[E CALL M00SE>> READ ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE THREE % XXXVIH No. 29 ALL THE NEWS FKOM NEARBY TOWNS ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 r 1927 51.00 PERYEAR Royal Scarlet Coffee, lb. 49c ork Loin, lb. - gs of Veal, lb. trloin Steakjb. .28c rcsh Spare Ribs, lb. 38c 25c sh Ground Beef, lb. - - . -25c Bump Veal, lb. Hate Beef, lb. Bound Steak, lb. gound Roast, lb. 29c 12c 90C SPECIAL 6 cans Early June Peas 49c J6qt Basket Apples Hagati's Cash TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. This Bank isf School of Thrift YOUft boy or girl enn liftvo n bnnjk account here. ONE DOLLAR will opon it up for them. OOK KNOWLEDGE is Important—wo could hardly got along without It. 'DOLLAR K N O ^ p p G B In Important also, bserve, tho mwj yho, have noydr NUVCI], how ore they getting along. " . get your children's hank accounts under way. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rpckaway, N< J. WHAT THE MOOSE ARE DOING Iutwulve KITurt Underwuf t« Membership In tills loeuo we print a page ad vertlaomcnt setting forth tho fact Umi tho Dover Lodge, No, 541, Loyal Or der of MOOBO, Is out to double Us prcs' ent membership of 1,400, In tb c nexi »lxty days—that, while- the regula: joining feo IB |25, It will bo reduced for the period to $10; that tlio sick bonollts are (9 por week; the doatli benollta $100; that the finest clul) house In northern New Jersey belongi lo eacli und every one of Its HOI mombcrn; tlmt It la beautifully, am substantially funilohod and altordB pleasure and umuBomont; the fines dance hall In Dover; reading and smoking rooms; nowBpapcre and magazlneis; comforts In ulmndunco; a place, to bo desired to wlillo uway 0 few lolsuro momonts, or hours, thai the Mooso appo&ls to evory man 01 I good character In Morris County to listen to "The Call of tlio Moose,'! Join now (it ill), and ronp tho wonrtorfu tenoliU) of membership, It seems to lie not generally-known that the Dover MOOBO Lodgo has nf- flllated with it on association ot 1ladles—WIVOB. daughtors, mothers, sisters of Moose members—all In- tensely Interested In advancing this humane movement that Is sweeping the U. 8. A. Any wife, or mother, sister or flnancec desiring Inside facts and Information of any kind regard- Ing tho benefits of membership for her husband, her brottior, her son or dwoetheart, can have a well posted lady Mooso call at your home and ox plain all In detail. Simply phono George A. Baldun, lodgo secretary, phono 847, or,Theodore Fayso, Boos- ter Committee secretary, phono 481! Cover, and arrangements will be made at once to place In tho hands women Interested In facts of Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 National Union Bank V Dover, N. J. Interest Paid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over [Member Federal Reserve Bank Safe Deposit Boxes •'•. '$5.00 per annum and up Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 M oaxxzxmxxma ( ElectrJcftl oppllnncos—wJint« relief from durgery to tonsy !>Nls~whftt n snvlhg In time as well us Inlior. I lclty l l o n 6 o f your (rrontest helpers in the homo or 'actory, yet nt the Niuno time Its cnreloHH uso or miunppll- wtlon can brln^r (treat dlsnstor. lVho knows what MIGHT ltnppoft I —1N8U]BE NOW WITH—, Edwin J. Matthews the wonderful work being accompllsh- <jil In Moosoheart at Chicago, ^vhcro hundrcdB of orphans aro being given a high school cilucatlon, taught' a trade: boys and girls prpparod for tho battles ot lite, and In many CUSOB whoro a homo lias been robbed by death of tho main supprt, tho father, the widowed mother Is takon with tho orphaned children to Moosohoart, thoro to romaln with her offspring and to cnrc for, thorn even as Mooso- hoart also cares for tho comfort and welfare of tho mothers. Then there is Mooso Haven, down In Florida, that' glorious cllmato, admlst surrounding never known bo- fore to hundreds—aro tho ageing Mooso and their wives, thoso whoso span ot life seemingly hangs- by n thread—who nro taken to Mooso Hav- en, downcast, and hoartbroken, and who are lifted spiritually ana men- tally to a piano nover before <lrcnmcd by them, Many of thom are strength-, onod, restored to health and In moro than ono lnstanco ageing husband and wlfo havo found that they aro again ablo to resume thoir rightful placo In the social whirl of tho groat Republic to again take up their homes deserted bocauso of poverty, 111 health or what j not', and look forward again to tho abundant joys of life "Ono for all and all for ono," every one helped, financially and othorwleo by that groat organization of 700,000 (soon to bo a million) men, laying tho pormnnont foundation of "Their Bro- thorhood of man." Thoro Is also tho 'oitons Ion servlco" that reaches Into thousands ot homos ot Mooso in every Stato and takes oaro ot MOOBO mem- bora, their wlvos and kiddles, HIOBC who havo boon struck by suddon mis- fortune, III luck, call It what you may, given a holplng hand,. sustained, strengthened, encouraged as onljs "Tho Call 6f tho MOOBO," BO often heard by thom, can do. _. Theodore Payno. chnlrmnn of tho Boosting Committee, said today, "Got you rappllcatlon blank now, join anil give tho benefit of your support, your lidp, your advlso, your Ideas, sug- gestions and nbovje all'else, your CLOSING OF THE IIAINS REVIVAL C'lunpalgu Choir Heard Over Itiidlii^-Man)r letters Commend NjilendJd Tho Hockuway Cumpalgn Cljolr, us It In known both on tho air and at the M, E, Church, lu compelled or niiiin- bora of the Presbyterian Church nnd thoBa of tho Muthodlst Kplucopal Church of thin town. The diolr linn boon brought together and organized (or tho cpoolal campaign by ISvangel- 1st HMniont Halns, whu In HIHO the director, The splendid work of this choir, )m« boon greatly Imitrumontol In the Duccoua of tho campaign, which In now hearing Its cloue, Last Sunday, even though 11 moi miserable day for travel, the die bravely boarded a special hue an wore driven to station WCCP, Lauti Studio, Newark, broadcast, whlcl they did In a most magnificent man nor, under tho direction of Mr. Jos cph Minor, Radio Gospel singer on fiong leader. This has been tho fir time that station WGCP has eve hroadCastod tho singing of a chol and ono and all were greatly plcaec by the orderly manner In which th program was carried out. Doth th Publ|o and thoso in ehargo ot statloi WGCP were well pleased with th work done by the choir ovor the all Letters havo been received from al parts of tho eastern section of th United States, tolling about and con gratulatlng the choir upon their mosi splendid work, It Is most amusin, —u woman In Mlddlbtown, N. V, wrote and thanked the choir for al Jast putlng Rockaway on the map, Tho work' of the choir has not onl; bocn a wonderful Instrument In th hand of God to further His Kingdom Init It- has also, been a boon to tin common wealth of Rockaway an CONVENTION PLAN SEEMS LOST Republican* Cimiblne \Ut To I(''tulii Direct l'rliiiary Senate Republican Ijmdur Wllllfiii A, BkvcuB of Ixing ,Uranch, off ilicck-up ol ltei)Uljll<an votes In thi ABHcmbly, (:oni:i:dcd that, a comblna tlon DI Republlcun and Democrat)! rcprc'scntutives have Rockaway should Campaign Choir. be proud of hoi Evangelist Halna has most emphatically said that thl was ono of the best choirs he hoi ovbr' gotten together' from a amal town.' It has oven surpassed it ho lias hoct In some of tlio largo cities, Tho work of tho choir will contlnu (Continued on Page Two) Whlppuny i'hpstclan Dies Dr. George D. Bloythlng, a descond' ant of ono of tho oldest families 0; Morris County, pnssod aWay at the Illeytlilng liomootcad, in \71ilppany. which BOB been In tho family for ovbr :0O years, on Monday nt 3:10, of all' monts attendant to old ago, Ho was n his 85th year. Dr, nieytlilng wa» born in Whlp- iany on Octobor 17, 1842, a son ol Edmond L, and Mary W, Tuttlo Bloy- hing, In tho Biime IIOUBO wlicro ho Hod. This homestead had housed sovon generations of tho family. Ho ittomlod tho Stntc Normal School at 'ronton, and graduated from Colum- >la Univorslty iind Collogo of Phyr ilclans nnd Surgeons In Now York, and practiced medicine in Now York or almost half a contury before, ho •otlroil, IIotT mining Stock In Court Hearing of tho testimony relative to the oxcoptlons filed to tho account- ing In tho Susan E, Beach eatato, was reforred by Judge Wilson to former Judga Joshua R. Salmon as special nmstor, Friday. Tho dlfforenco has arisen betweon two brothers, Sam- uel \V. Beach and Clnronco L. Bonch, eons of tho deceased, over tho