
Get the Money eBook By Tom Pauley

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Table of Contents

What It Takes To Attract Money .......................................... 3

Making Money A Part of Your Physical World..................29

The Easiest Way To Access Money ...................................52

Tools Tools Tools.................................................................85

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Taking Off The Gloves

What It Takes To Attract Money Penelope: Good morning, and welcome, everyone, to “Tom and

Penelope Live.” Tom: Hi, I’m Tom Pauley. Penelope: I’m Penelope Pauley. And, today, we’re talking about a

really incredible subject. Tom: Get the money! Get the money! Get the money! Penelope: We’re taking the gloves off, and talking about what it really

takes to get the money, and keep getting it. Tom: Yes, we came to a realization and I’ll tell you about that in

a minute. First, I’m going to tell you where the headline started, how we thought about this. This is a story that I have told to my family forever, because it impacted me so much. And, now here’s the realization… we realized that we had not talked about money. Penelope and I were working on a new book…when she said, “I know! I know what the new headline is for the next teleseminar!” because, we wanted to have one. We hadn’t had one in quite a while, and, we really miss these, miss you being there.

And, she said, “It’s, ‘Get the money, get the money, get

the money!’” Well, that’s tough, because we say, never, never, never talk about money.

Penelope: Well, actually, we say never, never, never ask for money. Tom: Ask for money, yes. Well, let me tell you, this story has

been in my family for ages. At one point, I bought a real

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estate firm in Texas, in Houston, in Meyerland, Houston. It’s a Jewish neighborhood, and I bought it from a dear friend of mine, Gary Cass, and it was called Castle Realty. So, we bought this business and it had 34 agents. I was buying and selling properties at the time, and I thought this would be nice. I would be able to sell my properties, and save on commission plus get more sales through Castle Realty.

We got in there, and oh my word, people avoided us like

the plague. I couldn’t figure out what it was, you know? I wasn’t having problems, I mean, I love Jewish people. But, they didn’t know me, they didn’t know us at all.

So, one of our good agents, our best agent, Tammy, with

her husband Larry, said, “You have to come to the Jewish Community Center. There’s an auction, and we’re going to be auctioning trees for Israel.” We said, “Oh, OK, great.” And, she said, “You have to buy something.” She pulled me aside, she says, “Tom, you’ve got to get a good deal! If you get a good deal, we’ll get all kinds of business.”

I said, “But, it’s an auction for Israel, we’re supposed to

give money.” “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is a Jewish auction for Israel. You’re supposed to get a good deal, and give money for Israel.” I said, “OK!” So, we went there, and I bid up on these boots, these handmade boots. I wanted a pair of boots. But, when it got over $300.00, this other guy must have really wanted the handmade boots more than I did, so I passed. I said, “OK, great, I’m sorry.”

Well, they all loved that I bid up that high. We kind of

made inroads. Then came the next item. The auctioneer had made this rule. He said, “You know, I’m going to hold up…” and he picked up two leather jackets, a long, dark brown one, and a short, light kind of camel-colored one. He said, “I’m going to bid on these coats. I’m going to have one bid, it’s two monies. One bid, two monies. You make one bid, and you have to buy both jackets, and you pay that price for both jackets.” It was very clear.

Penelope: So, you double what you’re going to pay.

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Tom: Right. Penelope: Whatever you bid, you have to… Tom: If you bid $50.00, you’ve got to pay $100.00 for the two

jackets. Well, the bidding was just cut throat. I mean, they were going to get wholesale on this, period, and that was it.

Penelope: They were going like by the penny? Tom: By the penny. They weren’t going a penny over wholesale,

I could tell. And so, they got up, and it was like $78.00. No, it was $110.00 and something for this coat. It was a long leather coat. And, the lady who gets the bid says, “I want the brown one.” He says, “It’s two monies, you buy both!” “I don’t want the other one, I want the brown one.”

Immediately, the whole place broke out into an argument

over whether she had to buy both jackets. She didn’t want the other jacket, why should she have to buy the other jacket?

I mean, it was pandemonium. And, I was sitting there

waiting, and all of a sudden, the auctioneer, you could tell, he’s burning. He’s on fire! He had made this rule, and nobody was paying any attention to him. And so, he held up the smaller jacket, and he said, “What am I bid?” And, I said, “$15.00.” And, he slammed the gavel down.

You could have heard a pin drop! He walks back, I take the jacket, and I pay him the $15.00. Oh, my gosh, there was all this buzzing and talking. I’m saying, “What’s the matter?” Tammy just squeezed my arm, and says, “Oh, Tom, you got the best deal of the whole auction!”

Afterwards, this old guy, older guy, he shuffled over. All

these people paraded by, and introduced themselves, and said, “Hi,” to me, and this older guy…

Penelope: Suddenly, you were the celebrity.

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Tom: Yeah. I figured they didn’t even know who we were. They knew who we were. Finally this older guy came over. He was about 80 something. He feels the jacket and says, “Very nice material. Tell you what I’ll do right now, I’ll give you $17.00 cash money right now!” And, I said, “No, no thank you, I’m going to keep the jacket.” And, he laughed, and he says, “Do you know the secret to success? You’re with Castle Realty, yes?”

I said, “Yes, I bought Castle.” He says, “You know the

secret to success in that business? Any business?” I said, “What’s that?” He said, “Get the money, get the money, get the money!”

So, when Penelope came in here and said, “Get the

money!” was the name of this next seminar, it just kind of shook us up. We never talked about money. We never made a big deal about money. In fact, we’ve always said, “Don’t focus on money,” for a lot of good reasons. But, we realized that we do have times when we deal with money.

Penelope: Because, when you run a business, when you’re in

business, you’re going to have to learn how to get the money. And, what’s interesting about that story…I’ve heard that story my whole life, I’ve heard that story when I was trying to sell Girl Scout cookies in 3rd Grade. I heard that story when I was trying to raise money for my high school. I heard that story when I was first starting in sales. Because, it’s always the same, the key to success, in any business, is get the money, get the money, get the money!

And, we were talking about how do we incorporate this

into what we do…what we do that has to do with ask and ye shall receive…you don’t need money…and, never, never, never ask for money? And, I realized that there’s a lot of lessons in those three sentences. You know, there’s a power in three. The triangle is one of the strongest shapes, because it’s three points. Three is considered a blessed number.

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Tom: But, the most important thing I would like to get to about money, is that when you look at money in any business, it is a representation of how your flow of abundance is going.

Penelope: It shows you to look at the money. If you’re running a

business, and you’re not making any money, and you’re only putting money in…

Tom: You might re-look at that. Penelope: You might want to look at it some more, because it doesn’t

sound like that business is taking care of you very well. Tom: And, it’s not like you’re a big corporation, and you’ve got

30 billion dollars that you’re able to invest in this new venture. Most of us that have small businesses, or even people with medium-sized businesses, you’ve got to make those numbers work. If you don’t pay your bills tomorrow, you don’t have a facility from which to do your business.

Penelope: You don’t have a business. Tom: No. If you don’t pay your vendors, you’re in trouble. If

you don’t pay your suppliers, you’re in trouble. If you don’t pay the people that work for you, you might as well head for the hills, and you need a flow of cash to do that. You need money flowing through your business. It may not always be that way, but it is now. Money is a barometer for your business. And for your life, too. It’s not just business.

If you’re down and out, and they’re foreclosing on your

house….somebody’s hooking up to the car, and dragging it off, or you’re afraid that’s about to happen, or some part of your life is not working well, you’ve got to sit down and look at that. You know, some people write us and they say, “I don’t know. I mean, I’m spending more than I make each month, what should I do?” Well, stop that!

Penelope: Figure out something. There’s something going on that

isn’t clicking right.

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Tom: Right. See, money, we’ve told you over and over again, it is a means of exchange. And, that is absolutely the truth. But, it also is how the universe gets your attention.

Penelope: For some people it is, yeah. Tom: Yeah, I mean, if you’re going down the wrong road, and

you’ve got no money, and everything’s going wrong, and the deals you’re hoping for are falling apart, or you got fired from your job…

Penelope: You’re going to have to move. You’re going to have to

shift, you’re going to have to turn, because whatever way you’re going isn’t giving you what you want. What that wonderful statement, “Get the money, get the money, get the money,” also has taught me, personally, is not to be afraid to talk about money, especially when you’re dealing in business. So many people are afraid of money, or money has a mystique about it that, “Oh, we don’t talk about money, because it’s very hush hush, and it’s very mystical or mysterious.”

Tom: Well, that’s intimidation. Penelope: That just means that the money is controlling you. Tom: That is a sales technique that is one of the closer’s

techniques. I know, I used it all the time! And, it is to insult people that they can’t afford what you’re selling. It’s horrible, I hate that, and I am ashamed to have done that, actually, because most people are ashamed of money. They’re afraid to talk about it.

Penelope: Because, if you talk about it, that means you might not

have enough. You know people that say, “Well, if you have to ask the price, it means you can’t afford it,” well, no, that is not true! If you want to know how much it is, you want to know how much it is. It doesn’t make any difference how much you have in your account. It is not any kind of barometer about you, at all, to ask about money.

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Tom: That’s not their business. That’s your business, how much money you have. Their business is how much they’re charging for something. When Penelope went out and got her first job…do you remember that? You got your first babysitting job. What did I tell you, do you remember?

Penelope: Talk about the money, up front. Tom: Right, don’t wait until they come back, and they’re tired. Penelope: And, I didn’t. I was too intimidated by it to talk about it up

front. And so, on the way home, they handed me like $1.00 an hour. And, I was livid! I mean, I was probably all of, what, ten?

Tom: I don’t remember the age, eight, nine, something. Penelope: I was livid! And I, at that moment, said to myself, I will

never again allow money to intimidate me. If they don’t want me to work for them, it’s because they’re afraid I’m going to talk about money, then they don’t have hire me!

Tom: And, how about, people who go out for a job, and they sit

there in the job interview, and the guy’s grilling them. This thing always used to get me. They grill you about everything that you’ve done. And then, they want to know how much money you’ve made. You know why they want to know how much money you made? Because, most corporations feel like they’re not going to pay you, but maybe 5% or 10% more than that, at the most.

Well, this is one of the reasons why I went into business

for myself. I just was not tolerant of that. I mean, if I’m doing a job, and the job is worth X, I’m not going to take X minus 10. I’m just not going to do it. I won’t work there, because that means you’re behind the 8-ball from the minute you go.

When I was in business, I usually worked on commission.

When I worked at other corporations, because I wanted to work on my skills, I’d think get the money, get the money, get the money. It’s my money. It’s not like you’re being really grateful in letting me work here. No, no, I’m

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providing you a service, too. This goes both ways. Don’t let anybody ever intimidate you about money. You are being taken advantage of if they do.

And, don’t do that to other people. It’s not necessary. Just lay it out on the table. Everybody likes to be frank, and open, and know where they’re at.

Penelope: That’s why when Saturn came out, it was such a big deal,

because they were just very open. Tom: Yeah, one price. Penelope: This is our price, this is what we pay, this is what we

charge up, and this is our price. Tom: Yeah, we heard Joe Vitale talk about Saturn cars. He said,

“This is one of the best deals I ever made.” He bought seven of them, because he didn’t have to worry about money.

Penelope: He didn’t have to negotiate, and go fight, and get

intimidated, and have them, “Oh, well, you write down the number that you want to pay, and I’ll take it into my guy, or my boss, and he’ll approve, or disapprove of the number.” The last time…well, no, time before last that I bought a car, they were playing that game. The guy came over and said, “Why don’t you write down a number right here? We’ll go and decide if that number is adequate,” which is like so stupid, it’s so annoying. That means, you’re charging me, based on what I’m willing to pay, not based on what it costs.

Tom: And, you can go on the Internet now, and you can get

people to bid against each other. Penelope: So, he comes back and forth, and finally, I was just tired

of it. So, I just got up, and I walked over, and I sat down in that guy’s boss’s office, and I just started talking to him. And, I said, “So, what are we talking about here, bottom line? Come on, let’s just cut through all this junk. And, I want a CD player, so just make it happen.”

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And, he looks at me, and the salesman’s kind of like, “Uh, uh…”

Tom: She called his bluff. Penelope: And, the salesman walked out the door. Tom: Right, because you walked into the closer’s office. Penelope: He walked out the door. I sat down with the closer, who

he kept claiming was the finance man, which, later, I found out owned the actual…

Tom: Yeah, well, finance man means closer. Penelope: Owned the whole place! Tom: Well, anyway, let’s move on. We have a lot to go through.

When you’re dealing with money, and get the money, get the money, get the money, and you’ve got a business, you’ve got to collect your money.

Penelope: Right. Tom: If you’re working for somebody, and they say, “Well, you

know, I’m going to have to hold off some of that money till later, and then, we’ll pay you later, because we’re slow on business,” I hope it’s a brother-in-law situation or something, because that’s a good clue to look for work.

We started some Sunday Schools down on the border between Texas and Mexico…actually, up into New Mexico, but just a few feet past Texas, in Anthony, New Mexico. Down in that area. And, it was amazing the greed and avarice down there. People would hire folks from Mexico. They’d bring their families over, they’d get situated in sub-standard housing, but living here, working the fields, doing their job. And then, one week, they’d come and say, “We can’t pay you this week, we’ll pay you the next week.” And, next week, when it came time for the payday, the INS was there to pick them up and take them back. They’d get out of paying their bills. I mean, no! Don’t let

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money intimidate you. Don’t do that to people, because that’ll just come back and haunt you, forever. But, what we probably will need to talk about more and more here is, how you can get more of that stuff flowing in to you.

Penelope: So, let’s talk about the reason why we’ve never talked about money before.

Tom: OK. Penelope: Because, you know, focusing on money sounds mundane,

it sounds materialistic, it sounds non-spiritual. And, this is partly true. But, we do live in a world where business, and goods, and services are traded with money.

Tom: Right, you don’t take two pigs down to pay your car

payment every month. Slaughter a couple of hogs and take them in. It ain’t happening. It might happen in some parts of the country, but it’s not going to happen here. And, actually, most places, it won’t.

In fact, if you don’t have a credit card, or a couple of credit

cards, you’re probably in trouble these days. You’re not going to rent a car easily, you’re not going to get a hotel room easily, you’re not going to be able to travel very much. You’re not even going to buy stuff over the Internet. It’s tough with checks, you know?

So, money, even though it is still just a means of

exchange, it’s just a flow. Well, it’s more than that, we’re going to get to that in a minute.

Penelope: We just want to touch quickly on the ideavthat we still are

talking about the fact that money is running things. It’s part of how things work. It’s not the only way things work. And, that the real secret to getting what you want, is still focusing on what you want, focusing on the prize.

Tom: But, there’s one thing I think we need to mention, and Pen

said it yesterday…we had a radio interview. That is the thing about money…and, I think this is something that you

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can keep in your mind. If there’s anything you take away from this show today. Keep this in your mind. We are like a bird in this life, and we have two wings. We have a spiritual wing, and we have a material wing.

Now, what would happen to that bird, if one of those wings

didn’t work? He would probably get eaten. He wouldn’t last long. He, certainly, wouldn’t soar to the heights of joy and enlightenment that we are all looking for.

I watch the hawks that grow up in our backyard, fly, and

soar through the skies. It’s beautiful. That’s the way you can be. That’s the way you are meant to be. God gave you both wings. He gave you a spiritual wing, and he gave you a material wing, because this is a material world. You need the balance of both, if you’re going to fly and soar to the heights you were meant to reach.

You were meant to reach them, or you wouldn’t be here. Your thoughts, your hopes, your desires, those are the guidelines, the signposts, we’ve said several times, of you being on your path. When you’re going, and doing, and finding, and achieving all that you came here to do. So, there is nothing wrong with money. Material well-being is, indeed, half of what you need. Having material well-being is half of what you need in this life. Now, there are some things that you can only learn when you are poor, honestly. I know. Having gone bankrupt twice, I know there are some things I learned there that I will never forget. But at a certain point, that’s not necessary, anymore. And, you need to have the material well-being to go with your spirituality or your spirituality suffers. I know that there are some people who think that well, it’s hard to face life, and be materialistic. They see the avarice, and they see the bad things that go on. And, they try to sink back in to the cave, and be a hermit, and just exist.

Penelope: Get off the map.

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Tom: Yeah. You can’t do that. You’re not here to do that. Penelope: Because, the universe did not provide Disneyland and

wonderful things, vacations, and jewelry, cars and homes…the universe didn’t provide this to us so that we would not partake of it, if this life is to be a vacation.

Tom: Oh, we haven’t said that yet, this life is to be a vacation!

This life is a joy to behold. It is fun. It is full of excitement, and thrills, and feeling, and senses. You get to see, and hear, and touch, and smell, and feel so many things. This life is just a joy, so enjoy it.

And, that’s the key. And, you’re going to need some money to do that. We went out to dinner last night, and we have a friend in from Texas, and there was a whole bunch of us, we went out, and we had lobster, and shrimp at this great little place, Baja Lobster. It reminds me of Mexico. In fact, they said they started it many years ago because of all of the lobster restaurants on the West Coast over here, near Ensenada. It was fun, but you know, you can’t do that if you don’t have some resources.

Penelope: Right. Tom: I had the joy of watching my granddaughter sit there at

the table, at 18 months old, and just have a ball, eating a little of this, and a little of that, and just…

Penelope: Filling her mouth with tortillas. Tom: She really liked the tortillas. Penelope: And, eating salsa like it’s candy. Tom: See, that’s a joy, that’s a joy, but, if you’re having trouble

paying the bills, you’re not going out to dinner. You’re not going out and enjoying some of these joys.

Penelope: So, today, we’re talking to you about…I mean, of course,

you need to focus on what you want, and use your

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creativity. You’ve got to know what you want, you’ve got to ask for what you want. You’ve got to clarify what you want. That’s all in our first book, “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I Am, I Am, I Am.” So, anyone who hasn’t read it, we’re not going to go over all that today.

Tom: It sounds like you’re saying, focus on the prize, and not on

the means to the prize. Penelope: That’s right. Tom: You’ve got to do that, you’ve got to focus on that prize.

That’s why we tell you to write those things down, and that’s what we do. We wrote those down before we even started working on this seminar. It works. It works for everything that you do. When you ask, it’s given to you, immediately. You just have to accept it.

When you want things, you want to make your house

payments, you want to make your bills, write them down! If you want to have a yacht, or a fancier car…I’ve been talking about having a certain kind of car for a long time, and I couldn’t get my wife on board with that. I don’t know why, it doesn’t matter why. It wasn’t her time to be on board with that.

After this little dinner we had last night, we walked out,

and she says, “Ooh! What’s that?” And, I said, “Well, that’s one of those cars I’ve been telling you about.” “Oh, it’s so pretty!” So, now, she’s on board with that.

So, it’s time. Penelope: It’s timing. It’s about you, it’s about you going down your

path, it’s about you finding out what you want in life, and knowing what you want in life, and being able to write it down, and bring it into you.

Tom: See, the bad thing about money…not bad thing…but, the

problem, the negative thing is, that for a lot of people, money equals power. We get a lot of folks that write in to Quantum Marketing, and one of the requests that they write down is, “I want to have all the money I want so that I can have anything…”

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Penelope: I want. Tom: “…I want, whenever I want it.” Penelope: Whenever I want it. Tom: Well, that’s power, you don’t get the power. And,

secondly, there’s no focus there. You still don’t know what you want. What if you have a million dollars to spend? “Here’s a million dollars this month, what do you want?” “I don’t know.”

