples of the independent status which I believewould be best for Scotland and which my Welsh andCatalan colleagues also aspire to for their countries. Zeroprogress, it seems, until the December summit. It seemsto me that to store up so many difficult unresolved issuesfor one formal summit agenda is a recipe for potentialdisaster.

In closing, may I just say that the final act of the UKPresidency will be to chair the Fisheries Council inDecember. Can I make a plea that for once just once the UK Government makes the survival of Scotlandscoastal and island communities an economical and socialpriority, not something to be sacrificed at the negotiatingtable?


Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM). Tak for enfremragende tale til os i juni, Blair. Om du så tilbyderhele den britiske rabat, vil du ikke få etbudgetkompromis til december. De gamle Bruxelles-centralister og landbrugssubsidieryttere vil ikke give dignogen fjer i hatten. For dem er du for moderne. For os erdu ikke moderne nok.

Vi savner, at du erklærer forfatningen for død og borteog siger: Lad os starte på en frisk, lad tilhængere ogmodstandere af forfatningen lave fælles debatoplæg, lados derefter vælge et nyt konvent ved direkte valg, ladkonventet udarbejde et eller to forslag, som så sendes tilfolkeafstemning i alle lande samtidigt. Så afgørvælgerne vores fælles fremtid, så får vi den fordeling afmagt mellem lande og EU, som vælgerne ønsker. Ogbrug så de sidste måneder som EU-formand til at sikreåbenhed i Rådets møder og adgang for folkevalgte til atrekvirere alle dokumenter fra de 300 hemmeligearbejdsgrupper i Ministerrådet. Grupperne vedtager 85%af al lovgivning bag lukkede døre. Tving ogsåKommissionen til at offentliggøre navnene påmedlemmerne i de 3000 hemmelige arbejdsgrupper, somforbereder lovene. Giv de folkevalgte indsigt i lovene ogi arbejdet.

På EU-konventet skrev 200 af 220 mulige under på, atalt skal være åbent, medmindre det lukkes, i stedet forsom nu, hvor alt er lukket, medmindre det åbnes.Samtlige folkevalgte skrev under. 23 af 28 regeringer,men ikke Storbritannien, selv om Peter Hain gerne villeskrive under. Han måtte ikke for Blairsudenrigsministrium. Som EU-formand kan Blair skæreigennem. Der skal kun et simpelt flertal til at ændreforretningsordenen i Rådet, så alt fremover er åbent,

medmindre et kvalificeret flertal vedtager en undtagelse.Det er et meget enkelt forslag, som 20 af de nuværende25 lande har underskrevet. Har du viljen til at sætteforslaget til afstemning?


Roberta Angelilli (UEN). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, così come lo scorso giugno, ancheoggi il Presidente Blair ha pronunciato un discorso pienodi buoni propositi europeisti. Oggi abbiamo sentitoparole chiare su settori strategici per il rilanciodell'economia europea, quali l'energia, la ricerca e leinfrastrutture. Ma sono solo parole perché tutto dipendedall'accordo sulle prospettive finanziarie e a taleriguardo nonostante le rassicuranti dichiarazioni nonsiamo convinti vi sia la determinazione necessaria per laconclusione del negoziato.

Inoltre, troppe poche parole sono state spese sul nuovomodello sociale europeo, in particolare alla vigilia di unvertice che proprio di questo dovrebbe trattare. Non ciconvince soprattutto l'entusiasmo di Tony Blair per larevisione della direttiva sul tempo di lavoro, che rischiadi diventare uno strumento di ricatto contrattuale rispettoa una massa sempre maggiore di lavoratori precari eatipici, né ci convince il suo entusiasmo per la cosiddettadirettiva Bolkenstein che, allo stato attuale, mette solo arischio i diritti dei lavoratori e dei consumatori creando,nel migliore dei casi, solamente 600.000 posti di lavoro:un elefante che partorisce un topolino!

In conclusione, sul modello sociale europeo il PresidenteBlair è stato poco convincente e, se non se ne fosseandato snobbando un po' questo Parlamento...

(Il Presidente interrompe l'oratrice)


Ashley Mote (NI). Mr President, Mr Alexander knowsthat I know that he is not very good at answeringquestions. However, I shall have another go. What is theUK Government planning to do about theinstitutionalised looting of public funds that has gone onin this place over decades? EUR 600 billion accordingto the Court of Auditors itself has been unaccountedfor since the UK joined, and that is five times thecontribution that we have made over that same period.

On Mr Blairs desk in Downing Street, there is a letterrecommending that the UK Government set a time limitto complete the basic reform of the EUs accountingprocedures so that they comply fully with internationalfinancial reporting standards. Simultaneously, the UKshould declare that failure to do so within that time limitshould signal the UK invoking the Vienna Conventionon Treaties.

Meanwhile, the UKs EUR 1.25 million an hour shouldbe diverted into an escrow account.


Othmar Karas (PPE-DE). Herr Präsident, FrauVizepräsidentin, meine sehr geehrten Damen undHerren! Ich habe vor wenigen Tagen eine

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Vermisstenanzeige nach dem Ratspräsidentenaufgegeben, daher wollte ich heute sagen: Welcomeback! Doch er ist schon wieder weg. Ich hoffe, dass ernicht erst wieder im Dezember auf die europäischeBühne zurückkehrt.

Ich habe diese Vermisstenanzeige deshalb aufgegeben,weil mir die Teilnahme an der öffentlichen europäischenDebatte, die Suche nach Lösungen auf die Fragen derBürger und auf die Probleme, die wir haben, zustillschweigend, zu sehr unter dem Tisch erfolgt. Ichvermisse die aktive Ratspräsidentschaft. Wir habenheute die zweite gute Rede gehört ich meine, die am23. Juni war besser , es gab richtige Analysen, vageAnregungen und viele Ankündigungen. Herr Präsident,weit über die Hälfte Ihrer Amtszeit als Ratspräsident istbereits um. Ihre bisherige Bilanz ist keine erfolgreicheBilanz. Sie haben noch viel zu tun, um dieRatspräsidentschaft zu einer erfolgreichen zu machen,rhetorisch fein geschliffene Reden allein reichen dazunicht aus.

Geben Sie der Europäischen Union die Kompetenzen,um das zu tun, was Sie von ihr verlangen! Für dieUniversitäten sind wir zum Beispiel nicht zuständig. Fürdie nationalen Energiepolitiken sind wir nicht zuständig.Aber Sie verlangen es von uns. Geben Sie derEuropäischen Union die Finanzmittel, um das tun zukönnen, was Sie von ihr verlangen, und um dasumsetzen zu können, was Sie mitbeschlossen haben. Wirsagen Ihnen: Unter dem Bericht Böge gibt es mit demEuropäischen Parlament keine Einigung über dieFinanzielle Vorausschau, weil wir in der Lage seinwollen, das zu tun, wozu wir verpflichtet sind.

Das europäische Sozialmodell ist für uns die sozialeMarktwirtschaft und die Reflexionsphase zur Verfassungbeginnt nicht am 30. Juni, sondern jetzt. Holen Sie dieBürger wieder ab, machen Sie Europa flott, setzen SieTaten!



Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE). SeñorPresidente, señor Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo,quiero decir, en primer lugar, que lamento que se releguea diciembre cualquier avance en las perspectivasfinancieras, porque me parece peligroso apurar eltiempo. Usted sabe que ello tendrá repercusiones en lapolítica de crecimiento económico, en la solidaridad conlos nuevos Estados miembros, en la inversión enpolíticas innovadoras, así como en el reforzamiento de lajusticia social y la competitividad en el contexto de laglobalización. No en la agricultura, pues ésta hay quepagarla religiosamente, porque es un gasto obligatorio.

Pero también le felicito, porque hemos vuelto a algoesencial de una época anterior, un principio que se usabaen la época de los paquetes financieros llamados«Jacques Delors». Primero definamos y consensuemoslas prioridades políticas de la Unión Europea―queremos hacerlo a la vez― y después, como ha

señalado el Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, señorBlair, acordemos el paquete financiero necesario. Peroesto serán palabras que se lleve el viento si continuamosen el corsé de un porcentaje, porque no le cuadrarán lascuentas con todas las prioridades que se hanmencionado. Debe deducirse, si acaso, de las palabrasque ha pronunciado el señor Blair, que se van arenegociar las cifras hasta ahora barajadas en el Consejo.Creo que debemos ser coherentes con lo quedefendemos y dotarlo de los instrumentos financierosnecesarios.

En junio, este Parlamento cumplió su deber comoautoridad presupuestaria. Creo que ustedes tienen ahorala grave responsabilidad de cumplir con el suyo y buscaruna posición común en el seno del Consejo Europeo,porque es verdad lo que se dice: «Lo que no está en elpresupuesto, no está en el mundo». Si todas las palabrasy prioridades que fijamos no están acompañadas almismo tiempo por una voluntad política y por unadotación financiera, no sirven para nada.

Para terminar, quiero decir:


I agree absolutely that Europe is moving in the rightdirection. The bodywork is the Constitution, the engineis the euro and the petrol is the budget.


Marielle De Sarnez (ALDE). Monsieur le Président,l'Europe est en panne. Elle est en panne de constitution.Elle est en panne de budget. Elle est en panned'inspiration. Et dans cette crise, la Présidencebritannique porte, même si elle n'est pas la seule, unepart de responsabilité. Vous avez empêché qu'un accordse noue, en juin dernier, sur les perspectives financières.Et il semble, à ce jour, que le seul bilan de la Présidencedu Conseil soit l'ouverture des négociations avec laTurquie, comme si la fuite en avant remplaçait la vision.

Monsieur le Président, vous ne résoudrez pas cette crisesans trouver un accord sur le budget de l'Union. Vous nerésoudrez pas cette crise sans perspectives d'institutionsfortes et démocratiques. Vous ne résoudrez pas cettecrise avec moins d'Europe. Et surtout, vous ne résoudrezpas cette crise en faisant croire qu'on peut limiterl'Europe à des ententes économiques ou à un grandmarché. L'Europe, c'est d'abord un projet politique.Monsieur le Président, l'Europe est attendue, à l'intérieurde l'Union par tous ceux qui savent qu'elle est la seuleréponse à la mondialisation et, à l'extérieur de l'Union,par tous ceux qui aspirent à un meilleur équilibre dumonde. Ne les décevez pas! Ne les décevez plus!


Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE). Mr President, I wish tobegin with the Services Directive. I also hope that themessage has got through to the Presidency that there aremany in this Parliament who believe that services ofgeneral interest important though they are for socialcohesion and social mobility do not belong in thescope of that Directive.

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Secondly, on energy: presumably, a common energypolicy will include very dynamic movement on eco-efficiency; what lead is the Presidency giving on that?What shift in the budget will move funds to renewablesin order, at least, to put them on a par with nuclearenergy?

It is true that it is essential to make progress on climatechange, especially if we want to make progress onpoverty in Africa. How, then, is the Presidency linkingissues on climate change to other issues, for examplewithin the Lisbon Agenda, promoting, I suppose, thingslike a really radical training strategy in order that ourworkforce can cope with climate change?

Lastly, what action will the Presidency be taking interms of globalisation to drive standards up on aninternational level in the labour and environmentalspheres?


Mirosław Mariusz Piotrowski (IND/DEM). PaniePrzewodniczący! Inicjatywa Prezydencji Brytyjskiejzorganizowania poświęconego globalizacji szczytuprzywódców państw i rządów Państw CzłonkowskichUnii Europejskiej wydaje się bardzo cenna. Globalizacjajest bowiem nową formą kolonializmu politycznego,gospodarczego i kulturalnego państw bogatych wobecpaństw ubogich i słabiej rozwiniętych. Jednym znajwiększych zagrożeń, jakie za sobą niesie, jestnieracjonalne eksploatowanie zasobów naturalnychZiemi.

Komisja Europejska proponuje ustanowieniespecjalnego funduszu na walkę ze skutkami globalizacji.Chciałbym spytać, czy będzie on również wspierałbadania i rozwój technologii przyjaznych środowiskuoraz służył promowaniu odpowiedzialnościprzedsiębiorstw, w tym międzynarodowych koncernów,za jego stan. Należy mieć nadzieję, że państwa UniiEuropejskiej zdołają, dzięki między innymi jutrzejszemuszczytowi, zapoczątkować trwałą politykęprzeciwdziałania niepożądanym skutkom globalizacji.


Konrad Szymański (UEN). Panie Przewodniczący,Panie Ministrze! Unia Europejska z całą pewnościąpotrzebuje szczerej rozmowy, takiej jak ta w HamptonCourt to był dobry brytyjski pomysł. Odpowiadając napytania zawarte w liście pana premiera Blaira dozaproszonych gości, chciałem powiedzieć dwie rzeczy,mianowicie praca i wzrost w Europie pojawi się, jeślizrobimy rzeczy banalne i obiecane 50 lat temu, tj. równydostęp do otwartego rynku pracy i rynku usług.Proponowałbym zająć się tym najpierw, zanimbędziemy rozmawiali o mglistej perspektywiepolitycznej Europy.

Czy możemy zrobić więcej razem? Z pewnością tak,jednak jest to uzależnione od tego, czy będziemy mieliwiarę w europejski projekt. Ta wiara jest bezpośredniozwiązana ze stopniem otwartości i równego dostępu dorynku usług i rynku pracy. Ta wiara jest związana zsolidarnością budżetową starych krajów Unii wobec

nowych. Niechęć do wspólnego rynku, niechęć dosolidarnego budżetu zniszczy wiarę w projekt europejskiw krajach, które dzisiaj najżywiej wierzą w ten projekt,np. w takim kraju jak Polska.

Panie ministrze, niech Pan pamięta, niech Panprzypomina sobie i innym gościom o tej zależności wHampton Court, nawet gdyby ktoś to miał nazwaćszantażem.



Frank Vanhecke (NI). Voorzitter, op de officiëlewebsite lees ik dat deze Europese Raad zich onder meerzal buigen over maatregelen om de veiligheid van deEuropese burgers beter te waarborgen. Volgens demedia zouden de Franse en Spaanse Eerste Ministerzelfs op deze top een gezamenlijk initiatief voor eengroot immigratiebeleid in Europa voorstellen. Sta me toeterzake ongerust te zijn. De socialistische regering inSpanje is door haar massale regularisatiepolitiek immersverantwoordelijk voor de vreselijke gebeurtenissen rondde Spaanse enclaves in Marokko en beide landen staaneigenlijk model voor een mislukte immigratiepolitiek.

Wat wij dus nodig hebben, is de simpele bevestiging datons continent geen immigratiegebied is, dat onzelidstaten trouwens vandaag reeds worden getroffen doorenorme problemen ten gevolge van de aanwezigheid vanmiljoenen niet assimileerbare vreemdelingen op onsgrondgebied.

Een goede start zou alvast zijn om de wil van onzeburgers te respecteren en Turkije een bevoorrechtpartnerschap aan te bieden in plaats van toetredings-onderhandelingen te starten met een land dat jammergenoeg op geen enkel gebied Europees kan wordengenoemd.


Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE). Monsieur lePrésident, lors de son discours au mois de juin, enécoutant M. Blair, on se disait que tout allait changer. Enréalité, il aura fallu quatre mois à M. Blair pour nousfaire des propositions, propositions avec lesquelles on nepeut qu'être d'accord parce que, de toute façon, elles fontpartie de nos propres orientations.

Quand il s'agit de parler de la recherche et dudéveloppement, de l'énergie, de la formation, du contrôlede l'immigration, du défi de la démocratie, il n'y a riende nouveau dans les propositions de M. Blair. Tout celan'est qu'une coquille vide. Et de grand discours en granddiscours, l'Europe en crise prend du retard, alors que lemonde va très vite. Merci, M. Blair! La présidence deM. Blair est une présidence absente, une présidence quine propose rien.

Alors, quelles sont, concrètement, les avancéesenregistrées depuis juillet? J'ai eu beau chercher, je n'aipas encore trouvé de mesures répondant à l'attente descitoyens. Il y a bien eu l'ouverture des négociations avec

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la Turquie, mais celle-ci n'était pas vraiment voulue parles citoyens européens...

M. Blair déplorait en juin que deux seulement des vingtpremières universités du monde soient en Europe. Maisqu'a-t-il fait concrètement pour changer cela? M. Blairaffirmait que la recherche était la clé de voûte pourrester compétitif. Nous en sommes tous d'accord. Maisquelles sont ses propositions concrètes? Que fait-il,justement, pour éviter la fuite des cerveaux?

Enfin, Monsieur Blair, qu'avez-vous fait pour faire aimerl'Europe? Nous ne voulons pas d'une Europe bradée surl'autel de la radinerie gouvernementale! Un budget aurabais ne sera jamais accepté au sein de ce Parlement. Etil ne s'agit pas d'échanger le chèque britannique contre laPAC, mais de donner enfin à l'Europe les moyens de sastratégie. On ne construit pas l'Union européenneuniquement avec des rêves et des beaux discours. Jecrains que M. Blair n'ait trop médité Shakespeare quidisait: "L'ambition fait préférer une défaite à une victoirequi ternit la renommée du chef."


Gary Titley (PSE). Mr President, I am sure Mr Blairwill be flattered by Mrs Grossetêtes belief that he issuper Tony, able to click his fingers and the whole ofEurope will be transformed overnight, and that he is adictator and therefore able to get the other 24 MemberStates to do what he wants overnight.

I, however, would like to welcome much of the progressmade by the Presidency, particularly its involvementwith Parliament and the constant attention by ministersto the wishes of Parliament.

I welcome the progress that has been made on justiceand home affairs and the very personal commitment bythe British Home Secretary to involving Parliament ondata retention and making this a first-pillar issue, whichis a huge step forward for relations between the Counciland Parliament.

I welcome the progress made on Africa; the progressmade on better regulation, particularly continuing thesix-Presidency programme in relation to that, and thefirst commitment of the Presidency to work with theEuropean Commission. I welcome the progress onenlargement, particularly opening negotiations withTurkey. We know that was a very difficult decision, thatthere are many Member States with genuine concerns,and it is a great credit to the British Foreign Secretarythat he was able to keep that process on schedule. Itwould have been a disaster for Europe if it had fadedaway. We have opened negotiations with Croatia, and Inotice that the British Deputy Prime Minister is theretoday furthering those negotiations, and we are makingprogress in the Balkans.

Clearly, I welcome what the President-in-Office has saidtoday, particularly about energy policy because, as theacting President will recall, it was something I madereference to at the Labour Party conference. It is our

failure to get the single market fully completed that isimportant, as well as transport infrastructure and energyinfrastructure. What is missing in Europe is that we havea delivery deficit. Governments have got to put theirmoney where their mouth is and deliver on theirpromises. I hope that will happen at the summit.Member States will be made to realise Europe will onlyprogress if they do what they promised to do.


Bronisław Geremek (ALDE). Panie Przewodniczący!Muszę wyznać, że przemówienia pana premiera Blairamają siłę uwodzicielską. Po wysłuchaniu jegoczerwcowego przemówienia w Parlamencie i słuchająckońcowego dzisiejszego, chciałem rozpocząć mojewystąpienie od tego, że uważam pana premiera ToniegoBlaira za jednego z nielicznych europejskich mężówstanu. Ale czar prysł, gdy pan premier wyszedł. Dlategomoje słowa będą miały nieco inny charakter.

Wiele wskazuje na to, że Prezydencja Brytyjska będziemiała bilans smutny dla Unii Europejskiej. Powstajepytanie, co zrobi Prezydencja Brytyjska w ciągunajbliższych dwóch miesięcy, ażeby rzeczywiściechociażby w dwóch sprawach nastąpił istotny postęp.Perspektywa finansowa jest również problemem nowychPaństw Członkowskich, które na tym będą cierpiały.Czy Prezydencja Brytyjska ma jakiś scenariusz, którypozwoli kompensować tym krajom straty? Po drugie,Unia Europejska potrzebuje wymiaru politycznego. CoBrytyjska Prezydencja zaproponuje Unii Europejskiej?


Jaime Mayor Oreja (PPE-DE). Señor Presidente, yoquiero empezar diciendo que me gustaría reconocer unavez más lo que significa un excelente discurso en elParlamento Europeo, como el que ha desarrollado hoy elseñor Tony Blair. Primero, porque es un discursomarcadamente político y hacen falta discursos políticosen el Parlamento Europeo, porque nos aleja de la rutinay porque, al mismo tiempo, tiene, sin duda, unacapacidad de renovación y de regeneración, que yo creoque no debemos minusvalorar. Se podrán decir muchascosas a continuación pero no debemos, en modo alguno,infravalorar y minusvalorar la importancia del discursopolítico del señor Blair en la tarde de hoy, exactamenteigual que la de su discurso del 23 de junio de este mismoaño.

Y quiero poner de manifiesto que, sobre todo, valoro quemarca unas prioridades, marca unos problemas y marca,al mismo tiempo, lo que es el liderazgo, es decir, lacapacidad de elegir, sintetizar, concentrar los esfuerzospolíticos que debe hacer la Unión Europea.

Y, dicho esto, lo que hace falta es que esa lista deproblemas no solamente sea asumida por el señor Blair,sino también por el Consejo que tendrá lugar este fin desemana en Gran Bretaña.

Y en segundo lugar, cabe subrayar y es lo que yo creoque echo más en falta en el discurso del señor Blairque entre el significado de las orientaciones que hamarcado y las acciones hay un trecho del que no ha

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hablado: tiene que hacer un esfuerzo para definir cuál esel papel político de la Unión Europea en estos temas,como ha recordado mi compañero Karas hace muypocos minutos. No basta con las orientaciones y no bastacon las acciones. Hay una acción intermedia: definir elpapel político de la Unión Europea en la lucha contra elterrorismo, en la inmigración y en las universidades. Yeso significa un esfuerzo del Consejo, y el ConsejoEuropeo tiene que impulsar la Unión Europea cediendoalgunas competencias, parte de su soberanía, para que laUnión Europea y sus instituciones propias puedandesarrollar la tarea que, indudablemente, les corres-ponde.

En definitiva, yo desearía que este excelente discurso,que no minusvaloro, no se convierta en una frustraciónmás al final del Consejo Europeo de este semestre.


Enrique Barón Crespo (PSE). Señor Presidente,Señorías, aprovecho este minuto que me han dado paraenviar mensajes directos a la Presidencia británica,partiendo de la imagen utilizada por mi compañeraBárbara Dührkop.

Si queremos ponernos en movimiento, como haplanteado el Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, noshace falta tener un motor, que es el euro ―y hay querecordar que el país más competitivo del mundo, ahoraque hablamos de economía, es Finlandia, que está en eleuro―, nos hace falta también que haya un combustible,que es el acuerdo presupuestario sobre perspectivasfinancieras y, además, necesitamos un chasis quefuncione, que es, básicamente, la Constitución.

En relación con lo que ha planteado el Primer Ministro,señor Blair, investigación y desarrollo e innovación,están en las perspectivas, ahora bien, en estas materias seha realizado el mayor recorte; política energética, sepuede avanzar, no es comunitario; universidades, no loes; Erasmus, sí, también se puede incrementar; einmigración, que es muy importante: hay que impulsar laAgencia Europea de Fronteras, los acuerdos dereadmisión y la atención a África.

Por último, en la lucha contra el terrorismo, ha habidoun cambio de posición desde el 7 de julio; el MinistroClarke dijo aquí que si la Constitución llevara esto alprimer pilar sería un paso importante.

Por lo tanto, creo que la Presidencia británica tienemuchas oportunidades de realizar propuestas para hacerrealidad estos objetivos.


Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, condivido i contenuti dell'interventodel signor Blair sul vertice di domani, ma vorrei che ilConsiglio esaminasse con grande attenzione un temafondamentale, già al centro dell'intervento di Blair comequello di Barroso: quanto soffra l'economia dell'Unionedall'invecchiamento della nostra società. Il tassodemografico e la popolazione attiva in Europa stannodiminuendo in modo preoccupante, i dati pubblicati

proprio ieri da Eurostat, ci dicono che riusciamo atamponare questo deficit solo attraverso le immigrazioni.

Il tasso di natalità di 1,50 figli a coppia, è ben al di sottodel livello di remplacement naturale che è di due figliper due genitori. La popolazione attiva nel 2020diminuirà del 20,7 percento rispetto al 1980, ciòequivale a 20 milioni di lavoratori in meno. Lapopolazione europea invecchia: nel 2020 gli anzianisaranno il 19,1 percento in più rispetto al 1980. Tutto ciòha un effetto negativo non solo sulle finanze pubbliche,sanità e pensioni, ma anche sulle prospettive di crescitain Europa perché perdiamo di dinamismi.

Le ragioni sono molte, tra esse sicuramente il non aversalvaguardato e promosso la famiglia, cellulafondamentale della società, uno dei valori fondamentalidella civiltà europea. Scopriamo che il rinunciare ainostri valori, oltre a un impatto sociale, ha un impattoeconomico fortemente negativo., Gli obiettivi di Lisbonaa queste condizioni sembrano difficilmenteraggiungibili.

Che fare allora? Dobbiamo tornare ai valori che hannospinto i padri fondatori dell'Europa a dar vita ad unsogno che rischia di infrangersi proprio nel momento incui sta per realizzarsi. Ecco perché tutte le istituzionihanno il dovere di puntare sulla centralità della persona,se vogliamo veramente dar vita ad un nuovo modellosociale europeo, un modello che dovrà ispirarsi aiprincipi dell'economia sociale di mercato, dove lacompetitività, la concorrenza, e il ruolo della liberainiziativa e dell'imprenditoria nel suo complessodovranno avere come fine principale il benessere dellacollettività e la piena occupazione.

C'è molto da fare per una crescita equilibrata, compresala necessità di rivedere sono d'accordo con il signorBlair le scelte energetiche, di individuare strumentifinanziari e progettuali. Consiglio, Commissione eParlamento dovranno affrontare nelle prossimesettimane questioni importanti: la liberalizzazione deiservizi, le prospettive finanziarie, l'agricoltura. Ma selavoreranno senza un piano strategico basato sui valorifondanti della nostra società, ogni sforzo compiuto saràvano. Ha ragione il signor Blair, quando dice cheabbiamo un grande patrimonio da conservare. Facciamoin modo da non distruggerlo.


Martine Roure (PSE). Monsieur le Président, la luttecontre la criminalité organisée et le terrorisme est l'unedes principales préoccupations de votre Présidence.

Lors de la présentation des priorités britanniques, enjuin, je vous avais rappelé que nos concitoyens veulentune Europe solidaire, protectrice et généreuse et que, parconséquent, l'équilibre, fragile, entre sécurité et libertédoit être préservé. Et ce principe est toujours à l'ordre dujour pour la directive sur la rétention des données. Jesalue les efforts de votre Présidence en faveur de lacodécision avec le Parlement. Nous relevons le défi etnous oeuvrons en faveur d'un accord en première lecture.

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Cependant, nous sommes vigilants sur plusieurs pointsqui nous tiennent à coeur, en particulier la protection desdonnées dans cette directive. Seules des règles strictessur l'accès et des sanctions pénales nous permettront degarantir que la rétention des données ne se fasse pas audétriment des libertés de nos concitoyens.


Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski (PPE-DE). MrPresident, I was one of those who appreciated thePresidencys speech, but I am afraid I was neitherseduced nor convinced. I was not convinced there wasany prospect of delivery. What the Union needs is notbeautiful words, but concrete delivery and for that amultiannual budget is a burning and immediate need.

Two-thirds of the way through this invisible Presidency,we are still where we were in June. Hopes rose in thenew Member States. Today they are disappointed andworried because of the gap between promise andperformance. Lack of budgetary perspective hamperstheir efforts and long-term economic programming, anddeprives them of the benefits of membership. The 2004enlargement needs to be equipped with the financialtools to bridge the gap and to sustain social andeconomic cohesion, based on the principle of solidarity.

In June we heard about political leadership. Theexpectation of many was that there would be suchleadership on budgetary questions. Are we any closer toa satisfactory solution? We heard about a confidentEurope looking at enlargement as an historic opportunityto build a greater Union. Can we really have moreEurope with less money, if any money at all? Why is thebudget not on the agenda at Hampton Court? The EUscredibility is at stake here. The deadlock needs to bebroken. We are running out of time. How to face thechallenges of globalisation and the social model? Youintend to discuss in Hampton Court whether the Union isequipped with the proper financial instruments. That isputting the cart before the horse. Instead of delivery wehave vision. Vision without real content is an illusion,and not much use to our citizens.

There are two months left, President-in-Office, to fulfilthe promise to take us forward to the budget deal. Ourappeal to you is to use all the skills of the Presidency todeliver a budgetary perspective. There is a Polishproverb: he who gives quickly, gives twice. TheEuropean Parliament has delivered a decent, reasonable,bigger budget. This is not ideal but good, better thanwhat the Council is able to deliver, if it can deliver at all.Why can the Council not take it up and approve it?Please think it over.


Borut Pahor (PSE). Gospod predsednik, najnadaljujem tam, kjer je končal moj predhodnik. Zelo sestrinjam z oceno britanskega predsednika vlade, da jestruktura evropskega proračuna zastarela in ne odraaveč modernih potreb Evropske unije. Vesel sem, da bobritansko predsedstvo na jutrinjem neuradnem sestankupredlagalo nekaj stratekih sprememb v tej smeri.

Zelo bom vesel, če bo finančna perspektiva e odraalato novo soglasje evropske politike glede prednostnihnalog. Vendar pa čutim dolnost, da kot predstavniknovih drav, tudi Slovenije, poudarim, da poskusoblikovanja novih prednostnih nalog v proračunu ne smebiti izgovor, da se odloi sprejetje finančne perspektive vdecembru. e zlasti za nove drave je namreč bistveno,da je proračun sprejet čim prej, saj sicer ne moremouspeno pripraviti svojih proračunskih programov zauspeno črpanje sredstev iz evropskih skladov.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Mr President, on behalf of the Prime Minister, TonyBlair, I thank you for this opportunity to addressParliament on the wide range of issues that we havecovered in the course of our afternoon, looking ahead tothe informal meeting of Heads of Government that willtake place at Hampton Court tomorrow.

Not least because of the timing of this afternoons debateand discussion, it has been, I would argue, both a timelyand a useful debate on the strategic issues facing Europein the years ahead. These are issues that go to the veryheart of how Europe faces up to globalisation and, as ourPrime Minister concluded, both the threats posed byglobalisation and, just as significantly, the opportunities.

The United Kingdom Presidency, be clear, is keen tofind a consensus on that future direction of Europe andto see that the views expressed here today by Membersof this House are reflected in proposals in this area. I paytribute to the leaders of all the political groupings wehave heard from today for setting out their views soclearly and directly. I should also like to thank PresidentBarroso for his contribution to the discussion. Thesubstance of his input, together with the Commissionpaper to which he referred the paper on Europeanvalues in a globalised world are testament to the extentto which Member States and the Commission share acommon vision and, indeed, a common sense of urgencywith regard to the important issues facing us today.

I would ask Parliaments understanding if I do notrespond to every specific point raised during the courseof this long but important debate. Instead, let me try toaddress the main themes that were raised by as many ofthe speakers as time allows.

With the greatest of respect, I fear that Mr Kirkhopesremarks reflect the risks of writing a speech in reply to aspeech that you have not yet heard, in the sense that hewas questioning the commitment of the Presidency interms of the specifics that would be taken forward. OurPrime Minister made very clear, on behalf of thePresidency, not just the significant achievement relatingto Turkish accession about which I will say more in amoment but also the importance of sequencing thedebate about the future of Europe with the issue relatedto future financing of Europe. On his specific query as towhere that would leave Britains national interest, Iwould simply tell this Parliament that the challengefacing Britain is the same as any Presidency, that we

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need to seek consensus across Europe, as I havesuggested, but that consensus will necessarily andappropriately include the British national interest.

Mr Désir raised important issues in relation to energyinfrastructure and universities. I certainly noted withinterest the points raised in relation to the servicesdirective. Those are just some of the contributions thatwill inform our ongoing discussion of that issue.

Mrs Koch-Mehrin, who appears to have left her place inthe Chamber, talked of the importance of other prioritiesalongside R&D and in particular the issue oftransparency, which has been raised both within thisChamber and in a number of other fora involving ourPrime Minister today. Again, I would report to thisHouse that there was a formal discussion amongst thePermanent Representatives of the issue of transparencyon 19 October. We made clear at the outset of ourPresidency that we were keen to seek to make someprogress on this issue, and that progress is ongoing.However, the discussions have already begun, as wasshown by the debate held at COREPER on 19 October.

Mr Hudghton raised, in the characteristically warm stylefor which he is famed, the claim that the BritishPresidency had made no progress whatsoever. I willmerely point out that the prospect of Turkish accessionhas been held out to the Turkish people for 42 years. Itill behoves anybody in this Chamber, whether they arefor or against Turkish accession, to undermine thehistorical significance of what was achieved back inLuxembourg. Given my responsibilities in answering forthe Presidency today, I will resist the very greattemptation to engage with him on the range of issuesthat, as a Scottish nationalist, he sought to bring to theattention of Parliament today. I would simply say and Ido so as a fellow, proud Scot that the contribution hemade to this debate today would not easily be confusedwith a ray of sunshine.

In reply to Mr Bonde, I hope that I have addressed hispoint about transparency already. In relation to MsAngelillis point, questioning whether there is enoughcommitment to seek a deal on future financing, I wouldsimply reiterate the points that our own Prime Ministermade earlier in our discussions today, making it clearthat we believe both that it is necessary to have thediscussion on the future of Europe at Hampton Courttomorrow, and that this discussion is an essentialprerequisite for the progress that we are determined totry and make in relation to future financing.

Mr Mote, who appears to have left the Chamber perhaps that was a reflection on how I have sought toanswer his questions in the past raised the veryspecific question of corruption. The Presidency isworking with the Commission and other Member Stateson the Commissions paper Roadmap towards apositive statement of assurance, a package of measuresto reform the Commissions accounting system, makingit easier for the Court of Auditors to give the accounts a

clean bill of health. Our hope is to see agreement at theNovember meeting of Ecofin.

Mr Karas sought an open and public debate. I wouldargue that what we saw today in Parliament was exactlythat: a frank debate on the importance of a range ofissues ahead of the Hampton Court meeting. On otherissues, specifically competence over universities andfuture financing, I listened with care to the very specificpoints that he was making from his own groups point ofview.

Mrs Dührkop Dührkop recognised the need fordiscussion on direction with reference to the issue offuture financing, but again I would simply reiterate thatwe are very clearly of the view that the right sequence isto have the direction of Europe set before the futurefinancing issue is addressed.

I sense some scepticism from colleagues in Parliamentas to the viability of that process. Again, I would simplyrecollect a previous British Presidency in 1992, wherePresidency proposals on future financing were tabled inthe November prior to a deal being agreed in December.Mrs De Sarnez raised the same question. She claimedthat it would be very difficult for us to resolve thebudgetary issue. I would simply reiterate that, if we arenot able to resolve the question of the future direction ofEurope, it makes the challenge of resolving the futurefinancing of Europe commensurately more difficult.

