Disusun oleh Perpustakaan, UPP Edaran Terhad 30hb-31hb Oktober 2016●

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Disusun oleh Perpustakaan, UPP

Edaran Terhad

●30hb-31hb Oktober 2016●

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3 1 OCT 2016

& J#1Sr$ f

ISMAIL Sabri Yaakob (tiga darl kanan) menyampaikan bantuan aktlvlti ekonoml tambahan RISDA daerah Bera kepada Pegawai RISDA Bera, Mohd. Al Muzammet Sabri (dua darl kanan) selepas merasmikan RisSmart Bera dl Bera. semaiam.

RM37.5juta bantu pekebun kecil RISDABERA 30 Okt. - Bagi membantu perniagaan," kata- X tk i dan. pelabelan yangpekebun kecil getah berhada- nya ketika berucap M L j standard dan me- pan dengan harga getah yang pada majlis peras- * w*. narik, katanya.tidak menentu, Pihak Berkuasa mian RisSMart Bera Jelasnya, RISDAKemajuan Pekebun Kecil Pe- oleh Menteri Kema- ~v M b H telah memperun-rusahaan Getah (RISDA) mem- juan Luar Bandar : § y H | tukkan sebanyakperuntukkan sebanyak RM37.5 dan Wilayah, Datuk RM630.000 kepa-juta pada tahun ini bagi me- Seri Ismail Sabri H r da usahawan un-laksanakan pelbagai aktiviti Yaakob, di sini hari ' tuk memasarkanekonom i melibatkan pekebun ini. ’ • produk mereka den-kecil getah. Turut hadir Ahli j , ,, gan pembungku-

Perigerusi RISDA, Datuk Dewan Undangan - * ’ san dan label yangZahidi Zainul Abidin berkata, Negeri (ADUN) zah id i ZAINUL ABIDIN standard,melaluiperuntukan berkenaan, Kemayan, Datuk T a m b a h n y a ,RISDA telah menyediakan pel- Mohd. Fadil Osman dan Ketua RISDA turut membantu usa- bagai platform keusahawanan Pengarah RISDA, Mohd. Najib hawan-usahawan bumiputera bagi menambah pendapatan A. Samad. mendapatkan sijil halal bagipekebun kecil getah. Zahidi berkata, RISDA sen- memudahkan usahawan terba-

"Antara program yang dilak- tiasa komited dalam membantu bit menembust pasaran terbu- ' sanakan adalah program Akti- usahawan bumiputera dengan ka.

viti Ekonomi Tambahan (AET), menyalurkan bantuan dan khid- "Pada tahun ini,! RISDAProgram Laman Kebun dan mat nasihat secara berterusan. memperuntukkan sebanyak program lain yang dapat men- Justeru, katanya, setiap pro- RM126.000 bagi membantu 36 jana pendapatan pekebun kecil duk yang dihasilkan oleh usa- usahawan bimbingan RISDA getah. hawan bumiputera akan dipas- bagi mendapatkan sijil halal

"Selain menyediakan ke- tikan sentiasa berkualiti dan daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Is- mudahan premis perniagaan menarik supaya dapat terus lam Malaysia (JAKIM). di lokasi strategik, kita juga bersaing. "Jadi kita akan terus metn-menyediakan RISDA Smart- Ini termasuk melalui pelak- bantu usahawan bimbingan holders Mart (RisSMart) yang sanaan program pembungku- RISDA bagi memastikan mereka berperanan sebagai hab promo- san dan pelabelan dengan mem- menjadi usahawan yang berjaya si produk usahawan pekebun bantu usahawan bumiputera dan mampu berdaya saing,” kecil dan meluaskan jaringan mendapatkan pembungkusan ujarnya.

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3 1 OCT 2016

-RisSMart bantu lonjak usahawan pekebun kecil RISDA

Rata-rata peserta yang dite- WAHIDA ROQAYAH MOHD. FAIZ HALIM AHABD.mui menyatakan bahawa kewu- ABDUL SAAT ABDUL KADIRjudan RisSMart amat bermakna RAHMAN RAHMANsekali kerana memberikan man-faat besar kepada mereka untuk . , . . . . . . .mengembangkan bidang pernia- Patan mereka,"katanya yang terli- bat dalam perkhidmatan guntmg gaan seterusnya meningkatkan bat dalam penghasilan kuih tradi- rambut berkata, dengan menjadi pendapatan masing-masing sional Melayu di sini, hari ini. peserta RisSMart dia mendapat

Seorang peserta?Wahida Abdul Seorang lagi peserta, Roqayah ruang perniagaan yang selesa dan Rahman, 49, yang juga Pengerusi Saat, 50, yang terlibat dalam strategik.RisSMart Bera berkata, kewu- perniagaan kraftangan berasas- Katanya, ini sekali gus dapat iudan premis perniagaan ber- kan getah berkata, kewujudan menarik minat lebih ramai pe- kenaan telah melonjakkan lagi RisSMart dapat memperluaskan langgan dan memastikan kerja- potensi usahawan bimbingan lagi. pemasaran produk yang di- yanya sebagai tukang gunting RISDA dalam bidang perniagaan. hasilkannya. rambut sepenuh masa menjanji-

Katanya melalui penglibatan Katanya, pembukaan RisSMart kan pendapatan yang baik. dalam RisSMart setiap produk dikawasanyangstrategikdan.se- "Saya bersyukur kerana men- yang dihasilkan akan dipastikan ringdikunjungipengunjungmem- dapat premis yang amat selesa berkualiti dan dibungkus dengan buatkan produk yang dihasilkan- berbanding berbanding sebelum cantik dan menarik supaya mam- nya mendapat permintaan yang ini di mana saya menjalankan pu bersaing dalam pasaran. memberangsangkan. perniagaan menggunting rambut

"Kebanyakan peserta telah Malah, katanya, usaha pihak di tepi longkang rumah sahaja," lama melibatkan diri dalam ke- RISDA membantu pekebun kecil katanya.usahawanan tetapi melalui pe- dalam bidang pemasaran mem- Sementara itu, Pengarah Ba- nyertaan dalam RisSMart ini pe- bolehkan produknya iiu lcini hagian Pembangunan Usahawan serta berupaya meningkatkan lagi dipromosikan ke luar negara. RISDA, Halimah Abd. Kadir berka-potensi dan daya saing produk dan "Alhamdulillah, sekali lagi ta, pada masa ini terdapat 21 usa-perkhidmatan yang disediakan. produk saya dapat dipasarkan di hawan terlibat dalam RisSMart

