Federacija FBiH godišnjak 2010

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Statistički godišnjak/ljetopis Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine 2010. Federalni zavod za statistiku.

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  • ! " #$ %

    &'$% $

    Publisher: Federal Office of Statistics, Zelenih beretki 26,71000 Sarajevo

    Editorial staff: Munira Hidajeta



    , #$ -' &$




    Technical processing: Sabina %& Elmaza



    Cover: Aziz Vreto

    56#7'!28 95-#

    Geographical and meteorological data Energy Statistics

    5, :56+

    Territorial constitution Construction !"#""$% &"'

    95;# 592



    Hotels and restaurants Employment, unemployment and pay /# 0#"--"!"#


    &1"# Tourism5.

    /# 0#

    Labour Force Survey5(!

    "-"!"# Environment-&1"# ,2



    Prices 59(

    ""#"!"# Education&"$%&("#2 !""&3

    /#"4"#" 4

    ?5&'$2 59>1'2

    Gross domestic product Culture, art and sport!" 4/- 4!"




    / *11 Health care5?8

    Zehra Kaba Gross fixed capital formation (Gross investment)


    /#11 Social welfare59@2!'


    Agriculture, hunting and forestry

  • @;-)6(/(;


    Federalni zavod za statistiku je *% slubeni izvorinformacija u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Podaci iinformacije do kojih dolazimo putem naih istraivanja suveoma priznati i imaju iroku upotrebu/uporabu.Kompetencije Federalnog zavoda za statistiku temelje sena % kvalifikacijama zaposlenika. Izazovi koji stojepred informacionim drutvom zahtijevaju nae stalnodaljnje usavravanje i razvoj.

    Federal Office of Statistics is the most significant source ofinformation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thedata we are collecting meet with general approval andhave wide range of use. Authority of our Office is basedon the professional qualification of our staff. Thechallenges of virtual society, whom we are faced, demandour permanent development and advanced training ofpersonnel.


    Why we exist

    Nudimo obilje informacija neophodnih demokratskomdrutvu u razvoju, a u cilju njegovog obrazovanja i stalnognapretka

    We offer a great number of information, needed in moderndemocratic society for its education and continualprogress.

    Nae informacije su na raspolaganju kao javno dobro svimzainteresiranim. Uvijek smo spremni javnosti 2"%metode i rezultate naih istraivanja.

    Our data are available to all who are interested in aspublic welfare. We are always open to show in public ourmethods and results of our research.

    % istraivanja provodimo na osnovu Zakona ostatistici u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. U svom radusmo neovisni i garantiramo neutralnost i % kao izatitu informacija koje prikupljamo

    Statistical studies of our Office are based on The FederalStatistical Law. We have obligation to maintain objectivity,neutrality, scientific independence and professionalism inour work.

    Nae statistike opisuju stanje i razvoj drutva i ekonomije uvremenu i prostoru.

    Our research describe level and development of allsociety and its economy in time.

    1 +' !' 8' 8'


    How we communicate with our partners

    Traimo da se putem "- zakona i 2-konsenzusa odobre i prihvate naa istraivanja. Koristimopostupke kojima se dobivaju povratne informacije odkorisnika i upotrebljivost 2 statistike prizadovoljavanju potreba korisnika, te najavljuju novepotrebe i prioriteti.

    We ask for our research to be approved and accepted onthe base of Law and public consensus. Process are inplace to consult users, monitor the relevance and practicalutility of existing statistics in meeting their needs, andadvise on their emerging needs and priorities.

    Podaci koje prikupljamo od naih davalaca podataka iispitanika predstavljaju presudan resurs u naem radu igarantiramo njihovu tajnost.

    The data we collect from our suppliers and interviewersare crucial resource of our work and we guarantee theirconfidentiality.

    Veoma smo fleksibilni prema davaocima podataka iispitanicima i trudimo se iste to manje opteretiti.

    We are flexible to our respondents and interviewers, anddo our best not to burden them.

    Osiguravamo redovno snabdijevanje informacijama. Pritome nudimo nae informacije na tritu putem interneta,publikacija, 2 i odgovora na niz 2"%upita.

    We enable continual supplying with information.Regarding with that we disseminate our information inopen market in virtual form (internet), in publications, instatements and through answering to any kind ofindividual inquiry.

    3- brz i jednostavan pristup informacijama tena taj % statistiku predstavljamo na jasan i razumljiv% diseminiran skupa sa meta podacima ismjernicama.

    We enable quick and simple access to our data andpresent them in a clear and understandable form,disseminated with supporting matadata and guidance.

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook 3

  • Sa partnerima - suradnicima u zemlji i inozemstvu+ s punim uzajamnim povjerenjem i koristimo-*%:

    We cooperate with partners and collaborators in countryand abroad. The principles of statistical confidentiality arebasic pillar of the relationship with the respondents anduse all possibilities of exchange of statistical information.


    What we do

    % istraivanja provodimo prema "%Programu 2+ % istraivanja od onteresa*5" !-"0.2+%

    istraivanja od interesa za Federaciju BiH.

    We work according of Program of statistical researchesfor Federation of B&H.

    Prikupljamo, + analiziramo, publiciramo2"2#%*:

    We collect, work on, analyze, publish our data and offerprofessional advices.

    Prezentiramo pouzdane i aktuelne/aktualne %rezultate i informiramo o kvalitetu istih.

    We present reliable and up to date results and informabout quality of them.

    Putem nae % kompentencije pruamo kvalitetnu**"%:

    By way of professional competence we offer qualitystatistics in all phases production of statistical information.

    Uvodimo i + jedinstvene % standarde,metodologije, klasifikacije i nomenklature.

    We introduce and establish unique statistical standards,methodologies, classifications and nomenclatures.

    Sluimo se suvremenim % metodama itehnikama uz stalnu inovaciju istih.

    We use modern statistical methods and techniques, andpermanently innovate it.

    Unutranjom/Unutarnjom organizacijom i % rada+ se i osigurava zakonito, % efikasno iracionalno vrenje poslova i radnih zadataka i %raspolaganje sredstvima.

    Organization of internal and way of work protect and makesure legal, professional, effective and rationally executionof works and tasks.


    Our internal goals

    % usavravanje svih zaposlenika je prioritetno, a toostvarujemo putem seminara, % radionica u zemlji iinozemstvu i redovnih/redovitih radnih sastanaka.

    Professional education of our staff is our prior task. In thatway we follow seminars, professional domestic andinternational workshops and working parties.

    + razmjena informacija i kooperacija je temeljnaeg svakodnevnog rada.

    Exchange of information and cooperation is base of ourdaily work.

    Naa organizaciona struktura - adekvatan radniangaman zaposlenika + i izvan rada u samimorganizacionim jedinicama gdje su 2+:Fleksibilnost je osnov za puni uspjeh u poslu.

    Our organization structure provide us to achieveappropriate working engagement of all our staff, evenoutside working position. Flexibility is base of full successin work.

    Trudimo se da stvorimo *" radne uvjete, kojisu pretpostavka za na radni angaman i ispunjenjezadatka koji pred nas postavlja ira zajednica.

    We do our best to create adequate working conditions,witch is foundation for full working efficiency and fulfillmentof tasks we are demanded from all society.

    Identificiramo se sa naom ustanovom. Radimo iponaamo se u skladu/sukladno sa gore 2"%

    We regard us with our institution, work and behaveaccording to our portrait shown above.


    Direktor Director GeneralFederalnog zavoda za statistiku Federal Office of Statistics

    Sarajevo, decembar/prosinac 2010. Sarajevo, December 2010

    4 %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • @;-)6(/(; 3INTRODUCTION

    1;.F-G3-=1;.,3-G.1(/ 20ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS





    1-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 24Notes on methodology

    1-1 ;-"%6% ! 27Geographical coordinates of the extreme points B&H

    1-2 Povrina Bosne i Hercegovine, Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine i duina granica 27Surface area and lenght of the boundaries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    1-3 Jezera 27Lakes

    1-4 Rijeke 28Rivers

    1-5 28Mountains and mountain peaks above 1500 metres

    1-6 20 29Larger fields in karst

    1-7 Najdublje jame 29The deepest pits

    1-8 Najdue pilje 29The longest caves

    1-9 Nadmorska visina gradova-sjedita kantona 29Elevation above sea level town-seats of cantons

    1-10 Vodostaj rijeka na vodomjernim stanicama 30Rivers water level

    1-11 31Results of sulphur dioxide and smoke concentrations

    1-12 Broj kiselih kia u Sarajevu 31Number of acid rainfal at Sarajevo

    1-13 )%2788

  • .);H.D


    95;-6,.; 41 REGISTER

    3-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 41Notes on methodology

    3-1 (-222"%/=9:97: 46Registered legal entities classified by the CA sections, as of 31.12

    3-2 222"%/=9:97:788

  • 5-12 ?+2+ 70Livebirths by birth month

    5-13 ?+22" 71Livebirths by mother's age and child's sex

    5-14 .%2"+#+" 72Average mother's age by birth order of livebirths

    5-15 + 72Stillbirths

    5-16 Umrli prema starosti i spolu 73Deaths by age and sex

    5-17 >22% 75Deaths grouped according to sex, where death occurred and whether deceased received medical treatment

    5-18 Umrli po uzroku smrti, spolu i starosti, 2009. 76Deaths by cause of death, and sex by age, 2009

    5-19 >"%"2*2788%0#2*22"@ 96Share of women in employment, by activities, %

    6-5 Struktura zaposlenog stanovnitva prema starosti i spolu, mart/oujak 2009. 99Distribution of employed persons by age and sex, March 2009

    6-6 222%-*"6#788

  • .);H.D



    7-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 126Notes on methodology

    7-1 Radno sposobno stanovnitvo prema aktivnosti, starosnim grupama i spolu 130Working age population by activity, age groups and sex

    7-2 Radno sposobno stanovnitvo prema aktivnosti, kolskoj spremi i spolu 131Working age population by activity, school attainment and sex

    7-3 Mjere aktivnosti stanovnitva prema starosnim grupama i spolu 132Measures of the population activities by age groups and sex

    7-4 Zaposlene osobe prema statusu u zaposlenosti i spolu 132Persons in employment by status in employment and sex