In relation to Mrs Lamberts points, specifically onclimate change, let me be very direct in terms of theprogress that we wish to see. We wish to buildconsensus around the threat of climate change and theneed for urgent action to tackle it. That is why on17 October the Environment Council, under ourPresidency, agreed an initial European Union positionfor the United Nations climate change negotiations inDecember. We are keen to provide a solid foundation ofwork for the European Unions medium- and long-termclimate change strategy, and a range of Councilformations and the European Unions external summitsare contributing to that end.

Finally, we seek agreement on the need for cost-effective, flexible solutions to tackle emissions from EUaviation and, as the Presidency, we welcomed the recentstudy commissioned by the Commission, whichrecommends emissions trading as the best solution. Weare planning an initial discussion at the DecemberEnvironment Council on these issues.

Mr Piotrowski and Mr Szymański both spoke about thechallenge of globalisation and raised important issuesthat I think will inform the discussions taking place withHeads of Government tomorrow at Hampton Court.

Mr Van Hecke raised points on Turkey with which, withthe greatest of respect, I simply disagree. I speak notonly on behalf of the Presidency, but I am glad to say aunanimous General Affairs Council, which wasconsistent with the previous undertakings agreed at the

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December 2004 European Heads of Governmentmeeting and was able to open those accession talks forfull membership of Turkey back on 3 October.Mrs Grossetête acknowledged, I am glad to say, theprecise historic significance of that point and of theopening of accession talks with Turkey. But in seeking, Isensed, to criticise the British Presidency, she said: Wecannot put Europe together with dreams. I wouldrespectfully suggest that we have much more hope ofbuilding Europe in the direction we would wish if we doso on the basis of our hopes and dreams, rather thansimply our memories and our past achievements.

As our Prime Minister very eloquently put it in hissummation of todays debate, if you look at the futurechallenges that Europe faces, whether on the issue ofclimate change or the issue of securing prosperity andsustaining social protection in the face of the challengeof globalisation, it is not difficult to make a case for theimportance of Europes work over the coming 50 years.I therefore do not think it is inimical to the interests ofEurope to consciously assert the future challenges thatwe face. I would argue that it is a surer foundation onwhich to build popular support for Europe than a simplerecitation of past achievements.

Mr Titley generously recognised and acknowledged thework of the Presidency with Parliament. I am not surewhether the current attendance in Parliament is areflection on the relative interest in the Prime Ministersremarks and those of Britains Europe Minister, butnonetheless I am grateful and will pass back to myfellow ministers his kind words. Equally, I am gratefulto him for recognising the point I have sought to makealready in my contribution, which is the truly historicsignificance of the opening of accession talks withTurkey. I was also very glad and grateful to hear thehonourable Member raise the broader issue of Africaand the important work that has been taken forwardunder the British Presidency in relation to that issue ofmajor international concern.

In that regard, I would emphasise the importance that thePresidency, alongside the Commission, attaches to theimportant work that still has to be done in relation todevelopment issues at the vital World TradeOrganization talks in Hong Kong in December, towardsthe end of the British Presidency.

All of us who during the British Presidency have workedso hard to secure further action on both debt relief andon aid payments now see this as being a vital andimportant opportunity which must be grasped if we areto make progress on the third vital area for development,which is of course the issue of trade.

Mr Geremek also raised the issue of future financing andlet me say very directly that, in the light of what ourPrime Minister has reiterated today, I do not think it isthe appropriate stage for us to be discussing thecompensation being offered to new accession countries,the so-called A 10, given the failure to reach agreementon future financing. Now is the opportunity to rededicate

ourselves and commit ourselves to the genuineendeavour of securing agreement on future financing,which of course is important to the country holding thePresidency and indeed every Member State. But Irecognise that it is particularly important to thoseMember States that have joined the European Unionrecently.

Mr Mayor Oreja asked broad questions about Europesfuture role and, specifically on the question of terrorism,wondered whether we would be able to translate thebroader areas of work set out by our Prime Minister intoaction. Again, I would suggest to Members of this Housethat is exactly why we have commissioned the paper inorder to translate those broad areas of work into concreteachievement in due course.

Mr Barón Crespo raised the question of theconstitutional treaty, which provides me with theopportunity of reinforcing one of the original ideasbehind the Hampton Court meeting, which thisdiscussion anticipates. We were very clearly of the view,in the light of the decisions reached by the voters inFrance and the Netherlands, that it would be the wrongresponse simply to mechanistically continue a discussionof institutional architecture, when in fact probably themost accurate description of the vote certainly inFrance and I would respectfully suggest also in theNetherlands was that it related to both the text and thecontext. It would be wrong for us therefore simply tohave addressed the question of the text when there is thebroader question of how Europe is engaging withglobalisation, to which our citizens are demanding ananswer. That remains the inspiration and the intentionbehind the meeting that will take place tomorrow.

Mr Tajani raised a number of important points, as didMrs Roure. Let me end, however, by reiterating theimportance of the point made by Mr Saryusz-Wolski,namely, the issue of future financing. As I say, I havesought to make clear on the floor of this House today theimportance that we attach to finding agreement on futurefinancing if we can at the December Council.

However, in support of that contention let me alsomention the letter our Prime Minister, as President of theEuropean Union, sent to his colleagues inviting them tojoin him at Hampton Court tomorrow. He said, and Iquote: I know that a number of colleagues areconcerned to know how the Presidency plans to takeforward the future financing negotiations. We haveconsulted widely and I believe there is a collective willto reach agreement in December. President Barroso hasissued some new ideas on how to kick forward thatwork.

I believe that the letter sent by Prime Minister Blair tohis fellow Heads of Government makes very clear thesincerity of our commitment to reach agreement if wecan and also the importance of the sequencing that Ihave suggested.

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Mr President, I am grateful once again for theopportunity to respond to this important and timelydebate. I feel sure that tomorrows meeting at HamptonCourt will be a real and important opportunity forMember States to send a message of both unity andcollective endeavour and to demonstrate the EuropeanUnions key role in responding to the challenges aboutwhich we have heard so much today.


Margot Wallström, Vice-President of the Commission. Mr President, Mr Alexander mentioned the strategyfor Africa. The African Commission came to see us lastweek, and when it presented its political agenda withregard in particular to famine, wars, AIDS,desertification and illiteracy our European problemssuddenly seemed manageable.

I found this an interesting two-and-a-half-hour debate onthe challenges which lie ahead of us. Of course we couldfind elements of disagreement, but we could also findbroad agreement on a number of issues, including theneed to establish a budget as soon as possible.

I was disappointed only from one point of view. I wouldhave liked to have heard a little more about how we caninspire the citizens confidence and trust in what we aredoing. We know that we cannot move without havingdemocratic legitimacy and democratic support andparticipation and, as you know, it is my task to ensurethat from a communication point of view we are wellequipped. This is about the content, about showing thatwe can make a difference in Europe, but we also have toestablish a good dialogue and debate with citizens inEurope over the next few years.

As Mr Alexander has commented exhaustively on thatissue, I have very little to add. I would like to thank himagain and I will make sure that the Commission isinformed of all the very specific points raised.


President. That concludes the item.



Richard Corbett (PSE). We are in a Period ofReflection on the future the constitutional treaty.

The Presidency is right to have focussed this debate noton the treaty text, but on its context. Instead ofproposing to re-write treaty articles, discussions havefocused on the future of Europes social model (with thespecial European Council), on the economy, on re-shaping the budget, on enlargement and on how best toachieve a single market in services.

Progress on these points will create a new context inwhich we can then decide what to do about the text.There are a wide range of scenarios, ranging fromabandoning all reform to asking the French and Dutch tovote again. In practice, something between these twoextremes is likely. But whether it is clarifying the

current text, adding to it, modifying it, re-writing it, ordrafting a new text, one thing is clear: the need forreform has not gone away. The issues that lead all 25governments to conclude that a new, constitutionaltreaty is necessary remain on the table and will have tobe addressed.

First, we must change the context and the UKPresidency has made a good start.


Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL). Em vez das propostasque se exigem para dar resposta efectiva aos gravesproblemas sociais da União Europeia - mais de 22milhões de desempregados e 72 milhões de pessoas aviver em situação de pobreza - o Presidente do Conselhoveio insistir em medidas que visam apoiar acompetitividade e a concorrência. Assim, a insistênciana investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação é sempreapresentada como forma de criar um meio favorável àsempresas e não como a resposta que se impõe paramelhor saúde para todos, maior nível de educaçãopública e criar emprego de qualidade e com direitos. Porisso, o Presidente do Conselho, Tony Blair, insistiu nanecessidade de maior flexibilidade laboral, namobilidade e no apoio a reestruturações que reduzemempregos, contribuindo para mais desemprego e maiorprecariedade laboral.

Por isso, também, insistiu nas propostas de directivasobre a criação do mercado interno dos serviços e sobreo tempo de trabalho, o que torna claro que o que seprepara é a insistência no neoliberalismo, agravandotodos os problemas económico-sociais existentes, paraservir apenas os interesses dos grupos económico-financeiros da União Europeia, em resposta à agenda daUNICE.


Bruno Gollnisch (NI). Les chefs d'Etat et degouvernement parleront demain à Hampton Court desdéfis que pose la mondialisation à nos modèleséconomiques et sociaux.

Le simple fait que cette réunion, malgré sesconséquences politiques et budgtaires, ait été écourtée àun seul jour est déjà inquiétant en soi.

Pire : la solution est déjà trouvée si l'on en croit M.Gordon Brown, ministre britannique des Finances. Ilfaut en finir avec "l'impasse du protectionnisme". Maisoù donc M. Brown a-t-il vu du protectionnisme enEurope ? C'est le marché le plus ouvert et le plusrespectueux des règles de l'OMC au monde. Nosconcurrents manient, eux, sans vergogne, le dumping,les barrières aux échanges, les subventions déguisées...

La Commission, quant à elle, propose royalement unfonds d'adaptation à la mondialisation de... 500 millionsd'euros - 1 € par habitant ! -, pour aider dans leurrecherche d'emploi ceux que ses politiques auront mis auchômage. Quel cynisme!

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Tant que vous persisterez à vouloir adapter nos modèlessociaux à la mondialisation, il y aura toujours plus dechômeurs, de pauvreté et de précarité. Il faut faireexactement le contraire : n'adopter de la mondialisationque ce qui ne va pas à l'encontre des objectifs politiquesde prospérité et de plein emploi.


Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE). I have listened to all of thisdebate with increasing sadness at the way in which theimpressive, ambitious rhetoric of the UK Presidency isjust not matched by reality. Where there was a clearagenda to be seized, post enlargement, to achieve realreform rather than just talk about it, the UK's entrenchedposition and poor style have alienated rather thanenthused. Had the UK come up with meaningfulproposals then I believe this Chamber would have been auseful ally. Instead we have seen yet more hot air, on allsides, while the people of Europe walk further andfurther away from us. We have not learned the lessons ofthe Dutch and French votes, and now this Presidency hasno time to do anything useful and it is a sorely missedopportunity.





9 - Período de perguntas (perguntas aoConselho)


Presidente. Segue-se na ordem do dia o período deperguntas ao Conselho (B6-0332/2005).


John Purvis (PPE-DE). Mr President, I rise on behalfof a colleague, Mr Kamall, who last month submitted tothe Council Question H-0688/05 concerning Chinatextile quotas. He has not as yet received a reply in anyform. I wonder whether you could ask the Council ofMinisters when he can expect a response. In normalcircumstances we expect a response the next day.


Presidente. Senhor Deputado, tenho informação deque aguardamos a todo o momento a resposta doConselho. Aliás o Conselho está presente e eu solicitavaque desse prioridade à resposta à questão que colocou.

Pergunta nº 1 de Andrew Duff (H-0761/05)

Assunto: Regulamento sobre "a linha verde" em Chipre

Julga o Conselho que as recentes alterações ao regulamentosobre a "linha verde" cumpriram o seu propósito, aumentandode forma significativa as trocas comerciais entre o Norte e oSul do Chipre?

Constituirão, aquelas, uma resposta apropriada e adequada aocompromisso político do Conselho, de Abril de 2004, deapoiar o desenvolvimento do Norte de Chipre?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. In response to the earlier point, I cannot claim to befamiliar with the specific question. I think if I had seenthe question I would probably have had an answer.However, I can assure you that it is a matter the Councilwill look into and endeavour to ensure a reply isforthcoming.

In relation to this question, the so-called Green LineRegulation was adopted by the Council on 1 May 2004with a view to facilitating the reunification of Cyprus byencouraging the economic development of the TurkishCypriot community through the facilitation of tradebetween the northern part of Cyprus and the EuropeanUnion customs territory. As the honourable Memberrightly points out in his question, the Council adoptedamendments to the Green Line Regulation in February2005 to try to extend its scope and effectiveness, thuscontributing further to the integration of the island.

In its first report on the implementation of the GreenLine Regulation from 1 May 2004 to 30 April 2005, theCommission concludes that the crossing of persons isrunning smoothly, but that the volume and value ofgoods crossing the line remains limited.

While the report mentions the last amendments adoptedin February 2005, the Commission implementingdecisions concerning the new goods covered were stillunder preparation. Therefore, a full evaluation of theeffectiveness of these amendments was not possible.

The Commission is due to report again on the GreenLine Regulation in 2006 and will be reporting on theimplementation of these provisions. As for othermeasures, which are intended to facilitate thereunification of Cyprus by encouraging the economicdevelopment of the Turkish Cypriot community, theCouncil is aware of its responsibilities and efforts arecontinuing in that regard.


Andrew Duff (ALDE). I thank the President-in-Officeof the Council for his reply. Will he include, as animportant part of his and the Commissions assessmentof progress, a quantified assessment of the volume oftrade across the green line intended for third countries?

Could he also explain why it is that Turkish Cypriottrucks are blocked from travelling to the south? It ispatently absurd that a Turkish Cypriot vehicle can bepermitted on the streets of Strasbourg, whereas it isblocked on the streets of south Nicosia.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I thank the honourable Member for the points that hehas raised. I can assure him I have listened carefully tothem and noted them. With the permission ofParliament, I shall pass them on directly to theCommission so that they can inform the ongoing workthat the Commission is taking forward.


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Chris Davies (ALDE). Commission officials told melast year, when I was in Nicosia just after the Green LineRegulation had come into effect, that in practice theGreek Cypriots were taking every opportunity to findreasons for preventing its maximum application and thattrade was still being very severely restricted. I realisethat this is a matter for huge frustration amongstmembers of the Council, the vast majority of whomwant to see direct trade with Northern Cyprus.

No one in the Council likes to rock the boat, but is it nottime to do a bit more public naming and shaming whenEU citizens, whose elected representatives areunfortunately not yet recognised by this Union, are beingkept oppressed by one Member State?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The European Union foreign ministers expressed adesire to end the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots at theApril 2004 General Affairs Council. At the Councilsrequest, the Commission produced two draft regulationsto deliver on this commitment. Perhaps some of thefrustration of which the honourable Member speaksreflects the fact that it has not yet been possible to agreethem. However, I can assure Parliament that we willcontinue efforts to achieve agreement. Clearly that willinvolve a number of Member States. I can assure youthat we are determined, if we can, to reach agreement togive expression to that decision of the General AffairsCouncil.


Sarah Ludford (ALDE). I thank the President-in-Office for his reply, but is it not shameful that a year anda half after the Council made that pledge to end theisolation of the Turkish Cypriots there is still no directtrade and no financial aid? Could he give a pledge thatthere will be agreement by December, by the end of theBritish Presidency?

Is the President-in-Office aware that some of the landcrossings between the north and south of Cyprus aresometimes shut, so the refusal of direct air flights out ofand into Northern Cyprus effectively shuts off TurkishCypriots from contact with the outside world? There wassome legal thinking going on inside the Foreign Officeabout licensing direct flights to Northern Cyprus. Couldhe tell us what has happened to that thinking?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I would respectfully remind the questioner that I amanswering on behalf of the Presidency today, rather thanthe British Government. She is welcome to correspondwith me separately, in a different forum, about the viewsof the British Foreign Office on the licensing of flights.

That being said, I share the Members frustration aboutthe progress we had hoped to see in light of that earlierGeneral Affairs Council commitment. However, asdiscussed at great length in our previous conversationabout future financing, securing agreement oftendepends not on the will of one country, even one country

holding the Presidency, but on the capacity to secure thesupport of all countries. That is why, notwithstandingthe genuine frustration we share with her, I can onlyassure her that we will continue our earnest endeavoursto reach agreement. At this stage, however, I cannot giveher any guarantee of the date on which that agreementwill be reached.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 2 de Panagiotis Beglitis (H-0762/05)

Assunto: Projecto de mandato de negociação com vista àcelebração de um acordo de estabilização a associação UE /Sérvia - Montenegro

Em Abril de 2005, a Comissão Europeia concluiu eapresentou ao Conselho um projecto de mandato denegociação com vista à celebração de um acordo deestabilização a associação da UE com o Estado conjuntoSérvia - Montenegro. Uma vez que até ao momento, apesar dea UE ter reconhecido a sua importância estratégica para asegurança e estabilidade na região, a Sérvia - Montenegro erao único país dos Balcão Ocidentais cuja perspectiva europeiacontinua excluída das actividades europeias.

Por que razão o atraso na apreciação e adopção de ummandato de negociação, para que se iniciem as negociações?Quando programa o Conselho proceder à adopção e atribuiçãodo respectivo mandato à Comissão? Por que razão, no caso daCroácia, a condição prévia de colaboração com o TribunalPenal Internacional para a Ex-Jugoslávia, não impediu a UEde iniciar as negociações para a adesão, no caso daServia/Montenegro esta condição foi imposta da forma maisabsoluta criando na prática "dois pesos e duas medidas"? Porque razão o Conselho não inicia imediatamente asnegociações, mantendo simultaneamente a possibilidade decontrolar a satisfação dessa exigência prévia numa faseposterior, de qualquer modo antes da conclusão dasnegociações e da assinatura do acordo?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I entirely agree with the honourable Member about theimportance of Serbia and Montenegro moving towardsthe European Union. That is why I am delighted that theCouncil authorised the Commission to open negotiationsfor stabilisation and association and the agreement withSerbia and Montenegro at the General Affairs andExternal Relations Council on 3 October, of which Ihave already spoken. A formal ceremony to opennegotiations was subsequently held in Belgrade on10 October, in the presence of the Commissioner forEnlargement, Mr Rehn.

The decision to begin SAA negotiations follows thepositive feasibility study that Serbia and Montenegroreceived from the Commission in April 2005. As one ofour Presidency objectives, the United Kingdom sees thisas a significant step for Serbia and Montenegro on theroad to the European Union. It also affirms the EuropeanUnions commitment to the Thessaloniki Agenda, whichemphasises that the future of the western Balkans lies inthe European Union.

The Council has judged that the pace and conclusion ofnegotiations will depend in particular on Serbia and

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Montenegros progress in developing its legislativeframework and administrative capacity, the effectiveimplementation of the Constitutional Charter and, ofcourse, full cooperation with the International CriminalTribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The Council andCommission will jointly review Serbia andMontenegros performance in these areas beforenegotiations conclude.


Παναγιώτης Μπεγλίτης (PSE). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θαήθελα να κάνω στον Πρόεδρο του Συµβουλίου, τον κ.Alexander, δύο σύντοµες ερωτήσεις.

Πρώτη, γνωρίζοντας ότι το 2006 θα γίνει δηµοψήφισµαστο Μαυροβούνιο για την ενδεχόµενη αποχώρηση απότο κοινό κράτος Σερβίας-Μαυροβουνίου, πόσο θαεπηρεάσει την πορεία των διαπραγµατεύσεων για τησυµφωνία σταθεροποίησης αυτό το δηµοψήφισµα στοΜαυροβούνιο;

∆εύτερη, πόσο θα επηρεάσει τις διαπραγµατεύσεις γιατη συµφωνία σταθεροποίησης και σύνδεσης, οιπαράλληλες διαπραγµατεύσεις που θα ξεκινήσουν για τοτελικό καθεστώς του Κοσυφοπεδίου και επιπλέον, εάν οκ. Alexander πιστεύει ότι η στάση της Σερβίας στοζήτηµα του Κοσυφοπεδίου θα επηρεάσει την πορεία τωνδιαπραγµατεύσεων για τη συµφωνία σταθεροποίησηςκαι σύνδεσης.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. In the course of our Presidency, I have personally hadthe opportunity to travel to Belgrade and hear directlyfrom representatives of Serbia and Montenegro of theirdesire, ultimately, for European Union membership andtheir desire to move forward the process of stabilisationand association agreements. I therefore think we wouldbe getting ahead of ourselves given the recentannouncement that was given formal expression whenCommissioner Rehn visited Belgrade recently if weanticipated what may or may not be the conclusion of apotential referendum in the future.

However, I would certainly make the point and thiswas a point I made very clearly on behalf of theEuropean Union when I met with representatives both ofSerbia and Montenegro that the challenge ofcooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal isan immediate and contemporary one. We have beenheartened by some of the steps that have taken place inBelgrade in recent months and the level of cooperationthat has been shown in comparison to earlier levels ofcooperation. However, let us be very clear this afternoonin this Chamber that there is further and real progressthat must be made to secure full cooperation with theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the FormerYugoslavia.


Bart Staes (Verts/ALE). Voorzitter, sorry ik ben watlaat, ik heb het antwoord van de Raadsvoorzitter niethelemaal gehoord, maar als het gaat om Servië, ik wasvorige week in Kosovo, het Albanese gedeelte van de

noordelijke provincie in Servië en daar is men zeerbezorgd over de 2500 mensen die nog altijd verdwenenzijn; Servië werkt niet mee om die lijken terug te vinden.

Een van de voorwaarden om als Europese Unie verdersamen te werken met Servië, zou toch moeten zijn datServië verplicht wordt om samen te werken met deUNMIK en met de Albanese autoriteiten in Kosovo omervoor te zorgen dat al die mensen die hun familieledenkwijt zijn, op zijn minst weten waar die zijn, waar dielijken zijn en dat de lijken ook worden terugbezorgd,opdat ze een waardige begrafenis kunnen krijgen. Kande Raadsvoorzitter toezeggen dat dat een van devoorwaarden is om verder te werken met Servië?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I understand the strength of emotion around suchissues, not least given the opportunity that I have had inrecent months to travel, not just to Serbia andMontenegro, as I have just described, but also toKosovo, and hear for myself the very real challengesthat continue to confront Kosovo in particular and theregion more generally.

In that regard, in the course of the conversations that Ihad both in Belgrade and in Pristina, I emphasised theimportance of awaiting Ambassador Eides report. Inthat sense, our hope would be that this would provide thebasis on which a way forward could be found that wouldbe to the satisfaction not only of one element of onecommunity but that would serve the broader interests ofpeace and security in the region.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 3 de Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (H-0763/05)

Assunto: Jovens das regiões agrícolas e periféricas, eutilização dos Fundos Estruturais e de outros meios definanciamento

Na perspectiva do termo do período de programação 2000-2006, como avalia o Conselho os resultados da utilização dosFundos Estruturais e outros meios de financiamento no querespeita à integração social, à educação, à formação e àevolução profissional dos jovens que habitam nas regiõesagrícolas, insulares, montanhosas, escassamente povoadas eperiféricas, bem como em regiões com problemasdemográficos?

Será que a nova programação para o período de 2007-2013inclui acções dirigidas a esta categoria de pessoas, no intuitode promover a sua integração no respectivo meio socialnatural e de lhes permitir continuarem a viver nesse meio?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The Council has not assessed the impact of thestructural and cohesion funds on the social integration,education, training and vocational development of youngpeople living in areas facing demographic problems.

The Third Cohesion Report on Economic and SocialPolicy, which reports on the progress made towardsachieving economic and social cohesion through SCF,

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the EIB and other financial instruments, was adopted bythe Commission on 18 February 2004. Part of the reportfocuses on the impact of Community policies,competitiveness, employment and cohesion and theimpact and added value of structural policies on suchareas.

The Council is aware of the importance of the role ofyoung farmers, particularly in the development of therural environment and environmental conservation. In2003, 24% of agricultural holdings were headed by aperson under 45 years of age. Generational renewal mustbe guaranteed in particular by means of special early-retirement measures combined with support for settingup.

During the current programming period, i.e. from 2000to 2006, approximately EUR 2 billion from theCommunity budget will have been allocated directly toyoung farmers to help them establish themselves. Thatamount is earmarked for the financing of investmentsand to help them set up in business throughconsultational services.

Looking ahead, the Council has recently adopted a rangeof measures in the framework of the Rural DevelopmentRegulation for 2007-2013, in particular aid of up toEUR 55 000 per holding, aid for modernisation and thepossibility of utilising the national reserve to help youngfarmers to establish themselves.


Μαρία Παναγιωτοπούλου-Κασσιώτου (PPE-DE). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ευχαριστώ τον κ. Υπουργό για τηναπάντηση και εύχοµαι γρήγορα να αποφασισθεί ηχρηµατοδότηση ώστε, µέχρι το 2010 και 2013, να γίνουνπραγµατικότητα όσα µας ανέφερε.

Θέλω επίσης να ρωτήσω εάν και για την εκπαίδευση καιτον πολιτισµό αυτών των περιοχών, που στηρίζεται,βέβαια, στην αναπαραγωγή του ανθρώπινου δυναµικού,θα υπάρξει σχετική πρόβλεψη.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Let me deal first with the issue of progress towardsachievement of an agreement on future financing. Iwould simply reiterate what I have said before thisafternoon, which is that we are sincere in our endeavoursto try and reach agreement in December. The tenor ofthe question reflects the sense of urgency on the part ofnot just one Member State but a number of differentMember States about the need to reach agreement onfuture financing.

I set out before the Council the terms of the thirdcohesion report on economic and social policy, whichreported on progress. It would be helpful to make it clearthat the target date for adoption of the EU-wide ruraldevelopment strategy is autumn 2005. The frameworkfor monitoring and evaluation should be agreed by theend of 2005 and Member States will then producenational strategy plans in line with an overarchingEuropean Union strategy. So clearly there will be a

national as well as a European locus at that juncture.These plans will include quantified objectives for ruraldevelopment spending, tailored to regionalcircumstances, against which, of course, theeffectiveness of the spending can then be judged.


Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE). Señor Presidente,señor Ministro, el Gobierno británico se ha mostradopartidario de rebajar la PAC y de reducir lassubvenciones a la agricultura, por ello, yo le pregunto sila Presidencia en ejercicio del Consejo cree que losjóvenes que viven en regiones rurales y montañosas vana integrarse mejor en su entorno natural y van a tenermás oportunidades de vida con esa propuesta deabandono de la política agrícola común.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. If the honourable Member is referring to World TradeOrganization talks, a framework agreement involvingboth the United States and the European Union, whichessentially got the trade talks back on track, was reachedback in 2003.

The position on the prospective trade talks in the criticaldays ahead was discussed at the General Affairs Councillast week and is a matter of ongoing concern and directinterest to the European Commission, which leads for usin that area.

However, there is a risk that discussion of theimportance of the Doha development round will benarrowed down to a discussion of agriculture and ruraldevelopment issues. The European Union has a greatdeal to gain from a successful conclusion to the WorldTrade Organization talks, not just in agriculture but alsoin services and non-agricultural market access. So weall, whether we live in rural or urban areas, have acommon interest in ensuring a successful conclusion tothe World Trade talks. A spur to greater global trade is aspur to greater global prosperity.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 4 de Fiona Hall (H-0766/05)

Assunto: Eficiência na utilização final de energia

À luz dos recentes choques no mercado da energia, tais comoo aumento dos preços do petróleo e a crescente preocupaçãopública no que diz respeito aos efeitos das alteraçõesclimáticas, que medidas está o Conselho a tomar, sob aPresidência britânica, para se certificar de que a directivaproposta relativa à eficiência na utilização final de energia eaos serviços energéticos(COM(2003)0739 - C5-0642/2003 - 2003/0300(COD)) temem conta as medidas mais rigorosas para encorajar apoupança de energia, apoiadas por uma grande maioria noParlamento Europeu?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The Council is well aware of the issues raised by thehonourable Member and shares her view that measureson energy efficiency are one of the key instruments in

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tackling climate change. Against this background, I canassure the honourable Member that the Council issparing no effort to reach an agreement on this importantdraft directive with the European Parliament at secondreading.

As regards the extent to which the Council is taking intoaccount the amendments adopted by the EuropeanParliament at first reading during these negotiations, Ican confirm today that the Council is making asubstantial effort to accommodate key elements of theseamendments. Several elements have to be considered inorder to develop a compromise leading to an effectivedirective, such as how long the directive should apply,the level of the savings target, the role of the publicsector, the use of energy efficiency indicators andbenchmarks, as well as a reliable monitoring system.

It is clear that an adequate balance has to be struckbetween realistic and achievable targets and over-ambitious ones that will only diminish the credibility ofCommunity legislation.


Fiona Hall (ALDE). Thank you for that encouragingand positive response, but I have to say that it isdisappointing that the Council is weakening theproposals before Parliament, particularly by reducing thelevel of the targets and making them non-binding. Thismeans that, under the UK Presidency proposals, thetarget has been cut so much that, in the UK, it is prettymuch what is being achieved by measures already inplace.

If the Government has a genuine commitment to energyefficiency, when are we going to see it in terms of atoughness in the current negotiations between theCouncil and Parliament? We have had a lot of rhetoricabout climate change and energy saving, but we still arenot seeing the action in the actual text on the table.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I am grateful for the opportunity to respond. I wassomewhat naively touched by the description of myanswer being encouraging if a little unsurprised then tohear it described as disappointing. Let me try to offerwhat comfort I can to the honourable Member byaddressing the specific issue of the merits or demerits ofmandatory targets.

We have been clear throughout that all Member Statesare committed to increasing their energy savings in linewith the targets set out in the directive. However,mandatory energy savings targets could lead to short-term measures being implemented purely to meettargets, rather than the long-term focus which is needed.It can also focus attention and resources unduly onmeasuring rather than doing.

Member States felt that it would be inappropriate tocreate the possibility of being taken to the Court ofJustice on the grounds of non-achievement of theprescribed levels of savings. For example, if a Member

State achieved only 5% savings after six years instead ofthe prescribed 6%, the achievement of targets wouldpartly rely on changes in consumer behaviour. MemberStates aim to influence this through the differentmeasures proposed in the draft directive. However, theeffectiveness of these measures is not completelypredictable or entirely within the control of MemberStates themselves.

On top of that, we already have mandatory targets aspart of our commitments under Kyoto. Placing specifictargets on individual elements of the package ofmeasures, such as energy efficiency being undertaken toreach that target, would reduce the flexibility we requirein meeting them.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 5 de Sarah Ludford (H-0767/05)

Assunto: Utilização do quadro comunitário para fins deaplicação da lei

Será que o acórdão do Tribunal de Justiça das ComunidadesEuropeias sobre a pertinência do direito comunitário paraimpor sanções penais (processo C-176/03, de 13 de Setembrode 2005) incentiva o Conselho a utilizar o quadro comunitárioem vez do quadro intergovernamental, bastante insatisfatório,para medidas de aplicação da lei? Estará a Presidênciabritânica a analisar, de forma construtiva, a possibilidade deutilizar o artigo 42º do TUE para este efeito? Como vai elaevitar que fóruns como o G5 e o G8 e novosdesenvolvimentos a nível dos acordos de Schengenprejudiquem ainda mais uma cooperação europeiatransparente, democrática e global? Tenciona, pelo menos,manter o Parlamento Europeu e os parlamentos nacionais aocorrente da evolução das negociações intergovernamentais ede planos futuros?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. As repeatedly stated by the Court of Justice, the choiceof legal basis for the adoption of legally bindinginstruments must rest on objective factors. The judgmentof the Court of Justice confirmed that the Communitylegislator may take measures relating to the criminal lawof the Member States when that is necessary for theachievement of the Community policy in question. TheCourt of Justice also reiterated that, as a general rule,criminal law matters did not fall within the scope ofCommunity competence. It did not decide about thescope of application of Title 6 of the Treaty on EuropeanUnion as such, nor did it limit the scope of application ofTitle 6 beyond the very specific issue on which theCourt of Justice ruled.

The use of Article 42 is not being considered at present.The Council cannot and should not seek to preventMember States from cooperating bilaterally ormultilaterally on police and judicial matters, as long asthey observe the obligations incumbent upon them underthe Treaties. Cooperation outside the framework of theTreaties is, by definition, not undertaken by the Council.Neither the Council nor its Presidency can therefore

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provide information regarding such forms of cooperationfor the European Parliament.

Information regarding cooperation on police or judicialmatters under Title 6 is transmitted to the EuropeanParliament on the basis of Article 39 of the Treaty. Asregards the information to national parliaments, this issolely a matter for the individual Member States, not theCouncil or its Presidency.


Sarah Ludford (ALDE). President-in-Office, thankyou for your reply, but there is considerable concernabout the proliferation of fora for addressing securityand border control issues. A few months ago, the FrenchPrime Minister, Mr de Villepin, talked about howBritain, Germany, Spain, Italy and France are movingforward in discussions on police cooperation, exchangesof intelligence, border controls, and internal security.Then we have the Prüm Convention among sevenMember States, which seems to go back to the Trevisystem of the 1970s. This is not only undemocratic anduntransparent, but surely it also fails to provide theadded value of really addressing terrorism andimmigration challenges in common. Surely this is not inthe interests of the European Union as a whole?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I am certainly aware of the informal meetings that thehonourable Member describes. However, there is nomore eloquent testimony to the approach that we havetaken, whereby the whole of Europe is involved in thesediscussions, than the role that our Home Secretary, MrCharles Clarke, has played both with this Parliamentand, indeed, with other members of the relevant Council.

I also think if you reflect upon the remarks made byour Prime Minister earlier today it is clear that dealingwith the issue of personal and physical security, not leastin the light of the terrible incidents that took place inLondon on 7 July, remains one of the key priorities forour Presidency. Our ambition certainly includes takingforward that work as we anticipate the conclusion of ourPresidency in the December European Council, which,of course, will involve all Member States.


Richard Corbett (PSE). I welcome the Councilsdescription of the effect of the judgment of the Court ofJustice, which was accurate, but I ask that the pressreaction to this judgment not least in Mr Alexandersown Member State be countered wherever possible.

The press has given the impression and this has beenamplified by Euro-sceptics that the Commission willnow be able to decide sentencing policy in differentMember States by itself; that is to say, it would be ableto determine the sentences for different crimes. That isfar from being the case. Even in the Communityframework, the Commission proposes, but the Counciland Parliament dispose.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I am grateful to the honourable Member for reflectingon the importance of my answer. I hope that theaccuracy of my answer will fulfil the purpose. ThePresidency of the European Union is responsible formany things, such as seeking a way forward on futurefinancing or trying to chart a course for a modernEurope in the age of globalisation.