"Ini dapat dilihat apabila se- RisSMart Bera selepas di RisSmart Bera. lepas menyertai RisSMart, setiap Melaka dan sememangnya mela- Setelah kira-kira dua bulan usahawan terbabit berupaya me- lui RisSMart, produk saya men- beroperasi peserta RisSMart Bera ningkatkan jumlah jualan selain dapat sambutan dan permintaan mendapat sambutan menggalak- mendapat pelbagai bantuan bagi yang baik,"katanya. ' kan dan berjaya menghasilkanmeningkatkan lagi kualiti produk Dalam pada itu, Mohd. Faiz jualan berjumlah RM36,540 sebu- seterusnya meningkatkan penda- Abdul Rahman, 25, yang terli- lan.

PELANGGAN tidak melepaskan peluang melihat dan membeli produk-produk keluaran usahawan bimbingan RISDA pada majiis pelancaran RisSmart Bera, Pahang semalam.

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3 1 OCT 2016

Satu Parlimen Satu RisSMart menjelang 2020

.............................. ...................... j L i 'S » s - V • V m . J M Kenwiterian Kemajuan'^ 'm f - ' ' T* V-' TtfHlTni y Luar Baurtar dan WHayah

l ^ ( K K L W ) menetapkan sasaran -■.untuk mewujudkan sebuah Pihak - JE/mOL. ......Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil

holders Mart (RisSMart) di setiap \ .kawasan Parlimen menjelang 2020 ■ T # j£ ^ -/ • & »- ’ r “’hbagimemperkasakanlagiusahawan j S & l l S b t :'lJmk ' ■■j ^ \ ^ ^bumiputera di seluruh negara. - ^ > jgf-J >. « ^ ^ ■ ■ ^ S fe - ', v ’ ^ > r i 4? /

Menterinya, Datuk Seri Ismail - }!*?•&' -dm ' ;l’MrLs'..--’ <Sabri Yaakob berkata, sasaran •; . - f l k ■}'- ;-k H b Bt . " t a L ■yang menjadi Petunjuk Prestasi n K H n k V B ^ H B Q ^ | h d 9 r

sasaran sebelum ini sebuah : * W t y ^ ^ ^ W m T ^ .ggste..RisSMart bagi satu negeri itu akan A'f\menyaksikan penglibatan pelba- __ ■ fo)fy ■■ • ■k’-'‘w ^t/ ' ' > " ’ ’^ f j T ^ ^

ru kepada mereka iaitu satu Parli- y W K ^ ^ B B b f ~.—’’ SP®*®^ ENAM BUAH |

pun saya percaya modalnya tentu ' \ ,- ^ B / ^ 1 |

mampu mewujudkan satu Par- f l ^ ^ | j H E l | p . : f t t f ' •. ?*. ^ V - J- ,fi :3 y H 1 KUALALUM PUR |limen satu RisSMart kalau ber- JL<y • I !*:iuPeja^atRI5DA |

“Jadi saya akan mengarahkan Mmkj. Mmf 1 Iagensi lain di bawah KKLW se- fc s*fc;% A & j E t - - &£• i fading Galon gperti MARA, FELCRA dan agensi Eg*^ I SELANGOR |

■ & $ I |(ampUng Pandan 1

atau pun lautan ^ = MELAKA |

percaya dengan gabun- ' ^ i ’gan semua agensi dan dengan ^ ^ d f l i B H B ^ R i i B H H f a ^ H H H i j i H H H i i i i l i ^ l l i i H I H I H i H H I I N i H H H H f l H JOHOR |

m ew^iudica^sa^^l^r^hnen1 satu ISMA,L SABRI YAAKOB (tengah) menurunkan tanda tangan ketika merasmfkan RisSmart Bera di Bera, semalam. Yangturutserta Zahidi Zainul Abidin (tiga dari kanan) dan ^era on8 1RisSMart akan dapatkitarealisasi- »ohd.NaJibA.Samad(kanan). j PAHANG |kan dengan lebih cepat,” katanya ®era Idalam sidang akhbar selepas me- RISDAmerancangm embinatujuh mampu merancakkan lagi ke- trasmikan RisSMart Bera di sini, buah lagi RisSMart, menjadikan usahawanan dalam kalangan A A Ihariini. setiap negeri akan mempunyai se- usahawan bumiputera bagi me- ^ W g F 1 1 T U J U H R I S S M A R T 1

Y M g turul hadir Ahli DeWan buah RisSMart. masarkan produk mereka di selu- M Saya percaya dengan gabungan D I B U K A 2 0 1 7 1Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kema- Tambahnya, setiap RisSMart ruhnegara. | K v • ^-. --WK- 1 r 3 . . ° ® J J i o u i V A z u i / |yan, Datuk Mohd. Fadil Osman; itu memasarkan pelbagai produk Beliau berkata, RISDA sentiasa ‘n M B tt j1' r i f a C T f f f Semua agensi dan dengan modal IPengerusi RISDA, Datuk Zahidi dan perkhidmatan usahawan bu- komited dalam membantu dan [ag BM ir f b6rsamahasratsaya lintuk PERLIS |Zainul Abidin dan Ketua Pengarah miputera seperti makanan, kraf- membangunkan usahawan bumi- ¥8r / • m a „ rli i i i ^ n p n H i B , v PULAU PINANG IRISDA, Mohd. Najib A. Samad. tangan dan juga perkhidmatan putera dengan sasaran melahir- -.zv:- nieWUjuaKan Satu 1 animen d c r a it S

