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~ Prof Datin Dr. Nurhayati Mokhtar ~

~ Assoc Prof Dr Zaleha Md Isa ~

Research Into Procrastination

Shows Surprising Findings?!




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Assalamualaikum wbt

Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurnianya, satu lagi edisi Suara Persiap

berjaya disiapkan. Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada or-

ganisasi Suara Persiap kerana telah banyak mengorbankan masa dan tenaga untuk melaksana-

kan tugas-tugas yang diamanahkan dengan sebaiknya. Suara Persiap yang dihasilkan adalah

berkat usaha dan kerjasama daripada semuah ahli-ahli yang terlibat.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, tema kali ini iaitu „Di Sebalik Tabir Perubatan‟ berkait rapat

dengan kehidupan kita sebagai pelajar perubatan. Untuk itu, edisi kali ini mengupas tentang

cara-cara untuk menjadi doktor perubatan yang berjaya seperti pengurusan masa, pengurusan

stress dan sebagainya. Wawancara dengan pensyarah-pensyarah juga telah diselitkan dalam

edisi ini supaya pelajar-pelajar kita dapat mengenali dunia perubatan dengan lebih mendalam

lagi. Selain itu, edisi kali ini juga memuatkan ulasan aktiviti-aktiviti menarik yang diadakan

seperti Program Pembara Ilmu, Program Liga Antara Tahun dan sebagainya.

Saya berharap edisi Suara Persiap kali ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan pengajaran

kepada pelajar. Akhir kata, saya mewakili organisasi Suara Persiap edisi kedua menyusun su-

puluh jari meminta maaf sekiranya terdapat sebarang kekurangan dan kelemahan dalam pener-

bitan kali ini.

Sekian, Terima kasih.


Ketua Editor

Suara PERSIAP Edisi Kedua 2010


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Sekian, Terima kasih.


Exco Penerbitan & Multimedia

Persatuan Mahasiswa/I Fakulti Perubatan (PERSIAP), Sesi 2010

Salam sejahtera dan salam 1 Malaysia.

Terlebih dahulu, saya selaku Exco Multimedia SUARA PERSIAP 2010 ingin merakamkan set-

inggi-tinggi tahniah kepada seluruh organisasi SUARA PERSIAP 2010 yang bekerja keras bagi

sama-sama membantu menjayakan edisi kali ini. Titik peluh kita semua akhirnya membuahkan

hasil apabila edisi kali ini dapat disiapkan pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan dengan jayanya.

Tema yang kami bawakan kali ini, iaitu “Di Sebalik Tabir Perubatan” adalah bertujuan untuk

memberi peluang kepada semua rakan-rakan yang kini menuntut ilmu dalam Fakulti Perubatan

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia untuk berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman sepanjang berada di fa-

kulti ini. Saya percaya, banyak pengalaman pahit manis sebagai pelajar perubatan yang ingin

dikongsi bersama, tidak kiralah sama ada di dalam kuliah atau di luar waktu kuliah. Kehidupan

sebagai seorang pelajar perubatan bukan sekadar untuk menuntut ilmu sahaja, sebaliknya banyak

aspek dalam kehidupan di sebalik tabir perubatan patut kita ceburi dan hayati, untuk bersiap

sedia menjadi seorang doktor yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang dalam semua aspek pada

masa depan. Justeru, kami tampil melalui edisi kali ini untuk menyingkap kehidupan “Di Sebalik

Tabir Perubatan” yang banyak membentuk diri kita dari hari ke hari untuk menjadi seorang dok-

tor yang mempunyai ciri-ciri manusia sebenar.

Akhir kata,saya mewakili rakan-rakan organisasi SUARA PERSIAP berharap agar edisi kali ke-

2 ini memenuhi cita rasa pembaca dan semoga dapat dipertingkatkan kualiti kandungan SUARA

PERSIAP pada edisi akan datang


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Yang Ikhlas,

Mohamad Azizuddin Fahmi B Nordin

Yang Di-Pertua,

Persatuan Mahasiswa/I Fakulti Perubatan (PERSIAP), Sesi 2010



Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan salam sejahtera.

Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. kerana dengan limpah izin-Nya saya berpeluang mencoret sepatah

dua kata dalam SUARA PERSIAP edisi ke-2 2010 yang bertemakan “Di Sebalik Tabir Perubatan”. Per-

tama sekali,saya selaku YDP PERSIAP dengan penuh ta‟zim ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah

dan syabas kepada organisasi yang terlibat dalam menjayakan SUARA PERSIAP edisi ke-2 2010 ini

yang diketuai oleh saudara Abbas B Zainul Abideen kerana mampu menghasilkannya dengan baik sekali.