Notwithstanding those very considerable challenges, Iam glad that our responsibilities do not extend to theeditorial policies of many of the newspapers in question.It is inherent in the nature of a union of democracies tohave a free press and the best way to counter some of themisunderstandings and myths perpetuated about thisparticular issue and more generally is to ensure that thefactual information I imparted today is spread outsidethis chamber and comes to be understood by the widerpublic.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 6 de Elizabeth Lynne (H-0769/05)

Assunto: Redução da regulamentação

A autora pede à Presidência britânica que apoie os esforçosrealizados por José Manuel Barroso no sentido de evitar asiniciativas legislativas desnecessárias e onerosas da ComissãoEuropeia. Apesar de ter assegurado que iria adoptar medidas afim de evitar as iniciativas legislativas desnecessárias epromover o princípio de subsidiariedade, a Presidênciabritânica tem, na realidade, defendido a introdução dedisposições legislativas que não são práticas, tal como aprotecção dos trabalhadores contra os raios solares no âmbitoda directiva relativa à radiação óptica. Está a Presidênciadisposta a aproveitar a oportunidade para repor uma certaseriedade e abandonar esse tipo de "brincadeira" legislativa naUE?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Better regulation in all its aspects is a high priority forthe Council and indeed for our Presidency. TheCommissions report on the outcome of its screening ofpending legislative proposals, to which the honourableMember refers, will be studied with great interest withinthe Council. We have scheduled a policy debate onbetter regulation, including the screening package, forthe November Competitiveness Council.

The honourable Member specifically mentioned theoptical radiation directive. She will appreciate that, asthe Presidency, we now need to consult all MemberStates and work for an agreement that is acceptable bothto the Council and to this Parliament. We have all signedup to improving the way Europe regulates itself. We theCouncil, the Commission, and again this Parliament,need to work together to make that commitment a realitynow.


Elizabeth Lynne (ALDE). Thank you, President-in-Office, for your reply. I am delighted that you havereiterated the commitment to better legislation, but we

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need action. We know that we are going to conciliationon the optical radiation directive. I understand that theCouncil of Ministers is going to get rid of naturalradiation from the optical radiation directive, but whywas it brought forward to start with? It was broughtforward by the Council of Ministers. I would like toknow which ministers and which Member States pushedfor it. That really demonstrates our need for EU Councilmeetings to be held in public. Then we would be able toknow which countries are pushing for this sort of jokelegislation which brings the EU into disrepute. Will thePresident-in-Office commit himself to pushing for EUCouncil meetings to be held in public?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I sense that the honourable Member is inviting me toshed some light on the workings of the Council and,given the terms of the directive in question, I hesitate todo such a thing.

On the substantive issue of transparency, we had adiscussion earlier today, not least in light of what ourPrime Minister, on behalf of the Presidency, statedearlier this month in reply to a question asked inParliament on the eve of the British Presidency. Theprocess of seeking to take forward the undertaking hegave to look at the specific issue of transparency withinthe Council is now in the process of being takenforward.

Rather similarly to the Council initiative which shedescribed originally, it requires a degree of supportbeyond the Presidency-in-Office of the Council. In thatsense, it is a necessary part of making progress on theissue of transparency that we take others with us. That iswhy a process is now established under our Presidencyto seek to find a way forward.


Richard Corbett (PSE). Is this not just another casewhere an important issue tends to get hijacked by theEuro-sceptics in the press and in politics? The very validissue of better regulation is portrayed by Euro-scepticsas Brussels bureaucrats imposing burdens on businesses.Whereas, in fact, we all know that no Europeanlegislation can be adopted unless it is approved both bythe Council and the Parliament and that good Europeanlegislation is an exercise in cutting red tape: one patentinstead of twenty-five; one trademark and registrationform and fee instead of twenty-five; a singleadministrative document for our lorries at frontiersinstead of the forty-something there used to be.

Good European legislation is good, bad Europeanlegislation is bad, but we should not let the Euro-scepticsclaim that it is all bad.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I certainly concur with the question the honourableMember has put to me in terms of the need to delineatebetween legislation where it is appropriate and, indeed,

where there are areas where there are alternatives toregulation that should be considered.

I would, however, emphasise in my reply that the termsof his question leaving aside the specific issue of howthe press deals with these matters, for which none of us,I am afraid, are directly responsible emphasises in mymind the importance of all the institutions of Europeseeking to take forward this agenda of better regulation.This is not an agenda that, with the greatest of respect toCommissioner Verheugen or, indeed, to PresidentBarroso, can be achieved by their efforts alone, nor canit be achieved by this Parliament alone. It needs to be ashared endeavour between the Council, the Presidencyand Parliament. If there is a genuine commitment as Ibelieve there is a growing commitment within each ofthose institutions to grasp this agenda and drive itforward then we will hopefully in the future see less ofthe headlines of the type that the honourable Memberdescribes.

I would, however, with a little more optimism, highlightthe kind of coverage that was received in the UnitedKingdom for President Barrosos and CommissionerVerheugens prior announcement in terms of draftlegislation being ditched where it was deemed to beotiose and unnecessary. It was almost uniformlywelcomed in the pages even of the most sceptical Britishnewspapers. To establish credibility for the Commission,the Presidency and for Parliament, it is necessary for usto be seen to be taking decisive action on what isunquestionably one of the issues of concern, not simplyto the business community across Europe, but also to ourcitizens.


Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE). Mr President-in-Office, I welcome your comments and your reply. Isupport your commitment to deregulation and a numberof colleagues will try and help you achieve that. But,going back to the original point about deregulation andto the optical radiation directive, Prime Minister TonyBlair said in this House this afternoon that there is aneed to regulate where necessary but also to deregulatewhen it is necessary for our competitiveness.

Would you agree that, in terms of deregulation forcompetitiveness, we should revisit the mother directiveof this optical radiation directive, which was the original1989 directive? I asked this question last time and gotthe answer that it is up to the Commission to initiaterevisiting the directive. We know that, but would youplease undertake to invite the Commission to revisit thatframework directive or at the very least invite theCouncil to invite the Commission?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The most constructive way forward would be for meto pass on to the Commission the strength of feeling thathas been communicated by the honourable Member. Iam aware that this is not the first time that this issue hasbeen raised, and I will certainly make sure that the

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Commission is made aware of the concerns that he hasraised today.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 7 de Catherine Stihler (H-0771/05)

Assunto: Ensaios clínicos com microbicidas

Em 2004, foram infectadas 4,9 milhões de pessoas com oHIV, ou seja, mais do que em qualquer dos anos anteriores.Uma vez que 75% dos jovens infectados são raparigas, ficademonstrada a crescente vulnerabilidade das mulheres, bemcomo a correspondente necessidade de alargar as actuaismedidas de prevenção, particularmente as destinadas àsmulheres.

A Parceria Europa-Países em Desenvolvimento para aRealização de Ensaios Clínicos (EDCTP) foi estabelecida emFevereiro de 2004, sendo que um terço do seu orçamentodeveria ser financiado por Estados-Membros (mais um terçoda Comissão e um terço do sector privado).

Tendo em conta o aumento das taxas de infecção por HIV e acriação da EDCTP, poderá o Conselho fornecer informaçõessobre o financiamento dos Estados-Membros à EDCTP e,como consequência, sobre que ensaios clínicos commicrobiocidas são actualmente financiados pela EDCTP?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I could not agree more with the honourable Memberabout the unfolding tragedy of HIV infection casesamongst women and girls. As we know, the Europeanand Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership isa group of 14 Member States plus Norway from outsidethe European Union.

The initial investment to establish the partnership wasprovided by the European Commission with aEUR 200 million allocation over five years through theSixth Research and Development FrameworkProgramme which runs from 2002 to 2006. Thepartnership has a total budget of EUR 600 million forthe period from 2003 to 2007: in addition tothe EUR 200 million provided by Community funding,EUR 200 million will come from Member States and afurther EUR 200 million will be sought from industry,charities and private organisations.

It is the responsibility of each Member State tocontribute in kind through their national researchactivities. Various projects funded by public money ineach Member State count towards the totalEUR 200 million contribution.

The Council has identified a need for joined-up actionbetween the Commission and Member States inpartnership with the Clinical Trials Partnership tosupport the research and development of new tools tofight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, a factunderlined in the conclusions of the General AffairsCouncil on 24 May this year. The partnership hasidentified a number of specific research topics and willissue calls for research proposals for these topics over atwo- to three-year period.

Only one trial relating to HIV was funded last year,which will look into providing anti-retroviral drugs tochildren with HIV. Calls for research proposals issuedlast month include a specific call for research onmicrobicides. The title of this call for research isCapacity building for the conduct of phase I, II and IIItrials of vaginal microbicides against sexualtransmission of HIV. Applications will come in over thenext few months and funding decisions will be madenext year.


Catherine Stihler (PSE). Obviously, microbicidescould revolutionise AIDS prevention throughout theworld. Current clinical trials are already showingpositive results, but this requires funding.

As you are aware, Mr President-in-Office, the UnitedKingdom Department for International Development hasbeen very supportive of research into microbicides. Doyou agree with me that support for clinical trials intomicrobicides is essential in tackling AIDS and,particularly in view of the priority the United KingdomPresidency has attached to Africa, will the Presidencyencourage other Member States to involve themselveswith the European and Developing Countries ClinicalTrials Partnership?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The simple answer is yes. It reflects ourcommitment, not just to the blighted continent of Africa perhaps the only continent in recent years to havemoved backwards on many of the key indicators thatwere so graphically highlighted in our own PrimeMinisters Commission for Africa report but also tosupporting other countries as they seek to meet theMillennium Development Goals, which were reiteratedin September at the Millennium Review Summit in NewYork.

It also emphasises the importance of clinical researchbeing taken forward if we are to find solutions to achallenge as great as HIV/AIDS.

I can assure the honourable Member, who I know has anabiding and passionate commitment to tackling injustice,not just at home but abroad, that we are determined tosupport the efforts of the partnership as I described, notleast through the efforts of the Department forInternational Development that she highlighted in herquestion, but also by encouraging other Member Statesto play their important role in what is a hugely importantcontribution by the European Union plus Norway toconfronting a genuinely global challenge and a globalproblem.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 8 de KyriacosTriantaphyllides (H-0774/05)

Assunto: Celebração de um acordo entre a ComunidadeEuropeia e o Azerbaijão sobre certos aspectos dos serviçosaéreos

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A 29 de Agosto, um avião cipriota turco descolou doaeroporto ilegal da chamada "República Turca do Norte deChipre" com destino à capital do Azerbaijão, Bakou. Este voosegue-se a um voo directo proveniente do Azerbeijão comdestino à zona ocupada de Chipre realizado a 27 de Julho de2005. Estes voos realizaram-se em violação dos princípios daaeronáutica civil europeia e internacional. Tendo em mente aproposta de decisão do Conselho (COM(2005)0060 final)relativa à assinatura de um acordo entre a ComunidadeEuropeia e o Azerbaijão sobre certos aspectos dos serviçosaéreos em substituição dos acordos bilaterais entre osEstados-Membros e a República do Azerbaijão, pergunta-seao Conselho como irá encarar esta posição do Azerbaijão combase nos meios políticos de que dispõe.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The draft agreement referred to by the honourableMember does not cover air transport between Cyprusand Azerbaijan. The sole purpose of this draft agreementis to ensure that, where a bilateral agreement between aMember State and Azerbaijan exists, such an agreementcomplies with Community law. Since there is no suchbilateral agreement between Cyprus and Azerbaijan, thisdraft agreement has no bearing on the issue thehonourable Member raises relating to flights fromAzerbaijan to the area of the Republic of Cyprus inwhich the Government of the Republic does not exerciseeffective control.


Κυριάκος Τριανταφυλλίδης (GUE/NGL). ΚύριεΠρόεδρε, ευχαριστώ τον κ. Υπουργό για την πολύπεριεκτική απάντηση που µου έδωσε. Ωστόσο, να µουεπιτρέψει να παρατηρήσω ότι µου δίδει τεχνικέςαπαντήσεις σε ένα καθαρά πολιτικό ζήτηµα. Φυσικά καιόλοι γνωρίζουµε ότι το Αζερµπαϊτζάν πρέπει νασυµβιβαστεί µε τις οδηγίες των Ηνωµένων Εθνών καιτου ICAO, αλλά εγώ θέλω να ξέρω ποια είναι η άποψητου Συµβουλίου για το γεγονός ότι το Αζερµπαϊτζάνσυνεχίζει να διατηρεί πτήσεις προς αεροδρόµια τωνκατεχόµενων εδαφών της Κυπριακής ∆ηµοκρατίας.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I would merely reiterate the technical points that Imade. In some political questions the technical answer isoften the best. However, it would also be important given the terms of the supplementary question to makeclear that the European Commission has no competenceto get involved directly in this matter: it is a bilateralissue between the Government of the Republic ofCyprus and the Azeri Government. That also reflects theposition of the Council, which would hope that aresolution to this matter could be found on a bilateralbasis.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 9 de Sajjad Karim (H-0775/05)

Assunto: Ordem do dia do Conselho de Associação UE-Israel

Em resposta ao debate sobre a situação no Médio Oriente, queteve lugar no Parlamento Europeu em 7 de Setembro de 2005,

Douglas Alexander, intervindo em nome da Presidênciabritânica do Conselho, repetiu a "clara visão" do Conselho notocante ao muro de separação em Jerusalém-Leste e,assegurou aos membros que, "Se o Conselho tiverpreocupações no que respeita as acções de Israelrelativamente aos Direitos humanos, ele comunicará - ecomunicou essas preocupações ao Governo israelita."Douglas Alexander explicou também que o Conselhoponderaria, em devida altura, os temas que irá apresentar noConselho de Associação UE-Israel, agendado para finais desteano.

Poderá o Conselho descrever em linhas gerais o processo peloqual é definida a ordem do dia do Conselho de AssociaçãoUE-Israel, tendo em conta o sistemático incumprimento, porparte de Israel, do parecer do Tribunal Internacional de Justiçade 9 de Julho de 2004? Poderá o Conselho facultar algumajustificação, expondo o motivo pelo qual não deveriaencontrar-se em primeiro lugar da ordem do dia a aplicaçãodo parecer do mais alto Tribunal Internacional, que estabeleceobrigações vinculativas para todos os Estados-Membros?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The Council has already indicated, in its reply toWritten Question E-3041/05 by the honourable Member,the European Unions position on the separation barrierand the advisory opinion of the International Court ofJustice on the question.

The issue of the separation barrier is a fixed agenda itemin the continuous political contacts between theEuropean Union and Israel, including those scheduled inthe context of the forthcoming EU-Israel AssociationCouncil meeting.


Fiona Hall (ALDE), Deputising for the author. Thankyou for that reply. Despite the early optimism felt afterIsraels unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, the picturetoday is much bleaker than had been hoped for. Lastweek, Israel broke off diplomatic contacts with thePalestinian Authority after three young settlers werekilled near Hebron. In The Independent yesterday,James Wolfensohn reportedly accused Israel of actingalmost as though there had been no withdrawal, delayingmaking difficult decisions and preferring to take difficultmatters back into slow-moving subcommittees.

How does the Council, in its role as a member of theQuartet, plan to bring Israel and the PalestinianAuthority back to the negotiating table and ensure thatthose early feelings of optimism are not wasted?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I would certainly agree with the honourable Memberthat there are times of frustration and disappointment aswe seek a way forward in the Middle East peace process.That notwithstanding, we have to recognise that thewithdrawal she describes marked a significant stepforward and represented a significant opportunity tomove forward in the roadmap process, which had notbeen as clear in previous years. So I recognise thetragedy she describes and the consequences that havefollowed.

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However, on the specifics of how, as a member of theQuartet, we can continue to progress, I would like toplace on record, on behalf of the Council, our gratitudeand support for the continuing efforts of JamesWolfensohn. Given the very constructive role he hasbeen able to play to date, he has a critical personal roleas the Special Envoy for Disengagement.

The European Union is ready to help. This is a real testfor the Palestinian Authority and for Israel, but also agreat opportunity.

Despite the disappointments and frustrations, we need totake a longer view. All those who want to see a peacefuland stable Middle East must continue to support theefforts of the Quartet, and the Special Envoy inparticular.


David Martin (PSE). President-in-Office, I amencouraged by your reply. Would you, through the EU-Israel discussions and through the Mediterraneanprocess, point out to Israel and its neighbours that theirsecurity is best guaranteed not by separation, fences orbarriers, but by integrating with each other economicallyand politically and through cultural, scientific andtechnical exchanges? Only through that mutualreinforcement of contact will security be guaranteed forthe Palestinians and Israelis and the region as a whole.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I endorse wholeheartedly the points that have beenmade by the questioner. Of course Israel has a right toprotect itself from acts of terrorism, but equally all of usunderstand that it is necessary to find a way forward anda political solution to the challenges of the Middle East.In that regard, and notwithstanding the very realdifficulties that the Middle East continues to face, I thinkwe should take pride in the efforts that the EuropeanUnion has been able to make in this troubled anddifficult area of the world and we should be encouragedin particular by the strength that Mr Wolfensohn hasbeen able to bring to his role as the Quartets specialenvoy.

Of course there is more work to be done, of course theEuropean Union stands ready to make those pointsdirectly to Israel and to the Palestinian authorities, andof course the European Union stands ready to help inother ways if it can.

However, I would simply reiterate that, ultimately, theresponsibility lies primarily with Israel and with thePalestinian authorities. It is both a great test for them andalso a great opportunity, for exactly the reasons thequestioner set out.


Sarah Ludford (ALDE). I agree with the lastsupplementary question and the answer given, and inthat spirit note how idiotic it was to demand thesuspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, as

some did, or to talk about a boycott of universities inIsrael. This is completely counterproductive.

With reference to the desire to enlarge opportunities forPalestinians, to which the Presidency referred, can thePresident-in-Office give us any further encouragementabout EU support for economic development in Gazaand enlighten us about suggestions that there could be anEU contribution to securing the borders of Gaza,particularly the border with Egypt?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I say to the honourable Member that, firstly, the issueof economic development is inextricably bound up withthe issue of security. The European Union is committedto continuing the enhanced support for the Palestiniancivil policing through EU corps, in order to help buildthe necessary security environment in Gaza followingIsraeli withdrawal, so as to allow exactly the kind ofeconomic development that is necessary.

We also welcome the agreement between theGovernments of Israel and Egypt on basic securityarrangements along the Gaza-Egypt border. A resolutionto the issue of the crossing point on the Rafah border isalso needed and is essential to the fate of other crossingsand issues such as the port and airport.

The European Union continues to be one of the biggestinternational donors to the Palestinian Authority. Lastyear assistance to the Palestinians from the EuropeanCommunity amounted to some EUR 250 million. Thatincluded assistance to refugees, food aid, the health andeducation sectors, the private sector, municipalities andinstitution-building. The Commission has recentlyannounced a larger package of support to thePalestinians and will provide around EUR 280 million in2005. That money includes a substantial contribution tohelp tackle the priorities identified by Mr JamesWolfensohn. The European Unions aim is to ensure thatdisengagement is a success and a step towardimplementing the roadmap.

The Commission attaches strict conditionality to thebudgetary assistance it has provided to the PalestinianAuthority. The conditions mainly reinforce the need fortransparency of the Palestinian Authoritys publicfinances, strengthening the prudent management of thebudget and encouraging progress on overall financialand administrative reform.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 10 de Dimitrios Papadimoulis(H-0777/05)

Assunto: Decisão-quadro sobre a conservação de dados(CNS/2004/0813)

Está o Conselho disposto a avançar com o processo daadopção da Decisão-quadro sobre a conservação de dadosapesar das reacções, tanto do PE, sobre a base jurídica e adesproporção entre objectivos e meios, como dasorganizações humanitárias, sobre problemas de respeito dasliberdades civis, bem como da indústria do sector sobre o seu

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elevado custo? Partilha o Conselho a opinião de certasinstâncias segundo as quais "o preço não é um problemapolítico"? Como se prevê serão salvaguardados os direitoshumanos e como serão ultrapassados os obstáculosconstitucionais em diversos Estados-Membros relativamente àamplitude de aplicação de uma tal Decisão-quadro? Comocomenta o Conselho as objecções de ministros britânicossegundo as quais um sistema pan-europeu não éindispensável, uma vez que os objectivos de segurança podemser melhor servidos por 25 sistemas nacionais?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. After the terrorist attacks in London on 7 July 2005,the Council reiterated the urgent need for an EUinstrument on retention of communications data, calledfor in the wake of the Madrid bombings, and made acommitment to agree to it by October 2005.

The draft framework decision tabled by four MemberStates in April 2004 does not aim at recording thecontent of any communication, but rather at the retentionof so-called traffic data. These data, such as the namesof the persons connected with a phone call or the time ofthe communication, are necessary for law enforcementauthorities effectively to investigate criminal offencesand bring successful prosecutions in an age whencriminals exploit the advantages of moderncommunications facilities.

The proposal for a directive on retention of traffic data,which the Commission adopted on 21 September 2005,and which the Council considered in October, alsoconcerns traffic data and not the content ofcommunications. A decision has yet to be made onwhether the framework decision or directive is theappropriate legal base for such rules by the Council ondata retention. In the meantime, work will continue onthe substance, in consultation, of course, with theCommission and the European Parliament.

At its meeting on 2 July 2004, the Council stressed theneed to give particular consideration to theproportionality of the measure in relation to costs,privacy and efficiency. The Council aims at aninstrument that balances law enforcement requirementswith the right to privacy and costs, and which iscompatible with Member States constitutions.


Αδάµος Αδάµου (GUE/NGL), Αναπληρωτήςσυντάκτης. Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Υπουργέ, ευχαριστώγια την απάντησή σας, όµως µετά τα συµπεράσµατα τηςΝοµικής Υπηρεσίας του Συµβουλίου και έχοντας υπόψητα νοµικά προβλήµατα που θα προκύψουν από τυχόνυιοθέτηση αυτής της πρότασης στα πλαίσια του τρίτουπυλώνα, καθως και την πληροφορία σχετικά µε τηδέσµευση του Ολλανδού Υπουργού, να µη συµφωνήσεισε πρόταση στα πλαίσια αυτού του πυλώνα, πότεσκοπεύει το Συµβούλιο να αποσύρει την πρότασή του;


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The thinking, as set out by our own Prime Ministerearlier in the course of meetings, is to try and secure

agreement on the way forward in the course of the UKPresidency. That suggests December as the opportunitywhen, under the scenario that we would wish to see,under pillar one, as our Home Secretary Charles Clarkehas proposed, we can see progress being made inrelation to this instrument. I hope that directly answersthe question because we continue to seek to find a basisunder pillar one rather than under pillar three, as thequestion implied.


Claude Moraes (PSE). As the President-in-Office hasjust said, Charles Clarke made the welcome decision forthe European Parliament to now give its views on thisproposal. As the Parliament is now in the process ofputting its view, could I ask the President-in-Office totake the safeguard argument seriously? We accept theneed for retention of data and we are looking at thetimings now. We are moving very much in the rightdirection, but we need concrete and collectivesafeguards. Will he give an assurance that that aspectwill be taken very seriously, because Parliament wantsto see the Council treat that as a priority.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I should like to make a couple of points directly inreply to the points that the honourable Member hasraised.

Firstly, the British Presidency is committed to securingagreement on the data-retention measure before the endof the year, as I said, and is taking forward work onsubstance in consultation with the Commission andEuropean Parliament alike, which have made thesepoints. We remain committed, however, to the belief thatretention of specific communications data for a fixedperiod is a proportionate reaction to the threat ofterrorism and that the associated costs are not excessive.

On the specific point of the pillar under which we shouldmake progress, it is important to add one point to thediscussions that have taken place in Parliament today,and that is to say very honestly that I do not believe ourcitizens will care whether the measure is decided underthe first or third pillar. What we need is a proposal thatcan be agreed quickly and will allow for effective lawenforcement without threatening the fundamental rightsof European Union citizens.

On the specific point that the honourable Member raised,we agree that all retained data must be held securely inline with data protection principles and that informationexchange must be accompanied by high standards ofprotection. Police and other public authorities will nothave unrestricted access to the retained data and willhave to meet national standards to access privateinformation. The content of calls or messages as Isought to suggest earlier would not be retained. It ismerely a question of providers keeping records of whocalled whom, where and when. This is part of strikingthe balance that we believe is necessary betweenprotecting people from terrorism and serious crime and,on the other hand, respecting civil rights.

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We believe, therefore, that our response must beproportionate and respect common democratic values.We must defend our communities from the threat ofattack while upholding human rights in accordance withinternational law and the ECHR. For let us be very clear:the terrorists want to attack not only our lives but alsoour way of life.


Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE). I would like to thank theMinister for his reply; I certainly share his concerns.However, recently in Ireland an Irish citizen won aninternational lottery of some EUR 100 million I cannotremember the exact figure. There was immediatelysomething in the region of 60 hits on her private socialsecurity file and extra hits on her private taxation file,which the Revenue Commissioners are examining.

It seems to me that we need to take care to ensure thatinformation within the public service is not actually usedby terrorists as a source of intelligence, whereorganisations like the Provisional IRA sometimes havetheir intelligence officers in situ in the public service. Iwould ask the Minister to be very careful to ensure thatthere are proper checks and balances and that those whoabuse for their own purpose intelligence or informationgathered in any way in the public interest are dealt withvery severely.

I would like to make one other point: I understand thatprivate detectives, for example, have people within thevarious public services, but they pay ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I cannot comment on the specific case of the luckylottery winner, who, as it transpired, was not so luckywhen it came to the invasion of privacy described. Nor, Ihope, would you expect me to comment on yourallegations and suggestions on public services and dataprotection in individual Member States.

The Presidency is keen to see progress on dataprotection and we agree that all retained data must beheld securely, in line with data protection principles, andthat very high standards of protection should be requiredfor exchanges of information.

The police and other bodies should not have unrestrictedaccess to the retained data and it is essential that nationalstandards for access to private information are met. Ifthose standards are deemed insufficient in thehonourable Members country, then I suggest that that isa matter that should be raised with the Member State,just as it is raised with the Presidency when we areconsidering data protection at a European level.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 11 de John Purvis (H-0784/05)

Assunto: Sebo e a Directiva 2000/76/CE relativa àincineração de resíduos

O sebo de origem animal é abrangido pela Directiva2000/76/CE1 relativa à incineração de resíduos e depois deDezembro deste ano terá que ser incinerado em condiçõesmuito rigorosas. Actualmente é utilizado como combustívelem caldeiras de vapor em esquartejadouros e na produção debiodiesel. Todavia, as disposições da Directiva 2000/76/CEparecem impedir a sua utilização para estes fins. Esteimpedimento não é incoerente com a política ambiental daComissão que incentiva as fontes de energia alternativaseficientes e competitivas?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The Waste Incineration Directive neither precludes nordiscourages the use of waste as a competitive andefficient alternative energy source. Rather, the aim of thedirective is to prevent or to limit, as far as is practical,negative effects on the environment and human healthfrom the incineration and co-incineration of waste.

When adopting legislation, the Community legislatorcarefully examines possible trade-offs in relation toother Community policy objectives. Waste tallow is onlyincluded in the scope of the directive where it isincinerated or co-incinerated. Other waste disposal orrecovery operations involving waste tallow, such as itsprocessing into bio-diesel, are not subject to thedirectives requirements but are subject to control underthe Waste Framework Directive.


John Purvis (PPE-DE). Thank you for your response.The Commission did in fact respond to a similarquestion yesterday, but it did feel that there werepractical problems with the implementation of thisdirective, especially in three Member States includingthe Member State you and I know best, President-in-Office which had implemented it in the most rigidform. May I ask whether it would be possible topostpone implementation in those three Member Statesuntil the Commission can come up with a much morepractical application of this directive? Surely that wouldbe consistent with our desire for a more sensible form ofEU legislation. It would also benefit our Scottishconstituency farmers and our Scottish environment.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Greatly tempting though it would be to answer, both asa Scottish Member of Parliament and as a BritishMinister, I would respectfully remind myself and thisChamber that I answer today on behalf of thePresidency.

In that context, while I have sympathy with the pointsmade by the Member about the need for these practicaldifficulties to be addressed, it would seem moreappropriate that these matters be brought to the attentionof the Commission by the individual Member States

1 JO L 332 de 28.12.2000, p. 91.

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acting in their own interests rather than it be, in the firstinstance, a Presidency matter.

However, on the way forward and on the prospect ofaction by the European Commission, let me take theopportunity to say that the Commission has indicated anintention to place a consultancy contract, within the nextmonth, for a study of the environmental, regulatory andoperational impacts of the inclusion of the burning ofwaste tallow within the scope of the Waste IncinerationDirective. The study will include recommendations tothe Commission concerning whether the application ofthe Waste Incineration Directives regulatory controls tothe burning of waste tallow is appropriate. Theserecommendations are expected to be made in the middleof next year.


David Martin (PSE). President-in-Office, this mightseem in some senses quite an obscure topic, but it isextremely important. You are right to say that there is areview, but the problem is the last point you made the fact that the review will not be completed until nextJune. Once companies, farmers and so on stop burningtallow through incinerators, they are unlikely to return toit, so we need a decision before the end of the year.

The Commission has not promised, but indicated, that itwould look sympathetically on the idea of excludingtallow from the directive. Only 3 of the 25 MemberStates include tallow within the scope of the directive.

A simple solution would be for the Presidency to ask theCommission to consider putting out an advisory notestating that tallow should not be considered as part of theWaste Directive. I think that would be met with asympathetic response from the Commission.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Firstly let me place on record my understanding, notleast given my own responsibilities back home, of theimportance of this issue and the fact that there are alimited number of Member States which have movedmuch more rapidly than others in implementing thisdirective.

It has not previously been put to me that the Presidencyshould approach the Commission to issue the advisorynote because, clearly, up until now the position has beenclear in relation to this as in relation to other directives.Whether to invest in any necessary upgrading to complywith the directive when it comes fully into force at theend of this year is a matter for a commercial decision bythe rendering companies and biodiesel companiesburning tallow as fuel.

However, if the situation is as the honourable Memberdescribes, in that there is now genuine uncertainty as tothe merit or demerit of making those investmentdecisions because of uncertainty as to the status of thedirective, I will certainly consider sympathetically thepoint that has been made to me and perhaps I will be

able to write to the honourable Member to confirm theway forward.


Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE). Thank you for thatresponse, President-In-Office. It is not only tallow thatcreates a problem, although it is the most pressing one.

There is a real need to achieve carbon neutrality and toavoid placing unnecessary costs on business. So, sayingMr Martins suggestion is one way forward, I would alsoask whether the Council would be prepared to supportMembers of the European Parliament in asking theCommission to produce a list of materials in relation towhich it will refrain from instigating any infringementproceedings under the Waste Incineration Directive untilan analysis has been conducted of their overallenvironmental effect when used as a fuel source.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Given the range of views that have already beenexpressed as to the right way forward for the Presidency,the sensible approach would be to reflect on both of thesuggestions and write to both of the honourableMembers in due course, once this debate is concluded.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 12 de Claude Moraes (H-0790/05)

Assunto: A questão curda na Turquia

À luz da atitude construtiva adoptada pelo Conselho emrelação às negociações sobre a entrada da Turquia na UniãoEuropeia, poderá esta Instituição dar a conhecer asinformações mais recentes de que dispõe sobre os contactosdesenvolvidos durante a Presidência do Reino Unido? Poderáo Conselho esclarecer igualmente a sua posição sobre oproblema específico dos direitos humanos e culturais dosCurdos no âmbito de um qualquer pacote negocial?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. As the honourable Member will be aware, the Unionopened accession negotiations with Turkey on Monday 3October. This was a historic moment and anotherimportant step in the evolution of the European Union-Turkey relationship. It marked the beginning of a longand rigorous process that will be guided by thenegotiating framework adopted by the Council the sameday. The Commission started screening the science andresearch chapter on 20 October.

The European Union will continue to monitor respect forthe human and cultural rights of the Kurdish people andthe situation in the south east of the country in general.As stipulated in the negotiating framework, Turkeyshould consolidate and broaden legislation andimplement measures on, inter alia, freedom ofexpression, freedom of religion and minority rights.Progress in these areas should be irreversible, fully andeffectively implemented. The Commission will thereforecontinue to monitor it closely and to report regularly tothe Council.

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The Council can assure Members that the Union attachesgreat importance to this issue as part of the ongoingreform process in Turkey. Hence progress will continueto be monitored and evaluated in all the relevant bodies.


Claude Moraes (PSE). I should like to take thisopportunity to congratulate the President-in-Office onhis role in Luxembourg, a negotiation he probably willnot forget.

On the very serious question of the Kurdish community,I am in contact with the largest community centre ofKurds anywhere in the United Kingdom. Whilst they aregrateful for the negotiations, they are anxious that youdo not let the positive energy that is now flowing inthese negotiations negate the very real human rightsconsiderations the Kurdish community still has. Theyfeel that this should be a major part of any negotiation it is a symbolic part and we ask the President-in-Officeto continue to take that seriously.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Let me take this opportunity to place on record myrespect and admiration for the work that the honourableMember has taken forward over a number of years forcommunities such as the Kurdish community in London.In response to his generous tribute to my role in thenegotiations and the assertion that I would never forgetit, I think I was in some danger of forgetting my ownname by the end of 30 hours of serial and continuingnegotiations! But I am delighted to say that,notwithstanding the lack of sleep and the considerableeffort on all sides, we managed to reach what I think wasa constructive way forward which reflected the longhistorical association between Turkey and Europe, theprospect of European membership having been held outto Turkey for 42 years. It was a genuinely historicmoment in Luxembourg and one from which I thinkmany of the Members of the European Parliament cantake real pride.

However, the emphasis that I place on that moment inhistory, as I hope I reflected in my initial answer, is thatit marks the next step of a journey that Turkey is on. Inmany ways, the destination is important but so too is thejourney that Turkey is taking to reach that destination. Inthat regard, I believe that those of us who have longargued for Turkish accession to the European Unionhave the best interests of those who have, in the past,been fearful of their human and civil rights withinTurkey at heart, because the very process of accessionand the rigour which I sought to reflect in my earlierreply in many ways represent one of the best guaranteesthat can be afforded to such communities that theprogress we all wish to see as Turkey makes that journeyover the decade or so ahead will actually be made, andthat there will be a transparent means by which the scaleand pace of that progress can be judged, not just by thecommunities within Turkey but also by the widerinternational community within the European Union.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 13 de Richard Corbett (H-0792/05)

Assunto: As doenças respiratórias e a Agenda de Lisboa

No âmbito da apreciação da secção relativa à saúde do SétimoPrograma-Quadro para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento,tencionará o Conselho considerar a pertinência de diferentestipos de questões de saúde no tocante à Agenda de Lisboa?

