GDM Full Presentation

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  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



    GESTATIONALDIABETESEvidence For Universal Screening

    Laura Andersen & Danielle Major Galasso

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +99 Topics - Objecties

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



    Gestational diabetes #ellitus $GDM% is associated it'aderse #aternal and (etal outco#es

    Screenin" is reco##ended but t'e best screenin"#et'od $"lucose load) blood "lucose leel cut-o*) etc%re#ains controersial

    Accordin" to t'e +,O denition (or an acceptablescreenin" pro"ra##e) GDM does not (ulll t'e criteria

     T'e reco##endations outlined in t'e .DA "uidelinesare Grade . leel o( eidence at best 

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +.DA Guidelines

    All pre"nant o#en s'ould be screened (or GDM at /01/2 ee!s o( "estation 3Grade C, Level 34

    I( t'ere is a 'i"' ris! o( GDM based on #ultiple clinical(actors) screenin" s'ould be o*ered at an5 sta"e in t'epre"nanc5 3Grade D, Consensus4

    I( t'e initial screenin" is per(or#ed be(ore /0 ee!s o("estation and is ne"atie) re-screen beteen /0 and /2

    ee!s o( "estation 3Grade D, Consensus4

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +.DA Guidelines

    6is! (actors7

    8reious GDM


    ,i"' ris! populationet'nicit5

    A"e : ;< 5ears

    BMI : ;=

    ,istor5 o( 8.OSacant'osis ni"racans

    .orticosteroid use

    ,istor5 o( #acroso#ic in(antcurrent #acroso#ia

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +.DA Guidelines

     T'e pre(erred approac' (or t'e screenin" anddia"nosis o( GDM is t'e (olloin" 3Grade D,Consensus47

    Screenin" (or GDM s'ould be conducted usin" t'e 'our ill be considered apositie screen and ill be an indication to proceed to

    t'e @< " OGTT 3Grade C, Level 2]

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +.DA Guidelines

    8G ?>>> ##olL can be considered dia"nostic o("estational diabetes and does not reuire a @< " OGTT(or conr#ation 3Grade C, Level 34

     I( t'e G.T screen is positie) a @< " OGTT s'ould beper(or#ed as t'e dia"nostic test (or GDM usin" t'e(olloin" criteria ?> o( t'e (olloin" alues7

     Castin" ? 'our ?>= ##olL  / 'ours ?9= ##olL [Grade B, Level 14

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Grin, et al /===

    Fniersal ersus ris!-(actor based screenin" (or "estation diabetes#ellitus7 detection rates) "estation at dia"nosis) and outco#eDiabetic Medicine 17 /-;/

    Ai#7 prospectie) rando#ied stud5 ai#ed to co#pare di*erencesin outco#es in eit'er uniersall5 screened "roups ersus ris!-based

    screenin" "roups


    Stud5 conducted oer /0-#ont' period in Dublin) Ireland

    Subjects ere rando#ied at boo!in" on t'e basis o( 'ic' da5 t'e5ca#e to clinic

    I( > : #ore ris! (actor as present) o#en ere allocated to ris!"#asedgrou$ and underent a >==" OGTT at ;/ ee!s GA

    Ot'er o#en ere allocated to t'e universal grou$ 'o ere screenedit' a >-'r

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Grin, et al /===

    Met'ods conHt7

    Subjects dia"nosed it' GDM ere reieed b5 an OB andendocrinolo"5 /ee!s until ; ee!s) t'en ee!l5

    t'erea(ter All subjects ere instructed on appropriate diabetics diets

    or treated it' insulin i( indicated

    SD as aaited until 0/ ee!s

    Cetal outco#e data as recorded $"estational a"e) (etal

    '5po"l5ce#ia) '5perbilirubine#ia) birt' ei"'t% StudentHs t-test as used to statisitcall5 co#pare "roups

    and p J ==<

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Grin, et al /===



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    +Grin, et al /===

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Grin, et al /===

    Botto# line7

    Universal screening is su$erior %o ris!"&ac%or #asedscreening in %'e de%ec%ion o& GD( in lo)"ris!,Caucasian $o$ula%ion



    8atient de#o"rap'ics ere eual in bot' "roups

    Sa#ple o( patients at si#ilar point in course o( disease

    Objectie and un-biased outco#e criteria ere used

    +ill t'ese results c'an"e #5 practice

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +HAPO group) /==2

    ,5per"l5ce#ia and aderse pre"nanc5 outco#es

    8rospectie obserational stud5

    Ai#7 to clari(5 ris!s aderse outco#es associated it'arious de"rees #aternal "lucose intolerance less seeret'an oer DM


    8articipants 1 all pre"nant o#en in t'e centres $international%)

    ecludin"7 A"e J>) uncertain dates) inabilit5 to co#plete OGTT b5 ;/!s

    GA) #ultiple pre") (ertilit5 treat#ent) d DM durin" or prior tocurrent pre") ,I or ,ep B.


