Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2013 NIVEL POST-INTERMEDIO Candidate’s Name ..............................................

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Universidad Nacional de La Pampa -

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas

Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras

Examen de Acreditación de

Niveles de Lengua Inglesa

Año 2013


Candidate’s Name ..............................................

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Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas- SEREX Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2013

Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

Nivel: POST-INTERMEDIO Paper: READING (90 min)

A. Read the following text.


A. When the Road is Wet

On wet roads, drivers should double the recommended distance

between their car and the one in front, allowing two car lengths for every 10 mph. They should reduce their speed and steer with a

gentle touch. However, they should at the same time grip the wheel firmly enough to resist the steering deflection that may

occur when the front wheels, travelling at speed, hit a pool of water. These pools are often not easy to detect when the road

surface is shiny with rain.

Modern tyres are designed to keep their grip on the road surface by squeezing water on the road out of their path, but at high

speeds there is not always time for the water to escape. A car travelling at 60 mph on a quarter of an inch of water may lose

practically all adhesion as the tyre aquaplanes along the road on a cushion of water. Worn tyres lose their grip at lower speeds on a

thinner water film.

B. When the Road is Flooded

Drivers should not attempt to drive through a flooded stretch of road if there is a danger that the engine, especially the ignition

system, will be under water. Drivers should get out and check on foot, or

wait until a bus or lorry goes through the water and indicates the depth. If a

crossing seems possible, take the crown of the road, and enter the water

carefully to avoid a splash. Maintain a steady speed, not so fast that the

water surges through the radiator grill, but fast enough to create a slight

bow wave which will reduce the depth of water in front of the engine and help to keep the fan clear. Keep

the engine revving hard to prevent water entering the exhaust


C. When the Road is Icy

When ice makes road adhesion minimal, drivers should brake,

steer, accelerate and change gear with an extremely delicate touch. Most skids start when wheels lock or spin, and so drivers

need to be careful with acceleration as well as braking. Double or even treble the distance from the vehicle in front, and use high

gear to lessen the chances of wheel spin and skids. As much weight as possible should be kept directly over the wheels, and

any passengers should sit in the back. If driving alone, weights such as bags of sand should be put on the back floor o f front-

engined cars, and in the front luggage compartment of rear -engined cars.

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DNI ………………………………………………

D. When the Road is Snow-Covered

To climb a hill in deep snow, gain as much speed as possible before

the slope and avoid over-revving during the ascent, even if it means letting the engine over-work. If a gear change-down becomes essential, make it quickly to keep up forward movement. When you go down a snow-covered hill, use a lower gear to make use of

engine-braking rather than the wheel brakes, which may lock and slide. If a slide does occur, release the brakes at once, steer a

straight course, and then apply gentle braking by dabbing at the pedal. Try to avoid climbing a snow-bound hill if there is already a

vehicle on it, because of the danger of collision if the other drive r

loses control.

E. In Falling Snow

When there is thick falling snow, drivers should use headlights and

anything else which will help them to see and be seen. Drivers should stop occasionally to clean away the build-up of snow at the

limits of the windscreen wipers' travel, and clear the back windows, wing mirrors and lights at the same time. It is a good

idea to carry a plastic or rubber-bladed scraper in the car for this purpose. Keep the de-froster working and, if necessary, open a

window to cut down interior misting. The road surface quickly becomes slippery as snow falls, so the driver should accelerate,

steer and brake gently and allow extra braking distance.

1. Answer by matching each question with a paragraph, according to what

you read. Circle the correct option (A to E). The first one is given as an


A- when the road is wet

B- when the road is flooded

C- when the road is icy

D- when the road is snow-covered

E- in falling snow

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Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas- SEREX Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2013

Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

When should a driver ...

0. avoid worn tyres?

1. ask his passenger to sit in the back of the car?

2. be most careful steering?

3. definitely keep his headlights on?

4. drive in the middle of the road?

5. go as fast as the conditions will allow him?

6. grip the wheel quite firmly?

7. not drive on if there is another vehicle in front of him?

8. open a window?

9. use his engine to help him break?

10. wait for a larger vehicle to overtake him?

B. Read the following text and complete the exercises below.

1- _________________________________________________

When e-mail first came into general use about fifteen years ago, there was a lot of talk about the imminent arrival of the paperless office. However, it seems that e-mail has yet to revolutionise office communication. According to communications analyst Richard Metcalf, some offices have actually seen an increase in paper as a result of e-mail. ‘Information in the form of e-mail messages now floods our computer screens. These messages can be sent so quickly that memos tend to be distributed in the hundreds. For those secretaries whose bosses ask them to print out all their e-mails and leave them in their in-trays, this means using up a great deal of paper every month.’

2- __________________________________________________

Metcalf has found that because e-mails have a tendency to get lost in cyberspace, PAs are increasingly likely to be asked by clients and colleagues to send all important documents both by e-mail and by fax or snail mail - through the post. ‘This highlights a further potential problem with e-mail in today’s office – it is taking up time rather than saving it.’