Penelope: See, we tell you never, never ask for money, because once

you’ve written down your desires and parameters, you don’t need to ask for money. You’ve already empowered and livened your desires. You gave them physical presence in the material, sensory world. You don’t need to ask for money.

Tom: Yeah, there’s no need for it. See, the thing about the

money and power is…the problem here, is the focus. When you have a focus on the money, and not on what you want, you’re not going anywhere, OK? If you want a new car, if you want a new house, if you want a better job, if you want success in a career, or a piece of writing that you’re working on…it doesn’t matter…when you want that, you have a goal. It’s a direction, it’s a focus, it’s clarity!

The universe will give you absolutely anything you want if

you are clear about it. And, you have to focus on that. So, when you start focusing on the money, and then, you’re going to buy the car, you’re going to buy the house, you’re sure as heck not going to buy any good writing, unless you’re buying a produced novel, and that’s not going to help you much.

Penelope: You’re not going to buy a relationship. Tom: You’re not going to buy a relationship. Well, you can buy a


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Penelope: Well, you can, probably, but you don’t really know that that’s the relationship you might want.

Tom: That may not be the one you grow old with. And, you

focus on what you want. When you hold that in your mind that, oh, that desire, that joy, that love that you have in your heart for something, when you hold that in your mind, there’s nothing that can keep you from having it. And, the money will come. The money will always come. It’s got to come. There’s a reason why it has to come. It’s not just a good idea, it’s a universal law.

Penelope: Right. Tom: You see, it’s a law that you can have anything you want. Penelope: It’s called the Law of Attraction. Tom: Did you hear that? There’s a law…I know you’ve heard

this. You’ve probably read books about it. You’ve probably read it a hundred thousand times, at least a lot of people have. And yet, does it sink into your head, and into your heart? Does it get into your spirit? This isn’t just people giving lip service to something. This is the truth. This is the truth that is obscured by all the money! You see?

This is the heart of it, when you ask (finger snap), just like

that, you’ve turned the switch. I have that house with the swimming pool. I have that house up on the cliff, overlooking the ocean, with…what do you call those, where the pool looks like… Yes, infinity pools, where the pool just falls off into a waterfall, so it looks flat across there, and it just looks like it goes on forever out to the ocean.

You have that. That’s in your heart. When you put that in your heart, when you do the things in the system, and you put that in your heart, there’s no way that it can be denied to you. There’s only one person in this whole world that can deny that to you. And, that’s you. If you don’t accept it, if you don’t allow it into your life, then you’re going to deny it.

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Penelope: The only way to receive what you want, is through your


And, the only way to create what you want, is through your focus.

Tom: She might say that several times, so if you want to jot that

down, I don’t blame you. That’s a great thought. Say that again. Let’s just get that started.

Penelope: The only way to receive what you want, is through your

openness. Your openness. How open are you to that stream of abundance? And, the only way to create what you want, is your focus. What are you focused on?

Tom: Now, we’re going to get into that even more later. Penelope: So, let’s talk about what money is. Tom: Well, why do we worry about money at all, then? Why are

we talking about it here? I mean, we just spent the whole, what, a half hour talking about how, if you really focus on it, you don’t need the money. Why are we talking about money?

Penelope: Sometimes, you’ve got to prime the pump. Tom: Sometimes, you’ve got to prime the pump. Penelope: Depending on where you are. You know, sometimes, you

need to just kind of get a little cash flow going. Does that mean you’re not thinking about what you want? No. Does that mean that you’re doing something wrong? No!

Tom: No, you’re never doing anything wrong. You’re just doing

your life. You’re not doing anything wrong. How could you do something wrong? You’re here to enjoy this world, and to experience love. Love for all mankind, love for God, love for yourself. And, as you learn that, and as you do more of it…then, the minute you ask, things come

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quicker. But, sometimes, sometimes you don’t know why the money stops.

Penelope: Sometimes, it’s just an action that reminds you. Just like

we were talking about, if there’s something in your business where the money’s not flowing, what are you doing? What are you not doing? These are some things we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about what the invisible essence of money really is. What does money represent?

Everything in this world is a mundane representation of

something energetic. So, what does money represent? Money represents a pathway. It’s just a pathway, through which abundance can reach you on the physical plane, which is why we tell you it’s a barometer in a business, which is why we say if the money starts to get short, you have to ask what’s going on? What do you need to shift? What do you need to change? What can you do to get the motor running, to get the pump moving again, to turn the faucet on?

Tom: Let’s talk about it, let me break that down for a minute. Penelope: OK. Tom: I want to talk about that river of abundance for a second.

This is a good concept, and I thought about it this week. Think about abundance. Abundance is not an easy word. It’s not like “car,” or “friend.”

Penelope: Well, because it’s infinite. Tom: It’s infinite, it’s infinite. And, when you get to infinity,

what do we think of in infinity? We think of space, usually, don’t we? The emptiness of space? Apparent emptiness of space…it is not, however, empty. But, we look up at space, and we think, wow, that’s infinity!

Penelope: Just black. Tom: It’s all black, with a few dots.

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Penelope: Dots, some shiny, sparkly dots. Tom: And, every once in a while, you get a little fireworks

coming, a meteor, or whatever, you know? But, that’s not infinity. That’s not the infinity we’re talking about. That’s not the infinity of abundance. There’s an abundance of stars up there, and an abundance of space up there, but the infinity of abundance is…well, it’s incomprehensible, because we are finite. We cannot comprehend the infinite. That’s just a fact of life.

So, we’re going to use an illusion, and we’re going to use

the illusion of a river. Now, this river is so deep, you can’t find the bottom. It is so wide, you cannot see across it. It’s a river. It’s not an ocean…it’s a river. And, the best thing about this river, is that it responds to you. You can get in it as gently as you wish, you can control your entrance into it, you can walk around in it, you can paddle in it, you can splash in it, you can swim in it, you can float in it, you can immerse yourself in it, you can let that river sweep you away. But, now, that’s scary!

Penelope: That can be, yeah. Tom: That can be scary! Penelope: The thought that, if you were really in abundance, that you

would, actually, have to do just about nothing, is pretty scary!

Tom: That you could just lay on your back, and the river could

carry you hundreds of miles in a day, safely, carefully, as a mother would take care of a child.

Penelope: But, there’s another thing to that river. Since we are in

control of how much we’re in the river, the flow of abundance, then we also control whether or not we even see it. If you’re standing on the bank with your back to the river, and you’re looking around yourself, and you see some twigs, and you see a couple trees, and you say, “I don’t see any river, I don’t see any abundance, I don’t see any money. What are you talking about? There’s no abundance here.”

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It’s not about that you’re wrong, because where you’re

looking, there isn’t any river. Tom: Right. Penelope: It’s about turning your focus back to that abundance that’s

always there for you. It didn’t go away. You just weren’t looking at it.

Tom: Now, what do you hear all the time? You hear it on TV, it’s

like, “Oh, my word, if you don’t put money away for your old age, you’re going to be on the street and dying out there, eating out of garbage cans.” If you don’t take care of this, you’re going to do that. Oh, be afraid over here, be afraid over there.

Penelope: There’s not enough, there’s not enough. You hear it all the

time. Tom: You’ve got to work hard. You’re a good member of this

corporation, and we appreciate you very much, but now, John’s gone, you’ve got to do his job, too, for the same money that you got, originally. Oh, my word, this comes every day to you. Work harder, work longer, make less, because you’re looking the wrong way.

Penelope: And, when you look the wrong way, guess who you see?

Other people looking the wrong way! Tom: And, there’s lots of them! They’re everywhere! There’s so

many of them, you’re saying to yourself, oh, my word, it must be right. I have to work harder and longer. Look, there’s somebody ahead of me!

Penelope: Yeah, ahead of me in the trees. Tom: Oh, my gosh, I’ve got to hurry, and work hard, and get up

ahead of him, and get farther away from this river! And, let’s get over that hill, so I can’t even see the river, any more. But, the river will follow you.

Penelope: The river is always there.

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Tom: It’s always there. All you have to do, is turn around, and

see it. Penelope: And, get in it. Tom: Step in it, just get your feet wet a little bit. Maybe up to

your waist. I was watching Lucy at 18 months get into the ocean last night. She goes down to the ocean edge, and it’s dusk, and the water, it’s gentle waves coming in. And, her mother’s real careful, doesn’t want her to get too wet. So, the first time water hits her, Lucy’s ready to step into it, and her mother picks her up. “Don’t get in that water!”

Lucy uses sign language right now, because she can’t form

all her words. And, while Penelope’s holding her and talking to somebody else, Lucy’s pushing her index finger against the palm of her hand as fast as she can, meaning, “More, more, more! I want in the water!” And, Chris and I are watching this, dying, it’s like Penelope’s keeping her from the water! “I’m protecting my child!”

Well, you do that to yourself as you get older. You protect

yourself from that water. You protect yourself from that abundance. My gosh, what would it be…what would it be if you had everything your heart desired, the minute you desired it?

Penelope: Well, then, I would just cease to exist, because I would

have no desires. Tom: That’s impossible. Penelope: That’s impossible. Tom: You’re a desire-generator! Penelope: You’re going to get what you want, and then you know

what? You’re going to want something to go with what you got!

Tom: Absolutely!

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Penelope: “I want a new car, I want a beautiful sports car that’s cherry red, and leather seats, and a loud stereo.” And, you get that car, and then, suddenly, you go, “What I really want is a boyfriend to ride in the car with me.” Well, now, you want a boyfriend.

Tom: Yeah, but this one’s riding, and you’re paying all the bills. Penelope: And, then you say, “Well, you know what I really want? I

really want like a nice, calm sedan, and a boyfriend to go with that car.”

Tom: Or, maybe a nice, calm sedan my boyfriend owns and

drives to his job and back. Penelope: You’re never going to run out of desires, never! Tom: No, you are a desire-generator. In fact, we walked out

last night, and I’m talking about this car that I’ve been very interested in trying to stir up some excitement around my house for a while now. My wife, obviously, was love struck at this one. She’s, “Well, that’s really pretty! We could have one of those!” And, I said, “Well, honey, we have an office in our garage. What are you going to do, let that one sit out front?” “Oh.”

So, then, what do you need for that, you need a bigger house!

Penelope: You need a new house! Tom: You know, it never stops! Never stops! And, that’s the

fun of it. When I first got working on the Internet, we were working with a friend of ours, and we started doing this system, immediately. This is a different business, it was the technical side of it.

We bought a new Jetta. If you read the “Rich Dreams” book, we got a Jetta. I asked for a Mercedes, and I got a Jetta. Well, I was thrilled to have that Jetta. I mean, I

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was proud! I went around, and I showed all my friends, and we drove out to dinner, and everything.

It was about eight months later, and I was buying a

Mercedes. We were taking them out in my Mercedes, and my friend’s wife said, “Well, I thought you were really happy with that car.” I said, “Well, I was really happy with that car, I am happy with that car. It’s a great car, that Jetta.” And, she’s, “Well, why are you spending for another one, when you like that one?”

It just struck me…my word! I changed my mind! Enjoy

what you have, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to stick with it because you said you liked it. You know, yeah, I like it, I love it, but there’s other stuff to do. You’re here in this vacation, this vacation life of yours, to experience as much as you can. That’s why you’re here, because every experience is…what kind of an opportunity?

Penelope: It’s an opportunity for growth. Tom: Absolutely! Penelope: Every single thing you do, every choice you make. Tom: We bought this house. I love this house. And then, all of

a sudden, boom, we’ve got a slab leak. Oh, my word, a slab leak, what a horrible thought! We tore up the kitchen, we tore up the den, we pulled stuff out, we had plumbers come in. And then, we’ve got this mess, right? We had to rip up carpet.

Penelope: It looked like the scene from ET, with all the plastic doors,

and all that stuff. Tom: Well, now, yeah, it was kind of funny, wasn’t it? When

they were drying it out, they had these dryers in there. Now, we’ve had all that fixed, and we’ve gotten new carpeting.

Penelope: Well, because you were doing that, so then, you just

thought, well, we’ll just do this.

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Tom: Well, we’ll just do that. Penelope: And, we’ll just redo this, and will just redo this. Tom: So, basically, we redid the whole house. People walk in

here and say, “Oh, I love your home! It’s so wonderful to be in, it’s so serene and calm, and I feel good here!” They wouldn’t have felt good here back when the ET stuff was going on, I can guarantee that. But, see, that’s an experience, and you get a chance to grow. And now, I look at this, and I go like, “Well, you know, that wasn’t hard, I just pushed this button, that button, that button.”

So, I can do that in the next house. I can have that done before I move in, before I’m forced to do it. See, you learn, but you learn on another level, too. You learn on the spiritual level. And, that spiritual level pushes you higher, and higher, and higher, but only if you have the wing on the other side, the material wing. We couldn’t have had these experiences if we couldn’t afford to pay for it. You have to have both wings, and those wings will carry you up. So, we were talking about this stream of abundance…

Penelope: The river of abundance. Tom: How did we get out of there? Penelope: Well, because, we’re just like that; we are a river that just

keeps going and going. Tom: Yes, absolutely. Penelope: Let me ask you a question, Tom. Tom: Yes. Penelope: If money is a pathway through which abundance can reach

us, so the river of abundance is money? Tom: No, no, it’s just a pathway. It’s one current in that. There

are all kinds of ways abundance can reach you. It’s just

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that in this world, in this time that we’re in right now, the number one pathway that everyone uses is money.

Penelope: That’s kind of the means of exchange right now. Tom: That’s the means of exchange, another way to say it. It is

the pathway of choice, currently. If you’ve ever watched Star Trek, they don’t use money. They even laugh about people that use money. I remember the Star Trek episode, it was the old one with Kirk, and they went back in time to save the whales. And, he gets in to San Francisco in the 70’s, I guess.

Penelope: It was the 80’s, or something. Tom: Yeah, well, anyway, and they said, “People still use

money.” And, they go, “Oh, what? How archaic!” Penelope: Oh, we have to go find some money. Tom: And so, he sells something. He had these glasses,

Benjamin Franklin’s glasses and he sells them, but he got money to do their thing. There may be a day, not that far off, when money is useless, not necessary. But, today…

Penelope: We use it. Tom: …it’s one of the streams. I mean, you could still win

something in a contest. Penelope: You could inherit something, someone can give you

something, you can just find something. I mean, it’s amazing…

Tom: You could even be like the man that bought the Bentley,

the night watchman that bought the Bentley. He got it for $5,000, a two-year-old Bentley.

Penelope: I have a friend that has a chandelier, cost $5.00 at a yard

sale. It’s a chandelier, it’s gorgeous. So, there’re all kinds of pathways that abundance can find you. We’re just talking about one of them today, just one of the pathways.

Because, to the universe, there’s an unlimited stream.

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Tom: That’s the focus. The focus is on the stream of abundance.

And, see, that stream, the money stream, just comes up by the bank. So, that’s one you’re wading in. If you want to get into the real abundance, you’ll dive into that river, and let it wash over you, and carry you along, and trust where it carries you. Trust that it takes you where you want to go, because all you have to do is ask.

Penelope: Just focus on where you want to go. Tom: Ask and receive, that’s it. It’s a law. It’s absolutely

guaranteed, it’s a law. The only thing that stops it, is you. You say, “I’m scared, I have to get out of the river.”

Penelope: Because, you can’t use up the river, you can’t get too

much of this. Tom: You’re not going to keep somebody else from having their

abundance. You’re not going to lose your soul. OK, believe it or not, growing up, that was one of the things that people said. That somebody lost their soul because they made too much money. I heard this.

Penelope: They actually said that? Tom: Yeah, yeah. And, I grew up, and I was worried that I was

going to lose my soul, if I made too much money, you know? It was one of those things I had to work through, but I worked through it rather quickly.

Penelope: You didn’t really care that much, anyway. Tom: Well, I care about my soul, everyone does. You don’t

know. I mean, these are younger people, you don’t know, and these impressions are made. And, the language that your parents use, like my mother would say, “Well, you just can’t have everything you want.” Well, that was her experience, and her understanding of life, and it’s not correct. You can have anything you want. All you have to do is ask.

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So, if you focus on that river, and you keep your eye on the river, and you know…and, the reason we’re talking about this so much, is so that you do remember it. If you focus on the river, if you let that water rush over you, and you trust it to take you exactly where you want to go, or some place better, you have nothing to worry about.

Penelope: Because, you don’t even have to deserve it. Tom: Talk about that a minute, that’s wonderful! Penelope: You don’t have to deserve anything in that river. You don’t

deserve it. It’s irrelevant, deserving, because it’s only about putting your foot in, or taking your foot out. It doesn’t have anything to do with deserving whether or not you should take a step. We don’t deserve wealth. We don’t deserve happiness and joy and success. That is a birthright. That is given to us the second we arrive here.

Tom: You don’t have to earn it. I mean, you have to accept it.

That’s different. It’s not ask and achieve, it’s ask and receive. Every religion on the face of the earth has this philosophy. Plato talked about this. Everybody knows…well, not everybody knows…this reality, this truth, these laws have been known forever. I’m sure Adam knew them. I’m sure whoever that first man was, whom we call Adam, knew them.

Penelope: Because, who named him, “Adam”? Tom: Yes, who named him, “Adam”? Penelope: That’s another story. That’s another talk. Tom: Anyway…

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Making Money A Part of Your Physical World

Penelope: Your resistance, you, your resistance to receive is the sole

block to your wealth.

Now, of course, there are reasons why you have resistance. We’re going to talk about tools now, that you can use to make this invisible essence of money, this invisible flow of abundance physical in your life. We’re going to reiterate this again. The only way to receive what you want is through your openness. And, the only way to create what you want is through your focus.

Tom: It’s your openness to accept that is the sole receptor of

your wealth. Your openness to accept it. Your willingness to jump into that river, and go for a swim. That’s it. That’s all you have to do. Keep that illusion, that picture, that mental image that your abundance is this river, this pristine, beautiful river. Oh, my word!

Penelope: I mean, you can use that as a visualization, if you want,

just climbing in that river, and feeling that. I’ve got to tell you, I tried doing that the other day, and it was a little scary, because I just thought, you know what? If this is a flow of abundance, if it is all-encompassing, if it never stops, and only I am the one that keeps myself out of it, then I’m going to get in it. I’m going to visualize myself in it.

And, I put myself in it, I put myself down in it, so that it’s

flowing all around me, and I found it hard to keep my breath. Now, maybe that’s my imagination, thinking too much about water. Maybe. Maybe that’s resistance, resistance that everybody has, resistance that we all are working through all the time.

Tom: See, you grow up, and you’re taught, “OK, don’t go out in

the street. Don’t go here. Don’t do that. Don’t touch that. Don’t take crayons and write on grandpa’s wall.

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We’ve got to work on that one a little bit more in my house!

OK, you have to have certain laws, guidelines to raise a

child, keeping them from doing things that are harmful to them or others. These things stick to you, and you start thinking that they’re permanent, you know? I can’t, I can’t. Don’t, don’t. Be afraid. Well, that’s not true. The only way to receive what you want is through your openness. And, the only way to create what you want is through your focus. Now, you need both.

When I first started using this system, I asked for a

Mercedes Benz. I didn’t get a Mercedes Benz. I got a Volkswagen Jetta, as I mentioned just a few minutes ago. Now, why didn’t I get the Mercedes? If I can have everything I want, all I have to do is ask. Why didn’t I get the bigger car?

In the book, we say that’s because you have to become

the person who drives it. The book is a little more kindergarten. We try to do basics in that book. But, now, let’s look at this: I was open to receiving, because I did receive. I received a Volkswagen Jetta, which my mechanic called a little Mercedes. So, I felt kind of good about that.

