DEEL1 Beste Student Hierdie terugvoer oor werkopdrag 02 deel 1, asook eksamen toe ligting vir die November 2012-eksamen, het ten doel om jou te help om voor te berei vir die November-eksamen. Ek verskaf nie ‘n memorandum nie, maar slegs riglyne om jou te help. Kontak my gerus as jy verdere hulp oor spesifieke vrae nodig het. Vraag 1 (verpligtend slegs as jy Deel 1 as ’n opsie-eenheid gekies het) Dink jy “Hot Gates” is ‘n literêre teks, of bloot ‘n populêre luisterliedjie? Bestudeer studie-eenheid 1 pp.6-20 en skryf dan ‘n kort opstel van hoogstens 1 bladsy om die vraag te beantwoord. (Jy sou aktiwiteit 1.3 op p.10 vir jouself kon beantwoord en gebruik in jou antwoord. Paragraaf 1.1 tot 1.4 in studie-eenheid 1 pp.6-14 in die studiegids sal jou ook baie help.) (20) best student This feedback on assignment 02 part 1, as well as examination Guidance for the November 2012 examination, aims to help you to prepare for the November examination. I do not provide a memorandum, but only guidelines to help you. Please contact me if you need further help on specific questions. Question 1 (required only if you Part 1 chosen as an option unit) Do you think "Hot Gates" is a literary text, or simply a popular listen song? Study study unit 1 pp.6-20 and then write a short essay of not more than 1 page to answer the question. (You would activity 1.3 on p.10 for yourself could answer in your answer. Paragraphs 1.1 to 1.4 in study unit 1 pp.6-14 in the study guide will help you too much.) (20) • Hier moet jy eerstens aantoon dat jy weet wat ‘n literêre teks is. Die literêre teks neem (selekteer) elemente uit die werklikheid, groepeer dit in nuwe kombinasies (plaas dit in ‘n nuwe verband), en dié nuwe ordening vorm ‘n patroon wat betekenis dra – dit dra ‘n oorspronklike ‘waarheid’ of siening van die menslike kondisie oor. • Here you must first prove that you know what a literary text. The literary text (select) elements of reality, grouping them into new combinations (place it in a new context), and this

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Beste StudentHierdie terugvoer oor werkopdrag 02 deel 1 asook eksamen toe ligting vir die November 2012-eksamen hetten doel om jou te help om voor te berei vir die November-eksamen Ek verskaf nie lsquon memorandum niemaar slegs riglyne om jou te help Kontak my gerus as jy verdere hulp oor spesifieke vrae nodig hetVraag 1 (verpligtend slegs as jy Deel 1 as rsquon opsie-eenheid gekies het)Dink jy ldquoHot Gatesrdquo is lsquon literecircre teks of bloot lsquon populecircre luisterliedjie Bestudeer studie-eenheid1 pp6-20 en skryf dan lsquon kort opstel van hoogstens 1 bladsy om die vraag te beantwoord (Jy souaktiwiteit 13 op p10 vir jouself kon beantwoord en gebruik in jou antwoord Paragraaf 11 tot 14in studie-eenheid 1 pp6-14 in die studiegids sal jou ook baie help) (20)

best studentThis feedback on assignment 02 part 1 as well as examination Guidance for the November 2012 examinationaims to help you to prepare for the November examination I do not provide a memorandumbut only guidelines to help you Please contact me if you need further help on specific questionsQuestion 1 (required only if you Part 1 chosen as an option unit)Do you think Hot Gates is a literary text or simply a popular listen song Study study unit1 pp6-20 and then write a short essay of not more than 1 page to answer the question (You wouldactivity 13 on p10 for yourself could answer in your answer Paragraphs 11 to 14in study unit 1 pp6-14 in the study guide will help you too much) (20)

bull Hier moet jy eerstens aantoon dat jy weet wat lsquon literecircre teks is Die literecircre teks neem (selekteer)elemente uit die werklikheid groepeer dit in nuwe kombinasies (plaas dit in lsquon nuwe verband) en dieacute nuwe ordening vorm lsquon patroon wat betekenis dra ndash dit dra lsquon oorspronklike lsquowaarheidrsquo of siening van die menslike kondisie oor

bull Here you must first prove that you know what a literary text The literary text (select)elements of reality grouping them into new combinations (place it in a new context) and thisNew ordering form a pattern meaning it bears an original truth or viewthe human condition

bull Tweedens moet jy wys dat jy verstaan watter soort seleksie in ldquoHot Gatesrdquo gemaak is dis lsquon seleksie van plekname Wat het hierdie plekke waarna verwys word gemeen Volgens die studiegids en materiaal in die leesbundel is die gemene deler dat daar in elkeen lsquon traumatiese gebeurtenis (oorlog massa-selfmoord politieke onrushellip) plaasgevind het - dwarsdeur die geskiedenis

bull Second you must show that you understand what kind of selection in Hot Gates is its a selectionof place names What these places referred to in common According to the study guide andmaterial in the reader the common denominator that everyone has a traumatic event (warmass suicide political unrest ) have occurred throughout history

bull Wat dan gebeur is dat hierdie plekname in ldquoHot Gatesrdquo op lsquon oorspronklike manier saamgestel word om lsquon nuwe eenheid te vorm Is die gebeurtenisse wat deur die plekname verteenwoordig word in lsquon chronologiese volgorde Raadpleeg gerus Dineke Volschenk se ldquoNotas by Hot Gatesrdquo in die leesbundel om agter te kom in watter volgorde die plekname in die gedig liriek teks verskyn Jy sal dalk sien dat chronologie nie die bepalende faktor in die opeenvolging van plekname is nie maar dat daar heen-en-weer gespring word in die tyd om lsquon unieke patroon te vorm - lsquon prentjie van trauma deur die eeue Trauma (soos ervaar in konflik en oorlog) is dus nie iets wat beperk is tot lsquon tydvak of era nie maar nog altyd deel was van die lewe ndash ook in Suid-Afrika (Hoe weet ons dit Watter Suid-Afrikaanse plekname verskyn in Hot Gates)

What then happens is that these place names in Hot Gates are compiled in an original wayto form a new unit Are the events represented by the place names in achronological order Consult Dineke Volschenks Notes to Hot Gates in the reader to discover the order in which the place names in the poem lyric text you willmight see that chronology is not the determining factor in the succession of place names but thatjumped back-and-forth in time to form a unique pattern - a picture of traumathrough the ages Trauma (as experienced in conflict and war) is not something that is limited to a time orera but has always been part of life in South Africa (How do we know this Which SouthAfrican place names appear in Hot Gates)

bull Let verder op die verwysing na Die Bybel ndash die vier ruiters van die apokalips in die BybelboekldquoOpenbaringrdquo Watter funksie vervul hierdie verwysing Secirc dit iets oor die spreker se visie vir diemensdom dat oorlog konflik en misbruik eendag in die eindtye sal ophou en dat daar dan vreugdeen feesvieringe sal wees

bull further note the reference to the Bible - the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the Bible bookRevelation What is the function of this referral It says something about the speakers vision for thehumanity that war conflict and abuse someday in the end times will cease and that there be joyand celebrations will be

Vraag 2 (keuse)Lees die prosateks ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquo (in studiegids deel 1 studie-eenheid 3 p37 asook in die leesbundel afgedruk) en bespreek dit in lsquon opstel van hoogstens 2 bladsyeDie titel van jou opstel isDit sal mos nie altyd nag wees nieGee aandag aan die volgende aspekte in jou opstelBoustene van die verhaalwecircreldbull Gebeure (4)bull Tyd (3)bull Ruimte (4)bull Leimotief (4)bull Karakters (3)bull Verteller (3)bull Tema (3)bull Sosio-politiese konteks waarbinne die verhaal ontstaan het (3)bull Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan word (3)(30)

Question 2 (optional)Read the prose text Thandiwe of Khayalethu Camp (study guide part 1 study unit 3 p37 as well as in the reader depressed) and discuss it in an essay of not more than 2 pagesThe title of your essaySurely it will not always be nightPay attention to the following points in your essayBuilding blocks of the story worldbull Events (4)bull Time (3)bull Space (4)bull Leading motive (4)bull Characters (3)bull Narrator (3)bull Theme (3)bull Socio-political context in which the story originated (3)bull Inter Texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Camp

can be read (3)(30)

GebeureJulle moet hier lsquon kort opsomming van die gebeure gee byvoorbeeld hoe die verhaal begin (wiehardloop weg vir wie en wat dink sy terwyl sy so hardloop) Na wie toe hardloop sy en hoekomWat doen sy as die gevaar dreig wat is die uiteinde van die gevaarlike situasie waarin sy en haarfamilielede hulle bevind Jy moet wys hoe die gebeure aaneenskakel hoe die een ding na dievolgende ding lei

You should give a brief summary of the events for example how the story begins (whorun away for who and what she thought as she was running) To whom she ran and whyWhat should she do if the danger the end of the dangerous situation in which she and herfamily members they found You must show how the events are linked how one thing tonext thing

