S vinlr H ' u. Ill riiiijpei ■^ :iM ii . ■■■ " ' ’ Pri <■ .■ ' ' ■^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-' : ' >'.i^iem let'tM enl'cr iiUw control: c 'in»Blvi3' tai:Uio eult'con . /jSgiirsiJAivS ^T T M nM U lliaiooi^bleb boa Jux jP tM&^Tii<!M-'<^6r» <i«iUBUHl s u te ‘C i. r " •& ' ' iMtratiitft. A d<> 'efll^QSUtbSf^.is '( ' ' a re^W NlEji'.i)nk^iiM must niDk< / bl&Bi (0 acooidmoKtii th'tr 'u tra pn D ill'U '( h e > l B ^ I>^B})provc<l. TbB bontoaLiinloiti'ibs validUy n Iho U « WM t n ^ h l by lho Illll Mill ! • loiT ■Acad«tW’-:wJfl Uio Pfwleiy of Thi Holy,NaaiA,0l.Jesus and Mnrr. I>rl vaU'tj^iMta.ot Oreson.-Uwyore rrp M ntW 'lbb SmnUi-DAd. AavontUti and ‘fftrjlOnlqpBiT; Boelety- of tbi Protutu^W lseopal'Cturch nnbmli ^ , ted ^b rlj^ aupporUns.lbo opposliJor ik » ■ .W flrtiro u n d of IhB n«bt ^ ■*f^',;.- . by.thei’owononu ortbo Isw.Xbe.twc ; I'. SSrtSrt^W t ,»««nca • obUlned. sn.. In- M i-' JuboUdn'trMtnlolDE'WellorM. Plerco £^-i''- ' men(6il;7'ot:the'atst«. AUomoj' Oon- ' S f winkle.-.«nd stanr rl& ^aM iSatstriet'sttom er of Mult- - I'. ■ frmn atUsmptJDS ' (fl ' ' DiifcittaiT'tivr'lnto ertQct- -TUia'Iniunc; ott;Qio.. foltowlne . • ,-• --SriW tiffliii'ongcJr prtperty wlUf '■ -*fa!%jVl'thelr:b«sJnMS a n d -^ ' tris rlsbu were destroyed br.ibeUw. TOe^suta IfoURbt tbe injunction from tbe.atart and app«a)«l to tbo United aistos auprcm© tourl. ' ‘'V ineimvcb »* lbe lnw wtn-theillfn . . \ .a tte s t to abolish private schools and . \ ^ ■«’ 1 !%^Thlh^Uttfs” "«abl Is bdsed on thc ^ W.: '■J' thaBUtM «Bure control o( tbe £ddea- ') ' '?'S.n*i< S a^ M rcn . Jt ws. auS con-. •: :^-tSidM tbst-Jnosroucb as both of the • - BMTtW achoola wero Inconwratgd. in. - ' otltutiuiuLOpentlnK' und^r cbBrtcrs ' m n^w 'tts»-stat«. tbal tho italB bas .'\aer'jpw ^ bual. '' - ‘ r^^'O resoh law reiinliw that all ohtTdraa-between tbe ascs of I and 16 y W v ^U ad public scboolB. *Ub tbe ' * Axc«Dtl6n-'QC:tliose pbyslcallr unable ;^ ijn iu b a « a .w b 0 ;)iav0 ’completed tbo i \ O e n e : ^ 7an Winkle., In ' n^irW r^i^** lho blsh tribunal lo •IniuocUon agalnit. the M ^SSSffSStsw oLmlAor eblldrfn is a L A 'S S Q in 4eift.^bleb u e state ii'lnler«stcd it'^Merted .’V : -itipB 8e*W V an Wlnkl»^ aald tbc nam v” ; ' •jSlBmNMyidad.*Nwarl8blsuerantiH '•.' .‘v^giKKCibii:«baatttvi)oa‘ o(. tbe l^ iB * ^ to mducL an loM r' tnstracttoa of cblIdH V '' a<diooU . n alo^dE? ' •. #>.!iaih*it»t«;‘t>i.ordti;,thit\lt tnwr thT ^p A'.-' ' ' -Jf ■ M rnij^ro / ' .e«y$“ i ^ B Pri- .'*' ded lail ; . Tb« con* ,, vato o ^,^|^n y H n ||^ H ;': Jual - Atca ' j§l'<ll I (lon al<< - ' a>- Into ' ;' aniti .•N‘ffl\fr” T le P — ' .w 'rf . tbin moDlof-crlme," ptii up:a''t\lff fron> lake wbJle., marching to the ' qo'nrftousi pnr a t‘Harlford.' Conn., where ba' Is be Ine tried for Uio murder of a Nbw ',7 nrlialii' (Conn.), policeman. Ndti liow be piilleil hi* sllievo o»er tin ‘ "j. tlotalnlns sieol braceUc*'. rpp- . ' ' - *: ~ ^—: t ~ . u ,” Two More Cyclone -. Son '’ Victims Recavered won . DE 80T0;Vl1irr'Mwxh«^^^' two more victims of tho cyclono^ whlcb -Inr - «rousbt dofltruellon. to, this, dis-' KC. trJcl havo-been found. Icn* - Tho.two latest victims are two', anr soldo.n::eailos:- . , k/-- ull- Tbo body of ono waa./^und to hero, burled btncalh lboywHick- 'pcr ago.. It measured nine (reel Ui In? . Inebea (conL.tlp U>;Up.. , - . •. '., AnotJier was found.noar .Elk- lUf» : :lkitlt.wni|be mouiityd.'- op. ;J u l rad . ^ ton '^ a s ' the .• • .,. -,.r ------ Y . !'■ . ;, anCAOO; March/ ai^Anjerloi:* ,m model Jail in In Los.^nolo*, Wsrtotf md Wsiloy Wcsibrook A Cook eouniy »lA Soil, asserted today atiec a toor of the ors west .whero bo vJsfied most oritbo penal Jnailtutlons. It hi^ all of the Iho modem convenlencea/be aald. : lbe ' Chleako hss the worst jail belbas to seen, be odmlUed, budadded tbal CbU ca- fcs«t> bss a low propoklaaii pHioi- jn-i ere. Lo8iAngelcs.;on> third an JarA lbe ss Chlttso.'has -aofroxlmately : Ibd in. samo nmaber of RiXnts loddns .wlUi era the cliy. be fouo^ las ^Vaslbrook In stile d many }ailfl,ln 111. saarcb.of Ideas Jio planning tbe new Cook couniy JaJlT whlcb Is lo bo bilUl all aoom - y_ . • . be OOOlIPD^OnDEHa. NATIliiriL ilo ,GDAld P!ULU TO PROCEED WAaj^(n>oN% D. a : isaxvii I" P re ilK t' Cool«I|«,.hat. Inatm'eted he <> '<’ jp r departmenf to procMd wllh all A tlonal misrd drills* rwinlred , . b y ttw . It was annonnced at tba cd W lS Houte today.. «d ''S s , order followa the-recant ac? 10- tic K f th*'presldtntVfn.,t>oldlns- ts^ Ihm enelraey- apprbprlalfon for aa>, ip. tjjfcl- guard ■.amefy* drills ■p a y . <>J ite H B I ^ to .fc’ - p - AUWIN/.’r«< M a^'U M SW ftar F ^ A. rtrsiHc toaay Snfot&A r tba ~erownias ,eTtn\ of ber •draiaU. tS w f^?fiStl«ffSS»c2«^ ; tttoBtflfcK>PBBa«tyilft‘bte..hnabaad. ;.isas!2rai5ixpfeSHr& : JI17 tor.;l^ppl:!l»T^^lW - .9^: ,aUU S tssa.gsss«a.?srj"s S S«& ffi’a-SS3gS?'-'Tii g buabewr^ilM '< «$*UiSwlSi»eeA'^K»teUwra. n ednWatas’btr heabawKjuuaeenlam IS ^ffi5rf^«S£3Kj5SS I ?■' ■ ;.; :'Stac'klio^2ers.. Ji ^ ■■ ;. -itl;, Bjg Merg ^ lUCIMOND. Va;.‘ March 3 . Prstiu and contlseatlon of propc ’i was; charged.agalnat Ihe,Van S« >bore d6rlnsf^cussIoh':foUowing y :, meeting st.>hlcli a imajdrliy-iVa :;.■ the|roa<V lnVo..tba ne^ Nickel. PI j ^niCHVONDi.ya.. . March 31.-AI ' preeeduted.;*;ln. financial, blili . . itoi^oldcrs 'Ot.,lhe .CbesapMkb i ll Ohlo'.;i^lroaa.Tote<r'to"'eDter ll gl rollroadi'ln .tbe gIganUo Van S« H . ingen r a i l e d .'fiterjter. , . ■^ho'tote Wn|sM6,648.sharea fav :- Ing‘tbe merger.'.1C2418 Hlurea ^ i n i r . . It ond . .US,BSS. shares - All roads, partita to th e ‘projec cpniplldntloti now havl npproved . and rthe. bext steps nra ..up to .' t imoralate'commerco commission < ■-‘•r tbe,.‘Vlrgtnla.and Ohio courts. '! road^.Involved-aro Iho Oiesapat ■•. and'.'Ohio.'.'Erle, Perr Marque ' . HoeUns Vally and the new NIC Flata.- the' Utter,' k«ystoa« ot *.: merger. - :.;' >. Ulnbrlty- stockholders .though ;• • .foatad will carry ihelr fight agal V Inclusion. o f. the Cbwapeako.. i ‘:. Ohio, to-the couris and m u de V,' final, consommatlon of Ibo- 'nieri r*-!'' two years. ' lA'i.a ■ Tho; Van Swvrliigea ,brbth6ra,-< glneers of the consolidation.* flUBf) preisei) pleasure at the outcome v” the voto,'and announced that. wa^ move, would bo mnde until appro hsd been received from tbo int stale commerce commission. .- State Witness Ii A ^ c k ^ by Attdriie; •ed J" Chapman Tri - KAJlTWUir.- Coiro..‘ Match ' ai , Walter Sliean. who has tesUf p . I tbatr^be w’4s - with' Oeraltf* Cbopmi I asll W dlt, tho bight.James.Skell „o ' Niw llriuin,. Cbnn.; policeman,- w killed and that CKapman'Wils- -t if,I slayer, today vras bitterly .ntta«k^d; : 'creas-«xamlnaUan .by Cbapma n . counsel. , - .:.HaVdenled-alUgaUbns that be D k- '-Joseph Marshall." wbo disposed' «c .; stolen bonds and who Is allelsd; ). have-awindled a maid ot her . aat .. ,ingi, but- he .admitted l>(s hnt •^ss% ® 8 ®ssaw! ' • vrlte a letter, it 'He admitted tbat lio hnd dealt '• • stolen bonds. srt . .— ': • -. HARTFORD, Conn.. Mareh 31 ubi Waller 8Uean,’th« siale's star w neM ngalBst Gerald Oiapman, < inly cuied of murder, under«'ont erea the examination at today's session :tho' Chapman's trial. , , »e has dramatically named Cha . man as the man-flfho wos'bis cot panloii the bight, he robbM -b d parunent storo I n . .Now Bri\a1 '"X Conn. If, waa during tbe robbs that Chapman 1s alleged to ba iffAkllled Policeman James Skeliey. New BrlUln. i.lnV 6hsan, at iHe outset ot his croe now examination, reilerated his Inn Iiill donee ot shooting Skelley and wi i^parently ready agin to descri . How Chapman la alleged to ba , fiFed the shots.. :ED Vbcan admlttsd P^totnco Inspe ' to r Drown saw him In tlie Hartfoi Jal) after Skalley wasi killed ai ned that b* told Drown “I was wslobli filh Cbopmite snd was going to turn hi ini overt to.^the police." tba ':.Vndalr. n severe grilling Sbean ai tnlllM ba^was'mlxed In stolen bond ac? He a»]d..K man named Marsbsll o .4p..ters^bl«.ll09,00« wortb of ato>< aa>„bonds and.that Ht^told lilm lo "si IN RESTORES b r ^r«t raoalh.'sei^iofiSelesUlatui 3 u t el0M < L , \ - ... I Branded as tncooMtutlooa) by fai L” ' Uons Id botb Rouses of tho ieguutiu % aad'by tb« attomay siiiera) oT-Toxa Owl'lwaM ga oT.tbe amnesty maagoi ^ ^ e d before tlw UsiMat eodn or it ^ iU to « OtsesUoB (hat probably will-n qalr* ntleaUoti In event Fersnaon « tanpta to anCer tbe Texaa polIUa . aeld. ^-,r V . »« .■rTuntr JlBT^.wao appar«nUy-tt happiest pwoo-tB lhe.ofBce toda; w SMtg ^ vaJ. ■Hining 1 ^ i^ K l: St I H lii -After '• ; --t», -. ^ ' favor- liMted NBW . YORBSBMaMb ^ 31^1110' Qcr red It roan..pbbpl6:;WlXBof-so«lc t«n canee e lho tho-V er^lla#^W :by.fprce of onm .n«ike bas sb'oWariMsWiUirday’s election: that p et^yw ljrw tbe maintcnanei of the;-nepubr^<:'WAimar-coostituUot dnAr\iMUia3^6'.^Un\ti> 10 sed ,t IM of aud i poaco sd p d ln m £ ir she regards un ,'^*r b e a ^ l U / i S n S E s Ocr i h o n y - ^ k l l l ^ ^ ^ e ' 'S a w e s p la n . th< '■ >‘'5 opornU oit;S^W '^vW iai<n>n fev mcntlS),iSM^^utvV»P-ectncula aerger progroa>'ladSiK^% 1i oconomic con dltionC^^QtoeiMli^diU pi^cblm s. • on* the ;w ar';6ffnm H ^ ^nc< ex- aroly'.olrtW ^onfc^ ,cen^ 'of xt- m e,iit /• ■■ proTAl ^ .^ ^ r a ^ ^ h d tM trlalists ond bli inter- buslnm T^U ^-j^M -V by - probabl] lwo-tUrds'-:ac’‘athb’ajypu’B ‘’wcalth- , , obulaW.BtlbnOle-ihoroiban a iblri of -ibe r<He8. 3. • ; • ley oom tsr-^ i|dt preunt a united frqh 'ri»> ;;oSfu[!74ij?rwSssK^^^ munUta ebaftH «t^^^ti^lhg the,'In ggglppf Iman's ,"i^.L'tBs;’fl'BS?cdti4ilgd, '•boWaver, ' ' • they. nust,.,iin|te or. republicanism la ^«lft^.hil.;aM lciU W .r’ Bd'ot Tbftn>Q<iUiata%robabiy.,will.denud ta' torfonm,th^6i£dldaM^^^ the (aee of'^^V u^leem a Tcaaonabt«.'the littjf. aoclnl^^rJ^rlwfc.drawn'ncBrty twice .1, Irt *111 fln«31y n « e p t a centrlK(,-prQbably Dr. wmll!lnrG.!i. .1, . ,• As a^ifbolr tho April elccilbn la-cJ!- pootcd lo' -TBlccrato what , was* made 31-— oldar.yeatcrdsy. that thft nation is a* w it' iitUo inollned toward conihunbUu ae , oc- towat^ F^ucUm. :rosa- | ’y—------------------ n of '’\* Gigantic Dryi Goods c'T '.\. H'buse.- CoVoUaafe I . do- ... . I ___ :_ I . • , ‘ • W tilS, sto.. Mari* Sl—^ gl- 5 !?1 gaitic merger In tho dry gooda indue- try wherabythe Ely and. Walker Dnd r. of flopd, coijipany and tho CaHelon Dqr Goods, CO npany come under one wan. roes.' agoinbnt bas -been announced. The Innoi eombinet caplUl of the two conooras. was la more i lan |1S,000.000 and last year icrlbe tho g r^ iaaliii ot the two'concerns have woj-o mo; e than 100.000,000.' ' , spec-. \i ' i ' tford . \ I .. . --------------------------- - and ,\r-^ = ------ . i ------- ihing ’ I ! , , him i I - I'ad-' • i ^ ' • • • :' onds. , ' . . vV I of-*- - i j I . ... ... .(^ tolea ^*tSk L ‘y im fac^ ., . itsn ..f. I,.; exaa. ---■ a ~ igore ‘ I lUcal : •. , i ''^4SSIRS3SSSm^o' It .ft ; ■: I obe.' - - iSf*to1tCH~3i; 1&25, ‘ LilU«n*&iih Sob. . . i n Court as She ^ Relates Her Story -NEW.YOHK. Morch 31.—U«#rt d r a m a , . *Vfu pulaing throb of tre- .'*1 menaoua siiUdUons-'. is belnti enacl< M ed aa-{onreniiy within' tlio norruw :— — cDnuMB tlf JUdK^. AiftcK'n ‘ itituya. Ua ■ courtroo,m-nii over It waH In Holly- I W i wooU. l^lIllnii Oieh has itiod reui I i - As- tiliarlpA n . Duel'l. Jr.. wiio In ■'* suing, thu iictresM to compol hi-r tn ' fulfill a contract In wblch nho boimil I herself .b net for. him only, loiitltlud i/;n Ihai.-be^ro »omelliing or oilier haji- pined, tlioy had boen onRnttfil. LII- the lian pilt lior faco in her liandu ami R^soblwd.' ■.-f' The "fiftldar engnRpmpni cnmi * ‘® In June. l«23. Duoll sold, ilirlr f.-ch ,;.ltl> ing for'cnHi Olhur ImvInK b<’cii ’ styled- ........ prior to ibni time bwriuiie iIio pr.cKiiicor’* tlr*i ; wife bllll nut obtuincd u compiotii Duell nald the cngoKi-mont wn? Iloh ''I' muiunl cimiiuiU." alien •• --•.r , ., - lions rOOlllXJK*S l-'ATKKH OIl.SEHVIJS uUon KIOilTIKTII HlllTllllAY J»eU PLYMOUTH.. VI., March ai-Col- I un. one' -J®''" 0- CoollilKn. fnihtr or ili< preerdcnl. (julelly olwior>'iHl bln rlRli- “ffi irolh birlhdoy ut liln homo hore today ‘ r„w dividlhK hin llmo hmwM'n ibe miiuiiI Biliae o»^ongratutntor> :b?ni2 -A hlgh spot In iho ibiy's cvonln.wa>i -anco' 'ib'e arrival of a birthday cako frnm - the t*>f Whlto House.. Tbo presldvnt's father was bom on ..Mn March 31. 184S, and nllll cnJsyn rug- “‘•‘I’' ged heallb. ^ .. •ably 5WBEi,SilSllD I W iiii! .t'! ProHeenUon D em w ds TIuU'Slitphtrd sver. Bo rrrled -At 'Once' (er I’Vnrder ef ? >° : Billy Vcdtntociu ' 1)«tease' lips - Alibi . ^ ‘Hi! -CJuqA6d,VMaroh"//k^lmma^ trial of WHUam’eD,; W enSar&jia.thB g g chanw tlmi-Iib m nrtii^rhla: «Ml»ir ^JT oaToJay. byl^'lJijlyCK .|,iy B: OowB a t' the' reio{w6iisf .(it -the * ' defonie flghl lot- ball..; . • fX’ William Sboti atwarl.'-'Cblet de^ iBijo fehso attorney, uked Jiidge Jacob I a* Hopkins to place Dr.' Hertnah BtAi* as desen. city hoallh ccmmishloner. on tho sifn'd. '-I can sIiow through'Dr> Dunde- son that it' wns impossible for Shep- h'snl or ani^body elso to luring typhoid .. germs-froni ths henllh dspBrtment.’' ite Stewart said. Qr. C C. Oilman, cblef slate wil- .|. ness. Insists that tio secured typhoid, lut- ^ever germs from the health depart- DrxJ .that, he turned- them over to Dry Sfinherd for The avowed piirpoie of ,B. lining McClintock. rhe /Judge Hopkins adJoUrbed the res aegritig until 11 a. m. tomorrQw, oar Mfusins to hoar Dr.*Bnnd»aon and ms his tifo asslslshts, summoned by * /B tewarL. ,1' ■SnTra^ ^ 'TOE' . HE Wl ' "■ "■ ' “p l i f e ."i-.. p ' ' I SargefnfevAid >ry' : tre- acl- ruw [em tPBualRUIiluaJeaS^Mcr— >»y* uSH BEH lSjlliaifi^’^S- reut ) In ' Illlld tiud '■“I** ' ^ 1 '- and ‘^'^■tJSSsSSBtgKr^^ Ibnl rinii ' iiotu ^ . U*o i. A.Oaruslof narro. v'i.', haa' ^ n nomta aa private ifcwtary to Allemoy OM«ral Ue li S» Col- . '£ YOUNG WOOD «, ARRI.VES IN , S . U. S. B-ROK^E TA.Mi’A, FIft.. M h rcb .'31—Tiie frplKlilur, Wi’si Chctac, arrlk'i-<l off ' Tampa Bnr rorly lodny. brlnfiliu; U(utvnanl OHbornc Wood, Hon nf ' Uiu RoviTiiul- of th e Phlii|>i>lni'i). Younu Wood 'Ic n Cadiz. 8|uU<i. alioaol Ui<< WuilrlHfac thrt-.! . wi-i'kn UKO vlrlTially pi-nnllm. Iiuvint; lotit n foriuiii* In varloiu . i'^uropi'iiii riMorin. A VRfiy a t HVwHpftPcnHcn nml : ., pliotocraplii-ni in n ciiarliTMl ' ' launch Krvol<-Kl Wood and 11 Is ex. ^ pccicd b<> wltl not foot on- United a ' Staten noil mmo. llmu ihin afli-r. Ill A'cUHloms InsprcMir hoanlcd llm ini WMlclit'tac Ihln mornlnir and :n> 1 1 1 . . apect."*! Wood’s haKKasc. ■crd kescuers Toil AU ' ' Night to Save 40 , Trapped Minerii: Iato KGWCASTtJS. England. March- ^ the Tleiduers tolled. Heroically throug^ UlX nut Iha.njBtit In-fm.:e(fsff Iri nfltf TO’ pod in^tlio^foniaguo c^U ry^ ' tbe Scotswood- ye«<iirdu)' >ivhel4-U , guddenly noodcd. ' ' '1^ I / 1] ' de* I Hope of - roscuo viriuiltlyi/wrli i :eb abandoned at dawn. «-1k;p^ wiM 1 **, loametl Iho Waiur lliij,^ tlio .tnlnl on was rlaing ateadily~l^l suriiwim dcf : veloplng. I'-l '■ le- Thousands of , psraonst-wany ol >n* them r«latlvu\. of tho .«nl^9a<l—re- 3id raalned At. tbb ralno bead miLslirral t.~ wibs collaprecf in mule 'M ^. i . KFFICIE!irr C Q ff»TA lJu|^^^ LONDON—To aaslst police U ^ h o r 7* towhH In buntlnji' r)fr - an <%eiiped criminal, London' police ' cii;4ulalea ” sis photoBrapbs’of,ih< inan^ tU en ib various .ponlUons. A,fe.# dajff liter tne they rcceU-od :thla. .telegram .uon^ k %w, conatable of a nmall town: .“Jmolo- ■nd Krapbs duly reci-ired. ,-HaTo M m tcd by five-men. Tbo bIzUi is under ^ bN I' vallon."_______ , .i\ " ' . v! iW .1. TAKE ' . \ I ' ' ' PROFITS '\ , 1 WOULD «AK£ \ ' ljS.wgr.n4EM' J:- n^..;You^ j -];., '-I y s y '7 / ^ ^ ^ ^ B 3 9 S y 'v lla ; ~.&-p Sr^ Ki' 1 IDAHO Cloudy (onlRbt o n V ^ A ^ t^ S c o ilH I MlTAT I' Iirl In'i I III'' I tr ’ ^AfilSMSOFP' . France Sendg Message That I Ghc ls Not Interested 1/ - New Disarmament I ' ■' fcrcnce; . StateV',;;D,^a^ I raent Sayg Vnless. pM Q^ I '; Change Np Conference ' ' WASHi.NaTO^',,U. C., .March 31.-^ ' Thuru will lit IIO Wuanlngton. arms cunrureiicu ilils yi-ur unicsa. Franco «:un bu uuluci'u tu chungu her hosiile' >s iKtltuUu an uxpresned in. otflelar re* lo [iiiriH from. I'nria-iodiiy. . .,. -.- Stuio d«i>iir(iiient. offlclob were ' 'nuriirlHcd by ibu Paris reporl tbal' ' AnittiiHJiiiOor Ducacliiiur-.lind bevu lu- MtnicivU til nutity ibis goveremebt otitclally Him Kruncu lit not ut p^es.' CHI Inmrosi.cci in -Prtslduut Cool- I Ic Ikd'h proiiosul. •' .V ' •E mucsted no opinion' ' ' Iroin Fntiicu utiU can niak'u oo fur* ilivr euiiiiiiunt,-". Sucrotary ' Kellogx ' le Huid. .. ,. • • . 1, i ' ,i'' ' iff ’ , Franca'a unfrloDdllnou to the'pr^ ., j : puxal. hsH cauHeii niiicI^ uneaslnMS ‘I* tn otdulul cIrcloH huro for two niotitliSH, UH exclunjvely reported •rby,':,^'' '• Ibfl imilod Pruss. -, - . r . . ; i : , - 3 Sinco Framja at tho flrsi-.WasUwr- N>n cQiifuroiicu blocked iim itatjfa g-ultiur». subniarlnas . dnd < auallla^.'''-';!|U . na;£nl craft, wblch -ia. the ' prbnatr , tmrpoiH uf tho proposed confsrsn^,' ■ , ;v " I unofficlql nvROilailons wiUt Fnrlsv.yv ,:■ for further arms Jimiution->*ia*«'o« bcon an'uphill task. •. ill® Italy, thpush hi favor ot;‘tba;.eoB*t‘^ ference. feels'tltat ehe »jitt-';ba)aB^:'3^ . Fronch .-sea ipower.' H . tb o ranean and will probably Ij^-ldrMdLSSn by. sHneta..oppoeltloa\tat,4^w4£tei^^ iier stiBpork of tba; aavaliUipltiUBDa^al 'N o naval - conference witliout tbfl, tnlli; jartldpiUjciafttjWfcMBI - flVB 'm ^ r seav pow fr«.]lt^$«A aw t«H .c here.- Although PS Xorw»p:ih»feffM^^f<*tu5®S^^8 ■of. Jection of. ttie: prasldteV j^iM ffi^M ^ Mt It til.Relievedsbei*$n3^^B|!gH tnpvlll-' be . more .tlgo.tpw!g3W g^^ ^ llon^lpllsr 'dilbt .io A Franee. Bhould p a y ' mp ;®IBMw^ ^^H ll aho is.willing to red n eA aftfiM i^^l rrli expenditures and permit ,-iU SialiK to do likewlM. *'•' ni :lf tho United .'8Uaes'.;r;U ,> a it% ^ ^ ^ icR nRainit Us w ill'to ;.enter?;w w lm flg unuanisnt raco it tl nndan^eodStSinMjl oi tbe ailinlnlilratioa' win iio(^1M ti|M fi9| re- tu use tbls eouBtrv’s ■superloc-.waittir g M ral Ito put tha United Sitwi J&j'he.-JaMaqH PARIS, March • 81>-i-'«W .>fta^to^^ 3crulRn oKica has . lnstC8CtM.\:in!>K« laxiuulor Kraile Daesebner H|)0AtDtoar^^ he, Unllod States . g q v t o r a a a b r o ^ ^ ^ ' laity lh}it France'is ao^at;3NM^M^«8« It, *telere»l«d in propo««laijCeK‘lra W cr isartnnmcal «infer«Bce/-,^v»K^5^ k uTho* BRiiudo' bl asannM ff^?JBw(I?jfl lo- dWrsay lhal Franei h ss'ltQ iM lte od ciwlsera. and other •'T kjlju'

I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

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Page 1: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-


vinlr H' u. Illr i i i i j p e i

■:iM i i. ■■■

" ' ’ Pri

<■.■' ' ■^v!lT^® “#K;'5r-' : ' ■

>' . i ^ i e m l e t ' t M e n l 'c r iiUw control: c 'in»Blvi3' tai:Uio eu lt'c o n

. / j S g i i r s i J A i v S■ ^ T T M n M U l l i a i o o i ^ b l e b boa Jux

■ j P tM & ^Tii<!M -'<^6r» <i«iUBUHl s u t e

‘C i.

r" •& ' ' iMtratiitft. A d<>

'e f l l ^ Q S U t b S f ^ . i s'( ' ' a r e ^ W N lE j i '. i ) n k ^ i iM m ust niDk< / • ’ bl&Bi (0 acooidm oK tii th'tr 'u t r a pn

D ill'U '(he> lB ^ I>^B})provc<l.TbB b o n to a L iin lo iti 'ib s validUy n

Iho U « WM t n ^ h l by lho Illll Mill ! • lo iT ■Acad«tW’-:wJfl Uio Pfwleiy o f Thi

H o ly ,N a a iA ,0 l.J e su s and M nrr. I>rl v a U 'tj^ iM ta .o t O reson .-U w yore r rp M n tW 'l b b Sm nUi-DAd. AavontUti and ‘fft r jlO n lq p B iT ; Boelety- of tbi P r o tu t u ^ W ls e o p a l 'C tu r c h nnbmli

^ • , t e d ^ b r l j ^ aupporU ns.lbo opposliJor

i k » ■ . W f l r t i r o u n d of IhB n«bt ^ ■ * f ^ ' , ; . - . by .the i’o w o n o n u o r tb o Isw .X be.tw c

; I'. S S r tS r t^ W t ,»««nca • obUlned. sn .. In- M i - ' JuboU dn'trM tnlolD E 'W ellorM . Plerco

£ ^ -i''- ' m e n (6 i l;7 'o t :th e 'a ts t« . AUomoj' Oon- ' S f winkle.-.«nd stanr

r l & ^ a M i S a t s t r i e t 's t t o m e r of Mult-- I'. ■ ’’ frm n atUsmptJDS ' (fl • ' ' DiifcittaiT'tivr'lnto ertQct- -T U ia'Iniunc;

■ o tt;Q io .. foltowlne

. • , - • - - S r i W t i f f l i i i 'o n g c J r p r tp e r ty wlUf

'■ -* fa !% jV l'th e lr:b « s Jn M S a n d - ^' tr is r l s b u w ere destroyed b r .ib e U w .

■ T O e^ su ta IfoURbt tbe injunction from tb e .a ta r t and app«a)«l to tboUnited a is to s auprcm© to u rl.

' ‘'V ine im vcb »* lbe lnw w tn - th e i l l f n. . \ . a t t e s t to abolish p rivate schools and

. \^ ■ « ’ 1 !% ^Thlh^U ttfs” "«abl Is bdsed on thc

W.:■'■ J' th a B U tM «B ure control o( tbe £ddea-

') ' '? 'S .n * i< S a ^ M r c n . J t w s . a u S con-. •: :^ -tS id M tbst-Jnosroucb a s both of the

• - BMTtW achoola wero Inconw ratgd. in .- ' ’ o tltu tiu iuL O pen tlnK ' und^r cbBrtcrs

' m n ^ w 't t s » - s t a t « . tb a l tho italB bas . ' \ a e r ' j p w ^ bual.

