Hydrinos LENR in Harmony 2 1

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Hydrinos LENR

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  • P a g e | 1 Revision 2 Author: Gordon Docherty Date: September 2nd, 2014

    A Refinement of Ideas: Hydrinos and LENR existing in Perfect Harmony

    The following diagram shows a hydrogen (ion) stream, travelling through a mini electric arc (or a cloud of negative ions), producing atoms inside the Casimir Dimensioned Cavity. When they emerge, energy is released

    Diagram 1: Proton / Electron Combination inside a Casimir Dimensioned Cavity and Beyond

    and heres why. As the hydrogen ion (protium or, in other words, a proton) travels through the spark gap, the electron shower it is subject too causes the ion to capture an electron. That electron will wrap itself around the ion to form an atom. Now, this is happening in a region of space the Casimir Dimensioned Cavity where lower frequency vacuum fluctuations are precluded (with the frequency range precluded growing ever wider as the cavity gets smaller and smaller). Now, it is believed that one of two possibilities result.

    Possibility A

    The same number of vacuum fluctuations are seen inside the Cavity as outside. The time dimension of spacetime in the cavity, however, is now compressed. From outside the cavity, the fluctuation density appears to decrease as the lower frequency fluctuations disappear. In fact, they are being compressed in the time dimension:

    Diagram 2: Time compression in the above diagram, it still takes four ticks for a single cycle on both the left and the right, yet to the external observer, the wave on the right apparently has a higher frequency.

  • A Refinement of Ideas: Hydrinos and LENR existing in Perfect Harmony

    P a g e | 2 Revision 2 Author: Gordon Docherty Date: September 1st, 2014

    As far as the internal fluctuations are concerned spacetime appears normal. It is just from the outside that the fluctuation density appears to change.

    This is a direct corollary of reaching near the speed of light and seeing mass increase. In effect, toward the speed of light, distance is compressed 1 light year now becomes 2 light years becomes 4 light years: from inside spacetime, however, everything just looks the same as before EXCEPT that you cant go faster than light. So it is inside the cavity. Spacetime is compressed along the time dimension, not that a body inside the cavity sees this, Instead, it appears to a body inside the cavity that after a certain point the cavity stops shrinking. What the body inside the cavity does see, however, is that the outside world starts to slow down.

    From outside the cavity, on the other hand, an observer sees the cavity continuing to decrease in size. If it could be measured, however, time inside the cavity would be seen to speed up. What the observer outside the cavity will also see, though, is something quite unexpected: because time speeds up, the electron shell formed when the electron wave starts to be drawn in closer to the nucleus in the three perceived dimensions of the outside free space and this whether the shell is spherical, elliptical, peanut-shaped, or mid-section cutting. This is because, as the time dimension is compressed, more energy is required to maintain the shell into the fourth dimension this extra energy needs to come from the other three dimensions (this also applies to the fluctuations between the nucleus and the electron shell), so the shell appears to shrink in on nucleus, at least in the three dimensions we perceive.

    So, the electron is pulled in closer and closer to the nucleus as time compression increases. To the outside observer, the electron shell now starts to appear at a distance closer than that normally observed - the Bohr radius to the nucleus. This allows the nucleus to hold on more tightly to the electron. This electron shell deformation repeats itself all the way out from the inner electron shell, for each shell around the nucleus.

    What we are now left with is an atom that, to itself, looks perfectly normal, but to the outside world looks compressed in fact, it is time itself (the substrate) that is compressed, but we see this from our perspective as a smaller atom.

    Now, when the compressed atom emerges from the Cavity, it is subject to free space again. The time compression is thus released, like a spring being released. The compression energy tries to flow back into the three dimensions, but cant, due to the binding between nucleus and electron shell, so instead the energy is released out as discrete EM quanta. From what has been observed, this EM radiation generally prefers the lower EM energy ranges, so that the released energy is safe although the smaller the Cavity, the greater the rebound, the higher the EM energy produced. So, on the average across many such Cavities, the spectra of EM radiation released will reflect the distribution of Cavity sizes down as far as where single nuclei will still fit. Now, when Hydrogen is the main fuel, in a volume of space subject to the same external and internal conditions, the EM spectra will look similar (as a slight digression, it is a fair bet that when a set of Casimir reaction sites bathed in protons and electrons is subject to high pressure, temperature and strong magnetic / electromagnetic fields, the emission spectra is going to look something like that coming from the Sun.).