  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +HAPO group) /==2

    Met'ods contHd

    +o#en) care"iers and ,A8O sta* $ecept lab personnel% blindedto OGTT and rando# BG unless "lucose leel dia"nostic o( DM)sa(et5 reasons $'5per- or '5po"l5ce#ia%

    Onl5 data (ro# o#en 'o re#ained blinded included in stud5

    In(ant cord-blood sa#ples at delier5 $.-peptide and BG%

    .ollected data on prenatal care) ti#in" o( delier5) neonatal care


    8ri#ar5 1 B+ :9=t' Kile) .S) clinical neonatal '5po"l5ce#ia)

    (etal '5perinsuline#ia $.-peptide :9=t' Kile% Secondar5 1 pre#ature delier5 $J;@!s%) s'oulder d5stocia)

    need (or intensie neonatal care) '5perbilli) preecla#psia

    Statistical anal5sis7 #ultiple lo"istic re"ressions $incl #odelcontrollin" (or potential con(ounders%

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



    Glucose ascate"oricalariableandpri#ar5outco#es

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    +Glucose as continuous ariable and pri#ar5 & secondar5 outco#es

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  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +HAPO group) /==2


    6ando#ied NA

    8atient c'aracteristics si#ilar at baseline NA

    Blindin" Groups ere treated euall5 NA

    +ill t'ese results c'an"e #5 practice

     T'res'old "lucose leels in GDM "uidelines based on O6/= (or pri#ar5 outco#e (ro# t'is stud5

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Crowther et al, /==<

    A.,OIS stud5P 6.T

    Ai#7 to assess 'et'er tt (or GDM ould reduceoerinata co#plications and to assess 'et'er t'ee*ects o( treat#ent on #aternal outco#e) #ood) andQOL


    8opulation7 sin"leton or tin pre" >-;=!s GA) attended

    antenatal clinics) 'ad one or #ore 6C (or GDM or positie'r BGJ@2 and /'r BG @2->>= $"lucose intolerance%

    6ando#iation7 central) nu#ber "enerator into bloc!s


  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Crowther et al, /==<

    Met'ods $contHd%


    Interention "roup 1 receied on"oin" care b5 OBP

    interentions included dietar5 adice) instructions on SMBG$QID until it'in tar"et ran"e%) and insulin i( appropriate

    6eplicated clinical care in 'ic' uniersal screenin" andtreat#ent (or GDM aailable

    6outine care "roup 1 replicated clinical care in 'ic'screenin" (or GDM not aailable

    8ri#ar5 outco#es

    In(ants7 co#posite #easure serious perinatal co#plications)ad#ission neonatal nurser5) and jaundice p'otot'erap5

    +o#en7 IOL) .S) 'ealt' status) ps5c'olo"ical outco#es

    Secondar5 outco#es7 in(ants and o#en

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Crowther et al, /==<

    Met'ods $contHd%


    Intention to treat

    Adjusted (or con(ounders 8ri#ar5 outco#es7 66) NNT) NN, (or binar5 outco#esP

    ANOA (or continuous ariables

    8oer calculation

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



    $SC-; R #easure o(#aternal 'ealt'


  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



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  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Crowther et al) /==<

    Botto# line7 %rea%en% o& GD( reduced ra%e o&serious $erina%al or#idi%. and a. alsoi$rove )oen/s 'eal%'"rela%ed 0L



    8atient c'aracteristics si#ilar at baseline

    .ontrolled (or di*erences

    Blindin" Groups ere treated euall5

    +ill t'ese results c'an"e #5 practice

    In(or#ed .DA "uideline (or uniersal GDM screenin"

