■ flT llW —-----------^■..„ S3 ..... K no ^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto B< H ^T Sept. 3*'—^ contra«'t for flood cr R IVood river a< Gooding will be let hy B rriilsv the city council reported Mondi K on ^ 0 pieces of property in the city io facilitate the work. Wf^enis were granted on property I. E. Eslingler. Both are locatet BS^on the project is |\': t S " ‘an ': SovietT HelpRi Warii Tbe pJsn “ divert Gooding 80 It wJU SEOUL. Korea. ^Kim U» b«di ouUlde the highly placed U. S. K , (leer said today i H !U bu nothing to do nusslan troops are combined nood North Korea servli ■LSirt for Shoshone and capacity." ^ K t h e Big Wood river. - £ may engineers met ThU oMlcer aald ooodlng of. the Rusalans were nun* !>>«■ control- advlaers and pi ■ k ttto e Btg Wood river modem radar-con ^Elflan the Plans haa been craft Kiuu manu Soviet union. by Ooodlng In the The officer cam ■fUtlle Wood river are in* but he holds a (f my other ptxjposed qualirylng him to K m icUoiu, Ooodlng of- lively. Tuesday. ■ ______________ (ceiiUnB»< «a Pm Indell Woman I Ifter Farm Acc B d ELL, Sept. SO—M rs. Phyllis Mae All: H as, died early Tuesday morning at ; ^^Jerom e as a result of injuries recei' ■iccident here. Mrs. Allred was home for H llff hiisband, Paul Allred, stack hay ^ H^JJired was on thc hay rack when the te ^ ^ o fth e rack hit her in the back, bre ^ —— ----------------- ribs and pui H d lungB. She also n u n z e n s \ &omthe rack ii Tk ~ ^ ^ ^B H R n jry o rV Wked for ometi o.r.> ' «n in Burley at nr Ht.*« Orange Tranafer c( Bruneau for tw. dependent ^to gurvlvlng are I: h. - u McNiclde, P^imam ^ B Ralph McNickle. BIU McNlckle and T ^ .« X n t •■!>,', Pamam; Fi Sheridan, Wyo.; . *E£:EH .u.„a„a S „ T .C i,T M K l . IM, Bill. tom,. , ^Ktotflfan vKlety, Ache- mottuftry with LI ST" ^BKkliiiraig)ii ho looka you Uld calls no man hla A 11 • Tk Adlai Ri ^-'r»rr,t’^ ,“; To Be loAitm (his AciiBrlcBU t iircs^ure for uni- f-j » ■^»ri(luMly tiiriiUiK tm Into l»V V Irf ■'uiivilfs, all nllks, In our uiul 111 lho wny NEW YORK. • 8 ,,, . JfMoph R. MeCnr WUiliik thli Khali \ k our m Uio publlo rix>U H _____ wlUi Ills cKprcMied H _ people won't wimt W n Prenldenl who V u 8 jilcltire" nf liln Imt n MoOnrlliy nAld Ih*!l1tr tel'vlnod OUH Inl WUIW I (M’m ilS "Wo havo cornplt d ,k. , Aitlnl titevrnaon. < Ri^,u l>li:turo, U thn Amc; » * ' • »rlir,iulr,I M>, yrnr. I»Un. ^ K;^li|.llii, -fwli. KalU. -n,o controverfllB ^'n ""f® pulillcan Mid he ^ '* l> U h M « ll Itlver.ldKo «,,n,klui{ Umr nt ' Hdutnu,. ,, ,, ,, , hrHlnnhiK Itt lirhh « WUic Hwnn Vnllry I,,,„l j, o .i T"' Wl'vrnM,!! >ounl^ r,K huul H MiOiulhy -.Mil 1 i’auf' tll i V ' ' ’'"'■"I'''"' J>il»inry -5“ ......... .. B""* J'liiiiic noiK'’ Ihp Ainnilimun rfn H I''“I Innun In niintnii t - f|i . . . Llllli. nil tied tip wl l»m(?ht ----- ;;----------- |;5j« CainpaiKn ('ontj r Hviiil ""’I"' n liiiiiiiiiri ,., •; fill' ''vriyiiiir l,iil "ll- Aii„.,ii,u, j,„«l„ii '‘''"’y'tn frnlllliK H i iliinK"! Bllr,'""''! ......... will rfl 'I'lin Al' frimil' ■*<tuiii ' ’"'ii'iiiiii of ’’(^iiiillininl wm ‘ il'ril,!.',' " '" ‘' " ' ‘Hll. will „ , l ■'f'-nio.m |K|u|.ri ....... ....... . A Reglnni ' , ..p,, t, OttleUI^CItT tt.4 Flood ojectat 3 Be Let | H | or flood control work on 11 bc let by the army en- rted Mondny night when in the city were grnnted property beFonging to are located east of Good* viet Troops elp Run Red 7ar in Korea Bj^^K (TL. Korea. Sept. 30 (^A placed U. S. eighth army of- aid today several thousand n troops are In rear areas of “Repnbllcan «i»y" Korea serving In s “stipport center, wm featnrei 7.” left il CUy Myer^ Officer aald In an Interview state ehf isaians were technlclana and 1® western «utc* I a and probably manned * * i \ radar-controlled antl-alr- ._ guns manufacttired In the union. £ > U U JiC officer cannot be Identified O i holds a responsible post Tk1 lng iilm to speaic authorita- t< IO I U bs*4 *a Fas« t. Calaan I) Hitting hard oi an Dies accordion war, ai A ^ J] . X to a full crowd ir ACClUent »ponsored by th. central Republic 8 Mae Allred, a teacher tee, the Young irning at St. Benedict’s and the Republic iries received Sunday in clubs of Magic ^ . home for the week-end, Budge dectored tht lack hay wh ... . he ,va= “ ,rS V “” deal” or they stand hen the team ran away, evidence the Idaho 5 back, breaking several Trumsn's i»a and puncturing he» °™ S. bne also was thrown run on" and the HI the rack into a fence. acceptance speech, A2Irad VM Jwm In'Pim im r ndinihdtlonrand 70^ U U fi-A l Representative Bt to the Korej ^hlch ta a matU |Mi> W aiSmm mUfinSf Pever been present4 tor Q iTrettltanefer com- press 0! the Unite .t Burley and later for ttas therefore a war la ' Transfer company at Twin constitution. Ihe had been teaching school Budge declared ih neau for two years. to minimize the coc Ivlng are her father, Dan the govemment hat Je, P^imam: six brothers, new method of del McNlciUe. Garden. Nebr.; ualtles. Korean 'war :NicUe nnd Olark McKlckle, stand a t 116,000, )- P'amam: FrancU McNlckle. casualties were coun in, Wyo.; James McNlckle. Fm< , and Arthur McNlckle, Seal- * * 0 sisters, Mrs. Owen Cro&a, __ _ __ _ ci.TM"-"”"" GOP Lei ral services wlil be held at . Wednesday at the Weaver X X ifa ry wllh LDS Bishop Evnn X X llS JL Z 1 officiating. The body will ; to Farnam by the Weaver .ry for final services and lTIU n{ __________________ William 8, Camp I • Tk 1 ptihllcan chairman. Ini llPPni'tf^l crnllc claims of pn fk Y • - 1 address to Twin Fa a lie L isted . " Oampbeil charget 11*’ / “’ .1 Idaho families are ■>V VI r l iai’th v meager at ' YORK.-Sept. 30 (W-Hen, l« «»rvlvo the Infla' n. MeCanUy I>< ‘1 liliimelf prosjierlLy." publlo Rix)lllglit iiKulit lotliiy lie cited the fcdar ,1s ocprcMiect Iwllnt Ihnt lho 'iureau of labor 1 won't w ant Adlal HleveitBoii Miow that Uie aver enldenl whon Uiny gel "lho "peitdlng 1400 moro " nf ills l.iickBrounrt, 'OS®. " ' “ khiK ui> irLliy salrt lanl nlKtit mi a fmm limiraiice. * id OHH hilorvlow iiKiKrnni; "avIiigR. havo cottipltlpci a rrsrurcli on ‘ Hlnco Uial llmo Hteveiisim. A llrr I «lvc llm »vhn litrin* In.n J' , U thn A..inln.n i.topln «,.nt c.ll l,i,v. llllil. I ilmrl ”»'l " "" «' hoy'll Wlllli h im ” rrapotidliiKly ilecllni controverfllal Wlncnunlii Re- <C«Biln»H »■ I «■« lit said he would tell tlin ptn- rn 1 Mill hJ/i renratcU ilurliw a JIII lO D A) lg Uiiir nt "13 U) U" nlnln. , liiK Itt lirhlKoiKin, Cmm. |lf|n|*A /l 11 nalci lho liivenlluaUmi Iisd v^aav/avw ai I HlrvrnMiii'n rrrciid "trom A If CfnP lift hn fiilflrr<l thn anrl<iullurn 4“11 OLUL ................. Olio luindred am , Imvo l>ooii rnlerfii Dirt liiloiid to tell tho ;>eo|)lo ^ . vulo Iml will Klvo llir Allirr- . , . ^ 1,, .raiilo lho nilci .IrM-iMiieiilfd „,„„mii MoGnrthy snld. smiouiices Itobert K< I'rntral Vote coimty 4-H cluh bro iirlhy nnld hln vlelory In U'*' K enis irnld D3 lie mill prlmnry "iiilKlil wrll !>'' i|,rr,i Biiii II ho«» rnt vi.lr n«nlnsl lho ndiiileili- aii IiiihIs cntr Al<N'k «a}A m im l h a y mn mil n vcite fim McdnrlUr. g„„ii or boiler. Anlm I. "It was a vcitc >ni nn ,.n„„iy nr illBlrlntn I iiiorlimiin rrnllf.n lllnl tli<i.‘’iKi bucIIom liloi-k al lUn Innuiirniiiilnni nnrt formii- Anlmiils imiiil he II tied tip with Koion," irniindn by 0:80 a.m ------- 1 liiiyrr'i limprrtloii ai /t 1 rorrtliig lo Krriin iyO nillU ied ilu<l..l,.h lot«r« n, I 11,. 1 »l • II... vr|.y„im I,III II.IIII. ir^ frntlliiK Iivor Uin III" wiui nnlr "I " , nio lliihrrl Krnin 1 n Al' rr,.i.ilfr niMi wi." "u- ,r„||„ i,| II nn llfl irn il Hil" wtiiIIi'T BBrl.ililluro III ullon fm -tlin lH’Rl tlvn ili'V" ______ ... Iiiiiiiiiird wmm ami dty "H" JAI'ANKHK T noon tiimiirndUKB fi-lo il*- ■I' dkyo , Hnpl, aff , alKiVfi Iinriiii.l nt W-IO, .iniinnrno vol L ' Iriiiilnmliiirii nl-oiil i'"f- r,| 1., go to thn |hi|Ii an-<n." .• tim tlrnt nallmini nlr •''Imbly) nation roHaiiica litri uiuuUta mto. ■' r .: TWINFAU,'?. 1 Budge, GOP Leader nbilcan day" in Twta F»U« Monday brought top le was featured speaker ftt ft paMie aeeUag at ibe . Clay Myers, Portland. tUt« ehainnan of Oregon ' lo. state chairman «f Idaho Toung Rcpobllcani. : lem (Ute* for TooBg BepnbUeana. (Staff pboto- * * * * • * * * idge Links Adla Blasts War at ( ing hard on the theme the “candidate on t! Harry Truman," Rep. Hamer Budge, R., Bon’a campaign hat five specific instanc on war, an undeclared war and an uncon 11 crowd in the American Legion hall -cami red by the Twin Falls ------------------------- Republican commit- TT _ X -, le Young Republicans H T jllT Pl e Republican Women’s ,f Magic Valley. declared that both Truman fk senson stand on Uie "new I fair deal and the Truman they stand on nothing. Aa condiUons are the Idaho represenUUve ®“ °f' ■umsn's boast that "who* »hUe In fc Democrats nominate thl# ^ will have this record to V*® and the Illinois govemor’a Everything In Ute fo: ce speech, "I accept yew Idiirand your -prograin.’' ranger said tlx lentaUve Budge gat*, top develop Into a l o Uie Korean war. a w sh^and for game j tt a matter of fact • has Tfie first hunt waa een presented to Uie con- to the second hunt \«i ; the united States," and said they will have J a war io violation of the that reason, they are Jon. ----------------------------- declared that In an effort > nlzo the coet u( the battle A '1 * T M TT •mment has switched to a /A 1 III V thod of defining war cas- ^ Korean 'war casualties now /-«i t 116,000, he said, but If I-^ n tl IS were counted In the same VJUJLI HnM« «B Fm * *. u * * * * WASHINOTOK P x 1 new 8B*ton atomi L e a d e r acro»a fields into , ^ within 20 minutei its 1 ruman Tho »un, labele , was put through •Prosperity "rth«7b m 8 . O .m p b .11, . ta to provinff grounds i chairman, assailed Demo- ^Trtnnr,^* wnnria i iBlms of prosperous condl- , eblllly to Twin Falls county OOP g^unds. but sli leil charged that “many " ‘“ “j ? / " nmllles are having to dip rounds, lr meager savings and cash ®““‘ ds and insurance In order Tho ami? IndlcaU ve the InflaUon of Tniman can use elUter atom Ly." rounda merely by clu cd tbe federal governmenl’a of missile, of labor sUtUtlcs which U did not say. ho ot Uie average family was niomlo charges hnd [ 1400 moro than It earned the gun. Tlie Indies making i>I> lito difference they had not. istiraiice. war Iwiids and tj , o kuh has a . mllllmelern — appn Uial llmo tho prlco of |„ches. This. In lUolt lido* iiiin Jumped 10 per- compncliy lho iitoml pciltilB, from ni.O U) IM.fi. ,„i„ion BolonllsU tu value of UlB <lo)li.r ha/i ror- ^ iiKly declined another Mx i^^oly could Iir mn flfl,a .^nls to 8J.4 cenU. j, ^ „ ........................ ... ** There was Ulk nl I ■n 1 * 1 ao-<nllo ran lon Animals tw . w,„oxinini.. 1 1 cdnBlol dcteiiM .llrt ered in t r A, ■""H" '- «■ H Stock Event r... rrU fal fll«>ck salo Wed- "’"’r ‘‘‘nw »'»« II the Twin ralln MvenUiik •‘‘""tlo barrage lion coinpaiiy imie grmmd*. »nd armor « es Robert Korna,'rwln Falls /rJeudly tnx -H club agenl, I'i'i'*. »'««t or radlni nnl.l D3 head (if lierf, 38 "le rate of fire nd 11 hogs havo born eu- •Pl'roxlnintely Hint nliiinls entered in tlm fst eallbor, nnn-aiitoiiiai la miml Jiavo graiM i)l«h. by Uie army and na boiler. Animals exhlblleil al -------------------- ..... Browder an In imml he at the «le» 0«!_ J by D;ao am , and rond)' tnr oClZCU Oil iihprrlloii al lOiV ant . so- WAHHlNCrrON, H to Krrnn a Now York Fedornl i lh l>0t«rn<in, Ilulil. Is rlinlr- n„tin,„rt former rom tll, l».l ™ ,nilll.. .M C.,1 lln,m l.r .ml lil » I'Irri'o and Olliitoii ihiitjili- j„ry cimrges. Iltn 1 h rder, head slieei' a'"! ment Biinouiicnd lod iiilUern , Mil ai(oiila’awriitf UK WlUl nnlen nrinniieineii*" Mnnhallan Uils mon erl Krnin and .Inliii l.nw- iimwrtnr In her Yiiith win Il’nl!" lilHli ntiliniil vck«- 'm o IndUiUiiniit irhniliurfl Innlniotor. Iirowdnr )>; fifur M'ANKHK ■lr« VOTK IrKtliiim'i'y^ In" a''"lB40^ O, Hnpl, aff My-’llilily-ll'''' iniicrodliiH, Iniiaiirno vot"^ am r»pmil. Mrs, llKi’wdnr nwnrei to tlio |Hi|ls Wnllirnilny Iti « mnmlxir iit the Ooi nalionni nirrllun nliu'o <(><> am< never had heai) eHftlnea litrtepBnrtenc;# llvo any orHnnlr^iiiii) i«( mo. rocaUnH sMiunuiiUiu. PA L L S IN FALI.<!. IriAHO, TUESDAY. SErrEMBl Leaders Attend Events brought top leaders of the party to the eity. Rep. Qs leeUag at tbe American Le^on bait to elimas tbe ft an of Oregon Voong Repnblieana At right Is Danrli t Repoblleani. Myera U tonrlng Idaho as field repre* (SUff pboto-engraTlng) * * * * * * * ' 1 Adlai to Trumar • at GOP Rally I .ndidate on the Democratic ticket must run < r Budge, R., Ida., Monday night droppeti clflc instances of the "mess in W ashin^n nd an unconstitutional war in Korea.” Budj ion hall -came as a climax to Republican i&y unters Asked Not smoke on Cassia E condiUons are so dangerous In the Minldoiu natlona s In the second Cassia division deer hunt are being whUe In the forest except when they are In cunp. s Clark. Tu’ln Palls district forest ranger, «ald condltk the first hunt last week-end and are growing pngret hing In the forest Is dried out, Clark said, and ft f ous.^ ranger said that a fire In the forest, if accompanied develop Into a larga one and permanently rufn the arei ind for game producing. first hunt waa .completed without a fire and Lew%^ second hunt will match Uie record of nlmrods last ^ hey will have to take .extra precauUons to prvent t tason, they are being aalted to eocflae their amoklag t< rmy Unveils Atoi Gun for Field Ui \SHINGTON, Sept. 80 The army has 8B*ton atomic gun and shown that it can i a fields into position to firo super-explosivi n 20 minutes. 0 a^un, labeled by the nrmy ns an “all-purpoS' lut through ita paces at ------------------------------ ;clal preview for photog- 7Lf«.of- .rvf T\\ jrs at tho Aberdeen. Md., ItIO SI O I U] ng grounds recently. ^ nance experts have been try- |y |iI|0 I I\4 It lu mobility and llrlng cn- »» for months at tho giant Usl- /\T /" TVT rounda. but standard ammu* \^JV . i was used rather than atomic I. WASHINaTON, 8o| Dual Use M0.1t of Uie southern c ami? IndlcBlod the weapon accepted John L, Lewi ee elUter atomic or ntandnrd a new union contrac t merely by ciutnglng the tyjie some didn't and a strlk ullo. ened for Wednesday ai Id not say. however, whoUinr Jo«eph K, Moody, pn 3 ohnrges hnd been tested Itl SiiuUiern Coal Produ un, Tlie IndlcaUon waa that U'm, met with Lewis, not United Mine Worker gun lins a cBlllwr of 2f»l «nd then am lelern - approxlmutely 13 mo.'t producers In lh .. Thla. In lUolf, discloses how sKrerd to the temm, .cliy lho iktomlo energy rom- N® Indleall II Bolenllsln tiiiw are ollle to 'Hiere was no Indln atoirtlu uiUaIIm, At ima Him whnl projwrtloii of X jaroly could lm rr<nvded luto l>"'krd. iml) bay nt a l»-au, ’n i " tcittin. like ll re was Ulk nl llin domonstrn- "Hffd ii|Hin by nnrthe f a ao-flillo ramie for Uto gmi. eni s-itl coal operator approxlmales Uie range for ll.oo-a-day pay boost 1 defenso and naval gmis uf ceiil-a-lon royally Inc 'hat almilar CBllber. >« " Mr>ody said ho wnu Practical IXiUneo |„ behalf of th nly miles would In a prnr- imt "<|iille a few rnmi (IslBiico for placing tiio kiiii bo excepted from ((in Iwbliid friendly linen, firing Tlm girrAent contrnr liose Ultra and laying down mli|»lKhl and I^iwln Dtnlo barrage on enemy In- pinlii Ihnl, an tn Ihn pr and armor wlUitiiit ritdaii* will nlilrte by a no ront friendly trom Die hoat or radlnlUin. ----------------------- ilnintely Hint nt Bity Inriin Ceneral Rxii :\r;:rc. Hls‘Red’ i- I I V«r«t> WAHUINCITON. Hepl ►wder and W iie wn»rr »«deii Hmuh« . 1 ■*> . h«4 rmilnlnrd Ui bolli Sized on Perjury JlilNCrrON, Hept. so (in -- nsnirlrn /" r ”".!;::;!! ''';;.'.',;: iriiwder and Ills wltn on prr- ^ 'Itttrgea, llm juallre depnrl- i"!,.., aiinounced to,iny. niuf h, aHente aw r-trd llr<.witnr tn m rim Imr guveriiiiiriil illan Uils mornliiK and Mts. Ki>iii‘|.il.iii. ltep„biimi nr III her Y.iithPrn npnrliuniit, "" IndUitnieiit nrc.usrd Min, '■''"'1'n‘icn nmni "r of fmir u„mU »l inhn 'I'lie ClA ohlof. ,rf,vim ont^ III romircll.u. wlll. Ii«r rd I'r 'li" '■■•''';i»fetnllo >ny In a 1D4D iinlurullnitloii trm'"''*, ssld laler lie lliiK, Ullll I'll ngeiiny Imnili ilKiwdor nworei she wnn never s'liiin tlio rcMllliimilnIn ‘■mr lit the Ooiiimmilsl pmty ....... . * Bver had heen-a member nl ciuuUt lln nnlil any reits rHnnlrjiilmi tennliliig or ad- at*' *'heio Uiey oan du « cwninunlsiu. Iiaiui." X S ----------- '» — J N«n» Irrijf r. SKTTEBiBER 80. 19K2 Tn- T< vember Dwight D. Ei! son put in his n H H $150 ] Give A woman driv med into a thir he city. Bep. Bodge, quarter mile wei to climax tbe ftotJTttlefc At gicn j right Is Darwin D. Brown. t ^ ' I as Held npreKDUUTe for Ja'l by Justltse C she pleaded guiH » * * '-* When first ai Elizabethtown. I lim R T I^ Pumphrey stipu U .ll.l.ail 9 would be termin: illy H e r e S S Bt must run on the rec- to the departme ght d ro p p i in Adlai forcement in th t W ashin^n" and “an a copy of the c Korea.” Budge’s speech be sent to Wa epublicah day activities thorltles. -------------------- --------------- =------- Mis . Cory recelvi _ _ _ , ’ > fsce and ft passeng i Not to ^ T T i 14-year-ol( ssiaHunt^H^^E-t [inldoita natioiud forest 4hat hunt are being Mked not to “ r*. t»rey was are in camp. companied by Uii jer, *ald condltUmi were had ^ growing progressively worse, ffi t t ...a, ima . Ilr. ,ouia l» jns to prvent tlrea and, for ^rlgh their amoUag to camp areas. S^^top M tlieaa ------------------------------------------- ed. 4 I Damage to th»' , Atom *1 f XT Bright wae cited b ^Irl I CQnrA ^vmg a oar ^MXJL U ld d K C reserved his plea ' Tuesday and post* te army has unveiled a ®»»«^f that it can roll l.lmbly uper-explosive barrages » umporary Issued In February ,n •■all-purpoBe weapon," S’ /,® Svm M cense. I» T \* David Hardin, K »st o f Dixie ^ Justice ot the Pei [me Miners [)K New Pact s ££S IHINOTON, Sept. SO Wl — James R. Boyle, f Uio southern coal produceni nue east, waa clt :d John L, Lewis's terms for for failure to yleW union contract today. But Monday afler hls Idn't and a strike wss threat- Uded wllh a 1B» jr Wednesday againat thsm. drtwn by James C )h K, Moody, president of the avenue west. Bo rn Coal Producers assocla- »»ay from a gart let with Lewis, hesd ot Uie collided wiUi the I Mine Workers, for four on^venue east, and then ajinounced ti>at Probate Court . iroducern In the aasoclaUon ««pert, fined Jua to tho temm, *"<1 •> coata receni No IndlcaUon violation. Hemani e wae no indlrntum of Jual •tato patrolman M |.r..i.ort.oi, „I 111. iirodiic... t ;!,""'",," ,,*5'“ Im i.. Uke U.m. ii|«,i. In’ iiorUi.ni .na •..I- f j " " " ' - , tl COUl operntora. fslI for a l»tlnn. She was c» ■day pay boost end a 10- ^ ton royally Innrenae. Moody lo Him Frank Graham ly said he wnuld sign wlUi In behalf of ths nsaoclaUon lllle a few rnmpsnlnn" would ® »" wa .ptod from Cdo aiKfIn*. » preaent contrnrl expires at Kerliy, 111 and Irfiwin Imn mndn ll . . hnl, an tn the pnnl, the iinlon V lA lS lT in il Irte by a no rontiorl-iui work ' 1W»<*UUII _______ For Adl ieral Explains aISS m S, I h‘Red’ Remark IIINCITON. ««1,1 J» «n om. Jledeil Hmilh anirt lortny he plnliird U. boll. i.iraUlnitllBl w ‘"w'" ? """ ilrn hln remntks nbnui nom- ", .. I »t the governor Mntm ll, imad of Uie rmlinl li.lelll- cor|)ornll<,ii« i sKmiry. sni.l yrAlnitny he ,,a<1 cimmtert iii'iin » ronimiinlalvi nm In lila own CBmpnimi diefila, ^Ulnn nni{ Jj, "(.injUlnnlly • •'« « « -M tfie (Ifii/ llmr giiveriiii.riil rn'Uilty or. fhid oul wlmilin l<iu. Itepiiljlicniin ptoiiiplly admliilntered mrrel 1)1. hln fltntrmri.l ns preal- publican pnrly, ot rniiipnlKii nmniuiilllmi, p||en i„ tlm Drniix' :;IA chief, oiivlmisly <'miceni- iliigaworth rnirt. lm liiterprntnlloii put dii itis _ ..... «, snld laler lie i.iesm only OANTOK II ngeiiny I.eniU nl.mild aa- H O U ,YWOOD, ' Im roiiiiiimilnin wein nuiart din OanUir was real lo woini Uielr way In U Uioy Cledarn of l,el)niv In nnlil any reits 111 Ilfs Hgeiiny |i(ana to remain i 010 Uiey oan do t.o "Mrluus because of whal "complete esliausll A Irrigated Idaho Co»intl*« >.Ud .»a OnlUd rnm f > ^ |, Bor«o -I CWUi :ivals “Poi (n Their C To Captu By United [lls in the 1952 presldpntial campaign got ■r v o te s . Ight D. Eisenhower blasted his opponent, j it in his raps against Eisenhower in a tele 50 Fine, Jail Tei jiven Woman Di /oman driver whose auto sideswiped two ca nto a thirdf all on the wrong side’ of hi: 2r mile west of Curry at 8:15 p.m. Monda; md $5.40 costs and sentenced to SO days ii 7 Justice of the Peace J. 0. Pumphrey Ti eaded guilty of drunken driving, en first arraigned Tuesday, Mrs. Morean lethtown, Ky., said she had not been drinJ hrey stipulated that the balance of the j be terminated if the fine and costs are pai five days and not moro --------------------------- 10 days. Her Washing- f\C£» river’s license was sent U lllC erS ' ! department of law en-( - n a a nent in that state, and r^raiS e 1 Y of the conviction will ^ ^ ^ nt to Washington au- Q £ Cory received a cut on the BOISE, Sept. SO U Id ft passenger In one ot the Supt A. P. Bundera cara, CpL Salvatore J. De- 19 per cent decrease I, Trftvis Airforce base. Oallf, fio fatallUea la t d ft brc*en nose. Mra. Cory months of tho yea >r l«-year-old daughter apent of state patrobnen tbt ia the county Jall There enforcement agend 0 charges against the daugh- censes asd better hi 10 wanted to stay wlUt her Three week-end i ed the year’a total ii Corey vas headed east, ac- tell was ie& throi aled by the daughter and Ust year. »rT'a husband, 8/Bet, Avery Lead Ja ' en route from Ft. Lewis. Figures ot the I to Kentucky. Her DeSoto, councU through J was pulling a two-wheel trail- Idaho ftad Wyomlnj Uded wltb ft car driven by veetern aUtei with a M. Requa, 30. route 3, Twin decresM in fatallU then sldeswlped ano^ier «»r -i think the iUt< did not Btoi> at tM acene. eal lav enforceme the Cory vdUcle’iKmidedTrtS <toisg » fln».tol} In O hem let driven a/Sgt trftfllo with lewer ; Alton Bright, 23. who pulled ^enoa nJd-iar*. op as the Obrsy car a t^ a e b " a^.«. g lage to th»' Bright car was ted at 1300 and damage to have slared an li iry car at »00. Damage to the jie KUd^ASo toe vehicles was slight. Sergeant wae cited by state poUce for August I ivlng a caravan permit. He SiSSSi-.ffSnr In February which was good days, but she told police she ^ received her pennanent U- "¥^ ____ Id Hardin, Kknberly, waa sen- J/ OJL lilt! 1 to two days In the county [Id fined ISO and M coals by ^ * | s ot Uie Peace Ray F. Potter sy when he pleaded gullty of ' k J lli g on a revoked license. He irrested by sUte police. HU BUHL, Sept. I s was suspended f« one year former Buhl res ■unken driving on Dec. 18. . ^ ies R. Boyle, W Fburth ave- ast. was cited by dly police funeral home re Uure to yield the right of way jng in Powell, wl sy ckfter his IMS PonUao col- . “ wUh a IBM Cadillac aedan , . t by James O. Pufdy, 439 Flflh A coroner S JU e west. Boyle wu pulling that Mr. Morldel ,r.7.h*C?E.r.S 0»lt r.volver aft venue east. ^ wlQOW and t^t« Court Judga Jske Wall, bodlos were foun t. nn«l Ju.r B.n,.iidM (IS „uton.obll(i near 1 coata recently for a stop sign „ . „ lon. Hemandea wss cited by Monday. Corone patrolman Marvin Snyder, Smith said thoy ina n. Aufdenkamp. route 3, died Sunday nia: Falls, paid a fine of 110 and » « lU 111 Justice court when she ^ Th* »roner said !d guiUy of a stop sign vlo- . Bhe was clt«l by ilsts pollco «»®* O" ghway 03 13 mlU souih of head. Ths couple wi Falla Tijursday, Simday nliht while [ik Oraham, Falrlleld. was The w rolw , M oni »1B by Gooding police Judge *<»*"'> ?.? ly Legg aslurdaywt a charge edlng. He wan arreMed sl mid- reported. » ^ 1 o th ^ i)y officers H, O, Wlllls and Kerby aecretary to the st ______________ the Powell achooU, .Iation Claimed «a •« Tl 1 ^ Buhl With his i’or Adlai’s Fund tlNOFIEI.D, 111, Sept. SO (tfV- Buhl, luhllcan pnrty lender aald to> fiurvivliig »re h :here were "appnret.l viola* and Mrs. J. ,tt. Mer of the Hutch BCt Itt Onv. Ad< one slsUr, Mrs, , . aieveitooii's iKilltlrsl funds Francisco. Fiinera: sniandcd Hint federal auUiorl* are Incomplete, illlale iivoneoutlmt*. ------------------ im ’X'.l™.''iK Tradesmer For Wool .Ign cheniA. OhlcaBO wool trade IV M {fin (Ifiifl let Uie puWlo ^ lUt wlmtliri llm llsli'li act Is ylawa on a i Intered merely m b lho IU- « a,, an pnrly, or whell.er t a^ T h, agr,ouUure . <1 tlm Denim rsllo I'll ty. Hol- NaUonal Wool Oro orth rnirt. told Uie oomnilsslo - ..............whi ch would OANTOK AlUNU present M ti cenU j J,YWOOD, «"l'‘ so on import«t sootin nUir wss rratlus w"ll today In be lm|ws«l m an t of t,el)n.i<>ii hospital. Ha enough to bring lha to remain at /esil a mek (o the level of ll « of whst his doctor calls guaranteed prloe f< lete asliausllou.* oUi». A final f edition « -HilSr.u. PRICE E ( *our It on’ • Campaig iture Ball( By United PrcM laign got down to cases today in their bid pponent, Adlai Stevenson, in Columbia, 8. ( r in a television program at ChWgo last n ““ ---------------------- President Truman, I I Pl^lTI stop tour through 1 '■ Speaking from the i •w-v « South Carolina state cs n Driver -EHSS m. Monday, was fined He said Stevenson gloi 30 days in the county "unsavory- morals of nphrey Tuesday when . Morean B. Cory, 84, l«Ht to been drinking. Justice 3 of the jail sentence poUUcs at moat levels its are paid in not less phr»sest Bavlnc feaked ---------------------- ----------------- tlon, 1 Shan bastUr aa teers Gain aise m Uip S‘Slr'£if*'i/*taf - _ _ _ mess th* fftuit of ywi, f Idaho Toll . STOI. M m - S U t. pouUUee ia the llrrt ^ e ^ 7 ^ . “ STV kTJ of the year to ihe work a J o ^ b U c ^ ^ » nd better highways. ^ /jui-u B week-end fatalities booet- .. H*Trt Ur 1 1«4 Uao»* S«plml»r dm- u th. top team T^,t I- tci.^ President said Mao in west ftdvfea In IMS that R . 01 the NaUonaJ Safety r through August showed the United BUtM “did Id Wyoming leading the 11 S h^? st«tes with ft 13 p«r cent At M«ft to fatallUes. aid . Ik the state police and lo> the tim» lor tb enforcement offlcen a ^ n.rtv'* ln 'fi^ B a t.1 tia^jOi in tamdltairllKne Detochm^SSrKhii rith fewer fgtutiiC Buh- inier*t fce'^Er fMti tia,ln..m £^ Sr ■eadi BetUr -— ft no gueiUoh' but what 6 haa been tbe wont month r, wltb 31 deaths reported § 3 d ^ d Wltb aa In Uat month S hS ftS ^L uS '.However,theoUMrmonUis e exception ot April, May w, y have seen fewer dssUia Drrespondlng months last fitiTSonS •rmer Valley Ma Shoots Woman, IL, Sept. 80—The body of James Orman M ' Buhl resident who died Sunday at PoweU, it to Buhl for services and buri^. the 1 homo reported Tuesday. Mr. MeritJeth hi Powell, where he worked for the city, since roner's Jury in Powell Monday ntght ret)im< T. Morldeth had taken hls own life wltii a volver ofter he had shot and killed Mrs. Dot /Idow and the mother of a 17*year>old dam were found In a parked -------------------------- )bilft near Powell enrly T y. Coroner Georgo R. L i t l l D e S e 1 said thoy probably hnd m i i jnday night. iak C A tll oroner said Mrs, Rudd had __ ot four Umea and MertdeUi U M I 1 tn ahot onoe through the XJLIIt 111 J tis couple was last seen alive n lih t while dining togsUisr. Kon». Bep olrer, belonging to fcTerldeUi, nese reds seised «;i< nd tn the oar. There wsre no Korea'a central front <enall MlUer, undersherllf, communUU malntelne I. Merldeth worked for Pow- . I.l»r.r .od Mn. nudd wu ' r to the superintendent of straight day. 'ell schooU, ■ Tlis hlll, due east eth was bom In St. Ed- was the third capture ebr„ May 8. 181#. He moved slnoe they launched 1 with his parenU In IMS iteavy attacks oo ttu onte Vista. Colo. He was a front Bunday. of the Methodist church In Beeord Moi ring are hU parents. Mr. F-M Sabrejsta awej: I. J. tt. Meredith, Uuhl. and Korea and the V. B. I Ur. Mrs, Alice Hoy, flsn reported they closed . 10 Funeral arrangeineiils shntterfng month by t !mplsU it.isslan-made MlQ.H ----------------------------- Tlie ftir force, aftei lesmen Asked r Wool Opinion aS£C8;;2fS llNaTON. ».l,t*^,0 l»l - .^oyd . nd » ,d .m m len for tit* UoaUm and wool trade were Invited lo- *“ *•» “ give the tariff commlMJwJ HaarleetBur ™ . 0,1 . iiropoKd imporl hlch would aitpplentenl U.e we«U-in .ffont, U. N. KM oenU per tw.ind Urlff slngl^ *?“ wted sooiired wool. sl«uld Nori but ost the ^ Jsed In an anunint isrio oountsr-attaokinf Obll lo bring lh# aolling price «p dawn darkness. O r^ Isvsi of the -ovornHtent's drjvsn from the p M i wd prloe fot Uto domeiUe IJ, M. p l^ ^them 4U(1d| a OhiMM NAL TION PRICE 6 CENTS i o n ’’ ^ I Eiign I allots I in their bids for Ko*' I jlumbla, S. C. St«ven« |U icago last night. Aod « it Truman, continued m ’em hell” wh!^tl»* H ir through Montaiia. . ■ « from tbe eteps ot tht H roUna state capltol. Blsea- clared Btevenson seeks to }|l trom under” Democratle atlon falluree through a » Indictment'' of ' tbo people. '* morals of tb«**teilti-> ’Vlth a w^ve of too mb* hls qMeeb at Lw AnitUa, i BteraoMO a« bavlnt n U : fault to tt then tbat w» we descrrt te cow nauet ' tb» honor and e ^ t^ of I most levels aro anptr -iiil Bftvlnc Baked tbat quee. |l lan bastUr answer tt my. . . . tho taalt o< Tear raaUT iwerdemandttllfbislUtaa. ed that stataant was too* and Is this Wasbtnstoi fftUlt o f m the pooplef iooept tba Uama wtaDo tbo Ita caadl^ _ rsar-platfona 4ddi«« at Uoat, tbe AwktsDl isenhower as a nectbpleea . . 'old Une, baokward lookti* u tr and warned U i ' rou Butt not M Te, Hoat. Ur. Itanan •»> -- lenhower of maklny the top keneral bilanpai, - Bldent said Bcnbowv^ I IMS tbat Russia waated aln friendly relatloBe wltb M Btetee “iQd a fieat dee» iaocdc, M o a l. Ur. rtm m «m ctkoai7 0U niardgttt i tim » lor tha BanbM tft . r tte ItttlO p K t^ Aesalb.«MO« Blgbt eteveeon e^HW ' mUloan party and B nb * ir ooiidiiiAlnt aa '^anwtidD- palm that ic -nabeanhla.* to Oblcaio lortba TV ap< ) then retureod to Bsttaf 10 iapattant oaOm.. Unf bis aetioQ bt preaint state eaployaa wltb aooe* ^ Man nan, Self m Orman Mertdet^, 86, y a t PoweU, Wyo., will turial, the Albertson'B ' Uericieth had been liv* ) city, since laat Febrih light ret)i'med » verdict life with A J8B caUber led Mrs. Dorothr Rudd, ear-old daughter. Both nese Reds ke Another ill in Korea U Korea, Bept M Ofl-<}hl- Is seised «/)<><>>«' hlQ oo central front today as tho tho sector for tbe third day. ill, due east of Kumsonf. third captured by the reda ley launohsd a ssrlea of ttacke oo the east-oentral inday. BMord Month iabreJsU swept Into north Od the V. B. fUU) air forco they closed out a reoord* lg montfi by damaging ooo made MlO'lB. ir force, after a etodr era film, also added thrM claims for Bunday. Uiat le aeptember total# «e M md M damMed*^ The pro< •■month record of M de- vas set In AprlL Heerleet Bwnsf* r the oomnunlsU powered suite WlUl Ihe beavtoet rtd barrage of the Wfr, flthUng also flared on th* lost the hlih grouaa to kttaoking obineoo tQ Bff* rkneas. Oreek ttooM om the peak Bundiy iSTft OUMN aSM b /

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

■ f l T l l W —-----------^ ■ ..„ S3


K no „ . - ____________

p S c to n F l ( lontrol Proje< loodingto B<H ^ T Sept. 3*'— ^ c o n t r a « 't f o r f lo o d cr R IVood river a< G o o d in g w ill b e l e t h y B r r i i l s v the c ity c o u n c il r e p o r t e d M o n d i K on ^ 0 pieces o f p r o p e r t y in t h e c i ty

io f a c ilit a te t h e w o rk .W f^ e n is were gran ted on property

I. E. Eslingler. Both are locatet B S ^ o n the project is

| \ ' : t S " ‘an': SovietT HelpRi Warii

Tbe pJsn “ divert Gooding 80 It wJU SEOUL. K orea.

^ K im U » b«di ouUlde th e highly placed U. S. K , (leer said today iH ! U b u nothing to do nu sslan troops are

combined nood N orth K orea servli ■ L S ir t for Shoshone and capacity."^ K t h e Big Wood river. - ■ £ may engineers m e t T hU oMlcer aald

ooodlng o f . th e Rusalans were nun* !>>«■ contro l- advlaers a n d pi

■ k t t t o e Btg Wood river m odem rada r-con ^ E lf la n the Plans haa been c ra ft Kiuu m anu

Soviet union. by Ooodlng In th e T h e officer cam

■ fU tlle Wood river are in* b u t he holds a (f my other ptxjposed qualirylng him to

K m icUoiu, Ooodlng o f- lively.Tuesday. ■______________ (ceiiUnB»< «a Pm

Indell Woman I Ifter Farm AccB dELL, Sept. SO—M rs. Phyllis Mae All: H a s , died early Tuesday m orning a t ; ^ ^ Je ro m e as a resu lt o f injuries recei' ■iccident here. M rs. Allred was home fo r H llf f hiisband, Paul Allred, stack hay ^

H JJired was on th c hay rack when th e te ^ ^ o f t h e rack h it her in the back, bre^ — — ----------------- rib s and puiH d lungB. She alson u n z e n s \ & o m th e rack ii

T k ~ ^ ^

^ B H R n j r y o r V W k e d for om eti o.r.> ' «n in Burley a t

nr H t.*« O range T ranafer c(

B runeau for tw. d e p e n d e n t t o gurvlvlng a re I:

h . - u McNiclde, P^imam^ B R alph McNickle.

BIU McNlckle and T ^ .« X n t •■!>,', P am am ; F i

Sheridan, Wyo.; .

*E£:EH.u .„ a „ a S „ T . C i , T M

K l . IM , B i l l . to m ,. ,^ K t o t f l f a n vK lety, A che- m ottuftry w ith L I

ST"^BK kliiiraig)ii ho looka youUld calls no m an hla A 1 1 • T kAdlai Ri

^ - ' r » r r , t ’,“; To BeloAitm (his AciiBrlcBU

t iircs^ure for u n i- f - j »■^»ri(luM ly tiiriiUiK tm Into l » V V I r f ■ 'u iiv il fs , all nllks, In our

uiul 111 lho wny NEW YORK. • 8,,, . JfMoph R. MeCnr

■ WUiliik thli Khali \k our m Uio publlo rix>UH _____ wlUi Ills cKprcMiedH _ people w on't wim tW n Prenldenl whoV u 8 jilcltire" nf liln Imtn MoOnrlliy nAldI h * ! l 1 t r tel'vlnod OUH InlW U I W I (M ’m i l S "Wo havo cornplt■ d ,k. , Aitlnl titevrnaon. <R i ^ , u l>li:turo, U thn Amc;

» * ' • »rlir,iulr,I M>, yrnr. I»Un.^ K;^li|.llii, -fwli. KalU. -n,o controverfllB

^ 'n ""f® pulillcan Mid he

^ '* l > U h M « l l Itlver.ldK o «,,n,klui{ Umr n t 'H d u tn u ,. ,, ,, ,, , hrHlnnhiK Itt lirhh« W Uic Hwnn Vnllry I ,,,„ l j, „

■ o . i T " ' Wl'vrnM,!!

> ounl^ r,K huu lH M iO iulhy -.Mil 1

i’auf' tll i V ' ' ’'"'■"I'''"' J>il»inry

- 5 “ ......... ..

B""* J'liiiiic noiK'’ Ihp Ainnilimun rfnH I ''“I Innun In niintnii

t“ - f |i . . . Llllli. nil tied tip wl

l»m(?ht ----- ;;-----------

|;5j« CainpaiKn ('ontjrH viiil " " ’I"' n liiiiiiiiiri ,., •; fill' ''vriyiiiir l,iil■ "ll- Aii„.,ii,u, j,„«l„ii '‘''" ’y'tn frnlllliK H i iliinK"!B l l r , ' " " ' '! ......... will rfl 'I'lin Al' f rim il'

■ *< tu iii ' ’"'ii'iiiiii of ’’(^iiiillininl wm ■ ‘il'ril,!.',' " '" ‘'" '‘Hll. will „ , l ■ 'f'-nio.m |K |u |.ri

....... ....... .

