GURU SAKASH Pra’tah Sirasi Shukle Abje Temprano en la mañana, en (su) Gurucakra, en el Loto Blanco Dvi Netram Dvi Bhuja’m Gurum Los dos ojos de Guru, las dos ramas de Guru Vara’bhaya Krta Hastam Las manos en Varabhaya Mudra Smarettam Na’ma Purvakam Mira con atención mientras él pronunciando su Santo Nombre Temprano en la mañana mirar con atención mientras el Gurú pronunciar su Santo Nombre (de mente), los dos ojos, las dos ramas de Guru con las manos en Vara'bhaya mudra, que está sentado en la blanca flor de loto en el chakra Gurú. GURU SAKASH Pra’tah Sirasi Shukle Abje Early morning, in (your) Gurucakra, in the white Lotus Dvi Netram Dvi Bhuja’m Gurum The two eyes of Guru, the two arms of Guru Vara’bhaya Krta Hastam Hands in Varabhaya Mudra Smarettam Na’ma Purvakam Watch Him attentively while uttering His Holy Name Early morning watch attentively the Guru while uttering His Holy Name (mentally), the two eyes, the two arms of Guru with His hands in Vara’bhaya mudra, who is seated in the white Lotus flower in the Guru Cakra. Repeating in Guru Sakash Baba REPEATING IN GURU SAKASH

Guru Sakash 1

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Page 1: Guru Sakash 1


Pra’tah Sirasi Shukle Abje

Temprano en la mañana, en (su) Gurucakra, en el Loto Blanco

Dvi Netram Dvi Bhuja’m Gurum

Los dos ojos de Guru, las dos ramas de Guru

Vara’bhaya Krta Hastam

Las manos en Varabhaya Mudra

Smarettam Na’ma Purvakam

Mira con atención mientras él pronunciando su Santo Nombre

Temprano en la mañana mirar con atención mientras el Gurú pronunciar su Santo Nombre (de mente), los dos ojos, las dos ramas de Guru con las manos en Vara'bhaya mudra, que está sentado en la blanca flor de loto en el chakra Gurú.


Pra’tah Sirasi Shukle Abje

Early morning, in (your) Gurucakra, in the white Lotus

Dvi Netram Dvi Bhuja’m Gurum

The two eyes of Guru, the two arms of Guru

Vara’bhaya Krta Hastam

Hands in Varabhaya Mudra

Smarettam Na’ma Purvakam

Watch Him attentively while uttering His Holy Name

Early morning watch attentively the Guru while uttering His Holy Name (mentally), the two eyes, the two arms of Guru with His hands in Vara’bhaya mudra, who is seated in the white Lotus flower in the Guru Cakra.

Repeating in Guru SakashBaba


(Note: This is second letter in this series. A link to the initial letter is appended below as well as a link to a related letter on Guru Sakash. All text in brown is quoted material from the first letter on this topic. - Eds)


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At last summer's NY sectorial retreat, one Dada gave a talk about the practice of Guru Sakash and how it should be done by repeating the shloka - Pra'tah shirasi shukle'bje - over and over in the mind. But we all know that this is not correct. When doing Guru Sakash, one should use the other mantra to call Baba - and not repeat the Guru Sakash shloka.

In a similar manner, someone might do the same with bhavisaca. So we should examine this further lest this mistake get repeated.


Bha-vi-sa-ca is quite helpful as it encapsulates some of the key components of a dharmic life...Baba's seed teaching or sutra, Bha-vi-sa-ca, is the short form, abbreviation, or boiled down representation of 4 distinct points:

(1) 'Bha' meaning 'Bhagavan' (God);(2) 'Vi' meaning 'Vinay' (modesty);(3) 'Sa' meaning 'Samyama' (self-restraint);(4) 'Ca' meaning 'Caritra' (conduct).

And each of these above components or branches has their own special import. Here then is the explanation of Baba's universal sutra: Bha-vi-sa-ca.