valuo of Block In tho Hoft Mining and Real oy Company, which was owned by their mother and Included In tho es- tate. Tho oxocutor, Clarenco Beach, has placed no valuo on tho stocic on tho ground that the company is out of existence, wlillo, \lt Is said, the broth- er claims It should bo valued In tho accounting of tho estate ' ! hearty and enthusiastic endorsement of n movement that covers: 'train tho cradlo to tho grave' Bo ono of. tlio Mohno million, of tho 2,800 In Dover Lodgo." CARD OF TIIAXKS I would like to thank bach and evory ono who took part In making tho lunch a success on Sunday night tor the Choir on their return from brondcRBtlng. MRS R. a, priLWEliL, President Ladles' Aid Morris Will Filed ' Tho, will of.Mrs. Hattlo It Man- ohostor, ot Hanover Township, (lied at Morrlstown Wednesday, leavos tho stock of tlio J. W. Klenach Company to her huBbnml, Saxton D. Manches- ter, and tlio residua ot tho estato to her children, Mra. Rona R, Crawford and Mrs, Ivn May Smith, ot Arling- ton, Edwin C, Mnncliestcr, ot Kilmlu- ton, N. Y,, anil RooolynO, Manchon- tor,' of Morrla Plnlns. Her husband Is mado oxcrutor, rilll Steer and bin Bluo-DIrd Orchon- trn, will hroadcaflt from Station W, O. C, P. at Nownrlc on Friday night, from 10:15 to 11:00 o'clock, porarlly dnlayud action on the bill for nomlnntlng convention to otnilldiitcB for Governor and Unite States Scnulorn, Senator Btcvens admitted there un ot leant 34 votcH opponed <P his con vcntlon bill In the Axscmljly, or tlirci iiiiirc than u majority sufficient cauno Its dofeat, Tho Ilepubllcai Senate leader eald he believed ho lia Btilllclont votcB In the Senate for It pannage by that body. He doos no propono, however, to have the Bta- ate adopt the bill, an It did in 1020, and thcii'|)ermlt It to be killed in tit Aosombly. Senator Stevens eald li did not propose to eompromlno on hli bill. Ho admitted that Republican' from another quarter.aro proposlni to back a bill Mmtlar to tho. New York State advisory convention taw, The Monmouth Senator said that ntute-wldo referendum on retention oi tho primaries, an advocated by for' mor United States Senator, Joseph E Frellnghuysen, should not be held lie causo the Democratic strength, plui the Republican votes for the primer Ion, might result In a majority for th primaries. , lleducllon In Itntc hj l>ow«r & T.lfjh Klrm A reduction In'olectrlc rates, tiffcc live with noxt month's bills, ban been announced by the Now Jersey I'owc Light Company. Tho cut. which li estimated to amount to about |5D,0O0 annually, will effect 18,000 customers, Among the places served by th company aro Dover, Rodiaway, Not- cong,, ^(owton, Haokottstown,, \VauU Ington, BornnrdBvlllo, Plemington and Lambertvlllo. Tho new scalo of ratoe per K. W, H follows: First 100 kilowatt-hours at eleven cents, Next 200, ton conts. Next 300 eight cents, Next 400, noven cunts. Next GOO, six cents, Moro than 1.C00. live contn, Tho reduction by the company was a voluntary ono, the Public Utilities Commission not even having suggest- ed that it bo mado. It was not mado because It nppoared the company was making moro than a fair roturn upon Investment, but as a means of quiring moro business, Tho annual report for 1025, tho last ono died with tho commlnninn, nhow- od that operating revenues of tho company was $1,300,780.37 and opor- utlriK deductions $1,001,046,47, leaving :in operating income of $360,748.00. Tho ,xcd capital of the company that year wan In excess of (0,500,000, 08 Million* F«r Dry Enforcement Nation-wide prohibition enforco- mont started on its eighth year last Sunday. Many porsons did not bcllove tho law could bo enforced. Many of tho loubtors aro still doubting. But ac lording to Qonoral Lincoln Androwri, irohlbltlon ohlof, tho law Is becoming moro affoctlve ench year. During tho olght years of prohlbl- lon $03,031,800 has boon npont for cn- 'orcomont purposed; 10,605 persons iavo rccoivoil prison Bontoncos, and pproxlmatoiy 300 havo boon killed including 51 dry agents on duty, Wayne B Whoolor, General Coun- 10I tor tho Antl-Suloon Uaguo, do- ilarog that prohibition Is benoflclal ml has justified.Itoolf,' roi>» Vend Plllnfr Tee nt Ilurdlown Stricken with apoplexy while piling co at tho Brady Ico Company, nt urdtown, Monday, Tliomas Brcnnan ropped dead. Beforo starting work ie had complained of pains In tilu i h e s t , . ' ' ' , , .... •••• Coroner Charles Rlghter wan called, ml after an Invostlgntlon issued a' urlal pormlt. Bronnan wan lit) years f ago and resident of Prnnltlln Fur- mco, . ' . ' . , . • Tho Bureau of Nnvlgntlon at Wash- felon ban iSBued orders »liBlgnlng IA. . Bye to service at the naval Btntlon t Lalto Denmark, B0L1TH0 CONVICTION UPHELD BY COUBT fuii furry fa si' to (lour! tt Krrora and Ajipcul Tho New Jersey Supreme Court on Wednintluy, through Justice Samuel Kiill;ii;h, unnounceil that It had up- hold tho conviction <if former I'ron- editor Jaiuc-ii II, Ilollthii, of Morris County, wb» had boi»i convicted of miilfi'ttfldnce hi olilcc. llolllho IH un- der tontnnco of two to thrco years In '"••'• I'rliron, ami Is out on boll g the ileclulon. Tho former prowculor titlll lias the Kill ot u laut appeal to tlio Court of ICrrorn anil Appeal's from today's decision of tlio Supreme Court and will probably take It. ' Chief Justice W. 8, flumtnere, of Newark und Justine Luther Campbell, of Hacltoneack, heard tlio cam) togeth- er with Juntlco Kallach, Tho latter wrolo « 25 page opinion going Into great length concerning the various legal quostlono Involved, AH of thom, however, wero decided agelnnt llo- lltho, The cane wan submitted to the Supreme Court In January 102(3. The Indictment against Bolltno con- tained eleven counts for acts of inal- feauanco In ofDce during the years of 1029 and 1024. A Jury found him guilty on five counts, not guilty on , two counts and the other four counts wore eliminated by the court, ' .••• o Jr. 0, IT. A. M. Will Colourote Thlrtf. flecond Knninrmrj On Friday night, Kockaway Coun- cil, No. IOC, Jr. 0. U. A. M., will col- cbrote their 92nd Anniversary »« a Council, Six Councils havo boon In-' vltcd to attend In a body with 26 »••*-'-" Morning Star, of Ogdonn- Paul Revere, of Pompton Plains; iqrnBtus E. Potor, of Whar- ton; Morris of Dover; Plomodo, ot Morris Plains and Verona Council of Voraona, , r Tli)s - recoptlon will ta|(« place In the High School Auditorium nt (Ii IB end Rr, Raymond L. Mott will make ilib Address ot Welcome, Past : Statp Councilor, Wm, S. Dayln, of Ilnckonuacit, Uorgon County, wilt bo- ; tho speaker, Several acts of vaudo- vlllo will take place and the muelo anil dancing afterward will,, nondn, happy thrill through all. Any Jun- ior will be welcome, this will no it hlgovont, Cnniiod Heat Vliilm Wc« In Iloopital Analysis of tho contents of tho.; stomach of Charlos Sohuylor, colored, , of Morrlstown, who dloi) In Memorial Hospital, following a short lllnoss, . has determined thut lilfl death Mian cnunod by drinking "canned hoot." Doctom, beforo tlio autopsy wao porformod, doolarod ho had bocn pois- oned, but not until tho analysis bad, boon made was It definitely dotor- mined lie hart boon drinking "canned heat," Puraflno, nn Ingredient of canned heat was found In largo quan- Jtlcn In bin stoinnch. Although It Is known a number ot men In thin vicinity Imblbo In tlio li- quid, tills Is tho first donth that could ho attrlbutoil directly to it. Thoro iavo boon otlior iloatbs In wliloli tho quafllng of tlio "lipat" Is Raid to havo . bocn an Indirect causo, 'orris Comity Council of Education Return cards aro coming In rapidly ihowlnft that a largo dologatlon wilt, .ttond tho suppor mooting of tho. Council at Day's rostaurant, Morris- own, Friday cvonlng, Pobruary 4th, :t 0:4C. A number of tliono who cn,n- lot lio on hand so onrly aro coming 'or tho buslncsn mooting nt 7:45. Bov-v ral Important matters will bo dla- unacd at tho mooting. ,/ ' Mr,.W. R. Prall of Boonton, ox- roHldont ot, tho Council plana to oavo next week for a trip to Florida. O .-''..,;•' MndlHon Iltthj 1'olHouod ky Alcohol An autopiiy porlormod Monday on ho liody of a tour yenr old MniUoott outh, wh died cnrller In tho clay at Memorial Hospital, dlnolosed that loath wan ituo to alcohol poisoning., An analyBls'of the liquor which the with took Bliowed It to contain; 45 ; icrcont pure nloehol, diluted with •ntor and nwoDtoncVl with Biigar. The invcstlgatlcn showoil tlmt tho , outh nccidontally got hold of tlio 10UI0 containing tlio alcohol' whoa ils pnmhta worn not presont, \, , In Ink Mnhn IVopIo