Seseorang itu tidak akan hanya berada di atas sahaja. Kadang-kala ia pasti akan turun kebawah.

Itulah adat resam dan fitrah alam. Mungkin sebelum menceburi diri dalam bidang ini, rakan-rakan semua

adalah pelajar cemerlang dan terbilang di sekolah masing-masing tetapi mungkin berlaku sebaliknya bila

kita berada di medan perubatan ini. Lulus, gagal, “reseat paper” dan “repeat year” bukanlah perkara asing

dalam kehidupan pelajar perubatan. Tetapi tetap tenang dan sabarlah kerana ia mungkin yang terbaik

untuk kita semua. Perubatan ini bukan medan perlumbaan untuk mencari siapa paling cemerlang dan

siapa yang gagal, tetapi ia adalah medan mencari ilmu yang bakal digunakan untuk membantu masyara-

kan dan dunia suatu hari kelak bila kita telah begelar DR MD[UKM]. Buangkanlah rasa ingin sentiasa

bersaing tetapi tanamkanlah dalam diri masing-masing akan rasa cinta pada ilmu. Tuntutlah ia sebanyak

mungkin. Ilmu amat penting dalam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Dalam merentasi dan mengharungi

dunia yang globalisasi ini janganlah kita asyik alpa tanpa arah tujuan. Kehidupan akan lebih manis dan

ceria sekiranya ilmu dan kemahiran penuh di dada, jika kosong kehidupan ini tiada erti, dan ia hanyalah

kerugian semata-mata.

Akhir kata, setinggi-tinggi tahniah khususnya kepada warga baru Fakulti Perubatan Universiti

Kebangsasan Malaysia, adik-adik tahun 1 kerana terpilih untuk sama-sama ber-

juang di dalam bidang ini, juga kepada seluruh warga PERSIAP dan rakan seper-

juangan yang lain. Moga SUARA PERSIAP edisi ke-2 2010 kali ini menambah


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Ketua Editor

Abbas bin Zainul Abideen

Timbalan Editor

Tang Chao Tian

Setiausaha Nur Anisah Binti Hasan

Bendahari Eng.Nor Azura Che Eng Ngah

Grafik Neoh Shu Chin

Chong Pui Sin

Ng Chin Yee

Artikel Yet Shi Lei

Goh Ai Jene

Melissa Micheal Soh

Wawancara Satish Vaarman A/L Jeyabalan

Annis Ismail

Tugas– Tugas Khas Patrick Ng Boon Siew

Lee Jing

Aktiviti Mohd Suffian bin Laupa

Mohd Urwah

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Time is a unique and precious resource that you

need in order to do your work, accomplish your

goals, spend time with your loved ones, and

enjoy everything that life has to offer.

Perhaps you have a heavy workload and want to

find ways to become more effective so you can

get more done in less time.

Maybe you feel overwhelmed or “stressed out”

and want to find ways to do less and enjoy

more. Or maybe you simply want to feel more

focused and in control of your time, instead of

feeling like you rush madly from one activity to

the next until you fall into bed exhausted every


Benjamin Franklin “Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff that life is

What Exactly is Time Management??

A set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems

working together to help you get more value out of

your time with the aim of improving the quality of your


The important point is that time management is not

necessarily about getting lots of stuff done, because

much more important than that is making sure that you

are working on the right things, the things that truly

need to be done.

Smart time managers know that there is much more to

do than anyone could possibly accomplish. So instead

of trying to do it all, smart time managers are very

picky about how they spend their time.

They choose to focus and spend their time doing a few

vital projects that will really make a difference, rather

than spending all their time doing many trivial things

that don't really matter all that much.

15 Time Management Tips !!

In the mean time here are 15 tips to help

you get started…….

1. Write things down

2. Patronize your list

3. Plan your week

4. Carry a notebook

5. Learn to say no

6. Think before acting

7. Continuously improve yourself

8. Think what are you giving up to do

your regular activity

9. Use a time management system

10. Identify bad habits

11. Don‟t do other people‟s work

12. Keep a goal journal

13. Don‟t be a perfectionist

14. Beware of “filler” tasks

15. Avoid “efficiency traps”

Tips 1 : Write things down A common time management mistakes is to try to use

your memory to keep track of too many details leading to

information overload. Using a to-do-list to write things

down is a great way to take control of your projects and

keep yourself organize.

