, a tr EdlUrt . TH y o i X9, N o. 150. "^CaptorrCTf Set Goal Ai To End Spi Fascists Rescued From h zar Swell Ranks Of To'Beln.Oi (copTtiihi, ma, br Th» j TOLEDO. BMlll, Stpt. 2 8 -Clllll: querora of Tofedo WlUplt-inaosetl- hoped wouldtbe ft Ilnal camp^pi north, and end the Spanish civU ^ Their tanks swelled by the hasE the long besieged Alcazar, tho Fi set about scotching the lost govc Imftiedlaie vicinity. ,-(AE-but-80-of_Uie_orlglnal i“ "1^200 men, women and diJJ-J § i dren who fled to refuge in the e Alcazar were rcscucd, official Jniurfcot report* rtBchlaj T4l«-i Ten de 3t Relnk sUUd. Somt 600 - o( Uie bctlcsed PucIjU u d Uielrj ■ jamlllcf were wounded, It wu uld).I " AnoUur F u c b t column blocked ,tb« Toledo-Mndrid bighvtr egftlnst routed iovernment mrnuimen nee- fJ Ins towan] lhe government capital. ^ RetcBcn Cheered Cheered h}'sterlcsll7 and cmbr»e-i fl* ii by ll«lr comnuJee, the bearded ‘n* Alcazar defender! besged permit- lion lo iQcoiporate lliemulvn In the legloni of General. Runtlseo •“ Franco to 'be Jn_on the klH” at Madrid. ; I ----- The (all of' Madrid was tonight bul a natter ot time. the.Inaurvent mllttar; command proclaimed. linl Flr«l. the general! uld. they U1 would re*t their troopi and clean '* '• out a (ew scattered government re- doubts around Toledo. I Uien. they aald. they would roll* on Madrid. Insurgent radio lUtloni Joined the MDg o( victory chanted by .tba K.,, delirious captors o( Toledo'. ^OV The main body o( Oenera] Fran- co's troopi was pouring Into Toledo, lonlglit and It was planned toj»m- lilele Fascist occupation o( lhe city before morning. MUltiamen In Fligtit nanled govemment •mlllUamen (led In all directions. S"f,' WhUe Fascist. eUma>U In T^lt- (Continued on Page':. CoL3> . ' r~.' ~ * I n b a y ’s.Events^ g" I 2 . ( (By Tlie Aisoclated Preu) . *<> No Dneapioyiaont— Am CLEVELAND - Back In ' JMO, August Rlnddelscli paid $20 (or a Job aa custodian o( Uie WUlct slreel cemcleiy. Ke held Uto poit unUl he died In n i IPOS, U»n hU ton, Henry, lueceedtd [ X Henry died last nlghl. In a (rame collage In the cemelerj-, where he . I was bom 84 years ago. 1 Turn On tho Eoat— NEW V o n K - “H0t sermons* U Ihe-ner.-Nortnan Vincent Peale’s Sun aiuwcr to the Rev. Fredcrie Flem- . Ins'a recent suggutlon (or n “more- I iorium OJ) preaeWnj," . “A Uiermomeler ought t« be hung on eveiT PuIplt In the land.** Dr. Peale told his Marble CoUeglale Re- -O U ' —(omud-churclT^congregaUon.—By 38-(i7 Uiclr' temperature .ahall ye know siege them!" ...... «cro ------- while Emergency— .. in Uk SAVANNAir. Oa. - A woman’s Ulephoned cry or "Help, police" wnt policemen hurrying to her "’1'" liome. Tl*' Slie « n te d her slx.year-old son In Uio Juvenile detention home ,7 " '' C)kause he related lo lake casor oil. “ ®i!; ^Patrolman C. A, Fountain tald , lhe police advice wa* lhat such mal- J lers were outside UieJr JurMctton. “j*" * ______________ _ . _________«L#n . Might Oonnt Ton— ErTOQHAM, 111.-1116 next Ume «Uh t ArUlur aarrlton goet Into a rage The over Iitt pigs lie will vent his wrath imoni by tome meUiod'other than throw- elally ' ing alop butkela at uiem.-. harde; He did that so Imrd Uie lu t time Legloi , he broke * rib. count 1 Former Head of AAA Support for Lando: W^lpwaTON. Sept. M M, - noo«- AttribuUns broken promLies to ing hi President Roowvelt. George N. Peek wrecki -former head o( Uw AAA and o( cultur Jlie export - Import ‘ bwila'— »n- ya,uj3CcdicaIgijUii4wisQrtof.ooiu pmidency^'’" "Tlie Ittpubliean party and its ■^haw met *«ii»«ly "ihe^^e'oT these broken promises by picking up W .OOO.i llie promLvs dlihonored by Mr Roosevelt m d his admlnhiratlon •« ■jnd-to-rlcfltlng tlipmvlvM In iti^ir agedi lionMnuHiiimenU- • raieve Turning u> u,e Bdmlnlitratlon's " 'e n t' larUf-txadlng policy. Peek said it Iiad M-«0.i ••/irevented Important uJts of /arm "I 1 products" abroad and tho state and stood, agrlfulluro departmenli had ruled prlnelt agalMi' Jarmen’ Interest -In every Peek c iMtance. Ii„ "Mnny o( my oid a*«clate« In prlnelr Uie long (arm (ighl, «ho turned 10 lender E T^ wiUBB anm atmuo OF cmcnuTioro ^T o ^M o t I it M adrid f paiiish W ar - Long-Besieged Alca'- prei )f Rebel Forces I On'Kill’ B . fl )• Associated Preu) jldly confident Fascist* con- (coi Khtheir-troops fot- whaHhey Ign to take Madrid. 40, miles The U war. pf„ Bggaid Fascists rescued from on < Fascist troops methodically carl' overnment resistance In the aica ---------- --- Spectator )WeWs~ 11 Sword Tn Defense , Of Circus Stooge ||»^ MOmBEAL. ffept. U SrtVcJ dlan Pressi-Oeorges Lalonde, 28, ‘, clreua performer, waa brwgtit to a hospllal In a terious eondiUon P™” today afler belng itabbed In Uie “ *• bade wllh his own a*-ord by a specutor who couldn’t bear see- Ing a woman belns ciit In two. . • The slabbing occurred In the for I liltle town of ShawTlIie. Quebec, about ISO mlics north ot Hull, '"ent last night. deval' ed w: . ________ . - - Itig ( -------------------------------------------- powei iiiST[fis:: llLflfiL[F0fiCE8| ------- . Till Iovernment Concentrates JS.” Efforts on Defense of Capital — viki lalliU (Copyright. By AssoclaUd Prcas) MADRID, Sept. 5J-TT» 6j»nlth jvemment lonight ordered omy raUable num to the civil war (root . j‘ ° nd answered riimors ruling officials 11. <1 ad abandoned’the capital wlUi the ( „ „ iptanatloa several mlnlsten were 7t,( nyi^n a tour o( UupecUon-but Dtid Rtura momcDtarily. ui StrivlDK to coDcetilrale every ef- Indal irt toward a_de(ense of RHWd would iilril~injuf5cnu who yestmlay marki 1. Suspended the rIghU of all Becrel ubllo nmetlonaries of m ln b U n u>(!>X nd executive departments. ' tary 3. Called all militiamen to report ^imet I borracks (or duty at onc^; “o. »> ' J. With Minister of the Interior of ‘lu tigel O alara acting as epokwman P«ye> serted reports cfflclals had aban- med U» capital "apparently arose ............ lute I (Continued on Page 3. Cot. ll rencle ------------------been 1 IES I I I 1 ^BE5IEG|AMp urvivors Tell Story of Courage During Attack on Old Fortress • ^ OUTSIDE TOLEDO, Spain, Sept. - ' -(/Ptfiurvlvor«-of-lhe:A!eata# - Ige told tonight that two babies :ro bom Inside the old (ortress llie nrUllcr>- shells were bunting the structure and airplanes roar- overhead, The ehlldren wtre reported nor- kl and healttiy, riie story of the slcse, as now be- g told Iltlle by UtUe, Is one ot un- lle-.-able' courage and determlna- m. The Ince-wit explosion of arttl- 7 stielLi and bomhi. the reallza- m tho old (ortresa waa being mln- ,«nd.tt)<L hourJyj.a,tilngjoiL an ______ _ Is was related os docloit w;orked ' *- lh the «-ounded. Die plight o( small chUdren > long them waa de.Krlbed as espe- (t llir sickening In lu pathos. Eren ^ rdened members o( ttie Porelgn gion wtre ipeechlns at the ac- inis. l A AnnouncM lon for President | osevelt In ID3:, are ctlll support- ^ ; him," ho wld. ‘m:nrdlc.M of the Kkage of his proml.ws to ngrl-. TJ ture. ^___ : 'Roosevelt has.taken lhe Amrrl- ^ rrR ner"oui ol"/oreicn markets * ii: 1 lias put'Uie foreign (armtr into \ I American market. M-A^ u lt. of-theiie-wiletw- -C'i lerican gross (arm Income Ugs at ^ 100.000.000 a year, whereas during cf IwenUes, which were lean jta n A agriculture, (arm' Income aver- fk ■d lll.KO.OOQ.gw vr«rly. I ciiaDPl V levo Uiat M00,(»o,ooo in govern- 'A nt cheeks U adequate relum for 100.000.000 loss In Income. 'f I aland wherr I Jjai-e alwap h xl, regardless of parly, upon tlie h/, iclplei of Uie long (arm Jlght." Ill) k concluded. "Oovemor Landon ‘ taken his stand on thcne rame L. icIpleC I credit hin Mnrerlty. 1 Jer him m)- supporU". aCCPM Tg VIN I T\vn D fiifiii - liLiliPUlN rench Lawmakers Expected r to Approve Premier f Blum 's Financial Pro- I: gram at Special Session 1 Copnlgtit. bir Auoclated Fren) -PARISTBept; 89(Tuead&rt------------ he chamber of deputies ressed 'toward a .final vote a devaluation of tho franc irly today. glvIng-stroDg in- Icatlon at an all-night meet- ^ lg it would approve Premier pnn_niiim'«.flnnnplnl plan, - Thfi deputies sanelloaed. fl 14 to 246, a motion to end ~ neral debate at-tha specUl aes- in, whleh began lu t night, and lowed a .slmUar lineup (or the .vernment when they took up the ^ tides o( Uio bin IndlTldually. Blum, In addition to seeking ap- vval ol Uie bill for devaluaUon of .e Iranc, asked parliament to ,.,.. I t In him auUiority to decree I l f l lalnst price locnascs. I||ln Jacques Dudoa, u a tpokeunan ■■n r lhe communUt deputies, de- ired they would btck the KDvem- I' ent alUiough Uiey tUll opposed li ■vjJuaUon. “ni# coitimunlita Join- i with oUier lelt parUes tn (orm- f (fie people’! /font whjch ron , . iwer In the general elections l u t AOItl rtng. . ^ ComfortabU Ma]«rlly ' During yesterday'i leislon of Uie sWatlve bodies, Uio premier was ted a comfortable majority on a BO oposal lo ahunt Uie legltlaUon WIllli ek Into the finance committee, comn Tlie chamber vote was at} to 348 in Eu aJnst tbe move to stall devalua- na^Yi in. The propoaal came (rom Uie criue: thUit whip, Louis Marin, gt Tbe main stumbling, block to de- home luatlonlsts was the radlcal-toc- ' IUU' protesUUon Uiat sliding gov- . ,“ ® nmrnt salary scales, coupled wlUi ■valuation ot the fmie, would pre- . ]l(a(e a race between mounUng Iges and prices. It was against tuch an eventual- " r Uiat Blum uld he would ask "t* ■ r price-diing powers. his h Tbe chamber o( depuUea w u 'ts - Aut red by/ Finance Wlnlster t t Aur- 1Uiat devaluaUon would not meaa S'w* (laUon. because Internal prices M*de fUld be_revalued to,m eet world . A#. . i crlUcI W'AaiUNOTON, VTi - admli cnttry Morgenthau announced o(ten lay Uiat' Uie three-power mone- ora. ry accord provide* "no dellnlta Tbi reement” on Ihe'dollar-pound ra- know: I, but that the sUbUluUon funds worn IliD three nations will be used to and t: event sharp flucluaKons. tailed Us Italement Indicated Uia a g m - Uian ;nl, Instead of providing abto- court .e ratios between the Uiree cur- - icles alter Uio French frano haa in devalued, would permit minor Aa 1 tu such as have marked the « - ever. It relauonshlp between the doi- "Uugl (CooUnued on Page 3. Col 1) v (O . The Propriet ; I MAEKET ^ (j ^ c JIU n rg-aNaSSOC!ATEDPRt FALL iVIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY Deat!ri;nda Career Cl |f l ^ g . I’E i’ ‘I J W f e r - - ial Lam fam nigh ot t: of.j: IH H H W /iW l curlt DMIRAL WnUAM fl..8DfB. TTi 'ww line cemmander ef 'o„„n American Heet In Earopean w tl- er*. dies ot a heart, attack at hb dimhUr-a bene In BoslgD. ^ in i I ■miESii _____ hrme dmlral W illiam S. Sims i°mo Succumbs at. Daugh- ^ . ter’s Home. ai,m. to dea BOSTON, Sept. '3* (,n-Adml»l 'Illlam 8, Sims, war time naval " immander of Uio American fleet “'i)?; I European waten and one of the w r* most causllo but construcUve Uiea during his aeUve tervice. died J" “ * ! a heart attack at his daughter^ ma here today. Ko was 77 years old. wlUt his TlCh rthdty only 17 daya away. i,_„| Mrs. Robert Hopkins, the daugh- |^| f a t wboto borne he died, aald’he i((e«d .Uie attack j-esterday. He Id undergone an operation In June id lud appeared lo be regalnlog kq 1 s health. ^ rear Almott falling to win enUance be- ]y gua luieof poor“paperwork,’'.Admlra] ms began his career at Uie naval ^jnt," «demy In Annapolis In IS7S. AS ft minor. ofJIctr-ataUoned-to------- Ulna he began his « r i« of cautUo An' lUcIsms .of naval equipment and dwelt liauilttnuafuiat brougtit .him out to ten Into conflict wllh hU luperi- lou^P Throughout his career he_ w u empjo; ]own u a vltrloUo enemy of out- Waahl um meUiods a t he (ound them, on usi Id his reports, which eventually lo- ata tli lied JJ letter preu booU more fwUc lan once brought him dote to «w< w t martUl. The n - admlnl Ttaehea Narj to Stieet As a result of hit eriUelsmi. how- of IU er. he wat credited wlUi having t aught Uie Amertctn navy how to polntei (C(nUnoe(lcnFige3.,Ool,l) ' '(Oo letor Goes Elsewhere For ^'il ' IHOME COOKIMC ■/ M t M r.e*' Ccpyright.l94‘b y l TtESS NEWSPAPER-gOa AY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, CILLSFIilEF PiDLliiLICIIl Republican (lominee Pledges _ ‘Elimination ol Waste y, and ■ Incompetence’ in Jfj Expenditure' of lloney (By l h e Associated Freta)' -ABOABD-LANDON-SPEC* lAL ENROUTE TO TOPEKA, Sept. 2S—{lovernor Alf M. in Landon closed a leoo-milc [arm.belt campaign trip to- night- with ft day-long series Df talks demanding publicity Dtjiow deal jclIet_payrolls. D He also AssaJled social sc- Coli ;urlty taxes and pledircd alrp ‘elimination of wule" In tpendlng. Une From h b rear .platform u.'^iie - p] Sunllmr tpedal Uirough IlIU {ent ibU, Iowa and Mltsqurt toward evq, {ansu,'Uie prcsldentlo] nominee .jy,- :mphul«d to fanner*, factory rorkets and dty-folk: .■mat Uie RepubUcan party “pro- >os& io'Co'ntlnuo a prosperous agtl- orn iillure, believes In encouraging wise trail iroductlon, not non-production" utes jid “did not see how.in the long I'i un- Uie big Ul-dty farm Implement IIW ndustry of Moline, Rock bland aiid <^>7 )avenport -could 'seU plowi to tl*ouj armera wha ar«pald..at they'Iiave Ptope cm by OiB present admlnlstraUon branc jr not plowing," ... “Biggest Middleman' That "taxaUon U Ov» biggest mid- i_ leman wlUi whom the farm h u 3 deal." ^ousl TTiat "sweeping publicity’* of fed- nit relief expenditures waa “Imper- live.’* , Qy^ J, nuit “elimination of wute. In- ompetenee and pollUcal favorilUm I the expenditure of relief money" - _ -u a primary step "in a prtignim t constructive economy.’* s= Tliat the New Deal social tecurily irogram, with wluti he termed “the T j irgest Ux bill In history," w u “not rl n Idea of soctol tccurily." Iflndon spent Uie nlglit will] for- ler Governor Frank O. Lowden at innlsslppl farm. He was Introduced by Lowden to rear-platform crowd aa "eminent- r qualKled both u to character and W n liUlty (or the high otdce.ofjrol- cnt,"^ ------------ ______t o p l i a ^ _ E r i i * f _____________ Again and again, Uie governor . welt ontcllef aa lia spoke Iji vigor- ^ lit tone* throDgh-Ma-vhvate. car's “It Is not helping the needy un- tnployed for the govemment al ^0 raahlngton lo squander relief funds age 1 II uselesa proJccU or mlxapproprl- heav te them for Uie building of a gl- Da uiUc poJIUca] maehlce,’' ht uld. njtter "flweeplng publicity Is Imperative. Z lL he mannec.ln whleh the present .... imlnlstrallon has hidden the de* [1 lUjif Its Mtravagance Is a meuure y “The present administration has ., ilntediy resitted ewry cHort. lo It T o o ^ u e d on Page 3, CoL 3) ~ ll ; ~ z 1 Presl or Lunch Qy I , w ill* 'pi 1 * JU"*- M V woulil -) Mr-Jl I P" I ’‘"P""' / WIWi /^ l\ /\ J^^jJ j U vjA/Zrl/i ' nP ll M«- XuffiOl morroa Jei ' ^ lor foi ^ House. lenUy I itmoockT. \ for he; i^-THiiwMsuPPoieo *0 .^.ToBewew-T ? (W V Uni< r\ - BecreU filed-li plain I A. Olln Verhcl If \ ' V ' IC 'S l ct. yi Oreene / the Rfl ' C 7^ _ Olrar ___________ receive on Ihe by Hie New Tork Tribune, Inc. llllngs 1 DMPLETE __________ \ILY 2% 103G meom Rests On Dmthl Heavy Snow ' Havoc Ir Ihrce Die In Crash C Denver Under 17-1 (By Tlie Asioclati DENVER, 8cpt^28-The ^yorst. Colorado's JiJstojy aent ihrcc pen ilrplano and lett a tangled wrei Ines. In eastern Colorado cities. Pilot (k H, Chldiaw of Varney A vntatlveiy identified as Mr. and ] '^anclsco, crashed In the blinding Mnldad, Colo. ♦— Automobile traffic was dis- brok upted throughout the east- ped rn port ot the state and “n rains wero from a few mln- Den tes to hours behind schedule. and In Denver officials esUmated on 1 W).000 damage was done U»slirub- Uie : ciy and trees In Uio parks and fron lousands of oUier trees on private Sprt roperty 'were broken, many broken Tl ranches fa;|tiisjgalA}t powtr lines, tloa Imllar 'condlUon* wera reported terec om Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Al: Nat-GaUieren Misting and In New Mexico four plnon nut Laki lUierera were missing and were way }uglit by searchlnt parlies. At and u t nine persons wera'hurt and oone ra were kilted In accldenU tlirough- jt New Mexico during Uie sudden 7^ «rm. mosl Beventeen Inches of wel, heavy — ww Uiat sUrtcd falling Saturday (I Bundreds Ir Before Rag Vao), Texas, Residents - Four Dead; l/jss Rim *. (Dy Tll* AssocUt* WACO. Texas. Sept. 28-Lowlani est Texas fled tonight before 0 :reams for -Lhe second time In ter Four were dead, refugees numbt *0 soared into the millions os rlvi eavy rains, poured through tielc Damage estimated a t $5,000,000 ,v rter In the San Angelo area. wJli: ■■ *porL DBSEVELTIES £ inEFDRFDE.T‘ ed tl ■■ ‘nirra resident Prepares to Take Over Personal Command . of Campaign ar _____ gallic IIYDB PARK. N. Y, Sept. IS UP) i''® j ’resident /looaeteJt /ashtoned to- ;ht the addreas wllh whleh he I publicly take belaUd. pertonal " ‘ ": nmand tomorrow In his umpaign Jefore the New York state Dem- , ^lls convenUon at Syracuse and ' naUon-wlde radio audience, the " isldrnl will voice what U « - :ted lo be. hi* d n t (ormal chai- .ge to polllleal J0C .1 alnce hU liadelphla aocci>tanco speech In At ne. n> what extent • pallonal luue* [JP” ’ uld be Injeclcd Into the addreu, . RoQtevell's auUtanU declined At predict. It will be broadeait at D '< *> jroxlmalely 9;M p. m., E. S. T, «*». ‘ Vlwn tfw praldenVi tptelalUalti U“ cpUffnr"SjT0ca«"t0mflrh5w; -1^ “ wUl signil tho start ot a series trip.1 e«p«ted to keep Mr. jsevclt on llie go almosl conUn- . " , isly until he returns here to re- le election returns November 3. !n. nooscvelt will be on hand = tn her husbond takes orer to- ■ now night Ills end of Uio drive •« (our more years In the V-Wta 'IjC ise. She had recorered tulflc-r Uy from an altack of the rlpp'^ her physician to aulhoHie a I to Ne* York Clly today. I ------- ------- :------------ r- . WAI nionists Sue For Writ Of Mandate J;;" ------- I lMS-31 lOISE, Sepl, 3J (.rj^A pcUllon, a writ' of mandalc to ctoipdi:,,. . reUry of Slate Franklin O lrardi.,',-i [ilBee'thei»am»-of-tho-Unloa’a |- .u ^ lya prealdenilal rleclor* and| , ‘*‘5 r candidate* (or stale oHlccs was d'ln the Idiho luprenie court iT. ' "t. ■■ lalnllffs in the petition were 0. Ollason cf Meridian and V. A. «nd m hci or 8.isle. president and can-, per c« Oe for Rovenior, ij-spertlvely. In; Dr.. ho petlilori wa-rt^ by.Uaurlcelnt«ic« ene of Dol«. (ormer member o( down 1 Republican psriy.. butter. Irard, wJioliJnIdahoFaJJjeam- Ape ming In behaUtif the DemocraUo 8 |>cr c :y. WAS named as de(endanl. ^orrc^^ Imrd declined September 34 to The Ive the p.irly nomination paper* Ihr pei ihe cround.i tlie period for such nif'tli- igs clspted the previous day. |thg ui _______________TOD'AY NEV tJSBKD .ivTBa uauBDi e» __________ AgaociATm fRCB fom erlrrO fl W inds A Toll R ises Wreaks 1^1 n Colorado = - ^ ^ Charged To Storm; ?-Inch Blanket ^ 55n sLBeplerabctjnow.iilorm'.lfL-wea trsons to tiiclr dfaUw in an »ui Teckago of trees and power thel I- In ’ Airlines and two passengers fore d Mrs, Ben T. Elkins of San rose Ing snow between Pueblo and I w ------------------------------------- -- —^ In a iroka hundreds of trees and rip- «d wires and poles. “W Tlia cenler of Uio storm was o'ftt )enver and Colorado Spring* today fld teven persons wera maroonea **“ 0 ftka’* Peak, lolty aenlbtl ol,P“i ' lie pUlns Uiat juta K.lOO feet high I A rom lhe Rockies west of Colorado ‘Tliey wer* employu. of.-.eoncti- lona on Uw peak and wers ihei- tred In cabins wiUi lood and fuel. About mid-way belween Denver nd Colorado Springi. at Palmer ake, Uie main norUi-soulli high- 71. ray Uirough Colorado w u doted nd doaent of motorlsU were mar- ih. «>«»• . oiei tire Demon Loom destr Tliere wero 11 (Ire* In Denver. B* lost ot them caused .by broken nlghl ....................... — ly 111 (CooUnued oo page 3;-Col. 1) . t, n Flight I ging F loods _______ ; |0Ut.l Is Abandon, Homes; bms Into Millions wn aled Press) and dwellers of cenlrtl and ' 1 orecU frooi.ft dozen ;wUd |l|| ‘'b 5 r A u..nd..ndd.n.-l rivers and- tributaries, fed by lelds .and towns, 0 .wrought In lost week's dis- < It not be c(}ualled, survey re> }rts said. At Waco, srhete J.100 hom t- (J, | SS refugees received aid om national guardsmen and . e Red Cntsa. the damage mount- 1 past 11.600,000. J. 0. PatUrson. unty agent, aold battered com id colton cropa had been danag- Vfi . 11,000,000. Clly Manager W. T. Ams trrance esUmated damage to e u t 'c h a n aco buildings, almost totally In- and idaled, at IMOMO. Ilildt New Threat Gatfaen - ^ ^ couni A new threat to life aod property (orcei iliered.ln MUam couniy. where The e Brazos and Uttle rivers con- riodic rge. Uiwlsnd residenU hurriedly intlo ncuated the secUir. and Port Sul- under an. where Uio Ullla river mo^'e3 f^as 1 t-ard^conlluence wllii Ui«'Braioa, (he d iced-for-an-oterflow,_____________ ^ Itundreda of families In Brown Tlic d'McCuUough counties who had arrest :umed lo (tood-scarred homea (or where iiallbiUllon work, Hed in terror eustoi aln today when Uie' Colorado ]n reatened an encore. . i»o 1 M WInchell, 19 miles souUi oliPhllac ownwood, Uie-Colorado surged' Scvi wards at the n ie of a foot an N. C.; ur. JI In M Rwkwood, In Coleman eoun- 33 In where crops were ruined a week To'< 9, the river started receding af- arrest • attaining a 70-(oot stage. Into c ^aco-ciUsens.—and—merehanu —OUii iiidicd clolliea and food U> the of ar r h»ll (or dlitribuUon. , Oklali \uslln escaped serious -damage Wulil 1 the Colorado drove hundreds Mbnta m Inland homes. ' |York., Food Supply 3 Per Cei Amount Actually VASHINOTON. Bept. 38 Ml ' - Grei e nallon’s lOM-lT lood supply per dccldu 'son w u estimated otIiclaUy to- have ( I at about 3 per cent leu than all (ru r amount actually a«ed during the wot et 5-38 season. ' cent b Tie eslimalc was made publle by Canj . A. 6 . Black, chlc( of the burrou Pf*^ agricultural economies. than I Tir^T'cipitrrspvdnniflu cr'Uian poultry were eillmated at fr cent grealer lhan lu t year’s. .Itry WM up 3 per oent.-------- - lim iiifrbrfRsnncronniittr 1 milk. It added, may be down 4 combit cent and 8 per rent respectlvtly. ir. niacic explained that as Uie cent a fiM-/' ot iffd grains lorcfs live- pfr •k a^nd poultry to market, it cuU vegetal m the output oP>gp, milk and cent ler. Pota per capita sutfpiy cf Jard about expecli rr cent larger Uun last year wu below 'ca^t. per cer he Koverament economlsU tald The per capita wheat supply for do- wa* es .tli- eoinumpllnh would be aboul Ihan.Ia ume u in 1935-30. j less Uu Y: Fair and WaHner' Price F m Cmti Oregon 4s Fire To Nine Residents Of Flam^. Ravaged Area Fear New.Destruction lown in Kuins (By Hi« AasodaUd Press) MAH8HPIELD, Ore.. Sept, :a — Twenty thousand resl- lents'dt tlame-niTaged soulh- , - vestern-Oregon—placed-oR- t'inds tonight the of heir homes as the death toll n Bandon, destroyed by « orest lire Saturday night, ose to nine. With so many tires bum lnt \ a 400.000-acro arra that fore*c . (fidalj, boUi federal and itat*.— ^ >ld It wa* -impoulbU" to u y hov lany acres had been .damaiM. uldenU'of'the'flre^mbatUed r<- — lon plaeed Uiclr hope, a t many • ut It. "In «3od." - A grim-faced- atale pollcemaa' aS : '• oquUle. glancing up at tk lu la .“lf-th9J!^5bingtt. Ood bdp 'U i plac# a3d WyrUe Paiot. nie/TJ ] Uke Bandon did." Wind dim D«wB .•nn wind, hijwever. had died dovn might, bringing eneouragement to le 8.000 fire (igbtera and bop* Jicr elUa, would be apored-tto--/ estrucUon U ut visited Bandon. Bandon. In an hour Saturdar Ight, v u tnntfotmed from a pret< - - mtle coutal port 4S aue* KwUt : hers Into an Infenw In which ins person* and possibly is died id virtually Uio enUrs populaUoia : 1.SOO a w posseuloni of a Uf*- . me go up In roaring flune*. rHiat wa* Ihe wont part of a eek-end ol horror which gripped •• IS coutal cltJe* of Oregon and . ctlons of northern' CalUomU m lerally hundred?, of fire* broko It. prlncipaUy caused. In Ui* opUi<‘- n o f AB0ClateU,8.1>toreaterP.H. - rundage, Portland, by bumlag of uhlng* - dcbrt* lelt from Umber' KraUont. •Amony-th»—*ecUoni~nmawit ' - (ConUaiMd on Pags 3, CoL I) HlEIIlf; . s. Agents. Arrest Mord ' Tiian 300 Persons; Stills Seized WAaHINOTOH, ftpl. M m J ..... trest of more lhan SOO Denon* on wrgei of vlAiatlng nareoUo lava id aeUurs of “teveral hund^** Icit aUIU were reported toilghd ’ treuury agencies condiicUnc a luntry-wlde “clean-up’* law ent rcemenC drive. , , Tho Ireuuiy drive-one of Ita pe- Idle broad offentlre* against par- Uo and liquor laiv vlolat«»-SD( idcr .way early UiU momlng and IS pushed vigorously throughout s day. ............... ........................... IW-Arresfed nl Texur- — . Hie largest number of naratica rcsta were nported In Itizas, icre 1 0 persons were taken Inlo (tody. In Pennsylvania, agenu Mlitd 0 alleged narcotic peddlera a l iliadelplila and five al PltUburgli. Jcventeen were taken at Aslievlile. C.; nine al Clarksburg, W. Va.. In Tennessee and ICentucky and In MlchlgaiL roledo, Ohio, was the scene of 30 resu and 18 persons wen taken .0 custody at Kansu City, Mo.. Iiliff trrnifi hy «fntc< at ni,» llmi> > an early-evening tally (oiiow: laiioma., (our; Arkansas, (our; uhlngton. H: Oregon, .seven: rntana, two; CalKomU, 31; Nev rk., elghl, and Boston, (ive. - lent Under ly Used Last Year Ireatiy reduced by spring (roslj. • ilduous frtilU (or Uie (resh market re pulled down the total supply of (rulU; and Uie per capita tu ^ y - 1 estimated at apparently 14 per t bdov Uut ct lut year, lanned fniits, however, were ex- l«l-to-be-ooly.3.p*.-.ecnt.le«.. - n last season's per uplla figure, h-dried.-fniUa^posaltl^^y'LlKi:...;^ Totpecta for veseUbles for freali rket ahlpmenl were reported con-____ Imhraved-wllh. th» per— r Ita supply of all fresh vegetables iblned estimated about 8 per cent aler Uun last aeason and IT per t above 19»-:t wppUei er capita lupplles of canned . {tables w t r e ' ^ l M iWIB'SllfT----- -- t 'below Uicee of 191S-3L - otalofj available per person were ecled 'to be aboul IS per cent iw Uw 1933-39.average and 18 cent less Uian In 1M3-3J. he per capita tupply ofbeans esUmated at 18 per cent leu ' n .last aeason but'only 3 per c m i Uian Ul* average dwctUg

ILY N E V ^ToOF cmcnuTioro ^MotI m eom fom erlrrO Oregon

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, a t r EdlUrt .

THy o i X 9 , N o . 1 5 0 . ■

" ^ C a p t o r r C T f S e t G o a l A i

T o E n d SpiFascists Rescued From h

za r Swell Ranks Of ■ T o 'B e ln .O i

(copTtiihi, ma, br Th» j TOLEDO. B M lll, S tp t. 2 8 - Clllll:

q ue rora o f T ofedo W lU plt-inaosetl- h o p e d w o u ld tb e ft I ln a l c a m p ^ p i n o r th , a n d e n d th e S pan ish civU

T h e ir t a n k s sw elled by th e hasE th e lo n g besieged A lcazar, th o Fi s e t a b o u t sco tch ing th e lo s t govc Im ftied laie vic in ity . ”

,- (A E -b u t-8 0 -o f_ U ie _ o r lg ln a l i“ "1^200 m e n , w om en a n d diJJ-J § i

d ren w ho f led to refuge in th e e A lcazar w ere rcscucd, officialJniurfcot report* rtBchlaj T4l«-i Ten de 3t Relnk sUUd. Somt 600 - o( Uie bctlcsed PucIjU u d Uielrj

■ jamlllcf were wounded, It w u uld).I " AnoUur F u c b t column blocked

,tb« Toledo-Mndrid bighvtr egftlnst routed iovernment mrnuimen nee- f J Ins towan] lhe government capital. ^

RetcBcn Cheered Cheered h}'sterlcsll7 and cmbr»e-i fl*

i i by ll« lr comnuJee, the bearded ‘n* Alcazar defender! besged permit- lion lo iQcoiporate lliemulvn In the legloni of General. Runtlseo • “ Franco to 'b e Jn_on the klH” atMadrid. ; I-----

The (all of' Madrid was tonight bul a n a tte r o t time. the.Inaurvent mllttar; command proclaimed. l in l

Flr«l. the general! u ld . they U 1 would re*t their troopi and clean '* '• out a (ew scattered government re­doubts around Toledo. I

Uien. they aald. they would roll* on Madrid.

Insurgent radio lUtloni Joined the MDg o( victory chanted by .tba K .,, delirious captors o( Toledo'. ^OV

The main body o( Oenera] Fran­co's troopi was pouring Into Toledo, lonlglit and It was planned toj»m - lilele Fascist occupation o( lhe city

• before morning.MUltiamen In Fligtit

nan led govemment •mlllUamen (led In all directions. S"f,'

WhUe Fascist. eUma>U In T^lt-

(Continued on Page':. CoL3> . '

r~ .' ~ *

I n b a y ’s.Events^ g " I 2. (

(By Tlie Aisoclated Preu) . *<>

No D n e a p io y ia o n t— A m CLEVELAND - Back In ' JMO,

August Rlnddelscli paid $20 (or a Job aa custodian o( Uie WUlct slreel cemcleiy.

Ke held Uto poit unUl he died In n i IPOS, U»n hU ton, Henry, lueceedtd [ X

Henry died last nlghl. In a (rame collage In the cemelerj-, where he . I was bom 84 years ago. 1

T u rn On th o E o a t—NEW V o n K - “H0t sermons* U

Ihe-ner.-Nortnan Vincent Peale’s S u n aiuwcr to the Rev. Fredcrie Flem- . Ins'a recent suggutlon (or n “more- I iorium OJ) preaeWnj," .

“A Uiermomeler ought t« be hung on eveiT PuIplt In the land.** Dr.Peale told his Marble CoUeglale Re- -O U '

—(omud-churclT^congregaUon.— By 38-(i7 Uiclr' temperature .ahall ye know siegethem!" ...... «cro

------- whileE m e rg e n cy — .. in Uk

SAVANNAir. Oa. - A woman’s Ulephoned cry or "Help, police" w nt policemen hurrying to her "’1' " liome. Tl*'

Slie « n te d her slx.year-old son In Uio Juvenile detention home ,7 " ' '

C )kause he related lo lake casor oil. “ ®i!; ^ P a tro lm an C. A, Fountain tald ,

lhe police advice wa* lhat such mal- J lers were outside UieJr JurMctton. “j*" *

______________ _ . _________«L#n. M igh t O onn t Ton—

ErTOQHAM, 111.-1116 next Ume «Uh t ArUlur a arrlton goet Into a rage The over Iitt pigs lie will vent his wrath imoni by tome meUiod'other than throw- elally

' ing alop butkela a t uiem .-. harde;He did tha t so Imrd Uie lu t time Legloi

, he broke * rib. • count 1

Former Head of AAA Support for Lando:

W ^lpw aTO N . Sept. M M, - noo«- AttribuUns broken promLies to ing hi President Roowvelt. George N. Peek wrecki -form er head o( Uw AAA and o( cultur

Jlie export - Import ‘ bwila'— »n- ya,uj3CcdicaIgijUii4wisQrtof.ooiu

pmidency^'’""Tlie Ittpubliean party and its

■^haw met *«ii»«ly " ih e ^ ^ e 'o T these broken promises by picking up W.OOO.i llie promLvs dlihonored by Mr Roosevelt m d his admlnhiratlon •«

■jnd-to-rlcfltlng tlipmvlvM In iti^ir agedi lionMnuHiiimenU- • raieve

Turning u> u,e Bdmlnlitratlon's " 'e n t ' larUf-txadlng policy. Peek said it Iiad M-«0.i ••/irevented Important u J ts of /arm "I 1 products" abroad and tho state and stood, agrlfulluro departmenli had ruled prlnelt agalMi' Jarmen’ Interest -In every Peek c iMtance. I i„

"Mnny o( my oid a*«clate« In prlnelr Uie long (arm (ighl, «ho turned 10 lender

E T ^wiUBB a n m a tm u o

OF cm cnuT io ro

ToMo“tI i t M a d r i d f p a i i i s h W a r -Long-Besieged Alca'- prei )f Rebel Forces IOn'Kill’ B. fl )• Associated Preu)jld ly confiden t Fasc ist* con- (coi K h the ir-troops fot- wh a H h e y Ign to tak e M adrid. 40, m iles T he U w ar. ’ p f „Bggaid Fasc ists rescued from on <

F asc ist troops m ethodically carl' overnm ent resistance In th e a ica

---------- ---

Spectator )W eW s~ 11 Sword Tn Defense

, Of Circus Stooge ||»^MOmBEAL. ffept. U SrtVcJ

dlan Pressi-Oeorges Lalonde, 28, ‘ , clreua performer, waa brwgtit toa hospllal In a terious eondiUon P™”today afler belng itabbed In Uie “*• bade wllh his own a*-ord by a specutor who couldn’t bear see- Ing a woman belns ciit In two. .• The slabbing occurred In the for I

liltle town of ShawTlIie. Quebec,about ISO mlics north ot Hull, '"entlast night. deval'

ed w:. ________ . - - Itig (-------------------------------------------- powei

i i i S T [ f i s : : llLflfiL[F0fiCE8|

------- . Till

Iovernment Concentrates JS.” Efforts on Defense

of Capital — vikilalliU

(Copyright. By AssoclaUd Prcas) MADRID, Sept. 5J-TT» 6j»nlth jvemment lonight ordered om yraUable num to the civil war (root . j‘ °nd answered riimors ruling officials 11. <1ad abandoned’the capital wlUi the ( „ „iptanatloa several mlnlsten were 7t,( n y i^ n a tour o( UupecUon-butDtid R tura momcDtarily. uiStrivlDK to coDcetilrale every ef- Indalirt toward a_de(ense of RHWd wouldiilril~ injuf5cnu who yestmlay marki

1. Suspended the rIghU of all Becrel ubllo nmetlonaries of m lnbUn u>(!>X nd executive departments. ' tary 3. Called all militiamen to report ^imet I borracks (or duty a t onc^; “ o. »>' J. With Minister of the Interior of ‘lu tigel O alara acting as epokwman P«ye> serted reports cfflclals had aban- med U» capital "apparently arose

............ lute I(Continued on Page 3. Cot. ll rencle

------------------— been 1

IES I I I 1 ^BE5IEG|AMpurvivors Tell Story of

Courage During Attack on Old Fortress • ^

OUTSIDE TOLEDO, Spain, Sept. - ' -(/Pt— fiurvlvor«-of-lhe:A!eata# - Ige told tonight that two babies :ro bom Inside the old (ortress llie nrUllcr>- shells were bunting the structure and airplanes roar- overhead,

The ehlldren wtre reported nor- kl and healttiy,riie story of the slcse, as now be- g told Iltlle by UtUe, Is one ot un- lle-.-able' courage and determlna- m.The Ince-wit explosion of arttl- 7 stielLi and bomhi. the reallza- m tho old (ortresa waa being mln- ,«nd.tt)<L hourJy j.a,tilng jo iL a n ______ _

Is was related os docloit w;orked ' *- lh the «-ounded.Die plight o( small chUdren > long them waa de.Krlbed as espe- ■ ( t llir sickening In lu pathos. Eren ^ rdened members o( ttie Porelgn gion wtre ipeechlns a t the ac- inis.

lA AnnouncM lon for President |osevelt In ID3:, are ctlll support- ^ ; him," ho wld. ‘m:nrdlc.M of theKkage of his proml.ws to ngrl-. TJture. ^___ :'Roosevelt has.taken lhe Amrrl- ^rrR n e r"o u i ol"/oreicn markets * ii:1 lias put'Uie foreign (armtr into \I American market.M -A ^ u l t . o f -th e iie -w iletw- - C 'ilerican gross (arm Income Ugs at ^100.000.000 a year, whereas during ‘ cf IwenUes, which were lean j ta n A agriculture, (arm' Income aver- fk

■d lll.KO.OOQ.gw vr«rly. I ciiaDPl Vlevo Uiat M00,(»o,ooo in govern- 'A nt cheeks U adequate relum for100.000.000 loss In Income. 'f I aland wherr I Jjai-e alwap h xl, regardless of parly, upon tlie h /, iclplei of Uie long (arm Jlght." Ill) k concluded. "Oovemor Landon ‘ taken his stand on thcne rame L .

icIpleC I credit hin Mnrerlty. 1 Jer him m)- supporU". ‘

a C C P M T g

VIN IT \v n


f i i f i i i - liLiliPUlNrench Lawmakers Expected rto Approve Premier fBlum's Financial Pro- I:gram at Special Session 1

Copnlgtit. bir Auoclated Fren)-PARISTBept; 89(T uead& rt------------h e cham ber of deputies ressed 'to w a rd a .f in a l vote a devaluation of th o f ra n c i r ly today. glvIng-stroD g in - Icatlon a t a n a ll-n ig h t m e e t- ^ lg i t would approve P re m ie r ■pnn_n iiim '« .flnnnp ln l p la n , -

Thfi deputies sanelloaed. f l 14 to 246, a m otion to e n d ~ neral debate a t-tha specUl aes- in, whleh began lu t night, and lowed a .slmUar lineup (or the .vernment when they took up the ^ tides o( Uio bin IndlTldually. ” Blum, In addition to seeking ap- vval ol Uie bill for devaluaUon of .e Iranc, asked parliament to , . , . . I t In him auUiority to decree I l f l lalnst price locnascs. I | |lnJacques Dudoa, u a tpokeunan ■■n r lhe communUt deputies, de- ired they would btck the KDvem- I ' ent alUiough Uiey tUll opposed li ■vjJuaUon. “ni# coitimunlita Join- i with oUier lelt parUes tn (orm- f (fie people’! /font whjch ron , . iwer In the general elections l u t AOItl rtng. . ^

ComfortabU Ma]«rlly 'During yesterday'i leislon of Uie sWatlve bodies, Uio premier was ted a comfortable majority on a BO oposal lo ahunt Uie legltlaUon WIllli ek Into the finance committee, comn Tlie chamber vote was at} to 348 in Eu aJnst tbe move to stall devalua- na^Yi in. The propoaal came (rom Uie criue: thUit whip, Louis Marin, gt Tbe main stumbling, block to de- home luatlonlsts was the radlcal-toc- ' IUU' protesUUon Uiat sliding gov- . ,“ ® nmrnt salary scales, coupled wlUi ■valuation ot the fmie, would pre- .]l(a(e a race between mounUng Iges and prices.I t was against tuch an eventual- " r Uiat Blum u ld he would ask " t* ■ r price-diing powers. his hTbe chamber o( depuUea w u 'ts - Aut red by/ Finance Wlnlster t t Aur- 1 Uiat devaluaUon would not meaa S'w* (laUon. because Internal prices M*de fUld be_revalued to,m eet world . A#.

. i crlUcIW'AaiUNOTON, VTi - admlicn ttry Morgenthau announced o(tenlay Uiat' Uie three-power mone- ora.ry accord provide* "no dellnlta Tbireement” on Ihe'dollar-pound ra- know:I, but that the sUbUluUon funds wornIliD three nations will be used to and t:

event sharp flucluaKons. tailedUs Italement Indicated Uia a g m - Uian;nl, Instead of providing abto- court.e ratios between the Uiree cur- - icles alter Uio French frano haain devalued, would permit minor Aa 1tu such as have marked the « - ever.It relauonshlp between the doi- "Uugl

(CooUnued on Page 3. Col 1) v (O

. The Propriet



( j ^ c JIU n

r g - a N a S S O C ! A T E D P R t


Deat!ri;nda C a re e r


| f l ^ g .