A Reglnni ' , . .p ,, t,

OttleUI^CItT tt.4

Flood ojectat 3 Be Let | H |o r flood co n tro l w ork on 11 bc le t by th e a rm y en- rted M ondny n ig h t w hen in th e c ity w e re g rn n ted

p ro p e r ty beFonging to a r e lo ca ted e a s t o f Good*

viet Troopse l p Run Red7ar in Korea B j^ ^ K(TL. K orea. Sept. 30 ( ^ A placed U. S. e igh th arm y of- a id today several thousandn troops are In r e a r a reas of “Repnbllcan «i»y"K orea serv ing In s “stipport center, w m featnrei7 .” le ft i l CUy M yer^Officer aald In an Interview state ehf

isaians w ere technlclana and 1® w estern «utc* Ia a n d probably m anned * * i\ rada r-con tro lled a n tl-a lr - ._ guns m anufacttired In theunion. £ > U U J i Cofficer c a n n o t be Identified O

i holds a responsible post T k 1lng iilm to speaic au th o rita- t < I O I

Ubs*4 *a Fas« t . Calaan I)H ittin g ha rd oi

a n Diesaccordion w ar, a i

A ^ J ] . X to a fu ll crow d irA CClU ent »ponsored by th .c en tra l Republic

8 M ae A llre d , a te a c h e r tee, th e Y o ung irn in g a t S t . B en ed ic t’s and th e Republic ir ie s re c e iv e d S u n d ay in clubs o f M agic ^ . hom e f o r t h e w eek-end, Budge dectored th t lack h a y w h .. . .h e ,va= “ , r S V “ ”

deal” o r they s tand h e n th e te a m r a n aw ay , evidence th e Id ah o 5 back , b re a k in g severa l T rum sn 's i» a a n d p u n c tu r in g he» ° ™ S .b n e a lso w a s th ro w n run on" and the HI

th e r a c k in to a fen ce . acceptance speech, A2Irad VM Jw m I n 'P im im r nd in ihd tlonrand 70^

U U f i - A l R epresentative Btto the Korej

^ h l c h ta a m atU |Mi> W a i S m m m U fin S f Pever been present4

tor Q iT r e t t l t a n e f e r com- press 0! the U n ite .t Burley a n d la te r fo r ttas therefore a w ar l a '

T ransfer com pany a t Tw in constitution.Ihe h a d been teach ing school Budge declared ih neau for tw o years. to m inim ize th e cocIvlng a re h e r fa the r, D an th e govem m ent h a t Je, P^im am : s ix brothers, new m ethod of del

McNlciUe. G arden . Nebr.; ualtles. K orean 'w a r :NicUe nnd O lark McKlckle, s tand a t 116,000, )- P'amam: F rancU McNlckle. casualties were coun in, Wyo.; Ja m es McNlckle. Fm<, and A rth u r McNlckle, Seal- * *0 sisters, M rs. Owen Cro&a, __ _ _ _ _

ci.TM"-"”"" GOP Leiral services wlil be held a t . W ednesday a t the Weaver X X i f a ry w llh LD S Bishop Evnn X X l l S JL Z1 officiating. T h e body will ; to F a rn am by the Weaver.ry for f in a l services and l T I U n {

__________________ W illiam 8, CampI • T k 1 ptihllcan chairm an.I n i l l P P n i ' t f ^ l crnllc claim s of pn

f k Y • - 1 address to Tw in Faa l i e L i s t e d ." O am pbeil charget

1 1 * ’ / “’ . 1 Idaho fam ilies are■>V V I r l i a i ’ t h v m eager at

' Y O R K .-S ep t. 30 (W-Hen, l« «»rvlvo the Infla'n . M eC anUy I><‘1 liliimelf prosjierlLy."

publlo Rix)lllglit iiKulit lotliiy lie cited the fcdar,1s ocprcMiect Iwllnt Ihnt lho 'iu reau of labor 1w on't w an t Adlal HleveitBoii Miow th a t Uie aver

enldenl w hon Uiny gel "lho "peitdlng 1400 moro" nf ills l.iickBrounrt, 'OS®. " '“khiK ui>irLliy salrt lanl nlKtit mi a fm m lim iraiice. *id OHH hilorvlow iiKiKrnni; "avIiigR.havo cottipltlpci a rrsrurcli on ‘ Hlnco Uial llmoHteveiisim. A llr r I «lvc llm » v h n litrin* In.n J' , U thn A ..in ln .n i.topln «,.nt

c .ll l,i,v . llllil. I ilmrl ” » 'l " " " « 'hoy'll Wlllli h im ” rrapotidliiKly ilecllni

controverfllal Wlncnunlii Re- <C«Biln»H »■ I «■«lit said he would tell tlin ptn- r n 1Mill hJ/i renratcU ilurliw a J I I I l O D A )lg Uiiir n t "13 U) U" n lnln. ,liiK Itt lirhlKoiKin, Cmm. | l f | n | * A / l 11nalci lho liivenlluaUmi Iisd v ^ a a v / a v w aiI HlrvrnMiii'n rrrciid "trom A I f C f n P lift hn fiilflrr<l thn anrl<iullurn 4 “ 1 1 O L U L

................. Olio luindred am„ , Imvo l>ooii rn le rfii

Dirt liiloiid to tell tho ;>eo|)lo ^. vulo Iml will Klvo llir Allirr- ., .^ 1,,.raiilo lho nilci .IrM-iMiieiilfd „ ,„„ m ii

M oGnrthy snld. sm iouiices Itobert K<I 'rn tra l Vote coimty 4-H cluh bro

iirlhy nnld hln vlelory In U'*' K enis irnld D3 liemill prlm nry "iiilKlil wrll !>'' i | , r r , i Biiii II ho«»rnt vi.lr n«nlnsl lho ndiiileili- a iiIiiihIs cn tr

Al<N'k «a}A miml haymn m il n vcite fim McdnrlUr. g„„ii o r boiler. AnlmI. " I t was a vcitc >ni nn ,.n„„iy nr illBlrlntn Iiiiorlimiin rrnllf.n lllnl tli<i.‘’iKi bucIIom liloi-k allUn Innuiirniiiilnni nnrt formii- Anlmiils imiiil heII tied tip w ith Koion," irniindn by 0:80 a.m ------- 1 liiiyrr'i lim prrtloii ai

/ t .« 1 rorrtliig lo K rriini y O n i l l U i e d ilu<l..l,.h lo t« r« n,

I 11,. 1 »l • I I . . . vr|.y„im I,III II.IIII.ir^ frntlliiK Iivor Uin III" wiui nnlr

"I " , „ nio lliih rrl K rn in 1n Al' r r , . i . i lf r niMi wi." " u - ,r„ ||„ i,|II nn llfl irn il Hil" wtiiIIi'T BBrl.ililluro IIIullon fm -tlin lH’Rl tlvn ili'V" ______ . . .Iiiiiiiiiird wmm ami dty "H" JAI'ANKHK Tnoon tiimiirndUKB fi-lo il*- ■I'd k y o , Hnpl, aff, alKiVfi Iinriiii.l nt W-IO, .iniinnrno volL' Iriiiilnm liiirii nl-oiil i'"f- r , | 1., go to thn |hi|Iian-<n." .• tim tlrn t na llm ini nlr•''Imbly) na tion roHaiiica litri

— uiuuUta mto.

■' r . :

TWIN FAU,'?. 1

Budge, GOP Leader

nbilcan day" in T w ta F»U« Monday brought to p le was fea tured speaker ftt ft paMie aeeU ag a t ib e . Clay Myers, P o rtland . tU t« ehainnan of O regon ' lo. state ch a irm a n «f Id ah o Toung Rcpobllcani. : lem (U te* for TooBg BepnbUeana. (Staff pboto-

* * * * • * * *

idge Links Adla Blasts War at (

ing hard on th e them e th e “candidate on t!H arry Trum an," Rep. H amer Budge, R.,

Bon’a cam paign h a t five specific instancon war, an undeclared w ar and an uncon 11 crowd in th e Am erican Legion hall -camired by th e Twin F alls -------------------------

Republican commit- T T _ X - ,le Young Republicans H T j l l T P l e Republican Women’s ,f Magic Valley.declared th a t bo th T rum an f k senson s ta n d on Uie "newI fa ir deal and th e T rum anthey s ta n d on no th ing . Aa condiUons areth e Id ah o represenU U ve ®“ ° f '

■umsn's b o a s t th a t "who* »hUe In fcD em ocrats nom ina te thl# ^will have th is record to V*®

and the Illino is govem or’a Everything In Ute fo: ce speech, " I accept y e wIdiirand y o u r -prograin.’' ranger said tlxlentaUve Budge g a t* , to p develop In to a lo Uie K o rean w ar. a w s h ^ a n d for gam e jt t a m a tte r o f fac t • h a s Tfie f irs t h u n t waaeen p resen ted to Uie con- to the second h u n t \«i; the u n i te d S tates," and said they will haveJ a w ar io v iolation o f th e th a t reason, they a reJon. -----------------------------

declared th a t In an e ffo rt >nlzo th e coet u ( the ba ttle A ' 1 * T M T T•m m en t h a s switched to a / A 1 I I I Vthod of d e fin ing w ar c as- ^K orean 'w a r casualties now /-« it 116,000, h e said, bu t If I - ^ n t lIS were coun ted In the same V J U J L I HnM« «B F m * *. u* * * * WASHINOTOK

Px 1 new 8B*ton atomiL e a d e r a c ro » a f i e l d s in to

, ^ w ithin 20 minuteiits 1 ruman Tho »un, labele, was p u t through

•Prosperity " rth « 7 bm 8 . O .m p b .11, . ta to p r o v in f f g r o u n d s i

chairm an , assailed Demo- ‘ ^Trtnnr,^* w nnria i iBlms of prosperous condl- , eblllly

to Tw in F a lls county O O P g ^ u n d s . bu t sli

leil ch a rg ed th a t “m any " ‘“ “j ? / "nmllles a re having to dip rounds,lr m eager savings and cash ®“ “‘ds and in surance In order T ho a m i? IndlcaUve the InflaU on of T n im an can use elUter atomLy." rounda merely by clucd tbe federa l governm enl’a of missile,of labor sU tU tlcs which U d id n o t say. hoo t Uie average family was niomlo charges hnd[ 1400 moro th a n It earned th e gun. T lie Indies

m aking i>I> lito difference they had not.istiraiice. w ar Iwiids and t j , o kuh h as a .

m llllm elern — appnU ial llm o tho prlco of |„ches. T h is. In lUolt

lido* iiiin Jumped 10 per- compncliy lho iitomlpciltilB, from ni.O U) IM.fi. ,„ i„ io n BolonllsU tuvalue of UlB <lo)li.r ha/i ro r- ^iiKly declined ano ther Mx i^^oly could Iirmn flfl,a .^ n ls to 8J.4 cenU. j, ^ „........................... ** T here was U lk n l I■n 1 * 1 ao-<nllo ranlon Animals t w . w ,„ o x in in i . .

1 • 1 cdnBlol dcteiiM .llrtered in t r A, ■""H"'- «■ H Stock Event r...

r r U f a l fll«>ck salo Wed- " ’" ’r ‘‘‘nw » '» «II the T w in ralln MvenUiik •‘‘""tlo barrage lion coinpaiiy imie grmmd*. »nd a rm or « es Robert K o rn a ,'rw ln Falls /rJeudly tnx -H club agenl, I 'i ' i '* . »'««t or radlninnl.l D3 head (if lierf, 38 " l e r a te o f fire

nd 11 hogs havo born eu- •P l'roxlninte ly Hintnliiinls en tered in tlm f s t eallbor, nnn-aiitoiiiaila miml Jiavo graiM i)l«h. by Uie arm y and naboiler. A nim als exhlblleil a l --------------------

..... Browder anIn imml he a t the « le » 0 « ! _ J by D;ao a m , and rond)' tnr o C l Z C U O i l iihprrlloii a l lO iV a n t . so- W AHHlNCrrON, H to K rrnn a Now Y ork Fedornl ilh l>0t«rn<in, Ilulil. Is rlinlr- n„tin,„rt form er rom

t l l , l » . l ™ ,n i l l l . . . M C.,1 l ln ,m l. r .m l lil» I'Irri'o and Olliitoii ihiitjili- j„ ry cimrges. Iltn 1h rd e r , head slieei' a '" ! m ent Biinouiicnd lodiiilUern , M il a i(o iila ’aw riitfUK WlUl nnlen nrinniieineii*" M nnha llan Uils monerl K rn in and .Inliii l.nw- iimwrtnr In her Yiiithwin Il’nl!" lilHli ntiliniil vck«- 'm o IndUiUiiniitirhniliurfl Innlniotor. Iirowdnr )>; fifur

M'ANKHK ■lr« VOTK IrKtliiim'i'y^ In" a''"lB40^O, Hnpl, aff M y-’l l i li ly - ll ' '' ' iniicrodliiH,Iniiaiirno v o t" ^ am r»pm il. Mrs, llKi’wdnr nwnrei

to tlio |Hi|ls W nllirnilny Iti « mnmlxir iit th e Ooinalionni n irrllu n nliu'o <(><> am< never had heai)eHftlnea litrtepBnrtenc;# llvo any orHnnlr^iiiii) i«(mo. rocaUnH sMiunuiiUiu.


IN F A L I.< !. I r iA H O , T U E S D A Y . S E r r E M B l

Leaders Attend Events

brought to p leaders of th e pa rty to th e eity. Rep. Qs leeUag a t tb e American L e^ o n b a it to elim as tb e ft an of O regon Voong Repnblieana A t r ig h t Is D a n r li t Repoblleani. Myera U tonrlng Idaho as field repre*

(SU ff pboto-engraTlng)* * * * * * * ' 1

Adlai to Trumar • at GOP Rally I.nd idate o n th e D em o cra tic t ic k e t m u s t r u n < r B udge, R ., Id a ., M onday n ig h t d ro p p e ti clflc in s ta n c e s o f th e "m e ss in W a s h i n ^ n nd a n u n c o n s titu tio n a l w a r in K o rea .” B u d j ion h a ll -cam e a s a c lim ax to R epu b lican i&y

unters Asked Not smoke on Cassia EcondiUons a re so dangerous In th e M inldoiu na tlona

s In th e second Cassia division deer h u n t a re being whUe In th e fo rest except w hen they are In c u n p .

s Clark. T u’ln P a lls d is tric t fo rest ranger, «ald condltk the f irs t h u n t la s t w eek-end and a re growing p n g re t

h ing In th e forest Is d ried ou t, C lark said, a n d ft f ous.^range r said th a t a fire In th e forest, if accompanied develop In to a la rg a one a n d perm anently ru fn th e arei ind for gam e producing.f irs t h u n t waa .com pleted w ithout a fire a n d L ew % ^ second h u n t will m a tch Uie record of nlm rods la s t

hey will h av e to tak e .ex tra precauUons to p rv en t t tason, they a re be ing aalted to eocflae th e ir am oklag t<

rmy Unveils Atoi Gun for Field Ui

\S H IN G T O N , S e p t. 80 T h e a r m y h a s 8B*ton a to m ic g u n a n d show n t h a t i t c an i a f ie ld s in to p o s it io n to firo super-explosiv i n 20 m in u te s .0 a^un, labe led b y th e n rm y ns a n “ all-purpoS'l u t th ro u g h i ta p a c e s a t ------------------------------;clal p re v ie w f o r p h o to g - 7 L f « .o f - . r v f T \ \ jr s a t th o A b erd een . M d., I t I O S I O I U ]n g g ro u n d s r e c e n tly . ^nance experts have been try - | y | i I | 0 I I\4I t l u mobility a n d llrlng cn- »»

for m on ths a t tho g ian t U sl- / \ T / " TVTrounda. bu t s ta n d ard ammu* \ ^ J V . i

was used ra th e r th a n atomicI. W ASH IN aTO N , 8o|

D ual Use M0.1t of Uie sou thern cam i? IndlcBlod th e weapon accepted Jo h n L, Lewi

ee elUter atomic or ntandnrd a new union con tract merely by ciutnglng th e tyjie some d id n 't and a strlkullo. ened for W ednesday aiId n o t say. however, whoUinr Jo«eph K, Moody, pn3 ohnrges hnd been tested Itl SiiuUiern Coal Produun, T lie IndlcaUon waa th a t U'm, m et w ith Lewis,

no t United M ine Workergun lins a cBlllwr of 2f»l «nd th e n a m

lelern - approxlm utely 13 mo.'t producers In lh.. T hla. In lUolf, discloses how sKrerd to th e temm,.cliy lho iktomlo energy rom - N® IndleallII Bolenllsln tiiiw a re ollle to 'Hiere w as no Indlnatoirtlu uiUaIIm, At ima Hi m whnl projw rtloii of Xjaroly could lm rr<nvded luto l>"'krd.iml) bay nt a l»-au, ’n i" tcittin. like llre was U lk n l llin dom onstrn- "H ffd ii|Hin by nnrthef a ao-flillo ram ie for Uto gmi. eni s-itl coal operatorapproxlm ales Uie range for ll.oo-a-day pay boost1 defenso and naval gm is uf ceiil-a-lon royally Inc 'h a t alm ilar CBllber. >« "

Mr>ody said ho wnuPractica l IX iUneo |„ behalf of th

nly miles would In a p rn r- imt "<|iille a few rnmi(IslBiico for placing tiio kiiii bo excepted from ((inIwbliid friendly linen, firing Tlm girrAent contrnrliose Ultra and laying down mli|»lKhl and I^iwlnDtnlo barrage on enemy In- pinlii Ihnl, an tn Ihn pr

and a rm or wlUitiiit ritdaii* will nlilrte by a no ront friendly trom Die

hoa t or radlnlUin. -----------------------

ilnintely Hint nt Bity Inriin Ceneral Rxii:\r;:rc. Hls‘Red’i-

I I V «r«t> WAHUINCITON. Hepl►wder and Wiie w n » rr »«deii H m u h «. 1 ■*> . h«4 rm ilnlnrd Ui bolliSized on PerjuryJlilN CrrO N , Hept. so (in - - nsnirlrn/" r”".!;::;!!''';;.'.',;: ■■■iriiwder and Ills wltn on p r r- ^'Itttrgea, llm juallre depnrl- i " ! , . . ,a iinounced to,iny. niuf h,aHente a w r- trd llr<.witnr tn m r i m Imr guveriiiiiriil

illan Uils mornliiK and Mts. Ki>iii‘|.il.iii. ltep„b iim inr III her Y.iithPrn npnrliuniit, ""

IndUitnieiit nrc.usrd Min, '■''"'1'n‘icn nmni "r of fm ir u „ m U » l inhn 'I'lie ClA ohlof. ,rf,vimont^ III rom ircll.u . wlll. Ii«r rd I'r 'l i" '■■•''';i»fetnllo>ny In a 1D4D iinlurulln itlo ii trm '" ''* , ssld la le r lielliiK, Ullll I'll ngeiiny ImniliilKiwdor nworei she wnn never s'liiin tlio rcMllliimilnIn

‘■mr lit th e Ooiiimmilsl pm ty ........ *Bver had h e en -a m em ber nl ciuuUt lln nnlil a n y reitsrHnnlrjiilmi tennliliig or ad- at*' *'heio Uiey oan du« cw ninunlsiu . Iiaiui."

X S----------- ' » — J N « n » I r r i j f

r. SKTTEBiBER 80. 19K2

T n-T<

v e m b e r Dwight D. Ei!

son put in his n

H H $150 ]Give

A woman driv med into a thir

he city. Bep. Bodge, quarter mile wei to climax tb e ftotJTttlefc A t g ic n j r ig h t Is D arw in D . Brown. t ^ '

I as Held npreK D U U T e for J a 'l b y J u s t l t s e Cshe pleaded guiH

» * * '-* W hen f i rs t aiElizabethtown. I

l i m R T I ^ Pumphrey stipuU . l l . l . a i l 9 would be termin:

illy H e r e S S

Bt m ust ru n on th e rec- to the departm eg h t d r o p p i in Adlai forcement in tht W a s h in ^ n " and “an a copy o f the cKorea.” Budge’s speech be sen t to Waepublicah day activities thorltles.-------------------- --------------- =------- Mis . C ory recelvi_ _ _ , ’ > fsce and ft passeng

i Not to^ T T i 14-year-ol(

ssiaHunt^H^^E-t[inldoita na tio iu d fo rest 4h a t h u n t a re be ing M ked n o t to “ r*. t » r e y wasare in cam p. companied by Uii

je r, *ald condltU m i were had ^growing progressively worse, f f i t

t . . . a , im a . I l r . ,o u ia l»

jns to p rv en t tlrea and, fo r ^ rlghth e ir am oU ag to cam p areas . S ^ ^ t o p M t l i e a a------------------------------------------- ed.

4 I D am age to th » ', Atom*1 f X T Bright wae cited b

^ I r l I C Q n r A ^ v m g a oar ^M X JL U l d d K C reserved his plea

' Tuesday and post* te a r m y h a s unveiled a ®»»«^f t h a t i t c a n r o l l l . lm b ly u per-exp losive b a r ra g e s » um porary w«

Issued In February ,n •■ a ll-pu rpoB e w e a p o n ," S’/ , ® S v m M

cense.I» T \ * • D avid H ard in , K

» s t o f Dixier« ^ Ju stice o t th e Pei

[me Miners[)K New Pact s £ £ SIHINOTON, Sept. SO Wl — Jam es R . Boyle,f Uio sou thern coal produceni nue e ast, waa c lt :d Jo h n L, Lewis's term s for fo r failu re to yleW

union con trac t today. B u t M onday a fle r hlsIdn 't and a strike wss th re a t- Uded w llh a 1B»jr W ednesday againat thsm . d r tw n by Ja m es C )h K, Moody, president of th e avenue west. Born Coal Producers assocla- » » a y from a gart le t w ith Lewis, hesd o t Uie collided wiUi th e I

M ine W orkers, for four o n ^ v e n u e east, and th e n ajinounced ti>at P roba te C ou rt .

iroducern In the aasoclaUon « « p e rt, f ined Juato tho temm, *"<1 •> coata receni

No IndlcaU on violation. H em ani e wae no indlrntum of Jual •ta to p a tro lm an M |.r..i.ort.oi, „ I 111. iiro d iic ... t ; ! , " " ' " , , " , ,* 5 '“

I m i . . Uke U .m.ii|« ,i. In’ iio rU i.n i .n a • . . I - f j " " " ' - ,

tl COUl operntora. fslI for a l»tlnn. S h e was c» ■day pay boost end a 10- ^ ton royally Innrenae.

Moody lo Him F ra n k G rahamly sa id h e wnuld sign wlUi In behalf of th s nsaoclaUon lllle a few rnmpsnlnn" would ® » " wa.ptod from Cdo aiKfIn*. »p reaent con trn rl expires a t Kerliy,111 and Irfiwin Imn mndn ll . .hnl, an tn th e pnnl, the iinlon V l A l S l T i n i l Irte by a no ron tio rl- iu i work ' 1W » < * U U I I

_______ For Adlieral Explains aI S S mS, Ih ‘Red’ RemarkIIINCITON. ««1,1 J» «n o m .Jledeil H milh anirt lortny he

plnliird U. boll. i.iraUlnitllBl “ w ‘" w '" ? " " " ilrn hln rem ntks nbnui nom- ",. . I »t

th e governor Mntm ll, imad of Uie rm lin l li.lelll- cor|)ornll<,ii« isKmiry. sni.l yrAlnitny he ,,a <1 cimmtert iii'iin

» ronimiinlalvi nm In lila own CBmpnimi diefila, ^Ulnn nni{ Jj, "(.injUlnnlly • • '« « « -M tfie (Ifii/llmr giiveriiii.riil rn 'U ilty o r . fhid o u l wlmilinl<iu. Itepiiljlicniin ptoiiiplly adm liilntered mrrel1)1. hln fltn trm ri.l ns preal- pub lican pnrly, otrniiipnlKii nmniuiilllmi, p ||en i„ tlm Drniix'

:;IA chief, oiivlmisly <'miceni- iliigaw orth rnirt.lm liiterprntnlloii put dii itis _ .....«, snld la le r lie i.iesm only OANTOKII ngeiiny I.eniU nl.mild aa- H O U ,YWOOD, ' Im roiiiiiimilnin wein nuiart din O anUir was real lo woini Uielr way In U Uioy Cledarn of l,el)niv

In nnlil a n y reits 111 Ilfs Hgeiiny |i(ana to remain i 010 Uiey oan do t.o "Mrluus because of whal

"com plete esliausll A

I r r i g a t e d I d a h o C o»intl*«

>.Ud .»a OnlUd rnmf > ^ | , Bor«o -I CWUi

:ivals “Poi (n Their C To Captu

By United[lls in th e 1952 p resldpn tia l c am p a ig n g o t ■r vo tes.Ig h t D. E ise n h o w e r blasted h is o pponen t, j i t in h is ra p s a g a in s t E isenhow er in a te le

50 Fine, Jail Tei jiven Woman Di/o m an d r iv e r w hose au to sidesw iped tw o ca n to a th ird f a ll on th e w ro n g side’ o f hi: 2r m ile w e s t o f C u rry a t 8 :15 p .m . Monda; m d $5.40 co s ts a n d sen tenced to SO d a y s ii 7 J u s t ic e o f th e P eace J . 0 . P u m p h re y T i e a d e d g u ilty o f d ru n k en d riv in g , e n f i r s t a r ra ig n e d T uesday , M rs . M orean le th tow n , K y ., s a id she had n o t been drinJ h r e y s tip u la te d t h a t th e b a lance o f th e j b e te rm in a te d i f th e fine and c o s ts a r e pai

fiv e d ay s a n d n o t m oro ---------------------------10 days. H e r W ash ing - f \ C £ » r iv e r ’s license w a s se n t U l l l C e r S ' ! d e p a r tm e n t o f law en-( - n a a n e n t in t h a t s ta te , an d r ^ r a i S e 1 Y o f th e conv ic tion will ^ ^ ^ n t t o W a sh in g to n a u - Q £

C ory received a c u t on th e BO ISE, Sept. SO UId ft passenger In one o t th e S u p t A. P . B underacara , CpL Salvatore J . De- 19 p e r c e n t decreaseI, Trftvis Airforce base. O allf, fio fatallU ea la td ft b rc*en nose. Mra. Cory m onths o f th o yea>r l« -yea r-o ld daugh ter apen t of s ta te p a trobnentb t i a th e county J a l l There enforcem ent agend0 c harges against th e daugh- censes a s d b e tte r hi 10 w an ted to stay wlUt her T h ree w eek-end i

ed th e year’a to ta l ii Corey v a s headed east, ac- te ll w as ie& throi

aled by th e dau ghter and U st year. •»rT'a husband , 8/Bet, Avery L ead Ja 'en rou te from F t. Lewis. F igures o t th e I to K entucky. H er DeSoto, councU th ro u g h J

was pu lling a two-wheel trail- Id ah o ftad W yom lnj Uded w ltb ft c a r driven by v e e te rn a U te i w ith a M . R equa, 30. route 3, Tw in decresM in fatallU th e n sldeswlped ano^ie r «»r - i th in k th e iUt< d id n o t Btoi> a t tM acene. ea l l a v enforcem e

the C ory vdUcle’ iK m idedTrtS <toisg » fln» .to l} In O h e m le t d riven a /S g t trftfllo w ith le w er ;

A lton B righ t, 23. who pulled ^enoa n J d - ia r * . op a s th e Obrsy c a r a t ^ a e b " a ^ . « . g

lage to th » ' B righ t c a r was te d a t 1300 and damage to have s la r e d a n li iry c a r a t » 0 0 . D amage to the jie K U d ^ A S o to e vehicles was slight. Sergeant wae c ited by sta te poUce for A ugust I

iv lng a caravan perm it. He


In F ebruary which was good ’days, b u t she told police she ^received h e r pen n an e n t U- " ¥ ^ ____

Id H ard in , K knberly, waa sen- J / O J L l i l t !1 to tw o days In the county[Id fined ISO and M coals by ^ * |s o t Uie Peace Ray F. Potter sy w hen h e pleaded gullty of ' k J l l i g on a revoked license. He irrested by sU te police. HU BUHL, S e p t . Is w as suspended f « one year form er B uhl res■unken driving on Dec. 18. . ^ ies R . Boyle, W Fburth ave-as t. w as cited by d ly police funeral home reUure to yield th e right of way j n g in Powell, wlsy ckfter his IMS PonUao col- . “ wUh a IBM Cadillac aedan , .

t by Ja m es O. Pufdy, 439 F lflh A coroner S JUe west. Boyle w u pulling th a t Mr. M o rld e l

, r . 7 . h * C ? E . r . S 0 » l t r . v o l v e r a f t venue east. ^ wlQOW a n d t^ t« C ou rt Judga Jske Wall, b o d lo s w ere fount. n n « l J u . r B .n ,.i id M (IS „ u to n .o b l l ( i n e a r1 coata recently for a stop sign „ . „ „lon. H em andea w ss cited by Monday. Coronepa tro lm an M arvin Snyder, Smith said thoyin a n . Aufdenkamp. route 3, died Sunday n ia : Falls, paid a fine of 110 and » «lU 111 Justice court when she ^ T h* » r o n e r said !d guiUy of a stop sign vlo- . Bhe was c lt« l by ils ts pollco «»®* O"ghw ay 03 13 m lU souih of head. T h s couple wiFalla T ijursday, S im day n l i h t while[ik O raham , Falrlleld. was T h e w r o l w , M o n i »1B by Gooding police Judge *<»*"'> ?.?

ly Legg a s lu rd a y w t a chargeedlng. He wan arreMed s l m id- reported . » ^ 1 o t h ^ i)y officers H, O, Wlllls andK erby aecre tary to th e st

______________ th e Powell achooU,

.Iation Claimed• «a •« T l 1 ^ B uh l With his

i’or Adlai’s FundtlN O FIEI.D , 111, Sept. SO (tfV- B uhl,luhllcan pnrty lender aald to> fiurvivliig »re h:here were "appnret.l viola* a n d M rs. J . ,tt. Merof the Hutch BCt Itt Onv. Ad< one slsU r, M rs, ,

. aieveitooii's iKilltlrsl funds F rancisco. Fiinera:sniandcd Hint federal auUiorl* a re Incom plete,illla le iivoneoutlmt*. ------------------

im’X'.l™.''iK Tradesmer For Wool

.Ign cheniA. OhlcaBO wool trade IV M {fin (Ifiifl let Uie puWlo ^ lUt wlmtliri llm llsli'li act Is ylawa on a i Intered merely m b lho IU - « a , , an pnrly, or whell.er t a ^ T h , agr,ouU ure .<1 tlm Denim rsllo I 'll ty. Hol- N aU onal W ool O roo r th rnirt. to ld Uie oomnilsslo

- ..............— whi c h wouldOANTOK AlUNU p rese n t M ti cenU j

J,YWOOD, «"l'‘ so on im p o rt« t sootinnUir wss rratlus w"ll today In be lm |w s« l m ant of t,el)n.i<>ii hospital. Ha enough to b ring lhato remain a t /esil a m e k (o th e level o f ll

« of whst his doctor calls g u a ra n tee d prloe f<le te asliausllou.* oUi».


f i n a l

f e d i t i o n

« -H ilS r.u . PRICE E (

*our It on’ • Campaig iture Ball(By United PrcMlaign go t down to cases today in the ir bid

pponent, Adlai Stevenson, in Columbia, 8. ( r in a television program a t C hW go las t n

““ ---------------------- President Truman,

I I P l ^ l T I stop tour through 1'■ Speaking from the i

•w-v « South Carolina state cs

n Driver -EHSSm. Monday, was fined He said Stevenson gloi 30 days in the c o u n ty "unsavory- m orals of nphrey Tuesday when

. Morean B. Cory, 84, l«Ht to been drinking. Justice 3 of the jail sentence poUUcs a t m oat levels its are paid in not less phr»sest B av ln c feaked ---------------------- ----------------- tlon, 1 Shan bastU r aa

t e e r s Gainaise m Uip S‘Slr'£if*'i/*taf- _ _ _ mess th* fftuit o f ywi,

f Idaho T o ll. STOI. M m -S U t. pou™

UUee ia the llrrt ^ e ^ 7 ^ . “ S T V kT J of the year to ihe work a J o ^ b U c ^ ^ »

nd better highways. ^ /ju i-u Bweek-end fatalities booet- . . H*Trt U r

1 1«4 U ao » * S«plm l»r d m - u th . top team ■ T ^ ,t I- tci.^ President saidM ao in west ftdvfea In IMS tha t R. 01 the NaUonaJ Safety rthrough August showed the United BUtM “did

Id Wyoming leading the 11 S h ^ ? st«tes with ft 13 p«r cent At M «ftto fatallUes. a i d .

Ik th e state police and lo> the tim » lo r tb enforcement offlcen a ^ n.rtv'* l n 'f i ^ B a t . 1

t ia ^ jO i in tamdltairllKne D e to c h m ^ S S rK h ii rith fewer f g tu t i iC Buh- in ie r* t fc e '^ E r fMti

t i a , l n . . m £ ^ S r■ e ad i B e tU r - —

f t no gueiUoh' but what

6 haa been tbe wont monthr, wltb 31 deaths reported § 3 d ^d W ltb aa In U a t m onth S h S f t S ^ L u S'.H ow ever,theoU M rm onU ise exception o t April, May w ,y have seen fewer dssUiaDrrespondlng months last f i t iT S o n S

•rmer Valley Ma Shoots Woman,

IL, Sept. 80—The body of Jam es Orman M ' Buhl resident who died Sunday a t PoweU, it to Buhl fo r services and b u r i^ . the 1 homo reported Tuesday. Mr. MeritJeth hi Powell, where he worked for the city , since

roner's Jury in Powell Monday n tg h t ret)im< T. Morldeth had taken hls own life wltii a volver o fter he had shot and killed M rs. Dot /Idow and the mother of a 17*year>old damw ere found In a parked --------------------------)bilft near Powell enrly Ty. Coroner Georgo R. L i t l l D e S e 1 said thoy probably hnd m i i jnday night. i a k C A t l loroner said Mrs, Rudd had _ _ ot four Umea and MertdeUi U M I 1 tn ahot onoe through the X J L I I t 1 1 1 J tis couple was last seen alive n lih t while dining togsUisr. K on». Bepolrer, belonging to fcTerldeUi, nese reds seised «;i< nd tn the oar. There wsre no Korea'a central front <enall MlUer, undersherllf, communUU malntelne I. Merldeth worked for Pow- „ .I .l» r . r .o d Mn. nudd w u '

r to the superintendent of straight day.'e ll schooU, ■ T lis hlll, d u e easte th was bom In St. Ed- was th e th ird c ap tu re ebr„ M ay 8. 181#. He moved slnoe th ey launched 1 w ith h is parenU In IMS iteavy a ttac k s oo ttu o n te Vista. Colo. He was a front Bunday. o f th e M ethodist church In B eeord Moi

ring a re hU parents. Mr. F-M Sa b re js ta awej: I. J . t t . Meredith, Uuhl. and Korea a n d th e V. B. I U r. M rs, Alice Hoy, flsn reported they closed . 10 F uneral arrangeineiils shn tterfng m onth by t !mplsU it.isslan-m ade M lQ .H ----------------------------- T lie ftir force, aftei

lesmen Askedr Wool Opinion aS£C8;;2fSl lN a T O N . » .l , t*^,0 l»l - . ^ o y d . nd » , d . m m len for tit* UoaUm and wool trad e were Invited lo- * “ *•» “

give th e ta riff commlMJwJ H a a r le e tB u r™ . 0,1 . iiropoKd imporl

h lc h would aitpplentenl U.e we«U-in .ffon t, U. N.KM oenU per tw.ind U rlff s ln g l^ * ? “w ted sooiired wool. sl«uld Nori bu t o st th e ^Jsed In an anunint is r io ooun tsr-a ttaok in f Oblllo b ring lh# aolling price «p dawn darkness. O r ^Isvsi o f the -ovornHtent's d rjvsn from th e p M iw d prloe fo t Uto domeiUe IJ, M. p l ^

^them 4U (1d| a OhiMM



on’’ IEiign Ia llo ts Iin th e ir bids fo r Ko*' I

jlumbla, S. C. St«ven« |U icago la s t night. Aod « i t Trum an, continued m

’em hell” wh!^tl»* H ir th rough Montaiia. . ■ « from tb e eteps o t t h t H roUna s ta te capltol. Blsea- c lared Btevenson seeks to } |l

tro m under” Democratle a tlo n falluree th rough a » Ind ictm en t'' o f ' t b o


'* m orals of tb«**teilti-> • ’V l th a w^ve o f t o o m b* h ls qM eeb a t L w A n itU a ,

i BteraoM O a« b a v ln t n U : fa u lt to t t th e n tb a t w»

we d e s c r r t t e c o w n a u e t ' tb » honor a n d e ^ t ^ of I m ost levels a ro a n p t r -iiil B ftvlnc Baked tb a t quee. | l lan bastU r answ er t t m y .

. . . th o ta a l t o<

T e a r raaU T iw e rd e m a n d ttllfb is lU ta a . ‘ ed th a t s t a t a a n t was too* a n d I s th is W asb tn s to i fftUlt o f m th e pooplef

iooep t tb a U am a wtaDo tb oIta c a a d l ^ _

r sa r -p la tfo n a 4 d d i« « a t U o a t , tb e A w k tsD l

isenhow er a s a n e c tb p le e a . .'old Une, baokw ard lookti* u t r a n d w arned U i ' rou B u t t n o t M —

Te, H o a t . U r . I t a n a n • » > - - lenhower o f m aklny th e to p keneral b i l a n p a i , - B lden t sa id B c n b o w v ^I IMS tb a t R ussia w aated a ln friendly relatloBe w ltb M B tetee “iQd a f ie a t dee»

iaocdc, M o a l . Ur. r t m m « m c t k o a i 7 0 U n ia r d g t t t i t im » lo r th a B a n b M tf t .


t t e I t t t l O p K t ^ A e sa lb .« M O «

Blgbt e te v e e o n e ^ H W 'm U loan p a rty a n d B n b * i r ooiidiiiAlnt a a '^anwtidD- p a lm th a t ic -n ab e an h la .* to O blcaio l o r t b a T V ap<) th e n re tu re o d t o B s t ta f

10 i a p a t t a n t o a O m ..U nf b is aetioQ bt p rea in t s ta te eap loyaa w ltb a o o e*

Man nan, Selfm Orman M ertdet^, 86, y a t PoweU, Wyo., will turial, th e Albertson'B ' Uericieth had been liv*) city , since laa t Febrih

light ret)i'med » verdict life w ith A J8B caUber

led M rs. D oro th r Rudd, ear-old daughter. Both

nese Reds ke Another ill in KoreaU K orea, B e p t M Ofl-<}hl- I s se ised «/)<><>>«' hlQ oo c en tra l f ro n t today a s tho

th o sector fo r tb e th ird day.ill, d u e e as t o f K um sonf. th ird cap tu red by th e reda ley launohsd a ssrlea of ttacke oo th e east-oentral inday.

B M ord M onth iabreJsU sw ept Into n o r th Od th e V. B. fUU) a ir forco

they closed ou t a reoord* lg m ontfi by dam aging ooo m ade M lO 'lB . i r force, a fte r a e tod r e ra film , also added thrM claim s for Bunday. U ia t le aep tem ber total# «e M

m d M damM ed*^ T he pro<•■m onth record of M de- vas se t In AprlL H eerlee t B w nsf*

r th e oom nunlsU powered su ite WlUl Ihe beavtoet r td ba rrage of th e Wfr, f lthU ng also flared on th *

lost th e h l i h g rouaa to kttaoking ob ineoo tQ Bff* rkneas. O reek ttoo M om th e peak Bundiy

iSTft OUMN aSM b /

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto


i M an H eM fo r I T r ia l H e r e on I ( .h e o k < ha rg e

I r r f d T illm c ' wm* boufi'i over UiI d is tric t ■■o'lrt for trl« l MoJifiiyI lollowjng a t'rellrnlnary h*»rln» InI Justice ^ourt on » fo rg 'ry ph»’ii»B: He *•»" not 'e p tM e n U l hv »n »(•I torn*y. Don<* h*i b**-!' * 'OMj

I ( rrvlintT Jail. I(! Pronffii*’'T M m ’ Joyrt e»lle<1 rr«nk

I 'j; C av -nd fj. ownr* *rirt TT'mnBPM ntth e «loutt' T ftlt Rr<v>»ry, wlm

Id ,' flP'l thn t ro.Uiert th f f^O rh-vlrj J . In 'jUMtlnn (o ' T p 'len t ot>HUj He IdenUfled the rheck.

I M 2 C»v»nder »*4d »ie w»t'>h*!d T«t-llll I •'ndom* the -Jierk w 'th thellll- ! Dodd.” Ho aald T»l'enttill' I wrote h ll Colo’’ado nd 'trew on ' t i 'U i i checlc. He *»ld T allen i told h lr heB U worked (or Howarrt J , W i'” *U U n u n e d sned to th« eh«<*kB H Jack P R a n u ty . n i e r . fnank<*r ofU | | th e Filer brnnch of the ruJMI'vB i l l tJonsl bank, said he knew J| l | i «rd WlllU and the m an had an »c-J I f • count In th e bank. However, he ialdH va ' tlie slRnature on the check wa« noti f H l . th a t of Wllll*. T he nam e on theH l l l 1 check vaa "Howard J . 'WllUt.'’llfl * N either w ltn e u was croM-exam-H | | J Ined. T h e lU U r u te d a fte r about' l i t . 16 m lnutea.’• U T a lle n t said he did no t forge the l l l l check , did n o t aee It v r ltte n and

• th e w iiu n g waa no t hia. He anld he •mj' used hla aW pfather'i name. Dodd, l l l i yeara. He said another l l l l fellow who hud worked with him for I I WlUla gave him the check. Tallent I I aald h e cashed a check the day be­l l i; fo re which Wlllla had written.

M l T h e de fendant aald the otherU l . p a rty told him he borrowed theH I m oney from WUlls. T allent aald the■ I : .o th e r peraon told him he did no tf l l I w a n t I t known he waa In Idaho aa111 t AWOL front the aervice.I f l ' ‘ T a l le n t aald th e o ther fellow hadIfl '•' th e check m ade out to T allent, bu t, |L T a llen t claim ed he gave the moneyl l l l l to th e o ther party .■ 11 : T a l len t aald the l u t he heard, the^ 1 1 I o th e r peraon. W et Babcock, waa In

cuatody In Colorado. H e cald hen i l knew the m an three weeka In Cal-■ H i Ifo fn la and waa w ltb him two daya■ | l In Tw in PalU . He aald th e otherI I P i^ ty Uaed o th e r n a m u IniU ad off l i l I Babcock here.■ I I II Aaked by Juatlcs J . O. Pum phreyi D | l U he believed Babcock could have■ I I I borrow ed th e money (rom Wlllla a(>H l l l t e r know ing th e m aa two dayi. Tal>n i l ! le n t aald Babcock had made almUarB I Joans before.

I Army SpecialistsI Set ORC LectureH i i T h e la tee i developmenU a n d

IW " tre n d s In a n n y weapon* wUl be re ­la te d to member* of tho T w in Fall* o r*anl*ed reaerve corpa un its by a tw o*m an te am of a rm y ordnance

l l i n tl corpa apeclallsts arriving here Oct. | I | I I ' 7 from th e s ix th a rm y headquarters llli I Presidio o t San Prsnclaco.

H lileu t.'C oh Jo h n D . Boweraock X a n d O apt. C a rl T»tt will diacuss i a tom lo arU llery and more conven- I t lo n a l a im am en t. O lher subjects are [| t h e la ten t a n tia irc ra f t arUllery tire*:| c o n tro l equipm ent and the operation

o f explosive ordnance dlspoaal units.O apt. Leroy R. Anderaon. local

O RO u n it Inalructor. said the lec- tu r e v l l l be given a t S p. m. Oct. 1 In th e ORO cUearoom, a4fl T hird •venuB eaat. H e urged all area re> ■ervlats to a ttend . M emberi of

I M aglo Valley na tional guard units • r e welcome, O apU ln Anderson aald.

Area Man Jailed Oq Assault Count

1 RU PBRT, Sept. #()-Or*edy Hol- la rd . M inidoka, waa fined 1300 snd •1.90 coats and aentenced to 90 daya In ja il 8a tu rd»y by Probate Court

. J u d g e Jake W all on tn aaaault and b a tte ry charge.

H ollard waa charged with hltllng Rosooe H ughey, M lnldokt, with a p iece of Iron and a knife. He denied using th e knife, T he Iron waa (lla>

f p layed In c ou rt by the pro«culion. M onday. Judge Wall lined Melvin

Benally , Patil Utxir canip, )20 tn d M coats for dlaturblng ths peiae, n a waa charged w llh creation a dis­tu rbance a t Uie labor camp Mon. day.

T h e H o s p i t a l

VlalUng houra a t Maglo Valley M em orial hoaplUl are froin 3 to

I 4 and 7 to a p. m,I ADMITTEII• Ixirenao Aragon. Mra, Marvin

, {I D rodlne, Mra Paul Thofnna, Oregory ; ; j l la f e r and Itobert Co*, all T a in

IH I K nllt; Mra. Ja rk Pleldn and MrsI I |> IftiUI JaHor. IhiUi Duhl. n ir tin I I J I lirew er, K etoiium. anti Mrt, Etlwnril 11 . U alley, W llkint, Nev.I | l niHMIK8Kr>I I G regory H afer, M n . Marvin I I ) ' Drmlliie, Mra, Howard 'lYoiip and I , . aon. Mra. J. W, Krodeeii, Arthur 3 ; B u r t. Mra. Roland Beveraon, Mra. D I lla r r la Oaaperaon and daughter, Mra.I f I F ldren re .l'a rkn , O n irR e’nion>e, Mra,

J I { ' M ary Sniltli. Mrs, E. A. Cllapm anII I . a n d H arold Parks, all 'l> lii K lta |I a M ra, Olirlat K unU ami aon tn dI I ll Irv ln OrlB|i, lluh l; Mra. Clair I)an- | | I I IrlA and Mra. I.loyit Herd smi ilaiiili- I I te r. n i r r ; Mra. John ’nioinMin. I CnAtlrfoiit. a n d Mrs, Edward Ualley, I I W llkliia. Nev,

j' l" W e a lh e rI 1 r r« m t ip and AP H*|H>flsf I I M a«la Vaiiey—n e a r and warm in-I I , ' n lg h l and W ^n e sd ay , {.ow tnn lfh i I I ' a a .IS l h l i h W ednesday nrar HO.I I ll 'I 'w in Kails tem pera tu re a l t a. m,I J -I today U . a l itoon 71.