    7-5 22"22 133Persons in employment with full time or part time by sector of activity and sex

    7-6 Stope nezaposlenosti prema kolskoj spremi i spolu 134Unemployment rate by school attainment and sex

    7-7 Nezaposlene osobe prema trajanju nezaposlenosti i spolu 134Unemployment persons by duration of unemployment and sex

    >53D-G- 135 PRICES

    8-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 135Notes on methodology

    8-1 Indeksi cijena na malo 138Retail price indices

    8-2 Indeksi trokova ivota 139Cost of living indices

    8-3 "20% 140Consumer price indices

    8-3.1 "20% 141Consumer price indices

    8-4 "2*+%"2*"22"%"/ 142Industrial producer price indices by sections and divisions of CEA

    8-5 "2*+%"2*" 143Producer price indices

    ?5&;0,()(".F@;(/() 145 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT

    9-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 145Notes on methodology

    9-1 "2*" 150Gross domestic product, at current prices

    9-2 .*"+*20""""2*" 150Output, intermediate consumption, value added and gross domestic product, at current prices

    9-3 """2""2*" 152Gross value added by activities and gross domestic product, at current prices

    9-4 """2""2*"@ 158Gross value added by activities and gross domestic product, at current prices, structure in %

    9-5 """2""2*"" 164Gross value added by activities and gross domestic product, at current prices, indices

    9-6 (%2*"2"788A:-"" 170Production account by activities in 2008, at current prices, values and structures

    9-7 (%2*"2"788

  • 9-12 (%"788D-" 188Generation of income account in 2007 current prices

    9-13 (%"788A-" 189Generation of income account in 2008 current prices

    9-14 (%"788

  • .);H.D


    11-16 umske povrine 220Forests areas

    11-17 322""#0 220General data on public forests

    11-18 %*"0"#0 220Cutting and production of forest assortments in public forests

    11-19 Proizvodnja i prodaja umskih sortimenata u dravnim umama 221Production and sale of forest assortments in public forests

    11-20 .%"2*0% 221Timber hervested by different type of operators

    11-21 %"2" 222Cutting of forests by species

    11-22 0%2022 223Artificial afforestation,by species

    11-23 umski poari 224Forest fires

    11-24 tete u umama 224Damage to forests

    11-25 Prijevozna sredstva i mehanizacija u umarstvu 224Forest equipment

    11-26 Vozila za prijevoz radnika u umarstvu 225Vehicles for carriage of workers

    11-27 $% 225Hunters and hunting lodges

    11-28 3""% 225Game bagged


    12-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 226Notes on methodology

    12-1 Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje 227Indices of industrial production

    12-2 ""2*"22"%/ 228Indices of industrial production by sections of CA

    12-3 Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje prema glavnim industrijskim grupacijama 229Indices of industrial production by main industrial groupings

    12-4 Proizvodnja odabranih industrijskih proizvoda 230Production of selected industrial products

    12-5 Utroak osnovnih sirovina i materijala u industriji 233Consumption of basic raw and materials

    95-G-;6-,1. 237 ENERGY STATISTICS

    13-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 237Notes on methodology

    13-1 %- 238Balance of electricity

    13-2 Bilans uglja/ugljena, 2009 239Balance of coal, 2009

    13-3 Bilans prirodnog plina, 2009 240Bilance of natural gas, 2009

    13-4 Bilans toplotne energije 241Balance of heat

    13-5 Potronja goriva 241Fuel use

    13-6 Utroak energije i goriva u pogonske i tehnoloke svrhe u 2009. godini 242Energy and fuel consumption in driving and production purpose, 2009

    :56;.*-/G.;,/( 246

    14-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 246Notes on methodology





    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • 14-1 .-"*-+ 250Review of construction industry development

    14-2 "*0-+" 250Value of construction projects put in place

    14-3 "*0-+"2-+ 251Value of construction projects put in place according to the classification of type of construction

    14-4 Zavrene zgrade 252Completed buildings

    14-5 0*-"2-+%788

  • .);H.D


    15-14 Prometne nezgode na cestama 272Road traffic accidents

    15-15 .-*+2 272Killed and injured persons on road traffic accidents by age

    15-16 .*-"2-*+2 273Road traffic accidents, killed and injured persons by months

    15-17 .*-"2-*+2"" 273Road traffic accidents, killed and injured persons by days

    15-18 274Public passenger transport

    15-19 Prijevoz putnika u javnom cestovnom prijevozu prema udaljenosti 274Transport of passengers in public transport by distance

    15-20 Prevezena roba u javnom cestovnom prijevozu prema udaljenosti 274Transport of goods in public transport by distance

    15-20.1 Tonski kilometri u javnom cestovnom prijevozu prema udaljenosti 275Ton-kilometres in public transport by distance

    15-21 Vozni park i linije u gradskom i prigradskom prijevozu 275Motor pool and lines in urban-suburban transport

    15-22 Javni teretni cestovni prijevoz 276Public freight transport

    15-22.1 Javni teretni cestovni prijevoz 276Public freight transport

    15-23 Prijevoz prema vrsti robe (NST 2000) 277Transport by type of goods (NST 2000)

    15-24 Aerodromske usluge 278Airport services

    15-25 .6*2"6*% 278Aircraft traffic in airport

    15-26 .2"6*% 278Traffic of passengers at airports

    15-27 ."6*% 278Freight traffic at airports

    15-28 Potanska i telekomunikacijska oprema 279Post and telecommunication equipment

    15-29 Potanske i telekomunikacijske usluge 279Post and telecommunication services


    16-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 280Notes on methodology

    16-1 Vanjskotrgovinski bilans/vanjskotrgovinska bilanca, u hilj./tis. KM 283Balance of foreign trade, thousands KM

    16-2 Izvoz i uvoz po mjesecima 283Exports and imports by months

    16-3 **22"%" 284Exports according to sections of NACE Rev.1.1.

    16-4 >*22"%" 285Imports according tosections of NACE - Rev 1.1.

    16-5 Izvoz po sektorima i odsjecima SMTK-Rev 3, u hilj./tis. KM 286Exports by sections and divisions of the SITC - Rev 3, in thousands of KM

    16-5.1 Izvoz po sektorima i odsjecima SMTK-Rev 3, u hilj./tis. EUR 288Exports by sections and divisions of the SITC - Rev 3, in thousands of EUR

    16-6 Uvoz po sektorima i odsjecima SMTK-Rev 3, u hilj./tis. KM 290Imports by sections and divisions of the SITC - Rev 3, in thousands of KM

    16-6.1 Uvoz po sektorima i odsjecima SMTK-Rev 3, u hilj./tis. EUR 292Imports by sections and divisions of the SITC - Rev 3, in thousands of EUR

    16-7 **2+"2*"E &FG(:=888 294Exports according to classification by economic categories (BEC) Rev.3, 000 KM

    16-7.1 >*2+"2*"E &FG(:=888 294Exports according to classification by economic categories (BEC) Rev.3, 000 KM

    16-8 **2+"2*"E &FG(:=888&>( 295Exports according to classification by economic categories (BEC) Rev.3, 000 EUR


    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook




  • 16-8.1 >*2+"2*"E &FG(:=888&>( 295Exports according to classification by economic categories (BEC) Rev.3, 000 EUR

    16-9 Zemlje u koje se najvie izvozilo - TOP 10, 2009 296Top 10 countries in exports, 2009

    16-10 Zemlje iz kojih se najvie uvozilo - TOP 10, 2009 296Top 10 countries in imports, 2009

    16-11 Top 10 zemalja u izvozu prema sektorima SMTK, 2009. 297Top 10 countries in exports according to SITC sections, 2009

    16-12 Top 10 zemalja u uvozu prema sektorima SMTK, 2009. 298Top 10 countries in imports according to SITC sections, 2009

    16-13 ***%2*""788**%2*""788506(,,-CD,/(

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook



  • 19-2 /2% 328Tourists arrivals and tourists nights by type of tourists resorts

    19-3 Dolasci turista prema zemlji prebivalita 329Tourists arrivals by country of residence

    19-4 2*20 330Tourists nights by country of residence

    19-5 /2% 331Tourists arrivals by type of tourists resorts

    19-6 2% 331Tourists nights by type of tourists resorts

    19-7 Dolasci turista prema vrstama ugostiteljskih objekata 332Tourists arrivals by type of accommodation facilities

    19-8 2- 333Tourists nights by type of accomodation facilities


    20-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 334Notes on methodology

    20-1 Javni vodovod 338Public water supply system

    20-2 Javna kanalizacija 339Public sewage system

    20-3 Snabdijevanje/Opskrba vodom u industriji prema KD-u u 2009. 340Water supply in industry, according to KD 2009

    20-4 0""22/788

  • 21-10 Nastavnici na visokokolskim ustanovama 370Teachers at institutions of higher education

    21-11 Nastavnici i suradnici u nastavi po visokokolskim ustanovama, 2009/10. 372Teachers and advisers in instructions at institutions of higher education, school year 2009/10

    21-12 Diplomirani studenti 377Graduated students

    21-13 Promovirani magistri nauka/znanosti i specijalisti 385Master of science and specialist

    21-14 Doktori nauka/znanosti 387Doctors of science


    22-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 389Notes on methodology

    22-1 Pozorita/Kazalita 392Theatres

    22-2 Kina 393Movies

    22-3 Radiotelevizija 393Broadcasting

    22-4 Biblioteke/Knjinice, korisnici i zaposleni 394

    22-5 Biblioteke/Knjinice i knjini fond 394Type of libraries and holdings

    22-6 3+#-+EG 395Prepared book materials

    22-7 0-+ 395Using materials

    22-8 Filharmonija 395Philharmonic

    22-9 >%- 396Art galleries

    22-10 *#2%"2 396Exhibitions by type and art discipline

    22-11 1-*%2*788A: 397Chess associations and active members by age, 2008

    22-12 $%"0%2*788A: 397Hunting associations and active members by age, 2008

    22-13 2-*2%2*788A: 398Sports associations by sports and active members by age, 2008


