Gabriele Pitacco & Team

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  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


    pier 01scenic overlook

    Wake upsurroundedbythe see andthe city

    thatreflects onthe crystalline water.Enjoy

    your breakfastcaressedbythe seabreeze

    thanrenta bike andgo for aride all along the


    The firstand the lastpiers are iconic building,

    witha clear shape andaclear identity.

    The scenic overlookis asquare thatstarts the

    waterfrontsystem withapublic space right

    onthe water anda strong cleanbuilding lifted

    rightuponit. The liftededge thatdefine the

    space gathers andsystematize the functional

    program (anho(s)tel,arestaurantfacing the

    seaandthe small meeting center facing the


    Onthe lower level,right onthe water,a

    coveredpublic space withabar/cafeteriaand

    the bike rental activate the space andmake it

    attractive all over the year.


    Piefamily bathi

    pier 02sport & bathing facility


    The base piers are designedto enjoyfree

    time indifferentways,providing services to

    differentclients andusers andgathering them

    together according to their preferredwayto

    enjoytheir time,all over the year.Familyrelax

    or sportactivity,silent sunbathing or sailing,

    the differentpiers are designedfor specific

    use.The sports pier is made of ramps and

    stair thatconnectthe parking spaces with

    the road,the beachandthe water,creating

    arunning loopand the perfectplace to care

    aboutyour body andhealth: diving boards and

    diving towers,butalso spaces for running,

    playing or relaxing onthe deck,sport fields,

    thermal baths thatcan be used24/7.A mix

    of public andprivate activities able to sustain

    economicallythe activities.



    reference: Georges Seurat, A Sunday

    Afternoon on the Island of La Grande


    200 m1000



  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


    pier 05sea-nema


    The waterfrontproposal definesa strategy:

    adiscreetamount of punctual condensers

    (architectural interventions clustering enough

    programmatic functions to getto a critical

    mass) are able to activate ALL the coastal

    areaall over the year.Withinthis framework

    mostof the piers are theninterchangeable

    betweenthenandadaptable to be changed

    intime withthe citydevelopment,the

    marketconditions or the citizendesires and

    expectations.The sea-nemaisone of these:

    still abathing facilitywith all the services

    you mayneedto enjoyit,but ithas aspecial

    feature: itcan turnto anopenair facilityfor

    venues (theatre,conferences,cinema,etc).

    The reference to other weel knownprojects

    ismade to show the flexibilityof the system,

    able to accommodate whatever ever-changing


    pier 06transit station


    One of the mainfeatures thatthe cityneeds

    to improve isthe mobility management.The

    citysuffersfrom the traffic andthe lackof

    parking places.The waterfrontcompetition

    isa chance to envisionadraft proposal for

    it.Inter-modal hubs can combine different

    transportationmeans making the citymore

    efficient,ecological andtouristfriendly.The

    ideais to create,rightnextto the citycentre

    anetworkof parking facilities where to leave

    the car while moving withother meansof

    transportation,from the public transport

    (either busor future trams/ferries/etc.) to

    individual mobilitysystems.Leaving more and

    more the cars OUT of the city andproviding

    differentandmore sustainable solutions from

    transportationto create apeople friendlycity.

    pier 08underwater museum


    Culture andleisure cangetthe bestof each

    other here.Imagine anunique occasionto

    explore the magnificentandastonishing

    nature of the coastand, while having fun,

    learnmore diving into amuseum,I mean,

    literallydiving into it. The underwater

    museum is alreadythere withthe nature the

    fishes,the other animals andthe geological

    formations of the coast-line butnaturallyit

    canbe improvedwithcontemporaryart or

    temporaryinstallations,creating anunique

    mixof artand nature.Snorkelling to see

    the artworks of nature of a famous artist,

    or simplyswimming andsunbathing while

    drinking acocktail ina special place.

    The underwater designis reflectedon the

    waterbyan energeticlandscape.Theprotected

    areais definedbycircles of lightbuoys that

    exploitthe energyof the tides to lightup.

    pier 07urban bathing facility


    Living ina cityon the seawith anice weather

    is bliss andthis citycanbe really blessed.

    Justlike the previous piers evenpier number

    7 is basicallyabathing facilitydesignedto

    accommodate all the services necessaryto

    reallyenjoythe beaches of the surroundings

    (firstof all connectionwiththe citycentre

    andthe transportnetworks),butbeing the

    closestto the citycentre itcanbe dedicated

    to amore urbanuse withsome special

    features combining facilities for quick(lunch)

    or sunbathing breaks to parties, happenings,

    aperitifs andclubbing/night-life functions.The

    spaces are thendesignedto be usedduring

    the colder seasonfor temporaryexhibitions,

    venue andassociative activities.