Tips 2 : Patronize yourself Patronizing your to-do-list helps you focus and spend

more of your time on the things that really matter to you.

Rate your tasks into categories using ABCD prioritization


Tips 3 : Plan your week Spend sometime at the beginning of each week to plan

your schedule. Taking the extra time to do this will help

increase your productivity and balance your important

long term projects with your more urgent tasks. All you

need is 15 to 30 minutes each week for your planning


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Tips 4 : Carry a notebook You don‟t know when you are going to have a great

idea or brilliant insight. Carry a small notebook with

you wherever you go so you can capture your

thoughts. If you wait too long to write them down

you can forget. Another option is to use a digital re-


Tips 5 : Learn to say no Many people become overloaded with too much work

because they overcommit; they say yes when they

really should be saying no. Learn to say no to low

priority requests and you will free up time to spend on

things that are more important.

Tips 6 : Think before acting How many times have you said yes to something you

later regretted? Before committing to a new task, stop

to think about it before you give your answer. This

will prevent you from taking on too much work.

Tips 7 : Continuously improve yourself Make time in your schedule to learn new things and

develop your natural talents and abilities. For exam-

ple, you could take a class, attend a training program,

or read a book. Continuously improving your knowl-

edge and skills increases your marketability, can help

boost your career, and is the most reliable path to

financial independence.

Tips 8 : Think what are you giving up to do

your regular activity It is a good idea to evaluate regularly how you are

spending your time. In some cases, the best thing you

can do is to stop doing an activity that is no longer

serving you so you can spend the time doing some-

thing more valuable. Consider what you are giving up

in order to maintain your current activities.

Tips 9 : Use a time management system Using a time management system can help you keep

track of everything that you need to do, organize and

prioritize your work, and develop sound plans to

complete it. An integrated system is like glue that

Tips 10 : Identify bad habits Make a list of bad habits that are stealing your time,

sabotaging your goals, and blocking your success.

After you do, work on them one at a time and system-

atically eliminate them from your life. Remember

that the easiest way to eliminate a bad habit, it to

replace it with a better habit.

Tips 11 : Don‟t do other people‟s work Are you in the habit of doing other people‟s

work because or a „hero‟ mentality? Doing this

takes up time that you may not have. Instead,

focus on your own projects and goals, learn to

delegate effectively, and teach others how to do

their own work.

Tips 12 : Keep a goal journal Schedule time to set and evaluate your goals.

Start a journal and write down your progress for

each goal. Go through your goal journal each

week to make sure you are on the right track.

Keeping a journal on your computer has never

been easier!

Tips 13 : Don‟t be a perfectionist Some tasks don‟t require your best effort. Send-

ing a short email to a colleague, for example,

shouldn‟t take any more than a few minutes.

Learn to distinguish between tasks that deserve

to be done excellently and tasks that just need to

be done.

Tips 14 : Beware of „filler‟ tasks When you have a to-do list filled with important

tasks, be careful not to get distracted by “filler”

tasks. Things such as organizing your bookcase or

filing papers can wait until you tackle the items

that have the highest priority.

Tips 15 : Avoid “efficiency traps” Being efficient doesn‟t necessarily mean that

you are being productive. Avoid taking on tasks

that you can do with efficiency that don‟t need

to be done at all. Just because you are busy and

getting things done doesn‟t mean you are actu-

ally accomplishing anything significant.

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Contemporary medicine is challenging, exciting and dynamic. Countless new discoveries

are making their impact on medical practice, and doctors now qualifying will see even

more dramatic changes in the future, with the development of many new therapies, in-

volving not only drugs, but also treatments arising from research in electronics, nuclear

physics, genetics and molecular biology.

A career in medicine offers doctors an opportunity to provide a

service to the public through the diagnosis and treatment of

illnesses, diseases and infections. Doctors are also increasingly

expected to provide social support to their patients. Doctors are

able to choose which area of medicine they practise in. This

should suit their own personal aptitudes (for example, commu-

nity based doctors such as general practitioners have daily face

to face contact with patients, whilst other doctors concentrate

on advancing medicine in terms of undertaking scientific re-

search, which may involve less patient contact).