Hagati's Cashtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/... · 2015. 1. 28. · 'DOLLAR KNO^ppGB In Important also, bserve, tho mwj yho, have noydr NUVCI], how ore they

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    % XXXVIH No. 29




    Royal ScarletCoffee, lb.


    ork Loin, lb. -gs of Veal, lb.

    trloin Steakjb..28c

    rcsh Spare Ribs, lb.38c25c

    sh Ground Beef, lb. - - . - 25cBump Veal, lb.Hate Beef, lb.Bound Steak, lb.gound Roast, lb.



    SPECIAL6 cans Early

    June Peas49c

    J6qt Basket Apples

    Hagati's CashTEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N . J.

    This Bank i s f School of ThriftYOUft boy or girl enn liftvo n bnnjk account here.

    ONE DOLLAR will opon it up for them.

    OOK KNOWLEDGE is Important—wo could hardlygot along without It.

    'DOLLAR K N O ^ p p G B In Important also,bserve, tho mwj yho, have noydr NUVCI], how ore they

    getting along. " .

    get your children's hank accounts under way.



    Iutwulve KITurt Underwuf t«Membership

    In tills loeuo we print a page advertlaomcnt setting forth tho fact Umitho Dover Lodge, No, 541, Loyal Order of MOOBO, Is out to double Us prcs'ent membership of 1,400, In tbc nexi»lxty days—that, while- the regula:joining feo IB |25, It will bo reducedfor the period to $10; that tlio sickbonollts are (9 por week; the doatlibenollta $100; that the finest clul)house In northern New Jersey belongilo eacli und every one of Its HOImombcrn; tlmt It la beautifully, amsubstantially funilohod and altordBpleasure and umuBomont; the finesdance hall In Dover; reading andsmoking rooms; nowBpapcre andmagazlneis; comforts In ulmndunco; aplace, to bo desired to wlillo uway 0few lolsuro momonts, or hours, thaithe Mooso appo&ls to evory man 01

    I good character In Morris County tolisten to "The Call of tlio Moose,'! Joinnow (it ill), and ronp tho wonrtorfutenoliU) of membership,

    It seems to lie not generally-knownthat the Dover MOOBO Lodgo has nf-flllated with it on association ot

    1 ladles—WIVOB. daughtors, mothers,sisters of Moose members—all In-tensely Interested In advancing thishumane movement that Is sweepingthe U. 8. A. Any wife, or mother,sister or flnancec desiring Inside factsand Information of any kind regard-Ing tho benefits of membership forher husband, her brottior, her son ordwoetheart, can have a well postedlady Mooso call at your home and oxplain all In detail. Simply phonoGeorge A. Baldun, lodgo secretary,phono 847, or,Theodore Fayso, Boos-ter Committee secretary, phono 481!Cover, and arrangements will bemade at once to place In tho hands

    women Interested In facts of

    Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000

    National Union BankV Dover, N. J.

    InterestPaid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over

    [Member Federal Reserve Bank

    Safe Deposit Boxes•'•. '$5.00 per annum and up

    Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 M

    o a x x z x m x x m a

    (ElectrJcftl oppllnncos—wJint« relief from durgery to tonsy! > N l s ~ w h f t t n snvlhg In time as well us Inlior.

    Ilclty l l o n 6 o f your (rrontest helpers in the homo or

    'actory, yet nt the Niuno time Its cnreloHH uso or miunppll-wtlon can brln r̂ (treat dlsnstor.

    lVho knows what MIGHT ltnppoft I

    —1N8U]BE NOW WITH—,

    Edwin J. Matthews

    the wonderful work being accompllsh-la Univorslty iind Collogo of Phyrilclans nnd Surgeons In Now York,

    and practiced medicine in Now Yorkor almost half a contury before, ho•otlroil,

    IIotT mining Stock In Court

    Hearing of tho testimony relativeto the oxcoptlons filed to tho account-ing In tho Susan E, Beach eatato, wasreforred by Judge Wilson to formerJudga Joshua R. Salmon as specialnmstor, Friday. Tho dlfforenco hasarisen betweon two brothers, Sam-uel \V. Beach and Clnronco L. Bonch,eons of tho deceased, over tho valuoof Block In tho Hoft Mining and Realoy Company, which was owned bytheir mother and Included In tho es-tate. Tho oxocutor, Clarenco Beach,has placed no valuo on tho stocic ontho ground that the company is out ofexistence, wlillo, \lt Is said, the broth-er claims It should bo valued In thoaccounting of tho estate '!

    hearty and enthusiastic endorsementof n movement that covers: 'train thocradlo to tho grave' Bo ono of. tlioMohno million, of tho 2,800 In DoverLodgo."


    I would like to thank bach andevory ono who took part In makingtho lunch a success on Sunday nighttor the Choir on their return frombrondcRBtlng.

    MRS R. a, priLWEliL,President Ladles' Aid

    Morris Will Filed

    ' Tho, will of.Mrs. Hattlo I t Man-ohostor, ot Hanover Township, (liedat Morrlstown Wednesday, leavos thostock of tlio J. W. Klenach Companyto her huBbnml, Saxton D. Manches-ter, and tlio residua ot tho estato toher children, Mra. Rona R, Crawfordand Mrs, Ivn May Smith, ot Arling-ton, Edwin C, Mnncliestcr, ot Kilmlu-ton, N. Y,, anil RooolynO, Manchon-tor,' of Morrla Plnlns. Her husbandIs mado oxcrutor,

    rilll Steer and bin Bluo-DIrd Orchon-trn, will hroadcaflt from Station W, O.C, P. at Nownrlc on Friday night,from 10:15 to 11:00 o'clock,

    porarlly dnlayud action on thebill for nomlnntlng convention tootnilldiitcB for Governor and UniteStates Scnulorn,

    Senator Btcvens admitted there unot leant 34 votcH opponed

    » Vend Plllnfr Tee nt Ilurdlown

    Stricken with apoplexy while pilingco at tho Brady Ico Company, nturdtown, Monday, Tliomas Brcnnanropped dead. Beforo starting workie had complained of pains In tilu

    i h e s t , . • • • ' ' ' , , • . . . . • • • •

    Coroner Charles Rlghter wan called,ml after an Invostlgntlon issued a'urlal pormlt. Bronnan wan lit) yearsf ago and resident of Prnnltlln Fur-m c o , • . ' . ' . , . •

    Tho Bureau of Nnvlgntlon at Wash-felon ban iSBued orders »liBlgnlng IA.. Bye to service at the naval Btntlon

    t Lalto Denmark,


    fuii furry fa si' to (lour! tt Krroraand Ajipcul

    Tho New Jersey Supreme Court onWednintluy, through Justice SamuelKiill;ii;h, unnounceil that It had up-hold tho conviction




    From left to right, First How—Dorothea Englcman, Mrs. Leo Hunce, (iindyu Cluckwortliy. Harriet Bailey, Harry Budd, U'O Sanders, LIow. Decker, HaroldMntthowii, 1'oter Nipper, ICtlicI Hoffman, Sarah Blnnclrard, Imibollc Urcw etcr, Mabol Bhawger. Second How—Mrs. II Matthews, Mrs, Wm. Mllla, Mrs,Ilnymond Knrle, Mrs. Jolin Peterson, I'uullnc Englemun, Minnie Knglemtin, MrB. R. Miller, Mra I'". Gustln, Mrs. a. BuilJ, Mrs, II. Budd. Mario Hull,Mrs. It. Btronibarg. Mrs. lloycc, 1,111 tun Johnston, Ilusel Koariu, Altco Slmwgcr, Alberta Johnson, Mrs. Wm. Dunn. Third Row—Mrs. C. Zlerdt,Mra. Wm. Itlcnanla, Mrs. II. I/jck, Mr. Joseph Miner, Song Loader. Anns Stokes, Lucille llonoekii, Evelyn Green, Elizabeth Allen, Marie Hull, HelenHlnncliurd, Mrs, Unors, Mrs! J. Stnckhoime, llev. Edraont Hatns, Kvangcl! «t, Itov. Mr. Rhodes, Pastor Hocknway M. E. Church. Fourth Uow—BerulceMills. Floroni'o Hotline, Ulllnn Stevens, Anna Henderson, Vivian MIIIB.


    (Continued from page 1)until the end ot tho campaign whichwilt concludo this Sunday evening,When the Rer. IlnlnB will give hisfarewell message.

    Tho Campaign has been d greatsuccess In ttio winning ot souls andlei buttering humanity (ram everyangle. Mr. Hataa la a very convinc-ing speakor and nas carried tho at-tention ot tho people throughout theentire campaign. Itockaway has nodoubt bocn greatly blessed by tillsservant ol God. Tho Bunions havebeen Instructive, correcting In a mostscriptural and logical way Ihe moraldetlclenecs In the most congenialmanner. It can readily be said that(evangelist H a t e is a very able, tal-ented and finished speaker; also aAne musician, this combined with hispersuasive personality lie has a won-derful drawing capacity upon his lis-teners.