I ill ..... ....••'i.ra;,J l ' l All..... ....... If M

I I ' ilu.’i’. r , . ! i I«I I . .......M “

I 11 o*^ ■ *( II

I * j }:''-"f|'*“;'

1 ' iiiiil:'!''' ■ ■ ji ii I ' Slvi'v.'ii. ?!' iiI |; I _______n It

fo r 'p o n R

large I In'l over to l l v>1 Monrlay I \ 9he»rln» In 1 ^ 1 '*

• M I ' >'•' ' I \ ^ *I I *

ailed rr«nk ' "nI J

' w h l . l i ' ' a df io rh-vir a ^

>" ....... VaU eti

' ’hurch Celebrates ; m Z J: I’romofion Sunday ■w n n . •).. R tC H riE l.D . PepU 10 - r ro m o - g

k t lM P mday was ’’eld a t th* R ich- (fnantg«r of fiT m M eth ''d lst churc>> Sunday IfUJMI'V Na n rhw l with Mrn. W m rr H w atnvn. V•W J How- Junior depn rtn i"n t auperlntei'f lf'n t.had an ac- m charge, Mra. A lbert Pelley, g m - 1■ver, h e is ld eral uMp-rlntendent. preaentert cer- i (ck wax nol uficai/-* of promotion to 35 rh ll- ame ori the fVllUa." Teacher* tre - Mrs. R«ece B ites.:roaa-exam- j^rs . Fannie Anderaon. A lbert Pel-after tbou l Mrs. E. L. SUelgel, Mrs. R. J . [ LMnmoii and Leonard Rogera. .

= r l lS " .n d <:■ «■He »*lrl he companled special song numbers. ■.»me tV)dd Pfl'’"’ore nnd Lynn Prldm ore j lid another offlclat.ed during th e offeratory,1th him for A lbert Prlley pronounced thei bene- fck. TaWent dlcUon. Snturday afternoon NSrs. R. ahe' day be- J- Lemmon and Mra. E. L. Strelgelrltten . enterta ined lh e lr claaaea a t th ethe o ther church recreation rooma.

TOwed the ------------------------------n t aald Uie SON BORNle did n o t PAUL, Sept. 80—M r. end Mrs.1 Idaho as H obert Ren* ore th e parenU of ale aervice. son born Saturday a t the C hrls-fellow h sd tenaen nursing home In R upert. a’a llent, b u t v

“ • " “ ” 1 M a g i c V a l l e y \ t

•ck. waa In F u n e r a l se ta ld he \------------------------------------------------------1 *!ks In Cal- W IN D E L I^ ru n e ra l aervlces fo r .n two daya Blra. PhyllU Mae Allred will be held )

th e o ther a t 3 p. m. W ednesday a t the W eaver tin sU td of m ortuary w ith LD8 Blahop Evan .

W illard officiating. B urial will be «Pum phrey m ade a t P a rn tm . Nebr.

could have _____I WUlU at.. T W IN PALLS—Rosary for R obert Jdays. Tal* h . P a rk er wJH be recited t ( 7:30 .

td e almUar p. m . Tuesday t t Reynolds funeralhome. Requiem high mesa will be .

— celebrated a t »:S0 a. m . W edneaday I d f a a t St. Edwarda Catholic church , l O i O w ith the Rev. Fa the r Pranci* P e te r- ‘ >vA4-*aMA celebrtn l. In term en t will be s C l U r C m td e In Twlo FalU cem etery. F

“JJin tJ? JEROM E — Puneral tervlcea for *^ i n ^ i i a B n ''"* ChrlsUne Bush wll> be held •,T«I». K ^ . 3 p, m. W ednesday t t the Wiley

funeral home with th e Rev. W illiam ihfrL r i r r Perdue, pastor of the P resbyterian c

•ad^a rte™ o«>claUng. B u rltl will be a;Jn2“a^o cemetery. B

TW IN P A L L S -P unera l lenrlces ior r ^ a n k H . Adtma will be held

. , 1 3 p . m . W ednesday a t Uie W hlU .1 m o rtu try chapel wllh the Rev. Don- *'r** t ld B. Blackstone offlclaUng. In ter-

le operaUon ^ gunsel M e- .poaal units, n iorlal park . Memorlala may be made « o n , local to th e Preabyterlan Sunday echool , id the U c- building fund. Friends may call a t {:

the W hite m ortuary Tueaday and J , a4fl Third W edneaday unUl noon. Jill area re - _____ Iember* of T W IN FA L L S -P uneral aervlcea J lu trd unlta fo r M ra. A. M. Wlker will be held ie rsonaald . a t 3:30 p. m. Thuraday a t the— W hite m ortuary chapel w ith th e f

D onald B. Blackatona offlclat- I I C U lng. B uria l will be made In the

Count —J’'"’reedy Hol- . . —d 1300 and I H H HI to 90 (laya ■ ■)t>ate C ourt ■ K A

■ V V j

vim hltllng I I IWiui a I I I

He denied H I B Hm was rtla- proseculion.


ths allog t dla- camp Mon>

agio Valley from to



n irim



'I'ulll n l ta )


t*i>«fis ^ ^ 1 ^I.AW tn n lfh i f fr ..rar ^ I f

a l t a. m, L I - f ,

Mon)r 0 man con raMfmJ Jj h n w arer faa t Unxi aiipfds hy. ItI «i> plnyml an liiiixiHniil giarl In IIkIii{ 5J H U m lard O IM \miiiw»i,v r.f (^allfi.i* I'" I tn mIiIIIIy *|| net (nnn 6 |o |<)I ta oU ." fitxil • l« n « l itl iMUuUrutu.

ii iI ii *

S o \ i e t T r o o p s

H e l p K ii t i R e e l L

W a r In K » i e a 5 :

He <-0"-r/'*d 'h«l of f.h-vie■reported to V' » ” ■ " iu ld he '! east E u r o f ' " " ’ -• '" l i * 1

"•unii'*«T he "'fl'-M “I ' P»

a lrc rn 't K a i f i r ' pt I»<1 Blrfl'-lda •ou th of |i • '- 'I Atiiii' g ba» In M nncl-'.rla Tn-wl'-n M.fff H e »n

I added ttial h»—'i«e -vvnllnble ev l. n de'>c« ha» » ; i n ' b e m 'ri ;ie d f a

by CnilM ..'.!. I' »«* .............*

H lj stftl"ne"t* a'^nl much f»Mher------------ th a n iho'-" of « North K orenn ’ffl- ' ' I

. cer who .i.Tpnderr'l th'oURh the8 I 6 S Ponm ii-lom rone enrly thl« lej

. m onth T 'r (•nm'niii'i.^t )''-uM-nant, h illlfiilV » a ^ u r ltv n t'lr-i a l ihe a rinU tlre le.

, lte . eaU' |B‘> Knl'.i.'ny he had ir e n fo- r ro m o - abou' 20 |[u«*'''ns p 'l ie P intilju n 'r - ‘•»the R ich- field In .-jne TM T ’'e U

Sunday In N or’>' "•* M n -. '.> i.u n ' ^HwBlmj»n. border Hlnter"1ent. Th*! N or"' Kci'-an also »nld heIley, gen- had heard Rus.ilnn ndvlsersnlert cer- were altiiche<' to the Norlh K orenn

35 rh ll- a rm y officer,-. »tnff school nnd Ih n the h a d heard of Rawfan plio ts fly - *«

RatM lng com m unbl Jets, h«Ihert PeU H lgh-ranklnn American o ffice rs eh

n J have said Ru.^lnn-speaklng plio ts >«, , ' ■ In conunuiilst )eti have been he ard' ■ by nllleti nlrmen. soanlat, ac- elgh'h army officer »ald **numbers. "Uierp j, question thn t the re arcPrldm ore nu.-^«l-\n.i up In Norlh Korefv." Rl

)fferatory. He drollnod 'o say precLieiy howth (5 bene- mnny Ixyonrt placing th e figure * 'n Mrs. R. a t •.several lhouf.nnd." P*.. Strelgel ----------------------------- so. a t th e k e a * a R 'Auxiliary tor s

Jf”. C l u b P l a n n e d sie Chris- P la tu to organize an tu x ll la ry R upert. and presentation of a m instrel ahow ,_________, were discussed a t the regular T uea-

day noon meeting of th e Tv,’ln P a lls » y Llona club.

DewaIn Sl)ve.ster announced th a t a commltlee Is InvesUgaUng th e pos- K i siblllty of presenting a m in s tre l r ,

rvlces fo r *how sometime In February o r w il be held M arch, He said a Nevada o rg an ls a - go le W eaver tlon la interested In producing th e iop Evan ghow which would uae local L ions d I will be club la lent. S<

Prealdent Paren Paler rem inded ar membera th a t plans for organizing a

o r Lions club auxiliary would be con-‘ aldered n l a Oct, 8 meeting lo w hich i

III ^ of club membera have been

J church Bader. Denver, thanked L ionscl* P e te r- aponaorlng three plays finnUBlly BcI t will be ^ T w in Falls. T he ctub had decided lei^ previously no l to spon.'vor the plays p i

th la year. Lack ol adequate se a tin g vervlcea for ^w llltlea waa the rea'wn fo r th et be held “ cllon. Tilhe Wiley D r. M aurice E. Strlcby. New Y ork, ^I. W illiam A m erican Telephone and T eleg raph "•abyterlan com pany television expert, w as ,1 will be acheduled to addre.« the L ions clublemetery. group, bu l was unable lo a p p ea r be- P‘

cause of prevlovis com m itm ents. f rt aervlces ------------------ ;---------- J

P a r k i n g F i n e s IO lty poUco' collected tl6 In bonds

‘"51 “ i r fo r parking violations M onday. ,ae i^honi PosUng 11 each for overUme p a rk - \. / *08 were L. C. Scott. Paul C ronk - (i n . ? anH h lte . Cecil O lsh, Joe Froehllch, J r , ^

* Cudell Brown, Ralph Requa, M rs. CDon McRae. Fred Maltz ( to u r) . M rs. /

I .arvlees H arm on. W. L. A rcher a n d XII be held B ennett. ^ Y a l the M rs. R ichard Wilson poated <3 - w ith th e for Im proper parking.

» offlclat- ----------------------------- nle In the Im ported H olland Bulbaj P lan t c

them now, Olobe Seed. Adv. d

[he ban

i n T M I f l l tb W r a a d ln g b y k a n iM n a lf in ip For l»e«ls hy, ll Im an 't l>f>«n very lon* a lii 'o lnii>|>a

I'arl In IIkIiMiik llin licimo# nf tho W rel . , . nml «v i>f (^allfr.riilrt <*nn a ■mall nim |>aiiy |<ii>u.l dIII 6 lo 10 Kallonn of lU jicli»cl|»al p ro d u c l, ' . ..n l



\ ■

[ Twin FallsBfrtnm Finn T-lp

Mr. an-* Mr« W. N ^klm " have An O f l r e tu rre d ''om Pan Jc>s' wll*'

.• of f.hn«eI -n .ild he W arHnte l.leen.e. M.■ . .. ■.-llll* D o i'’M ‘ h w * r li . 0 ~V1i 'id , ] ; re

C alif and PH ’HnUV ' ' th e ’.•'le anU - P o ll'. » • ' ' a-......... ■ • *

<1 Blrfl'-lda .... 'g ba» InsUfff H e »nlfla«'nn fi"he<lplea »<r*idlnble ev l. T 'le flMt • n«« of e a n d l 'B t '- thl* Pllbe m< nnea fall "lU ’'e tnl'la ted by h r'v-.t of U

III., lodge %t 8 p -n T h u - - '- - 8 ,a r1.I.X/-1. -Ill tw .>e-v.d. tfon-

iich 1»' therorenn ’ffl- VUitlng l*ireBli)f0URh th e K afl t.at-'-e, ■’ho has W n on nlr<l' enrly t h l . leave frnm "le navy and vl-'Ung A)'- iii.-nan t, hU narenw In T w in Pall«, xlll Vall-

e a n n '« tlre leare for fl*n PYancUco Wednem iv Mrsle had seen fo- fur h f lr-\lnlng. He expeoU was“iiiiiljii n 'r - ••••'' In ih» T hillpplne lil*’' '•■ a trfl-lrt U _ ,, ,

r IT . forMan in Shoshone

II nnd U inl SHOSHONE, S e p t.,30 - P unera l peac pliota fly - aervlecj for O u jta f la ra e n were

held Monday a t the Shoshone LDS com in o ffice rs chapel with Bishop Howard P i t t - Cf king plio ts Dietrich, officiating. T h c ^n- Mrs.been h e a rd vocation wbj given by Pred H arrl- wra.

son, Dietrich, and C harlie C hristen- tflcer sa id **ri. Caldwell, gave the obituary, t th e re a rc Speaker* were P . L. M anwlll. o ,,,,. n h Koreik." Richfield. Blaine a lake p a triarch , , tcLieiv how Blahop H«rrl»on. Ruperl. Mualc p ,„ j th e figure furnished by Loa Johnson. R u ­

pert. a soloist; Mra. Vem Tom lin-___ aon. Mrs. John W ebater and Mra.n Rusaell Wooley. a tr io from Jerom e.

and a girli quartet from Shoahone. Membem of th# qua rte t w tre E leanor

1 Knowles, Janice Boulware, B ellyFlnlayson and Alice Sorensen w ith Bl

l l l J , O U j£4„ h « AdkUis, s s SM ompanlst.. B tiiillarv Claude Chess. Shoahone, waa i*y 1„ ,tre i a h ^ orgnnlsi and accompatjlst fo r th e , t j m la r T u e a . ‘'’•o- ^ ^ Shoshone, gave th e Burl ■r .iT, ie . l i . benediction and Oene Nelson. W en- w, Twm r a i l s dedicated the grave a t th e 1957

J ... . Shoshone cemetery, u n i iunced th a t pallbearera were W aller Bow man. »o ri ng th e pos- K elly Dormler. H yrum M fte rv y f . . . i r a m in s tre l Raym ond Robertson and Ja ck w ._ ;bruary o r W ard, Dietrich, tn d E d g tr C u lbert- .. a o rg an ls a - gon. Shoshone. iducing th e Flower girls were Beverly Bridge, local L ions D arlene Davls. K aren M cOowen ovL

Scott, Oayle Meservy. E laine W ard „: rem inded and Shlrley Dormler. . . irganlzlng a ----------------------------

“»w S Tribute Due New ' Version of Bible

inked L ions T h e Rev. Marcus E. L indsay, DD. to it's an n u a lly Boise, will address com m unity aerv- whlciad decided lees toninht commemoraUng th e h ir the plays publication of thc Revlaed S tan d a rd ficelate se a tin g version of the Bible. rou tin fo r th e T h e program, sponsored by th e n ; d

T w in Falls M inisterial association, gcf,oNew Y ork '*■‘1 a t 8 p. m . In th e F lra t to C

lT « le iti .p li ' , . t o t•nert waa almllar servlcea. In g^L ions club * h lc h perhaps a million and a h a lf j^ala n n ea r be- P“ P*« congregate, will he heldI tm en ts throughout the U nited S la te s a n d “" a_ lls territories tonight.

la in bonds ^ S lm

rU ^^^park-

i t ’s tough when th e ehlldren g e t Uo— m arried and move away, b u t I t 1 ilbtx P U n t ean b« a lot tougher when theykdv. don’t. ___

irrel thaMMIM T ■— r

" ' ' '

^ I f l l

IH R I l l r *^ ■ 1 !

» l . n . p l>,.r C o v n f 0 f l W „r l l> .aln.-e ln m |. . f„„ „ „ | | |,k1«vI 9 A ln n - l • r t T f iiol / r e t . , . nn.l f,.r eiampUi, ...m ea .llrw^Uy o r IimIU.■•y I - .......... Ilia eiuimal «i. at..ve, r» fri««r« l..r ni>iKluct, ■ ...n l .Iryer In Ilia wall |.« liit. (it) tl»»|>Ualk.

n irU lna . apron . (4) Um lli><>Utim. (I



ills fiJews in Briefr«*i* |i« i)4

ni " have A n'ey Jenklna posted a »y m ii '*»' Cnitr wll*’ c ity police M onday f • •

itiB an Im proper left

M«t«r D am agedMm. N orm an H«rrM, l » o Klmher

0 ~V 'r 'id, ly road, reported '0 poller M -id av 1<V th e ’, she ran Into ^ part r>a tel/'t

on Second aven-i- •• ' " • ' ’I'O*! allahlly

Firem en Called'n t " thl* Plre/nen werr eall»d to th» tput

h of the Bav-Mor drug hulHlnn about8 , a m Tuesday when n r al> rondl-Ifon-r Secn'ne overhe# - ' ” ...... :

r>" tiT- '•.■■dameo'

Keen nn n(r«tiad vt-'ilng A aon was bom Tuesdey a l V aglc 'a lls , Kill Vnlley M em orial h iapltal to Mr and VedneiK IV Mrs Jack Field*. Bn'il, and r te re xp rru was b o r i M ondaj lo Mr, *•■•* ‘* "

_ *"»y« Pin*T A f Eugene Noonei J t , UM Kimberly

road, paid a fine of »3i) and U c-isua n A t l A pollre cour* M'-nday w he" he3 1 I V I I C pleaded giilUj of rtl«tnrh1ng the- F unera l peace.raen were ---------hone LDS Com pletes Schooltaig?ard P i t t - c p l. D uane A. Eusselman. aon of. T h c ^n- Mrs. Jo h n O, Lalb tn d bro ther of•ed H arrl- Mrs. Bill Newbry. both Twin FalU.C hrta ten- g raduated from the aecond In-obliuary. f^p try division noncommissionedM anwin, officers academ y In Korea. He U

p ttr la rc h , aa«lst«nt aquad leader w ith com-lerl. Mualc p ,„ y y. in fan try regiment,inson. R u - __________________

Pioneer of 86m Jerom e.

= Dies at Burleynsen w ith BURLEY. Sept. 30—August Jo h n -»m p * n ls t. son, €S, p ioneer re-fldent of th e Bur-ihone, WM ley a rea , died Tuesday a t B i« a . m.t fo r th e , t h is home four miles weat of, gave th e Burley a fte r a long illness,son. W en- Mr. Johnaon wes bom Aug. 11.e a t ttie 1857, in Sweden. H e came lo the

U nited S la te s when he was 21. He ^ w m a n .^ worked for the O re t l N orthernM <tervy. railroad a l Helena and Clancy,

l u M o n t . . UnUl 1898 when h e re tu rn -r c u l t o t , j a i„ 8 w e < l,„ .

L ater h e moved to Alaska andM e ^ w e n worked On th e construction of the,?n. w « ^ Skagw ay and WhUe Pass railroad,line W ard retu rned to Helena and t t -_ tended bualnesa eohool for six. m onths.I £ W ^ hom estead

six milea southeast of Burley. HeR i n i p m arried Mrs. Amelia L indquist Aug.X V lU iC 12, 1908. and gave up his homeateaddsay, DD. to aetllo on tho homtsstead forn lty aerv- w hich ahe had filed wesl of Burley.iU ng th e He waa In charge of th e poslof-S tan d a rd fice a t s ta r rh 's Ferry before m all

routes Were ealabllshed and served. .1 Its clcrlc o f th e ’s ta r rh and Palisades

asoclaUon, school d is tric ts for years. H e movedth e F lra t to California in 1B20 and retu rned

to th e Burley area In 1935.V. vJ Surviving are his widow and tev-

t? w ! nephews. Funeralifnie. .nH arrangem ents by th e McCulloch fu -llates a n d pending,

' t IDAHOANS RETURNSEATTLE. Sept. 30 i^>-Men from

j \ p Idaho were among 1,075 passengers ' aboard the Nnvy transport Oen.

Simon B. Buckner when 11 docked M onday from the far eaat. They In- .eluded Earl J . .Wrlght. Eden, and

\ j / y p S L aM ar D. Anderson, Flier.

lW F t D r. E . D onovan M attsonm - T p j— C h iro p ra c U c P h y s ic ia n\ l l m l o m c E H0 UR8 lldren g e t Uon. Wrt. r n ‘ *T» ^ Appointmenty. b u l 11 133 No, Lincoln riioot J24hen they JEROME. IDAHO

hat can

Dm h iin d m la nf iniHliirla inniln ri,.r iin «l il ni.Mit e v ery lioiii In tlue |.h i.if r , ;llr«H:Uy o r Imllrp. lU Imn, ,,il I, c ,f i r ,n , ,„ <|

r.fri«»r«l<>r "•«l •"hiiH 'l, K' , 1,. i„ , |,I, ,;j) (I.* I.Ualk.’ Ill 11,„ , ..................Um UiM>U«im, (ti) Um .Ik. ihI,.,,,!.! „|„|



T M nnlsA tt-xck— - I n I l i e i r B i < l

In W in V o l- ; :,- ,.m '■a- f>»*>

I ll te no crief f'T the nielhodn ’20 Klmher .-.-.i « " ept th n ' I had no <'•'<-• n-,CP M -td a v S-Utnn ln-’lc<mrnl ^f1 na tel/'t pu t .-x.er-rd m ■«' of h1e^30 m

.i<.p|iiil rand ldrte , rtr• A r-m peiyn 'l lrep t'd no* to men'* p|

o th - renr n,i,,d. and to ihelr hest Insltnct-i df'dlnn about jjui to the 'r pas.'<l<in*. emotions and ina l' rondl- nrel''cllc'» i» unw or'hy s t he.st,' he he

” ...... ^ ,id v-iw wllh 'h e fate of the »’e slilion al «take. it U 'inbenrable . - hiThis l« no lime for «uch talk .” m

Rte'Tnvin «»<d he had done th e bty a l V aglc "h-^t 1 ' roui-l '■> ke«p my pr- mlse u.«to Mr and 1, ” — tn the r — dtand r s r r , ■. wi. a -* **'■ Papa filo ftna «

Ren Joh” J. Sparkm an saH laa t n»night lhe Rnrubllcans ar» using toc a tc l'' slm ans designed to "atam - h<

0 Kimberly tha American people tw ay .nd ta cosU ,,g j„ (hfir native common sense. "’ when he Democratic vice presidenUalirhing th e gdds th a t OOP la lk of

"creeping socialism" Is an example o f s!ogan.< he describe* ss "cmineer- fell rhetoric passing as legal te n - t).

lan. son of 1^ o ‘h e r of Sparkman apoke M onday n lgh l a t rw ln Falls . w omen’s Business and Profes- ^

I " - slonal club of New York aa he s ta r t- „i mmlssloned j,,, , | r , t campaign speaking tour ».

^ of th l. area.7 ' " com- Richard M. Nlxon, th e R e- tl

!glmant. putpUcjn vice presidenUal nom inee, , was a t hla W ashlnglon office.

VanFreer'Knows - a r ley Nothing’ on Movegua i Jo h n - SEOUL, Korea. Sepl. 30 (IR—O en . ei)f th e B u r- James A. Van FJeet sa id today lie -0:4& a . m. knows "nothing '' aboul W ashington

s west o f reports th a l he waa to be relieved« . as commander of the e ighth arm y(I Aug. 11. In Kor*“-m e lo th e A spokesman for the eigh th arm ywas 31. He headquarters here also has no

N orthern Infomiatlon on the report. He saidid Clancy *'®* expected to rem ainh e re turn-’ In Korea "for some tim e.”

A New York Tim es d ispatch re-llaska and Parted the Pentagon has decided lo ;lon of theu railroad Reporters In K orea discussing th e■na and tt.^ possibility wlUi officers close to Van1 for alx believed the repo rt was correct.

United Press C orrespondent Ho-hnme*t>Bf» reported early la s t m o n th

Burlev He four-.sUr general, who hasdfiiiisi AHtr conUnuously In K orea longer

S tal “ o'f- Burley Man Dies

BURLEY, sep t. 30 -E * ra O. F a lr- 5 ” • ‘He'i Tuesday m orning a l

He m n ir f a Burley h o u i where he had lived A * ^ '6 moving from his home a t 635d re tu rned occidental avenue, w anri aev >"alrchlld, a ve teran of W orld

' ‘s r 1. was born M arch 27. 1BB5. rl.iW K ei. Funeral services are pending under i^uaoca xu- direction of the McCulloch__ funeral home.'URN T-M en from

I--------- ----------------11 docked ^

M m 'V n 'd K a y l e r L o d g e N o . 9 4 '■ ' A .F . & A.M.~ MASONIC TCHrLE, . . I l l Strand A>«. W«ttla t l s o n ------------------------------------------------i ic ia n S t a t e d C o m m u n ic a tio n

T h u r a ^ O c l. 2, 8 p .m .JallT ----- --------------------------------1______ _pointment Rar Blarltr. W. K. r>r lUnn, H«<r. lOai 124 Pfcan» I4» Plioa* HU.J O • All K.].»rn.r.

in’t be (

^ 1 ~

L ;

'■"''■riiiK nl thanliiV , rfl |,„• '■ liie flninli .11, til. ......... “ "'■•I*''

I'" III..- *1 A.M I-. ............... . , ,

"' ■"' • rer , . I . , m J . j v i , n n .

............. .—Rnia plans ahead to se

Seen Today►Ul I---------------------- —— * I

Bell and »ii*pendera sharing ■ respontlbUlty for I'-’Mlng up pa ir of

< > f ‘ Jeans. . . f’meshed grill '>n latemodel car . '. Man gingerly working wpv aIo"K second floor ledge of ,to re ’1

elhodn ’ ,n t-,ite donrv defCirBt'on?. . . L anje on ; '■‘•-* vk-pd of R'lm i'i»«*'rpd *0 w lnd«h1elrt

of ronve'llbie . UO'i Bailey <had- , t hie 30 lng ,y ' ts he gnJ-C" 'ip and ’"wn e n n In- Rireet . rn lk em an looking for t . p tr - i driver of C*>"fo"'la-llce"«ed m r

rtouhle-pfired In fro n t of eni- , to m en'a ployinent office. . . Man diggingInsHnct-i den> Into po'-i'et for mnney for p a ik - *■'ions and ing meter . , Bob BHler g rinn ing n, " I w t , ' he he expln'tia alrnnge sight- CJermnn the »’e shop' ^rd » lth h o " 's . Board eoverlng

ible . - hole In dl-plny wlndo«-, . . F ire- f'onilk .” men celling flrWeu fnr Ftre inen 'n *'*lone th e ball ,«rhedul»d Oct. 10. . Men celvpr-m lse u.^lng •’"sc to '■lean postofflce win- "nv

-«n r — dows . , T igh t b e 't arou’ rt woman s beetwalsi f ’phaa'rli'o 't ire" . , L incoln *to- school s tuden ' safely pa f-o lm an for

»aH laa t ns*’ 1de h ic y ie waiting for alnnal b«-i•• using tn da*h U- clnvies. . .And < ver- '. "aU m - heard- tie took evetvO’Ing ........... „le tw ay ............« trip <‘*<’ep t a rlfl* ditl.sense." Ju-'i

’Sfo"! Back in Jailexample Edward John P e rn tndez , 118couttUT- H lghltnd avenue, was released from * «gal te n - t^ e county Jail Tuesday m om lng

' a fte r completing 28 days of a 30-n lgh l a t .jiay sentence for Indecenl exposure, o" 'P rofes- He was arre.'ted again Im m ediately

he s ta r t- „n a charge of drawing a check ^ ■;lng tour w ithout funds In the bank. “®n

Arraigned on the charge In Jus- 'th e R e- tirn pnurt. Pernnnder waived h is Wnom inee, prelim inary henring and wa.s bound 'n ct e. over to tho distrlc l court. H e wns con

retu rned to tho county /a ll Jn lieu Uce^ W 8 $1,000 bond. con’

Brllaln the shock absorbers r l U V C of an automobUe are called da m p - Fi nPl—O en . ers. . nowloday h e — shlngton relieved

th arm y

H TELEVISI rem ain

S / t ; M o s t P o p u l o i

jslng th e '

EDDIE ARsl m o n th

On th e M otor.le n t.

Hes t o n i cO. F a ir-

"EDDIE ARNOLD F i..te3s - ADMISSION 1.005f W orld27- IBBS SEE EDDIE'S 2 Fll

“ " H O E D O W N " o r

— R H Y T H

-----' • m !A a 'K ID B ItW rfll




^ TONIC, u j

l e m p t k

( ' ) ^i


■'"I *11 w,im|i|mk *I Morn Umn 1100 p ro d iir la ar*'■"■■< I' r.ililixr ................... Iiy H tniiilnrd, nml i>>l><>

...... ''M.f. linvoaiK'Ml in r«a««r«l■' ' 'u u l. In llie liiel rivo yw ira a lo n e . . . to' ........ . 'Xln .. "ll liniinl llinl i;aii'L lio nn ip tlo t”' !">» Ih . I,Ilia. Uiliinn ll <-<inl.rlbuUMi U> ynUt

to serve you better


^ 1 AUo,

1 r « 'r of | J % —

-.'K Pree,of store ’-VT ,T-.hn.‘ ^ _

, . L ante on • r h i ,» . ^ * 1 ndahieirt , ® "nUnnih

■>5?;" i ' ' .‘. J ' f e f

o U m .n ■ t '" . • «eoverlng VVm o ,

. . Men celve,. . -ipIce win- hnvl. ,. Hn'iev-r t . h 'woman s beer in j .u

» t'o lm a n for -evprai


sr;.':i l P * y m ." t V ,”; o o ' ^ “tS‘l e t 118 This will free sed from » « t e of |3 per " m om lng an additional tann,of a 30- llnte expires if h, Jf jxposure. o" h is payments unUl tk, nediately costs are pnld In fun ^ a check ^ returned to custod. n

behind on his !n Jus- by the »h»n|f,Ived h is Wernt. a tecnnd olleoa- M bound In cuntody. Mr«. J o h r ^

H e wns convicted with lhe i«q"S 1 in lieu Uce court but did m ,

conviction, has be« » Mnce shortly after l i t e

ib so rbe rt -----------------—_d da m p - Fancy U w n Gran- k .

now, Olobe 8wd A

VISION'SPopular S ta r .. .

E ARNOLD!4otor-Vu Scree0N I6H TNOLD FAMILY N irr )N 1.00 A CARLOAD


/ N " o n d " F E U D I N

I H Y T H M "

i D B i t ^ r ^ n t i r ’o F 'lM it. )'S AMATEUR SHOW


9N I6H T

bedi j l ’ " . " ---------------

■ I '

■I -

i a l o n n . . . l < . m a k . t l - r r - l ^ '2l l i o n m p t M ” l»« U. ynuf

fer iI

r ^ V A r . SEPrraiBE,^

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

E Record ■ M Hp O P R a U y H W

p ^ s s . - ' ■ ^ ” 1■ i , ..‘ I

K 5 ,f> M > " ’ "’" ° ’" H L j W

H s . i UB f l

W ^ T b t oroblftn hkd

H * M.rTn(((ed (o land iQ^ ^ ^ I t f w im o u t pamporU.H f .^ M o m e or them. The

K ^ t u uv ^ t vould be em bar.■ ^ t b t t de p u '^c " ‘-

i g ^ ^ ' b i d ’" m i ^ ^ ^ M i i■j(tr»M w er» to four qUM. ^ i m . ^ c .m p b e ll

f e a r np S s r - G O P L e a1 ^ ,‘rr.-?^; H itsTnto lhe Bttomey M-M.i.%.a ^ * i

|^JiK.S”:;a “Pros]■ j ^ i l e iu * committM re- ( F r , . jpu*K (d«ltli the SUtement. "m - i n slightly m oreK f t i c t Infonnatlon regard- c^ned "peace years.■ L t t o s conduci«d by th b adm lnU traU on h a s 'm Z i t be released w ithout m uch In fede ra l U■ S uoa of the attorney A m erican people as

Budje added. A tty.. jj, j 2 years, a n d mip. McOranery had only u n i „ th e a m o u n t cto Uie bureau of Im^ ,e a r» by a ll preslden

K , u ) nsturallznllon. p r io r to F ra n k lin D . :■ j , ihijik we ever can get m an 's $317,000,000,00K w n that type of peo- Jectloru exceed by $7(V to ta l tax collecUona 1■ 'X M ' Clled to ry prior to T ru m a■ S j io lhe A n j ll,e c u i j U i j« n four more liraps In in te res t on th e 260■ a Washington : The i.u- \* j bnuon , a su

th e cost of th e enUK f f l j .S t LouU andB ro k- e m m c n fs opcra tlon i

u nd er a R«publl,

I f UmDers of government ^ ^ ' ’M k e d 'lh ^ R e D i■ u l l waste of money on . A .B m ciD be taken ou t o f !£ r<?member these flf B D BU uc wn-cu wu Ul people t ry t<

K n l i ol . h . l h . tonsU - “ " f I '* " ‘‘ “

t r ? z “4S‘'25■ , . u < e ! In t e l g i . - I d 'H r n a l Ior tho oocraUon carry ing Id ah o th is B i S l o . o r n m ° n r B u t ho .oau tlonod■ T n BUdBO added, . » M onday n ig h t M a in .■ l U n u a l to tho >110.- p i a I ttd o ™ or olloiH s t t U I bo oolltclod by Im pottanoe o t Iho .tlH T t f b t c r n a l revenuo In vlsod th a t ou r four^ K m ilready h as >x«i- o tay elcct th e nex tH i « k the form of aid rem em ber th a t Thi ^ H tk T q o s Ia v la . elcctcd Preside;

Cited vote In th e electo:^ ■ * A k it ie national debt w ere Jo h n Qulncj^ ^pk liT v> ilav la7 '’ Budge R u therfo rd B , Haye

(I* . .Campbell also unftUtjar portion of the s tre ss tho Im portan tliailBil debt In the »con victory "from>ttru725." bottom ," W ith o u tifcBttlge said he was congre.ss an Elsenhoheoihtiame slate with to ry would be only.aiW kd armies to vlc- h e nddrd,Unr II hud served as nddltlon lo t tIt Ojlumblft UDlvcrslty. N ixon tlckct, Cnmpta w an orgnnlBation rcclcctlon of RcpresJ l» the beginning of a Budge to congress aitrc t I rw ln nnd B rprcscnI UMlly hnpny, he said, Colngr. G eorge Bllcli nUie lUte with a m an ^o hlnlo offlcc.^," d rt u ft civilian In tho --------------------------------^ ihe War. Imd been em- rcm em hrr "we m ustlfl Alter him in lhe ^tate publican cftiinllcs byt l hid r rl ttrn an ftffl- m ajorliy to overcoi_>BM chRmctpr wns good, tho Democrrvllc cou

Mndplclti'il miili ot the To tliosn who anypolitical rniirhmc.n. lhe hns niiiwnlert lo thoelmifiil 111 the DiiitPii tJiiiii thn rninon , M;

M ■pfrsoimlly pirlcpil by nm»nil to dcccncjl■cwry on Tiumnn’ii pro- Uy nnd above nll

hum ility In a Pr«BUtIv* liiidxp'., sprech w ondrrfiil tiling." ‘ tunqiiri (cir Ht'|iiiljllc»n Drown rcilo rtcd oWc«niii,i„i,.» „i th« T in t n ft.aoo-nillc nrgniL th"* ' Uirough IhH aU to 1n tlif Oregon YoiiiiK Up- Yming liopiibllcnnn.f™, mill Diirwln U. liuiimicrB In tho "»c

wi»crii.iriiii,n ot tliB idiiiii, „„ ftiiftlrlPiit luuiwrr

aiiVi ‘ '" '" '" ‘'’" ''T IMwnrd Hnpubllcnn dny ■“'t'cl Bllli idiinly rlia lr- w iili a rc<^npllon bU

ItnnihlK'.iui. -;oo |>er»>ons a l Uio^ Hit Imny iiicmlwrn In M onday nflonuion

r.iuiiitps wi,„ oa trn iido r wna comiiWBliiil thftl th rlr county for Uie U n given b)^ «" Itppnbllcftn Ul C ounty W om en’s »«


:l e a r a n <


...............9c ? i T T . R N S ........

..19c ?X™ns....10 911,, VAUJE5 A TTIII-.SE PKI'

U t e h d w e ." ' ‘ " M . l n . ,

, State Chairman,

jT W J j p I j j i S

tn C am pbell. D olte, a tate Republlean chainnan . i .atter* du rin g RepMbJJp»n day evenU here Monda

♦ * *

P Leader Funeral He teTruman

r » Qporgc Spnrr Saturdny n t the LDn u s u e i l i ^ Bishop LcRoy Dlackor

<rr»» Pm * Ob#) ’•'“>'d of the LDS churifhtly m ore th a n seven so- Praycr a t Goodman ; leace years." th c T m m a n conducted the services •atlon haa ta k en twice na

fede ra l taxes from the Prelude and postlud I people a s Roosevelt took by Mrs. David Comp ars. a n d m ore th a n th ree nccompanlcd vocnl sel B a m o u n t collected In 144 Mny offered the op a ll p re s id en ts p u t toge ther Speakers were Fm n •Yanklln D . Roosevelt. T ru - H cyburti D M id I. 117.000,000,000 In tax col- Horace G ran t, ixceed by $70,000,000,000 th e singers were Ferrell collecUona In a ll U. 8 , h is- Eugene Humphrle.'s nt

r to T ru m an ." son. Closing prayer \le c a rry in g charge o r In - George Dariey. on th e 260 billion deb t Is Flowers, under dirt billion, a sum g rea te r th a n Vao Schofield, pre.sldc of th c enUre federa l gov- ]|cf society, were c an

8 ope ra tions for any year children of’th e decens' a R epub lican presiden t, Ruland Sparks, Jr., 1 1 added. Amy Kny Sparks. Laied th e R epublican w orkers Pny Thompson. Jerry iber these figures w hen " th e nlc Sparks and Oeor people t ry to_t<U you 'w e've paubcarcrfi w ere W d It 60 good." Dnvld Sparks and Pdaho ch airm a n , who re - sonj, entl Lowell 1 5unday from a conference claric sons-ln-law ar lal O O P headquarte rs , said # grandson. In tcrm e i advl.sed th e linUonal com* ,, ■,, —h a t th e re is a chnnce of Idnho th is election.

! .cau tioned county workers n igh t a g a in s t th e possibility own of e ffo rt. Stressing th e ice of th e s tn te vote, h e ad- tt "our fou r elec toral votes A V J J H ■:t th e n e x t P residen t. Just, r th a t T hom as Jefferson ted P residen t by Just one

th e e lec to ral college. So f i f l 1 J)hn Q uincy A danu and

lell nlso urged w orkers to0 Im portance of a Repub* u j E e ^ V u l B to ry "from th e to p to th e ' / 4 E 5 '

W ith o u t a R epublican / S Q an E lscnhow er-N lxon vlc- y \ ^

ltd be on ly a po rtln i victory,

Iltlon lo th e E lsenhower- Icket, Cam pbell urged the n of R ep resen tative Hnmcr1 congre.ss and S ena tor Cnrl It's f?,VTR^ d r j! id Bcprcsenlnllvc.^ Chnrloa . 3 0 i „ l , 0. . n d W M 0r- g . . n o o . h

it leaves you :r "we m u st cnrry the R e- i i tcounties by n large enough V T tC ttfO U S S

' to ovcrcomn tho vote of locrn tic countlc.s."ISR who any th n l R)l!<enliowrr inlcrt lo tho fniolloiiB ru ilicr L 1 4 1 rrunon, Mycrn naked If nn .0 (Icccncjl honc.ity, mornl- l l l l l

nbovo nll an examplo ofIn a P reaiden t w at "a tU e <rrm{al

111 th in g ." <f ■ «I rcjlortpd optlmlBtlcaliy on 1-nillc nrgniilM tlocinl Umr ,q proof. M.d« fiom 100% tliH aU to In bo lialt o( Uie &«. H ctr Smtmofl rii. h

inpilbllcnna. Me rcfrrrcd lo H 111 th e yrars"len t luuiw rr to the n u f s t lo n ,____________________rc you n Ilepu1illriiii7“llcnn dny oftlclally began ■ ■ ■ In^nptlon Blteiuled by abnut lOiiA n t Ulo Itogrrnoii lintel

n rten ioon , Mra, &. E, or wna com m ittee chnlnnnn ten given by th e I 'w ln Knlls W omen'a Republlcnn club,




2 9 c D aily S. 1

FE R N S ........ 3 9 c ^

V E .C O .

__________________ TIMES-NE’

in, Dworshak Confer

H | H m / f i

I M ' WHL/ ' ’’ ^

chainnan . confers w ith Srn. H rnry (:. Dworshak. h rre Mondav. (S ta ff phoio-rncravlB g)

ral Held for dent of VaUeyT, Sept, 3 0 -F u n e ra l serv- P e r m i t S S O 3corgc Sparks w ere held n t the LDS tabernac le . T hree new building i

Roy Blacker of tho second cations have been lUec 1C LDS church offered th e hivll, reporw Mrs. Joh r

Goodman m ortuary a n d clerk.. the services ot th o ta b e r- Mrs. Jnck Pope, IM

p la a i a 28- by 93-fool and postlude were played residence costln* ai

David Campbell, who also *5.000, lied vocftl selecUons. A. L . John Brosen. 673 •red the opening praye r, drive, seeks approval

were F rank R avens tcn , 24-foot gorage a t an e: DM id I . G arner a n d of *200, R e s id in g a r

irant. asbestos shakes a t a c<wore Forroll C .tm u ll, M r.,

lumphrle.'s nnd LnM ar O l- __________ilng prayer was offered by larley.. under direction of Mrs.field. pre.sldcnt of th e R e - n•y. were carrlcd by g ran d - m “Vagabonds House 0 if th e deceased. T hey were iparks, Jr., Lonnie Sparks,

Sparks. L arry T hom pson, r npson. Je rry Sparks. D on- cs and George S parks.■» rcrs w ere W illiam Sparks, la rks and Ruland- Sparks. d Lowell J jonnon , Ja ck u - ln - law . nnd Ja ck C rane,■n. In te rm e n t w as m ade In

Im iTH off ^-VOBKA llililU V

(<d« fiom 100% ("In nniKil ipltln,. Srolmofl rii- lac.. Ufnfotd, Cona. I K K m K lm l l& I I I m t

r c i r ln e H otel


K H cm i

loiiy ^ rv ic * in S « v i n W satarn i

^libR lTTr m s m /m ..

i:AI>QIIAIt'l't^ltM TKItMINAl. IN I'O dA TK lX O ,

' I M E S - N E W S , t w i n , f a l l s , I D A H I

9 u f e r L e f t - \ * i n g e ;

3 M O RECA M "'- Englnnd (OV—L eft-w lnc Prvanlw * H erbert M onU np, \ong No th e party,- veteran

H ugh Pftllf'ti ft.m- th e Bri; pa rty 's cxr<'ii> i,. pommlt In a stuniiii'i.' H<Ttlon up

A stiim pl'-« r h - i r ln g n coDtroUahIr [ini'v conve»' ed th e m^'Mrii; hnll "rt 1 m en t tho t ' iinw<>rs pf rebel Icrrtc) A "curln 8 cap tu red "n in" one f ' * llocn t« l I '- i 'i pnriy *" the

, Onlv 4 In l*»»tT h e Bcvpniios did m

th o seven’h kmi. T hev I' only four m»iiibpr» on 'h executive ro 'i" n itt“e.

T h e v lr 'n t- .lt-1 no t r lesdcrRhlp o( 11 pnrly. b30 o the r »nnt» go to Inleaders . n>*>rabersa/fJJJntcd BTniip^, AlmoM back th e no i.'tnal par form er r n n if . Minlst^'r Attlee.

Slap for AUtei B u t th e rnnk-nnd-flle

Bevnnltca to nil b u t 0 popularly coiilc.stcd ser slap In th c face for AtUc fough t b itte rly Bcvan 's d

r C. D worrtiak. BiuUy. OD » In B rita in s rearm i , |g . | ' g ram and n foreign pollc

____________________dependent of thc OnltedI t aUo gnvo Bcvan a

Ipellcr cemetery, Th» grave boost tow ard achieving llcatori by Thoma* l^ewls, tlon of displacing A ttle er-ln-law . ]e/ider and prim e mlnU ----------------------------- fu tu re labor governm ent

r m i t s Sought London stock m a rk e t tun

.r;:rerfKW!;lorts Mrs. Jo h n U U cr, c ity now. Globe Seed. A

lack Pope, 166 Rose street,28- by 93-foot clnderblock

e costing ao estim ated

Brosen. 673 M omlngsldeeeks approval of a 12- by ^ 1 ■garage a t an estim a ted cost | ■

R e-sldlng a residence w ith ^ ^ I ■shakes a t a cost of $200 Is 1 ■ I Iby^J. R. Boyle. 321 Fou rth 1 | 1 T 1

I r o u b lt l ,"

T k D o r t» o W J

M ,d u k e » ‘n p - ____________M a x in lh> A L U T H I

T R /1 I I .1 W V S r ^ v . -------------------- — ,


AulhM •! VAGAiMDi HOUSt C h r y i t e rD e S ^ o ^

to H ote l Phona tl40 j


pwr" L H

■ f O n » PM . . . N

• a m

# • f r M o f l 'W t a

M o m a t t e r

i» , _ of w ln tw km gk V e . t « r i i S t a t e s Cortak,

T onto r a r f CMd i

Allstate M

I’OOATKIXO, IDAIK) ---------------------- —

ino er.*! ’lOoding Gnsf Pair of

- Event forI . P n # l P l ' « oooniN Q . Sept. 5 l » | » I j C c U H I niembera obse

A M o r England, P -p t sn '" 'a l b o -« e r n ig h t f•lr^c PrvanlW n ouMr.l 'faiiRfi ha ll w ith r.r.Unp long N o 2 mnn In '■‘''‘u - ' t g"m B t^ « ’ ,. ve teran »rrl«U.i l « « r rea.o„ h o .

i n i o n m '.o i

lr 1..T'V conveni!;;^ rook

s : , r = . " r sV , « -ou rW B tvan had'II tii" one O’ scvn i n' (.< rmiHx W ol Mr, I 1'" i.l pnriy

(•.,„ ^ 1, 1, ].y„„ \vood Onlv 4 In r» » t a ioinpi>nlni»'t’* Pegg

•vpniips did n o t ronlf«t ' plnno 'ol".•h krill. T hey h p i pln'-^d Mi». J V Maufngan m»nibpr» on 'h « p rn 'i . '" - i«ir' on tbp commun ro 'i" n ltt“e. f^rnni!i> Com plet

"n t- -It-I no t Rive Brvnn S'um wns » tableau ' o( ll - pnrly . been’" ! ' '!'<■»nnt» to Inbor 'inum ------ -------- -----------

mnmbers «nrl nthor BTniip^. Almn.'tl nil thp'ip O f . O . I T .

noi>'tnal pa rlv lenrtrr. frlnif. M inister C lpm p''' n n d

Slap for AtUeo Df H R8 rnnk -nnd-flle election of • • •I to nil b u t one of thc ^

comc-swd scats wns n /in n O U lle face for AtUcc. who ha.i .ttc rly Bcvan 's demand.^ for tn o i r aRSOClOB rita in 's rea rm am e n t pro- Ih o K P n ern l p r 1 [I foreign policy m ore In-it of thc O nlted S tates. O S T E O P /

gnvn B cvan an o th er bigward achieving h is nmbl- OFFICE H<displacing A ttlee a s pnrty » to 8 Ds rjd prim e m lnU te r o f anybor governm ent. 2 2 8 M a in A v e rif B evan 's victory sen t tho TSvln F atock m a rk e t tum bling. T E L E P H O >

ed H olland Bulbs; P lan t ir. Globe Seed. Adv.


