arXiv:1609.08377v3 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Oct 2016 Extremely scalable algorithm for 10 8 -atom quantum material simulation on the full system of the K computer Takeo Hoshi and Hiroto Imachi Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics Tottori University 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, Japan Email(Hoshi): [email protected] Kiyoshi Kumahata, Masaaki Terai, Kengo Miyamoto, Kazuo Minami and Fumiyoshi Shoji Operations and Computer Technologies Division RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science 7-1-26 Minatojima-minami-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan Abstract—An extremely scalable linear-algebraic algorithm was developed for quantum material simulation (electronic state calculation) with 10 8 atoms or 100-nm-scale materials. The mathematical foundation is generalized shifted linear equations ((zB - A)x = b), instead of conventional generalized eigenvalue equations. The method has a highly parallelizable mathematical structure. The benchmark shows an extreme strong scaling and a qualified time-to-solution on the full system of the K computer. The method was demonstrated in a real material research for ultra-flexible (organic) devices, key devices of next-generation Internet-of-Things (IoT) products. The present paper shows that an innovative scalable algorithm for a real research can appear by the co-design among application, algorithm and architecture. Index Terms—Parallel algorithms, Scalability, Large-scale elec- tronic state calculation, Generalized shifted linear equations, Krylov subspace, Organic semiconductors, Ultra-flexible device material, Condensed organic polymers. I. I NTRODUCTION Large-scale quantum material simulation (electronic state calculation) is a major field of computational science and engineering. Calculations for one-hundred-million (10 8 ) atoms or 100-nano-meter(nm)-scale systems have a strong need for innovative industrial products but are far beyond the computa- tional limit of the present standard methods. The present paper reports that a novel linear algebraic algorithm [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] shows an extreme strong scaling and a qualified time-to-solution on the full system on the K computer with 10 8 atoms or 100-nm-scale systems. The algorithm was im- plemented in our code ELSES (=Extra-Large-Scale Electronic Structure calculation; http://www.elses.jp/). The method was demonstrated with condensed polymer systems that appears in an academic-industrial collaboration research for next- generation Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. The present paper is organized as follows; The background or the algorithm is presented in Sec. II or Sec. III, respectively. The benchmark and their analysis are given in Sec. IV. The application in real research is given in Sec. V. The conclusion is given in Sec. VI. II. BACKGROUND A. Large-scale eigenvalue problem and its difficulty A mathematical foundation of electronic state calculations is a generalized eigenvalue problem of Ay k = λ k By k . (1) The matrices A and B are Hamiltonian and the overlap matrices, respectively. These matrices are M × M Hermitian matrices and B is positive definite. In this paper, these matrices are real-symmetric. An eigenvalue (λ k ) or eigenvector (y k ) represents the energy or quantum wavefunction φ k (r) of one electron, respectively. In typical cases, the matrix size M is proportional to the number of atoms N (M N ). Direct eigenvalue solvers consume O(M 3 ) operation costs and their practical limit is the matrix size of M = 10 6 for the current supercomputers. Recently, a million dimen- sional eigenvalue problem, the largest problem as far as we know, was solved by an optimally hybrid solver (EigenKer- nel; https://github.com/eigenkernel/) [5] with the two modern solvers of ELPA [7] and EigenExa [8]. The ELPA routine was used for the reducing procedure from the generalized eigenvalue problem into the standard one, while the EigenExa routine was used so as to solve the reduced standard problem. The elapsed time on the K computer is T elaps =9, 939 sec with n node = 41, 472 nodes and T elaps =5, 516 sec on the full system (with n node = 82, 944 nodes). The large-scale problem of Eq. (1) has a potential difficulty, because an explicit orthogonalization procedure is required with O(N 3 ) operation costs, so as to satisfy the orthogonality relation of y T k By l = δ kl . The above potential difficulty appears commonly among the large-scale electronic state calculations. A calculation code with O(N 3 ) operation costs is RSDFT [9], the winner of Gordon Bell Prize in 2011. The method is based on first principles and real-space mesh grid and was used with up to N = 10 5 atoms on the K computer. Although the above paper is a fascinating progress, the present target is far beyond the computational limit.