    23-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 399Notes on methodology

    23-1 .%"*""6" 401Beds, patients, hospital days and health workers

    23-2 /2" 401General practice

    23-3 Djelatnost zdravstvene zatite predkolske djece 402Pre-school children health care

    23-4 Djelatnost zdravstvene zatite kolske djece 402School-age prevent health care

    23-5 .%** 403Reported cases of infectious diseases

    23-6 ""6"22%22 404Health workers by speciality, professional attainment and sex



    Libraries, users and employees



    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook




    24-0 Metodoloka objanjenja 406Notes on methodology

    24-1 >**060*2 408Institutions for social welfare, wards and employees

    24-2 1**06 409Wards in social welfare institutions

    24-3 Zaposleni u ustanovama za socijalnu zatitu/skrb 409Personnel employed in social welfare institutions


    25-0 410Notes on methodology

    25-1 "#"6""226"%# 412Courts and prosecutor's office, lawyers and law clerks

    25-2 .2%*"2" 413Reported adults criminal who commited criminal offences according to kind of decision

    25-3 32#+2**"2-2*" 414Accused and convicted adults according to criminal offences

    25-4 .+**"2*% 415Convicted adults perpetrators by sentences passed

    25-5 %*"2" 416Juveniles who have commited criminal offences according to kind of decision

    25-6 32#+**"2-2*" 417Accused and convicted juveniles by type of criminal offences

    25-7 3+2* 418Convicted juveniles by sentences passed

    25-8 Odgovorne osobe prijavljene za privredne/gospodarske prijestupe i vrsta odluke 419Responsible persons reported for commercial infractions and kind of decision

    25-9 3"-+*2"6-2"22" 420Responsible persons convicted for commercial infractions and kind of decision

    25-10 Pravne osobe prijavljene za privredne/gospodarske prijestupe 421Legal entities reported for commercial infractions

    25-11 .+*2"6-2"22" 422Legal entities convicted for commercial infractions and kind of decision

    25-12 Rijeeni privredni/gospodarski sporovi 423Deside to economic contest

    25-13 Rijeeni privredni/gospodarski sporovi prema vrsti spora 424Deside to economic contest



    5;-6,.; 427 REGISTER

    26-1 Registrirani poslovni subjekti po djelatnosti, stanje 31.12.2009. 427Business entities according to activity, as of December 31.2009

    26-2 ?"-*+788< 435Women as responsible person, 2009

    5,.G(/GE,/( 436 POPULATION

    27-1 Prirodno kretanje stanovnitva 436Vital statistics


    28-1 2*2222-"02788

  • 28-2 Zaposleni po djelatnostima - godinji prosjek 2009. 450Persons in employment by activities-average for the 2009

    28-3 22"-"02788

  • 9:50G0,;.EGD.=0G0,.;GD.,;6(/G. 489 HOME TRADE

    34-1 Prodavnice/prodavaonice, zaposleni, promet i zalihe u distributivnoj trgovini prema pretenoj djelatnosti, 2009. 489Outlets, employed, turnover and stocks in distributive trade by prevailing activity, 2009

    34-2 /788

  • 40-3 533Largest islands

    40-4 Najvii planinski vrhovi 534Highest mountain peaks

    40-5 Najdue rijeke 534Longest rivers

    40-6 * 535Largest lakes

    40-7 * 535Largest artficial lakes

    40-8 2 536Largest deserts

    40-9 "# 536Largest countries of the world

    40-10 .00- 537Area, population and population density

    40-11 (+%# 543Births, deaths, and life expectancy, by country of area

    40-12 /#2*"2- 548Countries with the biggest gross domestic product per capita

    40-13 /#2*"EG 549Countries with the biggest gross domestic product (nominal)

    40-14 Izvoz robe po regionima i odabranim dravama 550World merchandise exports by region and selected country

    40-15 Uvoz robe po regionima i odabranim dravama 551World merchandise imports by region and selected country



    C0H&-0;-).,.,,10.@();0 D.1.G,(G. 564STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT IN THE CANTONS




    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • d.n. drugdje nespomenuto CEFTA Central European Free TradeCefta Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini Agreement

    srednjoevropskih zemalja CTC Classification of types of Efta Evropsko udruenje za construction

    slobodnu trgovinu EFTA European Free TradeEU Evropska unija AssociationGWh gigavat-sat EU European Unionha hektar GWh gigawatt-hourhilj. hiljadu ha hectarehl hektolitar hl hectolitrekg kilogram kg kilogramKM konvertibilna marka KM Convertible markskm kilometar km kilometerkm2 kvadratni kilometar km 2 square kilometerkom. komad kW kilowattkut. kutija l litreKV kvalificirani (radnik) m meterKVG -+ m 2 square meterkW kilovat m 3 cubic meterl litra 000 thousandm metar min. millionm2 kvadratni metar Mfr. manufacturem3

    6% MWh megawatt hourmil. milion n.e.c. not elsewhere classifiedMWh megavatsat p/st number of items (pieces/sticks)NKV nekvalificirani (radnik) SCEA Standard Classification ofNSS #%2 Economic ActivitiesPKV polukvalificirani (radnik) SITC Standard InternationalSKD Standardna klasifikacija Trade Classification

    djelatnosti t tonsSMTK ""+" USD American dollar

    trgovinska klasifikacijaSSS "%2t tonatis. USD %"VKV visokokvalificirani (radnik)VSS %2VS 0%2

    G.1(/ SYMBOLS

    - nema pojave - no occurrence... ne raspolae se podatkom ... data not available0 podatak je manji od 0,5 0 value is less than 0,5 of the

    upotrijebljene jedinice mjere unit of measure used0 prosjek 0 average1) oznaka za napomenu 1) footnote* ispravljen podatak * corrected data

    ( ) podatak je manje siguran, odnosno koeficijent ( ) less accurate estimate,coefficient of variancevarijacije (CV) je < 0,20, i I898 (CV) is < 0,20, and )*+*

    (( )) podatak je nesiguran, odnosno koeficijent (( )) inaccurate estimate, coefficient of variancevarijacije (CV) je < 0,30, i I878 (CV) is < 0,30, and )*,*

    . podatak je ekstremno nesiguran, . not zero but extremly inaccurate estimate,odnosno koeficijent varijacije coefficient of variance (CV) isEFG"8=8 equal to or more than 0,30


    1;.F-G3-=1;.,3- ABBREVIATIONS

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • G. G0;-*/.GD.,.,, 1(6



    % godinjak/ljetopis temeljna je godinja publikacijaFederalnog zavoda za statistiku, a namjera je da seprezentiraju % podaci i pokazatelji iz oblastiekonomskih i drugih kretanja u Federaciji Bosne iHercegovine. Publikacija prua pouzdan izvor %podataka za privrednike/gospodarstvenike, %/znanstvenike, medije i ostale korisnike. Objavljeni podacirezultat su brojnih redovnih/redovitih i 2"% %istraivanja koje su na osnovi Zakona o statistici BiH(Sl.glasnik BiH br:34/02; 26/04 i 42/04), Zakona o statistici uFederaciji Bosne i Hercegovine (Sl. Novine FBiH br: 63/03) iprema Planu 2+ % istraivanja od interesaza Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine koji usvaja VladaFederacije Bosne i Hercegovine, proveli Federalni zavod zastatistiku i uredi i slube u kantonima i druge institucije0*%#:

    The Statistical Yearbook is the main publication of theFederal Office of Statistics, in Bosnian, Croatian andEnglish. It contains a comprehensive overview of officialstatistical data and indicators from all domains of economicand other trends in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovinaand it is a reliable source of statistical data for economists,scientists, media and other users. The data issued areobtained through numerous regular and periodical statisticalsurveys that are carried out, on the basis of the Act onNational Statistics B&H (Sl.glasnik BiH No.:34/02; 26/04;42/04), Act on Statistics in FB&H (Sl.novine FB&H No.63/03) and according to the Scheme of Statistical Survey, ofinterest for Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina whichwas adopted by the Parliament of Federation of Bosnia andHerzegovina at the proposal of the Government of FB&H bythe Federal Office of Statistic in Sarajevo and offices in thecounties as well as other institutions competent forconducting statistical surveys.

    U 2+ % istraivanja koristimo %metode i tehnike koje su u skladu sa standardima zemalja% Evropske unije, " pritom % o naimprioritetima, kontinuitetu pojedinih % istraivanja iserija. # se +" % standardima,metodama, klasifikacijama i nomenklaturama osiguravamo+"2"2":

    In conducting statistical surveys we use statistical methodesand technics which are harmonised with the standards ofthe European Union, we took into account our priorities,continuity of particular statistical surveys and series. Byusing the international statistical standards, methods,classifications and nomenclatures we provide for internatinaldata comparability,

    Godinjak/Ljetopis podijeljen je u dva dijela: Pregled zaFederaciju Bosne i Hercegovine i Pregled po kantonima i2:

    The Statistical Yearbook is divided into two parts:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Review and Reviewby Cantons and municipalities.

    Svako poglavlje sadri metodoloka objanjenja koja %izvor i metode prikupljanja podataka i definicije, slijeditabelarni prikaz koji u pravilu 2% vremenskom serijom ilipodacima za posljednju godinu, zatim tabele sa podacima2*%#":

    Each capter contains notes on methodology, includingsources and methods of data collection and definitions.Further on, there are tables that usually start with presentingthe time series or data for the last available year, followedby tables presenting data that contain various characteristics and modalities.

    Pregled po kantonima sadri ui izbor osnovnih podataka zaposljednju godinu. Podaci su izabrani tako da se moesagledati ekonomski poloaj kantona.

    The review by cantons includes the selection of basic datafor the last year. The data have been selected so as toenable the comparability of economic situation in thecantons.

    % godinjak/ljetopis dostupan je korisnicima i udigitalnom zapisu (na CD-u).

    The Statistical Yearbook is also available on CD.

