Kevin alexander wilson Fantasy of Nuance for unaccompanied saxophone Copyright © September 2014 1 st Edition ~8 minutes

Fantasy of Nuance

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Fantasy of Nuance is an unaccompanied saxophone work. It is divided into three movements with each having a certain nuance. The first movement titled “Groove,” the second, “Lyric,” and lastly the “Cadenza Fantasy” to wrap it all up. Fantasy is a flashy and at times ‘in your face,’ but it still can be a reserved and reflective work. Exciting and groovy, Fantasy was a very fun work to compose and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. This work was commissioned by Elizabeth Cullen.

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Kevin alexander wilson

Fantasy of Nuance for unaccompanied saxophone !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!Copyright © September 2014!1st!Edition! ! ! ! ~8!minutes!

Fantasy of Nuance is an unaccompanied saxophone work. It is

divided into three movements with each having a certain nuance. The

first movement titled “Groove,” the second, “Lyric,” and lastly the

“Cadenza Fantasy” to wrap it all up.

Fantasy is a flashy and at times ‘in your face,’ but it still can be

a reserved and reflective work. Exciting and groovy, Fantasy was a

very fun work to compose and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

This work was commissioned by Elizabeth Cullen.

Fica Bem!

~ Kevin Alexander Wilson

& 44 42 44Unaccompanied Saxophone

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& 44 43Sx.

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& 44 45Sx.


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Fantasy of NuanceK.A Wilson

© May 2014 Kevin Alexander Wilson. kwilsonmusic.com


I. Groove