Extremely scalable algorithm for 10 -atom quantum material ...cacs.usc.edu/education/cs699/Hoshi-100M-polymer-SCALA16.pdf · arXiv:1609.08377v3 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Oct 2016 Extremely

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Extremely scalable algorithmfor 108-atom quantum material simulation

on the full system of the K computerTakeo Hoshi and Hiroto Imachi

Department of Applied Mathematics and PhysicsTottori University

4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, JapanEmail(Hoshi): [email protected]

Kiyoshi Kumahata, Masaaki Terai,Kengo Miyamoto, Kazuo Minami and Fumiyoshi Shoji

Operations and Computer Technologies DivisionRIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science

7-1-26 Minatojima-minami-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan

Abstract—An extremely scalable linear-algebraic algorithmwas developed for quantum material simulation (electronicstatecalculation) with 108 atoms or 100-nm-scale materials. Themathematical foundation is generalized shifted linear equations((zB −A)x = b), instead of conventional generalized eigenvalueequations. The method has a highly parallelizable mathematicalstructure. The benchmark shows an extreme strong scaling anda qualified time-to-solution on the full system of the K computer.The method was demonstrated in a real material research forultra-flexible (organic) devices, key devices of next-generationInternet-of-Things (IoT) products. The present paper shows thatan innovative scalable algorithm for a real research can appearby the co-design among application, algorithm and architecture.

Index Terms—Parallel algorithms, Scalability, Large-scale elec-tronic state calculation, Generalized shifted linear equations,Krylov subspace, Organic semiconductors, Ultra-flexible devicematerial, Condensed organic polymers.


Large-scale quantum material simulation (electronic statecalculation) is a major field of computational science andengineering. Calculations for one-hundred-million (108) atomsor 100-nano-meter(nm)-scale systems have a strong need forinnovative industrial products but are far beyond the computa-tional limit of the present standard methods. The present paperreports that a novel linear algebraic algorithm [1], [2], [3],[4], [5], [6] shows an extreme strong scaling and a qualifiedtime-to-solution on the full system on the K computer with108 atoms or 100-nm-scale systems. The algorithm was im-plemented in our code ELSES (=Extra-Large-Scale ElectronicStructure calculation; http://www.elses.jp/). The method wasdemonstrated with condensed polymer systems that appearsin an academic-industrial collaboration research for next-generation Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

The present paper is organized as follows; The backgroundor the algorithm is presented in Sec. II or Sec. III, respectively.The benchmark and their analysis are given in Sec. IV. Theapplication in real research is given in Sec. V. The conclusionis given in Sec. VI.


A. Large-scale eigenvalue problem and its difficulty

A mathematical foundation of electronic state calculationsis a generalized eigenvalue problem of

Ayk = λkByk. (1)

The matricesA and B are Hamiltonian and the overlapmatrices, respectively. These matrices areM ×M Hermitianmatrices andB is positive definite. In this paper, these matricesare real-symmetric. An eigenvalue (λk) or eigenvector (yk)represents the energy or quantum wavefunctionφk(r) of oneelectron, respectively. In typical cases, the matrix sizeM isproportional to the number of atomsN (M ∝ N ).

Direct eigenvalue solvers consumeO(M3) operation costsand their practical limit is the matrix size ofM = 106

for the current supercomputers. Recently, a million dimen-sional eigenvalue problem, the largest problem as far as weknow, was solved by an optimally hybrid solver (EigenKer-nel; https://github.com/eigenkernel/) [5] with the two modernsolvers of ELPA [7] and EigenExa [8]. The ELPA routinewas used for the reducing procedure from the generalizedeigenvalue problem into the standard one, while the EigenExaroutine was used so as to solve the reduced standard problem.The elapsed time on the K computer isTelaps = 9, 939 secwith nnode = 41, 472 nodes andTelaps = 5, 516 sec on thefull system (withnnode = 82, 944 nodes).

The large-scale problem of Eq. (1) has a potential difficulty,because an explicit orthogonalization procedure is requiredwith O(N3) operation costs, so as to satisfy the orthogonalityrelation of yT

k Byl = δkl. The above potential difficultyappears commonly among the large-scale electronic statecalculations. A calculation code withO(N3) operation costsis RSDFT [9], the winner of Gordon Bell Prize in 2011. Themethod is based on first principles and real-space mesh gridand was used with up toN = 105 atoms on the K computer.Although the above paper is a fascinating progress, the presenttarget is far beyond the computational limit.

B. A novel concept for large-scale calculations

A novel concept for large-scale calculations was proposedby Walter Kohn, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistryat 1998. His paper in 1996 shows that the above potentialdifficulty in electronic state calculation can be avoided, whenthe theory is not based on an eigenvalue problem and theformulation is free from the orthogonalization procedure [10].The concept realizes ‘order-N ’ methods [1], [11], [12], [13],[14], in which the computational cost isO(N) or proportionalto the number of atomsN .