J W f e r - -ia l

Lam f a m nigh o t t:o f .j:

I H H H W / i W l curlt DMIRAL W nUAM fl..8DfB. TTi 'w w line cemmander ef 'o„„n American Heet In Earopean w tl- er*. dies ot a heart, attack a t hb dimhUr-a bene In BoslgD. ^

i n i I■ m i E S i i

_____ hrme

dmlral William S. Sims i°mo Succumbs at. Daugh- ^

. ter’s Home. ai,m.to dea

BOSTON, Sept. '3* (,n-A dm l»l 'Illlam 8, Sims, war time naval " immander of Uio American fleet “'i)? ;I European waten and one of the w r* most causllo but construcUve Uiea during his aeUve tervice. died J" “ * ! a heart attack a t his daughter^ m a here today. •Ko was 77 years old. wlUt his TlCh rthdty only 17 daya away. i ,_ „ |Mrs. Robert Hopkins, the daugh- |^| f a t wboto borne he died, aald’he i((e«d .Uie attack j-esterday. He Id undergone an operation In June id lud appeared lo be regalnlog kq 1 s health. ^ rearAlmott falling to win enUance be- ]y gua luieof poor“paperwork,’'.Admlra] ms began his career a t Uie naval ^jnt," «demy In Annapolis In IS7S.AS ft minor. ofJIctr-ataUoned-to-------Ulna he began his « r i« of cautUo A n' lUcIsms .of naval equipment and dwelt lia u i l t tn u a f u ia t brougtit .him out to ten Into conflict wllh hU luperi- lou^P

Throughout his career he_ w u empjo; ]own u a vltrloUo enemy of out- Waahl um meUiods a t he (ound them, on usi Id his reports, which eventually lo- ata tli lied JJ letter preu booU more fwUc lan once brought him dote to «w< w t martUl. The n- admlnl

Ttaehea Narj to Stieet As a result of hit eriUelsmi. how- of IU er. he wat credited wlUi having t aught Uie Amertctn navy how to polntei

(C(nUnoe(lcnFige3.,Ool,l) ' '(Oo

letor Goes Elsewhere For

^ ' i l


M t M

r . e * '

Ccpyright.l94‘ b y l


A Y M O RN ING , SE P T E M B E R 23,


Republican (lominee Pledges _ ‘Elimination ol Waste y, and ■ Incompetence’ in Jfj Expenditure' of lloney(By lh e Associated Freta)'

-A B O A B D -L A N D O N -S PE C * lAL ENROUTE T O TOPEKA, Sept. 2S—{loverno r A lf M. i n Landon closed a leoo-m ilc [ a rm .b e l t cam paign tr ip to ­night- w ith ft d ay -long series Df ta lk s dem and ing publicity D tjio w deal jc lIe t_ p a y ro l ls . D

He a lso AssaJled social sc - Coli ;u rlty ta x es a n d pledircd alrp ‘elimination of wule" In tpendlng. Une

From h b rear .platform u.'^ iie - p] Sunllm r tpedal Uirough IlIU {ent ibU, Iowa and Mltsqurt toward evq, {ansu,'U ie prcsldentlo] nominee .jy ,- :mphul«d to fanner*, factory rorkets and dty-folk:.■mat Uie RepubUcan party “pro- >os& io'Co'ntlnuo a prosperous agtl- orn iillure, believes In encouraging wise trail iroductlon, not non-production" utes jid “did not see how.in the long I'i un- Uie big Ul-dty farm Implement I IW ndustry of Moline, Rock bland aiid < >7 )avenport -could 'seU plowi to tl*ouj armera wha ar«pald..at they'Iiave Ptope cm by OiB present admlnlstraUon branc jr not plowing," . . .

“Biggest Middleman'That "taxaUon U Ov» biggest mid- i_

leman wlUi whom the farm h u 3 deal." ^ouslTTiat "sweeping publicity’* of fed-

nit relief expenditures waa “Imper-live.’* , Qy J,n u it “elimination of wute. In-

ompetenee and pollUcal favorilUmI the expenditure of relief money" - _ -u a primary step "in a prtignimt constructive economy.’* s =Tliat the New Deal social tecurily

irogram, with wluti he termed “the T j irgest Ux bill In history," w u “not r l n Idea of soctol tccurily."Iflndon spent Uie nlglit will] for- ler Governor Frank O. Lowden at innlsslppl farm.He was Introduced by Lowden to rear-platform crowd aa "eminent-

r qualKled both u to character and W n liUlty (or the high o tdce .o fjro l-cnt,"^ • ------------______to p li a ^ _ E r i i* f_____________Again and again, Uie governor .

welt ontcllef aa lia spoke Iji vigor- ^ lit tone* throDgh-Ma-vhvate. car's

“I t Is not helping the needy un-tnployed for the govemment a l ^0raahlngton lo squander relief funds age 1II uselesa proJccU or mlxapproprl- heav te them for Uie building of a gl- Da uiUc poJIUca] maehlce,’' h t u ld . njtter "flweeplng publicity Is Imperative. Z l L he mannec.ln whleh the present . . . . imlnlstrallon has hidden the de* [1 lUjif Its Mtravagance Is a meuure y

“The present administration has . , ilntediy resitted ewry cHort. lo It

T o o ^ u e d on Page 3, CoL 3) ~ l l

; ~ z 1 P reslor Lunch Qy

I , will*'pi

1 * JU"*-

M V woulil- ) M r-Jl I P"

I ’‘"P""'/ — WIWi

/ ^ l \ / \J ^ ^ j J j U

v jA /Z r l / i ' n P ll

M«-X u ff iO l ‘morroaJ e i ' ^ lor foi

^ House.lenUy I

itmoockT. \ for he;i^-THiiwMsuPPoieo *0.^ .T o B e w e w - T

? ( W V U n i<

r \ ’

- BecreU

• filed-li

plainI A. Olln


\ ' V 'I C ' S l ct . ■ y i Oreene/ the Rfl' C 7 ^ _ Olrar

___________ receiveon Ihe

by Hie New Tork Tribune, Inc. llllngs 1

DMPLETE __________

\IL Y2 % 103G

m e o mRests On D m th l

H e a v y S n o w ' H a v o c I r

Ihrce Die In Crash C Denver Under 17-1

(By Tlie Asioclati DENVER, 8 c p t^ 2 8 - T h e ^yorst.

Colorado's JiJstojy a e n t ihrcc p e n ilrp lano a n d le t t a tang led wrei Ines. In e as te rn Colorado cities.

P ilo t ( k H, C hldiaw of V arney A v n ta tlve iy iden tif ied a s Mr. a n d ] '^anclsco, c ra sh ed In th e blinding M nldad, Colo. ♦ —

A utomobile tr a f f ic w as d is- brok upted th ro u g h o u t th e e ast- ped rn p o r t o t th e s ta te and “n ra in s wero from a few m ln- Den tes to hours behind schedule. and In Denver officials esUmated on

1 W).000 damage was done U» slirub- Uie : ciy and trees In Uio parks and fron lousands of oUier trees on private Sprt roperty 'were broken, many broken Tl ranches fa;|tiisjgalA}t powtr lines, tloa Imllar 'condlUon* wera reported terec om Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Al:

Nat-GaUieren Misting and In New Mexico four plnon nut Laki lUierera were missing and were way }uglit by searchlnt parlies. At and u t nine persons w era'hurt and oone ra were kilted In accldenU tlirough- jt New Mexico during Uie sudden 7 «rm. moslBeventeen Inches of wel, heavy — ww Uiat sUrtcd falling Saturday (I

B u n d r e d s I r B e f o r e R a g

Vao), Texas, Residents - Four Dead; l/jss Rim

*. (Dy Tll* AssocUt* WACO. T exas. Sep t. 28-L ow lan i e s t T exas f led to n ig h t before 0 :ream s fo r -Lhe second tim e In ter F o u r w ere dead, refugees numbt

*0 so a red in to th e m illions os rlvi eavy ra in s , poured th rough tielc D am age estim a ted a t $5,000,000 ,v rter In th e S a n Angelo a re a . w Jli:

■■ *porL


ed tl■■ ■ ‘nirra

resident Prepares to Take Over Personal Command

. of Campaign a r_____ gallic

IIYDB PARK. N. Y , Sept. IS UP) i''® j ’resident /looaeteJt /ashtoned to- ;ht the addreas wllh whleh he I publicly take belaUd. pertonal " ‘ ": nmand tomorrow In his umpaign

Jefore the New York state Dem- ,^lls convenUon a t Syracuse and ' naUon-wlde radio audience, the " isldrnl will voice what U « - :ted lo be. hi* d n t (ormal chai- .ge to polllleal J0C.1 alnce hU liadelphla aocci>tanco speech In At ne.n> what extent • pallonal luue* [JP” ’ uld be Injeclcd Into the addreu,. RoQtevell's auUtanU declined At predict. I t will be broadeait a t D'< *> jroxlmalely 9;M p. m., E. S. T, «*». ‘ Vlwn tfw praldenVi tptelalUalti U“ cpUffnr"SjT0ca«"t0mflrh5w; -1^ “ wUl signil tho start ot a series trip.1 e«p«ted to keep Mr.

jsevclt on llie go almosl conUn- . " , isly until he returns here to re- ‘ le election returns November 3.!n . nooscvelt will be on hand = tn her husbond takes orer to- ■ now night Ills end of Uio drive •« (our more years In the V-Wta 'I jC

ise. She had recorered tulflc-r Uy from an altack of the rlpp'^ her physician to aulhoHie a

I to Ne* York Clly today. I-------------- :------------ r - . WAI

nionists Sue For W rit O f Mandate J ; ;"

------- • I lMS-31lOISE, Sepl, 3J (.rj^A pcUllon, a writ' of mandalc to c to ipd i:,,. .

reUry of Slate Franklin O lra rd i. , ', - i [ilBee'thei»am»-of-tho-Unloa’a | - . u ^ lya prealdenilal rleclor* and| , ‘*‘5 r candidate* (or stale oHlccs was ‘ d 'ln the Idiho luprenie court iT. ' " t . ■■lalnllffs in the petition were 0.Ollason cf Meridian and V. A. «nd m hci or 8.isle. president and can-, per c« Oe for Rovenior, ij-spertlvely. In; D r..

ho petlilori w a-rt^ by.Uaurlcelnt«ic« ene of Dol«. (ormer member o( down 1 Republican psriy.. butter.Irard, wJioliJnIdahoFaJJjeam- Ape ming In behaUtif the DemocraUo 8 |>cr c :y. WAS named as de(endanl. ^orrc^ Imrd declined September 34 to The Ive the p.irly nomination paper* Ihr pei ihe cround.i tlie period for such nif'tli- igs clspted the previous day. |thg u i


N E VtJSBKD .ivTBa uauBDi e»

__________ AgaociATm fRCB

fo m e r lr r O

fl W i n d s A

T o l l R i s e s

W r e a k s 1 1 n C o lo r a d o= - ^ — ^

Charged To Storm; ?-Inch Blanket ^

■ 55nsL B eple rabctjnow .iilo rm '.lfL -w eatr s o n s to tiic lr d faU w in a n »u i Teckago o f tre e s a n d pow er thelI- In’ A irlines a n d two passengers fore d M rs, B en T . E lk ins o f San rose Ing snow betw een Pueblo a n d I w------------------------------------- --— In airoka hundreds of trees and rip- «d wires and poles. “ WTlia cenler of Uio storm was o'ftt

)enver and Colorado Spring* today fld teven persons wera maroonea **“0 ftka’* Peak, lolty aenlbtl ol,P“i ' lie pUlns Uiat juta K.lOO feet high I A rom lhe Rockies west of Colorado

‘Tliey wer* employu. of.-.eoncti- lona on Uw peak and wers ihei- tred In cabins wiUi lood and fuel.About mid-way belween Denver

nd Colorado Springi. a t Palmer ake, Uie main norUi-soulli high- 71. ray Uirough Colorado w u doted nd doaent of motorlsU were mar- ih . «>«»• . o ie i

tire Demon Loom destrTliere wero 11 (Ire* In Denver. B*

lost ot them caused .by broken nlghl....................... — ly 111

(CooUnued oo page 3;-Col. 1) . t,

n F l i g h t I g i n g F l o o d s_______ ; ■ |0Ut.l

Is Abandon, Homes; b™ ms Into Millions wnaled Press) ”a n d dw ellers of c e n l r t l a n d '1 orecU fro o i .f t dozen ;wUd | l | |

„‘' b 5 r A u . . n d . . n d d . n . - lrivers and- tr ib u ta ries , fed by lelds .a n d towns,0 .w rought In lo s t w eek 's d is - <It n o t be c(}ualled, su rvey re>}rts said.A t Waco, srhete J.100 h o m t- (J, | SS refugees received a id o m n a tio n a l gua rdsm en a n d . e Red Cntsa. the damage mount-1 past 11.600,000. J. 0 . PatUrson. unty agent, aold battered comid colton cropa had been danag- Vfi . 11,000,000. Clly Manager W. T. Ams trrance esUmated damage to e u t 'c h a n aco buildings, almost totally In- and idaled, at IMOMO. Ilildt

New Threat Gatfaen - ^ ^couniA new threat to life aod property (orcei iliered.ln MUam couniy. where The e Brazos and Uttle rivers con- riodic rge. Uiwlsnd residenU hurriedly in tlo ncuated the secUir. and Port Sul- under an. where Uio Ullla river mo 'e3 f^as 1 t-ard^conlluence wllii Ui«'Braioa, (he diced-for-an-oterflow,_____________ ^Itundreda of families In Brown Tlic d'McCuUough counties who had arrest :umed lo (tood-scarred homea (or where iiallbiUllon work, Hed in terror eustoi aln today when Uie' Colorado ]n reatened an encore. . i»o 1M WInchell, 19 miles souUi oliPhllac ownwood, Uie-Colorado surged' Scvi wards at the n ie of a foot an N. C.; ur. JI InM Rwkwood, In Coleman eoun- 33 In where crops were ruined a week To'<

9, the river started receding af- arrest • attaining a 70-(oot stage. Into c ^aco-ciUsens.—and—merehanu —OUii iiidicd clolliea and food U> the of ar r h»ll (or dlitribuUon. , Oklali \uslln escaped serious -damage Wulil 1 the Colorado drove hundreds Mbnta m In land homes. ' |York.,

Food Supply 3 Per Cei Amount Actually

VASHINOTON. Bept. 38 Ml ' - Greie nallon’s lOM-lT lood supply per dccldu'son w u estimated otIiclaUy to- have (I a t about 3 per cent leu than all (rur amount actually a«ed during the wot et5-38 season. ' cent bTie eslimalc was made publle by Canj. A. 6 . Black, chlc( of the burrou P f * ^agricultural economies. than IT i r ^ T 'c i p i t r r s p v d n n i f l ucr'Uian poultry were eillmated at f r cent grealer lhan lu t year’s..Itry WM up 3 per oent.-------- -l im i i i f r b r f R s n n c r o n n ii t t r 1 milk. It added, may be down 4 combit cent and 8 per rent respectlvtly.

ir. niacic explained that as Uie cent a fiM-/' ot iffd grains lorcfs live- p fr •k a nd poultry to market, it cuU vegetal m the output oP>gp, milk and cent ler. Potaper capita sutfpiy cf Jard about expecli

rr cent larger Uun last year w u below 'ca^t. per cerhe Koverament economlsU tald The per capita wheat supply for do- wa* es

.tli- eoinumpllnh would be aboul Ihan.Ia um e u in 1935-30. j less Uu

Y: F a ir and W aHner'

Price F m Cmti

Oregon 4s Fire To Nine

Residents Of Flam^. Ravaged Area Fear


lown in Kuins(By Hi« AasodaUd Press)

MAH8HPIELD, Ore.. S ep t,:a — T w en ty tho u san d re s l- le n ts 'd t tlam e-n iTaged so u lh - , - v e s te rn -O re g o n —p la c e d - o R - t'inds to n ig h t th e o f h e ir hom es a s th e d e a th to ll n B andon, destroyed by « o rest l i r e S a tu rd ay n ig h t, ose to nine .

W ith so m any tire s b u m ln t \ a 400.000-acro arra that fore*c . (fidalj, boUi federal and itat*.— >ld It wa* -impoulbU" to u y hov lany acres had been .damaiM.uldenU'of'the'flre^mbatUed r<- — lon plaeed Uiclr hope, a t many • ut It. "In «3od." -A grim-faced- atale pollcemaa' aS : '• oquUle. glancing up a t tk lu la

■.“l f - th 9 J ! ^ 5 b in g t t . Ood bdp 'Ui plac# a3d WyrUe Paiot. nie/TJ ] Uke Bandon did."

Wind dim D«wB .•nn wind, hijwever. had died dovn might, bringing eneouragement to le 8.000 fire (igbtera and bop*Jicr elUa, would be a p o re d - t to -- / estrucUon U ut visited Bandon. Bandon. In an hour Saturdar Ight, v u tnntfotmed from a pret< -- mtle coutal port 4S aue* KwUt : hers Into an Infenw In which ins person* and possibly is died • id virtually Uio enUrs populaUoia: 1.SOO a w posseuloni of a Uf*- . me go up In roaring flune*. rHiat wa* Ihe wont part of a eek-end ol horror which gripped •• IS coutal cltJe* of Oregon and . ctlons of northern' CalUomU m ’ lerally hundred?, of fire* broko It. prlncipaUy caused. In Ui* opUi<‘- n o f AB0ClateU,8.1>toreaterP.H. - rundage, Portland, by bumlag of uhlng* - dcbrt* lelt from Umber' KraUont.•Amony-th»—*ecU oni~nm aw it '

- (ConUaiMd on Pags 3, CoL I)

H l E I I l f ;. s. Agents. Arrest Mord '

Tiian 300 Persons;Stills Seized

WAaHINOTOH, f tp l. M m J .....trest of more lhan SOO Denon* on wrgei of vlAiatlng nareoUo lava id aeUurs of “teveral hund^**Icit aUIU were reported toilghd ’ treuury agencies condiicUnc a luntry-wlde “clean-up’* law en t rcemenC drive. , ,Tho Ireuuiy drive-one of Ita pe- Idle broad offentlre* against par- Uo and liquor laiv vlolat«»-SD( idcr .way early UiU momlng and IS pushed vigorously throughouts d a y . ............... ...........................

— IW-Arresfed n l Texur- — . Hie largest number of naratica rcsta were nported In Itizas, icre 10 persons were taken Inlo (tody.In Pennsylvania, agenu Mlitd0 alleged narcotic peddlera a l iliadelplila and five al PltUburgli. Jcventeen were taken at Aslievlile.C.; nine a l Clarksburg, W. Va..In Tennessee and ICentucky and In MlchlgaiL

roledo, Ohio, was the scene of 30 resu and 18 persons wen taken .0 custody a t Kansu City, M o..Iiliff trrnifi hy «fntc< at ni,» llmi> > an early-evening tally (oiiow:

laiioma., (our; Arkansas, (our; uhlngton. H: Oregon, .seven: rntana, two; CalKomU, 31; Nev rk., elghl, and Boston, (ive. -

lent Under ly Used Last YearIreatiy reduced by spring (roslj. • ilduous frtilU (or Uie (resh market re pulled down the total supply of (rulU; and Uie per capita t u ^ y -1 estimated a t apparently 14 per t bdov Uut c t l u t year, lanned fniits, however, were ex- l«l-to-be-ooly.3.p*.-.ecnt.le«.. - n last season's per up lla figure, h-dried.-fniUa^posaltl^^y'LlKi:...;^

Totpecta for veseUbles for frealirket ahlpmenl were reported con-____

Imhraved-wllh. th» per— r Ita supply of all fresh vegetables iblned estimated about 8 per cent aler Uun last aeason and IT pert above 19»-:t wppUeie r capita lupplles of canned .{tables w t r e '^ l M iWIB'SllfT----- --t 'below Uicee of 191S-3L - otalofj available per person were ecled 'to be aboul IS per cent iw Uw 1933-39.average and 18 ’ cent less Uian In 1M3-3J. he per capita tupply ofbeans

esUmated a t 18 per cent le u ' n .last aeason but'only 3 per cm i Uian Ul* average dwctUg

E i i W j jI ' f l i i i p a i i Jf iCharles Zllkey, 81, Early”! “ Settler ot uregon anil m . ; Twin Falls, Dies “

— . r t l Chule* ZUktr. » . ' • P io u « > ^ >«<

• 0 ^ m d o t:T tto ^W U .w d-* ind

" a m liiv .i t ■ s

, ■ I tln ^' A n tn se n a ti for funm l snrlc tt uid

; i n l u d lu l m n l i j m m d p l ot s a .n r d tm n relitlTU elMvben. ”S S S u »T th . Twto y«lU Bor. .um

• . ' t u u T .i A M llre of Mnnukee. WUeonto fP ,

vbei« b t ww bom Ptbruar7 11,I t u . Mr. ZUkcr eUbltihed hli m - IdcDCA In O r r ^ In 1I8T afid TOliiD* 'I' iiiJ fill i m l n in Ir*1'tn *™*i In __O ut lUtc. Ko w u one of tb# T rtn . P

; ' f . 11 countrr^ f ln t letuers, com* v i lo f her* to IWS. Ore. Ho w il svT led to Mbmcaoto In

; , I J t t to bli wUo who w n lre t him. J " So ■ UtTM *lio threo w u , o u r-J» >

eneo 'aoey w d Je»e.auker. bolb ^

o.iir«w'i.; tn d two dautbten, U n . '■ • Bo»en» OWonnor or Pboeolx, A ri-j^^ '

.. Bs*...and Mr*, a ib e r 8»wyer« ot ll ,- . / r t ln 8tcn. Oregon. A l u n lT ^ »U-

ttr . M rt Bnma ?otilU. ll i rSdenf- c t Bt. J aaw , Mlnntiota. ™

” MODRIDMUSTEBS |S : . AVfllUBLE FORCES K. ’ (OostlnDed ftom f t n Cm) Jtlm

tn m tho l u t tbat m e ia l nU nlitn "■ ' 'l if t u td ild to Tliit tbs nrloui

•----- ^ * * '* a » l t » Toledo^ faU * « - 4. AdaUted the taU ol Toledo, t v

U n veeki.m ked b rib ell fire aod draamUt u lOTenunest amlea T*b

"-■-ion«b» ta n to l« dlilodge Faidit bolden of tb* Aleaar fortren wltb-

' *°A“i j S B e n t eommnnlqu. « ld tb i TO«do i m r waceompelled to S re treu te tba onUkliti ol tt)4 elty

' " b st w ucoottooliif to bombard r u * ' d l t l vUbbi, to a.Tldoui counter atrladL ___

lAtar todar ft larenunsDt cdnnn do i ' ' jnam d a t Oabanu de la- Bacra, «hii

about ten nO ti aoitb o( Itiledo, tba and becan artiHei7 IbelUDf ot rai* Uj9 ti l t ooneentratloni a t B a ip i, f ln u d

. mllM north o t tha A k u ar citr. Uwl ’. .BoskbtDS punult pUnea fupporttd n

tbe Inlaatejr. pickNew ReptuU trom tbe lenUtim tlib

' Mctor'iaM the Albertbe n S e r I tu m i flooded brlba^nltjao la it week 41 i

• o t va ter t t o s m ltbtr dana sear m u- ' TOt[aik).lha'{]eodcatca were im td prtt

t a a a e f lo r t to b i i t tb o PM ciitad... n a c a toward Ibledo and UadiU... «d ,

• roeeinei oa tha northern tront In m i . tba a u a d a rm u mountaloi wben \

i m ^ j e t k n ^ been reported for oot


' (Ooattnned ytem Pace One) ^

la r aad tba po n n l Iheli. UoqeBtbav a t •« p r tu eonfe^ ttp i cnca a ln told naw ann tbe mou*

. taiy acneB ast had-worked “beau* - u u f u n r toda rj-tha lw ardeW aw w QO

' not canHdered to nefoUatlnc Ibe ainem ent: >nd tbat he had *do CQBmeat* on tba Ruadan itata t u k i denial tba t It attampted (0

' d e tn n tbe pound Baturdar. .. A


(Oonteaed Itom P w . O « ) _ nam

’. W u n « . K!H m vealher bureau du« back to draf

1»S to f to d i September MOW Itoitn « i— thal-would-coDipaie-TMtb-todirir S th

Ob Beptember S . IIW, 11 locbei u n of anov feU to tho d tr , far im <>

. . than to the preient itorm. mm ■mere waa liib t predpIUUon In S n

nottheaitem Colorado but to Wro- « . mlnr,.where mow ftn orer the week* end. iklea-were eleartoc. OtnclaU ^ o( atrtlnea aald tr a n l waa unhamp- ercd on the east-west Une through aouthem Wjremlni.,


(Ooottjraed frem H tt One)

ihooV" because o t hla InaWcnoi cp*00 ta tte t pracUoe, and wllh havlns broQiht about m e p in f cban iti In ' BC n a n l construction. Patrl

• n a ta aS n i U w rrtw d fcj Ws OcW 'widow, the fonaer Anne Hitchcock, itllo St. Loull, three dauihteti. Mn. (edti Hopktai. M n..nobeh m e . Mn. Th HUnc Morlion and two eons, ^U- w. Uam Bowden, J r , u d Ethan. eouii

In UOt, u ' the Amerlcaa n s tr dsr •waa’readr for IU mmorable cruise (or I aionnd tba world, eims, throuih a • -ni friend. caUse^ to-be publlshed a »e* that

• rlea .of artlclea altacklai tho cm* Can atjuctloa or American w u jblps. i m I tw controTcnr thus created breui

- brouchC a itorm ot publlo comment. Lake ' The lenate and higher nanl-o(* agtli

— floen took Itep* to punbh Bios.- - Hold President. Theodors Reoeerelt or* iwk

(Send.,AU.ehanei.dropped. ------- u *Prom lha t date n a n l tonstrucUon ddet

tmderwrat draiUo ehaogea, lo llae jui wltb Blm^ oft*npeatM lUReetlaoi. rm

------ . ------------------------When tha World war atarted. Blnu —

' WM presldeot of the war college. Ag ne < .was anlgned to command destro;. cuUl

— era o p e n t ^ from BrlUsh Iwet. Uia

aad ftoiilr'w aa g lm i tbe tills ot eii commafider of tTnltod Btatea n a n l tartc fo rtd operating to Buropean waten. gine

' Before the t t r ended ha w u p r ^ fem noted to tbe r u k of admiral aod bo; d m comaaod of.^H.'A oieriesa Bl

'wanhlpa tn tbe war ntae. iut]. After the war. ba reno ied U s cri* M, : ; ;tlc lB u tfA > tte le> a B m laM h o d i. tlmi

■ B M B f l Tlr o i i c i n n i t o d a t a k d

XOUOBBOW - Idabot pair ToM- d sr and Wedaeadar) i l ^ t l r wym*

__ GIJ-H ig h . aad. tow-tamperaturea-yti* — terdar u reported b ; the gonm*□unt weather obK rrtr wer* TI and 2S dctreei; there w u a TarUble wtnd and tbe skr w u clear; btro* metrlo p n u in .a t 6 p. B. w u 3t.40 a. InehM and tbo humldltr lahge^ H an I and 14 ptr oent of ntursUon.• Sandajrl' temperaturea wer* 89 t o t and n ds«r*es: thera w u a louth* n o t e u t vtod and the skr w u clear; T> barometrlo pressure w u.M .«tochea Jr, and the humlditr range, 41 to 90 Oarl per cent ot u tun tlon . |ln a

Weather a rear ago w u clear with cum temperaluiea of TT and M degteei. and

• _____ . . . dine

Temperatures Rise Si’ . In Northwest A rea “ “

Prtssuru are low with modenU- ^ Ir warm temperatures over western «iu Oregon and Washington, and the deal toulhwutem tolerlor nller*. wli'Je kc lhe cool hlgb prrssute ware* of u ld rcsterda; extend over the rest of gtuirlhe map, centering to eu tem Cci* otheJradft ________ _________thai

D ennr itporta .74 Inches o t pn* iMih :lpltaUoa ' u rain eontlnuei (heremd to Puebb.and K ansu Oty, Qgihlla cloudiness exlsU otv ths nit*. )U lm -am .-the Great-Lake*,-indhe eentnl AOantlo coast. .. ^

L- . to*. Mln. f»»e. Wlhr. ' ^saIm 4t M 0 (»f pareis j s " . . = a s . s s f f f i

S ? . , S S J 8 I Fat.

____n 11 .H ci«ir LrerutBi, (M a i SI J* C hU 't. tovlf — 91 . • ..Ui Uk* atrJT I t JO CUtf ___”

f f . S ' - F r S S

. .. . w u .



(Continued from Pags One) norU

lo l populace danced la the itreeti qi]|. Rhlch a few houn bctoro had been #ii u ha leenci of deato and destruetlco, trave h s Paidst leaden to conferences ild-the lr pUni fer...a...concerted ou Ltodrld am ult. Band

lh e itn teg r w u to draw tbe over )lcked legions of Oenenl Franco bum ightlr -around lha louthwestem wortl ipproachea to Madrid, whlla Oener- tl4U»( ll ftT'"!'? Mola, the conqueror ot Ing, Inm and Ban 8ebuUan..put on tho A fo m n tro from th i north. . - stemi

Pasdst leaden tonight onlr »mll* v»n« •d-depreeatlnglr when asked what of lb «uan«-tIie7T*P«t«d-tIir*BD T= and- EHimnit TO1I4 be aU* to , hujl * lto Igalnst their Madrid advanca. W.W

Wltb n ls e d > 2 a a th ir pointed n t lhal their.41selptlnad,Cg1ilU| aen had iwept through tbs itreeta >f Toledo Sundar nlghl Just one- » “ jalf hour afler ther had been rtven the command to adranee. ^

Hundreds ot roremment men m t uned, ths P u d s t leaden aa< unmeed, with ths blggect loasea a t ^ Jargai, firs miles north ot Toledo, “ 1;^ hrooih whleh th i PaidsUknired In heir final a sn u lt'o n the former



Acontlniwil Prom Page Oa«>.

nak* .publlo th* payroUi of those 0 rho conduct lU relief agendea.' Not o ir would all ot u i Uke to know lUt TC are enUtled to know th* , laoei.ot all tho’dlrecton, lh o -iu * j^ “ ®' WTlson. lhe «dffllnlitnton, l h i ' « “» Inw bosea and tbs nlartea ther Iraw. • • • . • and IJ 'A lU nylltfU .h^vfl.bw njttudoil ^nth m r own money. Ai ehlet oecu*I n or this nation I m uld consider ^ i m r tin t duty to exercise an equal a n with the money o f lh e Amerl* an people"Betore Landon In Itjpeka w u a S "th

reek's reuUoe work, campaign plan* niiitt ilngandprepantlonofjtjeechesbe* hauii ere he , seU out again on another -n,. ildvest swing len u tln ly sketched u n 0 embnce Oblo,.lndlvia, Michigan, od a Chicago addreu probably on Mn Weber 9. 0 «

--------- ---------- — Mn

% sic ian Accused In Narcotics Case j.*”]

— _ OneBOISE. Sepl. 38 (/PKDr. WalUr e !

atrie ot Blackfoot wiU go on trial " J f wWjer 14 to fedeni court a t Poca* silo on ft charge'ot violating the ederal narcoUes law.The dato w u announced today by

7. D. Mcneynolds, elerk o t the 2 ? ^ ouit. when he completed the calen* . 1.^ *r tor the October tenn ot court o? ' n the eastem division. Ilh e COM Is the only crtoilnal frlal’

lu t will b e .h n rd b r Judg* 0. 0. laranah. _Nine civil cues Indude sl* ^ __

tought by Esrl B. Belnap ot Balt 08 ake CUy end memben ot h li famUy gainst A. B. H oer and J , Wesley lolden -or Idaho PaUs. I h s Oebiaps Kk Bpproxlmately ISO.Ml daoagn s.r.Tml»-o(•»^•U^wMoBwbll»«e' • — Ident ft )-ear ago. 'Judge Cavanah will hear demur*

cn u d motions OcloberJl and U . .POSI

----- I!e dedlned (0 aeeept the dlstln- uUhed service medal maintaining be medal h id betn confertwl on len who wtre oot desenlng ot ll ItTl'UhUa olhen who cftmed It.Blmi w u bom at Port Hope, On- __ _

arlo, Canada. HU Isther, a dvU ea- BLE ineer, wbou ttmlly bad lived In Thi •ennsylvaala 200 yean, brought tbe Ing. : «y to Pennsytvanla i t the ags o t 10. (he ■

Since his retirement trom the ORBI u ry In'Oetober 19a, a t the age ot wont K. 81ms h id devoted consldenble and 1 Ime to lectures;. relun

H E F p-IN M i d

— fUl

G ian t O ra n lto S la b C ru sh e s ”

— W o r k m e n - t i r - D B a t l r ^

N e a r H a l l e y ' ■ -h.— . •

S A I tr r , Bepl. S9-0nuhed under m BD-ton alab of gnnto, two a itn ciij ren UutanUr klQed while working ^ r a tb s 'K o r lh Star m ine.'13. miles u rth of h e n earir this momlog. - tiot ITis two men. Hardy S . Downtog, e

r , of'S all U ka Oltr and Orover )»vls. 48, ot Hsilley, wero working L r n ft tunnel when the accident ce- ^ 1 urrtd u ths giant slab brok* looie c u ' iid crashed down • U degn t to- Uns. mn* olher man, worktoc nsar*J, .wet* uninjured while I tan lakey A 1 nd RuueU Howes reoelred totoor I ' njurlei. ( j

Ke iD^oesI j)r.4U K .-W «8btrJaaln*-«#uirtr — oroner, n ld tonight that no toqueat rui be held la coonecUoa with tba leatht •Keal Snyder, oianager of th s mlae,

aid that lhe acddeat occurred Ma bortly altar midnight and that lha ther workmen dug tbs vlctlmi irombamais of rock.Jn1L that4h e y .v e n ___oth dead when they reached tha louth ot ths 4000-toot tunnel Downing, a former V h lnnlty ot H<

llah..ftudent.'.li. tunrlred by h li xlub Idow, two daugbUn, Darlene. «, Veco nd can I, three montha, tn d h li Johi arentf, Ur. and Ur*. Eaidy K. cout ■owning, all of Salt Laka Olty. * tbe

-------------------------- 71

'a te Of H om es in O regon m Re s ts On- W l n d s - A s 'F l r r R

D eath T o l lR ls e s .T o N ine

(Ooottm a Frem PM t J>»»- I T I

• I . io m .-o l- l l» -n « lu t -U m b « ^ tuurea 'I n 'Iho’ worliliitha lire- ^ Mablo redwoods of uorth ttu Cal- omla, whldi w tn old when Christ u .b o m . fiu ts lcn pointed out, ^ Bwsver, that tbesa hug* trees do ^ Dt bum readily. “ «WhUi the central Ottgon coulal flon about Yschala, where auto unpi, a store and Mveral other ^dlogs were destroyed, and the wlhem CaUtomU region looked ulousaly a t weather report*, It w u huUd ilS' seacout section which faced I the perils ot (orest (Ires, which T T s avcl seven w eight mUes an hour.

Kelblng Mon to Oom JThe^'Sklea .Ktre clearing. about . andon today and 111 worries v e n m fer — there w u nothing m on to iro there, .property esllmaled Rth |lj00,000 having gone up In ^Vi. u»(i. People talked, ot rebuUd* ‘y

fog Uy over MarsliJlcld, thus ? ? l l tminlog for tlie momentilhe ad- LHM ot the flames on this largest; IhS *oulhem Oregon coast dUes ” ]d~lU'alster~towii;‘.N(uUi Send.* " Ith Uielr oonulatlou ot >000.But a t OoqutUe, U fiillea to . ths lutheast and Inland, a t-fenlng iwn of J.OOO and Myrtls • Point, band I mllM farther on. a village ot c'^ottOO the atuallon w u gnve. . <3nAbout the two towns the dUsenry tumeorked with.logging tne* fromn to cut prolccUvs drdea to ^■uih and t^ b e r irhlch, they hop- trave.I would stop advandng flsmes.Ther Rallud. however, that tbe &>»<< m n of gnitUing labor they put . would be but an Idle gtsture It

strong east wind sprang up, mwlng out red hot emben from HII f l s i ^ tree tops for (Ustances g i I crest u three or four-miles. | n UgbUbumtd throughout tho day. n I the wont sections smoke m sdt B f Impossible (0 u e more than SO to i H

0 feet. Only the dull glow high to n e skies told o tjh b i iea rb r mea- ■ I1 ot tire. . I f

Sefcreh fer Bodln Vandon w u wrecked. Between SW ^Id 409 buUdlngs lay to mtos. ^:eletons of pwtlally collapsed IlUs ItlcUng grotesquely above 1le mass of blackened brIck.'WDOd 'MId ite tl Through the debris. OCO Airollets aod federiC and stato ofi B“UiTTrtckeflThrtrTnrriooHBrTW ~w i•dlest E 9CapUln Lee Bowen, of th i slat* BtElUce, said nlns had betn recorered B lId th it six more probably la r Mneath tbe ruins. AU lhat w u left ■ !the town w u a baktrr, three ■ ]

Ills, a lumber yard, about 90 ■ ]lUies and the-high school- B lThe Idblltled dead wtre: ■ IMn. Ida HUI ■ ■ 1Daniel Koontz, TO. ■ !Mn. Charles . McCullough, 89. M l Oeorge WUllams.Mn. Oeorge Williams. H iiJsdc BsUey, kUIed by (aUlng ■ | |

Nina Bottom, TO. 'J. M. Baker. ^Ons unldenlKIed. V John RIeder, a t ( ln l feared dead,IS found aUrs tonight.

Bnmdac« aaU n a n ; o{ _e fires probably were toeendlary «sm the standpoint lhat they were f tirted lo dean up puture or d e u ' _intlog ground aad swept Into Pnnagnllons before the rising ^a d . . • ' ' AlOf -the re(uge«* wbo escaped to **e beach (ind the harbor Jett; SaU ,day night. aU but 40 were gone ■ »>m Bandon today, some quartered e i--------------------------------- UJ■MBim'unvTiTtTWflMtuauMa.y 1

.... Toolcrte-i I .--o,

MHi’in»nmwgiwmBT«>»'i ih B ;y i 3BT.^l_llQLpTElM ^ W . WTTB ^

With sale ground lag No. 3* in t s ear. Notify W. J. Hollenbeck. .

ANTED — PASTURE POR OAT- tie. KotUy W. J. HoUenbeck. '

LEEDING GUMS HEAI£DThe sight o( tore gums Is sicken* g. ReUable denlbU otten reporte luceesstul use of LETCS FY* mRBIIEA BU lED T'on th d r very ■ !n t casa. i t you WlU get a bottle 1 1id use u directed dnigglsta wlU m mtum money u U XaUs,->Adr. ■


Blast A t Fillingr C( Station Kills Two o l

' PLINT, M khT sept sa ( fi - T>o persons were Injured fatally to an •zploiloo todar «hleh wrecked a nuing lUtlon aod stot* or tha Oen e n l Tire and AppUano* oompaoy, a i. and W othen wen h u r t . Ka

— W r-AlberV-HitUff-»,-n*Bagef - r - Ot tbs coaoem. w u kUl*d toitasUy - when lbs bUst lenUed tba buUd' big. Mn. FhQemon DOki, Hen- tary to T * rt ■Bererldgi, ownat o( lhe concern, died tonight to » b « . ^

*'*Hetmaa Middleton, 91, » radio medunlc. 'w u la a erltfcal ooadl- *•.,? Oon. . . v i s i t, Don. Bererldge. brother of the proprietor, said the explalon ap- “ perentl; w u csused by tha bunting o( a eUam boUer used for lire vui-

■ Zi—— — T T ----- . thtei

Cli K VISIT 3- f w i m s m


Mayor Points Out Neoos-^ sity lor Having Addi-

---- llonalStorage — S------- Burh

Reads of several Twto FiUt d rls Pnls :lubi donned booU last -night tn d iinK ucompanled Mayor Duncan UeO. Johnston apd memben of th* dty awar xuncU oa an tour ot Robeb e dty flltw plant. the

T ie Inspection w u mad* a t 11 «l“ t p. Dl. when water had beta shut Oavl: lown so that th* drlo leaden oould slone a ip e « 't ‘filterrdeemed‘lnide(iuat« Twin xr the mayor In his campaign-to PUt ccure a Un mUllsn gaUoif storage ' Pn laerrolr near tha plant to prorlde bur t A additional capadly., R lw

The tour followed th* regular boellhg'er'Twto'IWls'clly'couhdl vocil Ihen S buUdlng permlU with total fd l l taluallon of tlT,l31 wtre granled. ter 0

Twtn Palls Junior Chamber ot Ing. Jommeree preknted a letter back* Rn ng the plan to construct a new meet! n te r reservoir a t lh* d ty fUUr slon. Ilant and Boden Electric company n i gnnUd permission to n m a LAS adlo antenna wire across Second ivenue north from the tope of two luUdLogs. D rui

•Cansas Wife Slayer «<« Receives Life Term «i»'

.. . 1 countWICHITA. Kas, sept. J8 ( f l ”

ames O'Shea pleaded guUty to dls- ‘"®J riet court .hen today to a charge f (ln l degree murder to lb* death * f Mn. M irtire t Griffin, TB, who -u found beaten and robbed a t her ome here the night of Peb. 1. 1933, udge T. H. WlUUms senUnced him ^ ) life imprlsotmient. - < J* " "

Ure. 1------ ley-a

ere, olhen tnveUng to homea e t - MaUves. FaiRelief w u mohUlsed on e m y •■m

and under tbe dlrettloa ot Oov* VV mor Martin.OreaU P a u aad Boesburg were RS uned Into concenlntlon camps C. P 'em *hleh suppUes w tn dispatch- when L AU night long fleeti of trucki hand -aveled westward to the danger a woc me, earrrlng food, medical equip* • Thi lent, f lreSghten and tools. Uted.

. G o i n g b y B n s

Tedtot t h t e u h B a w b f t of I t a v t l ' i k lg g t t I b K f a U i g d a0 E ait e r te Callfenda i b f Valoa Pacdflo lU g t t . >' A nasiaB lr I w faxat a n T I ta tn m e a tAM -eeailoct- [ a W . , i j « . T ^ g ^ T e i i _J eatt flopevar w h e n jrev U haaB dailsB ga iyosU ka l< aayw han an renta a l bo aUItfamaleeiLOelsg aast.yev faraTtl Um g ,

: S S i » » «e i k l i l n l o l i t d n lM > ‘

rritn d ty , d tptadaU * a n v ' P] lea. roU l&fennatiea wiUi> Kl e« t ooft ev'ebUgaUea a t t u . handy trawal

UNION BVSDI 241 Shoshone V

■ •_______________ P h o n e ; 26;


W E fiS M i Im m m u

N ational D ire c to r o |. P o r - j >

“ n » in n B l? ^ ild re 8 s c f f i tre a r“ w

. G a th e r in g . : , --------a

Ninety icouUn from tU' Hctloai thi of Ihl Saak* River area, auesiblad trii a t ths Park hoUl h e n U lt evealag a t a,baaquet MHloh hODortof the \ v isltofHaroldP.Pots'ofHewYork n o City, national director of penoahel aji ot tbs Boy SeouU otA surlca. yet

Speaking 00 *T)reami ot Toulh." . PoU comparsd ib* Uf# of th i aver- | age Ameilcaa boy with tbe youth ot rep Germany, Italy tn d Rusda, ths coly ths three n ^ o r nalloni of th* world bee whera there a n no Boy ScouU.

Edward U CurtU e t Portlahd, re- p glonal scout executlre, laid tba t w. t lie sCTit p ro ra m to the region dur- p«r<

pandtd to r m y ta d pnlsefl tbe work aoconpllibsd to the Soaks _ p Rlrer area. ’ ' ' M.:

CspUln O. H. Xreogtl president eati of Twto PtUi Chamber of Coen- swc merce, g a n tha addrtai of wel- com* aad pointed out th* rlta l to- o Ht»DSe_QLi«iit-TorM h>nLJl>t nuipwto of today. Oeorg* Denmaa, ty.l Burler ^lupertoteadeat of. tchools. i s ^ praised the health and safelr pro* bom gnm ot-the-council aad -n eo a - meoded tha t t merit badge be BJ awarded for safe car driving. T . M. Sect Robeftton of Twla'Tslls 1 on poUi the rltal Importanc* ot an atfl- whll dent troop committee and Dr. J . H. hom Davis of Klmberlr. artA-commls- iloner, ipoks on to* reviews held a t u Twln’PaUiandfiboahocadurtogthe t a i p u t tew dari. ' FaU. Presiding a t the ses^on w u WQ- a( t im r& H lllp ra ilddn to f.th rS naka flee River area coundl Rer. Oeonrs Q. flcMberrr of Rupert ottered the to- u irocm«nr-W.“ C.“ RoberU-ofBurler l iv t Ifd ihe scout oath and Ray P. Pot- that Itr ot Twin Falls led group ^ g - toeli lag. ■ ••• rooD

Finance ahd jsmboree committee tntetlngs preceded the banquet ses- c i tlon. - Mall


PUntnl senlcta irere hdd af tha » * t Onte funeral hom* Monday taom* _ng for JeweU U . SUwart, 1»- I><nonlh-old son ot Mr.' and Ura. ^

P, SUwart, Sixth artauo w ut, Wrho died Saturday erenlng'at the ^ :ounir gtneral hospital foUowlng ale,I wttk's Utoeas. toUrment w u ta »»t« :he Pller cemetery.Strlvcts wtre conducted by Adjut*

mt B. M. su c k ot Poatello, tor- Tr ner commandant, and AdiuUnt by 1nh d Ellis, now commandant of boulirwln 'Palls Salvation Army corps. ytsl<Surviving th* chUd, besldca hU moU

«renU.'are fire brothen and ds- tlontn . Edith; Ruth. Mrs. Olbion, Wes- Fourty -and-N orinan_------------------------

I U<

Farmer Fails A gainst SS ~yfboi Saw And DiesRSSBURO, Idaho, Sept. 38 ( f i - =

3. P. Swenson w u kUltd today _ rhen a blow on toe head from a land pU» aused him to fall againstkWOOdUW.

The farmer w u nearly decapl- a tM ^

C a l U o m l a l

Tnv*lUaiiml8,Doo«r.MT.’ leg way ta 9old«a CtUloml*.VUlt 8«lt Lsk* and f taM t—

-BoolddDsmeorotit*. -

LOS A N G E L A S $ 1 Z 6 0)rLOW F A R E S ^

SA L T L A K E 4 ,6 0

K A N SA S C IT Y .. 1 9 .9 5

^ H l dA C O

PIT T SB U R G H .. 2 9 ,8 0

N E W Y O R K ...... 3 4 .9 5 -

p o r t l a V i? ...... x i : i o

} D E PO T ie N orth

265 -


BR€yiTI€S'■ B l te i i i '. l tu i lM i i* Jiii* K n j i r I bai R tu n id Iro n « two weeks bus- i laett trip to PocaUllo. 0

Hami I ta B il^ast—U in Leiuaa I

.W e^sod lil B « I « ~ U ^ .t ! '.W. • Hleki and daughter,, Joaa. ipent " th* wtekiod to Bolu : vUlUng ° tr U a d i , ■ 1

VliH.Hare-Mr. t n d 'U t t . law - nnet.U etgle ta d U n . & 0 . 'Smith, „ all ot Hafley,' visited friends' bere ° yesurday. • jj

BtglsUr Robb«»-Pollc« ytstenlay ^ reported tha t th* -casli reglsUr or * th i Sweet PUmltun'txobange.had b e ^ robbed o tlU . '.