But, I was not focused and clear about receiving the

Mercedes. I remember distinctly when I wrote that down, I thought, well, all right, you know, I won’t get one, but let me write it down! I wasn’t ready. I couldn’t focus on that.

Penelope: You couldn’t get open to it. Tom: Well, I was open to receiving, I got a car. Penelope: But, you weren’t open for receiving that car. Tom: Not to receiving that, no. You have to have both, and you

have to keep your focus clear. I was, obviously, focused on having a vehicle. I needed a new car.

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Penelope: And, let’s talk about focus, because focus is not just sitting, and staring at a picture of the car you want, or the guy you want, or the sweater you want, or the house you want. That’s not what we’re talking about when we talk about this. Single-minded focus on what you want in life, right?

Well, that includes a couple of things. Focus, when we talk

about focusing on what you want, a big part of that is not focusing on what you don’t want, or what you don’t have, or what you can’t have. That’s not going to get you anywhere, because when you focus on the things you don’t have, don’t want, can’t have, can’t get, don’t know about… then, that’s what you get…what you don’t want and don’t have. Don’t focus that way.

When you’re focusing, you’ve got to stay positive. You’ve

got to focus on what you want in life. So, sometimes, that means just focusing on being happy, focusing on having fun. It’s not about sitting and staring at pictures all day long. Or in your mind focusing on just this one house, this address, and this street. We’re not talking about that.

Yes, you do that as part of your visualization. When you

write things down, you visualize the things you want, right? Then, you get enthusiastic about it, and you let it go. Detachment.

Well, staying focused on what you want doesn’t mean you

don’t detach from it. What it means is, you focus on the positive things in your life. You focus on what you’re enjoying in your life, what kind of fun you’re having. You focus on how to stay positive.

And, you know, some people might say, “Well, what if all

you want is money. You’re talking about money. That means that you’re telling people to have money as their single-minded focus of desire.” Well, no, because if you just sat and focused on money all the time, and a bunch of money showed up, and you haven’t asked for anything to do with it, then you’ve got a pile of money. You don’t have a house. You don’t have a car.

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Tom: Well, how about that great story about our friend, who wanted to send her son to camp.

Penelope: Right. Tom: She needed $1,000. The camp fee was $1,000 to send

him off for a summer camp, or something. She asked for $1,000, right? I think, Penelope, you talked to her.

Penelope: I talked to her, and I said, “Why don’t you try asking for

the camp?” “No, no, no, I know how much it costs. I’m going to manifest that money, and it’ll be fine.”

Tom: So, what happened? Penelope: She called a couple of days later. And she said, “Well, I

did manifest that money. That money came right in. I got in the car to drive down and pay the fee for my son’s camp, and the car wouldn’t start. Now it’s going to cost $1,000 to fix it. I said, “Oh, OK, well that’s very interesting.” And, she said, “So, instead, I decided to ask for the camp.”

They got a call a week later that his grades that he’d

scored, I guess, qualified him to have a scholarship for free to the camp!

Tom: So, she got the camp. Penelope: So, she never needed the $1,000, in the first place. The

universe had to create something to spend that $1,000 on. She didn’t even need it in the first place.

Tom: It’s funny, you’ve got to get your focus, you know? Penelope: So, focus on what you want. Don’t focus on the money.

What we want to do with the money, that’s what’s important. That’s what you focus on.

Tom: Right, because that will materialize. That will bring the

invisible into a physical realm, when you focus, and you’re clear about what you want. That’s another reason why we

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ask you to write things down. It makes it real, as Penelope said.

So, you do these things, and there’s nothing that can keep

it from happening. It brings the money into focus. Penelope: It brings the money to pay for it. Tom: It brings the money and the reality into the physical world. Penelope: Well, what happens is, you write down you want a new

car. Suddenly, you’ve got more money at your job to pay for your car. It’s not about, I’ve got to figure out how to get the money, so I can get my car. Ask for your car. Let the money find you. See? It just goes back to, “Never, never, never ask for money,” because, when you ask for the thing, you can detach easier, OK?

Tom: There’s no need to ask for the money. Penelope: There’s no need to ask for the money. Because, even like

asking for a certain amount of money, right, well, first of all, you try to do the work. Second of all, the universal flow of abundance doesn’t have prices, OK? It has possibilities, it has opportunities.

Tom: It’s a river. Penelope: Things cost less when you’re focused on what you want.

You are provided the money to pay for it. But, sometimes, we want to talk about getting that flow going. Get yourself in the flow.

Tom: Let me talk for just a second here. I want to insert

something. I want to throw us off the map. Penelope: Uh-oh. Tom: Uh-oh, here we go. Here come the demands from Tootsie. Never mind, I love old movies. So, anyway, here’s a

thought I want you to have. We talk about abundance being this flow, that you don’t really need the money, it

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will be provided. We’re also saying, sometimes you have to jumpstart it, and get the money going. We’re going to give you some tools here in a minute to use to do that.

But, I want to give you another mental picture to keep

with you. I want you, just for a second, to close your eyes and imagine that you’re looking inside a vehicle, a car. This car is your life. All around you, is your life. You can see the steering wheel, and you see the gear shift knob. Maybe it’s a beautiful car, maybe it’s a brand new car, maybe it’s a luxury car. It’s gorgeous. You’ve got leather upholstery, you’ve got walnut trim. You have the high-end stereo.

You have everything a person could want, a big engine, wonderful safe car, all kinds of air bags and doo dads to keep you safe, in case of an accident. What do you see when you’re in this car? This vehicle that’s going to go through life for you? What do you see? You’re not seeing anything but the car. Unless you look out the windshield. Now, look out that windshield for a minute. Just look out there. You’ve got your eyes closed, look out there. Do you see how you’re driving along, and you see this vastness? It is incredible…everywhere you go. You’re driving across the country in which you live, and you see houses, and you see plains, and you see mountains and lakes, and rivers, and streams, and oceans. Wherever you are, you’ll see something, looking out there. Now, I want you to see this, not in terms of a car, but this is you. This car is you. You have to look out through your imagination, let’s say, through your forehead. Look out through your forehead, and I want you to see the limitless abundance that’s waiting for you, everywhere. It is not empty space. It is infinite. And, in this abundance, there are stacks of gold, there are stacks of houses, everywhere you go. You move quickly, instantly, to whatever it is that you seek. Anything and everything. It is a rich treasure trove of things, experiences and love. Man, what an incredible, endless opportunity vacation life you have. Do you see? I just had to throw that in. I don’t know where it came

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from. It was time. We keep going back to it’s not about money. Yet, you do have to have money. We know this because you’re still only stepping in that stream. But I want you also, at the same time, to open up your vista. I want you to imagine and see the possibilities that wait for you. They are unlimited. They are limitless. They cannot ever be limited. The minute you get one desire, you have 20 more waiting for you. It’s like an adventure. Everything you want in life comes to you on this adventure. So, when you focus on money, you lose that adventure. When you try and determine how, when, and where I’m going to get something, you don’t get that. There is no need to ask for money to pay for your desires. These desires will come to you.

Penelope: If it’s all available to you, if it’s all there for you, and if money is how we currently…most of us, in this human existence, this experience of our vacation life, if money is how most of us understand the way abundance comes to us, then, sometimes, it’s really about us opening up to money. Right?

Tom: Absolutely. Penelope: So, even though you don’t need the money, we still, on

some level, think we need the money. Tom: We have to accept it. Penelope: So, we have to accept the money, be open to the money,

be friends with the money. Tom: Let me tell you, when our business is slow, I want more

money! And, when things aren’t going right, I want more money. Because the bills are being paid, and my wife’s in my ear. They’re all getting paid, but you know what I’m saying? You worry about that, and you think about that. So, what does it all come down to? We are learning, we are growing. But we still, at this point, need that money.

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We want to get a hold of it. Even though you never need it, ask for it. You need to have it.

Penelope: We’re going to start talking about some tools. The best

way to stimulate this flow of money, is to know it’s coming. That’s why we’re trying to help you bridge that, what seems to be a gap between you don’t need the money, but we live with money, OK? That’s the gap we’re bridging, that there’s endless possibility that does not require money, but sometimes, you’ve got to get money coming in.

And, that is, you’ve got to know it’s coming. Know the

money’s coming to pay for what you want. That’s a block you get to eliminate, then. That’s a step you get to take out of the equation. When you know that there’s something out there you want, and you know the money’s coming to pay for it, then it can show up quicker, because you are allowing it quicker.

Tom: Hold on, time out, time out. OK, I don’t have any money

coming in. There’s bill collectors at the front door. How do I know there’s money coming? How do I know it’s coming?

Penelope: Because, when you ask, it is given. Tom: Well, we used to ask and receive, yes. Penelope: When you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt… Tom: I’ve been asking, and there’s still no money to pay all

these bills. Penelope: You’ve detailed your desires, then? Tom: Well, some. Penelope: And, you know that it’s coming. You know that it’s


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Tom: Well, it hasn’t ever come before, so why is it going to come now? I’m going to have to struggle. I’ll probably have to get a third job.

Penelope: Well, that’s not required of you in the Law of Abundance,

and the Law of Attraction. You’re not required to get a third job.

Tom: Don’t we come here to work? I’m throwing her zingers!

We’re off the page.

OK, I’m throwing you zingers, because I’m thinking about this. When it isn’t working for somebody, how are they going to know that it’s coming? What can you turn to?

Now, a lot of times what we tell people is to ask for small

things. We get you writing down on your list. And, we ask you to write for small things. Now, everybody wants to write down and ask for mansions, and big cars.

Penelope: Yachts. Tom: Oh, yeah. Penelope: Canary yellow diamond rings. Tom: What you’re saying is, “I want to swim out in that

mainstream of that river of abundance, but I’m afraid that I’m going to get my knees wet, if I go any farther out!” See, you don’t trust it yet. You don’t know how that river works.

So, we ask you to ask for small things. You know, ask for

a good dinner out. Ask for the car to be washed. I wrote down just the other day that our cars are washed. I was like, oh man! I’ve got to get these cars washed, but the car wash is way over the other side of the place here. It takes me a while to get to it. I’m like, “I haven’t got time for that. I’ve got to work, I’ve got to do this. I’ve got writing to do.”

This is a Saturday, and I still had a full day scheduled.

Well, I went out to go run an errand. I had to pick up

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some contact lenses. And, oh my gosh! there’s these young students from the band, the high school band just down the street here, waving these signs up in the air, “Car wash! Free car wash!” Well, you know, you’re going to give more than you should at a free car wash, but that’s irrelevant, they were right here.

Penelope: Well, but that’s giving. We’re going to get that in just a

second. Tom: That’s right. Penelope: You made a lot of money that last weekend. Tom: So, I called Diane on the phone, I said, “Hey! There’s a

free car wash down the street!” She says, “Have you got some money?” I said, “You betcha!” So, we both headed over there, and got our cars washed up, and looking pretty. But, I didn’t have to drive over the other side of town to go get my car washed. It came to me, in a way, because I’d asked for it.

You ask for little things. And, when you ask for those little things, man, that builds a trust. You know, over and over again, I’m going to get this, I’m going to get that. That’s how you know it’s coming. Like I said before, it’s more than a good idea, it’s the Law. When you ask, it’s coming. If you don’t ask, don’t look for it.

Penelope: That’s right. Tom: You’ve got to ask, you’ve got to ask, you’ve got to ask,

you’ve got to ask. Ask, ask, ask! If you don’t ask, you have no one to blame but yourself, because all you have to do is ask, and it’s given to you, immediately. Open the door, and let it in.

Penelope: So, another way that you can help yourself know it’s

coming, when it doesn’t feel like it’s coming, is to change how you feel about it.

Tom: Oh, big deal, big, big deal.

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Penelope: OK? This is what we like to call, “imaging the flow of money.”

Tom: Yes, “imaging the flow of money.” Penelope: Now, what does that mean, “imaging”? That means,

creating images, OK, because when you do that, and we’ve talked about visualization before. We’ve talked about closing your eyes, and getting in a quiet, meditative state. You’re making it real to your senses, and this is the trick, OK?

Oftentimes, we trust what our senses have perceived more

than what our heart knows, or what our mind even knows. My mind can say, “I know when I ask that it’s coming, I know that this is a temporary situation I am in. I know that it only feels like there’s wolves at the door, and that everything’s about to fall apart, but that’s not real. It’s just sort of what’s happening now, and it’ll go away soon.”

Well… Tom: That’s not too strong. Penelope: That’s not too strong. And, that’s not something that you

feel in your heart. So, how do you do this? Your senses, OK, are telling you, “No, no, no, no, no, we did this all before, and it didn’t work!” So, stop, this doesn’t work!

Tom: Well, what you need is a miracle. Penelope: So, you change your senses, OK? You change your energy

into receiving, rather than chasing. I’m the same way, everyone’s the same way. We all get into this situation. When you start to feel like you don’t have enough, you start to feel desperate.

Tom: OK. Penelope: OK? When you start to feel like you don’t have enough,

you start to feel desperate. Desperation pushes things away. Desperation is chasing after something. Desperation is saying, “I don’t have enough. I can’t get enough. I’ll never have enough.”

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So, you’ve got to change your energy from that, into

receiving, into openness to accept, because why? The only way to receive what you want is through your openness, and the only way to create what you want is through your focus.

Tom: OK, I’ve got a story I want to tell you about, really,

creating a miracle. This miracle happened recently, and it’s just an absolutely amazing story about keeping your focus, keeping up, staying high, staying excited about something, and seeing it as you want it to happen. And, it happens that way, even against all odds, even though it’s impossible, even though your senses are telling you that it’s a lie.

All right, the other night…now, this doesn’t involve money,

but it’s the same concept, OK? This is a concept that says, “Even though my senses tell me one thing, even though this situation’s happened before, and it turned out poorly, it’ll turn out good this time.” OK, now, those are hard to handle. If you’ve had money problems in the past, or you’ve had any kind of problem in the past, and you’ve said, “OK, the last time this happened, we had our house foreclosed on.” I’m just taking something from my memory.

Or, any time you get into this kind of deal, you go

bankrupt, because, I’ve had that, too. What do you do in those situations? You have these strong sensory memories of that whole painful experience. The money wasn’t working out, they’re going to take the house, you’re going to be dragging the kids around the country. Oh, woe is me!

Well, you don’t want to have that happen this time.

You’ve got to have a different attitude, a different viewpoint. So, that’s what I want to tell you. Not long ago…I still don’t know how to believe this story. It was true, I lived it, and it just absolutely is amazing. Diane and I had been out to dinner with friends. We came home, we were talking about this very thing, of staying up, of staying positive, of letting the good flow to you, and not

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making judgments, based on history, based on perceptions you have from your past.

We were saying, “You’ve got to stay up! You’ve got to

stay positive! You’ve got to keep that meter running high! You’ve got to keep your vibrational rate really high at all times!” We’re going to talk about that later, too. Well, we got home. It was late, around midnight. Came in the house and because we’d left early, my dog needed to go outside and do her business. She was giving me a guilt trip for being gone so long.

Penelope: She’s very good at that. Tom: She’s very good at that. We have a huge lot in back, just

huge, and it goes down to a place, a drainage area. It’s not tacky like that, it’s all finished and nice, but if there’s a 100-year flood, it’s going to go down that little area over there. So, a lot of critters live and come around here. One, in particular, we’ve named “Sylvester.” “Sylvester” is a black critter with a white stripe down his back (turns out her back, she brought the little youngin’ the other day).

Well, we’ve had a bad habit of feeding Toby outside, so

there’s food out there, and the critter comes to get food, nourishment.

Penelope: And, this critter is… Tom: A skunk. Little stinker. Well, I don’t know, I grew up

going to the farm, and I know what skunks are all about. You get sprayed with a skunk, you can just kiss the next week and a half goodbye! Nobody’s going to want to be around you, anywhere. Dog gets sprayed with a skunk, oh, all hell to pay! You throw away the clothes. Getting it off your skin, you’re pouring tomato juice on you, it’s a nightmare! All right?

So, any time Sylvester’s out there, we don’t go in the

backyard. It’s just like, “Go away, Sylvester,” and he goes away.

Penelope: She goes away.

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Tom: She goes away. Cute as a bug little fellow, but jiminy

willikers! Well, I just throw open the back door, sliding glass door and let Toby go out there. Well, Toby darts out there! There’s somebody eating her food! It’s Sylvester! And, I’m screaming at Toby, “Come, come!” But she’s acting like, “I’m going to protect the house, there’s a varmint out here!” “No, no, we don’t want this!”

Oh, the baby’s high chair was outside by one of the tables.

So, Toby ran over and stuck her nose right in the back of that animal. I thought she was going to lose her olfactory. Well, he didn’t spray at that point. Then Toby backed up. I guess she didn’t like what she got close to. She actually stood right by the high chair, which was a considerable distance from the food. Well, the skunk ran over there, turned around, and whipped up that tail, and oh, we had to start shutting the windows! The stench was horrid!

Diane was there, I was there. We shut the doors. We

were looking at Toby, “You’re outside, baby, you’re not coming in.” All the windows were already open. It was a cool day. We had to shut everything up. We turned on the air conditioner. You could smell skunk through the whole house!

In fact, for days, we smelled it in our closet upstairs. Oh, I

know, this is an amazing story. It’s amazing, but true. Well, we didn’t know what to do. Toby’s outside. The skunk ran off, then. Toby’s outside with that sad look that says, “Hey, can I come in?” We’re shaking our heads, “No! You are outside!” We went up and called some friends of ours, we’d just been out to dinner with these friends, and said, “Hey, do you know of anything good to get the smell of skunk off a dog?”

They said, “Well, yeah, you’ve got to use this product.”

They had some, and we didn’t, so I left here and drove over…

Penelope: It’s a half hour drive.

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Tom: It’s a half hour drive to go halfway to their house, and he gave me this stuff. He met me halfway. Dean brought it to me, and I came home. Well, I came out to the front, opened the front door, went out to the car, smelled skunk everywhere. Get in the car, drive off. But, I’m thinking, I could be angry about this. I could be upset. I could start wanting to kick things. Knock stuff over, as would be the old Tom.

Penelope: Who’s that? We don’t even know him, anymore. Tom: Anyway, but I said to myself, we’ve been talking about

this, keeping positive. I’m going to work through this. It’s not going to be that unpleasant. I’m going to get this down. We’re going to take care of it. It’s going to be a good experience. I’m going to be happy. It’s like, I’m not even going to smell that stuff because just washing the dog is going to make me want to throw up. If you’ve never been around a real close skunk incident, it’s not fun!

So, I go over and get the product, and he’s saying, “Aren’t

you upset?” “No, no, it’s all going to work out fine. I’m not worried about it. It’s great! A lot of good experience!” So, I’m going to make this a good experience, you know? I came back, and I went upstairs, and I got out of the car in front. Oh, the stench of skunk was in the front yard so strong!

I’m thinking, nobody will come here to work for a week!

I go back upstairs. I go up to our bedroom, and I take all my clothes off. I put on a pair of flip flops that I can throw away later. I get the product and I go outside to wash the dog down. Before I go out I take several deep breaths to just kind of cleanse my mind, but I’m happy. I’m happy about this, I’m not going to be upset.

I get out there, and (sniff sniff) there was no smell of

skunk. There was none. Toby came over, “What’s the matter? Do you hate me?” She seems to ask. I smelled her, and she didn’t smell of skunk. I yelled, “Diane, come here!” She thought I was angry about something or that something had happened. She came running. I said,

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“Did you smell the dog?” “I’m not coming out there!” “Just smell her, please!”

