Fecha/ Recepción Documento Destinatario Contenido 14/FEB/2014 Resolución de SG N° 011-2014-FONDEPES/SG Aprueba el Expediente Técnico de la Obra “Adecuación a la norma sanitaria de la infraestructura pesquera para consumo humano directo de Chimbote, distrito de Chimbote, provincia del Santa, región Áncash”, con un presupuesto de S/. 5’053,792.35 con un plazo de 180 días, a cargo del contratista Miguel Eduardo Carranza Haro 07/MAY/2014 Contrato N° 022-2014- FONDEPES/OGA - Contrato con Consorcio Santa. Fijan como fecha de inicio 09/JUN/2014 y como fecha de término 05/DIC/2014 15/MAY/2014 Contrato N° 025-2014- FONDEPES/OGA Contrato con Consorcio Centauro para la supervisión de la obra ¿? Carta N° 26-2014-RL- Consorcio Santa/Chimbote Contratista sustenta la necesidad de elaborar el Expediente Técnico de Prestaciones Adicionales de Obra N° 02 ¿? Asientos de Obra N° 72, 73, 74, 90 y 92 15/AGO/2014 – 15/AGO/2014 Carta N° 064-2014-RL- CONSORCIO CENTAURO/ CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES FONDEPES (Viladegut) La Supervisión comunica a FONDEPES la necesidad de elaborar el expediente técnico de Prestaciones Adicionales de obra N° 02 de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 207° RLCE (remitiéndose a la Carta N° 26-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote) 21/AGO/2014 Asiento N° 104 del - Se solicita dar trámite al Adicional N° 02 por

Expediente 016-2014

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Expediente sobre caso de proceso disciplinario sancionador FONDEPES

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Page 1: Expediente 016-2014


Documento Destinatario Contenido

14/FEB/2014 Resolución de SG N° 011-2014-FONDEPES/SG

Aprueba el Expediente Técnico de la Obra “Adecuación a la norma sanitaria de la infraestructura pesquera para consumo humano directo de Chimbote, distrito de Chimbote, provincia del Santa, región Áncash”, con un presupuesto de S/. 5’053,792.35 con un plazo de 180 días, a cargo del contratista Miguel Eduardo Carranza Haro

07/MAY/2014 Contrato N° 022-2014-FONDEPES/OGA

- Contrato con Consorcio Santa. Fijan como fecha de inicio 09/JUN/2014 y como fecha de término 05/DIC/2014

15/MAY/2014 Contrato N° 025-2014-FONDEPES/OGA

Contrato con Consorcio Centauro para la supervisión de la obra

¿? Carta N° 26-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote

Contratista sustenta la necesidad de elaborar el Expediente Técnico de Prestaciones Adicionales de Obra N° 02

¿? Asientos de Obra N° 72, 73, 74, 90 y 92

15/AGO/2014 – 15/AGO/2014

Carta N° 064-2014-RL-CONSORCIO CENTAURO/ CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES

FONDEPES (Viladegut)

La Supervisión comunica a FONDEPES la necesidad de elaborar el expediente técnico de Prestaciones Adicionales de obra N° 02 de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 207° RLCE (remitiéndose a la Carta N° 26-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote)

21/AGO/2014 Asiento N° 104 del Cuaderno de Obras

- Se solicita dar trámite al Adicional N° 02 por mayores metrados y por partidas nuevas no consideradas en el expediente técnico

16/SEP/2014 Carta N° 030-2014-RL-CONSORCIO SANTA /CHIMBOTE

Consorcio Centauro

Contratista reitera solicitud de pronunciamiento y/o autorización para la elaboración del expediente de prestaciones adicionales de obra N° 02. Basado en Carta N° 26-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote

16/SEP/2014 – 17/SEP/2014



Supervisión reitera la necesidad de autorización para la elaboración del Expediente Técnico del Adicional N° 02 y el Deductivo Vinculante N° 01. Han pasado 32 días de la Carta N° 26-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote. La demora en ejecución de “Mayores metrados” podría

Page 2: Expediente 016-2014

afectar la ruta crítica de ejecución de la Obra

22/SEP/2014 Carta N° 388-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA (Viladegut)

Consorcio Santa Referencias: Carta N° 088-2014-RL-CONSORCIO CENTAURO/CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES; Carta N° 064-2014-RL-CONSORCIO CENTAURO/CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES

Solicita se realice un expediente técnico del Adicional N° 02 y Deductivo Vinculante N° 02. Lleva sello del área de Obras

10/OCT/2014 Resolución N° 223-2014-FONDEPES/J

- Se aprobó el expediente técnico del Adicional de Obra N° 01 por el monto de S/. 204,338.74 (4.04%)

15/OCT/2014 Carta N° 147-2014-FONDEPES/SG

Consorcio Santa Se hace de conocimiento que por Resolución N° 223-2014-FONDEPES/J se aprobó el expediente técnico del Adicional N° 01 por el monto S/. 204,338.74

07/NOV/2014 Carta N° 036-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote

Consorcio Centauro

Mandan un primer expediente al supervisor de obra.

¿? Carta N° 117-2014-RL-Consorcio Centauro/CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES

Consorcio Santa Observaciones

12/NOV/2014 Carta N° 037-2014-RL-Consorcio Santa/Chimbote

Consorcio Centauro

Subsanan las observaciones que realizó el supervisor de Obra al primer expediente

17/NOV/2014 Informe N° 007-2014-JS-CONSORCIO CENTAURO-CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES


Recomienda se aprueba el Expediente Técnico por prestación de Adicional de Obra N° 02 y el Deductivo Vinculante N° 01

18/NOV/2014 – 18/NOV/2014(F)

Carta N° 121-2014-RL.CONSORCIO CENTAURO/ CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES


Adjunto: Informe N° 007-2014-JS-CONSORCIO CENTAURO-CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES; Expediente Técnico de Prestaciones Adicionales de Obra N° 01

Sugiere que se apruebe el expediente técnico por prestación adicional de obra y deductivo vinculante elaborado por el Contratista, con un valor del Adicional N° 02 S/. 387,269.22 (7.66%) y deductivo vinculante de S/.

Page 3: Expediente 016-2014

19,767.93 (0.39%)

20/NOV/2014 - ¿? Memorando Interno N° 2513-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

AOEM Aliaga Torres: atender 20, atendido 26

24/NOV/2014 – 24/NOV/2014


OPI-PRODUCE Se informa a la OPI-PRODUCE sobre las variaciones al PIP de la obra del asunto, a causa del Adicional N° 02 y del Deductivo Vinculante N° 01, para su registro correspondiente en el banco de proyectos del SNIP

25/NOV/2014 - ¿? Memorando N° 1621-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

OGPP Solicita la modificación y habilitación al PIP de la obra del asunto a fin de obtener certificación presupuestal

26/NOV/2014 - ¿? Cargo N° 1382-2014-FONDEPES/AOEM


26/NOV/2014 Informe N° 088-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA/MFAT

¿Suscrita también por el Coordinador de Obra?

27/NOV/2014 Memorando N° 1648-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

OGAJ ¿Solicita aprobación?

27/NOV/2014 – 27/NOV/2014

Memorando N° 461-2014-FONDEPES/OGAJ

DIGENIPAA (cc. SG) (Del Castillo)

Referencia: Memorando N° 1648-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

Solicita a DIGENIPAA subsanar una serie de objeciones: nota de certificación presupuestal, comunicaciones con Centauro sobre necesidad de expediente técnico, no se ha aprobado el Deductivo Vinculante N° 01

28/NOV/2014 - ¿? Memorando Interno N° 2597-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

AOEM Derivado: 12/DIC/2014?

Aliaga Torres: implementar 1, atendido 12

03/DIC/2014 – 12/DIC/2014


DIGENIPAA (Del Castillo)

Hace suyo: Área de Obras (Raúl Flores Vilca)

Recomienda aprobar el Adicional de Ejecución de Obra n° 02 y Deductivo Vinculante N° 01 y comunicar al Contratista para su ejecución inmediata

10/DIC/2014 Cargo N° 06617-2014-FONDEPES/ALOG

OGPP Solicita certificación presupuestal para la aprobación del Adicional N° 02 y Deductivo Vinculante N° 02 por un monto de S/. 387,269.22

Page 4: Expediente 016-2014

10/DIC/2014 Renuncia de Jorge Lizárraga

11/DIC/2014 Certificación de Crédito Presupuestario N° 3489


11/DIC/2014 – 11/DIC/2014

Nota N° 1991-2014-FONDEPES/OGPP

OGA Referencias: Cargo N° 06617-2014-FONDEPES/ALOG; Ley N° 30114

La ejecución de los gastos en un proyecto de inversión deberá ejecutarse de acuerdo a los componentes del estudio para lo cual fue aprobado. Se recomienda que antes de la ejecución del Adicional N° 02 se gestione ante OPI-PRODUCE el registro en la Ficha de Variaciones

Emite la certificación presupuestal para el pago del Adicional N° 02

12/DIC/2014 – 12/DIC/2014

Memorando N° 1769-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA (Del Castillo)

OGAJ Hace suyo el Informe N° 091-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA/MFAT

Subsana lo señalado en el Memorando N° 461-2014-FONDEPES/OGAJ y solicita se haga un Proyecto de Resolución Jefatural. Manifiesta que el plazo máximo para emitir pronunciamiento venció el 01/DIC/2014

15/DIC/2014 – 15/DIC/2014

Memorando Interno N° 00764-2014-FONDEPES/OGAJ

DIGENIPAA Se devuelve expediente a fin de que DIGENIPAA adjunte la carta por la cual el supervisor del Consorcio Centauro comunica a FONDEPES la necesidad de hacer expediente técnico del Adicional

16/DIC/2014 – 16/DIC/2014

Memorando N° 1817-2014-FONDEPES/DIGENIPAA

OGAJ Remite la Carta N° 064-2014-RL-CONSORCIO CENTAURO/ CP N° 001-2014-FONDEPES que había sido solicitada por OGAJ

17/DIC/2014 – 17/DIC/2014

Informe N° 755-2014-FONDEPES/OGAJ

DIGENIPAA Recomienda aprobar el expediente técnico de la Prestación Adicional N° 02 y el Deductivo Vinculante N° 01. También la ejecución del Adicional N° 02. Disponer que se le ha entrega al Contratista del expediente técnico

Secretaría Técnica debe determinar el deslinde de responsabilidades según el artículo 207° del Reglamento de LSC. Hubo defectos en la tramitación del expediente, materializado en el pronunciamiento extemporáneo de la Entidad

18/DIC/2014 - 18/DIC/2014


SG Referencia: Informe N° 755-2014-FONDEPES/OGAJ

Page 5: Expediente 016-2014

Anexo: Proyecto de Resolución Jefatural

Hace llegar el proyecto de resolución Jefatural recomendado por OGAJ para que se apruebe. También cuenta con el visto bueno de DIGENIPAA

18/DIC/2014 Resolución Jefatural N° 305-2014-FONDEPES/J

- Dispone que la Secretaría Técnica haga las investigaciones pertinentes

19/DIC/2014 Memorando N° 1014-2014-FONDEPES/SG

OGA A cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Resolución Jefatural N° 305-2014-FONDEPES/J, se deben efectuar las acciones para encontrar culpables

26/DIC/2014 - 26/DIC/2014

Memorando Interno N° 644-2014-FONDEPES/OGA

Secretaría Técnica

Efectuar investigaciones correspondientes

Bubblegum (full name Bonnibel Bubblegum, formerly known as Princess Bubblegum, often called PB and on occasion Bonnie, Peebles, P-

Bubs, or other nicknames) is a main character and the most recurring Princess on the series Adventure Time, and first appeared in the animated

short. She is a scientist, inventor, and the former ruler over the Candy Kingdom before she was usurped by the King of Ooo. According to the

events in "Princess Day," during her rule over the kingdom, she was considered a registered princess. 

Bubblegum takes on the physical appearance of being 18 years of age (as of debut, her current biological age is 19). As Finn said to her in "The

Vault," "PB, you're like a bazillion years old! You're not freaking 19, what the heck?!" Her age appearance can change with a loss of candy biomass:

she takes on a 13-year old appearance due to the events of "Mortal Recoil" but returns to the age of 18 due to gaining new biomass in "Too

Young". However, she also states in "Goliad" that she knows that she is not going to live forever, implying that although her life is long, it is limited.


Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum is implied to have formed in the years immediately following the Mushroom War, as a massive, blob-like creature

made of pink gum which first appeared in "Simon & Marcy" having taken root in much of the ruined city. Back then the future Princess Bubblegum

served as an ally for the two survivors, providing them with cover and escape from the mutants that pursued them, and provided Simon with the

soup he wanted for the young Marceline. As shown in the final cutscene of the game Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T

KNOW!, she was created in the gum, and after she emerged, she learned to think, feel and be independent. Her sentient "parents" remained far

beneath the Candy Kingdom, as a massive blob of bubblegum. They were eventually released into Ooo after they were defeated.

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Centuries later she became the ruler of the Candy Kingdom. Though not much else is said about her past, there are some allusions to her relatives

(e.g. Uncle Gumbald, mentioned in "Susan Strong"). It is implied that Finn has saved Princess Bubblegum many times, though she winds up saving

him in the episodes "Dungeon" and "Lady & Peebles," and throughout the series learns to defend herself with science. It also seems that she has

had previous run-ins with Marceline The Vampire Queen (who is one of only two known characters who call her by her real name Bonnibel or

just Bonnie, the other being Flame Princess,) but both of them are now close friends. In the past she created Lemongrab (her first experiment gone

wrong), then sent him away to live a sheltered life inside his own castle. Princess Bubblegum also performs other scientific experiments, which vary

from highly successful to catastrophic.

In the second season's two-part finale, "Mortal Folly" and "Mortal Recoil," she sends Finn and Jake on a quest to stop the Lich from killing everyone

in the Land of Ooo. She gives Finn the Gauntlet of the Hero Billy, as it is the only known weapon that can harm the Lich, and a sweater she made

herself. The Ice King captures Princess Bubblegum and chases after Finn and Jake to get their blessing to marry her, but he accidentally drops the

princess into a pit of green liquid. She is soon melted into a pile of pink-brown candy goo, and is rushed to the hospital.

It is soon revealed that the spirit of the Lich has possessed the princess and eventually warps her into a giant monster that nearly tears apart the

Candy Kingdom. Finn enlists the power of Ice King to immobilize her with his very freezing ice powers. Unfortunately, the frozen princess topples

over and shatters to pieces. The doctors reassemble her but lack all the necessary pieces to put her back together, reducing her age to 13 (the

same age as Finn at the time). According to Adam Muto, her body was composed of only enough reclaimed biomass to be an adolescent, and

therefore she turned into one.

As a 13-year-old, Princess Bubblegum is technically younger than the Earl of Lemongrab and he claims his right to the throne until she turns 18

again. After failed attempts of pranking the Earl until he leaves, Princess Bubblegum is forced to restore herself to her 18-year-old form with the

contribution of biomass (candy) from the Candy People and a hug (and kiss) from Finn. After reverting to her proper age and size in "Too Young,"

she acts as if the events that happened earlier that same day (while she was 13) actually happened five years ago. Oddly, in "The Vault," it is

revealed that Princess Bubblegum existed during the previous life of Finn's incarnation Shoko, who claimed that the princess stated that she was 19

and not 18, apparently lying about her age.

In "Burning Low," Princess Bubblegum reveals that Flame Princess is physically unstable, and she prevents Flame Princess's Elemental

Matrix from causing the end of the world: she guides Jake to block the hole resulting from the kiss between Finn and Flame Princess, thus cutting

off Flame Princess's oxygen supply and stopping the reaction (and nearly suffocating her along with Finn, who had jumped down after her). She

also tells Jake that Flame Princess is unaware that she is the one who locked her away as a baby. 

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During the events of "Lady & Peebles," Princess Bubblegum and Lady Rainicorn track the missing Finn and Jake into an uncharted ice cave, with

the belief that Ice King has captured them. After surviving dangerous encounters within the dungeon's environment, it is revealed that Ricardio set

up the situation to lure Bubblegum into the cave and force her to marry him, tying Lady Rainicorn into a knot and having already poisoned Finn and

Jake with Zanoits. Princess Bubblegum challenges him to a fist fight and defeats him by ripping his newly attached limbs away at their exposed

sinews. She then drags Finn, Jake, and Ice King back to the Candy Kingdom on Lady's back, creating a new heart for Ice King out of "Ricardio's

sinews, toffee and maracas". She is also the first person to learn of Lady Rainicorn's pregnancy (apart from Lady Rainicorn herself).

Princess Bubblegum patches up her rocky relationship with Lemongrab in "You Made Me" by making him a Lemongrab 2, so he will have a friend

who truly understands him. At the end of the episode, the princess bids them a fond farewell and they both invite her to visit anytime, indicating that

the three of them are on good terms. In "All Your Fault," however, she sends Finn and Jake on a mission because the Lemongrab clones have run

out of food. Finn and Jake, upon arriving, find out that the Lemongrabs have been using food to create candy people, because Princess Bubblegum

accidentally left the recipe for making candy people there. Luckily, after Lemonjon turned himself into food after almost destroying the Candy

Kingdom, Princess Bubblegum erased the Candy life formula from their minds.

In the Season 4 finale, she is the first person to realize that Billy is possessed by The Lich, and tries to warn Finn and Jake, yet it is too late.

In "The Suitor," Peppermint Butler tried to find her a suitor which was later chosen to be Braco. Despite of all of Braco's attempts to win her heart,

she does not seem to have developed any emotions for him and she claims that Braco will never be happy with her. However, she created a robotic

clone of herself to be Braco's partner. PB later admitted that she loved Braco in the same ways she loves all candy people but she cannot be put

into a relationship. Throughout the rest of season five she is seen focusing on all of her science projects and isolating herself in her lab.


Aside from her scientific prowess, she has many abilities and talents. She has spoken German in "Frost & Fire," "What Have You Done?," "Go With

Me, "The Vault," and "James," and is capable of understanding Lady Rainicorn, who speaks Korean, suggesting she knows the language. In "What

Was Missing" she manages to successfully play BMO as a high-tech instrument, and in "Dream of Love," she combined her scientific abilities with

her musical talents at her concert. There is a possibility she may be a good whistler as she was shown practicing for a Whistling Choir Death Match

Championship, even though in the scene where you saw and heard her practicing her whistling was no more than unimpressive and off-tune. She is

also an ambidextrous writer as she wrote with her left hand in "Slumber Party Panic," "Goliad," and "What Was Missing"  and her right hand in "Five

Short Graybles," "Burning Low," "The Lich," and "Hot Diggity Doom".

Princess Bubblegum's scientific aptitude is shown in "Slumber Party Panic" where she concocts a potion to reanimate dead Candy People and

"Five Short Graybles" when she creates the "most perfect sandwich" that has ever existed. She also created Lemongrab,

Goliad, Stormo and Lemongrab 2.

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In "Lady & Peebles," she shows her capabilities in fighting when she fought in hand-to-hand combat with Ricardio. She also demonstrated her

strength when she carried an injured Lady Rainicorn, as well as healing and rescuing Finn, Jake, and the Ice King when she brought them to the

Candy Kingdom. It was shown again in "James," where she carried Finn and Jake far away.

She is observant as seen "Sky Witch" as she looked at her environment to figure out where to go and whereMaja most likely hid Hambo.

Her crown and matching earrings are capable of blocking the wearer's mind from the Lich's influence, as she reveals in "Mortal Folly". The gem of

power is also used for the Enchiridion (book) in "The Lich".


Curiously, Princess Bubblegum seems to age differently than other candy people seen in the show. In "Princess Cookie" she is seen in a flashback

visiting an orphanage for candy children. She appears to be the same age as she is now, while Baby Snaps (one of the orphans) had physically

aged since then. Also, in the promo art for "Burning Low," Flame Princess appears to be very young, about 5 years old, while Princess Bubblegum

is standing next to her lamp but still has the same appearance of being 18. It seems that more candy biomass given or taken away can change her

age as seen in "Too Young".

She is depicted as being in her 18-year-old or 19-year-old form 15 years ago in "Earth & Water," suggesting that she has been perpetually 18 for

some time. This might be why the suitors in "The Suitor" had all aged considerably while waiting to court her. She remarks to Ricardio in "Lady and

Peebles" that she knows about building a body from biomass, and a pink, gum-like substance with a face is seen 1,000 years in the past in "Simon

and Marcy". This substance was later revealed in Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! to be her parents: "About a

thousand years ago, I gestated in this sentient pink soup".

In "The Vault," Finn grasps that Princess Bubblegum is "like a bajillion years old" after experiencing a flashback to a past life in the early days of the

Candy Kingdom, where Princess Bubblegum is the same age she is now.

In "Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!," she is given a current age (as of the middle of season 5) of 827, meaning that

every 43.5 years is equal to 1 year in her life.


Princess Bubblegum has a strong sense of morality and participates in politics outside the Candy Kingdom. She is very noble and intelligent,

undoubtedly the most intelligent person in the Land of Ooo.

Princess Bubblegum is a highly cultured and educated ruler with an undying passion for science. In "Slumber Party Panic," she attempts to revive

the dead Candy People, accidentally creating a horde of zombie Candy People instead. In her dedication, she sometimes drives herself to

exhaustion with her experiments such as the perfect sandwich in "Five Short Graybles" and the eponymous character in "Goliad".

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Though ordinarily sweet and good-natured, Princess Bubblegum shows a malicious aspect of her personality whenever she is crossed, as toward

the Duke of Nuts for eating all of the royal pudding and supposedly ruining her appearance. In "Apple Wedding," she was willing to search the King

of Ooo's blimp for evidence to support her (valid) suspicions against him, believing him to be a fraud. When the King of Ooo counters her proof, he

accuses her of snooping. In her rush to silence him, she arrests him, and when the wedding guests unanimously dissent, she arrests all of them as

well, however she releases them within an hour after seeing the love between Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig. Even with her kind disposition, her moral

code is not as strict as Finn's. She sometimes says morbid or inappropriate things, such as when Finn picks up a paralysis poison in "The Other

Tarts," she says, "That's paralyzing potion, Finn! Don't touch it, or it'll paralyze you forever!" and then giggles. Many darker things are briefly shown

in several episodes such as skeletons cuffed to the walls in hidden chambers as shown in "Ricardio the Heart Guy". Another example of such

behavior can be witnessed in "James," as Princess Bubblegum was willing to resort to sabotage and forced sacrifice in order to survive.

Also, in " What Have You Done? ," she displays a non-hesitant willingness to torture Ice King after he infects the Candy Kingdom with a Freezer Burn

flu (in an attempt to woo the Princess) and refuses to assist her in curing them by screaming voluntarily. However, in this case, she does

understand what she was attempting to do was wrong, and cries in stress and guilt when Finn exposes this. In " The Lich ," she is shown randomly

cutting the limbs off of tiny round creatures with scissors and reattaching them in different places when Finn sneaks in, although the creatures show

no pain and seem perfectly happy to be reconfigured.

When she is 13 years old in "Too Young," she exhibits a playful attitude and a willingness to perform pranks with Finn. Just before Princess

Bubblegum is returned to her normal age she mentions that she enjoyed temporarily being 13 because she was free from the responsibilities that

came with being ruler of the Candy Kingdom and that she could act like a kid again. In Princess Bubblegum's own words, being thirteen was

"bloobalooby," while being 18 was "plop-dumps and waggle-sags".

Princess Bubblegum acts noticeably more childlike when she is not in her role as the princess. She dresses and talks more casually when she is

not busy with her work, as seen in "Video Makers" and "What Was Missing". As a princess, she is prim, poised, and straight-laced, but is quite

capable of loosening up and dressing/acting like a regular teenager with her friends. In the episode "Wizard Battle," Princess Bubblegum's kiss (on

the mouth) is the prize of winning the Wizard Battle. When she is being displayed on a blimp as a prize, she appears to be rather cooperative with

the idea and even shows off a bit.

She regularly organizes and attends events and showpieces such as scientific conferences, parties, and talent shows.

After the events in "Mortal Recoil," Princess Bubblegum is afraid of her own mortality, and since then, she has been more of a "mysterious"

character. She worries what would become of the Candy Kingdom if she dies, as pointed out in the episode "Goliad". She considers the possibility

of living forever is not scientifically possible yet so she creates an heir in the form of Goliad. Furthermore, her worry about the fate of t he Candy

Kingdom in the event of her demise has led her to perform questionable acts and become more of a pragmatic character such as consistent

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surveilance on anything that could be a threat. Despite the morally grey actions, they are motivated by her desire to protect, if taken to potentially

paranoia levels. This could be best seen when Flame Princess called her a 'bad person' for her actions and Princess Bubblegum was visibily hurt,

showing that she intended no malicious action.

Princess Bubblegum is also very confident in herself and science, as shown in the episode "Lady & Peebles" when Lady Rainicorn is discussing the

dangers. Princess Bubblegum believes that she cannot lose as long as she has science on her side.

In "Wizards Only, Fools" she also shows disbelief towards magic, labeling it as "scientific principles presented like mystical hoodoo". She also

claims that "All magic is science," and people just do not know what are they doing so they call it magic despite frequent instances of magic actually

existing in the land of Ooo. But even so, she is also shown to use magic frequently like when she made the bread to make the  perfect sandwich in

"Five Short Graybles". She also seems to respect the wizards knowing that she has close relations to the Grand Master Wizard. She even

participated in the Wizard Battle and slapped Finn for ruining the "sanctity of Wizard Battle".

She is shown to be a rational thinker in "Burning Low" where it is revealed she had Flame King lock Flame Princess away so her elemental matrix

would not cause the world to be destroyed. In the episode "Earth & Water," Princess Bubblegum's history with Flame Princess is examined and it is

shown that 15 years before she found an infant Flame Princess wandering through the forest towards the Candy Kingdom and returned her to

Flame King (who had ordered for Flame Princess be abandoned in the wilderness), demanding that he find a way to contain his daughter's power or

she will do so herself.

Also, she is an avid trumpet player, as seen in the episode "Bad Timing".


On the Cartoon Network official website (in 2010), Jake referred to her as "a horrible mutant mix of bubblegum and human DNA". When he

brought up Finn's crush on her, Finn replied, "It's just 'cause of the radiation".

Princess Bubblegum is an avid trumpet player, as seen in "Bad Timing".

Unlike most of the other princesses (Wildberry Princess, Slime Princess, Lumpy Space Princess, etc.) whose qualities precede their titles,

Princess Bubblegum's name is the opposite.

Her original name was Bettie, but Pendleton Ward changed it to Bonnibel because Bettie is his mother's name.

Princess Bubblegum loves pink, as stated in "The Real You".

In "To Cut a Woman's Hair," she reveals that she loves spaghetti. In the same episode she was upset when her spaghetti got knocked on the

ground. She has since been seen eating it in multiple episodes.

As seen in "Mortal Folly," "The Creeps," and "Reign of Gunters," Princess Bubblegum wears earrings but does not appear to have ears.

However, in "All the Little People," little Princess Bubblegum is shown with ears.

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Princess Bubblegum's gender-swapped character is Prince Gumball.