' ' - ‘ r ^ ^ 'O r e s o h law re iin liw th a t a ll ohtTdraa-between tb e a scs o f I and 16 y W v ^ U a d public scboolB. *U b tbe

’ ' * Axc«Dtl6n-'QC:tliose pbyslca llr unable ; ^ i j n i u b a « a . w b 0 ;)iav0 ’completed tbo

i \ O e n e : ^ 7 a n W inkle., In ' n ^ i r W r ^ i ^ * * lho b lsh tribunal lo

•IniuocUon a g aln it . the

M ^ S S S f f S S t s w oLmlAor eblld rfn is a L A 'S S Q i n 4e if t .^ b le b u e s ta te ii 'ln ler«stcd

i t ' ^ M e r t e d

.’V : - i t ip B 8 e * W V a n Wlnkl»^ aald tb c n a m v” ; ' • jS lB m N M y id a d .* N w a r l8 b ls u e r a n t iH ' • . ' .‘v ^ g iK K C ib ii:« b a a tttv i )o a ‘ o(. tb e l ^ i B

* ^ t o m d u c L an l o M r ' tn s tra c tto a of c b l I d H

V ' ' a<diooU . n a l o ^ d E ?' •. # > .! ia ih * i t» t« ; ‘t> i.o rd ti;,th it\lt tnwr t h T ^ p

A '. - ' ' ' - J f ■

M r n i j ^ r o

/ '


i ^ B

P r i - .'*'

ded l a i l ; .

Tb«con* ,,

va to o ^ , ^ | ^ n y H n | | ^ H ; ' : Jual • -Atca '

j§l'<ll I(lon

al<< - ' a>-Into ' ;'

aniti .•N ‘f f l \ f r ” T l e P — '

.w'rf .tb in m oD lof-crlm e," ptii u p :a '' t \ l f f fron> lake wbJle., m arching to the ' qo'nrftousi pnr a t ‘H arlfo rd .' Conn., w here b a ' Is b e

Ine tried fo r Uio m urder of a Nbw ' , 7 n r lia lii ' (Conn.), policeman. Ndti

liow be piilleil hi* sllievo o»er tin ‘ "j. tlo talnlns sieol braceUc*'. rpp- . ' ' - *: ~ — :t ~ .

u,” Two More Cyclone -. Son'’ Victims Recaveredwon . DE 8 0 T 0 ;V l1 i r r 'M w x h « ^ ^ ^ ' two m ore victims of tho cyclono^ whlcb -Inr - « ro u s b t dofltruellon. to, th is , d i s - ' KC. trJc l havo-been found.Icn* - T ho .tw o la test victim s a re tw o ',a n r soldo.n::eailos:- • . , k /--u ll- T bo body of ono w a a . /^ u n d

to hero , burled b tncalh lboywHick-'pcr ago.. I t m easured n in e (reel U iIn? . Inebea (conL.tlp U>;Up.. , - .•. '. , AnotJier w as fo u n d .n o a r .E lk-

lUf» : :lk itl t.w n i|b e mouiityd.'-

op . ; J u l rad . ^ ton ' ^ a s 'th e .• • . , . - , .r ------ Y . !'■ ■ .

; , an C A O O ; M a rc h / a i^A n je rlo i:* ,m model Jail in In L o s .^ n o lo * , W srto tf m d W siloy W csibrook A Cook eouniy »lA Soil, asserted today a tie c a to o r of the ors w es t .w hero bo vJsfied m ost o r itb o

penal Jnailtutlons. I t h i^ a ll o f the Iho m odem convenlencea/be aald. : lbe ' Chleako h ss the w ors t ja il b e lb as to seen , b e odmlUed, budadded tb a l CbU

ca- fcs«t> b s s a low p r o p o k la a i i p H io i- jn-i ere. Lo8iA ngelcs.;on> th ird an Ja rA lbe s s C h l t ts o . 'h a s -ao fro x lm ate ly : Ibd in . samo nm aber of RiXnts lo d d n s .wlUi era th e c liy . b e fo u o ^ la s ^Vaslbrook I n s t i l e d m any }ailfl,ln 111. sa a rc b .o f Ideas Jio p lanning tb e new

Cook couniy JaJlT whlcb Is lo bo bilUl a ll aoom - y _ . • .

b e O O O lIP D ^ O n D E H a . N A T IliiriL ilo ,G D A ld P ! U L U TO PROCEED

W A aj^ (n>oN % D. a : isaxviiI" P r e i l K t ' C o o l« I|« ,.h a t. Inatm 'eted he <>'<’ j p r departm enf to procM d w llh

all A t l o n a l m isrd drills* rw inlred , . b y t t w . It w as annonnced a t tba cd W l S H oute today..«d ' ' S s , o rder followa th e -re c a n t ac?10- t i c K f th* 'presldtntV fn.,t>oldlns-ts^ I h m e n e l r a e y - apprbprlalfon fo r aa>, ip. t j j f c l - gua rd ■.amefy* drills ■ pay . <>J

i t e H BI ^t o .fc’ - p - A U W IN/.’r « < M a ^ 'U M S W f t a rF ^ A. r tr s iH c to aay S n fo t& Ar tb a ~erow nias ,e T tn \ o f b e r •d ra iaU .

t S w f ^ ? f i S t l « f f S S » c 2 « ^; tttoBtflfcK>PBBa«tyilft‘ b te . .h n a b a a d .

;.isas!2rai5 ixpfeSH r&: JI17 to r .;l^ p p l:! l» T ^ ^ lW - .9^: ,aU U

S tssa.gsss«a.?srj"s S S « & ffi’a-SS3gS?'-'Tiig b u a b e w r ^ i l M

'< « $ * U i S w l S i » e e A '^ K » t e U w r a .n e d n W a ta s ’b t r h e ab a w K ju u a ee n la m

IS ^ ff i5 rf^ « S £ 3 K j5 S S


?■' ■;.; :'Stac'klio^2ers.. J i ^ ■■ ;. -itl;, Bjg Merg

lUCIM OND. Va;.‘ M arch 3 . Prstiu and contlseatlon of propc ’i was; charged .agalna t Ih e ,V an S«

> bore d 6 r ln s f^c u ssIo h ':fo U o w in g y : , m eeting s t .> h lc l i a imajdrliy-iVa :;.■ the|roa<V lnVo..tba n e ^ N ickel. PI

j ^ n iC H V O N D i.y a .. . M arch 31.-A I

' p ree ed u te d .;* ;ln . financial, b lili . . i t o i ^ o ld c r s 'O t.,lhe .CbesapMkb i

l l O h lo '.; i^ lro a a .T o te < r 'to " 'e D ter ll g l ro llroad i'ln .tbe gIganUo Van S« H . ingen r a i l e d .'fiterjter. , .

■^ho'tote W n|sM 6,648.sharea fav :- Ing ‘ tb e m erger.'.1C2418 Hlurea

^ i n i r . . It ond . .US,BSS. sha res -

A ll roads, p a rtita to t h e ‘projec cpniplldntloti now h a v l npproved

. and r th e . bex t s teps nra ..up to .' t im oralate 'com m erco commission <

■-‘•r tbe,.‘V lrg tn la .a n d Ohio courts . ' !ro ad ^ .In v o lv ed -a ro Iho O iesapat

■•. and '.'O hio .'.'E rle, P e r r Marque ' . H oeU ns Vally and the new NIC

Flata.- th e ' U tte r, ' k«ystoa« o t * .: m erger. -: . ; ' >. U lnbrlty- stockholders .though ;• • .foatad will c a r ry ihe lr f igh t agal V Inclusion . o f . th e Cbw apeako.. i ‘ :. Ohio, to - th e couris and m u de V,' final, consom m atlon of Ibo- 'nieri

r*-!' ' two years . ' lA'i.a ■ T h o ; Van Swvrliigea ,brbth6ra,-<

g lneers of the consolidation.* flUBf) p reisei) pleasure a t th e outcome

v” the v o to ,'a n d announced th a t. wa move, would bo mnde u n til appro

hsd been received from tbo int sta le commerce commission. .-

State Witness I i A ^ c k ^ by Attdriie;

•ed ‘ J" Chapman Tri• - KA JlTW U ir.- Coiro..‘ M atch ' a i

, W alter Sliean. who has tesUf p . I tbatr^be w’4s - w ith ' Oeraltf* Cbopmi I a s l l W d l t , tho b igh t.Jam es.S ke ll „o ' N iw l l r iu in , . Cbnn.; policem an,- w

killed and th a t CKapman'W ils- -t if,I slayer, today vras b itte rly .ntta«k^d;

: 'creas-«xam lnaU an .b y Cbapma n . counsel. ,

- .:.H aVdenled-alU gaU bns th a t be D k- '-Joseph M arshall." w bo d isposed ' «c .; stolen bonds and w ho Is a lle lsd ;

) . have-aw indled a m aid o t h e r . aat .. ,ing i, but- h e .adm itted l>(s hnt

• ^ s s % ® 8® s s a w !' • v r l t e a le tte r,

i t 'He adm itted tb a t lio hnd dealt ' • • stolen bonds.s r t . .—' : • -. HARTFORD, Conn.. M areh 31

u b i W aller 8U ean,’ th« s ia le 's s ta r w neM ngalBst Gerald O iapm an, <

inly cu ied of m urder, under« 'ont erea th e exam ination a t today 's session

:tho' Chapm an's tr ia l. , ,» e has dram atically named Cha

. m an a s th e man-flfho w o s 'b is cot panloii the bight, he ro b b M -b d pa ru n e n t storo I n . .Now Bri\a1

'" X Conn. I f , waa du ring tb e robbs th a t Chapman 1s alleged to ba

i f fA k llle d Policem an Jam es Skeliey.New BrlU ln.

i . l n V 6 h s a n , a t iHe ou tse t o t h is croe now exam ination, reilerated h is Inn Iiill donee o t shooting Skelley and wi

i^ p a ren t ly ready ag in to descri . How Chapman la alleged to ba

, fiFed th e sho ts ..:ED Vbcan adm lttsd P ^ to tn c o Inspe

' t o r Drown s a w him In tlie Hartfoi Jal) a fte r Skalley w asi killed ai

ned th a t b* told Drown “I w as w slobli f ilh Cbopmite snd w as going to tu rn hi i n i overt to.^the police." tb a ':.Vndalr. n severe grilling Sbean ai

tn lllM ba^w as'm lxed In stolen bond ac? H e a»]d..K m an nam ed M arsbsll o .4 p . . te r s ^ b l« . l l0 9 ,0 0 « w ortb of ato>< aa>„bonds a n d .th a t H t^told lilm lo "si


b r ^ r « t r a o a lh . 's e i^ io f iS e le s U l a tu i 3 u t el0M < L , \ -

. . . I B randed a s tncooM tu tlooa) by fai L” ' Uons Id bo tb Rouses of tho ie g u u tiu % a a d 'b y tb « a tto m a y s ii ie ra ) oT-Toxa

O w l'lw a M g a oT.tbe am nesty maagoi ^ ^ e d before tlw U siM at e o d n o r it ^ iU to « OtsesUoB (h a t probably w ill-n

q a lr* n tleaU oti In event F ersnaon « ta n p ta to an Cer tbe T exaa polIUa

. a e ld . ^ - , r V ■.» « .■rTuntr JlBT^.wao appar«nU y-tt

h a p p ies t p w o o - t B lh e .o fB ce toda; w S M tg ^ vaJ. ■Hining

1 ^

i ^ K l : St I H l i i-A fte r '• ; - - t» , -. ^ '


liMted N B W . YORBSBMaMb 31^1110' Qcr red I t roan..pbbpl6:;W lXB of-so«lc t«n canee e lho th o - V e r ^ l l a # ^ W : b y . f p r c e of onm

.n«ike b a s sb'oW ariM sW iUirday’s election: th a t p e t ^ y w l j r w tb e maintcnaneiof the;-nepubr^<:'W Aimar-coostituU otd n A r \iM U ia 3 ^6 '.^U n \ti> 10 se d,t IM o f aud

i poaco s d p d l n m £ i r sh e rega rds un ,'^*r b e a ^ l U / i S n S E s Ocr

i h o n y - ^ k l l l ^ ^ ^ e ' 'S aw es p lan . th< '■ >‘'5 o p o r n U o i t ;S ^ W '^ v W ia i< n > n fev

m c n t lS ) , i S M ^ ^ u tv V » P - e c t n c u la aerger p r o g ro a > 'la d S iK ^ % 1i oconomic con

dltionC^^QtoeiMli^diU p i^ c b lm s. • on* th e ; w a r ' ; 6 f f n m H ^ ^ n c <• ex- a r o l y ' . o l r t W ^ o n f c ^ ,cen^ 'o f xt-

m e ,iit /• ■■

proTAl ^ . ^ ^ r a ^ ^ h d t M t r l a l i s t s ond bli in te r- b u s ln m T ^ U ^ - j^ M - V by - probabl] ■ • lwo-tUrds'-:ac’‘athb’ajypu’B‘’wcalth- , , o b u la W .B tlb n O le -ih o ro ib a n a iblri

o f -ibe r<He8. 3. • ; •

ley o o m t s r - ^ i|d t p r e u n t a un ited frqh

'ri»> ;;oSfu[!74ij?rwSssK^^^m unU ta e b a f t H « t ^ ^ ^ t i ^ l h g the,'In

g g g l p p f Iman's ," i^ .L 'tB s ;’fl'B S ?cd ti4 ilgd , '•boWaver,

' ' • th ey . n u s t,.,i in |te o r. republicanism la ^ « l f t ^ . h i l . ; a M l c i U W . r ’

B d 'o t Tbftn>Q <iU iata% robabiy.,w ill.denud ta ' to rfonm ,th^6 i£d ldaM ^^^ the

(aee o f '^ ^ V u ^ l e e m a Tcaaonabt«.'the l i t t j f . aoclnl^ ^ rJ^ r lw fc .d ra w n 'n c B rty tw ice

.1, Irt *111 fln«31y n « e p t a centrlK(,-prQbably '« D r. w m ll! ln r G .! i . .1, . ■,•

A s a^ifbo lr tho A pril elccilbn la-cJ!- pootcd lo ' -TBlccrato w hat , was* made

31-— o ldar.yeatcrdsy . th a t thft na tion is a* w it ' iitUo inollned tow ard conihunbUu ae

, oc- to w a t^ F^ucUm.:rosa- | • ’y—------------------ —n of '’\*

Gigantic Dryi Goodsc'T '.\. H'buse.- CoVoUaafeI . do- . . . . I ___ :_ I . • , ‘ •

W ti lS , sto .. M ari* Sl—^ gl- 5 !?1 g a i t ic m erge r In tho dry gooda indue-

try w h erab y th e E ly and. W alker Dnd r. of flopd, coijipany and tho CaHelon Dqr Goods, CO npany come under one w an .

roes.' agoinbnt b as -been announced. The Innoi eom binet caplU l o f the tw o conooras.

was la m ore i lan |1S,000.000 and la st year icrlbe tho g r ^ iaaliii o t th e tw o 'conce rns have woj-o mo; e than 100.000,000.' ' ,

spec-. \ i ' i ' ‘tfo rd . \ I .. . --------------------------- -

and , \ r - ^ = ------ . i -------ihing ’ I ! ,, him i I -

I 'a d - ' • • i ^ ' • • • : 'onds. , ' . . v VI of-* - - i j I . . . . . . . ■ . ( ^tolea ^*tSk

L ‘y im

fac^ . , . i t s n . . f . I ,.; exaa. - - -■ a ~igore ‘ ■ I

lUcal : •. ,

i ' ' ^ 4 S S I R S 3 S S S m ^ o '

It .ft ; ■: Io b e .' - -

iSf*to1tCH~3i; 1&25, ‘LilU«n*&iih Sob.

. . i n Court as She ^ Relates Her Story

-N EW .Y O H K . M orch 31.—U«#rt■ d r a m a , . *Vfu pulaing th rob of tre-

.'*1 m enaoua siiUdUons-'. is belnti enacl<M ed aa-{onren iiy w ith in ' tlio norruw:— — cDnuMB tlf JUdK^. AiftcK'n ‘ itituya.U a ■ courtroo,m-nii over It waH In Holly- I W i wooU. l^lIllnii O ieh h a s itiod reui

I i - As- tiliarlpA n . Duel'l. J r.. wiio In ■ '* su in g , thu iictresM to compol hi-r tn ' fulfill a con tract In wblch nho boimil

I h e rse lf . b net for. him only, loiitltlud i / ; n Ihai.-be^ro »omelliing o r oilier haji-

p ined , tlioy had boen onRnttfil. LII- the lian p ilt lior faco in he r liandu ami R ^ s o b l w d . '■ .-f ' T he " f i f tld a r engnRpmpni cnmi

* ‘ ® In Ju n e . l«23. Duoll sold, ilirlr f.-ch ,;.ltl> ing fo r 'c n H i Olhur ImvInK b<’cii

’ s ty led - ........ p rio r to ibnitim e bwriuiie iIio pr.cKiiicor’* tlr*i

; wife bllll nut obtuincd u compiotii

Duell nald the cngoKi-mont wn? Iloh ''I ' m uiunl cimiiuiU."a lien •• --•.r, . , -lions rOOlllXJK*S l-'ATKKH OIl.SEHVIJS uUon K IO ilTIK TII H lllT llllA Y

J»eU PLYMOUTH.. V I., M arch a i-C o l- I un . one ' -J®''" 0- CoollilKn. fn ih tr or ili<

preerdcnl. (julelly olwior>'iHl bln rlRli- “ f f i irolh b irlhdoy u t liln homo hore today ‘ r„w dividlhK hin llmo hmwM'n ibe miiuiiI Biliae o»^ongratutntor>

:b?ni2 - A h lg h sp o t In iho ibiy's cvonln.wa>i -anco' 'ib'e a rriva l of a b irthday cako frnm- the t*>f W hlto H o u se ..

T bo presldvnt's fa th e r w as bom on ..Mn March 31. 184S, and nllll cnJsyn rug- “‘•‘I’' ged heallb . ^ ..•ably


I W i i i i !.t'! ProHeenUon D e m w d s T IuU 'S litp h trd

sver. Bo rrrled -At 'O n c e ' ( e r I’V n rd e r ef ? >° : B illy V c d tn to c iu ' 1 )« tease ' l ip s- A lib i . ^

‘ Hi! -C Ju q A 6 d ,V M a ro h " //k ^ lm m a ^ tr ia l o f WHUam’eD,; W en S ar& jia .th B

g g chanw tlm i-Iib m n r t i i ^ r h l a : « M l» i r

^ J T o a T o Jay . by l^ 'lJ ijly C K.|,iy B: Oow B a t ' th e ' reio{w6iisf .( it -the* ' defonie flghl lot- b a l l . . ; . •■ fX’ W illiam Sboti a tw arl.'- 'C b le t de^ iBijo fehso a tto rney , u k e d Jiidge Jacob I a* H opkins to place Dr.' H ertnah BtAi*

as desen. city hoallh ccm m ishloner. on tho sifn'd.■ '-I can sIiow th ro u g h 'D r> Dunde- son th a t it' wns im possible for Shep- h'snl o r ani^body elso to luring typhoid

.. g e rm s-fron i th s hen llh dspBrtm ent.’' ite S tew art said.Q r. C C. O ilm an , cb lef sla te w il-

. | . ness. Insists th a t tio secured typhoid, lut- ^ever germ s from th e health depart- DrxJ .that, he tu rned - them over to Dry S f in h e rd fo r The avowed piirpo ie of ,B . l i n in g McClintock. rh e / J u d g e H opkins adJoUrbed the re s aegritig u n til 11 a . m . tomorrQw, oar M fu s in s to h o a r D r.*Bnnd»aon and m s h is tifo a ss ls lsh ts , summoned by* / B tew arL . • ,1 '

■ S n T r a ^ 'TOE'. H E W l

' "■ "■

' “p

l i f e

." i- .. p ' '

I S a rgefnfevAid>ry' :tre-acl-ruw[e m t P B u a l R U I i l u a J e a S ^ M c r —>»y* u S H B E H l S j l l i a i f i ^ ’ S-reut

) In '



‘ '^ ■ tJS S sS S B tg K r^ ^

Ibnlrinii 'iiotu ^

. U*o i . A .O aruslof narro. v'i.', haa' ^ n nomta aa private ifcw ta ry to Allemoy OM«ral Ue l i S»

Col- .'£ YOUNG WOOD « , ARRI.VES IN ,S . U. S. B-ROK^E

TA.Mi’A, FIft.. M h rc b . '31—Tiie frplKlilur, Wi’s i Chctac, arrlk'i-<l off ' Tampa B nr rorly lodny. brlnfiliu;

‘ • U (u tvnanl OHbornc Wood, Hon nf ' Uiu RoviTiiul- of the Phlii|>i>lni'i).

Younu Wood 'I c n Cadiz. 8|uU<i. alioaol Ui<< W uilrlH fac thrt-.!

. wi-i'kn UKO vlrlTially p i-nn llm . Iiuvint; lotit n foriuiii* In va rlo iu . i'^uropi'iiii riMorin.

A VRfiy a t HVwHpftPcnHcn nml : . , pliotocraplii-ni in n ciiarliTMl '' launch Krvol<-Kl Wood and 11 Is ex.^ pccicd b<> wltl not foot on- United a ' Staten noil mmo. llmu ihin afli-r.

I l l A'cUHloms InsprcMir hoanlcd llm i n i WMlclit'tac Ihln mornlnir and :n> 1 1 1 . . apect."*! Wood’s haKKasc.

■crd kescuers Toil AU ' ' Night to Save 40 ,

Trapped Minerii:Iato KGWCASTtJS. England. March- ^ th e T leiduers tolled. Heroically th r o u g ^ UlX nut Iha.n jB tit In -fm .:e (fs f f Iri n fltf

TO’ pod in ^ t l io ^ f o n ia g u o c ^ U r y ^ ' tbe Scotswood- ye«<iirdu)' >ivhel4-U

, guddenly noodcd. ' ' '1^ I / 1] ' de* I Hope of - roscuo v ir iu il tly i/w r li i :eb abandoned a t dawn. «-1k;p^ wiM 1 * * , loametl Iho Waiur l l i i j , ^ tlio .tn ln l on w as rlaing a tea d ily ~ l^ l suriiwim dcf :

veloplng. I '- l '■le- Thousands of , psraonst-w any ol >n* them r« latlvu \. of tho .«n l^9a< l—re- 3id raalned A t. tbb ralno bead m iL s lirra l t.~ wibs collaprecf in m ule ' M ^ . i

. K FFICIE!irr C Q f f » T A lJ u |^ ^ ^ LONDON—T o a as ls t po lice U ^ h o r

7* towhH In buntlnji' r)fr - an <%eiiped crim inal, London' police ' cii;4ulalea

” s is photoBrapbs’o f,ih< inan^ tU e n ib various .ponlUons. A ,fe .# d a j f f l i t e r

tne they rcceU-od :thla. .telegram .uon^ k %w, conatable of a nmall tow n: . “Jmolo- ■nd Krapbs duly reci-ired. ,-HaTo M m tc d by five-men. Tbo bIzUi is under ^ bN

I' vallon."_______ , .i \ '«

" ' . v!

iW .1. TAKE ' . \ I ' ' ' PROFITS ' \ , 1

WOULD «AK£ \ 'ljS.wgr.n4EM' J : - n ^ . . ; Y o u ^ j - ] ; . ,

'-I y sy '7 /^^^ ^B 3 9 S y 'v lla; ~.&-p

S r ^K i ' 1 ID A H O

Cloudy (onlRbt o n V ^ A ^ t ^ S

c o i l HI Ml TATI ' I ir l I n 'i I I I I ' ' I tr ’

^AfilSMSOFP'. France Sendg M essage T hat

I Ghc ls Not Interested 1 / - New Disarm am ent I ' ■ ' fcrcnce; . S tateV ',;;D ,^a^I raent Sayg Vnless. p M Q ^I '; Change Np Conference ' '

WASHi.NaTO^',,U. C., .March 31.-^ ' Thuru will lit IIO W uanlngton. arm s cunrureiicu ilils yi-ur unicsa. Franco «:un bu uuluci'u tu chungu h e r hosiile'

>s iKtltuUu an uxpresned in. o tf le la r re* lo [iiiriH from. I'nria-iodiiy . . . , . -.- !» Stuio d«i>iir(iiient. o fflclob were

' 'nuriirlHcd by ibu P a ris repo rl tb a l' ' AnittiiHJiiiOor Ducacliiiur-.lind bevu lu- MtnicivU til nutity ib is goverem ebt o titclally Him Kruncu lit no t u t p ^ e s . ' CHI Inmrosi.cci in -P rts ld u u t Cool-

I IcIkd'h proiiosul. •' .V '• E m u c s te d no opinion ' '' Iroin Fntiicu utiU can niak'u oo fur*

ilivr euiiiiiiunt,-". Sucrotary ' K ellogx ' le Huid. . . ,. • • . 1, i ' , i ' ' ' iff ’ , F ranca 'a unfrloD dllnou to t h e 'p r ^ ., j

: puxal. hsH cauHeii niiicI^ uneaslnMS ‘I* tn otdulul cIrcloH huro f o r tw o

niotitliSH, UH exclunjvely reported •rby,':,^'' '• Ibfl imilod Pruss. -, - . r . . ; i : , - 3

Sinco Framja a t tho flrsi-.W asUw r- N>n cQiifuroiicu blocked iim ita tjfa g-ultiur». subniarlnas . dnd < auallla^.'''-';!|U

. na;£nl craft, wblch - ia . th e ' p r b n a tr ‘ , tmrpoiH uf tho proposed c o n fs rsn ^ ,' ■, ;v " I unofficlql nvROilailons wiUt Fnrlsv.yv ,:■ for fu rther arm s Jim iu tio n -> * ia * « 'o «

bcon a n 'u p h ill task. •. ill®Italy , thpush hi favor o t;‘tba;.eoB*t‘^

„ ference. fe e ls 't l ta t ehe » jit t- ';b a )a B ^ :'3 ^ . Fronch .-sea ipow er.' H . tbo

ranean and will p robably Ij^-ldrMdLSSn by. s H n e ta . .o p p o e lt lo a \ ta t ,4 ^ w 4 £ te i^ ^ iie r stiBpork o f tba ; a av a liU ip ltiU B D a^al

’ 'N o naval - conferencew itliout tb fl, tnlli; jartldpiUjciafttjWfcMBI

- flVB 'm ^ r seav p o w f r « . ] l t ^ $ « A a w t« H . c here.- AlthoughP S X o r w » p : i h » f e f f M ^ ^ f < * t u 5 ® S ^ ^ 8■of. Jection o f. ttie: p r a s l d t e V j ^ i M f f i ^ M ^ M t It t i l .R e l i e v e d s b e i* $ n 3 ^ ^ B |! g Htn p v ll l - ' be . more .tlgo.tpw!g3W g ^ ^

^ llon ^ lp l ls r 'dilbt .i o

A Franee. Bhould p a y 'm p ;®IBMw^ ^ ^ H ll aho is .w il lin g to r e d n e A a f t f i M i ^ ^ l

rrli expenditures and perm it ,-iU SialiK to do likewlM. * '• ' n i :lf tho United .'8Uaes'.;r;U , > a i t % ^ ^ ^ icR nRainit Us w i l l ' t o ; . e n t e r ? ; w w l m f l g

unuanisn t raco it t l n n d a n ^ e o d S tS in M jl oi tbe a ilin ln lilra tioa ' w in i io ( ^ 1 M ti |M f i9 |

re- tu use tbls eouBtrv’s ■superloc-.waittir g M ral Ito pu t th a United S itw i J& j'h e .-Ja M aq H

PARIS, M arch • 8 1 > - i - '« W .> f t a ^ to ^ ^ 3crulRn oKica has . ln s tC 8 C tM .\:in !> K « laxiuulor Kraile D aesebner H |)0 A tD to a r^ ^ he, Unllod S tates . g q v t o r a a a b r o ^ ^ ^

' laity lh}it F ra n c e 'is a o ^a t;3 N M ^M ^« 8 « It, *telere»l«d in propo««laijCeK ‘l r a W c r isa r tn n m c a l « i n f e r « B c e / - , ^ v » K ^ 5 ^ k uTho* BRiiudo' bl a sa n n M f f ^ ? J B w ( I? jf l

lo- dW rsay lh a l F ra n e i h s s ' l t Q i M l t e od ciw lsera. and other

• ' T


Page 2: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

p ^ ' ‘' ■.'TWO ~. .■

: S O S0 « a .M i i , H . E . D o ta

; , Rpriflff T.tiDfhH)n ' I 'M nnnl — Tlio Mnr ! ' 'l*an>)leIlcnlc'W omon'H cluh waji «tc. iirwi ■; , IlKhirully cDtenalni>(l Mbiulu}- t tlUInI ' * t l (be homo or M n . MorKon H ro|i w llll linrt

(be\MiMC(i i ia r y Jlaudo .Mnrki-y untl (imr S tre e t a a faoHtexM!*, Piirftii.'H n-)iiiul> i>ltn ncU.iziecUnK thu liniclicon <lii>o litiiii

ivr w a a .fly rt fo r Satim liiy. .Muy s.yti -ihv tlio

,V, : InvltacloiiH lo iliu ' SI‘ . Idoabcaa to n o onu oxcipl oct Ivo I>un> cliili

)' ‘‘Hfliiftnla nnm bi’m o r tliiiHi; vllslblo (<i lioni ' ' ' Paa<!lleU enlc..oltlirr llvlne u r work* »voti

\ v outaldo or tbe city. C ourt w lilni .'Ith,l'A‘’ -^ w aa the 'd lverejon ror tbo cvcnln*; am t Iiwmi

. proved v ( iy onirctaln lnc. A t a Iniu Uuin \b u u r tho KucKtH woro Hetitol Arniioil ncsa

. . a bceulirul candloOlt table and Hi'ri*cd aflcr ' ' ’ n'dclIclcuH lunclK’bn by tin* boiiivHH. frfHl

biT».M qile Teacbcni* AmocIhIIoii — Tlie.

T w In 'Fallil branch or tho Mulio S ta tu lln J iu i lc TeacbiTH' niiiioclfttfon iiiut on Dorn . Mouddyl'cvuiilnit a t tbe bomu of -Mrn. bono F. T. Kflllofft^ou i;ixbih avi'iiiic norlli. dny i

. T h e mv'-lbiS wa* prm ldud over by Kcnii .Mn. I). G..Ito{:iin u i wbfcli tttiiu t'lniii^ 20 a t

■ Were dbiCUHHOd nil to Inv lH airibe 'S tiito und : .X ualo Ti-acbuni’ oiiiioclatlon lo .in c u t peon be re lo JOSC.. I 'v o iinjoyabli' jjlnna curdu

. aeleetloiiB w ero s iv o a by MIah M ildred ihu | i:irod . m i o

• • • playi'• •„ Ilolil Builnpua M n-tln p ^ T b o iJ itn - avoni

w ab Camp P>re*O lrlt bold a InmlncMH aw nn meeting a t. 'th e homo, o t M rt. y rovoiit .Mrn.