TydVerloop die verhaal chronologies of is daar dele waar daar teruggedink word aan die verlede Inwatter politieke era speel die verhaal afRuimteDie plek waar die verhaal afspeel is nie die gewone middelklas woonbuurt nie Watter tipe behuising tref ons aan in die kamp Is daar teerstrate Beskryf die omgewing in soveel detail as wat jy kan Is daar bome en bosse Gee ook jou indrukke van hoe die mense wat in Khayalethu Camp woon is is dit mense onder wie jy liefde en medemenslikheid sien Kyk ook na die beskrywing van die tuisland waar die familie eers gewoon het as Thandiwe dit vergelyk met hul huidige woonplek Is dit lsquon opsie vir Thandiwe-hulle om na hierdie tuisland terug te keerDie blom (plant) is ook deel van die ruimte en verteenwoordig lsquon wending in die konfliksituasieBeskryf die blom en wat Thandiwe daarmee doen noukeurig Hoekom is dit lsquon opoffering vir haar om die blom vir die Brekers aan te bied Verduidelik die verband tussen die blom en die sterre Secirc die blom dalk iets oor hoop

timeOver the story chronologically or are there areas where there thought back to the past inwhich political era play the story modespaceThe place where the story is set is not the ordinary middle-class neighborhood What type of housinghit us in the camp There are tarred roads Describe the environment in as much detail as you canThere are trees and bushes Give your impressions of how the people who live in Khayalethu Camppeople among whom you love and compassion See also the description of the homeland where the family first lived as Thandiwe compared with their current place of residence It is aoption for Thandiwe them to this country to return homeThe flower (plant) is also part of the space and represented a turning point in the conflictDescribe the flower and Thandiwe do it carefully Why is it a sacrifice for her tothe flower the Crushers to offer Explain the relationship between the flower and the stars saysflower maybe something about hope

KarakterGee lsquon gedetailleerde beskrywing van Thandiwe Is sy die hoofkarakter Hoekom dink jy so (of nie)Is dit iets kinderliks wat sy doen in die verhaal of pas haar optrede meer by dieacute van lsquon volwasseneJulle moet oordeel of daar regtig sprake van groot ontwikkeling in Thandiwe se karakter is en of syeintlik van die begin af sterk is Een siening is dat daar binne die bestek van lsquon kort teks soos hierdieeen min ruimte is om lsquon grootskaalse ommekeer of groei in lsquon karakter te teken lsquon Ander siening isdat daar wel tekens van groei is in Thandiwe se besluit om die Brekers te konfronteer Motiveer diesiening waarvoor jy kies

characterGive a detailed description of Thandiwe She is the main character Why do you think so (or not)Is it something kinderliks she does in the story or adjust her behavior to that of an adultYou must judge whether there really talk of big development in Thandiwes character or hisactually started off strong One view is that within the space of a short text like thisa little space for a large-scale change or growth in a character to draw A different view isthere are signs of growth in Thandiwes decision to confront the Crushers motivate theview that you choose

LeimotiefWie is ldquokleinrdquo en wiewat is ldquogrootrdquo in die verhaal Wat secirc hierdie woordherhaling vir die leser Secirc dit dalk iets oor Thandiwe wat maar lsquon klein dogtertjie is maar die ldquogrootmenswecircreldrdquo konfronteer (en wen)TemaHierdie verhaal secirc iets oor lsquon kind se groei (en lsquon vuurdoop) Brei uit hierop en formuleer jou eieldquoboodskaprdquo of temaSosio-politieke konteksApartheidsjare tuislandbeleid wat swart volkere verarm het verstedeliking en plakkerskampegereelde sloping van informele nedersettings deur owerhede

leading motiveWho is small and who what is great in the story What does this word repetition for the reader say itmaybe something about Thandiwe but a little girl but the adult world confront (andwin)themeThis story says something about a childs growth (and a baptism of fire) Expand it and formulate your ownMessage or themeSocio-political contextApartheid Years homeland policies that impoverished black people urbanization and slumsfrequent demolition of informal settlements by authorities

Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan wordJulle kan kies uit verskeie moontlike intertekste byvoorbeeld Charles Banda se koerantartikel oorHarare se sypaadjiegenerasie Tertia Geldenhuys se ldquoFleeing for our livesrdquo die uittreksel uit BlackFire ldquoSloping was die beste oplossing vir Distrik Sesrdquo en ldquoI wish for a miracle too merciless tomentionrdquo in die leesbundel Wys op ooreenkomste en verskille tussen hierdie tekste en Weideman seteks

Inter texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Campcan be readYou can choose from several possible inter-texts such as Charles Banda newspaper article aboutHarares path generation Tertia Geldenhuyss Fleeing for our lives the excerpt from BlackFire Demolition was the best solution for District Six and I wish for a miracle too merciless tomention in the reader Point out similarities and differences between these texts and Weidemanstext

Vraag 3 (keuse)Werk studie-eenheid 4 (poeumlsie) in die studiegids deur (pp 48-61) en beantwoord dan dieonderstaande vrae oor Ingrid Jonker se teks ldquoDie kind [wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate byNyanga]rdquo (afgedruk in die studiegids op pp 52-53)

Question 3 (optional)Work-study unit 4 (poetry) in the study guide (pp 48-61) and answer thequestions below Ingrid Jonkers text The child [who was shot dead by soldiersNyanga (printed in the study guide on p 52-53)

VraeBinne watter sosio-politiese konteks het die gedig ontstaan (3)Hoekom dink jy lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2) (3)Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe 3) (3)Gee minstens twee voorbeelde elk van (a) woordherhaling en (b) sintaktiese herhaling in die gedigdui die funksie van hierdie herhalings aan (8)Verskaf en bespreek een voorbeeld elk van metafoor simbool of ironie (sien studiegids57 virdefinisies) (6)Wie is die spreker in hierdie teks (4)Noem ten minste een belangrike interteks ten opsigte van hierdie gedigteks van Jonker (sienstudiegids58-60) (1)Formuleer lsquon tema (boodskap) wat die gedig volgens jou oordra (2)(30)

Sosio-politiese konteksUit watter politieke era en sisteem dateer die gedig Dis geskryf na aanleiding van die onluste(swart opstand teen apartheidswette) in Suid-Afrikaanse townships in daardie tyd In die gedig word daar verwys na van hierdie townships (Nyanga ) die paswet geweld Gee jou eie voorbeelde van hierdie aspekte van apartheid Die vooruitskouing is dat hierdie soort gebeure sou weerklink in die res van Afrika Die politieke werklikhede van die 1960s vorm dus die konteks waarbinne die gedig geskryf is

Socio-political contextWhat political era and system is the poem Its written response to the riots(black uprising against apartheid laws) in South African townships in that time In the poemrefer to this townships (Nyanga ) the pass laws violence Give your own examples ofthese aspects of apartheid The prediction is that this kind of events would have sounded in therest of Africa The political realities of the 1960s thus forms the context in which the poemwritten

Hoekom lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2)Kan dit wees uit woede of frustrasie omdat die vader (ouer generasie) niks daadwerkliks (kan) doenom die politieke situasie te beredder nie Vergelyk ook Abraham de Vries se opmerkings in By (29Maart 2008 p10)Tree die kind in die gedig nie vreemd op nie Hoekom lig hy sy vuiste teen teen sy moeder en syvader Albei is is selfs sonder die agtergrond van die ontstaan van die gedig herkenbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse vryheidstryders Waarom of waarteen is hy dan in opstandDie antwoord lecirc waarskynlik in die ldquoplekkerdquo waar die moeder en vader hulle bevind Lokasies enstrate is plekke maar ldquolokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo en ldquostrate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo istoestande Die kind lig sy vuiste ook teen hierdie toestande anderkant die lokale stryd in dielokasies en strateJulle mag ook verwys na ldquodie kindrdquo wat uitgroei tot lsquon simbool dat die kind alle onderdruktesverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrika Afrika en die wecircreld wat lsquon stryd voer teen onreg

Why light the child his fists against his father (verse 2)Could it be anger or frustration because the father (older generation) nothing concrete about (can) doto resolve the political situation Compare Abraham Smiths remarks in On (29March 2008 p10)

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 2: Exam Guide Lines

What then happens is that these place names in Hot Gates are compiled in an original wayto form a new unit Are the events represented by the place names in achronological order Consult Dineke Volschenks Notes to Hot Gates in the reader to discover the order in which the place names in the poem lyric text you willmight see that chronology is not the determining factor in the succession of place names but thatjumped back-and-forth in time to form a unique pattern - a picture of traumathrough the ages Trauma (as experienced in conflict and war) is not something that is limited to a time orera but has always been part of life in South Africa (How do we know this Which SouthAfrican place names appear in Hot Gates)

bull Let verder op die verwysing na Die Bybel ndash die vier ruiters van die apokalips in die BybelboekldquoOpenbaringrdquo Watter funksie vervul hierdie verwysing Secirc dit iets oor die spreker se visie vir diemensdom dat oorlog konflik en misbruik eendag in die eindtye sal ophou en dat daar dan vreugdeen feesvieringe sal wees

bull further note the reference to the Bible - the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the Bible bookRevelation What is the function of this referral It says something about the speakers vision for thehumanity that war conflict and abuse someday in the end times will cease and that there be joyand celebrations will be

Vraag 2 (keuse)Lees die prosateks ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquo (in studiegids deel 1 studie-eenheid 3 p37 asook in die leesbundel afgedruk) en bespreek dit in lsquon opstel van hoogstens 2 bladsyeDie titel van jou opstel isDit sal mos nie altyd nag wees nieGee aandag aan die volgende aspekte in jou opstelBoustene van die verhaalwecircreldbull Gebeure (4)bull Tyd (3)bull Ruimte (4)bull Leimotief (4)bull Karakters (3)bull Verteller (3)bull Tema (3)bull Sosio-politiese konteks waarbinne die verhaal ontstaan het (3)bull Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan word (3)(30)

Question 2 (optional)Read the prose text Thandiwe of Khayalethu Camp (study guide part 1 study unit 3 p37 as well as in the reader depressed) and discuss it in an essay of not more than 2 pagesThe title of your essaySurely it will not always be nightPay attention to the following points in your essayBuilding blocks of the story worldbull Events (4)bull Time (3)bull Space (4)bull Leading motive (4)bull Characters (3)bull Narrator (3)bull Theme (3)bull Socio-political context in which the story originated (3)bull Inter Texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Camp

can be read (3)(30)

GebeureJulle moet hier lsquon kort opsomming van die gebeure gee byvoorbeeld hoe die verhaal begin (wiehardloop weg vir wie en wat dink sy terwyl sy so hardloop) Na wie toe hardloop sy en hoekomWat doen sy as die gevaar dreig wat is die uiteinde van die gevaarlike situasie waarin sy en haarfamilielede hulle bevind Jy moet wys hoe die gebeure aaneenskakel hoe die een ding na dievolgende ding lei