Marceline  was the only person known to call her by her first name, Bonnibel, or Bonnie for short, until she revealed her real name to Flame

Princess in "The Cooler" in an attempt to ease tensions with the ruler of the Fire Kingdom.

Princess Bubblegum has had more outfits than any other character in the show.

Princess Bubblegum seems to be the most active in dealing with royal affairs, as she is seen managing the potluck for princesses in "Princess


In the animated short, the gem in her crown is magenta, but in the series it is turquoise.

In "Video Makers" and "Mortal Folly," she consumes other Candy People. According to Adam Muto, this is to replace lost candy biomass.[ citation needed]

In the episode "Susan Strong," there is a portrait of Princess Bubblegum and an old woman in the top left corner of her room.

She makes a cameo in "Hug Wolf" in the background of the Candy Kingdom chasing after a black or dark gray cat. She was wearing the

same clothes as in "The Real You".

In the episode "Puhoy," Finn named his and Roselinen's daughter after her (Bonnie).

In the German dub of Adventure Time, Princess Bubblegum speaks German and Turkish.

Princess Bubblegum has a very fast bird called Morrow, which she often uses as a form of transportation, as seen in "Death in

Bloom,""Burning Low" and "The Suitor".

Princess Bubblegum knows hand-to-hand combat, as stated in "Lady & Peebles".

Her NPC in the game, FusionFall, appears to be more "human-like".

She can change her age at will by adding and removing candy biomass.

In "Sky Witch" Princess Bubblegum quotes the title of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas's poem "Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night".

Besides English, she also speaks German, as seen in "What Have You Done?," "Go With Me," and "Frost & Fire".

Princess Bubblegum has a go-kart in the Cartoon network app "Formula C Cartoon," which is purchasable with the adventure time pack along

with 7 other tracks and karts of Gunter, Ice King, and Jake.

She states in "Earth & Water" that she likes the taste of envelopes. However, this may have just been to distract the guards.

Princess Bubblegum seems to wear glasses whenever she stays up for long periods of time, as seen in "Goliad" and "The Suitor".

In the video game Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!, Princess Bubblegum said she was 827 years old.

In the game, which was co-written by Pendleton Ward, Princess Bubblegum explains that she was part of the sentient pink goo that

was formed about one thousand years ago, and achieved sentience upon being spat out, with her current form being 827 years old. It is

unclear how much of this story is canon to the cartoon show. The remainder of the pink goo (Princess Bubblegum's "parents") is locked

in the lowest level of the Candy Kingdom's dungeon until it is destroyed as a final boss and floats out in various sentient bubble forms

during the closing credits.

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This is supported by the fact that in the Art of Ooo book, it is stated that Marceline is older than Princess Bubblegum. However, it is

unknown if this is canon.[1]

According to Cartoon Network Latin America, PB has the wish to win the Nobel Chemistry Prize and she gets mad when someone does not

follow her orders.

As of the events of "Hot Diggity Doom," Princess Bubblegum is no longer the ruler of the Candy Kingdom, as she lost the election to the King

of Ooo. It is currently unknown if she'll retake the throne.

However, it is possible that she may. She is still seen as a princess in "Graybles 1000+," which is heavily implied to take place after the

events of "Hot Diggity Doom."

She is technically not a princess anymore.

King of Ooo is a criminal and the current ruler of Candy Kingdom that first appears in "Apple Wedding." He is a controversial figure in Ooo of

debatable power, who travels in a rigid airship, otherwise known as a zeppelin, he calls his "zep" and apparently maintains a website,

"kingofooo.com." He seems to hold a cult-like sway over some inhabitants of Ooo who consider him their proper ruler, though it is unclear if he

actually is a king or just a con artist taking advantage of his "subjects." King of Ooo reappears in "Ocarina" in a wanted poster at the Candy

Kingdom police station and as a golden statue seen in Kim Kil Whan's house. The former suggests he may be a criminal or he may have possibly

been charged with fraud. He appears in person once more in "Gold Stars" tricking Sweet P into helping him rob numerous Candy Kingdom citizens.

In "Hot Diggity Doom," the King has regained his "zep" and his following thanks to help from a mysterious helper who turns out to be  Orgalorg. He

successfully runs against Princess Bubblegum for control of the Candy Kingdom (even getting Sweet P back on his side), winning in part because

she is too preoccupied with the Catalyst Comet to campaign against him. The kingdom then almost immediately descends into chaos as the

Creation Comet arrives. The king immediately realizes this and was saddened when he thought that it was his fault. Toronto consoled him and he

came to the conclusion that it was Princess Bubblegum's fault. He is still ruler of Candy Kingdom as of the end of "The Comet."


The King of Ooo is a tall golden being with thick puffy golden brown hair and a mustache, along with a single mole on his face. He wears a broad-

shouldered brown coat with gold trim and several gold rings, which has a lighter brown pair of pants and button-down shirt beneath it, along with a

crown. He carries a scepter with a winking smiley face on it. According to the Adventure Time crew, he is made of earwax; this is confirmed by the

King as he mentions his "waxy heart" in "Hot Diggity Doom."

Princess Bubblegum

Princess Bubblegum does not accept his authority as a king. Also, she personally dislikes him, even going so far as to break into his blimp to search

it and prove him a fraud and con man. There she finds an expired certificate stating his right as a priest for Tree Trunks's wedding. She tries using

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this as a reason to arrest him, but is proven wrong when the King Of Ooo tells her she probably found it in the old section of his blimp, and pulls out

a new certificate out of his pocket. Princess Bubblegum nevertheless has him arrested and thrown in the Candy Dungeon, along with the other

attendants of the wedding when they protest her poor behavior and refuse to recognize her authority.

Despite Princess Bubblegum's animosity towards him, Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig do apparently recognize him as "the One True King of Ooo," along

with a number of their relatives. He is shown making metaphorical declarations to Mr. Pig's relatives, such as interpreting their imagined "thought-

forms" and granting "one year good luck" to them based on their "visions. In addition to the support of various individuals, the King of Ooo also

works closely with his companion Toronto. In "Gold Stars," they both work together in robbing the people of the Candy Kingdom.

Currently, the King of Ooo has usurped Bubblegum's throne through a "barely yet fully legal" election and is ruler of the Candy Kingdom. He likely

did so as revenge for locking him up in "Apple Wedding".

Personality and traits

Generally, the King of Ooo maintains the appearance of a benevolent ruler. He does this by acting kind and amiable in front of his "subjects."

However, this act is in order to to exploit his followers for his personal use. This is seen in "Apple Wedding" where the King's dubious authority

includes a clause in the wedding vows that would have made Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig his servants for five years.

Because the rulers of the various "kingdoms" in Ooo are princesses, it is probably more accurate to say that Princess Bubblegum (as well as all

other regnant princesses) is the ruler of a principality (The Candy Principality) that in turn would be subject to the sovereign to a king of Ooo.

Principalities (in the real world) can be sovereign, but more often than not the prince or princess of the realm is subject to the King. The fact that

Princess Bubblegum does not recognize his authority likely means she does not recognize Ooo as being a unified Kingdom and views her

principality as sovereign. 

The true nature of the King of Ooo can be clearly seen in "Gold Stars" as he is willing to use Sweet P, an innocent child, for personal gain. In the

episode, the King abducts Sweet P from his school and pretends to be his dance teacher. He then uses the boy to distract random Candy People

so that he can easily steal their valuables. In addition to theft, the King of Ooo was willing to "take care" of Sweet P when the boy discovered that

the King was merely a criminal.


The King of Ooo is also the namesake/mascot of the Tumblr blog for the Adventure Time crew, kingofooo.tumblr.com.

In the storyboard for "The Tower," the King of Ooo's crown appears as one of the objects Finn uses to build his tower.

His exact political power is debatable, as he was imprisoned by Princess Bubblegum who, under normal circumstances, shouldn't have the

authority to do so.

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However, she did appear to do so by force and without warning, and he had no security to help.

He claims to own the sun.

His supposed position and following appear to have elements of a cult. This is reinforced by Tree Trunks devotion to him and his apparent

requirement of working for him as servants for a set number of years in an unknown facility. 

In "Ocarina," a wanted poster for the King of Ooo is seen at the Candy Kingdom Police Station. A statue of the King is later seen at Kim Kil

Whan's home, implying he is a follower of the King of Ooo.

When you go to kingofooo.com, it directs you to Cartoon Network's main page.

As of "Gold Stars" he seems to have lost most, if not all political power he may have had, as he is seen living in a slum with Toronto and

claiming he will make a comeback. This happens in "Hot Diggity Doom" thanks to help from Orgalorg.

As of "Hot Diggity Doom," the King of Ooo has taken control of the Candy Kingdom.

The Catalyst Comet is a massive comet that hits the Earth every 1000 years. It is revealed in "Evergreen" and "Astral Plane" that the comet has hit

the planet repeatedly, always bringing with it some kind of change.

During the time of Urgence Evergreen, the comet appeared green, and it was known that on this occasion its impact would kill even the

Elemental Wizards. Evergreen sought to prevent this catastrophe using a magical crown that he had created to grant its wearer's deepest wish, but

was opposed by his fellow wizards. Evergreen responded by freezing the other Elementals and proceeding with his plan, but apparently met with

failure due to his apprentice Gunther donning the crown and losing his sanity. This comet has horn-like flames, which could be associated with The


Sometime before the rise of human civilization, a yellow incarnation of the catalyst comet appeared and Orgalorg attempted to absorb it and gain its

power. Abraham Lincoln disapproved and asked Grob Gob Glob Grod to intervene. Grob Gob Glob Grod incapacitated Orgalorg before he could

intercept the comet and the latter fell to Earth, where he would later become Gunter.

A blue incarnation of the comet was a past life of Finn. It is not known whether he was one of the previously seen comets or a separate incarnation.

A thousand years before Adventure Time's era, during the Mushroom War, a nuclear bomb detonated and brought destruction and the Lich's

presence to earth. It is unknown if another comet had something to do with this event.

Almost a thousand years after mushroom war, what appeared to be another blue Catalyst Comet came hurtling towards Earth, but was noted by

Grob Gob Glob Grod as being off in its timing as well as on a trajectory towards Mars rather than Earth. It was diverted back to its proper course by

the sacrifice of Grob Gob Glob Grod and was revealed to in fact be a spaceship piloted by Martin.

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Not much time later, the real comet - this time purple in appearance - came towards the earth. Orgalorg, resurging from Gunter, tried once more to

absorb it but Finn slayed him right after he had swallowed it. The comet is revealed to be an old god-like entity, and reveals that Finn is one too. The

comet finally gave Finn the option to either stay on Earth, or go off and possibly become a god. Finn denied this request, and Martin ended up

accepting this favor instead. Both of them disappear. It is still unknown if this comet has brought any change to earth.

The Land of Ooo is the main setting of Adventure Time, and is the home continent of Finn and Jake, along with all of their friends and foes. It is

divided into many different kingdoms, of which the most prominent are the Ice Kingdom, Candy Kingdom, Castle Lemongrab, Wildberry

Kingdom, Lumpy Space, Fire Kingdom, and Cloud Kingdom. There are also many geographical areas not known to be part of any kingdom, such as

the Evil Forest and the Bad Lands.


Frederator Studios released two different official maps of the Land of Ooo along with the original Adventure Time pitch documents: the black-and-

white map and color map, both seen in the gallery below. Of these, the black-and-white one drawn by Ghostshrimp is probably more accurate for

several reasons:

1. Its general shape matches the aerial view of Ooo seen in "Business Time" (see picture in gallery below).

2. A slightly modified version of this map appears on Princess Bubblegum's hologram map in "The Other Tarts."

3. On the black-and-white map, the names of certain places match up with the names used in the show and by its creators, while some of the

names on the color map do not.

"The Haunted Swan".

The two official maps show many locations that have never been mentioned or seen in the show. Nothing is known about them other than what

appears on the maps.

On the color map, a Mystery Temple appears on an island off the east coast of Ooo. It resembles a Mesoamerican pyramid. Also on the color map,

the Fire Kingdom is labeled "Burning Lands" and the Grass Lands are called the "Verdant Plains." An area called "Red Rock Cliffs" might

correspond to Red Rock Pass, and a note indicates that Marceline's cave is located there.

On the black-and-white map, there are many places that have never been seen in the show. To the north of Ooo is the Sea of Something, which

contains a small island chain called the Shiney Isles, which appear to have crystals on them. The warrior known as The Farm hails from this island

chain. On a northern peninsula near the Ice Kingdom are the Unknown Lands. In the comic, this place seems to have a purple hue. A cloud or

island in the northwest corner of the map is called the Cloud Forest, which appears to be covered in clouds with trees on top of them.

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The Sea of Sure Death is off of the southwest coast of Ooo, near the Lost Cliffs. The map shows a dragon in the sea near there. The Isle of

Steam appears off the coast of Ooo next to the Fire Kingdom. Just to the south of it is the mysterious Chicken Blood Cove. The Squid Ink Sea is

to the southeast of Ooo, and features several unidentified islands. In the ocean near there is a Whirlpool of Sharks. The Floating Gems appear to

be diamond-cut isles floating in the sea on the easternmost edge of the Land of Ooo.

The Haunted Swamp is just east of the Grass Lands and north of the Spooky Forest. Strangely, in the hologram map that appears in "The Other

Tarts," it is labeled "The Haunted Swan," though this is likely an error. The Hole Near the Center of the World is, as its name suggests, a hole

near the middle of Ooo.


Ooo exhibits a mix of democracy, dictatorship, feudalism as well as what appears to be despotic monarchy in all of Kingdoms of Ooo except  Fire

Kingdom (an absolute hereditary monarchy), Ice Kingdom (a borderline of despotic or absolute monarchies as depends), and now even the Candy

Kingdom is slowly developing signs of mix of absolute monarchy with several authoritarian elements since the beginning of season 2 until the

season 6 two-part finale when the kingdom held their first election to replace Princess Bubblegum (their current monarch) with King of Ooo. Most

kingdoms are ruled by one or more members of royalty, such as the Ice Kingdom and Fire Kingdom. The Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty shows that

the various rulers of Ooo meet together (except Earl of Lemongrab) for discussions on a regular basis, though the topics are not revealed. A similar

event called Princess Day is also held every year. No republics are known to exist in the Land of Ooo. Dictatorship is only exhibited in "The Silent

King" where Xergiok takes control of the Goblin Kingdom by force, and by the Earl of Lemongrab, after the escape of Lemonhope, who turns the

entirety of the Lemon Earldom into a totalitarian city-state until "Lemonhope Part 2" that is now a constitutional monarchy city-state after both

Lemongrab 1 and Lemongrab 2 exploded and Princess Bubblegum stitched them together to create Lemongrab 3, who took over as ruler of the

earldom of Lemongrab. Party Pat is the chief of the Bears, but they do not display any form of government, except for possibly nomadic tribal

chiefdom as Pete described his group at end of his speech. In the episode "Paper Pete," Mildwin is the democratically elected leader of the Moldos.

In the episode "The Mountain," the Mountain of Matthew seems to be a theocracy with the leader being Matthew, who is actually formed by several

humanoids. The mountain's only guardian is also formed by several humanoids. This guardian acts as a holy guard to the Mountain of Matthew

rather than a normal guard, as other guards are in the rest of the series so far.


Ooo has also not been shown to have an army or any type of military force that protects the land as a whole. Therefore, each kingdom provides its

own military or police force. The most prominent example of this would probably be the Candy Kingdom, which has fortified walls (albeit candy

ones) and the Banana Guards, along with other security forces. On the other end of the spectrum is the City of Thieves, which appears to have no

police force whatsoever, and all of the citizens constantly steal from one another.


One of the primary deities worshiped in Ooo is Grob Gob Glob Grod. The Cosmic Owl apparently is also known as some kind of spiritual entity that

appears in premonition dreams. Ooo seems to have a number of other potentially godlike beings such as Party God and Death.

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In "Video Makers," Shelby wears a clerical collar often worn by Christian priests. In "The Pit," Shelby and his collar reappear, and it is revealed that

Shelby can actually bless objects, imbuing them with a certain degree of holiness. Although it may just be a throw-away joke, this turn of events

seems to suggest Shelby may actually be some sort of priest.

In "Holly Jolly Secrets Part I," many Christmas-themed items appear, but none of the characters show knowledge of the holiday itself (instead of

Christmas, the holiday is called a day for wearing sweaters and watching secret tapes). Natasha Allegri has stated that the picture of a mother and

child in Marceline's house is Mary and baby Jesus. However, there's no direct evidence that Marceline actually holds religious beliefs, and the

significance of the picture has never been addressed by the characters. Since Marceline is over 1000 (and is shown in " I Remember You" as having

lived through the "Mushroom War"), if anyone remembers, it would presumably be her.

In the episode "Marceline's Closet," just before Finn and Jake play Cloud Hunt, Jake mentions a central Buddhist philosophy. When asked what he

is doing, Jake responds with, "Eliminating desire from my heart. It helps pass the time." This is the ultimate goal of the Eight-Fold path and a central

idea behind the four noble truths. Jake has also stated his belief that when he "croaks" his consciousness will become one with everything while

Glob tallies his deeds. This statement is a rough combination of several religious beliefs; that upon dying one's soul becomes part of everything and

that one's deeds in life determine the soul's fate after death.

In the episode "The Vault," the Regression Simulator game on BMO announces that it is the hypno-priest.

In the episode "The Mountain," Lemongrab 3 goes on a seemingly spiritual quest to merge with Matthew, who religiously believes that he could fix

everything though world domination.

Rebecca Sugar has stated that Abraham Lincoln is the equivalent of Jesus in Ooo.


The only currency shown in the series is dollar bills and coins, although some store owners (Choose Goose) prefer barter. The dollar is made in at

least two sizes (regular and giant). The dollar is first shown in "The Enchiridion!" when Finn steals a giant dollar from an Ogre. The dollar is also

seen in "To Cut a Woman's Hair," when Finn pays Simon to play his violin. The dollar probably does not come in tiny size, because then Finn would

have used a tiny dollar to pay Simon. Dollars appear again in the episode "Donny" when Mr. Bank puts himself together. Also, in the episode

"Hitman," the Ice King tries to pay Scorcher not to kill Finn and Jake. Gold and jewels are also used, and even accepted as a form of tax payment in

"Burning Low." In "Be More," an LMO waves a dollar bill while another one rolls a pair of dice.

There is also a penny shown in "Sons of Mars," when Abraham Lincoln tries to use it as payment (and apparently has succeeded before). In

"Guardians of Sunshine" Jake attempts to take one of the game's coins to the real world, but, much to Jake's disappointment, it turned into a penny

when it was removed from the game.

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There are also other coins shown in "Davey" when Finn takes some from a fountain. In the episode "James," James used a coin to fix the radio



English seems to be the primary language in Ooo, though many others seem to be spoken:

Korean : Rainicorns speak and write in Korean; Jake and Princess Bubblegum can understand it, but they speak it infrequently, if at all.

German : In "What Have You Done?," "Frost & Fire," and "Go With Me," Princess Bubblegum spoke a bit of German. Also, in The Adventure

Time Encyclopædia, German is said to be the preferred language ofdemons.

French : As shown in "Incendium," the Flame King speaks some when talking to Jake. Jake sings Alouette, a song sung in French, in "Holly

Jolly Secrets Part II." Also, in "The Real You," when Finn's finger and Jake are in the Apple Classroom, a poster at the back of the room can

be seen, with the month "Avril" (French for April) written on it.

Japanese : In "Marceline's Closet," Jake says a Japanese phrase. Jake also spoke some Japanese in "Return to the Nightosphere." And in

"Gut Grinder," one of the soft people called Jake "kawaii" (meaning "cute"). In the episode "Candy Streets," when Finn and Jake enter the

Pharmacy, on the wall behind Ann are the katakana characters "ファーマシー" (fāmashī) which mean "Pharmacy." In "One Last Job," Jake

stretches his arm into a hole in a log in the wall; it is hollow inside and Jake is shown reaching up to it. When Jake's hand reaches the top of

the inside of the hollow log, he is seen pressing a button with a label above it in which appears to be Japanese text.

Latin : In "Hug Wolf," the book Jake consults to discover what sort of beast Finn turns into after he is hugged by the alpha hug wolf, has its

title in Latin. Also the wizard Bufo, who first appears in "Wizard," takes his name from the Latin word for toad: "bufo." The incantation used to

open a portal to theNightosphere ("Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum") is also pseudo-Latin and is an inversion of the actual Latin phrase,

"Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo" (meaning, "May God be with you, and with your spirit") often used in the Latin Catholic mass. Finn

also speaks Latin while facing off against the Gladiator Ghost in "Morituri Te Salutamus." Similarly, the spell to summon Kee-Oth the Blood

Demon appears to be engraved in pseudo-Latin and reads: "BUTYRUM LAC SUREPO KEE OTH PRADIUM." This translates, albeit

very roughly as, "Buttermilk, syrup, breakfast, Kee Oth."

Spanish : In the episode "The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita," several Spanish words and phrases are spoken, particularly when Island

Lady sings about Ice King hanging around with her. In fact, the phrase "Isla de Señorita" is a Spanish phrase which translates to "Island of

Lady." In "Paper Pete," one of the books Finn runs past as he brings the Moldos to Jake reads "Carne," Spanish for "flesh." On the same

shelf, another book reads "Diccionario de los Muertos," which translates to "Dictionary of the Dead."

Post-apocalyptic setting

Main article: Mushroom War

Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time, has stated both in an interview[1] and in his FAQ page[2] that the Land of Ooo is actually a post-

apocalyptic Earth, the result of a global disaster called the Mushroom War, hence the ruined pieces of modern technology scattered across the


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It is possible that Finn may be the sole human being left in Ooo. It is also possible that the Mushroom War is responsible for killing off all the other

humans, or that they mutated into the current and varied inhabitants of the planet. In "Her Parents," Lady Rainicorn's parents mention that they

wanted to eat Finn because they never thought they would get the chance to eat an actual human, implying they are either extremely rare or extinct.

For more information on Finn as the last human, see the "Status as the last human" section on Finn's article.

In "Simon & Marcy," the Land of Ooo (or at least part of it) used to be a pre-Mushroom War territory or country called the "Wut-Wut State" as shown

on a food truck's registration plate.


While Pendleton Ward says the Land of Ooo is a continent, Adam Muto says it is the size of a smallish island nation.  The maps lend more

evidence to the latter.

The map of Ooo vaguely resembles an eagle or phoenix.

On the Cartoon Network advertisement for "Adventure Travel," the Land of Ooo is shown as a rolling plain rather than a continent.

In The Adventure Time Encyclopædia, the Land of Ooo is shown on the first page and Jake added some more landmarks.

The episode begins with a game screen, which is shown to be played by T.V. on a computer at Lady Rainicorn's house. Lady Rainicorn is worried

about T.V's computer gaming addiction, as Jake is seen behind reading a newspaper. Jake consoles Lady Rainicorn's worries and then asks T.V to

get him a chocolate bar. T.V reluctantly agrees and goes out to get it.

While on his way, an old man greets him, but T.V. teleports away and is found near the Candy Kingdom. He goes under the Chocolate Bridge and

pulls out a chocolate bar from underneath. As he pulls it out, he falls in a nearby chocolate puddle. He discovers a diary in the puddle wrapped in a

plastic bag, which he takes and goes out of the bridge.

He sits on the nearby ground and opens the diary to read it. He discovers this diary to be of some unknown person named B.P. The diary appears

to be of a typical person, so he advances to read further.

In the diary, the author writes about her life and other things related to it. T.V. travels around different areas of Ooo while reading this diary. The

diary reveals that the author wore braces, used to write songs which were not too good, or whether she will find a 'cool' guy.

Now, the diary focuses more on guys, but still is based on the life of the author. She reveals that Taffi and Mochi, the schoolmates of the author are

the most popular in the school. She then hints that she is jealous of them both, and takes it too seriously. Now, it then reveals the crush of the

author, who is named Justin. She says that Justin had asked him out on the semi-formal, on which T.V. gets more interested.

The diary now focuses more about Justin and the author. T.V. reaches Lady Rainicorn's house by night, but sits outside and keeps reading the

diary. At this moment, it reveals that the author and her boyfriend had now kissed by now. T.V. then sits on his room's desk, and keeps reading the

diary. The author's birthday was nearing, but she didn't want to celebrate and just scream. Justin had asked the author to meet him at Love Tree

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Point, saying he wanted to give her a present. After some pages, the author says that she should 'tell him', but after the page, it is torn up and T.V.

gets frustrated.

The next morning, Lady Rainicorn was preparing breakfast for her family and asks T.V. to come over and have breakfast with her and Jake. T.V.

says he isn't hungry, grabs an apple, and goes out. T.V. again goes out to the chocolate bridge, saying he has to get into the mind of this kid. He

then starts to role act as if he were B.P. Suddenly, his imagination takes over. He is riding a roller coaster and falls in a chocolate moat. He acts as

B.P in his imagination

After this, Taffy and Mochi come there and start to talk about the CD Mochi has bought. Suddenly, Justin comes from under T.V. and repeats the

same phrase the diary told him, which was to meet at Love Tree Point. T.V. again gets frustrated.

In the house of Lady Rainicorn, Jake and Lady are playing a game of Canasta. When Jake wins the game, he says that Lady is off her game,

saying he has never won a canasta. Lady then says that she is worried about T.V. because spends more time outside. Lady then says to see on

T.V. to which he agrees and goes out. As Jake finds T.V., he sees that his son is in his own imagination, rolling in the puddle. As Jake wakes him

up, T.V. starts to call him as his mom, to which Jake says that he is close enough. T.V. says to Jake that he needs to 'get out of his room.'

Jake notices the diary in T.V.'s hand and snatches it away from him and also starts to read it. He then says since he was so obsessed with it, he

had confused his reality with that of the diary's writer. As he notices the ripped pages, he gets interested in the mystery. T.V. points out the

handwriting had changed right before the ripped off pages. Jake starts to say his theory of the pages and T.V. again goes off to his imagination.

He says that B.P must have got emotionally distraught and stressed, that she got infected by some disease and had to be taken to the hospital.

After that, he says that she must have survived, except her hand was replaced by a crab hand, which would have affected the handwriting. After

this, T.V. continues the story saying that he refused to meet all visitors, which Jake gets confused saying that 'he' didn't meet the visitors. T.V.

continues that he refused to see especially Justin. Justin sent him flowers, but one day they stopped. On the birthday, he decided he was going to

keep his promise and goes to Love Tree Point. To his surprise, he finds Justin making out with Taffy and Mochi.

When T.V. said Love Tree Point, Jake mentions that that's where the people went for making out on previous days. They go to the Love Tree Point,

which was very old and withering away. Jake points out to tree, saying that's how this place got its name. T.V. mentions that Justin had a present

around this place, and says it must be in that tree. They find the present in the tree, which is a music box. They both get emotionally stressed and

start to cry, and Lady Rainicorn is seen seeing them from behind.