, " .H A N S E N ■ I/ • • • • ‘ lo ibl, ' Mn». J . i fK o o n lB waji tbo honorctj '

ffU u l'B t a .sev e n o 'clock d in n er eJvGii , > , a t h e r .bomo T uesday ovunlnR, tbo oc«>- 'e u i o n 'b e l n s in comraomomtloD or K<xi>ei •• .'h o r b lrtljday nnnlvcm ary. A bout aU -

, ' ly w ero 'p ro fen t Itlcludlnit memburH or •■bo ni , . . tb e aco lo r- women’n Qlhle cIuAh nnd at ox<

• ib eJr h u a b ^ d n l T lio ^ /r a lr wan pluii- i ' :ne<) aa a com plelo nurprliio: fo r Mrn. '" ‘t X'

; - .K o e n lf w bftlB iho .tffJcl«n l tPorlnT ofIb ^ claaa.. A ll proiw nl’ i«iiru»a tbeiii- wi-ico M lves,.aa bavlntt n iiiom ixci-lleni Myn-

.lU n& . I .••-.•M fi.E m ntti W a1kor*of Jorom o IiaM*

: b o tn ;* e « c a l 'o f .b p r aon In -l ln n n tn .. tb la w eek. , .x jn': . ■ ■ H . L . n e a o n and fam ily Imvn niuvod ^vodii

f .. i ' t b a l p u t w eek 'from T w in FuIlH.tn ono cow i: otiC haik Colner'a tunnnt bouHin no rtb ,]gy ^

o t Eden won n bua- atoro ^ ^ ( 'r i lB f i iv ^ le r t 'ln - to w n tho tlra t Sr. tb e Cccll : *T. i .VaeTb’ ' ■ 'w.- • . _______ lilalio

. v v f p a i l o ’ic b o o lf baa b«>n l6w tc« l co»i-^^^.‘'•W en ftlftc th e • paat ton dayn on ac- ;nprlyI,ij.jieouaf.o f alckaeaa. Tho proVnlllnK all- tlio O ^® j^.*ta*t;a*«ni to b a a form of In Krippo. At t V '> aH trbert^.8raJlh cam o down from T w m ediien :.^J< rIU Ia-T hunday fp r a abort via jt w ith fmuor V .'’>v«latlTca. for ai 'i • ..-I, T h a fiJIftwlng nm gram innttt» iip of rli-« v .■•*j B H m bft*vH »on 'b rT n « n l)c r f l-o f 'tlic Mni.

H m M D .an d M urtnuah vfclnlilca wan lonchi . > i i e |d :a tU b « cburbh In MurtuuKh on iilty i• T h n rad a y cvm lnK : AVclcomo addrinii* ■•loctoi

b y -IUr. B. U W ilto <if T rfin ttillH. -Mun• 'U ia-addreas waa followi-d by nporop- and i . rla(A rem arks by Itrv . Tom Dlodiroit; Kcnon t tw o aelectlona by tbu JlnnNcn orrbon* Ixfnctc

t r a : a rea d ln s by Torn icn NulMon nf doroil ' H anaen ; a ahorl m ldnioi on tli r nub- paai ;

' l e c t o t "D opendlbim y" l.y Uov. BIbd- anco 1 t e t t ; aelectlon by iho llnntii'n' orcboH- and tl

' ' , t « ; n um ber by Um Hanm-n m a k o n -a .' (juarlolto . Tlm n'lml.oric w uru n il u ftn l ' tborouRbly rnjoyrd. Aftor tho uplrn-

d id 'p rpK can i nlKint ^Ixty jin r io o k .o f | - , . 7th»4p1lcloua rprrcKhmouis w hirl! w crr I /

' ttrV e d .'c f fa te ri? « iy li ',b y tbo M«r- • _ _ _ • i t a o g l j lad tm . • . ' -r»

> T h e M urtntmh cburcb concrcRtillorfa o rpRular pimior nnxli:npd to 5,''',"^

g lu ten a t thu tojil m i-otlnKflf iho MoOi* I . 'p d l a t conforMieo nnd M lia Kvn Urown r l , "

i i ^ o t MoBtfomury. A la ,J ia h ««Pn .lovoi- ^ J n n berS<ti»o .-qually between tber.-

. r a n d the H anaen cbBmc, makluK cnJIu '*1 .and doln(r.deaeonp»« w ork. t , , „; ; • Mr. and Mra. A. n . Sct.u . Mra. NVI

. V a o n and dausb tera . th e .SnnipKon Hr..!.,, \ f M r. and M n . Clian. Calv.-n. J . K."ll«li ’ a a n d w Ifr, Mr. and > frf . Koy Diirk. f t V ancfl’N aylor. Mr. T ea p io « ..ru iho.h,T altendln ir th e p rtw rnm from ila m .rn .. . j I , TbV Infant non of Mr. uml .Mni. M. J L O d- J.. Itobltiaon la au llo aick a t lho pre;<- J e n t wrttin*.* T be Hanaen blch nrbool hnll loam u iih >

, w ere ^cfcaieil a aicond tlmo by ili< „ft K im berly team on TJmrailnj- i f io r - -- aoon. T be flral nix Inbinc.i tho Icwa.i tcam held the load a l itic chwe ol ______t every b a it o fto r ibc flm i. Tlm h.miory I J WM chanitrtl a nuinbi r of tImoN for I Hr botb teama nnd a fte r bolh Bidt^ w en •______-a llo w e d to p ile up acor«-n In bovituI

. i t I n n ln o lho sam e clodeil with KImbor- . ,V ly In Ihn Icad by th ree ncoro* over iho

' _ locale* fourteen. ''" ''oC T he rea u la r m eellnc of th e Worn- "S'' • c n 'a Com munity t'o im rll wan hold ut ■'ol'ed.

» Ibe church on T hunidoy ufiernoon. < r Miin ^ 'T T ie . devotional ir rv lc ra w ero In . . . r h a r s e o tM r* . Cronira. ('hap lon i rrom IDdn ' tb e m lailonary a ludy IkxiW w ere d ie ^'all" 1

V- c u asc d .an d .p a rta taken hy M omlamr. M. on AII. J . K. H all. A da l \ NelHoh am) J . I> Inc anil *:.';'KoeaI*,‘ n o ll ca ll w ai rp ipond« l to fin ibo. 'b y eac b .m ew b e r namlnK ibolr fovor- Ulll.

I ' i U ' flow er and telllni.- lln nioanhi;; t 'p u r t a f f ihe bualnena «i«iiion ihn l fi.l- £ low ed eonm ltieca lalkod on ih r »■«- .•JrtfllU ea o f a -^VboleMle Hozaar am) , Twin , A Bsnal D inner." 1 A fln an rla l' repo ii fe you ri.w y a U re a w.Web ahowed th a t a KrVoi- ^ -----

p e r een t of the rouncU'n iiliaro ul | n ^ ^ a r c b badxet ban beeo rsU n t ^ H W e a l d e n t u k r t l tb a t it bo m ade a

‘hai^ ^ H M p w ^ p n y eVery m om lnc -fnr 1^ ^ B H M a a - e f ibe.eotsnell. Com mu- I

reQueaied lo have « rull nex t m eetine. *«*

^ ^ ^ ^ K r H l o n claaa o f whreh Mro. W a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t t N a M e s t met a t ibe ,church

T h e topic ' ’iiow . . . dU-

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B o M B M m b e r * . W ith thr type w ritten

a rc civen out I roch five) I

^ — I .\ ] i i r l

o iss , P b o n o S23.

Inrcb 28. T hirteen mi’mboi n w ero-• <_• irwienl. T ho s ir la oloclod lo tifii- |y„'| lldftcy woro Kiaiao Mlllor. Alloon n n h - i„a ‘„ in ri nml l.n rllo (len iry . MIhh Woliuni. )„»( boHuporlnioHitont o f tho eoimiy Ims- -r llinl p tvc tho e lrb<U hiiihrr Ikhhoii m iinilUKlni;. A biko wuii jilunned for Iio n rx l mooilnc.

.SUir Siieliil ('lull—Tho fila r .‘?6olat lull moi Mondny afiernoon ai ili<! ome of MrH..ll. II. Uroomo on ro p la r ,111 voiiup. w jlh ..Mr*, l.ucy .Moore und ,j,u Ir*, llon iiun SclnirKor iiHHlNiani bo*- WMOH. . T he proHldent, .Mes. K. W. i.mi iiiinke. proHiavil ove r a affort bii*l- . „ C3a a£ii«lon nnd ibo rc-mnlndur of ibo i riornoon .wn* iionlat. Dainty ro- ’f’Hbmcnia \v«ro aorvod lo DU mom-

, • whello tto rln ir ,Wr». Jiihnmm-rMrK. A.

o rn ian Johnnmi wnii lho isuoM ' uf m o r a l. n-chunnInK luncboon .Moh- .. ly u t ibo Cbnnllcloer Rlvon hy .Mrn. onnolb pt-acb. Covora w ore laid for ' a t ihruo toh lta conlured wfTlj pfnk ■} id Juvunilor aiiup<lm):onH ond awoi t ' 'na 111 a llviT bajMkoia. and tbe plncu rdn-nnd ta llloa fu rtb o r I'niplinHlzud u pink and lavender color Ncbumu. iIlowlHK Ibo luncheon brldKO wn« S''?” nyi-<l. a t lho Hunch bom e on 81x111 unuc oiifll. Mra. 1*. II. Slowoll wii» '^'‘1" -nrdod lho fnvor for h ish acoro.und ra. i 'ruem nn Foaa tho conimlailon.. ----- .- -----------. mnni

^ klllli al Ihoy n ro (Icrlvlni: n irrra t iliinl bui 1 Kood from Ihu ilniu thuy uru itlvlnt: No ibu clunaea. , ' (iratt

Membera .of ihc locnl Doy .Suoiiih hor g 11 hovo nn Im Dortani inooiinR on abo 1 x t Tuoaday oV cnlnuJtbon Ibe Scoul Tb ;ecutlve. Mr. H aw lJf? will bu proa- tru e l and aaalat In ihu li< alnjo promoio apol* IS nioujlwra lo flra t clnaa runk. Loc- wbnt excciMlvoii will hll proaoni lo j»re- 'K 'l

nt pinna fo r,th n w ork for Iho com- nnd ; your In Un- wuy o f aUiIcilca, lilki-a, flculi ^ A fil'd will alno ho onu o f t f tu aa h Icomo p.irln of thu prournir’i for tliu throi yn. tonI:.'d PoliyKrovo, 4n rom pany w llb a broui mbor from Hfmhurly nltvndod tbu boon iivunllon of ibo A m crlcnn I/OkIoii elinri « t held a t ItUliurt oh Tuoaday.- Mrrb o Uolilun liu lu S to ra opened on bo ci I'dnoHibiy and roporla th a t largu cop> 3wda lire vlallInK Uio atoro each Ibrue y to loku udvantaKO of tbo bareainn nnd ilcli nru - bolnR o tte red . Tbu now fram ire la under tb o m anasem en t o t whic! cll Uoyd a form vr employe of the UlO D eportment S to ro ' and E. S. b i 01 .\ldllilH l!B™ 'lllU ' BTUUIT IB* — 7— Kle* a p u rl of ftia t which waa tor- i r iy ownod b j« tb c Peoplo 's Mercan- > Co. -■ - . . .\ l a recen t m eellns of ib e hoard of icatJon J . 12. B atea waa clioaon trf jorviKR tb e Krado and bU b achool • anolhor year . Tlm poalllon car- a - tfU liJ t -n n .in c r r tm c . ln ,.gA lary . a . Dates wan a lso rce lerted aa chor In Rncllsli. T h e en tire foe- Mr y of jtrado acbool teachera wero couni ctvcl for ano lhor y e a r alao. . - -n . ilumlMre of Ibc-board or oducatlonI Ibo p a trona aa w ell have boon ' , . . loroua of' Ibolr prnlaoa for tbu nni- ic tory aervlcu w hich h aa boon reii'-•oil by Mr. Ilaten In bla copocliy tho '" ’i''®II year. T be h inh bcIuk»1 niloml- :o haa Increaaed over iuO per cent 1 Uio a th lellc acllvllloa hovo loliona.'tfew pbatio, conaldornblo oguip*

u l bnvlnjr boen added.• --|. - .. on a

ANNOUNCEM ENTS Irbi>' U d le ii' C ircle o t tlM<..&rpHai: irch will mi-et w liu . thk-V iler Uap- ; lad lia Tlitiriidn>. A pril 2. Cara I lie provldird fp r thoao no t bavlnis i , / *ny to KO. All Indies doalrlnK to n re ro(|Uuali.tl to Iw a t ibu bum:-

______ . ■ '"i,"bo Pronbytcrlnn .U d le n ' Aid will Ll a t Ibo mnnau w lih .Mra. A. U. “ V. <" im ou 'T h u ra d u y nfiornoon o t 2:3Q, Sic th e laillua uf thu church nru cor- hiat '

Ily Invllod. Wblli------------------- -— -s. ronel:

>dge a n d C lub Note*' Sa lur

1m Salm on .‘ oolal Club will mcol ; tr.It M ra.iW lndon A pril 2. Ulvotlim '| ifflrora wjll luko placo for Ibe com- s^nmr BoohOn.

■■ ----- J . {

H I G H S C H O O L |'' t r ip I

I** U ubrl’ii K usllab claiiReB are ylnR debate ih la weok and will I aeveral dobatcn In th e cluaae*.

qiientlon for lom orrow la. "Ue- ^ 3 ^ ed. T lial Iloiwevolt W aa n .Jiron t-' iliiix T hnn W llaon."- ' “

— T illd s will ho recoJv«i» by lho Tw in « » ie tl » lIlKhwuy DlKlrlci u n til 2:30 1» neavei n A pril 1515. fo r crimhlnB. hau l- — in d npr<-n<llnc ISOO yarda or- ro fk H I V bo Ja rb ld su road a l C edar Crock

s , A. s n o n i :R T , rP ln -r lo r o t lllRbwaya.

lln F alla will s r o * la proporUon Bur c tvoprraU oti. . i __________ ■

- r 1 ;~ '

NOTICE/ a l e r T n m e d O a l y ' .

' • a te *a li-r w ill I.e tu r n r i l out. o f

H iK li I-im* I 'm in i J o r tw o * IR l io c iii ii i t ic T h u rs i lu y , I-I 2 iiil.‘ I

r in 'F a lls C an a l Co.T w in F a lU . I d * h o . • “

■ ■ - T

Wifea^dHw• (.IllCACO. Mni'ob .31—W hen Ibo lyplral -trInnKlo" ilooa a aommor- iianlt you Koi aiiob cireumaianci-a a* Involve lho coai- of Mra. tVoll Wnro.

Tlie Htory bi aordld bu t li 'la Inlor- '.'ailnK|Jioeouii!> ll roverSw the UNUUI pDii flfrulvluK tbe (lulraip-d huHbiiml.

The '-ulher man” la nlwaya nicea-' anry ici 11 irliinclo lubleaux Jii»t aa be wna lo Mm. W are—n woman wlih ull • Ihu coiifforlH Ihnl nnclnl poHl^lon and Ibe w io lth o t b r r hiiibnnil'a cnilon brnkorace bualnoHK coald afford bor nmiiHK iSow O rlonila ''o llle .

.Mra. W ure cnnfofines, now ibnt ll la ull ovor. tbnt ll wiin a .v o ry nllly und unforiunnte iIiIuk to r hor to do - when ahu lu fi bor b u n b u d 'a pulatbil homo 10 nook huppliiOHH iriid lovo wlih Clurk O. Kuney iw o y e a n a«a.

lltindHimii- nnd 3(.Kimey Ih 36, llu iHlinndaonio. .'Mra. .

tV’aiu /* li flilebi aud p iquan t iieraoit nf 311. .Sbe Iiuh had K une^ Indlctnil In riilcuKo churRlnt^ blm w ltb lar- ;:cny. . . .

Hbe aoya abi< kovc ovoryihlni; io ilm—loi-o. honor, nmney, jew ela nnd .'vorr h b r homu wblch wos ao ld fur lolf o f lia *80.000 valuo-w han Kuney -viiuuiitud ll, Hhe aaya. ,

Jamcti W. Wjire. llie Indy’ij bunbono, iKed CO, and a p illa r of Now Orleona' im orl *01, oncc w a*-on lho point of ' ill iln s K uney, an .Mra. W aro Inalala.>ui aiayed blH band nl he r rcqMeat.

No.w. ihouKh tho coupio bave Hep- irated, ,Wnru la ' bolplnu bla w ife In lor prosecution of Kunoy “to seo that bo Beta Juatlce,’’T hat lu w b at inokoa tbo caao nn-

ruo io type, l l loucbea up ibo durk . pois w ith ft aploah of- ch ivalry or . trbot would you coll i i r •K im ty In now In T hreU Jjikcn . Wla., ind aald lij he Involved th aomo dlf- Icultlun w llb lho Inw ihero. So so<m a Iiu Iioh hla froodnm, Mra. Waro. hrouKb h e r ntiorm-y, Charlea Whai*■>n of ChlcnKO, pluna havim r him roUKhl horu,. w beru Kunuy, l l bui< m i m ade known, Will deny a ll h e r vli lioruua. , doMra< W oro nnya abe m et him whun lio

lO cam e to Now Orleona to auil aome sa: ropa and aee ,thu roces. H o nloyM ntt liroe m onths, accordInK to h e r story, i nd a fte r leavlnE te losraphcd ' lie r rom CblcoBO lelllnB bo r: to comiJ. - 'h icb sbo 4Id. 'M<anwhne, ahe says, she had pror frc

T~j9Msi^i^dam PA^TSTBRDAn.—Mr, und .M n , Dale

lunklo gavo a pa rty on Tliuraday tiem oon trom to u r 10. alx In honor . t M oater P a u l's blrCTiday. Itefreah* . leAts conalatlnR of Ico croam •a n d . . . oka w u ro 's r irV c in o tbo H iu r^ o lk a :Mr. and Mm. A. Ilo lm quliit' woro s u

ounly aoal vlaltora on Saturday, llo ^ r . arid .Mra. K 0 . l.,enoy nnd

llHs Dornlce, MIrho* Iva ftlmniona *<' ml ' VIolol Holdurman .weru Sun- ny RucatB o l tbe i.'. L . K unkel

Mlaa Luclllu Ivlicbull .v|*liod nt tbu < :lIlolt LamU bomo >wr>il of H o lllitu r > n Saturday, ulioriioon.Meaara. \v'. It. S h lm i.r-o n d Ew ln* *‘®'

kinnor w oru Tw in Kails »lmnperan Saiurdny. ------Dr. C. A. f^nii* wa;i n profeaalonnl 7^*

allor In AniHterdilni vlclnlly Sun-- I da« Mr. nnd MrK. A. i:. K unkel and

milly nnd Mr. nnif Mra. Jo h n n nno r nnd Alice Hone wero Sun- hor ty cuemn n t tho Illntiiian homo. in , Mlaaea Myrl nnd i.ito Skinner

•ere S aiurdny iilRbt nnd Sunday iRllnra n t hniiM-.\ l r . nuiV Mra; Jniiiofi a ilcncn o f n

oKoraon w ere c u llm i In thla v idu - jn p X, nn Sundny. . „udSivfron lliiH npi'nl Hoveral daya diei at work u t Ibo Kd Piinloor home. 1| I'bllo Ihero . bo holped w llh tbe dHi jncb w ork, ko iiIu r the aoil In — iinpo In aow wbo.n; AmAan f’aldwoll wn« j.Tler vlaltor . Jiurdny ovenlnR. 'Mr. nnd .Mm. .Herniii'n -.IVoleolt r. Ill family .-mil, John Ko*ler : w ere I- iinrduy evonlnR vl»iinra In lho aRir r i ly , . •J . K. I’ohlm.m and kuiin w ere bua- '{ OKH nhopiarH In Twin l-'alls Saiur-

c !, r.. K-mliel m.-,.i- a bualneaa U Ip lo . Tw ill FallH .Monday a tler* L

Bible • m o u q l i t , » Mali |THB SOL’ltCK or* JIKI,!*.—M yhelp K iiieth from U io 'I.nrd. uhlch made b flven nnd enrtli.—1*». 121:2. >

Radio Furnisi ment for Ai

Till- tnst('.s o f ilie n v o ra g c p e rso n a i -piiH. npyj;i;i-iutc .nlm iifti cvcryslw O 'tM -n .t in H tnJ^n ik .• ,

A T W A T E Ri iT y o iiy Jh tin ir niuJ y n u 'w l l f b e "eiitcI r t - l i i r / V p ern , .......... .. o r a e r m o n 't lY ou ui^t Icftt n*MilH w i t l^ A t i r n t e r I



isband H^Ve J< land Jail for fI

............ —

• • M n s . 'c i i :c i i .R 1

vIcIihI lilm’ w llb . mnny ihniiaanda or woro do llara hy aelllnR^Iiur JowoIh nnd evon m arr lior (lome, becauao Kunoy lold her, aho ten :

Isoya, lh a l .ho needed monoy to JI- needi nitnci! n deal up n o r ih ,. • “H

K uney. In m arried, iiio. dovoi

>■•“ “ "•• . ■ Kpi"I now re a ik o ll waa nil wrnnR I loa

from ib e -s in rl ." saya Mra. W nro, "Wo Ot

P e t e r G e U 1 8 M o n t h * ^

f o r U s i n g M k l l s t o now

' D e h a u d i n M i n e C a i e

SALT L A K R U la h -C h o rle s Peler,.TMaQU)t--«onvlot«d—tn—Ib ^ —foiloral------^c o u rc m r c h a rK v o f 't ia tn c tb o V altetd ' S tales mnlla to dofrilud .In Conner- llon w llh prnmnlfnn of tbo Maacnt •‘Wiindor" Mine" n .n r-l ln llo y , Idaho. . wen nontenccd |o i<urve 18 m onlba fn tb e federal prlHon n l J,eavonwulb,Kan,, by Judfio Tllmnn D. Jnckaon.of lho Unlletl SinloH dlatrict c o u rt today.. Counaol for I’oior aouRht to iibldin

a now tria l on lho a ftldavlt o f a unl- versliy iiim knt who claim ed lo huvo hoard i;. <;. Coffin, fo n n ian of lho Jury dlRciiBRlnR the cane In 'a m anner .. IhdlenllnR iha t ho w as projudlceil asa ln a t tlie dofendnnt; Cotrin leail- tfod llm l bo .bnd nol made tho alalu- montn norr)Hlll<Hkto blm In Ibo ofri- dav-lt nn d . Ibe court drult'd lho mo­tion to r now irliLl.^ Peter Is alloRCd to bnvo dotrauded n num ber o r , Okla­homa people ihroUBh lho aalo o t aiooli In a w ortblraa mlno,

I ’ VtJi:- I’O X ri; |»K '

n O M i:-Sa lle rb !o .' n moun»oin vll- loRO In-I'lediiuuini, no rlbern Italy, baa Ruddenly hi-eoiiio tamouH. No nne huii

?led Ibore dnrlnR lbr-Innl Ihreo yoam.I Is alKo elalm ed ib o l no one there

drinks^, w iiio, q u a rre ls or s leala and

& N 8 ^ R T O T E S T E B D A Y 'S . C B O S B W O B D P U Z Z L E . .

iies^Aitiuse- 111 Tastes

ar/* KO v n r i r d th a t lie "o r nlic ■ t 'o t Ih c rn d io jtro p rn m .

R - K E N T .■iito rtn ino .1 b y jim l U ie m unlc ,'tK flt w ill in te ri'ir t y o n m o s t ', r K e n t . C om e in f o r dem on*


S T O B J t ^ ,

Joined ‘ K

9 & B E E E h h B ^ ^ ^ B k 1 ! •I - ' 'TtI - ' com]

'i'. form

TainI ' ciudi}.>; w ini i , ' d l-L

l- tiiI . Tben {• . week

u to I

' f i ^ ^ r S K S S B a S m (oiodOrph

P ; “KnoVol

r’.isjjs--. ' P“* 'P - •• »W«9

•• •- . They

^ S !

. : s “M and. t , a IlD

m . Hrmoro

■r: WAR15- ■ ■ Z f :voro bolh to RCt a divorce nnd Ihen ? ■,f,“ nhrry. Ho lold mo iho t lio bod koi-cn Into b iv laoss d ltflculllea and “*»' 'loedcd money. . ' . a no\

■‘Ho- tooled mo from ibo aiarL I amlevollns tb o tew funds I ,b av o Icfl to PUt o 00 blm punished. My buaboqtl ' lalolplnir me. Ho Is a w ondortul man. I'oealloat blm, by bomo and presUse.',' • > .'.‘ 1 ^O t's u c b 's tu ff a re triang les made. ' o f - ( a

— ," , -,' pantfl,

u a t pcrreci narm ony fel'ijns .among lie InUablianU. M any lou rlsts are ow .floeiiInK to ' ibo vIIIbro. drami

■ E

p i n

Get Qu ic k . C o c

_ Sitndard fall •!>« -andwtifbt package*-- ^

Ym r frectr new b«a . two Und* of Quaker /O a U ~ tb e kittd.3roa. . have ahrvyi known and 'QuickQokker. .&


. J ' -

■" •■ y .'' . „ ■ . * *.- ■ TIJESI

■' ■' ■ ‘ ■ '■ ^ aid ,

\ M a t T H E . . . : . . r

: T H E A T R E SK Klv'lDAUIAntlK FILM ,r v e i l

ISM A D K L \ ) I K X H ;f f § y t

T«orma T alm adne Bnlle<l fo r Norib- srn Mcxlco io m nko somo of th e * iMflcs o f h e r la lu st photoplay, ■•Th*)n ly 'W om an .’■

Tbo f ir s t s to p o f.^ tb i'' TnlmnilRc fompany w as a l C a la lln a 'Is lo . Tboru

llS lJ*^7w io"w i 'b y ’ Riorm ' a n d col- ' b ilo n ^ c en c sy m ad e a t 'aea. ,<

T h a compafay Uion MeamoU on lo iloxleo aboard the y a ch i,"S n lian a ," orm crly ownod by K. H. H urrhnan , a llroad 'm attnn ic, ’ .

Ooaldeir' KuRcno O'Urlen, Norma - ra1modHo's:icadlns mun, the cool Iu- ludcli. .Matthew Qolx,-Gdwards Davlea,Vinter H all, F c rcy W illiam s,' Slollu ll-L anil. .Murdoch .M acQuarrle, -tbo lev, Neal Dodd. T bom aa .M clithan., n i o picture will be a t th e O r p h e u n * . /

'ben trc Fcjdny a n d S a lu rday of Uila i fcek.. , ‘ M , • . I :■

; O B im 'lf H VXl/D&'V/LLE. ‘ ' A ttothur top>DOlcb h ill th a t’ Is sa id '• '

0 mo«K,Yaud«.vlllo^s ruqulromenii) nd -filled wli|i lOO .p o r cen t onlor- ilnm enl vnluu «-lll bo seen a t- tb o rpham tbeatro on tom orrow evo*In*. « 'L es U ilmnnelios Is a Suropoon

ovoliy th u l w ill p leaso ilie crow n- ua a s 'w e l l as tbo youDBslora. Tho Uib tlRurcs w ill s ln ic . and . tolk. hey do ovorythlnic a bum an.helD K DQld- do,, y e l they* a ro auch tiny rea tures, aiid oro n o l worked by :rlnss o r oUior deviccs. Low Iloau idr.O row nlo In ■'Mqatpqia o f 'J o y ." .

b'urleiTque •e o m e d lo iT ^ d u peUio subrotte 'producInK llie lr ia tea t .Ick comedy succoas wlih slnglriK Id. eccontrlc dpnclnic num bers nnd line .of ru ra l comedy pallor. P u ll- -

- , .C lark and Cnmpnny, a sn tiro on nkbiK "A. Movie S tn r.” n r io t uf in nnd Inusb te r abowlnx th e hu> lorous aide o t n movlo dlroclor idenvbrlnR to muku n movie Mor It of a youuK n n d 'lK n o ra n i Iraoh.

comedy cyclone full o t ridlcu* lusly funny- llnea lind ani'mtlons Id a hurrah flnlnh. H urry F errla, novelty viintrlloiiulHk whont)' sto rlea _-0 nrfw -and ve ry hum orous and r p I t ovor In nn orlRlnnI atylo coualng I ony Neorty. Inu'ghs n lw K w ith Rood «o l sonit b its . ' L alni; B ro th e rs -In hMi< Cylophonlsu Suprem o,", m usicians uuu - ta le n t , 'w h ich -alves rtso- to ro- ir>«i lated ca lls tffr • .yBncdres. ^ Thoy w» t^VjlUUH acclaim ed nrila ls of ruM e rit ‘and prim e ^avorlies, ■*'Tho fia tu ro ' p ic tu re la an nnuaual ' am n n^oplsd from llio nuvol, Oor-

et^ tilGKCOIw -c i j e a m y

EC Q'LfAKER- toks Iih. 3 to 5 rm.“ 1 7 y i i R V B O B Y ^ k n o T O \ h i

m eans in oats. ] f oi sm ooth ; de lidousnes^ no ^

Now w e offer i t in a q u t c l l j c ,Quick(Qaaker. |

I t a>oks ih 3 to ’5 minujte r i c ^ i b reakfast n o w the

f o b s have tum ed to t ^• ' V

i t yourself. See how W

iJo o * for the guMker oh ^That £neans Q uaker f la v o r -^

.an d ijtilk” b r r a k f a ^ doctor/s in 3 5 m inutes. »

T h i t m eans the superfine o k i th e finest grow n, th e .m o s t f h Xhe world. V

- I' ' ‘ .

E S D A T ,- .a f fK C n ° 3 » t< ^ g ^

ltd Cranston's Lady.- Th«';tU^ oC;i purchased-woman.; WallH'irtifilrsd- g'.md ncted by it notubla'«asl;>Oaca«dr Slid l»iiUio,RcvloW-wuDds'outiajproe r -;rani of blilily enlartflajnif qnamj, J

SWALLt)\VKn BAIX06.v’ ‘> ';. ' C H A T H A M ,'K nK .^K atlllm ,H oina ,

w'oliail of 8, d le d ^fie K nw ollow lnc <<'■^ i ^ i c d toy b a l j ^ ; ’ ,'-i. -

S l e n d ^ r ^ i n e > ^


V - .

T h s »l«nderl(ln(-linir of this ilHitown,'iirtnled in HBV»'lilH* ai»d . . jwhim: .houtd >nd«ar l i . i o (he ■ /

hMi»i i>r;»lHhi>ae*wumpn Wbo ean 'i . * f«uiie d«-HW.'o W r m ^ a l Wllb , t f r ”*ih«lr mi-oN- The..woalf«,,an<l., f n i n i . ' f l .y IK.»"| nr» of tilintwi g ^ n tx l lr c n i y ^

IX •niiiilu toBolhi-r .il,|he,f«i»nl with.If i.rni>M.<ni >;f bi-iiila «cid-(ir'<nima ’ I

j f ' - ' - '• -■ ¥

L ■ ■ ■ 'T

n . " '

• >

! 0 0 k i i ^s h n e s s

Jr . r J. jninutesLhat'Quaker fla-' -tor richness,' for l ^ e r bas ever

Ijcooking oat&^ ^

makes .^e H

siis new Qu 'ec .

■ nderful it is. • tho label '

-tthe “hot oats ra3 are urging—

ofets you want— ‘ ‘i

^ i

Page 3: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

I r - ' E S i s ^

i C p i l W : ^ ^ f c W F i

i; % : i | ^ ~ ^'oSelaSScraSia'jicS^

'[i , l> W |:^ J ^ 'o ; - M a r c l s 3 1 .> ^ o-A lowlnfc^lkr^of'-eVcaw a n d -ru le * s

'e ra ld r . 'U if t^ s ra d e sebooi tr a c k a w ii« -lieW iU <ho ^ Ic r /air erou

; ' onM loy S.>;TblA infonoatlon ia i; ; th r o u ib ' Uie otflco .of

A . ^ o o u y .■ u p a r lo te D d tf 'o t, .-C h ari' ■> Pond; anaV JB '-or iD torM t to «vv

firadi) sebo«l .which oxpects to i tid p n to Id (bla meoL . ‘ ’ .

E vanta w ill He ran;*Jn tli.o ot . h e re 'H a ted .(a ta rro d n u m l ^ In

X , lo ro o o o il) ! - .. ■ . . ^ ■. J u B lb r . nnd Sen io r i to r s . '

of oventa:• I -^ h lb n ln g . ;

. ■ X ^ I iM p ii l f '3 pouada, /V ■ 3 - ^ lo o d l n i broad iunip. .