Terá o Conselho conhecimento de que as doençasrespiratórias custam mais de 102 mil milhões de euros aosserviços de saúde e que são a afecção que mais vezes requerconsultas de clínica geral e entradas de urgência nos hospitais,o que representa uma enorme sobrecarga em termos de perdasde dias de trabalho?

Concordará o Conselho que a investigação nesta área poderáacarretar vantagens, tanto no plano da saúde, como no planoeconómico e assim prestar um enorme contributo à Estratégiade Lisboa?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. As the honourable Member is aware, the Council iscurrently examining the Commission proposal of April2005 for the Seventh Framework Programme for 2007-2013 or FP7 which will be decided by thisParliament and the Council under the codecisionprocedure.

The Council has, on several occasions, confirmed theimportance it attaches to research and technologicaldevelopment activities in the context of the LisbonAgenda. I hope the commitment of our own PrimeMinister and the Presidency to that agenda was obviousto all Members of this Parliament from his remarksearlier this afternoon.

The research programme in particular is the mainCommunity instrument. Further research into respiratorydiseases would be timely. Respiratory diseases arecurrently the leading cause of death in the EuropeanUnion and yet these illnesses have a lower profile thanmany other diseases such as heart disease.

The honourable Member is right to draw attention to thesignificant economic loss caused by these diseases inparticular. In the European Union, 41 300 lost work daysper one thousand of the population are due to chronicobstructive pulmonary disease alone.

Productivity losses resulting from this disease amount toEUR 28.5 billion annually. The Commission proposalfor FP7 includes health and environment as priorityresearch topics. As regards research potentially relevantto respiratory diseases, the following topics are proposedamongst others: innovative therapeutic approaches andintervention with potential applications in manydiseases; transnational research into infectious diseasesand major diseases including cancer; the quality,efficiency and solidarity of health systems; enhanceddisease prevention and better use of medicines; theinteraction of environmental factors such as pollutionwith human health.

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The Framework Programme indicates the broad lines ofresearch activity and therefore does not exhaustively listthe potential individual research topics. These will beelaborated on in the specific programme decisions andduring the execution of the programme, which is theresponsibility of the Commission.

Research projects are selected mainly on the basis ofopen calls for proposals to the scientific community andtake into account various criteria such as scientificexcellence and European added value.


Richard Corbett (PSE). I thank the Presidency for anencouraging reply and for the commitment shown by MrBlair earlier to boosting RTD in the European Unionbudget.

Research is an area where a common programme, ratherthan 25 separate national programmes, can provideadded value and can save money. Health, important inits own right for the human beings involved, is alsoimportant in terms of our economic performance. Thestatistics you quoted show that this is an area that can tiein with and be a flagship example of how the LisbonAgenda can be matched in the field of research.

May I urge the Council to persevere with that line ofargument in its internal deliberations.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I can assure you that I will reflect on and bear in mindthe remarks the Member has made.

I reiterate the commitment and importance we attach tousing the framework directive in the kind of ways that Ioutlined in my initial answer. If I can offer a ray ofoptimism to the Member, it would simply be to say thathe is not a lone voice in this Parliament in making thiscase.

Even while I was sitting at desk No 2 and our PrimeMinister was still addressing the Chamber thisafternoon, one of your colleagues in the Socialist Grouphad already passed a note to me saying that they took thestrength of commitment to research and developmentshown by our Prime Minister during his speech as a veryclear indication that the Seventh Framework Programmewould be fully funded to the extent that she wanted.

I am not able to give such an indication today, given theinterrelated issues of financing that such a commitmentwould involve, but, in its own way, for me, it reflects thestrength of feeling, not just amongst the Council whichI believe will be reflected in the Council tomorrow atHampton Court but amongst a wide cross-section ofMembers of this Parliament, that research anddevelopment is one of the key priorities for the Unionmoving ahead in the future.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 14 de Bernd Posselt (H-0794/05)

Assunto: Minorias na Turquia

Como avalia o Conselho a situação das minorias étnicas ereligiosas na Turquia, em comparação com o ano precedente,sobretudo no que respeita à lei relativa à religião?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The European Commission has agreed that the reformsof recent years have strengthened minority rights.However, there remain a number of outstandingconcerns, which the Commission will address in itsregular report, due on 9 November. The Commissionand the Council will continue to monitor these issuesclosely.

Non-Muslim religious communities continue toexperience difficulties with questions of legalpersonality, property rights, training, residents rightsand work permits for Turkish and non-Turkish clergy,schools and internal management. A new law onfoundations is expected to resolve some of theseproblems.

The European Commission has acknowledged that thelatest draft is a significant improvement on itspredecessor. The Union has urged Turkey to adopt sucha law promptly and ensure that it is fully compliant withEuropean standards.

On his visit to Ankara from 6 to 8 October 2005,Commissioner Rehn urged the Turkish Authorities totake into account the Commissions comments on thedraft law. The European Union has also repeated its callsfor Turkey to reopen the Halki Greek OrthodoxSeminary.

With regard to the rights of those belonging to ethnicminorities, some progress has been achieved, notably inthe field of cultural rights, but further progress is needed.Furthermore, the situation in the south east of Turkeyremains a matter for concern.

The negotiation mandate agreed by the European Unionthat will guide accession negotiations with Turkey in themonths and years ahead stipulates that Turkey shouldwork towards further improvement in respect for humanrights and fundamental freedoms, as well as consolidateand broaden legislation and implementing measures on,inter alia, freedom of religion and minority rights.

The Council can assure the honourable Member that theUnion attaches great importance to these issues. Hencemonitoring and evaluation of progress, as well asdialogue with the Turkish side, will continue in all therelevant bodies.


Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE). Herr Präsident! DieChristen in der Türkei es sind meistens christlicheMinderheiten, die diese Probleme haben sind vomVerschwinden bedroht. Ihre Zahl geht zurück, und der

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ökumenische Patriarch befürchtet, dass es bis zum Endeder Beitrittsverhandlungen vielleicht gar keine Christenin der Türkei mehr gibt. Deshalb möchte ich Sie ganzkonkret etwas fragen. Das Religionsgesetz wurdevorgelegt und von der Kommission deutlich kritisiert.Die Türken haben gesagt, sie werden es im Parlamentnachbessern. Haben Sie konkrete Signale für eine solcheNachbesserung, insbesondere was das Eigentumsrechtund die Priesterausbildung betrifft? Haben Sie konkreteSignale, und werden Sie darauf bestehen, dass dieseSignale noch in den nächsten Wochen umgesetztwerden? Oder ist das eine Sache, die man so lange vorsich herschiebt, bis es keine Christen in der Türkei mehrgibt?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I think it most appropriate to await the Commissionreport on exactly these matters, because it is important rather than to deal on the basis of individual examples,or sometimes even of anecdote to have evidence onwhich to base assertions that are being made.

It is certainly the case that the Union continues to urgethe Turkish Government to reopen the Halki GreekOrthodox Seminary, as I said, that closed back in 1971.The Turkish Government remains committed to this andis searching for a solution that is both compatible withTurkish law and acceptable to the Patriarchate.

On the specific issue of confiscation of Greek OrthodoxChurch property, Commissioner Rehn wrote to theTurkish Foreign Minister in June on the shortcomings inthe draft law on foundations and highlighted the issue ofproperty rights specifically.

The final point I would make given the very negativeconstruction that was placed in the question as regardsthe prospects for the Christian community within Turkey is to place on record the fact that leaders of thoseChristian communities themselves have been some ofthose who have recognised the scale of progress that hasbeen made in recent months in anticipation of theopening of accession talks. So, while I am respectful tothe point the honourable Member made, I think we alsoneed to listen to those Christian voices within Turkeywho themselves are claiming that the very process andprospect of accession is providing for them andguaranteeing rights which, tragically, have not beenavailable to them in past circumstances.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 15 de Michl Ebner (H-0798/05)

Assunto: Protecção e promoção das raças de bovinosalpinas

O Regulamento (CE) nº 639/20032 reduz de 36 para 30 mesesa idades das vacas e vitelas relativamente às quais sãoconcedidas restituições à exportação. Anteriormente, em

2 JO L 93, de 10.4.2003, p. 10.

conformidade com o Regulamento (CE) nº 615/19983, eramconcedidas restituições à exportação de animais até aos 36meses de idade.

Tal alteração dificulta a vida aos criadores nas regiões demontanha, que estão dependentes do ciclo alpino de partos noOutono. Por outro lado, devido à dureza do ambiente naspastagens de montanha, as raças bovinas dessas regiõesdesenvolvem-se mais lentamente e a cobertura apenas podeefectuar-se aos 24 meses de idade, em função doscondicionalismos biológicos.

Poderá o Conselho prever uma derrogação para as raças debovinos alpinas, de modo a que volte a ser fixada em 36meses a idade de exportação desses animais?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Under the procedure laid down for Regulation (EC)No 639/2003, to which the honourable Member refers,the Commission is responsible for submitting to themanagement committee any proposal for modifyingimplementing measures relating to conditions governingthe payment of export refunds. The Council is requestedto act only when a majority of delegations in themanagement committee has been unable to give anopinion on such a proposal. The Commission has madeno such proposal.


Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE), stellvertretender Verfasser. Herr Präsident! Es handelt sich hier um ein erheblichesProblem für die Berggebiete, die ja in besonderer Weisevon Dekulturierung und Verwüstung bedroht sind.Deshalb möchte ich fragen auch wegen derökologischen Bedeutung dieser Rinderrassen für dieAlpen, die ja ohnehin ökologisch bedroht sind:Unterstützt der Rat ein solches Vorgehen oder verhält ersich absolut neutral und hat dazu keinerlei Auffassung?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The European Union has a wide variety of instrumentsaimed at assisting farmers across the spectrum. None, tomy knowledge, directly targets alpine mountain cattlebreeds, but many are aimed at farmers that deliver thekind of benefits that many European Union citizenswould associate with alpine farming, such as managingsensitive landscapes and habitats and, indeed,maintaining biodiversity.

In response to the subsequent point made by thehonourable Member, I would simply reiterate theimportance of recognising the relative institutionalresponsibilities with regard to this Regulation, and Iwould suggest that, if there are continuing concerns ofthe type that the honourable Member has raised, then,given the relative responsibilities of the Commission andthe Presidency, it might be more appropriate for them tobe directed towards the Commission.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 16 de Esko Seppänen (H-0804/05)

3 JO L 82, de 19.3.1998, p. 19.

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Assunto: Desconto britânico

O Conselho não conseguiu em Junho alcançar um acordosobre as perspectivas financeiras para o período 2007-2013.Um dos impedimentos foi o tratamento particular que o ReinoUnido recebeu relativamente à sua participação financeira,por outras palavras, o "desconto britânico". Tenciona a actualpresidência em exercício do Conselho inscrever na ordem dodia uma proposta que colocaria em pé de igualdade todos osEstados-Membros, ou seja, que suprimisse os descontos dequotização atribuídos ao Reino Unido e a alguns outrosEstados-Membros?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. The Presidency is fully aware, as the Prime Ministerand I have stated on numerous occasions today, of theimportance of reaching an agreement on the newFinancial Perspective, if we can, by the end of the year.We will work to achieve that. It has just completed aseries of bilateral meetings with all Member States andthe two accession states in order to determine the basison which such an agreement might be possible.

In the light of these consultations, the Presidency hopesto draw up a proposal, which it intends to submit to theCouncil. The Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said in hisletter to Heads of Government ahead of the informalmeeting that will take place tomorrow at HamptonCourt, that he believes agreement can and should bereached at the December Council, and that he will makeevery effort personally to achieve it by then.

All of that having been said, as was reaffirmed verypowerfully by the turn of events at the June EuropeanCouncil, the ultimate determinant of whether agreementwill be reached on the future Financial Perspective restsnot on the will of one country albeit one countryholding the Presidency but on the commitment of all25 Member States of the European Union to work tosecure that consensus.


Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL). Arvoisa puhemies,arvoisa puheenjohtajavaltion edustaja, kesäkuussa tämäasia oli kiinni harvoista valtioista ja mitä suurimmassamäärin kiinni nykyisestä puheenjohtajavaltiostaYhdistyneestä kuningaskunnasta. Te torpedoitte sillointehokkaasti ratkaisun, jolla piti löytää rahoituspuitteetjaksolle 20072013. Nyt kun te olette itse niitävalmistelemassa, on esille noussut kysymys siitä, ettäasiasta tulisi jonkinlainen paketti, ja kysyn: kuuluukomaatalouden yhteisrahoitus mahdollisesti tähänpakettiin, niin että jäsenvaltiot ryhtyisivät maksamaanosan pakollisista maatalousmenoista itse?


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Let me address both of those points in turn.

Firstly, although it might be convenient to thehonourable Member's question for the United Kingdomto have been isolated in a minority of one at the JuneEuropean Council, I am afraid that simply was not whathappened. I know because I was there. Five Member

States were unable to accept the Luxembourg Presidencyproposals. From a British point of view, we were veryclear that there were specific reasons why we wereunable to accept that. However, it would beinappropriate for me to narrate or rehearse the argumentsthat were advanced from the British seat in June, givenmy responsibilities today to answer on behalf of thePresidency.

In relation to the general issue of agriculture, again, ourPrime Minister addressed that in the course of hisremarks today, namely that we believe it is necessary tohave a pathway forward, in terms of reform, thatrecognises the kind of future challenges that theEuropean Union will face in the course of the comingFinancial Perspective.

Beyond that, I can simply reiterate the point with whichI began my answer, which is to say that, as our ownPrime Minister has made clear in the course of hisremarks to this Parliament today, we are earnest in ourendeavour to try and reach agreement on the futureFinancial Perspective, not simply because it would besomehow judged to be a success for the BritishPresidency or in the interests of one Member State, butbecause it would be in the interests of all Member Statesof the European Union to have a budget that reflects themodern priorities of the Union in an era of globalisation.There are particular demands on the Presidency from theA10 countries the new accession countries whichhave articulated repeatedly to us their clear desire forcertainty in terms of prospective funds being available tothem in the future. We have listened carefully to thosepoints of view, consistent with our responsibilities asPresident. Given the difficulties of the June EuropeanCouncil, we did not immediately table proposals butrather sought to listen to the views that have beenexpressed in other Member States. We recognise that thepolitical context in which discussions on futurefinancing should take place would be better served byhaving had a prior conversation about the futuredirection of Europe, which is why we have organised theinformal Heads of Government meeting tomorrow. Afterthat meeting at Hampton Court tomorrow, we will thenseek to make practical and real progress in relation to thechallenges that we all recognise.


Presidente. Pergunta nº 17 de Bill Newton Dunn (H-0808/05)

Assunto: Estilo de resposta às perguntas formuladas noPeríodo de Perguntas

Um estudo da actual Presidência mostra que não gosta de darrespostas directas a perguntas directas formuladas no Períodode Perguntas. Estará a Presidência a adoptar deliberadamenteo estilo da Câmara dos Comuns, em que os ministrosnacionais se vangloriam de revelar o menos possível,contrariamente aos verdadeiros princípios democráticos, ou,dado que a Presidência representa o Conselho em geral e nãoos Comuns, tencionará o Conselho utilizar o sistemacontinental de ajudar os cidadãos, que são quem lhes paga,respondendo com informações genuínas às perguntas que lhesão colocadas?

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Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. Draft replies to oral questions at Question Time aredrafted by the Council's Secretariat in cooperation withthe Presidency and the Member States with the aim ofproviding the most accurate answers to questions put byhonourable Members of this Chamber.

It should be recalled, however, that during QuestionTime the President-in-Office acts on behalf of theCouncil; hence he must decline to answer questionswhich are outside the Council's sphere of competence,for example, where matters of strictly internal politicsare concerned.


Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE), deputising for theauthor. Thank you, President-in-Office, and thank youfor reaching question 17. On the last two occasions, weunfortunately ran out of time and my question was notanswered.

My question is a follow-up. I believe that at the lastStrasbourg part-session the Presidency decidedunilaterally to change the system of answering questionsso that the whole Council had to be involved. Iunderstand that President Borrell Fontelles has writtenformally, asking for a return to the system that hasserved this House well for 30 years. I would urge you todo that. There might not be many of us here, but thosewho do come very much value this opportunity andwould not wish the answers to questions that cannot beanswered on this occasion to be further delayed.


Douglas Alexander, President-in-Office of the Council. I can assure you that, in terms of what is an ongoingdialogue with President Borrell, there is no intentionwhatsoever of diminishing the capacity of ministers tobe answerable and to answer questions directly toMembers in the format that we are presently enjoying. Iam not sure we are both enjoying it, but certainly youare! I can also assure you that there was nothingpersonal in our failure to reach question 17 in the twoprevious question times.

I think that ministers have an important responsibility toendeavour to address themselves to the questions thathave been put. On the basis of my accumulatingexperience of answering questions in this Chamber,there are circumstances in which questions are putdirectly to us that are matters of national interest ratherthan being within the remit of the Presidency, and that,inevitably, is reflected in the answers that are given.


Presidente. Estando esgotado o tempo atribuído aoperíodo de perguntas, às perguntas nºs 18 a 46 serãodadas respostas por escrito4.

4 Ver Anexo "Período de perguntas"

Está encerrado o período de perguntas.

(A sessão, suspensa às 19h00, é reiniciada às 21h00)




10 - Zusammensetzung des Parlaments:siehe Protokoll


11 - Afghanistan


Die Präsidentin. Als nächster Punkt folgt dieErklärung der Kommission zum Thema Afghanistan.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. Madam President, last month nearly 7 million Afghanswent to the polls to elect a parliament for the first time in36 years. This was the culmination of a politicaltransitional process agreed in Bonn four years ago.

I visited Afghanistan at the beginning of September tolook at the election preparations and see for myself thepractical impact our assistance is having on the ground. Iwas also able to discuss all the challenges ahead and thenext phase of the stabilisation process with PresidentKarzai and his ministers, as well as with Afghan civilsociety and the United Nations. I would therefore like totake this opportunity to say a few words about theelections, the preparations for the post-Bonn period andfuture EU-Afghanistan relations.

The European Union has supported Afghanistans recentelection in a number of ways. It is no exaggeration tosay that the election could not have taken place withoutthe European Union, including contributions by theMember States. We funded 40% of the election budget,contributing EUR 159 million.

We have also sought to improve transparency bydeploying an EU Election Observation Mission, headedby Mrs Emma Bonino who is present today. This hasfollowed the process since July. It also benefited fromthe cooperation of an observer delegation fromParliament, led by Mr Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, who ishere today as well. I think we can say that the EU EOMwas the single largest international observer group in thecountry. Its presence was extremely important.

In its preliminary statement, the EU EOM reported thatthe election day itself had been largely peaceful, theprocess up to that point had been generally welladministered and the elections marked a step forward forAfghanistans democratic development. Nevertheless, italso noted a number of concerns, for instance with thewhole campaign environment, the choice of votingsystem and the complaints mechanism. I understand thatin some provinces fraud and irregularities have come tolight during the counting phase. The Election

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Observation Mission has urged the electoral authoritiesto deal diligently with these concerns.

I would like to congratulate Mrs Bonino for her teamsexcellent work so far. I look forward to the final report,which will include an overall assessment of the entireelection process, as well as recommendations to improvethe conduct of future elections. Mrs Bonino will betravelling to Kabul again before the end of the year topresent the report to election stakeholders.

What comes next, after the Bonn process? Afghanistanhas come a long way since the fall of the Taliban. I amproud that the European Commissions assistance hashad a tangible impact. We have pursued a combinationof visible reconstruction, lasting capacity-building andimprovements in the day-to-day lives of the Afghanpeople. We are on track to deliver the EUR 1 billion wepledged in Tokyo for the period 2002 to 2006.

If we think back to the chaos, devastation and repressionin Afghanistan four years ago, it is clear that the countryhas made progress. Five million children are back inschool, one-third of them girls. Eighty per cent ofchildren have been vaccinated against measles and polio.Roads, schools and clinics are being built and many ofthem are already working.

However, the situation is still fragile and theimprovements are not yet fully sustainable. It is clearthat the country still has a long way to go. More work isneeded, particularly on good governance, the rule of law,security, counter-narcotics and development. I thereforevery much welcome the idea floated by the UnitedNations at the end of August of a major internationalconference, hopefully early in 2006, to draw up thepost-Bonn compact between Afghanistan and theinternational community. The European Union willagain be an important participant in the conference.

What should the compact do? It should focusparticularly on Afghan ownership and sustainability.Lasting stabilisation will not be possible unless theAfghan side is willing and able to take greaterresponsibility for the transition process and for making itsustainable. The Bonn Agreement showed the value ofclear-cut targets and timetables to ensure momentum. Sowe should aim to incorporate clear benchmarks in thepost-Bonn compact. Some form of joint Afghan-international monitoring of progress would also beuseful. The post-Bonn compact should be a two-waystreet: it should contain clear-cut commitments from theAfghan side and commitments from the internationalcommunity to stay engaged financially, politically andmilitarily.

Finally, I turn to the role of the European Union. TheEuropean Union and its Member States have beenplaying an important role in Afghanistan. Together weaccounted for one-third of the USD 12.5 billion in grantspledged at the Tokyo and Bonn conferences. EUMember States are currently contributing 80% of thetroops in ISAF. The EU Special Representative in

Afghanistan, Francesc Vendrell, has been doingexcellent work politically.

Under the auspices of the British Presidency, we arecurrently discussing with President KarzaisGovernment a joint declaration on an EU-Afghanpartnership. It would be an important political signal ofcontinuing EU commitment to Afghanistan. It wouldalso make clear our expectations, the kind of furtherprogress we want to support in Afghanistan in fieldssuch as governance, development and human rights. Myhope is that this can be concluded in the weeks ahead sothat it would be in place ahead of any post-Bonnconference and could help to shape discussions there.

Finally, I believe that the European Union is bothentitled and obliged to play a major part in ensuring thesuccess of the post-Bonn compact. The Commissionwill, in any case, remain engaged.


José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, en nombredel Grupo PPE-DE. Señora Presidenta, señoraComisaria, Señorías, ante todo quisiera expresar mireconocimiento a la Comisaria Ferrero-Waldner. Enprimer lugar, por su compromiso positivo y activo con lacausa de la consolidación democrática en ese país; ensegundo lugar, por el acierto de haber enviado a ese país,que atraviesa circunstancias muy difíciles, una misión deobservación electoral. Ello ha garantizado la presenciade la Unión Europea, que está viva, a pesar de la crisisque estamos viviendo y del debate que hemospresenciado esta tarde, con el Presidente en ejercicio delConsejo, el Primer Ministro británico, señor Blair, ydemuestra claramente que no estamos ensimismados enla contemplación de nuestros propios problemas, sinoque somos solidarios con los problemas de otros paísesque sufren y que han vivido circunstanciasextremadamente difíciles, como es el caso deAfganistán.

Celebro la presencia en este debate de los miembros dela delegación del Parlamento Europeo. Veo al señorEvans, a la señora Scheele, al amigo Philippe Morillon,a la señora Nicholson y al señor Schröder. Quisieraaprovechar este debate en el Pleno de nuestroParlamento para, al igual que en la rueda de prensa quehicimos con Emma Bonino en Afganistán, manifestarnuestro reconocimiento a los candidatos que fallecieronen este proceso electoral, a los agentes electorales y,sobre todo, a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea queperdieron su vida en esta noble misión de prestar sucontribución a la causa de la consolidación democráticaen este país.

Pienso en el soldado francés que falleció justo cuandonosotros estábamos realizando nuestra misión y,también, en los diecisiete bravos soldados españoles queperdieron su vida en un accidente de helicóptero, aquienes tuvimos ocasión de rendir un homenaje degratitud y de reconocimiento en la visita que realizamosa Herat, la base donde aquéllos tenían su cuartel general,y también en la visita que hicimos al Gobernador, al

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Presidente, a las autoridades de las Naciones Unidas, amujeres candidatas y al General Jefe de la misión de lasFuerzas de la OTAN en ese país.

Desde un punto de vista general, quisiera decir quenuestra misión de parlamentarios europeos asumióplenamente las conclusiones resultantes de laextraordinaria labor realizada por la colega EmmaBonino, y también manifestamos, desde un punto devista político, el juicio acerca de las prioridades que laUnión Europea debería prestar para el futuro.

Pensamos, fundamentalmente, en la consolidacióndemocrática del país, desde una perspectiva institucionaly en el respeto de los derechos humanos y, sobre todo,del derecho de las mujeres; porque no se puede construirel desarrollo democrático en un país sin contar con lacontribución de sus hombres y de sus mujeres y de suderecho a determinar su propio destino para el futuro.

Señora Presidenta, la delegación del ParlamentoEuropeo expresó la conveniencia de que nuestroParlamento prestase su contribución al Proceso post-Bonn, albergando y organizando una amplia conferenciaque contara con la participación de la Comisión, de losEstados miembros participantes en acciones unidas de laOTAN y, por supuesto, de los nuevos representantes enel Parlamento afgano, para, de ese modo, ir perfilando yjalonando los desarrollos de su propio futuro.

También pensamos que era importante que elParlamento Europeo apoyase decididamente ladeclaración conjunta que la Comisión va a firmar con lasnuevas autoridades y con el Gobierno afgano, para darun marco institucional y un cauce a la amplia y generosacolaboración que nuestro Parlamento ha venidodesarrollando.

Asimismo, le pedimos a la Comisión que reflexionaseacerca de la conveniencia de que en un futuro seestableciera un amplio acuerdo de asociación quepudiese canalizar y establecer un formato institucionalpara el futuro de la cooperación.

Señora Presidenta, nos sentimos muy tranquilos despuésde la declaración que ha hecho la Comisaria Ferrero-Waldner, en la que afirma que la Unión Europea seguiráprestando su contribución a los dividendos de la paz, dela comprensión, de la concordia y de la reconciliación enese atormentado país que ha sido hasta ahora Afganistán.

Termino, señora Presidenta, agradeciendo a EmmaBonino, con la que hemos trabajado en una magníficasintonía, la hospitalidad y el apoyo que brindó a ladelegación del Parlamento Europeo.


Robert Evans, on behalf of the PSE Group. MadamPresident, last months elections in Afghanistan were animportant milestone and I echo the tributes paid to MrsBonino and her colleagues for all the work they did.After all, these were the first parliamentary elections tobe held there since 1979. The turnout, greater than 50%,

compares favourably with other electoral contestsaround the world.

There were problems, but those not necessarily in thisHouse who want to criticise need to remember thestarting point, and the Commissioners words chaosand devastation really summed it up. WhilstAfghanistan may now still be far from perfect, it hascome a long way. We, as an election observation team,were very proud to witness not just women coming tothe polling stations to vote many choosing not to wearthe burkha, as is their choice but many women electionofficials and women standing as candidates. We knownow that many women were elected. So Afghanistan, forall its problems, has come a long way.

On the list, one of the first names to be announced aselected was the womens rights activist Malalai Joya.She will be one of 62 women members in theparliament, a major achievement and unthinkable a littlewhile back. Some of them were elected in their ownright, and some of them by virtue of the 25% womenrule. However, some of the ghosts of Afghanistansbrutal past have re-emerged as other results have trickledin.

When we were there observing the elections, PresidentKarzai explained to us his choice, or the choice, ofelectoral system to which the Commissioner has alsoreferred based on a single non-transferable vote. Thisentails no public political party support on the ballotpapers but presents the voters with a list of quite literallyhundreds of names from which to choose. Hidden inthose lists of names are people who could best bedescribed as having less than satisfactory records, someimplicated by human rights groups in war crimes.Former Taliban governor Mawlawi Mohammadi, who, ifnot personally responsible, at least oversaw thedestruction of the Buddha statues, was elected in oneprovince on less than 10% of the vote, which arguably isa flaw in the system. Mullah Raketi, commander of aTaliban military unit, was elected in another.

So the task now facing President Karzai is not an easyone. It is to help those disparate forces form a useful,workable and effective legislative body. One of thechallenges facing them, but a vital one, is to address thecountrys serious drug problem, to which theCommissioner again referred. The army, the police andthe law enforcement agencies need to work togetherwith all the international bodies to look at alternativesfor the poppy growers. Another is to address thefrightening availability of weapons, which was veryvisible to us in Kabul and around Afghanistan.

Last year, the Dutch Presidency made much of its plansfor supporting and helping Afghanistan. These plansmust not be forgotten. The Election Observation Missionof which I was proud to be part must be part of a longer,deeper process of support for Afghanistan.


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Emma Bonino, a nome del gruppo ALDE. SignorPresidente, signora Commissario, onorevoli colleghi,colgo questa occasione per ringraziare da quest'Aulacoloro che hanno fatto parte del mio core team, gliosservatori di lungo periodo, coloro che con me hannotrascorso, in questo paese straordinario ma moltodifficile, quattro mesi in condizioni, a volte moltoparticolari, molto tese, anche molto emozionanti ma nonsempre facilissime. Non li vedrete mai, però esistono,erano là sotto una bandiera europea: io credo cheabbiano ben rappresentato il sostegno alla democraziache rappresenta il punto di accordo tra tutti noi,l'elemento di fondo che vogliamo sostenere.

A breve la missione renderà pubblica, previaconsultazione con la Commissione, la relazione finalesulle elezioni e, per la prima volta, ci impegneremoanche, sempre in consultazione, a elaborare unarelazione sulla democratizzazione e i suoi passi futuri.Certo, l'intero svolgimento elettorale ha avuto momentidi caduta che, peraltro, avevamo già anticipato nelpreliminary statement, ma ci sono stati anche momentidi preoccupazione, come ad esempio l'arresto diMohaqui Nasab, il giornalista editore del settimanale suidiritti delle donne, un arresto che è stato dichiaratoillegale dallo stesso responsabile della MediaCommission delle autorità afgane. Credo si tratti di unelemento di preoccupazione e spero che le istituzionieuropee sapranno far presente o richiamare al rispettodella legge e dello stato di diritto anche i nostri amiciafgani e le autorità del paese.

Inoltre, per quanto riguarda il futuro, come lei ha detto,del follow-up della conferenza di Bonn, vorreisottolineare due cose. Primo, dobbiamo essereconsapevoli che si tratta di un impegno perlomeno amedio-lungo termine, qualunque sia la formula daadottare. Secondo, vorrei sottolineare la dimensioneregionale, così importante per il successo stessodell'Afghanistan. Che si parli di sicurezza, di commercioo di sviluppo economico, la dimensione regionale èsicuramente un elemento da prendere in considerazione.

E' anche vero però che l'Afghanistan è uno dei paesi incui l'impegno internazionale, in particolare quelloeuropeo, può fare la differenza. L'Afghanistan è unpaese stretto tra un futuro possibile e un passato moltoduro a morire. Ma ci sono le risorse umane, a mioavviso, per guardare al futuro. Quando si vedonomigliaia di ragazzine che escono da scuola con la divisanera e il fazzolettino bianco, con in tasca libri normali,io credo che quello sia il futuro, sebbene manchinoancora molti anni alla sua completa realizzazione. Maproprio su simili aspetti possiamo fare la differenza,sebbene non da soli. Occorre anche che gli amiciamericani rimangano nel paese in questo momentoancora difficile sotto il profilo della sicurezza,auspicando che possano adottare comportamenti piùrispettosi delle tradizioni locali, cosa che non sempreavviene.

Resto comunque convinta che un futuro sia possibile.Dipende dagli afgani, certamente, ma dipende anche da

noi. Credo sia questa la speranza e l'impegno che haanimato lei nel renderci visita, la visita della delegazioneeuropea e la nostra presenza per tante settimane che, amio avviso, si è guadagnata anche il rispetto e lariconoscenza del popolo afgano stesso.


Marie Anne Isler Béguin, au nom du groupeVerts/ALE. Madame la Présidente, Madame laCommissaire, tout d'abord, je voudrais excuser macollègue, Mme Beer, qui malheureusement n'a pas puparticiper à ce débat et qui aurait souhaité être parminous. Comme le disaient nos collègues, je crois que nouspouvons nous féliciter du déroulement des électionslégislatives en Afghanistan, le 18 septembre 2005.Même s'il y a eu des actes de violence les derniers mois,spécialement à l'encontre de candidats ou de scrutateurs,le jour des élections s'est déroulé dans un climat de non-violence. C'est un bon signe pour le chemin vers ladémocratie et l'État de droit en Afghanistan.

À présent, en tant qu'Européens, nous devons précisernotre engagement sur le terrain. Nous sommes en faveurd'une expansion de la mission de l'ICAF, car sa mission,c'est la reconstruction, la nation building. Cette missionest importante, Madame la Commissaire, car elle crée unclimat propice au développement du pays après desdécennies de guerre.

À ce sujet, une chose est très importante à souligner: onne doit pas mélanger les deux missions, celle de l'ICAFet celle de l'Enduring Freedom. La seconde, qui estmenée par les États-Unis, cherche à combattre leterrorisme, c'est-à-dire les talibans. Ce sont desopérations de combat. Si on mêle les deux missions dereconstruction, on perdra la confiance de la population eton ternira la bonne réputation de cette mission.

Par ailleurs, le climat deviendra très difficile pour lesONG, qui coopèrent maintenant avec l'ICAF. Nousdevons aussi poser la question, comme vous l'avez fait,Madame la Commissaire, de la drogue dans le pays. Ilfaut un projet qui prenne en compte tous les aspects liésà ce problème, qui concerne autant le domaine del'agriculture, de la santé que de l'économie afghane engénéral. Ce problème touche aussi, bien sûr, les paysvoisins.

Je voudrais signaler un dernier point important. Legouvernement actuel du Président Karzaï a signé descontrats pour le stationnement de troupes américainespour une durée indéterminée. Cela ne nous semble pasune bonne chose pour la stabilité dans la région. Unefois la nation building terminée, l'Afghanistan sera unenation souveraine qui n'a pas besoin de troupesétrangères.


Luisa Morgantini, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, confesso di averesofferto per non aver potuto partecipare alle elezioni inAfghanistan: l'avrei fatto molto volentieri ma il sistemad'Hondt del Parlamento non me l'ha permesso.

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Sono davvero convinta che i processi di cambiamento inAfghanistan siano effettivi, efficaci, reali. Sono peròlenti, difficili, complicati. L'esempio della crescita dellademocrazia viene proprio da una ragazza, Malalaia Joya,di 26 anni, che io ho conosciuto quando ne aveva 18,allorché era impegnata clandestinamente in Afghanistanper l'istruzione delle donne, e che è stata eletta in unaprovincia difficile in Afghanistan. E' lei, tra l'altro, chedue anni fa all'interno della Loyal Girka con moltachiarezza, ha detto: "I signori della guerra sono ancoraqui".

