CTAHOBt4TIE or npo$. E-p 14Hx. Kpaclrvrr,rpa [ocnoguHoaa leoprNeea (neucnoHep) TparNficxr yHilBepchrer Crapa 3aropa yqacrBaM B cbcraBa Ha HayqHoro xypr no KoHKypca cbrIlacHo 3anoaeg Ns1777l 09.07.2021r. Ha Penopa Ha TPY, 3a npilcbx<gane ua o6pasoBaTenHa il HayqHa creneH "goKTop" Ha Mar. uHx. TaHn EHqeea ileHeea 3a npeAcTaBeH AncepralliloHeH TpyA Ha reMa:'I43CIIEABAHE nPOqECnTE HA flPOEKTI4PAHE HA FOPHO OEIEKIO 0T TPI'1KOTAXHl4 NNATOBE' Hayvxa cneqilanHocr: "TexHonorhfl Ha ueBHoro npou3BoAcrBo" 1. O6qo ont4caHt4e Ha Aucepraq]4oHHr4fl TpyE 14 Ha npxroxeHure KbM Hero Marep]4anH fir,lcepraqr,loHHr4rr rpy4 e npeAcraBeH a o6eM or 189 crpaHilL{t4 t,t ce cbcrot4 ce or yBoA, Llenh 3aAaqil, qerilprt rnaBil, o6qr,t reaogfi, npilHocr4 14 Tpr4 npilnoxeHilfl, oHarnegeH cbc 143 Srrypr r 38 ra6nnqm. Ert6nltorpaQilrra o6xeaqa 317 3arnaBilfl, 84 or KoilTo Ha KfipunilL{a n 223 Ha narilHl4lla. l4ecnegeaHilrra fi pa3pa6orrulre no AilcepTaqiloHHara pa6ora ca il3BbpuJeHil BtB 0aryntei'TexHilKa I TexHonorilil"- firr,r6on. [o reuara Ha Er4cepraqiloHHr4fl TpyA ca npilnoxeHil 9 6pon ny6nraraqur. Kounnexrrr Marepilanh cbAbpxa ouie: aBTope$epar, npoSecuonanHa aato6ttorpaSun, cnilcbK Ha ny6nuraquure t4 Ap. 3aAbnxilrenHh AoKyMeHru n0 npoqe4ypara. fir,tcepral{uoHHr4flT TpyE t4 npeAocraBeHilTe MaTepilaafi cborBercrBar Ha il3ltcKBaHilflTa Ha 3axoHa ga pa3Bhrile Ha aKageM[qHile cbcraB e P Etnrapr,lAVfia npolleAypHt4re llpaanna sa nprgo6ueaHe Ha HayqHtl creneHu u 3a 3aeMaHe Ha aKaAeM[LrHr,r AflbxHocrlt e TparuilcKt4 yHt4Bepcnrer-Crapa 3aropa. 2, Axryanxocr na npo6nenaa luHauuvnur HaqilH Ha xmBor Ha clBpeMeHHrnr norpe6uren ce crpeMfi Aa il3non3Ba oOnerna ronro Aa He orpaHilqaBaT gBilxeHilffTa, Aa He ce MaqKaT, necHo Aa ce noAAbpxar v Aa vMaT cpaBH[TenHo nocToflHHa Qoprvra BbB BpeMeTo. Ha reeu fi3]4cKBaHug oTroBapsT Tpl/KoTaxHilTe nnaToBe, 3aq0T0 npegocraBffT 6naronpnrrHil BbsMoxHocr[ 3a Soprraoo6paeyBaHe il npilTexaBar rraHoro go6pil nflacrilLtH!4 caoicrea, Cneqr,r$r,,tvnr,4re ceor4craa Ha rpilKoraxHilTe nraroBe nopaMar rrruoro npobneMil B npoqeca Ha KoHcTpyilpaHero ilM t4 oKa3Bar BnrflHile Bbpxy onpeEenflHero Ha KoHcTpyKTt4BHilTe napaMeTpu r,l npr,l r,1o6op Ha gusar,tH il TexHonorilqHo il3nrflHeHIe. lzlgnonaeaHero Ha enacroMepHil Ht/tllKt4 B npeMara Ha Tpt4KoraxHilTe nflaroBe BoAflT Ao 3HaqilTenHa npoMf;Ha Ha ge$oprr,raL{iloHHilTe urrl caoficrea. Mar. uux. TaHq fleHeea cfleE [3caeABaHe il aHanH3 ycraHoBeBa, qe npe3 nocneAHilTe roAilH]4 ce npoil3Be4ar rpmKoTaxHfi nnaToBe cbc crgbpxaHile Ha enacroMepHil Hl,ltlJKtl or 1 go 6%, Ho BtnpeKil ToBa ocTaBa npo6neua c orr.tilTaHero Ha geSopnraqiloHHilTe caot4craa Ha nllaroBere B reoMerp[t{HilTe napaMerp[ Ha r434enhflra. 3a L{enra ce H3non3Bar KopeKqiloHHr4 roeSuqnenr[, il3ltt4cItlBaHero I4M e Ha 6aga npoqeHTHoTo cbgbpxaHile Ha enacroMepur Hnuxr,ToBa u-le cnoMorHe Aa ce onTilMl43l,1par cbqecrByBau-UTe MeroELrKt4 3a KoHcTpyr/paHe Ha o6nexno, 3HaqilTerHo o6ner,taeaHe Ha npoL{eca vt 6v navanuno pa3xoAilTe Ha Srpuure npoLt3BoAilrenil. B rasfi BpHKa fi3cnegBaHero Ha npoLlecilTe Ha npoeKTilpaHe Ha ropHo o6nerno oT Tpl4Korax, clgbpxaq enacToMepHil Hr4tuKr4, paepa6oraaHero Ha MeroA 3a orqilTaHe ua ge$opnaal{iloHHuTe csol4crsa Ha nrara npt,t paspa6orsane Ha KoHcrpyffir4BHa ocHoBa Ha o6nexnoro, ycbBbpuJeHcrBaHero Ha Mero4t4Kr4Te 3a KoHcrpyilpaHe r paspa6oraaHe Ha KopeKTHt4 KoHcrpyKt-lt4t4 il TexHonorilqHil npoqecil Ha ropuu oonexna or ragil rpyna rpllKoraxHil nnaroBe e aKlyaneH Bbnpoc il npaBilnHoTo My peuaBaHe