The next day, Jake and T.V. make their way to the market to find out who had bought the music box. They went inside one shop, and the shop

owner recognizes the box as one of her own. But she then says that it was a long time ago, and she must have made many boxes since then, so

she doesn't remember its owner. As Jake makes his way out, she suddenly says that she remembers the owner of the box, describing the person

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as a handsome young man. She then says that it was for a girl named Betsy, who ran off to a cave because of the stress she had to endure, never

to be seen again.

The owner tells them in which cave she resides, and they make their way to the cave with the box. In the cave, there was a house. The house

contained many things which suggested that she has practiced medical ability and mastered it. Jake finds a letter named to Justin. They read it

and Betsy says to Justin in it that she had been good after all this stress, and says that she had figured out a cure for her crab hand. It then says

that it would have been never been done between them, and signs off the letter as Nurse Betsy Pound Cake.

Jake and T.V. are then seen seeing Nurse Pound Cake and are happy they have solved the case. T.V. asks Jake about the ripped pages, which

Jake says he had found in the cave, which were mean stuff about Justin. Jake even says that it must be sad for him.

Jake then says they should find Justin, but T.V. says no.

Fictional team biography

Secret Invasion

The characters were thrown into battle for the first time when the Skrulls kicked their invasion of Earth into high gear. Manhattan became a war

zone with Super Skrulls devastating the city, and Fury led the team into the heart of the battle. The arrival of the team turned the tide of battle

enough to rescue the combined forces of the Initiative and the Young Avengers from being killed by the Skrulls. Fury rallied all the other heroes

together with his agents and began a series of hit and run attacks on the Skrull forces throughout the city. But this tactic would only get them so far.

It took all of them just to take out a few Super Skrulls at a time. A better chance at defeating the Skrull invasion came at the sight of Thor's lightning

calling them all to Central Park. There, the team gathered with all of the other assembled heroes and repelled the Skrull invasion. In the immediate

aftermath of the heroes' victory, Fury and his agents quickly took their leave and went back underground.

Dark Reign

Apparently, the Skrulls were just practice for the agents, and Nick Fury revealed his true agenda to the team. It seemed he had been on the losing

side of his conflict with HYDRA this entire time without realizing it. HYDRA was bigger and more far reaching than he ever realized. It even had its

tentacles in S.H.I.E.L.D. while he ran it. However, the Skrull attack and the dismantling of S.H.I.E.L.D. hit HYDRA hard, giving Fury an opportunity to

prepare for a new war against them while they reorganized.

With S.H.I.E.L.D. being replaced by H.A.M.M.E.R., HYDRA was moving to claim as many assets as it could before the U.S. government could, and

the agents knew that HYDRA would go after the Red Worm facility next. Red Worm was the psy-ops facility, and it was decided the Secret Warriors

needed to get there first to prevent HYDRA from claiming such an asset. Unfortunately, HYDRA moved too quickly and the team arrived to

witness Kraken and Gorgon personally overseeing the facility's evacuation. When they were in the process of executing two telepaths who were

brain damaged by the rushed process of being awakened, Daisy Johnson ordered her team to move in. This was a mistake. Kraken teleported

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away with the remaining telepaths, and Gorgon stayed behind to fight. He severely wounded Yo-Yo, chopping off her both her hands. Daisy

Johnson had to order a retreat.

This was a critical setback for the team and Fury's plans, as was the news that the Gorgon was even alive again. Yo-Yo's drastic injuries effectively

benched her for the time being, leaving Daisy Johnson to seek out a new recruit for the team. She traveled to the Australian outback along with

Druid to meet with Eden Fesi, who was another name on Fury's list of Caterpillars. He readily agreed to join, with Gateway's permission, because

he was not exactly thrilled with the lifestyle in the outback. Meanwhile, Fury reached out to Dum-Dum Dugan for help. Dugan and many former

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had gone private in the wake of H.A.M.M.E.R.'s takeover and formed a Howling Commandos private military company. Fury

wanted them supporting the young agents.

Fury led the Howling Commandos on a raid of the Dock, another former S.H.I.E.L.D. base. This one housed the helicarriers, and Fury wanted them.

While the Howling Commandos and H.A.M.M.E.R. fought, HYDRA intervened to prevent Fury from taking the helicarriers and all hell really broke

loose. Then, Team White arrived to back Fury up and turn the tide, making the raid on the Dock a success. HYDRA's forces retreated, the Howling

Commandos made off with three helicarriers, and Fury recruited 3,000 H.A.M.M.E.R. agents over to his side.

Despite saving the day, Fury kept Team White in the dark about many things. Even the team leader, Daisy Johnson, did not get the full story when

she asked. It turned out that Fury was not the one who hit the panic button to call them into action at the Dock, but Fury would not provide any

answers about that mystery. Similarly, it was implied by Gateway that Fury was running other Caterpillar teams, and for the time being, Fury was

staying quiet about that as well.

Fury needed financing for his secret war and got it from using Team White to rob a bank covertly being run by HYDRA. This act, coupled with

HYDRA's defeat at the Dock, made Fury too much of a nuisance for Baron Strucker to ignore. However, Strucker still had much do, so he reached

out to Norman Osborn to solve his Fury problem. Osborn lured J.T. James, Alexander Aaron and Eden Fesi into a trap using Black Widow as bait.

Phobos went in using a Nick Fury LMD as a disguise, getting caught in the trap and exposed. J.T. James and Eden came to the rescue, but it was

Ares who gave the three the opportunity to get away. Alexander Aaron was Ares' son, and Ares was impressed with the way his son stood up to

Osborn. This was only enough for them to get a brief moment before Osborn sent Ares, Hawkeye (Bullseye) and agents of H.A.M.M.E.R. after

them. Eden tried to teleport only them back to the secret base, but Ares forced the portal open to allow Osborn's forces to follow. It was chaos.

Team White, including Yo-Yo with her new bionic arms, found themselves fighting H.A.M.M.E.R., Iron Patriot, Ares and Hawkeye (Bullseye) in their

own base, which was going through an automated self-destruct countdown triggered by the intrusion. Team White held off Osborn's forces and

escaped through another one of Eden's portal before the base exploded.

Meanwhile, Fury reached out to his old friend John Garrett. Together, they conned Osborn into helping them uncover an active agent of the long

thought dormant agency of Leviathan.

Wake the Beast

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The return of Leviathan complicated Fury's plans, but it also provided some opportunities. HYDRA and Leviathan quickly went to war, giving Fury

extra room and time to maneuver his own forces. Daisy Johnson discovered that her team was not the only team of special agents at Fury's

disposal. Two others were active and operating outside of Fury's direct control. One was designated the black team and run by Alexander Pierce.

This team was composed of the more dangerous Caterpillars from Fury's list and tasked with watching HYDRA. The other was the gray team and

run by Fury's own son, Mikel Fury. They were tasked with looking into Leviathan, which had been a seemingly dead end assignment until recently.

Daisy Johnson's Team White, was apparently meant as Fury's fist.

Fury was preparing his forces to go operational when both HYDRA and Leviathan were at their weakest. He decided Druid was the weak link of the

team and cut him from the roster against the wishes of Daisy Johnson and the rest of the team. Meanwhile, no one realized that J.T. James had

been compromised by HYDRA and was being blackmailed by Baron Strucker.


Fury's agenda was interrupted by Norman Osborn's sudden attack on Asgard and Steve Rogers' call for aid. He and Team White answered the call.

They allied with the assembled New Avengers and Young Avengers and came to the defense of the Asgardians. However, Phobos was left out of

the battle and struck out on his own mission after seeing that his father had been killed by the Sentry.

Osborn's forces fell, and when the full power of the Sentry's madness was unleashed, he was put down by the assembled heroes. What remained

of Asgard was saved. The president turned against Osborn and H.A.M.M.E.R. for their actions, putting an end to the Dark Reign. But Fury and

Team White did not stick around for the aftermath. Once all was said and done, they returned to their secret war against HYDRA and Leviathan.

Last Ride of the Howling Commandos[edit]

The time came for the major offensive against HYDRA Fury had been building toward. The target was Hell's Heaven, a secret HYDRA base deep

inside the borders of China. Fury sent Team Black, led by Alexander Pierce, and two helicarriers full of Howling Commandos personnel, led by Dum

Dum Dugan, to carry out the assault. HYDRA's forces were overwhelmed by the attack. Team Black breached the facility's security along with a

small unit of Howling Commandos and planted an explosive right in the heart of Hell's Heaven. Everyone exfiltrated back to the helicarrers as the

base was destroyed.

Upon completing the objective, Pierce left with Team Black aboard a small aircraft, separating from the Howling Commandos to make their own way

out of China and to their next destination. They were not present for what happened next.

Before making it out of China, the two helicarriers were intercepted by a superior HYDRA force led by the Gorgon. One helicarrier, the Argonaut,

was shot down almost immediately. Dugan, commanding the other helicarrier, turned to fight rather than abandon the lost helicarrier by taking an

opportunity to escape. However, they were still outgunned. Dugan's helicarrier also fell to HYDRA but not before HYDRA took some losses as well.

The battle immediately resumed on the ground in the wreckage of fallen warships. An explosive injured Dugan, and Jasper Sitwell left the battle to

get him to safety. Those who remained to fight HYDRA, including Gabriel Jones and Eric Koenig, were killed in action.

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With the devastating battle in China, Fury's secret war had truly begun and the following six months only saw things take a turn for the worse on all

sides. The Howling Commandos were eliminated, and now, HYDRA came after Team White. Fury's European command center was destroyed in

an attack that also destroyed three city blocks of Paris. Their secret base in London was lost next due to a biological attack that claimed 12,000

civilian lives. Team White was effectively crippled within two months. Once they were sidelined, the conflict between HYDRA and Leviathan

escalated with both sides taking major losses. There was an attempt to call a cease-fire, but this resulted only in the assassination of Magadan, one

of the three leaders of Leviathan. In retaliation, Leviathan destroyed HYDRA's new recruitment center in Seattle. This attack was so severe it

devastated much of the American city and provoked Fury to find a way to get Team White off the sidelines.

Fury planned a simultaneous assault on both HYDRA and Leviathan. Team Black and Team Gray were to target two remaining major Leviathan

bases while he and Team White went straight after Gehenna in New Zealand, HYDRA's principle base. The operation was meant to be quick and

surgical. They would teleport in via Eden's power, plant the bomb and have Eden get them out all in under a minute. The mission did not go as

planned. Baron Strucker, the Gorgon and Viper were expecting Team White, and Eden was badly injured before he could teleport them out. Team

White fought rather than surrender, and Alexander Aaron used his prophetic knowledge to lead them to the escape path they were supposed to

take. A bridge collapse left Alexander and Fury separated from the rest of the team and on the side with HYDRA. Fury shot a line across so both of

them could cross the chasm, but Alexander forced him to go alone. The son of war stood his ground and fought the Gorgon alone, because that

was how it was supposed to be. He then died at the Gorgon's hands, because that was also how it was supposed to be.

After bearing witness to Alexander' death, Team White continued their escape. Time was limited. The mountain-breaker bomb they had deployed in

Gehenna was armed and would soon explode. Finally, they found access to the surface, but HYDRA soldiers were closing in. Fury took the rear to

provide cover and prevent them from being swarmed trying to board the aircraft waiting for them. The sheer numbers were against him, though. He

was being overwhelmed until Hellfire came back for him. Together, they held HYDRA at bay until the bomb detonated.

As the mountain broke apart all around them, J.T. James lost his footing and began to fall into a chasm. Fury caught him just in time. Fury said that

he knew James was the one who had tipped HYDRA off. He knew about the secret meetings with HYDRA agents. James explained that HYDRA

had found him through the money they stole from that bank months back. They had backed him into a corner, and he was doing all he could to

make sure that at least Daisy Johnson survived. Fury said that he believed James and that the love between James and Johnson was real. But

then, he released James' arm and let the man fall. Catching up to Team White, Fury said only that James did not make it.

Wheels within Wheels

Upon the aircraft, Team White meets John Garrett and Druid. It is revealed that after being forced off the Team, Druid was trained by Garrett,

getting in shape and learning to better control his magical abilities. With his help, Garrett was able to kill Magadan, while making it look like the work

of HYDRA. After Team White returns to their base, Fury disbands the Team.

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Visiting a graveyard, Fury reminisces about the recruitment of his son Mikel and the rest of Team Gray. It is shown that the whole team died while

attacking the base of Hive, with Mikel saying a final goodbye to his father over the radio before detonating explosives that eradicate Hive's base.

While Nick Fury grieves over Mikel's grave, he is taken prisoner by Kraken.

In 1961, Fury along with his Brother Jake, Dum-Dum Dugan, John Garrett, Baron Strucker, Shoji Soma of the Hand, Cornelius van Lunt, scientist

Thomas Davidson and the men who would become Kraken, Magadan and Leviathan's leader, Orion, meet up with a man who calls himself Aries,

secretly being Leonardo da Vinci. He assigns each of them a sign of the Zodiac and sends groups of them around the world to gather various

artifacts from different locations. Fury's group comes back empty handed, however the other artifacts are hooked up to chambers that will empower

and rejuvenate people. The group is subsequently betrayed by Magadan and Orion, who take the technology for themselves and create Leviathan.

A short time later, Shoji Soma and Strucker attack their base, steal one of the artefacts and injure Orion gravely. After giving the artefact to the

Yashida clan for safeguarding, Soma is killed by Leviathan.

In the present, Strucker and Nick Fury are both captives of Kraken. They reminisce about their battles, before Kraken reveals that he is in fact Jake

Fury, having killed the original Kraken a long time ago. In 1961, Fury's team did in fact discover technology to create robotic duplicates, later to be

known as LMDs. With these duplicates, Jake's undercover identy was kept secret, while a duplicate of Thomas Davidson was used to make

Strucker believe he had access to SHIELD technology. Baron Strucker realizes that instead of Fury working for him, he worked for Fury all along.

Fury then shoots him in the head.

SHIELD is soon restarted as a joint effort by the UN. Daisy Johnson is chosen to be the first director, with the remnants of Team White, Team Black

and the Howling Commandos as her agents.


Nick Fury

Founder and leader of the Secret Warriors

Daisy Johnson

Codename: Quake, the daughter of Mister Hyde. She possesses the power to create earthquake-like vibrations.

Alexander Aaron

Codename: Phobos, son of Ares. He possesses the power to instill fear in others as well as limited pre-cognition. Being a member of the

Olympian race, but born of a mortal woman also gives him the potential for far greater "god-like" powers not unlike his uncle Hercules, but

require his "mortal" body to die first. This occurs when he is stabbed through the chest and killed by Gorgon.

Sebastian Druid

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Codename: Druid, the son of Doctor Druid who has inherited some of his father's skill with magic. However, he is soon seen as a liability and

Fury seemingly cuts him loose.[8] It is later shown that Fury in fact put Druid through "Boot Camp", assigning John Garrett to get him in shape

and boost his confidence.[9]

Yo-Yo Rodriguez

Codename: Slingshot, the daughter of the Griffin. She can run at superhuman speed and bounces back to the point where she began

running. She was recently injured severely, with both of her arms severed by the Gorgon, and was temporarily unable to remain active with

the team. However, both arms have now been replaced with technologically advanced prosthetics that afford her some superhuman strength

in her hands and she has returned to active duty. During combat she is often seen fighting with a retractable javelin.

J.T. Slade

Codename: Hellfire, born James Taylor Slade, the grandson of the Phantom Rider, is able to charge items (notably a chain) with fire and

unleash a devastating attack. During New Avengers, J.T. is shown as one of the possible replacements for the title of Sorcerer Supreme,

showing great magical potential. In issue 16, J.T. is discovered to be a double agent with Hydra, directly with Baron von Strucker. During the

fall of Gehenna, Nick Fury tells J.T. that he knows he is a traitor and lets him fall to his death, avenging Alexander.

Jerry Sledge

Codename: Stonewall, who has been bailed out of jail by Daisy Johnson, where he was being held for hitting a police officer. He possesses

superhuman strength and an ability to increase his size, while his skin appears to take an appearance resembling stone. In issue 9, he

demonstrated the ability to change the composition of his skin, by turning it into metal after getting Ares' axe swung into his chest. Very little

had so far been revealed about the character but, in issue 12, it was revealed that his father is Carl "Crusher" Creel,  The Absorbing Man.[10] He tries to tell Reed Richards his real name at one point, but is cut off after saying "Henry".[11]

Eden Fesi

A reality warping young man previously under the care and training of the mutant Gateway.[12] Nick Fury initially attempted to recruit him to

another one of his "Caterpillar" teams, but Gateway refused. As of the MARVEL NOW! relaunch, he has joined the Avengers under the

name of Manifold.

Within the Secret Warriors series the featured team is referred to as being one of three other caterpillar teams. While the main team of the series is

led by Daisy and overseen by Nick Fury, Fury also oversees two other teams.

Alexander Pierce's Team Black

Alexander Pierce - S.H.I.E.L.D. agent

Aron Downing - In possession of a "Shadow Machine". Both his arms appear to be replaced by technological prosthetics. He has demonstrated

the ability to make "shadowlike constructs" extend from his prosthetic hands.

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Lauren Wolf - A polymorph, the limits of which have yet to be revealed. However, during combat she has been shown to change her hands into

spiked mace.

Ahmed Noor - A living atom smasher; able to disintegrate matter and cause explosions

Ben Huth - Only known super power is his ability to fly

Bobby Gamorra - Owner of an item referred to as the "Amulet of Abbadon". A mystical artifact that grants him magical powers, which so far have

been revealed to include the opening of teleportation portals.

Cornell Grey - Possess a parasitic brain that allows him to draw information from people's minds upon contact with special mouth like openings on

his palms. The result is that his vicitms are left brain dead.

Ellis Love - A telekinetic and telepath. the extent of which has yet to be revealed, but has been seen using telekinetic energy offensively in combat.

Mikel Fury's Team Gray

The leader of the other team is Mikel Fury and the names of the members have been revealed:

Sandra Murphy - Mace of Aeshma

Brian Cole - Cybernetic Organism

Carlos Ayala - Telekinetic

Red Webo - Creation Engine

Jenny Monroe - Temporal Control

Malcolm Monroe - Temporal Control

Lynn Richards - Power Leech

Robert Martin - Organic Builder

The Heavenly Wheel[edit]

Jake Fury  - Scorpio

Vasili Dassiev - Capricorn

John Garrett  - Aquarius

Baron Strucker  - Sagittarius

Dum Dum Dugan  - Libra

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Thomas Davidson - Virgo

Shoji Soma  - Pisces

Cornelius Van Lunt  - Taurus

Nick Fury  - Gemini

Daniel Whitehall  - Leo

Viktor Uvarov - Cancer

Leonardo Da Vinci  - Aries

In other media[edit]

In the animated television series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, a version of the team first appears in

the episode "Who Do You Trust?" as part of an ongoing adaptation of the show's Secret Invasion story arc. This

incarnation is led by Nick Fury, and consists of Quake, Black Widow and Mockingbird. As in the comics, the

Secret Warriors are formed in response to the growing threat of invasion by the Skrull Empire. Little does the

rest of the team know that Mockingbird had been captured and replaced by the Skrull queen herself, Veranke.

In the live action television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "S.O.S.", Part Two, Phil Coulson has a

discussion with Skye about the creation of a secret team of enhanced people with the codename of

"Caterpillars", which was the same codename used by the Secret Warriors in the comics. [13] The Secret Warriors

will appear in the third season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., with the members being new Inhumans.

Early life and wartime

Nicholas Joseph Fury is the eldest of three children born to Jack Fury in New York City. His father is a United States citizen who enlists in

the United Kingdom's Royal Flying Corps during World War I. Jack enlists in 1916 and is stationed in France. He shoots down Manfred von

Richthofen early in his flying career, and is a highly decorated combat aviator by the end of the War in 1918.

Discharged after the War, Jack returns home, marries an unnamed woman, and becomes the father of three children. Nick, probably born in the late

1910s or early 1920s, is followed by Jacob "Jake" Fury (later the supervillain Scorpio who co-founded the Zodiac cartel), and their sister, Dawn.

All three children grow up in the neighborhood known as Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York. Nick is an amateur boxer through the Police Athletic

League where he learns marksmanship. As a teenager in 1937, he went overseas for the first time to fight with the  International Brigades in

the Spanish Civil War. He was on leave in Guernica when the fascists bombed it.[16]

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After he returns to America, Fury and his friend Red Hargrove leaves the neighborhood to pursue their dreams of adventure, eventually settling on a

daring wing walking and parachuting act. Their death-defying stunts while training British Commandos in 1940 catch the attention

of Lieutenant Samuel "Happy Sam" Sawyer, then serving with the British Commandos, who enlists them for a special mission in the Netherlands.

Nick and Red later join the U.S. Army, with Fury undergoing Basic Training under a Sergeant Bass. Nick and Red are stationed together

at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii when the Imperial Japanese Navy ambushes the base on December 7, 1941. Red is among the many killed in the

attack on Pearl Harbor, with Fury swearing vengeance against both the Japanese and the Nazis.

Sawyer, now a captain, assigns Fury command of the First Attack Squad, a unit of U.S. Army Rangers, who are awarded the honorary title of

Commandos by Winston Churchill after their first missions. They are nicknamed the "Howling Commandos" and stationed at a military base in the

United Kingdom to fight specialized missions, primarily but not exclusively in the European Theatre of World War II. During this period, Fury falls in

love with a British nurse, Lady Pamela Hawley, who dies in a bombing raid on London before he can propose to her.


At the end of World War II in Europe, Fury is severely injured by a land mine in France, and is found and healed by a Berthold Sternberg, who uses

him as a test subject for his Infinity Formula. After making a full recovery, Fury begins working for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor

of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Six months into his service, he learns the extent of Sternberg's life-saving operation: the Infinity Formula

has retarded his aging, but if he does not receive annual doses, he will age rapidly and die. The doctor begins a 30-year period of extorting large

sums of money from Fury in exchange for the injections. These events, culminating in the end of said extortion, are detailed in  Marvel Spotlight #31

(Dec. 1976): "Assignment: The Infinity Formula", by writer Jim Starlin and artist Howard Chaykin.[14]

Fury segues into the CIA as an espionage agent, gathering information in Korea. During this time the Howling Commandos are reformed where

Fury receives a battlefield commission to lieutenant. He later reaches the rank of colonel. During this time, he recommends the recruitment of

married agents Richard and Mary Parker, who will go on to become the parents of Fury's occasional superhero ally Spider-Man. Much later, the CIA

uses him as a liaison to various superpowered groups that have begun appearing, including the Fantastic Four, whom CIA agent Fury first

encounters in Fantastic Four #21 (Dec. 1963). Despite Marvel's "elastic chronology", which puts the early-1960s stories as roughly only 10 years

before modern-day stories, Marvel has never retconned an explanation for that chronological discrepancy, as the company has for many others.

During his time with the CIA, Fury begins wearing his trademark eyepatch (an issue of  Sgt. Fury had revealed that he had taken shrapnel to one

eye during the war, which caused him to slowly lose sight in it over the course of years).


Fury becomes the second commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. as its Public Director. The ultimate authority of S.H.I.E.L.D. is revealed to be a cabal of 12

mysterious men and women who give Fury his orders and operational structure, leaving Fury to manage the actual implementation of these orders

and strategems.  The identities of these people have never been revealed; they appear only as shaded figures on monitors. Initially, his

organization's primary nemesis is the international terrorist organization Hydra, created by Fury's worst enemy of World War II, Baron Wolfgang von

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Strucker (after retconning of the original continuity). Under Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. grows into one of the world's most powerful organizations, reaching

covertly into national governments and forming strategic alliances with the Avengers and other superhero groups, while always maintaining

independence and deniability. Fury soon becomes the superhero community's main contact when government-related information is required in

order to deal with a crisis.

After years at the helm, Fury discovers that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have both fallen under the control of a group of sentient Life Model Decoy

androids known as Deltites. Betrayed, Fury goes to ground, hunted by his fellow agents, many of whom are later revealed to have been replaced

with Deltites. Although Fury ultimately exposes and overcomes the Deltite threat, the conflict is so destructive to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s personnel and

infrastructure, and leaves Fury so disillusioned, that he disbands the agency to prevent it from again being subverted from within.[18]

Fury rebuilds S.H.I.E.L.D. from the ground up, initially as a more streamlined agency small enough for him to personally oversee and protect from

being corrupted. This new incarnation changed the acronym to stand for "Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Logistics Directorate".[19]

Sometime later, Frank Castle, the vigilante known as the Punisher, is captured and sent to a maximum-security facility with a S.H.I.E.L.D. escort.

During a hypnosis session with Doc Samson, a character named Spook interrupts and has the Punisher conditioned to believe Fury is responsible

for the murder of the Punisher's family. An escaped Punisher eventually kills Fury, [20] who is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.[21] The Fury that

the Punisher has "killed" is later revealed to have been a highly advanced Life Model Decoy android.[22]

Returned to his post as S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Fury independently enlists the superheroes Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke

Cage, Wolverine, Daredevil, and the Black Widow to launch a covert assault on the leadership of Latveria, which is plotting a massive attack on the

U.S. One year afterward, Latveria launches a counterattack that results in Fury's removal as S.H.I.E.L.D. commander, forcing him again into hiding

with numerous international warrants out for his arrest. His successors as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. are first  Maria Hill and then Tony Stark.[23] Both

Hill and Stark, keeping Fury's disappearance secret from the S.H.I.E.L.D. rank and file, use Life Model Decoys to impersonate Fury on occasion.

Fury is the only "33rd-degree" S.H.I.E.L.D. officer, meaning he is the only member of S.H.I.E.L.D., present or past, to know of the existence of 28

emergency, covert bases scattered across the globe, secretly providing the Anti-Registration faction in the subsequent superhuman civil war with

bases where they can rally their forces without worrying about their Pro-Registration enemies finding them.

Secret Invasion

During the time Fury spends in hiding, he learns that Valentina Allegra de Fontaine has been plotting to extract S.H.I.E.L.D. passcodes from him

and kill him. Fury kills her first, after which she reverts to the form of an extraterrestrial shape-shifter from the hostile Skrull race, which has mounted

an invasion of Earth. He recruits Spider-Woman to be his mole inside both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., and to watch for further Skrull impostors.

Unbeknownst to him, she's replaced shortly after by Skrull Queen Veranke herself. He later instructs former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Daisy Johnson to

recruit superpowered children of various heroes and villains to help combat the Skrull invasion; these include Phobos, the 10-year-old son

of Ares and himself the young god of fear; Yo-Yo, a misunderstood mutant speedster; Hellfire, a relative of Phantom Rider with supernatural

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powers; Druid, a magician and son of Doctor Druid; and Stonewall, a young man who can grow bigger at will and has super strength. Fury dubs

them his "Commandos".

Soon after the attack on Earth, Fury and his new team are seen counter-attacking the Skrull attack in  Times Square, Manhattan. They manage to

repel and kill the invaders in the area significantly, whilst saving the downed Initiative cadets and the Young Avengers. He, along with his team and

the rescued heroes, are next seen working and planning their next move in one of the scattered 28 covert S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. He has been seen

talking to Deadpool, while Deadpool was on a Skrull ship after pretending to join them. It is revealed that Fury hired Deadpool to infiltrate Skrull

ranks by pretending to defect, with the intention of obtaining biological information of the Skrulls that Fury can use to stop them. When Deadpool

attempts to transmit the data, it is intercepted by Norman Osborn.[

Fury leads the survivors of the Young Avengers and Initiative back to the fight in New York, where they are joined by Thor, the new Captain

America, the New Avengers and the Mighty Avengers, the Hood's gang, and the Thunderbolts, to take on Veranke's army of Super Skrulls.