You should give a brief summary of the events for example how the story begins (whorun away for who and what she thought as she was running) To whom she ran and whyWhat should she do if the danger the end of the dangerous situation in which she and herfamily members they found You must show how the events are linked how one thing tonext thing

TydVerloop die verhaal chronologies of is daar dele waar daar teruggedink word aan die verlede Inwatter politieke era speel die verhaal afRuimteDie plek waar die verhaal afspeel is nie die gewone middelklas woonbuurt nie Watter tipe behuising tref ons aan in die kamp Is daar teerstrate Beskryf die omgewing in soveel detail as wat jy kan Is daar bome en bosse Gee ook jou indrukke van hoe die mense wat in Khayalethu Camp woon is is dit mense onder wie jy liefde en medemenslikheid sien Kyk ook na die beskrywing van die tuisland waar die familie eers gewoon het as Thandiwe dit vergelyk met hul huidige woonplek Is dit lsquon opsie vir Thandiwe-hulle om na hierdie tuisland terug te keerDie blom (plant) is ook deel van die ruimte en verteenwoordig lsquon wending in die konfliksituasieBeskryf die blom en wat Thandiwe daarmee doen noukeurig Hoekom is dit lsquon opoffering vir haar om die blom vir die Brekers aan te bied Verduidelik die verband tussen die blom en die sterre Secirc die blom dalk iets oor hoop

timeOver the story chronologically or are there areas where there thought back to the past inwhich political era play the story modespaceThe place where the story is set is not the ordinary middle-class neighborhood What type of housinghit us in the camp There are tarred roads Describe the environment in as much detail as you canThere are trees and bushes Give your impressions of how the people who live in Khayalethu Camppeople among whom you love and compassion See also the description of the homeland where the family first lived as Thandiwe compared with their current place of residence It is aoption for Thandiwe them to this country to return homeThe flower (plant) is also part of the space and represented a turning point in the conflictDescribe the flower and Thandiwe do it carefully Why is it a sacrifice for her tothe flower the Crushers to offer Explain the relationship between the flower and the stars saysflower maybe something about hope

KarakterGee lsquon gedetailleerde beskrywing van Thandiwe Is sy die hoofkarakter Hoekom dink jy so (of nie)Is dit iets kinderliks wat sy doen in die verhaal of pas haar optrede meer by dieacute van lsquon volwasseneJulle moet oordeel of daar regtig sprake van groot ontwikkeling in Thandiwe se karakter is en of syeintlik van die begin af sterk is Een siening is dat daar binne die bestek van lsquon kort teks soos hierdieeen min ruimte is om lsquon grootskaalse ommekeer of groei in lsquon karakter te teken lsquon Ander siening isdat daar wel tekens van groei is in Thandiwe se besluit om die Brekers te konfronteer Motiveer diesiening waarvoor jy kies

characterGive a detailed description of Thandiwe She is the main character Why do you think so (or not)Is it something kinderliks she does in the story or adjust her behavior to that of an adultYou must judge whether there really talk of big development in Thandiwes character or hisactually started off strong One view is that within the space of a short text like thisa little space for a large-scale change or growth in a character to draw A different view isthere are signs of growth in Thandiwes decision to confront the Crushers motivate theview that you choose

LeimotiefWie is ldquokleinrdquo en wiewat is ldquogrootrdquo in die verhaal Wat secirc hierdie woordherhaling vir die leser Secirc dit dalk iets oor Thandiwe wat maar lsquon klein dogtertjie is maar die ldquogrootmenswecircreldrdquo konfronteer (en wen)TemaHierdie verhaal secirc iets oor lsquon kind se groei (en lsquon vuurdoop) Brei uit hierop en formuleer jou eieldquoboodskaprdquo of temaSosio-politieke konteksApartheidsjare tuislandbeleid wat swart volkere verarm het verstedeliking en plakkerskampegereelde sloping van informele nedersettings deur owerhede

leading motiveWho is small and who what is great in the story What does this word repetition for the reader say itmaybe something about Thandiwe but a little girl but the adult world confront (andwin)themeThis story says something about a childs growth (and a baptism of fire) Expand it and formulate your ownMessage or themeSocio-political contextApartheid Years homeland policies that impoverished black people urbanization and slumsfrequent demolition of informal settlements by authorities

Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan wordJulle kan kies uit verskeie moontlike intertekste byvoorbeeld Charles Banda se koerantartikel oorHarare se sypaadjiegenerasie Tertia Geldenhuys se ldquoFleeing for our livesrdquo die uittreksel uit BlackFire ldquoSloping was die beste oplossing vir Distrik Sesrdquo en ldquoI wish for a miracle too merciless tomentionrdquo in die leesbundel Wys op ooreenkomste en verskille tussen hierdie tekste en Weideman seteks

Inter texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Campcan be readYou can choose from several possible inter-texts such as Charles Banda newspaper article aboutHarares path generation Tertia Geldenhuyss Fleeing for our lives the excerpt from BlackFire Demolition was the best solution for District Six and I wish for a miracle too merciless tomention in the reader Point out similarities and differences between these texts and Weidemanstext

Vraag 3 (keuse)Werk studie-eenheid 4 (poeumlsie) in die studiegids deur (pp 48-61) en beantwoord dan dieonderstaande vrae oor Ingrid Jonker se teks ldquoDie kind [wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate byNyanga]rdquo (afgedruk in die studiegids op pp 52-53)

Question 3 (optional)Work-study unit 4 (poetry) in the study guide (pp 48-61) and answer thequestions below Ingrid Jonkers text The child [who was shot dead by soldiersNyanga (printed in the study guide on p 52-53)

VraeBinne watter sosio-politiese konteks het die gedig ontstaan (3)Hoekom dink jy lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2) (3)Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe 3) (3)Gee minstens twee voorbeelde elk van (a) woordherhaling en (b) sintaktiese herhaling in die gedigdui die funksie van hierdie herhalings aan (8)Verskaf en bespreek een voorbeeld elk van metafoor simbool of ironie (sien studiegids57 virdefinisies) (6)Wie is die spreker in hierdie teks (4)Noem ten minste een belangrike interteks ten opsigte van hierdie gedigteks van Jonker (sienstudiegids58-60) (1)Formuleer lsquon tema (boodskap) wat die gedig volgens jou oordra (2)(30)

Sosio-politiese konteksUit watter politieke era en sisteem dateer die gedig Dis geskryf na aanleiding van die onluste(swart opstand teen apartheidswette) in Suid-Afrikaanse townships in daardie tyd In die gedig word daar verwys na van hierdie townships (Nyanga ) die paswet geweld Gee jou eie voorbeelde van hierdie aspekte van apartheid Die vooruitskouing is dat hierdie soort gebeure sou weerklink in die res van Afrika Die politieke werklikhede van die 1960s vorm dus die konteks waarbinne die gedig geskryf is

Socio-political contextWhat political era and system is the poem Its written response to the riots(black uprising against apartheid laws) in South African townships in that time In the poemrefer to this townships (Nyanga ) the pass laws violence Give your own examples ofthese aspects of apartheid The prediction is that this kind of events would have sounded in therest of Africa The political realities of the 1960s thus forms the context in which the poemwritten

Hoekom lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2)Kan dit wees uit woede of frustrasie omdat die vader (ouer generasie) niks daadwerkliks (kan) doenom die politieke situasie te beredder nie Vergelyk ook Abraham de Vries se opmerkings in By (29Maart 2008 p10)Tree die kind in die gedig nie vreemd op nie Hoekom lig hy sy vuiste teen teen sy moeder en syvader Albei is is selfs sonder die agtergrond van die ontstaan van die gedig herkenbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse vryheidstryders Waarom of waarteen is hy dan in opstandDie antwoord lecirc waarskynlik in die ldquoplekkerdquo waar die moeder en vader hulle bevind Lokasies enstrate is plekke maar ldquolokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo en ldquostrate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo istoestande Die kind lig sy vuiste ook teen hierdie toestande anderkant die lokale stryd in dielokasies en strateJulle mag ook verwys na ldquodie kindrdquo wat uitgroei tot lsquon simbool dat die kind alle onderdruktesverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrika Afrika en die wecircreld wat lsquon stryd voer teen onreg

Why light the child his fists against his father (verse 2)Could it be anger or frustration because the father (older generation) nothing concrete about (can) doto resolve the political situation Compare Abraham Smiths remarks in On (29March 2008 p10)

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 3: Exam Guide Lines

can be read (3)(30)

GebeureJulle moet hier lsquon kort opsomming van die gebeure gee byvoorbeeld hoe die verhaal begin (wiehardloop weg vir wie en wat dink sy terwyl sy so hardloop) Na wie toe hardloop sy en hoekomWat doen sy as die gevaar dreig wat is die uiteinde van die gevaarlike situasie waarin sy en haarfamilielede hulle bevind Jy moet wys hoe die gebeure aaneenskakel hoe die een ding na dievolgende ding lei

You should give a brief summary of the events for example how the story begins (whorun away for who and what she thought as she was running) To whom she ran and whyWhat should she do if the danger the end of the dangerous situation in which she and herfamily members they found You must show how the events are linked how one thing tonext thing

