Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News Gator News HOME OF THE GATORS - FEBRUARY 22, 2019 HOME OF THE GATORS - FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Glen Grove Elementary School 3900 Glenview Road Glenview, IL 60025 Phone: (847)998-5030/Fax (847)998-5101 Attendance/Health Oce (847)657-2394 Monday, February 25 3rd Grade Chorus - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Student Council - 2:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 26 Art Club 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, February 27 Advanced Band Rehearsal 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 4th & 5th Grade Chorus 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 28 No After School Activities Friday, March 1 No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, March 4 3rd Grade Chorus - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5 Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), formerly known as the Illinois PARCC Assessment. Code Play Learn 7:00 - 7:55 a.m.

GGaattoorr NNeewwss · 2019-02-22 · o n s t aff, s t ude nt , ... re s e arc h and have be e n us e d ac ro s s t he c o unt ry fo r e val uat i ng s t re ngt hs and i de nt i fyi

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Page 1: GGaattoorr NNeewwss · 2019-02-22 · o n s t aff, s t ude nt , ... re s e arc h and have be e n us e d ac ro s s t he c o unt ry fo r e val uat i ng s t re ngt hs and i de nt i fyi

Gator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsGator NewsHOME OF THE GATORS - FEBRUARY 22, 2019HOME OF THE GATORS - FEBRUARY 22, 2019

glenview district 34

Glen Grove Elementary School3900 Glenview RoadGlenview, IL 60025Phone: (847)998-5030/Fax (847)998-5101Attendance/Health O�ce (847)657-2394

important dates

Monday, February 253rd Grade Chorus - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.Student Council - 2:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 26Art Club 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, February 27Advanced Band Rehearsal 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 4th & 5th Grade Chorus 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 28No After School Activities Friday, March 1No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, March 43rd Grade Chorus - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), formerly known as the Illinois PARCC Assessment.Code Play Learn 7:00 - 7:55 a.m.

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Art Club 2:30 - 3:45 p.m.Global Language 2:30 - 3:25 p.m.Laughing Academy 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), formerly known as the Illinois PARCC Assessment.Advanced Band Rehearsal 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 4th & 5th Grade Chorus 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Chess Club 2:30 - 3:15 p.m.Laughing Academy 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 7Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), formerly known as the Illinois PARCC Assessment.Global Language 2:30 - 3:25 p.m. Friday, March 8Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), formerly known as the Illinois PARCC Assessment.Chess Club 7:00 - 7:50 a.m.Girls Only Chess 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.Code Play Learn 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

from the principal's desk

Dear Glen Grove Families, My message is a brief but important one. Please note these two important points: 1) Our next round of student/parent-/teacher conferences is less than a week away, on Friday,March 1. Please remember that a conference with your child’s teacher is a most effective wayfor teachers, students, and parents to celebrate areas of strength, address areas of concern,and set goals – a powerful process to motivate and help our students think about and takeresponsibility for their own learning.

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A conference sign-up noti�cation should already have come your way. If, however, you stillhave not signed up for a conference, please contact your child’s teacher – there are manyavailable times left not only on March 1st, but also during the window between now and then.For additional information about how to navigate this all-important meeting, check out thisshort article from the National Education Association. 2) Below please �nd a letter from Dr. Silverman about an upcoming survey we are askingstudents, teachers, and parents to take. I know that you may be experiencing survey fatigue,and for that, I apologize. Please know that we do respect your time and are asking that yougive us a few more minutes of it, because of all the surveys you’ve been asked to takerecently, the results of this one will most directly inform our school improvement planningprocess. Respectfully, Helena Vena Dear Parent/Guardian, Our school is committed to providing a safe and encouraging learning environment for yourchild. For the past several years, the District 34 Social-Emotional Learning Committee hasworked collaboratively to identify and support the implementation of essential componentsfor social emotional learning. Glenview School District 34 has implemented a socialemotional teaching resource that aligns to the Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards,Second Step®. Last year the District SEL Committee focused on the selection of a student perception surveyand conducted a pilot to identify the most appropriate instrument. The committee selectedthe Safe and Civil Schools Climate and Safety Survey. The survey yields essential informationon staff, student, and parent perceptions and provides a measure for determining if schoolinitiatives are improving school climate and culture. “Climate & Safety Surveys are validated byresearch and have been used across the country for evaluating strengths and identifyingchallenges.” - Paci�c Northwest Publishing Over the next few weeks, as a means to understand our school’s culture and climate, allstudents and staff in grades 2–8 are participating in the Safe and Civil Schools Climate &Safety Survey. You also will receive an email with a link from your child’s school to completethe parent survey. The survey is online and is anonymous. Each school’s Foundations Leadership Team will beable to use the information gathered from the survey for future planning. If you would like tolearn more about the survey, please refer to their website. Thank you for your continued valued partnership in educating your child. Matthew Silverman, Ed. D.