When the battle is over and the real heroes are found, Nick is greeted by the real Valentina Allegra de Fontaine and  Dum Dum Dugan. He gives

them one look and teleports away with his Secret Warriors, not speaking to his former friends.

Dark Reign and Secret Warriors

During an infiltration and elimination of a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Chicago, Fury discovers that S.H.I.E.L.D. is, and always has been, secretly

controlled by Hydra. A distraught Fury now plans to use his Secret Warriors to combat the renewed Hydra threat, spearheaded by his old

nemesis, Baron Strucker. He hires the new Howling Commandos, a private military company formed by 1200 former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who

refused to join Norman Osborn's H.A.M.M.E.R., to employ them in his fight against Hydra and Osborn. He has a number of inside men to assist in

his raids,  including Natasha Romanova posing as Yelena Belova who is in command of the Thunderbolts. Eventually, he and his men commandeer

decommissioned Helicarriers, as well as forcing the H.A.M.M.E.R. agents at the dock to follow him. [ Natasha brings Songbird to Fury, but she is

followed and the three are captured by the Thunderbolts. Osborn then shoots Fury in the head. It was not the real Fury who was shot, but a Life

Model Decoy in his image, which the Fixer reveals to Songbird and Black Widow later after they escape the Thunderbolts.

On a solo mission soon after, Fury teams with Norman Osborn to interrogate a lower-level H.A.M.M.E.R. agent. The conversation (and materials

obtained afterwards) reveal there may be an organization much like Hydra, installed in the upper levels of world governments, called "Leviathan".

This organization appears to have been founded by the Soviet government for reasons as yet unclear.[ Fury later introduces Daisy Johnson to

prominent members of the Howling Commandos including Alexander Pierce, leader of the second caterpillar team, and Mikel, Fury's son and leader

of the "gray" team.


Fury and the Secret Warriors are later summoned by Captain America to his hideout along with the New and Young Avengers, when Rogers,

seeking to aid his long-time comrade Thor in his plight during the Siege of Asgard launched by Norman Osborn, gathered all his allies to strike back

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against Osborn and rescue Thor whilst simultaneously ending Osborn's Dark Reign. Fury insists on Phobos remaining behind due to an

unwillingness for him to battle his father Ares and his youth, and later opens a wormhole aboard an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. jet which brings the combined

forces of the three teams to Oklahoma. They then intercept Norman Osborn's siege and with the help of Iron Man, who receives a variation of his

suit from Speed, they shut down Norman's suit. Their victory is cut short when Sentry, now fully possessed by the Void, begins attacking them. Loki

attempts to help Fury and the other heroes by empowering them with the Norn Stones, but Void kills him before long. Iron Man then uses the ex-

S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier as a bullet on the Void. Robert Reynolds regains control of his body and begs the Avengers to kill him. Thor refuses but

ends up killing him anyway when Void begins to take over again. The Avengers are reunited and the press declares that a new "Heroic Age" has


Heroic Age

While Fury remains underground, allowing Steve Rogers to take official command of the super-spy side of things, he remains in contact with Earth's

heroes and monitors their activities. He provides the New Avengers with a special serum, created as a combination of the Super-Soldier serum and

the Infinity Formula, to help Mockingbird when she was shot during a raid on a H.A.M.M.E.R. base. [50] Fury later expends the last sample of the

Infinity Formula to save Bucky's life. He remains immortal due to trace amounts of the formula in his body.[51]

Battle Scars

In 2012, the six part series Battle Scars introduces Nick Fury's secret son, Sgt. Marcus Johnson who is an African American and ends up losing

one eye in the series.[52] The character has been described as looking like Samuel L. Jackson, just as the Nick Fury of the Ultimate Universe does.[53][54] Nick Fury retires at the end of the series, and his son joins S.H.I.E.L.D. Upon joining S.H.I.E.L.D., Johnson changes his name to his original

birth name of Nick Fury Jr., as he and Agent Coulson appear on the Helicarrier in the final page.[55]

Original Sin

During the Original Sin storyline, Nick Fury is called upon to help investigate the murder of Uatu the Watcher. [56] Fury is attacked and beheaded by

the Winter Soldier. When the investigating teams - including Black Panther, Emma Frost, Doctor Strange and the Punisher - attempt to pursue

Bucky, they find a space station of unknown origin. "Fury" is revealed to be a highly advanced Life Model Decoy, with the space station containing

the real, elderly, Nick Fury and several LMDs. Fury relates an account from 1958, when as a member of  U.S. Army Intelligence, he encountered an

invasion of alien Tribellians in Kansas. He witnessed Woodrow McCord destroying the home planet of the aliens, before himself being fatally

injured. When McCord's partner Howard Stark arrived on the scene, he decided to recruit Fury to continue his work as defender of the planet. Nick

Fury accepted, and explains that over the decades, outside of spying on hippies and socialists, and "destabilizing"/causing wars across countries on

Earth in his regular work with the Army, and later, S.H.I.E.L.D., he defended the Earth against threats through virtually any means whatsoever,

including systematic torture against aliens, genocide against planetary civilizations, and warmongering spanning entire galaxies. The corpses

discovered recently by the superhero investigators were threats that Fury had neutralized. Fury reveals that he has rapidly grown elderly and is

dying because the Infinity Formula in his body has been depleted. He explains that he chose each of the heroes assembled so that one of them can

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replace him. His refusal to answer the Black Panther's demand for an explanation of what happened to Uatu leads to a battle between the heroes

and the LMDs, during which Fury activates Uatu's eyes. Fury fights off most of the attacking heroes - including revealing an undisclosed secret to

Thor that causes him to lose the ability to wield his hammer. Fury confesses that he killed Uatu in potential self-defense after Doctor Midas and the

Orb had first attacked him. Fury took one of Uatu's eyes, needing to know who mounted the assault and Uatu's oath preventing him from revealing

that information directly. After killing Midas, Fury is shown in chains wandering the Moon unable to interfere, as Uatu's replacement, "the Unseen",

while the Winter Soldier takes his place as Earth's "Man on the Wall".

Powers, abilities, and equipment

According to the comic books, Nick Fury's aging has been slowed greatly by the Infinity Formula, a serum created by Dr. Berthold Sternberg. Fury

was first inoculated with the serum in the 1940s. Fury took the serum annually for many years. Originally Fury had to take the formula annually or

the effects would be reversed, allowing his body to reach its actual chronological age. [14] Nick Fury is depicted as an active athletic man despite his

advanced chronological age, though writers have sometimes portrayed Fury as being past his prime despite the Infinity Formula as in the Fury and

Wolverine graphic novel. As of the "Original Sin" story arc, it is revealed that at some point the Infinity Formula stopped working for him and Fury

has only pretended to stop aging by using LMDs.

Fury's injured left eye, though initially minimally affected by a grenade blast during World War II, [63] has over the decades resulted in a 95% loss of

vision in this eye. Despite some comments to the contrary, Fury has not had the eye removed, nor bionically enhanced, and he merely covers it with

a cosmetic eye-patch to prevent depth perception distortion. He has explained that when needing to disguise himself, he only needs to remove the

eyepatch, slip in a contact lens and darken his hair, as everyone always looks for a one-eyed man.[64]

Fury is a seasoned unarmed and armed combat expert, was a heavyweight boxer in the army (during World War II), and holds a black belt in Tae

Kwon Do and a brown belt in Jiu Jitsu. He has honed his unarmed combat skills sparring with Captain America. The character is a combat veteran

of three wars, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict, as well as numerous "military adviser" missions and clandestine operations

("a dozen conflicts you've never even heard of"). He is trained as a paratrooper, Ranger, a demolitions expert, vehicle specialist (including aircraft

and seagoing vessels), and a Green Beret.[citation needed]

Fury has access to a wide variety of equipment and weaponry designed by S.H.I.E.L.D. technicians. He wears a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform made of 9-

ply Kevlar (able to withstand ballistic impact up to .45 caliber bullets) and a Beta cloth (type C), a fire-resistant material, which has a kindling

temperature of 1,700 °F (930 °C). Fury uses various types of handguns, including a .15 caliber needle gun, a government issue .45 caliber

automatic, a captured German Luger in 9mm Parabellum, a modified semi-automatic Walther PPK in 9mm Parabellum, and the IngramMAC-

10 machine pistol in .45 ACP.[citation needed]

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury has access to the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. highly advanced arsenal of weaponry; various air, land, and sea craft

provided by S.H.I.E.L.D.; and numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. paraphernalia, including a radio-link tie and a bulletproof suit. Due to his high-ranking status,

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even when S.H.I.E.L.D. is directed by Tony Stark, and then Norman Osborn, Fury retains access to several S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouses and

paraphernalia that are unknown to anyone else but him.

Other versions[edit]


In the 1602 miniseries, Nick Fury appears as Sir Nicholas Fury, Queen Elizabeth I's chief of intelligence. His character was modeled after

Elizabeth's real-life spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham.[65]


In the Avataars: Covenant of the Shield miniseries Nick Fury appears as Regent Nicholas, who watches over the throne of Avalon "with his elite

guard as its shield".[66]

Back in the USSA[edit]

In the alternate history novel Back in the USSA by Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman, Fury is mentioned as being among a group of military officers

hoping to take power from President J. R. Ewing after the collapse of the United Socialist States of America.

Deadpool" Merc with a Mouth[edit]

Deadpool visits a universe where the Wild West still exists and Nick Fury is the sheriff of a town there.[67]

Earth X[edit]

In the Earth X universe Nick Fury is dead. Several LMDs still exist and fight against Cold War-era communists such as the current leader of

Russia, Piotr Rasputin. One attacks Piotr when he is meeting with Captain America's party.[68]


In the Marvel MAX-imprint miniseries Fury vol. 2, by writer Garth Ennis and penciller Darick Robertson, Fury is a burned-out Cold War veteran

unable to cope with the modern world. He is swiftly drawn into a conflict with an old  Hydra enemy and the new bureaucratic version of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This version continues to appear in Ennis' Punisher series. Writer-editor Stan Lee, a co-creator of Nick Fury, was critical of the extreme violence

and gore of this new series: "I don't know why they're doing that. I don't think that I would do those kinds of stories." [69] A 2012 sequel series followed

Fury's involvement in 1960's anti-Communist military action, including Vietnam and Cuba.[70]

Fury: Peacemaker[edit]

A six-part miniseries, written by Ennis, was published in 2006 under the Marvel Knights imprint. It portrays a young Sergeant Fury during World War

II, who learns the art of war in the deserts of North Africa with the newly formed British SAS and ultimately joins them on a mission to assassinate

an important German general.[71]

"House of M"[edit]

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In the alternate reality of the crossover story arc "House of M", Nick Fury has vanished some time ago. During the mutant purges of the armed

forces (which involved outright executions of most of the human field-officers) Nick Fury is kept on as a subservient Drill Instructor, because his

talents are too valuable. He makes an enemy of one of his soldiers, Earshot, who has the power to throw his voice with precision over long

distances. Earshot uses this power to trick Nick Fury into a trap, seemingly killing him. It is hinted that the trap was actually planned by Wolverine,

another of Fury's soldiers.[72]

Marvel Mangaverse[edit]

In the Marvel Mangaverse imprint, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., disappears for a time to mastermind the death of 99% of the superhuman

population. He is assisted by that universe's Black Cat. It is said, by his mind-controlled victim, Sharon Carter, that the motivation for the superhero

deaths is jealousy.

Marvel Zombies[edit]

Nick Fury organizes a resistance against the zombies but is eventually devoured by the zombified Fantastic Four on the Helicarrier. Shortly before

he dies, Fury orders Thor to destroy the teleporter built by Tony Stark to prevent the Fantastic Four from escaping to other dimensions, effectively

saving the multiverse.[73]


In the alternate reality known as the MC2 Universe, Nick Fury is alive and well and is still running S.H.I.E.L.D.[74]

Mutant X[edit]

Nick Fury in the alternate-universe imprint Ultimate Marvel.

In the alternate reality of the X-Men-related miniseries Mutant X, Fury leads S.H.I.E.L.D., an anti-mutant policing organization. It is corrupt, and

brainwashes its personnel to violently hate all mutants. [75] Fury himself is an extreme megalomaniac, and kills his own men at the slightest

questioning of his orders.[76][77]

The Transformers[edit]

Fury and Dum Dum Dugan appear in the alternate universe toy-license series The Transformers #3 (Jan. 1985).

Ultimate Nick Fury[edit]

Main article: Ultimate Nick Fury

In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, General Nick Fury is African American, with his look and personality tailored after actor Samuel L. Jackson.

Jackson went on to play the live-action adaptation of Nick Fury within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 4-6[edit]

At Parker Industries, Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) is summoned by the Avengers. Hoping to rehabilitate his reputation after it was damaged

during the period when his body was occupied by Doctor Octopus' mind, he goes to assist in their battle with the Mindless Ones. When he arrives

there, the Orb activates the gouged-out eye of Uatu, causing everyone present to instantly attain heretofore hidden knowledge about their lives,

Spider-Man sees that the spider whose bite granted him his superhuman abilities had also bitten a girl named Cindy Moon. Unable to control her

powers, Ezekiel convinced her parents to allow him to take her into his custody. Seeing that her mastery over her powers was growing "too fast",

Ezekiel placed her a sealed vault. Spider-Man departs the battle scene to search for Moon. He recalls Madame Web's prior statement to him (during

the 2011 "Spider-Island" storyline) that someone would take his place if he chose not to continue being Spider-Man. He also recalls the hideout that

Ezekiel offered to him to hide from Morlun (during the 2005-2006 storyline "The Other"). Although Ezekiel told him that he made the room years

before he knew Spider-Man's identity, Spider-Man realizes that Ezekiel knew his secret from the outset, and that the vault in which Moon has been

imprisoned was built for him as well. Spider-Man frees Moon, an event that causes Morlun, residing far away, to sense her presence. Moon

fashions a costume out of her spider webbing, takes the name Silk, and leaves the facility. She angrily informs Spider-Man that the opening the

vault will alert Morlun, and after Spider-Man tells her that he has come back from the dead at least once, she realizes Morlun could be at large.

Despite her anger at Spider-Man's flippant attitude toward the danger they are both in, the two superhumans find themselves in a romantic

embrace. Meanwhile, Black Cat kidnaps Sajani Jaffrey, Parker's partner at Parker Industries.[11]

The crime boss Eel is confronted by Black Cat and Electro, who inform him that they are taking over his criminal enterprise. Black Cat then arrives

at a meeting of criminal bosses and tells Mister Negative that she wants in on "the big leagues". Despite her low standing in the criminal community

on account of how she was previously humbled by Spider-Man, she informs them that she intends to destroy Spider-Man. Meanwhile, during their

moment of passion, Silk reveals that she knows Spider-Man' is Peter Parker, which brings both back to their senses, after having succumbed to "a

primal connection", which Silk suggests may be because they were bitten by the same spider. Returning to Parker's apartment, Parker explains the

recent events and introduces Moon to his employee and confidant Anna Maria Marconi, who tells him that Sajani Jaffrey, who was due to make an

announcement on the Fact Channel on behalf Parker Industries on the news, is missing. Parker goes to the Fact Channel studio to make the

announcement himself, but the Black Cat and Electro attack the studio, leading to a battle with Spider-Man and Silk. During the battle, Spider-Man

is incapacitated, and Black Cat prepares to unmask him in front of the running TV cameras. Jonah Jameson ruins this by standing in front of the

camera and announcing that Spider-Man's identity will be revealed,[12] only for the angle that he is standing at preventing anyone from seeing

Spider-Man's face long enough for Silk to knock Black Cat back and Spider-Man to put his mask back on. Although Electro accepts being

depowered when his uncontrollable abilities prove dangerous even to himself, Black Cat continues her vendetta against Spider-Man regardless of

who is behind the mask.[13]

Original Sin 3.1 - 3.4[edit]

When confronted by the eye of the murdered Uatu, Bruce Banner experiences some of Tony Stark's memories of their first meeting before they

became the Hulk or Iron Man. During this vision, Banner witnesses Stark's modifications of the gamma bomb, prompting Banner to realize that

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Stark had a hand in his becoming the Hulk. [14] Experiencing the same vision, Stark tries to deny that he could have done such a thing, but his

research only confirms that he repressed the memory of making the modifications while Banner uses a modified Extremis virus to transform into the

Hulk while retaining his intellect.[15] Attempting to escape the Hulk, Iron Man flees to his new city of Troy, incredulous at what their vision revealed.

While retreating into the undercity, he experiences a new epiphany of something else he did to Banner in the past. [16] After Hulk destroys Iron Man's

latest Hulkbuster armor and takes him back to the original gamma bomb test site where he first became the Hulk, Iron Man reveals that when he

analyzed the gamma bomb, he determined that Banner's modifications had actually concentrated the original explosive potential of the bomb, while

Stark's changes had reduced the blast enough for Banner and other observers to have survived. Accepting that Iron Man's interference, although

unwanted, had been for the best, Banner departs, unaware of another secret of Stark's: He had sent Banner an e-mail warning Banner about the

mutative consequences of the gamma bomb that Banner did not read, meaning that the Hulk's creation was caused by Banner's own frustration and

ego preventing him from listening to Stark.

Original Sin 5.1 - 5.5

When Thor is confronted by the eye of the murdered Uatu, it is revealed that Angela is the daughter of Odin, making her Thor and Loki's sister. She

was "killed" as an infant during Asgard's war with the Angels of the Tenth Realm, a crime that resulted in Odin severing the tenth realm from the

other nine as "punishment" for their attack. Upon learning this, Thor returns to Asgard to confront his mother Frigga about this. He subsequently

travels to the Tenth Realm with Loki to learn more about his sister, unaware that the evil adult future Loki is working behind the scenes.

Upon arriving in the Tenth Realm, known as Heven, Thor and young Loki are attacked by Heven's guards. The realm is a predominantly

female caste society focused on wealth acquisition with little to no desire for honor. The Queen of Angels convinces Loki to sit down and talk.

Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Angela are attacked in warp space by a band of pirates called Warpjackers but Angela abandons the

Guardians when the adult Loki telepathically tells her that the portal to Heven is once again open and that she can go home now. Meanwhile, as

Thor battles Heven's guards, Angela appears, having been guided to the doorway to Heven by Loki, and prepares to battle Thor.

As Thor and Angela battle, the Queen of Angels tells young Loki another shocking secret about Odin. During the times before recorded history, the

Angels were protectors of ancient mankind from rogue Asgardians who hunted man for sport. But in reality, Odin hired the Angels to kill the rogues

as a secret way of keeping his people in line. As time went on, Odin learned that Asgard's enemies at the time collectively paid the Queen to betray

Asgard to weaken it for an invasion. The Queen stole Odin's newborn daughter Aldrif (baby Angela) and "killed" her as compensation. In response,

Odin severed the Tenth Realm as punishment, but the Queen convinced her people Odin was a liar who refused to pay his debt and severed her

realm from Yggdrasil. Loki tells the Queen that despite the good he has done for Asgard in recent times, his people do not trust him. The Queen

offers Loki a position among her advisors and Loki accepts, turning himself into a woman known as Mistress of Strategies. As Angela defeats a tired

Thor, the Queen of Angels brought him before her, and the now-female Loki tells Thor that being on the winning sides seems just perfect. [

While Loki led an Angel fleet to Asgard, under the false pretense to help them destroy it, Thor escaped captivity and engaged once again Angela in

combat. Odin was later freed from his self-exile by Loki as he is set to return to Asgardia.

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Before Thor defeats Angela the battle is interrupted when Odin arrives where he recognized Angela as his daughter and revealed Angela's true

lineage. Time ago, the Angel tasked to dispose Aldrif's body found out the baby was alive and raised her as one of the Angels under the name of

Angela. Due to her services for the Angels, the Queen pardoned Angela her life, but exiled her from Heven due to her lineage. After leaving Heven,

Odin tells Thor, Loki, and Angela that he still loves his children. Angela then decides to leave in order to explore the other realms.

Original Sins[edit]

Original Sins is an anthology title, each issue of which consists of three to four stories.

Issue 1[edit]

Henry Hayes, the cyborg assassin known as Deathlok, is stopped at Grand Central Terminal by a stranger named Seth Horne who gained

knowledge of Hayes' identity when Orb activated Uatu's eyeball in New York in Original Sin #1 -2. Horne claims to be a fan of Hayes' work, but

Hayes denies this and walks away. Hayes is then sent a command that activates his cybernetic left eye, which glows red. His behavior suddenly

changes, and he goes to confronts Horne in a Terminal restroom, and kills him because, as Hayes says, he knows too much.[23]

Issue 2[edit]

Black Legacy: An author named Rebecca Stevens seeks out Dane Whitman, telling him she knows the legacy of the Ebony Blade and how every

wielder of it succumbs to its dark curse. She says the explosion of the Watcher's Eye let her see how Whitman, as the Black Knight, nearly killed an

armored criminal. She insists she can help but Whitman tells her to go away, claiming he has it under control while in reality barely holding on.

Before Your Eyes: As he flies through the air from a car accident gone wrong, Howard the Duck reflects on how the Watcher's Eye revealed he was

destined to be the most brilliant mind on his planet (and perhaps the galaxy) but hid from it. He uses his knowledge to save himself, falling into a

dumpster as a sign of how much he has wasted his potential.

Issue 3[edit]

Whispers of War: Lineage, an Inhuman with the ability to absorb the life force of other Inhumans and have their faces appear on his skin, hears from

a "seedling" Inhuman killed during the Orb's attack. The man tells Lineage of how, in the past, Black Bolt fought a Kree force trying to use the

Terrigan mists, wiping them out. Lineage realizes Black Bolt thus kicked off the war between the Inhumans and the Kree and plans to use this for

his own ends.

Bury the Lead: The eye of the murdered Uatu revealed that J. Jonah Jameson had fired a former Daily Bugle employee for viewing an

embarrassing article that he wrote in which he praised Spider-Man in his early days of being a wrestler.[24]

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Issue 4[edit]

A Wall Street wheeler-dealer learns a secret about Doctor Doom and plans to use this to blackmail his way to wealth, boasting about it to a friend

who urges him not to do this. Just as the meeting is about to take place, the man learns that everyone he sent the information to has been violently

murdered. He is then ushered in, realizing too late Doom has been steps ahead of him all along.

Issue 5[edit]

Dum Dum Dugan arrives at Fury's base, shocked to see the elderly Fury. When Fury says his Infinity Formula is running out, Dugan says his body

still contains copious amounts of it, and offers a transfusion. However, Fury brings Dugan into a lab to see various Life Model Decoys, and reveals

that Dugan's youth isn't derived from the formula, but from the fact that he is an LMD. Fury relates that the real Dugan was killed in an early SHIELD

mission in 1966, something only Fury knows about. Unable to handle the loss of his best friend, Fury used a special LMD to rebuild him,

occasionally killed off but rebuilt. Fury says he needed Dugan as his conscience, but the LMD Dugan is angered by this, declaring that it is the last

thing he wanted. He says he is a reminder of all the dark things Fury has done and that as long as he feels bad about it, he can still call himself the

good guy. He declares the real Dugan died believing Fury to be a hero and he can still be that way. The Dugan LMD then puts his pistol to his head,

asks Fury not to bring him back, and fatally shoots himself. Looking at the fallen LMD, Fury states "Sorry, Dum Dum but that's not how the world

works." as new LMD Dugan is activated.[25]

Gaea later summoned Atum from the sun to combat the demon Set, who, determined to massacre all mammals to ensure dinosaur supremacy, had

merged several enormous dinosaurs into a physical form for himself. Atum severed Set's head with a single bolt of power and absorbed the

demon's power, transforming into Demogorge. Set, not deceased, began a long battle lasting months and laying waste to the Earth around them.

Ironically, the dinosaurs were rendered extinct due to the battle, and Demogorge eventually emerged victorious, driving the defeated Set into

another dimension. Demogorge reverted to Atum, and was severely damaged by the battle. Atum returned to the sun, but would never again be

able to come to Earth unless he was aided by other sentient beings.

In recent years, Atum was contacted by the Asgardian god of thunder, Thor (also son of Gaea), to aid Earth's heroes in a battle against the

returning Set. Thor fought Atum and forced his transformation into Demogorge. As Demogorge, Atum defeated Set once again and then returned to

the sun.

Atum was raised again as the Demogorge by Ahpuch and other death gods. Thor, Indra, Tawa, Apollo, Shango, and Quetzalcoatlwere sent to

defeat it.

During the Secret Invasion storyline, Atum joined the God Squad at the behest of Athena to fight the Skrull gods. He was supposedly killed in that

battle but later seen devouring dead gods and being defeated by Thor and two other gods.

During the Fear Itself storyline, Atum was seen at the Devil's Advocacy talking about the actions of the Serpent.[2]

Powers and Abilities

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Power Grid [3]

Intelligence  3

Strength 7 

Speed  3

Durability 7 

Energy Projection 5 

Fighting Skills 4 


Atum possesses various superhuman abilities that are common to the various god pantheons of Earth. However, he is considerably more powerful

than the vast majority of them.

Absorption and Transformation: Although Atum is already immensely powerful, he has the ability to literally absorb and consume other gods as

well as demons. As a result, Atum's body basically feeds upon these absorbed beings like food and, as a result, their powers are added to his,

thereby increasing all of his powers beyond their limits. However, if he absorbs too much energy, he transforms into the Demogorge, which is a

hulking, almost unstoppable brute. After Atum has purged himself of this excess energy, which he can do at will by releasing the beings he absorbs

or burns the energy away in combat, he will revert to his normal form.

Superhuman Strength: Atum possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known. However, it is believed that his physical

strength surpasses that of any member of the god or demon pantheons of Earth. Hence, Atum is ultimately able to lift far in excess of 100 tons.

Superhuman Speed: Atum is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of even the finest human being, or most

other gods for that matter.

Superhuman Stamina: Atum's advanced musculature produces no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman


Superhuman Durability: Atum is highly resistant to all forms of physical injury. Even without transforming into the Demogurge, Atum can withstand

attacks from some of the most powerful of Earth's gods and demons without being injured. Atum can fully and easily survive the temperature and

pressure within a star and the vacuum of deep space indefinitely.

Superhuman Agility: Atum's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the

finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Atum's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

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Regenerative Healing Factor: Although he is virtually invulnerable, it is possible for Atum to suffer physical injury. However, his body is capable of

rapidly regenerating damaged or destroyed bodily tissue faster and more extensively than most other gods, even to the point of easily regrowing

lost limbs.

Immortality: Atum, like some of the god pantheons on Earth, is functionally immortal in the sense that he is completely immune to the effects of

aging. He is also immune to all earthly diseases and infections.

Flight: Atum, even while transformed into the Demogurge, is capable of flying through the air, or even through deep space. The upper limit of his

flight speed isn't revealed, though he can achieve faster than light speeds.