    This is not the whole story, however, for while the atom itself may relax, one fact has so far been overlooked: the space between each shell and ultimately the nucleus forms a (spherical / elliptical / Peanut shaped) bounded space or envelope of extremely small proportions a Casimir space between the inner and outer field wall of the cavity.

    Now, Cavities occur in all atoms, but normally their effect is not particularly remarkable as the vast majority of atoms we are subject to have been formed in free space, so that the vacuum fluctuations inside the space for different atoms are always proportionate to those outside in the same ratios such that all atoms appear to behave the same. For example, it takes similar amounts of energy to prize electrons away from atoms, and it is harder to prize inner electrons away as they are more tightly bound to the nucleus.

    When an atom forms inside a Casimir Cavity, however, as the atom emerges into free space, the vacuum fluctuations outside exert a force on the electron shell that is greater than the pressure on the inside of the shell. So, while the atom as a whole releases energy as it relaxes, the binding between nucleus and electron remains fixed, and the Cavity between nucleus and electron is thus encouraged to remain lower than that seen in the atom formed in

  • A Refinement of Ideas: Hydrinos and LENR existing in Perfect Harmony

    P a g e | 3 Revision 2 Author: Gordon Docherty Date: September 1st, 2014

    free space. This is a second reason why the electron shell remains closer in to the nucleus and the relaxation of the atom causes EM emissions. In the case of a proton and electron, we have now formed a Hydrino.

    Now, moving beyond Hydrinos, if pressure continues to be applied and under the right (resonant) conditions we can also now see a mechanism by which slow neutrons form.

    The collapsed electron, now being held more tightly by the nucleus, when external pressures are applied to encourage lossless energy transfer, the energy prefers to convert to mass or compress the cavity between within the electron shell. Either way, the electron continues to move closer and closer into the nucleus.

    In this way, once the electron shell reduces in size below the Bohr radius, the factors that kept it at a fixed distance (pressure in the Cavity and proton-electron binding) invert as energy starts to leach into the electron itself AND the time dimension of the Cavity electron shell and proton. Energy, in other words, finds it easier to convert to mass for the electron and to compress spacetime than to reflect back out into space or increase the vibrational energy of the atom as a whole. As the electrons mass and time compression increase, the proton holds onto the electron tighter and tighter until the now very heavy electron combines with the nucleus, absorbing the energy of the spacetime compression, and forming a slow neutron.

    Possibility B

    The reducing cavity size causes attenuation of lower vacuum fluctuations. The net effect is that the energy density decreases as the low end is lost. As the energy holding out the various electron shells reduces, so the electron waves start to be drawn in closer to the nucleus. This shell shrinkage increases the greater the fluctuation attenuation. As the Cavity reduces in size, to the outside observer, the electron shell now appears at a distance closer than that normally observed - the Bohr radius to the nucleus. This allows the nucleus to hold on more tightly to the electron. This electron shell deformation repeats itself all the way out from the inner electron shell, for each shell around the nucleus.

    What we are now left with is an atom that, to itself AND to the outside world is compressed. We have now formed a Hydrino. We also have extra energy, as the energy released by the shrinking electron shells is emitted as discrete EM quanta. Again, from what has been observed, this EM radiation generally prefers the lower EM energy ranges, so that the released energy is safe although the smaller the Cavity, the higher the EM energy produced. So, on the average across many such Cavities, the spectra of EM radiation released will reflect the distribution of Cavity sizes down as far as where single nuclei will still fit. Now, when Hydrogen is the main fuel, in a volume of space subject to the same external and internal conditions, the EM spectra will look similar (as a slight digression, it is a fair bet that when a set of Casimir reaction sites bathed in protons and electrons is subject to high pressure, temperature and strong magnetic / electromagnetic fields, the emission spectra is going to look something like that coming from the Sun.).