    U procesu donoenja odluka vanu ulogu imaju %informacije, a njihovo posjedovanje 2 kvalitetrazmiljanja i djelovanja pojedinaca u pripremi donoenjaodluka ili 2 njihovih efekata. Objedinjavanje *%% informacija na jednom mjestu % ih dostupnijim i- njihovo jednostavnije 0: Upravo% godinjak/ljetopis treba 2 u brem ijednostavnijem pristupu do % informacija koje daju""+-2"%"0-#:

    In this process of decision-making, statistical informationhas a significant role and the possession of it increases thequality of an individual's thinking and acting both inpreparations for making decisions and in observing theireffects. Bringing various statistical data together makesthem available and simplifies their usage. The StatisticalYearbook is the very publication to enable a faster andsimpler access to statistical data that provide insight into astatus of a particular area of social life.

    %-"0627898 Statistical Yearbook 21

  • Na taj % % godinjak/ljetopis predstavlja osnovniizvor kvalitetnih i pouzdanih % pokazatelja stanja ipromjena u privrednim/gospodarskim i drutvenim pojavamai procesima.

    In that way the Statistical Yearbook represents a basicsource of quality and reliable statistical indicators ofconditions and changes in economic and social occurrencesand processes.

    % godinjak/ljetopis ujedno je pokazatelj kontinuitetai dugogodinje brige o potrebama korisnika za %podacima, ali i izraz sposobnosti sistema slubene statistikeda prikuplja, + i prezentira sve najvanije podatkeslubene statistike. >% njegovog 0 i+ kao izvora podataka potvrda je da korisnicipodataka slubene statistike znaju gdje se podaci nalaze ikoja je njihova upotrebna vrijednost.

    At the same time, the Statistical Yearbook is an indicator ofthe continuity of and multi-year care of users' needs forstatistical data as well as an evidence of efficiency of theofficial statistics system in collecting, processing andpresenting all the most important data of the officialstatistics. The frequency of its usage and of stating it as adata source is a confirmation that the users of officialstatistics data know where they can find data and what theirusage value is.

    +" pregled *+ je radi usporedbe sa drugimzemljama u Evropi/Europi i svijetu. Pritom su upotrijebljenipodaci iz +" publikacija koje su kao izvorpodataka navedene ispod svake tabele.

    The aim of the international review is to enable thecomparison with other countries in Europe and in the world.The data have been taken from the international publications the references of which are to be found in the foot-notes ofthe tables.

    Zahvaljujemo naim korisnicima, radi kojih ova publikacija iizlazi, koji su svojim sugestijama, primjedbama i prijedlozimabili poticajni i time pripomogli da ova publikacija budesadrajnija, preglednija i informativnija u odnosu naprethodna izdanja. Sa *0 primiti sveprimjedbe i sugestije " korisnika koje zasigurnopridonijeti poboljanju %- godinjaka/ljetopisa kao i"-0%2:

    We also thank our users, for whom this publication ispublished, whose suggestions, remarks and proposals arealways stimulating, helping us make this book more easy torefer and more informative than earlier issues. Any furthercomments and suggestions will still be highly appreciatedand taken into account in the future issues.

    22 %-"0627898 Statistical Yearbook

  • @;-6C-).-)-;.3D0&%


  • 56-(6;.1"-,-(;(C(E1@().3







    Sources and methods of data collection

    ." -- " "# -

    20 2* " >2 * -"

    2 2 !- 2"

    * " 2 *


    Data on geographical coordinates, length of boundarylines and land area were obtained by the Geodeticadministration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and data onlakes and high above sea level of mountain peaks arebased on 1 : 25.000 topographic maps.

    3 -- 2" 2* " 5"-


    Other data on geographical characteristics are suppliedby the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

    ." "# 0 2" 2*

    " 5"- "0- *" 2"

    2 " * *- 5"-


    The data on length of rivers and meteorological data weretaken from Federal Weather Bureau, and data onearthquakes by the Seismic Sector of Federal WeatherBureau.



    ." 2 2 %0 2"*

    *0 *" B88 " "

    *0 2" B88 * -

    - 2* : . 2 9B88


    Mountains are considered elevations of more than 500m height above sea-level, while those below that heightare considered hills; however, the demarcations are notso strict and can be arbitary. Mountains, more than 1500m height above sea-level have been ranged according topeak height.

    D 2 "+ 2 +"

    F- 97

    2: 2 "+ 2 %


    Macroseismic intensity is given in accordance with theinternational Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg (MCS) scale whichhas 12 degrees. The degrees express the intensity ofearthquake effect on people, nature and buildings.

    ." " #

    5" !- " *


    Data on rivers water level include the most importantrivers in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and water-measuring stations for which data have been fully.




    . -- 2# 5" !

    * - " 2:

    * .

    * -*2" "

    )"- : - *


    E> 2G "

    2" " 2 "0 "K 3

    2 "0 2 "

    E. 2G 3 "

    -*2" E 2G: " "

    * 2* *+

    - "

    2 2 -


    According to geographical location Federation of Bosniaand Herzegovina borders on two big climatic zone. On thenorth is influence of moderate continental climate from thePanonean lowlands, on the south influence ofMediterranean climate from Adriatic sea. According tomentioned above we recognized three basic climaticzone: region of moderate continental climate on the north(moderate climatic zone); region of mountain climate(mountain zone) and region of Mediterranean climate onthe southwest (maritime zone). In dependence of abovesea level we recognized a few transitional zones betweenthree main, and in Central mountain zone we can talk onAlpean climate.


    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook



  • 0'

    ' 2

    " 0 * 2 : "

    2 6% 2" 8:8


    " 62 " 2 9A:D " 77:C


    2 2 * 2"

    " M7D:8

    F " 2

    2" "# L8:8

    F: " -"0

    2 E0-"0 2G "

  • ." 2"6 " -"0

    % 2"6 *# 6


    " 0 # 2% 2"

    " *% 2 *

    8:9 6


    " 9 #- 2% - D


    Data on precipitation related to annual and monthlyamount of precipitation and expresed in l/m 2 . A day withrain or a day with snow is a day on which at least 0.1 l/m 2

    or 1 cm of the respective precipitation falls, covering theweather station at 7.00.

    ."2!PBC: Precipitation considered acid if the pH < 5,6.


    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook



  • 2

    degrees '


    9CQ=8R 9C


    :/ ;"/


    L=Q=8R =9L North



    ==Q88R 9A


    4 ."0 South


    8=Q88R 9 0,1 mm




    No.of dayswith snow > 1 cm



    Amount ofprecipitation





    Maximum airtemperature 0 C




    Minimum airtemperature 0 C




    Maximum heightof snow blanket cm

    9DB LD 9:7

  • 6-(6;.1"-,-(;(C(E1@().3









    The highest average amount of precipitationG'2'2=


    The lowest average amount of precipitationG$

    2= =L8 )


  • ,-;,(;D.CG0,;(D





    Sources and methods of data collection

    . 32 2* *

    !- 22 /U 79:

    6"- 9

  • 2 2-- "

    " -+- 2"% 2"% * "-

    # :

    # 22" " 2

    " -": %

    *% % " 0 % -: ;

    "+ - %


    Settlement is a territorial unit which consists of areasintended for construction and those intended for otherpurposes, and has its own system of numberingbuildings. A border of a settlement is determined byborders of marginal statistical enumeration area.

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook=D



  • @!



    Surface area 1) , km 2




    Population, 2009 2)



    Population density per km 2







    8&%8# 5< 5959> >? ?

    > L:97B8 7AA:99L C 22

    " !- E/

    ! 7898G + %

    " &26&2 F&

    ( 7: / ! 7898 2 - 9: 7899:


    The Classification of Economic Activities (CA) is based onthe Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in theEuropean Community NACE Rev.1.1, which obligatory forall EU Member States. The new Classification ofEcomomic Activities (KD B&H 2010), based on NACERevision 2, will enter into force starting from January, 012011.

    . 2 (- *

    2 " 2# % "

    2 " + 0 *

    2"*" 2# " 2 "+

    - 2"2"% 2"% ": "

    * 0 2 - " "#-

    22 + 0 " 2

    * 2 /M 2" 2 2"-

    2: " *


    Business entities are classified according to theirprevailing activity in such a way that the subclass of themain activity is established according to the Classificationof Economic Activities. When a business entity is, by adecision on registration with the competent authority or bylaw, registred in more than one activity a higher class ofactivity, the first classification by the Classification ofEconomic Activities is made upon the proposal of thebusiness entity. Every subsequent classification of thebusiness entity, resulting in the change of the mainactivity, is made in the following cases:

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook L9

  • ;-6,.;




    1. upon the request of the business entity based on its financial indicators, and

    7: 2 # "# 2 0

    2 - " "#- 2

    22 " 2" * %


    2. upon official duty, based on the change of thedecision on registration with the competent authority orchange in the law, or based on statistical survey results,respectively.

    / " 2- + 2

    0 2 - " "#- 2


    2* " " 2- %


    The activity of parts of a business entity is established bya decision on a registration with the competent authority orby the law on establishment, or on basic purpose ofestablishment based on internal decision of the businessentity they make part of.

    >2 2 2 " 2 2

    " #0 (- 2

    " # * : * *


    Registrations changes and cessations of a businessentities and their constituent parts are being daily updatedin the Register. The sources for the Register of BusinessEntities are as follows:

    9:-""#J 1. Registers kept by:2" - municipal courts ministries2" municipalities office"-- other registration bodies7:*""-


    2. Laws, decisions and other legal documents published in the official gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    Coverage and comparability

    (- 2 J 2


    Register of Business Entities includes legal entities,natural persons and parts of these entities.

    > (- 2 " 2

    "0 5"

    !- * * 262" 2:

    . "0 5" !

    - " -* " 2"%

    ! * " " "


    All business entities in Federation of Bosnia andHerzegovina have been covered in register disregardingon origin of capital and all business entities in abroad withB&H capital but condition is that they have been registeredin special registers ( judicial or other for legal persons orby municipalities bodies for natural persons ).

    (- 2 2 *

    2" # 2 * % : *


    Data which are being kept in register are primarily used forstatistics surveys.


    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • " " 6* *" -

    2" * 2" *

    * % &26&2

    * 2 F& (: 9:9: "

    6* - " / -

    2 +" ""

    " "

    >" " M F (: =:9: International Standard Industrial Classification of All EconomicActivities.

    The Classification of Economic Activities up to the classlevel ensures comparability and exchange of data for thesame business entities in the Member states of the EUand other countries that implement NACE, Rev.1.1 and upto the group level the CA ensures compatibility withInternational Standard Industrial Classification of AllEconomic Activities.