Il fatto che una donna di questo tipo, pur con le difficoltàe le intimidazioni che ha dovuto subire, sia riuscita adessere eletta e sono certa che contribuirà allacostruzione della democrazia in Afghanistan è un fattostraordinario, perché, a mio avviso queste elezioni sonostate positive. Ringrazio anch'io Emma Bonino dellaquale mi fido, sebbene dissentiamo su molti temi, peresempio sul Medio Oriente, però mi fido profondamentedella sua democraticità per la sua presenza inAfghanistan e sono molto lieta che l'Unione europeaabbia svolto un ruolo così positivo.

Se Malalaia Joya è un esempio del nuovo Afghanistan,lo è anche Omar, un ragazzo che io ho conosciutoquando ancora c'erano i talebani e che diceva: "Io vogliovivere: non è soltanto per le donne che sto lottandocontro i Talebani ma è anche per me, perché non voglioaver la barba e voglio ascoltar la musica". Anche Omar èstato eletto e ciò rappresenta, secondo me, altro fattoestremamente positivo.Tuttavia non possiamo ignorare le complessità e ledifficili scelte per il Presidente Karzai, il quale in realtàha scelto non già, a differenza di quanto sostiene peresempio il Human Right Watch, di punire i signori dellaguerra bensì ha imboccato quella che forse è l'unicastrada possibile in questa fase, ovvero permettere che isignori della guerra fossero anche eletti.

Ritengo vi sia inoltre un grave problema per quantoriguarda ad esempio l'ISAF, che svolge innegabilmenteun ruolo estremamente positivo, benché io sia contraria aogni guerra e a ogni partecipazione militare. Tuttavia, ilruolo svolto dalle forse statunitensi non è positivo per laconclusione dei conflitti, la riconciliazione e lo sviluppodell'Afghanistan. Non mi riferisco soltanto all'orrore divedere bruciati due corpi di talebani cosiddetti talebaniperché alla fine tutti sono considerati tali ma miriferisco anche all'assenza di legalità e alla mancanza diregole, come per esempio, nella prigione di Bagram,nella quale sono reclusi dei talebani senza nessun tipo dicontrollo.

Proprio perché dobbiamo ragionare, capire e cambiareinsieme, credo che non possiamo nasconderci delleverità che, stando alle reazioni degli afgani che abbiamovisto in televisione, possono creare conflitti. A talproposito, ritengo importantissimo il ruolo svolto dall''UE in tali questioni. Ringrazio molto, non solo lasignora Commissario ma tutta l'Unione europea, che stalavorando in un modo diverso per riuscire a fare in modoche l'Afghanistan sia a favore democrazia. Tuttavia per

raggiungere tale obiettivo, dobbiamo veramenteadoperarci per rafforzare le istituzioni statali e affinchéle ONG e la società civile possano farsi comunquesentire.


Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). Afganistanoatvejis tai kol kas vienintelis atvejis, kai teroristųorganizacija, pradėjusi karą prie stipriausią demokratinęvalstybę, turėjo inomą adresą. Tas adresas buvoatsilikusi valstybė, kuri globojo konkrečią teroristinęorganizaciją, ir tai buvo Talibano partijos valdomasAfganistanas. Todėl tapo galimas ir atsakomasisdemokratijos aljanso smūgis į apibrėtą geografinį taką,paalinęs talibų tironiją ir atvėręs afganams demokratijosperspektyvą. Ities negalėjai likti abejingas matydamasdaugybę paprastų monių, ypač kaimo moterų, pirmąkartą gyvenime einančių balsuoti u geresnėssantvarkos, laisvės ir pagarbos visiems monėms viltį.Pastebėsime, kad po talibų nualinimo visos teroristinėsorganizacijos, nors ir turinčios globėjus, nebekartojoklaidos ir nedalijo vizitinių kortelių su adresu vietos, įkurią galima smogti. Jos privertė kitus tiktai gintis irpasiekė dar didesnės proto sumaities, kai Irakeveikiantys teroristai i Jordanijos, Irano, Saudo Arabijosir kitur vadinami ne įsibrovėliais, o sukilėliais. TačiauAfganistanas, tapęs pirmąja globalaus teroristų karoarena, jau realiai kuria demokratiją. Irakas dabar yrafanatikų totalinio karo prie Vakarus lemtinga frontolinija, o Afganistanas jau beveik ufrontė. Vis dėltodemokratijos ir mogaus teisių galimybės Afganistaneyra didelis imėginimas visiems. Europos Sąjungaprisideda labai reikmingai ir visa Europa turi būtinuoirdi talkininkė ioje istorinėje naujos valstybėsstatyboje. A didiuojuosi, kad mano alis Lietuvapagelbsti tai daryti prisiėmusi atsakomybę u vieną itisąregioną. Lietuviai padeda statyti naująjį Afganistaną. Irdaugiau Europos valstybių galėtų tai daryti. Afganistanosėkmė bus pirmasis pasaulinio teroristų frontopralaimėjimas, o kartu ir viltis, kad visa naujojo modeliototalitarinė agresija gali būti atremta. Ačiū.


Karin Scheele (PSE). Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchtemich als eines der Mitglieder der Wahlbeobachtungs-delegation sehr herzlich bei unserem Vorsitzenden, demKollegen Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, für die guteLeistung der Delegation in Afghanistan bedanken, abernatürlich auch bei der Leiterin der EU-Beobachtungs-mission, Emma Bonino, sowie bei den Langzeitbeo-bachtern der Europäischen Union, die eine hervorra-gende Arbeit geleistet haben und zum Teil noch immerleisten.

Viele von uns haben heute schon betont, dass dieseWahlen ein wichtiger Schritt im demokratischen Prozessvon Afghanistan waren. Ich möchte mich jetzt auf einThema konzentrieren, nämlich die politischePartizipation der afghanischen Frauen. Während desTaliban-Regimes hat man ja sehr viel über dieUnterdrückung der afghanischen Frauen gelesen. Es isteine große Freude, wenn wir die Wahlergebnisse sehen,dass 27 % der zukünftigen Abgeordneten Frauen sein

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werden. Auch das Instrument der Quote, das 25 %Frauen vorsieht, ist sehr nützlich.

Nichtsdestotrotz möchte ich nicht verbergen, dass esnatürlich mit der Quote und mit der Ruhigstellung derGeberländer nicht getan sein wird, wenn die politischePartizipation und die soziale Situation der afghanischenFrauen auch in Zukunft verbessert werden sollen. Diesozialen Indikatoren zeigen, dass die Situation nochimmer sehr schwierig ist. Unser Delegationsleiter, HerrSalafranca Sánchez-Neyra, hat und das ist wichtig inAfghanistan bei der Pressekonferenz gesagt, dass dieEuropäische Union die Menschenrechte und vor allemauch die Frauenrechte sehr aufmerksam beobachtenwerden, wenn sie prüft, wie die Entwicklung inAfghanistan verläuft.

Ein anderer Punkt sind die Bedingungen, die dieNichtregierungsorganisationen in Afghanistan teilweisevorfinden. Die Europäische Kommission muss sehr klarsagen, dass NGOs immer unsere Partner sein werden,damit sie nicht Repressionen ausgesetzt sind.


Nicholson of Winterbourne (ALDE). MadamPresident, Mrs Ferrero-Waldner struck exactly the rightnote at the beginning of her speech when she said thatthis was an historic occasion: the first election fordecades and the first parliamentary election in which webelieve women were ever allowed to take part.

I personally found it a great honour to be a member ofthe team that was able to witness this momentous event.I want to thank very warmly our good colleague, MrSalafranca Sánchez-Neyra, who led us so wonderfullywell. This is the second time I have worked closely withhim in an election; we were in Lebanon together justbefore that. I also want to thank my long-time colleaguewhom I have always admired, Mrs Bonino, who hasbeen committed to Afghanistan for so long. She wasbrave enough to go there while the Taliban were inpower. Very few women would have shown her courageand commitment, and she is continuing her work.

I chose to monitor the women-only polling stations. Isaw thousands of women, most in burkhas with theirfaces shrouded. Of course, they rolled them back whenthey came into the women-only polling booths. Theycould not do a great deal once they were there. Somespent half an hour puzzling frantically, trying tounderstand what the piece of paper in front of themmeant, what to do and how to make a mark. They had noeducation. Let us not forget that Afghanistan is one ofthe two poorest nations in the world. Its health statisticsare comparable only to Somalias. We will be helpingAfghanistan for years to come with education,preventive health care the basics. It is right and properthat we should do so.

However, we should also remember those from theEuropean Union who have already given their lives forAfghanistan. Led by Mr Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, wewitnessed a wonderful, moving tribute to the deaths of

the 17 Spanish troops, whose names will be enshrinedforever where they died. They sacrificed their lives forthe future of the people of Afghanistan.

We cannot give up. The country is desperately poor. Weshall be there for a very long time, but it is the sort of jobto which the European Union is wonderfully suited.



Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL). Κυρία Πρόεδρε,κυρίες και κύριοι, ο λαός του Αφγανιστάν, για δεκαετίεςτώρα, πληρώνει µε αίµα και τεράστιες καταστροφές τιςσυνεχιζόµενες επεµβάσεις του ιµπεριαλισµού, επειδή ηχώρα έχει µεγάλη γεωστρατηγική σηµασία.

Αποτελεί πρόκληση και ιστορικό εµπαιγµό τουποκριτικό ενδιαφέρον των Αµερικάνων και Ευρωπαίωνιµπεριαλιστών για το χτύπηµα της τροµοκρατίας, ταανθρώπινα δικαιώµατα και τη δηµοκρατία στοΑφγανιστάν, και αυτό διότι είναι εκείνοι που στήριξανπολιτικά, ηθικά, οικονοµικά και στρατιωτικά τις πιοτυφλές και αντιδραστικές δυνάµεις ώστε να ανακόψουντο δρόµο του Αφγανικού λαού προς την πρόοδο και ναµετατρέψουν την χώρα σε προκεχωρηµένη στρατιωτικήβάση.

Ο πόλεµος που εξαπέλυσαν οι Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες τηςΑµερικής και το ΝΑΤΟ, µε τη συναίνεση τηςΕυρωπαϊκής Ένωσης το 2001, είχε ως στόχο να πετύχειτο στρατιωτικό και πολιτικό έλεγχο της χώρας πουσήµερα βρίσκεται υπό κατοχή.

Έτσι έχει οικοδοµηθεί µια από τις µεγαλύτερες βάσειςτων Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών της Αµερικής απειλώντας τιςγειτονικές χώρες. Η χώρα είναι έρµαιο των φίλαρχωνυποτακτικών των ΗΠΑ και η µόνη ανάπτυξη πουπαρουσιάζει, είναι η καλλιέργεια και το εµπόριο τουοπίου.

Οι προσπάθειες των στρατών κατοχής των ΗΠΑ και τωνχωρών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αποσκοπούν στησταθεροποίηση δυνάµεων και κυβερνήσεων, στις οποίεςθα έχουν απόλυτο έλεγχο.

Προϋπόθεση για να υπάρξει οποιαδήποτε προοπτικήλύσης προς όφελος του λαού είναι να αποχωρήσουνόλες οι κατοχικές δυνάµει και ο ίδιος ο λαός, µέσα απόπράγµατι µεγάλη δυσκολία, να αναζητήσει δρόµουςειρήνευσης και ανεξαρτησίας.


Ryszard Czarnecki (NI). Pani Przewodnicząca!Chciałem wyrazić uznanie dla pani komisarz, dla paniposeł Bonino za jej aktywność dla panaprzewodniczącego Salafranca, za jego działania.

To bardzo skomplikowana sprawa Afganistan to kraj,który ma dumną historię historię dumnych afgańskichgórali, którzy walczyli z najeźdźcami, wreszcie kraj,który jest niewątpliwie, w pewnym sensie, eksporteremnarkotyków na cały świat. Dobrze, że Unia Europejskanie odwraca się plecami do Afganistanu, dobrze że

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Europejski podatnik powiedzmy sobie wprost jednakfinansuje działania na rzecz demokracji w tym kraju,można powiedzieć zapomnianym przez Boga i ludzi. Zcałą pewnością byłoby rzeczą fatalną, gdyby tylkoAmerykanie interesowali się Afganistanem, a więcmimo tego, że jest to operacja kosztowna, dobrze żeUnia Europejska finansuje ten żmudny i długi procesdemokracji w Afganistanie. Dobrze, że z naszej stronybyła istotna pomoc przy ostatnich wyborach. Myślę, żebył to przełom, zobaczymy na ile trwały.

Z całą pewnością nie należy zapominać, że Afganistanjest pewnym terytorium, na którym wiele krajów maswoje wpływy wpływy polityczne, ekonomiczne, żekrzyżują się tam interesy z całą pewnością Iranu oczym warto wspomnieć, z całą pewnością Pakistanu, aletakże interesy amerykańskie.

Trzeba też powiedzieć o sytuacji dość niesamowitej, wktórej olbrzymia część budżetu tego kraju to przemysłnarkotykowy, w której budżet państwa wystarcza nazaledwie 1/3 pensji dla administracji tego kraju. Bezpomocy amerykańskiej, bez pomocy Unii Europejskiejto państwo by nie istniało. No i bardzo szczere pytanie:czy nie jest tak, że bez pomocy finansowej z naszejstrony Afganistan nie byłby krajem, który w jeszczewiększym stopniu eksportowałby terroryzm na świat?Wydaje mi się, że jednak warto ten proces demokracji wtym kraju wspierać.

Z całą pewnością też trzeba powiedzieć rzecznastępującą: tak się dzieje, że my Europejczycy jesteśmytam, może bardziej cenieni, czy bardziej akceptowaniniż nasi amerykańscy przyjaciele, to też pewien sygnał sygnał, że Unia powinna interesować się Afganistanem,że powinniśmy w dalszym ciągu być tam obecni ichciałem podziękować tym wszystkim koleżankom ikolegom, którzy ten sztandar Unii Europejskiej zanieślido Afganistanu i pokazali, że chcemy ich wspierać.

Myślę, że ta debata jest dowodem zainteresowanianaszego Parlamentu tą ważną kwestią. Afganistan nieleży na Księżycu, jest tak naprawdę problemem właśnieeuropejskim.


Jürgen Schröder (PPE-DE). Frau Präsidentin, FrauKommissarin! Ich möchte zu Beginn Emma Bonino undJosé Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra ganz herzlichdafür danken, dass sie uns in Kabul so gut geführthaben. Ich möchte auch allen Kolleginnen und Kollegendanken, die mit dabei waren.

Gestatten Sie mir, dass ich auf einen einzigen Punkteingehe, der heute Abend einige Male angesprochenwurde. Und zwar ist das die Kritik an dem LandAfghanistan, einem Land, das für meine Begriffe einenriesengroßen Sprung gemacht hat und auch im Begriffist, weitere zu tun. Wir sollten mit unserer Kritik sehr,sehr maßvoll umgehen. Wir als Europäer haben keinenGrund, mit dem Zeigefinger auf dieses leidgeprüfteLand zu zeigen und zu sagen, wer alles bestraft werdensoll und was schief gelaufen ist.

Gewiss, es gibt viele Dinge, die negativ verlaufen sindund noch negativ verlaufen werden. Aber betrachten wirdie europäische Geschichte des vergangenen Jahrhun-derts, nehmen wir mein Land! Auch in der altenBundesrepublik sind nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sehrviele Menschen, die systemnah gewesen waren, in denStaatsdienst übernommen worden und haben dortKarriere gemacht. Auch in den letzten Jahren hat derWesten, zu dem wir ja gehören, die ehemaligesowjetische Nomenklatura gehätschelt. Man ist stolz,Duzfreund von früheren KGB-Bossen zu sein und soweiter und so fort. Ich warne davor, dass wir von hieraus immer wieder sagen, was die Afghanen zu tunhaben.

Es gibt sehr viel Positives. Ganz besonders hat michbeeindruckt, dass die jungen Menschen sehraufgeschlossen und sehr engagiert waren. In denWahllokalen haben sehr viele junge Menschen mitge-holfen, die, wenn wir sie fragten, was sie sich wünschen,gesagt haben: Wir möchten lernen, lernen, lernen.

Eine letzte Bemerkung: Ich möchte gerne, das diesesParlament auch eine Delegation für die Beziehungen zuAfghanistan einrichtet, weil ich meine, dass wir aufdiese Weise den Parlamentariern in Afghanistan ambesten helfen können.


Józef Pinior (PSE). Pani Przewodnicząca! Pragnęwyrazić uznanie społeczeństwu afgańskiemu orazwładzom kraju, szczególnie prezydentowi Karzaiowi, zaprzeprowadzenie wolnych wyborów, które stanowiąjeden z zasadniczych kroków na drodze budowy wAfganistanie demokracji i pokoju. W wyborach 18września bieżącego roku stanęło 5700 kandydatów, wtym 575 kobiet. Wybory odbywały się do Wolesi Jirga,czyli niższej izby Zgromadzenia Narodowego oraz dorad prowincjonalnych.

Aby wyobrazić sobie skalę problemu, należy mieć nauwadze, że w całym kraju ustawiono 26 tysięcy punktówwyborczych, a dla przykładu w samym Kabulu karta dogłosowania liczyła siedem stron, na których mieściło się617 nazwisk na 62 miejsca w tym okręgu wyborczym.30% miejsc w Wolesi Jirga i w radach prowincjonalnychzarezerwowano dla kobiet. O ile w 2004 roku wwyborach prezydenckich głosowało ponad 3 milionykobiet, to w tegorocznych wyborach zarejestrowało sięponad 7000 nowych wyborczyń, co stanowi 44%nowozarejestrowanych wyborców.

To dopiero początek afgańskiej demokracji. MisjaParlamentu Europejskiego przed wyborami wAfganistanie w dniach 1419 lipca bieżącego roku podprzewodnictwem przewodniczącego Broka z KomisjiSpraw Zagranicznych oraz pani przewodniczącejMorgantini z Komisji Rozwoju odbyła spotkania zkandydatami w tych wyborach, z organizacjamikobiecymi, z grupami praw człowieka, z organizacjamipozarządowymi w Kabulu, Herâcie oraz Bâmiân.Spotykaliśmy się z nadziejami na zwycięstwodemokracji, jak i zagrożeniami dla tego procesu.

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Do głównych zagrożeń zaliczyłbym stan bezpieczeństwakraju, przemoc wobec kobiet oraz korupcję. Wwyborach uczestniczyło oraz zostało wybranych wielubyłych przywódców wojennych oskarżanych o łamaniepraw człowieka, a nawet zbrodnie. Istnieje równieżniebezpieczeństwo, że na politykę afgańską uzyskująwpływ elementy kryminalne, przede wszystkimbaronowie narkotykowi i przemytnicy. Unia Europejskamusi uczynić wszystko, aby ustabilizować afgańskądemokrację oraz odradzające się społeczeństwoobywatelskie w tym kraju.


Philippe Morillon (ALDE). Madame la Présidente,Madame le Commissaire, en accompagnant, le moisdernier, la délégation conduite par mon collègue et amiIgnacio Salafranca, je retournais, pour la cinquième foisen cinq ans, sur ce territoire, dont je n'ai pas seulementvisité la capitale, mais aussi parcouru la plus grandepartie, depuis la vallée du Panchir, au nord, jusqu'àKandahar, capitale du Sud pachtoune, en passant parHerat, Mazar-Sharif et Bamian, le site des bouddhasgéants, victimes en 2001 de la stupide barbarie destalibans.

À chaque occasion, je suis frappé par la volonté de paixet de réconciliation qui anime l'énorme majorité de lapopulation, une population saturée de violences aprèstrente années de guerre civile et de guerre étrangère, unepopulation vaccinée par ailleurs contre tout risque deretour au pouvoir des islamistes intégristes, dont elle aeu tant à souffrir sous le régime du mollah Omar.

À chaque nouveau contact, je peux également constatercombien difficile demeure la tâche de reconstruction etcombien nécessaire, par conséquent, est l'aide quel'Union européenne doit continuer à apporter. Jen'aborderai ici qu'un seul aspect de cette aide, celui quiconcerne le retour à la sécurité, trop souvent encoremenacée dans certaines provinces. Cette aide est assuréeaujourd'hui par la conjugaison des efforts de l'arméenationale afghane avec les forces internationales,articulées elles-mêmes en deux catégories, avec desmandats différents: la coalition, sous commandementaméricain, agissant pour l'essentiel à la frontièrepakistanaise, et la FIAS dont vous avez dit et soulignéqu'elle était très majoritairement européenne et qui estprogressivement déployée à travers le reste du pays.

Cette dualité est source d'inefficacité: je me félicite quel'Alliance atlantique envisage maintenant d'assumer lamission sous commandement unique et sous mandatnouveau des Nations unies. Au moment d'en discuter lestermes, je voudrais, Madame le Commissaire, me fairel'interprète des Afghans eux-mêmes: ils insistent sur lebesoin, prioritaire, d'être protégés contre les ingérencesde leurs voisins pakistanais et iraniens, et s'estiment, celaréalisé, capables de régler leurs propres problèmes entreeux.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. Mr President, I would like to comment on a few pointswhich have arisen from the debate. One such point is the

question of human rights abusers who have been electedto parliament, because this is something that concerns usall.

Unfortunately, Afghanistan has not embarked with anyease on a process to come to terms with its past, and Ihope it will take its time. In such circumstances, it isdeeply regrettable, but probably inevitable, that this firstpost-conflict election will result in some questionableindividuals being elected to parliament.

Politically, the key question is how much influence theseindividuals will have in parliament, and I think it is tooearly to judge, since the voting system, as many havementioned, myself included, is very complicated. Thereare no clear party blocks. Parliament will certainly bevery fragmented.

I would also like to highlight some positive aspectsabout some of the people who were elected. There werecourageous people with a record of standing up forjustice and human rights in Afghanistan who alsomanaged to get elected, including, as many of youmentioned, quite a significant number of women. I metsome of the women candidates and, admittedly, I wasreally surprised and I very much appreciated theircourage. When I met them, they said that they had beenout working with many women, and I am sure they allsaid we will get elected. Ultimately, that has proved tobe the case. That is a very positive development.

Furthermore, it is also positive to note that, although afew Taliban were elected, many prominent Taliban werenot successful in the elections. The former foreignminister, the former deputy interior minister and theformer deputy justice minister were all defeated. I amsure that the voters knew whom they should not vote for.

I would also like to say a few words about drugs. Werealise that the drug question is still a very importantone. We have also discussed it with President Karzai andare working with the UK Presidency to see what we cando in the future to tackle this problem even morerobustly on two fronts the first of which is alternativeplantations, the second being justice and law which areto be reinforced.

Finally, education is one of the key questions. I wouldlike to put my finger on that issue for futureprogrammes, not only because it applies to the whole ofsociety, but specifically because, over many decades,women did not have any opportunities and we have tocompensate for that in some way. In 2004 alone, webuilt 50 schools and childcare institutions. We also havea specific project for street children. I visited this projectand, again, I must say that I saw how much courage andenthusiasm there is among the young children, thebeautiful girls and really handsome boys who have afuture. They want to get off the streets where they arenormally selling vegetables and other small things. Iagree that education and healthcare will be the keyissues, and we will certainly continue to put ouremphasis on those issues.

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Die Präsidentin. Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet während der November-Tagungstatt.


12 - Lage in Aserbaidschan vor den Wahlen


Die Präsidentin. Als nächster Punkt folgt dieErklärung der Kommission zur Lage in Aserbaidschanvor den Wahlen.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. Madam President, Azerbaijan is one the EuropeanUnions key partners in the Southern Caucasus region,principally due to its geostrategic location and energyresources. Last year we therefore proposed to theCouncil that Azerbaijan, together with Armenia andGeorgia, be included in the European NeighbourhoodPolicy in order to further strengthen our relations,building on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreementin force since July 1999.

The Commission has been following the preparations forthe parliamentary elections of 6 November 2005 withgreat attention and some concern.

The events last week, such a short time before theelections, are a source of further concern. Some AzeriGovernment ministers were dismissed by PresidentIlham Aliyev and subsequently arrested on chargesranging from corruption and embezzlement of statefunds to an attempt to stage a coup détat.

We cannot make any judgement on these accusations,nor are we willing to interfere with the decisions to betaken by the Azerbaijani judiciary. However, we wish topoint out that it will be crucial for Azerbaijan to carryout, in a very transparent way, fair and thoroughinvestigations and, if necessary, a balanced trial in orderto establish the truth.

The arrests are inevitably contributing to a worryingdeterioration in the atmosphere of the electoralcampaign. Unfortunately the campaign has already beenmarked by several episodes of violence and somespecific incidents.

As a consequence of this climate, we have learnt ofdozens of candidates who have withdrawn in the lasthours. Access to State and public TV is no longer beinggranted to opposition parties, or it is subject to so manyrestrictions that it cannot be considered satisfactory.

In all the contacts the Commission has had recently withthe Azeri authorities, we have strongly insisted onrespect for fundamental freedoms, including, of course,freedom of expression and the possibility for politicalparties to hold public rallies without undue restrictions

and to access mass media. We have also stressed severaltimes, to opposition representatives as well, the need forsuch rights to be exercised in a moderate and peacefulway.

We fully concur with the assessment of the electoralcampaign by the OSCE-ODIHR in the two interimreports published so far. It cannot be denied that someprogress has been made compared with theparliamentary elections of 2000 and the presidentialelections of 2003. More candidates than ever wereregistered; state authorities have proved cooperativewith international observers; all parties have beengranted some access to television.

Finally, we welcome the decision by the Azeriauthorities to introduce systems such as finger-inkingthat could dramatically reduce the possibility of multiplevoting, although this came very late.

Whilst on the one hand commending Azerbaijan for thisprogress, we agree with OSCE-ODIHR that it might notbe sufficient. The worrying deterioration in the climateof the electoral campaign over the last few daysthreatens to completely overshadow this limitedprogress.

We will continue to monitor the situation very closelythroughout the electoral campaign, on the day of theelection and in the aftermath on 6 November. Inaccordance with our well-established practice, we willnot deploy a separate Election Observation Mission; aswith the OSCE countries, support will be given to theOSCE office and the ODIHR office which will take onthat task.

As we have stressed several times recently, theseelections will be a litmus test for Azerbaijan and itsaspirations to come closer to the European Union in theframework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Onthe question of the Neighbourhood Policy, I can only saythat we will start consulting on the action plans in thenear future. We hope that we might be able to work outsatisfactory action plans by next year.


Charles Tannock, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group. Madam President, last June I spoke in plenary in thehuman rights debate. The situation in Azerbaijan at thetime was particularly serious, with allegations that thegovernment was holding political prisoners and indeedthat torture and ill-treatment in custody was common.This time I speak as the resolutions co-author, as I ambeing sent to Baku by this Parliament as an officialobserver for the 6 November elections. But I also wearthe hat of the European Parliaments rapporteur for theEuropean Neighbourhood Policy, which is now beingextended to the three Caucasus republics.

I welcome President Aliyevs decree which,theoretically at least, orders state officials in the CentralElectoral Commission to observe and implement free,fair and transparent elections. I also believe that the

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recent dismissal of the old guard hard-line ministersresistant to political change, like the former healthminister Ali Insanov, suggests that the dominant pro-government YAP party finally realises that the time hascome to manage the transition peacefully to multi-partydemocracy and bring Azerbaijan closer to Europeandemocratic practices.

The newly-elected parliament will no doubt be moremixed politically, with so many registered candidates tochoose from, and will have new, younger and moreindependent technocratic MPs as well. The system ofgovernment is still heavily presidential, so theparliamentary election will be more of a test ofwillingness by the state to commit itself permanently towestern-style democracy, rather than a real change in theexercise of power which will only come about in 2008 atthe next presidential election.

Nevertheless, there are still grounds for concern in termsof press freedom, balanced political access to the media,and the right of free assembly and protest. It is also truethat Azerbaijan is still affected by the Nagorno-Karabakh unresolved frozen conflict which can only beresolved peacefully by dialogue through the MinskGroup.

I regret the huge rise in military expenditure in theregion and threats of escalation and a fresh outbreak ofhostilities. Azerbaijan will shortly enjoy a huge injectionof funds, as oil now at historically high prices willflow from Baku via Tbilisi to the Turkish Mediterraneanport of Ceyhan. It is important that this money be usedto enrich the entire country fairly, and there must betransparency and a renewed commitment by the govern-ment to fight public corruption.

Lastly, I hope that the action plan negotiations withAzerbaijan will shortly be resumed, once the direct airlinks to Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus arediscontinued, as this matter is clearly of deep concern tothe Republic of Cyprus as an EU Member State.

I, as the co-author for my political group, commend thisresolution to the House. It will send a strong message tothe Government of Azerbaijan about where this Housestands and the European Parliaments hopes in particularfor that countrys democratic future.


Hannes Swoboda, im Namen der PSE-Fraktion. FrauPräsidentin! Ich danke Ihnen, Frau Kommissarin, für dassehr gemischte Bild, das Sie gezeichnet haben. In derTat haben wir einige Fortschritte zu verzeichnen, dassoll man auch erwähnen und loben. Aber gerade inletzter Zeit gab es wieder große Nervosität und darausfolgend eine Reihe von Maßnahmen, die mit freienWahlen eigentlich nicht vereinbar sind.

Es ist ganz entscheidend, dass wir Wahlen nicht nur amWahltag selbst beobachten wo auch einigeMaßnahmen, die Sie erwähnt haben, Verbesserungenbringen können , sondern dass wir auch den Zeitraum

davor betrachten: Wie transparent wird vorgegangen, inwelchem Ausmaß besteht Zugang zu den Medien undwelche Möglichkeiten der Entfaltung besitzt dieOpposition?

Wir haben bei unserer Zusammenarbeit in derDelegation mit dem Parlament von Aserbaidschan aucheine Reihe von Umständen diskutiert, die uns sehr zudenken geben. Der Botschafter des Landes hatte Mühezu erklären, warum immer wieder Versammlungen derOpposition abgesagt oder verschoben wurden oder amStadtrand von Baku stattfinden mussten, wodurch dieOpposition sicherlich nicht die Möglichkeit hatte, geradein Wahlzeiten ihr Programm und ihre Kandidatenvorzustellen.

Es erstaunt mich daher nicht, dass Sie erwähnt haben,dass eine Reihe von Persönlichkeiten, die kandidierenwollten, abgesagt haben, weil sie das Gefühl hatten, dasses keinen fairen Wettstreit und keine fairen Wahlen gibt.

Aserbaidschan muss sich daran gewöhnen, dass esgrößere Schritte in Richtung Demokratie undTransparenz setzen muss. Der Transformationsprozess,der in Aserbaidschan stattfinden muss, ist sicherlichschwierig, aber diese Schritte müssen gesetzt werden trotz des schwelenden Konflikts im Zusammenhang mitBerg-Karabach.

Bei unserem Besuch im Land ist uns aufgefallen, dassMaßnahmen in Richtung Modernisierung, Transparenzund Demokratie immer wieder mit dem Hinweis, dassman in einem großen Konflikt lebe, abgeblockt wordensind. Das müssen wir zur Kenntnis nehmen. Wirwünschen uns natürlich, dass dieser Konflikt gerade imInteresse Aserbaidschans gelöst werden kann. Aber dasdarf die Regierung nicht daran hindern, die internenStrukturen zu modernisieren und weiterzuentwickeln.

Sie haben schon vom Zugang zu den Mediengesprochen. Da gibt es große Probleme, auch imHinblick auf die Sicherheit. Die Sicherheit vonJournalisten, die kritisch und frei sind, ist nichtgewährleistet, wenn ich etwa an Elmar Hüseynov denke,dessen Ermordung noch immer nicht aufgeklärt ist. Wirwürden uns natürlich wünschen, dass Aserbaidschan hierviel entschlossener vorgeht.

Ich darf in diesem Zusammenhang noch einen weiterenPunkt erwähnen. Aserbaidschan ist jetzt ein Land, dasaufgrund der Öleinnahmen, die rapide steigen, sehr vielezusätzliche Mittel erwirtschaften kann. Wir haben beiunserem Besuch auch schon gehört, dass unsereDruckmittel gerade im Zusammenhang mit dereuropäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik nicht mehr wirklichgreifen, weil das Land nicht auf europäische Mittelangewiesen ist.

Dabei sollte es Aserbaidschan doch klar sein, dass es imInteresse der eigenen Bevölkerung unter Absicherungdes sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritts durchausmehr Investitionen und somit mehr Transparenz,Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie braucht.

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Frau Kommissarin, Sie haben völlig Recht, und ichmöchte Sie unterstützen. Wir die Kommission und dasParlament sollten gemeinsam alles daran setzen, dassin Aserbaidschan nach den Wahlen mit dem neuenParlament weitere wichtige Reformschritte umgesetztwerden. Wir dürfen schon im Interesse der Bevölkerungdieses Landes in unseren Bemühungen nicht nachlassen!


Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group. MrPresident, the third parliamentary elections sinceindependence are taking place against a background thatis deeply discouraging in this autocratic and corruptsystem. Violence and harassment are being meted out toopposition supporters, journalists and human rightsactivists. Prominent opposition leader Rasul Guliyevwas allowed to register as a candidate, but the authoritiesthen refused to let him return to Baku and had himarrested in Ukraine. I recently helped to free a memberof his family. A British citizen and a constituent of mine,she was detained in Baku when customs officialsclaimed to discover a gun clearly planted in herluggage. She suffered chronic ill health as a result ofbeing detained and is now recovering.

There has been a temptation for the West Europe andthe United States to stress continuity and so-calledstability. They have an eye on the oil, the new Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline having been opened last May byBP Chairman Lord Browne.

Foreign criticism of the 2003 presidential elections and2004 local elections, which were deeply flawed, wasinexcusably muted. Have we not learnt that there can beno real stability without democracy, the rule of law andan honest economy? This time the European Unionneeds to send a very strong signal that there cannot be apartnership with Azerbaijan without democracy andhuman rights there.

President Aliyev has to decide whether to embrace thedemocratic process or try to maintain autocratic rulewith just a thin veneer of legitimacy. We need to tell himthat, if he wants the European Union as a friend, there isonly one choice.


Marie Anne Isler Béguin, au nom du groupeVerts/ALE. Madame la Présidente, vos proposdémontrent tout à fait, Madame la Commissaire, qu'il y avéritablement un manque à Bakou. Il manquevéritablement une délégation de la Commission poursuivre nos politiques, pour aider l'Azerbaïdjan parcequ'il est vrai que la situation n'est pas fameuse enAzerbaïdjan et pour que nous puissions, à quelquesmois d'intervalle, mettre de nouveau ce pays à l'ordre dujour.

En effet, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, l'Azerbaïdjan faitface à son destin. Ce pays doit démontrer aujourd'hui àla communauté internationale qu'il est dans le camp desdémocraties, et qu'il en respecte les règles.L'Azerbaïdjan doit tracer le chemin d'un État de droit.En adhérant au Conseil de l'Europe, l'Azerbaïdjan s'est

non seulement tourné vers l'Europe, mais a adhéré à sesvaleurs de démocratie et de droits de l'homme, qui nousrassemblent tous ici.