Menurut Ismail Sabri, pada gunting rambut. kan 20,000 usahawan bimbingan BPjP»»w « SatU RlsSMart akan dapat ldta PERAK |masa ini terdapat enam buah Menurut Ismail Sabri; pengli- RISDA menjelang 2020. W gS E ^ ]" *%*,' r r^ a lic a c ilr a n d o n o n n T^wv. » KEDAH 1RisSMart di seluruh negara iaitu batan pelbagai agensi di bawah “ Setakat ini RISDA telah mem- A^r. •* d '<UI ueiiganieDUl cepai. TERENGGANU Idi Ibu Pejabat RISDA di Kuala KKLW dalam membina RisSMart bangunkan seramai 11,740 orang 9Lumpur; Kelantan, Selangor, selepas ini akan dapat memperce- usahawan yang mana di Pahang DATUK SERI ISMAIL SABRI YAAKOB SABAH |Melaka, Ulu Keratong, Johor dan patkan lagi sasaran satu Parlimen sahaja terdapat 1,423 usahawan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan SERAWAK 1Bera, Pahang. satu RisSMart. termasuk 191 orang usahawan di . 3 p ) r Wilayah p

Katanya, pada tahun depan, Justeru, katanya, ia sekali gus daerah Bera,” ujarnya. * * jr ■sjv^«v.T«r^«®.«l

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Berita Harian

3 1 OCT 2016

HFTAH 295 SENV J L . I H I I 30 Oktober 2016

Pasaran getah Malaysia dijangka diniagakan rendah

m inggu depan disebabkan momentum perlahan di pasa­ran serantau dan harga minyak yang rendah, kata peniaga.

Beliau berkata harga minyak global mungkin diniagakan pada aliran menurun minggu depan susulan peniaga ragu- ragu sama ada Pertubuhan Negara-negara Pengeksport Petroleum (OPEC) dan bukan OPEC akan bersetuju untuk mengurangkan pengeluaran bagi menangani lebihan global.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, ringgit yang lemah mungkin mengehadkan penurunan harga getah.

Bagi minggu baru berak- hir, pasaran getah diniagakan kebanyakannya tinggi, disokong oleh harga minyak mentah yang tinggi yang membantu meningkatkan pasaran seran­tau.

Bagi asas mingguan, harga tengah hari Lembaga Getah Malaysia bagi gred tayar SMR 20 meningkat 29.5 sen kepada RM6.20 sekilogram daripada RM5-905 pada Jumaat lalu, manakala susu getah pukal menokok 11 sen kepada RM5.07 sekilogram daripada RM4.96 seki­logram sebelum ini. BERNAMA

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Btrita Harian3 1 OCT 2016

CPOPC mampu rancak industri sawit negara© Penubuhan majlis dipelopori Malaysia, Indonesia jadi sandaran

u I Seri Najib Razak bersama Pre- lehkannya menjadi kenyataan. akan terbuka kepada lain-lainah W M n° f “ am izam siden Indonesia, Joko Widodo “Penubuhan badan ini akan negara pengeluar minyak sawit™ Jr ™ * * a P untukmenubuhkan majlis bagi memberibanyakfoedah kepada dunia atas dasar ‘inclusiveness’[email protected] merancakkan industri sawit negara berkaitan sawit, selain Sekretariat CPOPC beroperasi

negara. - merancakkan industri antara di Jakarta, Indonesia mulaisaha M alaysia Beliau berkata, usaha itu dua negara kerana CPOPC akan Mac, lalu.

© 1 , '> J | b e k e r ja s a m a m am pu memberi manfaat memainkan peranan dalamdengan Indonesia kepada sektor perladangan di semua aspek berkaitan,” kata- Saw itpendapatanutam a

^ V ^ b a g im e n u b u h k a n negara ini bukansahaja kepada nya selepas merasmikan Majlis Mohd Isa berkata, kejayaan M ajlis N egara - FELDA, tetapi juga kepada Penutup Ziarah Karyawan di penubuhan sebuah badan

Negara Pengeluar Minyak syarikat yang terbabit dalam Dewan Sekolah Kebangsaan seperti CPOPC membuktikan Sawit (CPOPC), mampu mem- sektor perladangan serta peke- FELDA Kepis, Kuala Pilah, kerajaan serius mahu industri beri manfaat kepada kedua-dua bunkecil. Negeri Sembilan, semalam. perladangan sawit terus men-negara dalam menangani isu Malaysia dan Indonesia jadi sumber pendapatan utamaberbangkit berkaitan minyak Beri faedah selaku negara penge luar negara.sawit. “Penubuhan CPOPC sudah utama minyak sawit dunia Katanya, penubuhan itu

Pengerusi FELDA, Tan lama dibincangkan sebelum menjadi negara pengasas bagi bukan sesuatu yang mudahjika Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad ini, tetapi menemui kegagalan. penubuhan CPOPC yang dilan- dibandingkan Indonesia, yang (gam bar), berkata CPOPC Namun usaha berterusan Per- carkan penubuhannya hujung mempunyai keluasan ladang menjadi antara kejayaan besar dana Menteri yang mahu ker- tahun lalu. berpuluh kali ganda berban-usaha Perdana Menteri, Datuk jasama ini dieratkan, membo- Keahlian CPOPC ini juga ding negara ini.

C P O P C -> CPOPC bakal memper- menyumbang 85 peratus

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Berita Hariaa

3 1 OCT 2016

20 perjanjian, MoU dimeterai di China

d PM r i L f r i n I awatanrasmiPerdanaMen- Pada sidang media menjelang ngan kepada rakyat China” ka-W r i l a r \ a i l ■ teri, Datuk Seri Ngjib Razak lawatan rasmi itu di sini semalam, tanya.r n p n \/3 [<C i 1/ri n f c » k e China selama seminggu Zainuddin berkata, antara prog- I f l g Perdana Menteri turut dijadualI l IC I l y a n i l r\ a I I mulai hari ini akan menyaksikan ram lain ialah Perdana Menteri membuat beberapa lawatan dir j p r n p f p r n j p n sekurang-kurangnya 20 peijanji- akan menghadiri mesyuarat meja luar Beijing, termasuk menaiki ke-p c i i i c i c i a i a i i an dan memorandum persefa- bulat bersama tokoh pemiagaan • / Y j ' j J F retaapiberkelajuantinggidarisiniH r ! I S m IS W S t r l f l haman (MoU) ditandatangani di China, bertemu pengasas syarikat -------1 — ke Tianjin yang hanya mengambilu a i a u i l a v v a t a i i antara kedua-dua negara serta gergasi teknologi Alibaba, Jack Ma H H K —s‘ ,, ”-^ 1 ' > masa 30 minit dan melawat Ka-c p m i n P ' P ' l l syarikat negara masing-masing. dan berucap pada Forum Pemia- w M K r . » tgjf * wasan Perindustrian Baharuo c i i in 1 f 5 5 u Duta Besar Malaysia ke China, gaan Malaysia-China. ■ " j Mb m Gu'an di wilayah Hebei,ly p n p ^ s r s i t l l Datuk Zainuddin Yahya, berkata “Dijangka seramai 400 ahli per- Zainuddin berkata, Najib dan is-r\c_ i t C j O i a i l u Najib dan Perdana Menteri China, niagaan dari China dan Malaysia teri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor

Li Keqiang akan menyaksikan maj- menghadiri forum perniagaan ter- juga dijadual menghadiri majhslis memeterai perjanjian dan MoU babit,” katanya sambil menambah, zainuddin Yahva * ' makan malam bersama komunitiberkenaan, antara lain dalam bi- Najib juga akan melancarkan satu 3 Malaysia di Beijing,dang pertahanan, ekonomi, per- inisiatif dengan portal pengemba- Pelajar yang berdaftar dengantanian, pendidikan, kewangan dan raan Alitrip untuk memudahkan Pejabat Pendidikan Malaysia di Bei-pembinaan. pelancong, terutama warga China jing seramai 814 orang, iaitu 403

u ....... ............ ||[[ | ..... Katanya, Najib juga akan me- mengenali destinasi menarik di ditaja Kementerian PendidikanM H M M K ilin m ili iM i 141HH111111 nyaksikan beberapa majlismenan- Malaysia. dan merigikuti pengajian bahasaShariffudin /■’ I datanganiMoU di antara syarikat Mandarin, 29 tajaan MARA dan 25M oham ed Malaysia dan China berkaitan pe- Sasaran m eningkat tajaan Sime Darby, manakala se-

' " laburan, pembangunan, pembina- “Melalui penyertaan Tourism Ma- lebihnya pelajar persendirian.‘ a11, kewangan, e-perdagangan, pe- laysia dalam Alitrip, kita men- _____________________________________

ngf1™ PemWnaan jangka dapat memperluaskan lagi W Data China ke Malaysia Huangl« Beijing . pelabuhan, paip dan gas serta dan memperkenalkan pelbagai ^Huikang menulis mengenai hubungan-------------------................................. pembinaan loji penapis air masrn. destinasi serta produk pelanco- Malaysia-China- Ms.io

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Beritft Hirian

3 I OCT 2016D A R I KA CA MATA© Huang Huikang

Duta China ke Malaysia

Hubungan China-Malaysia WQ Penduduk kedua-dua 9*| Ketika melakukan lawatan rasmisekarang bukan sahaja ^LJ negara juga selalu ^ ke Malaysia pada 2013, Presidendalam tempoh terbaik kunjung-mengunjungi, China, Xi Jinping bersamadalam sejarah, tetapi juga dengan jumlahnya Najib, bersetuju meningkatkanterus jadi peneraju lebih tiga juta hubungan kedua-dua negarahubungan di antara China pelancong dicatat sebagai 'Hubungan Mitradengan negara ASEAN" setiap tahun" Strategik Menyeluruh'"

f l f l j Menteri China, l i Keqiang, beliau ; dan Kuala Lumpur dianggap se-A g f l f l | | ^ | | | | ^ | | ^ | ! menandatangani Kenyataan Ber- j bagai destinasi pertukaran mata■ ■ ^ ^ B f l J ^ B I f l I f l | sama Ulang Tahun ke-40 Hubu- j wang tempatan dengan bank■ ■ M M H H ■ ■ | ngan Diplomatik China-Malaysia j penjelasan RMB ditubuhkan di

j di Dewan Besar Rakyat, tempat Malaysia memudahkan kedua-j B f l ™ AAA f l _ ® ______ j Kenyataan Bersama Teijalinnya dua negara dalam urusan perda-■ f l l f l f l B m " B ^ f t I j Hubungan Diplomatik ditandata- gangan dankeijasama pelaburan.| | f | f g | # l i y ^ l # l i l l l l . f l I I I I f 1! I ngani Tun Abdul Razak. Selain itu, komunikasi, membe-f l l % B B M I f l v n i ^ h ^ f l I I I I U Pemimpin kedua-dua negara li-belah melalui internet, pertani-

V | menyifatkan hubungan yang ber- an, pelancongan, ekonomi hijauj | hasil itu sebagai ‘40 tahun emas’, dan sebagainya sudah menjadi bi-

W0M B M F* j dan bersetuju menyempumakan dang menarik untuk keijasamaI ■ ■ I I I m B I B U m ■ I hubungan itu menjadi ‘40 tahun antara kedua-dua pihak.

| ^ f f l ^ 0 I I I B 0 | H ! berlian’ yang lebih cemerlang da- China dan Malaysia mempu-I lam empat dekad seterusnya. Chi- nyai lebih banyak persamaan ber- j na dan Malaysia adalah jiran yang banding perbezaan. Walaupun | berhubung erat dan rakan yang ada perbezaan pendirian dalam I saling mempercayal isu Laut China Selatan, kedua-dua

Pembangunan hubungan China- pihak mendukung prinsip berun- j Malaysia mendapat manfaat da- ding secara aman, berusaha un- j ripada sokongan berterusan ke- tuk mendapatkan pengendalian j dua-dua kerajaan dan rakyat. sesuai dan berkesan memastikan

Pada musim luruh berwar- | Pada awal revolusi, Dr Sun Yat- | ] ketenangan persekitaran laut.na keemasan ini, Beijing | sen mendapat banyak bantuan | Rakan dagangan terb esar Dalam tempoh tiga tahun me-

sekali lagi mengalu-alukan j dan derma apabila mengunjungi ] Kebelakangan ini, jumlah perda- | megangjawatan, saya menjalin-kedatangan Perdana Men- j Tanah Melayu. i gangan dua hala China dan Ma- : kan hubungan erat dengan se-teri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Tahun ini, banyak pihak di Ma- j laysia kekai pada skala ASS100 bi- | mua goiongan masyarakat Malay-