TydVerloop die verhaal chronologies of is daar dele waar daar teruggedink word aan die verlede Inwatter politieke era speel die verhaal afRuimteDie plek waar die verhaal afspeel is nie die gewone middelklas woonbuurt nie Watter tipe behuising tref ons aan in die kamp Is daar teerstrate Beskryf die omgewing in soveel detail as wat jy kan Is daar bome en bosse Gee ook jou indrukke van hoe die mense wat in Khayalethu Camp woon is is dit mense onder wie jy liefde en medemenslikheid sien Kyk ook na die beskrywing van die tuisland waar die familie eers gewoon het as Thandiwe dit vergelyk met hul huidige woonplek Is dit lsquon opsie vir Thandiwe-hulle om na hierdie tuisland terug te keerDie blom (plant) is ook deel van die ruimte en verteenwoordig lsquon wending in die konfliksituasieBeskryf die blom en wat Thandiwe daarmee doen noukeurig Hoekom is dit lsquon opoffering vir haar om die blom vir die Brekers aan te bied Verduidelik die verband tussen die blom en die sterre Secirc die blom dalk iets oor hoop

timeOver the story chronologically or are there areas where there thought back to the past inwhich political era play the story modespaceThe place where the story is set is not the ordinary middle-class neighborhood What type of housinghit us in the camp There are tarred roads Describe the environment in as much detail as you canThere are trees and bushes Give your impressions of how the people who live in Khayalethu Camppeople among whom you love and compassion See also the description of the homeland where the family first lived as Thandiwe compared with their current place of residence It is aoption for Thandiwe them to this country to return homeThe flower (plant) is also part of the space and represented a turning point in the conflictDescribe the flower and Thandiwe do it carefully Why is it a sacrifice for her tothe flower the Crushers to offer Explain the relationship between the flower and the stars saysflower maybe something about hope

KarakterGee lsquon gedetailleerde beskrywing van Thandiwe Is sy die hoofkarakter Hoekom dink jy so (of nie)Is dit iets kinderliks wat sy doen in die verhaal of pas haar optrede meer by dieacute van lsquon volwasseneJulle moet oordeel of daar regtig sprake van groot ontwikkeling in Thandiwe se karakter is en of syeintlik van die begin af sterk is Een siening is dat daar binne die bestek van lsquon kort teks soos hierdieeen min ruimte is om lsquon grootskaalse ommekeer of groei in lsquon karakter te teken lsquon Ander siening isdat daar wel tekens van groei is in Thandiwe se besluit om die Brekers te konfronteer Motiveer diesiening waarvoor jy kies

characterGive a detailed description of Thandiwe She is the main character Why do you think so (or not)Is it something kinderliks she does in the story or adjust her behavior to that of an adultYou must judge whether there really talk of big development in Thandiwes character or hisactually started off strong One view is that within the space of a short text like thisa little space for a large-scale change or growth in a character to draw A different view isthere are signs of growth in Thandiwes decision to confront the Crushers motivate theview that you choose

LeimotiefWie is ldquokleinrdquo en wiewat is ldquogrootrdquo in die verhaal Wat secirc hierdie woordherhaling vir die leser Secirc dit dalk iets oor Thandiwe wat maar lsquon klein dogtertjie is maar die ldquogrootmenswecircreldrdquo konfronteer (en wen)TemaHierdie verhaal secirc iets oor lsquon kind se groei (en lsquon vuurdoop) Brei uit hierop en formuleer jou eieldquoboodskaprdquo of temaSosio-politieke konteksApartheidsjare tuislandbeleid wat swart volkere verarm het verstedeliking en plakkerskampegereelde sloping van informele nedersettings deur owerhede

leading motiveWho is small and who what is great in the story What does this word repetition for the reader say itmaybe something about Thandiwe but a little girl but the adult world confront (andwin)themeThis story says something about a childs growth (and a baptism of fire) Expand it and formulate your ownMessage or themeSocio-political contextApartheid Years homeland policies that impoverished black people urbanization and slumsfrequent demolition of informal settlements by authorities

Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan wordJulle kan kies uit verskeie moontlike intertekste byvoorbeeld Charles Banda se koerantartikel oorHarare se sypaadjiegenerasie Tertia Geldenhuys se ldquoFleeing for our livesrdquo die uittreksel uit BlackFire ldquoSloping was die beste oplossing vir Distrik Sesrdquo en ldquoI wish for a miracle too merciless tomentionrdquo in die leesbundel Wys op ooreenkomste en verskille tussen hierdie tekste en Weideman seteks

Inter texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Campcan be readYou can choose from several possible inter-texts such as Charles Banda newspaper article aboutHarares path generation Tertia Geldenhuyss Fleeing for our lives the excerpt from BlackFire Demolition was the best solution for District Six and I wish for a miracle too merciless tomention in the reader Point out similarities and differences between these texts and Weidemanstext

Vraag 3 (keuse)Werk studie-eenheid 4 (poeumlsie) in die studiegids deur (pp 48-61) en beantwoord dan dieonderstaande vrae oor Ingrid Jonker se teks ldquoDie kind [wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate byNyanga]rdquo (afgedruk in die studiegids op pp 52-53)

Question 3 (optional)Work-study unit 4 (poetry) in the study guide (pp 48-61) and answer thequestions below Ingrid Jonkers text The child [who was shot dead by soldiersNyanga (printed in the study guide on p 52-53)

VraeBinne watter sosio-politiese konteks het die gedig ontstaan (3)Hoekom dink jy lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2) (3)Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe 3) (3)Gee minstens twee voorbeelde elk van (a) woordherhaling en (b) sintaktiese herhaling in die gedigdui die funksie van hierdie herhalings aan (8)Verskaf en bespreek een voorbeeld elk van metafoor simbool of ironie (sien studiegids57 virdefinisies) (6)Wie is die spreker in hierdie teks (4)Noem ten minste een belangrike interteks ten opsigte van hierdie gedigteks van Jonker (sienstudiegids58-60) (1)Formuleer lsquon tema (boodskap) wat die gedig volgens jou oordra (2)(30)

Sosio-politiese konteksUit watter politieke era en sisteem dateer die gedig Dis geskryf na aanleiding van die onluste(swart opstand teen apartheidswette) in Suid-Afrikaanse townships in daardie tyd In die gedig word daar verwys na van hierdie townships (Nyanga ) die paswet geweld Gee jou eie voorbeelde van hierdie aspekte van apartheid Die vooruitskouing is dat hierdie soort gebeure sou weerklink in die res van Afrika Die politieke werklikhede van die 1960s vorm dus die konteks waarbinne die gedig geskryf is

Socio-political contextWhat political era and system is the poem Its written response to the riots(black uprising against apartheid laws) in South African townships in that time In the poemrefer to this townships (Nyanga ) the pass laws violence Give your own examples ofthese aspects of apartheid The prediction is that this kind of events would have sounded in therest of Africa The political realities of the 1960s thus forms the context in which the poemwritten

Hoekom lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2)Kan dit wees uit woede of frustrasie omdat die vader (ouer generasie) niks daadwerkliks (kan) doenom die politieke situasie te beredder nie Vergelyk ook Abraham de Vries se opmerkings in By (29Maart 2008 p10)Tree die kind in die gedig nie vreemd op nie Hoekom lig hy sy vuiste teen teen sy moeder en syvader Albei is is selfs sonder die agtergrond van die ontstaan van die gedig herkenbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse vryheidstryders Waarom of waarteen is hy dan in opstandDie antwoord lecirc waarskynlik in die ldquoplekkerdquo waar die moeder en vader hulle bevind Lokasies enstrate is plekke maar ldquolokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo en ldquostrate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo istoestande Die kind lig sy vuiste ook teen hierdie toestande anderkant die lokale stryd in dielokasies en strateJulle mag ook verwys na ldquodie kindrdquo wat uitgroei tot lsquon simbool dat die kind alle onderdruktesverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrika Afrika en die wecircreld wat lsquon stryd voer teen onreg

Why light the child his fists against his father (verse 2)Could it be anger or frustration because the father (older generation) nothing concrete about (can) doto resolve the political situation Compare Abraham Smiths remarks in On (29March 2008 p10)

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 4: Exam Guide Lines

characterGive a detailed description of Thandiwe She is the main character Why do you think so (or not)Is it something kinderliks she does in the story or adjust her behavior to that of an adultYou must judge whether there really talk of big development in Thandiwes character or hisactually started off strong One view is that within the space of a short text like thisa little space for a large-scale change or growth in a character to draw A different view isthere are signs of growth in Thandiwes decision to confront the Crushers motivate theview that you choose

LeimotiefWie is ldquokleinrdquo en wiewat is ldquogrootrdquo in die verhaal Wat secirc hierdie woordherhaling vir die leser Secirc dit dalk iets oor Thandiwe wat maar lsquon klein dogtertjie is maar die ldquogrootmenswecircreldrdquo konfronteer (en wen)TemaHierdie verhaal secirc iets oor lsquon kind se groei (en lsquon vuurdoop) Brei uit hierop en formuleer jou eieldquoboodskaprdquo of temaSosio-politieke konteksApartheidsjare tuislandbeleid wat swart volkere verarm het verstedeliking en plakkerskampegereelde sloping van informele nedersettings deur owerhede

leading motiveWho is small and who what is great in the story What does this word repetition for the reader say itmaybe something about Thandiwe but a little girl but the adult world confront (andwin)themeThis story says something about a childs growth (and a baptism of fire) Expand it and formulate your ownMessage or themeSocio-political contextApartheid Years homeland policies that impoverished black people urbanization and slumsfrequent demolition of informal settlements by authorities

Intertekste (ander verhalegedigterolprentefotorsquos) wat met ldquoThandiwe van Khayalethu Camprdquosaamgelees kan wordJulle kan kies uit verskeie moontlike intertekste byvoorbeeld Charles Banda se koerantartikel oorHarare se sypaadjiegenerasie Tertia Geldenhuys se ldquoFleeing for our livesrdquo die uittreksel uit BlackFire ldquoSloping was die beste oplossing vir Distrik Sesrdquo en ldquoI wish for a miracle too merciless tomentionrdquo in die leesbundel Wys op ooreenkomste en verskille tussen hierdie tekste en Weideman seteks