A doctor must have :

1. Competence

2. Integrity

3. Spirit of enquiry

4. Confidentiality

5. Responsibilities

6. Caring

7. Advocacy

8. Compassion

9. Commitment

There are a large number of specialty ca-reer paths in medicine - with over 50 career options available, a doctor is assured of finding a suitable career. The options may include becoming a surgeon, a general practitioner, a geneticist, a psychiatrist, a medical lecturer at medical school, a medi-cal researcher or a public health physician to name a few. Although the majority of doc-tors work within the government, opportuni-ties exist in other settings, such as the armed forces, the Home Office working as a police surgeon, or a prison doctor, and many others. Medicine is a rewarding career; however, being a doctor involves a lifetime of learn-ing, both formally and informally. Doctors have to update their knowledge and skills throughout their careers. In terms of the training period, it can take up to 12 years to progress within structured training - from studying medicine at undergraduate level to being appointed as a senior doctor (hospital consultant).

After graduation from medical schools, doctors undertake what is seen as an 'apprenticeship'. In simple terms, this means that you learn more about medical practice 'on the job' - whilst actually practising it within your level of competency, knowledge and skills. This is usually in the hospital or com-munity setting. This 'apprenticeship' begins at the pre-registration house officer grade and continues until you become a consultant or a general prac-titioner. Whilst the working conditions for doc-tors in general are improving and their hours have been reduced, it should be recognised that doctors as professional people do work relatively long hours and will be expected to be on-call at times. In addition, doctors in the train-ing grades are usually studying for their specialty exams throughout this training period and this can be de-manding and time consuming

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Sekali lagi kehadiran Pesta Konvokesyen ke

38 menyerikan lagi Perkarangan Dewan Gemilang

(DG), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM),

Bangi. Pesta Konvokesyen ini memang telah menjadi

acara yang „gempak‟ bukan sahaja untuk pelajar

UKM, tetapi untuk penduduk Bandar Baru Bangi,

Kajang, Sg Ramal dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

Pesta Konvokesyen berjalan bersempena dengan

meraikan pelajar-pelajar yang bakal bergraduasi pada

tahun ini. Bermula dari tarikh 5 Ogos 2010 hingga 9

Ogos 2010, perkarangan DG sentiasa „hidup‟ dan

meriah dengan orang ramai yang datang untuk men-

yertai segala program yang telah disediakan.

Khas untuk acara tahunan ini, Fakulti Pe-

rubatan telah menyediakan sebuah gerai klinikal yang

memuatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan seperti BMI, pera-

tusan lemak dalam badan, jenis dan kandungan glu-

kos dalam darah, tahap kolesterol dan sebagainya.

Pameran dan tayangan video juga telah menarik

minat pengunjung ke booth ini.

Keseluruhannya, gerai Klinikal yang dis-

ediakan oleh fakulti perubatan mendapat sambutan

yang menggalakkan dari para pengunjung dan diharap

lebih maju pada tahun hadapan

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Buat pertama kalinya Persatuan Mahasiswa

Fakulti Perubatan (PERSIAP) telah menganjurkan

satu program yang diberi nama Mahasiswa Bijak

Jauhi Zina. Program ini berlangsung pada 3 Okto-

ber 2010 iaitu pada hari Ahad di Kolej Tun Syed

Nasir (KTSN). Saudara Mohd Khairi bin Salleh

selaku Pengarah program ini serta organisasinya

telah bertungkus lumus dan bekerja keras untuk

menjayakan program ini. Oleh yang demikian,

program ini mendapat sambutan hangat daripada

pelajar-pelajar perubatan UKM.

Selepas upacara perasmian oleh Prof Madya

Dr. Mohd Shahrir Mohamed Said, pelajar telah

disajikan dengan perdebatan di antara tahun 1 dan

tahun 2. Kemenangan berpihak kepada pasukan

kerajaan iaitu tahun 2 dan pendebat terbaik dianu-

gerahkan kepada Mohamad Qazreen bin Ahmad


Seterusnya pada pukul 2 petang, latihan

dalam kumpulan telah dijalankan. Sesi ice-

breaking, sesi perbincangan dan permainan

„helikopter terhempas yang menguji minda para


Pada sebelah malamnya pula, sebagai acara

kemuncak, forum yang bertajuk “Zina: Bukti Cinta

Palsu” diadakan. Forum tersebut menampilkan

panelis-panelis yang hebat seperti Al-Ustaz Pahrol

Juoi (editor majalah Solusi), Puan Rosmawati

(Pengasas Rumah Pengasih) serta saudara Azizud-

din Fahmi (YDP PERSIAP). Forum ini juga diceri-

akan dengan kehadiran moderator terkenal dalam

kalangan pelajar perubatan, iaitu Syed Al –Hafiz.