Aujourd'hui, l'Union européenne et l'Azerbaïdjan, toutcomme les deux pays voisins du Caucase du Sud, ontfait un vrai chemin ensemble puisqu'ils prennent part àla politique de nouveau voisinage. En ce sens, ils ont desdroits et des obligations nouvelles. Le message que leParlement européen doit faire passer à nos amisazerbaïdjanais est très clair: si ce pays a la volonté dedevenir une véritable démocratie, des élections libres ettransparentes en sont le point d'orgue. Ces électionslégislatives, qui se tiendront le 6 novembre prochain,doivent se passer dans la transparence et dans les règlesde l'art, sans pressions ni répression.

Or, nous assistons, durant la précampagne etactuellement, à une montée de la répression policière,qui n'est pas acceptable. La brutalité, la violence etl'intimidation que l'on constate à l'encontre del'opposition, ainsi que son manque d'accès aux médiasne sont pas admissibles. Dans notre précédenterésolution, déjà, nous demandions aux deux camps, à lamajorité gouvernementale ainsi qu'à l'opposition, de nepas céder à la violence, pour que la campagne électoralese passe dans les meilleures conditions. Nous avions toutlieu d'être optimistes à l'époque, suite au décretprésidentiel de mai dernier qui organisait ces futuresélections. Optimistes encore de voir le nombred'enregistrements de candidats pour les 125circonscriptions électorales; même des dissidents avaientreçu l'autorisation de participer! Mais aujourd'hui,comme vous l'aviez dit, force est de constater qu'àl'approche de l'échéance électorale, la tension monte etles règles fixées ne sont absolument pas appliquées.Avec l'envoi d'une délégation de parlementaireseuropéens pour surveiller le bon fonctionnement duscrutin, le Parlement européen montre son intérêt et savolonté de soutenir le processus démocratique en coursen Azerbaïdjan.

Aujourd'hui, nous devons inviter tous les partis en lice,et tout particulièrement la majorité au pouvoir, à faire ladémonstration que ce pays est à la hauteur de sonambition: tenir des élections libres et transparentes, oùchaque citoyen, par son seul et unique bulletin de vote,choisira les candidats qui dirigeront le pays demain. Jevous rappellerai parce que c'est très important,Madame la Présidente que les défis de l'Azerbaïdjansont colossaux: la résolution du conflit gelé duNagorny-Karabakh, la montée en puissance...

(La Présidente retire la parole à l'oratrice )


Jaromír Kohlíček, za skupinu GUE/NGL. Paníkomisařko, kdy jsem slyel Vae úvodní slovo, nevěřiljsem, e v některých momentech mluvíte kÁzerbájdánu. Ázerbájdán je jedním ze států, které jipřed 100 lety měly jen pověst neuvěřitelně bohaté zeměa Baku bylo a je jedním z nejvýznamnějích center těbyropy na světě. Je pravdou, e přes obrovské přírodní

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bohatství je obyvatelstvo země neobyčejně chudé, jsouzde statisíce uprchlíků z doby války v NáhornímKarabachu a ti bydlí i nadále v uprchlických táborech astav demokracie dobře zobrazuje název státu, který jsemslyel od známého cestovatele Ázerbájdán, to jechanát. Nue, vzhůru do demokratických voleb.

Při vech naich úvahách je třeba zdůraznit rezoluce,které tento Parlament včetně meziparlamentní skupinyod roku 1999 do dnes přijal. Je vhodné připomenout si,e kavkazské státy jsou součástí Evropy, proto je velmidůleité, aby i vztahy s Ázerbájdánem byly dáleposilovány, a to na bázi základních demokratickýchhodnot Evropské unie. Zvlátě zřetele vhodné jeaplikovat minimální standardy v sociální oblasti a vivotním prostředí. Základní a zásadní otázkou předdemokratickými volbami je zejména korektní prostředívůči opozičním stranám a politikům. Stejně důleité jezajistit monost přístupu do médií a zajitění svobodyshromaďování, a to nejen vydáním příslunýchzákonných či podzákonných norem. Poněkud mě zaráí,e v bodu odůvodnění L rezoluce je uvedeno jednání oNáhorním Karabachu bez zmínky o přítomnostizástupců vlády ze Stepanakertu.

Závěrem bych rád podpořil navrený text rezoluce,chápu sloitost situace na jiním Kavkaze, a je mi protojasné, e v době nebezpečí extremistických útoků nenísnadné přiblíit se demokratickým standardům, nenímoné rezignovat na elementární pravidla a postupy přivolební kampani a volbách do zákonodárných orgánůpodle norem zpracovaných Organizací pro bezpečnost aspolupráci v Evropě.


Bastiaan Belder, namens de IND/DEM-Fractie. Voorzitter, slechts elf dagen scheiden ons van deparlementsverkiezingen in Azerbeidzjan. Opvallendgenoeg domineren berichten over spectaculaireontslagen en arrestaties van regeringsleden en topfigurenuit ´s lands olie-industrie Baku´s berichtgeving. Deofficiële verklaringen en aanklachten luidensamenzwering met de oppositie tegen het wettige gezagen corruptie.

Al met al een somber beeld voor een stembusgang.Daarom verwondert het mij zeer dat de gezamenlijkeontwerpresolutie met geen woord over deze actuelegebeurtenissen rept. De oppositie wordt hier eventjesweggezet als staatsgreeppleger in spe voor de publiekeopinie. En passant kan president Ilham Alijev zichopwerpen als de onkreukbare handhaver van rust enorde. Geen wonder dat ik gisteravond een groot kennervan Azerbeidzjan hoorde verzuchten: "Dieparlementsverkiezingen van 6 november? Verspilde tijd,verspild geld!"

Maar daarmee houdt zijn engagement bepaald niet op:hij zal ook als waarnemer naar Azerbeidzjan afreizen.En datzelfde geldt vanavond voor de Europeseinstellingen, de Commissie en ons huis. Elke electoraleverbetering is welkom. Vandaar mijn oproep aan deCommissie en eigenlijk aan alle betrokken internationale

organisaties sterk aan te dringen bij de Azerbeidjzaanseautoriteiten op een zorgvuldige registratie van allekiezers (inktmarkering van de duim bijvoorbeeld). Eenvoorzorgsmaatregel die president Alijev gisteren in eenspeech voor regionale magistraten serieus zei teoverwegen. Aan stembusmanipulaties in het recenteverleden immers geen gebrek. Een waarlijk nationaletraditie die vandaag de dag bovendien steeds verfijnderevormen in Azerbeidzjan aanneemt.

Mevrouw de Voorzitter, het monddood maken, hetmarginaliseren van de democratische oppositie inAzerbeidzjan kan op termijn ernstige politiekeconsequenties hebben en daar wil ik wel de nadruk opleggen hier. En dat niet alleen op nationaal, maar evengoed op regionaal niveau. Repressief, autoritair optredenvan het zittende regime roept een proces van politiekeverharding, radicalisering bij zijn tegenkrachten op. Datzal zich uiten in toenemende antiwesterse attitudes,onderschat het niet Commissie.

Die radicalisering zal zich daarnaast evenzeermanifesteren in een groeiend islamistisch streven.Daarop duidt bijvoorbeeld een opinie-onderzoek vanwinter 2004/2005. In die peiling gaf 23,2 procent aan deidee van een islamitische staat te steunen en nog eens28,9 procent zou een partiële invoering van hetislamitisch recht (de shari´a) verwelkomen. Een veegteken, zeker in combinatie met de momenteel strakkereislamitische regie in Teheran.

Commissie, de rijkdom aan energiebronnen vanAzerbeidzjan, noch hoge woorden als democratiseringen (geo)politieke stabiliteit moeten ons niet tijdelijkblindmaken voor hét fundamentele gebrek vanAzerbeidzjan en zijn bevolking: het ontbreken van eendemocratische rechtsstaat! Daar dient u, samen met deRaad, de machthebbers in Baku helder én regelrecht opaan te spreken. Ongeacht binnenlandse verkiezingsstrijd.En zeker wanneer tegen vooraanstaande burgers zulkezware beschuldigingen van het beramen van eenstaatsgreep en verduistering van openbare geldenworden ingebracht.

Laten wij ons, kortom, vooral hoeden voor het mistigemachtsspel dat president Alijev en diens blijkbaarwisselende entourage vandaag de dag opvoeren. Dat speldraait om de hebzuchtige onderlinge verdeling van derijkelijk vloeiende oliegelden en het tegen elkaaruitspelen van oude partijkaders en reformisten. Europesedistantie én waarschuwing zijn hier echt op zijn plaats.Tot welzijn van de Azerbeidzjaanse samenleving.


Árpád Duka-Zólyomi (PPE-DE). Tisztelt ElnökAsszony! Az előterjesztett határozati javaslat alegégetőbb azerbajdzsáni problémákra mutat rá, amelyeka november 6-i parlamenti választások tisztaságát,demokratikus és plurális megvalósítását veszélyeztetik.Úgy tűnik, hogy a bakui államapparátus képviselőireérvényes a közmondás: vizet prédikálnak és bort isznak.

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Az Európai Parlament dél-kaukázusi delegációja eddigiigyekezete ellenére Azerbajdzsán közjogi méltóságai,parlamentje és kormánya fura módon értelmezik ademokráciát, a jogállamiságot, illetve az emberi jogokat.Egyértelműen az államfő és udvarának önkényeérvényesül. Mint ahogy a biztos asszony is megemlítette,érdemes odafigyelni arra, hogy a múlt héten Alijev elnökmenesztett, illetve vizsgálati fogságba helyeztetett többlegfelsőbb szintű állami hivatalnokot azzal az ürüggyel,hogy puccsot kíséreltek meg ellene. A kampánykicsúcsosodásában ezt követően letartóztattak több tucatellenzéki és civil aktivistát. Minden jel arra mutat, hogya hatalom erővel akarja megvédeni egyeduralmát, azellenzéki erők nagygyűléseit pedig megpróbáljaellehetetleníteni.

Mivel Azerbajdzsán is része az EU szomszédságipolitikájának, érdekünk, hogy gyökereibenmegváltozzon a jelenlegi állapot, amire a legjobb esély asoron következő választások. Az Európai Parlamentérdeke a többpárti, az ellenzéknek is egyenrangúlehetőséget biztosító törvényhozás megalapozása.Nézetem szerint az általunk előterjesztett javaslatrendkívül fontos. Ebben az Európai Parlamentdeklarálja, hogy csak a tiszta, szabad választások és azesélyegyenlőség biztosítása fogadható el a nemzetköziközvélemény számára. Ezzel az Európai Parlamentnemcsak figyelmezteti Azerbajdzsánt, hanem fontosüzenetet is küld egész Dél-Kaukázus számára. Bakupedig bizonyíthat november 6-án.


Libor Rouček (PSE). Paní komisařko, dámy apánové, Ázerbájdán je země se silnými historickými,kulturními a ekonomickými vazbami na Evropu.Ázerbájdán je také země se silnými evropskýmiambicemi. Mohl jsem se o tom sám přesvědčit při svénedávné návtěvě této země, a to ať ji při diskuzích sobyčejnými lidmi na ulici nebo i při debatách spolitickými činiteli. I z tohoto důvodu jsem přivítalrozhodnutí Evropské rady z června loňského rokuzařadit Ázerbájdán společně s Arménií a Gruzií dokonceptu evropské sousedské politiky. Jsem přesvědčen,e tato politika vytváří ten pravý rámec pro rozvíjenívzájemných vestranných vtahů a také pravý rámec pronaplňování jak evropských, tak ázerbájdánskýchambicí.

Předpokladem pro rozvíjení a posilování vzájemnéhopartnerství je také sdílení společných hodnot, těmitohodnotami jsou právě úcta k lidských a občanskýmprávům, úcta k demokracii, úcta k právnímu státu.Důleitým testem pro dodrování těchto hodnot jsou vkadé zemi volby. Chtěl bych proto i prostřednictvímtéto debaty vyzvat ázerbájdánské úřady, aby vnadcházejících parlamentních volbách respektovalizákladní podmínky těchto voleb, tzn. svobodushromaďování, svobodu projevu nejen pro vládníkandidáty, ale samozřejmě také pro kandidátyopozičních uskupení a také aby ázerbájdánské úřadyzajistily klidný a pokojný průběh těchto voleb.

V předvolebním období, ji tady o tom byla řeč, vidímetakový smíený obraz. Na straně jedné zde vidíme určitýpokrok oproti volbám minulým, pokrok i v tom, e vtěchto volbách je více kandidátů a je zde také vícekandidátů z nezávislých opozičních stran. Na druhéstraně vak pokračují represe, pokračuje útlak opozice.Já jsem přesvědčen, e průběh těchto voleb ovlivní inae budoucí kroky, jinými slovy, pokud při těchtovolbách, a já budu členem pozorovatelské mise, budememoci zaznamenat určitý průběh, ovlivní to pozitivně ipráci na budoucím akčním programu. Pokud ten dojembude velmi negativní, ovlivní to práci v negativnímsměru.


Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE-DE). Pani Przewodnicząca!Jednym z fundamentalnych elementów w procesiebudowy państwa demokratycznego jest wolność słowa,czego znakomitym przejawem jest wolność mediów.

Kiedy Azerbejdżan został członkiem Rady Europy 4lata temu, zobowiązał się do zagwarantowania wolnościsłowa, niezależności mediów, pracy dziennikarzy. Mydoskonale o tym wiemy, a tam trzeba bez przerwymówić i przypominać, jak ważną rolę odgrywają media,swobodny i równoprawny dostęp do nich dla wszystkichobywateli i sił politycznych, szczególnie w czasiekampanii wyborczych, tak jak przed zbliżającymi sięwyborami listopadowymi.

Jakie są fakty? Morderstwo jednego z najbardziejznanych dziennikarzy Elmara Husejnowa. Mimo że jegożona informowała o tym, że był śledzony przez nieznaneosoby, a wielu jego przyjaciół stwierdzało, iż Husejnowspodziewał się, że zostanie zamordowany, nikt temu nieprzeciwdziałał. Po morderstwie prezydent Alijewogłosił, że była to jawna prowokacja przeciwko państwui oskarżył sprawców tej zbrodni o szkodzeniepozytywnemu wizerunkowi Azerbejdżanu; rząd nawetpoprosił o pomoc inne kraje, ale do tej pory śledztwo nieprzyniosło żadnych rezultatów, natomiast prowokuje dowielu spekulacji. Najpoczytniejsza prasa wciąż jestkontrolowana przez rząd. Prasa opozycyjna stanowimargines, dziennik Monitor przestał być wydawany pośmierci Husejnowa, jego następca stworzył co prawdanowy magazyn Prawdziwy Azerbejdżan, ale prawienatychmiast spotkał się z ogromnymi trudnościami zjego publikacją. Obecnie to pismo jest wydawane wnakładzie zaledwie 3 tysięcy egzemplarzy.

Naczelny redaktor gazety Jeni Musavat który jesttakże posłem i przewodniczącym partii Musavat jestjednym z liderów opozycji, który był więziony odpaździernika 2003 r. i mimo że został ułaskawiony przezprezydenta, to jego zespół musiał zaprzestać działalnościz powodu zbyt silnych nacisków ze strony partiirządzących, zbyt wysokich kar pieniężnych nakładanychprzez sąd. W takiej właśnie atmosferze funkcjonujeprasa opozycyjna w dzisiejszym Azerbejdżanie, takżeprzed wyborami. Główne kanały prywatyzowanej odkilku miesięcy telewizji państwowej działają w prawieniezmienny sposób, który wyklucza udział opozycji imimo że przygotowuje się nowe stacje telewizyjne,

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które mają dotrzeć bezpośrednio do szerszej grupyspołeczeństwa, to jest to prawie niemożliwe.

Kończąc, jest szansa na wolne media w Azerbejdżanie,tylko że zostało zbyt mało czasu na utworzenieprawdziwie zróżnicowanego obrazu medialnego przedwyborami w listopadzie.


Παναγιώτης Μπεγλίτης (PSE). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, οιµαζικές παραβιάσεις των δηµοκρατικών ελευθεριών καιτων ανθρωπίνων δικαιωµάτων, η φυλάκιση πολιτικώναντιπάλων, οι επιθέσεις κατά των µη ελεγχόµενωνµέσων ενηµέρωσης υπονοµεύουν την προοπτικήδιεξαγωγής ελεύθερων και δηµοκρατικών εκλογών στοΑζερµπαϊτζάν. Είδαµε οτι το 2003, στις προεδρικέςεκλογές, είχαµε σοβαρές παρατυπίες. ∆εν υπήρξε όµωςκαµία αντίδραση από τη διεθνή κοινότητα.

Πόσο έτοιµη είναι σήµερα η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή ναπροχωρήσει στην ενεργοποίηση της ρήτρας αναστολήςτης συµφωνίας εταιρικής σχέσης και συνεργασίας γιατις παραβιάσεις των δηµοκρατικών δικαιωµάτων;

Το Αζερικό καθεστώς, παραβιάζοντας τη διεθνήνοµιµότητα, επιτρέπει τις αεροπορικές πτήσεις προς τοκατεχόµενο τµήµα της Κυπριακής ∆ηµοκρατίας. ΗΕυρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή πρέπει να είναι σταθερή καισαφής στο µήνυµά της προς τους Αζέρους. Το ίδιοαποφασιστικό µήνυµα, για τη µη συµµετοχή στηνευρωπαϊκή πολιτική γειτονίας, πρέπει να αποσταλεί καιεν όψει των κοινοβουλευτικών εκλογών.

Η απελευθέρωση όλων των πολιτικών κρατουµένων, οσεβασµός του κράτους δικαίου, η διεξαγωγή ελεύθερωνεκλογών και ο εκδηµοκρατισµός των θεσµών θα πρέπεινα αποτελέσουν τους βασικούς όρους για την περαιτέρωανάπτυξη των σχέσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης µε τοΑζερµπαϊτζάν.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I just wish to make a few pointsabout this debate.

The first is that we share the same concerns about thiselection process. We have seen that the freedom of thepress and freedom of expression are sometimes violatedand we must follow this whole process very carefully.However, I can say that the European NeighbourhoodAction Plan which is not yet ready as we have onlyjust begun negotiations will provide an opportunity topromote democratic reform. It will also enable us tomake many of our offers conditional upon furtherdemocratic reforms and respect for the rule of law. Iagree, however, that with the new oil possibilities, it willnot be as easy as we previously thought, because therewill be more wealth in the future.

Secondly, I recently held talks with the three countriesof the Caucasus in New York during the MillenniumSummit and the Ministerial Week. We also discussed thequestion of these flights. We hope that there will be achange. The situation is very clear and I was very

adamant. We are now waiting for a high-level troika tocome back to see how we can start these negotiations onthe action plans.

On Nagorno-Karabakh, we are ready to deploy arehabilitation programme once a settlement is reachedon the peace plan. It seems and this is what I heardwhen I spoke to the two ministers that there are somepositive developments. I hope that this will happen afterthe Azeri elections, on the one hand, and the Armenianreferendum, on the other. It is a very complicatedquestion. I myself have often witnessed positivedevelopments, for instance in 2000, when I waschairperson of the OECD. In the end, a stalemate wasreached once again. However, there are possibilities andwe would like to explore them.

Let me also say that we currently have a fully-fledgeddelegation in Georgia, and a regionalised delegationcovering Armenia, while we intend to open a fully-fledged delegation to Azerbaijan in 2007. We wanted toopen a regionalised delegation but the Azeris refused.They only wanted one of their own. It is also a financialquestion regarding funding for the external service. Ihope we will get some funding under heading 4.

Finally, on radical Islamism, our message to PresidentAliyev was also very clear. We said that he would reallybe opening the way for radical Islamism if he did notallow the political opposition any breathing space. Igather from this debate that we all agree on that. I hopethat the Azeris will hear our message.


Die Präsidentin. Zum Abschluss der Erklärung derKommission möchte ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich sechsEntschließungsanträge5 erhalten habe, die gemäß Artikel103 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung eingereicht wurden.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am 27. Oktober 2005, um11.30 Uhr, statt.


Alessandro Battilocchio (NI). L'Azerbaijan è unpartner strategico per l'Europa, a livello economico, disicurezza, di politica estera. Per questo l'UE lo haaccolto tra i partner della Politica di Vicinato e seguecon interesse l'evoluzione politica interna. Le prossimeelezioni sono per la storia dell'Azerbaijan una tappafondamentale che sancirà la direzione verso la quale ilPaese intenderà muoversi e la sua volontà di seguire lascia di altre ex repubbliche sovietiche verso unamaggiore partecipazione democratica, trasparenza elibertà di espressione.

Alla vigilia di un tale evento un certo nervosismo ècomprensibile. Non ritengo tuttavia giustificabilel'atteggiamento finora tenuto dall'attuale governo, chesembra creare di proposito un clima di timore chedegenera in violenze ed ingerenza illegittima nello

5 Siehe Protokoll

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svolgimento della campagna elettorale, come testimoniail ritiro dalle liste di diversi candidati.

Anche la decisione di usare l'inchiostro per limitare ilrischio di frodi è arrivata tardi e dopo troppe obiezioni, ilche non fa altro che gettare una cattiva luce sulla buonavolontà del governo di procedere in modo chiaro etrasparente. Da come si svolgeranno quest'ultimasettimana elettorale e soprattutto il turno stesso,dipenderà il futuro atteggiamento dell'UE e la nostraapertura verso un partenariato sempre più fruttuoso.


13 - Der Barcelona-Prozess


Die Präsidentin. Als nächster Punkt folgt dieAussprache über den Bericht von Frau AnneliJäätteenmäki im Namen des Ausschusses für auswärtigeAngelegenheiten zu "Der Barcelona-Prozess neuaufgelegt" (2005/2058(INI)) (A6-0280/2005).


Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE), esittelijä. Arvoisapuhemies, Välimeren ympäristö on EU:n naapurialueistaalue, joka on ehkä eniten vaikuttanut EU-maidenkulttuuriin ja historiaan kautta aikojen. Kielemme,uskontomme, sanojemme alkuperä ja luvut juontavatjuurensa Välimeren alueelta. Alue on myös strategisestitärkeä, mutta ennen kaikkea Välimeren eteläpuolellaolevat valtiot ovat meidän naapureitamme.

Mutta historia on historiaa. Vuosi 1995 oli käännekohtaEU:n ja sen eteläisten naapureiden suhteissa. Silloinalkoi Barcelona-prosessi. Tänään, kymmenen vuottamyöhemmin, Välimeri-politiikka on yksi EU:nulkopolitiikan painopisteistä. Voimme siis todeta, ettätässä suhteessa on tapahtunut huomattavaa muutosta jakehitystä.

Mutta nyt kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin on ehkä syytäkysyä, tarvitaanko Barcelona-prosessia tänä päivänä.Eurooppa on niin erilainen kuin silloin, kun prosessialkoi. Uskon ja olen vakuuttunut, että parlamentinyksimielinen vastaus on, että me tarvitsemme tätäyhteistyötä. Eurooppa tarvitsee, me eurooppalaisettarvitsemme ja toivottavasti myös kumppanimmetarvitsevat, paljon enemmän kuin silloin, kun yhteistyötällä tasolla alkoi. Mutta tarvitaan tehokkaampaayhteistyötä ja enemmän yhteistyötä. On ilo todeta, ettäEuroopan parlamentti on aina ollut Barcelona-prosessinvahva kannattaja, ja monet yksittäiset parlamentinjäsenet ovat tehneet paljon työtä ja vieneet tätäyhteistyötä eteenpäin.

Haluan tässä tilanteessa nostaa esille muutamia asioita,joihin toivoisin Barcelona-prosessin tulevaisuudessaentistä vahvemmin keskittyvän. Yksi niistä on koulutus.Kumppanuusmaissamme on paljon lukutaidottomuutta.Omissa maissamme korostamme koulutusta jaosaamista. Vain sitä kautta menestymme. Tuolla alueellatilanne on aivan sama. Erityisesti haluaisin painottaanuorten tyttöjen ja naisten mahdollisuutta kouluttautua jasitä, että EU panostaisi siihen, että lukutaidottomuus

vihdoin ja viimein poistuisi. Me korostamme täälläEU:ssa hyvin mielellämme toimivan demokratianmerkitystä, mutta ennen kuin voimme odottaademokratian toimivan, ihmisten täytyy osata lukea.Lukutaito on siis demokratiankin kannalta tärkeä.

Toiseksi haluaisin nostaa esille taloudellisen kasvun jasiihen liittyvät uudistukset. EU on aktiivisesti tukenuttaloudellista integraatiota ja vapaakauppaa, ja EU onkinsuurin kauppakumppani yksittäisten kumppanuusmaidenkanssa. Yli 50 prosenttia näiden maiden kaupastasuuntautuu EU-alueelle, kun USA:han suuntautuu13 prosenttia. Mutta tähän sisältyy tietynlainen dilemma.EU:n ja kumppanuusmaiden välinen runsaskaupankäynti ei ole heijastunut EU:n poliittisenvaikutusvallan kasvuun. 50 prosenttia kaupasta ei tuo50 prosentin vaikutusvaltaa.

Haluaisin myös korostaa Anna Lindh -säätiön toiminnanmerkitystä. Toivon, että siihen panostetaan tulevinavuosina entistä enemmän, sillä uskontojen ja kulttuurienvälinen dialogi on tärkeää. Meidän on valittaentodettava, että Barcelona-prosessi ei ole kaikilta osintässä suhteessa onnistunut ja siinä on korjaamisen varaa.

Siirtolaisuus on yksi tärkeä EuroVälimeri-kumppanuuden ulottuvuus, ja tänä päivänä tuntuu, ettäongelmat vain lisääntyvät, joten tähän alaan tulee myöspanostaa.

Lopuksi haluan todeta, että on ollut miellyttävää toimiaesittelijänä pohjoisen alueen edustajana. Olen saanutoppia paljon ja olen myös huomannut, että Pohjois-Euroopan ja Etelä-Euroopan kulttuurien välillä tarvitaandialogia. Olen yllätyksekseni huomannut, että sitä eitällä hetkellä Euroopan parlamentissakaan ole riittävästi.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Mitglied der Kommission. Frau Präsidentin, Frau Jäätteenmäki! Das ist einausgezeichneter Bericht, den Sie uns, dem Parlamentgegenüber, vorgestellt haben. Der Titel des Berichts magvielleicht auf den ersten Blick eine gewisseVerwunderung hervorrufen "Der Barcelona-Prozess neu aufgelegt" , aber wenn Sie ihn mich sointerpretieren lassen: Es geht darum, die Partnerschaftzwischen Europa und anderen Mittelmeerstaaten zustärken und zu vertiefen. Das kommt auch imEntschließungsantrag klar zum Ausdruck.

Das zehnjährige Jubiläum des Barcelona-Prozessesbietet nicht nur die Gelegenheit, die Erfolge derVergangenheit zu würdigen denn es gibt solcheErfolge, auch wenn nicht alles erreicht wurde. Wirmüssen aber vor allem nach vorne schauen, wir müssenauf diesen Erfolgen aufbauen und das volle Potenzialdieser Zusammenarbeit für die Zukunft mit Entschlos-senheit und mit politischem Mut nutzen.

Ich stimme Frau Jäätteenmäki zu, wenn sie sagt, dass derBarcelona-Prozess selbstverständlich auch in Zukunftnoch notwendig sein wird. Deshalb halte ich es fürbesonders wichtig, dass es in Barcelona Ende November

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ein großes Gipfeltreffen geben wird, wo Staats- undRegierungschefs sich zum ersten Mal zu diesem Themaäußern können.

Wir haben in der Kommission auf meine Veranlassunghin eine eigene Mitteilung vorgestellt. Ich halte siedeshalb für besonders wichtig, weil sie genau die Punkteaufgreift, die uns allen hier und ich habe das auch vonIhnen gehört besonders wesentlich erscheinen. Dassind hauptsächlich drei Punkte, und dann würde ich dieKultur noch extra hinzufügen.

Die drei Punkte sind zum Ersten die Frage derpolitischen Reformen, vor allem auch die Förderung derMenschenrechte, der Demokratie und der guten Re-gierungsführung. Ich komme darauf noch zu sprechen.Der zweite Punkt ist der Bildungs- und Erziehungs-bereich. Sie haben vollkommen Recht, FrauJäätteenmäki: Das ist etwas, wo wir weiterarbeiten, wowir stärker werden müssen. Das liegt mir ganz besondersam Herzen und auch das will ich ausführen.

Der dritte Bereich ist die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.Das ist der Bereich, wo wir vielleicht bisher die meistenErfolge erzielt haben, wo wir aber auch weitergehenmüssen. Auch das möchte ich im Detail noch weiterausführen.

Selbstverständlich müssen wir auch im Kulturbereichnoch weiterarbeiten, das heißt die Anna-Lindh-Stiftung,der Dialog der Zivilisationen und Kulturen, dieMöglichkeit, dieses Netzwerk auszuweiten, sind enormwichtig. Selbstverständlich stehen wir hier bereit.

Ich möchte zuerst auf die politischen Reformen, dieDemokratie, die Menschenrechte eingehen. Gerade indiesen Bereichen dürfen wir uns nicht zurückhalten,sondern müssen versuchen, die Reformen von außen zuunterstützen. Selbstverständlich dürfen wir dieseReformen nicht aufoktroyieren, sondern wir müssen einestarke Unterstützung bieten und Möglichkeiten derbegleitenden Maßnahmen setzen. Dafür ist es sehrwichtig, dass die Nachbarschaftspolitik aufbauend aufdem Barcelona-Prozess die richtigen Instrumentebereitstellt. Ich habe in den letzten Wochen sehr vieledieser Mittelmeerländer besucht unter anderemTunesien, Jordanien und den Libanon und gesehen,wie effizient wir mit diesem Instrumentarium arbeitenkönnen, wenn es auch unterschiedliche Kategorien gibt,wie in diesen Ländern auf die Fragen der Menschen-rechte eingegangen wird.

Für die Förderung der Menschenrechte haben wir unsetwas Besonderes überlegt, und wir wollenvoraussichtlich schon ab dem nächsten Jahr, sicher aberab dem Jahr 2007, zusätzliche Fördermittel in Formeiner Demokratiefazilität bereitstellen. Das heißt, dieLänder, die in den Reformen besonders gut unterwegssind, sollen zusätzlich mit mindestens 10 % der Mittel,die ohnehin vorgesehen sind, unterstützt werden. Ichhoffe, dass das einen entsprechenden Anreiz gibt, dassdiese Länder noch stärker vorangehen und damit auch

andere Länder, die sich eher schleppender bewegen,mitziehen.

Daher müssen auch die politische und diesicherheitspolitische Dimension der Partnerschaftausgebaut werden. Auch der politische Rahmen mussbesser genutzt werden. Daher halte ich auch dieSitzungen des Parlaments im Zusammenhang mitEuromed für besonders wichtig. Aber auch Ministerrats-sitzungen und Sitzungen im Troikaformat all das kannzu dieser Weiterentwicklung beitragen.

Zum Zweiten ist es wesentlich, auch im sozialen Bereichzu sehen, wie wichtig gerade die Frage der Erziehungist. Ein Drittel der Bevölkerung derMittelmeerdrittstaaten ist unter 15 Jahre alt. Das heißt,wir müssen einen besonderen Fokus auf die Erziehunglegen. Der UNDP-Bericht über menschlicheEntwicklung hat gezeigt, dass gerade Erziehung undauch vor allem die Frage der Frauengleichstellung zurEntwicklung beitragen werden.

Deshalb habe ich einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf dieBeseitigung des Analphabetismus gelegt und zwar imSinne der Millenniums-Erklärung der VereintenNationen bis 2015. Ich hoffe, das gelingt. Ich möchte,dass es die gleiche Möglichkeit für Mädchen und Jungengibt, in alle Schulen eingeschrieben zu werden und auchdie gleiche Ausbildung zu erhalten. Ich wünsche mirauch, dass vor allem Frauen besonders gefördert werden.Wir haben ein eigenes Stipendium-Programm geplant,das vor allem Postgraduate-Stipendien für Frauenvorsieht, damit es in diesem Bereich eine verstärkteEntwicklung geben wird.

Zusätzlich denke ich, dass gerade im sozialen Bereichdie Migrationsproblematik ein ganz zentrales Thema ist.Ich habe heute zum Beispiel den stellvertretendenAußenminister Marokkos, Herrn Taieb Fassi-Fihri,empfangen, und wir haben selbstverständlich dieThematik erörtert, die sich derzeit in Ceuta und Melillaabspielt. Das darf uns nicht gleichgültig sein. Hiermüssen wir gemeinsam Lösungen erarbeiten, zum einenLösungen, die den Bereich der gesamten EuropäischenUnion im Verhältnis zum gesamten Mittelmeerbetreffen, aber auch die Staaten südlich Sahara sowieAfrika. Natürlich müssen wir auch versuchen, dasSchlepperwesen abzuschneiden, damit die Menschennicht Opfer dieser furchtbaren Schlepper werden. Aberwir müssen auch zusätzlicheEntwicklungsmöglichkeiten für diese Länder schaffen,damit es nicht zu solchen Wanderbewegungen kommt.

Einerseits muss man Flüchtlinge gemäß der Konventionabsolut entsprechend den Menschenrechten behandeln,andererseits muss man dem illegalen FlüchtlingsdruckEinhalt gebieten. Dies gehört sicher zu den wichtigenThemen dieses Gipfels in Barcelona.

Auf wirtschaftlicher Ebene haben wir zur Sicherstellungder Freihandelszone bis 2010 im Bereich des normalenWarenhandels viel geleistet; für den BereichDienstleistungen und Agrarhandel ist allerdings noch

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sehr viel mehr vonnöten. Der Süd-Süd-Handel der sogenannte Prozess von Agadir muss hier weiterausgebaut werden. Aber es sind auch andere Themenwesentlich wie Verkehr, Energie, Umwelt. Zum ThemaVerkehr wird es im Dezember eine Konferenz inMarrakesch geben. Was die Energie anbelangt, somüssen immer mehr subregionale Netze aufgebautwerden. Für den Bereich Umwelt sollte die Reinhaltungdes Mittelmeers so weit wie möglich gewährleistetwerden.

Sie haben Recht, Frau Jäätteemäki, wenn Sie die Frageder kulturellen Zusammenarbeit ganz besondersbetonen. Auch wir wollen dieser Zusammenarbeit inZukunft größere Aufmerksamkeit schenken.

Natürlich wissen alle, dass der Barcelona-Prozess aufder einen Seite zwar die Chance vermittelt, Israel undPalästina an einen Tisch zu bekommen, dass abergleichzeitig der Nahost-Friedensprozess diesenBarcelona-Prozess immer wieder überschattet. Daher istes wesentlich, dass wir auch hier weiterkommen. Ichdenke an Herrn Wolfensohn, der hier als Abgesandterdes Quartetts wirklich gute Arbeit geleistet hat und denwir voll unterstützen.