Here the concept [10] is briefly explained. The theoryfocuses on a physical quantity defined as

〈X〉 ≡∑


f(λk)yTk Xyk, (2)

with a given sparse real-symmetric matrixX . Equation (2) isfound in elementary textbooks of electronic state calculations.The function of f(λ) is a weight function, called Fermifunction, and is defined as

f(λ) ≡


1 + exp(λ − µ



. (3)

The weight function is a ‘smoothed’ step function with asmoothing parameterτ(> 0), because the Heaviside stepfunction will appear in the limiting case ofτ → +0 (f(λ) =1(λ < µ) and f(λ) = 0(λ > µ)). The smoothing parameterτ indicates the temperature of electrons. The parameterµ isthe chemical potential and the value should be determined, soas to reproduce the number of electrons in the material. Thecase inX = A, for example, gives the electronic energy

〈A〉 ≡∑


f(λk)λk. (4)

A quantity in Eq.(2) is transformed into the trace form of

〈X〉 = Tr[ρX ] =∑


ρjiXij (5)

with the density matrix

ρ ≡∑


f(εk)yk yTk . (6)

The order-N property can appear, since the matrixX issparse; A density matrix elementρji is not required whenXij = 0, because the elementρji does not contribute tothe physical quantity of Eq. (5), even if its value is nonzero(ρji 6= 0). Consequently, the number of the required densitymatrix elementsρji is O(N). The above fact is called ‘quan-tum locality’ or ‘nearsightedness principle’ [10].

The above formulation has a highly parallelizable math-ematical structure and the original problem is decomposedmathematically into parallel subproblems. The trace in Eq.(5)can be decomposed as

〈X〉 = Tr[ρX ] =



eTj ρXej, (7)

with the j-th unit vector ofej ≡ (0, 0, 0, ..., 1j, 0, 0, ..., 0)T.

Here the quantity ofeTj ρXej is called ‘projected physicalquantity’, because the quantity is defined by the projectiononto the vector ofej . The essence of the parallelism is the factthat the projected physical quantity ofeTj ρXej is calculatedalmost independently among different indices ofj.

An important application is quantum molecular dynamicssimulation, in which an electron is treated as a quantummechanical wave, while an atom (a nucleus) is treated as aclassical particle in Newtonian equation of motion


dt2= FI . (8)

Here,MI andRI are the mass and the position of theI-thatom andFI is the force on theI-th atom. Other variables,such as the electronic charge on each atom{qI}I , can bealso calculated. The force and charge on each atom can becalculated in the trace form of Eq. (5).

C. Physical origin of the matrices

The matrices ofA and B are sparse and their physicalorigin is found in Ref. [1] and reference therein. In short, thecalculations in the present paper are formulated by a first-principle-based modeled (transferable tight-binding) theory.An electronic wavefunctionφk(r) is expressed by an eigen-vector ofyk ≡ (y1k, y2k, ..., yMk)

T, asφk(r) =∑

j yjkχj(r)with the given basis functions of{χj(r)}j called atomicorbitals. A basis function is localized in real space and itslocalization center is the position of one atom. A matrix ele-ment ofAij or Bij represents the quantum (wave) interactionof electrons on thei-th and j-th bases. The basis index,ior j, is the composite indices of the atom indexI or J thatdistinguishes the localization center and another index,α or β,called orbital index that distinguishes the shape of the function(i ⇔ (I, α), j ⇔ (J, β)). An element of the matricesA andBcan be expressed by the four indices asAIα;Jβ andBIα;Jβ ,respectively. The matrices are sparse, because the elementsdecays quickly (|AIα;Jβ |, |BIα;Jβ | → 0) as the function ofthe distance between theI-th andJ-th atoms (rIJ ). In thepresent simulation, a cutoff distancercut was introduced sothat a matrix element,AIα;Jβ or BIα;Jβ , is ignored in thecases ofrIJ > rcut. Among the present benchmarks, thecutoff distancercut is set to bercut = 5 au (≈ 0.2646nm) fordiamond crystal andrcut = 10 au (≈ 0.5292nm) for condensedpolymers. A longer cutoff distance is used for condensedpolymers, so as to include the interaction between polymers.

The number of orbitals on one atom can be different amongatom species. The simulated materials in the present paperconsists in hydrogen (H) and carbon (C) atoms. One (s-type)orbital is prepared at each hydrogen (H) atom, and four (s-,px-, py-, pz-types) atomic orbitals at each carbon (C) atom. Amaterial withNH hydrogen atoms andNC carbon atoms givesthe matrices ofA andB with the size ofM = NH + 4NC.