She says, “There’s no skunk!” There was no skunk smell

outside. Yet we just shut the windows because there was a skunk smell. I’d smelled it in the front yard. But there was nothing now. I bathed her, just to be careful, but there was nothing!

Now, how could there be skunk smell one minute, and no

skunk smell the next minute? My mind tells me, well, I was mistaken. I thought there was skunk smell, and the skunk, obviously, didn’t spray. But, then, I saw it happen! I saw that tail go up and shake, and the smell was everywhere. We were thinking, “Come on! Why isn’t everything ruined? Why isn’t this horrid smell everywhere?” It wasn’t.

I don’t know, I have no explanation for it. The only thing

that comes to my mind is that I kept a high vibrational rate about joy and love of life. I’d decided that I was not going to let the skunk incident bring me down. If that’ll work on a skunk smell…if that’ll take skunk smell out of my life, it’ll sure as heck bring money in!

Penelope: Seems like it’s probably easier to bring money in, than to

get rid of skunk smell. Tom: Doesn’t it really? I mean, really, what a great example. I

don’t know, thank you so much. That was the first time I’ve gotten to tell that story. I’ve been dying to tell it, so here it is. But this example is something that won’t go away from me. Because I smelled the skunk, and then, when I came back, it wasn’t there. The smell wasn’t there. Even a week later, we were still smelling it in our closet. Now, it was faint. But that smell was there.

Penelope: Do you think that was because it was on your clothes? Tom: I don’t know. We weren’t out there. I don’t know why. Penelope: Well, when you shut the windows, maybe.

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Tom: Maybe. I don’t know, but we’d go in that closet and we’d smell it. We’d think, “There was skunk in this house! There was a smell!”

Penelope: Maybe that was just a confirmation for you. Tom: Maybe so, maybe so, just to help me remember. Maybe

give me this incredible image of how keeping yourself up can make miracles.

Penelope: Miraculous, that is. Tom: It’s miraculous and yet you control your own destiny. You

control the reality you live in. You can have anything you want. All you have to do is ask, and stay happy about it. Stay excited about it, stay up! Don’t get down. Focus!

Penelope: Focus, focus, focus! Tom: The only way to receive what you want is through your

openness, and the only way to create what you want is through your focus. Do both of those things, and you’ll have it. Now, where are we at? I’ve told my wonderful story. I’ve probably lost where we were in the flow of this thing.

Penelope: In our infinite abundant flow. Tom: Yeah, because I thought we were going to break. Where

are we at, Pen? Penelope: Well, we’re going to talk about some tools. Tom: OK. Penelope: We’re going to talk about tools that you can use to image

the flow of money. Imaging the flow of money. It gets your conscious mind to remember how to step into the river of universal abundance, because, the river’s always there, remember? It doesn’t go anywhere, it can’t get used up.

Tom: You’re the only one that goes anywhere.

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Penelope: You have to remember how to get back in it, because you

know what, you used to be in it at some point. You’ve always been in it. We’ve been in there before.

Tom: Before you were born. Penelope: Our cells know how to get there. Tom: Every cell in your body is drawn to that river. If you would

just listen to your body, you will find that river. Follow your heart. I get excited when I start thinking about that. That’s true, though, you follow your heart, and you find the river. That’s how you remember it.

Penelope: Yeah, absolutely. So, we do visualizations, visualizations

of money flowing to us. And, we have never even really talked about it until this week, until we said, “OK, you think we should tell them?”

Tom: We never told others that we did this. Penelope: Right, we talked to each other. We thought, do you think

we should really tell the secret that we used? Tell the imaging secret that we use all the time?

Tom: Let me tell a story of the first time we did it. Penelope: OK, great. Tom: The first time we did this we had written “I’m Rich Beyond

My Wildest Dreams I Am, I Am, I Am!” And it was sitting there, ready to be printed. We were concerned thinking, “Oh, man, we need to have some income come in to pay to have it printed, because we decided that we had to have 10,000 copies. Diane was all for 500, but no, no, no.

Penelope: No, no, no, we decided that we needed 10,000 to really

commit to it. Tom: Everybody says, “Nah, self-published book, you’ll be lucky

to sell 500!” And, we said, “Well, no, 10,000!” I like 10,000, nice round number.

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Penelope: It’s got a “10” in it. Tom: One of the first things we did was we sat there, and we

said, “What are we going to do?” We said, “Well, here’s an idea…” and we started to do these images. We closed our eyes, and imagined…

Penelope: You have to give them some background. We wanted to

shoot up in the air. We wanted to sell really great, really fast, and to maintain great high sales, but we wanted it to go quickly.

Tom: That’s another story, but that’s good. Penelope: Oh, are you going to tell him that story? Tom: No, I wasn’t telling that story, but that’s a great story,

because that comes, afterwards. I was telling them the first time.

Penelope: OK, well, never mind. Let’s go back to the first one! Tom: We didn’t have the money to print the book. Penelope: Oh, that’s right, never mind! Tom: So, we sat there, and we imagined the postman. Mailman

coming in with bags of money, bags of mail with letters full of checks. I remember this distinctly because we sat there and imagined them flowing out over the desk and onto the floor, piled high, just all these checks. It was great, and there were credit cards and things. We were like making all this money, and it was all coming in.

That kind of stirred us. That didn’t, actually, ever happen,

but it stirred us. And then, we started imagining. I had this incredible session where I did these images. We had a partner at the time who was fun to get along with. It was always a challenge. So, we were not talking to each other at the time and we made this amazing agreement together.

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He wasn’t there, but I imagined him in the room. I talked to him. I made an agreement to make him rich.

Because of this agreement, he said he would pay us so much money. Well, that all happened. It happened. It came down just like we imagined it. So, we started imagining more things.

We started imagining having a book signing. Do you remember the book signing at Barnes and Noble? Oh, my God, that was fantastic! We sat there, and imagined, OK, these checks are coming in. We’re going to print the book. Then, what’s going to happen? We’ve got to sell the book, right? So we imagined people coming to Barnes and Noble, picking up the book and buying it and buying it and buying it. It was amazing! We just loved having this. We did that two, three times a week for a while. Don’t you remember that? Well, that’s good. You’ve got a memory like your mother! But then, after we had published the book about a year later, a year after we’d actually had it printed, Penelope had a good friend who went to work at Barnes and Noble in Huntingdon Beach. She was working at the Huntingdon Beach location. She had us in for a book signing. She was a rep for the whatever you call that.

Penelope: Yeah, customer service, or community service, or something.

Tom: Yeah, community service rep. We sold so many books that

day. Penelope: They just kept buying them. Tom: Eighty some books. They usually had four or five that

would go out. We sold eighty that day. It was great! It was just like we saw it in our vision. They would come in, and they would pick the book up. Hold it to their chest. Then go buy the book. So, imaging works, I know it works.

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Penelope: Well, let’s tell them the one I started. Tom: OK. Penelope: Oh, go ahead. Tom: No, go ahead, there’s time. Penelope: When we did get the book published, we wanted it to sell

big. This is along the same lines of wanting to have people coming in, and buying books at Barnes and Noble, and buying them quickly. But, we wanted to have a metaphor for the book.

Tom: Yes. Penelope: And, there’s an airport in Orange County, it’s called John

Wayne Airport. Anyone who has ever flown out of John Wayne Airport knows that when you fly out of John Wayne Airport…

Tom: You might as well be at Six Flags, baby, because you’re

going on a ride! Penelope: It is a roller coaster ride! Tom: First of all, you have to understand John Wayne; the

takeoff runway flies over Newport Beach, which is home to more billionaires than any other place in the world. The planes fly high. They take off out of John Wayne, they pull back on that rudder, and they go straight up.

Penelope: It’s like a 45-degree angle. But it feels like it is straight up.

Tom: Then, they cut the engines for a while. They kind of go

into freefall. Because they don’t want any noise on Newport Beach. It’s the only place in the world you get this kind of a ride!

Penelope: See, talking about being in the flow of money, what you

can get! Tom: Yeah! So, we wanted our books to sell like that.

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Penelope: We wanted to sell them like straight up; have them go

straight to the sky, and fly high! Tom: Right, and so, we did that. We got together… Penelope: We did some imaging on that. We focused on that, and

visualized on that. Tom: Well, we actually did imprinting, too. We had the artwork

that they’d made the book out of. Both the pages and the cover. We all put our hands on top of the art, We talked about how we wanted our book to take off like the jets at John Wayne Airport.

Penelope: That’s, actually, what we said, “We want this book to take

off like the jets at John Wayne Airport.” Tom: And, it literally did! Penelope: And, it’s amazing how powerful your words are, because

the very first bookstore… Tom: Yeah, it was the very first bookstore. Penelope: …the very first bookstore we’ve ever sold a book in, we did

not even solicit this bookstore. Someone solicited this bookstore on our behalf. The bookstore at John Wayne Airport, that looks out onto the runway.

Tom: Yeah, there’s a couple of bookstores, and they don’t all

look out on the runway. The funny part was this was in like May or June that we put it in this bookstore. We printed the book in November. It was finished. We got signed up with Barnes and Noble to buy books in January, but they did not actually order any books until May, after we had this deal at John Wayne. The deal was made through a friend of ours, a man who was storing and distributing the book for us, because when I printed 10,000 copies, I didn’t realize I couldn’t get them in my garage. Because there were so many, five pallets high with these things, cases of them.

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He had them at his warehouse. He was distributing them. He was a book publisher here locally. He happened to know somebody at John Wayne. So, he said, “I’ve got a book that would work great…I know a guy…” So, that’s how we got in there. So, the book not only took off, it took off, literally, in planes, from John Wayne Airport.

Penelope: It took off from John Wayne Airport. Tom: And, it went all over the world. Penelope: We would get calls for orders for books from Maine, from

little a tiny town in Texas, from all over the place. Tom: We had people from Hong Kong and Europe. England

we’re big in England. It was amazing. Australia, down under. People that had gotten our book they’d send us e-mails, and it’s, “Yes, I bought it at John Wayne, on the way home.” I’m going, wow, this is so fun!

Your imaging is very powerful. Now, we’ve got to do

specifics for money. Penelope: Right. So, we always like to tell you to use images that

speak to you, right? You want to use an image that feels close to your heart because the more real you can make it feel, the better it works. And so, you don’t want to use something that doesn’t feel good to you.

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The Easiest Way To Access Money Penelope: Welcome back to the second part of, “Get the money. Get

the money. Get the money!” Tom: Yes. Penelope: I’m Penelope Pauley. Tom: I’m Tom Pauley. Penelope: We’re glad to have you back. Tom: We were about to start talking about the tools that you

need to image the flow of money to bring it to you. The tools to use to start priming that pump, to getting the money flowing into your life, getting into that stream, that current in the stream of abundance. Using the tools to help you get your feet into it and get wet.

Penelope: We were talking about imaging, the power of images and

how that tells your senses that it’s real. When your senses think it’s real you think it’s real. And then, it is real, suddenly.

Tom: Well, because you can’t really tell the difference. Penelope: Many say the mind doesn’t know the difference from an

imagined thought, and a real life experience. Tom: Phil… Penelope: Phil Jackson? Tom: Phil Jackson, I forgot the Jackson. Penelope: Our coach. Now, he’s our coach, again. Tom: Yeah, he’s our coach, again. The Hollywood thing

continues. Another story.

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Anyway, Phil Jackson, who is one of the winningest basketball coaches in all time. In fact, as far as winning games, he’s number one by 100 more playoff games than anybody else. Everybody can say, well, he had Michael Jordan and he had Shaquille O’Neal, but neither one of them were doing much until they got Phil Jackson.

The Lakers didn’t win a championship until Phil Jackson came. The Bulls didn’t win a championship until Phil Jackson came as their head coach. He uses imaging a great deal. He talks to his players but not about what they did wrong out there on the basketball court. He wants them to close their eyes and imagine reacting and just letting everything happen correctly. Going down there, if they’re behind, if you’ve only got four-tenths of a second to get the shot. He wants his team to see themselves grabbing that ball, turning in the air, shooting it and watching it go through the hoop. In other words, he gets them to imagine winning under all conditions. And it’s proven very successful. Now, other coaches make fun of him and call him “Big Chief Triangle” and things like that. But come on, it works. It works for him. It works for us. It can work for you. Let’s give you some of these images. Now, of course, we want you to make them for you.

Penelope: Yeah, they have to be personal for you. That’s what we

were talking about just a few minutes ago. It’s important that they strike a personal chord with you because of this: There’s more power in the personal than you have any idea about. The universe understands the exact energy that makes you up. When you are focused on creating something that matches with your energy, it finds you quicker. There’s a pathway right to you.

So, we want you to use images that make you feel rich.

What do you think about that makes you feel rich? Some people feel like if you have a big stack of towels in the garage, that makes you rich.

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Tom: That would be me. Penelope: Some people feel like if you have an extra refrigerator,

that makes you rich. Some people feel like if you have a big yard, that makes you rich. You know what I’m talking about? Those little things…

Tom: Some people think it’s family all around them. Christmas,

it may be Christmas time. Your whole family is there, loving each other, enjoying a meal and just being together, you know? Maybe that’s rich.

Penelope: So, find things, find images that work, in terms of riches.

We’re going to talk about images that work, in terms of money, OK? So, if you are doing a business, you’re in a business, you want some money coming in. A great image that you can do is to go into a quiet place. Go into a meditative state in a quiet space and in your mind see checks coming in.

Tom: Have the Postman bring them in big bags, maybe, and

dump them all over your desk. Penelope: Checks, checks and more checks… Tom: And have them flow. Penelope: …and checks and checks and checks. What I usually do is

I see checks that come in that have my name on them. Checks that are glowing as valid because I only want valid checks.

Tom: Glowing as valid? What’s that mean? Penelope: I don’t know, I just made it up in my mind. Tom: Yeah, I know. Penelope: That glow yellow, like the ones that are valid, are a certain

color. The ones that are not valid either go somewhere else, or they don’t come to me. I want the ones that are valid. If you’re imagining checks or imagine cash.

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Tom: Credit card payments to your bank. You could see your

bank account, if you have credit card charges. We have a shopping cart. They just send out notices and Diane prints those notices every time somebody buys something, so she can ship it or keep track of it. You can see those piling up, stacking up.

Penelope: Right, orders stacking up. So you have order, after order,

after order. If you have a swimming pool, you can imagine a swimming pool…you remember Scrooge McDuck, he used to dive into his swimming pool of coins.

Tom: I had every Scrooge McDuck comic ever printed until I was

about 14, I think. I just loved watching him swim in those swimming pools. Not only was his having money and having wealth a great image for me, but one of my major goals in my life was having a swimming pool. Because having a swimming pool in my back yard was an image that told me I was rich and getting richer. It’s amazing what the images do to your mind.

Sit in a meditative state, and see this image for yourself.

Now, here’s the one I did, the one I like the best. This is

one of my favorites. I would close my eyes, and imagine my swimming pool. I would see sort of like a white funnel-shaped cloud. Not a tornado, but just a funnel coming down into the pool from above. From the heavens above! And having this white funnel drop gold coins, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds into my swimming pool which was empty of water. And the cash and jewels were filling it up till it was brimming and overflowing. Just gushing!

I hear the sound of it as a clanking of the metal together. In this image I see men from an Armored Car Company

coming with wheelbarrows. They’re loading up this gold coinage and the emeralds. The emeralds, diamonds and rubies, they are all being taken in special boxes. They’re stored safely. Then they’re all being wheeled out to Brinks Armored Cars that are lined up around the block. They take all this treasure and money to my bank account.

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I have a banker there who’s fixing me a nice Diet Coke.

He’s putting a little lime in it. He’s making sure that I’m comfortable and taken care of as I watch all this happen. He’s overseeing the work. He’s making sure it gets done. I don’t even have to do that. It is an amazing image.

Every time that I’m having a hard time with my money, I will go to that image. And it’s amazing. The spout is not pouring anything into the swimming pool. It’s just kind of once in a while, a coin will trickle down. So then, I go there and on the wall next to my swimming pool I have in my mind this meter. It has a dial on it. I dial it up. And as it keeps getting higher and higher and higher my white funnel is spinning around. As it spins faster and faster and faster more money comes out. More money comes out, more coins, more dollars, more gold, more gems. The Brinks guys are there and they start taking it out and putting it into the truck. The banker shows up. And he’s getting me more stuff, making sure I’m comfortable. Bringing a little sunscreen for my arm. Man, it’s amazing! We’ll see it immediately. We’ll see it in our business. We’ll see the numbers change. We’ll see people start buying. Business is cyclical. It goes up, and it goes down. Every business is like that. Your life is cyclical, even though you don’t know it. Or, maybe you do know it. It goes up, and it goes down. It’s never constant. But you don’t want it to go down farther than it went up! You want that cyclical thing to kind of go up higher and higher and higher. I see the graph sometimes of my life. The income graph. I see how it goes slowly down a little bit, then up a lot. Down a little bit, up a lot. Down a little bit, up a lot. Down a little bit, up a lot. Down a little bit, up a lot. Eventually, I’m going to get it to where it just goes straight up. I love it! You can do this with your mind…anything that you think of that involves money.

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A couple of weeks ago, we were having a conversation about money, and Penelope, you had a great visualization for your mother.

Penelope: I sort of tailored that to her. I asked her a series of

questions. I told her to imagine a door before her, and imagine the business name above the door. And that door represents the business.

Tom: It was a double door, I think. Penelope: Oh, it was a double door, OK. I told her that that door

represents the people coming in to purchase product from the business. When I do my visualizations, I connect like that. I quiet myself, and I say, “OK, who out there is ready for this product?” Or, “Who out there is ready for this service?” Suddenly, I’ll just see dots, or hands, or individuals, and I can kind of get an idea of what number that is. I can kind of get an idea of the potential that it could be, too.

Tom: We talk more about that in Quantum Selling. Penelope: Right. But, I see kind of what the potential of that number

could be if certain things happened. If certain doors were opened and blocks were released. I took that image and tailored it for my mom, for Diane. I told her to imagine a double door. And to imagine on the other side of that door were potential customers. All the potential customers that are attracted to this business ever.

Helping her recognize that we are in control of who we let

through that door. We are in control of how much of that flow we let into our life. I told her to walk over to the doors and I made her describe them to me.

Tom: In other words, you can crack the door open… Penelope: And let one person in. You can throw the doors open and

let everybody in. It’s just another visual representation of the flow of abundance. How much of that stream are you letting into your life? So, I made her describe the doors to me. I made her give me details about the room she was

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in. She made it comfortable for her, something that made her feel rich and wonderful. I think it was a tropical island, or something fabulous like that.

So, I told her to open up these doors and start letting

people in. As they come in they hand you a check or a credit card or payment of some kind. You put that payment in your cash box. I told her to just keep seeing that cash box getting fuller and fuller and fuller.

Then we expanded it. She started seeing the people that

could come in. They would go to certain products, other doors that she created behind her. She would direct them here and there. They would move through to that door, that product, then that product and then another. Soon, the number of people giving her checks was overflowing.

Tom: The people were flowing from one door to the next.

Around the room from one door to another door. Through one door to another door. On and on. So that every customer would buy one product then another and another. On and on. So, there was just a flow of energy as I remember seeing it as you were describing it. It was a lot of fun, it was wonderful, yeah.