Pareiaii e t 's e a ^ ^ . ta d u i . R. ^ W. OnbUte of Twto n U s a n ' ths ^ parenu o f.t.aon bom S a t u r ^ at " ih*TOnf»-aatenu tr-hf ln i i .- ^

-P a rtn U * / 8es->Ur. aod U n . B. ^ U . Boley bf Uurtough, i r e th* par- ^ eaU of a ion boro yesterdar a t the Swearlngemnatemlty boffie.

Oe lo W asUagioo-Ur. and U n . ^

ty, letMIoodar for Newport, Wash- Ingtoii, Mhen they wUl make toelr

, th; Bltycle SU Ien-^eu OUmao, 339 ^

Becoad avenii* north, reported to poUoe to* toe tt o t his blue tnd P RhlU Irer-Johnson blcyde from his

“ “ *• ■ ■ . DUeensed te WednAlm* B . Tjone

ud-Jennl8 'n tfker,-bo lh ‘oridaho PUls, obUlaed a ntarrUgs license It Twto P*Us eounty recorder’s ot- 1 nc* yesurday. Pu

'■ ds:Kiotft SUleo—Harry Gibson and Ui

Uivohd'Mlsfew'Sunday (old poUce sU iia t moafy had beea lU len from at Ihelr rooms whUe toey slept to local I rooming houses. He

. •• -' onc a n OoIUd»-Can driven by Pal Bo

Usione, 838 Secsad ivenuo north. Ml tnd Mn. H. J . WaU. 314 Sevento Uc iveaue e u t, coUIded a t tos comer Ut )f FItto street and Mato avenue Wi r a t Sunday erealng.

D np Loot—Ihlevei entered toe Pacific P tu lt'e ip reu ahop yester- , lay and escaped with betwtea 118 J lad <1T worto of caady ta d canned ^ Ue. poUc* reported. Chased by. a ratchman, toey dropped the loot ” md fled. ^

Train, Car CeUlde-A ear drlvtn {?! ly L. W. Sorenson. S30 Blue Lakes ! joulsvard, w u aUghtly damaged n_ rtsurday when struck by t loco- noUre switchtog a l Uie Intenec- ky ion ot Nlnm street south and rourto arenus south.

U<M CwtUeatcd - K k ag to ot ^ -ubberhoieandagasoU nBctnw en nii »nIlicaUd by, poUce yesterday, twi rhey were reported to have*beai An tkea from three boys who admit- jn


I ' - g lI n - B e a u t y

I n Q u i e t

O p e r a t i o n

I n R e a l

S a v i n g s ■ '

■ ■ N ow ' ifoa can h a v fi't comp hoffio Isu ad rf, w ith msccbed u N o rse AM toixilt W asbc t aod

' Q M i i j l n n e r . Y o tjc aa tu fn o o ! . Jay , bu t Ifon log d sy a* w ell li


^ i f o t g a d u ig a , there ar* year* qitiet, effideot, ecoaocnlcal home

T hfl Mnrgfl Iro o e r pay fo r thcm sclvej, whl

Th* A utobuilt W a*her, a u J i lifetime, g lr e i you no o e c h s d c

and efficiently. A o d lto e e d a n o fioi eT ea.oU iag-^or a t least S y<

C l a u d e E

glEM BE R'gM PSfl-. ■ -

Ud planning to sU ^ gueua* from c an parkid aear Blckil aob09L <

Visit San Prsnfltni- M ln Pumphrey . and Mlsa Belly pumph* - rey, wlto their cousto. u \r j zusabeto WatU. tn d P tu l Ooaaor ot wuhlngton. D. C , returned Sat- u d u ^ ^ t weeki tUII to San

•oa. and Mr.'and K n . S r i i H«ml* holt ot outleford, a n 'tb * parcaU ot a .daughter,, bom Sunday a t the Twto. PaUi. county h o n ltt l maUm* Jty home. ' , . ,

B*lam Doaa — Ur. 'u d 'U n .Olen O. Jcnklas u d aca Alvto, tnd Mr. tn d Mrs. E. J . Jeaktoi, bars torntd from a trip to Tulsa, OUa* homa, ta d K ansu Oily, Mlsiourl, whtre toey wtre called by th« lerl* ‘ ous lU nenotE .JiJenklaa 'father, .

Attend KeUl Meetlnga-Rlchard a Robe;t*oo. manager of lha Per­rlne hold, wlto h ll wife and molher. Mn. -T. U . Robertaon, ntum ad . Smday frem * n a c o ^ tnd^j^^^ rt

Wuhlngton * HoUl assodaUoas' 5 meetings. ^

Relative Vlslt»-Mn. U u n Ulller m ot Rlchmoad RUI, New York, wbo b hubeen toe guest of ber cousto U n . or Ralph Qulat for tos past ten d a p , m

"in in M v rm r id jy -w rM a iin u n itr 5trip, wblch will tako her to CtUfor* {n nla, Mexico, aad bade to Hew York r» torougb toe P taam t canal. Mrs. th M Uler.hu been mueh tnU rlatotd loi whUe htre by Mn. Quiot ta d o th tr It friends..This Is.btr fln t vUlt wltb be her oousto to IB yean. b»

' ■ letDeatii Calls F orm er ^

Idalio State Officialm K LA NO . W u h . Bfpt. jil

Puacral services were bdd h e n to- day for Oeorge L. Lewis. 7«. lecre* Ury of sUU for Idaho In _the . t Steunenberg a d ^ ls ln t lo n . He died im a t Naches, Washington, Ptlday. ^

Lewis ■ formerly pubUshed toe «■ H e j i ^ New*, Ketchum,' Idaho, and' to rsv e n lag CapIUl ' News, BoUs. Hs w u wlto tho ButU News* ' Miner and w u promtoent In poU- Ues, buU ng u d pharmacy ta Mon-‘ Mi Una u d Idaho before moving to a” WaahlngUa. • dJ.

FUNERAL _FOR INFANT ^Puntn l services were hdd a t ihe ^

Dnko funeral home ta Twta FaUs - Sundiy ftttcmoon for TImotoy Ara­gon, (Ire-months-old son. of Mr- . -and Mn. Artour .Aragon, who died Ssturdsy erenlng'at tbe famUy res- Idtnce on SUto' avenue wtst foUow­lng a few daya Illness. ^

8tr>'lc(8 wen conducted by Bish­op J £ . AUred ot toe U > £ . church u d Included staging of two hymas br M lu Brenna Rappleye, wlto ac^ companlment by Mlaa Nadine Stokes. toUrment w u ta th* FUer I ccmeUry. i

Besldea toe parenU, t t» ehUd Is survived by a brother Edward, and two slsten, Josepbtae u d Dorothy. Anotoer brothtr wu< drawncd tam ’ ’ .

^ j i .

tap Itts 'N o ra* T h e N d tg t lfo n i 1 units of ibe In half < i to ro i 1 1 id iho N org* p le a jio t m om lng c oo t oalT wash for beginoers maki H o l o d . j i o f _ B o i l i t i .W u h o

exclu^ra coarenie

” '.“J M d l u k . . B o th »

iiJe to U st a n ' ' ■%%alcsl worries. Small. Dc4 to w u V f t i t -------- - --------— -no attention-^ .EasyM cI years.

B r o w n M uf

i n L T W i i '

I j E s i w i i i i rd VoUay Mayhew, h ild to cooaee*" Uon wlto th i knlllflC of Olen H tnrr'

of Wakefldd. Hebnika, t o ' t »eVr U tB W t-lIghnn-T w ln*F»lirT Srir“ H u s t Uonday toomlag, w u charged ‘ wlto assault wlto t deadly wnpon : l u u ytaUrday.• r complaint, w u ' *lgo*l by PoUc** Chief Bowtrd OUIetto.' ' Heniy Is rtcorerlnc a t Twto PaUi

countr hoiplUl from m e r t l le rcn , knife thruiU.f -Tht f^lowlnx irenlag Mirbew, t* former Idaho penlUntlary eoovlct,' w u aiTsted a t Je tm e .’ He U bd d to toa Twta FaUs coun«. I trJa U .^ ________________


Bioui tnnU ag moUon plclun itu< dlo, n w u designed and coaitructed to ipedtleatloai a t t cost of |IB0.>000 ta d U llUttUr a mlaUtun HoUywood on wh*sls:'wlto lu elab* o n u motion ptcton sound equip* nunt.JUlcaniCTas .J in l . lU . expert. crew. of cam en ta d ' aouad m en ' from CaUfomla. P ttoU d.a colorful red, tn d tastefuUy trimmed to gold, the studio measurea .over TO feet long u d 9 feet wide. Where tt goes;It create* a senutlon, and'since It begu IU tour ot to* world. It haa beea T lslU dudtaspecU d by count- “ less thousands enrywbere,

Ths Itudlo wUl b l open for pub.Uo Inspection tomorrow between tos houn ot 8 u d - T:30 p. m. In front ot tos local OrphiMun the* aUr. toe home of Uttro-Ooldwyn*- Maytr motion pictures. I t U ds* signed so ons may pass through It to Tlsw .to* proJecUon equipment •at-ons-indrud-tos-aeuBd-ttcord........Ing'itudlo a t tos other.

SERVICES. QRAVESIDEOm-esld* riUi were held ta Twta

FsUi cemeUry Monday momtag for MeiUn Dutson, Infant son of Mr. u d Mn. Benjsmto J. DuUon. who died shortly afU r birth Sunday night. Services w en conducted by E. E. T<ingh«n of ths U )B . church ^ and taUrment w u dlrecUd by to*WhlU mortuary.

u ) e l i c a i c ^

O h f l a v o r l a s t s .

S ch illin g ^

0B « CUM y o u I fo n lo g 'tlto tliJ • ■ i t t i r l o g , tU - d s y |o b lo to t - . , g t u k ; A nd It* i lo w ip e c dakes It e u y to leans to ds*j' h e r ta d I to n a t h tv« a a a ya leo e t- tad lafety featureij^

J w ill p a f f o f th e m se lrta ialia o f liy m e d . -See t h e j i_ . .....iy’U ch i - by-N uiB *.‘‘Sep- ---------------iblnadod, .

D o w n P a y m e n t .

S o h t l i l y T e r m s ; "

usSc C o . ^------------------------------------- — ■ i

B lW O iM lllllC T p < m M i E T i ' —

____frrr' B 0 n U 5 e p l.« -I« n 'ltc li& 'h eM . ' \ v IU ftn t m « tln i of Uw j«»r Frl- dftr tfUniooa « t Uw home oi Mr*.

-»t»d-AMrich. nnrlnf thn bialnea - W jt BueUoi. vbleh Uio prtsldent, Mn.A. Tuinler, p ded over. It iraa tfcddtd to tend a burcl ot (nilt to H the chlldrtn'i home In Boise, tnd kUoto(SoeomeuvtnsforUiehotne durinc th« winttr monthi. noil cul vu tnmrtd ilth "Mr Most In- .H teresUn; Vtnlion.*' Bln. M M. Vin Pttln icKd u secKtirr tor Uu ebb due to the tbstnee ot Mrs. P. ■■■ r. AhlquUt. The remainder of ttie BV •rtemoon v u spent soclillr. tlie BS hottest scTTlnj a p>»l« lunch »t the BM ctcee. Mn. asra Ore«n«tlt of Chi* ■■ cA(o, tonnnl; of Buhl, vas a guest of lhe elub. r '. The flrat Ttgule meetlni ot the Mentor .club vas hefd Wednesday •rtenioon at the home ot Mn. Rolla i Mn. Itajr Bsabury jave a paper | on -TTirte- Ctnlurles of American t

Mm. VtUihn BhHVtf_____lave a review of the pUy. "injou' Delight.” by nobert tm e tt 8 litr-wood, The next meetlni vlll be htld _a t lho home of Mr*. Martin MUler | _ CsstUfofd. '

Ftp a a b M«U p r *

BuUl Pep club mel'We'dntJdiJl’lV ~ the Ivome of MtJs torena r.iJniH v llh MUl Msrjorlo Tucker as the 110k atslsllnf hosUsi. OuesU of the club fl_ vere Uie pledcet: Mina }|«UkId, ^ Mildred ncgen. Mary SMchter,

' Eloulse Watt, Janet Itunyoh, J om« phlne Samuels and Iktly HiKble.The pltdstt vID be Initiated next ^ Tuesday erenlnjr a t a meeting t t the home o f Miss Stella Oreen. Bridje-keeno vas played vlUi Mary Tlili etlchtd- vlnnlng high and Madeline houM t Mtrctr second lileh. for a c

Mrx Earl Parllnger entertained .itjad memben ot the Clear Uikti Rotd (Slnlng rlub iMl veek vlth h tr daughter, conneci

. ttn num btu tnsvertd roll call vlth 71,^ ^ “When I Wss Parthertsl From entlrelj Buhl." Canning hints and short m d ai cuts VOS ihe subject of dltciuslon. vToot Tho afternoon'vaa sptnt socially. nUco p

Circle one ot. the. Metliodlst ‘church Ladlts’ Aid met Wednesday ---------allerroon i t the home of Mrs. 11*1 Cunningham vlth Mn. Fred Parish UL HU as Uie asslsUng hostess. Circle Tvo llU ill met a t'U ^ h o m e of Mrs. Harry ■ W ri|lit ana circle Three«met vlth .T f] Mrs. Chester !{obson, v lth Mra. II John OoodhuB asslstin;.

Suiiny filde Social club mel Wed­nesday afternoon a l the home ot

. Mra. .8 . U-.TTiurman. .Quests vere .. "UR ■Mnr lUieuben Oraham. Mre. Csri 'Djmlnp Btam and Wanda Wllwn and Er- iicrmai nesUne Pritchard. Roll call v ia an- nt four sv trtd v lth an apron exchuige. Mrs. 3 Mr». Thurman spoke on “Puhlons came 1' ot Today." Tvo conttsis vere con- Angelei «luctc4 vim Mra. Ed Wilson vln- their di nin? the prtK i J PuUma

>- _______ , Ing atloving

■ ble. !tAngtlfJ

. BURLEY . n io

Relwni t* Aeadcny — James Johnsoi Joy Bkllta Rturaed last vetk to bodyol Ihe t;. S. naval acsdtmy a t An- It Is bt napolls afWr a vlsll hero vlUi his vlll be mother, Mn. Pred Orahood. Ac- trom n rompuiying him lo Burley and on — ■ tha trip ei^it vas Oud Oarjn of Boise. Doth young men tre iturtenU Pals t of tlie tcademy. this y tsr being guson 1 thtlr recond Jtar. grand/s

UUhns Visit —.Mr. and Mn. Har- Idnho 1 ry Uon* of Nephl, Utali. arc vlsll* Fergt Jng at tho homa ot Mr. and Mn. Ical coi A. E. Price. traclun

At IlMplla) — Mist Vtda O sg^tt Iractun undervtnl a major opentlon a t had not the Cottage hotplUl htre Friday night. 1 nlghl and Mrs. Emily Moore sub* turr, cr muted to minor surgery a t the Cot- Mrs. 1 t*ge hospital Saturday momlng. right le Clirence Oabbarl undetvent n\ln- • nmoi or surgery Prlday tnd LydU Mar- » passe; Itne Thompson v u . admitted Jor about t medlcat trratment.. An lr

U a n Hotpiui - rauenu dls- ___rhsrgtd from CotUge hosplUt in* rhido nalph Bates, Rer; Leroy U. I J J J J J

•Anikfr.- M t» n t~ c r a miUirPhmip -------Hanks and Dale Blank.-------------

Womsin III — Mra; J. C. Bright of Tvln Palls U serioujly HI here • « Ht Ih# homo of h tr daughter, Mra,J, U Peck.

Kew Maaagtr - Wesley Ensign Logan. t;tah, vlll be the nev man* agtr of Ihe Sampwn Music com­pany’s store here. Bob Clark. Man- Rgtr ot Ihe store *lnc« It oi>en<d Mra during the summer, h u been j C^nsterred .to -Tvln Fnlli. !^ t n m a n Rptaka — SuperlnUnd- »nt George E. Denmsn ot Uie Bur* w i lley .Khools vlll deliver an tddresi -------At the fourth district convention ot the P.-T. A; a t Tvln Palln. Mondily.

On Villi - Mr. and Mn. William Alltn of Pocalello spent fiundsy ‘‘ertn, a t the homo of Mr. and Mn, U D.AUlns, Mr. Alltn coming here Inlh« Interest ot the -rand lodge of LA IWd Pellovs____ CIcnA u to m o b i l e C r a s l ) ^

K i l l s I d a h o jC h ild“ MEIIDAHO PALIS, Sfpt; OJ Wl - . PAf

Vonnla '-P u llm er,- ihree-year-old • daughterof Mr.nndMts.EitesPtiU. x tp i mer-of Roberts, Idaho, v u MUed ni loday tn an automobile collision th t t brought Injury to four othen.Ptre folloved tho crash on the 5IEi hlghvay 10-ml«a north-of Idaho -Cicn

MEIJ ' ' ’'T TIcii■ NEW CLASSES . . . U - nr An c«BuatrtIsI Sahktl. . lai ^ EACH MONOATDAT and KIQUT .

■ .5“ ”“ __ NE(■ j i j j j j j e _____

8tb»el it BBsUcst'-rjioMjM


I jH Q I


—nrrti-Tijr- ==----- r-

^ iiconbhooh

i n- T|TT ■ ■ tff- fWT.FlOM

Ills attractive eolonUl* frame a dlstlnc M vas built tt Winter Park, m.; colonui' t coupltf and one child. exurlor.I tddlclon to a large llrlnc room. Tvo q ng room, kltclien, tun porch and an ttUo lected gtnge, the flnl floor In* ts theitmnujnjfiwonnkitinjiur sKonnminy>vtnd9ved Jun portn U Jtmes rely enclosed, making tn Infor- archlteci auKlUary living room > u> be bi ’ood paneling' across -Uio flR- vu sele a vail of the living room lends Fnim."

miTmcifmL-__ ■ held InchurchURLEy, Sept. 28 - .Mrs. John bert ot llnp ot ixM Angelea dltd at Uie man Pullman homo at Heybum’oer o’clock MondAyjny|ilB»«< Intern. Dunlop, vllh R daughter, ley ceie hero by nulomoblle (rom L<w friendi .ities to nttend the funeral of ' r daughter and sister, Mrs. Ireneman who died Saturday mom- S(JNDiat her homo In Heybum foi* . r.jiiiff a long Illness of heart trou- ''It Is believed the trlp'frwn Los •ties here tnd Uie shock of her piUFghler's dctUi ctustd the heart moiz* $•cic vhlch resulted In death. # np*)io

hJ body'vM brought to the '‘•“[fh,nson mortuary hera vhtr* Uie 'r of her dwightcr tUo rests and ‘"JI believed ttuit a double luneral Mrs. .be held nfler vord Is received Prlday 1 relaUvea In Lm Angeles. 10 vom____ ______ Mra. R--------------- ^ with tillI t cars drl«n by 8. C. Per- Mra.>n of Roberts, Uie dead child's Ulned Iidfalhcr, and Mlie Kelltr ot vlth a10 Falls. Mrs.!rguson nnd Kclltr vere In crlt* talntd IcondlUon. Fegruson suffered a lurrd left leg, possible tkuU----lurr, tnd cnuhed chest. Kellernot regained consclousnesj to- I A AIt. He had a possible skull fnc- kVV, crushed chest and bums. Impronrs. Ferguson suffered a fractured uiion olt leg and severe body bums. MothL mona O'Brien or-Idaho Palls,;ssenger In Keller's car, vas cut iIt Uio face. fV I1 Inquest vai called tomorrov. •

...30 Days T

RICHARDSCleaners &


--------------SE N D IN YOUR C LE;

ome, of O u r Spccial P r ic w T h is >\

.A D IES’ W IN T E R C O A T & - Icniicd find P r « .w c i...........................

lE N ’S S U l T S -lleancd nnd P rM sc il ............................

lE N 'S 1 'A N T S ......... i

lE N 'S T O P C O A T S -llcancd nnd P r c w c d ................ ............

lE N ’S E X T R A H EAV Y O’COATS- iicancd nntl P r c s s c d .................. ..........

lE N ’S H A T . ^leaned a ^ O lo c k c d .......i..-..:.:

A D IE S ’ l .P c .-D ARK-DRE5SE~S— leaned nnd by ilnnd

E C K T IE 3 ........... ...... . . . K

L ip h t Colors 2 5 < E j

N o t R esponsible fo r DuKonn on P rlcM l



M H iiitgtn Iheattr. ‘Alibi 1 Itnd. R tnd

bonw r. i w i i i i w w i n i . ^ 1.

pitted » ' new*.

ShovI day Is Rainy ,

__________ ___________JJaSi—• I


Not 0 ' somo a

Kort V

tlneUve touch. A finely .lelatled ^y," d ra lUl'doorvty'fealures th« front tion’s c lor. teenth c0 quite l^rge bedrooms, a bath. Orpheuc lUo and a closet almost u Ug co-ila ie kitchen ara found on lhe nlons * idTlWK iho seni nes Osmblo Itogen II is Uie most tal .tecl vho designed Uits house Clark.01 built for less than tUOO. I t periormi selecled bj- 'The Arclillccturat Ttmberli m." Conslltu

•_____________ - ' of ten' dsughlei


_____ . Francliorley, Sept. 38 — PuneraJ »er- *for Mrt. Rose Aclalurrl v e r e --------In St. AugusUnet CaUiollc *

dl here Saturday, Pather Bel- ot Tvln Palls olflclaUng. On , ireWilltUfservIee •warheld a t Rf‘'f>cr( r*ayno mortuary chapel. Murray, erment v u siado In the Bur* cemetery. Pallbearera n-erc

dl .of Uie family. htadqus


:XR, Sept. 3d-nev. In ’ln 8.■ Sunday school class enjoyed •Jiosl dinner a t the Methodist :h Wednesday evening wllli 24 a attending. A social evening enJoj-ed.'s. A. E. Scliollcn entertained . ly vllh a bridge luncheon for romea Mn. C. R. Pox end

Rupert Williamson t.ulsted Uio servlnc.

s. nupert Williamson enter* d her bridge club Tliursday a dessert luncheon,

s. Ollberl De Klo^ enter- ^ d her bridge club ThurMlay

OK YOUR BESTow yout skin. RclIere die Iwl- > of pimple* mil bloichc* vith id)lBg,tdcBtIfially medicated


SON’S iK Dyers fln O N U P T O N O Y .J s t , H

,E A N IN G -------------- ' . H

W eek A t lh e S t o r e - H

7 9 c 1..........................7 4 c J

» $ 1 . 0 0 "--------------------------

..... :.........7 4 c 0=

... ........7 4 c Efa i

= z z 4 - 9 c

1 0 For 4 9 c

E x tra .' -

D D resses a l T hese



■.a m u s e m :Coming to the Idaho 'GO-G

Ttie I Unej-is Halnr.<<.- noxy heads t public

w * n«-»nai get tlie

-^ iWi ,, der on''A( ■ I ‘ ' •’'" ‘’‘■JV .1 who-v: t\ - V '-l having Ifgtnninc lomorrow the Idaho ^ a tr. prestnls Jc* E. Brovn In ” M Ike- wtth OlUla 0e HaTlI- .; RDlh Dontlly, Reseoe Karas,William Pravlty. Jee E. Brovn {*“rf l»Kl»U W .™ ll.otlor. Now,' In R ler Urdntr**« ron comtdy, he dee* erery-

d vllh a carteoB. noTtlly and

■■ FAMIllovlnr tor Ihe l u l tlror* lo* r s Is P n n tts M r r r r In "Onr '

I, M t n , . . . - .rtll, l a . u -

• — -------------- — ftrcac i;


------- ' ifon. Mull one but four youiig.Jinnd- *<*1 end romantic i e a d ln g ^ n I vltli Joan Crawford In her ” 1“ M» piclure, ‘The Gorceous Hus- <>' n dramatic romance of the na- '» s capital in tho enrly nine- — , ih century, now playing t l the leum iheater. B T T T ti-ilam d vlUi Miss Crawford g vllh Lionel’ Barn 'more. 1* w'nutional ito g r t ', talked-tboul ‘'dtscover)*" alnce I 1 k.Oable. Taylor, In a bril)lnnt 9 I jrmance, appears as ''flow" ^ MrUke, oftlcer on tlio U. S. 8, illluUon tnd the first husband tempestuous Peggy O'Neal. ,

ihler ot t lavem-kceper who ^to an tmaxlng carter a* the ,

; Lady ot Democracy. Oiher tIng men In lhe picture are icliot Tone, ^^elryn Douglas nnd J cs Slevart.

m o on .M n Luther Plerco re* I ^d liigh score, Mrs. Giarlcs ^herl, traveling, and Mrs. I i r l ray, low score,n . Alvin McPtrltnd 'h u tc* ed • po.«ltlon a t Rtpubllcan Iqunrlers a t T»'ln Palls. H o B S


t -s.,

P R d T E C T IO N A N D PL E A SU R E...E nioy both In g llf lh l tm o tt!

well ot good ta ita — ' tuggeilt 0 Ilghl smoke.For'rememberVTrihot^ famous Lucky Strike

.proceit,'” llj

.affen-yflU -lhroaLprfc- -

lion, ogoinil eoogh. ^


^ I doc


FrtnisiiO*GET*'EM HAINES' . >»

TO APPEAR AT ROXY------- ' . Dr.

rtie truth behind Kreamlnghead* onhi« sa-li_rt«alc(:-lo-=O o-O el-'ttu -tated- Inr.i." which vlll begin a t the day sfi xy Ihtaicr tomorrow, Bill Boyd urdivy Ids the popular' c u t hi this IU- Tvln t Jlle relciic. 1 »mi iioyd plnys Uie role of an ace Trirf ksnapermnn vho is wulgned to

llie lovdown on a publlo utlli- -------I linjco. bul t ■mysterious mur- , ■ oil th r high se u prtstnta tc r- . 1 complications. Tho murder b - - j ,, iniJ on several paisengtra av: bickgrounds stamp them m ■lug ddliilte mollves. But Boyd'i ey Insilnct M a reporter delves Mn. m to the real unsuspected mur* A. Hwi er, .. kciuMihula Terry hni the • leading the bei iliitne role In ’-Oo-Qel-'Em the M Ints." Othen . In Uia cast are eleiy. aiior Hum, Leroy Mason; Uoyd ent. raliam, Clarence Otldert, Louis „ , .heaiw, Leo Shumvty and" Jim- *:. Aubrey.______________■ >



lUHLEV, Sepl, 3S - Honoring

raell imK / Sunday erening. Mr. npjioini1 Mn. J. C.'Oasklll enterlalned a riPdr.tuii of friends. The Sletrmln ftm* menls 1ulll leave won for Boise vhere Unn di^tramian hns accepted * pol'd* gales ci

I. Muslcal/nunbcra were furnish* o.P. anduring .llio evening by Morris ijons o

^nv>n tnd Lyle Slcatmtn tn d Menuia Marguerite Sean gare « num- oulllnetof readings, A game v u played l»rgc_a

i 1 gift v u presented. Mr. SKar* tend ll

Cfard PA manufacturer lias this vicinity a-b rand Piano which will be solt price rather than re-sh be seen a t . . .


Y ‘ \ jM b ^ S h H |

H \

ItESUAX MUKWiWU, atiflJ:;;!!!


DUnLBT, Sept. 3» - Dr. Joeph ” enistad. vho h u been strioutly W fnm a stomach tllmenl. w u re-' rtert to be sllghUy Improved t t : Frem^tnd hoeplUl loday.3r. Prtm»tad aufftrtd sU htm ■hnta Saturday vhlch nectwl-ed-a-blood-ttiftsfiBlorr-Satur--:------! sfiemocn and at midnight Bst* I lay Dr. John P. Coughlin of In hills VlU called In consultation :h Dr. Ben SchulU ot Burley.[yi>-gnims vere sent Satunlay to

01 luu been an actl« mrm- RE ' of the rliqlr at the M. E. church 1 superintendtni of llie M. E.(idiy iichool, A gift v u a l» p it­ted the Inmll)-.ifrs. HeiiiT Hagman and Mn. I. R Hwloii entertained at a tea tnd uuuion Saturday.allemoon for W ' benefit ot the third division of ■ Methodist Episcopal Aid so- g l ly. Fourteen guesta «tre prei*

lonorlng the birthdays of Mr. and s. Mac Crouch, wliose blrUidnjs 31

ihdayofMrs. L.D. AUlns.apar*VI* given a l the Crouch home •re tvo tables of five Imnrirtde In play during the evening.' Ht I committee meellng vss heldIht home o t Mr*. R. E. Smedley '3 'itiiyifiem oonijy-fT om m intff ~»S!:■omtcd.by Uio Ctirlstlan Aid fO* •..ile.s to^mnko plans, for ser\'lng ,„!!Ills In tlic bawment of the Chris- 2flI (hurrh to rlsllora and dete- '.ICes comliu here to'attend Uie I.O. >3(]. and Rcbckali r> n d lodge ses* inf IS on Oclober 10, 30 nnd 31.nui vtre amnged tnd plans •''Jlined for dtlly metis for the ’ 30c_a*Aeniblage expected to tl - '.ud the gnnd lodge stsslons. r|^j

• ■ ror’2S

Piano 1’3i

s shipped into ™ d NEW Grand old a t a reduced ship. Piano can _

Tr a MUSIC^ ____

Its a Lk

n ' i f k

nil ^ ''‘UMfL . I«||t • ‘ VV'V'F L ' V f 1 ^ "


¥ - d AO F R IC H , R I P E -B O O IE D '/

:;;QIBER 29, 1989

r. TrantUd'i ilsten, CUn Ptna- fiacj td. fonnrr onrnji donna of tht tho « ietropolllaa Opera company, and tor's

Safe Bargain:^ : r v s i : u i

Reconditioned and Guar; can depend on, cars .wit' guarantee, cars priced i value.*35 Plymoutli Sedan ........ .*30 Willya 77 Sctinn’35 Kord Tudor DeLuxo nnd Trui’35 Ford Fordor,’ Trunk__ _'34 Ford DeLuxo Fordor, New Mc '33 Ford Tudor Scdnn. New JIo_to ’33'FonrCoi , New Motor '34 Ford Tudor Scdnn, New Moto'29 Pontiac Coupe..... . ..'.10 Willys KnlKhl Goupc'30 Ford Coujw.... ........ .■30 Nnali Coupe............ ;...'30 Dodffc Sednn .......... .’30 Gruhnnt Coupo _ ___’31 Ford Victoria-___ _ _'3I Ford Coupo...... .'29 Ford Tudor Scdnn____'29. Ford Coupe -..... ........

*' TRUCKS TRUCKS’34 h'ord 'I'ruckTDW..... .’31 Ford Truck, New Jlotor---'82 Ford Truck, 157___ _'30 Ford Truck. 157........ .’34 Ford Pickup_ _____•35 Ford Pickup......... ....'36 Ford Pickup, Liko New__Caflit iir terms 11 pays (o see first for Economical Transpo


qht SmiExperlsncad tmokeiThose who've been smoking fc expcficnccd smokers—fi wc best of «II whjr it's such a fint li^ht sm eie .. . . always! Actuil jn

__ thcmtbe extra joyJn.t IJidjJ<.. the choicc-ff»/rt’-/M»«-o£-tbc.

' «oney an buy. And attual sm tliein what Luckics’cxclusivcpr means in throat protection aj cough. If you’re aot already smc pack and try them. You'll di: enccd smokers advise a l is t

**NEWSFU: Over 6,500,000 "S'

'''n\ More thsa 6,50(

. tht cocatiy are fTfaoutaads of oi \mfj] 'Wm tmployaeat u a firiBl' JVi OT lltveyev eolti nC' Mm/! jmr jdjdoui L Builc 00 Ibe al: Psrtde"—Wedi cYcalact. Litcen, tbetuBci—ihea 'Sweepitskts.**

'Kvm------- tisiB ilienlticuiy \ V . Sack* of rich,'


__________ T A Q E T H B C g

aejel’m m ited , a ^ jo d d lo f .V .; ] * east, nollf^lnc them of tb i doe* ' r*! eoadlUon. ■ ,

IS, Honesi

iranteed, cars you ith a mone^ back 1 fa r belo\^ actual

z ! = ^ -___________________ 1 4 2 8 '-t u n k ____;_________> 8 8 0-- -------- ^ . ; .; .^ .$ 8 7 S

--------- --------------------g6B

. " I Z Z . I I . ' . ' Z l s i T s

--------------- :-------------9 2 6 0_______ ___________ 9 1 3 8— ________. 4 1 2 8 '

9 T R U C K S . . _

z t i z z h S m ”--------------------------- 3 3 2 8----------------------------- 9 2 9 0-------------- :--------------9 S 9 S .•----------------------------- 9 4 2 8-----------........ .............. 9 S 8 0

ee your Ford Dealer iportatlon.

TOR CO.Dealer

loke!e n k n o w w hy; fo t ye an a d d j r e t r s ^

ir e th eo n e sw h o k ijo w

line idea to ttick to 4

[m o k in g h u tlio w x n o '

jc .f in c it to H c co t h a t --

sm oking has p m t d to

•procc$!,'7 /’; r f t* jW ,"

against Ittita tioa and '

m o k in g Iu c k ics ,b u y a

discovcf w hy cxpcti*

' is i t m i e — i Lucky.

LASH! * *'Sw eepstakes"

in one w eeki

.900^000 entries v tre r«*>e wetk of Yonr lucky ' psttkts.** Peopla tU ortr re gtttio f .stilTua oar of tiloosl c if t re ita gam*, f oibcn lis rt bees gh to ua d in ate iu lc .- ' " ilered y n Mlsre you von I Lucky Scrikti? There's I air. Tuo* ia “YoBf Hie edaeid iy ta d S tn td sycen. iudge, ta d c o a p sn __________eatry Your lucky Suik* ..

'f t aot slrtsdy sooklaf SeBftooTM ijbi - r ^

:b,‘ ript-boditd cobscco.



n .11. «diUM ttU nd M Moaad Om ' 'BMW ZpiIJl'U ll M UK IMUaiM •1.1 S ^ l a S g S > t t r t M « c t ? * t o r a . t ,

-------------- T O B s d u r n o N - iA tn —■' ■ B» c m m _________

~ a , m u .- - -----------tD Biiiat. Ciatt. Cmu. Otodtst. 4«es

’ uaeoia. uisiMM. Twu n u t Oouaui hUM u d JU w to u a v . N nxui

1. TMI, nnM * u adnac* iBU Uoai& r u M t u tdnsOT

' t Tftf, ni>bl» ta MinBC* I.II.. II i OuUHii a u u ol Uiboi t THI. ftjtBi* in x i t t a w .............. t

----------— MXHao o r 'A uocuT iD m u. n « AMOdtM tr m It'ucludifir «sUH U« IM IM BUUMllOS Cl Ui B mpttcAM cndlua ta lb or M t oUun rrtfliifl tn Uiii t*pti u a (O'tM iomi a puoutMd b«nta. Ul ritdu o( npuUlcii Ot tpteul atipucBw BwU ii«o n w m

(D a iu * twodtiid PrmU m tw lUAt BUTMB V ~nnuutloat.

ttinO M ^ l*riUOT«T*Tim

; C M W am ftMttiW.________tf* R m un isw no OuDdil ntpoi

k u t; ta m on to' MnriMtuBt* but MM v&tn tM I* M (Wll ■ coR«eiS j p , ' ^ V 5 ' S ! S S i , “ « S

U M *MUr. «tu M pUHllM U tb« Wi

UBARWa TBZ SUU ,. Ho tTnonjr is worse than tbe ty ruu

' th s mob. This hAS been tn ie l a nU agei 'p n b o b lr always wUl b ^ .S re n t i In £ lupply ft.fo rc e d example of th e extr t o - w ^ ths.m ob ip l r l t . a n 'b e carri■ C l jru i^ va rfare i i d irrled on wl ’c e ^ ‘degree of attCTlIon to n ile i, j;

. ' .a'lry.'of . th e 'b a ttle field and women ’ children ore u A rule exempt from

Iborrort a ttendant upon u tu a l tlsh -Bnt ♦***» l l no t true Jn th sS pan lihatru

' Apparently, n o c la u and no Indlrldu ,tafe from * sp irit of ruthless cruelty i h a o is like a pall over the unfortu

^eountry, . ‘ .! Probably the end wlU not be .long l a ^ and apparently the outcome 1

' longer In doub t H ie goreram ent may iceed In banging on fo r a tim e bu t ei

. :uiilJ7 lf t.p o ln t ..« lII iM .reaehed.w ben ■ w b d '. i d T i u j c e '^ n o 'l o n p ^ be ebe<

With Madrid in th e hands of th e foro -?aiKlsm i t is stUI a qoe tU on if tronqt will be quickly restored. Possibly years

— be coniumed In tbe proceu of brln ...'.order ou t «f.chaos nnd reestobllsblngsl

' goremment.’ And wben a new government Is ceei

^ i l A ^ i t will ho t be ft 'demodratlc fon •'government bu t a dlctatorshlp»NWhe . tb a t U w bat tbe Spanish people was

/ .n o t th a t U w to t,th e y ..a re going to ; n ie re a re no t m any countries le ft In « democratic gOYemment still obtains there Is ft m n ^ of.satisfaction in tbongbt th a t the two greatest naUon

' earth , tb e United S tates ot America EDgland, still c lii^ to tb e principles ot forefathers. •

. CVRRENGY STABIUZIHO . Tbe three m ost Im portant currencle

the world, from tb e standpoint o f Intei tlonal trade and world stab lliu tlon , those of tb e United States, m n c e England. I t Is a ltogether likely, therei th a t the acUon taken , by the formei support o t^ tb e m onetary s ta tu s of pound sterliog, wlll resu lt In ft.Jiealt to n ^ In Intem atlonal trade imd ft soui basis upon which i t m ay be can jed o

Ju s t w bat significance a t t a ^ e s '^ Russian effort to depress the BrlUsh pc ts n o t exactly .clear except u to the vantages which would accrue to Rus .trade w ith B ig land In a commw

^ s ^ ^ From th e i ^ e h v iew port th e n - n u t 'd a 's tro n g ly ,’of inflaUoh ftifd F n

has had ju s t about olf tbe InflaUon people w ant. I t is only a few years s: th a t country watched th e franc drop f a value In American money o t appr matcly nineteen cents to about six ce which automaUcally depreciated the vi o t French savings. French insurance t d e s ani^. French securlUes to a point wl

' i t h u r t and sUll hurts. France has had lesson; ber people do no t like Inflst now.

This three way m onetary agreemen dttinllely a step In the direction of wi currency stabilisation.

niOHT ABOUT FACE ’ >An editorial announcement by the Louis Post-Dltspatch, one o t tbe oli u d best known newspapers o t tbe co try. in explanaUon o t Its right about 1 from Roosevelt to London, m ay be acce{ .as ft broad deliniUon of the pollUcal t1 of ft good many thousand people who 1 years ego helped swell the Democr elecUon to ta b bu t who htTe since eeen to change the ir minds.

' " lA i oeertfiadawinsi iiiiie • ■ •*.■ tohd/ier or not -tot *haU t t i tip i

'A m ^ J ln 'd t fm e e e r d m r u a i f t r t dJUon 'and or tAe plain intent of It Consfifttflon as tt now tiandt, a 'coi

•^'^m m enrm rrvat-rn i-c fiitn ittseaT t- i h a ^ ovtrlhe-M onomlc H/e.ef tl

OB-tfcaf tisufl fAe patch, iettn tng d i ll doet in an'-em o n y of free enterj>rUe under ihe p. W lcol/orm # 0/ our Fecferol lyilem

velt for reeleetion to.ihe Pretidenci has th e Issue been reduced ti

few .w ords and a s plainly and caret stated.

' .T he«announeem cpt ^ v e s .fu ll ercdii M r^Roosevelt "for th e courage displtla - u n a g t f t p J ll a y a ‘

I ____


■■ I dred th i r ty • t h r e e .^ ^ .c r ' . . minded endeavor to Im pra

- . common m an • * ’ th e ,P t S * 'lsS - ^ o t sh u t its eyes to the evl

repudiated by the voter_____ ^Tlie Post.Dlapatcb hold

criUcise th e views and a t m Landon both as a Candida

-------- dent if h e should-be .elcciIiere is on honcsVstnilg

- m en t'fro m a newspaper — <« ■ ported DemocraUc candid MS*. flvo presldenUal campaign mum. a „ e t been a pollUcal org _ C 8» acceptance of the term.

