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Group 5 顾明义 陆慎 陆子惠 林薇薇. History of Chinese loanwords in English Borrowing Language in Daily Life The reason why Chinese loanwords become part of

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Page 1: Group 5 顾明义 陆慎 陆子惠 林薇薇.  History of Chinese loanwords in English  Borrowing Language in Daily Life  The reason why Chinese loanwords become part of

Group 5

顾明义 陆慎 陆子惠 林薇薇

Page 2: Group 5 顾明义 陆慎 陆子惠 林薇薇.  History of Chinese loanwords in English  Borrowing Language in Daily Life  The reason why Chinese loanwords become part of

History of Chinese loanwords in English

Borrowing Language in Daily Life

The reason why Chinese loanwords become part of English vocabulary

The influence of Chinese loanwords on English

Page 3: Group 5 顾明义 陆慎 陆子惠 林薇薇.  History of Chinese loanwords in English  Borrowing Language in Daily Life  The reason why Chinese loanwords become part of

The history of Chinese borrowings in English

The earliest communication of these two language can be dated back to the Qin Dynasty. According to the history of China ,we can divided them into three period

1. From Qin to early Ming Dynasty

2. From Ming to 1912 (Revolution of 1911 )

3. 1912---

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1.From Qin to Ming

Because of the great distance and the less developed transportation ,there is seldom communication between Chinese and English, so at first, there is only loanwords that linked with the name of the state, for example , Sino- , a lot of studies think that the word China comes from the word Qin ,which is pronounced like Chin .

It is said that “silk” maybe the first Chinese loanword in English

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2.The second period from Ming to 1912 (Revolution of 1911 )

With the rapid extension of sea routes, trade transactions between China and England ,America kept increasing in this period of time. As Guangdong ,Fujian locate in the south coast of China and the area of Guangzhou became the center of the offshore trades, thus during this period ,Chinese borrowings in English were mostly related to the culture and custom of the Min-Yue ( 闽粤 )area. Specifically ,some deflecting pronunciation are directly borrowed into English .For example , chow mien ( 炒面 )

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Over the past century, China experienced a lot of agitations and revolts such as the Revolution of 1911( 辛亥革命 ), the “cultural revolution” and so on. Many western media paid great attention to the China’s situation, in this way, some relevant words had interpreted into English, for instance, Red Guard( 红卫兵 ) , Gang of Four (四人帮) , Big Leap Forward (大跃进) ,Paper Tiger (纸老虎), Gung ho 或 gung-ho (共和)

3.(Revolution of 1911----)

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A. Diet

1. Tea Culture the pronounce of tea similarly isn’t related to pinyin of

Chinese “cha”, but in fact “tea” and “tay” are two pronounces which are created according to the euphony of the XiaMen province dialect.

souchong ( 闽语“小种” ), hyson (“ 熙春” ) oolong (“ 乌龙” ) “tea” and “cha” are two outright Minnan dialect an

d Chinese transliteration words which are widely used in English have become the “English words”.

Borrowing Language in Daily Life

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2. Cuisine

On cuisine, Chinese culture has its own

distinctive qualities, and the most Chinese

borrowings in English are related to cuisine.

chow mien ( 炒面 )

wonton ( 馄饨 ) 、

jiaozi ( 饺子 ) 、

dimsum ( 点心 ) 、

tofu ( 豆腐 )

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spring roll ( 春卷 ),

sweet-and-sour-pork ( 古老肉 ) 、

Peking roast duck ( 北京烤鸭 ) 、

sea cucumber ( 海参 ) 、

hundred-year-eggs (thousand-year eggs) ( 松花皮蛋 ) 、

Manchurian hot pot ( 火锅 )

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3. Fruit

There are other delicious things such as fruit that also enter into English vocabulary, for example:

Lonyan ( 龙眼 ) 、

Kunquat ( 金橘 )  / kʌmkwɔt/ 、

litchi (lychee)( 荔枝 ) 、

mandarin orange ( 福橘 )

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B. Daily Necessities 1. silk It is believed that English has borrowed Chinese for more than 10

00 years. According to Oxford English Dictionary, the Chinese loanword “silk” entered English in 888AD through Latin and Greek via the Silk Way.

Early English borrowings from Chinese have another feature of being highly assimilated. One example is the word silk, which has now produced as many as 65 new words, including silky 、 silkness 、 sikily 、 silked 、 silken etc.

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2. China • China is another good example. China ( 瓷器 ) becomes popular

since 15 century, hence, the capitalized China naturally represents China ( 中国 ).

• When we concern about China, we will certainly talk about other two English roots, sin- and sino-.