・ potential difficulty (ex. orthogonalization procedures)

・ highly parallelizable mathematical structure (See (c))

・ O(N3) operation costs ・ O(N) operation costs

・ max. target size: 105 atoms ・ max. target size: 108 atoms, within the elapsed time < 102 s

physical quantitiesmatrix solver

iteration step

matrix generation

G. Eigenvalue eqn.G.G.G. E E Eigigigenenenvavavalululue e e eqeqeqn.n.n.

G. Shifted Linear eqns.



physical quantities ( wavefunction )

( Propagation (Green’s) fn. )



(b) conventional method present method

highly parallelizable mathematical structure

Fig. 1: (a) The ground design of scalable algorithm. (b)Comparison between the conventional and present method. (c)Illustration of the highly parallelizable mathematical structure.


A. Ground design

The ground design of the present scalable algorithm [1] isshown in Fig. 1(a). The comparison between the conventionaland present methods is summarized in Fig. 1(b). The methodis based not on the eigenvalue problem of Eq. (1) but on theset of linear equations in the form of

(zB −A)x = b. (9)

Here,z is a complex energy value. The vectorb is an input andthe vectorx is the solution vector. A set of linear equations inthe form of Eq. (9) with different energy values (z = z1, z2, ...)is called generalized shifted linear equations. The case inB = I is called shifted linear equations. The use of Eq. (9)results in the Green’s (propagation) function formalism, sincethe solutionx of Eq. (9) is written formally as

x = Gb (10)

with the Green’s functionG ≡ (zB − A)−1. The Green’sfunction and the eigenvectors holds the relationship of

G(z) =



yk yTk

z − λk. (11)

The density matrix is also given by the Green’s function as

ρ =−1



f(ε) Im[G(ε+ i0)] dε. (12)

The present method has a highly parallelizable mathematicalstructure, as illustrated in Fig. 1(c), since the projectedphysicalquantity ofeTj ρXej in Eq. (7) is obtained from the generalizedshifted linear equations of

(zB −A)x(j) = ej . (13)

B. Krylov subspace solver

The generalized shifted linear equations of Eq. (13) aresolved on an iterative Krylov-subspace solver. A Krylovsubspace is defined as the linear space of

Kν(Q; b) ≡ span[b, Qb, Q2b, ..., Qν−1b], (14)

with a given vectorb and a given square matrixQ. An exampleis Conjugate Gradient method and the subspace dimension ofν is the number of iterations. Krylov-subspace methods with(generalized) shifted linear equations have been investigated inparticular from 2000’s, partially because the strategy is suitableto parallelism. Since the solver algorithms are mathematical,they are applicable to many scientific areas, such as, QCD[15], large-scale electronic state calculation [1], [16],[17],[18], [19], quantum many-body electron problem [20], nuclearshell model problem [21], first-principle electronic excitationproblem [22], and first-principle transport calculation [23]. Inthe present paper, the multiple Arnoldi solver [1] is used, inwhich Eq. (13) is solved within the direct sum of the twoKrylov subspaces of

Lν(A,B; ej) ≡ Kν/2(A; ej)⊕Kν/2(A;B−1ej) (15)

with an even number ofν. The numberν is typically, ν =30− 300 and the calculations in the present paper was carriedout with ν = 30 as in the previous one [1]. The second term inthe right hand side of Eq. (15) appears so as to satisfy severalconservation laws [1]. A reduced (small)ν × ν eigenvalueequation is solved and the solution vector is given by

x(j) := G(j)(z)ej (16)


G(j)(z) ≡ν∑


v(j)m v


z − ε(j)m

. (17)

Here ε(j)m and v

(j)m is an eigenvalue and eigenvector of the

reduced equation(m = 1, 2, ....ν). When the Green’s functionof G in Eq. (12) is replaced byG(j)(z) in Eq. (17), theprojected physical quantity with the index ofj is given by

eTj ρXej :=−1



f(ε) Im[eTj G(j)(ε+i0)Xej] dε




f(ε(j)m )eTj v(j)m v(j)T

m Xej. (18)

An advantage of the method is that the energy integration iscarried out analytically as in Eq.(18). Equation (18) will be

exact, if the subspace dimension ofν increases to the originalmatrix dimension (ν = M ). As an additional technique inlarge-scale calculations, the real-space projection technique [1]was also used. The radius of the spherical region is determinedwith an input integer parameterκ, so that the region containsκ atoms or more. The same technique is used also for theoverlap matrixB. The value ofκ is set toκ = 100 in thepresent paper as in the previous one [1]. As results, numericalproblems in the form of Eq. (13) are solved with the matrixsize of, typically,M ′ = 200− 400 in the present paper.