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or npo$. E-p 14Hx. Kpaclrvrr,rpa [ocnoguHoaa leoprNeea (neucnoHep)

TparNficxr yHilBepchrer Crapa 3aropa

yqacrBaM B cbcraBa Ha HayqHoro xypr no KoHKypca cbrIlacHo 3anoaeg Ns1777l 09.07.2021r. Ha Penopa Ha


3a npilcbx<gane ua o6pasoBaTenHa il HayqHa creneH "goKTop"

Ha Mar. uHx. TaHn EHqeea ileHeea 3a npeAcTaBeH AncepralliloHeH TpyA



Hayvxa cneqilanHocr: "TexHonorhfl Ha ueBHoro npou3BoAcrBo"

1. O6qo ont4caHt4e Ha Aucepraq]4oHHr4fl TpyE 14 Ha npxroxeHure KbM Hero Marep]4anH

fir,lcepraqr,loHHr4rr rpy4 e npeAcraBeH a o6eM or 189 crpaHilL{t4 t,t ce cbcrot4 ce or yBoA, Llenh

3aAaqil, qerilprt rnaBil, o6qr,t reaogfi, npilHocr4 14 Tpr4 npilnoxeHilfl, oHarnegeH cbc 143 Srrypr r 38

ra6nnqm. Ert6nltorpaQilrra o6xeaqa 317 3arnaBilfl, 84 or KoilTo Ha KfipunilL{a n 223 Ha narilHl4lla.

l4ecnegeaHilrra fi pa3pa6orrulre no AilcepTaqiloHHara pa6ora ca il3BbpuJeHil BtB 0aryntei'TexHilKa ITexHonorilil"- firr,r6on. [o reuara Ha Er4cepraqiloHHr4fl TpyA ca npilnoxeHil 9 6pon ny6nraraqur.

Kounnexrrr Marepilanh cbAbpxa ouie: aBTope$epar, npoSecuonanHa aato6ttorpaSun, cnilcbK Ha

ny6nuraquure t4 Ap. 3aAbnxilrenHh AoKyMeHru n0 npoqe4ypara.

fir,tcepral{uoHHr4flT TpyE t4 npeAocraBeHilTe MaTepilaafi cborBercrBar Ha il3ltcKBaHilflTa Ha 3axoHa ga

pa3Bhrile Ha aKageM[qHile cbcraB e P Etnrapr,lAVfia npolleAypHt4re llpaanna sa nprgo6ueaHe Ha HayqHtl

creneHu u 3a 3aeMaHe Ha aKaAeM[LrHr,r AflbxHocrlt e TparuilcKt4 yHt4Bepcnrer-Crapa 3aropa.

