Integration of an Essential Services Package ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project in Rural Bangladesh RUHUL AMIN, MAURICE ST. PIERRE, ASHRAF AHMED and RUNA HAQ * Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, USA Summary. Ð In early 1992, a two-phased pilot project, initially integrating a micro-credit program for poor women with a family planning and expanded program of immunization EPI) in the ®rst phase) and subsequently and incrementally with an essential services package ESP) in reproductive and maternal and child health in the second phase), was initiated in rural Bangladesh. Data on the project show that there has been a signi®cant increase in contraceptive use and a decline in fertility since the initiation of the ®rst phase of the project. There also has been an increase in the dissemination of information on, and utilization of, ESP medical technologies in the intervention community at large. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words Ð micro-credit, reproductive health, Bangladesh, Asia 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, there has been a renewed emphasis on integrated development strategies that seeks to address economic, social, demo- graphic, and reproductive health concerns in the context of women's economic and social development Sen, Germain, & Chen, 1994; United Nations, 1994). Although nongovern- mental organizations NGOs) have been at the forefront in advocating an integrated and comprehensive range of services for the poor in order to deal with a range of social, economic, health, and demographic problems, the actual range of services funded by the donor agencies and developing countries' governments has been an essential services package ESP). An ESP often consists of the following: a) family planning services, such as family planning ed- ucation, contraceptive services, and manage- ment of side-eects and complications; b) safe motherhood, such as antenatal care, tetanus toxoid TT) immunization, safe delivery, and postnatal care; c) treatment of reproductive tract infections; and d) child health, such as child immunization, vitamin supplementation, management of acute respiratory tract infection ARI), management of diarrhea, care of com- mon diseases, and promotion of appropriate infant feeding, including breast-feeding Amin, 1997; McKee, 1989; Perry, 2000). This is un- derstandable because of the resource con- straints of developing countries, which dictates the prioritization of an ESP in health and re- productive health. In the meantime, categorical programs, such as family planning, malaria eradication, or smallpox eradication have made signi®cant progress. But the basic health services, includ- ing basic reproductive health services, have largely remained underserved or unserved for most of the poorer sections of the population of the developing countries. As a result, child World Development Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 1611±1621, 2001 Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/01/$ - see front matter PII: S0305-750X01)00055-9 www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev * The research for this paper was carried out with support from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MOHFW), Government of Bangladesh, and Canadian International Development Agency, Dhaka, Bangladesh. An earlier version of this paper was presented in the 2000 PAA Meeting in Los Angeles, CA Final revision accepted: 14 April 2001. 1611

Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 1: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 2: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 3: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 4: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 5: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 8: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 9: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 10: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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Page 11: Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and Family Planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project

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