C. Implementation

The code is written in Fortran 90 with the MPI/OpenMP hy-brid parallelism. According to the parallel scheme in Fig. 1(c),the projected physical quantity ofeTj ρXej is calculatedas single-thread or single-core calculations. As explained inSec. II-C, the basis indexj is a composite suffix of the atomindex J and the orbital indexβ (j ⇔ (J, β)) In the code,the loop for the basis indexj is implemented as the doubleloop that consists of the outer loop for the atom indexJand the inner loop for the orbital indexβ. Since the outerloop is parallelized both in MPI and OpenMP parallelism, ameaningful parallel computation is possible, when the numberof atoms is larger than that of cores(N > ncore). Severalmatrix elements ofA,B are generated redundantly amongnodes, so as to save inter-node communications. The pure MPIparallelism is possible but consumes larger memory costs.

The communication among nodes is required,only whenasummation is performed in the trace form of Eq. (7), as shownin Fig. 1(c) [1]. The summation is carried out hierarchically;First, the summation is carried out on each node by OpenMPdirectives and then the summation is carried out between nodesby MPI_Allreduce().


A. Purpose and condition

The benchmarks were carried out so as to show an extremestrong scaling and a time-to-solution qualified for a realresearch. Our target value of the qualified time-to-solutionis Telaps = 102s for the elapsed time per step in a quan-tum molecular dynamics simulation, because a dynamicalsimulation of nstep = 103 steps can be executed withinone day (Telapsnstep = 105s ≈ one day). The calcula-tions were carried out on the K computer which consists of82,944 compute nodes and achieved the peak performance of11.28PFLOPS. Each CPU has eight cores and the interconnec-tion between nodes is named ‘Tofu’ which constructs physicalsix-dimensional mesh/torus network topology. We used theMPI_Allreduce() optimized on the K computer [24].

The calculations were executed in double precision withthe MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallelism. The number of the MPIprocesses is set to that of the compute nodes and the numberof the OpenMP threads is set to be eight, the number of coresper compute node. The jobs were executed by specifying thethree-dimensional node geometry on the K computer(nnode ≡

n(x)node× n


(z)node) for optimal performance or minimum

hop count. The number of used nodes (node geometry) is listedbelow;nnode = 2, 592(= 12×12×18), 5, 184(= 12×18×24),10, 368(= 18× 24× 24), 20, 736(= 24× 27× 32), 41, 472(=27× 32× 48), and82, 944(= 32× 48× 54, the full system).

The benchmark were carried out for disordered materi-als that appears in real research of ultra-flexible devices.Condensed polymer systems of poly-(phenylene-ethynylene)(PPE) were simulated. The three systems are called ‘P100’,‘P10’ and ‘P1’ and containN=101,606,400 (≈ 108 or 100M),N=10,137,600 (≈ 10M) and N=1,228,800 (≈1M) atoms,respectively. The periodic boundary condition is imposed.Thesize of the periodic simulation box is 134 nm× 134 nm× 209nm for the ‘P100’ system. The simulations were carried outalso for the ideal diamond solid called ‘D100’ that containsN = 106, 168, 320 (≈ 108 or 100M) atoms in the idealperiodicity, so as to discuss the influence of the presence orabsence of structural disorder.

Technical details are explained. The initial atomicstructures for the polymer systems were generated inclassical molecular dynamics simulations by GROMACS(http://www.gromacs.org/). Classical simulations work fasterbut do not treat electronic (quantum) waves responsible forthe device property. The recorded elapsed time was one for a‘snapshot’ simulation, an electronic state calculation ofthegiven atomic structures, which dominates the elapsed timein molecular dynamics simulations. A molecular dynamicssimulation can not be carried out withN = 108 atoms,because the required memory size exceeds the limit of the Kcomputer (16GB per node). The present snapshot calculationwith N = 108 atoms consumes 9 GB per node and a moleculardynamics simulation requires a larger memory size, so as tostore additional variables like velocity, force and so on. Thebenchmark of molecular dynamics simulation withN = 107

atoms will be discussed in the last paragraph of this section.