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Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & AssessmentGlenview School District 34 1401 Greenwood RoadGlenview, Illinois 60026 (847) 998-5006 Estimado Padre / Tutor, Nuestra escuela se compromete a proporcionar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y alentadorpara su hijo/a. Durante los últimos años, el Comité de aprendizaje socioemocional delDistrito 34 ha trabajado en colaboración para identi�car y apoyar la implementación decomponentes esenciales para el aprendizaje socioemocional. El Distrito Escolar 34 deGlenview ha implementado un recurso de enseñanza socioemocional que se alinea con losEstándares de aprendizaje socioemocional de Illinois, Second Step®. El año pasado, el Comité SEL del Distrito se centró en la selección de una encuesta depercepción de los estudiantes para identi�car el instrumento más adecuado. El comitéseleccionó La Encuesta de Ambiente y Seguridad de Escuelas Seguras y Civiles. La encuestaproporciona información esencial sobre las percepciones del personal, los estudiantes y lospadres. Además, proporciona una medida para determinar si las iniciativas escolares estánmejorando el entorno y cultura escolar. "Las encuestas de ambiente y seguridad estánavaladas por investigaciones y se han utilizado en todo el país para evaluar fortalezas eidenti�car desafíos." - Paci�c Northwest Publishing Durante las próximas semanas, como un medio para comprender la cultura y el entorno denuestra escuela, todos los estudiantes y el personal en 2o–8o grados están participando en laEncuesta de Ambiente y Seguridad de las Escuelas Seguras y Civiles. También usted recibiráun enlace de correo electrónico de la escuela de su hijo para completar la encuesta.La encuesta está en línea y es anónima. El Equipo de Liderazgo de Fundaciones de cadaescuela podrá utilizar la información recopilada de la encuesta para la plani�cación futura. Sidesea obtener más información sobre la encuesta, consulte su sitio web. Gracias por su colaboración valiosa en la educación de su hijo/a. Matthew Silverman, Ed. D.Asistente Superintendente de Currículo, Instrucción e EvaluaciónGlenview School District 34 1401 Greenwood RoadGlenview, Illinois 60026 (847) 998-5006

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lrc news

Congratulations to the many Glen Grove students that presented at the Students Involved inTechnology Conference on February 9 in Lake Forest. The day was �lled with amazing

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sessions on a variety of topics from virtual reality to robots tocoding. It was incredible day of learning for everyone! Pleasejoin me as we celebrate the following students: Alex W,Taimur K.Sam C.Fatima H.Makaylee W.Samantha B.Shaan H.Alex P.Tucker B.Braewyn J.Alaina M.Bella F.Lara N.Maryum A.Elin K.Jonathan J.Juan M.Claire W.Mia D.Lily O.Avery K.Munira H.Nia M.Elle J.Lillian K. March Madness is Coming! Students will have the opportunity to vote for the Illinois Children’s Choice Awards all nextmonth with a bracket system. The third graders will vote for the Monarch (for students in K-3grade) and Bluestem (3-5 grade) and the fourth and �fth graders focus on just the Bluestemtitles. We can’t wait to see which titles will come out on top. Follow the happenings of Glen Grove Library on Twitter @GGMrsFunke

p.e. news

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fifth grade musical information

Dear Parents: The �fth grade musical this year is “The Trial of the Big, Bad Wolf”. The shows music and styleis set in the “rock and roll” 50’s. It presents a comical version of what might happen had theBig, Bad Wolf been on trial for his offenses. This light-hearted musical is full of fun and laughsfor the whole family. The show is Wednesday, April 10, 2019 for Cast A at 8:30am for the school and 7:00pm forparents and relatives. Cast A classes are Mr. Nitz, Mrs. Poulakas, Ms. Fried, and Mrs.Richardson. Cast B will perform on Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 8:30am for the school and 7:00pm forparents and relatives. Cast B classes are Mr. Roy, Ms. Margolis, and Mrs. Champney. The last few weeks have been very exciting in drama class! Students made up commercials ofproducts of the 1950’s that would be used by our characters. A few of these commercials havebeen picked to be part of our 5th grade musical.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smile Illinois is Coming!