Najib Razak. Sebagai duta China, j laysia turut meraikan ulang tahun | lion (RM420 bilion). j sia.saya amat berbesar had menyak- ] kelahiran ke-150 Sun Yat-sen de- j China menjadi rakan dagang ter- j Kita menyaksikan sedikit demi sikan detik bersejarah dalam hu- I ngan meriah dan sekali lagi me-1 besar Malaysia selama tujuh tahun | sedikit kemajuan hubungan duabungan dua hala sekali lagi. j nunjukkan persahabatan menda- j berturut-turut, manakala Malaysia I hala dan amat dirasai keinginan

Persahabatan di antara China j lam di antara China dan Malaysia.! menjadi rakan perdagangan ter-! rakyat kedua-dua negara mengu-dan Malaysia sememangnya ber- Kira-kira 42 tahun lalu, bekas j besar dalam kalangan negara ASE-1 kuhkan keijasama persefahaman. sejarah panjang. Ketika Dinasti j Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun j AN bagi China selama lapan tahun j Seperti panda Nuan bermaksudTang, ‘Master Yijing’ sudah me- | Abdul Razak Hussein, adalah pe- j berturut-turut j ‘mesra; yang lahir di Kuala Lum-ngunjungi Tanah Melayu 700 ta- j mimpin pertama ASEAN melawat j Penduduk kedua-dua negara ju - i pur dan dinamakan rakyat Ma-hun lebih awal, mengikut catatan j negara China dan menjalin hu- j ga selalu kunjung-mengunjungi, ! laysia, persahabatan mesra di an-sejarah Malaysia. j bungan diplomatik ketika Perang j dengan jumlahnya lebih tiga juta j tara China dan Malaysia dirasai di

Pada Dinasti Ming, lima dari- i Dingin. j pelancong dicatat setiap tahun. { dalam hati semua orang.pada tujuh pelayaran Laksamana ] j Ketika proses inisiatif ‘One Belt Lawatan ini adalah kali yangCheng Ho ke SamudraBarat juga j Buka leb a ran baharu ] One Road’ dan keijasama kapasiti j ketujuh oleh Najib ke China. Sayaberlabuh di Melaka. j Kunjungan ini membuka lemba- j antarabangsa digalakkan, Malay- j amat yakin lawatan' ini pash akan

Pelayaran ini mengukuhkan per- | ran baharu dalam sejarah kedua- j sia mendahului negara lain dari j membawa ‘Hubungan Mitra Stra-saudaraan antara rakyat dari dua j dua negara. Hubungan China-Ma- j segi tindak balas. j tegik Menyeluruh’ China-Malaysianegara, mengekalkan keamanan j laysia sekarang bukan sahaja tern- ] Penyertaan aktif Malaysia me- j kepada tahap baharu dan men- dan kemakmuran ke kawasan se-1 poh terbaik dalam sejarah, tetapi j nyundk tenaga baru dalam ker- | datangkan pencapaian yang lebihkitar selama seratus tahun dan j juga terus menjadi peneraju hu- j jasama dua hala untuk manfaat j cemerlang pada masa depan.juga membawa kepada kewujudan j bungan di antara China dan ASE- j kedua-dua pihak.kumpulan etnik unik iaitu Baba j AN. Sejak dua tahun lalu, pelaburan jdan nyonya. Ketika melakukan lawatan ras- China di Malaysia mencatat per-j S B Cadangan Kementerian Pendidikan

Secara turun-menurun, orang j m i ke Malaysia pada 2013, Pre- tumbuhan pesat dengan sebila- ) untuk mengenakan hukuman gan- China yang berhijrah ke Malaysia j siden China, Xi Jinping bersama ngan projek pelaburan berskala j Cun8 persekolahan selama setahun, pelajarhidup bersama dengan orang j dengan Najib, bersetuju mening- besar dan ibu pejabat serantau j terbabit dengan kes bull senus, menerimatempatan dalam suasana harmo- j katkan hubungan kedua-dua ne- perusahaan China bertempat d i ! pe!ba§ai rf aks1|- [e api klta ha™s ™*ngkai'ni, saling menghormati dan ber- j gara sebagai hubungan Mitra M a la ria jkongsitematamuan. ; Strategik Menyeluruh.’ Semakrn ramai ahli permagaan ; Negara merangkap Pensyarali Kanan Fa-

Tradisi budaya Cina juga tenkat; Pada 2014, Najib sekali lagi me- j Malaysia melabur di China untuk I kulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media, dengan perkembangan sejarah j lakukan lawatan rasmi ke China j membantu melebarkan dan j uiTM, Profesor Madya Or IsmailMalaysia. I selepas 2009. Bersama Perdana i memperluaskan pasaran. Beijing j Suaiman, mengupas lanjut isu ini, esok.

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3 t OCT 2016

Way open for more trade with Chinaa c i a k i r r M T i i n v N /1 n l-iw ri-i ic in n Malaysia totalling US$22.15 billion ularly in the developing world. Already Malaysia ProductivityA ^ I A N W E N S U K Y : IV Ic J Id y b ld lb lit d fortheperiod. A s P a u l M. R om er, c h ie f Corp (MPC) under its Special Task-c t r ^ t o m r a l K / f a x / m i r o r l n n c i t i n n t n r p in i t ^ l i c r p Malaysian GDP growth similarly is economistoftheWorldBank, whois force to Facilitate Business is coop-b l l d l c g l L d l l y I d V U U I c U jJ U b iU U I I LU Ld|Jl Id l Ib c projected at 4.5 to 5 per cent by Pu- bullish about Malaysia’s short-to- eratifig with the World Bank to seeOn RpiiinCJ d Dnp Rp|f Dnp RnpH nnlirv trajaya and the International Mon- medium term economic prospects, how Putrajaya can leam from otherU l l U C I J I I I g b VJI t c LJCIL, w i l e l\ u a u j ju m _ y etary Fund (IMF). The above figures contends, the report is testimony to markets and improve its business

underline the fact that in the case o f the fact as the original proposers of regulation architecture.RIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Putrajaya, economic growth contin- the idea had predicted “measuring In the context of Sino-Malaysian

iRazak, armed with a big business ues to be driven by domestic de- and reporting (aspects o f business relations, the caveat is that China’s| L » e ^ delegation, is in China for a state mand, and in the case of Beijing, regulation) would create pressure ranking is a distant 78th place.|§ visit — the third such sojourn by there is a shift in economic strategy for improvements in the efficiency Another caveat in the latest IMF