Kader Arif (PSE), rapporteur pour avis de lacommission du commerce international. Madame laPrésidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, jevoudrais d'abord féliciter Mme Jäätteenmäki pour sonrapport sur le processus de Barcelone revisité.

J'en viens à mon propos. Le mois prochain, les chefsd'État ou de gouvernement européens se réuniront avecleurs homologues méditerranéens afin de célébrer ledixième anniversaire du processus de Barcelone. Lepartenariat euroméditerranéen devait offrir la perspectiveambitieuse d'un futur meilleur et multiforme, à la foispolitique, économique, social et culturel. Le bilan,dix ans après, est mitigé. Nous avons créé un espace dediscussion et de coopération avec nos voisinsméditerranéens, ce dont je me félicite, mais tous lesobjectifs fixés sont loin d'être atteints. Le conflit auProche-Orient n'est pas réglé. La région est toujoursinstable. Les droits de l'homme et la démocratisationn'avancent pas, ou avancent de manière insuffisante. Larive sud de la Méditerranée et sa population n'ont pasprofité du bien-être économique et social attendu. Lechômage, celui des jeunes en particulier, est toujourstrop élevé et provoque des flux migratoires sans espoir.

Sur le plan économique, je ne citerai qu'un exemple: ledémantèlement de l'accord multifibres, qui ajoute auxdifficultés rencontrées par la région. Même si lesnouvelles règles d'origine cumulées, proposées par lecommissaire Mandelson, vont dans la bonne direction,l'intégration économique sud-sud est encore loin d'êtreaccomplie. Nous sommes le partenaire privilégié decette région et tous les espoirs sont tournés vers nous. Sepréoccuper de ces populations, c'est d'abord répondre àleurs préoccupations et à leurs aspirations, c'est-à-dire

notre capacité d'obtenir plus de cohésion sociale et undéveloppement économique durable.

La nouvelle politique de voisinage qui nous est proposéeest un élément positif, car elle exige plus de démocratie,même si les aides devront être plus largement partagéesentre nos voisins de l'est et du sud. J'espère que cettenouvelle politique poursuivra les objectifs du processusde Barcelone et qu'elle tiendra compte des difficultésspécifiques de cette zone. Je suis d'ailleurs inquiet de nepas voir figurer, dans l'instrument de voisinage et departenariat tel que proposé par la Commission, unemention spécifique des objectifs du Millénaire.

Dans l'espace mondialisé dans lequel nous vivons, lalibéralisation ne peut être la réponse aux problèmesposés. Cela vaut pour la protection de notreenvironnement - responsables que nous sommes de notreplanète -, mais, de manière encore plus aiguë, pour laquestion des services publics ayant trait aux besoinsfondamentaux des populations, à savoir l'éducation, lasanté, la culture, l'accès à l'eau et à l'énergie, que lacommission du commerce international, dont je faispartie, avait proposée et que la commission des affairesétrangères n'a pas retenue.

Nous sommes d'accord pour considérer que notre travailest inachevé. Soyons d'accord demain pour réaliser uneuvre commune.


Ρόδη Κράτσα-Τσαγκαροπούλου (PPE-DE),Εισηγήτρια της γνωµοδότησης της Επιτροπής∆ικαιωµάτων των Γυναικών και Ισότητας των Φύλων. Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κυρία Επίτροπε, κυρίες και κύριοισυνάδελφοι, θα ήθελα κατ' αρχάς να συγχαρώ τησυνάδελφο την κ. Jäätteenmäki για την έκθεσή της καιτην καλή διάθεση συνεργασίας της που είχε ωςαποτέλεσµα µια πρόταση ψηφίσµατος µε πληρότηταόσον αφορά τα στοιχεία και τις πολιτικές προτάσεις.

Η επέτειος των 10 χρόνων της διαδικασίας τηςΒαρκελώνης, αποτελεί µια εξαιρετική ευκαιρία για νακάνουµε τον απολογισµό µας και, κυρίως, ναεπαναπροσδιορίσουµε το πολιτικό µας όραµα και τηστρατηγική µας µέσα στα νέα δεδοµένα που είναι ηδιευρυµένη Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, οι προκλήσεις τηςπαγκοσµιοποίησης καθώς και η αυξανόµενη απειλή τηςτροµοκρατίας.

Η διαδικασία της Βαρκελώνης αξίζει την ιδιαίτερηπροσοχή µας διότι είναι η πιο ολοκληρωµένη έκφρασητης εξωτερικής πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης,αφού αποτελεί µια πολυµερή, συνολική εταιρική σχέσηκαι εκφράζεται µέσα από µια ολοκληρωµένηστρατηγική. Είναι απόλυτα συνδεδεµένη µε τα ζωτικάσυµφέροντα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αφού, µπορεί νασυµβάλει στην ειρήνη και στην ασφάλεια της περιοχήςµας, αλλά και να επηρεάσει την ειρήνη και τηνισορροπία στον κόσµο.

Ο µέχρι σήµερα απολογισµός δεν είναι ικανοποιητικός.Αδυναµίες και παραλήψεις έγιναν και από τις δυό

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πλευρές. Έλλειψη διορατικότητας, πολιτικής βούλησης,επαρκούς χρηµατοδότησης, αδυναµία στους εταίρους ναπροωθήσουν τις µεταρρυθµίσεις αλλά και τη µεταξύτους συνεργασία, ώστε να αποτελέσουν δελεαστικέςαγορές και οικονοµίες.

Αυτό που θεωρώ ανησυχητικό είναι ότι η πολυµερήςαυτή σχέση και διαδικασία δεν συνέβαλε στην επίλυσητων χρόνιων προβληµάτων, όπως είναι τοΙσραηλοπαλαιστινιακό και το θέµα της Κύπρου. Είναιεπίσης ανησυχητικό ότι δεν έφερε κοντά τους λαούς. Οιπολίτες δεν έγιναν κοινωνοί και εταίροι αυτής τηςδιαδικασίας, την οποίαν αγνοούν εκατέρωθεν, και στιςδυό όχθες της Μεσογείου. ∆εν έχουν συνειδητοποιήσειούτε τις προκλήσεις που µας επιβάλλουν να ζήσουµεµαζί, ούτε τα κοινά µας σηµεία, ούτε καν την ουσία τωνδιαφορών µας.

Ελπίζω η σύνοδος του 2005, 10 χρόνια µετά την αρχική,να εντάξει σαφώς στις προτεραιότητές της αυτήν τηνανάγκη εµπλοκής της κοινωνίας των πολιτών στηδιαδικασία της Βαρκελώνης.

Περιµένουµε να ενθαρρυνθούν οι πρωτοβουλίες όπωςείναι η πλατφόρµα Euromed, που αναφέρει η κ..Jäätteenmäki, αλλά και άλλες συνεργασίες σε όλα ταεπίπεδα, όπως στην τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση, τιςπεριφέρειες, τα πανεπιστήµια. Πρέπει να ενθαρρυνθεί ηκινητικότητα των πολιτών σε όλες τις κοινωνικές καιεπαγγελµατικές οµάδες. Ο ρόλος της ΕυρωµεσογειακήςΚοινοβουλευτικής Συνέλευσης είναι πολύ σηµαντικός,έχει αρχίσει ήδη να αναδεικνύεται, και ελπίζουµε νασυµβάλει σε αυτήν την αλληλοκατανόηση καισφυρηλάτηση της κοινής συνείδησης. Περιµένουµε ένανπραγµατικό διάλογο πολιτισµών, µε όλη τη σηµασία τηςλέξης, που δεν θα αποτελεί απλώς µια συνύπαρξη γιαανταλλαγή καρτών επισκέψεων, αλλά όπου θαπροχωρούµε σε διάλογο µε διάθεση να ανακαλύψουµετις διαφορές µας και να βρούµε τα κοινά µας σηµεία. Οδιάλογος πολιτισµών πρέπει να αφορά όλο το πλάτοςκαι το βάθος της λέξης· τα πολιτισµικά πρότυπα, τηνερµηνεία της ιστορίας, τον τρόπο ζωής και τη θέση τωνγυναικών. Και εδώ, χαίροµαι κυρία Επίτροπε πουαναφερθήκατε ιδιαίτερα σ' αυτό, θέλω όµως να σαςεπισηµάνω ότι υπάρχει ένα πλούσιο έργο στην Επιτροπή∆ικαιωµάτων των Γυναικών, όχι µόνο η γνωµοδότησηπου επισυνάπτεται στην έκθεση, αλλά και µια έκθεσηπου συνετάχθη το 2002 και η οποία απετέλεσε τη βάσηγια το πρώτο περιφερειακό πρόγραµµα γυναικών στηΜεσόγειο που έχουµε σήµερα. Αυτό που ζητάµε είναινα γίνει κάτι παραπάνω από την εκπαίδευση και τηναγορά εργασίας. Ζητάµε µια πραγµατική θεώρηση τηςκατάστασης των γυναικών, από δε την πλευρά τηςΕυρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, µια ποιοτική και ποσοτικήανάλυση των αποτελεσµάτων της πολιτικής σας µέχρισήµερα, καθώς και την ένταξη της διάστασης του φύλουκαι στους τρεις πυλώνες της διαδικασίας τηςΒαρκελώνης.


Charles Tannock, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group. Madam President, as rapporteur on the EuropeanNeighbourhood Policy, I believe it is clearly in our

mutual interests to strengthen ties with our southernMediterranean partners in North Africa and the MiddleEast, as formally set up in the Barcelona process 10years ago on 28 November.

Along with our US allies, this sends a clear message thatwe support, in this region, a strengthening of civilsociety, an open market economy, democratic pluralismand respect for fundamental human rights, includingmedia freedom, independence of the judiciary and therule of law and, in particular, womens rights, as theprevious speaker mentioned. Tunisia is an advancedcountry in the eyes of the Arab world in this respect.Environmental cooperation is also one of our priorities.

These countries, and in particular their growingpopulations, will provide growing markets for our ownproducts. I believe that it is in the European Unionsinterests to target substantial development aid throughthe current MEDA Programme, which, I believe,amounts to some EUR 3 billion per year, and eventuallythrough the newly anticipated ENPI the EuropeanNeighbourhood and Partnership Instrument to assistthe Euromed group of countries with enhancedeconomic growth in order to prevent risingunemployment and rising tensions, which will in turn,from the EU security point of view, provide recruitinggrounds for Islamist hardliners. We have seen that in therecent past during the Moroccan Casablanca bombings,the tragic civil war in recent years in Algeria and the riseof Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad in the occupiedPalestinian territories. We must remember, of course,that the tragic Madrid bombings were carried out byMaghribi Salafists.

We must also try to prevent large, uncontrolled migrantflows to the European Union. Otherwise, this will causea total breakdown in the good intercommunal relationswe enjoy at present.

We all hope for a free trade area by 2010. The newEuroMed Assembly facilitates dialogue betweentraditional enemies such as Israel and the Arab world.This forum uniquely allows them to resolve theirproblems peacefully. Israels withdrawal from Gaza, inmy view, is a good start to putting the roadmap for peaceback on the agenda. This Assembly is also a forum forthe exchange of ideas between the Islamic world and themajority-Christian European Union.

I am optimistic about the spread of our democraticvalues in this region, with the recent elections in Iraq,Palestine and Lebanon and now, even, some tentativedemocratic moves in this direction from Egypt.

On behalf of my political group, I strongly commend theJäätteenmäki report to the House.


Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García, en nombre del GrupoPSE. Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar quierofelicitar a la ponente, señora Jäätteenmäki, que tanto ytan bien ha trabajado en la redacción de este informe,

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por su actitud receptiva con las enmiendas que mi Grupopolítico ha presentado. También quiero agradecer a laComisaria Benita Ferrero-Waldner que esté hasta altashoras de la noche con nosotros.

Efectivamente, se cumplen diez años de la históricaDeclaración de Barcelona, fruto de la cual fue la primeraCumbre Euromediterránea, en la que actuó de anfitrión,como Presidente en ejercicio de la Unión Europea, elPresidente Felipe González. Las perspectivas que seabrieron entonces a la asociación euromediterránea eranmuy esperanzadoras. Es cierto que los resultados hansido irregulares y que queda mucho por hacer, pero no loes menos que los obstáculos y dificultades son y eranenormes, y no es razonable ignorarlos.

El Mediterráneo, cuna de la cultura europea, ha sido ysigue siendo también, en parte, un mar de enfrenta-mientos y conflictos. La asociación euromediterráneatiene sentido si es el instrumento utilizado para removeresos obstáculos y fomentar el diálogo y la cooperaciónentre el Norte y el Sur, pero también para poner enprimera línea las relaciones Sur-Sur en esas regiones,que están muy debilitadas.

Ante la próxima Cumbre de noviembre en Barcelona,Barcelona + 10, lo importante es establecer prioridadesclaras, viables y realistas, lo que no está reñido con quesean también ambiciosas. Contamos ahora con un marcode referencia, que es la alianza de civilizaciones,propuesta por el Presidente Zapatero y adoptada por lasNaciones Unidas, a través de la declaración de suSecretario General en julio de este año. Una condiciónnecesaria para alcanzar los objetivos es rebajar la tensiónen la zona, especialmente en el conflictoisraelopalestino, auténtico talón de Aquiles de lasrelaciones euromediterráneas. El objetivo principal deesta asociación es crear una zona de prosperidadcompartida, avanzando en la reducción de la pobreza, lasuperación de la fractura socioeconómica entre el Nortey el Sur, y el fomento, como se ha dicho, de las reformaspolíticas, de la democratización y el Estado de Derechoy del respeto de los derechos humanos.

Hay muchos más temas, que han ido surgiendo en estedebate: el problema de la gestión de los flujosmigratorios, la discriminación de la mujer, los gravesproblemas medioambientales del Mare Nostrum, eldiálogo de las tres religiones monoteístas, la necesidadde una cooperación local y regional, la lucha contra elterrorismo, el control de armas de destrucción masiva, laparticipación de los pueblos, etc. Pero, sobre todo ytermino, afecta especialmente a la Unión Europea y asus Estados miembros la necesidad de altas dosis devoluntad política y compromiso económico y de creer deverdad que en las relaciones euromediterráneas nosjugamos mucho.

El Mediterráneo es el flanco más vulnerable de la UniónEuropea y, si no nos tomamos en serio este tema, laHistoria nos pasará factura.


Cecilia Malmström, för ALDE-gruppen. Fru talman!Inför 10-års jubiléet finns det alla skäl att utvärderaBarcelonaprocessen. Världen idag ser ju väldigtannorlunda ut än vad den gjorde för 10 år sedan. Vi harhaft utvidgningen med bl.a. Cypern och har inlettförhandlingar med Turkiet och Kroatien,grannskapspolitiken har utvecklats och vi har sett hurdemokratiseringen i många av våra partnerskapsländerhar gått framåt och i vissa fall tyvärr också bakåt.Kampen mot terrorismen har blivit allt viktigare. Kriget iIrak och den svåra process som landet nu genomgår påsin väg mot demokrati präglar också relationerna medområdet. Vi har Iran och problemen kringkärnbränslepolitiken där, Gazauttåget och detpalestinska valet, men samtidigt en stagnation ifredsprocessen. De spännande händelserna i Libanonoch Syrien och den fortsatta tragiska situationen iAfrikas sista koloni Västsahara visar att det finnsfortfarande väldigt mycket att göra i regionen.

Med detta som bakgrund är det naturligt att ompröva ochdiskutera Barcelonaprocessen. Den har skapat strukturer,väldigt viktiga sådana, och en form för ett fastaresamarbete mellan oss. Associationsavtalen med allaländerna har lett till närmare utbyte, handel, projekt,många mötesplatser och det har skapat ett långsiktigtengagemang för hela unionen. Beviset är att här stårledamöter från hela Europa, inte bara syd, och debatterarikväll.

Vi har en gemensam historia och kultur och ocksågemensamma problem och lösningar, terrorism,migration, tillväxt, utveckling, handel, miljö, energi, ja,de är många. Men framför allt handlar det i framtidenom mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati. Detta är detallra viktigaste och här har Barcelonaprocessen påmånga sätt misslyckats. Även om det i associations-avtalen finns människorättsklausuler så används intedessa, eftersom vi inte har några bra mekanismer för atthantera grova kränkningar i de länder vi samarbetarmed. Intresset är också ganska begränsat ibland.

Detta är den stora utmaningen för Barcelonaprocessen iframtiden. Vi måste omstrukturera hela samarbetet så attdet blir ett ramverk för en gigantiskt demokratisatsning ihela regionen. Ingenting bidrar mer till stabilitet änövergången till demokrati. I Mellanöstern koncentrerasden ofriaste regionen i hela världen och detta skapargrogrund för fanatism, frustration och kanske ocksåterrorism. Därför måste vi inom Barcelonaprocessenutforma strategier för omfattande demokratisatsningar,stödja dissidenter, det civila samhället, rättssamhället,yttrandefriheten osv. Medlet för detta är naturligtvishandel, utbyte, utbildningsprogram och kultursamarbete.

Barcelonaprocessen måste därigenom bli ett slagsalternativ till länder som aldrig kan bli medlemmar i EU.Den måste ge konkreta fördelar i utbyte mot att vi ställerkrav på reformer. Lyckas vi med detta gör vi etthistoriskt bidrag. Avslutningsvis vill jag berömma minkollega Jäätteenmäki för ett mycket bra betänkande.


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Hélène Flautre, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. Madame la Présidente, je crois que Mme Wallström etvous-même, Madame la Commissaire, avez, commed'autres, mis le doigt sur une question sur laquelle leprocessus de Barcelone n'a pas tenu toutes sespromesses. Il s'agit évidemment de la question des droitsde l'homme et de la démocratie. Pour s'en convaincre, ilsuffit de faire le point de la situation de la liberté de lapresse dans la région cela a été fait à l'invitation deMme Patrie, cet après-midi ou de la situation de laliberté d'expression en Tunisie, à la veille du Sommetmondial de la société de l'information. Pour preuve: lesnombreuses violations des droits à la libertéd'association, à la liberté d'expression et à la liberté derassemblement; une justice qui souffre de nombreuseslacunes dans beaucoup de pays; la torture qui estmonnaie courante, voire pratiquement systématique danscertains pays, et des défenseurs des droits de l'hommequi sont, un peu partout, victimes de nombreusesviolations de leurs droits font l'objet de nombreux actesde harcèlement.

Le processus de Barcelone n'a donc, sur ces questions,pas tenu toutes ses promesses. Comme Mme lerapporteur l'a dit, je crois qu'il présente aussi des lacunesen ce qui concerne le droit des femmes, les droitséconomiques et sociaux et les mécanismes mis en placepour une politique efficace en matière de démocratie etde droits de l'homme. Malgré tout cela, le processus deBarcelone a permis de mettre en place des mécanismesainsi que des lieux de dialogue politique sur cesquestions, et donc jeté les bases nécessaires àl'instauration d'une politique ambitieuse de promotiondes droits de l'homme et de la démocratie.

Vous avez dit, Madame la Commissaire, que la questionde la migration serait au centre des discussions duSommet de Barcelone. Permettez-moi, à ce propos,d'appeler votre attention sur un point. Je crois que sur laquestion de la lutte contre le terrorisme et de la luttecontre l'immigration illégale, nous incitons les pays àvioler le droit international. C'est assez clair et cela vientencore d'être illustré par les incidents de Lampedusa quiimpliqueraient la Libye, et plus récemment par lesincidents dans les enclaves espagnoles de Ceuta etMellila et au Maroc. En demandant à ces pays decontenir le flux de réfugiés subsahariens, on les incite etles pousse à des violations des droits de l'homme. Avantde chercher à réprimer la pression de ceux qu'elleappelle les "migrants illégaux", la politique européenneelle-même devrait définir sa politique de migrationlégale. Or, vous savez que sur cette question, nousn'avançons guère.

J'ai la conviction que la société civile et lesparlementaires peuvent aider à améliorer la mise enoeuvre de nos politiques des droits de l'homme et de ladémocratie dans cette région. C'est pourquoi jesouhaiterais beaucoup que la Commission soit présente àRabat lors de notre prochaine réunion exceptionnelle del'Assemblée parlementaire euroméditerranéenne.


Adriana Poli Bortone, a nome del gruppo UEN. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, desideroringraziare innanzitutto la relatrice per l'impegnoprofuso in questa relazione ma anche la signoraCommissario, per le parole di speranza che hapronunciato rispetto a questa tormentata area delMediterraneo.

Nel 1995 a Barcellona è stato avviato un processoirreversibile di una più stretta cooperazione fra i paesidell'area mediterranea. I pessimisti ci diranno che irisultati sono stati inferiori alle attese, che il progressoeconomico dei paesi della riva sud è stato insufficiente,che il dialogo politico è stato difficoltoso eframmentario, che in materia di diritti umani e didemocrazia l'Europa non è riuscita a farsi ascoltare adovere, che la cooperazione economica sud-sud è ancoraagli albori e che sul fronte della cogestione delfenomeno immigrazione i risultati non sonosoddisfacenti. Oggi certamente è cambiato lo scenariogeopolitico internazionale dell'area del mediterraneo, percui quello che era l'ambizioso progetto del processo diBarcellona deve essere rimodulato e adattato al nuovocontesto internazionale perché il partenariatoeuromediterraneo possa affrontare le sfide attuali.

Partiamo comunque da quello che è stato fatto. Si sonomessi in moto meccanismi di cooperazioneinterministeriali congiunti, che non saranno più messi indiscussione, per la risoluzione in comune diproblematiche dell'area in questione. Si è dato vitaall'Assemblea euromediterranea, comeaccompagnamento della cooperazione governativa, nellaquale si lavora insieme con le regole delparlamentarismo. Si è definito un programma di aiuti disettecento milioni di euro l'anno, MEDA, allo scopo ditrasferire risorse e progettualità da nord e sud e ilprogramma ha oggi raggiunto dei tassi di esecuzioneabbastanza interessanti. Si è messo in moto, ma ècominciato comunque, un processo democratico inalcuni paesi rivieraschi, il Libano, l'Egitto, in qualchemaniera anche la Palestina. Si sono firmati accordi diassociazione tra l'Unione europea e tutti i paesi delversante sud e non sono certo mancate le forme dicooperazione, apparentemente secondarie ma moltoefficaci sul piano culturale, avviate nel quadro più ampiodell'accordo di Barcellona.

Tutto questo ha permesso di conoscerci meglio e di piùed apre le porte con un certo ottimismo ad un secondodecennio, nel quale bisogna consolidare gli aspettipositivi del processo, dare ulteriore concretezza allaprogettualità in corso e agli obiettivi, correggere glieventuali errori commessi, perché la stabilità, la pace ela democrazia e, il progresso socioeconomico possanodiventare risultati condivisi da un sempre maggiornumero di paesi e cittadini nell'area mediterranea.

Mi sia consentito ricordare soltanto, infine, il problemadella cultura, che non è soltanto istruzione e formazionema anche beni culturali. Attraverso la salvaguardia deibeni culturali possiamo conoscerci e rispettarci meglionelle nostre diversità e nelle nostre identità.

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Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE-DE). SeñoraPresidenta, la región mediterránea es muy importantepara los Estados miembros y para la Unión Europea ensu conjunto. Está claro que los países de la ribera sur nopresentan el mismo nivel de desarrollo político y/o deprosperidad económica. Sin embargo, la mayoría deestos países tiene que hacer frente a diversas carencias,en mayor o menor grado: carencias políticas, escasodesarrollo democrático y pluralismo limitado; carenciaseconómicas, porque estamos ante economías anticuadas,incapaces de generar empleo para una poblacióncreciente y sin atractivo suficiente para atraer lanecesaria inversión extranjera; y carencias sociales,elevada pobreza y desigualdad social, analfabetismo,discriminación de la mujer como aquí se ha dicho,escasa capacidad de sus instituciones públicas, conconsecuencias negativas en los planos de la salud, laeducación, la economía, el control de fronteras, y unlargo etcétera.

Por ello, la región mediterránea debe ser objeto deatención prioritaria para la Unión, no sólo debido a losmúltiples lazos históricos, políticos, económicos ysociales que vinculan a los países de ambas orillas, sinotambién por otras razones, como la seguridad, incluida laamenaza del terrorismo, o como el reto de lainmigración. Por eso, la cooperación entre ambas orillases indispensable y debe abarcar un amplísimo campo deactividades. La cooperación tiene que funcionar enambas direcciones, repito en ambas direcciones.

Los problemas de estos países vecinos nos afectan,nuestro futuro es compartido; es imposible crear unmuro entre el Norte y el Sur del Mediterráneo, y menosen el mundo globalizado de hoy. Por consiguiente,hemos de profundizar en nuestras relaciones con estospaíses, estimularlos y ayudarlos a superar las carencias alas que antes hice referencia.

Por eso, el informe que mañana aprobaremos insiste enla necesaria modernización en el plano político,económico, social e institucional y también en el planode los derechos humanos. En este sentido, celebro laspalabras de la Comisaria y la importancia que atribuye aestos temas.

Es necesario y creo que deberíamos estar todos deacuerdo un dinamismo de reforma en la orilla sur. Nopuede ser que lo único que preocupe a la Unión Europeasea la estabilidad de estos países; la estabilidad no puedeconvertirse, al final, en la coartada del inmovilismo. Sinosotros insistimos en la necesidad de reformas ennuestros países, ¿cómo no insistir en la necesidad dereformas en sus países? Estos países deben evolucionar.De lo contrario, los problemas aumentarán, y las crisispolíticas y económicas y también en materia deinmigración y de seguridad no harán sino crecer y, alfinal, la no reforma será la que traiga la inestabilidad.

De ahí la importancia del Proceso de Barcelona y de lapolítica europea de vecindad. Deben ser instrumentosfundamentales de la Unión para, en primer lugar,

demostrar a estos países el lugar prioritario que ocupanen nuestra acción exterior y, desde luego, paraayudarlos, para exigirles que también cooperenlealmente con nosotros en la solución de los problemasque nos afectan y, finalmente, para estimularlos hacia lareforma. Una reforma que puede traer prosperidad,libertad y, en último término, más estabilidad para estospaíses y, por consiguiente, para toda la cuencamediterránea.

Me gustaría que la próxima Cumbre de Barcelonaestuviera a la altura del desafío y, desde luego, quieroconcluir agradeciendo a la señora Jäätteenmäki susesfuerzos.


Pasqualina Napoletano (PSE). Signor Presidente,onorevoli colleghi, io vorrei sottolineare rapidamente treaspetti di questo processo. Il primo riguarda laproiezione del Partenariato euromediterraneo nellapolitica di vicinato, come ha ricordato la signoraCommissario Ferrero. Credo che questo aspetto nondebba farci concentrare soltanto sui piani di azionebilaterale ma debba portarci a strutturare uno spaziogeografico e politico europeo e mediterraneo.

Per tutto questo serve innanzitutto la dimensione politicache, dobbiamo dire, è cresciuta perché il Parlamentoeuropeo ha contribuito alla creazione dell'Assembleaeuroparlamentare euromediterranea, le società civilihanno costruito il forum civile e quello che mancanosono i governi, dove sono i governi? Io credo perprogredire in questo processo noi avremo bisogno cheparlamenti, società e governi dialoghino un po' di più e lìsi può costruire anche una dimensione più avanzata deidiritti umani. Infine il sociologo Edgard Mo... ci ricordagiustamente che non sono le culture, le religioni, leciviltà a dialogare ma sono le persone, gli individui, gliuomini e le donne e, io Credo che il limite più grave intutti questi anni di questo processo molto generoso emolto intelligente sia stato proprio quello di non essereriusciti a mettere in relazione le nostre diverse società equindi oggi il terrorismo e l'immigrazione rischiano direndere ancora più profondo questo baratro. Io sonod'accordo con la nostra relatrice, che bisogna rafforzaretutti i programmi e tutti gli strumenti che aiutino lenostre società a conoscersi e a dialogare e quindil'istruzione e la cultura, la formazione e l'informazione.Insomma noi appoggiamo la nostra relatrice perché ilsuo rapporto va in questa direzione e la politicaeuromediterranea ha bisogno di meno retorica e moltopiù concretezza.


Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE). Madam President,for the past few years the European Union has beenwatching the countries of eastern and central Europecarefully. Most of the Unions attention has beenfocused on enlargement, the new accession process andfuture enlargement.

Unfortunately, southern Europe and the southern basinof the Mediterranean often only received attention whenproblems or specific issues arose as when thousands of

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immigrants arrived in Ceuta, Melilla or Lampedusa, orwhen the situation became extremely difficult for thewestern Saharan refugees in Tindouf. The human rightssituation in the southern and eastern southern basin ofthe Mediterranean has not improved. There are no clearimprovements in this field, or in democracy, freedomand transparency. I must point out that economicdifferences have also increased over the years.

In the European Union, Member States continue to bekeenly attached to their bilateral relations withgovernments south of the Mediterranean. This clearlymakes the partnership less coherent. This is an oldproblem of European politics not being able to act with asingle voice, even in the relationship with such strategicareas as the area south of the Mediterranean. There isstill the recurring question as to who is going to pick upthe phone and speak on behalf of Europe.

I must mention another important deficiency in ourintercultural dialogue. Some very important cultures andlanguages are ostracised and not represented. I shouldlike to mention the Amazigh language and culture,which is neglected and even banned in several countriesin northern Africa, and the Catalan language and culture.I hope that the next meeting in Barcelona will be anopportunity to achieve more visible and concrete resultsin a short time.


Filip Andrzej Kaczmarek (PPE-DE). PaniPrzewodnicząca! Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej samoprzez się zwiększyło krąg państw zainteresowanychprocesem barcelońskim. Chcę podkreślić, że jest onważny nie tylko dla Malty i Cypru, ale również dlakrajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, i to nie tylko zpowodów historycznych, ale również z przyczyn jaknajbardziej bieżących i pragmatycznych.

Jeszcze 20 lat temu dla przeciętnego Polaka jedynymkrajem Morza Śródziemnego, z którym Polskautrzymywała intensywne kontakty, była Libia kraj, zktórym Wspólnoty Europejskie miały wówczas znaczniegorsze relacje. W Libii pracowały tysiące Polaków, apolskie tłumaczenie Zielonej książki Kadafiegowydano w gigantycznym nakładzie. Dzisiaj jest zupełnieinaczej. Dziesiątki tysięcy polskich turystów co rokuodpoczywają w Tunezji i Egipcie. Sporo Polakówpielgrzymuje do Izraela. Polscy naukowcy prowadząbadania we wszystkich krajach regionu, od Syrii poMaroko.

Dlatego zainteresowanie szeroko rozumianą politykąsąsiedztwa stało się domeną nie tylko polityków idyplomatów, ale objęło również dużą częśćspołeczeństw nowych Państw Członkowskich. Problemyzwiązane z nielegalną imigracją, przestrzeganiem prawczłowieka, równouprawnieniem kobiet, rozwojemdemokracji i gospodarki państw basenu MorzaŚródziemnego stały się też naszymi problemami.

Europa nigdy nie była, nie jest i zapewne nigdy niebędzie samotną wyspą. Nasze relacje z najbliższymi

sąsiadami są miernikiem naszej solidarności iodpowiedzialności solidarności rozumianej nie tylkojako obligacja wobec partnerów wewnątrz UniiEuropejskiej, ale jako zadanie znacznie wykraczającepoza terytorium Europy, solidarności sięgającejwszędzie tam, gdzie ludzie pragną pokoju, stabilności,rządów prawa, wzrostu gospodarczego i wolności.

Im więcej tych wartości będzie rzeczywiścierealizowanych u naszych sąsiadów na południu iwschodzie, tym lepiej dla samej Unii Europejskiej.Nowe Państwa Członkowskie Unii chcą z pełną mocąwłączyć się w budowę partnerstwa politycznego wsferze bezpieczeństwa, partnerstwa ekonomicznego ifinansowego oraz partnerstwa w dziedzinie społecznej,kulturalnej i humanitarnej.


Carlos Carnero González (PSE). Señora Presidenta,el proceso euromediterráneo tiene diez años y la primeraconclusión es que, si no existiera, habría que inventarlourgentemente, sencilla y llanamente porque, como diceel informe de nuestra ponente Jäätteenmäki, a pesar delas deficiencias, ha sido un éxito. Era imposibleimaginarlo: solucionar en una década los problemasestructurales e históricos de los países mediterráneos.Pero nos hemos puesto manos a la obra y algunos deesos problemas empiezan a encontrar solución.

Por eso, creo que el objetivo de la zona de libre cambiopara 2010 debe ser, más que un objetivo de llegada, unjalón para continuar, que debe verse completado conotras muchas cosas. Hay que profundizar, al mismotiempo que reformar, el proceso euromediterráneo; hayque subrayar la idea fundamental que lo animó y, en estecaso, transformar los logros potenciales en una realidadtangible.

Además, la coyuntura internacional nos dice que elproceso euromediterráneo es la mejor forma defavorecer la cooperación. Otras estrategias, basadas en laagresión y en la amenaza, no dan resultados. Sinembargo, la prima de ir hacia adelante, que está en labase de este proceso euromediterráneo, sí estádemostrando su utilidad. Por ejemplo, yo presidí laDelegación de Observadores del Parlamento Europeo enlas elecciones legislativas del Líbano, un socioeuromediterráneo; ha habido elecciones, con problemas,es cierto, pero ha habido elecciones. Y en otros Estadostambién se avanza democráticamente, aunquelamentablemente, en otros, el estancamiento es el quepreside.

Avancemos en democracia, derechos humanos eigualdad. Desde luego, subrayo lo bueno de supropuesta. Consideremos también que hace falta unespacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia eurome-diterráneo, hagamos que la zona de libre cambio estéacompañada del concepto indispensable de la cohesióneconómica, social y territorial, tan válido para nosotroscomo para nuestros socios, e impulsemos también laparticipación política.

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La Asamblea Parlamentaria Euromediterránea es unéxito impresionante. Teníamos la Asamblea ACP-UE yésta es la segunda institución que creamos.

Por eso, señora Presidenta, creo que la Cumbre deBarcelona será positiva, porque permitirá construir unaciudadanía euromediterránea en un proceso, eleuromediterráneo, que es la mejor concreción de lapropuesta de alianza de civilizaciones.


Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE). Madam President, MadamCommissioner, if I had to tell my constituents that I wasaddressing the European Parliament at 11.30 p.m., Idoubt that they would believe me, let alone tell me thatthey tuned in to the new Europarl website to listen. Butat least the late hour of this debate has not kept us frommaking a sober assessment of the Barcelona Process,and the rapporteur is certainly to be commended for hercandid report.