    Ono of Ma ardent followers writes:

    Tho Pnraon from Parslppany just vis-ited our town.

    And preached for eighteen nights and, days, on subjects ot renown.And during all the hours in Church,

    ho talked, and played and sang,Until the very rafters with the glad

    hoiannas rang.I'm Euro w« all feel belter since the

    Parson talked to us,Re used no flowery language and he; never made a fuss;

    But he made us see a Jesus, who was. real, and kind, and sweet.And he told us that the Saviour laid

    : His service at our feelThen he watted till hl3 pleadings (or

    accepting Christ should tallInto tho hearts ot all these folks and

    make them hear tho call.Oh how he waited eagerly tor us to

    toll him thenThat wo were willing to believe in.

    Christ, the man ot men.

    Now some folks felt uneasy and hesi-

    tated quite.

    To show their fellow townsfolk thatthey had missed tho Light

    B«t the Parson from Paralppany Justnraikil with upraised hand,

    And told, the congregation that they'dWre to takes stand. .

    Cause Jcaua would not save u s with'. indifference In our hearts,

    And each nn seriously III at his homewith pneumonia.

    Special revival services were heldin First Methodist Church last weekand will be continued every eveningthis week.

    Mrs. A. Trcgenca ot Luxemburg,died on Tuesday from Injuries re-ceived from a fall. Funeral servicesare being held today from her latehome.

    The second annual Mother andDaughter dinned will be held in thehigh Bchool "gym" on Tuesday even-Ing ot next week at T o'clock. MissRhoda Harris, former National Y. W.C..A. secretary will be tho speaker.

    A baby boy was bora last week toMr. and Mrs. William Champion, otPrinceton Avenue at the home ot toeformer's mother In McFarlan SL

    Abe Louis, o t Chestnut Street haspurchased the homo bt Frank A.Rlnchart. comer ot Union Street andRichards Avenue. .

    The directors, officers and em-ployees of the Dover Trust Company-with their ladles Tore entertained a tdinner last Tuesday night a t BurntMeadow Inn, a t Kenrll, by Emit G.Kat tennin , president a t the TrustCompany.

    Mr. and Mrs. Loula Pasmonlck. otBaker Avenuo are, tl\o prood parentsot a baby girl, born In Memorial Hos-pital, b a t Tuesday.

    > Mrs. Louis Squires and children otIronia. a r t visiting relatives In New-port Kens, Va.

    Mrs. Dean M. Jackmaln. of Kcnvll.has left tor Lea Angeles, Col., to joinher husband s h o has been there* sev-e n ! months and who is technical di-rector for the L- S. Pinch Chemical

    NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following "Local Budget and Tax Or-dinance" was regularly, duly and finally passed at a meeting.ot the Town-ship Committee of the Township ot Denvlllc, in the County of Morris andState ot New Jersey, held on the 26th day of January 1927, and approvedby the Chairman ot said Committee on the 2Gth day of January, 1827.


    This Budget shall also constitute the Tax Ordinance.Dated: January 26, 1927.

    DAVID B. SOFIELD,Township Clerk.

    AN ORDINANCE relating to Tuxes tor the year of Nineteen hundred' andtwenty-seven. ' , . - . • ' . '

    » ' . - - • • . .

    BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee ot the Township of Dcn-vllle, In the County ot Morris and State of New Jersey, that there shall boassessed, raised by taxation and collected for the fiscal year 1927, the sum ofJ18.S03.61 tor the purpose o( meeting the appropriations set forth in the fol-lowing statement of resources and appropriations to r ' the fiscal year 1927:


    RESOT'RCESAnticipated Revenues: ' . , ' . • • • 1927Surplus rercnue appropriated 5 4,000.00Miscellaneous revenue anticipated— • •'.

    1. Licenses . . . . . ' ,.. : 100.002. Interest and costs '.' 400.00* Franchise Tax . . . . ; . . . ; 2.20O.0O

    Gross receipt tax . ; . . -1,500.00 '••

    Estimated amount of surplus In Surplus Revenue Account,January 1, 1927


    3.4.5. Poll Tax . U M I ,6. Fire Wardens : . ; 100.00T. Amount to be raised by t a x e s ' . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 18,803.61

    . : ' • • • • • " • $37 ,503 ,61APPROPRIATIONS

    Icneral Government: . 'Administrative and executive % 1,600.00Assessment and collection ot taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600.00Department of Finance . . . . . ' . 100.00Roads .'. 12,500.00Police 1,209.00Fire Warden M « »Board ot HealthPoor


    Elections j . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . 250.00Memorial 100.00Printing and Stationery . . . . . . . , . . . ; 400.00Contingent . . . : . . . . . < 400.00Interest on Current Loans SOO.OOFire Department 700.00Deficit, unexpended balance 1925 103.61Maintenance ot State Aid Boad . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00Legal Expenses . . : . . . 400.00Bill for 1924 accrued but not presented . . . . . . . . . 00.00Bills tor 1928 accrued but not presented . . . . . . . 200.00Deficit, Trust Account . . . . > . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00.00Library, Dcnvtlle Township ,300.00Emergency Note?. 1926 3,600.00Public Lighting 2,250.00




    •. 100.0013,733 89


    5 1,000.001,600.00



    : 69.00700.00

    ' 400.00400,00.. 00.00

    "; • 00.00' -200.00


    v ••:• 00,00361.8950.0000.0C00.00

    P r e - I n v e n t o r y

    Quality Meats and PoultrlFor t h i s W e e k - E n d

    Prime Rib Roast, (best cuts), lb. .

    Rib Roast, (blade cuts), lb. - .

    Short Forequarters of Lamb, lb. -

    PORKSPECIALSShoulder Pork Chops, lb. - - -"National" Brand Bacon, lb. • -Fresh Cali Hams, lb, - - - . 2"Black Hawk" Reg. Smoked Hams, lb. I

    Attest:D. a SOFIELD,

    Township Clerk.

    Approved:' CALVIN lAWIlENCE.

    s Chairman of the Tonmsbip Committeeof the Township ot Deavllle, and State

    ; ot Hew Jersey.

    Fancy Dry-picked Frying Chickens,(weighing 3 to tVz lbs. each) lb. -

    Fancy Young Hen Turkeys, ^( 8 t o 10 lbs ) lb . - ,-••-- - 5|

    or "OovcAloom"tfure CreameryButter, lb. -

    National Beef Company"largest Retailers of Moats in America"

    Main S t : ^ 1 . 1 ^ RockaialStores in New Jersey, Nef/Yorh, Pennsylvania, Mass.. and Coaa«tta|{



    3 Per Gent. InterestOn Checklns Accounts of $E0O anil Upward

    4 Per Gent. Interest.Paid oil' Savings Accounls of KM and Upward

    . '.. Credi ted 'January, April, July, and Octoliei

    Sixtyione Years of Successful Public ServiceActs as Executor, Trustee and Guardian '

    TrayelftB* Checks.and Letters of Credit to all parts otFlre.Proof Stornge. Booms, SIITC^ VBOJIV Safe Deposit BoiesOFFICERS: H. Ward I*ord, President; Frank D. Aboil, Vlce-Pf;:

    Ward Campfcoll, •yice-Prcs.; Menry Cory, Cashier, Vlce-Ptcs.; SowC. Casiey, Aaa't Cashier and TruBt Officer; Prank Q. Millen, Asrt.Cashier; David p . •Williamson, Ass't Caanier. ""DIRECTORS: Theodore P . King, Merchant; Charles W. Eonls, * ;ber ; David H. McAlp'in, Jr^, TrUBtec; H . Ward Ford, rrest tat ; Bu?uel H; Qillesple, L. C. Gillespie & Sons; Arthur A. Mnrsicra, Amer ,Telephone & Telegraph Co.; Frederick W. Ford, Real Estate andB-,,surance; Word Campbell, Vicc-Pre's., Treas. Morris Co. Savings B»ffi;

    S e t h B , ThoniaB, Jr., Beth Thomas Clock Co,; Frank D. Abell.WjPrcB.; Eugene V.-Wolah, Real Es ta te ; John C. Welsh, Dairy F w W .Robert E. Burke. Lawyer; Tliomaa W. Streeter, 9im? Petroleum South Street corner. DeHart Street ,MORRlSTOVra, MORRISI COUNTY, NEW JER3BT ;.:|

    A M i r ^; WlE;r3m¥SATi7fGS|BA!fKDfBIOBKI8COtrNTr

    INTEREST DIVIDENDS PAYABLE AND t••,•••..• :-\;'::-\ '. • ' '••:'•'• 9 H A B T E E W •'• •


    : , " • A88ETS OTEB «II,000,000

    n , / , ^ 1 ! " ^ " * SUW Banks and Trnst Companies areBu*ft and Sartjpi or Thrift "Depositors to such Ins""1"™8ot K % J B e c l a l Pf«MUon ot thtT Swings Bank Laws ot tU

    " B U D A HOME FIRST"Advertise iii the Record - It brings r e s «

  • UI2COJU*


    Dover Lodge No. 541, Loyal Order of MooseClub House, Sussex & Clinton Sts. Dover, N. J.