Najib since 2009. towards domestic consumption in o f government”. working paper titled “SpilloversIt is literally “like father like son” the world’s single largest consumer Indeed studies have shown its from China’s Growth Slowdown and

since it was Najib’s late father Tun market by far. positive impact on policy in several R eb a lan c in g to the Asean-5Abdul Razak Hussein, Malaysia’s This opens up the way for greater countries irrespective o f develop- Economies”, IMF stresses that Chi-second prime minister, who became balance in bilateral trade and puts ment status. In 2005, for instance, it na’s growth is slowing and its econ-the first leader in the region to es- Malaysia'in a strategically favoured was possible to get permits to start a omy is rebalancing, with consump-tablish diplomatic ties with China in position given, in the words o f Najib, business in less than 20 days in only tion becoming the main growth1974. “the cordial relations” between the 41 economies. This year, this is pos- driver.

No doubt Najib and his hosts — two countries. This may be an op- sible in 130 economies. ‘This transition is likely to haveChinese President Xi Jinping and portunity, which -Malaysian busi- “Th is h is to ry ” , m ain tained negative effects on its trading part-Premier Li Keqiang — will discuss ness could leverage with certain Romer, “should give us the opti- ners in the near term. Countries withhow to enhance cooperation in caveats. mism and impatience to keep closer trade linkages with Chinatrade, investment, defence and se- It could give more meaning to Xi’s launching new ideas and to keep (Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand)curity under the bilateral Strategic “One Beit, One Road” strategy and striving for better results. The and net commodity exporters (In-Comprehensive Partnership. structure to the advent o f the so- progress to date should give us op- donesia and Malaysia) would suffer

The stakes are indeed high. China called Asian Century, which accord- timism. The large amount that re- the largest impact, with growthis Malaysia’s largest trading partner ingto Najib has already begun. mains to be done should make us falling between 0.2 and 0.5 percent-

It could give more and Malaysia is China’s eighth The “2017 Doing Business” (DB-17) impatient.” age points in response to a decline inw'~ meemina to x fs largest trading partner, and the report, published by the World Bank In the DB-17 ranking, New China’s growth by one percentage

•n q i n " d a' largest in Asean. According to of- a few days ago, suggests that while Zealand overtook Singapore as the point.One Belt, One Road. flGial trade figures, bilateral trade China is the second largest and most business-friendly economy in “Theimpact could be larger if Chi-

Strategy and Structure last year amounted to US$59.12 bil- fastest growing economy in the the world. Singapore was ranked na’s slowdown and re-balancing co-tO the advent of the lion (RM230.89 billion) — 1S.8 per world, there remains certain eie- second followed by Denmark, Hong incides with bouts o f global finan-

n H A ' r + cent of Malaysia's total trade. ments of risky business. Kong and Korea. Taiwan was ranked cial volatility.”so-called Asian century, Despite the sluggish global econ- The report, which is now in its Uth and Malaysia at 23rd. As long as the politicians are prag-which according to Najib omy, which has affected China with 14th edition, is effectively a bench- Malaysia's ranking would have matic about doing business withhas already beejun. gross domestic product (GDP) mark tool for measuring and report- been higher but for the implemen- China, as IMF contends, “there are

*y growth falling from 8.4 per cent per ing the ease o f doing business in a tation impact o f the Goods and Ser- also opportunities from China’s re­annum three years ago to a projected country and specific aspects o f busi- vices Tax (GST), but Putrajaya ex- balancing, both in merchandise and

r _ 6.2 per cent this year, S ino- ness regulation. pects the DTF (distance to frontier) services trade, and there is prelim-- j g ^ ^ I Malaysian trade is holding its own. Its “ focus is deliberately narrow” score to further improve in 2018 as inary evidence that some Asean-5

? 5 "' *'1’ A 1 increasing by 1.5 per cent for the and captured by a set of indicators, the newly gazetted Companies Act economies are already benefiting r January to August per iod to including the time and cost required 2015 starts taking effect. Malaysia from these trends!”

' US$36.59 billion compared with the for the iogistical process of export- got a perfect score on the depth of [email protected] period last year. ing and importing goods and the credit information index and scored

’YT-:TA' Ts This was driven by a 10 per cent infrastructure, legal and regulatory well in corporate disclosure and ob- The writer is an independent London-increase in Chinese exports to challenges that firms face, partic- tainingconstruction permits. based economist and writer

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The Stir

3 I OCT 2016

Budget a nudge in right directionThe recently unveiled Budget 2017 encourages small businesses to grow bigger and to look overseas in line with the integration of the Asean market and the coming global challenges. JOY LEE and UM WING HGOl report.

Commerce and Industry o f Malaysia national l p % ^

budget encourages small businesses to grow ^ "***

Koong lauds the Government’s move to J* jfurther reduce corporate tax for small bust- a g g | H g E | 9 Jjf 3 *nesses. For SMEs with a paid-up capital o f v iRM2.5mil and below, their tax rate would be H | | | ^ H b " " £ / -

to 18% from 19% for taxable income up ■■ i j nto the first RM500,000. — m ~ '*'-

He explains that the Government has Saw hoP®s the reduction in income taxes for The Government's move to further reduce The budget measures are a step in the rightpromised to reduce taxes following the companies will be made more competitive vis- corporate tax for small businesses is com- direction to increase transparency standardsimplementation o f the Goods, and Services a-vis other regional economies. mendable, says Koong. among SMEs, says Yap.Tax in April 2015 and there has indeed beena gradual reduction in corporate tax for tax. Instead of just informing businesses on a Apart from the budget, Yap says there more clarity on its initiatives to promoteSMEs. new rate every year, share with them the were also many other changes in the indus- SMEs next year other than just the grants