Ten years on, the Barcelona Process has not lived up toexpectations and it would be fair to conclude that we donot have much to celebrate. However, this is not to saythat we should be pessimistic; rather, we should look atthe experience of the past ten years and demonstrate thatwe can learn from it.

Here are some lessons that I would like to draw. Firstly,we should avoid spreading ourselves too thinly. Ifnecessary, we should admit that the Barcelona Processmay have been far too ambitious and should focusinstead on fewer priorities where we can truly make adifference.

Secondly, we must acknowledge that the problems ofour Mediterranean partners are our problems too. Takeimmigration, for instance: the limitations of theBarcelona Process on immigration have turned into amassive problem at the door of European UnionMember States. So, in helping our Mediterraneanpartners, we are in reality also helping ourselves. Itcould be a win-win situation.

Thirdly, we must treat our Mediterranean partners liketrue partners. All too often, Europe has fallen into thetrap of sounding patronising and appearing to dictate tothem when this is not the right partnership approach atall.

Finally, the process needs visibility, both for EU citizensas well as for citizens of the member partners. Unlesspeople see that the process can affect them and benefitthem directly, they can hardly be asked to support it.


Béatrice Patrie (PSE). Madame la Présidente,Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, félicitations ànotre collègue Jäätteenmäki pour ses analyses. Je lespartage. Merci, Madame la Commissaire, pour vospropos déterminés.

Que ce soit à travers le processus de Barcelone, lesaccords d'association ou, plus récemment, dans le cadre

de la politique européenne de voisinage, l'Europe sepose en partenaire des pays de la rive sud de laMéditerranée. Ce partenariat comporte une dimensionéconomique, sociale et culturelle, mais, surtout, il doit sefonder sur la reconnaissance mutuelle d'un soclepolitique, composé de valeurs communes indivisibles:démocratie, libertés fondamentales, droits de l'homme,égalité des hommes et des femmes. Au rang des libertésfondamentales figurent le droit à la sûreté individuelle,la liberté de conscience, le droit d'expression.

À l'heure où les militants des droits de l'homme sontempêchés de tenir leur réunion en Tunisie, à l'heure oùnous prenons connaissance des conclusions durapport Mehlis sur l'assassinat de M. Hariri, nous devonsrappeler cela. À cet égard, la liberté de la presse, surlaquelle je veux insister ce soir, et le statut desjournalistes constituent sans doute la meilleure synthèsede l'ensemble de ces valeurs partagées. Sans sûretéindividuelle pour ces journalistes, point de libertéd'expression! Sans liberté d'expression pour la presse,point de démocratie! La liberté d'expression n'est pasune valeur occidentale: elle brillait plus dans l'Islam desOmmeyades que dans les ténèbres de l'Inquisition.

C'est pourquoi, après l'assassinat de Samir Kassir, aprèsl'odieux attentat dont a été victime, plus récemment,May Chidiac, j'ai pris l'initiative, en accord avec mescollègues de la délégation pour les relations avec lespays du Mashrek, d'une part, et de la commission desaffaires étrangères, d'autre part, d'organiser aujourd'huiune audition, au cours de laquelle nous avons entendudes journalistes de l'ensemble de l'espaceeuroméditerranéen. Nous avons avons remis ce matin,symboliquement, au Président du Parlement européen unappel en faveur d'une presse libre dans l'espaceeuroméditerranéen. Je vous propose ce soir de graverdans le marbre du processus de Barcelone la liberté de lapresse comme condition indépassable de nos accords departenariat.


Libor Rouček (PSE). Dámy a pánové, připomínámesi zde 10. výročí barcelonského procesu a připomínámesi zde také změny, ke kterým za těchto 10 let dolo,změny pozitivní, ale mnohdy také změny negativní. Jábych té připomněl jednu pozitivní změnu, a tou jerozíření Evropské unie o státy střední a východníEvropy, protoe já jsem přesvědčen, e právě nové státystřední a východní Evropy mají v barcelonském procesuco nabídnout. Oni toti mají čerstvou zkuenost např. připřechodu z autoritářského reimu do reimudemokratického, při zavádění ekonomických reforem, tyekonomické reformy jsou velmi úspěné, mají vak takéčerstvou zkuenost při odstraňování negativníchsociálních následků ekonomických reforem. Vechnytyto státy mají i bohaté styky se státy severní Afriky, aťto jsou ji styky politické, hospodářské, kulturní, ať tojsou ji styky z minulosti nebo i styky a vztahy čerstvé.

Já bych chtěl říci, e je v naem zájmu, v zájmu jakEvropy, tak naich partnerů na severu Afriky vyuítzkuenost těchto nových zemí a obohatit barcelonský

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proces o tyto poznatky. Myslím si, e potom budemespolečně schopni lépe řeit právě ty problémy, o kterýchzde mluvíme, jako je migrace, nedostatečné zaváděnípolitických reforem, mnohdy nedostatečné reformyekonomické a sociální.


Παναγιώτης Μπεγλίτης (PSE). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, ησυµπλήρωση 10 χρόνων από τη ∆ήλωση τηςΒαρκελώνης επιβάλλει έναν ειλικρινή και ψύχραιµοαπολογισµό των πολιτικών και των δράσεων µιαςιστορικής, πραγµατικά, πρωτοβουλίας όπως ήταν ηΕυρωµεσογειακή Συνεργασία.

Το 1995 θέσαµε φιλόδοξους στόχους διότι τοπεριφερειακό περιβάλλον ήταν πολύ πιο ευνοϊκό.∆υστυχώς, φοβάµαι σήµερα, ότι το γεωπολιτικόπεριφερειακό τοπίο στη Μέση Ανατολή και ευρύτεραστη Μεσόγειο είναι αρνητικό για την υλοποίηση τωνστόχων της Ευρωµεσογειακής Συνεργασίας. Τοαδιέξοδο στην ειρηνευτική διαδικασία στη ΜέσηΑνατολή και το Παλαιστινιακό επηρέασε και συνεχίζεινα επηρεάζει καθοριστικά και αρνητικά τηνΕυρωµεσογειακή Συνεργασία. Αποτελούσε και αποτελείτη βασική προϋπόθεση για την υλοποίηση των στόχων.

Όλοι µίλησαν για έναν απολογισµό που δεν είναιιδιαίτερα ενθαρρυντικός. Όµως, θα ήθελα να σταθώ σεδύο κυρίως σηµεία. Το ερώτηµα είναι πώς θαπροχωρήσει η στρατηγική της Βαρκελώνης τα επόµεναχρόνια. Πιστεύω οτι είναι ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο νασυνυπάρξει το σχέδιο της ευρωπαϊκής πολιτικήςγειτονίας µε την Ευρωµεσογειακή διαδικασία, ότανυπάρχουν επικαλύψεις στόχων και πολιτικών. Είναιδύσκολο να πείσει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση τουςµεσογειακούς µας εταίρους για την ειλικρίνεια τωνπροθέσεών της χωρίς σηµαντικούς χρηµατοδοτικούςπόρους και µε έναν περιοριστικό κοινοτικόπροϋπολογισµό. Στην Ευρωµεσογειακή Συνεργασίαυπήρξε ένας θεσµικός πληθωρισµός µε τη συνεχήδηµιουργία νέων θεσµών και οργάνων. Πώς θαλειτουργήσουν χωρίς επαρκή χρηµατοδότηση; Πώς θαυλοποιηθούν σοβαρές πρωτοβουλίες, όπως του ΙσπανούΠρωθυπουργού, κ. Θαπατέρο, για τη συµµαχία τωνπολιτισµών και για το διάλογο των θρησκειών; Στησυνάντηση της Βαρκελώνης, τον Νοέµβριο, δεν θαεπαρκούν τα ευχολόγια για να πεισθούν οι µεσογειακοίεταίροι. Αυτό που χρειάζεται είναι ένας ρεαλιστικόςοδικός χάρτης και ρεαλιστικές προτεραιότητες για τηνυλοποίηση των στόχων της ΕυρωµεσογειακήςΣυνεργασίας.


Józef Pinior (PSE). Pani Przewodnicząca! Chciałbymzwrócić uwagę na dwie sprawy.

Polityka śródziemnomorska Unii Europejskiej tworzypartnerstwo śródziemnomorskie pomiędzyspołeczeństwami wywodzącymi się z judaizmu, zchrześcijaństwa i z islamu. Zasadniczego znaczenia wobecnych czasach, w których następuje wzrostfundamentalizmu i zagrożenia terroryzmem, nabierawspólna działalność z udziałem uniwersytetów, szkół,instytucji obywatelskich oraz kościołów na rzecz

wzajemnego zrozumienia i tolerancji w młodympokoleniu społeczeństw z kręgu śródziemnomotskiego.Mogę powiedzieć, że doświadczenia wynikające zpartnerstwa śródziemnomorskiego są inspiracją wnowych Państwach Członkowskich dla tworzeniamodelu polityki wschodniej Unii Europejskiej.Formowanie wspólnej przestrzeni kulturowej opartej naprawach człowieka i demokracji odrzucającej fanatyzmwszystkich stron jest naszą odpowiedzią na ruchyszowinistyczne we współczesnym świecie.

Druga sprawa to problem migracji. Migracja może byćtraktowana jako zagrożenie, najpełniej wyrażaneostatnio w książkach Oriani Fallaci, których prawdziweprzesłanie stanowi zamiana Unii Europejskiej w swegorodzaju nowy apartheid. Migracja jednak może stać sięszansą dla rozwoju Europy, dla budowy ładumiędzynarodowego opartego na pokoju i godnościludzkiej. Proces barceloński powinien ukazywaćrealność takiego ładu, powinien być odpowiedziąEuropy na zagrożenie zderzenia cywilizacji.


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the Commission. Madam President, thank you very much for this veryinteresting debate. I think it is clear to all of us that theBarcelona Process, of which we are celebrating the10th anniversary, is a very important and historicprocess, even if we differ somewhat in our assessments.

I think we can all say that the Barcelona Process hasalready made a difference, although it has not beenexploited to the full. I agree with those who said that wehave to deepen and reinforce it and we have to motivateourselves to carry on the work.

I can tell you again, I am a passionate, I would even sayactivist for this Barcelona Process and therefore I haveinitiated this communication, of which I have spokenbefore, in which we have prioritised the most importantareas, at least in my view. We cannot do everything atonce: education, democracy, human rights and reformsand economic development are priorities, but we mustnot forget the cultural aspect and also our heritage -remember the Euro-Med heritage programme.

What is the difference between Barcelona and theNeighbourhood Policy? For some, this may beconfusing. Let me explain. Barcelona is the multilateralplatform, the multilateral process, it is the process fromregion to region. This does not exclude thiscomplementary bilateral process in the NeighbourhoodPolicy, with a tailor-made programme for each country.

Why is that so important? As many of you know,different countries have different attitudes. I have justcome back from Lebanon, where we are working withthe Prime Minister on his reform project, together withour action plan. There, I am very hopeful. I was also inJordan recently, where we will do everything we can tosupport the national agenda. The Moroccan DeputyMinister was here today and we will be working veryclosely with the Moroccans.

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106 26-10-2005

There are other countries where I am somewhatdisappointed and where we need to work together. But itis for the countries themselves to make a difference andfor us to support them. Although we have to share theresponsibility and show solidarity, every country shouldfirst and foremost have ownership of its own process andreform. We should not forget that they have the primaryresponsibility for developing their own countries.

The Euro-Med non-governmental platform presented itsideas in Luxembourg from 1 to 3 April 2005, and thisvery successful civil forum was organized with a seriesof national consultations and concluded with theapproval of a statute and the charter of the NGOplatform, as well as the election of a governing board.There were quite a number of proposals, which iscertainly positive. That was reinforced in the declarationto be made in Barcelona. I know that the BritishPresidency intends to give those NGOs the right to speakand I think that is very positive and enriching for all ofus.

The Commission has been organizing three pressconferences and a media taskforce will be set up in 2006to work on this.

Those who are not pursuing reforms in their owncountries contribute to instability in those countries andthus in the region, whereas those who promote reformsimprove stability in their countries and the region.

Finally, may I say that I regretted very much not beingable to attend the Euro-Med Parliamentary Committee inRabat, but it was arranged on a day when the GeneralAffairs Council, that is the Council of Foreign Ministers,was meeting and my first obligation was to that meeting.Otherwise I certainly would have attended.


Die Präsidentin. Die Aussprache ist damitgeschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am 27. Oktober 2005, um11.30 Uhr, statt.


14 - Tagesordnung der nächsten Sitzung:siehe Protokoll


15 - Schluss der Sitzung


(Die Sitzung wird um 23.45 Uhr geschlossen.)

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CSSeznam zkratek politických skupinPPE-DE Skupina Evropské lidové strany (Krestanských demokratu) a Evropských demokratuPSE Skupina sociálních demokratu v Evropském parlamentuALDE Skupina Aliance liberálu a demokratu pro EvropuVerts/ALE Skupina Zelených/Evropské svobodné alianceGUE/NGL Skupina konfederace Evropské sjednocené levice a Severské zelené leviceIND/DEM Skupina nezávislých / demokracieUEN Skupina Unie pro Evropu národuNI Nezarazení poslanci

PROZATÍMNÍ VYDÁNÍV tomto vydání (které je rovněž k dispozici na Internetu – viz poslední strana) je každé vystoupení zaznamenáno v jazyce, ve kterém jej řečník přednesl. Řečníci, kteří si přejí provést opravy ve znění svých vystoupení, mohou do jednoho týdne předat opravy oddělení pro organizaci a průběh zasedání na adresu uvedenou na poslední straně (pro e-mail: predmet = CRE / datum).

DAListe over forkortelserne for de politiske grupperPPE-DE Gruppen for Det Europæiske Folkeparti (Kristelige Demokrater) og De Europæiske DemokraterPSE De Europæiske Socialdemokraters GruppeALDE Gruppen Alliancen af Liberale og Demokrater for EuropaVerts/ALE Gruppen De Grønne/Den Europæiske Fri AllianceGUE/NGL Den Europæiske Venstrefløjs Fællesgruppe/Nordisk Grønne VenstreIND/DEM Gruppen for Selvstændighed / DemokratiUEN Gruppen Union for Nationernes EuropaNI Løsgængere

FORELØBIG UDGAVE Denne udgave (findes også på internettet - se sidste side) indeholder samtlige taler på det af taleren anvendte sprog. En endelig udgave offentliggøres senere. Afdelingen for Tilrettelæggelse og Afvikling af Mødeperioden bør inden en uge, på den adresse der er angivet på sidste side, underrettes om de ændringer, som talerne måtte ønske at foretage i deres indlæg (til e-mail: emne = CRE / dato).

DEListe der Abkürzungen der FraktionenPPE-DE Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (Christdemokraten) und europäischer DemokratenPSE Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen ParlamentALDE Fraktion der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für EuropaVerts/ALE Fraktion der Grünen / Freie Europäische AllianzGUE/NGL Konföderale Fraktion der Vereinigten Europäischen Linken/Nordische Grüne LinkeIND/DEM Fraktion Unabhängigkeit / DemokratieUEN Fraktion Union für das Europa der NationenNI Fraktionslos

VORLÄUFIGE AUSGABEDiese Ausgabe (auch im Internet abrufbar - siehe hintere Umschlagseite) enthält alle Reden in der vom Redner verwendeten Sprache. Eine endgültige Ausgabe wird später veröffentlicht. Etwaige Korrekturen, die die Redner am Text ihrer Reden vorzunehmen wünschen, sollten innerhalb einer Woche der Abteilung Organisation und Ablauf der Tagungen an die auf der Rückseite angegebene Adresse zugesandt werden (für E-Mail: Betreff = CRE / Datum).

ETFraktsioonide lühendite nimekiriPPE-DE Euroopa Rahvapartei (Kristlike Demokraatide) ja Euroopa Demokraatide fraktsioonPSE Euroopa Parlamendi Sotsiaaldemokraatide fraktsioonALDE Euroopa Demokraatide ja Liberaalide Liidu fraktsioonVerts/ALE Roheliste/Euroopa Vabaliidu fraktsioonGUE/NGL Euroopa Ühendatud Vasakpoolsete/ Põhjamaade Roheliste Vasakpoolsete liitfraktsioonIND/DEM Fraktsioon Iseseisvus / DemokraatiaUEN fraktsioon Liit Rahvusriikide Euroopa eestNI fraktsioonilise kuuluvuseta parlamendiliikmed

ESIALGNE VERSIOONKäesolevas versioonis (mis samuti on saadaval Internetis – vt tagakaant) on kõikide kõnede originaaltekstid. Lõplik versioon on saadaval mõne aja möödudes. Esinejatel, kes soovivad oma kõnedesse sisse viia muudatusi, palutakse muudetud tekstid edastada nädala jooksul istungjärkude korraldamise osakonda tagakaanel toodud aadressil (e-mailile: teema = CRE / kuupäev).

Lista de las siglas de los grupos políticos.PPE-DE Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo (Demócrata-Cristianos) y de los Demócratas EuropeosPSE Grupo Socialista en el Parlamento Europeo ALDE Grupo de la Alianza de los Liberales y Demócratas por EuropaVerts/ALE Grupo de los Verdes / Alianza Libre Europea GUE/NGL Grupo Confederal de la Izquierda Unitaria Europea / Izquierda Verde NórdicaIND/DEM Grupo Independencia / DemocraciaUEN Grupo Unión por la Europa de las NacionesNI No inscritos

ESEDICIÓN PROVISIONALLa presente edición (disponible también en Internet - véase última página) contiene todas las intervenciones en la lengua usada por el orador. La edición definitiva estará disponible posteriormente. Las correcciones que los oradores deseen efectuar en el texto de su intervención deben enviarse a la Unidad de Organización y Desarrollo de las Sesiones en el plazo de una semana a la dirección que figura en la última página (para el e-mail: asunto = CRE / fecha).

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PROVISIONAL EDITIONThis edition (also available on the Internet - see back cover) contains the original texts of all speeches. A final edition will be available later. Speakers wishing to correct their speeches are requested to send the corrected versions within a week to the Sessions Organisation Division at the address shown on the last page (for e-mail: subject = CRE / date).

ENList of abbreviations denoting political groupsPPE-DE Group of the European Peopleʼs Party (Christian Democrats) and European DemocratsPSE Socialist Group in the European ParliamentALDE Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for EuropeVerts/ALE Group of the Greens/European Free AllianceGUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftIND/DEM Independence / Democracy GroupUEN Union for Europe of the Nations GroupNI Non-attached Members

EDITION PROVISOIREDans la présente édition (disponible également sur Internet - v. dernière page) chaque intervention figure dans la langue utilisée par lʼorateur. Une édition définitive sera disponible ultérieurement. Les orateurs qui désirent voir apporter des corrections au texte de leur intervention sont priés de transmettre celles-ci à la division Organisation et Déroulement des Sessions dans un délai dʼune semaine à lʼadresse figurant en dernière page (pour lʼe-mail: sujet = CRE / date).

FRListe des sigles des groupes politiquesPPE-DE Groupe du Parti populaire européen (Démocrates-chrétiens) et des Démocrates européensPSE Groupe socialiste au Parlement européenALDE Groupe Alliance des démocrates et des libéraux pour lʼEuropeVerts/ALE Groupe des Verts/Alliance libre européenneGUE/NGL Groupe confédéral de la Gauche unitaire européenne/Gauche verte nordiqueIND/DEM Groupe Indépendance / DémocratieUEN Groupe Union pour lʼEurope des NationsNI Non-inscrits

EDIZIONE PROVVISORIALa presente edizione (disponibile anche su Internet allʼindirizzo indicato allʼultima pagina) contiene tutti i discorsi nella lingua usata dallʼoratore. Lʼedizione definitiva sarà pubblicata successivamente. Gli oratori che desiderino rivedere il testo dei loro interventi sono pregati di far pervenire le correzioni entro una settimana alla divisione Organizzazione e svolgimento delle sedute allʼindirizzo indicato allʼultima pagina (per lʼe-mail: oggetto = CRE / data).

ITElenco delle sigle dei gruppi politiciPPE-DE Gruppo del Partito popolare europeo (Democratici-cristiani) e dei Democratici europeiPSE Gruppo socialista al Parlamento europeoALDE Gruppo dellʼAlleanza dei Liberali e dei Democratici per lʼEuropaVerts/ALE Gruppo Verde/Alleanza libera europeaGUE/NGL Gruppo confederale della Sinistra unitaria europea/Sinistra verde nordicaIND/DEM Gruppo Indipendenza / DemocraziaUEN Gruppo “Unione per lʼEuropa delle nazioni”NI Non iscritti

PAGAIDU VERSIJAŠajā izdevumā (pieejams arī internetā — sk. pēdejo lappusi) ir visas runas oriģinālajā valodā. Galīgā verisija būs pieejama vēlāk. Lūgums runātajiem, kas vēlas labot savas runas, vienas nedēļas laikā nosūtīt izlaboto tekstu uz Sesiju organizēšanas nodaļu uz adresi, kura norādīta pēdēja lappusē (e-mail: temats = CRE / datums).

LVSaraksts ar politisko grupu saīsinājumiemPPE-DE Eiropas Tautas Partijas (Kristigo Demokratu) un Eiropas Demokratu grupaPSE Socialdemokratu grupa Eiropas ParlamentaALDE Eiropas Liberalu un demokratu apvienibas grupaVerts/ALE Zalo un Eiropas Brivas apvienibas grupaGUE/NGL Eiropas Apvienota kreiso un Ziemelvalstu Zalo kreiso speku konfederala grupaIND/DEM Neatkarïbas / demokrätijas grupaUEN Naciju Eiropas grupaNI Pie politiskajam grupam nepiederošie deputati

ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΗ παρούσα έκδοση (διαθέσιμη και στο Διαδίκτυο - βλ. οπισθόφυλλο) περιέχει τα πρωτότυπα όλων των αγορεύσεων. Η τελική έκδοση θα είναι διαθέσιμη αργότερα. Οι αγορητές που επιθυμούν να επιφέρουν διορθώσεις στις αγορεύσεις τους καλούνται να τις διαβιβάσουν στο Τμήμα Οργάνωσης και Διεξαγωγής των Συνόδων το αργότερο μέσα σε μία εβδομάδα στη διεύθυνση που αναγράφεται στο οπισθόφυλλο (για το e-mail : θέμα = CRE / ημερομηνία).

ELΣυντομογραφίες των πολιτικών ομάδωνPPE-DE Ομάδα του Ευρωπαϊκού Λαϊκού Κόμματος (Χριστιανοδημοκράτες) και των Ευρωπαίων ΔημοκρατώνPSE Σοσιαλιστική Ομάδα στο Ευρωπαϊκό ΚοινοβούλιοALDE Ομάδα της Συμμαχίας Φιλελευθέρων και Δημοκρατών για την ΕυρώπηVerts/ALE Ομάδα των Πρασίνων / Ευρωπαϊκή Ελεύθερη ΣυμμαχίαGUE/NGL Συνομοσπονδιακή Ομάδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωτικής Αριστεράς / Αριστερά των Πρασίνων των Βορείων ΧωρώνIND/DEM Ομάδα Ανεξαρτησία / ΔημοκρατίαUEN Ομάδα Ένωση για την Ευρώπη των ΕθνώνNI Μη Εγγεγραμμένοι

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EDIZZJONI PROVIŻORJADin l-edizzjoni (li tinstab ukoll fuq l-Internet - ara l-qoxra taʼ wara) fiha t-testi oriġinali tad-diskorsi kollha. Edizzjoni finali tkun disponibli aktar ʻil quddiem. Dawk li jixtiequ jikkoreġu d-diskors tagħhom huma mitluba li jgħaddu, fi żmien ġimgħa, l-verżjonijiet riveduti lid-Diviżjoni għall-Organizzazzjoni tas-Sessonijiet, fl-indirizz indikat fuq il-qoxra taʼ wara (Ghall-email: suggett = CRE / data)..

MTLista taʼ abbrevjazzonijiet taʼ gruppi politiċiPPE-DE Grupp tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew (Demokristjani) u Demokratici EwropejPSE Grupp Socjalista fil-Parlament EwropewALDE Grupp taʼ l-Alleanza tal-Liberali u d-Demokratici ghall-EwropaVerts/ALE Grupp tal-Hodor/Alleanza Hielsa EwropeaGUE/NGL Grupp Konfederali tax-Xellug Maghqud Ewropew / Xellug Ahdar NordikuIND/DEM Grupp ghall-Indipendenza / DemokrazijaUEN Grupp taʼ l-Unjoni ghal Ewropa tan-NazzjonijietNI Membri mhux affiljati

VOORLOPIGE UITGAVEDeze uitgave (ook te vinden op Internet - zie achterkant) omvat alle redevoeringen in de taal waarin zij zijn uitgesproken. Een definitieve versie in elk van de officiële talen zal later verschijnen. Sprekers die verbeteringen in de tekst van hun redevoeringen wensen aan te brengen, worden verzocht deze binnen een week aan de Afdeling organisatie en verloop der plenaire vergaderingen op het op de achterkant aangegeven adres te doen toekomen (Voor e-mail : onderwerp = CRE / datum).

NLLijst van afkortingen van de fractiesPPE-DE Fractie van de Europese Volkspartij (Christen-democraten) en Europese DemocratenPSE Sociaal-democratische Fractie in het Europees ParlementALDE Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa fractieVerts/ALE Fractie De Groenen/Vrije Europese AlliantieGUE/NGL Confederale Fractie Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen LinksIND/DEM Fractie Onafhankelijkheid / DemocratieUEN Fractie Unie voor een Europa van Nationale StatenNI Niet-ingeschrevenen

WYDANIE TYMCZASOWENiniejsze wydanie (dostepne również na stronach internetowych - patrz ostatnia strona) zawiera teksty wszystkich przemówień w językach mówców. Wydanie ostateczne będzie dostępne później. Mówcy, którzy chcieliby wnieść poprawki do tekstu swojego przemówienia, proszeni są o przesłanie poprawek do Wydziału ds. Organizacji i Przebiegu Sesji w terminie jednego tygodnia na adres podany na ostatniej stronie (do e-maila: temat = CRE / data).

PLLista skrótów grup politycznychPPE-DE Grupa Europejskiej Partii Ludowej (Chrzescijanscy Demokraci) i Europejskich DemokratówPSE Grupa Socjalistyczna w Parlamencie EuropejskimALDE Grupa Porozumienia Liberalów i Demokratów na rzecz EuropyVerts/ALE Grupa Zielonych / Wolne Przymierze EuropejskieGUE/NGL Konfederacyjna Grupa Zjednoczonej Lewicy Europejskiej / Nordycka Zielona LewicaIND/DEM Grupa Niepodleglość / DemokracjaUEN Grupa Unii na rzecz Europy NarodówNI Niezrzeszeni

NEGALUTINĖ REDAKCIJAŠioje redakcijoje (ją taip pat galima rasti internete – žr. paskutinį puslapį) pateikiami visų pranešimų tekstai originalo kalba. Galutinė redakcija bus paruošta vėliau. Kalbėjusiųjų, norinčių pataisyti savo pranešimus, prašome pateikti pataisytas versijas Sesijų rengimo skyriui paskutiniame puslapyje nurodytu adresu ne vėliau kaip per vieną savaitę (el. paštui: dalykas = CRE / data).

LTFrakcijų pavadinimų sutrumpinimų sąrašasPPE-DE Europos liaudies partijos (krikšcioniu demokratu) ir Europos demokratu frakcijaPSE Socialistu frakcija Europos ParlamenteALDE Liberalu ir demokratu aljanso už Europa frakcijaVerts/ALE Žaliuju frakcija/Europos laisvasis aljansasGUE/NGL Europos vieninguju kairiuju jungtine frakcija/Šiaures šaliu žalieji kairiejiIND/DEM Nepriklausomybes / demokratijos frakcijaUEN Sajungos už tautu Europa frakcijaNI Nepriklausomi Parlamento nariai

IDEIGLENES KIADÁSA jelen kiadásban (amely az Interneten is hozzáférhető, ld. az utolsó oldalt) minden felszólalás a felszólaló által használt nyelven szerepel. A végleges kiadás elkészítésére később kerül sor. Azok a felszólalók, akik javításokat kívánnak tenni felszólalásuk szövegében, szíveskedjenek a kívánt javításokat egy hetes határidőn belül eljuttatni az Ülésszervezési Osztályhoz, az utolsó oldalon szereplő címre (az email-nek: tárgy = CRE / dátum).

HUA képviselőcsoportok betűszó szerinti listájaPPE-DE az Európai Néppárt (Kereszténydemokraták) és az Európai Demokraták KépviselocsoportjaPSE az Európai Parlament Szocialista KépviselocsoportjaALDE Liberálisok és Demokraták Szövetsége Európáért KépviselocsoportVerts/ALE a Zöldek/ az Európai Szabad Szövetség KépviselocsoportjaGUE/NGL az Egységes Európai Baloldal/az Északi Zöld Baloldal KépviselocsoportjaIND/DEM Függetlenség / Demokrácia KépviselőcsoportUEN a Nemzetek Európájáért Unió KépviselocsoportjaNI független képviselok

Page 110: European Parliament · Actas literales de los debates Doslovný záznam ze zasedání Fuldstændigt forhandlingsreferat Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Istungi stenogramm Πλήρη

PARLEMENT EUROPÉENSecrétariat général - Actes de la PlénièreL-2929 LUXEMBOURG

e-mail : [email protected] : http://www.europarl.eu.int/plenary : http://www4.europarl.eu.int/registre/recherche/RechercheSimplifiee.cfm (liste des documents - § 1.2.3)Intranet : http://www.europarl.ep.ec/plenary

VÄLIAIKAINEN VERSIOJulkaisu (joka on saatavilla myös Internetissä – katso takakansi) sisältää kaikkien puheiden alkuperäiset versiot. Lopullinen julkaisu ilmestyy myöhemmin. Puhujia, jotka haluavat tehdä korjauksia puheisiinsa, pyydetään toimittamaan korjatut versiot istuntojärjestelyistä ja istuntojen kulusta vastaavalle jaostolle viikon kuluessa takakannessa mainittuun osoitteeseen (sähköpostia varten: asia = CRE / päivämäärä).

FIPoliittisten ryhmien lyhenteetPPE-DE Euroopan kansanpuolueen (kristillisdemokraatit) ja Euroopan demokraattien ryhmäPSE Euroopan parlamentin sosialidemokraattinen ryhmäALDE Euroopan liberaalidemokraattien liiton ryhmäVerts/ALE Vihreät / Euroopan vapaa allianssi -ryhmäGUE/NGL Euroopan yhtyneen vasemmiston konfederaatioryhmä / Pohjoismaiden vihreä vasemmistoIND/DEM Itsenäisyys / demokratia -ryhmäUEN Unioni kansakuntien Euroopan puolesta -ryhmäNI Sitoutumattomat

PRELIMINÄR UTGÅVADenna utgåva (som också finns tillgänglig på Internet – se baksidan) innehåller samtliga anföranden på originalspråket. En slutlig version kommer att offentliggöras senare. Talare som önskar justera sina anföranden ombeds skicka den justerade versionen till sessionstjänsten inom en vecka, till adressen på baksidan (för e-post: ärende = CRE / datum).

SVFörteckning över förkortningarna för de politiska gruppernaPPE-DE Gruppen för Europeiska folkpartiet (kristdemokrater) och EuropademokraterPSE Socialdemokratiska gruppen i EuropaparlamentetALDE Gruppen Alliansen liberaler och demokraters för EuropaVerts/ALE Gruppen De gröna/Europeiska fria alliansenGUE/NGL Gruppen Europeiska enade vänstern /Nordisk grön vänsterIND/DEM Gruppen Självständighet / DemokratiUEN Gruppen Unionen för nationernas EuropaNI Grupplösa

SKZoznam skratiek politických skupín.PPE-DE Skupina Európskej ludovej strany (krestanských demokratov) a Európskych demokratovPSE Socialistická skupina v Európskom parlamenteALDE Skupina Aliancie liberálov a demokratov za EurópuVerts/ALE Skupina zelených/Európska slobodná alianciaGUE/NGL Konfederatívna skupina Európskej zjednotenej lavice / Nordická zelená lavicaIND/DEM Skupina Nezávislosť / demokraciaUEN Skupina Únie za Európu národovNI nezávislí poslanci

PREDBEŽNÉ VYDANIEV tomto vydaní, ktoré sa nachádza aj na internete (viď poslednú stranu), sú všetky príspevky uvedené v jazyku, v ktorom ich predniesol rečník. Konečné vydanie bude k dispozícii neskôr. Rečníci, ktorí chcú poopraviť texty svojich vystúpení, sa môžu so svojimi pripomienkami obrátiť na oddelenie Organizácia a priebeh rokovaní na adresu uvedenú na poslednej strane, a to v priebehu jedného týždňa od uverejnenia (pre e-mail: predmet = CRE / dátum).

ZAČASNA VERZIJAV začasni verziji (na razpolago tudi na svetovnem spletu - glej hrbtno stran) so govori v jeziku, v katerem je govorec nastopil. Naknadno bo na razpolago tudi končna verzija. Govorci, ki želijo vnesti popravke v besedilo svojega govora, naj jih v roku enega tedna posredujejo službi za pripravo in potek zasedanj na naslov, naveden na hrbtni strani (za elektronsko pošto: zadeva = CRE / datum).

SLSeznam kratic političnih skupinPPE-DE Skupina Evropske ljudske stranke (Kršcanskih demokratov) in Evropskih demokratovPSE Skupina socialdemokratov v Evropskem parlamentuALDE Skupina zavezništva liberalcev in demokratov za EvropoVerts/ALE Skupina Zelenih/Evropske svobodne zvezeGUE/NGL Konfederalna skupina Evropske združene levice / Zelene nordijske leviceIND/DEM Skupina neodvisnosti / demokracijeUEN Skupina združenje za Evropo narodovNI Samostojni poslanci

EDIÇÃO PROVISÓRIAEsta edição (também disponível na Internet - cf. última página) contém todas as intervenções na língua utilizada pelo respectivo orador. A edição definitiva estará disponível ulteriormente. Solicita-se aos oradores que desejem corrigir o texto das respectivas intervenções o favor de transmitirem as correcções, no prazo de uma semana, à divisão “Organização e Desenrolar das Sessões”, para o endereço que figura na última página deste caderno (para o e-mail: assunto = CRE / data).

PTLista das siglas dos grupos políticosPPE-DE Grupo do Partido Popular Europeu (Democratas-Cristãos) e dos Democratas EuropeusPSE Grupo Socialista no Parlamento EuropeuALDE Grupo da Aliança dos Democratas e Liberais pela EuropaVerts/ALE Grupo dos Verdes/Aliança Livre EuropeiaGUE/NGL Grupo Confederal da Esquerda Unitária Europeia / Esquerda Nórdica VerdeIND/DEM Grupo Independência / DemocraciaUEN Grupo União para a Europa das NaçõesNI Não-inscritos