    / 0 2 "

    2*" # 2*" %

    * "+ -: 3"+ 2

    2*" E -G 2*" 2

    2 2*": . E% 2*"G

    " *% "

    *- %- 2" "" - "

    ": -J - 2"


    Activity is a combination of resources like equipment,labour, methods of production, information network orproducts, which has as result certain good or service. It isdetermined by input of products (goods or services),production process and output of products. Businessentities (especially production units) usually performseveral different activities. Therefore, it is necessary todetermine the category of each activity. Three categoriesare in use: main, secondary and supporting activity.

    ; E2#G " 2

    " 2*" 2

    2# - #0 " %

    " "2 " 2

    "" " 2:

    2 "

    2*" 2 2# -

    #0 - " "+ 2

    " *2 " 2 2 2"


    Main (prevailing) activity is an activity establishedaccording to the largest share in the total value added inthe case of business entities which make profit throughproduction, trade or offering of services on the market, orby the largest share in the number of employeesaccording to the payroll and gross paid off salaries incase of business entities which do not make profit throughproduction, trade and offering of services on the market.

    " 2-

    % * - 2- : 3

    % #

    *6* " * 2"

    " "# 2 "

    2 2 2

    : " 2 * "

    * " 0 -

    "+ 22 "" - 2


    Identification number is a permanent identificationcharacteristic for each particular business entity that isused in all statistical surveys and is compulsory to be usedin the data exchange with courts, government bodies,local government as wall as with legal entities with publicauthorities. It is determined by the allocation of the controlnumber according to module 11.


    " " 6" 22

    * "# "# 2


    Business entities are legal or natural entities establishedon the basis of the Law according to which they performallowed activities, as well as state government bodies,state administration bodies and local administration andself-government bodies.

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook L=



  • ;-6,.;


    . 2 *

    2 * "+ *

    *- 2 * % * 2


    Legal entities are forms of legal constructions establishedon the basis of the Constitution and law of each countryand to whom special rights and obligations for legalidentity are guaranteed.

    / 2- -* "

    2- E" "0 "

    0:::G 0 -- "+ :

    " "

    *2 " 0 2


    Parts of business entities are organization unites in thebusiness entities structure (workshops, storages, offices,depots,...) situated on a geographical defined place (site).Some activities are performed on each of these places.One or more persons are employed in the same businessentity.

    5*% *%

    " " 6" 22 "


    Natural entities are units that perform activities in line withlaw and refer to the crafts and trades and free-lances.

    3 " " *%

    " * %

    2 # " "-

    *6* 2 - ": >2


    Craftsman is a natural entity (person) who performs theactivity on behalf of himself and on his own account,thereat he may use other people work. He is obligate tomake a contract on work with these persons.

    3 "20

    - 2"6-2" "

    "2 "" * "

    2* "


    Craft is an independently and permanently performing ofallowed and registered economy or other activities, asbasic, secondary or additional profession, by a craftsman,aiming to obtain profit in manufactire, trade or services onthe market.

    " " - 2" "-

    " *% 2 2


    Craft related activity is a registered economic and otheractivity performed by a natural person in accordance withcraft's rules, but is not considered to be craft.



    3 " 5"

    !-J 22 % -

    *" 2 : ."

    # 2"- * 2+ % #

    E(- 2 .2 0

    ":G: > - " 2" %

    "0 - 2


    This register covered a territorial units on wholeFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Census andstatistical circles, local communities, settlements,municipalities and cantons. This data use as a base forstatistical researches (Register of business entities,survey, Census etc.). Register covered data onregistration number, name seats and border ofsettlements and type, sources and date of exchange.


    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook

  • )78


    % - % 2 ": %

    - 9 - " 2" %

    - %- - * "


    Statistical circle is a statistical territorial unit. Since 1959they revised several times (according to Censuses) andcovered whole territory of the Federation of Bosnia andHerzegovina. Territory of statistical circle includes one ormore census circles and their belongs to one settlementand only one municipality. Register covered data onregistration number and border of statistical circle, andtype, sources and date of exchange.

    .2 - % 2 "

    - 0 2 ": ."%

    - 22 - "+ * 22

    0 "6 22"

    -2" 9 - " 2" " 22- -

    %- - * "


    Register covered data on ordinal numeral and type,sources and date of exchange.

    %-"0627898Statistical Yearbook LB


  • : < > ?

    010@G(4TOTAL 95> 995? 95 9>5?9 :5 :95?

    . @2!'

    C79 CDB

    DL7 A8A ACL

  • #



    Structure ofregistered


    Part oflegal



    Structure ofpart of

    legal entities


    :95? 95

  • 02













    nvestment from former republic of




    Have not capital


    :95? ?5>>< 5? 5:> 5: ?5

    TOTAL. @2!'

  • 2






    Joint stockcompanies
















    :95? ? >5 :59>

    TOTAL. @2!'

  • 2









    Not have


    :95? 5 >5?

  • 4 >49< 94:< :4 9 5:

    TOTAL. @2!'

  • 4 >49< 94:< :4
  • 02






    Women -responsible



    Share %







    Women -responsible



    Share %







    Women -responsible



    Share %

    010@G(4TOTAL :95? >59 95 959



    Izbori za zakonodavna tijela u Federaciji Bosne iHercegovine provedeni su u skladu/sukladno saPravilima i propisima Privremene izborne komisije udvogodinjem periodu/razdoblju (1996; 1998; 2000).Izbori odrani 2002; 2006. i 2008. godine za Zastupnikidom Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine,kantonalne skuptine i opinska vijea provedeni su uskladu/sukladno sa odredbama novog Izbornog zakonau Bosni i Hercegovini.

    The election for the Parliamentary Assembly in Federationof Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000were proceeded according to regulations of of TemporaryElection Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina. TheElection in 2002; 2006 and 2008 for the House ofRepresentatives of the Parliament of the Federation ofBosnia and Herzegovina, Cantonal Assembly in Cantonsand Municipal Councilors were proceeded according toregulations new Election Law in B&H.

    Izbori u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine odravaju se natri nivoa/razine: na nivou/razini entiteta odravaju seizbori za Zastupniki dom Parlamenta Federacije Bosnei Hercegovine; na nivou/razini kantona odravaju seizbori za kantonalne skuptine i na nivou/razini opinaodravaju se izbori za opinske skuptine.

    The election in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina holdat three levels: the election for the House ofRepresentatives of the Parliament of the Federation ofBosnia and Herzegovina at entity level, the election forCantonal Assembly in Cantons, and the election forMunicipal Assembly in municipalities.

    Birako pravo (pravo glasa) i pravo da bude izabran imasvaki dravljanin Bosne i Hercegovine sa navrenihosamnaest godina ivota koji je registriran za glasanjena teritoriji Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Svidravljani BiH koji imaju birako pravo imaju pravo dase registriraju i da glasaju osobno u opini na teritorijiFederacije Bosne i Hercegovine u kojoj imajuprebivalite. Dravljanin BiH, koji privremeno boravi uinozemstvu i ima birako pravo ima pravo glasatilino/osobno ili potom za opinu u kojoj je imaoprebivalite u trenutku podnoenja zahtjeva zaregistraciju. Dravljanin BiH koji posjeduje dvojnodravljanstvo u skladu/sukladno sa lanom/lankom 1.taka 7d. Ustava BiH ima pravo registrirati se i glasatisamo ako je Bosna i Hercegovina drava njegovogprebivalita.

    Each citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina who has attained18 years of age has the right to vote and to be elected. Toexercise right to vote, a citizen must be registered as avoter. All citizens of B&H who have the right to vote willhave the right to register and to vote in person in themunicipality where they have their permanent place ofresidence. A citizen of B&H who temporarily resides abroadand has the right to vote, will have the right to register andto vote in person or by mail, for the municipality where theperson had a permanent place of residence prior to his orher departure abroad, provided he or she is registered as apermanent resident in that municipality at the moment ofhis or her application for registration. The proof ofresidence shall rest upon the applicant. If the proof ofresidence is not attached to the application, this applicationwill be rejected. A citizen of B&H who holds dual citizenshippursuant to Article 1 (7) (d) of the Constitution, has theright to register and to vote, only if B&H is the country ofhis or her permanent residence.

    Raspodjela zastupnikih mandata Allocate of the mandates

    Mandat zastupnika Predstavnikog doma ParlamentaFederacije Bosne i Hercegovine i zastupnika kantonalnihskuptina prema vaeem Izbornom zakonu traje etirigodine (mandat zastupnika do posljednjih izbora trajaoje dvije godine).

    The mandate of a delegate to the House ofRepresentatives of the Parliament of the Federation ofBosnia and Herzegovina shall be four (4) years.

    54 Statistiki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook


  • Odreeni broj zastupnika bira se iz vielanihizbornih jedinica prema formuli proporcionalnezastupljenosti. Kompenzacijski mandati dodjeljuju se sateritorije Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine kao cjeline. Usvakoj izbornoj jedinici mandati se rasporeuju nasljedei nain:

    A certain number of members shall be elected from multi-member constituencies under the proportionalrepresentation formula. There shall be compensatorymandates from the territory of the Federation of B&H as awhole. Mandates are allocated in each constituency in thefollowing manner:

    Za svaku politiku stranku i koaliciju ukupan broj vaeih glasova koje je politika stranka ili koalicija osvojila dijelise sa 1,3,5,7,9,11, i tako redom, sve dok je to potrebnoza tu raspodjelu mandata. Brojevi koji se dobiju ovomserijom su kolinici. Kolinici se redaju od najveegdo najmanjeg. Mandati se dijele po redu, poev odnajveeg kolinika, dok se ne raspodjele svi mandatiizborne jedinice za odreeni organ. Politika stranka,koalicija, lista nezavisnih/neovisnih kandidata inezavisni/neovisni kandidat ne moe sudjelovati uraspodjeli mandata ako ne osvoji vie od 3% odukupnog broja vaeih glasakih listia u izbornojjedinici.