M ..c u ry 2 0 9 .9 5P lym ou lh 2 1 4 .9 5D o d g . 1QA1-S1 2 2 8 .4 5 1C h ry ile r 2 2 8 .4 5D eSoto 1 941-47 2 9 7 .4 5 IB ulck 2 6 9 .9 5

Dn* PM . . . NavM- ■ R*fWI!! M ilo ta P*nr

A n t i - F r e e z e

A nM -rw « t, a n t l - f r « « x * f « a t u r * t " J

<Mw o H - w c t t w r p r g f r t to n

o m a tte r >vhaf Iho lo m p o ra fu re r a n a e , yo f w ln t« r km g pro tection w ith A lltta t« p e m o e s « . ContakM Ethytw w G lyco(, w on’l bofl ynk» nm l a n d com w ten. Bvy y o u r w pph^

Is ta te M ethanol Anti-Frei

' 1"

X S, ID A H g.

ing Grangersjrate Booster SS Tt°J

- ^ A ndervm U king p « t .it for Guests S.•JG. S ep t. SO _ Goo-Ung Next Friday the G ra.rm bers o b s w e d th r i ' »n- p r„ .i„ rt, dinner will b.,ter n ig h t Friday »< the • • • ..- .iifo r members.ha ll w ith Ma-iler H*n __________living th e ■welcorang «d- M n m N O CANCI

M - t , » » o .™ o « E . = 0 . , ,0.n Newsom me»i. . t , « r a “ dress of l '.e *ve- 8hn,>mn. UDH church 1

given by F re d N U r k r " ‘'.'f “ft com prehet«lvB TMume *j>lce Clly. Sundaj

r«nir.- h isto ry a 'ld {>olky, « t lO-^o ». m. a*nm, n rranged bv Mrs. (’ len — -----------.u rr- , consUU d of i»-o vo. O 'm ,; 1lon» by th e G range lu a r- Globe 8 e<id A Fe«

•W ol Mr, a n d Mrs. lln r- _ ----------—niifi M r a n d Mrs. Chnrles l.yiin W ood play lna pUno

ilnirnt Peggy Oe« plBV»'l

V M aufngamer gave a »e- f \ ' O i ' tbp com m unity *ervli-« by j m ii!i> Com pleting th e pro- J« ft tah leau w ith Mrs. Kv- ( '

O . W . R o s e l *o„ „ a th an k s t

H . R . W o r e TWINA nn„ un„ BUSINESS

loir as-sociation in Firat a j(Tpnernl practice of raise — tJ


ahead! PMain Avenue Soulh for it nm■ s s : I ^Completely Installed Ford

B u .Ol

•A od

• 91 tc

, E.

sartllT^ '52 0 9 .9 5 y O »

I s 11” •«l i Wo

U ’5 9 5 » 50 1 INS1— -------------- :;;;75w oi»

A i i i t a U I

*«<i« r " . ••wofh.i'

P««*' '« ■ •W T *" l

3 lU Bra n g e , you 're ^ « r to b

perm ofw nt anti<

w o n 'l bofl ovroy. Pr*-r w p p ty a t k w prfcm ;

iti-F reeio I'i*

Cruelty CharmIrs. Susao Baugh, and r T \*launer, and Mrs. Jam es | t l l l | V A f ( l A '

s - M 'r T ^ - s b S ; .

nN O c A w rp j wn husband ehargctn C A N C E R m ental cruelty , clalnilnc h i

NE. Sept. 30—There *111 soclated with other m en t•nm»nt meeting a t th e proper m anner w hile he ’J » church Sunday eve- ing in Korea. Coriinunltyse of the conference In includes a 1M» Ford «m veClly. Sunday school win household goods.iO:lo ». m a* uiiual. R aybom , R aybom ftod----------------------- «r» hU attorneys.>wn nra««; PU nt L a w n s ------------------ --------

Se<td A Peed Co. Adv. READ TTMES-NEWS WA

better Poy

TWIN FALLS v i bilNESS COLLEGE" E<,^irst a job — th en a Clasaesaise — then a prom o- Free Placei ion! Up and ON U P Service;he ladder of success goes th e m an o A'oman w ith the T R A IN IN G to ge ihead! Pick your g o a l— an d p re p a r :or it, now ! Come an d consu lt ua, w ith )ut obligation. L e t u s help you p lan thi :ourse of instruction you need.

J Ford V8, 1939-48

f13.00 Mentfi en Seart Eoiy ^eytnei Or if You Prefer . • . C oih Prlee, 2

* *ADd T om Old Biiffla*, ItoffmrdkH «T Xta Oo

• 90><Iay er 4,000-mlle wrtHen gusre tem t giMranfee o t a new car

• Every moving port brond new e r n tioned likt new. Up to 172 new pi

• Every ertglnal m anufacturing ttap Teited, inspected by expert*

• Woricfng lu rfacee^ lcre -fln lth ed fo tolerencei fer tmoMtTForformanee

INSTALUkTIDN by Trained Mechonlei o t Low Cott. A cceuorle t Initaiied ot Labor Chargt with Your Inttoiiatlon.

iiHstatv Plugi A llstaiL Abiit> Ntw Fyrax Imulohv 5eprowofkj D

3 " i r ............. 45c"i;- ________ ___

I i-l* An.it,t. .po.1. fhp . MI~ - .w ry i rop , t toU f l^ .u tu T l , l ! ^ , iT

Regul M otor '

14".I n T e w Own O.


^ 2 fo iio n t 1.69A lU U t* (op o a U I r I

buy al prle*. V rM -ltowtBj tmpvriUM. W aa-fr*

M a tea t.

m n r 403 M ain A vanue \ . J C A K j IPhone 2860


’ Charged - Mvorce Caseu t o fllad w U dU iiatrlet ooort U o n d a r-

Jessle D. C arter. T t» narrled a t A lbnquerqnt,16. 1991. T ttere U on*

• n d eharget extrane ty . clalDilnc b is vU « u *A other m en In an tm« ner w hile he waa te r r - a. Coramonlty property M9 Pord converUble and oods.iiaybom aod S r a n u r meys.


ly and Evening Clasaea

^ree Placement Service.

ihe man or NG to get nd prepare It ua, with- Du plan the »ed.


Eoiy Poymeitf PIor ' o ih Priee, 209.95

iM i « r X«e O eniW iw

r i t t e n g u e r o n to o t • t r e o r

id n e w o r r o c o n d l- 172 n e w p o r ta

t u r i n g i t a p r e p e a te d .>erta

• - f i n l th e d to p r e e l i le i i e r f o r m a n e e

J M e c h o n le i o r ro n g e d I n i t a i i e d o t N o E itr o i t t o i i a t l o n .

■rot* A biorbersS v p ro n o tio Direct AcHon

________ 3.98IhcM OflgM W »lilcaly ta mrt iMd. Ivy yaMtl

R egular M otor Oil

14"■ “ t q t . b u l k I T o w Own O antatM t

N o n . f.7i T-"f top o a U ly ia b tte a L A I buy a l w y tow |

r ro a ■ lto«rtB|r. wtlh M lUea. Waa-fTM^ Uw e a r .M teel.

— ^ : \ v * n u « W M »

a 2860■I III

' J '

■ ■■


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto


n ilA «r r«k. «. i» i . «r u x '

«Ubll>b«4 la IMI *»4 lb* TvlB Pa:i< Nv« PoMUM'<(>llr tn-t SuikUt al IIO BmAi

r.ll.. l<Uh». kr th. Tlm—Nmt. Pnbr|,hl.W^M Eni«r*4 u ••Mnd lUu Ball malUr Ap'l

t l l ' f la Twin rtlli. Idaha. undar Om x i <■ H ■UD9CBIPTI0N FATt■Mf BT CABBIRB—PATABLI IN ;

B i l l il D» —— ------------------S iN •• ®' --------------l l l i t ‘ — — • -----------

'N i l '" ' ” f p k ' r * V k" *i

[|]}; Oa'iM* RUU if iiaiiaii l j j i ' Br Ikr-. n.onl'-i . ............................................................................................................ .................................Br moniK.

H ^ l . All nollcM r«)uliid br lav or hr n-Atr <-n i l ll la i . puSII.h^ — VI, .I'I

| | | f i fiO U T H K O R F A N M fl l n The TPcent d trong phowtpfj <'lH I force,* i n th fi c e n t 'n l f r o n ' In IB w • n ln g new *. T h e troop.'i In v rm coiinsp, th e c r a c k C a p 'to l d iv t| l | l j ' m u c h la e jtp e c te d . B u t th** p e ’’i j j l [ e r th e le s a w a a g o o d fp r S n n f.h iIly : g e n e ra lly .||W i (|i I t was good for m ore' th a n thR n i i co m m an d er ofu n ' e ig h th a rm y In K orea , h a s betf i l l m o n th s In a n In tensive p rogra :h l i i re -eq u lp th e e n tire S o u th K on|i |i ! m a y one day s ta n d on i ts o?

dofen.se of Its soil. T hc S o u thlilll ^ evldonce t h a t th e y canH ill ' on a lim ited se c to r o f th e froiI l l l A fter moro th a n a y e a r o fn i l J; negotlatlonB a t K aesong a n dIH II n o n e of th e w estern n a t io n s lcU l i m ism upon th e K o rean a ltu t■ I n e i th e r to w iden th e w a r n o r tH f lead ers have allow ed th e m s e l 'H f I i enm eshed In a p p a re n tly end le[f l; ' • less proceedings a t th e co u n c lW ' About th e m o st p o s itiv e tJ| |4 i developed in re c e n t m o n th s liU i l! Insistence u p o n tru c e ta lk rein ll a s i t Is ev id en t th e re d s d oH d iscuss te rm s seriously . T h is kH j i m ach in e ry fo r n eg o tia tio n w it■ I I o u r tru ce te a m to a m e re ca]n i l propaganda.M Slnke these ta lk s h av e p ro v ed■ I tinproauctlve, th e ir sole Im p o rt■ I b een to dam pen m ilita ry a c t lv lm a stabilized, If n o t a s ta le m a tiH I h a p s th a t is th e w ay t h e conH | I t—« stab ility t h a t d oes n o tj l l a n d North K orean a n d R u ssH | to o heavily b u t y e t keepa U5 oM f ln g u s th e o p p o rtu n ity t o eas<n i l II p o w er a n d m aterie l.

Il f th a t is th e red a im , th e re c a n extrica te ourse lves f ro m I t poses excep t to f in d adequ fo r th e A m erican a n d o th e r a ll

I I IU ii h o ld in g th e line. T h a t 's w h e reH l l n bisvSouth K o rean t r a in in g pro{H l j ;i T h e one big ho p e fo r u s a t 1

a n otherw ise d ism al a itu a tlo :■ R j B outh K o rean a rm y m e y beH R lo rm id ab la (orce. I f I t does, tH | i (1 K oreans m ay b e safe ly en tru s tsn i l li t u r e defense of th e ir ow n coin | ll laAd, a ir a n d se a d iv isio n s n M : fre e d fo r o th e r services o r toM m a l civilian pu rsu its .■ I I t would be u n rea lis tic to Im an K o rean s a t th e b e s t could tak<m ow n equipm ent needs. T h e seH I c e rta in ty have to flll, even If tl | A m erican soldier on K o re a nM I w ould be a re la tiv e ly sm all b u tW I to w h at we a te bea rin g to d ay .

n l T H IN K IN G F A R M !H I ' W h a t Is th is in d e p e n d e n t \■ | ta lk s about? You c a n 't h e lp ^B l > lo t of farm ers d o n 't belong in■ especially a f te r h e a rin g th e■ a c te d to th e tw o p re s id e n tia l■ I I o th e r day a t K asson, M in n .■ I G enera l E lsenhow er sp o k e o■ I Icy to a packed h a ll In Ph i■ I people shook th e plnce. O ovcr H la id o u t h is labor p ro g ram 1

fth e crowd cheered. T lien . on th e y en u n cia ted th e ir rcsp ect g ram s before a crowd of 1(

I in M innesota a n d they bo thH I shoulder.H II T o b e s u r e , t h e f a r m e r s InuKI iN s o n 's Jokes, b u t th e s c r lo u a nlf l I s e ld o m d rew re s p o n s e . F o r Ih iH U fllnco h e w a s n 't w lso -c rn c k ln K -; | | " lio fa v o re d 00 p r r c n n t o f ini l l !;■ p rlcH BUi)port3. n n d evciU iiiv llj| | | |j H e re h e wii.i, h u n d liiK t h e m

I m o o n , a n d th e f a r m e r s a to ixI | , i f ho w o re r e a d in g th e I n n trI M 1 Incnmn tax blnnk,

I I I, !| If you nosed a ro u n d nm on U lllle r, you found, ns novonil n I l h a l HUrvrnnim’.i flpcriiU u r lu I I hlBltiy n-BHrdod Ihnn Ikc'n,I I I' cam e rig h t o u t and sn ld thvg I fo r him. n m y allowed a s 1I ' hom e, maybo rciul ih o npiI ' l|i pupurn, llnlcii (o ihoiii o u llid I lj J, Itnd (locliln In te r . Ponnlbly siuk

IMuyI)o when llir ri',nilt.H t

[H farinor'fl volo d o e a ir i look n»

III lio'n been InuiliiK one w ay : cicdtlonn m ore of tn i- tlm n

;i| rrnlliCLv H ul ll wnuld tip h n nill bmly iiHiro liid rpcndrn l, ihm

coniea tn lulllnK ynu w lm t liii

ff , THODHI.K1 ' Il'rt nn old snw Ih n l tin* tiI ' ’ h n n iw irn n s n iii i 'h rc .ip iin ii

(I l f ' III f u l h o r o f u ch ild b o r n u lo ii e .

* I T l ie ro ’o o v o n n n lo ry n b u u t

11 w h o w o n l o u t n iu l iiiu iln u ni' h o n r . t l ly • b e n n u n c h ln w lfn ;

' w i th tr lp lo ta u iu l h e ronllir.c»l{ ' c lr rk 'f l n n in ry w o ii l i l i i 'l n iij)i)o r

' H u l w h n t n h d u l th<i r u U i r r' '! d n y U llll .h lf l w l f r hn ;i kIvoiilljL , (U li'l|i|(>t.i e n r h h i i r d c iu 'd w it

I ' nS tlin nlin^n n f th e n n lK in 'n no1 d o lln rn of. I n r t rb f e d i irn n ?I' W h n t r h n i i r u liufl lio lo n nve

n i l t u i i n n d h ln (iw n o ld h k c' . » in ll llo u w llli f o d o tu l lu x o a

L . . - .

J X ' f X V V 1 1 1r at IIO 8Mdi>d 8lra*i W..«. ’V'a WASHINOTON -'rSau^'Ap'rff t ta '-«* Imbor in I>n4«r Om x t of w«'<b I '* '• d K fe rn it tun« (ron

7 7 ^ T if t.H 4 rt )e ,

^ ' ”

- ..k ’ r” i " l ^pur.u.n- 1- fu.. « I--" »*r npenilon and vrKs:

RFA N M O RA I.F d‘Uon Hw.vi 1» <1«, „ '•>iange* as nUipUn

phowtpR of Rout 1 fCoTf-nn uonlral'y. in vief r o n ' In K o r^ r Ir h o p 't - *nfl Ubnr leAdeT g

roop.'i In v o lv p d w *t p . o f th e ir tiav»lln([ iel« ip i t o l d lv b lo n , o f w h o m u t th** p e r f o rm n n " P n e v -p r S n n f.h K o ro o n m o ra le EXPLOITATION

recently from Perure th a n th n t. Oen. l u m a Am«rlc.n Ini^raU la n d e r o t th e Am erican:a. h a s been enKaged for denounclniIve p r o g r a m to t r a i n a n d expioiu tion" of S<J o u th K o r e a n a rm y so I t f im a , which mayon Its ow n te e t In th e '■'Un,. a n . H w

m e S o u th K o rean , need f f ' ' " ", t h e y c a n d o th is , ov en T^ey describedaf t h e f r o n t . th rough rollectlve 1i y e a r o f f r u i t le s s p e a c e t -h jc t. TTiey eli^Jiong a n d P anm un)ora . { ? " “ S’S ;n a t io n s looks w ith o p tl- mre a n s itu a tio n . W ishing n o menuon wmw a r n o r to pu ll out, o u r in j to pre.iidene ti 1 th e m se lv e s to become n tly en d le ss a n d p o in t-h e co u n c il tab le . - d ipl o m a t s- - '}0Sltive th in g th a t h as use stevenson* ctm o n th s Is o u r rep eated on how timii»r ac

re d s d o n o t in te n d to movement.” readsIly. T h is keeps alive th e e«mpmied by thola t lo n w ith o u t reducing defeat our enemies,, m e re c a p tiv e aud ience our uiks and wa«

aroused the greate!

iv e p ro v e d so th o ro u g h ly m e j? b S r t * ^ ‘anole Im p o r ta n t e ffe c t h as uticai party, foreigi» r y a c tiv i t ie s b n d crea te left * strooK knprt

s ta le m a te d , fro n t. P er- ty t h e co m m u n is ts ’ w a n t or m a S idoes n o t d ra in Chinese g a t« icon dlscoveia n d R u ss ia n sub stan ce impreued.ceepa u s occupied, deny*. ___ _Ity t o . a s . o n In m an -

hU 116,000 income,aim , th e r e Is n o w ay we attention on nationives f ro m th e d ilem m a lead to leBUiation iin d a d e q u a te su b s titu te capltol hUL 1 o th e r a llie d forces nowit 's w h e re V an F le e t a n d m Srlam liiil in in g p ro g ra m com es In. nmbiuons all diifcfor u s a t th e m o m e n t In uve within their i1 s i tu a t io n Is t h a t th e fW ellnw-a busing7 m a y becom e a tru ly ‘" t e & r S o w iI t does, th e n th e S o u th Jh " mVkw

ly e n tru s te d w ith th e fu - -fession. like Nixon,r ow n co u n try , a n d ou r He must drea* wellllv lslons m ay be largely “ P“ 1*iij ice . o r t o r e tu r n to n o r->• cost him his seat.Stic to im a g in e th e S o u th in short, he muacould ta k e c a re of th e ir but with his office,

is. T h e se we sh a ll m osteven If t h e r . Is n o t an w S . ‘ i “

I K o re a n so il. B u t th is school age. The coi■ sm a ll b u rd e n com pared cntions-everythingInff to d a v t«t-iube soloi

' 1.000 mllM from he

G F A R M E R Sp e n d e n t vo te everybody «oo ; annual .n 't h e lp w o n d e rin g It abelong in t h a t catego ry , „„ J ,irlng th e w ay th ey re - ana chnrity conuii■esidential n o m in ees th e worth) »eoo; ciothin, M in n . "m»ttK.tlon c

'f, "."“‘‘s.'ir n'ririU I n P h l ln d o lp h la n n d in coIIcro; mtscellanee. G o v e r n o r S l e v e n s o n Tlie JiRuro of tsop r o g r a m In D e t r o i t n n d " l »» " niore sati<- n ie n , o n t h o s a m e d a y , '" '“ 'y s ir r e s p e c t iv e f a r m p ro -ow d o f 100,000 f a r m e r s mustered courage ith e y b o th g o t t h e co ld w u-p roposed by l

principal twnefli'liu•m ero In u K h e d a t S lo v e n - T r n i i f Os c r lo u a n lu f f h o o f fe re d V 1 l l j W O

se. F o r Ih c I t w oa w o rse , o o v k k ni -c rn c k lu K - H e to ld Ih o m O ovem or Artlwl .c e n t o f im r l ly f o r fn rm Cnlitornla, a u n t r . iev e .u .u v ii, 100 „c r c '. . t , i i t v , ; ™ , ; ' ; ;

inK t h e m n p ie c e o f ttio wliich he hln.srlf In e r a s to o d u n m o v e d — a s coiiiiMred diAhoursi

t h e I n a t r u i - l lo n s o n a n bvulnew'•ill, are -'Bwlmllnr

. . . . ili'llnin a jm i, mulu n d n m o iiK llu ! f n rm c rs fi,„t *,„„e (i„un.inJi n o v o rn l r o p o r l e r n d id , Wo iio ni>i kimwic rc li u r lu iU ly wn.n niiiri! '“"Vn fiKmr ui> tinn n I k c 'a , H u l v e ry trw “ ' “ 'i1 s n ld th i i y w o ro vo liuK ' ' X ; ' - lhe " i ")w ed a s h o w l l i o y ’d ko a Mii«uiiiiiii luuutii t h e m ir iT h r .n In l l i r IiIkIi rurcntivM m<•111 o i l l lm r n d lo o r TV , " i '' ' I'" '’''*' « n t ' 'ii<i.Hall)ly n u ic i i InU T , V ‘"

rr.Miit-i nro nil In tho / II lo o k no i n d e p o iu ln n l - - inn m ther c.inu.K

:)iiu w a y In p r e s id c n tlH l u>n u iu i, and ii ntPil- t l m n m o n t o f u s "•fl'l" ! w»» inv<>l\ d IIP h n r d to f in d n tiy -Id p iii t h n n h e w h n n I t iiuioty. n h iI w liu l liii'a th in k in g . Ami ii i« rrriAiu i

----- In' Riknii lo Ilk,,IP,!•: A IM .K N TY •''» •'‘'"I'l n„h n l t h r f n t h e r o f Iw lnn ■ " ''" •• 'f '" ''II rc .iponn lb lllty nn tho i-lixu •|1 Uioiie Hovlut Itliiuila III «ry ,.b u ilt a b a n k cicrk I r , \:iiudn u m illion dollnrn - .i.iiinu a,i a,lln w lfn prooonlnd him v.uk 1ic ronliKcd t h a t n liniik ,i»/i^n 'l niii)j)orL th e m , - nUl fiiU iPr w ho lenrnn to- u n i„„i (iHi,rwininn K lv rn liU 'lh lo twIiifl >(‘>rl M tu kuum•deiu 'd WlUl n <l.-tit. ’' ‘ ''" ‘v IH'm tio irn iionrly 2(50 litllluii r 'i 'rnn? ........... nm ii « ih o lo n n v o f o r t h o l r n h i - 'ii" micir.ii) ,lid iiK c Ip t n l o n r nm k o '■"1")' 'i" 'f ''r n l lu x o a w lw io lU jiy u ie iii,„«it o „ i

»wlit,-Niuiipa Vtt

^ ___________________________________________


/ H l R L i G l c :HINOTON - T h e official for o r- ^I labor in fo re len co -in trl'i ’>''8 »n entirely I t tune from cu rr«n t Ain.-C O demin'lA'ton* T aft-H 4rt)ey a o t e - d polliira' 6fli*v»ri 'n th a t 'eralal lej flaU on.

AlthocB-' flnv-P 'or 1■W i^L ’S , cam p^ tgn dfn’-n '' f-'r rroe^l In- n• ■ , T . d u c d Uie AH I" • ''I r „ r -

V - V? old hy fndorMttT him.th-ao-CA llfrt f '* ' '" o

t R W P l i m e’ 't l r - i f ' oiitnl'’! 'hP ^B ta t« i as r bartK'T •- "•■'''na

u Ib a ' ffrow th and prnttr'*". ^O n th e W 'lrary . th f O ’W -M U T-

ray o'«rseB> 'il.'i>l''"arlM >p<-lie the (] T nany g .in j b*’ " 'cl''eve<J „since th e UW. anap'rTient In 1947,

■ T heao iivliKi^ five mrnioi' new' mer»ibrr«, r 'a k -»«<■». shorter ’'oum, y1 and welfare func’i Hie T^rklngmen'* on- , aiw avi 1» de«"’ l‘«- i • ’ a r ,,'* as iitn rtan . flcal'y. In view of tho fil»’- 'i ‘son endorsem ent <i vir IfAdf-^' g rea t Infbi^rv a t th i W>’lt* House, rav'llnR ie lega ta* aiwsy,. fm uSftn 'v lh i they/rn (hell f in es t su r r f -* " ...............a wholly "noTipoU'l';*’

LOITATION—A U twr ({•leuaUnn hai- redumed y from Peru and Chile, where there ore larite an in terests In copper and other essential Is, The group consisted of respon.<lble officials ' APL.- the CIO ond United Mine Workers,• denouncing w h a t they called the "ruthless Itlon" of S o u th Amerlean workers by U. 8 . which m ay Knv« stimulated antl-Uncte Sam ,, they sharpened th e coniraat by telling of the and ^ s lU o n of John U I^w 's’ miners. T h is • , frre Qie rec en t wage boo^t of *150 a day, .’ described how labor had become strong " h rollectlve bargnlnlng, a key provision of th# ct. TTiey eJjboroterl on the beneflu flowing uch b ipartisan a n d nonpolltlcni achievement* are and re ti re m en t plans, social security, m in t- , rage laws, etc. u,inenUon waa m ade of the law passed, accord- Pre.ildent T tu ra a n . aa "Che fir s t step In a g i ' wa WaU s tre e t conspiracy to amaab lhe labor


L0M AT8”—T hese '•diplomats In overall*,” to cvenson’s eharactcrlzatlon . then gave advice V sim ilar advances m lghl be won by South an unions,

nonpollUcaJ s ta n d of the American labor ~ ent.” reads a n account of th is visitation, “as Uled by tho poUcy of ‘rew ard our friends a n d ^ our enemies,' w as emphasized repeatedly In a ll ^ ks, and was, In o u r opinion, the subject th a t 1 the grea tes t Intere.^t and approval , . . ^emphaals th a t we p u t on a united labor move- ^

Msed on an aboolute Independence of any pO'* ■„ party, foreign Ideology, or governm ent control, itroDK knpresalon.”1 audiences m a y have been Impressed by th is iUon a g a liu t ty ing labor to a party, a candt- r an adm in istra tion . B u t th c returning dele- loon discovered G reen and M urray were n o t led. *«

• • •ENSEB—77}0 A verage congressman's annual u am ount to a b o u t lie.OOO, or »I,000 more th a n — ,000 Income. T h e N ixon predicam ent, focussing 3n on na tio n al o fficials' financial deallngi, m ay

iegUlaUon ra la ia g th e general s a la ^ level on hUL

e Is, of c o iim , n o luch person as th e "aver- ongressm an w ith respect to finances. T heir the ir lamUiea' ta stes and backgrounds, the ir

)ns all d iffer. Som e m em bers can—and do— ithln the ir m eans, a lthough alm ost a ll have u —a business, a farm , a law pracllce, lectur- any from neartoy s ta te s spend only a few days : h u e , show ing up only to vote, who m akes pollUcs and public life h is pro- , like Nixon, h a s unusual dem ands on his purse, ist dress well. H e m ust en terta in certain peo- peclally touring consUtuents. If he does not I generously to charitie s and campaigns here ick home, h ls rep u ta tio n a s a "tightw ad" may m hls seat.nort, he m u st ke ep up, n o t w ith the Joneses, th his office. A nd W ashington Is an extremely lve place to live,following llsUng applies to a congrtism an. like wtth a wife a n d two children ot gram m ar

age. The cost of th e ir education, clothes, va- —everything—will grow progressively heavier, ■sl-tube solon la 44 years old, and lives about itle,i from here. H o lives welt, bu t not cxtrav- '. Here a re h is living coats; ne taxes, 11,000; rea l e state, sales and other ISOO; annual r e n t a t home, 11,900: W ashington ce (furnished) p lus heat, light, phone, repnlre, family tran sp o rta tio n for which he receives

euKO, |I,BOO; food, 12.000; neces.iary campaign larlty conUlbuUons, 11,000; Inaiirnnco ( « 0,000

$600; clothea for four. 11,300; car operating nortlzatlon cosle, leoo; am usem ent, enieriAln- booka, newspapers, m agadnea, et«,, >1,000; edu- for teen-agers, tOOO, abou t 43,000 for younRsters cRe; m tscellaneoili, (1,000, llRiire of $30,000 nnd $30,000 hns been aiiRKcrit- n more sa tisfac to ry salary, Tlie liuRpr sum Is I by miiiiy a tu d rn ta o f jiolltlcnl solnn'o exiilnr- A protilrm. H ut I t In doubtful U thn Irulslntors dare to give theinselves nurh a bonni. Tliry ed courage fnr th e ir laa t rnlse nnly becauae ll roposed by friends of P residen t 'ITuiuan, the lal 6enef(i'li«ry.


im or Adlnl Htovenaon, In one ol tils talks In nla, a u r i t r i l l l i a t lie "will n o t coixlnnn wriniK- (ir mornl i>lilli|ulty In putilln oMlcr." tiut iiilni- the cnrniiilloii lu tiie TruinBii ndinliilnlrAtion he hliiurU has tr r in ed a mens. In oun iitik hn red dlAhoiiPsly tn govem nien t wltti Atenlliiti in I bvulnesa A m erican p rivate ecUrjiirlsca, tin re "Bwlutllnr’ by th e ir em pluyrt mil of n billion

a ypAi, niul, therefore , l l la not Mirprlsliig tn >iiie llimiiclnt dlRhnnfsty In governmrnt. la nnl kiiiiw tiow accu ra te In Oovrrni>r Hlevni- I kiiit Illl llirflji by einjiloyea nf IjiialiirAa id ii- but wn think th e oompariiMm lirtwrnii Kiivrin- and liiinliirAa ntiiiulil be carried furttirr, msn the ahx'kluildera o t a fln n dlsiovrrrd th a t tantlnl niiiiitirr of dep arlin e n l hcnda ami n ltirr •xrciitlvM 111 Itie com pany were playing Iaai la-ir nllll llie <'<iiiipany'a aMots, Hiipixiiin Idaiid niiilr liy Aniiin of Uiene m en, not <in the IhibIi iiiiliirAA tiiK for /rlendalilp ur persmial iiaiii le money ow ni th e comi>any was nol collcrtril. Ither r>ini|>i(inilaeit a t a amnll pnii-rntuKe of Ul, »nd ll diMoverert th a t lirllMry t.l tlir1 WBA Involxnt.■tockhnlilriA wniilil dclim iut tlia t tlir inrn liliu t

' i'oni|iBiiy rln iii nu l the w rong-diirii Iniini'.'. It hn AlioKnl irliiolniii:e. he wnuld txi ir inu trd .' Is rrilAlii Hint thn fired pirnldniil Hunld imt n l to likiiir hlA AUriTMnr. Aniflilruli «U>cktinliI- 'iil't iiiBint nil n n rw m an, whn owed ni)tliliiK i i :l ■■n>n«Nriiiriil. I 'o rllan il O ngonlnii.

1.1IXIIKV »(>R TIIK KRIIH ct Itniuila Iiaa piirutianed for $80,000 a Iiiiki' Ulann mannloii of an early day tyronn (ii»trooi nillllon bnrk .lii Uio daya wtirn a null.....

I «B» an Awtiil Inl of money. nv»n nmniicl

"iiulii* Ilo/Ain l.f rooiiin a iut anveinl nc•|^^ ,,|A|><-il (iinnnlA, i> AinlHhtly pliu'n fnr llin Kh'-Iiiim ' ihAtfl Khllr irliixiiig frnm Uielr lAliiifA At Uir Allil nllnTw|Ao Hiiiiiiut Nnw Ynrk.I M dx KuiiM x r t A kirk ou t of Uie In ild rn t If mM iiiilv ir lii iii Cioiii w heiever tin In nl ll>r " ’riir liltlJ) I.Mrn ,i/ IliJS «II|)JMHiOiily i njillnlMIc !<' Iiatr niK.lr ll lni|>i>nAllilA for any l'n|lll<lll^l 'i|i> mull a p lnrr. While the rnprfl-'i'iiliitlM’ ,il u:r,ll> , ||> Kir 'v . KiiiinillllAl ftOolnty nt it n r'In i ,in ' '■nliiy thrfd hiAMiliiu* lianMHVora Irom nn.iitirr

ni'iialT <11,Iv iliAl. UlU r«ailjf U a sm ka/ed -N am pa ITro* I 'jew ,

M A I . I f — " m

IG j S , Pn for o r- i C>,n antlreiy r*> T K M P“ ^ " ‘lun^lA'lons t ‘l * » theirfT, 'n Uiat I

__________________________ Thi

q trv rn '-m i FOM OU' T » '» » T A M T "Troe^l In- ne«f ro t Bhnu- p r *

U ,t J I J ■h-1 'a u fh* bchltxt onr of enonh r t)f> tM ^ w 'thot.1 ,n d rTialblllty, Tnif 'i dri»er» »r« snded ' i r hoa (ln | tach • b l( hnnk of tiand

J’W -M W - (hry>e <•«*•*•! for sop*.I • rd te the j j , , of 'b r lr te ' i» ncl''eved ............... . » .e ., . h . , j . - of t,n t tn 1947, cu»wi. k inUUon new p><( U mor d’ tvcra fo"o« jh^uirter ''oura, e ta r 'p l r of tm ek driver*. " " finen'* on- wouli*n't tr* ti xny ttm 'V p lr- Ka***'” '• ' lore* In '.hr “ N And «h«i d«-lh

f l „ - o .1... K. . . ,idorsrm ent n itrn . b 't i^I’U* House, w »trli l l 'f ri 'h«T 're tii r tnn- gnrry

lh I they -• •• ■ - on th e hichw a) f„|]y prrpl

.r rrtiuTird h o w ABOVT "RARH T A fK s tr "e'LnUflJ t)rn r Po l Shot,.: legalllie officials Como Nov, i there m ig h t bc some cheat,rVcr« mighty AurprUcd people in th is coun- parci, ••niihirM try. It's nil thb holleruig about how this

,T B m uch dough who m akes. Since morewhen did that become an elecUon trlcki

C of th^ I**"®’ Aren’t Simple Sim ons like me ye,

‘ The attitude am ong th e prr^l-dentlnl cnn'UdAlea seems to be to

Z »how folks thry ha v en 't anything ^ 'Jlon of th e j n , do

flowing skeletons JcJcklng arotindhlevemenU jjj the ir closet-'*? T hen w hat? _irtty, m in t. T hey’d best get down to debating T "

. the L«ues ot the day, such as, er, ah, comeaccord- ihcy'd better debate them , any- colle<

ip In a g l . powethe labor B allo t BUly tlons

(Twin FalU) a leia a a VldtiS

fernlls,” to • n o v T HAVE T p HUNT Th^by ^ u t h human body, we seem to re- "(>«>■*

by South studies o f long ago. flsuriIran lahnr I* composed mostly o f w ater. B ul enpui

‘" S I t . 1,0 c o n f ln . . w ia . ™ rl.ty ol

S ’i'„-:3 ss.S t ‘" . i ‘t m e or l . „ ,n w 'm A v . tim ely observation th a t you don’t veallit t» r move- hunUng to acquire lead natioof any po- carca„. M atter o f fact, th e of Inn t control, additional lend won’t do you a b it Allen

of goodl gresslod by th is . a a

•;inK“ deU* fA y iO V S LAST LINE retur- w ire n o t

GENTLEMAN IN ’TUE An j ' l an n u al FOUR’n i KOW sonsmore t h a n -------------- -

U focussing — — _lUngi, m ayry level on y T ^

ices. T heir \ \ . n .luidi, th e ir \ \ N- a n d d o - \ W ' / ^ it a ll have X .Ice, lectur- >v

'e h is pro- / m1 his purse. \ I / ' ] J !jr ta ln peo- ^ m> does no t (|i . / flalgns here /I / Mtwad” m ay / / y I I

le Joneses, c \ t II extremely \

•isman. like \ 3 j it g ram m ar I g / /ilothes, va- I H /ly heavier, ^lives about ' ^;iot extrav-

and other Vashington ne, repnlra, tie receives ' campaignice ($30,000 '

operating qen tertn ln- H

(1,000; edu- B

en ' ' I

explnr- II Irglslntors H

T hry I' becauae ll t f 'O lL V ■

tllD ^

» A U I I RE Y N O LD S h a . b>an BlIts tnlka In ,„ ,oking Canieli lor many years. in

nln":.;::ti:,n < l s « c . « c . n b e . l . ’. ( . . n c l . . » .1,onn lalk hn ''■«Ateallim In

tinA billion

iirprlsliig til

iii>r ^

1 ^ 1

I n ltirr

inxinn loAiig jM -

M'rntuKr ofiM-ry ill t lir " P R IA C H IR " R O I, Urooklyn V

U ll h>ntl(r,lil«l< lillrcniitxan<lt. Itiir inr%lilii;t “ I |,u k c i ( jin ic ii *a ;.r i. in iinr. j„ r m a tlr 'i '« ‘'>>'"n! IIw irin m n l. , „ J |,av« lb t IUm .i , l.Kil- »"


Unit Ln a ..... I

^ —, r . l ,I I . l l . l m IC K IT M A N T II , „ ^ i l . l . . l C

, l . t 1.1 t il . V .ilk frl. Nillrtw, 111.. r ’i i , ; ' , ' ; I ' - l "■ ' '

Ka«« (Aniall • lir-tMii lu r lU tUys, III a cinlia/eil >l>«» (u y x l <latu Tvuh tliauk •<'



T H I N G S ~Aa P E G L E R ’J1 ^ 9 saeanor R ooaev-it wrlt^a th a t tW W publlr men I’hould n o t have to Mst ‘

the ir private asset* a n d account 'n *■'•tall W all the ir e rpendlturM . *

_____ ThU old w om an representa a ‘fam Pr which would b e p u t to sham ee irn In ‘he d«- Ip r a ' e d m oral '

><« a ear view o t t>«e p re i- '1. p a rl 'r- en t day if th e '

onr eno-mouj t a k e 'm d r^'QUli'H ^ she '

• r« raa i- snd her hu«. ’( hnnk sf tiand. two of the ir 'itM"! for snra. th e 'r <iaugh- '

‘b rlr te ' icnd a passel«• *. or th rlr parasitic <

k l n n r r y ev»r '>td fol'o* (h^'uld b< {15e*3 f e " A S C * ‘•Uer*. " " fully : ' rerV ple- jrariy In h « r r . . r . . « he d i- lh hii«bai'd's rrlgn h e 'lad th» effron t- T ’l'* • ' ^ry t^ impugn th e e thl'-s nf much

c ltlt 'n n th a n nny nf hl« own ,t i i r tnn- gn^ry trib* becM ur th«y hi»d cnrr- j

j " T ’ '""y - precLie legrt pdvlce. (P” ' prepared U 'elr t«x retu rn* •»’ t

accordance with th e law. tp a r- iro t Roosevelt said th e y had resorted ’ ' to schemes having " th e color of

legality." He Im plied they hadit bc some cheated the law by ol>eylng I t The Ith is coun- parcntheU cal ta c t w as and la to ^ibou t how this day th a t th e trea su ry Is fa r ies. Since more clever and callous a t legal 1n clecUon trickery th a n the o rd inary citizen. •nn lllfe Y ears ago, by Its unblush ing shy - ’grpv cell? gifrism In trlmm inR victims by sly ‘T , "liiterp 'e tnilons, t t for'-<*d th e t*x- ' ^ ,? i_ ” pnyrra to h ire e x p ert counsel to J "tv !! protect themselves from d irty llltle

" ground having ‘ th e color o f legal- lat?I debating 1^1^ ''*n up th e coat of th o In-as, er, ah, come tax but, for a long tim e, tho 'hem, any- collectors. In the ir ''d iscre tionary" I

power refused to p erm it th e deduc- 'gt BUly tlons of th e tax acc o u n tan t's fee as ‘ n Falls) a leglUmate expense of a n Indl-

vldtial citizen. ■UNT TTiey "ru led” lh a t th e expense was * cm to re- "personal" because th e c itizen couldlong ago. figure ou t h is own If ho tr ie d h a rd !

rater. B ut enough. T h fac t Is o f course th a t ,variety of ordinary Intelligence can n o t cope ' to recall ^ I h the esoteric m ysteries o f the

Ingredient form ula “whichever Is g rea ter.” ' In the resulting fu ro r , as Roosevelt

e o r less served h is personal m alice by re - . you don’t veallng, through execuUve order, forquire lead national publication, th e ta x re tiu n s ,’ fact, th e of Individuals s ta n d in g ag a in s t him , ,you a b it Allen Treadway, a RepubU can con- :

gressm an from M assachusetts, tried to get Roosevelt’s ow n and h is wife’s

,INE returns. Roosevelt refused to le t the th a t a ir treasury release them .

I[N ’TUE Among m a i^ o th e r sord id rea - IlOW sons this greedy ta k e r would have 1


h a i bega BILLY C O X , D odger Infieiiler.any years. ir io l nm ilillctcnt hian<l> ami liai iiw mitd a lliit lo tay al>im( cidarciici; "My i j in c l l a ll tliO)ic Inr iica.ly iiiuililii|i ii nillJ,

llauiftul « a intU l"

Illroolilyii VIC RA9CHI, •"Ilie S|'iIiikIi, i,|

'iiltx ands. Hillr" o( lilt New Yoik Vaiikff*. ,r<l ( jin ic ll »a>», ■'( aoicli a re niy it.,ii,« („r iry 'rcinU d m il.liini cicry itinc, Am! ( ,■ I" (I'll Oaiot >lilciii'| lire my |

, ............................ .. . , ,itlrtwt Ilia ........ t„i ilif Iiii.i.,'",m a ,... I I . A lin . *a.nr, | „ .1 , i,,;,, tirlU day*. Ii«hi np n t •„.cl 11„. ihauk •I'kl .............nil lum i„ , i_. |


i ^ A T P F . A R FROM Vi

; r - , s a n g l e i- l t« th a t bad t« !*«)*- '" u cb earU/'r th a n .q - n tt

tim sielJ *»* •ho 'an—a bribe of Tin ave to Mst on the line by Jo h n J .account 'n WCW. „ rs u - - '* h 't" «n run fnr ,

^ . ^ t r m l 9 « J* Poo*e’*lt had • book lean from ^

t to sham e mother to buy and promot#P f 5 2 5 I B hU ron’merclai real estate e x p lo tu - „ I H H H Oon »t Warm Sprtnaa. falsely rep-

rcJie>ii*d to I'ing as a charity . H e , saw • chrnce to make ano ther Mch . . .

pay hla comn'<tm enl to hla * I ^ H H mother, an'’ r e fu n d »" accept th ei S l ^ l nomination unUl the money wmar a f l H to his aaUsfacUon.E B | B | B He r s f his m o 'h er 'i prln rtpal ]*g-H |f l | | |P |B tiut rth ira were lhe l-o st o f .^ H I S S t^ d r problems and he took a ll h e fj s T X S B j cou'ti from whatever source w hile jh,

th r gra'bln» w»< pood a"'* ■'* Hirt..V .................... ... o« tb-m ,

i» effron t-s nf much Harr ’" 'h , rh o se d U trlr t lay Neif hl« own »rro.<« t l" n v rr from Hyrte P a rk , Inihlld cnrr- ppivi<"(i 'n fhe effor* of a am all B r

g rt pdvlce. KT-nip n ' nep 'ib ltcan congrraa.-nen oui. lh . t i i r t to 'iBkr the.^e parsi*lte» lay It on on

thr li'ie along with the r t t l« n » «f ofd resorted >«( color of He never succeeded. P*they had Jimmy's re tu m waa tossed on »ng I t The table for a quick gUmpse. and th e n co: and la to wlUidrawn. Treadw ay com plained <» ory is fa r tha t this was a ru sh -a c t dellberate- 1 a t legal iV hatched lo make It seem lh a t•y citizen. .Jimmy had come clean w hen th e „.V.1„ V,., tax returns of oUiera w erelp lckedSSi by Aly “P*" » id th e t*x- ,-as the only mem ber ofjounset to f, . whose re tu rn wiu« e»pr,,«id irty llltle ” , p „ „ i„ „ u n re . ^ rr o f legal- . . . ch

toiof thft In- Srn. Dick Nixon's revelaUon of

tim e thn his personal, official and political m l•retior^arv" Income and expenditures na tu ra lly co:•he G rande's shrew d apn t'a fee aa «nse of privacy, asi

a n Indl- She flaunted herse lf In sta rtlin g lotassociations and actlvlUes, Includ- itsln« » shocking abuse of th e R ed tiaCross for the personal pleasures of Inia social visit to h e r friend, Joe ’

tr ie d h a rd ^he Pacific, bu t she alw ays reiOUTM th a t ongrlly dem ure about h e r ln<nno t c o ^ in ^ ongy of g rea t thiles of^ the derived from the solemn m a n - FT

dates of the faceless m an. p a1 Roosevelt m tact, a lthough she publicly thiIce by re - ,ald she was reim bursing th e R ed foiI o rder, for cross for the cost o f h e r personal soi :ax re tiu n s on her ex-com m unist friend , ) iiUnst him , jj ,, never did disclose th e am ount, thi lUcon con- j^ d Cross h as fallen on evil Hc M tts, W ed days and should be caUed to a c - a? to le t the reform . I t guarded h e r sct

So we don’t rea lly know w hether m« she gave the Red Cross $10 and

ord ld rea - there li no persuasive reason to b e - dltrould hnve lleve that anyone as avid fo r p r l- bo

Inficlilet, H A N K BA U ER, Y ankee m u. \la m ll.a j firlilcr, sa)», "< umcli lia»e c%ny, \ 'lr«; “My lliiiiB l«'«nliiiA iiK «(ciic-iinl.l \S i .n u l j . n e u ami .>scll „ i„ c l My o» ,. \

Jll Day l t « lllll i„ ,..,.1" ^

M'■‘nHii.1.1 C U M LABINI, i ) „ . |„ ,V .nk rrs . t . r will, a |,„ Z \'mu« Inr ( jm e li (nr ill il«)». ||« .........Konifl^J lliM, lor . ira,inmukniB ^>» (.aiiiell Iiiii ,1^1,,,

II-1:: ..*• ................................. iiu ,l ;.7 ..