Bha-vi-sa-ca is a sutra, not a mantra. That means it is an abbreviation or short form of an expansive teaching that is supposed to be followed, not repeated.

We derive benefit from Bha-vi-sa-ca by (a) thinking about God, (b) being humble and modest in our dealing, (c) exercising self-restraint, and by (d) maintaining good conduct.

That is what bha-vi-sa-ca says to do; and if we do that we will be benefited. Hence bha-vi-sa-ca is a sutra or condensed teaching that is meant to be followed. It is not meant to be recited in and of itself like a mantra.

Repeating: "Bha-vi-sa-ca...Bha-vi-sa-ca...Bha-vi-sa-ca...Bha-vi-sa-ca..."

This will not bring about a good result - just it will be a waste of energy and a waste of time.

Because sutras like bha-vi-sa-ca are to be followed in one's daily dealing. It is a teaching not a mantra. That is why we are to follow the directions contained in the

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sutra. That is its utility- not repeating the sutra. In contrast, as we know a vibrated mantra like our Ista mantra, Baba Nam Kevalam mantra, or dhyana mantra will bring one's liberation when repeated with sincerity and devotion.

Baba says, "Manana't ta'rayet yastu sah mantrah parikiirttitah-- "The sanctified word that helps one in attaining salvation [is a mantra]." (SS-24, 'Incantation and Human Progress')

So by repeating their personal Ista mantra etc one will achieve liberation. That is the specialty of a mantra.

However, a sutra like Bha-vi-sa-ca is much different. It is a teaching to be followed and does not have the quality of being a mantra.

That is why merely repeating "Bha-vi-sa-ca...Bha-vi-sa-ca..." will never bear such fruit. That will not bring one's liberation. Because bha-vi-sa-ca is a seed teaching or sutra, not a mantra. One gets the benefit of bha-vi-sa-ca by following what the sutra says to do.


Same can be said of the Guru Sakash shloka:

"Pra'tah shirasi shukle'bje".

Repeating that shloka or those specific words during the time of Guru Sakash will not yield any fruit. Rather one is to follow what the shloka says to do: 'Meditate on the Guru in Varabhaya Mudra and chant His Name'.

Unfortunately some in Ananda Marga think they are supposed to repeat the shloka. But that is nothing but their mistaken idea and will not bring any yield, i.e. no bliss.

Rather, repeating the mantra - not the shloka - will bring bliss in the practice of Guru Sakash. That dhyana mantra will bring one close to Baba's lotus feet, by His grace. For more about this, please see the link appended below.


So none should think that the Bha-vi-sa-ca sutra or the Guru Sakash sutra are meant to be repeated again and again. These are not mantras and repeating them over and over again will just be a waste of one's time and will never lead to liberation.

Rather we are to carry out the directive of the sutra. That is the beauty and benefit of sutras like that of Guru Sakash and Bha-vi-sa-ca.

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So by following the four golden aspects (God, modesty, self-restraint, conduct) of the bha-vi-sa-ca sutra, one is sure to invite greatness and victory in life.

Unfortunately, at present, some leaders in our AMPS are not strict in Bha-vi-sa-ca, and in particular not strict in caritra. Their character and conduct is not at all good; instead it is poisonous. Due to this weakness, groupism and lust for the post has become rampant these days in our Ananda society. That is the horrible disease that has befallen some in our organisation. Only by tightening up our conduct can we escape from today's troubled waters of factionalism. And this is not difficult to do as already there are so many who keep very strict and dharmic conduct.

And indeed, those who do this - those whose conduct is blemishless - will be looked upon as heroes and vanguards for generations & generations to come. That much is sure.


As we all know, Baba has always given us all the needed tools and teachings to gain success. No matter what the circumstance, no matter what the challenge, He has graciously provided the pathway for victory.

For example, just prior to the Emergency & enforcement of martial law in India, Baba graciously bestowed upon us His system of 16 Points. By this way, by following 16 Points, margiis and acaryas had the stamina, faith, and strength to persevere during the grueling Emergency period.