2, Axryanxocr na npo6nenaa

luHauuvnur HaqilH Ha xmBor Ha clBpeMeHHrnr norpe6uren ce crpeMfi Aa il3non3Ba oOnerna ronro

Aa He orpaHilqaBaT gBilxeHilffTa, Aa He ce MaqKaT, necHo Aa ce noAAbpxar v Aa vMaT cpaBH[TenHo

nocToflHHa Qoprvra BbB BpeMeTo. Ha reeu fi3]4cKBaHug oTroBapsT Tpl/KoTaxHilTe nnaToBe, 3aq0T0

npegocraBffT 6naronpnrrHil BbsMoxHocr[ 3a Soprraoo6paeyBaHe il npilTexaBar rraHoro go6pil nflacrilLtH!4

caoicrea,Cneqr,r$r,,tvnr,4re ceor4craa Ha rpilKoraxHilTe nraroBe nopaMar rrruoro npobneMil B npoqeca Ha

KoHcTpyilpaHero ilM t4 oKa3Bar BnrflHile Bbpxy onpeEenflHero Ha KoHcTpyKTt4BHilTe napaMeTpu r,l npr,l r,1o6op

Ha gusar,tH il TexHonorilqHo il3nrflHeHIe. lzlgnonaeaHero Ha enacroMepHil Ht/tllKt4 B npeMara Ha

Tpt4KoraxHilTe nflaroBe BoAflT Ao 3HaqilTenHa npoMf;Ha Ha ge$oprr,raL{iloHHilTe urrl caoficrea.

Mar. uux. TaHq fleHeea cfleE [3caeABaHe il aHanH3 ycraHoBeBa, qe npe3 nocneAHilTe roAilH]4 ce

npoil3Be4ar rpmKoTaxHfi nnaToBe cbc crgbpxaHile Ha enacroMepHil Hl,ltlJKtl or 1 go 6%, Ho BtnpeKil ToBa

ocTaBa npo6neua c orr.tilTaHero Ha geSopnraqiloHHilTe caot4craa Ha nllaroBere B reoMerp[t{HilTe napaMerp[

Ha r434enhflra. 3a L{enra ce H3non3Bar KopeKqiloHHr4 roeSuqnenr[, il3ltt4cItlBaHero I4M e Ha 6aga

npoqeHTHoTo cbgbpxaHile Ha enacroMepur Hnuxr,ToBa u-le cnoMorHe Aa ce onTilMl43l,1par cbqecrByBau-UTe

MeroELrKt4 3a KoHcTpyr/paHe Ha o6nexno, 3HaqilTerHo o6ner,taeaHe Ha npoL{eca vt 6v navanuno pa3xoAilTe

Ha Srpuure npoLt3BoAilrenil.

B rasfi BpHKa fi3cnegBaHero Ha npoLlecilTe Ha npoeKTilpaHe Ha ropHo o6nerno oT Tpl4Korax,

clgbpxaq enacToMepHil Hr4tuKr4, paepa6oraaHero Ha MeroA 3a orqilTaHe ua ge$opnaal{iloHHuTe csol4crsa

Ha nrara npt,t paspa6orsane Ha KoHcrpyffir4BHa ocHoBa Ha o6nexnoro, ycbBbpuJeHcrBaHero

Ha Mero4t4Kr4Te 3a KoHcrpyilpaHe r paspa6oraaHe Ha KopeKTHt4 KoHcrpyKt-lt4t4 il TexHonorilqHil npoqecil Ha

ropuu oonexna or ragil rpyna rpllKoraxHil nnaroBe e aKlyaneH Bbnpoc il npaBilnHoTo My peuaBaHe

onpeAenF KaqecTBoTo 14 KoHKypeHTocnoco6HocTTa Ha [3pa6oTeHilTe o6neKna oT npoil3BoAfiTenilTe.

3. JloaHaeaxe cbcroflHr4ero Ha npo6neua

fiorropaxrsr npegcraBn sagtn6oveHo npoyqBaHe il aHanil3ilpaHe Ha npo6neMilTe cBbp3aHfi

ocHoBHure eranil B npol{eca Ha npoeKTilpaHe Ha o6nexra or rpr4Korax, BKnroqBarlil aHant/13u Ha guaafrHa rSopuoo6pasyBaHero, pa3BilTuero Ha c[nyerure, MerogilTe il MerogrrKr,rre 3a KoHcrpyilpaHe, MogerupaHero,xoHSexquouilpaHero, flpoeegeHo e il3cneABaHe Ha reHAeHqilhre B pa3BfiTilero Ha acoprilMeHTa Ha