Dr \ 1V/1 pro fit waa guUty of e se ruU M here. PTI

■ Moreover. I t was no t the Red S h a 'jTT' CroM b u t Uie United SU tea tre a i- mar i

rf ury -vhlch stoM the great co«t of ’-'ftUila rhoop lng descent on a eotr «hrrr

tian iq . iitUe g a r ls o n long after the - - ” ««•« rlbe of r ln a . -" 'n u fr«m -’• r - Jo h n J . . . . i f (run fnr Income Include* the

boodle from leei'uea on a serlea of •n from ..r a n g e d by a profesalonal i^^* '>romot« rakeoff from newanapera Si.i,x p lo tu - n-agaslne byproduct and books sly rep- ou rp^rt *o tell aU b u t don 't, on1ty- H e gjjp got «n aquamarine w orth •inini ’er Mch ajoooo from th e Brasilian govern- ’"''j'"*"

w e n t and a m ink coat worO- $a.000. s . " l «P‘ th e In th e name of th - w o ^ .n j roj-

o f th» United 8Ut«*. jrHer frle rd . Farl MlUer. a New V

l»g- y n rk a t* te cop. somehow acquired ' 1-ast o f ^ „ |ghe Ip h is home In a aySurb■ o f Albany a precious crystal urn ri.„ '■ ■’ Wle tb e governm ent of F inland hRd nre-

aented to R oose 'e lfs m«thar • ( Hi.New Y «rk world fair. I’-n

And, in one bUarr* exploit, a le t lay New YorV advertlaUig agency, a»ek- u n- s P a rk , lng th e "coffee acenunt" or the a am all Br6»Utap governm»nt, offered «lt.h- reaa.-nen o u t tho slightest re-servatlon nat r I t on on 'y th e president s wtfe a> th e s ta r '• '••i* lzen» of o f a rad io season bu t th e factUtlei •uff. a n d coop»jaUon of the s ta t* d«- tuxai

p a rtm en t. without reservaUon. r»rd on a T he U, 8, treasiu? sU ked th e tnm"" nd th e n coffee countries to a loan for th is rh»^k ipla lned cam paign . ' J ’’* ’Iberate- • • •

EUlolt’s dead-beat loans from a !o’. group of suckers, amounting as far i ny u

■ a s we were allowed to know, aboutof daya ^350000, never were seru tln ljcd by win' 1 „ K .. » th e house ways »nd mean* com m it- «

te e hnvlng the difficult du ty of 7uh. e .p r , . ^ g whltP-wnah under th e l.u.r

c hairm ansh ip of old Muley D ough- lon . South Carolina. ri,

Uon of Instead , th e treasury m ade a political m lncltig and olweqiUous InspecUon " a tu ra lly conducted by an agent who first shrew d apologized to th e warrior prlnco and ‘ > '0

asked him to lis t his war m edals ta rtlln g to r th e record. T he committee based ’Th* t inc lud- its repo rt en tirely on this a ffec- '• ‘j j tie R ed tlona te scenario, wearily v lnd lca t- „ lures of lng E lliott and his old m an. ww 1id, Joe T h is Is by no m eans a thorough alw ays review of the rackets this un b lu sh - an «(

ou t h e r ln g gang of profiteers operated from upo"- Bf g rea t th e W hite House down to th e day n m a n - FD R died and thereafter from Hyde

p a rk . I t is only enough to suggest publicly th e crying need for the type of In- h e R ed form ation t a Boca, for obvious re a - .p,, lersonal sons, deems Inappropriate. »m1»<i

friend , In 1940, W endell Willkle needled im ount. th e Roosevelt family Just one jab . p on ovU H e said th a t If elected he would file Tub to a c - a detailed sta tem en t of all h is a s- 11

led h e r se ts and Uie assets of h is wife a n d raid son, and would file a sim itar s ta te - Pf"

BheUier m en t on leaving Uie Job, **Th‘IlO a n d T h eir hides were so tough they . 1.7 « 1 to b e - d id n 't even twitch. Willkle never. - for p r l- bothered to say It again. Pobu,

C A M ELS A R E A M ERIC ^ r e t t c - a n d th e y ’re f irst clH D ig L eague s ta rs . Cam e

th a t im o k e rs w a n t m ost

H , J S v p ic k “f«er p a ck . T r y CH y o u l « c p r ig h tH V

M ^**1* o“ *i

'I'l *' ' ' /J S u tt

" " V \ v1 \ \ \ , ' S S b







c « 0f w . Moo, -5

. y r I.’ ..............

r...erlea of ►'■’tu j nT T T ^esatonal iriJj*’ a » « i ^

w orth .r ,i i" i^ -K,govern- ’"''J'"*....... .' sa.ooo. *•i2r;r- > - "i.r.'si

No J' f rT ." *• '-"‘k. ry lia New V .;: J’ ',;’ * I” t J S

acquired ^

t i r w n "Vl 'iRd nre- r '- '- . ' ; . <?•r • ( 111, ? • ' I-* ■’•1. 1-,-,

i-'-« iT’7. ■ l iplott, a •• '■’-tion.y, a»ek- b. „1h*'V IWhao f th* «- TM.

d with-on nat r.« .i, ’ " ’'"Hthe s ta r '• '••i* .i-mZiactUtlei . „ ^ - ‘’.V’-’" - i - ‘II

n“ ''Vl"'-''’’. ? ! *led th e (n.^ r'm nitj ^for th is rh ” k

Irom . "■ '-,1 '. « . ;, u I . rr, about V" p 'o j.n , inrtjrt—i iljcd by will i.t ‘ ^:om m it- '■f sjjjsjj.duty of luH.r'.rJ'* ^ n r h.Icr th e l.u.r .n .ts*.! i«Doiujh-

nade a Vhu In7,!‘4i.’i 2 ? ^specUon pmjpoi. i. *

“ " " i l l 'r ; 'neo and •'"ur. th . bj^m edals ‘i',

debased ;ni.; a ffec- i»‘j r «raplor»<i oa t i i r s , i ind lca t- J T

*•>' Dlr«lori lo bolUtioroughnb lu sh - .>72., "• Me d fro m S U " * " ''*th e day « Sapumw, 1,^ -w Hy«>0suggest Pubii.1,. s«pt. n ,

NOTICE TO JUS re a - Th. g, „ ^•»al»<l bIdt at hi* OI(l«, | _

needled « “ oSm s J .b . ' K l i i JUld file Tub.rcola,l, Hcjim ^

i ;" ™ .rife a n d r.ia . t ih, ,boT. u S tS r s ta te - Pn>po**l form. »Ado«iaJ

»^ r*d Irom lha S u u T S

s never^- c t im r ip<.bii.h, g ^ t. « , 2fc » a ?

----- — ---------------------------------

% lR E A M E R IC A 'S m o st pojuliftip they ’re f irst ch o icc w ith nuflj J i 5 s ta rs . C am els have the n « to ( rs w a n t m o st - m ild n e a la l fc* p a ck . T r y Cornels fo r )0 <1*J1 *

u k e e p r ig h t o n enjoying thelt f*

a n d th e ir coo l, coo l mildtwS’" k o u t i

t : ^7 ! \



fES ^ER YW**-^^a*

* . . . I t lIII l~n------ ,,


Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

Scouts Dem(

J& l^ ' x l p ^ y t i

F »lb Boy S«MiU w ork In te n l lr • ■ S ^ m m n whtoh b ih k p lB f Um ebM M terW t • * •

J y Scouts B uild in j I With Y our Red ]

Mitrlbutlon to C om m unltr B otb U to :■ ^ iT u ) Investment In A m eri- reg u la r Boy 8ciS u o R - 'o r among th e i s d em phasU Is pla

tre several youvi a n c e and outdocl H [ urjesl of these U Boy T h e E xplorer i

ov e r M, h a s as a. V l e f 0eeut<- numberln« m or« m u n lty i«rvice.

b the Twin ra ils dU trlet. c o n tin u in g In.■ T th e Conununlty C hest fo r stud ies, also exi

tt'hlch malces DOs- tr ib u te s a n d In ttheir program—a p ro - T h e boys, w^

H (hit IJ helping shape th e clftasU lcatlon, cao( tomorrow's na tion . m e r cam ps a n d iTOUT contribution brings I n Ju n e pareilervIces w hich Boy m o n s tra tlo n of t

n pledged ta perform in o ffe rs boys wheil^lsemiunlty. Hardly a civic fro m every pai

by tha t th e Scouts do m e t fo r « Sc<^ K t D in ippeorance. T w in F^lls. Soi

l u n b o r s . ,fltn in w hat th e fu tu re “ ‘JJ*- _ .

^ R g ; scouts |n Tw in PalU , a n d B "" ''* R*'H t n n i t i o n . a re sponsors o f >*^ K t o t 'i e t out th e vote" cam - ^

thl5 cam paign, th e y T p ' iutlon. T h eir rew ard— J _ J W l

^ B a f r i s k none--ls a lesson In ^K oiSillJU es of adult, c itizen - 1 . |K T t h e y m ust one day a s , . a l l k C

^ H fto sp tlsn will go to every^ H te i t t ie y will hang a pa p er A clud ly , mi

liberty bell. Inscribed m ost other I"Vote a s you th in k wst, b u t fai

^ K t t a you vote—T oday 's few a re tm ! j o u - C . you r _

^ l U d istric t, th e re appreciate ai cub pack-n, ' you’ll really

^ ^ ■ i t t i ^ i n d 7 explorer posts. OM Bourhoc^ ^ |k i» t e r e a s e o f 'f iv e u n its w ith a full n

w hich shows th e tAste-esiorn) program is be-

the lives of m ore

^ ^ E r f e d U s boys w ith a new ^ ^ M r f h o m e . church a n d f a ^ / M

140 10, the re U Cub 1 |L » rt!i leUvltles cen te ring I

kki »bfre lh e m em bers isb pick are under th e

1 detl m olher. Eucli It* puk holds a general ttileh p iren ts a re urged

ux] the boys receive



I "Franchised" F


I JOHNS-r I ROOFS anH '■ -V ,,

■ J efore y o u nuY f r o >5\ a n y o n■ P f k o i o n L o b o r a n d M o lc r ic


■ --- w e 'r e • i l o b l i s f j o d lior<

I MAGII •^OOFING&IMI■ W ir s c h in o — P h o n « 2 VS

ggPIKMBER 80, 1952

Demonstrate Skills


wk la U n tly a t dem oE iirili - i • ik iii i> i-. l »tc M c b a rM te r e f lailllon i of young A m vrirsm . (SU ff

l i n g Nation’s Futi Red Feather Contri))7B 11 to 14 are eligible fo r lakes tn Magic;lar Boy Bcout work, In which B laine. Lincoln,hasia Is placed upon self m il- Oooding. Mlnldoki< and outdoor skills. Falls countlcM, tle E xplorer Scout work, for boys E lder county, Uti

M, h a s as a basic purpose com- T he council—b<ilty fervice. These Scouts, while extend and adml in u ln g In advanced outdoor th e a rea—Is hesdiles, also explore vocational a t- board of 38 merrlie s a n d Intereata. all sections, and « le boys, w hatever the ir Scout “ >ne field executlslflcatlon, can take p a rt In sum - In addition t<cam ps a n d excursions. th ree-w eek sumirI Ju n e pa ren ts saw a vivid de- L lghtfoot bar, tJistra tion of the training scouting cuplne springs, t rs boys w hen a thousand Scouts ta ins headquarte 1 every p a rt of Magic Valley where th e recor

fo r a ScouUng Jamboree in inform ation dlsst tl F^lls. Some 3,000 visitors to I t was .decldcd |

Jam boree saw Scouts In ac- cil board and thc budget com m ltte

le Snake R iver council, of which l^ilIs dU trlc t sht Q P a lls is a member distric t, or 31.6 p e r cenl

If whiskies all taste alike to you...A ctual!^, most whiskies—like I J - S

way, b u t fairly ordinarx. Only afew a re truly eiceplioniLI f you a re one of the ten people whoappreciate an exceplioiul wljis^ey,you’ll really enjoy Melrose 8 ^carOt<] Ucutboa. ira full 50 p r o o f -w ith a full messure of utaste-esjoymeDt every drop.

" P a y a lilt/e mon, Drink a little leu, i k IM " to tlic very best:.'.

m m M m

# K1GHT -Y

BOU]H Aicnr BOURBON wniSKETi #0 rnooK . m e i.ro se m si

! Home OwneARE THE O N LY

d" Factory Approvi




^ A N Y O N E ’. . . Se# o r phdi;i# u i f o r fo c li i d M o te r la l s .


lls fjo d lio ra In b in l t ie j i fo b a c k a n y Q unrcin i

m ’t k n o w y o u r ro o fn — k n o w / / o f i r ro<

lAGIC CITY !. im p r o v e m e n t C■ hon. M 9 J - 496 W . A d d lion _ D on Do


- r — ------------- — ' 1


o o o D r v o . sep> ]African O')

I f '’n ' 'I j blrvim' nf i)i< h '-d r><

hnnir nf MrI, 4 j | T utu* nnrtl. a t <v< k I t j The r>rr ; U n t II I . Africa *n(i U r*ut<>'

family, n u|M j | | | | | U | | K l H em Caliro'nlR n '.a '|S fT[BBW ffW fW CUUIvp>(.<1 nr

la re rr rtnrni •'m p- blavuim rptnlU frvr t some of th - Cntlfnr T u tt’e rayt. B h f rn.1' yarti I" i.n.

Tbp Mowpr U t h ' nffirlal


. the f23<;oo woi.ld h. 'v "fl'’' ‘ f *12.400 o th

nflkr. - .t ln r l" , »3.10 phone and Mprtrl

! ( Sl.IOO; fivid pxpen ilrem rnt and socln

l i 'n 'ntA. tSM; carapinipo.'tinKc. $000: lend $600: orricccxpcns^ nnticand mlKctlinny , tI5<

« they baTF lemmed thron ih 'ram . (S taff ptioto-engravlor) . ^

F u t u r em tr ib u t io n s

In Magic Valley, Including le. Lincoln, Jerom e, Camiw, ^ing. M inidoka, Cassia and Twin J C

counties, and p a r t of Box ^courity, U tah. j

‘ council—se t up to promote. I d and adm inister Scouting i n ' rea—Is heeded by an execuUve I . of 38 members, representing i etlons. and employs three full-1 field executlej. 1addition to sponsoring two

•week sum m er camps, one at foo t bar, th e o the r a t Por- e springs, th e council main-

headquarter* in Twin Falls 'Whether '• th e records ara kept andn a llo n dissem inated. roUehlnBT i/a s.decldcd JolnUy by the coun- “ ®a rd and thc Com munity Chest f i n d O T I R !t com m ittee th a t the Twin

d is tric t should raise 133,600,,.6 p e r cen t of th e council's


- B E D R C

M a r i n . ........

f a little less, A• bcslM ^

O S E ™


BOURBON elksaciEI.ROSE mSTtLLEItS, INC., H. T. ^___________________ ___ D EER

i S A C K S ....

¥nersI B I N O

I m p o r U i i l Ip r o v e a loim. a «iz.!- e r f o r all.

1 6 x a 0 — 7 ^ I 7x .')5 M o iio '• 7 x 5 0 . . . .

L L E I ®NGS■ h u n t i n g '



" W R A N O L I

ly a 'J f i r o n to * . W 0 0 L 5 H I I

l / o t i r r o o f e r n ' ' p|

MT CO.- D a n D o n I . I . 1


-■__________ TIMES-N


c o f i o B l o o m s R e s u l t i n g P

' I X ' c i a l < ' a r e o f T r o | ‘ i c a lOD P/O . Sepl SO-A b rea th o f Loa A n p ’»« r t ia ««)niilh African c 'ln ttn rn t m ay be thU P*'* "f the count' ■•n nn» )rok« >ipnit th e *.XoUo a frl'"'<1 ''f Mr«. A»'tI' nf ili< h'-f1 o ' par fll«e p i n t dolph. '!■’ -Ilntt. h a d pf hnnir nf Mr akiI •« . . r ,i p lan '. A' r>., u m e 1• nnrt«> af th a t mM Btl im f«rtuni r«rr > U n t U a naM re of O ' ® ' t t«.

» »nrt l» T*ut<>'' to »h» caetua The r '" ' »'11 bloo y It U 'fMm-? ^'nly in sa n ih - It r»set'r* ihe of ;»llfp 'nU « '.a 'n Hawaii in th e and U> 'n -Ul hloom •'•'wl nr l 'l SOP', of th e year It tm. i,«<i foiir■ ffnrnl .'inp - T ^ i . fftbulniw cofore<t w (th a inj r r ln iu for $18 'v r cln*»n In to cfinl'’i«' T'i*> leavw "'f th - CnHforflli* *hnp'. Mm. banana ‘mnrt and hai

e 'a y t. Bhe m.1— ' •>.— it. h . r b1u«hl' R pi-k s trip* d t-«« A t '6 ' l " ter a« th*; open. T h

flowpr wn« c)in<-n recently i* ''P“na fully' nffir-ui f i< ,--r "f (h<* City of Knowiiis ">e p in n t i

lempori-itir' «nd * "| f to c»re fnt U Mra. IU

w Mrs. Tiitl'» If she wrncipal M p frj 'm i-’# onver«yt by'23<;oo woi.ld ho ■xw-utWe *al- T’»* *’'“113' •' f *12.400 o th e r itrm.^ inrlude •" '* P '" '" ''' '• *" P

• -•»lnrl'>, M.lOO- TPiitnl* te le- rtl-lng room e and e lertr lc power ’ costs, home Ihrv have Ju

field expensM, I3.B00; re - Th* P'*"‘ t® hlent end social w ciirity pay - In^® ••«. »8M: cam p ing actlvUlM, *800- tJnct groiifM «r leavea. ‘Ke. $000: leadership train ing . Is showlnn up.Office supplies. $500: cam paign M « ' TiilUe's h o b t

ise. $350; national- quota, $250. She and her hu sb a n t ^ e l l a n y , $150. Ured from the a n n y . h

S P O R T S !t tm i

m ^ e

W h e t h e r y o u h u n t , o r j u s t w a n t o u

r o u g h i n g a n d w e a t h e r . . . w e h a v e h e

f i n d . O U R P R I C E S A R E R I G H T , T C



BED ROLL COVERSNew Novy ....:.....................6 .9 5 100% ’Marina -------------- -------------------4 .9 5 Pc^P-to



.... 4,0, 4.00................. 1.95


4 .95 up

BINOCULARS | . ,Im porled binoculnrH, coittinl loiiH. A Hi7.u. woiKht mill 1>0W- e r fo r all. 6x16 - - 0x25 -<6xflo — 7t(!)6 ~ 8x:to — I H H a W7xfl5 Moiiociiliir. *7 x 5 0 .............?40.00 i)IiiH lax.

BOOTS-JACtl . r ATiixn in iN T iN n n o m

n iK ii udNTKiin n o o T n

HOHH tm iir. W OltK HIlOl'

RID — RED - RtD — RIDHUNTING CAPS (r.verilb le)............................HUNTING VESTS (fitt over oil).......................WOOL HUNTING HATS ..................................HUNTING SHIRTS (100% wool).....................9 GALLON GAS CANS ..................................."WRANGLER" DENIM PANTS AND JACKE




S U RVx Block West of Post Off


__ i ' _ _ _

l i l t i n g From“ 'V w ith Id ah o n»

r o | > i c a l P l a n t — .n p ’« r t is seldom seen In E v C I l t Sart nf the country . Hc*rev«ir. _"d n, M ,.. I - . „ : " X O »

'I"-lio tr. h a d given )>rr th t ^ ^ 2?J A' n-‘. Ume It h e d ■ b,id

n 'l Btl iin fo rtunai« «md• i..-.pr- .»d It too c W i t Mr. *nd U n .p l. , , n l H « ,.n o n l,

It hr,. i,Ad foiir f ra g l l '. <'nm» mv 7 , , ^ n J i- .- i,, . I t h . ■ .rllll.m w , .

T 'le leaves TM"mble the j j ,.a «rnnri and h a v . a ^ .M llf t.l .fU m ooD ,> R pl-k s trip* dn-T, t h - cen- to PorU andI th»! open. Thl"' l<-nf npona fully. T “ n ».wins M,e piftn t need* an even f , r " t> Ti-itir' and * "green .t 'm m h - o P M t l> re fnt U Mrs. R ando lph eikM Tim'» If she would give it • A n t tOM.H ,he special care reotiUert n P P M T M P i

' T i.ttlr. g ladly took th e p lan t j r , o ilnr^cl ll in th e p in u T , wl..rtow 1 W o s^ M l»'r rti-tng room tn th e new Practice tkm

thrv have J ^ t com p eted.)I*nt aeems to have mulUplle<l Officetour. M It nbw h a s fou r dls- pointm ent. groiip. «r leavea. O ne new bud

“ P' . . . > ^ • t b l e p h o nI. TiilUe-s hobby la floVers. O fftp». 191 snd her husband , w ho U re- '- 'l l l c e 1^1 from the a n n y . have b u il t their

T S M E N - (a w fM fitir _

Bt w a n t o u t d o o r c lo th e s t h a t w ii

we h a v e h e r e a s f in e a s e le c t io n a s :


J — W O O L — K A P O K

S L E E P IN G B At. E v ery type , welg-bt, s ize and kind

have It. If you w ant to save mom equipm ent, see ua.

S P E C IA L FO R T H IS EVI■ All Down PUled, N ylon Cover (8 tUnea> Btronger — 3 tim es lighter)-.----------------------

5 1 0 0 % W O O L B L A N K E T S . A n e r t e d> D c e p - to n e c o f e r t . W t . t o 8 I b i ............

N - C o r e - l o k t and S i l v e r

» P E S . . . " B o y r GUN C i

GAMEHC1 . 0 0 1,000 Ib Test Block and I- weight to carry on the+iur

Special a t only ................

^ R D S C U A S T IC g u n C A S ES

S A D D L E B A G S . . . R ll P A C K S A C K S . . . DU


4 5 c - S l . l !

D U T C H O V E N S .


U N T I N G T O CS - J A C K E T S - S H I R T S

tllNTIN O BOOTS $10.50 Arnnn n d n in .......- $16.95 ^r. >VOI(K «H»KN ...... - $7.95 ^ 4D — RED DUST GOGGLI.......................... 1 . 5 0 WORK SOCKS...........................1 . 1 0 GOATSKIN Wl............................1 . 9 5 PIGSKIN WOFI I 5 . 9 5 COVIRALLS ....... ......................2 . 9 5 AMUNITIONAND JACKETS WATtRPROOf



J R P L UP o s t ' O f f i c e


»nUr*l7 b r ttM ttM lrea. T w«b - n ago T utU a was an in r n ie - th Id ab o na tional fur-.«

E v e n t s N o t e dl a K nO s Sept. tf r -K w l W.»on has been r m m Ir aa aer of th« samor* Hoard '

•n d u n . IL I- *cnlthwtck. ,> MountAlO. N ^ . . h«-* re - j U g S ^ ^ ^ 2 | rt h « n e a ft« r ris ltlr* the irid«ught*T. Mr*. r»Tk«, ' •w i ly . . \ J | j j j | [ Uand Mrs. Dick Vork and Mr.

»Tt. Jam e* Clark, a ll Ra«ta<jiiln, j rn rv v ,»lslted M ra. T err'U Fo*t*r hR R Y H E h

T .fU m o o n . T he? » •» . •« R o d io T ec to PorU and. O re.

'— ' A b s o l i

E . K a t z M D CnU o r b l

A n n o u i K e s

iP«:NING o f o f f i c e r o o r t< ^ t19 W o s t M a in , j . , ,1 I..,.),,

rra c t ie e lim ited to dls- caae* of In fan ta and ehtl- dren. Office hotirs by »p- polntm ent.

ELEPHON ES: - ~f f i c e 121 R e s . S 668


t h a t w i l l s t a n d t h «

K : t io n a s y o u w i l l e v e r

SEE . . . SAVEI ^

B A G Sand k in d o f b a ? . . . w » ^s a v e m o n e y o n s le e p in g ^ S T

T H IS E V E N T TEIr (8 tim es ^ B A ------------------------------3 y . 5 v T r e a t e d — I

S. A n o r t e d Q A C . ^ 4 x 1 6 . C om8 Ib ...............- .......P * y d * h o p « f o r «v

P r ic e d u p f r

S i l v e r T i p UMBI J N C A S E S T r e a t e .


B lo ck a n d ta c k ta . L ig h t* io n th e - h u n t . 2

.......25c ®IS . . . R IFLE SLIN G S 5 . . . D U FFLE BAGS

ZOMPASSES— S 1 . 1 9 — S 2 . 5 0

1 O V E N S . . , . 4 . 6 5 u p 1 ^ “ ^ “


r o G SDed down thn

l » T C iturily , liiexpeIRTS

S t a r t« f i l i^ v f ' W u f V T l ' ^ H.C.. Rfiicit

IT G O G G L E S ......................................................................

RK S O C K S .............................................................Do«.

<T SK IN W O R K G L O V E S ...........................................

S K IN W O R K GLOV ES ...............................................

'E R A L L S ..............................................................................

U N IT IO N B E L T S ...........................................................

T E R P R O O F M A T C H B O X E S ...................................

% W O O L GLOVES ...................................... .............

T E R P R O O F SH O O T E R S M I T T ......................


W A S H BA SIN S — C A N T I I N S , S T C .

us SA--------- ---------------------------1--------------



MAGIC VAAbsolutely the Lowest P r i

Cnll or bring your 8«t, regardless of age, i or condition Into th e ito re . All workmai and pRfts eomplet«ly g u a ra n te e . ]coortMUf and economical **rvJc« om r*-'' ••'■-hnielBn,

Phon* 2860



TENTS-TEN1eated — Untreated, 8x10 . . . 10x12 , . . 1 x l6 . Complete with ropes and stakes. A ape for eveiy need. ' . iced up from

im b r e l l a ,.9..... 3:reated Torps from 6x9 to

M R irilrocK O F

R A I N W E A IW e can f i t you o u t fri to to el K ain Trou»ei P a rk as , K aIn Coati Jackets, R a in H ato , 1

^ K orean Shoe Pac«, Na

Rubber Pace, R ubber/ Top Pac«.

lU N K g - C STOVeheopherder o r pi

BEDS ■*rt down those Jaborer*. In an ly , liienpenslve bunk bed. CUSHION 8 0 1

s o c iorten I Z f o r 4 V C U> »•H.t.. Rfllcl.nl, Tl«*. Bpeciai

„ ^ HUNTIh.......... D o i , 2 . S 0

1 6 5 KNIVES...................... 1 . 9 5 J f

4 9 B' rot,DINO v . 'o S a i

.................... C 9 c BAwaoiiofiB C irr ^"n .........'*®® (!AWR .. 11

...............8 1 c ^ -

................; . 2 . 6 5 I M C I A L !

r ^ OVENS " T o r T ^ PAt•^ETS BM V alue­r s , S T C . OIoae-Ou( a t ------------- i, ..... .—

A L E S^ ph<

------------------------------— I ' '

__________ __________ ‘ ' _,.PAI

RK SEARS P OFFERS^ l l u f i n a l


GIC VALLEY I <est Prices mess of age, m ake H

workmanship ■aranteed. F a s i ■-vie* o u r tX f H

0 I



1 J '

ENTS1 0 x 1 2 . . . 1 2 x 1 4 . ."I 1 stakes. A slz« and

___32 .5 037 .5 0

6x9 to 18x24


EARirou out from head n Trouien, Rain iin Coats, Rain in Hats, PonchoB, g Pact, N a ^ Siio*Corps Boota, i^ll- B, Rubber/Leatljer

STOVESpherder or pMk«r ityto. .

thaMlUln___ 15.0UrUSBlON SOLE O. D.

SOCKSwool. U% ootton. aUm

i . ”: _ P M . 5 5 c .



" PANTS1 _ __________^4.95

>Phone 86

---------- fl---------


Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto


I Stalin’s World■ A se ii ts R o v e a lII ( jirren t AimsHH VIEVNA, Bept SO OH -filxHn'iIH| world r 'lm tn i'n lx oiipnlii h tv#Iih • moltlnK Pln»r n u 'i l" * nppnrei-' llfil ■l l l l P i VIflM lh»i^ U 'r t .avy o llu r ■, I U ‘ 1 '« hiilM r p I*'ti IL in •'«•« 'n<1.U'rlr' . t r ngM, It fl- ' ,HB?1 ' nnllv - rc fM ' th»i nf tho ” r>H-'1| lll i! ' B 'ntfx AftPr thnl It wr"lc1 • |III'!- Rii««|iiM-rlomlnntrfl •.•orlrt - -J i '* '' '’I h ■ fhP V fl !!»'• '• " r n<’t.| | l | l . Ttil» I" Itll* Ir'oriTClntlf'r’ pn 'llki-'' •xppftf li‘ Vlrnnn Mtvr» « |U f t I ' rt'VrBlIng wrl^* of «dHnrt*> In th*H h veeU v ncv^ipnpr.r of th e c/'m1n-n n for"!. Thl« l» 'f’e policy (pilil# ' '' ]|I ll l '■or.’munlstJi 'h e world i| l | f Htmrttlnf F ranknew >U l l WHh ntnrtlliiR frnnltnM*. e m m - JB H Inform rdltorlnl reraHed » InriB-H I fo’ ^ollen «tn l*m 'n t f'f Bt»’ln mnrt* •; H b jb yrm - iiBo. » ' th r ISIh r-iB i'-'* H l l of Ihr rnm m "n l« t o«rty,H i II ««ntnriirnt -'IH ’'" ’'I* ;l | | l l true.^ I | ‘'SlBlln," rccallrd th e romlnformn u ' . Journal, "pluced before tlir Com- jU H muntiK p a r t ; and the en tire Bovtet ,K H people a BTtftt Jil.itoric (n.ik: To -IH) overtake and o ii^ tr lp In the next 'nHI l if t, main cnpltnll^tlc ,III! countries . . . In volume of Indus-*111 ou tpu t per cap ita of popiiln-l l | | tlon.'* 1■'■“ 1 Rtlll PnrwuincIiiil ' ■ comlnfnrm nald the »ovletiliti people Rtlll wfre pumuln« th n t 1933H l l Blm of Stnlln'n. even though It u m| ] | l | In terrup ted by th e war.f l l T aking 10 year* out for the w«ri l l and for the re-eatabll.shm ent ofH i prew ar leveli meanii th e Soviet py l cconomy now ha.i pu l In nine yet»rs ^■ tow ard nchlpvlng Stnlln'a am bition, y.■ TJjftt thcnretlcftlly Icavea the Bo- j n victs about six year* to go to reach j,I I I th e goat. I |9 ,‘ : ' B u t we.nt«m dlplom aU aay fltaUn'a- l i ' ’ hopes haven 't a chance of being t; |iL reallMd. Too m any changes have j, Ull occtirred since 1033. The w ar boosted , ■ 1 U. 8 . Indugtrlal a trength to a po in t j H i w here, even If lU cu rren t ou tp u t of u ■ i st«el stood atlU It would U ke Rua- _ ■ n a ta a t te««t u n til I W to ca tch up. ^ ■ W . ’ Big QuciUoa * ■ I I ! Row th e n ean Itusala hope to . ■ I t turpoM th e U nited 8 ta t« t eco- ■ I I com ically? . ■ I l l T he comlnform edltorUls give an. ■ I l l answ er to th a t. They U y down a ■ I I ' policy Moscow apparen tly hopes ^ M wUl carry Ruasl» to a *'Ufe of ° ■ I abundance for th e Soviet people.” . ■ I T h a t policy Includes: ” ■ I 1. A feverish tf fo rt to Increase " H I production In Ruasla's saU llltes; ° ■ I 3. A ttem pts a t cooperation and H I trad e w ith th e weat to he lp th e 1 ■ I Soviet economy: J m a . R adical expansion o f RuatU 'a n i heavy Industry and of e lectrlflca- ■ I Uon; a ll combined with■ I 4. T he M arxist fa ith th a t “cap-■ | | l UalUm 15 dying.'* ^H l l l — h

II I Civil Service Post |Examinations Set ^

, OlvU service axamlnaUona for ,, ' meUoTologlcal aide poslUona paying .

H from I3.M0 to |3,410 a year a re an - , IQ nounced by A fnes A. a tronk , local , ts I «lvll aervlce secretary. {U M ost of the posltlonr are In the

w ea the r bureau aod are tocat«d In W u h in g to n , D. O.. a n d throughout ! tb * U nited e u t« s . ^

A w ritU n te st wlU b* given. Ap- p rop rU t* azperlecce or education is *

i required. =P\ill inform ation regarding the le -

(|Ulr«menU and instructions on ap- Qtylng fo r the exam inations may 1 M Mcured from M iss a tro n k a t th e J T w in n tlU pottoffloe or from the U nited S U U s clvtl service commts- ■lon, W ashington 31. D. C.

Applications roust be llled no t r la t« r th a n Oct. 31. ^

Visits Related for : Residents of ViewVISW , Sept. SO -U ax Oasperson. °

K arold 8 t«pger. Ray P ah l and Wal- t« r Johnaon have enrolled In the U t«h B U U Agrloulturi college a t > Zjocan. Neal Taylor has enrolled at BYU. Provo.

I I Mr. and Mra. Byron W ayment■ ■ , h av e retun ied from Idaho FaUk.

M r. and Mrs. r , U. UoaUnan liave e retu rned to Bsn Ptanrlnco. n

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Olbby and \ daughU ra are vlnlilng in Emery, i U lah,

Mr, and Mrs O n U ursl hr\vr re- J tu rned from vlfliiiim in OKilni, t

Projcct Deiicribed !OOODINO, Briit JO-tlnndlMK H<>. 1

{ tflrlnnn heard Julinn ClnwMin. Ku- II }>eil, drM-rllM- liln lirlKanoii |iiojc'rl .

‘ in Uin Itiiperl iirni nl llirlr iiu t IIuk IJ rviilny noon. Cluwium wn!\ lnu» -I d iii 'rd l>y .litiiirs (^ iiiiiIiikIihiii, ino-I I grniii clinli lllllll I 1 HpenkliiK iTlrflv wrre Karl Bkld-

lH I more nnd Myron Hnibniitili. IH ' 11 - ------------. I

I 1 Shipments Fallj l ! I TDAJic) I-A I.1.H .H ri,railm Hhip-Ijl I I niniiA of iiiiloiiK Ml (nr ih b rmihinn ; J tciliil nSB rnrlniiilr ilm rrdm il-iiln leJ j 1' m niltrt newR M-ivlir miIiI Momlny,I I || 4 'I'lipy roinim rnl u lili l.^M h|i|ppr,i l l J ' In llio I'Diirapoiulliiii jirilDil n y rar

I f'R r ' N O W ! Ends W od.!

jlI C O -^E A T U R E I

|W | PAGE srx

*•1* j Twin Falls RadK LIX K E E I

Vimsirei-' .I — . ;.io m 'w . in "!-,


10 ” n li- 'l i l ui r .il P r.»« S '" ..'■Irt h - l j 1 10 n ~ i , . r.>iii- ^ i p s Bu.ii,* ' « .

,p pill '-y J ' , * ' in ■> ,.M Kii.'V.i.nH., « :M *cnsM .« .■ In th* « rt 4:S0 Al.r»Cl»<lLe c /'tnln- 'i ir-.i ih» i'.- n w n*w^ w » t

'■ p a L w . Um.m- .:':l A

■ InnR- W...M R.dM cm.r ’ln miirt* !2 »..ri.l i / m i'> o’clotk

,l«t «J«rty, V,.,- . 1,15 'M nkHurIM T .I lll.n.T 3:1', -llrnhttr I)i4 OU Kill Kllll. J-10 •Mr^ihUr J),

'ominfxrm I rl l Illnnmlniwar ):<»'<lur <;il Hur

Ire Soviet t;So fw'lIi’ infMUe^'oi, »lis(Blk: To «:<lii K.Ut-X-lrm. nrw. « :»*D r ChrliUthe next ’ :‘5 Ul'f’, ' ' ; ' t’!."!!* '.. IUSI.-V"..

inpltnll.^tlc 11 Kllndir. frolk « MBC Ito.l^iof Indus- 1:>Q Blm Of( «iOO *Uiw«U Tbof popula- ------------------------------

h. Monarch of*All Hth n t 1933 O 1 I Tgh It u n . S a l e s m e n I s L o i

the war By HENRY McLEMOBE , smim ent of CUERNAVACA. M exlco-1 have hele Soviet run acros-i some super aale^men In Inlline yet»rs my time, bu t one here in Cucm n- ] am bition, vaca mnlte..( all the hlghpressure boysthe Bo- I ever m et or read about seem y a to reach b a c k w a r d a n d | | | _ | n | m | | | | | |

of being u i ‘ 7 f ' ^ ' u ^ 8 e n t ^ ^ E ! r , ^««• h i m to H a d e s ‘ ILr boosted v l lh . bundle of I ; ,« i.M !? n lo n g - u n d e r w e a r *"!

he-d sell every knt u . r . P ^ r in two hours ^Ltch up. On

«IxiW o f l^ foot w arm ers a n d ^HH^KJ^I f. « r m uffs. - i" 'f “ T h is W iisjd o f M 't.nnr»1* hone* •* y * * " ‘ I'y Of 10th

•lira o f W rthday and w ears a pa ir of over-, alls th a t need only one more patch E“■ to qualify a..! a patchw ork qulIt. Hla ^

tnerfajiB *» m ldnlR ht In a coalu n ite s ; “ * h lU as bleachedtlon and ~ cn

Building at Buhl S Is Razed by Fire "

Olt “cap - b u h l , Sept. 3 0 - A one-storyfram e struc tu re a t th e rea r of the u,,

_ hom e of P au l H anshaw . 309 H th jw» . X avenue no rth , w as de.itroyed by fireO S l * t t:ftO p. m . Sunday, and a sec-

M . ond fire on a v acan t lot was pu t ou t __1 0 S p t before any dam age was done. .

T h s storage ehed on the Han.shaw _ “ “ ™ lo t contained a m ilking machine, ^ 1, Jil ‘oo'* o the r miscellany, firemen o n P l ^ l -niB-building was a total

The fam ily was absent a t the J,L«I in tha “ me Of ‘ he fire.located In ^ «*l«eovered tho blare. >„hrouBhout 1" ‘he alarm , Plre Chiefnrougnqui a ^ w a r t reported.tlven Ai>- Linden „ucatlon la '!■'* " o dam age, th e chief said. ^

Several buildings were endangered, ng the «e- however.ns on ap- -----------— ------------— mi

Ban on Canadian j;> commis- Stock Continued S!• , ^ , W ASHINOTON, Sept. 30 l^ J-A f- toIlied no t riculturfl departm en t si>okcamen»ftld co:

Monday i t m ay bc some Ume before- the ban on Imports of livestock, ha

T fv i* m e at and game an im als from Can- i U L ada U lifted, - f

V i A ¥ i r border was closed to all Mich toiT I c W Imports, la s t Feb. 2/1 becniise of nn or

Oasperson ow^hreak of the dread hoof nnd o iand W al- m outh dlffeoso in Canada. Tlie dls- w

kJ In the <•"* affecU d re r and otiier sucli college a t ^ cattle,mrolled a t ----------------------------- ------------- «r

Trips Reported) Fnll*. PILER. Sept. 3fr-Mr(i. Hoy Reich- gutmaii have ert and Mrs. E. 1). V incent plnn to a> nttend tlie fifth d ln trlrt Prderaled pr Olbby and Women'o ohibs convention begin-n Emery, iiIiik W ednenday In Idnho m ils,

Mr. nnd M n. Huyinnnd Tliomns I hnve re- Jiuvc re lim in l frnm veiling rrln- py ‘Kilrii, tlvrn III I'ui'ur il A lnie nnd Hnnd- dn

ribed S.iizv"'::;".!..'?;,,,:::: “Kldlng Ho. Nt'l«i>n, Irll Hiiinlny for her Iminp w~ni, llll- III ClilinHO. U oliril l.ltrli, l.on011 inojc 'il All^!l'lr , niiriil llm wcrk-riid allr iiiiTllliK (he Ni'Imiii liimu- lutnn InU.)- II'Imni, i>ii>- IIIHIINS THAlNINO Ki

KlMHMll.V Mri.I Jll i,1i .Mr.ond T Earl Bkld- M nit. l lc i l i n t (■ (Irn liy . Klmlirrly. in h, hns ni rlvril n l Orli.tido. Mi. . lo l,r-

gill Ilir nccoiiil plin..ir In lilt Unluliig

[i’aii ------------Hhiii- ,^^H H H IH il^H H ^H ^H

lllu rpitnoii

m ™,

~ U > 0 0 Nl

T f J B U S IN E S S M E N

- ^ ^ 5 J 2 | O F F IC IA L H E A V Y■ \ g p W C H A M P IO W S H IP

a NUI HjiftI ' I

m W f l tT T f f W .T H A N R I N O S iD I / .


2 1 "WHIPHi

? R a d i o S ’ f h i n H u l e s ^

K E E P K T ' I AM FMH '• WLOCYCLE81 |ll*7i nh.O -90.^ *«»■

* ...l< 5 i» The

^ ’ ?i*v.w,'.‘ "rt''hX** p '*'’''M -n’r'iirw i w .Mnir. I* ! h. J'',''. '«»t

? i ' i ? 5 i ^ i ' * i ! 'H!o '* I* •» i’j ”c Swrji* AmfIS 8urll»»> M .l-Jl- 10 Oi f M -"l- «<] t15 s't.'iTiVsi w.i.,^ . •

» 'c n s N . . . a ^ , * I u

I V*' p r» u . ,r»rt» J»ar^«l agal->0 .I t o’ciMk Xtwt.K N otlvvu 1 MH*I> ...IS •I’"r7 W^'P. I<is silorrcif KUabak* >15 'I tnk l.iu r 4tO« Tr»«Wf» yoiU

J 'JJ.'S .'T l.'u .”"'-"'10 'Mr'ihUr J)>r <:IS Klif<riMi> N«>iIS-<iur <;il HunJ.» •■>'1 ■Viuflin p f f>4 *Allia J«rk*cM, K*-a 7i00 aCroufho Uara .L-1. M».l. Tim. 7 H 0 .8 I, 8tOT11 a H«no» Uirili Cr>l« In S » •Dr ChrliUaB »;W .011dml«.». *nd n M.in* Up tiOO (Ona Mia'i FamDr ,,ni,10 ’ Whti-t Mr Llm •:!» NlBF<n(U*B EdIUosn 'IDC Itoilnt DouU l'>:AO i j . C. S x r u tlnil )» »LowU TbooiM_______6;4i N««»__________ hlgl

f A l I H i g l i - P r e s s i i r e

i s L o c a t e d h y H s j n k

SE I snow, and alnng with h is overalls the-1 have he wears w hat mu-^t be the m ost em i ^men In Infectlou-i grin In Mexico. O Cucmft- His base of operations Is In andiure boys a round the M arik p la ia . C uem a- t* 'nJ t * » m vnca’a principal hoU l. T h e M arlk ^M M M P lo u stands on one corner of the ‘hoH I ^ H P^^hc square and lU sidewalk cafe Ami

and open a ir lounge a re crowded * • ' N '. 'iM ’ '^‘h tourists from b reakfast Ume

u n til the sm all hours of the m om - p i

1 ^ 1 "H ot Shot," as th e youngsU r IsV l j | a know n to Americans who slay InB i ' ^ H Ouemavikca more th a n a day, sells B

everything under th e sun. o r almost, e mOne day It will be th e charm ing to '

^ ^ ^ H com bination of puppies and chew- p]eslng gum. T he nex t he w lir appear salew ith gardenias and holy medals, noci

Kl. inn , • hftve been here I have u . fnis lu in th e Item s m entioned, T° ® ?*lr plus p a rro u , loveblrdr, d ried aklns, ohalullt h S hand-w oven rebosas, roses, som - beain « /-nni hrcros, brooms, fresh figs. peanuU , ley,u . I r f **!'’''■ J«w*>ry of every description, t° ‘*^*'^hed lAbleU. sandals, riding coui

crops, lottery tickets, shopping bas- keel , 1 . | kcU ot a ll sixes and colors, wood wheU n i carvings and, so help me, a copy of the1 7 : ^ ^ Jam es Joyce’s "Olyssea." Ar I t c healthy-looklng a boy a s tr ie

.tn ,^ f*"'* anywhere, bu t when he u mf »h m anages to get enough sleep to mot

.no '‘•^P his eyes open for salesm an- couiV " • y " ih lp U a m ystery. He U a t work deria by fire y , , M arlk plaza sidewalk sho rt- mal

* .*** 1 ly a fte r dawn, and he Is the la st of 1LSI! one to leave In the evening.° \ Hla prlccs are scandaloa^, bu t hls irtaashaw m anner Is so persuasive th a t he jmacnine. ggn,, . ."’*'1 dors, who aro m uch cheaper, eye. • . h im w ith am aaem ent. He Is as U na-

*‘ ‘he clous as a kennel of bulldogs once. ho senses th a t a customer Is the „ ®

nK.w b it InU reatcd. About the onlyire Chief (o escape h im Is to Jump In

. , . your c a r and head for Mexico c ityI f M o r Acapulco. E ven then he Is likely

i.n lf^ iS ' ^ on th e re a r bum per and ?r?,langered, bull"Hot Shot'a" biggest money- ,w.