To th e acUon taken by tl may be added the foct U

' ' V die weslem clUes, Chlcai —*** every dally newspaper in u / BdvocaUng Uie clecUon of u u u m / don, and among these a: S r m I newspapers which have «di

' Uoa of DcmocraUc Candida 5 m idency ever since th e ir In

The fac t may or m ay m ^ 1“ significance .but i t is intei

n s ----------- --------TOWN SOLThe UtUe town o t KInloc

twedty miles from Pittsbui nettoB aucUon th e o ther day. I t w rtS JS owned" coal lowh of abou____ inhabitants. The companyr w « - Ute-m ine-becauiff-ltnns-ni | - ^ w u selling out. I t was, nc0 6W. ren t economic views, a n a t

mate proceeding.— I The general store and co

brought four Uiousand fou enty five doUars, being boiti

anny of who evidently had moro fai Iges and than Uie coal company h a d1 Spain houses" w ent for one hundr xtfem es dted fitty dollars apiece, i

they may or m ay n o t iiavo wlUi. ft The tenants, mo?Uy unempl

L Civil- eyless, were uncertain of tl iie -sa v - -rT hat-coal-m ine-w oa-the- BQ and Industry. Most of Uie m inen om Ute Uiere for' lack o t any othi Ighting. w anting work, bu t w ith pros truggle. 01 course they cannot be al idual Is tn d freeze. Somebody wlll 1 y which for Uiem, probably th e fcdei rtunate T h a t town Is Interesting

problems Involved and for de- problems I t represen ts Wha

« la w with such a community? Sui lay sue- dustrlai civilluUon bos sor ’ *w nt- inswer.ICQ.ths ;

' ' vA N ism ^’a FAB.M r 9rces of ,New Vork sunnquillty jn Uia Weit, where the droug a rs will one of muijp serious problems irlnElns b n n of lixm en and ilocki 3 » dUturbed by Uia flow of (oreli »BMU.V Into the United a ia lt t. The doof

mtlwut a “Knoek-kDoek" Cat xestab- butler, wheat, corn and hogs n form of MU or'f<m-Cansda.~’At Uie~ n ie th ir Amerlesn f t m pn>

to get. toUtlDSA '1 whleh ■-Wholoiala'gTocers.iirfilouxX log but ton i t wsrfleld Company have In tbe th* Jou of this tn d e (or Uie I

tAn. /<n it**' *“<l 1“ eonip*rt< loiu on periixtj. Ttielr trlUiraeUcJi *lm ca and m one ubutiuon they h tre Ju I of the unulnc rbe In Imports of (o:

ducu runs p tn llel to t ttddi exporU of m in ; Importtnt e m ett products In Ui* llrsl hti:

' . , ' Thrte ; e tn tgo, for Initsnce, icles In Kut tbrotd in tho (irtt lix nn item a- but lOi hogi thippjn are'i - “>• wuntiy; m Ul* am o sU » jrttr 0,S3«,OOO pounds or liog erefore, lonlgn countries, sunllaily, l mer in monUu o( 1S3] thli countr; ext: Ql the pound* of meat produela, bu .aiihui- monUu 0( thla year (lie lo u

nw ,000 pouDdi, WhUe Import ounoer s7.o7«,ooti on.' (ln l hsK of IDU (0 80^.000 poi TO the A (ew ;cars tgo UiU country pound I" animal oils tnd

c , - r t to (oreljn countries In the (li “ eicetded SSSiOO,MO. poundi: t

tussian iu^f of th li ';ear theia ihlpmei PCTClal 7» per cent Tower U un in IMJ. ,e move Inlm U oili tnd~ItU Ih 'lhe fli France MWO pouniU, bul thU yi

t since AdmlnlstitUon In tn dP from tha (in l hiK of WJJ export jproxi- S.1JOJOO busJifIs: in the (lr»t h

cents. U w but JSS.OOt> busheU; > vaiitA of (ottlgn com rota from 6S.000 1 S,M3W0'bu»heU tlUi ;e tr .® eiporu decimed (two SJlOJfiOO iwhere fin t half o( iDU to H 8 ^ bui ad her hiU or thli yetr, t drop o( 98 nation (onlgn whett c*m» in to make i

m.OOO.000 buihels thU jxar, tli . , ' t l much t s In Uit atme montl:

leni is ^ powerful Influencts h tii world lo tKeel our tgrlculturtl trtdi

dUaiirous comblnaUon o( dro -OOP reducUon; Ui* olher h u roetl Ind* p te trtm ctrritd oi Hull with Uie tid of Ult Presl

he 81. t n ; ItrUf n t* ' u much i Fourteen tnde ' pteU Hgned i Detl wlUi foreign eounlrla* tin hare cut our Urlff duties on (i

i t face ducts. Tegelables, fish tnd cttUe :cepted ttld t (aw weeks tco Usst Uil I ptognm w u lerrlnc *'to recti . fn” * keU to th* dUUnet benedl o(

culture." He c tn not h tre h tdK rtU a een tll

p 'l ' i B R E A K F A S T 1fra - ' l-l ^

r lhe MUST IIAVE KNONature Is vonderfnll A nUUta

^ — JUa-ttovowlw*.««*.*oUi»4w

r (AeQUITE A f iK

------- nr*t-I ioHotamtlarfoUowedn. flQ. and pneumonlt. Afler thal I cot

litmoerDtnalosl*. Following tlia "* niT»ntU tnd (mail; ended up 2S « 1 _ TTim jlioLK yim eJtfBglttm l! ney.** tloiu. No, air, I Uioughk‘ 1 w 1 t o ' u Uirough that 'iptlUng tcelt '■

E A BtLtnX A SE Ur. Klckbuib-6o jrou w tnl

edit to daughter. Can you g l« her ere ipltjred >l»st- j ju - . Young noUo~I Uank » ; ahe

ool; a i .

cred it for his hlgb ~ jrovo the lot of the NATIOl^, Post-Dispatch does / m p t u q »em so fo ldguard lsm BU ra" and furUier, U<olds itself free to ------- —1 actS' of Governor !idato and as Presl- ' E m c n v E . 1leeted." eoncresslonal heanlgbtforword sta te - Uieir, prlrale callsr which has sup- “ i H PjW w“

“ •‘“ .‘" ‘""'“I d 'S f tU 'I n u le l which h u U at n i l r m . 11 organ In the usual abtl; 'R ^u b lln r i " ' ■ Democrtu were i

rU i.P M l-D lip a te h . ‘S i f . I h a r ln - tw o mjd-

o i j o j m d Omiihi, lo i l / j iin eaeh Is openly Z ^ ltn d , Kew Voof Oovemor Lan- lowt. Nehrtsxa. are- to be found

tdvocttted the elec- ihe iowet'’eiuuniIdates fo r the Pres- mtjorlly, but llwIncepUon. - (IchUnc, <((ccUve

■ no t be locking In w t major dlrUisiteresUne. houi*. majority

p tlr t elc. wWi 1s publican guard ol

j j j j — . ' ' r deui ROM iHroi

loe lt,P tnn !rlt«nU ,

t was a company- n,n,Miin«i » u t one Uiousand b o t guess Is that oy had shu t down' almost as man; i-tm prontaW frB flr 1*m i~ 'a-th# Fr< according to cur-

. . l u t U M d w u -B:^.t]rp*. If the

communlly house roll ctU with l u i lour hundred sev- tbout JSOngultn o i l j h tb j .w o m im la lth in U u plnco (“ S S S l M ad. The "company aend or John L. t id red to two h u n - serertl 'ru n e d l s. o t whleh price bodj’s eollar-not IVO been bargains.n p loyedandm on- i S S . ^ l e c " : th c lr tate. of Ws influence.t he-tow n's-leadlng dlip*nserrTluiVi-l i e i .a r . te m ,l i i lM

, l h « p t o T o ^ . TrospecU very slim.I aUowcd to s ta n e m u F r M r v r tII h » i . to p m ld oideral government, power «ecuU «s iilg fo r Uie hum on cualoQ -tnd posii Io r lhe teononile t o l 1 .10 to t o .Surely modem In- ju , didn't some construcUve the president ihai

i In t-jvdsU ckesp i ______ . bul-Uio; ImpoKd-

They demanded tJi[ EXFORTS power coat ahecls3un) bear. Tlien Uiey lUiought Iiai been only- gownimenl experli■ms lliSl crcat* Uw tricted territory Ilkckmen. builneu li tjreed lo meet gon lg n (ood products iheio condition. 11loor hai been opened chaises would enslCarloads of cheeie, Sy calling the eoa roll In Irom over- wamlnss, FDR Itailie'aamo'Unie ililp- ITIhliik ko'may aiproducu lo'foreign ligure tlial tn opeilo a U double, r tp . get logiUier may

le t l home tnd In tha e n of election

CXW. ftw^._^ler- u j u b £ PriraHlavo b« n .r^ 5 Dealer* flcwe Uut 10 (Iral haU e(.UiU f „ n t of Uie'mibllc irtd wlUi prerloui (uce a t the While ilmple but iltrUinc. •>,. l u t te t In UUi . Ju« puWUhed Uie Roughly, there t (orelfn farm pro- currenU; in«lTed 1

.ddcnlng .decline In thnirt. T he; eonalj i by Ul* Kouse of >half 0 WU yetr. mitreata. Ui* Pen .c«,JMMIiogawere fuaiiy influenced I nionUu: thU yetr zinmennan tn d •

lipped.'m ite m i l jerae; Public 6erv.lc irelgn hogs entered j , eouUierlU raonuii o('tW i emtomer of TVA. nogs- enlertd (rom o & 8, U often xtl , lu.Uie ( In i .iU prirtteuUllUesbed exported m i T i m uo rg tn i h t bul in the tame for Mr. RooieTtlfs

o u l luid (alien lo. closer to his Mrts ot m u t pro- iixa to aee Uu u tl .000' poundi in Uie r tU in Uitn'Uie In poundi Udi yesr. csrter tnd Zimmer try enloyed t large btrdi," unwUlIng b nd laU. ahlpmenu fOBVnew itnlegj flrat half ot 19» uvough seltlement

: bul In Uia f ln t jiwe. Thtfa why. menu tbrotd were m en iljnlfleant Ui IU. Our ImporU of nirdee.r n s n i i i t o n o s j- ^ -------: r - rI yetr they foie to nuA L ni. Jewe Ji

m a ile d under Uie J S C l l h S r ? ! n d a ln g n ln i . m " “j? „Tlfed » » »

.? .*^1? especled lo be nom IheeTenlFD Rahli

eU: whUe Inpcttt u brought oul alorii .O O O ^ U lniQM wllh Ul* New Deal t r . W ietl (gn n) yp it. When he

«leU«rlnctichedul butheU in Ul* t o t 5 B*nken tssoc SB per Mni. while ihathadldnoK eel

d«endBoo«Telt.M. “ “ “ H« n a y nol know I

nUiao(-19M. nsponiibla (or poi i t « been a l work»d*. One w u Uie many eard ro ^h t u d A M u t, Jonei w u so u l « n tta redp- in ,t (igures danced I out by Becreltrr night. lUa tirplan iTSldenfa powtr to eondllton,h u W per cent, mqk d e a k -^ R d under Uis New s K e r T c U w * a l r a Aucuit. 19J4. U iT ^ U H a lS d n i ) (rulU. dairy pro- t u ik m detp I* ilo tue. aecn ltry Hull J^Sngwlih him Ui: U ili'Urlff cutting utlctl mt:

>Ctln fonUn mtr* — o( Amerlctn acrl- >d Um. to K . U,, : " V ™ -

.. what w u one* knoi _ _ Uw Diilrtcl ot Colui

n u t week, pttptred etiea to lh* hlch-tr

’ F Y ^ n n will dlacoTer Uiat r U K J V Utukriy a t leu t. 1

r -------r ,- i mem.— -----------^NOWN filnea lU l Uielr tnion y ttts tg o jh e "Bupremajtourt of 0 w ar gl^Mi,.yat- n*caiiu nt th* f tr t BUT e t n T ^ Uie Unlled BUlea al

ben of Uia lower-i iPELL ^nneTSrpTOTTmt

col eryilpelu wlUi tome con«m to ti t l i t l I got .polio- hHher*up JusUeei. up with iwutlUs. Al hU requut, A

tlmost no publleit;____ order t new supply 1.SCO - liOnor o((ldals of b(tn l to many my said Judge* t r e n t » eTeryUUng th t de-

NOTES; PricUon lhe u y t alit w u ts commltlees snd_rci

bom p w u a ta d tlo-


)NAr; WHIRUGIG II }} B EH IN D T H E N E W S ) I, UcCliir* Newspaper Syndicate) : F

WASUlNGTON, 'Dy Bay TBcJrer j

E. UaUiemaUcUni t t Republican hcadquarten liti-e reviied upward callmalcs o( the number o( home

l^eanm ses Indfcated tliat Uie ghl win back forty dUWets tnd a lhe maslmum. PrcdJcUons that leans would replsce tha t manyrre only pleaianl publlciied hopes. ____"icll polIUclana litre booted Uie m bilnlmum o( tCTenly.dre, tn d aome H ftain onoo Is ricl impossible. T h ^ U oge m « l o( Uielr upMts In New k SVork, Michigan. Illlnol8..Indiani, K

Uctni muil retain Uieir present ( 100, u d add IIB more, to control Amber. Few look (or an letual CQC they'do count on enough for ^

Uva oppotlUoa Ezccpl on t cletr- rUlon 300 rotes uilially coniUlute L |K Irtt; bccauie of Illness, tbjeneej. E l i Ul dUar(ecled Democnt*. t Re- r r j i d o( IM or 173 would hurt Presl*,r o r Help r iMliten f taiulon ' tre ' --------

T hatl;______ D( ::Tl

diera.'*Norember may tpoll tU Uiew ngi and predlcU'oni, howerer. The .he m( lhat llie n n l houie wlll conltlrT j jg . an ; blKs. groups. (acUons tnd , FrencH“cnamben:fTlepatt5*: ,i,y

etc BUT b^33 i Democnl*. Ihey " approximaUl; 178 New Dealers timei.

itUo eoniemUTea o( Uie Olass- lhe Republlcsns show up (or f ln t e„n,u, 140 membcn. Uiey wlll dirlde Into * I lan and M W lMOnilnud weslem . m .! 1 wlll probably be 10 Ftrmer- " cmkelies tnd t squad whlch msy .« FaUier Coughlin. Doctor T nm - J'*L Lewis. Vou mty t l » count on d indlTlduaUiU" who wetr no- ^ not ewn Uielr own. ^ 'i U enough to give grey, ha tn lo «0 sits in lha White Hmue. Mr. ilectlon would rob him ot much “ t u psrty leader nnd patronagef l hl/l'TT I" » nffnnrl tcrm. 'Mf. Alls 1 tldenl. would need lo compromise anoHm n order to mobUUc a majority »‘ro w

■ X t c

r r President Roosevelt did iome K h t 'u own before he lummoned p rh tU n m a 10 Ihe White House for t dls. .h ., KWlblo aolullon-of r v ^ t prob- tncfs wlUi te«ra l lilgher-ups In ..pj,o.- d ho csplored Uiclr "No Man's ^

In't mince words. Tliey fUtly lold known lhat Uiey were willing to Join nientii eiperlment" such t s Uiat t l TVA, ^ the (d -o r suggeated-lwo conditions, and *lli1 U ui he Include In his public-eU cliatges which Uiey luve to nn ' lUpuIated U ut he codllne future xrlmenU to a derinlle and res* .• like the Tennciaco basin. Tliey

gowmment power n te s .under „ s. (icurlng lhal incluiloii o( new ^ . rnsble them lo do so.; con(erence in iho (ace o( these , ,v h u encouraged wme utllllariaw y aceept'thclr:tcrmi.-Bul others open dUtcrtemcnl a t their (Irsi ay put Uiem “on tha spof-l on tlon. halrqj 1

. — ------ had alalely .certain power*mlnded New wtyj ki hat they hare tpllt the once solid falUi." bllc uUUUes. Tomorrow's con(er- in the ,lle House msy 'sel the slage (or w Uct UUs d r u u of confllcl made li■0 tre Uire* greet power groups harlns cd in Uie tdmlnUtnUon's power to tay 1 inaUt ef Uie (tcUon dominated write ai of u o rg u through lU banking erlrtle Penniylrtnla tnd-N ew Jeney iion. R td by D. O. I .President John ‘■hits at Id Thomu McCarle; of New U abou: Tvice corponUon. tn d Common- an d n n Jiem. tn immedUile rival and 'VA. Wendell WlllOo,- head of •ctUed Uio “while hope" ot the thaii-tv

becauie ot his tblUly and vUlon. m tunii h t n shown dUUnct sympathy

l f t moneUry pollclei. tn d have tcjnic Ic his power proenm. They would c te d t uUilUes.sUek to Uie openUng and co

> invesunent Held. Messn. Mc- near tn ncnnan t n uU-rtoosevell "die- n ,,n Er t to maka tn y concessions. 60 preu lr legy b to iplll o(( Mr. WIlIKIe neVipt; ent ot TVA dltdculllcs. If poi- oUicr d hy tomorrow’s ptrley U much air ssld t Uun H tp p e tn to be on Uie fellow li

(rom a i- ' nlgtitni

le Jones' prolonged abiehc'e from lm " ,hli B provoked numeroui strange comic rnUUonshlp wlUi Uie president «Utes a 13 mldiummer’t iterlei lhat he tltude m lomlnaled for Uie presidency In er docs ihBuld nol gel t iecond chance, dig lut loriei thal he w u so dlsiaUstled cal U ut he would nol campaifn Few a he quit San FnneUco wlUioul lndU(ere

fduled speech be(ore Uie Ameri- ard aec Mocuuon. Uien were whiipen Lou l!o :eel U ui he eould eonscUnUouily taUng > l-Morgtntluu moneUiy policies, moru - >w It, but the bulky T eun v u preucd poweriul. underground propt- more un

. er and Icampaign Ulei, none w u true, the Roy: to worn from hU RFC work ter Otrt

need be(ore h it vision diy tn d fli eager Ilu * tccldenl aggnnled his M w re.. «i, and (riendi forced.him to >* TDR motl of all. Colondo's high former ■ «reed wlUi him, and he tried ‘0 d nol feel up to a d d i^ n c the tlow reeoreiT. Ih en 'a noUilng “*“ > B'

, Uial t doclor*and nol a po- o”* n u n -c tn 't cun. _ •

m .Ul* h o iw b le ,memben of J tnown u pie tiipreme court ot «lumblt n tu m to.Uielr benches “ ired to tush t rrtst o( New Detl L.w„, h-lrlbuntl on Cspltol Hlll.Uiey u t .they h tre been demoted^ t. II may be newa lo tome ot

:lr body fu i been t a ^ ^ ^ i u t t e

!acl~thal Uui fiuprcmeXourt-ot {nt»-tht J aiu In WailUncton.'the mem* «i.. g - t ^ < 7 ^WOT 0(lcn confu.-icd

- itr t reeortr-lt-w u-t e tw -o f ■ — 3 t l le u l bne member o( the 1 « • ] ^ Attorney Gcnenl Cummings iiure for a change ot name al )(« n « rcti. It slid Uirough Wtii ,Icity unUI tlltchea began lo ‘0“*" jlyofsUUonery.doeumenUete. , ‘ r boUl courU tre tiklng: -TVho ^ Y.® ‘r t h » » n t - “• J " '" ;

' Pohlmsnon between national and state where sl .rcfiiooal (euda are boUierlng young u slowtof uj! ctmpaign tcUriUst. Betht


New York L Day Day ^


NEW YORK. flepL t f — T h m * r u .1 vlrld recollecUon of real Uf* - rtutnph tnd tngedy of Ui* ttage :hen Uiey burled the roly-poly henjble NlUit BtUe/f, of Uia ftmtd

Chtuw Sourii.------- In B e l t s e o l

— t omb some-week -

mourner w t t

H m W dUconred him *1 tn t ckrk Uos* -!

TTa 8®“ ^h —'w hen /.•0.0>«elalyn urttken. He tu d _ _

hat w u hit struUtng expIolUUoa ■ ::The MsrcK of Uie Wooden Sol- en.” A lune that aeU feet aUngla hererer heanl. And Balletf mtde « most ot it.He paraded It In New York mow , Itn .a rear. Ihen In e rrrr la n e _ J ly m America and across tho Eu- ' pesn continent tnd back aerenl nei. Ue 'had a t one tlm e.t for- C ne o( »SOO,000 In aalely box. But > entually hU wooden soldier; be* r me worn out toys. And Ballert Y PasUccl ALike many improvident Idetilsls,: ihousht auccesj would go on n ii t . Ke llwd on t g iu d scale, charming ho«t to Rustlsn ref*« s ind titled plck-Uunk*. Al*iks good for a touch, this bland, I__llllng little man. But not many ine'to him In his hour of dolor.

^ndtliere wsi scant_cgnimcntjn. ____oUifr (Igure In Uie Broadway Uie* ijrn ro n-orld who poued from tha • M 'ne the um e Ume u Balieff. I C T 'er to tVhlle, the pioneer photog* ^ ipiier. The (ln l lo Introduce (laih ht, Uien a dangerous'experiment It tttlmcd and Winded. Resden theatre ne«i learned to know

i t IdenUricallon on t picture. ■ ■ tio-a b ; WlllU Studio." Two oth- H I 1 recall were S>7on u d Sar*;. But White teemed better^' own and his full lUgo enlarge- nti raced many lobbies. He par- H | the way (or the Cevil Beatont

d 'ilhrr deluse lenimen who now M 9 rrl; touch t ' button to achieve B H . with the elegant A. ~ M

: wmehow do nol laugh over my idl;is u once. Bul the other d t ;) ‘.kiUAlIy gnve Times In aitcmpt* c9||f3 raceUouices.1 iniplred t chuckle ■.4C:-

:annot tell Juit why and iikeiy • r Dther mouihcorners would curi •.’ la rd .'Y el I chuckled wlien it .V. ' tbrlallre'd:'‘-Il w u t jtea l ad* ' i la » to n Republican omtor It he ‘ ’ lid bring to the.jjaUorm twm te- . Irc; and ll(e*long Democnt who '4 a l l u t teen the error of his ys tmd turned lo-Uie true pa rt; .Ul." A convert. In oUier wordi. v - Uie Billy Sunday ilyle. But the Iter of ihl* un«pecUd mirUi i e Uie mUUke wa all make - T ills i ring u ld Uie Uilng he goei on Ib t b tav It again u d again. We who OUtl lie ara wont to repeat u d thus *»n>a n u tbe edge-of bright expres- msn n. R an Indeed the writer who . _ U and runs." Booth Tarklngton about the only ona who uys it UARC 1 never r^ e n to It again. " ' ' “ p

•'etrspaper (cllowt ihow t belter* ui-tvcrage knowledge o( HSiglUh. HAQ! lunlly. But I .don't know lhat ihe lla y ought to upbraid olhera for “The S nic IcM preildent. To many edu* sulnc t cd people. .approxltBate sounds Editoi 1 conslrucllons n n considered editor, ir tnough, u d In matten,olher ton, W n ERg1Ubtucli.pi>Ronntlayex* Slokrt; Sl intellectual virtues In which dlngOel rsptpermen tr» aadly lax. The city nei er dty t .c re t l scientist on the Doris ( u ld ePOClCtl (or EPoclial, A Luclla 1

ov tn our berg excused hlnueK field Rs tn a dsnce wiUi t rnm g lady one chel W( h tnayh irh lno lltrw E rT frip iP Prifda- " hlt'neck. Invtrisbly he itld sons; n mlc" (or comet.'’ Ra bectme t bolt. K tes attorney. A UaUphoprUh at- Sant; a ide mty merely m e u the oKend- m den , docs not Uilnk It worUi whl(e to Hendror m t the extcUUides. Thelma

fsculty'ew acton can f?ol areund wllh U(erenee to audiences. Noel Cow* r o s u i . accomplUhes It to t decree.I lloIU a l time* h u an Irri* M ng nonchalance. The Barry*rea -* Ethel apd John — ex* je r o ued t holty*tolly. Bul Lionel, Orange re unbending, h u endured long- orango tnd U 'tar Uia more popular ot bera rec Royal Family. In Uie old Win* degr««i Oarden daya then w u u out- Mr. and sager to pleaae-JoUon, Florence Whalry )it. .Oeorge Munto u d Han?- oilo Sm :. Yel amonc them w u a per- 'Arrnni ner with extreme di((ldencr. I form ai -r to MeUlUa ElUs. \Vhen he ihe dlt« gstred on Io play the piano, .he were ccI I g in t whoop whether u y - nlehl i t'emalned or not - bul iiobodj- O nnie

r Ihought of leaving. th flr”* Oooding

n old. but sUli good, itory via main ad lo,today. I t n t ene the.mor* .. ,I and why-necked Rube Mar* r<D||CI Tl used 16 lelL.The loeale. Ha* wnUCt Mil. Mau. ■nia'Browni wtH A( rlng_the Greeni during a wel en wlUi the rirer oul ot banki skoS) in j Jnto_lafl_fleld._A pjayer tcllon » a long ona to deep lelt. The rale Join

tlelder went (or It — hla h u d

“ \uc uucaiii. rnnutlVrunner out a t third with t The ct

1 for Mrs.


h rtlumed lo hU home In Sail I Clly Wednuday ader ipmd* ing harv the summer a t tha home o( hb wlih Iai: ihter. Mn. J.vE- Pohlman. On B« BdcQt Leave* — Miss Rhoda old B«at Imsn h u gona to Pn\'o, UUh. trr litd re sha wUl attend Brigham u d to ng unlvenlly. e iti Thiitha Hsrr*rte< -Hatns tr* b t- tdeaU,


— — _ _

^ o o h& 11 w ^ y & f this

U l \ \ S / / f ^ L E V E R

w A ■ \

D r o u g h t P h o t o g r a p I

„ f

IS Blclnre Uken by the Fcdtn l RetelUt » bleached aktll ol t iteer en d«ng>it L Betliaatd by lhe Fargo. N. D. Pontm. img u t u w u ued In olhtr plelBm eti d lan fer Ibe FRA tald It w u moved only


------- ^ hAOERMAN.SeptyM-staff o( » Hagerman high tchool paper.

« Btratcle Blab," for the en- If term followt: fp .y -'Utor. -nielma Woody; ascodale j-Vi','! or. Nedn BariogI; society edi- P i‘'« , Marjoria Bell and Beulah .-1 (tt; a rt edlton, Ltvcna Bed- Ifjeld and Margaret Benaett: news editors, Anltt Cady u d

U Cbndlt; butlnesa m usger. lla Panotl; sports.edlior. Win- l i f e 1 nsll; drculaUon m utger. R t- IB&I Woody;.tdrertUlng ;n tn tg tn .

da~Wcodhead and—Jean ;Ptr - fpeclal fcsturu; Helen' Al>- H f l

. Kelen Cribble u d Vli-isn ■ | - J I; auditor, Rhoda Weech; proof M J en, Marion Fairchild and Mary lO k Q dron; typliU, Virginia Meyer. n B S Ima Woody and Luclla P am tt;Ity tdvlur, MUs Ann Morgan.


310ME. Bept; JB - Jerome ^ Ige met Friday evei^Ing a t tha ngO’hall. The' (ollowlng mtm* — G rtcelved tha (Int and iecond

Kt, Mr. and Mn. Prank TUui. W U nnd Mn. P. H. DavU. M a Lola Jry and Mn. Leon Stockton u d Smith.Ttingemenls tre being made to 51 '«I anoUKr degree icam under .JL/J llr«Uon or Harold Cook, plant J225 ■ completed ‘ for lhe booster 1 ? , ,“ I prognm SepUmber 30 al Ige hall (or all Orangen and = '• guesu. Dr. W. P. Shaw o( ,--------ling college will deliver Uie 'I address.' -


lOSHONE. Sepl a - A divorce ii® V ‘ :n.wa-(llfd-UUa.week.by.Ma-_ Johtj-viocntka against Edward ^ 4 U, charging, cruclty and dea- u,

le couple w u married at Elko, auies.

irian-D.-rHelst-li-lhe attomey Mn. Ctalka. daughters. Cxalia li uklng tor lha res* Rudy, ta l or her (ormer name Mamie . . . ison. . , tmilngsj= = = = = = ^ = r they all

Arrested on the Salmon In c l u 'S ffo, fair ylelda UiU year.

. B talntu-M r. and Mn. n a r- & Btatty ot Anaheim. CalUonila. cd Ttiunday to vUlt friendi "* to looli after property inter- >1«lt They are (otmcfHoUUier rei- Henry a. , l.L*cy ot

Parental Problems


ph Questioned


■ Mn. b o u ti Uilng.

! had ( would

is m y - . whleh

. . . ---------- - - I t majbut U

— ■ i f mandi .coafldi

- - C '.f 1* F ' moUiei

------- ---------------------------- child 1j this pi

. .uuawt

E rp t l e n c l a j i

lUement AdmlBUlnliaa ahowlnr U o ^ l It Und a t PennlngloB. S. D . waa ties rei m. Tba newtpaptr cliarctd (be child t n diircreni terrain, bat a apokti* confide Dly t tew (eet.—I'T) Phate.__________________________ U e,,---------- ----------------------------- - whom

Prelate Promoted S ’i"

HOP JOHN J. C M im tL l ^ 2 liove) of (he diocese af Loa An*'of ayj,) les u d S u Diego was elm led of Dr, : ' Pope Plaa XI to (ho n n k ef o i . e» chbUhop of tha newly erealedlehdloceae #( Lot-Angclea^Hn ______lele.

b u h l . [ , g a

lit t l nohl-M r. and Mn. A J. tumed I :na and ton. Jimmy, o( LegaiU, oUier 0 y. PhUIpplno ijUndi. were vU- vie* pre: a t tbe home of Mr. u d Mn. relajy:

S. Rudy lu l week. They are Ireaiure tien-ln the:publlo achooli Uiere ud-Sve were retumlnc lo SeatUe to agen.

. the boat home afUr having

f e e n r S F ^ r - r a c a -es. -niey are alio triendi ot i n r M r r t r P r t * p e f « .« M iu »-pUce.-M n.-U Poft«-ls>tha ;hter or Mr. and MM. 0. E. r. NebtaiItnd Game—A group of yoang

tllMded^tootbtii^m^S y between Waihlngton and “ i « ioU . TTiey were . P nnk « res. Dr. WUllam Bags*. Tony *■tiactk. Cleo CUnl<» ud^Nor- ffeilby. Dr. S.■It Re1allvc*-Mr. and Mra. eleetrin) 7 Ucey of Hurley tn d Ed ConiolU o( Rupert went Uia wiek*«nd H l 1*77,

f p |

J S l ■

G u id in g -Y o u r-—Child


PRIVATE LIFEin . X olten m ule Ui* proud J l U ut her Suiy told her every- nf. The chances tr e U u t i t ah»1 Suiy's en lln eonddtnce sha iild not Uko t larj* part ol ly

> w i m . - - » , r b t tooa or It m «, Uia kind of moUier who df* • nds dr expecU her chlld'a entire iHdenee, s e ld ^ h u it.

ina h u t right to privacy even n one's moUier, u d Uie w ^ lher rejpecu and eneoung« }n»Id In eiUblUhlng.ud d e v ^o p ^ i' privacy. The tin ; child U sliU ;* L .o L h l5 J ,n 3 1 v W u .« ty .^ !^ V .

to blurt .out ever;thtnB ne ^ IWS. To ktep a secret f ^ mother n .1 nol only wrenc but Impewl-

Gradually Ihls fnmkness lesi- - .

vc'ry year, every day his «HeW- ; Increue: ha growl m on re*:ed unlll in lime a normtl reU* iihlp ot two tepan le IndlvlduaH* replaces Uie dependence ^ i h e

d who feels t preaing need lo ride In his moUier.

hew onun _ot growlni children

S % W i U d r e ? s m o u i i h U rtscUons is congntulating her­on the wrong Uilng. Sho should it their Iruit and confidence, not r secreU.

; caretul u d peralslent^ques*UIB she msy leam » great desl ; the child does not wsnt or n to Ull. Children are often nol 1 a t hiding things. But the galnt line from these enforced cond*

but the child's dUtruit and ntment.

Is better for the child to keep own eouniel snd selUa Ws own llema th tn for him lo keep uk* or telllnc molher or faOier. He tido rlt 'w fho^ 'y :— — : T“ ~

le woman who can honestly I her child to mske his own dt- u WlUiout coming to her flnt irialnly the one t o !« congnw- L Sucli t sUle of ptnnUiood. inlly. U one to be greatly dcsir* lUt it cannot be attained unleu •. molher works wllh her child m*{cnUy toward UiU end.

luhl vUltlnc » t Uie homei t V ' u d Mrs. L. a . Lacey and Mr.Mrs. Ormond Thomas, tefid W let-M r. tn d Mn. P t ttl .dlUi. Mr. tnd Mrs, C. C. Lore.

JOhnDaly, tn d A W . Ja c^ all ot Boise, former resldenu

mW. attended lonen l aervtcn <r. H. C. Coleman on Wednes* evening.


idtnU ElK l-^tudenl ^ e ( 'I lor Uia Eden high *cht>^ . td last week. Robert SmlUi u - A the duUei oT im ld n il w d r otflcen tre Mtrjorle BalU.president; C o t m l t ^ j n g . ^ ^r - Margaret MontcomsiT. urer. and llowiid W cnlum Sventt iiu«h».-buslntM man---------

Inc (or bootfer night to be •..Wednesday...eymtog, Oct^ ------IB MeiLUlU U tu UB Di><ll to^^a_____

t 'n l U rt.Lewis and sons. Melrtn and

^ ct

Mr*. I* W .xBetbout Ttvty enroule to Eugene, Oreroo. .

« they p las to loetU. - .

8. C. WytU, C W r e p n e t t # .teal treataeBl. toot eorreetiw. VilUUan free. »1 Ird Avo. h. Im < -4 4 t. • \

P K T M R Si s B i i c r a y

District Conference Goes on Record (or Wider

Study Course ‘ /RecomnendlniUiolntrcidueUonof I

m eductUon Into ihfl public ichooU, th# fourth dUtrlct Purcnt-Tucher i conleretiM cloHd ft oae*dir «>•DUkl Muloa In Twin FUli with tlw : electloB of offlccn jretlerdk; fttUr- 4 Dooa. m eonfertne* • whleh w u lield In the Twin TtlU hl(b Khool \ nelected U n. Sun EaUn ot Joi • , loma, prHldcnt, luid chose U n . O.O. MeRUI of Twin F»1U. vlM»pr«*l. -Mwb' dm t, ftnd.Mn. r . A. Burkhiller of n a r. Jcracf, mrtUir]f>lreuurer work

Mr*. A. B. ahutUeworth of Den- Ttr, fourth nitlonal rlco-presldeBt of tha Farail-Teaeher usocUtloo. and, BupolnUadta t Qeor»o Den- m n t '

’ E d u ^ o o '^ tS S S S o a .. wero the No. 1. principle ^HKsken. M n. *ahutUo- wiu tM worth ipoke on the purpoeca of the turreti ntUontl P. T. A., •u tlo c that the tober ' orsulnU im w u iteklng to And ftcU not fault*, niM Uie tlandanb ot Jlrln* not erlUclre, rear children

-better-noH eekrrto -w pera lM lU i -jnu»-: Uie echool* not operate them. 8gp- p*I ch erlnlendeal Denman apofce on Uie ertnlm lehool asd p.TJL coopentlnf, aUl- U n . N ln« that Uie eehool and Uie portnU nue no ahould work togeUier to help Uie problem child-. n a g ,

Oa Preiram 171#'OUitr ipeikert wen M n. L E. Ward I

Jotljrn, au ta P.Tj^. president; Mn. openlni R. V. Jonei, Mn. Rer/ E tu i , p ro i- 1. The dent ot Twin PalU P.TA. aod-Mn. tented O. Vf. Erbland, Jeanne noblnwn. sptctln •ccompenled by Betir Pumpbrty, which lanc ft aolo and Ruuel Potter lead held ui Uie group In iin<lnc. Rar. O. L. Oluk Ward opened Uie meeUnj wlUi a dero- freehm tlonal and tnroeiUan memant. din ell

A courte*y lunelieon »’u eer 'ed ftt vlG aii i : o'clock and ft tea and blrUiday cake honorlns the tenUi birthday TOffN ot Uie dlitrlct ortanlaUon a t 4 y ^ i- o'ciccfcMn. Claude DetweUer, coun- • clt hoepltallty chairman, had'charce of Uie tea and luncheon.

cotnpojed of Mr*. Prank Boujhton and U rt.‘Vet» 0. OLeary of Twin FUb, and Mn. W. O. Fhoenli, SALHC Jerome. . Salmi

Mn.P.J.P»hey,Murtaujh.Uret!r- Mn. D -Ins-vlcft-prealdent-and-Mn.-John noon.-i BtiKh, Twin PaIU,"aecretary treu* u plai urer. winter

The conference propoKd tha t lex educaUon be brousht into .Uie w on if lehooU U inm h coureei In home

in a t Uie right age. I t v u brouglil ^ out Uiat Uie beet way to accomplUh •Uiat w u Uirough a committee ot edueaton, parente and memben of

I th e .h e t i t t j i^ t i________'______ ORANi• ------------------------- , Twin

r ' ' . I I..I II- will he

I C o m i n q E v e n t sI ^ I brtng cMAQICI'T^ OtVB -------.'-'■The Maglel-y.dub wiU me«» a t Uie home ot M n. H. W. Clouchek, I T 'e ' snP lfU i arenue e u t, a t f l:» o’clock Tuuday erening. E nuT aniJi urg* ed (0 bring a guett and A centi. A ipeclal procrtm wlU foUow Uie eUc- m tlon ot offlccn and the iltreico J lupper. J

SCNSQINR 0 0 ^ f 'Tha Simihlne Ctiole"dub will

meet wlUj Mn. Maggie Holm. Bn _ , „ .Ttiird arenue north. Wednuday tf* temoon. RoU uU wlU be remlnb- . cenie of ichool dtyi.

60DALES CLUB ■ ■Ths Sodtlee Pinochle club wlU

meet wlUi Mn. Uoyd Jones Wed> nudiy tturcoon. H H

The O ^rtunU y cU u of Uie Chrlitlin churth vlU hare tn old tubloned box nipper t t Uie D unt- Aee cabin on Buchtntn atrtet, P n - K 2 H d ty erening, Octoter i . All memben


Legal AdvertlsementB ^" ^ n o it c t "t o C T E D nvM i m o Eitite ot Emmtnuel M. Innenrily, r Deceued. a g e\ NoUce ll hereby glren by Uie *

^ e r t lg tu d Vaughn Thompson, Ad- S t il m lnlitntrU o( lhe u U te of Em- CtIK mtnuel M. Innenrily, deceaied, to U iecrcd llono ftnda llpcnon ih tr- Ing cltlmi agtlnit the u ld deceued. to exhibit Uiim with Uie neceuary York rouchen, within 9 monlhs alter nomi Uie tlrsl pubUcaUen ot thU notice, ih lp t ta Uie laid Vaughn TTiompMn, the boun admlnlilraWx, a l Uie oH l» cf Ray- vii bom ts Raybom, altomeyi, Idaho „ Deparunent building, CounU- of Twin PUlf, s u te of Idaho. UiU be- Jn*". ing Uie »lioe fixed J f lt.U u .,tn n i. ^ Allon of Uie bOslneti ot n ld eaUle. / f c

Dated September M, 1»M. ( £ 3VAPOHH THOMPSON. ] S

NOnCE TO CREDITOIta EiUle of U trtha ll. Robertion,

NoUce ll hereby glren by Uie *■ ® undersigned admlnUlralor wlUi Uie wIU annexed of Uie eiUttt of MorUui IL Robertion, deceued, to Uie ered- WATC Iton ot tnd all penoni.-harlng ■:lalmi agilnit Uie o ld decetied, to ----------exhibit them wlUi Uie nectaary i-ouch«n,JclUiln-ilx.monUii-ari«r ■‘A A . lhe t in t pubUttUon ot UiU neUce, lo-Uja-ttid-tdiaialilnlOLJFlJlLilii _ artll_annex#d, at_‘> l n Patti, W »ho.______3t-to WUion. PtuUon i t Isheneberg- •r, attoroeyi for laid admlnUtntor, - “ PldtUiy NtUontl Btnk Bldg, Twin pbi Wlfc _Ceunty.^f Twin M U , BUle Dm

for Uie truutcUon of the bmlnete Met :r u ld etUU.

Dited Seplember 4 .19U.JOHN B. ROBERTSON, , «

Admlnlitntor wlUi Uie win anhexed ot Uie eiUle

' of-Martha K. Robertson,

SVilUe W illis flUN■y k o b k s t q triL L in ||j|

Q . m .

11j B L i W

th e 'S l

— Nova Gto UlS t

lar, b«t why should a he.nan i„ ork 'ftl anythlDg a girl raa de u t M w ellf '■---------------- -— a hotel

shone IrIt 'Hiu^ y ttltm oon In Uie uw Mci

1, M n. A. R. O itnodir, leader, that tir be tbe hostesse*. Pltns for tbe ated Ui<

rest home dinner to be hetd Oc- surrli i t a . will be made. n i l o t .

—___ U n. MENINO QOItDhn tvrnlnf.niillrt ot the SpUcai church will meet Wednesdty t j - ,

itng t t 8 o’clock. I t Uw home of . H ^ e Ila trd , 4U FourUi tre -

;8 t AKD 6EC0KD WAB08 [ ’|] | | he Twtn Falls T in t ftnd Beccod \ U(i rd Relief Societies will bold Uidr ling meeUng Hiursdty, Oetober r o p e ^ e tetchen topics wSU be pre* The bed x i a t 1:30 o'clock by Uielr rc- about M iUre .teacher' Irtlnen, tf te r two nlli ch t Joint socltl tiour will be OfllcieI under the dlrtclTon'ef Loinle of rioter rd tn d E dst Arrington. R«- mt.n t i t hmenu wlU be lerted. All i f ure.eligible for membenhlp tre In- He wi

in ra l lS T I -------------------------- -pureliaw■ ' j i r of 0

m « i m CH UII memben of Townseod club No. bore a I rtu meet tonight t t Uie higb The b. » I a t 1 :« o’cloct Rev. H. J . mortuir noldi wUl ipeik on club or*

___ ■ FILMSMON SOCIAL CLUB Omon aocUl dub wilt meet wlUi ■. Don Fleming Tliundiy tiler- i.-A-full-«llendiBeo-U-deilftd S U rv i )tani wll-be completed tor, the« • SSihS

. . ployes aDNTAIN VIEW a U B Chambei ijunuin view etub wUl meet erening. Inesdiy aflemoon a t Uio home In alli n . It. W. RIedemta Alt mem- ber of i 1 t n rtqueiled to -b rln rtn iirio r tlndtng-orpham' home. Clly. ua

____ B. Ludw• trUl lub:

ANOB.MBETma____________dewty-owin rWls tnd Kimberly Onnges Inloiden hold an open booster meellng Host (

Ineidty erening t t I oUodc In Twin Fi LO.O.F. htll, Ortnge memben Ltmch

« cookie*. ereMeg,


2i’. l

Now you can go round tripnooth-folllng on "Big 9" luxugala tour oiF.MoxIco, land of <til f t b o ^ the .tlfto t 8 . 8 . P opocitlifom ia, ^ nrsin lt o r PenS ' Ploatini’I v e n it , . . b iR O t ih lp t be- pynimii/cen C a llfom U a n d N ew huacaaork..See Mexico. T hen ta ll F adfie:>me again . . . a ll ‘'B ig 3" AU tla lilpt, W estbound and E ast- b e d t.8 imnd, now call a t Acapuleol ditioned.Visit lovely Taxco, C uenu - outdoorica, Mexico City . . . Aeol- eachihian, Pueblo, TolUea. W onder There's^ a t th e P a lace o f week., ItC Z S Corter, the anow- (except]- 1 % } crow ned' voicanoei C ity) or

of Ixtaedhautl and tifcyoui

'anama PaciiM»in 8U J - 2l i i « . Vince Bl



PBOMPTIT Bcspbds to Hr Kew Tresl ^ r ^ T K to lm y e k .

Method. “ ** 'Wtlie Fer r e t ^ ea Bbsn lafKtl

DR. H* W. HILLIU Halo Wh i ■ . . Twla Ftlrbeae U U -(O m Twla FtOi Ptiat h 0

] m m m

M l l i r * ’_____ Army c<

, , - ilded otIsab e lla ' M c l^a lfrW lio i^ a o n .

: a m G to ld a h o in 1 8 6 lp S .

A n s w e r Sum m ons a J ^ u o

lOSHONE. se p t 3S - . M n . I :Ilt McFall, BI. pioneer Sho- « resident, died i t her home ^ IhU momlng loUowlag tn 111- *’*"• of serenl monthi duntlon.

!n l terrlcct wUl be held i t [A S T tfcPill hotel Tuesday a t a p. m. e w u bom Mty 30. ItM t t k ScoUi, C tn td t. to d ctaw 13 United S ltle i when ahe w u JERO ‘t n ot age. She w u martled to l» s for iiMT MePtll In Eureka, Ne- Sunday . In IMS. e::th ,her huibina she wenl to olflcltU: nue In lU l where Uiey owned Music >lel tinUI Uiey came to aho- quartet, e In tJM. "niey Jointly openled Joe Day MePall hotel unUl * tow yean y°L ee . ulien Mr.'M cPalHItW'SiidiliiCB' FieciiUT time M n. McFsll h u oper- femewh Uie hout by henelf. I<7 ' ani

m rlng tre a loQ. John Me- Joe Day ot Shoihone, tnd four dtugh- 'n ie c MUl SUUlHMeFall ot Sho- b roken

B.M n.J.W .UuidIn.M n.CUr- ChrU t ‘m rn in tnd MUs Leont Me- meni wi

i-of-Portland-All-wert-ben-tt. ■flie ,A Jmi of thetr noUwr’i deiUi. tended i

( N D l m i l D ! IDAHC

INB BESIDE 1 0 - j ;------- Setenlh

fPERT. Idabe. Sep t M Ml - ung for body of an unidentified man of i u t erti t &0 w u found beside a rosd jtnnie 1 mites eoulhwest of Paut lodsy. The < llw n u ld there vTre no marks U k ot't sJence and Coroner W.A. Good- nounccd altrlbuled dealh lo heart fsll- the MOt

odlclaUw u wearing new work shoei. hlj pr<r

fiaied^t-Lew Iitonr-Idahcr-A -nr-T?l^ if eoKee In hU pick h td been ,ind prc ned from t Blickfoot, Idiho. ampaig . um a shirt he was wesring withe. a Boiemaa. MonUna sUmp. Mr*. An e body U held Bt the Goodman bridegro UIT7. Mr. T

- of Uie fiMS AND RECORDS " IING COTO PROGRAMilton pleturei ond electrtcally , icrlbed lectures brought Con- ■fall and wlnlet Mice m'lTier^l prognm to t group ol about eo J I eentnl Idiho dealen and eni-i^^u® “ s assembled a l Twin FalU Iber of Commerce roomi lu t

Rltendtnce lUo were a num- — ■ .5f Ul# ccmpiny's otflcUU In- _ng' Lon Kemp of S ill Lake ^ U I > usU ltn l dtrUIon manager: 0 . -

idwlg of S ilt U ke Clly, Indui- QU.lubrIctU on*p«U lU t:l!.J.ald. t t .y-ofjrwla.FilU,.dUlrlet luper.- .— V .A dent.I t dealer w u J. M.-Lflnen of ChokecFtlU. q tn n

adJeon w u lerred Ule In the “ i®"

' '_______ N ig t— -----------r ------------------Tnir<

K T TRA V EL‘‘ BUY*’ ' . ; nu"

'(y tU U tT B■ ■ ^ ^ . CONST/

's tom uh,

r sdredi

lg t o A c a p u l c o . . . .

x u r y l i n e n f o o n l o y

rf c o u n H e i i w o n d o r t my frl<- - BaseeUi

ocatepett, Xochimiico’a a tn e ,ting Oardcni, the fatnoug l _ _ _ _m idi o f San Ju a n Teotl- Medicatea a . . , E njoy Panam a TAOE -fie hospiU Iity bolh wayi. Bchnmn'ttateroona outiide. Real * 1*”• Superbm ealilnaif-con-ned dining lalooi. Two ^oor swimming pooli on T o r tih ip . done Nurre'a i calling every tecond *nd am

Includve coit itinerary ^ tpting n e a l i in Mexicolo ryouro«ntour.*V rJ/« , frunds. iour U arelaient orcaH— • a wonde:

o t ft perst

if ie L in e A 'AND BLUI STACKSI I didn’t

? ' ____ __________ I - . - i - tlnally.1. r ________________ want' t o «

......... .................. " ' - - r Ihls gretl

,- |r — -■ ■ _________time In 1

N—n s t a n l el g g i M U il^ . Be' ^ W M ^ _a StliBlllIc

™ ■ h S v For Juft I rtU i, Idaho m / W m grt the i I OUm Co.1 fully Kt^


LVATION ARMY HOST TO FORMER ADJUTANTajor B. T . SUdt of PoaUllo, , ft weekend visitor here cnnuU >octUDd to ttlcnd t eatraUon y conference, whldi will ba pre- 1 over by Edwtrt J . lUgglni of loa. M tjor Slack w u fonner ' " lUnt here tod h u been eleriUd [NITIA mk. T B l-C» ipoke Sundty erening i t the u , (m tUoo ftna j h tll i t t leulon jous talU n p tr t tn tlio by Rar. Cltud held Sun i, Rar. Mtekiy J. Brown, Rev. of Mn,I KarUon, tnd Adjultnl EUid Bond. h(

tnd Mn--------------- ' ■ were I

ST RITES HONOR i“r S ROSCOE J, CALLEN«310MB. Sept. » -F u n e rt l le rr- Jl?*?/, " for Roscoe J. Callen were hdd lay aftemoon a t Uie Presby-

S i S . ' ^ ' ” ''ustc w u tumtilied by Uie mtleU l, compoied of Elbert Rice, «Day, Harold RoberU and Rldi-

ewhere." “Going Down Uie Vtl- tn d "The Old Ruggtd Cross."