* 4^ ^^ iin ii> 8 b lg ii' jum p: & r^luhoius-. .broad Jum i)..

■ p a x S h K , , . . ' . ■

l i ^ d a ^ t o r ‘a ilO '^ re lay .m lliL 'ruo ; - : ' . '

' ieaiQran'wbelbbr «oya':or itlrla i

' SuUiVri.'iro'Ortanjptf^^not-^>':re't. ; n » c h e d ' tlielr. ' tb lr tce t b irthday by M y 2. 1326; _

J n n lo r ^nd Settlo r V lris.-------- ’-U a t or ovonta: . •

, ll ' 1—a iln n ln it ; . ••I * 3—Shot pu t; 8 'p o iindn . -

, • 3—KunninR 'hiRU Jump. 4-~DaiQbaU throw .

. •• C -i<0 .#ardvdaab . - ?C— lO O 'j i i r ^ a a l i . - V , ' * . 7—Q u h rw /tftllO ' rvloy. -

■N Ta r c o c ie n i i fff T hJb . KaH*'•;.T ho-ru1ovporla ln inK ,(o .tbo ovei t«V bd'heId « t tho 1931S m eet qf t

. .T w la .P U lla Ocatfb- acliool. Atl>l61 ■■ aaaoclAtioa aa-ad o p te d , n t . tho me*

Jnit- o f Uj* a a i o c l a t J o n M a r c h ^ 1926; '

^ . ’ " A ll dnillea : I lu a n e n g ta rt nccoi , . Inx to atartlntc rutoa .of Spaldl

• • >ul« • b ook ." T h e m an .'w h o toucli u p o flra t, w lna. •

C h lan ln s the b a r: A rm s m uat e tra lg h l beforo each Utt. Man n i

------------------— n n t-m u t c.hlfl nn . tJm lia r------' .S ho t p u t: S ho t-m um be put , f n

- ---------------A o in B e K -^ tfa -» n -T m r-o r t iif f* WI . musC b« beld '^ lnslile. o f Uio y o n

foot circ le . • ' ' tC - a—lIlRh Jumpfl and. polo X E ^ : A 'l

la counted J t Vody c l« b ra .o r touch . Ihe bar.

BaU ilirow : T h ro * e r muy ru n n • d istance b u t m ust throw boti

creaaini; tbo line. - Ol.nl<inco la frt line to tl r a t broak. .

R e lay ; ^.Tbo toVon iRuot Wf Imm ■y ' . «d to eacli m an IH' the tonm nnd I'

la s t m an m u st brihff tho token hon A d istance o f flvo y/irtla' on en nlde of th » dlvialon line m ay

' . uaed l a w hich to . U ollror th e tok ■to the nex t man.

^ H op, s to r . Ju m p : T h la .U i .w l al rnantoK nt/>rt and e on tcsian t m; thea i u p VAd Jump,

.n u a n ln * J u " ’*'m ust n o t step , over tho line a t i: tal(e-oft to the f irs t break In t: duat. wheU ier It bo handa; o r ai

r • p a rt o t Uie body. .) ■ 1. T h ree tr ia ls a re to bn allowi' oach ra w *betore h e > ls ellmlnnto

• • 2—In Jumplnjc, sho t pu t. tc . , 'e a . m a n .m u s t be allowed throe oftorl tbe b u t oho .to aUod.• 9—A ll QUcatlona o f e rro rs ai d is p u te a h alt b o , poatpone<l to ll p roper lim e and tbe decision o t ll Juilfoa sh a ll be final:

'4—^ t y . l h e n m l.- if l eacb'V -erc trom % 4cU a is tr lc t may, o a t i r tl fiaala^ '* ,. ■ •

ElfffltnatM s coBtAAta will (ake-p)a< r rid a y . A pril « , a s . 'to l lo w s r -:

• f i s l r lc t No. I . U rJH r;.flnclu(l<c ity Rrade acboots.

D U lrlct No. 2. Is Duhl. inc liih dItU lcU 10. :S . 36. 63. 61. 37. M 'Cowles, chairm an . .

D istr ic t No. 3, la C aatleferd. ii cludoa c ity and w ard schoola- *■ D istric t No. A. Is H ollU ler. ii

T ^ W la d e s d la tr ic ts 34. ax. 39. .41. 47. C» . I • lOWntid. N a 8. Mr. ColUiorp :

c b a r te . ■ •D lstrlc l No. 6 l l > tgrU o«h. Ii

elades D istric ts 1. 40. 49, flid. No.

.......................■ * * * i5 s tr te l* -^ * '« . t f 'BaiBaen. ' ItAad.«a D IatrlcU 33. , 4. SS; Ind. N< 7. M h Bales, chairm an. 'D la tr ia N o - 7. la :T w ln C^Ils. I« cladM j> lstrlcU 17, 30. 33. 4&, H Mr. NasmoB. chalrepcin

.D to trtc l N or:S..l* M am a. Mr. n a y s In c h u r * . S3 tnciudsd.

D tstrte t Ko. 9 . U in i s r . No. j taelodM . I ^ r l e t a .1, ■11. 43. ^ Z ta ilaad l a e b a r t ^

p U tr ie t N d. i t V ^ SDBkyslde, la

DtotMct N o. I L Is- K lobM ly . tn cln ifw c ity sro d a acbools. Mr. Paw e rs In c ta tffe .* .

B M i r t s i m r n o x n L W A r u i .SANFORD. B n n n u :tr«m

m « d :u u * s a k w o ( jtte .A B frica iB As : aoeutSM s to X . « ith Oifirortb VU

. .g?^«rS8a-5i^.SK*SffJoaekM n..lioUoat«atnaldsr, who: i tnttttU t w Itt yOmAi!ib..-Ne ptw pv uvcrtui w w r v v u a .

TUESDAT.'MAIIOT 31,':l02t . f ■ • ■925 .' I‘ • ^ ■ ■ .


R' I H M


rouofi* ■

arW ttefivery


F ron i row : Left to rifiht. IlHth A lon ' lla lp lir xu a rd ; 'l>m a llakur, ci Rua'nU »■ v•. Unrr>-. conch ; Norm

SWIlLBEiicenth ' - ..

RETURNH o rd -B o ilo d S p o r.ts l a u g h o d

L e o n a r d 's A n n o u n c e m e n t A b i

w n ly . E o tif in f f B nd S t a te d T h a t

if tho , W a s B ocauso H o O ou ld (

“ ‘ ‘I f M ^ o W e ig h t t o M c o t Mioli

- .W an ro r4 ‘ O hainp S a y 8 I t I s -

pa of A c c o n n t o f A io lh c r.

ildh l* ■ '^ V IIENUV i„ . PA ItrtnM , uchoa -NHW YORK. Mnrr.li n i—Dvnplto '

hcm cnt dcnialn Uml hn Intriuln in Bt bff tim iM o the rinff. slnrloa pomlut tl inuat O ^ n y t^o n n rd . retirod .KchtH’ftU

' clinmplnn. ha» nn l rpllrcd-iicrmaiici

levea* Mlicn ho annoiiDci^ th a t lie- w _ quIlUnR tho rlnn. I.onnnHl xolil tl A* try II w aa nti ne t prompted l>y Uir deal uchea hla^m olhfr. whnpn licallli hail l>p

cndancprotl liy w orry over hlfi nnt* 1 nny I'o wAa train ing und tlKliiIni;.iMforo banr-lw llcit Bvnlry took n Iniifrotn " f nlvrvc nnd anlit lh a l I)cn

wa* m ir ln R bvcniian hp <-oiild n make lho w elch t-tn r tho llchiwrlK e ih S f( '.a> ^o u liln ‘i tlml the h tn rt

“ „ tnc6l<r.Mlclfoy W alker In Uir wolK ■loma wclBhi elnaK. Itin ri'tirrm oni on tlic

crouHita hnd been cxpi-c-ird for a j i i y Conaltlerlnj: Umt a Wnlkor-N.oiintoXcB fjKht had bcun iitukcd Uy Tox Itlclia

' on Ihu aocond moal iittri>c)lvo Hlir .w ilh llial could ho arranR rd to r lho on

m ay door aeaaon and thlit hla piir^u mix hnvo Iiccih a s much ax IlGu.ooo, It w.

impor conaldured unuiiiial Umi n hunino t the m an o t Lconard'n • knom i iiacncl I tho nhould hav« loimiVI ll 'a*l<|o mul |w>a

any ed up a tUle tha t la w orth u l lou a .(fu a r lc r .6f a mlllfon dullara 16 at

owcil old tltlclioldor. • • intod. T h rre a ro many who refuaod to l> each Leonard won aerlouA wh>

ton 's I*” atupixwl trum (Tie tlirano anirtliiv ' a rc Juat na many who do nul brUoi

'and 1 '"^ l>o la lliroiiali o a .a tU hlc I ih ^ w ait and niv." a woii l<t|OK. , h . boslnx m an rcnently. ' ‘llnm y will I ' back In Jho rlnc Uila aiim m ir. II

m oihcr will nay tha t ho can fiRhl uii< r ? ," ! m o ro .it ho prumlsea (h a r be.w U i I

UiniiiRli then."Billy Giliaon. ^ {.cbnarirH innnojsr

doca' not ajjrcn V «h llioso « ho ffi(ii Uml Denny cannm reilai lho icni|iii

luu** lion of onothor hli; ahut.'* 'l ^ n a rd haa ploniy * o t iiiimoy

h ilea Qitiaon aaya. *^toytii< h r'n nul a ml Mr. llonalre, bu t ho docaQ''t liavo lo w nn

about tho tu lure . l ie laid nway mot , in* e r enounh to keep him In comfort tc

Ibe rea t o f hla daya arid hU 4>araln in* capacity la euftlclcnt tn keep him i

r. C8, apendinE money, i know l^conard a In mo«i u w ell a s hla motiior knowa hli

, . a n d I 'a m .q u ite c s r ta ln 'Ih a l lm .tutti;. ln> w ill Clgiit M ala . I t ho bad any. Ii o. t . tn tio a or ntaraltie to-tbe rin<r t *i

a n ro 'I w ould know about It."In- — It- lsB t- llk e ly - th a i-U o n B rd -w o n l

retUTB to th e r ln* lo m eet Mlckr W alker. H e mlRbt have p lans to mo<

<B. ttae w lnaer of Ike cllm insUoa toumn m oot now .beln rconductcd to find bl

**' aueccosor, b u t i t - I s Improbable th t . ' b e would corae Itack to t is b l the wcl* 5 ^ lerweiiOit c ju n p lo n . ......, , . L««onard bI?Vr a raaleb «r7UrW aS!

U s t snatnM K- I t w lll b« r«called tha o r t lc ie a .w e n s im ed a ad t b a t . I ^

' o rd w as io o U a r a l about 1160.000. H *a- booked » . cw iIm I. wfllj P i

Uormn l a Cleveland anfi come ou t o ‘ tb e nJotth w ith a-B fo8»K thum b .' I

la - w as considered liauatn l th a t a bat* “ow . aa eaq tlo ta «nd a s carefu l a s Leon

a r d woa b ts -boada. a ad aa aood i aharpabooter aa b e waa. aheeld bav

U E la jn red b is ba ad Ju s l betore ssc b oi rlBi* ta p o tto a i boot. .A s- . U o a a rd c a llM .o ff th e f l th l e rcn a n d ts a l ly a s d s o t o a ty btew bis owi

pan*, b o t GaaSMf W atK ^ to bold tb< lo i r b a c t e r hW:afa&ra o f Um pw *» a a d i >; ia l a m aam ' th a l 'h a bad tu rae d dowi

SodU o m arT fo(iow rr« oCltbe rim said a t Uw UBie tbM U o a ^ fora<



th WittfTox, to'rward'TDo'rolliy Mbt*/£oV»-i r, ccn ie r. Sccond row. le ft In rU lu : U orma Scully, BV*rd; Huliy Cox, torw unl.


out ll would no't 1.0 ulKf In fiahi A b o u t ^ ■li'l'Mil II' Uic Iciliiln nr ii

lorVolKlif chniniiloii wonlil luii la t I t UW' Cll'll hl» BlKUllllIK IIH ll JLllllWl

imt It Wimlil liiivu Injiircil liln | N o t ilco iin il r.oiinnnl Fnr ii loiii; irliiic

. . . • I'Vin/liturUiK drtvwliiit dlvlilciidn lioK cy i i n ^ m c o t n r c t lm l clmiiiiilnn _ „ w ouldn't licj w orth nil ii^iioh on w on nmmi atid In' llio movk-a If h e hail

tialtcneil hy Wnlkvr.JacH -Ilrltlon In'ono o t th e brat ]

cra In Uii>' liuHlncdK. Tho tn rm rr I, ^orwclKhl cham pion xolilnm ' fnllnIto VU- •'"■n ou a iiio'cli. '‘YuuIn i'O'M*'*''*’' ilniiRli Ihnt Wnnllccr wlll

It t im r ^ ''"nn rd If ‘hry over mcot.” Hr welKlit *”•*'* h'f"*"!' Ui« innU'ii wn>i wuiili

t o w fo)i!;ht ■ Imlll of thom nml 1 ^ i/^ |«v ,^-l-a-iii«m > |«rt*w i-io -ixaajL Juu^

lu u . i.('»uar<I lu -w r ruulU. laho ■ ' ItcalliliMJjnf W alkrr would kIvc

I .'i , nroiiml tho hiMly nuil l.i'Oimnl « '' illt hnn i ciKiiiKh to alop W alker.I I*Ml ll'"*’ rln inniTpiv ' liC<muril lualHia Uuil Iio in Uii' ,1* ' ' w llh lho r liiK ,*T iir ruimu-ii Uur InuKh iitaco u j'om olw rli i

truer,! 10 a ...... . «,'Oi.f UmtI ,,„ i iicni out liy ilio iirci'h iikoAiii for #olk-hi f" '’ .1"' “ '“J* fe.viooiinrt to ' . . _________ _ *i'OltO • .B TRAINING C A IIckaKl . \ (

; S . BREVITIESIt wunnlnona . ■'cncliy -ItlKMINGllAM. Aln. lliirh imaji- OrliiK'N. a lu r Dmiiklyil iil trh rr , louni hna been IioItIIuk ou l. hna rc t’o r tr

0 any Uio clii^ (>ut (ioh nor H(Kno>( n <tm c t. iiv wdli Im »‘u>i iKii anila

lo l>«.» y r t wllh Uio $11,001) n y>.-!ffiftorr< when him.tiiiTO ■---------ello io POUT ni:.NNING. O n.-G ow ily 1' Rhler. —uniiirtl, n lio r Hm.ik Uowily, ^aH flowrj ,hi! SVw Vork tUnUtJi. wliu n t be U io .flral.u iiijo r UnKiii' Imll i>tayci

•U'’ enllal In Uio world War. wim iJHl lo iu « i<<1 leidhy with n cnun.' Iioiwrrn. HI .I'O r .lan ta ami iho Wnaliliiiitfia Sooai

G uw dr nrrvi-d iij i 'n color aoruc la jsrr. w |n , nn Ohio lu tnn tiy i tR lm m ot ffimJc lialnbow *tivrxl(in.miita- __________

IlICHMONI). Vll.- -V.’i till nml t>c '" ' ’ 1' hH<I {Ikhuino)! lu Uir<-<' hliM ami

*” "■ Irolt iM-al tho VlrKluIn I..<OKufrn, ( mou^ =

A ll tbo new s a il Uio Umo l a . ‘

i m f f id bla ^ .

thirt- ✓ e m e e m ^ O fw c l- r . ' < M drm to e e r t ^ a i f r tM lk /

WXW " i-MQ* • • . ■ . , ;bav4 '

iTcn* - - f f ow a r1 Ute Bd a Iowa ba r*

' . ■ ;v


ihi-iirtf: Novii IlayH. rnp tn lu 'an d c fin trr: Mni Oliidy a WlnoRar. conibi;: A iirolia Slewnr

nl. Cll Iiy rouricay Ot.Huhl llu ra ld . ; *

i f p E p wTO TRY OUT IN

MG SHOSHONE TIL Tho. (Inii biisclmli r.itino uf t

111 W.il- v.ill Iio liitt.1 oil Um locHl 111f Suiurtliiy.— Suvoral miuiuil m ru n

rV.*' “ 'It mill il ii_rjin-i:lcil Uml "l.uftiwciiitii. utui Iill will <l» Iil„l"i!".'.i twlrllui; for Uiu flrnl ...... .. ullhoii,, « fm m niiiii^rliil III ou l 111,lnn Hr* ">'iy ^"r “ 1*'"““ K«Unil ' 11,f The onloliluR.uml llio luflold la' pnI'.Vii.omi ty wnll Witllod. with Dili I'lirlah .

Ai Frahm na.Jinckalopa. The I. . . . I 1, fl'ilil la bulnc lakun cure of by. Tim

.f.r ■" I'hort-fiiou .- Day a t flral, liainihl III Weiivor n t accoml nud Niivjh a l lliliI'uii rnn Till! outflulil la ltm!orllllt^ but wd ll atoll I'rohiibly bu tnkcu hy Juhniioii. U|illr ltiou rinoo. Gwinu. , Ivrlvautik "Tir Coi

UllJo. "I wull. . •• • .ll I Ijfl- , -------- 1-------UUUplUi- put..—— ’ 1 ^ ^ ..

Fxi.......i-r. lie 'll < ' ■ - - —rlni;." i*MII.AniCLPIIiA. I'n . — Way iliioKOT •■■ni«” Munn. w orlil hcavywolK Uuu, Ilf' wreniiluK rlinmplou. nyil Stanlaini i'l ""wl'r furuinr .•linoiplou. ^ Im'5 ' ” ‘1-* ticeu malchpil to m rel horo. April u t l i lu " cl..impl.m.M p ni.i.ch.

ikn I Fighls and FiltersV l*IinAi)TCl.I‘IIIA. I’n. - Duui

\ Krumor. I’hllnilelplila (o.iili'orwcli;!:' ■ w fn . n 10•rolllll^ dorlalou from Ton' l ■ luy Niililr, Kniiln'nil. '

NKWAIIK, \ . J .—VoimK I!<jb I'll; iir lr |;11 ;,I„„„„ |„» kn.K.krd lui) 1'ilOlii Clvl I’rlci'lli* round.

Iillati'ufl SCIIANTO??! I’Ti.—WIIIIu Ilnrm o orfvreq •'>'«'*' ' ' ’‘*rk wollcrwclKlii. atoppi

• J CowJioy, I'ndKTit In lho fifth roum

r I'lolil' . ” l‘* l l . 'n M J 4'AJIMIVAI- :n irho r IIOWIB, Sld. March 31 .-IT tim II waa nont' horacmcn will .ntlcnd ih c ojieo lyur to ;|UK rncii mciilloR-uf ihc ii(irlnR aoa ^i-illcni- aon her', lomorrow. Thu niui't wi: n. Ihe /^ n iln u e unUI April in. I’raclloall oaioni. A e ry bift atabio lu the caat la re|i •rurant rw euted In iho-ltarna. of Ih f V ; ^ ..

;.V S'K'V l im iI« 5 M l.l1 'I0 X ^ . 'M O S T ltE A l/-T he uar of carl«i

tlltrt(il«t K aa'rifriK rnit^ iin Inalrail o nil Do- iro ,t|M f"'Uid %ury aucccaafui li a, C. to ti,6 tvu^anortatlon o t flab. A.conalKn

. m tn t lo f 16.0U0 pounds arrived her ^ frtun'HalifWt.’ fW'^ from odor and will

a .T b r tb e color qnehannwi.

v h . ; ;



iNmiPReEs:CIIK.'Ano. Mnrcii r.l—TIiiuiiiiiuiIh

p H . hnotinrUala ure nltondlnu llio N'uiinii I H Iiitoiachi)lniilIc tmakoiUall. loui uiiinoi

whioh 1)1 holMK maiiaKod .li>' ih r I'n v ri')i||r. Thu cxact llm o ihal Kiijir. will (^ lo r lho tournumi.'ut emimn I ilo.trruilnoil a t thla llmo.

^ 1 1 ' l.aram lii U’liia f 'lrx l Uiiiiif.^ H | rjiraiiiio . wyoiuiuK." iili:Tir ilifojili ^ M \ Miami.* Rn., :'3 to 17 Iu to tixluy

Ihcopi'iilnu Kumo'iit thn .S'atlDniil I: . torncliolnHtk hanki-tlmll iimrmi'iiu'i

coiiducieil hy thu Unlvoraiiy of I'li cuKo.

Mur.iliullvlllc. Ga.. wou (nuu Iilx n iiih . S(. GoorKu. triah. 21 Ut

Duvil’a I.-iko. I)., wou Iho in-i-iii aaiuo. lu'nilut.' ileam uont. Toxnn.I 'i. lu a (lori'uly couiratuil lanu ii.

'.Durhnm. N. C.. ' dcrcalcil . ili-li-u .M<nnnnu. :i!<

H Hanson Farm Has a H New House ahd BarH IIANSI:n. l(lnho.“ 'ynrrli :!l~ |.\* :

S)it.-/ljiri>l rrf ;\-.-w VorJi riiy >vij) li/i- n nuw liiiUHo ami luirii oouip1i.|rc| i

^ ■ 1 bill (linn' iira r Iioix' aliiiiit lho vuil i H | lho Wook. ,Mr. Slio|>hor<l l» pi'n^lilol

or llm Aun-rjriiii Itaiihoi'n' luwuiolmh ami owim li;t« iioii-ii-uhiiul Ihi'oc iuil> ram uml ii mllo norUi of Im'vi., r . ' Alnt'woi'lli i<[ioriiti's. Ihla fanu iiuH ll totiHtniollim wnrk In liolu,T Horn- 1

'• John Khuca, fnruiorly nf Twin |.'nil •T h la laml lii ilm iknl n flor hy. To

KT illoilKolt o t llauKcn.

.SHAl.I. l>. H. OK .ST,\Ti: K'ouiJnueil from luwe IX

W I:lvr mlllinry'TraluT^ii:. wliloh la . ii 111 p a n oi the tniliiluk: in piiMlo noMiio

mill wlilcli would uol Iio iiormlin t | . r p iIk.|i.iu. "I I I "TIiii'tiorr«»lly for nuy ollivr lilu &1U A or'iri'imni u u i i rrun inovni'-ii i>y n

uliilo Uu.li .i:rj(ar*il 1,0 cvliil." Vau Wll •lili-iloolnri'ir.'

if t!lo "The i.uhllo Hrlmul la , ovoi-ywlioi ,l lli'Ul 'loooKiiUcil nn brim: an lu»tlluilnii v

I,,.,. Inl Fo lho wolfiiio cif Uto l.udlvliiui l^ufiv" ''li-lzou auil lo that of Ibu n.tiiio nud ni ii/i li o C om parlm uu j/ 'iirlva l'i iicho.oI , « ' H h tlioxo ninlulnlUL‘il by Uic iiial I l in t I'ovonl li ilocrct- of jii|>orloi

" y ' l ‘u fonm-r whleh Juntlfloa • ..,-1 'le tn a n il- io -b u 'p rrm llte il to couUnu

prc i- operation of p rb n to achoola." au o r Miaalonary • Borlut'0; brief callod n tlcnllou to Ihu "prrae j T ;'" ''* alnrmlDE laercaau In tho crlm lnalit

liai-c. ,of lho younii," which, it declarw l. wji llilnl. viowed by |in m om brnt aa "Ih r nrcei

I wlll Haey conneqii’e n c r 'o f Uio ereliiHUm ( . Ujir- TollKloua Intluencrn trom Ihu publl Cor»r «rhoola of lho nation."

\ Thi! brief w arned If th f Oronoo ICi lalntlmi wna upheld, " l l la 'n lm oat It

■ I • I ov’linhit.' that a lm llar nitem pta wlll lir r " ■ TOiniriii7nnrrintTiir«rTJtr?riTrriiinrni

whole atrucliire of rullstoua cdiicatio and uioralHy."

T)cutalon in Ihla caao In cxpvclod I hnvo .an im portanl bcarlnc. I t not

i\n y n c ,f ,„„ i ru llnc , ou tlila <iuealinu: AolKiit - f j in Htalea nbollnli. p rivate an .lalnu«i im rorbjnl arhooInT"_lm vc If lho injiincilon. ia .nfflrmod <in irii K. Ibo lnw doolared unronalllullonal 0

iUi(> crouuda tb a l it ilejirlvra iho pri vulo nnd church achoola o f p ropoil — I wlifiollt duo jirocoas o f law. U irro w \ ■ tiu lll llu rrcourao. na any ntuio co.*.

j lom plaiint; ahiiltllon . a t iin hcIiooI • oould not aiirm oiinl lho oliatacio. 1

llir law 1(1 dcclnrcd cooaUlutlonnl, I :)auny will be vulwnl na .a viciory for sia iu ' ■clKhl, rlKhlH advocntca. . • ■Totu* --------- — ------

lu iK iv m v A c H r u r i iI.ONUO.N'—la n ru a t Itrllnl«f*Kcttln

J.'irz. p robll'lllon?” A h rrw rry wna p rracn i Civil. *■‘1 ‘I'C vlchr and w ardrna of

church niinr hur« for convi/alou Inl a church.'

rmon. 'Dlipuil Pictures and Fratnes..ound. Tho*c old plcluro fninlea- th a t ge

bessiutf around Um atU e o r cellar maj bo made lutg itnnie of the dellgiitfol

roml- ncn^rn.odeln w llh lliUe iroublo .ami njien- less expcaae. Old whlto ennnicl oi

aua- onk fm inra may bo fronted as follows: will W llh a b it of c laa i cnrofnlly scrape oil

It-ally a ll Uio enntuul or polish. Sandpapet rep- ; t to a smoolh finish w ilh a coarM

faiM|ukpur and la te r w ith » finer jm de. F o r n nott hrown p rin t lbe f r a ^ e will be lua t richi n t ihla ainiso. Some e t the

‘r»>"'' tiew ejt plcturc frame* thn t a re ni\4- . ?1 lac plaee in (he_l«at shops show no

liuB A rtistshoi-i* «’"*™ I*'* decoraUve fram e d k

tra c ts froto tbe beauty of Uie pictara (w ithla.

— L j r h u n d a j i ^ i g h t — &!g April 29? T H E .I ..M E R iP H IS f M IN STR ELSJ i S M B O P L S - r S O .

1 B ^ d and. P ^ a d e ' ^ • T h e P t n o B i O r a ^ a ^ t U a i ' v

^ . ^ M i T o d S w U K a w

P r l e « i : '8 0 e ~ M d 7 . 5 0 0 B t le o i i r B e t t i

it*/ .--vJl,

• V ■-

p .. K n o w 'H im ?

S &; s s - : ; 5 g ,


..... v w

nixl.,- /

r ’:n’z.ml iif[ • -.

liiTli'm rm.....I* ' Hli»rinii>i> nl ■■i*- i'ai.... .mil"a Cut-N lllll iKiw ii cn'ilHTiui* «'lMt<.|. r . T . of (iilii'iilo I'*!'! T.ml-oi lhv..*i.r.Miis

IC liy IN tliv Kvrrul.iili'o p.|;ii>i, i,nU hj»ralln . M.oi i>w)i>i'iiiioi'.l r.iii-.TrN I I - - Tom aim liitotc>.ti-.l ir, ............I di^inifinil

|inciiniu. lio»ovi(i

■ S k >■ ! — ---------- T 7 ^ . .


>lM'ro ■W'hy don 't somo o fthcne chronic,i, vl- upllflem kH >oba an-elevator boyaI,hiul ■ and Ikj qW«l for n wMIeT

lioohi ' SIoderiT (rtrhi may not (jet red ' m ale *'’«!' k to . bul tbc 'm en do.

, A wo'man le iu ua her hu»band” Uniio w on 't buy a wanhlns titarhlfn* Ik *

. cauae lie thinks he macried one. .

• Oysters ' a re ■ ' famed \ fer their ' silence. And you seldamisee ono inla iuy (ho soup.. W lH . ___ccea- tashlon aoys. shoe tons are

lower, then boitoma are bigher., ■ublic , ^ • [

O ur income ta * annim ent Is, we > w la ln ly a re slad they doii'l tax usIt lu- on w hat wu tiilnk wo are worth.II he . ■r n u r -.you ,canT ,lelI~T r-,m oney, mak'c*;a tlon foola o r if.foola nmka monpy.

ed lo Actors do aa woii a a 'lh e y do in . lot n the movlen becauao ihoy can 't .hea r

the mualc. .and • ---------

•• One of thews ihrKiy men tells us ' nnd alea'^y pieh are kepi tha i "way by

,1 on banH balances. ’

loCli' V m arrlm and artllm wv« I dotrrf? A'l rich man mnnrfe* and ael-

cq.^.' U lw u f* . '> . _____

\ ^Vou'ldn't It bp nie* ir liad weather il, ll ’"^ rk on SundayT .,

fttca '- \T lm e " fo r the nelcbbor (o brin* homo ydur^'coal Seattle and borrow

ttln s ' 1 fvopyrltiht. 1»M, NBA Servles. Ine.)H'ni- 11 1 -------------<if A I The T lb p i is UBcaualoO for aewi ItiU.) ^ foutbcp> Id ah o .._________________


r « ,J B e b ^ D a n i e U a n d

T i il “DARINCl i i a S T J O H N in “ L O V I! A t

nde. ^ I ’ ‘ L a t e s t

I O T O R R O W -1 3 jpfaudeviUeRoiS F u l l e r O l i r k o o i Oom]

H In M skiac a H oile ' 8 U r - A f l f u n a ad J .a a » W « -iP h M iiiap p M M. i , ' H a n r . F « r d k - B « m «

.1 W otc4ti Csiaedy B ro w n 1 . , T e«M le«tU at fa S fo » « i

■ ' ( . I h . - — ‘E o B U B e tte i L a ^ B n

i .SIS • - ■ • •' ' - v . ^


t SfwiS s ;

I P E R S O N A L ^ i f m' .Mni. J . ' II. s in e m a . ' aco iifipM led!'

hy hor dauRhlor, rulurneil. tod|iy.' It tliroa montha visit With' her.pdr*^'.

out*, Mr. nnd Sirs. John 'V lssor.V la'J Uw AliRiiioa. ^ \

Mina i->lun S lh 'i^ a rcTumei] today : nn c r II vlalt In I..oa' Annolcs; , ‘ ■

JudRv und Mra. K, A. W allers 'te- ' tu rned y u a t^ a y a fte r .. spoodlDlC - a rv rra l dnya In Ilolao. . 1 " '.. Kiiy . llrOwn la back from, f laa

— iyiinrl>H‘v an ^ J.oa Angeles' wfterfl . he apeni two m nu|ha. '

Mlaa A nul^. Dean camo.’ In loday from O akland lo -vlall Mr.- and Mrs.II. I'. ( i)« .i|. . ,

C. \'»*.i:i:j;loflon Ifl vxpculed hOmo-_____ l i i i a - ^ - 'k fnm i nh lalm m n CUT.' '

Mli-a Wliliu w cui lo llORorson; to* lluy.'* • . • ' . .

W. WllllnuiH. a fo rm er 'T w in Kalla- ronidoiii. rfiu rne il today from Call: '

foriii:i lo miouil anme tlnie hnn .'.oh luiniucn-i. llill humu la now in Lobs noaeh.