Inter texts (other stories poems movies photos) Thandiwe Khayalethu Campcan be readYou can choose from several possible inter-texts such as Charles Banda newspaper article aboutHarares path generation Tertia Geldenhuyss Fleeing for our lives the excerpt from BlackFire Demolition was the best solution for District Six and I wish for a miracle too merciless tomention in the reader Point out similarities and differences between these texts and Weidemanstext

Vraag 3 (keuse)Werk studie-eenheid 4 (poeumlsie) in die studiegids deur (pp 48-61) en beantwoord dan dieonderstaande vrae oor Ingrid Jonker se teks ldquoDie kind [wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate byNyanga]rdquo (afgedruk in die studiegids op pp 52-53)

Question 3 (optional)Work-study unit 4 (poetry) in the study guide (pp 48-61) and answer thequestions below Ingrid Jonkers text The child [who was shot dead by soldiersNyanga (printed in the study guide on p 52-53)

VraeBinne watter sosio-politiese konteks het die gedig ontstaan (3)Hoekom dink jy lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2) (3)Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe 3) (3)Gee minstens twee voorbeelde elk van (a) woordherhaling en (b) sintaktiese herhaling in die gedigdui die funksie van hierdie herhalings aan (8)Verskaf en bespreek een voorbeeld elk van metafoor simbool of ironie (sien studiegids57 virdefinisies) (6)Wie is die spreker in hierdie teks (4)Noem ten minste een belangrike interteks ten opsigte van hierdie gedigteks van Jonker (sienstudiegids58-60) (1)Formuleer lsquon tema (boodskap) wat die gedig volgens jou oordra (2)(30)

Sosio-politiese konteksUit watter politieke era en sisteem dateer die gedig Dis geskryf na aanleiding van die onluste(swart opstand teen apartheidswette) in Suid-Afrikaanse townships in daardie tyd In die gedig word daar verwys na van hierdie townships (Nyanga ) die paswet geweld Gee jou eie voorbeelde van hierdie aspekte van apartheid Die vooruitskouing is dat hierdie soort gebeure sou weerklink in die res van Afrika Die politieke werklikhede van die 1960s vorm dus die konteks waarbinne die gedig geskryf is

Socio-political contextWhat political era and system is the poem Its written response to the riots(black uprising against apartheid laws) in South African townships in that time In the poemrefer to this townships (Nyanga ) the pass laws violence Give your own examples ofthese aspects of apartheid The prediction is that this kind of events would have sounded in therest of Africa The political realities of the 1960s thus forms the context in which the poemwritten

Hoekom lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2)Kan dit wees uit woede of frustrasie omdat die vader (ouer generasie) niks daadwerkliks (kan) doenom die politieke situasie te beredder nie Vergelyk ook Abraham de Vries se opmerkings in By (29Maart 2008 p10)Tree die kind in die gedig nie vreemd op nie Hoekom lig hy sy vuiste teen teen sy moeder en syvader Albei is is selfs sonder die agtergrond van die ontstaan van die gedig herkenbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse vryheidstryders Waarom of waarteen is hy dan in opstandDie antwoord lecirc waarskynlik in die ldquoplekkerdquo waar die moeder en vader hulle bevind Lokasies enstrate is plekke maar ldquolokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo en ldquostrate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo istoestande Die kind lig sy vuiste ook teen hierdie toestande anderkant die lokale stryd in dielokasies en strateJulle mag ook verwys na ldquodie kindrdquo wat uitgroei tot lsquon simbool dat die kind alle onderdruktesverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrika Afrika en die wecircreld wat lsquon stryd voer teen onreg

Why light the child his fists against his father (verse 2)Could it be anger or frustration because the father (older generation) nothing concrete about (can) doto resolve the political situation Compare Abraham Smiths remarks in On (29March 2008 p10)

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 5: Exam Guide Lines

Question 3 (optional)Work-study unit 4 (poetry) in the study guide (pp 48-61) and answer thequestions below Ingrid Jonkers text The child [who was shot dead by soldiersNyanga (printed in the study guide on p 52-53)

VraeBinne watter sosio-politiese konteks het die gedig ontstaan (3)Hoekom dink jy lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2) (3)Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe 3) (3)Gee minstens twee voorbeelde elk van (a) woordherhaling en (b) sintaktiese herhaling in die gedigdui die funksie van hierdie herhalings aan (8)Verskaf en bespreek een voorbeeld elk van metafoor simbool of ironie (sien studiegids57 virdefinisies) (6)Wie is die spreker in hierdie teks (4)Noem ten minste een belangrike interteks ten opsigte van hierdie gedigteks van Jonker (sienstudiegids58-60) (1)Formuleer lsquon tema (boodskap) wat die gedig volgens jou oordra (2)(30)

Sosio-politiese konteksUit watter politieke era en sisteem dateer die gedig Dis geskryf na aanleiding van die onluste(swart opstand teen apartheidswette) in Suid-Afrikaanse townships in daardie tyd In die gedig word daar verwys na van hierdie townships (Nyanga ) die paswet geweld Gee jou eie voorbeelde van hierdie aspekte van apartheid Die vooruitskouing is dat hierdie soort gebeure sou weerklink in die res van Afrika Die politieke werklikhede van die 1960s vorm dus die konteks waarbinne die gedig geskryf is

Socio-political contextWhat political era and system is the poem Its written response to the riots(black uprising against apartheid laws) in South African townships in that time In the poemrefer to this townships (Nyanga ) the pass laws violence Give your own examples ofthese aspects of apartheid The prediction is that this kind of events would have sounded in therest of Africa The political realities of the 1960s thus forms the context in which the poemwritten

Hoekom lig die kind sy vuiste teen sy vader (strofe 2)Kan dit wees uit woede of frustrasie omdat die vader (ouer generasie) niks daadwerkliks (kan) doenom die politieke situasie te beredder nie Vergelyk ook Abraham de Vries se opmerkings in By (29Maart 2008 p10)Tree die kind in die gedig nie vreemd op nie Hoekom lig hy sy vuiste teen teen sy moeder en syvader Albei is is selfs sonder die agtergrond van die ontstaan van die gedig herkenbaar as Suid-Afrikaanse vryheidstryders Waarom of waarteen is hy dan in opstandDie antwoord lecirc waarskynlik in die ldquoplekkerdquo waar die moeder en vader hulle bevind Lokasies enstrate is plekke maar ldquolokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo en ldquostrate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo istoestande Die kind lig sy vuiste ook teen hierdie toestande anderkant die lokale stryd in dielokasies en strateJulle mag ook verwys na ldquodie kindrdquo wat uitgroei tot lsquon simbool dat die kind alle onderdruktesverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrika Afrika en die wecircreld wat lsquon stryd voer teen onreg

Why light the child his fists against his father (verse 2)Could it be anger or frustration because the father (older generation) nothing concrete about (can) doto resolve the political situation Compare Abraham Smiths remarks in On (29March 2008 p10)

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 6: Exam Guide Lines

Does the child in the poem strange Why he raised his fists against by his mother and hisfather Even without the background of both the origin of the poem recognizable as SouthAfrican free state combatants Why or against which he rebelledThe answer probably lies in the places where the mother and father found them locations andstreets are places but locations of the sense monies heart and streets of his embattledconditions The child lifts his fists against these conditions beyond the local struggle in thelocations and streetsYou may also refer to the child grow into a symbol the child all oppressedrepresentative in South Africa Africa and the world who fight against injustice

Verklaar hoe die kind ldquonie dood nierdquo kan wees terwyl hy lecirc met lsquon koeeumll deur sy kop (strofe3)Die kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga en hierdie gedig geiumlnspireer het is lsquonanonieme maar historiese figuur wat wel fisies dood is Hy word egter deur die spreker in hierdiegedig voorgehou as simbool van die swart vryheidstryd teen blanke oorheersing soos tydensapartheid en ldquoleefrdquo in hierdie sin ldquovoortrdquoHerhaling sluit in woordherhaling (enkelwoorde) en sintaktiese herhaling (woordgroepe soosfrases en sinne) Voorbeelde ldquodie kindrdquo (woordherhaling) Watter tipe herhaling kry ons in rdquodie kindlig sy vuiste teen syhelliprdquo ldquowat Afrika skreeu skreeu die geurhelliprdquo ldquodie kind wathellipgeword hetrdquo ldquoDie kindis nie dood nierdquo ldquonograveg byhellipnograveg byhelliprdquo Dalk sintaktiese herhaling ndash herhaling van lsquon sintaktiesepatroon

Explain how the child is not dead as he lies with a bullet through his head (stanza3)The child who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga and inspired this poem is aanonymous but historical figure who physically died However he is the speaker in thispoem touted as a symbol of the black struggle against white domination as duringapartheid and live in this sense continueRepetition include word repetition (single words) and syntactical repetition (word groups asphrases and sentences) Examples the child (word repetition) What kind of repetition we get in the childlifts his fists against his Africa scream shout the flavor the child who became The childis not dead neither nor Maybe syntactical repetition - repetition of a syntacticpattern

MetafoorJulle mag lsquon definisie van metafoor gee en dan voorbeelde bespreek Die vraag is is die metaforeeffektief ndash of hulle iets oordra wat nuut oorspronklik en ter sake is vir die ontwikkeling van dieboodskap van die gedigteks

metaphorYou may give a definition of metaphor and then discuss examples The question is are the metaphorseffective - whether they convey something new original and relevant for the development of themessage of the poem text

TWEE VOORBEELDEldquodie geur van vryheid en heide in die lokasies van die omsingelde hartrdquo betrek die rol van diemoeder vrou - die een wat tradisioneel die domein van die hart en huis bewaak Die hart isldquoomsingelrdquo (ingeperk selfs bedreig) Die ldquogeur van vryheidrdquo is bloot lsquon geur soos dieacute van blomme(heide) - nie iets substansieels nie - en daar is dus nie werklik vryheid nie lsquon Lokasie was ook lsquoningeperkte woonarea afgesonder van die woonbuurte van blankesldquodie geur van geregtigheid en van bloed in die strate van sy gewapende trotsrdquo is weer tradisioneel