Earlier on, another recipe for success was given: Bha-vi-sa-ca. This was given by Baba 1 Oct 1971 - just a few months prior to His arrest on 29 Dec 1971. And it is through His teaching of Bha-vi-sa-ca, in part, that Baba readied members of the Marga for the tumultuous period of His incarceration which was about to begin. And by that way our Marga not only survived, but thrived - by Baba's grace.

So His seed teaching, Bha-vi-sa-ca, has great import and significance and we should all be aware of & practice its meaning and application.

Namaskar,in Him,Gopii


The special seed teaching, Bha-vi-sa-ca, which has been given by Baba bears great significance. Veritably, this unique point stands as the seed of 'Jiivan Veda', or 'A Guide to Human Conduct'. That is why we can say that bha-vi-sa-ca is intimately linked with

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human dharma. Bha-vi-sa-ca, always sheds new light on this human journey toward life divine.

The meaning of Bhavisaca was initially given in discourse form by Baba on 1 Oct 1971 in Kolkata. And this may be one of the only times this was reviewed in a discourse.

Baba has given this as a formula for success since it goads aspirants along the path of dharma. Hence, it has long-term and universal benefits & application.






"Tumi eso, tumi eso a'ma'r ghare..." - P.S. 3190


O' Parama Purusa, please grace me by coming in my abode - my mind. I am waiting ceaselessly for You; the lamp of hope is burning for You in my heart, O' my Dearmost.

O' Divine Entity, You are always so gracious. You come to me in my dreams. Even when awake, I continue thinking about You [1]. Baba, You are my everything, Your love is saturated in every pore of my mind and heart - in all my thoughts and works.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, I always remember You; even by mistake I cannot forget You. You reside in my heart in a very intimate way. You saturate and fill the whole universe with the sweetness of Your love.

Baba, please shower Your causeless grace on everyone. Please come in my mental abode; You are my everything...


[1] "You come to me in my dreams. Even when awake, I continue thinking about You": Regarding mundane dreams what one thinks about during the day comes in their dreams at night. Spiritual dreams are different; the spiritual field does not work in that way. When an aspirant's mind becomes involved in crude mundane things, then Parama Purusa graces that sadhaka by appearing in His dream; it is His special blessing

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to bring the aspirant back onto the spiritual path. During such dreams, Parama Purusa infuses the sadhaka's mind with spiritual bliss. Then, even after rising, that spiritual vibration continues to resonate in the mind of the sadhaka, by His grace. That is what is described in this song.

Key to GreatnessBaba


Namaskar,In His discourse, Baba guides us that in His Bha-vi-sa-ca teaching He has given the recipe for good conduct - in seed form. That is part of the key. Because in a pointed, brief, or distilled manner He is outlining the whole of our Ananda Marga conduct rules etc. To explain this, in that Baba discourse, Baba likens the bhavisaca' sutra to Ananda Sutram, ERAWS, and carrying a tree to a distant land.

Bha-vi-sa-ca is like A'nanda Sutram in that it encompasses the whole of our conduct rules just as Ananda Sutram encompasses the entire spiritual and social philosophy of Ananda Marga. In seed form it is all present in Ananda Sutram.

Bhavisaca' is like ERAWS in that ERAWS is an abbreviated way of telling: Education, Relief, and Welfare Section. Similarly, bha-vi-sa-ca is an abbreviated way of telling: Bhagavan - Vinay - Samyama - Caritra.

And Baba says that if one wants to bring an entire banyan tree to a distant land then the only option is to carry the seed. Uprooting and lugging a full-grown tree will not do. But by bringing the seed one can get the entire tree.

Same then is the case with the seed teaching of Bha-vi-sa-ca. By following this seed guideline, one can incorporate the whole of our Ananda Marga conduct system - all the do's and don'ts.


Baba emphasizes how human conduct is a vast topic that has many parts and angles. So Bha-vi-sa-ca was one way of introducing the topic of human conduct prior to His famed teachings and publications like: 'A Guide to Human Conduct', '16 Points', 'Fifteen Shiilas', and so many other conduct rules-- all of which came later.