These two roots have the meanings of “China’s” 、” Chinese” 、”Chinese culture’s”.

Besides, other relative expressions are sinic ( 中国的 ) 、 sinicism ( 中国特色 ). 、 sino-US ( 中美 ), sino-Japan ( 中日 ) 、 sino-Russia ( 中俄 ). Moreover, derivatives include sinology ( 汉学 ) 、 sinologist ( 汉学家 ) 、 sino-Tibetan ( 汉藏语系的 ) and so on.

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C. Culture

From the 17 th century to the 19 th century, with the development of trade and navigation, more Chinese entered into English vocabulary, such as ginseng ( 人参 ).

some other words concerning Chinese culture and social

life like Yamen ( 衙门 ) , Taotai (道台) , Pailou ( 牌楼 )

Kowtow ( 叩头 ), Mahjong( 麻将 )

Taoism ( 道教 ), Yin-yang( 阴阳 ) , Feng-shui , Kylin ( “麒麟”)

The 19 th century and 20 th century witnessed a rapid increase of English borrowing from Chinese.

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Why Chinese loanwords become part of English vocabulary?

The reason is provided by certain historical and social factors. Immigration is a major cause of emergence of Chinese loanwords in English.

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To begin with, it was a long established practice for Chinese people to go overseas in search of a new life.

Immigrants from south Fujian are a good example. The south Fujian region mostly consists of barren mountains (80%), with very little land for cultivation. This made the people more vulnerable to hardship in the event of war or some natural calamity. They were thus forced to seek ways and means of evading hardship. As the old saying goes, “men are controlled by their surroundings”. So the adventurous spirit of the south Fujian people was forced mainly by their particular surroundings.

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Three waves of immigration

1820-1860The fist wave of immigration from China to USA was motivated by the Gold Rush in California. Most of these Chinese immigrants came from Pearl River Delta, mainly in Guangdong Province. After World War Two, apart from the Cantonese, Chinese from other province in china started to immigrate. They speak mandarin, Shanghai dialect, Fujian dialect and many other dialects.

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1861-1949The second wave of immigration happened from 1861 to 1880. After the end of American civil war, industry in America boosted and was badly in need of labor forces. Large amount of Chinese laborers went to American to seek fortune. The west section of the Pacific Railroads was laid by those Chinese laborers. At the same time, these immigrants brought about technology in agriculture and gardening.

1979-As the adoption of opening-up policy, many Chinese people went abroad to study and do business. During this period, the immigrants tended to be well-educated and brought some modern Chinese culture to the Western.

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History has taught us that when one language was so influenced as to absorb many words from another language, this must have been the result of close contacts between the native speaker of that language and people of foreign races. Therefore, the historical and social circumstances outlined above are the main factors responsible for the Chinese loanwords in English.

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•Play an important role in the developing process of English history •Have a profound influence on the enrichment and development of English vocabulary •It facilitates mutual trust, respect and understanding in culture and many other respects like art, literature, philosophy and political. •Draw more and more western people’s attention to know China in every aspect of life, such as Chinese food, clothes, plants, places, traditional medicine, and so on.

The influence of Chinese loanwords on English society

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The influence of Chinese loanwords on English language

Chinglish is Chinese English, which has brought about humorous stories to us. However, Chinglish is not totally wrong. Some simple and practical Chinglish have been widely used, which not only enrich English but also become a new form in the process of English development.

For example, Long time no see ( 好久不见 ) is an English phrase composed by the meaning of Chinese word by word. Since the expression is convenient and straight, it has become a idiom.

No can do . ( 不能行,不能做 )

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Some English phrases express the concepts which are closely related to Chinese culture. For example, mianzi or face is very vital for Chinese. A Chinese who has been "given face" feels that he or she has received respect and favor. Consequently, “to lose face” ,“ to save one's face” become common in English language.

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In 2003, after Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space, English and German websites called this Chinese astronaut “taikonaut”.

“taikonaut”= taiko(taikong)+ naut (astronaut )

This new-born word “taikonaut” blends into English along with Yang Liwei’s journey into space, meanwhile, English language advances with times along with China’s development in science.The word “taikonaout” represents the changing tendency of Chinese loanwords in English from the aspects of life, food, culture to the more advanced area like astronautics.

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Loanwords are the products of language development and cultural contact. The result of continuous contact between different speaking communities is that people use each other’s words to refer to some particular things, process, or ways of thinking. This kind of using other’s languages is called borrowing, which is a natural result of language contact and exert a profound impact on vocabulary, enrichment and mutual understanding of cultures.

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