Holistiknya, program ini telah menerapkan

nilai-nilai rohaniah dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar

perubatan yang menghadiri program ini. Diharap

program ini dijalankan lagi pada tahun hadapan.

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Satu lagi program tradisi kolej tun syed nasir telah berjaya dilaksanakna dengan

jayanya oleh pihak kolej. Program yang berlangsung pada setiap bulan bulan ramad-

han ini khususnya pada 5 Ogos hingga 2 September 2010mendapat sambutan yang

sangat menggalakkan dari mahasiswa mahasiswi serta warga kolej KTSN. Program –

program yang dijalankan mempunyai banyak pengisisan rohani yang amat diperlukan

bagi pelajar-pelajar KTSN didalam alam menuntut ilmu ini. Antara program yang

dijalankan adalah Forum khas ramadhan, Iftar ramadhan, bazar ramadhan dan ban-

yak lagi. Setiap program yang dijalankan mempunyai objektif yang tersendiri yang

amat berguna kepada setiap warga KTSN didalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Oleh

itu, kami berharap supaya pihak kolej dapat mengekalkan program tradisi ini supaya

Mahasiswa mahasiswi selepas kami mendapat pengisian rohani yang secukupnya

didalam meneruskan perjuangan mereka.

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Funny Medical Riddles

Question: Did you hear the story about the germ?

Answer: Never mind. I don‟t want it spread all over.

Question: How can you tell if a mummy has a cold?

Answer: He starts coffin.

Question: How can you tell if you are cross-eyed??

Answer: When you see eye-to-eye with yourself.

Question: How did the bread feel when it was put in the toaster?

Answer: It was burned up.

Question: How did the kid get a flat nose?

Answer: His teacher told him to keep it to the grindstone.

Question: How did the skeleton know it was raining?

Answer: Because they always yell, “Tension!”

Question: How do you know that peanuts are fattening?

Answer: Have you ever seen a skinny elephant?

Question: How do you make a thin person fat?

Answer: Throw him up in the air and he comes down “Plump.”

Question: How was the blind carpenter able to see?

Answer: He picked up his hammer and saw.

Question: If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what will an onion do?

Answer: Keep everyone away.

Question: If you dropped a tomato on your toe, would it hurt much?

Answer: Yes, if‟ it were in a can.

Question: What did the dentist say to the golfer?

Answer: “You have a hole in one.”

Question: If you fell off‟ a ladder, what would you fall against??

Answer: Against your will.

Question: What did the doctor find when he examined the X-ray of the dummy‟s


Answer: Nothing.

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Program ini adalah salah satu program major kolej yang mendapat sambutan ramai

dari warga pelajar KTSN. Program yang dijalankan pada 25 Julai hingga 30 Julai ini ber-

jaya mengeratkan sillaturrahim antara kalangan pelajar. Selain itu para pelajar juga berpe-

luang mempamerkan bakat mereka didalam bidang sukan masing-masing. Antara sukan

yang diadakn adalah seperti bola sepak, bola keranjang, bola baling dan macam-macam

lagi permainan menarik yang disertai oleh semua kalangan pelajar kolej KTSN. Selain

mengeratkan sillaturrahim, program ini juga dapat meningkatkan semangat pelajar untuk

bersukan dan sekaligus akan meningkatkan kecergasan dan kecerdasan para pelajar di-

dalam perjuangan mereka untuk menamatkan pengajian mereka di sini.

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Tarikh: 17jul-7 ogos 2010 Tempat: kolej Dr. Ismail, PPUKM, Cheras Kolej Tun Syed Nasir, Jalan Temerloh Tema : Sukan Memacu Revolusi Berterusan Misi: melahirkan Mahasiswa yang cemerlang dari segi jas-mani,rohani, intelek dan sosial melalui penglibatan dalam sukan Ulasan: adalah menjadi satu kewajiban bagi pihak PERSIAP untuk menganjurkan program ini setiap kali kemasukan pelajar baru ke-dalam fakulti perubatan. Ini adalah bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Fakulti Perubatan kepada pelajar-pelajar tahun1 2010/2011 yang akan menjadi keluarga Fakulti Perubatan UKM. Oleh itu, setiap ‘batch’ dikehendaki menghantar wakil masing-masing dalam semua acara bagi menjayakan program ini. Tujuan program ini diadakan adalah lebih bertujuan untuk merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim dalam kalangan pelajar fakulti perubatan. Selain itu, ianya juga ber-tujuan untuk menyerlahkan bakat-bakat terpendam dalam bidang sukan dan melahirkan pelajar perubatan yang dinamik yang bukan sahaja mementingkan kesihatan dari segi sains klinikal tetapi juga menekankan aspek fizikal dan mental.