Tpr4KoraxHure o6nerna h nnaroBe

Ha ocHoaara Ha ro3r4 aHan[3 ca Ha6enseaHn npo6neruilTe, Karo 3a qenTa e Heo6xo6nruo Aa ce

aHanr3ilpar il il3cnegBar npoqecnre Ha npoeKrilpaHe Ha ropHo o6nerno or rpr4Korax h ce ycbBbpueHcTBaMeToEnKaTa 3a KoHCTpyt4paHe Ha AaMcKr4 poKnil 0T Tpr4KoTaxHil nnaToBe, crAbpxau.lr4 enacToMepHr4 Hhr.rJKr4

ot 1o/o po 6%, orqrraltxu ge$opuaqmoHHilTe ceoilcrea Ha nnara Bbpxy reoMerpuqHilTe napaMerpil Ha


4. flogxog r peueHre xa npo6neua

[lpegcrasenilflT aHanr3 Ha nlrreparypHilTe il3ToLrHnqA t/1cr4HTe3ilpaHilTe n3BoAr4 e no3Boflilno Ha

AorropaHTa npaBilnHo ga Sopuynrpa qenra il gaEaL{Lrre Ha KoMnneKcHoro HayL{Ho tl3cfleABaHe, Kot4To ca B

norilqecKa nocneEoBaTeflHocT, cboTBeTcTBaT Ha cTpyKTypaTa il eneMeHTilTe Ha AucepTaLliloHHr4fl TpyE.

!o6pe e onpeAeneH o6errur il npe4Merbr Ha HayqHoro r43cneABaHe. 3a reoperuqHoro 14

eKcnepilMeHTaflHo r43cfleABaHe ca il3non3BaHil cr4cTeMH/In u wrt6epHeTilqHr4fl noAXoA, a{anvrvqH,nfr vCpaBHilTenHilf MeToAt4 Ha fi3cneEBaHe, MeToAl4Te 3a nnaHilpaHe il MoEenupaHe, perpeciloHHtlfl aH,an43 n

onrilMt4supaHeTo, KaKlo il MerogilTe Ha reopilflTa Ha BeponTHocrilTe, Paspa6oreHa e MeropilKa 3a

[3nilTBaHe na ge$opualliloHHilTe csoficraa Ha TpilKoraxHr4Te nflaroBe, cbgbpxau-Iil enacroMepHfi Hr4r.rJKr4,

lzlapa6oreH e creHA 3a npoBeMaHe Ha il3nilTBaHilFTa. CTaTficl4qecKaTa o6pa6orua Ha AaHH[Te orr3cne4BaHero e r3BbprxeHa c noMor{Ta Ha cTaTilGTr4qecKilr co$ryep Statistica,7.0 n MS Excel 2010.

Paspa6orexure anropr,irMil Ha eKcnepilMeHTanHilTe il3cneABaHils 14 nonlqecKara ilM Bpb3Ka no3BonflBar flanonyqaT E0cT0BepHil pe3ynTaTil,

llonyveHrre pesynraril or HayqHilTe ugcnegBaHilR ilMar npilnoxeHile 3a reop[RTa il npaKrilKaraclc cb3AaAeH[flT KaqecTBeHo HoB noAXoA 3a oTqr4TaHe Ha pasTernilBocTTa Ha TpilKoTaxHfiTe nflaToBe B

KOHCTpyKII4BHUTe napaMeTph Ha il3AenilflTa, KaTO 3a fi3XOAHa UHsOprrraqUr Ca il3non3BaHil AaHH[Te OT

npo[3BoEr4TeflilTe, oTHocHo npoLleHTHoTo cbAbpxaHfie Ha enacToMepHil Hr4ruKr/ B c]cTaBa Ha TpilKoTaxHilTe

nnaroBe. Toea gaea Bb3MoxHocr 3a onrilMr4gripaHe Ha npol{eca

KoHcrpyilpaHe Ha o6nexno, qpe3 cbKpaulaBaHe Ha BpeMe, pecypcr4 il pa3xogl4 3a npoBe4aHe Ha

na6oparopnr il3cneABaHilfl Ha rpilKoraxHilTe nnaroBe, ilpegnoxeHilTe Mogenil EaMCKr4 poKrr4, B pa3nilqHil

cilflyeril, cbBMecrnBaqr 4erailnr c pa3nfiqHil xapaKTepilcl4Kr4, KaKTo u Sopnaoo6pa3yBaHil c pasnrqHkl

BrAoBe Apanepil[ Morar Aa 6rgar BHeApeHil B MacoBoro npoil3BoAcrBo Ha ropHo o6nemo.Cnegcrere Ha il3BbpueHhre reopernqlt L4 eKcnephMeHTaflHil r43cneABaHilfl ca $opurynrpaHr

npHHocr/ c Kor4To AncepraqiloHHr4s rpy4 Ao6ilea 3aBlpueH BilA.