> Mr. iini) .Mra. Jnhn lllllbe rtr leavo.. iim luhi fur Suu DIoro to make Ihelr

liouio. •Iiiiill,-}’n rlaro ll ia h rro f r ^ Mna-

i'<i\v lu llu- lu iorrni of iho 'Id a h o Qean • A: lllov,lllll- roiuiuiny.

Mlnii I’HtluT 1-ffmtfiL t l f Ihn lliCh rotiool' fiiciiliy In bnck nfci'r Ihreo iiiiiiithti' viii'uiiiiu i-cauliliiir*from an

J . oVi-'rniUui fnr a|ipoudlellia.^ I.. A. Iliiiniiu la bark lo Tw in Fttlla

Illln- (in aliHonou I'lf 11 yrii'm. U e wan imi' of till- iiwui-m Ilf lho W oatrrn Aulo oi'uipaiiy. iiiod*Toi.noi' o f the Union Mniiir ooiupany. bufiirc leaving ' Uila i'liy,

;;;;;; Kle£fner Named First l.w,r Lieutenant in Reserves....... tINIVKltSlTV O F -TnAUO, Moaeow. •im»» March a i-S y lv c B le r Klcffrter. Twin

I'a lln. haa. boon nm ued n f irs t lleu- louaut tu th e U nlvera lty .o f Idaho Re* iiiTvc O fflcernU raluInK C o rp s 'fo r Uie- • luicnnd nniicaicr. It J ibh been an'noitnc*

I wl Iby *Liio m lllla ry d epartm im t' -Mr. f t ' K lrffm T w lU 'ho Rlvon a coiiimlislon1 >'■ Uie nniloiial rca rrvc upoo com ple-2 lloil o r tw o ycara* w ork In tlib ad*0 vani-oil uilllinry ‘di>parlmciil a l U a). M uulviTaliy. «

1 WELL O lilD M ,. Ill lED TBBg

and That Wa. the Life rif Mb.mUbbsr Until’ •!» Basto .

’ - Taking Lydia E. P i n f ^ ’a . yeget a B e C ^ ^ ^ ~ ~

etabla C o i im o ^ - So tb a a a x t > • ;im go ta b o lU aa n d b cfo ra ltw a ab tlC w n B ;* --

JOTtraUel!. A f t a r J I n s .M U a « i d b J . ' ' « tent to Uto doetcrand boaakad j a a h n r ,;

E. JKatoiam 's V o « t» J ) to lO ^ pound lsa<lanon(labU.iB«iaictoa.iiiyan .i jjrotnwi. H b ra a ld 6 rd n ig g t8 t< w ttn f i, V;

. wbere. .

p r i L A O T B H O w n U v i o i f i S H i ! ? i l u l A d d t * M b^ •n il ',a O i;>Irr . : . ’ ;nd. N orm an keirrjr :NG YOUTH” :M A H U ” — A 3 - B ^ I

'-Malineesipd|^ra|o a d S b o w r S i P ^lo m p a a r

- A B M of ':a r ' _ _

1* ^ — ^ j .

a u d - . '

• m a a t I

B r e t t o s

s — ;

Page 4: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

I ' / V r r o t m - ■ , '\h : r .

I T W IM A L L S D. PnbU ibed B r e r r ferenlDB Euopt 8ui

Company, T w la F

. B B M »d ftt th t T w in Ftoll* P ^ t ^ l c o D aily Publication, A

: \ , ________________• ■

A course in ‘'school orche .tension d epartm en t .of Detroil^-'

• course is tn tended fo r tcachci^i T— tnm a n d U)-br(;uUcirt> T g lrm u ^

----------------------- 1>—A n encouraging message i

yesterday through Governor M( there w as m uch m terest in th a t s

■, o f Id ah 6 an d a lso ;a b ig demam iio rth P ae ific states. Ju s t as S(

- flavor o f o u r products there wil ifor o u r products.,

Confidence ii). the future c show n in the announcem ent tha

. '•concern is w illing to expend or in good h a rd cash here. If

fu tu re in southern Idaho, does it ' -our dis|)epsia and go ahead and

A splendid sp irit o f co-ope iCerday in the; T w in .F a lls Kiwa: •voted to jo in w ith Boise in stagii

• •‘-.q fth e completion, of h er'm ain li• lim d tow ns o f Idaho 'V ouId co-oj

'w ou ld 'bu ild u p an d strengthen o'.a b ro a d ., P e tty jealousy a n d ' Ig

. ;0nly»^iBct9 as' a boomerang.


In. sp ite o f the dark forebod , • L e a ^ e o f N ations because.the

■ g r^ t d ea l f u r ^ e r tifan-the c^.. '„ :n p t;b een ad o p ted ,'th e g reatnn te ' ■: coun ted a successlind an anchor (

- iT .vA IJe ii'd tthe U nited S tates ari ^ jA i^ j^ c a n ’a rm y of occupation ir

Am erican off ict f^^^^v;np^^lly-cbdale o r p a c if is t . H<

0^ a great-o ld w ^ d . ^ '‘-;ii.Um^'^^;State8 thinks i t impro

is.rich and Europe |is on ‘ ..tKe.-feaj® w e have lost the moral 1 . 7;’® '^tKe.;end o f th e war. .

•" •.In h\a intPnriP\tf^ frLvm_tQJD*^^ .<fe8p(M^nt M d-i>ublishcd in tlic

• I h e . s l a y s ; '/ ■‘R einem ber also, th a t from the

; we: haye takw i some tiueer twisi •Our wurUme ideals an a our help i

- 'l i s , th e m oral leadersh p 6f the : leadersh ip began skidding. U ntil . 'iilrtierstand how we can tn ily he

so 'm uch o f the w orld’s w ealth anc o f 'f l e ^ in deb t paying is less 1 ever._;^Conceding Uiat t}ic “ troaty of

i ^ e d the danger points in numb n u ttin g a tendency tow ard a bah

/ .-regards a s dangerous, he sees gi ' o f N ations. H e s a y s : ‘ '

Fortunately one o f tlie most diss . /-—F rance— has bccomc one the th

■ Oie league of nations.Q. W hy is that?A . Because in the league she

^attitude ' represenLs ono the the f com e ovorjEm*ope. Perhaps we d j>ortance to tlia t f^ c t

In 1 9 2 1 1 was sent a s Colotiel : sessions o f the suprem e'council

l e a ^ e w as m entidned there the <i• . . a n d England sm iled^as it wore, i:

'two nations^jm* its^stauncli supjjo •- -f- F ran ce has been one o f the ,st

m any’s en tran ce into the league. ^• izes ^lhat fo r G erm any to sit rn

t a lk m atters over in a calm and : g rea^an tid o te to German national <)pt5mistic sign in Europe.•. Q . Is German.y contcm prating

, A . G erm any is too busy gelti contem plate early w ar. Ameriear G erm M y. T hj’ssen and Knij)i)S loans over here. T he British^yn am ounts, an d . Germ an stocks lu-e m ean s w orld confidence in Ticnn body risks his m oney in a country %

' o f im m ediate w ar. .Q. .Was the “w ar to cml w ar”

- A- I t w as a l ly foj- us io havo w ar.” W a r nev e r d id 'e n d \v;ir.

— Umt i t breeds w ar.V I believe the protocol of the lua; . N ^U o n s, w ould be the g rea test stoii

f ^ c o n v in c e d th a t raany^-ars.m av aoovconfercnce a t i common ta))li

. ATstehi d f the tw en tie th century foi■ a isp u te s be n o t ‘effecUve, Uien ni im ^ Iiq c ^ d 'a n d th e w orld m ust re

: o f a lliance^ a n d balances i) ’ .know n results. • -

D A IL Y T IM E SSm dM j b r tb s T tm u PnbU ih los I FallB, Id a b o .'

flco a s Second C I u s M atter a s a , A pril 11, l» ia . , '•• -

ihestra" is given by the ex- il^-Teachere’ College. T his ' rti \Vho wish to d irect orehes- sicial knowledge. ' ' “

s from the N orthw est came MflCre, w hen he s ta ted th at :tsocUon in thb developm ent in d fo r our products in the ,I soon as people' learn the vil! be .still a larger dem and

» of the Twin Falls trac t is ;hat a 'ce rta in large packing ohe h u n d r« l thousand dol- ., I f outsldere can See a g rea t i } it n o t behoove us to forget ; id bpost for a g rea te r Jdahor —

peration was-manifest-^yes------^vanis c lub .w hen th a t body , ging a celebraUon in h o n o r .,. ' I line railroad. I f the cities ! ■operate more* completely il I 1 our standing a t home a n r i ' knocking-the o ther follow


■>.:[)‘dihg hV enemies of the *ihe prol'ocul, which jjocs a ' •‘vtinant of the LcagUL‘,'hiis. iternational organization isir of hope l>y G eneral Henry' S.arm y ,,who comm anded the J in the w ar ;5one^und whoicer to leave Europe. H e is IH e frankly rc c o ^ iz e s . t-lie ■ i.Id .combination against the »>»robablc.’ H e says th eJJn ll- •enviou.s. But-that is nol all, u 1 leadership which w e had

Pf‘nrRQn,_tbn.TinLod-r>oc ^ __ahe SaH_Lake C ity T ribune i [J

he European poin t of view f •ists in .our foreign polic.v. p to s tarv ing children gave e woi-rd." Then our moral til now Europe, who cannoi • i, he idealistic while holding ' tf ind exacting the last pound s friendly tow ard iis than j-i

ttf Versailles has not diniin- •***’ iiher o r intehsity” and afl- alance of power, which lie ' ' g rea t hope, in the League ‘

‘ . . rilissalisfied s ta tes o f E urope., ” the strongest adv/;)catcs\*f • ri

le hojMjs for security. H er d, J g rea t changes th a t have • do n o t attacli enough inir Yn

lel Harve.v’s adv iser to tfio I'f il in Paris, and when the • p } d elegates of bolh Fnuice cr , in derision. T oday these jjoilei's. ' I",.s tro n g advoca»^5 of Gev- , W h y ? Bocause she real- n w ith o ther nations ' and co d serious way w ould ho n >" lalisin. To me this is vei \' ‘

tig a w ar o f revenge? '»>'siting back on h e r feet to .•an m oney is pciuring into tps haye just coinplete<i *" y iu investing even laiger ire rising in v a lu a This i:*’ rtnany hsis incrciised. No- y whore there is j)ossibility o.i

r” fought in vain? ’••e called it a ‘Uvar to vnd h.n r, and I am not sure imt

eagite niodified to su it all :ep tow'Jird end ing war. I . iayi)o avertted by counsel Cv’ ble. I f the proposed new th< for settling in tem ationaal m an’s 'h ig h e s t hopes are revert to tho o ld policy ; of i)ower. with Hie well-

•< ______

.Publlitiffd by a rran g fm tn t w ith i • and W atteraon .I!

CHAPTER X—ConUnued U 1 l o o k e d c o m r a d e s , ^ r d

John w a i 'a lan d ln g bc caxo with ^ 't i l l (Ineor a l (ba tricBor o t h i t elo. h

. phnnt-eun. bln eager hun to r 'i ,ioa l Ri shlnlns rroni.li,ls nptee eyoB. W hat *’ woulil be not g lra for one lueb ^ tinad to place, botwean tbo tw o ^ erooaed o i n aboTo lho nantol* bi jlo e e In b li luuggerr a t the Al: b< bnnyl And .jtui b la reai'on bold ^ him for ntl our exploration of ' the w ^ o r i i of ihU unknown land '

- d e ^n d e d upon our v ie ie n to O'concealed from I t i Inhabitants. Tbo. two profo2iio» were In alleol OFilaay.* In th o l^ z e l le m e n t thoy had unconicloyM r aeUed eacb

.o(bar, by .Ibo band, and itood llko Iwo JliJJa ciil1i3rfn In tbo pnatncn A 9( n o d r rc l . CbnllonRor'a cbeoks I

• ()uncbed up Inlo a ncrephic amllu, D and Sumnierioo'n ^nanloulo . fnce 1 «oficnlns •Tdr ih u '’ inouiunc. Iuto Yf

■ Wonder and revorunco. U"Nune dImlitiN!” lie cried ot fl

la it. "W hat wdl they aay In KnB- U___■and_oL^la|."_ ~ ___________1

■•My dear Sunmiorteo, 1 will toll 1 rou wllll gruac con(lilence exaclly I whai iboy .wilt say In RnRtand.*'»n(d CballonRor. •'Tbuy wilt any • :liat you aro nn Infernal lia r nnd n iclontKlo charlatan, exactly ait you ind o ihorf nald of mo."

“tn (be fnce of pbotoRmpbi?" "Paked, Sum raerleuI Cluiniilly

•olradr'“In Ibe faco of .apoclm enar "Ah. tberc>T».-ninr havo them!

Malone nml hin (llihy Pln.ii 8tro»t Lo . irow may ho nil yelplaic our proliicn

fot. AuRum .tbi) twuniy-olRhth—^,lfo diiy wo v w *>*■« ll‘'e iRiinho- wl •Itinn In a Klmlct of Maptn Whllo mii :-in.l. I>ut It down Iii your .Jl.iry, on liy yoiiufi frlond. nniT sund U (» lio ,'our roc." . _ nhl. "Aud III) rcnilj'*(o go t ihn ioc-«inl huof ll......... liont lu ’ rolurti." 1“ )

“Hutil l,ord John. ••TUtnKO look ii sin tilt illfrereni.from tho Indtudo of rui

.U nrton , yoHwi. felliib my Ind. »*' Tbere'a. many n m an who nover set (ell* llif advrniurfifl. -for bo cnn^i Cl>

' bopo to ’ho botlovcd. Whn'R lo n i blamo them ? For tbln wilt nccm a w«

. b ll of a drenm lo our«i*l»as Jn a (in( nion(h or two. W bat did you any (pn they w ore?" wa

‘•iRunAodoni,’' «i\1d Summerlen. am .•■You’ll nnd (hrir Tootmarl^ii a lt Ing

. o v r r tho llaatlo r* sand*. In K ent, "m

land WM nllve with ( lin m ^ ^ p n , cflt thflro was .plenty—tr f^ O n d lu«b All Krorn'Muir to knop tliem .solni?. hm romlKldnii bavn rhnnKcd, and dm un lionnln died. Hero It leomA ihnl >ip( dm condlilnna h.-\ro nol chanRed. wK nnd (bl. boaiitii have llvod,” "Pf

■'If BTi>r w,. RLl out of tbla nKre.’ tu r 1 munt b n ^ n hon'l w ltb me,** raM koI

' I^prd JomC " U rd . how iinm» of roi; ■ 'tb a t SomnlMnnrt • IJRnnda orotrd can ....would (um Q lirniitlful poa-Rrxi'n be«

If they. Haw U! I dnn 'i know wtint (hr ynu'CbapH (hink. (nit !( i<lt(hrn ■me wit

• (bat Wn aro on ndsb tf-^JiJn Ice for ...pll thl# Ilnio," Kls

hWI hnd tho »nm" .r»i‘llnK or»mj-»i' wli

(rry nnd ^lan.i:wr-around un, In Ina tharilnom o t dm tronM thprcnpem rd not a c n n a t^ l m-nnco nn<l n« wo (nnk- flid pd up fn(o djnir phndowy fnll«Rn bpf, THRUO tnrrnrd pr<-pl Into on«'ii 0 hpnrt. It I* (run thn t th rn r mon- hnv Birouii rrpniutPB wlilcli wp hml irni uppn woro lumt>pr»«ie. Inorfrnnlvo U'” ' liriiiea which worn iiatlk'-ly (o hurt prol anyonn. but lu tbl>i world o t won- dnt d rrn w hat m hor Burvlvaln inlRhl al'O dmrt. lint , (ip—whai n.irce, ardv*' ihp borrort roaily lo ixiimro ujkiii ii» 'T pj from (hi.lr la(r amonR iho rnrl;^ ?rni or (innhwon.l? 1 know (Kiln of p Ip-i prPhliilorlc Itro. li'K I h n ^ a cli-nr of i r.-mPTiiliraiiep of^finn boiia ■'U'-l I hail r<-;id. In which It npokn <if -Jf-'i; crpaiiir.-ii who would l i r e ujinn mir ;>riijlliHiii und llRpr* .IK n r;.: (Iv.'» u|'on i“ w

l>" found III t(iu woodi or Miip;- I' WIUI.. I.nni!! “ !>rH'

II »»» d.i»Hnrd dia( on (hU vpry wlil jii.irnlnn—our ‘ flr^t lu i(io^ uon ihri: counlry—wn wrro lo nnd on( whnl ni'.i■ lr«n*« hasardu l.iy nn.iind ua li n.i i w at a liiathnnme »d\pu turi.. and uial. nne nf which I halo ti> think, j r . ml an John snlil. (1i,. Rind.) o f ! <if ( Iha lauanoddui wiy rrm nln u lili { ln(n iin ■» a drpam. Ihn i .u r rly ilioj>«ui *waw»pj)t Ih r I ilp rodnrijli will for ; ■'Idp pv«r Kp oiir lil*liini«i.*. - I ^ l in.- clrc i,. | down pxncdy wliat <i<riirr<Ml, iho

W r very »I»wly ^ r c i e h <ky.Itip p jrily :i.T au.''-\ (j.>rJ 10 «lloxlim ac|p .l. «•. (W o V ho <-t i(wnuld li'T uo Btltaiu.-, ami lu r l l ) 3iip, l.pcau»oat pTory uprniij K ippnnoor Mwi oitip'r nf (iur prnf—^rirK wntil* fstl. ‘•im w»?h a cry r,f W(iu'h»r..licfnrp »nmn rpsl flower or In-i-i-! \ih lrb t^i*»'-n|pd wUl, him with a .n«w iyj>p We m iy j . 't harp iravPlPtl' twn or thrpp indi i j itmi In all. V -pplns lr. lh,- r1s?it ot iM Uiir^ llnp of th» ■t.-.^nw.iKhAn'Wi. rai»t..4l«U|

‘upon a foniM rraM • T^^'nlnl: la i !ip 1 crpi Irpoa. A hPlt of h:u-:;-'i>o.l liyl ii? I 't . i tO 'a lanalp nt n>, --thp '••hoi'’ ^an'd platpaii waa «lr"wn w tih liot;IJpr». > ”f i W b wprp W ilk’n c alowly toward* j tlllli tho«» rodf*. amo.iK whl<-h ' •I'litrpschpd ovpr our «■»!». wlipu wo bw -aiop'.^warp o( « ■ tn n te (,iw;

•ir^hhllnR - and wIil*mnK »ound, 'i o f - whl?h miPd Ihp a tr with a ro :i- ' l.ljd tf» n l flatnof and a t r'-ar.^^I lf> corr.-’ -:r;><

« o a e »poi Imtnpdla'lfly hcterp !



th P \nt N attoiul l*lejtu'^i,.{.ii^ , " n .R. RoUiae.ken, / .

us. L o rd Jo h a ^ a U ttp b U h a a d a a a I alcnal for ua to atop, and i ie ^ a d a . bla way awttOy, atooplnir and nm - ' nine, to tho 'line o tro ck a . W t aaw ' him peep e re r- tb e m and g lra a .I se itu ro o t aau^Miaent. T bea ba . atood a l a r b f a a ',l t . f o rn t t ln c na,

BO u lte r ir n i i u o M waa h a by

' ua to coma on. holding ap b}i hand aa a alcnal fo r caiitlon. Hfa wbolo . . bearing made m« (eel, th a t aame- th ing wonderful but.dangoroui lay beforo ua. ■

Creeping, ( a h l iu ld e . wa looked o^er tbo m k a .:/'.T f ie placo Into

signal fer ,ua to atop. • ■

w hich. wo 'cozed Wiin n pir, Rnd may,,In tho onrly dtiyx, hnvu boon oil.) of thn nmitllor v'olcniilc blow- holon of the plnlciiu- It wna bnwl- nhni’pd nml n( (he ho(toin, aomu

jhiindrcdH of ynrds from u-hero wo '! Iny. "weru poufii o t icruNi-acummod, stnanuni wutor, trlnsm r wltb bull. runhcB. tl waa n 'weird place In liKoir, bill Its occupants made II 3U0UI like a aeona from lho Seven Circle! o t Oanto. iTbe placiSw as n rookery of pier6((irc(yls. Thero x* -were hundroda o f ' them congro*R aud w ithin tIow. f tll the boi- “ “ Ipm area foun(l the waieredRo l” ” was ollvo w ith, the ir youni; pnes. j and with bidooua m othoriphrqbd.;' I Ins upon (holr Isathnry, yeilnwlahl v h t ORM. From lUtk ctawlltiK n lPfrfflOM j f . o,brcfln(T.(y n illt(in llfe . , ^ n t~ h e CBtOsW!-, ah(wWnn.clauior.. K hIO . w aho n i l i S r ^ o ijlr nnd tbe mophltle. horrWlo, muiity odor-'whlclrjm rnedi s; honllh un nick. Iliit abovo, perc li* ! «»cb\ jihock npon Kjufwri ntono." Inll. R ra^.nod 1 wKhored. more tlk. ) dead nnd drlAl | n m rh a p ^ lm e ^ thnn nc(uat llvlnR. erodr i Mrn. turea, ual (he hnrrlble males,I at> ! . dky fi naluioly mndonlAflu aa»e f o r 'th e : fjincrn rolllnR ot llielr roil oyes o r an^'oel ; ,'}(r. canlonal snap of - t h e i r - r a t - ^ j i Mr> ni benka an. a droRonSly w ent pnati ' ‘Twin (hnm. Tholr Iiuro. membrant>ui( ! ijTj. winRs were eloied by folding ibe lf-f rohio forearm a, so (hnl .tb o r aat ;ikd I SoroRj Klsnndo old women, 'wra'ppedj lij : leiiil w hideous • web-cotorPd shawla^ ^

InR nbove (hem. I.arRa and ii^Alli v f„ , not lena (han n tbouoaml of thes4 T <>-„> ni(hy crcRturea Iny In tbo boflo'fi J lr ito r bpfore Uli. — I •

Our profflsanra would « adlT hnvo *taypd thoro all dny. h e il irnnppd-'Wero (hny by Ihl* 0 p o f . !!?■""" UmKy of aiudylnR the tlfo. f i ' prPhl«l«rIc-nRo..Thoy M ln(m ip,iil .; lh.. flah and the d"ad birda, fcliife -J i Thn ilinut amiHiR ihn rocJilr>« pri i luk ■ I'*"*" ■ Ihp naiiirj of (ho ?o*>d of pwi ■ ‘J,” ! ■* TP«iur.'«. and I h.-.ird (hom roa- : P j " ■ iratulnlln;; parh c lher on h iv ing ■:Ip-irpil up Ihn |iol,it why lh.> I mna • r i " -I'h Jf (h ll (lyluR'drflfc'on arc founl In I ;'u.-h criMi numb, r* In ci'A-aln •• -.•IM.-fln.v| a r.M .„ « , In (h.. am- ,■TI.JK,. (Jrocn-.and. il.lcn lt/w i ,.i M " low n,...n dim. Ilk.. iK-n.tuIn*,! ihfy •

............... fi..hi..ii:f ' ‘'•''V'-rinnlly . how.>v,.r. (,-haIl^nR*r. . . , '

irni upon jirn ilns «omf ;t>olnl ,wlilrli Siinimorl,.,. hnd coui«7T3d, ’ . hni-.! lllu |„ ad ov.-r tho rock nhd ; ' ii'.irly hriMiKhI .lc•^lru^Ilon ; upon rn m I l.i nil. In an li:.ii.,it Iho neareat , ,,„ i-n ii nalo Siiro a *11111. w h liilln f cry. . wyndn^ mil Ilapii.-J 111 'lw.‘,nly.fool ip a h j ' . (},« ■f li-alhiTv wiiigR I," ll a.iarpd >ip , family, nio lli'“ air, Tl;,. fomsip* 'a nd ; the ta't ■•.'iinR onp» hndill.^.i locudier ho- to ron ildn (ho w:itor, uhllo (ha whole .. Kome I■Ircla.of KintloAU. r«aa-<>eB.af(«r_L- -----ho olhor and ».ail..j nff Into (be I' iky. ll ».-)« a wondorful (iRht Of nro »oe al li-ni.1 a hun.lrod c reatnro i rnCk »'( .f i*uf\.'iinrmou« >110 aad hU eoui . "chool^ ippparanrp all •wnoi'inR llko awal. , J” iiw. wllll »« ;n , shrarfoR win*-iim k"* alioro Tls; but loon we _____-fs l ln d iiiai II W.1? not one. on • ’ ' G I rh lch wo rniiM r f ia r t to llBRPr. • _

nr»i lh.. •Rrr-,iv>brolp. fl<w • t.iind In Q. hu«,. rlnn, a i (f to make ■■ iirp what lh,. r y r i o ite n t of r t# w lik r» (auRpr-mUht. (» .\T hPR .-(he;‘f l l ^ t to r reb :rpw In arr .in,! Dm circle narrow . offrct ■ •r. iinlll d u r wprp w&lizlU round law to in'd,rr.u:id th r .'to , r w ^ n * flap ^ d a .'f ili.!r hu-:.- <bsp'COlored wlnR« '**y » l illins lh.' a ir With a ♦olome of « n s e a "’lin Vih.->t m.-d-v m.. think of Hen- ;»n nprotronii' npnn a ja c e day. ;

•M .kp ihV TT_.H><J and kppp ^ not of»ih«-r.- 1^:1 John. cIuIk yoo btj'• ij£ lil> fifl,- - T ii\b ru tp » mean c oun ty '

- (T .I ll- iur.i;nu«J» S t

' ' rh io f


BailyJil. M (CMipUtd tir ito lud 'pM l ■' i , ,

. W ipN E S D A Y . -APBJL 1 ?:i

~W edn«aday 'a Beat F e a ln rn i ' . 'rfTAIf miU 0lkm..N«» Tar*'PUI- haraenic Orahmr*.

(E aaiem Slandard TJaic) “io

- 0:00 s l

T di; (lt.«i *I,1MT Ut-vp., inr..g. |0;0, ruffc I'liilLjrS.'iiW'

Kuit« lunivi. eriuvbqnin i w ,IO:IA iMrllaaf: X*f» Tr'jtJlioi) l*.*X^lniV'lj'!n Orvhrtir*. inil!


.• -JOUa k '« ” nMlf*Wjnn» .’ rchwii». flffKWKVC. M tv ’vtmx—530.e *

?:.lS p; tof.r*, ’ •'”'n-o.

WAno. ■I IMQ^«IK iiii.i.~.iisn7;31^l3i0<l,I’. H—ea«lp Conml.

vn i. n iiiA nrxfriiA —aea,A t:oo! ;J ! f ; s ^ a s : i , “.T ;s .~

m r , rniiA nK tjfiiA —o eat 7 4a. I !iiS f ; S ; = l : s s r ;

tvoo. rrniADRLriirA—.oea.t ivraeI ,?t30.I*.-M,»CaaJ»li>rt‘» Ufvlipvlra.H:IH> I*. H,—tiriPP IlNWpa. coUlrallo.

J l ^ S r10:le • ,S;SS

ii i s F i t S i S S w•lu .IS r, M.—I.a ^ava OrchMln. 7i00

WOV, M:IIXNKCTAnr~3n.S?;S! f ;

, .NOTIVlE D E N . I

Jji>B.V.^Mra.' JatnoB Pellon ret /Iv e d 'tb v -n a i l n<>wa of .llie-*doalH * -hor-rnoilior,-^ -M nt;'-'W rlK ht;— nr TnTiio" a h o 'T a l la late 'Satunlay ofternoot). A. Pii ra. WrlRbt hnd been In decIlnlnR oKli, hut he r paaalni; In a itrool , " p ock 10 h e r fuitijly nnd frlendii s ,„ ,p p, fl npent tun.t aiimmur horo on (be ,y| n rh wl(h bor nona, Lpo nnd ICnrl,•s. t’nlton nnd hrn(hur» loft Sun- Pnrlow, y for Idnlio t^nllH, n> nitend (l.o hy n,(, ncrnl. , ' ' ' ' lied loMr. nnd Mrn. llyron AyorlU nnd oitiito | ■>nnil Mm, .Mnrlon Ihtuboui «ure Nnw, tin Vnlin vlnld.™ .Snturday. v «n-cil t in-, and Mrs, ScnijTKK from Jc- nf Apri tno npent .Sunday hero w ith Mr*. roRRB’’ brodier, B, W ; Itoynohls II wift)M'r. mid Mr*, A M -X oij vinltcd nn ndny wKli Mr. tV ton 's »im«r. ,a . -N e ar.-n t Klmborly. cxct-iif .■rof. II. 0 . Itnyea wna n hiiHlncss d rfc rro Itnr In Tw in l-'nllii* Sulunlny. cxcee<l d r. und Mra. Mn* Knhn vlnKcd [fl'ow ln i-nda In Tw in Kalln Sund.iy. sUnn Oladya «o»k bs«1 *1.01 ' 11UKon moiored ti> Twin I'ulia Sai* ( j j ) nf lay hftornoon. 10 jn ||rhn hiRl) achonl public apenklnR (ownaltc «a .will Rlv6 (holr ptny Wednea- Me r .evnnlnR a l Ilm J i^ lre Iheatre- Rctber < la proinlne* to he* ono • o f ihe cincn(a ;at cnjnynblo <.n(crlnliitnents ol onslnc r Hoaaon. T h r . play In Riven un- And n ■■(he dlrecdnn of I'rof. llayea , " ‘,''lira. A- h i llonR quKe rilck ut

bome tiorc. . . - Durloy.Mra. r iu r k K lelnklnpf of FlIrr of Idahc Iti-d hero Sunday with hur bu»- day of III. Clnrk Klolnklnpf. iwo o'l-l.Ir. aud Mra. Joo I’rlce of Hurley Unt«il rc hore Snlurday vlalilUB wllh ' n. I 'rlce 'a paronla. Mr. aud Mra. .Vdmlnis ron Averltt. A. FnIra, Sadie Jenxrn nrrlved Sunday ni 1‘0/ l l a n d for n vlalt a tih her *'•onia. Mr. nnd Jlr*. Jenaen from “ ndm ere. S. I f .-w h o a re vlaltlnpt th e home o t W. B. Sum mera and Illy. Mra. Jpnai-t« la b alaler of

la te y ra . Summem and expects rem ain w ith the Sum m ers (or

lie tim e. .

NOTIl’K ~ | ^ Hf annual acbool Rif-«tlnR of Share* . k achool D istrict Z2. (o lie held at ooi bouao A pril 18. 1925 from 1 p.(O s p . m.M ns: sT /:iJ ...\ m. aoooaiQi.

GETYO.UR LICENSE W.Itentlon of a ll m olor reblc io own* ^

lod to Ibo fa r t th a t the new law k „ re rrrence to lic o s ln R such mo- X t vehicles la now In fu ll force and

•ct Bnd Ib a t- it If a violatloa of tba to opera te aurh vehleloa on Ihe OC

da. hlRhwaya and a treeU o f any ’ w ithout a llcpnae. GcL ynu r ll> Xse a t once and pu t It on you r ear- perm ission ta n t>«' R tu tM l lo ot>* • f< te any veblfflA w ithout snch lleenae *

a rr ra ta ' will follew Immedtatoly. no t opera te ynur e a r fa r tb e r until

buy a IlcCnae, G rt them of tbe II W Dty aaseaaof. 1

M .ir.. FTNCU. M _S heriff o t Twin P a lls County. ^

P . :0 . I!KIini.MAN. U ll blof o ( PolK-e of Tw in F alla City.

. -“ t d e s d a

l a t B o l J ®' 1 1 * 1 : i t


in:ia r . V.— tmai WJSAO 2 i™ i:- n.«n t. I.CTK0JT-.-IS3.T . I’ :n Z P. *nnp “i n 'l‘. i

• 7,00 p.»I0;m p. M,—OohikPito-. ORiM-.tm. n-n/

SiiS P.