3- _________________________________________________

With e-mail, communication is much easier, but there is also more room for misunderstandings, says psychologist Dr. David Lewis. Generally, much less care is taken with e-mails than with letters or faxes where the sender will probably print the document and reread it before putting it in an envelope or on to the fax machine. ‘The nature of the medium means that e- mails are frequently poorly and hastily composed and consequently often

0- A. B. C. D. E

1- A. B. C. D. E

2- A. B. C. D. E

3- A. B. C. D. E

4- A. B. C. D. E

5- A. B. C. D. E

6- A. B. C. D. E

7- A. B. C. D. E

8- A. B. C. D. E

9- A. B. C. D. E

10-A. B. C. D. E

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

unclear. It’s little wonder that there are so many misunderstandings. It is a problem which people need to be particularly aware of when using e-mail.’


More worrying still is the increasing misuse of e-mail for sending ‘flame-mail’ – abusive or inappropriate e-mail messages. Recent research in several companies suggests that aggressive communications like these are on the increase. E-mail has become the perfect medium for letting out workplace frustration because it is so instant.


E-mail can be problematic in other ways. Staff all too often make the mistake of thinking that the contents of an e-mail, like things said over the phone, are private and not permanent. But it is not only possible for an employer to read all your e-mails, it is also perfectly legal. E-mail messages can be traced back to their origin for a period of at least two years, so you might want to rethink e-mailing colleagues your frustrations about your job. The advice is to keep personal e-mails out of the office.


It goes without saying that e-mail exists to make life easier and if used correctly is an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes. But perhaps, for the time being, the fact that in the business world 70% of all documents are still in paper form is not such a bad thing after all.

1. Choose from the list below the titles for each paragraph. (There are two (2) extra titles

you do not need to use) i. E-mails everywhere

ii. Evidence is there

iii. Fast and careless

iv. No revolution yet

v. Paper is safer in business

vi. Send it in paper, please

vii. Too angry

viii. What’s private is private

2. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, according to the text you

read. Correct the false ones.

a. The use of paper has been reduced in some offices now, as e-mail messages flood

computer screens. _________


b. Anything that is important for business needs to be sent more than once. _________


c. The problem is that people can’t understand messages sent by e-mail, says psychologist

David Lewis. _________


d. More and more often, people write e-mails to insult others when they are angry.



e. E-mail messages are like phone conversations: private and not permanent. _________


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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

f. E-mail is a very important tool for businesses, and so the majority of documents now

are in digital form. _________


3. Choose from the options below, a suitable explanation for the meaning of the

highlighted words in these phrases extracted from the reading.

a. Information in the form of e-mail messages now floods our computer screens.

i. fills with water

ii. appears in large numbers

iii. blocks

b. … that memos tend to be distributed in the hundreds.

i. memories

ii. reminders

iii. (official) notes

c. … leave them in their in-trays, …

i. a container on your desk for letters to be read

ii. a file in the computer

iii. a notebook

d. PAs are increasingly likely to be asked by clients and colleagues to…

i. Public Attention

ii. Personal Assistant

iii. Press Association

e. …are frequently poorly and hastily composed…

i. in a hurry

ii. without attention

iii. badly

f. … misuse of e-mail for sending ‘flame-mail’…

i. angry or insulting message

ii. romantic and loving message

iii. spam message

g. … messages can be traced back to their origins…

i. tracked

ii. given confidence

iii. written in a special way

h. … is an invaluable tool for business

i. extremely useful

ii. without importance

iii. very expensive

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………


(1h 15m)

1. Read the text and then select the correct answer (a, b, c or d) from the options below.

There is an example at the beginning.

(0) a. of b. to c. by d. in

I have always been nervous (0) ____ flying, (1)____ I realise that

statistics show it is one of the (2) ____ ways of travelling. If I can

take the train, or better still drive, then I (3) ____ prefer to do so.

When it comes to long (4) ____, however, flying is usually

unavoidable. I was recently booked on a transatlantic flight, but on

my way to the airport I was held (5) ____ by heavy traffic on the

motorway. As a result, when I eventually got (6) ____ the airport, I

discovered that I had (7) ____ my flight. At first I was really worried

that I would not be able to catch another one, but as I (8) ____ an

‘open ticket’ I was simply booked onto the next available flight. I

settled down to wait in the departure lounge and then heard an

announcement that a flight (the one which I had missed, in fact)

would shortly be landing. Although (9) ____ was no danger, the pilot

was experiencing engine trouble and so had decided to return. You

can imagine my feelings of relief that I had not been on board. In the

event, everyone was (10) ____ to a new plane, and so I finally ended

up travelling on the flight which I originally should have been on –

but had fortunately missed!