The funny part about that…it was not funny…almost

immediately, our business picked up, almost immediately. You did the imaging at one evening. We were going to a Shakespearian show. The next morning we could see more and more activity starting. It’s just unbelievable. I mean, you can have a lot of blocks, a lot of changes and difficulties in your life, but if you’re not focused…

Penelope: And, this is about focus. Tom: Yeah. Penelope: Focusing your mind, focusing your energy, focusing your

strength, and focusing you. You are the one that’s making these choices. You are the one focused on whatever you’re focused on.

Tom: Use this tool!

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Penelope: When you’re focused on what’s going on in your bank

account, when you’ve got your head in your wallet, and you can’t see straight. Then you’re going to be focusing on lack. You’re focusing on what you don’t have. When we tell you to focus on what you want, you focus on what you can have. You focus on how you want your life to be, even if that’s, “I’m focusing on being happy for this minute.”

And then, the next minute, you say, “This minute, I’m focusing on being happy.” You know, you are in charge of it. You can bring that money in so quick. It’s like the money’s begging to come in your door, but you won’t even open your door to it. We’re going to talk a little bit about that imaging again. The imagery of creating a door that represents your business. Or represents your life. Then seeing yourself in that space. And, really make that space specific to what you like. What your preferences are. Who you are. If you don’t like tropical islands, guess what? Don’t put yourself in a Tiki hut.

Tom: Maybe a little cottage, nice little primrose flowers. Penelope: Or, maybe you’re laying by a pool. Or, maybe you’re in a

sports car, whatever. Imagine yourself some place that makes you feel comfortable. Someplace that makes you feel rich. That makes you feel like you can have the cash come in as fast as you can bucket it up. Faster. Always faster.

And, throw open those doors, and let that come to you. As

you’re doing this, this is your focus. This is what you’re focusing on. You’re focusing on your openness. You’re opening the doors. And focusing on receiving all the good you’ve asked for.

Tom: OK, here was the imaging that you might have lost, and

that is, that these doors had the name of the business at the top of them. They’re double doors. Outside of these

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doors was all the business waiting to come to you. Now, if you’ve got a business, that’s what you’re imaging in.

Maybe if you don’t have a business, maybe this is all the

good that’s waiting to come to you. Maybe it’s all the money that’s waiting to come to you however you want to see that. Now, we saw that as business. We saw it as people. We threw open these double doors.

Actually, when I was doing the imaging I had a hard time

getting mine open. It was bolted and locked shut. Penelope: Ah, resistance right there! Tom: Yes, I had to open it up, I had to break that lock. I used a

acetylene torch to cut it open. Penelope: Now, you see what he already said? He used a torch to

open it. He’s going to open that up, no matter what it takes! And, in your imaging, you can use whatever tools you want, because you have access to everything.

Tom: I don’t know how to use an acetylene torch in this world. Just to give you an idea. You can do anything in your

imagination. You’ll know what needs to be done. You do it. You get that door open. You get that door open and invite in all of that flow of good, of abundance, of wealth, of business, whatever it is that you want, the never-ending flow of abundance.

Penelope: Even if you just want to open that door, and see checks

coming in, or cash coming in. Tom: Actually, I did not see individuals with checks and cash. I

saw it more of a Quantum concurrence. I saw it as… Penelope: A flow of energy. Tom: …a flow of energy. A mass of good. Of people’s energy, of

love flowing like a river through that door. And, I saw it flowing through Quantum Marketing and around in through Quantum Selling, then through Seven Secrets. All these other doors representing all the other products we sell. It

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was just like a symphony. The energy flowing in one door and out the other. Around and through. Around and through. Around and through. It was absolutely magnificent.

Immediately our business…almost immediately because I

didn’t see it till the next morning. The business started picking up and we got more business coming back to us, immediately. I mean, it works like gangbusters. All you’ve got to do is do it. Open your mind, find yourself an image of how you see your good coming to you. Make it real. Use one of these, modify them.

Make this flow. Imagine good coming to you. Look at the

river. Anybody can imagine a river! Maybe you imagine the river with only the side that you can see. That’s OK, it doesn’t matter.

Penelope: Maybe you imagine this river’s gold, or it’s pink, or it’s

green, a beautiful… Tom: Aqua color is mine, beautiful aqua. Penelope: A beautiful, comfortable color for you. Tom: Whatever it is. You get in that river, try it a little bit at a

time, get your feet wet. Get in there and go swimming. You’ve been swimming! You know what it’s like to jump in a swimming pool or a lake or the ocean. Get in there and swim! When you’re going under the water, feel how you disappear into another world. Allow this to flow over your body. When you come up for air…it’s not hard, it’s easy, any time you want air, you just think air, and you’re up there.

You look around and you’re in a new world with all kinds of wealth and prosperity flowing around you. Anything that you want, you can have. All you have to do is ask for it, and be willing to receive it. So, use these tools.

Penelope: Here’s another great thing you can do on a daily basis. At night before you go to bed do a different story about money coming to you. How does money come to you that

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you know of? Start there. If you know that you’re going to get birthday checks, Christmas checks, something like that, something easy, start imagining cards and money coming to you. You’ll be amazed what shows up.

Tom: See yourself at your business or work or wherever it is.

Maybe you have a job. See your boss calling you into his office. He’s happy. He has a big smile on his face. He gives you a Coke, Diet Coke, or a glass of water, some coffee. He makes sure you’re comfortable. He’s pleasant and happy you’re there. He sits on your side of his desk. Not behind his desk, he comes over and sits down with you.

He puts his arm around you and says, “Wow, you’ve just been doing a fantastic job! We’re really thrilled with your work. And what you’ve done for us. We want you to not only have a raise, but we want you to have a bonus.” See him handing you big checks. Put them in your pocket. And then as you come out of his office everybody’s cheering. All your cohorts are happy, and thrilled for you. Do you see? You create this image and it’ll happen. OK, now, the first thing that’s going to happen…I see this question coming, already… “Well, I did that image and the next thing I knew, I was fired!” Well, that’s because you weren’t going to get all that good you just imaged at that place. When you imagine stuff like this, you’ve got to go with the flow. You’ve got to go where it takes you. Maybe you do get fired. You keep that image in your mind. You think about it more because you’re going to go to a place where that does happen. Remember everything works out exactly as you image it. So if you’re in a bad situation for you, then the Universe will move you to a situation where you are appreciated. Where you do make more money. You don’t control the how. You ask and receive.

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Down in Texas, off of the Gulf Coast in a little town called Bay City sits the largest live oak tree in the world. This tree is enormous! A live oak is a beautiful creature to begin with. It doesn’t drop its leaves until spring, so all winter long it’s got green leaves. And, it’s gorgeous. In Houston, they got to be 40’ tall. It was just huge limbs, gnarly, and big. They’d take the sidewalk and throw it around like a Tinker Toy. They’re just amazing. Well, this Bay City tree is the largest one in the world. I’ve never seen anything this it. The funniest thing about that tree… It’s an oak tree, it’s not a pine tree. It’s oak, sturdy oak…all the branches face inland. All of them face inland. They go all around the tree, but they’re all bending back towards inland. It’s like a woman with her hair being blown. Or, a man who has hair being blown, which wouldn’t be an illusion I could handle well right now!

Penelope: Ask, and it is given. Tom: Ask, and it is given. Well…anyway, sometimes, you have

to die to get it, and I don’t really need to go back to the next round of hair. But the reason the branches face inland is because there’s a constant wind current coming off the Gulf of Mexico blowing inland. In towards the great state of Texas. The wind is not that strong but it blows constantly. So, that oak tree grows that way. It grows with the smaller branches pointing inland. All of them kind of wrap around, and point inland.

That’s what you have to do. You’ve going to have these

images. You’re going to create images of wealth. It can’t be like, “Well, it’s going to be at this job because this is my job and I have chosen it. And I’m going to stay there come hell or high water.”

You might get a better job. Maybe there’s something better to do. Maybe you’re going to have a new chance to grow and learn. Maybe you’ll get a new adventure, a new fun thing to experience. OK?

Keep your mind open. You’ve got to be willing to receive.

You’ve got to be willing to receive what’s coming. It may

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not be just as you’ve described it, OK? You get the chance to learn something new.

Now, while you’re doing all these images, I want you to

keep something in mind. And, that is, we talked a minute ago about getting into that water, that flow of abundance in the river. This will apply to that. It will apply to any of the images we’ve mentioned. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel good, all right? Sometimes, it’s not going to be comfortable.

You may have like a pain in your chest…we had a lady

start doing some work in China, and she said, “I can’t do this any more; it’s making my stomach hurt.” All right, that’s got nothing to do with the work. It’s got to do with your reaction to it. These are blocks. This is a manifestation of your resistance. Nothing more.

Penelope: Which we’re going to talk about in a little bit. Tom: We’re going to talk about that in a little bit, but just think

about that. So, judge, as you’re getting into that river. As you’re seeing that money flow into you. As you’re visualizing your desk. And you see people throwing checks on top of your desk. They’re heaping over onto the floor.

You never have to worry about the source of that money

because there is only one source of your income. No matter what you do. There’s one and only one source. That’s the universe.

There is no source from your job…that’s not your source. There is no source from your business…that’s not your source. That’s just a vehicle you’re currently in, all right? The source of all your good comes from God, and that will flow into you if you ask. All you have to do is create images where good is coming to you. Create images where money is coming to you. If you like dollar bills. If you like hundred dollar bills. Maybe you’ve got a bed that’s made out of hundred dollar bills. Just create the image you’re comfortable with.

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Penelope: Have fun with it. It’s supposed to be fun. Tom: Yes. Penelope: I just wanted to say, when he talked about feeling

uncomfortable, create images that are comfortable. Create images that make you feel comfortable. Put

yourself in your favorite chair. If you have a favorite blanket that you use, put yourself under your favorite blanket. Get in a place where you feel comfortable, and tell that flow to come to you in a way that’s comfortable for you.

You can have anything you want. You don’t have to be

uncomfortable with it. Do you understand that? Ask that it be comfortable for you. Ask that it be an easy transition.

Tom: A joy! Penelope: A joyous transition, a joyous change. If you get fired from

your job because you did some imaging on your boss. Seeing him giving you a raise and a bonus and you get fired, well…

Tom: Rejoice! Penelope: Rejoice and say… Tom: Be happy! Penelope: …you know, “Universe, I’m ready to receive this in an

easy, flowing, and comfortable way.” Tom: Yeah, good riddance to bad rubbish, was the first thing

that came to my mind! But, that comes from someone who got fired or quit more jobs than you’d care to even mention.

Penelope: Well, you’re an expert, then. Tom: I’m an expert! But, she’s right. You close your eyes, and

when you create your image, you ask that the universe

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give you an situation that is comfortable for you, that will support you, that will nurture you, that will make you feel…

Penelope: Better. Tom: …taken care of. Penelope: So, what’s the easiest way to actually access money? Tom: Oh, well, I know what that is. That’s a given. That’s a

guarantee! There is only one way that you can guarantee that you’re going to have money. I know. It’s not on the page. She’s giving me this look like, “What did you do?”

Penelope: You messed up my outline! Tom: All right, we’ll go back to your outline. Keep it flowing,

keep it flowing, don’t quit! Bend away from the ocean! You’ve got to keep the money flowing, keep it moving.

Penelope: You’ve got to keep the money moving. Tom: You’ve got to give it away. Give with joy in your heart!

You know, the other day I went to the grocery store and there’s always these guys standing out in front of the grocery store. They’re collecting for the homeless. By the looks of most of them they are the homeless. I wouldn’t doubt that. They represent this homeless organization. I’m sure they send them out to do this work. They go back and turn in their gear and stuff and maybe split the money up or whatever.

Maybe that’s their job for the day. Maybe it’s their job to make some more money to keep the organization going. I don’t know. But I know that most people walk on by like they’re not there. If they do stop, they give them $1.00 or two. I came up there and I was thinking, “oh man, I’m going to go into the store and he might not be here when I get back!” I knew that that was a young man, and I knew that he needed me to give some money.

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And so, I pulled out my money clip, and all I had was like $22.00. So, what do you give him, the $20.00, or the $2.00? I gave him the $20.00. You think, well, I can just go back in and get money. But that was a week ago. I still haven’t replenished it. I’ve got the same $2.00 in my pocket. People have been buying me stuff. I mean, we took somebody out to dinner last night. My intention was to buy that dinner. There was a whole party of people. I didn’t get a chance.

Penelope: And, this was not a cheap place! Tom: No. I didn’t get a chance. My guest bought it! We had a little bit of a discussion there with the waitress. Penelope: Some people would say it was a row! Tom: But, it was a joyful thing. I wasn’t difficult, but I’ve still

got the two bucks! You know, that was a week ago! I’ve been taken care of! I mean, this is just wonderful! Money comes to you! Give it away, keep it flowing!

Penelope: Keep the money moving, because when you don’t restrict

its movement, you’re in the flow. The money can move through you, OK? That might be hard to understand, the money moving through me? What are you saying? That means, I’m spending more. Well, of course, it means you’re spending more, if you have access to more.

Think about it this way: See, we humans tend to think of

money as finite. That’s why we don’t want to spend it! “Because, I only have $2.00. If I spend that $2.00, I don’t have any money.” That’s viewing money as finite, as something that’s going to end some day. That, some day, you’re going to have all the money in the world. That doesn’t exist currently in our thinking.

The flow of abundance is infinite. Infinite. It flows on

forever. So, keep it moving. Keep it moving. You’ll have more access. You have more to spend. You’re part of the flow of abundance!

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Now this doesn’t mean spend foolishly. It doesn’t mean do

things that you don’t feel comfortable with. It doesn’t mean go crazy. It doesn’t mean spend everything you’ve got and don’t think about anything else. We’re not talking about that.

We’re talking about using your wisdom, but don’t hold on

to everything. Don’t try to keep it all for yourself because that is viewing money as a limit. It creates limits on yourself.

The flow of abundance is infinite. The second you believe

it’s finite, money stops coming to you. Because infinity doesn’t have an ending. It never can stop coming to you. But when you think that it’s got an ending, guess what? It’ll end.

Tom: Because, it’s infinity, so you just ask for something. You

asked for an ending. Penelope: Right. Tom: You asked that river of abundance to stop flowing! Penelope: So, don’t ask to have it stop. Keep it moving. Keep

money moving. That means, if there is something that you want, you can do that, and you feel comfortable with it…don’t ever do anything you feel uncomfortable about. Just like we talked about earlier, don’t ever let anybody intimidate you with money.

That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about keeping things in the flow. Keeping money moving.

Tom: OK, we decided a while back that we were going to

increase our business and make it grow more. We wanted to see more action, more business, more sales, all that. We wanted more money, OK? So, what did we do? The first thing we did was throw a party for Diane’s birthday. Now, this was a party!

Penelope: This was a party!

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Tom: I’m telling you. Penelope: I should have gotten a commission on this party! Tom: Well, didn’t you? I saw the checkbook. We had a live

band, we had it catered, there was more food than anybody could eat. I know, because we ate it for about three days afterwards.

Penelope: Yes, we were all pretty sick of it. Tom: Well, it was delicious, it wasn’t sick of it, really. We were

glad to have it. It was fun, even that second meal. But, it was like, everybody came including my neighbors. I invited my neighbors because we’ve got a band, a rock and roll band. And it’s loud.

Penelope: If you invite the neighbors, they can’t complain. Tom: Right! So, they came over. Wayne, my neighbor on the

west, was talking to me. He was sitting there, listening as the band was playing. They were doing requests, favorite songs. He says, “Well, nobody’s going to be topping this any time soon.” We didn’t think about it as “topping.” We were just thinking it’d be a great day to have a party!

Penelope: And, when you feel like you want to increase your flow… Tom: Give away. Penelope: …increase your flow. Tom: So, we invited all these people. They didn’t have any

expense in this. This was our expense. We weren’t selling something. We were just having a good time. And, they all came, and they had a wonderful time. We had a wonderful time! And, our business went up. In fact, we’ve gotten so many ideas for new things to do. That’s one of the reasons why we’re doing this show today. Because you give it away, it comes back to you in spades.

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We’ve talked about the situation of going out…well, at least we do in Seven Secrets…oh, I’ve given this away, now! One of the greatest ways to stimulate the flow of money into your life, is to take a sum of money, and give it away. This one day when Penelope and I were at a store. We were at Target. I don’t even remember what we were buying, it doesn’t matter. Probably chocolate!

We were standing there talking, and I said, “Oh, I’ve got to

give some money away.” I’d owed her some money. But, I just used that expression. And, I handed her $50.00. She says, “No, no, no, no, no! That was fine.” And, the woman ahead of us said, “Don’t be stupid, take the money!”

Penelope: “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it!” Tom: Right, so I handed her the $50.00. And, oh my God, you

thought I just insulted her. She clammed up, she closed up. She wouldn’t take it. So, I gave it to Penelope, who took it. What did I give her $10.00, or a $20.00?

Penelope: I don’t know, something. Tom: I said, “How about this? I need to give it away. Please,

take this.” Then she took it. That was a $10.00 bill. She took a $10.00. She wouldn’t take the $50.00. I mean, it is amazing how hard it is to give away money. Go ahead, go out there and take a $20.00. Break it down into five’s, or just take a $20.00 bill, and give it away to somebody.

Or, take $100.00, and give away five $20.00 bills. You

know? Penelope: See how long it takes you. Tom: See how long it takes you. And, it’s easy to the guy that’s

standing there collecting money for the homeless. That’s a lay down.

Penelope: Well, of course, and that’s fine to give them money, of


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Tom: But, find ways to give money away to people. It is amazing how difficult it is. And, the reactions, when they say, “Why are you doing this?” Say, “Oh, I just need to give some money away! I want to create a flow of money. I need an abundance!”

Penelope: Now, think about that. Think about what that person

thinks. How rich must you be if you “just have to give some money away”?

Tom: We went to a movie one day a couple of years ago. It was

a big day at the movies and everybody was piled in there. It was the opening show of some kind, I don’t even remember what it was. The guy ahead of me had his wife and three kids…I think one of them wasn’t his. He was buying the tickets and his show’s about to start. He’s already missed some of the previews, which could be a benefit.

He didn’t have enough money. He was like $5.00 short.

And, his wife says, “You’ll have to go over to the ATM.” He said, “I can’t get them, yet.” The line was long. He wasn’t going to get back in that line. They were going to miss the movie if he did. I just handed him $5.00. I said, “Here, go to the movies!” He was so grateful, “Oh, thank you! Oh, oh, oh…”

And, he wants to run in and go see the movie. But, he’s looking at the ATM and says, “I’ll go get you the money from the ATM!” I said, “No, no, just go see the movie!” And, he thought I just gave him a million dollars. I gave him five bucks to go the movies. I claimed 10 fold and got back $50. What a great deal for me!

Penelope: We were at Disneyland a while ago, and we went up to the

frozen lemonade stand. Which, if you’ve been to Disneyland on the hottest day of the year, like the day we went, you know how long the line are. Still you are going to be visiting the frozen lemonade stand.

Tom: Especially, if you like a lot of lemonade.

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Penelope: Because, your sweat is just coming out of you. This girl was in line before us. It’s a little stand, you know. They’ve got the little cart. The girl ahead of us pulls out her bank card and the guy says, “Well, I can’t take a bank card, I can only take cash.” She said, “Well, I don’t have cash!” He said, “Well, I don’t have a machine. You have to pay cash.”

She turned to walk away, and I said, “Well, I’ll buy it for

you, if you’d like.” “Oh, I can’t…I can’t do that.” And, she left. She refused to let me buy her a frozen lemonade.