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 7: Exam Guide Lines

die domein van die vader man - buite die huis in die publieke arena Is daar werklike vryheid inhierdie geval Die vader het net sy trots as ldquowapenrdquo (Eng ldquoarmed priderdquo) Hoe effektief is dit

TWO EXAMPLESThe scent of freedom and heather the locations of the omsingelde heart involves the role of themother wife - traditionally the domain of the heart and house The heart isSurround (restricted even threatened) The smell of freedom is simply a smell like flowers(heather) not something substansieels - and there is not really freedom A Location was also aenclosed living area separated from the neighborhoods of whitesbull flavor of justice and blood in the streets of his embattled is traditionallythe domain of the father husband outside the home in the public arena Is there real freedomthis case The father has only his pride as a weapon (Eng armed pride) How effective is it

IronieGee lsquon definisie en soek dan lsquon voorbeeld Dink jy die kind wat sy vuiste lig teen sy moeder en vader(maar eintlik teen die apartheidsisteem) kan as ironies vertolk word Wat van ldquodie geurvan vryheiden van heiderdquo Motiveer jou antwoordeSimboollsquon Interessantheid is dat in die dokumentecircre film ldquoKorreltjie Niksrdquo daar wel lsquon identiteit en naam aanldquodie kindrdquo gegee word volgens Sandile Dikeni was dit waarskynlik Wilberforce Musuli Manjati Dieanonimiteit van die kind dra by tot die algemeen-toepaslikheid en simboolwaarde wat hy in hierdiegedig kry

ironyGive a definition and then find an example Do you think the child his fists raised by his mother and father(but actually against the apartheid system) can be interpreted as ironic What flavor freedomand heath Justify your answerssymbolan interest in the documentary film Berry One Nothing there is an identity and nameChild given according Sandile Dikeni was probably Wilberforce Musuli Manjati thatanonymity of the child contributes to the general applicability and symbolic value that he was in thispoem

SprekerDie spreker is nie die digter nie maar lsquon fiktiewe instansie wat as woordvoerder optree Die sprekerin ldquoDie kind wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyangardquo is dus nie ldquoIngrid Jonkerrdquo nie Ingrid Jonkeris wel die reeumlle outeur van die teks Die spreker is lsquon polities-bewuste stem iemand wat in die1960rsquos (konteks) praat oor die konflik in die swart woongebiede tussen wit heersers en swartonderdruktes en wat in die toekoms inkyk en sien hoe daar vryheid komInterteksldquoDie kind 2rdquo (Swanepoel) ldquoDie kind is nie dood nierdquo (Olivier) ldquorsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo(Leipoldt) ldquo lsquon Nuwe liedjie op lsquon ou deuntjierdquo (Joan Hambidge) en dies meer Kies twee interteksteen bespreek dan ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Jonker se teks en die intertekste wat jy gekieshet

speakerThe speaker is not the poet but a fictitious institution acting as spokesman the speakerThe child who was shot dead soldiers at Nyanga is not Ingrid Jonker Ingrid Jonker

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 8: Exam Guide Lines

indeed the real author of the text The speaker is a politically-conscious voice someone in the1960s (context) talk about the conflict in the black townships between white rulers and blackoppressed and what the future looks and see how freedomInter TextThe child 2 (Swan Lake) The child is not dead (Olivier) a new song on an old tune(Leipoldt) a new song on an old tune (Joan Hambidge) and so forth Choose two intertextsand discuss similarities and differences between Jonkers text and the intertexts you selected

TemaVir Suid-Afrika in die 1960rsquos sou die gedig die boodskap kon oordra dat ten spyte vanonderdrukking politieke vryheid wel moontlik is Die meer universele lsquoboodskaprsquo of eindinsig wat diegedig oordra is dalk dat die mens selfs in sy breekbaarheid en dood lsquon belangrike nalatenskap kanhecirc

themeFor South Africa in the 1960s would the poem could convey the message that in spite ofoppression political freedom is possible The more universal message or end insightpoem transfer might be that man even in his fragility and death an important legacyhave

Vraag 4 (keuse)Bestudeer studie-eenheid 5 (drama) op pp62-71 veral paragraaf 57 op p66 en verder) enbeantwoord dan die volgende vrae

vQuestion 4 (optional)Study study unit 5 (drama) pp62-71 especially paragraph 57 on p66 onwards) andthen answer the following questions

(a) Bespreek Naelstring (Pieter J Fourie) as lsquon eietydse en aktuele teks (Sien paragraaf 571 opp66) (15)(b) Wat gebeur as daar afstand gedoen word van die naelstring in die teks Sou jy secirc albeikarakters ervaar nuwe vryheid Illustreer Baba se nuwe vaardighede uit die teks (15)[30]

(a) Discuss Umbilical cord (Pieter J Fourie) as a contemporary and topical text (See paragraph 571p66) (15)(b) What happens if there waiver of the umbilical cord in the text Would you say bothcharacters experience new freedom Illustrate babys new skills from the text (15)[30]

(a) Kontemporecircre verwysingsKyk na verwysings na ldquoblack empowermentrdquo en ander terme wat ons vandag daagliks in koeranteraakleesJulle mag ook verwys na die simboliese implikasies van die naelstring-leimotiefHoe dui die naelstring simbolies op lsquon verstrengeling van die oue en nuwe bedelings Vrou segewilligheid om uiteindelik van die naelstring afstand te doen moet bespreek word Onthou datVrou nie lsquon verteenwoordiger van die Ou Bedeling is nie sy was immers lsquon vryheidsvegter watsabotasie gepleeg het en oor die kleurskeidslyn lsquon (seksuele) verhouding en lsquon kind gehad het Watverteenwoordig Vrou dan eerder Dalk die destyds liberale element onder blanke (Suid-)Afrikanerswat die apartheidsregering teengestaan en ondermyn het Is hulle in die transformasie-era (post-1994) deur die heersende swart rolspelers gemarginaliseer omdat hulle nie in dieswartbemagtigingsdiskoers inpas nie Wat verteenwoordig Baba Dalk post-apartheid vryheid

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 9: Exam Guide Lines

Post-apartheid vryheid (of identiteit soos een student opgemerk het) kan egter nie onbevangefunksioneer nie omdat dit (enersyds) beperk word deur die bagasie (bitterheid teleurgesteldeverwagtinge) van die wit liberale en andersyds verwerp en verraai word deur die magshonger swartbevoordeeldes in die nuwe bedeling (Mamoleki) Eers wanneer Mamoleki sterf voel Vrou vry vandie verlede en kan die naelstring losgemaak word Mens sou Mamoleki se afsterwe kon lees as lsquontipe afstanddoening van eensydige mag onder die nuwe elite waarna die nuwe bedeling eerswerklik tot sy reg kan kom

(a) Contemporary referencesSee references to black empowerment and other terms used today in daily newspapersgets readYou may also refer to the symbolic implications of the umbilical cord leading motiveHow does the umbilical symbolically on an entanglement of the old and new dispensations womenswillingness to do the end of the cord distance should be discussed Remember thatWoman is not a representative of the Old Dispensation because she was a freedom fighter whocommitted sabotage and the color a (sexual) relationship and had a child WhatWoman rather represent Perhaps the time liberal element among white (South) Africanswho opposed the apartheid government and undermined They the transformation era (post-1994) marginalized by the dominant black players because they were not in theblack empowerment discourse fit That represents Baby Maybe post-apartheid freedomPost-apartheid freedom (or identity as one student remarked) can not freelyfunction because it (one hand) is limited by the baggage (bitter disappointedexpectations) of white liberals otherwise rejected and betrayed by the power-hungry blackbeneficiaries the new dispensation (Mamoleki) First when Mamoleki dies woman feel freethe past and the umbilical cord is severed One would Mamolekis death could read as atype of unilateral power under the waiver new elite then the new dispensation firstreally can come into its own

(b) Afstanddoening van die naelstringDie vraag vra eintlik dat studente die naelstringmotief in Naelstring bespreek as lsquon merker vanldquotransformasierdquo Die naelstring is onder andere lsquon leimotief in hierdie dramateks Sien studiegids bladsy45 48 101 vir definisies of verwysings na hierdie begrip Studente kan hul bespreking van hierdieaspek begin met lsquon kort definisie van wat leimotief isVir lsquon bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief moet studente die dramateks Naelstringdeurwerk met die volgende vrae in gedagteo Wie word deur die naelstring verbindo Is albei partye tevrede met die feit dat daar lsquon naelstring tussen hulle iso Is dit lsquon ldquonormalerdquo situasie in die werklike leweo Watter simboliese implikasies het die naelstringo Voel die karakters teen die einde albei nog dieselfde oor die naelstring In watter stadiumtree daar lsquon verandering in houding by hulle inlsquon Konklusie kan dan geformuleer word wat secirc Naelstring oor politieke transformasie in Suid-Afrika Isdit simplisties positief daaroor Is dit negatief daaroor Volg dit lsquon middeweg Studente moet hulinterpretasie bewys deur na die ontwikkeling van die naelstringmotief in die teks te verwysSubtotaal [50]

(b) Waiver of the umbilical cordThe question actually asks students the umbilical cord motif discussed in umbilical cord as a marker ofTransformation The umbilical include a leading motive in this drama text See study guide page45 48 101 for definitions or references to this concept Their discussion of these students mayaspect begins with a brief definition of what leading motive

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 10: Exam Guide Lines

bull For a discussion of the development of the umbilical cord motif students play text Umbilical cordwork with the following questions in mindo Who are connected by the umbilical cordo If both parties are satisfied with the fact that there is an umbilical cord between themo Is it a normal situation in real lifeo What is the symbolic implications of the umbilical cordo the characters at the end both have the same feel about the umbilical cord At what stagecomes a change in attitude to thembull A Conclusion can be formulated that say Umbilical cord on political transformation in South Africa issimplistic positive about it Is negative about it It follows a middle ground Students have theirinterpretation evidenced by the development of the umbilical cord motif referred to in the textSubtotal [50]