  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


    pier 11sports cluster


    Sportfacilities are highlylandconsuming.

    The ideaof moving themonto the seacould

    allow to reduce landuse while de fining anew

    attractive pole for bothVlora citizens and

    tourists.The developmentof the Sportcluster

    follows sixsteps:

    firstly,we analyze some statistics regarding

    sports popularityand selectedthe firstfour

    mostpopular ones,secondlywe suppose

    thatinitiallyup to 100 people will use at

    the same time the facilities anddefine the

    amountof different fields,thendimensions

    of eachmodule are set anda base rule is

    definedto rule their arrangement.The fifth

    stepis the creationof apattern.The laststep

    of this process isthe growthof the cluster,

    thatwill possiblyexpand according to future

    developmentof the area.


    pier 13maritime station


    Pier 13 is the principal transportationpole,

    supporting maritime lines,cruise travels,

    local ferry-boats transportandinternational

    connections connecting them withthe local

    public transportation.The pier is organizedas

    anairportstation, organizing andcontrolling

    fluxes of people andproviding them with

    spaces for shopping,restorationandrelaxing

    areas.All ina see-throughvolume,thatmake

    people discover andappreciate Vloras beauty.

    Itis designedto workas a hubfor travellers

    butcombinedwith anattractive pole,an

    interventionwithacomplex functional

    program thatalso includes congress halls

    andrelatedfacilities,little retail spaces,and

    inter-modal facilities,applying to the maritime

    stationall the mostrecent facilitates of the


    pier 12shopping mall


    There is no secondchance to geta greatfirst

    impression.The portis the mainentrance

    of the cityfor all those who are coming

    todayand,most of all,for all the people the

    citywants to attractstarting tomorrow.In

    order to reachfor aninternational role,the

    projectof piers 12 and13 is the most relevant.

    The interventionhas to be a landmark,

    definedby arecognizable formreaching the

    sea,expressing its role as a condenser for


    The pier 12 accommodates amixed-use

    program withamultiplex-cinemapole with

    ashopping mall andoffices.Its organizedas

    abox inbox systemable to workwiththe in-

    betweenarticulatedspaces inorder to provide

    new coveredpublic andsemi-public spaces

    withvertical injections thatcreates exceptions

    andspecial spots.



  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


    pier 16yacht marina


    Nautical tourism is anincreasinglypopular

    wayto combine love of sailing withholiday

    activities andalso avery profitable industry.

    Andthe cityof Vlorais athe perfectlocation

    for yachttourism.

    The pier thatcloses the waterfrontsystem is

    therefore ayachting marina: anintervention

    thatopens to the water witha circular form

    thatembraces the sea.The half moon marina

    is organizedto combine users requests,

    as restorationspaces,aresort andleisure

    facilities,andthe typical marinafacilities

    like yachtmaintenance,supplystations and

    anyother service equipments.The pier is

    therefore developedonthe seawitha docking

    platform for yachts withareceptionand

    welcoming structure onthe sea,while the club

    andresortgrows inlandconnectedwiththe




  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


    The forthcoming interventions are designed to offerrichness to the coastline and to expand the city intothe water: theyre considered autonomous urbanspaces that skint the edge of the sea. Thereforewe introduced elements as tectonics layers divingon the coastline that create a new topography: anundulating surface that can contain all the servicesand equipment for program activities and can becomebuilding, boardwalk, breakwater or urban pier.

    Beach decks are linear elements that define thetransition between the city and the sea, becomingpromenade, meeting spaces, breakwaters, cyclingpaths and walking paths, docking points, beachshowers and benches. Theyre conceived as woodenstructures seated on seabed or on the sandy bottomof beaches. The structure is composed by a foundationon piles sunk into the sea to stand the strong waveforce, while the boardwalk is realized by steel beamsmounted on the timber structure and supporting thewooden planked deck; all of joints are realized withoutusing resins or ting materials. Using different heightpiles each deck the undulating system takes form,growing as a bench or a cover or a ramp or a furnitureand navy support.

    20 m100

    5.00 m

    9.20 m

    9.20 m

    9.20 m

    4.90 mm

    Plan Level + 3,50 m

    Functional program

    Pier 02-Construction detail

  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team


  • 7/22/2019 Gabriele Pitacco & Team