B. Result

The measured elapsed time is summarized in Table I. Herethe parallel efficiency ratioα is defined by

α ≡ (Telaps(n0)/Telaps(nnode))/(nnode/n0) (19)

with n0 ≡ 2, 592. For example, the parallel efficiency ratioαwith 108 atoms and the maximum number of nodes (nnode =82, 944) is α = 0.92 for ‘D100’ andα = 0.75 for ‘P100’.

TABLE I: The measured elapsed timesTelaps (sec) for idealdiamond solid with108 atoms (‘D100’) and condensed poly-mer systems with108 atoms (‘P100’), with107 atoms (‘P10’)and with 106 atoms (‘P1’). The ideal or measured speed-upratio is shown inside the parenthesis.

nnode D100 P100 P10 P12,592 (1) 1001.4 (1) 741.1 (1) 81.4 (1) 10.3 (1)5,184 (2) 502.2 (1.99) 378.5 (1.96) 43.7 (1.86) 5.95 (1.73)10,368 (4) 252.6 (3.96) 195.2 (3.80) 24.3 (3.35) 3.28 (3.14)20,736 (8) 127.9 (7.83) 103.0 (7.19) 11.4 (7.14) 1.96 (5.26)41,472 (16) 65.6 (15.3) 57.1 (13.0) 6.32 (12.9) 1.25 (8.23)82,944 (32) 34.1 (29.4) 30.9 (24.0) 3.60 (22.6) 0.84 (12.2)





Number of nodes

Fig. 2: Strong scaling benchmarks for ideal diamond solidwith 108 atoms (‘D100’) and the condensed polymer systemswith 108 atoms (‘P100’), with107 atoms (‘P10’) and with106

atoms (‘P1’). Dashed lines are drawn for ideal scaling.

Figure 2 shows the strong scaling property by plottingthe data of Table I. In all the cases, the elapsed timeTelaps

decreases monotonically as the function of the number of usednodes. The order-N property (Telaps ∝ N ) is also found. Forexample, the time of ‘P100’ is ten times larger that of ‘P10’with nnode = 2, 592. As a rough estimation from Fig. 2,the target time-to-solution ofTelaps ≈ 102s is fulfilled bynnode ≈ 2 × 104 and 2 × 103 for the condensed polymersystems withN = 108 and107 atoms, respectively. The twocases conclude commonly that the qualified time-to-solution isfulfilled, when the number of atoms per node is approximately5 × 102 (N/nnode ≈ 5 × 102). The above statement can beinterpreted as the weak-scaling property.

C. Analysis and discussion

Table II shows the measured communication and barriertimes. In the simulations, we recorded not only the totalelapsed timeTelaps, but also the accumulated MPI communi-cation timeTcomm and the accumulated barrier timeTbarr onall nodes. The barrier time includes the time to wait for otherprocessors. The communication timeTcomm is consumed byinter-node data communications, while the barrier timeTbarr

appears from a load imbalance among nodes.Figure 3 plots the data in Tables I and II. Two points are

discussed; (i) The communication time is not serious amongall the cases. (ii) When the cases of ‘D100’ and ‘P100’ arecompared, the ratio of the barrier time is much larger than

TABLE II: Communication timeTcomm and barrier timeTbarr

of the elapsed timeTelaps. See the caption of Table I fornotations. The values are listed asTcomm / Tbarr (sec).

nnode D100 P100 P10 P12,592 1.04 / 7.16 1.60 / 28.14 0.382 / 6.69 0.0617 / 2.685,184 1.04 / 3.34 1.60 / 20.75 0.378 / 4.86 0.0689 / 1.8510,368 1.05 / 2.22 1.61 / 14.97 0.384 / 4.34 0.0734 / 1.1320,736 1.05 / 1.34 1.61 / 9.05 0.218 / 3.31 0.0712 / 0.67441,472 1.06 / 1.03 1.64 / 6.87 0.215 / 2.18 0.0727 / 0.40982,944 1.06 / 0.485 1.65 / 5.96 0.218 / 1.28 0.0613 / 0.227





Number of nodes

(a) (b)

(c) (d)













Number of nodes Number of nodes

Number of nodes


Fig. 3: Details of the elapsed time. The total elapsed timeTelaps (Tot), the communication timeTcomm (Comm) and thebarrier timeTbarr (Barr) are plotted. See Fig. 2 for notations.

in ‘P100’. In the full system calculation (nnode = 82, 944),for example, the ratio isTbarr/Telaps ≈ 0.19 in ‘P100’ and is≈ 0.014 in ‘D100’. We should recall that the ‘D100’ caseis an ideal system without structural disorder and all thesubproblems in Fig. 1(c) are equivalent. On the other hand,the load imbalance among nodes appears in ‘P100’, becauseof the structural disorder. The same conclusion holds on the‘P10’ and ‘P1’ cases. A method for better load balance is afuture (not urgent) issue of the present code.