5. Aerope$epar

fipe4craaeHunr Aarope$epar e e o6eM or 53 crpannqv n e o$oprraeH crrnacHo r43ilcKBaHr4flra

3axoHa 3a pagBilTile Ha aKaEeM[LtHr4fl cbcraB a P Ernrapun. CugrpxaHilero My orpa3flBa ocHoBHilTe

pe3ynTaT[ Ha 0T Ailcepral{iloHHr/fl TpyA, npeAnoxeHil ca BHx(AaHnFTa Ha aBTopa 3a nonyqeHure HayqHil ilHayqH0-npfinoxHil npilH0cr4.

flpunoxen e cnilcbx na ny6nnxaqililTe cBrp3aHil c EilcepraLllroHHr4r TpyA 14 pe3oMe Ha anrnrtacxu


6. Ocroexn npuHoo4


lzlscneAaaHero Ha npoL{ecilTe Ha npoeKTilpaHe Ha ropHo o6nexno or rpr/Korax u yc}BbpueHCTBaHe

Ha MeToArKa 3a KoHCTpyr4paHe Ha AaMcKr4 poKnil 0T Tpr4KoTaXHn nnaToBe, cbAbpxau_l]4 enacToMepHn H[[rJKl4,

nonyqeHilTe pe3ynraril, ocHoBHilTe il3B0Ar4 il npeEnoxeHilETa 3a TeopuqTa il npaKTuKara Ha

AficepTaqiloHHi4fl TpyA, ca cBbp3aHil c HayqHara cnelluanHocr ,,TexHonoruR Ha ueBHoTo npoil3BopcrBo".flpegnoxeuure npnHocr/ ce rpaAflr B]pxy AocroBepHocrra Ha npoBegeHure ilscaegBaHilfl, Kor4To rMarHayqHo - npffioxeH, npilaoxeH n o6pasosarenHo-Mero4r4qeH xapaKTep,

flpegcraaenlt ca o6qo 9 npnuoca . Ipreuau rt,t Karo cbu-lHocr. Cvrrarr,t, ve go6pe orpa3nBar3HaqilMocTTa Ha nonyqeHI4Te pe3ynraru. Xaparreprr Ha HayqHfiTe I HayqHo-npilnoxH14 npilHocr,r B

EfiCepTaquoHHr4e TpyA e 0T T[na: A0Ka3BaHe c H0Br4 cpeAcrBa Ha c]qecrBeHil H0814 crpaHI B

cbu{ecrByBau.lil HayqHil npo6neuu, cb3gaBaHe Ha HoBr4 unr nogo6peH14, cnpFMo cbqecrByBaqilTe, noAXoAr4

il MeroAr4 Ha u3cneABaHe, noryqaBaHe Ha Hoau Saxru, a Ha npilfloxHilTe - npegnoxeHu eSenraun sa

npaKrilqecKo h3non3BaHe Ha MeroEl4Kl4 H TexHoflorr4r4 KoHcTpyilpaHe Lr MoAenupaHe.

7. [y6nuraqrr no reMara Ha Ailcepraquera

Mar. uHx. Taun leHeaa e npeAcraBhna cnilcbK u aaropeSepara sa 9 ny6nnxaqur, 3

caMocToflTeflHfi, a ocraHanfiTe B cbaBTopcrBo c HayqHilTe pbKoBogilTen[ fi KofleKTilBr. 0r rsx 6 6p. ca Ha

asrnui,tct<u n 6 6p, Ha 6unrapcxil e3ilK. Crrnacuo npilnoxeHara cnpaBKa ny6nuraqurre ca npeAcraBeHr B

nrneH TeKcr B c6opunqu or roH$epeHqnnre:XXVll Mex4yHapogHa xouQepeHllr4fl 3a MnaEil yqeHil

,,MeHilgxMbHT il KaqecrBo ga MnaEil ygeHr4", Mex<gyuapogHara HayqHa roH$epeuquff ,,TexHilKa, TexHoJloril[,

o6pasoaaHne" ICTTE; e 6rnrapcxoro HayLrHo cnilcaHile ARTTE Applied Researches in Technics,

Technologies and Education (Yambol: Faculty offechnics and Technologies u B rry4ecrpaHHo HayqHo

cnilcaHile c ilMnaKr $axrop lOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

[1y6n r,t xaqr,t r,tre orpa3l Bar c]qecrBeHa q acT oT AilcepTaqiloH H r4fl TpyA.