Nama program:

Program Liga Antara Tahun

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Why Medical Life?...

What makes Medical Life different? Not an easy question

to answer or prove!

Honesty & Trust with our clients is paramount; however, this

can only happen over time. To achieve this we place the empha-

sis on quality service, regular contact and an understanding of

your personal circumstances. Our aim is to talk with you, not at


To help deliver what we say; all Medical Life Financial Con-

sultants are fully qualified and have a wealth of experience in

dealing with the medical profession and an understanding of the

healthcare system and its benefits to you as a Junior Doctor, GP,

or Consultant.

Understanding your requirements ensures that any advice given

is tailor-made for each individual‟s situation. As part of our ser-

vice we provide you with a Financial Report, giving you a pic-

ture of your current situation, your requirements, and solutions.

This can be updated annually or upon your request.

Although we may not have fully answered the question above,

we hope you now have an initial understanding of what makes

A Short History of Medicine

I have an earache…

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.

1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.

1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.

1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.

1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.

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Get well message

A motorcycle patrolman was rushed to the hospital with an

inflamed appendix. The doctors operated and advised him that

all was well. However, the patrolman kept feeling something

pulling at the hairs on his chest. Worried that it might be a

second surgery the doctors hadn't told him about, he finally

got enough energy to pull his hospital gown down enough so

he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable.

Taped firmly across his hairy chest were three wide strips of

adhesive tape, the kind that doesn't come off easily. Written in

large black letters was the sentence.

"Get well quick..... from the nurse you gave a ticket to last



Artery - The study of paintings.

Bacteria - Back door to a cafeteria.

Barium - What doctors do when patients die.

Benign - What you be after you be eight

Cesarean Section - A neighborhood in Rome.

CTscan - Searching for kitty.

Cauterize - Made eye contact with her.

Colic - A sheep dog.

Coma - A punctuation mark.

D & C - Where Washington is.

Dilate - To live long.

Enema - Not a friend.

Fester - Quicker than someone else.

Fibula - A small lie.

Genital - Non-Jewish person.

G.I.Series - World Series of military baseball.

Hangnail - What you hang your coat on.

Impotent - Distinguished, well known.

Labor Pain - Getting hurt at work.

Medical Staff - A doctor‟s cane.

Morbid - A higher offer than I bid.

Nitrates - Cheaper than day rates.

Nodes - I knew it.

Outpatient - A person who has fainted.

Pap Smear - A fatherhood test.

Pelvis - second cousin to Elvis.

Post Operative - A letter carrier.

Recovery Room - Place to do upholstery.

Rectum - Darn near killed him.

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Prof Datin Dr. Nurhayati Mokhtar

She has made a big difference to us, the Faculty of Medicine, UKM , by being the one to

change the traditional way of earning to the integrated system. Do you want to know this coura-

geous doctor and successful women? Satish and Annis Ismail caught up with her in this exclu-

sive interview.

Why did you choose to be a doctor?

Nowadays, doctor is highly respected and so; most of the students want to be a doctor.

But during my time, we do not have many options. In science streams, It is either you

choose engineering, pure science like pure chemistry, or in medicine. I think I‟m not

good in additional mathematics and engineering. I‟ve got a good result, and got offered

by local university. So, I decided to just take it.

What are your career goals? Does this hospital fit your career plans?

So I still have 4 years to go, I just want to be a good lecturer, and a researcher. No more

administrative work. =) My advice to the students is to open their mind, because UKM‟s

biomedical department has a lot of wide opportunities and for a good degree student, the

chances to get a PhD is high. UKM offers this programme. I really hope, and I invite our

graduates to become lecturers.

What are the key challenges in your job?

Where ever you go, whatever your job is, you need to have a team. You got to have a

leader. Most important is to do your job together, when necessary, you have to lead, re-

spect each other. Respect them as human beings and respect their ideas. I am a senior

lecturer. Being a senior, there is quite number of opportunities. Some people come to me;

they want me to do their research with them. I will invite other seniors to join me as well.

This is to share and enhances their learning, to give them a good experience. So, in my

publication, I will put the entire contributors name in it. Give your cooperation in a team,

and play a role. Don‟t be selfish. Remember, teamwork and leadership is important.

What are the best qualities of this medical school?

I am the alumni of this university. This faculty is the biggest medical faculty in Malaysia.