To end up this section, two comments are addressed; (I)The further tuning should be focused mainly on single-corecalculations, since the most routines are executed as single-core calculations as in Fig.1(c). The profiler reported thattheperformance is 2.3 % of the peak for the ‘P100’ case withnnode = 82, 944 in Table I. The severest limitation in thepresent calculations is the memory size of the K computer(16GB per node) and the present code was written in thememory-saving style, in which the memory cost should beminimized and the time cost is sometimes sacrificed. Sincethe situation can differ among materials and/or architectures,a possible way is to add another workflow in the time-saving style. The routines can be classified into those for thegeneration of matrix elements and and for the Krylov subspacesolver as in Fig.1(a). The matrix-vector multiplication gives a





Number of nodes

Fig. 4: Details of the elapsed time for the MD simulationin the ‘P10’ case. The total elapsed timeT (MD)

elaps (Tot(MD)),

the barrier timeT (MD)barr (Barr(MD), and the communication

time T(MD)comm (Comm(MD)) are plotted per MD step in the

same manner of Fig. 3(c). The data for the electronic statecalculation (Tot, Barr, Comm) are also plotted for comparison.

large fraction of the total elapsed time, as usual in a Krylov-subspace solver, and a typical fraction is21 % among thepresent condensed polymer systems. The result suggests thatthe matrix generation part gives a larger fraction. (II) Fig. 4shows the benchmark of molecular dynamics simulation forthe ‘P10’ case, the possible maximum size (See the firstparagraph of the present section), in the same manner ofFig. 3(c). For example, the elapsed time per molecular dynam-ics time step isT (MD)

elaps = 81.8 sec or 6.62 sec innnode =2,592or 82,944, respectively. For comparison, Fig. 4 also showsthe data in Fig. 3(c), the data with the electronic structurecalculation part. The elapsed time is much smaller than thetarget time-to-solution (102s) and the method is qualified wellfor a real research. We found, however, that non-negligibletime costs appear in the total elapsed time (T

(MD)elaps ) among

the cases withnnode > 2 × 104, because of the additionalroutine for MD simulation. Now we are tuning the code forfaster MD simulations.


This section is devoted to the application study of thepresent method to a condensed polymer system, so as to showhow a real research works well withN = 108 atoms bydistributed computing. As an application study with a smallersystem, a molecular dynamics simulation withN = 105 atomswas carried out with104 cores and the elapsed time is 10 hoursfor 5,000 iteration steps [6]. Such a dynamical simulation isimpractical withN = 108 atoms at the present day and thissection indicates a part of the possible future research.

Here, the condensed organic polymer system of ‘P100’ wasused. The research is motivated by an academic-industrialcollaboration with Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. [1], [3], [4].Organic material gives the foundation of ultra-flexible (wear-able) devices, key devices of next-generation IoT products,such as display, sensor and battery. A recent example is ‘e-skin’ [25]. The material is ultra-flexible (soft) and disordered

in structure and the thickness of devices is typically103 nmand 100-nm-scale simulations are crucial.

An important HPC issue is that the distributed data structureshould be preserved throughout the whole research; Since thesimulation data is huge and distributed, we cannot gather theminto one node. Here we will show that the post-simulation dataanalysis works well for distributed data.

Figures 5(a)(b) show partial regions of the system andone can observe that the structure is fairly disordered. Themolecular structure for a polymer unit is shown in Fig. 5(c).In general, electronic wavefunctions are localized in a dis-ordered structure. The electrical current can propagate amongpolymers that are ‘connected’ locally by characteristic (π-type)electronic waves. We should investigate, therefore, the networkof connected polymers.

A. Network analysis of electronic wavefunctions

A large-scale post-simulation data analysis was carried outso as to characterize the propagation of electronic wave in thedisordered structure. A speculated propagation mechanismisshown schematically in Fig. 5(d). Three polymers are drawnand atoms are depicted as filled circles. The figures include asmall local network that consists of two polymers connectedby a dashed line. Electron can propagate along connectedpolymers. Since the network structure is dynamically changed,as schematically shown in Fig. 5(d), electron can propagatethrough the whole material.