8. fluqex npuHoc Ha aBTopa

Ipr paspa6orBaHe Ha AilcepraqiloHHr4fl rpy4, Mar. uHx. TaHs IeHeea noKa3Ba, qe Bnagee

MeToA[Te Ha HayqHilTe il3cnegBaHfifl, npoflBflBa cnoco6Hocr Aa cbcTaBfl, npoeKTilpa, [3n]nHflBa il

aEanTilpa cbBpeMeHeH il3cneAoBaTencKr4 np0qec.

florropaurur caMocrorrenHo npoBe)qa HayqHfiTe u3cnegBaHilff 14 yqacrBa e anpo6upaHero Ha

pe3ynTaThTe oT il3cneEBaHeTo.

0r anpo6aqnrra Ha Marepilan[Te cB]psaHil c EilcepTaL{fiflTa nt ,+t, qe paspa6orrara e

r,'r3KflroLrilTerHo Aeno Ha AoKr-opaHTa, noA BeqLrHT 14 B3r4cKareneH KoHTpon Ha HayqHilTe il prroaogurenr.

9. Kprrr,turu 6enexxn x npenoprx[ no aBTope$epara

- [penoptveaH,t pe3ynrar[Te or HayqHoro eKcnepilMeHTanHo il3cnegBaHe Aa 6tgar BKnoqeHil B

cborBerHure MeToAilqHI eAilH[q[ a yue6Hun npoLlec no Eilcl{ilnnilHilTe cBbpsaHil npoeKTilpaHe,

KOHCTpyilpaHe il MOAenilpaHe Ha AaMCKI4 pOKnU OT TpT4KOTaXHU nnaroBe.- llpegnararrr ea 6r4er4ara HayqHo il3cnegoBarencra geltuocr fiouopaura Aa pa3uilpr4 o6xaara Ha

o6nerna Karo BKnrcqil AeTcKo un[ cnoprHo.- Ilo npoqegypa B KoMnneKra AoKyMeHTil He e npegBilAeHo Ea ce npilnoxil cnpaBKa 3a qilTilpaHilff, Ho c Hefl

u.le ce ycTaHoBt4 r4HTepeca il 3HaqilMocTTa Ha pe3ynrarilTe 0T HayL{HoTo t4ScneEBaHe.

- fipegnararra e aarope$epara (o6tqa uacr) ga 6t4ar BKnoqeHil ilMeHara Ha peqeHseHT[Te,


llpe4craaeHfiflT Ar4cepraqhoHeH TpyA e 3aBbpueHo KoMnfleKcHo HayqHo il3cnegBaHe, nocBereHo Ha

aKTyaneH npo6neru cBbpsaH ilacnegBaHero Ha npoqecilTe Ha npoeKrnpaHe Ha ropHo o6nerno or rpt4Korax,

cbAbpxaul enacroMepHll HnrKr/, paspa6oraaHero Ha Mero4 3a orq[TaHe na geSoprraaqiloHHilTe csoficrsaHa nnara npr,t paapa6orBaHe Ha KoHcrpylcn/BHa ocHoBa Ha oOnernoro, ycbBlpueHcrBaHero Ha MeroAl4Khre


sa KoHcTpyt4paHe I pa3pa6oTBaHe Ha KopeKrHil KoHcTpyKLll4t4 il TexHonorilqHil npoqecil Ha ropHl4 o6neKna.

3xa.{uulocfia, cfloxHocrra, ilgcneAoBarencrr o6eu, o6xearur n xapaKlepbr Ha peuJeHhre 3aAaql4'

3auluraBaH[Te npilHocr4, KaKTo t4 o6eurr il xapaKrepbr Ha npoBeAeHoro o6yveHfie, noKpl4Bar il3l4cKBaHhffTa

npmgo6uaane xa o6pasoBarenHa I HayqHa creneH,goKrop"'Toea ru1a AaBa ocHoBaHile Ea cqilTaM, qe EilcepraqilflTa orroBapfl Ha u3ucKBaHilHTa xa 3PACPE tr

flpasnnnura sa HeroBoTO np[naraHe I AaBaM o6qa nonox]treIHa oUeHKa.

l-lpepnaraM Ha AoKropaHTa Mar. uHx. Tarc EHqeea lleHeea Aa 6tAe npilcbEeHa o6pasoearenHara