Day stng “Abide WIUi Me." le casket be trtn were hU dx ; hen. Dlek. Ous,, Buenos, Bert, s tn d ElworUi Callen. InUr- Min I w u in Uie Jerome eemelery.. '

Mn. a

iHO FALLS COUPLE X r “ S T A K E S T O T A L V O W S ssrya™

le homo of Alfred O .U U um on wilh hern th arenue nonh w u Uw set- F< S. Belfor Uie msrrlige a t six o’dock Twto Fal erening o t Almt R. Toone todlie ITsrker,.bolli of Jdaho FtlU. Jjudrt Mle olflclaUng migUtnle, Jiis-' Woo^ ^of lhe Pcttce II. M. Holler sn- daugli er iccd that the ceremony marked ,‘'• “1»OUi manlsge i t which ha h id CrawUnd t iW ; ui'd tn contomilly wlUi

prtstnlfd tlie groom wIUi Uw Ji* '* "" Mlgn emblem of hU choice. ithessei to Uie ceremony were ["»"'}* “ Amy U Toone, meUier ot ?he tohelp h

•groom. i n l i Mr. U th im . • » J'I r. Toone U a former employee ie Sport Shop In Twin Filli. W. E. T. % tn d Mrs. Toone will k i te to- hlOTUE for Idiho FaUi where they wUl Deinor t Uielr home. jweilded i

, , , , — ceremonyU. 8. BUVB CATTt*

ASHINaTON,-8epl.-28</fV-Tlie = rti goremment WU bick In Uie a market today wtUi tn auUmr- sa to purchase UOO head of | | || | | | lock trom drought a reu i t four " " " lla WesUm Urmlnit marktU.


ked a n d B reath less From lom aeh G a s -W e a k Kid- e y s .B ro I ie Sleep a t ^ . . 'ig h t. “ 4 BotHes V an .f . a g e B ro a g h l Quick Re­e f ! " T es tif ie s— O re g o n - .— ’u r « .

r leren despenU yean t itaeat Oregon nun*. Mn. F. luiseU of t l 8 a w . eUi Are, itnd, Oregon, luffertd tlmoil STANT MISERY from sour tch, btotUng tnd weak ryi. Then UiU noUd nune, h u htd experiences wlUi hun- I of remedies, found Uie nev

I f e n d VAN-TAOB wender- 80 I rUdly endoiM ll (e aU frlesdC tttUrtM Mn. F. M.

•eU, promtaeiit FeitUad **• .

nted Herb Medldne, VAN- c — which dniggUU I t ' imm-Johnion’i Drug Store, 102 t in Bt. report U the medial tlon of Twin FalU. Read csre- h tr rtnarkible teeUmotlUJ;

F*»d T n w d Te Q u . ir the p u t 18 yean I hire Nuning Work bere In PorUind ’ im well known tbout Uie diy,[ w tn l to glre you my lUle- tn d hMp ipretd the newi Vin-Ttge tmong iH my

U. tor I h tre found It to be nderful medicine tnd worUiy lerwn'i full endorsement For 7 I v u t ridim ot lour stomach,Rd blast My metU toured u u I ale them tnd timied to ^

: had lo get up 4 or fl Umes , nlghl lo rtUere my kidneysl "*

n’t know when lo lum, but y .l found V*n*Tage, ind now _. _ to u y to everybody Uist w^iit TCtt rompcund for me w uM t h a r t . f l U a i X M M g ^ ____iteep normtUy th t ffnt In SEVEN YEARS, ind 1 en- TtTo Sll W fflffllU.'' ~ -•

N ilon’i Owa Uerbi = •s Uie 31 O m t N itunl Kerbs = 'fin-T»ge compounded wlUi r a down oUier Viluible In-

the im idng relief described by Mrs. Ruw«U.-And tU prlee

THIN THE REACH OP ALL jft a fev cents a day, you can ie full benefit of Uiese ctre- lelected Herbs of Nsture. Sold = cln FilU st Bchnmm-John- =Drug Store. W N. Matn B t - =


j O c n i Y . . dPhone32

r/A T /O f/ FO Jl Club Buir -c p j i s f l o r s <>f Ruttr firelight tn d caniUellghl ser- « “» »»< lalUitlon of TH-O pledget v u «.«ompt Sundty tfum oon i t Uw home « “ y Pv

>iln. A. 0 . Victor, vlUt Helen Tha i d. hoslesi. Mothen ot pledges FtrUnd Mrs. R. L. Roberts, sponsor, presided

> guesu. MUl Mtrjorte c o n rtd ' uton, prealdent,' r n d ’ Uw by- rd wlUi - The poem "It" v u glren by Uie club following glrU, BUUa M te OueiU

le, Betty Wigner, Je tn Olm- pkdgei 1. tnd Id t Lee lam b. Muiletl Frances :llons were pltyed by MUt H tr- bury, Ft: Duvstl, tlunm t of tha dub. A Muy All Ing by. MUs Fnnees WUion, Sch»tnd ident ot. lu t yetr. Voctl u lec- ther Le I by Betly Wegener. A modem Peek, ion of “I t '' w u glren by MUi ithy Does, tUo tlum nt ot tha s/U P L i

lerte Kingsbury w u la c h t r r . - A T » Edges vere BIU Mte Balmon. * Heppler, Mtrllyn Brtiee, Joyce ce, Jean Pearce, Je tn Lynei. .In, o n tT U iJ o d . B U * Imo- DtrU, DoroUiy M irgant SmithM i r g a n t ^ u l e l J

o f T ijr ;THDAY- ANNIVSRSARY Idaho, k 1. S r lra O. fi«U, one hundred Dwliht ■ I ElghUi Arenua B ut, c tlib n t- The ce er ninetieth blrthdiy aanlrer- j u ^ Sundty, A ttmlly reunion w u o-dock li a l her heme during tba dty ben of u h tr Uirte chUdren preient, Mr. towed by . Bell tn d MUl a rtc e BeU ot mtrrUd 1 FaUs tnd Mn. John Byen of n s irtU ilnglitm, Iowa. Other g u ^ In- b ta of i -d M n. P. a Bell, Mn. J, A. bright hi is % n . B trbuft SutcUff tn d tire liter JutnlU, Mrs. LuU Cecil uier. wi diujhter Cirrie. MUi Peirt m tn sul

tUnd. in d Uie MUset a to rg l | Md bro< B rt MirUa. of gttdei1. Bell U t Clrll W tr vtdow u n . li JiuJlndJa .JW a_nU t_» tJK « ot-Uw br :e«n hundred U a eoming here «-ora a t Silem, lowt. A number ot her lujt «iui

dl ctlled during Ui» alUmoon u t e ot tip her ceUbnU. RefresbmenU » a birthday, ctke vere Mrred. rymoon i

— — UUh ta:. T. CLUB TEA FOR mske U» niERS AND DAUQHTERS -nit bi 'inor HoUlngiworth, prtsldent, k-cU Icnoi ded a t a slmpls yet Impresstre U ke CIV nany of candle llghUng by ele- Ur of th nev memben ot the U E. T. Mn. Mai


: . . P R O


Guard th* h i a l ^ o f ) i lK tr I c lig h t IiTyour (

: you can buy. I t ce'sfs i

. . . a im all am o u n t w «m pty lo c k a h th rougl

FILL. . . T h e y M e n a c e


-----------I ) Price* on'Iarge-

'‘A pril. Usa^^adequi

SalesUte Mqrt.Chtap.El*


• f ^ dtughUg m uu t

d C L U B S I f "ISFifty

RepubU Uw tUr J a m u l

V ' day t f l Sunday ifternooa t l Uie homa I

luth Bchwendlmtn. “n ie elub w u sung by Marjorie DriicoU, “i» »J*«

Bptnled by Jean Robtnsoa *** r Pumphrey read Uw elub poem. fl spoason, Mn. W. I. Mo. md and Mn. Orr Chapman, , . f rw ded a l Uie te t table which w u rtd wlU. a Uce dam tn d Ught-

i«U were mouien cf Uie tes whp were Vlrglalt Brose, ees Leonird. Mtrjorie 8tlU - f z ? : . ?I Fiye SluyUr, PhylUi 'Tionteli, S S h .' Alice ColUns, Jem Uwe, Jetn .tndlmsn. VUslnlt Ttber, E i. “ ’h , ,

Lee NichoU tnd PmcUlt____ .to ld M

PLB CEREMONYIK S -W E D D W a -^ ----------- guur^oa MtUww CulUn home on Klmberl I SouUi Street la Stit lAkt InteresU w u Uie leUlng tor an tour- Qoremt

g mtrrisge ot Uw early tu - M U i: iSstunliytfUmooB when MUl Uw tea tra ' CuUen HtUortn, dtugh- M la I t If Ruel 0 . HtUortn tnd Uie Mn. Mi Cmmt Culten HtUortn, bectme Mn. Vt iride e t Jscli; Cummlnr Dwl»ht u r& k e Clly tn d Twin FalU, in Lan< >, ion bf Dr. and Mn. W. IL — ht of Twin FtUi.» ceremony w u pertomwd by > A 0 , Thunnan i t tlre-Uitrty _ k la Uie pretence ot Uie mem- of Uie two timlUei. I l w u lo l- I by a dinner, Tlw couple w u •* led in Uie llrlng room, whldi " " h 5* irtUtlesUy dsconted vlUi bas- ^ of deep ytUov marigolds and I hued dnnUs. Tbe bride, who « glren In mirrtige by her f t - I

w u diarmtng In ft iprtice ----------. lult WtU) btrondukl tu f trim ■ ■ ■ ■ urown icctssorteir WlUl corsage B f f I .tdenUi. K UI. MacNeU J. BoUtid, a cousin m i T i » bride,•wuUw-alUndtat-tnd K f l ft bltck tnd whlto pin ilrlpe WlUl surer fox trim tn d cor- B P 7 ot gtnUnlts. n a S i

I couple WUI spend Uielr hon- on t t Uw ctnyoni'vt louUiem

u d Boulder dim tn d wltl m r \ Uielr home tn Btit U ke Clly.

I bride U a member ot tvo | H | n known pioneer fimUles ot S ilt U N | Clly; she U Uie gnnddtugh- C U N

f Uie UU.MtUiew CuUen tnd ' f B i k MtUiev Cullen tn d a gnnd- I Q J y J

Y O U H il

O N E p ;

) T E C T T H


if y o u r «yM . B< l u r t y o u hav i

If h o m t . i t l l th o c h c a p t i t <yi

f s s o ll t t f a t o h a v t a l l t h a Ilg h

w ill b u y t l K t r l e l i g h t g lo b ts

u g h e u t th a h o u i* .

EMPTY socket:: s Y o u r E y e t a n d Y o u r H

--------------- 7 — ;EW LOW PRICES

)R U R G E U M P Stm a t N tw U v t f I i« M g KaN i

rge.glka lim p g lo b tt have b e tn r«<fu le]ectric .rit<L -W «f^reduced.»g<!r q u ita light frw ly - you can afford

AissociatroE U f J m 4 ' f W 2’s P r t U c t X&

\ffiER;29. W8«

;hUr ot W. J. HtUonn and a n in u r uiltca ot M U i'K tta UtUonuL H |IN |

V S R T S r ^ V S N ^ ITR SP U BLW AN WOMEN ■ ! [ty memben ot Uie Women'i nlibUctn Letgue vere present i t ' -------lU rtr Ua a t Uie home of Mn. u H. Shleldi, Jr„ In Buhl Mon- afUmoon. '« prognm, tn chtrge of Mn. ne Hudle«», v u opened by ilaglng o t -Oh Buistnsh," ted . i n . J tm a D. Pence, followed ’ ..Toctl number by M n. Pence, apinled by Mn. Murphy.M. Riybom of Filer, eaodldtU BUU Benitor, spoke on socUl Ity tn d Uie old age pension. He •Ttiere U too mudi polities In “**“ • nUet progrtm and office held* n Idaho tre Uilcktr Uitn g r tu - Burn' t n la K tnsu." ■Relief,” he l»o ‘’Ibould be in Uw h u d i of Uumiot

td Mclt) vork tn initeid of school, Idtai." Albloa1. Genertere Dwight told of The I m 'l p ltce-tnd responstbUlUu mortutr nUUcs. Mn. K. W, Otouchek tr r tn g t ot h tr experiences t t RepuUl- hetdqutrUn la Chlctgo. c im a i % Btrker of l\>pekt, K ta m , rlH flLf - o n w r s t t t w r B e W S ^ —Derly, w u Introduced ta d gays esUng penontl glimpses of je r o rmor Altred Landoa {eti foiu FlorUn Hunt pUytd during wen eoi tea hour, Mn, Clouchek and ral chai b e tu McOoy ofTwln PftUi,M ix MUler of CuUeford and j « n Van Riper ot Buhl presided at « " n

f u n e r a l s " S S "OUY L. COWAN Charla

n e n l eerrlcet for Guy U Oowtn I»U n bt held Wedneidty t t a a. m.St. Edward'i OiUiolle churchlUT. H. t . Heltmtn otfldtUng, ----------Roearr vUl be read IMeeday j

Ing a t 7 o'dock a t Uw Twin ■ ■ I mortuuy chipeL ZnUrment be In Twtn FaUi cemiUry,




n k I

A V E _ Itaipirtwed«

> A IR ia v a tr

i kaoed;f . n e teri^ « U g a

g n , ai reeatel ea aat aadfU Ibarei



adi ia I

\ i ~ r . 1

\y thodgb

■% ,

Mil ell and VI mO lot

, . , Anothriva p lan ty o r „,« » <Bya Iwiuranc* iMked''

g h t y o u r . . , ! J S

. ■ f o r i l l I h . 17^*“.,he aU he aeei •Uperi

r s .L , • sr r g e e u t

H a p p i n e s s . . w i g .

■ an bt?, d m n i

take a ta d gn aad rea grocery fttw ret x n ra i htby In

_ -------------------------- cMb*.’1Kiucad Mtp ain l f u ln . . . ,»rd It!


------------- ' I0 » f t

m i r. 9 ^ r n ' t r n i ---------- :— - r a m

b n M i

, i'"*~

i H i i i f i l l E S l '

s p i p i i j

aiO N, se p t a t - M n r i f a r r 7, O , vlfe ot ReT.Bertram'B.7. paitor of tha Albkia Oon-:' lUonal church, dttd a t -Uw ly hosu hera a l noon today. ' : h v u atUlbuted to neurlUi.« dtugbUr of Mr, aad .M n. Donaahue, the v u bom 8ep* ' •

<r 13,1871, a t Varditofa, Xea*- r. She v u n am ed a t BuUngi lova, June a , IBM, aad had a Rildent o t ju u o a ' tor Uw IB y e a n . - ^

nrtrlng a n ’ her huiband aad listen, V** Bella Doanabae, " uotor a t Albion SUte NoiaaL >1, and Mts. E. E, Baumtn of>a ,e b ^ re tu a t Uw Johnson, uary tn Burley pending funeral ngeaienu. ’ . .

IAL U T E .P AID. ' .

ROME, flep t?»-IM aertl aanri tor M n. J. B. Burgoyiw, ff, ' oonducted a t Uie Jerome ftma*

^ p e t uen d ty aRcmoon wltb A. B. MarUn offldaUng,

9 Day n n g two roeal loloa ae^ wnled by Dick FOstn a t tba ). ............. ......................V— - -Ubearery..inr». Jtck O mH. '-- flUrnipf, Vem BuckUa, B. K.

t. W, weifenbaugber and . l a Bird. •larment v u la Uw Jerooa itery.

• l i i a t t t t f t o l i u K a«lar mlaf Olaad m M l i ataart t a c a a t a p a f t t e w a r i i . * .I beM afify th taf • m m n i , ■ara hM ta tik a a r i t t t ~

*a tlaib -W «,-» ifa If a « « a '. ' d « t m t iU ’ O M n M s ' ' r - 'a g a < ka l'k a ''« tri« 'lM ar X B i C S M a c a M f A D f lMle a to a fB a ta ra a C te a ia ra a tibH w aakaU B alV M M kaw ' Itr tbaagU i h v v a n Iw a. e « .-W a a e ld » M ra a ila a a fla ra a a tn e to ra O b itv a A ta Ig aawnm to U O tn<a. Ora., aod aaaUwr Uff a a ila a ta ' . ateDa. Idaha, ana « t nlaa«> uw tber apa ta Twta r a lh a t iO v a lu n th a iU ia a a a B •

malt M ill'r^M *' awnlli ef »U ara alnadyeeintoeaa Ibat ’ ad PraU leUt tba beel « t eemea ta Idtba. Aa aU M* j t r t v a l M ( a a o r a tn e e . . . la aa fanay aa n a rr r Mbm r e , ba tasad p i axlrciMly r la an departowaU. . . ha ’I ba last ctme (n lo ebeck . la n , . . be eayi he. raadt a « ttterabereadiaoyaU w rpari rhe Newt, . , Ib tl being theI I «m h tra la aik Hr, Bead >tart paytag me for numlag ia ihe paper. Ererybedy retdt d-s paper, ta d I Iblak 1 vfl]I far L tn d e n u h e tn d I bolh ere «a the lanie p e t iq n n r . t i l "piy u w e go," ta d a letu K aitfu frtlewi aatan lly ^ iW 'ihat-liaden Ii-a-v o i% rr — n t n , , . hovertr ve hara no : on Roosereil ba t ve Iboagbt ould be a good Ume ta cbeek a llltle aa tb t t 'i why ve

igbt we veotd tle tl Laadea rerer, Ulklng polities nisht Dore h im th ta good. . . We ell to ererybody bat Uie dirlL we do tike to Me J tn Netl loU e t groceries and ibeet, ther easto»er lost htaded a cheek tor tltO t. He v u hinf tU orer his tsce . . . be ed like he lud been n n r isgh ft d u l r threshing mt- It. ta d needs a Uwn raewer tU erer hU face . . . 1 kaov oa 't want th U p u tp a t label a tde the rtm trk lhat whea leei my pktsre-' be alwtyi . s right Ibere and retds i t . . . tre ItkV him. vbUken, dast

alL. The tsnnen- tre the ;bone of the cotmtry, and I• the reasoa vby the awn- lee doa'I e i t the ta m e n ap pletely U becaase they a n tiwlVbone. Brlag ia your oO 01 aad ntnay stcki, and

a good sopply ot oO grease home w llb yoa , . ,

rcmetabcr Jim Netl'i cot n U ery aad dalbbur store . Ttaember that Ilarry Mas* a aeUs ererythlag frem a ’ bacgy ta a thresblag »a - *.-We‘bt?e'btrawood tamber — I ta d tarpenttae, ta d enr

SALESCO.I the Bead U Iha Beapttat

• d l a f tawhir ta TVta FklU y, ea aw Inek r t iU t o r : aariMd I kara laU abeady n N atrfrea aad tbe other »A v Q r» ( la t ir lhaa a bll kee after a kaU headed a. ' '

'pABii n y t -f

The Wro it : . ' . ‘batlDW*! I ^ l lune) ^ ■ 'r-" ' liu

, .'BTNOWIB! TftHiM M»hM7 ‘ ' t w ftlreadr raow d eae'Uri fNQ

;,i . - ju b tm U w tm t CU f ot kU- U'l ' k u e n — E te UUk, (he tttm

j ' tUi'. Bot wbtn Iw took hwhoiM W . Ji»l»ei»«theleiainr»M i»eelfi>r *»

’ ■ han; bM i«wti«d from MolfrsTe,•ne «< Uwwn'i mfn. whew Knth “

' IVm o I t belsc bUdm u d It d«. *■ («rmlncd 1» rtleu« her ilM .n e Tic:■ ’ b u b tllm d his w>r Into the hJU

.h id m t. M d b belac la lm tptrd fort r ono «f MIb Froer'i purds. hlo

am 111

Chapter U' CIBl< W rn i QVN wn

Mahaojr tunied oa him Ilio » U- bui: : Jttr. • inibbed Wm by the eollnr.

t t M him nearer. «nd ralKd.hls plitoL

•T7l«r#'» M l* -F rue rJ Aniwtr "■•• mkklT or m -ta i9 ct TOUT brnlM am

But,'* I» enlertd bamhlr. rail '• ■ .”Ebt 3kHu Ftaicr. BbCt locked In

' *TMinupiC*lra,’‘ ftnnrered thoman. uldZ« h id k b t&T7. bU U d look, u \i n

' b o .n id been alecplnc In an arm*: • ehilf «od m not jrct properly ^

*T Sink» ,-i»W Mihony.', Hll putol-but cama down with » ^

' ^otsad tb* l i t W in ca Uie noor.: • -M iboniriprtngfortheaW raM id . n n op two a t,ft time. At the top

v u 4 ecarldflr with doon on ellher -- ,itd«o tltH » U -W * lo iiith « eo rt(- w . ^ dor ft man «H tllUng u U kteplnc .■ ■ m lch.»pl*lollnhU hand,: Al Mahcmy Wined the ipp of the ^ '' : j tU n , be roeotrom'htiiettflulckly, ^

Afain then came the iharp ear- wUttlar c iu h ol • ihot, tnd lomi

• t tJ n t twitched Mahooy^ aleere. in - ^ ftantlr Mahony rUtd back; the re- 5 "

li^jMttaef tbe two ahoU (otlowcd ooe ** * ••, tnotber with hardly an InlemL ,

....•naintn clutched athUIhoulder,■ ipon MouBd on Ua feet, and iprawN

li^ ^ -h to -b a c lc -c n - th e -f lo o rj-h l i ,--*S T pWol aild f ttm h lj hand acroBth#

e«pet*‘lW n ’tl*?* of acrid amoke ■-iQimidftillghUjaa In the corridor.

After the rfportcf those two ihola _* ' ' Uw l U ^ , for ft moajent. t tra ed ^ f !

■ 'ftla'oBt tmiialural. “nien Mahony h«o• Choate.

n f la J W M r lM U iP n w r rTfpm behind ft cloied door cane ^

k clear, delU ntTolee-ailrl'iTolee. <'“1•• • -W hli do 7 « « n t t v _ 2

"An j t n locked I n r ahouted Ua*' ■ !wny, T n hare jo^ont cf_that In a , .

■alntm.* ah• Hi « n for the door and put hl» ,he

ahoulder to tt tn a football .eharce. uah. Tbe.Umber cracked. He w u about her■ to h a rt another co a t It when the gnif

tIrl'iTolee eanw again. wamlnglT. itm>. “lab o o ld n ttrr th a tlf lw erey o u .' T re tjfll cot JouT; * « • Jell.". back

lUahooy didn’t kijow lh a t Ihe w u igud ' taUnc aboat; A n m r . ilia ipoke m l

~ to(H atef-H e h id already Ilarted on S s i ^. -apother ebarte. Aciln h ii ahoulder y a ttu c k th>.-docr-wlth-an-hli-inl|ht T n n h to d ’J t .There, w u. a rendlnc u

, craah, aad one ot the Umben u re d <- IttVilighUy. Prem behind the door, came .tho c ru h of a ihot, and a bitil

BidlDtcr.of wDoilirork lumped from •£■ttiadow .iodB m tdM ihonyf Iwe. ,r,j,

• ' He w u amued. ‘Hie ilrl -w u -v \ ibeoUng a t him from behind the - ..docf.U occurT edtohlm thatllw u

probably ahe who h td iho t a t himftom.the window. . " j n ,

V . - n t la n r t l h t ," b e Ihouted.“Oont L tIhoot. m comi to rescue you." - j

. "Oo tall that to the Marln»," •.tfQ, •, cam e-thi c trti Totee from behind

;> 't h i door. "You wont tatc))jpe like p,_

, ; -Hen and'damnatlonl" u ld Ma- ^ bony lo a tose of Inlenie annoyance.

theiA iyetbehanllyiindetitM dw hat «om<

. w u bappenlni, but the fact that not i . the <lrl whom ho had come to rt»» i t

-cue .m try ln c to ihoot him aroused terrc ' in .h lo an acute exasperation. The atmp nib.faced Ultle hilf.»li,h«thou|hU her. th a t w u the kind ot thins in in* -V

„ trtpld jounc airwoman -would do. TSUI He did not try to arcue wllh h tr 'o r own penuade her; he acwd. all y

HI drew back lUghtly, and Ihen 'I e s : = ^ = = = = = = =

^MAKE TraS MODTwin Falls Daily >

SCIF i i i a S a H

, tem

In 1

t i f * vv:I W M ^ B - besuwaist


" H It >>»><

' ' k ’ iB-Yi

^ ^ ■ H H ^ B ' i \ i


- d U e t W \ |

" i : . : . - - 1 , : ’ "

)ng Murderery tiuCB ClEVEir . |

lunged forward wllh h li ticht foot, with' - all his itrencth behind the lunce. Tbe soli of hU ahoe alniek the timber tn tU weakest part, where It hal adready beguo to gin.With a splintering crash a panel *CUI tV the way down and the tioc* flev open. At it opened, Mahony dropped to one knee, dueklng u lov as possible. i

“O n ck r went tha Ctrl'* pltlol ! Tlciouily, but tbe buUet p u u d ; hannleuly o n r Mohonyi head. Be* ; fore she could fire again Iw flung { himieif forward, thrust oul a long j arm, grabbed a t her ankle and gare a Tigoroui puIL She uttered a yell and w t down suddenVr. The pUtol . went oft again, but th it time the e = bullet m n t inlo the eeillng, Be{ore the could fire again Mahony (rab- ■ bed the barrel end wrcnched 11 from her hand. i—

“What the devil db you think I V rou-ra.doLBtr MkifL "Ymi . tJU ralght-hara tha t me."

"ThtVt what.I meant to do" the a id . A

filttlng on ths floor, they examined ■ one anotlier bad*l«mpcred]y, nuth Prater v u a lUm girl wiih a boyish (Igurr. candid, sllghllr freckled fea* turei, a imall delermlned chin, and

Ktnhony with great scorn and dls*Ike: It w u eTldenl lhal she dls- ipprored of him ilrongly.

Mahony lighed. «T ildn t you heir ma aay rd come

!o, rcKua you7* he asked In a brare, utlen t voice. Hi* tone seemed'to ndlcale that aha probably did nol ’ jndentind the meaning ot a long ^ nird Ilka "iticue."' « tr

-Ot couru I did,” ih» answered.didnt bellere you. 'Why =

ihouid’» I Ihought you wer« one t if them. I h e y ^ been promising oe all-iorts of thlngi it I’d «ome IUt."

n n e ,* u ld Mahony.J l U ^annoyanee v a n l i W ; _ ^ _

‘Do you beiien now that f n «ma to rescue you?” he atked."Yo." Ihe u id . .He rote qutclply to h it feet, and

leld out his hind t« help her to rise, lha gruped It. and he pulled her . iF ^ht."Came on. then! we'de belter get i

uV ol here." h t u ld . '- n u t will luit toe," lhe »n*

ahe rvayed'illghtly; o f 'a tu'dden ' be looked w ry weak and Ured. Jahony look her arm and helped ler along the passage and down* ta in to tha hall. No one tried to top them. In lhe front doorway the a t man- w u illUng up. leaning >z=: lack against the wall and groanlnc , oudly. Jla looked ralher Uke a fat ] spiring fish. He watched them. iu5y*eyed,'whlta thcr got Into ths ~ ' ar, Mahony itirtcd the engine and llth ftToud-roar ther w re away.— “

I t w u not till they were clear If tha house lhat either ot them poke. The gltl ^ e the silence ietwe<o.U>em;'"

"So you came Into that house liter me alone." she obserr^"Yei," aald Mahony.She appeared to consider for a

Qoment. Then ahe went on: - ■ .. "I'm iorr7 X v u siKh a nuisance.

: mean, trying to shoot you. and all ■ hat rort of thing."“Thafi aU right," said Mihony.

How are you feellngJ”"Tlwd." she answered, "and hun-

ry. I suppose you lu re n t by any hante »eV a ham wndwSch or a ileca of chocolate about you? X - larent had anything to ea t alnce he d»y before yeiterdiy. Ther* w u ome water in my room, but Ihafa I lOt fnghttully sustalntng Thfro w u no trace of hysteria or

error about her; the >poka quile ahe t IfflP^ and seriously, Mahony Uked ha\-e, er. A nice kid. he rellecKd. 8hi"I'm. lorry, I hatenl." he <ald. riMll

BUtXTl toon hfcve you back a t your "B> wn home, and you’ll be able to get uket 11 yuu want there." bull' I dldn'l.really think you-had," M»

------------ -------- ClMll------ not t

' . ' ^ __| relaU


News Pattern.> to le:



. days

fiv C ^itcC fJam S m nIng-j

Seeking a Fall vardroba " trac e r »»kfdis t h u charm, clilc and alender* to m ess? Then here’s your frock. Pat* nam; •tn 41S3, for iu charm and chic "I < re erldent, aHd Its slenderness lies lookli 1 Its knowing eregithlng about came tur figure but disclosing only the some: 8iU If your weight lies abote the 11 wb aist, lliat double Jibol’s an es* *01tclally good concealer and flal* like ; :rer, while verlical skirt teams do Tliai'lore than, anything lo gira tlie up Inluslon or nsinesa la back and men: tlsM la Itotrt..reriecl lor'hom e in a oUesjing, callUig, -dinner -out," exctr nd man)- anotlle^ lodnl engage* MleilenU You cu i makrlL yourult in food.'-very «liort-lline-as lllutlmlcd -Sc lep-bj'-step Kwing InstrucUons Mnhire included. s (Cc m iiern <IK is avaUible in s l» i —

4. 38, 31. « , « . « , « nnd 'I'.IM 36 Ukcs yards 39 inch fab* _

t -ma* Aduni Mium. w nu plUDir

■>b tlkid lu S llliT ^U k

iK!5E\DlMrrA^Eri!(“ B 0 ^ 'j S » ^ r CUll S«< itit IIMI n u lu h lo u />»• Tri


Ul iMii p°ifo " nnecM ”cffV p i> T . w. ji r t y n m p t centi. tw c«t t . " /* ;

S "Addmn orden lo Twin niM N m , vUTvui^wu, as



» e u T . p o p e ' / e - J \ ~ / - v I P AOEEPftLWWS l / p A 1 T E U 5 THe TRUTH*) O MMBE V O U R O ^ftTHERtS ■ I 'a b o a r d V . ;

■ p r S T E I D S -

X VAS dBS‘ WOWDBUM'-eUAWft W U S B E -A -ltE gW kP -a06S ^O t4 -<

— ~ ;? s M r i« D a > v > o


_ r y r r i S S ! ^


"T^8 . c 'mc^


. R0$ARI0,' ^ R S H R V1 AffEARf B c g S T O / X ^■ T b s s g g g w f v ^


I'GUESS THEY'RE ALL T I V- A S tff ip B / ^ i s t im e J tv

le Mid. -Dut 1 thought you mlghl \ avt. If you know itbat I mean,”6ha looked a t him wiUi frank eu* i=ully. [MM"By tlw w v . »» s« 1 " Ihe | Hiked. "And how did you happen lo ■ ■ III In thli erenlng}'’Maliony had no IntenUon of dU- J HMlng-hts Idenlllytrlier.' i te dtd H 3t want to hare lo explain to herJaUrtsXlr.the,pollcc.J^o^f_h^hld Blunfl-out-thiif ih e 'w it 't ir th & l H)U3e."Dftn't bother about who X am." ■ ! ansiered. "I'm not going to an- rer any ttueiUans. Out I'd like you < tell me about yourself—how you cre kidnaped and vhat w u going I Inside that house when I tumed

"I was kidnaped about three lyt ISO. vlini I w u aith a friend ' mine named Silly Rou," the an- i tr e l "He met nw u I w u com- g my guardian's houte. and j ^ | krd S i f I'd like lo go v lth him B

tet a marveloui fortune-teller I ^ H lm^l nachrl. ) ■ ■--I vent wilt) him. ind while I was H oking inlo a crF*tal somebody ime up behind me and p rtw d c n mtihlng ovtr my mouUi. I think pm, wm chloroform; Il smelt like tt. r„B

•Ot course I kicked and struRgleil ce anything, but ll wai no good, lial'3 all I rtmember till I woke , t t i ) In tin t house. Tliere « r c three , i ten there, and they kept me lockcrt ____, a room. Tliry didn't lll-treai me, = r c ;cep; for nol letllns mo go. bul I . ,. I^ve Uiey jnjl wmrthjjig in my

-.Some drug, you ’mean?" aiked ‘’‘*'7 ahoiiy. ‘’■'0 n(Cojyrisht. 1«5. Hugh Cln’My)— ■■ — JtoT

(Continued In Next Isjue) .

j ^ H O S H ( ) N E — : - j ^ p

Dfldn l^ rty -M n. Emmiit Kdlyl

•Iday evening.”M rr-fl.-W , lUlj "t m high prUe and Mra, Waller mrck won second high. .Tfiehen Vltll~nuth Orosse and

itied thclr-p.vents In Shoidione i et ttie wttk..tnd. 1 _More lo \Vapl-Mr.,and Mrs. M.'. llcnneiuy hare mored to Wipl I Here Mr. Itcnntvy will be em- I oycl- u sVlsU* at Sho»tjone-Mrj. Doro- !/ Sfltton of.Oooding.ts visiting ) ^ | g

r i W T HIM tF M E P O P P A l 17 W f tS - A B O A R O m S W P ^ JU S ' T O T E S T H IS < y E R M S \R V A K H E 5 e Z 'V £ S " - H E ‘5 A )

^ V l P O L AWRIL ImoW d o )M .r^J 4M P 0B T A M T - JDOLsMg - ^ WALKIN' DOWM WINSTON^ t c w n w r m j ----------W B12B etK T v ; & N T > y - : : : _ - .^ b c w w ^ DOLLAR C / H EBE B U y CIS LL IN M v) 03M £5 MC P B B MC 3 C K E T !/ \ WINSTON' HOUSTOI

i fcN M V PC

iiiH lU lO A

IV E g o t I S J^-^Q U IB T .< '— TT M ' HOSE YA TOOK GAS FROM


rfew G.A.R. Chiefed .toempio:

I ^ H r .. g n tt iw K F ',- - . ' . v . '- T ^ ^ B I Part ■ F ' . ' . > Mn. i


f f imerly

■ f ; ' " ' A ' ohona.V B F T n ' . ' . ' f l H f f i 6 ^

' • ' ’. # W M- ^^ ^ f * work l■ I . ^ ■ oucd

is belrA ^ H l mlxlur W . . H H Lear

accomi Mlllarc wliere Utah I

n . WIltlA.M nUIIE (abore) of, BtJT Pltlibnrgti, • r t , ' Wb# ran away TerhuJ from home at IS to Join the Union first i im y In the Clrll IVar w u eleetrd eight tifif commander of the G.A.II. by mOTini aceUmallen a t Its encampment, mceUn It Wa>liInglon.-<<D Phole. I high i =r5’r = ± ^ = = = =

the Charles MarUn home. - — “ Hclnmi to Shoihene—MLm Dor. IB Mly Swoiw.'who has'»pfiit‘n irp .u» i..........0 months l:i Evanston, hss re* rned to Shoshone. . 1More* lo Oooding,—V u iu m

I— lyAY s c n o D r a na— r -------N H JH T T C H D O t--------|

SCnoOL OF PU3mE38 ~ I

= ^ ^ = = -----Mu

JE L L IS O N BROS. I f « tJranlle and Marble »fenstntati I . i

and Mariners i ‘

OFFICE AND YABO j Ow UI Main Are. E u t, Twin FalU

Tfltphone 6«-W j



PsSTTswiYl^ H e v . t h e r e V t ^ }

ISP.V J A G H O S T / ’ t t

DO y o o )/‘u- WM.K [Flwj T O N ? \ 1 B O « - I dU C T 4NC6 S O I N 'U r a B . LIKE TOE M T O / T A W w a yoi; C 6 A H S ) \ ^

1 acrr 1__ ^f f i m V - K ^.A R B I L L ' . / i f f l A ' W C K E T J ^ f m O


— ■ m ' L f s n t n B W I '• I r i i p iT H '-T A N IS V C U O W - FUS

W 3 K E .T » 'a H H H E L P U r . ENO TOE

clierer. i;lio h u betn employed at r i l I ie Kelly Molor company, h u mor. M l , t o Oooding where ,hfr-wlU be • *‘■1 nployed by serera and Vaader* n i l a t Ui« Fotd'garage.ParenU ef DaBghtcr-Mr- and

Ira. Pred Moore aro the parenu of daughter bom in Shoshona lu t

e e t __________ - FJL■MO Mm-»Word h u ' beefl ’ re* »t*>ool ilved-In Shoshone ofUM 'birth of here- ton-lo^Ir.-and Mrs.-Arthur nod* KWJtJ rra ,of Paeolma, Callfortiia, Sep* a^n' mber 20. Mn. Rodgen w u for* m„ , i . erly Mtss WllberU Peak cf fiho* M .rij lona. ^t^5.BUtelt Olled-Undcr dlrecUon of and ) i Ii. Webb, street commisslG.ner, ork Is procrcMlng on widening the led surface a t Uie street Inter* -V ? ' cUons. A small goa driven mlier being used to prepare the oiled

Ulure. " i ^Leare for Logan-J. A. Millard. ' icompanled b ; his son. Edvard Sopl lllard, letl Saturday for Logan, Idenl; Here Bdward will enroll i t the dent; tah Slate AgrtcuUurat teUeje. trtaw

I1R5T Aid class

BOIILEY. Sept. Jft-Dr.' Chitles ___erhune w lir address th#-Burlc)- JOEn t aid class Monday emilng a t Kight o’clock on transportation in whoATing pailenta and fractures. Tlie girli.eeUng will tw held in ' Uia Ducley Don[gh school building in charge of sba>

Motlltr, insinittOT.


n'm eatt (or aad pay cuh fer Ji dead or werthleu . . . AR

-H O H S E S -iT T C O W S T rr- -S H E E P -rrran d - .'- .’ i'H tM lS r fJ I -S te p J rP f to n B -T K in 'f t i l ls - i * U i.....: a n 'z i p ^ e W c a - ; -------] ^• ...W B P a y .fo r .lh e C a ll- - !


M m H e tce n c t qeU«d Braad } ■ ;

/ Oeldea Bom Meai ' I ■ JHihert We*» T ali t « ; . . b

H I D E S . . . P E L T S . . . ' FU RS . - . W O O L . . . ~

On* u n t E A aad U 8«atb t f >'o

- K ni U e


:iFT ■

O H ,5 0 Y A & M A 6 H 0 $ K ? | H ALVJAVS PIRST W IT H I TH E LATE.'5T, A m C H ^ ? ( O O HTBU5TIH TO M E '


HB 0 6 A B S P O e \ > B U T MB. r O U - A N D W ^ s ) HOUSTON KALPi-DOLLAR \ TOLD US

> \ 7 t o s p e n d I. t o b u y Wi W / A 6 0 f f /

L 6B U V E S( O in T A THE

v t \ \ C T A N S B !

P ^i i________ o r J S & Z f f l !

( ^ V B i c o m s \ / - i m t 5 f n w r s L WTO U N D - / ) l$AWFUa.YW0l

- y ^ PliCfT I;

i i ^ N T>4ET OU(MN 6AL*S CAR w r A N 'R E M E M B E R -r LEAVER m JG M IN GACK CAR S 0 &■HEY KIN s e r O U r'N H E R E /Y I ------g ^ W V ? / e------------------^


nLER. Sept. 38-PUer rural high hool studenta-held ilim elecaoig ffl- t tc n a a T with tha following j g j

Seniors — Stanley Ehlen, prea- ent; Jay Harding, vice president; arjorie De Moss, »ecretary*treu- , er; Rela Rector, Htlen DuqMesnt Id ManhaU Cobb, council mem*;n. .Juniors - LoU.Pond, president: Iu„ rdney Wllion, vice president; ao 'B Ien Davlj.MereUrj'-ireawr- ; Nan Musser ind Eugene Oul- k, council membera. =Jophomores — Clark Allison, pres- ___tnl; Junior Munyon, vice presl- jr^ nt; Ellubeth Showen, secretary- 4 Cftwrer; AlWn • B>er»oie, council ^

lOE-K 8AY8:. ' rKeep yaar eye ca the politician

■ha velgha his words. Ho may be tiring yon short welghU Eh whatl V Don'l cheat yonrtelf oal ot yonr ' Ihare ot the 0««d Tlme*;- — a t VNCLE JOE-R'S —»


' ' ’w S n e s d a T t o w s m ^ I m

[j I

Cemedj • Nawlly - Newi ! gj

N O T E ^ m 'm n t o & ^ 'v r e . m Nerer Raise Oor Prieea! " .

RIDDICK lee. >- ADULTS tSe ^



l5N‘T f C » ^ tK 6 t5 ^

~ - T W O B I ' l

K I iB lfT W OU LD Sl'T I |m V i /B . R in V - « B M T » - A I« ■ i Z l L J H T W SO D A S B&B. B S T T E P T H A N

D U E - F O R ^

r S H iP -Y ] ^/E^ $ s n w

B y J . P . M c E V O Y a n d i


'UMTA sNemfi/om: - 0 £ B X E ^ S O f / / r S T i

A T W B e ^ o F m •BOQ.HASPAUSeOih THATilfSAflsrmSi

nember. dlstPreihmen - Theda Allen, presl* ’*'«

lent: Jack Shropahlre and fihlrley ‘’™'latch, Tic« prealdent; EloUa More* aand, secretary*tnaturer: WUma andWilson, rtporter; Junior Snelson, mll«MuncU member. , ^_ ^ -i— . - » ■ I -, . *, ff,l|


JEHOME, Sept. M-A’heallh meet- ng w u held hera Friday evening I'hcn U A. Lambert talked on the j] falue of a school nurse, her duttles o^gj md lhe cott of maintaining n school .w , lurse. I t will be possible to have wo nurses, one In the east end and =ina in Uie Jerome district. If cach ___

■ ^

EHQnB3E3 f111 NOW! III Doors Open l:t3 -« ;« III I

i f f i i i S w i i -IHffAViWWi

i m m


BAinmoMEir i CMOUI COOPER f /g A i% ? M W I I McxnROONCV W T i f ^ A ■. J

' By E. Gi SE6 AR

S S o S l / SG O R ia A . . . \ F O R THE TA KE OFF THE U W e OP



I '

l A B I G B L O W - U i ! •

r m V - w K i c m n t s 0 0 n w i w A u j m s . __________

w m « 5 y ^

d J . H . S T R I E B E L

i -V^ r r e A O N S ^ S A s c u m ^ A w / « s a e i N . B o o -


listrict wlll provide half ot. tin iragea of a nurse and Uie lU te wlil provide Uia oUier half, ho said.

A nune 'i u lary la tlW ft montb ’ and the districts have to piy Uit nlleago when terred.

A committee v u appointed by ffelllB-RobeHJrtounty-wjperlnten- , lent, lo contact distrlcU 'lo ie t 'iU iUi-'U ttUi7)^i-nliT7r^Miiiibiit------- -ire Mra. M. J.,BrfdgmiD. chairmin. iV. D. Irons, clerk ot the Appleton district, and Cecil Bott, tlctk o( lhe niral tchool a t Hazelton.