; m aker, I beUeve. U ChlcleU. I have “ f.I J I I I w atched him work w ith th is m er- “ *** chandise a n d he Is aa sly as a fox. . n n o n Experience h as U u g h t him how to | I I U C U pick ou t a tou ris t who U so fresh "*

l ^ A g - to Mexico th a t he haan't^ yet bc- K ■men said como fam iliar w ith the money. Pon le before iio npprooches his victim w ith a brot livestock, ha lf-m oon grin , and w hen asked hoir om Csn- "How m uch?" ho always at«wer». M

“Five." Nine tim es ou l of U n tha f*m all Mich tourist wlll peel off a five-peso note, ^hg

se of nn or five onea. for th e package of two ^ loof and Ohlclela. T h en tho llllle scamp renl- Tlie dls- ly scampers. T ucks up hls overalls Her sucli and makea U acks. ^

T h a t la to ensure his no t being around w hen th e tourist takes time M

h p n figure ou t th a t he has paid Hnearly flO cenU for a package ot ^

)> Reich- giuii when th e prlne, niiywhere. In I plnn (0 a centavos, o r a little more thnn a 'Vdrralert prnny. Ue never worka Uils on Uie 1 begin- inm n tou ris t twice, rn lls. "Hnt Hhot” hn» been trying to aellTliomns „io the inoiintod hend iH a tillly goal

mg rrln- rv rr since I gol here. A frw morr nl Hnnd- ,iny» „ ,„t I liixvc ll trrlliiK tlint

lliiit guat head will uo iniiir, allRho llR!<

('hiirlra <111. 1111..livl hr McNuuihi •n>.lk>i«. Inr jirr homr ----------------------- - -Irll, l,on AIIEA I.AND flOI.I)i-riid a l llOIHC, Hept SU Ml - Tlie nInIr I

lund d e p n iln ir ilt llAn nliliollliiril £ Ihr Mile u( SO acres ol land lu ‘l> iu I

0 l‘';ilU i-ounty to Hnrold M riurr .Mr.'ond 'Hvln I'alln, for »&,000. 11 wns

hdinlirrly. iiiuli'r<l a t 13,400.11 . lo l>r- ----- ------------------------1 Unlulng fa iiry Lawn (traaai P lan t I^w n t

nnw, (Uob* Beed A fM d Co. Adv.

2 N O W t 'o^ v

U 'O O N O O N


I h e a v y w h o h t

*N O S i P I / • »T «M M b /


' H I P H A N D "

“ 1 B a n k e r s T o h l ’ P M fM N a tio n Faoinjr J ” B ils in e s s Lull

ATl.ANTIf CTTY, Sept 30“ ..1,^ T he n a l’ n« w»r^ to '-' ri»f» p..^,

T Mondoy th» fr» ai.d rary r 1d* Aol’ r* '■ * »•■■■ ..... Mrs 1

'H S t^akrr »{!(•» •■■rnker «rf'lrr--ln« t*. ' 'a' **• TBih Rnnnnl meeting <•! th* u /t , >

'tm Amrrlri-r. P'xnV^m nanclU M n w»m- gran'lled thnl t' r p<w 'bl"'.y of ''■J* h-,th ;

iliM rec*M‘- •• *'• l«v«n I • Xh»....... . n ir r .

to l l FoTTaat rtlU '.a ^ ^ lull ’n Bnrin*** ac tlv ltr cnn h* | *rty •r.dm-» experfed « f t^ I 'lr cu rren t d r f rn - ' entalej'o'W , boom has lont Its st«-»m, they i-ald. sonal

C ''m ptrnli»r of the Currency Pr»* valuedI'lodr t" n ’V l'-no 'o ld *he convention ' proper

“ '“ ff 'cu lt tr. hr- • ‘ .000■ lleve ih» t our e^ 'n unlc aystrin wH' Ti'e

ir^ni again »-p*Menf'- a deprenaloo r '“ " O n 1p v a b lr to lha l » y*ari ag In bot

tUa>b«k« "B” t although H Is U n'alf to Tr»«Wf» your nj^arrholrl.'r*, i fu w e ll a i lo

your c'U to.nrr’ and rom m im lt) to C _1 N«.i e jp*ct tl'» wnr.<l and strive fo* 110<onfi- p f r ren t liquidity. It Is even le.w

th e p a rt of wl.dnm ‘to run a bank ^.la In such a m anner th a t lU solvency k. ' • and uiiefulnes.* wlll be In JeopardyIB Bdiu^a unlean our general economy con- f®h*IfH tlm ies without In terrup tion to reach ^hool

higher and higher levels." danceK lini C ited o n

Pointing to "slgai a n d portends"i r e which >1 sn'd canno t be lgn"red. |

Delano salrt ' bunker* canno t dls- ,,, ^ r I regard Ih* droUne In whniesnle L S n R commodlly p rlre, w hich hn.s U krn

^ place over ihe la st 18 m on th i and s overalls the probable reciuctlon In the gov- the m ost em m en t* rearm am ent program ." . . . , '

O ther factors, he declared, a re the q Is In and aerlous economic conditions In cer-

C uem a- ta in western nations w hich th rea ten ^ , h e M arlk ‘o dlnilnLsh our export m arkeU and jy ier of the ‘ho possibility th n t th e m iracle of iwalk cafe American producUon wlll resu lt In ^hese » crowded * aurplus of consumer goods. ^ 9ia s t Ume ---------------- ; ------- — , an af

®" Pleas Revised m 1“'.';' i; Mine Stock Case “Z

day, sells BOISE. S e p t 30 IfV -T hreo e ast- hall wor almoet. «rn Id sho men have been allowed >**8;“ 'charm ing to w ithdraw the ir nolo contendere Bruin

md chew- pleas to conjiplrncy charges filed In Jt^hloi111 appear gale of mining stock and p ljad In-medals, nocent. occordlni? to papers filed In mcnce

•e I have U. 8 . district court M onday.nenUoned, T hey are Troy E. Becker and 1 1 0 1•led aklns, Charles E. Rcomsnyder, both Sun- " C lses. aom- beam, and Jason O. V aught, S tan - C. peanuU , ley, Cescrlptlon. T hey were IndlcU d on seven BO\5, riding counU for sale of stock In the Y an- Oliplng bas- kee mines, but six were dismissed stlngUors, wood when they pleaded no defense to admina copy of th e con.^plracy count. goverr

At a hearing before U. 8 . d s - ty of it a boy a s tr lc t ju d g e W. D. M urray, M on- The

when he ta n a , accordlnu to th e papers, a can’t (aleep to m ollon to reln.itnte th e f irs t six lng fr

salesm an- counts was denied. T hey were or- " It1 a t work dered to stand tr ia l on th e one re- llbertjalk sho rt- m alnlng count a t the nex t term runs II the la st of federal court a t PocnUUo. govenI B . ----------------------------- Tail

“i ‘ te Sale Announced “ UCASTLEFORD, Sept. 3 0 - T h e

is M te n a . CasUeford school d istric t wlU sell ' Hns« onr* ‘* ° hulldlngs a t public nuctlon a t ier Is the school gymnoslum a t 8 {

f O ne°'bulidln(? Is nppral.sed a texiM Cl V ‘ ""I ‘he o the r a t *333.33. U ie y « e la likMv heing used for school rooma and 1 ,0 1

- s-idSfr w■ mon-v Buildings are to be removed from ' '

• t. I h .v * ‘he school grounds following the WATm. m“"

Events Reported -S''t- yet be- KINO HILL, Sep t. 30-B ob SmlUi, “ xhcnoney. Portland, who has been visiting hla the ;Im w ith a brother, W. C. Sm lUi, has returned grounlen asked home.I aniwer*. Mr- and Mra. R obert Ross and naUo if U n Uta family. Pocotello. have been vU lt- aulrei• peso note Ihg her m other, Mra. Ethel Bosh, ____Ige of two Mr. and Mrs. A rchie M cEachem r “~ “^amp ronl- daughters. O gden, a ttendedIs overalls fuheral services here for his mother,

Mra. EllcabeUt K lnkade.no t being ‘

,.1,™. O P E N S W E D . —V . »">■ » i - i - "

fing to> goal I


fI HII . . . t u e s . - w e d .

lant l.«w nt A u d i* M u r p h y In 1 Co, Adv.

" D U E L A T S IL V E R C R E E K "

NDS Iv f j iY ('lirllny Illriilirii


'T H E R A G IN G , T I D E " I

G s s s nT U E S . O N L Y I

■ S " N A V A J O "

t t " s t o l e n " F A C E "

i lS o n io n 'a L o s t Show a

l ^ ^ s j T O N IT JE

— — " T h * A d v e n fu r® of Gallon^ Boss''

"A l You W cro"


1,1 ’ Petitions Filed < . In Estate Matter| 1 I W FeU 'lont tn proba(<>~U^ wll's ot

~ U ttU M. Sm ith and h is wife. Mm.I a t l 1 A nn 'S m lth . were filed In pro-■ . / I I I * bats c ru n M 'lnd/'y . Mra. Pm lth died

« .n rt h . , dlM A-ig30 r

to'-'.i»T» P "th ll*t as survlv^’s th ree d'H gh- 'V r rr^. Mrs E iirabe th Rrw iund and' ..... Mrs P hrijr la rc a .n te r. both n ie r .

nn'’ Mrs E sll'er W rldr. Chula VU- H'irr--ln« t* ''a llf. ’n add'M on. Mr*. Pm lth * '

'•t th* ii , t , Hatel Nenle. F H 't, a n '’ two " ^n w»in- gran'lsnns, 1-^rry K '-ir. .v..j« h-,th ;',n v e r . Oolo ' ' Th» estnle In c li 'd r i six lots lr

Filer. T h - prUUon f r r Mm. SmlUi rtlU '.at»i the V 'liie ol lh e real p n p -

» rnn he i rrty »l *10,000 whll* Oie husl^nd *. d r fe n -' MUle list* the vnl>’“ a l «20,000. P*r- •y said. sonal property of the husband Is P* icy P r'* valued « ' ' l l ' per*c-al can t 'o n ' propei’y >• vriii».i «i arIt t f be- • ‘ .000 S 'jtr in will T i'e )-earIn«8 a re *e' f'lr 10 a-n. lon r '“ " O ri 17, Mrs. Pow lp^d ' i pet'tlni «r Ar i ng In boU' e*ta(*s and he» -----------n fa lr tn N. W. B .U el.en ,

rtS’ m .‘'chooi Dance)ven le.w

solvency Schedules Set ■;

m y '^o n ^ -’°hn D. P la tt , Tw in PaUs high i'-to reach •''hool p rincipal, announces Uie

dance schedule fo r th e year. ef’On Oct. 11 th e O lrls’ league wlll ®

„ tends” sponsor a dance In th e n'm nnslumi_ „ rr r f “ ft*'’ the N am po-Tw ln Falls foot-

^ 1, bnll game. The nnnual H arveji hallJ l„ i " will be held Oot. 54 under Uie dl- f*

" t X n of ‘he FTA nnd FHA. Olrl.s' tb n*h. onri Ipague UnlU will spoa^or the Sadie *■'‘ HflwJtIa? dance Nov 34. R elna D t- ot

' VtTVi'nlance band will provide mu- m1 «‘c for a ll Uiree dances. dl1, a re ;ne jg nr

' 1 - sponsor th e Holly ball. T he Alum- P« ^ re a te n j,j the sponsorship of a 'k e u and ^ 3 p(iracie oi ga juan .g orchestra wlU play for t i . u l t In 01“ *• The sophom ore class wlll sponsor

an after-gam e dance Ja n . 9. The P' i n Senior ball will be held Jan . 23. The * ' *** Boys' club wlll aponsor an after-

game dance Ja n . 30.V / a S C On Peto. 30 the an n u al Sw eetheart ree e ast- hall will b« sponsored by th e G irls ' ■!

allowed league, T h e Bru in club will hold the X intendere Bruin aport dance M arch 27. The , fiijd Jn Jun ior P rom wlll be held April 11. Dlead In- sponsor th e com-, fiietj m m cncem ent dance May 21. ^

Democrat Policy | ’* ““ Scorched by Taftn seven BOWLING O REEN , Ky,. Scpt, 30 olthe Y an- CTV-Ohlo Sen. R obert A. T a f t In a P'llsmUsed stinging a ttack on th e D em ocratic «(fense to adm inistration la s t n ig h t said "big h<

government Is th rea te n in g the liber*8. d s - ty of our counrty." “I

■y, M on- The senator sa id th e governm ent is-lapers, a can 't get any bigger w lth d jt destroy- aifirs t six lng freedom. H e added : ' lewere or- " I t used to be th a t progress was! one re- liberty—now It Is govem m ent which w>•xt U rm runs business a n d Industry through b'lo. govem m ent d lc ttito rsh lp ."‘ m

T aft denied th e Dem ocrats couldJ take credit for progrc,«. He said

L c Q people who drive c ars and own I_ homes obtained them through the ir i-

*rtit « i i 0 * " InltlaUve.Iirtinn «t *P°’'® ‘o “ estim ated 2,000

, 0 persons tn a R epublican rally cover­ing the first, second, th ird and

aLsed a t congrcs.ilonal dU trlcts. M

r'7^; Conference Drops i; World Wool Panel -

*'lng the WASHINOTON, Sept. 30 LD—The poInteniallonal raw m ateria ls confer- erence dl.'solvcd lU 11-nntlon wool It

t committee loday a fte r deciding, i C Q '■*'001 U no longer In short supply litw a ..1- ‘he countrlef? of llie world," Fi

OD am lth . The commlitee was disbanded by Ositing hla the 2B-nnt1on conference on Uie fore lum ed grouiuLn t lm increused supplies Di

eliminate the posalblllty th a t Ipler- a(itosi anc n itional allocaUona wlU b« - r«- "c

’. '" b ;.! ; ______________cC achem p ~ ~ — —


1 ^ Starts TOK*

■ K

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^ ■ p P I H V ^ f ^ ^ H H


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I t t f /" AN>tin«w><l rKtai) \ • ff

m M m: a &


^ < ; O r s R e p o r t Fc

“I " B lasts a t U . S . J S s S ecrecy R u le sdiM a.ib WASHINOTON. Sepl. >0 lf» -A

Repiibllrnn '^ p n r t on "secrecy In fed 'H gh- „ v -fn m e r.l- c h a rg « th« rig h t of , , and and kpo ’ w hat U i'lr gov-’‘h r m m r - l l» <fr'ng ha.n b-en "Stolen ,935

V I I t tr ru .e d th* T n im an admlnU - ^usl■ ’ '''■ UnUr' of "Sing censp 'sh 'p , con'-^al- |j„_ , I . , . m rnt *n1 d -ce p fo n lo keep Uie h-iU: . . ’t i i m r y r .................................. .................... ^

Pf'’P- rrf.p*r».<J •‘7 P»n«I *0'CP , / The 12000-woTd report was pre- of t

isband Is parrd by the sU ff of the Republi- »d 1 nrM r-..i Can tjollcy commltt** In th e senaU si

,ri.i».i ■! arW distributed from th e office of .n d Sen Home- FergU*on Mich. The

r to a-n co.iniltt-ee, headed by Sen. Robert ^ - i P«t«tlni .r A T s 't . o . decidei party polloy on |> j______ -.ajo r Lmu»« In the senaU .

T h ' *rope and m ethods of govem- m *nul 'ecrecT have "grown to such a point th a t congress has to fight for InformaUon before I t c an legl*- c

' ^ i«te." the sU ff repo rt sU U d. Vls<^ Nfwspaper*. It added. o fU n can pyj,

a se t Uie U c u only If the ir reporters9 - iu m l^ em selvu Into detecU veaand'alls hiKh 8um shoe artlsU .“ Lnces the "Secrecy In governm ent, ilow lyln- ^ creasing since 1033. reached lU cll-■ague wlll max under T rum an." Uie report :m na^^m went on, H

r v r« hflii 'T rum an is Uie auUior of threer tiie dl f*mn"« executive ordera having asHA Olrls' their nim first, th e concealm ent otthe Sadie eKmiilvr nction from congress; sec-tTlna onri, the slow strang ling of every.vide m u. menns of communlcaUon—presa. ra-

dio television and moving pictures; «club wlU ond ‘hlrd. the dellberaU use of sup- ,.■;» Ai.im Dosedly confldenU al Inform ation Ino r s h lH 'f “ “ 'I!'’* “P- htap iay '^ fo r ’“’ ‘ed th e ordera aa th e loyalty^ ^ order of M arch. 1M7. a aupplem ent-1 snonsor W order on loyalty InvesUgaUon1 fl ^ 8 procedures In SepU m ber. 1051. and _i' r i Thn «n order la s t Ja n u ary opening In- | <»n afU!T eome tnx r< tum s to Uie InspocUon

of the senate rules commltU e.w eetheart

“•S'S,' Reds Want Korea J. Ap'rtMi’ Truce, Clark Says ™

th e com- TOKYO, Sept. 30 flfV—G en. M ark W, Clark said today he believes the

~ communists w an t an arm istice In tryl I P V Korea "providing they can g e t I t flv«

* on their term s,"--------------------------------- eas ’ e supreme allied com m ander ii

X c t X t ,sald tha t although the 10 m onths abc . Scpt, 30 of stalemated truce U lks ‘'have lng r a f t In a proved fru.stratlng . , . wa have wlll emocratlc continued to negotlaU patien tly In pile said "big hopes of' reach ing an agreem ent." ntiC the liber* Clark aald the truce negotiators

“have reached agreem ent on m any vernm ent l»ucs. some of which for a time t destroy- appeared to be unsolvable prob­

lem.',"-------------------------------------------------- ® gress was However, Clark said the TJ, N. nici (n t which would stand tlrm on th e only Issue a n t / through blocking a truce, the communl.H de- an

mnnd to r forced re tu rn of all C hl- Kal a ts could nese and N orth K orean prisoners. the He said ----------------------------- T

S S Bureau Pays Off Sf ited 2,000 On Utah Lawsuit 1 1lly cover- WASHINGTON, Sept, 30 «V -T he 1°“hlrd and N ational Farm ers union announced

Monday I t had received n *27,800~ check from th e Utah Form Bureaul* A n o paying off a libel Judgment won In

Snlt L ake C ity federal court last I i > n n a 1 ‘hei

d l i e i The lltlgnUon started In thc 1030 = ) liD—The polUlcal cam paign when the Farm - X confer- ers union sued over, a charge tha t •lon wool I t was "com m unist dominated,"

deciding The F arm ers union quoted a po­rt supply lltical m em orandum Irom the S tate 0 le world," Farm B ureau as snylng Hep. W alter w anded by O ninger, U lnh. then a candidate *><

on thc for rcelectlon lo the house nnd now supplies Dem ocratic candidate for the sen-

la t Ipler- ate, sometimes cooperated with the b« - r«- "com m unlat - dominated Farmers

union." ' j t

A L L N E W ! A L L T H R IL L IN G !


. i . T T r j i i n — ^

u l J l l i f i n

i / d m L j i t m i I usinmHoi loom


0 ..__________________

•t Former Resident <:(; c Claimed by Death „

H A H .l^ . B e p t 30 Sue Tracy, ■> form er ow ner of the T rscy pharm acy In Hailey, died Simday in

.1 “ S B Milwaukee, WU„ hoaplUl. Bhe waa . In her la te sixties.

^ Mis* T racy , who Inherited the scy In Tr*cy pha rm a cy from her b rother " h t of J J x m cy , 10 y e a n ago. came to ^ r'ln i ^ 8° ' ' ' HallfV to live w ith her brother In " ' " ' f "stolen JQ3JJ a } ,, t<jok over the pharm acy "lh<

upon his d e a th and managed It un til ^r*« four yeara ago when she sold the ‘Iv* -x

ImlnU- buslnes..! Mid moved back to M llvau- I jn '-ia l- | t „ . ghp re u ln e d own— hlp of t h . the id 'P the htiUdlng however. publir.

* ' While In H ailey, she worked for “hom several yeara In the ootmty re- tnnvln co 'der a office. She was a member «ndn

u pre- of Uie C atholic church and b - lo n j ‘ vact epubll- ed to th e A ltar society. ThisenaU g ^ e was -bom In Madison, Wls. '" '■ •r. f lee of and w«« th e youngest of 13 chtM--- 1. The . - _ - -J,,

£Tn N a n c y A stor's S

F s H u s h a n d D ie s ™Si,> le«l*- CLIV EnEN . Eng,. Sept. 30 Wl— Brm

V iscount A stor. prominent B ritish th<in en can pub iu h e r and sportsman and hus- i„ i,u porters •Vlrglnla-bom Lady NancyveMand o ie i today. He was 73.

. . Lord A ator was bom In New Y ork , , 'T h and long h a d been a leader In B rit- ^‘’‘‘ho

cll- jjj , and poUtlcal Ufe, alongrepo rt ^Is w ife. w<

His d e a th followed a long Illness, " he U nable, because of his Utle. to 'L ''

r th ree jhe house of <v.m-'ln g as nions. L ord Astor sponsored his le tit of politica l cnreer and helped[*' h e r to become the first woman ever ' e;ec(ed to th e lower parliamentary H' . h;™ : eham liir.c tu res , jjg ^ possible to "ee,?t th e poUtlcal scene and spoke fre- . l l QuenUy In th e house of lord*. B u t P n i .01 op- jjjg peppery tem peram ent and w a i f ir eagemes.t to ge t into all political ri

a rgum enU b r o u g h t her g rea te r J “ « U » _________________ B*1

■"■H Landing Strip forStanley Procured S'",;

BOISE, S e p t 30 MV-BUU A ero- ?outhic a nauUcs D irector C het Moulton h u ‘h<.I atuiounced th a t a landing s tr ip ’ e ) d V S would be completed a t S tanley th is < 3' ■ . M arkves the He said th e d ^ r t m ^ t had been TPjPf'tice In try ing to get lariff there for th e la s t 5 *,°g e t I t five years and had now secured an , - j

easem ent on property.n a n d er i t also w anU to build a s tr ip *m onths above Lowman. W ith the two exist- v n u

'have lng fields in th a t general a rea . It the 1a have wlll give adequaU protection for „ „ „ „n tly in pilots flying th e route between Boise L p lim ent.” ntid M ontana. ,,sUators ----------------------------- ----------------- *•

V S Attend Retreat ™HAGERMAN. Sept. 2 9 - E i g h t

u , N. m cmW rs of th e Methodist M YF °* “ • y Issue and th e ir sponsors participated In lis t de- an overnight r e tre a t a t the K enkyII C hl- K abun, we.st of Ketchum, to outline mers. th e year's program .

The group le ft Thursday m om lngP f and re tu rned Friday. I t Included T |11 E sta Lou R oberts, president: E talne Mc?»t5<- A nderson. R ichard Thompson, tie tty .s u i t T hom pson, E d g ar Townsend, C ndr- »ft—The ’o“ e Tow nsend. Mary M artin, L eta A lounced N eym an, the Rev. H orry S to r-*27,800 huck, n n d M r. and Mrs. W ynn

Bureau Thom pson, won Inr t last Im ported H olland. Billbtt P lan t

them now, Globe Seed. Adv. ' Hie 1030 . — . — B

.fTai Dr. J. C. Rushton J Sd," O s te o p a th i c P h y i ic ia n i f i a

a po- O FP IO S HOUR8 H l i ( s ta te 0 to 13 - a n d - 3 to ft Dan*W alter W«lB«d.T Cviaiaw. t , |» ,0 » p.M,Idldate ” • *«* * ’• ' <»” ____ :id now

Uh the

~ 1 No. 1 ST,OF THE N A




MOTOR-VU SIn hie two fine i




*1.00 A CARI


' • H e a r K i d d i e W i n n e

* L o c a l A m a t e u r S h e

• S tr j(l ward o f ihe l-r




' 1I

>t ‘ 'O P ath

Slate Offid UlB PO<^ATiinix» H .„ * irother D rm n-rntlrjn e to B nint d*rl„,-^

t un til , / r * n k in s tn ,Id the ‘Iv* 'Mmm'Mrr, ^ “ U vau- from dl«ir1rt. f"®)

ed for Ohoiit iiow f j l o nty re- tnnvlrq tna-arrt ^ ^ *lember «ndrr th r D rn .n r ^ i^ '^ '-lonff '’PpnMIr I, th.','***!.

•■nie n . m orrlt . W lr - '" - r . . i . . P«tJk

’ B ntln^^

> " ;x ;r ..

• i e s

NancyW ace.

» Y ork -^ T h * Rverage facton • n B rit- Idaho In I951 wr,, 2

along “ he snld, "in la ,^BKc worker's pny

lllnes-s, “ he had a Job."Itle. to “^ ''t th r Republicua w, r rom - The b iu i.ir„„ , ™ cd his that th ,J?helped * ’e l.« th r irufii - Bmm!! in ever rre>.rm nt i h . -lentarj- W. H. iP p in «

second district c o n g r* ^Ible to riee,

i z F o r e ^ tM ^ S S Tour of 4 Sl

HAILEY, S e p t JO-iw*In Uie U. 8 . foreit « « ?

Q P panled by several n » S sonnet, le ft Monday

i r P n ^*P ‘h » t will take ihemn 11 C U of region four m ruk i A ero- southern Idaho and on h as Ihg.: s tr ip The group lUyed orenu ey th la “ the Clyde Bjo*

ranch between Shothca id been J®*"*' ‘''«T

ir*H an Bolss rtvcr. .Tho tr ip Is to acantu

w ith w atershedI sW p « ,ii erosion, fire and Uat

,l lems. Assisting the lone, the lour , t . tl,, iTO,

n n ianagem enl and shenn n Boise n,5n who graze theli ttd

est service lands.

„ f TRAINS AB PIUId l HAZELTON, Bept J)-E , „ h t William 0, VltSm

j^Ypi of L. H. Walklngton, Euited In ^‘ '■Ud th e second pbaK enky ™ g a , a J « pUol«outUne l i i __________________

lom lng

: s J E R O U; | | i A u t O l l . . B

W ynn ^ U B I S . O N l H

P lan t

IIs n

D an ;/ i t n P L P g POOP




VU SCREENtwo fine movieB

lOW N" and V RHYTHM"




ie W in n e rs of Eddie'J J l e u r Show o f the

TE AT 7:15


Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

L s Study ^ B H HHMIs s f e c s I r 1

w- <3- H P mt '^ ^ J ^ O j eo m p l® ^ ^ 5 p n I ■ ' '

i ^ P '% t f i l aI ^ U llfp)*7<ng H i ' , ; ' « ■

»’ t ^ ^ t D e wlnrtr-w of « f 1;1 - i ; ' . 1 0 1

1 ^ h«» lnl«r«»t In | it afftX * tha H L . ' JlrtW“® ^ c o l l e c U n a i ., . . ^ 3

h .r «P^ * 1 , 1 |

CO ^ • ’

^ ; ^ u ^ >n«p ' ^ . r lodiu’ culture

dolls d reued In

r r r .oblblt li )>«■’

’ U^coU«t>''S ,*^U^pos« J »

'u i d pune belong-

A " ' » “ t rLfioD Indians, totem f ^ . Blockfoot m oc.^ ftnd YeUowstone

brlUut iO arrowheads col-B iMj Dsrl coun-, nm trd Alnswofth and

and plat«. Birt3

^ ofut], b7 the c a m p Plre Jt Dtkou, Sem -cro* protolypeB. In

-'Bccordlng to > Itu mipi. w hich alM

Ip ttt deal of *‘“ '1 ^ °"® A nn W a b tr s , whoja] of »ecuraoy ^ F a ^ w tb l i w m irto look Unie ou t to « h w , ^ collec tlca of 1a , | „ l o d r . . ™ p . by , „ , „ a „ ^ p , „ , u ,i

dc*Jfni lucd b r tbe,w t of the project, MIm n » T ln f)«bo»te»» a t a p a rty a t _______________________,P 0¥*r coripany aud l- ~iteBl were Ind ian music. ^ .tU f u d games. Several V . . .U I C Vtf tbe Blue B ird (nowI) poup which A nn leadsi Initnictlon of th e In - I _____B od al*o ln ^ '« n T h e stom ach U a e-

rtt ^ n m 0*' w hich the emotion]fn A conten ted m ind mea

' “®5 ’ -v.” 4" u ^ ? i"Z funcU onlng stom ach.* lho had helped h e r „ „ i f„ncU on ^ a t^ compile th e In fe r- ^ j,j

M S ' , . ^ i . M “ » s r = s to Z r ”” "' “

lb Ibe project, w hich w aj c h ild ren 's stom achsknn! the honor, learned responsive th a n thojI , original In d ian 8>to- ^ h c n they a re anxloAonUve designs and tj,e lr stom achs wUl pr.itsensu to th e Cam p any th ing th a t Is puMcc'i use of personal T h „ e ch ild ren are rk apress Ideas and m . M entally , they are-

th a t suffering Is Just a^ disease would m ake th

■♦nine P l t l h ^ healed , cleia iU lllo \ - . l U U th ough t th a t Is causln30—Mra, E d- before th e stom ach

MBUlned OD R club happily again.I % ber home. O u t- T here are children wMmMrs. Jam es B a r- m om lng dread ing theiKiiShook a n d Mra, before them . F o r somti Mh were won by known to th e ir parentIta Jh P au l O rlsham era, they do no t w an t t-t jm e < >'6 d isturbed b)I I ' y ot It. T h a t thought

J Fvi I stom achs upside down

insisted th«« Sept. 3 0 -M r. and w hat? Are they to; ( ^ NorUl Shoahone. regardles.^7 Sick? No fo

bridge club lost go to school,I t o b u been nam ed T hey go to schoolW club.” Prizes were tlir experience they di

■ n Ptndlelon and Mrs. uvll ns they im agined. *;'***• cullies they dreaded p~ -------------------- come. T h n t th e sepn a n M n r f l i n ‘^e lr m others will beMUH iv iU I HU I y , jy y j tu m to them .P n t f a p K i behind them . T h a t tlr u r r e r n m n. k good tim e, a

f l l B l S take 's Lec Featured i A t LDS ^

’ flMOSHONE. Sept.y J t i U i sUvke IJ M MIA unloi

Jf. • tho AiiKUflt-SoptembeL / H B >><‘>•1 wrek a l i

I,DU clmpel. QlerI OJ^mA MlK'fllimift, sinks Y^I I 4 a / U l iiiioiideiil, WB» In .c :1 C i t ' ' Kicnlliig and conduct«I nxfirclses.

.’ I ’ Thfl oorlplure wni i.' I W ullnre Ulocklng,

, I iliiiK'fl direc tor. biuI- t - l — ^ HriUt, Klnhftplrt, «t«l

I I f Iniilrr, gnvn tlio llienI I MIA nlnndnrds wns \/ I y 1-iVrii I 'rirc , CliiimaU.

,1 i J ) (limnn tllretUir./ / \ / v / Mrs, Nelld InlrodiiCiI ' A t e y flnnled by sU ke offlc<

DiMMiIng nxurolsra. Tiihliig |)i\rl were ^

f { ^ ’ I.nVnr Hrtlllh and/ f Iiik. Caiey ; Mr. and ^

wrll, jiiirUm 'n io rn ewrtEtTX ''''1) 'H iornn, HhnMintir

KU'iiliintoii, itl(:lifl<'l‘VSl) \ \ IHijinrltiienlnl tilnui

\ \ foi Bgn uroii])\ \ niln illrrnUtrn <>

Atnko. T lin nex t unloi niiiiounred for t p. i

,,,. w„, 1 ^ Don’t W

t f ll l ' " "nv iN r, m iY J L . Z a

S H ; , ; ™ ' ’■>‘I U I„ . • New rulit^rrtsMl

\['Zr.;;i’ '|]j lill> riniNi t,i • A ntl- illp for Ml

I'*' "" ''' • No b u tr in i n*<'. Z Mi»i '

” Vl *'"■* • lo rioU 1"’ ’‘"I Si li„ inlnMlwi

! ,‘" '''Ih l L ■" I’a ln l D p p t.-Ih iw iW t u ........ ''* » " 'i ‘. • _

'a r t of Collection D ispldye

1 ■ ■ • % ■ ■ ' r * ' I ' '

' ,< •

-fc® ' •■“?• -@ P * 2 a - — U k w f ’. ,

I k m .

M k

'• I s tr s , who M o d n d h e r Camp Tire rank ef t o n re th la n m m e r , ahow i a totem pole and doll whlc lleetlon of In d ian artU aeta for ber new rank . T he m apa of In d ian cn ltn re froup* and booUeU of «< aed b r tbe folk *Vbo m e i the Marflower.” (S taff

are of Your ChildrBy A N G E L O ' PA TRI

Tiach Is a sensitive organ associating w ith th e o t the em otions play a t wUL who seem to be doing •d m ind m eans a sm oothly school, g stom ach. So sm oothly We lean ha rd on thenctlon th a t Its possessor dren who take school Inenow i t Is a t vo rk . B u t We try to select a c:3r a n g er rise In th e m ind, a turdr, Intelligent andstom ach will act up and a helper fo r thla frigpossessor th e ' unhapplest Such a child c an do nI. unhappy one th a n an}I's stom achs a re even m ore paren t can. "Don’t be

th a n those of adu lts, body will h u r t you. I 'm :y a re anxious o r fearfu l, said one m otherly childachs will p rom ptly r e tu rn one. and gradually selth a t Is p u t Into them , in him.Idren are n o t physically Don’t U ke such a (ly. they are. suffering and school thinking th a t n-lng Is Just as keen as any will do be tter. H c would m ake them . T he m ind only feel w orse.-Explaihealed , c leansed of th e afraid o t som ething t tia t Is causing th e trauble, exist, th a t the te ac h e r it stom ach cah function dren are his friends an(;aln. can b6 a p leasan t place•e children who rise In th e your anxiety a n d sendtreading the day th a t Is T he experienced t«ache:m. F o r some reason u n - resf.th e ir pa ren ts and teach - wb*n n MT<BiMQ-7Mr l0 no t w an t to go to school.disturbed by th e though t "OM itnc*" Tola t though t tu rns th e ir Mnd m ’c«>u ib coin lo hupside down and they re - \ 0- “«* **•lood th e ir troubled m oth- • • • ift i/,Insisted they eat. Now COUPLE MAB:e they lo go to achool j e r o m K S ep t. 3 0 -? Sick? No food? Yes. They to u r and M arlene Myi>ol. boUi Jerom e, w ere i1 to school to leam th a t T hursday by P roba te J ence they dread la nol as y f W ardy Imagined. T lin t Uie d lfll- ______________________:y dreaded >ire soon over- n t th e separation from hers will be ended when ■n to them , the schoolday em. T h a t they can have od tim e, a p leasan t day

;'s Leaders ured in Skit LDS MeetingONE. Sept. 30 - lilBjne t MIA union m eelln i for a t-6e |)tem ber period was

wrek a l the Hlimlione apel. O lenn H<irciinon

stnke YMMIA siiper- . WRA In .ch u rg e of lhe nd conducted the ojKiiIng

Ip lure wni glvfii by Mri blocking, Carey. sUkerector, and M n. Or«ii ^nhftpld, dU kr Mla Mnirt M,vn tlio llieiiir. A talk •») Midards wns given by Mrs. "cc, riiiim elt, stnke Bpeeclf •eclor.illd Inlrodiiced a UU pre-

stake officers during the (xrrolsra.purl wrrn M ark Paterson.

Iilth and Wallace etoek-r. Mr. and Mrs. r . N. flio- ^lin 'n io rn e and Mrs, lia r - ^in, HhnMione, and Darlena fI, itlcliflPlil. V <nenln l .ilnwirn wer* held Kn groiiji lendors. culliiral :U»rn Biul oUleer* In Uia n nex t union m esU in was d for 8 p- m . Not. M a t lone chapel,

W t W a x . . .


1 . 2 9 , .f«vrr* IM XI. fl.

rubfjtrlM 'd fliHir pfo- ,or

-Blip for B«(rtf

b u tr in i nvMBaarr

a lo rloh IubIm In H ^IMlWi V

D n p t.- l)owiialalr» Bl"'*

[illpffon's — * 1 —

splayed ''owsFxrlionc ■ f^yllcvyAi, ;

And V ollpyHAOFRMAN. Sent, v

. 1««t ^*on(1»y. IT' rn^tr'^Bf C l'^ rl.t • J

, • . . . d a n E t-., .,f Mr nnd Mr«■yqH > Cnry. %• , HaBTm-n. «n-i

;■•.> . ' : F f: M*«-. Minhiiin, t« •mnny * v jw rfrm ^rt K<.ff

; ». w1"df>w ' \nkM rlL '' tj»l' . . . I’- ' ' ’'-' '«'<*'• in - ' Ilgh'

I -/* .. • . Itl br.n<-)' -dH irry

"ni- hrlflr w r ' BO~n-rt ;■ "■•J" wllh « tv

B ^ V - . . fe<'l r ro n H by a tier ot (-- — • •• »nrt a eliapfl tri>ln. T

••'•»nt»f' by Hna pnl'il ^ n t j V ' ai'd " ronm'ynir* of U -r »

^ ‘J. ,T ’ ‘‘ h .M f. «inRf.iMi- v»

.1 . : sU'n wn<; •dgp.i ttHl' n ttlrt K H H L ' .*S I " n - l hrt.1 by n r..r«ni

rar 'Irr i tlons nnd pinic rosebn'1:

. white Job's Daughters I Jevelry Included h e r g rar welding ring.

Olorla Berrln, Oooding, ^ v l ^°nor and Mrs. Robei

O l 'n n He brldegro

^ l P ^ > ' bridesmaids. U ttle Dorontrk rrsnn wns flnwcr (r'rl.

CandlfUjthtem were M Taylpr and Mm F rnnk Hi Jimmy Henslee was rlngt

Roberson ajwere Charles

and Glenn Hendrickson. W. Jones played the wed<

accompanied duets Valentine and Esta Lou I

Por he: wed^ r y choM a green Jacket brown accessories and wore a navy blue crepe

rank ef to n b b e a re r to rhinestone trim . Both woi nd doll w hich a « p w t P‘" ' ' rosebuds. w rank . ’The attidy also , A recepUon for th e wed. ookleU of oonrenU onai on Uie law n. ’rwer.- (8 t» ff pbo to -ea - colonade wedding

asters decoraUd th e s e r Mrs. Roy Vader and \

............... ' Franklin. Salt Lake City1 • I I 1 th e bride, presided a th l ld r e n I

Mrs, Charles Cary. Jr,. wa of the guest book and M. Franklin, Bolt Lake C it

w ith th e o th e r ch ild ren the glfu, AssisUng w ith ' to be doing a ll r ig h t in Uon were Mrs. Adeline I

Jack Woodhead, Mra. Bej h a rd on th e o the r chil- bott. Mrs. Nellie Rogers, 3 ike school In .the ir s tride , lee Bevins and Mra. H en

select a ch ild who Is Tlie n e w l^ e d a a re U slUgent a n d friendly as WeeksvlUe. N. C., where or thla frigh tened one. groom, an aviation m eel Id c an do more for the the naval a ir corps, wl }e th a n any te ac h er or Uoned, For her golng-au

"Don’t be a fraid . No-, ble, the bride wore a gra i r t you. I ’m your friend,” red accessorlc.v )therly ch ild to a scared The former Miss Cary Tadually s e t confidence uated from the H ager

school this spring and h a ce such a child ou t of ployed during the sum n king th a t n e x t te rm he p irs t Security bank In ;U r. H c w on't. H e will She Is presiding honore< o rse.-E xpla in th a t h e Is W endell bethel No, 12. In om ething th a t does no t O rder of Job’s Daught«ri * e te ac h er a n d th e chll- Hesse served as m ana 9 friends and th a t school ath letic teams before sasan t place Indeed. Hide from Hagerm an high ach ty a n d send him along. He was a student a t meed te ac h e r wUl do Ufe idaho College of EdU(

blon, before enlisting In r<BiMQ.7Mr.<>M bor dUobtri. a ir corps In November. 1

>«]itn««.'’ To oiiuin » copr bride Included a party a, iB coin lo him. e/o tibi« . of Mr. ond Mrs, ClaudeBo, » , auUoB a . N.W York W endell, given by Job’s

V ¥ V a shower n t the MethocUPLE M A BR IES and a family dinner gli, Hept. 30—Alfred Bar- and Mrs, Olenn Hendri■larlene MyrUe Johnson, day evening, ne, w ere m arried la st O ut-of-tow n guests ally P roba te Judge T heron dlng Included the b

m other, Mrs. E. E. Hess<

* " '.K ,

Y our b la n d of perso i

. , . «u r b la n d c f i«r>

. . . In p a rla c t h a rm o


W hite M«"The Chajiel bj/ I,

r i i o n o 1 4 0



Fxrliongpd ColeT^d^c v y A i r » * i a n ___ _______________________

i V ollpy Girl<AN. Sent. SO Rom e U

'*nnday nnlted n f . fA ry Time

HaB*rm-n, «r.-< Howard * ^ »•’T i i r r F l t- jm T'l' IT M 8 of thl

.................... , , .br«n<-)' d •'»ndc'’ h r- by e H O H f'O t'r TlnpUst MJ*!”'i7ri> ‘ will n’e t ' . f ' ‘ p m .ThUTjda:

Ip w r ' go '-n-il in whit'*lq"ed wllh « pephim ef- ¥ » *•H by a Uer ot thr»e ru f- PILKR ni«T ch ap te r 1e liarfi train , T h f bodice Orri*r r " r t . r n 8 ‘ar, w ll'

•d by Hna pnl>ii»a il->»ve» 9 p m “ '■ •'«r 'n ’ ■«' yoir* of U- r v lth

^ n ih l ’i ' r - - ' ' M -m brr- o'f U * Ktm bo-lr . / k l n . O ut’ *1” "I*"' •« P-™ '

day a t '*'» of Mr*.ip> 'ingeiM f vf.n of iihi- HexioBt. 3 J ' S ixth a v e rse rlgp-' a wlrt. '.n -d of m , . i u , , will h . h.ipt'1 by a <--ronpt -if »Pfd y V V

rartlpri w lillr rnnm - gyp P h rphefi circle of U Plrik rMebiKls w l'h a B aptist church will m eet a'

s Daughter* Bible. Her T hursday with M rs Oeorg< :luried h e r grandfnoUier’s southeast of Tw in Palls . A "*• food sale will be held,ierria, Ooodlng, was m aid ♦ *and Mrs- Robert D icker- 'Th® “ n 'l B uftlesMr,?, O lenn H endrtrkaon. dance club will hold a d a n «

lhe bridegroom, were P m ’ Wednesday in th e ’Tw Is. U ttle Dorothy je n n O range hnll. Members are wns flower (jirl bring a *ack lunch, Mra. H.U hl.r. w , „ M .r , H ulh

n l " JL " KIMBEM.V ■ - ■American LcKlon auxilia ry

jerson served ax bcst m nn a t 2'30 p m T hursday a t tl * of Mrs- H. J . Larsen w ith JI Hendrickson. Mis. Jo h n w alton as co-hostess A played the wedding music u planned, ipanled duets by Sidney v *and Esta Lou Roberts. PILER—T he M ethodist ’ daughter's wedding, Mrs. Society of C h rlstla.i Ben

; a green Jacket dresT-wah n ' e e t 2:30 P- m. T hu rsda ;es5orles and Mrs. Hesse M ethodist church. M rs. T . B ivy blue crepe dress w ith *^1 present th e p ro p : U-lm. Both wore corsages Mrs. E. H. H arding Is In c (cbuds. devoUons.

7 4 “ 2 ™ ' s h o s h o n !I S " ” " ' 5 -

T . S i ' t - ■’ S 'L rc,r.«« i.

■■L?..5^Tr., i l . S ' S S . . ^ ^ ^ " i S o f S S J S S 'L*ruk ‘'c“r' i«d ^A^lsUng w lih t h e ^ SMrs. Adeline Pinch, Mrs. a n d TW j

dhead, Mra. Bessie B. Ab- ^ h e event will begin a t I Nellie Rogers, Mrs. M aur- ‘‘" ‘I luncheon wlU be se n I and Mra. Henslee. 2:30 p jn . Thowlyweda a re traveling to Invited to attend.

;■ ",i.u™ S h “tc“ h1 a ir corns will be s ta - ^ p. m. TTiursday, li>r her golng-aw ay ensem - ^ * ^ e * h o m r o f ^ M *Aril

w o „ . , „ v .U lt , ,U .

mer Miss C ary was « a d - >’« answered w ith C

: ^ Z \ n € r s : r = S r r “,ring Uie sum m er by th e Vlurity bM k in Ooodlng. JE R O M E -Jerom e chapU eslding honored queen of o rd e r of E astern S ta r wi: lethel No. 12, In te rn a tio n a l special meeUng a t B p. m Job’s D aughters. day In the Masonic tem jerved as m anager o f the Mrs. MatUe Jan e WheaUej teams before graduaUng grand m atron of Uie grand erm an high achool In 1948. of Idaho, will make h e r offl a studen t a t S outhern a school of in struction wli:

jllege of E ducation, Al- -------------------------------- —.—)re enilsllng In th c naval . . _ _ .In November. 195i. j ! . ’

)Uai events hono ring th e to w a rd ,uded a party a t th e hom e Salt U k e City.___________:id Mrs. C laude Campbell, -------------------------

■ r ru ,? M ^ s -o d ° .r i i; s dr , g e o r g e p , s c h .mlly dinner given by Mr. OPTOMETRIBT

Olenn H endrickson P r i- visual Analysis ConU ct

W .„ a t t h . . r f - 'iluded the bridegroom ’s ‘" l a FalUilrs. E. E. H esse, M lnburn.

lU nd of p e rs o n a l w l ih t t

b la n d c f s«rvlc«

p a rU c t h a tm o n y fo r «ll.