Now Scheduling for Glen Grove on March 5, 2019


Smile Illinois/Mobile Dentist is a highly acclaimed in-schooldental prevention program. Funding is provided by Children’sDental Health Foundation, which receives funds from RobertWood Johnson Foundation, St. John Hospital and others.Community outreach programs and in-school dental programs are recommended by theCenters for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Surgeon General Guidelines. Through this program, the dentist can provide:· Dental Examinations

In the weeks to follow we will be practicing our lines, learning songs, making scenery andgetting our costumes together. (More to follow on costumes) Students should be memorizingtheir lines and practicing at home as well as in class. Thank you in advance for your supportwith that. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns:[email protected] or (847) 657-2335.Sincerely, Eileen Berichon, Drama Director

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· Cleanings· Fluoride· Sealants· RadiographsImportant Information: www.mobiledentists.com• All children are eligible for dental exams with parental/guardian permission and the completed Smile Illinois form.• The service meets the mandated dental exam requirement for grades K, 2, and 6• Grant Assistance Available – no child is turned away from our in-school dental prevention program based on his/her ability to pay!• Medicaid/Public Aid/Kid Care cover 100% of treatment.• Dental insurances are accepted.• X-Rays, if taken are shared with child’s dental provider upon request.• FREE toothbrushes provided.• If further dental care is needed, an appropriate referral is made in your area.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are interested in participating please call the Glen Grove School Health O�ce at(847)657-2394 to request an application.

outdoor recess procedures

keeping our school community healthy

We have entered the time of year when we see in�uenza (�u) and other respiratory viruses atschool. We want to let you know what steps we are taking to keep our school communityhealthy and how you can help. Click here for more information.

food service information

Please review this important food service information which includes the menu cycle and thecycle calendar. Click here for the February Food Service Newsletter.

change in dismissal arrangements

If you need to change the after school pick-up arrangements for your child, please send a noteto you child's teacher. If you need to change arrangements at the last minute, during theschool day, please make sure you call our o�ce before 2:00 p.m. to inform us of the change.There is a lot going on in a school o�ce both at the beginning and the end of school day. Bycalling before 2:00 p.m., you are giving the front o�ce staff the time needed to locateclassroom teachers and communicate the message regarding the pick-up arrangements foryour child in a timely manner.

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The bene�ts of an outdoor recess are many and Glen Grovemakes every effort to see that all of our students go outdoorsevery day. Children are able to exercise, socialize andexperience a variety of activities with friends and this all helpsto enhance their learning experience. Starting the afternoonafter a time of fresh air de�nitely improves learning, alertnessand overall productivity. Please make sure your children are dressed appropriately for outdoor play. In cold weatherboots, mittens or gloves, warm jackets, snow pants, hats and scarves are a must. If your childwears boots to school, please remember to send in shoes for them to use during physicaleducation. The wind chill factor must be ten or below or it must be too wet or raining beforewe cancel outdoor recess. The children are out approximately 20 minutes. Please note thatchildren must wear coats if temperatures are below 32°F. We are often presented with requests for children to remain indoors at recess, generallybecause of allergies or as part of a recovery from illness. If it is necessary for your child to beindoors at recess, a note from the doctor will be required. We appreciate your support andcooperation with our recess procedure.

cell phone usage form

All students that carry a cell phone to school must have a cell phone usage form on �le withthe front o�ce. Please �ll out the attached form and send it to the Glen Grove O�ce. Theguidelines are included in this attachment. Cell Phone Usage Form http://www.glenview34.org/form/cellphone


Follow Us on Twitter We are always looking for ways to improve communication and to increase engagement withour parent community, so we have launched a Twitter account. We invite you to followus@GlenGroveGators for news on student, classroom, and school accomplishments,important updates, informational items, and a glimpse at amazing moments of teaching andlearning. We also encourage you to share your Glen Grove school pride on Twitter using thehashtag #glengroverocks.

district 34 important forms and information

2018-2019 District 34 Parent CalendarAuthorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication

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Bus Rider RemindersCell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form Classroom Party Menu OptionsDental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades) Dental Exam Waiver District Policies/Handbook Info Eye Exam Form Eye Exam Waiver Food GuidelinesHealth Examination Form


glen grove school

Website: https://gg.glenview34.org Our MissionTo empower children to be self-directed learners andresponsible decision makers. Attendance/Health O�ce (847)657-2394 Main O�ce: (847)998-5030O�ce Fax Machine: (847)998-5101