Thus the seed-form teaching like Bha-vi-sa-ca is quite helpful as it encapsulates some of the key components of a dharmic life in short form. And there are numerous other aspects of this Bha-vi-sa-ca sutra that are important to bring into the realm of our knowledge. And those we will uncover step by step. Here then is the actual meaning and breakdown of the Bha-vi-sa-ca guideline.

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BHA - VI - SA - CA

Actually, Baba's seed teaching or sutra, Bha-vi-sa-ca, is the short form, abbreviation, or boiled down representation of 4 distinct points:

(1) 'Bha' meaning 'Bhagavan' (God);(2) 'Vi' meaning 'Vinay' (modesty);(3) 'Sa' meaning 'Samyama' (self-restraint);(4) 'Ca' meaning 'Caritra' (conduct).

And each of these above components or branches has their own special import. Here then is the explanation of Baba's universal sutra: Bha-vi-sa-ca.


'Bha' for 'Bhagavan': Ours is a God-centered approach to life: Parama Purusa Baba is the nucleus and most charming Entity of this universe - without His grace nothing can be done. And verily, by our second lesson - i.e Guru Mantra, Madhuvidya, or Brahmacarya - we are to think about Him before our each and every action.

So this first syllable or component of the Bha-vi-sa-ca sutra fits in neatly with our entire Ananda Marga philosophy. As by this teaching, Baba is directing all sadhakas to think about Parama Purusa always. In all our daily works, big or small, we are to remember Him and seek His grace compassion. By that way get stamina for march ahead. That is the essence of 'Bha' in Bha-vi-sa-ca. And by this way one's ideation is sure to be pure; one's conduct is sure to be proper; and the result will be one of success.


"Behind all these diversities of the creation is Brahma the Supreme Entity. Everything is created, maintained and dissolved in Him, nothing lies beyond His Macrocosmic arena. The rśi says, “He is Ishán, the Supreme Controller of everything, showering grace upon everyone and everything. He is adored and worshipped by all, even the gods. He is the God of the gods, He is, Mahádeva. In Him lies the real peace. Do not ideate on anything other than the Supreme Entity.”"

Yo devánáḿ prabhavashcodbhavashca vishvádhipo rudro maharśih;Hirańyagarbhaḿ pashyate jáyamánaḿ sa no buddhyá shubhayá saḿyunaktu.

"What are these manifestations, these expressions of divine power? All these emanate from Him. The gods cannot claim any special credit or originality for their extraordinary faculty of action or their divine sports. All the inspirations or the impetus comes from Him only."

"The gods are like puppets in a puppet show which only dance when someone pulls their strings above. They enjoy no rights, no freedom, no responsibilities. He is the

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fundamental force behind the expression of the various powers of the different gods in the universe. Not only does He provide inspiration and momentum as the Cognitive Faculty but as the Causal Matrix is continuing the entire creation of this universe. He is the Creator and Controller of the universe and is thus called Vishvadhipa, the Supreme Lord of the Universe. He also withdraws this created universe in Himself and is thus called Rudra, the entity which causes others to weep even while giving them liberation." (AMIWL-6, The Expansion of the Microcosm)


'Vi' for 'vinay': In this world, we have many social service works to do. And for that, cooperation is needed - that is, we have to work with others. For this reason modesty is a must. No one likes to work with or be around someone who is arrogant and boastful. That does not bring coordinated cooperation. Rather it repels and disgusts others. So modesty is needed. By this way others will be attracted to come forward and partake in our many social service projects. So vinay stands for humility or humbleness. Everyone always likes to be around a humble person, and this gives you the opportunity to serve them; whereas when one is arrogant then others do not like to be around that person, in which case they lose out on the opportunity to service. Hence vinay or modesty is one essential aspect of ideal human conduct - serving others.