[HayqHaGTeneH"goKTop,'noHayqHaTacneqilaflHocT:.,TexHonorilfHaUeBHoT@npoSecnoHanHo HanpaBreHue 5.1.,,MauJuHHo 14HxeHepcTBo",

19.08.2021 r. 9neu ua xypt4To:

/npo$. A-p t4Hx. KP.[eoPrraeea/


by Prof, Dr. Eng. Krasimira Gospodinova Georgieva (retired)


I participate in the composition of the scientific jury of the competition according to


for awarding the educational and scientific degree "Doctor"

of Master Eng. Tanya Encheva Peneva for presented dissertation



Scientific specialty: "Technology of sewing production"

1. General description of the dissertation and the attached materialsThe dissertation is presented in a volume of 189 pages and consists of an introduction, whole

tasks, four chapters, general conclusions, contributions and three appendices, illustrated with 143

figures and 38 tables. The bibliography includes 317 titles, 84 of which are in Cyrillic and223 in Latin.

The research and development of the dissertation work were carried out at the Faculty of Engineering

and Technology - Yambol. 9 publications related to the topic are attached.

The set of materials also contains: auto abstract, professional CV, list of publications and other

mandatory documents,

The dissertation and the submitted materials correspond to the requirements of the Law for

development of the academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and to the procedural Rules for acquiring

scientiflc degrees / holding academic positions at the Trakia University - Stara Zagora.

2. Relevance of the problem

The dynamic lifestyle makes the modern consumer strive to use clothes that do not restrict

movement, do not wrinkle, are easy to maintain and keep a relatively constant shape over time. Knitted

fabrics meet these requirements because they provide favorable opportunities for shaping and have

very good plastic properties.

The specific properties of knitted fabrics cause many problems in the process of their

construction and influence the determination of the construction parameters and in the choice of design

and technological implementation. The use of elastomeric threads in the yarn of knitted fabrics leads to

a significant change in their deformation properties.

After research and analysis, eng" Tanya Peneva, found that in recent years are produced

knitted fabrics with an elastomeric thread content of 1 to 6%, but there is still the problem of taking into

account the deformation properties of fabrics in the geometric parameters of the products, For this

purpose, correction factors are used and their calculation is based on the percentage of elastomeric

threads. This helps to optimize existing methodologies for designing clothing, significantly simplify the

process and reduce the costs of manufacturers"

ln this regard, the main issues are:

the study of the processes of designing knitted outenruear containing elastomeric threads;

the development of a method for taking into account the deformation properties of the fabric when

developing a structural basis of the clothing;

/the improvement of the methods for construction and development of correct constructions andtechnological processes of outenruear from knitted fabrics;

,il:;I:lHpc?J::|.T " these issues determines the quality and competitiveness orthe ctothes made by

3. Understanding of the problemThe doctoral student presents an in-depth study and analysis of the problems related to themain stages in the,proc.ess of designing knitted'grrr.n6

-ir.rroing analyzes of design and shaping,development of silhouettes, methois a"no tecnni"qum roi .onriruction, modeling, confectioning. The

i#i:ll conducted a study of the trendt in ft'u ,i.r.r.pr..i"rr tn. range of tinitted garments and

Based on this analysis, the problems have been identified, and for this purpose it is necessaryto analyze and study the piocesses br Jesigning r,nit;J r;,d;, and to improve the methodorogy forconstructing women's dresses from knitted'rroiics .ortarrg .Lr"reric ihreads io^ lu lo 6%. ,

i?:ff*|" account the deformation pioperties of the db,.[

-on the geometric parameters of the

4. Approach and solution to the problemThe presented analysis of the liteiature sources and the synthesized conclusions allows thedoctoral student to correctly formutate tre purpose and tasks of the complex scientific research, whichare in logical sequence, corresponding to the structure and elements of the dissertation.The object and the subject if the scientific researcir are'werr defined, For the theoretical andexperimental research the doctoral student used: the system-ano

.cybernetic approach, the analyticaland comparative research methods, the methods tor prrrning ;io,mooeling, the regression analysisand the optimization' as well as the methods.of the thdry ;ilri,uufiriti.r. A methodotogy for testing thedeformation properties of knitted raurici containing elastom.iri, ini.ro, was developed. The statisticalprocessing of the survey data was performed with"the h;lp ;iil statisticat software statistica, 7.0 and

ffiu,til:f',lli.ffij:J:l',ff0 ars';rith;l or tn. e*pe,irlntri ,.r.r,.r,., and their rosicar connection