Hierdie afdeling van die studiebrief sluit die volgende inligting inn Raamwerk van die memorandum van DEEL 4 van Werkopdrag 02 (verpligtend vironderwysstudente)Eksamentoeligting oor die AFK1501-vraestel (DEEL 4) van November 2012Omdat ek tydens die besprekings- (in Pretoria) en videoklasse (na Durban en Kaapstad) nadieselfde inligting verwys bevat hierdie gedeelte van die studiebrief nie afsonderlike inligting oor diebesprekings- en ander klasse nie Hierdie studiebrief kan dus gesien word as n opsomming van dieinhoud van die besprekings- en videoklasseLet asseblief daarop dat die terugvoer en inligting wat in hierdie studiebrief verskaf word niemodelantwoorde op die werkopdrag oacutef vir die eksamen bevat nie In plaas daarvan bevat dit raamwerke ofaanduidings van die inhoud waaruit jou antwoorde sou kon bestaan Dit is dus jou eie verantwoordelikheidom tydens jou voorbereiding vir die eksamenvraestel bykomende inligting voorbeelde uit die teksteverduidelikings motiverings en interpretasies te ontwikkel en by te werk met die inligting in hierdiestudiebrief as n vertrekpunt

This section of the tutorial include the following informationbull A framework of the Memorandum of Understanding PART 4 Assignment 02 (mandatory foreducation students)bull Examination-Guidance on AFK1501 paper (PART 4) November 2012bull Because I am in the discussions (in Pretoria) and video classes (to Durban and Cape Town)the same information this part of the tutorial contains separate information on thediscussions and other classes This tutorial can be seen as a summary of thecontent of the discussions and video classesPlease note that the feedback and information provided in this tutorialmodel answers to the assignment or for the examination Instead it contains frameworks orindications of the content that your answers could exist It is your own responsibilityduring your preparation for the examination additional information examples from the textsexplanations motivations and interpretations to develop and update the information in thistutorial as a starting point

Vraag 11Maak seker dat jy die konsepte genderkwessies en ekologiese kwessies kan definieer in jou eie woordeen voorbeelde daarvan uit die teks kan identifiseer(a) GenderkwessiesMoontlike definisie Die problematiek rondom die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike karakters

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 11: Exam Guide Lines

(mense) Oorsprong is dat die identiteit van die manvrou bepaal word deur die kultuur samelewing engeskiedenis wat hulle gevorm hetEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Dat Tandjies nie glo dat n ldquowyfiehaasrdquo (bl 34 van n Haas moet doenwat n haas moet doen) hulle sal kan help nie en dat Jacqueline net die heeltyd vir haar weerkaatsing wil kyk dus obsessief is oor haar voorkoms en om aandag te trek Dit is tipies van n stereotipiesechauvinistiese manlike en stereotipiese ydele vroulike karakter Dink nou self aan nog voorbeelde

question 11Make sure you can define the concepts of gender issues and ecological issues in your own wordsand identify examples from the text(a) Gender IssuesPossible definition The problem of the differences between male and female characters(people) Origin is that the identity of the man woman determined by the culture society andhistory that they have formedSome possible examples That teeth not believe a female rabbit (p 34 to do a Haasa hurry to do) they will be able to help and Jacqueline just reflection to look for her all the time so obsessive about her appearance to attract attention This is typical of a stereotypicalchauvinistic male and stereotypical vain female character Now think themselves to more examples

(b) Ekologiese kwessieMoontlike definisie Probleemkwessies wat sentreer rondom die natuur of ldquogroenrdquo-kwessiesProbleemkwessies rondom die mens se interaksie met die natuurEnkele moontlike voorbeelde Verwys na bladsy 208 in die studiegidsLet wel Daar is by hierdie vraag punte verloor omdat studente nie die ekologiese probleem benoemsowel as n voorbeeld van die kwessieprobleem soos dit in die teks voorkom nie BvProbleemkwessie Die gebruik van diere in wetenskaplike eksperimente en Voorbeeld uit die teksPieter wil Gerda (as haas) vir sy biologieprojek opkook (bl 15 van ʼn Haas moet doen wat ʼn haas moetdoen)

(b) Ecological issuePossible definition Problem Issues that revolve around the natural or green issuesProblem Issues surrounding the mans interaction with natureSome possible examples Refer to page 208 in the study guideNote There are points lost this question because students nominated ecological problemas well as an example of the issue problem as it occurs in the text EgProblem Issue The use of animals in scientific experiments and example from the textPeter wants Gerda (rabbit) the his biology project rises (p 15 of a Haas must do a rushdo)

EKSAMENWENK 1 Fokus spesifiek op hoe genderkwessies as aktualiteitvoorgestel word in Koning-Koning Kriek se koninkryk1048617 Jy moet met ander woorde genderkwessies kan definieer en ook voldoende enrelevante voorbeelde uit die teks kan noem wat hierdie kwessies illustreer Letwel Die vraag behels nie dat jy ʼn beskrywing van Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk moet gee nie maar die fokus van die antwoord moet op diegenderkwessies wees

EXAM TIP 1 Focus specifically on how gender issues as relevanceproposed in King King Crickets kingdomIn other words 1048617 You must define gender issues and adequatelyrelevant examples from the text mentions that illustrate these issues Note

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 12: Exam Guide Lines

Note The question does not involve you a description of King King Cricketskingdom but the focus of the answergender issuesVraag 12Dit is belangrik om in die eerste plek die vereiste wat Steenberg stel vir die slot van die teks (in termevan kinderliteratuur) te definieer Gaan lees weer die artikel ldquoKinderboeke ndash is dit literatuurrdquo in jouleesbundel Wat kan jy uit die artikel aflei in terme van die slot van n kinderboekMoontlike afleidings oor die slot van die kinderverhaal1048617 Die hoofkarakter moet groei tot positiewe insig of n boosheid of swakheid oorwin1048617 Die boosheidswakheid kan innerlik met ander woorde deel van die karakter se karakter weesof dit kan uiterlik wees met ander woorde deel van die omgewing of werklikheid waarin diekarakter homhaar bevind1048617 Dit kom daarop neer dat die verhaal n gelukkige einde moet hecirc en ook nie n einde waarinon opgelosde kwessies bly hang nie

question 12It is important in the first place the required Steenberg set for the conclusion of the text (in termsof childrens literature) to define Go read the article Childrens books - is it literature In yourreader What can you conclude from the article in terms of the lock of a childrens bookPossible conclusions about the conclusion of the childrens story1048617 The main character growth to positive insight or conquer an evil or weakness1048617 The evil inner weaknesses in other words part of the characters characteror it may be outwardly in other words part of the environment or the fact that thecharacter him her findings1048617 It comes down to the story to have a happy end and not an end in which on dissolved issues lingerUndo edits

EKSAMENWENK 2 Eerstens is dit belangrik om n deeglike en deurdagteuiteensettingdefinisie van Steenberg se vereistes vir die slot van n kinderverhaal tekan gee Tweedens moet die komponente van hierdie uiteensettingdefinisie toegeligword met relevante voorbeelde uit die slot van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen Soek self voorbeelde in hierdie verband en laat die puntetoekenning van dievraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde om te noem Wanneer dievraag byvoorbeeld 10 punte tel sal 2 punte toegeken word vir die definisie van dievereistes vir die slot en 8 punte vir die voorbeelde uit die teks Dit impliseer dat jy in son geval 8 voorbeelde uit die teks kortliks moet noem om jou 8 punte te kan verdienWees ook spesifiek in die voorbeelde wat jy noem en secirc watter deel van jou definisiedeur watter voorbeeld geiumlllustreer wordEnkele moontlike voorbeelde1048617 Die verhaal het n gelukkige einde want die probleme tussen die diere en die mense word opgelos

EXAM TIP 2 Firstly it is important to have a thorough and thoughtfulexposition definition of Steenbergs requirements for the conclusion of a childrens storycan give Second the components of this explanation definition highlightedwith relevant examples from the conclusion of a Haas must do a rushdo Look for examples in this regard and let the weighting of thequestion for you an indication of how many examples to mention when thedemand for example 10 points 2 points will be awarded for the definition of therequirements of the lock and 8 points for the examples from the text This implies that you soa case 8 examples from the text should mention briefly you can earn 8 pointsBe specific in the examples you mention and say what part of your definitionillustrated by what exampleSome possible examples1048617 The story has a happy ending because the problems be resolved between the animals and the people

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 13: Exam Guide Lines

1048617Gerda het aan die begin van die verhaal baie vaal (en bang) gevoel maarhierdie ldquoswakheidrdquo word oorwin wanneer sy gekies word om die diere te help endan ook dit in dapperheid doen1048617Soek nou self nog soortgelyke voorbeelde met ander woorde vra jouself afldquoWat maak van hierdie slot n gelukkige slot waarin die goeie bo die slegtetriomfeer en alle kwessies opgelos wordrdquo

1048617 Gerda at the beginning of the story very dull (and fear) sense butweakness is overcome when she chose to help the animals andalso in bravery1048617 Search now self-similar examples in other words ask yourselfWhat makes this lock a happy conclusion in which the good over the badtriumph and all issues are resolved