'Sa' for 'samyama': As humans, we are mind-oriented beings and we should not be guided by our motor and sensory organs. For this reason Baba strongly emphasizes control or self-restraint over these 10 indriyas. And that is the meaning of samyama, self-restraint. One way of thinking about samyama is simply equating it with our 'Cakuna samvaro' shloka or His teaching of indriyanigraha. In such guidelines, Baba is directing us to have control or restraint over our eyes, nose, and indeed control over all the ten motor and sensory organs. By such self-restraint our conduct will be proper as it will be the expression of a calm mind.

"“Cakśuná Samvaro Sádhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhikśu! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sádhu Sotena samvaro”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Ghánena Samvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sádhu Jibháya Samvaro.” You should have control over your taste. “Káyena Samvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sádhu Vácáya Samvaro.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Samvaro Bhikśu.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life)


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'Ca' for 'caritra': Traditionally in India, caritra means not falling into 'lustful' or 'illicit sexual relations' etc. But in our Ananda Marga, caritra extends far beyond that as it deals with one's overall conduct. True enough, we are not to be goaded by the lower vrittis and sensual pleasures, and in addition Baba guides us that are to follow so many do's and don'ts such as sattvika food, no intoxicants, asanas, no groupism etc, etc. So caritra stands as one vast teaching that in all the realms our conduct should be proper-- i.e. along the lines of dharma.

Hence that is the basic essence of the seed-teaching of Bha-vi-sa-ca. And by this way, Baba has given us some of the basic building blocks for proper conduct and a pure way of life.


By Baba's grace, our individual and collective conduct in Ananda Marga will improve more and more and we will progress by following His divine guidelines given in the bha-vi-sa-ca sutra & in our 16 Pts. Then our Ananda Marga family will be free of so many problems and we will build that great human society, by His grace.

Baba says, "I advise each human being that as long as you are alive, you should try to build yourself in a nice way, in a complete way. But you should not only build yourselves, you should also build human society in the same way." (PNS-17)

Namaskar,in Him. Gopii

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

***************************************************Forfeited Their Right To Human Identity

"A rśi is one who cultivates wisdom, who enriches the intellectual field through deep research and innovative discoveries and harvests the fruits of wisdom. Those who invent deadly weapons such as the hydrogen bomb, which caused the frightening holocaust, do not help the human intellect attain the height of human perfection, but rather direct their intellect towards crudeness. These types of inventors and their patrons do not deserve to be called rśis, rather, they are worse than demons, far worse than internal creatures, having forfeited their right to human identity." (AMIWL-6, The Expansion of the Microcosm)


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"Pra'n'er pradiip saunge niye ke go ele ei dhara'y..." (P.S. 2205)


Who are You who has taken advent on this earth - with the effulgence of Divine attraction - carrying the lamp of warmth and love. O' Divine One, it is impossible to forget You; You have captivated my mind. Because of Your august arrival, with each and every expression, in every rhythm, You are exuding beauty and sweetness in all directions - everywhere.

By Your melodious voice and heart-felt attraction, with love You are graciously drawing everyone near you, with Your mamata' - “one's own”, “mine-ness.” [1]. You are vibrating in Your glory yet remain hidden in the deep core of my mind – always.

O' my Innermost, in that era long back from the unknown past when You came, You saturated me by showering Your divine love. You created a big stir - a revolution - in the world of ideas and thinking. And after that You hid Yourself in this world. You were not visible anywhere. You came as Mahasambhuti and then went back to your oringinal state in nitya bhava - where You are ever-present with everyone in their heart and mind.

O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, You have come to shower Your infinite love. I surrender at Your lotus feet...


[1] Mamata': "What is the meaning of “mamatá”? Mama + tá = mamatá. Mama means “mine” and thus mamatá is the inner idea of being mine, the feeling that something is my own." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti)

"“Mamatá” means “mine-ness” – “Mama” means “one's own”, and the abstract noun derived from it is “mamatá” – meaning, thereby “mine-ness.”" (AV-1, Pleasing the Lord)