' ^

-Vlorteary'hapel bll Ihe I'ark" r i i o n o 1 4 0 0


______________________ s r K i e r s o n U »

In Fall SeiDr-l«. B K U -rvU E ; B « p t M* .....* * , . t)TUM-i. daughter o f M r. h» M w y T im e J w’riR r>rii.M>l- a n d W all ...... V '- lr .— '- r A r-'e r-m . Jr.. .o n Of Ml

' " ’'I* W <• Anri--«in. Bols*.* * ** , liPd '-I e t M l-'hael’s ei I' IT M 8 of the Na?* tloi** Bep* 14. T h e C«r* 11 hold a ” ork • p f 'fo r ned hy M arru* Hit. . n . . . .n o - the caUie-'ral-

Th« hrld* wor* a fowV * W nylo'' '' 'e e r »*t over *■r TlnnUst Mission aid , ,„gj, necfcHne.* p m .T h u rsd ay M Ml- yo^, i^ng «lecvea u id

" " .............. »Ml- a ch»iiel w »ln. Her»»» edged - l lh m a tch i’* ’ * she e<»rTled a ''r««p«nt

ll«r ch ap te r Ho. tO. w^lte TOMbiids.rt«rn 8 ‘ar, w ll' m**i i t n „ honor

•'«r In *>■* m »t1» O m lln Boise. 1 wfTp E leaivr A ndersor

* * , J f . , o J bririeRrooni: M nrlnnne » of u .e Klmbe- y Road•t a t 2;SP p jn . W edne.- i ,M o n f- Jensen . Boisl”.me of Mr*. J«*m iar ,inpbeart* Sixth a v e r 'je nort ■ Hailey, a nepl " • " t '" '« *’• ........ brld» MUl^ Pam ela ^* * * wru flower girl

her-i Circle of tb*! Plrsi wpr* R lchsi'l Atiderson, rch will m eet a t 3 p.m, man. nnUe. and Lee D r •itll Mrs. O eorge Fuller, viie.f Tw in Palls . A cooked Mrs. Ralph Ardel, a111 be held. bridegroom, was soloist.* * * Following the ceremol

ts and B uftles square uon i,p,d j, will hold a dance a t 8:30 brldcsroom's parenta. '-■iday In th e ’Twin Falla Mrs. L. O rnham . Bol I. Members are asked to »t the coffee service at : lunch, M rs. H. L. K irk- wss «er\'ed by Mrs, Ha: r .t^ ty .tre a su re r, r ep o ru and m j,. Hugene D ruj

¥ ¥ ¥ Olfw « " r . rti.pUved bjLY - - T h e Kimberly dprson.eKion auxilia ry will m eet Following a two-weekI. T hursday a t the home California, the coupleJ. Larsen w ith M rs. Slm home In Boise,co-hostess. A program The bride, a gradual

vue high school and 81V * ¥ school of nursing. Is

rhe M ethodU t W om an’s drculaUng nurse a t S tChrlstla.-! Service wUl hospital, Boise. T he

0 p. m. T h u rsd ay In Uie » graduate of Boise h l | hurch. M rs. T . B. Nlchol- associated w ith hla fa tl esent th e p ro sram and ness In Botse,H arding Is In charge of -----------------------------------

If M, If, a t 3 p. m . and a baniNE ~ W om an’s Society P. m. In Uie tem ple.

? Sm«°'« sTs;a t tb e hom e of Mrs United B r« t

Ick w ith M rs. C. W. Dill, ^ ” 1;M „ . KOM ,1.1 . . . . “ r V . I

If ^ If, the a ssistan t hostess a

lofs sjffoid”.' .s,';;

1 south a n d T h ird street. i|i j|i m will begin a t 6:30 a jn . b DRLEY—T he Alphi

!on wlU be served from B j ta Sigm a P h i2:30 p jn . T h e pubUc Is > -po rtra its of fashlo

8 p jn . T hursday a t

4 club m em bers will S ‘= ,% ^v?of '. m. T hursdny . Instead of ck^. Uie u sua l meeUng date, i

. n r a e n a w ltn C h t i . tm u « il»n*tlra to .uppo rt or -sho rteu ta fo r laun- «*«an:h labora tory » t .

rs. Velma TreadweU Is In 0®’“- he program .

J e r o m e c h ap te r No. M.;a6tera SUu-, wlU hold a | 1 I LeUng a t B p. m . T hurs- l l l le Masonic tem ple w h«s l l l le Jane WheaUey, w orthy ^ B V I i I ron of th e grand chap ter 'III make h e r official visit. r in struction will be held

Irs. J , O. Pranklln and I tnjoyS . H” -"* Fuma

)RGE P. SCHOLER M O I>PTOMETRIBTnaiyds ConU ct Lensea i(108 - 114 MalD Nortb j ■ * J

i J \ g §----------------------------- ^ ^ ^ P A T I


Only Sl«s TWO-INp< C o m p a r *

*E very ctn t S iesler heate at the floor c heater renar• I I YOU! NIAIII1

y T


je W omon, Weds T. F. ^ son U nited all ServicesB; B«pt SO — Donna th te r o f M r. and Mr*.>1- a n d W alt» r Charlea . .o n of M r. and Mra.

-uin. Bols*. were m ar- Ml<-hael'« cathedrol a t■ 4. T h e ceremonv was !*f M arru* Klt^>"^v >1««n .

wor* a fo w n ef white ^ | B f i S | ^ ^ R | j M w ' •••t over p*Un. Ityled

b neck line . Ure-edged ^le«ves a n d a tull Kklrt »l ir<«ln. H er double veil riih m a tch l” g Uce and a '<ro«'«nt bniW]U*t nf

ids.f t h ono r w as Xlleen

In Bolae. Bridesmaids "r A nderson, sl.it/" of

M nrlnnne M»>Tirit .n d 'y ^ m S Uall Boise.

Jensen , Boise, a o t ^ as lip r in rb e a r« r was noss

a nephew the T am eU Breackenrldge.

ushersA tiderson, Jack Bock-

and Lee D russel. Belle-

thawasthe cerem ony, a recep-

th e hom e the

}rnham . BoUe. presided (e service a n d th e cake by Mrs, H aro ld DrusselCugene D nis*el, Hailey. m « 8. TAUOHN E. DE rti«pUved by P a tty An- (Staff en frav liif

a tw o-week tr ip ttuw igh

„S' “ Hostess to (t. a g rad u a te of Belle- i u J S l . S e p t SO-M rs.Jhool and S t. A ^honsus hostess laa l week ttnursing. U th e surgery of Uie Mary T im e sewingnurse a t S t. Al^phonsus c .n was answered w ith “ ■

bridegroorn. joyed m ost a t th e fa lr .-of Boise h ig h school. U noon was spent w ith ne«

with hU fa th e r In busi- The club wiU m eet W *^ _____________________ til l bom* of Mra. Wealey

t.rt»pYr'‘ “ ™ C ards Pla^United B re th re n chu rch ' Ji.

it a p m T h u rsd ay with * e re w on djH olw rSi,

. H ugh Sheldon will be traveling, and M r^ T n t hostess a n d members low. to bring a guest. Those . ■ ■ i ■ansporU U on are to oon-Byron Moyea, telephone SO BoXM SU tk

NOW ON s. * ^ , ? „ . ^ Odd lo t» - ta k e you—T he A lplia Z eU ehap- t Sigm a P h i will sponsor B«g«lar ts of fash ion" show a t r ^ w T Tnursday a t th e T-DeU. P an o n a llie d w ith b .y be obU lned from M n . H tu u u

ISOO B urton avenue, or A nn Shop . Mode, Style O RO SR H O W FO R Klddyvllle. Proceed! wUl . r club acU vlU es'and for H l l l t G i f tI to su p p o r t th e cancer - , _ v a .b o rato ry a t Boulder City,

Enjoy a houseful of h e a t Fumac* volume h ea t fo r ll




iM ''''

) f i l y S t o g U r * * • x c l u s l v o p a t o n U d

M f O - I N p O N I H I A T M A K I R d o o f i l o m p a r o b s f o r o y o u b u y a n y h o a

Every cent o f your M O N E Y B A C K i f your 'egler heater doesn't deliver more and hotter the floor outlet than any other oom panM e

tater renardleai o f tm k e or pricei■ YOUINIAIIITPtMIROIimnilimil,CIHTllAUA.ni. .

I M O O N 'SI ^01 M A IN A V I N U I V

r. F. Man '^rginiaWomai

I U r. a n d ^ ^ 'cm T er t ^ M U Oburch. Va., aniw trn mairlace of th e ir dauchtar, W. Carruth, to a tr foroa Vaughn E. Denning, son of & Mr*. Jam es 0 . D enning, Twii T he ceremony waa performc urday afternoon by C hapla in P. Teska a t BoUini a ir fon ohapel a t W aahington. D . O.

F o r Oie m ilitary w »ddli« . t l chose an ankle le n g th g< w hlU aatln. lace a n d tulle u r led Ulles of th e Ymlley, hn stephanotU.

M ary C arru th . t tw bHdt-i a n d M aj. WlUlam H . F i e u a ttended the couple. Ushei U eu t . CoL Virgii B. Sheppi M aj. Johnson Beyer.

A recepUon followed a t a ir foKe base offlcera elub.

A SO-<lay w edd ln t tr ip to < Id ah o a n d O allfornla i « '] r w tn ive lln i. th e bride chow su it w ith red accessories.

Mrs. D enning attended tha c an unlverslly a t W ashlngto T h a bridegrootn attended ti T en lty o f Id ah o aod rae b aebelor'i degre* tn m e e h u flneering . T be oewlywcdi w: th e ir home a t 4301 Massa avenue, W ashington, D . O,

« « «

BHOSHONE. a e p t JO -A OHN E. DENNINO party was he ld fo r Blaaen tf e n f ra v ln f ) LIM P rim ary ’Trail BuUde--------------------------------- when members m e t la s t w

, e r school. O uJd* u d I MS S t o G u b M ilsted w ith th a a o ta r t a s l u V . . I U U ^>t SO -M rs. Lyle Abel HIU ara In rtn ic to ra e f I t u a s t week to m em bers « « «n m e sewing club. RoU in p e r ta d B o llan d BBlta ered w ith “ w hat I en- ihem now, Q laba Seed. A d rI th e fa ir ." T h e a fte r - --------- ---------■n t w ith needlework.Ul m eat W edneaday a t -----------ammilrs. Wealey A anla. m w m W r W U W I

JsP h y e dly P e teraoa waa boat- M u f l t H a V <t t k a t ft plDoctala were w on by Mrs. B. L.

M rs. Roy Belander, mId M ra. T M Barker,

_______________ '______ RkfjH............. I IM a.

KM S t a t k m f r j j £ S

f ON SALEf r- ta k e you r pick W m

NOW 1 49“ w t u S ? * N O W O N s a l :

H O W PO R O D T S .

I ' . G i f t s h o , ^ CLOS ™k J , T H IA P h i u w m t u l M A m n

h a a t wilh so liltia fuel • t fo r lha prico of a h aa la r

K e U A R A N f E E I



W om an,1 D enning in Chapel

I. <HtTer E . Q arru th ,Va., announc* t b * '

tielr daughtar, OUT* to a tr forca Copt, jilng , aon of Mr. and D enning, T w in Falla, w as perform ed Sat*

n by C hapla in O laon oiling a ir foroa baaa J B | lingtOQt D . O.UT wedding, th a b ild* de le n g th gown o ( L u » a n d tuUa a n d oar* I M Lhe valley, Iroaea a s d j B

th. t tw b d d t ’s iM w ,Uam H . F iem ln t. couple. U shers m n

rgii B. Sheppard apd Beyer.followed a t B om i«

offlcera elub. dd ln g tr ip to Oanartft. lalUomla i« Jilazmad. th e bride choa* ft g n r

accessories, e attended th* Amerl<

a t W ashington. D . O. im a ttendee th a u m . lah o aod r*eelT*d ft T«* tn meehanleal m f I newlyweds w in m ak*It 4301 M assachusettg ilngton, D . O.> « «

Dme Partyt. aept so—A welcen* ;Id fo r B laa en of th*

’Trail B uilder group rs m e t la s t week a ft- iJd* u d lY akar te jv I th * * D t* r ta la tu n t oUey ftod i t n . J ta m LKtor* of Itl* granjt,

[onand B o l to t ' R a a l ab* Seed. A d r. -


Bible Yon i B t Have

A tsNe<.yit|NSOT« ft* fcese* Sl M

t s viM V snlM SfgH M tl

V O N S A L I '

a t

r \ c ; BOOK ♦ U D S T O R Ea ia A t*m * W ail

i l f ffu * l-


m v


Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

I Black, ReI To PitchI Still Favci l l N EW YOBK. Sept. 80 mI U ' Y o r k Y a n k e e a ce . w ill h e th eHIJ ' E b b e t j . F ie ld . B o th a r e r iR h tjlil ' u p h i s w e e k -e n d h in tu b y do fiIjjr ' 6 6 g a m e s d u r in g th e N a tJo n R iIlilk : s e r l e a . o p e n e r ,l i? ; , I A fU r w itching BUck wwifi up forU U : ; about 10 tnlnutm tn a Yankee tU -H H dlUJD workout. D rew en .tum ed toI l l l newsmen and u ld . " th a t 'i my oitch-l l l l v a w 't imtU lome time later,t i l l whlla U lU ng lo reporters, th a ty l l learned he had been choarn.H i Casey Stengel’s annouDcement on■ H Reynolds was almoat tu lom a'lc. TheH K big Ind ian chief (30-8) drew almoatM B «very Im porU nt asslgnme>>t duringn m the season. He has bern S terg rl'sm i opening choica In thrM of h li f»»r*11! i t n l g h t world lerlea.

nJTf The odds still favored tha T anksI U I ^ S BU D : m aQ -to-m an belting The Yanks

M : also w ere the 0 to 5 choice to winIH ! the opener behind the fire and cun*l l | | l n lng o t 34-;ear>old wahoo.J i l l D ressen and Stengel wer* moat1,31 eooperatlva with the preai, lUUnkn i l I th e ir f irs t three pitchers through

F rid ay ’s Yankee atadlum opener. InI I • th e second game It will be Carl Ere- I I I kina (14-4) for the Srooks against I I Vlo Raschl (la-fl).I I W hen they mov* to the Y anke*I I pa rk to r the th ird game, I t will be m two le ft-handers with P reacher Roe H I (11-2) to r the Dodgers and Eddie y Liopat <10-5), s ta r of the IM I serlea. I Io r th e Vanks.

I ' 1952 Season IsIII Hurler’s YearB | [ By T b* AaaoeUM Pr*a*H j i T he 1093 ma]or league baaeball■ H atason wlU be best remembered as■ H I a p itchers ' year, something ra re In■ i l l th is so-called lively ball era.■ I l l A glance a t the final ba tting aver-■ I I I ages ahowa only eight regulars In■ I I bo th leaguea h it JOO or better.■ I I S ian M uslal o t the S t. Louis■ 1 1 C ard inals won the N ational league■ I I ti t le w ith a J8S mark, the lowext■ 1 1 tigure to top the league since E m le■ I I I L om bardi led the circuit In 1943■ II w ith a 430 average. Perris T ainI I i i o f Philadelphia won the A m erican■ II league crown w ith a J27 m ark , tha U II poorest alnce Oeorge SUmwelsa tln -■ If iahed lo t ro a t In 1B4S w ith a JOO H i l l record.H l l i AUhough there were only six so­i l gam e w inners, as contrasted to IS ■ I _ ln _ 1 0 B l...th e ro _ w e re »a shu touU ■ I p itched In the American league and n i 94 In th e National.H I V i^ l l Trucks of Detroit, who wonI I I only tlve games and lost 19, tu rned I l l l In th e pitching exploit of th e sea- ■ H son by hurling two no>hlt. no -ru n ■ H gamea.■ n O arl VrsUn* e t Brooklyn p itched■ ■ H th e M atlonal'i only no-h ltte r. In■ I h add ition , there were eight one*bl(l l u gam es In the American league.

|M Rivera Is FreedIII On Bond of $3,000n i l s I OHICAQO. Sept. -SO (fl - Jim■111 Rivera, 30-year-old Chicago W hite■ i n outfielder, w u charged Monday■ I I v l th rap ing a 33-year-old m arried■ | B w om an and was released on $3,000■ | H bond.■ n T he rookie ball player, who pre-■ Ttously had served a five-year aen- H tence In A tlnnla penitentiary on a■ a lm llar charge, was ordered to ap-

/ p e ar in felony eourt Tuesday to r a hearing .

R ivera, a New York-bom Puerto■ H U JUcan, was arreiled Sunday fpl*■ I I lowing th e game with the St. Louis■ I I Browns.■ I I T h* com plainant, Mrs. J a n e t Q a-■ I I te r . b ru n a t wife of a soldier, told■ I I au th o ritie s she was raped Saturday■ I I Dlght in he r south tide apartm ent.

i l l I T i m e s

I G R I D C A S T I K■ I Oam<* Major McH»pU‘*■ | Chok*I Oregon a l Orrgim■ Idaho 30.14■ VOI,A a t HC1.A U W aahlniicm Ja-a i n M ichigan a l MlrlilKan■ ' S taiifurd 31-30 ( I ! ‘U C a lllon ila a t Calllornla U M innesota 34-UI I i I Arlaona a t U tah I I ' U tah 31-13I I ' ' Army a l UHOI I ; UHO 31-7 n . t B righam Young IIY II

• t M ontana 30-laT ennraar* Tenn»«se*

I a t Duke 37-31I N iitrp Dnnie TrxnaI a t TcxM 1M 3

jj 11 , WyonilMB nt WjoiiiliigI I I U tah HUU to-fl I I I Colorado A and M D rnvrr H f I a t Denver 37-10 [ | I I Colorado n l r.iliondo H I K aiuas 'JO-IOI G eorg ia 'IVula (IruitiiK 'I'ee))■ I a l BMW \ at-30 U ' I Illino is a l / Illinola n , ' . W laconaln 31-U

I low* a t ItiillaiiaI I I Ind iana 13.'I

. I.HtI a l Itlrnidea M-IS

I T w la ra il s a l PiKatelloPpcalello 30-13B uh l a l B urlry

I < I liltr lry M-OI < M lrr a l , Jrn .iiia

Jrrom e ) 37-0I ' I ta l ity a t - | | L ' B a lla r .I ; f l h o a h o n a . ' l O - l l

i NAMB..............................................

( A u n iiK f in ..............

* O IT Y ..,___________________ _____

' 'I (M jist ba po»lni»rkrrt hefnro iiooii 1 brlc.ro 3 pin . fil.U y),


R e y n o l d s D i ;ch O p e n e r ; Y a v o r e d f o r S(

p t. 8 0 - B e l i e f m a n J o « B la c k o f B ro< d l l h e t h e o p p o s in j r p i t c h e r s W e d n e s d a y a r e r» R h t h a n d e r s . M a n a g e r C h u c k D rop

I ts b y d p f in i tp jy «<p |pcting t b e 2 F -y e o r-o ld } N a t io n a l l^ n ju ie a e a s o n . H e w ill h e th«> i|.

World Series'a my nltch- ^

F a c ts , r Iff u r e sten choa»n. ■■ ■ ----------ncem ent on NEW YO RK , Sept. 30 W -P%cU oma'Ic. The and figures on th e 1053 world ‘‘ rles: Ire* alm oat T eam s—Brooklyn DodB»ri 'N a- nent during tional league cham pions) New •n S t e r g r l i York Y ankees (A m rrlran of hlf four cham pions).

Schedule—F irs t gam* a t Brooklyn th* Y anks W ednesday, seeond a t Brooklyn- a to S In T hu rsday , th ird a t Y ankee stadium

Ih e Yanks Prlday, to u r th a t Y ankee sU dlum lolce to win S a turday , fif th ( It need for best-of- re and cun - seven series) a t Y ank t? stadium 100. Sunday, s ix th a t Brooklyn Monday,wer* moat seventh a t Brooklyn Tuesday,

rest, llsUnk Oam* tlm ea — 1 p. m . eastern >rs Ihrough s ta n d a rd tim e for a ll except Sunday I opener. In games. Sunday s ta r tin g Uma Is 3:05 >e Carl Ers- p. m. EST.oks against T ickets available — M standing

room only seata a t Brooklyn. II ths Y anke* b leacher seats a t Y ankee stadlim i. I t will be Sea ling csD aclU es-E bbets field

e ach er Roe 39.000; Y ankee atadlum . 69,000. and Eddie Radio b roadcast—M utual Broad- 19SI series. casUng system .

Television—NaUonal Broadcasting__ company.

_ Series odds—Y ankees tavored, 8-B. ^ .|i | I q F irs t gam e odds—Y ankees favor-

Probable g lrs t gam e p itchers—Joe B lack (won 18 loat 4) for Brooklyn;

C d l . Allle Reynolds (won 30 lost 8) for New York . ^ __________

I S S Dunlap Whips Agramonte

3 In 10 Roundsthe low est sA L T L A K p CrTY. Sept. 30 IM -

slnce E m le Bob D unlap o t BaU L ake City won lit In 1943 a unanim ous 10-round decision Mon- ''errls F a in day n ig h t over Omello A gramonte.I A m erican Cuban heavyw eight cham pion. In a ' m ark , th a slugging m a tch w hleh tound both nw elss tin - on the canvas a t times, v lth a JOO A gram onte took a nine count on

the tlo o r In th e seven th round a fte r inly six 20- D unlap h i t him w ith a le ft to the u te d to 13 Jaw. A gram onte 'e knees buckled a shu tou ts ag a in In th e e ig h th , bu t h e d id n 't go league a n d down. I n th e 10th, the Cuban Negro

h i t th e desk a fte r a wild awing a t t. who w on D unlap a n d kissed the canva^f a . 19, tu rn ed second Ume In th e same round after of th e aea- tak ing o n e o t D unlap 's Jm ln g lefts, h it. n o -ru n D u n lap h i t th e deck In the f irst

round seconds a fte r the figh t began lyn p itched a tt« r A gram onte landed a *olld -h itte r. I n rig h t. A nd D unlap w ent down the ght one -h ll aecond tim e in th e third. Agramonte eague. w eighed 193 to D unlap’s 179.___ A lthough ta n s sensed D unlap was

well a h ea d of A gramonte on points, lO f f *■* In the 10th round when.C U th e C u b a n tired th a t It was appar-'9 A A A a n t D u n lap waa no t In danger of ) d )U U U being kayoed by a wild haym aker.

cl-wS Ez ChariM Willted M onday » » j j i - n •Battle Brion

N IW Y ( » K . Sept. 30 i;B -ro rm er •. who p re- heavyw eigh t c h a m p i o n Eraard e-year sen- C harles will m eet ArHentlim's Ccnnr :illary on a * ten-roiim l bout nt Mudl-(red to a p - BQuare G arden Oct. 34. esday to r a m a tch , f irst of th e garden

fa ll season was announced Monday » m P u erto by BllJy Brown, m ntclunaker for unday fpl- th e In te rn a tio n a l Doxing club.)B St. Louis O h arlrs , who aucceedrd Joe LoulH

a s heavyw eight cliiimplon. toat Ills . J a n e t Q a- title w hen he was knocked ou t by ■oldler, told Je rse y Joe W alro tt In Pittsburgh !d Saturday Ju ly 19, 1031. I le wrs beaten by apartm ent. W alco lt In a re tu rn flRhl Inxt June.


> r Mcwpla's Y our C hoka BcoraChoke Orrgim

30.14 _________________ ___________MC1.A30-31 ...................... .......................................

31-30 ............................................;a lilo ritia

34.14 ___________________________________U tah37-13 ..... .......................................... ..............UHO31.7 ... ...............................................................

IIYII30-13 - ........- ________________ __________ _

reiuiMse*37-31 ............. ................................. . ....... ........ ,Trxna1M 3 ............................. .

Wyominglo-a ......................................................................

D rnvrr *37-10 ... .................................................................

r.iliondo•JO-IB .................................... .....................

puiglR 'i'ecliS4-30 ......................................................................

Illinola31-13 ........... - ............ ... ....................

Inillaiia13.'I IlirnM-IS ................... ...................................................

PiKatello30-13 ________ ;............ ..............................B urlry

M-O ...... .........................Jriciiiia

37-0 ............... .......................n a l la r .l o - i i .................................. ..... ________ __ ___

(IT tn* F ia ln ly ) ,1 hefiiro noon F rid ay or brc^UKtu to •riiuM-Nrwt

Draw Nod •; Yank^ es r Seriesc k o f B r o o k ly n a n d A ll 'e R e y T io ld s. N e w e d n e s d a y in t h e rvorU u p r ie s o p e n e r a t b u c k D roH B cn o t 'h e P o d g e r f l fo llo w e (i 5 8 -y p o r-o ld B ln c k . ir>-l, w h o w o rk e d i n II h e th«> s e c o n d r e l i e f p i t c h e r t o s t a r t a* ____________

itfiBj r C 9 MaacHANTB LIAGU"

a«JI»kl« rara* - 'w - F a c u . n . » \ \ \

orld •*rles: Hhiiiipt — im kt itI us„ . r i tNa - u j n»

an -----, — r nl . . M»(»rt Brook yn H.ndk.* — ............ ' i « i i i l u n i ^

Brooklyn- ru<k«i ...............— u i i«i nn «(iee stad ium [»«• -------}>? >;j >;* j ”;e atadlum ----------------UJ JHor best-o f- w . i i . ............— .........mt h i h« m

S M onday, ---------------- * " “ '*!»lay. Uniua on Im. eastern lundi^.p ----------------«t « 4« m!pt Sunday g. nup»rt ---------------jm u ij i <8»ima 1*2:05 Jj' ..... ; 7 : {« « loT jti

I stand ing k *"»)-->•- ' J t m u iooklyn. II ..................Stadlimi. P»w«r Ca.ibets field H.iwiif.p ----------------- IW ii>< iw l i t

:!J \ » Its*lal B road- oiinon .......-________n s iz« ii4 «7»

InBrmhim ---- ----------- ISO IS< 1(8 474■oadcostlng --------- —— _2i

Totm b___________ ait •«» n o le tsivored, 8-8. ----------’rm favor- J<*k« r*««r rlin l.ees lavor ................. l u i « 4K

chers—Joe cl K nn> '....H ~ 'Z Z IZ n m )S» 147Brooklyn; f . M ,,r. ------- -------- 1:« ijs im w i

lost 8) for [5; Z_—Z ™ , m ms i51 4ta

” , ToUU ” » «»»— Mftnilicmp -.....—------- BR i l IS 174I X p S R- --------------- '•» ««»

/■ i;r i .V .n r ." Z .i:~ ;i3 5 ns jM 4«

- T o u l . ---------------- T j’e 'Tm KJ « «

I d s B ltu p«i>.r Cm.Kindkip ................ _U 9 149 I4> 44T

pt. 30 tm— R. Il»nn«l .....— ..... ...,1S» IS* IJ9 4I«rC ity won 2,- ...........\!.l jji jJI 1Islon Mon- K. titffn ............. ._ i j i iti3 i n js i JIgram onU , w .iu c t ----- ------- i » im »»iplon. h i a ............. ........„5 1ound bo th sw in'i J

]liD<lle*p ...................... 41 (I «t 111’ *• m : z z : : i « 7 i l l to 'ound a fte r «. B<Ktn*r ....... ...... l i t m iss 4m tle ft to the c. Smfih .....................no is : is# « ii ,s buckled “ ■ -----------------_‘l ’ Jiii! J ”e didn’t go - Toi«u _____ ___ ...ISO »m >4> :« 7 jiban Negro ---------- a1 awing a t i.e a c u b p A ChflltUncanvas a ....... ............. lo, ,on t j 4 a•ound a fte r N«uy .......................... i. h u 7 ist 4m irrln g lefts. Johnj«n .......... ......... ...no i6< ijj 4&» ." S Iti !i!Ight began c o o d n .a ---------------- u t i t» _ m i i i s

''ao’wn“ th2 ;A gramonte iiindicip ..................... &i t t h i u ’]178. n. U f i . IS> M 1!9 JM I)unlap was - ‘‘J }«

on polnta, Ted E m rrkk_______ MO 140 MO 420 a5und when n. CunnlnihuB-------- Ul I>4 i n 414 jj«ra* ap p ar- ____________^danger of ---------- ghaym aker. s i. U w .H ’f n*. i e— IUndlc»p .................... i:< 1?B It* »7«

n Amfnd* ..... .............Ml I'in t<4 <(rilaliomn _________ IM IJ4 IM »'» ^M«Wliilmm>------------ 124 M» IT* 4I«W « U r i____________ UJ 121 no 4«t

n - T o r m tT T oi* i* ---------- ...... , '1» IM »»1 2Sfl»E T iarJ .....>

Ilia’s Ccsnr a. Afki.r ..... ............ i4i n i i n 4i\ 1It nt Mudl- -— ..........’“SI •*- Adviiu ........ .......... IUl Itv n« ija''4- .. w in * ___ ________ 141 la* I0» 4>l:he garden M u«n< r------------------n t i t i i»> t9i y

: club. I.ylhit.tt II Joe Loulli Il.ndk.p ................... I0i> l»0 IM ^n. toat Ills Si; 1;? 1“ lln 5“;tert ou t by H. nu n n ln s..........»0 IM .M« fPittsburgh ‘i'*'’" ,, .........- ............‘1* “ • tbeaten by --------------- 1! ^ _ . ,. lnst June. Tuc»ii ........ a?r "oj laj 2ta«....... SI. Cdlrstd'l fit. i I

ESTBcora l.vih««n <

I«" I'ii ^

il: SldEE::::-'-:' iH iH iii ‘^^luUi* *"* I

UM.”ih ..i» . i « w !!« \?j

.................. Tnl.it ...... 1"» 9I» 991 :tm

I d a h o F r o s h t o O p e n G r id S l a t e i

l‘O O A T E l.I/3 , Hrpt. 30 Tw rntv i pniirr frealm ien Kriillron ciiuillilnirs | nrn working ou t ilnlly na the Miiini i Mlntn c<ilIo«e K Ittriia luriinm tnc

................. llirlr arnaon’n o p rn rr Hnluntny ,nKnliint W eatflrn M onlnna.

Thn til t will Ihi lirM a l 3 p m In i Iho IHO Hjmrt Imwl nml will l>r f ir r i)( I'Imrgfl to tlin imttllr.

In add ition to tlm flral KBinr. Umfionli will play a liiinir-iuid.liom oAn Ira w ith Ihn M ounU ln |lo in r n ii . iman P lalnam en Oct. 10 In Uia Hpud

................. IhiwI a n d ag a in O el. 33 on llie Moiin-Inlii Home high echnol flrld . ’riia iitClrr ti l l will be a n igh t gaina.

Kanny l.aw n (Iraas) I 'la n i I.Mirni ■>oif. Olob* Heed * F rrd Co. Ad«,

M o n e y . t o L o o n

• F a rm iioa iw• Olty R esiden t Ix>aiis

—. ..... - . . . • Olty Busto*** Bldg. I^ana• No A ppraisal Fe*• Nn Oommlaalona• I«W inter**! Itair*

J . E . W H I T E, , . M i A O B N O I

I IJU M alB K M *^ r h o n . 147

.. i

Starling H


lolds, N ew opener a t R follow ed worked i n to sta rt A

'a * t l III ' ..............V - - -!?5 i l i * "*• (**'* C hkf) Reynolds. of th

MT no 4tt B U 'k . lop r«ikr hu rler fer th r nrooM yr

— m neaday.

iii iii isi Valley Fishing J" JE Areas to Be . „ Closed Today

1*« !"l 4to ftsblng atream a aro closing —142 IOT ITI to fl.'hrrm en, rem inds Hawley Hill. _111 *** d lstrlc l supervLwr for th r fUh nnri |

__ *** game departm ent. J -It* H I UTS B ij L o ,t river. Its cnlir* d ratnag* «

*'io< 104 l i t trlbutarlM closes toda /. VJti I S S ! H agerm an valley.129 174 471 w hich haa been open to Juveniles 1is< III 474 up to 14'years old, also closes. In

_ 2 i Silver creek also closes today. soi161 n o > tt t Snake river and L ake W alcott

from the upper (east) boundary ot*?M Its 4M Minidoka wildlife refuge down-

111 ]]* Ml s tream lo the M inidoka dam will ^1J« )2» 147 be closed during th e m igratory1« 111 4iX waterfowl season, H ill aald.i«i i’« « i OtherwUe It Is open for fishingMl Ml t i l l y*®’’- he said.

'” »t <t A nother area denied fisherm en vai230 ii> Ml during the waterfowl season Is the Ii«. i » • 424 lower boundary of thft tore bay and hlaDf. lin i l l American fnll.i dam dow nstream to losMU MO 420 Massacre Roclcs. rod

•— “ —— Snake river from Minidoka dom * hIts IH 24W ^ Jackaon bridge was d o te d hoic . Bept. M. ^ ’149 14» 447 ___________________ heIS* 129 4I« plo

ii ii i Hunter Bags ”” Deer, Elk, Bear 3

n» i t l to ' Pe rc r Green took two weeks ou t Is* 1*8 s n ^ lunllng—and was a very busy

_‘l! J ” Tho^-T9.'lu-ralU-hunter waa home IM 142 2M7 M onday from the Sclway forest -j/lth

a ^ (n U r’s m eat supply and the m akings of a handsome mounting

ion 101 124 and rug. Orccn bagged a four-polni r i j” deer, a slx-polnt elk and a 350- J

13» U4 430 POUntJ 1”=“*soo l u 417 He bagged the bear—a block bcor g~12» 111 IK atanding five and a h a lt feet h igh I

"io? 130 m i — hi s dog treed 11., Prlends credited Green w ith d o- i

t l H IM Jng most of the cooking In add l- frcIM 129 4S7 S p a c in g the hunt. tot126 u s 407 His companions also reported tlia t, Iln IJ? }« P“ck tr ip Ini

™ “ In to th e W hltecap sector of th e S e l- Sa 70* 7 ti tt4 i way, O reen promised to raise a ]

string of mules for any such fu tu re Heexcursions. joi

IJI U4 4<j» three horses to carry o u t de. Ml irK tta O reen’a bag of game from Uie!;J IS !i:III no , , i ----------------------------- tie

Jockey-Soldier ^ I ij! li Looks to DerbyIKI io» t i l W ITH T JIE U. S. 3nd DIVISION, hlf

*’* Koreo. Sept. 30 npi — Tlie Jockey- Nf' m j 147 2»Vi soldier who groomed Cciinl T u rf sir

for his w in In the I8S1 K rn tucky ll Derby aald today hln nnly nniblllon

1SJ in »v” ^ roses. Ql u lan if n Cpl. Jam ea B. Dillon, now a radio d” operator w ith the 23r«l In fan try

,i» : 154 i l l rrg lm ent. alao wnnta to ride the_ . . . r lchr^ l horse In llir wnritl. I

ptoj HJ Count T urf wns briikr hy Dillon,* U2 i i : u . I'OW 3«- ‘n 19«9. "

IIJ V- «ll "I knew th n l lioi.sr Imd som r-1 4 Im I'm ••'''**•" ho Milil. "Ami It wm KoliigI tt n i till to tie my clinnre for tlm ilrrliy "III III tJt Dillon salrt lir wns »rl to rlrtn 149 »6V :4(I2 Count T u rf in Uir drthv lnst yrnr

liut Uncle Hnm ^tl« liiin^n (Hirer- rr rn lly nnd drnfU'il liir Nrw Otiriiiin

I"! 'Ti V. („IM I n '»«* '•■’ H lr- i:wi |H,und.t onItft t»v Ilia B-ro«l, 4-liioh tninir. but «,y«IM i*n tin I" a iminth'a anBvn »iu ],ni He lln* l>rrn liroml»ril % mutint In lhjoo i«> thn I0»3 drrby. 1,1,

ifi ii; ;ii Stale Track Mct'l May 2. ; .javelin 1

1 0 IIOIHK. Hrpt. ;ili '.r -n ir ll).vt rrI J " tn ir Illgh f«'hi.nt iiink iii rr l will fcilale ■"•I'’ • '" I " Mny -JH. r .

Tlm boanl tlrricini i„ Piinilimte 30 I wr nt v Hip jnvrllll ri.mi Ml im rk ,m .•nmlhlnirs y„,ir nml I.i »nh,||iu lr n I.hiL- •" na th r l.tnlin i,„n ihrcw . *"

p rrp n ir lur ’I'Iib dalfl nii<l Mtr w r,r net n t V rr n . l , 11,1. , , w r .k - r „ l , „ r r l„ „ t

IIIkU Bc1io(^ ljlIrtnrlii.in.Ml,, AcUv - a l 3 p m In tirs atisonlaXtrtn h n r

II will l.r f ir r Urglonnl track iurrt« » ii| h r id ni• May Ifl a t MorK'c*. iii.„illiiK nnrt kt rsl KBiiir, Um iNn.ftUillo. 'l lie s r will l,n th e flra t oi im -m itl.Ikiiiio ------In |lo m r nil-

In Uia Hpud on Uie Mniin-


L o o n • R o u n d - b y R o u n

# Climatic AcHoilx>aiis

U * ''**"* I O N I O f T H I B E S T II EVER S H O W t^ O Na lr«

IITE I f f tT J a l i lf j l l c t i j j i l j i f j r A ' J i j s

Then* 147


irling Hiu’lers

rnoldi. v e of th e Yankee m ound s ta f f a a d Joefor th r nrooM yn Dodgert have draw n th e s t« r t-

- h lr h op*nt a t F.hbrU field W ed-

are closing -----------------------------------------------------iaw ley Hill. - n l l oK. „.h .„H Dyijg Sullivan ” Wins 5 Racesman valley.to Juveniles Flashy Duke SulUvan lo st a w heel closes. In one race and alm ost lo st th e

I today. some wheel In ano ther b u t sUIl ke W alco tt flashed to flrsl places In f iw evehta w undary o t In «uto racing s t PronU er tle ld ifuge dow n- Sunday night.a dam will ^ h eat fo r stock- cara,

m igratory buKcd lo a new rec-al(] ord of 36 1 sccond.i. and Leon Evar^s» ' ». Ul fl’s A ustralian pu rsu itlo r iiam ng O th e r ­

wise, the show waa mostly SulU- fisherm en van.

ason Is the Duke won th e ho t rod tr la la , bu t ire bay and h ls machine broke a sp ind le and ,-nstream lo lost a wheel In the A ustra lian ho t

rod pursuit. Trouble w ith th e sam e ildoka dam wheeV forced him to QUlt th e 2naln iras d o te d h o t rod event.

In the stock c a r scUon. in w hich ___ he Is defending Magtc Valley c h a m ­

pion. Sullivan won th e h e a t race, th e A ustralian pursuit and th c m ain

lO f g event. ,0 Evans Is the defending valley U champion In the ho l rod rac ing . £ > 6 3 1 * I " » apeclal U g team race, Su lll-

van. In a slock car, and W ayne> weeks o u l Wi^^nian, driving a rod. bested th e a very busy comblnaUon of Evans, a t th e w heel

of his rod, and D esperate Dyck, r waa hom e driving a stock car.1 forest -j/lth Wlaeman also won th e trophy dash> and th e ^or hot rod.?.e mounUng ------------------------------

In'r'.";;;.' Texas Picked Over Irish

■n w ith d o- AUSTIN. Tex.. Sept. 30 ly»l-Fresh ig In add l- from iwo sma.ihlng 21-polnt vic­

tories over I ^ U and N orth Caro- ^portcd tlia t, Ilne, tough Tcxn.s becnme a g rudg- ! pack (rip ing favorite ovcr Notre D am e tor • of th e S e l- Soturday’s claah here, to raise a Hend Coach Ed P rice o t th e Long such fu tu re Horns professed to gain no com­

fo rt from the Penn-N otre D am e 7-7 ;o carry o u t deadlock last Saturday,

from Uie "Penn.sylvnnla Is c learly th e boat team In the east.” he said. ‘T h a t

— tie tells me we'll have a h a rd gow ith Notre Dame. They have a flno ball rlub a. they always do and

, wc Imvc a world of reapect for

J P rlrr ndmltjed h e foil fine aboutDIVISION, hla trnm'a Improvement in blaaUng

The jockey- North Carolina 38-7 a fte r a no l-aa-Coiinl T u rf amooth but thorough 35-14 licking■I K rn tucky ll gave I.au In Uie aeaaon opener,ily nniblllon ___________________

, " w ' : " d i „ Sugar Ray Quizzedto r1rt«'Vh« YORK. se p t. JO Theo n n e u ie n lh le llr commla-I* hv r .111 .. S'lUn'" ‘lav llohlnsonuy UUI,1,1, fu ture boxiiiH plnns,, , e.ipcrliiily iiin rtetciise ot Uie worldn u i so iiir- iiiiddlrwclKlit chauiplounlilp.

T'U ‘‘“’’liiaon >» Ijrcpiirliig for " , . a ra r rr r an n ahowmnn and recenlly »ri to rlrtn ,|„drrw riit iilnatlc aiirKcry to re ­

in lnst y rn r „„n.p „,.„rp (iMur, Ihrre Imvn been illlfcr- rriii.tl.' iir wlil tlghl no nmrr.

'Jrw Otlriiiin Uiiljinsi.ii rould nol be rrnclicrt

'i |Hiuii,I. on ________ir. but «nya i « i a . (i>utcli) Meyer, henrt coach II a im inth'a and ntlilclln rtlrrcU.r <i{ 'ix n i, wna

ou rr n iiin.vnl nntl w nirr Imy fur a mutint In llir Huriicl I'roga l»rIoic lie rn lr rc d

hlKli M-lKKll.

k M c 4‘1 Scl at B«»is< ivclin Tos.s Dropix^l

'I1m lii.Vt rrtilutuil m rrln the nliilr iim n m i k iii rr l will for nrvrrnl yrnra, aniil n m rln ry K tny 'Jn. I", tlrh lrr, llolaa.

I " ..... . ■"""lu ir n I.Hit- n u ltl ia i i '' ," ’K,>lf.' < li l''l' i’' 'L ,l '7 i 'i r io w r,r net n t " " “ ‘'''• '"i lu i r t r . l in

L \ l '" A c u iP lh ^ r ‘"r,.nM m inl;,'r''''''r r ld .y Um Knillii riri i,^ to hold

«UI Irti hrlrt nn rlMlil.irnin, rIl^r^ a Mnlr linfi- •i»>,lliiK mill krllinll Ullll iniinriit i,l liUii,, Knlli hr th e f lra t on Mnruli 13.14.


d-by-Round Highlights

Itic A ction in Slow Motion





Ties! No (

I Left, Cries

By MAJOB AMOS B. BOOFLB ' 1 Egad! These young scalawags a t- »

tftnplng to compete on the gridiron hav t no eompeUUve ip lrltl A tie n m e Indeedl No gridiron gladiator of the oMen daya would have been saUsfled tc •'*U» a tie aeorr No Inrteedi

And not one He. bu t flvel Fap l T he Hoople formula for predlcUng the exact acore of each and every football exhlblUon should be revised tooew hn t to Uk* Into Mn*Id«r*UOB tjie lock of modrrti rompeUUve Splr-

% a n im p h l Misery doles on com­pany and this hero of th e Boer w ar ' has Iota of mlaerable company th is week. Certainly, the Hoo^je system mtased only leven games, w hen you

ff a n d Jo e disregard the lowly Ued contesta.I th e s t« H - But iho«e ties raised the very Ned field W ed - * lth nil would-be gueasera.

Take la st week’a winner, WllUam

S Siv a n Delay Asked on c e s Big Game Hunts)st lo st th e OROPINO. Sept. SO W»—A. B. Cur- ;r b u t sUIl Ua. Idaho sta te fire w arden and i f ive evehta chief warden of the C learw ater andronU er tle ld PoUatch T im ber Protective assocla- ]

Uon, asked today th a t deer and elk 'stock- cara, .reason be postponed tem porarily in ]a new rec- the Clearwater basin In th e face o t iLeon E vans "the most dangerous lire situa tion i

Inn p u rsu it In 20 years." irods. O th e r- Curtis asked the sla te gam e de- IloaUy SulU- partm ent lo postpone the hun ting <

season In crlUcal lire areas, how-d tr ia ls , b u t ever, Thom as B. Murray, BoUe, d l- ,sp ind le and rector, aald such acUon could be ;itr a l ia n h o l taken only by th e game commlaslon, •th th e sam e which does n o t meet unUI Ocl. 8. ,lit th e 2naln Curtis aald th e unseasonsl h igh ;

fa ir tem peratures, lack of ra in and j m. in w hich drying winds had made th e area'alley c h a m - the most fire-crlUcal alnce he had . I h e a t race, become w arden for the protectivend th e m a in association In 1928. j

ding valley o 1

"r.'"‘"aV sooner Loachand W ayne r i / ^ C C * ' • 1Says Officialerate Dyck, n « - o 1Missed One

OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept. 30 (if l------ Bud W ilkinson, University of Okla.;.

- | homa football coach, said M onday C f t f l "hone.st m istake” by th e ofUclals

cost h is team a louchdow ifTn iia 21-21 Ue w ith Colorado S a t i^ a y .