Tom: Think about it. Are you like that? Penelope: How many times have you done that? Tom: Are you like that? Would you refuse it? If you refuse that

flow, you’re stopping that flow. If somebody offers to buy you something and you refuse it, then you’re creating your own lack. You’re creating your own disaster because it’s all about the flow of money. Everything is about the flow.

Let’s go, let’s go on with this… Penelope: So, that’s the other side of giving, see? There’s giving,

and that will bring in money. You won’t believe it at first. You will not believe it. And, we tell you in, “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I Am, I Am, I Am,” that when you give away $1.00, you claim a $10.00 ten-fold return. When you give away $20.00, you receive a $200.00 ten-fold return. And, when you give away $1,000, you get a $10,000 ten-fold return. It just goes up, and up, and up. That’s how it works.

Tom: I want you to write this down. Have you got a pen, piece

of paper? You cannot out give the universe. Never ever. It’s impossible. You create a void. The universe fills that void ten-fold. Do you get that? You cannot out give the universe.

Penelope: Let’s say it one more time. Tom: You say it this time.

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Penelope: You cannot out give the universe. If you are feeling

pinched, if you want to get that money flowing, give some away. That is a surefire way to get money coming in.

Tom: Now, you don’t give it away thinking, “I don’t have much

money. I’m going to give you $5.00, because I need $50.00.” That ain’t going to work. You give it away out of love. Say, “Hey, here’s some money.” And keep the flow of abundance going.

Penelope: Give it away because you want to be in the flow, you

know? And, make sure you’re doing things with the right intent. We’re taking into account that you guys already are.

Tom: Yeah, you’ve got to do this in love and happiness, joy. Penelope: And, give in joy. Tom: Just be happy you’re alive. Penelope: Give it in joy. I’m thrilled to give some money away. How rich are you if you can give money away? Tom: I had a friend the other day, who was complaining about

her lot in life. We were talking to these people, this individual and she’s saying, “Oh, woe is me!” She had a fight with her child, her daughter. Her daughter wasn’t showing her enough respect. Oh, and this deal wasn’t working the way she wants, and this wasn’t going well.

And so, I said, “Do you have a compact?” “What do you mean?” “Do you have a compact?” Diane says, “Well, I have one.” I said, “Here, let me see your compact.” And, I opened it up and I held it under the woman’s nose. I said, “What happened? You fogged that mirror. You’re alive!” Be joyous when you can fog the mirror, people! That’s really the whole bottom line here. You’re still alive. You’ve got a lot you can do, a lot to experience, to touch, to taste, to smell, to hear. Enjoy it! Be happy!

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Penelope: Do you want to tell them about the greatest cake you ever ate?

Tom: Nothing will ever touch that cake! That cake was the best. Penelope: It was the taste that cakes should always be. Tom: It’s the sweetest and most satisfying taste I’ve ever had, I

think, and I don’t I even like that kind of cake. I like chocolate everything.

Penelope: Chocolate everything. Tom: That was, what, a lemon cake? Penelope: I think it was just a white…just a cake. Tom: Every time I think about it, that cake takes on a different

proportion and has a different flavor or something attached to it. It was just amazing! Well, yeah, I’m going to tell them about that.

Penelope: Well, it was also the most expensive piece of cake we’ve

ever purchased. Tom: That’s true! Penelope: You have to think about it that way. It was, what, a

$50.00 piece of cake? Tom: I think that’s what it was. It was a $50.00 piece of cake.

We could’ve had two, but I turned that down. Penelope: Yeah, we really shored up our goods there, didn’t we? Tom: I blew that. It was late one night. Penelope and I were

going to the store. Our families were still living near each other in a condo complex in Alisa Viejo. We had to go out and get something. I think we had to have milk or eggs, or something. I don’t even remember what it was.

Penelope: Went to the store.

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Tom: It was about 10:30. It wasn’t that late. It was summertime.

Penelope: No, it was around Christmas! Tom: Yes, it was in the winter, it was around Christmas. Penelope: Yeah. Tom: It was around Christmas. We came back out, and there

was a lady in the parking lot who didn’t look too happy. And, she was walking from one car to the next car.

Penelope: Usually, when people start doing that, you just want to

avoid them. Tom: Yeah, walk the other way. Penelope: You know, ooh! Tom: We were trying to avoid her, actually, I think. I turned

around, got in the car, started to back up and there she was by the window.

Penelope: Magically, she got there without us knowing. Tom: Oh no, I’ve got to face this woman. What is she doing?

And, I rolled the window down. Go ahead, what did she say?

Penelope: And, she said, “Hi.” I don’t even remember what her

name was. “I’m raising money for Christmas to buy Christmas presents.”

Tom: No, to pay her rent. Penelope: Oh, “To pay my rent.” That’s right. Tom: She was about to be put out on the street. Penelope: “I’m raising money for my rent.” Tom: “I wondered if I could sell you a piece of cake?”

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Penelope: “Could I sell you a piece of cake?” She wasn’t asking for

money. Tom: Homemade cake. Penelope: She said, “I made this cake, homemade, and I take some

of the money, and buy ingredients.” Tom: Pound cake, it was pound cake. She said she made real

pound cake. Penelope: “I made this cake…” Tom: Pound of sugar, pound of butter. Penelope: We assumed that it was like a box of cake, it was like

Duncan Hines or something. Tom: We didn’t know what to think. Penelope: And, we thought, well, OK, here’s a… Tom: We gave her a little bit of money. Penelope: A couple bucks for a piece of cake. Tom: And, we took the cake. Then, we felt lousy. Penelope: We started to drive away, and it dawned on us… Tom: No, we felt it. We felt it. The universe was saying, “Oh,

how rich are you? This woman’s going to be thrown out in the street, and you gave her two bucks!”

Well, we turned around, and we figured out how much money we had in our pockets. We pulled up next to her. This time, we sought her out. We rolled down the window, and I said, “Hi, listen, we didn’t give you the right amount for the cake.” Here. And, we gave her $50.00. And, that’s all we had in cash between the two of us.

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She said, “Now, I can pay my rent! Oh, thank you, thank you! Let me get you more cake.” At which point, dumb Tom said, “No.” Because we thought it was the Duncan Hines cake and I don’t really want another Duncan Hines cake.

Penelope: Yeah, because we thought we were being such Good

Samaritans. We were giving and we’re so rich. We forgot to receive.

Tom: Yeah. Penelope: And that was, I am not kidding, the best cake ever! He

and I had to share this little piece… Tom: With Diane! She got into it. Penelope: …with my mom! It was not even fair! So, we’re all

nibbling on it, “God, we should go back and get some more money, and get some more of that cake!”

Tom: She’d probably left by then! She might not even have

been there in the first place. It might just have been some sort of angel, or spirit from above. You know, giving us a lesson. Because, that was a lesson for us.

Penelope: It was a fully all-sided lesson. Not only did we get a $500

ten fold return for our gift. We got to eat the best cake in creation.

You know, give what you can give. People accept that you can give $1.00. So, $1.00’s sort of OK to give.

Tom: And, how far does $1.00 go? Penelope: It’s almost cruel. And, how far does $1.00 go? Tom: You can’t buy a pack of gum with $1.00. Penelope: It’s like a nickel, you know? Give a realistic gift.

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Tom: If I can go and give $20.00 to a guy that’s homeless, right, and not have to spend another dollar for a week. What’s that tell you?

And, I’ve been all over. I’ve been to LA twice. We went out to Newport Beach. That’s where the restaurant was. Newport’s not cheap! I haven’t spent any more money. I’ve got the same two bucks. It’s just amazing! Somebody bought my parking one night. All because I gave away $20 bucks?

Penelope: Isn’t it worth the investment? Tom: I’ll bet you I’ve been paid back $500.00 for that $20.00.

Heck the restaurant was almost $500. It is absolutely amazing! Be willing to receive, too. You’ve got to take it back in. Get your cake! You deserve it.

Penelope: That’s right. You’re in the flow. It is your right. Your

privilege. Your duty to keep the flow going. Tom: Get that extra piece of cake, baby! Penelope: Have your cake and eat it, too! Buy your cake and eat it,

too! Tom: So, one of the easiest ways to access money, is to give it

away. It’s to give it to charity, gift-giving. We talked about giving away the $20.00’s. Give away a $100.00 bill.

Penelope: See how hard that is! Tom: Yeah, give away five of them. Penelope: Give away ten of them. Tom: I can hear cringing on the line right now! Penelope: How can I give away $1,000? Well, let me ask you, would

you make that kind of an investment? Let’s think about it that way. Would you risk the stock market for $1,000 to make $10,000 in return? That’s a pretty good return, 10 fold.

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Tom: Is it guaranteed on the stock market? Penelope: Think about that. Tom: Not really. You’re guaranteed to take a risk. That’s what

you’re guaranteed! But, this is guaranteed. Do you understand? You give away $1,000, you’re going to get back $10,000. You give away $100.00, you’re going to get back $1,000. It’s guaranteed. There’s no stopping it.

This is an amazing system. You have been given a gift

that people would die for. You don’t even realize it. None of us do, because you’ve got to use your spirit to recognize the possibility and the endless potential that’s at your fingertips. And, all you have to do is ask. So, we’re talking about generating a flow of money.

Penelope: This is a great one to do. Tom: OK. Penelope: This is using gift giving to your advantage, OK? Using

giving a gift to your advantage. The greatest way that you can use gift giving to your advantage is to give something away. Make it a gift. If something’s been taken from you, make it a gift. And claim 10 fold.

Tom: That’s a toughie, isn’t it? Penelope: That’s hard because you get resentful. You get angry.

You get vengeful. “I want my TV back!” Or, “How dare they rip me off for $49.00?” Or, “Look at what that business partner did to me! They took $2,000 from me.” Or, $20,000, or $80,000.

Tom: Send them flowers. Penelope: If you can, energetically. In your mind with your spirit,

with your feelings, and with your heart change that theft into a gift that you’ve given to them. Give it freely…don’t expect it back…give it to them freely…and with love.

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Tom: Not because you’re going to get a return, either. You think about that situation. You think they must have really needed it badly to do that.

Penelope: My mom always told me, “If someone’s willing to take

something from you, then they needed it worse than you do.”

Tom: Because, that’s a horrible thing. You’ve got to live with all

that karma. It’s going to come back to them a hundred-fold.

Penelope: You don’t have to be angry at them. You don’t have to be

vengeful with them. Guess what? They made their bed. They’re going to deal with that. You’ve got to deal with you. You can turn this into a wonderful opportunity to make money. You can bless that gift and get it to bring back abundance to you.

Tom: I’ve dealt with a supplier who’s provided us with recording

equipment over the years. I have returned to them a… Penelope: Faulty mixing board. Tom: …faulty mixing board, and a headset that I didn’t want

after it got here and I looked at it. I followed their instructions to the letter, I did everything that they said to do. They don’t have any record of it, they can’t find it. They don’t know where it is. No, I guess you didn’t send it. Well, I did send it.

But, you know, it’s business. I’ve got more things to worry about than whether or not that headset got through to them. Or to remember to call them, and hound them.

Penelope: Yeah, to pound on their door every five minutes for a

$100.00 headset. Tom: Actually, it was a $300.00 headset. Penelope: Well…

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Tom: Anyway, but the thing is the other day, I was swimming and I had this revelation.

This was about a week ago. Since then we’ve been getting a lot of business! We do one of these seminars where we talk about a subject and then, we get business in spades. We get it every time we turn around.

Penelope: All kinds of examples. Tom: I was swimming, and I’d been in about 20 minutes

swimming and I thought, wow! I’ll make more money by blessing that gift, and giving it to them. And, that’s what really should happen because I don’t want the hassle of pounding on their door. I don’t want to spend my time berating them. Trying to get this thing to happen that they’ve said is not going to happen.

Penelope: And, they have pretty good products. You may want to

buy from them again. Tom: I may want to buy from them again. You know, they were

good products, it’s easy to do. Maybe it was a problem I don’t fully understand. Maybe somebody in shipping stole it. I don’t know, but I just sat there in the pool, and out loud said, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. For the $5,000 ten-fold return!” I was thrilled, you know! Yeah, it made me feel good.

Every year, we have a garage sale in this neighborhood.

Every single year. On one day of the year everybody brings out all manner of junk and unwanted items for this community garage sale. They bring in stuff that somebody else thinks will sell. Their friends bring in stuff. This is the longest running garage sale in California or something like that. They put up these things and there are so many customers you can’t even get out in the street! There’s so many cars. My neighbors say, “Well, tomorrow if you want to get out, you better park your car down the street a ways. Because you can’t even back your car out. People block you in. It’s amazing! It’s like the attack of the garage sale people.

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We never do that though. We never have a garage sale because I’m not going to sit out there and do that. I’m not going sell to something for $10.00 when I can give it away. Give it very easily to Goodwill, bless it, and get $100.00 back! You understand what I’m saying? Why break your back for $10.00 when you can be a hero and bring in $100.00 the easy way.

Penelope: Understand that this $100.00 doesn’t always come to you

in a check that says, “Dear You: You get $100.00, in return for the $10.00 merchandise that you donated to the Salvation Army.”

Tom: Right, but this last year, Penelope and I bought identical

Chrysler Pacifica’s. Penelope: Pacifica’s for half-price. Tom: Half-price. We got two for the price of one! We each

made at least $12,000.00 at wholesale. That’s a lot of ten fold repayment.

Penelope: So, it’s going to come to you, somehow. You’re going to

save money, somewhere. Sometimes, it comes in cash. Sometimes, you get free services. It works itself out. Just trust that it’s coming. When you look back you’ll realize, gosh, I’m living at a level above.

I had somebody talk to me the other day. We were talking about taxes or something, and I said, “Well, yeah, one year, we were right on the border, and it was hard, because the taxes were higher.” She said, “Oh, that year, you must have made,” whatever. And, it was about four times what I actually make in a year. She assumed that’s what I would have had to make. She assumes that I make about four times the money that I make. I know that her husband makes more than my husband. But I have more of what I want. I have two new cars. I have a more expensive house. I have all kinds of other things. And I know that she scratches her head and goes, “What? What?”

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Now, I’m not playing the “I make more than you make more” Game. That’s not the point. The point is, I know my money goes further.

Tom: Yeah, when you give, you get. Penelope: I know it does. Tom: Oh, and then, there’s that other special kind of giving. Penelope: That giving that… Tom: Is required. Penelope: Well, the giving that’s required, the giving that blesses

your entire life, and that’s tithing. Tom: Absolutely! Tithing, tithing, tithing, tithing, tithing, tithing,

tithing! If they tell you that you don’t need to tithe, or they tell you that you can simply tithe on your energy, you shouldn’t be listening to those people.

Penelope: Well, if that is what you feel is right for you, that’s what

you feel is right for you. Tom: You’ve got to do what’s right, absolutely! Penelope: But, see if it works, I don’t care what’s right. Tom: Taste it. Penelope: I care what works. And, I’ve seen it time and time again

work. And, I’ve seen it bless my whole life. I’ve seen it change my whole life. I don’t see it as a burden. I don’t see tithing as a problem. Now, if you are in the flow of abundance, then what does giving away 10% matter?

You’re giving it for you, anyway. Tom: If you sell your house, you’re going to have a real estate

salesman sell it. If you’re smart. They’re going to get you more money with less hassle. But you’re going to have to pay them. You don’t regret that.

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You get a loan on your car and you’ve got to pay interest. You buy a car from somewhere, they’re not going to sell it to you for the price they paid. You’ve got to pay them a profit. You’ve got to pay for everything.

Marilyn used to have this great story, you don’t go to the

grocery store and bring all the stuff up front and say, “Hey, I want this free!” No, you’ve got to pay. Well, you got a heck of a deal. You’ve got an unlimited charge account that says, all you have to do is ask and you get it free. Then, after you’ve been given your good. After you’ve been given this free credit line. After you’ve been given everything in your life that’s worthwhile. All the Universal banker wants is 10% given back to the good spiritual work of the universe.

Tithing, that’s it, 10 points. Off the top. That’s a pretty sweet deal, isn’t it? You can have anything you want. And all it’s going to cost you is 10%? So, ask for more next time.

Penelope: Right, just ask for more. If you’re really in the flow of abundance, the only reason you would find a problem with tithing is that you see that there is a finite amount of money. And there isn’t! It’s infinite. The supply of money is infinite. So tithing doesn’t matter!

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Tools Tools Tools Tom: All right, now let’s go to my very favorite… Penelope: New terminology? Tom: Our new terminology is “cashing in on dharma.” I’m not

talking about “Dharma and Greg.” Penelope: A popular TV show in the early 90’s, I think. Tom: Yes, sometime way back. People are listening to it on

reruns or something, now. I’m talking about the concept from Eastern thought that there’re karmic situations, you’re paying off…

Penelope: A debt. Tom: Yeah, you’re paying off a debt. You have to work through

things in karma. Well, dharma…after you’ve achieved enlightenment…dharma is the good works that you do in following the laws and creating good as you go. Dharma is the goodness that you create. At least, that’s how I’m going to use it. I’m not a Buddhist, but if somebody wants to argue that, don’t.

Penelope: He may be wrong… Tom: I may be wrong… Penelope: …and, he’s OK with that. Tom: …but, I’m OK. It’s hard to understand, it’s cross-culture. Penelope: If you’re not totally in the philosophy, it’s hard to always

understand it. Tom: Yes, but I’ll use this term “dharma” to refer to the good

that you produce in this life. Now, we’re saying cash in on that, which sounds a little self-centered. But if you’re

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doing good, if you’re following what you feel to be good, you’re going to be cashing in naturally. See, it’s not a big deal.

Penelope: Do what you’re here to do. Tom: If you do what is a blessing to you and to mankind, if you

feel good about it, if it lifts your spirit, if you’re excited to do this work…

Penelope: If you’re fulfilled to do it… Tom: …that’s dharma. You’re following your line. You’re in that

flow of abundance. You’re going down that river. You’re passing Mark Twain in his riverboat, You’re heading on for the big, big, big party down the line. You’re having fun, you’re just doing wonderfully well.

But, if you don’t feel like that. If you don’t feel good like that. If you get up in the morning and you say to yourself, Oh, another day at that job. And that guy’s going to give me something trivial to do. And he’s not going to pay any attention to what I did. Or he’s going to steal my ideas. Or whatever you think is negative. Then you might want to think about a different job. You’re not cashing in on your dharma. See, your dharma says that you have a right to do what you came here to do. You have an obligation to do what makes you happy and fulfilled as an enlightened human being. I can’t imagine anyone listening to this who is not enlightened. You wouldn’t be listening to it if you weren’t enlightened.

Penelope: Or, at least, on the path and trying to figure out what makes you enlightened.

Tom: Because, you are seeking to improve yourself. Isn’t that

really enlightenment? You are seeking to grow and to learn. Now, if you’re on this call, if you’re on the CD, if you’re listening to this, you know you’re enlightened. Follow your dharma. Make sure you are doing good, you are doing a blessing. You deserve that! It’s your right.

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Penelope: If you hate your job, find a way to love your job. Tom: Yes. Penelope: Or find another job. Do what makes you, as a person, a

blessing. This doesn’t mean go out and overdo and take care of everybody else and don’t take care of yourself. That’s not what we’re saying. We’re saying, utilize your talents, use your powers for good, not evil!