Energy Manipulation: Atum is capable of manipulating and controlling vast amounts of energy for numerous purposes, although only a few have

been revealed, on a level that is at least equal to that of gods such as Odinand Zeus. Atum can manipulate massive amounts of solar energy,

typically in the form of extreme light or heat that actually rivals the temperature of the sun itself. Atum is also capable of flight even while in a human



Atum possesses no true special abilities. However, the sheer scope of his powers make him an extremely formidable combatant, even though he

has no formal training in combat.

Strength level

Class 100+


Eternity is the greatest fear of the Demogorge, as discovered by Nightmare when the God Squad journeyed to his realm.


Abraxas presumably came into existence when the original universe that eventually branched out into the multiverse was formed, spontaneously

assumed the embodiment of destruction that was the counterpart to the very act of creation embodied by the being known as Eternity. Abraxas

grew within the core of Eternity, although into each reality Eternity made certain a being existed to keep Abraxas from emerging. This being would

later be known as the planet-devouring Galactus.

When the Galactus of the prime reality died, Abraxas emerged. He soon began to cut a swath of terror through various alternate realities, including

the murder of other versions of Galactus. He used the head of a Galactus to target and home in on the prime reality Earth and to plant a mole in a

version of the Herald known as Nova. On Earth of the 616 universe, Abraxas attacked Uatu the Watcher and stole half of his signature medallion.

Abraxas taunted the Fantastic Four with the inevitability of his coming, enticing the team to search for the Ultimate Nullifier, the clues to the location

of which were scattered among alternate realities. Ultimately, the Four found the Nullifer when Abraxas suddenly appeared and stole it from them.

Abraxas called forth an army of Novas to attack Earth and the Fantastic Four held no hope of defeating him. Instead,  Franklin Richards, the son of

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the Four members Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, combined his cosmic powers with those of his sister, Valeria, to reconstitute Galactus

and thus restored balance to Eternity, at the cost of burning out his own powers. Galactus took the Nullifer from Abraxas, giving it to Mister Fantastic

who used the weapon, destroying himself and Abraxas. The result served to re-create a reality in which Abraxas never existed, and since all that

was had ended, all that is was realigned, allowing Mister Fantastic to survive along with all those who died in Abraxas' reign of terror.

Powers and Abilities


As antithesis to the cosmic entity Eternity, Abraxas is a powerful intelligence representing the embodiment of the destruction of the multiverse, and

as such is far removed from the limits of human understanding. Presumably, Abraxas' humanoid form is a manifestation used to communicate, or is

merely the perception of the individual witnessing his presence. His powers are limitless, and he can manipulate the fabric of reality to accomplish

his ends. It is likely that only the Living Tribunal and The One Above All can single handedly overpower him.

Strength level



 Galactus is and ever will be. 

-- Silver Surfer  

As Galan

Galactus is the sole survivor of the universe that existed prior to the current universe. Originally Galactus was a humanoid named Galan, who was

born on the planet Taa, a paradise-like world whose civilization is said to have been the most advanced of any of the known universe of that time.

However, this universe was in its final stages of collapse. Originally, like all universes in the Multiverse, this universe had been a "Cosmic Egg"; a

primal sphere of disorganized, dense, compact primordial matter. The sphere underwent a "Big Bang," an explosion that hurled the matter

outwards, where much of it eventually condensed into stars and planets. This universe expanded in size for billions of years, and then contracted,

undergoing a "crunch" over the following billions of years. All of the matter of that universe was plunging towards a central point, where it was

collapsing into a new "Cosmic Egg."

Taa's civilization was one of the last still in existence. Lethal radiation caused by the "Big Crunch" this universe was experiencing was wiping out all

life across the universe. Galan, a space explorer, was dispatched to travel through the cosmos to find a means of saving Taa, but he found none.

The radiation eventually killed off all but a tiny fraction of the population of Taa. Knowing their deaths were inevitable, Galan proposed to the

remaining survivors that they die gloriously by piloting one of their starships directly into the heart of the "Cosmic Egg." As the starship containing

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Galan and his fellow survivors approached the focal point of the Big Crunch, the heat and radiation killed all the passengers except Galan, who

strangely found himself filled with new energy.


Rebirth as Galactus

At the moment Galan's universe met its end, the Phoenix Force amassed the positive emotions of all living beings in the cosmos to preserve them

from eternal damnation, enabling the Sentience of the Universe — the previous universe's equivalent to Eternity — to meet with Galan.

Within the "Cosmic Egg" the Sentience of the Universe revealed itself to Galan and informed him that though they both would die in the final

moments of the universe, they would both survive through a joint heir born into the next universe. The Sentience of the Universe let the mortal

Galan gestate within it, and thus Galactus, the devourer of worlds, was conceived.

Eventually the "Cosmic Egg" underwent another "Big Bang," thus creating the current universe. Eternity and Death, the ethereal embodiments of

the new universe, were created in this "Big Bang," and the newborn Galactus was simultaneously hurled outward in his recreated starship.

The nascent Galactus drifted in his starship for eons as life began to come into existence in the universe, including the races that would give rise to

the Elders of the Universe. Eventually the nascent Galactus's starship was sighted by Ecce of the Watchers, an ancient species who possess vast

psionic and energy manipulation powers who had undertaken to observe the events of the universe. Ecce drew the starship down to his planet to

study it. There he learned that the being within it had power beyond comprehension and would eventually be forced to consume entire worlds to

satiate his hunger for life-sustaining energy.

Realizing the danger the nascent Galactus posed to the cosmos, this Watcher considered destroying the entity; who was still vulnerable due to his

metamorphic state; but instead decided to abide by the Watchers' oath of non-interference, and let the nascent Galactus depart in his starship.

Although over time the Watcher race has come to understand that Galactus is an intrinsic and necessary component to the natural order of the

cosmos, Ecce has expressed guilt over his decision those billions of years ago and feels partially responsible for the destruction Galactus has

caused since.

The nascent Galactus employed his vastly limitless strength and power and created a suit of armor to help him regulate his raging internal energies.

He then transformed the starship of Galan into a kind of incubation chamber, where Galactus spent thousands upon thousands of years evolving

into his current form.[  Finally, the incubation ship drifted into orbit around the inhabited planet Archeopia. The Archeopians themselves did not

disturb the strange ship, but years later a marauding space fleet, nearing Archeopia and thinking Galactus's ship to be a weapon, attacked it.

Galactus, with his metamorphosis complete, emerged and with a gesture destroyed the invading fleet. Galactus, realizing his uncontrollable hunger

for energy, turned his attention upon the energy-rich Archeopia below. Galactus immediately consumed the life energies of the Archeopia, only a

small fleet of Archeopian ships managed to escape the planet in time. (The Archeopian race would later be fully exterminated by the living

planet Ego).

Taa II

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Over the following millennia Galactus constructed for himself an immense home, the world-ship he calls  Taa II, which engulfs the Archeopian solar

system as a tribute to both his home world and to Archeopia, the first planet he ever consumed. For several billion years Galactus consumed only

planets uninhabited by sentient lifeforms, Archeopia being the only exception, and centuries passed between his "feedings".

However, as ages passed, the intervals between feedings decreased considerably in length, and Galactus found himself needing to consume

worlds inhabited by sentient races if he could find no other worlds possessing the energy he needs in time to sustain himself. Galactus has

succeeded in suppressing his sympathy for intelligent beings who are similar in nature to the entity from which he was birthed, and, realizing himself

to be a higher kind of being than they are due to his intrinsic role in the natural order, is willing to destroy their lives to continue his own. Moreover,

he is aware that he is meant to one day give back to the universe infinitely more than he has ever taken from it.

At one point Galactus threatened to destroy the planet Zenn-La, home of a civilized, humanoid race. One of that world's inhabitants, Norrin Radd,

persuaded Galactus to spare the planet by volunteering to become his "herald" and search out uninhabited worlds for him to consume. Galactus

agreed, and transformed Norrin Radd into the Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer

Eventually, however, Galactus grew determined to consume the energy-rich planet Earth.[8] The Surfer rebelled as a result[9], and Reed

Richards of the Fantastic Four thwarted Galactus by threatening to use an alien device called the Ultimate Nullifier on him, a weapon that could lay

waste to the universe and kill even Galactus. Galactus was forced to vow to spare Earth in exchange for the Nullifier's return, and he punished the

Surfer for his betrayal by erecting an undetectable energy barrier that prevented the Surfer from leaving Earth.

When he discovered the existence of Counter-Earth, he became determined to consume it instead of Earth. He and his herald at the time,

the Destroyer, were opposed by the Fantastic Four once again who had been called for help by the High Evolutionary. Galactus then consumed

the Poppupians' home world instead and was nearly destroyed in the process.[12]

Eventually freeing himself from his pledge to Richards by defeating the immensely powerful Sphinx (who was further empowered by the secrets of

the universe downloaded from the Living Computer of Xandar), Galactus returned several times to Earth to consume it, but was always narrowly

thwarted. Meanwhile, he consumed numerous inhabited worlds throughout the known universe to sate his hunger, and was feared as a menace to

all known star faring races. Galactus also took on a succession of new heralds.

During his last attempt to devour Earth, Galactus had gone so long without "feeding" that his energies were the lowest they had ever been and he

was near death; thus a large number of Earth's superhuman defenders actually succeeded in defeating him in battle. Galactus lay dying,

succumbing to his own hunger, but Reed Richards saved his life with the help of  Thor's mystic hammer Mjolnir. The grateful Galactus pledged his

friendship to Richards and sincerely gave his word never to attack Earth again. Galactus has steadfastly abided by this oath ever since. During this

visit to Earth Galactus recruited his latest herald, Nova.

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Galactus continued to prey upon other worlds, and destroyed the Skrull throneworld, thereby plunging the Skrull Empire into chaos.[15] There is an

account of a far distant alternate future, in which man no longer exists on Earth, and Galactus, therefore no longer feeling bound by his oath,

consumes it at last.

For saving the life of Galactus, Reed Richards was placed on trial by survivors of Galactus' attacks. Galactus appeared for Richard's defense and

Eternity manifested confirming to all present the importance and necessity of Galactus in the universe.[3]

At some point afterward, Galactus was targeted by the alien organization called the Elders of the Universe, who believed his death would trigger a

new Big Bang and recreate reality. In this new reality, the Elders believed they would become a race a Galacti, each with infinite cosmic power with

which to endlessly pursue their special interests. His former herald, Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four, Franklin Richards, and his herald Nova

managed to upset the Elders' plans.[16]

Eternity appeared to Galactus informing him of his hidden role in his battle with the Elders and revealing Galactus' role as the third force of the

universe. One of Galactus' roles as an alien force is to help balance life and death as represented by Eternity and Death.[17] Galactus later ran

afoul of the In-Betweener, the third force of a universe ruled by Master Order and Lord Chaos who was confirmed to be Galactus' own opposite from

another universe. Whereas Galactus is absent of dualities the In-betweener is the crossroads of all dualities.

When Nova finally rebelled as his herald, Galactus created another in the alien Morg, who ultimately murdered Nova on his own volition. Morg in

turn was defeated by the collection of his former heralds. Galactus accepted Firelord and Air-Walker as returning heralds after the battle with Morg,

but secretly preserved Morg's body to restore him slowly over time.

At one point, Galactus was apparently erased from existence by the Ultimate Nullifier.[20] Reed Richards determined he was still alive, however,

and neutralized his own alternate grandson Hyperstorm by connecting the two, leaving Galactus to feed indefinitely off of Hyperstorm's fundamental


More recently, Galactus' appetite became such that he would only devour the life forces of sentient beings and leave the planets on which they lived

intact. He began to consume more and more frequently, because, unlike the life essences of the planets he normally feeds on, the life forces of

mortal beings offer him no sustenance; thus his addiction left him perpetually starving, weakened and demented. He created a new herald,  Red

Shift, to help him succeed in devouring all of the sentient life forces he came upon. He approached Earth once more, and had to be driven off by a

large contingent of Earth's superheroes, and Red Shift was defeated by the Silver Surfer. Finally, the Silver Surfer agreed once more to become

Galactus' herald and to search for planets with sentient life to consume.

Almost immediately, the Silver Surfer led Galactus to the home world of the Shi'ar Empire, perhaps the most technologically advanced in the known

universe, in hopes they would have the forces to repulse the weakened planet devourer. The Shi'ar quickly joined with other races and several of

Earth's superheroes to battle Galactus. During the conflict, the Silver Surfer managed to turn Galactus' own energy-siphoning machines on

Galactus himself, fatally weakening him. Galactus died, warning that the madness which had consumed him was a precursor to another greater


As he passed away, Galactus was converted to energy by his own planet-destroying machines, revealing his true form, that of a sentient star. As

Reed Richards noted, his energy would radiate forever outward, so he could never again reform.

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Galactus' "death" allowed the being known as Abraxas, the metaphysical embodiment of destruction and the antithesis of Eternity, to emerge from

his imprisonment. He soon began to cut a swath of terror through various alternate realities, including the murder of parallel versions of Galactus.

He used the decapitated head of one alternate reality Galactus to target and home in on the prime reality Earth and to plant a mole in his version of

the Herald known as Nova. On Earth, Abraxas attacked Uatu the Watcher, left him comatose, and stole half of his signature medallion. Abraxas

taunted the Fantastic Four with the inevitability of his coming, enticing the team to search for the Ultimate Nullifer, the clues to the location of which

were scattered among alternate realities.

Ultimately, the Four found the Nullifier when Abraxas suddenly appeared and stole it from them. Abraxas called forth an army of Novas to attack

Earth, and the Fantastic Four held no hope of defeating him. Instead, Franklin Richards, the son of the Four members Mister Fantastic and

the Invisible Woman, combined his Celestial-level cosmic powers with those of his sister Valeria and returned Galactus to his natural state and thus

restored balance to Eternity, at the cost of (presumably) forever burning out his powers. Galactus easily wrenched the Nullifier from Abraxas, but,

due to interference from the army of Novas, the Nullifier fell to Reed Richards, who used the weapon to destroy the multiverse. The result served to

re-create the multiverse in which Abraxas had never escaped, and since all that was had ended, all that is was realigned, it allowed Mister Fantastic

to survive along with all those who died in Abraxas' reign of terror.


Main article: Annihilation

During Annihilus' ambition of "conquering" the universe, Galactus was vengefully attacked by the freed surviving Proemial Gods, "Tenebrous, of

The Darkness Between" and "Aegis, Lady of All Sorrows", leaving him badly weakened and was, along with the Silver Surfer, captured by Thanos,

who was responsible for bargaining the gods into fighting the World Devourer. Galactus and the Surfer were brought to Annihilus and were

experimented upon as weapons in Annihilus' war. Galactus was used as a sort of cosmic weapon, capable of destroying whole planets, and his and

the Surfer's cosmic power were fueled as potential weapons for the Annihilation Wave.

Eventually Annihilus' overall plan was to use Galactus as a 'bomb' capable of destroying every life-form in the universe and thus fulfilling his desire

of being the only being in the known universe. However, Annihilus' plan was foiled by the efforts of Moondragon, Drax and the Silver Surfer as they

successfully freed Galactus. After teleporting Moondragon and Drax to safety and in his rage, Galactus proceeds to unleash a massive,

omnidirectional blast that later becomes known as the "Galactus event." Silver Surfer is sent ahead of the blast by Galactus to herald the imminent

destruction, as the unleashed "Galactus obliteration perimeter" wipes out the majority of the Annihilation Wave, more than three star systems and

even vaporizes a Watcher. Galactus' action ultimately stopped the war and forced the remaining warring parties to form a truce.


Following the end of the Annihilation war, Galactus became hungrier than before and requested his Heralds to find planetary substance for his

hunger. It is revealed that at some point in the early years of the creation of the universe that Galactus became involved in a civil war between the

Proemial Gods. He slayed Diableri the leader of the opposing faction of gods who attempted to gain total control of the universe, and imprisons the

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remaining surviving gods in the Kyln. Angered and concerned about the freed Proemial Gods, Aegis and Tenebrous, Galactus ordered the Silver

Surfer to find and defeat the gods once and for all.

After the Surfer kills the gods by luring them into the Crunch, the all-destroying border of the universe, Galactus saved a heavily beaten and

exhausted Surfer in which both of them honor their gratitude to each other, and the Surfer once again became a Herald to Galactus. The Surfer led

Galactus to the planet Sakaar where he destroyed the planet after easily defeating both Skaar and the Surfer who was being controlled by Skaar.

He became addicted to the Old Power after devouring the planet and set out to find all the planets that possess the Old Power within them.

Nu World

Galactus discovered Nu World and its power source. He went to Earth and took Reed Richards to Nu world to fix their power source but in the end

Galactus chose to destroy the world rather then eat it for daring to use him as a power source.

Attack on Asgard

Galactus was in search for “Galactus Seed”, a cosmic heart that will give birth to the next universe to come. Created by Eternity before the

recording of time and discovered by Bor First King of the Asgardians. The seed birthing the World Tree over which the nine realms hang. Surfer

arrived on behalf of Galactus for the seed, as quoted by the Silver Surfer, the seed may be able to satisfy Galactus and stop his hunger. Odin

refused to hand the seed over to Galactus, believing that Galactus was in search for godhood and wants to live forever. This made Galactus attack

Asgard in search for the seed. Galactus was not able to get the seed as Odin was in his way stopping him from getting it.

Galactus and Odin fought by using their telekinetic and telepathic powers because if they had fought physically the power they both possessed

would have been able to destroy the Universe. Odin was able to render Galactus unconscious by head-butting him before falling into the Odinsleep.

After regaining consciousness Galactus proceeded to attack Asgard in search for the seed despite the fact the Silver Surfer was trying to stop

Galactus from proceeding as it declared war on Asgard and Surfer telling him that "They are Gods. They are power and fury and an act of war

against a race of Gods is beyond even you..." nonetheless, Galactus proceeded until Odin summoned The Destroyer, which was powered by the

seed's energy, and at the same time Loki successfully hid the seed, when Surfer detected the seed was gone he informed Galactus. Knowing that

his main objective was not under Asgardian possession any more, Galactus retreated, thus canceling the invasion, and later learned that the seed

was lost somewhere within Odin's World Tree, and that searching for it would be like searching for a needle in a pile of space-time.

After the event Surfer proposes a truce between Galactus and Asgardians, one of the conditions is if the Surfer senses the seed disturbed then the

war between Galactus and Asgardians continues anew. Needing to stay on Earth to observe the Asgardians and ensure they never retrieved the

Seed, the Surfer approached a preacher in Broxton, Oklahoma, Mike, about taking up his role as Herald, having observed Mike's courage in

standing up to Galactus for the good of his people. Mike reluctantly accepted the task, becoming Praeter, the latest Herald of Galactus.

The Future Foundation

Galactus vowed to Reed Richards that he would protect the Earth until the Galactus Seed could be retrieved from Yggdrasill. He gave Richards the

means to summon him in the near future, when he foresaw Earth in peril.[24] Galactus and the adult Franklin Richards from the future stood toe-to-

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toe against the Mad Celestials. After they were defeated, Galactus and Franklin bonded over the fact that Galan would no longer face the end of the

universe alone -- Mister Franklin would survive to the end and witness it with him.[25]Gah Lak Tus merges with Galactus

Clash with the Ultimate Universe

Months after his return, Ultron launched a massive attack on Earth, annihilating humankind and conquering the planet. Wolverine was one of the

remaining survivors, and used Doctor Doom's Time Machine to travel back in time numerous times until he could prevent Ultron's rise of power and

thus the annihilation of humankind, and the evil A.I. was destroyed once and for all, at the cost of the space-time continuum being broken, causing a

"multiversal chaos", where numerous beings from other realities were transported to other universes through the tears of reality. Galactus was one

of the beings dragged to another universe, in this case Earth-1610.

Galactus' arrival to this Earth happened just in the moment and location in which his counterpart, the entity Gah Lak Tus found itself in the middle of

the Chitauri-Kree War. Galactus was approached by Gah Lak Tus, who unexpectedly took the action of merging with its counterpart, creating an

even more powerful Galactus with need to feed, who sent part of Gah Lak Tus as his new herald to seek and consume.

When Galactus attacked Hala, the Kree capital, the planet was defended by that world's Silver Surfer, Nova and Captain Mahr Vehl.  During the

battle, Mahr Vehl died of the injuries caused by the Gah Lak Tus swarm. Nova wore Mahr Vehl's armor and became Captain Marvel, using his

newly vast power, and a weapon on Mahr Vehl's armor designed to kill Gah Lak Tus to unleash a powerful attack on Galactus. Thought dead by the

heroes, Galactus was only heavily weakened by the attack, and started heading Earth looking to consume its power.

On his way, he was met by Vision as she attempted to return Galactus to his own universe. She failed in doing so and was destroyed.  Upon arrival

to Earth, Galactus immediately began his path of destruction and preparations to consume the planet. The Ultimates arrived to stop Galactus, but

even their most devastating attacks proved to be only a nuisance to the world devourer.

Galactus was ultimately defeated when the Elemental Converter was destroyed by a giant Kitty Pryde, and Thor pushed the cosmic entity through a

portal created by Reed Richards, into the N-Zone, with the intention that, since this incarnation of the zone is completely lifeless, Galactus should

starve to death.

Return from the N-Zone

Following an incident where the Eternal Ikaris was brainwashed by the Kree using a device called the Gods' Whisperer, he swore vengeance on his

would-be captors. With help from Aarkus, Ikaris and his fellow Eternals found the comatose Galactus floating in the N-Zone and brought him back

to Earth-616. They then stated that they planned to use the Gods' Whisperer to unleash him upon the Kree when he awakens.[33]

Time Runs Out

Among other solutions, the Illuminati went to Galactus to arrange a meeting with the Celestials in order to stop the Incursions. However, before they

could fully assure them their help, they mysteriously vanished.

Powers and Abilities


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Galactus possesses the immeasurable Cosmic Power and is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, having near-limitless godlike

powers.[4]He was once referred to as "the most awesome living entity in the cosmos."[36] Thanos  with the Infinity Gauntlet ranked him around the

same level of power asOdin, Zeus, the Celestials, and theStranger, but well below Master Order, Lord Chaos, Mistress Love, and Sire Hate, who in

turn are well belowEternity and Infinity, who are well below the Living Tribunal.[37] As such, Galactus is able to employ the cosmic energy within

him to produce virtually any effect he desires. After devouring four planets, Galactus has been shown capable of fighting four  Mad Celestials, and

destroying one of them, although when they fused together into a powerful Voltron Celestial he was defeated.[38]

However, although his power is great, it is dependent on the amount of energy he has absorbed from planets. If he does not feed regularly, then it

will run out, and he will weaken and starve to death.[39]

A few of the abilities he displayed are:

Immortality: Galactus is said to be the oldest living entity; therefore people consider him as an ageless being.

God-level Strength: Galactus has demonstrated the potential for a solar scale of super strength.[40]

God-level Stamina: Galactus can partake in physical strenuous action, like battles, for an undefined period of time, but absorbing the energy

of a planet will only sustain him for a month, and using it will cause the time-span to lower dramatically, so he normally cannot fight for too


God-level Speed: Despite his size, Galactus can fly at speeds that greatly surpass the speed of light.

Invulnerability: Galactus is immune to all diseases, ailments, and toxins. In addition, he is enormously resistant to damage, but was almost

killed by a planetary impact, despite being nourished at the time.[41]He emerged intact from a massive strike from Nega-Bombs.[2] He has

also stated that, much like Aegis and Tenebrous, he could not survive the forces of the Crunch.[42] After Odin headbutted him from the outer

atmosphere all the way to the planet Earth, he very swiftly recovered.[43]

Energy Discharges: After absorbing the energy from several planets, Galactus proved capable of destroying at least three solar systems.

[44] It has been speculated that Galactus might be able to destroy entire galaxies.[45]

Energy Absorption: Arguably his most viable power, as his survival depends on absorbing the Life Force from planets or stars. During his

fight with Mephisto, he showed that he is even capable of absorbing an entire domain. During his attack on the Ultimate Universe he also

absorbed Vision's Dark Matter-attacks.

Levitation: Galactus can traverse or glide through the air using sheer willpower.

Size-Alteration: Galactus's base height and weight will diminish when he is greatly in need of life-giving energy. Galactus has the ability to

increase his size and mass at will, the extent of which is unknown. He once grew to a stature so great that he could wrestle with the

Wraithworld sun.[40]

Adapted Appearance: Although Galactus is usually represented in humanoid form, each sentient being perceives him having a form

resembling their own. Hence, humans see Galactus as an enormous armor-clad humanoid, while an amoeba-like species, for example, would

perceive Galactus in an enormous amoeba-like form. Although as Galan, Galactus was indeed a humanoid, his true current form is unknown.

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Molecular Restructuring: Galactus can manipulate, reshape and rearrange the molecular complexions of any organism, allowing him to

rebuild or redesign things internally.[46]

Matter Transmutation: Being a cosmic being, Galactus can control matter in any object which allows him to turn something tangible like

lead, into something intangible like water.[47] [48]

Teleportation: Galactus can make himself, other people, and objects appear anywhere in the entire universe that he wishes with a mere

thought.[15] [49]  He has even teleported the planet Galador from one galaxy to another.[40]

Force-Fields: Galactus can erect near-impenetrable energy shields.[47]

Galactus, as different sentient beings perceive him. Art by John Byrne.

Interdimensional & Intradimensional Portals: He can create wormholes between dimensions and within dimensions.[50] [51]

Telepathy: Ability to read or communicate with other minds across universal distances.[52] [53]

Telekinesis: Ability to move enormous amounts of mass through mental concentration.[9]

Cosmic Awareness: Galactus can sense disturbances or changes within the cosmic ether on a universal scale.[54]

Resurrection: He can raise the dead.[55]

Creation: Galactus can create complex, sentient, biological or bio-technical life-forms from nothing.[56]

Soul Control & Manipulation: Galactus can control and manipulate the souls and spirits of living beings at will. [53] He uses this power to

alter the memories and emotions of others.

Recreation: Being a cosmic being, Galactus was able to recreate the entire planet Zen-La, including population, etc. in every detail.[53]

Power/Ability Bestowal: Galactus' heralds, whom he has endowed with a minuscule fraction of his cosmic power, are able to manipulate

matter and energy in ways that are far beyond human comprehension.

Vitakinesis: Galactus is able to heal himself and others from physical wounds although this may simply be molecular reconstruction.

Fear Rays: After being merged with Gah Lak Tus, Galactus can generate "fear rays" from space on psychic frequencies, rendering a targeted

population permanently insane within hours. Gah Lak Tus' modules can release flesh-eating viruses capable of devouring organic life on a

planetary scale within hours; the modules can also penetrate a planet’s core and tap its thermal power, transferring it to Gah Lak Tus' main



Galactus, as the oldest known living entity in the universe, possesses one of the universe's absolutely most advanced minds. Reed Richards has

admitted an inability to fully comprehend even the most rudimentary devices found within Galactus' Worldship Taa II. The Worldship itself is a solar

system-sized construct that is said to surpass any natural world in beauty and splendor and yet within it's computers is contained knowledge so

unfathomable and far reaching it can grant awesome power to those who come into contact with it (seeKorvac).