The obtained results from the scientific researches have application for the theory and practice with thecreated qualitatively new approach for taking into account ir',. ,tr.t.r] of the knitted fabrics, in thedesign parameters of the products, and tre minutacturers' data on thu p.r..ntage of elastomeric fibersin the composition of the knitteo'ruori.rlr. used as ortpri intormation. This makes it possible tooptimize the process,of designingootninioy reducing thd iim;,;esources and costs for conductinglaboratory tests of knitted taorics] Ire pnipoied modeis of women,s dresses, in different sirhouettes,combining details with different characteristi.,r, ,r well as sr",apuJ *it different types of draperies, canbe implemented in the mass production of outenrvear.As a consequence of the performed theoretical and experimental researches and formulatedcontributions, the dissertation work obt.in, iG final form,5. Auto abstractThe presented abstract is in a volume of 53 pages and is formed according to the requirementsof the Law for development of the academic staff in t[e Republic of Bulgaria. lts content reflects themain results of the dissertation, as well as the author's views on the received scientific contributions.Attached: a list of publications related to the dissertation and a summary in English language.

6. Main contributionsThe research of the processes of designing knitted outerwear and improvement of methodologyfor construction of women's'dresses rro, [niituo iaorici;;ili;;il .lastomeric threads, the obtainedresults' the main conclusions ano proposals for the theorcnJ prr.io of the dissertation are related to

the scientific specialty "Technology of sewing production". The proposed contributions are based on thereliability of the conducted research, whiih have scientiflc - applied and educational-methodicalcharacter.

A total of g contributions were presented, I accept them as an essence. I believe that theyreflect well the significance of the resuits obtained. The nature of the scientific contributions in thedissertation type is: proving with new means of significant new sides in existing rcieniin. problems,creating new or improved, compared to existing, ap-proaches and methods of research, obtaining newfacts and practical use of methodologies and teihnologies of construction and modeling.

7. Publications on the topic of the dissertationMaster Eng. Tanya Peneva presented a list in the abstract for 9 publications, 3 independent,

and the rest in co-authorship with supervisors and teams.6 of them are in English and 6 in Bulgarian. According to the attached reference, the

publications are presented in full in conference, proieedings: XXVII lnternational Conference for youngS-cientists "Management and Quality for Young Scie"ntists", lnternational Scientific Conference"Engineering, Technology, Educatiof' ICTTE; in'the Bulgarian scientific journal ARTTE AppliedResearches in Technics, Technologies and Education (YamSol: Faculty of Technics anJ Technologiesand in a foreign scientific journal with impact factor lbP Conference Series: Materials Science andEngineering,

The publications refrect a significant part of the dissertation.

8. Personal contribution of the authorln developing the dissertation, Master Eng. Tanya Peneva shows that she masters the methods

of scientific research, shows the ability to compose, design, implement and adapt a modern researchpr0cess.

The doctoral student independently conducts the research and participates in the approbationof the research results.

From the approbation of the materials related to the dissertation it is clear that the developmentis an exclusive work of the doctoral student, under the expert and demanding control of hersupervisors.

9. Critical remarks and recommendations on the abstract- I recommend t the results of the scientific experimental research to be included in the relevantmethodological units in the teaching process in the disciplines related to the design, construction andmodeling of women's dresses made of knitted fabrics.- I propose for the future research activity the student to expand the range of clothing to includechildren's or sports,- According to the procedure in the set of documents it is not planned to attach a reference to the cited,but it will establish the interest and signiflcance of the results of the research.- I suggest the names of the reviewers to be included in the abstract (general part).

10. ConclusionThe presented dissertation is a completed complex research dedicated to a topical issue

related to the study of the design processes of knitted outenruear containing elastomeric threads, thedevelopment of a method for accounting for the deformation properties of flie fabric in developing thestructural basis of clothing, improving methods for construction and development of correctconshuctions and technological processes of outenrvear, The significance, complexity, researchvolume, scope and nature of the tasks solved, the contributions contributed, as well as the volume andnature of the conducted training, meet the requirements for obtaining an educational and scientificdegree "Doctor",

This gives me reason to believe that the dissertation meets the requirements of the Law on theDevelopment of Academic. Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Regulations for its implementationand I give a general positive assessment.

I propose Master Eng. Tanya Encheva Peneva to be awarded the educational and scientificdegree "Doctor" in the scientific specialty: "Technology of sewing production" for professional fleld 5.1."Mechanical Engineering".


Jury member:

/ prof, Dr, Eng. Kr. Georgieva /