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ILM Certificate L3

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ILM Certificate in Leadership and Management

Page 2: ILM Certificate L3

Key Benefits: As a result of completing this qualification, learners will be able to;

Describe problems and gather information to provide possible solutions

Use problem solving and decision making techniques to inform suitable decisions

Plan, review and communicate decisions

The differences between leaders and managers and the qualities of a leader

Identify their leadership style and use this effectively

Set targets and measure results

Use motivational theories to support team development

Understand the importance of developing themselves and their teams to achieve objectives

Understand how change affects an organisation and how this should be managed and communicated effectively

Content: Solving problems and making decisions

Simple ways to recognise, investigate and analyse problems to make informed decisions.

Understanding leadership

The difference between leadership and management, and the need for each of them. The characteristics and behaviours of a leader, and the sources of power

Understanding performance management

Simple ways to assess and manage whilst ensuring feedback is given and underperformance is managed.

Understanding innovation and change

The benefits of change with the consequences of not changing and the role of survival and prosperity of organisations

Understanding how to motivate to improve performance

Discussing motivational theories that can be used with the team and why this is important.

Developing yourself and others

The process of using development needs analysis and SWOT to determine development options which may include coaching or training.

Understanding how to establish an effective team

Looking at the differences between groups and teams and the stages of team formation.

ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course Objective: The ILM level 3 Certificate is a qualification which gives an introduction to the basic skills, knowledge and understanding required by today’s first line manager. The units delivered are designed to develop practical techniques for tackling managerial problems and making decisions, understanding the differences between leadership and management and be able to understand the management and communication of change. Throughout the workshops there will be a number of different training methods utilised by the tutor to cater for all learning styles and these will include the following – theory, team exercises, individual questionnaires, discussions/debates and YouTube clips. Reflection time will be built in to cater for learning points to be consolidated; this will enable a clear link to be made between learning and the practicalities of the workplace. You will also discuss the assessments needed for the qualification and the tutor will guide and support you through the requirements.