(1) a. so

b. because

c. however

d. although

(3) a. much

b. most

c. well

d. very

(5) a. to

b. down

c. up

d. in

(2) a. safer

b. safest

c. safe

d. most safe

(4) a. flying

b. travel

c. journeys

d. trip

(6) a. to

b. in

c. at

d. off

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

(7) a. lost

b. missed

c. booked

d. left

(9) a. it

b. he

c. then

d. there

(8) a. had

b. have

c. was having

d. have had

(10) a. put

b. transferred

c. changed

d. driven

2. In most lines in the text below, there is one unnecessary word. It is

either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the

text. Write the extra word in the space at the end of each line. If there is

no unnecessary word, put a tick ().

It seems unfashionable these days to admit to be enjoying l iving (00) __be__

in a city. By all accounts, c ities are dirty, polluted, over -crowded, (0) ____

unfriendly, crime -ridden places. Who, if given a choice, would (1) ____ _

rather l ive in a city than in the country? Well I , for one, would. (2) ____ _

In the first place, cit ies are never excit ing places, especial ly at (3) ____ _

night. Samuel Johnson is said, ‘ If you are tired of London, (4) ____ _

you are t ired of l ife’ . This is true. But not only of London. (5) _____

The same has applies to any big city. In c ities there is always (6) _____

something to do, something for to see. (7) _____

Then there is the convenience of l iving in a c ity. If you do want (8) _____

to go shopping or go out for the evening, it couldn’t have be (9)_____

easier. The shops, c inemas, theatres, and restaurants are al l (10) _____

on your doorstep.

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

3. In the text below, use the word given in capitals at the end of the line to

form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example

at the beginning.












4. Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD

GIVEN. You must use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given.


0. Harry isn’t here. He went to lunch some minutes ago.


Harry isn’t here. He __ is gone for________ lunch.

1. This is the first time I have ever drunk rum.


I _______________________ rum before.

A new report from the American Heart Association says (0)

_fitness_ levels in children are lower today than they were 30

years ago. The (1)_______ looked at data from the past 46

years. The research team found that on average, today's

children run one kilometre about one minute (2)_____ than

their parents did three decades ago. One of the (3) _____

reasons for the slowdown in children's running (4) __________

is obesity. Kids are overweight because they are eating too

much and not exercising enough.

The researchers say their report is (5)___________. If children

are becoming fatter and less fit, they will be (6)___________

in the future. Lead researcher Dr Grant Tomkinson said: "If a

young person is generally unfit now, then they are more

(7)__________ to develop conditions like heart disease later in

life. We need to help to inspire children and (8)___________

to develop fitness habits that will keep them healthy now and

into the future. They need to (9)_________ a range of physical

activities they like and they need to get moving. Young people

can be fit in different ways. They can be strong like a

weightlifter, or flexible like a gymnast, or skilful like a tennis

(10) _________."

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Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas- SEREX Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2013

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DNI ………………………………………………

2. The bank closed before I arrived.


When I got to the bank, it _____________________________.

3. I haven’t been swimming for nearly a year.


The _____________________________ was nearly a year ago.

4. I regret not speaking to Marge sooner.


I wish ________________________________ sooner.

5. I walked quietly because I didn’t want to wake the baby.


I walked quietly ______________________ wake the baby.

6. “You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins”, the doctor said.


The doctor advised ___________________________ a new hobby.

7. I could never have passed that exam without your help.


I could never have passed that exam __________________________ me.

8. You use that litt le hammer to crack stones.


This litt le hammer _________________________________.

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………


A. Listen to the following conversation in a clothes shop and choose the

correct option to complete the sentences according to what you hear.

1. The man enters the shop in a hurry and says he is very ____

a) nervous

b) sorry

c) worried

2. When he bought the trousers they were

a) too long

b) too short

c) too small

3. Now, the trousers are

a) just fine

b) too short

c) the right length

4. The man needs the trousers for a wedding

a) tomorrow

b) on Thursday

c) next week

5. The man who took the measures for the trousers

a) is forty two

b) has a problem

c) does not work in the shop any more

6. The woman from the shop

a) gives the man dark socks to wear

b) is happy to change the trousers

c) offers to rent him some trousers

7. When the measurements were taken, the man

a) was standing upright

b) was leaning forward

c) was happy to be standing

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

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8. The woman from the shop

a) offers to rent the man a suit

b) admits it was her mistake

c) took a false measurement

2. Listen to the recording and do the exercises below .

a) Put the following topics in the order

in which they appear in the report

1. drive-thru

2. a frozen mug

3. misleading name

4. root beer float

5. old-fashioned

6. hamburgers and Coca-Cola

b) Say whether the following are true or false and correct the false


1. Root beer is an alcoholic drink .


2. It is very popular in Europe .


3. People in America drink root beer with vanilla ice cream in it .


4. A ‘drive -thru’ means that you eat in your car.


5. In a restaurant specializing in root beer, the mugs where they serve the

drink are taken out of the freezer.


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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

DNI ………………………………………………

Nivel: POST-INTERMEDIO Paper: WRITING (1h 45m)

A. Write a suitable text of 210-240 words on ONE of the following options:

Hay dos “in”

Option 1:

Option 2:

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Candidate’s Name .………...………………………………

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B. Choose ONE of the following options and write a suitable text of 210 -

240 words. Give your texts a title.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3