■“ i i if I

!iSi f: 8 =SSS%.'SSS. («<•,O-.aO l’- C>)alP«u I.aut1ff Onhnlra. ^ j. {

(C entra l S ta ix 'a rd TJmeJ WMI. nNnMKATt—.*33.0 '

0;uo J». X.—7i«u»ie»l I-rortam, .i 'a - n o p t

a S ’S' wt.w, 'a N riN N A T i» te u ‘l i

g : = & D ^ . r - « i c h t . >S;!IS 1-:uau P U n « ^ ? ‘ crr.n. gijS {r J>;00 l \ N..^’C»lrmUy o^hwiU. }|- J

WHN. nitrAHo—.iTo.a

)iOO C. W.—Don lu-iloK. om>p>tra. i;*> 11- S wQi. oiicAni>-:4«iJ( o 00 {.• S

i'ISl r ¥ -u lu n ta 8l3r.rt.. 0:00 i . xlioo a'. M^Kgtay.Tblt]' Hour. ■ VKOKIO


l:S8 £■ , !12.‘ “ ‘


Iip I'h inntn Cntirt.or-Ujc C otm tr o f -*H eH r iwal«,-Stlit«-«( W ahu; ot, rod

-.______ _______________ _____ noca uanbo"Mntter o f ilio r> ta to of OcorJ:c , Pnrtow , Ticceh-t«l. " - - 'umuftnt to nn o rd e r o f lho Pro- ®I C nuri of tlip C ouniy o f Coanln, ,_”|u c o ' e of Tdnlio. duly mndu nnd en(or- __ ,,, HI the :Ctb dny of March. 19:6. In ,,mn(U-r of Ihe iCatatt- o f OcorKo A. *'Jow, docna«. d, w herein and w hero. the iindi-rnlKned wnn duly aulhor-

(0 m il nt iirlvnK- anio tho real to licrotunflcr deacrlhod. tattiesa

r , Tht-reforo. ^ 'o ilc o In hereby . ' . th n t nn nnd af(er.,(ho 10th 'dny i M M ip rll.' the uniterMlBiiotl nd- - ■ ■ Inirnior. of thu cntalo o f Oeorso H m

•'arlow, docvnaed. a t (he offlco of ', lx>wc. n( Kurley. In (he County t f V ' aanln. S(oto of Idnlio. wfll ac ll.n t uto R-iIo (II Ihl- JiIrIii'HI nnd la-at ' e r for t-nnb. orV»n Icrnin rtf-not.lo id one yi-nr. wKh ItUoront on tlio rred pnyiuoiiia n( n m to nut tii e<i nix pec ccn l p e r nnnum, Ihe iwhiK di-ncrllie'd rcnl eniate In llio Ky of Tw in I'n tla. S lnle of Idaho. / >v

X Foiir (4> In lllock Flfly.lwo, I ' ' of (h r U uhl'(ow nnltc; !<ota U and / ’’

n hlock Flfty-aovon (C7) Uubl ' / la lte: lA)(n 1 i^nd In hlock Two . \ • / MeCulloni A ddition 10 Buhl: .lo-

e r w idi n il und nlnRiilar (he len- | n(a and nppiirlenancpa lheri:(o be- I Inc o r In unytvlno npprrinliilnK. 1 ' id nol Ic e Is her. byjflvim tha t blda A Ihe nnle of aald li-al «-ntate will ll ■ecclvi-d n l Ihe offlco o'f. S. T . . \ * p. a tto rney for adm ln la iraio r. a t \ oy. lil (he Couniy of Caasla. SU to ^ laho, up (o nnd IncludlnR Ihe 10th of A pril. 11125, a t the hour of „ ,

o-elock P. M.ited th is 2Sth day of Marcli. IOIO, **

SA .\IUnU FAIltJJW .Inlalrnlor of ihe •■stale o f CrorKC K ^ A K Farlow . ileceaaed.______________ i V J yei

a d re rtU e is ra t w orth looking la a ev e r 'overlooked—in th is ce lbw o i

paper. • i r ^ u— ------ --------------------- :----------- — xastUia,.

Wa k

- n o n n

you era o f usb

R \ J n s t llkitt. s<Mi

25"Ouncy7or25<=’ -• s t a r t

less than of Wgher **“priced brands.



lB .89Btbj ♦ i '*

m A Y , i T A n C n ' ^ ‘l9 2 S : / . r r

! F a ^ S " S w ™ ' ■ '

.,S"*.IS!S!"liS!i3i*. i.n ,

I l i ! l ; ~ T K a 3 : ' f f i » . ; , i 1

niiAv, KAy*Aa c iT V -« x a! 1:; R £S 5*0*riW a ,I i’ l*'5i^&i“i’ii'i>»»»’yrBii«.:

[,c. M.—cmwrt Ppnaram. .• -'-•-t.

tfiint! HOT n i- ttix o tw iiji

i i S s H S 5 * s £ K “ ' --

l>. u ,—Uo»ra'* 8<i«aadcn. '

IMounlaln Standard Time) ■ v.

; ,

aetfle Const S ta n d s ^ TCmeV-Kl

i l i l ® ;;. : iv WA^Wl2n-»** l;nfru>. ; "N ,

!•: m!—coiMn-i KPiody um.Kro, BAN r«Awci»co—3«a.a ■'>>*_

li' 'ti


r re « r - l r i iM . c x tra o rd in * ^ . laethod roduclo»Vv wolgbt—«U aorjJlB nrT '

»uan no * lW vn llon .d l« l»vp r.T fo - - B m r i j t s r t t e n f o c e e t o f c ^ ---------------a I 'reacrlpU nh ,-T ab leu -« « -« « < » •:tly In nccordanco w ith th e fa- is ■^^nrmola I ^ o r lp U o n . Thay,ICO you atootllly.nnd oaaily. w ith III offocta. Profiu ra- 'the ra trom

r druRRlitl a t «1 for a box or i prlbe d irec t . (b (ho M arao t» ipiiny. Qenoral- K toton Bulldlns.-) roll. M idi. Onco >011 a ta r t tak*

these tnbleta and . ^ I n K yonr esa you will be b d p iy mwla.

a w m b r ^ « P « I M to ad m it IhM th * n a u lta o l S . STS. a n .

^ r a l l y a m a ilac i AK ’S GLORY U hU a trcnctli— y e t how few ther* a r* w bo a n . -x

ly aa a tro n r aa thoy • ahonld b * .'

radual break-down o f a y s ^

y o a , i^ yfiun w

ta r t U U iir* & B & t e ^ u d c U .

* - T t B » r l i .B M a i i M .n t M X d t l n t ' ^ ^ l ^ ^ g i - .

Page 5: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

' ' ■ ‘ v t o e S d i t , ' s c n i c r i s t , j a s s . *

■ ' 'Fr Bniineiit Direicitory -

" • •■'• " • ' -------I Q\■ . . :Att6meyi : ■'■. S. . J . H . B A R H E S -O ver C ity Cafa. ^

P0 RT5 R --W rrn A M . u w y ir f c O W r ■Oiai Book e to ra . , . ' '

• 0 . 0 . a y iC ^ O M r Clo» Book Stow.

JtZBBK n ^ '^ t h w e l l — O rr CbApnum trBOTHW I&U;'* CHAPMAN’ - nl

W oodi BWfc R oona 6, t , 7. ». »« w• SWSZBLBr. * . 8W S B L 07—A t t o r n ^

F l n t WaUonil B ank BolldloK j„

Shoe Rep<unng w. ROYAl* 8 H 0 S REPAIRINO. F.

' M ]r«n .,P rop . rUO Sod S t S u b cc • • A, _ y » y a o cattt jB ir - j l io f t i . . . : J I

/ • ■ • ■ TraiuCer' n► 1 jBROWNlE'S TRAWSPEIU- Ph. IflO^ "

CROZIBB TR A N & raR CO M PA N T- ” P to p e ' 8<8. .'B toraKd aad .craU ny. -*

McWlCaOLS ■ T R A N S ro n A .fiTO R- ”AOB C O ^ u t a g * . dally „

. Pbono .«Q0. 5°•W A R B E R O -a.'R A N S FB ^ STORAOB ~

'C O v-6 tor»g*‘ *nd 'ap<oIaI .earlotil» _> ih ip a w U to O aifo ro te . Phono K l lil

-I t>0Veldbx •.‘'••v'Hirfirw .. - M aeU nbto v H o rM ib o mB o U e m ik lB r - 'W a g o n 'l U k e n im

S p iliir i r « tk t aeX n ac eM b e b lA O Coi ' —

■Phoao I8 0 a .. 2i(K88q a w n d S w tL

Cfaijfopractort. ^DR. e ; i r tA T T

. .C blropractor ’,*151 » rdA T o .:K o . O ttle a ' Pbono 487

. DR. BVliA- a SATTTERO atoopaUlo Phyaleian * ‘ n r

f i-u lU .! a i f t ' t . Oan BaaldloK ^ »»onB IM O -V Raa. IMO-J ~

AiittionM r. r. . 'C 0 U M U N 7 0 N ,

W la r ^ . : .T w lo Fa ll* . , PhOftt eS- n o n a • j

' • &(Roofing~

. : - -B arry ta x * !. Anto W lndabtftda, P lata wh

■ . ^ y i S S r Olaao and W all P agar bri

— - f f f ^ mETB'SFECZALIST—D r. W m.,D. Ro;^ —

nolda. B tice ta ao r 'to Davla Optical h«, •' - Co.' S09 MaJa E aat. Noxt door to ^

- O oldea R tile ._____________________ 1

FOR B I L I a l A R t t a - ^ M acaulay^ „5j

TWIN FA L L S 'JU N K BOU8B -M ot> ~- a la. Rubiwr. Hldea,. P a m and *Ttr».

. ARMOUR, CREAM STA TION -384 ~M ailo'fiouth. T w in PUlla. Pbonoa fruIM S and.1074.. See tia before aell- Phln « e roun . po u ltry o r e<(iL, Tea, ~ wo coma o u t a i t o r : you r poultry; -*Open S a turday n i f hta u n til 10 _o‘c l p ^ Q a a . Undorwood. .. , i

Piano Tuning. ’ —;. : a O. H U LL iiotso yeara 'E x j> erlu tce.

. /P b o n e -a i7 J . P . O. Bok 80S .. “

For Sale-Miscellaneou^ ^I In j’ FO R 'S A L B :rW o 'ba re a num ber of on(

• -m ao n a fila .p rlc ea w tU o . tb«y Ia a t , Z S la se r SawUa: M ach laa .C o , l U U ala

• B M t ■ . " '- f—

.F O f t S A U ^ R o e k c t m i c ra reL C. n O. Uarfclal> B U ckam lth a h o p . ^ 4th w ftTtnna w eaiL.-Phona M tW .'

O TO H -yam TO D B tn ^ W N 'F R U I T » • and abado treea, am all f n i l t a , 'a b n i^ apa

roaaa: Tinea' n d p o ren a la laT Boat of A pt • ' a toek-tD T -toM at .p r te e a . S aloaaen aati ' ^ aa to d . Cat^ofcoa !<• f r ^ Klmbarly - = " W um riaa , B 3ab«rly, Id ;ato . . ^

'F O R 'S A L E I.S o b * chol'e«<'aMd pe--------biiMa.' Obloa a a d Cobblara.. Red R lre r X

, a t ^ thU yoar. S^l m ile eaat. ^ a an I M .W a a h l n s t o a aa iooL O. L Bar- ^

J , . tow ...V » R B A L B -Saed ba rley , no oata. i m p e r haadrod . B rtn c aacka. Seren — mllea. aoath a n d tw o e aa t o ( ( o u d ry . F

• - ~ - g ; TTi rU f •• • ’ • V Bth'


r (^ u 'K M O W (rB .lM P O U T S B e 4 c r .6 0 F A C T a H T B

____■ ' ■ * ■■ -

BiiiHFor Sal^Miscellaneoufl f

KOR 8 ALG—Uaed rancca ,. (ablea. c haM , niKit, bwla, eprlnim. baby car* rlBBc*. tcniB, cte., barireln phcw i. All In kood condition; I':xchonK« Dopt..A. H ..V Inc«nt Co. 'r iiono « C . . 207

’ - n - 8 -NOT A nOJIK 1>STII, i f s . •PLAXTKi*."

Add beauty, 3>I«aaure and p ro fit lo your bome Uy plantlnic ornameniftl trocfl, flhriiba, vincii, roues and pcren* nlala. F o r th o comlnK GO dayn we wlll havo Ibcfie plantu for you a t our pack ing p la n t and wlll bo opon ' eve* n ln n i a lso lo ncrvo you. O iir ntocK Is homo krown, frcah ly diiR and fine. K imberly N’u m itIm , Klmboriy. fjl»ho. • Phone 4C.

FOR SA L B -D oy’n. w heel.. Good condition. Sunflower. Phono 720.

FOB .SA LE-NK TTK D OKM HKKD rOTATOKS—Ono yoar from Montkna ccrtiricd accd. Soo C. B- T ea to r. P«>* ta to Aaaoclmlon ccllar, llnnBen, lilu.

FOR SAL.I'>-Small lUnch roo tn and ch ill, parlo r. 223 Sbonb'ono So.

' FO R SALB—H ay. From foundry cornor, C milea aoutb, ono oaat and 3»4 Boutb. R . C. Soudera., '•

POR 8A I.B -F IV 0 and One mlnlnK, atock. 7 ^ conta a ahare. Phone 200.*

■ FO R flALB-Hay..Bee<l w heot and boana. 1 mllo no rlh a n d .K e aa t of Curry. L . C, M artyn. “

FO R S A L E -n O CUB- Old Trunty incubator and No. 4 Sharplcao creamaepara to r.. Pboaa 6I7JI1.__________

' FOR SAI.B—HouBO, 18x24, move- able..- 0 . OBlorlob,.IllRhland View. R. ~r ' — .......... ....................................— la'

FO R ’SALB—AiraUd hay, 3U nXU-n tni BoUthweat o t Tw in Fa lla . Ph. C17K3. —

" F b E .S A L t ■ 1,,■ P n ln l 10 p e r cen t off fo r caah. Knl- T,“ aomlno In bulk. R e turn w hat'a le f t 'tz B ruah loaned free. D iam ond Hdwc.Co. • . het

E e o d q t ia i ie r a . <rfo r PbtonB, BlnRm P lna, B e a r tn r s ^ ValTes' j n d 'O u k e ta . WI17 'w n lt Fbotio S371V. ' . . Pi

• Bt«pken OyL Oijn^.. Co.-• * ”- ----- -I - I pu

__ mlFO R SALB—Puro Dicklow aeed “

w heat. M m lto w oat o ftShoahono S t , , bridgtf. H . 0 , U nd . • ^

p n n p— pi»« f |n M, ,••aa well a« boarlnca fo r «U.n>nk08 oC „ cara. L ind Aulotnoblle c a . - ^ - -w". ^

FOR SA L B -S M rt b a rle y .^ . F low or- „ dew. S r. P h . 60SR2. ; ^

FOR S A I.B -B aby tinsity.^blnck. ro-. W Teralblo body. A -l condlUon. 461 3rd avenuo c a a t Phone 607W.**.

.For Rent SFOR RENT—Im proved G ' new *. ]

f ru l t.o n d bcrrica. Oood location, air Phone 616R2.- ............. " atr

- FOR_RBNT—Fum iahed a partm en t, baim odem , on acrcoKC.* Ph. 444W. Or

. FO R RENT—Room an d .b o attt .c lo a o I fIn. 31S 2nd no rth . «n

. FOR RENT- 2 room ^louae fo r llsb thouaekeeplns. 403 2nd avcnuo no rth . ]»07J.________________________________ 40

FOR SALE OR FOR R E N T -R ea l-d e o t.ro o tnln c houao. 232 Slh e a a t V

FOR RENT—F um iahed houaekeep- Ing apartm enta and c tra « « . 619 Soc- . . . ond a re au e no rtb , o r phona 68SJ.

FO R RENT—O aras*. Oall 429 4th a renuo w a i t ’ d « -------1---------------------------- ------------------ r t F if

m M l J i f o ^ ^ O T ? ^ * * M a ln ^ T »W aa t P hoao 97L

-------- - ----------- ) TFO B BBNT - S r o m flm ilahod

ip a r tm a a t ' roaaooahlai B aacalow - ftptB. t t h M n a t u d ^ S M e o d i a r m w

~ B ( |k t .roofiTbotuo t e r « a t - a & “ S P ottar. f t m E a t t t t . . ^

v o a . BBNT—ao o fk e ap lB f a p a i^ a a a t i . oonpla to ly ( a m lih a d t e r 11« U \i im iaikaaptni, o b ^ . tw o s a d tb x to ..1.1 roooa eloaa m . and low r s tM , h r _ voak e r BMath, n * O xteidb :« M "9 t e t f a . i t . ’ ■ • • . w i

FO R BENT—1 m ratahod ro o n . 4 » 'W

m f e ~■ B k h k w d e i

'^ ^ v im e o ' B Mowew:


J , r ~ ~ T ^ f f .


I , A s n w « « m W »S CAUCHT IN TME • i* y iN a -rerSNBAK o o r o** b a h tb i

TWO s n i a u t w a p s a w d a ffiwts e \ [ g r o N g JuC |_ ta iP eg _ H ia _ w g R e e

I • __________ _____________

: For RentF O h ItE N T -rS leep tn* roomik , 0 3

. Stb a renua e a a t •

A newapaper n t to en ter your homo < . la a fllU ng placo fo*- your adrertlio^ ' I ta e n t -

I-*OR RBNT—N tccly'fiim liiliad room, fu rnace healed, dlrvct ba th connec- ‘

I Uon. 40i 7lh no rth . ' •

FOR '-T E N TH * room (uralHhcd ; houBo, newly papered, a t 31D 1-lflh ( nvonuo nortb.: Phoqo 310. J . a Cav- j

Livestock ' an(j Poultry,FO R SAr.l>:-Buff Q rplnslon c k ^ ' 1

Phonfi 51CJ3. . _______ • • ‘

FOR S A W -S o m o flno aheep doi; pupn cheap. Jo h n Rodman. * Rea. 1 ' milo B.. K aoulh Tw in Falla. Route 2. |

' - FO R S A L B -F re ah Jeracy ■belter, 1 ’ tSC. Kenyon Oreon. Phono S23J3. 1

■ " iX iiO iA u ti^ s m a ir ^ ta in or. jumilO,! I : VBiT brtrtPo mulea. 1. b ; Tow cll, Kog- i

araon> Idnho ,- . . ________ 1

FO R SA L F ^Y oun* boraea. Muat ! aell. Q uit farmli]ff. 'Wll) aell on tim e: nlBO T rcbl barloy for aeed and feed.' ] Wv a Hoag. Klmboriy Road. l

FOR SALB C H E A P -P tireb red Je i^ ! aey bull calf from ono of beat cowa ' In country. C. E . McClain. -P h o n o |i ClgJ.__________ _____________________' J

FO R SA L E -176 purebred T ancred 5 a ira ln W hllo L eghorn bena. and Sm ilh • a tra in Anconaa. nlao cockerela. H isb s ra d e atock. priced r i s b t Tw o Incu­bator*. Two mllea wc«t of South Pa rk Oroccry.-F O R -S A L B -H o ta . aoioa good food- era, 1 block oaat o f rock >cniabar. a D. P n c k e tt

FO R SALB—to ao ra d J r ? ta n n aad 40 aero orchard taad . Pbona nTRS.

W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a IG O U S j

■ W A N T B D -E lderly pa rty to caro J for tw o children.. Knquire a t Homo . R e a u u r a n t . *

• VTANTBO-LMy room er o r chll- - dron to board a n d .ta k e care of. 244 .F ifth ayemie north . _________ «

W AN TED -Sboep to paafure for tbe ,auam er'aonaoaL Pbone 69gJS. ___ ®

W A N T B D -B nnk houBC. 10x16. I f a you h a ra anythlor.. phono 616R3. P

W AN TBD ^Houao cleanlnK and * bouaowork o f any kind a t 3So an It hour. Call 62U. u

W A N T E D -A t oaoa te r caah. oaad ^ Fo rd o a n . Fhoaa 14TW. 3. B . W blU i , Oo. s s s ^ u i n B . .. , , X

W A m 'BD —Funilkbed o r pa rtly fu r- “ jilabod houae. Phono 20W. „

W A N T E D - S t^ PKa. Phono 39S. W ill coma a ad get Jhom w ith trwae. >

W A N T E D -P o n ltrr o t a ll klada. Top p r t c ^ H . C B a n ta r. ■fhoBO K tW . >h

. r ~ ^NOU MUST N O n ? M a - l A*

lR nf«)O B % dvU 3C H 0U R fJ . >EKrSL9M»ORy n tu so o so u I—'* >O M T H nX B L E W :

■ . j a ■ ■ -

m. F A ixs im C T friMKiT


'li H

Iacrimimai. “ ■. I ^ IB D T O I . K»£Mtlv I^ I ei.BAW OUT I <OV.— r r, t «

\ m f f P • ' ' . A.

tt /KhaIn . tf^vSJ ■ P'm ' ^ 7 n ^rj M W ^ 'T ^ a C jy , . ' mi

^ ‘ J ‘ F

Y —

m a ACT OF - . • S i S en.TB*4 a-n sft* 'S OAIO-OM . ' r ‘;eOA.T' »**« -/ Ct<

j.—; ^ '' '• ------^ sll

. ■ ■ • I II 'fc

Wanted - MisceHaneo^s j.12 WANTBD—F o r 'ca s ii o r trade! IioiiiiJ| - I

bold fu rn itu re ,' ranKVB. hikb, cic. bli> chango D ep t , A. 11. VIncciU Co, 201 bn,e ShoBhoho aoulh . T lionu 40C. . . n Hi

^ A sa tla tled cuatom ei; la aa aaBOt-^ f -10c an a d re rt la ln g medium. ' I '

“ .. .........—. . : 'oil- HelpW anted J

- W OM K N -M akft bljr money makltip ?74 u Oungalo A pron* n t homo du ring apara l— h tlmo. KncloBb 2e ntam p fo r partjcli- ' . '* la ra . Rosem arjr A pron Co., AabittV . I _ Pn rk . N. J . . ' . ) “

\f .S A L E S MANAOER WA.NTED-^ay \ ^ r g o Jilinola corporation to handlo

aealera in Tw in JU lla te rrllo ry . T i ie ^ 'i-V a ro , nbou t 60 doalera a lre ad y ln ';im a 1 _ te rr ito ry w ho a c f a a aub.dlalrlbt>tqni A _ And cooperato u n d e r your directldh. _ 1 O ne aalo w eekly n« ls you 1536'. . F m r J . » sa lea m onth ly ,'12,140.00. O ur prodilbt ■- aella fo r 1-3 ieaa ,than o u r cbm peU ton 'r, ond la uh lro raa l Ih use and a big r ^ <

peator. T o a 'llvo ; energetic m an w Pi- i I =. J n s J o jg f t i J t jw a l^ i f l J a - a n jB i io f t i i iu »>i .ity of..a.ilfo.'4lmo....«23CO-caBh tei;i- n (* po rarlly . roqulM d :fo r . morchandlae. I—

F or detalla 'w riIT ';;D lrcctor o f Salea, W*B. Pearaqn Sf-. ChlcoKO.

>: M £N 'W A NTED fo r D etective ifo^k.1 1- E xperlenco unneceBaary. W rilo {'JJ / . O aaor; fo rm er O o v t D clecllvo,'- S20; r

: S t Loula. Mo. ; .i. i ,

a ' BAt.BgMAT^—BiooptWMU opporttta-l I O lty . B n M lo n ''...« ara lo g a bi& W rl t a '_ ' M cCleery Calao'dac n e to r y T W aA>; higti»a..»a. : j,

! For -Sale-Real Estate'j j‘ FOK QUICK S ilK Sft

Sm all acreage d o a e in, m i^ e n i — ,• houae. w ith gioaaed in aletW Hir >• porch. NIco abade and law n, go6d C7S

garagQ, flno trn c k land, lo ta ' .: f r u i t Im m edlato poBaeaaion. TUis ' * ia p rice d to aoll. . SmlLh-Laubcti-

helm R ealty C a . - ■ ;l .

FO X BALD—T w o m thonaand I’ fortjr m llak a o rth w e a t o t B l l l ^\ M oataaa; a a a r BrOadvfaw. F a i m l ^ C ’ a a d oil proapecU ai^ Itr rlc ln lty . ;'M - ^ . w ard C orla tt, JoU at. JU.________ ;

I FO R BEN T O R -S A L B -lO Ji a trc a . J i cloaa lp . -Phono WSRS. , 1 | ^

\ ^ R SA LE OR TRADE—A roal cioae ta 31 aero home, 1 mlio o u t Blue

. Lakes. B ird , a o r tb . Oood Im prove ! s m ^ ^ o ^ .w a te r , on ccm ent-road.

I FO R .SA L B .O R T R A D B -lC O 'ac rd i , iI In a o u ih aa au m K anaaa in oil ;dia- ^

t r l c t w ltb 10 room houae and ktyidb a ra a 'a n d abeda. l .a a d la n o t J i ^ f ifo r gaa a a d o li. *WU1 trade f o ^ ^ ^ ^I d a h o - A ddreaa X TZ. earie of f/,

FO R S A I £ - 6 r o U ' I n o d e r ^ ^ o 4 on 4tb a re a u a o a a t E nnulro C06.3rd J a reouo w eat, , ; ^

T b * b a « t 'i r a r to B ^ T o o r o w a > b ia - , '«a toaM ta t s 'taU o tb a ra a b o o t ; t t - r> Ihrongh tb a fr aayB papor. • ^

■ V ;' awtfaMMKaR NO tMu w.

DtSOBEWEDt? .M O M - C A N l B M E gnM fel

' IK

/ _ 3 - Z ! S l $ ^ S


,To .Trade' ,1E O O N O M Y -Save youraelf, you r

c a r and your pocketbook by trad in g ,h, \ in you r old tlrea for G oodyear Bol-

loonB. LInd A utfm obllo.C o. '

T ltA D i; In you r old tlre a on Good- "» 7 n ir~ tm tau u i. Lliiu A uiuiiioM to~Co~ to t

Money to LoanP E R CBNT U O tnn r FO B F A ^ !®'

L O A N S -C aa g e l M th o m oney la t e ^ app lica tion , a

MORTQAOB LOANS. Sw im A C a 1 ■S.MONEY TO , LOAN—F a r m a , 'T i ty property . C. U Po tto r. R eal E atate . Phone 374:

Six P e r 'c e n t—I f yoo Dave a good farm and w ant to borrow on i t w rlto m a Box 62. T w in Falla . Id aho.

For- S a le-Automobilea ru

, F o r “pep** aoa '^ le p ,'? tb e C yttnder O rtntfer. 147, Second aventoe a o rtb . x|n

POR SA LK -1010 Fo rd tru c k w ith i ' ' new cnnlne. o r w lll Irnda for tourioK car. Addrcaa P .O . box 84. T w in FnllB.

FOR SA L B ^A uto ' w iodahletda, doo r Ju glaaaea, headligtit. g li*a a n d window 1 g l a a ^ ^ J ^ g ^ y y a l i i t Bhop. Mi

. F d R S A L iB ^ n o lois tru c k a t COI Mn Fdurtl».-ttTgnae- w ^ a t .

j. Situation Wanted .<' Bas^illiono ployc'r ’•C" m elody, dou- < blcB violin. wlHhon poaitlon wUh dance 4 ' b r c lf lR K Inquire U ruco 'A. Kn-aa, Q> HutitA: lU aiouran l, 230 Main avcnuo < a outh. . 3 .:

WAflTBD—Sllunlioii bv young m on, q oUldopr w ork prufursoiC no fa rm g» w ork jJpalred. Call C2» Sccond avu. E . ,^ |

! WAIfTBD—W ork by th a bou r. Call N<>

___________ S.' I Miscellaneotia !’ I InvMtwl n year 'oKo .roturnM l * 11,200.1 Thla opportunity la youra to- dby. I w rlto ua. D ot V em on Co.,.1830 . H. 1 8 ^ St., Philadelphia. Pa. ^ | j ^ ’CINB''H 081ERY AOSNT. Phohe aU

H- j i ' ■ Bf' i I q W O ro w e n i-H a re fo r aale 30> ceriU led . E aa te m . Idaho -grow n

: H iu io t a ad R u ra l aeed. S a m p lw eri I a t ^ n c h f t Pobetta* office. J .lT iic£byr-;cirrT »3r------------- ■3o«

I' . ‘-i / • - 1 Sl(

[iR L U K Iillill O l t C I l ^ t ^ 22^Artoalqn, W e d ._______ .?— April 1 • B5<OUtina Forry, T hura----------A pril 2 OSH agrrm an. Ffi. ___________ /(prll 3 IdiBIjah Ju n io r Prom .. Sal. J-A prll 4

I. . ■ II Lost and Fotind

T ^ B N u p —10 head - o f Bhcep. *x] b riuded 0-0-4 . Ownor can have aam e g by say ing for od and for keep. Rob-e rt p roae . Rock Creek.______________' LOST->Ono ao rrci pony. ' P hone < 578B1. '

I t iyon w an l a -progBatirva aew a- papkr get The T lm aa. ‘ l

. HAY QUOTATIONS ‘jD a W E R , Colo.. M arch 14.—H ay 30<

quotationa:Nol 1 Sonth P a rk , 114016.No-. 1 O unnU on ,-$14016, ' '- Nb. 1 P ra irie , S 1 2 0 U .No. 1 A lfalfa, S18014.^ p . 1 N orth P a rk . 1SQ14. ^0“

l i ■K JCK ■ ] ii --- ------ 0 7 ,•If you 'don 'l s e t you r T lm ea e re ry 6-.W

afternoon beforo alx o 'clock, you and abould telepbone 38 and reglalM- >6.6 airklck** ao w\) can aend you one 0<- b y a apeclal meaaenger. W e 'h a v e ball a/boy In tbo orrtce un lll 6 :45 to d*- -ca ll l i t e r rkicka aad If you w lll te lo - I doa

, phoae befora th a t tim e wo w ill b« $7.6 g lad to acnd one o u t ' H

>Thla ta tb e only w ay th e office Igtaa I w o t know ing ,th a t y o u r i* p e r la Iiot dellverod. ao p leaav c a l l ' n .« • ; •a ch Um* yo u r p a p er faUa to rea ch | j „ y w r d o o r . IIL I


4 W OUVE ^ / l l ' U l > BU T MOW 0 0 r£D fK^dTMER iM frftl M E TO LEARN t o l D O M j p r ■ ( u m , « 5 u S v u v I F I

DAILY MARKEGrains Closed Irregular

on Chicago MarketClUCAdo, MarcIi 3 1 .-0 rr tla ful- « |1

uroa cloieil Irroanliir on Uio bnurd of trade .todiiy. Kxtronio wcakncxn dorcloi)o<l a ftu r ihu <)|iening wllli th e irnilo piiyInK i-oiiMfleruUb » l- (m , Icnlloii to hour lnriuoiii:t:>i. ' a' Jliiina iliu t (vll I .ovur tha dry 1; aoiithMrcBt ovonilKht a n d . continued

» ltu r tlio UulllHlt Ilgurcn prevlouaiy itJKi poHled. - *- '■ <u-n

Corn fln1ali<‘il a l lho loweat p rlre dull level alnvi- Iiinl AugUBl u tlu r auf. (rui forlng a Hut« rolnpuo on aplrltuil puc ^ om(]i IiihIoo houno ■ soiling. Cusli hac! pripMa NOKKcd corroapohdlngly. mi,;

OalH huld HlubUo'rnly. |-roI'rovlaluna eualor um ltrtone waa j j . j

a llrlbulcil to lack uf in t^ ru sl and bull weakened corn. -. looi

O pun.' lllR h. I.OW. Cloae. . y W H E A T - '

Mny ....... 148 143 140«4 I4fi>4Ju ly ....... 137 m 'A i n i;<7Hfiepc ....... i m n I3a% i : a n . jsu m

C O R N - ®;:.May tOTVi 107%. 102«i ?Ju ly ....... i i o ’i nuy* mr. i09'/« 'J"‘Seiil ..'..... 110% in V i lUO 109’A *'7'

.OATS— 'May ....... 41'/j 41i,4 39 41-'Ki ,„*■

•July ....... ■»a>s. 431,4 41 • 4:1 1®'Sopi ....... 43'/j 44»i 421,4, 44

H Y l'i- »“ »Miiy —. ^ l a , 120- i n i s t T ' j u i r " . . . ‘? ^ f '6 ’ .111 lu:: JOS?; “ t?