Strength level

When sated, Galactus has demonstrated a solar scale of super-strength.[40]

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Cosmic Hunger: Galactus requires unknown energies obtainable only from a certain type of planets in order to sustain his life. The suitable type of

planet need not to be one where life is present, but it must have the potential to support life. When recently sated Galactus is incredibly powerful;

however, the longer he goes without feeding the more his strength, power, and cosmic awareness wane. Indeed, over one month after consuming a

suitable planet his power will have already been reduced exponentially, although in such a hungered state his powers are still far beyond mortal

comprehension. In recent times Galactus has been known to go without feeding for numerous months at a time bringing him to the brink of death

and reducing his power to such a degree that superhuman teams such as the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four etc. can defeat him.[39] When he

first emerged from his cocoon, Galactus could go without feeding for over century before his hunger weakened him to a significant degree. Why the

intervals between his feedings has decreased over the millennia is unknown.



Galactus often employs his Elemental Converter when devouring planets to help him in the conversion of matter into energy. Although he does not

require this device to devour planets and will forego its use in certain scenarios, it makes the conversion of energies more efficient. Galactus also

wears a full-body suit of armor constructed from an unknown material of his own design that helps him to regulate and control his personal energy.

If he were to remove the armor for an extended period, his vast cosmic energies could run rampant and potentially give him the appearance of a



Although Galactus is capable of space travel via his own power, he disdains the needless expenditure of power and prefers to travel in starships of

his own design. Though Galactus has many different starships in his personal fleet his preferred long range vessel is his sphere-shaped starship

(over a mile in diameter) which is capable of trans-light speeds and inter-dimensional travel. Galactus has even on rare occasions been shown to

travel in his solar system-sized Worldship, Taa II.


Galactus often employs a robot called the Punisher—which possesses vast superhuman strength, speed, and durability—to battle adversaries

whose power levels do not warrant his direct attention. Galactus also keeps in his possession a weapon called the Ultimate Nullifier. This weapon

has the ability to destroy any target the wielder can mentally envision. In the hands of Galactus, due to his cosmic awareness, the Ultimate Nullifier

is capable of destroying entire universes and even entire timelines from beginning to end. It was revealed in the Abraxas story arc that the Ultimate

Nullifier may be an aspect of Galactus himself.


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Galactus had devoured countless worlds, among them:

Archeopia  (First planet devoured; home of the Archeopians)[citation needed]

Poppup  (Home of the Poppupians, Impossible Man's species)[12]

Tarnax IV  (Throne-world of the Skrull Empire)[15]

Sakaar  (Home of the Sakaarans, birth-planet of Skaar)[57]

See the list of planets destroyed by Galactus.

Galactus and his Heralds were stated to be cosmic level threats.[58]


The storyline contained in Fantastic Four   #48 -  #50 , otherwise known to fans as "the Galactus Trilogy", is considered by many to be one of

Marvel's very best stories from the Silver Age of Comics.

Galactus does not have a 'true form' because he is "no longer a being in the absolute, physical sense," "each mind that views him struggles

as best as it can to perceive that unknowable force as an image it can comprehend" (according to Galacta, she and her father seem to wear

purple because "that's merely what your crude little cortexes perceive," due to "the colour's royalty symbolism" from "ancient mythopoetic

cultural sludge encrusting your merely mortal minds"). This is the same "neurocensoring FX" that causes the mortal brain to see "Kirby

crackles" ("odd black circles in/around [it] ... artifacts from your mortal brain's inability to directly perceive Power Cosmic reality distortion).[citation needed]

Not all Galacti share Earth-616's physical and metaphysical characteristics:

Galactus of Earth-2149 was physically eaten by zombies.

Galactus of the Mangaverse (Earth-2301) was a vast eye-like parasite that literally fed on planets through enormous city-sized tendrils.

Where its tendrils touched the surface of a world, "spores" would be thrown off, and these spores took the form of monsters such as Fin

Fang Foom. The Mangaverse equivalents of the Inhumans lived on Galactus' surface, as did a race of Lava Men and a Skrull enclave

led by a Super Skrull. As Earth's heroes fought the spores, Galactus was finally drained of life by that reality's incarnation of Captain


An entity named Gah Lak Tus threatened the Ultimate Universe. It seeded planets with energy siphons that bore a visual resemblance

to the helmet of the Marvel Universe Galactus.


Eternity is an abstract, virtually omnipotent entity representing all time and reality in the universe. The entity is part of a small cosmic pantheon that

represents the three essential forces in the universe, being equity, necessity and vengeance.

In the Earth-616 universe these beings are:

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Equity - Galactus

Necessity - Eternity / Infinity

Vengeance - Death / Oblivion

Eternity and Infinity are in effect twin concepts, as they represent all time (Eternity) and space (Infinity) in the universe respectively. Eternity and the

other cosmic beings are only surpassed by the Living Tribunal, the being that governed the Multiverse.

Eternity also spawned several "children", or concepts that became separate, independent entities. These are Empathy, Eulogy, Expediency,

Entropy, Epiphany, Enmity and Eon - although the last was eventually killed and replaced in turn by the concept Epoch.

Eternity typically only manifested when there was an imminent threat to the universe, such as the villain Dormammu or the Titan Thanos, who

collected the Infinity Gems and later the Heart of the Universe. With these artifacts Thanos was in fact capable of surpassing Eternity and even

imprisoned the cosmic entity, proving that even Eternity was not truly omnipotent.

A notable exception was during the trial of Mr. Fantastic, when Eternity was summoned by the combined effort of Galactus and the Watcher.

Eternity then allowed millions of alien onlookers to momentarily become one with the universe so that they could understand that Galactus was part

of the natural order of the universe. The Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange was the first human being on Earth to have contact with Eternity.

Eternity and all of his counterparts across the Multiverse were guarded by their own personal Captain Universe.

Eternity was the collective consciousness of all life and was defendant on the many trillions of beings within it. It existed everywhere simultaneously.

Eternity could take humanoid form when it deigned to communicate to sorcerers and the like. Eternity once aided Doctor Strange against

Dormammu[2], and Strange then helped Eternity escape from Nightmare's clutches[3]. He was captured by Nightmare once again, which led to the

destruction of Earth, but at the intervention of Strange and the Ancient One, Eternity recreated the Earth. To have greater understanding of

humanity, Eternity occasionally walked the Earth, using the name Adam Quadmon.

When Henry Pym grew beyond the macroverse into Overspace, he met Eternity, who thanked him for saving reality from Chthon. He gave the title

"Scientist Supreme" to Pym because of his desire to take science to the point of studying magic. He sent Pym back to Earth, telling him that he was

the founder of the Avengers to come and promised a new age of heroes was coming, although this may have been a ruse by Loki.

The Eternity of Earth-616, as well as its alternate reality counterparts, was annihilated by the Beyonders.[5]

Powers and Abilities


Omnipotence. Unlimited ability to manipulate time, space, matter, energy, magic or reality for any purpose; Immortal embodiment of the  universe;

Capable of physically manifesting as any force living within the Earth dimension.

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 The High Evolutionary intends to build a god fit for the twenty-first century. And you will be his raw materials. 

-- High Evolutionary src 

Early Life

As a student in the 1920s, Herbert Wyndham was inspired by the work of Nathaniel Essex to perform his own genetic experiments, evolving rats in

his parents' basement. Later, when he attended a conference in Geneva, Wyndham was approached by a disguised Inhuman, who gave Wyndham

the secrets for unlocking genetic codes. As a result, he created a serum that allowed for genetic alteration, but his controversial work got him

expelled from Oxford University.


However, Wyndham joined with another fellow scientist, Jonathan Drew to continue his work, and they set up base in Transia on Wundagore

Mountain in a futuristic citadel that his Inhuman contact gave him a workforce of Moloids to build. Drew's daughter Jessica Drew became ill thanks

to their proximity to the mountain's reserves of uranium, and she was treated by a combination of spider serum and Wyndham's evolutionary

technology and placed in suspended animation. This process would later result in Jessica becoming the superheroine known as Spider-

Woman [3] .Drew's wife was killed by a werewolf, Gregor Russoff, and died, while Wyndham survived the same attack. Jonathan left Wundagore,

and Wyndham constructed a suit of advanced armor to protect himself.

New Men

Soon after this, aided by a new assistant Miles Warren, Wyndham created the New Men by evolving animals into humanoid forms. Jonathan

returned to Wundagore possessed by the sorcerer Magnus, who warned him that the mountain was the banishing place of the demon Chthon,

though the scientifically-minded Wyndham scoffed at this - albeit Magnus convinced Wyndham to teach the New Men a chivalry code as ethics.

[4] One of the New Men was the Inheritor, an evolved cockroach who developed megalomania and, unlike his peers, refused to follow Wyndham's

orders and chivalry code. Wyndham reacted by banishing him to outer space.[5]


Russoff used the mystical book the Darkhold to try and cure his lycanthropy, and in the process freed Chthon. Wyndham, now known as the High

Evolutionary, and the New Men, now known as the Knights of Wundagore fought the demon, banishing him again.

Maximoff Twins

However, at that moment, a pregnant woman Magda gave birth to twins Wanda and Pietro on the mountain, in the citadel, and Chthon's power

touched them, giving him a conduit into the world. The twins would grow up to become the mutant superheroes the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

The High Evolutionary's New Man Bova first tried to pass the twins on to Robert Frank, whose wife had died in childbirth[6], before giving them to a

gypsy couple who had lost their own children[7].

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After clashes with the heroes Thor [8]  and the Hulk [9] , the High Evolutionary decided to launch his citadel into space. There, Wyndham temporarily

evolved himself into a disembodied intelligence[10]. He later devolved himself back into his normal form, but now had powers, including the ability to

evolve or devolve other creatures at will.


When Galactus discovered the existence of Counter-Earth, the High Evolutionary created another army of New Men and sent Gorr to acquire the

help of the Fantastic Four against the world eater and its herald, the Destroyer.

Evolutionary War

Among the steps the High Evolutionary took in his crusade was discrediting the work of his former associate, cloning specialist Miles Warren.

Wyndham still believed cloning was a dead end in genetic research, and did everything he could to discredit the idea. After studying the Gwen

Stacy clone created by Warren, he lied to Spider-Man and the woman, claiming she was not a clone at all.[13] Wyndham even went so far as to

plant false journals of Warren's around Empire state University, claiming he had created a DNA recombinant virus that would re-engineer one

person into the physical and genetic duplicate of another, rather than actual clones.

After his apparent death in the Evolutionary War against Hercules, the High Evolutionary was resurrected in the Black Galaxy Saga.

He and his adopted son Adam Warlock reunited in conflict with the Man-Beast.

Mount Wundagore came under attack by Acolytes and Genoshan Mutates led by Exodus, who saw the Evolutionary's artificial work as an affront to

natural evolution. Wyndham was forced to flee Wundagore, and left a garrison of Knights under the command of Pietro Maximoff.

Fleeing to the Savage Land, Wyndham's experiments with the unstable Isotope E left him an evolutionarily unstable addict, shifting from

Neanderthal to Hyper-Evolved Human states uncontrollably without regular exposure.

The High Evolutionary devised the means to negate the x-factor in every mutant on the planet using satellite technology. He was manipulated into

this by Mister Sinister, but the depowered X-Men ultimately ended his scheme.

Annihilation: Conquest

The High Evolutionary was one of the scientists Beast consulted with after M-Day.  In a separate experiment, he devised the means to restore

Magneto's mutant powers after being Decimated, using power harvested from the Dreaming Celestial.

The Forever City of the High Evolutionary was one of the sites in the War of the Four Cities. Wyndham worked with the Future Foundation during

the early days of the conflict.

When the High Evolutionary learned of the Origin Bombs launched at Earth by the Gardeners, he arrived in the Savage Land to study the Zebra


New Warriors

The High Evolutionary was later convinced by Zuras of the Eternals that the Celestials were going to come to the Earth and judge it, for which

Wyndham killed all of the New Men and sent numerous Evolutionaries to assault metahumans. He attempted to use a gene bomb that would've

killed anything that wasn't human on the surface of the Earth, but was stopped by the New Warriors.

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He later tried once again to build the bomb, even though the New Warriors pinned him down. This time, the Eternals arrived to help the High

Evolutionary, and defeated the Warriors.  After gaining a second wind, the Warriors discovered that Zuras had been lying. Zuras blamed the High

Evolutionary for his actions and blasted him, leaving him for death.


The High Evolutionary later returned to the Counter-Earth, and used it as a test tube to create the perfect New Men, periodically performing

cleansing's each time he noticed a "flaw," and starting again. The High Evolutionary confronted the Avengers Unity Division when they interfeered

with his plan to destroy Lowtown, a refuge for a resistance formed by the High Evolutionary's rejects led by the Low Evolutionary. He was defeated

after Doctor Voodoo unleashed upon him the thousands of souls of those he had exterminated, and was forced to flee through a portal

with Luminous after being beaten up by Quicksilver.

Powers and Abilities


Superhuman Intelligence: The High Evolutionary has evolved his own brain to its full potential; he has virtually unlimited knowledge and

intellectual ability.

Psionics: The High Evolutionary possesses vast psionic powers, augmented by his armor.



Animal Telepathy: Communication with Animals

Telepathic Communication: Capable of telepathic communication with human

Cyberpathy: Communication with Cybernetics

Cosmic Awareness

Danger Sense which also alerts the High Evolutionary of threats to any of his creations: Class 1000

Astral Projection: The High Evolutionary can separate his spirit from his physical form and can survive in this state for an indefinite period of



Linguistics: Skilled in linguistics and ventriloquism

Mental Invisibility: preventing detection by other powerful telepaths. Which he can extend to an entire world

Mental Probe

Force Fields

Dimensional Travel

Mass Manipulation: increase and decrease his own size/mass,can grow at max to 300 feet

Matter Creation which can be used for the following:

Artifact Creation: allows the creation of complex shapes

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Elemental Creation

Life-form Creation

Mechanical Creation

Missile Creation: with powerful range and damage.

Matter Spray/ powerful intensity and damage.




Energy Blasts

Total Recall Memory

Artificial Evolution:: Capable of forcibly evolving life-forms at an accelerated rate

Artificial Devolution:: Capable of forcibly devolving life-forms at an accelerated rate


Scientific Genius-level Intellect: Skilled in science, especially relating to genetics and engineering. Brilliant theoretician

Master Geneticist



Evolutionary Exoskeleton: Most of the High Evolutionary's powers are derived from his protective suit which also provides its wearer with

amazing protection against all physical attacks and protection from energy, psionic, or magical attacks.

Automatic Defense: The suit is designed to protect it's wearer at all costs and, as such, works automatically to prevent disasters from

affecting the High Evolutionary.

Reconstitution Protocol: Body armor, including microcircuitry containing his complete genetic information and thus capable of

restoring him to life in the event of his death. Thus the suit can, in time, regenerate his body or even create a whole new body for


Life-Support System: The suit provides complete life support for Wyndham, automatic recycling his air and providing him with water

and food

Genetic Manipulation Technology: He frequently uses machinery to control evolutionary effects.

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Omnium steel cage: A futuristic version of steel cage, made of a metal so tough that it required the combined efforts of Grey Hulk, Hercules

and Beast to bend just two of its bars, while individually neither Hulk nor Hercules could even slightly damage a single bar.


He owns a space-worthy Citadel of Science on Transia's Mount Wundagore, a research fortress in the Savage Land, an upstate New York

castle, research facilities beneath several major cities, and space facilities ranging from asteroid bases to orbital ships to the worldship New


He dislikes cloning, as he regards it as stagnating evolution, whereas he seeks to speed it up.[37] [38]

However, his aversion to cloning didn't stop him from cloning Thor and creating Nobilius.

Cutler Beckett was the Governor of the East India Trading Company. Born and raised in a prosperous merchant family in England, Cutler Beckett

joined the East India Company after a fight with his father. For many years he faithfully served the Company, eventually becoming the Director of

West African Imports and Exports for the Company. From his post in Calabarhe organized a search for the mythical island of Kerma, hoping to find

its legendary treasure. However, the quest for Kerma didn't succeed because he was betrayed by Captain Jack Sparrow, the man he trusted

enough to place him in charge of his own ship, the merchantman Wicked Wench. Not only Sparrow didn't bring him the bearings of Kerma, but he

also liberated a cargo of slaveswhich Beckett's patron Lord Penwallow needed for his plantation in the Bahamas. Since Sparrow's act ruined his

chance to join the British nobility, Beckett ordered his men to burn the Wench and personally branded Sparrow as a pirate.

Though his quest for a title was delayed, Beckett nonetheless continued to work for the Company. More than a decade after the burning of

the Wicked Wench, Beckett was granted the title ofLord, eventually becoming the Company's governor. As a duly appointed representative

of King George II, he led the Company's expansion in the Caribbean, taking control over Port Royal with the blessing of the Crown, turning it into his

base of operations. Mean-spirited and arrogant, Beckett was rarely seen without his ruthless enforcer, Ian Mercer. With the huge EITC fleet and

anarmy of mercenaries under his command, Lord Beckett made it his goal to forever annihilate piracy from the world, even if that meant a

temporary alliance with the supernatural forces of the infamous pirate Jolly Roger.

As times changed on the high seas, freedom-loving buccaneerslike Jack Sparrow were soon threatened with extinction. Meanwhile, Lord Beckett

set his sights on retrieving the fabledDead Man's Chest; whoever possessed the Chest controls the seas. Beckett intended to use this power

to destroy every last pirate of the Caribbean once and for all. To achieve this goal, Lord Beckett arrested both Will Turner and Elizabeth

Swannacquiring Jack's compass, which he would use to find the Chest. The heart of Davy Jones was presented to Beckett by the former

commodore James Norrington. As the Age of Piracy nears to a seeming close, Lord Cutler Beckett gained control of the Flying Dutchman, which

now roamed the seas, unstoppable, destroying pirate ships without mercy. From aboard his flagship, theEndeavour, Beckett knew that the

legendary Brethren Courtwould make a plan of action against Beckett, the Flying Dutchman, and his Armada. Knowing the Brethren may not be

enough to hold back their fearsome tide, Beckett prepared for a final stand.

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Cutler Beckett was born in a wealthy family in the county of Somersetshire in South England. When he was born, he was a small, sickly baby that

no one expected to survive, but he surprised his family by living. He spent his youth on the family's estate of Springhaven. Cutler's father, Jonathan

Beckett Sr., was the director of the Beckett Trading Company, one of the top five merchant companies in England.

From his earliest years, Cutler Beckett was fascinated with books and learning. Unlike his older brothers,Jonathan Jr. and Bartholomew, who

struggled to master enough mathematics to handle accounting, and enough reading and writing to be able to write confidential business letters in a

clear hand, Cutler soon evidenced significant aptitude as a scholar. The subjects that fascinated him were numerous: history, geography, and

the classics written in their original Greek and Latin.

By the age of eight, Cutler Beckett was far better student than his classmates, the sons of local nobles. After an ugly incident in which Cutler was

brutally beaten by his classmates, his teacher Angus MacFarlin decided to give him private tutoring lessons. MacFarlin, who liked Cutler's

imagination, gave him a copy of an interesting book, My Lyfe Amonge the Pyrates, written by Captain J. Ward, a man who was believed to be

a pirate himself. Full of stories about the adventures on the high seas, the book sparked young Cutler's interest in treasure and the supernatural.

One of Cutler's favorite legends in the book was the legend of Zerzura, the Shining City, located on the island of Kerma. According to Captain

Ward's book, the island was hidden from the outside world by the magical fog and inhabited by the descendants of the Kushites who

left Egypt and Kush thousands of years earlier.

For the next few years, Cutler enjoyed in MacFarlin's private lessons, accompanied by his older sister Jane. However, one thing Cutler still couldn't

gain, the respect and love from his father Jonathan. His father and his brothers looked at him like an unwanted mouth they have to feed. Only his

sister Jane and his sickly mother showed him love. Wanting to make his father proud of himself, young Cutler decided to become a general or

an admiral, a man who would be called "Sir" one day. He believed that his father would show him some respect if he acquires a title, the one thing

no Beckett before ever had.

Leaving his home

"Cutler, your mother has a wasting disease. Some kind of unknown ailment the doctors can’t diagnose or cure. She’s dying, boy. Seeing you

settled as a clergyman is her last wish."

"How dare you try to use my mother to manipulate me, you devil? A ‘wasting disease’ is it? An ‘unknown ailment?’ You lying, filthy hypocrite!

I know what’s wrong with my mother, and so do you! She has the damned pox, and you gave it to her! Why it hasn’t brought you down yet, I

don’t know, but if I believed, I’d pray every day that it would!"

―Jonathan Beckett Sr. and Cutler Beckett[src]

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By the age of eighteen, Cutler was well educated. He had studied the works of Isaac Newton, and he wanted to become a professor. With his

knowledge, he knew he would be accepted at Cambridge or Oxford. But before settling as a professor, he wanted to see the world.[

One day, his father asked him what would he like to do with his life. Knowing that he had a "head for business", Cutler responded that he would like

to join his brothers in the Beckett Trading Company. But Jonathan Beckett had a different opinion, believing that Cutler would never be suitable for

service to King George, and he wanted Cutler to become a clergyman instead, saying that he has made "an investment" in a nice vicarage for him.

However, Cutler refused his father's offer, knowing that he wouldn't be a good priest, as he didn't believe in God at all. But then Jonathan said to

Cutler how his mother is very sick, and that her last wish is to see him settled as a clergyman. When he heard that, Cutler had a burst of rage,

accusing his father of infecting his mother with a small pox after sleeping with dozens of prostitutes on his night outs. After saying to his father that

he despises him, Cutler decided to leave his family's home the same day. Jane heard Cutler's conversation with their father, and though she

couldn't come with him immediately, she gave him her entire life savings, so he could send for her once he's settled.

East India Trading Company

Early career

After packing his bags, young Cutler headed for London, where he found employment in the East India Trading Company. Cutler worked at

the London EITC Office for several months, proving himself to be a good executive. One day, Cutler's superiors assigned him to a tour of duty at the

EITC office on Gibraltar. He quickly boarded the merchantman Lindesfarne in London, hoping to finally fulfill his ambition of seeing the world.

However, during the journey, off the coast of Spain, the Lindesfarne was captured by the pirate ship Le Requin, captained by the

Frenchman Christophe-Julien de Rapièr. Cutler unwisely angered the pirate captain, telling him that his fancy clothes are out-fashioned both in

London and Paris. The pirate captain allowed his crew to "play" with the youngster, and they tortured him for days. While waiting for the ransom

money, the pirate crew forced Cutler and other prisoners to clean their ship; whipping them if they didn't do their work well. Still furious at his

son, Jonathan Beckett Sr. refused to pay the ransom, but the EITC official Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow sent a ransom for Cutler,

and Captain de Rapièr freed the young boy. The experience in captivity left Cutler with eternal hatred for pirates.

New assignments

When he reached Gibraltar, the first thing Cutler Beckett did was writing a letter to the EITC official, Lord Penwallow, thanking him for the EITC’s

faith in him, and promising to pay back the ransom amount. After his return to England, Beckett continued to work for the Company. For some time,

Beckett worked at the EITC office in Bristol. Over the years, Beckett rose rapidly through the EITC ranks, and he was sent to the Far East to work

for the EITC branch in Nippon at the port of Edo.

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For all these years, Cutler stayed in contact with his sister. Now that he was well established, he wanted her to join him, but he couldn't ask her to

travel to the other side of the world, a voyage that would take at least six months. When he learned from Jane that their mother is dead, he

promised her that she could join him at his next posting.

Over the years, Beckett employed many operatives, men in important foreign ports who kept an eye on developments and reported to him. He had

a web of spies funneling him information at all times. A man named Gates, a former spy for the British Crown, served as Beckett's eyes and ears in

the seamier sections of Edo. More than a few of Gates' assignments involved violence, either covert or overt.

EITC Director

After working for three years in Nippon, Beckett was relocated to Calabar in West Africa, where he became the Director of West African Affairs for

the East India Trading Company. When he came to Calabar, Beckett immediately hired Ian Mercer, a professional spy and a killer for hire, to

replace his previous operative, Gates, who was killed on a mission in Nippon.

Immediately after he arrived at his new post, Beckett received a letter from his cousin Susan in which she informed him that his sister had died from

a fever.  Coldhearted as he became, he didn't mourn her death, because he had more important things to do. He was already rich and powerful,

and the only thing he wanted now was a title, so he could briefly come to Somersetshire, see his father, and then give him the “cut direct,” the worst

insult high society allows.

It didn’t take Beckett long to adjust to the demands of his new job, and to ensconce himself in the European community that was growing in

Calabar. Soon, Beckett involved himself in a brisk side business in light-skinned female concubines for a few of the wealthy and powerful gentlemen

in Calabar. He also did “favors” for powerful men, asking for no payment. He knew that having wealthy, powerful men that owed him, that required

his discretion and continuing silence, often paid off in many ways.

A few months after he arrived to his new post, Beckett was visited by his immediate supervisor, the EITC’s Director of African Affairs,

Viscount, Lord Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow. For the next ten days, Lord Penwallow stayed in Calabar as Beckett's personal guest.

During that time, Penwallow told him of his contacts at the Court of King George II and the EITC top management. When Lord Penwallow finally

departed, Beckett knew that Penwallow might be his ticket to a title.

Quest for Kerma

Meeting Jack Sparrow

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At some point during his directorship, Beckett bought an old ship, the Wicked Wench. Though he wanted to use her as a slave ship at first, the

shipwrights told him that converting her hold to haul slaves would be expensive, so he decided to use her for hauling other cargos.

One day, when the EITC brig Fair Wind arrived at Calabar, Beckett was visited by the ship's first and second mate, Jack Sparrow and Robert

Greene, instead of the ship's captain, Nathaniel Bainbridge. The officers told him that the Fair Wind was attacked by the pirate frigate Venganza in

the Caribbean, and that the captain died from an apoplexy when he tried to attack the pirate captain, a woman called Doña Pirata, because he

couldn't stand the idea of a woman commanding a ship. Sparrow and Greene also told him that Jack parleyed with Doña Pirata and that she agreed

to take only one third of the ship's cargo of rum.

One day later, after Beckett examined the logbook of the Fair Wind, he invited Sparrow back to his office. Clearly impressed with Sparrow's

negotiation skills, Beckett offered him a promotion to the rank of captain, as well as a vessel to command, the brand-new square-rigger

named Marlin. Though Sparrow agreed at first, he said no when Beckett told him that the Marlin would be used as a slave ship. Though Beckett

agreed that slave trade wasn't a pleasant business, it was extremely lucrative, and he was very surprised with Jack's refusal. However, knowing that

Sparrow could be an excellent operative for him in foreign ports, he decided to indulge him, and offered him command of the Wicked Wench, which

Sparrow accepted. A few days later, since the Wench needed repairs, Beckett gave Sparrow some funds and allowed him to install two additional

twelve-pound cannons, because the ship was woefully under-gunned. Two weeks later, with her cargo hold full, the Wench sailed for the Caribbean.