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Landon) et al /==9

    A #ulti-centre) rando#ied trial o( treat#ent (or #ild"estational diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine317 >;;9-02

    Ai#7 to deter#ine i( treat#ent o( #ild "estational

    diabetes i#proes pre"nanc5 outco#es i.e., anabnor!al result on an oral glucose"tolerance test but afasting glucose le#el below $% !g per deciliter &%.'!!ol per liter()

     T'e pri#ar5 outco#e as a co#posite o( stillbirt' or

    perinatal deat' and neonatal co#plications) includin"'5perbilirubine#ia) '5po"l5ce#ia) '5perinsuline#ia) andbirt' trau#a

    Secondar5 outco#es included birt' ei"'t "reater t'an0===") LGA) SGA) ad#ission to NI.F) or respirator5 distresss5ndro#e

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Landon) et al /==9

    Met'ods7 Included o#en /0-;> ee!s GA it' #ild GDM

    6ando#l5 assi"ned to usual pre-natal care $con%rol grou$% or ordietar5 interention) sel(-#onitorin" o( blood "lucose) and insulint'erap5) i( necessar5 %rea%en% grou$%

    +o#en co#pleted a (astin") ;-'r >==" OGTT

    Eclusion criteria7

    preeistin" diabetes

    an abnor#al result on a "lucose screenin" test be(ore /0 ee!so( "estation

    prior "estational diabetes

    a 'istor5 o( stillbirt'

    #ulti(etal "estation) ast'#a) or c'ronic '5pertension

    i( t'e5 ere ta!in" corticosteroids

    i( t'ere as a !non (etal ano#al5

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation



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    +Landon) et al /==9

    Met'ods contHd7

    Statistical anal5sis7

    Aut'ors reieed literature to deter#ine t'e eent rates (oreac' o( t'e pri#ar5 outco#es dened in o#en it' andit'out treat#ent (or GDM

    +it' sa#ple sie o( n R 9

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Landon) et al /==9


     T'ere as no statisticall5 si"nicant di*erences in pri#ar5outco#e #easures $perinatal and neonatal (actors%

     T'e #ean birt' ei"'tneonatal (at #ass) and (reuence o(LGA babies as si"nicantl5 reduced in t'e treat#ent "roup

    $p J ===>% In ter#s o( #aternal (actors) c-section as si"nicantl5 less

    co##on in t'e treat#ent "roup $pR==/% as ell as t'eincidence o( s'oulder d5stocia $pR==/%

    Botto# Line7 %rea%en% &or ild GD( did no%reduce $riar. $erina%al ou%coes #u% didsignican%l. reduce %'e ra%e o& c"sec%ion, s'oulderd.s%ocia, acrosoia5LG6, and $re"ecla$sia

  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +Landon) et al /==9


    6ando#ied usin" t'e si#ple urn #et'od

    8atient c'aracteristics ere si#ilar at baseline

    Blindin" as ac'ieed

    Groups ere not treated euall5 +ill t'ese results c'an"e #5 practice

    .DA "uidelines currentl5 reco##end t'is7

    +o#en it' GDM s'ould receie nutrition counselin" (ro#a re"istered dietitian durin" pre"nanc5 3Grade C, Level

    3] and postpartu# 3Grade D, Consensus46eco##endations (or ei"'t "ain durin" pre"nanc5s'ould be based on pre"raid BMI [Grade D, Consensus4

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    +.riteria (or uniersal screenin"

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    All pre"nant o#en s'ouldbe screened (or GDM at /0-/2

    ee!s o( "estation 3Grade .)Leel ; $>/>%4

    I( t'ere is a 'i"' ris! o( GDM

    based on #ultiple clinical(actors) screenin" s'ould beo*ered at an5 sta"e in t'epre"nanc5 3Grade D).onsensus4 I( t'e initial

    screenin" is per(or#ed be(ore/0 ee!s o( "estation and isne"atie) rescreen beteen/0 and /2 ee!s o( "estation

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  • 8/15/2019 GDM Full Presentation


    +6e(erences ,A8O Stud5 .ooperatie 6esearc' Group ,5per"l5ce#ia and

    aderse pre"- nanc5 outco#es N En"l Med /==2P;99>e/==/

    .rot'er .A) ,iller E) Moss 6) et al E*ect o( treat#ent o("estational diabetes #ellitus on pre"nanc5 outco#es N En"l Med/==