Even though we are in the second ranking, I think in few aspects, our faculty is better.

For our undergraduate program, we have changed from traditional learning ways to inte-

grated curriculum which involves early clinical exposure. This is useful to make the stu-

dents learn how to relate the knowledge well. We also have Professional and Personal

Development (PPD) in our curriculum. We put it much earlier than MQF, who plans to

come out with the generic skills in new curriculum in UKM Bangi. Secondly, for post-

graduate, we have 15 programs. Thirdly, I like the working environment here, we mix

with other faculties. Fourthly, students have a lot of opportunities. We have comfortable

teaching environment, experienced lecturers consists senior and junior lecturers. We also

produce good teaching learning materials; we do not buy or take from others. We have a

library, labs, PBL rooms (even though it is a small room but it would be just comfortable

to run the new integrated system) and have our own hospital.

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How do you handle workload stress?

I balance all my jobs; all my four responsibilities. I will finish it in the office. I seldom carry it

back home unless there is a deadline to meet. I have good kids and understanding husband.

Usually, when I have workload stress, it deteriorates as soon as I reach home and spend some

quality time with my family. I enjoy my job.

Tell us about your family.

My husband is a chemistry professor in UPM. I have four kids, the eldest, is 29 years old. She

is also a medical doctor. Now she is doing her masters in pediatrics in HUKM. Her husband is

an orthopedic surgeon. My second child is 17 years old. He is now in Alam shah boarding

school. He will be sitting for SPM this year. He is also interested medicine. My third child is a

15 years old girl, studying in Seri Puteri boarding school. The youngest is 13 years old at SK

Saujana Impian.

Your advice to medical students.

You have to work hard, studies, there is no short cut. All of you should get distinction. If you

have any problems, you should come and see the lecturers. You must have good friends who

are willing to hear you. Do not keep until it in as it will affect your performance. Solve it ear-

lier. Try to balance your academic and your social lifestyle. Be a good student who gets in-

volved in outside activities as well, because that will helps you to become mature good student.

You have to be happy. If people ask me “you are at the end of your career, what time you wish

to go back? I will choose my college time!” So, enjoy your life in college.

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Research Into Procrastination Shows Surprising Findings A University of Calgary professor in the Haskayne School of Business has recently published his magnum

opus on the subject of procrastination - and it's only taken him 10 years.

Joking aside, Dr. Piers Steel is probably the world's foremost expert on the subject of putting off until to-

morrow what should be done today. His comprehensive analysis of procrastination research, published in

the recent edition of the American Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin, presents some sur-

prising conclusions on the subject, such as:

* Most people's New Year's resolutions are doomed to failure

* Most self-help books have it completely wrong when they say perfectionism is at the root of procrastina-

tion, and

* Procrastination can be explained by a single mathematical equation

"Essentially, procrastinators have less confidence in themselves, less expectancy that they can actually

complete a task," Steel says. "Perfectionism is not the culprit. In fact, perfectionists actually procrastinate

less, but they worry about it more."

Other predictors of procrastination include: task aversiveness, impulsiveness, distractibility, and how much

a person is motivated to achieve. Not all delays can be considered procrastination; the key is that a person

must believe it would be better to start working on given tasks immediately, but still not start.

It's estimated that about 15-20 per cent of the general population are procrastinators. And the costs of pro-

crastinating can add up well beyond poor work performance, especially for those who delay filing their

taxes or planning their retirement.

Steel says motivational failures such as difficulty in sticking to diets and exercise regimes - frequently the

focus of New Year's resolutions - are related to procrastination because impulsiveness is often at the root

of the failure. "Temptations that are close at hand are difficult to resist. Addicts often relapse after return-

ing from treatment facilities because drugs and alcohol become easily available and daily habits reassert

themselves. Or we load up on bread in the restaurant before the meal is served. Or we check our email 10

times an hour instead of completing a project."

The good news is that willpower has an unusual capacity. "The old saying is true: 'Whether you believe

you can or believe you can't, you're probably right'," Steel says. "And as you get better at self control, your

expectancy about whether you can resist goes up and thus improves your ability to resist."

Steel has also come up with the E=MC2 of procrastination, a formula he's dubbed Temporal Motivational

Theory, which takes into account factors such as the expectancy a person has of succeeding with a given

task (E), the value of completing the task (V), the desirability of the task (Utility), its immediacy or avail-

ability (*) and the person's sensitivity to delay (D).