    Extends to ifou A Cordial Invitation to Come in With—be one of us

    Charter Is Now Open, $10For Limited Time Only

    Sick Benefits $9 per week. Over 1400 Members in Dover Lodge, 700,000 in theU. S. A.We Aim to Double Our Membership in Sixty Days.

    E have the largest and best Club House in NorthernNew Jersey. Here Members spend their spare mo-ments—enjoy themselves and get imbued with the

    controlling thought of the Loyal Order of Moose — TOCARE FOR HUMANITY "From The Cradle to the Grave."

    We Protect You In Life—We Protect Your Wife And Kiddies

    When You Are Gone.COME IN WITH US and reap the wonderful benefits thisLodge offers. Every member is supplied with ApplicationBlanks— and will be glad to write you up NOW. Or get intouch with any of the following—

    BOOSTER COMMITTEEAugustus Hans, Dictator, Dover Lodge, Netcong; Geo. Baldus, Secretary,Dover Lodge, Dover, Phone 847 Dover; Thos. L. Minion, Landing; JohnButler, Dover; John O'Meara, Mine Hill; John Gulick, Kenvil; Wm. Broad-back, Dover; Norman Smith, Dover; Wm. Neubert, Dover; Harry Dobbins,Rockaway; Hy. Schorer, Rockaway; Harry Hatfield, Kenvil; Fred. Meyer,Denville; Frank Keller, Dover; Theodore Payne, Secretary, Booster CommitteePhone 485 Dover. ^ •

    Open Charter Fee $10; When Charter Closes Fee will be $25

    "No Man everstands so tallorstraight as when hestoopsto help a child"Th bove are the words of the lion, James J. Davis, 8ecretary!of Labor, and Supreme Dictator of the Loyal Order of Moose.

  • Rock away Record iEmeriti ut 1'iiRt Office Kot-lsuwuy. N, I. '

    in Second Chum Matter... j

    AN INTDEI'IONUKNT WEKIUTImiued Every Tliurwluy

    OSC'AH I'KISU, I'roaldeut-MunugerSIDNfcY WIM.1NK, Kdllor

    Telephone '.''»

    A. JtlKht.T lie|-«.

    JuKeiih iOlldWui'tli


    TiK.'ltHDAV. .lANt'AltV 27, H»-7

    The (srwit iiilndii In the Kcmtte, lit-

    lc(-n Itepublleutm viillni; with the

    Deiniierntii, Imvn voted tlmt Frank I,.

    Buillh (if Itwlpht, lllliiiiln, nainiid by

    (iov'erlKir I,cm Small of IIIIIKIIX u« u

    iiiici:e/iii«r to Hiimtor MdKlnloy d«-

    ('.oannd, In n(it entitled V> take the

    (mill of office, lly no votluK 'he Sun-

    ale lirtH cHtahlinlicd a iiree.iKluiit which

    Incvltiibly will plague II fur yearn to


    Whether Col. Trunk' Hmltli did r

    ; i\ii-«.

    Ici ly , lmI Mrtf . H.

    i Jlre,I I'YIduy from I'uti'i'Min where Hhe bad

    i niK-nt Hiniietlinv w!Hi her

    ' Mm. William 11.nlli, and )iu»biind.

    Mr. nnil Mr». Jom-|i)i SuutKurath, of'

    Drchiird utrcet. IIIIVO licf-n on the nick

    Hi;! for Heveriil wceku.

    IliiKh Hweeiiey returned Suturduy

    friiin Florida lifter over a month'u ab-

    Hcnce, Mr. and Mm. Cluudo Miller

    uud lion liavii also recently returned

    from 'I'Mui'lilii where they »in)nt a


    Kirn, Stewart It. 1'oer of Orchard

    nlmi'i, IIIIM Iniji (on It in (I to her home

    for over a week having slipped onunrnlnod herthe loo uud severely


    Tlio little duiiKlite.r of Mrs.Curry of Church utreut, him

    did not upend lorxo sums of '»»«•? I „„ , , „ . t h o (1(,1;tl,r.H r l i r c .



    acquired In ciirloiiH wuy» for hi" dec -

    (Ion IH « mutter properly HUbJiwt t

    Inquiry, but the fact rcmulnf that In


    M™ lingoweek-end lii

    Slebke. Hr.,

    Jersey City

    I hid case the Hciiilic him denied n

    Kent not to tlio Frank U Hinltli e lwl- ^

    i:A In Niivninliiir l»ut to the Frank U \ '",'."" w . '

    Hmltli appointed by Ilin (lovornor

    Tho notion of tli« Heniili! iiccordlngly

    to panning on the rl({ht of a (lovornor

    U> tiiinie a MiccoxHor for a dooofiHed

    or rntlre.il nionilior ran eimlly lie man-

    ipulated In IIIIICH to conic mi Hint a

    party by trickery In the tmittor of a

    lie In :

    her pro]>he«li)» ill 11)26. Thto lady lm

    uHtdundcil tho cxixinontH of inenfal

    teleiiiitliy and mind reading for a

    number of yeurs, and to (lute, no one,

    Including the Into Harry Houdlnl, lm

    been able to discover tho secret o:

    her 8Uc:c.(!HH. along these linen. C!ouu

    In nnd heuf Minn Kuy answer quu«

    tloim nnd bring ono of your own. He

    revenlmont may mean the enjoymen

    of u really prosperous New Year a

    well an the enjoyment tlmt will be

    youiH upon the acceptance of

    n«nvlll» Kunilny. Imtludlnx Unymond

    ami llnnilnliih ArniBtroiig of Holiokun,

    and Hoy Uay of New York City.

    Mr. mid Mm. Kmll Slpplo of tho

    1'ox Illll rond, aro the parentn of II

    baby hoy horn hint week. •

    Mm. Martin who In Kinking ltor

    home with her daughter. Mra. JnmoB

    (lullngliur, luid the nilatortunc to fall

    mid brenli hur arm. Mr. ISuMltz in

    linotlicr who fminil tlio Ice too Blip-

    pery find Buffered a broken wrist.

    The I'nrwit-Teiiclier Anaoclatlon IH

    IVIIIM on Hliool-Off

    A liirtfn tiiimber of vnthunlttHtlc

    Hlioutoru fintliered Siiturduy aftornaan

    nt the North MorrlH Oun Club, A

    apodal prl/.o o[ ii 21 pound turkey,

    given by John Uramii, of Buecmmnnii,

    won tho Incontlvo for a lot of good

    •' neuron, nnil nftcr two nlioiit-off» K wan

    taken home by II Ammormnn, of Mor-

    rlH l'lalna, Motz, Colllct, 8. C, Oarrl-

    »onr DoroiniiH, Bqulrca and Hoyor

    r wore tho Hhootorfl Ammormnn had tc

    l f t C l l l t d l dtlofent. Colllct van iiocond nndDaratnuH tlilrv-aion-wiva takon to tho hospital atMorrlstown,; liut no slgnB of injurywas found on him, Ha roslilos inIlowlbyvlllo, Dover.

    thlcordial Invitation. The Smllcttu SIB-torn in "Hits ot Variety"; O'Nell andMack In "The 1'ourflunhora" nnd TinC. II. 4 with tholr "Harmony nnd III!nrlty" complete the 1)111.

    "Tlio (lay Docoivor", a comodjdrama featuring Low Cody, Ciirmo:Myorti and Dorothy PhllUjM In tinphotoplay attraction thoBo tlireo days.It IH tlio true Htory of tho lifo of anmtlneo Idol, (lay, daring, full oiinap and Hparltlo—hero In uncorked avlntago of film ontortalnmont you'lcall groat. Don't miss Itl

    Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-day are the dayn slatod for tho ilhiplayof Honnld Coleman nnd VHma HankyIn "The Winning of Barbara Worth",tho plcturlzntlon of the famous novelof the sumo name by Harold BollWright. A talo of tho dosort. It dealswith tho surveyor and tho Bottler,tholr dreums and the realization of

    for which our Wont 1B famous.It Is estimated Hint ton million peo-ple arc, at present, reading tills pap-ular tnlo In Dorlnl form In the load.Ing nowspapern of our country. Thonowho hnvo complotod tho atory will(Ind all the salient features of theilramatlc narvatlvo presorvotl,.Harry Langdon will bo soon in his

    now fonture comedy "Saturday Aftor-noon" on thoao throe days also.

    Another opportunity Content Mon-day evening. Don't forgot to arriveearly.

    NewPlayhouesTheatre Dover

    «I0,MI In ClifCks Ilnciinliod Hy LateVT, W. Cutler

    In chocking up his lioolta StateTrcflBuror William Ilood dlsoovoroilthat tho Into Circuit Court Judge W.W. Cutlor, of Morrlatown, had failedto ensh eight chocks amounting to510,1-11.CS, Tho matter wan called totho attention of the treasurer hy thoMorrlatown. TruBt Company. Thotreasurer started nn invcntlgntlon nnd(Uncovered Hint twonty-llvo chooltB Inall dntlng mostly from 1000 had boonuncashod,. A numbor of thorn werofor $00O.CC, a fow for (l>00 and'onofor $141.00. '

    The Into Judge Cutler's mUc.vy wim81(1,000 a year BO that tho total oftho chocliH roproaentoil a yoar's wage.