Tom: Oh, my gosh, that’s a wonderful statement. That could fit

in any of those mini movies that we’ve seen lately. Penelope: And bless all your actions. Tom: Give of yourself. Keep yourself, your information, your

knowledge all in the flow of abundance, OK? And, when you do that, cash will follow. The money is going to be there, absolutely in your pocket, on the table, in the desk, in the bank account, everywhere. Because, guess what? The universe wants that kind of action for you. When you’re teaching the flow with your words, or with your life…

Penelope: With your actions. Tom: …when you are following your dharma, OK, the universe is

going to be more supportive of you than in any other situation.

Penelope: Well, the flow moves easier that way. You’re not stopping

it in any way. You’re not blocking it. Tom: See, nobody’s making a judgment, “Are you working hard

enough? Are you doing the right thing?” No, there’s no judgment involved. It’s either you’re in the river or you’re out of the river. And in the river is where the dharma is. Go in there and get some. Feel good, baby, you deserve it! You were born rich, do you know this? Does everybody out there know they were born rich?

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If you’re listening to this, regardless of where you are, I want you to realize how rich you are. You can have anything that you want. All you have to do is ask and receive. Be willing and allow yourself to receive. You are so rich! It’s just everywhere!

Penelope: Keep in the flow. Sometimes, you feel like you have

blocks. Sometimes, you do have blocks. Sometimes, you feel shut off from things.

Tom: See, we talked earlier about that. We talked earlier about

how, if you feel uncomfortable doing some of those tools that we mentioned earlier, the imaging, for example. It’ll be a supreme indication that you have blocks. You have limitations that you’ve set upon yourself.

Penelope: Because, limiting emotions keep you out of the flow. And,

as we talked before, trusting in history can give you false restrictions on how the flow gets to you, right? “Oh, it didn’t work before.” “Oh, I tried that, it doesn’t work.” “It doesn’t work for me.” “Oh, it can’t happen for me, it’s for everybody else, except for me.” The flow exists, whether or not you’re connecting to it.

Tom: Absolutely. Penelope: So, find ways to dismantle the dams. Tom: Yeah. Penelope: The blocks dam you up. They keep you from the flow. So,

find ways to dismantle them. There’re all kinds of tools you can use to dismantle dams.

Tom: We’re going to talk about some of those. Why don’t we

start with the first one right off the bat. It is a forgiveness letter. I call that taking one step back, and ten forward. You’re going to find that, often times, you’re harboring a grudge.

Penelope: Now, you may not say that you harbor grudges.

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Tom: You say, “Well, I’ve let that go.” As a matter of fact, I make a joke of that. I’ll get mad about something, and I’ll say, “Yeah, well I remember the time that you took my camera, and then, you did this and that, and you never brought it back!” I say this to one of my children, for example. Then I say, “But, I’ve let that go.” Obviously, I haven’t let that go! Saying I did helps me create the image that I’ve let it go. Words are so powerful.

If you change your words to say what you know should be said, you will speed your desire closer faster.

Now, these are small things in life. It is amazing what

happens. If you’re talking about being in a timeline…you know, Einstein talked about a time space continuum, which means simply that there is no such thing as time. Everything happens in a continuum in time and space. So that what’s happening now is happening and what happened 20 years ago is happening. Or however far back you go. it’s happening all at the same moment, the same time and space.

Penelope: You can also see that energy is still happening. It still

exists for you. Part of you is still living back there. If it’s too hard to kind of wrap your head around you being here and you being there, recognize that we’re all energy. So, what it’s really about is that that your energy, whatever energy was going on 20 years ago, is still a part of the energy you are today. It’s still affecting the energy of you today.

Tom: Yes. There’s that way to see it and then, the other way to

see it, which I didn’t quite finalize, is if you’ve got something that happened. Maybe somebody really made you angry 20 years ago. If somebody ticked you off. You got angry. And you have not forgiven them for what they did. If you still think they owe you, then you’re still living back there.

Emotionally, your energy got caught. It got snared on a

hook. It got caught in the thorn bush. It’s stuck at that juncture of the road where you fell down and got hurt. Somebody else was to blame. Like with my headset and

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my mixer, I could have said, “Yeah, I’m really ticked off about it. I’m never going to use that company again, da da da da da da da…” Hey, why worry about it?

I’ll just go on, you know? Forgive them. They don’t know. Maybe it’s somebody doing the best they can. Maybe I was supposed to lose that. I don’t know, I don’t care. It’s just a thing. Maybe somebody said something to me that was really rude. Maybe they got me fired from a job. This happened or that happened. They were nasty or insulting, they injured me in some manner. Maybe they broke my trust in them. OK, I feel hurt. I’ve gotten over the hurt. I’ve got to forgive them. And, that’s what a forgiveness letter is. You sit down, and you write…

Penelope: “Dear So and So…” Tom: Yeah, “Dear Gary (blank blank)…” Or, “Dear Judy

(something or other…” Or, “Dear Father…” Or, “Dear Mother…” Or, “Dear Me!” Or, “Dear God.” These are all people that you are angry at for any reason. In fact, you may not even know how angry until you start writing. You write to them, and you get heated about this. “You did this to me, you no good blankety blank thing…” and even if it’s you! “I did this to me, and I’m mad about it and I’m not going to take this, anymore.” And, you detail it, you write it all down. “You no good rotten nothing nothing.”

Penelope: Honor that emotion. Tom: Right. Penelope: Give that emotion some voice. Tom: Put it out there on paper. At the end of that paper, you

say…what do you say? You say, “I now forgive you for this and everything else that you have done.”

Penelope: “Or, ever will do to me.” Tom: “Or, ever will do to me. God bless you.” And then, sign it.

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Penelope: “I forgive you.” Tom: “I forgive you.” Sign it. The first ones I wrote were to my

father and then, my mother. OK, you tear them up, and burn them.

Penelope: Or, drown them. Tom: Tear them up. Penelope: Tear them up. Tom: Flush them down the toilet. Whatever you’re comfortable

with. Penelope: Destroy them. Tom: Don’t deliver them! This is not the kind of letter that you

want to send to dad. Penelope: No, definitely not. Tom: Please remind my son not to send me any either. But you

get rid of these letters and you feel better. Immediately, you are relieved of that situation. You don’t have to live there anymore. See, they get the message. They’ll get the message on that time space continuum. The biggest thing is that you have to let go. They probably don’t even remember it. You’ve got to let go.

Penelope: The next one, the next way to dismantle your dams is

when you’re feeling like you don’t have enough, you’re feeling very much about limits and lack, is to power into the power of now. Connect to the power of now. Now is where we live. Now is where we receive. Now, is where we allow. Connect to that power and find your way out of those limiting beliefs.

What you can do that with is what we call a thank you letter and it’s not hard. You sit down and you write down, “I am now thankful for my pots and pans.” “I am thankful

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for my friends.” “I am thankful for my cat.” “I am thankful for air.” You know, I have to tell you a little something about this. You list everything you’re thankful for – everything, everything, everything – and you will be amazed. By the end of it, you suddenly feel totally different. You’re acknowledging you live in the now. You’re acknowledging where you are this second, right in this very moment. It brings you right back to today. Right back to now. Right back to where you are in charge. And you receive all of your good. You can’t receive your good if you’re stuck in yesterday. You can’t receive your good if you’re waiting for tomorrow. You only receive in the now. Now, I’m going to tell you a little story that is sort of a version of the thank you letter. Recently, we went to Disneyland with my nieces and nephews and my sister-in-law and Lucy my husband and some friends. It was a huge group of us and a bunch of kids. It was the hottest day this year, so far. It was hot for Southern California. I know it’s probably hot other places, too, but it was real hot for Southern California. We made a deal on our way there. My husband and I agreed that we weren’t going to use the word “hot.” Because we didn’t want the kids to be sitting around focused on how hot they were. Then complaining how hot they were. “I’m hot! I feel hot!” You know, you get a bunch of kids talking about being hot and the day is ruined. So, we said, “OK, here’s the rule. You can’t use the word, ‘hot.’” And, we made it a game. We told the kids, “You can’t use the word, ‘hot,’ today.” Now, part of this was for me, too, because I tend to be very hot and I can be quite the complainer at times.

Tom: Yes, I hear that. Penelope: And so, every time I would feel really hot I would start

saying what I was thankful for, instead. I’d say, “You

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know, I’m really thankful for the breezes of Southern California. I’m really thankful that we have sun, so that we can grow beautiful trees and beautiful flowers. I’m really thankful for this wonderful system my body has which is called ‘sweat.’ It allows me a natural cooling system.”

I would say these thankful things. I would repeat the one

about a cool breeze coming through Southern California. And every single time I said it, there was a breeze. It would come out of nowhere. Every single time.

See, the power of that now? Saying that now, “I am

thankful for this.” Even if you’re in your car and you’re feeling stuck and you hate the freeway or you don’t want to go where you’re going say, “I am thankful I can drive, I am thankful I’m alive.”

Tom: Even if you don’t really mean it at the time. Penelope: Yeah, just say it. Tom: It doesn’t matter. “Oh, I’m so thankful that man cut me

off! I get to slow down.” It is funny. I have had a big problem with that. I don’t like people cutting me off. I’d rather cut them off. But now if somebody cuts me off or drives funny, I’ll say, “Oh, thank you so much! That gives me a chance to slow down and use the foot pedal again, take it off of cruise control.”

Even though it seems sarcastic, it got better and better

and better. Things got easier. Use that thank you letter. Use the thank you now. Do it now.

Penelope: And then, there’s all kinds of wonderful processes you can

do. We have spoken, time and time again, about EFT, the emotional freedom technique, which is a way of utilizing the body’s energy system to release blocks that are in the energy system. If you go to “Rich Links” on the front page….

Tom: Of our website.

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Penelope: …of our website, http://www.RichDreams.com. If you go to “Rich Links,” there’s a page of links to some really great EFT products by a friend of ours, Brad Yeats, and one he did with Joe Vitale. It’s a wonderful technique.

Tom: Also, there’s something about Barb Rasor. Penelope: Right, she does emotional release, as well. She can help

you release blocks you didn’t know you had. Tom: She is an emotional intuitive and she helps you release. I

mean, she can release over the phone just talking to you. You don’t even need to know what it is. She’ll tell you. I use both of them. It’s a wonderful opportunity to do that. You can find counselors and people in your area and your neighborhood who will help you with this. Don’t be afraid you’re going to have to pay somebody, OK?

Penelope: That’s just the flow of money. Tom: You keep the money going. Penelope: That’s just keeping it moving. Remember, keep it flowing,

then you’re in the flow. When you feel like there’s not enough, you restrict it, you dam it up and it’s going to run out.

Tom: We’ve been advertising being on radio, so that we would

get more radio spots. We would be able to help people find, “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams,” the book. But we weren’t real happy with the results of the radio. So, right away, I blamed the magazine that it was running in. It’s their fault!

Penelope: See, this is what’s so wonderful. It’s such an awesome

opportunity for you guys, is that you get like insight into the fact that we’re human beings and everybody does this. Everybody still does this.

Tom: So, I called my sales rep up and I said, “Well, I’m just a

little unhappy. They took money out for another month.” Turns out, they took money out for the month I actually wanted them to take it out for, which was in October. I

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thought they were taking it out for September. I was complaining we didn’t get good enough results, but I was nice about it. I was just saying, “I don’t know how much.” She says, “Well, normally, you get this many responses for an ad.” Right?

“How many responses have you had?” I said, “Well, not

that many.” We talked about it and she says, “Well, let me give you a free month in September.” I said, “Oh, you don’t have to do that as long as it’s in October.” She says, “No, no, no, I really want to.” And, I accepted. So, we had a wonderful conversation. I came away saying it was really good. They gave us a free month in September.

I don’t know what it was. Maybe it’s that we changed,

maybe we had a different attitude, maybe we started opening those doors and letting all that energy flow through. Maybe I was willing to jump into the river of abundance. But, the phone has been ringing off the hook, with people wanting us to be on the radio. I mean, it’s just amazing, you know?

So, find what your blocks are and get rid of them. Penelope: Yeah, get rid of them. Tom: If you have to pay somebody, “God, bless the money.

Bless the money. Bless the money. Be thankful.” Do you know what? Maybe you call it tithing. I mean, it is for your spiritual benefit, to get rid of blocks. I’m not telling you to do that, I’m just telling you what some people do. They would call that tithing.

In fact, I sent a tithe to somebody; just as a tithe because

I thought they were doing great work. And, I get this email saying, “Well, when would you like to schedule an appointment?” I’m like, “Well, I hadn’t thought about it, but why not? I said, “Well, so how much is that?” And, she said, “Well, no, no, you paid for it.” “No, no, it was a tithe.” “No, I wouldn’t think of it…consider it free, then.”

I got the session free.

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It’s amazing. The Lord wants you to have benefits that will raise you up spiritually and raise you up materially. I’m sorry, I used to go to church when I was a kid and it was all about all these stories about how greedy people fell from grace. You get so caught up doing the good thing that you forget that the universe wants you to be rich. You were born rich! You were born with a mother to love you! You were born with a mother to feed you and provide for you and take care of you and protect you. How much richer can you be?

You are just rich! You have a world of abundance.

Unlimited abundance to choose from. All you have to do is ask. So, if you have to pay for a little counseling, great. If you have to pay for any of this stuff, so what? You’re rich. Find a process that works for you. Visualization… do whatever it takes to rid yourself of these problems and move on. This is your spiritual work.

You are enlightened now. Do your work. Penelope: There’s another great one, that’s Feng Shui. Tom: Bringing in the money? Are we bringing in the money,

still? Penelope: We are bringing in the money because you can bring in the

money… Tom: How’s Feng Shui going to bring in the money? Penelope: You change your physical space and it is amazing. You

find your money corner. You corner your flow of money by honoring your money corner. Now, I am not a Feng Shui expert. When we wanted to Feng Shui our home…

Tom: We hire someone. Penelope: …we hire someone to come in and Feng Shui our home

and tell us what works where. You will not believe the change. It seems so silly. If I put this chair facing this way, instead of facing this way, suddenly, the room opens

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up. Suddenly, it’s moving. Suddenly, it feels good to be in there.

Tom: You can feel it. The one we hired came over here and

buried crystals in the yard in various places. You could feel the difference. The energy in our home was stagnant and all of a sudden, everything’s moving, the energy flow is moving. We made so much money!

Penelope: And, I think on that “Rich Links” page, we have a link to

some Feng Shui stuff, too, from another person that does some great Feng Shui work. So, use these incredible tools that are around us. Use them. They’re here for your benefit and you know what? Truth of it…

Tom: What’s truth of it? Penelope: Truth of it, Feng Shuing my house was really fun. Tom: Oh yeah, it’s a trip, isn’t it? It’s hard to realize you’re

doing good spiritual work. Penelope: Doing that kind of stuff is fun. It may be kind of difficult

as you’re going through, but you feel so much better when it’s over with. It’s like it’s fun to do that kind of spiritual work. And, anybody that’s attracted to this call and attracted to our work, you’re already doing that. You’re already taking steps.

Tom: Lucy’s found our money corner. We had a little pot of

money over in the money corner in a lady palm tree and Lucy’s found that and she’s got that money. She threw away the paper, the paper’s worthless, but she kept those coins, the nickels, pennies and dimes. She puts those into a little pumpkin thing and she carries it around like a purse. Well, that’s an aside. I keep putting it back, but it’s more fun to watch her carry it.

Penelope: But, it’s fun. Tom: But, it works. It really works to have that. It’s amazing,

you know? And, you have to have it in the right spot. When I first start hearing about Feng Shui, I was more

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skeptical of Feng Shui than I was of writing things down, of asking for what you wanted.

Penelope: And Feng Shui’s only existed for like thousands of years. Tom: Five, six thousand years, you know? Five thousand years

ago they had civilization in the middle kingdoms of China. That’s where it all started. It was over there in China. The good ideas. The smart things have always existed. Keep this in mind. This is not new information we’re telling you. All of this has been known since the beginning of time. And now all this good helpful stuff is spreading around the globe so we can all make the most of our lives.

Penelope: Few remember it. Tom: Few are willing to allow it into their lives. They would

rather believe the mundane, that you’ve got to work hard and put your nose to the grindstone. Because that’s what current wisdom tells them.

Penelope: So, the biggest one of all of these tools, the absolute

biggest tool that will get you the biggest bang for your buck, the greatest way to get the flow of money flowing to you, is to utilize the power of detachment, combined with the power of joy.

Tom: What would that be? Penelope: That’s having fun. Tom: Have fun, feel great! Penelope: Go do something fun! Tom: Enjoy your life! Penelope: Go to a movie. Go to a park Go for a walk! Sit outside

and enjoy yourself. Go have a party. We talked earlier about this. When it seems like things are going the way you don’t want them to go, throw a party! Celebrate living. What does that do? That changes the energy into joy, into fun, and you attract things quicker because you’re

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not worried about making mistakes. You’re not seeing limits. There’s no limit in joy!

Tom: There’s no “I” in team, t-e-a-m. There’s no limit in joy! Penelope: So, have fun and feel great and focus on the prize. Tom: All right, believe this or not, we are about to start

summarizing, after just three hours and some minutes! Penelope: Three short hours! Tom: All right, here we go. We want to make sure that you

remember to focus on the prize, not on the means. You focus on the prize and not on the means. That will bring the means to get the prize.

Penelope: Sometimes, you imagine the means. Sometimes, you

work on opening yourself up to the means. You don’t be scared of the means. You don’t want to be afraid of the means. You don’t want to block yourself off from the means. But focus on what you want. Focus on the prize.

Tom: Own it. Own it in your heart. When we talk about all

these visualizations, don’t do these visualizations and see the money piling on your desk and say, “Boy, this is stupid. This is never going to happen!” Well, that’s not going to do you any good. The whole idea is to make it real! So, when you focus on that you put it in your heart.

I’ve told people this a hundred times, I’ll tell you again.

Here’s how I do it if I have trouble and I’ve had trouble, sometimes. I’ve had trouble seeing, in my heart, what it is that I wanted. I wanted a particular kind of car one time, which I got. But, before I wanted that car, I couldn’t see it in my heart.

So, finally, I had this idea. I had a vision. I saw that car drive into my left arm. I had my eyes closed. I watched the car driving along. It came around the corner. There was my left hand sticking out there and it drove right into my palm, up my arm, in the vein of my blood and into my

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heart. Then, I could see it in my heart and I literally kept that car in my heart. I’m telling you that car jumped out at me. I don’t think it was a week before I had it. That was the ML, Mercedes ML.

Penelope: Wow! Tom: So, anyway, you own it and you own it in your heart.

Know that it’s yours. Know it Know it Know it.

Do the small things. Ask for small things. Keep asking for those small things until a trust is built in you that once you ask, it is automatic that it’s given to you. Your only thing is to receive it. Never waiver, never doubt. You will always be given what you ask for. Stay open and allow yourself to receive.

Penelope: The only way to receive what you want is through your

openness. Openness is not about doubt. The only way to create what you want is through your focus. Keep your mind positive and always thinking about what you want. And, remember, that’s not just about thinking about the pictures of the sailboat you want. That means, focus your mind on what you want in life. You want joy. You want happiness. You want serenity. You want peacefulness. That’s what you focus on.

Tom: But you don’t constantly keep in your mind the car that

you’re going to have. You focus on it, but then, you have to detach from it and you have to let the universe bring it to you. What she’s saying here, even more importantly, is to keep your vibrational rate up.

Here’s a little thing that I used to do. When I would get

down…do you get emotionally down? When you get emotionally down you’re just walking away from that river. You’re heading up to that hill. Pretty soon, you’re going to be over that hill and don’t know where the river is. There’s no river, there’s a hill! Look, I’m looking all around, there’s no river of abundance, there’s a hill! God, that’s the desert out ahead, there!