    For each political party and coalition, the total number ofvalid votes received by that political party or coalition shallbe divided by 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, et seq., as long asnecessary for the allocation in question. The numbersresulting from this series of divisions shall be thequotients. The number of votes for an independentcandidates is the quotient for that candidate. The quotientsshall be arranged in order from the highest quotient to thelowest quotient. Mandates shall be distributed, in order, tothe highest quotient until all the constituency mandates forthe body have been distributed. Political parties, coalitions,lists of independent candidates and independentcandidates cannot participate in the allocation of mandatesif they do not win more than 3% of the total number of validballots in an electoral unit.

    Kompenzacijski mandati se raspodjeljuju na sljedeinain: prvo se, prema formuli navedenoj u prethodnompasusu, raspodjeljuje ukupan broj mandata zazakonodavni organ koji se dodijeljuju za teritorijuentiteta, umanjen za broj mandata koji su osvojilinezavisni/neovisni kandidati. Od broja mandata koje jedobila lista politike stranke ili koalicije, primjenom ovogpostupka, oduzima se broj mandata koje je ta politikastranka ili koalicija osvojila, a prema postupkuutvrenom u drugom pasusu. Preostali broj je brojkompenzacijskih mandata koji lista dobija.

    Compensatory mandates shall be allocated in the followingmanner: only political parties and coalitions may take partin the distribution of compensatory mandates. First, thetotal number of mandates for the legislative body to beallocated for the territory of the respective From thenumber of mandates a list of a political party or coalitionhas won according to this procedure, the number ofmandates won by the same party or coalition, according tothe procedure is deducted. The remaining number is thenumber of compensatory mandates the list wins.

    Izborni organi Election authorities

    Za provedbu izbora nadleni su: The competent authorities responsible for the conduct ofelections are:

    - izborna komisija Bosne i Hercegovine, - the election comission of Bosnia and Herzegovina- opinska izborna komisija, - the election commission of the Municipality and- biraki odbori. - the Polling Station Committees.

    Definicije Definitions

    Zastupniki dom Parlamenta Federacije Bosne iHercegovine je najvii organ zakonodavne vlasti uFederaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Od izbora odranih2002.godine broji 98 zastupnika.

    House of Representatives of the Parliament of theFB&H is the central legislative representative body in theFB&H. It comprises from the election in year 2002, 98deputies.

    Statistiki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook 55


  • Kantonalna skuptina predstavlja najvii zakonodavniorgan vlasti za teritorij kantona u Federaciji Bosne iHercegovine. Broj zastupnika se odreuje premazvaninom broju stanovnika u kantonu. Opinsko vijee predstavlja najvii zakonodavni organ vlasti zateritorij opine.

    Cantonal Assembly is the central legislativerepresentative body in the territory of the cantons inFB&H. Number of the deputies depend of the number ofpopulations in the canton. Municipality Councilors isthe central legislative representative body in the territory ofthe Municipality.

    Zastupnici su predstavnici naroda izabrani naneposrednim izborima. Zastupniki mandat obavljaju uskladu/sukladno sa ustavom, zakonom i poslovnikom oradu.

    Deputies are representatives of the people who elected inindirecte election. The mandate is performed in accordancewith the Constitution, laws and the National Assemblyproceedings.

    Aktivno izborno pravo je pravo glasa osoba koje suregistrirane za glasanje.

    Active right to vote is the right to vote.

    Pasivno izborno pravo je pravo osobe da budeizabrana.

    Passive right to vote is the right to be elected.

    Zastupniki mandat je mjesto u parlamentu kojeizabrani kandidat dobija danom u zastupnikom domu.Isti pripada nosiocu mandata, a ne politikoj stranci,koaliciji ili listi nezavisnih/neovisnih kandidata koja ga jepredloila na kandidatskoj listi.

    Deputies mandate belongs to the elected office holderand not to the political party, coalition or list of independentcandidates which nominated him or her on the candidateslist.

    Birako mjesto je zgrada u kojoj se obavlja procesglasanja/glasovanja, kao i prostor u krugu od pedesetmetara od ulaza u zgradu u kojoj se nalazi birakomjesto.

    Polling station is the building where voting takes place,and surrounding area shall include the area within fifty (50)metres of the entrance of a building in which a PollingStation is located.

    Kandidatska/Kandidacijska lista je lista kandidata kojupredlau politike stranke ili glasai u izbornoj jedinici.

    Lists of candidates is submitted by the political parties orvoters in an electoral unit.

    Puni naziv parlamentarnih politikih stranaka: Full name of political parties:(izbori 2006.) (Elections 2006)

    SDA - Stranka demokratske akcije Democratics Action PartyStranka za Bosnu i Hercegovinu Party for B&HSDP - Socijaldemokratska partija Bosne i Hercegovine socijaldemokrati

    Social Democratic Party

    HDZ hrvatska koalicija HNZ, HSP HDZ Croatian Coalition - HNZ, HSPHrvatsko zajednitvo /HDZ 1990, HZ-HSS-HKDU-HDU-Demokrani/

    Croatian collectiveness//HDZ 1990, HZ-HSS-HKDU-HDU-Christian Democratic/

    Bosanskohercegovaka patriotska stranka Sefer Halilovi

    B&H Patriotic Party- Sefer Halilovi

    Patriotski blok BOSS SDU BIH Patriotic Block - BOSS - SDU BIHNarodna stranka radom za boljitak People , s Party - NSRBDemokratska narodna zajednica BIH Democratic People's UnionHSP api Jurii i NHI Koalicija zajednakopravnost

    HSP api Jurii and NHI Coalition for emancipation

    Savez nezavisnih socijaldemokrata SNSD Milorad Dodik

    SNSD Milorad Dodik

    56 Statistiki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook



    1998 2000 2002 2006

    Broj izbornih jedinica 12 12 12 12Number of electoral unitsKandidatske liste (partije) u parlamentu 14 17 18 11Lists of candidates Broj registriranih glasaa 1.335.932 1.403.438 1.324.090 1.697.556Registered in the electoral listsBroj glasaa koji su glasali/glasovali 1.024.533 918.397 760.528 920.461Voters who votedOdaziv glasaa (%) 76,7 65,4 57,4 54,2Turnout (%)Broj vaeih glasakih listia 927.567 867.712 718.092 858.105Valid votesIzabrani zastupnici 140 140 98 98Elected deputies od toga ene (%) 15,0 16,4 21,4 21,4 share of women (%)Trajanje zastupnikog mandata (godina) 2 2 4Duration of the mandate (years)

    1996/97 2000 2004 2008

    Broj registriranih glasaa 1.335.932 1.367.368 1.326.038 1.833.639Registered in the electoral listsBroj glasaa koji su glasali/glasovali 1.163.745 874.238 593.169 977.226Voters who votedOdaziv glasaa (%) 87,1 63,9 44,7 53,3Turnout (%)

    Odaziv glasaa na izborima za zastupniki dom parlamenta FBiH 1998, 2000, 2002, 2006Turnout at elections to the house of representatives of the parliament FB&H 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2006

    1998 2000 2002 200676,7 65,4 57,4 54,2

    Statistiki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook 57


    Opinska vijeaLokal self-government units

    Zastupniki dom House of Representatives







    1998 2000 2002 2006






    do 29 gup to 29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

    1996 140 6 96 43 - 1 2 52 45 331998 140 21 89 44 - 7 3 49 44 35 92000 140 23 99 37 - 4 1 45 46 38 82002 98 21 66 25 6 1 3 22 50 18 52006 98 21 72 20 5 1 2 24 44 22 6





    do 29 gup to 29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

    1996/97 2.085 131 1.329 648 105 3 116 830 736 321 822000 1.944 367 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...2004 1.798 329 1.226 430 87 55 238 392 728 343 972008 1.831 264 1.194 531 74 32 ... ... ... ... ...









    1 - 2 - 3 1 -2 - 2 - 1 - 41 - - - - - -

    Demokratska narodna zajednica /DNZ/ 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1Demokratska stranka penzionera 2 - 1 - - - - -Graanska demokratska stranka /GDS/ - - 1 - 1 - - -HDZ Hrvatska koalicija /HNZ,HSP/ 28 3 25 5 - - 8 1HKDU - - 1 - 1 - - -HSS 1 - 1 - 1 - -HSP 2 - 1 - 1 - -Koalicija centra 1 - - - - - - -Koalicija za cjelovitu i demokratsku BiH 68 8 - - - - - -LDS - - 1 - 1 1 - -NHI - - 2 - 2 1 - -NHI-HKDU 4 2 - - - - -RS - - 1 - - - -SNSD-Milorad Dodik - - 1 - 1 - 1 -Socijaldemokrati BiH 6 2 - - - - - -SDP BiH 19 4 37 8 15 1 17 3SP RS 2 1 - - - - - -SDA - - 38 6 32 8 28 6Stranka penzionera FBiH - - 2 - 2 1 - -SBiH - - 21 3 15 2 24 5Koalicija (HDZ,DK,HNZ) - - - - 16 4 - -Narodna stranka radom za boljitak - - - - 2 1 3 1PROENS i mladi BiH - - - - 1 - - -Hrvatski pravaki blok - - - - 1 - - -Patriotski blok BOSS - SDU - - - - - - 3 1Hrvatsko zajednitvo (HDZ 1990,HZ-HSS-HKDU) - - - - - - 7HSP api - Jurii i NHI koalicija za jednakopr. - - - - - - 1 -


    Bosanska stranka /BOSS/BPS - Sefer HaliloviBonjaka stranka prava




    Etnika strukturaEthnicity structure




    Etnika strukturaEthnicity structure

    Starosna skupinaAge groups

    Statistiki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook


    Stranke Parties



    20061998 2000

    Starosna skupinaAge groups








    Izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka Sources and methods of data collection

    Podaci o stanovnitvu i domainstvima/kuanstvimaprikupljaju se popisima svakih deset godina premajedinstvenoj metodologiji na cjelokupnom podru%ju Bosnei Hercegovine.

    The data on population and households have beencollected by Census every ten years and by unifiedmethodology on all areas of B&H.

    Procjena broja stalnih stanovnika Federacije Bosne iHercegovine sredinom godine uklju%uje prisutnostanovnitvo i izbjeglice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovineu inozemstvu.