    Tho Girl? gcoutB will hold t)iolrmooting on Tuoadny evening of noxtwook nn usual at 7:15, .

    Tho bill for compulBoryftuto liabil-ity lncumnco, now llofnro tho Loglu-laturu, which particularly Intoronwtho Fcdoratod Club womoti who willtills yoar 'as Inat, cooperate wlttCommleolonor Dill la putshlng lilt bllltIs HOUBO JO, by Mt. Comstaok, rotor'r.dd to tho Judiciary committed,

    V "

    NOTICENOTICB in hereby, given to tlio leg-

    al votors of tho School District ofthe Township of Kockaway, In .thoCounty ot Morris tlmt tho annualmooting for tho election of tltroomcraborn 'of tho Board of Hducntionwill bo hold at th« Mt. Hope Schoolhousoon Tuesday, Fobruary 8, 19S7,at throo o'clock P. M.

    Throo mombore will bo elected forthroo yoara. >' ..Tho polio will ronmln opon ono

    hour, nnd as much longer an may bonccenenry, to ennhlo nil the legalvotoru pronoiit to cast their ballots.

    At said meeting will bo submlttodtho quoatlon ot vptlnr'n tax for thofollowing purpoaoa:,, '

    For Carront Bxponcoa.., .(38,000,00For Ropnlra'ttnd

    Rdplacomcntn ' i . ; . . . . , . ^ 2,000.00Tlio, total amount thought

    to bo nocossiiry Is .:..,.'.," .W.OOO.OO! Tho following propositions vtll hinlso submitted: '. ' • \'\.

    llonolvod, That tho. Board ot Eilucntlon ho u'uthorlzod to rccolvo 53,831,3from the United Statos Nnyy for Htknago ilono and place enmo in tlio Ccpair Account. |

    ncsohod.Tlmt tho Board ot Eduia.tlon ho nuthorlzcil to borrow if nic-cnaary J.1,600 for' UBO, IIJI tho ItopaliAccount. " , ' '

    Roaolvcd, That the Board of Eilucntton ho authorlsaa to Iranefor $24.{(from tho Bonus and Interest Accout/ito tho Current Expanse Account. |

    DatoA Oils 2tith day ot January. 1027,"" O. W.'HAIX,

    District Clerk,

    Dress Prints Specially Pricedir t» vnlurgo btr

    or worn-

    "ihi: woman who uii|/loyn hî r IC-IHU

    wurilriilii' will n'UBu the value of tlitue

    lirinm for waking Hutvtul pr.-tty houne

    liii; fruckii for KyrliiK Wear.All faut raloi-B in B numli'ir of uprltslitly imttcrfiii.

    HI'UC(AI.LY I'iilCIJl) AT

    37c yard

    Playcloth for Kiddy ClothesMothers will uppreciate the beautiful linen floluli of

    tliln sturdy fabric iijadu L'«|ie(:!ally for tlio little onei).

    Fuot colorn In utrlpeH and plalu culorii that aro mnartu» well u« wear rcxMlng.

    29c yardRichelieu Silk Undertimes

    Tho vogue of (tilk fur unilbrthlnc;H |H greiitly ntliiiulalnii,

    tlio progrcBH In manufneturo which hnn brought the (,,,t 0J

    ruyoii goods almont to tho level of good colton.

    V(-'«t» I genuine rayon, well tailored nnd unioiiHily ij


    69cllloomerH, amply proportioned to lit conifurUlih/ «m,tlc wnli(t und knon liamln—-colors, peach nnd HCKII

    Hlchclltm i'ettlbloomerii, of heavier rayon fulirlc, »wldo uhlrrlng and two elastic IIHIMIK at the kiue, in VKliencoek blue, honna nnd nand


    The Geo- Richards Co,Dover, New Jersey


    Mat. dntly Ailiulnhlon 10c & 25c

    Ktwilnff I'rlcoK Hntiirdiiy Matinee

    Thursday and FridayLAST SHOWINGSGcorgo O'Urlon In

    "The Blue Eagle"llwwn twice each ovenlng 7, & 9:30

    Asnociato Foature •NOnMA BHiaAHEIt In

    "A Slave of Fashion"Shown onco at 8:20

    Song CJor-tuno "Motlior Fin a IIOBOon Me"

    Patho News


    "30 Below Zero"Comedy "Havo Courago" .

    , Novelty "BortU Mark,"Pathe News '

    Watlnco Only—"Fighting with Buffalo3111." Another fine prlzo given away.

    In the Matter ot tho Kututo ofTHOMAS U LASH, Rcceniieii.

    On Petition for Salo of I/BfldntoPayDobtH.OHDEll TO SHOW OAUSIf

    Lillian I, Luoli, Administratrix otthe liHtate of Thomas H, Lanh, tato and dobU of Raid Intcntoto, wlioro-liy lt,n|)|icar» tlmt tho poreonal Kit-tntfc of tho fiair] Tliomus II, hanli, do-ceimcil, In InsuTlclont to pay IIIH dobtfiand rcquoHtlng the aid of the Court Intho premises,

    IT IS THKUKUPON on this 21«t dayof .January, A. I). 1027, ORDJSnBDtlmt all portions Interested In tholands, toncmonts, horcdltamentH nndreal estate of tho mid' Thomas It.Lnsh, deceased, appoat, before tijldlourtj at the Court House in tlio Town

    of Morrlstown, In tlio Couhty.pf Mor-rlB n»dl State of Now Jorsoy, oil tlio25th day of Mufoh/ ,1927, tit i; teno'clock In tho forenoon to show, caunowhy m much of tlio unld lands, tono-inonts, horodltatmonts ana real estateof tho-unlil Thomas II, U s h , doconsni],should not ho sold Bs will bo Bumcientto pay his debts.

    It Is further. Ordered .Hint tills or-

    MON. and TUES.BEN LYON In •:

    "The Savage"Comedy "Honeymoon Hospital"

    Wed., Thurs., Fri.. SPECIAL CAST IN

    "Womanpower"Comedy "Raggedy UOBO"

    Patho NewB

    NOTICENOTICE lBhoroby givon to tho legal

    voto'rs of tho School District of theTownship of Donvlllo. in tho Countyof MorrlB, that the/nnnual mootingfor the oloctlon of ono member cf thoBoard of Education will bo hold atthe Donvlllo * School Houso on Tiios.dF 8. W27. nt 7i30 o'eloct

    will ho olectod for


    Oho memuor3 years, ,,'.. .

    Tha polls will rom«ln opon ^hour, and na much longer na may benoooesnry to onablo all legal votorspresent to cast their ballots,

    At enld mooting will bo sulimlttedtho question ot voting n tax forfollowing purpoacs:

    For Cuvront Hxponso ,.'., $2li,97(i,oi>Por Repairs nnd

    Ileplacomento 1,450.00For Improving School

    „ 0r0UI"I» BOO.00Tho total amount thought to '

    bo necessary is , 3 7 | 9 2 r , i 0 0ualed thin clghtoonth day of Jan

    unry 1027, w . A


    WOltlllN COUNTY Oltl'HANS

  • 27,

    Ikaway RecordK OCHAH'A V It E C 0 if I» Fire

    j SDAV•-. JANIJAFtV 27, 1027


    Ui-nvillc ,m,l M t Tatar at her I,,,,,,,'. „„Thursday Afternoon.

    lid Mrii, Joseph II. Jackson

    ltli. to Florida, expecting to re-i,mt In March.

    Engineer Wlnfred C. llop-|firil tlie annual meeting of

    lunly Unglneera' Association of J,,, a | Trenton Tueuday.1 i mi and K.

    ! from their opponents, while Kleley| and L. Handera took overy series

    Wen Hller t Hartford, CL; from their opponents. After thegame rerreshmonts were served tothe visitors and a good time was hadhy all.

    The HcHkauay I',lrk Lakes QuoitTeam consisting ,,t Fred Nixon, Fran-ces Kleley, Kenneth Sanders and Leo.Sanders visited Mt. Hope, Wednesdayevening to play the Ml. Hope Miners.

    Park Lakes Team was very con-wl|_|«lBtanl throughout the evening. Nix-

    Stlckli.- of Essex County, wa»!'"' an. M. The DinnerM'hicli is being prepared by the ladlesof the Baptist Church will be servedby the members of the KIwaniB andKotary Clubs. Miss Hhoda Harris, aformer National Y. W. C. A. secretary,who is now devoting her full time topublic speaking will he the guest ofhonor and the speaker of the evening.Mr». A. (1. Boll will serve as chair-man of tlie evenings program. Thruthe cooperation of Miss Mahle Sweetof the High School faculty u line mus-ical program Is heing arranged, Ev-er) mother is urged to come and bringher daughter and in case of not hav-ing one adopt one (or the occasion.To fully appreciate the program thedaughter should be at least twelveyears of age. Though if necessarymothers who might otherwise be pre-vented from coming might bringyounger daughters.

