GUESS! Националнa eTwinning конференција Катарина Ивановић Ниш, 23. новембар 2016. године

GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

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Page 1: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

GUESS!Националнa eTwinning конференција

Катарина Ивановић

Ниш, 23. новембар 2016. године

Page 2: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

GUESS! (Geometry in the Universe of Elementary

Shapes & Solids)

Page 3: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

Партнери на пројекту

O Jean Monnet High School, Bucharest, Romania

O Primary School Stevan Dukić, Belgrade, Serbia

O Architectural Technical High School, Belgrade, Serbia

O Sabri Taşkın Ortaokulu, Kartal, Turkey

O Veyselefendi İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Merkez, Turkey

Page 4: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


O Планирање пројекта

O Упознавање (школе, градови, празници)

O Ученичка страна

O Рад у групи

O Математика и још по нешто

Page 5: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

Линеарна функција

Page 6: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


O Пројектни задаци за групе

O Загонетке које ће дати другој земљи

ученици морају и сами да реше

O Решавање загонетке коју су други


O Занимљива математика – другачије


O Сарадња наставника

Page 7: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


Page 8: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


Page 9: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


Page 10: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


Page 11: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

Дан броја π≈3,14

O 14. март 2016. године

Page 12: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia



O Како направити


O Енглески језик

O Осети се као


O Самопоуздање

O Избор апликације

Page 13: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia


Page 14: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia
Page 15: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia
Page 16: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

О пројекту

O Мотивисање,


O Истраживање

O Критичко мишљење

O Проблемска настава

O Групни рад

O Интердисциплина-



O Социјалне вештине

O Друге културе, земље

и градови

O Енглески језик

O Примена математике

O Осврт на пројекат

Page 17: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

Даља сарадња

O ”Jean Monnet” High School

O International Essays Competition – for students,

“Symbols in the Universe of Knowledge”

Page 18: GUESS!requirements of the project GUESS. Project forced me to use my imagination and creativity. Thanks, GUESS! Thanks to you, I got a unforgettable life experience. Luka Dragosavac/Serbia

Хвала на пажњи!