1 ,^ IID - . -______.. W.qMay •.r...;: iB9o ir.s5 11:70 ic D o lr* ' - ' i i i n s —May ...........Nnml.nol IC89 ^10

CHiCAOO CASH (illA lN . S- CHICAOO, Murcb 3 1 ^ W lm a t-N o . I.

2 Iwrd. I1.47W. ” •OnIa—.No. 3 w hite 40>UO43c; No, tra

4 wblle. 30V ,O 30lic:'ftlandardB . 33',^ no 035V4C. ' . pnr

C o rn -N o . 2 yellow, J1.07H ; No. S "i. yollow. 1101.03: No. 4 ycillow, !Hu cd 011.02: Nu. 6 yullow i 0UO9Cc: No.0 yollow, SHc: No. 3 TnUuiV. $1,00% 01 .03 ; Nn,- 4 mixed, 94c: No. C> ( mixed, 00c; No. 0 mixed, 8HO90V»c: cvl| No. 2 wIilU', $1.05: No. 4 wlllle. UfK;0 $ 1 ; No, 6 white 9Uc; Nu, C whllu, O i 88c. »1»

Barley—83W08Cc. • - chcTlm oihy-$6.2BOG.eo. • corClover—$19.60028. UsI

■r • --------- pac. CHICACO PRODUCE. POc

CHICAGO. M arch 31.—B u t te r -R o - alai celpla, 1M 7C: cream ery, 4514c: ©1 BUndarila 44K c; tlraiii > 41043% c: '( aecpndarsSOSHc. ' ‘ cht

^ g g a^ R ec e lp ta . "SQ.OSC; ord lnarlea goc e r ^ : <lraia Z8Kc; ex traa, 30U O 10.< 30HC. . I l l

C boeae-T w ina 22K O S2K .c; Am- mei erlcaa, 23U 023» ic . 0 8

P o u ltry -R ec e lp ta , 3’ c ara ; fowla, $8.1 ■SO cj-ijnckariocT ^eoB arJS crT prm B s- 0 8 91c;'U brl(eya,'23c; r te s te n i, 19c, 0 8

' POTATOBS. ' ' *■«CHICAOO. M arch 31.—Recelpta dlu

337 <;ara: W iaconaln round w hile*, moiB5096c; Mlnneaota round w hltea, 80 SO 90c; Red R iver Ohloa. I I.lO O l-lB : •'<>’'Idaho rusaela, $2.4002-60,.' . wel

-------- ' pull, NEW YORK PRODUCE, cho

N ^ YORK. Mareh 3 l^ — Flour— ran Inactive and lower.

Po rk—Steady ; meaa ------------------Lard—W eaker: midw eal -apol, 0

<16.66010.65. Rc(Sugar—Raw . eaay; apol OC teat de- tiro

livered, duty paid .' $4.66: raClned. $7«e a a y > granula ted . $6.8 0 0 6 .10.. 10:

Coffee—RIoa, No. 7 on a po i..28U c: cal»SantoB, No. 4. 26HOS6c. 0 7 ,

T a l lo w -W ea k ; apeclal to ex tra , RS K 0 8 % c. / moi

H a y -Q u ie t : No. 1, $1 .26O U 0; 01 !So. 3, $101.10. '8 1

Dreaaed p o ^ r y —Dull; .tu rk s ta . atea30045c; chicken^ 20O29c; Long Ia l- ar*.anda, Wc. • ewe

Ltve poultry—Steady; geeae. 1 2 0 ISo: ducka, 16030c; turkeya, 4 0 0 45c. • >

.C beeaft-O ole i; a tate . wbole milk, common to apeclal. 210S7e.

PO B TLA lib LITEBTOCK. |S £PORTLAND, Ore., M arch 3L—Cat- craa

Ua—Recelpia,.. 00; t o n e 'o f n ia rk e t Ctie a taady; 'l i e e n . good grade , $8.350>: LeU m edium. 17.7608:36: commoa. $6.76 New 0 7 .75 : cannera and c u tie n , $6,600 C an e.76; helfera, good, 1707.60; madlnm Betl and common. $ 6 0 7 ; beef cowa. good T o n S6.60O7JU; madlnm and common, *6 Bad 06 .60 ; connara and .lu ttera. I S 0 6 ; lFa] ball*, caanara a ad bologna. $S04.76; ^ caivea. medlnm. choice 190 ponad* f t r t dow n. $8.60012: .UO-260 ponada. B a a $ 7 J0 O h . . . M

Hog* ■— H acaipta. noaa; m a rk r t I teady; madlnm. good, choice, ,.1»<>- g<*J; tOOipenndB. $14014.60: -MO-lM.RiB. ^ I1S J0 O 1 4 :'p ac k in g am ooth. baa?7> I lS O m O ; paciktBg rengh . - h ^ . » « I lL U O U ; a u iu b te r plga.- t l S « U : ^ iM dan. aad atockera .' «109U < £ !£ !

' ■ - Y - - ' ~ ^

— By .Taylor ' • w h «— . . * H V

Bo w o u S S t T " ! ^ MR N T toS A T ^mm iH i - '*

■ 4 ' SS' fit*.'< 'A r BBBj

' t . . .

. • . ■ ■ r p i v : r f ^ ;

KETREPORTS .■Sheep — Recelpia, none; markajf

Htuudy; lum baj 84 pound* dow n, m e y 'v ,^ dium to choice $14014-66: heavy:i v^lgljta , mi-dlum and choice $120141 culla and cummonB, a ll w elgbW $U 0 1 4 : w eiher^ $9011; ewea, comy mou lo choice.' 1 8 0 1 0 . .

IDAIIO POTATO MARKET (Mnrkol nKvb Service. V. S. D e p t o t

AgrlciiliiTip. Bureau of A gricu ltu ra l liconoiiilci,} ' - • —-

ItiRit nioduriHu; llgiii w ire in q u iry :Ui'nianil xiniT trad ing alow; murkeC dull, weak;- u r lo a d a f. 0. fa. caah truck ; V. S. 1 Backed C a llto rn la puck runneiN moaliy $1,46; - U. S . ' 1 BAckeil ruriila luo fow aalea lo es- iiilillah iim rknt; wagonloada caab to ' grow era; U. S. 1 bulk ruaaeta m oatly $l.zr.; U. S. 1 Backed ru ra la S6c; « bulk 90c. Monday m orn ing : W agon- load 'm ark et unchanged.

Yakima'T W aah.: Carloada f. b , uaual te rm a; Backed nelted gem*t p e r ton . IJ. 8 . 1. $28030; M m blw i;.. 'Ilon g rud u '(7 6 pei^ 'ceni NOT 1*), $26 . ' 0 2 0 . . •

O reeley, Colo.: Domand *low ; m a r­ket du ll; w agonloada caah to grow* cm : U .'S . 1 and pa rtly g raded aack­ed rura l* . 90uO$l.

F o r t W orili: C o lo ra ta 10. Id ih d 10. M ln n o i ^ 4. a rr lv e d f S "c ara .d l« verted: 24ntnbrokTH a*e*;.<)n i r ic k : au p p llea - m odenu r;- - • d e t t ia m p s tS i t ' i ra d ln g jn u le ra te fV a iA rl lb P s ta a d y i urukera—c a r lu t . aalea-^e ilve red ^ 'o rt W orih : -Colncailo-y.- S i-L . and p a rtly graitod aackcd w h U ^ $ L U ; ', Idaho aacked rtjrnU U. s T l m lM riy \ia.660 * : 2.10: M {pneaou aacked r o A d > h i t e s U . 'S . 1. $1.90; Jiackad B n rS a n k a ,,U .‘- S. J . ' $2.0602.10. . "X” . . ,

I .0B Angelea: California K Id ab d '17, a rrlveil; 46 unbroken c 's r a . on . trac k : Salea Saturday : P r M lc a i l r no dem and o r trad ing : no aalea re - ' • pnrtoil. Ij- '•

Sah F rnnflaeo : No repo fi r e c e lr - cd In lim e fo r .pu |§^atlon ;

t'lllCAnO MVESTOrK.CHICAUO.' March 31.-rrHUK»-^R0* . ■

cvlpiir. 13,000: murket aleii'dy to lOo ' o tr ; tu p ..$13.10; bulk o t ^al/a, $18.00 0 1 3 ; . heavyw eight m ed i|iu .choice, $12.76013; medium- w eikhc medium cholco $12.75013.10; liiB t w eight, , common choice. $12 .n ro i3 ; lig h t ; llghta. common choice / m - 6 0 0 U M : ’ *, pncklng. hoga, ■ amo9th,/;US.1601S-40; pocking hogB, rb u g h ,//ifa l .8 6 0 « aS : ^ . , . alaugh ie r plga, medlunjf/tboJoe 1X0.16 ’ 012.25. j j f i ■ ' ' i :

Cattlo—4teera , U M ) -p o n a d 'o K choice and prlm eSsnO M O iiA pi good; $0:90011:40: ,%Mlam. fS .4 0 0 -.'I 10.40;. Btoera, c h o l ^ J and , p rim e, “S $11.40012.40; g w a fi $10.40911,40; medium; $8.400I0.40M % om m ea.'|6.7S . 0 8 .66; helfera, g6(^(( and ehole*., j $8.60Q lt6 0 ;^ c o m ^ j^ ^ niedlt|m,,

e9.«':' tmnt)a'‘m ji 6,85; cannera anU' cuitera . <3.8098.90: cnivei, cull cho ice-$501S ; ma* \v;dium choice. $ 4 0 8 .2 6 :. Bteera. ena> .- cimon choice. $5.9008.60. , . ' i .

S h e e p -U m b a , madlnm. 84 .pooada . ^down, $13.76016: ca ll com m oa. .a ll . ■•i welghta. $11.76012.76; cannera ’ a a d , ' vi r u i n . - $6.2609-50'; ewea, coauBoa tochoice. $306.25; feeding iam bs, .Jrange alock. $14J6O16-60. . , 1 «

OVAHA LfVEOT5®if. • : <OMAHA. Neb„ -March S l .-C a ll le - * . -'Ti

R e ce lpu , 7000; m a rk e t 'a ta a d y ■' to ' >n ro n g ; yearllnga, <7.75011: a taa ra .- ' t7O U -10: cows and belfara. < S 36910: •a tockera and feedera. < S 9 9 : . '-.i calves. $ 9 0 9 :. .bulla and etags..«S .7B ; \'.H 07,26. • • . . .

H oga — Recelpia. 8500: t t a r k e t . .Vmoatly 28o low er; hAlk o t aalea,'41S ' - 7; 012.40: top . <1SJ«.* S h e e p .— .R aoelp tJ .4 i.OOO: m a rk a f S ^ ..jj s teady: yearlings. S l l O l l M : vw eth-era. <»-&0010.&0: .Isfflha. IU J O 9 IS : ^ewes. <70945.-' . ' . ' - 3

T W IN .F A iiS ’v ■■M A i a C E T S i . v ; ; ‘ ; v : ' . , ' J

•• 'snuve’raiOMv

U « n ce .'C a lifo fb Ia - I _____ i:S .fO rJK a ’ a iN ev-eabbage. Ib. ^ Carro ta . new . ____ _

T o r a l ^ aewBadlsbea. t b o a d M a _____ 'I F e p p m . lb . — i Vi B raad __________ • ■

Pork aanaoge ' . i , ' ' r r tT-boaa ataakB0»iola a taak - - . • —Booad ataafc

R aaa , -j-:,.! , . „ - - — ^ C T l S a a g M l Pa rk A a p a ^ ^ ^ J i " H M j H u g i K i

Baeea« a llii i l ~

la y f ia a t S y ^ Z l ^ ^ T J g a i i ^ M a | |

a w r i - 11 .:, . - . • • n . ' - a a y S S S i w l i W MI ,;."

Page 6: I SargefnfevAid c o i l H riiiijpeinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · S vinlr H' u. Ill riiiijpei ^:iM i i. "' ’ Pri < . ' ' ^v!lT^®“#K;'5r-

iNBSRDIS ‘, : } m n

■ l i i E i ”— T y . 1'

________ L a r g e O jowd a t T a r ia h H all ..

y is k s M a a y Q u es t io n # a n d I n - ' j.,,

. ( l ic a te s S e s i t 'o to H a v o S ta n d - '

. , a rd i i a lJ o i i o f th e Q re a t N o rth -

e r n V a r ie ty ; S tu d e n ts A re

In to ro s to d L ii te n e ra .----- • wl

T h l ' . l a m ' )> Bn im>n<'r<i'in<'rl- jn> inlrflUb«>Variiih ti'nlt Inm oiliatrl) nM brforo oiljflumhicnl nilx aflvm nim ■ ,.n n n iin lm ^ iilr a cM o li illim ’fo d u n la ir tW Hurk o n ’rofMMdM , l l 'h r r te r niitf /b ir r o f (ftp (e tirm ■ j

• d e p a r tn f W n( uRrteiiltnr<> mikI , IX-an n n r S n U n <>r llic Nlatc ao- i parU opnt (o r l li r i r iinnlllon li|<^ .

. in rth irlD R 'th i'ra im e (II lii’QU ^ i l - hiK in (hln dt<!trir(. A c»iAnitltr«- v ‘ roiuitiiltoK uf i:<i KlnnV). rlinir- iaao ,,C . r . ItolM un.1 II. T . Wuki- , ’ •■r.Tnln l ’aHn nml 0 . J . <.'h»ilH of .EJIiT, l« '^ in v H U o m l . w JIJi.M r. M ;h ttle r ftirlhiT hi n -tm nj J<» llin

. . de(ail9.unUH>i«HliJ>ft. » a«rli« ).i-ii.'A in rso-n iim ljer o f Kroworx of un 'i . 1,1,

• ■. d n U cra 'In Iirana (odny ntR-ndril ilic' Jolni jneotini; o f rnlVrnl nnit s la te nil- „ r j

' , U id rlliu on tho nuliject. nioHt nf l>ii-m , r ^ •faworlntr'alandBrdlMtlon. If lho «|iuii- Uona ; ^ k e i l .am i Htalvmi'iitH iiiaih* o ri'In d lc a tlv o . T iio anim ni hiinlmiKl' ,,>,1,

• .n r clalia No, -2 turniiiiic«i a fionnldn- .• . ■ ab le p a r i of iho oudlanco nml w rro

\ • ' m uch IntorM tod tn llie nclrntlfin iIIh- - in. V " ■ c iiu lon .

: J > - . Tliof,wholo flulijrct o f . Hlnmlttr.il/a- ' i C tlon W as'ootem il tniu in nn 'm \ .eapeelaliy by W. A. W Jirtli'r. of ihx

V .hoy .'focd nnd nood dlvliilnn of iti<; <l<- p k n m p n t of a«rJciillur«\-w iio iiw r< l ,|r ,, a .w lu fd wbon it cniiiu to Holviiin iho „.ki

... V p r^ U aa^iiw opoundcd . TI.0 citi'- ri** wi, -■" . . .> .j» « ^ V K>oclaily cnrcfui to noiu ull f,„.,

*' . ^ ^ f f l M u n a iuked, n* liiono will liu Ink- ,vlil ^ 'C n -Jn tO M h a id o ra tlo n in the final <l<- M„p

. t tm la a t io b o f tb o (lopnriinrnt. Mr.• ^ a e l a r . , o u l 1lned lho vuriowt pnnW*

. : n > r ;r i l^ d trd lu t lo n , nmi Miatcil tlm i tliM „,oc 'S ro k ra n ia nnd rM iilta of itic prrO 'iii i,Q,

; / liie ro o n lr to h ta llre .- ,vlii• Th«* T tn ia l l t r PminiKBl*.

. H ie 'S tu d a apociricntlonn nro pro- . (e o u tlv e ir na tbo United SintcM Rrnil<>

■- f '- ifo r,beana: .Thcao snu lM nru n o t.u r- ' , . tioEal and n m proposed only ua n l>aHl)<

; fo r jiu e u aa lo n n i hearinK« dVid «oA- . '.'vT .ftroaecs to',bo bold durinK M arch anti

, A prji. JVZ6. in iniporian t prodticlne A*. . seetloaa and Icadinc ntnrkoln. Pol- V

lowlniO thoao. hi-nrlnci. iho n ffk ln l J

' , . <Jlcflnlll.jn ii.• J n r ' Ihc m>ri>oii^a of ihc lln lii d

Slati'fl e ra d cs for bcnnn;Doena aiinli Inelinto ull 'k ln ihf nr

' l>c4Da produced lu tho (’aiiiliiin in l U nited StnlciH coiiimpnty nnlil in ilic ,, , d ry tiirM lird a tnlo nml tiaiil fo r cillhlo purpoflpfl. na (larinixl tindi-r i Iiiniipii i>f ' ' '

. Ueana. Includlni; lilnikoyo, cowponK ” characterla tle o f tboxo vnrlctlrn c ro u n »

.-on Ibo Pacific <»aM. am i w iikh toii- . t o i h . n o t to Mcet'd ten p<'i r .n i n t ijf

fo rebin m ateria l nn drfliiod In (lii'.sc ) 3!ij fliaadarila. lOai,

Daala o f lic trrm ln a ilo n -A ll iloilir-■ tnlnallona-of rac<oni «ini<irlni: Into iliu C.<I2I

•B^adlnK of bcana siiali b f iiiadr <m ilii? yi-ar" . -baabi of tho oriKlnal. Hnnt|>tr. rnrm

. ','Pi'rcenini!i;a. rxcppt In tho cshi- nf ii,n . 'm olsliirc, nlinll tw iio rm iluu t n iincor- (he i

talriiKl i>)T w cUiit. WhoiV facinr hnillH are*)ipOD (bo baals nf • piTcriitnKCi*. ibc :

. . IM a than one tro tii of nne i» r w n i low a baii tjo lunorcd. . - - wiir;

X pcrtontaK P of in o ln tu ^ ' Hliati Ijo im o Z ' Ib a l aaccrinlnd by ibc 'm oU tun- tpnii'r u rse

snd Ibe moliiod of uao ihr.rcof dc* 1U •cribcd in Kandbook U. S. Q. S. A. tho F o n n Ko. SO. ravinfnl A ucuai. l»24. l»- whw aued b r tbe Unlled Hialoa Di-parimclil conr

» o l AeriCDlture. Bureau o( AKrIriiliiiral aomi I-konomlc«. w ltli thn foiiowiiiK n-imficBMona added: ir.A CC of oil and Irna

. }0Q uraina of loaiia-iihnll I>n uxiiJ lii n l ^ ’ tb e fiaak and the flninv nli:ill bo ox- (bvr llnKiiIahn] nt IT.I d.-cn-nu roiiilcrmK-. klllli o r tb a t aacortnlncil by any ilvvlco and I'Vi n c ib o d slvInc a lin llar n-KiiI'di. nn r

O lhnr I>ean> x b a lt' Includc, nil d ry flfiy edlbl«> brjinn ur a claiifl n r clu->Hrn nili- a y,

. , e r Ihan tb r claxa nf licann In (tiv p»in- one : p ie w blrh la Ik'Iiik crndMl. .So-calU-.I tbo t •■aporui" In rlana VII. H .d Kl.lnpy Sn Donna, ohd. Claaa V tll . Dark K>-.l kkI- In ic n ry beana, aball be cou«1.Uti-.i ■•..iii- tnio, e r beana." / :i yn

Spill beana ahall l»> hcaiia / l u r h yrnr. . a ro a p lll o r broken. lncluiHiifi i.l.-ors o.i;:;.!! ' up to th rre-fonrth i. t lir nl/'o <.t Uu- mx) i

w hole b ran .-b u i not Inolmirnu tK-aii:, I lj . . V lth erack.-d o r chrrkiHt aklnii. ‘ first

D am ased i)eana aball bv Ix'.-tiin laxi w hich a re lnjnre<t by w ra tb rr . frost, tli.i a

, k en t. in aecti. dU eaars n r nlhrrmlK.'. th rrf . aod aball include beana wbn-b aru bo Ihc 1

had ly diacolored oa 10 a ppea r damaEi it atato a n d i*rloualy a ff rr t tIu O iiip ra ra n ce o r r r and quality o f th e ram i’tc. v.tlln

FOrelcn m a trrla l ahall t>e aH in a tir r a lro4 O ther than d ry edible bcanr.. alil.-

Jlrokcn beana aball tie l><-an.< of Ih r on trr Claaa X V IH . U m a. aud. C lafa X IX . j.ronj n a b y U m a. ba rln i; a portion nf th e llvi-ni

.b e a n b rokea ou t. l e jn n c thrverourib-iisocKlo r m ore o f tb e bean in iaci. - (

S na te ra d beana ahall be l.rana nf- lb * CTaa* X V irr, t.tm a and 01a*a XI.V n a b y U m a Jhow lnc •* burailn.-; n r . ,

• ab raaloo o f Ihc akin. reaultlnK in a , , ;a p ra id tn c o f th e b e a tr • _

■- W rinkled beana ahall be lH-an» of , . tb * tn a s a 5CVIU. lilm an. and Clar.a X « t . B aby U m a. w hich a re M dly. „ .

■ ^ « a rp * d a r m Uabapen bu t arr_aoun .l. , . n o t ineltJdlfiK beana With » rfnk le ti .

a k in a .o a ly .l ,W eertty beana aball be tH-ann o f any ^ ,

elaari w bleh a ra infaated with llvr . w ae rR r o r o th e r Inaeeta InJurlcnJ* fn , , • to tv d bMM. W eerlly beana ahall I-- ‘

dealcnaied ac««M lna in , IlM KTSda 'reqolfpR trnta o f the s ra 'le‘ W H e aW * <0 au rh b rana If they w re ^

Bol WMVlty. «nrt there a h all be addf<l A • to aad m «Ie.D art o f the irrade dealB- '»>« • BattoBS tb e w ord “w earily ." deitfti

■ /


INTO HIS Hirr,,,, Nanii Milii- »{ TreKMouiiuI ('(indldnio ^

.Vtor» T hai .Vonnatilno Won I’innlod tn ill* lioin.' M’htio H f 1Vn« A bornt^wl III u liniiei-.i C hum eter WltiiOiM* tli C h.- iilm tinod .....................

|" I f >m i'([lllrkly loiivii ‘ - . OM' ~ Ynur Immo. jo

r . m e . n t t r l i r r ; . r r

.^onic- di-rniril ui-umi) willHald lix >101110. , u„

Ami h-avi' n loi nf lltiunr." 1 hi;

'T hai litfl hntiio w rn luvndnl and thn-*' lmlIlou_ut4tmi;o Ion Ihon- d<ir- ' Ink hlH »Iik<iic-o al a ditiico w iih ,JI»- cu KlntPMioiit o f Jnhn W. Davla n i£ ih » ch wltncaa atanil In th r llijiior T aaii .|o uKalnxl him fnr poKituoHlon tlila mnrn- > iuK. When Hlierlff r in ch nml cU-i»iiloi> 1 a»reatiiil him. tliori- w rro auvoral oth* jih i-ra wllll JllllI.

In hplle o f ihl* eircunixlun- ,,|, tia l Nlury, perhnjH hrejitisA uf ho

:ln rk of yrnmilmmUcm. ilie Jury ■ n f tr r n Sery briof rnii«hlem lhm . I hm iw lil Jji n *rn llc t uf (nilily. oni AronrdltrtT to Davln. h r wont It) n tot

ihim--' und u h llr tbo rr twn inon iminoil t.ut Wooc'h liml Klchunlonn oaiiK- l<> him »v< nml Inld Iilm tha t iioiiirhrxly had put un llqivir III bln r.i'Hldnirr nonr ih r <k1»u 'of inwn. T hry ivent to Invi-c.tlKolo i ond roiind llio llnii^r-hiil nmu- nf tliriii imiI would drink U ku t ll ahuiiUl |irnve 17 tmV h r <ln|ird.-'hr nalil. Whllo dlHOUflall];; coU Ihla the nht-rlff iiiado ilic-j-atd. l i r had Hnhiioonna Irnnicd for Ww'rii nnd lllch- ^ u u lim jiM d annihur. man. but Ihcy 1 inclniir?tjitii'nr whon rn llod jT w o oliai- k , | n c lcr wltneappfl w rn t nn Ibo atunil whu nw nrr Hint Dnvla" ri-pd'tuilim n» 11 law- n.lj, nbldInK cliltvn waa t;nml. . - ],|i,

)iiiNun la A r( |u llin l. r itH irT be Ju ry 'laal cvenlnR a e o u l t l p d ^ n . ^

Maann of t;nHtk'fnril. l ie witiiTrtWo* ,V iirntod hy Jiidi^o A. \V. OHti-niii of Uuhl. ^ 1.

Tbon- hi romililornhlo. cIIhoiihmIuu amnuK ultiirnoya lu re In rucan l in u rnlliii; nf J ikIko NV. A. iiuhoucli In tbiti i-nao thul whero n poriinn-noti-plK n drink fi'uni nnnthor. nf IntnxIcniilH of t whleb ho hi |ioi the owner, and In w hkb ho hua no-^itoroH i. Ill-' nioro T ‘ riifl tlm t llli nmy have it In hla hund ivhlto irnnKuilltluK iinrl nf |i to l^« F i final .Intornal doallnullnn, iIocK nnl inran poaai-aalnn aa coniomplatod by , i Ihc alutiJte. I t hna hecn well under- ' T iload tbnt Ikiuor liialilo tho prrann la f a lo t eonaidorud liquor In poaaranlnn. t f>l ivlibnt the inranInK uf tho law. i f the .iltlmnte conanincr ahould cnrry n bot- | ‘pf Io with IKiuor in iila pocket, he la I’hb {iillty. RboUid lie carry tlir co n icn u Inturnaily, ho tuoy bo su llly o f d a t in g ' ' L>nnoaa. hnl nnl of llilelt'poaneaNloii.

i c i t t i i i u l

iO H A Y IN IO ifpJniy T « rivo IV r (Vnl of M nlii.y lUiJ •

lin ilu ('r iip llrm aiiird fin ildnd on SI .Marrh Klr»l.,’o .Shli . . . ___ und

lin iS i: . Idaho, March ,11-O nly 2.- aii.OOO biiahelH nf w hra l. or fJ'.r of ,*,J dabnV 1021 prop. ri'Uialnud on fnrnia la rch l.*lU 2r>. Thin c<vnpared w ith < .421.00 Obuahola. or IHV... on b and ft oar nKO. P rraont w buat auppllea on J " ” u u m a r t J p ^ i r tban iliry havo horn *®''' Iio paal ^ ycara on M arcb flrat. On ““ I lie aau ir da lr. in I'JIS. jlic re w rro I,- im.OOO himbola un fannH. o r 13',; uf ''i '" ' lie alute'H t!U7 wheni crop. l ‘r»-iU'iil 'c ti. IW auppllon a re duo to tho iihnrt 1U2I “ Koi 'he.it c rop and tb r rap lit. inovoinoiil 110- ro in in c r^ al chaniti-ln under lho Cl r s e of advonclnis prlroa. bei-illpporla from a rv rra l aecilona uf Kin

Iio a late Ind lrate a aho rtace nf need ^'aai boat fn r aprlni; pInntlnR. In iIiIh of I

onn rrllon It ahould b r n on ired that l''raiome 357.000 a e rra w err a .... Irii to I'raiin t r r w hra l laal faH nr 4.000 aero.i oael ■aa Ihan ae.-tlod In Idaho Ini h<- IfTil t> Ii:n . nnd tha t arroaKo will l>.- far- M iiT i-odliPod hicauai- nf aomo w ln lc i' Mini llllnK. • hiKI'Vr ihp t:nliPd Statea. w heal uloi U pii.il

n farina to ta l lK2.!>!ia,0i)0 bu'r<h.'la. iir pnir fty-ihroo million'huKbelK 1.-hh Ihan y ra r aKO. .W ith th r o.xcrpiinn nf n„<n

nr ypor. anppllra n t corn nn fauna <-f roda lu nation an- ih r lowrat alnro tSiiR.- k„ Siippllon of n ihor unilna on farm* ^

I Idaho, a rc an f.^lown: Corn. ],i'() buibPlN. a salnat 490.f;fi0 hiiltlicia y ra r nco : oat>i. I,3;.'..''0 hiiHhrta linx ,,

i-ar. and 1.7!':>.n.>'> lant y ra r : barl.'y,........ . hiiahrla com pared wllh HOfi.

IL>>- a npp llra ’nn Idaho fannii .Marct rs l inialed 4t 0.00i> ton", nr 3 'V. ,.f " ml )..ar-» rrop . T bU Is nbom half ‘-l"« Ml aiiioimt on hand n y ra r a;:n. w hrn J “bn

IP Ifi3 crop. Kop«Kta h o m n v rr tli" " a* a tr Intllcatr t prolialilp atnall cnrry- cunv r rr In aomr parta of Ih r Snake rl»er

reail)-' Inw and piHera hich. l- 'a 'o i- Sli, |r I.Vl,rn.r> w oalhcr r .tli.c id r . - elalirilrr im nf". and wllh enrly ranrtc Ihe'^•onp.-cl" fa>nraMc-.. It la exp'-ctwl „u,li.-r<torl; »HI Ki't ibiouKh In fairly m m I

s i : . i i i t i i iM ; M x ifK lu-ni’i(•OI’i:.V U A rj:.V -T o p r r^ m t auapir- th r In hrinj: r a n on bmi.-at w o ik rtn In b ir 1rliirlos han .llln t colil ann prrcioiyi t'h liii.nr», u h tr o a ra rch rra a re n .c ra aa iy n jc l.

keep rioan thrfM . a l)anli-h rnsJta-r haa i>. r f.f tte il a r l r v r r Invrnlkin. R|..\( l« a M>rt of an rfrc lr ic llm r clock

Mch enn Im- a ri an tha t It.'flafboa .rrd llsh t a t- l rrc s u la r Inlrrval". The n i :<1 flai.h meana lha l Ih r H uikcr who | . »„■inchr* Ih r /clock * IIV be ararche<l ta to ia t day. almply lieeauae he happen- pair<

to im nrh a l tha t tim e-and nnt l>e- f«>unfii«<-<>f any auaplelon reKardlni: him. aaa «

Lord Hatea Fata* Scalca. - Pol“A rol *" t'ataiu-e U ihomloaU.-n l« th r a » T-T.l: but a Jual w elttit ta bia lt*ht.“—Sulooiou'a I'roTWba. U . I. f - - .

■ . . i - ' : ' i - .