The purpose of the analysis is to detect local polymernetworks in which electronic wave can propagate. The analysiswas carried out with the Green’s functionG obtained by theparallel order-N simulation, as follows; Stage I: The presentparallel simulation gives a ‘connectivity’ matrix ofCIJ

CIJ ≡∑



ρIα;JβHJβ;Iα (20)

where I, J are the atom indices. The connectivity matrixis called integrated crystal orbital Hamiltonian population(ICOHP) among physics papers [26], [2]. The quantity is apartial sum of the electronic energy〈H〉 in Eq. (4) (〈H〉 =∑

IJ CIJ ). Since the matrix elements are calculated alwaysduring the parallel simulation, the elements can be obtainedindependently among nodes, without any additional operationor communication cost. A matrix elementCIJ has a physicalmeaning of a local bonding energy between theI-th andJ-thatoms; If the value of|CIJ | is significantly large, the twoatoms are ‘connected’ by electronic wave. Stage II: Sinceevery atom belongs to one of polymers, the connectivity matrixfor polymers is defined by

C(poly)PQ ≡





CIJ , (21)

where the summation of∑

∈PI , for example, means the sum-

mation among the atoms that belong to theP -th polymer. Ifan elementC(poly)

PQ shows a meaningful non-zero value, theP -th andQ-th polymers are connected by electronic wave. The

Fig. 5: A real material research for a condensed polymer system (PPE) with108-atoms. (a) (b) Visualization of partial regions.The whole system has the periodic cell lengths of (265nm, 206nm, 239nm). (c) The unit structure of the polymer (PPE). (d)Schematic figures of a dynamically changed local network of connected polymers. (e) Quantum wave dynamics simulation ofelectrons with a local network of three connected polymers.The charge density ofq(r, t) ≡ |Ψ(r, t)|2 is drawn in the upper(t = 0), middle(t = 50fs) and lower (t = 948fs) panels.

matrix C(poly) is sparse. The dimension ofC(poly) is equalto the number of polymersN (poly) = 83, 349 and is muchsmaller than that ofC (N = 108). Stage III: As a coarsegrained analysis, the eigenvalue equation ofC(poly)z = λzin the matrix dimension ofN (poly) was solved by the paralleleigenvalue solver [5]. As results, several eigenvectorsz haveseveral non-zero elements, which means the presence of smalllocal networks with several connected polymers.

The network analysis reveals that the condensed polymersystem has small networks that consist of several polymers,as illustrated in Fig. 5(d).

B. Quantum wave dynamics simulation for device property

Quantum wave (wavepacket) dynamics simulation [6] wascarried out for device property, so as to confirm that theabove network analysis is fruitful or that an electronic wave

can propagate in the small polymer networks detected in theabove analysis. In the wave dynamics simulation, an electronicwaveΨ(r, t), a complex scalar vector, propagates dynamicallyunder a Schrodinger-type equation ofi∂tΨ = HΨ withan effective Hamiltonian (matrix)H . See Ref. [6] and thereferences therein for details. The atom positions also changedynamically. Since the normq(r, t) ≡ |Ψ(r, t)|2 is the chargedistribution, its dynamics gives the charge propagation orthe(non-stationary) electrical current. Figure 5(e) shows a typicaldynamical simulation for approximately 1 ps. The simulationconsumes six hours with 128 nodes. The result shows that theelectronic wave propagates within a polymer first, and laterpropagates into other polymers, as expected. The method forlarge-scale wave dynamics simulation is under way.


A novel linear algebraic algorithm realizes108 atom or100-nm-scale quantum material simulations with an extremescalability and a qualified time-to-solution on the full systemof the K computer. The mathematical foundation is generalizedshifted linear equations, instead of conventional generalizedeigenvalue equations and has a highly parallelizable mathemat-ical structure. The method was demonstrated in a real materialresearch for next-generation IoT products. The present papershows that an innovative scalable algorithm for a real researchcan appear by the co-design among application, algorithm andarchitecture.


Several atomic structure data were provided from MasayaIshida (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.). Part of the resultsis obtained by using the K computer at the RIKEN Ad-vanced Institute for Computational Science (Proposal numberhp150144, hp150281, hp160066, hp160222). This research ispartially supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency,Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (JST-CREST) in the research area of ‘Development of systemsoftware technologies for post-peta scale high performancecomputing’. This research is partially supported also by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI Nos. 26400318and 26286087, 16KT0016) from the Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.A part of the research is based on the collaboration withPriority Issue (Creation of new functional devices and high-performance materials to support next-generation industries)to be tackled by using Post ‘K’ Computer, MEXT, Japan.


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