If these nurset are lecured i n ' )rganlutlon will be fonned to iponsor Uio nunlng clrc|ilt-





■TOMOmiOWnntiT H U R S D A Y l

Itrtnm Shoeing At I5< _

Dotin Open Al 1:10 P. M.CinUnooi^ filmwi Doth Diyi

IMaiiagiBruins 1R u f f i n g S p e i

S e s s i o n I n G o m e z L ii

lYanKee M o t Delays T Choice Of S tart- 1

Inflr Pitcher j

Both Teams DrUl vH EW YO B K , e o p t. J8 W - JJ

T in c a lm e it ip o ts In « bn io - ' . bu ll-m ad How y o ik today “

th e Y a t^ M i ta d lu m v h c rc jt lh o G ia n ts a n d Y ankees! jj

. w orlted o u t o o th e ir hom a d la - -j-j m onds fo r t h s la s t tlm a be- foro th e y m e e t In th e f irs t gom e o t ihB w orld se ries W ed- “ ne*<Uy. • M

‘Ilia two olufaa vlU prwUct on rtw l lleldi tomomiw. wim th# VtnkM*. BfctUDj their »l*hU wl- *

Jutted to th e optnlnt - r m c i l tcenery *t the jj P o lo Orounils while Uia O lu ts “ take ft Toikout ^

___H | | | n | [ | M thfl Bronx JS

- T h e s e (trlUs wiu eom p tflte


twTO w ite d bN

I u t t OTT *“ tills i jrlvnlnf, bul which promlKs lo sJiat-

' ter box-o(tle« records tor btMball't

• lh e Xmi3c*« tollowed Ute OUnU M - (edftjyn-ftuwunolw'ft-Kllouc ot nil I 9 ’ • - rS m i td '8« U ’ l»-niM iii'Sm c>w

th»a h»If (ha eapwKy o t each p«fJc ■ >licft(!7 >104 been sold i t the rate.ot I <SM or »4.eo per ticket, for lU =

• lu n u . _ _On Ih# d»r of etch ntna . «.000

u n m trrtd se«t< wlU ba on u le a t Ethe Polo atounds. elftrUng i t 0 ■*. ra, or 30.000 « t Uia Vtnkee »U- •»dlum. ‘Hie unreserved sections con- I

^ U t ot innditftnd >psc« *1 »3J9 or L .F “ bIeKHerf' i t lU O 'esch; ^

BIU .chtnstil ht* bsUlns in,order, mortni Mel Ott. NstionsI 1,0,

^ leapie hooe run chunpion. Into tlia an. clewiup pojltlon rb

la pla» (tf 'ce tf ''' e£it«r fielder Jim - 1st

• myiupple. loeM uucer JOB i f t ' ' ” \

'McCirthjr pro- hg;m ls e s to ftn- ><oin o u n c # „ J i l i . i W u i l s /.J-.’ l . r r •tftTtlDC pitcher *f

■ tomonow. Jud j*■ bciIn itro m to d ij 'i *5 1 -1 c iiworkout, Vemon 1■'I*ltj- •Oooei

I will r t thfl call. ■■ . «ChitU*. Ruff- ‘: . 'V ’V ‘"4v ’ dll

lof, w bo h f t i ubteo sm tionea ...'U m coM U wtth Oomn u the jnsalble Yankee . eor

. slftrter, spent the entire practice sesilon in tho battlne cap . I

Monte Pearwni YAnkea pitcher nm who injured hU Uck lost Thundnr. 4 , spent most of Ihls momlnc under ™

) tha llihti ftnd then worked out tor lh« first time slnca tha Inluiy. The Ysnke* muisecr x|ild lie doubted

■Pf»r»n would pitch beforo Sundny. D l lllfl most perslitent rumar In the

O lw l s ^ m p J j , th sl H«1 Bchu- - maeher *m !-i»t.-PreddyT fna5P '

— ■ ■ ■ M M i- m a n t - x U l - p t t c h _

for the National in suen . T err; day, «-9Uld n o t say (q. , who would go to th f l m o u n d Thurtday. r -

a a ld p„|i, HUbbdl detfnlU- n,„i, ly «ili pitch the

‘n i t bl« town had th t baseball fA T tr. Hoteb. V C

' night duhs. and■ HAitoiifttACHU- ihraters all re- jwrted ft rushing buslncsv

Neither team appared to take , NF todsj^i workout serlouilr. Most se- vrnt tloui of ths lot a t either camp was « 1r

__ XCUDI Jofl DtMsgflo. l(a was tlrsl nlntJout on th t field, and lait in. He ««un Jmd nathlng fo say about wlial lie Pil“ fhought ha would do fn th# series. ‘'>®

■ - Vent

Cubs End Season ric ; Tied W th Cards- ^ ST.-tO 01S.-8fpr.-M - - -

rain-soaked battle fUltd wlUi bll- ter disputes over ball and stHke de-clslcas a t tho platei the-omeaeo KinCubi beat tha CnrdlnaU 8 to 3 Bun- -1".dsy and closed Uie NaUonal ta p ie * »

• pennant race Ued wlth-the Carts for • « ' second plsce. fire

------3tl#-■^^^«^ttLl»}tJh^..-i^»Rllnalq ..P"". about 110,000 Tor Uiey will now u I i

ipUl second and Uilrd world series he*' ...money_*lUi-UJO.Cubi...wh«m.lf ..»hlp

they hod' woh' 'they would have O' cUnehtd seccnd sISceTTIiEistr Charley* Grimm and’ Coach QydeWarta o t.tb e . Cuh* and « n t •Rnrier Jnhnay:Mlns>flt-lha r tr rit

^ wero banished • froiif the fltld Jn „_ wotdr batUe wlUittoplre 8^ ^


nirtrs. Bakersfield. Callfomla. won an unpepatar declslcin from Nick ^Vai CsniaraU. New Orltaas In a 10- Phi round bout tpni«ht. Cic

ler Teirt f W W =tf 'ti -i

Face Po'; h d s E n t i r e F I B a t t i n g C a j i m b e r s U p F(

World Serie:------- ------ ----------:— SladlefttMJKkl.

N atl Amcr. ..Y etr Leacofl Lcsfw Gane*IMS 'New'York _ PEUa. M

■ ‘ Cabs ______ •wHIfl feoi1M7 ’Chicago — Detrell Til •MM •C hkigi ___ Detreli C i19W_*Pltt»bMih _D etre lt 4-3jflJO fc h lS jo -------Ph1£ 1-4io'll New Y ork__PhffiT dio iJ New Ygtic _ D«fl«n T li n a NeirYork _ Fblla. 1-4» r t~ * tk »toa ____ PhlU.' . < 0

rflTc~Broak>ya___»Bwtoa , _ » d l ^IMI New Y «k _ ‘C U cagor"fniulB Chicago___ *Beiton QVulO 'C lnannatt Chlcap g-3IH T ^ B reo k ljn ___^•Clenland i - im i *qianti —— Yankeea ItZ t *'oiasU — ^ iaoketfl 4'0m i GlaaU ____ “rlaktCT

T 5 jr"N rw "Y « ir^ ? T f5 S r= = = 7 i-’- ftM T lt t ib m h - Wuh. 4-3 i j t t r ^ s C U iB li___Ntw Yotk 4-3 ~~

i « S ~ 8 r i o t i ! s ___ -New York 0-41929 Cblttgo -— •Phlla.IWO S C Lonls ___^»^lU.____U U -St. LooU___P f lE ‘4 'jMM Chicago ------♦NnT Y w C o ^MJ3 ‘New York — Wuh. 4-1" 1M4 'S t, LoBls" — Detroit 4-1 :

, 1933 . Chicago —.JBcMort 4-» .:

fflflcledt* IW .W Verimi

F i r s t G a m e ' Gii T o m o r r o w -

Tbfl Newt today wmicft«W«> ~ loitalUUon ot tts big world terles board and tamarnw. when (b« pgu nnplro shoots *pUy bsU- a t Uis •‘ ‘‘J PHo groundi, New Yojk. ths me- • | e£anfcal biuRbatt dtsaeiuf wfU go loto aeUoa betora a crowd of lo ea ltau .

V /ln t rannlng fram. tb* press ■> bos wlU giro Tha N(«i a direct j J r hook-opwlthasUffof AssocUltd Press sporU w rilm at.U w jetn*. pwu- of (be world ehamplonihlp series between tbo Yankees and Uie Giants.

Ulgh-speed sertlct U assured and ipeeutors wlU hara an oppor- tonlty to fellaw each play. In ad- , dlUon, a hngo bo*»tcor* famlsbts « an op-lo-UiS'mlnolo record et eaeh game's pragres*. Tbs Kewi ju j j , . eordUUy biTlta all basebaU fans (ook lo attend lU world terito party, held

I'oltowlog p r e l i m l n a r j an- i „ , nasncementf, Ihe opening clash . . . . is.achednlcd lo sUrt between II 1, . ( and 11:30. A. M, Monntoln 8tan- 1< dan) Ume." __________ e ilh t

Phillies Defeat S”! - d ^ th l e t i c s , ^ 5 4 £ ;“H ^ b a P i £ l A . Sjpf.'JJ WJ - SS ,” ■ho Plilllles beat tin AUileUcs to- ‘ oy, fi to J. In an exWblUon game or tho benefit of itrs. Monta Cross, ““ “ ,-ldow of a former shortstop for oth teams. , ;,V lScore: . • R.IL&

'hlladclphu N 300 000 005 - 5 11 3 Hlladelphla A 000 001 000-1 9 3 Miilcaliy and Orace: Oumpert and jJ

[ayes. Jg,,

i ^ 'e n t u r i C h a l k s U p

N i n t h S t r a i g h t W i n =

NCT YORK.lept. M WV-Enrlcornturi of lUly, European light- ...eight cliamplon, chalked up hU I 9 BInUi eonaceullva rlctory In this P n luntty by outpolnUng Eddio Zlrlc,a tsburth. In a 10-round bout a t L l . c>0 St. Nicholas pslsre lonlsht. f Wenturl weighed 137 and Zlrlo 13314. ^

Jetton Throws . U Title Claimant *

piliLAucLrtiiA. Sfpi. ■ |Tuesday)<ip) — D(sn Detloii,*<of ) ■ ■Klobtrl;, Idaho. Uirew Dsrt Le- l i n'In. ef Jaoulca. Leng IiUnd, In U f l t wind-op wreillinc mateh a l the O M j trena early lodsy after tao hours. [ B ^ !Ito mlnales, S3 seconds of grap->r/nr..l«Tjn h u been tmgnisetf l i Mis'Uadlhf eUlmarit'lo'Ibe'worl^'* [ ■ j ileaTywtlgbt wresUlng ehswplon- | f Uihlp. ___ • [ A n

Detton weighed 20?! U tln ISS..' l y

Snnday Scores . | E— VAt ros-aLT E TCin:------------Brooklyn 8. New York 3,notion 7.3. PblladrlpbU 3-4. . - i r TCblfsgo C, SU LooU 3.ClnclMwll g. PltUbnrih S. . lt»!

------- Sat- AMERICAN LXAfiUE k . ,

tVaUilngtfln 1». Nc* York S. 1*,“ 'PhUadelpbU g.«. Oofton 4-5. ‘ !’«Clereland t , Detroit L n s l

. T W lN F A L L a D A g iT N E

ry Mov(* t f * ■ t f t f

(w c t M 1P r a c t i c e Fi I g e W h i l e I ^ o r O p e n e r

es Records ‘-------------------------J

Attend- FUyers-» anco Itecelpts ToUl

91,7M |~ M.43i ^ |'n43l TiIm S m 33.491 ^

. 7»rOM 1*1,711____ 8U33 Ki6X232 9 t.m ■ 48,114 Ol

HJ407 IMJOl" 68JM Ci K i S t iT^MO Tisn*n s i s r 343,164 lr,SW Kl152;0J7 IH;449 U7JI3 Gl 151,000 33MJ0 I35,l«illi;OW U3,739 U l « l ^

____M W o fft_ l B W a _ 3 « iM IJW n Intel

n 6;cM 4 « ; n 8 _ i 5 M t t ■'j piu;4l3 Jt9>19 , «8W ®;,

“ Z38i>M------^7tt,4U 180JU * p,,IW,7J7 564J00____3HM2 „ p n3«9',976____ M 0«3___ J93J2S lipsItSM I 60$,«5 • S47J09

“ "30J:430 i W J l l 388,713? = m 3 4 j = I , 093,194-----131,00- -m e” Ml,8t8-----^i;iSI3M 339,M4 ro h“ 328,051-----^li07,8M 371,300 unl“ fliilOJ 783^17 J9J,«9 “ *■ “ "M9;073 7nj»9 419,778~ “1W,4M-------8SJ;4»4___ 388,088 Jaco“ "JU S U P53,77i J» 4 6 i ’“n- — a l jH n - T ;0i 0,733— 330403~191,998 713477 J8333I to b«

------- 67»4M tt4,««5 Tli""2ar410l'f.l28,955 3374J0 ~ t8 » 6 7 t t » W « _irM doslIijf rtg } pjj

' — -------- an*,— s = = a = s on t

liant Wrapper ’ Beats Brubaker j other

_____ . for tl. prlM

ay Impelletlere Scores Decisive Victory :Ovcr.. “r h

Californian ^' ' . afi-Ui

SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 38 stnol ay ImpclleUcre. 243-pound dread- umll: lughl o t the boxing ring, punched dlstrlfiU-Bni|*ker-out-of-the -h ea ty -------right ehsBpl02uhJp ' pJcturr. a t Ts u t temporarily tonight, when ho feren ored ft convincing l«n>routul de- Frid; lion o w Uio Callfomtan, who ot- vadlr Ined naUonal recognition during ley n brief carecr. Brubaker weighed ft nig

8 pounds. ei*. v ITio alz foot seven and ons halt conec th glanl from Cold flprlngi, N. Y- beriy &k Uio margin In six rounds and siden Id anoUier tven. ed aj ImpclleUero camo out of tils cor- slon. r to drop a right on Brubaker’s Noi w Uiat nearly flooded Uio latter again id left him groggy for Uit balance 'Itiani Iha round. TTnIiravTpualjhmml Bichf took Iiad Bnibaker so dared ne to lit

Mtlnued Uirowlng punches after «>*»•’ a bell. Sh«lBrubaker won the next two rounds, ona i H w ched Imnclletlero't chin wlUj and Isk fight-handeri and . bobbed Haiie: id tr tn n a ttm n an ran n r tT sc o re th fellltig body punclies.In Uia fourtli round Impelletlere P*' md tho ranga agtiln, and shook s Californian wlUi k barrage of tt to the Jaw. Ite took Uib next reo rounds. L lO lBrubaker scored with a.right lo9 Jaw and v u Uis Mgrtisor In dug a aluide In the eighth round,s ninth was falriy even^ DPIImpelleUert outfought th» Call- i r o l l : -nlan Jn Uis final round. IsndlneiNatloi Tral tUff rights to tho Jsw. . jbaU tl

R o s e B ow l C h a m p

C T O n In tf icH oso Bowl a jp iln st & loss o f th e '“vowInE eophom orcs" ^ a n ta C lara , and (he Broncos (ook ia rd (he Jnd/an« found (he Koiae ,hc "fiubm nrlne’' lackllnR of Coug r is h t (here io do th e ir b it, V ukota

tTEWS, T f f m FALLS. m A H O ./

es Mel■ t f , t f t f t f t f

Idaho RFiler IBldcals

ReiiewG#on Fend at Buiil

T w in F a lls Coach D e c la re s «

‘W e’v e G ot a C h a n ce •

to W /n ,’ A fte r W ato W n s i ;

_ J a c i i h j i _ T e a r a - I i i _ A o t lo n . j

FRIDAYS GASICS ff Twin Falls a t Idabo Falla - ■Flier a t BuU . ■Roprrt a t Am rritui FaUs HKImbrrtr • ( Gooding M O a k l r^ t Jeroma (night game) ^Caitlrford a t llansen M

FairfleJi a t aJcbfWd jKing IIUI a t Ilsprm an Glenna Fert7 al Eden 1 ^Dfefrfch a t flhoafiono tleotaUnl « Rhothono a t llalley (Im taUn) ' ' Twin F^lls high school Bnilni. &■

i(ftoaIato itart.a rB golng thrm i|h -{n ntea'ilva nightly drills this week n prtpanUon for the opening tost ^ if tho season on tho Idaho FaUa ■ iridlron Friday aflemoon. N 'Plrst word of hopo to r tha Bruins •

xprtssed thl.1 season cama from the »>vi Ips ot Coach Hank Powers la tt " V ventng when ho'sald; “Tho boys oi riU’be in thero'tlghUng every min- p it« and n 'r e got a ch&nco to wIil It ~dD[i%~know hiiw Kuod'*ft~'chancv • i t have, but It might b« pretty good un lea somebody geta hurt before : =

Powers'waalnttsestandsatTdaho IIT ralU Friday night when COMh Red l f ( 'acoby-s Tigers smothered Uia Da- on. Montana, eleven. 84 to o. and Inerfbed Jawby> outfit a.i being a powerful team th st will bo hard0 beat."Tlie Bruins will taka Iha field thU

ftemoon for a icrimmsge against _ , ;oach Jay Thompeon's Kimberly JW |

^•^■■’ n'iC ala '^nrae-noW • " i Fllir Wildcats and Buhl Indl-

na, IradlUonal ririlt..w iU meet n tho Buhl tield In anoUier- Big len e<Mifertnca till. FHer. reported- PC r with ona of the strongeat teams of er1 the school's history, h is been open leavily favored up to dato and,out}i ddfd more fsJtoirew W flay by;and i mothering Eden, 47 to' 0." On Uio, and ' ther hand, Buhl has been polnUns i try a IT tho Flier game and ahowed sur-' teaw rlM . strtngUi hy outplaying Uw! and i owerful Caldwell Cougars only to fresh »e a 8 to 0 ferdlct , .Twin Thlrd-Blg Ten Ult on, Uie slat«.Ji*tif

enda tho bis and itrong Rupert sKy I Irates to American Palls to me«t Uie e n-unkninm quanUty. Rupert, after talles tnauierlng8hoaliono30to0,lsn«l- force mlly a toplieary favorite In this olscai istrlct. Ibaska-------- Twfl Claw A ame* WhT»o CJ0S5 A. non-Big Ten, con-|o f s i

irenu gamea'are on schedule fo r'tu lt rldW-XomKllllon, Kimberly in- brail sdlnc the Oooaing Held and Oak- two j ry making Uie Ulp ta Jerome for maUc night game.'Uttle hot been leam- and•. « far aa comparative dope Is tackli uieemed. Jerome. Oakley and Kim- 183 t ;rly teams haTe.demonitrafed con-. haa b (Jerable power, while Ooodlng, ra t- elevet 1 as ono of tho best tn tho divl- on. lias yet'lo make ft slart.Nortli aide Cla^ B compeUUon Em ;aln turns V»m tha unknown man lanllty with • Fairfield invading ent o ichfleld ahd K in rm U tmvellmr pUyirI lUsermsn. A mlx-up Ui sched- tHy bi cs. with no change reported, leaves to mt itBliOM rchPdiiled for two pamfJ. • ncro&a IB agslatl Dlctrlch a t Shoahone: time. Id the other against ItaUey a t ords'l allty.' — - - I -v i e SouUi.8 id i.C U ss -J l. |a m u .te n d .f lu ^ uU f/ort ffl'JIafWfri andDeclo while Olenns Ptrry will In - ' i

ide E(!cn for a non-conftrcnee'"!'• _______________ . : of Uie

l i o n s T r i m C h i c a g o “S

C a r d i n a l s , 3 9 T o 0 ^ 2 !

DETROrr, Sepl. 38 (AV^The Dc- to 0 v }tl Ltoni opened defense of th tlr dlnals.Itlonal league professional foot- TheII title tonight wim ft driving, 33 wlUi i

ip io n s H u m b le d B y I

i S ou th ern M ethodU t. S ta n fo rd 's fi es" lob m uch w hen (hey opened » k a w hllew nsli v ictorj- 13 to 0 . ’ tag . Uoos, SU tnford quarter, is gt }ughlnn, S a n ta C lara end . T h ree c I ta (4 1 ), U a ss l(1 6 ) and G u n th e r (

;0 , T U E8D A T .H O R N IK O ,.H E P r

OU Int f t f t f t f t f

M s J l o pG o p h e r s


BY RO N H A IN E S. ac« U n lrctB lly down by tw o M inneso ta tacklent ffamo before b c ap a c ity crow d ol Ka unbeaten igco rd n o w th rc 'c

' a re U p la in JuJJus A lpJionse f? I

WellsCandiate' j lForJobofEndjL

_____ , j Nl

■Twin Faijs Gridster Most'c'aiii ' Promisiiio ' Prospect j

at U.I.S.B. tc«;_____• ■ caUe

POCATJXLO, Sept, 38 - The Job of enl oil Uia 1JJ8 Tiger team is h « r open to all comen. Not one of thoce out has earaed a letter a t tha t spot snd only Charlta Norby ot Rupert _ _ Uld Nick FeUlt of Pocalello had a H Iry a t the poailon during Ura J93S ^ seawn. Both tcale at 18t pound*, f u d are 5 feet 9 Inches talL Among I. treshman pnwpccts, John Wells of I rwin nU s looks most promising, r . HaTi;ig won two leltcn on tho var- L d iKy high Khool team, ffeavfeac of L ' iie end turnouts a t 183 pounds, and h i lallest a t sU feet two, Wells may K :orce lils wphomore opponenta Into OT' llscard. He is also a baseball and laskotbaU player. ^

Whea teteran T headT M -H anks ■ >f Bu;)ey returned to claim js T igtr I^W uit this fall, Coacli Ouy Wilks en iraU icd.a.slgli ot relief. Kanka' | wo years of vanity training auto- >). naUcally give him a ipct a t tackle ind his iKlp at coaching other » - ackle proipects Is Invalualile. At u , , ,83' pounds, h t Is Uio lighUat he « '5 laa been In yean, and fs ffve fe«( g |„

met.PUjIng Second Y c« Mlnr

E m nt Brooks of Butley Is lead HLIk' non In the running guard a.islgn- , nt on tha Tiger team. Brooks Is * ilaying hi* second year on the ra r - p r r : lly squid..as a result of hts ability ' ^ o mm-e his 178 pounds of w tlghl ^ crou Un. playing field In rccord Ime. He holds screnil sphni rtc - j ^ H ^ ' I n track. [ ■Vle-DeJuUiii of Jerome,-|-=feet M

Mdncii:faQndlerot-niue!e.-iSrft^vrtT ran on Ute guard lat. Vfc digs ghl In wlih Ills heavier teammsles < F nd can u.iually count for his share i’i^ f Uieasstgnod work,He has a p rtf - ] ; 3 rtn.M for backfleld work, bul his ulld If ag(ln.<il him. Ho Is probably • H 10 hardest worker. on the wjuad.

- ........... ......... .................. " " T T> 0 victory over the Chicago Car- rallle inals. ! ljut 1The Lions thrilled 15,000 f a n s :____IUj a tptedy offensive. •• ------

= = = = = Ros

ly S a n ia C la r a '■ ■ a n r f i H T F S B r f l k t

B k *


atni to All

H i w r X w S ^ S i i o


n S r f 8 | | B V | ^ B r t ^ B ' Harris M f ll ton OS


| Q H | | | Q j | | D . ^ ^ B gatta-SanJ

^ t y

’s football eleven found ih c u io 'w led th e 1936 aeason n'ualnfll 0 . T hU p ic turc show s how washi;

H go in g don n — fnsi— u n d e r as Bai ce o th e r Broncos w ere a b » T],e e r ( < 3 ) . - , ^ Photo. | organij

P r E M B B B n , l W J

ito Clei> * t f t f t f i

[ftballerss S to p W a s h in g to n


lly o f W ash in s to n ha lfback , tr ii [era on th is p lay In th e H usky-G ( ] o f 37,000 in th o a tad ltim a l Set ■eb Hcasons lon g by. w inn in g 14 to f ? I ) w id yiefor"S la3B C cIn l'(55)7

Biermaji‘Tid Over Gophe

NEW YORK. Sept. 38 MV-Tht'old lupply ot co1ng towels, shook Ui« moU railed his t in t Monday momlng footbal

Aa prise puplU from scattered tKtloni lomo of them already alngUig Uu bluea leaior rapped for ftltenllon. Issued ft war :aUed on his old star student, Bennie Bli •ecltalloD. •—

Professor: "Bemie, hav t you tver w . itAri] of the law of gravltallon? SveiyUilng lhat goes up musl come ™

down. Aro you I]^ S S S S S m d lt

I B g g H B winning forever?

;■ > ^ v j W 'h M t l n » ft tloelfi" W a B h in g to i i^ ”‘ ° leam ia our op*j|^;

Ington w'asn't asldlJ* ■ 2 9 I H itood a t tomo ot;|^^

Uie Big T e n i ° ” ' ^ ^ ^ S S S S " U t m $ win be fn

r S u p l a i w U ^lUt (hen llie Ruskles will be belter 7 “! 1 Uien. too. I can't say yet wlieUier re'ro as good as last year." V r Prolessor: 'S till a slirlnking v io-i,!?

:t, eh» You'll get along. What aboul 1“ “ 1, Jimmy,”\)lmmy Phelan, W uhlngton; "Wo n< iet .about as tough a baU club In V i Unnesota as nil last season wltli J l lie poulble exception of Southem > CalUomla and California. Breaks rd lo all Ihreo touchdowns. WIUi-

' oul thoae breaks

g tho boyr probab­ly would hare pulled and haul- T a ed up and down Uio field all day

.,itlthout...£ttUng ’ ■ n T f fW h a r o i - iF ^

^nhought^ T u f t y — T h o m p io i} of &

, Minnesota stood golf

P r o t e i s o rripall•Xet's hNU- trom cltmCousin Ike." IikJll

Ike A r m-;couijuiwfctuii y tf th .- 'F # !!j,Mwrrucuii .. UUli Uilp

Hilled lo brat Omrley State, 26 to 0 yearut we lack experience. The Rocky | ai

toss Offered Bout I",; >Vith F ight W inner ~

KEW YORK, flrpl. 31 Johrulon. promoter tor Madison ” *

juaiB..Quden,. wired Sam PUn, ” " le ,o f. Uie. managen of Barney bsa, wor;d's welterweight cham- ' [)n, offering Rom a boul wuh tha *“'5,. nner of next Friday nlglil'a flghl P«‘“ tween Jimmy McLamln and Tony m tonerl.' ' B,atnca Ros* ha.1 canceled his Ulp Sint

Australia lo meet Jack Cunoll, I'h)', hniion tald lia hoped lo make the ilcli for'laie Novemtwr. Wi

____________ flritmirs

orneil Names New [J” H cadjlow ing Coach »“ '■

m w c . t K, y , Sept. J l Mi - irruon-amnirnrformer w ssnm r'I oanman. was named head row- f* -** ; coach a t Cornell today, sue- sUng Jlnt-Wray, who was db- ‘ *™md-afi«_ih*-Pou#hk««p*U-r«J” 8;.tla in June. . , ” •,*3«j]/on) m v d uAder BoUo, e r’ 4 ity Callow and Al Ulbrickson a t Mo» UJlUUtiii,' yisauaUiir tn -» a * rR» irr-Oi •eral‘yeara ha w u a member of a. c, I Washington aUileUc club crew. sfiS, Horman Sonj'u, also a former ishlngton crew man. was named Banf/jrd's aiUslant,

me new coKCliex.arrlved today to baMi :anlu fall pracUca, his I

---------- L S S S S S S S S S S

anup Plt f t f * t f t f

I In Firsin Drive J



. da re


Bn■ H p w a a M a i i S M ^ B W st

OnM M M S W I I H H Uu


I r l e d 'h a r d , b u t w i s b ro tig h t •Gopher In tersec tlonal foo tball i S eattle . M inneso ta m a in ta ined thi I to 7. T h e M inneso ta m ea.herflJ):=(57TMlfc-------- Si

- pis

Med Pink' Isroi

lers’ Victory SId profettor laid In ft fuU »ea«m'i ?!? loUi baUa out of hU trock coat and :bali coachea' class in lestioa today. ons ot Uia naUon trooped Into class, V I jea In mid-season style, Uis old pro- vaming agalnsi too many ftUbls, and r Blermsn ot Mlnnesola. tor Uia first

MounUln raet should b t ft Uirilier. OompeUUop promlm to ba more ^ open snd specUcUlar." I ,

llie old professor w u about to dlsmlu h it allbl cUst whta Uia door - w u'pushed opm and the familiar figure ot Bob Zuppkt o( XUloolt . emerged. ' J

Zuppke: "Good'morning, profea- }?! sor. Don’t keep us loo long. I'm ft busy man. Didn't you aee Uia whop* plfur SouUiem Cal*/amf* score X* Bgalnit Oregon State? K o n rd Joaet ^ Is bringliig t t i Trojans to nitnols sUdlum next w eet Howard, looks like you're back up there ftgaln. Wa hnd a tough tUne beaUna Depaul ^ but 1 liked the way my boys came !** from behlod In the raUi on a slip- pery field, first to tie and Uea lo win. Yep. this U my atUi season bul Pop Warner Is sUIl the real old timer. So, long. We h a n to prac- , tlce up for Uiat Trojsn“ r*volvlng “ ililft."

M a ir Annexes r Title in Toumey!-

Twin Falls Ydutli Success- Z . fully Deferitis Valley'___ CtiamDionshiD c

Exhibiting the flsshlest brandTt :alf lhal ha h u dtsployed during :iie season. Jimmy Sinclair c t Twin Pallj, youihfut defending champion, £>«' :llmbed om m front- wlUi uncanny “*• lUlI on Twin Falls county club :ou»9 Sunday to annex Uib Twin i^illi ValJe/ tournament champlon- ;hlp far tha second consecutive ^

Slnclsir's a r d of 331 for the [ruelUng M-hole grind, w u Just *®'; me stroke betUr thsn Ust 3 a card- ■d by Jimmy Winterholer of T«ln „ >allt. Frrd Slone of Twin Falls, C nuniry spoiMr. and Rupert WU- inifikon of Filer deadlocked for •‘‘I* ■ htrd honors wlUi 338 each. Cht Nine aholmakers compleled Uia 2*^

4 hol'4. While Dr. J. O, Ibolson ot ;'wlii I^lls and U U CulberUon and JJ®*' I. If. CloycK, both of Rupert, did ;o£ appear lor tlie lln ti d ty e m - ctUlon. ■ • —

Ta Jt«el»e Tropby By winning the cliamplonslilp H

Inclalr will rKe:ve the UtuUr tro- W hy, preientcd by Fred Stone, tour- WJ. cy fpowor, , . . . UWfnferholer, s( »

J lt 18 holej, held a four-itroka ■ ! iirgln orer Sinclair, but dropped )ur on Uie third nUie. SlncUlr :i\ len picked up Uiree on the fourth iM Ine. but dropped one each bn the llh tnd-'sUUi tripa-arouiid-Uie a r nks. f /4lasulta-#tret-Jlmmr-fllnclrtrrS9,- 1, 38. 33, 39, 38-331: Jimmy Wtn- A Xholer, 3J. 38, 40, 38, 38, 3J-:.333! \ • red atone, 40,'3T, 40. 38, 31. 3 7 - V

),'39, 35, 47, 43-339; Jack Rop- t | , V 40, 40, 43, 37, i3. 40-343; Jsck Oi, :o» 41, 39. 43; 43, iJ 41-349: Har- ^

. C. Fratler, <1. 41, « , 4$, 43 48-

’ ■ ■--------— PCharlie Grimm, Chicago Cubs

isnnger, h u ptsyed ht» eotfre MoMbtll car« r wlUi a sUrer pUte In rIS leg. ■ ■

P o s i t i o n. w t f t f . i i "

s t G a m e jRecord TomW es-" As Women Vie i

For Golf CrownMrs. Estelle Laws«h-Pao<

Establishes New Couraif'l Marit While ' OuallfylH); ’ lor U. S. Chpplomiilp,, I

- m o M m In tb e iM ta te p i ' . Of h e r ce leb ra ted tow nam an, - T ony M aoero , w)u> * ’gurprlse by c a p tu r in g th e 1939; open tit le , M rs. Este lle L aW -' aon Page, a re en a b o ro , M. ,C., a ta w e re d - th e - d o p eate ra . t o - . d ay w hen abe a h o t a c o u rs e , reco rd -sm aah lng 78 to w in th e quallfytor n rdaJ & tJ» U, & «»•-> - men's-ffoU cham^onslUp. ' .*" S h e toured Uit par n Canoe • - Brook Oountry club iftyout to 40- •38 as th t clipped two itrokci oft ■Uie former compeUUra itandard. - Only a U foot w U ttaal ran over Uie final cup . aad stopped a few . loeltet past deaJed b e r* par-equal*.Un* re u a l

nToritea CetM ThiMgh With Uia 31-yttr-old Ur*. P t n ‘ •

s h o i ^ th t wiy, ftU or tb t pre« ' toumameiK favorltM «amt Uuenih',. . l« tnm.ttTU ’With ftl tm llhhit, «h. 'o r seorlnf WU furprlilar to t i l t '

playen u It w u lo Uit experts.- Owlna to U u >Ut o t Ult fltld '

and darkocA Uu qualltylag test was so t GomplsUd. >Outetii.pUy*_ _.. era wlU flfiUb Uulr leuods t«aor«;row momini. When play w u call* led, 86 playert had tcoret o t W o r ' lower, and 14 wert bhiekeUd ftt 91 ' -neceasiuung ft play oft in tb t momlns for ih t remalnlBf alar* ' placas.

Runner-up shoUnaklai he&on > wera shared by PaUy Btrr, and Jean Kyer, Ann Artior. Mich. Tbey wrre bracketed wlUi lOa, • • •

Only two of eevea foreign ton* Undtra made Uit p a d t.

Canzonerl Meets ^ Jimmy McLarnin—

-NTW-YORK.Japt. M m - A 'l t t * 'T round enfagement between Teny Camonerl, f o r m e r ' li|l it* e * lb r* ^

j champion, «"i< Jimmy UclAtnln, .I Vancouver Irishman, to b t held In UadUoa Bquara Garden n n t FH*-day night, headlinet Uils week's na tlonal botlni program.

Two champions a rt bUled In ortr*'Uu weight bouU. John Henry Itwls,Uie Ught heavyweight .king, ace ti Red Bunaaa ot BaiUmort te a 1»- ' rounder a t Ct>le«|o M k y , aad Mika Beliolst. recognised In Kew York sUla u feaUurw»l|ht UUa holdw, goes asalnst Al Bplna. Port­land, Ore« la to nmnds at.PorUaad— TMesday.


NEW YORK W» *- Final Ameri- can league standings, sliowing gamei won and lost, pertenUge, and tiaal pulUons in 1938:

iM l

o r o i i r _____ _ s » T 7 t~ 4 i^ t -Chlago __ . .. 81 '71 ' J36-SWashington ____S3 7t 43$-«CleveUnd _____ 80 74 J I» -3DosUb ________ 74 St 4 U - t .SL LooU _ _ _ 67 »S J76-T Philadelphia 93 190 J4C-S


league tundmgi, sliowing pmea iron and loit, percenUge. and Uit 1935 finish for eacli club:

U sta o b t - W. .U Pet.Year

■few Yotk_______# : 6Z 4JT-34 L l« a lS - ._ _ J—LS7 t r .S6S-]dilraga _____ S7 S7 M - lNlUbnrg '_______H 78 J4S -4Unclnnati _ _ 7 4 S9 .481-4Boston.,________ 11 S3 .Uroaklyn_______ 67 87 A »i-8ndUdeipkU-;____ U IM 4S t-7

TlckiH H Ik*‘M e t - aad • 'p S ttK — t|ialU.M fl<HafKDafM liM »po Ua »l (k« M M • • • tkafs «wtaaUt CMtbtoaSt* wiik'»T«T Na. TMtiOlllHq^^ . Tt»Htt r ih . la».


H l K lillllCE c r f B l : I I I B |' Motors, Spiolallles Takers ' “ ■ ' Lead; Prolit-Taklnj |~

Sh a J e s G ains ■ !“— IB*

H A R K E f s T r A G L A N C ^ ! !KEW TORS. Sept. n i f H etocks — Plrtn; moloti, »p«-

• eltltles iMd (tukt sdnnce. ~Bend) — Mixed; FKndi lu u u ^

emtlc.c u r b — Irwtular: Jtideti I'flct

nrtflf both in j i .P trd in exclumsM — Noml- w

n»l; onJy pound, lowrr, tnd fd mmjtO it ir . ■ “

oottcn— niiher; h u ry nUni:tn d e u d fcrnisn burlnr- ^

f in |ir — Steid;; eommlaloa Lowbou» buylnj. , <«

Ban UcUqe. KZCom ^ Wetk; innueneed bjr gygtj

w httt. 4^1O ttu * .- About (tw d;. 3^1Host - Steadr to tOc up; top

•<1930.------------- 3Si.■ ■■■ --- ■■ ________ : 3Ki ■

B r m O E B tC X QitRDNEB 3 ^ . (AMOditod P rea nn tnc lil Wrtt«r)

NSW YORK. Sept M WJ - n - 3«» n ucU l narkeU ctnenllr derlred JU»

v fnrtherehetftodirftorattiBnioTe- f* « n e n t to lUblUxe leidtne Interna* Sl tl( ii^ cum adei tnil from ttie pro* I m a lm trend exlilblted br dome#* « i tie tBduitiT. •

• • atoeki, »W1» enwunterln* con* tlderable proflt*UkInf. on- Itie vhole m a n ird lo emerje » llh " J '

®*ainiof fm tlouatoapolntorniore ** ” . .irllb.niolon u d ipccUlUet Uklns , , . ,

, - . Miny ewporalloa bondi ■ edjed jS *; Ucber, ilthouib m lU la f n i ap*

' T^e w ent* ttep tow rd itductaf _ the tUled nJue of the Irane, « lth . tb* aid of Oreat Britain and Uw ^ J " TWted SUtea, found moet flnan* dalQ Btrtn*Inaireem ent»lU iU ie

. plaa to brine thla mooetwy unit ^ lato better alignment with Uie doi* ^ U r tnd Ul* pound. ‘

H ji Auoaated Preti a n r a n of N (tedu adranccd 2 ef • point . . P *

• to BW. •m a tfen toUled l.4S0^» « aharti. ®*

Share tradlnr ilarted a t a f u t d ip wlUi Tlitually all dcM m ents paitldpaUn* In the forward m h .

' Bcailtfnr Beoa Appcwt . . Kew But realUof w u oet lone In Uonti

' n a U s f tu appearance and extrtae —la ln t wtre loon ahaded or cancel*

cd m a a n r Initancei. I t v u noted xev• the Toluoe dwindled appreciably per c oa Utt »emoi flurrto, wlUi. many ft,m „ ttwe» ihowlnt p io n o u i^ reelit^ Tlm

,u c e . . U JJ71' foreign exehange traniaetloni

-•ww#' watehed'BJor* eloaelj_eTen t^., ; Uian'itocki. The pound lU rilni fell . . j j , -back-aore-than-J-cenU -and-U io i V .

Trench unit RCOTctediubtUnUallr.• Chm ler.eharei to t up tround a

6*rear top wlUt a net gain ot Ui <. p o ln U ;a t.l» K Studebaker. tnoit yy*

aetlre H *ue.of Ul* day. gained I a t . O U i e n -rtflecting predie* q X Uoni jof * brlik ie m u d for new

oodek. «f U» a a i te t toon, iDCtDded Bodnn a t ISK. Kath ITK aod Bectrio Auto*Ut« UM.■ SitemaUfl&il lUephone, aecond UreUnt ftock df Uie teatloa, Jump* ' NE? ed a point to I I Newi of nbel.auc* mone?

_oe»e*Ja-U i# flpanlih jdTll war. W it broken U i^ b t . may have Intplnd cent: i ■bujln* In UU* teue. The company JU pei haa large holdlnp In Spain. Banl

Some ralU reiponjftd lo Uie con* » day Unued flow of .bright eamlnp aUtemenls. H*S/ie

. - nedlCOTTON « r « I

NBW TORK. Sept. 38 W - Tha le n en l' cotton market doted 9 to M pelnU net higher. • new

I I tug&r ^BAB BILVCB ' for IDC

m Jw YORK. Sept M - Bar ym „ e lln r iteady and unchanged from aoTem l u t Priday a t 4 iS t .dranc

^fW IN FALLS MARKETS ^. . pricet" n » Tvta rilli dtJwet BUktl jm-

Mrtty WM u teu m : potllto

QDdevMi&t buUDm. n.,i_l» -J» toiurti ____ M.« lo It.M

BM<7lnitCtlRl.ZJM00lt>.M.1>IOt>.U «nB gl P tekbt tow. ao pm ndi. JMJ te « « thirtyk

—~ erin btPtBittT tIeU) dllUTt pnn r»B«b)

cetend W W « tti.Cdm d best. 4 lo < Ita________ Ik . LOg a S > ' ^ 1 * “*• --------g LOS

S S S i 'r ’’nr'S,V;cr” / ,J u ^ . .— 'U f f re bwuci. Mt ta a I t t . __ ut Bulle

FrMan ERi :SSfuS?&“ ,---------t s s

bm u candled-o ’.-ir(im»-7<ertMm»."H8r’U ";.tu i

J lBflull BkU. Ho. H — H.W ta fijo M ’fWFnloe ------- --------------------- .» ,« JU to <

dniB lad tun FMd S—broU Ko-powxl. let. _________I 31 ern IV

y v i!S r - ^ - = j ^ ; y .

u » u » p«r i u a ----------- ia « a Jte i,etu l>. a a y ...■■. . - 7 - im u

n w keUbi. '} ? ’S5?,*****’ WsthUi

t o S e iw i a ]i>. t

. . .

Stook Market Averages '(OEopCid i t n « AiieeUUd rrM>) *

JJ .« i rd tr — MJ 40.1 to j eiJ

« = s i m SJ s!au him — R.0 4U u .t n.e m to* _ TJ.4 . joa o.« U.T n t blstl — 7U 9U 44.T .M.I

m lov _ iTJ I.T 33a IIJttt hUb .^i&a ]u .t I t u jM.tm to* _ I 1 4 __ BM IU IU

Trend of Staple Prices

NEW YORIC Bept. 3» - The At- • oelaled P r tu weighted wholeule . irice Index of 35 rammodJdet to* ay declined to 80.U.PrcTlout day 81.17, *fek ago «1,«.

lonlii ago 79.S3, year ago T7J<.'Range of recent yeara;

1838 i m 1034, 1033n g h ____ B1.47 7Mg 7<54 6933 ____O V _____ 71JI 7 l « 81A3 41,«(IMS aTerage equaU 100.)

NEW YORK, Sept. 2J Ml - Bond -------uoUUoni: k>;t 47:B2_______________ IIJ37 IMl 43*45 „„ 108.13

Cl tn .«i Jim« " 108,4Xl 41*43 M arch_________ lOO.l aih«^ r4 1 " ................ ..................1»;<«.<4-4«^----------------------m ,d a S o4( 4B^» _______________10037 Am *i l 49.51 -----------------------10(1.13 J S i;

4«*48 ........ ....................IM30 Am 0,81-65 . • 1043d fM Tt

:• Ki.AA im 'n Amtnei t «-4T _______________IWil l 48-81 __________10118 Awabci l 81-54 ___t .... .......... .. 101J9

Federal F a m Slortgage Scuurr 4 7 _______ J___..............1M3 Ourr *

« — — T .......Heme Owner* Loan ciniduA53 ---------------------- ------ 103JIt 49 ---------------------------101.19 ‘ia 43-44 _______________10133 cni M_________ _________________ o n i ,

FOBEIQN EXCHANGE Co^C MEW YORK, Sept. 38 W >-T»d- ; In foreign currendet wat again oom s h t today, as Uio Prench diamber depuUea debaled tha franc.de- o m r

luatloo plan, aod moet dealings curUu re in Uie pound tterUng. Only a S*‘ * r traotacUont were reported In g S ta J ench franci. d m nnw pound doted a t t4J)4'iidown . cenla. Vi fraoci. a dosing n ta 033 cents was quoted, a gain of Ocatni of a ccnt. doting New York 0 ^ ^

change rates follow; France de* m d o md 5.33; cables S33; (.lontreal In Ooodje. w York W J9«: New York In mtieal 100.03H.


‘JEW YORK. Sept. 28 «V-Oop* } « «,» r quiet; electrolytic ipot and ■uro 19.75: export lOKi. ■ , Johm i tin;. flteady:-apoi and beariiy.I37ti to M5.80; future 'I45J3H u lu io 4833. McKNii:<ad:- Steady: "ipot New'York “ |J“ ‘ 80 to I4.SS: East SU Loull |4.4S. Uns'dulIi'Sut St.'LouU Ipot and' uiwoui: iiro M.8J. Iron, quiet. No. 3 fob.Item Penntylnmia 830.50; Bu(* kuh \0 tIPM; Alabama I13J0. jj.i ^ Uumlnum 819 to m . g l lntlmony,.tpot I13J0. K.i ro, JulsktUrer 189 to 153. » r c t »UUnum$«. . w J h i Volframlte 81535 to tlSJO.

