Fernandez Vs

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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


    Fernandez vs. Court of Appeals GR No. L-80231. Octoer 18! 1"88 case d#$est

    Concept: 1370Facts:

    The controversy here revolves around the appropriate reading of a clause in a lease contract that was

    executed about fifteen years ago.

    uly 31! 1"73. #iguel Ta$angco %respondent and lessor& and Celso Fernande' %petitioner and lessee&

    entered into a ten(year Contract of )ease over a piece of land situated along *ahilu+ ,treet! -andacan!#anila! where Fernande' would put up the then proposed ew /a+ora #aret. The parties agreed thatthe lease! which was scheduled to end on 1 uly 1"3! would be 2renewable for another ten %10& years atthe option of both parties under such ter+s! conditions and rental reasonable at that ti+e2 and that! uponexpiration of the lease! whatever i+prove+ents were then existing thereon should auto+atically belong to#iguel without having to pay Fernande'.

    efore the ter+ ended! asshole #iguel said to Fernande' that he is no longer willing to renew the

    contract. Fernande' being a hardass! replied that he wants to renew the contract so he could recover the

    expenses he had +ade. #iguel not giving in! replied through his lawyer! advised that #iguel could notaccept Fernande'4s unilateral action to renew the lease because! under the contract! any renewal orextension thereof was possible only 2at the option of both parties.

    une 15! 1"3. Fernande' filed an action against #iguel. 6e said that he was entitled to renew the lease

    contract! under paragraph 3 ,ection 5 thereof! for another ten %10& years! which paragraph in the contractshould be construed in a liberal +anner and with $ustice. n his prayer! he sought to co+pel #iguel torenew the lease agree+ent for another ter+! or ased the court to consider the original contract asrenewed for another ten %10& years or to fix another period for the renewal contract.

    #iguel the asshole replied that $udicial interpretation is not needed! the contract is so si+ple worded that

    even 6o+er ,i+pson can understand it.

    The trial court held its decision in favor of Fernande'. #iguel! being an asshole and won8t accept defeat!

    appealed with the C9. The C9 reversed the decision of the trial court. #; 6 >?;

    ssue: ?@ the condition of the contract is clear or not.

    6eld: ,hit is clear. The C9 said that the contract language as co+prising! not technical ter+s or ter+s oflegal art! but rather $ust plain and ordinary words. ,C affir+ed the decision of the C9

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


    Bachrach Garage and Taxicab Co. (Inc.) vs. Vicente Golingco Facts Bachrach filed a case for arecovery of a sum of money. Cause of action (!) the "laintiff claims the amount of "#$%&'.'ith interests thereon from *ecember !+th (the year not being mentioned therein)$ till the date itis fully ,aid in addition to the -% ,er cent of the total amount (-) he claims the amount of"!$/%.!# ith interests thereon until fully ,aid ,lus the -% ,er cent of the total amount (') the

    amount of "!$%'+.#% ith legal interests thereon. The loer court rendered 0udgment sentencingthe *efendant$ (!) to ,ay the amount of "#$%&'.' ith !/1 interest thereon from 2anuary !$!!#$ ,lus !-.%1 on the said amount (-) to ,ay "!$/%.!# ith the same interest from the saiddate ,lus !-.%1 on the same amount (') to ,ay "!%+.#% ith legal interest from 2anuary !$!!#. From this 0udgment$ the *efendant a,,ealed. The defendant contends that the trial 0udgecommitted ' errors. Issue 3hether or not the court erred in its decision 4eld 5o$ hoever$ thereare modifications It should be (!st) to ,ay "6$&-&.'' ith !/ 1 interest ,er annum "#%%.#/ith 61 interest ,er annum from filing of com,laint (-nd)$ to ,ay "!$/// ith !/ 1 interest ,erannum and to ,ay "%.!# ith 6 1 interest ,er annum from filing of com,laint. 7atio I.8,,lication of "ayment !st 9rror according to the *efendant The loer court erred in notim,uting the amount of "#$/// to that of "&$#%/$ as ,artial ,ayment of the ,rice of a truc:$ ;.

    3hite$ of +% horse*987 I7 9nclosed is? the amount of "#$///? in your favor$ on the account of the,rice of a truc: ;. 3hite of +% horse,oer...@ 9=4IBIT C ("laintiff ansered the *efendant)*ate February -'. !!6. >*987 I7 85* F7I95* ?e received the sum of "#$/// in chec:hich e a,,ly to the ,ayment on account of the ,urchase ,rice of the 3hite truc:$ of +% horse The court erred in sentencing the *efendant to ,ay to (!) (a) the&1$ (b) the !/1$ and (c) the !-.%1 of the "#$%&'.' < amount claimed in the !st cause of action(-) (a) the &1$ (b) the !/1$ and (c) the !-.%1 of "!$/%.!# amount in -nd cause of action.@ (!)8mount due is "%/ ith interest of "!'&./%. There as a ,artial ,ayment of "!-!.6# on 5ov.-$ !!%. o the court made "%/ "!-!.6# E the hole "!'&./%. The loer court hasad0udicated to the "laintiff interest on accrued interests till 5ovember -$ !!%. This is an error.8rticle !!/ of the Civil Code only ,ermits accrued interests to earn legal interest from the timethey have been 0udicially claimed. In this case the loer court aarded to the "laintiff theseinterests over the accrued interests$ ithout an agreement to that effect and before they had been

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


    0udicially claimed It also a,,ears that the loer court sentenced the *efendant to ,ay an interestof !/ 1 on the accrued interests from the time the com,laint as ,resented until it should havebeen fully ,aid. This is also an error. ection % of the above

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs



    Vertically sus,ended line

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


    !.Com,arative study on Idea vs. VodafoneJbr KL"ro0ect re,ort'6/!/&%!-/% Vs.ubmittedBy8n:it gu,taVarun varshney"ran0al aeron *ee,a: :handodiya Jbr KLCA5T95TJbr?



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    4ere e have an addition to the video Pi"ad vs aunch,ad vs ;onome < !6 te, eDuencingP$hich is this controller com,arison list. I list the 8"C+/ as ell$ even?

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    &s advert#sers

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


    5anada vs

    8bas$ 7aia 8. B !B C89 *IG9T 2uly $ -/!! !.Tanada vs. Tuvera Facts *ue ,rocessas invo:ed by the ,etitioners because the res,ondent said that the la becomes effective?

    'olan$on &s

    A85GA5 V. 88U87 >3e have held that a Central Ban: Circular cannot re,eal a la.Anly a la can re,eal another la.@ "onente 2ustice 85*AV8

  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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    The a,,ellee$"hili,,ine

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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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  • 7/24/2019 Fernandez Vs


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