"I th ink Uie officials m hB «>Jt," W ilkinson told the Oklahoma City

10 ly»l__F re sh quarterback club when asked about ,l-p o ln t vlc- a dlaputed pa.« play which cam e , {orth C aro- I ' ' ^‘r.si half of th e game ; ne a B ruds- Boulder, Colo. jJ D am e for W ith Oklahoma leading 14-7, i

B uddy Leake passed 13 yarda to BUly j o t th e L o n i Vessells In th e end w ne. Vessels n no com - lunged to r Uie ball as he fell to Uie i e D am e 7-7 officials decided Vessels ’

trapped Uie ball against Uie ground i riv ih»i hr*t ruled It an Incomplete paas. i la id • - lS a [ O klahom a Uien failed to lio re on \ a h a rd BO Colorado moved ahead

'"V "n's i

.1,“ ?™ Skyline Loop Play i

Still Wide Openlaon opener. DENVER. Sept. 30 ifl-W yomlnR's '~ Cowboya ride over the Rocklca tol l l l 7 7 P n ^ ^ “h Htnle a t Lounii Snturday '( U l £ i£ iC U In a (inme that'll nnawfr n Int of '10 typi- Thfl tl'ieatlona In the Skyline Conference !11. commla- football rnce, Iny llohln^on . T h e aiiniiiclon la urowing Ihn l 'xiiiK plnns, " 'c re la no aiiimloul ,iui, u, the •It Uie world elK»>l-"'nni c lrniit nmi um Wyo- >inlilp. mliiK-Ulnh AkkIo rliisii pruvid,'i ilie 'rcpurliig for compnriaon ot Uin youiiK aea-and recenlly .Kcry to re- ‘^oach Bowden WynU'» Cowlxiyae Hnvn been »'> alrlHirnr 14-0i> morr. u , ^ '" ''li'iin nl l.nrniiile

be rrncliert <!hurk Hiinui,iiiiKn tlfln imaara ptCKliirnl Uir lr1uni|ili iillrr Montnnn'n hiifiky linn ntnlir,l Wv,>-

r. hend coach r '‘> 'i|iiK-^i»i>r.

I ' i . J ' i " ' , 1 " ; I 'W ltK ' T l lA M .r 'C lie rn lr rc d NAMI’A, ttr|>l M i.r DiiirYomiK

of Nmiiim iMiwlrd n IKX) k„hi|. „ i n,p - ----- Nnniim lliiwlliiK in itci .Muminv

r ; r i . ' ; ' : i i , r ; ; : ; : .................... " ”»■

l)(‘d horse'shoeing*'I llrht cliiMi

Ilr iim Rrrn I’lioiir KU-I(" rrir ln ry K. J . F. MEUSER

Ifl'JH Klnilirrly Ktnui

, ..IT"'.!'".""... ... .

^ 0 * ii ' ........ .. III,',-.- i„ i , I...... „Iirl,-I'M l,,i ' ilii^

""■I li'l 11. n il 1,,,,'k i n i K i , IN r i n v x .

ion "'"'I''"’ ",,,111,1,. "11,.„n .......... ...... . ......... 111 y ,ir i l l . IT „ i« „ l , ( , | r | , „ |


H O ________________ _ t u e s d a

0 Competitivi ries Seer MajoO O FLS ' L. O hancey. Rem em ber ho» l<e onl iwoaa a t- »howed m id-season form to •• s exn > gridiron *e»

1 WUllam

^ Baugh Gets Qmts First Heave ~

From Game sw ater and . OHICAOO, B e p t 3p (A—B tm m ye assocla- B augh . SB-year-old player-coach ^ i•r and elk w as tossed ou t « f his f irs t pro game ceio rarlly in M onday n igh t fo r flghUng bu t no tie face o t untU h e h a d completed II s tra igh t svi

situa tion passes to lead h is W ashington R ed- _sk in s to a 23-7 upset NaUonal Fool- i

gam e de- ball league victory over the Chicago \s hun ting C ard inals . _eas. how- T h e venerable Baugh. W t on an U HBoise, d l- o f h i j tosses In th e f irs t ha lf fo r ■*could be 87 yards and two touchdowns a i th e r

.mmHslon, R e d sk ln f- lo se r of a ll five of th e ir III Ocl. 8. exhib ition games—drove Into a 17-0 onai h igh hn lftlm e lead th a t was never th rea t-

ra in and ened. U,B augh's 13th pass, midway In wj

•* he had y jg period, was Intercepted, wiprotective ^

m arks. A t th e ou tse t of the fourth, w hen Ed B agdon's field goal a t - ve te m p t wos blocked, B augh .and th e fe

I C l l C ard inals 350-pound tackle. D on » Joyce, exchanged blows near th e Ei

I s ide Unes a f te r a pUe lup. a i» 1 T eam m ates h a d to puU the two Hi

a p a r t and b o th were banished by « I referee Bill Downes. E ach will d raw UIJ a n autom atic W fine. ^

S Waldorf Sees f Tough Game S

loma ^ y b a n PRANClSOO. Sept. 36 W »- Ni,ked about C aU fom la C oach Lynn Pappy W al-ilch cam e d o rt, a fte r hearing scout reports of feth e game M inneso ta’s 1952 football team, sa id Pi

M onday he cxpected a tough game... ■ * h e n h is B ears m eet the G ophers so

ds to BUly in M inneapolis Sa tu rday Ke. Vessels -H a ro ld CEggs) M anak# ,' w ho 01feU to UlB acouU d M inneso ta la s t week, againstd Vessels W ash ing ton , says Wea Pesler’a club cl:

lie ground i j <o p e r ben i Improved over la s t nle pass. y ear." W aldorf told told the to o t- v«3 score on ball w riters’ weekly meeUng. Rved ahead 'T h e y have a num ber o f good I>I to come backs and a big line. M anike satd D,momenta th a t Percy Z achary, a 105-pound

. defensive tackle , is th e beat he h a s M - seen In a long ym e .'' — Ri O l m r Bears had aome casualties In er I I c lY laa t w eek's 38-14 win over M is­

souri. ”i nfy o m ln f .tockiea to Scpt. 30 W -T h e state flah „1 Hnturday Bamo deparU nent s ta rted today ai' n lot of '" '‘‘‘h lg pe rm it fee refunds to some p ,:oiif(Tcnco unlucky applican ts for special -

hun ta . R. E H offm an, chief clerk,.'lng Ihn l h r rxpected to have the ta i l ofid. In the ‘J'*’ checks and money ordera mailed f iUir Wyo- liy Ot;l- 10. I

----------- I

. HUNTERSllir 111 UiRMiimiriv - W o A ro P a y in giiir nnisfl H ig h e s t P r ic e s fo r

........... D eer & Elk Hides 'INGID A H O H ID E

& T A IX O W CO."1........ !'•■> O l , n o n . I l l i

^ + BEST '


Iti'cii ni> l it rr c i iH e In Ji’UICL O IL |>ii. .Su ^ v h y lll i t P l io i io K5H0 now 'I In iik w i t h t h e lUCHT ( iU A L lT Y

ill ' ''lt< 'K i'i‘o .l ) t i .v ’’ f lu -c li n y ftliim a h - P in y o u r t iu ik n n l n ll t l in u n . . . K l

hi a rrv lc B t o all onr c i io to m e r * . fl


i t i v e ^ ^ lajor Hool

ho* he only onr » ,» . , l ^ B

*e»k aUhoiigh h»

top 10 ....... , '»«. tlr*atrr ^ ■

T hr n -^ ,.i__

829 T hirt

o t f ™

J a rhapcr . i the

" _______Eight o then also im»en gome.1, but meiTT

C close. ^Another lo conttiti«. ail Uielr ballou l o ^

■ uie envelopes 5 member, tha e n r e ^

poatmarked no l a t o ^ day. O r you can hC*.

‘ ^ to Uie ’D a i e i .N ^ ,Friday.

B-^Stmm y Those chokei btkivf ayer-coach them? Ah. but u«r»; pro game cent, absolutely, pcaittiit ig bu t n o t Might even be r f i ’S 11 s tra igh t every one of Uieot Igton R ed- _ — -------

Golfers Fii TwoFliglii InToumai

v e r t h m t -Uie best ball to u iu w

oldway In way a t the munldBti i n tercepted. were completed iSSL issed the ir to pro Joe DurgiiL the fourth . in the champloaihki 1 goal a t - vey S c h la g e n h s iJ^ i :h .and th e feated Shelly UcCtik bckle, D on Hempleman 3 and L m

near th e Ed Buky defeated ( ip. and Dr. Qlen I b t teU Uie two H arper and Dr. Brtfc inlshed by Sherm Williams ii« l[ k wUl d raw «P o a the I8U» ho ls ,-

Another match Is k be completed by Wa I t is Harvey Pla«,

> A C p e rt versus BUI PetB In the first tU ^ a

Glen Hoss andJtrnX Charles Seiber u l

B C four-three. Doo| Bi B am es took A u i;.

jt. 36 (JH-~ N orton one up en tt appy W al- Olb Miller u tf a reports o t fea ted Keltta'^CaBI team, sa id Packard 5 and i .

augh game BUI Anderson ud le G ophers sofi clipped John M

Kelley 3 and 3 fe la k e ,' w ho (Ught m atcL sek. against M atehes to b* A esler’a club championship fUtbl I over la s t n igh t are SchlagoM

the to o t- versua Uie winner i( lng. R upert and Peten-Mr of good Davls and Buky raa anike satd O r. Packard.105-pound In a aecond flifhtiil

leat he h a s Murrey and Earl DitM R upert Wllllamuoirij

isuallles In era.over M is- ----------

TAKES TENNIS n n i _ BERKELEY. PlM. Iv n a Dick SavUt of O nw l

his booming aU-eont^ e s ta te flah goullipaw Art U m t irted today anrtro, 10-8. e-3. K k ds to some pacific Coast tennlitttJfor apeclal --------------------- - —

;hlef elerk, ^th i ta i l of lera mailed



i.. v j / taste! P Iid fls ^

D E ^l ie n t 314

r. [ n o H n t n u n W M -

. O II ,

nowlilTY I i H

Trvtn AH- P R B M W M / g F * 1. . . . k s i i t i i c k y


todov I

’ to ;s d a t, ■

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · flTllW —-----------^ ..„ S3..... K no^„. - ____________ pSctonFl( lontrol Proje< loodingto

i t l ABtlau* IsldpW PlsM Et’

S« h*«55?T UNEgfiyy lcrtfhl»n tey L ttlu ff |E M

P » UJ>d ' ^ | gI r lE ls M f lP f i i

t tt. UitiJ ^«W* ta. U»V< I'T *'' DOWN ■ Ml

«“ c p i u i urf s&s"" • ’■ r ' s ffi..™.^ ** , DIckeiu poppy

l i Al» 8W®* U n u uied lr v e t-* * ''- A]t i t eer’*'" 8- Some 18- ^a n'n* * .

a a . .

^ ^ 4 a M fi_ ^ ^ ^ ' ~ ^ « f '

“ •

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------------- p # s s• i t ______ ___ ____________S8.TIJ. - — — s r p 3a sJ

" _ _______ - «■' Dl

bP g HOUSEj m a j o r H(SloOPLfi, X AM M165 E e A D , G iR L S / :iS S ^ I S IS M R ^ ^ ^ . C H A f t M E D SV £fl7 W6 R E PR E SC M T ^ ^ 2 2 ^ V 161T /— UW ffllE5-ACr-M ovi L 6 A 6 U E ,M t A 6 T e S A R ! • W t T O KNOVl HOW M ^ O PH IL 5 P | v io m n to U ^

7 to luiniiu- m y D ud w lim i )ut g iv c H m o i I'l he liiiH HKo, irxiitrrl(!iii-(i lil ld llu ! ki-yH U)

E GUMPSMft-r, *LL m A5KIN0 Y w l f rHjo in -ntene a n o ^ is to m ? y o u r NOSf nc



I ^ 80, 1952 ________

10 T^at »Vt"h

__ expectatlo” B<7Rn THIRTY

- S I D E ^. __ devlc# J— _— — , ,

ia usSni III

f : 31. Pu t on I?: 33. Wm »w .re “ 1 g— ' - I

■ 3S. Head of m , I ,~•bbey 'I J l» |J ___ S8. Turbid 1 f

37. Fun W ) i \___ 3a South Amwi- -. y j

48. P4rt of a

■ ■ ; r . "

ming bird , y » V I ^ ’

■ ” } J . ? o a d e ^ 1 i .

I - - -1 U . Down: prefix V ^ l l . |

OR HOOPLE \ | f I:>, G i r l s / x A fA i f Ji f t M E D S y y o U R ^ I fi l T / — U V l/M Y ' / a.6 T E 5 A R E S1\MLAR MP PH IL 5 P IT A U N V 6 | l

I I J *Sii fHh *\ *P I I w ' — ju d g in ff b y tl

|y CARNIVAL6M D O R 6E S , . , —

\ MOTWERHOOD M l T O O ” ^ . g o l


M i Iy / M

l \ iSfe{ivcH m o n d v lc o . . . ,

k , . y (o the , fn m lly , , > " » l » u r o I c« b lg s e r w ufltcbftoket



T I M E S - N E W '

UR WAY B j WILLUy H F U . ISET H I* V r r AIN'T ALL y A U . WE i

■AT \MFALS0«CIUt»KT Aft POSV AS \ p . iUP'-- TO HIM AW <aeT YCU TMIMI / I h ^ ' t o , S /W *JTEPC3NHAW P\ r u . STAN /d lC X ENOt TO f AN- fCOW 'AON J HEAVTny to ^ D E R .V 3 W U > J< 9 /C v e M lP 1 / S O W L B

‘ / HEVL <&et TD y DOKTT f-E-T \ W E L L E > i^ • \STAVOaTOP T o s T A Y ^

R & .



r'U. / / / k ■

lA I I s & | [ \

J'i|T -Inil

I J ^ jlfc^ .3 0 . \ P•.NIML ^

t r u e w e le a rn b y m istakes, you 'r« le a m in isfiriff b y t h e sp e llin g In th is le tte r I”

IVAL_________By DICK TUB

' . W d -l . ¥ / ' r m

*■ V * ^ 7 <

t niiro I cnn g o t you r larK er dcnki How n is tcb A sk et?"




J E S - N E W S , t w in f a l l s , IDAHO


' ) HOW TO < se i ^/dlCK&KOJ<£,H ( f*

: )T D STAY OUT*. \ ^ A T S F/ SCHCOL Bu t / \ f l l \ y

,\W E U .E M C U dH f —rv) TO STAY O U TA J P


GALBKAITH gPfrWOOKi ^ ^ .V ^i^^ V \

VOt>‘« t V«KINI W W . \ r t w s t r ? =T'lW vc, fv-TOO ? \ 2

o H b ^ K :

— — o p p i l ^ t

i m : ^ 1 ^\ Jwi M OJ H ® t i '” ® t o pick myI jr 0 I o"®*af’d*only.lII L

I [§N r J r : i l

1” ■■ - ..................... * Y _____________________o u ’r e l e a r n i n g v e r y 1 ^ H e i r g f o w M i

Itterl” yjy-'St^SStlSr * w I t o u k w o w v

CK TURNER GI l J I z r s

/ / u

% ^ Y

----------- J l I ^ < I J W » 1 M I I I


m ' mi i f . u


I S LEKA anp LAfiN I , , C T u - w A i r i ^ C s e E ' . o u . ' j F * /

^ ^ ---------------- c( icn k i l i o w n b o u t a |.j[ l | v n J ^ K _ y ^

’'■ '11T WHAT A UW5H/ ^ K H l j l A I IYOU HAVE A^ MLX:h

/ PKJNITY A4 HUWPTV • ' I I ' l j yPUMPTY. .A F T E R n ■ | " i B » i

ACCIPCNT/y - ^ J j j j ^ - y ^

Lf l i B■ i N - W l .uMgM E ir'v’4LT DISNEY I M n J i

r^WiN . I 11

1 L | y i | » ^1HB9-,-i Y I H M



/ M OW >OA«5*V^ I (\JSCK9 L k T i^f A*V MAKJTV CCLLAt^- I TW»OU®W

C*Cl^^W«... W _

_ ¥ *0 t u * 1C -J TW s e > e rftsTY 1 ^

i SLfcUSHTEft WWJT* W^o c k k z < \ c a t u v ~ ABW ft«R:lG H TLlTl5 n

i J i K

VOU»'m. V d09.U \^ O V ^.,------ .

you a r e . J u d y ! m is tak eTie t o pick m y Nbu’r e p r e t t y a n d thinkim;n e -a n d -o n ly . \ popula r and will hisve > b e tE s t h e r ^ j j ^ l o t s o f c h a n c e s \


t r K IP CHA«IN'H1/A/ - — j m A «’ ( y o u KNOW WHAT . 1

E E/lweOlNOOOW N j^ F O O L O P • « > > > , .% « ■ i^ E ^ W g C lv y H E M ^ ^ O R a E L F

R'f TOTW M W ^^tw rtA S v^w vA cnw riC H n |O O h e « m i n r , \ o u y y c w o i i » A A r i e A j D V i S > - ^ T v v o ^ u p i0 / « 0 T C 0 M P M i v f 7 » y 5 t a / « o ^ c p t t j oK T T ^^flB N liW OOMIN' UP I WHATf ) C ^ ^ ■ ( L IN' W MK/ ^ A 6AMI

^ ^ L K s i M A v e s T X ■ T ' " ' V HrOOSM 1AKI.V ^

~ ^ r . _____ - ' t J TXANK MJO i»0 HUCH.y t - i u r f j b r tn u n i ®LLVl TLL BB WiORB ' « _ V ^ E L K M o w

^ I HUJfRieS

^ J u s t don’t make theTril have lo ts o f "1 yr, m istake, like I d id.cf boy friends b u t fm

thinking it will alwayslqoinq to wait until my ^ b e ^ ^ l^ w a v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lc o m ra a lO T g ^

' ] y -— ^ r s v e ^ M o S i rY POVOUUSUAaV \ W LLSeASfeuRTOS

1 OPEN THE FRONT / TO « £ ME AS SOL/^ V p o c t a l w it h a x havh Ktf/7» « to

7 B E A M G U N f^

y nK C O ^ izc I t y y p i RCD-BUX> '^ |^ M iM , tx > / r v o o ? y a m c r ic a m D oy b

............... I ______ ___________________


T U ESD A Y , 8 E P T E M B E B 80 , !

" ' ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ I T y 'T w i i C S M ^yTY 9 0 X C 9 U A

tl> 0 HUCH. \I |T M fc j '5 0 K K ^ i\v o in w k 'm O B 8 6 ^ L BB tM fiB M WIZ K303&. R&(3» WAftWAYINfl TC S0l3ri£M)IM9 I IW M GlAOyHe'DUKSYOtf-TOOOt »AV ^ 0 DO * ^ ^ y*jg|^TV6

I S------------------1 v w i t o o w M i l s o a M«.WWW o » i w '< o o 'o p - J ^ w o o w

? ? ? A

^ rso m ew t^re t h e r e V a T In t h e m e a n tl b u t hn m an j u s t m a d e f b r J J u d y , rem em bei

t i r t i lm y m e a n d ni know h im ) t h e kind o f girl s a lo n g . w h en I fln d him* ^ h ^ l r ec o g n ize < 1 " ^ ■ > j ^ W * » i d - c «

1 ^ 2

ME A5 <rOt/ AKfi TO 1 \ P



M B ER 80, 19B1

S tSTr S mv^ ^OOJ»U>«

iT N ld s S O v T lA R tl i f lWAftVSAYINfl TOP*>y| [ ] ■<sYO&-TOOOwm(l 111XS FOOTBALL 4AMBI MUiai^.^HOWMO^^ H j


I .N t « t— ’" ' Q Js i s t i s i s u — C 3 I

1 t h e m e a n t i m e , ’ I , i d y . r e m e m b e r t o b e le kind o f gtrl t h a t ^1 r ec o g n ize a s h lg 'o n e * a n d ‘ o n l y . ^


IfP <

X T ' • w t w 'V

‘I ~ '

MAH MtHCKWJIOUOW MI.1 SfT NKVAH y lV» AM >c/~ «r SveN MMM l/T/ l l l l lTWRlUFOft. >-•

f f l

- > S i ■ ■ » < » ''-{


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^ ‘ P A G B T B U

I Markel « * « *

Stocks----------------------------------------------£M A R K E T S A T A G L A N C E

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t ' r & tV?!’ '.'S

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i S a ^

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L if- ■ s s s s : ' -

■ stock Averages ~|

s i i I 111Twin Falla I

Uvestock Prices |followtuB ^ I n

Hlllff Oowi ------- _■__i nftn.'jn'nnUll nI b'7u‘" o u t t e n _ )n .o o -is .& o

l l l l Travel Reported

I I S s s i

I I I Twiii^Faii

kets and Fi* ,* * *

3 Livestock

l i i i f S iE J i S l l -

SSSS1“ - '

5 I :

[ | l ^ p S [

n . J'= ! !!■ I Potato and Onion = ! l ! . Futures

,rted Stock Divided ;

'" r ” ,■T e * " ^ U ? r t •"'I'Pi’l riiclvp Ih rl t nrw ro tllfl- i l l . 'w rouU c» t.« lh . U -l w ,.k ■„ (>.U ,U r.

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v k i‘“? lb ^ I l o f* '»D ‘* " c r ‘ hy " j I i 'k ’o*' 'i l i n t r "w" !

11 Falls Markets J

g l p s jiiis-ils " “ '

K U S ? L .

J i i i i r ...... ij

Fin 3lTl 0 e lj <k Grain ■,■

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s k S | | “ S s S 5 a ;

= - = * € ! ^ ™ : = E l S S i f S s S "

i ^ l Potatoes-Onions | S

a g B i i i i I s f l ™led" . ." r , ! " t i r . h 'S '' . ; r ; " l , ........

sIl r “i¥ilE^E:!^P;2

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lirni*.--------- . .Itwlire of tho TflBrfl fl. A, ( I l llr ll

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'l lR o p e r lo O p e n Jei 1 S to r e i n B o is e ™

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, , „ " 'S rJn J 'rrp lI.’Jr;

;;-3::"i 3 f F* “T

I f Sj r-5-r;“ i i

Hi: iS i Fenders Lost as SS,! !:;: i;:;; Vehicles Collide■‘5 ' dV.S' .”St

I.BH, ''rpp™

s i j f l l g l l sIP lf:::r;ff= J

t ruck j n his cnr^but jM t I t before he man

5 3 School Bonds for S _ Wendell Are Sold

H ^ S z is™ I s 'f S f S I; ; p “B ‘:!f‘ ^S s S Condition “Good”h!!«,t. “j w ) 1 G O ODING. Sept. 30 - Robert

now. G^obc Beed A Feed C o .^ A d"' rubi

, . ^ : . ; 'u ' “ : J o i n v e s tm e n t M in d e d R e d d ! N», I mr.1, J o u r n a l o r t ic le on ;

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K - CUUDE [I ® ® f U R N IT U R E — M U SICr c o . H 3 M a in A vi



^ Jerome Residents ! Get Draft Notices

” « m ln a u ^ ^ ln o n - J

K /, d J ^ k ' N . ' m

t h . mnn a r r ^ J » Z r ' t . |

r ° ' '

H H ? <’andidatesFilein .... ■“ Minidoka for Votei-'Tnr "n ‘ 'andldntf f'"'

as_ S jr S S '

'" h e n ^ h e

“ Services Held in ^^^Shoshone


g g ^ i | y | i s . g ; a

^ i n m cei ‘f®

™ ~ lT g a l ~ a d v e r t i 5 e m e n t s '

“i= e ? lS !r:r

V \inded R e a d e r s o f S e p te m b e r 's F a rm

Do W ith Surplus M oney"

e l i s te d r e q u i r e m e n t s

d In ro rpo ra tfd InT M lon

HKI.VII.LE INVEHTMKNT CO. rwln Kkllf Itank A T ra il nidg. twin F>lf>. Idaho, rho tio lOU

OF o r Y o u r O ld L iv in g R oom S u ite - O n A N e w O n e

Large S election ot

i | l | g r S lyles a n d Colors


i>E i^OWNM U S IC — A P P L IA N C E S

M 3 M a in A v e n u e F n s t

[ 0 _______________________________________________

ents School Board ,r ^ces pyps Gym Bids JEfi".' •r romi'Rnv. P a li Lak» r-ltv. prlr^H \

. in tc the ” '" ^ .U n g 'b A drlaj J ! ; V n.^V~;... =

e r r r . r.i".v's”r ; scr'-.|'S ; ^:lll not t r - snok"ne, »’ 7,i57. Rnrt n .v Nl»l.«..>e ycai clue T ,.|p f» U , »«».73'.Idaho nn- ,t.„irr ir '-n s of 'h e '■nil for hMs.Hook .» l.' u , , ^,,0-1 b o a .d ^ b « ^ 3 0 d»y» In

ile in ’rVote Classifiedarles W hit- _ ____ ______ _____________

( "'''NT AH RATRS 1 „

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)n ...... .... ............. ^(ne Mit. I'AiiMEii

i f i ,

V i .1. A ('I.AWMON rrI 'O N S T . CO.

3 I HELP WANTED—FEMALEg ^ l '- I'l"'™ r,..

Large f.\i'i'iin"'., i'i, „!',iion ot «'lv.IM,"';!;;,"lors S'7... .................. -

UCES ';:'T,:'':i-r'''':.^''''r::::,:7 ITYi -

' HELf WANTED MALE "-JC .......................... ........I.............. -T■" i;;;;;,',:;v'"'.::.... : ”i;'7..... .

T U F . 'm A T

I * HELP W A N T E D — M A L E b U!’d ,> YOU ARE .n .n .r ,.tU ,oan, m.rrW

H ds i

r'* ■■ ■■■ — ...........j B O Y S .V E T S 18-2G

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....... . I 'A ii t r i i c i .n - •

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m a and Ranches a n d p a r t

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: , r r “ _ s s , i ; s = -m sm :'S 'sPAUL EQUIPW

I p a r m eUSED AND NEW £<

FIUR T. WATSON ti i t ♦R e a l E s t a t e T r a t c i

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J k O TOP DOLLAR-------------— ------------— ■‘n n.RA N USED c

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r 'J i .V ' '' lO - I T E A R T E l ~ ------------------------------- " O B R E E S E

; , S ' * - - ^ ■ T , . L— ____ __________ _____ LOT NO. 3

■■"r-T™" S , ' T W IN F A L L ! ___________ " r o n r p M K N T C

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WE PAY>p d o l l a r ■ ■


ix r r NO. 1 j ^ Hwv T-MPi, i , „ , M B U B ILOT NO. 3 l | | | | H


C a r s

And Trucks

, ji

IY J3A M B L B 7

Bui^n^ ot »t . lj

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i f ' 'I P A G E T W E L V B

City Routine i Reported for j ; Board’s Meet iI Con»lder»ble dlfcusilon but little ,•r action highlighted Mond»r ,

meeting of th* cHjr conup'Mlon A , RuU *fnount «f rmiUn*w u I

li . No arUon w*f t«kcn on luyM^t- iI ' t n o of on«* of »«w *l bid* opened i i U st week for truck tlre«. S iu s rt 1_ ffl 8w*n. ipeak lng for Olfy M anigM‘ J . H. la tim o re . reported » con 'ltler-I*. able dlffurenc# between the tr e id f"'! • dep th of tire* offered by th e FhlJ-

llp i Petroleum e<xnp«nj' »nrt othiT ■ ■ Wdderj. He w ld he and L«tlmnre

I I h»d been unable tn con tw t tH** nec- P"I 1 • c e u a r r company oiriclsl to clarifyI I j the quetUnn- R a ther than acceptB ' tha aecond low eit bid without com- ^l r plete in w tlg a tlo n . the hoa rl deeirt- ‘' ' j H ' • ed lo taW* thn m atter for anoM'M JB Week. ^I No action wa* taken on bid* tnH fum lsh a hol*t for the elly B»r«ige'II The board expressed a de*lr* tn ob-I U in fu rther de ta lli fr<vn i.«Mmor.II Who waa o u t of town. , fl Local aewerage improvement dU-

trlc t No. 74 was dliwolved. City At-, ' tom ey R a b er t N. W. BallelKen «ald « ' [ no th ing hag been dona about the

d istric t t n d th e abstract companies t n h a v ln s dUtlcuUy orer it. He

I i t l d no bonds were ever printed (or ith e W est Pa rk area and no work Pawas »tart*<l on the sewer project. bee

A W.000 n iaster plumber’/i bond Kafor D w ight J . Peckhart wa* a p - Wi

1 proved. Ca:A variance (or a curb c u t wan A

in to te d the Blue Bell company. 391 aniJ»ourth avenue south. Considerable Modiscussion preceded the action ot antth e commission which pennltted a tur90-(oot cut. Special action Is neces- },• t r y w here t c u t ot more th a n a s drefee t ia sought. T he eompany asked to two » - ( o o t cuts. City E ngineer K o n n tn Crostlejr opposed th e two

'' cuts, b u t tg r«ed to the 00-foot pro- Fposal. H e c ited limited space t n d Bui

ll, t r t r n o h t t t r d a u the reasop (o r Fr*b is opposlUon. Ooi

I T he com ptny official pointed o u t Tw:I th e t r e t U Industrial tn d the com*! p tn y U counting on truck business li

« h le b would a o t be possible w ith - the:

O t d e

I >

B e su re youI! winter with

W h y n o t enjoy the pence of m

goes w ith knowing your store is f i l l e d w itll c lc a n . d e p t

P h lllipa 66 Fuel Oli. C all in yo

. to d a y , and you'll be lu rc of ge

I I y o u need.

t ] | | ' P h ill ip . 66 FU R N A C E OII

I ideal o il for iMiarnient-typo fi

I w hile P hillips 66 s t o v e : O IL if recotnm endccl for »|MCe lientei

* g ive y o u loU of clrnn lic a t, a

! d o n ’t clog filter ecrecna. Doi

fo r a cold m a p . . , o rder H i

F u e l O il nowl

DEA; 1


1_________________________ ■


® Little Better ^• _ The Magle Valley M emorialO r hcwplt^l bl«x< bank Wt* reported

In "a >'ttl« b e 'te r condition" f _ Mon*1ay, b r Mrs, T heodora Rig- *'l t 5 d . dnn. blood *>ank rep rew nttU ve,

Ilnwever. the bank 's supply w t little of tyr-i, blood U cofnrlet^Iy ’ n igh t's exhau«t*cl end "O" tvp» Mno-i ^Itj 'Mion A „ ,p p i„ . a re «hort.

Only 7A b'-yjd donation* •'ere ^ rteot<*rd t c th« la st r*«lt All mei

aoc»T)t- were r « Na<I opened H»ni* tha. S tu a r t I__________________________________ I »ft4M anager bar•OP'ltler- " " t * ■•rB" « " b c i t . He .a id I lU - gh< ie tread m m -approved two 38-fo^i cuU, bu t rm, he P hll- m ii.t ^ a jnrt o ther ''rU n--^ . f i „Latimore T’le board ha* rerelv«<t com- f,en the nec- pl*>nt* from resident* of the Blue0 clarify boulevard no rth area about1 accept horse* tram pling on th e ir wet Uwn.n. p j n it com- urgm hornf. 'n May1 deeltl- the law iu. ^ir*•nnO 'rr M1>l( Ili'cnxe* Were gran ted th e p

Blue T ip cafe. 701 S ^ o n -i avenue (gjtn »oulh: Brown D erby. SIB A d ll'o n be

■ B .rcge we.tr D ave* d iner. R7B Pho- Am-• tn ob- *hnne eireet we«t; Orl(tR«' caf*. 121 „ ,it

I^ " '- ‘h avenue « .u th ; Hl-Ho r«fe,433 M«ln avenue eaxt: R 'x Cisnr 3

en t dU- 139 Shoihone s tree t south. tra<City A t- W oolw orth cnmpnny. 132 cert(ten «ald avenue sou th . hou)OUt the ~ ;------- Z ------------ -----

T"hJ Visits Listed ftDted (or PILE31. Sept. 30 — Mr. and Mrs. gno work Paul M uw er and fam ily, who hove I roject. been vlnlting Mr. and Mr«. P. J.■'* bond Kalbflelxch artd Mr. tn d Mr*. P. D. vpyvas a p - Walker, have re tu rned to Uplands, coi

Calif. to i:u t was Mr. and Mr*. Rllcy Helm* and Mr. *^1sny. 391 and Mr*. Rlley Helms, sr.. Carthage . P‘* Iderable M o, who have been vislling Mr.tion o t and Mr*. D elbert Bm lth, have re - G(miltted t turned horae. FIliI neces- Mr. and Mr*. M ax W hite anrt ch ll- TorLhan 38 dren, Richmond. Calif., have moved P " | r tsk e d to Pller.U glneer ^;he tw o M YF MEETB rellw t pro- PAUL. Bept. 3 0 -T h e M Y P m e t p a t.ce t n d Bunday a t the church. M n . Roy trysop (o r F rtnclsco gave th e lesson. Delorea ^

Dorsey led th e songs and Sharon nieit«d o u t Twlss served re(re*hm ents. n t ile com* ------------------------------ boxMulnest Im ported Holland B albs; P lan t Mic e w ith - them now. Otobe Seed . Adv.

J e r F u e l


■ W ■■Jt U • .•

y o u s t a r t th e v ith a fu ll s to ra gpeace of m ind llm t

your storage tan k

c a n . d e p e n d a b le

. C all in your o rder I J P K 4

e sure of getting all I I I

N A C E O I l ' i . l l i c I I

,ent-lypo furnace#, / / <

'OVEI O IL is h igh ly I I jMce h ea te rs . D oth 1■an h e a t, a n d tlicy v k '1

recns. D o n 't w ait

. o rder M iillip* 66

DEAN KENDRICKT w in F a l t i — P h o n e 4 8 2

EARL W RIGHTM u r ta u g h — P h o n e 22

ELTON KENDRICK■ u h l — P h g n e S 3 5

[. Navy Band Membe jo rted SceniV Attractici'* R1ff- Member* of the Dnlt«d 8 ta t«a band tatlve Navy h«nri *n'< tb'*r leader* will be lecUf mn,,. ' ihow n po lnu of m ie ien t a round Dr. •letelv **'** “ " ’fsi~ « i city Wed’ieAduy f"r eonr«T>. a t ment

*hi« hltth gvmn»«lum. tlckeI -»ere ThU * •« -nn^|"^^ed Tuesday by k All member* of tbe * p ^ la l K lvanU ' r « Navy hanrt comnill*'" Member* -aid ^ ~

th a t 1mmer1l»ielr following the _ I iifterooon rotir-Tt. »el for ’ ;30 p. m.,

bnnd merTih<*r'- «ou i'1 be tak«'n to " '" f, d I lU - Shoshone onrt T uin 'alU . th e P e r- .? / ' LiU, bu t rine >«emart.l '- 'Idge ^nd the Rlue *

Lake* Cniintry rhrt>. Klwanl* Of- ? flcer*. rU h rr« lriep» O. \ Kelker hendlnp th» j- 'iup . will en terta in J

>' B '"« Cocnrii O-orBe B rendW , band dl- . about rector. »l ni> Infnrmnl «upp»r a t « , •

Uwn,n. p. ni. a l the Rog'rson hot^ l dining ‘" " “y room. K H k 'r n1'0 wll) tnlrfw1>ir» the

d irector »t *y)»- roneert*. ed th e FolioB 'ni 'he evening concert *et avenue for 8 p tn , .11 banrt member* will Kd-li'on be gum l. r I a in te .uppe r » t the IB >"no- A m erkun hn)' Klwftnl«eom-«f*. 121 n ,iti ,p «..rt t h .1r w1v»* win" r«fe, .I ten d .■ Claar Both roncer'- are expected to a t-

*o’ith . tr a c t rnpiirity crowd*. B oth con- ny. 132 cerU alll be approxim ately two

hour* in leciRth a n d will (eature

1 Credits M-Bran With op. Constipation Relief!I. P. p . •Pop many year* I suffered from plands, constipation. One year ago I s ta rted

to e a t Au.>BiiAH regularly—m y 00a - nd Mr. eUpatlon 1* com- niiii | , ^ rthniro ptet«ly gone. I ow*

ve re - G eorge H. Lubar, 33

rt ch ll- Tom s River, N. J . moved m any unso*

Uclted lettera from au-BHAif users. U you w ant las lln s relief (rom constU

P m e t pa tlon due to lack o f d l e t t i r bulk,I. Roy ^ th is popular m ethod. E a t t a

3haron p jcn ty of liquid. I ( n o t completely satisfied a fte r 10 days, r e tu m em pty box to Kellogg's. B a ttle Creek.

P lan t U lcb . so im Ji y o n uokxx u c x lAd««rUirra<iit

i f / 1

_ j i i i l i p , <

' ^ > '/ :

i i S r ? r w m / D

^ *

I n U i u r /

M b P wL'*'


>rage ta n k ! •'

m m f ^

) )






Members Will See Ope ttractions Near T. F.1 8U tM b*nd m 'u t ' • • . . p o f . 't . . >•• Win be lecUona. Produc

around Dr. Orrlo P-.IIer, chairm an of th e ^y in th is comml” ee in oharge of a r-nR O . ,o rra tlnr«T>» a t m enta. »7»noun'-ed Tuesday 'ivnt nieiedr tickets (■’ both concert*, will be»sday by •Vftt'nt''e Wertnr.vlay a t th e Music neK lvanU Center »nd th* W arner M usl- «tore womei

ber- -aid I" ’'*"*• lo th e afte r-InB th e noon co’'<'»'I hi«y b e purchased im -•30 o m tu noon »t either store and will betak<-n to •"a llab le e t i>’e rtf>or a fle r t><at Ume. * r f ' 'th e P e r- Ticket* t« lh - evening concert ®. h i n w w l'l be »vail»>>le a l e ither *tor<i u n - tertorani* of- ®'*® P '" • f ' l '“'t e r ‘th a t hour will be avaUabI* •• *h . •L . . ! . 1 d-v.r - 'n tll cnpn--lty 1* *old

HI Net p roferf* from the two <-on- J im 1- « r U , Bftrr exp'o*e», wUl go tc th e treasur

1 Ll . uhderiir vlleijrd '■hlld lund of th e bookkei l d l n l ^ cUib, Mem•d'ir» th e __________ ______________________

icert aet b*r* will

s P e n tI M P W O T ^ H H V(eature

^ g n ' '

lief! „ , >..... -Bd from I (F l:s ta r te d - 1 \!ny ooa- I

Special Purchase . , . b ring

^ Q u i l t - L in e d^ WOOL-QUILTED LIN ;pg WIND & WATEE

Huakywelght Jackets of ray o n -aceta t C BACXl appearance, la s tin g good looks


m — i

W -s tj j a


N o w ^

• L a y - A w a y i i

H O O D E D J A C K E T S . . .R eal he-m nn outerw ear (or zero tcmpcn storm y day*. W ater repe llen t cotton . sa tin tw in Jftcketn with th ick alpaca pl w ind-defying k n it wrlstleUi, elantlc nhl Doya Elp th e hood u(i oc dow n, depci\iU

^ w eathcrl

Sixes 1 0 -1 0 ....................................

VALUEI Boys' W ool PlaHiiaky JnckeLi tlu \t tnke tlio b r - r r ou t 0: T hey’re mnde nf thlrk wool p la ld . w ith !i wool. (lolId I'olor nlreve.n and back ytik Brtrted w arnilli of a ciullted lining mul lu r collar.

S i s e i 1 0 - 1 8 .......................................

D o u b l e - Q u i k e d T w i l l S U F

T«r(i Inyorti ot wniiii (|iiilUng w ith tv w.t nldn of heavy oitUiii itiul rnyon twill luni repel wind nml ri<iu. ICnr-wiirmliiK fui Inr. K n it wrlntlrl.^ . . . Ijiicklo fnilit. rl Ahlrrlng.

W i n t e r W a r m t h . . . T W I

llciy*' lh rlf l- |> rh r<1 )«i'knt of Bl'>*"y

> ai>iln twill, liiir.l with w nm i giilllliiK roiiu r add* furihPr w arm th ! . . . «iy and cuff* knit lor nung fiti

Q U I I . T - L I N E D G A B A R D

L W nter repellpiit . , rre ase g H ViffllnlBiit . . . UiiiK w earing Kubartlliie. Tin. k i|uiiircl lln- M liiK . . ■ hnlt . . . m

^ nhlrred lia rk i Nrw iniura, tool

S l i« s 4 -6



e Open House Held 1 ' F . For Credit Office |

O O ODINQ. S e p t 10—T h e b o v ^ Ar ■* of director* of th e S outhern Id ah o tJ<

ProducUon Credit tsaocltU on held *1* n of th e gp jn house Friday to announoe th e — jr -n R O . (o rra tl opening of th e newly com - A ‘’’ .I K Plfted b ranch office building In r will Ooodlng. Aboul 350 c tU ed to tnspeet e Music the new structure during th e day. sl- «tore Women of the Ooodlng Orang«>

rt refreshm enUrw lll' be T*’* building U 30 by 80 feet, con- la t Ume »tJ^’c t«I of M editerranean brick on concert o’>t*ide and finished on th e In-

lor<! u n - terlo r w ith blreh. I t 1* completely i.(te r conditioned. T he buUdlng Is lo-

, (> lh* cated a t SIS Idaho street. Ju st*ou tb "f th e N t*arene church,

wo ''on- J im Muffiey I* a ssis tan t secretary- r> tP th e treasurer and M ary Cleveland 1*

nf th e bookkeeper LM em bers o t the board o l d irec to rs ^

/ .................................... ...............

) Get ready

s e . , . b rings you th is jac k e t fo r so 1

-Lined Gabardine J.TED LINING ... ij WATER RESISTANT......Of rayon-acetate-ny lon . perfectly blended for lui Itlng good looks. W ater repellent; w ind reslsUnl

FuU rayon quilt Unlngs for e x tra wi w ristlets to keep ou t d rafta l ^ I r r e d

H usky W e ig h t M er

^ Gabardine SU1> I

th a tk e i i r r ) season i

full rayi V * 9 i v u m th .

KETS . . . olpaca-pile lining(or te ro tcmiiernturcs and _ peUent cotton nnd rayon th ick alpaca pile llnlngn, ■leUi, elafltlc Milrred hnck. c dow n, depei\iUi\g on Vhe ^ ^ g

..................................................................1 0 .9 0

W ool Plaid 'n MeltonUio b r - r r ou t of cdUI. w ro dny*. ^ ^ .

ool p la ld . w ith licnvy reproce.viPd . and back yokr , . . ,iiu* Hie n ted lining mui n>zy Emulated

................................................................................. 9 .9 0

Twill SUR-COATIUng With n wrnlhi-i m A A U

..... .............. ......

h . . . TWILL COSSACKflt Of R lw y <oii»ii.iiiyoii A Aw arm giilllliiK ’I'hlrk fur .rm th i . . . alyle. ]i„iiom


7.90 A: tool ^

TWTN FALLS. IDAHOI J ^ o e o n t f U W att. Buhl, p rw lden t:

8 l Q A. L. H an b . Burley, vice president;— 7 C O . Haynle. Twla Pall*, se c re t try -ffIP P treasurer; Eary R. S U nsen . assU t-

s eere lary -trew n w : O sc tr C.le board Arstein. Burley, assis tan t secreUiry- ? S I S .n d J . w , A n d .ra m . u -lon held *l*unt treasurer,unoe th e --------------------------------------------—'lyIdlng In /0 in spect T

'arS Watch fo r

1 MVAsland 1* __________________

d irec tors

1. k y , \ \ .1 l \ l , \ \ l \ l l

h W a iady NOWt Sho

it for so little!■ne JACKET

8 .9 0 im ded for lus- M ens Sizesin d reslsU nt: 88 to 46for e x tra warmth. Snug f ittin g kn itted fts l Q^lrred elssUc back (or pe rfec t f i t

^•ight Man's Sheen .

le SUR-COAT 'Pl'ne quality gabardine Jackets

I m ade of royon-acetatc-nylon th a t keeps Its sm art, good looks

I season after season. P u r collars, fu ll rayoa qullt linings fo r g rea t

. w arm th.

I I 1 2 - 7 5 1

• t w i n y V falls

^ s t o r e

Iden t;id en t;

g POTATI s WANTr H I G H E f J ? T P R K K

T’a o k e H o»« v n n r o

I LONG PROI* C a ll T w in F a l l s 1 4 5 C o llec t. E

u / \ " / / / \ i _ / ^ \ i /

U t M ^ UShop Penney ’s

■ I

«Ot kei

U lny


foria t I



^ n t e d IT PR K RS P a q I

v n , „

PRODUcI15 C o llec t. E v e n in g ,

'UPje / s T j M

t h r if t -prH w a r m ja cH

L 6 lWarmthThese h u d r ^ ^ l made c(

■ r m elton . . , 1 ^ |W and e l b o n ^ H

with g e n d H ^ ^ I th a t In s u n s ^ ^ H Snug,

ExI'ra Hunting JA jH

k 1 l |Made of

p i s k i T ^ Btreatedtn d r t l a l ^ l ^ H those e c I M ^ H and

n OllJktD■ the■ I pockets.

k S h e a r i l n g ^ ^ l


I i 4Oood-IookliK ket* tailored ton* and r a } t B j ^ ^ | U ned with

^ ^ P i nylnn sh e artb W ^H r ) w ith knit w i l i y ^ H ^ r p \ looking fur

from new c o U C ^ ^ I

g V

W ater-ReillflGABARDlfl

I 9 mn c ra ’s cold

i fort, smart g o W .A ^ Ba t a Uiriry Tailored o(

I iiylim | t b tn l lo M ] ^ HI give you erlip iM H II . . . Inni wear, r g j *I n«>lt ■I’'’"*'r , . . (ur ooUv. - J H


WW ' . ounce

' i \ ' M