— raeUMMONEY s = :

nsw YORK. Sept. 28 Wl - Coll . „ ney: Steady; 1 per cent all day. ” •rime commercial paper per NEW t : Steady; 60 dayt to S months o n i; t per cent otfered. ptcka 2

lanken acoeplanets unchanged; 27^e; da)ia/16*H :eOioM days3/18* 2<c; dli 4 monUis U-3/10; 9 lo fl monUu crage cl 5/18. . 20 10tedlicount n te , New York re- pacb : re bink, IK per cent. ■ to 28c;

------- Whlt(StlOAR nearby

BW YORK. Sept. 38 Wl - Raw premliu i r w u unchanged loday a t X « tpoU with no ttle t reported. 3ulures were less active and price dudlng rements were Irregular. After «hange anelng 3 to 8 polnU In new crop we: lUoni on acattered commission by and i»-buylt>#,-th»-m attrt-w aH «d g g g g : er renewed llquIdaUon. Plnal ^ to ‘ t t were net unchanged to 3 K> < lU lower. wlUi Uie Norember 30 t-> • Uon Ihowlng the maximum de* 30H lo e. Balet 7300 Uins. Clialng; 33 to orember 14B bid;'Januaiy-J.4« «M t. 1 M anh 3.43 bid; May 143 bid; broa-nt,

’ 3.44 bid: September 3.48'hld. by -.nd eftned w u unchanged a l 4.78 for 1° 37c; •

gnnulated for prompt and nearby ty-dty eonlnclt. although raos* PuH«U : lera are allofflng a dltcount of p a i»n!« nU per 100 poundi on tugar de* by large -ed during the f tn t ten days nnd cents per 100 pounds on dellr- BAN1 between Uie tenth and Iwen- SAN i > d»y- ' Butwr,

-------- • JO-33HiLOB ANGELES PRODVCC medlumi M ANQELES, Sept. M C-T) - Clw»-’ !lptar Butter 140.700 lbs; cheeie 0 lbs; eggs none. . I: lU r - l-0 3 tcore 37Hc; 3-91 'o, *1: a 34Uc; 3-00 icore 3<c; 4 - ^» 33HC. ■ • « £ 5 tot t : 1—candled dean ex tru 37c; Potato andled large- standards 33‘ic;»ndled medium exlras 38Sc; 3 - “ 35; c lied medium itandanls 25c; 1— Netted ( Ued imall extras 20c. * *330, Wi-ult«7 : l- ljc n t; Leghoriis', under “ “ blna Ibt. 14c; 3 -3 ! i to 4 Ita. 15c; «> Ter 4 lbs. lOc; 4-henj, colored, lo 4 lbs. 20c; 5-over 4 lbs. 23c; •<> 'roUen, 1 to l,!i Ilu. 30c; 7 - li«« 13.

l«_lo 2‘l lbs. 30c;_8-;Lfyf«l * iomt, 254 io 3 Ita. lOe; l l - 35 ilen,„,Barred Rodu, over 3‘V .18e; t3-oihers 20c; 18-ducks; CV. under 414 Ita. 12c; 17-old 01110/

18-«eeie 16c; ij-tu rkey i; trr ' u^ (ig-loms, M to l8 lbs. IBe; 20- w .n,-4ii

Jote:'nutter key: 02-extru; 91 ■ m llnla;.»o-slandard; »wte „

— ''— — moutn K

OMON8 inCAOO, Sepu 38 Ml (DSDA) ont: Buppllet Including truck i ^Iptt heavy. Demand ilow. tnar- 11 nou about (leady. Idaho, Ulah and 4: ihlngton: Valencla.i UB. No, 1, colored b. tacks, uo talct rtported* unaii c<

0 — L. f ' j : : ' " ' I l l i j j i j L . .

S '» 7 7 . 6 0 — a THAT VM PLUM8 IKIG ^ H O U S E

AUERAT10KJS. SA ID 1 OIDM'T V ° F O R O E R y ^ ---------

. N E W Y C

irffliani<Dr Tbt Aiweltttd Pnu) Pmir

lllll) Low Cln* PennsI™"

l ? S S ^ - ^ - ^ r - ’S-ESf‘ ‘S i ! -S '* s s s

. * for Powtr — 1 , 7 B4(e»,! £ S f 'L = S , . .g : s SSI,

,S ! : ' . S ^ r i . • S S l K f f L z S i S u S K ,iwod. Copw _ 40, a f , MU souUi bboa T ds a r _ to>i 7»u n l , aomm

r Add ucti ___ a i S3'i HUndir rieklni ____»>, 39 39 ouwus . * s ; - i ! ! : 1!“ i ? 'K ‘SjaJTSiSS z Z M 'i Mji w ji 5SS,"M * omo^— M.. n l ,n ! unacn

s i s s i s

S - v » ; r i ‘S i n i i p s | ; SX ooirtnu » _ ij% »>, u a nI lioutnrm _ _ }’, 31! u B Bl«SJia»lrd Oil ---- 13^ 13>i islj vtotdlt ou Del ,, S3'., 33U 3}>4 Waten|> Producu _ _ _ loji n«i n j i WwUniUu Wrimt ----- 4 . . l i i e ^ Wooln» U u d w a _ _ 4 tU 41 41i ‘ 5-«S“= |g ! r i S „

!!!| S ; u ! S•tont nubtxr _ Jlj , 21>! u i i Amtnnenl n « _____49 «J * " I Dup»frenl rwxSi ___ 4S 39 * M ; g " * " '

- 1; , r * S ' ‘ Si?«lcJ DlU t_______I3«J 131-, 13 i {?«*««drew Rubbff__3I|, 23i| 23 ■d}«tf nubber PM03 » n ! « « »'tuuB n u j» ____3*i J li 2 I H»Uon«It Kortb nr p t_ 40 ! 40U 40ii N 'w *It W«t fluor _ j j ' t 11 31(1 Buuhits Motor._!____ 2i | J!j 2 j j " “ ,Cmlnl ■■ . 3J1, JJ 27 ! TtthnlcIIinMUr _ _ t3^ a>i 13 iTO ?i 1 I?'’ 81MII UtDrilit ----- lit i in% 111 i”K « r f : , g i ; ' , S ; f S ! o ’lBlcaon Alktll _ 3 I '.« Si U j:Niport TIB „ 11 »i 91. AntrlctD ia p e r _ _ llj i!i t»i Heeirte

— -*«?, TOwntlouil Pteirie pt“n ” t ’ s'* «'* PinmoiIraiMT Wtnl _ 49>i 4tn 4l>i N.UODtI ' J E n : S : S!: 3 ; SiSS"Cuh R*g A _ u > . u<: 2l(> c n tP 'D tltT -----------21!j 34ii K«. AmDuullnt _____so«, 3t ^ joii CurUMr o w & Li» — u u in i m \H l< A IlUit__^ 4 3 , 3 > Jtauuy

h Afflrr Oo _ 3IH U • 91 (b«ra pioUle _ JIU 27 k 37 { UauaUi114 Uotor _ _ U>i 11 i 13 k Wtlktr 1

NEW YORK rnODTICE . youn; EW YORK.' Sept, 38 (,T>-Eggt Bu‘K ; ttendy; mixed 'n tdh, ipeelai HtUed; Es 28 U SS'ic; itandardi 37>i to 34 to 3 c; fln tl 2i! lc ; medlumi 32 to tm fin dirtlei. No. 1, 23 to 23Hc; av*

:e clieeks 10 to 22c; undergrtdcs ceatrall lo 24c; relrlgeraton, special u 20!i.to 3Tc; sUndardi a U wf™ f 8c; flnU 34',4' to » ! ic . fresh ghites. resale of premium marks ' t y medlumi 28 lo 29c; nearby _ iliim marks 4{l lo 42c; exchange lail 36 to 39c; exchange stan* „ ” * 7 It 31 to 33c; faney mediums In- ing premiums 3< to 38c; ex- Ige medium* 28 .to 33e; netrby ’~ 1 ® western pullets 23 to 25c: w ar- nd..westem T)Mweea-20 to 31e: n t^ W r- lu m b n n d -p ie^ u m a 'a 4«c; Pacific com. tpeclols 0 42c; Paclllc coast tlandardi0 <0; Pacific cou t medlumi10 31 He; Pacific eoost, pullets , .f**™

lo 33c; refrtgentora.- Pacin:1, largo fancy 30*i lo 33c;•ns, exlra fancy 38 to 40c; near- Illd M ttcm jpecIM packs 30 „ 'c:»Mtem«t*ndanl.»28 lo » : ; “ by mediums 28 to 3c9; ncttby ■U 20 to 22',jc; duck egst, ex- " irge fano- 34 lo 3Jc; olli?r near- p i irge fancy 31 lo 33e.

FRANCISCO PRODUCE ti FRANCISCO, Sept. 28 Ml - _ tr. score: 93-38«c; 91-31c; 7 1 3Hc;e9-33c. Egg*, large,35'i; ™ J umi, 3flHc; smalLr ISHc. m: Flau. I9!ic; UlpleU IDc. ,?low: w Ib, sacks central Cat- i! ? ;‘. la wllowi 40 lo 60c: Urge Sic , ,; red wcatherfleld 11 to $135; * *1 11,10 lo 8133; white bollen . ,

latoei: Back cwt CallfdroU dWilct long while IMO lo rI: ,;

I combination $133' lo 81.80; “ a Oems Oregon US. 1, 83 lo Waihlnglon UA 1.83 lo »2,10; 7

.lnalJon-81JO'lo"»lAO; No. 3 to 8t.C0. ’Jllrr: Broilers 21 to 2:c: fry- J lo 21c: old roosters 10 to iJc:12 to 2Jc: (luck! 13c; harei 5 to 12c; roaiters !0c; tguata

’*®''. _____ lower at

CHICAGO PRODUCE ’ ,ICAOO, Sept 28 Ml - Poui- Into itOiLlTe,_l^car.J< tn icki;_Jteaay:___■ '.i poundi up ^)c, lea than c i iou])dl-I$«|>lff1iom-hen»>]}e;-i— OHIOy0 4 pounds up riymouth rock potatoes . white rock I8c. colored 15c; tn c k 31 lhan 4 pounds Plymoulti: and salurdio ' rock l*c. colored H'.jc: Ply- suppUa

cd 15c; leghorn.and btreb'tck u . S. Nens 13c; roosten He; leghorn il» ..i:.4era 13c; hen turkeys 19c, toms tieally fNo. 3 turkeys 18c; old ducks ends 81pounds up Kc, young whlto Russit f1 4ij pounds up 18»c. young comblna ed 13c, amall white ducka 13c, MtCIure 1 colored Uc; old ge<» 13c, Brown I


SU T TH S G U F F S W ''M W 6 R E ISJ V O U R ■ 8 > ^

5 E DIO.- T W eV J B BILL3 v o a o W W e^JTiR i

F O R IT . 11 T Q TH E

'O R K _.____; T 5

HHiEfgn nmm Publlx ____UU n U<JS S " n .T i l lZ Z S Ij S ' i » ‘ L P ^

- s S^ ^ T o i i f ^ r i iT i ie ” * J™"*?/ m r awm ___ 301; 2t u 21!.m IWBUCX____n i i M i n n heller'i—Si: s: sHs'nmoia 00 _____ 40 3>!i 3«i 'eiir U l l_______2i>i 2i]i 211, manyconr VKuum ^ 131, 13ti U>, i.rcrlutil c*i ta w a — a i'i 3t 31 , ‘ ^ 1mtiern IKKic __4)i.i «4)i 4414^^**^’lod llnndj _ _ ^ 1}1, u l i ijf , tolowsl: sK i r S ' - S ! ; !!■• S ) ; s

s ’‘ s" SS*."* ^'"."nTi-rT— U'k W i niedlu Ita CuWd. ----- : n t6'.i M%

a nubbff_____ j« 33>. 31 , Shc<B Biffi ------.J__ 7i*i 70!, 1 J throwjtdlum _ _ _ 2 4 l , 34 J3li n«i«n Union u>« n>; n i “ **;tURfhout*. Ete _14M, 1««1, 14 very 1o lnrtb CO____ I4’i u*, s i ; (njcko

------ ■ to U fCfita tUHKR .(EW TOIUt. SfjlL 21 (IV-CuJb quo.tncin 8upn -------- 31: third 1attr )IU1 u d euUltM _____toitial e u i« B te lrto ______ li:r timiet ----------- ----------- 3 Jctrtc Bond tnd anu t - w lj o n r;me nond tod afti« pf____n>, ,,5!?.:U UiniDg ------------1 _____14 * Hogs:. Inrw -------------------------- j i , noleilloDal I>oirtr tad Ll|bt b p( _ to g- att

............— butchen* Lui „ 3ii few cthniwior — ' - — » Catt.

aPECIAt, WlltB 55^^'^audlrr. Wntntr utd comptbr. C

Elb- ujdf. Twin ^11 from 1

Jnre*. TniHi ' *8 to JvluD rower tad Uitif — I» : few-«d

— >21 m * t tincui~O 4>-u>d-SK U U-_.40ti cows •imoimt Pleluie.--------------- 12»i cuter |tentl Dlscult--------------------30J1, to m ;It Motm* : 2 *1*1t» «tc. C o .-------------------» : load WAmtneui Arittloa _________ ico bk*..u« w n ih t ------------:-------- sik ,

I^u is miBm lnickc{ibtr !>out««.------------------ t.u lot meiitry ro tttM *____________ 11.40 117 tjoi

Silt U kt Mlaloc aun Clir Coppw _ n J 3 lo r.eo 133 pou(tr ulniDg-------------IIJO 10 1141 en , K


ny 15c. STutter: recelpla 11,001 lubj:,un- ST. led: creamery-apecUli (93 Kore) D A )-I « 34>ic; extras (92) 33Mc: ex* to cho: flnU (00-91) 32>i lo 33c; finis 810.10: 89) 31<i to 33c; standards (90 305 Ib. ;rall*ed carlots) 33c. better 1igi; Receipts 4737 cases; steady: medlun tl flnU .local 2<Ic. cars 28>ic: 8835 to h gnded fInU local 35c. u n CalUi c, current receipts 33He. Iy chol

-------- 19.80; IEVAPORATED FRUIT 8835 l«

EW YORK, Sepu 38 (/THEvap- ateen I ed apples unquoted. , H 35 t.■unea: Steady;. CallfomU <»* down;

fl M o 7c; Oregon (30-10s) MJO; n e n »5 1

}ricoti: Steady: choice 13c; ex* Sheet rholce 14^ie»-fM>e>-18i.^ lo ifi* f laches; Sleady; ilandard on- choice 1 ed; choice O'i to 9>ic; ex th to 8350 cs 9»; to 10c. / to I4J0ildns: Steady; loose muick*8!tc; choice to fancy aeeded 8'.i Uc; seedless 5n to 8c. -n twss: Sleody: Csllfomla fincy. k Million 9c; Adriatic, fancy 'V rA ‘*J ; Kadota unquoted. .________ 8I0.M; I

"0TAT0¥ aRKETS~ I■ packing

OS ANOELES POTATOES j^Sjvr'jIS' ANOELES. ScpU 38 Ml' (U cattleA)-PoUloes; Sack cwt, Call* te r r Hi'

la Della district Long Whlto about 1to 8235; comblnaUon 81.35 to 250 ion

; Netted Oemt Oregon U. a m c if •113 to 8330: Waihlnglon 82 to *arlr t; combination 81.80 to 81.90; M.75; e: I liO It 81.60. J<,mr;-.or

— loads h(IDAHO POTATOES ' tr t tSi(

AHO PALLS. Sepu 25 Ml (UB up to I— Shipping point Informitlon toSaturday. • 13per VaUey: Caroads f/j.b. cash dlum gn: lo dealen: Ruttelt UB. 1 cowa 84ly 8IJ8. a few bett hlgher.-UA tuu,lUy 950. A few higher and low* « so - .uraU In,plain begs SJc to |t.-A , 9. ipomu lower. . Ilh to growen bulk per cwt: sheeneta UB. I mostly 81 ddlvcrtd no eailrarehouie«,-An-oeeaalonaHlot m U v - i■ a t certain points. UB. 3 80 lo jambv 1Some dealen not buying. Boms rr-few -e n holding otf. Sloek going commonstorage at tome points, ^ to '83^.

'c illC A aO ivfATOEB “ ■ CT HOAOOrBepV3»5(ff>(U-e-MV —CHIC, tees:_Recelpts 189 carloads; on —Hogi: ; 337 ;.total U. S. shipments|tlve, m< rday W : Sqnday 41; xteady: Fridays lla H b ^ , d ta u id good; uck - sows uni

" No.^1*^I*jS l o ^ 3 i r ^ k e r 81030;83.40; U. S. No. 341,80; prac*. poundaly free from cuts and clipped and ext

81,70 to 81.75: Washington 88; thliIt ^uriianks U. S. No, 18233; holdoreiilnatlon grade 81.00: Colorado CaUietures U. B. No. 1 8IJ5 to 83J5; 3500; ycn BeauUes U. S. No. 1 8135 to «-eIghty


G A S O U N E m t

;S O R R V , ’ \ ( IH EW 1 « P T ' T H IS M 6#\T 1 PO TTIM C M E ILL I S AMO - m e M ET iR E W O P J V n ;• m e G U F F S y

13; Oregon Ruuet Burbanks, culls supi (1.40 to 8IJ0. I tmaJ

LIVESTOCK MARKETS S_____________________________ Close


:atUe: RecelpU 7000; calres 500: '** ilow; tlabgHler' 'clii«^'~o'iwn!ng round ilcsdy; fed mixed yearllngi f '® ' 9.(»; fed steen 89,15 lo 8950: fed lellcn 87J3 to 88.75: somo held ilgher; realen 89 down; fcw'bulls 1.50 down; few cows 81.35 to'84i0; fhar isny held above 85; cutter gradtn '“ nl trgely 83 to 83.75; stocken and eeden plenUful; IndlcaUons weak “ u t 9 loarr on tleen; load feeding helf- high r» M. .' _ sidcrHugs; RecelpU 3300; 14 singles bulk

Iretl; 14 lo CallfomU; opening jUie: slow; itrong to 15c higher to kl lan Priday; early tales light and breec ledlum weight butchen 810,35 to Inn 10.30; amall lols 81035; llltio donen other butchen; good aowi large- ___ _'■89'to 89iO lUlcll^amooih ell* 8A ible tllghUy higher. 60Shwp: RecelpU . 25,000 ; 3900 38 \H irough: early eitlmatcs Includes jjoo: I c sn eres; bsUnoe range lamta Callf rty Itltle done: 'Opening sales poun ucked lo lamta about steady a t 88 aren I 88M: tome held higher; asking ji* $ cady lo slrong on carloU: talking ca ' ■oitiT steady lo weak; about one <iesin ilrd of run feeden; nothing done, cd gi

OGDEN UVESTOCK and t O Q OEN ,Sept.28(;!l(USD A)— 88iO ogs: RecelpU 820; slow, market quo'.« >l eilabllihed early: talking steady graii ■ around 810 to 9 lO .I\on best good lichen: mixed k l ! ) d i . j^ down; poum ir ctrly sales sows 87.50 to 87.75. 85 to Cstllo: ReeeipU 23JO; m’oderately venlei lire; early sales sleady; top steen She JO on 31 head ex tn good kinds short om local feedlot: car good 1193 medli iund'Idahai.87; few loads Idaho] sorle< 10.8835; load Idaho hellen and poun<

w-oddlo'* loU 'drire- «io.ms 85 10 lO fTmedium and good 88.« 8133.10 81 JO:.Ioad feeders 81: ter grades 83 to 83JO; bulls 8135 ix

85; good realen 87J0 lo BJO: uo< r .light stock calres 88J0; par s D . id weighty realen 88.10.' ' d v e Sheep: RecelpU 20.170: few loU 11033 ackcdln lamta early 87J5 lo 87J0; cal : medium ewes 8235; Sunday, car aiead< 7 pound UUh ewes 83J0: 4 loads ,ome 3 pound mUedUUhi,motUy feed- to 88 I, 83.15; load 113 pound UUh cradc rden 81.75. . Caii

------- — to89JST. JO SE ni UVE.STOCK calves

3T. JOSEPH. Sepu 38 Ml (US She 0 - H o p : 1500; lop 8iaiO; good 'sliom choice 180 lo 330 lbs. 89.85 lo lamta

1.10: unclianged:- part load choice I lb. 89£5; small lot 360 Ib. 810;;ter 140 lo 170 Ita. 83.65 to 89iO; o iL ^lum 140'Ita. 8835; sows bulk H oc- 35 U) 80; lU gt down.. soiri;alUe: 1100; about 3 loads itrlc t- -weight cholct 908 lb. .mUed yearlings up; to

80; bulk fed iteen aod yearlings to 315 35 to 88M: most weslem klUlng e n : b e n 88J 0 to 88«: bulk beef cowt to 89,{a to 8535; bulU moiUy 84.75 able I'l m ; top retlen 89; bulk 80 lo to to a M); mott lalet itocken and feed- weight

Iheep; 3000: top -naUv* Umtaia:.,othen.>9.dayn; medium Itf —c a ttlice wettem iliujhter ewei 83J0 acuve8350; solid mouth breeden 8135 feeder8UO: load feeding ICmta Uiru. steen,

lallerPORTUND UVESTOCK. tevenl

♦ORTLAND, Sept 29 M llU 8 D 80,75 ti-Hogs: RwelpU 4200; uneven 10 8735 t25c below Priday: good to choice yearlln

to 310 potmd load loU mostly 89,25 I.35; few drivtlnt 810.10 to 810.15: Primek 810 down; 230 to 370 pounds lb. 89.1to to 89.75; few light IlghU 19.75; 8035 I:klng t o n largely 8835 to 8SJ0; o 833feeder pigs told; new dccki lield ew ll(ive 88. 84.50 t<laitle: RecelpU 3800; calvei SiO; 87: iloy lllUe done; few opening tales to 86Ju t Iteady; nany bids weak to b. heli

lower; better gradt cows off SheeiIt; w alen about iteady; few generally tales medium iteen M to c'lolco'5; good kind? held -abovc 735; naUveimon ileers UJO tq B.50; few 88.75; Ila helfe'n 85.50; few loads helf- ean W85i0 lo 85.90; good .fat hellrra feedingto 88.50; common helfen for- breedln

-d to 81; low cutter and cutler ewes tot 83 to 83J0: common to me* yearllm tn grades 83.75 to 8135: good beef a 81J0 lo 84.75; lomB held hlgh-buni m otuyglio to 8335: lew ~ b q s : 0; good to eholca realen 8819; common'down I0 8 S; itocker ^,1a scarce. m lly heep: RecelpU 3500; practicallyearly sales; generally aiklng d , l (

idy-6m p-to-8#-for-sw )d-tB t m o w b i; wme bldt weak to 2Sc low-•fcw-swd-fat-twet-Sl-to-BaflSt- j r tn T limon to medium grades 8135 DaJO. - • a t Uel

ctiicago ' u v S toc k ' WCA(>07€eptrflM«JU-«-D-A>- toKITlogi: RecelpU ll,0i?0: cloilng ac- •: moitly 5 to I5« higher than cu y s aitrage; ipoU up more: cOLis unwenly tteady to 15c higher: sepU 2SU7'cnBIW3Strpound bu ttlitu tjon Jl,30; bulk desirable 300 to 250 ^endnda 810 to 81035;-few rough ^ d a ’l i extremely heary toa't 87J0 to . extra < thlppen took 2000; eeilmated

Jorer 1000.atUe: Receipts 21.000; calres d u L'); ycarllnp itrong, belter grade track Ighty ile en ttnn< to 15c higher; tober 8


J J BO T I CAN’TI 1 ^ ? i l R s s p o m s i b u

.„■ • . - p i m '*I6N A M T5 p ? ^ ^ a H L IQ U O R BILLS.

raall compared with week ago; com* ^

’t o p ^ l o l i o 'p a ^ l o t '^ h T PUld long yearlings; b « l 1275 wund averages 81035; all the stock :los«d Itrong to ISo higher: bulls Irm: realen fully iteady; sausage )ulU 85J5'down; realen 810 to 811:'ew around 81IJ0; about 10,000 mtBcri - l ir-cropi'-Btockerr-niimr — Jew w)l}j undfrtone weak foUowJog u t week’s 25 to SOo downturn.Sheep; RecelpU 18.000; fa t Umta

trong 10.35c lilgher; oUien llttla hanged;-pmctlcally top native ambs 89.65 to small klllen; full (/ leek (holce 82 pound avenges n t < hat price; only odd head sold u ap; ilgh af 89.75 to 89J5; these to out* at Iden and scarcely a criterion; late cen lUlk alaughlcr ewcs 8335 to 8335: quc ceding lamta 88 lo 88,40, according fuli9 kind; bulk around 8835 to 8750; « reeding ewcs 81,75 to 8735, accord*lg *.0 age and weight: deck 103 msi 7J0. .___________ = r ____________ decSAN FRANCISCO LIVE-STOCK r SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, ScpU gen

S Ml (U S D A)-Hogi: RecelpU alsc 100: top and bulk 170 to 31S pound asv :allfomlu 810,75; package 215 tor] ounds 810.75; odd lot 395 pound frlc renges 81035; packing sows main- did y 87.75, few good light, aowa 88. oidi Cattle: Receipts 1000; Uireo loads ini« eslrable 1040 pound Nevada hom* as I 1 g ru s I teen 87JO. torted 0 head mor iren loads 930 to 1100 pound Idaho u 1 id northern California grass steen IJO to 87J5; ood llghl fed eteen loted around 88 to 88J 0: few plain und rail lielfen 8450 to 85.50; load j i i: >od Nevada cows 8535; few 1200 m ; 3Und dairy coui 8135; odd bulli ^ 1 I to 85,60, Calves 10; good to choice 041; micrs quoted around 89 to 89J0. oats Shpep: RecelpU 1700; direct 60: vary tort deck medium lo good 7: pound vani edliim>pelt 'CntlfomU lamta 88; juit irted 15 per cenl; h a lf deck 73 yi )undit7J0 ; sorted^25 per cent; nool j^ ^ f d J ju p b i soIdTasklnf-abova .j^n '■ _____ ____ who

I.OS ANGELFJt LIVESTOCK (leul LOS ANOELES, Sept. 28 Ml lU ium|D A)-Hog!i; Receipts 400; ilea* adU

r; gn ln fed 811 to 811.25; locals cc035 lo 810.75. VlthCattle; Rccelpls 3500; tlow and howicad}-; fed steen 8735 to 88.10: portimo held higher; Mexlcana 85J0 com

88,35: .'cowt 84J0 to 835; cutter - Prades 8235 to 8135; bulls to 85.85. pons Caires, 1300; steady: few realen89J0; calves 88,75 to 87JO; ttock cK

Ivci 86.75 to 87.Sheep: Recelpti tooO; local fedora lamta, steady al 88J0; wooled u tr-n ta and cwm untold, Juir

OMAIIA UVESTOCK ' Sty 3MAHA. Sept. 28 (,T) (USDA) - Igs: 5000; welghU J60 Ib. up and dS> U’S d oud steady ;o 10c higher: Utr IghU lOO lb. down tieady to 25o ; top 810 iparlngly on choice IBS xur 315 lb. to ihlpper and yard trad* July i; better gnde 175 to 370 lb. 8955 d£*' 89.S5, few loU 8930; bulk deslr- uTr IC 190 to 37d lb. included a t 89,75 . Un 89.85: lal« sales light and medium Ights cows 88J5 to 88i)0; top 89; oto r SllghUy mixed loU to 89.33; J u i . ppen-1500.:atUer-15iOOr«a-elastea-ctostnff r ff i- Jve. firm; klllen compcUng wlUi der dealen for fleihy grassy ert, aeveral loadi 88J0 to 87J0; Wl ler pricet for 1358 lb. Montanu; whea m l loads choice fed yearlings 3 noi f5 to 80J5: sevenl fleshy feeden 81.03. 15 to 87.75; bulk fed sleen and On .rllngs 8835 to 8935; few loads white !5 to 89J0; 3 londi choice lo me weighty sleen around 1100 89.60; fed helfen 88 to 89; few po J lo 89JM): bulk beef'cowi 8135 -wllln 8335; cutter g n d n 8335 to 81; faUa • light tliells down lo 83; bulli othy10 to 8535; practical lop vealen retch ilockcr'alid Jeeder steen 853J porUi

86J0; choice 1711 Ib,-87,35 ; 670 helfen 86J5.heep; 12.000; all clasiei closed OH erally iteady; nothing itrictly wheai Ice In range Iambs; bulk sorted No. 2 Ive and .range lamta 88J0 to grade 5; top 88.75; ewe top 8350; four Cor I Wyoming feeding lamta 8830; mUec ling ewes 8345; short Urm low 1 nllng cfes 8330 to 83; full mouth 81.13; s lo 8t35: iwo-year-old ewei 85; yellot rllng ewcs 80 to 8850. 81.11'

— - No. 3- _ - WOOL No. 5

OSTON. SepU 28 Ml (U is D A) to 'il. 7» wool market In Botloo w u No. 4 r quiet today. QuoUUont gen* Oat lly were unchinged from laat white k on damntle woolt. • No. iablet from Awlralla to prlrale 37 >i ' ^ ' t In B'oston reporied~Uiat “ N8‘ Xl' a t Sydney wen unchanged Soy iTU iTTiiainTonail-w eelTO T ■^^11 t the ffn l sale ot the aeaioo Uelboume opened wlUi a good ctlon and a good-demand-at res about a t levels lhat had pre*

DIVIDEND DECLARED OLORADO SPRINGS, Colo..U 38 (flv-llolly Sufftr corpora-

Id ,o f 81.74 on preferred atock . a SO-ccnt rrguUr and a 75-cent :a dividend on eommon itock.-

liA XlULUTH. Sept. a (fll - Flax on :k 82.02, September 82.03'.t; Oc- t r 83.03; December 8103.

EPTEMBER 29,'19S8*, - — '= s s a = s a ! = a 9 s ! = s s

r a n u pBLE I BILL F O R * 8 6



■ W -!n i i i i i i

Eastern anTlouthw.st “ Houses Persistent Set- #;

lers at Ciiicago S

Br JOUN p. BOUGIIAV m (AsMcUled Preaa Market Editor) un ■ClUOAtSO, Sept. 38 Ml — Dis- -

appointing dearth of export business f})' •at Winnipeg, together wiUi 3S JJ}! cenU a busliel break In Liverpool r. quotallonj, tumbled Chicago wheat futures doaTiward 3*1 ccnU today.

EaiUra and touUiwesUm. liousei'^^'' were pcrsbUnt ad len In Uie wlieat maricet here. ChooUc condlUoris re- = gardlng European exchange Iiad a decidedly unseltllng effecU

ReporU c t geneni rains In Ar- genUna and of 'beneficial moisture also In parU of Australia, as well “ aswvxr domcatlc winter wheat tcrrl- tory southwest, were a Imndlcap lo rrlcndi of higher wheat prices. Prt* C dlcUons. Umt Europeoo purdiase i 3rdcn for wheat would again come | uinto the Canadian market u toon __Ll the ralue of money o ren e u w u *— s o n definitely known faUed lo act IS an Immediate counter-bolance.

Wheat Nerront Wheat closed nenxiut, IS to 2!i ^

inder yeiterday’s flnL li, December I1.13H to 8l.l3’.i, m y 81.l2!i to ; II.13U. July 81.00>i'to 81.00!i; com ‘t to *i down, December-fltS lo i4>i. May 08-5; to M!l. July 86S; " • laU off, December 43',i, and o'c •arying from Jli aelbnck to U ad- Tince, Decemtar 81c. Provisions rc- *“ lilU were uncluinged lo lOe lower. • '

Violence of reaclions In the Liver- I*' lool ^heatm arket w u es^KUIIy a olt to CWc#go-tndon, many of " nhom Iiad been hopeful of a moro f* ‘ irompt clearing-up of'exdiaiige”dlf- lenities and of a t le u t partial re- umpllon of export buying of Can- dUn wheat.Com, oaU and ry# ii>-mpaUilad

riuiweaknesiofwheau Ueayyralns. ‘' “y owcvcr. In Uie com belt were re- ^ orted u delaying malurlly of the ^ om crop. -**JProrlslons averaged lower,-rea*

onslvB to acUon o t graina. • ^

ClflOAOO. 8«it. 38 tr> - ■ £* f Optn Illih Lov CtM» Twl:

irbtii— desc«o---- l.U lH i IJ4t; l.Uli l.ll!i 'U 'toy I.l3n-Ul.t4 l,lM«l.i:i,-V, — uly MBli 1,03!4 » * il.» ; .-! j COCora— ac■tr M'.Hk 90 SBH atn-’i sh aly IS ssn ee t«% Se

r g" S'‘ S,; Si: I

r ® ll". iDtrItT- Cl

D 1 _ _ IIJO rci;t ll.U.T011,79 11.40 11.41N ii:io-aTit.<s IIJO 11 a ^ J l . i i , r i ix t U.M 1I.U P» ^ n J w - ; Tl;

WINNIPE GRAIN ««WINNIPEG, ScpU 38 Ml - C uh »hi heat: No. I northern 1.07H: No. «« northern 81,03X: No. 3 northern .03. ‘‘f’OoU: No, 3 while 44!Jc: No. 3 lilio 41-ic,

PORTLAND HAT PORTLAND, SepU 28 Ml - Hay Wt lllng price to whole.-alcra: Al- *;'« ■Ua No. 1 818; eastem Oregon tlm- hy 818 lo 81850 ton; onU and «« ‘tch 812 to 813:.clover 812 ton, ,ru a n l _ -

CHICAOO CASH GRAIN }«*CHIOAOO, SepU ‘28 Ml - Cash ^Mat: No. 1 hardl 8130 to 8131‘i ; Th}. 2 hard 81.18 to 81.1814: sample •ad9’8I.OO; No. 1 mUed 81.18'i. AdjCom: No, 3 mixed 81.11'i: No. 4 wb Ued 8l.lO',4 to8 l,H H : No. 1 yel* w 81.13; No. 3 yellow 81.13 to,13; Lake blllliig. 81.11>i: No. s »»]How 81,13; No. 4 yellow 81.1014 to rigl •I l'i ; No. 5 yellow 81.09W to 81.11:). 3 white 8130; No. 4 white 81.16; >»). 5 white 81.11: aample grade 95c G*t- •11.07: new crop No. 4'yellow 81;' her I. 4 whll* M.06.OaU: No. 1 whll* 45Hc: No. 3 u J ilte44*ito46c;N9.3whlle43*ic;). 4 wh’iu 41Hc; sample grade TBat>i to 4lHc. 1B35.NO'W.---------------------------------- A,-ilBoy beam. No. 3 yellow 81.19 nom- day. i------------------- -— ------------------ Oourt= = ^ = > ------------- m is ,

- W A N T E D ----------

A I,F A L F ^ A N D RED CLO V ER S E E D cnie,. ■ - • ‘ , ------- for ct

f 'a r* lh m b '« m oV'reeleMCd Pravliteed. rejw’Shipman T nntfer BnMlag “ JJ;,

WESTLAND SEED CO. lao. this i P ^ n * 1 8 ^,

T r r s HARO L U C K ,^\ K/ R. tO O E R , I .


. / A O D R G S « . M

R 'v f V% / / ■

|^A K E -R IV £R -R E PO R T -|-

Sotk* rlrer ilo rm . tlr«tm no* u d ditmiUMu wfTo «Ho*n By th« npofi o( Lyon Cnodtll. vticmMter, t t t atpumbtr 21, M rollon:Ju ljo a tax* - — hbMi.Amtrtetn Ptlto ----------------- eiO.nOU kt Waleotl _____________ :JU »

K ttutt n«i«. BtMAd r m----------------- •&i*c»«n»'«torMTt8tS5r ”jUonn --------------2J70 2.00 MO .i l c b t _________ 1.I90 x m 3.730W00dTI>» -------- s.T .m ■ 71# 7»

- T Z Z ^ a i i e uo a iie

Dlrtnlsni, SkorI ftH MtnldoU. N. a. _ 713)uinidoXt. a. a. _ sa !Mllntr, a. a - — 1.730 * I.7W Hllnff Low U » _ Tt » e r . A. Ultrml n iMiiaer. K. a. ___ _ 1J49)Melis Woodrillt _ 4.110 tO 3.Uf .

too» !____’___l.l» t o 101

InaL,actual u ie 81-13 lo 81Jo:

feed 12 to 5c nominal; matting 81.12 to 81.S0 nominal. .

Timothy teed 85.75 to 8« cwt; new crop 85JO to 85.75-CWtr-

Clo\-er teed 814 to 831 e a l Lard: 'n crtes iWXl-. loot* laid

111.07. Belli,es 813^7.

Legal Advertisements- N (m CE OF BHHUW-S In the District Court of the Elerenth

Judicial District of Ihe SUle ot Idaho, In and Jor Uie Coiarty of Twin Falls.

W. a Meader, PUlotltf.~ n . -

Kerbert S. m m e . aomeUmcfl known as H. a Ftame, Anna M. Yocum, and Ihe Itock Creek Realty Com* pan>',.ft conJcrftWoB,

Defendants.' -Under and-by virtue ot an O rderV It Sale dated Uia 25Ui day of S e p * _ \ «nbefrl036rUsued'out'orUi#'abov* jnUtled Court In' Uie above acUon Rhcreln Uie plalnUff obtained a >> ludgmtnt tn d Dectw o t P jt«toi\it« igalait Um defendanU on Uio 33rd lay ef September, 1939, said de- m -being recorded in Judgment 3ook 18 of tald District Oourt on »age m and whertln and whereby. ;.Uie undcrslgoed.Sherlff of Twin - - =WU Couniy. Idaho. i«» eommanjled 0 sell aU Uiat certAln lot and p*rcel If und situated la Uio County of rwln Pails. Stato o t Idaho, and lescribed a t 'follows. lo*wlt; _ jeglniiW i8eaU »-*ecUoa Wn» common w iectlooi Sixteen (18) aad Twenty-one (31), T'own* ship Ten 101, SouUi.’ Rang*. . Sevcnleen (17> B. B. U . and a t a point where said leeUon Iln# intcnecU Uie north line of the

■ road which parallels th a loutli rim of nock Creek ftnyen In Ul* SouUj Park AddlUoa to Ui*City of Tvln P^lls, Idalio, thenc*In a souUieastcrly dlitcUon along th* norm line ol laW road lo lu IntertecUon wllh Uie ctnwr.lltw o t LaU Btteet, South Park AddlUon. Uieoc* North Thre*. hundred .Twenty-two-

Creek Canyon, which point U marked wlUi a four Inch Jo«. thence North Jtirly-nln* («» degrees. Thirty (80) mlnuUi West a dUlanco of Sight Hun­dred (BOO) feet more or le a to a eroas on th* concreU walk on the bridge a t Slioshono Street, thence BoiiUv rorty-fow (U»

degWp>rtH*o<«**|aWest a duunc* of One K u n ^ . Eighty-seven and Tweniy*Jwn v HundredUis (1B7J7) feet to a ^ cmss on Uie walk a t the end ot tald bridge. Uieoco In a aouUi- m w ly d tV e o t lo n a lo n * the louUi rim of tald canj’oa » the DQWt of beglonln* and c o n l^ * iM tl* (8) acre* more or . le tt TWS tn c t of land indudrt allof Block Nine 19) otSouUi PK kAddlUon to Twin P*Us.S t to Uio Twta PalU Canal c o ^ m right to a spillway.

wlUi «U water righu,

S t a m e n u - and *ppur«»- ' S Uiento » * l ^ « “ anywise apperttlnlng.

•d«' o t Sale, sell Uie *$;??:» ------

^ u . n ,n t U Mi .1 » »

(» 28lh day of September, « « •E P . PRAITR.

snerlff of Twin ra w I . County, Idaho .. " y

, R u y A n (,WANT AD RATES

BATES PCB U N I PEC DAT8 U 4 « n p » i iM p « d » r --------. ' k i nn fM d i7 t.p c rU M p tt« « 7 — •« Ik Om dw r per U w ------------ :— U« a

------- '" 83 l73?grDlgeoTnit---------r rFor Caab J ^

niii' uucitlaD. ¥ iPbono S3 for in AHUktr * q

INDEX TO. WANT A D s 7 |:1 >

iuM rot Skit , , t • 'Auto JMTie*. PuU ' « • _

— r j " g s s r « % r “i ^ = 3 I -

. S i S : k — = £fael>MH«--n>tp«" . ■■— R I

■■ H Ir«ati« imp n u u d ■ .. .»ret toetllttioM , ~ . y M Btli. UUMlUSMUi ■■■ 11

' m B4ll SMdl — I*-*PniX* VttiUblH — . If

m o tru Dit»ttor»- J WS3"Sn?»“ i . - z = i i 3s a . “ v i " j r i = ^ _iDJinitUOB _ — » ^iMt tad i ^ a : . i i T. ,i~B l f Uilt triBUi —I, »

^ Hosn (0 LetD »Mono*. etotM* — J Jpmoout «

’{udlaZ'ud'BMTle* H -*Ba) b u w tv Stt* .— II..a _omi b u u tot m d * ................ n n i

' M DUU ninud ■■■■ MDoaa* tot (Uot **Wamin. A m u »flitutuesi nuiud “Bp*d«li at eiortt . . i.« fftaud to Du7 — I.. I M {

»W Bill et 1Y»«»...............- J l 1L------------------------------------- ------ » .rei

IU l m m w uuca to u a s j !It elttt to m dna ol tli* cltMl-

n*o PU* Uwt tA*r* It t tinct tull ttt> u t iino i u>:r tddiiiaa' . tl lolornuUoa coaetmloi "bllDd ' Iil.* t&it U. tdrrtlMtnraU <l(a- e4 inib 1 b a Dtunbn to cv* o( tht t(t««. ^

Losland Found 5..................^

lOffr-BLACK SinTCABE COK- — iUlolnc men'f eloUUn; on road So. WA:or iUztlton. Good ttward. Retum tfte Huelton Cale or N e n . ' n


, -nilnl Are. Ko, Ph. 1M3. ncwird. ^ modem home,« wk. Ph. 0M7-R<. ^

WBT JxW RDQ BETWEEN TWTO nlshmiA and Ktmtxrljr Prld^r. Ph. mN Klmberl;. Reward. rt


r titeen Ben Jiiuen'A and Kimberly, — Ph. «R3, Kimberly. ALL ___ - in

Beauty Shops 6 ~

PERUANENTS 1130 TO M.'SHAU* poo u d flo«er w»vo Wc. Mabel Mtrlo Beauty Shop, 130 Main N. „ Ph. «7. JJ

o n . PERMANENTS PROM $1J0. Pf ■■■■pinjer’w»»lne.'hiilr cutlln«,halr ’ E*

djelac. facial*. Cntwford Dcauty■ Salon, 112 Main So, Ph. 1G74, ^

oter Dell'a Cl«ar Store. ^

p m u i m r r a tL so .To h m . q v - » t er Boxy Thealre. Ruth Pcrfusen r j r : Brown In chirjo durin* Mrs. B^mer^ abtence.

SPECIAL: o n , PERMANENTS tt..15 oU perin. -12. Klaas Beauty "Xi; Shop, 339 eih Are. E. Ph. 13JS. ^

PERMANENT WAVING. HNOEn wartne, nmrcclllne, hair dyelnj, — (telala, indhrUua) hair cultln*. OU Penaanenta from $U0. Artljile — Beauty Salon. 2nd floor. 13S Main VOU W. Ph. IM. wa

I ________ __________. m WAI

-Autos-t.r^Salo - 7 ^

fyjMV»» Tudor..............imT I >dW34 Plymouth < ^aeh______ $315 P<31 Bulck Ooupe. 8 Uk t ____276 loc» Shenolet Coupo--------^*1“ ' ”2> Ford Tourln*. e x tn good IlSS 34 Cher. Standard coach .1395» Port! Tudor----------------- IIM 5528 ChfTtler Coupe,' 20 Cho-aler ^ tedan. I

< 27 Cher. Coach. 28 Cher. Coupe. I 30 Dodjc Scdan.'extr* BOOd. —

Ertry Car Guaranteed .a i

J n o . B . W h i t e ’ SIM Second Are. North ^

--------------------------------------- ^ ^'38 BUICK SED A N . GOOD loa

motor, new lire*, lleente. leather H upholstering. 1123. or trade for 2 81. good milk e o n . 8 m l so. and 3 a tt mL w tifo r Buhl Nlclt fitclma. otl

. - n n CIU. r o i ■utn.T8>-nioB* a ^ i «


____ BmLEVEN-MY_EO(S.|([^E SE R T E D ME

d Sell BAutos (or Sale 7

(CtattiM t rn a rraMOtTtMtMa) (Cw

192T OHEVnOLBrtoDOT MO? Iw l dump, 4 fpeod tn n t. 109 Ini Madltcn a t . Ph. 1835. , . qul

$ ¥ ¥ * 9 * * 9 9 9 t f * * ^ * * IP» ' IN I CI2EV. OOUPB « Ea V A few trucka — Priced to kU * 115 » q u ltt ■ * = =

' The AUTO MART I J, 2t9 Main Atb. Wert * ClRl t . WI BtTY>-aELL-TRAOZ *

9 9 * 9 9 * * ***''•~ ’| ■ " ■'■ ■■ CAN

»35 Hudjon Coupo pi*]1030 Cherrolet Coopt.1031 Durant Sedan WUI 1029 DeSoto Sedan >3 I 9p Ponllac Coach —

1029 D unnt SedanSpecial on 1828 PonUae Ootch,

)50. Sereral othen lo pick frem.• EMPIRE AOTO CO. **''

132 2nd Ave. Ko.


1034 FD-mouUi Coupe, 8 whecU' Ingndlo, healer, new Urea —

1820 Bulck Sedan Wl1831 Die. Sedan. 8 wh. P lm /f im condltlOD. ' Bu;

1033 Ply Sedan, new -paint. «h1030 Dodge tedan a I 1830 Oher. Sedan ' t 1030 Pontlao'Sedan, new tires. ’ llo'

,rery good-condition. olei1828 Cher. S e d a n . ----------------- Iw1028 Fbrd 2-Door. W1027 PonUae Sedan.