    Tickets nt 7Gc each may lie secur-ed from Mrs. Charles Clark, 'phone475-M, chairman of the ticket com-mittee or from the Y. M. C. A. OfficeDover 1120.

    A line community committee undertile chairmanship of Mrs. CharlesWhite has been In charge of arrange-ments for the dinner. Members ofthis committee are: Mrs. E. O. Wil-son, Mrs. Ed. Jensen, Mrs. HoraceKraft, Mrs, Theodore Andrews, MrB.Roger Bruland, Mrs. C. N. Best, MrsK. J. Nprthey, Mrs. H, 0. McISlroy,Miss H. M. Ely. Mrs. Ed. Jenkhu,Mrs. W. E. Goldsworthy, Mrs. Mac-kerly, MrB. M. C. Havens, Mrs. GeorgeDuck, Mrs. Charles Clark, Mrs, H. A.IScyer, Mrs. J. H. Earle, Mrs. S. Mlntz,Mrs, Walter Faust, Miss Evelyn Toye,Mrs. .1. 13. Larsen, Mrs. G. A. Ottoson, Mrs. Edward Milo, Mrs, John

    I I)icker8on, Mrs. William Cooper. Mrs.Charles Evelockner, Mrs. NormanCrater, Mrs. Wilhur Bolen. Mrs. W.IC. Trenlierth and Mrs. CharlesThompson.

    Ilubert U Murphy, Morris CountyProbation officer and county adjuster,In his annual report to Judge Wilsonallows receipts as probation officer of$22.20i>.r.l) tor the support of families,and $10,400.47 from fines and costs,the latter amount having been turnedover to County Treasurer Oeorge W.Downs

    As county adjuster, Mr. Murphy re-ceived for the support of Indigent pa-tients In state and county institutions¥5.380.70. Of this amount $4,590.69was paid Mr. Downs, flOS.M the StateVillage of Epileptics and $080.45 tothe Slate Hospital at Morris Plains.

    The receipts for fines and coatsshow a decrease because practically

    This -was fumlBhed by a all lines levied were rnado payablefly company. The suit will likely(to Irlal In tlio Mny Torm of theremo Court.

    1 "Dry»"'ln Morris County wonIher victory Tuesday afternoon|n In the closing minutes of theml Jury session, the mcmborHI to pirns n resolution, Introduced

    ["no of Its number, recommendingJ tlii> State Legislature nppcnl thofort Act. Thnt tho Jury had con-

    I such n resolution wan learnedthe foreman, Rlclinrd W. Mc-of IVhlppany had handed up

    Age C Frarildln Wllaon 49 ln-ments.

    '•IO following nowly elected officersah Lmlgo, a branch of Clti-

    [»' Lodse, I. 0. 0, F. were InstalledPrWay evening: Noble Grand,Matthews: Pant Grand,. Edith

    nr, Vlco-Grnnil. Emma Doremus;"'ding Secretary, Thalia Dear-ii Financial Secretary, Jean Rhod-

    Clmplin, "ICnthorlno Redmond;""Uier; Helon Hunnoh; Warden,

    Dru'nii! ebnduotor, Lottie* " i Right SupOFt Noble Grand,c«n Mroolts; 'Left Support Noble»


    That HWifl-moving tale ol iht high \»ean "The JJIUL- Eagle" will have Itullnal shou'ingH at IIIB Suw HuyliouBnTheatre, ThurHiliiy and Friday. It IHone of the Uncut stories of tlic menanil ships of Hie American Nuvy dur-ing the war yet produced, and uufolitawith absorbing Interest a tale of loveand tattle tliat will long remain In tliememory of those who nee it. Thin Indecidedly the kind uf picture that noone should mlaa.

    It will be Dliowii twice each even-ing at 7 and 8:20, whllo the imsoclatefeature "A Slave of Fashion" with

    ' Norma Shearer will lie sliowu onceonly at 8:20.

    A song car-iune "Mother 1'ln u ltoseOn Me" and the latem rathe NeWHcompletes thin wonderful program.

    "30 Delow Zero", Fox Film'8 latent1 rcleaBe, starring the fumed WesternerBuck Jonefi, will l>e the feature for

    , Saturday. In thin fltory of the wildadventures of a wild young man, tliete1B [ilenty of action as a result of a veryinteresting plot. The n«eni>» are laidin the wlldu of Droadway anil the

    • wilds of the north woods. The loveInterest )s very pronounced and Homeof the stunts performed hy Buck areof the kind to make an nudlence griptheir seats. An outstanding featureof . foet. more or leBs/Bouth-

    rly and at right anglcB from,the oaldcenter line of The Morris and EssexRailroad; thence (4) Northeasterly,one huhdrod ton (110) foot, more orICBK, on a curve to the loft having- aradius of one hundred (100) feet, ton point; Bald point being distantninety-live (95) feet, more or less,southerly and nt* right angles fromtho Bald center lino of Tho Morrisand Esnox Railroad; thenco (5) Nortyi-eautorly ono hundred fifty (1G0) feet,more ,or less , to a point; said paintbeing twenty (20). feet, more or logs,northerly • and at right nngloe fromsaid center Una of The Morris andKBBOX Railroad, thence (G) Easterly,two hundred ilftcon ( 2 1 0 feet, nioroor les», on a curvo to tlio right to apoint (a the center ot theFranklin,Road.

    Section II. It Is furthor ordainedthat tho grade of Franklin Road nschanged nnd rolbcatcd Id accordancewith Section 1. of this ordinance boand: tlio same hqrelty IB fixed nnd eotabllshod KB follows:

    BI5Q1NNINO at a point In tho preesent grade lino of Franklin Road, mildpoint being fifty (DO) feet, more o;lctm, distant northeasterly from tindividing line ot lands of. the MountainIce Company and lands of EdmundVanderbllt; thence (1) Ono hundrcueighteen1 (118) foet, moro or loos, onthe present descending grado otFranklin Road to n point; ttienc(2) Fifty (GOlfcot on a vertical curvethenco (3) Four hundred forty-flv.(446) foet, mor,o or lens, on a six i>coent descending firado to a point;thenco (I) Fifty (CO) tect on n vor-tical curvo; then (6) Three l\undrofltwenty-eight (328) feet, moro or lens,on a lavol grado to a point; thenc(G) Pifty'(CO) feet on a vortical c u mmooting tho present ffrnda of Frank,lino Stioct .

    Section IK. And -It, It further ordalncd that all tliat part ot tho cxlol

    An Ordliuinco (« Vncate ft CertainHlretl or lllKhirttf In the Townshipdf Deinll lc .

    VVUEI1UA3, the Township Commit-tee of the Township of JJenvlllo, intho State of New Jersey, did approvefor llllng on the seventh day of May,1H2I, a curtain map entitled "Rlver-dulo 1'nrk, Oonville, N. J." upfin whichmap there wu» a rlght-or-way, streotor highway designated aa "RiverTrail" running along the northorlyboundary of the property adjoiningthe Hockav.uy Itlvor and connectingwith HIvcrdalo Drive on said mapthrough ii tract of land directly Bustof nnd adjoining Lot 25 on said map.The propotry on which said road,Btreet, highway or rlght-of-wny IBlaid out IB described as fol lows:Hounded on the North by the Rock-away River1, on the Eaat by landB ofone Stickle, on tho South by tho StateHghway nnd the Morris County

    Traction Company ,nnd on tho Westby lands of George H. Fostor;

    And, Whorcas, tho owner of saidands afterwards, to wi t : On the llret

    day ot Bepotmbcr, 1020, submitted arevised map, said map omitting theHtroot, road or highway or right-of-way, designated »8 "Hlvcr Trail" andhanging a tract of land entering

    'River Trail" from Riverside Drive byIncluding a portion thereof In a newlot designated as Lot No. 20;

    And, Whereas, tho owner of theland upon which tho said streot lalocated has requested of tho town-ship committee tho vacation (hereof;

    And It further appoarlng tliat theamo lias not been occupied or open-id by tho Township of Danville oriy tho owner for public travel, nl-liougli claim Is made that It has be-.onie dedicated for public uno;

    And It further appearing that tho>ubllc Interests will bo bettor serv-!d by releasing said lands from suchledlcatlon.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR-)AINED by tlio township committeeif the Township of Dcnvillo In thebounty of Morris and State ot NewlerBoy, that the public rights In ealdtrcot, road, highway or right-of-wayml on the lands where tho name hasicen located be entirely released and'Xtlngulfhed, and that tho street,oad, lilgliwny or right-of-way bo and

    tlio same IB hereby vacated. •This ordinance Bliall take effect a s

    novldod by law. . 28t2

    Rub Rheumatic PainFrom Aching Joints

    Rub Pain right out wltft »ma(ltrial bottle of old"St. Jacobi Oil."

    . Stop' "dosing" Rheumatism.It's pain only; not one case in fifty

    requires internal treatment. Rubsoothing, pmemting: "St. Jacobs Oil"right on the "tender spot," and by thetime you say . Jack Robinson—outcomes the rheumatic pain anil distress.

