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  • 8/8/2019 informatie webserver beheer


    Create a Web Site (IIS 7)Van toepassing op: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

    When you want to publish content for access over the Internet or an intranet connection, you can add a

    Web site to your Web server to hold the content.

    During IIS 7 installation, a default Web site configuration is created in the \Inetpub\Wwwroot directory

    on your Web server. You can either use this default directory to publish your Web content, or create adirectory at a file system location of your choice.

    When you add a Web site in IIS 7, a site entry is created in the ApplicationHost.config file. The entryspecifies the network binding for the site, maps the site to a location in the file system, and optionallyspecifies user credentials for content access.


    For information about the levels at which you can perform this procedure, and the modules, handlers,and permissions that are required to perform this procedure, seeSites Feature Requirements (IIS 7).

    Exceptions to feature requirements


    To add a Web site

    You can perform this procedure by using the user interface (UI), by running Appcmd.exe commands in a

    command-line window, by editing configuration files directly, or by writing WMI scripts.

    User InterfaceTo use the UI

    1. Open IIS Manager. For information about opening IIS Manager, see Open IIS Manager (IIS 7).

    For information about navigating to locations in the UI, seeNavigation in IIS Manager (IIS 7).

    2. In the Connections pane, right-click the Sites node in the tree, and then click Add Web Site.

    3. In the Add Web Site dialog box, type a friendly name for your Web site in the Web site

    name box.

    4. Click Select if you want to select a different application pool than the one listed in

    the Application Pool box. In the Select Application Pool dialog box, select an application

    pool from the Application Pool list and then click OK.

    5. In the Physical path box, type the physical path of the Web site's folder, or click the browse

    button (...) to navigate the file system to find the folder.

    6. If the physical path that you entered in step 5 is to a remote share, click Connect as to specify

    credentials that have permission to access the path. If you do not use specific credentials, selectthe Application user (pass-thru authentication) option in the Connect As dialog box.

    7. Select the protocol for the Web site from the Type list.

    8. The default value in the IP address box is All Unassigned. If you must specify a static IP

    address for the Web site, type the IP address in the IP address box.

    9. Type a port number in the Port text box.

    10. Optionally, type a host header name for the Web site in the Host Header box.

    11.If you do not have to make any changes to the site, and you want the Web site to beimmediately available, select the Start Web site immediately check box.
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    12. Click OK.

    Command LineTo add a site, use the following syntax:

    appcmd add site /name:string/id:uint/physicalPath:string/bindings:string

    The variable namestring is the name, and the variable iduint is the unsigned integer that you want to

    assign to the site. The variables namestring and iduint are the only variables that are required whenyou add a site in Appcmd.exe.


    When you add a site without specifying the values for the bindings and physicalPath attributes, the site will not be abl

    The variable physicalPathstring is the path of the site content in the file system.

    The variable bindingsstring contains information that is used to access the site, and it should be in theform ofprotocol/IP_address:port:host_header. For example, a Web site binding is the combination of

    protocol, IP address, port, and host header. A binding ofhttp/*:85:enables a Web site to listen for HTTP

    requests on port 85 for all IP addresses and domain names (also known as host headers or host names).On the other hand, a binding ofhttp/* enables a Web site to listen forHTTP requests on port 85 for all IP addresses and the domain name

    To add a Web site named contoso with an ID of 2 that has content in c:\contoso, and that listens for

    HTTP requests on port 85 for all IP addresses and a domain name, type thefollowing at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:

    appcmd add site /name:contoso/id:2/physicalPath:c:\contoso/bindings:http/*

    For more information about Appcmd.exe, see Appcmd.exe (IIS 7).


    The procedure in this topic affects the following configuration elements:

    For more information about IIS 7 configuration, see IIS 7.0: IIS Settings Schema on MSDN.
  • 8/8/2019 informatie webserver beheer


    Start or Stop a Web Site (IIS 7)Van toepassing op: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

    You might stop a Web site for health or performance reasons, or to add or delete content. If a Web site is

    stopped, you can restart it.


    For information about the levels at which you can perform this procedure, and the modules, handlers,and permissions that are required to perform this procedure, seeSites Feature Requirements (IIS 7).

    Exceptions to feature requirements


    To start or stop a Web site

    You can perform this procedure by using the user interface (UI), by running Appcmd.exe commands in a

    command-line window, or by writing WMI scripts.

    User InterfaceTo use the UI

    1. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the level you want to manage. For information about opening

    IIS Manager, see Open IIS Manager (IIS 7). For information about navigating to locations in the

    UI, see Navigation in IIS Manager (IIS 7).

    2. In Features View, in the Actions pane, use one of the following procedures:

    Under Manage Web Site, click Start to start the Web site.

    Under Manage Web Site, click Stop to stop the Web site.

    Command LineTo start or stop a Web site, use the following syntax:

    appcmd start | stop site /

    The variable string is the name of the Web site that you want to start or stop.

    For example, to stop a Web site named contoso, type the following at the command prompt, and then

    press ENTER:

    appcmd stop site /

    For more information about Appcmd.exe, see Appcmd.exe (IIS 7).

    ConfigurationThe procedure in this topic affects the following configuration elements:


    For more information about IIS 7 configuration, see IIS 7.0: IIS Settings Schema on MSDN.


    Use the following WMI classes, methods, or properties to perform this procedure:

    Site.Start method
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    Site.Stop method