It looks like this and uses the Greek letter *: Utility = E x V/*D

It's still unclear why some people may be more prone to developing procrastination behaviour, but some

evidence suggests it may be genetic. Steel concludes: "Continued research into procrastination should not

be delayed, especially because its prevalence seems to be growing."

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TARIKH : 22 0GOS 2010(AHAD)








Program pembara ilmu merupakan pro-

gram wajib tahunan yang dianjurkan oleh PER-

SIAP untuk pelajar tahun 1 yang diharap dapat

memberikan manfaat yang berguna kepada

mereka. Tujuan program seumpama ini diadakan

tidak lain tidak bukan adalah untuk memberi

pendedahan kepada pelajar tahun 1 akan dunia

profesyen perubatan yang kita maklumi satu pro-

fesyen yang serba mencabar dulu, kini, dan sela-

manya. Setuju? Perasmi tahunan program ini

iaitu Prof.Madya Dr.Mohd Shahrir Mohamed

Said jelas menyatakan kekecewaan beliau atas

kemerosotan kehadiran pelajar.Walaupun begitu,

program ini masih berlangsung dengan jayanya.

Bercakap mengenai dengan penceramah jemputan

pada hari tersebut. Beliau ada mengulas serba ter-

perinci mengenai keperibadian yang harus ada

dalam diri seorang pelajar perubatan. Beliau yang

kelihatan begitu berpengalaman dalam bidang pen-

gucapan itu Berjaya telah menyalakan semangat

peserta yang semakin malap lantaran kekecewaan


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Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, peserta akan diagihkan

kepada beberapa kumpulan yang mana setiap kumpulan akan mendapat

dua orang doktor dan beberapa orang senior yang bertindak sebagai pe-

mudah cara. Antara aktiviti Latihan Dalam Kumpulan(LDK) yang men-

dapat sambutan yang amat memberangsangkan daripada para peserta

adalah termasuklah teka-teki dan pertandingan membuat bangunan ter-

cantik lagi terkukuh. Bukannya mudah bagi mereka untuk mewujudkan

satu bangunan yang indah apatah lagi bila diuji dengan anggota fizikal

yang telah dicacatkan. Yang kudung berperanan sebagai orang yang

memberi arahan ataupun „„bos‟‟ manakala Yang buta dan yang bisu sama

-sama berganding bahu membentuk,menggubah dan mencantumkan ak-

hbar supaya menjadi satu bangunan idaman yang indah. Tanpa kerjasama

dan kesatuan daripada semua pihak, mereka tidak mungkin mampu men-

cipta satu bangunan idaman mereka. Bak kata pepatah melayu “manakan

dapat sagu jika tidak dipecah ruyungnya”. So, renung-renungkanlah dan

selamat beramal…

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Satish and Annis shares with you here, a moment with our dedicated Medicine and Society lec-


Your professional experience; Tell us about your background as a doctor; education

and experiences.

I am a scientist and a lecturer in the Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medi-

cine, UKM Medical Centre. Actually, I wanted to be a medical doctor but I did not per-

form very well during exams, and I was not chosen to go to medical school. So, how did

I get here? Actually it was not planned, I just pursued my studies in clinical biochemistry.

After I completed my 1st degree in UKM in year 1993, I worked as research assistant and

later on decided to do my masters. Somehow, a lecturer in the Department of Public

Health was looking for a master student to carry out his research. That was how I did my

masters under Public Health. Fortunately, I performed well in my master studies and was

granted to convert to PhD. I carried out my master project for 2 years, and continued with

PhD for another 4 years. I completed my PhD studies in 1999 at the age of 29. I was con-

sidered as one of the young ones to get a PhD during that time. In order to join the medi-

cal faculty, I have to have a PhD. I applied to be a lecturer here in August 1999. Now I

am a lecturer in public health and was awarded Associate Professor in 2006.

What are your career goals?

I plan to become a full professor within two years from now.

How do you handle workload stress

I handle stress by sharing my problems with others. For me, others may have the proper

advice and past experiences that can help me. At the same time I pray to God so that I

can face and endure all the challenges. Pray and tawakal.

What is your hobby?

I like to sing and draw. I do sing in my car and in the toilet. =)

Describe your most accomplishment at work so far.

I obtained Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang twice, in year 2007 and 2010.

I obtained Anjakan Gaji, 2008.

Awarded as Associate Professor, 2006.

What are your challenges of this career?

To satisfy people (bosses, colleagues, and students).When we teach, we try to do the best,

hope that student understands. I try to do my best. If people are not satisfied, I have to

find ways to improve.

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