One day, when the EITC merchant captain informed Beckett about the illegal activities of the EITC's port master, Benjamin Blount, Beckett sent

Mercer with a group of EITC soldiers to arrest the greedy official. But Blount escaped to the interior of the continent, and was never seen again.

A lunch to remember

"This is Viscount, Lord Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow, the EITC’s Director of African Affairs."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Penwallow."

"Thank you, Captain Sparrow, and I must say the pleasure is all mine. It’s an honor to meet the captain who so nearly broke the record for

sailing the Triangle—and on the vessel’s maiden voyage as an EITC ship, too! Well done, well done, Captain Sparrow!"

―Cutler Beckett, Jack Sparrow and Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow [src]

A few months later, Beckett was again visited by Lord Penwallow. By luck, the Wicked Wench docked at Calabar the same day, returning from her

first voyage as an EITC ship, and Beckett sent Ian Mercer to bring Jack Sparrow to his house for a lunch with him and Lord Penwallow. He even

instructed his housekeeper, Mistress Goodwright, to make sure that Jack baths, for which Beckett provided his own bathtub. He also ordered new,

fancy clothes for Jack.

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When Jack finally joined Beckett and Lord Penwallow in Beckett's library, they tasked him with transporting some building materials for Lord

Penwallow's new plantation house on the island of New Avalon in the Bahamas. During the lunch, it was clear to Beckett's observant eyes that

Sparrow had never dined in that style before, but he easily copied Beckett's impeccable table manners, looking more like a gentleman than Lord


Some time after Sparrow departed, Beckett was glad that Lord Penwallow was now even more pleased with his work, and, especially Beckett’s

assistance in the matter of his new plantation. Beckett knew it was only a matter of time before the older man would express his gratitude by

sponsoring Beckett in his quest for a title.

Soon, Mercer discovered that Jack Sparrow sailed from Calabar with Benjamin Blount's runaway slave Chambaaboard his ship. He informed

Beckett of his discovery, but that only convinced Beckett how clever and audacious Jack is and how good an agent he could be for him.

Purchasing a slave

"Master has sold you, Ayisha. I’m sorry to see you go, but it can’t be helped. Go and gather your things, then come back here immediately.

Don’t dawdle."

"Hallo, Ayisha. My name is Cutler Beckett, and I am your new master. I can’t wait till we can have a nice, long talk."

―Mistress Dalton and Cutler Beckett to Ayisha [src]

One of Beckett's hobbies was collecting antique artifacts belonging to past civilizations. When he sent Mercer to search for such artifacts, the

assistant returned with the Portuguese who sold stolen goods. Among his merchandise, there were several pieces of gold jewelry of ancient design

which Beckett recognized as Kushite. But the jewelry was also extremely similar to the illustrations in the My Lyfe Amonge the Pyrates book. And

most importantly, this jewelry wasn't ancient, causing Beckett to realize that the legends about the island of Kerma and the Shining City

of Zerzura were true. He immediately bought all the jewelry from the trader, but the Portuguese had to tell him how he got it. When the Portuguese

told him that he bought the jewelry from the slave trader known as Ancona Wren-John, Beckett sent Mercer to find that man.

When Mercer found Wren-John, Beckett questioned him about the jewelry. He told them that he found it on some slaves he captured in the interior

of Africa. Believing that those slaves came from the island of Kerma, Beckett sent Mercer to find as many slaves from that caravan as possible, and

he was able to locate the two of them, an old holy man named Piye and the extremely ugly woman named Ayisha, who was working as a

seamstress in the household of Roger Dalton. Though Dalton refused to sell Ayisha when Mercer came to buy her, he agreed when Beckett

personally offered him a large amount of money.

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When Mercer began to interrogate Piye, the old man died with no apparent reason. Afraid that Ayisha could suffer a similar fate, Beckett didn't allow

Mercer to interrogate her. And even without using force on her, they couldn't make her tell them anything useful, because she couldn't speak

English, and she looked to be half-witted. Instead, they decided to wait for the return of Jack Sparrow, a man who could seduce her and convince

her to give them the bearings of Kerma.

Search for Kerma

"You have my every confidence. As you say, the more she believes you're opposing us, the more she'll trust you. And I'm sure you'll return

to Calabar with the bearings for Kerma. You are planning to return, aren't you, Jack?"

"I'll need to return here so we can split up the treasure, Mr. Beckett. I mean... we have a gentleman's agreement."

―Cutler Beckett and Jack Sparrow [src]

When the Wench returned to Calabar, Beckett again sent Mercer to bring Jack Sparrow to his office. When Sparrow came, Beckett showed him the

jewelry he bought and the illustrations in Captain Ward's book. Sparrow instantly recognized the jewelry as Kerman and, like Beckett, noticed that it

wasn't ancient. Beckett then told him about the old priest who died and the ugly seamstress Ayisha. When Jack asked about what Beckett wants

him to do, Beckett told him that he should charm Ayisha into telling them where Kerma is. Jack would pretend to help her escape from slavery, take

her onboard the Wicked Wench, and when he verifies that the bearings of the island are correct, he would return to Calabar and Beckett would send

his fleet to conquer Kerma. In exchange for the bearings of Kerma, Beckett offered him ten percent of the gold that he expected to find on the

island. And according to legends, the labyrinth beneath Zerzura was full of ancient Egyptian treasure.

However, Jack wanted more than just ten percent, and Beckett than offered him twenty percent of the gold, and ten percent of the slave revenue,

because he intended to imprison all Kermans and sell them as slaves. However, Jack refused to involve himself in slave trade, and Beckett finally

agreed to give him thirty percent of the gold. Just to make sure that Sparrow would return, Beckett warned him that if he doesn't fulfill their

agreement, and fails to return with both Ayisha and the Wench, which were both Beckett's property, he would be considered a pirate.

Though he believed that Sparrow would return, Beckett ordered Mercer to plant a spy aboard the Wicked Wench. Mercer then hired the

carpenter Samuel Newton and sent him to join Sparrow's crew. A few days later, the Wench departed with Ayisha onboard. When Mercer informed

Beckett that another, apparently Kerman slave from Wren-John's caravan managed to escape from Roger Dalton's farm the same night when the

Wench sailed from Calabar, they assumed that the slave was also onboard the Wench.

While they waited for Sparrow's return, Beckett and Mercer began to organize a private army with which they intended to conquer Kerma. Mercer

managed to recruit two hundred mercenaries in Europe, including former soldiers and pardoned criminals, while Beckett sent a company of one

hundred EITC soldiers to join the expedition. Beckett also assembled a fleet of five ships, both the EITC defense ships and merchant vessels that

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would transport his army to the legendary island. He also intended to use the Wicked Wench in this expedition, completely forgetting his earlier

promise to Jack that his ship won't be used in the attack on Kerma.

Some time after Sparrow's departure, Beckett received a letter from Lord Penwallow in which he asked him to buy and send 200 hundred slaves for

his new plantation on the island of New Avalon in the Bahamas. He also asked him to give the task of transporting them across the ocean to

Captain Sparrow, because he was pleased with the young captain's earlier work on transporting the building materials to the same island. Though

he didn't promise anything, Penwallow was sure that Beckett would soon receive some official recognition of his contribution to the Company and

the King, because the last time Penwallow was at the Royal Court, he spoke well of Beckett, and he was sure his friends at the Court would like to

introduce him to King George II so Beckett could be properly awarded.

The Investigation

"Jack, you’re lying to me. I don’t know precisely what you’re lying about, but I assure you, I will find out. And when I do... You might want to

think about that, Captain."

―Cutler Beckett to Jack Sparrow [src]

A few months later, the Wicked Wench returned to Calabar, with half of her cargo destroyed, and neither Ayisha nor another slave were onboard.

The story that Sparrow gave to Beckett was hardly believable. According to Sparrow, Ayisha refused to lead Jack to Kerma before he frees her

brother from slavery in the Bahamas. When they accomplished that, the Wench was attacked by the rogue pirates and heavily damaged before

the pirate ship exploded. The Wench was saved from sinking by another pirate ship, the same ship that attacked the Fair Wind a year earlier.

Thanks to Doña Pirata, the pirates didn't take the Wench's cargo of sugar, and they even escorted her to Savannah. After many expensive repairs,

the Wench sailed across the ocean, but when she approached the coordinates that Ayisha gave to Jack, there was only a large  fogbank at that

location. And when the ship approached the fogbank, the entire crew fell asleep, and when they woke up, Ayisha and other two Kermans were

gone, along with one of the ship's longboats.

However, Beckett wasn't ready to believe such a story, and he knew that Jack was lying about something. So he decided to interview the entire

crew of the Wicked Wench. A few days later, the results of his investigation were equal to null. Though Samuel Newton confirmed to Ian Mercer that

Sparrow’s behavior was secretive on some occasions, Sparrow’s account of the voyage was correct. All accounts of interviewed crewmen agreed

with Sparrow’s report. Some crewmembers even reported that Sparrow fought against and killed a revenant, a ghost, after the disappearance of

three Kermans.

When Beckett invited Jack back to his office, he asked him to explain this story about him dueling a ghost, and Sparrow told him that the ghost was

his old fencing master from Marseilles, who died before Jack could pay his bill. Jack even showed him scars from the duel, but Beckett still knew

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that Jack was hiding something. Determined to make Jack pay for what he did, and knowing how much he hates slavery, Beckett told him that

Lord Penwallow needs 200 slaves to be transported to New Avalon. As there was no other EITC ship available at the moment, the Wicked

Wench would have to be used for that task. Jack then attempted to resign his position as an EITC captain, but Beckett warned him that if he refuses

to take a rightfully assigned cargo, and even if he resigns his position, he would owe the Company the money for the destroyed cargo of sugar.

Knowing well that Jack couldn't pay such a great sum, he knew what Sparrow's answer would be. Beckett also told him that if he makes this one trip

for him, he would never ask him to do it again, and he would even sell him the Wicked Wench for just one shilling. Submitting to Beckett's will,

Sparrow agreed.

Betrayals and punishments

"Everything I’ve worked for, here in Calabar, enduring this hellish climate, getting this coast operating smoothly...everything, all that

work...wasted. Gone. My chance at a title. My possible advancement. The regard of my superior in the EITC hierarchy...gone. All of it, gone.

Because of you, Jack Sparrow."

―Cutler Beckett to Jack Sparrow [src]

A few days later, the Wicked Wench's cargo hold was refitted to carry slaves. Beckett personally sent a group of slave handlers onboard to take

care of the Wench's human cargo during the journey, and the Wench sailed for the New World. However, Beckett believed that Jack could do

something other than he ordered him, so he sent his fleet to secretly follow the Wench. He instructed the captains to attack and capture

the Wench if she comes anywhere near the bearings of that fogbank where the three Kermans disappeared.

A few weeks later, Beckett's fleet did exactly that. The Wench's crew surrendered without a fight. However, when the EITC soldiers boarded

the Wench, the slaves were no longer onboard. Sparrow was locked in the brig aboard the Sentinel, the EITC’s patrol and defensive vessel for West

Africa, which immediately sailed south, back to Calabar, where Jack was thrown into a local EITC jail. The remaining ships continued their search

for Kerma near the location where the Wench was captured, but they couldn't find the slightest sign of the island. However, Jack's captain's cabin

was searched, and Beckett's men discovered several hiding places full of Kerman gold and gemstones.

Exactly thirty four days after the capture of the Wench, Beckett received a letter from Lord Penwallow, in which his patron chastened him for not

delivering his cargo. Knowing that his chance at a title was now ruined, Beckett decided to punish Jack by destroying what he loves most—his ship.

He believed that it was worth loosing one old ship just to see Jack suffer. The next day, Sparrow and his first mate Robert Greene were brought

onboard the Sentinel, which sailed for the place where the Wench was anchored, a few miles from Calabar.

When the Setinel approached the Wench, Sparrow and Greene were brought onto the weather deck so they could see what punishment Beckett

had in store for Jack. When Ian Mercer took the burning iron rod with a "P" symbol, Beckett took it from him, because he wanted to personally do

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that. He branded Jack as a pirate—burning a "P" symbol onto his right forearm—condemning him to spend the rest of his life as an outlaw. When

that procedure was done, it was time for Jack's real punishment to begin. Beckett then told Mercer to order his men to open fire on the Wench, and

to use the carcass charges, which would start the fire that would consume the Wench and sink her.

Seeing the cannons firing at his beloved Wench, Jack managed to free himself from Mercer's men. Cutler Beckett took a cutlass and tried to stop

him, but Jack knocked the weapon out of his hand, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him overboard. Both Sparrow and Greene jumped

overboard, and while Greene started swimming toward the shore, Jack was determined to reach the burning Wench and try to save her. When

Beckett climbed back onboard the Sentinel, he could watch the Wench burning and sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic. Beckett and his men

believed that Jack Sparrow had gone down with his ship.

Obtaining the Dead Man's Chest


"Cutler Beckett?"

"It's Lord now, actually."

"Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man."

"Oh, in fact I do."

―Weatherby Swann and Cutler Beckett, concerning Will Turner's arrest.[src]

Marked by his failure to deliver to Lord Penwallow the promised cargo, Cutler Beckett's quest for a title was now seriously slowed down. But despite

this temporary setback, he continued to serve the Company as before, because he wasn't a man who would give up so easily. Some time later,

while he was in England, he met Weatherby Swann, the good friend of King George II.

After years of hard work, Beckett rose through the high ranks of the Company and was made Governor of the Company by the Court of Directors.

Soon, he was both knighted and made a lord, eventually becoming the duly appointed representative of King George II. Lord Beckett quickly made

use of his newfound power and status to act on his long-standing prejudice against pirates. And knowing that the removal of piracy from the world

forever would require having complete control of the Seven Seas, Beckett began the search for the Dead Man's Chest, which contained the still

beating heart of Davy Jones, the supernatural Lord of the sea and captain of the legendary ghost ship called the Flying Dutchman.

At some point during his search, Beckett discovered that Jack Sparrow is alive and in command of the resurrected Wicked Wench, the Black Pearl,

as she was called now. He also learned that Jack is in possession of a magical compass that points to what its owner wants most, and that he

searched for the cursed treasure of Hernán Cortés that was hidden on Isla de Muerta.

The alliance with Jolly Roger

"Lord Beckett has recruited an army of assassins, and there's no parley with Jolly Roger."

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―Elizabeth Swann to a pirate[src]

When he arrived in the Caribbean, Beckett discovered that the Company isn't the only force which wants to control the New World. The undead

army of Jolly Roger, an undead pirate captain, was attacking the main islands in the Caribbean, and the ships on the high seas, both the British and

the pirate ships. Not wanting to fight on two fronts at the same time, Beckett made a deal with Roger, because they had a common goal, to rid the

world of Jack Sparrow. But when Beckett learned about the magical Lost Weapons of El Patron, a Spanish conquistador who disappeared on a

mysterious island called Raven's Cove, he double-crossed Roger and sent the Black Guard to find the weapons. Both Roger's and Beckett forces

landed on Raven's Cove, and fought a bloody battle over the weapons. At the end of the fight, both sides retrieved some of the weapons, and

Raven's Cove was in ruins.

Port Royal

"Consider into your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night."

"So I did. A marriage interrupted...or fate intervenes? You're making great efforts to ensure Sparrow's freedom."

"These aren't going to Jack."

"Oh, really? To ensure Mr. Turner's freedom, then. I'll still want that compass. Consider that in your calculations."

―Elizabeth Swann and Cutler Beckett[src]

Approximately a year after the incident at Isla de Muerta, Lord Cutler Beckett was sent to Port Royal with the blessing of the Crown and the official

appointment to the Royal Commission for Antilles Trade and Protection, which gave him extraordinary powers both governmental and military.  Lord

Beckett arrived aboard the HMS Endeavour , bearing arrest warrants for William Turner, Elizabeth Swann and former commodore James

Norrington, all of whom had been implicit in Jack Sparrow's escape from Fort Charles. However, months prior to Beckett's arrival, Norrington had

resigned his commission, after his failed attempt to capture Sparrow, but Beckett was able to have Elizabeth and William arrested.

Despite the objections of his old acquaintance, Governor Weatherby Swann, Beckett arrested both Will and Elizabeth on their wedding day while

accompanied by a troop of East India Trading Company militiamen. However, despite Elizabeth being imprisoned, Beckett struck a deal with

Turner; he wished to obtain Jack Sparrow's compass, with which he hoped to find the Dead Man's Chest, which contained the heart of Davy Jones.

With the heart he would be able to assume control over Jones and the crew of the Flying Dutchman, and thus the Seven Seas. In return, Beckett

promised to pardon Will and make Jack a privateer under the employ of the British crown, with the use of letters of Marque signed by King George

II. Will agreed, and set off to locate Jack.

Elizabeth Swann with Cutler Beckett.

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Some time later, Beckett was tipped off that Governor Swann was sending Elizabeth back to London. Realizing that Elizabeth was the only thing

holding Will to their bargain, Beckett sent Mercer to kill the captain of the vessel that was to transport Elizabeth to England, and to ambush the

governor. While this was going on, Beckett was confronted in his office by Elizabeth, who had snuck away from her father prior to the ambush, and

stole the letters of Marque from Beckett's desk. Held at gunpoint Beckett was forced to sign and legitimize the letters for Elizabeth and watch her

escape. He anticipated Elizabeth's movements, and sent Mercer to head her off at her most likely destination: the pirate port of Tortuga.

Shortly after Elizabeth left, Beckett's men captured a notorious French pirate, Capitaine Chevalle. Beckett had Chevalle tried and set him in

stockades in the middle of Fort Charles. Before Chevalle's hanging could commence however, Jack Sparrow snuck into Port Royal to set him free.

Sparrow sabotaged the hangman's rope, and then used a series of explosions to cover his and Chevalle's escape from the fort. Unable to recapture

Chevalle or Sparrow, Beckett returned to his search for the Dead Man's Chest.

Control of the seas

"Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that."

"Of course. He wants the chest."

―Joshamee Gibbs and Jack Sparrow [src]

Beckett later had Governor Weatherby Swann brought in to hear Mercer's report that Elizabeth had left  Tortuga with Jack Sparrow on the Black

Pearl, along with James Norrington. Beckett told Swann—who had been imprisoned for his actions—that his armada would soon catch

the Pearl and dispense justice. Swann, ignorant of the fact that the Black Pearl was almost uncatchable, accepted Beckett's demands for his loyalty,

in return for Elizabeth's safety.

Ultimately, Lord Beckett received the contents of the Dead Man's Chest from James Norrington. Norrington had stolen Jack Sparrow's letters of

Marque, who in turn, had taken them from Elizabeth. Seeking to regain his honour, Norrington fought for the heart of Davy Jones with Jack Sparrow

and William Turner, and was able to escape from Isla Cruces, and was picked up by a Company ship. With both the letters and the heart, Beckett

not only pardoned Norrington, but promoted him to the rank of admiral. With the heart of Davy Jones in his possession, Beckett was now one step

closer to his goal of eradicating piracy from the seas forever.

War Against Piracy

"The Brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand."

―Cutler Beckett to Ian Mercer and James Norrington [src]

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With the heart in his possession, Beckett employed Admiral James Norrington, and used Davy Jones to hunt down, capture and exterminate piracy

from the Caribbean. During this period, in order to catch and execute pirates and their accomplices more quickly, Beckett declared martial law as

the duly appointed representative of His Majesty the King. He suspended many rights of ordinary citizens, including the right to a verdict of a jury of

peers, the right to legal counsel, the right to gather in protest and several others. Using the authority of Governor Swann, Beckett oversaw the

executions of hundreds of people who he believed had even the remotest association with piracy, including children. During one execution, Beckett

was able to get the crowd to sing the anthem of the Brethren Court––a clandestine association of notorious pirates––a sign he knew would force the

Brethren to meet, at which time he could attack and eliminate them with one fell stroke.

Control of the Dutchman

As this war progressed, Beckett was intent on finding the crew of the Black Pearl. He apparently was able to have them tracked to Singapore,

where Mercer led a detachment of Company troops to find the hideout of the infamous Chinese pirate, Sao Feng. Beckett had placed a spy in Sao

Feng's organization, named Steng, who was able to lead Mercer to Feng's bath house. Mercer ambushed the pirates, but wasn't able to capture

Feng, or the crew of the Pearl. Mercer reported that Steng had said that the pirates were gathering, and that nine Pirate Lords would be attending,

including Jack Sparrow, who was being rescued by his crew from Davy Jones' Locker. Beckett still desired to know the significance of the

nine pieces of eight, of which their spy knew very little. However, Mercer told Beckett of a secret deal he made with Sao Feng: Feng would capture

the crew of the Pearl and Sparrow would be delivered to Beckett for interrogation, and in turn Feng would be given the Pearl, a clause Beckett had

no intention of fulfilling.

With the Flying Dutchman under its command, the Company easily obliterated numerous pirate vessels. However, Beckett soon became irritated

with Davy Jones' habit of leaving no survivors for him to interrogate. Beckett already forced Jones to beach the Kraken, so that it could not be used

against him; now he would need to keep Davy Jones within an arm's reach. Beckett placed Admiral Norrington onboard the Dutchman with the

Dead Man's Chest, with mini-cannons pointed at the chest at all times. With the chest in constant danger, Jones was forced to obey Beckett's

commands to the letter. Soon after that, Beckett ordered Governor Swann to be murdered, fearing that he would soon figure out the significance of

the chest, and pose a threat to his plans. However, Beckett attempted to keep the matter secret, and informed individuals, such as Swann's

associate Admiral Norrington, that the Governor had been "sent back to England".

Just Good Business

"Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat

the Flying Dutchman. And so despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?"

―Cutler Beckett to Jack Sparrow [src]

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After the Pearl came back from the Locker, Sao Feng made true to his bargain, and captured the Pearl, through a deal he made with Will Turner.

He then defaulted on his deal with Turner, in favor of his deal with Beckett. Beckett then intercepted Sao Feng and the  Pearl in his flagship,

the HMS   Endeavour .

Beckett tried to gain information from Sparrow, while interrogating him in his quarters, but Sparrow's inordinate terms reminded Beckett of Sparrow's

compass, the use of which would render Sparrow unnecessary. Sparrow, however, pointed out that since Beckett wanted Sparrow dead more than

anything in the world, Jack's compass would only lead to Sparrow. When Beckett suggested killing Sparrow to "cut out the middle man", Sparrow

pointed out that if Beckett simply killed him, he would then find the meeting place of the Brethren Court,  Shipwreck Cove, but he would have to

blockade the island and spend countless resources in the process. Sparrow proposed that Beckett release him, so that he could lead Beckett to

Shipwreck Cove, and draw the pirates out.

Beckett agreed, but at that same moment, Sao Feng joined forces with Hector Barbossa—after learning that he would not be receiving

the Pearl after all—and attacked the Endeavour. Sparrow ran out of Beckett's office and cleverly used a cannon and a rope to get back onto

the Pearl. Beckett ordered Jones to pursue Sao Feng's ship, the Empress, so that the Endeavour could follow the Pearl. The Endeavour was unable

to pursue the Pearl at first, however, due to the fact that during his escape, Jack Sparrow had disabled the main mast of the Endeavour, crippling

the vessel for several hours.

"Jack has sailed the Black Pearl to Shipwreck Cove."

"And with you no longer aboard her, how do you intend to lead us there?"

"[holds up Jack's compass] What is it, that you want most?"

―William Turner and Cutler Beckett[src]

When repairs had been made, the Endeavour headed off in the general direction of the Pearl, hoping to catch up to Sparrow. Interestingly enough,

a trail of bodies tied to barrels was leading them closer to the Pearl. One night, a barrel had a living body on top of it. When pulled to the deck,

Beckett came face to face with the man who had made the trail of bodies in the first place, Will Turner. Will had been thrown overboard by Sparrow,

and had come to treat with Beckett. As he had tea with Turner, Davy Jones was summoned. Jones was upset with Beckett for not telling him that

Sparrow had been freed from the Locker and suspected that he was hiding other information from him as well. Beckett ignored Jones' suspicions,

and instead questioned Jones about Calypso, the goddess of the sea, according to nautical legend. Beckett had been told that the pirates

possessed Calypso, and he wanted to see if Jones knew anything about her, knowing that, as Jones had sailed the seas for hundreds of years, he

would no doubt have heard the "legend". Beckett was surprised to find that Jones himself had made a deal with the original Brethren Court to bind

Calypso in human form. Will then told them that the Brethren Court intended to release her, and offered to lead Beckett and Jones to Shipwreck

Cove, all in return for his father's freedom and the guarantee of his and Elizabeth's safety. Beckett agreed, and Will gave Beckett Jack's compass,

which was able to lead him to Shipwreck Cove.

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Prior to his arrival at Shipwreck Island, Beckett sent a small force of Company soldiers, under the command of his elite Black Coat soldiers, to

attack the Pirate Lords in Shipwreck City. Inevitably, the small contingent of Company troops was defeated, but Beckett had only meant to delay the

pirates from escaping, while he organized his armada against them.

Parlay with the Pirates

"Advise your Brethren: you can fight, and all of you will die, or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die."

―Cutler Beckett to King Elizabeth Swann.[src]

True to his word, Sparrow had indeed led the Brethren out of their fortress, and offshore of Shipwreck Island, Beckett's armada came face to face

with the fleet of the Brethren Court. The pirates were outnumbered ten to one, and Beckett was as confident as ever of his victory. He rowed over to

a sandbar in between the two fleets, along with Davy Jones and Will. The three men waited for the arrival of the Court's ambassadors. Finally,

Elizabeth Swann, Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow strode up the sandbar to them. Beckett told them that they could either surrender or fight, and

in the latter case they would all die. Elizabeth rebuked Beckett, and seemed confident in the capabilities of her own small fleet. Although Will told

Elizabeth he was the one who had lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove, Beckett was convinced that Sparrow was really behind it all. Beckett revealed

to the pirates the deal he had made with Jack, and tried unsuccessfully to get him to confess. Nevertheless, Elizabeth offered to trade Jack for Will,

to which Beckett happily agreed. Beckett rowed back to the Endeavour, and ordered his men to ready the fleet.

"The enemy...has opted for oblivion. Ready the fleet."

―Cutler Beckett[src]

As preparations were being made for the battle, an odd wind began to blow in the favorable direction of the pirate fleet, and the skies darkened and

rain began to fall. As lightning struck the surface of the water in front of Beckett's fleet, a colossal maelstrom began to form. Beckett saw that

the Pearl was heading towards the maelstrom, and ordered the Dutchman to do the same, signaling it to attack the Pearl and to give no

quarter. Confident of his superiority, Beckett sent only the Flying Dutchman to attack the pirates.


"It's nothing personal, Jack. It's just good business."

―Cutler Beckett[src]

Following the end of the battle of the maelstrom, and the apparent sinking of the Flying Dutchman, the Black Pearlemerged victorious from the

massive whirlpool. After Lieutenant Groves saw the Pearl just waiting between the two fleets, Beckett commanded the Endeavour to finish the

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Pearl off, disregarding his deal with Sparrow. However, as he closed in on the Pearl, the Flying Dutchman reemerged from the depths. Beckett did

not know that Will Turner had stabbed the heart of Davy Jones, and had taken his place as captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Beckett during the destruction of the Endeavour.