Corporate tax for SMEs was reduced from targeted rate and over how many years to try that SMEs should take note of such as the available.20% to 19% under Budget 2016. achieve this target tax rate. This will also change in accounting standards, the new Companies need to be clear about their

‘Teople shouldn’t look at the budget for send a positive signal to SMEs and foreign Companies Acts and the many trade pro- business strategies to continue surviving,only one year. You have to read the budget direct investment on a favourable tax envi- grammes. stresses the tax consultant,two to three years in a row. We are seeing a ronment in Malaysia,” he adds. “SMEs have to move forward. They need Meanwhile, Federation of Malaysiancontinuation o f that effort,” he says. Additionally, Koong says the Government’s to improve. There needs to be a mindset Manufacturers (FMM) welcomes the pro-

On top o f that, the Government will be emphasis on exports was good for SMEs change. grammes and incentives focused on theimplementing a new scheme for companies given the weak ringgit and slowing growth. “Surprisingly, some companies are grow- development o f SMEs including insurancein the year o f assessment 2017 and 2018. This includes allocation o f RM130mil to facil- mg despite the challenging economy, particu- credit facilities and the extension o f incen-Companies that declare a higher chargeable itate SME exports and 2% rebate on interest larly businesses that have taken the effort to fives for vendor development and additionalamount next year will get rebates of up to 4%. rates charged to SME borrowers under the prepare themselves such as going the extra schemes to support startups. “We felt that

For example, if a company declares SJPP scheme. mile with using technology, structuring their the RM130mil fund allocated to help SMEsRM300,000 in income this year and “Malaysian SMEs can no longer be small. businesses to take advantage of taxation and export is small as it had to be sharedRM800.000 income in 2017, under the new They must look at the bigger market to grow being dear of their business plans,” she between three major government agenciesscheme, the first RM500.000 will be subjected themselves. So this budget is encouraging adds. which are actively helping SMEs to expandto a tax rate of 18%. The remaining them to grow for better profits and cash- Yap thinks the budget measures is a step and export.RM300,000 will be be taxed at 20%, a rebate flow,” he says. in the right direction to increase transparen- “In this respect, we had hope that moreo f 4% from the standard corporate rate of While there have been grouses over the cy standards among SMEs. The rebates avail- funds could have been allocated,” says FMM24%. lack of incentives, Koong reminds SMEs that able would encourage small businesses to president Tan Sri Saw Choo Boon.

However, more darification on the many o f the incentives under the previous dedare higher incomes without being penal- While the reduction in income taxes forscheme is expected from the Inland Revenue budgets were still ongoing and they should ised. companies would motivate businesses toBoard. be proactive to find out what they are in While Yap would have preferred more increase their revenue, Saw hopes to see the

However, Koong calls for a stronger com- order to take advantage o f them. incentives rather than more funding alloca- extension o f this incentive to the overallmitment from the Government on a tax YYC & Co chief executive officer Yap Shin tion for SMEs, she acknowledges that the chargeable income in view o f competitionreduction plan. Siang concurs, noting that not many SMEs current economic climate is notably chal- from other regional economies that have

“What we want to see is a commitment take the initiative to look into existing incen- lenging to afford everyone’s wish list. taken steps to reduce their corporate taxfrom the Government to reduce corporate fives that would benefit them. She also urges the Government to provide rates aggressively.

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Asia's economic growth remains intact, but at slower rate: Malaysian authority

834 words31 October 2016The NationTHENATEnglish(c) 2016 Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., LtdAsia's economic growth remains intact, but at slower rate: Malaysian authority

Asia's economic growth and progressive economic integration, alongside strengthened cross-border supplychains, remains intact, albeit at a moderate level, said Ahmad Hizzad Baharuddin, director-general ofMalaysia's Labuan Financial Services Authority.

He said in line with regional economic expansion, investors are attracted to higher Asian assets andinvestment portfolios, while the number of high net-worth individuals is rising. This augurs well with thecentre's positioning to focus on private clients' wealth and trust business.

"Trade agreements aimed at lowering trade barriers and encouraging economic growth are getting moretraction.

"Its potential is now enhanced further by efforts to intensify the integration through the establishment of theAsean Economic Community in 2015, to advance multilateral trade," he said in his keynote address at theLabuan International Financial Lecture Series.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is another mega-regional trade agreement innegotiation.

The 16 participating countries account for almost half of the world's population and almost 30 per cent of itsgross domestic product.

"Not forgetting also the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which brings immense opportunities.

"With increasing globalisation and technology advancement, the world is becoming seamless, resulting in itbecoming more connected and interdependent.

"For the industrious, the free movement of goods and services, including capital movements, presentopportunities.

"When presented in an era of high information accessibility, the new economy is likely to be characterised bydigital technological gains and flow movements of unprecedented scale, scope and speed," he said.

In the process, however, the future inevitably brings the attendant risks of rising dissatisfaction with claims ofunfair competition and practices.

"This is especially so when nations and governments are slow in the transition to embrace the change, withlimited resources to reign in leakages, and the damaging consequences of the rise of the industrious,including those unscrupulous parties benefiting from a more open world." , The Star

Century Pacific Food snaps up Kamayan licence for United States and Canada markets

Leading canned food producer Century Pacific Food Inc has acquired the licence to bring leading shrimppaste Kamayan to the United States and Canada, a move seen to boost its international food portfolio.

Through wholly owned subsidiary Century Pacific Seacrest Inc, the group bagged the licence to the Kamayantrademark for North America and Canada.

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Kamayan is one of the top brands in the US market for shrimp paste , a popular condiment in Philippinecuisine, locally known as bagoong.

The brand has grown its presence in the US since entering the market in the 1980's.

It is being sold in leading Asian food stores across the West and East coasts, catering primarily to largeFilipino communities there. , Philippine Daily Inquirer

Vietnam's prime minister lists six power plants vital to the country's development

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has listed six hydropower plants that play a vital role in thesocioeconomic development of Vietnam.

They include stations in northern localities, namely the 2.4-gigawatt Son La in Son La province, 1.2GW HoaBinh in Hoa Binh province, 1.2GW Lai Chau in Lai Chau province and 342-megawatt Tuyen Quang in TuyenQuang province.