    Estimation of the number of mid-year permanentpopulation of Federation of B&H including presentpopulation and refugees from Federation of B&H.

    Procjene broja prisutnih stanovnika Federacije Bosne iHercegovine 1999. 2009. godine sredinom godine kao istope prirodnog kretanja stanovnitva temelje se narezultatima Popisa 1991., podacima o prirodnomprirataju i podacima o broju raseljenih osoba i izbjeglica ibroju povrataka u prijeratno mjesto stanovanja.

    Estimation of the number of mid year presentpopulation of Federation of B&H 1999 - 2009 and rateson the natural movement were computed on the basis ofthe results of 1991 Census, data on natural increase,data on displaced persons and refugees and data onreturns in the pre-war residence.

    Izvori podataka za ro+ene, umrle i vjen%ane su mati%neknjige, a za razvedene brakove dokumentacija nadlenihsudova. Podaci o ro+enim i umrlim osobama tesklopljenim i razvedenim brakovima za period 1999. 2009. godine odnose se na Federaciju BiH i predstavljajukona%ne rezultate obrade podataka.

    Data on births, deaths and marriages have beencollected and submitted by registers and data on divorcesby courts of justice. Data on births, deaths, marriagesand divorces for the period 1999 2009 relate to theFederation B&H, and represent the final data.

    Definicije Definitions

    Podaci iz popisa odnose se na stalno stanovnitvo napodru%ju Bosne i Hercegovine. Stalno stanovnitvojednog mjesta %ine sve osobe koje u tom mjestu stalnostanuju, tj. imaju prebivalite, bez obzira na to da li su seu trenutku popisa nalazile u mjestu prebivalita ili su bileprivremeno odsutne, bilo u zemlji ili inozemstvu. Osobena privremenom radu kod inozemnih poslodavaca ili nasamostalnom radu, kao i %lanovi obitelji koji s njimaborave u inozemstvu popisani su kao stalni stanovniciodgovarajuih naselja u zemlji u kojima je njihovoprebivalite.

    The data of the population census relate to theresident population in B&H territories. Permanentresidents are considered all those who are usualresidentsof one place, that is, those having permanent residencethere, irrespective of their presence or temporaryabsence at the census moment, and also in the casewhen he/she was absent from that place due to anyreason: travel, education or field work, temporary at theCensus date work abroad, medical treatment etc. Dataon these persons were furnished their households.

    Domainstvom/kuanstvom se smatra obiteljska ili drugazajednica osoba koje su izjavile da zajedni%ki stanuju itroe prihode za podmirenje osnovnih ivotnih potreba,kao i svaka osoba koja ivi sama (sama%kodomainstvo/kuanstvo) ili stanuje sa drugim osobama skojima ne troi svoje prihode. U popisima 1961. i 1971.kao stalni stanovnici popisane su sve osobe koje su sezatekle u mjestu rada ukoliko se nisu svakodnevnovraale u mjesto stanovanja obitelji, dok su 1981. i 1991.te osobe popisane kao stalni stanovnici mjesta u kojimasu nastanjene njihove obitelji, %ime je smanjen brojsama%kih domainstava/kuanstava.

    A household is any family or other community of peopleresiding and living together who share their income tocover the basic costs of living. A household is alsoconsidered every person who lives alone or with otherpersons but does not share income with them. In thePopulation Census for 1961 and 1971 as a residentpopulation ennumerated every person where he/shehappened to be at the Census data, while in 1981 and1991 Census these persons enumerated as a residentpopulation in the places where their families live.

    Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook 59


  • Podaci o etnikim grupama rezultat su slobodnoizraene etnike pripadnosti stanovnika preko deset,odnosno petnaest godina starosti, odnosno roditelja(staratelja) kada su u pitanju djeca mla+a od 10, odnosno15 godina u popisima 1971,1981. i 1991.

    The data on ethnic groups are the result of freelyexpressed ethnicify of population over 10 or over 15years of age, respectively parents (guardians) in the caseof children under 10 or under 15 years of age in the 1971,1981, 1991 census.

    U popisima prije 1981. godine Muslimani su iskazivanipod razli%itim nazivima. U popisu 1953 godine osobe kojesu izjavile da su Muslimani svrstane su u grupuJugosloveni - neopredjeljeni zajedno sa ostalimosobama jugoslovenskog porijekla/podrijetla koje suizjavile da su Jugosloveni, dok su u popisu 1961. godineiskazani pod nazivom Muslimani u etni%kom smislu, a1971. godine kao Muslimani u smislu narodnosti.

    Moslems are grouped under different groupes in theCensuses preceding 1981 Census. Persons who statedthey are Moslems were grouped in the "Yugoslavs -unstated" together with the other persons Yougoslav ,

    origin stated they are Yougoslavs in the 1953 Census.They are grouped as "Moslems in the ethnic affiliationsence" in the 1961 Census, and as "Moslems in thesence of ethnicity" in the 1971 Census.

    Podaci prema starosti iskazuju se prema navrenimgodinama ivota. Svaka grupa starosti obuhvaa osobekoje su navrile godine ivota unutar granica intervala.Tako su npr. u skupini 10-14 godina obuhvaene osobekoje imaju 10 i vie godina, ali jo nisu navrile 15 godinaivota.

    Data by age are expressed by completed years of age.Each age group includes persons who turned the yearsput as the limits of one interval. For example, the agegroup of 10-14 years includes all persons who havereached 10 years and more, but have not yet turned 15.

    Pismenost Podaci o pismenosti stanovnitva odnose sesamo na stanovnitvo staro 10 i vie godina. Pismenimse smatra ona osoba koja zna pro%itati i napisati sastav(tekst) u vezi sa svakidanjim ivotom, bez obzira nakojem jeziku %ita i pie. Sve ostale osobe, uklju%ujui ione koje samo %itaju smatrane su nepismenim.

    Literacy Data on literacy of population relate topopulation aged 10 year and over. A person wasconsidered literate if, according to own statement, able toread and write an ordinary text regardless of thelanguage. All other persons including also those who onlycould read, were considered as illiterate.

    kolska sprema je najvii stepen/stupanj obrazovanjakoji je osoba stekla po okon%anju redovnog/redovitogkolovanja ili kole koja zamjenjuje redovne/redovite,polaganjem privatnih ispita u nekoj redovnoj/redovitojkoli, ili poha+anjem kursa za skraeno zavravanje nekekole kojim se po postojeim propisima stje%e odre+enakolska sprema.

    Educational attainment (school completed) is considered the highest level of completed education, i.e.a regular school that a person completed or an equivalentsubstitute school, passing of exams in a regular school orcompleting a course of a ridged education, by which,according to valid regulations, a respective school levelrecognised.

    Prema aktivnostima stanovnitvo je razvrstano naaktivno, stanovnitvo sa osobnim prihodom iizdravane/uzdravane osobe. Aktivno je onostanovnitvo koje obavlja neko zanimanje i takoosigurava sredstva za ivot. Aktivnim se smatraju i osobekoje trae zaposlenje, slue vojni rok, kao i osobe naizdravanju kazne. Osobama sa osobnim prihodomsmatraju se penzioneri/umirovljenici svih kategorija,osobe koje primaju socijalnu pomo ili imaju prihode oddavanja u zakup zemlje, kue, radnje i druge imovine.

    Population is divided into economically active , personswith income of their own and dependants. Undereconomically active population are shown all employmentpersons. Also active are shown persons who do notpractice their occupation, because they are temporarilyunemployed, than persons who were economically active, and are currently doing military service or are imprisonedand finally, persons seeking work for the first time.Thegroup persons with income of their own covers thosepersons who do not have an active occupation, but liveon income accruing from their farmer work or activity(pensioners, disabled men) or from work respectivelyactivity of member of their nucleus family. Here are alsoincluded the persons receiving social aid or derivingincome from private property.

    60 Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook


  • Izdravanim/Uzdravanim osobama (djeca, u%enici,studenti, domaice/kuanice i dr.) smatraju se osobe kojenemaju vlastitih prihoda ni po kojem osnovu, nego ihizdravaju/uzdravaju roditelji, ro+aci ili druge osobe, kaoi osobe s prihodima koji im ne obezbje+uju ekonomskusamostalnost.

    Dependants are the persons who do not have ownincome but are supported by parents, relatives or otherpersons. This group covers children, pupils, students,housewives.

    Poljoprivredno stanovnitvo u popisima 1981. i 1991.godine %ine sve osobe %ija se zanimanja nalaze u skupinipoljoprivrednici i ribari i lovci, kao i sve osobe koje oniizdravaju/uzdravaju.

    Agricultural population in the 1981 and 1991 censusesinclude persons whose occupation is found in the groupagriculturists and fishermen and hunters and theirdependents.

    Stalnim mjestom stanovanja smatra se ono mjesto ukojem je osoba stalno nastanjena, tj. u kojem imaprebivalite. Stalnim mjestom stanovanja raseljenihosoba i izbjeglica za 1999. godinu smatralo se ono mjestou kojem je osoba bila nastanjena prije rata. Navedenotreba uzeti u obzir prilikom korienja podataka iz dijelaPregled po kantonima i opinama.

    Under the place of permanent residence is understooda place in which a person has a residence. Under theplace of permanent residence for displaced people andrefugees in 1999 is understood a place in which a personhad a residence before the war. Users must keep in mindmentioned note on the occasion of using data from partReview by Cantons.

    Ako je osoba 2000 - 2009. godine bila prisutna u jednommjestu stanovanja due od jedne godine, onda se tomjesto smatralo njenim prebivalitem. Ako je iznavedenog prebivalita bila odsutna due/dulje od godinudana u inozemstvu, onda takvi doga+aji nisu obuhvaenipodacima za datu godinu.

    If one person was present in one place more than oneyear in 2000 - 2009, this place is considered as aresidence place. If this person was absent from this placemore than one year abroad, these events are not coveredfor this year data.

    Podaci o ivoroenim i mrtvoroenim osobama svrstavaju se prema mjestu stalnog stanovanja majke, oumrlim prema mjestu stalnog stanovanja umrle osobe, zasklopljene brakove prema mjestu stalnog stanovanjamladoenje, a razvedeni brakovi se svrstavaju premazadnjem prebivalitu bra%nog para.