— / ' ■ n

1 1WRlna''l’lpe U y ln it—Pipe iayinu of tho.iw utur main to the round ho'uao «IIfl;»ma lii-en-.Hiuru-d by Uio clly. '

' « - j i r in a l u l - T h e Mka lodseI Xvllltlnstnl offloer* Tliuraduy, Thcru*

will .jho Inlliaiory coremonloa ano thr^-e iMxinc hoiitk..

, 1 . ----------------< -----(iijt Murrintio I.IronNC—l.loncl Dow-

em, it iliirloy nn4 Vi ra T horn of Duiw lo IJ Klvon n m arrlago llconHU Iuat

SlfcilenlH U ill T n lk -T b o aovcntli uu<lti!lKhth xradoH will huld nn aanoni- hly 3'biirHduy afior;iuon a t which name : of lho Htudvntn wlfl tnllc, 1

Tt-alinK Onl AddOr—Tbo court iioiiae 1cunil 111 loatlnK nut u nuw addlnii mu- 1 chilli- whk-ti they call a aproadlnc nd-doi'IbpcrfoHo it cuvera up much c round. .

t "!.. I,U'l A nK olea-s . 8 . Hum-for II .......... vr nf yonrn a fnrm - ,

h r trac t, hna wmo lo Um Ane- olcii'lio Join lilH fnmlly and nmlio hhi

1-JendK N 4 .m ;i i I I I ,_ jo i^ h s i / ! w 7 : ont<<W-d u p ira of no t KUlliy laii>^>-.<- tohlliy 10 a dmrKc- of biittory-lUHtl- f,uie(l hy hln wif,-. nml una lx>und ove r/tindo r $r.o.^ hond for t(hiL .Sal- u rilly . ilu .furiilnhud bnll.

Jpnnlm ra Cnoe T o n m rru iL — Tho " of tho atatu uRuln»l Xi)^i<und '

nnd;j;;nnlH JvnnlnKN, for ro irlu i; will iioyti iip u u no rru* , Tho irliil liiat ■^qk-rcKultud in n bimK Jury. ■*,

lli ixpllnt NoiVk . L-. I J iirm a t.f j' I I iI^i'IIum; S tuart ficoll nf Jlaniicn;I .w in K rona, of llocornian undcrwi-nt oiiiiratlnnH Into ycniurday a t ihi' hna- *' j>lldt. Mm. Jnn ij^S linum uker of Kim- * g r iy ^ * ^ r r i^ ^ - t r eatmujit. |j

-1 > G r'\'ir"*IiiK iiilno--W ntpr •’will he tu rned uu l n t Ibu hlidillna "

Siial Thurniliiy fur two daya In nr> r llmt ImprovoniyitH may he v

___________ ____ . I', Ad «clU F i» Ii-A Ihrec-lHcb ad In '

Thu TImoa Inat Wednchdny hoUI-^|U* ' oiitlru lol of moru thun 120ff‘Jfflui»fiH “ b f lf lH h , It in ntntud by Kd Vanco ! orjVaDcu'H m urkct..

’ , i-nUia lo .V S. T rllrh rrA -S upcrln -Icnd rn l J irn ra i Ulpom of the Tw in ”t-'ullfl public Nchooln wlli Rlvu thn firm '

P iericM of five leciurcK loH nnday J’ I tonchcm in tbe Malhodlai

h ^^'l■dneadny ulKhi. a t 8:30. Im- "tely a flc r p ray e r aervicu. . '*

I nvut lie lu m Home—Mlaa' Kllsnboth fJ Siiillh, H la tu r 'o f Mni. Tiiomaa M. *f il^burlson. w bo roccii;Jy undorwfirtt ”, t tim ajo r oporutlon i ^ u Twfn I-'^lla ? <aiihty fiancrnl'UftfpliTn, .w ill ru tnrn tp he r bunur- thla nfiornbon. -

I T rira t'nso n l Jl-nime—Jiidi:P Jnm rS ®II. Ilo thw ill of Ibe flrjn of Dolhwell * A Cfiiijunan. hkin Jorim ir iwlny nn nl- , Inrm-y for Ihu defrndant In th r paao ' n f VInyard nKnInHf Zellpr. T he trouble ‘ uroiio nver u llcsed duinami lu n w utor " ditch.

Shinn la lmii^ovImf--\Vllllom • R \.Shinn hf I'lloK form er pniiiinuali-r ",und roccni dumouroJlc nomlni'u for ,,eoiintV irro au rer. whn haa l.con con- 'fliird to hla liom o for tho' paat week, "npprnra to b r ImprnvlnK. nccordlnt! to "ilia aon, J im rnu Slim n,. ' j

A ttend llnm inet Here—Mr, and MrH. II. A. ituaxum of I’ocatello n l- ' tended Ihc Kullcr Hruali cnmpnny " biinquui nl Torn'a cafe" Saturday . nlRht: n l whroh nh tb r forixi In the ri-nlra l Idaho a.-^llnn w rn . In a t- ,, tetidan'co. .Xtr. Iliiaaum la field TTian- UKt-r n t Uie G ate City. 01

F ile Ilrm urn-r«-D rnii.rrei-N • .hnvr [,'ihecn filed by Aitorncya-Shad U llfxl-- i>,Kin and A. J . .Myera for Ihe A etna niCaMialiy and Sure ly Co., to th r atilta ||;of i:. P. Knnpi-. n. n . llnKhea, H, S. frK rame. T. T. Po rte r . Otla Hall and h i 'ra n k iloui-.hton for $5000 damai^-aeach iiKnInai P. 0 , llc rrlm an , el nl. p,

M lnM rrn J le r l—Tlic Tw in Fnll* « MinUlerhil alliance m e t' thla morn- InK l» Informally dl»cuKa ihu Iioh- im.il day prt.i;ram .Nfay l i .u i i d the liruKram Ior Ih r afatc Sunday .chnol rnuventlnn. la te r In thn aamo nnnih. A nuniher of tnu tk-ri w on •od«ldon-d toniai+v^ly hu l no d rtln - w in .rtl.m w«. II,mn? • s m a ’’’"-^ ------------------------- . ac

l»NwI-»e«i KInir ('n-*e—ProV cuilnR ml \llo rn e y J . W. T aylor . lo.lay Tllrd „ I moUon and aftldavli fo r the illa- w< nl.i.nl. of Ihe .caa r of ihc xtate icalnxt (MinrlrN Kllre. charsed wflh .|„ lIcKal po»«e:.Klon. In hla uffldSvlt IP i>tnle<l llcIT th e pvldrnro ucaliixt Cine waa tho aame iK th a t a'K.->lnxt Iohn M a.on. arre^ipd a t the aamo I,' Im - and place and tha t alncp Mai.on >a* rclraacd he cuuld not hop- of "" unvk-tiac Klne.

^ TIIK m )llH I.K ST.tlinVAY.SKOW iitXlAN. M c .-T h ls low n ,

lalmx lh - nnly •'hoUhl.* xtalrway" In ‘ h.-'-worlcl. ll has many abort .atepa ml apl'onra to have tiren roadr for nMll ch ll.lrca . The advrn t of the ohhir akir: cnnrd a denllal to bnlld ,-n I .0 Ihc laillea wnaid h a rr IKlltf dif- Unillv In r r l t in e In hlx office. About h r Ilme It waa rom plrtr.1. Ihe hol>- V tr xklrl p a x .rd oul of the faihlon :ct .Iclure. bnt lb r aialrw ay U a tlll» ' . ________________ 1“ii.A rK r i T i.fUT»s t i^ fH T .R s ‘V"

TO i n s f 0 » i ;u t w o iioi> in.s ,

Ni:W YOUK, Man-h 31—A blaek eal I held rexponalblr hy police lavra tl- f- a te ra fo r 'ih r dcatWnT tw o men. C«'0 . ^ 'a trev lrii 'a n d Yakoht Ta.->»enVo w rre _ innd dead at tp r lr homr lo<tay from * aa eacaplnR from a eook alove. T h r i I la rk eat lay dead near by. . . r o l le r t.ellrTe the ra t IrapMl npon

a to rr In a ea rrh nf food aod turn* ct on Ihe na* w ith a paw. ^

------------------------ rR»ad Time* W ont Ada. . ta<

I k l W B E R L Y I r

I The A pril n toetinc of tho P. T . A. L I w ill bn lh a id 'th u ra d a y ovcnlnc, April -

2nd a l th e lilah*. achool auditorium . T ho addreaa of liie ew n ln c will bo by Superin tendent 'R D. Bloom of Twlti

of Fall#. P ro f . C. D;,M orrlli will havu u Hti papor on “Oooka for School Chllitrcn."

A. I). Sartw H ; wlil load ihi> tom m un- Ity a ln c ln r nnd th e re ^tlll bo n vocnl

1:0 aolo by Mra, J . F. Ucnham and un ru> liiiiirum entnr tr io by J J r . P a rro tt and in dauRhtcm . Miaa Kdmi and :ill<» liek-ii

o f Twin J-'n lla,^.Mr. und ,Mxx. J o h n H a rd in rptum tid '

V- n iat .week from an overland tr ip tn • iw polnta In Southern O tllfom la. aiioy nt vlalii'd tiiv ir ’aon, I lerhe rt ond fomlly j j j

nflA iiiK XllSaOli lo r iiv>«iUi'»L-ekn.A num ber o f people enjoyed fish*

;li Inu in th e lowline eanui laai week :i- u ftc r tlio w ater waa tiirni'd out, Whllo- ic fliih and auekcm woro cau ch t by tho

Murkrnll. Only tln<. hiKCcnl oncn wVro tnkcn o u t a n t i . i t wna Krcat nport

le c-aichinK iliem w ith ]>(ichfurltH and . .1- nu ta ., . ■

: w h o S E be e| ' E t E m . ' A S ' I i i m ^ i

. ^ ____ Mr

Wo havo been mil of lown fnr liev- no* g e rn i w roka nnd upon on r rriu rn wo ,1 find ovorylhInK liarinonlniia: np one Kn I Kpcuklni: III of hla m dsbbor. Well, "i . Ihnt la Ihp pVopor wny lo proBrean,

n i nay: Iiowover, li flocnia na iboucli Stu thu pronlo aro a t u loaa who to vo ir >lo

, fo r na Ihoy a re aopuaiome«l lo heliiK -'lo ; toljl how fo volo. in tlm paat. , Ari1 Ihiili tiPkoiu’ havlnit cican men for . rnndhluioii, wo thouch l It would ho f." . w lae If thoy cav'c' aonto oxproaalon aa‘ *•“

to whui tnoy a re tiood for. We would n o t 'h ir e a -m a n on Iho ranch, iinlian

P ho navr liomo cxpipmdnn an lo whnl ,V,’' B wu m lcb t expect from himj _ •

Nn uao Roln« a rim nd .lbo hiiah. wo , c wnulil llko to know for nne thIni!, ' i

how ymi atnhd nn law , enfrn'eement. |- Wl- b o llo v o '^ a l tliP Ilmo haa conu’,, fhat wu HhmVlfi m nkoa d o o la lv o rh n lro T l . —oillicr piinrah. the law hreakr-ra nr

l im p , the lawa.. Our prnarnl nicrhnd V " ftrtOifaMuJku-lo.wrluKle nnd Iw l^ nud .

nvor o r und.-r o r arniind tbo Inw wlUi o.ff^ellnK nf bolnR amart.

, Wc hope tbul you w ill no l vole Ilke M . nherp Ihla tlmo. Kvery llm r wo i;o A I , to tho ahocp m nrkol tho llliuilraitnn la , la rcnc\Vpd 10 ua. A fter the packer Utn , huya tlm alicup, Ida nidn comra ovur w ht . w llh bla Koat. iTho aheep a ll laHo a (or

look n t Ilia coat^ and Ibon Iho coni 7 a l a r u for. thp^i^ i'lR htcr p e n nnd tbo

, aheep a ll follow h im .th ink in s tlint he .ahl I In lendlnK th rm lo iimiture. Afl<^r Flio : com baa Uiom Hofoly laiidcd in tho ; alauK hlor Ito s iv ra ' 'th em nnolh'er Huri

acornfiii look and lenvcirlbpin 'ihflrc. cani . Now. Ih r lliusirailon I r j h l a : The l ’

bontlrKKcr. la tho ROat, Ho londa thi* i.in c L T ir c U 'p o in r a n tiT in r^ u n i’ iF ^ ^ X ; w llll blm . Yoii muy not BKrcv to thla a l flral nlubl. but. tho hoallr;tRor volea tiry oPory tlm r. - H e In opiHiiud 10 lls iit Wln<! nnd heor an ll ia tnn hnlU- , aome for hla Inialnran. Wfimi-n nro V‘' £ n p p o iitrtlo hciT and wlno: th ry .don't NOO iiiuch dlfforancr whi-llior ih>-lr huiihnmla an- d runk wlih wln<-, hvi-r '>’ o r w hhikcy; nnd w r know hnw tin- c burch people vo te na a i-lniia: mi Ihoy win the elocUon, .nnd Ihc I1001-' '" ‘-I! IcKKPrwitl a.iy. " I t ’a a v lriu ry for me, “ '"l now I can opeinie n n d rr n cheap 11- ‘-onr crhae," an thul la w hat It nniQunta to. »lt Ilo tnkra a chancc uf nol helnR rniieht mal nnd If ho dnv.« ;:rt cafiaht then It will of 1 ho-a-iliihl fine and n fow wcokif yuii. K' nlUK the eli'vnlor o r lylnu nn Ihp bul court hoUHu lawn wlUi a-packai:n of und ulKarclloa' min 'n muKaxIm-, a n d 'lh o people will pliy Iho poor folln*, be- T ill inc Ihnl IblH |K Ihe flra l tlm r ho hna be<'n cn'ui-.hl. T hey aay."I^ t b lq off I'uay." Jnnt ua If hu wen- irh ro lh c r In y» lho chiiri-li ovrriaken In n faull In on nni;uordrd momenl. The m ajority of [..•ople do ./lot knnw tblit Ihi- money ‘ power la behind the lM>illj;i:cora. und , Ihcy pay the flnt* nnd niao pay him for hlx tim e apent' In Jnll. Now w bat . plao la It bu t a cheap llccnxr. >‘« l

Nnw. folka, Ihnre’la no uar klddlnc our«rK-ea nny lonRrr. , If wp wnnt a dry law, let ux have dry offlcrrx. W heiovor tliiTo Ja a blind pis. thi're ,

'Ix u hllnd officer. ^ '" 2,L).,F. u ir r w i ; i i . i :N . , y [

No.Two Allko, • Tiln r rour*:p evOsyUxly hna wnndrrpd. a rm

•aomo-tUnr.,nr,olhi'r.. nl Ihe n»lonndlns f o t : fncr nro no two p<'r»on« rx-a c^ ly .n ltk r^ in innc-n ll tho m nntlrx . K;tii|l1lnn<(£40*en,iic' tlio'. Inhnhit 1)1.-. SA m n ll . ItnfT^inv.- ynu e te r aioi>|in| to A ac wonder nt Iho nUn fn rt tha t .if nil th r nillllonx of womrn-a hnta Uicro nn* in bour tbo worli'. yriu^n..r nnytK>dy rlxt- tm rr Andt even-^(vn nny nvo nf.tht>ni pxnrily alike? Thp w-rT.J la nil,-d wllh Inrx- pllr'hi.lr thlm :.. Imt thlx hu>lni->-> nf how ao m.iny w om pira.bnix rnn t>p _ miidr nnd iiih^ne o f tlipiu t.c tike any Jolbor N « h n t cel« nx. ‘

E arly Santa Claus } Krl» ICrlnsl- nrlKlnnlly moant ChrUl

H illd . ' It la fn^tn Ihe Cprtimn dlmlnu- Mlire form ChrUiklndrL It la'comniuo- U\r -11U-.1 nou_a» S..n»n P.cua. • ■

fO.izKXs iNvi sTifsAViDX sV oi'-s

W ASlllNnjO-V. M arrh 31—Tlte Ton- :cn« cnm m lttrr in v e a tln tln s th r hu- r ra u of in itriia l revenue will rcprna Od' lodav for II m onih. S ena tor K lne of t tlialT. «lrnii>crjii..*jne o f l i a memhrra. a jnnnniM-rl in<la^ .i*. .

T he .\lom m r.i.l« club will mr^-t w llh MiK. I - f . tJpimelder a t 2 o'clnck p. m. W.-ilnrT-dsy, _ S C

QAssifiH) iiDYaiisaiis[ ^

rHDIt sLM-i: -Cow a. Ihr*© mtif* eaat. t a o wllcB aoiilb. -U weau


!PEEP» 'M i : i i I

iO llE S i' ' ’ ------ -- ■ cl“

P ff ic if t l R e p o r t S how n ■ U nusvnl u n

C o n d i tio n • a n d - P r o m is e ; ot °!rt G r e a t S u p p l y ' f o r I rH f fa tio n

T b ia Y e a r ; P a c k in g S o l id b t i t ijro

E a r ly R u n o f f P ro b a b le . ,

'* , JlT bnl tho mean d v p lh 'o f Iho xnow

on lho w aiorahrd on March’ 20 wna .81 • Inchca, w ell packed, w ith wQlor cmi- ten l o f-28.3. uKnlnai a anow di-plb of „ 61 Inchca and a w nter conten t of only 10 IncbcK laal yoar, la th e ropprt o f “ . JoAupb MaVkbam, rra lden t nupi^rln- fundcnf. rccofvrd-laat cvcnlnK by Man- n ‘ aco r U urlon Sm llh of tb f Twin KuilB rnnni cnmpnny. Tho cri-alcnl depth la n l l.nwlH U k e divide wliuro Ibc depth la H O'inShea. T iie rrp o r i In tnk.-n by ,Mr. Sm ith n» poalllvo proof tli 'b i'lb e '*<, pri-dlcilon wblch bc and o the r cnul- ',,„i noora bnvo mndu lha l ihe Jflckaos U k e roaerv(rii~would nvcrflow tlila j ,,, yonr la conarrvailvo,

Tho following la Ihu report in fu ll:. . ! > ' snow W ater

Station . Ucpth Conteni •J lo r a n .................. - ......—. J l 13.B.Morun Canyon ............... 'c H _ 23.0A riiona Slnilon ________ Cl ^ lii.O J*H ucklcbcrry 'D lv lde..... :. CC a iO wn*Hnnko R iver SInllnn..,.;. fif. 22.0 reuil-'our-mlld Poat ..:......... : . .lt)» . 3fl.C f„mLewla L ake DlvKh' ....... JH.S thciA aler C ri-u k '. ' .............. .. !M .Ifi.O -00Colftlrr and S?nnkc......... 7U ftJA , ,„ kOInde (Trcok ..... ......... XC 27.0 , , ,(Imany I jik e Ulvldo......, I2< .-11,6 -. Moan d rp ih —Ht Ineht-il.

j ^.Menn w uter coutont-2K .3 Inclioii.- It

T a x R e d u c t i o n B i l l

W o u l d L o p p O f f S u m

o f $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

•WASIirNQTON, D., C., M arch 31,~A hill to reijia'o laxca $600,000,000 ia buliiK drujicd by ■ S enator K ing. . Utah, donioorai. fo r’ In troduction when conitroaa eon.vcncH next wlti- to r to lacklo tbe tnx guosllon.

Tho mona'ure would roduco tnxes muro tha* - tho .Mellon plan . KlhR aald. nnh&uncliiR. tho .bill .today. Un- ' dor ita provlaiuna tho" ' 'u s s rc sa to inaxIniMm ta x . IncludlnR nom inl ond aurtnx w o tild '.n o t cxcced 2C po^ canh-'

lAiplalplnR tho buEo cu i -which h i t JiUl—otuyJdaa.-J tlng .aaid IL -w aa-Io . . _ cbmp'dl Kovernmuni evonomy l>y rn- dnrlnc nvulluhiu money Ih the tro ia - tiry, A nnunl Kovujjimont expcnill- turoa nuw UKKruRul6 four billion dol- liira- d ircctly und onu billion dullurn In.ni'pclly sK hiR nald, Characterlx- Ini: ihlA aa '-dlH R nicurur' RlnR aald by citttlnK ru-vennca down to 'th ro o hllllnii dollnr.# i.r h e ller yel, 12,760,- IIOIMIOO, tbero n-oulil bo almply no m'.noy. In apomi i;xc rp l,fo r <-aMonllnla nnd Kuvitrnmont economy would bo- i-nriltfu facl.- Thu bill would abnllsh ult nulxiuicc taxoa. Inwvr lb>' iionnal , mal und aurtnxcx and cllm lnntu ninny of tho Inxea. on huklneaa.

KlnK cnllvd ;it tho Whlto Iln-jan bul n ild be dlneuHHPil, world cimrl und dlaurinamunL . ^onforuncu........................ -


IH ;T O \I.0 . N, Y,. M;.rch 31— PoM,il uuthorltlex, .worklnR ' on tho IhcltMif tho I'n lied S tn iux jim ll ponch containlnR *120.000 In »10^bllla nr- rosled thrco,'m en hero today.

Ono mnn, Krejl Iteevca, a aaloon- kcepor. waa nrrc-ntod . Immodlnloly lifter ho had imld n flno of |3S0 In fpdernl conrt. i t wna found' th a t the Kerl.ll numlMT ( a 'f l i r hlllx h o .u a ed rorreapnndcd wllh ihnao stolen, au- Ihorllk-H nny. ‘ .

The HDiicnd m.m nrrcxted la aald 10* bn M arry ■•'Chuck" U ko, former, uilnonkcpppr.■ Tho th ln l nnm. namcil S lrra n , wna irrrx tcd when he furnlahrd the flno Inr^Iltevea. •— .

KAHTIIQIMKK SHOCKS FELT. m | SA C iU iU lV ro . Ci»l_ M arch 2 1 ^

V aeriea o t enrthquako jh o c k a laat- nR over a 'period of .nearly tw o lourx w ere fell from Oold Run lo iVndovcr. Cal.. It waa reportcjl nt he olflrc ot Ihe e o u th c m -l^ c lM c J le rr imlny. . • ”


T . F . W I L L M S

V a i r i e t y Stoire -9 fi 'I

SALE iO d d a n d B r o k c n -L o t D ia h S i l e ’ n

W il l C b n tin o e U n t i l .. A ll ^' • I t e a i s H a r e B e en S o ld

P r i c e * a r e ‘ I' 9 c , 1 9 c , 2 9 c , 3 9 , . 4 9 c 5

a n a 9 9 c " ; t

A n d A r+ L e u T b a n E a l f o f 7 r o n n e r P r lc c*

C o a e l^ o w a n d O e t T o u ri B oppU ; T

. ■* _ T U E

B a p t i r t - R e v i r o l - - • ■. i j i

M e e t i n g s A ^ a c t ■: " 1

' M a n ^ Y o i i n g l P r o p I e

A fl.no iw nch Ot young pooplo were on iho piatfonn ina t n ight. E vorctl DoWlti condnctod tha d ^ votional mooting, a fte r w^iicb Uio paMor gavo tho coapol m esw go oti "Tho. Doalro o f tiio Natlona," Tboro- w ai . Rood In ioroat. and the outlool? n in for a apleildld aorloa of moollflga la very i-ncouraglng. - A

6 . R . Owin leada tbo oponlng aervlcea tbla. ovonlng nnd llio Toung A pcoplo'a cho ir will luwrttr— havu ia a t charge of tho mualc. T he aormon tbo. tnnlBhL Y-ril 1,0 -T h r n r^nllfulnejx l^ k of Iho ironrl.-: Tho meoilng opona W n prom ptly n t 7:<G tind cIoiuh o t 8 o’c lock ., ' imn

Lot ovory Tlnptiat bo In 'hla placo prom ptly on tlm a. A moat cordial Invllnllon la exlonned to Ibo publlP.

J u d g e s a n d ' ^ C l e ^ ' k s

o f E l e t t i o n C h o s e n , ’ j. '• l?lui

The • following ia tt ital o f , Juilgea Ti aud c lcrka of oloction for xho city con- tor*irxt nex l T ucaday: $88,

Flra t wnrd nl city b n ll-Ju d g c ii, J>. polila Kdmiinda, e:, O. A lw o rth .'ilo h o rt . I rLoKon; Clerka, H, M. H olle r; .Mcti- a ct«lami‘B Pnullno Ciarlc. H . a Alcxandor, W. 1W, M in n lc k ^ D E . ,E ldor. Krnma JLr . Baird a n d C T ^ Simpson. ■ coui

Socond w a r f I,avcrlng •pavilion— hy tJiidR«n, H nrry McKinley, C .A . liBllcy, • F .Mra. D, Hnrvoy Cook: CiorkK, T. B. J la rlin n te r , Mradnmcs Ma£i#l no itnett. DunHomo M. Wllllama, K ate T ahor. li. tx. MiniAlworlli. Rfflo ISuhlot-nnd O corco 0 . crcoW nllace. • jo m

------------------------ MooS'O miM ITIIK lU A j.PLKN TY OF OIL dcra

^COME). Alaaka, M arch 31.—Namo • Lwna aniuaed -tiK la]^ bver roporla ' , , rflucliluB' the ouiaidT world o t a fitol fiimlno nnd n no w ontbrbak of dipb-thcrln . -T ho health of tho city la ® ® /good an d , iboro la : prnctlcnlly nn ‘ ", -unllm llcd-nupply o t fuel und oil, It ' la doclarcd. '

Itoad Timra' WanL Ada._________

r — , A GOOPN^ L A ^

S p ec id Gr<

Chacming Sp

! »o«inrfc S t y l f .. • ^ M niiiled

K n il.rn i.lo rw l ' ' ■

A sinn ll (I(«|tOKit

'lioUl nny a rtt i

• - W IN D O '

JUST r e c e :. (IIIM .S* c o . y j s AN


A d.-a :i tf> l l i V onrx. K ea

P U B M C i' ' lU T lng Hold- m j tarm’ T w in u l l - '

p lac« I h m mllea -weat n d th iM n d So'tHB P a rk G roectr, oa<«*luiU m ile iloi

' o n e ^ n a tie r mile* aoath o f K n ill , begi o 'c lock. V

T H U R S D A Y , A F, Uie follow ing d e te rlb ^

MACHI?«ERT-1 P . * O. two- SE ■ Way plow i 1 Xokn D eere 4-r6ir ■ « *

bean cn ltlrato r. c o a p le te i 1 ' b e n c a tte r t t J e h n lH «re 4-row

b e u i p U a le r t I new bew r w w d- 8:1 e r t 1 • i n o i t new lg .lnch d h c t g«Un 1 fS-U eh w alking filowt 1 aMTMl Pf” plow sa d hU lert 1 ga rden e«U t ir a to r . S.ahaT(lat 1 J o b s Peer« ^ ■ • w e r t . M « J o h n D ^era 1 rak e t I S .a M ta s ?teel ^ n » « t H •

• J le re le rt I d w e r r a n e r f 1 U - 1 Ito le X oallo r ao ab le .2 W drU lt frank 1 S-bieh S ladebaker w U g n wUk m b g ra in boxt 1 kay raek wKk t ^ e k -trnf w a g a a t ,^ n p r to g w s g « u .1 a la t j n i f ie bnintT and b a tae aa t 9 'o a r w ork h«ra«>t«i |»«i« a tac k e r w llb - beaa JaekMM fo rk . e o a p lH e t pHeb abM l f o rk s ahavela u d 'o t k c r m a U a a d ! tooI«> S t nTF.U r.4 T A Sn. a a l M a tk e r t f t a a g c iM

5 o n L vM k n iM '

C C . w o o p . . <

’U E S D i X , y i ^ C E ' : : a

A rn q s o p n ^ ti i iB e fa 1« T r a p ig r t i^ .A abort a S a ib n ,of ih e c ity eotTiicji ‘

4a«l .evening ,re e 0tT0d . a , pe tition fo r ' . ' tbo ..g radIng and g rav o lln g jir |« 'B lu * :

N intb avenue c u t t^ '^ ^ •.road, requ tring ’tb e c rea tion o f /a now ■ improvement d li t r le t ; .paacetS/Uifl'or* . dinnnce of iDtenUon f o r^ t t f /c re ty o n of ft Blmllar improvom onl a ftl rrc l-o n f-ourlh avenue a 6 r tb r * r * * 4 ( to ;h o lf l- a n ndjoumed moeUng .Weddeaday to , c lca r up bllla fo r th e .n ew adm lnU tra- iTon and allow ed e u rro n l hillB In lhe?i ag gri'gatr aum of I2986;4». i',; • t.'--• Th% city engineer w il l d M ft ptana..'*’ .. to r tbo Intentional, o rd in inc* . fo r tb o : • ' Isiue Ijtkca d la trict. • . . , ' S . C :— — «

T ho bllla Included, I2724,T?| fo r wa-';- torw orki. $10D.6S l o r ti r e d o p a rts lan t:.'$88,60 (o r.a d m ln lB traU o n :.^ 2,eo .-

^ .V b e l ia l t o f the Bliicr LalcM d la irlcfC j a conim lttoo/:onalB tlng o tiC ap ialn P . ! . I W. MoRoborta, P. E . W hoeler, and W." il . liflvorcombo' appoaroii bkfore tho^. council to p reson i tiie pat|tio^ .algnod. by th u folowinK-proporty ow nora: ' .• F .' a Wheoor, P . W.--M<iRbberU,- J la r ry , Baton, A. W lton P e c k ;'Ja m e a , - . Dumiclalor. 0 , J . Johnaoti.l ,W .’ A . : Mlnnick, CurtIa T u rn e r , W, H . ,D ov-. crcombe, Jobn C H arv o y /J I ra . Loura Jo h n io n ,;S i C laud ^ .S lo w a rl,- Porry,- ,Moon, M’llliahi' W arborg, Carl N. An- dcraon and 8. A. .Owona..,.: . '

. ‘ n iT P JtC E JA F T K R .'eo T E A B ^ 7- ’ “ — MANSKJBLD, Bug.—A .co u p lem o ra

Ihnn 80. .yeara 'o ld -a n d -m a r r lM toe - so yoara, appllbd lo r a d lro ro a -b a ra ;.Tbo mbyor tr ied ' utfaucoeaBfiiUy; to icu tiho ih to e a le b ra la th ^ t r . d iam ond, wedding a n n iv e rsa ry ., in i te a d . of tceklng H pan itlon , b u t Ihe agM '-man m W /n roconcllfatlbn waa mpoaalbla - a i r ^ i ig a a 't h e g ah .an fl onk atftnd."

' ; ■

^ T O ^ B A O e ' J

I r o u p p f


S p o r t . S t y l e ; _

^ D ru id c tl ' '

; o r K e lt ' ^

w ith Q i i i r

lOKit w ill ' ‘a r tic le .

D O W S ' .J h V e d ■ • ' . ■ '

A N D H A T S ■ . •

TVLES " > 0 'Kem ioiiaW c. P r ic e s '


«ll--s».:»HbUe.'«ii5l«k ;ai.< aajr- • I aad «Be.qBarter*Dei,ooatk,^-' ' ,J > iioaih u d oae aUa aart^nA- j jbeglnnlag proaipUy at ‘

A P R I L 2 N D V Jr ib i i - j r e p ^ i ' , ’■ 'J '

SEED BEAKS — ‘im4 bant, MratM-WUlar leaaad .aad na«r rta plaafe nia aetd wU'fmni'M'jMto* atec tfd U ad . . . . J .

I. a M a a t a e m U a ^ . g a e a t t - ■ :

' ' ' '■I J a n i ^ e a w ^ ' y a s T -

iM tk '.-v tf* i u i i . itHti C M b T . " ' Jn r m t a * ,.v ,. /•

> , - O w i i « ‘.AN : ^