    Again, this is not the whole story, however, for when the atom emerges from the Cavity, the space between each shell and ultimately the nucleus forms a (spherical / elliptical / Peanut shaped) is a Casimir space. Again, as previously explained, Cavities occur in all atoms, but normally their effect is not particularly remarkable as the vast majority of atoms we are subject to have been formed in free space, so that the vacuum fluctuations inside the space for different atoms are always proportionate to those outside in the same ratios such that all atoms appear to behave the same. When an atom forms inside a Casimir Cavity, however, as the atom emerges into free space, the vacuum fluctuations outside exert a force on the electron shell that is greater than the pressure on the inside of the shell. Now, the binding between nucleus and electron keeps the electron from moving back out, so the Cavity between nucleus and electron is encouraged to remain lower than that seen in the atom formed in free space.

    Now, moving beyond Hydrinos, if pressure continues to be applied and under the right (resonant) conditions we can also now see a mechanism by which slow neutrons form.

    The collapsed electron, now being held more tightly by the nucleus, when external pressures are applied to encourage lossless energy transfer, the energy prefers to convert to mass or compress the cavity between within the electron shell. Either way, the electron continues to move closer and closer into the nucleus.

  • A Refinement of Ideas: Hydrinos and LENR existing in Perfect Harmony

    P a g e | 4 Revision 2 Author: Gordon Docherty Date: September 1st, 2014

    In this way, once the electron shell reduces in size below the Bohr radius, the factors that kept it at a fixed distance (pressure in the Cavity and proton-electron binding) invert as energy starts to leach into the electron itself and Cavity compression increases. Energy, in other words, finds it easier to convert to mass for the electron than to reflect back out into space or increase the vibrational energy of the atom as a whole. As the electrons mass and Cavity compression increase, the proton holds onto the electron tighter and tighter until the now very heavy electron absorbs too much energy and collapses in on the nucleus, forming a slow neutron.

    So, at this point, with either possibility or a combination of both being realised, in the same NAE environment we have Hydrinos when there is no resonance and no external forces applied, but then increasing chances of slow neutrons forming and transmutations occurring as the system moves into resonance under pressure and above a certain heat (to encourage increased movement in and around the NAE environment - stirring the pot, as it were). With increased probabilities of collisions (due to constraints imposed by the field effects round the metallic lattice) and slow neutrons formed in proximity to electrons and (still free) protons (or more complex nuclei), the transmutation process can proceed on up the periodic table. Further, there is also the chance as a by-product of the lattice itself coming under bombardment from active elements, especially where the NAE environment begins to overheat (become too productive, as it where), so that heavier metals may well result. Of course, their appearance is likely a strong indicator that the local NAE site is on its way to meltdown and self-destruct.

    Now, instead of a finely engineered cavity and super-fine spark gaps for Hydrino generation (a mechanism for harvesting differences in Space Energy Potentials), the above conditions would also be seen where two plates (as the surfaces of spinning gears) come together, compressing a reaction pellet, that pellet being made up of metal hydride nanoparticles coated with metal oxide and saturated with Hydrogen (or even H2O, for example, if one considers the H/D exchange process) and then subject to high current / high voltage exactly as we have seen from BLP.

    The Cavity of diagram 1 lends itself to macro construction two positively charged parallel metal lattices in extremely close proximity (foil sheets or cracks in metal hydride grains to increase surface area) with electrons applied either via spark plugs insulated from the sheets, in the case of the foil sheets, or being provided via negatively charged atoms willing to give up their outer electrons that enter the reaction sites at the same time.

    Finally, diagram 1 given at the start of this little exploration of ideas is also similar (at least a superficially) to the Hydrogen Arc Welding torch not exactly the same, but working along similar lines. In the Hydrogen Arc Welding torch, the spark breaks a continuous stream of diatomic hydrogen molecules into a stream of monatomic hydrogen atoms that produces vast quantities of heat when directed against a target metal weld area. Now, what if the monatomic hydrogen atoms were actually on their way to becoming Hydrinos, Hydrinos that release their compression energy on striking the charged metal plate, as the electrons are pulled back off the hydrogen ion just in time, as it where? That is, the molecular hydrogen dissociates into atomic hydrogen in the spark gap, but not quite enough to let Hydrinos fully form. These quasi-Hydrinos then hit the positively charge metal plate, and that pulls the electrons back out from the nucleus, releasing energy and re-forming the hydrogen molecule in the process.

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