Vraag 13Maak seker dat jy aan al drie die komponente wat gevra word aandag gee in jou antwoord Dit isbelangrik om in die eerste plek n duidelike definisie te kan gee vir die konsepte van primecircrewerklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid Gaan lees in hierdie verband weer die verduideliking op bladsy206 in jou studiegids Formuleer dan jou eie verduideliking van die twee konsepte Tweedens moetdaar in die bespreking van Gerda as fantasiekarakter en Moya en ook ander karakters asfantasiekarakters deurgaans gebruik gemaak word van die terme primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircrewerklikheid Dit wat met Gerda gebeur en hoe sy met ander diere en mense interaksie het kan verdeelword in haar mens-werklikheid (= primecircre werklikheid) en haar haas-werklikheid (= sekondecircrewerklikheid) Dit is binne die sekondecircre werklikheid wat ons fantasie-elemente aantref1048617Soek nou self voorbeelde van fantasie-elemente in die verhaal in terme van Gerda se karakterhaar avonture Moya se karakter ander fantasiekarakters Wenk Laat weereens diepuntetoekenning van die vraag vir jou n aanduiding wees van hoeveel voorbeelde jy moet noem

Question 13Make sure you have all three components to be asked to pay attention in your answer it isimportant in the first place can give a clear definition of the concepts of primaryreality and secondary reality Go read the explanation in this regard on page206 in your study guide Formulate your own explanation of the two concepts Secondlyin the discussion of Gerda as a fantasy character and Moya and other charactersfantasy characters used throughout reality of the terms primary and secondaryreality It with Gerda happened and how she interact with other animals and people dividedin her human reality (= primary reality) and her hurry reality (= secondaryreality) It is within the secondary reality that we find fantasy elements1048617 Search self examples of fantasy elements in the story in terms of Gerdas characterher adventures Moyas character other fantasy characters Tip Late againweighting of the question for you an indication of how many examples you need to call

EKSAMENWENK 3 Wanneer enige fantasiekarakterfantasiekarakters wat in n Haasmoet doen wat n haas moet doen voorkom bespreek moet wordMaak die rol wat die primecircre werklikheid en sekondecircre werklikheid speel in dieuitbeelding van die fantasiekarakter deel van jou besprekingEen voorbeeld hiervan isGerda se karakter Sy beweeg van die primecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-mens) nadie sekondecircre werklikheid (as Gerda-haas die fantasiekarakter) en weerterug na die primecircre werklikheid in die slotDie sekondecircre werklikheid is die fantasieruimte gaan dink nou self na oor wat in die

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 14: Exam Guide Lines

verhaal fantasie is en wat nie Watter karakters is fantasiekarakters Hoekom secirc jy soDit wat nie fantasie is nie behoort tot die alledaagse gewone (primecircre) werklikheid nrealistiese lewe soos dieacute van Gerda as mens Dit wat wel fantasie is behoort tot diesekondecircre werklikheid en staan buite die realiteit Hierin is die onmoontlike moontlikkan diere praat het hulle menslike eienskappe kan hulle planne beraam het hulle elkhulle eie persoonlikheid kan hulle in n taal

EXAM TIP 3 When any fantasy character fantasy characters a Haremust prevent a hurry to do should be discussedThe role of the primary reality and secondary reality in thedepiction of the fantasy character of your bookingOne example isbull Gerdas character She moves from the primary reality (as Gerda-man) tothe secondary real (as Gerda rush the fantasy character) andback to the primary reality in the slotThe secondary reality the fantasy space itself to think about what thetale fantasy and what is not Which characters are fantasy characters Why do you say thatThis is not fantasy should to everyday ordinary (primary) reality arealistic life like Gerda man It does fantasy belonging to thesecondary reality and stand outside reality Here the impossible is possibleanimals can talk they have human qualities their plans they eachtheir own personality they can in a language

EKSAMENTOELIGTINGDEEL 4 VAN DIE VRAESTEL MAG IN AFRIKAANS OF ENGELS BEANWOORDWORDPART 4 OF THE EXAM PAPER MAY BE ANSWERED IN AFRIKAANS ORENGLISHBeantwoord Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2Answer Question 1 OR Question 2VRAAG 111 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 11 (a) van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neemkennis van Eksamenwenk 1 (hierbo)

11 Haas should do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 11 (a) Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 1 (above)

(b) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die vergelyking van Koning-koning Kriek se fantasiekoninkrykmet ʼn politieke bestel in die primecircre werklikheid1048617Om vraag 11 (b) te kan beantwoord gaan dink na oor die volgende Koning-Koning Kriek sekoninkryk bestaan binne die sekondecircre werklikheid Kan dit egter gesecirc word dat sekereelemente en eienskappe van sy koninkryk herinner aan ʼn koninkrykregering wat ons in dieprimecircre werklikheid kry Gaan lees op bladsy 208 van die studiegids oor die vergelyking vandie fantasie-koninkryk in die boek met die politiek in die primecircre werklikheid Maak seker datjy jou antwoord kan staaf met voorbeelde uit die teks

(b) This question carries 4 marks and trade about comparing King King Crickets fantasy kingdoma political system in the primary reality1048617 To question 11 (b) to answer consider the following King King Cricketskingdom exists within the secondary reality Can it be said that someelements and attributes of his kingdom reminiscent of a kingdom government that weprimary reality Read on page 208 of the study guide on the comparison ofthe fantasy kingdom in the book with the reality of politics in the primary Make sure thatyou can substantiate your answer with examples from the text

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 15: Exam Guide Lines

12 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen ndash Martie Preller(a) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en is soortgelyk aan Vraag 12 van Werkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Neem ookhier kennis van Eksamenwenk 2 (hierbo)(b) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en handel oor fantasie-elemente in n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen1048617Deel 1 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan dink na oor watter mens-karakters in die boek dieretaal kan verstaan Karakters soos diepresident Moya Helena en Matolo Watter eienskappe het hierdie karakters wat hulle in staat stelom dieretaal te kan praatWenk Gaan lees in jou studiegids op bladsy 205

12 A Haas do a hurry to do - Martie Preller(a) This question carries 10 marks and is similar to Question 12 Assignment 02 Part 4 takeknowledge of Exam Tip 2 (above)(b) This question worth 6 points and deals with fantasy elements in a Haas should do a rushdo1048617 Part 1 of the question carries 2 marksGo think about what human-animal characters in the book to understand language Characters like thepresident Moya Helena and Matolo What characteristics do these characters that enable themanimal language to speakTip Go read your study guide on page 205

1048617Deel 2 van die vraag tel 2 punteGaan lees weer die laaste 10 bladsye van n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doen Gaan dinkoor die volgende Kan Gerda steeds begryp wat diere soos Koning-koning Kriek en Kerneels aanhaar wil kommunikeer nadat sy weer n mens-karakter geword het Hoe is dit moontlik Is dit dalkdie geval dat sy kan begryp wat die diere wil secirc al kan sy nie meer hulle taal verstaan nie omdat syuit haar ervaringe (as haas) geleer het en haar insig haar nou in staat stel om te weet wat diebehoeftes van diere is1048617Deel 3 van die vraag tel 2 punteWanneer Gerda aan die begin van die verhaal in ʼn haas verander herken en verstaan haar ouershaar nie wanneer sy met hulle probeer kommunikeer nie Aan die einde van die verhaal verstaanhulle haar egter terwyl sy nog ʼn haas is en dieretaal praat Watter redes kan jy aanvoer vir hierdieverandering wat plaasgevind het Dui dit dalk iets aan van die ontwikkeling wat daar ook by Gerdase ouers plaasgevind het Het hulle ook tot sekere insigte gekom of geleer om te glo in dit watonwaarskynlik mag lyk Wat dink jy

1048617 Part 2 of the question carries 2 marksGo read the last 10 pages of a bunny to do a hurry to do thinkabout the following Can Gerda still understand that animals like King King Cricket and Kerneelsto communicate after she became a human character How is this possible Is itthe case that she can understand what the animal is if she can not understand their language because shefrom her experiences (almost) taught her insight enables her now to know that theneeds of animals1048617 Part 3 of the question is worth 2 pointsWhen Gerda at the beginning of the story changed in a hurry recognize and understand her parents

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations

Page 16: Exam Guide Lines

her when she tried to communicate with them At the end of the story understandHowever her while she was still talking a hurry and animal language What reasons can you give for thischange that occurred It might indicate something of the development which also Gerdas parents place They also came to certain insights or taught to believe in itmay seem unlikely What do you think

13 n Haas moet doen wat n haas moet doena) Hierdie vraag tel 6 punte en is soortgelyk aan een van die onderafdelings van Vraag 13 vanWerkopdrag 02 Deel 4 Maak seker dat jy n deeglike definisieuiteensetting kan gee van die termeprimecircre werklikheid (3 punte) en sekondecircre werklikheid (3 punte)b) Hierdie vraag tel 10 punte en behels dat jy drie karakters uit n Haas moet doen wat n haas moetdoen moet kan bespreek as fantasiekarakters Verwys terug na Eksamenwenk 3 (hierbo) Fokusveral in jou voorbereiding op karakters soos Andries en Yvonne (5 punte) en Tandjies (5 punte)Lees die vraag in die eksamen met aandag en maak seker dat jy die karakters bespreek wat gevraword

13 A Haas to do a rush to doa) This question worth 6 points and is similar to one of the subdivisions of Question 13Assignment 02 Part 4 Make sure you have a thorough definition explanation of the termsprimary reality (3 points) and secondary reality (3 points)b) This question carries 10 marks and involves three characters out a Haas should do a rushdo can discuss fantasy characters Refer to Exam Tip 3 (above) focusespecially in your preparation for characters like Andrew and Yvonne (5 points) and teeth (5 points)Read the question in the exam carefully and make sure you discuss the characters required

c) Hierdie vraag tel 4 punte en handel oor die karakter Moya Gaan dink na oor die volgende KanMoya gesien word as ʼn karakter wat bestaan binne die primecircre werklikheid of die sekondecircrewerklikheid Hoekom secirc jy so Wat maak van haar ʼn fantasiekarakter Is sy ook deel van dieprimecircre werklikheid Noem voorbeelde uit die teks om jou bewerings te staaf

c) This question carries 4 marks and trade on the character Moya Consider the following CanMoya seen as a character that exists within the primary reality of the secondaryreality Why do you say that What makes her a fantasy character She is also part of theprimary reality Give examples from the text to support your allegations