As the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman rounded about and closed in on the HMS Endeavour, Beckett was paralyzed with a mixture of fear,

shock, doubt, and indecision, unable to give any of his men a single order. Lieutenant Groves was concerned about what Beckett's orders were in

the turn of events. The Pearl and the Dutchman flanked the Endeavour on both sides, and fired a full broadside. Beckett still did not give an order,

so Groves ordered the entire crew of the Endeavour to abandon ship, and then jumped overboard. While Beckett still stood in shock, knowing that

he will meet his end, the crew of the Endeavour either jumped overboard or were killed in the blasts.

Beckett, defeated and utterly helpless, calmly walked down the staircase from the helm to the quarterdeck of the Endeavour as the ship was being

obliterated all around him. Oddly enough, as he walked towards the center of his ship, not a single large piece of metal or wood hit him. But finally,

Beckett's life ended when the constant barrage of fire from the two ships ignited the Endeavour's powder magazine, sending his ship up in flames.

His body was blown overboard and landed atop a floating East India Trading Company flag.

"It's just...good business."

―Cutler Beckett's last words [src]


Personality and traits

Cutler Beckett

"No doubt you've discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm, as your father believes."

"Then what is?"

"...I'm afraid currency, is the currency of the realm."

―Cutler Beckett and Elizabeth Swann [src]

Cutler Beckett was a ruthless, manipulative, mean-spirited and arrogant man, who would stop at nothing to further his own personal goals. [14] A

persistent man, Beckett felt no remorse for the deaths he caused, as he showed when he sent hundreds of possibly innocent people, who he

believed to be associated with piracy, to the gallows, even children.[16] He utilized his assistant, Ian Mercer, to the fullest of his abilities, using him

as both an assassin and spy. Beckett was adept at twisting the law for his own aims, using his status as a representative of  King George II to

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manipulate Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, and James Norrington to find the Dead Man's Chest.[14]Beckett viewed others as tools, and showed

blatant disregard for the lives of others around him. He was also quite unconcerned with dangerous, even life-threatening situations, remaining calm

during an attack on the Endeavour, as cannonballs streaked past him. Even prior to his death, he remained calm, for the most part, as his ship was

helplessly obliterated all around him.

Perhaps Beckett's most uncharacteristic attribute was his seeming interest of Elizabeth Swann. Perhaps, like the pirate Sao Feng, Beckett was

intrigued by her outgoing and assertive personality, contrary to the reserved personalities of most women at the time. Ultimately, however, she had

no bearing on his decisions to attack the Black Pearl and the fleet of the Brethren Court; although, at one point he did half-heartedly try to coax Jack

Sparrow into giving Elizabeth over to him during their negotiations aboard the Endeavour. Nevertheless, Beckett remorselessly had Elizabeth's

father murdered, and seemed unfazed when she confronted him about it.[16] Beckett also had no qualms with revoking on deals with those he did

business with, disregarding secret agreements he made with a range of people, including Weatherby Swann, Will Turner, Sao Feng and Jack

Sparrow.[16] Ironically his attempt to renege on his deal with Sparrow led to his death as he brought his ship out into the open, allowing the Black

Pearl and Flying Dutchman to destroy it. Despite his familiarity with betrayal, or perhaps because of it, Beckett paid those who betrayed him in

kind[10], and rewarded those who served him faithfully.[16]

Culter Beckett's portrait

"Jack Sparrow is a dying breed. The world is shrinking. The blank edges of the map filled in. Jack must find his place in the New World or


―Cutler Beckett to William Turner [src]

Beckett's actions throughout most of his life were driven by his intense hatred of pirates. The majority of his policy while Governor of the East India

Trading Company involved confronting the issue of piracy across the globe.[16] Because of his terrifying experience with the pirate crew

of Christophe-Julien de Rapièr, he hated pirates more than anything. As governor of the EITC, he saw piracy as a major threat to commerce,

especially the financial interests of the Company. However, Beckett possessed a very keen vision for a new world order, and he believed that the

romantic age that pirates such as Jack Sparrow once belonged to had come to and end. He further believed that if pirates could not find their place

in the dawning age of global commerce they would perish, either through the natural course of social evolution[14], or preferably, by his own

designs.[16] It is also likely that Beckett's hatred for all pirate-kind was seated in his deep-rooted hatred and sense of rivalry with Jack Sparrow, a

man who betrayed him to become a pirate.

Like many people of his time, Beckett had nothing against slavery. For him, selling the black Africans as slaves was just another good business.

While he was living in Calabar, he owned several slaves, either to keep his house clean, or to drive his expensive carriage. As the EITC Director of

West African Affairs, he was in charge of overseeing the sales inventory carried by hundreds of EITC vessels, and the most valuable African EITC

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cargo were slaves. Though he didn't exactly consider the black people inferior to the whites, and he even admitted that slave trade wasn’t a

pleasant business, it was extremely lucrative, which was for him a good enough reason to involve himself in it.[2]

By his own admission, Beckett wasn't a religious man, and he didn't believe in God at all. However, he considered himself an English patriot, and he

felt that his duty to his country and his King was to expand the power of the East India Trading Company whenever possible, because whenever the

Company's power would grow, the power of England would grow too.

Beckett possessed a number of various outfits. Most were dark colored, perhaps reflecting his sinister goals. All of them were elegant, however, and

as Beckett valued personal wealth and beauty, he wore them to show others his high status and wealth. He always wore tall black boots and a

powdered wig, giving him an air of authority. Beckett also wore a bicorne hat and, occasionally, an Inverness cape when outside, especially in rainy


Equipment and skills

"Our ships are in pursuit, and justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal. I

personally find it distasteful to even contemplate the horror facing all those on board."

―Cutler Beckett to Weatherby Swann [src]

Beckett owned and used a variety of items and weapons during his service in the East India Trading Company. Perhaps most impressive of all, was

the world map he had painted in his Port Royal office. A cartographer was employed to make daily changes to the map as ships returned bringing

reports of the Company's growing power and influence.[14] Beckett also maintained a large globe in his cabin aboard the HMS Endeavour.[16] Also

aboard, were various nautical instruments and toy ships that eerily resembled torture devices, perhaps reflecting the type of control Beckett planned

to exert over the world.[17] He owned a golden signet ring which he used to seal letters and important documents.[14] Beckett also possessed a

silver-topped walking stick which he used sparingly, but nevertheless used it to emphasize his status.[16] Interestingly enough, Beckett also owned

a horse, which he rode into Port Royal upon his arrival in the Caribbean.[14]

Beckett made many enemies during his rise to power, and took to carrying a pistol at all times. This short-barelled weapon was kept in a specially-

made pocket in the lining of his frock coat.[4] He also owned a cutlassand took possession of James Norrington's sword upon taking control of Port

Royal.[14] Despite the fact that Beckett rarely carried his cutlass with him, he was nevertheless highly trained in swordplay, and considered himself

a very skilled duelist.[15]

During his campaign to eradicate piracy, Beckett made use of a pirate brand. This branding iron was tipped with a "P", which was pressed, boiling

hot, onto the forearm of captured pirates, leaving them permanently scarred. Beckett kept this brand in his office. Upon journeying to the Caribbean,

Beckett brought with him Letters of Marque, signed by the King himself, intending to use them in his plan to assume control of the Dead Man's

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Chest. The chance to become a privateer was offered to Jack Sparrow, though the letters were ultimately signed and claimed by James Norrington,

in exchange for the heart of Davy Jones.[14]

Beckett was highly educated, and as such, he was able to speak several languages. Aside from English, which was his native language, he fluently

spoke French, Spanish, Greek, and Latin.


 How many more jobs... How long will it take... I don't know if I can do it... Even if I could forgive myself...  This is what I am now. And

you'll never know who I was before. 

-- Black Widow src 

Early Years

It was rumored that Natasha Romanova (Russian: Наталья Романова, Наташа Романова, Наталья Романова-Шостакова) was somehow

related to the last ruling czars of Russia, but this was never proven. Nothing else was known about her prior to World War II.

There are varying accounts of Romanova's early life. One account states that Nazis set the building Natasha was living in on fire in Stalingrad, and

her mother threw her out the window to a Russian soldier before dying in the fire. The soldier's name was Ivan Petrovitch, and he watched over

Natasha for her entire life, remaining by her side as her chauffeur.

While under Ivan's protection, many adversaries attempted to attack her. Baron von Stucker abducted Natasha and presented her to the Hand in

Madripoor. There, she was to become their Master Assassin until Captain America, Logan, and Ivan saved her. As Natasha grew and matured, she

proved to be an amazing athlete and scholar, while gaining distinction in the USSR as a ballerina.

Red Room

Red Room

Another account establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the U.S.S.R.'s "Black Widow Ops" Program, rather than solely by Ivan

Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to Department X, with other 28 young female orphans, where she is trained in combat and espionage at the

covert "Red Room" facility. There, she is bio-technologically and psycho-technologically enhanced; an accounting that provides a rationale for her

unusually long and youthful lifespan. She never really trained in ballet in the Bolshoi Theatre, having instead artificial memories. During her training,

Romanova was contacted by the Enchantress, who manipulated her simply for the sake of it suggesting that Romanova may be freed only to

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prevent her from escaping - however, Romanova's effort attracted attention of the program's organizers, who would had otherwise "discard"


Regardless of which account is accurate, she was eventually arranged to marry Alexi Shostakov, a distinguished Soviet test pilot.


The Soviet government intelligence (KGB) decided that the skill set of this couple would make them superb special operatives, and split them up

while Alexi was away on a mission. Trained as the Red Guardian, Alexi became the Soviet Union’s answer to the United States’ Captain America.

Natasha was told that her husband died in an experimental rocket crash, and was drafted into the KGB. She became their best operative from being

trained in the infamous Red Room Academy, becoming excellent at fighting and information gathering. During this time she had some training under

the Winter Soldier. It was there she was first dubbed the “Black Widow.”

The man named Logan resurfaced in America years later without any memory of his past, and in danger from Hydra assassins. She saved him and

came upon him again when he stole the Red Storm Project from Russia alongside Carol Danvers and Ben Grimm.

Early Clashes with Iron Man

Black Widow was assigned to assist Boris Turgenov in the assassination of Professor Anton Vanko for defecting from their country by

infiltrating Stark Industries in America. Tony Stark, the original Iron Man, continually foiled her schemes against Stark Industries. Romanova later

met the novice archer Hawkeye and set him against Iron Man, and later helped Hawkeye battle Iron Man. Unfortunately, Hawkeye's association with

Russian spies would label him a criminal in his early career. Black Widow and Hawkeye next clashed against the novice super-hero Spider-Man.

They resumed their focus on Tony Stark, clashing with Iron Man twice more - the first being an attempt to raid Tony Stark's munitions plant.

When that mission ended in failure, she was taken back to Russia by her masters and given a new costume that allowed her to scale walls as well

as a device that allowed her to fire lines to swing from. She once more attempted to get Hawkeye to help her destroy Iron Man. The pair almost

succeeded, but when Black Widow was injured, Hawkeye retreated to get her to safety.] During this period, Romanova was attempting to defect

from the Soviet Union and began to feel love toward Hawkeye, weakening her loyalty to her country. When her employers learned the truth, they

had her gunned down, sending her to a hospital, convincing Hawkeye to go straight and seek membership in the Avengers.

Association with the Avengers

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Captured by her masters again and brainwashed, Black Widow was forced to hire the Swordsman and Power Man to destroy the Avengers. This

plot eventually failed when the Avengers defeated both of the villains and Natasha shook off the effects of the brainwashing.  Attempting to make

amends with the group, she assisted them against the racist group known as the Sons of the Serpent.

Having been granted amnesty, Natasha made a bid for membership in the Avengers, aiding them in their battle against the Ultroids.[23] She

threatened to kill their leader Ixar if he did not leave the Earth, winning the victory, however Hawkeye covered up this fact so that she could get

membership in the group even though she violated their code of ethics regarding killing. However when Nick Fury hired her to spy on her former

master on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., she was be forced to decline membership with the Avengers and publicly broke off her relationship with

Hawkeye. As part of her mission, the press branded her as a traitor, breaking Hawkeye's heart.

Arriving in China, the Black Widow was not easily trusted and subjected to the Psychotron device, a machine that could brainwash anyone. She

proved to be too strong willed and had to be gassed and kept locked up. Learning that Natasha was now a prisoner of her former Communist

masters, the Avengers traveled to China to rescue her, clashing with the Red Guardian, Natasha's ex-husband who was thought to be dead.The

Avengers with the help of Natasha defeated the Communists plot to use the Psychotron against the western world. During the course of the battle

Natasha was injured and the Red Guardian seemingly perished in the battle.

After time recovering in the hospital, Natasha returned to Avengers mansion and came to the decision to give up her career of costumed

adventuring. However this proved to be short lived as she returned to super-heroics shortly thereafter, however her romance with Hawkeye became

strained as he was usually too busy with Avengers business to pay attention to her.

Fed up with staying out of action, Black Widow accepted another assignment from S.H.I.E.L.D. to prevent Egghead from using an orbital platform to

hold the world ransom. She was captured, prompting Hawkeye (who still loved her) to use Henry Pym's growth formula to become the new Goliath

and rescue her. She aided the Avengers in stopping Egghead, although it ended in the seeming death of Egghead and Goliath's brother

Barney. After a prolonged absence, the Black Widow eventually ended her relationship with Goliath.

Going Solo

Natasha was not be able to avoid super-heroics for long and, after designing a new sleek black costume and adapting her bracelets with electric

"Widows Bites", she sought to prove herself a capable adventurer by besting Spider-Man in battle. Although Spider-Man was ill and not at his full

capacity at the time, he was still able to beat the Widow, however she resolved to continue her career as a costumed adventurer.

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She mostly clashed with underworld figures and costumed villains during this period, notably the Astrologer and Watchlord.

Partners with Daredevil

The Black Widow soon became a pawn manipulated by the computer known as Baal from the distant future Earth-71778. In that reality, mankind

was wiped out and the past history of Daredevil and Black Widow played a crucial role. This ultimately lead to a long relationship and partnership

between the two heroes, but it eventually came to an end.

While working with S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow was briefly captured as part of a Hydra plot to infiltrate and brainwash the organization, causing her to

regress to an old cover identity of teacher Nancy Rushman. Fortunately, she was discovered and rescued by Spider-Man, subsequently working

with him, Nick Fury, and Shang-Chi to defeat their plan; she even admitted that the Nancy identity was attracted to Spider-Man after the crisis was

over, even if she preferred to retain her independence.

Champions of Los Angeles

She co-founded the Champions of Los Angeles after they had successfully foiled a plot by Pluto to invade Olympus[39]. The team soon disbanded

due to bankruptcy, and Natasha attempted a partnership with Hercules without success.

Solo Again

After these two failures, Natasha decided to stay on her own and freelance as an agent for a while.

It was during this time that an enemy from her time alongside Daredevil kidnapped Ivan to lure her to her death.  Damon Dran planned to bring

Natasha to his island so a small army of female combat specialists could destroy her. Once she was out of the way, he would send a fake Black

Widow back to S.H.I.E.L.D. to assassinate Nick Fury. Unfortunately for Dran, Natasha defeated the army, saved Ivan, and notified Fury (who in turn

bombed Dran's island).

On a freelance mission, the Black Widow attempted to prevent the Hand from stealing the long-dead body of their Master Warrior,  Kirigi. Utilizing

deadly poisons, Natasha was killed by the Hand. She was revived by Stone of the Chaste, and joined forces with Stone and Daredevil to stop the

Hand from reviving Elektra. Natasha knew that they failed in this endeavor, but kept the information from Matt for his well-being.

On a mission, Natasha found her husband Alexi Shostakov alive. Little did she know that it was only a Life Model Decoy created by Russian agents

to blackmail her back into service of mother Russia. Once she finished the tasks they gave her, the Russians told her the truth and attempted to kill

her. With Ivan’s assistance, she defeated the Russians and destroyed the LMD.

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Iron Man teamed up with Black Widow to prevent an agent named “Oktober” from attempting to start World War III by launching missiles. The

missiles were launched, but Iron Man kept them from detonating. Oktober ended up actually being Natasha under some old KGB reprogramming

that had been dormant in her mind. Together, they captured the agent responsible.[3]

In time, Black Widow came back to the Avengers and became a co-leader, managing ops at home base while Black Knight lead in the field. When

the majority of the Avengers were killed during the Onslaught saga, she was unable to rebuild the team while fighting off lawsuits from the Maria

Stark Foundation. She always felt as if the Avengers dissolution was solely her fault.

The Black Widow then vowed to apprehend all of the Avenger's former foes, and ran into Daredevil while hunting the Grey Gargoyle. Matt feared for

her mental state as he noticed how obsessive she became about bringing the Gargoyle down. As he attempted to help her, his girlfriend, Karen

Page, became increasingly more angry and jealous. Natasha acknowledged Matt's love for Karen and left them to be together. Later, Natasha

would even offer to help Karen clear her name from a murder Mr. Fear framed her for.

Once the Avengers who were thought killed returned, Natasha was more relieved, but decided to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. instead, assisting them in

destroying Freedom Light by pretending to be Ebon Flame.

Daredevil came into her life once again when he needed her to take care of Baby Karen, who he believed to be the Antichrist. He eventually came

back to attempt to kill the child, and Natasha stood in his way. While they were fighting, Bullseye killed the child and Natasha was badly beaten.

Upon the child’s death, Matt realized what he was doing, and he and Natasha reconciled. While she could admit that she still cared for him, they

both decided they would never be together.

Another Russian agent claimed the mantle of Black Widow, which brought her up against Natasha. Yelena Belova tried to keep Natasha from

retrieving the Endless Fury Serum but failed.

A short time after, Natasha captured Yelena and had their faces surgically swapped in an effort to find out what General Stalyenko was doing with

the Rhapastani Government in the Hudson River Valley. After meeting with whom he thought was Yelena, Stalyenko figured out it was not really

she and attempted to kill her. Even though her plan failed, Natasha was able to prevent Stalyenko from selling the Cold War nuclear weapons he

was hiding in the valley to Rhapastan.

The government of Bulgaria later captured Madame Hydra and requested an exchange with the United States for the Black Widow. As part of a

sting to find out who it was that was going to allow Natasha to be exchanged, Daredevil and S.H.I.E.L.D. teamed up with Natasha and found out

that her husband, Alexi had orchestrated the entire exchange. Alongside the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Daredevil, Natasha took Alexi into


The stress of seeing her once-dead once-living once-dead once-robot now alive again husband drove Natasha to retirement. She lived for a short

time in Arizona before agents from the Red Room began tracking down ex-Black Widow agents and killing them. Natasha recruited Phil Dexter, an

associate from S.H.I.E.L.D., and attempted to track down the killers. In her hunting, she found Sally Anne Carter as well as Antonovna Kudrin, who

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was the former head of biotech for the Red Room. It turned out that the Black Widows included twenty-seven girls trained to be perfect killers. They

were implanted with false memories, psycho-chemically conditioned, and chemically enhanced to be loyal and perform perfectly for the program.

Even pheromonal locks and keys were implanted into the Black Widows as a control mechanism to keep them from rebelling. While taking Lyudmila

to S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha learned that Nick Fury had used the pheromonal keys to make her defect from her home country and begin working for

S.H.I.E.L.D. She also learned that Sally Anne was kidnapped and Phil was killed in the process.

The trail of Black Widow killings lead to Vassily Ilyich Ulyanov from the Red Room and Ian McMasters, CEO of Gynacon. Natasha caught up to

them on his yacht and killed them, making her the number one most wanted criminal in the United States.

Natasha sought help from Yelena Belova in Cuba. Yelena was running a lingerie company and soft pornography television channels at the time. In

return for a place to stay, Yelena asked Natasha for help in exporting stolen medical supplies from Miami. To her surprise, Natasha found the

medical supplies to be from Gynacon and that Sally Anne was actually taken by the mafia. Kestrel and Martin Ferris captured Natasha in Miami and

attempted to alter her mind using drugs to find out what she knew. With the help of Yelena, Daredevil rescued Natasha, who then tracked and killed

Kestrel and Ferris. In all the madness, Natasha learned that Sally Anne had been experimented on by Gynacon but had escaped.

Black Widow was assigned to track down the Tinkerer in an effort to find the financier behind the super-villains of America. Disguised in a burqa,

she tracked the Tinkerer to the castle of Lucia von Bardas, the current prime minister of Latveria. Unfortunately, the President refused Fury's

request for a S.H.I.E.L.D.-focused overthrow of von Bardas. Forced to act alone, Fury gathered Widow, Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke Cage,

Daredevil, Wolverine and Daisy Johnson to overthrow von Bardas. Unfortunately, the heroes disapproved of bringing down Castle Doom down on

von Bardas. Afterwards, Fury erased the memories of the non-level 10 participants in his secret war.

When Matt Murdock's identity as Daredevil was leaked to the press, the government came to arrest him along with Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Foggy

Nelson. Natasha was able to keep everyone but Matt from going to jail.

Civil War/Initiative

During the Superhero Civil War, Natasha becomes a supporter of the Superhuman Registration Act and a member of the task force led by Iron

Man.[40] Afterward, Natasha allowed herself to be registered and joins the reconstituted Avengers.[40] When S.H.I.E.L.D. director Tony Stark is

presumed killed and deputy director Maria Hill incapacitated, Natasha assumes temporary command of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the highest-ranking agent


Mighty Avengers

Natasha, still one of the world’s most sought-after espionage agents alive, was recruited by Iron Man and Ms. Marvel to be on the newest team of

Avengers alongside the Sentry, Ares, the Wasp, and Wonder Man. She immediately proved herself in battle against the Mole Man's biological

creatures and continued to do so when taking command of S.H.I.E.L.D. during the Ultron crisis.

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Natasha was among the Avengers infected along with hundreds of other New York citizens by a symbiote virus, but were cured by Iron Man.

Natasha became very suspicious of Jessica Drew, who was later discovered to be the Skrull impostor, Veranke.


Natasha assumed the identity of Yelena Belova to infiltrate Norman Osborn'sThunderbolts for Nick Fury.[41] Osborn discovered her breaking into

an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, and offered her the position of field lead. On her first mission, she and Ant-Man took control of Air Force One

with the Goblin, Doc Samson, and the new President aboard.[42] Osborn began impersonating Fury in messages to set Natasha up in order to

strengthen the Thunderbolts and lead him to Fury.

Osborn ordered her to lead the current Thunderbolts to kill former Thunderbolt,Songbird. Fury orders "Yelena" to rescue and retrieve Songbird, for

the information she might have possessed about Osborn and his operations. Natasha found Songbird, and revealed to her that she was really

Natasha Romanova in disguise. She tried delivering Songbird to Fury, but the Thunderbolts also followed them.[43] The trio was captured as

Osborn revealed he had been impersonating Fury in messages all along. He ordered the team to execute Natasha and Songbird, but they managed

to escape when Ant-Man, Headsmen and Paladin turned on the rest of the Thunderbolts and let them go. After being rescued by MACH-V and

Fixer, they learned that the Fury Osborn shot was actually an LMD.[44] [45]

Again an Avenger

After the Siege of Asgard, Black Widow joined Commander Rogers' new Secret Avengers. Some time later, when the Stark Tower was rebuilt, she

joined the Avengers' main team and even had a room there. She played a vital role in helping Spider-Man foil the Sinister Six's latest scheme when

she, Spider-Man and Silver Sablewere the last heroes left standing after the Six defeated the rest of the Avengers (albeit because she was the

Avenger closest to Sable's cloaked plane)[46].

During the Avengers' war with the X-Men, Natasha sided with her fellow Avengers. After the war, she was called upon to join the primary Avengers


Time Runs Out

Several months later, when S.H.I.E.L.D. took over the Avengers to find the Illuminati and bring them into custody for destroying another universe,

Natasha left the team and joined Sunspot's Avengers.

Powers and Abilities


Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Natasha has received the Red Room's variant of the Super-Soldier Serum.[citation needed] As a result, her

physical and mental abilities had been psycho-chemically enhanced beyond human limits. She is classified as a Superhuman. Nick Fury's intel

classified her as power level 7.

Peak Human Strength: Her physical strength is at the peak level of natural physical limits of a woman of her height, weight and build. She is

capable of lifting up to 500 lbs. However, she stated that the Punisherwas stronger than her.[52]

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Peak Human Speed: Her speed is also enhanced to the peak of human capability. Natasha is as fast as a human can be.

Super Human Agility: Natasha's natural agility is heightened to a level greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist. She can coordinate her

body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity easily.[53]

Super Human Reflexes: Due to the Red Room's experiments, her reaction time is similarly enhanced and functions with superhuman

efficiency and capability.

Peak Human Durability: Natasha's bodily tissues have been augmented to the pinnacle of human development. Though she can be injured

in the typical ways other humans can be, she possesses exceptional human strength, endurance, and stamina.

Peak Human Senses: Her five senses are enhanced and function at the peak of human perfection.

Peak Mental Resistance: Natasha is extraordinarily capable at withstanding torture. She is required to go undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D. often

and has been extensively trained to endure long-term inhumane interrogation methods.

Peak Human Immune System: While she is susceptible to disease, the Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her

body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate.[53]

Extended Longevity: The Super Soldier serum variant has also extended her lifespan by dramatically slowing her natural aging process.

Although she is almost 70 years old, she has the youthful appearance and vitality of a woman in the physical prime of her life.


Master Martial Artist: Natasha is an expert in the field of martial arts. She is proficient in sambo, boxing, karate, judo, aikido, ninjutsu, savate,

muay thai and multiple styles of kung fu.

Expert Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats.

Expert Marksman: Natasha is an extremely accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing.

Multilingual: She is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and various other languages.

Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to

changing tactical situations.

Graceful Dancer: Natasha is a profound ballet dancer.

Expert Tactician: She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has lead the Avengers and even S.H.I.E.L.D. on one


Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into all computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security with ease.

Master Seductress: She is an expert in the field of seduction. Natasha has been infamously known to bend many different men to her will and

sometimes even get them to do her bidding for her. She sometimes continues deceiving certain men through means of acting if she still has a

further use for them.

Expert Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. She displays an uncanny

affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. She is capable of killing in cold blood when the need arises. Her

talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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While the Super Soldier serum has kept her in her physical prime, its effects on her body have made pregnancy impossible.



Costume Specifications: Synthetic stretch fabric which has been augmented to be highly resistant to damage even small arms fire and high

temperatures. Microscopic suction cups on her costume allow her to scale walls and cling to ceilings, just as her namesake.


Natasha uses her Widow's Line, a grappling hook with a retractable line, to swing along rooftops for increased mobility. Avenger's Quinjets.

Assorted S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft. Used an Avengers Issue Jet-Pack.[55]


Personal Weaponry: The Black Widow's Gauntlets are wrist cartridges containing various tools of the spy trade: tear-gas pellets, a radio

transmitter and spring-loaded cable.

Special Weaponry: Various automatic weapons and firearms, combat knives and explosives as needed. She also uses a device often referred to

as the Widow's Bite that is capable of emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about 30,000 volts.