2 good PackMdj^...Sereral good used tnieki . _


— ~ • -■ i : : r eie<laU

Male HlID'Wanted.aAK TO DIG 12 ACRES POTA- — T

toea. Ph. 0I07-R1. ®*A— .i pro iVANT SOMEONE TO a iO P 100 roo:

tfo hay a t once, 3 east of N, E. thacomrr'pf Butil, pji,

tfAN POR PERMANENT POSI-Uon. Genen'l Bookkeeper. Ex* . . q. ,perlenced In collecting and credit .< , work. Opening In Twin FaUs wtth old established Idaho firm. Pur-

lUh rtfertnces and giro bond. Sub- c / mit application glrlng tfgo andrefrrtiices' In o rn handwriting. W EfWrite P. O. Box 1578. Boise, Ida- of 1lig_________________________ »2X

lU , ROUND FARM HAND. GOOD ^ Wages, all winter Job. Write Box

-eo.-c#rt-Ncws.-------------------------MOIt — --------------------------- 'T ran

Female Help Wanted 10 JI!! n m is n tA s cards , b ig c o m - ^missions selling. personal Christ- .j.-,nuis Cards, Stationery, and 7 sen* _satlonal assortments. Special low pjcKpriced humoroua personal cards, iucExperienco—unneceajary.'-Ppoo -»ndsamples. Wallace Brown, 225M JS2 PUth .Are, New Vork.


raMAN FOR COOKING AND U/ai general housework on dude nnch.Wrtto Box 253. care News. WAN

— —'__________________ mill lOOKKEEPER AND STENO- ____grapher, g in experience. Refer- lad ence. act. Apply P.. O. Box 204, lam Twin Palls. exp

Situations Wanted M•OUNG M A R R IE D WOMAN ^ wants trork by day. Ph. 152SR.'

WNTED FARM OR ~DAIRY work. Joo Shwhan, Bulil. Ida. ^

-aiEjneigopp-rtiiiiiiiefm^lODERN ROOMING IIOUSE IN UsecPendleton, .Ore. 18 rooms, best m dlocation. Owner retiring. Ph. 1002 S. I o r ,833 Main St., Pendleton. • ■ =

IROCERY AND MEAT MARKCT. f new and up lo dato stock, dolnsgood casli business, good loca- DEUitlcn, chtap rent. Cannon's, Cas- of I

Money to Loan 16rONEY"TO LOAN 8% ¥o"BROK- eragc: or B!i% and brokerage of 120 per $1000, W mo. to 200 nw. qjm terms. Swim Investment Co. ^

OR FEDERAL LAND BANK loans t n J. W. McDowell, Room —14 Bank i l T nut Bldg, Shoshone DELK Sl. WUI be in the offtcrDn etch RaK aftemoon hul Saturdays. Ph. <21 Prot oriln or 0I85J1. home. Bo.

riit t u x roB BXitR.Ti’-n « B i a t u b i

L .......... ...........................................r .

i h a s -------------------^ ------

5aby Ne«Monoy.Jo Loan 16 I

[CMtlaud (rta mctdlaf CaIubb) (Cm

lONEV TO LOAN ON 6 w £ j ^ JONIngs. Lowest ntes. loog terms. EaQuick serrle*. Sanger-Joncs. Ph. r r r• o 7 r m - m t i r E u t—:--------------

r v o u NEED MONEV, B E MsE arrr a( Tirlo M is Loan Offlco. ~115 Main Ave. E.______________~ Go

For Sale. Miscellaneous 17 ^ilRCUUATlNG HEATER, ALSO lor monkey store with water Jacket, almost new, reasonable. 1040 flho-

le ilAN.UllES, CHILDB BED. LAR- — ge3tslnmelalBndmaUtt<,cheap.

srUEELa WHEELS, ANY SBB AT — ~ 133 2nd Are. So.

' anTty iLtfif'

ABERDEEN COAL mBy tho Back NOW. ort

when winler comet you will know it how good It Is

ANO PUBL------------------------------------------ H I

, ' res'OVER WIRE PEWOIWO. BARB ^ wlre,'aad steel posti Carload tav- Ingi. Krengtl's Hardwue. jibs

W H Y P A V W A R P B IC E S J rarA carload of Mureseo lo bulL oak

Buy wbat you need, b ^ bock gealwhat you hars le ft Wa loan y$>u etc.a brush lo put li on with frcC rlfli

McMurtry Boust Paint. 4- —Hour Enamel, Floor and Un- ^oleum Vamlsh tfrtes In two" ^ P4WUTS.-A large stock-of Wall —


URNrrURE - NEW and” U ^ W fumltun of all kinds, coal ranget. r r - r eleetrlo ranges, eoal stores, 'elrcu- latora m d other household fum- ' Uhlng*;'Moon'aPli.9.8loreNo.l: xiEPC Ph. 318. Stort No., 2. ji)

[TAX. OREEN- SlllNOLE STAIN, ^protect and beautify your new ------roof with linseed oil thlngle stain lhat will stay green a long time.


Don’t overlook lhal opportunity »l« of saving from 50 lo 100 percent on your tire costs a l tlio Re- capped Tires Inc.. 135 2nd Ave.

■■■•_________________ il; ;E NOW HAVE A OOOD SUPPLY of wood a t tlie moderalo prico of 12.00 per r lc t Leavo orders a t 210 Snd N. or call 419M. ’Ts'ln P^lls *“ • Coop. Exchantc. , p^R^

URESOOr'-PAINT. -ENAMEL, - ramlsh and aU kinds ol painting luppUes. Krengel's Hardware. - '

lED BKR^DEALER IN MON- mcnl*, markers. 318 Main S .rwin Falls. ____

I pun r:CK UP BACK. BATH TUBS, jndlumber, pipe and fittings. boaU ____andreUnen.-6e«Ida.JunkHous«. 3.RC 152 2nd Ave. So. apt,

Jrt BALE CAREY SAFE. 411 PUR? Thlnl Awnua West, Phono 1525. hou

Vanted Mlsoeiianeous 17-AANT A COW TO PEED rO R M W milk. Write Box ?;o. care News. ford

IDY WANTS HIDE TO PORT- PUR^ land by Oct. 1. IKlp drive.'sliaro Ph. expenses. Box 224. Rler,

iWAYS IN MARKET FOR CLO- r tr tn d alfaKa teed. Globe Setd

PRoi:SD CLEANING AND BAGS. baU Globe Sted t t Feed Co.■ 111 ■ 1773.UMBING REPAIR WORK. PU --------IM. Knmgg-i-Hanlwiw.

fnWTURB WANTTD - WE BUT ised fumllure. coal-ranges, stores wd ice bdzes. We pay cash. Ph I. Moon's. •

Fruits and Vegetables 18 ==3XICIOUS APPLEa, f. ML SO.>f Khnbe'tly. Slumbaugh.

lEE R IP E N E D ITALIAN * * inines will itart picking Oet. 3. toltme>-er Ranch, 3 cast of NX. amer of Buhl. • -

iTCT CIDER, H. T. BLAKE, PH.080-M.______________ . ^

;U D 8^roa SALE. 310 NOR’m

3.IC10US APPLES, »i:u BULK. '^ 2 2 ?tates on truckloads. Hyde Ranch. -■nm Kimberly. 2 miles east, 3H ROOU lo. Ph. MR4, Klmbetly. Are.

IB ciLL rok B£Jin.Ti--ni«Bf n t h T I

^ E G U M P S - T . H


_ _ V _ W IL U E V E R -M JS S - • . V ME-

l l l » ,


leds ThtoFruits and Veqetables 18 Ft

(CMtlBBtd (wm ft»t»aiBg CalBM> g j ~

ONATOAN APPLES, I .m tV o T x ‘ bo East Washington Bchoot nai

r w t r r .v T t-n m >;7 ^ Kay, 1 mL east, U Bo. east end Main. I ■ sldi

RUNES AT AUCmON GIWONO fruit atand-untU gone 2$c. i5o.Good No. ■a'8 at 75c. Nlco half ____busliel baskets packed, 800 basket, qoqi WO Klondike melons, your choloe - lo r lOo. • ref«PALIAN PRUNES, NO. I'a. So lb. I mllo east of Waslilngtan school, U mL Bo. Pat Conroy.

lEUCIOUa JONATHAN. WW- ter Banana, and. K l i / David ap-plea. Kenyon Green.'^________ ^

TALIAN PRUNES. PEARS AND =Emmett grapes. PubUo Market, SIS 'ffliashono N. ’ ' ■ . \

tcINTOSU A P P L E C T R U R B T T ^ tree ripened a t E. L. WonaooU ♦ orchard, 3 mL east on U. a SO. * « ■4 So. from east end of Main St. J

For Sale or Trade 21 * wTtA D & "W CK inD ~C A ii > v R *~lie residence loC Swlra {jrestment « prC o . ________________¥ acUMED OAK D IN IN G -AND library 'Uble,- leather cushioned „B, chair, hot blast heating store. Z congolcum mg new, Clreauston J oak dresser and chlflonler, leather „ „ , seated and wicker rocking chalr«, etc. Como Tuesday, goods a t sao- jjODIfltlcc. » ll-8 th Are. E.________ _ ,nd

;i INCH WAGON BEET HACK, i c t e r i c . , . r i i .m ! J - n .

tla lFurniture for Sale 23

150 USED IVERS i t POND PIANO. walnut finish. In flno condition, ay u u •183. Logan Music Co. on

u i ia . c m o n t m m . o a u . J iBl Mfl 3rd Aye. E..bet. 8 and 3.

EPOSSESSED FURNITURB OP all kinds, 50 used rang**. Prictt range from 810 up. Moon’s.__ ____ Buh

Wanted to Buy 25™™■ANT USED HAY C l l O P ^ IN ' 'W good condlUon. SUte price and and whero located. Write Sox K. a, Ing - care News. •nee— I primOOD QUAUTY BEDROOM, -------living room and dining room nN E funllluro and rug. Glvo full de- SacrUUs. Write Box 17. care New-s. -------

BED MOTORCYCLE. JtU DEAN, pQn Rl. S. BuliL - •< ,cre

3RN1TURE WANTED-WE B W }J* ujcd.fumllurc..coal ranges..slovea and Ic# boxes. We pay enili. Phono »■ -erts,

Apartments 28 ~JRNISHED APARTMENT. 650 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1288.


apt. Bungalow Apts, 2nd Ave. E. t28S(

JRNISHED APT. FOR LIGHT houiekceplng. 412 Main No. r ~ —

PAftTMENT. - ADUIOT ONLY. ‘ ^ R 310 3rd Ave. No. and I

mNISIIED APTS. THE OX-j )!*** ford. 428 Main Are. No. ^

niNlSltED. JUSTAMERE INN, Robe Ph. 458 tn d Oasis. Ph, 071,

---------7 7 5

Rooms tor Rent 29 t wlONT BEDROOM ADJOINING t ball), automatic furnace htat. * range, gentlemari preferred. Ph. ^

_________________________ -♦ .M fnunSlIED ROOM OR ROOM * s m u ig a if lZ E ic ta g H :i r~ ^ :^

JOM AND DOARD IN PRI- * 8«,C( rato home.' 552 Stli Ave, E. « Um

INKY ROOMS. PURNACa S T ^ y ker. Ujulaln double, suitable for ^ m m 1; downstairs single, meals If de- — tlrtd. bu-ilneis woman prefencd. FIVE- Ph. 818W. 304 8lh E. • • mapi

NGLE ROOM, CLOSE IN. 312 ilh Ave.. No, • Ph. I

)0M. SUITABLE POR BUSI- ONE^ less woman. 230 4th Ave. No.

>0M TOR RENT. WITH OR rtUiOUl board. Ph. 300W.

JlOE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE ‘or 3. 212 4111 Ave. E.__________

>0M AND BOARD, 120 8th AVE. ,.A'

_______ S!..lOM AND BOARD - U i 7TII share Ito. No Ph 58L Ings,:ti CALL ron ituv tT S '-rhso* a T n i c

H E . R E S C V E R . \

^ V I N Q -

i n :

T O , TW m FALL8, IDAnO, T t

ough ThlFor Rent, Miscellaneous 30

............................. .. , .1 , . -I , (C«150 A. WELL IMPROVED. MUBT

be well equipped and ablo to fl- « A naniM self. On Sabnoa Write box 240. cara Newt. ^

180 /XRES ON SHARES. NORTH 7-i sids. Inquire 1»0 «Uj E. -------- ,lnj

^ — = = = ^ = ’ in

Wanted to Rent 31 _S300D 80 0 R U O ^ ’!HAVE'OOOD 13 J

tqulpmenL Can finance self. Good me references, J. L Rhodes, Rupert, —

Ids. Rt. 2. Ph. 015F2.

For Sale or Rent fj*ro n RENT OR SALS: S M A a hlg

house and lot on Olh B. 1000. pnTerms. Bert Oarlson. Murtaugh. , Va:

: - ■ Asi

\ Real Estate tor Sale 32 =

9 ZIZ.» Barty a cm a » mllea from * p o r Tirln fau i. ThU p lact, Is * (or

^ highly • lmpra\-ed, land Is v =t good, w aten good. Prlc« «» 15000, half caah. 40 K tts *t miles from Twin fVills. good * nTT?» house, fair outbid**, etc. i , 5,« Price MOOO, JuUr.W h. 180 ♦t acres west of Jerome, good * nn,‘ Impvntts, price 815.000, half « _- caslirbal. FM. loan. ' ♦ WEA > I « Soi I SUDLER, WEGENER i i OOr-* — ; I I 4 ONE i i t 9 9 * 9 * 9 * 9 9 9 9 *lODERN RESUJENCE, 8 ROOMS rail and sletpln* porch, oak floo/ti, fireplace, Uwns. aliade Irets, _ _ _garage. 324-Plerco S l , *3500. «J -----down an«l balann 10 year amor- 1 llaUon, 8%. swim Investment Co. '■

I GOOD 10 ACRES. S ROOM ^’OTl Iiouse, 83500. J. E. Wlille.

. I ^ . I - NoliUBURBAN TRACT, 130x300 r r . McIn on pavement, city water, power talc line, school bus. prico 8400. tlDO wills* down, balance 110 per monUi. ond <Swim Investment Co._________ ntone;

iNE OP -niE nN EST HOMES IN Bulll for sale or will trade foe desirable farm. H. W. Herman,

M,:ARM FOR SALE; 130 A. 'WELL SWU Juiproved. on Twin Falls t n d . at NE’I. 885 per acre. 810 per aero cfown m vi; and IIO per aero per year, apply, j j eo Ing-first on Uxes and malnicn- Lot l ance, bolsnco on . Interest and goutli principal. Swim' Investment Co. more

INK BO W m i CROP. POSS NOw! Saerlflct. Box 02. Care News.

— I Itiwa POR SALE-One of lhe bcstxieo ” ’! • acre IracU In Twtn Pulls couh( 1 ^ ' '° ly. Good Improwmcnta. K lm \ berly dlitrict. For quick tale 8175 O n per acre. WOOO will handle.-Bal-- ance a t 8 per c«nL J, E. Itobi W ‘ erts, Realtor. ■ «‘ ®*'

- Scctlc Soulh more

_______ u„ ,„. . „ nFOR SALE—SI* room house and . batli, harda-ood, furnace heal, concrete basement', garage. Ser-- enUiavenue-east.-A.bargaln.at, 5 ^ ^ 12850. J. E. Roberts, Realtor. / ^


, J S '4.0FOR-SALB— Plre^W n house of Se and bath, concrete basement, hoi toww Water heat, garage. Good loca- sgo a< tlon In Flier. Price 812S0. 8400 cat; cash.-Balance 825 per mo. J. E.Roberts, itallor. ' East ; ----------- ------------------------- J----- 1 20 aci — —— , — i.il..,i. W \i I¥ ¥ 9 * * 9 9 * 9 * * * 9 *

!' * 28:\ N 100 acres with modem house « a ru northful of BuliL Prioe 113,000,#83.000 cath. 83,000 i''ederal loan. * 880 A Balance terms. ; * u,,,)Good North Side eighty with ♦ „ w i ' .18X00-modern.house. 812JIOO.* 84.'jOO-j:Mh,_balanca Federal *

40acrw soulh.oLHansen-Rtl«.»84,COO. 8800M Cash balance* terms. ^

P. 0 . GRAVES AND SON ¥I j|[ 17 EJ] ^Blg

:VE-ROOM MODERN llOUS^ w 4 0 maplo floors, fumlce. fireplace, llon-f’ gange. 4-room houte partly mod- 18 Bl em. Inqulre.at }33t 7U] Ave, £: Ato: Ph. 587W. . [ canyo

<E OP THE BEST MEDIUM tlsed farms Klmberly-Hanien , district, g « o d Improvemtnle, , ' >17,500. K. L. Jenkins, 148 Main N.

VO ONE-ACRE 'rRACTS. ADDI- 1035. 1 ton Are. near school, Ph. D79a-R^ 148 (

■ 3(1»3 ACRES. 110 PLANTED TO „ j l[all wheal, balance alfalfa and .v pasture, horses, machinery. 60ihares water, house oilier build- . . ' ' ' rngs, ■nioirm Avery. Fairfield. Ida. “

Dl CALL rOB B ltin .tl'-l'beB * U 8IOO(

I 'd o ' V w h e r e/ H A V E Y O U O E E N

------------ S _ |! M _ S O - < 4 L A P - T O— ^ ^ - S E E - V O U - ' ^


l e W a n tReal Estate for Sale 32

(C*Btlao>e tr*Bi rt*t»<lB| C*l«M ) (Cs

iTaCRES, 88S'pnt, 81200 DOWW. UIL 8200 per yr. Including Interest and St p r l^ lpal. 3.room liouse^O acresj ~

7-mm bouse and other build- ^t . Ings. 10 acres, good terms. 6-room

lism , fSrtff. deep well, and Add somo frulU EUrl Murray. FUer. d'H.Pit a4T-J8.__________________ “ JJ

3 ACHES, LONG T M E PAY- «» menta. Low intcrtat. Ph. 02S8-R3.

RRIGATED UNDS FOR SALE, - Ftunder Uie Owyhee and Vale Oor- edemment project* for »3J» to 'an81500 per acre. Abundance of wa- p«ler. Deep tolL.Qood,schools and laihtghwm. Delightful cUmate. Most captoducllve lands In Wett. Write hoVals-Owyliee Land BctUement i —AssoclaUon lor literature. Nfata. 1*1^

S-----D0QSrOlhfliU?flts—35 ^■OR SALE - BCREWTAIL DOS- ^ ton-Bull pups. Phone I248W. of

For Saie Llvestoolc 36 lu n u iE - rA c ro -g w M , m ix e d s =asn. 3 Hampshire bucks. Inquire Ted WlMn. 4 miles norUi ot Gooding. Idaho.______________ ^

7EANUNG P lG a IM MI. 80 . - B, Soutli Park. Ray Uutchlnsoa

INE HEAVY WORK M A R ^ O ^ « iunbrolts saddle horse. Singer ~ Scxing machine and lartfe heat-rela. bolh like new.' Mrs. Arthur ‘ •"

■Jutilct, Hagerman, Idaho. , —

- ------ = 0

Legal Advertisements • mI . , . . , Ojji


NoUce Is hereby given, tha l E. U, will JsInUrt, Administrator of the Ea- be p le of Wlllmoth Jones, deceased, to a: 111 sell a t private sale, to the highest - Id best bidder, for cuh . lawful * = oney of Ute United SUitcs. any ttoc) Id all .of Uie following real and (tUo, rrsonal properly of tald esUte, alt- Bt Jte In^Twln FalU Counly, Idaho; r u I

REAL PROPERTY ihipMeMulUn Itaneh. Lots 2 ,9 atu) 4. vju, WU NWii', SEU mVU; SWU 111 E’l, NE'I SW 'i, l.'wr. BWU and ftnn W<; SE'.; of Section 8. ’Pownshlp ca : eoulh. Range 18 E. B. M.; and y oi )l 1 of d«Uon 8, 'DiK-nshlp 13 unde mUi. Range IB E. D. M. 400 acres die t ore or,less. • jji,Goat Sprints Ranch. Lola 1 and iii. • SWU NE'i. BEU NEU. NEU be di

:>i. NWU SEU. Of Scctlon 1, Prob iwiistilp 13 Soutli. Ranee 18 E.B. •» t, ,; and-Lot 8 and NEU SWU of xllon 8. Ttiwnililp 13 Soulh. Range a j |„■ E. B. M. 333 acres mora or less, „ Goal Bptlngs Csnyon Pailare. nb,t, EU,NEU aEil,-KWil.BE!4..LoU riilil J and 3, SEU NWU. NEU SWU. ^ ■'Section 17: NEli, NEU N^VU. of j,2| xUon 20; aU lu Township ..43 j |g >ulh, Range 17 a B. M. 8(0 acres pU), ore er less. / ^ , West Failure. S 'i of Section 17: of T Id NH, NH SWU, and 8EU,^of pu xUon 21: and NEU. WU SEU. s i Id NEU SEU ot Section 28. all In j iml nmihlp'14 south, Range 17 E. B.. 1133.4 acres moro or leas.Ilstdy Paiture. NEU SWU. SU ffU. WU SEU. of SecUon 30; and i^.of Scctlon 27: and NWU NEU tvsif

Senlon'Thlrty-tour'(34).-atl-ln iwnslilp 14 Soulh. Range 17 EJIJJ.0 acrcs moro or leas.Baity Paitnte. EU NEU. NEU = :U, and SU SEU of SecUon 23; \— u t 30 acrcs of NEU SWU. East i acres ot SEU Sl^U, W 'i SEU.

U SEU SEU, of SecUon 23; WU ”■ WU of SecUon 23:^N«1 ot Section I— :\NWU NEU. SWU NEU and

NEU. of Section 27, All In iw W p 14 SouUi. Range 17 EJ3M.0 a\rcs more or lesa. >■ KcliVol Stctlon Pailare. W 'i NEU. ^ bVU WEU. and WU. of Section 38. - •wrohlp H ecuth. Rango n E .B .- '""■ 440'acres mow or less. - • ^ StoilioiwaiMiMiZWiiHu^^ ^ lU.ollBccUon l;:NU7NW t BWU, a ii SWU and W’i S E T 'o t Bcc- - ' in 12. In Towjislilp 15 ScuUi. Range ««• E Jlil . 880 acres more or less. “ ■

Big Creek Pailnrr. SE',; NWU. ’ a !i SWU, and SEU. ot SecUon 8; ' ,, U of SecUon 0; and NEU of Sec- : in -lt In Toa-mlilp 15 Soutli, Range ii.BS.M. 780 acres more or Ims. n.

AboiT Jsjid*. « « p t Ooel Springs «■ ,nyon Pasture, are fenced. All , rcoge figures are approximate !>•. t‘

PERSONAL PROPERTY :»•Kpproximatrly 350 head Hereford X rxltlp, c lu v d as of December, j U. u followi: ,I48COWS. tome-WlUl calf, - >t-120 heifers .

I70calves and wctners : l i9 bulll

Orating permit for 300 head cal-1 In Minidoka NaUonal ToresL 17 ijeci to reducUon and transfer. :|000.00parra1ueofstockofLlve- , -

_ -

.......... . i

E N ? r ' ^ ^^ L | ^ A - = “ 3

____ 5

rCTIBER n , 1988

Ads! PhFor.Sale Livestock 36 ’

(CsaUaert m o Fttnllai C«ls»a)

[ i i l^ 315 HARRUONBU

SDO'UROEGOOiniOUi'H EWEB,- bttd. Hampshire bucks, ^ebntarr Ismblng, tlso 28 Ham'pshlreiueki.

iddrtts Sand Spring* Baach. Wed- lel!, Idah6 or Ph. 88R4. •

IJOO l^OSSBRED BREEDING yt* e«-ea 6 and 8 yeaia o l i 18 bead floi yearling and (wo year old Hamp. eotl bucks. Ewes lo slart lambln*

- F^brutiy 7. Ewts are large, iheai- PIA \ ed 134 lbs. WOOL Price for ewe* >0L

'and bucks for whole herd. U.OO — per hesd. Alto 35 crossbred De­lano aod Lincoln bucks 813.00 each, w. a Hunter, Rupert, Ida-ho. Ph. 188, .

•UREBRED SPOTTED POLAND TOU China boar, yearling p u t. 6, R. Pri<Proctor. Kimberly, Idaho. Stu

lUSTOM EILUNG, ALSO UTESTBUinBd 'Cunng. s r l n jour h o a ------to Idaho Packing 6o. Ph. 100. No. of Sugw ntctory. led

V GOOD TEAM MAREa NC3CT SS n ctnelciy on ea tt

TrtuPoultry and Supplies. 37

D o i^ ii i . p u L L C T a ’S S S o nB_Walt«r,.Klmbetly,--.-.......... ......

(ESSE - OBO.-rP. PEnSlSON, TtaUt Phone 04M-R1, Rt. S.__________. ^

VB STILL BUY POUIffRY OP all kinds. Wlldmaa Produce Co. Antn

■ am ttGRANGE D O O S m N iailT Arrm

HOai8TliR,Sept. 3 8 -H o U li l^Irangt will obserre bootter nlgbt i Vednctdsy ernilng a t tha Grange lalL An ‘Idaho producU tupper frrtJl! ilU be sened and a program will e presented, lh e publle Is larjled Uare a atteod, W J

tock Credll Corporation of Ptca- (llo, Idaho.EUle Und least .on 180 acne m m

itxln* land lo SecUon 38, Town- hip 14 SouUi, Range IT a B. M , ta*rti nth fencing, *«iwMiscellaneous bonei, laddlts, and t u t :

arm Implements.CatUe brand and. a ariu : ,beln*

- on right hip, crop off left ear. nder lialf slope on rlghl ear, wad- le on brisket,

e deposited wlUi the Clerk ef theTObaU Court of Twin Fttlls Ooun- ------t. Idalio. at any Ume up lo Octo- |7? er 1, 1838, a t 10 o'ctock A. M , U Her wlilch time bids will be opened. ^ Jl sales made nibject to 1838 taxea: ^ bstncU al buyer*’' expense. The igliHs-reserrtd-to aewpt o n e jee t - • * ny bid. Ssles must be completed a . nd payment made by Norember ,, 1930,18 o'clock A M; TlUs' to the >** roperty does not pau unUl lalee U ' re approred by the ProbaU Court ■— f Twin Falls Counly, Idabo.FurUier details may be had from >

u. McInUte, Admlnlitntor, a t llmberly, Idalio. ' _ _ /

. E. U.'MelNtlRE. ■ X Admlnlitralof 'o f tlie (I EilaU of WUlmoU) ^ Jonei. deceased. - I

i'sHen, Pany <!» TTioiAm,______ VAiiomeys for Administrator, 'Twin FWli, Idalio.

Daily Cross-W<Acnoit - esiutlan at Vetlsrila)

I. RiDd el 8ih IfllJIA— 1 , , | | in icM

pitiiie^atftt . i . im d n j . £ H f | ^ a-t--Qrt Bt nBBa-Bf-jGIAjR E ^nV jA rN

a j f . i TSl a u tft ^ K U tL o i r in Oil-a (Vm? " iBt- H B r K M m A E ' ABiIk * *1 tieih IB wtfUJIB I IW g la | |I), rm tr la ta M UL I D ^ S M S

• treeuni re f iT B m o fe l jr e i rIt. r tll o ir it W ^ S U y S H g en. Wtiiira »1IH g g tg rSffa. raiitppiM iBi^w iv i i ■ g in iv iPi

TL u “ ■ “"Sl

tlolummii in "»“ • r . I, " II. IMi..llrt «• R R:*

tl. AbnillRf lod IL Un«U* I. rtir:L Veundiiloa c( i l Kicltmtlln >. nuii

mndim ' M. S*» U«i1(tD S. Unll butli>.u UdltD . S. Olh<

r 12 15 U i g p " |6 17'

IS ' m i r

__ M g ^22 23. p 2 f ' 15

' „ S '' BSik = ■ ^ 3 3 ^ ^ 3 4

35" “ :

' ;

• 3?. ___p-/'A _ _ ^

t i o h e j ; : ! ®" " '% S IN E S S '"


■ I n i u r a h o e ^

[RE INBURAMCra D w n u n 0 ; \ '! and coaienu U'.Twl&.Mli^.ltO('.. 'i. per huadrwl (or tha te m t f ' I f, y tM t- 'lr t-n ru U you abOBt ear Qnanoa-plan. without tn y « tr» t o ^ 3 . 1. RoberU, A|tney. ■; . •

EAVR TABER 0 0 , INO, PB O m ' ’ 'j 201. Flra tnd auto Imutmu*. .. ,•

S tioe R e p a i r . . ;■

OLD WEATHER X8 3U St ■' around tha to m u , l i t u i r tp tlr ' you rfam U ylihoeatttnannable : price. 1*3 W. Sho, Twin P«li8ho*, Bhop. • . . I

~ ^ l m r t ‘a l i l e s : ; _ _ ^

lebtdal* al hueaagw vtUM aail 'MW Boat raitlB* n t t t t i Twta

OUOOK IBOIT u w - • • ;

iTMtaesBd 'm i w y ; ^ '.-.-W ILU BUMC8 ...............

leaU leaat Talt m.lWjWUgg— als 418 an tm

DmoN vActno m o n -

a ;,',i’ .l.iJi f r ';n X - - £* '~ ^

a S S B S S f f l : ; ;

trm l e g ,


3 ^ « . k s '.. ’

T s r a 3 r i ! = ' ' “t t mall l!«>i>. ax asd 4M p. ak-. :- m Bitii ta s h a . IM p. m. tod

[ ! ? ............ ...........— ! g > » - .:

ITM — .. la c , . m. ;

"zM piR V ^A M veS l. 'a ' . T t l - W O T - C l z }

T -U^M-N*0-P*0-R-tf-T-U “V * vu- V . y . - 2 , ! ! V

i ord Puzzle’■‘■/SHS,.

W?l!I&l8Ifl 'BpfS*9 o I t J r n > ^ *>*ai lOfw B o U jr (• ■•uUauD csB« - •Xtr l a f i t i i l ttiiuiioB I b j J W l i - f. rgfijita WlUi- —

IQ M Sm TIn Ir o lr M m y H l^ chtnr*p i tl. Diiunti pttfia

■ M i a S S . '

'|y^l?B RIPlEJ > ^A ,u id ,,o

• " ' “I ” "” "

'■ f f i W ' . SKioi ,Iht li t . 41. Ttk* oncatgaDOWN 47. Ptrila *^tint ■■ 4 i Clrtl* er ItlM

luilU SI- Drafl talmtl*-i t s s s j " ; " ? .

7 w m I f i ' “ V ' ' '

ao p r i

m ’l T z f W


"’P r '— ■

i w i « 0 l : F i fr m i-s iu it puy

— ys [Twd Sraups otSluilenl Play- • _ ers Chosen to Present b

; ■ . . Comedy Fantasy W

' -T O now lo Y u n r t i r . ; i « > J ,. TiTif 't h «n^>u>flt nliT writ* m

. teabjrD txindSuU wU ndTriU iip^ J , '. d ilu iu g tin e n U lirB u n u s im n e ti 1 .

•will b# pMiented Norember U Mid W.“ " w ; «'WM ujneunetd by U ia H ot- ^•• * n » M. RfM. <U»etor’6 r tI » pUy.

• w r Um f ln t U m in Twta PtHf. j J ta* d o u b le ^ t iTitcn If belor %

: wed. ubeiiby thew wUl b« two i?' cempkt« cuU , etch ttrlns Uis pltjr 4

ft dltfenot nlgbt. ' ' W•;n»« im td ro fiu itM yU keip i»M | J

- ia t tm iU town s c tr Landon. Eof> V . Uad. The ronuuUe, dnmiUo tnd

pleH najM Uiona of th* pity ta ^ ccoeetixd with relnctnttUon. tnd ^

, wtobM waifh in> nippntM.tftJomc. ^ . tn u oa t-B ld -nnunert-e re . T in %

f tn t tn d fo u rU itc U tn modem In ^' ceftume^ teUoD tn d ipeeeb, while 1 . UMweoad tn d UilRltcU take pitee I J

■ Jb i m - n « Rotd to Yeiterdty" ta 1

..( tf ita ied r .

^ CtfU ^

e t i t i ' i r r i i f o n o n : ahlriey j J

~ 5 2 S S « U . ^ t e r t I*non tn d Ito- J l u a d Eulehlnioa will portny tiie k letdlnc a m . Jtck.' Comedy roUi wU be taken by Aiher 17Uion tn d 1 Id B M le tiA d rita T tn p U n t.

H » Hcand Ittdlng Udy.’U tle s t 1 LenuD . win.be tcied by Id t Lee kJ

' X tmb t s d JetUM Roblnioo. 'N e tl ^, atpfRQ. u d « eh trtd e r to be turn* %' td lite r will p ity oppoilU them u ‘ «mi:<eneoB.BetnorLeTfM aw ll] 1tw pUycd bit B w u O CJo e ^ ^ B lre h .T lw Je m la ln e « m . 1 «dltJ,A&ntHinlet,wlllbepeTtnyed kJ

-by -A U htW ellrtodM trio iyJohn . ^ ■ton. Dorif Lelchtoa tn d U try W B a e te u t t r wUl pity Uii p tr t of ^

, I ta n . tn d B ildR kh trd t tn d W lldt ^ SBUU, Um p u t of Dolly FonlU. IHe 1^ p u t ef tbe Tll!tls,.Kelen Ptlton. 1 wtu b t U kta by Peto Keller ta d W

- Dlek Reyaeldf. Sir John, t vtetr, ^ wm be Pltyed by Junior WhlU tnd K P tu l Lelihton. ^

i i y S M B T I D ^

r i l L ' S O M B i G E ^

- U tl.’ u u K Bdwtidi,' noUier k .o f O b td u U w tR li. ao,.iUited cult ^la tba dlitriet court here yetUrdty k • fsr-um ulffltat of h it n tn l t c e to ^ J m n Idw tnU U tt SepUmber 10. %

The m trritce, the tverU d. toe* ^ ^ -« « r J M r .o tJ e e U o n .w d J « fm A . - , ^ • 0 0 had n tch ed hta mtjortty. W t e tddUloa tb t tU tie i, tM clH iu e ^

,uneU tedw lU ie tt) trm en tlnee the k ^ t m . tn d her ten U not In ^ . BodUflo to tupport % wife. ■ j A tta w y tfo rU u m o U itr tren iy - ^ t om tn d Btybom._______ ______^ ____

■HIGH-SCHODL'FRENCH: S - 1 , CLUB N m s PFFICERSWI At Uie ftn t n e e U ^ «f Um Trench 9

clsb In Twin M U high ached ya»* 4 ■ tM « y Aftenocn, Bert' Tolbert w u ^«Iected pntldent of Uw orttntat* % tl« .tad U u Jo r iaD rlie o n w u ch o *KB to be Uw Tice preeldtnt. Fretl* 1dent of U)o club U it y e u w u C u - Wcllnt 'Dudley.-tod Je tn Oltik w u ^Uw atereUiy. . . . k .. AU ttodenU.who h tr* taken «r ^tra U U at tecoad yew FRoeh t n %

J i f f 8of U>e club, w u p n ie n t .

. . - T T T r r ^ . . - ...... j . .


U n . Lucille W ny. widow e t the k t t u V. 0 . w n y . Twln’ftU e resUu- n a t owner who w u ftttl ly injuied ^ tn t a automobile tccldent U tt 8ep< W tember 17, tppUed to Uw probtto ^ caurt her« yeiterdty fot ippolnt- k oen t u tdrntnlstntor of h it eaUto. n u e e ttU , la Idtho. cam b U o frt tl 1 ind penontl property n lued t t ^ 110.00a Hetrinc 00 Uie peUUon w u 1 Ht for October 13. lUnry Benoit of Twin T tU i.ta Ult peUUoner't t t - ^ tomey. _________________ k


ta .Twln m u l if t September J3. k B..D. Du&n ctUed (or t pnUmlntty ^ be trim Whea be w u tm l p u d In k tb t probtU court h e n yuUrtUy. W B etrtaf w u le t for next Wednei- ^ day, tn d Uw tccuted m tn w it td - k mlUed to IIOOO bond whlcb w u not ^ fumlihed. Be w u tctonpanled In k Um court room by hta tttoniey, W. 1?L Duna of Twin PWta. ' ‘ ^ ■

H. W. OUlHto. Twin FalU police ^ chief. the compUInt.- . V

-------^CSNSEO-TO-WEO--------^ B A i? r T a K r T rr r rB e > t.- a T r s k ^ S ^ - T O m ta i r - B B im f ih in B r c r r l —jpta tah J w i r u t t u r ’ tn d Mirtortt % — irerda 6wenson.-l0r«f Twin m a , I J Idtbo, wert llcented to wefl-todty.

“D e n tu re S ta tic ” A — k

J F . A X S E ' j T E l E T H k

G l r e - A w a y k ’■'Why lf1l th i whnli tnwn r»n -»«u 9 — hem by. tUowlns loose pUtot to k ' auM mmbUnc, b tatlni t peeeh. or ^ c . dlek e r pop.o«»? PASISETO, » ww taproved powder,'grip# pUtei k U hl for }« boun. Bpedtl alkaline ^ » t e n t prerenU lore s u m t,'d ^ tu n k irctUi. Tutclcsi. No Btuiet. O et 1 fASTESIH t t Schrtmm-Johnioa k a* tn y dm« rtore. When mouUj tto- BtM f t o l * . R t i m deaUitr-Adr. M S 4

\ I D A ]

\ C h e e kI' '•(( P - — --------------------

( , JU S T U N PA C I

j A New Shipment of

I H a n d BI---------- A ndJK ev! re 3 e a

I $1.9SL FM hionaM ei F in e a ll le a ther I o r n a m c n ta f tn m s . i l i g h q u il i

$ i.9g



Heavy welsht. ?ine quality, loot (Ibn cotton with wool clowly woren. M on wtrmUil. More wttrl


JK ayser!? TucfcSti GOWNS AND PAJi!

„ $ i .9 SP M ch . a n d Maiz9 ..Co|c

Cozy, p r e t t y a n d « m / y . T h« , g re a t ,~ w a a h e 8 w ell,.W ears Io


, -----------TWIN-^ — —


$ * . 9 «Bite* St to »



■ S

■ X §New colorful thaau . Pine - i > - t l l wool yam llrmly knlL m Ideal for criip Pall daya.


l A W m T h

' b A ^ ™ 8 S_____

I : : — M V L- H M i — hai

\ j\ | * fo r

M ths

w \ / - /

V ? /

H O r

c T h e s (

lCEED ^ ‘

)f A ll L eather’

B a g s *s a u t a j o o - — — V t * '

** . ' ' l l h e ra w ith g ] e m i n s ■ ialUy'ljhihgB. ] J



39 IN. ^


P a r t wool h e a th e r m ix e d I

fab r ic f o r P a ll a n d W i

shades f o r F a ll a n d W int

jS f “ - D RY GOODS D E P T .


j Sc EAII Pl*ln whlUj-BolM co Io ti-V I with colored embpldery.

;titch_JAMAS | W | . '

l ia fa b r ic Is ■

" r a S T ' I N . -

R ayneea S h lrt'O f-theM onth •

P o r Boy*


K S n tn k y N r r r S U r t^ ^ y y w - riirYoimi A n eriu . v M j B

Smart g u trd iff i» i tr ip tt . N e w ty p e , w id e 'ip r e id , b l i t to n ' downcoU ir.Prfcctcut5[ifinl[«. proof. A ocbored button* th a t can 't come o £ A b te M fa * t u n u iliow n in Eiquire. T h e v a j to p in fu h io n . quality. r \ i ^ w ear. B n n d * - - „new. Ju i^ arrived *150i n . i f i f T u p ' t o i j X

T p h e m e f ta n o T in g

K U P P E N n iiE R

T h ey 're " a t hom o" under nil conditions th e se s tu r ­dy K uppenhe im er su its .T hc ir . te m pered fab r ic s _ m ake possible excep tion- " n M u f f lb i l i ty . -¥ o u ! j |- a d ^ ^ = m ire e specially tlie ir handsom o sty le .-A -p ro p — - ^ e r f i t a n d p e rfc c t com­fo r t a re m ore d ividends th a t follow th is in v e s t­m ent.

$ 3 5 « A n d U p

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) E P AI f I t Isr

i e S t y k

F o i

ed fabric? a popular dfcss IBB Winter. New attractive H 'inter. H



JACH I 59c-W h ite ® Lnstex top—full’.fas

I Smart Fall shades.

A L L . S E T ,F


. Here’s A Dand^

RbwII'i Gtnalne Hand Sewed EUbl-Inth Oil Tan Boot

I l u a aoIt srtoUe aole U ut will not allp on th t rocka. Up- pen • very 10ft. and ‘water­proof. Eipecially priced

*T 3 9 . 9 S

. OIL T^

: lnces. Abei

D H n A NE^

Mra's boot. Russ

i H H j I .hand sewci w H f f l spccinl lentl


Heavy Gro Cord solo that wi heavy wear and will net slip


SEWg, TWlW -F A iis , id Xh o ,

l R T MIsn’t Right, Bring I t Bad

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Tread the path of fa ■ c a l l Uw Umous Foo

J lUuilnted hen ta

S B B --------------- - ^ A T U R E t| U | | [ H P a te n t t r im . Lar{

--------- ^ — c i i i td f R r r —



^ $ 1 . 9 S

■ A H k . A tn

DEPT. IHIHOSE T here’s a th r ill In

tie m iss w hen she ■

' e rly s ty led dresses.fiishioncd. H i j y y i j j t j i i


” | . M EN’S STORE


quality tui . Sliet 14'

« r EWNOMY BASEMEr,t • Men’s Fine Sued


M edium ^ t l g l ^ ^ l . c u t .

sn ’s i 6-i n ; . , ^


**•” i l)uble le a th e r sole.back s ta y . S tcol i j j o l M hM ks. L e a th e r B j / J f f L b e a r fo r w ear. • H I [J I

' ' -I


18-Inch o il ta n

lu sse ll 's R enulne S u fijf f i ™

ewcd m occasin—

le a th e r sole. A t—

■ 1 3 ; 9 5 s : 3 ;

~ ~ ~ s


15— ’ ■t wilt s ta n d 'e x tr a n ^ g Bslip on th e rocks. i j j H j VO E D E P T . H H

: 0, TUESDAY ilORNING, t o

[E N Tac k



f faalilon buoyaiiUy and happily In Poo Foot Oellsht cushion. Maglo lecret of 1

!. “MANHATTAN"IE D 4N -B L A C I^IIE D E ---------4j rg c buckle ove r in s tep .


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In s to re fo r th e lit­

h e view s th e se elev-

ISCS. F a s t color fab -

tailed tr im s . -.


ilR TS a . ^ ,.1 . ,

i r a r [ . H H f f l

lede ■ ■ W's H ^ L

___ ___ M E N 'S ST O RE

S i Meii’rF o rc S tT ~ ■ Green “


i | _ $ . l . 9 8 _I / f l -Double knee and double i »

I f —Button '.down pockeU,§ ■ -a u a n n te e d full cut. V J H - A qualily carment a t a loi

, price.

M O -S S T O K • Men’s H eavy AllAll W ool Red 0 . D. 1


fS o . Q O ^I h » o « n for

i p Double Uilckneis» acrou ihouldtrj. ~ra ’Two muff and two ecONO

I rart.W , B ptoor. a m . R L S -------p«ket o tro a ----------

----------------------------- - ■ sE N ’S STO RE o w • “


jk SHIRTS ' Pendlct l ^ $ 3 . 9 8 jB og l ^ Celortul Kuall M p . chccks In a

fine quality all ii ' nrl!l.tcol.* i to v r . 11'

!Pi ™ e R '» , IMS .

' S T O

H e a d l

RT M E N TNER IN HOESroot Dell£hta.'Every pair con- )of Urtly feet U ut never U r# - f i

y 7 « v 5JG__________________

T o t T i i a.


T h .B R O (T b tm a ay a en w li ■tfylt^wiU wolcon

F larew edgo^vet

thB ouW dooftlio * o n i ‘1 0 over, instop comt,

VSON WITH 1 m N G cLo r aWY B A SEM EN T ^ E

S an fo rised ' R(Shru n k Q

lv _ R ID IN G _______JLI

k B pE O H E S ; - -


B u tton leg— F o r-

c l . ^ c e n c b r .

■ D ouble knee and e r th e 1 8 red sue" side.

. MEN’S STORE , i 4

*:------------- ^ 3 iT 0 r-A lI—W o o l,

-Z ipper F ro n t


$ z . 9 8 I B

m t Cossack s ty le , f j j j j :D ark nav y col- o r. T w o b ig T i ' t t pockets.


dl Wool SinRle J'JEN’


5 2 . 9 8•S ize 62x82 •ewcUht for Pall camp- C (pi. All wool. aoMiy (or tdded wannlti.


W ool S ln sle C iiiip LANKETS s u

s iz e E0s92 ullth dartc-itrlpcd ber- ^

MEN'S STORE E x tr a hel e t o n ; ^ F t o t All .


49ccolor* of red and grtcn. IcnRth.>11 wool-full cut.

) R E I

l i n e r s I

f l

tand Comfort %coBuatod t t t k>OKFIELD ^w hopreltrF renchT o# , ^xan» ihe ila e r fit Uiai km . Tho extra room o a ^

ho shoe ends running .m t,andcraw dodiofti. k

WARM, >HES gX k ^Reversible SCorduroy J .

0LUNTIN.G________. C A P S ___________S

4 9 c ^

F u r In b an d ^

ideal h u n tin g cap . ^ ■iX! w orn w ith e itli- k-< .. le ta n co rduroy o r .suedo to th o out*’ ^

i t■


n’s Heavy ^

Cotton ^5 '

Jnion ^m r e ___ 5

heavy w eigh t. k

or. F i r s t (lunllty . ^

leeve and an k le k