    Data on live born and still born given by mothersresidence, and data on deaths by residence of deathperson, for marriages by residence of husband, anddivorces by the latest spouse residence.

    Podaci o umrlim osobama prema uzroku smrti dati suprema X Reviziji Me+unarodne statisti%ke klasifikacijebolesti, povreda i uzroka smrti.

    Data on deaths by cause of death are given accordingto the X th Edition of the International StatisticalClassification of Deseases, Injuries and Causes ofDeaths.

    ivoroenje je potpuno izbacivanje ili va+enje iz tijelamajke ploda za%ea bez obzira na trajanje trudnoe koji,nakon takvog odvajanja, die ili pokazuje bilo koji drugiznak ivota kao lupanje srca, pulsiranje pup%ane vrpce ilijasne pokrete voljnih miia, a bez obzira na to da li jepup%ana vrpca prerezana i da li je posteljica odvojena. Ako plod takvog ro+enja umre, prvo se registruje kaoivoro+eno, a onda kao umrla osoba.

    Livebirth is complete expulsion or extraction from itsmother of a product of conception, irrespective of theduration of pregnancy, which, after such separation,breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such asbeating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord ordefinite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or notthe umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta isdetached. If a product of such a birth dies, it is firstregistered as livebirth and then as dead.

    Mrtvoroenjem se smatra smrt koja je nastupila prijepotpunog izbacivanja ili odvajanja od majke plodaza%ea; smrt se ozna%ava %injenicom da nakon togodvajanja fetus ne die niti pokazuje neki drugi znakivota, kao to je lupanje srca, pulsiranje pup%ane vrpce

    Stillborn is death prior to the complete expulsion orextraction from its mother of a product of conception; thedeath is indicated by the fact that after such separationthe foetus does not breathe or show any other evidenceof life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of theumbilical cord or definite movement of

    Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook 61


  • ili jasni pokreti voljnih miia, a trudnoa je trajala dueod 28 sedmica/tjedana (skoro 7 mjeseci).

    voluntary muscles and this pregnancy was more than 28weeks (almost 7 months).

    Izbacivanje umrlog ploda noenog manje od 28sedmica/tjadana smatra se poba%ajem bez obzira na to jeli prirodni ili namjerni.

    Expulsion of dead product who was in the mother,s bodyless than 28 weeks is considered as abortus no matter itis natural or artificial.

    Strunom pomoi kod roenja smatra se pomodoktora medicine ili diplomirane primalje. Da bi se dobioukupan broj ro+enih sa stru%nom pomoi, treba zbrojitiro+ene u zdravstvenoj ustanovi i ro+ene na drugommjestu sa stru%nom pomoi.

    Medical assistance at birth is the assistance by amedical doctor or a qualified midwife. The total data onlive births with medical assistance includes the number ofchildren born in medical facility and those born insome other place but with medical assistance.

    Prirodni prirast, odnosno prirodni pad stanovnitvarazlika je izme+u broja ivoro+ene djece i broja umrlihosoba.

    Natural increase or fall is the difference (surplus ordeficit) between the number of live-born children and thenumber of dead persons in a given period.

    Stopa nataliteta predstavlja odnos izme+u brojaivoro+enih i procijenjenog broja stanovnika na 1000stanovnika prisutnih sredinom godine.

    Natality rate is the ratio of number of livebirths andestimated number of inhabitants per 1000 of presentinhabitants in the middle of year.

    Stopa prirodnog prirataja predstavlja razliku stopenataliteta i stope mortaliteta.

    Rate of natural increase is the difference between thenatality and mortality rate.

    Smrt je stalni prestanak svih znakova ivota u bilo kojevrijeme nakon to se desilo ro+enje (prestanak vitalnihfunkcija bez mogunosti oivljavanja). Ova definicijaisklju%uje mrtvoro+enja koja se posebno definiraju.

    Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence odlife at any time after live birth has taken place (postnatalcessation of vital functions without capability ofresuscitation). This definition excludes foetal deaths,which are defined separately.

    Umrlom dojenadi smatraju se djeca koja su umrla prijenavrene prve godine ivota.

    Dead infants are considered small children who diedunder one year of age.

    Uzrok smrti je ona bolest, bolesno stanje ili ozljeda kojaza posljedicu ima smrt ili je pridonijela smrti, kao iokolnosti nesretnog slu%aja ili nasilja koje su takveozljede prouzrokovale. Uzroci smrti razvrstani su premaMe+unarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti, povreda i uzroka smrti -X revizija.

    Cause of death is considered as disease, condition orinjury which resulted or contributed to death andcircumstances of an accident or violence which producedsuch injuries. Causes of death are classified according tothe X th Revision of the International Classification odDiseases, Injuries and Causes of Death.

    Stopa mortaliteta predstavlja odnos izme+u broja umrlihi procijenjenog broja stanovnika na 1000 stanovnikaprisutnih sredinom godine.

    Mortality rate is the ratio of number of deaths andestimated number of inhabitants per 1000 of presentinhabitants in the middle of year.

    Stopa smrtnosti dojenadi predstavlja odnos izme+ubroja umrle dojen%adi i broja ivoro+enih ra%unato na1000 ivoro+enih.

    Infant mortality rate is the ratio between the number ofinfant deaths and the number of livebirths per 1000livebirths.

    62 Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook


  • Brak je %in, ceremonija ili proces kojim se stvarazakonska veza mua i ene. Zakonitost unije uspostavljase gra+anskim, vjerskim ili drugim sredstvima zavisno odtoga kako ih definira zakon svake zemlje.

    Marriage is the act, ceremony or process by which thelegal relationship of husband and wife is constituted. Thelegality of the union may be established by civil, religiousor other means as recognized by the laws of eachcountry.

    Razvod braka je krajnji zakonski raspad braka tj. onoodvajanje mua i ene koje stranama daje pravo daponovo stupe u brak po gra+anskim, vjerskim i/ili drugimodredbama, sukladno sa zakonima svake zemlje.

    Divorce is a final legal dissolution of a marriage, that is,that separation of husband and wife which confers on theparties the right to remarriage under civil, religious and/orother provisions, according to the laws of each country.

    Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook 63


  • 1879 51.246 1.158.440 607.789 550.651 22,61885 51.246 1.336.091 705.025 631.066 226.699 26,11895 51.246 1.568.092 828.190 739.902 257.493 30,61910 51.200 1.898.044 994.852 903.192 310.339 37,11921 51.200 1.890.440 966.209 924.231 36,91931 51.564 2.323.555 1.185.040 1.138.515 398.238 45,11948 51.189 2.564.308 1.236.932 1.327.376 498.116 50,11953 51.221 2.847.459 1.385.559 1.461.900 565.212 55,61961 51.197 3.277.948 1.599.665 1.678.283 706.107 64,01971 51.197 3.746.111 1.834.600 1.911.511 848.545 73,21981 51.197 4.124.256 2.050.913 2.073.343 1.030.689 80,61991 51.197 4.377.033 2.183.795 2.193.238 1.207.098 85,5

    UKUPNO 3.746.111 1.834.600 1.911.511 4.124.256 2.050.913 2.073.343 4.377.033 2.183.795 2.193.238TOTAL 0 - 4 405.505 207.129 198.376 365.332 186.494 178.838 332.422 170.535 161.887

    godina/years 5 - 9 442.665 225.726 216.939 375.765 192.284 183.481 347.379 177.988 169.391 10 - 14 442.199 225.066 217.133 393.024 201.313 191.711 347.590 177.932 169.658 15 - 19 411.387 209.215 202.172 433.304 222.406 210.898 360.008 185.292 174.716 20 - 24 319.317 162.073 157.244 404.751 211.100 193.651 359.991 188.724 171.267 25 - 29 225.727 109.724 116.003 357.773 184.730 173.043 371.776 194.041 177.735 30 - 34 289.810 140.952 148.858 294.502 150.178 144.324 361.854 186.643 175.211 35 - 39 280.482 139.035 141.447 216.718 107.411 109.307 334.569 172.024 162.545 40 - 44 243.016 118.781 124.235 280.137 138.850 141.287 276.412 139.433 136.979 45 - 49 166.241 70.017 96.224 267.657 133.616 134.041 201.165 98.993 102.172 50 - 54 101.840 41.069 60.771 230.515 112.499 118.016 257.382 125.380 132.002 55 - 59 114.629 48.828 65.801 154.374 63.861 90.513 241.011 116.919 124.092 60 - 64 112.727 53.087 59.640 90.131 35.365 54.766 198.647 92.924 105.723 65 - 69 79.808 37.590 42.218 92.274 37.922 54.352 124.752 48.102 76.650 70 - 74 53.549 23.136 30.413 77.597 34.744 42.853 62.922 22.893 40.029 75 + 42.986 16.166 26.820 80.495 33.300 47.195 96.691 37.257 59.434 Nepoznato 14.223 7.006 7.217 9.907 4.840 5.067 102.462 48.715 53.747 Unknown

    UKUPNO 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0TOTAL 0 - 14 34,4 35,9 33,1 27,5 28,3 26,7 23,5 24,1 22,8

    godina/years 15 - 64 60,5 59,5 61,3 66,2 66,3 66,1 67,7 68,7 66,7 65 + 4,7 4,2 5,2 6,1 5,2 7,0 6,5 5,0 8,0 Nepoznato 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 2,3 2,2 2,5 Unknown

    1) Izvor/Source : Uporedni pregled rezultata popisa 1971, 1981, 1991/Population compared review 1971, 1981, 1991

    64 Statisti%ki godinjak/ljetopis 2010 Statistical Yearbook


    1971 1981 1991














    Broj domainstava/kuanstavaNumber of households




    Stanovnici na1 km2

    Populationdensity per km 2


    GodinapopisaYear of


    Povrina, km2

    Area,km 2

  • mukarciMales








    68,2 73,5 69,2 74,6 28,7 30,5 33,0 35,0



    2 lana2 mem-


    3 lana3 mem-


    4 lana4 mem-


    5 lanova5 mem-


    6 lanova6 mem-


    7 lanova7 mem-


    8 i vie8 or more

    1948 498.116 42