The other two are 720MW plants in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai and 400MW in southern DongNai province.

Phuc asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to coordinate with ministries and sectors to build a specialmechanism for these major plants in managing operations and electricity rates.

He asked Electricity of Vietnam to study appropriate organisational structures and production and businessmanagement methods, which could be applied in these facilities.

He also asked investors and managing units of the plants to assure safety and security in their operations.Viet Nam News, Hanoi

$4.7 bn FDI projects now at implementation stage in Brunei, says government

NINE foreign direct investments with a total investment value of over US$4.7 billion (Bt165 billion) are in theirimplementation stage in Brunei, the Energy and Industry Department at the Prime Minister's Office said onFriday.

These companies include Brunei Fertiliser Industries (ammonia and urea production), Western Foods andPackaging (margarine manufacturing) and Hiseaton Fisheries (B) (integrated fishery project).

Head of the FDI Action and Support Centre Hjh Norul Hasanah Hj Hassanol Asshari said that from 2017-19,all the FDI projects will be operational and create 1,600 direct job opportunities in the country.

There are eight FDI companies that are already operational, including pharmaceutical, manufacturing,biotechnology, business services and downstream oil and gas firms.

These investments are worth about $900 million and have created job opportunities for over 400 people, 75per cent of whom are locals.

There is scope to increase employment to another 700 through indirect opportunities.

The centre has received 27 proposals from investors, 14 of which are in the pipeline and 13 are operationaland implemented. , Brunei Times

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China's contribution to world economy to remain around 30 pct

baixu~daichao151 words31 October 201609:09Xinhua's China Economic Information ServiceXNHAEnglish(c) 2016 新华通讯社版权所有,未经协定授权,禁止下载使用。HAIKOU, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- The transition of China's economy will become an important driver of worldeconomic growth, according to Chi Fulin, director of the China Institute for Reform and Development.Addressing the China reform forum that opened on Saturday, Chi said the contribution of China to the worldeconomy will remain around 30 percent for the next five years. He predicted that in the next few years, theglobal economy will grow slowly while seeking a new balance, bringing impact on the transition of China'seconomy. On the other hand, as the second largest economy, China's economic transition and growth isincreasingly influencing the world economy. "It is estimated that the contribution of China's economic growthto the world economy is expected to maintain at 25 to 30 percent, he said. Enditem

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BusinessJoint development common goal of China, ASEAN

Ai Jun459 words31 October 2016Global TimesGLOTNEP14EnglishCopyright 2016. Global Times. All rights reserved.After Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's visits toChina, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak embarks on his third visit to China on Monday. According tomedia reports, Najib is hoping to strengthen his country's friendship with Beijing, push bilateral ties to a "newhigh," and seek investment from China.

It is not hard to understand why Kuala Lumpur attaches importance to its relationship with Beijing. In 2014,China and Malaysia's trade volume surpassed $100 billion despite the sluggish global economy, and bilateraltrade has maintained this volume ever since. According to statistics from the Jakarta Globe, Chineseinvestment in Malaysia's manufacturing industry reached $356 million within the first three months of 2016,making China Malaysia's largest investor in this field. Kuala Lumpur is also expecting more investment fromChina for Malacca's third port as well as the high-speed railway from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore.

Yet some media raised the question, "Is Najib taking advantage of a US-China power struggle" whilepredicting that after the Philippines, Malaysia may be another claimant nation in the South China Sea whichwill swing to Beijing. It is natural for them to ask, because almost all ASEAN members have the same issueover their ties with China and the US. Emphasizing democracy and human rights plays a crucial role inWashington's rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy. During Myanmar's democratization and Thailand'smilitary coup, the White House stressed its strong support for democracy and human rights, in the name ofwhich the US tends to drive a wedge between China and its neighbors.

However, Washington's efforts have proved to be of no consequence. On the one hand, China's fastdevelopment can bring more actual benefits to its neighbors. On the other, US input in this region is morefocused on the military field. While China has been Malaysia's largest trading partner for seven consecutiveyears, the US is only Kuala Lumpur's fourth-largest trading partner with limited capacity to invest in Malaysia'sinfrastructure projects.

China has long-raised the proposal of setting aside disputes and realizing common development with otherclaimants. Over the past years, countries in the South China Sea welcomed the policy, yet few have actuallymoved to show that they support it. This is because previously there was not enough cooperation. But withthe promotion of the Belt and Road initiative, opportunities for collaboration will be boosted.

After the South China Sea arbitration, leaders from Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia have all come toChina, which indicates that China and these countries share one common idea in mind.

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breakingnewsForeigners buying directly from rubber farmers

Aswin pakkawan319 words29 October 2016Bangkok PostBKPOSTEnglish(c) 2016. The Post Publishing Public Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.While the local rice market is mired in a deep slump due to oversupply, rubber trade began to pick up, withforeign buyers now seeking to buy directly from planters and bypassing the futures market.

Foreign buyers have bypassed the futures market and bought rubber directly from Thai planters for twoyears.

Representatives from rubber-processing companies from Malaysia, China and India have been in directcontact with the Rubber Network Council and Rubber Farmers Institution of Thailand (RNRF) since rubberprices started to dip over a year ago, RNRF communications officer Veerasak Sinthuwong said on Saturday.

"They want to buy directly from farmers due to a large price gap compared to what's quoted in the futuresmarket," he said.

The foreign buyers first headed south, hoping to buy from rubber companies and large farmers' groups there,but were told the supply was not enough.

They subsequently turned to Indonesia but found the quality of cup rubber in the neighbouring country did notmeet their requirements.

They finally turned to planters in the Northeast through their network. The prices have been set based onmarket mechanisms plus management fees and some profits.

"There's no limit to how much these companies would buy and official talks will be held again next month," hesaid.

Rubber companies are now competing hard for supply, offering one baht more for a kilogramme each day.The price of 100% cup lump is now 51-52 baht a kg while raw cup lump is sold for 21-32 baht and latex fromthe south for 56 baht.

"From February next year, we should see rubber prices rebound to 75-80 baht a kg. Planters in the South,Northeast and some parts of the Central region have seen that trend and are telling their network members tohold it for sale by then," he said.

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