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Penelope: It just gets worse and worse! Tom: The badlands and then the desert. So, here’s the thing.

You’ve got to keep in mind and keep your eye on the river. You’ve got to always be ready to go into that river because that’s where the good comes from. Don’t walk away from it. You’ve got to detach from what you want. And the river brings it to you.

Penelope: Also things that you want. Tom: It’s like this, you want this amazing, wonderful life. You

open up and you’re going to have this amazing life and all the things that you want. So, you picture that in your mind and then, you jump into the river and the river’s going to take you there. You don’t have to do any more work to it than that.

You’re going to have your action life. You’re going to do

this. You’re going to take action here. You’re going to take action there. You’re going to do the things that you do in life, but you’re not going to have to walk along beside the river to get to the good.

Penelope: The river will take you there. Tom: It will take you there all by itself. It’s a short trip. All

you’ve got to do is get in that water and get your feet wet. Get your body wet.

Penelope: And, stay active. Tom: Oh yeah, stay active. You’ve got to surrender your will to

the will of the universe. Sometimes, it’s not going to go exactly the way you think it is. Sometimes, you think it’s going to go right and you actually go left. “Well, how am I going to get what I want on the right, when it’s on the left?” But if you just go with the flow, if you just bend with the wind like that tree down there in Bay City, Texas, all of a sudden, there you are. And in front of you is exactly what you wanted. Maybe it was a shortcut.

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You’re not driving baby. You’re just riding along in that river. And that river’s going to take you the shortest, quickest, easiest, safest way possible. All right, so we’re talking about bringing in money. You’ve got to do these things. You’ve got to keep your focus on the prize and you’ve got to surrender your will so that you’re not fighting it.

Penelope: You play it like it’s a game. You come into this life and it’s an obstacle course, right? Your life, this time, this is your obstacle course. You’ve got to jump through this hoop, you’ve got to go through here. Here’s some things you have to deal with and this is what you’ve got to do to get through it.

And then, your job is to go, “OK, I can play this game. I

can jump through these hoops. I can still have a glorious, wonderful, awesome time doing it. I can still have fun when the skunks are spraying my dog in the backyard. I can still have an enjoyable time. I can still have the funnest time I’ve ever had at Disneyland on the hottest day of the year because I know how to play this game. I know that in the end, there is only one winner to this game. It’s me. I win.”

Tom: Do you see the power of that? Go ahead, tell them again.

That’s the power. You control who the winner is! Penelope: You are the winner and you control who the winner is! Tom: You’ve on vacation, baby. Do you want to have a bad

vacation? Do you want to sit in your room and cry about it being sunny outside? “It’s too hot. I could get a sunburn. I might get stroke.” Come on!

Penelope: Put on a little sun block, grab a hat and go outside! Tom: Get going, baby, this is your vacation! Penelope: That’s the rule of the game. If it’s too hot outside, if you

have fair skin, what do you do? You wear a hat, you put on sunscreen and you play outside and still have fun. You don’t stop yourself from enjoying life. You are the winner

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here and when you feel down, if and when you feel down, what you have to say is, “No. I will not feel down because I am the winner of my life!”

Tom: OK, here’s a little visualization, I’m going to give you one

more and then, we’re going to wrap. This visualization is something I came upon one time when I was feeling really down and I was with Barb Rasor, in fact. She said, “I want you to look on the wall and see…(this was in my mind)…a meter.” She says, “What’s it read?” I said, “Well, about 900, 1,100.” She said, “All right, see how high it goes?” I said, “Yeah, I can’t even see how high it goes. It just keeps going up and up and up.” She said, “All right, I want you to start raising that meter.” I said, “How do I raise it?” And she said, “You just tell it to go up! You just ask it to go faster and faster.”

This is my vibrational rate. I was watching my vibrational

rate as a physicality in my mind, as a meter. Well, my vibrational rate kept going faster, faster and faster. I got up to 20,000. I didn’t really push to get it to 20,000. It dropped back down to about 15,000, about 12,000. I mean, it started at 900, OK? Then I push it back up and it’d be like revving an engine on the car. Vroom vroom, vroom, like that motorcycle I used to have.

I’d get that thing and it’s rev up, and it’d stay. She said,

“Keep this up there every day. Two, three times a day, see that meter in your mind, take the time and keep it revving!” You want to keep yourself above 20,000.

Well, the other day, I was just feeling so great and this

thought hit me about the meter. I closed my eyes, it was at 60,000. I was just running at 60! I mean, I’m telling you, if you get a chance, if you’re feeling down, if you’re feeling bad, close your eyes, see a meter and make that meter go up. You’ve got to do it. You’ve got to rev it up and make it go up!

Penelope: No one can make that meter go up for you and no one can

take that meter away from you. You are the winner of your game!

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Tom: You walk in a material world with your heart on the spiritual side. That’s who you are. You’ve got two wings like a bird. One wing is material and one is spiritual. You have to be in balance. There is limitless possibility and a flow of abundance so great that you can’t even imagine it. It’s so great! Anything that you want is within your reach and you don’t even have to reach. All you have to do is ask and it is given to you, immediately. You can do it. You have the power!

You have everything in you now that can bring all the money and good and wealth you have ever wanted to you, right now, instantly. Faster than anything else you could do. All you have to do is decide. All you have to do is keep that meter ramped up. Keep it up there over 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000. Keep your vibrational rate up and you’re in that river. Jump in that river, swim in that river, feel the abundance flow over you. If you don’t like it in a river, imagine it as a sea, a beautiful river of air, a winding ribbon of light coming through you, OK? It’s all abundance. You can see it any way you want. You have the right to do that. The flow is always there. Whether you’re looking at the river, or you’re looking away from the river, the abundance is always there. It never moves. Somebody didn’t do something to you. No. It was nobody else’s fault. All you have to do is find the river, see it and let it wash over you. This is abundance. All you have to do is let it in! Do the imaging. Imagine the money flowing to you. See it in your swimming pool, see it in your house. Imagine a swimming pool to see it in! OK? See the cars, see the lifestyle, see the flow of business, see checks coming to you. See your boss taking you out to dinner. Whatever it is, do these images. These are tools. Tools to make richness come to you quicker and easier. Rich, rich, rich, rich, you are so rich! You know, in your heart, the best way to connect to the flow of abundance. It doesn’t have to be anything that we’ve told you. You know it. You know it in your heart. Follow your heart. Trust your

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internal guidance. If it feels right, do it. If it feels wrong, don’t do it. Trust your feelings.

Penelope: And, always remember, the only way to receive what you want is through your openness. And, the only way to create what you want is through your focus. We’ve had lots of fun today.

Tom: Oh, God bless you. Thank you so much! We are going to

attempt a couple of questions. Penelope: Attempt a couple of questions, if there are any, if

everyone’s still with us, not needing water and food! Tom: It’s getting a little long. Grace: Hey, Tom and Penelope, it’s Grace in Albuquerque. Penelope/Tom: Hi, Grace! Grace: How are you guys? Tom: We’re well. Penelope: We’re great! Tom: How about you? Grace: I’m great, thank you. You’ve given me a lot of really good

fuel for my imagination. I do have a question and you’ve already partially answered it, but I thought I’d toss it at you and take the opportunity to get some specific feedback on it. Some of my goals are specifically not as tangible, but they’re specifically, achievement-oriented.

I have a great job, where I have the opportunity to help a lot of people. And that’s a lot of where my focus has been, but I’ve found I’ve had some blocks and I’m working through them. I thought I would toss that at you since it’s not tangible.

Tom: What blocks?

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Grace: Blocks, some of it is self-doubt. Some of it is because the potential for revenue as a result of doing this work is unlimited. I’m having blocks in seeing that and actually visualizing what my life would be like if I were able to achieve true success here.

Penelope: Try doing this: Try doing it in a more step-by-step way.

Can you imagine your life a little bit better? Grace: Oh, yeah. Penelope: Can you imagine your life a little bit better than that?

Work yourself up. It’s not easy to say, “OK, I live in an apartment, I’ve got a one-bedroom apartment and I’ve got my car and now, I have to imagine living in a mansion. That’s not always how things work. So, work yourself up to it. Imagine a little bit more, and a little bit more and a little bit more.

Tom: You don’t have to wait until the little bit more comes. You

just have to be comfortable with the image. Do you understand?

Grace: Yes. Tom: Does that make sense? Grace: It does, a lot, thank you. Penelope: Does that answer your question? Grace: I think so, pretty much. The other thing, too, that I

thought that you sort of touched on that was really helpful, is that I’m a recruiter and if I’m able to…

Tom: God bless you, what a difficult job that is! Grace: You know what? It’s a lot of fun. And the thing that gives

me the rush is not even the fact that there’s so much revenue potential, but that I can change lives. And I can’t tell you how many people…I’ve used your material to coach so many people because I know the reality is I can’t

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place everybody that walks through my doors, though I may want to.

Tom: That’s right. Grace: So, I share with them a lot of the things that I’ve learned

from you, folks. And it’s kind of neat to watch their eyes light up and you think they’re actually starting to see that they have the ability to have a better life!

Tom: Yes. Grace: So, that’s very exciting. I want to be able to kind of

continue to cultivate that, but I wanted to also ask about it. In the respect of what do I do with those people I can’t place?

Penelope: OK, this is what you do and anybody who’s a healer, a

doctor, a teacher, we all deal with the same thing. Number one, you are not going to be able to be an energetic match for every single person you meet. And, for some people that come to you, who knows, they may be coming to you for the teaching information you’re giving them. They might not really, in the whole grand scheme of the universe, be coming to you to be placed in a job.

So, how you see it…you can’t see it that you have some where you succeed and some where you fail. If you make it to work every day. If you’re doing your life (That’s what we were talking about dharma.) If you’re doing that every single day. If you’re putting yourself out there. If you’re doing the work that you know that you’re supposed to do. Then you’re already successful. You don’t have to place every single person. You can ask, you can write down…

Tom: All you can do is the best you can. Penelope: You can write down that I placed lots of people in great

jobs, but you can’t get attached to placing everybody in a job, because that’s not always why they’re there.

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And you will bring in a ton of money. Grace: Oh, sure. Penelope: …the sole reason why they get placed. Their energy has to

be in it. Does that help, Grace? Grace: Absolutely, thank you so much. Tom: Thank you. Penelope: Sure. Anybody else? Shelby: This is Shelby, I have a question. Marin: Hi, this is Marin in Fort Lauderdale. Penelope: OK, we’ll do Shelby and then, we’ll do Marilyn in Fort

Lauderdale. Tom: Shelby, speak. Penelope: Shelby, go. Shelby: I have a real problem detaching from the outcome. You

know, I listen to my intuitive voice and I own my own business and it just seems that things don’t happen quick enough. What do you recommend for detaching from the outcome and really not allowing it to…

Tom: What are you asking for? What are you asking for? Shelby: Oh, gosh, lots of different things. Tom: I mean, are you asking for things to come to you? Are you

asking for an amount of money to come to you? What are you asking for?

Shelby: I’m asking for new clients, I’m asking for better quality

clients. I’m asking for money. Penelope: This is what I would recommend for you. I would

recommend this. A couple things really. The first thing

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would be to do a visualization, OK? And, find your very comfortable space, invite your clients in and you can put over the door a sign reading, “high-paying clients” and “not high-paying clients.” Or, high paying clients, medium-paying clients. And, you can tell people they can only come in if they’re high-paying or most of them need to be high-paying. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Shelby: Um hmm. Penelope: OK, make it real to your senses and then, it doesn’t

matter. You don’t have to keep thinking about it in the conscious place. The other thing that you need to do that I think would be a very important prescription for you from Drs. Tom and Penelope is to go have some fun because that will bring you detachment which brings success faster than anything else in the world.

Tom: Also, another thing. Let me suggest this: You are only

going to attract to you people who are like you. Who have the same vibrational rate that you do. Who have stepped into that river of abundance as far as you have. So, if you want more people to come to you, better clients, more money, better business, you’ve got to swim a little bit more. You’ve got to get a little deeper into the abundance, yourself.

Use some of these tools of imaging to see your life as how

it would be. See what feels comfortable, what doesn’t feel comfortable. Imagine yourself with all these clients, OK and bringing in this money. What else do I want? Think about the things. Your business is a reflection of you. You are not a reflection of your business.

So, the first thing that you have to do is not worry so

much about the clients that are coming in. You’ve got to worry about where you live…not worry, but you’ve got to think about where you live, you’ve got to think about what you drive. You’ve got to think about your lifestyle.

Penelope: You don’t think about it in terms of it’s good enough or it’s

not good enough. We’re saying to focus on improving your personal lifestyle. When the going gets tough, ask for

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more stuff. That’s what that’s a part of. That your business is a reflection of you. So, as you expand your personal world and ask for more things into your life, personally, it is effected in your business because your business is a vehicle, by which to bring you money, right? In a sense.

Shelby: Um hmm. Penelope: Most of us, the reason it works is because we’re utilizing

dharma. We’re doing our work that we’re here to do. And, that makes our business even more exciting. But in the bottom line the business is a paycheck. It is a way that the flow of abundance is able to bring money to you, so that you can improve your life, enjoy your life and have wonderful things in it.

Also start working on your lists. What are your lists? Look

at them. Say, “Do I really want this?” What kind of a home…if I could have the home that I would love to have, the dream home, what does it look like?

Shelby: I think the frustration came when I was in the corporate

world, I made high six-figure income and then, I started my business and it all went to hell in a hand basket! So, it’s like I had all this money for so long, you’d think I’d be unconsciously competent to keep attracting it. But then, when I started my own business, it all kind of vanished.

Penelope: Unless, there’s blocks around the reasons why you left.

You might want to visit that, too. Tom: Also, are you happy with the business? Shelby: I love it! I mean, I started one and then I wasn’t happy

there and so now, I’ve started this one and I love it. So, I know this is my purpose, there’s no doubt about it.

Tom: I do know a woman one time I talked to, who wanted to be

rich beyond her wildest dreams. She wanted more abundance and she could just see a lavish lifestyle. So, the vehicle that she began to do this was a resale shop of women’s clothing. Well, maybe you ought to re-think that

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business. Not you. I’m not saying that you have to. You want to follow your heart. But as you keep asking for more things, your business may change. Be ready for that.

Shelby: Right. Tom: But, I’m just saying, you’ve got to keep that in mind.

Also, when you leave a situation like that in the corporate world and go into the private world, that’s not going to transfer as easily.

Shelby: Right, that’s the thing. I think that’s the block for me, is

that I really expected it would just keep going the way it was.

Tom: It’s a different world, entirely. Penelope: Understand that the business you were working for was

very well established. It takes three to five years to establish a business as actually, being profitable.

Tom: Small businesses can give you a lot of flexibility and they

can give you a lot of money. In fact, there are more millionaires in this country who own their own little business than any other thing. But, the thing is, you’ve got to go through a transition phase. You’ve got to learn what works because what worked in the corporate scene, is not going to necessarily work for you on this scene.

Shelby: Right. Tom: But you’re drawn to that. Ask for those lessons. Ask to

know. Ask to have accomplished it. Ask to see that lesson Ask to know what to do. Ask and receive. Ask and receive. Ask and receive.

Penelope: What do I do next? Almost every day when I write, I

write, “My business is guided by the universe. I know my next step to take. I now know what to do in my life, in terms of business.” Ask to know.

Tom: And, keep asking for more stuff, firstly.

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Penelope: And, listen to your inner guidance. When it feels like a

total “Yes,” then go that way. Even though it may seem weird at times.

Shelby: Excellent, thank you so much. Penelope: Sure, thank you. Tom: You bet, thank you. Penelope: Marilyn in Florida? Marin: It’s Marin, thank you. Penelope: Oh, Marin, I’m so sorry. Marin: Oh, that’s fine. Penelope: It was two at once, so, you know? Marin: I understand. Tom: How can we help you, Marin? Marin: I hope so. One of the biggest challenges or blocks I’m

experiencing right now is my only child, my beloved golden daughter recently graduated from high school and moved 12 hours away.

Tom: They’re like that, aren’t they? Marin: Ever since she moved…I know! I know. And I’m so proud

of her, but ever since she went, she’s been so angry and hostile to me.

Penelope: Well… Marin: So, as I’m writing notes on this call, we get to the

forgiveness letter, who calls in on the other line? No kidding! So, I slip over and I’m, “Hi, babe, how are you?” “Oh, I wanted to talk to dad.” My vibrational scale went down to minus two hundred. And, I keep getting hooked

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into…I mean, our relationship was mostly always good. I keep getting hooked into, what am I doing wrong? How did I screw it up? I was always a decent mother, and now, I’m the pits!

Tom: All right, all right. Let’s don’t go through this journey, any

more. All right, what you have to do is deal with your emotions, in this regard.

Marin: Yes. Tom: And, first thing that you need to do is this…I would say,

write a forgiveness letter…even if you don’t understand what you’ve done. If there’s nothing you’ve done, that’s great, but just forgive her…

Penelope: For being mad at you. Tom: …for being mad at you. You don’t hold on to that. Penelope: She’s also in college. I mean, you go through a whole lot

of… Tom: She’s going to have all kinds of things. Penelope: All kinds of weird things. There were times I refused to

speak to my father and I lived in the same house as him, so…

Tom: Or, pick up anything! Marin: That was so reassuring, Tom! Penelope: I clean up great now because I have my own kid I’m

always chasing her after with the broom. Tom: Mark Twain had a great comment on this very thing. I

don’t remember exactly, but it was to the effect that when he was 16 his father was the dumbest man he’d ever run into in his life. But, by the time he was 25, he was amazed at what his father had learned. You know, they’ll change, they grow. Don’t overreact to it!

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Penelope: Don’t overreact to it and you can do visualizations of having a great relationship with her.

Tom: There are things that you can do with Quantum

Selling…we’re not going to go into that now, where you can go to her in an alpha state and resolve a lot of issues. It’s a perfect thing for Quantum Selling, in fact. There’s a lot of things that you can do, but just keep her in high regard and be thankful that you have a relationship at all. And, when she calls, don’t make a big drama like “Oh, sure, let me get your dad!”

Penelope: I tell you, when I was younger and I would try to do things

to buck the system. That kind of thing. I would cut my hair weird or wear weird make-up or crazy clothes. My mother would every single time go, “That is so cute! That looks so great!” It took all the wind out of my sails!

Tom: “I like the switchblade look!” Marin: I do all of that stuff. I took her to get the tattoo! Penelope: Well, you’re probably doing just fine and you might want

to forgive yourself for feeling sensitive about it. And, you probably feel a little more sensitive because she just left. And, you know what else would be great? To find something to focus on that’s for you.

Tom: Oh, absolutely, some fun. Marin: Oh. Penelope: Find something fun, a hobby. Tom: Hobby. Penelope: A group, a book club, a yoga class, anything where you

can go and be you and do something that’s fun for you. You will be amazed at how fast she wants to talk to you,

then, when you don’t even care if she calls. Tom: Oh yeah, it’s amazing, it’s just…

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Penelope: Detachment, detachment, detachment, OK? Tom: Does that help? Marin: Cool! Penelope: Thanks, Marin! Well, I think we got everything, then. Tom: OK, well thank you very much. Penelope: Thank you, everybody. Tom: Those were great questions, we really enjoyed those

questions. Penelope: And enjoyed this call and enjoyed all of you joining us for

this incredible journey to Get the Money, Get the Money, Get the Money!

Tom: Go get some money! Have a great day!

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