    St_ Jacobs^ Oil" is a harmjesi theu-matiim liniment which never disap-points and doesn't barn the ikiii Iitakes pain, torcnesi and stiffness fromaching joint), muscles and bones;•tops sciatica, lumbago, tnckache endneuralgia.

    Limber up I Get a small trial bottleof old-time, honest " S t Jacobs OH"from any drug store, and in a mo.ment, you'll be free from pains, achesand stiffness. Don't suffer I Rubrheumatism away.


    Tells Hoiv Jqi Open C l o s e d Nos-trlls nnd End Ik-ml-l olds.

    Von loci lino in a 11»cold In lieuJ u r t.,, t , 11Your i logged nu«tril« «ni"«..J;Mr liaunffct of jour Inn,I «| |) ,]you cnii brtntlio (rculj, K« ,„„•—i, lictidachoi no hawking,

    TOUft diauJlllr/Tntt t.r , 1 M . r.



    new, liotidachoi no hawking.Bracou. dueharget or drynct?filing for brtnUi at niglit, '

    ir a n d• ..' d u l l .Muftling,no strug.

    In Ink Make 1'oopl* Think

    January, 1927. nl 8 P. M., lit which time and »|U, for Bit Imooting tho opproprintlons.Bot forth in the following statement«•and appropriations for tho llscal year 1927. ,Bstlmated.Amount of Surplus Ro«-onuc. January 1, W

    RE9OURCKSAnHclpattd Itoftnten t

    surplus Revonuo Appropriated .Miscellaneous Revenues—

    Franchlao Tax ' ..OroBB Rccofpts Tax ,Bus Franchise Tax ..Poll Tax "

    Amount to bo raised by Taxation

    IBt 6 003 00

    APPROPRIATIONSAdministrative and Kxocutlvo } HO3 00Assessment and Collection of Taxes 2,1Z">00Pepartment of rinanco . . . , v 100 00W w n HnllInterestForest Flrc3 .. , " r<Street I.lglitlng . . . .Advertising, Audit and Printing' .','..'. ' ', '"Health "'Poor ' ' ' "Memorlnl . . . . "Roads .",'.','Snow Removal . ",'..' ', "liioOOOFor State Aid Roads , , . , .'. , 9

  • a TAXI callTn mid CloBf>S Curs

    (ANTLEEKIt Water Bottles

    | e lient wo over liad. Fln-Lra Rubber, moulded Inllcce, no they can't leak.Itches, Beams, spllceo or

    mtced for two ycllro.




    Manufacturer* ofAY IIAHD.MADE AXES

    ifltb or without bandiesi of Edge Tool* and Lawn

    (Mowere Sharpened,Phone Boeksvny 71

    B. WHITHAMliner and Fonerel Director

    jierWce and prompt attention] to all calls, day or nighttelephone Bockaway 78

    Bockanay, N. J.

    Water IfJKidneys Bother| a Tablespoonful of Salts If

    . Palm or Bladder laIrritated

    iyo'ir kidneys by drinklnpr a quart"r tjch day, lalso take salts occa-, says a noted authority, who

    J that too much rich food fonro•nidii almost paralyse tlic kidney,| r crtoris to expel it from tin

    Ihcy become . sltifrgish an., t'icn you'may, suffer with ,

    m"n hthia, and has been used foro telp flush and stimulate alnfr-

    ^neyi; also to neutralize the.acidsr>Mcm so they no longer irritate,S'cn relieylriff bladder weakness.T ™ s is inexpensive; can .not In-f o makes a delightful efferves-pa-water drink, • By all meantour physlclnn examine your kid-' lean twice a 'year, •



    .breaking but or skin irritationJ'l i1 • o r b o d y i '* overcome

    1 7 npnlying Mcntlio-Sulph«r(_noted skin specialist, Became5trm destroying properties, hofli-'.wtr been found to take the

    • l ' ™ s sulphur preparation thatJ. j ? 9 *i>e from the itching,

    wr heals ectema right. -•- skin dear and smooth,tails to relieve the torment

    . rfement.' A • little jar 'of•jMwthn-Sulphur ,way. be;ob-

    Moving anill Trupkirig


    Ended overnight

    GEORGE W. GARDNERTel. Morrlstown IW2.J



    Iilccimt No. {21

    1 Wetmore A?e. Morrlslown, N. I

    • 80


    Nobody Can Tell When YouDarken Gray, Faded Hair

    With 8age Tea

    Grandmother kept her hair beauti-fully darkened, glossy and attractivewith a brew of Sage 1'ea and Sulphur.Whenever her hair took on that dull,faded or itreaked appearance, tliij sim-ple mixture was applied with wonder-ful effect. By asking at any drug itorefor "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-pound," you will get a large bottle oithis old-time recipe, improved by theaddition of other ingredienti, all readyto use, at very tittle cost. Thii sim-ple mixture can be depended upon torestore natural color and beauty to thehair.

    Well-known druggists tay everybodyuses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-pound now because it darkens so natur-ally and evenly that nobody can tell ithas been applied—it's so eaiy to use,too. You simply dampen » comb orsoft brush and draw it through yourhair, taking one strand at a time. Bymorning the gray hair disappears; af-ter another application or two, it is re-stored to it! natural color and looksglossy, tolt and beautiful,


    Carpebtef and BuilderEstimates Olren

    Jobbing a Specialty

    Itl it t. O. Boi IIBOCKAHAI, M. 1.

    Gar StorageSpaces for Rent$6.00 per month

    Steam Hooted Garage

    Call Rockaway 133

    Economy Garage

    Lewis A. StraitScranton Coal, all sizes


    Office and Yards atLACKAWANNA STATION

    Rockaway N. J.


    Q&jaa ACTION


    JMA MODMKN elvllzntlontlii' nldH t« good hciilth. Our Hap-|iy I'lumlHir ID IU ttic Flrut Aid brl-Kddc ready u> lielp your bathroom

  • • « # < f l B l u l B 0 C K A WAY BECQBP iiMy,

    The Following Merchants Sell Qualily Merchandise-That Is Why They Sell


    Have you had your Java this morning? What can bemore delightful for breakfast these snappy mornings,than cup of the famous ROYAL SCARLET COFFEE—to introduce to your breakfast table, we are offeringfor one week only

    5 1b. for $2.75and lib.FREE

    BREAKFAST SPECIALlib. Royal Scarlet Coffee11b. Home-made Sausage

    1 pkg. Conover's Buckwheat. , Reg. F>rice S1.18

    Combination Price 98c

    Meg. Fife

    Quality and Low PricesTelephone 73

    SPECIALS for FRI. and SAT./One Pound each of National Biscuit Fig NewtonA lta* w«\Lorna Doone, and One Package of Uneeda Bisuuit/ 5 9 c

    Combination Price 49c/ O n e Pound Can Royal Scarlet CoffeeI One Can Pet Evaporated Milk^ O n e Jar Premier Strawberry Preserve?

    One Pound Prunes

    Combination Price 97cCampbell's Soups

    1 Celery Soup • g*% #%1 Ox-Tail Soup JPM J\g%I Tomato Soup « W

    16 qt. Basket Baldwin oror Greening Apples - • 65c

    Chuck Roast, lb. - - - 22cR i b R o a s t , l b . ••••'•;.•• • ••• 2 9 cPlate Meat, lb. • • v 10c

    of Lamb, lb. • • - 3fcBreast of Lamb, 2 lbs. for 25cLoin of Pork, lb. • • - 29cFresh Hams, lb. • • -30cSmoked Cala Hams, lb. • 22cSwift Premium Hams, lb. 34cHome- ade Sausage, lb. - 35cFresh Fowl, lb. - - • 39cRib Lamb Chops, lb. • • %

    Entertain with biscuitWe have a large assortment


    A. J. MeCabeTelephoned

    41 Hibernia Avenue Rockawayi • • • ' • < • • • • . •'

    Groceries and ConfectioneryTry National Biscuit Company ',:

    Eddy's Lunchand Lunch

    Wall Street* feockaway

    We ServeNationalBiscuit Elf Oyster Crackers

    with Soups and: Oyster Stews

    •CIGARS;K;CIGARETTES.and a full line ofTOBACCO

    L Diodato7c™ , TeIephone202.R75 Maple Avenue Rockaway


    Imported Olive Oils—ALSO—

    138 Franklin Avenue ; Rockaway, N. J.?G^CEM^i||pjvMEATS:::and^CONEEc1iONlRY:*';::-:;::

    ' • ' • • - '• I . " . ' • ' ! ' ' ' ; . , • [ ' '- ' . • • ' ' ' ' • • ' • ' • . ' ' . . ' ' r

    i • • . . ' ;

    ' ' • . , ' •'• . " • ' , ' • I - \ ' ' ' . : > • • : . : •"•. • • ' " • ' " , • ' . ' . ' ' • • • , • . . . • , ' - ' . - ' ' ••'•' '• -. "' . '• : ' *'•.'•'.-•''•','

    - Ask for a Pound ^ Rational Biscuit GoihpanyMANEALAY BISGlJITr-a nemxpmbinationof Smyrna Figs* witht'-'a delicious cake.
