highway ppt.pptx

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  • 8/17/2019 highway ppt.pptx


    Construction Method for


    Submitted by :

    Mohit kumar (13bce1184)

    Mohit rana (13bce1187)

    Nishant rana (13bce1204)

    Niklel sooden (13bce1200)Nishant chauhan (13bce1202)

  • 8/17/2019 highway ppt.pptx


     ! "istory

    #n its most $eneral sense% a road is an o&en% $enerally&ublic 'ay or the &assa$e o ehicles% &eo&le% andanimals!*he earliest human road builders &redate recorded history

    by thousands o years! +ith the adent o modern man%road buildin$ , the &ur&oseul construction o $eneral &ublic'ays , became a common si$n o an adancin$ ciili-ation!

    .oerin$ these roads 'ith a hard smooth surace

    (&aement) hel&ed make them durable and able to'ithstand traic and the enironment! Some o the oldest&aed roads still in e/istence 'ere built by the omanm&ire!

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    oman oads

    y in lar$e% oman roads (seei$ure) 'ere constructed durin$the e&ublican times , the oldestroad% ia &&ia% dates back to 312

    !.!the oman road net'orkconsisted o oer 100%000 km(52%000 miles) o roads!*he su&erior 6uality and structure

    o its &aements hae allo'edmany oman roads to surie tothis day!

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    oman oads

      ty&ical oman road structure

    (see i$ure)% as seen in the

    nited 9in$dom% consisted o our

    basic layers (.ollins and "art%


    ;Summa .rusta (suracin$)! Smooth% &oly$onal blocks embedded in

    the underlyin$ layer!;Nucleus! kind o base layer com&osed o $rael and sand 'ith lime

    cement!;udus! *he third layer 'as com&osed o rubble masonry and

    smaller stones also set in lime mortar!;Statumen! *'o or three courses o lat stones set in lime mortar!

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    *elord 7)!*eleord sered his a&&renticeshi& as a buildin$ mason(Smiles% 104) and e/tended his masonry kno'led$e to

    brid$e buildin$! ?urin$ lean times% he cared $rae,stonesand other ornamental 'ork (about 1780)!entually% *elord became the @Sureyor o

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    Macadam 5 and sometimes s&elled @Macadam@)obsered that most o the &aed !9! roads in early the 1800s'ere com&osed o rounded $rael (Smiles% 104)!"e kne' that an$ular a$$re$ate oer a 'ell,com&acted

    sub$rade 'ould &erorm substantially better! "e used a slo&edsub$rade surace to im&roe draina$e (unlike *elord 'ho used alat sub$rade surace) on 'hich he &laced an$ular a$$re$ate(hand,broken 'ith a ma/imum si-e o 7> mm (3 inches)) in t'olayers or a total de&th o about 200 mm (8 inches) (Billette%105)!

    Cn to& o this% the 'earin$ course 'as &laced (about >0 mmthick 'ith a ma/imum a$$re$ate si-e o 2> mm) (.ollins and"art% 135)! Macadam=s reason or the 2> mm (1 inch)ma/imum a$$re$ate si-e 'as to &roide a @smooth@ ride or'a$on 'heels!

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    Macadam % Macadam 'as a&&ointed @sureyor,$eneral@ o theristol roads and 'as then able to use his desi$n onnumerous &roEects! #t &roed successul enou$h that theterm @macadami-ed@ became a term or this ty&e o

    &aement desi$n and construction!*he term @macadam@ is also used to indicate @brokenstone@ &aement (aker% 103)!

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    Material DefinitionsHot mix asphalt (HMA)! combination o a$$re$ate and as&halt binder  mi/ed to$ether at eleated tem&eratures that orms a hard% stron$ constructionmaterial 'hen cooled to ambient tem&eratures! "M is kno'n by manynames such as @as&halt concrete@ (. or .

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    Pavement Types

     Much o this country relies on &aed roads to moe themseles andtheir &roducts ra&idly and reliably throu$hout the trans&ortationsystem!Pavements can be generally classiied into t!o broad categories:"lexible pavements *hese are as&halt &aements (sometimescalled bituminous &aements)% 'hich may or may not incor&orate

    underlyin$ layers o stabili-ed or unstabili-ed $ranular materials on a&re&ared sub$rade! *hese ty&es o &aements are called @le/ible@since the total &aement structure bends (or le/es) to accommodatetraic loads!#igid pavements *hese are &ortland cement concrete (

  • 8/17/2019 highway ppt.pptx


    i$ures o

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    Foad ?istribution on

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    le!ible Pavement

     ach o these &aement ty&esdistributes load oer thesub$rade in a dierent ashion!i$id &aement% because o

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    asic Structural lements  ty&ical le/ible &aement structure (see i$ure) consists o the surace

    course and the underlyin$ base and subbase courses! ach o theselayers contributes to structural su&&ort and draina$e! *he surace course(ty&ically an "M layer) is the stiest (as measured by resilient modulus)and contributes the most to &aement stren$th! *he underlyin$ layers areless sti but are still im&ortant to &aement stren$th as 'ell as draina$eand rost &rotection! ty&ical structural desi$n results in a series o layersthat $radually decrease in material 6uality 'ith de&th!


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    /am&le o le/ible

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